"species","subspecific_population","common_name","country","pop_est_yr_min","pop_est_yr_max","unit","pop_min_size_rnd_n","pop_bsv","pop_max_size_rnd_n","X2.3.population_estimate_type","X2.4.population_method","X2.5.population_sources","Total.EU28.population","pop_trendlg_yr_min","pop_trendlg_yr_max","population_trend_long","X3.2.4.population_trend_long_method","X3.2.5.population_trend_long_sources","pop_ltrend_mag_min_nn_sgn","pop_ltrend_mag_bsv","pop_ltrend_mag_max_nn_sgn","pop_trend_yr_min","pop_trend_yr_max","population_trend","X3.1.4.population_trend_method","X3.1.5.population_trend_sources","pop_trend_mag_min_nn_sgn","pop_trend_mag_bsv","pop_trend_mag_max_nn_sgn","X1.1.country","X1.2.speciescode","Sub.unit.code","X1.4.speciesname" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",1410109.29803252,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",27,78,130,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1410109.29803252,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-89,-69,-49,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-64,4,73,"BE","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Austria",2013,2018,"p",18000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",1410109.29803252,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,20,NA,"AT","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",1200,NA,1600,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1410109.29803252,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","UK",2012,2016,"p",232322,232322,232322,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1995 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",1410109.29803252,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrendsRBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-89.9,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdfRBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,33.35,NA,"UK","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Finland",2013,2018,"p",123738,485510,778960,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1410109.29803252,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-41,-22,7,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",2,16,32,"FI","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",325000,370000,425000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1410109.29803252,1980,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-70,NA,30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-33,-24,-13,"SE","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",4500,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1410109.29803252,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",0,0,0,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,"CZ","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",134234,239315.333333333,533242,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",1410109.29803252,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",43.8,64.9,71.8,"IE","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Germany",2011,2016,"p",8500,NA,14000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1410109.29803252,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,37,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-2,NA,"DE","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","France",2009,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",1410109.29803252,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Italy",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",1410109.29803252,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-40,NA,-25,"IT","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Poland",2013,2015,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",1410109.29803252,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",100,NA,170,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1410109.29803252,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-96,-94,-89,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-54,4,124,"NL","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",1,2,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Oskars Keišs, oskars.keiss@lu.lv",1410109.29803252,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Acanthis flammea","[including cabaret and exilipes]","Common Redpoll","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",4000,4000,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",1410109.29803252,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-87.24,-78.03,-62.48,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-73.18,-45.97,4.69,"DK","A474",NA,"Acanthis flammea" "Accipiter brevipes",NA,"Levant Sparrowhawk","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",2418.84305027379,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,50,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A402",NA,"Accipiter brevipes" "Accipiter brevipes",NA,"Levant Sparrowhawk","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",190,NA,470,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Kjutchukov (1995) The birds of prey in bigger city parks of Sofia. In: Proceedings of XXII Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists „The game and the man“. Sofia, Bulgaria, September 1995, pp. 20-26. BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",2418.84305027379,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. Nankinov, D., G. Stoyanov, G. Kouzmanov, R. Todorov. 1991. Informations sur la situation des Rapaces diurnes en Bulgarie. – Birds of Prey Bull., 4: 293–302. , . 1982. . – : . "" "" – 1–5.XI.1982. ., , 326–330.",100,NA,300,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222.",0,NA,0,"BG","A402",NA,"Accipiter brevipes" "Accipiter brevipes",NA,"Levant Sparrowhawk","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",2418.84305027379,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A402",NA,"Accipiter brevipes" "Accipiter brevipes",NA,"Levant Sparrowhawk","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Annual reports of the Hungarian Checklist and Rarities Committee. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",2418.84305027379,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Annual reports of the Hungarian Checklist and Rarities Committee. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 www.birding.hu",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Annual reports of the Hungarian Checklist and Rarities Committee. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 www.birding.hu",0,0,0,"HU","A402",NA,"Accipiter brevipes" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Spain",2013,2018,"p",11536,NA,16952,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf)",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) De Juana, F. (1989). Situación actual de las rapaces diurnas (Orden Falconiformes) en Espańa. Ecología, 3: 237-292. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Germany",2009,2016,"p",11000,NA,15500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",73870.1717465648,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-5,NA,"DE","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",4500,7600,11000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-66,-49,-24,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,50,"SE","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Poland",2013,2018,"p",4900,NA,6300,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey); expert assessment",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-37,-12,23,"PL","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","France",2014,2015,"p",4500,5500,6500,"estimate","completeSurvey","LPO, CNRS de Chizé 2019. Site de l'Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France. observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr, http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/; Thiollay, J.-M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 175 p. ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007",73870.1717465648,1980,2015,"Unk","absentData","LPO, CNRS de Chizé 2019. Site de l'Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France. observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr, http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/; Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; Caupenne M., Degals E., Triboulin L. 2015. Autour des palombes Accipiter gentilis. in Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. Issa N. & Muller Y. (eds.) , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris687 p. ; Joubert B. 1995. Autour des Palombes Accipiter gentilis. in Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. Yeatman-Berthelot D. & Jarry G. (eds.), Société Ornithologique de France, Paris776 ; Thiollay, J.M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France. Rapaces nicheurs de France. Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris175 p.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2015,"S","completeSurvey","LPO, CNRS de Chizé 2019. Site de l'Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France. observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr, http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/; Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",0,NA,0,"FR","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Finland",2013,2018,"p",4375,4710,5060,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",73870.1717465648,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. - Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56-69 (in Finnish with English summary). Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary).",-27,-20,-13,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. - Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56-69 (in Finnish with English summary). Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary).",-26,-19,-11,"FI","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Croatia",2013,2013,"p",3000,NA,3500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1800,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",73870.1717465648,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-51.7,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,110.5,NA,"CZ","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",428,2104,13272,"interval","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",73870.1717465648,1991,2016,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-95.44,-79.53,-24.51,"LV","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1900,NA,2300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",73870.1717465648,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",40,89,154,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-16,-4,9,"NL","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",1200,NA,1600,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 51-52 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 46-47 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 209-210 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 86 p. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Accipiter_gentilis.pdf Demeter I., Horváth M. & Prommer M. (2017): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása. Heliaca 15: 74-75 p. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",73870.1717465648,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-30,NA,-10,"AT","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,144,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",900,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",800,1000,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",73870.1717465648,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",385,506,627,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-14,7,28,"BE","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",560,NA,970,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222. , . 1982. . – : . "" "" – 1–5.XI.1982. ., , 326–330.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222.",0,NA,0,"BG","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",73870.1717465648,1980,2017,"U","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",NA,-20,NA,2002,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,"SI","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,"LT","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","UK",2012,2016,"p",584,584,584,"mean","estimateExpert","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",73870.1717465648,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,1154,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,73,NA,"UK","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Italy",2018,2018,"p",430,NA,730,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",73870.1717465648,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",0,0,0,"IT","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",73870.1717465648,1987,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-61,NA,-56,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-30,NA,-21,"EE","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",350,350,350,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",73870.1717465648,1985,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-76.2,-64.98,-48.7,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-56.72,-9.32,81.99,"DK","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",80,NA,120,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service); Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (1997); Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",200,NA,300,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service);",0,NA,0,"CY","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Weiss J., Paler N. (2006): Verbreitung, Bestand und Zukunftsaussichten des Habichts Accipiter gentilis in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte Nr 21 S.18ff; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Weiss J., Paler N. (2006): Verbreitung, Bestand und Zukunftsaussichten des Habichts Accipiter gentilis in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte Nr 21 S.18ff; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Weiss J., Paler N. (2006): Verbreitung, Bestand und Zukunftsaussichten des Habichts Accipiter gentilis in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte Nr 21 S.18ff; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter gentilis","arrigonii","Northern Goshawk","France",2010,2010,"p",70,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Delay F. 2011. Evaluation du plan de restauration de l’Autour des palombes Cyrno-Sarde (Accipiter gentilis arrigonii). Rapport Biotope, Biotope Corse73 p.",153.666002653408,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData","Delay, F. 2011. Evaluation du plan de restauration de l'Autour des Palombes Cyrno-Sarde (Accipiter gentilis arrigonii) en Corse, Biotope, DREAL Corse, Ajaccio. 73 p. ; Thibault j.-C. 1983. Les Oiseaux de la Corse. Histoire et répartition aux XIXe et XXe sičcles. , Parc naturel régional de la Corse, Ajaccio255 p.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"Unk","absentData","Delay F. 2011. Evaluation du plan de restauration de l’Autour des palombes Cyrno-Sarde (Accipiter gentilis arrigonii). Rapport Biotope, Biotope Corse73 p.",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A400",NA,"Accipiter gentilis arrigonii" "Accipiter gentilis","arrigonii","Northern Goshawk","Italy",2017,2017,"p",70,NA,70,"estimate","estimateExpert","Londi G., Sirigu G., Campedelli T., Cutini S., Pagani M., Tellini Florenzano G., 2017. Note sulla distribuzione dell'Astore Accipiter gentilis arrigonii in Sardegna. Aves Ichnusae 11: 69-81.",153.666002653408,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Schenk H. 1995. Status faunistico e di conservazione dei Vertebrati (Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves,Mammalia) riproducentisi in Sardegna, 1900-93: Contributo preliminare. Att. I Conv. Reg. Fauna Selvatica in Sardegna: 41-95 Londi et al. in stampa. Atti II Conv.",0,NA,40,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Londi et al. 2013, Avocetta 37:21-26",5,NA,75,"IT","A400",NA,"Accipiter gentilis arrigonii" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",22000,44000,66000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",50,75,100,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,0,57,"SE","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","UK",2016,2016,"p",30258,30258,30258,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = Newton, I. 1986. The Sparrowhawk. T. & A.D. Poyser, Calton. Extrapolated using BBS monitoring data from 1986.",272364.464898827,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,24.27,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-24,NA,"UK","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","France",2016,2017,"p",23654,29932,37882,"interval","estimatePartial","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; Thiollay, J.-M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 175 p. ; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",272364.464898827,1979,2018,"Unk","estimatePartial","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; Thiollay J.-M., Terrasse J.-F. 1984. Estimation des effectifs de rapaces nicheurs diurnes et non rupestres en France. Enquęte FIR-UNAO 1979-1982 . , FIR & UNAO, Paris177 p. ; Yeatman, L. 1976. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France de 1970 ŕ 1975, Société ornithologique de France, Paris. 282 p. ; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Yeatman-Berthelot D. & Jarry G. 1994. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société ornithologique de France, Paris780 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"U","estimatePartial","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1",-14,-7,0,"FR","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Poland",2013,2018,"p",20500,NA,39000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Wozniak, B., M. Keller, T. Chodkiewicz, T. Buczek, and A.J. Rozycki. 2013. Distribution and Ecology of the Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) in Poland. Conference of the Raptor Research Foundation, co-hosted by the Neotropical Raptor Network, and the World Working Group on Birds of Prey. 1-24 October, Bariloche, Argentina.",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-25,-3,23,"PL","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Germany",2016,2016,"p",21000,NA,33000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",272364.464898827,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",41,NA,180,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,"DE","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",16952,23718,28504,"interval","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",272364.464898827,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-20.7,-6.4,10.1,"IE","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Spain",2009,2018,"p",15783,NA,19125,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011).Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf)",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"U","estimatePartial","De Juana, E. (2004). Cambios en el estado de conservación de las Aves en Espańa, Ańos 1954 a 2004. Ardeola 51(1) 19-50. (https://www.ardeola.org/uploads/articles/docs/553.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",3302,7690,17909,"interval","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",272364.464898827,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",210,NA,217,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-47.13,21.18,160.66,"LV","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5373,6686,7352,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",272364.464898827,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary). Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary).",-41,-33,-24,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary). Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary).",-37,-28,-18,"FI","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",272364.464898827,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,135,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",75,NA,100,"IT","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Croatia",2013,2013,"p",4500,NA,5500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",3000,4300,5600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",272364.464898827,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",900,1333,1767,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-46,11,138,"BE","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Austria",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",272364.464898827,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",3500,NA,4500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",272364.464898827,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,"CZ","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",3000,NA,4800,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 52-53 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 47 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 211 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 87 p. Demeter I., Horváth M. & Prommer M. (2017): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása. Heliaca 15: 74-75 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",380,NA,400,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Accipiter_nisus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",272364.464898827,1987,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-3,NA,16,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-3,NA,6,"EE","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",3000,NA,3600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",272364.464898827,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-26,16,80,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-31,-20,-8,"NL","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",272364.464898827,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1912,1912,1912,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",272364.464898827,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-40.02,-22.21,0.72,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-45.46,-17.07,24.31,"DK","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,50,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1000,NA,2300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. , . . , . . 1990. , 20, Aves. 1, , 148 . Nankinov, D., G. Stoyanov, G. Kouzmanov, R. Todorov. 1991. Informations sur la situation des Rapaces diurnes en Bulgarie. – Birds of Prey Bull., 4: 293–302. Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. , . 1982. . – : . "" "" – 1–5.XI.1982. ., , 326–330.",100,NA,200,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222.",0,NA,0,"BG","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,1300,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",10,NA,20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Accipiter nisus","granti","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Canary Islands",2014,2015,"p",460,NA,795,"estimate","completeSurvey","González, C., Lorenzo, J.A., Rodríguez, B., Trujillo, D. & González Melián, E. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y la abundancia del gavilán común (Accipiter nisus granti) en las islas Canarias. Conservaçăo do Fura-bardos e do Habitat Laurissilva na Ilha da Madeira (LIFE Fura-bardos, LIFE12 NAT/PT/000402). Mayo de 2017. Informe final. 44 pp. + Anexo cartográfico. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",669.977034822429,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","González, C., Lorenzo, J.A., Rodríguez, B., Trujillo, D. & González Melián, E. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y la abundancia del gavilán común (Accipiter nisus granti) en las islas Canarias. Conservaçăo do Fura-bardos e do Habitat Laurissilva na Ilha da Madeira (LIFE Fura-bardos, LIFE12 NAT/PT/000402). Mayo de 2017. Informe final. 44 pp. + Anexo cartográfico. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011).Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf) SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","González, C., Lorenzo, J.A., Rodríguez, B., Trujillo, D. & González Melián, E. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y la abundancia del gavilán común (Accipiter nisus granti) en las islas Canarias. Conservaçăo do Fura-bardos e do Habitat Laurissilva na Ilha da Madeira (LIFE Fura-bardos, LIFE12 NAT/PT/000402). Mayo de 2017. Informe final. 44 pp. + Anexo cartográfico. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011).Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf) SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A401",NA,"Accipiter nisus granti" "Accipiter nisus","granti","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",43,NA,99,"estimate","completeSurvey","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=135&Itemid=66&lang=pt Relatório final do Projeto Life Fura-bardos (http://life-furabardos.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/final_report_life12natpt000402.pdf) 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",669.977034822429,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Relatório final do Projeto Life Fura-bardos (http://life-furabardos.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/final_report_life12natpt000402.pdf)",43,NA,99,"PTMA","A401",NA,"Accipiter nisus granti" "Acrocephalus agricola",NA,"Paddyfield Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",80,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB M. Ilieva, P. Zehtindzhiev, D. Dimitrov, project report ""Optimization of the Natura 2000 network and the scientific basis for its development""",7872.45779882157,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",0,NA,0,"BG","A680",NA,"Acrocephalus agricola" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Spain",2004,2018,"p",231500,NA,472500,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2011). (http://www.magrama.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_bbdd.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp.",0,0,0,1998,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2011). (http://www.magrama.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_bbdd.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-25,NA,-15,"ES","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",211000,NA,224000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-60,NA,-15,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-45,NA,-19,"HU","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",151000,NA,224000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-6,14,37,"PL","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 288 p. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",10,NA,20,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Zenhtindjiev, P., Antonov, A., Dereliev, S., Vasilev, V. 2007. Acrocephalus arundinaceus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Zenhtindjiev, P., Antonov, A., Dereliev, S., Vasilev, V. 2007. Acrocephalus arundinaceus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Zenhtindjiev, P., Antonov, A., Dereliev, S., Vasilev, V. 2007. Acrocephalus arundinaceus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,0,"BG","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12 Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxorn",1565038.60805782,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-25,NA,-10,"IT","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Greece",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,50,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Germany",2011,2016,"p",18500,NA,29000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1565038.60805782,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,141,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,67,NA,"DE","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/pulgoja?view=species&station=pulgoja&spid=278",10,NA,60,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/pulgoja?view=species&station=pulgoja&spid=278",0,0,0,"EE","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",3000,3000,3000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Keiss O. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the night active birds in farmland. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-76.8,-54.5,-14.2,"LV","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Roché J. et al. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d'oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 241-268",1565038.60805782,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","ROCAMORA, G. & YEATMAN-BERTHELOT, D. 1999. Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. Liste rouge et recherche de priorités. Populations. Tendances. Conservations, Société d’Etudes Ornithologiques de France/Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux, Paris. 598 p.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1400,NA,2800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1565038.60805782,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,"CZ","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2100,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",1565038.60805782,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-80,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data;",-40,NA,-20,"AT","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",350,450,550,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",40,60,80,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-30,0,30,"SE","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",200,300,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,202,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,-25,NA,"FI","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",250,NA,350,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",95,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1565038.60805782,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-87,-86,-85,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-64,-54,-42,"NL","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",20,20,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",1565038.60805782,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-90.6,-67.38,8.79,2009,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",281.48,1330.1,4425.72,"DK","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",6,13,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1565038.60805782,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-95,-90,-85,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",200,550,900,"BE","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,8,"mean","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",100,NA,800,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",0,NA,10,"LU","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus dumetorum",NA,"Blyth's Reed-warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,900,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",190286.428742752,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 288 p. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",60000,NA,90000,2013,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",10,NA,20,"LT","A679",NA,"Acrocephalus dumetorum" "Acrocephalus dumetorum",NA,"Blyth's Reed-warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",190286.428742752,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Migrating passerines monitoring in Pulgoja bird station. http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/pulgoja?view=species&station=pulgoja&spid=275",200,NA,1200,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Migrating passerines monitoring in Pulgoja bird station. http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/pulgoja?view=species&station=pulgoja&spid=275",0,0,0,"EE","A679",NA,"Acrocephalus dumetorum" "Acrocephalus dumetorum",NA,"Blyth's Reed-warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission, http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/; https://ornitho.pl; expert knowledge",190286.428742752,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A679",NA,"Acrocephalus dumetorum" "Acrocephalus dumetorum",NA,"Blyth's Reed-warbler","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",190286.428742752,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A679",NA,"Acrocephalus dumetorum" "Acrocephalus dumetorum",NA,"Blyth's Reed-warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",100,150,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",190286.428742752,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",400,600,800,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",100,175,250,"SE","A679",NA,"Acrocephalus dumetorum" "Acrocephalus dumetorum",NA,"Blyth's Reed-warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",49748,65701,81528,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",190286.428742752,1984,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",164,396,819,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",62,148,274,"FI","A679",NA,"Acrocephalus dumetorum" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",18597.5163765941,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-77,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,"GR","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",5,NA,25,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ilieva, M., Delov, V., Zenhtindjiev, P. 2007. Acrocephalus melanopogon. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. BSPB Bird Database Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",18597.5163765941,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Ilieva, M., Delov, V., Zenhtindjiev, P. 2007. Acrocephalus melanopogon. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria.Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ilieva, M., Delov, V., Zenhtindjiev, P. 2007. Acrocephalus melanopogon. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",2500,NA,3500,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Consultation with national experts.",18597.5163765941,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 180-181 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 299-300 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, p. 108 BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 219 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 456-457 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 186-187 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Consultation with national experts.",-30,NA,-17,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Acrocephalus_melanopogon.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Consultation with national experts.",0,0,0,"HU","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert",NA,18597.5163765941,1985,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Comolet-Tirman 2015. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. in Nissza & Muller, Paris800-803",-50,-25,0,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,0,25,50,"FR","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","Croatia",2012,2012,"p",15,NA,21,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",18597.5163765941,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",18597.5163765941,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","Spain",2005,2018,"p",484,1000,1777,"interval","completeSurvey","Castany, J. (2004). El carricerín real (Acrocephalus melanopogon) en el P.N. del Prat de Cabanes-Torreblanca. Tesis doctoral. Universitat de Valčncia. Castany, J. & López, G. (2006). El carricerín real en Espańa, I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 71 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/6_carricerin_real_2005_tcm30-208090.pdf) Ceresa, F. (2016). Breeding ecology and dispersal capability of wetland birds: a comparison between two Acrocephalus warblers with unsynchronized life histories. Tesis doctoral. Universitat de Valčncia. Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",18597.5163765941,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife International. (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Castany, J. & López, G. (2006). El carricerín real en Espańa, I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 71 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/6_carricerin_real_2005_tcm30-208090.pdf) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (http://www.magrama.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_bbdd.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",-59.5,-49.1,-38.5,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Castany, J. & López, G. (2006). El carricerín real en Espańa, I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 71 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/6_carricerin_real_2005_tcm30-208090.pdf) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",-59.5,-49.1,-38.8,"ES","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",18597.5163765941,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, unpubliahed data from various projects from the 1980ies and 1990ies (summarized in Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993, Dvorak & Nemeth 2014)",-75,NA,-50,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",10,NA,30,"AT","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",470,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Quaglierini com. pers.",18597.5163765941,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-80,NA,-50,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Quaglierini com. pers.",-40,NA,-25,"IT","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus paludicola",NA,"Aquatic Warbler","Hungary",2013,2018,"cmales",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","http://www.birding.hu/",3905.77770370309,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Expert opinions Ecsedi Z. (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged, 602 p. Http://www.birding.hu/",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Ecsedi Z. (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged, 602 p. Expert opinions Végvári, Zs. & Flade, M. (2012): Aufstieg und Fall: Seggenrohrsänger in Ungarn. Der Falke 59: 100-103. http://www.birding.hu/",-100,NA,-100,"HU","A294",NA,"Acrocephalus paludicola" "Acrocephalus paludicola",NA,"Aquatic Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",3200,NA,4500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189;",3905.77770370309,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2011,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MWO)",23,41,61,"PL","A294",NA,"Acrocephalus paludicola" "Acrocephalus paludicola",NA,"Aquatic Warbler","Germany",2011,2016,"cmales",0,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",3905.77770370309,1980,2014,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-92,-83,-65,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A294",NA,"Acrocephalus paludicola" "Acrocephalus paludicola",NA,"Aquatic Warbler","Latvia",2013,2018,"cmales",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv Expert: Oskars Keišs, oskars.keiss@lu.lv",3905.77770370309,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2017,"UNK","absentData","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A294",NA,"Acrocephalus paludicola" "Acrocephalus paludicola",NA,"Aquatic Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",50,NA,240,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",3905.77770370309,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Pranaitis, A. 2010. Meldine nendrinuke. Jos vis dar gieda. Vilnius: Baltijos aplinkos forumas, Gamtos pasaulis. ISBN 978-9986-963-32-5. Preikša, Ž. (comp.) 2012. Ex-ante monitoring of Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in Lithuanian and Latvian project sites. Report for the 2011-2012. Vilnius: BEF-Lithuania. [http://www.meldine.lt/images/stories/Reports/ex_ante_report.pdf] Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",-80,NA,-60,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,NA,160,"LT","A294",NA,"Acrocephalus paludicola" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",831000,NA,1045000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-22,-13,-2,"PL","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",290000,NA,420000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",3246898.70223558,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-39,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-35,-29,-22,"DE","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 288 p. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",NA,10,NA,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1e+05,NA,180000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3246898.70223558,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-38,NA,26,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-42,NA,-35,"EE","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",91324,131842,190337,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",3246898.70223558,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",3.44,NA,262,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Keiss O. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the night active birds in farmland. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-41.4,-23.4,-0.5,"LV","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",113000,NA,152000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",-16,NA,84,"HU","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",80000,NA,160000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",3246898.70223558,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-51.7,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-36.2,NA,"CZ","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",60000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3246898.70223558,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-27,-16,-2,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-4,4,12,"NL","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",29644,29644,29644,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",3246898.70223558,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-15.25,-1.59,14.21,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-44.17,-28.73,-9.45,"DK","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,35000,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",3246898.70223558,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","irdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",17100,26400,35700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3246898.70223558,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",30,100,170,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-52,-15,61,"BE","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",25000,25000,25000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",16000,24000,32000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-7,0,57,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,-11,11,"SE","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12 Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana.Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxorni",3246898.70223558,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-30,NA,-20,"IT","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",10000,NA,26000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Antonov, A., Georgiev, D., Vasilev, V., Ilieva, M. 2007. Acrocephalus palustris. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Georgiev, D., Vasilev, V., Ilieva, M. 2007. Acrocephalus palustris. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,10,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Antonov, A., Georgiev, D., Vasilev, V., Ilieva, M. 2007. Acrocephalus palustris. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",10,NA,20,"BG","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",3322,15173,26361,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3246898.70223558,1984,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-65,-26,51,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-92,-79,-46,"FI","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","France",2009,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa, N. 2014. Atlas des oiseaux de France nicheurs et en hiver. , Delachaux & Niestlé, Paris..",3246898.70223558,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-37,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-37.8,NA,"FR","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",6700,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Population size for year 2018 was calculated based on the population estimate in previous reporting under the Birds Directive (DOPPS 2014) for the period 2008-2012, which was 10000-15000 pairs, and population trend for farmland landscape in Slovenia for the period 2008-2018 from Kmecl & Šumrada (2018), which was moderate decline (annual multiplicative trend value 0,934). Population estimate was rounded upwards. DOPPS (2014): Povzetek porocila po 12. clenu Direktive o pticah za obdobje 2008-2012. Narocnik: Zavod RS za varstvo narave. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016_25_10_porocilo_pd_2008_2012-povzetek.pdf Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-45,NA,-40,"SI","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",0,NA,10,"LU","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",200,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","UK",2012,2016,"p",7,7,7,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",3246898.70223558,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-85,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-50,NA,"UK","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",290000,NA,397000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-23,-6,14,"PL","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",236000,NA,254000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-40,NA,21,"HU","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","UK",2016,2016,"p",242197,242197,242197,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",1847886.46568013,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-12.7,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-16.08,NA,"UK","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,250000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 288 p. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1847886.46568013,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-78,NA,-64,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-56,NA,-50,"EE","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",77542,115726,317254,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",1847886.46568013,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-3.3,6.6,17.4,"IE","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",58000,97000,136000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-51,-37,-18,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-14,8,35,"SE","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",73008,89416,102049,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-30,-8,20,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-34,-21,-5,"FI","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1847886.46568013,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,310.4,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,"CZ","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",26000,NA,32000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1847886.46568013,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",189,266,363,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",26,35,44,"NL","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",12892,27178,57293,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",1847886.46568013,1995,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-53.15,NA,225.36,2006,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Keiss O. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the night active birds in farmland. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-43.4,-17.7,18.3,"LV","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",19500,NA,31000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1847886.46568013,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,14,NA,2005,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,14,NA,"DE","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",14000,NA,23000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",1847886.46568013,1975,2017,"D","estimateExpert","ROCAMORA, G. & YEATMAN-BERTHELOT, D. 1999. Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. Liste rouge et recherche de priorités. Populations. Tendances. Conservations, Société d’Etudes Ornithologiques de France/Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux, Paris. 598 p.",-50,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-16.4,NA,"FR","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,10000,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",4500,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Dvorak & Nemeth (2014); M. Dvorak et al., unpublished data (northern Burgenland); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at;",1847886.46568013,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-90,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","M. Dvorak et al., unpublished data (northern Burgenland)",-20,NA,-10,"AT","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2700,4200,5700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1847886.46568013,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",133,262,391,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3,48,113,"BE","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",3903,3903,3903,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",1847886.46568013,1985,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-20.31,-1.45,21.7,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-5.57,13.99,37.21,"DK","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",1000,NA,1400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Population size for year 2018 was calculated based on the population estimate in previous reporting under the Birds Directive (DOPPS 2014) for the period 2008-2012, which was 700-1200 pairs, and population trend for farmland landscape in Slovenia for the period 2008-2018 from Kmecl & Šumrada (2018), which was moderate increase (annual multiplicative trend value 1,057). Population estimate was rounded upwards. DOPPS (2014): Povzetek porocila po 12. clenu Direktive o pticah za obdobje 2008-2012. Narocnik: Zavod RS za varstvo narave. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016_25_10_porocilo_pd_2008_2012-povzetek.pdf Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",70,NA,75,"SI","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",400,NA,1700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Zenhtindjiev, P., Vasilev, V., Ilieva, M., Delov, V. 2007. Acrocephalus schoenabeanus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Zenhtindjiev, P., Vasilev, V., Ilieva, M., Delov, V. 2007. Acrocephalus schoenabeanus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Zenhtindjiev, P., Vasilev, V., Ilieva, M., Delov, V. 2007. Acrocephalus schoenabeanus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,5,"BG","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",1847886.46568013,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-100,NA,-95,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"mean","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ringing Data Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ringing Data Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg Ornitho.lu (2018): online database Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ringing Data Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Spain",2004,2018,"p",341300,NA,665403,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,1998,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",177000,211000,255000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-59,-52,-43,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-39,-27,-12,"SE","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",140000,NA,240000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2024771.20667279,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",7,23,42,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",6,14,22,"NL","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",115000,NA,190000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",2024771.20667279,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",41,NA,180,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-7,6,21,"DE","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",104000,NA,169000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-25,0,31,"PL","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","UK",2016,2016,"p",101020,127615,154211,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend. Irish Rare Breeding Birds Panel for Northern Ireland.",2024771.20667279,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,86.4,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,0.54,NA,"UK","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",91000,NA,122000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2024771.20667279,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,44,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-5.88,NA,"FR","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",55000,NA,110000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2024771.20667279,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,43.1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",48000,NA,65000,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data, Dvorak & Nemeth (2014)",2024771.20667279,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data, Dvorak & Nemeth (2014)",-100,NA,-50,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","M. Dvorak et al., unpublished data from Lake Neusiedl",NA,0,NA,"AT","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12 Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxorn",2024771.20667279,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",20800,36000,51100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2024771.20667279,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",343,666,987,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-51,-30,-2,"BE","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",34705,34705,34705,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",2024771.20667279,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-43.58,-36.68,-28.97,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-30.63,-20.08,-8.08,"DK","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",20000,25000,30000,"mean","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",NA,8,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-37,10,89,"FI","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Greece",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018 (4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 288 p. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Migrating passerines monitoring in Pulgoja bird station. http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/pulgoja?view=species&station=pulgoja&spid=277",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Migrating passerines monitoring in Pulgoja bird station. http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/pulgoja?view=species&station=pulgoja&spid=277",0,0,0,"EE","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vasilev, V., Georgiev, D., Dereliev, S., Delov, V., Zehtindjiev, P., Ilieva, M. 2007. Acrocephalus scirpaceus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Vasilev, V., Georgiev, D., Dereliev, S., Delov, V., Zehtindjiev, P., Ilieva, M. 2007. Acrocephalus scirpaceus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,10,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Vasilev, V., Georgiev, D., Dereliev, S., Delov, V., Zehtindjiev, P., Ilieva, M. 2007. Acrocephalus scirpaceus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",10,NA,20,"BG","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",4000,4000,4000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ringing Data Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",0,NA,20,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ringing Data Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg; Ringing Data Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Birds in Europe II (2004), BirdLife International; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus and Game & Fauna Service, as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists and also by the Game & Fauna Service",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",101,NA,250,"estimate","estimateExpert","Best expert opinion - Olivia Crowe reporting on behalf of the Irish Rare Breeding Birds Panel.",2024771.20667279,1991,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Best expert opinion - Olivia Crowe reporting on behalf of the Irish Rare Breeding Birds Panel. Pers. Comm. - R. Coombes, Birdwatch Ireland.",NA,0,NA,2013,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Best expert opinion - Olivia Crowe reporting on behalf of the Irish Rare Breeding Birds Panel",NA,0,NA,"IE","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Malta",2017,2018,"p",9,NA,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,16,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,16,NA,"MT","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Finland",2013,2018,"p",147827,180342,237537,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-14,30,95,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki",-28,-3,30,"FI","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",80000,92000,108000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-60,-49,-35,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-27,-16,-2,"SE","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","UK",2016,2016,"p",13244,13244,13244,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = Dougall T.W., Holland P.K. & Yalden D.W. 2004. A revised estimate of the breeding population of Common Sandpipers Actitis hypoleucos in Great Britain and Ireland. Wader Study Group Bulletin 105: 42-49. Extralopation using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trends since 1988/91.",311557.787588311,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-44.74,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-23.14,NA,"UK","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",311557.787588311,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-351,NA,-91,2006,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-72,NA,-29,"EE","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Latvia",2000,2004,"p",3197,NA,6143,"estimate","estimatePartial","Kerus V. 2011. Changes in the status of breeding birds of Latvia during 1980-2010. Doctoral Thesis. Riga: University of Latvia",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,3500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1600,NA,2200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",10,NA,60,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-71,-36,37,"PL","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",1848,1848,1848,"estimate","estimateExpert","As per previous reporting period (2008-2012): Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",311557.787588311,1972,2011,"D","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,-40,NA,1991,2011,"D","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,-14,NA,"IE","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Spain",2013,2018,"p",450,NA,3100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Información aportada por las Comunidades Autónomas Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","France",2010,2011,"p",700,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",311557.787588311,1989,2017,"D","estimateExpert",NA,-25,NA,-5,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Italy",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",311557.787588311,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,150,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Trend analysis for monitoring data.",-40,NA,-20,"SK","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Croatia",2013,2016,"p",160,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Germany",2011,2016,"p",210,NA,290,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",311557.787588311,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,16,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-10,NA,"DE","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Austria",2013,2018,"p",170,NA,230,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",311557.787588311,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-70,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-30,NA,-20,"AT","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",120,NA,220,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 272-273; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 272-273;",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 272-273; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Waterbird numbers were recorded in mid-January by regular citizen-science monitoring programme - the International Waterbird Census (IWC) – see Gilissen et al. 2002, Wetlands International 2006, Wetlands International 2019. Hundreds of volunteer birdwatchers conduct the mid-January counts on predetermined dates and sites each year, aiming to maximize synchrony (Gilissen et al. 2002, Musil et al. 2011, Musilová et al. 2014). The individual species trends in numbers was calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011), Musilová et al. (2015), Musilová et al. (2018 a, b). Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue 2: 42–59. Gilissen N, Haanstra L, Delany S, Boere G, Hagemeijer W (2002) Numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Western Palearctic and Southwest Asia in 1987, 1988 and 1999. Results from the International Waterbird Census. Wetlands International Global Series No. 11, Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M (2018a) Changes in habitat suitability influence non-breeding distribution of waterbirds in central Europe. Ibis: 160: 582–596. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M, Bejcek V (2018b) Importance of Natura 2000 sites for wintering waterbirds: Low preference, species’ distribution changes and carrying capacity of Natura 2000 could fail to protect the species. Biological Conservation 228: 79–88. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Bejcek V, Štastný K, Hudec K (2014) Numbers of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic: long-term and spatial-scale approaches to assess population size. Bird Study 61: 321–331. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Romportl D (2015) Long-term trends, total numbers and species richness of increasing waterbird populations at sites on the edge of their winter range: cold-weather refuge sites are more important than protected sites. J Ornithol: 1–10. Pannekoek J, Van Strien AJ (2005) TRIM 3 Manual (TRends and Indices for Monitoring Data). Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2006) Waterbird population estimates. Fourth Edition. Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2019) Waterbird Population Estimates. Available at: wpe.wetlands.org (accessed 10 March 2019).",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-50,NA,-50,"CZ","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Božic L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bracko F. (1997): Ornitološki atlas Drave od Maribora do Ptuja (1989–1992). – Acrocephalus 18 (82): 57–97. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Polak S. (ed.) (2000b): Mednarodno pomembna obmocja za ptice v Sloveniji. Important Bird Areas (IBA) in Slovenia. Monografija DOPPS št. 1. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-70,NA,-50,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Božic L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126. Denac, D. & Smole, J. & Vrezec, A. (2009): Naravovarstveno vrednotenje avifavne ob Savi med Krškim in Jesenicami na Dolenjskem s predlogom novega mednarodno pomembnega obmocja (IBA) za ptice v Sloveniji. – Natura Sloveniae 11 (1): 25-57. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-46,NA,"SI","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",80,NA,120,"estimate","estimatePartial","National park directorates' databases Consultation with national experts. http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 52-53 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 47 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 276-278 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 87 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p. National park directorates' databases Consultation with national experts.National park directorates' databases Consultation with national experts.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 52-53 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 47 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 276-278 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 87 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p. National park directorates' databases Consultation with national experts.",0,0,0,"HU","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",311557.787588311,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",253,704,1695,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-37,15,101,"NL","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",311557.787588311,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Spain",2004,2006,"p",3030000,NA,4210000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",7549332.61676185,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",565,NA,900,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",5,NA,20,"IT","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","France",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,7549332.61676185,1989,2011,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-17,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-12.8,NA,"FR","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","UK",2016,2016,"p",381979,381979,381979,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",7549332.61676185,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,100.47,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,16.36,NA,"UK","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",162000,NA,216000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,282,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",31,NA,156,"HU","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",93000,NA,170000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",7549332.61676185,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",109000,NA,139000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",23,70,133,"PL","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",40984,67889.3333333333,152497,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",7549332.61676185,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-14.6,-1.2,14.1,"IE","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",45000,NA,90000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",7549332.61676185,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-5,NA,"CZ","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815 [3] Passerines monitoring in Kabli birdstation. http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/kabli?view=species&station=kabli&spid=301",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815 [3] Passerines monitoring in Kabli birdstation. http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/kabli?view=species&station=kabli&spid=301",0,0,0,"EE","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",27109,37781,48889,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",7549332.61676185,1998,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",2,180,637,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-32,24,119,"FI","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",20000,34000,48000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-29,0,130,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-36,-14,15,"SE","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Greece",2015,2015,"p",20000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,35000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",7549332.61676185,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-19,NA,"AT","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",23000,NA,28000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",7549332.61676185,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-63,-39,-1,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-39,-30,-21,"NL","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",16100,24400,32600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",7549332.61676185,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",46,122,196,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-70,-54,-25,"BE","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",17500,NA,21900,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-23,NA,"SI","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",3758,16764,74784,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",7549332.61676185,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-42,NA,-40,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-84.6,-54.5,23.8,"LV","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",7265,7265,7265,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",7549332.61676185,1981,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-64.87,-47.91,-23.07,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-67.55,-30.19,43.43,"DK","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1700,32000,91000,"mean","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-50,-30,-10,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,150,"SE","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3300,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",58281.1639664516,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,25,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-2,NA,"DE","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1865,2923,4181,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",58281.1639664516,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-65,-60,-51,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-57,-47,-34,"FI","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",58281.1639664516,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,3500,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12 Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Capri",58281.1639664516,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",15,NA,50,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Latvia",2017,2017,"p",1088,1991,3651,"interval","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",58281.1639664516,1990,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",-98,-92,-70,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",-80,77,980,"LV","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","expert opinion",NA,20,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",0,0,0,"CZ","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1200,NA,2400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-194; Wilk T., Bobrek R., Pepkowska-Król A., Neubauer G., Kosicki J. 2016. Ptaki polskich Karpat - stan, zagrozenia, ochrona. OTOP, Marki.",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",20,NA,30,2010,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MLSL)",-31,1,45,"PL","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1400,NA,1800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Cernecký, J., Darolová A., Fulín, M., Chavko, J., Karaska, D., Krištín, A. & Ridzon, J., 2014: Správa o stave vtákov v rokoch 2008 – 2012 na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, Banská Bystrica, str. 790 Ridzon et al 2015",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D. a kol.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",0,0,0,"SK","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky (ed.) (2011) Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol.2 Animals.http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Shurulinkov P., G. Stoyanov, P. Tzvetkov, K. Vultchev, R. Kolchagov, M. Ilieva (2003) Distribution and abundance of Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus on Mount Pirin, south-west Bulgaria. Sandgrouse, 25(2): 103-117 Shurulinkov P., G. Stoyanov (2005) New data on the distribution of Tengmalm’s Owl (Aegolius funereus) in Western Bulgaria. Buteo, 14: 61-66 Shurulinkov P., G.Stoyanov (2006) Some new findings of Pigmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum and Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus in Western and Southern Bulgaria. Acrocephalus, 27 (128-129): 65-68 Shurulinkov P.,G.Stoyanov, E.Komitov, G.Daskalova, A.Ralev (2012) Contribution to the knowledge on distribution,number and habitat preferences of rare and endangered birds in Western Rhodopes Mts.Southern Bulgaria. Strigiformes and Piciformes. Acta zoologica bulgarica., 64(1): 43-56.",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Simeonov S. (1985) Tengmalm's Owl(Aegolius funereus) In: Red data Book of PR Bulgaria. Vol.2. Animals, BAS, Sofia. Spiridonov, J., L. Mileva (1988) Endangered and rare bird species in “Steneto” biosphere reserve. – Orn. Inf. Bull. 23/24: 99-105. (in Bulgarian) Spiridonov, J., Spassov, N., Mileva, L. (1982) New data on the distribution of the Ural Owl (Strix uralensis) and Tengmalm’s Owl (Aegolius funereus) in Bulgaria. Nat. Conf. of Nature Protection, 1-5.09.1982, Sunny Beach 1: 341-343. (in Bulgarian)",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky (ed.) (2011) Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol.2 Animals.http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Nikolov, B., I. Hristov, P. Shurulinkov, I. Nikolov, A. Rogyev, A. Dutsov, R. Stanchev. 2001. New data on some poorly known forest owls (Strix uralensis, Glaucidium passerinum, Aegolius funereus) in Bulgaria. – Forestry Science, 38(1/2): 75-86. Shurulinkov P., G. Stoyanov, P. Tzvetkov, K. Vultchev, R. Kolchagov, M. Ilieva (2003) Distribution and abundance of Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus on Mount Pirin, south-west Bulgaria. Sandgrouse, 25(2): 103-117 Shurulinkov P., G. Stoyanov (2005) New data on the distribution of Tengmalm’s Owl (Aegolius funereus) in Western Bulgaria. - Buteo, 14: 61-66 Shurulinkov P., G.Stoyanov (2006) Some new findings of Pigmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum and Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus in Western and Southern Bulgaria. Acrocephalus, 27 (128-129): 65-68 Shurulinkov P.,G.Stoyanov, E.Komitov, G.Daskalova, A.Ralev (2012) Contribution to the knowledge on distribution,number and habitat preferences of rare and endangered birds in Western Rhodopes Mts.Southern Bulgaria. Strigiformes and Piciformes. Acta zoologica bulgarica., 64(1): 43-56.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",450,NA,850,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",58281.1639664516,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,2002,2017,"F","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,"SI","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",10,NA,30,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,0,NA,"LT","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Croatia",2012,2012,"p",400,NA,700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","France",2009,2018,"p",100,NA,800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Issa & Muller 2015. Chouette de Tengmalm, Muller & Harter, pages 762-765, in Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine, Issa & Muller 2015. Muller & Harter, Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine762-765 ; . Tengmalm et chevęchette, Bilan du suivi 2016-2017. LPO Mission rapaces, n° 23&24. Mars 2018.",58281.1639664516,1989,2017,"F","estimateExpert",NA,-80,NA,500,2007,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",". Tengmalm et chevęchette, Bilan du suivi 2015-2016. LPO Mission rapaces, n°21&22. avril 2017.. Tengmalm et chevęchette,",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Spain",2012,2012,"p",150,150,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Institut Catalŕ d’Ornitologia. (2013). Estatus d’amenaça dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya 2012. Llista vermella dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya 2012. Barcelona. (http://www.ornitologia.org/mm/file/quefem/conservacio/Llista_Vermella_2012.pdf)",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International. (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. De Juana, F. (1989). Situación actual de las rapaces diurnas (Orden Falconiformes) en Espańa. Ecología, 3: 237-292. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",0,0,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Atlas de aves nidificantes de Catalunya 2015-2018, en preparación. (http://www.ornitologia.org/ca/quefem/monitoratge/atles/tercer_atles/index.html)",0,0,0,"ES","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",58281.1639664516,1987,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-220,NA,7,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",0,0,0,"EE","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",3,20,40,"mean","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",58281.1639664516,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-78,344,789,2008,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-95,NA,95,"BE","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Denmark",2016,2016,"p",5,5,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",58281.1639664516,1980,2017,"U","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,600,NA,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,600,NA,"DK","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg",NA,NA,NA,"LU","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Aegypius monachus",NA,"Cinereous Vulture","Spain",2017,2018,"p",2548,2548,2548,"estimate","completeSurvey","Del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2017). El buitre negro en Espańa, población reproductora en 2017 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/45%20buitre%20negro/pdf/SEO%2045%20Buitre%20negro.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",2647.38703219317,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","De la Puente, J., Moreno-Opo, R. & Del Moral, J.C. (2007). El buitre negro en Espańa. Censo Nacional (2006). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 114pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/13_buitre_negro_2006_tcm30-208025.pdf) Del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2017). El buitre negro en Espańa, población reproductora en 2017 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/45%20buitre%20negro/pdf/SEO%2045%20Buitre%20negro.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,698.1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","De la Puente, J., Moreno-Opo, R. & Del Moral, J.C. (2007). El buitre negro en Espańa. Censo Nacional (2006). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 114pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/13_buitre_negro_2006_tcm30-208025.pdf) Del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2017). El buitre negro en Espańa, población reproductora en 2017 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/45%20buitre%20negro/pdf/SEO%2045%20Buitre%20negro.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",NA,30.5,NA,"ES","A079",NA,"Aegypius monachus" "Aegypius monachus",NA,"Cinereous Vulture","France",2013,2018,"p",32,37,43,"estimate","completeSurvey","Quaintenne G., Béchet A., Benmergui M., Beslot É., Brossault P., Cadiou B., Camberlein P., Croset F., Culioli J.-M., Debiesse L., Debout G., Dubois P.J., Dulac P., Flitti A., Gallien F., Girard O., Havet S., Hirtz M., Jacob Y., Kayser Y., Kobierzycki É., Le Nevé A., Lécuyer P., Marion L., Michelat D., Néouze R., Pilard P., Pin C., Ponchon C., Provost P., Purenne R., Razin M., Recorbet B., Rey D., Robin J.-G., Vincent-Martin N., Sadoul N., Scher O., Triplet P., Trotignon J., Wahl R. 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91 ; . Quaintenne G. (coord.), Béchet A., Benmergui M., Beslot É., Brossault P., Cadiou B., Camberlein P., Croset F., Culioli J.-M., Debiesse L., Debout G., Dubois P.J., Dulac P., Flitti A., Gallien F., Girard O., Havet S., Hirtz M., Jacob Y., Kayser Y., Kobierzycki É., Le Nevé A., Lécuyer P., Marion L., Michelat D., Néouze R., Pilard P., Pin C., Ponchon C., Provost P., Purenne R., Razin M., Recorbet B., Rey D., Robin J.-G., Vincent-Martin N., Sadoul N., Scher O., Triplet P., Trotignon J. & Wahl R. (2018) Observatoire des oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés. Coord. LPO, Rochefort. .",2647.38703219317,1996,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25, 57-91 ; . Quaintenne G. (coord.), Béchet A., Benmergui M., Beslot É., Brossault P., Cadiou B., Camberlein P., Croset F., Culioli J.-M., Debiesse L., Debout G., Dubois P.J., Dulac P., Flitti A., Gallien F., Girard O., Havet S., Hirtz M., Jacob Y., Kayser Y., Kobierzycki É., Le Nevé A., Lécuyer P., Marion L., Michelat D., Néouze R., Pilard P., Pin C., Ponchon C., Provost P., Purenne R., Razin M., Recorbet B., Rey D., Robin J.-G., Vincent-Martin N., Sadoul N., Scher O., Triplet P., Trotignon J. & Wahl R. (2018) Observatoire des oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés. Coord. LPO, Rochefort. .",NA,4100,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Quaintenne G., Béchet A., Benmergui M., Beslot É., Brossault P., Cadiou B., Camberlein P., Croset F., Culioli J.-M., Debiesse L., Debout G., Dubois P.J., Dulac P., Flitti A., Gallien F., Girard O., Havet S., Hirtz M., Jacob Y., Kayser Y., Kobierzycki É., Le Nevé A., Lécuyer P., Marion L., Michelat D., Néouze R., Pilard P., Pin C., Ponchon C., Provost P., Purenne R., Razin M., Recorbet B., Rey D., Robin J.-G., Vincent-Martin N., Sadoul N., Scher O., Triplet P., Trotignon J., Wahl R. 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91 ; . Quaintenne G. (coord.), Béchet A., Benmergui M., Beslot É., Brossault P., Cadiou B., Camberlein P., Croset F., Culioli J.-M., Debiesse L., Debout G., Dubois P.J., Dulac P., Flitti A., Gallien F., Girard O., Havet S., Hirtz M., Jacob Y., Kayser Y., Kobierzycki É., Le Nevé A., Lécuyer P., Marion L., Michelat D., Néouze R., Pilard P., Pin C., Ponchon C., Provost P., Purenne R., Razin M., Recorbet B., Rey D., Robin J.-G., Vincent-Martin N., Sadoul N., Scher O., Triplet P., Trotignon J. & Wahl R. (2018) Observatoire des oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés. Coord. LPO, Rochefort. .",NA,100,NA,"FR","A079",NA,"Aegypius monachus" "Aegypius monachus",NA,"Cinereous Vulture","Greece",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,35,"mean","completeSurvey","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas 6) Catsadorakis G., Kati V., Liarikos C., Poirazidis K., Skartsi Th., Vasilakis D. and Karavellas D. 2010. Conservation and management issues for the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park. 265-270. In: Catsadorakis, G. & Kallander, H. (eds.). The Dadia - Lefkimi - Soufli Forest National Park, Greece: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. WWF Greece, Athens. 7) Noidou M. & Vasilakis D. 2010. Characterizing Eurasian black vulture's (Aegypius monachus) flight movement corridors in Thrace: a need for conservation on a landscape-level scale. WWF Greece, Athens. 8) Poirazidis, C., Skartsi, Th.& Catsadorakis, G. 2002. Monitoring Plan for the Protected Area of Dadia -Lefkimi - Soufli Forest. WWF Greece, Athens. Pages 113. ad, , T. Sats & . as. 2006. Sd Sstµat aas t stateµe e t s ad - eµ - Sf, S a s apteesµt ped 2000-2005, WWF , a. 137 se. 9) ad , Sats T, as ., Gat, S. & atsad, G. 2007. Sd Sstµat aas t ad - eµ - Sf. 2 ds, WWF , a, 207 se. asµhttp://www.wwf.gr/images/pdfs/Dadia Monitoring Plan 2007.pdf 10) Sidiropoulos, L., Tsiakiris, R., Asmanis, P., Galanaki, A., Stara, K., Kastritis, T., Konstantinou, P., Kret, E., Skartsi, T., Jerrentrup, H., Xirouchakis, S. & Kominos, T., 2013. Status of vultures in Greece. In: Andevski, J. (ed.). Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. Vulture Conservation Foundation & Frankfurt Zoological Society. 11) Sats T. & . ad 2002. aest Sd a t apa st stateµe e t s ad - eµ - Sf. WWF , a. 71 se. asµ st http://www.wwf.gr/images/pdfs/Black Vulture Management Plan 2002.pdf 12) Skartsi, Th., Elorriaga, J. and Vasilakis, D. 2008. Population size, breeding rates and conservation status of Eurasian Black Vulture in the Dadia National Park, Thrace, NE Greece. - J. Nat. Hist. 42: 345-353. 13) Skartsi, T., Elorriaga, J. & Vasiliakis, D. 2010. Population trends and conservation of vultures in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, 183-194. In: Catsadorakis, G. & Kallander, H. (eds.). The Dadia -Lefkimi - Soufli Forest National Park, Greece: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. WWF Greece, Athens. 14) Skartsi, T., Elorriaga, J. & Vasiliakis, D. 2010. Eurasian Black Vulture: the focal species of the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, 195-206. In: Catsadorakis, G. & Kallander, H. (eds.). The Dadia -Lefkimi - Soufli Forest National Park, Greece: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. WWF Greece, Athens. 15) Vasilakis, D. P, Poirazidis, K. S. and Elorriaga, J. N. 2008. Range use of a Eurasian Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) population in the Dadia National Park and the adjacent areas, Thrace, NE Greece. - J. Nat.His",2647.38703219317,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas 7) Catsadorakis G., Kati V., Liarikos C., Poirazidis K., Skartsi Th., Vasilakis D. and Karavellas D. 2010. Conservation and management issues for the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park. 265-270. In: Catsadorakis, G. & Kallander, H. (eds.). The Dadia - Lefkimi - Soufli Forest National Park, Greece: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. WWF Greece, Athens. 8) Noidou M. & Vasilakis D. 2010. Characterizing Eurasian black vulture's (Aegypius monachus) flight movement corridors in Thrace: a need for conservation on a landscape-level scale. WWF Greece, Athens. 9) Poirazidis, C., Skartsi, Th.& Catsadorakis, G. 2002. Monitoring Plan for the Protected Area of Dadia -Lefkimi - Soufli Forest. WWF Greece, Athens. Pages 113. ad, , T. Sats & . as. 2006. Sd Sstµat aas t stateµe e t s ad - eµ - Sf, S a s apteesµt ped 2000-2005, WWF , a. 137 se. 10) ad , Sats T, as ., Gat, S. & atsad, G. 2007. Sd Sstµat aas t ad - eµ - Sf. 2 ds, WWF , a, 207 se. asµhttp://www.wwf.gr/images/pdfs/Dadia Monitoring Plan 2007.pdf 11) Sidiropoulos, L., Tsiakiris, R., Asmanis, P., Galanaki, A., Stara, K., Kastritis, T., Konstantinou, P., Kret, E., Skartsi, T., Jerrentrup, H., Xirouchakis, S. & Kominos, T., 2013. Status of vultures in Greece. In: Andevski, J. (ed.). Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. Vulture Conservation Foundation & Frankfurt Zoological Society. 12) Sats T. & . ad 2002. aest Sd a t apa st stateµe e t s ad - eµ - Sf. WWF , a. 71 se. asµ st http://www.wwf.gr/images/pdfs/Black Vulture Management Plan 2002.pdf 13) Skartsi, Th., Elorriaga, J. and Vasilakis, D. 2008. Population size, breeding rates and conservation status of Eurasian Black Vulture in the Dadia National Park, Thrace, NE Greece. - J. Nat. Hist. 42: 345-353. 14) Skartsi, T., Elorriaga, J. & Vasiliakis, D. 2010. Population trends and conservation of vultures in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, 183-194. In: Catsadorakis, G. & Kallander, H. (eds.). The Dadia -Lefkimi - Soufli Forest National Park, Greece: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. WWF Greece, Athens. 15) Skartsi, T., Elorriaga, J. & Vasiliakis, D. 2010. Eurasian Black Vulture: the focal species of the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, 195-206. In: Catsadorakis, G. & Kallander, H. (eds.). The Dadia -Lefkimi - Soufli Forest National Park, Greece: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. WWF Greece, Athens. 16) Vasilakis, D. P, Poirazidis, K. S. and Elorriaga, J. N. 2008. Range use of a Eurasian Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) population in the Dad",NA,165,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas 6) Catsadorakis G., Kati V., Liarikos C., Poirazidis K., Skartsi Th., Vasilakis D. and Karavellas D. 2010. Conservation and management issues for the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park. 265-270. In: Catsadorakis, G. & Kallander, H. (eds.). The Dadia - Lefkimi - Soufli Forest National Park, Greece: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. WWF Greece, Athens. 7) Noidou M. & Vasilakis D. 2010. Characterizing Eurasian black vulture's (Aegypius monachus) flight movement corridors in Thrace: a need for conservation on a landscape-level scale. WWF Greece, Athens. 8) Poirazidis, C., Skartsi, Th.& Catsadorakis, G. 2002. Monitoring Plan for the Protected Area of Dadia -Lefkimi - Soufli Forest. WWF Greece, Athens. Pages 113. ad, , T. Sats & . as. 2006. Sd Sstµat aas t stateµe e t s ad - eµ - Sf, S a s apteesµt ped 2000-2005, WWF , a. 137 se. 9) ad , Sats T, as ., Gat, S. & atsad, G. 2007. Sd Sstµat aas t ad - eµ - Sf. 2 ds, WWF , a, 207 se. asµhttp://www.wwf.gr/images/pdfs/Dadia Monitoring Plan 2007.pdf 10) Sidiropoulos, L., Tsiakiris, R., Asmanis, P., Galanaki, A., Stara, K., Kastritis, T., Konstantinou, P., Kret, E., Skartsi, T., Jerrentrup, H., Xirouchakis, S. & Kominos, T., 2013. Status of vultures in Greece. In: Andevski, J. (ed.). Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. Vulture Conservation Foundation & Frankfurt Zoological Society. 11) Sats T. & . ad 2002. aest Sd a t apa st stateµe e t s ad - eµ - Sf. WWF , a. 71 se. asµ st http://www.wwf.gr/images/pdfs/Black Vulture Management Plan 2002.pdf 12) Skartsi, Th., Elorriaga, J. and Vasilakis, D. 2008. Population size, breeding rates and conservation status of Eurasian Black Vulture in the Dadia National Park, Thrace, NE Greece. - J. Nat. Hist. 42: 345-353. 13) Skartsi, T., Elorriaga, J. & Vasiliakis, D. 2010. Population trends and conservation of vultures in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, 183-194. In: Catsadorakis, G. & Kallander, H. (eds.). The Dadia -Lefkimi - Soufli Forest National Park, Greece: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. WWF Greece, Athens. 14) Skartsi, T., Elorriaga, J. & Vasiliakis, D. 2010. Eurasian Black Vulture: the focal species of the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, 195-206. In: Catsadorakis, G. & Kallander, H. (eds.). The Dadia -Lefkimi - Soufli Forest National Park, Greece: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. WWF Greece, Athens. 15) Vasilakis, D. P, Poirazidis, K. S. and Elorriaga, J. N. 2008. Range use of a Eurasian Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) population in the Dadia National Park and the adjacent areas, Thrace, NE Greece. - J. Nat.Hist. 42: 355-373. 16)",NA,26,NA,"GR","A079",NA,"Aegypius monachus" "Aegypius monachus",NA,"Cinereous Vulture","Portugal",2018,2018,"p",29,NA,31,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF; unpublished data LPN.",2647.38703219317,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2010,2018,"I","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF, LPN, QUERCUS",14500,NA,15500,"PT","A079",NA,"Aegypius monachus" "Aegypius monachus",NA,"Cinereous Vulture","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Hristov, H., D. Demerdzhiev and S. Stoychev 2012. The black vulture Aegypius monachus in Bulgaria. The Black Vulture: Status, Conservation and Studies. Proceeding of the First International Symposium on the Black Vulture Aegypius monachus (Cordoba, Spain, 21-23 october 2004), 96-104 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Andevski J., (2017) Species status report for the Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus. Report of Actions A6, 8, 9 and 10 under the framework of Project LIFE EuroSAP (LIFE14 PRE UK 002) Stoynov, E., M. Kurtev, D. Demerdzhiev, P. Iankov, H. Hristov 2007 Aegypius monachus (Eurasian) Black Vulture. - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) Atlas of Breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Book 10. pp 136-137. Iankov, P. 1998. Conservation of the Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) in Bulgaria. – In: Tewes, E., J.J. Sánchez, B. Heredia & M. Bijleveld van Lexmond (Eds.): International Symposium on the Black Vulture in South Eastern Europe and Adjacent Regions (Dadia, Greece, 15-16 September 1993), FZS/BVCF, Palma de Mallorca. 43-45.",2647.38703219317,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov P, Khristov K, Avramov S. 1994 Changes in the status of the Black Vulture Aegypius monachus in Bulgaria for the period 1980-1990. In: Meyburg BU, Chancellor R, eds. Raptor Conservation Today. WWGBP-Pica Press, 139-42. Stoynov, E., M. Kurtev, D. Demerdzhiev, P. Iankov, H. Hristov 2007 Aegypius monachus (Eurasian) Black Vulture. -In: Iankov, P (ed.)Atlas of Breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Book 10. pp 136-137. Iankov, P. 1998. Conservation of the Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) in Bulgaria. – In: Tewes, E., J.J. Sánchez, B. Heredia & M. Bijleveld van Lexmond (Eds.): International Symposium on the Black Vulture in South Eastern Europe and Adjacent Regions (Dadia, Greece, 15-16 September 1993), FZS/BVCF, Palma de Mallorca. 43-45. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Marin SA, Rogev AB, Christov IM, Sarov MS. 1998. New observations and nesting of the Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus. L., 1766) in Bulgaria. In: Tewes E, Sánchez JJ, Heredia B, Bijleveld Van Lexmond M, eds. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Black Vulture in South Eastern Europe and Adjacent Regions (Dadia, Greece, 15-16 September 1993). Palma de Mallorca: Black Vulture Conservation Foundation-Frankfurt Zoological Society, p. 47-50.",-100,NA,-80,2000,2018,"UNK","absentData","Hristov, H., D. Demerdzhiev and S. Stoychev 2012. The black vulture Aegypius monachus in Bulgaria. The Black Vulture: Status, Conservation and Studies. Proceeding of the First International Symposium on the Black Vulture Aegypius monachus (Cordoba, Spain, 21-23 october 2004), 96-104 ; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Stoynov, E., M. Kurtev, D. Demerdzhiev, P. Iankov, H. Hristov 2007 Aegypius monachus (Eurasian) Black Vulture. -In: Iankov, P (ed.)Atlas of Breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Book 10. pp 136-137. Iankov, P. 1998. Conservation of the Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) in Bulgaria. – In: Tewes, E., J.J. Sánchez, B. Heredia & M. Bijleveld van Lexmond (Eds.): International Symposium on the Black Vulture in South Eastern Europe and Adjacent Regions (Dadia, Greece, 15-16 September 1993), FZS/BVCF, Palma de Mallorca. 43-45.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A079",NA,"Aegypius monachus" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1e+07,NA,10840000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-30,-27,-23,"PL","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","France",2009,2012,"p",1300000,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,31405967.1446814,1996,2017,"D","completeSurvey",NA,-39,-34,-28,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision.. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al.. Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 891-893",-33,NA,-15,"FR","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Spain",2004,2018,"p",1295000,NA,1890000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información aportada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información aportada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-30,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2018). Alauda arvensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T102998555A132039889. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T102998555A132039889) Gráfica de la tendencia poblacional de la especie (1998-2011) https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx)",NA,-26.5,NA,"ES","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","UK",2016,2016,"p",1556054,1556054,1556054,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",31405967.1446814,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-54.37,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-14.14,NA,"UK","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1200000,NA,1850000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",31405967.1446814,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-55,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-14,-11,-7,"DE","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",1180000,NA,1266000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",31405967.1446814,1999,2018,"D","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 428 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",-40,NA,-26,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-35,NA,-20,"HU","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",6e+05,NA,1200000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",31405967.1446814,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-4,NA,"CZ","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",543000,8e+05,1058000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-73,-70,-68,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-13,-7,0,"SE","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",558537,711077,909223,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",31405967.1446814,1995,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-39.92,NA,-6.87,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-30.3,-17.8,-3.4,"LV","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,1200000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB; Nankinov D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Aves, Passeriformes, 44-48 p.;",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; The population trend is for the period 2005-2010",-20,NA,-10,"BG","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",660650,660650,660650,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",31405967.1446814,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-59.48,-53.44,-46.52,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-23.51,-17.14,-10.29,"DK","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,9e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",-10,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",450000,NA,550000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",31405967.1446814,1983,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-66,NA,-58,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-33,NA,-28,"EE","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Italy",2013,2018,"p",350000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",31405967.1446814,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",400,NA,600,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-25,NA,-15,"IT","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",204138,301800,805448,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",31405967.1446814,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-16.3,-10.7,-4.6,"IE","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,350000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-10,NA,-1,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",0,0,0,"SK","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Finland",2013,2018,"p",180642,203681,220629,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-67,-57,-44,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-32,-24,-15,"FI","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Austria",2013,2018,"p",90000,NA,140000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",31405967.1446814,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-10,NA,"AT","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Greece",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 4) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 5) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",35000,NA,45000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",31405967.1446814,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-75,-72,-68,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-17,-10,-4,"NL","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",25800,32400,39000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",31405967.1446814,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-78,-72,-66,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-38,-33,-27,"BE","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",5900,NA,11000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-58,NA,"SI","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",4200,NA,5600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16 Melchior E. (2013): Feldlerche Alauda arvensis und andere Vogelarten des Offenlandes: Siedlungsdichteuntersuchungen 1975, 2008, 2010. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 14-22 (http://www.luxnatur.lu/publi/wb27001112.pdf); Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16 Melchior E. (2013): Feldlerche Alauda arvensis und andere Vogelarten des Offenlandes: Siedlungsdichteuntersuchungen 1975, 2008, 2010. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 14-22 (http://www.luxnatur.lu/publi/wb27001112.pdf); Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-60,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Melchior E. (2013): Feldlerche Alauda arvensis und andere Vogelarten des Offenlandes: Siedlungsdichteuntersuchungen 1975, 2008, 2010. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 14-22 (http://www.luxnatur.lu/publi/wb27001112.pdf); Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",-40,NA,-20,"LU","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Alaudala rufescens",NA,"Lesser Short-toed Lark","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",258714.143613082,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A475",NA,"Alaudala rufescens" "Alaudala rufescens",NA,"Lesser Short-toed Lark","Spain",2002,2018,"p",230000,NA,260000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/terrera_marismenia_tcm30-99958.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx).",258714.143613082,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información aportada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/terrera_marismenia_tcm30-99958.pdf)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2015). Alaudala rufescens. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T104007058A60256040. Información aportada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/terrera_marismenia_tcm30-99958.pdf)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A475",NA,"Alaudala rufescens" "Alaudala rufescens",NA,"Lesser Short-toed Lark","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",258714.143613082,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Barone, R. & Emmerson, K.W. (1995). Distribución, estatus y características del hábitat de la Terrera Marismeńa Calandrella rufescens (Vieillot, 1820) en la isla de Tenerife, Canarias (Aves: Alaudidae). Rev. Acad. Canar. Cienc. VII (Núms. 2, 3, y 4): 47-61. Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Delgado, G., Naranjo, J.J., Barone, R. & Trujillo, D. (2000). Estudio para la conservación de las aves estepáricas en las islas de Tenerife y Gran Canaria. Tomos I y II. Canarias Tecnatura. Informe inédito. Delgado G., Naranjo J.J., Barone, R., Trujillo, D. & Rodríguez, F. (2002). Datos sobre la distribución de aves esteparias en Tenerife y Gran Canaria, islas Canarias. Vieraea 30: 177-194. González Acebes, M., Silva, J.L., & Farińa Trujillo, B. (2006). Terrera marismeńa Calandrella rufescens: Tenerife y Gran Canaria. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2006. Gobierno de Canarias. 36 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2001). Actuaciones para la conservación de la Terrera marismeńa Calandrella rufescens rufescens: seguimiento de la población, éxito reproductor y amenazas. Delegación Territorial de Canarias de SEO/BirdLife. Informe no publicado. 70 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. & Emmerson, K.W. (2001). Situación actual de la Terrera Marismeńa (Calandrella rufescens) en Tenerife: distribución, abundancia, factores de amenaza y propuestas de conservación. Delegación Territorial de Canarias de SEO/BirdLife. Informe no publicado. 36 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A475",NA,"Alaudala rufescens" "Alca torda",NA,"Razorbill","UK",2015,2015,"i",149737,244531,374467,"interval","estimatePartial","JNCC Seabird Monitoring Programme. The UK population estimates were derived from a method first used in APEP3: Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100. Population estimates were calculated using the long-term Thomas trend index from the year 1986 - 2015 (using counts from a sample of colonies monitored by the UK Seabird Monitoring Programme), anchored to the last census count, Seabird 2000. To test the robustness of the Thomas trend an estimation the Seabird 2000 population was produced using the trend index between 1986-2000 and anchored to the 1986 (SCR) census population for the species. If this estimate had a variance of 30% (or over) from the actual Seabird 2000 population, the method was not used (and an alternative is given, such as the Seabird 2000 census). Thomas trend methodology can be found here http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201",370779.305074116,1986,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",35,85,155,2004,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-10,33,120,"UK","A200",NA,"Alca torda" "Alca torda",NA,"Razorbill","Sweden",2013,2018,"i",60000,70000,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",370779.305074116,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Regional inventories, Species observation system www.artportalen.se",400,500,600,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Regional inventories, Species observation system www.artportalen.se",40,60,80,"SE","A200",NA,"Alca torda" "Alca torda",NA,"Razorbill","Ireland",2015,2018,"i",33689,33689,33689,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",370779.305074116,1987,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,45,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,23,NA,"IE","A200",NA,"Alca torda" "Alca torda",NA,"Razorbill","Finland",2013,2018,"i",15900,19650,23400,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",370779.305074116,1980,2012,"I","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",76,NA,166,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",6,46,98,"FI","A200",NA,"Alca torda" "Alca torda",NA,"Razorbill","Denmark",2017,2017,"i",2600,2600,2600,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Trćkfuglene pĺ Christiansř 1976-2001. Mikkel Lausten & Peter Lyngs. Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176, http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR176.pdf. https://www.fugledata.dk/kolkyst/. -Laursen, K. (Red.) 2001: Overvĺgning af fugle, sćler og planter 1999-2000, med resultater fra feltstationerne. Danmarks Miljřundersřgelser. 103 s. - Faglig Rapport fra DMU, nr 350.",370779.305074116,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",456.35,530.98,615.32,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",23.56,52.58,87.72,"DK","A200",NA,"Alca torda" "Alca torda",NA,"Razorbill","France",2016,2016,"i",152,NA,186,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2016. ; Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25, 57-91 ; Provost P., Bentz G. & Deniau A. 2016. Réserve Naturelle des Sept-Îles. Rapport d’activités 2016.. Rapport LPO., 122 pp. ; Cadiou B. & Quéré P. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins au cap Fréhel en 2016.. Rapport Bretagne Vivante, syndicat mixte grand site cap d’Erquy – cap Fréhel, Conseil régional de Bretagne, 14 pp.",370779.305074116,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. & Provost P. 2015. Situation démographique des alcidés bretons : quelles tendances, quel avenir ?. Ar Vran 26, ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2016. ; Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25, 57-91",15,21,27,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2016. ; Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25, 57-91",162,183,210,"FR","A200",NA,"Alca torda" "Alca torda",NA,"Razorbill","Germany",2016,2016,"i",136,136,136,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",370779.305074116,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",507,1020,1944,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",137,323,637,"DE","A200",NA,"Alca torda" "Alca torda",NA,"Razorbill","Latvia",2014,2018,"i",2,2,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv http://www.putni.lv/alctor.htm",370779.305074116,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,100,NA,"LV","A200",NA,"Alca torda" "Alca torda",NA,"Razorbill","Estonia",2013,2017,"i",1,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",370779.305074116,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,10,470,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",30,NA,65,"EE","A200",NA,"Alca torda" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","France",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",92057.8573291442,2001,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-7.5,-7.5,-7.5,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",-10,NA,25,"FR","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Germany",2016,2016,"p",9500,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",92057.8573291442,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",29,29,29,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,5,NA,"DE","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Italy",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,16000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",92057.8573291442,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,100,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-35,NA,-15,"IT","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Spain",2007,2018,"p",2700,NA,24200,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-1.6,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-6.4,NA,3.2,"ES","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","UK",2016,2016,"p",3847,NA,6412,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",92057.8573291442,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,21.87,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-17.06,NA,"UK","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-194",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-4,56,149,"PL","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",900,NA,3600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Grozdanov, A., Spasov, S., Stefanov, T., Kutsarov, I. 2007. Alcedo atthis. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",-15,NA,-10,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-15,NA,-10,"BG","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",1200,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",92057.8573291442,1994,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 336-337 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 231-232 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 90 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 171 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 384-386 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 153 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Alcedo_atthis.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",900,1200,1600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",92057.8573291442,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-5,26,68,2008,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",700,NA,1400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",92057.8573291442,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,7,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",750,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",92057.8573291442,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",170,NA,176,2000,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",6.92,8.24,10.1,"LV","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Croatia",2012,2012,"p",700,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-30,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",620,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",-10,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",400,NA,1350,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",92057.8573291442,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",1047,1152,1267,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",38,53,69,"NL","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Greece",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Austria",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,800,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",92057.8573291442,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",15,NA,30,"AT","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Ireland",2010,2010,"p",368,NA,1031,"estimate","estimatePartial","Cummins, S., Fisher, J., Gaj McKeever, R., McNaghten, L & Crowe, O. (2010) Assessment of the distribution and abundance of Kingfisher Alcedo atthis and other riparian birds on six SAC river systems in Ireland. A report commissioned by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and prepared by BirdWatch Ireland, Kicoole, Co Wicklow. Environmental Protection Agency Geoportal Website; http://gis.epa.ie/.",92057.8573291442,1980,2010,"D","estimatePartial","Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,-44,NA,1991,2010,"D","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,-45,NA,"IE","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",92057.8573291442,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,20,"EE","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",300,300,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",92057.8573291442,1980,2017,"F","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2017,"F","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,350,"estimate","completeSurvey","Božic L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bracko F. (1997): Ornitološki atlas Drave od Maribora do Ptuja (1989–1992). – Acrocephalus 18 (82): 57–97. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Polak S. (ed.) (2000b): Mednarodno pomembna obmocja za ptice v Sloveniji. Important Bird Areas (IBA) in Slovenia. Monografija DOPPS št. 1. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-30,NA,-10,2006,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Božic L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-7,NA,"SI","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",170,250,330,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-30,0,30,"SE","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,65,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55 (http://www.luxnatur.lu/publi/wb25001144.pdf)",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55 (http://www.luxnatur.lu/publi/wb25001144.pdf); Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-40,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55 (http://www.luxnatur.lu/publi/wb25001144.pdf)",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5,10,15,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",NA,51,NA,"FI","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Alectoris barbara",NA,"Barbary Partridge","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",12571.0678118655,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Emmerson, K. (2005). Estudio de la abundancia relativa de especies cinegéticas en la isla de Tenerife durante el trienio 2002-2004. Cabildo Insular de Tenerife/Ornistudio S.L. Informe no publicado. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A111",NA,"Alectoris barbara" "Alectoris barbara",NA,"Barbary Partridge","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",251,500,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",12571.0678118655,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",20,500,500,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",251,500,500,"GIB","A111",NA,"Alectoris barbara" "Alectoris barbara",NA,"Barbary Partridge","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",12571.0678118655,1993,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,70,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A111",NA,"Alectoris barbara" "Alectoris chukar",NA,"Chukar","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",450,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",309809.537682421,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Simeonov, S., T. Michev, D. Nankinov. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press, Sofia. 350 pp. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",-96,NA,-92,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-50,NA,-20,"BG","A411",NA,"Alectoris chukar" "Alectoris chukar",NA,"Chukar","Malta",2017,2018,"p",15,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018)",309809.537682421,1998,2013,"S","estimatePartial","Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",0,0,0,"MT","A411",NA,"Alectoris chukar" "Alectoris chukar",NA,"Chukar","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion, Game & Fauna Service",309809.537682421,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A411",NA,"Alectoris chukar" "Alectoris chukar",NA,"Chukar","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2e+05,NA,250000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",309809.537682421,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A411",NA,"Alectoris chukar" "Alectoris graeca","all others","Rock Partridge","Austria",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",29311.0783187167,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A878",NA,"Alectoris graeca all others" "Alectoris graeca","all others","Rock Partridge","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",6400,6400,6400,"mean","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",29311.0783187167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A878",NA,"Alectoris graeca all others" "Alectoris graeca","all others","Rock Partridge","Slovenia",2016,2018,"p",280,NA,440,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Denac K.(2018): Kotorna Alectoris graeca. Str. 22-26. V: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",29311.0783187167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A878",NA,"Alectoris graeca all others" "Alectoris graeca","all others","Rock Partridge","Germany",2016,2016,"p",10,10,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",29311.0783187167,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,21,NA,"DE","A878",NA,"Alectoris graeca all others" "Alectoris graeca","all others","Rock Partridge","France",2000,2018,"p",895,NA,1611,"estimate","estimatePartial",". Succčs reproduceur 2018 des galliformes de montagne - massif alpin. Observatoire des Galliformes de montagne..",29311.0783187167,1982,2018,"F","estimatePartial",NA,NA,184,NA,2001,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Buffet, N. & Dumont-Dayot, E. 2011. Suivi patrimonial des galliformes -Bilan de la décennie 2000-2009. 24 p. ; . Succčs reproduceur 2018 des galliformes de montagne - massif alpin. Observatoire des Galliformes de montagne..",NA,184,NA,"FR","A878",NA,"Alectoris graeca all others" "Alectoris graeca","all others","Rock Partridge","Italy",2018,2018,"p",8000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",29311.0783187167,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A878",NA,"Alectoris graeca all others" "Alectoris graeca","all others","Rock Partridge","Greece",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,13000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Handrinos, G., 2009. Rock Partridge. In: Legakis, A. & P. Maragou (eds.). The Greek Red Data Book. Hellenic Zoological Society.",29311.0783187167,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Handrinos, G., 2009. Rock Partridge. In: Legakis, A. & P. Maragou (eds.). The Greek Red Data Book. Hellenic Zoological Society.",-30,NA,-5,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"GR","A878",NA,"Alectoris graeca all others" "Alectoris graeca","all others","Rock Partridge","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",800,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",29311.0783187167,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; BSPB Bird Database; Simeonov, S., T. Michev, D. Nankinov. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press, Sofia. 350 pp. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",-85,NA,-85,2000,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-20,NA,-5,"BG","A878",NA,"Alectoris graeca all others" "Alectoris graeca","whitakeri","Rock Partridge","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Palumbo G & Lo Valvo F. 2002. Management Statement for the Sicilian Rock Partridge (Alectoris graeca whitakeri). BirdLife International/European Commission, T-PVS/Inf 18",1500,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Bernard-Laurent & De Franceschi 1994. Gibier Faune sauv. 11:267-307.",-50,NA,-25,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Palumbo G & Lo Valvo F. 2002. Management Statement for the Sicilian Rock Partridge (Alectoris graeca whitakeri). BirdLife International/European Commission, T-PVS/Inf 18",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A413",NA,"Alectoris graeca whitakeri" "Alectoris rufa",NA,"Red-legged Partridge","France",2008,2017,"p",131828,214368,300942,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ponce-Boutin F, Crosnier A, Reitz F 2012. Situation de la perdrix rouge en France en 2008. Faune Sauvage, 25-28 ; Roux D. Body G, Eraud C, DEJ F 2017. Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau National d'Observation des Oiseaux de Passage, http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/Reseau-Oiseaux-de-passage-ru103/Publications-du-Reseau-Oiseaux-de-passage-ar239",5904259.48062413,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",-57.63,NA,-31.9,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Roux D. Body G, Eraud C, Dej F 2017. Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau National d'Observation des Oiseau de passage, http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/Rapport-Oiseaux-de-passage-download589; Christiane Jakob, Françoise Ponce-Boutin, Aurelien Besnard . Coping with heterogeneity to detect species on a large scale: N-mixture modeling applied to red-legged partridge abundance. Vol 78, Issue 3, p 540 - 549 ; Jiguet F 2016. Les résultats nationaux du programme STOC de 1989 ŕ 2015. vigienature.mnhn.fr (consulté le 05/12/2018), vigienature.mnhn.fr",-41,-29,-14,"FR","A110",NA,"Alectoris rufa" "Alectoris rufa",NA,"Red-legged Partridge","Italy",2018,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",5904259.48062413,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",-35,NA,0,"IT","A110",NA,"Alectoris rufa" "Alectoris rufa",NA,"Red-legged Partridge","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",5904259.48062413,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,-13.87,NA,"PT","A110",NA,"Alectoris rufa" "Alectoris rufa",NA,"Red-legged Partridge","Spain",2004,2018,"p",4342615,NA,5543267,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",5904259.48062413,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Buenestado Malfeito, F.J. (2018). Ecología y dinámica poblacional de la perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa) en Espańa. (https://helvia.uco.es/handle/10396/16277). Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-25.8,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Buenestado Malfeito, F. J. (2018). Ecología y dinámica poblacional de la perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa) en Espańa. (https://helvia.uco.es/handle/10396/16277). Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). 2004. Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-49.5,NA,"ES","A110",NA,"Alectoris rufa" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Finland",2013,2018,"p",4058,10472,17737,"mean","estimatePartial","Väisänen et al. 1998 (Muuttuva pesimälinnusto) gives estimates for mid-1990's. Here, we took the average of TRIM estimates for the years 1994, 1995 and 1996 as a basis to indicate the mean population size estimated by Väisänen et al. (who estimated this on the basis of count data). Thereafter the TRIM index estimate for each year from 2013 to 2018 was divided by the 1994-96 average, to get a multiplier with which the mid-90's estimate was multiplied. Minimum and maximum are the smallest and largest of the annual estimates during the period and best single value is the mean of the estimates for the six years. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",11211.568541863,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-84,-79,-71,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-79,-61,-31,"FI","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",410,580,740,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",11211.568541863,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert judgement",-50,-30,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-30,-10,"SE","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",25,25,25,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",11211.568541863,1988,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-96.18,-90.93,-78.97,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",11211.568541863,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-78,NA,-38,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",5,NA,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",11211.568541863,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-94,-92,-89,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-81,-62,-25,"NL","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",1,3,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",11211.568541863,1991,2017,"U","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-67,NA,36,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-77.87,-72.27,-63.68,"LV","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","M. Dvorak, unpublished data, BirdLife Austria unpublished data",11211.568541863,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","M. Dvorak, unpublished data, BirdLife Austria unpublished data",NA,-35,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data",NA,-23,NA,"AT","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Spain",2007,2018,"p",5,NA,104,"interval","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",11211.568541863,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme",11211.568541863,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",-100,NA,-60,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",0,0,0,"HU","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",11211.568541863,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission, http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/; expert knowledge",11211.568541863,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-100,NA,-90,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",3,5,7,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",11211.568541863,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,67,133,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,500,NA,"BE","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","UK",2012,2016,"p",25,25,25,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",11211.568541863,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-17,NA,2001,2016,"S","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-7,NA,"UK","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",11211.568541863,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,0,NA,"LT","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","France",2007,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Triplet in Quaintenne et al 2018. les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25 : 57-91.. Ornithos 25, 57-91",11211.568541863,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Triplet P. in Powolny T. et Czajkowski M. A. 2019. Canard pilet Anas acuta. Le statut des espčces de l'annexe IIA de la directive oiseaux, OMPO",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","completeSurvey",NA,0,NA,0,"FR","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Germany",2011,2016,"p",15,NA,20,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",11211.568541863,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-29,NA,2004,2016,"U","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-49,NA,"DE","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",11211.568541863,1981,2017,"UNK","completeSurvey","Waterbird numbers were recorded in mid-January by regular citizen-science monitoring programme - the International Waterbird Census (IWC) – see Gilissen et al. 2002, Wetlands International 2006, Wetlands International 2019. Hundreds of volunteer birdwatchers conduct the mid-January counts on predetermined dates and sites each year, aiming to maximize synchrony (Gilissen et al. 2002, Musil et al. 2011, Musilová et al. 2014). The individual species trends in numbers was calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011), Musilová et al. (2015), Musilová et al. (2018 a, b). Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue 2: 42–59. Gilissen N, Haanstra L, Delany S, Boere G, Hagemeijer W (2002) Numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Western Palearctic and Southwest Asia in 1987, 1988 and 1999. Results from the International Waterbird Census. Wetlands International Global Series No. 11, Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M (2018a) Changes in habitat suitability influence non-breeding distribution of waterbirds in central Europe. Ibis: 160: 582–596. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M, Bejcek V (2018b) Importance of Natura 2000 sites for wintering waterbirds: Low preference, species’ distribution changes and carrying capacity of Natura 2000 could fail to protect the species. Biological Conservation 228: 79–88. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Bejcek V, Štastný K, Hudec K (2014) Numbers of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic: long-term and spatial-scale approaches to assess population size. Bird Study 61: 321–331. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Romportl D (2015) Long-term trends, total numbers and species richness of increasing waterbird populations at sites on the edge of their winter range: cold-weather refuge sites are more important than protected sites. J Ornithol: 1–10. Pannekoek J, Van Strien AJ (2005) TRIM 3 Manual (TRends and Indices for Monitoring Data). Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2006) Waterbird population estimates. Fourth Edition. Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2019) Waterbird Population Estimates. Available at: wpe.wetlands.org (accessed 10 March 2019).",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"U","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",NA,-100,NA,"CZ","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas acuta",NA,"Northern Pintail","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",11211.568541863,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A054",NA,"Anas acuta" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Finland",2013,2018,"p",158250,203776,245522,"mean","estimatePartial","Väisänen et al. 1998 (Muuttuva pesimälinnusto) gives estimates for mid-1990's. Here, we took the average of TRIM estimates for the years 1994, 1995 and 1996 as a basis to indicate the mean population size estimated by Väisänen et al. (who estimated this on the basis of count data). Thereafter the TRIM index estimate for each year from 2013 to 2018 was divided by the 1994-96 average, to get a multiplier with which the mid-90's estimate was multiplied. Minimum and maximum are the smallest and largest of the annual estimates during the period and best single value is the mean of the estimates for the six years. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",299054.357616575,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-25,-18,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-30,-20,-8,"FI","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",61000,76000,97000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",299054.357616575,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,-25,-5,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,-25,-5,"SE","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Germany",2016,2016,"p",4200,NA,6500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",299054.357616575,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,6,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",2000,NA,3400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",299054.357616575,1991,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-33,NA,-32,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",5.61,6.46,7.06,"LV","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","UK",1988,1991,"p",1600,NA,2800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",299054.357616575,1970,1989,"D","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Poyser, London. Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,-40,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,44.86,NA,"UK","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1600,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",299054.357616575,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-10,NA,-5,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-40,NA,-20,"LT","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",299054.357616575,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-46,NA,-27,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-25,NA,-7,"EE","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1600,NA,1900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",299054.357616575,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-69,-63,-56,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-30,-19,-7,"NL","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,1700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189.",299054.357616575,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",531,NA,885,"estimate","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",299054.357616575,1972,2011,"D","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,1991,2011,"S","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,0,NA,"IE","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",470,650,830,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",299054.357616575,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",18,63,108,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-15,18,51,"BE","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","France",2009,2012,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","B. Deceuninck & M. Guillemain 2015. Sarcelle d'hiver Anas Crecca. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé124-127",299054.357616575,1985,2013,"D","estimatePartial","B. Deceuninck & M. Guillemain 2015. Sarcelle d'hiver Anas Crecca. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé124-127 ; ROCAMORA, G. & YEATMAN-BERTHELOT, D. 1999. Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. Liste rouge et recherche de priorités. Populations. Tendances. Conservations, Société d’Etudes Ornithologiques de France/Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux, Paris. 598 p.",-60,NA,-20,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","B. Deceuninck & M. Guillemain 2015. Sarcelle d'hiver Anas Crecca. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé124-127",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Spain",2013,2018,"p",215,215,215,"interval","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",299054.357616575,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. Https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",125,125,125,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",299054.357616575,1996,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-96.66,-46.07,537.23,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Austria",2013,2018,"p",80,NA,130,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",299054.357616575,1981,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1994; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",-30,NA,-20,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,"AT","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",30,NA,50,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",299054.357616575,1981,2017,"U","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-9,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-50,NA,-50,"CZ","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Italy",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",299054.357616575,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-35,NA,-15,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",10,NA,25,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",299054.357616575,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","ankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,0,0,2001,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. Bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",0,0,0,"BG","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,15,"estimate","estimatePartial","National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme",299054.357616575,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",0,NA,200,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",0,0,0,"HU","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Deberšek B., Bordjan D. (2016): Letna dinamika, naravovarstveno vrednotenje in pregled podatkov o pojavljanju vodnih ptic na Šaleških jezerih (S Slovenija). – Acrocephalus 37 (168/169): 5–47. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",299054.357616575,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,37,NA,"SI","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Krištín A., Jarcuška B., Kanuch P. Vtáctvo mokradných biotopov na lokalite Kórea pri Zvolene (stredné Slovensko) v rôznych obdobiach. Tichodroma 26: 45–58 (2014)",299054.357616575,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",NA,NA,NA,"SK","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Poland",2013,2018,"p",459000,NA,608000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",0,14,30,"PL","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",2e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2474939.21174978,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-30,-23,-15,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-33,-30,-26,"NL","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Finland",2013,2018,"p",200156,238453,273333,"mean","estimatePartial","Väisänen et al. 1998 Muuttuva pesimälinnusto gives estimates for mid-1990's. Here, we took the average of TRIM estimates for the years 1994, 1995 and 1996 as a basis to indicate the mean population size estimated by Väisänen et al. (who estimated this on the basis of count data). Thereafter the estimate for each year from 2013 to 2018 was divided by the 1994-96 average, to get a multiplier with which the mid-90's estimate was multiplied. Minimum and maximum are the smallest and largest of the annual estimates during the period and best single value is the mean of the estimates for the six years. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2474939.21174978,1986,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural history and Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",17,26,36,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-13,-4,7,"FI","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Germany",2016,2016,"p",175000,NA,315000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2474939.21174978,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-30,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-9,NA,"DE","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",160000,2e+05,239000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",5,24,46,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-12,0,14,"SE","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","France",2009,2012,"p",1e+05,NA,250000,"estimate","estimatePartial","B. Deceuninck & S. Dalloyau 2015. Canard colvert Anas platyrhynchos. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé128-131",2474939.21174978,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial","B. Deceuninck & S. Dalloyau 2015. Canard colvert Anas platyrhynchos. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé128-131",NA,24,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","B. Deceuninck & S. Dalloyau 2015. Canard colvert Anas platyrhynchos. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé128-131",NA,22,NA,"FR","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",58200,112100,166100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2474939.21174978,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",153,387,622,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-38,-26,-13,"BE","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","UK",2016,2016,"p",60838,NA,145908,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Baker, H., Stroud, D.A., Aebischer, N.J., Cranswick, P.A., Gregory, R.D., McSorley, C.A., Noble, D.G. & Rehfisch, M.M. 2006. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 99: 25-44. Extrapolated using BBS trend from 1989/91 Atlas baseline.",2474939.21174978,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,36.7,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-2,NA,"UK","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Spain",2013,2018,"p",66788,NA,71588,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=46&bbv=0&pcode=)",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Gráfica de la tendencia poblacional de la especie (1998-2011) https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica) (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=46&bbv=0&pcode=) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) 2009. Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-35,NA,-2,"ES","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2474939.21174978,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-36,NA,-12,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1,NA,20,"EE","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-30,NA,-10,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",27002,44086,71981,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2474939.21174978,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",26,NA,28,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-20.2,21.2,81.8,"LV","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2474939.21174978,1981,2017,"S","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-2,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",20,NA,20,"CZ","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","National Park Directorates' databases",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",-70,NA,-40,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",0,0,0,"HU","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Italy",2010,2015,"p",20000,NA,32000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",2474939.21174978,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",60,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",60,NA,100,"IT","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",20500,20500,20500,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Austria",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",2474939.21174978,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-15,NA,"AT","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",18479,18479,18479,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",2474939.21174978,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-17.72,-1.29,18.32,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-36.96,-22.17,-4.25,"DK","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,22000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",10,NA,20,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",10,NA,20,"SK","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",15400,15400,15400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",2474939.21174978,1980,2011,"S","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,0,NA,2000,2011,"S","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,0,NA,"IE","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2500,NA,4500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","expert opinion",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",0,NA,0,"BG","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,3500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58. Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg L. Schley, S. Cellina (2018): Bulletin technique de l'Administration de la Nature et des Foręts en matičre de gestion de la faune sauvage et de chasse, Numéro 7.A",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58. Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg L. Schley, S. Cellina (2018): Bulletin technique de l'Administration de la Nature et des Foręts en matičre de gestion de la faune sauvage et de chasse, Numéro 7.A",10,NA,20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58. Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg L. Schley, S. Cellina (2018): Bulletin technique de l'Administration de la Nature et des Foręts en matičre de gestion de la faune sauvage et de chasse, Numéro 7.AN",0,NA,0,"LU","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Greece",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. 6) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. 6) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,125,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","For the period 1980-2004, based on birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas.",1000,NA,10000,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",25,NA,200,"CY","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Malta",2017,2018,"p",1,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018)",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Raine, A., Sultana, J. and Gillings, S. (2008). Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008. BirdLife Malta. Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Raine, A., Sultana, J. and Gillings, S. (2008). Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008. BirdLife Malta. Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",0,0,0,"MT","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",67000,NA,111000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",269591.324087567,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",253356,268661,284863,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon, CBS",148,167,187,"NL","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Germany",2016,2016,"p",42000,NA,59000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",269591.324087567,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,145,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,60,NA,"DE","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","UK",2016,2016,"p",46907,46907,46907,"estimate","estimatePartial","Non-breeding population estimate from Frost, T.M., Austin, G.E., Hearn, R.D., McAvoy, S.G., Robinson, A., Stroud, D.A., Woodward, I.D. & Wotton, S.R. 2019. Population estimates of wintering waterbirds in Great Britain. British Birds 112: 130-145, divided by three, with the addition of 88 pairs in Northern Ireland, based on maxium published estimate there of 264 indivduals. However this NI total it considered to be an under-estimate so overall the total is a minimum.",269591.324087567,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,378.48,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,56.93,NA,"UK","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",32000,41000,51000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",1700,2000,2300,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",0,0,50,"SE","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",14703,14703,14703,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",269591.324087567,1982,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",916.1,1390.7,2078.15,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",59.79,93.6,133.85,"DK","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Poland",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM - Wetland Bird Survey)",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Gromadzki M., Wieloch M. 1983. Distribution and number of Greylag Goose Anser anser in Poland in the years 1977-1979. Acta Orn. 19: 155-178; Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.;",200,NA,400,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",47,130,254,"PL","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Finland",2013,2018,"p",3550,6594,10064,"mean","estimatePartial","Hilden & Hario Muuttuva saaristolinnusto (1400 pairs in the turn of 80's to 90's) and extrapolation from there so that TRIM index estimate for each year from 2013 to 2018 was divided by the turn of 80's to 90's average, to get a multiplier with which the 80's-90's estimate was multiplied. Minimum and maximum are the smallest and largest of the annual estimates during the period and best single value is the mean of the estimates for the six years. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",360,666,1169,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-14,13,48,"FI","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",3300,NA,4800,"estimate","estimatePartial","National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert opinions Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarinak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. P. 202. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",500,NA,560,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",45,NA,57,"HU","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2000,3500,5000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",269591.324087567,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",399900,699900,999900,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",60,180,300,"BE","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",269591.324087567,1981,2017,"I","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,4,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",124,NA,150,"CZ","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",269591.324087567,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data",NA,500,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at, BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,17,NA,"AT","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Rašomavicius, V. (red.) 2007. Lietuvos raudonoji knyga. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 800 p. (Red Data Book of Lithuania, 2007) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",330,NA,470,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",125,NA,133,"LT","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",600,NA,800,"estimate","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Linnualade inventuurid 2012-2018. Avaldamata.",269591.324087567,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-29,NA,-27,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Breeding bird survey of coastal islands http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2036&Itemid=349",23,NA,34,"EE","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Italy",2010,2015,"p",310,NA,460,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",269591.324087567,1989,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",30900,NA,45900,2004,2007,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",10,NA,35,"IT","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","O. Keiss, J. Lipsbergs, R. Silins, A. Stipniece. 2018. Development and status of Greylag Goose Anser anser population in Latvia",269591.324087567,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",497,NA,584,2012,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",79.37,82.57,89.28,"LV","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","France",2015,2015,"p",219,NA,224,"estimate","estimatePartial","Deceuncinck, B. & Schricke, V. 2015. Oie cendrée Anser anser. In Issa N & Muller Y (coord.) Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, Delachaux & Niestlé86-89",269591.324087567,1980,2015,"I","estimatePartial","Deceuncinck, B. & Schricke, V. 2015. Oie cendrée Anser anser. In Issa N & Muller Y (coord.) Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, Delachaux & Niestlé86-89",2090,NA,2140,2007,2015,"I","estimatePartial","Deceuncinck, B. & Schricke, V. 2015. Oie cendrée Anser anser. In Issa N & Muller Y (coord.) Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, Delachaux & Niestlé86-89",81,NA,111,"FR","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",10,NA,20,"SK","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Greece",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 4) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, a. (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",0,0,0,"GR","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",15,NA,25,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB",0,0,0,2000,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB IBA monitoring BSPB/BirdLife Bulgaria National Ornithological Database",0,0,0,"BG","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",200,NA,900,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",50,NA,150,"SI","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Anser erythropus",NA,"Lesser White-fronted Goose","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",15,20,25,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",23,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Projekt Fjällgĺs - SAP Lesser White-fronted Goose",5,100,150,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Projekt Fjällgĺs - SAP Lesser White-fronted Goose",-20,0,20,"SE","A042",NA,"Anser erythropus" "Anser erythropus",NA,"Lesser White-fronted Goose","Finland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group for the Lesser White-fronted Goose in Finland (WWF) Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",23,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group for the Lesser White-fronted Goose in Finland (WWF)",-100,NA,-95,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group for the Lesser White-fronted Goose in Finland (WWF)",0,0,0,"FI","A042",NA,"Anser erythropus" "Anser fabalis","fabalis","Bean Goose","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",260,420,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2120,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-70,-50,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-70,-50,-30,"SE","A701",NA,"Anser fabalis fabalis" "Anser fabalis","fabalis","Bean Goose","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1000,1700,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2120,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no monitoring data that would allow to estimate the long-term trend.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","There is no recent population estimate or monitoring, so the expert estimate reported here is derived by combining information from multiple indirect sources, such data from Finnish line transects, breeding distribution (as compared to old distribution) and trends in number of birds on migration and wintering areas (of which Finnish birds are a part).",0,0,0,"FI","A701",NA,"Anser fabalis fabalis" "Anthus berthelotii",NA,"Berthelot's Pipit","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=151&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",67082.0393249937,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",-68.04,NA,-32.3421,"PTMA","A432",NA,"Anthus berthelotii" "Anthus berthelotii",NA,"Berthelot's Pipit","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",67082.0393249937,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A432",NA,"Anthus berthelotii" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Spain",2004,2018,"p",327995,439530,573856,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-2.9,NA,1.5,"ES","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",1015326.40175556,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-30,NA,-15,"IT","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Croatia",2018,2018,"p",17000,NA,23000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",13000,NA,26000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-68,-44,-4,"PL","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","France",2009,2012,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Flitti, A., Kabouche, B., Kayser, Y. & Olioso, G. 2009. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, LPO PACA. Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 182 p. ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",1015326.40175556,1985,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-50,NA,-10,2007,2017,"U","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",-5,NA,10,"FR","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",4000,NA,13000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,0,"BG","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",5700,NA,7100,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,-8,NA,"HU","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",550,NA,900,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1015326.40175556,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-79,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-44,NA,"DE","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",10,NA,30,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",150,NA,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,120,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019 Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Rybanic R., Šutiaková T. & Benko Š. 2004: Významné vtácie územia na Slovensku. - SOVS, Bratislava, 218 pp.",-50,NA,-25,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Rybanic R., Šutiaková T. & Benko Š. 2004: Významné vtácie územia na Slovensku. - SOVS, Bratislava, 218 pp.",0,0,0,"SK","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",75,NA,130,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1015326.40175556,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-70,NA,-67,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-47.61,-46.55,-44.21,"LV","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",30,NA,55,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1015326.40175556,1990,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Polak S. (1991): Rjava cipa Anthus campestris gnezdi tudi na Notranjskem. Acrocephalus 12 (49): 137–140. Surina B. (1999): Ornitofavna zgornjega dela doline Reke in bliznje okolice. Annales, Series Historia Naturalis 9 (2): 303–314.",-10,NA,-5,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",25,40,50,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-90,-85,-80,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-10,0,10,"SE","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,30,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",1015326.40175556,1981,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",200,NA,500,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1015326.40175556,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1015326.40175556,1980,2008,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-100,-100,-100,2006,2008,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-100,-100,-99,"NL","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",1015326.40175556,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,-100,NA,2004,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",0,0,0,"FI","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus cervinus",NA,"Red-throated Pipit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",800,1000,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1300,1990,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",-92.4,NA,-85,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-75,NA,"FI","A258",NA,"Anthus cervinus" "Anthus cervinus",NA,"Red-throated Pipit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",80,300,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1300,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Migration counts Falsterbo",-80,-70,-60,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Migration counts Falsterbo",-30,0,30,"SE","A258",NA,"Anthus cervinus" "Anthus petrosus",NA,"Rock Pipit","UK",1988,1991,"p",46000,NA,46000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",72305.8723833907,1988,2011,"S","estimatePartial","Trend inferred from 20 year index of distribution change in GB = -0.11 and for island of Ireland = -0.03 indicating stability of distribution (as documented by comparision of 1988-91 and 2007-11 BTO breeding atlases: Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swann, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R.J. 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-2011. The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. BTO, BirdWatch Ireland & SOC; Thetford, Norfolk. 720 pp.)",0,0,0,2003,2014,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Risely, K., Massimino, D., Johnston, A., Newson, S.E., Eaton, M.A., Musgrove, A.J., Noble, D.G., Procter, D. & Baillie, S.R. 2012. The Breeding Bird Survey 2011. BTO Research Report 624. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. http://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/u16/downloads/reports/bbsreport11.pdf",-22.18,-16.99,-11.8,"UK","A666",NA,"Anthus petrosus" "Anthus petrosus",NA,"Rock Pipit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",48,48,48,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & http://birdsdk.blogspot.com/2011/05/ynglefugletlling-i-2011-pa-nordre-rnner.html. Nordjyllands Fugle, 2017.",72305.8723833907,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-66.31,-52.19,-32.38,2011,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-12.42,20.88,64.49,"DK","A666",NA,"Anthus petrosus" "Anthus petrosus",NA,"Rock Pipit","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",10000,NA,19999,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion - R. Coombes, BirdWatch Ireland. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",72305.8723833907,1980,2011,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion - R. Coombes, BirdWatch Ireland; http://birdwatchireland.ie/. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, U.K. : BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3). BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",0,NA,0,2000,2011,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinion - R. Coombes, BirdWatch Ireland; http://birdwatchireland.ie/. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",0,NA,50,"IE","A666",NA,"Anthus petrosus" "Anthus petrosus",NA,"Rock Pipit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",841,1857,2919,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",72305.8723833907,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-30,-6,27,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-28,-7,18,"FI","A666",NA,"Anthus petrosus" "Anthus petrosus",NA,"Rock Pipit","France",2010,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; Roché, J. E., Muller, Y. & Siblet, J.-P. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d’oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 81, 241-268",72305.8723833907,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2010,2018,"S","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A666",NA,"Anthus petrosus" "Anthus petrosus",NA,"Rock Pipit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",72305.8723833907,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,"EE","A666",NA,"Anthus petrosus" "Anthus petrosus",NA,"Rock Pipit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",3900,4600,5300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",72305.8723833907,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Migration counts Falsterbo",-40,-30,-20,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Migration counts Falsterbo",70,100,130,"SE","A666",NA,"Anthus petrosus" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","UK",2016,2016,"p",2117456,2428963,2740469,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",5805286.32674849,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",-42.51,-42.51,-42.51,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-3.5,NA,"UK","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1000500,1104000,1129000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",5805286.32674849,1980,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",-50,NA,50,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",22,34,37,"SE","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",671604.666666667,901330,1726880,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",5805286.32674849,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-16.8,-12.4,-7.7,"IE","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",485817,564498,649395,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",5805286.32674849,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-44,-33,-21,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-18,-8,3,"FI","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",322000,NA,409000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",5805286.32674849,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-45,-36,-24,"PL","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",5805286.32674849,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-79,NA,-60,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-34,NA,-28,"EE","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",64554,87582,118826,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",5805286.32674849,1995,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-61.31,NA,36.59,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-34,3.4,59.8,"LV","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",55000,NA,80000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",5805286.32674849,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-26,-15,-3,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-3,4,11,"NL","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",36000,NA,57000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",5805286.32674849,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-79,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-31,-14,6,"DE","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",5805286.32674849,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-40,NA,-20,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-45,NA,-30,"LT","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",29214,29214,29214,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",5805286.32674849,1981,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-66.24,-57.77,-47.24,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-34.59,-18.75,0.55,"DK","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",5805286.32674849,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-10,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-11,NA,"CZ","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","France",2013,2018,"p",11200,NA,28000,"estimate","estimatePartial","LPO Auvergne 2004. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de la région Auvergne (2000-2004). ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; GOB (coord.) 2012. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de Bretagne. , 511 ; LPO Pays de la Loire 2014. Oiseaux nicheurs des Pays de la Loire. , Delachaud et Niestlé574 p.",5805286.32674849,1989,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-90,NA,-87,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-70,NA,"FR","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2700,3700,4600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",5805286.32674849,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-92,-89,-87,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-57,-44,-27,"BE","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",5805286.32674849,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-60,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-60,NA,-30,"SK","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",160,NA,280,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at, Uhl & Wichmann (2017), Pöhacker et al (2013)",5805286.32674849,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-80,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-50,NA,-20,"AT","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5,5,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16 Biver G. (2008): Vorkommen von Schafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten. Vergleichsstudie zu 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 1-12; Bastian, M. (2015): Wiesenvogel-Kartierung 2013. Kartierung der Vorkommen von Wiesenschafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten - Bestandsentwicklung seit 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 30: 44-57",5805286.32674849,1996,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Biver G. (2008): Vorkommen von Schafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten. Vergleichsstudie zu 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 1-12; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Bastian, M. (2015): Wiesenvogel-Kartierung 2013. Kartierung der Vorkommen von Wiesenschafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten - Bestandsentwicklung seit 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 30: 44-57",NA,-94,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bastian, M. (2015): Wiesenvogel-Kartierung 2013. Kartierung der Vorkommen von Wiesenschafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten - Bestandsentwicklung seit 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 30: 44-57; Biver G. (2008): Vorkommen von Schafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten. Vergleichsstudie zu 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 1-12",NA,-82,NA,"LU","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",75000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",477379.658528013,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Spain",2002,2018,"p",16000,30000,32000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx). Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Greece",2015,2015,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",16000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,0,"BG","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",50,NA,70,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Poland",2013,2015,"p",1700,NA,2600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Wilk T., Bobrek R., Pepkowska-Król A., Neubauer G., Kosicki J. 2016. Ptaki polskich Karpat - stan, zagrozenia, ochrona. OTOP, Marki.",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Germany",2012,2016,"p",900,NA,1800,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",477379.658528013,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","France",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",477379.658528013,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",70000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",477379.658528013,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",110,NA,135,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-20,NA,-10,"IT","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1396000,2360000,3324000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",-50,NA,50,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",3,7,12,"SE","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1608848,1738920,1913791,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-40,-33,-26,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-8,-3,3,"FI","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",914000,NA,1008000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-18,-10,-2,"PL","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",430000,NA,860000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",9058031.8071128,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-4,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,"CZ","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",9058031.8071128,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-45,NA,-42,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,"EE","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",344557,414117,503029,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",9058031.8071128,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-38,NA,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-32.8,-19.1,-2.9,"LV","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","France",2013,2018,"p",250000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; LPO Auvergne 2004. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de la région Auvergne (2000-2004).",9058031.8071128,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-23,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-31.4,NA,"FR","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",252000,NA,360000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",9058031.8071128,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-58,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-7,1,10,"DE","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,280000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-70,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-30,NA,-15,"SK","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Spain",2004,2018,"p",124363,NA,231744,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",9058031.8071128,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,150,NA,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-10,NA,0,"IT","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","UK",2016,2016,"p",66105,105777,145449,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",9058031.8071128,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-71.49,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,9.9,NA,"UK","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",84000,NA,130000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,46,NA,"HU","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",71197,71197,71197,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",9058031.8071128,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-47.19,-37.88,-26.98,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-23.85,-14.08,-3.18,"DK","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",50000,NA,80000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",9058031.8071128,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",119,157,200,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",16,22,29,"NL","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",9058031.8071128,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,1,NA,"AT","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",18200,NA,30300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-56.6,NA,"SI","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",10000,NA,17000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","For the period 1996-2007 population trend was stable (Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.)",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme in Bulgaria; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-40,NA,-30,"BG","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",10300,11900,13500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",9058031.8071128,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-62,-56,-50,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-14,2,25,"BE","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,4500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",-30,NA,-20,2009,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Greece",2015,2015,"p",400,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Apus affinis",NA,"Little Swift","Spain",2002,2018,"p",22,22,22,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Chantler, P. & Boesman, P. (2019). Little Swift (Apus affinis). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Gutiérrez, R., Lorenzo, J.A., Gorospe, G., Gutiérrez, P., López-Velasco, D., Martí-Aledo, J., Sales, S. & Vidal, C. (2011). Observaciones de aves raras en Espańa, 2010. Ardeola, 59(2), 353-412. (https://bioone.org/journals/ardeola/volume-59/issue-2/arla.59.2.2012.353/Observaciones-de-Aves-Raras-en-Espa%C3%B1a-2010/10.13157/arla.59.2.2012.353.full) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",22,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2015). Apus affinis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T22686856A59992992. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22686856/59992992) Chantler, P. & Boesman, P. (2019). Little Swift (Apus affinis). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,2200,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife International. (2015). Apus affinis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T22686856A59992992. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22686856/59992992) Chantler, P. & Boesman, P. (2019). Little Swift (Apus affinis). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,2200,NA,"ES","A677",NA,"Apus affinis" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Spain",2016,2016,"p",10270274,NA,14395391,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/vencejo_comun_tcm30-99933.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-30,-30,-30,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Guía de Aves. SEO/Birdlife. (https://www.seo.org/ave/vencejo-comun/) SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-25.9,-25.9,-25.9,"ES","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",15431337.3967247,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","France",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",15431337.3967247,1989,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",234000,259000,287000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-78,-74,-70,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-25,-17,-8,"SE","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Germany",2016,2016,"p",185000,NA,345000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",15431337.3967247,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-26,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-13,NA,"DE","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Poland",2013,2018,"p",64000,NA,187000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-3,11,27,"PL","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Finland",2013,2018,"p",75000,1e+05,150000,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-70,-53,-26,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-53,-41,-25,"FI","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",63880,99203,154055,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",15431337.3967247,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",56,NA,58,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",20.1,174.6,497.7,"LV","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-16,NA,-11,"EE","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",NA,-10,NA,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","UK",2016,2016,"p",42977,59055,75133,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",15431337.3967247,1995,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. https://app.bto.org/birdtrends/species.jsp?s=swift&year=2018",-58,-53,-49,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-41.24,NA,"UK","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",39400,55500,71600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",15431337.3967247,1973,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-46,-19,26,"BE","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",15431337.3967247,1989,2017,"UNK","absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-16,-11,-6,"NL","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Austria",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",15431337.3967247,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",13000,NA,63000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports;",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",-13,NA,5,"CY","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",9577,25864,65317.3333333333,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",15431337.3967247,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-47,-38,-27.6,"IE","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",8000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Antonov, A., Mitev, I. 2007. Apus apus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Mitev, I. 2007. Apus apus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",5,NA,10,2001,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Mitev, I. 2007. Apus apus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Hristov, I., N. Petkov. 2013. The State of Bulgaria’s Common Birds 2005-2011. BSPB, Conservation Series, book 26, BSPB, Sofia, 25 p. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",-30,NA,-20,"BG","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",10518,10518,10518,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",15431337.3967247,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-33.95,-19.4,-1.74,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-35.82,-2.75,45.34,"DK","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278.",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-50,NA,-40,"SI","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",1800,NA,2700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",-50,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",2000,2000,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",-2000,2000,2000,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Malta",2017,2018,"p",31,NA,49,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,135,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,135,NA,"MT","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",1,NA,50,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Apus caffer",NA,"White-rumped Swift","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",294.317475868634,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A424",NA,"Apus caffer" "Apus caffer",NA,"White-rumped Swift","Spain",2002,2015,"p",200,NA,250,"interval","estimateExpert","Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",294.317475868634,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2018). Apus caffer. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22686882A131921201. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22686882A131921201.en) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Prieta, J. (2015). El vencejo cafre en Extermadura / White-rumped swift (Apus caffer) in Extremadura. Aves ed Extremadura (http://aves-extremadura.blogspot.com/2015/07/el-vencejo-cafre-en-extremadura-white.html) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,66,NA,2003,2015,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2018). Apus caffer. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22686882A131921201. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22686882A131921201.en) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Prieta, J. (2015). El vencejo cafre en Extermadura / White-rumped swift (Apus caffer) in Extremadura. Aves ed Extremadura (http://aves-extremadura.blogspot.com/2015/07/el-vencejo-cafre-en-extremadura-white.html)",NA,66,NA,"ES","A424",NA,"Apus caffer" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Malta",2017,2018,"p",15,NA,21,"estimate","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,20,NA,2009,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,20,NA,"MT","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Spain",2002,2018,"p",31159,31159,31159,"Minimum","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2018). Apus pallidus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22686815A131920550. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22686815A131920550). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/vencejo__palido_tcm30-99935.pdf)",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Heath, M.F. & Hagemeijer, W.J. (2000). European bird populations: estimates and trends (No. 10). BirdLife International. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2015). Apus pallidus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T22686815A59992355. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22686815/59992355). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. Ministerio para la Transición Ecologica. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Antonov, A., Iankov, P. 2007. Apus pallidus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Iankov, P. 2007. Apus pallidus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,10,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Iankov, P. 2007. Apus pallidus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,10,"BG","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Greece",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9.",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=148&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"U","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"U","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Canary Islands",1997,2003,"p",50,NA,250,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",2000,2000,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",2000,2000,2000,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",2000,2000,2000,"GIB","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","France",2009,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",390392.279966196,1989,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Italy",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,14000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna Gustin M, Brambilla M & Celada C. 2010. Valutazione dello stato di Conservazione dell'avifauna italiana. Volume I, Non-Passeriformes. Mini",390392.279966196,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,40,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (1997); Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Apus unicolor",NA,"Plain Swift","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",12071.0678118655,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A425",NA,"Apus unicolor" "Apus unicolor",NA,"Plain Swift","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=149&Itemid=66&lang=pt Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",12071.0678118655,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Com base na opiniăo do especialista.",NA,NA,NA,"PTMA","A425",NA,"Apus unicolor" "Aquila adalberti",NA,"Spanish Imperial Eagle","Spain",2017,2018,"p",520,520,520,"estimate","completeSurvey","Grupo de trabajo del águila imperial (Spanish Imperial Eagle Working Group) – MITECO (2017). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica (2018). Estrategia para la conservación del águila imperial ibérica Aquila adalberti en Espańa y Portugal. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/estrategiaconservacionaguilaimperial_es_pt_tcm30-468403.pdf)",537,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","González, L.M. (2016). Águila imperial ibérica – Aquila adalberti. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/aquada.html) Grupo de trabajo del águila imperial (Spanish Imperial Eagle Working Group) – MITECO (2017). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. (2018). Estrategia para la conservación del águila imperial ibérica Aquila adalberti en Espańa y Portugal. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/estrategiaconservacionaguilaimperial_es_pt_tcm30-468403.pdf)",NA,500,NA,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Grupo de trabajo del águila imperial (Spanish Imperial Eagle Working Group) – MITECO (2017). González, L.M. (2016). Águila imperial ibérica – Aquila adalberti. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/aquada.html) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",NA,342,NA,"ES","A405",NA,"Aquila adalberti" "Aquila adalberti",NA,"Spanish Imperial Eagle","Portugal",2018,2018,"p",17,17,17,"estimate","completeSurvey","Plano de açăo para a conservaçăo da águia-imperial-ibérica em Portugal 2019-2029. Açăo A5 do projeto LIFE Imperial - LIFE13/NAT/PT/001300 (2019).",537,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Nunes M., Carrapato C., Pacheco C., Urbano O., Sánchez R., Tomás A., Marques A., Martins, B., Franco C., Claro J., Barosa L., Castro L., Ventura R., Cáceres R. e Maia S. 2017. PLANO DE AÇĂO PARA A CONSERVAÇĂO DA ÁGUIA-IMPERIAL-IBÉRICA EM PORTUGAL. Situaçăo de referęncia 2003-2017. ICNF, Relatório năo publicado.",NA,567,NA,"PT","A405",NA,"Aquila adalberti" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Spain",2013,2018,"p",1563,NA,1769,"estimate","estimatePartial","Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.) (2009). El águila real en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 187pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/32-aguilareal_tcm30-208246.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Aguilar, C.M. (2014). Censo de la población reproductora y parámetros reproductivos del águila real (Aquila chrysaetos) en La Rioja. Ańo 2014. Tragsatec. Informe inédito para la Dirección General de Medio Natural del Gobierno de La Rioja. Datos de seguimiento del Programa de emergencias, Control Epidemiologico y Seguimiento de Fauna Silvestre de la Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible. Junta de Andalucía. Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.) (2009). El águila real en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 187 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/32_aguila_real.pdf) Fernández, C. & Azkona, P. (2010). Censo de la población reproductora de Águila real (Aquila chrysaëtos) en Navarra. Informe inédito. Grefa (2016). Seguimento, mellora do éxito reproductivo e reforzamento poboacional da aguia real Aquila chrysaëtos en Galicia. Memoria, 2015-2016. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas. Informe no publicado. 66 pp. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",120,NA,253,2002,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Aguilar, C.M. (2014). Censo de la población reproductora y parámetros reproductivos del águila real (Aquila chrysaetos) en La Rioja. Ańo 2014. Tragsatec. Informe inédito para la Dirección General de Medio Natural del Gobierno de La Rioja. Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx). Datos de seguimiento del Programa de emergencias, Control Epidemiologico y Seguimiento de Fauna Silvestre de la Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible. Junta de Andalucía. Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.) (2009). El águila real en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 187 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/32_aguila_real.pdf) Grefa (2016). Seguimento, mellora do éxito reproductivo e reforzamento poboacional da aguia real Aquila chrysaëtos en Galicia. Memoria, 2015-2016. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas. Informe no publicado. 66 pp. Fernández, C. & Azkona, P. (2010). Censo de la población reproductora de Águila real (Aquila chrysaëtos) en Navarra. Informe inédito. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ornitolan (2018). Seguimiento de la población reproductora de Águila real en Navarra. Gobierno de Navarra. Informe inédito.",0,0,0,"ES","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",580,680,800,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Projekt Kungsörn, Project Golden Eagle",75,100,125,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Projekt Kungsörn, Project Golden Eagle",-10,0,10,"SE","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Italy",2017,2017,"p",622,NA,724,"estimate","estimateExpert","Fasce P., Fasce L. & Gustin M. (eds), 2017. Proceedings of First conference on the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos population in Italy. Population, Trends and Conservation. Avocetta 41 (2): 33-98.",5707.44377529137,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",80,NA,107,2007,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Fasce P., Fasce L. & Gustin M. (eds), 2017. Proceedings of First conference on the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos population in Italy. Population, Trends and Conservation. Avocetta 41 (2): 33-98.",25,NA,30,"IT","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","France",2013,2017,"p",600,600,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Guillaumin S., Buzzi T., David F., Degals E., Delage F., Grissier P., Hirtz M., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Lecuyer P., Maurit P., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Razin M., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2017. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2016. , LPO68 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers-surveillance2016.pdf; de Hemptinne S., Buzzi T., Champion V., David F., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Michelat D., Muller Y., Nadal R., Pacteau C., Pilard P., Riols C., Scher O., Tariel Y. & Wahl R. 2016. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2015. , LPO76 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/busards/3491/lescahiersdelasurveillance2015.pdf; Groupe Ornithologique des Pyrénées et de l'Adour, SAIAK, Réseau Français d'Ornithologie, Organbidexka Col libre, Parc National des Pyrénées, Nature Midi-Pyrénées, La Réserve Nationale d’Orlu, Association des Naturalistes Aričgeois & Réserve Naturelle Régionale Pibeste-Aoulhet 2018. Réseau Aigle Pyrénées. , https://reseau-aigles-pyrenees.jimdo.com/; Collard B., David F., Lavarec L., Philippe Lecuyer, Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Tariel Y. & Razin M. 2014. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2013. , LPO60 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/36/cahiers-surveillance-2013-vd.pdf; Munoz M. Buzz T., David F., Degals E., Delage F., Grissier P., Hirtz M., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Lecuyer P., Maurit P., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Razin M., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2015. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2014. , LPO68 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahierssurveillance2014.pdf; Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf",5707.44377529137,1985,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p ; Guillaumin S., Buzzi T., David F., Degals E., Delage F., Grissier P., Hirtz M., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Lecuyer P., Maurit P., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Razin M., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2017. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2016. , LPO68 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers-surveillance2016.pdf; de Hemptinne S., Buzzi T., Champion V., David F., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Michelat D., Muller Y., Nadal R., Pacteau C., Pilard P., Riols C., Scher O., Tariel Y. & Wahl R. 2016. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2015. , LPO76 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/busards/3491/lescahiersdelasurveillance2015.pdf; Groupe Ornithologique des Pyrénées et de l'Adour, SAIAK, Réseau Français d'Ornithologie, Organbidexka Col libre, Parc National des Pyrénées, Nature Midi-Pyrénées, La Réserve Nationale d’Orlu, Association des Naturalistes Aričgeois & Réserve Naturelle Régionale Pibeste-Aoulhet 2018. Réseau Aigle Pyrénées. , https://reseau-aigles-pyrenees.jimdo.com/; Collard B., David F., Lavarec L., Philippe Lecuyer, Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Tariel Y. & Razin M. 2014. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2013. , LPO60 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/36/cahiers-surveillance-2013-vd.pdf; Munoz M. Buzz T., David F., Degals E., Delage F., Grissier P., Hirtz M., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Lecuyer P., Maurit P., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Razin M., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2015. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2014. , LPO68 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahierssurveillance2014.pdf; Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf",NA,120,NA,2007,2017,"I","estimatePartial","LPO Mission Rapaces 2008. Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2007. Rapaces de France n° 10 - Hors-série de L'OISEAU magazine, LPO44 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/36/cahierssurveillance2007.pdf; Groupe Ornithologique des Pyrénées et de l'Adour, SAIAK, Réseau Français d'Ornithologie, Organbidexka Col libre, Parc National des Pyrénées, Nature Midi-Pyrénées, La Réserve Nationale d’Orlu, Association des Naturalistes Aričgeois & Réserve Naturelle Régionale Pibeste-Aoulhet 2018. Réseau Aigle Pyrénées. , https://reseau-aigles-pyrenees.jimdo.com/",NA,20,NA,"FR","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","UK",2015,2015,"p",510,510,510,"estimate","completeSurvey","Hayhow, D.N., Benn, S., Stevenson, A., Stirling-Aird, P.K. & Eaton, M.A. 2017. Status of Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Britain in 2015. Bird Study 64: 281-294 for GB plus two pairs in Northern Ireland reported by RBBP (Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694).",5707.44377529137,1982,2015,"I","completeSurvey","Dennis, R.H., Ellis, P.M., Broad, R.A. & Langslow, D.R. 1984. The status of the Golden Eagle in Britain. British Birds 77: 592-607. Hayhow, D.B., Benn, S., Stevenson, A., Stirling-Aird, P.K. & Eaton, M.A. 2017. Status of Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Britain in 2015. Bird Study 64: 281-294.",NA,15,NA,2003,2015,"I","completeSurvey","Green, R.E. 1996. The status of the golden eagle in Britain in 1992. Bird Study 43: 20-27. Hayhow, D.B., Benn, S., Stevenson, A., Stirling-Aird, P.K. & Eaton, M.A. 2017. Status of Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Britain in 2015. Bird Study 64: 281-294.",NA,15,NA,"UK","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Finland",2013,2018,"p",330,400,470,"estimate","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus, monitoring data. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",5707.44377529137,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus, Golden Eagle monitoring data. Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",NA,465,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus, Golden Eagle monitoring data. Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",NA,18,NA,"FI","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Austria",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",5707.44377529137,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",20,NA,40,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",0,0,0,"AT","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",150,NA,180,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222. BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Simeonov, S., T. Michev, D. Nankinov. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press, Sofia. 350 pp. (in Bulgarian) Nankinov, D., G. Stoyanov, G. Kouzmanov, R. Todorov. 1991. Informations sur la situation des Rapaces diurnes en Bulgarie. – Birds of Prey Bull., 4: 293–302. Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. , . 1982. . – : . "" "" – 1–5.XI.1982. ., , 326–330.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222. Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",0,NA,0,"BG","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,165,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",20,NA,30,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",1,NA,10,"SK","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Greece",2013,2018,"p",105,NA,155,"estimate","estimateExpert","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",-23,NA,-9,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. Based on the 20 territories referenced above, on the assumption of the estimate of BirdLife International (2015) of 125- 170 pairs. In addition of 29 territories known and confirmed as occupied in the end f 2018 – early 2019, 21 were of mixed age, or entirely immature holders.",-16,NA,-9,"GR","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",70,NA,85,"estimate","estimatePartial","António Monteiro (com. Pess.)",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",60,NA,65,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",5707.44377529137,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,50,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,50,"EE","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Germany",2016,2016,"p",43,43,43,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",5707.44377529137,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,1,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-11,-3,5,"DE","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Slovenia",2008,2013,"p",32,NA,38,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Žnidaršic M. (2019): Planinski orel Aquila chrysaetos. pp. 226-227. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",5707.44377529137,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Žnidaršic M. (2019): Planinski orel Aquila chrysaetos. pp. 226-227. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,10,2002,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Žnidaršic M. (2019): Planinski orel Aquila chrysaetos. pp. 226-227. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,10,"SI","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Poland",2013,2018,"p",28,31,34,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MOP – Golden Eagle Census)",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",70,NA,100,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MOP)",NA,11,NA,"PL","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Croatia",2018,2018,"p",15,NA,16,"interval","completeSurvey","Mikulic, K., Rajkovic, Ž., Kapelj, S., Zec, M., Lucic, V., Šaric, I., Dender, D. Budinski, I. (2019.): Završno izvješce terenskih istraživanja u 2018. i 2019. godini u sklopu izrade strucne podloge – suri orao, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 39 str.",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Mikulic, K., Rajkovic, Ž., Kapelj, S., Zec, M., Lucic, V., Šaric, I., Dender, D. Budinski, I. (2019.): Završno izvješce terenskih istraživanja u 2018. i 2019. godini u sklopu izrade strucne podloge – suri orao, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 39 str.",NA,-20,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Mikulic, K., Rajkovic, Ž., Kapelj, S., Zec, M., Lucic, V., Šaric, I., Dender, D. Budinski, I. (2019.): Završno izvješce terenskih istraživanja u 2018. i 2019. godini u sklopu izrade strucne podloge – suri orao, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 39 str.",0,0,0,"HR","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",9,10,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert: Janis Kuze, janis.kuze@ldf.lv",5707.44377529137,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",63,NA,101,2012,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bergmanis U., Kuze J., Lipsbergs J., Hofmanis H. 2012. Utbredning, populationsdynamik, ekologi och skydd av kungsörnen Aquila chrysaetos i Lettland. - Kungsörnen 2012. Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",11.91,15.47,21.47,"LV","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Ireland",2017,2018,"p",5,5,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,233,NA,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,233,NA,"IE","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",4,4,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",5707.44377529137,1999,2017,"U","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,300,NA,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,50,NA,"DK","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",3,3,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 566-568. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Firmánszky, G. (2009): Szirti sas (Aquila chrysaetos) állomány adatok – 2007 / Data on Breeding Populations of Golden Eagle – 2007 (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca: 5, 65-66. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Czech Republic",2014,2018,"p",1,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,5,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,10,NA,"CZ","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila fasciata",NA,"Bonelli's Eagle","Spain",2018,2018,"p",719,719,744,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",1120.88557780262,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. De Juana, E. (2004). Cambios en el estado de conservación de las Aves en Espańa, Ańos 1954 a 2004. Ardeola 51(1) 19-50. (https://www.ardeola.org/uploads/articles/docs/553.pdf) Demographic information provided by different regions in Spain (2018). Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.) (2006). El águila perdicera en Espańa. Población en 2005 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 171pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/9_aguila_perdicera_2005_tcm36-208004.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). 2004. Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx Ontiveros, D. (2016). Águila perdicera – Hieraaetus fasciatus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/aqufas.html) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.) (2006). El águila perdicera en Espańa. Población en 2005 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 171pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/9_aguila_perdicera_2005_tcm36-208004.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ontiveros, D. (2016). Águila perdicera – Hieraaetus fasciatus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/aqufas.html) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A707",NA,"Aquila fasciata" "Aquila fasciata",NA,"Bonelli's Eagle","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,180,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF; unpublished data SPEA.",1120.88557780262,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A707",NA,"Aquila fasciata" "Aquila fasciata",NA,"Bonelli's Eagle","Greece",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,140,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) The Bonelli’s eagle (Hieraaetusfasciatus) in Greece - Stratis Bourdakis & Stavros M. Xirouchakis 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",1120.88557780262,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) The Bonelli’s eagle (Hieraaetusfasciatus) in Greece - Stratis Bourdakis & Stavros M. Xirouchakis. 8) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) The Bonelli’s eagle (Hieraaetusfasciatus) in Greece - Stratis Bourdakis & Stavros M. Xirouchakis 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,"GR","A707",NA,"Aquila fasciata" "Aquila fasciata",NA,"Bonelli's Eagle","Italy",2018,2018,"p",44,NA,44,"estimate","estimateExpert","Di Vittorio et al., 2018. Positive demographic effects of nest surveillance campaigns to counter illegal harvest of the Bonelli’s eagle in Sicily (Italy). Animal Cons. Vol. 21, Issue 2: 120-126.",1120.88557780262,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",120,NA,195,2011,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Di Vittorio et al., 2018. Positive demographic effects of nest surveillance campaigns to counter illegal harvest of the Bonelli’s eagle in Sicily (Italy). Animal Cons. Vol. 21, Issue 2: 120-126.",45,NA,80,"IT","A707",NA,"Aquila fasciata" "Aquila fasciata",NA,"Bonelli's Eagle","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",35,NA,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service); Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",1120.88557780262,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Kassinis (2010) Bird Census News 23; Beton et al. (2013) Zoology in the Middle East; Iezekiel et al. (2003) Cyprus Institute for the Promotion of Research study; 2012 revised inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Hellicar et al.; 2004 inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Iezekiel et al.; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Also analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports.",100,NA,150,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service);",0,NA,0,"CY","A707",NA,"Aquila fasciata" "Aquila fasciata",NA,"Bonelli's Eagle","France",2013,2017,"p",30,32,34,"mean","completeSurvey","Scher O. 2018. Aigle de Bonelli - Aquila fasciatus. in Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2,",1120.88557780262,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Scher O. 2018. Aigle de Bonelli - Aquila fasciatus. in Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, ; Burger J., Hiessler N., Ponchon C., Vincent-Martin V. 2015. 3čme Plan National d’actions en faveur de l’Aigle de Bonelli 2014-2023. , CEN LR & CEN PACA155 p.",-47,-42,-37,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Scher O. 2018. Aigle de Bonelli - Aquila fasciatus. in Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, ; Collectif Bonelli 2008. Aigle de Bonelli - Aquila fasciata. in Riegel J. et les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, p. 153-180",17,25,32,"FR","A707",NA,"Aquila fasciata" "Aquila fasciata",NA,"Bonelli's Eagle","Croatia",2012,2012,"p",1,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",1120.88557780262,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A707",NA,"Aquila fasciata" "Aquila heliaca",NA,"Eastern Imperial Eagle","Hungary",2013,2017,"p",155,NA,222,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Horváth, M., Bagyura, J., Deák, G., Fatér, I., Firmánszky, G., Juhász, T., Klébert, A., Pongácz, Á., Prommer, M., Szelényi, B. & Váczi, M. (2015): A Parlagisas-védelmi és Mérgezés-megelozési Munkacsoportok 2013. évi beszámolója / Annual report of the Hungarian Imperial Eagle and Anti-poisoning Working Groups - 2013 (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 11: 6-9. Horváth, M., Fatér, I., Juhász, T., Deák, G., Bereczky, A. & Pásztory-Kovács, Sz. (2018): A Parlagisas-védelmi Munkacsoport 2016. évi beszámolója / The 2016 annual report of the Hungarian Eastern Imperial Eagle Working Group (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 14: 35-38.",319.748625482985,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 562-565. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",788,NA,903,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Horváth, M., Fatér, I., Firmánszky, G., Kleszó, A., Kovács, A., Szitta, T., Tóth, I. & Zalai, T. (2009): Parlagisas-védelmi Munkacsoport 2007. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Imperial Eagle Working Group - 2007 (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 5: 5-12. Horváth, M., Bagyura, J., Fatér, I., Firmánszky, G., Kleszó, A., Kovács, A., Szitta, T., Tóth, I., Zalai, T. & Váczi, M. (2010): Parlagisas-védelmi Munkacsoport 2008. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Imperial Eagle Working Group – 2008. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 6: 5-12. Horváth, M., Bagyura, J., Fatér, I., Firmánszky, G., Kleszó, A., Kovács, A., Szitta, T., Tóth, I., Zalai, T. & Váczi, M. (2010): Parlagisas-védelmi Munkacsoport 2009. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Imperial Eagle Working Group – 2009. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 7: 6-13. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,110,NA,"HU","A404",NA,"Aquila heliaca" "Aquila heliaca",NA,"Eastern Imperial Eagle","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",75,NA,85,"interval","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS). DANKO Š., CHAVKO, J., 2002: Orol královský, s. 199-200 In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, A. (ed.), 2002: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, 688 p. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. DANKO Š., CHAVKO, J., 1996: Breeding of the Imperial Eagle Auila heliaca in Slovakia, p. 415 – 423, In. Eagle studies, Birds of Prey Bulletin No.5, Meyburg, B.–U. & R. D. Chancellor (eds.) 1995, World Working Group on Birds of Prey (WWGBP) Berlin, London & Paris DANKO Š., CHAVKO, J., HARVANCÍK, S., KANUCH, URBAN, P., 2000: Program záchrany kriticky ohrozeného druhu orol královský (Aquila heliaca Savigny, 1809) CHAVKO, J., DANKO, Š., OBUCH, J., & MIHOK, J. 2007: The Food of the Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Slovakia. Slovak Raptor Journal 2007, 1: 1 - 18",319.748625482985,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",50,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",10,NA,20,"SK","A404",NA,"Aquila heliaca" "Aquila heliaca",NA,"Eastern Imperial Eagle","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",26,28,36,"estimate","completeSurvey","Stoychev, S., Ts. Petrov, D. Demerdzhiev, B. Tonchev, G. Daskalova, E. Stoynov. 2007. Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca. - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) Atlas of Breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Book 10. 164-165.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Stoychev S., I. Ivanov, Tz. Petrov, S. Marin, D. Demerdzhiev, G. Gradev, D. Domuschiev. 2004. Status of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aqila heliaca) in Bulgaria between 1994 and 2002. – Raptors Worldwide. 6th World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. Budapest, Hungary, 18 – 23 may 2003.; Demerdzhiev D., S. Stoychev, D. Dobrev, S. Spasov and N. Terziev. 2014. Conservation measures undertaken to improve the population status of eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Bulgaria – Slovak Raptor Journal, 8 (1): 27-39. ; Petrov, Ts., I. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Stoychev, D. Demerdzhiev 2011. Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca Savigny, 1809). – In: Golemanski, V. (ed.). Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Fauna. DEMERDZHIEV, D., M. HORVÁTH, A. KOVÁCS, S. STOYCHEV AND I. KARYAKIN 2011. Status and population trend of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Europe in the period 2000-2010. Acta zool. Bulg., Suppl. 3: 5-14. DEMERDZHIEV, D., G. GRADEV, S. STOYCHEV, I. IVANOV, TS. PETROV AND S. MARIN 2011. Increase of the population of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Bulgaria. Acta zool. Bulg., Suppl. 3: 41-54.",319.748625482985,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Stoychev, S., Ts. Petrov, D. Demerdzhiev, B. Tonchev, G. Daskalova, E. Stoynov 2007. Aquila heliaca Imperial Eagle. -In: Yankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB. Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 164-165 pp. MICHEV, T. & TZ. PETROV. 1979. On the distribution of the Imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca Savigny) in Bulgaria. Journal of the museums of South Bulgaria 5: 65-77. (In Bulgarian) PETROV, TZ., P. IANKOV, A. DARAKCHIEV, KH. NIKOLOV, T MICHEV, L. B MILCHEV. 1996. Status of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Bulgaria in the period between 1890 and 1993. Pp. 429-434. In: Meyburg, B-U. and R. D. Chancellor (eds.): Eagle Studies, WWGBP, Berlin, London Paris, Stoychev S., I. Ivanov, Tz. Petrov, S. Marin, D. Demerdzhiev, G. Gradev, D. Domuschiev. 2004. Status of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aqila heliaca) in Bulgaria between 1994 and 2002. – Raptors Worldwide. 6th World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. Budapest, Hungary, 18 – 23 may 2003. Petrov, Ts., I. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Stoychev, D. Demerdzhiev 2011. Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca Savigny, 1809). – In: Golemanski, V. (ed.). Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Fauna. DEMERDZHIEV, D., M. HORVÁTH, A. KOVÁCS, S. STOYCHEV AND I. KARYAKIN 2011. Status and population trend of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Europe in the period 2000-2010. Acta zool. Bulg., Suppl. 3: 5-14. DEMERDZHIEV, D., G. GRADEV, S. STOYCHEV, I. IVANOV, TS. PETROV AND S. MARIN 2011. Increase of the population of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Bulgaria. Acta zool. Bulg., Suppl. 3: 41-54.",20,NA,150,2000,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Demerdzhiev D., S. Stoychev, D. Dobrev, S. Spasov and N. Terziev. 2014. Conservation measures undertaken to improve the population status of eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Bulgaria – Slovak Raptor Journal, 8 (1): 27-39.; Stoychev S., I. Ivanov, Tz. Petrov, S. Marin, D. Demerdzhiev, G. Gradev, D. Domuschiev. 2004. Status of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aqila heliaca) in Bulgaria between 1994 and 2002. – Raptors Worldwide. 6th World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. Budapest, Hungary, 18 – 23 may 2003.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Demerdzhiev D., S. Stoychev, D. Dobrev, S. Spasov and N. Terziev. 2014. Conservation measures undertaken to improve the population status of eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Bulgaria – Slovak Raptor Journal, 8 (1): 27-39.; Stoychev, S., Ts. Petrov, D. Demerdzhiev, B. Tonchev, G. Daskalova, E. Stoynov 2007. Aquila heliaca Imperial Eagle. -In: Yankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB. Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 164-165 pp.; Petrov, Ts., I. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Stoychev, D. Demerdzhiev 2011. Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca Savigny, 1809). – In: Golemanski, V. (ed.). Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Fauna.; DEMERDZHIEV, D., M. HORVÁTH, A. KOVÁCS, S. STOYCHEV AND I. KARYAKIN 2011. Status and population trend of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Europe in the period 2000-2010. Acta zool. Bulg., Suppl. 3: 5-14.; DEMERDZHIEV, D., G. GRADEV, S. STOYCHEV, I. IVANOV, TS. PETROV AND S. MARIN 2011. Increase of the population of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Bulgaria. Acta zool. Bulg., Suppl. 3: 41-54.;",20,NA,150,"BG","A404",NA,"Aquila heliaca" "Aquila heliaca",NA,"Eastern Imperial Eagle","Austria",2013,2018,"p",11,NA,19,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from species conservation projects in Lower Austria and Burgenland",319.748625482985,1999,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Ranner 2006; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from species conservation projects in Lower Austria and Burgenland",NA,1500,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from species conservation projects in Lower Austria and Burgenland",NA,123,NA,"AT","A404",NA,"Aquila heliaca" "Aquila heliaca",NA,"Eastern Imperial Eagle","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",319.748625482985,1998,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript) expert opinion, unpublished data",NA,800,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript) expert opinion, unpublished data",NA,75,NA,"CZ","A404",NA,"Aquila heliaca" "Aquila heliaca",NA,"Eastern Imperial Eagle","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1,NA,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","Midwinter Counts Database, Hellenic Ornithological Society",319.748625482985,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Midwinter Counts Database, Hellenic Ornithological Society",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Midwinter Counts Database, Hellenic Ornithological Society",NA,0,NA,"GR","A404",NA,"Aquila heliaca" "Aquila heliaca",NA,"Eastern Imperial Eagle","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",319.748625482985,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,-100,NA,"HR","A404",NA,"Aquila heliaca" "Aquila heliaca",NA,"Eastern Imperial Eagle","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kourtellarides, in his book The Breeding birds of Cyprus (Bank of Cyprus publications -1997) gives an account of last known nest Troodos forest, 1985. Flint & Stewart, in BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus, note the eagle as a very scarce resident, with possibly 1-2 p in the Troodos range, but most recent confirmed record sighted is from 1960. Species Action Plan notes 2-4p in Cyprus 1993. Whaley & Dawes, in their 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas, note that there are only two recent breeding season reports – August 1994 and April 2000. Only sporadic recent records in BirdLife Cyprus Annual reports, and not in breeding season.",319.748625482985,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Cyprus sightings records as reported in annual reports and held in archives; Flint &Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (Bank of Cyprus publications -1997); Whaley & Dawes, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; No confriemed record of the species breeding in Cyprus since 1985, 1-2 breeding pairs up to that point.",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Cyprus sightings records as reported in annual reports and held in archives; Flint &Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (Bank of Cyprus publications -1997); Whaley & Dawes, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; No confriemed record of the species breeding in Cyprus since 1985.",0,NA,0,"CY","A404",NA,"Aquila heliaca" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Italy",2013,2018,"p",234,NA,608,"estimate","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola com.pers., in Gustin M., 2018. Redazione del Rapporto sullo stato di conservazione delle popolazioni italiane di u",9425.49634111035,1990,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",23300,NA,60700,2002,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola pers. Comm. 2018, in Gustin M., 2018. ISPRA, relazione interna su incarico a LIPU, 14 pp.",175,NA,510,"IT","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,50,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 76-77; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Michev T. (2011). Great White Egret. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/). SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",9425.49634111035,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 76-77; Michev T. (2011). Great White Egret. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",0,NA,40,2000,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 76-77; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Michev T. (2011). Great White Egret. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",0,NA,40,"BG","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","UK",2012,2016,"p",8,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","RBBP data for 2017",9425.49634111035,2012,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,350,NA,2012,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,350,NA,"UK","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Greece",2013,2018,"p",121,121,121,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5. Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 6. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 8. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",9425.49634111035,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6. Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 7. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 8. Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,438,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6. Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 7. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 8. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",NA,240,NA,"GR","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",150,NA,340,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",9425.49634111035,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",124566,286911,648634,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",191,258,340,"NL","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2,2,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Cont",9425.49634111035,1973,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,200,NA,2012,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,200,NA,"BE","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",4173,NA,4666,"estimate","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 518-521. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",9425.49634111035,1976,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 518-521. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,1424,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 518-521. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","France",2014,2014,"p",601,601,601,"estimate","completeSurvey","Marion, L. 2019. Recensement national des Hérons coloniaux de France 2014. Héron cendré, Héron pourpré, Héron bihoreau, Héron crabier, Héron garde-boeufs, Aigrette garzette et Grande Aigrette.. , SESLG, Université Rennes 1109 p.",9425.49634111035,1994,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Marion L. & Marion P. 1994. Premičres nidifications réussies de la Grande Aigrette Egretta alba en France, au lac de Grand-Lieu. Alauda 62, 149-152",19933,NA,29950,2007,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Marion, L. 2019. Recensement national des Hérons coloniaux de France 2014. Héron cendré, Héron pourpré, Héron bihoreau, Héron crabier, Héron garde-boeufs, Aigrette garzette et Grande Aigrette.. , SESLG, Université Rennes 1109 p. ; Marion L. 2009. Recensement national des hérons arboricoles de France en 2000. Héron cendré, Héron pourpré, Héron bihoreau, Héron crabier, Héron garde-boeufs, Aigrette garzette et Grande Aigrette. Version corrigée. , DNP-SESLG-MNHN-Université Rennes 185 p.",NA,223,NA,"FR","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Germany",2016,2016,"p",12,12,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",9425.49634111035,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",94,264,552,"DE","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",115,NA,180,"mean","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",9425.49634111035,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",300,NA,400,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",9425.49634111035,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",50000,NA,70000,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2000,NA,3000,"LT","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,350,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Program starostlivosti CHVÚ Medzibodrožie 2016-2045, B. Bystrica, ŠOP SR, 2015",9425.49634111035,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Rybanic R., Šutiaková T. & Benko Š. 2004: Významné vtácie územia na Slovensku. - SOVS, Bratislava, 218 pp.",50,NA,100,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Rybanic R., Šutiaková T. & Benko Š. 2004: Významné vtácie územia na Slovensku. - SOVS, Bratislava, 218 pp.",0,0,0,"SK","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",9425.49634111035,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,10,NA,2006,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",50,NA,100,"EE","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Spain",2010,2018,"p",38,98,156,"interval","completeSurvey","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",9425.49634111035,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",15.18,NA,100,"ES","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Poland",2013,2018,"p",168,335,489,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",9425.49634111035,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",16800,NA,48900,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",20,NA,140,"PL","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",750,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",9425.49634111035,2000,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv http://www.putni.lv/ardalb.htm",85962,NA,86841,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",747.13,761.68,764.82,"LV","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Austria",2013,2017,"p",329,NA,780,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, BirdLife Asutria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",9425.49634111035,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al 2016",NA,150,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",NA,-22,NA,"AT","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","France",2014,2014,"p",29179,NA,29179,"estimate","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",144994.544543381,1981,2014,"I","completeSurvey",NA,192,NA,192,2007,2014,"D","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",-8,-8,-8,"FR","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Germany",2016,2016,"p",20000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",144994.544543381,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",40,62,88,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",-17,-17,-17,"DE","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10338,NA,11798,"estimate","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola com.pers., in Gustin M., 2018. Redazione del Rapporto sullo stato di conservazione delle popolazioni italiane di u",144994.544543381,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",290,NA,935,2002,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola pers. Comm. 2018, in Gustin M., 2018. ISPRA, relazione interna su incarico a LIPU, 14 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","UK",2013,2017,"p",10023,10551,11159,"estimate","completeSurvey","BTO Heronries Census",144994.544543381,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO Heronies Census http://www.bto.org/volunteer-surveys/heronries smoothed trend. [87 year trend (!) 1929-2016 is +26% (CI -5% to +49%)]",NA,-9,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-29.01,NA,"UK","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",8150,NA,11500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",144994.544543381,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",45,47,49,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-33,-29,-24,"NL","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Poland",2013,2018,"p",9000,NA,9500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",-62,-32,18,"PL","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5500,7000,8600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",7,42,89,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",3,30,62,"SE","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",5521,5521,5521,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",144994.544543381,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",11.82,58.55,124.08,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-35.18,7.12,73.48,"DK","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Spain",2010,2018,"p",5424,NA,5524,"interval","completeSurvey","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",NA,370,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",NA,33,NA,"ES","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",144994.544543381,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",NA,-3,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",5,NA,33,"CZ","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",2970,NA,3343,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",144994.544543381,1976,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,82,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",3087,3087,3087,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. & Holt, C. (2013) Estimates of waterbird numbers wintering in Ireland, 2006/07 – 2010/11. Irish Birds (unpublished). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sheppard, R. (1993). Ireland's Wetland Wealth. Irish Wildbird Conservancy.",144994.544543381,1980,2011,"S","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,0,NA,2000,2011,"S","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London",NA,0,NA,"IE","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",2700,NA,3500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Horvat D. (2010):Gniježdenje i populacijska dinamika sive caplje (Ardea cinerea Linnaeus, 1758) u Hrvatskoj. Sveucilište u Zagrebu,Prirodoslovno – matematicki fakultet,Biološki odsjek, Diplomski rad. 39 pp.",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",10,NA,20,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",0,0,0,"HR","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",144994.544543381,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",66,NA,92,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",23,NA,66,"EE","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1600,1900,2100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",144994.544543381,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",135,179,209,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-36,-24,-16,"BE","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1484,1484,1484,"Minimum","estimatePartial","1. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2. Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 3. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 4. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 5. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6. Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp.",NA,284,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6. Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 7. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",NA,25,NA,"GR","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",1100,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",144994.544543381,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",73,NA,76,2000,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-10.78,-9.74,-8.65,"LV","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1234,NA,1550,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF; eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-40,NA,-20,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-62,NA,-45,"LT","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1000,1250,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",144994.544543381,1987,2018,"I",NA,"Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",NA,65,NA,"FI","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",200,NA,400,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Austria",2013,2017,"p",1150,NA,1250,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at (Vienna, Burgenland excluding Neusiedler See, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg), R. Parz-Gollner (unpublished data for Lower Austria), P. Sackl (unpublished data for Styria), E. Nemeth, unpublished data (Neusiedler See/Burgenland), Brader & Parz-Gollner (2016) for Upper Austria, Ornithologischer Rundbrief Kärnten April 2018.",144994.544543381,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1993",NA,70,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at (Vienna, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg), R. Parz-Gollner (unpublished data for Lower Austria), P. Sackl (unpublished data for Styria), E. Nemeth (unpublished data for Burgenland), Brader & Parz-Gollner (2016) for Upper Austria, Ornithologischer Rundbrief Kärnten April 2018.",NA,-13,NA,"AT","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 78-79; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Michev T., Ts. Petrov, H. Nikolov, Z. Boev (2011). Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, web edition, (http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/). SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 78-79; Michev T., Ts. Petrov, H. Nikolov, Z. Boev (2011). Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, web edition, (http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 78-79; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Michev T., Ts. Petrov, H. Nikolov, Z. Boev (2011). Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, web edition, (http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",0,NA,0,"BG","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002",10,NA,30,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",20,NA,30,"SK","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,130,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Weiss J. (1995): Zum Wiederauftreten des Graureihers (Ardea cinerea) als Brutvogel in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte 15; Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58. Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58. Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",30,NA,40,"LU","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Spain",2010,2018,"p",2712,NA,2762,"interval","estimatePartial","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",-22.14,NA,-8.7,"ES","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Austria",2013,2017,"p",130,NA,156,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, unpublished reports of the Gebietsbetreuung Unterer Inn, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",14308.8841910439,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, unpublished reports of the Gebietsbetreuung Unterer Inn, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at, Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding birds 1981-1985)",NA,82,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, unpublished reports of the Gebietsbetreuung Unterer Inn, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at, Ranner et al. 2015",NA,11,NA,"AT","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,200,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,200,"SI","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",740,NA,990,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",14308.8841910439,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",188,203,218,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",16,46,84,"NL","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",14308.8841910439,1981,2017,"UNK","completeSurvey","Waterbird numbers were recorded in mid-January by regular citizen-science monitoring programme - the International Waterbird Census (IWC) – see Gilissen et al. 2002, Wetlands International 2006, Wetlands International 2019. Hundreds of volunteer birdwatchers conduct the mid-January counts on predetermined dates and sites each year, aiming to maximize synchrony (Gilissen et al. 2002, Musil et al. 2011, Musilová et al. 2014). The individual species trends in numbers was calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011), Musilová et al. (2015), Musilová et al. (2018 a, b). Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue 2: 42–59. Gilissen N, Haanstra L, Delany S, Boere G, Hagemeijer W (2002) Numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Western Palearctic and Southwest Asia in 1987, 1988 and 1999. Results from the International Waterbird Census. Wetlands International Global Series No. 11, Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M (2018a) Changes in habitat suitability influence non-breeding distribution of waterbirds in central Europe. Ibis: 160: 582–596. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M, Bejcek V (2018b) Importance of Natura 2000 sites for wintering waterbirds: Low preference, species’ distribution changes and carrying capacity of Natura 2000 could fail to protect the species. Biological Conservation 228: 79–88. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Bejcek V, Štastný K, Hudec K (2014) Numbers of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic: long-term and spatial-scale approaches to assess population size. Bird Study 61: 321–331. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Romportl D (2015) Long-term trends, total numbers and species richness of increasing waterbird populations at sites on the edge of their winter range: cold-weather refuge sites are more important than protected sites. J Ornithol: 1–10. Pannekoek J, Van Strien AJ (2005) TRIM 3 Manual (TRends and Indices for Monitoring Data). Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2006) Waterbird population estimates. Fourth Edition. Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2019) Waterbird Population Estimates. Available at: wpe.wetlands.org (accessed 10 March 2019).",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-60,NA,0,"CZ","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Germany",2012,2016,"p",60,60,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",14308.8841910439,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,322,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",69,245,579,"DE","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2094,NA,2496,"estimate","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola com.pers., in Gustin M., 2018. Redazione del Rapporto sullo stato di conservazione delle popolazioni italiane di u",14308.8841910439,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",255,NA,500,2002,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola pers. Comm. 2018, in Gustin M., 2018. ISPRA, relazione interna su incarico a LIPU, 14 pp.",5,NA,9,"IT","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-50,NA,-40,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-10,NA,-5,"HR","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Boev Z., Michev T., Kambourova N. (2011). Purple Heron. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Boev Z., Michev T., Kambourova N. (2011). Purple Heron. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",50,NA,100,2000,2018,"UNK","absentData","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 80-81; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Boev Z., Michev T., Kambourova N. (2011). Purple Heron. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,25,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Program starostlivosti CHVÚ Medzibodrožie 2016-2045, B. Bystrica, ŠOP SR, 2015",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-40,NA,-20,"SK","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Greece",2013,2018,"p",45,45,45,"Minimum","estimatePartial","1. e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 4. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 6. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 7) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London.",NA,-60,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#) 7) Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9..",NA,-6,NA,"GR","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",797,NA,920,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF; eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012)",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","France",2007,2014,"p",2544,NA,2544,"estimate","completeSurvey","Loďc Marion 2018. Recensement National des Hérons coloniaux de France en 2014. Recensement National des Hérons coloniaux de France en 2014, SESLG-Uniiversité de Rennes1-CNRS, https://cdnfiles1.biolovision.net/franche-comte.lpo.fr/userfiles/publications/rapportsmissions/RapportrecHrons2014FINAL-compress.pdf",14308.8841910439,1974,2014,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-9,NA,2007,2014,"D","completeSurvey","Loďc Marion 2018. Recensement National des Hérons coloniaux de France en 2014. Recensement National des Hérons coloniaux de France en 2014, SESLG-Uniiversité de Rennes1-CNRS, https://cdnfiles1.biolovision.net/franche-comte.lpo.fr/userfiles/publications/rapportsmissions/RapportrecHrons2014FINAL-compress.pdf",NA,-14,NA,"FR","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",633,NA,802,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 518-521. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 522-524. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-58,NA,-11,"HU","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","Spain",2013,2018,"p",1961,NA,2449,"estimate","completeSurvey","Garrido, J. R., Molina, B. & Del Moral, J. C. (Eds.) (2012). Las garzas en Espańa, población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/38garzas.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife.",8364.89425260648,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International (2018). Ardeola ralloides. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22697123A131940696. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22697123A131940696.en) Garrido, J. R., Molina, B. & Del Moral, J. C. (Eds.) (2012). Las garzas en Espańa, población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/38garzas.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. (https://www.seo.org/ave/garcilla-cangrejera/)",0,0,0,"ES","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","Italy",2013,2018,"p",314,NA,461,"estimate","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola com.pers., in Gustin M., 2018. Redazione del Rapporto sullo stato di conservazione delle popolazioni italiane di u",8364.89425260648,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2002,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola pers. Comm. 2018, in Gustin M., 2018. ISPRA, relazione interna su incarico a LIPU, 14 pp.",-40,NA,-30,"IT","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,550,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports",8364.89425260648,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",-20,NA,-10,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",-20,NA,-10,"BG","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",20,20,20,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str",8364.89425260648,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str",-50,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str",NA,-20,NA,"HR","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",8,NA,12,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",8364.89425260648,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",25,NA,50,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",71,NA,300,"CY","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","Greece",2013,2018,"p",562,562,562,"Minimum","estimatePartial","1. e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 4. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 6. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",8364.89425260648,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 8) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,116,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 8. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",NA,-19,NA,"GR","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",8364.89425260648,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","France",2014,2014,"p",600,NA,605,"estimate","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",8364.89425260648,1981,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",NA,652.5,NA,2007,2014,"S","completeSurvey","Marion, L. 2019. Recensement national des Hérons coloniaux de France 2014. Héron cendré, Héron pourpré, Héron bihoreau, Héron crabier, Héron garde-boeufs, Aigrette garzette et Grande Aigrette.. , SESLG, Université Rennes 1109 p.",0,NA,5,"FR","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",244,NA,286,"estimate","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 512-514. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",8364.89425260648,1976,2018,"F","completeSurvey","http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 512-514. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Arenaria interpres",NA,"Ruddy Turnstone","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",20,20,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",2434.28427124746,1980,2017,"i","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-7.31,70.35,210.08,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-83.91,-74.84,-61.28,"DK","A169",NA,"Arenaria interpres" "Arenaria interpres",NA,"Ruddy Turnstone","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",750,900,1100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",2434.28427124746,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Regional inventories",-80,-70,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-60,-50,-40,"SE","A169",NA,"Arenaria interpres" "Arenaria interpres",NA,"Ruddy Turnstone","Finland",2013,2018,"p",616,1486,2238,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2434.28427124746,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Archipelago Bird Census Data.Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",80,84,87,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-43,-27,-8,"FI","A169",NA,"Arenaria interpres" "Arenaria interpres",NA,"Ruddy Turnstone","Germany",2011,2016,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2434.28427124746,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-32,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-56,NA,"DE","A169",NA,"Arenaria interpres" "Arenaria interpres",NA,"Ruddy Turnstone","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2434.28427124746,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-89,NA,-75,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,-17,NA,"EE","A169",NA,"Arenaria interpres" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",500,5000,14000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",8291.13284787938,1982,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Birds of Prey monitoring data and Line Transect data, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-78,-69,-55,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Birds of Prey monitoring data and Line Transect data, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",0,0,0,"FI","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",760,1700,4700,"mean","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,150,"SE","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","UK",2009,2009,"p",620,NA,2180,"estimate","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100.",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100.",0,0,0,2004,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100.",0,0,0,"UK","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Spain",2013,2018,"p",162,162,162,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Onrubia, A. (2016). Búho campestre - Asio flammeus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org.)",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp.(https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Onrubia, A. (2010). Búho campestre-Asio flammeus. En Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. Salvador, A. & Bautista, L.M. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","France",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,120,"estimate","estimateExpert","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",8291.13284787938,1989,2017,"F","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,2007,2017,"F","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Germany",2012,2016,"p",40,NA,45,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",8291.13284787938,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-55,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-54,NA,"DE","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",10,NA,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",8291.13284787938,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-89,-86,-83,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-1,74,196,"NL","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,2013,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,35,"estimate","estimatePartial","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-100,NA,-56,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Hungary",2014,2017,"p",7,NA,41,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 www.birding.hu",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 629-632.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 629-632.",0,0,0,"HU","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,13,26,"mean","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",8291.13284787938,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-100,333,767,2008,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",8291.13284787938,1987,2018,"F","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",0,0,0,"EE","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,46,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished project data from monitoring programs in Natura 2000 sites",8291.13284787938,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished project data from monitoring programs in Natura 2000 sites; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding birds 1981-1985",20,NA,60,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished project data from monitoring programs in Natura 2000 sites",NA,145,NA,"AT","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Denmark",2015,2015,"p",6,6,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",8291.13284787938,1980,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,12,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Croatia",2013,2015,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",8291.13284787938,1980,2017,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","expert opinion",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",0,0,0,"CZ","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Latvia",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne. Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Avotinš sen., A., Graubics, G., Kemlers, A., Kreslinš, V., Kuze, J., Lolans, U., 1999. Number and breeding densities of owls in Latvia: studies in sample plots. Vogelwelt 120, 333–337. Eionet, 2014. Bird population status and trends at the EU and Member State levels [WWW Document]. URL https://bd.eionet.europa.eu/article12/summary",-100,-100,-100,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Unpublished data of EBBA2 and Eionet, 2014. Bird population status and trends at the EU and Member State levels [WWW Document]. URL https://bd.eionet.europa.eu/article12/summary",-100,-100,-100,"LV","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","France",2009,2018,"p",23200,NA,46300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",186042.660587125,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Germany",2016,2016,"p",25000,NA,41000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",186042.660587125,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-10,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,"DE","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2010,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MLSL)",-53,0,101,"PL","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Croatia",2010,2010,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Italy",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Caprimulgidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",186042.660587125,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",140,NA,200,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",6000,NA,8000,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 87 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 377-378 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 165 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 149 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Asio_otus.pdf Magyar madárvonulási atlasz (Laczik Dénes et.al., 366-368 p.), Kossuth Kiadó, 2009 National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Latvia",2017,2017,"p",3766,6788,12362,"interval","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",186042.660587125,1990,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",-48,-11,50,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",-54,-26,17,"LV","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,8500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. Simeonov, S., T. Michev, D. Nankinov. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press, Sofia. 350 pp. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5000,6000,7000,"mean","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,-20,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,-30,-20,"SE","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,4500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",186042.660587125,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Spain",2002,2018,"p",3321,3321,3321,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-5,NA,55,"ES","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","UK",2007,2011,"p",1800,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Poyser, London. Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100.",186042.660587125,1988,2011,"D","estimatePartial","Magnitude of change cannot be specified but evidence suggests a real decline long term. Trend inferred from 20 year index of distribution change in GB = -0.45 and for island of Ireland = -0.44 indicating significant reduction of distribution (as documented by comparision of 1988-91 and 2007-11 BTO breeding atlases: Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swann, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R.J. 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-2011. The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. BTO, BirdWatch Ireland & SOC; Thetford, Norfolk. 720 pp.)",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"UK","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1900,2900,3900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",186042.660587125,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-58,-36,-13,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-53,-28,-3,"BE","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",2200,NA,3000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",186042.660587125,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-89,-85,-81,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-53,-40,-25,"NL","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",186042.660587125,1987,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",2,NA,114,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",1,NA,43,"EE","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Ireland",2012,2012,"p",1484,NA,2703,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Hardey, J., Crick, H., Wernham, C., Riley, H., Etheridge, B. And Thompson, D. (2009) Raptors, A Field Guide for Surveys and Monitoring. Scottish National Heritage. Lusby, J. Cregg, P. & O’Clery, M. (2012) The West Offaly Raptor Conservation Project; Final Report 2012. Unpublished report by BirdWatch Ireland. O’Clery, M., McDonnell, B. & Lusby, J. (2012) The Duhallow Raptor Conservation Project; Interim Report 2012. Unpublished report by BirdWatch Ireland. Expert opinion: J. Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",186042.660587125,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinion: J. Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinion: J. Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2000,2000,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Birds in Europe III.",186042.660587125,1996,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-9.9,25,72.59,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",1800,NA,2200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",186042.660587125,1980,2017,"F","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,2002,2017,"F","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,"SI","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",900,1500,2000,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",186042.660587125,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-65,-57,-46,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-58,-35,-2,"FI","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Weiss J. (2008): Hohe Siedlungsdichte von Waldohreulen Asio otus in einer Ortschaft. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 66-69",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Weiss J. (2008): Hohe Siedlungsdichte von Waldohreulen Asio otus in einer Ortschaft. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 66-69; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Weiss J. (2008): Hohe Siedlungsdichte von Waldohreulen Asio otus in einer Ortschaft. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 66-69",0,NA,0,"LU","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2017,"D","estimatePartial","GTAN-SPEA, 2019. Relatório do Programa NOCTUA Portugal (2009/10 - 2017/18).Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Azores",2005,2013,"p",149,NA,244,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lourenço R., Roque I., Tomé R., Sepúlveda P., Atlas E., Melo C., & Pereira C. 2015. Current status and distribution of nocturnal birds (Strigiformes and Caprimulgiformes) in Portugal. Airo, 23, pp. 36-50.",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,330,"estimate","estimateExpert","Very limited data. Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service)",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",20,NA,50,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Very limited data. Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service)",0,NA,65,"CY","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Italy",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",262128.203619727,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",130,NA,300,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2017,"D","estimatePartial","GTAN-SPEA, 2019. Relatório do Programa NOCTUA Portugal (2009/10 - 2017/18).Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Spain",1998,2018,"p",39433,39433,39433,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-25,NA,"ES","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","France",2009,2012,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. 2015. Hameau, O. (2015), Chevęche d'Athéna. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015) Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropiltaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN. Delachaux et Nieslé, Paris, 1408 p., Delachaux & Niestlé, paris1408 ; Roché, J., Muller, Y. & Siblet, J.P. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d'oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 81, p: 241 - 268",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert",". Masson, L. & Nadal, R. (2010) La Chevęche d'Athéna (Athene noctua), Bilan du plan national d’action Chevęche d’Athéna 2000 - 2010. LPO. 61 pages. ; LPO . LPO Mission rapace - Chevęche d'Athéna. , http://rapaces.lpo.fr/cheveche-dathena/la-cheveche-dathena#idancre1; Issa, N. & Muler, Y. 2015. Hameau, O. 2015 Chevęche d'Athéna. in Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN.Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris1408 ; Rocamora, G. & Yetman-Berthelot, D. 1999. Génot, J-C. (1999) Chevęche d'Athéna, Athena noctua. in Rocamora, G. & Yetman-Berthelot, D. (1999) Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. Listes rouges et recherche de priorités. Populations. Tendances. Menaces. Conservation. SEOF/LPO. PAris 560 p., 560",-50,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. 2015. Hameau, O. (2015), Chevęche d'Athéna. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015) Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropiltaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN. Delachaux et Nieslé, Paris, 1408 p., Delachaux & Niestlé, paris1408",0,NA,0,"FR","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",7900,10100,12200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",262128.203619727,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",8,38,67,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-25,-4,16,"BE","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",7500,NA,8500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",262128.203619727,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-45,-44,-43,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-7,2,11,"NL","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Germany",2011,2016,"p",7500,NA,8500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",262128.203619727,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-1,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-8,-1,5,"DE","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,5,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",-40,NA,-20,"BG","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Very limited data. Expert opinion",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Very limited data. Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Croatia",2010,2010,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Hámori D., Csörgo T., (2017) – Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme. 62-70 p. Herman Ottó Intézet Demeter I., Horváth M. & Prommer M. (2017): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása. Heliaca 15: 74-75 p. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 330 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 86 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 218-219 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 163 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 374-375 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 148 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Athene_noctua.pdf Hámori D., Csörgo T., (2017) – Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme. 62-70 p. Herman Ottó Intézet Demeter I., Horváth M. & Prommer M. (2017): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása. Heliaca 15: 74-75 p. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",20,NA,50,"HU","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-192",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-67,NA,-54,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-70,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-30,NA,-20,"SK","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",140,NA,190,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",262128.203619727,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-80,NA,-50,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,10,NA,"AT","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",262128.203619727,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",-87,NA,-70,2002,2017,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","expert opinion",NA,-90,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,-50,NA,"CZ","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,30,"mean","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16 Lorgé P., M. Jans (2006): Gehört der Steinkauz Athene noctua in Luxemburg bald zum alten Eisen? Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 54-58; Biver G. & Lorgé P. (2009): Plan d'action Espčces Chouette chevčche Athene noctua. Ministčre du Développement Durable et des Infrastructures & Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg.",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16 Lorgé P., M. Jans (2006): Gehört der Steinkauz Athene noctua in Luxemburg bald zum alten Eisen? Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 54-58",-70,NA,-50,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16 Lorgé P., M. Jans (2006): Gehört der Steinkauz Athene noctua in Luxemburg bald zum alten Eisen? Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 54-58",0,NA,30,"LU","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",10,10,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",262128.203619727,1990,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-98.36,-95.77,-89.42,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-97.28,-93.51,-85.42,"DK","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys , V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,NA,0,"LT","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",1,5,5,"mean","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",-5,-1,-1,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",-5,-1,-1,"GIB","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Latvia",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne. Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Avotinš sen., A., Graubics, G., Kemlers, A., Kreslinš, V., Kuze, J., Lolans, U., 1999. Number and breeding densities of owls in Latvia: studies in sample plots. Vogelwelt 120, 333–337.",-100,-100,-100,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Unpublished data of EBBA2 and Eionet, 2014. Bird population status and trends at the EU and Member State levels [WWW Document]. URL https://bd.eionet.europa.eu/article12/summary",0,0,0,"LV","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",7000,NA,14000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",38731.595846316,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-2,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-22,NA,-18,"CZ","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Spain",2007,2018,"p",4292,NA,4546,"estimate","estimatePartial","Fox, A.D., Caizergues, A., Banik, M.V., Devos, K., Dvorak, M., Ellermaa, M., Folliot, B., Green, A.J., Grüneberg, Guillemain, C.M., Hĺland, A., Hornman, M., Keller, V., Koshelev, A.I., Kostiushyn, V.A., Kozulin, A., L awicki, L., Luigujőe, L., Müller, C., Musil, P., Musilová, Z., Nilsson, L., Mischenko, A., Pöysä, H., Šciban, M., Sjenicic´, J., Stďpniece, A., Švažas, S. & Wahl, J. (2016). Recent changes in the abundance of Common Pochard Aythya ferina breeding in Europe. Wildfowl, 66(66), 22-40. (https://wildfowl.wwt.org.uk/index.php/wildfowl/article/view/2638/1758). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Fox, A.D., Caizergues, A., Banik, M.V., Devos, K., Dvorak, M., Ellermaa, M., Folliot, B., Green, A.J., Grüneberg, Guillemain, C.M., Hĺland, A., Hornman, M., Keller, V., Koshelev, A.I., Kostiushyn, V.A., Kozulin, A., L awicki, L., Luigujőe, L., Müller, C., Musil, P., Musilová, Z., Nilsson, L., Mischenko, A., Pöysä, H., Šciban, M., Sjenicic´, J., Stďpniece, A., Švažas, S. & Wahl, J. (2016). Recent changes in the abundance of Common Pochard Aythya ferina breeding in Europe. Wildfowl, 66(66), 22-40. (https://wildfowl.wwt.org.uk/index.php/wildfowl/article/view/2638/1758). Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Fox, A.D., Caizergues, A., Banik, M.V., Devos, K., Dvorak, M., Ellermaa, M., Folliot, B., Green, A.J., Grüneberg, Guillemain, C.M., Hĺland, A., Hornman, M., Keller, V., Koshelev, A.I., Kostiushyn, V.A., Kozulin, A., L awicki, L., Luigujőe, L., Müller, C., Musil, P., Musilová, Z., Nilsson, L., Mischenko, A., Pöysä, H., Šciban, M., Sjenicic´, J., Stďpniece, A., Švažas, S. & Wahl, J. (2016). Recent changes in the abundance of Common Pochard Aythya ferina breeding in Europe. Wildfowl, 66(66), 22-40. (https://wildfowl.wwt.org.uk/index.php/wildfowl/article/view/2638/1758). Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189: A. Sikora - unpublished information",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-90,NA,-80,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-46,-22,10,"PL","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Germany",2016,2016,"p",2800,NA,3900,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",38731.595846316,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-45,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-30,NA,"DE","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","France",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,38731.595846316,1985,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-40,NA,-20,2013,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1800,NA,2200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",38731.595846316,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-34,-13,14,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",9,32,58,"NL","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",620,910,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",38731.595846316,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",276,452,627,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-17,21,60,"BE","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","completeSurvey","National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",-87,NA,-80,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",-75,NA,-67,"HU","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","UK",2012,2016,"p",701,701,701,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",38731.595846316,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,250,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,45,NA,"UK","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Finland",2018,2018,"p",600,675,750,"estimate","estimatePartial","Toivanen, T. 2019: Katsaus punasotkan nykytilaan ja kannankehitykseen eri osissa Suomea: Vuoden lintu -hankeen 2018 tuloksia. - Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 6-13. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",38731.595846316,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",88,92,94,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-96,-86,-73,"FI","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Latvia",2015,2018,"p",500,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",38731.595846316,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-71,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-68.49,-68.38,-68.15,"LV","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",300,500,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-95,-85,-75,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-70,-50,-30,"SE","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",NA,-80,NA,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-84,NA,-83,"LT","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",38731.595846316,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] [2] Breeding bird survey of inland lakes 2018 http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4140:siseveekogude-haudelinnustiku-seire-2018-a&catid=1358:elustiku-mitmekesisuse-seire-2018&Itemid=5872",-945,NA,132,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-70,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",339,339,339,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",38731.595846316,1989,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-57.54,-34.22,1.25,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-16.28,27.64,91.86,"DK","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Italy",2010,2016,"p",280,NA,380,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",38731.595846316,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-10,NA,-5,2012,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",85,NA,90,"IT","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",80,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Petkov, N. 2004. Comparative Ecological Studies on the Ferruginous Duck and Common Pochard during breeding season in Bulgaria. PhD thesis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciencies. Sofia, Central Laboratory of General Ecology.",5,NA,20,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Petkov, N. 2004. Comparative Ecological Studies on the Ferruginous Duck and Common Pochard during breeding season in Bulgaria. PhD thesis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciencies, Sofia. Central Laboratory of General Ecology",0,0,0,"BG","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",60,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",300,NA,700,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,117,NA,"SI","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Austria",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,90,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",38731.595846316,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-80,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-70,NA,-30,"AT","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Greece",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",NA,100,NA,"LU","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",0,0,0,"Minimum","absentData","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr) Nedovoljan broj podataka za procjenu populacije.",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",53000,75000,93000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-60,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-3,NA,53,"SE","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Finland",2013,2018,"p",33722,58549,79908,"mean","completeSurvey","In this estimate data from inland and archpelago were combined while in the previous only inland was used. Monitoring schemes, from which data was combined (on the basis of of the proportions of birds in each environment as estimated by Väisänen et al. 1998): Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",228904.62965175,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL), combined with Archipelago bird census organized by Metsähallitus. Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-65,-61,-56,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL), combined with Archipelago bird census organized by Metsähallitus. Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-54,-45,-34,"FI","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Germany",2016,2016,"p",21000,NA,31000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",228904.62965175,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,38,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,6,NA,"DE","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",20000,NA,24000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",228904.62965175,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",39,62,89,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-4,4,13,"NL","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","UK",2016,2016,"p",16561,NA,18927,"interval","completeSurvey","Baseline = Owen, M., Atkinson-Willes, G.L. & Salmon, D.G. 1986. Wildfowl in Great Britain; second edition. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Extralopation using monitoring trends since 1986",228904.62965175,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-1.38,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-40.4,NA,"UK","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",9000,NA,18000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",228904.62965175,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-6,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-25,NA,-25,"CZ","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",228904.62965175,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-144,NA,-9,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",67,NA,71,"EE","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; A. Sikora - unpublished information",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-80,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-65,-47,-20,"PL","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","France",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3200,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,228904.62965175,1985,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,400,NA,500,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,50,NA,100,"FR","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1800,2400,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",228904.62965175,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",800,1100,1400,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",14,204,710,"BE","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1800,NA,2300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Viksne, J., S. Švažas, A. Czajkowski, M. Janaus, A. Mischenko, A. Kozulin, A. Kuresoo, V. Serebryakov. 2010. Atlas of Duck Populations in Eastern Europe, Akstis, Vilnius. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-23,NA,-10,"LT","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Latvia",2015,2018,"p",800,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",228904.62965175,1991,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,2000,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-9.38,-8.71,-7.96,"LV","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Austria",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1000,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",228904.62965175,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1994",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",606,NA,808,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",228904.62965175,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, U.K. : BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3).",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"S","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B, & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"IE","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",524,524,524,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",228904.62965175,1985,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-22.47,0.64,30.38,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-67.63,-51.96,-29.59,"DK","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",70,NA,110,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bracko F. (1997): Ornitološki atlas Drave od Maribora do Ptuja (1989–1992). – Acrocephalus 18 (82): 57–97. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,143,NA,"SI","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Italy",2013,2018,"p",60,NA,80,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",228904.62965175,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",430,NA,1100,2009,2012,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",10,NA,20,"IT","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,NA,100,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-33,NA,-29,"HU","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",100,NA,700,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Spain",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,3,"interval","completeSurvey","Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/porron_moniudo_tcm30-99946.pdf) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) Palomino, D. & B. Molina (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",0,0,0,"Minimum","absentData","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr) No data available.",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Aythya marila",NA,"Greater Scaup","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",970,1100,1250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1259.07106781187,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-75,-50,-25,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,-20,-10,"SE","A062",NA,"Aythya marila" "Aythya marila",NA,"Greater Scaup","Finland",2013,2018,"p",100,150,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45. Archipelago Bird Census Data",1259.07106781187,2000,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Archipelago Bird Census Data. Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-89,-83,-78,2013,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Archipelago Bird Census Data Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-80,-57,-33,"FI","A062",NA,"Aythya marila" "Aythya marila",NA,"Greater Scaup","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1259.07106781187,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-96,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-102,NA,102,"EE","A062",NA,"Aythya marila" "Aythya marila",NA,"Greater Scaup","UK",2012,2016,"p",1,1,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2012. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2010. British Birds 105: 352-416.",1259.07106781187,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-60,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-77,NA,"UK","A062",NA,"Aythya marila" "Aythya marila",NA,"Greater Scaup","Germany",2014,2016,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",1259.07106781187,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A062",NA,"Aythya marila" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-50,NA,-30,"HR","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,1500,"estimate","completeSurvey","National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",60,NA,88,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",0,0,0,"HU","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Bulgaria",2000,2018,"p",120,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Petkov, N. 2004. Comparative Ecological Studies on the Ferruginous Duck and Common Pochard during breeding season in Bulgaria. PhD thesis. Bulgarian Academy of Sciencies Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Petkov, N. 2004. Comparative Ecological Studies on the Ferruginous Duck and Common Pochard during breeding season in Bulgaria. PhD thesis. Bulgarian Academy of Sciencies Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB",-40,NA,-10,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,0,0,"BG","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Greece",2015,2015,"p",130,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 2. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. e . & aa . (epµ.) 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 se. 4. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 5. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 6. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 2. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. e . & aa . (epµ.) 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 se. 4. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 5. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 6. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,-15,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 2. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. e . & aa . (epµ.) 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 se. 4. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 5. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 6. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Austria",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dvorak & Nemeth 2014",8534.80879086531,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-80,NA,-20,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no sources",NA,NA,NA,"AT","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Poland",2013,2018,"p",82,105,138,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPO – Ferruginous Duck Census)",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPO)",NA,14,NA,"PL","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Italy",2013,2018,"p",62,NA,89,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",8534.80879086531,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",75,NA,150,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",25,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",200,NA,400,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,228,NA,"SI","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,25,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Spain",2013,2018,"p",9,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Aythya nyroca: Tragsatec. (2018). Bases técnico-científicas para la conservación de las especies de fauna silvestre incluidas en el Catálogo Espańol de Especies Amenazadas. (R.D. 139/2011). Valoración de su estado de conservación. Variables propuestas. Informe inédito para el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, C.J., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. (2008). Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 118 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/en/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/23_tarro_blanco_cerceta_pardilla_porron_monudo_malvasia_y_focha_moruna_tcm38-208262.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, C.J., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. (2008). Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 118 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/en/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/23_tarro_blanco_cerceta_pardilla_porron_monudo_malvasia_y_focha_moruna_tcm38-208262.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.) (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Martí, R. & Del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid.",0.63,NA,200,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aythya nyroca: Tragsatec. (2018). Bases técnico-científicas para la conservación de las especies de fauna silvestre incluidas en el Catálogo Espańol de Especies Amenazadas. (R.D. 139/2011). Valoración de su estado de conservación. Variables propuestas. Informe inédito para el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, C.J., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. (2008). Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 118 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/en/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/23_tarro_blanco_cerceta_pardilla_porron_monudo_malvasia_y_focha_moruna_tcm38-208262.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",6.55,NA,100,"ES","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",4,NA,8,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports. First confirmed breeding was in 2005.",200,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",33,NA,300,"CY","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society"".",-90,NA,-50,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,"LT","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Germany",2012,2016,"p",1,NA,7,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",8534.80879086531,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-29,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",8534.80879086531,1981,2017,"UNK","completeSurvey","Waterbird numbers were recorded in mid-January by regular citizen-science monitoring programme - the International Waterbird Census (IWC) – see Gilissen et al. 2002, Wetlands International 2006, Wetlands International 2019. Hundreds of volunteer birdwatchers conduct the mid-January counts on predetermined dates and sites each year, aiming to maximize synchrony (Gilissen et al. 2002, Musil et al. 2011, Musilová et al. 2014). The individual species trends in numbers was calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011), Musilová et al. (2015), Musilová et al. (2018 a, b). Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue 2: 42–59. Gilissen N, Haanstra L, Delany S, Boere G, Hagemeijer W (2002) Numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Western Palearctic and Southwest Asia in 1987, 1988 and 1999. Results from the International Waterbird Census. Wetlands International Global Series No. 11, Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M (2018a) Changes in habitat suitability influence non-breeding distribution of waterbirds in central Europe. Ibis: 160: 582–596. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M, Bejcek V (2018b) Importance of Natura 2000 sites for wintering waterbirds: Low preference, species’ distribution changes and carrying capacity of Natura 2000 could fail to protect the species. Biological Conservation 228: 79–88. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Bejcek V, Štastný K, Hudec K (2014) Numbers of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic: long-term and spatial-scale approaches to assess population size. Bird Study 61: 321–331. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Romportl D (2015) Long-term trends, total numbers and species richness of increasing waterbird populations at sites on the edge of their winter range: cold-weather refuge sites are more important than protected sites. J Ornithol: 1–10. Pannekoek J, Van Strien AJ (2005) TRIM 3 Manual (TRends and Indices for Monitoring Data). Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2006) Waterbird population estimates. Fourth Edition. Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2019) Waterbird Population Estimates. Available at: wpe.wetlands.org (accessed 10 March 2019).",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",0,0,0,"CZ","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",8534.80879086531,1992,2017,"D","completeSurvey","http://www.putni.lv/aytnyr.htm",NA,-100,NA,2012,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv http://www.putni.lv/aytnyr.htm",0,0,0,"LV","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Bombycilla garrulus",NA,"Bohemian Waxwing","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",98000,126000,159000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",200387,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",50,100,150,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",22,56,98,"SE","A263",NA,"Bombycilla garrulus" "Bombycilla garrulus",NA,"Bohemian Waxwing","Finland",2013,2018,"p",52143,74387,105140,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",200387,1988,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",218,751,2110,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-2,30,70,"FI","A263",NA,"Bombycilla garrulus" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Finland",2013,2018,"p",414379,522306,695304,"mean","estimatePartial","Finnish wildlife triangle scheme run by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) https://www.riistakolmiot.fi/ Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",710267.595189302,1987,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Finnish wildlife triangle scheme run by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) https://www.riistakolmiot.fi/",-33,-27,-21,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Finnish wildlife triangle scheme run by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) https://www.riistakolmiot.fi/",-49,-46,-42,"FI","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Sweden",2007,2018,"p",49000,64000,81000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-74,-52,-9,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-60,-48,-34,"SE","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",20000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",710267.595189302,1983,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-123,NA,-92,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-85,NA,-40,"EE","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Poland",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Austria",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",710267.595189302,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,"AT","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",9000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey",NA,0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",NA,0,0,0,"SK","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,NA,0,"LT","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",4858,10813,24069,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-89.7,-79.1,-59.4,"LV","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","France",2013,2018,"p",5000,6000,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Montadert, M. & Léonard, P. 2014. Sur le front de colonisation : la Gélinotte des bois Tetrastes bonasia dans les Alpes-maritimes.. Alauda, 82, 19-26 ; Stoch, I. 2007. Conservation status of grouse worldwide: an update.. Wildlife Biology, 13, 5 - 12 ; Pfeffer, J.-J. 2017. Le sous-espčce Rhenana de la Gélinotte des bois Bonasa bonasia : un taxon en voie de disparition.. Aves, 54, 59 - 72",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Leclercq, B. 1988. Premičres données sur la comparaison de la dynamique des populations de grand tétras (Tetrao urogallus) et de gelinottes des bois (Bonasa bonasia) d'un męme massif forestier du Haut-Jura.. Gibier Faune Sauvage, 7273-288",-60,-50,-40,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Buffet, N. & Dumont-Dayot, E. 2011. Evolution de la répartition communale du petit gibier de montagne en France. Décennie 2000-2009.. Faune Sauvage (290), ONCFS1-16",-20,-10,0,"FR","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12 Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2004. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.2 (Tetraonidae-Scolopa",710267.595189302,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2003,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; Simeonov, S., T. Michev, D. Nankinov. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press, Sofia. 350 pp. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",-10,NA,-5,2000,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-10,NA,-5,"BG","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Croatia",2012,2012,"p",2000,NA,3200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2013): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Gozdni jereb Bonasa bonasia. pp. 70-71. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Gozdni jereb Bonasa bonasia. pp. 70-71. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-50,NA,-30,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Mihelic, T. (2018): Merjenje ucinkov konkretnih terenskih akcij s spremljanjem zasedenosti rastišc divjega petelina in stanišc gozdnega jereba, v sklopu projekta LIFE KOCEVSKO (LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314). Porocilo. DOPPS-BirdLife, Ljubljana.",-30,NA,-20,"SI","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1000,NA,1200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Germany",2016,2016,"p",900,NA,1300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",710267.595189302,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-9,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-11,NA,"DE","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Greece",2015,2015,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) 1) IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 2012.1). Available at: http://www.iucnredlist.org.",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",24,NA,40,"estimate","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 495-497. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",710267.595189302,1978,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 105-106 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 53 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 91 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 64 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 495-497. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Országos Vadgazdálkodási Adattár (National Game Management Database",-97,NA,-95,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 495-497. http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Bonasa_bonasia.pdf National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-60,NA,"HU","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,7,"estimate","estimateExpert","Biver, G. & C. Felten (2009): Plan d’action Gélinotte des bois Bonasa bonasia. Centrale ornithologique & Ministčre du Développement durable et des Infrastructures.; Schmidt R., C. Heidt (1997): Das Haselhuhn Bonasia bonasia im Ösling. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte 16: 1-12; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Handschuh M. (2018). Possible extinction of the globally threatened Western Hazel Grouse Tetrastes bonasia rhenana in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 33, 1-17; Handschuh M. (2018). Western Hazel Grouse Tetrastes bonasia rhenana in Luxembourg: Understanding its demise and restoration measures required. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 33, 18-35",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Biver, G. & C. Felten (2009): Plan d’action Gélinotte des bois Bonasa bonasia. Centrale ornithologique & Ministčre du Développement durable et des Infrastructures.; Schmidt R., C. Heidt (1997): Das Haselhuhn Bonasia bonasia im Ösling. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte 16: 1-12; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",-100,NA,-90,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Biver, G. & C. Felten (2009): Plan d’action Gélinotte des bois Bonasa bonasia. Centrale ornithologique & Ministčre du Développement durable et des Infrastructures.; Schmidt R., C. Heidt (1997): Das Haselhuhn Bonasia bonasia im Ösling. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte 16: 1-12; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",-90,NA,-80,"LU","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,0,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",710267.595189302,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-100,-100,-98,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-100,-100,-80,"BE","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",110,NA,170,"estimate","estimatePartial","Dvorak et al. 2016; Michael Dvorak & Erwin Nemeth, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",15297.2188624798,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dvorak et al. 2016; Michael Dvorak & Erwin Nemeth, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2013,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016; Michael Dvorak & Erwin Nemeth, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel",-60,NA,-40,"AT","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Belgium",2013,2018,"cmales",20,26,31,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",15297.2188624798,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-68,-58,-50,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-7,21,44,"BE","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",20,NA,30,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",15297.2188624798,1986,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,0,NA,2002,2006,"D","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,-29,NA,"CZ","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Greece",2013,2018,"cmales",5,NA,15,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2. e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 4. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 6) Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2. e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se 3. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7) Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",NA,-20,NA,"GR","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Slovenia",2013,2018,"cmales",1,NA,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac, K. (2018): Stanje bobnarice Botaurus stellaris na Cerkniškem jezeru v letu 2018. Porocilo. Projekt LIFE Stržen (LIFE16NAT/SI/000708). DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-80,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-50,NA,0,"SI","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","UK",2012,2016,"cmales",159,159,159,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.RSPB data",15297.2188624798,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,249,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,288,NA,"UK","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Hungary",2017,2018,"cmales",800,NA,1740,"estimate","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 502-505. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 600 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 502-505. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 502-505. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"cmales",70,NA,110,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB , Conservation series, book 10.Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Kostadinova, I., M. Gramatikov 2007. Important bird areas in Bulgaria and Natura-2000. BSPB , Conservation series, book 11. BSPB, Sofia. (In Bulgarian and English) Golemansky (ed.) (2011) Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol.2 Animals.http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2 P.Shurulinkov -own survey conducted for the creation of Action Plan for conservation of the Bittern in Bulgaria.(unpublished)",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Simeonov S.,T.Michev, D.Nankinov 1990. Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol.20.Aves-1.BAS.Sofia. Kostadinova I.(ed.)1997. Important bird areas of Bulgaria. BSPB. Conservation series.,book 1.Sofia. P.Shurulinkov -own survey conducted for the creation of Action Plan for conservation of the Bittern in Bulgaria.(unpublished)",150,NA,200,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Kostadinova, I., M. Gramatikov 2007. Important bird areas in Bulgaria and Natura-2000. BSPB , Conservation series, book 11. BSPB, Sofia. (In Bulgarian and English) Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. P.Shurulinkov -own survey conducted for the creation of Action Plan for conservation of the Bittern in Bulgaria.(unpublished)",80,NA,110,"BG","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Netherlands",2013,2017,"cmales",310,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",15297.2188624798,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",12,20,28,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",14,35,59,"NL","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",580,660,740,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",80,100,120,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Species Observation system www.artportalen.se",-25,-15,-5,"SE","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Croatia",2013,2018,"cmales",50,NA,70,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-40,NA,-20,"HR","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Germany",2014,2016,"cmales",800,NA,850,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",15297.2188624798,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,14,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,25,NA,"DE","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Italy",2013,2018,"cmales",75,NA,95,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",15297.2188624798,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",215,NA,275,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Denmark",2013,2013,"cmales",218,218,218,"estimate","completeSurvey","Pihl, S., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Petersen, I.K., Nielsen, R.D., Laursen, K., Bregnballe, T. & Sřgaard, B. 2015. Fugle 2012-2013. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 170 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 125",15297.2188624798,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Lange, P., Christophersen, H & Christensen, J.S. 2017. Fugle i Danmark 2016. Ĺrsrapport fra Rapportgruppen. Fugleĺret 2016 s. 15-115. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. Sřrensen, U.G. 1995. Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle 1976-1991. Dansk Orn. Foren. Tidsskr. 89: 1-48.",30,NA,355,2008,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/ Pihl, S., Clausen, P., Petersen, I.K., Nielsen, R.D., Laursen, K., Bregnballe, T., Holm, T.E. & Sřgaard, S. 2013. Fugle 2004-2011. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 188 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 49 Lange, P. (Red.). 2013. Fugle i Danmark 2012. Ĺrsrapport fra Rapportgruppen. Fugleĺret 2012 s. 22-102. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. Lange, P., Christophersen, H & Christensen, J.S. 2016. Fugle i Danmark 2015. Ĺrsrapport fra Rapportgruppen. Fugleĺret 2015 s. 27-109. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. Lange, P., Christophersen, H & Christensen, J.S. 2017. Fugle i Danmark 2016. Ĺrsrapport fra Rapportgruppen. Fugleĺret 2016 s. 15-115. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening. Lange, P., Christophersen, H & Christensen, J.S. 2018. Fugle i Danmark 2017. Ĺrsrapport fra Rapportgruppen. Fugleĺret 2017 s. 33-128. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening.",218,NA,355,"DK","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",1200,1300,1400,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,1141,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,13,NA,"FI","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","France",2012,2012,"cmales",274,NA,289,"estimate","estimatePartial","Barret, V. 2013. Butor étoilé - Botaurus stellaris. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2013). Ornithos 20-6, 297-333",15297.2188624798,1970,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p ; Barret, V. 2013. Butor étoilé - Botaurus stellaris. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2013). Ornithos 20-6, 297-333",-50,NA,-10,2008,2018,"Unk","absentData","Barret, V. 2013. Butor étoilé - Botaurus stellaris. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2013). Ornithos 20-6, 297-333",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",10,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon, J., Darolová, A. Karaska, D., Fulín, M.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Latvia",2013,2017,"cmales",422,422,422,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",15297.2188624798,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,111,NA,2000,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1.77,NA,5.77,"LV","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",15297.2188624798,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",30,NA,61,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-1,NA,21,"EE","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",5,NA,10,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,5,"LT","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",3300,NA,4800,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP – Flagship Species Survey)",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",-39,-22,-1,"PL","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Spain",2011,2018,"cmales",17,33,44,"estimate","completeSurvey","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf)",0,0,0,"ES","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Portugal",2013,2018,"cmales",1,NA,1,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Branta leucopsis","Russia/Germany & Netherlands","Barnacle Goose","Finland",2013,2018,"p",6000,7000,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",35599.5308547599,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Hario, M. & Rintala, J. 2011: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys Suomessa 1986-2010. Linnut vuosikirja 2010:40-51",NA,6999900,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",NA,161,NA,"FI","A045","C","Branta leucopsis" "Branta leucopsis","Russia/Germany & Netherlands","Barnacle Goose","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2,NA,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",35599.5308547599,1986,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,100,NA,2002,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,100,NA,"CZ","A045","C","Branta leucopsis" "Branta leucopsis","Russia/Germany & Netherlands","Barnacle Goose","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2400,2900,3400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",35599.5308547599,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, BirdLife Sverige annual reports",1500,2000,2500,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-50,-40,-30,"SE","A045","C","Branta leucopsis" "Branta leucopsis","Russia/Germany & Netherlands","Barnacle Goose","Germany",2012,2016,"p",750,NA,800,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",35599.5308547599,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,514,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",186,273,384,"DE","A045","C","Branta leucopsis" "Branta leucopsis","Russia/Germany & Netherlands","Barnacle Goose","Denmark",2015,2015,"p",4511,4511,4511,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",35599.5308547599,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey",NA,NA,450800,NA,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Nielsen, R.D., Bregnballe, T., Petersen, I.K., Mikkelsen, P., Bladt, J., Kotzerka, J. & Sřgaard, B. 2016. Fugle 2015. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 142 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 210 Nyegaard, T., Meltofte, H., Tofft, J. & Grell, M.B. (2014). Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012. – Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108: 1-144.",NA,1131,NA,"DK","A045","C","Branta leucopsis" "Branta leucopsis","Russia/Germany & Netherlands","Barnacle Goose","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",80,NA,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",35599.5308547599,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",90,NA,302,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,37,"EE","A045","C","Branta leucopsis" "Branta leucopsis","Russia/Germany & Netherlands","Barnacle Goose","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",16000,NA,22000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",35599.5308547599,1984,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Sovon (2002), Sovon Bird atlas (2018)",1599900,NA,2199900,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",137,170,208,"NL","A045","C","Branta leucopsis" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Germany",2011,2016,"p",2900,NA,3300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",15171.435525281,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",181,NA,1000,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,62,NA,"DE","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Spain",2002,2018,"p",2995,2995,2995,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,50,NA,"ES","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","France",2009,2012,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",15171.435525281,1989,2017,"I","estimateExpert",NA,100,NA,200,2007,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Martin Y. et al. 2017. Le Grand-Duc d'Europe (Bubo bubo) dans le département du Puy de Dôme : statut pour la période 2000-2016.. Le Grand-Duc 85, 69-76",10,NA,20,"FR","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",851,944,1111,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",15171.435525281,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-70,-66,-61,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-48,-39,-29,"FI","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",600,NA,900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","expert opinion",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",0,0,0,"CZ","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",450,NA,550,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,5,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","ankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,5,"BG","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Greece",2015,2015,"p",300,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,42.8,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,42.8,NA,"GR","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",360,NA,530,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",15171.435525281,1981,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",50,NA,150,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",270,NA,380,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-190",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",110,NA,140,2010,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MLSL)",-61,30,277,"PL","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Italy",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,340,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",15171.435525281,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",70,NA,150,2000,2014,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",5,NA,15,"IT","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",240,280,330,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",10,20,30,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-50,-40,-30,"SE","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2017,"U","estimatePartial","GTAN-SPEA, 2019. Relatório do Programa NOCTUA Portugal (2009/10 - 2017/18).Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T.(2019): Velika uharica Bubo bubo. Pp. 216-217. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Denac K. (2018): Velika uharica Bubo bubo. Str. 36-43. V: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Mihelic T. (2019): Velika uharica. Pp. 216-217. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Denac K. (2018): Velika uharica Bubo bubo. Str. 36-43. V: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-29,NA,"SI","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",80,110,140,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",15171.435525281,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3900,5400,6900,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",7,NA,8,"BE","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",76,NA,86,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Schwartz, V. (2018): Az uhu (Bubo bubo) magyarországi helyzete 2016-ban/Annual Report of the Eurasian Eagle-owl Conservation Working Group in 2016. (In Hungarian with English summary) Heliaca 14: 19-28.",15171.435525281,1985,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Márkus, F. (1998) In Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. 441 p. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Schwartz, V. (2018): Az uhu (Bubo bubo) magyarországi helyzete 2016-ban/Annual Report of the Eurasian Eagle-owl Conservation Working Group in 2016. (In Hungarian with English summary) Heliaca 14: 19-28.",406,NA,473,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Petrovics, Z. (2009): Uhu (Bubo bubo) állomány adatok – 2007 / Data on Breeding Populations of Eagle Owl 2007 (In Hungarian with English summary) Heliaca 5: 69-71. Petrovics, Z. (2010): Uhu (Bubo bubo) állomány adatok – 2008 / Data on Breeding Populations of Eagle Owl 2008 (In Hungarian with English summary) Heliaca 6: 46-47. Petrovics, Z. (2010): Uhu állomány adatok – 2009 / Eagle Owl Population Data 2009 (In Hungarian with English summary) Heliaca 7: 76-77. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Schwartz, V. (2018): Az uhu (Bubo bubo) magyarországi helyzete 2016-ban/Annual Report of the Eurasian Eagle-owl Conservation Working Group in 2016. (In Hungarian with English summary) Heliaca 14: 19-28.",NA,81,NA,"HU","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",70,70,70,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",15171.435525281,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,9300,NA,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,248,NA,"DK","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",30,NA,50,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",15171.435525281,1987,2018,"D","completeSurvey","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-99,NA,-74,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-80,NA,-4,"EE","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Latvia",2017,2017,"p",8,24,73,"interval","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne. Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",-46,-30,-14,"LV","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",22,NA,25,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., T. Conzemius (2007): Der Uhu Bubo bubo in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 22:36-41; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",15171.435525281,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., T. Conzemius (2007): Der Uhu Bubo bubo in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 22:36-41; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",2100,NA,2400,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., T. Conzemius (2007): Der Uhu Bubo bubo in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 22:36-41; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",40,NA,70,"LU","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",16,NA,24,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",15171.435525281,1985,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",2457,7733,23001,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",138,329,650,"NL","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Rašomavicius, V. (red.) 2007. Lietuvos raudonoji knyga. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 800 p. (Red Data Book of Lithuania, 2007) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,10,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Gibraltar",2006,2012,"p",1,1,1,"mean","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",1,1,1,2001,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",1,1,1,"GIB","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Bubo scandiacus",NA,"Snowy Owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",0,2,12,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2,1982,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",0,0,0,"FI","A736",NA,"Bubo scandiacus" "Bubo scandiacus",NA,"Snowy Owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",0,0,35,"mean","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-100,0,3500,"SE","A736",NA,"Bubo scandiacus" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Spain",2010,2018,"p",28293,30480,32109,"estimate","completeSurvey","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2012). Las garzas en espańa, población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirLife. Madrid. 213 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/38garzas.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",70854.6167171586,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & Del Moral, J.C. (Eds). (2012). Las garzas en Espańa, población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 213pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/38garzas.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. Https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2016). Bubulcus ibis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22697109A86454050. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22697109A86454050.en.) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",0,0,0,"ES","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",14900,NA,18000,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF; eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",70854.6167171586,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","we used data from eBird/PortugalAves to calculate short-term trends, using package rTRIM for RStudio. eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Italy",2013,2018,"p",9053,NA,15321,"estimate","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola com.pers., in Gustin M., 2018. Redazione del Rapporto sullo stato di conservazione delle popolazioni italiane di u",70854.6167171586,1985,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",25760,NA,43675,2002,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola pers. Comm. 2018, in Gustin M., 2018. ISPRA, relazione interna su incarico a LIPU, 14 pp.",100,NA,210,"IT","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","France",2014,2014,"p",11777,NA,11777,"estimate","completeSurvey","Marion, L. 2019. Recensement national des Hérons coloniaux de France 2014. Héron cendré, Héron pourpré, Héron bihoreau, Héron crabier, Héron garde-boeufs, Aigrette garzette et Grande Aigrette.. , SESLG, Université Rennes 1109 p.",70854.6167171586,1985,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",NA,15800,NA,2007,2014,"D","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",NA,-17,NA,"FR","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",203,203,203,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cabot, J. (2018). Efectos del establecimiento y crecimiento demográfico de la Garcilla Bueyera (Bubulcus ibis) en Lanzarote. Servicio de Medio Ambiente. Cabildo de Lanzarote. Informe no publicado. 107 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + Anexos.",70854.6167171586,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Cabot, J. (2018). Efectos del establecimiento y crecimiento demográfico de la Garcilla Bueyera (Bubulcus ibis) en Lanzarote. Servicio de Medio Ambiente. Cabildo de Lanzarote. Informe no publicado. 107 pp. Garrido, J. R., Molina, B., & del Moral, J. C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + Anexos.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Cabot, J. (2018). Efectos del establecimiento y crecimiento demográfico de la Garcilla Bueyera (Bubulcus ibis) en Lanzarote. Servicio de Medio Ambiente. Cabildo de Lanzarote. Informe no publicado. 107 pp. Garrido, J. R., Molina, B., & del Moral, J. C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + Anexos.",NA,1,NA,"ESIC","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",70854.6167171586,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Species was first recorded breeding in Cyprus in 2004 Whaley & Dawes Sandgrouse 27 (2005); Miltiadou M. in Sandgfouse 33 (2011); Miltiadou M. in BirdLife Cyprus magazine Autumn 2007; Monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus and Game & Fauna Service, as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists and also by the Game & Fauna Servic; BirdLife Cyprus 2013 pilot Atlas survey work; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird signtings records reported in the society's annual reports.",700,NA,1600,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",122,NA,185,"CY","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Malta",2017,2018,"p",20,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018)",70854.6167171586,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Raine, A., Sultana, J. and Gillings, S. (2008). Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008. BirdLife Malta. Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Raine, A., Sultana, J. and Gillings, S. (2008). Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008. BirdLife Malta. Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",0,0,0,"MT","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Greece",2013,2018,"p",20,20,20,"Minimum","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 3. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",70854.6167171586,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","(1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (2) Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",NA,1900,NA,"GR","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","UK",2017,2017,"p",9,NA,13,"estimate","completeSurvey","RBBP data for 2017",70854.6167171586,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2016,"U","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,NA,NA,"UK","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",3,5,8,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",70854.6167171586,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",50,250,300,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",500,900,1500,"BE","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017. Havlícek Jan (2018): Dlouhodobý výskyt volavky rusohlavé (Bubulcus ibis) v hnízdním období na Ceskobudejovicku v roce 2017. In: Kubelka Vojtech, Havlícek Jan, Mikeš Václav (eds.): Zajímavá a vzácná ornitologická pozorování v jižních Cechách V. Sborník Jihoceského muzea v Ceských Budejovicích, Prírodní vedy 58: 99–130. Kubelka Vojtech, Havlícek Jan (2017): Vyhnízdení volavek rusohlavých (Bubulcus ibis) na Ceskobudejovicku, první prokázané hnízdení v Ceské republice. In: Kubelka Vojtech, Havlícek Jan, Mikeš Václav (eds): Zajímavá a vzácná ornitologická pozorování v jižních Cechách IV. Sborník Jihoceského muzea v Ceských Budejovicích, Prírodní vedy 57: 99–125.",70854.6167171586,1986,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,NA,NA,2002,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006, Štastný et Bejcek in prep.",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Bucanetes githagineus",NA,"Trumpeter Finch","Spain",2014,2017,"p",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Barrientos, R. (2015). Camachuelo trompetero – Bucanetes githagineus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/habitat/bucgitha.html) Barrientos, R., Kvist, L., Barbosa, A., Valera, F., Khoury, F., Varela, S., Moreno, E. (2014). Refugia, colonization and diversification of an arid adapted bird: coincident patterns between genetic data and ecological niche modelling. Molecular Ecology, 23: 390-407. De Juana, E., García, E. (2015). The Birds of the Iberian Peninsula. Christopher Helm, London. Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",14566.3996924429,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Barrientos, R. (2015). Camachuelo trompetero – Bucanetes githagineus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/habitat/bucgitha.html) BirdLife International (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. Carrillo, C., A. Barbosa, F. Valera, R. Barrientos & E. Moreno (2007). Northward expansion of a desert bird: effects of climate change?. Ibis 149, 166–169 Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",NA,10,NA,2001,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Barrientos, R. (2015). Camachuelo trompetero – Bucanetes githagineus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/habitat/bucgitha.html) Carrillo, C., A. Barbosa, F. Valera, R. Barrientos & E. Moreno (2007). Northward expansion of a desert bird: effects of climate change?. Ibis 149, 166–169 Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,10,NA,"ES","A452",NA,"Bucanetes githagineus" "Bucanetes githagineus",NA,"Trumpeter Finch","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",14566.3996924429,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Delgado, G., Naranjo, J.J., Barone, R. & Trujillo, D. (2000). Estudio para la conservación de las aves estepáricas en las islas de Tenerife y Gran Canaria. Tomos I y II. Canarias Tecnatura. Informe inédito. Delgado G., Naranjo J.J., Barone, R., Trujillo, D. & Rodríguez, F. (2002). Datos sobre la distribución de aves esteparias en Tenerife y Gran Canaria, islas Canarias. Vieraea 30: 177-194. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A452",NA,"Bucanetes githagineus" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Finland",2013,2018,"p",113523,122373,129293,"mean","completeSurvey","Väisänen et al. 1998 (Muuttuva pesimälinnusto) gives estimates for mid-1990's. Here, we took the average of TRIM estimates for the years 1994, 1995 and 1996 as a basis to indicate the mean population size estimated by Väisänen et al. (who estimated this on the basis of count data). Thereafter the TRIM index estimate for each year from 2013 to 2018 was divided by the 1994-96 average, to get a multiplier with which the mid-90's estimate was multiplied. Minimum and maximum are the smallest and largest of the annual estimates during the period and best single value is the mean of the estimates for the six years. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",210571.393645271,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL).",-17,-11,-5,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL).",-30,-24,-17,"FI","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",57000,65000,73000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",210571.393645271,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-33,-18,-1,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-36,-27,-18,"SE","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",6000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",210571.393645271,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",72,NA,184,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",7,NA,34,"EE","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",210571.393645271,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2010,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3800,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",210571.393645271,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,71,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,15,NA,"DE","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Poland",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",210571.393645271,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",200,NA,300,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,2600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",210571.393645271,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",30,NA,50,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,5,"LT","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","UK",2006,2010,"p",200,NA,200,"mean","estimatePartial","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2012. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2010. British Birds 105: 352-416.",210571.393645271,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,67,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-44,NA,"UK","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",150,150,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",210571.393645271,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",7573.1,17158.52,38066.6,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",36.74,75.07,123.04,"DK","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",100,NA,170,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",210571.393645271,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-2,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",0,NA,42,"CZ","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Austria",2013,2018,"p",25,NA,30,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; Weißmair (2017)",210571.393645271,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",3000,NA,6000,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",30,NA,60,"AT","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",210571.393645271,1982,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Sovon",-9,110,375,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-68,0,180,"NL","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","France",2013,2018,"p",5,5,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Malignat P. 2015. Premičre reproduction du Garrot ŕ oeil d’or Bucephala clangula en Picardie. Avocette 38 (2), 24-26 http://archives.picardie-nature.org/?action=telecharger_article&article=2102; Malher F., Laporte O., Albesa L., Barth F., Chevalier L., Letourneau C. & Zucca M. 2017. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs d'Ile-de-France 2009-2014. , Corif, LPO Ile-de-France, ANVL, CERF & Nature Essonne204 p. ; Faune-France 2019. Synthčse des données naturalistes des bases Biolovision France 2013-2018 sur la reproduction du Garrot ŕ Oeil d'Or - Bucephala clangula. www.faune-france.org, www.faune-france.org",210571.393645271,1999,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malignat P. 2015. Premičre reproduction du Garrot ŕ oeil d’or Bucephala clangula en Picardie. Avocette 38 (2), 24-26 http://archives.picardie-nature.org/?action=telecharger_article&article=2102; Besançon T. 2008. Garrot ŕ oeil d'or Bucephala clangula. in Riegel J. & les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, 153-180 ; Combrisson D. 1999. Premier cas de reproduction du Garrot ŕ śil d'or Bucephala clangula en France. Ornithos 6(3), 138-140 ; Malher F., Laporte O., Albesa L., Barth F., Chevalier L., Letourneau C. & Zucca M. 2017. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs d'Ile-de-France 2009-2014. , Corif, LPO Ile-de-France, ANVL, CERF & Nature Essonne204 p. ; Faune-France 2019. Synthčse des données naturalistes des bases Biolovision France 2013-2018 sur la reproduction du Garrot ŕ Oeil d'Or - Bucephala clangula. www.faune-france.org, www.faune-france.org",NA,400,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malignat P. 2015. Premičre reproduction du Garrot ŕ oeil d’or Bucephala clangula en Picardie. Avocette 38 (2), 24-26 http://archives.picardie-nature.org/?action=telecharger_article&article=2102; Besançon T. 2008. Garrot ŕ oeil d'or Bucephala clangula. in Riegel J. & les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, 153-180 ; Malher F., Laporte O., Albesa L., Barth F., Chevalier L., Letourneau C. & Zucca M. 2017. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs d'Ile-de-France 2009-2014. , Corif, LPO Ile-de-France, ANVL, CERF & Nature Essonne204 p. ; Faune-France 2019. Synthčse des données naturalistes des bases Biolovision France 2013-2018 sur la reproduction du Garrot ŕ Oeil d'Or - Bucephala clangula. www.faune-france.org, www.faune-france.org",NA,400,NA,"FR","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Bulweria bulwerii",NA,"Bulwer's Petrel","Azores",1999,2018,"p",50,NA,70,"estimate","completeSurvey","""MISTIC SEAS II consortium (2018) Macaronesian Roof Report (TRWP2) - Applying a sub-regional coherent and coordinated approach to the monitoring and assessment of marine biodiversity in Macaronesia for the second cycle of the MSFD. WP2 - Towards a coherent update of initial assessment, GES and targets, Task 2.1. Update of the Initial Assessment and Task 2.2. Finding common GES definition and Environmental Targets for the Macaronesia GA No 11.0661/2017/750679/SUB/ENV.C2., Brussels, 132pp. Monteiro, L.R., Ramos, J. A., Pereira, J. C., Monteiro, P. R., Feio, R. S.., Thompson, D. R. Bearhop, S., Furness, R. W., Laranjo, M., Hilton, G., Neves, V. C., Groz, M. P. & Thompson, K. R. 1999. Status and distribuition of Fea's Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Manx Shearwater, Little Shearwater and Band-rumped Storm-Petrel in the Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds 22: 358-366 Nunes, M. (2008). Bulweria bulwerii. In Equipa Atlas (eds.): Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). Pp. 116-117. Instituto de Conservaçăo da Natureza e Biodiversidade, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Parque Natural da Madeira, Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar. Assírio & Alvim, Lisboa. J. Bried e V. Neves, Universidade dos Açores, dados năo publicados.""",48493.3257003567,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","""MISTIC SEAS II consortium (2018) Macaronesian Roof Report (TRWP2) - Applying a sub-regional coherent and coordinated approach to the monitoring and assessment of marine biodiversity in Macaronesia for the second cycle of the MSFD. WP2 - Towards a coherent update of initial assessment, GES and targets, Task 2.1. Update of the Initial Assessment and Task 2.2. Finding common GES definition and Environmental Targets for the Macaronesia GA No 11.0661/2017/750679/SUB/ENV.C2., Brussels, 132pp. Monteiro L.R., Bearhop S. , Furness R.W, Laranjo M., Hilton G., Neves V.C., Groz M.P. and Thompson k.r. (1999). Status and distribution of Fea´s Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Manx Shearwater, Little Shearwater ans Band-Rumped Storm Petrel in the Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds 22, 358-366.""",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","""MISTIC SEAS II consortium (2018) Macaronesian Roof Report (TRWP2) - Applying a sub-regional coherent and coordinated approach to the monitoring and assessment of marine biodiversity in Macaronesia for the second cycle of the MSFD. WP2 - Towards a coherent update of initial assessment, GES and targets, Task 2.1. Update of the Initial Assessment and Task 2.2. Finding common GES definition and Environmental Targets for the Macaronesia GA No 11.0661/2017/750679/SUB/ENV.C2., Brussels, 132pp. Monteiro L.R., Bearhop S. , Furness R.W, Laranjo M., Hilton G., Neves V.C., Groz M.P. and Thompson K.R. (1999). Status and distribution of Fea´s Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Manx Shearwater, Little Shearwater ans Band-Rumped Storm Petrel in the Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds 22, 358-366.""",0,0,0,"PTAC","A387",NA,"Bulweria bulwerii" "Bulweria bulwerii",NA,"Bulwer's Petrel","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Gil Velasco, M. (2017). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 1ş. Información de las especies objetivo en Canarias, Lanzarote, en las áreas seleccionadas y nidos para el seguimiento de MISTIC SEAS II. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 49 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 2ş. Monitoreo acústico de las colonias de pardela chica Puffinus baroli en El Golfo (Timanfaya, Lanzarote) y Montańa Clara (Archipiélago Chinijo). Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico.Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 26 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 3ş. Información de las campańas de junio a octubre del segundo ańo, reuniones mantenidas y acciones de divulgación. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Documento de avance del informe final con la estructura del mismo. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 38 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",48493.3257003567,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Delgado Castro, G. (2007). Actualización del estatus poblacional y distribución del paińo común (Hydrobates pelagicus), el paińo de Madeira (Oceanodroma castro) y el petrel de Bulwer (Bulweria bulwerii) en el archipiélago canario. Noviembre 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2017). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 1ş. Información de las especies objetivo en Canarias, Lanzarote, en las áreas seleccionadas y nidos para el seguimiento de MISTIC SEAS II. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 49 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 2ş. Monitoreo acústico de las colonias de pardela chica Puffinus baroli en El Golfo (Timanfaya, Lanzarote) y Montańa Clara (Archipiélago Chinijo). Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico.Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 26 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 3ş. Información de las campańas de junio a octubre del segundo ańo, reuniones mantenidas y acciones de divulgación. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Documento de avance del informe final con la estructura del mismo. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 38 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez, B., De León, L., Martín A., Alonso, J. & Nogales, M. (2003). Status and distribution of breeding seabirds in the northern islets of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Atlantic Seabirds 5(2): 41-56. Rodríguez, B. & Navarro, J. (2006). Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii: a new breeding species to Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). Alauda 74 (2): 277-278.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Delgado Castro, G. (2007). Actualización del estatus poblacional y distribución del paińo común (Hydrobates pelagicus), el paińo de Madeira (Oceanodroma castro) y el petrel de Bulwer (Bulweria bulwerii) en el archipiélago canario. Noviembre 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2017). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 1ş. Información de las especies objetivo en Canarias, Lanzarote, en las áreas seleccionadas y nidos para el seguimiento de MISTIC SEAS II. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 49 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 2ş. Monitoreo acústico de las colonias de pardela chica Puffinus baroli en El Golfo (Timanfaya, Lanzarote) y Montańa Clara (Archipiélago Chinijo). Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico.Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 26 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 3ş. Información de las campańas de junio a octubre del segundo ańo, reuniones mantenidas y acciones de divulgación. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Documento de avance del informe final con la estructura del mismo. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 38 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A387",NA,"Bulweria bulwerii" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Spain",1998,2001,"p",30000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Hortas, F., Arroyo, G.M. & Pérez-Hurtado, A. (Coords.) (2000). Breeding Waders in Spain. Informe inédito para Wader Study Group Project: Breeding Waders in Europe 2000. Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.)(2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",68600.9425778534,1980,2012,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona.",-30,NA,NA,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",0,0,0,"ES","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","France",2009,2012,"p",19000,NA,28000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",68600.9425778534,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,5,NA,30,2007,2017,"I","absentData","Gaget E., Fay R., Augiron S., Villers A. & Bretagnolle V. 2018. Long-term decline despite conservation efforts questions Eurasian Stone-curlew population viability in intensive farmlands. Ibis 161, 359-371 https://doi.org/10.1111/ibi.12646",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3600,NA,6600,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",68600.9425778534,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",1220,NA,1700,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2017,"U","estimatePartial","GTAN-SPEA, 2019. Relatório do Programa NOCTUA Portugal (2009/10 - 2017/18).Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",1000,NA,2500,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes y distribución de cuatro especies de aves estepáricas en las Islas Canarias orientales. Contrato para la realización de actividades de apoyo tecnológico, Red Electrica de Espańa, Madrid, Espańa. Disponible en https://goo.gl/2pjBe9. Delgado G., Naranjo J.J., Barone, R., Trujillo, D. & Rodríguez, F. (2002). Datos sobre la distribución de aves esteparias en Tenerife y Gran Canaria, islas Canarias. Vieraea 30: 177-194. Dracaena. (2012). Estudio del estado de la población de Alcaraván (Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus) en la isla de Gran Canaria y amenazas para su conservación. Memoria Final. Informe no publicado. 124 pp. González Acebes, M., Farińa Trujillo, B. & Delgado García, J.D. (2002). Alcaraván Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus: El Hierro. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 22 pp. González Acebes, M. & Farińa Trujillo, B. (2002). Alcaraván Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus: La Gomera. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 19 pp. González Acebes, M., Farińa Trujillo, B. & Delgado García, J.D. (2002). Alcaraván Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus: La Palma. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 15 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes y distribución de cuatro especies de aves estepáricas en las Islas Canarias orientales. Contrato para la realización de actividades de apoyo tecnológico, Red Electrica de Espańa, Madrid, Espańa. Disponible en: https://goo.gl/2pjBe9. Dracaena. (2012). Estudio del estado de la población de Alcaraván (Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus) en la isla de Gran Canaria y amenazas para su conservación. Memoria Final. Informe no publicado. 124 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Greece",2015,2015,"p",700,NA,900,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa e . & aa . (epµ.) 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 sede",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa",NA,60,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa",NA,100,NA,"GR","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service) & Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Very limited data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Very limited data",0,NA,0,"CY","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","UK",2012,2016,"p",384,384,384,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",68600.9425778534,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,586,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,45,NA,"UK","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","MICHEV, T., T. PETROV. Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Buoedicn.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","MICHEV, T., T. PETROV. Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Buoedicn.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","MICHEV, T., T. PETROV. Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Buoedicn.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Croatia",2015,2015,"p",120,NA,220,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",32,NA,44,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 597-600. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-84,NA,-82,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","2013 Birds Directive Article 12 report of Hungary National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-63,NA,-36,"HU","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Austria",2013,2014,"p",11,NA,14,"estimate","completeSurvey","Raab et al. 2013, 2014 (Marchfeld); Grinschgl 2014, 2015 (Steinfeld)",68600.9425778534,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bieringer & Raab 2010; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",300,NA,500,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Raab et al. 2013, 2014 (Marchfeld); Grinschgl 2014, 2015 (Steinfeld); Bieringer & Raab 2010",-30,-20,-13,"AT","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Germany",2012,2016,"p",0,NA,2,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",68600.9425778534,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","France",2016,2017,"p",181424,197150,213135,"interval","completeSurvey","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1",691586.627917059,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; Thiollay J.-M., Terrasse J.-F. 1984. Estimation des effectifs de rapaces nicheurs diurnes et non rupestres en France. Enquęte FIR-UNAO 1979-1982 . , FIR & UNAO, Paris177 p. ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1",100,NA,200,2000,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1",8,18,30,"FR","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Germany",2011,2016,"p",68000,NA,115000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",691586.627917059,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-1,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-15,NA,"DE","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","UK",2016,2016,"p",63121,NA,87389,"interval","completeSurvey","Baseline = Clements, R. 2002. The Common Buzzard in Britain: a new population estimates. British Birds 94: 402-408. Extrapolated using BBS monitoring data from 2001.",691586.627917059,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,314.67,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,30.07,NA,"UK","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Poland",2013,2018,"p",48000,NA,55000,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey)",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",20,NA,40,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-17,-10,-1,"PL","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Spain",2009,2010,"p",31010,NA,31400,"interval","estimatePartial","Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf)",691586.627917059,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","De Juana. E. (1989). Situación actual de las rapaces diurnas (Orden Falconiformes) en Espańa. Ecología, 3: 237-292. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf)",0,0,0,1998,2016,"S","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente). (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2013/) Tapia, L. (2016). Busardo ratonero – Buteo buteo. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",NA,8.29,NA,"ES","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",17000,31000,45000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",16,44,78,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-7,6,20,"SE","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",11000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). Http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",17301,22675,29720,"interval","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",691586.627917059,1995,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-78.43,NA,-17.01,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-48.05,-28.95,-3.74,"LV","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",18000,NA,24000,"interval","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Raptor Conservation Group of MME/Birdlife Hungary Szép, T., Nagy, K., Nagy, Zs. & Halmos, G. (2012): Population trends of common breeding and wintering birds in Hungary, decline of long-distance migrant and farmland birds during 1999-2012. Ornis Hungarica 2012. 20(2): 13-63. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",50,NA,200,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Austria",2013,2018,"p",13000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",691586.627917059,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Österreich, unpublished data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",10000,NA,17000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",691586.627917059,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",189,302,458,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",15,23,31,"NL","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",8000,12900,17900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",691586.627917059,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",452,790,1134,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-10,4,19,"BE","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",691586.627917059,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",0,0,0,"SK","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",7000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",691586.627917059,1987,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-21,NA,32,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-8,NA,12,"EE","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",691586.627917059,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",80,NA,100,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",5,NA,15,"IT","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",5000,NA,8000,"interval","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",691586.627917059,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,2008,2016,"S","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,"SI","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-5,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,0,"LT","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Greece",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",4150,4150,4150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",691586.627917059,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",25.43,50.9,81.37,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-33.52,-18.98,-1.58,"DK","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Finland",2013,2018,"p",3601,4018,4583,"interval","estimatePartial","Birds of Prey monitoring data, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",691586.627917059,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-52,-47,-42,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-27,-18,-7,"FI","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2400,NA,4200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Nankinov, D., G. Stoyanov, G. Kouzmanov, R. Todorov. 1991. Informations sur la situation des Rapaces diurnes en Bulgarie. – Birds of Prey Bull., 4: 293–302. Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222. Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. , . 1982. . – : . "" "" – 1–5.XI.1982. ., , 326–330.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222. Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",0,NA,0,"BG","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Ireland",2013,2019,"p",1938,1938,1938,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Hughes, J., Sharp, E., Taylor, M.J., Melton, L., Hartley, G., 2013. Monitoring agricultural rodenticide use and secondary exposure of raptors in Scotland. Ecotoxicology 22: 974–984. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10646-013-1074-9. Hutchinson, C.D. (1989) Birds in Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser. Lohr, M.T. (2018) Anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in an Australian predatory bird increases with proximity to developed habitat. Science of the Total Environment Vol 643, 134-144. NPWS R.A.P.T.O.R. Reports (2013-2018 inclusive) available online at https://www.npws.ie/research-projects/animal-species/birds/raptor-protocol. Rooney, E. (2013) Ecology and breeding biology of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo in Ireland. PhD Thesis, School of Biological Sciences, Queens Univeristy Belfast. Clements, R. (2002) The Common buzzard in Britain: A new population estimate. British Birds 95: 377-383. Rooney, E. & Montgomery, W.I. (2013) Diet diversity of the Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) in a vole-less environment. Bird Study, 60:2, 147-155, DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2013.772085. Taylor, K., Hudson, R. & Horne, G. (1988) Buzzard distribution and abundance in Britain and Northern Ireland in 1983. Bird Study 35:2, 109-118. Expert opinion - J. Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",691586.627917059,1980,2019,"I","estimatePartial","Norriss, D.W. (1991) The status of Buzzard as a breeding species in the Republic of Ireland 1977 - 1991. Irish Birds 4: 291 -298. Rooney, E. (2013) Ecology and breeding biology of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo in Ireland. PhD Thesis, School of Biological Sciences, Queens Univeristy Belfast.",NA,48350,NA,2011,2019,"I","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology.",NA,29.2,NA,"IE","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Azores",2018,2018,"p",1890,1890,1890,"estimate","completeSurvey","Censo de Milhafres/Mantas (SPEA). URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-milhafres-mantas/ Coelho R. 2018. Censo de Milhafres/Mantas nos arquipélagos dos Açores e da Madeira. Relatório de Projeto. Dados de 2006 a 2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Nordeste. URL: http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relato769riocensodemilhafres_mantas_2018.pdf",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coelho, R. 2018. Censo de Milhafres/Mantas nos arquipélagos dos Açores e da Madeira. Relatório de Projeto. Dados de 2006 a 2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Nordeste. URL: http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relato769riocensodemilhafres_mantas_2018.pdf Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatorio_cac_2019_v2.pdf Fontaine R., Fonseca A. & Gonçalves D. 2018 . Censo de pombo das rochas, rola turca, melro preto, estorninho malhado e milhafre Arquipélago dos Açores 2014 2017. CIBIO/InBIO Universidade do Porto, Universidade dos Açores. (relatório năo publicado)",0,0,0,"PTAC","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Kiefer J. (2006): Der Mäusebussard Buteo buteo in Ost-Luxemburg. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 31-37; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Kiefer J. (2006): Der Mäusebussard Buteo buteo in Ost-Luxemburg. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 31-37; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Kiefer J. (2006): Der Mäusebussard Buteo buteo in Ost-Luxemburg. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 31-37; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",250,NA,1000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A., González, E. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y abundancia de especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente en 2017. Informe final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 226 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González, E. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y abundancia de especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente en 2017. Informe final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 226 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011).Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf) Rodríguez, B., Siverio, F., Airam Rodríguez, A., Siverio, M., Hernández, J.J. & Figuerola, J. (2010). Density, habitat selection and breeding biology of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo in an insular environment. Bird Study 57: 75–83. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González, E. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y abundancia de especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente en 2017. Informe final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 226 pp. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011).Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf) Rodríguez, B., Siverio, F., Airam Rodríguez, A., Siverio, M., Hernández, J.J. & Figuerola, J. (2010). Density, habitat selection and breeding biology of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo in an insular environment. Bird Study 57: 75–83. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1,1,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coelho, R. 2018. Censo de Milhafres/Mantas nos arquipélagos dos Açores e da Madeira. Relatório de Projeto. Dados de 2006 a 2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Nordeste (relatório năo publicado) http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relato769riocensodemilhafres_mantas_2018.pdf JANSEN, D.Y.M. (2012): Population survey of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo on Madeira Island (Portugal). Ardeola 59 (1): 145-155. 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=136&Itemid=66&lang=pt",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coelho, R. 2018. Censo de Milhafres/Mantas nos arquipélagos dos Açores e da Madeira. Relatório de Projeto. Dados de 2006 a 2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Nordeste (relatório năo publicado) hhttp://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relato769riocensodemilhafres_mantas_2018.pdf",0,0,0,"PTMA","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo lagopus",NA,"Rough-legged Buzzard","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1700,3000,5200,"mean","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",4000,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",-75,-50,-25,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,200,"SE","A088",NA,"Buteo lagopus" "Buteo lagopus",NA,"Rough-legged Buzzard","Finland",2013,2018,"p",100,1000,3000,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",4000,1986,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-80,-67,-45,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-96,-79,-16,"FI","A088",NA,"Buteo lagopus" "Buteo socotraensis",NA,"Long-legged Buzzard","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Demerdzhiev, D., S. Stoychev, B. Tonchev, L. Profirov, E. Stoynov, I. Mitev 2007. Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 156-157 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; BSPB Bird Database; Dimitar Demerdzhiev, Vladimir Dobrev and Georgi Popgeorgiev, 2014. Effects of Habitat Change on Territory Occupancy, Breeding Density and Breeding Success of Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus Cretzschmar, 1927) in Besaparski Ridove Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), Southern Bulgaria. Acta zool.bul. suppl. 5.191-200.;",1558.68068321119,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Demerdzhiev, D., S. Stoychev, B. Tonchev, L. Profirov, E. Stoynov, I. Mitev 2007. Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 156-157 pp. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database Michev, T. 1985. Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus, Cretzchmar, 1827) – In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol 2. S., BAS, 183 pp. (In Bulgarian). Michev, ., I. Vatev, P. Simeonov, L. Profirov 1984. Destribution and breeding biology of Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus, Cretzchmar, 1827) in Bulgaria. – Ecology, 13, 74 – 82 pp. (In Bulgarian). Simeonov, S., T. Michev, D. Nankinov 1990. Fauna of Bulgaria V. 20 Aves, Part , S., BAN: 1-350 pp. (In Bulgarian). BirdLife International (2004) Bird in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",1200,NA,1400,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Demerdzhiev, D., S. Stoychev, B. Tonchev, L. Profirov, E. Stoynov, I. Mitev 2007. Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 156-157 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Dimitar Demerdzhiev, Vladimir Dobrev and Georgi Popgeorgiev, 2014. Effects of Habitat Change on Territory Occupancy, Breeding Density and Breeding Success of Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus Cretzschmar, 1927) in Besaparski Ridove Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), Southern Bulgaria. Acta zool.bul. suppl. 5.191-200.; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",-30,NA,-20,"BG","A403",NA,"Buteo rufinus" "Buteo socotraensis",NA,"Long-legged Buzzard","Greece",2015,2015,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",1558.68068321119,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A403",NA,"Buteo rufinus" "Buteo socotraensis",NA,"Long-legged Buzzard","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",65,NA,80,"estimate","estimateExpert","Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",1558.68068321119,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Not reported as breeding species prior to 1992. Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, in their 2003 Cyprus breeding birds’ atlas, report first breeding in 1992, another pair in 1997. Also reported as breeding in 1992 and 1993 (1p) by Kourtellarides L 1998. Breeding birds of Cyprus. Bank of Cyprus group, Cyprus. Seven pairs in 1999, according to Cyprus Forestry department data reported by Cyprus Ornithological Society (COS (1957) annual report for 2000). 6 pairs in period mid-90s to 2001, according to Game & Fuana Service. 34 pairs reported by Game & Fauna Service for 2005 (Kassinis, N. 2009) and 63 pairs according to Game & Fauna Service in 2012. Trend calculated taking 1p in 1992 as the starting point.",6100,NA,6300,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service);",4,NA,25,"CY","A403",NA,"Buteo rufinus" "Buteo socotraensis",NA,"Long-legged Buzzard","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",7,NA,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Dudás, M. (2018): A pusztai ölyv (Buteo rufinus) magyarországi helyzete 2016-ban. The status of the Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in Hungary in 2016 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 14: 53.",1558.68068321119,1992,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dudás M., Sándor I. (1993): A pusztai ölyv (Buteo rufinus) fészkelése a Hortobágyon. Nesting of the Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in the Hortobágy. Aquila 100., p. 272-274, 296-298. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Bagyura, J., Tar, J., Vasas A., Gál, L., Vincze, T. (2010): Pusztai ölyv (Buteo rufinus) állomány adatok – 2008/Data on breeding populations of Long-legged Buzzard – 2008. Heliaca 6:41-42. Tihanyi, G., Tar, J., Vasas, A., Vincze, T., Czifrák, G. és Bagyura, J. (2012): Pusztai ölyv állomány adatok - 2010 / Long-legged Buzzard population data 2010 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 8: 45. Dudás, M. (2018): A pusztai ölyv (Buteo rufinus) magyarországi helyzete 2016-ban. The status of the Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in Hungary in 2016 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 14: 53. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",600,NA,1100,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Bagyura, J., Tar, J., Vasas A., Gál, L., Vincze, T. (2010): Pusztai ölyv (Buteo rufinus) állomány adatok – 2008/Data on breeding populations of Long-legged Buzzard – 2008. Heliaca 6:41-42. Tihanyi, G., Tar, J., Vasas, A., Vincze, T., Czifrák, G. és Bagyura, J. (2012): Pusztai ölyv állomány adatok - 2010 / Long-legged Buzzard population data 2010 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 8: 45. Dudás, M. (2018): A pusztai ölyv (Buteo rufinus) magyarországi helyzete 2016-ban. The status of the Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in Hungary in 2016 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 14: 53. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A403",NA,"Buteo rufinus" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1050000,NA,1610000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",1858722.03244346,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,5,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,5,NA,"ES","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Greece",2015,2015,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",1858722.03244346,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,40,NA,"GR","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Italy",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",1858722.03244346,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1858722.03244346,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","we used data from eBird/PortugalAves to calculate short-term trends, using package rTRIM for RStudio. eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Malta",2017,2018,"p",2152,NA,6434,"interval","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",1858722.03244346,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,10,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,10,NA,"MT","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1700,NA,3200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",1858722.03244346,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. BSPB Bird Database",-10,NA,-5,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,5,"BG","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","France",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","E. Rousseau, D. Clément, F. Gilot, T. Guillosson, G. Olioso & C. Riols 2015. Liste commentée des oiseaux de l’Aude (version 2015). PDF, Narbonne, LPO Aude127 ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; Williamson T. 2014. L'alouette calandrelle Calandrella brachydactyla dans le département de la Vienne.. L'Outarde N°50, p. 25-32",1858722.03244346,1989,2017,"D","estimateExpert",NA,-50,NA,-30,2007,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Croatia",2010,2018,"p",200,NA,650,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Kralj, J. (2013):Program monitoringa za krakoprstu ševu (Calandrella brachydactyla), Zavod za ornitologiju HAZU",1858722.03244346,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion & Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",1858722.03244346,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Birds in Europe II (2004), BirdLife International; Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports.",0,NA,0,"CY","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",1,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",1858722.03244346,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 433 p.",NA,-99,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","A single population is known at Újfehértó and is monitored by the Hortobágyi National Park Directorate.",-85,NA,-83,"HU","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Calcarius lapponicus",NA,"Lapland Longspur","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",95000,126000,179000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",247127,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Regional inventories, Swedish Lapland",-75,NA,-25,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-59,-44,-23,"SE","A374",NA,"Calcarius lapponicus" "Calcarius lapponicus",NA,"Lapland Longspur","Finland",2013,2018,"p",68176,121127,178705,"mean","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",247127,1990,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",20,20,20,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-75,-36,51,"FI","A374",NA,"Calcarius lapponicus" "Calidris alpina","alpina","Dunlin","Finland",2013,2018,"p",6500,8000,9500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",30500,1990,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-40,NA,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-40,NA,"FI","A672",NA,"Calidris alpina alpina" "Calidris alpina","alpina","Dunlin","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",15000,22500,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",30500,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Regional inventories, Swedish Lapland",30,50,70,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",15,60,150,"SE","A672",NA,"Calidris alpina alpina" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","UK",2005,2007,"p",8600,NA,10600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Forrester, R.W., Andrews, I.J., McInerny, C.J., Murray, R.D., McGowan, R.Y., Zonfrillo, B., Betts, M.W., Jardine, D.C. & Grundy, D.S. (eds.) The Birds of Scotland. The Scottish Ornithologists' Club, Aberlady. Brown, A. & Grice, P. 2005. Birds in England. Poyser, London. Johnstone, I.G., Dyda, J. & Lindley, P. 2008. The population status of breeding Golden Plovers and Dunlin in Wales in 2007. Welsh Birds 5: 300-310.",10034.8541189,1982,2007,"S","estimatePartial","Stroud, D.A., Reed, T.M., Pienkowski, M.W. & Lindsay, R.A. (1987). Birds, bogs and forestry: the peatlands of Caithness and Sutherland. Nature Conservancy Council, Peterborough. 121 pp. BTO in litt.; this report",NA,-3,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-31.83,NA,"UK","A466","A","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",180,NA,230,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",10034.8541189,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-49,NA,-39,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-25,NA,-13,"EE","A466","B","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","Denmark",2016,2016,"p",141,141,141,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",10034.8541189,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Nielsen, R.D., Bregnballe, T, Petersen, I.K., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. 2017. Fugle 2016. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 106 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 261 Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Nielsen, R.D., Petersen, I.K., Laursen, K., Bregnballe, T., Mikkelsen, P., Bladt, J., Kotzerka, J. & Sřgaard, B. 2015. Fugle 2014. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 106 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 169 Pihl, S., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Petersen, I.K., Nielsen, R.D., Laursen, K., Bregnballe, T. & Sřgaard, B. 2015. Fugle 2012-2013. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 170 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 125 Pihl, S., Clausen, P., Petersen, I.K., Nielsen, R.D., Laursen, K., Bregnballe, T., Holm, T.E. & Sřgaard, B. (2013): Fugle 2004-2011. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE nr. 49. 188 s. Sřgaard, B. & Asferg T. (red.) 2009: Arter 2007. NOVANA. Danmarks Miljřundersřgelser, Aarhus Universitet. 140 s. – Faglig rapport fra DMU nr. 713. Sřgaard, B., Pihl, S. & Wind, P. 2006: Arter 2004-2005. NOVANA. Danmarks Miljřundersřgelser. 148 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU nr. 582.",-77,NA,-69,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Nielsen, R.D., Bregnballe, T, Petersen, I.K., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. 2017. Fugle 2016. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 106 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 261 Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Nielsen, R.D., Petersen, I.K., Laursen, K., Bregnballe, T., Mikkelsen, P., Bladt, J., Kotzerka, J. & Sřgaard, B. 2015. Fugle 2014. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 106 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 169 Pihl, S., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Petersen, I.K., Nielsen, R.D., Laursen, K., Bregnballe, T. & Sřgaard, B. 2015. Fugle 2012-2013. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 170 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 125 Pihl, S., Clausen, P., Petersen, I.K., Nielsen, R.D., Laursen, K., Bregnballe, T., Holm, T.E. & Sřgaard, B. (2013): Fugle 2004-2011. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE nr. 49. 188 s. Sřgaard, B. & Asferg T. (red.) 2009: Arter 2007. NOVANA. Danmarks Miljřundersřgelser, Aarhus Universitet. 140 s. – Faglig rapport fra DMU nr. 713. Sřgaard, B., Pihl, S. & Wind, P. 2006: Arter 2004-2005. NOVANA. Danmarks Miljřundersřgelser. 148 s. - Faglig rapport fra DMU nr. 582",-34,NA,-18,"DK","A466","B","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",40,50,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",10034.8541189,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-96,-93,-90,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-73,-63,-51,"SE","A466","B","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","Finland",2013,2018,"p",38,49,61,"mean","completeSurvey","Expert working group for the Baltic Dunlin in Finland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothia 2019: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",10034.8541189,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group for the Baltic Dunlin in Finland. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothia 2019: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia.",NA,-72,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Expert working group for the Baltic Dunlin in Finland. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothia 2019: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia.",-31,NA,-21,"FI","A466","B","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",10034.8541189,1972,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",-94,NA,-93,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Lauder, C. & Donaghy, A. (2008) Breeding Waders in Ireland 2008: A Review and Recommendations for Future Action. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service.",-86.7,NA,-66.7,"IE","A466","A","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","Germany",2016,2016,"p",9,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",10034.8541189,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-84,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-56,NA,"DE","A466","B","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",10034.8541189,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-100,NA,-50,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-100,NA,0,"LT","A466","B","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",10034.8541189,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-100,NA,-90,2012,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A466","B","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris alpina","schinzii","Dunlin","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MBZ – Dunlin Census)",10034.8541189,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MBZ)",NA,-100,NA,"PL","A466","B","Calidris alpina schinzii" "Calidris falcinellus",NA,"Broad-billed Sandpiper","Finland",2013,2018,"p",14090,18234,25272,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",24134,1990,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-72,-51,-16,"FI","A860",NA,"Calidris falcinellus" "Calidris falcinellus",NA,"Broad-billed Sandpiper","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",4300,5900,7600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",24134,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on ringing data",-30,0,50,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,30,"SE","A860",NA,"Calidris falcinellus" "Calidris maritima",NA,"Purple Sandpiper","UK",2011,2015,"p",1,1,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",1826,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,20,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-33,NA,"UK","A148",NA,"Calidris maritima" "Calidris maritima",NA,"Purple Sandpiper","Finland",2013,2018,"p",10,25,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1826,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-88,NA,-25,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",0,0,0,"FI","A148",NA,"Calidris maritima" "Calidris maritima",NA,"Purple Sandpiper","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",700,1800,2900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1826,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,50,"SE","A148",NA,"Calidris maritima" "Calidris minuta",NA,"Little Stint","Finland",2013,2018,"i",0,2,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",0,0,0,"FI","A145",NA,"Calidris minuta" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","France",2013,2017,"i",0,NA,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","girard o. 2018. Combattant varié Calidris pugnax. Ornithos 25-2, p.75",66463.3377006663,1981,2018,"D","completeSurvey","girard ol 1994. Combattant varié Philomachus pugnax. in Nouvel Atlas des Oiseaux Nicheurs de France 1985-1989, SOF Parisp 292-295",-100,NA,-80,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey","girard o. 2009. Combattant varié Philomachus pugnax. Ornithos 16-3, p 167 ; girard olivier 2018. Combattant varié Calidris pugnax. les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015,",-100,NA,-75,"FR","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","Estonia",2013,2017,"i",10,NA,30,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",66463.3377006663,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,-91,NA,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-84,NA,-30,"EE","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","Netherlands",2013,2015,"i",15,NA,30,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",66463.3377006663,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-100,-99,-99,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-19,68,235,"NL","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","UK",2012,2016,"i",13,13,13,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",66463.3377006663,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,786,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,343,NA,"UK","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","Finland",2013,2018,"i",9156,16008,24144,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",66463.3377006663,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki",-95,-89,-76,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki",-71,-15,128,"FI","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","Sweden",2013,2018,"i",32000,50000,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",66463.3377006663,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Regional inventories",-80,-70,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-60,-16.83,110,"SE","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","Poland",2013,2018,"i",0,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",66463.3377006663,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-100,NA,-99,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","Germany",2016,2016,"i",50,50,50,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",66463.3377006663,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-74,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,125,NA,"DE","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","Lithuania",2013,2018,"i",250,NA,350,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",66463.3377006663,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-50,NA,-30,2013,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","Latvia",2013,2018,"i",0,1,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",66463.3377006663,1991,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-99,NA,-97,2012,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris pugnax",NA,"Ruff","Denmark",2016,2016,"i",48,48,48,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",66463.3377006663,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",-95,NA,-90,2004,2016,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A861",NA,"Calidris pugnax" "Calidris temminckii",NA,"Temminck's Stint","UK",2012,2016,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",7800,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-100,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-100,NA,"UK","A146",NA,"Calidris temminckii" "Calidris temminckii",NA,"Temminck's Stint","Finland",2010,2018,"p",1400,1800,2200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",7800,1990,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland",NA,75,NA,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland",NA,-60,NA,"FI","A146",NA,"Calidris temminckii" "Calidris temminckii",NA,"Temminck's Stint","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5200,6000,6800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",7800,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Regional inventories, Swedish Lapland",-40,-30,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,-20,-10,"SE","A146",NA,"Calidris temminckii" "Calonectris borealis",NA,"Cory's Shearwater","Azores",1996,1996,"p",188000,188000,188000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Bolton, M. (2001a). Census of Cory's shearwaters Calonectris diomedea in the Azores archipelago 2001. Final Report. University of the Azores. Bolton, M. (2001b). Development and Evaluation of techniques for Monitoring Threatenend Procellariiform Sepecies in the Azores Archipelago. Final Repor. Departmento de Oceanografia e Pescas, Universidade dos Açores, Horta. Feio, R. (1997). Utilizaçăo de jangadas no recenseamento da populaçăo de cagarro Calonectris diomedea borealis (Cory, 1881) nos Açores. Universidade do Algarve, Faro.",252356.77099728,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A851",NA,"Calonectris borealis" "Calonectris borealis",NA,"Cory's Shearwater","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",32864,NA,33664,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Geraldes, P. (2000). Censos de Procelariformes na Ilha da Madeira. Época de nidificaçăo 2000. Relatório final no âmbito do projecto ""Novos Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal"". SPNM e ICN. Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira Geraldes, P. (2000). Censos de Procelariformes na Ilha da Madeira. Época de nidificaçăo 2000. Relatóriofinal no âmbito do projecto ""Novos Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal"". SPNM e ICN. Granadeiro JP, Dias M, Rebelo R, Santos C & Catry P (2006). Numbers and population trends of Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea at Selvagem Grande, Northeast Atlantic. Waterbirds 29: 56-60. 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",252356.77099728,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Mougin, J.-L. and J.-C. Stahl. 1982. Essai de dénombrement des Pufn cendrés Calonectris diomedea borealis de l’ile Selvagem Grande (30°09’N, 15°52’W) en 1980. Museu Municipal do Funchal, Bocagiana 63: 1-17. Granadeiro, J.P., M.P. Dias, R. Rebelo, C.D. Santos & P. Catry 2006. Numbers and population trends of Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea at Selvagem Grande, Northeast Atlantic. Waterbirds 29: 56-60.",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Granadeiro, J.P., M.P. Dias, R. Rebelo, C.D. Santos & P. Catry 2006. Numbers and population trends of Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea at Selvagem Grande, Northeast Atlantic. Waterbirds 29: 56-60. Relatório do Projeto Life Ilhéus do Porto Santo (https://lifeportosanto.madeira.gov.pt/) Relatório do Projeto Life Recover Natura (https://liferecovernatura.madeira.gov.pt/)",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A851",NA,"Calonectris borealis" "Calonectris borealis",NA,"Cory's Shearwater","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",30000,30000,30000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Gil Velasco, M. (2017). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 1ş. Información de las especies objetivo en Canarias, Lanzarote, en las áreas seleccionadas y nidos para el seguimiento de MISTIC SEAS II. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 49 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 2ş. Monitoreo acústico de las colonias de pardela chica Puffinus baroli en El Golfo (Timanfaya, Lanzarote) y Montańa Clara (Archipiélago Chinijo). Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico.Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 26 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 3ş. Información de las campańas de junio a octubre del segundo ańo, reuniones mantenidas y acciones de divulgación. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Documento de avance del informe final con la estructura del mismo. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 38 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",252356.77099728,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Gil Velasco, M. (2017). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 1ş. Información de las especies objetivo en Canarias, Lanzarote, en las áreas seleccionadas y nidos para el seguimiento de MISTIC SEAS II. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 49 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 2ş. Monitoreo acústico de las colonias de pardela chica Puffinus baroli en El Golfo (Timanfaya, Lanzarote) y Montańa Clara (Archipiélago Chinijo). Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico.Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 26 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 3ş. Información de las campańas de junio a octubre del segundo ańo, reuniones mantenidas y acciones de divulgación. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Documento de avance del informe final con la estructura del mismo. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 38 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez, B., De León, L., Martín A., Alonso, J. & Nogales, M. (2003). Status and distribution of breeding seabirds in the northern islets of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Atlantic Seabirds 5(2): 41-56.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Gil Velasco, M. (2017). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 1ş. Información de las especies objetivo en Canarias, Lanzarote, en las áreas seleccionadas y nidos para el seguimiento de MISTIC SEAS II. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 49 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 2ş. Monitoreo acústico de las colonias de pardela chica Puffinus baroli en El Golfo (Timanfaya, Lanzarote) y Montańa Clara (Archipiélago Chinijo). Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico.Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 26 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 3ş. Información de las campańas de junio a octubre del segundo ańo, reuniones mantenidas y acciones de divulgación. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Documento de avance del informe final con la estructura del mismo. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 38 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A851",NA,"Calonectris borealis" "Calonectris borealis",NA,"Cory's Shearwater","Portugal",2015,2015,"p",800,NA,975,"estimate","completeSurvey","Oliveira, N., A. Almeida, A. Santos Torres, I. Fagundes, P. Rodrigues & J. Andrade, 2016. Updated Information on the Breeding Status of Berlengas Archipelago Seabirds. Report of the Action A1, Project LIFE Berlengas. SPEA - Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Lisbon (unpublished report).",252356.77099728,1981,2015,"I","completeSurvey","Oliveira, N., A. Almeida, A. Santos Torres, I. Fagundes, P. Rodrigues & J. Andrade, 2016. Updated Information on the Breeding Status of Berlengas Archipelago Seabirds. Report of the Action A1, Project LIFE Berlengas. SPEA - Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Lisbon (unpublished report)",300,NA,875,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Oliveira, N., A. Almeida, A. Santos Torres, I. Fagundes, P. Rodrigues & J. Andrade, 2016. Updated Information on the Breeding Status of Berlengas Archipelago Seabirds. Report of the Action A1, Project LIFE Berlengas. SPEA - Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Lisbon (unpublished report)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A851",NA,"Calonectris borealis" "Calonectris borealis",NA,"Cory's Shearwater","Spain",2010,2017,"p",212,212,212,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Munilla, I. (2016). Seguimento das poboacións de avesmarińas no Parque Nacional MarítimoTerrestre das IllasAtlánticas de Galicia: resultados de 2015 e 2016. Parque Nacional Marítimo e Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas deGalicia. Informe non publicado. Decembro 2016. Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de aves marinas en el Parque Nacional Marítimo Terrestre de As Illas Atlánticas de Galicia: resultados de 2017. Parque Nacional Marítimo e Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia. Diciembre 2017. Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctilaRissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Narural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Genovart, M., Thibault, J.C., Igual, J.M., del Mar Bauzŕ-Ribot, M., Rabouam, C. & Bretagnolle, V. (2013). Population structure and dispersal patterns within and between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of a large-range pelagic seabird. PLoS One, 8(8), e70711. ISO 69. Munilla, I., Genovart, M., Paiva, V.H. & Velando, A. (2016). Colony foundation in an oceanic seabird. PloS one, 11(2). Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas: (https://mardeaves.org/portfolio/1567/) Reyes-González, J.M., Zajková, Z., Morera Pujol, V., de Felipe, F., Milităo, T., Dell'Ariccia, G., Ramos, R., Igual, J. M., Arcos, J. M., González-Solís, J. (2017). Migración y ecología espacial de las poblaciones espańolas de pardela cenicienta. Monografía n.ş 2 del programa Migra.",252356.77099728,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Munilla, I. (2016). Seguimento das poboacións de avesmarińas no Parque Nacional MarítimoTerrestre das IllasAtlánticas de Galicia: resultados de 2015 e 2016. Parque Nacional Marítimo e Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas deGalicia. Informe non publicado. Decembro 2016. Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de aves marinas en el Parque Nacional Marítimo Terrestre de As Illas Atlánticas de Galicia: resultados de 2017. Parque Nacional Marítimo e Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia. Diciembre 2017. Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctilaRissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Narural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Genovart, M., Thibault, J.C., Igual, J.M., del Mar Bauzŕ-Ribot, M., Rabouam, C. & Bretagnolle, V. (2013). Population structure and dispersal patterns within and between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of a large-range pelagic seabird. PLoS One, 8(8), e70711. ISO 69. Munilla, I., Genovart, M., Paiva, V.H. & Velando, A. (2016). Colony foundation in an oceanic seabird. PloS one, 11(2). Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas: (https://mardeaves.org/portfolio/1567/) Programa de Emergencias, Control Epidemiológico y Seguimiento de Fauna Silvestre de Andalucía. Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible. Junta de Andalucía. Reyes-González, J.M., Zajková, Z., Morera Pujol, V., de Felipe, F., Milităo, T., Dell'Ariccia, G., Ramos, R., Igual, J. M., Arcos, J. M., González-Solís, J. (2017). Migración y ecología espacial de las poblaciones espańolas de pardela cenicienta. Monografía n.ş 2 del programa Migra.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Munilla, I. (2016). Seguimento das poboacións de avesmarińas no Parque Nacional MarítimoTerrestre das IllasAtlánticas de Galicia: resultados de 2015 e 2016. Parque Nacional Marítimo e Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas deGalicia. Informe non publicado. Decembro 2016. Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de aves marinas en el Parque Nacional Marítimo Terrestre de As Illas Atlánticas de Galicia: resultados de 2017. Parque Nacional Marítimo e Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia. Diciembre 2017. Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctilaRissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Narural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Genovart, M., Thibault, J.C., Igual, J.M., del Mar Bauzŕ-Ribot, M., Rabouam, C. & Bretagnolle, V. (2013). Population structure and dispersal patterns within and between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of a large-range pelagic seabird. PLoS One, 8(8), e70711. ISO 69. Munilla, I., Genovart, M., Paiva, V.H. & Velando, A. (2016). Colony foundation in an oceanic seabird. PloS one, 11(2). Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas: (https://mardeaves.org/portfolio/1567/) Programa de Emergencias, Control Epidemiológico y Seguimiento de Fauna Silvestre de Andalucía. Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible. Junta de Andalucía. Reyes-González, J.M., Zajková, Z., Morera Pujol, V., de Felipe, F., Milităo, T., Dell'Ariccia, G., Ramos, R., Igual, J. M., Arcos, J. M., González-Solís, J. (2017). Migración y ecología espacial de las poblaciones espańolas de pardela cenicienta. Monografía n.ş 2 del programa Migra.",0,0,0,"ES","A851",NA,"Calonectris borealis" "Calonectris diomedea","sensu stricto [excluding borealis]","Scopoli's Shearwater","Italy",2000,2008,"p",13344,NA,21873,"estimate","estimateExpert","Baccetti et al. 2009, in Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",36424.9033571532,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A850",NA,"Calonectris diomedea s. str." "Calonectris diomedea","sensu stricto [excluding borealis]","Scopoli's Shearwater","Greece",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,11000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 4) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. And T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 5) The status of Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) on the Strofades island complex (Ionian Sea, western Greece)- Karris.G., S. Xirouchakis, Kosta Grivas, M.Voulgaris,S.Sfenthourakis and S.Giokas. 6) Karris, G., Xirouchakis, S., Grivas, K., Voulgaris, M.D., Sfenthourakis, S. & S. Giokas, 2014. The status of Scopoli's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) on the Strofades island complex (Ionian Sea, western Greece). Bird Conservation International, submitted.",36424.9033571532,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. And T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 6) The status of Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) on the Strofades island complex (Ionian Sea, western Greece)- Karris.G., S. Xirouchakis, Kosta Grivas, M.Voulgaris,S.Sfenthourakis and S.Giokas. 7) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 8) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 4) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. And T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 5) The status of Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) on the Strofades island complex (Ionian Sea, western Greece)- Karris.G., S. Xirouchakis, Kosta Grivas, M.Voulgaris,S.Sfenthourakis and S.Giokas.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A850",NA,"Calonectris diomedea s. str." "Calonectris diomedea","sensu stricto [excluding borealis]","Scopoli's Shearwater","Spain",1991,2011,"p",3000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Derhé, M.A. (Compiler) (2011). Population assessment for the Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea. BirdLife International for the European Commission. Cambridge, UK.",36424.9033571532,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No hay información para conocer la tendencia de la especie.",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A850",NA,"Calonectris diomedea s. str." "Calonectris diomedea","sensu stricto [excluding borealis]","Scopoli's Shearwater","Malta",2016,2018,"p",2665,NA,3605,"estimate","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016), Bird Life Malta LIFE Arcipelagu Garnija Project, code is LIFE14 NAT/MT/991 (2015-2020), Bird Life Malta and John J. Borg Malta Environment & Planning Authority (2013): MSFD Initial Assessment Report-Seabirds. Malta: Malta Environment & Planning Authority",36424.9033571532,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK. Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,-30,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016), Bird Life Malta LIFE Arcipelagu Garnija Project, code is LIFE14 NAT/MT/991 (2015-2020), Bird Life Malta and John J. Borg Malta Environment & Planning Authority (2013): MSFD Initial Assessment Report-Seabirds. Malta: Malta Environment & Planning Authority Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-31,NA,"MT","A850",NA,"Calonectris diomedea s. str." "Calonectris diomedea","sensu stricto [excluding borealis]","Scopoli's Shearwater","France",2013,2018,"p",995,NA,1313,"estimate","completeSurvey",". Données internes Parc national des Calanques sur les suivis des colonies de Pufin de Scopoli. Année 2017. ; Cadiou B. et les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012). Ornithos 22, 233-257 ; Cadiou B. et les coordinateurs régionaux, coordinateurs départementaux et coordinateurs-espčce 2011. Cinquičme recensement national des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine 2009-2011, 1čre synthčse : bilan intermédiaire 2009-2010, Brest, Gisom et AAMP. 80 p. http://files.biolovision.net/www.atlas-ornitho.fr/pdffiles/ROMN2009-2010RP1-mars2011-9035.pdf",36424.9033571532,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A850",NA,"Calonectris diomedea s. str." "Calonectris diomedea","sensu stricto [excluding borealis]","Scopoli's Shearwater","Croatia",2018,2018,"p",515,NA,1300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kapelj, S., Mikulic, K., Rajkovic, Ž., Zec, M., Šaric, I., Budinski, I., (2019.): Rezultati istraživanja cjevonosnica 2019. godine – Završno izvješce terenskih istraživanja u sklopu izrade strucne podloge – cjevonosnice, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",36424.9033571532,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Kapelj, S., Mikulic, K., Rajkovic, Ž., Zec, M., Šaric, I., Budinski, I., (2019.): Rezultati istraživanja cjevonosnica 2019. godine – Završno izvješce terenskih istraživanja u sklopu izrade strucne podloge – cjevonosnice, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Kapelj, S., Mikulic, K., Rajkovic, Ž., Zec, M., Šaric, I., Budinski, I., (2019.): Rezultati istraživanja cjevonosnica 2019. godine – Završno izvješce terenskih istraživanja u sklopu izrade strucne podloge – cjevonosnice, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",0,0,0,"HR","A850",NA,"Calonectris diomedea s. str." "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Netherlands",2013,2015,"cmales",2500,NA,3100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",244226.137107934,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",567,590,614,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",72,91,112,"NL","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",250,NA,350,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",244226.137107934,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",NA,10,NA,"LT","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Croatia",2010,2015,"cmales",6500,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Denmark",2011,2011,"cmales",550,550,550,"estimate","estimatePartial","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",244226.137107934,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Hungary",2014,2018,"cmales",6000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 334-335 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 88 p. Haraszthy László (1998, 2000) - Magyarország madarai; 225-226 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 166 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 381-383 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 151 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Caprimulgus_europaeus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Belgium",2013,2018,"cmales",620,820,1020,"mean","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",244226.137107934,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",29,71,113,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",20,20,20,"BE","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Slovenia",2002,2017,"cmales",1900,NA,2400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Kljun I., Kmecl P. (2018): Podhujka Caprimulgus europaeus. Str. 44-52. V: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",244226.137107934,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,2002,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Kljun I., Kmecl P. (2018): Podhujka Caprimulgus europaeus. Str. 44-52. V: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,"SI","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","UK",2004,2004,"cmales",3693,4606,5519,"interval","completeSurvey","Conway, G.J., Wotton, S., Henderson, I., Langston, R., Drewitt, A. & Currie, F. 2007. Status and distribution of European Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus in the UK in 2004. Bird Study 54: 98-111.",244226.137107934,1981,2004,"I","completeSurvey","Gribble, F.C. 1983. Nightjars in Britain and Ireland in 1981. Bird Study 30: 165-176. Conway, G.J., Wotton, S., Henderson, I., Langston, R., Drewitt, A. & Currie, F. 2007. Status and distribution of European Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus in the UK in 2004. Bird Study 54: 98-111.",NA,97,NA,1992,2004,"I","completeSurvey","Morris, A., Burges, D., Fuller, R.J., Evans, A.D. & Smith, K.W. 1994. The status and distribution of Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus in Britain in 1992. Bird Study 41: 181-191. Conway, G.J., Wotton, S., Henderson, I., Langston, R., Drewitt, A. & Currie, F. 2007. Status and distribution of European Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus in the UK in 2004. Bird Study 54: 98-111.",NA,34,NA,"UK","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",5000,6000,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",244226.137107934,1985,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,415,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,19,NA,"FI","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",10000,14000,18000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on national inventories",100,200,300,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",40,89,154,"SE","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",8000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-194; A. Sikora - unpublished information",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Latvia",2013,2017,"cmales",16500,NA,31000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",244226.137107934,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",480,NA,486,2004,2017,"UNK","absentData","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Portugal",2013,2018,"cmales",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2017,"I","estimatePartial","GTAN-SPEA, 2019. Relatório do Programa NOCTUA Portugal (2009/10 - 2017/18).Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",200,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Germany",2016,2016,"cmales",6500,NA,8500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",244226.137107934,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,4,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,3,NA,"DE","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-40,NA,-20,"SK","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",244226.137107934,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,"EE","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Greece",2015,2015,"cmales",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"cmales",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",-100,NA,-75,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",0,0,0,"LU","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Cyprus",2013,2018,"cmales",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service); Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Analysis BirdLife Cyprus bird signtings records reported in the society's annual reports; 2004 Cyprus IBA inventory, by Iezekile et al.; Data from BirdLife Cyprus annual report 2001-2012. Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus 2014",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Spain",1998,2018,"cmales",21708,NA,28208,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",NA,-20,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","France",2013,2018,"cmales",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",244226.137107934,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"cmales",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Shurulinkov, P., Stoychev, S. 2007. Caprimulgus europaeus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Shurulinkov, P., Stoychev, S. 2007. Caprimulgus europaeus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Shurulinkov, P., Stoychev, S. 2007. Caprimulgus europaeus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,0,"BG","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Italy",2013,2018,"cmales",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",244226.137107934,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Caprimulgus ruficollis",NA,"Red-necked Nightjar","Spain",1998,2018,"cmales",1e+05,NA,130000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Sáez, P., Camacho, C. (2016). Chotacabras cuellirrojo – Caprimulgus ruficollis. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/capruf.html)",116253.610487414,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. Sáez, P. & Camacho, C. (2016). Chotacabras cuellirrojo – Caprimulgus ruficollis. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/capruf.html) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Tucker, G.M. & M.F. Heath (1994). Birds in Europe. Their conservation status. BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No.3. Cambridge.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-19,NA,"ES","A225",NA,"Caprimulgus ruficollis" "Caprimulgus ruficollis",NA,"Red-necked Nightjar","Portugal",2013,2018,"cmales",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",116253.610487414,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2017,"U","estimatePartial","GTAN-SPEA, 2019. Relatório do Programa NOCTUA Portugal (2009/10 - 2017/18).Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A225",NA,"Caprimulgus ruficollis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Spain",2004,2006,"p",15515000,NA,19010000,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","UK",2016,2016,"p",1459425,1626718,1794011,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",28407866.485151,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,129.65,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,78.25,NA,"UK","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","France",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux Nicheurs de France Metropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale.. LPO / SEOF / MNHN, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris1408 p",28407866.485151,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-35,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-5.4,NA,"FR","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,1800000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",28407866.485151,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-10,NA,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-20,NA,-10,"IT","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Greece",2013,2018,"p",830000,NA,1080000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Poland",2013,2018,"p",665000,NA,916000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-28,-19,-10,"PL","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",538978,738283.333333333,1449700,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",28407866.485151,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",74.9,89,104.1,"IE","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",406000,NA,422000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinions National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",250000,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Hristov, I. and N. Petkov, 2013. State of Common Birds in Bulgaria 2005-2011. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Conservation series. Book 26. BSPB. Sofia. Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/2/11.html BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. BSPB Bird Database",-10,NA,-5,2000,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/2/11.html (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",-50,NA,-10,"BG","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Germany",2016,2016,"p",240000,NA,355000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",28407866.485151,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-17,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-29,-17,-5,"DE","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",28407866.485151,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,"CZ","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Databáza výskytu mapovatela: M. Fulína, dátum 15.3.2012.",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",86444,114051,150474,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",28407866.485151,1995,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-69.57,NA,82.15,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",15.8,94,218.7,"LV","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",89000,NA,140000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports;",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",-7,NA,27,"CY","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Austria",2013,2018,"p",70000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",28407866.485151,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,39,NA,"AT","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",31300,NA,125400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,20.7,NA,"SI","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,5,"LT","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",44606,44606,44606,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",28407866.485151,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",362.56,660.92,1143.69,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-7,17,46.57,"DK","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",35000,44000,55000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",1180,2770,6420,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",122,181,253,"SE","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",35000,NA,43000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",28407866.485151,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",839,1247,1825,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",101,117,133,"NL","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",30000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",26,NA,68,2005,2016,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",66,NA,95,"EE","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Finland",2013,2018,"p",15972,27247,40267,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",28407866.485151,1985,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki. Monitoring farmland bird censuses since 1984 (Natural Resources Institute Finland).",534,1147,2315,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",79,179,327,"FI","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",9900,12100,14400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",28407866.485151,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",92,108,135,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",114,174,251,"BE","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2009,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle (Cobimo data)",NA,900,NA,"LU","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas , 2013 -http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=164&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Oliveira, P., Costa Neves, H. & Silva, I. 1998. Composition, Structure and Density Changes of Passerine Communities in Laurel Forest, Exotic Forest and Agricultural Fields on Madeira Island. Boletim Museu Municipal, nş5: 291-298.",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carduelis citrinella","sensu stricto [excluding corsicana]","Alpine Citril Finch","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",249729.211987572,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A623",NA,"Carduelis citrinella s. str." "Carduelis citrinella","sensu stricto [excluding corsicana]","Alpine Citril Finch","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",249729.211987572,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A623",NA,"Carduelis citrinella s. str." "Carduelis citrinella","sensu stricto [excluding corsicana]","Alpine Citril Finch","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,6500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",249729.211987572,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-50,NA,-35,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A623",NA,"Carduelis citrinella s. str." "Carduelis citrinella","sensu stricto [excluding corsicana]","Alpine Citril Finch","Germany",2012,2016,"p",400,NA,700,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",249729.211987572,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-17,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-14,NA,"DE","A623",NA,"Carduelis citrinella s. str." "Carduelis citrinella","sensu stricto [excluding corsicana]","Alpine Citril Finch","France",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",249729.211987572,1980,2012,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A623",NA,"Carduelis citrinella s. str." "Carduelis citrinella","sensu stricto [excluding corsicana]","Alpine Citril Finch","Spain",1997,2002,"p",225000,NA,230000,"interval","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",249729.211987572,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A623",NA,"Carduelis citrinella s. str." "Carduelis corsicana",NA,"Mediterranean Citril Finch","France",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",18204.1548260489,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2013,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A669",NA,"Carduelis corsicana" "Carduelis corsicana",NA,"Mediterranean Citril Finch","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",18204.1548260489,1993,2018,"Unk","absentData","no data available for the past",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A669",NA,"Carduelis corsicana" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",110844,139750,176193,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",466167.741755936,1995,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-70.78,NA,-23.74,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-43.3,-21.2,8.5,"LV","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Finland",2013,2018,"p",103713,122620,139853,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",466167.741755936,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-65,-56,-47,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-34,-23,-11,"FI","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",80000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",466167.741755936,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-40,NA,-32,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-54,NA,-47,"EE","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",466167.741755936,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-15,NA,-10,"LT","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Poland",2013,2018,"p",32000,NA,59000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",466167.741755936,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-39,-21,1,"PL","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",9000,13000,17000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",466167.741755936,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-73,-63,-48,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-25,0,"SE","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1200,NA,1900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",466167.741755936,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Germany",2016,2016,"p",600,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",466167.741755936,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,51,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,3,NA,"DE","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",466167.741755936,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",10,NA,20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Austria",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",466167.741755936,1981,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",200,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",15,NA,30,"AT","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",40,NA,70,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Shurulinkov P.- own unpublished data; S. Ch. Nikolov, D. Ragyov, L. Linnartz, D. Gradinarov & V. Shishkova: Observations of the Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus in Bulgaria in 2006 and 2007, Acrocephalus 29 (136): 55-57, 2008;",466167.741755936,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Ivanov B. 2011 Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol 30 , Aves, part 3. BAS, Sofia. BSPB Database",20,NA,50,2000,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov B. 2011 Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol 30 , Aves, part 3. BAS, Sofia. Shurulinkov P., B. Nikolov, G. Stoyanov, I. Nikolov (2003) Erstes sicheres Brüten des Karmingimpels in Bulgarien. Orn. Mitteilungen, 55(4): 122-127 P.Shurulinkov-own unpublished data",50,NA,100,"BG","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",40,40,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",466167.741755936,1981,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-84.48,94.16,1966.88,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",15,NA,30,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",466167.741755936,1987,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Sovon (2002), Sovon Bird atlas (2018)",650,NA,3250,2006,2017,"U","estimateExpert","Sovon, Sovon (2002), van Kleunen et al. (2013), Sovon (2018)",-100,NA,100,"NL","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",10,NA,30,"mean","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",466167.741755936,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,0,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",466167.741755936,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Catharacta skua",NA,"Great Skua","UK",1998,2002,"p",9634,9634,9634,"estimate","completeSurvey","Furness, R.W. & Ratcliffe, N. 2004. Great Skua Stercorarius skua. Pp. 173-186. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",9648,1969,2000,"I","completeSurvey","Cramp, S., Bourne, W.R.P. & Saunders, D. 1974. The seabirds of Britain and Ireland. London, Collins. Furness, R.W. & Ratcliffe, N. 2004. Great Skua Stercorarius skua. Pp. 173-186. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",212.9,NA,212.9,1992,2000,"I","completeSurvey","Lloyd, C., Tasker, M.L. & Partridge, K. 1991. The status of seabirds in Britain and Ireland. London, T. & A.D. Poyser. 355 pp. ; Furness, R.W. & Ratcliffe, N. 2004. Great Skua Stercorarius skua. Pp. 173-186. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",NA,26,NA,"UK","A175",NA,"Catharacta skua" "Catharacta skua",NA,"Great Skua","Ireland",2015,2018,"p",13,14,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",9648,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",1200,NA,1400,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",1200,NA,1400,"IE","A175",NA,"Catharacta skua" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","Spain",2004,2018,"p",1177142,1868221,2804929,"estimate","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & D. Palomino (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",2129923.6007863,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2017). Cecropis daurica (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T103812643A111238464. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-1.RLTS.T103812643A111238464.en.) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2017). Cecropis daurica (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T103812643A111238464. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-1.RLTS.T103812643A111238464.en.) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",70.1,70.1,70.1,"ES","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","Greece",2013,2018,"p",160000,NA,230000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",2129923.6007863,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2129923.6007863,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",23000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",2129923.6007863,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",3,NA,5,"BG","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,11000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Game & Fauna Service bag statistics reports",2129923.6007863,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,37,"CY","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",2129923.6007863,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","France",2009,2012,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa, N. & Muler, Y. 2015. Issa, N. & Audevard, A. 2015 Hirondelle rousseline. in Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN.Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris1408",2129923.6007863,1980,2013,"I","estimatePartial","ROCAMORA, G. & YEATMAN-BERTHELOT, D 1999. Hirondelle rousseline. in ROCAMORA, G. & YEATMAN-BERTHELOT, D. (1999) . Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. Liste rouge et recherche de priorités. Populations. Tendances. Conservations. SEOF/LPO. 598 p, SEOF/LPO598 ; Yeatman-Berthelot D., Jarry G. 1994. Hirondelle rousseline. in Yeatman-Berthelot D., Jarry G., 1994, NOUVEL ATLAS DES OISEAUX NICHEURS DE FRANCE 1985-1989 , Ed. Société Ornithologique de France, 776p. , Société Ornithologique de France776",1900,NA,9900,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","Italy",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,40,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",2129923.6007863,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,60,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",3,NA,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2129923.6007863,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,40,NA,"SI","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Cepphus grylle",NA,"Black Guillemot","UK",1998,2002,"i",38714,38714,38714,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mitchell, P.I. 2004. Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle. Pp. 377-391. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",84836.1421356237,1986,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-89,-31,110,2004,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-26,14,47,"UK","A202",NA,"Cepphus grylle" "Cepphus grylle",NA,"Black Guillemot","Sweden",2013,2018,"i",20000,22000,24000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",84836.1421356237,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",-30,-20,-10,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",20,30,40,"SE","A202",NA,"Cepphus grylle" "Cepphus grylle",NA,"Black Guillemot","Finland",2013,2018,"i",9556,16355,23154,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",84836.1421356237,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-2,4,10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-28,-14,2,"FI","A202",NA,"Cepphus grylle" "Cepphus grylle",NA,"Black Guillemot","Ireland",2017,2018,"i",3917,3917,3917,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",84836.1421356237,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,16,NA,"IE","A202",NA,"Cepphus grylle" "Cepphus grylle",NA,"Black Guillemot","Denmark",2018,2018,"i",3836,3836,3836,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176, http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR176.pdf. Also expert assesment",84836.1421356237,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",357.27,440.08,537.42,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-8.73,20.36,57.73,"DK","A202",NA,"Cepphus grylle" "Cepphus grylle",NA,"Black Guillemot","Estonia",2013,2017,"i",10,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",84836.1421356237,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,"EE","A202",NA,"Cepphus grylle" "Cercotrichas galactotes",NA,"Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin","Spain",2013,2018,"p",101121,NA,268419,"interval","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas Martí, R. & Del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",166798.992377806,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2018). Cercotrichas galactotes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22709936A131955665. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22709936/131955665) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2018). Cercotrichas galactotes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22709936A131955665. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22709936A131955665.en.) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Moreno-Rueda, G. & Abril-Colón, I. (2018). Alzacola rojizo – Cercotrichas galactotes. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. López, P., Martín, J., Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",0,0,0,"ES","A268",NA,"Cercotrichas galactotes" "Cercotrichas galactotes",NA,"Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",166798.992377806,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A268",NA,"Cercotrichas galactotes" "Cercotrichas galactotes",NA,"Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",166798.992377806,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A268",NA,"Cercotrichas galactotes" "Cercotrichas galactotes",NA,"Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",166798.992377806,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,0,0,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A268",NA,"Cercotrichas galactotes" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","France",2013,2018,"p",9e+05,NA,1600000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",6017997.35163947,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey",NA,NA,9,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,9,NA,"FR","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Spain",2013,2018,"p",2155000,NA,2735000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. (2014). Agateador común – Certhia brachydactyla. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,62.46,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,62.46,NA,"ES","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Greece",2015,2015,"p",30000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",51700,81100,110600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",6017997.35163947,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",85,190,295,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-12,7,31,"BE","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",120000,NA,160000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",6017997.35163947,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",67,86,107,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",27,34,41,"NL","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2009,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle",20,NA,30,"LU","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",58800,NA,117600,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,38,NA,"SI","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Poland",2013,2018,"p",79000,NA,113000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-6,28,73,"PL","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",70000,NA,140000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",6017997.35163947,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-30.1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-19.9268649250204,NA,"CZ","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Germany",2016,2016,"p",460000,NA,630000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",6017997.35163947,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,15,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",7,19,33,"DE","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Croatia",2018,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",6017997.35163947,1980,2017,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert judgment based on the National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,"HU","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",6017997.35163947,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",40,NA,55,"IT","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",3441,3441,3441,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",6017997.35163947,2004,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",13.85,113.19,288.6,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",60.72,177.06,366.45,"DK","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Austria",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",6017997.35163947,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-12,NA,"AT","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia brachydactyla","dorotheae","Short-toed Treecreeper","Greece",NA,NA,"p",0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,4604.34577328854,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"GR","A469",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla dorotheae" "Certhia brachydactyla","dorotheae","Short-toed Treecreeper","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,5300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion & Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",4604.34577328854,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",-26,NA,14,"CY","A469",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla dorotheae" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",991000,1119000,1262000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-55,-46,-34,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",32,49,68,"SE","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Germany",2016,2016,"p",365000,NA,620000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",4901734.09654236,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,12,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",25,49,77,"DE","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",290000,NA,580000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",4901734.09654236,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Poland",2013,2018,"p",234000,NA,297000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-23,-6,15,"PL","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Finland",2013,2018,"p",168998,256448,312978,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-5,30,76,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-17,-1,17,"FI","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","UK",2016,2016,"p",223881,223881,223881,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",4901734.09654236,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,8.42,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,5.07,NA,"UK","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",127040,213325,358216,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",4901734.09654236,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",60,NA,61,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-49,-22.6,16,"LV","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","France",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,19.2,NA,"FR","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Croatia",2018,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",61888,154688,244926,"interval","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",4901734.09654236,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-1.5,17.8,40.4,"IE","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",110000,NA,170000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko, Š.,Darolová, A., Krištín, T. (eds.) (2002). Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. Veda, Bratislava.",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,"SK","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Austria",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",4901734.09654236,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,8,NA,"AT","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",60000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",4901734.09654236,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-63,NA,354,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-40,NA,-25,"EE","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",50000,NA,75000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Italy",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",4901734.09654236,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,70,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",10,NA,35,"IT","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Spain",2013,2018,"p",32000,NA,40000,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programas de seguimiento SEO/BirdLife en 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica.(https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/SACRE/index5.php)",0,0,0,"ES","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",22641,22641,22641,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",4901734.09654236,1980,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-24.25,-5.5,17.74,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-45.54,-28.11,-5.69,"DK","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert judgment based on the National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,-20,NA,"HU","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",6400,8200,10100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",4901734.09654236,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",276,382,494,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-17,13,51,"BE","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,-36,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle (Cobimo data)",-30,NA,80,"LU","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",4901734.09654236,1993,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Sovon, Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1900,NA,2900,2006,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Sovon, Sovon (2002), van Kleunen et al. (2013), Sovon (2018)",10,NA,100,"NL","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1345000,NA,1795000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",2186035.49001982,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & D. Palomino (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp.",0,0,0,"ES","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 ( Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",2186035.49001982,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,100,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-15,NA,0,"IT","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Greece",2013,2018,"p",70000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",2186035.49001982,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,110000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",2186035.49001982,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",50,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",20,NA,22,"CY","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2186035.49001982,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-3,NA,2007,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,NA,3,NA,"FR","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2186035.49001982,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5000,5000,5000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",2186035.49001982,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","UK",2012,2016,"p",2204,2204,2204,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694. Estimates excludes birds breeding on the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.",2186035.49001982,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,1137,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,123,NA,"UK","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Malta",2017,2018,"p",909,NA,1744,"interval","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",2186035.49001982,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,10,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-18,NA,"MT","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",550,NA,1500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies)",2186035.49001982,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",770499,1450089,2700171,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",2884,3616,4508,"NL","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",390,600,820,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2186035.49001982,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",144,275,413,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",33,105,180,"BE","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",300,NA,1000,"interval","estimatePartial","Georgiev, D., Stefanov, T. 2007. Cettia cetti. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Shurulinkov, P. 2011.In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals.",2186035.49001982,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Georgiev, D., Stefanov, T. 2007. Cettia cetti. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Shurulinkov, P. 2011.In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Georgiev, D., Stefanov, T. 2007. Cettia cetti. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Shurulinkov, P. 2011.In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals.",0,NA,0,"BG","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",65,NA,90,"estimate","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2186035.49001982,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-50,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-10,NA,"SI","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Spain",2007,2018,"p",2036,NA,3507,"interval","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf).",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf). Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf).",-7.5,-7.5,-7.5,"ES","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6)Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","France",2010,2011,"p",1260,NA,1530,"estimate","completeSurvey",". Tharan M. (2016) Suivi de la reproduction de l’Huîtrier pie (Haematopus ostralegus) et du Gravelot ŕ collier interrompu (Charadrius alexandrinus) dans la Réserve Naturelle Nationale du banc d’Arguin Succčs reproducteur et impact du dérangement humain. Master 2 Gestion de l’Environnement et Ecologie Littorale Université de La Rochelle Année scolaire 2015 – 2016. 65 p.. ; . Bargain B. (2008) Expérience de conservation d'une population de Gravelot ŕ collier interrompu en Bretagne. colloque sur le Gravelot interrompu. Concilier préservation de l'espčce et activités de la plage. 16 p.. ; . Mougnot J., Morvan C., Cornec S., Huteau M. (2011) Le Gravelot ŕ collier interrompu Charadrius alexandrinus. Saison de gardiennage en Pays Bigouden et bilan de la reproduction. Bretagne Vivante 37 p.. ; . Becuwe E., Kraemer P. et Triplet P. (2018) Bilan de la reproduction des trois espčces de gravelots (Charadrius sp). Cayeux Nord, Cayeux Sud et Fort-Mahon-Plage, 2005-2018. FDC 80, SMBS. 13 p.. ; Fojt E., Triplet P., Robert J.-C. & Stillman R. A. 2000. Comparison of the breeding habitats of Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius and Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus on a shingle bed. . Bird Study, 478-12 ; Issa N. et Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris687 p",9585.45325943982,1983,2018,"I","completeSurvey",NA,19,NA,32,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Italy",2013,2018,"p",579,NA,687,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tinarelli R., 2018 (Com. pers., Database Gruppo Fratino)",9585.45325943982,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-55,NA,-45,2009,2010,"D","estimateExpert","Tinarelli R., 2018 (Com. pers., Database Gruppo Fratino)",-65,NA,-60,"IT","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Germany",2016,2016,"p",300,300,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",9585.45325943982,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-35,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,64,NA,"DE","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Canary Islands",2013,2018,"p",135,NA,188,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M., García, F.J., Trujillo, D. & González, C. (2013). Estudio y conservación del chorlitejo patinegro (Charadrius alexandrinus) en Canarias. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 166 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Emmerson, K.W., Lorenzo, J.A., Barone, R., Trujillo, D. & Delgado, G. (1991). Resultados del censo de las aves acuáticas nidificantes en Canarias. Ornistudio S. L./Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 38 pp. González Acebes, M. & Moreno Martín, A.C. (2003). Chorlitejo patinegro Charadrius alexandrinus: Gran Canaria. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2003. Gobierno de Canarias. 33 pp. Farińa Trujillo, B. & Delgado García, J.D. (2003). Chorlitejo patinegro Charadrius alexandrinus: Tenerife. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2003. Gobierno de Canarias. 18 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M., García, F.J., Trujillo, D. & González, C. (2013). Estudio y conservación del chorlitejo patinegro (Charadrius alexandrinus) en Canarias. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 166 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. & Emmerson, K.W. (1995). Recent information on the distribution and status of the breeding population of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in the Canary Islands. Wader Study Group Bull. 76: 43-46. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",NA,-60,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","González Acebes, M. & Moreno Martín, A.C. (2003). Chorlitejo patinegro Charadrius alexandrinus: Gran Canaria. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2003. Gobierno de Canarias. 33 pp. Farińa Trujillo, B. & Delgado García, J.D. (2003). Chorlitejo patinegro Charadrius alexandrinus: Tenerife. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2003. Gobierno de Canarias. 18 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M., García, F.J., Trujillo, D. & González, C. (2013). Estudio y conservación del chorlitejo patinegro (Charadrius alexandrinus) en Canarias. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 166 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",-28,NA,12,"ESIC","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",120,NA,165,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",9585.45325943982,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-82,-81,-80,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-60,-43,-19,"NL","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Denmark",2016,2016,"p",74,74,74,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",9585.45325943982,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",-30,NA,-10,2004,2016,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,160,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus 2014. Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas;",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,120,"interval","estimatePartial","DALAKCHIEVA, S., I. VATEV. Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Buoedicn.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","DALAKCHIEVA, S., I. VATEV. Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Buoedicn.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",-100,NA,-50,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","DALAKCHIEVA, S., I. VATEV. Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Buoedicn.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",0,0,0,"BG","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",34,NA,59,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Makovec T. (1994): Status, razširjenost in gnezditvene navade belocelega deževnika (Charadrius alexandrinus) na Slovenski obali. – Annales, Series Historia Naturalis 4: 63–70. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik, I. (2012): Favnisticni in ekološki pregled ptic Secoveljskih solin. – Soline predelava soli, Seca. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",200,NA,300,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",NA,18,NA,"SI","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",27,NA,32,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2003,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",0,0,0,"HR","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=141&Itemid=66&lang=pt Hermann, 2009 - Macaronia 2009, Canary Islands, Madeira Islands and Azores, Fieldtrip report",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Azores",2013,2018,"p",25,25,25,"Minimum","estimateExpert","eBird Basic Dataset. Version: EBD_relDec-2018. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Dec 2018. Expert opinion of CIBIO/InBIO team.",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Austria",2013,2017,"p",17,NA,27,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016; Nikolaus Filek, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel",9585.45325943982,1991,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016; Nikolaus Filek, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel;",NA,-31,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016; Nikolaus Filek, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel",NA,-36,NA,"AT","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2,4,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",9585.45325943982,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-98,-96,-95,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-87,-74,-61,"BE","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",0,NA,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 601-604. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-100,NA,-95,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 601-604. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-100,NA,-82,"HU","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",0,0,0,"SE","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Gibraltar",NA,NA,"p",0,NA,0,NA,NA,"Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",9585.45325943982,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"GIB","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Spain",2007,2018,"p",33050,33050,33050,"interval","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx). Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2015). Charadrius dubius. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T22693770A60067192. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22693770/60067192). Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",NA,-5.1,NA,"ES","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Greece",2015,2015,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7)Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,-38,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Božic L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126. Deberšek B., Bordjan D. (2016): Letna dinamika, naravovarstveno vrednotenje in pregled podatkov o pojavljanju vodnih ptic na Šaleških jezerih (S Slovenija). – Acrocephalus 37 (168/169): 5–47. Denac, K., Mihelic, T., Mozetic, B. & Rakar, B. (2014): Spremljanje stanja avifavne v naravnem rezervatu Škocjanski zatok. Projekt AdriaWet 2000 »Jadranska mokrišca za omrežje Natura 2000« (OP Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013). Porocilo. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bracko F. (1997): Ornitološki atlas Drave od Maribora do Ptuja (1989–1992). – Acrocephalus 18 (82): 57–97. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-30,NA,-10,2006,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Božic L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,20,NA,"SI","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","UK",2007,2007,"p",1175,1239,1311,"estimate","completeSurvey","Conway, G.J., Austin, G.E., Handschuh, M., Drewitt, A.L. & Burton, N.H.K. 2019. Breeding populations of Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius and Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula in the United Kingdom in 2007. Bird Study https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00063657.2018.1563045",86926.5319810331,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-11,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-13,NA,"UK","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Austria",2013,2018,"p",430,NA,630,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",86926.5319810331,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",10,NA,30,"AT","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1400,NA,2400,"estimate","estimatePartial","DALAKCHIEVA, S., I. VATEV. Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Chdubius.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","DALAKCHIEVA, S., I. VATEV. Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Chdubius.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.; Dalakchieva, S. 2002. Nest-sites and nest construction of Little Ringed Plovers Charadrius dubius in Bulgaria. Wader Study Group Bull.;",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","DALAKCHIEVA, S., I. VATEV. Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Chdubius.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",450,NA,900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",86926.5319810331,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-64,NA,-63,2000,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",350,490,620,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",86926.5319810331,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",470,NA,760,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",86926.5319810331,1995,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 61 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 130-131 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 276-278 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 110 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 105-106 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-71,NA,-67,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Charadrius_dubius.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-49,NA,-41,"HU","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Poland",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,13000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"i","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-36,169,865,"PL","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1200,NA,1500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",86926.5319810331,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",130,138,146,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",38,58,80,"NL","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1500,2000,2300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Toivanen, T. 2018: Pikkutyllit hupenevat Suomessa: Vuoden lintu -hankkeen 2017 tulokset. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 12-15. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"U","absentData","Toivanen, T. 2018: Pikkutyllit hupenevat Suomessa: Vuoden lintu -hankkeen 2017 tulokset. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 12-15.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-64,1,152,"FI","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",74,74,74,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Emmerson, K.W., Lorenzo, J.A., Barone, R., Trujillo, D. & Delgado, G. (1991). Resultados del censo de las aves acuáticas nidificantes en Canarias. Ornistudio S. L./Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 38 pp. Farińa Trujillo, B. & Delgado, J.D. (2003). Chorlitejo chico Charadrius dubius: Tenerife. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2003. Gobierno de Canarias. 32 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Moreno Martín, A.C. & González Acebes, M. (2003). Chorlitejo chico Charadrius dubius: Fuerteventura. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2003. Gobierno de Canarias. 41 pp. Moreno Martín, A.C. & González Acebes, M. (2003). Chorlitejo chico Charadrius dubius: Gran Canaria. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2003. Gobierno de Canarias. 45 pp. Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos. Siverio, M. (2009). Seguimiento de Poblaciones de Especies Amenazadas (2009). Charadrius dubius Scopoli, 1786. Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria y Tenerife. Gesplan, SAU-Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Informe inédito.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos. Siverio, M. (2009). Seguimiento de Poblaciones de Especies Amenazadas (2009). Charadrius dubius Scopoli, 1786. Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria y Tenerife. Gesplan, SAU-Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Informe inédito.",0,0,0,"ESIC","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",800,NA,1600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",86926.5319810331,1981,2017,"UNK","absentData","see the short term trend part",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",0,NA,14,"CZ","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",86926.5319810331,1991,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Germany",2011,2016,"p",4800,NA,7000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",86926.5319810331,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-19,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-13,NA,"DE","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2300,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2004. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.2 (Tetraonidae-Scolopacidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna Gustin M, Brambilla M & Celada C. 2010. Valutazione dello stato di Conservazione dell'avifauna italiana. Volume I, Non-Passeriformes.",86926.5319810331,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,15,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","France",2011,2011,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Issa N. 2012. Limicoles nicheurs en France. Enquęte 2010-2011. , LPO - ONCFS, Rochefort41",86926.5319810331,1983,2018,"Unk","absentData","Deceuninck B. 2001. Breeding waders in France: populations, trends and distributions. Wader Study Group Bulletin 95, 45-50 ; Dubois P.-J., Mahéo R. 1986. Limicoles nicheurs de France 1986. , LPO/BIROE, Paris291 p. ; Issa N. 2012. Limicoles nicheurs en France. Enquęte 2010-2011. , LPO, Rochefort41 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Issa N. 2012. Limicoles nicheurs en France. Enquęte 2010-2011. , LPO, Rochefort41 p.",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1300,1800,2300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on ringing data",-30,0,50,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,0,20,"SE","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",512,512,512,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",86926.5319810331,1996,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-18.04,46.56,158.17,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,15,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",0,0,0,"LU","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",9,NA,29,"estimate","estimateExpert","Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","For the period 1980 -2004, based on birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",50,NA,150,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Malta",2017,2018,"p",2,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,200,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-68,NA,"MT","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",86926.5319810331,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-160,NA,184,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,"EE","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1008,1008,1008,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",34269.4897906014,1987,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-87.1,-74.01,-48.47,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-93.92,-65.51,57,"DK","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1,3,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",34269.4897906014,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",100,500,900,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-88,-63,-38,"BE","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",34269.4897906014,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-15,NA,-10,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,NA,0,"LT","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","UK",2007,2007,"p",5257,5438,5622,"estimate","completeSurvey","Conway, G.J., Austin, G.E., Handschuh, M., Drewitt, A.L. & Burton, N.H.K. 2019. Breeding populations of Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius and Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula in the United Kingdom in 2007. Bird Study https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00063657.2018.1563045",34269.4897906014,1973,2007,"S","completeSurvey","Prater, A.J. 1976. The breeding population of Ringed Plovers in Britain. Bird Study 23: 156-161. Conway, G.J., Burton, N.H.K., Handschuh, H. & Austin, G.E. 2008. UK population estimates from the 2007 Breeding Little Ringed Plover and Ringed Plover Surveys. BTO Research Report No. 510. BTO, Thetford, UK.",NA,-5,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,19.89,NA,"UK","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",11000,15000,19000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",34269.4897906014,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",40,60,80,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-7,34,93,"SE","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","France",2013,2015,"p",175,200,220,"estimate","completeSurvey","Purenne R. 2018. Grand Gravelot Charadrius hiaticula. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",34269.4897906014,1984,2015,"I","estimatePartial","Dubois P.-J., Mahéo R. 1986. Limicoles nicheurs de France 1986. , LPO/BIROE, Paris291 p. ; Purenne R. 2018. Grand Gravelot Charadrius hiaticula. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",5,NA,22,2007,2015,"S","estimateExpert","Dubois P.J., Le Maréchal P., Olioso G. & Yésou P. 2008. Nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. , Delachaud & Niestlé, Paris559 p. ; Purenne R. 2018. Grand Gravelot Charadrius hiaticula. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",NA,0,NA,"FR","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Finland",2013,2018,"p",6456,8657,9827,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",34269.4897906014,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",1,10,20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-20,10,50,"FI","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",22,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",34269.4897906014,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-35,NA,-24,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-56.65,-51.37,-47.59,"LV","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",34269.4897906014,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-18,NA,-2,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1,NA,4,"EE","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Germany",2016,2016,"p",850,NA,950,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",34269.4897906014,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-45,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-16,NA,"DE","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",1045,1045,1045,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",34269.4897906014,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"S","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Also: McMonagle, C., Bell, M. and Donaghy, A. (2017). Survey of breeding wader populations at machair sites and offshore islands in North-West Ireland, 2017. Interreg report.",NA,0,NA,"IE","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",300,NA,390,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",34269.4897906014,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-32,-28,-24,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-43,-30,-16,"NL","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Charadrius hiaticula",NA,"Common Ringed Plover","Poland",2013,2018,"p",180,NA,220,"estimate","estimatePartial","http://kuling.org.pl/2019/06/13/sprawozdanie-z-sieweczkowych-zmagan-w-sezonie-2019/; Kasprzykowski Z., Dmoch A., Golawski A., Kozik R., Mitrus C. 2017. Zmiany liczebnosci wybranych legowych gatunków wodno-blotnych w Dolinie Dolnej Narwi i Dolinie Dolnego Bugu. Ornis Polonica 58: 1-11; Winiecki A., Milczarek P. 2018. Awifauna legowa OSO Dolina Srodkowej Warty - stan wspólczesny i zmiany w latach 1975-2015. Ornis Polonica 59: 17-55; expert assesment",34269.4897906014,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-60,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,-30,NA,"PL","A137",NA,"Charadrius hiaticula" "Chersophilus duponti",NA,"Dupont's Lark","Spain",2003,2018,"p",2335,2335,2335,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información porporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Traba, J., Garza, V., García-Antón, A., Gómez-Catasús, J., Zurdo, J., Pérez-Granados, C., Morales, M.B., Ońate, J.J., Herranz, J. & Malo, J. (2019) Criterios para la gestión y conservación de la población espańola de alondra ricotí Chersophilus duponti. Fundación Biodiversidad, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Madrid.",2335,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Garza, V., Traba, J. & Suárez, F. (2003). Is the European population of Dupont's Lark Chersophilus duponti adequately estimated? Bird Study, 50: 309-311. Información porporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ińigo, A., Garza, V., Tella, J.L., Laiolo, P., Suárez, F. & Brow, B. (2008). Action plan for the Dupont`s Lark Chersophilus duponti in the European Union. 34pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Pérez-Granados, C. & López-Iborra, G.M. (2014). żPor qué la alondra ricotí debe catalogarse como “En peligro de Extinción”? Quercus, 337: 18-25. Suárez, F. (2010). La alondra ricotí (Chersophilus duponti). Dirección General para la Biodiversidad: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino. Madrid. 525 pp. Tella, J. L., Vögeli, M., Serrano, D. & Carrete, M. 82005). Current status of the threatened Dupont's Lark Chersophilus duponti in Spain: overestimation, decline, and extinction of local populations. Oryx 39: 90-94. Traba, J., Garza, V., García-Antón, A., Gómez-Catasús, J., Zurdo, J., Pérez-Granados, C., Morales, M.B., Ońate, J.J., Herranz, J. & Malo, J. (2019) Criterios para la gestión y conservación de la población espańola de alondra ricotí Chersophilus duponti. Fundación Biodiversidad, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Madrid.",NA,-80,NA,2004,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Gómez-Catasús, J., Pérez-Granados, C., Barrero, A., Bota, G., Giralt, D., López-Iborra, G.M., Serrano, D. & Traba, J. (2018). European population trends and current conservation status of an endangered steppe-bird species: the Dupont’s lark Chersophilus duponti. PeerJ, 6, e5627. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Traba, J., Garza, V., García-Antón, A., Gómez-Catasús, J., Zurdo, J., Pérez-Granados, C., Morales, M.B., Ońate, J.J., Herranz, J. & Malo, J. (2019) Criterios para la gestión y conservación de la población espańola de alondra ricotí Chersophilus duponti. Fundación Biodiversidad, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Madrid.",-50.5,-41.4,-32.4,"ES","A430",NA,"Chersophilus duponti" "Chlamydotis undulata",NA,"African Houbara","Canary Islands",2016,2016,"i",619,NA,619,"interval","completeSurvey","De Colsa, J.M. & Carrascal, L.M. (2016). Censo hubara 2016. Metodología de trabajo y estima de la tendencia poblacional. Grefa-CSIC. 121 pp.",619,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes y distribución de cuatro especies de aves estepáricas en las Islas Canarias orientales. Contrato para la realización de actividades de apoyo tecnológico, Red Electrica de Espańa, Madrid, Espańa. Disponible en: https://goo.gl/2pjBe9. De Colsa, J.M. & Carrascal, L.M. (2016). Censo hubara 2016. Metodología de trabajo y estima de la tendencia poblacional. Grefa-CSIC. 121 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González, C., Hernández, M.A. & Delgado, J.D. (2008). La avutarda hubara en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Martín, A., Nogales, M., Hernández, M.A., Lorenzo, J.A., Medina, F.M. & Rando, J.C. (1996). Status, conservation and habitat selection of the Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata fuertaventurae on Lanzarote (Canary Islands). Bird Conservation International 6: 229-239. Martín, A., Lorenzo, J.A., Hernández, M.A., Nogales, M., Medina, F., Delgado, J.D., Naranjo, J.J., Quilis, V. & Delgado, G. (1997). Distribution, status and conservation of the houbara bustard Chlamydotis undulata fuertaventurae Rothschild & Hartert, 1894, in the Canary Islands, November-December 1994. Ardeola: 44. 61-69. Schuster, C., Iglesias–Lebrija, J.J. & Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes de la avutarda hubara en las Islas Canarias: análisis metodológico y estado de conservación. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 35.1: 125 - 39.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes y distribución de cuatro especies de aves estepáricas en las Islas Canarias orientales. Contrato para la realización de actividades de apoyo tecnológico, Red Electrica de Espańa, Madrid, Espańa. Disponible en: https://goo.gl/2pjBe9. De Colsa, J.M. & Carrascal, L.M. (2016). Censo hubara 2016. Metodología de trabajo y estima de la tendencia poblacional. Grefa-CSIC. 121 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González, C., Hernández, M.A. & Delgado, J.D. (2008). La avutarda hubara en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Schuster, C., Iglesias–Lebrija, J.J. & Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes de la avutarda hubara en las Islas Canarias: análisis metodológico y estado de conservación. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 35.1: 125 - 39.",6,6,6,"ESIC","A416",NA,"Chlamydotis undulata" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Spain",2007,2018,"p",1323,4848,8073,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Amado, C.C., Guzmán, J.M.S., & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa: población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. 133 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Talabante, C., Aparicio, A., Aguirre, J. L., Díaz, G. & Larrán, A. (2015). El fumarel cariblanco (Chlidonias hybrida) en la Comunidad de Madrid: Población y parámetros reproductores. Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2009-2010, 49-58. (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carlos_Talabante/publication/289098244_El_fumarel_cariblanco_Chlidonias_hybrida_en_la_Comunidad_de_Madrid_poblacion_y_parametros_reproductores/links/568908db08aebccc4e16e5ef.pdf).",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Amado, C.C., Guzmán, J.M.S. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa: población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. 133 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Amado, C.C., Guzmán, J.M.S. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa: población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. 133 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","France",2013,2017,"p",2900,NA,4600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Trotignon J. 2018. Guifette moustac - Chlidonias hybrida. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, p. 57-91",29088.0151838999,1982,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trotignon J. 2018. Guifette moustac - Chlidonias hybrida. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, p. 57-91",282,292,302,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Trotignon J. 2018. Guifette moustac - Chlidonias hybrida. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, p. 57-91",-9,-6,-3,"FR","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1200,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; expert assessment",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",4000,NA,9000,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,1800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-20,NA,-10,"HR","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",1106,NA,1568,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. Dr. Kovács G. – Ecsedi Z. (2004): Fattyúszerko In: Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros – Szeged. 2004. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 616-619. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2008,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 616-619. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",320,NA,1680,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p ; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Shurulinkov, P., S. Cheshmedzhiev, G. Daskalova, H. Dinkov, K. Kirov, I. Hristov, Y. Kutsarov, V. Koev & S. Mihov (2019): Heron and cormorant colonies along the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube river: Status and trends, 2010-2014 in: (book) Biodiversity of the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Lower DanubePublisher, Nova Science Publishers Inc. Mecheva R., Beltcheva M., Naumov B., Yankov Y., Michev T., Mitov P. & Kenderov L. (2017): Actual data on the terrestrial fauna of the Danube Island Tsibar (Ibisha). Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences [Reports of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences]. 70(1): 53-60. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,2000,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,"BG","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Italy",2013,2018,"p",570,NA,590,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tinarelli R. 2006. Dinamica della popolazione nidificante e conservazione del Mignattino piombato Chlidonias hybrida in Italia. Picus 32(61): 67-73",29088.0151838999,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",30,NA,130,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Greece",2015,2015,"p",160,NA,330,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-44,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-48,NA,"GR","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Germany",2011,2016,"p",180,NA,230,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",29088.0151838999,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,185,NA,2004,2016,"F","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-56,83,556,"DE","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Austria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,301,"estimate","completeSurvey","Beate Wendelin, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel; Dvorak et al. 2016",29088.0151838999,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","new breeding bird since 2009 (Dvorak et al. 2010)",NA,1000,NA,2009,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Beate Wendelin, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel; Dvorak et al. 2016",NA,283,NA,"AT","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,2013,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",29088.0151838999,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",363,NA,991,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",209.14,500,679.45,"LV","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-60,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-60,NA,-40,"SK","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Waterbird numbers were recorded in mid-January by regular citizen-science monitoring programme - the International Waterbird Census (IWC) – see Gilissen et al. 2002, Wetlands International 2006, Wetlands International 2019. Hundreds of volunteer birdwatchers conduct the mid-January counts on predetermined dates and sites each year, aiming to maximize synchrony (Gilissen et al. 2002, Musil et al. 2011, Musilová et al. 2014). The estimation of population size was calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). ‘Time Totals’ values of the data (i.e. the actual count values plus the numbers of birds estimated by the TRIM software) for all 1155 sites included in the analysis were used to generate total estimates of the range of numbers of the waterbird species wintering in the Czech Republic between 2015 and 2019. We use the range (min–max) of population estimates due to the effect of between-year variation in numbers because of variable climatic conditions (Musil et al. 2008, Musilová et al. 2018). Gilissen N, Haanstra L, Delany S, Boere G, Hagemeijer W (2002) Numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Western Palearctic and Southwest Asia in 1987, 1988 and 1999. Results from the International Waterbird Census. Wetlands International Global Series No. 11, Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Musil P, Darolová A, Jurecek J, Musilová Z, Podhrázský M, Slabeyová K (2008) The long-term trends in numbers of wintering geese in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1991–2007. Tichodroma 20: 61–67. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M (2018) Changes in habitat suitability influence non-breeding distribution of waterbirds in central Europe. Ibis: 160: 582–596. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Bejcek V, Štastný K, Hudec K (2014) Numbers of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic: long-term and spatial-scale approaches to assess population size. Bird Study 61: 321–331.",29088.0151838999,1980,2019,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"UNK","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Poland",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; NFOS/BULiGL Bialystok 2015. Dokumentacja Planu Zadan",1699.22839821181,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",275,NA,315,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",0,0,0,"PL","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,350,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1699.22839821181,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",251,NA,426,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Kerus V. 2011. Changes in the status of breeding birds of Latvia during 1980-2010. Doctoral Thesis. Riga: University of Latvia Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",19.98,29.61,43.72,"LV","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",80,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",1699.22839821181,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",160,NA,300,2013,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,"LT","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",0,NA,124,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",1699.22839821181,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarinak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. p. 202. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,47,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Shurulinkov, P., G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev. 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. - Acta zool. Bulgarica, 65 (2), 207-215. BSPB Bird Database",1699.22839821181,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No additional information available",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"F","estimateExpert","National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,0,0,"BG","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Germany",2011,2016,"p",0,NA,36,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",1699.22839821181,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4,NA,4,"estimate","estimateExpert","Alessandria G, Della Toffola M & Fasano S. 2009. Resoconto ornitologico per la Regione Piemonte-Valle d'Aosta. Anno 2007-2008. Riv. Piem. St. Nat. 30: 225-288",1699.22839821181,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1699.22839821181,1980,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"F","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,"EE","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.; Balla M., 115-116, Tichodroma 22.",1699.22839821181,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,5,"LT","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",2800,NA,3900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",14175.4511470731,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",315,319,NA,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",15.3,15.84,16.8,"LV","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-70,NA,-60,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",-63,-28,33,"PL","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",1350,NA,1570,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",14175.4511470731,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-17,-14,-12,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-2,19,44,"NL","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1200,1200,1200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",14175.4511470731,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,31,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",6,27,51,"DE","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",700,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",14175.4511470731,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-70,NA,-45,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-44,NA,-14,"EE","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",144,215,285,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",15,25,35,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-30,0,30,"SE","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","France",2013,2017,"p",89,154,227,"mean","completeSurvey","Trotignon J. 2018. Guifette noire - Chlidonias niger. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce - Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",14175.4511470731,1982,2017,"F","estimateExpert","Trotignon J. 2018. Guifette noire - Chlidonias niger. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce - Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91 ; Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p",0,0,0,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trotignon J. 2008. Guifette noire - Chlidonias niger. Riegel, J. & les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, 153-180",-63,-44,-15,"FR","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Italy",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,120,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",14175.4511470731,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-25,NA,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",44,NA,50,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",14175.4511470731,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",-80,NA,-74,2004,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",25,NA,38,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Kovács G. (2004): Kormos szerko. In: Ecsedi, Z. [szerk.] A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Balmazújváros-Szeged. p. 356-358. http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Chlidonias_niger.pdf Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 620-623. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-97,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Chlidonias_niger.pdf Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 620-623. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-97,NA,-75,"HU","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Spain",2002,2017,"p",0,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","Amado, C.C., Guzmán, J.M.S., & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa: población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. 133 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Amado, C.C., Guzmán, J.M.S. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa: población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. 133 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,-11.5,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Amado, C.C., Guzmán, J.M.S. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa: población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. 133 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,35,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",-30,NA,-10,2000,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,"BG","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10,NA,30,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-52,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-40,NA,"GR","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Finland",2013,2018,"p",10,15,25,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,-16,NA,"FI","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-100,NA,-75,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-100,NA,-75,"SK","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",14175.4511470731,1981,2017,"UNK","absentData","absentData",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"UNK","absentData","absentData",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Spain",2004,2018,"p",7633293,8270410,8907528,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,185.5,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,10.4,NA,"ES","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",374000,NA,388000,"interval","estimatePartial","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database exploitation Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg",NA,NA,NA,"LU","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",19393154.2299135,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-47,NA,"AT","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/4/35.html SPA mapping of breeding birds 201",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Common birds monitoring scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/4/35.html (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,0,0,"BG","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",55200,84900,114700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",19393154.2299135,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,54,109,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-27,-12,6,"BE","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",112680,150606,201298,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",19393154.2299135,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",51,NA,549.09,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",50.4,118.9,215,"LV","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",66400,NA,93400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2013,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-40.8,NA,"SI","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",65000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",19393154.2299135,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",57,107,173,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",49,61,75,"NL","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","UK",2016,2016,"p",734200,785743,837286,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",19393154.2299135,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-49.68,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-64.87,NA,"UK","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1100000,NA,1252000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-9,1,12,"PL","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Finland",2013,2018,"p",113690,186652,233465,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",279,474,766,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-74,-70,-65,"FI","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",19393154.2299135,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-6,NA,"CZ","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",268397.333333333,357820,680185,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",19393154.2299135,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-39.3,-34.8,-30,"IE","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",185000,211000,231000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-38,-31,-24,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-72,-68,-65,"SE","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",332353,332353,332353,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",19393154.2299135,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-3.63,18.53,45.62,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-54.38,-38.79,-18.45,"DK","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1450000,NA,2050000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",19393154.2299135,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-18,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-22,-18,-13,"DE","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",120000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","France",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. et Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris687 p",19393154.2299135,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-51,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-35.4,NA,"FR","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",19393154.2299135,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",30,NA,100,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-20,NA,-15,"IT","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 -http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=163&Itemid=66&lang=pt Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa",-68,NA,-40,"PTMA","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",19393154.2299135,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",168,NA,341,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",13,NA,60,"EE","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Gibraltar",2012,2018,"p",30,50,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",10,50,50,2001,2012,"I","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",20,30,30,"GIB","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,130000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Databáza výskytu mapovatela: M. Fulína, dátum 15.3.2012",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,130000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",10,NA,50,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",8,NA,50,"CY","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Greece",2013,2018,"p",370000,NA,470000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1. Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Poland",2013,2018,"p",47400,NA,52700,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP – Flagship Species Survey)",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Jakubiec Z. 1985. Populacja bociana bialego Ciconia ciconia L. w Polsce. Studia Naturae A 28: 1-262; Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe:",55,NA,75,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",4,12,20,"PL","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Spain",1998,2018,"p",33217,33217,33217,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Molina, B. & Del Moral, J.C. (2005). La Cigüeńa Blanca en Espańa. VI Censo Internacional (2004). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 235pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/4_ciguena_blanca_2004_tcm30-208116.pdf)",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Molina, B. & Del Moral, J.C. (2005). La Cigüeńa Blanca en Espańa. VI Censo Internacional (2004). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 235pp. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,99.6,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Molina, B. & Del Moral, J.C. (2005). La Cigüeńa Blanca en Espańa. VI Censo Internacional (2004). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 235pp. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Programas de seguimiento de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A031","A","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",18500,NA,19500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",120,NA,150,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-5,NA,0,"LT","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Latvia",2014,2018,"p",13500,NA,14200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert: Mara Janaus, ornlab@latnet.lv",161775.323329195,1980,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,122,NA,2012,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Expert: Mara Janaus, ornlab@latnet.lv",38.41,38.46,38.48,"LV","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Portugal",2014,2014,"p",12400,NA,12600,"estimate","completeSurvey","CEMPA (2014). VI Censo Nacional de cegonha-branca (Ciconia ciconia) - 2014.",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A031","A","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",5700,NA,6000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Petrov, Ts. (ed.).2007. The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Bulgaria, II. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 12, BSPB, Plovdiv.; BSPB Bird Database; Cheshmedzhiev, S. et al. 2014 – 2015 . / The White stork in Bulgaria in 2014 – 2015. (BSPB, 2016).;",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; Petrov, Ts. (ed.). 2007. The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Bulgaria, II. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 12, BSPB, Plovdiv.; Petrov, Ts. (ed.). 1997. The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Bulgaria, I. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 2, BSPB, Plovdiv.; Michev, T., L. Stoyanova. 1986. Breeding Distribution and Numbers of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia (L., 1758) in Bulgaria. – Ecology (BAS), 18: 17-26.; BSPB Bird Database; Population trend estimate is a comparison between the periods of the national white stork census, the first being in 1961, second in 1979, third in 1984, fourth in 1994/95, fifth in 2004/2005 (the last census). Http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/2/13.html; Cheshmedzhiev, S. et al. 2014 – 2015 . / The White stork in Bulgaria in 2014 – 2015. (BSPB, 2016).;",0,0,0,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Petrov, Ts. (ed.).2007. The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Bulgaria, II. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 12, BSPB, Plovdiv.; BSPB Bird Database; Population trend estimate is a comparison for the period 1994/95 - 2004/2005 coinciding with the two international white stork censuses.; Cheshmedzhiev, S. et al. 2014 – 2015 . / The White stork in Bulgaria in 2014 – 2015. (BSPB, 2016).;",15,NA,20,"BG","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",4500,NA,5500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",200,NA,300,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",54,NA,61,"EE","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Hungary",2015,2018,"p",4400,NA,5050,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lovászi, Péter, Lendvai, Csaba, Nagy, Károly (2016): Results of the 2014 national White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) census in Hungary. Aquila 122-123, p. 47-55. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 530. VM Környezetügyért Felelos Államtitkárság (2013): Fajmegorzési tervek – Fehér gólya (Ciconia ciconia), p. 12-13. Consultation with national experts. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 http://golya.mme.hu/index.php?p=db",161775.323329195,1979,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Lovászi, Péter, Lendvai, Csaba, Nagy, Károly (2016): Results of the 2014 national White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) census in Hungary. Aquila 122-123, p. 47-55. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 530. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. VM Környezetügyért Felelos Államtitkárság (2013): Fajmegorzési tervek – Fehér gólya (Ciconia ciconia), p. 12-13. Consultation with national experts. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 http://golya.mme.hu/index.php?p=db",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Lovászi, Péter, Lendvai, Csaba, Nagy, Károly (2016): Results of the 2014 national White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) census in Hungary. Aquila 122-123, p. 47-55. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 530. VM Környezetügyért Felelos Államtitkárság (2013): Fajmegorzési tervek – Fehér gólya (Ciconia ciconia), p. 12-13. Consultation with national experts. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 http://golya.mme.hu/index.php?p=db",0,0,0,"HU","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","France",2017,2018,"p",3900,3900,3900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Roi T. 2019. Bilan de la nidification de la Cigogne blanche en Aquitaine au printemps 2018 . , réf. n°0057FA 2019 faune-aquitaine.org6 pp. http://files.biolovision.net/www.faune-aquitaine.org/userfiles/FAPublications/0057-; Cohendoz S. 2019. Bilan de la nidification de la Cigogne blanche en Charente-Maritime 2018. , LPO Charente-Maritime2 pp. ; Dulphy J.-P., Brugerolle T., Guélin F., Merle S., Trompat A. & LPO Auvergne 2018. Annales ornithologiques pour 2016-2017 : suivi des espčces nicheuses rares ou menacées en Auvergne. Le Grand-Duc 86, p. 49-59 https://cdnfiles1.biolovision.net/www.faune-auvergne.org/userfiles/GDUC/GrandDuc862018complet.pdf; Boussiquault E. 2016. Nidification de la Cigogne blanche en Deux-Sčvres. Lirou n°35, Revue du Groupe Ornithologique des Deux-Sčvresp. 74-75 https://fr.calameo.com/read/00570244625e8b9840a70; Nature en Occitanie 2019. Suivi de reproduction des Cigognes blanches en Comminges – convention avec RTE. in Rapport d’activité 2018, p. 40 http://naturemp.org/IMG/pdf/-222.pdf; Debout G. 2018. Observatoires GONm de l'Avifaune Normande : bilan synthétique 2018. 8pp.. , 8 pp. http://www.gonm.org/public/Telechargements/Etudes/2018_Observatoires-Bilan_GONm.pdf; CLAC du Marais Breton 2018. La Cigogne Blanche en Marais Breton - Bilan et suivi des nids 2018. , CoLlectif des Amis des Cigognes du Marais Breton, Châteauneuf10 p. ; Les Amis des Marais du Vigueirat 2018. Marais du Vigueirat - Rapport d'activité 2017. , 73 p. http://www.marais-vigueirat.reserves-naturelles.org/medias/RA-Amis-des-Marais-du-Vigueirat-2017.pdf; COGard 2015. Les Obs' Cigogne blanche (Ciconia ciconia). les Echos du COGard N°116, p. 24 http://cogard.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/FL_116.pdf; Rousseau E., Clément D., Gilot F., Guillosson T., Olioso G. & Riols C. 2015. Liste commentée des oiseaux de l'Aude. , LPO Aude128 p. https://cdnfiles1.biolovision.net/www.faune-lr.org/userfiles/Publications/ListecommenteeOiseauxAude2015.pdf; LPO Loire 2018. Rapport d’activité 2017. , 32 p. https://loire.lpo.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/rapport-activite-2017-web.pdf; Colliat-Dangus E. & Abel J. 2015. État des lieux et synthčse des suivis ornithologiques menés en Bourgogne. Premičre ébauche pour un observatoire régional de l'avifaune. , LPO Côte-d’Or73 p. https://cote-dor.lpo.fr//IMG/pdf/2015_LPO_Rapport%20observatoire.pdf; ACROLA 2019. Bilan du suivi de la Cigogne blanche (Ciconia ciconia) en Loire-Atlantique en 2018. , ACROLA http://www.acrola.fr/cigognes.html",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Schierer A. 1991. Aperçu général de la population française et évolution pendant ces 50 derničres années. Actes du colloque International « Les cigognes d’Europe », Metz, 48 p.",NA,11000,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Groupe Cigognes France 2008. Cigogne blanche - Ciconia ciconia. in Riegel & les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3., 153-180",NA,180,NA,"FR","A031","A","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3000,NA,3500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",161775.323329195,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",46,119,226,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",199,271,358,"DE","A031","A","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3000,3000,3000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",161775.323329195,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-5,49,133,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-3,6,16,"DE","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Greece",2013,2018,"p",2000,2000,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,-2,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,-11,NA,"GR","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Croatia",2014,2015,"p",1759,1759,1759,"interval","completeSurvey","Baza podataka MZOE - rezultati monitoringa bijelih roda JU Baza podataka BIOM/fauna.hr Baza podataka Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu ptica i prirode BIOM(2015):White Stork Census in Croatia, 2014-2015. Izvještaj o nacionalnom cenzusu bijelih roda.3 str. Mikuška (2015): Distribution and population status of White Stork in Croatia.(prezentacija - PPTX).",161775.323329195,1994,2015,"S","completeSurvey","Mikuška (2015): Distribution and population status of White Stork in Croatia.(prezentacija - PPTX).",NA,0,NA,2004,2015,"S","completeSurvey","Mikuška (2015): Distribution and population status of White Stork in Croatia.(prezentacija - PPTX).",0,0,0,"HR","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,1350,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Fulín M.: Informacný spravodaj Bocian 1/2018, ZO SZOPK Bocian, Moldava n/B, 2018. www.bocian.sk Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Fulín M.: Informacný spravodaj Bocian biely 1/2018, ZO SZOPK Bocian, Moldava n/B, 2018. www.bociany.sk",NA,-5,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Fulín M.: Informacný spravodaj Bocian biely 1/2018, ZO SZOPK Bocian, Moldava n/B, 2018. www.bociany.sk",NA,-3,NA,"SK","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",825,NA,1075,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",161775.323329195,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",7000,8351,9949,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",109,141,179,"NL","A031","A","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Czech Republic",2014,2014,"p",801,NA,810,"estimate","completeSurvey","Complete white stork count 2014 (CSO)",161775.323329195,1984,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Nyklová-Ondrová et al. 2016: Výsledky 7. mezinárodního scítání cápa bílého (Ciconia ciconia) v Ceské republice v roce 2014 – dlouhodobý vývoj pocetnosti, umístení hnízd a reprodukcní úspešnosti. Sylvia 52: 17-33.",NA,30,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","expert opinion (before 2014), data from the yearly white stork counts (CSO)",0,0,0,"CZ","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Austria",2013,2015,"p",370,NA,390,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, data from the annual Austrian White Stork Survey",161775.323329195,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, data from the yearly Austrian White Stork Survey",NA,16,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, data from the yearly Austrian White Stork Survey",NA,10,NA,"AT","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Italy",2017,2017,"p",320,NA,330,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",161775.323329195,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",3200,NA,31900,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",65,NA,115,"IT","A031","A","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",218,NA,267,"interval","completeSurvey","Denac, D. (2013): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 56-66. V: Denac, K., L. Božic, T. Mihelic, D. Denac, P. Kmecl, J. Figelj & D. Bordjan: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2012 in 2013. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje. DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/201311_denac_monitoring_iba_2012_2013.pdf Denac, D. (2014): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 54-60. V: Denac, K., L. Božic, T. Mihelic, P. Kmecl, D. Denac, D. Bordjan, T. Jancar & J. Figelj: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2014. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/20141110_denac_porocilo_monitoring_iba_2014.pdf Denac, D. (2015): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 40-44. V: Denac, K., T. Mihelic, P. Kmecl, D. Denac, D. Bordjan, J. Figelj, L. Božic & T. Jancar: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2015. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/20151125_porocilo_monitoring_2015_final.pdf Denac, D. (2016): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 52-56. V: Denac, K., P. Kmecl, T. Mihelic, L. Božic, T. Jancar, D. Denac, D. Bordjan & J. Figelj: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2016. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2016_27_12_porocilo_monitoring_2016_splet.pdf Denac D. (2017): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 34-39. V: Denac K., Kmecl P., Mihelic T., Jancar T., Denac D., Bordjan D.: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2017. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2018_3_1_Porocilo_monitoring_2017_corr.pdf Denac D. (2018): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 53-58. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018512_Porocilo_monitoring_ptice_2018.pdf Expert contact detail: damijan.denac@dopps.si",161775.323329195,1979,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Jež, M. (1987): Bela štorklja (Ciconia ciconia L.) v Sloveniji v letu 1979. Varstvo narave 13: 79-91. Denac, D. (2001): Gnezditvena biologija, fenologija in razširjenost bele štorklje Ciconia ciconia v Sloveniji. Acrocephalus 22: 89-103. https://www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-C4NLUQKB/745bb3dc-a96a-47f4-9977-61b868322488/PDF Denac, D. (2010): Population dynamics of the White stork Ciconia ciconia in Slovenia between 1999 and 2010. Acrocephalus 31: 145/146 (101-114). http://www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-O9TMTJE7/5591f580-f75a-4823-bc44-8d85ac408dd5/PDF Denac, D. (2013): Slovenia. Str. 29-30. V: Kai-Michael, T., L. Lachmann: Results of the 6th International White Stork Census 2004/2005. NABU, Berlin. https://bergenhusen.nabu.de/imperia/md/nabu/images/nabu/einrichtungen/bergenhusen/slovenia_zensus_2004.pdf Denac, D. (2013): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 56-66. V: Denac, K., L. Božic, T. Mihelic, D. Denac, P. Kmecl, J. Figelj & D. Bordjan: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2012 in 2013. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje. DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/201311_denac_monitoring_iba_2012_2013.pdf Denac, D. (2014): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 54-60. V: Denac, K., L. Božic, T. Mihelic, P. Kmecl, D. Denac, D. Bordjan, T. Jancar & J. Figelj: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2014. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/20141110_denac_porocilo_monitoring_iba_2014.pdf Denac, D. (2015): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 40-44. V: Denac, K., T. Mihelic, P. Kmecl, D. Denac, D. Bordjan, J. Figelj, L. Božic & T. Jancar: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2015. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/20151125_porocilo_monitoring_2015_final.pdf Denac, D. (2016): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 52-56. V: Denac, K., P. Kmecl, T. Mihelic, L. Božic, T. Jancar, D. Denac, D. Bordjan & J. Figelj: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2016. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2016_27_12_porocilo_monitoring_2016_splet.pdf Denac D. (2017): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 34-39. V: Denac K., Kmecl P., Mihelic T., Jancar T., Denac D., Bordjan D.: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2017. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2018_3_1_Porocilo_monitoring_2017_corr.pdf Denac D. (2018): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 53-58. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018512_Porocilo_monitoring_ptice_2018.pd",NA,17,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Denac, D. (2013): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 56-66. V: Denac, K., L. Božic, T. Mihelic, D. Denac, P. Kmecl, J. Figelj & D. Bordjan: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2012 in 2013. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje. DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/201311_denac_monitoring_iba_2012_2013.pdf Denac, D. (2014): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 54-60. V: Denac, K., L. Božic, T. Mihelic, P. Kmecl, D. Denac, D. Bordjan, T. Jancar & J. Figelj: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2014. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/20141110_denac_porocilo_monitoring_iba_2014.pdf Denac, D. (2015): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 40-44. V: Denac, K., T. Mihelic, P. Kmecl, D. Denac, D. Bordjan, J. Figelj, L. Božic & T. Jancar: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2015. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/20151125_porocilo_monitoring_2015_final.pdf Denac, D. (2016): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 52-56. V: Denac, K., P. Kmecl, T. Mihelic, L. Božic, T. Jancar, D. Denac, D. Bordjan & J. Figelj: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2016. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2016_27_12_porocilo_monitoring_2016_splet.pdf Denac D. (2017): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 34-39. V: Denac K., Kmecl P., Mihelic T., Jancar T., Denac D., Bordjan D.: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2017. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2018_3_1_Porocilo_monitoring_2017_corr.pdf Denac D. (2018): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. Str. 53-58. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018512_Porocilo_monitoring_ptice_2018.pdf Expert contact detail: damijan.denac@dopps.si",NA,-10,NA,"SI","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",40,50,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Projekt stork, Project White stork",NA,5000,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Projekt stork, Project White stork",80,100,120,"SE","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",14,31,48,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",161775.323329195,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2700,6100,9500,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",250,675,1100,"BE","A031","A","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2,2,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lange, P., Christophersen, H & Christensen, J.S. 2018. Fugle i Danmark 2017. Ĺrsrapport fra Rapportgruppen. Fugleĺret 2017 s. 33-128. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening.",161775.323329195,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,-96,NA,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A031","B","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,2,"mean","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Heidt C., A. Konter, P. Lorgé & J. Weiss (2002): Ornithological observations in Luxemburg 1985-1997. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte Nr.19.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",100,NA,200,"LU","A031","A","Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Croatia",2015,2015,"p",220,NA,340,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Austria",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,350,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",8244.57091203825,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",300,NA,400,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",350,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-43,NA,-10,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-46,NA,-43,"LT","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Spain",2017,2017,"p",346,NA,386,"estimate","completeSurvey","Del Moral, J.C. (eds.). (2018). La cigüeńa negra en Espańa, población reproductora en 2017 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/44%20ciguena%20negra/html5forpc.html?page=0)",8244.57091203825,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Del Moral, J.C. (eds.). (2018). La cigüeńa negra en Espańa, población reproductora en 2017 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/44%20ciguena%20negra/html5forpc.html?page=0)",NA,100,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Del Moral, J.C. (eds.). (2018). La cigüeńa negra en Espańa, población reproductora en 2017 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/44%20ciguena%20negra/html5forpc.html?page=0)",10,NA,30,"ES","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,900,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; Petrov, Tz., Iankov, P., Michev, T., Milchev, B., Profirov, L. 1991. Distribution, numbers and conservation measures for the Black Stork, Ciconia nigra (L.) in Bulgaria. -Bull. Mus. South Bulgaria, 17: 25-32. (In Bulgarian with English Summary).",150,NA,200,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",100,NA,1500,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",10,NA,20,"LU","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",100,130,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",8244.57091203825,1982,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",9900,12400,14900,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",5,37,58,"BE","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Greece",2013,2018,"p",110,NA,170,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. e . & aa . (epµ.) 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 se 2. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 4. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",NA,250,NA,"GR","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Hungary",2017,2017,"p",350,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Demeter, I., Horváth, M., Prommer, M. (2019): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása/Summary of population monitoring programmes run by MME/Birdlife Hungary’s Raptor Conservation Department (RCD) in 2017 (In Hungarian with English summary) – Heliaca 15:75. Kalocsa, B., Tamás, E. A. (2015-2018): A Feketególya-védelmi Munkacsoport beszámolói/Reports of the work of the Black Stork protection programme – Heliaca 11-14. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Mezogazdasági Könyvkiadó Vállalat, Budapest. p. 33. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 527. National park directorates' databases Consultation with national experts.",25,NA,50,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kalocsa, B., Tamás, E. A. (2009): Feketególya-védelmi Program – 2007/The Black Stork Protection Programme – 2007 – Heliaca 5:51. Kalocsa, B., Tamás, E. A. (2018): A Feketególya-védelmi Munkacsoport 2016. évi beszámolója/Report of the Black Stork Protection Working Group (2016) (In Hungarian with English summary) – Heliaca 14:8. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","France",2013,2018,"p",60,NA,80,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,8244.57091203825,1985,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,100,NA,550,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,0,NA,25,"FR","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Polak S. (ed.) (2000b): Mednarodno pomembna obmocja za ptice v Sloveniji. Important Bird Areas (IBA) in Slovenia. Monografija DOPPS št. 1. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,0,"SI","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",85,NA,140,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert: Viesturs Kerus, viesturs@lob.lv",8244.57091203825,1989,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Expert: Viesturs Kerus, viesturs@lob.lv",-61,NA,-60,2013,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Expert: Viesturs Kerus, viesturs@lob.lv",-23,NA,-19,"LV","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1200,NA,1900,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey)",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Zielinski P., Profus P., Czuchnowski R. 2011. Present situation of the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) in Poland. Programme and Abstracts 8th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union. Latvian Ornithological Society. Riga: 418; Keller M., Profus P. 199",25,NA,75,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD)",-43,-24,1,"PL","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",400,NA,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",8244.57091203825,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,252,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-5,NA,"CZ","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Germany",2016,2016,"p",800,NA,900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",8244.57091203825,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,970,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",12,28,47,"DE","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Š, Pcola Š: Vtáctvo Vihorlatských vrchov a ich predhorí, Správa CHKO Vihorlat, 2008; Danko Š a kol.: Vtáctvo Slanských vrchov, SOS/BirdLife Slovensko 2010, Fulín M.: Databáza spätných hlásení získaná pocas monitoringu hniezdenia bociana bieleho, Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Š, Pcola Š: Vtáctvo Vihorlatských vrchov a ich predhorí, Správa CHKO Vihorlat, 2008; Danko Š a kol.: Vtáctvo Slanských vrchov, SOS/BirdLife Slovensko 2010, Fulín M.: Databáza spätných hlásení získaná pocas monitoringu hniezdenia bociana bieleho, Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",10,NA,20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Š, Pcola Š: Vtáctvo Vihorlatských vrchov a ich predhorí, Správa CHKO Vihorlat, 2008; Danko Š a kol.: Vtáctvo Slanských vrchov, SOS/BirdLife Slovensko 2010, Fulín M.: Databáza spätných hlásení získaná pocas monitoringu hniezdenia bociana bieleho, Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Italy",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brunelli M., Bordignon L., Caldarella M, Cripezzi E., Fraissinet M., Mallia E., Marrese M., Norante N., Urso S. & Visceglia M. - Rapporto sulla nidificazione della Cicogna nera Ciconia nigra in Italia. Anno 2017;",8244.57091203825,1994,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,1900,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",60,NA,60,"IT","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",40,NA,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",8244.57091203825,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",105414.215696267,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Austria",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",105414.215696267,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Spain",1998,2018,"p",3310,3310,3310,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Moreno-Rueda, G. (2016). Mirlo acuático – Cinclus cinclus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Moreno-Rueda, G. (2016). Mirlo acuático – Cinclus cinclus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Moreno-Rueda, G. (2016). Mirlo acuático – Cinclus cinclus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-3,3,9,"ES","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv Expert: Aigars Kalvans, a.kalvans@lvm.lv",105414.215696267,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,NA,110,2012,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",35.67,82.5,166.47,"LV","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",2030,NA,6090,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",105414.215696267,1972,2011,"D","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,-20,NA,1991,2011,"I","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,22,NA,"IE","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",0,NA,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 www.birding.hu",105414.215696267,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Barta, Z.: Vízirigó In: Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. 441 p. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 www.birding.hu",NA,-89,NA,2007,2017,"F","estimatePartial","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 www.birding.hu",0,0,0,"HU","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",8000,NA,11000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,5,2000,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,5,"BG","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",740,890,1050,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",105414.215696267,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,20,42,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-18,-1,17,"BE","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",4,4,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",105414.215696267,1980,2017,"Unk","estimatePartial","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Poland",2013,2014,"p",1900,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; Wilk T., Bobrek R., Pepkowska-Król A., Neubauer G., Kosicki J. 2016. Ptaki polskich Karpat - stan, zagrozenia, ochrona. OTOP, Marki.",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","UK",2016,2016,"p",6907,NA,20721,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",105414.215696267,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-3.02,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,1.33,NA,"UK","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Finland",2013,2018,"p",200,250,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FI","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","France",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,24000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",105414.215696267,1990,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Roché J. & Faivre B. 2013. Suivi quantitatif de l'avifaune nicheuse de la Loire et de l'Allier de 1990 ŕ 2012. Université de Bourgogne, 112 p.",0,NA,0,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Germany",2011,2016,"p",11000,NA,19500,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",105414.215696267,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,26,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,3,NA,"DE","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",105414.215696267,1980,2017,"UNK","absentData","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"U","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,50,"EE","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5700,10000,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-35,0,8,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-48,NA,417,"SE","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Hourlay F. (2009): Recencements des Cincles plongeurs Cinclus cinclus et des autres oiesaux d’eau présents sur l’Attert (Avril 2005). Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 55-60; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Hourlay F. (2009): Recencements des Cincles plongeurs Cinclus cinclus et des autres oiesaux d’eau présents sur l’Attert (Avril 2005). Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 55-60; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Hourlay F. (2009): Recencements des Cincles plongeurs Cinclus cinclus et des autres oiesaux d’eau présents sur l’Attert (Avril 2005). Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 55-60; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","France",2016,2017,"p",2400,2600,2900,"minimum","estimateExpert","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Thiollay, J.-M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 175 p.",8355.36298053638,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Thiollay J.-M., Terrasse J.-F. 1984. Estimation des effectifs de rapaces nicheurs diurnes et non rupestres en France. Enquęte FIR-UNAO 1979-1982 . , FIR & UNAO, Paris177 p. ; Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1",100,NA,500,2007,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1",31,59,87,"FR","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Spain",2009,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"interval","estimatePartial","Águila culebrera - Circaetus gallicus (2018). En: Guía de las aves de Espańa. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/ave/culebrera-europea/) Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf)",8355.36298053638,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","De Juana, F. (1989). Situación actual de las rapaces diurnas (Orden Falconiformes) en Espańa. Ecología, 3: 237-292. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",0,0,0,1998,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Águila culebrera - Circaetus gallicus (2018). En: Guía de las aves de Espańa. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/ave/culebrera-europea/) Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf)",0,0,0,"ES","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Italy",2015,2015,"p",626,NA,1025,"estimate","estimateExpert","Premuda G., Belosi A., Viviani F., Franchini M., 2015. Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus population monitoring at the Apuane Alps migration watch-site (Tuscany). Avocetta 39: 5-12 (2015)",8355.36298053638,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",155,NA,215,2006,2013,"I","estimateExpert","Premuda et al. 2015",75,NA,85,"IT","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",8355.36298053638,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Greece",2015,2015,"p",350,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",8355.36298053638,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,18.75,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,18.75,NA,"GR","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,450,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",8355.36298053638,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",1,NA,5,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",10,NA,30,"BG","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",110,NA,140,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",8355.36298053638,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",41,NA,45,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",8355.36298053638,1985,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 548-551. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-59,NA,-55,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 548-551. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",9,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",8355.36298053638,1980,2017,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2002,2017,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,8,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Chavko, J. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Danko Š., Mihók J., Pcola Š. Hniezdenie a výskyty hadiara krátkoprstého (Circaetus gallicus)na východnom Slovensku. Tichodroma 19: 75–86 (2007).",8355.36298053638,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-75,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-30,NA,-10,"SK","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,7,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",8355.36298053638,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission, http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/; expert knowledge",8355.36298053638,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-90,NA,-75,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",8355.36298053638,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,"EE","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",1,1,3,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",8355.36298053638,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-81,NA,-73,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-41.17,-22.54,-1.47,"LV","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Latvia",2016,2016,"bfemales",7715,12774,22056,"interval","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-39.06,10.32,92.56,"LV","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Hungary",2014,2018,"bfemales",9000,9000,9000,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 45-46 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 82 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 203-205 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 84-85 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Demeter I., Horváth M. & Prommer M. (2017): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása. Heliaca 15: 74-75 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 552-555. http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Circus_aeruginosus.pdf National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Germany",2016,2016,"bfemales",6500,NA,9000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",66767.8128379874,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,1,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-12,NA,"DE","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Poland",2013,2018,"bfemales",6600,NA,7400,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP – Flagship Species Survey)",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",NA,16,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",-15,7,34,"PL","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Lithuania",2013,2018,"bfemales",2000,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,0,"LT","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","France",2000,2002,"bfemales",1600,1900,2200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; Thiollay, J.-M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 175 p.",66767.8128379874,1989,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert","Roché, J., Muller, Y. & Siblet, J.P. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d'oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 81, p: 241 - 268 ; Issa, N. & Muller, Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Volume 1: des Anatidés aux Alcidés. Delachaud et niestlé,",NA,NA,NA,2014,2017,"S","estimateExpert",NA,NA,0,NA,"FR","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"bfemales",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",66767.8128379874,1982,2018,"I","estimatePartial","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,4,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,4,NA,"CZ","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Sweden",2013,2018,"bfemales",1300,1500,1700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",200,250,300,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",-20,19,60,"SE","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Spain",2006,2018,"bfemales",1342,1372,1589,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Molina, B. & Martínez, F. (2008). El aguilucho lagunero en Espańa. Población en 2006 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 134 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/18_aguilucho_lagunero_2006_tcm30-207953.pdf)",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Molina, B. & Martínez, F. (2008). El aguilucho lagunero en Espańa. Población en 2006 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 134 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/18_lagunero.pdf)",NA,250,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",NA,60,NA,"ES","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Slovakia",2013,2018,"bfemales",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",0,0,0,"SK","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Estonia",2013,2017,"bfemales",1000,NA,1300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",66767.8128379874,1987,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",93,NA,194,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",43,NA,69,"EE","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Denmark",2011,2011,"bfemales",1070,1070,1070,"estimate","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",66767.8128379874,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Netherlands",2013,2015,"bfemales",900,NA,1200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",66767.8128379874,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-26,-24,-22,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-18,-10,-2,"NL","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Finland",2013,2018,"bfemales",651,691,737,"interval","estimatePartial","Birds of Prey monitoring data, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",66767.8128379874,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",81,163,280,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-24,-6,16,"FI","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","UK",2016,2016,"bfemales",588,NA,695,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = national survey in 2005 (reported by Eaton, M.A., Ausden, M., Burton, N., Grice, P.V., Hearn, R.D., Hewson, C.M., Hilton, G.M., Noble, D.G., Ratcliffe, N. & Rehfisch, M.M. 2006. The State of the UK's Birds 2005. RSPB, BTO, WWT, CCW, EN, EHS and SNH, Sandy, Bedfordshire. 36 pp.) Adjusted by BBS monitoring from from 2005-2016.",66767.8128379874,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,1556,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,30,NA,"UK","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Austria",2013,2018,"bfemales",350,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",66767.8128379874,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Italy",2002,2004,"bfemales",214,NA,287,"estimate","estimateExpert","Martelli D & Rigacci L. 2005. Aggiornamento dello status del falco di palude in Italia. Avocetta 29 - Numero Speciale: 117",66767.8128379874,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",185,NA,330,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Martelli D & Rigacci L. 2005. Aggiornamento dello status del falco di palude in Italia. Avocetta 29 - Numero Speciale: 117",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"bfemales",220,NA,260,"estimate","estimatePartial","Dereliev, S., D. Georgiev, E. Stoynov, I. Mitev, N. Petkov 2007. Western Marsh-harrier (Circus aeruginosus). - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation series, Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Dereliev, S., D. Georgiev, E. Stoynov, I. Mitev, N. Petkov 2007. Western Marsh-harrier (Circus aeruginosus). - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation series, Book 10. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. BSPB Bird Database Petrov, T., T. Michev, 1985. Breeding distribution, numbers and protection of the Marsh Harrier, Circus aeruginosus aeruginosus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Bulgaria. In: International Symposium “Protection of natural areas and the genetic fund they contain”. Project No 8 on the program ‘Man and Biosphere’, UNESCO, 23-28. 09. 1985. Blagoevgrad, Bul¬garia, Collection of reports, Sofia: BAS, pp. 313-323 (in Bulg., Engl. Summ.)",400,NA,450,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Dereliev, S., D. Georgiev, E. Stoynov, I. Mitev, N. Petkov 2007. Western Marsh-harrier (Circus aeruginosus). - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation series, Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,0,"BG","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Portugal",2013,2018,"bfemales",150,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Belgium",2013,2018,"bfemales",110,140,180,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",66767.8128379874,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",340,460,620,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2,30,67,"BE","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Greece",2013,2018,"bfemales",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9. 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. 8) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9. 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. 8) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",NA,-18,NA,"GR","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Croatia",2013,2018,"bfemales",40,NA,60,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2003,2010,"S","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",0,0,0,"HR","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Slovenia",2013,2018,"bfemales",2,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",100,NA,400,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",100,NA,150,"SI","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","France",2000,2002,"bfemales",7800,9300,11200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Thiollay, J.-M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 175 p. ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007",12616.8955373567,1979,2017,"Unk","absentData","Thiollay J.-M., Terrasse J.-F. 1984. Estimation des effectifs de rapaces nicheurs diurnes et non rupestres en France. Enquęte FIR-UNAO 1979-1982 . , FIR & UNAO, Paris177 p. ; Thiollay J.-M. & Bretagnolle V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation. , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris24-27 ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007",NA,NA,NA,2005,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1",-32,-22,-10,"FR","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Finland",2013,2018,"bfemales",1004,1235,1496,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",12616.8955373567,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-68,-59,-47,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-64,-48,-26,"FI","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Sweden",2013,2018,"bfemales",700,860,1000,"mean","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",12616.8955373567,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Migration counts Falsterbo",-50,-40,-30,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Migration counts Falsterbo",-30,0,30,"SE","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","UK",2016,2016,"bfemales",545,545,545,"estimate","completeSurvey","Wotton, S.R., Bladwell, B., Mattingley, W., Morris, N.G., Raw, D., Ruddock, M., Stevenson, A. & Eaton, M.A. 2018. Status of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in the UK and Isle of Man in 2016. Bird Study 65: 145-160.",12616.8955373567,1988,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Bibby, C.J. & Etheridge, B. 1993. Status of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in Scotland in 1988-89. Bird Study 40: 1-11. Wotton, S.R., Bladwell, B., Mattingley, W., Morris, N.G., Raw, D., Ruddock, M., Stevenson, A. & Eaton, M.A. 2018. Status of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in the UK and Isle of Man in 2016. Bird Study 65: 145-160.",NA,2,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Sim, I.M.W., Dillon, I.A., Eaton, M.A., Etheridge, B., Lindley, P., Riley, H., Saunders, R., Sharpe, C. & Tickner, M. 2007. Status of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in the UK and Isle of Man in 2004, and a comparison with the 1988/89 and 1998 surveys, Bird Study 54: 256-267. Wotton, S.R., Bladwell, B., Mattingley, W., Morris, N.G., Raw, D., Ruddock, M., Stevenson, A. & Eaton, M.A. 2018. Status of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in the UK and Isle of Man in 2016. Bird Study 65: 145-160.",NA,-4,NA,"UK","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Spain",2017,2017,"bfemales",370,NA,600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (en preparación). El aguilucho cenizo y el aguilucho pálido en Espańa. Población en 2017 y método de censo. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/2018/07/06/descienden-las-poblaciones-de-aguilucho-cenizo-y-aguilucho-palido-en-espana-en-los-ultimos-10-anos/)",12616.8955373567,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (en preparación). El aguilucho cenizo y el aguilucho pálido en Espańa. Población en 2017 y método de censo. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/2018/07/06/descienden-las-poblaciones-de-aguilucho-cenizo-y-aguilucho-palido-en-espana-en-los-ultimos-10-anos/)",-53,NA,-43,"ES","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Ireland",2015,2015,"bfemales",108,NA,157,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ruddock, M., Mee, A., Lusby, J., Nagle, A., O’Neill, S. & O’Toole, L. (2016). The 2015 National Survey of Breeding Hen Harrier in Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 93. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",12616.8955373567,1972,2015,"D","completeSurvey","Ruddock, M., Mee, A., Lusby, J., Nagle, A., O’Neill, S. & O’Toole, L. (2016). The 2015 National Survey of Breeding Hen Harrier in Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 93. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland. Wotton, S.R. , Bladwell, S., Mattingley, W. , Morris, N.G., Raw, D., Ruddock, M., Stevenson, A. & Eaton, M.A. (2018) Status of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in the UK and Isle of Man in 2016. Bird Study, Vol. 65, Issue 2, https://doi.org/10.1080/00063657.2018.1476462. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,-28.6,NA,2005,2015,"D","completeSurvey","Ruddock, M., Mee, A., Lusby, J., Nagle, A., O’Neill, S. & O’Toole, L. (2016). The 2015 National Survey of Breeding Hen Harrier in Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 93. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland. Barton, C., Pollock, C., Norriss, D.W., Nagle, T., Oliver, G.A. & Newton, S. (2006). The second national survey of breeding Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland. Irish Birds 8: 1–20.",NA,-9.7,NA,"IE","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Portugal",2013,2018,"bfemales",20,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",12616.8955373567,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Estonia",2013,2017,"bfemales",10,NA,30,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",12616.8955373567,1987,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-129,NA,-37,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-346,NA,-99,"EE","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Netherlands",2013,2017,"bfemales",8,NA,14,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",12616.8955373567,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-92,-89,-87,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-82,-56,-1,"NL","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Germany",2011,2016,"bfemales",8,NA,9,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",12616.8955373567,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-72,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-91,-80,-61,"DE","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Latvia",2013,2018,"bfemales",0,NA,9,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",12616.8955373567,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-83,NA,-66,2012,2017,"UNK","absentData","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Belgium",2013,2018,"bfemales",1,3,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",12616.8955373567,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",100,500,900,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Denmark",2017,2017,"bfemales",0,0,0,"estimate","estimatePartial","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",12616.8955373567,1980,2017,"U","estimatePartial","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"bfemales",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",12616.8955373567,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,-90,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,-50,NA,"CZ","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus cyaneus",NA,"Hen Harrier","Poland",2013,2018,"bfemales",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",12616.8955373567,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Lawicki L., Lontkowski J., Wylegala P., Zielinski P. 2013. Wymieranie populacji legowej blotniaka zbozowego Circus cyaneus w Polsce. Ornis Polonica 54: 1-11; Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A082",NA,"Circus cyaneus" "Circus macrourus",NA,"Pallid Harrier","Finland",2013,2018,"p",10,20,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",20,1982,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",NA,600,NA,"FI","A083",NA,"Circus macrourus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Spain",2017,2017,"bfemales",4393,NA,5493,"estimate","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (en preparación). El aguilucho cenizo y el aguilucho pálido en Espańa. Población en 2017 y método de censo. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/2018/07/06/descienden-las-poblaciones-de-aguilucho-cenizo-y-aguilucho-palido-en-espana-en-los-ultimos-10-anos/)",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (en preparación). El aguilucho cenizo y el aguilucho pálido en Espańa. Población en 2017 y método de censo. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/2018/07/06/descienden-las-poblaciones-de-aguilucho-cenizo-y-aguilucho-palido-en-espana-en-los-ultimos-10-anos/)",-23,NA,-19,"ES","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","France",2000,2002,"bfemales",3900,4500,5100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Thiollay, J.-M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 175 p. ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",16691.9088402747,1982,2011,"Unk","absentData","Thiollay J.-M., Terrasse J.-F. 1984. Estimation des effectifs de rapaces nicheurs diurnes et non rupestres en France. Enquęte FIR-UNAO 1979-1982 . , FIR & UNAO, Paris177 p. ; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1",NA,NA,NA,2005,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",-39,-23,-4,"FR","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Poland",2013,2018,"bfemales",3400,NA,4500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Królikowska N., Krupinski D., Kuczynski L. 2017. Combining data from multiple sources to design a raptor census - the first national survey of the Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus in Poland. Bird Conservation International 28: 350-362; State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD - Raptor Survey)",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",500,NA,700,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD)",-59,-40,-14,"PL","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Lithuania",2013,2018,"bfemales",550,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",900,NA,1000,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Portugal",2013,2018,"bfemales",300,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Germany",2012,2016,"bfemales",430,NA,450,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",16691.9088402747,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,240,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",19,37,58,"DE","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Estonia",2013,2017,"bfemales",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",16691.9088402747,1987,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-68,NA,51,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-25,NA,19,"EE","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"bfemales",300,NA,350,"estimate","estimatePartial","Angelov, I., S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov 2007. Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus). - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Kostadinova, I., M. Gramatikov (eds.) 2007. Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria and Natura 2000. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 11. Sofia, BSPB BSPB Bird Database",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Angelov, I., S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov 2007. Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus). - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10. Simeonov, S. 1985. Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus) – In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, S. BAS. Niagolov, K. 1987. On the breeding Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygarcus). - In: Recent achievements of Bulgarian Zoology, Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 163-166. Milchev B. 1991. A new nesting place of Circus pygargus (L.) in Bulgaria.- Ecology. Sofia. 24: 53-57 Angelov, I., S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov 2007. Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus). - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10. Kostadinova, I., M. Gramatikov (eds.) 2007. Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria and Natura 2000. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 11. Sofia, BSPB, p. BSPB Bird Database",1400,NA,1600,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Angelov, I., S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov 2007. Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus). - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Kostadinova, I., M. Gramatikov (eds.) 2007. Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria and Natura 2000. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 11. Sofia, BSPB, p. BSPB Bird Database",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Italy",1995,2000,"bfemales",260,NA,380,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",16691.9088402747,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",5,NA,30,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Latvia",2016,2016,"bfemales",57,220,1046,"interval","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-75.3,-32.3,144,"LV","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"bfemales",130,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript) expert opinion",NA,50,NA,2004,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,20,NA,"CZ","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Croatia",2010,2015,"bfemales",60,NA,80,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Hungary",2015,2017,"bfemales",49,NA,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. Tóth, L. (2004) : A hamvas rétihéja (Circus pygargus Linnaeus, 1758) elterjedése, állománynagysága és védelme a múltban és napjainkban Magyarországon. Természetvédelmi közlemények: Magyar Biológiai Társaság. Környezet- és Természetvédelmi Szakosztály 2004/ 11. 541–549 Fatér I. (2005): Hamvas rétihéja-védelmi Program–2005 – Heliaca 2005: 29–33. Turny et al. (2014): Hamvas rétihéja (Circus pygargus) állományadatok 2013-2014-bol. Heliaca 2016: 34–41. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 556-558. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-25,NA,-18,2005,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Turny et al. (2014): Hamvas rétihéja (Circus pygargus) állományadatok 2013-2014-bol. Heliaca 2016: 34–41. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 556-558. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-70,NA,"HU","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Sweden",2013,2018,"bfemales",44,50,56,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-20,0,20,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-25,-15,-5,"SE","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Netherlands",2013,2017,"bfemales",36,NA,59,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",16691.9088402747,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",112,428,1187,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-23,1,31,"NL","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Austria",2013,2018,"bfemales",23,NA,43,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sachslehner 2017 (up to 2015); Leopold Sachslehner unpublished data from species conservation projects 2016-2018; Hans-Martin Berg/BirdLife Austria, unpublished data (Parndorfer Platte and Hanság)",16691.9088402747,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Sachslehner 2017 (up to 2015); Leopold Sachslehner unpublished data from species conservation projects 2016-2018; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds); Hans-Martin Berg/BirdLife Austria, unpublished data (Parndorfer Platte and Hanság)",NA,700,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Sachslehner 2017 (up to 2015); Leopold Sachslehner unpublished data from species conservation projects 2016-2018; Hans-Martin Berg/BirdLife Austria, unpublished data (Parndorfer Platte and Hanság)",NA,88,NA,"AT","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Denmark",2017,2017,"bfemales",31,31,31,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",16691.9088402747,1980,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Slovakia",2013,2018,"bfemales",10,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. DANKO Š., CHAVKO, J., 2002: Kana popolavá, s. 183-184 In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, A. (ed.), 2002: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, 688 p.",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",0,0,0,"SK","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","UK",2012,2016,"bfemales",8,8,8,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",16691.9088402747,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,17,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-34,NA,"UK","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Greece",2015,2015,"bfemales",5,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-62.5,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-62.5,NA,"GR","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Finland",2013,2018,"bfemales",1,5,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",16691.9088402747,1986,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",0,0,0,"FI","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Belgium",2013,2018,"bfemales",1,4,8,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",16691.9088402747,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Spain",2004,2018,"p",843689,843689,843689,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & D. Palomino (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",1370055.01894336,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012).",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2017). Cisticola juncidis (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22713491A111070621. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-1.RLTS.T22713491A111070621.en) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0)",0,0,0,"ES","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1370055.01894336,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",0,0,0,"PT","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",1370055.01894336,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",29000,NA,86000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Game & Fauna Service bag statistics reports",1370055.01894336,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",-29,NA,-28,"CY","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","France",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",1370055.01894336,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-31,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-14.2,NA,"FR","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Greece",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018 (4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",1370055.01894336,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018 (4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",0,0,0,"GR","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Malta",2017,2018,"p",12600,NA,18614,"interval","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",1370055.01894336,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,-6,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-6,NA,"MT","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",1370055.01894336,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",40,NA,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1370055.01894336,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,"SI","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",6,NA,42,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1370055.01894336,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",477,743,1126,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-82,-76,-68,"NL","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,5,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1370055.01894336,1975,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-100,900,1900,2008,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Cisticola juncidis",NA,"Zitting Cisticola","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",1,5,5,"mean","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",1370055.01894336,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",-1,5,5,"GIB","A289",NA,"Cisticola juncidis" "Clamator glandarius",NA,"Great Spotted Cuckoo","Spain",2013,2018,"p",139068,139068,139068,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información aportada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",147214.127132403,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2016). Clamator glandarius. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22683819A86113703. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22683819A86113703.en Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información aportada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Soler, J.J. (2012). Críalo europeo – Clamator glandarius. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",NA,-80.5,NA,"ES","A211",NA,"Clamator glandarius" "Clamator glandarius",NA,"Great Spotted Cuckoo","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",147214.127132403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports.",0,NA,0,"CY","A211",NA,"Clamator glandarius" "Clamator glandarius",NA,"Great Spotted Cuckoo","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",147214.127132403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A211",NA,"Clamator glandarius" "Clamator glandarius",NA,"Great Spotted Cuckoo","France",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",147214.127132403,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"F","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A211",NA,"Clamator glandarius" "Clamator glandarius",NA,"Great Spotted Cuckoo","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",147214.127132403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A211",NA,"Clamator glandarius" "Clamator glandarius",NA,"Great Spotted Cuckoo","Italy",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,30,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",147214.127132403,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",500,NA,1400,2000,2014,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",0,0,0,"IT","A211",NA,"Clamator glandarius" "Clamator glandarius",NA,"Great Spotted Cuckoo","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,15,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bedev, K., Ignatov, A., Stoychev, S. 2007. Clamator glandarius. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Bedev, K. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",147214.127132403,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Bedev, K., Ignatov, A., Stoychev, S. 2007. Clamator glandarius. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; S. Ch. Nikolov et al.: A review of the observations of Great Spotted Cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) in Bulgaria in 2006 and 2007, Acrocephalus 28 (133): 75-76; Bedev, K. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Bedev, K., Ignatov, A., Stoychev, S. 2007 Clamator glandarius. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; S. Ch. Nikolov et al.: A review of the observations of Great Spotted Cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) in Bulgaria in 2006 and 2007, Acrocephalus 28 (133): 75-76; Bedev, K. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A211",NA,"Clamator glandarius" "Clanga clanga",NA,"Greater Spotted Eagle","Poland",2013,2018,"p",12,13,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MOG – Spotted Eagle Census)",22.3071357893653,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Maciorowski G., Mirski P., Väli Ü. 2015. Hybridisation dynamics between the Greater Spotted Eagles Aquila clanga and Lesser Spotted Eagles Aquila pomarina in the Biebrza River Valley (NE Poland). Acta Ornithologica 50: 33–41.; Maciorowski G., Lontowski J.",-20,NA,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MOG)",NA,-28,NA,"PL","A859",NA,"Clanga clanga" "Clanga clanga",NA,"Greater Spotted Eagle","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",22.3071357893653,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A859",NA,"Clanga clanga" "Clanga clanga",NA,"Greater Spotted Eagle","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys , V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",22.3071357893653,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys , V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,"LT","A859",NA,"Clanga clanga" "Clanga clanga",NA,"Greater Spotted Eagle","Finland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",22.3071357893653,1982,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Birds of Prey monitoring data, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Birds of Prey monitoring data, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",0,0,0,"FI","A859",NA,"Clanga clanga" "Clanga clanga",NA,"Greater Spotted Eagle","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",22.3071357893653,1991,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Expert: Maris Strazds, mstrazds@latnet.lv",NA,-100,NA,2012,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A859",NA,"Clanga clanga" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",3753,4334,4914,"interval","completeSurvey","Bergmanis U. (in preparation) Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Lesser Sptted Eagle Clanga pomarina in Latvia. Riga: Latvian Fund for Nature.",12871.0043101422,1988,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bergmanis U. (in preparation) Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Lesser Sptted Eagle Clanga pomarina in Latvia. Riga: Latvian Fund for Nature.",-10,-2.7,5.1,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",129.79,531.67,1482.29,"LV","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,2600,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey); expert knowledge",12871.0043101422,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Mirski P., Cenian Z., Lontkowski J., Stój M., Wójciak J., Zawadzka D. 2014. Krajowy program ochrony orlika krzykliwego. Projekt. Komitet Ochrony Orlów, Olsztyn.",20,NA,40,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD)",-22,-2,23,"PL","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1400,NA,1900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",12871.0043101422,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-15,NA,-10,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Dravecký, M. Maderic, B., Topercer, J., Kicko, J., Danko, Š., Karaska, D., Guziová, Z. & Šotnár, K., 2015: Abundance, distribution and trend of the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) breeding population in Slovakia. Slovak Raptor Journal, 9: 7-44",12871.0043101422,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku Dravecký M., Maderic B., Topercer J., Kicko J., Danko Š., Karaska D., Guziová Z. & Šotnár K., 2015: Abundance, distribution and trend of the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) breeding population in Slovakia. Slovak Raptor Journal. 2015;9(1): 7-44.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Dravecký M., Maderic B., Topercer J., Kicko J., Danko Š., Karaska D., Guziová Z. & Šotnár K., 2015: Abundance, distribution and trend of the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) breeding population in Slovakia. Slovak Raptor Journal. 2015;9(1): 7-44.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",500,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",12871.0043101422,1987,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",69,NA,87,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",8,NA,35,"EE","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",460,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Demerdzhiev, D., S. Stoychev, A. Grozdanov, B. Tonchev, E. Stoynov, I. Mitev 2007. Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina. - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. - BSPB, Conservation series, Book 10, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",12871.0043101422,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Demerdzhiev, D., S. Stoychev, A. Grozdanov, B. Tonchev, E. Stoynov, I. Mitev 2007. Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina. - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. - BSPB, Conservation series, Book 10, Sofia. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database Nankinov, D. 1985. Lesser Spotted Eagle ( Aquila pomarina, Brehm, 1831) – In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, S. BAS, 183 pp. Simeonov, S., T. Michev, D. Nankinov 1990. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 20, Aves, Part , S., BAS. Baumgart, W. 1996. Die Bestandssituation des Schreiadlers Aquila pomarina und Probleme ihrer Ermittlung in Bulgarien. In: B.-U. Meyburg and R. D. Chancellor (Eds). Eagle studies WWGBP. Berlin, London and Paris: 327 - 336. Kouzmanov, G. 1996. L’Aigle pomarin Aquila pomarina en Bulgarie. In: B.-U. Meyburg and R. D. Chancellor (Eds). Eagle studies WWGBP. Berlin, London and Paris: 319 – 326. Iankov, P., Tz. Petrov, T. Michev and L. Profirov. 1996. Status of the Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) and the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) in the Mediterranean. Biology and conservation of Mediterranean raptors, 1994. – Monografia 4. Proceedings of the VI Congress on Biology and Conservation of Mediterranean Raptors, Palma de Mallorca, 22 – 25 September 1994.",100,NA,200,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Demerdzhiev, D., S. Stoychev, A. Grozdanov, B. Tonchev, E. Stoynov, I. Mitev 2007. Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina. - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. - BSPB, Conservation series, Book 10, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",40,NA,100,"BG","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Germany",2016,2016,"p",120,120,120,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",12871.0043101422,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-12,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,15,NA,"DE","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Greece",2015,2015,"p",70,NA,90,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",12871.0043101422,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London.",NA,-21,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Croatia",2012,2012,"p",60,NA,70,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",12871.0043101422,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",29,NA,36,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",12871.0043101422,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 559-561. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-81,NA,-76,2007,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 559-561. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",12871.0043101422,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","expert opinion",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","expert opinion",0,0,0,"CZ","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"interval","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Rubinic B., Božic L., Kmecl P., Denac D., Denac K. (2008): Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic. Vmesno porocilo. Rezultati popisov v spomladanski sezoni 2008. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Web portal NOAGS: http://atlas.ptice.si/atlas/index.php?r=user/login. Accessed 11 Apr 2019.",12871.0043101422,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-100,NA,-50,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on SPA monitoring data and NOAGS web portal (see sources below), the species bred at one location (SPA Krakovski gozd - Šentjernejsko polje) in 2008 and probably 2015. Rubinic B., Božic L., Kmecl P., Denac D., Denac K. (2008): Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic. Vmesno porocilo. Rezultati popisov v spomladanski sezoni 2008. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Web portal NOAGS: http://atlas.ptice.si/atlas/index.php?r=user/login. Accessed 11 Apr 2019.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Clangula hyemalis",NA,"Long-tailed Duck","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1500,1750,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2650,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Valkama, Jari, Vepsäläinen, Ville & Lehikoinen, Aleksi 2011: Suomen III Lintuatlas. – Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo ja ympäristöministeriö. (viitattu [15.11.2013]) ISBN 978-952-10-6918-5. Väisänen, R. A., Lammi, E. & Koskimies, P. 1998: Muuttuva pesimälinnusto. – Otava, Helsinki.",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FI","A064",NA,"Clangula hyemalis" "Clangula hyemalis",NA,"Long-tailed Duck","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",700,900,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2650,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",20,30,40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-30,-10,"SE","A064",NA,"Clangula hyemalis" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Poland",2013,2018,"p",362000,NA,486000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",13,28,45,"PL","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Germany",2016,2016,"p",205000,NA,355000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",3146879.56844383,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,12,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-29,-4,29,"DE","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,350000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",140000,NA,280000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",3146879.56844383,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,"CZ","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Spain",2013,2018,"p",170126,170126,170126,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & D. Palomino (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información aportada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0)",-10,NA,10,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0)",-10,NA,10,"ES","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",110000,NA,220000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",124000,NA,174000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",64565,89115,123000,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",3146879.56844383,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",1512,NA,1541,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",60,158.5,310.8,"LV","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",40000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; The population trend is for the period 2005-2012",0,0,0,"BG","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","France",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",3146879.56844383,1989,2017,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,80,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,43.8,NA,"FR","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",32200,NA,45100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,52.4,NA,"SI","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",26000,35000,45000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",51,137,270,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",56,106,171,"SE","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",20000,NA,35000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3146879.56844383,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-59,NA,-52,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-74,NA,-14,"EE","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Austria",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",3146879.56844383,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,19,NA,"AT","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",13562,13562,13562,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",3146879.56844383,1981,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-36.68,-11.43,23.51,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-23.92,14.41,69.76,"DK","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",12000,NA,15000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3146879.56844383,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",151,226,324,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",116,142,171,"NL","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",8700,11000,13300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3146879.56844383,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",55,96,138,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-1,9,21,"BE","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,-28,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",3146879.56844383,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2009,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle (Cobimo data)",-10,NA,110,"LU","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1000,1500,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",NA,81,NA,"FI","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","UK",2011,2011,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Clements, R. 2013. A UK population estimate for the Hawfinch. British Birds 106: 42-44.",3146879.56844383,1970,2011,"D","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Berkhamsted, T. & A.D. Poyser. Clements, R. 2013. A UK population estimate for the Hawfinch. British Birds 106: 42-44.",-93,NA,-87,1989,2011,"D","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Clements, R. 2013. A UK population estimate for the Hawfinch. British Birds 106: 42-44.",-89,NA,-79,"UK","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Columba bollii",NA,"Dark-tailed Laurel-pigeon","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"i",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Del Campo, J. & Del Campo, F. (2016). Paloma turqué Columba bollii. Noticiario ornitológico. Ardeola 63(2): 438-439. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",5000,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Del Campo, J. & Del Campo, F. (2016). Paloma turqué Columba bollii. Noticiario ornitológico. Ardeola 63(2): 438-439. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Martín, A., Hernández, M.A., Lorenzo, J.A., Nogales, M. & González, C. (2000). Las palomas endémicas de Canarias. Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 191 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Del Campo, J. & Del Campo, F. (2016). Paloma turqué Columba bollii. Noticiario ornitológico. Ardeola 63(2): 438-439. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A422",NA,"Columba bollii" "Columba junoniae",NA,"White-tailed Laurel-pigeon","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"i",1000,NA,2500,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dracaena. (2017). Servicio de seguimiento del proceso y éxito de la reintroducción de la paloma rabiche en la Isla de Gran Canaria, en el ámbito del Proyecto LIFE12 NAT/ES/000354 – LIFE+Rabiche, para el periodo 2015-2017. Informe final. 80 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos. Varios autores. (2017). Reintroduction of endemic pigeon Columba junoniae, white-tailed laurel pigeon, on the island of Gran Canaria. Final Report. LIFE12 NAT/ES/000354.",1581.13883008419,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dracaena. (2017). Servicio de seguimiento del proceso y éxito de la reintroducción de la paloma rabiche en la Isla de Gran Canaria, en el ámbito del Proyecto LIFE12 NAT/ES/000354 – LIFE+Rabiche, para el periodo 2015-2017. Informe final. 80 pp. González Acebes, M., Delgado García, J.D. & Farińa Trujillo, B. (2002). Paloma rabiche Columba junoniae: El Hierro. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 21 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Martín, A., Hernández, M.A., Lorenzo, J.A., Nogales, M. & González, C. (2000). Las palomas endémicas de Canarias. Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 191 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos. Varios autores. (2017). Reintroduction of endemic pigeon Columba junoniae, white-tailed laurel pigeon, on the island of Gran Canaria. Final Report. LIFE12 NAT/ES/000354.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dracaena. (2017). Servicio de seguimiento del proceso y éxito de la reintroducción de la paloma rabiche en la Isla de Gran Canaria, en el ámbito del Proyecto LIFE12 NAT/ES/000354 – LIFE+Rabiche, para el periodo 2015-2017. Informe final. 80 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos. Varios autores. (2017). Reintroduction of endemic pigeon Columba junoniae, white-tailed laurel pigeon, on the island of Gran Canaria. Final Report. LIFE12 NAT/ES/000354.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A423",NA,"Columba junoniae" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Azores",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"Minimum","absentData","No sources available.",3402220.66762989,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData","Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology.",3402220.66762989,1972,2018,"D","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-2011 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",400,NA,800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB database",3402220.66762989,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Simeonov S.,T.Michev, D.Nankinov 1990 Fauna of Bulgaria.vol.20 Aves-part 1.BAS,Sofia. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) BSPB database",-25,NA,-10,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; P.Shurulinkov-own unpublished data",-25,NA,-10,"BG","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",3402220.66762989,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=145&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",3402220.66762989,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","UK",2016,2016,"p",1000,3000,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Forrester, R.W., Andrews, I.J., McInerny, C.J., Murray, R.D., McGowan, R.Y., Zonfrillo, B., Betts, M.W., Jardine, D.C. & Grundy, D.S. (eds.) The Birds of Scotland. The Scottish Ornithologists' Club, Aberlady, suggest no more than 1,000-5,000 pure Rock Piegons persist based on data from Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",3402220.66762989,1970,2008,"UNK",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"UK","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3402220.66762989,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. (The ornithological atlas of Slovenia.) – Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-100,NA,2002,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-100,NA,"SI","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Cyprus pilot Atlas survey work; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Game & Fauna Service bag statistics.",3402220.66762989,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",900,900,900,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",3402220.66762989,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",3402220.66762989,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Portugal",NA,NA,"p",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData",NA,3402220.66762989,NA,NA,NA,"absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","France",2008,2012,"p",800,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","ROCAMORA, G. & YEATMAN-BERTHELOT, D. 1999. Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. Liste rouge et recherche de priorités. Populations. Tendances. Conservations, Société d’Etudes Ornithologiques de France/Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux, Paris. 598 p. ; SANCHIS F. 2011. Inventaire des colonies littorales de pigeon biset en Corse. in Faune Sauvage N°293 (octobre-décembre 2011) n° spécial ""Colombidés : connaissance et gestion"" (Actes du 2e colloque national), ONCFS24-25",3402220.66762989,1980,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Caprimulgidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",3402220.66762989,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba livia","wild populations","Rock Dove","Spain",2004,2006,"p",2410000,NA,4530000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",3402220.66762989,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A206",NA,"Columba livia" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","UK",2016,2016,"p",321780,321780,321780,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",791834.421483699,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",40.62,40.62,40.62,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",14.33,14.33,14.33,"UK","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Germany",2016,2016,"p",70000,NA,115000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",791834.421483699,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",41,NA,180,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",30,60,97,"DE","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Spain",2004,2006,"p",37906,NA,197482,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",8,8,8,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-7.1,NA,5,"ES","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",45000,NA,55000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",791834.421483699,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",26,56,94,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",15,28,42,"NL","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","France",2009,2012,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Deceuninck B. 2015. Pigeon colombin - Columba oenas. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine, Issa & Muller coord., p. 702-705 ; . MNHN (2012).",791834.421483699,2001,2017,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,127,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,90,NA,"FR","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",25600,42300,59000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",791834.421483699,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",320,593,867,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-26,-13,2,"BE","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Poland",2013,2018,"p",21000,NA,36000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",35,84,150,"PL","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",9956,18324,43039,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",791834.421483699,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-50,-38.6,-24.9,"IE","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",8500,12000,16000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-61,-55,-51,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-16,0,19,"SE","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",10000,NA,14000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 102-103 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 83 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 364-365 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 142 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database",116,NA,360,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Columba_oenas.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Austria",2013,2018,"p",7500,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",791834.421483699,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,16,NA,"AT","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",4408,7195,11744,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-28.4,109.4,464.4,"LV","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",791834.421483699,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Finland",2013,2018,"p",4450,5239,6370,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",791834.421483699,1984,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-20,14,63,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-15,23,77,"FI","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3500,NA,5500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Monitoring SOS Birdlife, Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,4600,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,135,NA,"SI","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",950,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",100,NA,150,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",5,NA,10,"LT","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1136,1136,1136,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",791834.421483699,1985,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",220.57,341.74,506.84,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",39.38,94.05,167.76,"DK","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",791834.421483699,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815b",-60,NA,-31,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,"EE","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Croatia",2012,2012,"p",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",250,NA,450,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red Data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. Kostadinova I., M.Gramatikov (ed.) Important bird areas and Natura-2000. BSPB Conservation series,Book 11, Sofia. BSPB ornithological database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-unpublished data",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Red Data Book of Bulgaria (1985) BAS,Sofia. Simeonov S.,T.Michev, D.Nankinov 1990 Fauna of Bulgaria.vol.20 Aves-part 1.BAS,Sofia. BSPB Database",-80,NA,-50,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red Data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. Kostadinova I., M.Gramatikov (ed.) Important bird areas and Natura-2000. BSPB Conservation series,Book 11, Sofia. BSPB ornithological database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-unpublished data",-40,NA,-20,"BG","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Italy",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Caprimulgidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",791834.421483699,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",65,NA,100,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba palumbus","azorica","Common Woodpigeon","Azores",2014,2018,"p",42168,93241,136149,"mean","estimatePartial","DRA (Data from 2018 not published; obtained from DRA monitoring scheme) Fontaine R., Fonseca A. & Gonçalves D. 2018 . Censo de pombo das rochas, rola turca, melro preto, estorninho malhado e milhafre Arquipélago dos Açores 2014-2017. CIBIO/InBIO Universidade do Porto, Universidade dos Açores.",93241,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",NA,50,NA,"PTAC","A421",NA,"Columba palumbus azorica" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",28500,NA,34200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,24.3,NA,"SI","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Spain",2004,2018,"p",3801263,4369004,4936745,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,7.1,NA,"ES","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Austria",2013,2018,"p",70000,NA,110000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",22212384.8861063,1981,2018,"I","estimateExpert","expert opinion",50,NA,200,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,20,NA,"AT","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","o data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,130,NA,"GR","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",152000,NA,165000,"interval","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",270,NA,480,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",152,NA,282,"HU","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",238000,382100,526100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",22212384.8861063,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",119,252,385,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",5,10,17,"BE","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",705000,980000,1254000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,25,40,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-4,1,6,"SE","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,14000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2009,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle (Cobimo data)",0,NA,10,"LU","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Italy",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Caprimulgidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",22212384.8861063,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,300,NA,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",90,NA,100,"IT","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","France",2008,2012,"p",2500000,NA,3500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Birdlife 2015. Columba palumbus.. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T22690103A60007185. Downloaded on 07 January 2019., http://oldredlist.iucnredlist.org/details/22690103/1; Sueur, F., Issa, N. Lormée, H. 2015. Pigeon ramier. In Issa N & Muller, Y. Coord. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, LPO/SEOF/MNHN. Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris706-709",22212384.8861063,1996,2017,"I","completeSurvey",NA,78,101,125,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. . Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 891-893 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision. . Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615",24,24,36,"FR","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","UK",2016,2016,"p",4853031,5155060,5457091,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",22212384.8861063,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,94.39,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,8.64,NA,"UK","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Finland",2013,2018,"p",308548,337290,363167,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",69,103,144,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",29,39,50,"FI","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",1032255,1286954.5,2082130,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",22212384.8861063,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",15,19.3,23.7,"IE","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Germany",2016,2016,"p",2900000,NA,3500000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",22212384.8861063,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",41,NA,180,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",10,17,24,"DE","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,89000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-unpublished data",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Simeonov S., T.Michev, D.Nankiniov 1990. Fauna of Bulgaria.vol 20. Aves-part 1. BAS,Sofia. BSPB Database",80,NA,300,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-unpublished data",100,NA,350,"BG","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",93491,109486,128219,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",22212384.8861063,1995,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-1.74,NA,107.12,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-0.4,21,46.7,"LV","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Monitoring of common species.",80,NA,200,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Monitoring bežných druhov",50,NA,80,"SK","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",8900,8900,8900,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1013000,NA,1315000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",52,66,80,"PL","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",22212384.8861063,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",198,NA,713,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",50,NA,61,"EE","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",250000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",22212384.8861063,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-24,-16,-7,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-10,-5,-1,"NL","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",70000,NA,110000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",25,NA,40,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",20,NA,30,"LT","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",42000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Game & Fauna Service bag statistics reports",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",40,NA,71,"CY","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",22212384.8861063,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,3,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,3,NA,"CZ","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",319307,319307,319307,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",22212384.8861063,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",63.71,81.18,100.47,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-11.99,-6.23,-0.12,"DK","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Columba trocaz",NA,"Madeira Laurel-pigeon","Madeira",2013,2018,"i",10000,NA,14000,"interval","completeSurvey","Relatório interno do IFCN, IP-RAM (https://ifcn.madeira.gov.pt/biodiversidade/projetos/pombo-trocaz.html) 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",11832.1595661992,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Jones, M.J., Hamer, K., Hill, J., Hounsome, M.V., Jepson, P., Lace, L.A., Read, H., Turtle, C., 1989. A survey of distribution and habitat preferences of the long-toed pigeon, Columba trocaz in Madeira, ICBP Study report No. 32. Oliveira, P., Jones, M., 1995. Population numbers, habitat preferences and the impact of the Long-toed pigeon, Columba trocaz, on agriculture, Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal 4, 531-542. Oliveira, P., Jones, M., Caires, D., Menezes, D., 1999. Population trends and status of the Madeira Laurel Pigeon Columba trocaz, Bird Conservation International (1999) 9, 387-395. Oliveira, P., Rosa, A., Quintal, C., Menezes, D., Sousa, F., Fagundes, I., Sousa, L., Pestana, N., 2003. Population trends between 1995 and 2000 and status of the Madeira Laurel Pigeon, Columba trocaz, Proceedings of the I Symposium: Island ecosystem, conservation, and molecular Approach, CCBG, Funchal. https://ifcn.madeira.gov.pt/biodiversidade/projetos/pombo-trocaz.html",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Oliveira, P., Jones, M., Caires, D., Menezes, D., 1999. Population trends and status of the Madeira Laurel Pigeon Columba trocaz, Bird Conservation International (1999) 9, 387-395. Oliveira, P., Rosa, A., Quintal, C., Menezes, D., Sousa, F., Fagundes, I., Sousa, L., Pestana, N., 2003. Population trends between 1995 and 2000 and status of the Madeira Laurel Pigeon, Columba trocaz, Proceedings of the I Symposium: Island ecosystem, conservation, and molecular Approach, CCBG, Funchal. https://ifcn.madeira.gov.pt/biodiversidade/projetos/pombo-trocaz.html",NA,NA,NA,"PTMA","A455",NA,"Columba trocaz" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Austria",2013,2017,"p",2,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, data from www.ornitho.at; Michael Tiefenbach unpublished data; Tiefenbach 2015",16243.6588927323,1981,2017,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, data from www.ornitho.at; Michael Tiefenbach unpublished data; Samwald 1996, Samwald & Samwald 1989",NA,-90,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, data from www.ornitho.at; Michael Tiefenbach unpublished data; Tiefenbach 2013-2015",NA,-61,NA,"AT","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,120,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"interval","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Domanjko G., Gjergjek R. (2014): Vrnitev »plavih vran« na Goricko. Svet ptic 20 (3): 39–40.",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-100,NA,-90,2007,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","In the short-term trend period (2007-2018) the species only bred in Slovenia in 2014 (two pairs at two locations), whereas in the remaining years of the reporting period it did not breed in Slovenia. Based on these data it is difficult to determine the short-term trend direction and magnitude. Regular breeding ceased after 2005 (Rubinic, B., Mihelic, T. & L. Božic (2005): Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic. Rezultati popisov v sezoni 2005. Cetrto vmesno porocilo. Narocnik: Agencija RS za okolje. DOPPS, Ljubljana.). Denac K. (2018): Zlatovranka Coracias garrulus. pp. 59-61. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Greece",2015,2015,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-8.3,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,10,NA,"GR","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Spain",2002,2018,"p",2000,2209,4000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Salgado, I. (2018). Estado de conservación de la carraca europea (Coracias garrulus) en la Comunidad de Madrid: En peligro de extinción. Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2015-2017: pp97-108. En: Juan, M., De la Torre, V. & Pérez-Granados, C. (ed.) (2018). Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2015-2017. SEO-Monticola. Madrid.",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. Salgado, I. (2018). Estado de conservación de la carraca europea (Coracias garrulus) en la Comunidad de Madrid: En peligro de extinción. Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2015-2017: pp97-108. En: Juan, M., De la Torre, V. & Pérez-Granados, C. (ed.) (2018). Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2015-2017. SEO-Monticola. Madrid.",NA,-55,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Avilés, J. M. (2016). Carraca europea– Coracias garrulus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org). Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Salgado, I. (2018). Estado de conservación de la carraca europea (Coracias garrulus) en la Comunidad de Madrid: En peligro de extinción. Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2015-2017: pp97-108. En: Juan, M., De la Torre, V. & Pérez-Granados, C. (ed.) (2018). Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2015-2017. SEO-Monticola. Madrid. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa SACRE: Seguimiento de Aves comunes en Primavera. Resultados 1998-2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Resultados_sacre_11c.pdf)",NA,-40,NA,"ES","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Hungary",2018,2018,"p",1800,1800,1800,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kiss & Tokody (2017) Distribution, population changes and conservation of the European Roller (Coracias garrulus) in Hungary. Aquila Vol. 124 p. 75–90. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 633-636. http://www.mme.hu/szalakota http://rollerproject.eu/en/node National park directorates' databases. Consultation with national experts.",16243.6588927323,1990,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Kiss & Tokody (2017) Distribution, population changes and conservation of the European Roller (Coracias garrulus) in Hungary. Aquila Vol. 124 p. 75–90. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 635. Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke, Budapest – Szeged. p. 90. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. p. 202. MME (Birdlife Hungary)(2003): Veszélyeztetett madarak fajvédelmi tervei, Budapest. p. 152-153. http://www.mme.hu/szalakota http://rollerproject.eu/en/node National park directorates' databases Consultation with national experts.",200,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kiss & Tokody (2017) Distribution, population changes and conservation of the European Roller (Coracias garrulus) in Hungary. Aquila Vol. 124 p. 75–90. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 635. http://www.mme.hu/szalakota http://rollerproject.eu/en/node National park directorates' databases Consultation with national experts.",NA,80,NA,"HU","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Spasov, S., Stoychev, S., Todorov, E., Stoyanov, E. 2007. Coracias garrulus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Spasov, S., Stoychev, S., Todorov, E., Stoyanov, E. 2007. Coracias garrulus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",5,NA,10,2001,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Spasov, S., Stoychev, S., Todorov, E., Stoyanov, E. 2007. Coracias garrulus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",-20,NA,-10,"BG","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Poland",2013,2018,"p",14,25,34,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MKR – Roller Census)",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; Sikora A., Rohde Z., Gromadzki M., Neubauer G., Chylarecki P. 2007. Atlas rozmieszczenia ptaków legowych Polski 1985-2004. Bog",-99,NA,-90,2010,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MKR)",NA,-65,NA,"PL","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","France",2013,2018,"p",850,NA,1050,"estimate","completeSurvey","A. Schall 2017. Le Rollier d'Europe. La Crau, derničre steppe pierreuse., Biotopep.170-171 ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",16243.6588927323,1989,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Germany",2011,2016,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",16243.6588927323,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",14,NA,16,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert: Edmunds Racinskis, edmunds.racinskis@gmail.com Expert: Ieva Mardega, ieva.mardega@gmail.com",16243.6588927323,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-64,NA,-46,2012,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge: BirdLife International, 374 pp. Racinskis E. 2012. [Fifteenth summer with European Rollers.] (in Latvian). In: Putni daba 2012/1-2: 34-37. Expert: Edmunds Racinskis, edmunds.racinskis@gmail.com Expert: Ieva Mardega, ieva.mardega@gmail.com",-31.89,-30.37,-29.06,"LV","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Aves-Symfónia",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Janák, M., Lengyel, J., 1999: K pocetnosti krakle belasej (Coracias garrulus) v okrese Komárno. Rosalia, 14: 175 - 180. Bohuš, M., 2007: Hniezdenie krakle belasej (Coracias garrulus) na juhozápadnom Slovensku v rokoch 2001 – 2006. Tichodroma 19: 11 – 16.",-100,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Bohuš, M., 2008: Hniezdne dutiny krakle belasej (Coracias garrulus) na poslednom známom hniezdisku na Slovensku. Tichodroma 20: 13 – 20. Bohuš, M., 2011: Hniezdenie a výskyt krakle belasej (Coracias garrulus) na juhozápadnom Slovensku v rokoch 2007–2011. Tichodroma 23: 13-20. Bohuš, M., 2014: Vybrané aspekty negatívneho populacného a areálového trendu krakle belasej (Coracias garrulus L. 1758) so zretelom na západné Slovensko. In: Fedor, P., Molnárová, M. (eds.): Nové horizonty environmentálnej ekológie a ochrany životného prostredia 2014. Pp. 98-107. Zborník recenzovaných vedeckých príspevkov. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Bratislava, 178 pp.",0,0,0,"SK","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",16243.6588927323,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-20,NA,0,"EE","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",8,NA,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","EExpert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-99,NA,-98,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-15,NA,-10,"LT","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Croatia",2018,2018,"p",40,NA,50,"interval","completeSurvey","Barišic, S., Cikovic, D., Tutiš, V., Kralj, J. (2018.): Preliminarno izvješce terenskih istraživanja zlatovrane (Coracias garrulus) u 2018. godini u sklopu izrade strucne podloge za plan upravljanja. Tehnicko izvješce za MZOE. Zavod za ornitologiju. Zagreb. 21 str.",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Barišic S., V. Tutiš L (2013) Zlatovrana Coracias garrulus. U: Tutiš V, Kralj J, Radovic D, Cikovic D, Barišic S (ur.) Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode i Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 118-120.",-70,-50,-30,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Barišic, S., Cikovic, D., Tutiš, V., Kralj, J. (2018.): Preliminarno izvješce terenskih istraživanja zlatovrane (Coracias garrulus) u 2018. godini u sklopu izrade strucne podloge za plan upravljanja. Tehnicko izvješce za MZOE. Zavod za ornitologiju. Zagreb. 21 str.",NA,10,NA,"HR","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion & Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Recent data as above, but no systematic data is available for before 2003; Bannerman & Bannerman, Birds of Cyprus (1958).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",-20,NA,-17,"CY","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Italy",2013,2018,"p",900,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Meschini A. & CORACIAS (a cura di) 2015.",16243.6588927323,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,200,2000,2014,"I","estimateExpert","Meschini A. & CORACIAS (a cura di) 2015 Gustin M, Brambilla M & Celada C. 2009. Valutazione dello stato di conservazione dell’avifauna italiana. Specie in Allegato I della Direttiva Uccelli. MATTM, LIPU.",100,NA,200,"IT","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Spain",2004,2018,"p",75707,NA,170334,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-7,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-11.4,NA,-7,"ES","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",23000,32000,42000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",24,46,74,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-13,-3,7,"SE","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Poland",2008,2012,"p",26000,NA,37000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bednorz J. 1991. Die Wiederausbreitung des Kolkraben (Corvus corax) in Poland. In: Glandt D. (ed.) Der Kolkrabe in Mitteleuropa. Metelener Schriftenreiche für Naturschutz 2: 29–35; Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status.",800,NA,1000,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",4,17,33,"PL","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",16770,28488,48396,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-12.6,16.5,54.3,"LV","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",18175,27939,50939.3333333333,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",395694.811008518,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-16.7,-7.3,3.2,"IE","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Germany",2011,2016,"p",20000,NA,28000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",395694.811008518,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,91,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,29,NA,"DE","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Finland",2013,2018,"p",19667,22491,26696,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",58,150,294,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-19,-3,15,"FI","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","France",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",395694.811008518,2002,2017,"S","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,2007,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,NA,0,NA,"FR","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","UK",2016,2016,"p",10027,10027,10027,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",395694.811008518,1970,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Poyser, London. BTO in litt., this report",NA,112,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-5.88,NA,"UK","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,10000,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,15,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",4500,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",20,NA,30,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 142-143 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 123 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 261 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 513-514 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 213 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",4800,NA,5900,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Corvus_corax.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished.",0,0,0,"HU","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",4000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",395694.811008518,1983,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",7,NA,206,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-19,NA,11,"EE","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",395694.811008518,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,20,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",2600,NA,4500,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,68,NA,"SI","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2600,NA,4100,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",395694.811008518,1981,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",10,NA,25,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",395694.811008518,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,11,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,10,NA,"CZ","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Canary Islands",2016,2018,"p",2243,NA,2297,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A., González Melián, E. & González, C. (2016). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cuervo (Corvus corax) y del halcón tagarote (Falco pelegrinoides) en el Parque Nacional de La Caldera de Taburiente 2015-2016. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife – Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 86 pp. + anexos. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Actualización de la información sobre las poblaciones de cuervo (Corvus corax canariensis) en las islas de Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, El Hierro, La Gomera y La Palma. Memoria técnica final. Noviembre de 2018. SEO/BirdLife – GESPLAN SAU. Informe no publicado. 84 pp. + anexos. Siverio, F., M. Siverio & B. Rodríguez. (2016). Actualización de la información sobre las poblaciones de cuervo grande (Corvus corax canariensis) en Tenerife y Fuerteventura, islas Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias-Unión Europea (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). Informe inédito.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","González Acebes, M. & Bonilla Perdomo, C. (2002). Cuervo Corvus corax: Gran Canaria. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 13 pp. González Acebes, M., Farińa Trujillo, B. & Delgado García, J.D. (2002). Cuervo Corvus corax: La Palma. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 18 pp. González Acebes, M., Farińa Trujillo, B. & Bonilla Perdomo, C. (2002). Cuervo Corvus corax: La Gomera. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 13 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González Melián, E. & González, C. (2016). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cuervo (Corvus corax) y del halcón tagarote (Falco pelegrinoides) en el Parque Nacional de La Caldera de Taburiente 2015-2016. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife – Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 86 pp. + anexos. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Actualización de la información sobre las poblaciones de cuervo (Corvus corax canariensis) en las islas de Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, El Hierro, La Gomera y La Palma. Memoria técnica final. Noviembre de 2018. SEO/BirdLife – GESPLAN SAU. Informe no publicado. 84 pp. + anexos. Siverio, M. (2009). Seguimiento de Poblaciones de Especies Amenazadas. 2009. Corvus corax canariensis Hartert y Kleinschmidt, 1901. Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma y La Gomera. Gesplan, SAU-Vicecosejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Informe inédito. Siverio, F., M. Siverio & B. Rodríguez. (2016). Actualización de la información sobre las poblaciones de cuervo grande (Corvus corax canariensis) en Tenerife y Fuerteventura, islas Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias-Unión Europea (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). Informe inédito.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A., González Melián, E. & González, C. (2016). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cuervo (Corvus corax) y del halcón tagarote (Falco pelegrinoides) en el Parque Nacional de La Caldera de Taburiente 2015-2016. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife – Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 86 pp. + anexos. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Actualización de la información sobre las poblaciones de cuervo (Corvus corax canariensis) en las islas de Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, El Hierro, La Gomera y La Palma. Memoria técnica final. Noviembre de 2018. SEO/BirdLife – GESPLAN SAU. Informe no publicado. 84 pp. + anexos. Siverio, M. (2009). Seguimiento de Poblaciones de Especies Amenazadas. 2009. Corvus corax canariensis Hartert y Kleinschmidt, 1901. Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma y La Gomera. Gesplan, SAU-Vicecosejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Informe inédito. Siverio, F., M. Siverio & B. Rodríguez. (2016). Actualización de la información sobre las poblaciones de cuervo grande (Corvus corax canariensis) en Tenerife y Fuerteventura, islas Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias-Unión Europea (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). Informe inédito.",NA,1,NA,"ESIC","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",1200,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Daskalova, G., Petrov, Ts., Stoynov, E., Vasilev, V. 2007. The Raven Corvus corax – In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, Conservation series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 588 - 589 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Daskalova, G., Petrov, Ts., Stoynov, E., Vasilev, V. 2007. The ravev Corvus corax – In: Yankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, Conservation series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 588 - 589 pp. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) Michev, T., Petrov, Ts., Profirov, L., Spiridonov, Zh. 1995. Contribution to the distribution and numbers of the raven (Corvus corax, L) in Bulgaria between 1950 - 1984. Ecology 19.",20,NA,50,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Daskalova, G., Petrov, Ts., Stoynov, E., Vasilev, V. 2007. The raven Corvus corax – In: Yankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, Conservation series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 588 - 589 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",15,NA,20,"BG","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1253,1253,1253,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",395694.811008518,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",882.74,1143.25,1470.28,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",30.73,77.9,140.22,"DK","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",220,260,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",21900,25900,29900,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",144,189,233,"BE","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",110,NA,155,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",395694.811008518,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",1208,1625,2169,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",58,89,126,"NL","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,7,"estimate","estimatePartial","Paler N., J. Weiss (2012): Der Kolkrabe... wieder Brutvogel in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 23-30; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Paler N., J. Weiss (2012): Der Kolkrabe... wieder Brutvogel in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 23-30; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",100,NA,700,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Paler N., J. Weiss (2012): Der Kolkrabe... wieder Brutvogel in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 23-30; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",100,NA,700,"LU","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,6,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service);",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (1997); Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; 2012 revised inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Hellicar et al. ; 2004 inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Iezekiel et al.; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",1,1,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",-1,1,1,"GIB","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,2009,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",0,NA,10,"LU","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Spain",2004,2018,"p",310000,NA,530000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2017). Corvus corone (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22706016A118784397. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T22706016A118784397.en) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Austria",2013,2018,"p",90000,NA,130000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",6626985.63022815,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-12,NA,"AT","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Greece",2015,2015,"p",150000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,207,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,166,NA,"GR","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","UK",2016,2016,"p",1311459,1311459,1311459,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",6626985.63022815,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,53,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,4.1,NA,"UK","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",71000,133000,195000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",6626985.63022815,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",446,923,1400,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1,8,15,"BE","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Finland",2013,2018,"p",150939,181058,196511,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-42,-31,-18,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-24,-17,-9,"FI","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",36300,NA,74500,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-17,NA,"SI","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",57000,NA,58000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","The short-term trend was calculated 39-155% increase from the MMM scheme, but this was considered unrealistically high for a six-year period and not consistent with the previously published population data.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Poland",2013,2018,"p",72000,NA,94000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-17,-4,11,"PL","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",10500,NA,21000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",6626985.63022815,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,"CZ","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",199238,261646.5,439568,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",6626985.63022815,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",14.9,21.5,28.5,"IE","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",136000,145000,154000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-53,-49,-43,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-23,-18,-13,"SE","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",137497,137497,137497,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",6626985.63022815,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-19.89,-7.17,7.51,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",7.61,26.74,48.96,"DK","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",7962.5,7962.5,7962.5,"mean","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Germany",2016,2016,"p",726000,NA,988000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",6626985.63022815,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",-30,NA,40,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",NA,21,NA,"DE","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Italy",2013,2018,"p",410000,NA,830000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",6626985.63022815,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",65,NA,310,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002",-30,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","France",2013,2018,"p",9e+05,NA,1500000,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,6626985.63022815,2001,2018,"S","completeSurvey",NA,NA,4,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN. ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. . Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. .Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 891-893 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. . Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615",NA,-5.83,NA,"FR","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",142767,178660,223576,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",6626985.63022815,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",144.06,NA,421.47,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",40.7,78.5,125.7,"LV","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017), & Game and Fauna Service",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",11,NA,25,"CY","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.;",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 586-587;",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Hristov, I. and N. Petkov (2013). State of Common Birds in Bulgaria 2005-2011.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Conservation series. Book 26. BSPB. Sofia.; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.;",-40,NA,-20,"BG","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",60000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",6626985.63022815,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",7,30,59,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-20,-14,-8,"NL","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",40000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",6626985.63022815,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-37,NA,9,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",5,NA,6,"EE","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",1137613,1738418,3224537.33333333,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",3765815.16985282,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-1,4.2,9.6,"IE","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","UK",2016,2016,"p",866952,981514,1106912,"interval","completeSurvey","Baseline = Marchant, J.H., & Gregory, R.D. 1999. Numbers of nesting Rooks Corvus frugilegus in the United Kingdom in 1996. Bird Study 46: 258-273. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",3765815.16985282,1995,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",-29,-21,-13,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",-20.97,-20.97,-20.97,"UK","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","France",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,350000,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,3765815.16985282,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-36,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN. ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. Journal of Ornithology,",NA,-29.87,NA,"FR","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Poland",2013,2018,"p",183000,NA,222000,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP – Flagship Species Survey)",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",-54,-41,-25,"PL","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Germany",2012,2016,"p",105000,105000,105000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",3765815.16985282,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,260,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,28,NA,"DE","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",85565,85565,85565,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",3765815.16985282,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-3.93,22.47,55.9,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-3.06,17.86,42.85,"DK","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",46000,NA,53300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3765815.16985282,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",121,122,124,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-31,-26,-21,"NL","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",43000,48000,53000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",35,100,269,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",20,30,40,"SE","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Hungary",2016,2016,"p",31815,31815,31815,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kalotás Zs. (1984): A vetési varjú (Corvus frugilegus) állományfelmérése Magyarországon 1980 tavaszán. Puszta 2/11.: 109-121. p. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-87.5,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",35,72,72,"HU","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",23000,NA,26000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-60,NA,-40,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,0,0,"LT","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",20800,22400,24000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3765815.16985282,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",160,180,200,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-8,0,7,"BE","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",8000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,"EE","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-60,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-30,NA,-20,"SK","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",3998,4221,4550,"estimate","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",3765815.16985282,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-46,NA,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",233.29,234.8,237.42,"LV","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",3200,NA,4400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",3300,NA,3500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Biver G. (2009): Die Saatkrähe Corvus frugilegus in Luxemburg 2008. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 33-39; Biver G., F. Muller (2011): Le Corbeau freux ŕ Luxembourg-Ville. Regulus 8/2011: 10-11; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Biver G. (2009): Die Saatkrähe Corvus frugilegus in Luxemburg 2008. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 33-39; Biver G., F. Muller (2011): Le Corbeau freux ŕ Luxembourg-Ville. Regulus 8/2011: 10-11; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",90,NA,110,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Biver G. (2009): Die Saatkrähe Corvus frugilegus in Luxemburg 2008. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 33-39; Biver G., F. Muller (2011): Le Corbeau freux ŕ Luxembourg-Ville. Regulus 8/2011: 10-11; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"interval","estimatePartial","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov, P. (ed.). 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 80-81; Iankov, P. (ed.). 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"D","estimateExpert","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov, P. (ed.). 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-50,NA,-40,"BG","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2100,NA,2500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Andreas Ranner et al., unpublished data (Burgenland); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at (all other counties)",3765815.16985282,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Andreas Ranner et al., unpublished data (Burgenland); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at (all other counties); BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding birds 1981-1985)",300,NA,400,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Andreas Ranner et al., unpublished data (Burgenland); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at (all other counties); BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-30,NA,-15,"AT","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",1450,1450,1450,"Minimum","absentData","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Spain",2011,2011,"p",1315,1315,1315,"estimate","estimatePartial","García Fernández, J. (2012). La graja en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 38 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/37-%20Graja_tcm36-208185.pdf) Purroy, J. & Purroy, F.J. (2016). Graja – Corvus frugilegus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/corfru.html)",3765815.16985282,1979,2011,"S","completeSurvey","García Fernández, J. (2012). La graja en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 38 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/37-%20Graja_tcm36-208185.pdf) Purroy, J., Purroy, F.J. (2016). Graja – Corvus frugilegus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/corfru.html) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",0,0,0,2000,2011,"D","completeSurvey","García Fernández, J. (2012). La graja en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 38 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/37-%20Graja_tcm36-208185.pdf) Purroy, J., Purroy, F.J. (2016). Graja – Corvus frugilegus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/corfru.html) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",NA,-39,NA,"ES","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1100,1200,1300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Rytkönen, S., Koivula, K. & Lindgren, E. 1990: Mustavarisyhdyskuntien ekologia Oulun seudulla. - Selvitys nro 78. Ympäristöministeriö, Helsinki. 52 s. (in Finnish). BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Birdlife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 219: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Birdlife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database",0,0,0,"FI","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Slovenia",2017,2017,"p",150,NA,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2017,"I","estimatePartial","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",600,NA,800,"SI","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1515000,NA,2670000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica) (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica) (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","UK",2016,2016,"p",1371860,1555363,1738867,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",7405438.98444117,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,111.49,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,28.94,NA,"UK","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",904486,1282207.5,2273063.33333333,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",7405438.98444117,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",12.7,19.2,26,"IE","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Greece",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,630000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 4) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,328,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 4) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Poland",2013,2018,"p",286000,NA,352000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-2,14,32,"PL","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Finland",2013,2018,"p",181321,222588,271518,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",364,1143,3147,2006,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",73,102,135,"FI","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","France",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",7405438.98444117,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,103,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,60,NA,"FR","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",149000,199000,249000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",33,51,72,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-3,6,17,"SE","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",7405438.98444117,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-11,11,39,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",10,19,29,"NL","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Germany",2016,2016,"p",83000,NA,140000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",7405438.98444117,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-9,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,3,NA,"DE","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",103012,103012,103012,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",7405438.98444117,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",10.93,20.75,31.41,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",7.02,20.74,36.05,"DK","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",70000,NA,150000,"interval","estimatePartial","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 582-583;",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Vasilev V., Stoinov E., Kutsarov J., Ferdinandova V. 2007. In: Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 582-583;",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",65900,94800,123700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",7405438.98444117,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",325,512,698,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",90,116,145,"BE","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",7405438.98444117,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",25,NA,35,"IT","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,48000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",NA,-20,NA,"LT","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,45000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",50,NA,100,"CY","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",7405438.98444117,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",5,NA,12,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,"EE","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",12500,NA,27000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",7405438.98444117,1995,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-85.77,NA,194.49,2012,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Aunins A. 2012. [Changes in the Abundance of Common Birds in Latvia during the Previous Seven Years]. Putni Daba 2013/1, 10 - 13 Aunins A., Keiss O. 2012. [Monitoring for the Farmland Bird Population Index. Final report for the year 2012.]. Latvian Ornithological society Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-32.27,-31.89,-31.48,"LV","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",9000,NA,18000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",7405438.98444117,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-8,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Austria",2013,2018,"p",3500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",7405438.98444117,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-30,NA,-15,"AT","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",2800,NA,5500,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 145-146 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 122 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 259 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 508-509 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 211 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-72,NA,-63,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Corvus_monedula.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-10,NA,-1,"SK","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-30,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",850,850,850,"Minimum","absentData","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Božic L. (2016): Numbers, distribution and nest site characteristics of Jackdaw Corvus monedula in Slovenia and its conservation status. – Acrocephalus 37 (170/171): 123–150. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Božic L. (2016): Numbers, distribution and nest site characteristics of Jackdaw Corvus monedula in Slovenia and its conservation status. – Acrocephalus 37 (170/171): 123–150. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Božic L. (2016): Numbers, distribution and nest site characteristics of Jackdaw Corvus monedula in Slovenia and its conservation status. – Acrocephalus 37 (170/171): 123–150.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",1854369.01814029,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring""); BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,-50,NA,"AT","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Spain",2004,2006,"cmales",285000,NA,640000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-53.32,NA,"ES","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Belgium",2013,2018,"cmales",1100,2400,3700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1854369.01814029,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",57,243,429,2008,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-64,NA,21,"BE","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"cmales",15000,NA,35000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Hristov, I. 2011. State of common birds in Bulgaria 2005-2010. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Conservation series. Book 19. BSPB. Sofia. Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Hristov, I. 2011. State of common birds in Bulgaria 2005-2010. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Conservation series. Book 19. BSPB. Sofia. Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) Hristov, I. and N. Petkov, 2013. State of Common Birds in Bulgaria 2005-2013. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Conservation series. Book 27. BSPB. Sofia.;",-40,NA,-20,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Hristov, I. 2011. State of common birds in Bulgaria 2005-2010. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Conservation series. Book 19. BSPB. Sofia. Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",-60,NA,-40,"BG","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Greece",2015,2015,"cmales",4000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,50,NA,"GR","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Madeira",2013,2018,"cmales",250,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=139&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P., Costa Neves, H. & Silva, I. 1998. Composition, Structure and Density Changes of Passerine Communities in Laurel Forest, Exotic Forest and Agricultural Fields on Madeira Island. Boletim Museu Municipal, nş5: 291-298.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",0,0,0,"PTMA","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Netherlands",2013,2015,"cmales",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1854369.01814029,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",17,66,133,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-37,-28,-16,"NL","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Slovenia",2018,2018,"cmales",700,NA,1400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018 (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018). – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-47.8,NA,"SI","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","UK",2012,2016,"cmales",374,374,374,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",1854369.01814029,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-37,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-10,NA,"UK","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Hungary",2014,2018,"cmales",24000,NA,27000,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 222-223 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 109-110 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 54 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 240-241 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 98 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 65-66 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Coturnix_coturnix.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-61,NA,-27,"HU","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1854369.01814029,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,9,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-13,NA,"CZ","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Canary Islands",2015,2015,"cmales",295,295,295,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2017). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de Gran Canaria, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2017. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria. 70 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas, con especial referencia a la codorniz común. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 174 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2015). Seguimiento de aves reproductoras comunes en zonas agrícolas de Canarias en la temporada de cría de 2015. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 156 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2018). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de La Palma, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2018. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de La Palma. 56 pp. + anexos. Nadal García, J., Alamańac Orduńa, F.J. & Costaferda-Aumedes, S. (2013). Modelización del hábitat potencial de la codorniz (Coturnix coturnix) en la isla de Tenerife. 6ş Congreso Forestal Espańol. Junio de 2013. Vitoria. Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. (2016). Informe del seguimiento de la población de codorniz en las islas de Tenerife, Gran Canaria y La Palma, ańo 2016. Universitat de Barcelona. Informe no publicado. 23 pp.",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Emmerson, K. (2005). Estudio de la abundancia relativa de especies cinegéticas en la isla de Tenerife durante el trienio 2002-2004. Cabildo Insular de Tenerife/Ornistudio S.L.Informe no publicado. Lorenzo, J.A. (2017). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de Gran Canaria, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2017. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria. 70 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas, con especial referencia a la codorniz común. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 174 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2015). Seguimiento de aves reproductoras comunes en zonas agrícolas de Canarias en la temporada de cría de 2015. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 156 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2018). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de La Palma, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2018. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de La Palma. 56 pp. + anexos. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Nadal y colaboradores. (2009). Anillamiento y seguimiento de la codorniz en las islas Canarias 2009: fase inicial. Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 83 pp. Nadal y colaboradores. (2010). Anillamiento y seguimiento de la codorniz en las islas Canarias 2010. Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 110 pp. Nadal y colaboradores. (2012). Seguimiento de las hembras y la reproducción de la codorniz en Espańa 2012-2014. Informe científico de la campańa 2012. Real Federación Espańola de Caza. Informe no publicado. 75 pp. Nadal García, J., Alamańac Orduńa, F.J. & Costaferda-Aumedes, S. (2013). Modelización del hábitat potencial de la codorniz (Coturnix coturnix) en la isla de Tenerife. 6ş Congreso Forestal Espańol. Junio de 2013. Vitoria. Nadal, J. & Ponz, C. (2012). Anillamiento y seguimiento de la codorniz (Coturnix coturnix) en Espańa (2002-2011). Programa de monitoreo de la codorniz en Espańa de FEDENCA-RFE. Pestano. (2001). Estudio comparativo de la codorniz nidificante en la Isla de Gran Canaria. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Informe Inédito. Puigcerver, M., Sardá-Palomera, F. & Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. (2012). Determining population trends and conservation status of the common quail (Coturnix coturnix) in Western Europe. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 35.2: 343-352. Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. (2016). Informe del seguimiento de la población de codorniz en las islas de Tenerife, Gran Canaria y La Palma, ańo 2016. Universitat de Barcelona. Informe no publicado. 23 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2017). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de Gran Canaria, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2017. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria. 70 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas, con especial referencia a la codorniz común. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 174 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2015). Seguimiento de aves reproductoras comunes en zonas agrícolas de Canarias en la temporada de cría de 2015. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 156 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2018). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de La Palma, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2018. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de La Palma. 56 pp. + anexos. Nadal y colaboradores. (2009). Anillamiento y seguimiento de la codorniz en las islas Canarias 2009: fase inicial. Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 83 pp. Nadal y colaboradores. (2010). Anillamiento y seguimiento de la codorniz en las islas Canarias 2010. Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 110 pp. Nadal y colaboradores. (2012). Seguimiento de las hembras y la reproducción de la codorniz en Espańa 2012-2014. Informe científico de la campańa 2012. Real Federación Espańola de Caza. Informe no publicado. 75 pp. Nadal García, J., Alamańac Orduńa, F.J. & Costaferda-Aumedes, S. (2013). Modelización del hábitat potencial de la codorniz (Coturnix coturnix) en la isla de Tenerife. 6ş Congreso Forestal Espańol. Junio de 2013. Vitoria. Nadal, J. & Ponz, C. (2012). Anillamiento y seguimiento de la codorniz (Coturnix coturnix) en Espańa (2002-2011). Programa de monitoreo de la codorniz en Espańa de FEDENCA-RFE. Puigcerver, M., Sardá-Palomera, F. & Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. (2012). Determining population trends and conservation status of the common quail (Coturnix coturnix) in Western Europe. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 35.2: 343-352. Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. (2016). Informe del seguimiento de la población de codorniz en las islas de Tenerife, Gran Canaria y La Palma, ańo 2016. Universitat de Barcelona. Informe no publicado. 23 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Croatia",2012,2018,"cmales",26400,26400,26400,"mean","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",600,1000,1400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",200,300,400,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-71,NA,63,"SE","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Germany",2016,2016,"cmales",16000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1854369.01814029,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",-30,NA,40,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-38,NA,"DE","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",150,330,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1854369.01814029,NA,NA,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database.",0,0,0,"FI","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Italy",2013,2018,"cmales",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",1854369.01814029,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,200,NA,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",5,NA,15,"IT","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Azores",2013,2018,"cmales",15404,18459,22829,"mean","estimatePartial","DRRF (unpublished data from DRRF annual monitoring scheme of common quail calling males counts, during the breeding season)",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",-50,NA,-0.1,"PTAC","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Ireland",2013,2018,"cmales",1,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Crowe, O. (2019) Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Crowe, O. (2019) Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2011,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Crowe, O. (2019) Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","France",2000,2012,"cmales",50000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Barbet-Massin, M., Dalloyau, S., Issa, N. & Jiguet, F. 2015. Méthodologie et organisation générale. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé30-38 ; Roché, J. E., Muller, Y. & Siblet, J.-P. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d’oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 81, 241-268 ; Barnagaud, J.-Y., Roux, D. & Mur, P. 2015. Caille des blés Coturnix coturnix. In: Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, PAris, Delachaux et Niestlé220-223",1854369.01814029,1996,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Roux D. Body G, Eraud C, Dej F 2017. Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau National d'Observation des Oiseau de passage, http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/Rapport-Oiseaux-de-passage-download589; Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d'alaudidés, colombidés, turdidés en France: le programme ACT. 53-61 ; 2018. La couverture géographique du programme ""ACT"". Réseau ONCFS-FNC-FDC ""Oiseaux de passage"", http://carmen.carmencarto.fr/38/Oiseaux_de_passage.map#; Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861",-83,-66,-31,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Roux D. Body G, Eraud C, Dej F 2017. Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau National d'Observation des Oiseau de passage, http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/Rapport-Oiseaux-de-passage-download589; Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d'alaudidés, colombidés, turdidés en France: le programme ACT. 53-61 ; PUIGCERVER M. et al 2017. Population trends of the Common quail (Coturnix coturnix) in France and Spain: conflicting data or controversial census methodologies?. 33rd International Union of Game Biologists Congress, 318-319 http://iugb2017.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/abstract-book-FINAL-VERSION.pdf; 2018. La couverture géographique du programme ""ACT"". Réseau ONCFS-FNC-FDC ""Oiseaux de passage"", http://carmen.carmencarto.fr/38/Oiseaux_de_passage.map#; Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861",-73,-49,-1.5,"FR","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Latvia",2013,2017,"cmales",540,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1854369.01814029,1995,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-86.04,NA,11084.94,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Keiss O. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the night active birds in farmland. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-71.4,-50.8,-17.2,"LV","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002., ŠOP SR. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-40,NA,-20,"SK","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",38000,NA,65000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-75,-70,-65,"PL","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"cmales",40,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","Backes, K. (2013): Plan d'action Espčces Wachtel – Caille des blés Coturnix coturnix. Ministčre du Développement Durable et des Infrastructures & Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg. Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; ackes, K. (2013): Plan d'action Espčces Wachtel – Caille des blés Coturnix coturnix. Ministčre du Développement Durable et des Infrastructures & Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",-50,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Backes, K. (2013): Plan d'action Espčces Wachtel – Caille des blés Coturnix coturnix. Ministčre du Développement Durable et des Infrastructures & Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,50,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Cyprus",2013,2018,"cmales",1200,NA,4700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Game & Fauna Service bag statistics reports",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",10,NA,30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Game & Fauna Service bag statistics reports",-40,NA,-6,"CY","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Portugal",2013,2018,"cmales",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Denmark",2017,2017,"cmales",552,552,552,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Uffe Gjřl Sřrensen, Truede og sjćldne danske ynglefugle 1976-1991, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, nr 89, 1995.",1854369.01814029,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",844.16,5744.53,33181.7,2011,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-99.94,-67.22,745.76,"DK","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",200,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1854369.01814029,1980,2017,"F","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,2006,2017,"F","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,"EE","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","France",2013,2017,"cmales",194,208,223,"mean","completeSurvey","Beslot E. 2018. Râle des genęts - Crex crex. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce - Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",182503.770968994,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Beslot E. 2018. Râle des genęts - Crex crex. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce - Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91 ; Dubois P.J., Le Maréchal P., Olioso G. & Yésou P. 2008. Nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. , Delachaud & Niestlé, Paris559 p.",NA,-96,NA,2005,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Beslot E. 2018. Râle des genęts - Crex crex. in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce - Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",-84,-80,-76,"FR","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"cmales",2000,NA,4500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 218-219p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB/BirdLife Bulgaria Ornithological Database; Delov, V. 2005. Monitoring methods and behavior of the corncrake (Crec crex ) in Bulgaria. – In: Chipev, N., Bogoev, V. (eds.). Biodiversity, Ecosystems, GlobalChanges., Sofia, Petekstone, 211-218.: 598 calling males.;",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BSPB/BirdLife Bulgaria Ornithological Database",-60,NA,-50,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 218-219p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-50,NA,-20,"BG","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Slovenia",2013,2018,"cmales",240,NA,350,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac K., Mihelic, T., Kmecl, P., Denac, D., Bordjan, D., Figelj, J., Božic, L. & Jancar, T. (2015): Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic – popisi gnezdilk 2015. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Božic L. (2005): Populacija kosca Crex crex na Ljubljanskem barju upada zaradi zgodnje košnje in unicevanja ekstenzivnih travnikov. – Acrocephalus 26 (124): 3–21. Božic L. (2005): Gnezditvena razširjenost in velikost populacije kosca Crex crex v Sloveniji leta 2004. – Acrocephalus 26 (127): 171–179. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Denac K., Mihelic, T., Kmecl, P., Denac, D., Bordjan, D., Figelj, J., Božic, L. & Jancar, T. (2015): Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic – popisi gnezdilk 2015. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Polak S., Kebe L., Koren B. (2004): Trinajst let popisov kosca Crex crex na Cerkniškem jezeru (Slovenija). – Acrocephalus 25 (121): 59–70 Tome, D. (2002): Ali je populacija kosca Crex crex na Ljubljanskem barju (še) stabilna? – Acrocephalus 23 (113/114): 141–143. Trontelj P. (1995): Popis kosca Crex crex v Sloveniji v letih 1992–93. – Acrocephalus 16 (73): 174–180. Trontelj, P. (2001): Popis kosca Crex crex v Sloveniji leta 1999 kaže na kratkorocno stabilno populacijo. – Acrocephalus 22 (108): 139–147.",-70,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Mihelic, T., Kmecl, P., Denac, D., Bordjan, D., Figelj, J., Božic, L. & Jancar, T. (2015): Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic – popisi gnezdilk 2015. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-18,NA,"SI","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Belgium",2013,2018,"cmales",1,5,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",182503.770968994,1973,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-80,0,100,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,-41,NA,"BE","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Netherlands",2013,2017,"cmales",45,NA,155,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",182503.770968994,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",34,49,66,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-73,-60,-40,"NL","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",1300,1900,2600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",75,100,125,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-80,0,70,"SE","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Hungary",2014,2018,"cmales",525,NA,1532,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 228-229 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 56 p. Haraszthy László (szerk.) (1998, 2000)- Magyarország madarai. 114-115 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 102 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 249-250 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 97 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Crex_crex.pdf Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 577-580. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",4293,10195,15507,"interval","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-39,7,82,"FI","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","UK",2012,2016,"cmales",1158,1158,1158,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",182503.770968994,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,55,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,34,NA,"UK","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",1200,NA,2400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Germany",2011,2016,"cmales",1300,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",182503.770968994,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-24,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-38,NA,"DE","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Ireland",2016,2018,"cmales",153,153,153,"estimate","completeSurvey","O’Donoghue, B. (2019). Corncrake supporting document for Article 12 reporting period 2013-2018. National Parks & Wildlife Service, Killarney. Sheppard, R. & Green, R.E. (1994) Status of the Corncrake in Ireland in 1993. Irish Birds 5:125-138.",182503.770968994,1978,2018,"D","completeSurvey","O’Donoghue, B. (2019). Corncrake supporting document for Article 12 reporting period 2013-2018. National Parks & Wildlife Service, Killarney. O’Meara M (1979) Distribution and numbers of Corncrakes in Ireland in 1978. Irish Birds 1: 382-405.",NA,-83,NA,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","O’Donoghue, B. (2019). Corncrake supporting document for Article 12 reporting period 2013-2018. National Parks & Wildlife Service, Killarney.",NA,2.9,NA,"IE","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Denmark",2017,2017,"cmales",81,81,81,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",182503.770968994,1980,2017,"UNK","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,NA,NA,2004,2017,"F","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Italy",2013,2018,"cmales",160,NA,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",182503.770968994,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,1500,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","from Pedrini et al., extimating - 6-9% per year (Pedrini P. et al. 2012. Italian Journal of Zoology, Volume 79, 2012, Issue 3: 377-384)",-80,NA,-60,"IT","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",39000,NA,52000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-44,-26,-3,"PL","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",6500,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,-70,NA,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-50,NA,-40,"LT","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Croatia",2013,2015,"cmales",500,NA,1100,"mean","estimatePartial","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",182503.770968994,1980,2017,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",-30,NA,-20,"HR","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"cmales",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Biver G., P. Lorgé (2008): Présence du Râle des genęts Crex crex dans la vallée de l’Alzette et de ses affluents au sud du Luxembourg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 13-28; Ornitho.lu (2018): online natur&ëmwelt asbl & database Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Biver G., P. Lorgé (2008): Présence du Râle des genęts Crex crex dans la vallée de l’Alzette et de ses affluents au sud du Luxembourg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 13-28; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-100,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Biver G., P. Lorgé (2008): Présence du Râle des genęts Crex crex dans la vallée de l’Alzette et de ses affluents au sud du Luxembourg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 13-28; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-100,NA,0,"LU","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",NA,-27,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of corncrake. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2057&Itemid=370",-51,-51,-51,"EE","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. ŠOP SR Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-50,NA,-30,"SK","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Latvia",2015,2015,"cmales",30874,NA,111512,"interval","completeSurvey","Keišs O. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the night active birds in farmland. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",182503.770968994,1989,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Keišs O. 2019. [Monitoring of nocturnal birds on agricultural land in 2018.] (in Latvian). In: Putni daba, 2019/2: 3-9",19.11,NA,80.39,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Keišs O. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the night active birds in farmland. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-31.9,-22.6,-12.1,"LV","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",150,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at, A. Schmalzer & J. Trauzttmannsdorf unpublished data",182503.770968994,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-80,NA,-30,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Spain",2004,2006,"cmales",850000,NA,1260000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-22.1,NA,"ES","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","France",2013,2018,"cmales",150000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2847911.42387439,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-20,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-25.46,NA,"FR","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",134000,NA,177000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-8,-1,6,"PL","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Croatia",2010,2010,"cmales",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",97772,115227,131837,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",66,97,133,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",2,10,19,"FI","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"cmales",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Antonov, A., Grozdanov, A., Mitev, I. 2007. Cuculus canorus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Grozdanov, A., Mitev, I. 2007. Cuculus canorus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Grozdanov, A., Mitev, I. 2007. Cuculus canorus. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",-15,NA,-5,"BG","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Italy",2013,2018,"cmales",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Caprimulgidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",2847911.42387439,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,150,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-15,NA,-5,"IT","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Portugal",2013,2018,"cmales",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Latvia",2016,2016,"cmales",60964,69556,79359,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2847911.42387439,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",39.45,NA,148.86,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-23.5,-6.9,12.9,"LV","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Hungary",2014,2018,"cmales",66000,NA,70000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database since 1999.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",64000,67000,71000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-46,-39,-32,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-18,-14,-9,"SE","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",45000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",2847911.42387439,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,2,NA,"AT","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Greece",2013,2018,"cmales",50000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018 (4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Germany",2016,2016,"cmales",38000,NA,62000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",2847911.42387439,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-26,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-20,-13,-5,"DE","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2847911.42387439,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,"CZ","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",30000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2847911.42387439,1982,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-1,NA,16,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-14,NA,-13,"EE","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Slovenia",2013,2018,"cmales",14500,NA,34300,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-18,NA,"SI","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","UK",2016,2016,"cmales",9798,17785,25772,"estimate","estimatePartial","Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extraolated by BBS monitoring trend from 2006.",2847911.42387439,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-57.81,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-16.82,NA,"UK","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Denmark",2017,2017,"cmales",13236,13236,13236,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",2847911.42387439,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-36.7,-27.67,-17.38,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-40.7,-27.45,-11.54,"DK","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",5000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Ireland",2011,2016,"cmales",4765.33333333333,7872,17823,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",2847911.42387439,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",0.2,10,20.7,"IE","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Netherlands",2013,2015,"cmales",5700,NA,7000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2847911.42387439,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-38,-30,-21,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",5,11,19,"NL","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Belgium",2013,2018,"cmales",3300,5100,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2847911.42387439,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-57,-33,-8,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-58,-45,-28,"BE","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"cmales",60,NA,90,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cursorius cursor",NA,"Cream-coloured Courser","Canary Islands",2011,2018,"i",1109,1109,1109,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes y distribución de cuatro especies de aves estepáricas en las Islas Canarias orientales. Contrato para la realización de actividades de apoyo tecnológico, Red Electrica de Espańa, Madrid, Espańa. Disponible en: https://goo.gl/2pjBe9. Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",1109,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Carrascal, L.M., Seoane, J., Palomino, D. & Alonso, C.L. (2006). El corredor sahariano en Espańa. I Censo Nacional (2005-2006). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes y distribución de cuatro especies de aves estepáricas en las Islas Canarias orientales. Contrato para la realización de actividades de apoyo tecnológico, Red Electrica de Espańa, Madrid, Espańa. Disponible en: https://goo.gl/2pjBe9. Delgado, G., Naranjo, J.J., Barone, R. & Trujillo, D. (2000). Estudio para la conservación de las aves estepáricas en las islas de Tenerife y Gran Canaria. Tomos I y II. Canarias Tecnatura. Informe inédito. González Acebes, M. (2002). Corredor Cursorius cursor Fuerteventura. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 21 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes y distribución de cuatro especies de aves estepáricas en las Islas Canarias orientales. Contrato para la realización de actividades de apoyo tecnológico, Red Electrica de Espańa, Madrid, Espańa. Disponible en: https://goo.gl/2pjBe9. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. (2015). Estudio de la distribución y estado de conservación de aves esteparias en las islas de El Hierro, La Palma, La Gomera y Tenerife. Birding Canarias S.L.U. Gobierno de Canarias. 95 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A134",NA,"Cursorius cursor" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Austria",2013,2018,"p",130,NA,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",355044.61411494,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-80,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-80,NA,-50,"AT","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Spain",2013,2018,"p",9000,NA,12800,"interval","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",355044.61411494,1980,2015,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2015). Cyanecula svecica. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T22709707A60201947. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22709707/60201947). Inventarios nacionales Aves Invernantes. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica.(https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/pechiazul_tcm30-208061.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa SACRE: Seguimiento de Aves comunes en Primavera. Resultados 1998-2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. Https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Resultados_sacre_11c.pdf",0,0,0,1998,2015,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2015). Cyanecula svecica. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T22709707A60201947. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22709707/60201947). Inventarios nacionales Aves Invernantes. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica.(https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/pechiazul_tcm30-208061.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa SACRE: Seguimiento de Aves comunes en Primavera. Resultados 1998-2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. Https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Resultados_sacre_11c.pdf",-46.7,NA,-5.9,"ES","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",3700,4600,5400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",355044.61411494,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",517,667,800,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-13,8,27,"BE","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",1200,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",355044.61411494,1998,2018,"UNK","absentData","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 175-176 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 103 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 436-437 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 202 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 176 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 645-647. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Luscinia_svecica.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",11000,NA,14000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",355044.61411494,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",336,424,530,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",56,69,84,"NL","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",355044.61411494,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Luxembourg",2017,2018,"p",1,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg",355044.61411494,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Heidt C., A. Konter, P. Lorgé &J. Weiss (2002): Ornithological observations in Luxemburg 1985-1997. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte Nr.19. Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",100,NA,200,"LU","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Finland",2013,2018,"p",45705,62215,90866,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",355044.61411494,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-82,-66,-35,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-27,-1,33,"FI","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Germany",2016,2016,"p",12000,NA,21000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",355044.61411494,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,109,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,41,NA,"DE","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","France",2013,2017,"p",10000,NA,16000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Poirel C. 2015. Une nouvelle espčce nicheuse en Vienne : la Gorgebleue ŕ miroir Luscinia svecica. Outarde 51, 13-19 ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; Musseau & Beslic 2018. High densities of the french coastal endemic bluethroat (cyanecula svecica namnetum) revealed in intertidal reed beds and conservation perspectives towards sea level rise. Revue d'écologie (Terre et Vie) 73 (2), SNPN115-121 ; Marquet M. et al. 2014. Sélection de l’habitat, biologie de la reproduction et estimation de la population chez la Gorgebleue ŕ miroir blanc Luscinia svecica namnetum dans les marais briérons. Alauda 82 (3), SEOF177-192",355044.61411494,2001,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,-23,NA,29,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,33.8,NA,"FR","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",355044.61411494,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-47,NA,-35,2012,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",355044.61411494,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Tomik A. (2011) Inventarizacija gnijezdece populacije modrovoljke Erithacus svecicus i žutog voljica Hippolais icterina. Konacno izvješce. Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu ptica i prirode, Osijek. 46 str. Tomik, A. (2014): Monitoring gnijezdece populacije modrovoljke Luscinia svecica i crnoprugastog trstenjaka Acrocephalus melanopogon u Baranji tijekom 2014. godine. Konacno izvješce. Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu ptica i prirode, Osijek. 22 str.",-90,NA,900,"HR","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",355044.61411494,1980,2017,"U","absentData","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,2006,2017,"U","absentData","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,"EE","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,30,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",355044.61411494,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002",0,0,0,"SK","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",140000,231000,317000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",355044.61411494,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",-30,-20,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,2,31,"SE","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,1800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189",355044.61411494,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",355044.61411494,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Denmark",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","absentData","no data",355044.61411494,1980,2018,NA,"absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,NA,"absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",8e+05,NA,1600000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",31252584.1660441,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,11.8,NA,"CZ","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",120000,NA,340000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",240000,NA,390000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",31252584.1660441,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,13,NA,"AT","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",350000,NA,650000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Spain",2004,2018,"p",5756382,NA,6794257,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Greece",2013,2018,"p",850000,NA,1120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","o data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,-66,NA,"GR","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",250000,NA,4e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",31252584.1660441,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",30,47,66,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-3,1,6,"NL","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",207000,NA,219000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Expert opinion based on the national common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database graph.",0,0,0,"HU","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",35000,NA,45000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",205900,308900,411800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",31252584.1660441,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",25,87,150,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2,14,29,"BE","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1527000,NA,1914000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",1,10,19,"PL","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",640500,701276,761902,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",685,1111,1760,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",11,23,37,"FI","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","UK",2016,2016,"p",3393764,3393764,3393764,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",31252584.1660441,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,8.43,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-12.06,NA,"UK","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",236437,236437,236437,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",31252584.1660441,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",13.37,30.28,49.65,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-28.46,-14.46,2.01,"DK","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",1044082.66666667,1295174.66666667,2368360,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",31252584.1660441,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",2.5,7,11.7,"IE","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",718000,774000,837000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",60,74,90,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",3,11,20,"SE","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",7e+05,NA,1400000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3250000,NA,4800000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",31252584.1660441,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,7,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",13,18,25,"DE","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","France",2013,2018,"p",2500000,NA,4e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Roché J. et al. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d'oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 241-268 ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",31252584.1660441,2001,2018,"S","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,5,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-4.1,NA,"FR","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",31252584.1660441,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,400,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",25,NA,35,"IT","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",275351,323574,380242,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",31252584.1660441,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",173,NA,174,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",63.8,134.9,233.6,"LV","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",31252584.1660441,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,"EE","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Gibraltar",2012,2018,"p",50,100,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2012,"S","estimateExpert","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Cyanistes teneriffae","[including degener, hedwigii, ombriosus, palmensis and ultramarinus]","African Blue Tit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna -",45067.7697115096,1993,2018,"Unk","absentData","no data available for the past",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A484",NA,"Cyanistes teneriffae" "Cyanistes teneriffae","[including degener, hedwigii, ombriosus, palmensis and ultramarinus]","African Blue Tit","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M. & Tejera, G. (2017). Seguimiento de la población del herrerillo majorero (Cyanistes teneriffae degener) en Fuerteventura y Lanzarote. Memoria técnica final. SEO/BirdLife - Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 58 pp. + anexos.",45067.7697115096,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","García del Rey, E. (2008). Herrerillo común Cyanistes teneriffae degener: Lanzarote y Fuerteventura. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2008. Gobierno de Canarias. 15 pp. García del Rey, E. & Cresswell, W. (2006). Population size and habitat selection of the Fuerteventura Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus degener) (Canary Islands). Ostrich 77 (1 & 2): 105-106. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M. & Tejera, G. (2017). Seguimiento de la población del herrerillo majorero (Cyanistes teneriffae degener) en Fuerteventura y Lanzarote. Memoria técnica final. SEO/BirdLife - Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 58 pp. + anexos. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","García del Rey, E. (2008). Herrerillo común Cyanistes teneriffae degener: Lanzarote y Fuerteventura. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2008. Gobierno de Canarias. 15 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M. & Tejera, G. (2017). Seguimiento de la población del herrerillo majorero (Cyanistes teneriffae degener) en Fuerteventura y Lanzarote. Memoria técnica final. SEO/BirdLife - Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 58 pp. + anexos.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A484",NA,"Cyanistes teneriffae" "Cyanopica cooki",NA,"Azure-winged Magpie","Spain",2004,2016,"p",256500,NA,396000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) De la Cruz, C. & Valencia, J. (2016). Rabilargo – Cyanopica cooki. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",542313.559523243,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2017). Cyanopica cooki (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22732302A112290599. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-1.RLTS.T22732302A112290599.en) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A481",NA,"Cyanopica cooki" "Cyanopica cooki",NA,"Azure-winged Magpie","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",542313.559523243,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A481",NA,"Cyanopica cooki" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Finland",2013,2018,"p",8567,10808,12274,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",20645.2176383362,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",721,721,721,2006,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",95,95,95,"FI","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",7200,8500,9800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",20645.2176383362,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",1500,1750,2000,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",33,56,82,"SE","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",430,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",20645.2176383362,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",3128,NA,3872,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Boiko D. 2011. Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus (L.) in Latvia – its breeding population, wintering, moulting and dispersal geography. Thesis. Daugavpils University. Expert: Dmitrijs Boiko, dmitrijs.boiko@ldm.gov.lv Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",83.64,85.56,88.59,"LV","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",20645.2176383362,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",2300,NA,2500,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",108,NA,208,"LT","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",250,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20645.2176383362,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",133,NA,180,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",12,NA,93,"EE","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Poland",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MLK – Whooper Swan Census); A. Sikora - unpublished information",20645.2176383362,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Sikora A., Wieloch M., Chylarecki P. 2012. Stan populacji labedzia krzykliwego Cygnus cygnus w Polsce. Ornis Polonica 2012, 53: 69-85; Tomialojc L. & Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura"", Wroclaw; Sta",3500,NA,6000,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MLK)",NA,254,NA,"PL","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Germany",2015,2016,"p",50,NA,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",20645.2176383362,1982,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",1362,2171,3409,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",101,145,198,"DE","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","UK",2012,2016,"p",26,26,26,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",20645.2176383362,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,560,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,355,NA,"UK","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",2,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",20645.2176383362,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",100,100,100,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",100,100,100,"NL","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert opinions",20645.2176383362,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Annual reports of the Hungarian Checklist and Rarities Committee.",100,NA,100,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinions",0,0,0,"HU","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus cygnus",NA,"Whooper Swan","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",20645.2176383362,1986,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,100,NA,2002,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,100,NA,"CZ","A038",NA,"Cygnus cygnus" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Germany",2016,2016,"p",10500,NA,14500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",79492.8754813576,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,13,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-10,NA,"DE","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",7000,NA,9000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",79492.8754813576,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",54,95,147,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-18,-12,-5,"NL","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",6100,7500,9100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,30,50,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,14,50,"SE","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","France",2009,2012,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa, N. & Muller, Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Volume 1: des Anatidés aux Alcidés. Delachaud et niestlé,",79492.8754813576,1978,2012,"I","absentData","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux Nicheurs de France Metropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris1408 p. ; Dubois P. 1980. Cygne muet Cygnus olor : population nicheuse en France. Résultats de l'enquęte 1978, 1979, 1980. , BIROE2 p.",900,NA,1900,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",10,NA,20,"FR","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Poland",2013,2018,"p",6300,NA,7700,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP – Flagship Species Survey)",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",60,NA,100,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",-36,-21,-3,"PL","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","UK",2016,2016,"p",6277,6956,7623,"interval","completeSurvey","Baseline = Ward, R.M., Cranswick, P.A., Kershaw, M., Austin, G.E., Brown, A.W., Brown, L.M., Coleman, J.T., Chisholm, H. & Spray, C. 2007. National Mute Swan Census 2002. WWT, Slimbridge. Extrapolated from BBS trend since 2002",79492.8754813576,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,193.6,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,10.3,NA,"UK","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Finland",2013,2018,"p",4532,6758,9475,"interval","estimatePartial","Archipelago Bird Census Data. Bird Atlas 2010. Hario, M ja Rintala, J. 2013: Saaristolinnuston kehitys Suomen rannikolla 1986-2013. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",79492.8754813576,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Archipelago Bird Census dData.",NA,NA,321,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Archipelago Bird Census Data. Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-4,17,42,"FI","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",4690,4690,4690,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",79492.8754813576,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-29.86,-9.12,17.53,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-6.83,36.15,96.66,"DK","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",4000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",79492.8754813576,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",385,NA,618,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",77,NA,78,"EE","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",3516,3516,3516,"mean","estimatePartial","Burke, B., Lewis, L. J., Fitzgerald, N., Frost, T., Austin, G. & Tierney, T. D. (2018) Estimates of waterbird numbers wintering in Ireland, 2011/12 – 2015/16. Irish Birds 11, 1-12. Lewis, L. J., Burke, B., Fitzgerald, N., Tierney, T. D. & Kelly, S. (2019) Irish Wetland Bird Survey: Waterbird Status and Distribution 2009/10-2015/16. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 106. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",79492.8754813576,1987,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Burke, B., Fitzgerald, N., Tierney, T. D. & Kelly, S. (2019) Irish Wetland Bird Survey: Waterbird Status and Distribution 2009/10-2015/16. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 106. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,-9.6,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Burke, B., Fitzgerald, N., Tierney, T. D. & Kelly, S. (2019) Irish Wetland Bird Survey: Waterbird Status and Distribution 2009/10-2015/16. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 106. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,-7.1,NA,"IE","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",290,NA,330,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Croatia",2011,2011,"p",800,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Report on the implementation of AEWA for the period 2009-2011 - Croatia. http://www.unep-aewa.org/en/document/national-report-croatia-2)",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,3000,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",650,NA,950,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",79492.8754813576,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",96,NA,99,2009,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert: Viesturs Kerus, viesturs@lob.lv Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",42.03,43.47,44.32,"LV","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",20,NA,80,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Italy",2016,2016,"p",500,NA,700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",79492.8754813576,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",1300,NA,1570,2013,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",40,NA,70,"IT","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",500,NA,600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",79492.8754813576,1981,2017,"I","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,1,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",14,NA,20,"CZ","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Austria",2013,2018,"p",450,NA,650,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",79492.8754813576,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1994",200,NA,300,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",10,NA,30,"AT","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",450,530,610,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",79492.8754813576,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",165,212,259,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-12,4,20,"BE","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,450,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases Szinai, P. (1998): Status of the Mute Swan (Cygus olor) in 1997 in Hungary. Aquila 103-104: 9-16.MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278.",4400,NA,5900,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",0,0,0,"HU","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",80,NA,130,"estimate","completeSurvey","Deberšek B., Bordjan D. (2016): Letna dinamika, naravovarstveno vrednotenje in pregled podatkov o pojavljanju vodnih ptic na Šaleških jezerih (S Slovenija). – Acrocephalus 37 (168/169): 5–47. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",200,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,30,"SI","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,50,"mean","estimatePartial","Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55 Lorgé P. (2012): Der Höckerschwan in Luxemburg. Regulus, 6/2012: 18-19 Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58. Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",79492.8754813576,1980,2012,"I","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55 Lorgé P. (2012): Der Höckerschwan in Luxemburg. Regulus, 6/2012: 18-19 Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58. Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",4000,NA,5000,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58. Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20,NA,50,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (editor). 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB GIS related ornithological database",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (editor). 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10. BSPB GIS oenithologica database expert opinion",10,NA,30,2000,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (editor). 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB GIS related ornithological database",2,NA,20,"BG","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Greece",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,30,"estimate","completeSurvey","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 3) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,"GR","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",27593,43610,68925,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",12488046.044297,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",NA,-74,NA,2005,2018,"i","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-42,44.3,237.9,"LV","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Gibraltar",2004,2018,"p",5,10,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",5,10,10,"GIB","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",250000,NA,750000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; The population trend is for the period 2005-2012",-40,NA,-20,"BG","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","UK",2016,2016,"p",337472,478619,619766,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",12488046.044297,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-52.56,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-24.73,NA,"UK","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",17300,23500,29700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",12488046.044297,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-83,-77,-70,2008,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-59,-45,-30,"BE","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Greece",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 6) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",73900,NA,147700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,62.9,NA,"SI","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,1e+05,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Finland",2013,2018,"p",39987,52243,70436,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-87,-79,-67,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-63,-48,-27,"FI","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",35000,NA,49000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",12488046.044297,1990,2018,"D","estimateExpert","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Consultation with national experts. Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. p. 202.",-70,NA,-60,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Expert judgment based on national Common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) data.",0,0,0,"HU","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Biver G. (2005): Die Erfassung des Mehlschwalbenbestandes. Regulus 4/2005: 7-8; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Biver G. (2005): Die Erfassung des Mehlschwalbenbestandes. Regulus 4/2005: 7-8; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-50,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Biver G. (2005): Die Erfassung des Mehlschwalbenbestandes. Regulus 4/2005: 7-8; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,0,"LU","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",50000,60000,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-74,-69,-63,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-40,-30,"SE","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",650000,NA,1300000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",12488046.044297,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,36,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-11,NA,"CZ","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",0,0,0,"SK","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Germany",2016,2016,"p",5e+05,NA,920000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",12488046.044297,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-44,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-9,3,17,"DE","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",174525,303021.5,630486,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",12488046.044297,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",10.6,22.3,35,"IE","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","France",2009,2012,"p",6e+05,NA,1200000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",12488046.044297,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-53.2,NA,-28.8,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",-20,NA,-15,"FR","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",12488046.044297,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-10,NA,-5,"IT","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Poland",2013,2018,"p",417000,NA,596000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-11,2,16,"PL","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",12488046.044297,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-40,NA,-12,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-28,NA,-9,"EE","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Spain",2004,2018,"p",2981224,NA,5722440,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",70000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",12488046.044297,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Sovon",-100,NA,0,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",10,15,20,"NL","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",35000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Game & Fauna Service bag statistics reports",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",16,NA,250,"CY","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",30400,30400,30400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",12488046.044297,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-8.7,12.25,37.86,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-41.76,-22.39,2.74,"DK","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Austria",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimated based on unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",12488046.044297,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,1,NA,"AT","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,1900,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",55551.5578492571,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,"AT","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","France",2013,2018,"p",310,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; Auria J. C. 2016. Recherche du pic ŕ dos blanc. Foręt communale de Bruges.. Rapport d'étude, ONF17 p.",55551.5578492571,1989,2018,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,NA,0,2007,2017,"S","absentData",NA,0,NA,0,"FR","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,4500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s.",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Monitoring of common species.",-10,NA,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Monitoring of common species.",-10,NA,0,"SK","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Spain",2018,2018,"p",78,NA,97,"estimate","estimateExpert","BIOMA (2017). Estudio de la distribución y estima poblacional de pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi) en diferentes lugares red Natura2000 de Navarra. Poctefa HABIOS. Informe inédito. BIOMA (2018). Estudio de la distribución y estima poblacional de pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi) en ZEC ES0000126 ""Roncesvalles-Selva del Irati"" y ES2200018 ""Belate"". Poctefa HABIOS. Informe inédito. Campión, D. & Senosiain, A. (2004). Pico dorsiblanco, Dendrocopos leucotos. En Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.): Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa, pp. 202-207. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza -Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. Gobierno de Aragón (2018). Informe sobre los resultados del seguimiento de la reproducción del pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos) en 2018 en Ansó. Seguimientos anuales de la población de pico dorsiblanco en Navarra. GAN/NIK y Gobierno de Navarra.",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BIOMA (2017). Estudio de la distribución y estima poblacional de pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi) en diferentes lugares red Natura2000 de Navarra. Poctefa HABIOS. Informe inédito. BIOMA (2018). Estudio de la distribución y estima poblacional de pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi) en ZEC ES0000126 ""Roncesvalles-Selva del Irati"" y ES2200018 ""Belate"". Poctefa HABIOS. Informe inédito. Campión, D. & Senosiain, A. (2004). Pico dorsiblanco, Dendrocopos leucotos. En, A. Madrońo, C. González y J. C. Atienza (Eds.): Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa, pp. 202-207. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza -Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. Gobierno de Aragón (2010) Informe sobre el estado del pico dorsiblanco. 2009-2010. Gobierno de Aragón (2014). Informe sobre los resultados del seguimiento de la reproducción del pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos) en 2014, en Ansó. Gobierno de Aragón (2018). Informe sobre los resultados del seguimiento de la reproducción del pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos) en 2018, en Ansó. Seguimientos anuales de la población de pico dorsiblanco en Navarra. GAN/NIK y Gobierno de Navarra. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Sampietro, F.J., Pelayo, E., Hernandez, F., Cabrera, M. & Guiral, J. (1988). Aves de Aragón. Atlas de especies nidificantes. Diputación General de Aragón-Ibercaja Seguimientos anuales de la población de pico dorsiblanco en Navarra. GAN-NIK y Gobierno de Navarra.",NA,286,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BIOMA (2017). Estudio de la distribución y estima poblacional de pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi) en diferentes lugares red Natura2000 de Navarra. Poctefa HABIOS. Informe inédito. BIOMA (2018). Estudio de la distribución y estima poblacional de pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi) en ZEC ES0000126 ""Roncesvalles-Selva del Irati"" y ES2200018 ""Belate"". Poctefa HABIOS. Informe inédito. Campión, D. & Senosiain, A. (2004). Pico dorsiblanco, Dendrocopos leucotos. En Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.): Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa, pp. 202-207. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza -Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. Gobierno de Aragón (2010). Informe sobre el estado del pico dorsiblanco. 2009-2010. Gobierno de Aragón (2014). Informe sobre los resultados del seguimiento de la reproducción del pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos) en 2014, en Ansó. Gobierno de Aragón (2018). Informe sobre los resultados del seguimiento de la reproducción del pico dorsiblanco (Dendrocopos leucotos) en 2018, en Ansó. Seguimientos anuales de la población de pico dorsiblanco en Navarra. GAN/NIK y Gobierno de Navarra.",0,0,0,"ES","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, a. (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",100,NA,150,"mean","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Mihelic T. (2015): Status in varstvo belohrbtega detla Dendrocopos leucotos v Sloveniji. Acrocephalus 36 (164/165): 5–20.",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2019,"D","estimatePartial","The majority of Slovenian population of Dendrocopos leucotos is located within SPAs. Therefore, the trend for the entire country was presumed to be the same as the trend for SPAs. The negative trend (decrease of 10-30% in the period 2012-2018) was estimated based on published and unpublished results of surveys at SPA Snežnik-Pivka (2012, 2014, 2019), SPA Gluha loza (2014, 2019) and SPA Kocevsko (2012, 2015, 2018). For SPA Snežnik-Pivka see: Denac K. (2013): Belohrbti detel Dendrocopos leucotos. pp. 83-117. In: Denac K., Božic L., Mihelic , Denac D., Kmecl P., Figelj J., Bordjan D.: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2012 in 2013. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje. DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Ljubljana. For Gluha loza see: Denac K. (2014): Popis belohrbtega detla na SPA Gluha loza v letu 2014. Koncno porocilo. DOPPS, Ljubljana. For SPA Kocevsko see: Denac K. (2013): Belohrbti detel Dendrocopos leucotos. pp. 83-117. In: Denac K., Božic L., Mihelic , Denac D., Kmecl P., Figelj J., Bordjan D.: Monitoring populacij izbranih vrst ptic - popisi gnezdilk 2012 in 2013. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje. DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Ljubljana. Perušek M., Bertoncelj I., Bitorajc Z., Hudoklin A. (2015): Popis belohrbtega detla Dendrocopos leucotos na obmocju Natura 2000 Kocevsko. Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, Obmocna enota Kocevje, Kocevje. Kuretic M., Bitorajc Z., Kotnik T., Prijanovic P., Peteržinek S. (2018): Popis belohrbtega (Dendrocopos leucotos) in triprstega detla (Picoides tridactylus) na obmocju Natura 2000 Kocevsko. Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, Obmocna enota Kocevje, Kocevje.",-40,NA,-20,"SI","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",1200,NA,1800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",180,NA,260,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5,7,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Projekt Vitryggig hackspett SAP White-backed woodpecker",NA,-95,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Projekt Vitryggig hackspett SAP White-backed woodpecker",200,225,250,"SE","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Finland",2013,2018,"p",180,230,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",55551.5578492571,1985,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus and WWF, monitoring data.",NA,5400,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus and WWF, monitoring data.",NA,144,NA,"FI","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Gerdzhikov G. P., K. B. Georgiev, D. G. Plachiyski, T. Zlatanov & P. S. Shurulinkov (2018) Habitat Requirements of the White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos lilfordi (Sharpe & Dresser, 1871) (Piciformes: Picidae) in Strandzha Mountain, Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 70 (4), 2018: 527-534; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. BSPB Bird Database",-10,NA,-5,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",-10,NA,-5,"BG","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Germany",2012,2016,"p",480,NA,650,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",55551.5578492571,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Italy",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,350,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol. 4 - Apodidae-Prunellidae. Oasi Alberto perdisa Editore",55551.5578492571,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Poland",2013,2017,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Chylarecki P., Chodkiewicz T., Neubauer G., Sikora A., Meissner W., Wozniak B., Wylegala P., Lawicki L., Marchowski D., Betleja J., Bzoma S., Cenian Z., Górski A., Korniluk M., Moczarska J., Ochocinska D., Rubacha S., Wieloch M., Zielinska M., Zielinski P., Kuczynski L. 2018. Trendy liczebnosci ptaków w Polsce. GIOS, Warszawa.",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2013,2017,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MRD)",-25,-7,14,"PL","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-20,NA,-10,"LT","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,NA,20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of woodpeckers. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2058&Itemid=371",-11,NA,83,"EE","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",260,NA,760,"estimate","estimatePartial","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 641-644.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 641-644.",0,0,0,"HU","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",4000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",55551.5578492571,1991,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",314,NA,326,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",8.27,116.49,313.88,"LV","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",5563217.54885323,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,2,NA,"AT","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Spain",2004,2018,"p",273195,NA,463656,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",12.3,NA,76.49,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",12.3,NA,76.49,"ES","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",47000,NA,65000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-30,NA,-10,"LT","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",67500,91200,115000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",5563217.54885323,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",514,729,945,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3,15,38,"BE","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",50000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",5563217.54885323,1991,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",NA,-24,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-48.19,-34.41,-17.42,"LV","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",75000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",5563217.54885323,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",47,74,105,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",30,38,46,"NL","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","UK",2016,2016,"p",120292,132155,144020,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",5563217.54885323,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,127.6,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,20.35,NA,"UK","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",90000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Common birds monitoring scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/3/25.html (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012 ); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",0,0,0,"BG","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",144000,210000,269000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,0,100,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,100,"SE","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",5563217.54885323,1983,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",40,NA,57,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of woodpeckers. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2058&Itemid=371",-30,NA,16,"EE","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Poland",2013,2018,"p",883000,NA,1002000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",13,21,30,"PL","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",250000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",5563217.54885323,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,36,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,11,NA,"CZ","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",52000,NA,105000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",36,NA,84,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",414,414,NA,2009,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",414,NA,1100,"IE","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Germany",2016,2016,"p",830000,NA,1100000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",5563217.54885323,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,53,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",20,29,39,"DE","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","France",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,7e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux Nicheurs de France Metropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale.. LPO / SEOF / MNHN, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris1408 p",5563217.54885323,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,12,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,7.5,NA,"FR","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,"SK","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",252000,NA,297000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Expert opinion. The MMM estimated a strong increase for the short-term trend, but it seems unrealistically high.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",135483,135483,135483,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",5563217.54885323,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",25.93,44.62,66.01,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",4.46,26.05,51.66,"DK","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Italy",2013,2018,"p",70000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",5563217.54885323,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",400,NA,600,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",20,NA,30,"IT","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Finland",2013,2018,"p",228490,293746,527800,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",7,34,67,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",0,0,0,"FI","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos major","canariensis","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",200,200,200,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",200,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Delgado, G. & Naranjo, J.J. (2000). El Pinar Canario. Fauna y Conservación. Gobierno de Canarias, Consejería de Política Territorial y Medio Ambiente. 114 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,1,NA,"ESIC","A427",NA,"Dendrocopos major canariensis" "Dendrocopos major","thanneri","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",1000,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A428",NA,"Dendrocopos major thanneri" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",21000,NA,37000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",128485.526059359,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-69,NA,35,"HU","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",12000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",128485.526059359,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,2000,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Common birds monitoring scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/4/37.html; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012) Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",-20,NA,-10,"BG","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",128485.526059359,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,16,NA,"GR","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2700,NA,3800,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",128485.526059359,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,73,NA,"AT","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",128485.526059359,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; expert assessment",128485.526059359,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Michalczuk J. 2014. Ekspansja dzieciola bialoszyjego Dendrocopos syriacus w Europie i Azji Zachodniej. Ornis Polonica 55: 149-161; Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnow",300,NA,400,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",1000,NA,1800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",128485.526059359,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",800,NA,1000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",128485.526059359,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Syrian Woodpecker is a very rare breeder in the lowlands of NE Slovenia where it has been recorded at only three scattered locations in the period 2002-2018.",128485.526059359,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","UK",2015,2015,"p",600,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel 2017. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2015. British Birds 110: 706-754. give APEP3 figure (>1,000) but state a minimum of c.600 pairs saying that it is probably larger but fewer than 1,000 (ref stated as Clements pers. comm.).",267201.345423119,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-92.33,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-48.38,NA,"UK","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",7000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",267201.345423119,1991,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",NA,-25,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-79.98,-60.63,-25.81,"LV","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",5500,NA,9500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-own unpublished data BSPB Database",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) BSPB Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-own unpublished data BSPB Database",0,0,0,"BG","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",267201.345423119,1983,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-99,NA,-46,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of woodpeckers. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2058&Itemid=371",-69,NA,-4,"EE","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Spain",2002,2018,"p",11000,NA,25000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,248,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,100,NA,"ES","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",267201.345423119,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",2100,NA,2900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Population size for year 2018 was calculated based on the population estimate in previous reporting under the Birds Directive (DOPPS 2014) for the period 2008-2012, which was 2500-3500 pairs, and population trend for farmland landscape in Slovenia for the period 2008-2018 from Kmecl & Šumrada (2018), which was uncertain (annual multiplicative trend value 0,964). Population estimate was rounded upwards. DOPPS (2014): Povzetek porocila po 12. clenu Direktive o pticah za obdobje 2008-2012. Narocnik: Zavod RS za varstvo narave. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016_25_10_porocilo_pd_2008_2012-povzetek.pdf Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-10,NA,"SI","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",267201.345423119,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-6,NA,"CZ","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1700,2300,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",267201.345423119,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",233,351,488,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-49,-31,-10,"BE","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",12000,NA,29000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",5000,NA,6500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",267201.345423119,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",266,396,569,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",23,37,51,"NL","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Poland",2013,2018,"p",24000,NA,39000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-55,-36,-10,"PL","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1445,2911,4952,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Winter bird censuses of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",62,124,212,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Winter bird censuses of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-56,-31,8,"FI","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2700,4200,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,0,200,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-61,-40,0,"SE","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg: Vogelmonitoring in Luxemburg im Rahmen der Berichterstattungspflicht an die Europäische Kommission 2018 (Zwischenbericht, unveröffentlicht)",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg Centrale ornithologique: Vogelmonitoring in Luxemburg im Rahmen der Berichterstattungspflicht an die Europäische Kommission 2018 (Zwischenbericht, unveröffentlicht)",0,NA,0,"LU","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",83,83,83,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",267201.345423119,1990,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-30.98,130.57,632.83,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Germany",2016,2016,"p",22000,NA,37000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",267201.345423119,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-25,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-32,-14,9,"DE","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","France",2009,2012,"p",30000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",267201.345423119,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-29,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-25.1,NA,"FR","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",267201.345423119,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,50,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",6600,NA,9000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,"SK","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Germany",2016,2016,"p",32000,NA,51000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",269442.035876834,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",-30,NA,40,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,4,NA,"DE","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Poland",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,45000,"interval","estimatePartial","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey); A. Sikora - unpublished information",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-15,-2,13,"PL","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","France",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","MNHN / CRBPO / STOC 2018. pic noir tendance STOC. vigie-nature 05-12-18, http://vigienature.mnhn.fr/page/pic-noir.html; Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux Nicheurs de France Metropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale.. LPO / SEOF / MNHN, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris1408 p ; Faune-France 2018. statistiques pic noir Faune-France. Faune-France 05-12-18, https://www.faune-france.org/index.php?m_id=81&sp_tg=1&speciesFilter=pic+n&frmSpecies=336&frmDisplay=Afficher",269442.035876834,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial","MNHN / CRBPO / STOC 2018. pic noir tendance STOC. vigie-nature 05-12-18, http://vigienature.mnhn.fr/page/pic-noir.html",NA,14,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","MNHN / CRBPO / STOC 2018. pic noir tendance STOC. vigie-nature 05-12-18, http://vigienature.mnhn.fr/page/pic-noir.html; Faune-France 2018. statistiques pic noir Faune-France. Faune-France 05-12-18, https://www.faune-france.org/index.php?m_id=81&sp_tg=1&speciesFilter=pic+n&frmSpecies=336&frmDisplay=Afficher",0,0,0,"FR","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Finland",2013,2018,"p",23402,30879,35307,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",59,131,236,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-19,-4,14,"FI","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",22000,24000,27000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-55,-46,-35,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-26,-18,-9,"SE","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",12000,NA,18000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",269442.035876834,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,2,NA,"AT","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",8800,NA,10300,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project.",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 278 p.",NA,360,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",6000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",269442.035876834,1991,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverinš G. 1994. Size of Latvian bird populations. (in Latvian). In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18.; Expert: Madars Bergmanis: bmadars@gmail.com",NA,-47,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society, 59 pp.",-34.06,-1,46.31,"LV","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",269442.035876834,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,3,NA,"CZ","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",4500,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Goelmansky (ed.)2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals.BAS,MOEW, Sofia P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova -own unpublished data BSPB Database",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Nankinov D., S.Simeonov, T.Michev, B.Ivanov 1997. Fauna of Bulgaria.vol.26 Aves-part 2, BAS,Sofia Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky (ed.)2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals.BAS,MOEW, Sofia. BSPB Database",20,NA,30,2000,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Goelmansky (ed.)2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals.BAS,MOEW, Sofia. BSPB Database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-own unpublushed data",20,NA,30,"BG","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",269442.035876834,1983,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",149,NA,865,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of woodpeckers. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2058&Itemid=371",-25,NA,38,"EE","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",4900,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data is available for long-term trend of Dryocopus martius in Slovenia.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Short-term trend for Dryocopus martius is only known for Slovenian farmland which is not the primary habitat of the species. Short-term trend in farmland (period 2008-2018) is uncertain (see Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.) There is no data on Dryocopus martius short-term trend in SPA forests in Slovenia.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Spain",2002,2018,"p",3188,NA,5583,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census EU birds mapping (SNC SR)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census EU birds mapping (SNC SR)",0,0,0,"SK","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,3700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",269442.035876834,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1400,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",269442.035876834,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",273,433,567,2008,2019,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-30,0,24,"BE","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",1200,NA,1800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",700,NA,1000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",269442.035876834,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-38,-19,6,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-27,-17,-6,"NL","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",225,225,225,"estimate","estimateExpert","Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176.",269442.035876834,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176.",NA,542,NA,2004,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176.",0,0,0,"DK","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Centrale ornithologique: Vogelmonitoring in Luxemburg im Rahmen der Berichterstattungspflicht an die Europäische Kommission 2018 (Zwischenbericht, unveröffentlicht)",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","France",2014,2014,"p",11190,NA,11190,"estimate","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",42803.4871682398,1981,2014,"I","completeSurvey","MARION, L. 2009. Recensement national des Hérons coloniaux de France en 2007 : Héron cendré, Héron pourpré, Héron bihoreau, Héron crabier, Héron garde-bśufs, Aigrette garzette, Grande Aigrette. 243-268",394,NA,394,2007,2014,"D","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",-19,-19,-19,"FR","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Spain",2010,2018,"p",9470,9470,9470,"estimate","completeSurvey","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & Del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2012). Las garzas en Espańa, población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & Del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2012). Las garzas en Espańa, población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",16,16,16,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & Del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2012). Las garzas en Espańa, población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",0,0,0,"ES","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Italy",2013,2018,"p",8259,NA,9971,"estimate","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola com.pers., in Gustin M., 2018. Redazione del Rapporto sullo stato di conservazione delle popolazioni italiane di u",42803.4871682398,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2002,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola pers. Comm. 2018, in Gustin M., 2018. ISPRA, relazione interna su incarico a LIPU, 14 pp.",-20,NA,-10,"IT","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Greece",2013,2018,"p",2549,2549,2549,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",42803.4871682398,1980,2015,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London.",NA,115,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",NA,38,NA,"GR","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1031,NA,1600,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF; eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",-20,NA,-10,"BG","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","UK",2012,2016,"p",980,980,980,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",42803.4871682398,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,50470,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,305,NA,"UK","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",578,NA,768,"estimate","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 515-517. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",42803.4871682398,1978,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 515-517. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,116,NA,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 515-517. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",323,NA,645,"estimate","estimateExpert","Data sourced from the Irish Rare Breeding Birds Panel, NPWS unpublished data, BirdTrack, and other collated records. Also from: Fennelly, R.N and Cannon, C. (2015). A preliminary review of the population and protection of breeding Little Egret Egretta garzetta in Ireland. Irish Birds 10: 211-214.",42803.4871682398,1997,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Smiddy, P & Duffy B (1997) Little Egret Egretta garzetta: a new breeding bird for Ireland. Irish Birds 6: 55-56.",2592,NA,5275,2011,2018,"I","estimateExpert","See Section 2.7.",NA,29,NA,"IE","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",180,NA,500,"mean","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-10,NA,-5,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-10,NA,-5,"HR","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",35,NA,90,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",42803.4871682398,1994,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",2002,3926,7478,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-64,-56,-47,"NL","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Rybanic R., Šutiaková T. & Benko Š. 2004: Významné vtácie územia na Slovensku. - SOVS, Bratislava, 218 pp",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",50,NA,70,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",28,34,41,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",42803.4871682398,1995,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1020,1260,1540,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",70,106,148,"BE","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Malta",2017,2018,"p",15,NA,15,"estimate","estimateExpert","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018)",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Raine, A., Sultana, J. and Gillings, S. (2008). Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008. BirdLife Malta. Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Raine, A., Sultana, J. and Gillings, S. (2008). Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008. BirdLife Malta. Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",0,0,0,"MT","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Austria",2013,2017,"p",9,NA,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, unpublished reports of the Gebietsbetreuung Unterer Inn",42803.4871682398,1998,2017,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at, Schuster et al. 1998",50,NA,500,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, unpublished reports of the Gebietsbetreuung Unterer Inn, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",100,136,300,"AT","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",10,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Cabot, J. (2018). Efectos del establecimiento y crecimiento demográfico de la Garcilla Bueyera (Bubulcus ibis) en Lanzarote. Servicio de Medio Ambiente. Cabildo de Lanzarote. Informe no publicado. 107 pp. Garrido, J. R., Molina, B., & del Moral, J. C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Pérez Padrón, F. (2006). Garceta común Egretta garzetta. Noticiario ornitológico. Ardeola 53 (1): 197. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Cabot, J. (2018). Efectos del establecimiento y crecimiento demográfico de la Garcilla Bueyera (Bubulcus ibis) en Lanzarote. Servicio de Medio Ambiente. Cabildo de Lanzarote. Informe no publicado. 107 pp. Garrido, J. R., Molina, B., & del Moral, J. C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",0,0,0,"ESIC","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","For the period 1980-2004, based on birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",300,NA,400,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",66,NA,200,"CY","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",4,NA,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",42803.4871682398,1986,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,500,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",50,NA,300,"CZ","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,-100,NA,"PL","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Elanus caeruleus",NA,"Black-winged Kite","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1905.79007923706,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,20,NA,"PT","A399",NA,"Elanus caeruleus" "Elanus caeruleus",NA,"Black-winged Kite","Spain",2002,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"interval","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",1905.79007923706,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A399",NA,"Elanus caeruleus" "Elanus caeruleus",NA,"Black-winged Kite","France",2016,2017,"p",200,250,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Guillaumin S., Buzzi T., David F., Degals E., Delage F., Grissier P., Hirtz M., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Lecuyer P., Maurit P., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Razin M., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2017. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2016. , LPO68 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers-surveillance2016.pdf; Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf; Kergoat L. 2018. Nidification de l’Elanion blanc (Elanus caeruleus) en Haute-Garonne en 2017. , 11 p. ; de Hemptinne S., Buzzi T., Champion V., David F., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Michelat D., Muller Y., Nadal R., Pacteau C., Pilard P., Riols C., Scher O., Tariel Y. & Wahl R. 2016. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2015. , LPO76 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/busards/3491/lescahiersdelasurveillance2015.pdf; Cleva D. 2015. Premier suivi circonstancié de la nidification de l’Élanion blanc en Loire-Atlantique. Spatule 15, http://loire-atlantique.lpo.fr/images/Spatule/2015/Elanion_blanc.pdf; Mézičre S. 2018. L’Elanion blanc au pays du Maroilles. La Gričche 52, GON - Groupe ornithologique et na turaliste du Nord-Pas-de-Calais43-48 https://entresambreetmeuse.natagora.be/fileadmin/Regionales/Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse/La_Grieche/La_Grieche_52_-_fevrier_2018.pdf; Logeais J.-M. & Vrignaul J.-D. 2017. Suivi d’un couple nicheur d’Élanions blancs Elanus caeruleus dans le sud du département de Maine-et-Loire en 2015. Crex 14, 27-35 http://publis.lpo-anjou.org/crex14/elanions_crex14.pdf",1905.79007923706,1983,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Guillaumin S., Buzzi T., David F., Degals E., Delage F., Grissier P., Hirtz M., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Lecuyer P., Maurit P., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Razin M., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2017. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2016. , LPO68 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers-surveillance2016.pdf; Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf; Papacotsia A. & Petit P. 1984. Présence d'un couple d'Élanions blancs, Elanus caeruleus, en Aquitaine . Le Courbageot 10, 19-24",19900,NA,29900,2006,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Guillaumin S., Buzzi T., David F., Degals E., Delage F., Grissier P., Hirtz M., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Lecuyer P., Maurit P., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Razin M., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2017. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2016. , LPO68 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers-surveillance2016.pdf; Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf; Duchateau S. & Delage F. 2007. Élanion blanc Elanus caeruleus. in Riegel J. & les coordinateurs-espčce (2007) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2005 et 2006. Ornithos 14-3, 137-163",1200,NA,1900,"FR","A399",NA,"Elanus caeruleus" "Emberiza aureola",NA,"Yellow-breasted Bunting","Finland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A., Jukarainen, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Below, A., Lehtiniemi, T., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rintala, J., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019. Birds. In: Hyvärinen, E., Juslén, A., Kemppainen, E., Uddström, A. & Liukko, U.-M. (eds.) 2019. The 2019 Red List of Finnish Species. Ministry of the Environment & Finnish Environment Institute. Helsinki. P. 560-570. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",0,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Pessa, J. & Timonen, S. 2011: Kultasirkun yhdeksän vuosikymmentä Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla. - Aureola 31:6-27. (In Finnish). Kamp, J., Oppel, S., Ananin, A., Durnev, Y., Gashev, S., Hölzel, N., Mishchenko, A., Pessa, J., Smirenski, S., Strelnikov, E., Timonen, S., Wolanska, K. & Chan, S. 2015: Global population collapse in a superabundant migratory bird and illegal trapping in China. - Conservation biology 29(6):1684-1694. Birdlife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database.",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Birdlife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database. Pessa, J. & Timonen, S. 2011: Kultasirkun yhdeksän vuosikymmentä Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla. - Aureola 31:6-27. (In Finnish).",NA,-100,NA,"FI","A540",NA,"Emberiza aureola" "Emberiza caesia",NA,"Cretzschmar's Bunting","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",24142.135623731,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A447",NA,"Emberiza caesia" "Emberiza caesia",NA,"Cretzschmar's Bunting","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017. Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",24142.135623731,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",25,NA,50,"CY","A447",NA,"Emberiza caesia" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,0,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",19952760.3107171,1991,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,1700,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",19952760.3107171,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-11,NA,"AT","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Malta",2017,2018,"p",16,NA,37,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,-43,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-43,NA,"MT","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",400,500,600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",19952760.3107171,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-94,-93,-92,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-93,-87,-75,"BE","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",NA,-100,NA,"LU","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Greece",2013,2018,"p",380000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 4. D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,-86,NA,"GR","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",40000,NA,55000,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases",19952760.3107171,1999,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 469 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 133 p. Haraszthy László (1998, 2000) - Magyarország madarai; 389 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 290 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 227-228 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-43,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Miliaria_calandra.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-42,NA,-15,"HU","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",4900,NA,10500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,6.2,NA,"SI","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Population trend for the period 2005-2012.",-40,NA,-20,"BG","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",19952760.3107171,1982,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",30,40,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-75,-50,-25,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-30,0,30,"SE","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Ireland",2018,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B, & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Hillis, J.P. (2012) Rare Irish Breeding Birds, 2011 The Annual Report of the Irish Rare Birds Panel (IRBBP) Irish Birds 9: 411-420. Hutchinson, C.D. (1989) Birds in Ireland. T & A D Poyser, Staffordshire.",-100,-100,-100,2012,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland. Hillis, J.P. (2012) Rare Irish Breeding Birds, 2011 The Annual Report of the Irish Rare Birds Panel (IRBBP) Irish Birds 9: 411-420.",0,0,0,"IE","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","France",2009,2012,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",19952760.3107171,1989,2017,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-45,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-33,NA,"FR","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12",19952760.3107171,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,NA,10,"IT","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Germany",2016,2016,"p",16500,NA,29000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",19952760.3107171,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-34,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-34,NA,"DE","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",19952760.3107171,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-100,-100,-100,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-100,-98,-26,"NL","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1745000,NA,2116000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",22,32,42,"PL","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",20,NA,33,"LT","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",28000,NA,75000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports;",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",40,NA,50,"CY","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Canary Islands",2015,2015,"p",243.5,243.5,243.5,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2017). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de Gran Canaria, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2017. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria. 70 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas, con especial referencia a la codorniz común. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 174 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2015). Seguimiento de aves reproductoras comunes en zonas agrícolas de Canarias en la temporada de cría de 2015. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 156 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2018). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de La Palma, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2018. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de La Palma. 56 pp. + anexos.",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2017). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de Gran Canaria, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2017. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria. 70 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas, con especial referencia a la codorniz común. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 174 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2015). Seguimiento de aves reproductoras comunes en zonas agrícolas de Canarias en la temporada de cría de 2015. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 156 pp. + anexos. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2017). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas de Gran Canaria, con especial referencia a la codorniz común y el triguero. Temporada de 2017. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria. 70 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas, con especial referencia a la codorniz común. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 174 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2015). Seguimiento de aves reproductoras comunes en zonas agrícolas de Canarias en la temporada de cría de 2015. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 156 pp. + anexos.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","UK",2016,2016,"p",9041,11206,13206,"interval","completeSurvey","Baseline = Donald, P.F. & Evans, A.D. 1995. Habitat selection and population size of Corn Buntings Miliaria calandra breeding in Britain in 1993. Bird Study 42: 190-204. Extrapolation from 1993 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend",19952760.3107171,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-85.72,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-5.83,NA,"UK","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",27529,27529,27529,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",19952760.3107171,1981,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-44.55,-29.4,-10.26,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-53.11,-41.99,-28.5,"DK","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Spain",2004,2018,"p",9991032,NA,12023281,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1420000,1787404,2200000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",2128809.80898693,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-38.1,NA,"ES","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2128809.80898693,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Italy",2013,2018,"p",22000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12",2128809.80898693,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","France",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2128809.80898693,2001,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-50,NA,-40,2007,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-50,NA,-40,"FR","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Greece",2015,2015,"p",8000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",2128809.80898693,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2128809.80898693,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-10,NA,10,"SI","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2000,NA,14000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",2128809.80898693,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,10,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",2128809.80898693,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",500,NA,750,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",2128809.80898693,1994,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 428 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 383-384 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 131 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 540 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 284 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 225 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Emberiza_cia.pdf Magyar madárvonulási atlasz (Magyar Gábor et.al., p.632-633), Kossuth Kiadó, 2009 National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",7,NA,25,"HU","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Austria",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; Pühringer et al. 2018",2128809.80898693,1981,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,550,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",2128809.80898693,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Germany",2012,2016,"p",380,NA,390,"mean","estimatePartial","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2128809.80898693,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-20,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-8,NA,"DE","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Gibraltar",NA,NA,"p",0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,2128809.80898693,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"GIB","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cineracea",NA,"Cinereous Bunting","Greece",2015,2015,"p",80,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",126.491106406735,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,86,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-33,NA,"GR","A446",NA,"Emberiza cineracea" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1260000,NA,1660000,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & D. Palomino (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información procedente de las comunidades autónomas.",3111355.68259102,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. H(https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Aparicio, R.J. (2019). Escribano soteńo – Emberiza cirlus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. López, P., Martín, J., Barba, E. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) BirdLife International (2018). Calidris maritima. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22693420A131929424. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22693420A131929424.en) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Greece",2013,2018,"p",420000,NA,780000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 4) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",3111355.68259102,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12",3111355.68259102,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,35,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",5,NA,10,"IT","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","France",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,3111355.68259102,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-7,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-15.8,NA,"FR","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",3111355.68259102,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",3111355.68259102,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",3,NA,5,"BG","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",3111355.68259102,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",6700,NA,15000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3111355.68259102,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-14,NA,"SI","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","UK",2016,2016,"p",1079,1079,1079,"estimate","completeSurvey","Jeffs, C., Croft, S., Bradbury, A., Grice, P. & Wotton, S. 2018. The UK Cirl Bunting population exceeds one thousand pairs. British Birds 111: 144-156.",3111355.68259102,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694. Jeffs, C., Croft, S., Bradbury, A., Grice, P. & Wotton, S. 2018. The UK Cirl Bunting population exceeds one thousand pairs. British Birds 111: 144-156.",NA,104,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694. Jeffs, C., Croft, S., Bradbury, A., Grice, P. & Wotton, S. 2018. The UK Cirl Bunting population exceeds one thousand pairs. British Birds 111: 144-156.",NA,-52,NA,"UK","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Germany",2016,2016,"p",550,NA,700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",3111355.68259102,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,196,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,123,NA,"DE","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert opinion http://www.birding.hu/",3111355.68259102,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert opinion Haraszthy László (szerk.) (2000): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest, 448. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278. http://www.birding.hu/",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinion http://www.birding.hu/",0,0,0,"HU","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Poland",2013,2018,"p",4360000,NA,4580000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-8,-3,2,"PL","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1700000,NA,3400000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",15891263.9187139,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,"CZ","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1100000,NA,1650000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",15891263.9187139,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-17,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-18,-14,-10,"DE","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",8e+05,NA,1500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Finland",2013,2018,"p",854019,933533,984361,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-25,-13,2,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-18,-13,-6,"FI","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","UK",2016,2016,"p",698442,698442,698442,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1995 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",15891263.9187139,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-56.17,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,7.19,NA,"UK","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","France",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Roché J. et al. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d'oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 241-268 ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",15891263.9187139,1989,2017,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-60,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-44.07,NA,"FR","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",506000,533000,569000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-74,-72,-70,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-44,-41,-37,"SE","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",493000,NA,508000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",313317,349757,390435,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",15891263.9187139,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",38.91,NA,163.4,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",19.1,47.2,81.4,"LV","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",5,NA,10,"LT","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Spain",2004,2006,"p",237392,310338,390990,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información procedente de las comunidades autónomas.",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-5.1,-3.5,-2,"ES","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",302952,302952,302952,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",15891263.9187139,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-64.64,-61.79,-58.72,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-45.39,-36.66,-26.68,"DK","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Austria",2013,2018,"p",180000,NA,280000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",15891263.9187139,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, data of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-32,NA,"AT","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",15891263.9187139,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-45,NA,-25,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",6,NA,50,"EE","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",96728,144834.666666667,294597,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",15891263.9187139,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-5.9,2.4,11.4,"IE","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",74500,NA,95200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-27,NA,"SI","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",50000,NA,97000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,0,"BG","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Italy",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",15891263.9187139,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-20,NA,-10,"IT","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",21800,26700,31500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",15891263.9187139,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-55,-44,-34,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-32,-23,-14,"BE","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",22000,NA,27000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",15891263.9187139,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",127,175,231,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-8,-2,5,"NL","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-40,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,16,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Spain",2004,2018,"p",180500,NA,365000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-40.8,-40.8,-40.8,"ES","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Poland",2013,2018,"p",176000,NA,243000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-31,-20,-6,"PL","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",34000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB; Ivanov B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria. T. 30. Aves. 409. Nankinov et co. 2004. Number of national populations of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Zel. Balkans. 32 p.",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; The population trend is for the period 2005-2012",0,0,0,"BG","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Greece",2015,2015,"p",20000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Germany",2016,2016,"p",7500,NA,11500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1327980.19088134,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-28,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-27,NA,"DE","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,16000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",1327980.19088134,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,100,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2473,7295,16074,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-99.9,-99.56,-98.5,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-97,-90,-70,"FI","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","France",2009,2012,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; JIGUET F. et al. 2016. An update of the European breeding population sizes and trends of the Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana. Ornis Fennica, 93, BirdLife Finland186-196",1327980.19088134,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","COMOLET-TIRMAN J., SIBLET J-P., WITTE I., CADIOU B., CZAJKOWSKI M. A., DECEUNINCK B., JIGUET F., LANDRY P., QUAINTENNE G., ROCHE J. E., SARASA M. & TOUROULT J. 2015. Statuts et tendances des populations d’oiseaux nicheurs de France, Bilan simplifié du premier rapportage national au titre de la Directive Oiseaux. Alauda 83(1), SEOF35-76",-80,NA,-75,2007,2017,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN. ; . Tendances spécifiques 2001-2018 (résultats du programme STOC, document de travail Vigie Nature).",-70,NA,-50,"FR","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",3500,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",400,1500,1800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-96,-93,-88,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-94,-86,-71,"SE","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",144,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1327980.19088134,1995,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-86.33,NA,42311.84,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-71.31,-69.94,-66.57,"LV","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1327980.19088134,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,"EE","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",118,NA,140,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-80,NA,-70,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-20,NA,-15,"LT","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",75,NA,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",9,9,9,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1327980.19088134,1979,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Stanic D., Kmecl P., Figelj J., Sovinc A. (2017): Gnezditveni areal, velikost populacije in populacijski trend vrtnega strnada Emberiza hortulana v Sloveniji v obdobju med letoma 1979 in 2016. – Acrocephalus 38 (172/173): 7–24.",-98,NA,-95,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-88.1,NA,"SI","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Austria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Andreas Danzl, unpublished data; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",1327980.19088134,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Andreas Danzl, unpublished data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding birds 1981-1985); BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,-99,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Andreas Danzl, unpublished data",NA,-100,NA,"AT","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert opinion http://www.birding.hu/",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert opinion Haraszthy László (szerk.) (2000): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest, 448. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278. http://www.birding.hu/",-100,NA,-95,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert opinion MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278. http://www.birding.hu/",0,0,0,"HU","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1327980.19088134,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-100,-100,-100,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1327980.19088134,1980,2005,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-100,-100,-100,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",NA,-100,NA,"NL","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza melanocephala",NA,"Black-headed Bunting","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",40000,NA,140000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB; Ivanov B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria. T. 30. Aves. 409.",388857.738486573,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",5,NA,10,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria. T. 30. Aves. 409.",0,NA,15,"BG","A382",NA,"Emberiza melanocephala" "Emberiza melanocephala",NA,"Black-headed Bunting","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",50000,50000,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",388857.738486573,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A382",NA,"Emberiza melanocephala" "Emberiza melanocephala",NA,"Black-headed Bunting","Greece",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,50000,"interval","estimatePartial","Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database, Hellenic Ornithological Society",388857.738486573,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe - Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK, BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No 12). Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series no. 3)",-30,NA,-5,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database, Hellenic Ornithological Society",NA,-41,NA,"GR","A382",NA,"Emberiza melanocephala" "Emberiza melanocephala",NA,"Black-headed Bunting","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",5900,NA,16000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports;",388857.738486573,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",-16,NA,7,"CY","A382",NA,"Emberiza melanocephala" "Emberiza melanocephala",NA,"Black-headed Bunting","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,16000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",388857.738486573,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A382",NA,"Emberiza melanocephala" "Emberiza melanocephala",NA,"Black-headed Bunting","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",388857.738486573,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. (The ornithological atlas of Slovenia.) – Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-100,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A382",NA,"Emberiza melanocephala" "Emberiza pusilla",NA,"Little Bunting","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",50,160,430,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",21194,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Svensson, S., Svensson, M. & Tjernberg, M. 1999. Svensk fĺgelatlas. Vĺr Fĺgelvärld, suppl 31, Stockholm. Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. www.artportalen.se Svensk fĺgeltaxering, Lund University.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",NA,NA,NA,"SE","A380",NA,"Emberiza pusilla" "Emberiza pusilla",NA,"Little Bunting","Finland",2013,2018,"p",12635,21034,32734,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",21194,1990,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-35,20,114,"FI","A380",NA,"Emberiza pusilla" "Emberiza rustica",NA,"Rustic Bunting","Finland",2013,2018,"p",139136,224351,278700,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",258351,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-93,-87,-57,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-5,21,52,"FI","A542",NA,"Emberiza rustica" "Emberiza rustica",NA,"Rustic Bunting","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",28000,34000,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",258351,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-95,-90,-85,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,-15,0,"SE","A542",NA,"Emberiza rustica" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Poland",2013,2018,"p",437000,NA,513000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-33,-23,-12,"PL","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",286000,318000,351000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-66,-60,-54,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-29,-21,-13,"SE","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","UK",2016,2016,"p",274849,274849,274849,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1995 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",2131130.26518703,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,5.8,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",20.23,20.23,20.23,"UK","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",136453,191922,512594,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",2131130.26518703,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",1.2,10.9,21.4,"IE","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Finland",2013,2018,"p",169386,186217,204075,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-64,-55,-45,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-41,-32,-22,"FI","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Germany",2016,2016,"p",115000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",2131130.26518703,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-27,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-31,-23,-15,"DE","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",60000,NA,110000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2131130.26518703,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",74,99,127,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-3,3,9,"NL","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2131130.26518703,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-69,NA,82,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-64,NA,39,"EE","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",45000,NA,90000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2131130.26518703,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,3,NA,"CZ","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",41085,41085,41085,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",2131130.26518703,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-40.78,-32.5,-23.09,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-50.25,-41.78,-32.01,"DK","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",10700,NA,121000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","France",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2131130.26518703,2001,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-40,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-44.15,NA,"FR","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",17798,30000,50568,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",2131130.26518703,1995,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-35.37,NA,780.5,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-13.4,103.1,352,"LV","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Austria",2013,2018,"p",3500,NA,5300,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",2131130.26518703,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2900,3800,4700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2131130.26518703,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-69,-60,-51,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-60,-38,-4,"BE","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",2131130.26518703,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-95,NA,-90,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",-97,NA,-95,"IT","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,1000,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",50,NA,50,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,0,"LU","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",0,0,0,"BG","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Spain",2005,2018,"p",215,NA,233,"estimate","completeSurvey","ARCEA (2008-2017). Determinación de los parámetros demográficos de Emberiza schoeniclus subsp. Lusitanica en el ańo 2014 en Galicia. Informe inédito para la Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza,Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas. Xunta de Galicia. ARCEA (2017). Seguimiento de la población de jabalí y evaluación del efecto potencial de su presencia sobre los valores naturales de la ZEC ES1140001 Sistema fluvial Ulla-Deza y la adopción de medidas de gestión de su población en este espacio así como realización del censo de parejas reproductoras de la población del escribano palustre (Emberiza schoeniclus subsp. Lusitanica) presentes en la ZEC. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio, Xunta de Galicia. Informe inédito. Atienza, J.C. (2006). El escribano palustre en Espańa. I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 72pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/7_escribano_palustre_2005_tcm36-208006.pdf) Atlas de aves nidificantes de Catalunya 2014-2018, en preparación (http://www.ornitologia.org/ca/quefem/monitoratge/atles/tercer_atles/index.html) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Monrós, J.S., Neto, J.M., Arcos, F., Vera, P. & Belda, E.J. (2018). El escribano palustre en Espańa y Portugal. Población reproductora en 2015 y método de censo. Universitat de Valčncia-Universitat Politécnica de Valčncia-SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/43%20escribano%20palustre/pdf/SEO%2043%20Escribano%20palustre%20DIG.pdf)",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Atienza, J.C. (2006). El escribano palustre en Espańa. I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 72pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/7_escribano_palustre_2005_tcm36-208006.pdf) Atienza, J.C. (2006). El escribano palustre en Espańa. I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 72pp. (Atienza, J.C. (2006). El escribano palustre en Espańa. I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 72pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/7_escribano_palustre_2005_tcm36-208006.pdf) Belda, E., Vera. P. & Monrós, J.S. (2010). Situación en la Comunitat Valenciana del Escribano palustre iberoriental Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi: Propuestas para su gestión y conservación. Informe inédito. Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda de la Generalitat Valenciana. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",NA,-64,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Atienza, J.C. (2006). El escribano palustre en Espańa. I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 72pp. (Atienza, J.C. (2006). El escribano palustre en Espańa. I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 72pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/7_escribano_palustre_2005_tcm36-208006.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Monrós, J.S., Neto, J.M., Arcos, F., Vera, P. & Belda, E.J. (2018). El escribano palustre en Espańa y Portugal. Población reproductora en 2015 y método de censo. Universitat de Valčncia-Universitat Politécnica de Valčncia-SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/43%20escribano%20palustre/pdf/SEO%2043%20Escribano%20palustre%20DIG.pdf)",-64,NA,-46.7,"ES","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Eremophila alpestris",NA,"Horned Lark","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",2,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",4539.3225680266,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",-90,NA,900,"HR","A248",NA,"Eremophila alpestris" "Eremophila alpestris",NA,"Horned Lark","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",4539.3225680266,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,-48,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A248",NA,"Eremophila alpestris" "Eremophila alpestris",NA,"Horned Lark","Finland",2013,2018,"p",0,2,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",4539.3225680266,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FI","A248",NA,"Eremophila alpestris" "Eremophila alpestris",NA,"Horned Lark","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",150,230,320,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",4539.3225680266,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-100,-90,-80,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Migration counts Falsterbo",-30,0,30,"SE","A248",NA,"Eremophila alpestris" "Eremophila alpestris",NA,"Horned Lark","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",4539.3225680266,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian)",-10,NA,-5,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-40,NA,-20,"BG","A248",NA,"Eremophila alpestris" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","UK",2016,2016,"p",7326416,7326416,7326416,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",46686249.3361973,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,63.25,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,12.24,NA,"UK","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Spain",2004,2018,"p",4675012,NA,5714791,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","France",2013,2018,"p",3e+06,NA,6e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",46686249.3361973,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-17,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-3,NA,"FR","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2697000,3847000,4994000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-31,-25,-18,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-1,3,8,"SE","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3400000,NA,4350000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",46686249.3361973,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-13,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",2,8,15,"DE","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",2602560,3011807.33333333,5198776,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",46686249.3361973,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-11.5,-8.6,-5.7,"IE","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2200000,NA,2984000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-1,7,15,"PL","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1866457,2027654,2184697,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",25,43,64,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-31,-26,-21,"FI","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,3e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",46686249.3361973,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,20,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",10,NA,20,"IT","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,1500000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Common birds monitoring scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/3/26.html (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,"BG","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",550000,NA,1100000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",46686249.3361973,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",657430,768178,900250,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",46686249.3361973,1991,2016,"S","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",NA,-8,NA,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-31.7,-17.2,0.1,"LV","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Austria",2013,2018,"p",6e+05,NA,9e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",46686249.3361973,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",46686249.3361973,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-40,NA,-35,"EE","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",520000,NA,740000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",5,NA,10,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",312600,450100,587700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",46686249.3361973,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",49,114,180,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",8,21,36,"BE","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",250000,NA,350000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",46686249.3361973,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",18,31,45,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-3,2,8,"NL","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Azores",2013,2017,"p",119298,288681,364713,"mean","estimatePartial","Count data extracted from CAC (Common Bird Census; 2013-2018), provided by SPEA (not published).",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",0,0,0,"PTAC","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",279703,279703,279703,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",46686249.3361973,1980,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-18.79,-2.54,16.87,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",0.46,37.63,87.04,"DK","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Greece",2013,2015,"p",210000,NA,360000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",266000,NA,284000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=153&Itemid=66&lang=pt",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",28,NA,78,"PTMA","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",1,5,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",1,5,5,"GIB","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Eudromias morinellus",NA,"Eurasian Dotterel","Italy",2013,2018,"males",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2004. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.2 (Tetraonidae-Scolopacidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna - Bassi et al 2014, Riv. It. Orn. 84 (1): 47-52.",6037.13728734491,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A727",NA,"Eudromias morinellus" "Eudromias morinellus",NA,"Eurasian Dotterel","UK",2011,2011,"males",279,423,644,"interval","completeSurvey","Hayhow, D.B., Ewing, S.R., Baxter, A., Douse, A., Stanbury, A., Whitfield, D.P. & Eaton, M.A. 2015. Changes in the abundance and distribution of a montane specialist bird, the Dotterel Charadrius morinellus, in the UK over 25 years. Bird Study 62: 443-456.",6037.13728734491,1970,2011,"I","completeSurvey","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Poyser, London. Hayhow, D.B., Ewing, S.R., Baxter, A., Douse, A., Stanbury, A., Whitfield, D.P. & Eaton, M.A. 2015. Changes in the abundance and distribution of a montane specialist bird, the Dotterel Charadrius morinellus, in the UK over 25 years. Bird Study 62: 443-456.",NA,504,NA,1999,2011,"D","completeSurvey","Whitfield, D.P. 2002. Status of breeding Dotterel Charadrius morinellus in Britain in 1999. Bird Study 49: 237-249. Hayhow, D.B., Ewing, S.R., Baxter, A., Douse, A., Stanbury, A., Whitfield, D.P. & Eaton, M.A. 2015. Changes in the abundance and distribution of a montane specialist bird, the Dotterel Charadrius morinellus, in the UK over 25 years. Bird Study 62: 443-456.",NA,-43,NA,"UK","A727",NA,"Eudromias morinellus" "Eudromias morinellus",NA,"Eurasian Dotterel","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"males",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",6037.13728734491,1986,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,-100,NA,2001,2017,"UNK","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A727",NA,"Eudromias morinellus" "Eudromias morinellus",NA,"Eurasian Dotterel","Sweden",2013,2018,"males",2000,3600,4700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",6037.13728734491,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,100,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-27,NA,230,"SE","A727",NA,"Eudromias morinellus" "Eudromias morinellus",NA,"Eurasian Dotterel","Finland",2013,2018,"males",1500,2000,2400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",6037.13728734491,1990,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-65,NA,2000,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-50,NA,"FI","A727",NA,"Eudromias morinellus" "Eudromias morinellus",NA,"Eurasian Dotterel","Spain",2002,2018,"males",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",6037.13728734491,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A727",NA,"Eudromias morinellus" "Eudromias morinellus",NA,"Eurasian Dotterel","Austria",2013,2016,"males",7,NA,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","Albegger & Schernhammer 2013-2016; Petutschnig & Probst (2017); Lentner (2016); E. Albegger, G. Spreitzer unpublished data, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",6037.13728734491,1981,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Albegger & Schernhammer 2013-2016; Albegger et al. (2015); Petutschnig & Probst (2017); Lentner (2016); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding bird 1981-1985);",-35,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Albegger & Schernhammer 2013-2016; Albegger et al. (2015); Petutschnig & Probst (2017); Lentner (2016); E. Albegger unpublished data, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",NA,10,NA,"AT","A727",NA,"Eudromias morinellus" "Falco biarmicus",NA,"Lanner Falcon","Italy",2017,2017,"p",99,NA,105,"estimate","estimateExpert","Database assoc. ALTURA, 2017 (Coordinamento Dati Dall'Avena S., Fabrizi F.,) - BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. - Di Vittorio M.,",150.860030406033,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2009,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Database assoc. ALTURA, 2017 (Coord. Dati Dall'Avena S., Fabrizi F.,) - BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities - Di Vittorio et al. 2017. Bird Study (64)3, 339–343.",-40,NA,-25,"IT","A101",NA,"Falco biarmicus" "Falco biarmicus",NA,"Lanner Falcon","Greece",2015,2015,"p",40,NA,55,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, a. (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",150.860030406033,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,4.4,NA,"GR","A101",NA,"Falco biarmicus" "Falco biarmicus",NA,"Lanner Falcon","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",1,1,1,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",150.860030406033,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,-80,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A101",NA,"Falco biarmicus" "Falco biarmicus",NA,"Lanner Falcon","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",150.860030406033,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"UNK","absentData","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A101",NA,"Falco biarmicus" "Falco cherrug",NA,"Saker Falcon","Hungary",2015,2018,"p",145,NA,175,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",269.252334517522,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 573-576. Bagyura, J., Prommer, M. , Cserkész, T., Váczi, M. & Tóth, P. (2019): A kerecsensólyom (Falco cherrug) állományváltozásának okai az elmúlt 120 évben, különös tekintettel a 2017-2018 közötti idoszakra. /Reasons behind the population changes of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Hungary in the past 120 years, in particular with regard to the period between 2007 and 2018. Heliaca 15: 49-66.",397,NA,1048,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bagyura, J. et al. (2009): Kerecsensólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2007. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Saker Falcon Working Group – 2007. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 5: 18-29. Bagyura, J. et al. (2010): Kerecsensólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2008. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Saker Falcon Working Group – 2008. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 6: 18-25. Bagyura, J. et al. (2010): Kerecsensólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2009. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Saker Falcon Working Group – 2009. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 7: 24-33. Bagyura, J. et al. (2017): Kerecsensólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2015. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Saker Falcon Working Group – 2015. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 13: 51-56. Bagyura, J. et al. (2018): Kerecsensólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2016. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Saker Falcon Working Group – 2016. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 14: 61-65. Bagyura, J. et al. (2019): Kerecsensólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2017. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Saker Falcon Working Group – 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 67-70. Bagyura, J., Prommer, M. , Cserkész, T., Váczi, M. & Tóth, P. (2019): A kerecsensólyom (Falco cherrug) állományváltozásának okai az elmúlt 120 évben, különös tekintettel a 2017-2018 közötti idoszakra. /Reasons behind the population changes of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Hungary in the past 120 years, in particular with regard to the period between 2007 and 2018. Heliaca 15: 49-66. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-13,NA,"HU","A511",NA,"Falco cherrug" "Falco cherrug",NA,"Saker Falcon","Austria",2013,2018,"p",NA,48,NA,"estimate","completeSurvey","Berg & Wichmann 2014; Berg et al. 2016; Zink et al. 2017",269.252334517522,1981,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Berg & Wichmann 2014; Berg et al. 2016; Zink et al. 2017; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",200,NA,250,2011,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Berg & Wichmann 2014; Berg et al. 2016; Zink et al. 2017",NA,27,NA,"AT","A511",NA,"Falco cherrug" "Falco cherrug",NA,"Saker Falcon","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",35,NA,52,"interval","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Vývoj a ochrana populácie sokola rároha (Falco cherrug) na západnom Slovensku v rokoch 1976 - 2010. Slovak Raptor Journal 2010, 4: 1-22. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. CHAVKO, J. 2010 : Trend and conservation of saker falcon (Falco cherrug) population in western Slovakia between 1976 and 2010. Slovak Raptor Journal 2010, 4: 1 – 22 CHAVKO, J., 2002: Sokol rároh, s. 214-216 In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, A. (ed.), 2002: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, 688 p. CHAVKO, J., ADAMEC, M., 2003: Program záchrany sokola rároha (Falco cherrug, J. E. Gray, 1834)",269.252334517522,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Vývoj a ochrana populácie sokola rároha (Falco cherrug) na západnom Slovensku v rokoch 1976 - 2010. Slovak Raptor Journal 2010, 4: 1-22. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) CHAVKO, J., ADAMEC, M., 2003: Program záchrany sokola rároha (Falco cherrug, J. E. Gray, 1834) CHAVKO, J. 2010 : Trend and conservation of saker falcon (Falco cherrug) population in western Slovakia between 1976 and 2010. Slovak Raptor Journal 2010, 4: 1 – 22",-10,NA,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Vývoj a ochrana populácie sokola rároha (Falco cherrug) na západnom Slovensku v rokoch 1976 - 2010. Slovak Raptor Journal 2010, 4: 1-22. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) CHAVKO, J., ADAMEC, M., 2003: Program záchrany sokola rároha (Falco cherrug, J. E. Gray, 1834) CHAVKO, J. 2010 : Trend and conservation of saker falcon (Falco cherrug) population in western Slovakia between 1976 and 2010. Slovak Raptor Journal 2010, 4: 1 – 22",-10,NA,0,"SK","A511",NA,"Falco cherrug" "Falco cherrug",NA,"Saker Falcon","Croatia",2011,2011,"p",3,NA,5,"mean","completeSurvey","Grlica I., J. Grlica (2011): Strucna podloga za potrebe izrade Plana upravljanja s akcijskim planom zaštite stepskog sokola (Falco cherrug) za razdoblje 2012. – 2016. godine. PD „Drava“ za DZZP.",269.252334517522,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Grlica I., J. Grlica (2011): Strucna podloga za potrebe izrade Plana upravljanja s akcijskim planom zaštite stepskog sokola (Falco cherrug) za razdoblje 2012. – 2016. godine. PD „Drava“ za DZZP.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2011,"S","estimatePartial","Grlica I., J. Grlica (2011): Strucna podloga za potrebe izrade Plana upravljanja s akcijskim planom zaštite stepskog sokola (Falco cherrug) za razdoblje 2012. – 2016. godine. PD „Drava“ za DZZP.",0,0,0,"HR","A511",NA,"Falco cherrug" "Falco cherrug",NA,"Saker Falcon","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P., G. Stoyanov, D. Ragyov 2013. Action Plan for Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug Gray, 1834) in Bulgaria, Ministry of Environment and Waters, Sofia, 91 p. http://www.moew.government.bg/files/file/Nature/Biodiversity/Valeri/AP-F.sherrug_2013-2022.pdf; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",269.252334517522,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P., G. Stoyanov, D. Ragyov 2013. Action Plan for Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug Gray, 1834) in Bulgaria, Ministry of Environment and Waters, Sofia, 91 p. http://www.moew.government.bg/files/file/Nature/Biodiversity/Valeri/AP-F.sherrug_2013-2022.pdf Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",-90,NA,-70,2000,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Iankov, P., G. Stoyanov, D. Ragyov 2013. Action Plan for Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug Gray, 1834) in Bulgaria, Ministry of Environment and Waters, Sofia, 91 p. http://www.moew.government.bg/files/file/Nature/Biodiversity/Valeri/AP-F.sherrug_2013-2022.pdf; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",-70,NA,-50,"BG","A511",NA,"Falco cherrug" "Falco cherrug",NA,"Saker Falcon","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 expert opinion, non-published data",269.252334517522,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript) expert opinion, non-published data",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","expert opinion, non-published data",NA,-83,NA,"CZ","A511",NA,"Falco cherrug" "Falco cherrug",NA,"Saker Falcon","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",269.252334517522,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A511",NA,"Falco cherrug" "Falco cherrug",NA,"Saker Falcon","Germany",2011,2016,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",269.252334517522,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A511",NA,"Falco cherrug" "Falco columbarius",NA,"Merlin","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2508,4727,6763,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",10526.9665143619,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",18,20,21,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-74,-54,-18,"FI","A098",NA,"Falco columbarius" "Falco columbarius",NA,"Merlin","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",3100,4300,5600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",10526.9665143619,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Migration counts Falsterbo",-30,0,30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-30,-10,"SE","A098",NA,"Falco columbarius" "Falco columbarius",NA,"Merlin","UK",2008,2008,"p",891,1162,1462,"interval","completeSurvey","Ewing, S.R., Rebecca, G.W., Heavisides, A., Court, I., Lindley, P., Ruddock, M., Cohen, S. & Eaton, M.A. 2011. Breeding status of the Merlin Falco columbarius in the UK in 2008. Bird Study 58: 379-389.",10526.9665143619,1970,2008,"I","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Berkhamsted, T. & A.D. Poyser. Ewing, S.R., Rebecca, G.W., Heavisides, A., Court, I., Lindley, P., Ruddock, M., Cohen, S. & Eaton, M.A. 2011. Breeding status of the Merlin Falco columbarius in the UK in 2008. Bird Study 58: 379-389.",45,NA,94,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-19.61,NA,"UK","A098",NA,"Falco columbarius" "Falco columbarius",NA,"Merlin","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-2011 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Ewing, S.R., Rebecca, G.W., Heavisides, A., Court, I.R., Lindley, P., Ruddock, M., Cohen, S. & Eaton, M.A. 2011. Breeding status of Merlins Falco columbarius in the UK in 2008. Bird Study 58: 379–389. Hardey, J., Crick, H., Wernham, C., Riley, H., Etheridge, B. & Thompson, D. (2009) Raptors: a field guide for surveys and monitoring. 2nd edition. The Stationary Office, Edinburgh. Lusby, J., Fernandez-Bellon, D., Norriss, D., Lauder, A. (2011). Assessing the effectiveness of monitoring methods for Merlin Falco columbarius in Ireland: the Pilot Merlin Survey 2010. Irish Birds 9: 143 – 154. Lusby, J., Corkery, I., McGuinness, S., Fernández-Bellon, D., Toal, L., Norriss, D., Breen, D., O'Donaill. A., Clarke, D., Irwin, S., Quinn, J. and O'Halloran, J. (2017) Breeding ecology and habitat selection of Merlin Falco columbarius in forested landscapes. Bird Study, 64 (4):445-454. Expert opinion - J. Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie",10526.9665143619,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lusby, J., Corkery, I., McGuinness, S., Fernández-Bellon, D., Toal, L., Norriss, D., Breen, D., O'Donaill. A., Clarke, D., Irwin, S., Quinn, J. and O'Halloran, J. (2017) Breeding ecology and habitat selection of Merlin Falco columbarius in forested landscapes. Bird Study, 64 (4):445-454. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-2011 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser. Expert opinion - J. Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lusby, J., Corkery, I., McGuinness, S., Fernández-Bellon, D., Toal, L., Norriss, D., Breen, D., O'Donaill. A., Clarke, D., Irwin, S., Quinn, J. and O'Halloran, J. (2017) Breeding ecology and habitat selection of Merlin Falco columbarius in forested landscapes. Bird Study, 64 (4):445-454 Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-2011 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Expert opinion - J. Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A098",NA,"Falco columbarius" "Falco columbarius",NA,"Merlin","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",20,NA,60,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",10526.9665143619,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-43,NA,-29,2000,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-32.28,-26.21,-16.85,"LV","A098",NA,"Falco columbarius" "Falco columbarius",NA,"Merlin","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10,NA,30,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",10526.9665143619,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,2006,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A098",NA,"Falco columbarius" "Falco columbarius",NA,"Merlin","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",10526.9665143619,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A098",NA,"Falco columbarius" "Falco eleonorae",NA,"Eleonora's Falcon","Greece",2013,2018,"p",12300,12300,12300,"estimate","completeSurvey","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) The status of Eleonora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae) in Greece. Anastasios Dimalexis, Stavros Xirouchakis, Danae Portolou, Panagiotis Latsoudis, Giorgos Karris, Jacob Fric, Panagiotis Georgiakakis, Christos Barboutis, Stratis Bourdakis, Milica Ivovic, Theodoros Kominos, Eleftherios Kakalis. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa",14269.047207387,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) The status of Eleonora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae) in Greece. Anastasios Dimalexis, Stavros Xirouchakis, Danae Portolou, Panagiotis Latsoudis, Giorgos Karris, Jacob Fric, Panagiotis Georgiakakis, Christos Barboutis, Stratis Bourdakis, Milica Ivovic, Theodoros Kominos, Eleftherios Kakalis 3)LIFE ElClimA. 2016. Update of the species baseline information (Action A2). Final report. LIFE13 NAT/GR/000909. http://www.lifefalcoeleonorae.gr/wp-content/uploads/Action_A2_FinalReport.pdf 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa 5) Hellenic Ornithological Society database",NA,0,NA,"GR","A100",NA,"Falco eleonorae" "Falco eleonorae",NA,"Eleonora's Falcon","Spain",2013,2018,"p",797,797,797,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Tous, R.M. & Yangüela, J.M. (2015). Evolució de les colňnies de cria de falcó marí Falco eleonorae a les Illes Balears. In Llibre verd de protecció d'espčcies a les Balears (pp. 295-299). Societat d'Histňria Natural de les Balears. (http://ibdigital.uib.es/greenstone/collect/monografiesHistoriaNatural/index/assoc/Monograf/iesSHNB_/2015vol0/20p295.dir/MonografiesSHNB_2015vol020p295.pdf)",14269.047207387,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.) (2008). El halcón de Eleonora en Espańa. Población en 2004-2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 50pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/20_halcon_eleonora_2007_tcm30-208088.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Tous, R.M. & Yangüela, J.M. (2015). Evolució de les colňnies de cria de falcó marí Falco eleonorae a les Illes Balears. In Llibre verd de protecció d'espčcies a les Balears (pp. 295-299). Societat d'Histňria Natural de les Balears. (http://ibdigital.uib.es/greenstone/collect/monografiesHistoriaNatural/index/assoc/Monograf/iesSHNB_/2015vol0/20p295.dir/MonografiesSHNB_2015vol020p295.pdf)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.) (2008). El halcón de Eleonora en Espańa. Población en 2004-2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 50pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/20_halcon_eleonora_2007_tcm30-208088.pdf) Tous, R.M. & Yangüela, J.M. (2015). Evolució de les colňnies de cria de falcó marí Falco eleonorae a les Illes Balears. In Llibre verd de protecció d'espčcies a les Balears (pp. 295-299). Societat d'Histňria Natural de les Balears. (http://ibdigital.uib.es/greenstone/collect/monografiesHistoriaNatural/index/assoc/Monograf/iesSHNB_/2015vol0/20p295.dir/MonografiesSHNB_2015vol020p295.pdf)",NA,2.6,NA,"ES","A100",NA,"Falco eleonorae" "Falco eleonorae",NA,"Eleonora's Falcon","Italy",2013,2018,"p",638,NA,704,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gustin M, Corso A & Medda M. 2005. Monitoring on breeding population of Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae in Italy during 2005. In: LIFE Nature Project LIFE03 NAT/GR/000091, Conservation measures for Falco eleonorae in Greece, pp: 1-51",14269.047207387,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",40,NA,60,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Gustin M, Corso A & Medda M. 2005. Monitoring on breeding population of Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae in Italy during 2005. In: LIFE Nature Project LIFE03 NAT/GR/000091, Conservation measures for Falco eleonorae in Greece, pp: 1-51",0,0,0,"IT","A100",NA,"Falco eleonorae" "Falco eleonorae",NA,"Eleonora's Falcon","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",307,307,307,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",14269.047207387,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","De León, L., Rodríguez, B., Martín, A., Nogales, M., Alonso, J., & Izquierdo, C. (2007). Status, distribution and diet of Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae Gené, 1839 in the Canary Islands. Journal of Raptor Research 41: 331-336. López-Darias, M. & Rumeu, B. (2008). El halcón de Eleonora en Canarias. En J. C. del Moral (ed.): El halcón de Eleonora en Espańa. Población en 2004-2007 y método de censo, pp. 19-24. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. López-Darias, M. & Rumeu, B. (2010). Status and population trend of Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae in the Canary Islands. Brief report. Ornis Fennica 87: 35–40. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","De León, L., Rodríguez, B., Martín, A., Nogales, M., Alonso, J., & Izquierdo, C. (2007). Status, distribution and diet of Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae Gené, 1839 in the Canary Islands. Journal of Raptor Research 41: 331-336. López-Darias, M. & Rumeu, B. (2008). El halcón de Eleonora en Canarias. En J. C. del Moral (ed.): El halcón de Eleonora en Espańa. Población en 2004-2007 y método de censo, pp. 19-24. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. López-Darias, M. & Rumeu, B. (2010). Status and population trend of Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae in the Canary Islands. Brief report. Ornis Fennica 87: 35–40. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A100",NA,"Falco eleonorae" "Falco eleonorae",NA,"Eleonora's Falcon","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,145,"estimate","estimateExpert","Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; SPA CY5000005 Management Plan; Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus, 2014, Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",14269.047207387,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","More recent data as above. Older data from BirdLife Cyprus annual reports and Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus - but unsystematic counts.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; SPA CY5000005 Management Plan; Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus, 2014",0,NA,0,"CY","A100",NA,"Falco eleonorae" "Falco eleonorae",NA,"Eleonora's Falcon","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",65,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",14269.047207387,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",0,0,0,"HR","A100",NA,"Falco eleonorae" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","Spain",2000,2018,"p",14072,NA,14686,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ińigo, A. & Barov. B. (2010). Action plan for the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni in the European Union, 55p. SEO/BirdLife & BirdLife International for the European Commission.",30624.0971358047,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","Italy",2017,2017,"p",6673,NA,9115,"estimate","estimateExpert","La Gioia G., Melega L. & Fornasari L., 2017. Piano d’Azione Nazionale per il grillaio (Falco naumanni). Quad. Cons. Natura, 41, MATTM - ISPRA, Roma.",30624.0971358047,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","La Gioia G., Melega L. & Fornasari L., 2017. Piano d’Azione Nazionale per il grillaio (Falco naumanni). Quad. Cons. Natura, 41, MATTM - ISPRA, Roma.",810,NA,1235,2005,2017,"I","estimateExpert","La Gioia G., Melega L. & Fornasari L., 2017. Piano d’Azione Nazionale per il grillaio (Falco naumanni). Quad. Cons. Natura, 41, MATTM - ISPRA, Roma.",20,NA,40,"IT","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","Greece",2013,2018,"p",7100,7100,7100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) aµµa LIFE11NAT/GR001011 ¨Lesser Kestrel Thessaly - ats a daes t e (Falco naumanni) se te e d stasa () t da"" 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 3) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",30624.0971358047,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) aµµa LIFE11NAT/GR001011 ¨Lesser Kestrel Thessaly - ats a daes t e (Falco naumanni) se te e d stasa () t da"" 8) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,126,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) aµµa LIFE11NAT/GR001011 ¨Lesser Kestrel Thessaly - ats a daes t e (Falco naumanni) se te e d stasa () t da"". 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,"GR","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",674,NA,735,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data LPN; unpublished data ICNF; Catry I & Gameiro J (comm. pess).",30624.0971358047,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Araújo A (1990) Datos sobre la evolución de las poblaciones de cernícalo primilla Falco naumanni en Oportugal, com especial referencia al periodo 1975-1990. In Gónzalez JL & Merino M (eds). El cernícalo primilla (Falco naumanni) en la Península Ibérica - situación, problemática y aspectos biológicos. ICONA. Madrid: 71-81; Equipa Atlas (2008). Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). Instituto da Conservaçăo da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Parque Natural da Madeira e Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar. Assírio e Alvim. Lisboa; I Catry, comm pess.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Catry I, Alcazar R, Franco AMA, Sutherland WJ (2009). Identifying the effectiveness and constraints of conservation interventions: a case study of the endangered lesser kestrel. Biological Conservation 142: 2782-2791",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","France",2013,2017,"p",350,396,436,"mean","completeSurvey","Pilard P. 2018. Faucon crécerellette - Falco naumanni. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",30624.0971358047,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p ; Pilard P. 2018. Faucon crécerellette - Falco naumanni. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",NA,3406,NA,2005,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Pilard P. 2018. Faucon crécerellette - Falco naumanni. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",NA,205,NA,"FR","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","GRADEV G., S. MARIN, P. ZHELEV, J. ANTOLIN. 2016. Recovering the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) as a Breeder in Bulgaria. - In: Reintroduction of Conservation-reliant Species, Sofia University Press 2016, pp. 136-144.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Barov, B., P. Iankov, Ts. Petrov, S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov 2007. Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni. - In: Iankov. P. (ed.) Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. 2007, BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia. Barov B. 2002. National Action Plan for the Conservation of the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Bulgaria, 2002-2006. – In: Iankov , P. (ed.) Globally threatened bird species in Bulgaria. Action Plans. Sofia. BSPB-MOEW, 161-183. (In Bulgarian). BSPB Bird Database",30624.0971358047,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Barov, B., P. Iankov, Ts. Petrov, S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov 2007. Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni. - In: Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. 2007, Iankov. P. (ed.), BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia. Barov B. 2002. National Action Plan for the Conservation of the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Bulgaria, 2002-2006. – In: Petar Yankov (Ed.): Globally threatened bird species in Bulgaria. Action Plans.Sofia. BSPB – MOSV, 161-183. (In Bulgarian). Iankov, P., Tz. Petrov, T. Michev, L. Profirov 1994. Past and present Status of the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni in Bulgaria. – In: Meyburg, B.-U. & R.D. Chancellor (eds.) 1994. Raptor Conservation Today, WWGBP/ The Pica Press: 133-137. Simeonov S., T. Michev and N. Nankinov 1990. Fauna of Bulgaria. Aves I. Part I. Sofia: BAS, 206-208. (In Bulgarian). BSPB Bird Database",-100,NA,-50,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Barov, B., P. Iankov, Ts. Petrov, S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov 2007. Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni. - In: Iankov. P. (ed.) Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. 2007, BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Barov B. 2002. National Action Plan for the Conservation of the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Bulgaria, 2002-2006. – In: Iankov , P. (ed.) Globally threatened bird species in Bulgaria. Action Plans. Sofia. BSPB-MOEW, 161-183. (In Bulgarian). BSPB Bird Database",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",30,NA,35,"estimate","estimateExpert","Mikulic K, Budinski I, Zec M (2014) Monitoring nacionale populacije bjelonokte vjetruše (Falco naumanni). Konacni izvještaj za 2014. Udruga BIOM, Zagreb, 16 str.",30624.0971358047,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic K, Budinski I, Zec M (2014) Monitoring nacionale populacije bjelonokte vjetruše (Falco naumanni). Konacni izvještaj za 2014. Udruga BIOM, Zagreb, 16 str. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Mikulic K, Budinski I, Zec M (2014) Monitoring nacionale populacije bjelonokte vjetruše (Falco naumanni). Konacni izvještaj za 2014. Udruga BIOM, Zagreb, 16 str. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,20,NA,"HR","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",0,5,5,"mean","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",30624.0971358047,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",-75,-1,-1,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",-20,-2,-2,"GIB","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",30624.0971358047,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",NA,-100,NA,2002,2017,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Spain",2008,2018,"p",2242,2270,2298,"estimate","completeSurvey","Del Moral, J.C. & Molina, B. (Ed.). (2009). El halcón peregrino en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/33-halconperegrino_tcm30-208033.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Zuberogoitia, I. (2016). Halcón peregrino – Falco peregrinus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/falper.html)",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","De Juana, E. (2004). Cambios en el estado de conservación de las aves en Espańa, ańos 1954 a 2004. Ardeola, 51(1), 19-50. Del Moral, J.C. & Molina, B. (Ed.). (2009). El halcón peregrino en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/33-halconperegrino_tcm30-208033.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3). Zuberogoitia, I. (2016). Halcón peregrino – Falco peregrinus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/falper.html)",NA,22.6,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Del Moral, J.C. & Molina, B. (Ed.). (2009). El halcón peregrino en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/33-halconperegrino_tcm30-208033.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Zuberogoitia, I. (2016). Halcón peregrino – Falco peregrinus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/falper.html)",0,0,0,"ES","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","France",2013,2018,"p",1700,NA,1800,"minimum","estimatePartial","David F. 2018. Bilan de la Surveillance Faucon pélerin. , LPO http://rapaces.lpo.fr/faucon-pelerin",12161.1649398161,1985,2018,"I","estimatePartial","David F. 2018. Bilan de la Surveillance Faucon pélerin. , LPO http://rapaces.lpo.fr/faucon-pelerin; Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p",NA,170,NA,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","David F. 2018. Bilan de la Surveillance Faucon pélerin. , LPO http://rapaces.lpo.fr/faucon-pelerin; Thiollay J.-M. & Bretagnolle V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation. , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris24-27",NA,40,NA,"FR","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","UK",2014,2014,"p",1578,1731,1920,"estimate","completeSurvey","Wilson, M.W., Balmer, D.E., Jones, K., King, V.A., Raw, D., Rollie, C.J., Rooney, E., Ruddock, M., Smith, G.D., Stevenson, A., Stirling-Aird, P.K., Wernham, C.V., Weston, J.M. & Noble, D.G. 2018. The breeding population of Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Channel Islands in 2014. Bird Study 65: 1-19.",12161.1649398161,1981,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Ratcliffe, D.A. 1984. The Peregrine breeding population of the United Kingdom in 1981. Bird Study 31: 1-18. Wilson, M.W., Balmer, D.E., Jones, K., King, V.A., Raw, D., Rollie, C.J., Rooney, E., Ruddock, M., Smith, G.D., Stevenson, A., Stirling-Aird, P.K., Wernham, C.V., Weston, J.M. & Noble, D.G. 2018. The breeding population of Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Channel Islands in 2014. Bird Study 65: 1-19.",NA,138,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-7.36,NA,"UK","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Germany",2011,2016,"p",1400,1400,1400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",12161.1649398161,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,168,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",44,71,101,"DE","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,1400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Taranto P. 2009. Status of the Peregrine Falcon in italy. In: Sielicki J., Mizera T. (eds.) 2009. Peregrine Falcon Populations. Status and perspectives in the 21° Century. Proc. 2° Int. Peregrine Conf., 19-23 Sept. 2007, Pietrowo/Poznan, Poland: 267-276.",12161.1649398161,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",140,NA,165,2003,2006,"S","estimateExpert","Calvi et al 2013. Andamento delle popolazioni nidificanti di rapaci diurni in Italia secondo il progetto MITO2000 tra il 2000 e il 2011. In: Mezzavilla & Scarton (a cura di), 2013. Atti II Conv. Ital. Rapaci diurni e notturni. Ass. Faunisti Veneti, Quad.",0,0,0,"IT","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",500,550,620,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Projekt pilgrimsfalk, project Peregrine falcon",2500,3000,3500,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",80,100,120,"SE","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",425,425,425,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Irish Raptor Study Group (IRSG). The 2017 National Peregrine Survey. Best expert opinion based on unpublished data. http://irsg.ie/irsg.html#!/",12161.1649398161,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Banks, A.N., Coombes, R.H. & Crick, H.Q.P. (2003) The Peregrine Falcon breeding population of the UK & Isle of Man in 2002. BTO Research Report No. 330. Irish Raptor Study Group (IRSG). The 2017 National Peregrine Survey. Best expert opinion based on unpublished data. http://irsg.ie/irsg.html#!/ Hutchinson, C.D. (1989) Birds in Ireland. T & A.D. Poyser. Madden, B., Hunt, J. & Norriss, D. (2009) The 2002 survey of Peregrine Falco peregrinus breeding population in the Republic of Ireland. Irish Birds 8: 543-548. Newton, I. (1988) Changes in the Status of the Peregrine Falcon in Europe: An Overview. In Peregrine Falcon Populations: Their Management and Recovery. Eds Cade, T.J., Enderson, J.H., Thelander, C.G. & White, C.M. Norriss, D., Wilson, H.J. & Browne (1982) The breeding population of the Peregrine Falcon in Ireland in 1981. Irish Birds, Vol. 2, 145-152. Norriss, D.W. & Wilson, H.J. (1983) Survey of the Peregrine Falco peregrinus breeding population in the Republic of Ireland in 1981. Bird Study, Vol 30, 91-101. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser. Wilson, M.W., Balmer, D.E., Jones, K., King, V.A., Raw, D., Rollie, C.J., Rooney, E., Ruddock, M., Smith, G.D., Stevenson, A., Stirling-Aird, Wernham, C.V., Weston, J.M. & Noble, D.G. (2018) The breeding population of Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Channel Islands in 2014. Bird Study. Vol. 65, Issue 1, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/00063657.2017.1421610 Temple Lang, J. 1970 Peregrine survey. In Report of the Irish Wild Bird Conservancy.",NA,88.9,NA,2002,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Madden, B., Hunt, J. & Norriss, D. (2009) The 2002 survey of Peregrine Falco peregrinus breeding population in the Republic of Ireland. Irish Birds 8: 543-548. Irish Raptor Study Group (IRSG). The 2017 National Peregrine Survey. Best expert opinion based on unpublished data. http://irsg.ie/irsg.html#!/ O’Brien, I. (2013) 2013 Summary Report on the breeding survey of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in the North West region of Ireland. National Parks & Wildlife Service. O’Brien, I. (2014) Annual Summary Report on the 2014 Breeding Survey of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in the West of Ireland. National Parks & Wildlife Service. O’Brien, I. (2015) Annual Report on the Breeding Survey of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in Western Ireland in 2015. National Parks & Wildlife Service . O’Brien, I. (2016) Annual Summary Report on the 2016 Breeding Survey of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in the west of Ireland. National Parks & Wildlife Service . O’Brien, I. (2017) Report on Annual Breeding Survey of Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in the west of Ireland for 2017. National Parks & Wildlife Service. Ratcliffe, D.A. 1993. The Peregrine Falcon, 2nd edn. T. & A.D. Poyser, London. O'Brien, I. (in prep) Report on Annual Breeding Survey of Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in the west of Ireland for 2018. National Parks & Wildlife Service.",8.9,8.9,NA,"IE","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Greece",2015,2015,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6)Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,60,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,14,NA,"GR","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Finland",2013,2018,"p",270,300,330,"estimate","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus: Peregrine Falcon monitoring data Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",12161.1649398161,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus: Peregrine Falcon monitoring data Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",NA,391,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus: Peregrine Falcon monitoring data Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",NA,1,NA,"FI","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Austria",2013,2018,"p",220,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",12161.1649398161,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",500,NA,800,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",200,230,270,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",12161.1649398161,1994,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",19900,23400,26900,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",186,229,286,"BE","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",160,NA,210,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. CHAVKO, J., 2002: Sokol stahovavý, s. 216-217 In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, A. (ed.), 2002: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, 688 p. CHAVKO, J., SIRIOVÁ, S., MADERIC, B., 2009: The population of Peregrine Falcon in Slovakia 1994-2007, S 63 – 65. In: Sielicky, J., & Mizera, T., (eds.) 2009: Peregrine Falcon populations – status and perspectives in the 21st century CHAVKO, J., ADAMEC, M., 2003: Program záchrany sokola stahovavého (Falco peregrinus Tunst. 1771)",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku CHAVKO, J., ADAMEC, M., 2003: Program záchrany sokola stahovavého (Falco peregrinus Tunst. 1771) CHAVKO, J., SIRIOVÁ, S., MADERIC, B., 2009: The population of Peregrine Falcon in Slovakia 1994-2007, S 63 – 65. In: Sielicky, J., & Mizera, T., (eds.) 2009: Peregrine Falcon populations – status and perspectives in the 21st century",1200,NA,1500,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku CHAVKO, J., ADAMEC, M., 2003: Program záchrany sokola stahovavého (Falco peregrinus Tunst. 1771) CHAVKO, J., SIRIOVÁ, S., MADERIC, B., 2009: The population of Peregrine Falcon in Slovakia 1994-2007, S 63 – 65. In: Sielicky, J., & Mizera, T., (eds.) 2009: Peregrine Falcon populations – status and perspectives in the 21st century",100,NA,600,"SK","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",126,NA,190,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",12161.1649398161,1990,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",12461,24840,48584,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",335,444,577,"NL","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",152,152,152,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A., González Melián, E. & González, E. (2016). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cuervo (Corvus corax) y del halcón tagarote (Falco pelegrinoides) en el Parque Nacional de La Caldera de Taburiente 2015-2016. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife – Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 86 pp. + anexos. Rodríguez, B. & Siverio, F. (2016). Distribución, censo y dieta del halcón de Berbería en la isla de La Palma. Cabildo Insular de La Palma. Informe inédito. 37 pp. Siverio, F. & Rodríguez, B. (2018). Distribución, tamańo y factores de amenaza de las poblaciones de halcón de Berbería Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides en las islas de El Hierro y Tenerife (Canarias). Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UE. Informe inédito.",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. 2007 (ed). AtlasLorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González Melián, E. & González, E. (2016). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cuervo (Corvus corax) y del halcón tagarote (Falco pelegrinoides) en el Parque Nacional de La Caldera de Taburiente 2015-2016. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife – Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 86 pp. + anexos. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Rodríguez, B., Siverio, M., Rodríguez, A. & Siverio, F. (2007). Density, habitat selection and breeding success of an insular population of Barbary Falcon Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides. Ardea 95:213-223. Rodríguez, B., Siverio, F., Siverio, M., Rodríguez, A. & Hernández, J.J. (2009). Pasado y presente del halcón de Berbería en las islas Canarias. El Indiferente 20: 12-21. Rodríguez, B. & Siverio, F. (2016). Distribución, censo y dieta del halcón de Berbería en la isla de La Palma. Cabildo Insular de La Palma. Informe inédito. 37 pp. Siverio, F. & Rodríguez, B. (2018). Distribución, tamańo y factores de amenaza de las poblaciones de halcón de Berbería Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides en las islas de El Hierro y Tenerife (Canarias). Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UE. Informe inédito. Siverio, M., Rodríguez, B. & Siverio, F. (2009). El halcón peregrino en Canarias. En J. C. del Moral (ed.). El halcón peregrino en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo, pp. 55. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González Melián, E. & González, E. (2016). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cuervo (Corvus corax) y del halcón tagarote (Falco pelegrinoides) en el Parque Nacional de La Caldera de Taburiente 2015-2016. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife – Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 86 pp. + anexos. Rodríguez, B., Siverio, M., Rodríguez, A. & Siverio, F. (2007). Density, habitat selection and breeding success of an insular population of Barbary Falcon Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides. Ardea 95:213-223. Rodríguez, B., Siverio, F., Siverio, M., Rodríguez, A. & Hernández, J.J. (2009). Pasado y presente del halcón de Berbería en las islas Canarias. El Indiferente 20: 12-21. Rodríguez, B. & Siverio, F. (2016). Distribución, censo y dieta del halcón de Berbería en la isla de La Palma. Cabildo Insular de La Palma. Informe inédito. 37 pp. Siverio, F. & Rodríguez, B. (2018). Distribución, tamańo y factores de amenaza de las poblaciones de halcón de Berbería Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides en las islas de El Hierro y Tenerife (Canarias). Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UE. Informe inédito. Siverio, M., Rodríguez, B. & Siverio, F. (2009). El halcón peregrino en Canarias. En J. C. del Moral (ed.). El halcón peregrino en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo, pp. 55. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",NA,1,NA,"ESIC","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,190,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,"BG","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",90,NA,115,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T. (2019): Sokol selec. pp. 272-273. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Mihelic T. (2019): Sokol selec. pp. 272-273. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",50,NA,80,2002,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Sokol selec. pp. 272-273. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,10,"SI","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",80,NA,120,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,10,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",70,NA,90,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",12161.1649398161,1990,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,7500,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,200,NA,"CZ","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",58,NA,63,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L. (2017): Vándorsólyom-védelmi Program 2015 / Results of the Peregrine (Falco peregrinus) Conservation Programme 2015. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 13: 57-58. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L. (2018): Vándorsólyom-védelmi Program 2016 / Peregrine Falcon Conservation Programme – 2016 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 14: 66-67. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L. (2019): A Vándorsólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2017. évi beszámolója/ Results of the Peregrine Falcon Conservation Programme 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 71-73.",12161.1649398161,1997,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 573-576. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Kazi, R., Molnár, I. L., Pongrácz, Á. és Szitta, T. (2009): Vándorsólyom (Falco peregrinus) állományadatok - 2007 / Data on Breeding Populations of Peregrine Falcon - 2007 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 5: 68-69. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Csonka, P., Kazi, R., Klébert, A., Molnár I. L., Nagy, L., Szitta, T. és Viszló, L. (2010): Vándorsólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2008. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Peregrine Falcon Working Group – 2008 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 6: 26-29. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L., Gallai, G., Szitta, T., Viszló, L., Kazi, R. és Csonka, P. (2010): A Vándorsólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2009. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Peregrine Falcon Working Group – 2009 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 7: 49-54. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L. (2017): Vándorsólyom-védelmi Program 2015 / Peregrine Falcon Conservation Programme – 2015 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 13: 57-58. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L. (2018): Vándorsólyom-védelmi Program 2016 / Peregrine Falcon Conservation Programme – 2016 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 14: 66-67. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L. (2019): A Vándorsólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2017. évi beszámolója/ Results of the Peregrine Falcon Conservation Programme 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 71-73.",NA,5966,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Kazi, R., Molnár, I. L., Pongrácz, Á. és Szitta, T. (2009): Vándorsólyom (Falco peregrinus) állományadatok - 2007 / Data on Breeding Populations of Peregrine Falcon - 2007 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 5: 68-69. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Csonka, P., Kazi, R., Klébert, A., Molnár I. L., Nagy, L., Szitta, T. és Viszló, L. (2010): Vándorsólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2008. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Peregrine Falcon Working Group – 2008 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 6: 26-29. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L., Gallai, G., Szitta, T., Viszló, L., Kazi, R. és Csonka, P. (2010): A Vándorsólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2009. évi beszámolója / Annual Report of the Peregrine Falcon Working Group – 2009 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 7: 49-54. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L. (2017): Vándorsólyom-védelmi Program 2015 / Peregrine Falcon Conservation Programme – 2015 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 13: 57-58. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L. (2018): Vándorsólyom-védelmi Program 2016 / Peregrine Falcon Conservation Programme – 2016 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 14: 66-67. Prommer, M., Bagyura, J., Molnár I. L. (2019): A Vándorsólyom-védelmi Munkacsoport 2017. évi beszámolója/ Results of the Peregrine Falcon Conservation Programme 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 71-73.",NA,304,NA,"HU","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,60,"estimate","estimateExpert","Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports, Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports.",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Poland",2013,2016,"p",30,NA,55,"estimate","completeSurvey","Slawomir Sielicki, Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Dzikich Zwierzat ""Sokól"" - unpublished information; Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rare birds of Poland. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec.",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; Sielicki S., Sielicki J. 2009. Populacja nadrzewna sokola wedrownego Falco peregrinus w Europie i restytucja gatunku w Polsce.",3000,NA,5400,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Slawomir Sielicki, Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Dzikich Zwierzat ""Sokól"" - unpublished information; Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rare birds of Poland. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec.",NA,600,NA,"PL","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",19,19,19,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",12161.1649398161,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,1900,NA,2004,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,1800,NA,"DK","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",12,NA,14,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lorgé P. (2009): The return of the Peregrine. Regulus 7/2009: 4-5 Conzemius T. (2006): Die Rückkehr des Wanderfalken Falco peregrinus nach Luxemburg. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 40-43; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Lorgé P. (2009): The return of the Peregrine. Regulus 7/2009: 4-5 Conzemius T. (2006): Die Rückkehr des Wanderfalken Falco peregrinus nach Luxemburg. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 40-43; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Lorgé P. (2009): The return of the Peregrine. Regulus 7/2009: 4-5 Conzemius T. (2006): Die Rückkehr des Wanderfalken Falco peregrinus nach Luxemburg. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 40-43; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",200,NA,250,"LU","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Gibraltar",2012,2018,"p",5,6,6,"interval","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2012,"S","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",4,5,5,"GIB","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Malta",2017,2018,"p",1,NA,4,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Fenech N. (2017) Birds of the Maltese Islands, Nature Guide Series (BDL Books)",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,0,NA,2008,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Fenech N. (2017) Birds of the Maltese Islands, Nature Guide Series (BDL Books)",0,0,0,"MT","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,3,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,400,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco rusticolus",NA,"Gyrfalcon","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",80,90,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",110,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Projekt jaktfalk Project Gyrfalcon",-30,-20,-10,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Projekt jaktfalk Project Gyrfalcon",-30,-20,-10,"SE","A102",NA,"Falco rusticolus" "Falco rusticolus",NA,"Gyrfalcon","Finland",2013,2018,"p",16,20,27,"estimate","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus, monitoring data Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",110,2000,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Metsähallitus, monitoring data. Pertti Koskimies, personal data. Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-55,-46,-36,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Metsähallitus, monitoring data. 2001-2018 decrease of 38% Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-63,-53,-39,"FI","A102",NA,"Falco rusticolus" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","France",2016,2017,"p",6949,9121,11835,"interval","completeSurvey","Thiollay J.-M. & Bretagnolle V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation. , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris24-27 ; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",52996.710118667,1979,2017,"Unk","absentData","Le Rest K. et al. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent.. Ecological informatics, 313-317 ; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Thiollay J.-M., Terrasse J.-F. 1984. Estimation des effectifs de rapaces nicheurs diurnes et non rupestres en France. Enquęte FIR-UNAO 1979-1982 . , FIR & UNAO, Paris177 p. ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",NA,NA,NA,2005,2017,"I","estimatePartial","LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",6,21,38,"FR","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Germany",2016,2016,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",52996.710118667,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,14,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,4,NA,"DE","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Spain",2009,2018,"p",4270,NA,4540,"estimate","completeSurvey","Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf)",52996.710118667,1980,2011,"D","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona.",NA,NA,NA,1998,2011,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",NA,-63,NA,"ES","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",3300,3500,3700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",25,50,75,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",40,50,60,"SE","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2542,2763,3136,"interval","estimatePartial","Birds of Prey monitoring data, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",52996.710118667,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",20,39,60,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-40,-29,-16,"FI","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Latvia",2015,2015,"p",670,2610,11764,"interval","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-48.8,41,215.9,"LV","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,2700,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey)",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD)",-42,-22,3,"PL","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","UK",2016,2016,"p",2071,2071,2071,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Clements, R. 2001. The Hobby in Britain: a new population estimate. British Birds 94: 402-408. Extrapolated by BBS monitoring from 2001.",52996.710118667,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,451,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,13,NA,"UK","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",1600,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",52996.710118667,1998,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 52 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 232-234 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 87 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 94 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Falco_subbuteo.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (2) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. (3) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,-33,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (2) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. (3) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",52996.710118667,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",600,NA,1100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",700,NA,900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",52996.710118667,1987,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-27,NA,62,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-10,NA,24,"EE","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",-10,NA,0,"SK","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",550,750,950,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",52996.710118667,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",547,782,1018,2008,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,NA,NA,"BE","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Italy",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol. 1/3: Pandionidae-Falconidae. Oasi Alberto Perdisa, Bologna",52996.710118667,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol. 1/3: Pandionidae-Falconidae. Oasi Alberto Perdisa, Bologna",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",450,NA,700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",52996.710118667,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-66,-39,7,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-50,-37,-21,"NL","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Croatia",2010,2010,"p",500,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",52996.710118667,1980,2017,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2002,2017,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",0,0,0,"CZ","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,25,"estimate","estimatePartial","Weiss J., N. Paler (2006): Verbreitung, Bestand und Zukunftsaussichten des Baumfalken Falco subbuteo in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 44-53; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Weiss J., N. Paler (2006): Verbreitung, Bestand und Zukunftsaussichten des Baumfalken Falco subbuteo in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 44-53; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",200,NA,400,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Weiss J., N. Paler (2006): Verbreitung, Bestand und Zukunftsaussichten des Baumfalken Falco subbuteo in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 44-53; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",0,NA,10,"LU","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",20,20,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",52996.710118667,1985,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",37.97,241,722.71,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-16.66,30.5,101.07,"DK","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,70,"estimate","estimateExpert","Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",1900,NA,6900,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","France",2016,2017,"p",86470,93087,100335,"interval","completeSurvey","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",371343.078371167,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Jiguet F 2016. Les résultats nationaux du programme STOC de 1989 ŕ 2015. vigienature.mnhn.fr (consulté le 05/12/2018), vigienature.mnhn.fr; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p",NA,-19,NA,2005,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",NA,-9,NA,"FR","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Germany",2011,2016,"p",44000,NA,73000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",371343.078371167,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-11,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-1,NA,"DE","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","UK",2016,2016,"p",31192,31192,31192,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extralopation using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trends since 1988/91 (Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf)",371343.078371167,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-50.02,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-31.55,NA,"UK","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Spain",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,24000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Martínez-Padilla, J. (2016). Cernícalo vulgar – Falco tinnunculus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Martínez-Padilla, J. (2016). Cernícalo vulgar – Falco tinnunculus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.(http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-2.9,-2.1,-1.2,"ES","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",9918,13500,34786,"interval","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",371343.078371167,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-38.4,-28.2,-16.5,"IE","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",9000,NA,13000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",371343.078371167,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Greece",2015,2015,"p",7000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) 1) e . & aa . 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 sede 2) µa s. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aatta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat 4) t ., pd S., ., astt T. a a. µa (epµ). 2009. sµat pe a ta p t da: e teatta a t dats t ßptta. taea, a ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) 1) e . & aa . 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 sede 2) µa s. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aatta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat 4) t ., pd S., ., astt T. a a. µa (epµ). 2009. sµat pe a ta p t da: e teatta a t dats t ßptta. taea, a ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,120,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) 1) e . & aa . 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 sede 2) µa s. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aatta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat 4) t ., pd S., ., astt T. a a. µa (epµ). 2009. sµat pe a ta p t da: e teatta a t dats t ßptta. taea, a ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,46,NA,"GR","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Italy",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti & Fracasso 2003. Ornitologia Italiana, vol. 1 - Gavidae-Falconidae:408-410",371343.078371167,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",20,NA,60,2012,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,NA,10,"IT","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",8400,9600,10900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",100,200,300,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",30,50,70,"SE","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Croatia",2010,2010,"p",9000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",7000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 190-191 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 51 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 98-99 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 232-234 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 86 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 92-93 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database",67,NA,150,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Austria",2013,2018,"p",6500,NA,10500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",371343.078371167,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, data of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,5,NA,"AT","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",0,0,0,"SK","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5739,6696,7816,"interval","estimatePartial","Birds of Prey monitoring data, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",371343.078371167,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",284,352,432,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-12,-4,4,"FI","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",5200,6600,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",371343.078371167,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",271,371,471,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-5,21,56,"BE","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",4400,NA,9600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222. Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. , . 1982. . – : . "" "" – 1–5.XI.1982. ., , 326–330.",400,NA,1000,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222. Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",0,NA,5,"BG","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A., González, E. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y abundancia de especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente en 2017. Informe final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 226 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + anexos.",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González, E. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y abundancia de especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente en 2017. Informe final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 226 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + anexos.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González, E. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y abundancia de especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente en 2017. Informe final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 226 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + anexos.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Poland",2013,2018,"p",4400,NA,5400,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey)",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-8,12,36,"PL","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",3300,NA,5500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cypprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports.",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",0,NA,0,"CY","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",371343.078371167,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-58,-47,-33,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-40,-32,-24,"NL","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=137&Itemid=66&lang=pt Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",49,NA,71,"PTMA","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",2000,NA,2500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018 (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018). – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018 Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018). – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-5.8,NA,"SI","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1775,1775,1775,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",371343.078371167,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-30.78,-4.51,31.38,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-42.63,-10.28,38.07,"DK","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",238,924,5439,"interval","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",107.5,296.7,592.8,"LV","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",700,NA,900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",371343.078371167,1987,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-30,NA,157,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-11,NA,59,"EE","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",100,NA,170,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",8,11,11,"mean","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",8,11,11,2001,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Malta",2017,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018)",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,-40,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Fenech N. (2017) Birds of the Maltese Islands, Nature Guide Series (BDL Books) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,100,NA,"MT","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco vespertinus",NA,"Red-footed Falcon","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",950,NA,1350,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kék vércse fajmegorzési terv 2018 (Species Action Plan), MME/BirdLife Hungary, unpublished. Palatitz P. Solt Sz. és Fehérvári P. (szerk.) (2018): Kék könyv. A kék vércse ökológiája és megorzése. Budapest. MME. 240 p.",3149.0771259681,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. P. 569-572. Kék vércse fajmegorzési terv 2018 (Species Action Plan), MME/BirdLife Hungary, unpublished. Palatitz P. Solt Sz. és Fehérvári P. (szerk.) (2018): Kék könyv. A kék vércse ökológiája és megorzése. Budapest. MME. 240 p.",NA,-48,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Kék vércse fajmegorzési terv 2018 (Species Action Plan), MME/BirdLife Hungary, unpublished.",20,NA,25,"HU","A097",NA,"Falco vespertinus" "Falco vespertinus",NA,"Red-footed Falcon","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,70,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",3149.0771259681,1995,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",4900,NA,6900,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol. 1/3: Pandionidae-Falconidae. Oasi Alberto Perdisa, Bologna",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A097",NA,"Falco vespertinus" "Falco vespertinus",NA,"Red-footed Falcon","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,22,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Slobodník R., Chavko J., Lešová A., Guziová Z., Maderic B., 2017: Program záchrany sokola cervenonohého (Falco vespertinus Linnaeus, 1766) na roky 2018 – 2022, Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku Paletitz P.Solt Sz, Fehérvári P. (Eds.): 2018: Dymový sokol Ekológia a ochrana sokola kobcovitého, Budapešt, MME 239pp. DANKO Š., CHAVKO, J., 2002: Sokol kobcovitý, s. 209-211 In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, A. (ed.), 2002: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, 688 p.",3149.0771259681,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) Slobodník R., Chavko J., Lešová A., Zuzana Guziová Z., Maderic B., 2017: Program záchrany sokola cervenonohého (Falco vespertinus Linnaeus, 1766) na roky 2018 – 2022, Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) Slobodník R., Chavko J., Lešová A., Zuzana Guziová Z., Maderic B., 2017: Program záchrany sokola cervenonohého (Falco vespertinus Linnaeus, 1766) na roky 2018 – 2022, Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku",0,0,0,"SK","A097",NA,"Falco vespertinus" "Falco vespertinus",NA,"Red-footed Falcon","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,15,"estimate","estimatePartial","Georgiev, D., I. Angelov, S. Dereliev, G. Daskalova 2007. Red-footed Falcon, Falco vespertinus. - In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Kostadinova, I., M. Gramatikov (eds.) 2007. Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria and Natura 2000. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 11. Sofia, BSPB, p. BSPB Bird Database",3149.0771259681,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Georgiev, D., I. Angelov, S. Dereliev, G. Daskalova 2007. Red-footed Falcon, Falco vespertinus. - In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. 2007. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10. Kostadinova, I., M. Gramatikov (eds.) 2007. Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria and Natura 2000. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 11. Sofia, BSPB, p. Simeonov, S (1985): Red-footed Falcon. In: Red data book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, BAS, Sofia. BSPB Bird Database",-90,NA,-70,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Georgiev, D., I. Angelov, S. Dereliev, G. Daskalova 2007. Red-footed Falcon, Falco vespertinus. - In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. 2007. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Kostadinova, I., M. Gramatikov (eds.) 2007. Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria and Natura 2000. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 11. Sofia, BSPB, p. BSPB Bird Database",-100,NA,-90,"BG","A097",NA,"Falco vespertinus" "Falco vespertinus",NA,"Red-footed Falcon","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dvorak, Berg & Wendelin (2015); H.-M. Berg unpublished data; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data fromwww.ornitho.at",3149.0771259681,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak, Berg & Wendelin (2015); H.-M. Berg unpublished data; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,100,NA,2013,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak, Berg & Wendelin (2015); H.-M. Berg unpublished data; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",NA,-71,NA,"AT","A097",NA,"Falco vespertinus" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",70000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s",1105642.31821836,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,"SK","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",1105642.31821836,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Poland",2013,2018,"p",62000,NA,111000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",1105642.31821836,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-43,-18,18,"PL","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",76000,NA,81000,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",1105642.31821836,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 461 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 114 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 325-327 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 482-483 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 242 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 198 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Ficedula_albicollis.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",35000,NA,70000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1105642.31821836,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Austria",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,35000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",1105642.31821836,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,40,NA,"AT","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",8500,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1105642.31821836,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",4600,5800,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1105642.31821836,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",10,25,40,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,4,100,"SE","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Germany",2011,2016,"p",3700,NA,5500,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1105642.31821836,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,13,NA,"DE","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","France",2009,2012,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N & François J 2015. Gobemouche ŕ collier. in Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine, Paris1104-1107",1105642.31821836,1985,2013,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",1105642.31821836,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimateExpert","Gustin M., 2018 (ed.). Redazione del rapporto sullo stato di conservazione delle popolazioni italiane di uccelli, mediante raccolta ed elaborazione di dati (...) nel periodo 2013-2018. ISPRA, Relazione interna.",0,0,0,"IT","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1105642.31821836,1980,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,NA,10,"EE","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",1105642.31821836,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,"LT","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1105642.31821836,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-100,NA,0,"LV","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1051000,1122000,1193000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2592271.00849629,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-52,-48,-44,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-26,-21,-16,"SE","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Finland",2013,2018,"p",434084,487090,543612,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2592271.00849629,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-12,3,21,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-31,-24,-16,"FI","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Spain",1998,2002,"p",130000,NA,350000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",2592271.00849629,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",0,0,0,1998,2015,"D","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2015). Programas de seguimiento SEO/BirdLife en 2015. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 63 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2015/)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2592271.00849629,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-23,NA,-15,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-28,NA,-23,"EE","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",115769,153681,205854,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2592271.00849629,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-56,NA,-55,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-2.3,36.6,89.4,"LV","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2592271.00849629,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Poland",2013,2018,"p",109000,NA,163000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2592271.00849629,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-48,-34,-16,"PL","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Germany",2011,2016,"p",68000,NA,130000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2592271.00849629,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-2,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-2,NA,"DE","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","UK",2016,2016,"p",21851,NA,24973,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1995 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",2592271.00849629,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,33.59,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-0.68,NA,"UK","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",19000,NA,23000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2592271.00849629,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",10,43,84,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",50,67,85,"NL","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",13000,NA,26000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2592271.00849629,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",3861,3861,3861,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",2592271.00849629,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-87.31,-82.34,-75.5,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-86.3,-69.15,-34.01,"DK","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","France",2009,2012,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa 2015. Gobemouche noir. in ""Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine"", 1108-1111",2592271.00849629,2001,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1200,1700,2200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2592271.00849629,1973,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-8,31,69,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-41,-17,7,"BE","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",2592271.00849629,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Austria",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",2592271.00849629,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,60,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases http://www.birding.hu/",2592271.00849629,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases http://www.birding.hu/ http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Ficedula_hypoleuca.pdf",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases http://www.birding.hu/ http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Ficedula_hypoleuca.pdf",0,0,0,"HU","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",2592271.00849629,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",NA,NA,NA,"SK","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at;",436044.276071437,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",20,NA,50,"AT","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",100,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Greece",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1200,NA,2400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5242,18067,36018,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",436044.276071437,1986,2015,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",670,957,1486,2009,2015,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",23,59,76,"FI","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB database Shurulnikov, P., G. Daskalova, D. Kirov, B. Borisov, L. Spasov, A. ralev, I. Stoev & A. Mechev (2018): Avifauna of 'Bulgarka' Nature Park (Bulgaria) with distribution, population size and breeding density data for the species of conservation importance. Forestry ideas 24 (55): 3-22. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Nankinov D. 2009. Studies on the fauna of Bulgaria. Aves.",0,0,0,2000,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",0,NA,0,"BG","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Germany",2011,2016,"p",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",436044.276071437,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",49972,72612,105507,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",436044.276071437,1991,2016,"S","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",14,NA,15,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",25.9,113.8,255.7,"LV","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1400,1700,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",50,100,150,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",25,50,75,"SE","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",436044.276071437,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",65,NA,68,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-32,NA,-4,"EE","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s. CBC - common bird census (Ridzon) EU birds mapping (SNC SR)",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. CBC - common bird census Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s.",-20,NA,0,"SK","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",40,NA,65,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",436044.276071437,1990,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 324-325 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 114 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 481-482 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 241 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 198 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 324-325 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 114 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 481-482 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 241 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 198 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-87,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Ficedula_parva.pdf Magyar madárvonulási atlasz (Török János et.al., p.533), Kossuth Kiadó 2009 National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-57,NA,-33,"HU","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Poland",2013,2018,"p",16000,NA,32000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-50,-17,34,"PL","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Ficedula semitorquata",NA,"Semi-collared Flycatcher","Greece",2013,2013,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe - Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK, BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No 12).",6351.06383788591,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A442",NA,"Ficedula semitorquata" "Ficedula semitorquata",NA,"Semi-collared Flycatcher","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,4500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and Englis); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Georgiev, K.B., S. Thorn, T. Zlatanov, B.P. Nikolov, P. Shurulinkov, G. Daskalova & T. Gottschalk (2018): Evaluating the importance of managed forests as habitat for the Semi-collared Flycatcher (Ficedula semitorquata). Forest Ecology and Management (419-420): 123-129. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Georgiev, K. & Iankov,P. (2009) International species action plan for the semi-collared flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata in the European Union, 19 pp. BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",6351.06383788591,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Georgiev, K. & Iankov,P. (2009) International species action plan for the semi-collared flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata in the European Union, 19 pp. BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",0,0,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Georgiev, K. & Iankov,P. (2009) International species action plan for the semi-collared flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata in the European Union, 19 pp. BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",0,0,0,"BG","A442",NA,"Ficedula semitorquata" "Francolinus francolinus","francolinus","Black Francolin","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",3600,NA,7600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Game & Fauna Service bag statistics reports",5230.67873224881,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 The Birds Of Cyprus (1992) mentions the start of a population increase in the 1980s. Game & Fauna Service bag statistics show clear increase in numbers over the last 20 years. Data from BirdLife Cyprus annual reports over the period.",100,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017, Game & Fauna Service",8,NA,20,"CY","A716",NA,"Francolinus francolinus francolinus" "Fratercula arctica",NA,"Atlantic Puffin","UK",1998,2002,"p",580000,580000,580000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Harris, M.P. & Wanless, S. 2004. Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica. Pp. 392-406. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",601397.854782021,1969,2000,"I","completeSurvey","Cramp, S., Bourne, W.R.P. & Saunders, D. 1974. The seabirds of Britain and Ireland. London, Collins. Harris, M.P. & Wanless, S. 2004. Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica. Pp. 392-406. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",NA,36.9,NA,1987,2000,"I","completeSurvey","Lloyd, C., Tasker, M.L. & Partridge, K. 1991. The status of seabirds in Britain and Ireland. London, T. & A.D. Poyser. 355 pp. Harris, M.P. & Wanless, S. 2004. Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica. Pp. 392-406. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",NA,18.9,NA,"UK","A204",NA,"Fratercula arctica" "Fratercula arctica",NA,"Atlantic Puffin","Ireland",2012,2012,"p",21212,21212,21212,"estimate","estimateExpert","Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data from last reporting round: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland;http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",601397.854782021,1987,2012,"I","estimatePartial","Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Lloyd, C., Tasker, M.L. & Partridge, K. (1991) The status of Seabirds in Britain and Ireland. T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data from last reporting round: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland;http://www.birdwatchireland.ie",NA,20,NA,2002,2012,"S","estimatePartial","Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data from last reporting round: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland;http://www.birdwatchireland.ie",NA,8,NA,"IE","A204",NA,"Fratercula arctica" "Fratercula arctica",NA,"Atlantic Puffin","France",2017,2017,"p",171,NA,202,"estimate","completeSurvey","Quénot, F. 2017. Bilan de la reproduction des oiseaux marins sur l’île d’Ouessant en 2017. ; Provost P., Bentz G., Deniau, A. 2017. Réserve Naturelle Nationale des Sept-Iles - LPO - Rapport d’activités 2017.",601397.854782021,1978,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Henry, J., Monnat, JY. 1981. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de la façade Atlantique française - SEPNB - Ministčre Environnement. ; Provost, P., Bentz, G., Deniau, A. . Réserve naturelle nationale des Sept-Iles - Rapport d'activités 2017.",-70.3,NA,-53.4,2005,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Provost, P, Bentz, G., Deniau, A. . Réserve naturelle nationale des Sept-Iles - Rapport d'activités 2017. ; Siorat, F., Bentz, G. . Réserve des Sept-Iles - Rapport d'activités 2005.",8.7,NA,53.8,"FR","A204",NA,"Fratercula arctica" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=160&Itemid=66&lang=pt Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",91,NA,149,"PTMA","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1400000,NA,2100000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",100497361.157168,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-4,NA,"AT","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Greece",2013,2018,"p",430000,NA,550000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Spain",2004,2018,"p",8969172,NA,10875681,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,75,NA,"ES","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Finland",2013,2018,"p",6806605,7195184,7681386,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-6,1,7,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-7,-4,0,"FI","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1200000,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-20,NA,-10,"LT","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",461800,602300,742800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",100497361.157168,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",85,141,197,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-4,2,8,"BE","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",1759225,1894025,2040027,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",100497361.157168,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",NA,-34,NA,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-1.5,9.9,22.5,"LV","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Malta",2017,2018,"p",4,NA,9,"estimate","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Fenech N. (2017) Birds of the Maltese Islands, Nature Guide Series (BDL Books)",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,0,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Fenech N. (2017) Birds of the Maltese Islands, Nature Guide Series (BDL Books)",NA,160,NA,"MT","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2e+06,NA,4e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",0,NA,0,"LU","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",3e+06,NA,4e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",4e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",100497361.157168,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",56,72,89,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-5,-2,3,"NL","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Azores",2013,2017,"p",1840123,2386660,2885885,"mean","estimatePartial","Count data extracted from CAC (Common Bird Census; 2013-2018), provided by SPEA (not published).",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",0.1,NA,50,"PTAC","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",815000,NA,1359000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,14.9,NA,"SI","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","UK",2016,2016,"p",5068888,5068888,5068888,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",100497361.157168,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-2.99,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-17.42,NA,"UK","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5720000,8350000,10860000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,0,20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-3,1,4,"SE","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",4e+06,NA,8e+06,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",100497361.157168,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Poland",2013,2018,"p",8563000,NA,8922000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-6,-2,2,"PL","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",2064286.66666667,2460316,4332284,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",100497361.157168,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",16.3,20.6,25.1,"IE","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Germany",2016,2016,"p",7550000,NA,9050000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",100497361.157168,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-5,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-1,3,6,"DE","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","France",2009,2012,"p",7e+06,NA,1.1e+07,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",100497361.157168,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,0.1,NA,"FR","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3e+06,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",1279000,NA,1332000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1600000,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",100497361.157168,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-11,NA,-7,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",1,NA,5,"EE","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1282151,1282151,1282151,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",100497361.157168,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-20.46,-12.93,-4.72,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-32.97,-28.35,-23.44,"DK","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",11,NA,66,"CY","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",100497361.157168,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,NA,5,"IT","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Fringilla coelebs","ombriosa","Eurasian Chaffinch","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",2236.06797749979,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A448",NA,"Fringilla coelebs ombriosa" "Fringilla montifringilla",NA,"Brambling","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1254000,2130000,3007000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3427239.66227766,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",-30,0,10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,7,10,"SE","A360",NA,"Fringilla montifringilla" "Fringilla montifringilla",NA,"Brambling","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1081554,1297234,1466138,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3427239.66227766,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-50,-37,-29,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-2,7,15,"FI","A360",NA,"Fringilla montifringilla" "Fringilla montifringilla",NA,"Brambling","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3427239.66227766,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,"EE","A360",NA,"Fringilla montifringilla" "Fringilla montifringilla",NA,"Brambling","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3427239.66227766,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","SOVON (1987), Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",-100,NA,0,2006,2017,"U","estimateExpert","Sovon, Sovon (2002), van Kleunen et al. (2013), Sovon (2018)",-100,NA,100,"NL","A360",NA,"Fringilla montifringilla" "Fringilla montifringilla",NA,"Brambling","UK",2012,2016,"p",0,0,0,"mean","estimateExpert","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",3427239.66227766,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-95,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-83,NA,"UK","A360",NA,"Fringilla montifringilla" "Fringilla polatzeki",NA,"Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch","Canary Islands",2016,2016,"p",159,159,159,"estimate","completeSurvey","Carrascal L.M. & Delgado A. (2017). Densidad y Tamańo de población del Pinzón azul de Gran Canaria (Fringilla polatzeki) en los pinares de la Cumbre central. Informe no publicado. Carrascal L.M., Moreno Á.C., Delgado A., Suárez V. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Habitat suitability - density relationship in an endangered woodland species: the case of the Blue Chaffinch (Fringilla polatzeki) PeerJ 5:e3771 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.3771. Delgado, A., Calabuig, P., Suárez, V., Trujillo, D. & Suárez–Rancel, M.M. (2016). Preliminary assessment of the release of captive–bred Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinches Fringilla teydea polatzeki as a reinforcement population. Bird Study, 63: 554–558. LIFE98 NAT/E/005354 - Pinzón azul - Conservation of the blue chaffinch of Gran Canaria - Gran Canaria (1999-2002). Available in: (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.dspPage&n_proj_id=328). Moreno, A.C., Carrascal, L.M., Delgado, A., Suárez, V. & Seoane, J. (2018). Striking resilience of an island endemic bird to a severe perturbation: the case of the Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 41:131-140.",159,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Anónimo. (2013). Plan de Recuperación del Pinzón Azul de Gran Canaria Fringilla teydea polatzeki. Documento de avance. Gobierno de Canarias. 38 pp. Http://lifepinzon.org/articulos-cientificos-e-informes-tecnicos/ Carrascal, L.M. & Seoane, J. (2008). Método de censo y estima de población del pinzón azul de Gran Canaria. CSIC - Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente. Informe no publicado. Carrascal, L.M. (2011). Cambio demográfico del pinzón azul entre 2002 y 2011. CSIC – Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Informe no publicado. Carrascal L.M. & Delgado A. (2017). Densidad y Tamańo de población del Pinzón azul de Gran Canaria (Fringilla polatzeki) en los pinares de la Cumbre central. Informe no publicado. Carrascal L.M., Moreno Á.C., Delgado A., Suárez V. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Habitat suitability - density relationship in an endangered woodland species: the case of the Blue Chaffinch (Fringilla polatzeki) PeerJ 5:e3771 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.3771. Delgado, A., Calabuig, P., Suárez, V., Trujillo, D. & Suárez–Rancel, M.M. (2016). Preliminary assessment of the release of captive–bred Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinches Fringilla teydea polatzeki as a reinforcement population. Bird Study, 63: 554–558. Gallo Barneto, R. (2006). Fringilla teydea polatzeki. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2006. Gobierno de Canarias. 22 pp. LIFE98 NAT/E/005354 - Pinzón azul - Conservation of the blue chaffinch of Gran Canaria - Gran Canaria (1999-2002). Available in: (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.dspPage&n_proj_id=328). Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Moreno Martín, A.C. (2005). Fringilla teydea polatzeki. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2005. Gobierno de Canarias. 23 pp. Moreno, A.C., Carrascal, L.M., Delgado, A., Suárez, V. & Seoane, J. (2018). Striking resilience of an island endemic bird to a severe perturbation: the case of the Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 41:131-140.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Anónimo. (2013). Plan de Recuperación del Pinzón Azul de Gran Canaria Fringilla teydea polatzeki. Documento de avance. Gobierno de Canarias. 38 pp. Http://lifepinzon.org/articulos-cientificos-e-informes-tecnicos/ Carrascal, L.M. & Seoane, J. (2008). Método de censo y estima de población del pinzón azul de Gran Canaria. CSIC - Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente. Informe no publicado. Carrascal, L.M. (2011). Cambio demográfico del pinzón azul entre 2002 y 2011. CSIC – Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Informe no publicado. Carrascal L.M. & Delgado A. (2017). Densidad y Tamańo de población del Pinzón azul de Gran Canaria (Fringilla polatzeki) en los pinares de la Cumbre central. Informe no publicado. Carrascal L.M., Moreno Á.C., Delgado A., Suárez V. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Habitat suitability - density relationship in an endangered woodland species: the case of the Blue Chaffinch (Fringilla polatzeki) PeerJ 5:e3771 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.3771. Delgado, A., Calabuig, P., Suárez, V., Trujillo, D. & Suárez–Rancel, M.M. (2016). Preliminary assessment of the release of captive–bred Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinches Fringilla teydea polatzeki as a reinforcement population. Bird Study, 63: 554–558. LIFE98 NAT/E/005354 - Pinzón azul - Conservation of the blue chaffinch of Gran Canaria - Gran Canaria (1999-2002). Available in: (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.dspPage&n_proj_id=328). Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Moreno, A.C., Carrascal, L.M., Delgado, A., Suárez, V. & Seoane, J. (2018). Striking resilience of an island endemic bird to a severe perturbation: the case of the Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 41:131-140.",20,NA,32.5,"ESIC","A485",NA,"Fringilla polatzeki" "Fringilla teydea","sensu stricto [excluding polatzeki]","Blue Chaffinch","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",1000,NA,2500,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",1581.13883008419,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,1,NA,"ESIC","A486",NA,"Fringilla teydea s. str." "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",110000,NA,140000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",680716.44575493,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",15,27,41,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-7,-2,2,"NL","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Germany",2011,2016,"p",61000,NA,105000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",680716.44575493,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-8,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-10,NA,"DE","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","France",2009,2012,"p",60000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Deceuninck, B. & Issa, N. 2015. Foulque macroule Fulica atra. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé478-481",680716.44575493,1990,2012,"I","estimateExpert","Deceuninck, B. & Issa, N. 2015. Foulque macroule Fulica atra. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé478-481",NA,NA,NA,2000,2012,"S","estimateExpert","Deceuninck, B. & Issa, N. 2015. Foulque macroule Fulica atra. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé478-481 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. ). Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision.. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al.. Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 891-893",0,0,0,"FR","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Spain",2007,2018,"p",56250,56250,56250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,-2.8,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,-2.08,NA,"ES","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Poland",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-90,NA,-80,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",26,61,106,"PL","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",31000,42000,53000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-18,0,43,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-43,0,12,"SE","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",21300,36500,51800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",680716.44575493,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",420,790,1163,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",36,100,190,"BE","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",24000,NA,36000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",10,NA,20,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","UK",2016,2016,"p",26032,26032,26032,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extralopation using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trends since 1988/91 (Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf)",680716.44575493,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,18.1,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-19.24,NA,"UK","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",18000,NA,36000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",680716.44575493,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-8,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-10,NA,-10,"CZ","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 76-77 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 57 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 252-254 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 103 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 98-99 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-88,NA,-83,2007,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Fulica_atra.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Italy",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",680716.44575493,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,60,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",6414,6414,6414,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",680716.44575493,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-66.89,-51.11,-28.12,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-78.93,-62.79,-35.95,"DK","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",5800,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",680716.44575493,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-29,NA,2012,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,-12.5,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",3462,3462,3462,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",680716.44575493,1972,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser, London.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"S","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,0,NA,"IE","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",3350,3350,3350,"mean","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2400,NA,4300,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",680716.44575493,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1994",20,NA,40,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,10,NA,"AT","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2056,2864,3576,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",680716.44575493,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-76,-71,-66,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-79,-72,-63,"FI","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1700,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB GIS related ornithological database",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB",0,0,0,2000,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed) 2007. Breeding Bird Atlas of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,5,"BG","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",680716.44575493,2001,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-115,NA,-94,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-82,NA,-61,"EE","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Štumberger, B. (1981): Razširjenost in pojavljanje copastega ponirka Podiceps cristata v Slovenskih goricah in na Ptujskem polju. – Acrocephalus 2 (8/9): 29-35.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",267,267,267,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Emmerson, K.W., Lorenzo, J.A., Barone, R., Trujillo, D. & Delgado, G. (1991). Resultados del censo de las aves acuáticas nidificantes en Canarias. Ornistudio S. L./Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 38 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",NA,1,NA,"ESIC","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,220,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",-50,NA,-12,"CY","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",80,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",20,NA,40,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",0,NA,20,"LU","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=186&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=186&Itemid=66&lang=pt",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=186&Itemid=66&lang=pt",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Fulica cristata",NA,"Red-knobbed Coot","Spain",2013,2018,"p",21,32,45,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. (2014). Estrategia para la conservación de la cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris), focha moruna (Fulica cristata) y malvasía cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala) en Espańa. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/pbl_estrategia_cerceta_focha_malvasia_tcm30-197259.pdf) MITECO. (2018). El grupo de trabajo de la cerceta pardilla acuerda nuevas acciones de conservación para abordar el elevado riesgo de extinción de la especie. Nota de prensa. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/prensa/ultimas-noticias/el-grupo-de-trabajo-de-la-cerceta-pardilla-acuerda-nuevas-acciones-de-conservaci%C3%B3n-para-abordar-el-elevado-riesgo-de-extinci%C3%B3n-de-la-especie/tcm:30-496167)",32,1984,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, C.J., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. (2008). Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 118pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/23_tarro_blanco_cerceta_pardilla_porron_monudo_malvasia_y_focha_moruna_tcm36-208262.pdf) Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, C.J., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. (2008). Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 118pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/23_tarro_blanco_cerceta_pardilla_porron_monudo_malvasia_y_focha_moruna_tcm36-208262.pdf) Grupo de trabajo de la cerceta pardilla. (2014). Estrategia para la conservación de la cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris), focha moruna (Fulica cristata) y malvasía cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala) en Espańa. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/pbl_estrategia_cerceta_focha_malvasia_tcm30-197259.pdf) Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. MITECO. (2018). El grupo de trabajo de la cerceta pardilla acuerda nuevas acciones de conservación para abordar el elevado riesgo de extinción de la especie. Nota de prensa. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/prensa/ultimas-noticias/el-grupo-de-trabajo-de-la-cerceta-pardilla-acuerda-nuevas-acciones-de-conservaci%C3%B3n-para-abordar-el-elevado-riesgo-de-extinci%C3%B3n-de-la-especie/tcm:30-496167)",-45,-37,-20,"ES","A126",NA,"Fulica cristata" "Fulmarus glacialis",NA,"Northern Fulmar","UK",2015,2015,"p",195078,350529,681018,"interval","estimatePartial","JNCC Seabird Monitoring Programme. The UK population estimates were derived from a method first used in APEP3: Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100. Population estimates were calculated using the long-term Thomas trend index from the year 1986 - 2015 (using counts from a sample of colonies monitored by the UK Seabird Monitoring Programme), anchored to the last census count, Seabird 2000. To test the robustness of the Thomas trend an estimation the Seabird 2000 population was produced using the trend index between 1986-2000 and anchored to the 1986 (SCR) census population for the species. If this estimate had a variance of 30% (or over) from the actual Seabird 2000 population, the method was not used (and an alternative is given, such as the Seabird 2000 census). Thomas trend methodology can be found here http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201",384359.261053385,1986,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-63,-32,34,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-59,-26,66,"UK","A009",NA,"Fulmarus glacialis" "Fulmarus glacialis",NA,"Northern Fulmar","Germany",2016,2016,"p",52,52,52,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",384359.261053385,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",173,303,493,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-58,-46,-32,"DE","A009",NA,"Fulmarus glacialis" "Fulmarus glacialis",NA,"Northern Fulmar","Ireland",2015,2018,"p",32899,32899,32899,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",384359.261053385,1987,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,68,NA,2002,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",0,0,0,"IE","A009",NA,"Fulmarus glacialis" "Fulmarus glacialis",NA,"Northern Fulmar","France",2009,2011,"p",859,NA,900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257",384359.261053385,1978,2010,"I","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257 ; Gallien F. 2019. Suivi du fulmar boréal en période de reproduction sur des colonies témoins des sous-régions marines Manche - mer du Nord et mers celtiques - Saison 2018.. Rapport GONm, AFB, Dreal Normandie, ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2019. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2017-2018.. Rapport de l’Observatoire régional de l’avifaune de Bretagne, Brest,",57,NA,99,2009,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257 ; Gallien F. 2019. Suivi du fulmar boréal en période de reproduction sur des colonies témoins des sous-régions marines Manche - mer du Nord et mers celtiques - Saison 2018.. Rapport GONm, AFB, Dreal Normandie, ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2019. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2017-2018.. Rapport de l’Observatoire régional de l’avifaune de Bretagne, Brest,",0,0,0,"FR","A009",NA,"Fulmarus glacialis" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Spain",2004,2018,"p",14188736,NA,17178954,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-9.6,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife. (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/3880_RES_SP.pdf SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-9.6,NA,-1.9,"ES","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",16778504.5083885,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-10,NA,0,"IT","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,67,NA,"GR","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",44000,NA,68000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports;",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",-25,NA,-3,"CY","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",31000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012; Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB; Nankinov D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Aves, Passeriformes, 33-38 p.;",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Aves, Passeriformes, 33-38 p.;",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; The population trend is for the period 2005-2012.",0,0,0,"BG","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",47000,NA,58000,"interval","estimatePartial","Expert opinions National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-60,NA,-34,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","France",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",16778504.5083885,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-15,NA,-5,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-27.5,NA,"FR","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,10000,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Poland",2008,2012,"p",2500,NA,3500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; Sikora A.",-70,NA,-60,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-22,37,134,"PL","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1700,NA,2700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",16778504.5083885,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-72,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-54,NA,"DE","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-60,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-30,NA,-20,"SK","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Austria",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,1300,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",16778504.5083885,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",600,NA,700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-27.8,NA,"SI","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",16778504.5083885,1982,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-27,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-10,NA,"CZ","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",18,19,22,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",16778504.5083885,1991,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data avaialable.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Kerus V. 2011. Changes in the status of breeding birds of Latvia during 1980-2010. Doctoral Thesis. Riga: University of Latvia Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv http://www.putni.lv/galcri.htm",10.63,14.89,19.89,"LV","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",3,5,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",16778504.5083885,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-99,-99,-98,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2,2,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk",16778504.5083885,1996,2017,"D","completeSurvey","DATSY mm (udfyldes senere af DOF)",-304.21,-210.91,-117.62,2006,2017,"Unk",NA,"DATSY mm (udfyldes senere)",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",16778504.5083885,1980,2015,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-100,-100,-100,2006,2015,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-100,-100,-100,"NL","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-100,NA,-10,2013,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Estonia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",16778504.5083885,1980,2017,"Unk","absentData","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"Unk","absentData","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,NA,NA,"EE","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",0,0,0,"SE","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Galerida theklae",NA,"Thekla Lark","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1650320,NA,2341658,"estimate","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",2189776.88154837,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/3890_RES_SP.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,51.22,NA,"ES","A245",NA,"Galerida theklae" "Galerida theklae",NA,"Thekla Lark","France",2011,2012,"p",270,NA,430,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa, N. & Muller, Y 2015. Gonin, J., Gilot, F. & Bourgeois, M. Cochevis de Thékla. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé1408",2189776.88154837,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2013,"D","estimatePartial",". Bourgeois, M. & Gilot, F. (213b) Recensement du Cochevis de Thékla en France. rapport d'activités final. LPO Aude, GOR, 6 pages. ; Gonin, J. 2010. Avancée des connaissances sur le Cochevis de Thékla Galerida theklae en France.. Ornithos, 17, p. 73-105 ; Bourgeois, M., Gilot, F. & Savon, C. 2010. Gestion d'un milieu naturel en faveur du cochevis de thekla Galerida theklae dans les Corbičres.. Ornithos, 17, pp: 106-115 ; . Gonin, J. (2008) Le Cochevis de Thékla (Galerida teklae) en Languedoc-Roussillon: répartition, biologie/écologie. Mémoire de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes. EPHE, LPO Aude, GOR.",-28,NA,-12,"FR","A245",NA,"Galerida theklae" "Galerida theklae",NA,"Thekla Lark","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2189776.88154837,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A245",NA,"Galerida theklae" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",85000,160000,233000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-40,-30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,0,11,"SE","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Finland",2013,2018,"p",117796,147438,220891,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-39,-21,2,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",1,15,31,"FI","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",70043,84353,101587,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",564086.710358902,1980,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-32.9,5.2,62.4,"LV","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","UK",2016,2016,"p",66545,66545,66545,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = O'Brien, M. 2004. Estimating the number of farmland waders breeding in the United Kingdom. International Wader Studies 14: 135-139. Colhoun, K., Mawhinney, K. & Peach, W.J. 2015. Population estimates and changes in abundance of breeding waders in Northern Ireland up to 2013. Bird Study 62: 394-403. doi: 10.1080/00063657.2015.1058746 Extrapolated using BBS monitoring trend from 1997 in GB. NI estimate based on contemporary survey data in 2013 NI est 1123 (95%CI 527-1782) (or 1954 if correction factor applied)",564086.710358902,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-89.7,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-14.45,NA,"UK","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Poland",2013,2018,"p",47000,NA,77000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-15,12,46,"PL","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",564086.710358902,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-92,NA,-66,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-92,NA,-74,"EE","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-20,NA,-10,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-5,NA,0,"LT","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Ireland",2008,2008,"p",4275,4275,4275,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lauder, C. & Donaghy, A. (2008) Breeding Waders in Ireland 2008: A Review and Recommendations for Future Action. Unpublished report to the NPWS.",564086.710358902,1972,2008,"D","estimatePartial","Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. - BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK. Lauder, C. & Donaghy, A. (2008) Breeding Waders in Ireland 2008: A Review and Recommendations for Future Action. Unpublished report to the NPWS.",NA,-78,NA,1991,2008,"D","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. (1993) The new atlas of breeding birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. T. & A.D. Poyser Lauder, C. & Donaghy, A. (2008) Breeding Waders in Ireland 2008: A Review and Recommendations for Future Action. Unpublished report to the NPWS.",NA,-50,NA,"IE","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Germany",2016,2016,"p",2900,NA,4500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",564086.710358902,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-82,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-47,NA,"DE","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1519,1519,1519,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",564086.710358902,1983,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-74.6,-67.12,-57.52,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-33.5,0.51,49.85,"DK","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",564086.710358902,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-60,-42,-16,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-7,4,15,"NL","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",564086.710358902,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-10,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-13,NA,"CZ","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 87-88 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 152-153 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 68 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 302-304 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 122 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 117 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Gallinago_gallinago.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Azores",2013,2018,"p",228,228,228,"Minimum","estimatePartial","DRRF (unpublished data from DRRF annual monitoring scheme of displaying common snipe counts, during the breeding season) Rodrigues T.M., Lima P., Pires J., Costa J., Sequeira J., Castro A., Azevedo F., Gonçalves D., Leităo M. (in press). Monitoring of the Common Snipe breeding population in the Azores (2014–2017). In: Proceedings of the 8th Woodcock and Snipe Workshop, 9th – 11th May, 2017, Madalena, Pico Island (Azores, Portugal), Woodcock and Snipe Specialist Group.",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"S","completeSurvey","DRRF (Regional Direction of Forest Resources). 2014-2018. URL: http://drrf-sraa.azores.gov.pt/areas/cinegetica/Paginas/Monitorizacao_narceja.aspx Rodrigues TM, Lima P, Pires J, Costa J, Sequeira J, Castro A, Azevedo F, Gonçalves D, Leităo M. 2017. Monitoring of the Common Snipe breeding population in the Azores (2014-2017). In Gonçalves, D. & Ferrand, Y (eds). Programme and abstracts of the 8th Woodock and Snipe Workshop. Pp. 20. Madalena, Açores (Portugal). [https://www.wetlands.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Program_and_Abstract_book_final.pdf]",NA,0.1,NA,"PTAC","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Spain",2013,2018,"p",69,NA,118,"interval","estimatePartial","Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2015). Propuesta técnica de Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante de agachadiza común (Gallinago gallinago) en Galicia. Informe no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras. 47 pp. Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2018). Actualización de la propuesta técnica de Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante de agachadiza común (Gallinago gallinago) en Galicia. Informe no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural Consellería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. 135 pp. Lorenzo, M. & Planelles, P. (2010). La agachadiza común en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 61 pp. (http://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/28_agachadiza.pdf)",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2015). Propuesta técnica de Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante de agachadiza común (Gallinago gallinago) en Galicia. Informe no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras. 47 pp. Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2018). Actualización de la propuesta técnica de Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante de agachadiza común (Gallinago gallinago) en Galicia. Informe no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural Consellería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. 135 pp. Lorenzo, M. & Planelles, P. (2010). La agachadiza común en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 61 pp. (http://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/28_agachadiza.pdf)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2015). Propuesta técnica de Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante de agachadiza común (Gallinago gallinago) en Galicia. Informe no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras. 47 pp. Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2018). Actualización de la propuesta técnica de Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante de agachadiza común (Gallinago gallinago) en Galicia. Informe no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural Consellería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. 135 pp.",0,0,0,"ES","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","France",2013,2018,"p",30,60,100,"minimum","estimatePartial","Gwenaël Quaintenne 2016. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2014. ORNITHOS,",564086.710358902,1985,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-50,-37.5,-25,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-50,-20,10,"FR","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-60,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Austria",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from bird monitoring programs in the national park Neusiedler See - Seewinkel and in SPAs in northern Burgenland, Grinschgl (2013-2017), Uhl & Wichmann 2017 (Oberösterreich); Pöhacker et al. 2013 (Salzburg), Burtscher et al. 2017 (Vorarlberg)",564086.710358902,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding bird 1981-1985)",-80,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from bird monitoring programs in the national park Neusiedler See - Seewinkel and in SPAs in northern Burgenland, Grinschgl (2013-2017), Uhl & Wichmann 2017 (Oberösterreich); Pöhacker et al. 2013 (Salzburg), Burtscher et al. 2017 (Vorarlberg)",-40,NA,-30,"AT","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",20,28,37,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",564086.710358902,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-85,-79,-73,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",14,60,111,"BE","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-70,NA,-50,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",11,NA,17,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,12,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB database; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No complex avaialable source",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinago media",NA,"Great Snipe","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",1300,1800,2300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2963.50267266329,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",-50,NA,100,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,30,"SE","A154",NA,"Gallinago media" "Gallinago media",NA,"Great Snipe","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",250,NA,450,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MDU – Great Snipe Census)",2963.50267266329,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; Sikora A.",-70,NA,-40,2010,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MDU)",-78,-66,-50,"PL","A154",NA,"Gallinago media" "Gallinago media",NA,"Great Snipe","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",20,30,60,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2963.50267266329,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,171,NA,"FI","A154",NA,"Gallinago media" "Gallinago media",NA,"Great Snipe","Latvia",2012,2012,"cmales",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert: Ainars Aunins, ainars.aunins@lu.lv",2963.50267266329,1991,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,1999,2012,"D","estimatePartial","Aunins A. (unpublished) Database of Great Snipe lek monitoring.",-41.3,-14.3,23.5,"LV","A154",NA,"Gallinago media" "Gallinago media",NA,"Great Snipe","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",400,NA,600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2963.50267266329,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,NA,-53,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-53,NA,-11,"EE","A154",NA,"Gallinago media" "Gallinago media",NA,"Great Snipe","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",50,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",2963.50267266329,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-75.67,NA,-70.67,"LT","A154",NA,"Gallinago media" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","UK",2016,2016,"p",208733,208733,208733,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extralopation using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trends since 1988/91 (Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf)",825993.126309504,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",-25.4,-25.4,-25.4,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",-26.48,-26.48,-26.48,"UK","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","France",2013,2018,"p",120000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",825993.126309504,1989,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,NA,0,2007,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,NA,0,"FR","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",825993.126309504,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,25,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-15,NA,-5,"IT","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",64496,64496,64496,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",825993.126309504,1972,2011,"D","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, U.K. : BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3).",NA,-20,NA,2000,2011,"S","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,0,NA,"IE","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Spain",2007,2010,"p",58400,58400,58400,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds). (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_ atlas.aspx).",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas",-4.4,-2.8,-1.2,"ES","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Germany",2011,2016,"p",30000,NA,52000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",825993.126309504,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-13,NA,"DE","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",25000,NA,35000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",825993.126309504,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-17,-1,18,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-28,-21,-15,"NL","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",12500,21800,31000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",825993.126309504,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-70,-47,-24,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-52,-39,-22,"BE","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Poland",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,21000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-54,-31,3,"PL","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",6000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 56-57 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 250-251 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 87 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 94 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Gallinula_chloropus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",5000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.). 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB GIS related ornithological database",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.). 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10. BSPB GIS related ornithological database Cramp, S. & K. E. L. Simmons. 1980. The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Vol. 2. Simeonov, S., T. Michev & D. Nankinov. 1990. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 20 Aves-I.",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.). 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB GIS related ornithological database",0,NA,10,"BG","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",825993.126309504,1981,2017,"UNK","absentData","see the short term trend section",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-93,NA,-25,"CZ","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",3359,3359,3359,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",825993.126309504,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-64.68,-54.56,-41.62,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-57.96,-40.64,-17,"DK","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2500,3100,3700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",-50,NA,200,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,30,"SE","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,3500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-20,NA,-15,"LT","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,2700,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",825993.126309504,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1994",15,NA,30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,10,NA,"AT","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",750,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Deberšek B., Bordjan D. (2016): Letna dinamika, naravovarstveno vrednotenje in pregled podatkov o pojavljanju vodnih ptic na Šaleških jezerih (S Slovenija). – Acrocephalus 37 (168/169): 5–47. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",523,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",825993.126309504,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-82,NA,-81,2000,2017,"UNK","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",825993.126309504,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,0,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,"EE","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Biver, G. (2013): Waterbird count - recensement hivernal des oiseaux d’eau 2009-2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 43-58; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",0,NA,0,"LU","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",203,203,203,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Emmerson, K.W., Lorenzo, J.A., Barone, R., Trujillo, D. & Delgado, G. (1991). Resultados del censo de las aves acuáticas nidificantes en Canarias. Ornistudio S. L./Tragsatec. Informe no publicado. 38 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",0,0,0,"ESIC","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Finland",2013,2018,"p",100,150,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. . – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,103,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. . – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,15,NA,"FI","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports.",250,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,33,"CY","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=82&Itemid=80&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=82&Itemid=80&lang=pt Nunes, J. & Fagundes, I. (2004). Novas Espécies Nidificantes no Arquipélago da Madeira Galinha-d'água Gallinula chloropus e Lugre Carduelis spinus. Congresso Internacional Aves do Atlântico. 29 de Out a 1 de Nov 2004. Săo Vicente, Madeira.",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=82&Itemid=80&lang=pt Nunes, J. & Fagundes, I. (2004). Novas Espécies Nidificantes no Arquipélago da Madeira Galinha-d'água Gallinula chloropus e Lugre Carduelis spinus. Congresso Internacional Aves do Atlântico. 29 de Out a 1 de Nov 2004. Săo Vicente, Madeira.",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Azores",2013,2018,"p",30,30,30,"Minimum","estimatePartial","eBird Basic Dataset. Version: EBD_relDec-2018. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Dec 2018. Aves dos Açores (2018). URL: https://avesdosazores.wordpress.com/aves-dos-acores/especies-nidificantes-zonas-humidas/galinha-dagua/",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Malta",2017,2018,"p",20,NA,31,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,10,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-8,NA,"MT","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Spain",2004,2018,"p",1032159,NA,1522538,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/5840_RES_SP.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","France",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,5764319.29902495,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,11,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-1.1,NA,"FR","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Poland",2013,2018,"p",546000,NA,664000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",6,17,30,"PL","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Germany",2016,2016,"p",510000,NA,690000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",5764319.29902495,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,11,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-7,4,16,"DE","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",5764319.29902495,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",200,NA,500,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",5,NA,15,"IT","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",178000,294000,407000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-44,-36,-26,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-16,-8,1,"SE","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",180000,NA,360000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",5764319.29902495,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",138149,179061,232089,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",5764319.29902495,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",531,NA,536,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-9.9,17.4,52.1,"LV","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","UK",2016,2016,"p",170727,170727,170727,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",5764319.29902495,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,5.93,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,4.93,NA,"UK","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html)",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html)",0,NA,0,"BG","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Finland",2013,2018,"p",91105,112165,141447,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-52,-35,-11,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-27,-11,6,"FI","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",66000,NA,80000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",45,NA,125,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",5,NA,10,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",39900,58600,77300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",5764319.29902495,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",81,166,251,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-28,-17,-3,"BE","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",45000,NA,65000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",5764319.29902495,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-6,11,31,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-8,-1,8,"NL","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Greece",2015,2015,"p",40000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,57,NA,"GR","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",5764319.29902495,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",208,NA,291,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-14,NA,41,"EE","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",35274,35274,35274,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",5764319.29902495,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-28.7,-16.59,-2.49,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-47.91,-35.98,-21.59,"DK","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Austria",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,35000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",5764319.29902495,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",12500,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-40,NA,-20,"SK","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Croatia",2008,2018,"p",13400,13400,13400,"mean","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",5000,NA,14999,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, U.K. : BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3). BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology.",5764319.29902495,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"UNK","absentData","Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, U.K. : BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3). BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",4700,NA,8200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports;",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",2,NA,56,"CY","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2009,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-40,NA,40,"LU","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Gavia arctica",NA,"Arctic Loon","Finland",2013,2018,"p",9319,10719,12025,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",17153.3044132839,1986,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",56,94,242,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",8,34,67,"FI","A002",NA,"Gavia arctica" "Gavia arctica",NA,"Arctic Loon","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5300,6200,7100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",17153.3044132839,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-6,0,82,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-22,-10,4,"SE","A002",NA,"Gavia arctica" "Gavia arctica",NA,"Arctic Loon","UK",2006,2006,"p",190,217,252,"estimate","completeSurvey","Eaton, M.A., Austin, G.E., Banks, A.N., Conway, G., Douse, A., Grice, P.V., Hearn, R., Hilton, G., Hoccom, D., Musgrove, A.J., Noble, D.G., Ratcliffe, N., Rehfisch, M.M., Worden, J. & Wotton, S. 2007. The State of the UK's Birds 2006. RSPB, BTO, WWT, CCW, EHS, NE and SNH, Sandy. Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100.",17153.3044132839,1985,2006,"I","completeSurvey","Campbell, L.H. & Talbot, T.R. 1987. Breeding status of Black-throated Divers in Scotland. British Birds 80: 1-8. Eaton, M.A., Austin, G.E., Banks, A.N., Conway, G., Douse, A., Grice, P.V., Hearn, R., Hilton, G., Hoccom, D., Musgrove, A.J., Noble, D.G., Ratcliffe, N., Rehfisch, M.M., Worden, J. & Wotton, S. 2007b. The State of the UK's Birds 2006. RSPB, BTO, WWT, CCW, EHS, NE and SNH, Sandy.",NA,46,NA,1994,2006,"I","completeSurvey","Whyte, C., Hancock, M., Bainbridge, I. & Jackson, D. 1995. The joint RSPB SNH 1994 Black-throated Diver Gavia arctica survey. Unpublished report, RSPB. Eaton, M.A., Austin, G.E., Banks, A.N., Conway, G., Douse, A., Grice, P.V., Hearn, R., Hilton, G., Hoccom, D., Musgrove, A.J., Noble, D.G., Ratcliffe, N., Rehfisch, M.M., Worden, J. & Wotton, S. 2007b. The State of the UK's Birds 2006. RSPB, BTO, WWT, CCW, EHS, NE and SNH, Sandy.",NA,16,NA,"UK","A002",NA,"Gavia arctica" "Gavia arctica",NA,"Arctic Loon","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",17153.3044132839,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A002",NA,"Gavia arctica" "Gavia arctica",NA,"Arctic Loon","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",17153.3044132839,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-33,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-20,NA,-11,"EE","A002",NA,"Gavia arctica" "Gavia arctica",NA,"Arctic Loon","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,0,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",17153.3044132839,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-100,NA,-66,2012,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A002",NA,"Gavia arctica" "Gavia stellata",NA,"Red-throated Loon","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1300,1600,1900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. Fĺgelĺret, BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3769.15370475447,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,30,50,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-12,11,39,"SE","A001",NA,"Gavia stellata" "Gavia stellata",NA,"Red-throated Loon","UK",2006,2006,"p",1000,NA,1600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dillon, I.A., Smith, T.D., Williams, S.J., Haysom, S., & Eaton, M.A. 2009. Status of Red-throated Divers in Britain in 2006. Bird Study 56: 147-157.",3769.15370475447,1983,2006,"S","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Poyser, London. Dillon, I.A., Smith, T.D., Williams, S.J., Haysom, S., & Eaton, M.A. 2009. Status of Red-throated Divers in Britain in 2006. Bird Study 56: 147-157.",NA,-7,NA,1990,2006,"D","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W. Bainbridge, I.P., Mudge, G.P., Tharme, A.P. & Ellis, P.M. 1997. The status and distribution of the Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata in Britain in 1997. Bird Study 44: 194-205. Dillon, I.A., Smith, T.D., Williams, S.J., Haysom, S., & Eaton, M.A. 2009. Status of Red-throated Divers in Britain in 2006. Bird Study 56: 147-157.",NA,-12,NA,"UK","A001",NA,"Gavia stellata" "Gavia stellata",NA,"Red-throated Loon","Finland",2013,2018,"p",750,900,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group. Eklöf, K., Kosonen, L. & Virta, P. 2011: Vuoden 2010 laji – kaakkuri. – The yearbook of the Linnut magazine 2010: 36–39. (in Finnish with English summary) Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3769.15370475447,1984,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,134,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-19,17,69,"FI","A001",NA,"Gavia stellata" "Gavia stellata",NA,"Red-throated Loon","Ireland",2017,2018,"p",3,NA,6,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",3769.15370475447,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",0,0,0,2012,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",0,0,0,"IE","A001",NA,"Gavia stellata" "Gelochelidon nilotica",NA,"Common Gull-billed Tern","Spain",2007,2018,"p",5764,NA,5777,"estimate","estimatePartial","Corbacho, C., Sánchez Guzmán, J.M. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 129 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",8934.19471929305,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Corbacho, C., Sánchez Guzmán, J.M. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 129 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",NA,NA,716.6,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2018). Gelochelidon nilotica. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T62026481A132670500. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T62026481A132670500.en) Corbacho, C., Sánchez Guzmán, J.M. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 129 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A189",NA,"Gelochelidon nilotica" "Gelochelidon nilotica",NA,"Common Gull-billed Tern","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",8934.19471929305,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A189",NA,"Gelochelidon nilotica" "Gelochelidon nilotica",NA,"Common Gull-billed Tern","France",2013,2018,"p",567,880,1080,"mean","completeSurvey","Gwenaël Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce 2016. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2014. Ornithos 23-2, 65-101 ; G. Quaintenne & coordinateurs-espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57 ŕ 91 ; Life+ ENVOLL . http://www.life-envoll.eu/sensibilisation-et-communication-39. Lettre d'information Réseau de gestionnaires et de suivi,",8934.19471929305,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey",NA,NA,190,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","B. Cadiou et coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012). Ornithos 22-5, 233 - 257",NA,87.6,NA,"FR","A189",NA,"Gelochelidon nilotica" "Gelochelidon nilotica",NA,"Common Gull-billed Tern","Italy",2013,2018,"p",543,NA,551,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",8934.19471929305,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",80,NA,175,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",0,0,0,"IT","A189",NA,"Gelochelidon nilotica" "Gelochelidon nilotica",NA,"Common Gull-billed Tern","Greece",2013,2018,"p",180,NA,280,"estimate","completeSurvey","Panagiotopoulou, M. & Kazantzidis, S. 2009. Gull-billed Tern. In: Legakis, A. & P. Maragou (eds.). The Greek Red Data Book. Hellenic Zoological Society.",8934.19471929305,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Panagiotopoulou, M. & Kazantzidis, S. 2009. Gull-billed Tern. In: Legakis, A. & P. Maragou (eds.). The Greek Red Data Book. Hellenic Zoological Society.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Panagiotopoulou, M. & Kazantzidis, S. 2009. Gull-billed Tern. In: Legakis, A. & P. Maragou (eds.). The Greek Red Data Book. Hellenic Zoological Society.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A189",NA,"Gelochelidon nilotica" "Gelochelidon nilotica",NA,"Common Gull-billed Tern","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,110,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",8934.19471929305,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,"BG","A189",NA,"Gelochelidon nilotica" "Gelochelidon nilotica",NA,"Common Gull-billed Tern","Germany",2016,2016,"p",37,37,37,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",8934.19471929305,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-29,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,"DE","A189",NA,"Gelochelidon nilotica" "Gelochelidon nilotica",NA,"Common Gull-billed Tern","Denmark",2016,2016,"p",1,1,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",8934.19471929305,1974,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,-97,NA,2004,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A189",NA,"Gelochelidon nilotica" "Glareola pratincola",NA,"Collared Pratincole","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",5869.92898845489,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A135",NA,"Glareola pratincola" "Glareola pratincola",NA,"Collared Pratincole","Spain",2013,2018,"p",2712,3433,5068,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",5869.92898845489,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",75,NA,195,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",-47.65,NA,-2.16,"ES","A135",NA,"Glareola pratincola" "Glareola pratincola",NA,"Collared Pratincole","Greece",2015,2015,"p",600,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",5869.92898845489,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,45,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-3,NA,"GR","A135",NA,"Glareola pratincola" "Glareola pratincola",NA,"Collared Pratincole","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,52,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kiss, Á., Molnár, A., Monoki, Á. et al. (2019): Nature conservation status of Collared Pratincoles (Glareola pratincola) breeding in agricultural habitats in Hungary and recommendations for their conservation especially in the Nagykunság area. Aquila (2018), Vol. 125, p. 49-72. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species)",5869.92898845489,1981,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 597-600. Kiss, Á., Molnár, A., Monoki, Á. et al. (2019): Nature conservation status of Collared Pratincoles (Glareola pratincola) breeding in agricultural habitats in Hungary and recommendations for their conservation especially in the Nagykunság area. Aquila (2018), Vol. 125, p. 49-72. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-15,NA,-12,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Kiss, Á., Molnár, A., Monoki, Á. et al. (2019): Nature conservation status of Collared Pratincoles (Glareola pratincola) breeding in agricultural habitats in Hungary and recommendations for their conservation especially in the Nagykunság area. Aquila (2018), Vol. 125, p. 49-72. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A135",NA,"Glareola pratincola" "Glareola pratincola",NA,"Collared Pratincole","France",2013,2018,"p",64,73,79,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,5869.92898845489,1960,2011,"U","estimatePartial","BirdLife International 2015. BirdLife International (2015) European Red List of Birds. Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola species factsheet. Supplementary materials. European Commission, IUCN, SSC & BirdLife International, Luxembourg., http://datazone.birdlife.org/userfiles/file/Species/erlob/supplementarypdfs/22694127_glareola_pratincola.pdf",-1,NA,250,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A135",NA,"Glareola pratincola" "Glareola pratincola",NA,"Collared Pratincole","Italy",2013,2018,"p",107,NA,132,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",5869.92898845489,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",65,NA,260,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A135",NA,"Glareola pratincola" "Glareola pratincola",NA,"Collared Pratincole","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","DALAKCHIEVA, S. Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Glpratin.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",5869.92898845489,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","DALAKCHIEVA, S. Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Glpratin.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",0,0,0,2001,2018,"F","estimateExpert","DALAKCHIEVA, S. Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Glpratin.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",0,0,0,"BG","A135",NA,"Glareola pratincola" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",9600,19000,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,20,30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,30,"SE","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Latvia",2017,2017,"p",3671,5883,9464,"interval","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",56960.6762989806,2003,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",-58,-38,-8,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",-51,-23,19,"LV","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitatss",56960.6762989806,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3400,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",56960.6762989806,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,46,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,5,NA,"DE","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2686,3512,4214,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",56960.6762989806,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",21,48,80,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-55,-48,-39,"FI","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1400,NA,1800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-191; A. Sikora - unpublished information",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",1400,NA,1600,2010,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MLSL)",-30,21,102,"PL","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1200,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","expert opinion",NA,20,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",0,0,0,"CZ","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1200,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",900,NA,2300,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",20,NA,30,"LT","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",56960.6762989806,1987,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",103,NA,298,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",39,NA,112,"EE","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Italy",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",56960.6762989806,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",130,NA,135,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","France",2012,2018,"p",450,NA,900,"estimate","estimateExpert",". Tengmalm et chevęchette, Bilan du suivi 2015-2016. LPO Mission rapaces, n°21&22. avril 2017.. Tengmalm et chevęchette, ; . Tengmalm et chevęchette, Bilan du suivi 2016-2017. LPO Mission rapaces, n° 23&24. Mars 2018. ; Issa & Muller 2015. Chevęchette d'Europe, Muller, pages 742-745 in Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine, Issa & Muller 2015. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine,",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,15,NA,20,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,15,20,30,"FR","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",200,NA,380,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",56960.6762989806,1980,2017,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2002,2017,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",150,NA,250,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",120,NA,220,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Shurulinkov P., G.Stoyanov (2006) Some new findings of Pigmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum and Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus in Western and Southern Bulgaria. Acrocephalus, 27 (128-129): 65-68 Shurulinkov P., A.Ralev, G.Daskalova, N.Chakarov (2007) Distribution, numbers and habitat of Pigmy Owl ,Glaucidium passerinum in Rhodopes Mts (S-Bulgaria). Acrocephalus, 28(135): 159-163. SLN Pacenovsky S. & P.Shurulinkov (2008) Latest data on distribution of the Pigmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) in Bulgaria and Slovakia including population density comparison. Slovak Raptor Journal,2: 91-106 Shurulinkov P.,G.Stoyanov, E.Komitov, G.Daskalova, A.Ralev (2012) Contribution to the knowledge on distribution,number and habitat preferences of rare and endangered birds in Western Rhodopes Mts.Southern Bulgaria. Strigiformes and Piciformes. Acta zoologica bulgarica., 64(1): 43-56.",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Simeonov S.,T.Michev, D.Nankinov 1990.Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol.20 Aves -I. BAS,Sofia,. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,1985. BAS,Sofia",20,NA,30,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Shurulinkov P., G.Stoyanov (2006) Some new findings of Pigmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum and Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus in Western and Southern Bulgaria. Acrocephalus, 27 (128-129): 65-68 Shurulinkov P., A.Ralev, G.Daskalova, N.Chakarov (2007) Distribution, numbers and habitat of Pigmy Owl ,Glaucidium passerinum in Rhodopes Mts (S-Bulgaria). Acrocephalus, 28(135): 159-163. SLN Pacenovsky S. & P.Shurulinkov (2008) Latest data on distribution of the Pigmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) in Bulgaria and Slovakia including population density comparison. Slovak Raptor Journal,2: 91-106 Shurulinkov P.,G.Stoyanov, E.Komitov, G.Daskalova, A.Ralev (2012) Contribution to the knowledge on distribution,number and habitat preferences of rare and endangered birds in Western Rhodopes Mts.Southern Bulgaria. Strigiformes and Piciformes. Acta zoologica bulgarica., 64(1): 43-56.",5,NA,10,"BG","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Greece",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,10,"mean","estimatePartial","1) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 2) ptp s aatse, 2009: tsa af - 2008. ta s: http://rarities.ornithologiki.gr/gr/eaop/annual_reports_htm",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Pacenovský, S. & Schmidt, A. (2011): The breeding of Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) on the Gömör – Tornai Karst. Aquila, 118: 87-96. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. Illés, P., Heincz, K., Harsányi, K. (in press): A törpekuvik (Glaucidium passerinum) elofordulása és elso bizonyított költése a Koszegi-hegységben. Aquila Consultation with national experts.",56960.6762989806,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial","http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Boldogh S., Farkas R., Szmorad F. & Szaniszló M. I. (2005): Territóriumtartó törpekuvik (Glaucidium passerinum)-pár megfigyelése az Aggteleki Nemzeti Parkban. Aquila (2005), Vol. 112. p. 65-68. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Pacenovský, S. & Schmidt, A. (2011): The breeding of Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) on the Gömör – Tornai Karst. Aquila, 118: 87-96. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. Illés, P., Heincz, K., Harsányi, K. (in press): A törpekuvik (Glaucidium passerinum) elofordulása és elso bizonyított költése a Koszegi-hegységben. Aquila. Consultation with national experts.",200,NA,900,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Boldogh S., Farkas R., Szmorad F. & Szaniszló M. I. (2005): Territóriumtartó törpekuvik (Glaucidium passerinum)-pár megfigyelése az Aggteleki Nemzeti Parkban. Aquila (2005), Vol. 112. p. 65-68. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Pacenovský, S. & Schmidt, A. (2011): The breeding of Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) on the Gömör – Tornai Karst. Aquila, 118: 87-96. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. Illés, P., Heincz, K., Harsányi, K. (in press): A törpekuvik (Glaucidium passerinum) elofordulása és elso bizonyított költése a Koszegi-hegységben. Aquila. Consultation with national experts.",0,0,0,"HU","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1,4,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",56960.6762989806,1973,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,400,NA,2013,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,400,NA,"BE","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Finland",2013,2018,"p",36854,44854,51387,"interval","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",144843.134671329,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki",279,438,662,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki",34,52,73,"FI","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",39000,44000,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",144843.134671329,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",240,409,659,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",30,46,64,"SE","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Poland",2013,2018,"p",23000,NA,30000,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP – Flagship Species Survey)",144843.134671329,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",900,NA,1100,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",51,72,96,"PL","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Germany",2012,2016,"p",10000,10000,10000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",144843.134671329,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",181,NA,1000,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",58,74,91,"DE","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",7000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",144843.134671329,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",80,NA,102,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",11,NA,28,"EE","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",144843.134671329,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",700,NA,1600,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,5,"LT","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",2800,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",144843.134671329,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",2019,NA,2085,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",14.7,68.2,143.9,"LV","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",400,NA,550,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",144843.134671329,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",13200,NA,18200,2004,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",700,NA,1000,"DK","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",80,NA,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",144843.134671329,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","UK",2012,2016,"p",28,28,28,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",144843.134671329,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,2720,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,541,NA,"UK","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","France",2013,2018,"p",15,20,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","A. Salvi 2015. The Common Crane in France: Evolutions in the Last Four Decades. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific Conference of “Cranes of Palearctic: Biology, Conservation, Management”, p. 201-205",144843.134671329,1985,2013,"I","completeSurvey","A. Salvi 2015. The Common Crane in France: Evolutions in the Last Four Decades. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific Conference of “Cranes of Palearctic: Biology, Conservation, Management”, p. 201-205",NA,1900,NA,2006,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Salvi A. 2010. Grue cendrée - Grus grus. in de Seynes, A. & les coordinateurs-espčce (2010) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2009. Ornithos 17-3, 137-168",NA,230,NA,"FR","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",5,NA,24,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",144843.134671329,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",400,NA,2300,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",589,1041,1747,"NL","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Grus grus",NA,"Common Crane","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"interval","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Repel, M., Chrašc, P., Pacenovský, S. & Uhrín, J., 2009: Migrácia a prvé doložené hniezdenia žeriava popolavého (Grus grus) na Slovensku. Tichodroma, 21: 73-77",144843.134671329,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Repel, M., Chrašc, P., Pacenovský, S. & Uhrín, J., 2009: Migrácia a prvé doložené hniezdenia žeriava popolavého (Grus grus) na Slovensku. Tichodroma, 21: 73-77",0,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Repel, M., Chrašc, P., Pacenovský, S. & Uhrín, J., 2009: Migrácia a prvé doložené hniezdenia žeriava popolavého (Grus grus) na Slovensku. Tichodroma, 21: 73-77",0,NA,100,"SK","A127",NA,"Grus grus" "Gypaetus barbatus",NA,"Bearded Vulture","Spain",2018,2018,"p",145,148,163,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las siguientes regiones de Espańa: Aragón, Navarra, Cataluńa, Andalucía & Asturias.",231.377692973059,1978,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Grupo de Trabajo del quebrantahuesos (2000). Estrategia para la conservación del quebrantahuesos (Gypaetus barbatus) en Espańa. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 20pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/quebrantahuesos_tcm30-194773.pdf) Heredia, R. & Heredia B. (1997) European Union Species Action Plan for the Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus). 18pp. (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/conservation/wildbirds/action_plans/docs/gypaetus_barbatus.pdf) Información proporcionada por las siguientes regiones de Espańa: Aragón, Navarra, Cataluńa, Andalucía & Asturias. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Margalida, A. (2016). Quebrantahuesos – Gypaetus barbatus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/gypbar.html) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,289,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Grupo de Trabajo del quebrantahuesos (2000). Estrategia para la conservación del quebrantahuesos (Gypaetus barbatus) en Espańa. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 20pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/quebrantahuesos_tcm30-194773.pdf) Heredia, R. & Heredia B. (1997) European Union Species Action Plan for the Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus). 18pp. (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/conservation/wildbirds/action_plans/docs/gypaetus_barbatus.pdf) Información proporcionada por las siguientes regiones de Espańa: Aragón, Navarra, Cataluńa, Andalucía & Asturias. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Margalida, A. (2016). Quebrantahuesos – Gypaetus barbatus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/gypbar.html) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,26,NA,"ES","A076",NA,"Gypaetus barbatus" "Gypaetus barbatus",NA,"Bearded Vulture","France",2016,2018,"p",61,62,64,"mean","completeSurvey","Razin M. 2018. Gypačte barbu - Gypaetus barbatus. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",231.377692973059,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p ; Razin M. 2018. Gypačte barbu - Gypaetus barbatus. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91 ; Arthur, C. P., Clément, C., Constantin, P., Eliotout, B., Moraud, S., Razin, M., Seguin, J.-F., Serre, P., Tariel, Y., & Zimmermann, M. 2010. Plan national d’actions en faveur du gypačte barbu Gypaetus barbatus 2010-2020, Paris, LPO - Mission Rapaces - MEEDDM. 149 p. ; Razin M. 2008. Gypačte Barbu - Gypaetus barbatus. in Riegel J. & les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, 153-180",248,271,295,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Arthur C. P., Clément C., Constantin P., Eliotout B., Moraud S., Razin M., Seguin J.-F., Serre P., Tariel Y. & Zimmermann M. 2010. Plan national d’actions en faveur du Gypačte barbu Gypaetus barbatus 2010-2020. , MEEDDM, LPO149 p. ; Razin M. 2018. Gypačte barbu - Gypaetus barbatus. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91 ; Razin M. 2008. Gypačte Barbu - Gypaetus barbatus. in Riegel J. & les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, 153-180",36,43,51,"FR","A076",NA,"Gypaetus barbatus" "Gypaetus barbatus",NA,"Bearded Vulture","Italy",2018,2018,"p",12,12,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","Bassi et al., 2018. Ricerca e monitoraggio sul Gipeto in italia e Svizzera (Alpi centrali - 2018). InfoGipeto n. 35: 16-18; Chioso C., Nicolino M., 2018. Il monitoraggio del Gipeto Gypaetus barbatus in Valle d'Aosta e nel Parco nazionale Gran Paradiso. In",231.377692973059,1997,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,1100,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bassi et al., 2018. Ricerca e monitoraggio sul Gipeto in italia e Svizzera (Alpi centrali - 2018). InfoGipeto n. 35: 16-18 - Chioso & Nicolino 2018. Il monitoraggio del Gipeto Gypaetus barbatus in Valle d'Aosta e nel Parco nazionale Gran Paradiso. InfoGi",70,NA,100,"IT","A076",NA,"Gypaetus barbatus" "Gypaetus barbatus",NA,"Bearded Vulture","Greece",2013,2018,"p",6,NA,8,"estimate","completeSurvey","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 4) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",231.377692973059,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) HOS: Unpublished data 2) Handrinos, G. 1985. The Status of vultures in Greece. In, I. Newton, & R.D. Chancellor  (Eds.): Conservation studies in raptors, pp. 103-115. ICBP Technical Publication, No 5. WWGBP. Salonica. 3) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 4) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 5) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 6) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 7) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 8) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 9) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas. 10) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-68,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Hellenic Ornithological Society - Unpublished data 2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas. 8) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,60,NA,"GR","A076",NA,"Gypaetus barbatus" "Gypaetus barbatus",NA,"Bearded Vulture","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Bartgeier-Monitoring News 1/2017",231.377692973059,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey","First breeding attempts by released birds in Austria in 2001 and 2003",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bartgeier-Monitoring News 1/2017",50,NA,100,"AT","A076",NA,"Gypaetus barbatus" "Gyps fulvus",NA,"Griffon Vulture","Spain",2014,2018,"p",30163,31959,36402,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",36198.9484472338,1979,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.). 2009. El buitre leonado en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/30-buitreleonado_tcm30-207987.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,1300,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.). (2009). El buitre leonado en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/30-buitreleonado_tcm30-207987.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,21,NA,"ES","A078",NA,"Gyps fulvus" "Gyps fulvus",NA,"Griffon Vulture","France",2017,2017,"p",1963,NA,2700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf; Lecuyer P., Néouze R. 2017. Vautour Fauve - Gyps fulvus. in Quaintenne et les coordinateurs-espčces (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",36198.9484472338,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Lecuyer P., Néouze R. 2017. Vautour Fauve - Gyps fulvus. in Quaintenne et les coordinateurs-espčces (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91 ; Poudré L., Constantin P., Cugnasse J.-M., Garde L. . Plan national d'actions Vautour fauve et activités d'élevage 2017-2026. , MEEM, DALN147 p. www.consultations-publiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/pna_vmise_en_ligne.pdf",3267,3717,4227,2005,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf; Eliotout B., Razin M. 2007. Vautour Fauve - Gyps fulvus. in Riegel, J. et les coordinateurs-espčce (2007) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2005 et 2006. Ornithos 14-3, 137-163 ; Lecuyer P., Néouze R. 2017. Vautour Fauve - Gyps fulvus. in Quaintenne et les coordinateurs-espčces (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",204,239,278,"FR","A078",NA,"Gyps fulvus" "Gyps fulvus",NA,"Griffon Vulture","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",36198.9484472338,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A078",NA,"Gyps fulvus" "Gyps fulvus",NA,"Griffon Vulture","Italy",2016,2016,"p",500,NA,740,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",36198.9484472338,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",2360,NA,2400,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol. 1/3: Pandionidae-Falconidae. Oasi Alberto Perdisa, Bologna",500,NA,750,"IT","A078",NA,"Gyps fulvus" "Gyps fulvus",NA,"Griffon Vulture","Greece",2013,2018,"p",380,400,800,"estimate","completeSurvey","1) Dobrev, D., Arkumarev, V ., Skartsi, T., Stamenov, A., Kret E. 2018. Griffon vulture population size and age structure in the Eastern Rhodopes. Technical report under Action A4, LIFE14 NAT/NL/901. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, 19 pp. 2) Tsiakiris R. and Pergantis F. (eds) 2019. Book of Abstracts of the International Workshop on “The Future of Vultures in Balkans: Tackling Threats and Building Network Opportunities” 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas Tsiakiris 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",36198.9484472338,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Hallmann, B. 1985. Status and conservation problems of birds of prey in Greece. – In: Newton, I. and Chancellor, R. D. (eds). Proceedings ICBP World Conference on Birds of Prey, Thessaloniki. ICBP Technical Publication No 5: 55–59. 2) Tsiakiris R. and Pergantis F. (eds) 2019. Book of Abstracts of the International Workshop on “The Future of Vultures in Balkans: Tackling Threats and Building Network Opportunities” 3) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 4) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 5) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 6) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 7) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 8) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 9) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas Tsiakiris 10) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Tsiakiris R. and Pergantis F. (eds) 2019. Book of Abstracts of the International Workshop on “The Future of Vultures in Balkans: Tackling Threats and Building Network Opportunities” 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas siakiris 8) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,70,NA,"GR","A078",NA,"Gyps fulvus" "Gyps fulvus",NA,"Griffon Vulture","Croatia",2018,2018,"p",110,NA,115,"interval","completeSurvey","Lucic, V., Kapelj, S., Andevski, J., Budinski, I., Modric , M., Vuleta, E. (2019.): Rezultati istraživanja bjeloglavih supova 2018. i 2019. godine, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb",36198.9484472338,1990,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Lucic, V., Kapelj, S., Andevski, J., Budinski, I., Modric , M., Vuleta, E. (2019.): Rezultati istraživanja bjeloglavih supova 2018. i 2019. godine, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Lucic, V., Kapelj, S., Andevski, J., Budinski, I., Modric , M., Vuleta, E. (2019.): Rezultati istraživanja bjeloglavih supova 2018. i 2019. godine, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb",0,0,0,"HR","A078",NA,"Gyps fulvus" "Gyps fulvus",NA,"Griffon Vulture","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,130,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dobrev, D., Angelov, A., Dobrev, V. 2013. Status and conservation of vultures in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds/ Birdlife Bulgaria (BSPB) activities. In: Andreevski, J. (ed.). 2013. Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. 10 Years of Vulture Research and Conservation, pp. 14 – 16.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Demerdjiev, D., Stoynov, E., Kurtev, M., Iankov, P., Hristov, H. 2007. (Eurasian) Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus – In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, Conservation series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 134 - 135. BSPB Bird Database Demerdzhiev D., H. Hristov, D. Dobrev, I. Angelov and M. Kurtev. 2014. Long-term Population Status, Breeding Parameters and Limiting Factors of the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus Hablizl, 1783) Population in the Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 66 (3), 2014: 373-384",36198.9484472338,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dobrev, D., Angelov, A., Dobrev, V. 2013. Status and conservation of vultures in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds/ Birdlife Bulgaria (BSPB) activities. In: Andreevski, J. (ed.). 2013. Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. 10 Years of Vulture Research and Conservation, pp. 14 – 16. Demerdjiev, D., Stoynov, E., Kurtev, M., Iankov, P., Hristov, H. 2007. (Eurasian) Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus – In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, Conservation series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 134 - 135. BSPB Bird Database Demerdzhiev D., H. Hristov, D. Dobrev, I. Angelov and M. Kurtev. 2014. Long-term Population Status, Breeding Parameters and Limiting Factors of the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus Hablizl, 1783) Population in the Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 66 (3), 2014: 373-384",30,NA,40,2000,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dobrev, D., Angelov, A., Dobrev, V. 2013. Status and conservation of vultures in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds/ Birdlife Bulgaria (BSPB) activities. In: Andreevski, J. (ed.). 2013. Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. 10 Years of Vulture Research and Conservation, pp. 14 – 16.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Demerdjiev, D., Stoynov, E., Kurtev, M., Iankov, P., Hristov, H. 2007. (Eurasian) Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus – In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, Conservation series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 134 - 135. BSPB Bird Database Demerdzhiev D., H. Hristov, D. Dobrev, I. Angelov and M. Kurtev. 2014. Long-term Population Status, Breeding Parameters and Limiting Factors of the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus Hablizl, 1783) Population in the Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 66 (3), 2014: 373-384",30,NA,40,"BG","A078",NA,"Gyps fulvus" "Gyps fulvus",NA,"Griffon Vulture","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Species-specific surveys, Gyps fulvus, Birdlife Cyprus, Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",36198.9484472338,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Targetted surveys by the Game & Fauna Service, Forestry department, British Bases Environment team and BirdLife Cyprus; Kasinnis (2013) in Proceeding of the Griffon Vulture Conference, Limassol, BirdLife Cyprus; 2012 revised inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Hellicar et al.; 2004 inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Iezekiel et al.; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports.",-90,NA,-80,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Species-specific surveys, Gyps fulvus, BirdLife Cyprus",-50,NA,-40,"CY","A078",NA,"Gyps fulvus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","UK",2016,2016,"p",95270,95270,95270,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extralopation using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trends since 1997 (Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf)",185427.352028478,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",9.87,9.87,9.87,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",-13.08,-13.08,-13.08,"UK","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",35000,NA,43000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",185427.352028478,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-75,-74,-72,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-41,-38,-35,"NL","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Germany",2016,2016,"p",21000,NA,27000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",185427.352028478,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",-13,-13,-13,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",-18,-18,-18,"DE","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",6600,8000,9400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",185427.352028478,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-60,-50,-37,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-41,-29,-16,"SE","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",7560,7560,7560,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",185427.352028478,1982,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-59.06,-42.9,-20.62,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-73.36,-48.54,-3.94,"DK","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2509,3696,4627,"interval","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke). Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",185427.352028478,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke). Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",32,60,95,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke). Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-19,-5,12,"FI","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",2316,NA,3087,"estimate","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",185427.352028478,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",185427.352028478,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-49,NA,-39,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-9,NA,-8,"EE","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1200,1300,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",185427.352028478,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",344,381,456,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-31,-26,-14,"BE","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","France",2010,2011,"p",1100,NA,1300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Deceuninck . Huitrie-pie. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015) Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropiltaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN. Delachaux et Nieslé, Paris, 1408 p., Delachaux et Niestlé ; . Sturbois A. et Février Y. Huîtrier-pie in GEOCA (2014). Oiseaux des Côtes-d’Armor. Statut, distribution, tendances. Saint-Brieuc, 416 p.. ; 40. Yésou P., Bernard F., Marquis J., Nisser J., Triplet P. 2001. Reproduction de l’Huîtrier-pie, Haematopus ostralegus, sur l'île de Béniguet, Finistčre. Alauda 69, 69503-512",185427.352028478,1983,2011,"I","estimateExpert",NA,40,NA,60,2011,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Italy",2013,2018,"p",275,NA,388,"estimate","estimateExpert","Valle R. G., Scarton F., Effectiveness, efficienzy, and safety of censusing eurasian Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus by unmanned aircraft. Marine Ornithology 47 (2019): 87-93. - Scarton F., 2017. Le specie di interesse conservazionistico nidificanti",185427.352028478,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",1000,NA,1200,2009,2013,"I","estimateExpert","Valle & Scarton 2019. Marine Ornithology 47 (2019): 87-93. - Scarton F., 2017 in: Campostrini et al. (Eds.), 2017. Il controllo ambientale della costruzione del MOSE. 10 anni di monitoraggi tra mare e laguna di Venezia 2004-2015: 67-86.",110,NA,120,"IT","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Greece",2015,2015,"p",40,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., a, ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.). 2009. Sµat pe a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",185427.352028478,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., a, ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.). 2009. Sµat pe a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,27,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., a, ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.). 2009. Sµat pe a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,55,NA,"GR","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",45,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",185427.352028478,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-2,NA,6,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-39.42,-36.76,-34.23,"LV","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Spain",2007,2010,"p",49,NA,51,"estimate","completeSurvey","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/26_acuatrepcom.pdf)",185427.352028478,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",-40.7,-39.6,-38.5,1998,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/26_acuatrepcom.pdf)",1.8,6.3,10.9,"ES","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,70,"estimate","estimatePartial","Shurulinkov P., Daskalova G., Michov S., Koev V. (2016) The distribution, numbers, and breeding of terns and waders on the sand islands along the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube. NwjZ Art#e151604 (vol.12, no.1, pp.065-077); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; PETROV, T., Z. BOEV, S. DALAKCHIEVA. Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Haostral.html last access: August 2019 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",185427.352028478,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","PETROV, T., Z. BOEV, S. DALAKCHIEVA. Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria,. E-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Haostral.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"UNK","absentData","PETROV, T., Z. BOEV, S. DALAKCHIEVA. Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. E-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Haostral.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Poland",2013,2016,"p",20,NA,35,"estimate","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec",185427.352028478,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura"";",300,NA,340,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",185427.352028478,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",1500,NA,2000,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,1900,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey); expert knowledge",5469.30300026197,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; Komitet Ochrony Orlów 2012. Raport z dzialalnosci Komitetu Ochrony Orlów w latach 2008-2010. Biuletyn Komitetu Ochrony Orlów 18: 2-22; Zawadzka D.,",600,NA,900,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD)",42,87,146,"PL","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",800,900,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",5469.30300026197,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",800,900,1000,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",50,75,100,"SE","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Germany",2016,2016,"p",850,850,850,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",5469.30300026197,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",600,766,971,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",67,82,98,"DE","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Finland",2013,2018,"p",450,550,650,"estimate","completeSurvey","White-tailed Sea Eagle working group WWF 2016: Merikotkien puolesta- WWF:n merikotkatyöryhmän vuosikymmenien taival. - WWF raportti 2016. 128 s. White-tailed Sea Eagle monitoring data. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",5469.30300026197,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary)",NA,2209,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary)",NA,181,NA,"FI","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",311,NA,336,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",5469.30300026197,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Haraszthy, L. és Bagyura, J. (1993): Ragadozómadár-védelem az elmúlt 100 évben Magyarországon. Aquila 100: 105-121. Horváth, Z. (2009): A rétisas (Haliaeetus albicilla) állomány alakulása Magyarországon 1987-2007 között. Population Dynamics of White-tailed Eagle in Hungary between 1987-2007. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 5: 40-50. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. P. 544-547. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,2875,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Horváth Z. (2009): Rétisas-védelmi program – 2007. The White-tailed Eagle Protection Programme – 2007. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 5: 36-40. Horváth Z. (2010): Rétisas-védelmi program – 2008. The White-tailed Eagle Protection Programme – 2008. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 6: 30-33. Horváth Z. (2010): A magyarországi rétisas-védelmi program tevékenysége 2009-ben. White-tailed Eagles Working Group Annual Report 2009. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 7: 55-58. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. P. 544-547. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,79,NA,"HU","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",290,NA,330,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",5469.30300026197,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",50,NA,100,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",50,NA,100,"EE","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,170,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",5469.30300026197,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. - BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation series No.3), Cambridge, UK. BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Dementavicius D. 2007. White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Lithuania: population numbers and trends 1900-2007. Acta Zoologica Lituanica 17(4): 281-285; Deivis Dementavicius unpublished data. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Rašomavicius, V. (red.) 2007. Lietuvos raudonoji knyga. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 800 p. (Red Data Book of Lithuania, 2007) Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",2900,NA,3600,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",15,NA,25,"LT","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",135,NA,165,"estimate","completeSurvey","Tibor Mikuška, pers comm Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",5469.30300026197,1980,2010,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife International, 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",120,NA,125,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. BirdLife International, 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). Http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,10,NA,"HR","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",120,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert: Janis Kuze, janis.kuze@ldf.lv",5469.30300026197,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",2712,NA,3327,2012,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-45.4,29.7,157.6,"LV","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",110,NA,120,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",5469.30300026197,1984,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,1200,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,200,NA,"CZ","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","UK",2015,2015,"p",108,108,108,"estimate","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694. We use the 2015 figure of 108 as complete monitoring ceased after 2015. Precise figure for 2016 was 102.",5469.30300026197,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,1433,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,219,NA,"UK","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",93,93,93,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",5469.30300026197,1993,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Ehmsen, E. 2018. Havřrnen i 2017. Fugleĺret 2017 s. 217-221. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,9200,NA,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","DOF ""projekt Řrn""",NA,615,NA,"DK","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,35,"interval","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS). Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. CHAVKO, J., 2002: Orliak morský, s. 172-174 In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, A. (ed.), 2002: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, 688 p. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. CHAVKO, J., ADAMEC, M., VONGREJ, D., 2004: Program záchrany orliaka morského (Haliaeetus albicilla Linnaeus, 1758)",5469.30300026197,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) CHAVKO, J., ADAMEC, M., VONGREJ, D., 2004: Program záchrany orliaka morského (Haliaeetus albicilla Linnaeus, 1758)",800,NA,1000,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS) CHAVKO, J., ADAMEC, M., VONGREJ, D., 2004: Program záchrany orliaka morského (Haliaeetus albicilla Linnaeus, 1758)",30,NA,40,"SK","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",23,NA,45,"estimate","completeSurvey","Todorov E., G. Daskalova, P. Shurulinkov (2015) Current Breeding Distribution and Conservation of White-tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla (L.) in Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 67 (1), 2015: 3-10; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B., E. Todorov, D. Georgiev, P. Shurulinkov, G. Daskalova 2007. White-tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla. In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10. Ivanov, B. 2007. Population development of the White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Bulgaria in the period from 1977 to 2005. - Acrocephalus 28 (132): 17-21 pp. BSPB Bird Database",5469.30300026197,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Ivanov, B., E. Todorov, D. Georgiev, P. Shurulinkov, G. Daskalova 2007. White-tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla. In: Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10. Ivanov, B. 2007. Population development of the White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Bulgaria in the period from 1977 to 2005. - Acrocephalus 28 (132): 17-21 pp. Ivanov, B. (1985): White-tailed Eagle. In: Red data book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, BAS, Sofia. BSPB Bird Database",3200,NA,3600,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Ivanov, B., E. Todorov, D. Georgiev, P. Shurulinkov, G. Daskalova 2007. White-tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla. In: Iankov, P. 2007. Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. BSPB, Conservation Series, Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2007. Population development of the White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Bulgaria in the period from 1977 to 2005. - Acrocephalus 28 (132): 17-21 pp. BSPB Bird Database",150,NA,200,"BG","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Austria",2013,2018,"p",16,NA,33,"estimate","completeSurvey","Remo Probst, unpublished data from the White-tailed Eagle monitoring program of WWF Austria",5469.30300026197,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Remo Probst, unpublished data from the White-tailed Eagle monitoring program of WWF Austria",NA,2700,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Remo Probst, unpublished data from the White-tailed Eagle monitoring program of WWF Austria",NA,100,NA,"AT","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Ireland",2018,2018,"p",12,12,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",5469.30300026197,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,100,NA,2012,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,100,NA,"IE","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",8,NA,11,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",5469.30300026197,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Vrezec A., Bordjan D., Perušek M., Hudoklin A. (2009a): Population and ecology of the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and its conservation status in Slovenia. – Denisia 27: 103–114.",160,NA,1000,2002,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Vrezec A., Bordjan D., Perušek M., Hudoklin A. (2009): Population and ecology of the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and its conservation status in Slovenia. – Denisia 27: 103–114.",30,NA,260,"SI","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Greece",2013,2018,"p",8,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens. Hellenic Ornithological Society database. Ruiz C. and Pomarede L. 2012. Raptor Monitoring in the National Park of Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest. Technical Report 2012. WWF Greece, Athens.",5469.30300026197,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Jerrentrup, H., & Hallmann, B., 1989. The White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Greece. Nature, H.S.P.N. Bull. 46/47:35. HOS database",5,NA,233,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens. Hellenic Ornithological Society database.",33,NA,67,"GR","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",5,NA,11,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",5469.30300026197,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",238,NA,4656,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",238,1273,4656,"NL","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","France",2017,2018,"p",3,3,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lhomer E. 2018. Plan Régional d’Actions sur les Aigles pęcheurs dans le Grand Est : Balbuzard pęcheur (Pandion haliaetus) et Pygargue ŕ queue blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla). Rapport d'activités 2017. , Association LOANA36 p. ; Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf; Lhomer E. 2019. Plan Régional d’Actions sur les Aigles pęcheurs dans le Grand Est : Balbuzard pęcheur (Pandion haliaetus) et Pygargue ŕ queue blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla). Rapport d'activités 2018. , LOANA37 p.",5469.30300026197,2011,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Patier N., Armand T., Leblanc G., Moulard C., Lhomer E. 2015. Plan Régional d’Actions Lorraine 2015-2020 grands rapaces piscivores : Balbuzard pęcheur Pandion haliaetus & Pygargue ŕ queue blanche Haliaeetus albicilla. , LOANA/DREAL Lorraine152 p. ; Lhomer E. 2018. Plan Régional d’Actions sur les Aigles pęcheurs dans le Grand Est : Balbuzard pęcheur (Pandion haliaetus) et Pygargue ŕ queue blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla). Rapport d'activités 2017. , Association LOANA36 p. ; Lhomer E. 2019. Plan Régional d’Actions sur les Aigles pęcheurs dans le Grand Est : Balbuzard pęcheur (Pandion haliaetus) et Pygargue ŕ queue blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla). Rapport d'activités 2018. , LOANA37 p.",NA,300,NA,2011,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Patier N., Armand T., Leblanc G., Moulard C., Lhomer E. 2015. Plan Régional d’Actions Lorraine 2015-2020 grands rapaces piscivores : Balbuzard pęcheur Pandion haliaetus & Pygargue ŕ queue blanche Haliaeetus albicilla. , LOANA/DREAL Lorraine152 p. ; Lhomer E. 2018. Plan Régional d’Actions sur les Aigles pęcheurs dans le Grand Est : Balbuzard pęcheur (Pandion haliaetus) et Pygargue ŕ queue blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla). Rapport d'activités 2017. , Association LOANA36 p. ; Lhomer E. 2019. Plan Régional d’Actions sur les Aigles pęcheurs dans le Grand Est : Balbuzard pęcheur (Pandion haliaetus) et Pygargue ŕ queue blanche (Haliaeetus albicilla). Rapport d'activités 2018. , LOANA37 p.",NA,300,NA,"FR","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","Spain",2007,2018,"p",17930,NA,18700,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf)",22307.6468789849,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011).Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa SACRE: Seguimiento de Aves comunes en Primavera. Resultados 1998-2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. Https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Resultados_sacre_11c.pdf",43,NA,77.7,"ES","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",22307.6468789849,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","France",2012,2018,"p",585,NA,810,"estimate","estimatePartial","Thurel J., Riols R., Nadal R., Denis P. & Riols C. 2013. L’Aigle botté Aquila pennata en France en 2012 : statut, répartition et effectifs. Ornithos 20-6, 333-343",22307.6468789849,1985,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Migraction 2018. Résultats des suivis standardisés de la migration de l'Aigle botté sur le col d'Organbidexka. , LPO https://www.migraction.net/index.php?m_id=112&graph=phenoannu&action=list&frmSite=22&year=0&frmSpecies=153; Thurel, J., Riols, R., Nadal, R., Denis, P. & Riols, C. 2013. L’Aigle botté Aquila pennata en France en 2012 : statut, répartition et effectifs, LPO. p.333-343",NA,283,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Migraction 2018. Résultats des suivis standardisés de la migration de l'Aigle botté sur le col d'Organbidexka. , LPO https://www.migraction.net/index.php?m_id=112&graph=phenoannu&action=list&frmSite=22&year=0&frmSpecies=153; Thurel J., Riols R., Nadal R., Denis P. & Riols R. 2013. L'Aigle botté en France en 2012 : statut, répartition et effectifs. Ornithos 20-6, p. 333-343",NA,89,NA,"FR","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",240,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Stoychev, S., E. Stoynov, B. Tonchev, K. Ruskov, H. Hristov 2007. Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus. In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria, BSPB. Conservation Series, Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",22307.6468789849,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Nankinov, D. 1985. Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) – In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, S. BAS. Stoychev, S., E. Stoynov, B. Tonchev, K. Ruskov, H. Hristov 2007. Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus. In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria, BSPB. Conservation Series, Book 10. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",380,NA,400,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Stoychev, S., E. Stoynov, B. Tonchev, K. Ruskov, H. Hristov 2007. Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus. In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria, BSPB. Conservation Series, Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",10,NA,20,"BG","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","Greece",2015,2015,"p",70,NA,120,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",22307.6468789849,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-24,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,26,NA,"GR","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","Croatia",2012,2012,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",22307.6468789849,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.birding.hu National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",22307.6468789849,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Haraszthy László (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura Kiadó, 1984. Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. P. 202. MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztály (2012): Törpesas állomány adatok - 2010 / Booted Eagle population data 2010 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 8: 49. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 www.birding.hu",-100,NA,-90,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","www.birding.hu National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztály (2010): Törpesas (Hieraaetus pennatus) állomány adatok – 2008 / Data on Breeding Populations of Booted Eagle – 2008 (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 6: 46.",0,0,0,"HU","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",22307.6468789849,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","Slovakia",NA,NA,"p",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData",NA,22307.6468789849,1980,1991,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-100,NA,-100,NA,NA,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"SK","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",108,NA,146,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",45056.5231208593,1995,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,10000,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,20,NA,"HR","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Spain",2007,2018,"p",12772,NA,55929,"interval","estimatePartial","Cuervo, J.J. (2016). Cigüeńuela común – Himantopus himantopus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/himhim.html) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Cuervo, J.J. (2016). Cigüeńuela común – Himantopus himantopus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/himhim.html) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",NA,2.5,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",NA,3,NA,"ES","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,"LT","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Austria",2013,2018,"p",60,NA,210,"estimate","completeSurvey","Laber & Pellinger 2016; Johannes Laber, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",45056.5231208593,1991,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Laber & Pellinger 2016)",NA,1900,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Laber & Pellinger 2014; Johannes Laber, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel",NA,22,NA,"AT","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens. Hellenic Ornithological Society database",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Handrinos, G. & Akriotis, T. 1997. The Birds of Greece. Helm.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe - Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK, BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",12,20,27,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",45056.5231208593,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2300,3900,5300,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",380,700,980,"BE","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",590,NA,675,"estimate","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 587-589. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",45056.5231208593,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. ifj. Oláh J., Pigniczki Cs., Nagy T. (2003): A gólyatöcs (Himantopus himantopus) állományának alakulása Magyarországon és a 2000. évi fészkelési invázió. Populqation changes of Black-winged Stilts (Himantopus himantopus) in Hungary and their breeding influx in 2000. Aquila 109-110, p. 61-79. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 278 p. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",2150,NA,2260,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 587-589. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Malta",2017,2018,"p",3,NA,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Birdlife Malta (Unpublished data)",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Birdlife Malta (Unpoublished data)",NA,100,NA,2011,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Birdlife Malta (Unpoublished data)",NA,100,NA,"MT","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus 2014; Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",60,NA,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac, K., Mihelic, T., Mozetic, B. & Rakar, B. (2014): Spremljanje stanja avifavne v naravnem rezervatu Škocjanski zatok. Projekt AdriaWet 2000 »Jadranska mokrišca za omrežje Natura 2000« (OP Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013). Porocilo. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik, I. (2012): Favnisticni in ekološki pregled ptic Secoveljskih solin. – Soline predelava soli, Seca. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",6000,NA,10000,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",NA,39,NA,"SI","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",5,NA,51,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",45056.5231208593,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",537,1488,3771,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",533,1429,3362,"NL","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","France",2010,2011,"p",2600,NA,3650,"estimate","completeSurvey","Issa N. 2012. Limicoles nicheurs en France. Enquęte 2010-2011. , LPO, Rochefort41 p.",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData","Dubois P.-J., Mahéo R. 1986. Limicoles nicheurs de France 1986. , LPO/BIROE, Paris291 p. ; Issa N. 2012. Limicoles nicheurs en France. Enquęte 2010-2011. , LPO, Rochefort41 p. ; Deceuninck B. 2001. Breeding waders in France: populations, trends and distributions. Wader Study Group Bulletin 95, 45-50",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Issa N. 2012. Limicoles nicheurs en France. Enquęte 2010-2011. , LPO - ONCFS, Rochefort41",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","UK",2016,2016,"p",2,2,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694. Ausden, M., Dixon, R., Lock, L., Moule, J., Nash, J., Newton, B., Thomas, M., White, G. & Tofts, W. 2016. Black-winged Stits in Britain: past, present and future. British Birds 109: 660-676.",45056.5231208593,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,500,NA,"UK","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",46,46,46,"Minimum","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",NA,283,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Ramos, J.J., Farińa, B. & González del Campo, P. (2014). Seguimiento de aves acuáticas reproductoras en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Vieraea 42: 187-196. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",0,0,0,"ESIC","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",10,NA,18,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",45056.5231208593,1980,2019,"I","completeSurvey","The precise number is unknow. Štastný et al. 2006",NA,0,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","The precise number is unknow. Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Germany",2011,2016,"p",3,NA,7,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",45056.5231208593,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,15,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Krištín in litt.",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,"SK","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3400,NA,5500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tinarelli 2019, pers comm., in Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2004. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.2 (Tetraonidae-Scolopacidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",45056.5231208593,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",135,NA,235,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,450,"estimate","estimatePartial","DALAKCHIEVA, S. Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Hihimant.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","DALAKCHIEVA, S. Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Hihimant.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","DALAKCHIEVA, S. Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Hihimant.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",0,NA,0,"BG","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",410000,NA,540000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-25,-15,-5,"PL","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",133529,178930,239768,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",1438994.31060113,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",140,NA,143,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",82.5,169,292.2,"LV","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1438994.31060113,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",15,NA,17,"EE","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",1438994.31060113,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-41,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-31,-21,-10,"DE","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",51000,58000,67000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,0,50,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",2,17,34,"SE","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",35000,NA,70000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1438994.31060113,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-66.6,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-36.2,NA,"CZ","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",39009,39009,39009,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",1438994.31060113,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-76.41,-70.74,-63.74,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-46.38,-28.44,-5.16,"DK","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",16955,28756,41059,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-55,-20,39,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-3,54,130,"FI","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",13000,NA,27000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",1438994.31060113,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,28,NA,"AT","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1438994.31060113,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-64,-55,-45,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",4,17,30,"NL","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",3600,5600,7700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1438994.31060113,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-61,-39,-16,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-52,-25,3,"BE","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Hungary",2017,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 468-469 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 190 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Hippolais_icterina.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","France",2009,2018,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",1438994.31060113,1989,2017,"D","estimateExpert",NA,-75,NA,-50,2007,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",300,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Georgiev, D. 2007. Hippolais icterina. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Nikolov, S. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals., 2011.",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Georgiev, D. 2007. Hippolais icterina. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Nikolov, S. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals., 2011.",5,NA,10,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Georgiev, D. 2007. Hippolais icterina. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Nikolov, S. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals., 2011.",10,NA,20,"BG","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Croatia",2011,2011,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Tomik A. (2011) Inventarizacija gnijezdece populacije modrovoljke Erithacus svecicus i žutog voljica Hippolais icterina. Konacno izvješce. Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu ptica i prirode, Osijek. 46 str.",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tomik A. (2011) Inventarizacija gnijezdece populacije modrovoljke Erithacus svecicus i žutog voljica Hippolais icterina. Konacno izvješce. Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu ptica i prirode, Osijek. 46 str.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2011,"S","estimateExpert","Tomik A. (2011) Inventarizacija gnijezdece populacije modrovoljke Erithacus svecicus i žutog voljica Hippolais icterina. Konacno izvješce. Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu ptica i prirode, Osijek. 46 str.",0,0,0,"HR","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Heidt C., A. Konter, P. Lorgé &J. Weiss (2002): Ornithological observations in Luxemburg 1985-1997. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte Nr.19.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",NA,NA,NA,"LU","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Hippolais olivetorum",NA,"Olive-tree Warbler","Greece",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe - Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK, BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No 12).",6676.02647958387,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database, Hellenic Ornithological Society",NA,0,NA,"GR","A439",NA,"Hippolais olivetorum" "Hippolais olivetorum",NA,"Olive-tree Warbler","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Stoychev, S., Iankov, P. 2007 Hippolais olivetorum. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",6676.02647958387,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Stoychev, S., Iankov, P. 2007. Hippolais olivetorum. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",5,NA,10,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Stoychev, S., Iankov, P. 2007. Hippolais olivetorum. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",10,NA,15,"BG","A439",NA,"Hippolais olivetorum" "Hippolais olivetorum",NA,"Olive-tree Warbler","Croatia",2011,2015,"p",250,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Kralj J., S Barišic, D. Cikovic, V. Tutiš (2011): Rasprostranjenost i staništa voljica maslinara (Hippolais olivetorum) u sjevernoj Dalmaciji i Hrvatskom primorju. Konacno izvješce. ZZO HAZU. Zagreb. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",6676.02647958387,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A439",NA,"Hippolais olivetorum" "Hippolais polyglotta",NA,"Melodious Warbler","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1770000,NA,2370000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",2603478.54468829,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0)",NA,47.55,NA,"ES","A300",NA,"Hippolais polyglotta" "Hippolais polyglotta",NA,"Melodious Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2603478.54468829,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,11,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-14.7,NA,"FR","A300",NA,"Hippolais polyglotta" "Hippolais polyglotta",NA,"Melodious Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",2603478.54468829,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",10,NA,25,"IT","A300",NA,"Hippolais polyglotta" "Hippolais polyglotta",NA,"Melodious Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2603478.54468829,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A300",NA,"Hippolais polyglotta" "Hippolais polyglotta",NA,"Melodious Warbler","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",5000,5000,5000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",2603478.54468829,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A300",NA,"Hippolais polyglotta" "Hippolais polyglotta",NA,"Melodious Warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1900,2900,3900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2603478.54468829,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",47400,72400,97400,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",92,187,322,"BE","A300",NA,"Hippolais polyglotta" "Hippolais polyglotta",NA,"Melodious Warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",1200,NA,1900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2603478.54468829,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,8.3,NA,"SI","A300",NA,"Hippolais polyglotta" "Hippolais polyglotta",NA,"Melodious Warbler","Germany",2012,2016,"p",900,NA,1800,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2603478.54468829,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,95,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,28,NA,"DE","A300",NA,"Hippolais polyglotta" "Hippolais polyglotta",NA,"Melodious Warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",2603478.54468829,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",95,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",10,NA,20,"LU","A300",NA,"Hippolais polyglotta" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Spain",1998,2002,"p",8592750,NA,11145450,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información porporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Carrascal, L.M. & D. Palomino (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-33,-33,-33,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-33,-33,-33,"ES","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",2028331.5,2468244,3936000.66666667,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",23579392.6238282,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-4.8,-0.8,3.4,"IE","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1742000,NA,2213000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-15,-9,-2,"PL","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","France",2009,2012,"p",9e+05,NA,1800000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",23579392.6238282,1989,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-40,NA,-30,2007,2017,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",-20,NA,-14,"FR","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",23579392.6238282,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-15,NA,-5,"IT","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","UK",2016,2016,"p",703161,703161,703161,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",23579392.6238282,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-0.98,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-11.75,NA,"UK","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Germany",2016,2016,"p",480000,NA,920000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",23579392.6238282,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-26,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-2,8,18,"DE","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB; Nankinov D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Aves, Passeriformes.;",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; The population trend is for the period 2005-2012",-40,NA,-1,"BG","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",23579392.6238282,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Greece",2013,2018,"p",350000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 7) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, 3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",228000,NA,367000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018 (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018 (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018). – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,48,NA,"SI","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",175000,NA,375000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-20,NA,-10,"LT","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",210000,NA,280000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",23579392.6238282,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-17,18,68,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",6,17,28,"NL","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",208558,208558,208558,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",23579392.6238282,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-12.27,0.51,15.09,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-23.43,-13.17,-1.67,"DK","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",111000,183000,256000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-1,0,35,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-7,1,10,"SE","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",100378,NA,157489,"interval","completeSurvey","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",87500,NA,175000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports.",0,NA,0,"CY","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Finland",2013,2018,"p",96926,110318,126821,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-57,-43,-25,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-33,-21,-8,"FI","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",73865,108998,163196,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",23579392.6238282,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",55.11,NA,326.85,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",0.9,44.1,103.9,"LV","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",97000,NA,116000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Consultation with national experts. Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. p. 202.",-60,NA,-50,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",66800,92800,118800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",23579392.6238282,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-47,-26,-5,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-17,-2,15,"BE","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Austria",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",23579392.6238282,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",23579392.6238282,1985,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-56,NA,-37,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-21,NA,-16,"EE","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-30,NA,-10,"LU","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Malta",2017,2018,"p",40,NA,62,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,166,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,1175,NA,"MT","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Canary Islands",2013,2018,"p",0,0,3,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Trujillo, D. (2013). Golondrina común Hirundo rustica. Noticiario ornitológico. Ardeola 60(2): 536.",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Trujillo, D. (2013). Golondrina común Hirundo rustica. Noticiario ornitológico. Ardeola 60(2): 536.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Trujillo, D. (2013). Golondrina común Hirundo rustica. Noticiario ornitológico. Ardeola 60(2): 536.",0,0,0,"ESIC","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Hydrobates castro",NA,"Band-rumped Storm-petrel","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",550,NA,600,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Concepción, D. Paíńo de Madeira Oceanodroma castro in Madrońo, A., González, G.G., & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro rojo de las aves de Espańa. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. ISO 60 Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",6842.91144942249,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Delgado Castro, G. (2007). Actualización del estatus poblacional y distribución del paińo común (Hydrobates pelagicus), el paińo de Madeira (Oceanodroma castro) y el petrel de Bulwer (Bulweria bulwerii) en el archipiélago canario. Noviembre 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 52 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez, B., De León, L., Martín A., Alonso, J. & Nogales, M. (2003). Status and distribution of breeding seabirds in the northern islets of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Atlantic Seabirds 5(2): 41-56.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A874",NA,"Hydrobates castro" "Hydrobates castro",NA,"Band-rumped Storm-petrel","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",5000,5000,NA,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",6842.91144942249,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=134&Itemid=66&lang=pt",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=134&Itemid=66&lang=pt",NA,NA,NA,"PTMA","A874",NA,"Hydrobates castro" "Hydrobates castro",NA,"Band-rumped Storm-petrel","Azores",1996,2018,"p",665,NA,740,"estimate","estimatePartial","Granadeiro J.P. (2008). Oceanodroma castro. In Equipa Atlas (eds.): Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). Pp. 126 &127. Instituto da Conservaçăo da Natureza e Biodiversidade, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Parque Natural da Madeira, Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar. Assírio &Alvim, Lisboa. Monteiro L.R., Ramos J.A., Pereira J.C., Monteiro P.R., Feio, R. S., Thompson D.R., Bearhop S., Furness R. W., Laranjo M., Hilton G., Neves V. C., Groz M. P. and Thompson K. R. (1999). Status and Distribution of Fea's Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Manx Shearwater, Little Shearwater and Band-Rumped Storm Petrel in Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds 22, 358-366",6842.91144942249,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Bolton, M. (2001b). Development and Evaluation of Techniques for Monitoring Threatenend Procellariiform Sepecies in the Azores Archipelago. Final Repor. Departmento de Oceanografia e Pescas, Universidade dos Açores, Horta. Bried J., Magalhăes M. C., Bolton M., Neves V. C. Bell E., Pereira J.C., Aguiar L., Monteiro L. R., Santos R. S. (2009) Seabird Habitat Restoration on Praia Islet, Azores Archipelago. Ecological Restoration 27, 27-36. Granadeiro J. P. (2008) Oceanodroma castro. In Equipa Atlas (eds.): Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). Pp. 126-127. Instituto da Conservaçăo da Natureza e Biodiversidade, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Parque Natural da Madeira, Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar. Assírio&Alvim, Lisboa. MISTIC SEAS II consortium (2018) Macaronesian Roof Report (TRWP2) - Applying a sub-regional coherent and coordinated approach to the monitoring and assessment of marine biodiversity in Macaronesia for the second cycle of the MSFD. WP2 - Towards a coherent update of initial assessment, GES and targets, Task 2.1. Update of the Initial Assessment and Task 2.2. Finding common GES definition and Environmental Targets for the Macaronesia GA No 11.0661/2017/750679/SUB/ENV.C2., Brussels, 132pp.",0,0,0,"PTAC","A874",NA,"Hydrobates castro" "Hydrobates castro",NA,"Band-rumped Storm-petrel","Portugal",2014,2015,"p",410,NA,784,"estimate","completeSurvey","Oliveira, N., A. Almeida, A. Santos Torres, I. Fagundes, P. Rodrigues & J. Andrade, 2016. Updated Information on the Breeding Status of Berlengas Archipelago Seabirds. Report of the Action A1, Project LIFE Berlengas. SPEA - Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Lisbon (unpublished report).",6842.91144942249,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A874",NA,"Hydrobates castro" "Hydrobates leucorhous",NA,"Leach's Storm-petrel","UK",1999,2002,"p",36432,48047,64883,"interval","completeSurvey","Mitchell, P.I. 2004. Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa. Pp.101-114. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",48357,1980,2015,"UNK","absentData","JNCC. 2016. Seabird Population Trends and Causes of Change: 1986-2015 Report (http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Updated September 2016. Available at: Differences in survey methodology preclude comparision of recent with earlier surveys.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2007,"D","estimatePartial","Magnitude of change cannot be specified, because only a sample of colonies was monitored, but evidence suggests a real decline. Newson, S.E., Mitchell, P.I., Parsons, M., O'Brien, S.H., Austin, G.E., Benn, S., Black, J., Blackburn, J., Brodie, B., Humphreys, E., Leech, D., Prior, M. & Webster, M. 2008. Population decline of Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa within the largest colony in Britain and Ireland. Seabird 21: 77-84. Murray, S., Shewry, M.C., Harden, J., Jamie, K. & Parsons, M. 2010. A survey of Leach's Oceanodroma leucorhoa and European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus populations on North Rona and Sula Sgeir, Western Isles, Scotland, in 2009. Seabird 23: 25-40. Mitchell, P.I. 2004. Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa. Pp.101-114. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,"UK","A854",NA,"Hydrobates leucorhous" "Hydrobates leucorhous",NA,"Leach's Storm-petrel","Ireland",1998,2002,"p",310,310,310,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data from last reporting round: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",48357,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data from last reporting round: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland;http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",NA,NA,NA,2002,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data from last reporting round: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland;http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A854",NA,"Hydrobates leucorhous" "Hydrobates monteiroi",NA,"Monteiro's Storm-petrel","Azores",1996,2017,"p",361,NA,381,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bolton M., Smith A. L., Gómez-diaz D., Friesen V., Medeiros R., Bried J., Roscales J. L., Furness R. W. (2008) Monteiro's Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monteiroi: a new species from the Azores. Ibis 150, 717-727. MISTIC SEAS II consortium (2018) Macaronesian Roof Report (TRWP2) - Applying a sub-regional coherent and coordinated approach to the monitoring and assessment of marine biodiversity in Macaronesia for the second cycle of the MSFD. WP2 - Towards a coherent update of initial assessment, GES and targets, Task 2.1. Update of the Initial Assessment and Task 2.2. Finding common GES definition and Environmental Targets for the Macaronesia GA No 11.0661/2017/750679/SUB/ENV.C2., Brussels, 132pp. Monteiro L.R., Ramos J.A., Pereira J. C.,Monteiro P. R., Feio R. S., Thompson D. R.,Bearhop S., Furness R. W., Laranjo M., Hilton G., Neves V. C., Groz M. P., and Thompson K.R. (1999). Status and Distribuition of Fea's Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Manx Shearwater, and Band-Rumped Storm Petrel in the Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds 22, 358-366. Oliveira, N., Aguiar, L., Barros, N., Bried, J., Carmo, V., Carvalho, A., Cepęda, H., Costa, L., Faustino, L., Lourenço, J., Magalhăes, M., Melo, C., Neves, V., Picanço, C., Picanço, M., Paiva, V., Pipa, T., Ramos, J., Raposo, P., Serba, S., Silva, C., Tarzia, M., Teixeira, J., Teodósio, J. & Andrade, J. 2016. Status Report for Monteiro’s Storm-petrel Hydrobates monteiroi. Report of the Action A10, Project LIFE EuroSAP. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. Ramírez, J. 2017. Estimación de la densidad del Paińo de Monteiro (Hydrobates monteiroi) mediante bioacústica. Universidad de Vigo.",370.86520462292,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bolton M., Smith A. L., Gómez-diaz D., Friesen V., Medeiros R., Bried J., Roscales J. L., Furness R. W. (2008) Monteiro's Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monteiroi: a new species from the Azores. Ibis 150, 717-727. Bried, J. & Neves, V.C. 2015. Habitat restoration on Praia Islet, Azores Archipelago, proved successful for seabirds, but new threats have emerged. Airo 23: 25-35. MISTIC SEAS II consortium (2018) Macaronesian Roof Report (TRWP2) - Applying a sub-regional coherent and coordinated approach to the monitoring and assessment of marine biodiversity in Macaronesia for the second cycle of the MSFD. WP2 - Towards a coherent update of initial assessment, GES and targets, Task 2.1. Update of the Initial Assessment and Task 2.2. Finding common GES definition and Environmental Targets for the Macaronesia GA No 11.0661/2017/750679/SUB/ENV.C2., Brussels, 132pp. Monteiro L.R., Ramos J.A., Pereira J. C.,Monteiro P. R., Feio R. S., Thompson D. R.,Bearhop S., Furness R. W., Laranjo M., Hilton G., Neves V. C., Groz M. P., and Thompson K.R. (1999).Status and Distribuition of Fea's Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Manx Shearwater, and Band-Rumped Storm Petrel in the Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds 22, 358-366. Oliveira, N., Aguiar, L., Barros, N., Bried, J., Carmo, V., Carvalho, A., Cepęda, H., Costa, L., Faustino, L., Lourenço, J., Magalhăes, M., Melo, C., Neves, V., Picanço, C., Picanço, M., Paiva, V., Pipa, T., Ramos, J., Raposo, P., Serba, S., Silva, C., Tarzia, M., Teixeira, J., Teodósio, J. & Andrade, J. 2016. Status Report for Monteiro’s Storm-petrel Hydrobates monteiroi. Report of the Action A10, Project LIFE EuroSAP. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. Ramírez, J. 2017. Estimación de la densidad del Paińo de Monteiro (Hydrobates monteiroi) mediante bioacústica. Universidad de Vigo.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bolton M., Smith A. L., Gómez-diaz D., Friesen V., Medeiros R., Bried J., Roscales J. L., Furness R. W. (2008) Monteiro's Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monteiroi: a new species from the Azores. Ibis 150, 717-727. MISTIC SEAS II consortium (2018) Macaronesian Roof Report (TRWP2) - Applying a sub-regional coherent and coordinated approach to the monitoring and assessment of marine biodiversity in Macaronesia for the second cycle of the MSFD. WP2 - Towards a coherent update of initial assessment, GES and targets, Task 2.1. Update of the Initial Assessment and Task 2.2. Finding common GES definition and Environmental Targets for the Macaronesia GA No 11.0661/2017/750679/SUB/ENV.C2., Brussels, 132pp. Monteiro L.R., Ramos J.A., Pereira J. C.,Monteiro P. R., Feio R. S., Thompson D. R.,Bearhop S., Furness R. W., Laranjo M., Hilton G., Neves V. C., Groz M. P., and Thompson K.R. (1999).Status and Distribuition of Fea's Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Manx Shearwater, and Band-Rumped Storm Petrel in the Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds 22, 358-366. Oliveira, N., Aguiar, L., Barros, N., Bried, J., Carmo, V., Carvalho, A., Cepęda, H., Costa, L., Faustino, L., Lourenço, J., Magalhăes, M., Melo, C., Neves, V., Picanço, C., Picanço, M., Paiva, V., Pipa, T., Ramos, J., Raposo, P., Serba, S., Silva, C., Tarzia, M., Teixeira, J., Teodósio, J. & Andrade, J. 2016. Status Report for Monteiro’s Storm-petrel Hydrobates monteiroi. Report of the Action A10, Project LIFE EuroSAP. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. Ramírez, J. 2017. Estimación de la densidad del Paińo de Monteiro (Hydrobates monteiroi) mediante bioacústica. Universidad de Vigo.",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A884",NA,"Hydrobates monteiroi" "Hydrobates pelagicus",NA,"European Storm-petrel","Ireland",1998,2002,"p",99056,99056,99056,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data from last reporting round: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland;http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",142470.92946344,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data from last reporting round: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland;http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",NA,NA,NA,2002,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data from last reporting round: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland;http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A014",NA,"Hydrobates pelagicus" "Hydrobates pelagicus",NA,"European Storm-petrel","UK",1999,2002,"p",21043,25710,33517,"interval","completeSurvey","Mitchell, P.I. & Newton, S.F. 2004. European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus. Pp. 81-100. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",142470.92946344,1980,2015,"UNK","absentData","JNCC. 2016. Seabird Population Trends and Causes of Change: 1986-2015 Report (http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Updated September 2016. Available at: Differences in survey methodology preclude comparision of recent with earlier surveys.",NA,NA,NA,1999,2011,"I","estimatePartial","Bolton, M., Brown, J.G, Moncrieff, H., Ratcliffe, N. & Okill, J.D. 2010. Playback re-survey and demographic modelling indicate a substantial increase in breeding European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus at the largest UK colony, Mousa, Shetland. Seabird 23: 14-24. Mitchell, P.I. & Newton, S.F. 2004. European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus. Pp. 81-100. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser. All smaller colonies have recently increased in Apparently Occupied Sites",NA,NA,NA,"UK","A014",NA,"Hydrobates pelagicus" "Hydrobates pelagicus",NA,"European Storm-petrel","Malta",2011,2018,"p",5091,NA,8140,"estimate","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016), Bird Life Malta LIFE Arcipelagu Garnija Project, code is LIFE14 NAT/MT/991 (2015-2020), Bird Life Malta and John J. Borg Malta Environment & Planning Authority (2013): MSFD Initial Assessment Report-Seabirds. Malta: Malta Environment & Planning Authority",142470.92946344,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016), Bird Life Malta LIFE Arcipelagu Garnija Project, code is LIFE14 NAT/MT/991 (2015-2020), Bird Life Malta and John J. Borg Malta Environment & Planning Authority (2013): MSFD Initial Assessment Report-Seabirds. Malta: Malta Environment & Planning Authority Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,1,NA,"MT","A014",NA,"Hydrobates pelagicus" "Hydrobates pelagicus",NA,"European Storm-petrel","Spain",2013,2018,"p",3842,NA,5944,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Sanz-Aguilar, A., Zuberogoitia, I., Sallent, Á., Picorelli, V., Navedo, J.G., Garaita, R. (2019). Paíńo europeo – Hydrobates pelagicus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. López, P., Martín, J., González-Solís, J. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",142470.92946344,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Sanz-Aguilar, A., Zuberogoitia, I., Sallent, Á., Picorelli, V., Navedo, J.G., Garaita, R. (2019). Paíńo europeo – Hydrobates pelagicus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. López, P., Martín, J., González-Solís, J. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). 2004. Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Sanz-Aguilar, A., Zuberogoitia, I., Sallent, Á., Picorelli, V., Navedo, J.G., Garaita, R. (2019). Paíńo europeo – Hydrobates pelagicus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. López, P., Martín, J., González-Solís, J. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A014",NA,"Hydrobates pelagicus" "Hydrobates pelagicus",NA,"European Storm-petrel","Italy",2012,2012,"p",3700,NA,4500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Albores-Barajas et al. 2012, in: Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",142470.92946344,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",125,NA,150,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A014",NA,"Hydrobates pelagicus" "Hydrobates pelagicus",NA,"European Storm-petrel","France",2009,2017,"p",1175,NA,1255,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2016. ; Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257 ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2019. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2017-2018.. Rapport de l’Observatoire régional de l’avifaune de Bretagne, Brest, ; Cadiou (B.) & Mahéo (H.) 2019. Bilan d'un demi-sičcle de suivis de colonies d'Océanite tempęte Hydrobates pelagicus de l'archipel de Molčne (Bretagne). Alauda 87 (2),",142470.92946344,1980,2017,"Unk","absentData","Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p.",NA,NA,NA,2005,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2016. ; Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257 ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2019. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2017-2018.. Rapport de l’Observatoire régional de l’avifaune de Bretagne, Brest, ; Cadiou (B.) & Mahéo (H.) 2019. Bilan d'un demi-sičcle de suivis de colonies d'Océanite tempęte Hydrobates pelagicus de l'archipel de Molčne (Bretagne). Alauda 87 (2),",34,NA,41,"FR","A014",NA,"Hydrobates pelagicus" "Hydrobates pelagicus",NA,"European Storm-petrel","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. & Barone, R. Paíńo europeo in Lorenzo, J. A. (Ed.). (2007). Atlas de las aves nidificantes en el archipiélago canario:(1997-2003). Organismo autónomo de parques nacionales. ISO 690 Pérez-Méndez; N. & A. Rodríguez. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",142470.92946344,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Delgado Castro, G. (2007). Actualización del estatus poblacional y distribución del paińo común (Hydrobates pelagicus), el paińo de Madeira (Oceanodroma castro) y el petrel de Bulwer (Bulweria bulwerii) en el archipiélago canario. Noviembre 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 52 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez, B., De León, L., Martín A., Alonso, J. & Nogales, M. (2003). Status and distribution of breeding seabirds in the northern islets of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Atlantic Seabirds 5(2): 41-56.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A014",NA,"Hydrobates pelagicus" "Hydrobates pelagicus",NA,"European Storm-petrel","Greece",2013,2018,"p",160,NA,235,"estimate","completeSurvey","1) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 3) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",142470.92946344,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","o data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","o data available",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A014",NA,"Hydrobates pelagicus" "Hydrocoloeus minutus",NA,"Little Gull","Finland",2013,2018,"p",9000,10000,11000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group. Lammi, E. 2010: The occurrence of the Black-headed Gull and the Little Gull in Finland in 2008. - Linnut-vuosikirja 2009: 28-35 (in Finnish with English summary). Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",13812.5801683607,1986,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A., Jukarainen, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Below, A., Lehtiniemi, T., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rintala, J., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama. J. 2019: Linnut. Birds. Aves. – Teoksessa/In: Hyvärinen, E. ym. (toim.), Loc. Sit: 560-570. Ympäristöministeriö & Suomen ympäristökeskus, Helsinki",NA,31,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",NA,-5,NA,"FI","A862",NA,"Hydrocoloeus minutus" "Hydrocoloeus minutus",NA,"Little Gull","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2000,2800,3600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",13812.5801683607,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",2000,2700,3400,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,3,"SE","A862",NA,"Hydrocoloeus minutus" "Hydrocoloeus minutus",NA,"Little Gull","Estonia",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,900,"estimate","completeSurvey","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Linnualade inventuurid 2012-2018. Avaldamata.",13812.5801683607,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-126,NA,-81,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-77,NA,-19,"EE","A862",NA,"Hydrocoloeus minutus" "Hydrocoloeus minutus",NA,"Little Gull","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",13812.5801683607,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-43,NA,-39,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-40.25,-37.97,-35.8,"LV","A862",NA,"Hydrocoloeus minutus" "Hydrocoloeus minutus",NA,"Little Gull","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",13812.5801683607,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-90,NA,-70,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-60,NA,-50,"LT","A862",NA,"Hydrocoloeus minutus" "Hydrocoloeus minutus",NA,"Little Gull","Germany",2013,2013,"p",3,3,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",13812.5801683607,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A862",NA,"Hydrocoloeus minutus" "Hydrocoloeus minutus",NA,"Little Gull","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",13812.5801683607,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-99,-97,-94,2008,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-72,11,261,"NL","A862",NA,"Hydrocoloeus minutus" "Hydrocoloeus minutus",NA,"Little Gull","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",13812.5801683607,1980,2017,"U","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,100,NA,2006,2017,"U","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,100,NA,"DK","A862",NA,"Hydrocoloeus minutus" "Hydrocoloeus minutus",NA,"Little Gull","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",13812.5801683607,1980,2018,"D","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A862",NA,"Hydrocoloeus minutus" "Hydroprogne caspia",NA,"Caspian Tern","Finland",2013,2018,"p",900,1000,1100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1882.69901443775,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Caspian Tern monitoring data. Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-18,-9,0,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Caspian tern monitoring data. Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",6,18,29,"FI","A894",NA,"Hydroprogne caspia" "Hydroprogne caspia",NA,"Caspian Tern","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",550,580,620,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1882.69901443775,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Projekt skräntärna, SAP Caspian Tern",-25,-15,-5,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Projekt skräntärna, SAP Caspian Tern",10,15,20,"SE","A894",NA,"Hydroprogne caspia" "Hydroprogne caspia",NA,"Caspian Tern","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",260,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1882.69901443775,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-72,NA,-60,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-20,NA,14,"EE","A894",NA,"Hydroprogne caspia" "Hydroprogne caspia",NA,"Caspian Tern","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",22,22,22,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",1882.69901443775,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,2200,NA,2008,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,2100,NA,"DK","A894",NA,"Hydroprogne caspia" "Hydroprogne caspia",NA,"Caspian Tern","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Thermaikos gulf Protected Areas Management Authority, tel. +30 2310 794 811, email: fdthermaikou@gmail.com",1882.69901443775,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Thermaikos gulf Protected Areas Management Authority, tel. +30 2310 794 811, email: fdthermaikou@gmail.com",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A894",NA,"Hydroprogne caspia" "Hydroprogne caspia",NA,"Caspian Tern","Germany",2011,2016,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1882.69901443775,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A894",NA,"Hydroprogne caspia" "Iduna caligata",NA,"Booted Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",10,30,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",904.596669241483,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",NA,31,NA,"FI","A686",NA,"Iduna caligata" "Iduna caligata",NA,"Booted Warbler","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",400,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",904.596669241483,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data avialable.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",449.81,592.82,615.14,"LV","A686",NA,"Iduna caligata" "Iduna caligata",NA,"Booted Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50,NA,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",904.596669241483,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,10,NA,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",50,NA,100,"EE","A686",NA,"Iduna caligata" "Iduna opaca",NA,"Western Olivaceous Warbler","Spain",2013,2018,"p",5000,5000,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home)",5000,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International (2017). Iduna opaca (amended version of 2017 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22734089A118737604. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T22734089A118737604.en) Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International (2017). Iduna opaca (amended version of 2017 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22734089A118737604. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T22734089A118737604.en) Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home)",0,0,0,"ES","A488",NA,"Iduna opaca" "Iduna pallida","sensu stricto [excluding opaca]","Eastern Olivaceous Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",266044.620293297,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,60,NA,"GR","A487",NA,"Iduna pallida s. str." "Iduna pallida","sensu stricto [excluding opaca]","Eastern Olivaceous Warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",5,NA,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",266044.620293297,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A487",NA,"Iduna pallida s. str." "Iduna pallida","sensu stricto [excluding opaca]","Eastern Olivaceous Warbler","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",266044.620293297,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A487",NA,"Iduna pallida s. str." "Iduna pallida","sensu stricto [excluding opaca]","Eastern Olivaceous Warbler","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",24000,NA,46000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Antonov, A., Georgiev, D., Stoychev, S. 2007. Hippolais pallida. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",266044.620293297,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Georgiev, D., Stoychev, S. 2007. Hippolais pallida. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",10,NA,20,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Georgiev, D., Stoychev, S. 2007. Hippolais pallida. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",20,NA,30,"BG","A487",NA,"Iduna pallida s. str." "Iduna pallida","sensu stricto [excluding opaca]","Eastern Olivaceous Warbler","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",266044.620293297,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",0,NA,100,"CY","A487",NA,"Iduna pallida s. str." "Iduna pallida","sensu stricto [excluding opaca]","Eastern Olivaceous Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",180,NA,250,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",266044.620293297,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Kasza Ferenc (1981) Halvány geze (Hippolais pallida) az újszegedi Tisza-hullámtéren, 1978-1980, Madártani tájékoztató, 1981.ápr-jún. 82-83 p. Kasza Ferenc (1982) Halvány geze (Hippolais pallida) az újszegedi Tisza-hullámtéren, 1981-ben, Madártani tájékoztató, 1982.ápr-szept. 157 p. Endes Mihály- Lipcsey Imre (1985) Halvány geze (Hippolais pallida) terjeszkedése a Tisza mentén, Madártani tájákoztató, 1985. júl-dec. 38 p. Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 396 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 467 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Hippolais_pallida.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A487",NA,"Iduna pallida s. str." "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",60,NA,90,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",53287.3068835885,1987,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",0,0,0,2002,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",0,0,0,"CZ","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",70,NA,130,"estimate","completeSurvey","Deberšek B., Bordjan D. (2016): Letna dinamika, naravovarstveno vrednotenje in pregled podatkov o pojavljanju vodnih ptic na Šaleških jezerih (S Slovenija). – Acrocephalus 37 (168/169): 5–47. Denac, K., Mihelic, T., Mozetic, B. & Rakar, B. (2014): Spremljanje stanja avifavne v naravnem rezervatu Škocjanski zatok. Projekt AdriaWet 2000 »Jadranska mokrišca za omrežje Natura 2000« (OP Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013). Porocilo. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",1,2,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Fernández Febles, R. (2014). Avetorillo Común Ixobrychus minutus. Noticiario Ornitológico. Ardeola 61 (2): 441. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Fernández Febles, R. (2014). Avetorillo Común Ixobrychus minutus. Noticiario Ornitológico. Ardeola 61 (2): 441. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Palacios, A. & Palacios, C.-J. (1998). Avetorillo Común Ixobrychus minutus. Noticiario Ornitológico 1998. Ardeola 45 (1): 118. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Fernández Febles, R. (2014). Avetorillo Común Ixobrychus minutus. Noticiario Ornitológico. Ardeola 61 (2): 441. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",NA,0,NA,"ESIC","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Austria",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",53287.3068835885,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1994",NA,400,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",80,NA,120,"AT","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",31,46,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",53287.3068835885,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-52,-29,-8,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-17,23,60,"BE","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lorgé P. (2008): Zwerge im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Regulus 10/2008: 4-6; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P. (2008): Zwerge im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Regulus 10/2008: 4-6; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",100,NA,700,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Lorgé P. (2008): Zwerge im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Regulus 10/2008: 4-6; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",0,NA,30,"LU","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Greece",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 3. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 4. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 5. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. To s t ßßaf p, ts dµseµ s a adµset, p seta a aaspa sta pasa t ds t esa aeta st 546. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Hungary",2017,2018,"p",2500,NA,3500,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished.",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 506-508. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 506-508.",0,0,0,"HU","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1500,NA,4500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ P.Shurulinkov, G.Daskalova- own unpublished data BSPB Database",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ P.Shurulinkov, G.Daskalova- own unpublished data BSPB Database Simeonov S., T.Michev, D.Nankinov 1990. Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol.20.Aves -part 1. BAS, Sofia.",10,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ P.Shurulinkov, G.Daskalova- own unpublished data BSPB Database",10,NA,10,"BG","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",53287.3068835885,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-77,-70,-62,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-77,-54,-10,"NL","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1200,NA,2200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",53287.3068835885,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",-25,NA,-15,"IT","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Germany",2012,2016,"p",210,NA,270,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",53287.3068835885,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,73,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,50,NA,"DE","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","France",2013,2018,"p",280,NA,520,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",53287.3068835885,1975,2005,"D","estimateExpert",NA,-80,NA,-40,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-10,NA,0,"SK","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-57.94,-53.1,-46.1,"LV","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",170,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",1400,NA,1600,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,500,NA,"LT","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,8,"estimate","completeSurvey","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","The species was first confirmed as breeding in Cyprus is 2004. Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports. Whaley & Dawes in Sandgrouse 27 (2005)",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,100,"CY","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",110,NA,180,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Spain",2007,2018,"p",1256,4050,4050,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,-50,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Poland",2013,2018,"p",66000,NA,94000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",9,35,66,"PL","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",440615.702505264,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,150,NA,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-35,NA,-25,"IT","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Spain",2004,2006,"p",42345,NA,91213,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/3730_RES_SP.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","France",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",440615.702505264,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial",NA,-5,-5,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-6.3,NA,"FR","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",11000,25000,39000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-71,-62,-51,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-17,4,29,"SE","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",18200,NA,25000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 364-365 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",12645,NA,35425,"interval","completeSurvey","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Germany",2009,2016,"p",8500,NA,15500,NA,"estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",440615.702505264,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-67,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,1,NA,"DE","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-5,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Finland",2013,2018,"p",3505,7961,11784,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-88,-76,-53,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen ymVäisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-76,-61,-37,"FI","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-49,NA,12,"EE","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,"SI","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",4000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",440615.702505264,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society, 59 pp.",300.15,NA,2145.28,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society, 59 pp.",-44.59,-9.65,44,"LV","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s.",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",-15,NA,-5,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Austria",2013,2018,"p",3300,NA,4900,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",440615.702505264,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,1,NA,"AT","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov D., S. Simeonov, T. Michev, B. Ivanov. 1997. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 26, Aves, part II, Sofia, BAS, 426 p. (in Bulgarian, with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Nankinov D., S. Simeonov, T. Michev, B. Ivanov. 1997. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 26, Aves, part II, Sofia, BAS, 426 p. (in Bulgarian, with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,5,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",-30,NA,-10,"BG","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",440615.702505264,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Greece",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (2) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. (3) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens. (4) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",212,212,212,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",440615.702505264,1990,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-88.8,35.04,1228.59,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",66,84,101,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",440615.702505264,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",560,740,910,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",25,58,91,"BE","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",35,NA,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",440615.702505264,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-79,-76,-73,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",248,484,859,"NL","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","UK",2012,2016,"p",0,0,0,"mean","estimateExpert","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",440615.702505264,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-100,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-100,NA,"UK","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Lagopus lagopus","hibernica","Willow Grouse","UK",2005,2006,"p",202,202,202,"estimate","estimatePartial","Allen, D., Mellon, C., Mawhinney, K., Looney, D. & Milburne, J. 2005. The status of Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus in Northern Ireland 2004. Irish Birds 7: 449-460.",2100,1988,2011,"D","estimatePartial","Magnitude of change cannot be specified but evidence suggests a real decline long term. Popuation decline inferred by significant reduction in distribution in Northern Ireland documented by comparision of 1988-91 and 2007-11 BTO breeding atlases: Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swann, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R.J. 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-2011. The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. BTO, BirdWatch Ireland & SOC; Thetford, Norfolk. 720 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"UK","A463",NA,"Lagopus lagopus hibernica" "Lagopus lagopus","hibernica","Willow Grouse","Ireland",2006,2008,"p",1708,1898,2116,"interval","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Bleasdale, A., Douglas, C., Newton, S., O'Halloran, J. & Wilson, J.W. (2010) The status of Red Grouse in Ireland and the effects of land use, habitat and habitat quality on their distribution. Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 50, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland; http//www.npws.ie/publications/irishwildlifemanuals/IWM50.pdf.",2100,1980,2008,"D","estimateExpert","Expert opinion - S. Cummins, National Parks & Wildlife Service; Cummins, S., Bleasdale, A., Douglas, C., Newton, S., O'Halloran, J. & Wilson, J.W. (2010). The status of Red Grouse in Ireland and the effects of land use, habitat and habitat quality on their distribution. Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 50, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland; http://www.npws.ie/publications/irishwildlifemanuals/IWM50.pdf.",-70,NA,-50,2000,2008,"D","estimateExpert","Cummins, S., Bleasdale, A., Douglas, C., Newton, S., O'Halloran, J. & Wilson, J.W. (2010) The status of Red Grouse in Ireland and the effects of land use, habitat and habitat quality on their distribution. Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 50, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland; http://www.npws.ie/publications/irishwildlifemanuals/IWM50.pdf. O’Hare, P.J. (1968 - 1972) Red Grouse Research in Ireland, An Fóras Taluntais.Unpublished Reports. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B, & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",-40,NA,-20,"IE","A463",NA,"Lagopus lagopus hibernica" "Lagopus lagopus","lagopus","Willow Grouse","Finland",2013,2018,"p",46176,90580,172607,"mean","completeSurvey","The data are from two different counts. 1) Finnish wildlife triangle scheme (by Luke). 2) Dog-assisted distance-based counts in northern fell area (by Luke). Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",280580,1980,2018,"U","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","The data are from two different counts. 1) Finnish wildlife triangle scheme (by Luke). 2) Dog-assisted distance-based counts in northern fell area (by Luke).",-64,-51,-35,"FI","A461",NA,"Lagopus lagopus lagopus" "Lagopus lagopus","lagopus","Willow Grouse","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",62000,190000,322000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",280580,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",-40,-30,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,NA,10,"SE","A461",NA,"Lagopus lagopus lagopus" "Lagopus lagopus","rossica","Willow Grouse","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",15.142135623731,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-100,NA,0,"LT","A629",NA,"Lagopus lagopus rossica" "Lagopus lagopus","rossica","Willow Grouse","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",15.142135623731,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,2006,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A629",NA,"Lagopus lagopus rossica" "Lagopus lagopus","rossica","Willow Grouse","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,0,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",15.142135623731,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-100,NA,-75,2012,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A629",NA,"Lagopus lagopus rossica" "Lagopus lagopus","scotica","Willow Grouse","UK",2016,2016,"p",264765,264765,264765,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolated with NGC/BBS monitoring since 1988/91",264765,1980,2010,"S","estimatePartial","Breeding Bird Survey/ GCWT National Game Bag Census",NA,4,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,35.73,NA,"UK","A711",NA,"Lagopus lagopus scotica" "Lagopus muta","all others","Rock Ptarmigan","UK",2007,2007,"p",2000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Rae, S. M. 2007. Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta (Montin). Pp. 296- 299. In: Forrester, R.W., Andrews, I.J., McInerny, C.J., Murray, R.D., McGowan, R.Y., Zonfrillo, B., Betts, M.W., Jardine, D.C. & Grundy, D.S. (eds.) The Birds of Scotland. The Scottish Ornithologists' Club, Aberlady.",136477.225575052,1988,2011,"D","estimatePartial","Magnitude of change cannot be specified but evidence suggests a real decline long-term. Trend inferred from 20 year index of distribution change = -0.2 indicating probable population decrease (as documented by comparision of 1988-91 and 2007-11 BTO breeding atlases: Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swann, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R.J. 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-2011. The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. BTO, BirdWatch Ireland & SOC; Thetford, Norfolk. 720 pp.)",NA,NA,NA,2002,2015,"S","completeSurvey","GWCT National Gamebag Census. Based on smoothed trend with an average of 10 sites per year",NA,-3.4,NA,"UK","A891",NA,"Lagopus muta all others" "Lagopus muta","all others","Rock Ptarmigan","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",82000,124000,186000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",136477.225575052,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",100,200,300,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",50,100,200,"SE","A891",NA,"Lagopus muta all others" "Lagopus muta","all others","Rock Ptarmigan","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5000,7000,8500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",136477.225575052,1990,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",10,122,332,"FI","A891",NA,"Lagopus muta all others" "Lagopus muta","helvetica","Rock Ptarmigan","Austria",2013,2018,"p",14000,NA,18000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",27112.309617811,1981,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A713",NA,"Lagopus muta helvetica" "Lagopus muta","helvetica","Rock Ptarmigan","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Belka Lagopus muta. pp. 72-73. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",27112.309617811,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Mihelic T. (2019): Belka Lagopus muta. pp. 72-73. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-20,NA,0,2001,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Mihelic T. (2019): Belka Lagopus muta. pp. 72-73. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-20,NA,0,"SI","A713",NA,"Lagopus muta helvetica" "Lagopus muta","helvetica","Rock Ptarmigan","Italy",2018,2018,"p",5000,5000,5000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",27112.309617811,1993,2018,"Unk","absentData","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",-40,NA,0,"IT","A713",NA,"Lagopus muta helvetica" "Lagopus muta","helvetica","Rock Ptarmigan","Germany",2016,2016,"p",150,NA,250,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",27112.309617811,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A713",NA,"Lagopus muta helvetica" "Lagopus muta","helvetica","Rock Ptarmigan","France",2010,2016,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,27112.309617811,1980,2010,"D","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2000,2016,"Unk","estimatePartial",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A713",NA,"Lagopus muta helvetica" "Lagopus muta","pyrenaica","Rock Ptarmigan","France",2010,2016,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Novoa, C., Pimenta, R., Milhau, B., Gabrieli, J. et S. Marin 2015. Cartographie des zones potentiellement favorables au lagopčde alpin en période de reproduction sur les Pyrénées françaises, ONCFS-OGM. 9",2568.3479799074,1980,2010,"D","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2010,2017,"S","absentData","Novoa, C. et Aubry, Ph. 2017. Estimation de l’abondance des mâles chanteurs de lagopčde alpin ŕ l’aide de dispositifs d’échantillonnage. Bilan des tests réalisés dans les Pyrénées de 2010 ŕ 2017. Rapport Interne ONCFS, 11",0,0,0,"FR","A712",NA,"Lagopus muta pyrenaica" "Lagopus muta","pyrenaica","Rock Ptarmigan","Spain",2018,2018,"p",305,NA,362,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Albero, J.C., Rivas, J.L., Sanz, J., Antor, R. & Puente, J. (2016). Prospección de lagópodo alpino (Lagopus muta pyrenaica) en el Pirineo aragonés (biorregión alpina). Ańo 2017. Gobierno de Aragón. Informe inédito. Campión, D. (2009). Monitorización de la perdiz nival (Lagopus mutus) en Navarra. 2010. proyecto Gallipyr. GAN-Gobierno de Navarra. Campión, D. (2010). Monitorización de la perdiz nival (Lagopus mutus) en Navarra. 2010. proyecto Gallipyr. GAN-Gobierno de Navarra. Campión, D. (2011). Monitorización de la perdiz nival (Lagopus mutus) en Navarra. 2010. proyecto Gallipyr. GAN-Gobierno de Navarra. Censo de gallinaceas de montańa (proyecto GALLYPIR) coordinado por el Servei de Fauna i Flora del Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Gobierno de Navarra (varios ańos). Seguimiento perdiz nival (Lagopus mutus) en Navarra. Informe inedito. Planes de Gestión de Red Natura 2000 (2012). Sodemasa.",2568.3479799074,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",NA,-37.6,NA,"ES","A712",NA,"Lagopus muta pyrenaica" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Poland",2013,2018,"p",893000,NA,1048000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-11,-3,6,"PL","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",170000,NA,380000,"estimate","estimatePartial","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp. IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",-20,NA,-10,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. Common Birds Monitoring performed by BSPB shows moderate decline based on 2005-2012 data from 115 plots.",-40,NA,-30,"BG","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Spain",2004,2006,"p",131500,NA,246000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-49.93,NA,"ES","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",150000,NA,170000,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 410-411 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 119 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 343-345 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 253 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 500-502 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 206 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-41,NA,-23,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Lanius_collurio.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","France",2009,2012,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","LPO Auvergne 2004. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de la région Auvergne (2000-2004). ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",6278173.52224198,1989,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,-1,NA,10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-20.8,NA,"FR","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Germany",2016,2016,"p",84000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",6278173.52224198,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,2,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-8,NA,"DE","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",65000,NA,130000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín, A. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-10,NA,-5,"SK","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",34608,55917,90346,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",6278173.52224198,1995,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-78.77,NA,-7.18,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-66.9,-45.6,-12.4,"LV","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Finland",2013,2018,"p",27094,49550,71204,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-66,-39,9,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-60,-41,-14,"FI","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Greece",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database, Hellenic Ornithological Society",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Hellenic Ornithological Society database",-30,NA,-5,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Hellenic Ornithological Society database",-30,NA,-5,"GR","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",29000,44000,58000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-52,-38,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-21,-6,11,"SE","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",31000,NA,62000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",6278173.52224198,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-4,NA,"CZ","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,45000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",10,NA,20,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-25,NA,-20,"LT","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Italy",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",6278173.52224198,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-33,NA,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-25,NA,-20,"IT","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",30000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",6278173.52224198,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-46,NA,3,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-35,NA,-1,"EE","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Austria",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",6278173.52224198,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",17000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Population size for year 2018 was calculated based on the population estimate in previous reporting under the Birds Directive (DOPPS 2014) for the period 2008-2012, which was 20000-30000 pairs, and population trend for farmland landscape in Slovenia for the period 2008-2018 from Kmecl & Šumrada (2018), which was moderate decline (annual multiplicative trend value 0,97). Population estimate was rounded upwards. DOPPS (2014): Povzetek porocila po 12. clenu Direktive o pticah za obdobje 2008-2012. Narocnik: Zavod RS za varstvo narave. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016_25_10_porocilo_pd_2008_2012-povzetek.pdf Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-20,NA,-10,"SI","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Belgium",2008,2018,"p",4100,5000,5800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",6278173.52224198,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",619,777,918,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1,27,59,"BE","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1500,1500,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",6278173.52224198,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; Anders C. (2018): Erfassung der Neuntöter-Bestände Lanius collurio in ausgewählten Gebieten Luxemburgs im Jahr 2017 und Vergleich mit den Erhebungen aus 2005 und 2011. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte Nr.33, S.36-46.",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Kiefer J. (2012): Der Neuntöter Lanius collurio in Ost-Luxemburg: Vergleich der Kartierungen in den jahren 2005 und 2011. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 1-13; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Anders C. (2018): Erfassung der Neuntöter-Bestände Lanius collurio in ausgewählten Gebieten Luxemburgs im Jahr 2017 und Vergleich mit den Erhebungen aus 2005 und 2011. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte Nr.33, S.36-46.",-40,NA,-20,2005,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Kiefer J. (2012): Der Neuntöter Lanius collurio in Ost-Luxemburg: Vergleich der Kartierungen in den jahren 2005 und 2011. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 1-13; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Anders C. (2018): Erfassung der Neuntöter-Bestände Lanius collurio in ausgewählten Gebieten Luxemburgs im Jahr 2017 und Vergleich mit den Erhebungen aus 2005 und 2011. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte Nr.33, S.36-46.",NA,-61,NA,"LU","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",340,NA,580,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",6278173.52224198,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",275,305,337,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",133,180,236,"NL","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","UK",2011,2015,"p",4,4,4,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel (2017). Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2015. British Birds 110: 706-754. Davies, M. & Lock, L. 2016. Return of the butcher bird? Prospects for recolonisation of the Red-backed Shrike in the UK and priorities for conservation. British Birds 109: 8-20.",6278173.52224198,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-90,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,23,NA,"UK","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2610,4797,6756,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",59671.6957042986,1990,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,30,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-88,-65,-5,"FI","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,24,"estimate","completeSurvey","Bastian M., G. Biver, P.Lorgé (2013): Der Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Luxemburg – Stand 2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 1-8 Lorgé P. (2010): Der Vogel mit der Maske – Ein Plädoyer für den Raubwürger. Regulus 6/2010: 18-19; Biver G., P. Lorgé, F. Schoos (2007): Der Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Luxemburg – Stand 2006. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 22: 42-51; Biver G., P. Lorgé, F. Schoos, M. Groof, F. Sowa (2009):Artenschutzprogramm Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Luxemburg. Ministčre du Développement Durable et des Infrastructures & Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg & Sicona. Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",59671.6957042986,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bastian M., G. Biver, P.Lorgé (2013): Der Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Luxemburg – Stand 2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 1-8 Lorgé P. (2010): Der Vogel mit der Maske – Ein Plädoyer für den Raubwürger. Regulus 6/2010: 18-19; Biver G., P. Lorgé, F. Schoos (2007): Der Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Luxemburg – Stand 2006. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 22: 42-51; Biver G., P. Lorgé, F. Schoos, M. Groof, F. Sowa (2009):Artenschutzprogramm Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Luxemburg; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-90,NA,-77,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bastian M., G. Biver, P.Lorgé (2013): Der Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Luxemburg – Stand 2012. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 1-8 Lorgé P. (2010): Der Vogel mit der Maske – Ein Plädoyer für den Raubwürger. Regulus 6/2010: 18-19; Biver G., P. Lorgé, F. Schoos (2007): Der Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Luxemburg – Stand 2006. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 22: 42-51; Biver G., P. Lorgé, F. Schoos, M. Groof, F. Sowa (2009):Artenschutzprogramm Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Luxemburg; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",-90,NA,-74,"LU","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",4000,6000,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",59671.6957042986,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-28,0,36,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-14,64,203,"SE","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Austria",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,13,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sachslehner et al. 2016; Leopold Sachslehner unpublished data",59671.6957042986,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Sachslehner et al. 2008; Sachslehner et al. 2016; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding birds 1981-1985)",-80,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Sachslehner et al. 2016; Leopold Sachslehner unpublished data",NA,-42,NA,"AT","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",80,NA,125,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",59671.6957042986,2000,2018,"I","completeSurvey","http://www.nationalpark-neusiedlersee-seewinkel.at/tl_files/images/Tiere%20und%20Pflanzen/Ornithologische%20Literatur/Literaturdatenbank/21szelkialtoeinzel/2008-Raubwuerger_Brut_Ungarn_sz13_ht_lanius.pdf BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 254 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 503-504 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 207 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-7900,NA,-1984,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Barna P. & Török H. A. (2013): A nagy orgébics (Lanius excubitor) fészkelése a Szatmári-síkság és a Beregi-síkság területén. Aquila (2013), Vol. 120, p. 41-52. Hadarics Tibor (2008)- A nagy orgébics (Lanius excubitor) elso bizonyított fészkelése Magyarországon.; Szélkiálltó 13, p. 18-20 http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Lanius_excubitor.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",213,NA,1500,"HU","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",110,130,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",59671.6957042986,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-69,-63,-57,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",16,37,58,"BE","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",59671.6957042986,1980,2002,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-100,-100,-100,2008,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",NA,-100,NA,"NL","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Poland",2013,2018,"p",26000,NA,39000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",59671.6957042986,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-58,-47,-33,"PL","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Italy",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",59671.6957042986,1993,2018,"Unk","absentData","no data available for the past",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","France",2009,2009,"p",450,NA,1000,"estimate","completeSurvey",". Romain Riols, 2017 PNA PIES GRIECHES EN AUVERGNE-RHONE-ALPES. Etat des lieux sur la répartition, les enjeux et les actions conduites en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, dans le cadre de la politique PNA de l’État, pour la conservation des Pies-gričches. LPO Auvergne. 22 pages.. ; . Lefranc, N. & Issa, N. (2018) Plan national d’actions Pies-gričches Lanius sp. 2014-2018. MEDDE. 143 pages. ; Lefranc, N. & Paul, J-P. 2011. La Pie-gričche grise Lanius excubitor en France : historique et statut récent en période de nidification. Ornithos, 18, ; Issa, N. & Muler, Y. 2015. Lefranc, N. 2015 Pie-gričche grise. in Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN.Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris1408",59671.6957042986,1980,2012,"D","estimateExpert",NA,-85,NA,-75,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert",NA,-18,NA,-18,"FR","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",900,NA,1800,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",59671.6957042986,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-26.7699544255305,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-54.9363787466913,NA,"CZ","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1500,NA,2300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",59671.6957042986,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-46,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-29,NA,"DE","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",59671.6957042986,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín, A., Lengyel, J., Sárossy, M., 2001: Posúva sa hranica strakoša sivého Lanius excubitor na Slovensku na juh? Tichodroma 14: 67-70., K rištín, A. Ridzon, J, database of SOS Birdlife",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín, A., Lengyel, J., Sárossy, M., 2001: Posúva sa hranica strakoša sivého Lanius excubitor na Slovensku na juh? Tichodroma 14: 67-70.K rištín, A. Ridzon, J, database of SOS Birdlife",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",59671.6957042986,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",84,NA,149,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",17,NA,32,"EE","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Información referida a la forma L. e. koenigi, propia del archipiélago canario.",59671.6957042986,1980,2018,"U","absentData","Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",59671.6957042986,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",150,NA,275,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,5,"LT","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",59671.6957042986,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",207,NA,224,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",156.99,166.2,176.33,"LV","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",59671.6957042986,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-96.92,-87.19,-49.65,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-99.66,-98,-90.62,"DK","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius meridionalis","[excluding koenigi]","Iberian Grey Shrike","Spain",2004,2006,"p",359000,NA,595000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",466131.785925226,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3). Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-20,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-60,-20,-20,"ES","A496",NA,"Lanius meridionalis" "Lanius meridionalis","[excluding koenigi]","Iberian Grey Shrike","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",466131.785925226,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A496",NA,"Lanius meridionalis" "Lanius meridionalis","[excluding koenigi]","Iberian Grey Shrike","France",2009,2012,"p",550,NA,1150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Hameau, O. & Gilot, F. (2015) Pie-gričche méridionale. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015) Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropiltaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN. Delachaux et Nieslé, Paris, 1408 p., Delachaux et Niestlé1406",466131.785925226,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert",NA,-50,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,-42,NA,-40,"FR","A496",NA,"Lanius meridionalis" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp. IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",-20,NA,-10,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. Common Birds Monitoring performed by BSPB shows moderate decline based on 2005-2012 data from 57 plots.",-40,NA,-30,"BG","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Greece",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe - Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK, BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No 12).",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database, Hellenic Ornithological Society",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 652-654 KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",177142.086883102,1994,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 412-413 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 120 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 346-347 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 254 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 502-503 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 206-207 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 652-654. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-50,NA,-40,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Lanius_minor.pdf Aquila (2013), Vol.120, p. 15-37 Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 652-654. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",2300,NA,3500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Italy",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",177142.086883102,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,-70,NA,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",-70,NA,-70,"IT","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín, A. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-50,NA,-30,"SK","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",6,NA,13,"interval","completeSurvey","Population estimate is adapted for the reporting period 2013-2018 from Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana. The adaptation of the population estimate was done using the following sources: Denac K., Kljun I. (2018): Crnoceli srakoper Lanius minor. pp. 115-119. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K. (2017): Crnoceli srakoper Lanius minor. pp. 78-87. In: Denac K., Kmecl P., Mihelic T., Jancar T., Denac D., Bordjan D.: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2017. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K. (2016): Crnoceli srakoper Lanius minor. pp. 101-112. In: Denac, K., P. Kmecl, T. Mihelic, L. Božic, T. Jancar, D. Denac, D. Bordjan & J. Figelj: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2016. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Web portal NOAGS: http://atlas.ptice.si/atlas/index.php?r=user/login, accessed on 11 Apr 2019",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-70,NA,-50,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Since the majority of national population of this species occurs at SPAs, the trend at SPAs is the same as national trend. Therefore, the national trend was recalculated for the requested period (2007-2018) from the SPA monitoring report (Denac K., Kljun I. (2018): Crnoceli srakoper Lanius minor. pp. 115-119. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.)",1,NA,3,"SI","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Spain",2017,2017,"p",6,6,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Seguimiento de cría de aves esteparias del anexo I de la directiva aves por parte de Cataluńa y la asociación TRENCA. (http://trenca.org/es/proyectos/alcaudon-chico-lanius-minor/)",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Giralt, D., Rivas, J.L. & Albero, J.C. (Eds.). (2010). El alcaudón chico en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 62pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/35-alcaudonchico_tcm30-208008.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,-99,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Giralt, D., Rivas, J.L. & Albero, J.C. (Eds.). (2010). El alcaudón chico en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 62pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/35-alcaudonchico_tcm30-208008.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",-30.2,NA,46.3,"ES","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","France",2018,2018,"p",4,4,4,"estimate","completeSurvey",". Observatoiçre des espčces nicheuses rares et menacées, coordination LPO. ; Quaintenne, G. & les coordinateurs espčces 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015.. Ornithos, 25-2: 57-91, LPO, Francepp 57-91",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Rocamora, G. & Yeatman-Berthelot, D. 1999. Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. Listes rouges et recherche de priorités. populations. Tendances. Menaces. Conservation.. , SEOF, LPO, Paris560 ; Sériot, J. & les coordinateurs espčces 2000. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 1998. Ornithos, 7-1, LPO, Francepp: 1-18",NA,-92,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-90,NA,"FR","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys , V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",-100,NA,-50,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,"LT","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Austria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",177142.086883102,1981,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-90,NA,-70,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,200,NA,"AT","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; Tucker G.M., Heath",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",177142.086883102,1986,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,-100,NA,2002,2016,"UNK","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius nubicus",NA,"Masked Shrike","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",8565.52268493584,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A433",NA,"Lanius nubicus" "Lanius nubicus",NA,"Masked Shrike","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,2200,"estimate","estimatePartial","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; NIKOLOV, B. 2008. Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus. – In: del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, D. A. Christie (eds.) Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 13: Penduline-tits to Shrikes. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona: 794. IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",8565.52268493584,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2008. Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus. – In: del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, D. A. Christie (eds.) Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 13: Penduline-tits to Shrikes. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona: 794. IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",50,NA,100,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; NIKOLOV, B. 2008. Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus. – In: del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, D. A. Christie (eds.) Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 13: Penduline-tits to Shrikes. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona: 794. IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",0,NA,0,"BG","A433",NA,"Lanius nubicus" "Lanius nubicus",NA,"Masked Shrike","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",8565.52268493584,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006; Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","SPA Management Plans",0,NA,0,"CY","A433",NA,"Lanius nubicus" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Spain",2004,2018,"p",1790000,NA,2810000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-13.63,NA,"ES","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","France",2009,2012,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa, N. & muller, Y. 2015. Flitti, A., Caupenne, M. & Gilot, F. (2015) Pie-gričche ŕ tęte rousse. in Isaa, N. & Muller, Y. (2015) Atlas des Oiseaux de France Métropiltaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, delachaux & Niestlé1406",2369282.24585668,1980,2012,"D","estimateExpert","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Flitti, A., Caupenne, M. & Gilot, F. (2015) Pie-gričche ŕ tęte rousse. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015) Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropiltaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN. Delachaux et Nieslé, Paris, 1408 p., Delachaux et Niestlé1406",-50,NA,-20,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","MNHN 2019. Vigie Nature, Résultats par espčce. , http://www.vigienature.fr/fr/pie-grieche-tete-rousse-3530",NA,-22,NA,"FR","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",2369282.24585668,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-60,NA,-20,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-55,NA,-15,"IT","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Germany",2011,2016,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2369282.24585668,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-84,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-56,NA,"DE","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",12000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp. IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",5,NA,25,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","IVANOV, B. 2011. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 30. AVES. Part III. Marin Drinov PH. Sofia. 412 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NIKOLOV, B. 2006. The Shrikes (family Laniidae) (Aves: Passeriformes) in Bulgaria – distribution, breeding biology and migration. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. 422 pp. +XLII NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. Common Birds Monitoring performed by BSPB shows moderate decline based on 2005-2012 data from 29 plots.",1,NA,10,"BG","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Malta",2017,2018,"p",3,NA,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,-8,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,133,NA,"MT","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Greece",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 5. D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 5. D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",25,NA,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",2000,NA,2500,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas",0,NA,0,"CY","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","The last confirmed breeding in Slovenia took place in 2004. The species reaches the northern edge of its range in SE Europe. See Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2369282.24585668,1986,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,-100,NA,2002,2016,"UNK","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Slovakia",NA,NA,"p",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData",NA,2369282.24585668,1983,1987,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. In the period from 1983 - 1987 last confirmed breeding of 45 pairs. Since then no confirmed breeding.",-100,NA,-100,NA,NA,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"SK","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; Tucker G.M., Heath",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Larus argentatus","argentatus","European Herring Gull","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",85926,85926,85926,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Bregnballe, T. et al., 2014, Udviklingen i ynglebestanden af Sřlvmĺger i Danmark 1920-2012, Dansk Orn. Foren. Tidsskr. 108 (2014): 187-198",203934.369154226,1988,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",23.5,64.85,119.43,2010,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",0,0,0,"DK","A890",NA,"Larus argentatus argentatus" "Larus argentatus","argentatus","European Herring Gull","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",44000,61000,79000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",203934.369154226,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-79,-76,-73,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-16,-3,12,"SE","A890",NA,"Larus argentatus argentatus" "Larus argentatus","argentatus","European Herring Gull","Germany",2011,2016,"p",19500,NA,24000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",203934.369154226,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-29,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-33,NA,"DE","A890",NA,"Larus argentatus argentatus" "Larus argentatus","argentatus","European Herring Gull","Finland",2013,2018,"p",18386,20384,24393,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",203934.369154226,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-36,-29,-20,2010,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-17,-10,-4,"FI","A890",NA,"Larus argentatus argentatus" "Larus argentatus","argentatus","European Herring Gull","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",203934.369154226,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-63,NA,-62,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-22,NA,-16,"EE","A890",NA,"Larus argentatus argentatus" "Larus argentatus","argentatus","European Herring Gull","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",203934.369154226,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",375,NA,378,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Viksne J., Janaus M. 2009. [Seagulls in Riga – in the past, now and in the future.] (in Latvian). In: Putni daba 2009/4: 4-9. Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",22.17,22.47,22.92,"LV","A890",NA,"Larus argentatus argentatus" "Larus argentatus","argentatus","European Herring Gull","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",203934.369154226,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-100,NA,-50,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-100,NA,-75,"LT","A890",NA,"Larus argentatus argentatus" "Larus argentatus","argentatus","European Herring Gull","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",203934.369154226,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A890",NA,"Larus argentatus argentatus" "Larus argentatus","argenteus","European Herring Gull","UK",1998,2002,"p",132190,132190,132190,"estimate","completeSurvey","Madden, B. & Newton, S. 2004. Herring Gull Larus argentatus. Pp. 242-262. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",243366.811173806,1986,2015,"UNK","absentData","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. No UK trend is available as inland/urban-breeding gulls are not subject to monitoring. For coastal-breeding birds only, there is a -39.0% (CI -69.0% to +29.0%) for the period 1986-2015.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2015,"D","absentData","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. No UK trend is available as inland/urban-breeding gulls are not subject to monitoring. For coastal-breeding birds only, there is a -16.0% (CI -50.0% to -2.0%) for the period 2004-2015.",NA,-47,NA,"UK","A895",NA,"Larus argentatus argenteus" "Larus argentatus","argenteus","European Herring Gull","France",2009,2012,"p",53749,NA,56463,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. et les coordinateurs régionaux, coordinateurs départementaux et coordinateurs-espčce 2014. Cinquičme recensement national des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine : bilan final 2009-2012. Rapport Gisom & AAMP, Brest, 75 p.. https://gis-oiseauxmarins.wixsite.com/website,",243366.811173806,1978,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Cadiou B. et les coordinateurs régionaux, coordinateurs départementaux et coordinateurs-espčce 2014. Cinquičme recensement national des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine : bilan final 2009-2012. . Rapport Gisom & AAMP, Brest, 75 p., https://gis-oiseauxmarins.wixsite.com/website/",-15,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine, Biotope ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2016. 42 ; Cadiou B. et les coordinateurs régionaux, coordinateurs départementaux et coordinateurs-espčc 2014. Cinquičme recensement national des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine : bilan final 2009-2012. Rapport Gisom & AAMP, Brest, 75 p.. Rapport Gisom & AAMP, Brest, 75 p,",-35,NA,-25,"FR","A895",NA,"Larus argentatus argenteus" "Larus argentatus","argenteus","European Herring Gull","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",42000,NA,46000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",243366.811173806,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-55,-54,-54,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-44,-37,-29,"NL","A895",NA,"Larus argentatus argenteus" "Larus argentatus","argenteus","European Herring Gull","Ireland",2015,2018,"p",10333,10333,10333,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",243366.811173806,1987,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,-33,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,87,NA,"IE","A895",NA,"Larus argentatus argenteus" "Larus argentatus","argenteus","European Herring Gull","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1200,1800,2300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",243366.811173806,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",21718,32627,41718,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-51,-26,-6,"BE","A895",NA,"Larus argentatus argenteus" "Larus argentatus","argenteus","European Herring Gull","Germany",NA,NA,"p",0,NA,0,NA,NA,NA,243366.811173806,NA,NA,NA,NA,"keine Angabe",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"keine Angabe",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A895",NA,"Larus argentatus argenteus" "Larus audouinii",NA,"Audouin's Gull","Spain",2013,2017,"p",12131,NA,16814,"estimate","completeSurvey","Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya, Gobierno Regional de Murcia (solo 2017) y datos cedidos por Dani Oro (IMEDEA) para Baleares y Región de Murcia y Jordi Muntaner para las colonias de cría de Baleares (2013-2017).",18044.2794622368,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Bertolero, A., Genovart, M., Martínez-Abraín, A., Molina, B., Mourińo, J., Oro, D. & Tavecchia, G. (2008). Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y tridáctila, y gavión atlántico en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 108pp. (1974-2007). Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya, Gobierno Regional de Murcia (solo 2017) y datos cedidos por Dani Oro (IMEDEA) para Baleares y Región de Murcia y Jordi Muntaner para las colonias de cría de Baleares (2013-2017).",5.12,5.12,5.12,2013,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya, Gobierno Regional de Murcia (solo 2017) y datos cedidos por Dani Oro (IMEDEA) para Baleares y Región de Murcia y Jordi Muntaner para las colonias de cría de Baleares (2013-2017).",-31,-31,-31,"ES","A181",NA,"Larus audouinii" "Larus audouinii",NA,"Audouin's Gull","Portugal",2018,2018,"p",1900,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF",18044.2794622368,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A181",NA,"Larus audouinii" "Larus audouinii",NA,"Audouin's Gull","Italy",2017,2017,"p",1190,NA,1384,"estimate","estimateExpert","Baccetti & Zenatello, ISPRA Database",18044.2794622368,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",110,NA,135,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Baccetti & Zenatello, pers. Comm.",0,0,0,"IT","A181",NA,"Larus audouinii" "Larus audouinii",NA,"Audouin's Gull","Greece",2013,2018,"p",350,NA,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","1) Portolou, D. and J. Fric (2015) Status and conservation of seabird species in Greece and the current Marine Important Bird Area network. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the Conservation of Marine and Coastal Birds in the Mediterranean. Hammamet, Tunisia, 20-22 February 2015. RAC-SPA (Mediterranean Action Plan), Medmaravis and Les Amis des Oiseaux (BirdLife Tunisia). 2) Saravia - Mullin, V., Portolou, D., Evangelidis, A., Gaganis, K., Manolopoulos, A. and J. Fric (2012) The breeding population of Audouin’s Gull Larus audouinii in Greece. In: Yésou, P., Baccetti, N. and J. Sultana (eds). Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds and other bird species under the Barcelona Convention. Update and Progress. Proceedings of the 13th Medmaravis Pan-Mediterranean Symposium, 14-17 October 2011, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy. Medmaravis 2012. 3)Portolou, D. & C. Papaconstantinou, 1999. Report on the reproductive activity of Larus audouinii and aspects affecting breeding success. LIFE-Nature project B4-3200/96/498 ""The conservation of Larus audouinii in Greece"", Hellenic Ornithological Society 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 7) LIFE96 NAT/GR/003221 (Gatzelia 1999) 8) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. s t ßßaf p, ts dµseµ s a adµset, p seta a aaspa sta pasa t ds t esa IBA aeta st 546. 9) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 10) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",18044.2794622368,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","1) Portolou, D. and J. Fric (2015) Status and conservation of seabird species in Greece and the current Marine Important Bird Area network. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the Conservation of Marine and Coastal Birds in the Mediterranean. Hammamet, Tunisia, 20-22 February 2015. RAC-SPA (Mediterranean Action Plan), Medmaravis and Les Amis des Oiseaux (BirdLife Tunisia). 2) Saravia - Mullin, V., Portolou, D., Evangelidis, A., Gaganis, K., Manolopoulos, A. and J. Fric (2012) The breeding population of Audouin’s Gull Larus audouinii in Greece. In: Yésou, P., Baccetti, N. and J. Sultana (eds). Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds and other bird species under the Barcelona Convention. Update and Progress. Proceedings of the 13th Medmaravis Pan-Mediterranean Symposium, 14-17 October 2011, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy. Medmaravis 2012. 3) Portolou, D. & C. Papaconstantinou, 1999. Report on the reproductive activity of Larus audouinii and aspects affecting breeding success. LIFE-Nature project B4-3200/96/498 ""The conservation of Larus audouinii in Greece"", Hellenic Ornithological Society 4) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 5) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 6) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 7) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 8) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 9) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 10) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 11) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","1) Portolou, D. and J. Fric (2015) Status and conservation of seabird species in Greece and the current Marine Important Bird Area network. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the Conservation of Marine and Coastal Birds in the Mediterranean. Hammamet, Tunisia, 20-22 February 2015. RAC-SPA (Mediterranean Action Plan), Medmaravis and Les Amis des Oiseaux (BirdLife Tunisia). 2) Saravia - Mullin, V., Portolou, D., Evangelidis, A., Gaganis, K., Manolopoulos, A. and J. Fric (2012) The breeding population of Audouin’s Gull Larus audouinii in Greece. In: Yésou, P., Baccetti, N. and J. Sultana (eds). Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds and other bird species under the Barcelona Convention. Update and Progress. Proceedings of the 13th Medmaravis Pan-Mediterranean Symposium, 14-17 October 2011, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy. Medmaravis 2012. 3) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 7) LIFE96 NAT/GR/003221 (Gatzelia 1999) 8) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. s t ßßaf p, ts dµseµ s a adµset, p seta a aaspa sta pasa t ds t esa IBA aeta st 546. 9) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",-61,NA,-29,"GR","A181",NA,"Larus audouinii" "Larus audouinii",NA,"Audouin's Gull","France",2013,2018,"p",44,63,63,"estimate","completeSurvey","Recorbet, B. 2018. Bilan de la reproduction du Goéland d'Audouin Ichthyaetus audouinii sur la jettée de la base aéronavale d'Aspretto ŕ Ajaccio (Corse du Sud) en 2018, site Natura 2000 ZPS FR9412001. DREAL, DREAL/Marine Nationale/ONCFS25",18044.2794622368,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Ardiet, L. 2012. Evaluation du Plan de restauration du Goéland d'Audouin (Larus audouinii). DREAL Corse, Biotope/CEN-Corse61 ; Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p.",-85,NA,50,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257 ; Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25, 57-91",-12,NA,-12,"FR","A181",NA,"Larus audouinii" "Larus audouinii",NA,"Audouin's Gull","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",13,NA,60,"mean","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",18044.2794622368,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",-80,NA,360,"HR","A181",NA,"Larus audouinii" "Larus audouinii",NA,"Audouin's Gull","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,28,"estimate","completeSurvey","Annual breeding season count (census) at only known breeding sites, Kleides islands and (since 2012 only) Lefkoniso islet, at tip of Karpasia peninsula, from boat. Carried out every May since 2007 by BirdLife Cyprus is conjunction with the Turkish Cypriot bird protection society, Kuskor. Census data published in BirdLife Cyprus annual bird reports and quarterly magazines; Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",18044.2794622368,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1987 count data (15 occupied nests) by R.Murray reported in 1987 Cyprus Ornithological Society (1957) 34th bird report and also in Flint & Stewart (1992), The Birds of Cyprus, BOU checklist no.6, second edition. Other pre-2007 data from BirdLife Cyprus annual bird reports. From 2007 onwards, from annual census of breeding islands by BirdLife Cyprus - reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual bird reports and quarterly magazine.",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","pre-2007 data based on records in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports (birdwatching records), whereas data after 2007 is of good quality, derived from annual census of breeding islands by BirdLife Cyprus - reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual bird reports and quarterly magazine",0,NA,0,"CY","A181",NA,"Larus audouinii" "Larus cachinnans",NA,"Caspian Gull","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MMC – Mediterranean Gull Census); expert assesment",7232.0070104071,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",40000,NA,60000,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","MMC – Mediterranean Gull Census; expert assesment",40,NA,100,"PL","A459",NA,"Larus cachinnans" "Larus cachinnans",NA,"Caspian Gull","Germany",2011,2016,"p",750,750,750,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",7232.0070104071,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,145,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,2552,NA,"DE","A459",NA,"Larus cachinnans" "Larus cachinnans",NA,"Caspian Gull","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",550,NA,650,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",7232.0070104071,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",55000,NA,65000,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",8,NA,27,"LT","A459",NA,"Larus cachinnans" "Larus cachinnans",NA,"Caspian Gull","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",180,NA,750,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",7232.0070104071,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",500,NA,5000,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",50,NA,350,"SK","A459",NA,"Larus cachinnans" "Larus cachinnans",NA,"Caspian Gull","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",105,NA,159,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",7232.0070104071,1996,2018,"I","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,12700,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,489,NA,"HU","A459",NA,"Larus cachinnans" "Larus cachinnans",NA,"Caspian Gull","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",60,NA,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",7232.0070104071,1980,2019,"UNK","completeSurvey","Waterbird numbers were recorded in mid-January by regular citizen-science monitoring programme - the International Waterbird Census (IWC) – see Gilissen et al. 2002, Wetlands International 2006, Wetlands International 2019. Hundreds of volunteer birdwatchers conduct the mid-January counts on predetermined dates and sites each year, aiming to maximize synchrony (Gilissen et al. 2002, Musil et al. 2011, Musilová et al. 2014). The individual species trends in numbers was calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011), Musilová et al. (2015), Musilová et al. (2018 a, b). Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue 2: 42–59. Gilissen N, Haanstra L, Delany S, Boere G, Hagemeijer W (2002) Numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Western Palearctic and Southwest Asia in 1987, 1988 and 1999. Results from the International Waterbird Census. Wetlands International Global Series No. 11, Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M (2018a) Changes in habitat suitability influence non-breeding distribution of waterbirds in central Europe. Ibis: 160: 582–596. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Adam M, Bejcek V (2018b) Importance of Natura 2000 sites for wintering waterbirds: Low preference, species’ distribution changes and carrying capacity of Natura 2000 could fail to protect the species. Biological Conservation 228: 79–88. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Bejcek V, Štastný K, Hudec K (2014) Numbers of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic: long-term and spatial-scale approaches to assess population size. Bird Study 61: 321–331. Musilová Z, Musil P, Zouhar J, Romportl D (2015) Long-term trends, total numbers and species richness of increasing waterbird populations at sites on the edge of their winter range: cold-weather refuge sites are more important than protected sites. J Ornithol: 1–10. Pannekoek J, Van Strien AJ (2005) TRIM 3 Manual (TRends and Indices for Monitoring Data). Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2006) Waterbird population estimates. Fourth Edition. Wetlands International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wetlands International (2019) Waterbird Population Estimates. Available at: wpe.wetlands.org (accessed 10 March 2019).",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",2900,NA,3900,"CZ","A459",NA,"Larus cachinnans" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",71000,1e+05,132000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",272523.38496011,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-43,-35,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-15,-8,5,"SE","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Finland",2013,2018,"p",56804,77129,87117,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",272523.38496011,1980,2012,"I","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67. Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",26,NA,38,2001,2012,"S","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67. Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",0,0,0,"FI","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","UK",1998,2002,"p",48714,48714,48714,"estimate","completeSurvey","Tasker, M.L. 2004. Common Gull Larus canus. Pp. 214-225. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",272523.38496011,1986,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-45,27,111,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Trend only relates to coastal nesting birds, inland nesting colonies not monitored.",-47,-20,-5,"UK","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Germany",2011,2016,"p",17000,17000,17000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",272523.38496011,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-3,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-22,NA,"DE","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",13938,13938,13938,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Bregballe, T. et al., in prep., Udviklingen i ynglebestanden af Stormmĺge i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift",272523.38496011,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-68.54,-62.06,-54.28,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-44.93,-40.82,-36.44,"DK","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",7000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",272523.38496011,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-35,NA,-8,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,23,NA,"EE","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Netherlands",2013,2016,"p",3300,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",272523.38496011,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-68,-67,-67,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-52,-42,-30,"NL","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Ireland",2016,2018,"p",1948,1948,1948,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",272523.38496011,1978,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,-25,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,82,NA,"IE","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Poland",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",272523.38496011,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-80,NA,-70,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MMC)",-88,-79,-67,"PL","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",550,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",272523.38496011,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",47,NA,50,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-13.93,-12.2,-10.39,"LV","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",272523.38496011,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",690,NA,900,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,NA,0,"LT","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",63,70,76,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",272523.38496011,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",600,678,744,2008,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,NA,NA,"BE","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","France",2013,2018,"p",21,NA,39,"estimate","completeSurvey","Camberlein P 2010. Le Goéland cendré Larus canus en France : un oiseau nicheur persévérant et atypique.. Ornithos, LPO Rochefort209-216",272523.38496011,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,5,25,55,2006,2018,"F","completeSurvey",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2,NA,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",272523.38496011,1986,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,-40,NA,2001,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",0,NA,0,"CZ","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2013-2018 (Rheindelta); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",272523.38496011,1981,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2013-2018 (Rheindelta); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2007-2018 (Rheindelta); BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,-40,NA,"AT","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",272523.38496011,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",NA,NA,NA,"SK","A182",NA,"Larus canus" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","UK",1998,2002,"p",111960,111960,111960,"estimate","completeSurvey","Calladine, J. 2004. Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus. Pp. 392-406. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",310750.788095988,1986,2015,"UNK","absentData","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. No UK trend is available as inland/urban-breeding gulls are not subject to monitoring. For coastal-breeding birds only, there is a 0.0% (CI -48.0% to +219.0%) for the period 1986-2015.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2015,"UNK","absentData","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. No UK trend is available as inland/urban-breeding gulls are not subject to monitoring. For coastal-breeding birds only, there is a -26.0% (CI -61% to +58%) for the period 2004-2015.",NA,-73,NA,"UK","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1e+05,NA,110000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",310750.788095988,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",900,907,914,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-12,-3,6,"NL","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Germany",2014,2016,"p",44000,44000,44000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",310750.788095988,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,93,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,21,NA,"DE","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","France",2009,2012,"p",21960,NA,22880,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257",310750.788095988,1978,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257 ; Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p.",50,NA,69,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257 ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2019. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2017-2018.. Rapport de l’Observatoire régional de l’avifaune de Bretagne, Brest, ; Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p.",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",6600,10000,13000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",310750.788095988,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,10,30,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,0,20,"SE","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",7456,7456,7456,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",310750.788095988,1987,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",468.32,858.02,1501.01,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",68.55,283.24,726.71,"DK","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Ireland",2015,2018,"p",7112,7112,7112,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",310750.788095988,1987,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,145,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,148,NA,"IE","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1600,2700,3700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",310750.788095988,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",319900,539900,739900,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-65,-41,-19,"BE","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Spain",2013,2018,"p",180,180,180,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Galicia. Consellería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Generalitat de Catalunya y Junta de Andalucía",310750.788095988,1996,2018,"UNK","absentData","Galicia. Consellería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Generalitat de Catalunya. Molina, B. (Ed.). 2009. Gaviota reidora, sombría y patiamarilla en Espańa. Población en 2007-2009 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Molina, B. (Ed.). 2009. Gaviota reidora, sombría y patiamarilla en Espańa. Población en 2007-2009 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Galicia. Consellería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Generalitat de Catalunya",NA,-60,NA,"ES","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",310750.788095988,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","all others","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",15,15,15,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",310750.788095988,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Grande, J.M. & Palacios, C.-J. (2002). First Breeding Record of the Lesser Black-backed Gull in the Macaronesic rchipelago, North Atlantic; a Large Spread in Its Breeding Range. Waterbirds 25 (3): 388-389. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Rodríguez, B., De León, L., Martín A., Alonso, J. & Nogales, M. (2003). Status and distribution of breeding seabirds in the northern islets of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Atlantic Seabirds 5(2): 41-56.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A489",NA,"Larus fuscus all others" "Larus fuscus","fuscus","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Finland",2013,2018,"p",3400,6700,9000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",12515.1421356237,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-36,-26,-16,"FI","A640",NA,"Larus fuscus fuscus" "Larus fuscus","fuscus","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",4500,5800,7700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",12515.1421356237,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-30,-10,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-30,-10,"SE","A640",NA,"Larus fuscus fuscus" "Larus fuscus","fuscus","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",12515.1421356237,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-90,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-97,NA,-43,"EE","A640",NA,"Larus fuscus fuscus" "Larus fuscus","fuscus","Lesser Black-backed Gull","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",12515.1421356237,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A640",NA,"Larus fuscus fuscus" "Larus genei",NA,"Slender-billed Gull","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Scarton F., 2017. Le specie di interesse conservazionistico nidificanti nella laguna aperta: anni 2013-2015. In: Campostrini P., Dabala C., Del negro P., Tosi L., (Eds.), 2017. Il controllo ambientale della costruzione del MOSE. 10 anni di monitoraggi tr",6841.18613994516,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",230,NA,320,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A180",NA,"Larus genei" "Larus genei",NA,"Slender-billed Gull","Spain",2013,2018,"p",1543,NA,1880,"estimate","completeSurvey","Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya.",6841.18613994516,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bertolero, A., Genovart, M., Martínez-Abraín, A., Molina, B., Mourińo, J., Oro, D., & Tavecchia, G. (2008). Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y tridáctila, y gavión atlántico en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya. Martínez-Vilalta, A., Máńez, M., Oro, D., García, L. Gaviota picofina (Larus genei). En Madrońo, A., González, G. G., & Atienza, J. C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro rojo de las aves de Espańa. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. ISO 690.",NA,417,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya",NA,112,NA,"ES","A180",NA,"Larus genei" "Larus genei",NA,"Slender-billed Gull","France",2013,2018,"p",811,1148,1750,"mean","completeSurvey","Gwenaël Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce 2016. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2014. Ornithos 23-2, 65-101 ; Life+ ENVOLL . http://www.life-envoll.eu/sensibilisation-et-communication-39. Lettre d'information Réseau de gestionnaires et de suivi, ; Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25, 57-91",6841.18613994516,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey",NA,NA,121,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257",NA,80,NA,"FR","A180",NA,"Larus genei" "Larus genei",NA,"Slender-billed Gull","Greece",2015,2015,"p",100,NA,130,"estimate","estimatePartial","1)Dodd, A. 2005. Results from breeding bird survey of gull and tern colonies in the Axios and Aliakmon deltas. Sabbatical report, HOS / RSPB. 2)e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",6841.18613994516,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2)Dodd, A. 2005. Results from breeding bird survey of gull and tern colonies in the Axios and Aliakmon deltas. Sabbatical report, HOS / RSPB. 3) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 6) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 7) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, a. (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 8) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,76,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1)Dodd, A. 2005. Results from breeding bird survey of gull and tern colonies in the Axios and Aliakmon deltas. Sabbatical report, HOS / RSPB. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,1100,NA,"GR","A180",NA,"Larus genei" "Larus genei",NA,"Slender-billed Gull","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org",6841.18613994516,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",-20,NA,-10,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org)",0,0,0,"BG","A180",NA,"Larus genei" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","UK",2015,2015,"p",7210,14968,19008,"interval","estimatePartial","JNCC Seabird Monitoring Programme. The UK population estimates were derived from a method first used in APEP3: Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100. Population estimates were calculated using the long-term Thomas trend index from the year 1986 - 2015 (using counts from a sample of colonies monitored by the UK Seabird Monitoring Programme), anchored to the last census count, Seabird 2000. To test the robustness of the Thomas trend an estimation the Seabird 2000 population was produced using the trend index between 1986-2000 and anchored to the 1986 (SCR) census population for the species. If this estimate had a variance of 30% (or over) from the actual Seabird 2000 population, the method was not used (and an alternative is given, such as the Seabird 2000 census). Thomas trend methodology can be found here http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201",38043.4197820609,1986,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-47,-1,23,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-41,-26,-1,"UK","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",6500,8000,10300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",38043.4197820609,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-60,-50,-39,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-56,-45,-30,"SE","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","France",2009,2012,"p",6482,NA,6575,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257",38043.4197820609,1977,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257 ; Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p.",550,NA,600,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","Ireland",2015,2018,"p",3081,3081,3081,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",38043.4197820609,1987,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,6,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,38,NA,"IE","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2500,2500,2500,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & https://www.fugledata.dk/kolkyst/",38043.4197820609,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",119.78,263.55,497.43,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1238,1555,1784,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",38043.4197820609,1980,2012,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-53,-44,-33,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-36,-24,-11,"FI","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",38043.4197820609,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-54,NA,-52,2006,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-28,NA,-24,"EE","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","Germany",2014,2016,"p",100,100,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",38043.4197820609,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,127,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,104,NA,"DE","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",60,NA,79,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",38043.4197820609,1993,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",256,394,582,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",131,213,322,"NL","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus marinus",NA,"Great Black-backed Gull","Spain",2013,2018,"p",17,NA,18,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Bertolero, A., Genovart, M., Martínez-Abraín, A., Molina, B., Mourińo, J., Oro, D. & Tavecchia, G. (2008). Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y tridáctila, y gavión atlántico en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Galicia. Consellería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio Galarza, A. (2013). Primera reproducción del gavión atlántico"" Larus marinus"" L., 1758 en el País Vasco (Golfo de Vizcaya). Munibe Ciencias Naturales. Natur zientziak 61: 161-164. (http://www.aranzadi.eus/fileadmin/docs/Munibe/2013161164CN.pdf) (https://laruseus.blogspot.com/2018/04/las-colonias-de-gaviotas-de-gipuzkoa-se.html) Mourin~o, J. (2008). Gavio´n atla´ntico. En: Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y trida´ctila, y gavio´n atla´ntico en Espan~a. Poblacio´n en 2007 y me´todo de censo.",38043.4197820609,2000,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bertolero, A., Genovart, M., Martínez-Abraín, A., Molina, B., Mourińo, J., Oro, D. & Tavecchia, G. (2008). Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y tridáctila, y gavión atlántico en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Galicia. Consellería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio Galarza, A. (2013) Primera reproducción del gavión atlántico"" Larus marinus"" L., 1758 en el País Vasco (Golfo de Vizcaya). Munibe Ciencias Naturales. Natur zientziak 61: 161-164. (https://laruseus.blogspot.com/2018/04/las-colonias-de-gaviotas-de-gipuzkoa-se.html) Mourin~o, J. (2008). Gavio´n atla´ntico. En: Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y trida´ctila, y gavio´n atla´ntico en Espan~a. Poblacio´n en 2007 y me´todo de censo.",NA,13,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bertolero, A., Genovart, M., Martínez-Abraín, A., Molina, B., Mourińo, J., Oro, D. &Tavecchia, G. (2008). Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y tridáctila, y gavión atlántico en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Cadiou, B., Pons, J.M. & Ye´sou, P. (e´ds). (2004). Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France me´tropolitaine (1960-2000). E´ditions Biotope, Me`ze.) Dubois, P.J., Le Mare´chal, P., Olioso, G. & Ye´sou, P. (2008). Nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. Delachaux et Niestle´. Galicia. Consellería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio Galarza, A. (2013). Primera reproducción del gavión atlántico"" Larus marinus"" L., 1758 en el País Vasco (Golfo de Vizcaya). Munibe Ciencias Naturales. Natur zientziak 61: 161-164. (http://www.aranzadi.eus/fileadmin/docs/Munibe/2013161164CN.pdf) (https://laruseus.blogspot.com/2018/04/las-colonias-de-gaviotas-de-gipuzkoa-se.html) Mourin~o, J. (2008). Gavio´n atla´ntico. En: Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y trida´ctila, y gavio´n atla´ntico en Espan~a. Poblacio´n en 2007 y me´todo de censo.",NA,425,NA,"ES","A187",NA,"Larus marinus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","France",2013,2017,"p",7940,NA,8200,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,20042.9452156115,1982,2017,"I","completeSurvey",NA,50000,NA,60000,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey",NA,70,73,75,"FR","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512. - Scarton F., 2017. Le specie di interesse conservazionistico nidificanti nella laguna aperta: anni 2013-2015.",20042.9452156115,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",150,NA,1635,2004,2011,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",0,0,0,"IT","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",1400,NA,5100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",20042.9452156115,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",27554,32607,38553,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",77,164,288,"NL","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1400,1700,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",20042.9452156115,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",93233,113233,133233,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",67,103,139,"BE","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Greece",2015,2015,"p",650,NA,1950,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat 3) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",20042.9452156115,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-52,NA,"GR","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","UK",2012,2016,"p",1110,1110,1110,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",20042.9452156115,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,30733,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,574,NA,"UK","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",765,NA,887,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",20042.9452156115,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Szél, A. & Bakacsi, G. (1996): A szerecsensirály (Larus melanocephalus) fészkelési viszonyai Magyarországon. [The Breeding of Mediterranean Gull in Hungary]. Túzok 1: 105-115. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 605-607. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",19025,NA,22075,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 605-607. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",50,NA,233,"HU","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Spain",2013,2016,"p",423,NA,640,"estimate","completeSurvey","Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya",20042.9452156115,1988,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya. Bertolero, A., Genovart, M., Martínez-Abraín, A., Molina, B., Mourińo, J., Oro, D. y Tavecchia, G. (2008). Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y tridáctila, y gavión atlántico en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",NA,640,NA,2007,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Bertolero, A., Genovart, M., Martínez-Abraín, A., Molina, B., Mourińo, J., Oro, D. y Tavecchia, G. (2008). Gaviotas cabecinegra, picofina, de Audouin y tridáctila, y gavión atlántico en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya.",NA,310,NA,"ES","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Germany",2012,2016,"p",280,NA,320,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",20042.9452156115,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,1326,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,2,NA,"DE","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",151,NA,381,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",20042.9452156115,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",100,NA,250,"SK","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Poland",2013,2018,"p",44,75,89,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MMC – Mediterranean Gull Census)",20042.9452156115,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec",300,NA,400,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MMC)",NA,-13,NA,"PL","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Ireland",2015,2018,"p",54,54,54,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",20042.9452156115,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,1700,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,1700,NA,"IE","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",30,NA,80,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",20042.9452156115,1986,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,2200,NA,2002,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",NA,300,NA,"CZ","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Austria",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016; Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2013-2018 (Rheindelta); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",20042.9452156115,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Laber et al. 2016; Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2013-2018 (Rheindelta); irdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",NA,5500,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Laber et al. 2016, Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2007-2018 (Rheindelta); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,140,NA,"AT","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",20042.9452156115,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",9000,NA,19000,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",400,NA,500,"LT","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",17,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",20042.9452156115,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,1900,NA,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,300,NA,"DK","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,6,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/",20042.9452156115,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/",0,0,0,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/",0,0,0,"BG","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",0,3,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",20042.9452156115,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",0,NA,500,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-100,NA,167,"SE","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Spain",2007,2009,"p",116900,NA,119449,"estimate","estimatePartial","Molina, B. (Ed.). (2009). Gaviota reidora, sombría y patiamarilla en Espańa. Población en 2007-2009 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No hay información sobre su tendencia.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No hay información sobre su tendencia.",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,1e+05,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,430,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,25,NA,"GR","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Italy",2005,2015,"p",50000,NA,65000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",432531.274585791,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",105,NA,145,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",5,NA,15,"IT","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","France",2012,2018,"p",26000,NA,27000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257 ; . Surveillance et gestion des populations de Goélands leucophées des îles d'Hyčres - DREAM (2015) - Rapport Parc national de Port-Cros, 24 pages. ; Les Amis des Marais du Vigueirat 2018. Lettre d’information réseau de gestionnaires et de suivi laro-limicoles n°5 . Lettre d'information du programme LIFE+Envoll, 15 http://www.life-envoll.eu/IMG/pdf/newsletter_reseau_de_gestionnaires_et_de_suivi_no5_dec.2018.pdf; . Recensement quinquennal de la population de Goeland leucophée des îles de Marseille - Année 2015 - Parc national des Calanques - Données non publiées.",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p.",-34,NA,NA,2010,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-22,NA,"FR","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Nankinov D., S. Simeonov, T. Michev, B. Ivanov. 1997. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 26, Aves, part II, Sofia, BAS, 426 p. (in Bulgarian, with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",100,NA,500,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",40,NA,150,"BG","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Gibraltar",2006,2012,"p",2000,7000,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2000,2012,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",7000,7000,7000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Barone, R. & Lorenzo, J.A. Gaviota patiamarilla Larus michahellis en Lorenzo, J.A. (Ed.). (2007). Atlas de las aves nidificantes en el archipiélago canario:(1997-2003). Organismo autónomo de parques nacionales.",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Delgado, G., Martín, A., Nogales, M., Quilis, V., Hernández, E. & Trujillo, O. (1992). Distribution and population status of the Herring Gull Larus argentatus in the Canary Islands. Seabirds 14: 55-59. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Molina, B. & Bermejo, A. (2009). La gaviota patiamarilla en Espańa. En Del Moral, J.C. (ed.). Gaviotas reidora, sombría y patiamarilla en Espańa. Población en 2007-2009 y método de censo, pp. 50. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Palacios, C.J. (2004). Gaviota patiamarilla, Larus cachinnans. Noticiario Ornitológico. Ardeola 51 (1): 251-252 y 51(2): 553. Ramos, J.J. (2003). Censo, distribución y evolución de la población de gaviota patiamarilla (Larus cachinnans) en La Palma, islas Canarias (Aves, Laridae). Vieraea 31: 191-196. Rodríguez, B., De León, L., Martín A., Alonso, J. & Nogales, M. (2003). Status and distribution of breeding seabirds in the northern islets of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Atlantic Seabirds 5(2): 41-56.",NA,161,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Azores",2004,2004,"p",2705,NA,4249,"estimate","completeSurvey","Neves V.C., Murdoch N. & Furness R. W. (2006) Population Status and Diet of Yellow-Legged Gull in the Azores. Arquipélago - Life and Marine Sciences 23A:59-73",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Malta",2016,2018,"p",258,NA,404,"estimate","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016), Bird Life Malta LIFE Arcipelagu Garnija Project, code is LIFE14 NAT/MT/991 (2015-2020), Bird Life Malta and John J. Borg Malta Environment & Planning Authority (2013): MSFD Initial Assessment Report-Seabirds. Malta: Malta Environment & Planning Authority",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,21,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016), Bird Life Malta LIFE Arcipelagu Garnija Project, code is LIFE14 NAT/MT/991 (2015-2020), Bird Life Malta and John J. Borg Malta Environment & Planning Authority (2013): MSFD Initial Assessment Report-Seabirds. Malta: Malta Environment & Planning Authority Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,65,NA,"MT","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Germany",2011,2016,"p",220,NA,280,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",432531.274585791,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,123,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,39,NA,"DE","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Annual breeding season count at biggest breeding colony at Kleides islands",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Annual breeding season count at biggest breeding colony at Kleides islands for period 2007-12",10,NA,30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Annual breeding season count at biggest breeding colony at Kleides islands",0,NA,0,"CY","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",60,NA,120,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik, I. (2012): Favnisticni in ekološki pregled ptic Secoveljskih solin. – Soline predelava soli, Seca. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",200,NA,500,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",NA,14,NA,"SI","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Austria",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,30,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Österreich, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; Albegger et al. 2015; Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2013-2018; Petuschnig & Probst 2017",432531.274585791,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Österreich, unpublished archive data, Dvorak 1991",1000,NA,1500,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Österreich, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Österreich, unpublished archive data",NA,100,NA,"AT","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",100,NA,200,"SK","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",432531.274585791,1985,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Bijlsma et al. (2001), Sovon (2018)",400,NA,900,2006,2017,"UNK","absentData","Sovon",NA,NA,NA,"NL","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",0,NA,8,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. p. 202. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Faragó S. (ed.) (2012): Nyugat-Magyarország fészkelo madarainak elterjedési atlasza. Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Kiadó, Sopron (2012), 278 p. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Faragó S. (ed.) (2012): Nyugat-Magyarország fészkelo madarainak elterjedési atlasza. Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Kiadó, Sopron (2012), 278 p. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1,NA,8,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",432531.274585791,1986,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,800,NA,2001,2017,"UNK","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",3732,NA,NA,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dados năo publicados. Relatórios internos do SPNM https://liferecovernatura.madeira.gov.pt/ https://lifeportosanto.madeira.gov.pt/ 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"F","absentData","Based on expert opinion.",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Fagundes, I., Nunes, J., Carvalho, S., 2002. Gaivotas nos Aeroportos do Arquipélago da Madeira; Projecto de Investigaçăo com o Objectivo de Solucionar ou Minimizar os Problemas Causados. ANAM. Dados năo publicados. Relatórios internos do SPNM",5,NA,NA,"PTMA","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,1,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",432531.274585791,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","UK",1998,2002,"p",138012,138012,138012,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dunn,. T.E. 2004. Black-headed Gull Larsu ridibundus. Pp. 196-225. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",938929.433233973,1986,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Long-term trend relates to coastal breeding birds only",-29,11,130,2004,2015,"S","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-23,2,25,"UK","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Germany",2016,2016,"p",115000,NA,160000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",938929.433233973,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-8,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,7,NA,"DE","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",94000,NA,131000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",938929.433233973,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-72,-72,-72,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-19,-10,0,"NL","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",75000,98000,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-76,-70,-64,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-27,-14,1,"SE","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Poland",2013,2018,"p",90000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-70,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MMC)",-44,-32,-17,"PL","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Finland",2013,2018,"p",64099,82128,104162,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67. Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",67,74,80,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67. Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-45,-25,2,"FI","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",67300,67300,67300,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Bregnballe, T. et al., Udviklingen i ynglebestanden af Hćttemĺger i Danmark 1970-2010, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, 109, 2015.",938929.433233973,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-88.02,-84.92,-81.05,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-38.16,-18.77,6.04,"DK","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",24539,NA,38200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",938929.433233973,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-63,NA,2000,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-16.26,-15.94,-15.53,"LV","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",25000,NA,35000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",938929.433233973,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-40,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",74,NA,168,"EE","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",938929.433233973,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-7,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-60,NA,-60,"CZ","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","France",2009,2011,"p",25000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa, N. & Muller, Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Volume 1: des Anatidés aux Alcidés. Delachaud et niestlé,",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert",NA,-40,NA,-25,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,11000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-35,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-15,"SK","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",7800,8500,9100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",938929.433233973,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-9,-1,6,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-28,-19,-10,"BE","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Spain",2007,2018,"p",8198,NA,8261,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Molina, B. (Ed.). (2009). Gaviota reidora, sombría y patiamarilla en Espańa. Población en 2007-2009 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 166pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_especificos.aspx)",938929.433233973,1984,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Molina, B. (Ed.). (2009). Gaviota reidora, sombría y patiamarilla en Espańa. Población en 2007-2009 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 166pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_especificos.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Molina, B. (Ed.). (2009). Gaviota reidora, sombría y patiamarilla en Espańa. Población en 2007-2009 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 166pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_especificos.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Ireland",2016,2018,"p",7810,7810,7810,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",938929.433233973,1987,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,-11,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,102,NA,"IE","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",4000,NA,6400,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species)",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. p. 246. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-74,NA,-57,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Austria",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016; B. Wendelin, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel; Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2013-2018 (Rheindelta); H. Höfelmaier, Ornithologische Jahresberichte Waidmoos 2013-2016; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",938929.433233973,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak et al. 2016; B. Wendelin, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel; Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2013-2018 (Rheindelta); H. Höfelmaier, Ornithologische Jahresberichte Waidmoos 2013-2016; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding birds 1981-1985)",NA,-50,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak et al. 2016; Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2007-2018 (Rheindelta); Ornithologische Jahresberichte Waidmoos 2008-2016; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",NA,-40,NA,"AT","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",550,NA,1020,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2015): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2013–2014. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Denac, D. (2002): Common Tern Sterna hirundo breeding population: developement and nature conservation management results at the Ormož wastewater basins between 1992 and 2002 (NE Slovenia). – Acrocephalus 23 (115): 163–168. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2015): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2013–2014. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",400,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2015): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2013–2014. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",NA,273,NA,"SI","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Italy",2006,2015,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Scarton F., 2017. Le specie di interesse conservazionistico nidificanti nella laguna aperta: anni 2013-2015. In: Campostrini P., Dabala C., Del negro P., Tosi L., (Eds.), 2017. Il controllo ambientale della costruzione del MOSE. 10 anni di monitoraggi tr",938929.433233973,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Scarton F., 2017, In: Campostrini P., Dabala C., Del negro P., Tosi L., (Eds.), 2017. Il controllo ambientale della costruzione del MOSE. 10 anni di monitoraggi tra mare e laguna di Venezia 2004-2015: 67-86.",105,NA,110,"IT","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,800,"mean","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",180,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org)",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p.",-10,NA,-5,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org)",0,0,0,"BG","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","France",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",398637.285211794,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,22,22,22,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",45.77,45.77,45.77,"FR","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Germany",2016,2016,"p",34000,NA,61000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",398637.285211794,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",41,NA,180,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",3,38,85,"DE","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Poland",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,36000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-36,-2,46,"PL","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",17000,NA,23000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",16000,NA,22500,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Expert opinion. The MMM estimated a strong increase for the short-term trend, but it seems unrealistically high.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",10000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB database P.Shurulinkov, G.daskalova- own unpublished data",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English)",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Database P.Shurulinkov, G.daskalova- own unpublished data",0,0,0,"BG","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",398637.285211794,1991,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",1585,NA,1703,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-52.7,15.03,160.18,"LV","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",4400,5600,6800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",398637.285211794,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1660,2140,2620,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1,29,56,"BE","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census (Ridzon) EU birds mapping (SNC SR) Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s.",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census (Ridzon) EU birds mapping (SNC SR)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census (Ridzon)",0,0,0,"SK","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,5600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",398637.285211794,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,"CZ","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2600,NA,4300,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",398637.285211794,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-13,NA,"AT","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Slovenia",2016,2018,"p",1600,NA,2700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Denac K. (2018): Srednji detel Dendrocopos medius. pp. 103-107. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2010,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Denac K. (2018): Srednji detel Dendrocopos medius. pp. 103-107. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-35,NA,-30,"SI","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Spain",2013,2018,"p",1045,NA,1205,"estimate","estimatePartial","Domínguez, J. & Ciudad, C. (2017). Pico mediano – Dendropicos medius. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International (2018). Leiopicus medius. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22681114A132055069. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22681114A132055069.en) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International (2018). Leiopicus medius. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22681114A132055069. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22681114A132055069.en) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,1100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",20,NA,30,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Netherlands",2013,2016,"p",540,NA,950,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",398637.285211794,1997,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",325,NA,40087,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",606,694,791,"NL","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Italy",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",398637.285211794,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",20,NA,35,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",398637.285211794,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,100,NA,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",243,NA,304,"EE","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Limosa lapponica",NA,"Bar-tailed Godwit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",300,400,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1900,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",50,100,150,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",50,100,150,"SE","A157",NA,"Limosa lapponica" "Limosa lapponica",NA,"Bar-tailed Godwit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1000,1500,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1900,1990,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,25,NA,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-5,NA,"FI","A157",NA,"Limosa lapponica" "Limosa limosa","islandica","Black-tailed Godwit","UK",2012,2016,"p",7,7,7,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",7,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,1880,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-46,NA,"UK","A616",NA,"Limosa limosa islandica" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",31000,NA,38000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",42004.934901671,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-72,-68,-64,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-37,-32,-27,"NL","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Germany",2012,2016,"p",3600,NA,3800,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",42004.934901671,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-78,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-43,NA,"DE","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; Kasprzykowski Z., Dmoch A., Golawski A., Kozik R., Mitrus C. 2017. Zmiany liczebnosci wybranych legowych gatunków wodno-blotnych w Dolinie Dolnej Narwi i Dolinie Dolnego Bugu. Ornis Polonica 58: 1-11; Winiecki A., Mielczarek P. 2018. Awifauna legowa OSO Dolina Srodkowej Warty - stan wspólczesny i zmiany w latach 1975-2015. Ornis Polonica 59: 17-55; expert assessment;",42004.934901671,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Wylegala P., Winiecki A., Mielczarek S., Antczak M., Chylarecki P. 2012. Spadek liczebnosci rycyka Limosa limosa w Wielkopolsce w latach 1980-2011. Ptaki Wielkopolski 1: 119-126; Lawicki L., Wylegala P., Batycki A., Kajzer Z., Guentzel S., Jasinski M., Kr",-90,NA,-80,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-68,-52,-29,"PL","A614","B","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",700,800,900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",42004.934901671,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",56,78,100,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-30,-20,-10,"BE","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",500,NA,700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",42004.934901671,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Breeding bird survey of coastal meadows. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3418&Itemid=5816 [3] Breeding bird survey of mires. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2034&Itemid=347",-97,NA,-75,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",4,NA,22,"EE","A614","B","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",550,550,550,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",42004.934901671,1990,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-29.65,-8.7,18.22,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-14.6,1.15,19.52,"DK","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",250,260,280,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",42004.934901671,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Pessa, J. & Timonen, S. 2013: The distribution and population trend of the Black-tailed Godwit in Finland. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2012: 4–15. (in Finnish with English summary). Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothia 2019: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia Pessa, J. & Timonen, S. 2019: Unpublished monitoring data",NA,1106,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Pessa, J. & Timonen, S. 2013: The distribution and population trend of the Black-tailed Godwit in Finland. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2012: 4–15. (in Finnish with English summary). Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothia 2019: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia Pessa, J. & Timonen, S. 2019: Unpublished monitoring data",NA,75,NA,"FI","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","France",2013,2018,"p",155,NA,180,"estimate","completeSurvey","Frédéric Robin, Perrine Dulac, Pierre Crouzier, Guillaume Gélinaud, Jean-Pierre Guéret, Didier Montfort, Franck Morel, Camille Phelippon, Julien Piette, Patrick Triplet & Jean-Guy Robin 2016. Nidification de la Barge ŕ queue noire Limosa limosa en France : état des lieux. Ornithos, 7 ; Bastien Blanc 2017. Estimation de taille de population : un enjeu pour la conservation des espčces menacées Le cas de Limosa limosa limosa en Marais breton vendéen. https://www.bargeaqueuenoire.org, 23 https://www.bargeaqueuenoire.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Rapport_Stage_Bastien.pdf",42004.934901671,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey",NA,65.7,NA,74.4,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",NA,0,NA,8,"FR","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",80,NA,320,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",42004.934901671,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 84-85 p. Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 272-273 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 69 p. Haraszthy László- Magyarország madarai; (1998,2000) 156-157 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 308-309 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 124 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 118-119. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-92,NA,-73,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Limosa_limosa.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-47,NA,-33,"HU","A614","B","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",100,115,120,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",42004.934901671,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-80,-70,-60,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",30,50,70,"SE","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",70,NA,120,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",42004.934901671,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-30,NA,-10,"LT","A614","B","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Austria",2014,2018,"p",40,NA,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016, Georg Bieringer et al. Unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Hans-Martin Berg, unpublished data (Leithaniederung)",42004.934901671,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016, Georg Bieringer et al. Unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Hans-Martin Berg, unpublished data (Leithaniederung); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at, Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-80,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016, Georg Bieringer et al. unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Hans-Martin Berg, unpublished data (Leithaniederung); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",NA,-50,NA,"AT","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","UK",2012,2016,"p",48,48,48,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",42004.934901671,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-16,NA,2001,2016,"S","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,5,NA,"UK","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",21,NA,51,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",42004.934901671,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-65,NA,-60,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-63.18,-60.89,-57.04,"LV","A614","B","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,15,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",42004.934901671,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,200,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Spain",2007,2007,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",42004.934901671,1980,2011,"S","completeSurvey","González, R. & Pérez-Aranda, D. (2011). Las aves acuáticas en Espańa, 1980-2009. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid, 338 pp. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",0,0,0,2007,2011,"S","completeSurvey","González, R. & Pérez-Aranda, D. (2011). Las aves acuáticas en Espańa, 1980-2009. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid, 338 pp. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",0,0,0,"ES","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2,NA,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",42004.934901671,1986,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,-93,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-80,NA,-80,"CZ","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,NA,"absentData","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",42004.934901671,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-100,NA,-90,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-100,NA,-50,"SK","A614","A","Limosa limosa limosa" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Greece",2013,2018,"p",250000,NA,680000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,-40,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",0,0,0,"GR","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Spain",2004,2018,"p",9835642,NA,11655925,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/6230_RES_SP.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/6230_RES_SP.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",12.6,14.1,15.7,"ES","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",73000,NA,98000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinions National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Austria",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",16627819.1024277,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",28500,40800,53100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",16627819.1024277,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-81,-73,-65,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-14,5,30,"BE","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",9004,17248,33039,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",16627819.1024277,1995,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-78.13,NA,274.94,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-61.9,19.2,239.8,"LV","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",16627819.1024277,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-69,-60,-49,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",25,35,47,"NL","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Malta",2017,2018,"p",2,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,-19,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008,",NA,66,NA,"MT","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","UK",2016,2016,"p",562054,562054,562054,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",16627819.1024277,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-40.92,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-6.79,NA,"UK","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",30000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",6100,NA,9200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-56.1,NA,"SI","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",16627819.1024277,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",136000,163000,193000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-76,-70,-62,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",27,52,80,"SE","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",208163.333333333,306594.666666667,630786,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",16627819.1024277,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-5.6,3.1,12.6,"IE","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",120990,120990,120990,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",16627819.1024277,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-66.48,-59.58,-51.31,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-27.25,-8.74,14,"DK","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",30000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",16627819.1024277,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-82,NA,-78,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-58,NA,-44,"EE","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Finland",2013,2018,"p",29561,38115,46387,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",16627819.1024277,1993,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-77,-35,77,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",27,89,177,"FI","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",16627819.1024277,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,200,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-20,NA,-10,"IT","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Germany",2016,2016,"p",110000,NA,205000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",16627819.1024277,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-73,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-27,-16,-5,"DE","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,160000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",NA,-20,NA,"LT","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Croatia",2018,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","France",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux Nicheurs de France Metropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale.. LPO / SEOF / MNHN, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris1408 p",16627819.1024277,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-14,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,30,NA,"FR","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",22000,NA,72000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cypprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports.",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",10,NA,20,"CY","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Poland",2013,2018,"p",927000,NA,1415000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",0,12,25,"PL","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=165&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Linaria flavirostris",NA,"Twite","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",160,320,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",8227.41428428543,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports. Www.artportalen.se",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",NA,NA,NA,"SE","A477",NA,"Linaria flavirostris" "Linaria flavirostris",NA,"Twite","UK",2013,2013,"p",5829,7831,10137,"interval","completeSurvey","Wilkinson, N.I., Eaton, M.A., Colhoun, K. & Drewitt, A.L. 2018. The population status of breeding Twite Linaria flavirostris in the UK in 2013. Bird Study 65(2): 174-188.",8227.41428428543,1980,2013,"D","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Poyser, London. Wilkinson, N.I., Eaton, M.A., Colhoun, K. & Drewitt, A.L. 2018. The population status of breeding Twite Linaria flavirostris in the UK in 2013. Bird Study 65(2): 174-188.",NA,-74,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-54.37,NA,"UK","A477",NA,"Linaria flavirostris" "Linaria flavirostris",NA,"Twite","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2,5,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",8227.41428428543,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database",0,0,0,"FI","A477",NA,"Linaria flavirostris" "Linaria flavirostris",NA,"Twite","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",51,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",8227.41428428543,1970,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,-98.2,NA,2013,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A477",NA,"Linaria flavirostris" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",32000,NA,51000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-40,-18,9,"PL","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",26385,38380,80947,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",216011.363894148,1995,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-84.03,NA,-26.92,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-45.3,-11,42.4,"LV","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",30000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",216011.363894148,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-95,NA,-55,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-68,NA,-54,"EE","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",13000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 454 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 108 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 453-454 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-70,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Locustella_fluviatilis.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-70,NA,-20,"HU","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",8000,NA,16000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",216011.363894148,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-66.6,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-64.6,NA,"CZ","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.; SOS/BS 2013",-70,NA,-40,"SK","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5000,5000,5000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3600,NA,6500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",216011.363894148,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,25,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-12,NA,"DE","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2000,4000,6000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,950,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-72,17,310,"FI","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",216011.363894148,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-90,NA,-70,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-30,NA,-20,"AT","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",240,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Population size for year 2018 was calculated based on the population estimate in previous reporting under the Birds Directive (DOPPS 2014) for the period 2008-2012, which was 800-1000 pairs, and population trend for farmland landscape in Slovenia for the period 2008-2018 from Kmecl & Šumrada (2018), which was steep decline (annual multiplicative trend value 0,816). Population estimate was rounded upwards. DOPPS (2014): Povzetek porocila po 12. clenu Direktive o pticah za obdobje 2008-2012. Narocnik: Zavod RS za varstvo narave. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016_25_10_porocilo_pd_2008_2012-povzetek.pdf Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-85,NA,-80,"SI","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",100,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unjiyan, E., Gramatikov, M., Iankov, P. 2007. Locustella fluviatilis. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Michev, T., Zehtindjiev, P., Vatev, I. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals.",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Unjiyan, E., Gramatikov, M., Iankov, P. 2007. Locustella fluviatilis. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Michev, T., Zehtindjiev, P., Vatev, I.Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Unjiyan, E., Gramatikov, M., Iankov, P. 2007. Locustella fluviatilis. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Michev, T., Zehtindjiev, P., Vatev, I. 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals.",0,NA,0,"BG","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",100,200,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-30,0,30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-30,0,30,"SE","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1900,NA,2400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",280500.55631105,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-2,30,73,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",40,58,79,"NL","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Spain",2004,2018,"p",1893,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",20,36,53,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",280500.55631105,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-80,-64,-47,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,76,NA,"BE","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","UK",2012,2016,"p",4,4,4,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",280500.55631105,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-83,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-36,NA,"UK","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",15,20,30,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",280500.55631105,1984,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",NA,47,NA,"FI","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",50,70,90,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",200,300,400,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",50,100,150,"SE","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",280500.55631105,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,5,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-6,NA,"CZ","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",250,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Petkov, N., Delov, V., Dereliev, S., Kambourova, N. 2007. Locustella luscinioides. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Petkov, N., Delov, V., Dereliev, S., Kambourova, N. 2008. Locustella luscinioides. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Petkov, N., Delov, V., Dereliev, S., Kambourova, N. 2008. Locustella luscinioides. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",0,NA,0,"BG","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",19000,NA,53000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-5,21,54,"PL","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5000,5000,5000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",15,15,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",280500.55631105,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-92.59,-75.7,-23.16,2011,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-98.16,271.9,7248.32,"DK","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",280500.55631105,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,-80,NA,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",-50,NA,-5,"IT","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","France",2009,2012,"p",1300,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Latraube F. 2014. Locustelle luscinioďde Locustella luscinoides . Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs des Pays de la Loire, Delachaux & Niestlé382-385 ; Montfort D. 2008. La Locustelle luscinioďde Locustella luscinioides. In MARCHADOUR B. & SÉCHET E. (coord.). Avifaune prioritaire en Pays de la Loire. Coordination régionale LPO Pays de la Loire, conseil régional des Pays de la Loire, 158-159 http://www.paysdelaloire.fr/uploads/tx_oxcsnewsfiles/Avifaune_Prioritaire_PDL.PDF; GOB (coord.) 2012. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de Bretagne. , 511",280500.55631105,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","MONCORPS S. & SIBLET J-Ph. (coord) 2011. La liste rouge des espčces menacées en France - Oiseaux de France métropolitaine, UICN-comité français- et MNHN. 28 p. http://www.uicn.fr/Liste-rouge-oiseaux.html",-75,NA,-50,2007,2017,"UNK","estimatePartial",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",5500,NA,9000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",280500.55631105,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,10,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,"DE","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",280500.55631105,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",71,NA,81,2012,2018,"UNK","absentData","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Migrating passerines monitoring in Pulgoja bird station. http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/pulgoja?view=species&station=pulgoja&spid=271",1200,NA,1500,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Migrating passerines monitoring in Pulgoja bird station. http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/pulgoja?view=species&station=pulgoja&spid=271",30,NA,300,"EE","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society “.",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society “.",0,NA,0,"LT","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",51000,NA,56000,"estimate","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,31,NA,"HU","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",4500,NA,7500,"estimate","completeSurvey","M. Dvorak et al. unpublished data; Dvorak & Nemeth (2014), BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",280500.55631105,1981,2018,"D","completeSurvey","M. Dvorak et al. unpublished data; Dvorak & Nemeth (2014)",-60,NA,-30,2013,2018,"I","completeSurvey","M. Dvorak et al. unpublished data; Dvorak & Nemeth (2014)",15,NA,30,"AT","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",84000,NA,133000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",411557.007753316,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-27,-11,8,"PL","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",411557.007753316,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-111,NA,-92,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-59,NA,-55,"EE","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",411557.007753316,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",25000,NA,43000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",411557.007753316,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-75,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-53,-40,-22,"DE","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",22932,31970,44570,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",411557.007753316,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",21.04,NA,289.2,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-58.5,-38,-8.4,"LV","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",411557.007753316,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-62,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-58,NA,"FR","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",13740,22382,66722,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",411557.007753316,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-5.92,9.8,27.9,"IE","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",411557.007753316,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-51.7,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-43.1,NA,"CZ","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","UK",2016,2016,"p",11973,11973,11973,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1995 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",411557.007753316,1995,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",-34,-7,23,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,2.04,NA,"UK","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",411557.007753316,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",7800,NA,9200,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National Common Bird Monitoring Database (MMM)",411557.007753316,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 107-108 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 218 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 452-453 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 185-186 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National Common Bird Monitoring Database (MMM)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Locustella_naevia.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5000,8000,10000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",411557.007753316,1985,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki",-94,-71,39,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-75,-19,137,"FI","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Spain",1998,2002,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",411557.007753316,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa SACRE: Seguimiento de Aves comunes en Primavera. Resultados 1998-2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. Https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Resultados_sacre_11c.pdf",0,0,0,"ES","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",5100,NA,6200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",411557.007753316,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",243,337,456,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",24,38,52,"NL","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2700,4600,6600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",411557.007753316,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-84,-73,-55,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,5,55,"SE","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1800,NA,2800,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",411557.007753316,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-17,NA,"AT","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1300,1700,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",411557.007753316,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,31,54,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-80,-73,-60,"BE","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",895,895,895,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",411557.007753316,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-60.54,-44.4,-21.92,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-56.55,-32.09,4.43,"DK","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",411557.007753316,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-60,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-40,NA,-20,"SK","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",411557.007753316,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",130,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Population size for year 2018 was calculated based on the population estimate in previous reporting under the Birds Directive (DOPPS 2014) for the period 2008-2012, which was 150-300 pairs, and population trend for farmland landscape in Slovenia for the period 2008-2018 from Kmecl & Šumrada (2018), which was uncertain (annual multiplicative trend value 0,967). Population estimate was rounded upwards. DOPPS (2014): Povzetek porocila po 12. clenu Direktive o pticah za obdobje 2008-2012. Narocnik: Zavod RS za varstvo narave. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016_25_10_porocilo_pd_2008_2012-povzetek.pdf Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",411557.007753316,1990,2015,"D","estimateExpert","Tome D., Vrezec A., Ambrožic Š., Kapla A. (2015): Prepelica (Coturnix coturnix), kobilicar (Locustella naevia), bicja trstnica (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) na Ljubljanskem barju. Narocnik: Javni zavod Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje. Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Ljubljana.",-35,NA,-25,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,10,NA,"SI","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",11179,11179,11179,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",4690292.76974519,1981,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-68.82,-61.71,-53.04,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-69.5,-54.89,-34.09,"DK","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",4690292.76974519,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,5,NA,"AT","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Spain",2004,2006,"p",805000,NA,1270000,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",4690292.76974519,1998,2018,"S","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,11.2,NA,"ES","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",265379,361772,425361,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-29,-10,15,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-53,-45,-37,"FI","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",90000,NA,280000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",120000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","UK",1993,1995,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Cook, M. 2007. Crested Tit Lophophanes cristatus Linnaeus. Pp. 1296-1299. In: Forrester, R.W., Andrews, I.J., McInerny, C.J., Murray, R.D., McGowan, R.Y., Zonfrillo, B., Betts, M.W., Jardine, D.C. & Grundy, D.S. (eds.) The Birds of Scotland. The Scottish Ornithologists' Club, Aberlady.",4690292.76974519,1988,2011,"S","estimatePartial","Trend inferred from 20 year index of distribution change in GB = +0.30 indicating increase in distribution (as documented by comparision of 1988-91 and 2007-11 BTO breeding atlases: Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swann, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R.J. 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-2011. The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. BTO, BirdWatch Ireland & SOC; Thetford, Norfolk. 720 pp.)",0,0,0,2014,2018,"UNK","absentData","Cook, M. 2007. Crested Tit Lophophanes cristatus Linnaeus. Pp. 1296-1299. In: Forrester, R.W., Andrews, I.J., McInerny, C.J., Murray, R.D., McGowan, R.Y., Zonfrillo, B., Betts, M.W., Jardine, D.C. & Grundy, D.S. (eds.) The Birds of Scotland. The Scottish Ornithologists' Club, Aberlady.",NA,NA,NA,"UK","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",9700,19500,29300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",4690292.76974519,1973,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-46,8,63,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-46,-27,0,"BE","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",154315,189378,232407,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",4690292.76974519,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",NA,-43,NA,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",4.3,56,130.5,"LV","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-10,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",0,0,0,"HU","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",467000,527000,590000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-47,-34,-19,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",18,33,49,"SE","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",367000,NA,482000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-7,10,30,"PL","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",80000,NA,160000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",4690292.76974519,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,"CZ","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",13000,NA,16000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",4690292.76974519,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-44,-27,-6,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-21,-14,-5,"NL","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",385000,NA,610000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",4690292.76974519,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,1,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-2,NA,"DE","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",4690292.76974519,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","France",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",4690292.76974519,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-20,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,8.4,NA,"FR","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",4690292.76974519,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-71,NA,-69,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-69,NA,-43,"EE","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","France",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",1520243.05832395,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,25,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",0,NA,100,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,100,"LU","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Spain",1998,2002,"p",140000,NA,190000,"interval","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",1520243.05832395,1998,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.asp) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,4.2,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1800,3000,4300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1520243.05832395,1973,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-50,NA,19,2008,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",400,NA,3500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1520243.05832395,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-48,21,179,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-29,-7,20,"NL","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","UK",2016,2016,"p",19744,25940,34081,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",1520243.05832395,1995,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BBS",NA,-27,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-12.14,NA,"UK","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5000,NA,75000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1520243.05832395,1980,2017,"F","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-51,NA,-16,2006,2017,"F","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-41,NA,5,"EE","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Loxia_curvirostra.pdf",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Expert opinions Haraszthy László (szerk.) (2000): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest, 448. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Finland",2013,2018,"p",138502,412351,904774,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1520243.05832395,1984,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-35,-20,-1,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",20,45,74,"FI","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",58000,320000,584000,"mean","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-9,NA,98,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,100,"SE","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",40000,NA,120000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1520243.05832395,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,3,NA,"CZ","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",8000,NA,13000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",5000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,0,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Expert opinion - R. Coombes, BirdWatch Ireland; http://birdwatchireland.ie/.",1520243.05832395,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3). BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Poland",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,16000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-57,-35,-3,"PL","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Austria",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",1520243.05832395,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",30,NA,110,"AT","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service); Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Birds in Europe II (2004), BirdLife International; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (1997); Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",-25,NA,0,"CY","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Germany",2016,2016,"p",32000,NA,85000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1520243.05832395,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"F","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",413,413,413,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",1520243.05832395,1983,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-81.7,-62.09,-22.62,2006,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-75.12,-1.15,240.65,"DK","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,1000,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",1520243.05832395,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",15,NA,70,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",1693,4365,11258,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",1520243.05832395,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-65,NA,-64,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-79.8,-25.8,141.6,"LV","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Loxia leucoptera",NA,"White-winged Crossbill","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1000,8738,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",18738,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-65,NA,24,"FI","A544",NA,"Loxia leucoptera" "Loxia leucoptera",NA,"White-winged Crossbill","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1200,10000,36000,"mean","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",18738,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-50,NA,500,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-67,NA,120,"SE","A544",NA,"Loxia leucoptera" "Loxia pytyopsittacus",NA,"Parrot Crossbill","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,2,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",174688.025403784,1973,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2018,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A370",NA,"Loxia pytyopsittacus" "Loxia pytyopsittacus",NA,"Parrot Crossbill","UK",2008,2008,"p",65,65,65,"estimate","completeSurvey","Summers, R.W. & Buckland, S.T. 2011. A first survey of the global population size and distribution of the Scottish Crossbill Loxia scotica. Bird Conservation International 21: 186-198.",174688.025403784,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"UK","A370",NA,"Loxia pytyopsittacus" "Loxia pytyopsittacus",NA,"Parrot Crossbill","Finland",2013,2018,"p",29083,71745,116782,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",174688.025403784,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-31,10,76,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",13,65,137,"FI","A370",NA,"Loxia pytyopsittacus" "Loxia pytyopsittacus",NA,"Parrot Crossbill","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",76000,102000,135000,"mean","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",174688.025403784,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,500,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,100,"SE","A370",NA,"Loxia pytyopsittacus" "Loxia pytyopsittacus",NA,"Parrot Crossbill","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",174688.025403784,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2017,"UNK","absentData","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A370",NA,"Loxia pytyopsittacus" "Loxia pytyopsittacus",NA,"Parrot Crossbill","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",500,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",174688.025403784,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,"EE","A370",NA,"Loxia pytyopsittacus" "Loxia scotica",NA,"Scottish Crossbill","UK",2008,2008,"p",4065,6800,11350,"interval","completeSurvey","Summers, R.W. & Buckland, S.T. 2011. A first survey of the global population size and distribution of the Scottish Crossbill Loxia scotica. Bird Conservation International 21: 186-198.",6800,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"UK","A451",NA,"Loxia scotica" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Spain",2004,2017,"p",921447,NA,1402781,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",10,10,10,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-0.1,0.7,1.6,"ES","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Poland",2013,2018,"p",201000,NA,367000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-38,-30,-21,"PL","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","France",2013,2018,"p",110000,NA,170000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2330567.03542518,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-10,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-23.5,NA,"FR","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB; Nankinov D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Aves, Passeriformes, 33-38 p.;",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; The population trend is for the period 2005-2012",10,NA,20,"BG","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Germany",2016,2016,"p",27000,NA,47000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",2330567.03542518,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",-30,0,40,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-29,-20,-10,"DE","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Italy",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",2330567.03542518,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",5,NA,20,"IT","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data availabler.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",9000,15000,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",100,200,300,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,-5,28,"SE","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",6497,14190,30995,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2330567.03542518,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",469,NA,492,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-48.4,-18.8,25.8,"LV","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",9000,NA,17000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",8000,NA,15000,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 364-365 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 95 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 249-250 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 406-407 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 161-162 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 184 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-69,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Lullula_arborea.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-81,NA,"HU","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Greece",2000,2012,"p",5000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",4300,NA,5300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2330567.03542518,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",278,438,662,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",31,50,71,"NL","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2330567.03542518,1983,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-109,NA,-90,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-39,NA,-12,"EE","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Slovenia",2016,2018,"p",2800,NA,3800,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac K. (2018): Hribski škrjanec Lullula arborea. pp. 120-125. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,"SI","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","UK",2016,2016,"p",1851,2294,2760,"interval","completeSurvey","Baseline = Conway, G.J., Wotton, S., Henderson, I., Eaton, M., Drewitt, A. & Spencer, J. 2009. The status of breeding Woodlarks Lullula arborea in Britain in 2006. Bird Study 56: 310-325. Total adjusted based on BBS monitoring trend since 2006.",2330567.03542518,1970,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Berkhamsted, T. & A.D. Poyser. vs Conway, G.J., Wotton, S., Henderson, I., Eaton, M., Drewitt, A. & Spencer, J. 2009. The status of breeding Woodlarks Lullula arborea in Britain in 2006. Bird Study 56: 310-325. Total adjusted based on BBS monitoring trend since 2006.",470,606,749,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2012. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2010. British Birds 105: 352-416. vs Conway, G.J., Wotton, S., Henderson, I., Eaton, M., Drewitt, A. & Spencer, J. 2009. The status of breeding Woodlarks Lullula arborea in Britain in 2006. Bird Study 56: 310-325. Total adjusted based on BBS monitoring trend since 2006.",86,131,178,"UK","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1500,2100,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2330567.03542518,1988,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,313,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-67,-38,17,"FI","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1200,1600,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2330567.03542518,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",471,662,852,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",60,113,167,"BE","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service); Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",14,NA,25,"CY","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,1800,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",2330567.03542518,1981,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",20,NA,100,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,"AT","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-30,NA,-10,"SK","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",600,NA,1000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",350,NA,450,"estimate","estimateExpert","Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176.",2330567.03542518,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176.",0,0,0,2004,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176.",0,0,0,"DK","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,25,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Biver G., Peltzer R., Cungs J. (2009):Plans d’actions espčces Alouette lulu Lullula arborea. Ministčre du Développement Durable et des Infrastructures & Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg & Sicona.",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-90,NA,-50,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-10,NA,0,"LU","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",122229,160594,212537,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",606656.270279941,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",7.97,NA,128.89,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-26.4,-5.7,20.3,"LV","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Poland",2013,2018,"p",121000,NA,170000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",606656.270279941,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-47,-39,-30,"PL","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",606656.270279941,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-29,NA,-27,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-67,NA,-65,"EE","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",606656.270279941,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-10,NA,-5,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",40641,40641,40641,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",606656.270279941,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-62.19,-57.23,-51.64,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-45.7,-32.51,-16.44,"DK","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",24000,27000,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",606656.270279941,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-68,-64,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-35,-27,-17,"SE","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Finland",2013,2018,"p",14531,18733,26801,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",606656.270279941,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-67,-35,25,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-59,-45,-26,"FI","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Germany",2016,2016,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",606656.270279941,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-40,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-56,NA,"DE","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",606656.270279941,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-25,NA,-1,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",10,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",606656.270279941,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions http://www.birding.hu/ http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",606656.270279941,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert opinions Haraszthy László (szerk.) (2000): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest, 448. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://www.birding.hu/ http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-100,NA,-99,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 http://www.birding.hu/ http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",606656.270279941,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Spain",2004,2006,"p",4775000,NA,5940000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",16,NA,33,1998,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,1500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",10147192.4707047,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,100,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","France",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",10147192.4707047,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial",NA,NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-16.9,NA,"FR","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",526603,NA,612105,"interval","completeSurvey","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",493000,NA,505000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,5,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme in Bulgaria (2013); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-6,NA,-5,"BG","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Poland",2013,2018,"p",145000,NA,193000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",12,34,61,"PL","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Germany",2016,2016,"p",84000,NA,155000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",10147192.4707047,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,50,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",14,26,40,"DE","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Greece",2013,2018,"p",70000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",15200,NA,19700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-14.9,NA,"SI","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Austria",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,18000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",10147192.4707047,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,1,NA,"AT","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",8000,NA,16000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",10147192.4707047,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,"CZ","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",5900,NA,7300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",10147192.4707047,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-20,-3,19,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-16,-7,3,"NL","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","UK",2012,2013,"p",5090,5542,5995,"interval","completeSurvey","Hewson, C.M., Miller, M., Johnston, A., Conway, G.J., Saunders, R., Marchant, J.H. & Fuller, R.J. 2018. Estimating national population sizes: Methodological challenges and applications illustrated in the common nightingale, a declining songbird in the UK Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13120)",10147192.4707047,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-84.04,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-31.76,NA,"UK","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1700,2100,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",10147192.4707047,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-56,-46,-36,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-17,2,22,"BE","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Birds in Europe II (2004), BirdLife International; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (1997); Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Lymnocryptes minimus",NA,"Jack Snipe","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2751,6396,11283,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",15517.8205080757,1990,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,15,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-40,10,95,"FI","A152",NA,"Lymnocryptes minimus" "Lymnocryptes minimus",NA,"Jack Snipe","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",6000,9100,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",15517.8205080757,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey Artportalen - Species Observation System www.artportalen.se",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,NA,10,"SE","A152",NA,"Lymnocryptes minimus" "Lymnocryptes minimus",NA,"Jack Snipe","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",15517.8205080757,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A152",NA,"Lymnocryptes minimus" "Lymnocryptes minimus",NA,"Jack Snipe","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10,NA,30,"estimate","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Xenus OÜ. 2018. Mudanepi (Lymnocryptes minimus) levik Eestis: Aastatel 2017-2018 läbi viidud inventuuri kokkuvőte. Koostaja: Hannes Pehlak.",15517.8205080757,1980,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,NA,NA,"EE","A152",NA,"Lymnocryptes minimus" "Lymnocryptes minimus",NA,"Jack Snipe","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",0,2,3,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",15517.8205080757,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2017,"UNK","absentData","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A152",NA,"Lymnocryptes minimus" "Lyrurus tetrix","britannicus","Black Grouse","UK",2014,2016,"cmales",4827,4827,4827,"estimate","estimatePartial","Aebischer, N.J. (2017). Evaluation of Black Grouse trend in abundance 2005-2016 and over three generations 1997-2016. Working paper (UK Red List), Bird Expert Group Committee Meeting 10 February 2017, JNCC, Peterborough",4827,1997,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Aebischer, N.J. (2017). Evaluation of Black Grouse trend in abundance 2005-2016 and over three generations 1997-2016. Working paper (UK Red List), Bird Expert Group Committee Meeting 10 February 2017, JNCC, Peterborough",NA,-44,NA,2005,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Aebischer, N.J. (2017). Evaluation of Black Grouse trend in abundance 2005-2016 and over three generations 1997-2016. Working paper (UK Red List), Bird Expert Group Committee Meeting 10 February 2017, JNCC, Peterborough",NA,14,NA,"UK","A877",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix britannicus" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",22000,NA,32000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats (minimum estimate); state hunting associations (Landesjagdverbände der Bundesländer), results of counts of displaying males on lekking grounds (maximum estimate)",660298.012257925,1981,2018,"U","absentData","BirdLife Austria",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; state hunting associations (Landesjagdverbände der Bundesländer), results of counts of displaying males on lekking grounds (maximum estimate)",NA,0,NA,"AT","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Slovenia",2005,2018,"cmales",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Ruševec Lyrurus tetrix. pp. 76-77. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",660298.012257925,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Mihelic T. (2019): Ruševec Lyrurus tetrix. pp. 76-77. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,20,2002,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Belgium",2013,2018,"cmales",2,3,5,"mean","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",660298.012257925,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-99,-99,-98,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-86,-79,-66,"BE","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",353327,468129,638100,"mean","completeSurvey","Finnish wildlife triangle scheme run by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) https://www.riistakolmiot.fi/ Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",660298.012257925,1987,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Finnish wildlife triangle scheme run by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) https://www.riistakolmiot.fi/",-39,-34,-29,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Finnish wildlife triangle scheme run by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) https://www.riistakolmiot.fi/",-51,-48,-44,"FI","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",180,NA,340,"estimate","estimatePartial","A. Palucki, D. Zawadzka - unpublished information",660298.012257925,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; A. Paluck",-99,NA,-94,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","A. Palucki, D. Zawadzka - unpublished information",NA,-60,NA,"PL","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",370,NA,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",660298.012257925,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Hora et al. 2015, Breeding atlas",NA,-24,NA,"CZ","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",102000,116000,132000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",660298.012257925,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-64,-52,-34,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-42,-34,-25,"SE","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Germany",2016,2016,"cmales",850,NA,1300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",660298.012257925,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-5,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-16,NA,"DE","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Italy",2017,2017,"cmales",20000,NA,24000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",660298.012257925,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",60,NA,100,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Denmark",2017,2017,"cmales",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",660298.012257925,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-99.66,-98.35,-92.52,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",660298.012257925,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-70,NA,-55,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-30,NA,-20,"LT","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",4000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",660298.012257925,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-76,NA,-37,2006,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-49,NA,-14,"EE","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Latvia",2012,2012,"cmales",5885,NA,15196,"estimate","estimatePartial","Aunins A., Keišs O. 2012. [Monitoring for the Farmland Bird Population Index. Final report for the year 2012. ] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",660298.012257925,1991,2012,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Keišs O. 2012. [Monitoring for the Farmland Bird Population Index. Final report for the year 2012. ] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",33,NA,35,2009,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Mikoláš. M. et al. Program záchrany Tetrova holniaka (Tetrao tetrix Linnaeus, 1758) na roky 2018 – 2022, B. Bystrica, 2018",660298.012257925,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Mikoláš. M. et al. Program záchrany Tetrova holniaka (Tetrao tetrix Linnaeus, 1758) na roky 2018 – 2022, B. Bystrica, 2018",-10,NA,-1,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Mikoláš. M. et al. Program záchrany Tetrova holniaka (Tetrao tetrix Linnaeus, 1758) na roky 2018 – 2022, B. Bystrica, 2018",20,NA,30,"SK","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","France",2000,2009,"cmales",6700,NA,9830,"mean","estimatePartial","OGM 2009. Suivi patrimonial des Galliformes. Bilan de la décennie 2000 - 2009.. rapport non publié,",660298.012257925,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Observatoire des Galliformes de Montagne 2018. Bilans démographiques 2018 des Galliformes de montagne - massif alpin.. ; Canonne Coline 2017. Caractérisation des tendances par sites des populations de Tétras-lyre dans les Alpes françaises.",-17,-15,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Netherlands",2013,2017,"cmales",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",660298.012257925,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-98,-98,-96,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-100,-100,-87,"NL","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Finland",2013,2018,"p",31374,36505,45561,"mean","estimatePartial","Väisänen et al. 1998 (Muuttuva pesimälinnusto) gives estimates for mid-1990's. Here, we took the average of TRIM estimates for the years 1994, 1995 and 1996 as a basis to indicate the mean population size estimated by Väisänen et al. (who estimated this on the basis of count data). Thereafter the TRIM index estimate for each year from 2013 to 2018 was divided by the 1994-96 average, to get a multiplier with which the mid-90's estimate was multiplied. Minimum and maximum are the smallest and largest of the annual estimates during the period and best single value is the mean of the estimates for the six years. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",53862.4873375615,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-57,-51,-45,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-55,-46,-34,"FI","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",10000,17000,24000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",53862.4873375615,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-90,-70,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-70,-50,-30,"SE","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","UK",2011,2016,"p",189,189,189,"mean","estimateExpert","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",53862.4873375615,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-46,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,52,NA,"UK","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50,NA,80,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",53862.4873375615,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-70,NA,-66,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-51,NA,-18,"EE","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,99,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",53862.4873375615,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-95,NA,-68,2010,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",53862.4873375615,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",232,441,776,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-32,19,102,"NL","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Germany",2012,2016,"p",20,NA,35,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",53862.4873375615,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,71,NA,2004,2016,"U","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,17,NA,"DE","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,1,2,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",53862.4873375615,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",53862.4873375615,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec;Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura"";",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",-100,NA,-100,"PL","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",53862.4873375615,1986,2016,"UNK","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,NA,NA,2002,2016,"UNK","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca penelope",NA,"Eurasian Wigeon","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Uffe Gjřl Sřrensen, Truede og sjćldne danske ynglefugle 1976-1991, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, nr 89, 1995.",53862.4873375615,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-93.01,-83.08,-59.86,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A855",NA,"Mareca penelope" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",21000,NA,26000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",61083.2151241853,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",905,1118,1375,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",66,74,83,"NL","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Germany",2016,2016,"p",9500,NA,12500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",61083.2151241853,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,99,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,49,NA,"DE","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Poland",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189.",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",130,NA,150,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",6,79,194,"PL","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Spain",1998,2002,"p",2511,NA,3872,"estimate","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,6767.4,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa SACRE: Seguimiento de Aves comunes en Primavera. Resultados 1998-2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Resultados_sacre_11c.pdf)",0.39,NA,255.4,"ES","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2800,3000,3100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",400,NA,600,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",70,80,90,"SE","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",61083.2151241853,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-20,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",11,NA,25,"CZ","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",61083.2151241853,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",188,NA,327,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",105,NA,109,"EE","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","UK",2016,2016,"p",1271,NA,3186,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2012. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2010. British Birds 105: 352-416. Extrapolated using BBS monitoring data from last complete RBBP estimate in 2006/2009.",61083.2151241853,1973,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Parslow, J. 1973. Breeding birds of Britain and Ireland. Poyser, Berkhampstead. BTO in litt.; this report",NA,757,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,163.29,NA,"UK","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","France",2009,2012,"p",1500,NA,1800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Broyer J. . Nidification des anatidés en France : analyse des variations dans les principales régions. Faune sauvage, 2774-11",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1100,1300,1600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",61083.2151241853,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",12122,14344,17678,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,4,NA,"BE","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Finland",2013,2018,"p",700,1100,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,107,NA,"FI","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,650,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",200,NA,340,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",86,NA,100,"LT","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",500,500,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",61083.2151241853,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",386.41,735.57,1324.51,2011,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",0,0,0,"DK","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",160,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Ecsedi Z. (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged, 602 p. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",220,NA,300,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Italy",2010,2016,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",61083.2151241853,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",500,NA,900,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",200,NA,300,"IT","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,350,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",61083.2151241853,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",26,NA,39,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Kerus V. 2011. Changes in the status of breeding birds of Latvia during 1980-2010. Doctoral Thesis. Riga: University of Latvia Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",248.9,279.88,294.75,"LV","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Austria",2013,2017,"p",150,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at, Alexander Schuster unpublished data (Trauntal), Thomas Zuna-Kratky & Johannnes Frühauf (March/Thaya-Auen)",61083.2151241853,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at; data from Dvorak et al. 1994",150,NA,200,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at, Alexander Schuster unpublished data (Trauntal)",-30,NA,-10,"AT","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",50,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",1,NA,10,"SK","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",80,NA,120,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial"," : http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/vol2/Anstrepe.html",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",0,NA,0,"BG","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",61083.2151241853,1991,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Long-term trend derived by comparing mid-point of current population estimate (i.e. 50) to previous estimate derived from the 1988-1991 Bird Atlas (Gibbons et al. 1993). Gibbons et al. (1993) estimated 30 pairs within the island of Ireland; given half of the confirmed 10km square records for Gadwall at this time were in Northern Ireland, a realistic estimate for the Republic for that period is 15 pairs. Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",NA,233,NA,2011,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Short-term trend derived by comparing mid-point of current population estimate (i.e. 50) to previous population estimate (2008-2012 report estimated 14 to 23 pairs for period 2008-2011; mid-point = 19 pairs). Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",NA,168,NA,"IE","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Croatia",2015,2018,"p",30,NA,40,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.t",NA,-10,NA,"HR","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10,NA,45,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",7,NA,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",600,NA,1400,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,143,NA,"SI","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Marmaronetta angustirostris",NA,"Marbled Teal","Spain",2018,2018,"p",68,NA,71,"estimate","completeSurvey","Grupo de trabajo de la Cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris) (2016). Propuesta de consideración en situación crítica. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/images/es/justificacioncercetapardilla_tcm30-429314.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",75.3998908472605,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, C.J., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. (2008). Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/23_tarro_blanco_cerceta_pardilla_porron_monudo_malvasia_y_focha_moruna_tcm36-208262.pdf) BirdLife International (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. Grupo de trabajo de la Cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris) (2016). Propuesta de consideración en situación crítica (https://www.miteco.gob.es/images/es/justificacioncercetapardilla_tcm30-429314.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). 2004. Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Marmaronetta angustirostris (Ménétries, 1832) Oxyura leucocephala (Scopoli, 1769) Fulica cristata (Gmelin, 1789). En: Tragsatec. (2018). Bases técnico-científicas para la conservación de las especies de fauna silvestre incluidas en el Catálogo Espańol de Especies Amenazadas. (R.D. 139/2011). Valoración de su estado de conservación. Variables propuestas. Informe inédito para el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",NA,-40,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Grupo de trabajo de la Cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris) (2016). Propuesta de consideración en situación crítica. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/images/es/justificacioncercetapardilla_tcm30-429314.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",0,0,0,"ES","A057",NA,"Marmaronetta angustirostris" "Marmaronetta angustirostris",NA,"Marbled Teal","Italy",2015,2016,"p",5,NA,7,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",75.3998908472605,2000,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",400,NA,600,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",130,NA,150,"IT","A057",NA,"Marmaronetta angustirostris" "Marmaronetta angustirostris",NA,"Marbled Teal","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",0,0,0,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M., & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris) en Fuerteventura y tarro canelo (Tadorna ferruginea) en Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria y Tenerife. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 102 pp. + anexos. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",75.3998908472605,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Cabrera, M. (2012). Cerceta pardilla Marmaronetta angustirostris. Noticiario Ornitológico. Ardeola 59 (1): 169. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M., & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris) en Fuerteventura y tarro canelo (Tadorna ferruginea) en Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria y Tenerife. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 102 pp. + anexos. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Cabrera, M. (2012). Cerceta pardilla Marmaronetta angustirostris. Noticiario Ornitológico. Ardeola 59 (1): 169. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M., & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris) en Fuerteventura y tarro canelo (Tadorna ferruginea) en Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria y Tenerife. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 102 pp. + anexos. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",0,0,0,"ESIC","A057",NA,"Marmaronetta angustirostris" "Melanitta fusca",NA,"Velvet Scoter","Finland",2013,2018,"p",4872,10410,15731,"mean","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",17580.7106781187,1986,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-45,-19,19,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-33,-11,18,"FI","A066",NA,"Melanitta fusca" "Melanitta fusca",NA,"Velvet Scoter","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",6100,7100,8100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",17580.7106781187,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-80,-60,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,-30,-20,"SE","A066",NA,"Melanitta fusca" "Melanitta fusca",NA,"Velvet Scoter","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",17580.7106781187,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-90,NA,-85,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A066",NA,"Melanitta fusca" "Melanitta nigra","sensu stricto [excluding americana]","Common Scoter","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5000,6100,7800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",7675.62202362204,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,20,30,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-51,-7,71,"SE","A900",NA,"Melanitta nigra s. str." "Melanitta nigra","sensu stricto [excluding americana]","Common Scoter","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1000,1500,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",7675.62202362204,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert working group.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FI","A900",NA,"Melanitta nigra s. str." "Melanitta nigra","sensu stricto [excluding americana]","Common Scoter","UK",2007,2007,"p",52,52,52,"estimate","completeSurvey","Eaton, M.A., Balmer, D., Burton, N., Grice, P.V., Musgrove, A.J., Hearn, R., Hilton, G., Leech, D., Noble, D.G., Ratcliffe, N., Rehfisch, M.M., Whitehead, S. & Wotton, S. 2008. The state of the UK's birds 2007 RSPB, BTO, WWT, CCW, EHS, NE and SNH, Sandy, Bedfordshire. 36 pp.",7675.62202362204,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-63,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-17,NA,"UK","A900",NA,"Melanitta nigra s. str." "Melanitta nigra","sensu stricto [excluding americana]","Common Scoter","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",18,NA,31,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",7675.62202362204,1987,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",NA,-61,NA,2012,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",-54,NA,-21,"IE","A900",NA,"Melanitta nigra s. str." "Melanocorypha calandra",NA,"Calandra Lark","Spain",2004,2018,"p",3431615,4287948,5201990,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",5294022.64050684,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A242",NA,"Melanocorypha calandra" "Melanocorypha calandra",NA,"Calandra Lark","Greece",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 7) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",5294022.64050684,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,-86,NA,"GR","A242",NA,"Melanocorypha calandra" "Melanocorypha calandra",NA,"Calandra Lark","Italy",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",5294022.64050684,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-25,NA,-5,"IT","A242",NA,"Melanocorypha calandra" "Melanocorypha calandra",NA,"Calandra Lark","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",5294022.64050684,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A242",NA,"Melanocorypha calandra" "Melanocorypha calandra",NA,"Calandra Lark","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",4500,NA,6800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Project: Mapping of natural habitats and species - Phase 1; LOT 7 - Identification and minimising of risks for wild birds",5294022.64050684,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,"BG","A242",NA,"Melanocorypha calandra" "Melanocorypha calandra",NA,"Calandra Lark","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service);",5294022.64050684,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; 2012 revised inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Hellicar et al.; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A242",NA,"Melanocorypha calandra" "Melanocorypha calandra",NA,"Calandra Lark","France",2018,2018,"p",203,653,1103,"interval","completeSurvey",NA,5294022.64050684,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Cheylan G. 1999. Alouette calandre. in Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. Liste rouge et recherche de priorités. Populations. Tendances. Conservation., Paris, Société d’Etudes Ornithologiques de France & Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux560 p.",NA,-85,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",". Etude de la population d'Alouette calandre (Melanocorypha calandra, Alaudidae, Passeriformes) en centre Crau.",NA,167,NA,"FR","A242",NA,"Melanocorypha calandra" "Melanocorypha calandra",NA,"Calandra Lark","Croatia",2015,2015,"p",175,NA,270,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",5294022.64050684,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A242",NA,"Melanocorypha calandra" "Mergellus albellus",NA,"Smew","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2000,3500,5500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",4602.2360679775,1986,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",65,163,315,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",0,0,0,"FI","A767",NA,"Mergellus albellus" "Mergellus albellus",NA,"Smew","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",800,1100,1400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",4602.2360679775,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-30,-10,"SE","A767",NA,"Mergellus albellus" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",27000,34000,42000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,20,30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-9,10,32,"SE","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Finland",2013,2018,"p",24386,33694,45970,"mean","completeSurvey","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",81472.2224130269,1986,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke). Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55. Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-19,-2,20,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke). Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55. Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",6,32,64,"FI","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","UK",2016,2016,"p",4250,4781,5264,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gregory, R.D., Carter, S.P. & Baillie, S.R. 1997. Abundance, distribution and habitat use of breeding Goosanders Mergus merganser and Red-breasted Mergansers Mergus serrator on British rivers. Bird Study 44: 1-12. Extrapolated using WBBS monitoring data from 1987-2016",81472.2224130269,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,186.07,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,40.58,NA,"UK","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",81472.2224130269,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-72,NA,-68,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-35,NA,-24,"EE","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",200,NA,260,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,1600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES",900,NA,1300,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,5,"LT","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Germany",2011,2016,"p",850,NA,1000,"mean","estimatePartial","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",81472.2224130269,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,66,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,13,NA,"DE","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",81472.2224130269,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",851,NA,913,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",5.68,8.24,11.02,"LV","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Austria",2013,2018,"p",350,NA,480,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; Weißmair (2017)",81472.2224130269,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1994; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",800,NA,1000,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",30,NA,60,"AT","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","France",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","LPO Haute-Savoie 2015. Oiseaux nicheurs menacés et ŕ surveiller en Haute-Savoie. Mise ŕ jour des statuts de conservation et priorités d’actions, d’études et de suivis. . , Conseil Départemental de Haute-Savoie55 p. http://files.biolovision.net/haute-savoie.lpo.fr/userfiles/OiseauxnicheursmenacsetsurveillerLPO742015.pdf; Tissier D. 2018. Quelques données remarquables de la nidification 2018. L'EFFRAIE n°48, LPO Rhône70-76 https://cdnfiles2.biolovision.net/www.faune-rhone.org/pdffiles/news/EFFRAIE-48-3810.pdf; Bufo, GEPMA, Imago, LPO, SHNEC & Odonat 2018. Faune Alsace www.faune-alsace.org. , www.faune-alsace.org; Colliat E. 2017. Découverte d’une nouvelle espčce nicheuse pour l’Aričge : le Harle Bičvre. Nature d’Aričge Infos n°87, Ana - Association des Naturalistes de l’Aričgep. 5-6 https://ariegenature.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/BL87_web.pdf; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; LPO Ain 2018. Faune Ain www.faune-ain.org. , https://www.faune-ain.org; LPO Champagne-Ardenne (coord) 2018. Faune Champagne-Ardenne www.faune-champagne-ardenne.org. , https://www.faune-champagne-ardenne.org; Lloret F. 2017. Un nouvel oiseau nicheur en Drôme. LPO Info Drôme n°26, LPO Drômep. 20-22 http://www.lpo-drome.fr/wp-content/uploads/LPO-INFO-26-n%C2%B035-web.pdf; Calvet A., Talhoët S. & le CHTA 2015. Les oiseaux rares dans le Tarn et l’Aveyron. 4ičme rapport du Comité d'Homologation Tarn-Aveyron Année 2015. , LPO Aveyron, LPO Tarn & Faune Nord Midi-Pyrénées17 p. https://cdnfiles1.biolovision.net/www.faune-tarn-aveyron.org/userfiles/BilanCHTA2015.pdf; Luc Bianchini 2017. Faune PACA www.faune-paca.org. , https://www.faune-paca.org; Paul J-P. 2018. Harle bičvre (Mergus merganser). in LPO Franche-Comté (2018) Les oiseaux de Franche-Comté. Répartition, tendances et conservation, Biotope, Mčze82-83",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; Dubois P.J., Le Maréchal P., Olioso G. & Yésou P. 2008. Nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. , Delachaud & Niestlé, Paris559 p.",200,NA,300,2005,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Dubois P.J., Le Maréchal P., Olioso G. & Yésou P. 2008. Nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. , Delachaud & Niestlé, Paris559 p.",50,NA,60,"FR","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",120,NA,180,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",81472.2224130269,1986,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,18000,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",1536,NA,5900,"CZ","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",134,134,134,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",81472.2224130269,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",135.88,260.4,448.08,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",16.76,157.37,440.24,"DK","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Italy",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,110,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",81472.2224130269,1996,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",9900,NA,10900,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",275,NA,355,"IT","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",85,NA,110,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bracko F. (1997): Ornitološki atlas Drave od Maribora do Ptuja (1989–1992). – Acrocephalus 18 (82): 57–97. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",8000,NA,11000,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",40,NA,90,"SI","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.; Lešo P. & Kropil R. 2007: Prvé potvrdené vyhniezdenie potápaca velkého (Mergus merganser) na Slovensku. Tichodroma 19:109-113 Ridzon, J.Karaska, D., Darolová, A.",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",50,NA,100,"SK","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Croatia",2014,2015,"p",14,NA,21,"mean","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",40,NA,50,"HR","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Greece",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,19,"estimate","completeSurvey","Catsadorakis, G., Avramoski, O., ojadzi, A. & Nikolaou, H. (2016). The status of an isolated population Goosander Mergus merganser in the Balkans. Wildfowl. 66. 159-175.",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Handrinos, G. & Akriotis, T. 1997. The Birds of Greece. Helm.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe - Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK, BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","National Park Directorates' databases http://www.birding.hu/",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Annual reports of the Hungarian Checklist and Rarities Committee. Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases",100,NA,900,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278. Annual reports of the Hungarian Checklist and Rarities Committee. Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases",100,NA,900,"HU","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","No complex available source",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",20,NA,40,"BG","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",81472.2224130269,1972,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",0,0,0,2011,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",0,0,0,"IE","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Finland",2013,2018,"p",22380,31642,41580,"mean","completeSurvey","Previous estimate 25000-35000 based on inland data (and estimating an additional 8720 in archipelago (2006-2012) Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",58295.325523888,1986,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55. Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-11,18,55,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55. Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-44,-22,0,"FI","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",17000,21000,26000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",58295.325523888,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,20,30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-37,-16,12,"SE","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2631,2631,2631,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",58295.325523888,1987,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-70.17,-58.69,-42.98,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-66.46,-51.54,-30.75,"DK","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","UK",2008,2011,"p",1673,1673,1673,"estimate","estimatePartial","Humphreys, E., Gillings, S., Musgrove, A., Austin, G., Marchant, J. & Calladine, J. 2016. An update of the review on the impacts of piscivorous birds on salmonid opulations and game fisheries in Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 884. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swann, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R.J. 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-2011. The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. BTO, BirdWatch Ireland & SOC; Thetford, Norfolk. 720 pp.",58295.325523888,1991,2013,"I","completeSurvey","BBS",NA,18.6,NA,2004,2018,"UNK","absentData","BBS",NA,NA,NA,"UK","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",300,NA,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Gittings T. (1995). The status of the Common Scoter Melanitta nigra in Ireland. Report on the 1995 All-Ireland Common Scoter Survey. Unpublished Report for the Irish Wildbird Conservancy. Hunt, J., Heffernan, M.L., McLoughlin, D., Benson, C. & Huxley, C. (2013) The breeding status of Common Scoter, Melanitta nigra in Ireland, 2012. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 66. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",58295.325523888,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,1995,2011,"D","estimatePartial","Gittings T. (1995). The status of the Common Scoter Melanitta nigra in Ireland. Report on the 1995 All-Ireland Common Scoter Survey. Unpublished Report for the Irish Wildbird Conservancy. Hunt, J., Heffernan, M.L., McLoughlin, D., Benson, C. & Huxley, C. (2013) The breeding status of Common Scoter, Melanitta nigra in Ireland, 2012. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 66. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,-62,NA,"IE","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",58295.325523888,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-58,NA,15,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",41,NA,80,"EE","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Germany",2016,2016,"p",340,340,340,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",58295.325523888,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,12,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-9,-7,-4,"DE","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",55,NA,80,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",58295.325523888,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",2650,NA,5800,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-38,-14,16,"NL","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","France",2016,2017,"p",4,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Debout G. & Gallien F. 2018. Harle huppé - Mergus serrator. in Quaintenne & les Coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, p. 57-91",58295.325523888,1993,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Debout G. 2009. Nouvel Atlas des Oiseaux Nicheurs de Normandie 2003-2005. , GONm Groupe Ornithologique Normand448 p. ; Debout G. & Gallien F. 2018. Harle huppé - Mergus serrator. in Quaintenne & les Coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, p. 57-91 ; Debout G. & Gallien F. 2008. Harle huppé - Mergus serrator. in Riegel & les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, p. 153-180",-19,NA,208,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Debout G. & Gallien F. 2018. Harle huppé - Mergus serrator. in Quaintenne & les Coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, p. 57-91 ; Debout G. & Gallien F. 2008. Harle huppé - Mergus serrator. in Riegel & les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, p. 153-180",NA,200,NA,"FR","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",58295.325523888,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,-50,NA,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,1,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",58295.325523888,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv http://www.putni.lv/merser.htm",0,0,0,"LV","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Mergus serrator",NA,"Red-breasted Merganser","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",58295.325523888,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A069",NA,"Mergus serrator" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",25,NA,35,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",2400,NA,3400,2013,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",NA,-10,NA,"LT","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",5,6,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv http://www.putni.lv/merapi.htm",NA,NA,NA,2012,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv http://www.putni.lv/merapi.htm",-62.39,-55.28,-46.85,"LV","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Spasov, S., Mitev, I., Kutsarov, I. 2007. Merops apiaster. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Spasov, S., Mitev, I., Kutsarov, I. 2008. Merops apiaster. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",20,NA,25,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Spasov, S., Mitev, I., Kutsarov, I. 2008. Merops apiaster. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",10,NA,15,"BG","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Italy",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,13000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",4011596.64039176,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",225,NA,250,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",15,NA,30,"IT","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Germany",2012,2016,"p",2000,NA,2300,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",4011596.64039176,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",181,NA,1000,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",250,333,433,"DE","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Austria",2013,2017,"p",1100,NA,2200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Frank Grinschgl, unpublished survey data for Lower Austria (2013+2016); Beate Wendelin, unpublished survey data for Burgenland (2013-2017); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at (other counties)",4011596.64039176,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Frank Grinschgl, unpublished survey data for Lower Austria (2013+2016); Beate Wendelin, unpublished survey data for Burgenland (2013-2017); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornith.at (other counties); Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",NA,2800,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Frank Grinschgl, unpublished survey data for Lower Austria (2007, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016); Beate Wendelin, unpublished survey data for Burgenland (2007-2017); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data (other counties)",NA,77,NA,"AT","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",700,NA,900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","expert opinion",NA,13300,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","expert opinion",NA,1300,NA,"CZ","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Poland",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-194; A. Sikora - unpublished information",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populac",250,NA,300,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",40,NA,60,"PL","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,250,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Birds in Europe II (2004), BirdLife International; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (1997)",10,NA,30,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,25,"CY","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",40,NA,150,"mean","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",10,NA,30,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",10,NA,30,"SI","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",5,8,11,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",4011596.64039176,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",400,700,1000,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",233,433,633,"BE","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",4,4,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",4011596.64039176,1980,2017,"Unk","absentData","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Spain",2013,2018,"p",2966654,NA,3915000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf). Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx). Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073).",0,0,0,"ES","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","France",2008,2012,"p",8000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",4011596.64039176,1990,2017,"I","estimateExpert",NA,0,NA,100,2007,2017,"S","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",4011596.64039176,1997,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 338-339 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 91 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 232-233 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 172 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 386-387 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 90 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Merops_apiaster.pdf National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Greece",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6. Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Microcarbo pygmaeus",NA,"Pygmy Cormorant","Greece",2015,2015,"p",3086,3086,3086,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 3) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 4) Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",17108.1332786925,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,248,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5) Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",NA,34,NA,"GR","A875",NA,"Microcarbo pygmaeus" "Microcarbo pygmaeus",NA,"Pygmy Cormorant","Italy",2013,2013,"p",2125,2125,2125,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Volponi 2013 , in Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",17108.1332786925,1994,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,212400,NA,2006,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Volponi 2013 , in Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",40,NA,115,"IT","A875",NA,"Microcarbo pygmaeus" "Microcarbo pygmaeus",NA,"Pygmy Cormorant","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",1100,NA,1233,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species)",17108.1332786925,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. p. 202 MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278. Szinai P. (szerk.) (2013): Kis kárókatona fajmegorzési terv. Unpublished.",NA,11580,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) Szinai P. (szerk.) (2013): Kis kárókatona fajmegorzési terv. Unpublished.",116,NA,185,"HU","A875",NA,"Microcarbo pygmaeus" "Microcarbo pygmaeus",NA,"Pygmy Cormorant","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",340,NA,900,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",17108.1332786925,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, Bas 4. BSPB Bird Database 5. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",3,NA,5,"BG","A875",NA,"Microcarbo pygmaeus" "Microcarbo pygmaeus",NA,"Pygmy Cormorant","Austria",2013,2017,"p",123,NA,358,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",17108.1332786925,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","New breeding bird, first breeding recorded in 2007",1000,NA,2700,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",NA,228,NA,"AT","A875",NA,"Microcarbo pygmaeus" "Microcarbo pygmaeus",NA,"Pygmy Cormorant","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",18,NA,67,"interval","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",17108.1332786925,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",50,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,10,NA,"HR","A875",NA,"Microcarbo pygmaeus" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","France",2014,2015,"p",25973,29338,33106,"estimate","estimatePartial","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; Thiollay, J.-M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 175 p. ; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",56908.1182712853,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Jiguet F. 2018. Les résultats nationaux du programme STOC de 1989 ŕ 2017. vigie nature, MHNH http://www.vigienature.fr/fr/observatoires/suivi-temporel-oiseaux-communs-stoc/resultats-3413",NA,109,NA,2005,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",19,43,67,"FR","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Spain",2013,2018,"p",15522,15522,15522,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Palomino, D. (2006): El milano negro en Espańa. I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf)",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2013). Programas de seguimiento de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2013). Programas de seguimiento de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",1.3,2.4,3.5,"ES","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Germany",2016,2016,"p",6500,NA,9500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",56908.1182712853,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",-30,NA,40,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,8,NA,"DE","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Italy",2005,2010,"p",860,NA,1153,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",56908.1182712853,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",15,NA,25,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Poland",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,1000,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey); expert knowledge",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",20,NA,40,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD)",-19,26,91,"PL","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",140,NA,170,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222.",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222. Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. , . 1982. . – : . "" "" – 1–5.XI.1982. ., , 326–330. Nankinov, D., G. Stoyanov, G. Kouzmanov, R. Todorov. 1991. Informations sur la situation des Rapaces diurnes en Bulgarie. – Birds of Prey Bull., 4: 293–302.",-100,NA,-100,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222. Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",0,NA,0,"BG","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",121,NA,169,"estimate","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L., Albert A., Bank L., Mórocz A. & Nótári K. (2018): A barna kánya (Milvus migrans) helyzete Magyarországon 2016-ban. Black kite population data 2016 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 14: 51-52. Demeter, I., Horváth, M., Prommer, M. (2019): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása / Summary of Population Monitoring Programmes run by MME/BirdLife Hungary's Raptor Conservation Department (RCD) in 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 74-75. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztály (2009): Barna kánya (Milvus migrans) állományadatok – 2007. Data on Breeding Populations of Black Kite – 2007. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 5: 56. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 541-543. Haraszthy L., Albert A., Bank L., Mórocz A. & Nótári K. (2018): A barna kánya (Milvus migrans) helyzete Magyarországon 2016-ban. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 14: 51-52. Demeter, I., Horváth, M., Prommer, M. (2019): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása / Summary of Population Monitoring Programmes run by MME/BirdLife Hungary's Raptor Conservation Department (RCD) in 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 74-75. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztály (2009): Barna kánya (Milvus migrans) állományadatok – 2007. Data on Breeding Populations of Black Kite – 2007. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 5: 56. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 541-543. Haraszthy L., Albert A., Bank L., Mórocz A. & Nótári K. (2018): A barna kánya (Milvus migrans) helyzete Magyarországon 2016-ban. (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 14: 51-52. Demeter, I., Horváth, M., Prommer, M. (2019): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása / Summary of Population Monitoring Programmes run by MME/BirdLife Hungary's Raptor Conservation Department (RCD) in 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 74-75. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Austria",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,140,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at;",56908.1182712853,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",30,NA,50,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",25,NA,40,"AT","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",106,106,106,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kiefer J. (2010): Populationsentwicklung von Rotmilan Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilan Milvus migrans in Ost-Luxemburg 1991-2008. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 1-12; Biver, G., T. Conzemius (2010): Die “territoriale Saison-Population” des Schwarzmilans Milvus milvus in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 28-40; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 Klein, K. (2017): Die ""territoriale Saison-Population"" des Rot- Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilans Milvus migrans in Luxemburg - Erfasung von 2015. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 32: 1-11; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Conzemius, T. (1998): Revierkartierung der ""territorialen Saison-Population"" des Rotmilans Milvus milvus 1997 in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 17: 1-26.; Kiefer J. (2010): Populationsentwicklung von Rotmilan Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilan Milvus migrans in Ost-Luxemburg 1991-2008. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 1-12; Biver, G., T. Conzemius (2010): Die “territoriale Saison-Population” des Schwarzmilans Milvus milvus in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 28-40; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 Klein, K. (2017): Die ""territoriale Saison-Population"" des Rot- Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilans Milvus migrans in Luxemburg - Erfasung von 2015. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 32: 1-11; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",1000,NA,1200,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Conzemius, T. (1998): Revierkartierung der ""territorialen Saison-Population"" des Rotmilans Milvus milvus 1997 in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 17: 1-26.; Kiefer J. (2010): Populationsentwicklung von Rotmilan Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilan Milvus migrans in Ost-Luxemburg 1991-2008. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 1-12; Biver, G., T. Conzemius (2010): Die “territoriale Saison-Population” des Schwarzmilans Milvus milvus in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 28-40; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 Klein, K. (2017): Die ""territoriale Saison-Population"" des Rot- Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilans Milvus migrans in Luxemburg - Erfasung von 2015. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 32: 1-11; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",71,NA,77,"LU","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Croatia",2012,2012,"p",90,NA,120,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",80,NA,120,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-50,NA,-40,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,5,"LT","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",70,76,82,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",56908.1182712853,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2233,2433,2633,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",17,27,37,"BE","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Latvia",2015,2018,"p",49,NA,74,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv Expert: Aigars Kalvans, a.kalvans@lvm.lv",56908.1182712853,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",72,NA,103,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",97.85,112.9,126.95,"LV","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",40,NA,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",56908.1182712853,1985,2015,"S","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",0,0,0,"CZ","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Greece",2015,2015,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",15,20,25,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Migration counts Falsterbo",200,300,400,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",50,100,150,"SE","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,18,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS). Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",-80,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",-50,NA,-30,"SK","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Finland",2013,2018,"p",10,15,25,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",56908.1182712853,1986,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary)",0,0,0,"FI","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Slovenia",2011,2018,"p",10,NA,21,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bordjan D. (2018): Black Kite Milvus migrans in Slovenia - Its distribution, phenology, breeding and habitat. Acrocpehalus 39 (178/179): 71-83",56908.1182712853,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",100,NA,560,2002,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Bordjan D. (2018): Black Kite Milvus migrans in Slovenia - Its distribution, phenology, breeding and habitat. Acrocpehalus 39 (178/179): 71-83",0,0,0,"SI","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Germany",2011,2014,"p",14000,NA,16000,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",32000.8107252876,1988,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring Greifvögel und Eulen (http://www.greifvogelmonitoring.de)",NA,-16,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring Greifvögel und Eulen (http://www.greifvogelmonitoring.de)",NA,10,NA,"DE","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","UK",2016,2016,"p",4388,4388,4388,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2012. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2010. British Birds 105: 352-416. Extrapolated using BBS monitoring data from last complete RBBP estimate in 2006/2009.",32000.8107252876,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2012. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2010. British Birds 105: 352-416. BTO in litt., this report",NA,10011,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,403.74,NA,"UK","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",3100,3500,4100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",32000.8107252876,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",2200,2700,3200,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",50,70,100,"SE","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","France",2014,2015,"p",3000,3400,3900,"minimum","estimateExpert","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; Thiollay, J.-M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 175 p. ; David F., Mionnet A., Riols R.,Tourret P. 2017. Plan national d’actions en faveur du Milan royal 2018-2027. , LPO, MTES95 p. https://www.ecologique-solidaire.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/PNA-Milan-Royal-2018-2027.pdf",32000.8107252876,1980,2017,"Unk","absentData","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Thiollay J.-M., Terrasse J.-F. 1984. Estimation des effectifs de rapaces nicheurs diurnes et non rupestres en France. Enquęte FIR-UNAO 1979-1982 . , FIR & UNAO, Paris177 p.",NA,NA,NA,2003,2015,"I","estimatePartial","Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc",26,72,135,"FR","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Spain",2014,2018,"p",2313,2313,2441,"estimate","completeSurvey","De la Puente, J. & De la Torre, V. (Eds.). (2015). Abstracts book of the II International Symposium on the Red Kite. Binaced (Huesca, Spain) 2015. Edit Grupo Ornitológico SEO-Monticola & Fondo de Amigos del Buitre. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Molina, B. (Ed.) (2015). El milano real en Espańa. III Censo Nacional. Población invernante y reproductora en 2014 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",32000.8107252876,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. Cardiel, I.E. (2006). El milano real en Espańa. II Censo Nacional (2004). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 140pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/5_milano_real_2004_tcm30-208141.pdf) De la Puente, J. & De la Torre, V. (Eds.). (2015). Abstracts book of the II International Symposium on the Red Kite. Binaced (Huesca, Spain) 2015. Edit Grupo Ornitológico SEO-Monticola & Fondo de Amigos del Buitre. Knott, J., Newbery, P. & Barov, B. (2009). Action plan for the red kite Milvus milvus in the European Union, 55 pp. Molina, B. (Ed.) (2015). El milano real en Espańa. III Censo Nacional. Población invernante y reproductora en 2014 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 153pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",NA,-30.63,NA,2004,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Cardiel, I.E. (2006). El milano real en Espańa. II Censo Nacional (2004). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 140pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/5_milano_real_2004_tcm30-208141.pdf) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) De la Puente, J. & De la Torre, V. (Eds.). (2015). Abstracts book of the II International Symposium on the Red Kite. Binaced (Huesca, Spain) 2015. Edit Grupo Ornitológico SEO-Monticola & Fondo de Amigos del Buitre. Knott, J., Newbery, P. & Barov, B. (2009). Action plan for the red kite Milvus milvus in the European Union, 55 pp. Molina, B. (Ed.) (2015). El milano real en Espańa. III Censo Nacional. Población invernante y reproductora en 2014 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 153pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf)",0,0,0,"ES","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2100,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey)",32000.8107252876,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",270,NA,320,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD)",39,84,143,"PL","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Italy",2014,2014,"p",425,NA,515,"estimate","estimateExpert","Cillo N., 2014. Il nibbio reale in Italia. La conservazione del Nibbio reale in Europa, Atti Convegno finale LIFE ""save the flyers"", 5-7 novembre 2014, Santa Fiora (GR).",32000.8107252876,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",415,NA,510,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Cillo&Laterza, 2014; atti Conv. Conservazoine Nibbio reale in Europa, Santa Fiora)",20,NA,35,"IT","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",360,390,420,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",32000.8107252876,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",10186,11043,11900,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",100,117,133,"BE","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",134,200,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",32000.8107252876,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",1814,NA,2757,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",282,NA,700,"DK","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",160,175,190,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",32000.8107252876,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript) expert opinion",NA,300,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,20,NA,"CZ","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Austria",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,130,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",32000.8107252876,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",1000,NA,2000,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",200,NA,300,"AT","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",90,90,90,"estimate","completeSurvey","Klein, K. (2017): Die ""territoriale Saison-Population"" des Rot- Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilans Milvus migrans in Luxemburg - Erfasung von 2015. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 32: 1-11 Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",32000.8107252876,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Conzemius, T. (1998): Revierkartierung der ""territorialen Saison-Population"" des Rotmilans Milvus milvus 1997 in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 17: 1-26.; Lorgé, P. (2007): Die Bestände von Rotmilan Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilan Milvus migrans in Luxemburg zwischen 1997 und 2003. Regulus WB 22: 30-35.; Kiefer J. (2010): Populationsentwicklung von Rotmilan Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilan Milvus migrans in Ost-Luxemburg 1991-2008. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 1-12; Biver, G., T. Conzemius (2010): Die “territoriale Saison-Population” des Rotmilans Milvus milvus in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 13-27; Klein, K. (2017): Die ""territoriale Saison-Population"" des Rot- Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilans Milvus migrans in Luxemburg - Erfasung von 2015. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 32: 1-11 Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",650,NA,800,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Conzemius, T. (1998): Revierkartierung der ""territorialen Saison-Population"" des Rotmilans Milvus milvus 1997 in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 17: 1-26.; Lorgé, P. (2007): Die Bestände von Rotmilan Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilan Milvus migrans in Luxemburg zwischen 1997 und 2003. Regulus WB 22: 30-35.; Kiefer J. (2010): Populationsentwicklung von Rotmilan Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilan Milvus migrans in Ost-Luxemburg 1991-2008. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 1-12; Biver, G., T. Conzemius (2010): Die “territoriale Saison-Population” des Rotmilans Milvus milvus in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 13-27; Klein, K. (2017): Die ""territoriale Saison-Population"" des Rot- Milvus milvus und Schwarzmilans Milvus migrans in Luxemburg - Erfasung von 2015. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 32: 1-11 Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",35,NA,40,"LU","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","António Monteiro (com. Pess.)",32000.8107252876,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",63,63,63,"estimate","completeSurvey","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",32000.8107252876,1991,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,435.3,NA,"IE","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",35,NA,55,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",32000.8107252876,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",3400,NA,5400,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",60,NA,75,"LT","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",22,NA,27,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS). Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",32000.8107252876,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",-30,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Jozef Chavko: Súhrnná správa o výsledkoch monitoringu hniezdenia vybraných populácii dravých vtákov realizovaného clenmi OZ Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku v rokoch 2000 až 2011. Casopis BUTEO, rocníky 1/1986 až 13/2003 (vydávala RPS)",0,0,0,"SK","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Latvia",2015,2018,"p",7,15,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv Expert: Aigars Kalvans, a.kalvans@lvm.lv",32000.8107252876,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",354,NA,862,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",216.42,265.15,311.12,"LV","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Milvus milvus",NA,"Red Kite","Hungary",2014,2017,"p",9,NA,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","Bank L., Kovács L., Mórocz A., Váczi M. & Haraszthy L. (2016): 2014. évi vörös kánya (Milvus milvus) adatok. Heliaca 12: 33. Demeter, I., Horváth, M., Prommer, M. (2019): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása / Summary of Population Monitoring Programmes run by MME/BirdLife Hungary's Raptor Conservation Department (RCD) in 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 74-75. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",32000.8107252876,1990,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bank, L., Dudás, M. és Balázs, I. (2010): Vörös kánya állomány adatok - 2009 / Red kite population data 2009 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 7: 66-67. Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarinak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. P. 202. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. Bank L. (2010): Vörös kánya (Milvus milvus) adatok - 2008. Red kite population data 2008 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 6: 37. Bank L., Kovács L., Mórocz A., Váczi M. & Haraszthy L. (2016): 2014. évi vörös kánya (Milvus milvus) adatok. Red kite population data 2014 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 12: 33. Demeter, I., Horváth, M., Prommer, M. (2019): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása / Summary of Population Monitoring Programmes run by MME/BirdLife Hungary's Raptor Conservation Department (RCD) in 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 74-75. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,950,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bank L. (2010): Vörös kánya (Milvus milvus) adatok - 2008. Red kite population data 2008 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 6: 37. Bank L., Kovács L., Mórocz A., Váczi M. & Haraszthy L. (2016): 2014. évi vörös kánya (Milvus milvus) adatok. Red kite population data 2014 (In Hungarian with English summary.) Heliaca 12: 33. Demeter, I., Horváth, M., Prommer, M. (2019): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása / Summary of Population Monitoring Programmes run by MME/BirdLife Hungary's Raptor Conservation Department (RCD) in 2017. (In Hungarian with English summary). Heliaca 15: 74-75. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,20,NA,"HU","A074",NA,"Milvus milvus" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Spain",2013,2018,"p",2652,2652,2652,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2017). Monticola saxatilis (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22708257A111788908. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-1.RLTS.T22708257A111788908.en) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",NA,-44.8,NA,"ES","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Austria",2013,2018,"p",110,NA,160,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; unpublished data from the Tiroler Brutvogelatlas",28157.8647901868,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,"AT","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Greece",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. 4) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",-30,NA,-20,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-40,NA,-30,"BG","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-10,NA,-5,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Germany",2016,2016,"p",2,2,2,"estimate","estimatePartial","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",28157.8647901868,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert opinion http://www.birding.hu/ http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Expert opinions Haraszthy László (szerk.) (2000): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest, 448. http://www.birding.hu/ http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Expert opinions http://www.birding.hu/ http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-100,NA,-100,"HU","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",28157.8647901868,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",-20,NA,-5,"IT","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","France",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",28157.8647901868,1989,2017,"D","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,NA,0,"FR","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-100,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-100,NA,-100,"SK","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Spain",2002,2018,"p",10093,10093,10093,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",60992.3109085929,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Malta",2017,2018,"p",696,NA,1207,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",60992.3109085929,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,0,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,0,NA,"MT","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",60992.3109085929,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",60992.3109085929,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service);",60992.3109085929,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; 2012 revised inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Hellicar et al.; 2004 inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Iezekiel et al.; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",250,NA,450,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",60992.3109085929,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",10,NA,20,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",5,NA,10,"BG","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",60992.3109085929,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","France",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",60992.3109085929,1989,2017,"D","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2002,2012,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,NA,0,"FR","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Gibraltar",2006,2012,"p",10,20,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",60992.3109085929,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",10,20,20,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",60992.3109085929,1980,2018,"U","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Monticola solitarius",NA,"Blue Rock-thrush","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",80,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Pušcavec Monticola solitarius. pp. 424-425. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",60992.3109085929,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Pušcavec Monticola solitarius. pp. 424-425. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",10,NA,20,2006,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Mihelic T. (2019): Pušcavec Monticola solitarius. pp. 424-425. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,10,"SI","A281",NA,"Monticola solitarius" "Montifringilla nivalis",NA,"White-winged Snowfinch","Spain",1998,2002,"p",4500,NA,6000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",21365.0778847981,1980,2012,"S","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,2001,2012,"S","completeSurvey","Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",0,0,0,"ES","A358",NA,"Montifringilla nivalis" "Montifringilla nivalis",NA,"White-winged Snowfinch","Austria",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",21365.0778847981,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-24,NA,"AT","A358",NA,"Montifringilla nivalis" "Montifringilla nivalis",NA,"White-winged Snowfinch","Greece",2015,2015,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",21365.0778847981,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A358",NA,"Montifringilla nivalis" "Montifringilla nivalis",NA,"White-winged Snowfinch","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",21365.0778847981,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A358",NA,"Montifringilla nivalis" "Montifringilla nivalis",NA,"White-winged Snowfinch","Germany",2016,2016,"p",140,NA,270,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",21365.0778847981,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A358",NA,"Montifringilla nivalis" "Montifringilla nivalis",NA,"White-winged Snowfinch","France",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",21365.0778847981,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A358",NA,"Montifringilla nivalis" "Montifringilla nivalis",NA,"White-winged Snowfinch","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",21365.0778847981,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",30,NA,35,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A358",NA,"Montifringilla nivalis" "Morus bassanus",NA,"Northern Gannet","UK",2013,2015,"p",293161,293161,293161,"estimate","completeSurvey","The UK population figure derived from data in Murray, S., Harris, M.P. & Wanless, S. 2015. The status of the gannet in Scotland in 2013-14. Scottish Birds 35: 3-18. However, figures were updated according to the latest Bempton Cliffs (Humberside) and Grassholm (Dyfed) counts in 2015, taking into account an increase of 1,151 Apparently Occupied Sites.",360811.233141663,1986,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",NA,86,NA,2004,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",NA,34,NA,"UK","A016",NA,"Morus bassanus" "Morus bassanus",NA,"Northern Gannet","Ireland",2013,2014,"p",47946,47946,47946,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland",360811.233141663,1985,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland",NA,94,NA,2004,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland",NA,33,NA,"IE","A016",NA,"Morus bassanus" "Morus bassanus",NA,"Northern Gannet","Germany",2016,2016,"p",780,780,780,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",360811.233141663,1985,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",1733,3051,5267,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",211,261,319,"DE","A016",NA,"Morus bassanus" "Morus bassanus",NA,"Northern Gannet","France",2017,2017,"p",18824,NA,19025,"estimate","completeSurvey","Provost, P., Bentz, G., Deniau, A. 2017. Réserve naturelle nationale des Sept-Iles - Rapport d'activités 2017. ; Provost; P., Bentz, G., Deniau, A. 2017. Réserve naturelle nationale des Sept-Iles - Rapport d'activités 2017.",360811.233141663,1978,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Provost, P., Bentz, G., Deniau, A. 2017. Réserve naturelle nationale des Sept-Iles - Rapport d'activités 2017. ; Pénicaud, P. 1979. La marée noire de l'Amoco Cadiz et les oiseaux de mer. Le courrier de la Nature,",320.4,NA,320.4,2005,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Siorat, F., Bentz, G. 2005. Réserve naturelle des Sept-Iles - Rapport d'activités 2005. ; Provost, P., Bentz, G., Deniau, A. 2017. Réserve naturelle nationale des Sept-Iles - Rapport d'activités 2017.",0,0,0,"FR","A016",NA,"Morus bassanus" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Spain",2004,2018,"p",1950000,NA,2605000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Programas de seguimiento de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Poland",2013,2018,"p",623000,NA,813000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-22,-15,-7,"PL","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Germany",2016,2016,"p",475000,NA,680000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",8369683.00029094,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-26,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-15,-7,2,"DE","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","France",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,7e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",8369683.00029094,1989,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,0.78,NA,"FR","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","UK",2016,2016,"p",443344,507473,571603,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",8369683.00029094,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-6.62,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-8.02,NA,"UK","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Finland",2013,2018,"p",327283,411380,468936,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-11,7,28,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-36,-28,-19,"FI","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",350000,NA,450000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",NA,-10,NA,"LT","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",248340.666666667,334494,642673,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",8369683.00029094,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",15.5,23.1,31.1,"IE","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",270000,291000,311000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-45,-40,-34,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-34,-29,-24,"SE","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Italy",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",8369683.00029094,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,150,NA,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",8369683.00029094,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-32,NA,90,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-14,NA,-13,"EE","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",127068,158734,198292,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",8369683.00029094,1995,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-45.6,NA,28.96,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-28.1,-9.2,14.2,"LV","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",136026,136026,136026,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",8369683.00029094,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",50.27,71.35,95.29,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-13.48,9.9,38.94,"DK","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",95000,NA,190000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",8369683.00029094,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,"CZ","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",113000,NA,139000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-18.3,NA,"SI","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",70000,NA,110000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",8369683.00029094,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-51,-42,-31,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",4,11,19,"NL","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",42261,NA,138536,"interval","completeSurvey","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",49800,71800,93700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",8369683.00029094,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",99,187,275,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-23,-9,8,"BE","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",0,0,0,"SK","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",67000,NA,71000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 396 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",7,NA,74,"HU","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Austria",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",8369683.00029094,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-14,NA,"AT","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",30000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",5,NA,10,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",5,NA,10,"BG","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,0,0,"LU","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Azores",2013,2017,"p",443843,637153,787381,"mean","estimatePartial","Count data extracted from CAC (Common Bird Census; 2013-2018), provided by SPEA (not published).",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",0.1,NA,50,"PTAC","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Spain",2004,2006,"p",72500,NA,174000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",1383302.53410179,1984,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-5.8,NA,-1.5,"ES","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","France",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",1383302.53410179,1989,2017,"S","absentData",NA,0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,1.5,NA,"FR","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Italy",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",1383302.53410179,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",60,NA,100,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",36949,50768,132070,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",1383302.53410179,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-54.6,-46.5,-37.2,"IE","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Germany",2011,2016,"p",33000,NA,59000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1383302.53410179,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,3,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,1,NA,"DE","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","UK",2016,2016,"p",36822,36822,36822,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",1383302.53410179,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,15.9,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-16.35,NA,"UK","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Austria",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",1383302.53410179,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1383302.53410179,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","expert opinion",5,NA,10,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",5,NA,10,"BG","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",12000,NA,24000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",15,NA,25,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",15,NA,25,"SK","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",6000,11000,17000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Migration counts Falsterbo",200,300,400,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",14,87,201,"SE","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Poland",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; Wilk T., Bobrek R., Pepkowska-Król A., Neubauer G., Kosicki J. 2016. Ptaki polskich Karpat - stan, zagrozenia, ochrona. OTOP, Marki.",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2200,2700,3300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1383302.53410179,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-15,4,27,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-48,-36,-22,"BE","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=152&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",0,0,0,"PTMA","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 208-209 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 99-100 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 194 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 170. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Motacilla_cinerea.pdf KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",220,NA,410,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1383302.53410179,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",150,170,192,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-47,-36,-22,"NL","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",299,299,299,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",1383302.53410179,1996,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-48.38,-32.92,-13.1,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Finland",2013,2018,"p",40,70,120,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",0,0,0,"FI","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",34,35,46,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv Expert: Aigars Kalvans, a.kalvans@lvm.lv",1383302.53410179,1991,2007,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1239,NA,2020,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Kerus V. 2011. Changes in the status of breeding birds of Latvia during 1980-2010. Doctoral Thesis. Riga: University of Latvia Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv http://www.latvijasputni.lv/",211.38,295.47,362.76,"LV","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1383302.53410179,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,50,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,50,"EE","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla citreola",NA,"Citrine Wagtail","Finland",2013,2018,"p",10,15,30,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",620.966366924149,1991,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,-10,NA,"FI","A608",NA,"Motacilla citreola" "Motacilla citreola",NA,"Citrine Wagtail","Poland",2013,2014,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Krajewski L. 2016. Wybrane elementy biologii legowej pliszki cytrynowej Motacilla citreola na Bagnach Biebrzanskich.Ornis Polonica 57: 1–11; Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",620.966366924149,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; Sikora A., Rohde Z., Gromadzki M., Neubauer G., Chylarecki P. 2007. Atlas rozmieszczenia ptaków legowych Polski 1985-2004. Bog",2500,NA,5000,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A608",NA,"Motacilla citreola" "Motacilla citreola",NA,"Citrine Wagtail","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",0,5,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",620.966366924149,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",0,NA,500,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-100,NA,100,"SE","A608",NA,"Motacilla citreola" "Motacilla citreola",NA,"Citrine Wagtail","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",620.966366924149,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",2900,NA,4900,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",5,NA,10,"LT","A608",NA,"Motacilla citreola" "Motacilla citreola",NA,"Citrine Wagtail","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"interval","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska, D., Cichocki, W. & Kocian, L., 2018: Hniezdne rozšírenie vtáctva Oravy. Slovenská ornitologická spolocnost/BirdLife Slovensko, Bratislava, str. 620 Karaska et al 2014",620.966366924149,1980,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska et al 2014",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska et al 2014",0,NA,2,"SK","A608",NA,"Motacilla citreola" "Motacilla citreola",NA,"Citrine Wagtail","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",620.966366924149,1991,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",2905,NA,5697,2002,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Kerus V. 2011. Changes in the status of breeding birds of Latvia during 1980-2010. Doctoral Thesis. Riga: University of Latvia Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",63.19,75.41,82.16,"LV","A608",NA,"Motacilla citreola" "Motacilla citreola",NA,"Citrine Wagtail","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",620.966366924149,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,900,NA,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",112,NA,559,"EE","A608",NA,"Motacilla citreola" "Motacilla citreola",NA,"Citrine Wagtail","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",620.966366924149,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A608",NA,"Motacilla citreola" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1485000,NA,1644000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-26,-20,-13,"PL","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1089632,NA,1605143,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/4250_RES_SP.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073).",0,0,0,"ES","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Finland",2013,2018,"p",463388,524301,604374,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-78,-72,-65,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-18,-7,7,"FI","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",414000,464000,515000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,30,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",14,28,42,"SE","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,450000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Population trend for the period 2005-2012.",-15,NA,0,"BG","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",9074972.1679907,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,400,NA,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-20,NA,-10,"IT","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","France",2013,2018,"p",110000,NA,160000,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,9074972.1679907,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN. ; Dubois Ph.-J. 2015. Bergeronnette printaničre Motacilla flava. in Issa & Muller, Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine, Vol. 2, Delachaux & Niestlé, Paris896-899",NA,-13,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-30.4,NA,"FR","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Germany",2016,2016,"p",82000,NA,155000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",9074972.1679907,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-16,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-31,-21,-10,"DE","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",75000,NA,150000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",-48,NA,-27,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",-52,NA,-33,"HU","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Greece",2015,2015,"p",70000,NA,110000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, 3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, 3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,NA,0,"GR","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",40000,NA,70000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",9074972.1679907,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-26,-14,-1,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",5,15,26,"NL","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",15900,25700,35400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",9074972.1679907,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",161,321,480,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-50,-40,-28,"BE","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","UK",2016,2016,"p",19314,19314,19314,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extraolated by Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend from 1988/91",9074972.1679907,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-69.2,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-10.45,NA,"UK","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",8527,14717,25400,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",9074972.1679907,1995,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-98.83,NA,-53.52,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-68.3,NA,194.6,"LV","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",9000,NA,18000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-50,NA,-30,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",4000,NA,4500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,26.8,NA,"SI","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",9074972.1679907,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-128,NA,-92,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-99,NA,-88,"EE","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",3762,3762,3762,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",9074972.1679907,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-89.72,-83.33,-73.14,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-20.9,16.82,70.41,"DK","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín in litt.",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",-25,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,"SK","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",800,NA,1600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",9074972.1679907,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-16,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,7,NA,"CZ","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Austria",2013,2018,"p",900,NA,1300,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",9074972.1679907,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-30,NA,-15,"AT","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Biver G. (2008): Vorkommen von Schafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten. Vergleichsstudie zu 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 1-12; Bastian, M. (2015): Wiesenvogel-Kartierung 2013. Kartierung der Vorkommen von Wiesenschafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten - Bestandsentwicklung seit 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 30: 44-57",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Biver G. (2008): Vorkommen von Schafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten. Vergleichsstudie zu 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 1-12; Bastian, M. (2015): Wiesenvogel-Kartierung 2013. Kartierung der Vorkommen von Wiesenschafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten - Bestandsentwicklung seit 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 30: 44-57; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-90,NA,-70,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Biver G. (2008): Vorkommen von Schafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten. Vergleichsstudie zu 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 1-12; Bastian, M. (2015): Wiesenvogel-Kartierung 2013. Kartierung der Vorkommen von Wiesenschafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten - Bestandsentwicklung seit 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 30: 44-57; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-60,NA,-40,"LU","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,55,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus and Game & Fauna Service, as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists and also by the Game & Fauna Service; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Birds in Europe II (2004), BirdLife International; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Monthly waterbird as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Birds in Europe II (2004), BirdLife International",0,NA,0,"CY","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1196314,1511238,1702285,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-25,-12,3,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-32,-25,-17,"FI","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",938000,1464000,2174000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, data from regional inventories",-45,-34,-19,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",0,0,20,"SE","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Spain",2013,2018,"p",650574,1028369,1478480,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International (2018). Muscicapa striata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22709192A132079879. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22709192A132079879.en) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",6197800.10270682,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,300,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-15,NA,-5,"IT","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Poland",2013,2018,"p",216000,NA,310000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-38,-26,-11,"PL","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",152659,209258,286841,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",6197800.10270682,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",NA,-26,NA,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-4.4,62.2,169.5,"LV","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",6197800.10270682,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,"EE","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Germany",2016,2016,"p",155000,NA,230000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",6197800.10270682,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-19,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-31,-19,-5,"DE","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Greece",2013,2018,"p",130000,NA,170000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,-57,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,-62,NA,"GR","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","France",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,140000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",6197800.10270682,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-23,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-25.9,NA,"FR","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",65000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019 Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Krištín in litt.",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,"SK","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Austria",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,75000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",6197800.10270682,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-21,NA,"AT","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",41000,NA,67000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",-65,NA,-24,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",-23,NA,94,"HU","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",35000,NA,70000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",6197800.10270682,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,"CZ","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","UK",2016,2016,"p",41364,41364,41364,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",6197800.10270682,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-82.18,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-11.42,NA,"UK","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",20965,34197,97480,"interval","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",6197800.10270682,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-30,-15.4,-1.8,"IE","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",23300,NA,39000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-11.4,NA,"SI","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",6197800.10270682,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-65,-56,-43,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-25,-11,4,"NL","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",13593,13593,13593,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",6197800.10270682,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-43.82,-30.2,-13.39,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-1.88,26.35,61.86,"DK","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,10000,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",8000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Database",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",0,NA,10,"BG","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2700,3900,5100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",6197800.10270682,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-72,-59,-46,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-91,-87,-83,"BE","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,4800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Birds in Europe II (2004), BirdLife International; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme",-30,NA,60,"CY","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Malta",2017,2018,"p",11,NA,16,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,30,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,58,NA,"MT","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Gibraltar",2006,2018,"p",1,5,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",100,100,100,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",100,100,100,"GIB","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Neophron percnopterus",NA,"Egyptian Vulture","Spain",2013,2018,"p",1490,NA,1567,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",1794.34490119108,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Neophron percnopterus. En: Tragsatec. (2018). Bases técnico-científicas para la conservación de las especies de fauna silvestre incluidas en el Catálogo Espańol de Especies Amenazadas. (R.D. 139/2011). Valoración de su estado de conservación. Variables propuestas. Informe inédito para el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,20,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Del Moral, J.C. (Ed.) (2009). El alimoche común en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/31-%20Alimoche_tcm36-208099.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ińigo A., Barov B., Orhun C. & Gallo-Orsi U. (2008) Action plan for the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in the European Union, 62pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",1,1.5,3.3,"ES","A077",NA,"Neophron percnopterus" "Neophron percnopterus",NA,"Egyptian Vulture","France",2013,2017,"p",85,88,90,"mean","completeSurvey","Constantin P., Kobierzycki E., Montes E. 2015. Plan national d'actions en faveur du Vautour percnoptčre Neophron percnopterus 2015-2024. , 162 p. http://www.consultations-publiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/PNA_Percnoptere.pdf; Kobierzycki E. & Ponchon C. 2018. Vautour percnoptčre - Neophron percnopterus. in Quaintenne et les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015, 57-91",1794.34490119108,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Gallardo, M. & Penteriani, V. 2002. Plan National de restauration du Vautour Percnoptčre (Linné 1758) Neophron percnopterus percnopterus en France 2002-2007, Parc Naturel Régional du Luberon - Ministčre de l'environnement, Paris. 76 p. ; Constantin P., Kobierzycki E., Montes E. 2015. Plan national d'actions en faveur du Vautour percnoptčre Neophron percnopterus 2015-2024. , 162 p. http://www.consultations-publiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/PNA_Percnoptere.pdf; Kobierzycki E. & Ponchon C. 2018. Vautour percnoptčre - Neophron percnopterus. in Quaintenne et les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015, 57-91",15,48,90,2005,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Gallardo, M. & Penteriani, V. 2002. Plan National de restauration du Vautour Percnoptčre (Linné 1758) Neophron percnopterus percnopterus en France 2002-2007, Parc Naturel Régional du Luberon - Ministčre de l'environnement, Paris. 76 p. ; Kobierzycki E. & Ponchon C. 2018. Vautour percnoptčre - Neophron percnopterus. in Quaintenne et les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015, 57-91",NA,0,NA,"FR","A077",NA,"Neophron percnopterus" "Neophron percnopterus",NA,"Egyptian Vulture","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",74,74,74,"estimate","completeSurvey","Donázar, J.A. & De la Riva, M. (2016). Marcaje con emisores de ejemplares de guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) nacidos en cautividad. Estación Biológica de Dońana (CSIC) y Dirección general de Protección de la Naturaleza (Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias). 41 pp. Donázar, J.A., García, M, Van Overveld, T., De Miguel, Á. & Roldán, J. (2016). Seguimiento de la población del guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en las islas de Fuerteventura, Lanzarote e islotes del norte de Lanzarote. Memoria final. Estación Biológica de Dońana (CSIC) y Dirección general de Protección de la Naturaleza (Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias). 150 pp. Roldán González, J.J. (2016). Localización de apoyos con alto riesgo de electrocución para el guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en las líneas eléctricas de distribución de la isla de Lanzarote. Memoria final. Gobierno de Canarias. 27 pp. Roldán González, J.J. (2017). Identificación y localización de territorios de nidificación, zonas de agregación nocturna y uso de muladares del guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en las islas de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura. Memoria final. Gobierno de Canarias. 53 pp. Suárez Pérez, A. (2015). Desarrollo de actuaciones del Plan de Recuperación del guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en materia de uso ilegal de venenos, tratamiento de ejemplares accidentados, alimentación y gestión de animales mantenidos en cautividad. Gobierno de Canarias. 130 pp. Suárez Pérez, A. (2016). Evaluación del estado zoosanitario y causas de mortalidad de la población de guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) y gestión de animales mantenidos en cautividad, cofinanciado con fondos Feder. Gobierno de Canarias. 120 pp.",1794.34490119108,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Donázar, J.A. & De la Riva, M. (2016). Marcaje con emisores de ejemplares de guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) nacidos en cautividad. Estación Biológica de Dońana (CSIC) y Dirección general de Protección de la Naturaleza (Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias). 41 pp. Donázar, J.A., García, M, Van Overveld, T., De Miguel, Á. & Roldán, J. (2016). Seguimiento de la población del guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en las islas de Fuerteventura, Lanzarote e islotes del norte de Lanzarote. Memoria final. Estación Biológica de Dońana (CSIC) y Dirección general de Protección de la Naturaleza (Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias). 150 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Mallo, M. & Díez, C. (2009). El alimoche común en Canarias. En J. C. del Moral (ed.). El alimoche común en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo, pp. 55. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Roldán González, J.J. (2016). Localización de apoyos con alto riesgo de electrocución para el guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en las líneas eléctricas de distribución de la isla de Lanzarote. Memoria final. Gobierno de Canarias. 27 pp. Roldán González, J.J. (2017). Identificación y localización de territorios de nidificación, zonas de agregación nocturna y uso de muladares del guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en las islas de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura. Memoria final. Gobierno de Canarias. 53 pp. Suárez Pérez, A. (2015). Desarrollo de actuaciones del Plan de Recuperación del guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en materia de uso ilegal de venenos, tratamiento de ejemplares accidentados, alimentación y gestión de animales mantenidos en cautividad. Gobierno de Canarias. 130 pp. Suárez Pérez, A. (2016). Evaluación del estado zoosanitario y causas de mortalidad de la población de guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) y gestión de animales mantenidos en cautividad, cofinanciado con fondos Feder. Gobierno de Canarias. 120 pp.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Donázar, J.A. & De la Riva, M. (2016). Marcaje con emisores de ejemplares de guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) nacidos en cautividad. Estación Biológica de Dońana (CSIC) y Dirección general de Protección de la Naturaleza (Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias). 41 pp. Donázar, J.A., García, M, Van Overveld, T., De Miguel, Á. & Roldán, J. (2016). Seguimiento de la población del guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en las islas de Fuerteventura, Lanzarote e islotes del norte de Lanzarote. Memoria final. Estación Biológica de Dońana (CSIC) y Dirección general de Protección de la Naturaleza (Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias). 150 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Mallo, M. & Díez, C. (2009). El alimoche común en Canarias. En J. C. del Moral (ed.). El alimoche común en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2008 y método de censo, pp. 55. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Roldán González, J.J. (2016). Localización de apoyos con alto riesgo de electrocución para el guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en las líneas eléctricas de distribución de la isla de Lanzarote. Memoria final. Gobierno de Canarias. 27 pp. Roldán González, J.J. (2017). Identificación y localización de territorios de nidificación, zonas de agregación nocturna y uso de muladares del guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en las islas de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura. Memoria final. Gobierno de Canarias. 53 pp. Suárez Pérez, A. (2015). Desarrollo de actuaciones del Plan de Recuperación del guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) en materia de uso ilegal de venenos, tratamiento de ejemplares accidentados, alimentación y gestión de animales mantenidos en cautividad. Gobierno de Canarias. 130 pp. Suárez Pérez, A. (2016). Evaluación del estado zoosanitario y causas de mortalidad de la población de guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis) y gestión de animales mantenidos en cautividad, cofinanciado con fondos Feder. Gobierno de Canarias. 120 pp.",NA,219,NA,"ESIC","A077",NA,"Neophron percnopterus" "Neophron percnopterus",NA,"Egyptian Vulture","Portugal",2018,2018,"p",45,NA,90,"estimate","estimatePartial","António Monteiro (com. Pess.)",1794.34490119108,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A077",NA,"Neophron percnopterus" "Neophron percnopterus",NA,"Egyptian Vulture","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",24,24,24,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kurtev, M., P. Iankov, I. Angelov. 2007. National Action Plan for the Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Bulgaria, MOEW-BSPB, Sofia, 44 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Arkumarev, V., Dobrev, V., Stoychev, S., Dobrev, D., Demerdzhiev, D. & Nikolov, S. C. (2018) Breeding performance and population trend of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in Bulgaria: conservation implications. Ornis Fennica, 95. Kurtev, M., Angelov, I., Demerdjiev, D., Stoynov, E., Iankov, P., Hristov, H. 2007. Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus – In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, Conservation series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 132 - 133. BSPB Bird Database Dobrev, D., Angelov, A., Dobrev, V. 2013. Status and conservation of vultures in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds/ Birdlife Bulgaria (BSPB) activities. In: Andreevski, J. (ed.). 2013. Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. 10 Years of Vulture Research and Conservation, pp. 14 – 16. www.LifeNeophron.eu Stoynov, E., A. Grozdanov 2010. Re-introduction of Griffon vultures and consequent return of Egyptian vultures in the Kotel Mountains, Bulgaria. 147-150. - In: Soorae, P. S. (ed) (2010) Global Re-introduction Perspectives: Additional case-studies from around the globe. IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 352 pp. Stoynov, E., A. Grozdanov, H. Peshev and D. Peshev 2013. Present distribution and conservation specifics of the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus Linnaeus, 1758) in Southwest Bulgaria. - Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., Supplement 2, 19: 259–261.",1794.34490119108,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kurtev, M., P. Iankov, I. Angelov. 2007. National Action Plan for the Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Bulgaria, MOEW-BSPB, Sofia, 44 p. Arkumarev, V., Dobrev, V., Stoychev, S., Dobrev, D., Demerdzhiev, D. & Nikolov, S. C. (2018) Breeding performance and population trend of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in Bulgaria: conservation implications. Ornis Fennica, 95. Kurtev, M., Angelov, I., Demerdjiev, D., Stoynov, E., Iankov, P., Hristov, H. 2007. Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus – In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, Conservation series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 132 - 133. BSPB Bird Database Dobrev, D., Angelov, A., Dobrev, V. 2013. Status and conservation of vultures in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds/ Birdlife Bulgaria (BSPB) activities. In: Andreevski, J. (ed.). 2013. Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. 10 Years of Vulture Research and Conservation, pp. 14 – 16. www.LifeNeophron.eu Stoynov, E., A. Grozdanov 2010. Re-introduction of Griffon vultures and consequent return of Egyptian vultures in the Kotel Mountains, Bulgaria. 147-150. - In: Soorae, P. S. (ed) (2010) Global Re-introduction Perspectives: Additional case-studies from around the globe. IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 352 pp. Stoynov, E., A. Grozdanov, H. Peshev and D. Peshev 2013. Present distribution and conservation specifics of the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus Linnaeus, 1758) in Southwest Bulgaria. - Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., Supplement 2, 19: 259–261.",-70,NA,-50,2000,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kurtev, M., P. Iankov, I. Angelov. 2007. National Action Plan for the Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Bulgaria, MOEW-BSPB, Sofia, 44 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Arkumarev, V., Dobrev, V., Stoychev, S., Dobrev, D., Demerdzhiev, D. & Nikolov, S. C. (2018) Breeding performance and population trend of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in Bulgaria: conservation implications. Ornis Fennica, 95. Kurtev, M., Angelov, I., Demerdjiev, D., Stoynov, E., Iankov, P., Hristov, H. 2007. Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus – In: Iankov, P. (ed.). Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds, Conservation series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 132 - 133. BSPB Bird Database Dobrev, D., Angelov, A., Dobrev, V. 2013. Status and conservation of vultures in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society for the protection of birds/ Birdlife Bulgaria (BSPB) activities. In: Andreevski, J. (ed.). 2013. Vulture Conservation in the Balkan Peninsula and Adjacent Regions. 10 Years of Vulture Research and Conservation, pp. 14 – 16. www.LifeNeophron.eu Stoynov, E., A. Grozdanov 2010. Re-introduction of Griffon vultures and consequent return of Egyptian vultures in the Kotel Mountains, Bulgaria. 147-150. - In: Soorae, P. S. (ed) (2010) Global Re-introduction Perspectives: Additional case-studies from around the globe. IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 352 pp. Stoynov, E., A. Grozdanov, H. Peshev and D. Peshev 2013. Present distribution and conservation specifics of the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus Linnaeus, 1758) in Southwest Bulgaria. - Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., Supplement 2, 19: 259–261.",-60,NA,-40,"BG","A077",NA,"Neophron percnopterus" "Neophron percnopterus",NA,"Egyptian Vulture","Italy",2016,2016,"p",8,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",1794.34490119108,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-70,NA,-60,2011,2012,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",0,0,0,"IT","A077",NA,"Neophron percnopterus" "Neophron percnopterus",NA,"Egyptian Vulture","Greece",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,12,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017) European birds of conservation concern:populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) METODIJA VELEVSKI, STOYAN C. NIKOLOV, BEN HALLMANN, VLADIMIR DOBREV, LAVRENTIS SIDIROPOULOS, VICTORIA SARAVIA, RIGAS TSIAKIRIS, VOLEN ARKUMAREV, ANTONIA ALANAKI, THEODOROS KOMINOS, KALLIOPI STARA, ELZBIETA KRET, BRATISLAV GRUBAC, EMANUEL LISICANEC, THANOS KASTRITIS, DIMITRIS VAVYLIS, MIRJAN TOPI, BLEDI HOXHA and STEFFEN OPPEL Population decline and range contraction of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in the Balkan Peninsula. Bird Conservation International, Available on CJO 2014 doi:10.1017/S0959270914000343 7)Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas 8) Saravia, V., 2014. Egyptian vulture Monitoring in Northern, Central and Western Greece. 2012-2013 Report. Hellenic Ornithological Society, Athens, Greece. 9) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 10) Saravia V., Bounas A., Kret E., & Vavylis, D. (2019). Status of the Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Greece. 2012-2018. Technical report under action D1 of the LIFE project “Egyptian Vulture New Life” (LIFE16 NAT/BG/000874). Hellenic Ornithological Society & WWF Greece, Athens, Greece.",1794.34490119108,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) METODIJA VELEVSKI, STOYAN C. NIKOLOV, BEN HALLMANN, VLADIMIR DOBREV, LAVRENTIS SIDIROPOULOS, VICTORIA SARAVIA, RIGAS TSIAKIRIS, VOLEN ARKUMAREV, ANTONIA ALANAKI, THEODOROS KOMINOS, KALLIOPI STARA, ELZBIETA KRET, BRATISLAV GRUBAC, EMANUEL LISICANEC, THANOS KASTRITIS, DIMITRIS VAVYLIS, MIRJAN TOPI, BLEDI HOXHA and STEFFEN OPPEL Population decline and range contraction of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in the Balkan Peninsula. Bird Conservation International, Available on CJO 2014 doi:10.1017/S0959270914000343 8) Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas 9) Saravia, V., 2014. Egyptian vulture Monitoring in Northern, Central and Western Greece. 2012-2013 Report. Hellenic Ornithological Society, Athens, Greece. 10) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-90,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017) European birds of conservation concern:populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) METODIJA VELEVSKI, STOYAN C. NIKOLOV, BEN HALLMANN, VLADIMIR DOBREV, LAVRENTIS SIDIROPOULOS, VICTORIA SARAVIA, RIGAS TSIAKIRIS, VOLEN ARKUMAREV, ANTONIA ALANAKI, THEODOROS KOMINOS, KALLIOPI STARA, ELZBIETA KRET, BRATISLAV GRUBAC, EMANUEL LISICANEC, THANOS KASTRITIS, DIMITRIS VAVYLIS, MIRJAN TOPI, BLEDI HOXHA and STEFFEN OPPEL Population decline and range contraction of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in the Balkan Peninsula. Bird Conservation International, Available on CJO 2014 doi:10.1017/S0959270914000343 7)Status and population trends of vultures in Greece - Stavros M. Xirouchakis & Rigas 8) Saravia, V., 2014. Egyptian vulture Monitoring in Northern, Central and Western Greece. 2012-2013 Report. Hellenic Ornithological Society, Athens, Greece. 9) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 10) Saravia V., Bounas A., Kret E., & Vavylis, D. (2019). Status of the Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Greece. 2012-2018. Technical report under action D1 of the LIFE project “Egyptian Vulture New Life” (LIFE16 NAT/BG/000874). Hellenic Ornithological Society & WWF Greece, Athens, Greece.",NA,-61,NA,"GR","A077",NA,"Neophron percnopterus" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Spain",2007,2007,"p",7200,7200,7200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",NA,NA,32.5,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",1.13,NA,63.3,"ES","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","France",2017,2018,"p",1100,NA,1720,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dronneau, C 2017. Atlas des oiseaux d'Alsace - Nidification et hivernage. Muller, Y, Dronneau, C & Bronner, JM, LPO Alsace/DREAL Alsace876 ; Dubois, PJ et al 2014. Notes d’ornithologie française. Deuxičme mise ŕ jour du nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. Ornithos 21-4, 169-213 ; Dubois, PJ et al 2017. Notes d’ornithologie française. Troisičme mise ŕ jour du nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. Ornithos 24-2, 57-107 ; . Trotignon, J. 2018 BILAN DE LA NIDIFICATION DES CANARDS EN BRENNE EN 2018. ; . LPO Haute-Savoie (2015), Oiseaux nicheurs menacés et ŕ surveiller en Haute-Savoie, Mise ŕ jour des statuts de conservation et priorités d’actions, d’études et de suivis. Conseil Départemental de Haute-Savoie.. ; Issa (N.) & Defos du Rau (P.) 2015. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine – Nidification et présence hivernale. in Issa (N.) & Muller (Y.) coord., LPO / SEOF / MNHN. Delachaux & Niestlé, Paris1048 ; LPO Auvergne 2014. Annales ornithologiques pour 2012-2013 : suivi des espčces nicheuses localisées ou peu communes en Auvergne.. Le Grand-Duc 82, 2-15 ; Giroud, M. 2018. Les Oiseaux de Franche-Comté - Répartition, tendance et conservation. in LPO Franche-Comté, Biotope480 ; . Dal Molin, A. 2015 Le Petit Bleu d'Agen du 2/7/2015.",12708.0281557747,1981,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Issa (N.) & Defos du Rau (P.) 2015. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine – Nidification et présence hivernale. in Issa (N.) & Muller (Y.) coord., LPO / SEOF / MNHN. Delachaux & Niestlé, Paris1048 ; Dubois Ph.J., Le Maréchal P., Olioso G. & Yésou P. 2000. Nette rousse. in Inventaire des Oiseaux de France. Avifaune de la France métropolitaine., Nathan, Paris397 ; . ONCFS 2012 PLAN NATIONAL DE GESTION (2016-2020) Nette rousse (Netta rufina).",150,NA,192,2006,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Dronneau, C 2017. Atlas des oiseaux d'Alsace - Nidification et hivernage. Muller, Y, Dronneau, C & Bronner, JM, LPO Alsace/DREAL Alsace876 ; Dubois, PJ et al 2014. Notes d’ornithologie française. Deuxičme mise ŕ jour du nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. Ornithos 21-4, 169-213 ; . Broyer, J & Ferrier, C 2018 reproduction des anatidés en France - La saison 2017 dans les principales régions de nidification. Bulletin ONCFS-FDC n°16. ; Issa (N.) & Defos du Rau (P.) 2015. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine – Nidification et présence hivernale. in Issa (N.) & Muller (Y.) coord., LPO / SEOF / MNHN. Delachaux & Niestlé, Paris1048 ; Giroud, M. 2018. Les Oiseaux de Franche-Comté - Répartition, tendance et conservation. in LPO Franche-Comté, Biotope480",10,NA,15,"FR","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Germany",2012,2016,"p",1000,NA,1100,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",12708.0281557747,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,107,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,38,NA,"DE","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Netherlands",2013,2016,"p",370,NA,520,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",12708.0281557747,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",3685,4302,5015,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",22,40,60,"NL","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme",12708.0281557747,1983,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions Haraszthy László (szerk.) (2000): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest, 448. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",29900,NA,49900,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",275,NA,400,"HU","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",250,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",12708.0281557747,1981,2017,"I","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,6,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",50,NA,92,"CZ","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Austria",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at, Ornithologischer Rundbrief für das Bodenseegebiet Sommer 2013-2018 (Rheindelta), Alexander Schuster unpublished data (Trauntal)",12708.0281557747,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria unpublished data",1400,NA,1800,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria unpublished data",20,NA,30,"AT","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Italy",2013,2018,"p",145,NA,160,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",12708.0281557747,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",430,NA,625,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",165,NA,265,"IT","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",20,NA,30,"SK","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",25,NA,40,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",400,NA,800,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",200,NA,400,"HR","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Poland",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,48,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; Sta",0,0,0,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",7,7,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",12708.0281557747,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",407.29,932.6,1974.63,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-36.86,36.26,180.72,"DK","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5,5,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",100,NA,400,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",70,NA,100,"SI","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","For the period 1980-2004, based on birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,0,2009,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,66,"CY","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1,2,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",12708.0281557747,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,100,300,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,300,NA,"BE","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",1,1,3,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert: Viesturs Kerus, vieturs@lob.lv Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",14000,25000,44000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-78,-60,-30,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",25,127,302,"SE","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",199850.353555074,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Italy",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",199850.353555074,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-35,NA,-20,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","France",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,13000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",199850.353555074,2001,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",6000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",199850.353555074,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",8,NA,282,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-62,NA,67,"EE","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",4332,7822,14123,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",199850.353555074,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",88,NA,91,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-52.2,-3.3,88.4,"LV","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Germany",2016,2016,"p",4400,NA,7500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",199850.353555074,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,2,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,"DE","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",3800,NA,5200,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Poland",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk. Coordinatory group for reporting 2019",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-30,NA,-20,"SK","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1000,2000,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database.",0,0,0,"FI","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",500,500,500,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",250,370,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",199850.353555074,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",156,279,413,2008,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-44,-18,11,"BE","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",199850.353555074,1980,2017,"Unk","estimatePartial","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Finland",2013,2018,"p",80042,87006,91346,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-21,3,18,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",4,16,31,"FI","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","UK",2016,2016,"p",58734,58734,58734,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = O'Brien, M. 2004. Estimating the number of farmland waders breeding in the United Kingdom. International Wader Studies 14: 135-139. Total (derived from a compilation of estimates between 1980s-2000) adjusted using subsequent BBS monitoring from 1995 to 2016 for GB, plus an estimate from a survey in NI.",164844.717735298,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",-59.42,-59.42,-59.42,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",-24.53,-24.53,-24.53,"UK","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5200,6100,7100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","National inventories",-52,-39,-21,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-42,-32,-21,"SE","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",3900,NA,4800,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",164844.717735298,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-59,-52,-44,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-39,-33,-27,"NL","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3600,NA,4800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",164844.717735298,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-26,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,"DE","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","France",2010,2011,"p",1300,NA,1600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Issa & Muller 2015. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Atlas, ; Nidal Issa, Pierre Defos du Rau, Bernard Deceuninck, Vincent Schricke, Bertrand Trolliet, Jean-Marie Boutin, Thierry Micol. 2012. Anatidés et Limicoles en France. revue, 20",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert","Issa N & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Nidal Issa, Pierre Defos du Rau, Bernard Deceuninck, Vincent Schricke, Bertrand Trolliet, Jean-Marie Boutin, Thierry Micol. 2012. Anatidés et Limicoles en France. revue, 20",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",164844.717735298,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-54,NA,-53,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-48,NA,-13,"EE","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",450,450,450,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",164844.717735298,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",32.8,97.83,193.45,2009,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-6.83,10.26,30.08,"DK","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",300,400,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",164844.717735298,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-38,-18,3,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-45,-27,-9,"BE","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",211,NA,310,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",164844.717735298,1980,2017,"UNK","absentData","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,2000,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Poland",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,250,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lewtak J., Trzcinski K., Krupinski D. 2016. Krajowy Plan Ochrony Kulika Wielkiego.Towarzystwo Przyrodnicze „Bocian”, Warszawa; expert assessment",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Lawicki L., Wylegala P. 2011. Recent data on the declining breeding population of Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in western Poland. Wader Study Group Bulletin 118: 14–17; Lawicki L., Wylegala P. 2011. Spadek liczebnosci kulika wielkiego Numenius arquata",-75,NA,-50,2015,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MKW)",-51,-32,-8,"PL","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Austria",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,170,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from bird monitoring programs in the national park Neusiedler See - Seewinkel and in SPAs in northern Burgenland, Grinschgl (2013-2017), Uhl & Wichmann 2017 (Oberösterreich); Pöhacker et al. 2013 (Salzburg), Burtscher et al. 2017 (Vorarlberg)",164844.717735298,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding bird 1981-1985)",120,NA,160,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from bird monitoring programs in the national park Neusiedler See - Seewinkel and in SPAs in northern Burgenland, Grinschgl (2013-2017), Uhl & Wichmann 2017 (Oberösterreich); Pöhacker et al. 2013 (Salzburg), Burtscher et al. 2017 (Vorarlberg)",NA,5,NA,"AT","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Ireland",2015,2017,"p",138,138,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","O'Donoghue, B.G., Donaghy A., and Kelly, S.B.A. (2019). National survey of breeding Curlew in the Republic of Ireland 2015-2017. Wader Study 126: 43-48.",164844.717735298,1987,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Reed, T. (1985). Estimates of British breeding wader populations. Wader Study Group Bulletin 45: 11-12. Partridge, J.K. & K.W. Smith. (1992). Breeding wader populations in Northern Ireland, 1985-87. Irish Birds 4: 497–518. O'Donoghue, Donaghy and Kelly (2019). National survey of breeding Curlew in the Republic of Ireland 2015-2017. Wader Study 126: 43-48. Gibbons, D.W., J.B. Reid & R.A. Chapman. (1993). The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988–1991. T & A.D. Poyser, London, UK.",NA,-98,NA,2008,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Lauder and Donaghy (2008) estimated 1,000 pairs on expert opinion and available data. O'Donoghue et al. (2019) recorded 138 breeding pairs when surveyed all previous known sites. Lauder, C. & A. Donaghy 2008. Breeding Waders in Ireland 2008: A Review and Recommendations for Future Action. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland. O'Donoghue, Donaghy and Kelly (2019). National survey of breeding Curlew in the Republic of Ireland 2015-2017. Wader Study 126: 43-48.",NA,-86.2,NA,"IE","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-20,NA,-10,"LT","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",21,NA,61,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 83-84 p. Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 278-279 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 160 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 70-71 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 313-314 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 126 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 120-121 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Numenius_arquata.pdf National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Slovenia",2007,2018,"p",5,NA,15,"interval","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K. (2013): Velikost in razširjenost populacije velikega škurha Numenius arquata na Ljubljanskem barju v letih 2011 in 2012. Acrocephalus 34 (156/157): 33–41. Denac K. (2014): Popis velikega škurha na Ljubljanskem barju. Svet ptic 20 (2): 34–35. Koce U. (2018): Veliki škurh Numenius arquata. pp. 126-131. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K. (2013): Velikost in razširjenost populacije velikega škurha Numenius arquata na Ljubljanskem barju v letih 2011 in 2012. Acrocephalus 34 (156/157): 33–41. Denac K. (2014): Popis velikega škurha na Ljubljanskem barju. Svet ptic 20 (2): 34–35. Koce U. (2018): Veliki škurh Numenius arquata. pp. 126-131. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-20,NA,-10,2011,2018,"D","completeSurvey","For data from Ljubljansko barje: Koce U. (2018): Veliki škurh Numenius arquata. pp. 126-131. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. For data from Lake Cerknica: Web portal NOAGS: http://atlas.ptice.si/atlas/index.php?r=user/login, accessed 11 Apr 2019",-70,NA,-65,"SI","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Spain",2007,2018,"p",3,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2008). Propuesta técnica de Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante de zarapito real (Numenius arquata) en Galicia. Informe no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. 116 pp. Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2017). Actualización de la propuesta técnica de Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante de zarapito real (Numenius arquata) en Galicia. Informe no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. 153 pp.",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante del zarapito real (Numenius arquata) en Galicia. Infome no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. 116 pp. Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2017). Actualización de la propuesta técnica del Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante del zarapito real (Numenius arquata) en Galicia. Infome no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. 153 pp.",-37,NA,-25,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante del zarapito real (Numenius arquata) en Galicia. Infome no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. 116 pp. Domínguez, J. & Vidal, M. (2017). Actualización de la propuesta técnica del Plan de Recuperación de la población nidificante del zarapito real (Numenius arquata) en Galicia. Infome no publicado. Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. 153 pp.",-37,NA,-25,"ES","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",164844.717735298,1987,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",-100,NA,-88,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-100,NA,-33,"CZ","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Slovakia",NA,NA,"p",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-100,NA,-80,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-100,NA,-80,"SK","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Numenius phaeopus",NA,"Whimbrel","Finland",2013,2018,"p",38805,45506,51879,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",57515.6977078373,1983,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",74,149,254,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",10,37,71,"FI","A158",NA,"Numenius phaeopus" "Numenius phaeopus",NA,"Whimbrel","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",7400,11000,14700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",57515.6977078373,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, data from regional inventories",10,25,40,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,0,10,"SE","A158",NA,"Numenius phaeopus" "Numenius phaeopus",NA,"Whimbrel","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",600,NA,700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",57515.6977078373,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-21,NA,1,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-18,NA,-2,"EE","A158",NA,"Numenius phaeopus" "Numenius phaeopus",NA,"Whimbrel","UK",2009,2009,"p",310,310,310,"estimate","estimatePartial","Jackson, D. 2009. Interim report on 2009 breeding Whimbrel surveys. Unpublished report by Natural Research Ltd to Scottish Natural Heritage. 9 pp.",57515.6977078373,1982,2009,"D","estimatePartial","Richardson, M.G. 1990. The distribution and status of Whimbrel Numenius p. phaeopus in Shetland and Britain. Bird Study 37: 61-68. Jackson, D. 2009. Interim report on 2009 breeding Whimbrel surveys. Unpublished report by Natural Research Ltd to Scottish Natural Heritage. 9 pp.",NA,-30,NA,1991,2009,"D","estimatePartial","Dore,C.P., Ellis, P.M., & Stuart, E.M. 1996. Numbers of Whimbrel breeding in Shetland in 1989-1994 and previously. Scottish Birds 18: 193-196. Jackson, D. 2009. Interim report on 2009 breeding Whimbrel surveys. Unpublished report by Natural Research Ltd to Scottish Natural Heritage. 9 pp.",NA,-35,NA,"UK","A158",NA,"Numenius phaeopus" "Numenius phaeopus",NA,"Whimbrel","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",41,NA,65,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",57515.6977078373,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-3,NA,3,2000,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-9.18,-5.91,-1.88,"LV","A158",NA,"Numenius phaeopus" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",43,NA,60,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Cabrera, M. & Cabrera, P. (2017). Martinete común Nycticorax nycticorax. Noticiario ornitológico. Ardeola 64 (2): 449. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Spain",2010,2011,"p",4964,NA,5354,"estimate","completeSurvey","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf)",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",272.2,NA,550,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Garrido, J.R., Molina, B. & del Moral, J.C. (2012). Las garzas en Espańa: población reproductora e invernante en 2010-2011 y método de censo. Seo/BirdLife. Madrid, 219 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/38-garzas_tcm30-207952.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",-19.3,NA,20,"ES","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Austria",2013,2017,"p",53,NA,85,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dvorask et al. 2016; Erwin Nemeth, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park; unpublished reports of the Gebietsbetreuung Unterer Inn; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",30120.7950002643,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, unpublished reports of the Gebietsbetreuung Unterer Inn, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at, Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding birds 1981-1985)",NA,250,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, unpublished reports of the Gebietsbetreuung Unterer Inn, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at, Ranner et al. 2015",NA,13,NA,"AT","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",6,12,18,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",30120.7950002643,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,33,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Poland",2013,2018,"p",763,977,1225,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MSL – Night Heron Census)",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Betleja J. 2001. Gniazdowanie slepowrona Nycticorax nycticorax w dolinie górnej Wisly. Notatki Ornitologiczne 42: 147–158; Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; Chodkiewicz T., Neubauer",1500,NA,2300,2009,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MSL)",NA,52,NA,"PL","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",25,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",30120.7950002643,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",8007,18925,43696,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-36,-14,15,"NL","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",900,NA,1100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",30120.7950002643,1981,2017,"S","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-1,NA,2014,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",160,NA,270,"CZ","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Italy",2013,2018,"p",6480,NA,8260,"estimate","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola com.pers., in Gustin M., 2018. Redazione del Rapporto sullo stato di conservazione delle popolazioni italiane di u",30120.7950002643,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-65,NA,-50,2002,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Fasola M., 2017. Monitoraggio garzaie in Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia 2017 - 45° anno. Rapporto 2017 del gruppo GarzaieItalia. 9 pp. - Fasola pers. Comm. 2018, in Gustin M., 2018. ISPRA, relazione interna su incarico a LIPU, 14 pp.",-35,NA,-30,"IT","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",0,0,0,"HR","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Germany",2012,2016,"p",30,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",30120.7950002643,1981,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",556,951,1575,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",73,178,338,"DE","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1325,1325,1325,"Minimum","estimatePartial","1. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 3. Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 4. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 6. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5.t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6. Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 7. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,119,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4.t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5. Yfantis G. and S. Kazantzidis, 2004, Census of herons colonies in Greece. Final report. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Athens. 53 pp. 6. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7. Kazantzidis, S. & G. Yfantis. 2012. Heronries in Greece - 2nd national Census. Oionos (Hellenic Ornithological Society' s 3-mothly edition) 49: 8-9.",NA,17.8,NA,"GR","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",4,NA,16,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",75,NA,125,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",-20,NA,60,"CY","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red data book of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vol. 2 Animals, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria. Sofia,2011 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",-20,NA,-10,"BG","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",244,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","unpublished data ICNF; eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","France",2014,2014,"p",3285,NA,3285,"estimate","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",30120.7950002643,1981,2014,"S","completeSurvey",NA,0,NA,0,2007,2014,"S","completeSurvey","Marion L. 2019. Recensement national des hérons coloniaux de France 2014. SESLG-CNRS, Université de Rennes109 p.",NA,-3,NA,"FR","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",2243,NA,2576,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 509-511.",30120.7950002643,1976,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 509-511. Csörgo T. et al (2009): Magyar madárvonulási atlasz. Kossuth Kiadó, Budapest, 672 p. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-34,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 509-511. Csörgo T. et al (2009): Magyar madárvonulási atlasz. Kossuth Kiadó, Budapest, 672 p. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Oenanthe cypriaca",NA,"Cyprus Wheatear","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior); Birdlife Cyprus",70710.6781186547,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,25,"CY","A467",NA,"Oenanthe cypriaca" "Oenanthe hispanica",NA,"Black-eared Wheatear","Spain",2004,2018,"p",317000,NA,935000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",727479.102143795,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-33.5,NA,NA,"ES","A278",NA,"Oenanthe hispanica" "Oenanthe hispanica",NA,"Black-eared Wheatear","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,190000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 5) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",727479.102143795,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9. 2) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,213,NA,"GR","A278",NA,"Oenanthe hispanica" "Oenanthe hispanica",NA,"Black-eared Wheatear","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",727479.102143795,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A278",NA,"Oenanthe hispanica" "Oenanthe hispanica",NA,"Black-eared Wheatear","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",727479.102143795,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-20,NA,-10,"BG","A278",NA,"Oenanthe hispanica" "Oenanthe hispanica",NA,"Black-eared Wheatear","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",727479.102143795,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A278",NA,"Oenanthe hispanica" "Oenanthe hispanica",NA,"Black-eared Wheatear","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",727479.102143795,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",-20,NA,-5,"IT","A278",NA,"Oenanthe hispanica" "Oenanthe hispanica",NA,"Black-eared Wheatear","France",2012,2012,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",727479.102143795,1999,2017,"D","estimateExpert","ROCAMORA, G. & YEATMAN-BERTHELOT, D. 1999. Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. Liste rouge et recherche de priorités. Populations. Tendances. Conservations, Société d’Etudes Ornithologiques de France/Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux, Paris. 598 p.",-80,NA,-50,2007,2017,"D","estimateExpert",NA,NA,-50,NA,"FR","A278",NA,"Oenanthe hispanica" "Oenanthe isabellina",NA,"Isabelline Wheatear","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",3500,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",24717.0384751025,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",20,NA,40,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",5,NA,10,"BG","A435",NA,"Oenanthe isabellina" "Oenanthe isabellina",NA,"Isabelline Wheatear","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",24717.0384751025,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A435",NA,"Oenanthe isabellina" "Oenanthe leucura",NA,"Black Wheatear","Spain",1998,2015,"p",4000,6430,16000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Moreno, J. (2016). Collalba negra – Oenanthe leucura. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",6500.71067811865,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Moreno, J. (2016). Collalba negra – Oenanthe leucura. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Moreno, J. (2016). Collalba negra – Oenanthe leucura. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A279",NA,"Oenanthe leucura" "Oenanthe leucura",NA,"Black Wheatear","France",1997,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,6500.71067811865,1980,1997,"D","completeSurvey",NA,-100,NA,-100,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A279",NA,"Oenanthe leucura" "Oenanthe leucura",NA,"Black Wheatear","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,6500.71067811865,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A279",NA,"Oenanthe leucura" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Spain",2004,2006,"p",840000,NA,1670000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-32.3,NA,"ES","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",174000,290000,402000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-45,-25,-5,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-15,-3,11,"SE","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Greece",2013,2018,"p",220000,NA,320000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,-99,NA,"GR","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","UK",2016,2016,"p",119429,170074,220720,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",2800514.10846768,1995,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",-36,-26,-9,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-7.72,NA,"UK","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",2800514.10846768,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Finland",2013,2018,"p",59443,76407,96813,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-53,-40,-23,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-29,-10,14,"FI","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Poland",2013,2018,"p",47000,NA,67000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-54,-39,-20,"PL","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html)",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html)",-30,NA,-20,"BG","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","France",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2800514.10846768,1989,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"S","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",9302.5,21817.5,50314,"interval","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",2800514.10846768,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-12.7,0.4,15.3,"IE","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Austria",2013,2018,"p",17000,NA,24000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",2800514.10846768,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,20,NA,"AT","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2800514.10846768,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-57,NA,-15,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-47,NA,-27,"EE","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",6073,18192,54490,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2800514.10846768,1991,2016,"S","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",3,NA,6,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-66.7,-11.6,119.5,"LV","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 104 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 207 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 442-443 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 179 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-90,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Oenanthe_oenanthe.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National Bird Monitoring Database (MMM)",-82,NA,-39,"HU","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,0,"LT","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-60,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-60,NA,-30,"SK","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Germany",2016,2016,"p",2000,NA,3100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2800514.10846768,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-80,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-52,NA,"DE","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1407,1407,1407,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",2800514.10846768,1987,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-69.36,-39.82,16.51,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-82.29,-40.9,76.66,"DK","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",400,NA,1500,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",250,NA,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2800514.10846768,1982,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",210,NA,320,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2800514.10846768,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-96,-96,-95,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-31,-13,8,"NL","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1,4,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2800514.10846768,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-100,-99,-98,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,0,NA,"BE","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",-95,NA,-90,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",-50,NA,0,"LU","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe pleschanka",NA,"Pied Wheatear","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",210,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",853.187297133311,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",0,NA,5,"BG","A533",NA,"Oenanthe pleschanka" "Onychoprion fuscatus",NA,"Sooty Tern","Azores",2008,2012,"p",1,1,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Bried J. (2008). Sterna fuscata. In Equipa Atlas (eds.): Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). Pp. 242-243. Instituto da Conservaçăo da Natureza e Biodiversidade, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Parque Natural da Madeira Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar. Assírio & Alvim, Lisboa. Neves, V. 2007. Azores Tern Census Report 2007. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2007. Neves, V. 2008. Azores Tern Census Report 2008. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2008. Neves, V. 2009. Azores Tern Census Report 2009. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2009. Neves, V. 2010. Azores Tern Census Report 2010. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2010. Neves, V. 2011. Azores Tern Census Report 2011. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2011. Neves, V. 2012. Azores Tern Census Report 2012. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2012. Neves, V. 2014. Azores Tern Census Report 2014. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2014. Neves, V. 2015. Azores Tern Census Report 2015. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2015.",1,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2008,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A882",NA,"Onychoprion fuscatus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Spain",2004,2006,"p",850000,NA,1275000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,5.5,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Poland",2013,2018,"p",376000,NA,495000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-17,-11,-4,"PL","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",150000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",152000,NA,156000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","The national common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) has been running since 1999. There is no population trend data from before. On the basis of the MMM multi-year data series from 1999 to 2018, the long-term population trend of the Eurasian golden oriole can be regarded as stable. However, former population estimates show rather large differences in different timeframes (which is probably not correct). There is not enough information for the pre-1999 population trend, so the trend is best called unknown.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",6,NA,46,"HU","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","France",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2995355.41931993,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-7,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-15,NA,"FR","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",96542,126154,165740,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2995355.41931993,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",80.98,NA,354.79,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-16.1,15.4,57.6,"LV","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",80000,NA,130000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mitev I. 2007. Oriolus oriolus. In: Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 562-563; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Mitev I. 2007. Oriolus oriolus. In: Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 562-563;",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Mitev I. 2007. Oriolus oriolus. In: Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 562-563; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Italy",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",2995355.41931993,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,100,NA,2012,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",20,NA,30,"IT","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Germany",2016,2016,"p",32000,NA,57000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2995355.41931993,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,9,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,2,NA,"DE","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",24000,NA,34000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2995355.41931993,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",17,NA,38,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",6,NA,10,"EE","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-30,NA,"GR","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",8000,NA,16000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2995355.41931993,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,"CZ","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín in litt.",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,"SK","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Austria",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,13000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",2995355.41931993,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1500,2682,4757,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-96,-84,-34,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-93,-63,56,"FI","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1700,NA,2900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2995355.41931993,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-54,-42,-26,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",2,17,34,"NL","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1600,2000,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2995355.41931993,1973,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-30,-13,9,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-9,14,43,"BE","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",80,120,160,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-75,-50,-25,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-50,NA,50,"SE","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ;",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,40,"estimate","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (1997)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",10,10,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",2995355.41931993,1996,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-84.17,-42.53,94.26,2009,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-60.96,-5.6,110.93,"DK","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","UK",2012,2016,"p",0,0,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",2995355.41931993,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-93,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-81,NA,"UK","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Otis tarda",NA,"Great Bustard","Portugal",2018,2018,"i",640,640,640,"estimate","estimatePartial","unpublished data ICNF & LPN",34560.6866647684,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey",""" Pinto, M et. Al (2005).Long-term trends in great bustard (Otis tarda) populations in Portugal suggest concentration in single high quality area. Biological Conservation 124 (2005) 415–423; Pinto, M (2010). Monitorizaçăo da populaçăo de abetarda em portugal. Censos da primavera de 2010 e análise da evoluçăo para o período 2005-2010. Icnf, relatório năo publicado.""",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Pinto, M (2010). Monitorizaçăo da populaçăo de abetarda em portugal. Censos da primavera de 2010 e análise da evoluçăo para o período 2005-2010. Icnf, relatório năo publicado. ICNF unpublished data.",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A129",NA,"Otis tarda" "Otis tarda",NA,"Great Bustard","Austria",2013,2018,"i",211,NA,368,"estimate","completeSurvey","Raab et al. 2017",34560.6866647684,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Raab et al. 2017; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",100,NA,120,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Raab et al. 2017",NA,33,NA,"AT","A129",NA,"Otis tarda" "Otis tarda",NA,"Great Bustard","Poland",2013,2018,"i",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",34560.6866647684,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec;",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A129",NA,"Otis tarda" "Otis tarda",NA,"Great Bustard","Hungary",2013,2018,"i",1480,NA,1680,"estimate","completeSurvey","LIFE15/NAT/AT/000834 https://www.cms.int/great-bustard/sites/default/files/document/cms_gbustard_mos4_inf.6.7_national_report_Hungary_e.pdf National park directorates’ databases",34560.6866647684,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","LIFE15/NAT/AT/000834 https://www.cms.int/great-bustard/sites/default/files/document/cms_gbustard_mos4_inf.6.7_national_report_Hungary_e.pdf National park directorates’ database",NA,-57,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","LIFE15/NAT/AT/000834 https://www.cms.int/great-bustard/sites/default/files/document/cms_gbustard_mos4_inf.6.7_national_report_Hungary_e.pdf National park directorates’ database",NA,11,NA,"HU","A129",NA,"Otis tarda" "Otis tarda",NA,"Great Bustard","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"i",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",34560.6866647684,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A129",NA,"Otis tarda" "Otis tarda",NA,"Great Bustard","Slovakia",2013,2018,"i",0,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. ŠOP SR Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. CHAVKO, J., SIRYOVÁ, S., 2002: Drop fúzatý, s. 248-250. In: Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, A. (ed.), 2002: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, 688 p. CHAVKO, J., KANUCH, P., CHOBOT, J., VONGREJ, D., URBAN, P., 2000: Program záchrany kriticky ohrozeného druhu drop fúzatý (Otis tarda Linnaeus, 1758) CHAVKO, J., MADERIC, B.,Výskyt dropa fúzatého (Otis tarda) na Slovensku v rokoch 2000–2008. Tichodroma 20: 7–12 (2008). MADERIC, B., CHAVKO, J.,:Dodatok k súcasnému výskytu a ochrane dropa fúzatého (Otis tarda) na Slovensku. Tichodroma 22: 109 - 113 (2010). National report - Reporting format for the Great Bustard MOU and Action plan (reporting submitted to date: 01/01/2013 – 31/10/2017: (Lešová A., Kadlecík., Maderic B., Demko M. 2017)",34560.6866647684,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CHAVKO, J., KANUCH, P., CHOBOT, J., VONGREJ, D., URBAN, P., 2000: Program záchrany kriticky ohrozeného druhu drop fúzatý (Otis tarda Linnaeus, 1758) CHAVKO, J., MADERIC, B.,Výskyt dropa fúzatého (Otis tarda) na Slovensku v rokoch 2000–2008. Tichodroma 20: 7–12 (2008). MADERIC, B., CHAVKO, J.,:Dodatok k súcasnému výskytu a ochrane dropa fúzatého (Otis tarda) na Slovensku. Tichodroma 22: 109 - 113 (2010).",-100,NA,-80,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CHAVKO, J., KANUCH, P., CHOBOT, J., VONGREJ, D., URBAN, P., 2000: Program záchrany kriticky ohrozeného druhu drop fúzatý (Otis tarda Linnaeus, 1758) CHAVKO, J., MADERIC, B.,Výskyt dropa fúzatého (Otis tarda) na Slovensku v rokoch 2000–2008. Tichodroma 20: 7–12 (2008). MADERIC, B., CHAVKO, J.,:Dodatok k súcasnému výskytu a ochrane dropa fúzatého (Otis tarda) na Slovensku. Tichodroma 22: 109 - 113 (2010).",0,0,0,"SK","A129",NA,"Otis tarda" "Otis tarda",NA,"Great Bustard","Germany",2016,2016,"i",300,300,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",34560.6866647684,1985,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-33,-15,7,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",76,162,286,"DE","A129",NA,"Otis tarda" "Otis tarda",NA,"Great Bustard","Spain",2004,2018,"i",29400,NA,34300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Alonso, J.C. (2014). The Great Bustard: past, present and future of a globally threatened species. Ornis Hungarica, 22(2), 1-13. Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",34560.6866647684,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Alonso, J.C. (2014). The Great Bustard: past, present and future of a globally threatened species. Ornis Hungarica, 22(2), 1-13. Alonso, J.C., Palacín, C. & Martín, C.A. (Eds). (2005). Censo y distribución de avutardas en la península Ibérica: población actual y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 70pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/3_avutarda_2004_tcm30-208199.pdf) Alonso, J.C. & Palacín, C. (2015). Avutarda - Otis tarda. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Bautista, L.M. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org) BirdLife International (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Palacín, C. (2007). Comportamiento migratorio de la avutarda común en la Península Ibérica. Tesis doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Palacín, C. & Alonso, J. C. (2008). An updated estimate of the world status and population trends of the Great Bustard Otis tarda. Ardeola, 55: 13-25. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",NA,300,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Alonso, J.C., Palacín, C. & Martín, C.A. (Eds). (2005). Censo y distribución de avutardas en la península Ibérica: población actual y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 70pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/3_avutarda_2004_tcm30-208199.pdf) Alonso, J.C. (2014). The Great Bustard: past, present and future of a globally threatened species. Ornis Hungarica, 22(2), 1-13. Alonso, J.C. & Palacín, C. (2015). Avutarda - Otis tarda. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Bautista, L.M. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Palacín, C. & Alonso, J.C. (2008). An updated estimate of the world status and population trends of the Great Bustard Otis tarda. Ardeola, 55: 13-25. SEO/BirdLife (2012).",NA,-12,NA,"ES","A129",NA,"Otis tarda" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Spain",1998,2018,"p",30000,NA,40000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.). (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves NOCTUA. (Ministerio para la transición ecológica) (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_nocturnas.aspx). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-18,NA,"ES","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Croatia",2010,2010,"p",20000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","France",2009,2012,"p",8500,NA,14700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa, N. & Muller, Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Volume 1: des Anatidés aux Alcidés. Delachaud et niestlé,",149331.218450469,1989,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,14000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB ornithological database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-unpublished data",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) BSPB ornithological database Simeonov S.,T.Michev,D.Nankinov 1990. Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol.20 Aves -part 1. BAS,Sofia.",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB ornithological database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-unpublished data",0,NA,10,"BG","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,11000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",149331.218450469,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",25,NA,40,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Limited data. Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service); Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus 2014; Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Analysis BirdLife Cyprus bird signtings records reported in the society's annual reports. 2012 revised inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Hellicar et al.; Unpublished data for the W of Cyprus by proff Derek Pomeroy; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus 2014",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Very limited data. Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service); Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus 2014",-59,NA,-40,"CY","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2017,"D","estimatePartial","GTAN-SPEA, 2019. Relatório do Programa NOCTUA Portugal (2009/10 - 2017/18).Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",800,NA,2400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Demeter Iván, Horváth Márton & Prommer Mátyás (Heliaca 2017): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása, 75. o. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. Consultation with national experts. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 New method: Under the KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project in 2017-2018, 530 2.5x2.5 km2 grids were surveyed for a given set of breeding bird species, covering 3.6% of the country. 84 pairs of Otus scops were estimated for the 530 grids. The habitat distribution in the 530 grids is considered to be representative of the country, so the national population may be estimated at 2359 pairs. This figure was used here as a maximum figure, considering that other, published estimates were lower (300-600 pairs).",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. Consultation with national experts. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",10,NA,30,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Consultation with national experts. National park directorates' databases",5,NA,20,"HU","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Slovenia",2016,2018,"p",500,NA,800,"mean","completeSurvey","Denac K. (2018): Veliki skovik Otus scops. Str. 132-140. V: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",149331.218450469,1997,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Štumberger B. (2000): Veliki skovik Otus scops na Gorickem. Acrocephalus 21 (98/99): 23–26. Denac K., Kmecl P. (2017): Veliki skovik Otus scops. Str. 99-117. V: Denac K., Kmecl P., Mihelic T., Jancar T., Denac D., Bordjan D.: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2017. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Kmecl P., Domanjko G., Denac D. (2017): Trendi ptic kmetijske krajine na Gorickem. Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 127–159.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Denac K. (2018): Veliki skovik Otus scops. Str. 132-140. V: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Kmecl P. (2017): Veliki skovik Otus scops. Str. 99-117. V: Denac K., Kmecl P., Mihelic T., Jancar T., Denac D., Bordjan D.: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2017. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Kmecl P., Domanjko G., Denac D. (2017): Trendi ptic kmetijske krajine na Gorickem. Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 127–159.",-60,NA,-50,"SI","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",70,NA,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Malle & Probst 2015 - Kärnten; Muraoka (2014-2017) - Burgenland north; Tiefenbach (2014) - Styria; D. Leopoldsberger unpublished data (Burgenland south); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from ww.ornitho.at",149331.218450469,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malle & Probst 2015; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",200,NA,300,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malle & Probst 2015",50,NA,70,"AT","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,4,"estimate","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","expert opinion",NA,200,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Oxyura leucocephala",NA,"White-headed Duck","Spain",2013,2018,"p",257,308,308,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. (2014). Estrategia para la conservación de la cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris), focha moruna (Fulica cristata) y malvasía cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala) en Espańa. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/pbl_estrategia_cerceta_focha_malvasia_tcm30-197259.pdf)",308,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, C.J., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. (2008). Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/23_tarro_blanco_cerceta_pardilla_porron_monudo_malvasia_y_focha_moruna_tcm36-208262.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. (2014). Estrategia para la conservación de la cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris), focha moruna (Fulica cristata) y malvasía cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala) en Espańa. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/pbl_estrategia_cerceta_focha_malvasia_tcm30-197259.pdf) Torres-Esquivias, J.A. (2016). Informe anual relativo a la población espańola de malvasía cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala). Informe inédito.",NA,100,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, C.J., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. (2008). Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/23_tarro_blanco_cerceta_pardilla_porron_monudo_malvasia_y_focha_moruna_tcm36-208262.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. (2014). Estrategia para la conservación de la cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris), focha moruna (Fulica cristata) y malvasía cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala) en Espańa. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/pbl_estrategia_cerceta_focha_malvasia_tcm30-197259.pdf) Salvador, A. (2017). Malvasía cabeciblanca – Oxyura leucocephala. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales & M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/oxyleu.html) Torres-Esquivias, J.A. (2016). Informe anual relativo a la población espańola de malvasía cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala). Informe inédito.",0,0,0,"ES","A071",NA,"Oxyura leucocephala" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",3400,4100,4700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",6983.2969768575,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",30,50,70,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",-30,0,25,"SE","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1263,1376,1423,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",6983.2969768575,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",59,74,79,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",4,13,17,"FI","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Germany",2012,2016,"p",700,NA,750,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",6983.2969768575,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",181,NA,1000,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,32,NA,"DE","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","UK",2012,2016,"p",230,230,230,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",6983.2969768575,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,805,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,33,NA,"UK","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",220,NA,240,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kalvans A. 2018. Osprey monitoring in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018 (in Latvian). Latvia’s State Forests.",6983.2969768575,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Kalvans A. 2018. Osprey monitoring in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018 (in Latvian). Latvia’s State Forests.",332,NA,345,2012,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-8.7,91.8,258.7,"LV","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",90,NA,100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",6983.2969768575,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",50,NA,100,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",50,NA,100,"EE","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","France",2013,2017,"p",79,91,97,"mean","completeSurvey","Guillaumin S., Buzzi T., David F., Degals E., Delage F., Grissier P., Hirtz M., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Lecuyer P., Maurit P., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Razin M., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2017. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2016. , LPO68 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers-surveillance2016.pdf; Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf; Munoz M. Buzz T., David F., Degals E., Delage F., Grissier P., Hirtz M., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Lecuyer P., Maurit P., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Razin M., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2015. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2014. , LPO68 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahierssurveillance2014.pdf; Collard B., David F., Lavarec L., Philippe Lecuyer, Nadal R., Orabi P., Pilard P., Tariel Y. & Razin M. 2014. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2013. , LPO60 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/36/cahiers-surveillance-2013-vd.pdf; de Hemptinne S., Buzzi T., Champion V., David F., Joubert B., Kobierzycki E., Lavarec L., Michelat D., Muller Y., Nadal R., Pacteau C., Pilard P., Riols C., Scher O., Tariel Y. & Wahl R. 2016. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2015. , LPO76 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/busards/3491/lescahiersdelasurveillance2015.pdf",6983.2969768575,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf; Nadal R. & Tariel Y. 2008. Le Balbuzard pęcheur (Pandion haliaetus) Plan national de restauration 2008 - 2012. , LPO - BirdLife France101 p. https://www.ecologique-solidaire.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/PNA_Balbuzard-pecheur_2008-2012.pdf",731,874,1041,2005,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Desallais M., Dessort A., Vogler H., Boyer M., Buzzi T., David F., Giraud L., Joubert B., Michelat D., Mionnet A., Muller Y., Nadal R., Orabi P., Pacteau C., Pliard P., Riols C., Scher O. & Tariel Y. 2018. Les Cahiers de la Surveillance Rapaces - Année 2017. , LPO64 p. http://rapaces.lpo.fr/sites/default/files/mission-rapaces/37/cahiers_surveillance_2017.pdf; Nadal R. & Tariel Y. 2008. Le Balbuzard pęcheur (Pandion haliaetus) Plan national de restauration 2008 - 2012. , LPO - BirdLife France101 p. https://www.ecologique-solidaire.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/PNA_Balbuzard-pecheur_2008-2012.pdf",77,102,130,"FR","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,70,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",6983.2969768575,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",10,NA,50,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Spain",2013,2018,"p",37,41,42,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Triay, R. & Siverio, M. (Eds.). (2008). El águila pescadora en Espańa. Población en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 78pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/29_aguila_pescadora_tcm30-208048.pdf)",6983.2969768575,1985,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Triay, R. & Siverio, M. (Eds.). (2008). El águila pescadora en Espańa. Población en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 78pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/29_aguila_pescadora_tcm30-208048.pdf)",22.8,36.8,47.5,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Triay, R. & Siverio, M. (Eds.). (2008). El águila pescadora en Espańa. Población en 2008 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 78pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/29_aguila_pescadora_tcm30-208048.pdf)",31.4,40,45.7,"ES","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Poland",2013,2018,"p",24,30,39,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MRY – Osprey Census)",6983.2969768575,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; Mizera T. 2009. Sytuacja rybolowa Pandion haliaetus w Polsce na poczatku XXI wieku. Studia i Materialy CEPL 22: 45-55; Chodkiewicz T., Neubauer G.,",-20,NA,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MRY)",NA,-22,NA,"PL","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",5,5,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",6983.2969768575,1980,2017,"UNK","completeSurvey","DOF ""projekt Řrn"" short term: Increasing but very small population Data insufficient to calculate trend in long period.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,400,NA,"DK","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Portugal",2018,2018,"p",5,5,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","""Palma, L. (2018) Reintroduçăo da Águia-pesqueira (Pandion haliaetus) em Portugal.Relatório Final 2011-2018; Palma L., Safara J., Dias A., Ferreira J., Mirinha M., Beja P. (CIBIO – Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Porto University, Portugal).The Portuguese Osprey Reintroduction Project: Achievements, Lessons and Perspectives""",6983.2969768575,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2015,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Palma, L. (2018) Reintroduçăo da Águia-pesqueira (Pandion haliaetus) em Portugal.Relatório Final 2011-2018; Palma L., Safara J., Dias A., Ferreira J., Mirinha M., Beja P. (CIBIO – Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Porto University, Portugal).The Portuguese Osprey Reintroduction Project: Achievements, Lessons and Perspectives",NA,300,NA,"PT","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",2,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Martín-Carbajal, J. & Siverio, M. (2017). Implementando acciones de manejo del águila pescadora Pandion haliaetus en las islas Canarias: actuaciones para facilitar el seguimiento de sus nidos en Tenerife y La Gomera. Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UE. Informe inédito. Siverio, M., Siverio, F. & Rodríguez, B. (2018). Valores de referencia sobre el estado de conservación de la población de águila pescadora en Canarias al inicio del Plan de Conservación. Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UE. Informe inédito.",6983.2969768575,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Anónimo. 2007. Memoria del seguimiento poblacional de Pandion haliaetus. Gobierno de Canarias. 45 pp. Farińa Martín, B. (2003). Águila Pescadora Pandion haliaetus: Tenerife. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2003. Gobierno de Canarias. 15 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Martín-Carbajal, J. & Siverio, M. (2017). Implementando acciones de manejo del águila pescadora Pandion haliaetus en las islas Canarias: actuaciones para facilitar el seguimiento de sus nidos en Tenerife y La Gomera. Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UE. Informe inédito. Moreno Martín, A. 2002. Águila Pescadora Pandion haliaetus: La Gomera. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 30 pp. Moreno Martín, A. (2002). Águila Pescadora Pandion haliaetus: Lanzarote e islotes. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 34 pp. Moreno Martín, A. (2002). Águila Pescadora Pandion haliaetus: El Hierro. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2002. Gobierno de Canarias. 24 pp. Siverio, M. (2008). El águila pescadora en Canarias. En, R. Triay y M. Siverio (eds.): El águila pescadora en Espańa. Población en 2008 y método de censo, pp. 20-39. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Siverio, M. (2008). Águila Pescadora Pandion haliaetus: Islas Canarias. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2008. Gobierno de Canarias. 35 pp. Siverio, M., Siverio, F. & Rodríguez, B. (2018). Valores de referencia sobre el estado de conservación de la población de águila pescadora en Canarias al inicio del Plan de Conservación. Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UE. Informe inédito. Trujillo, D. & Gallardo, T. (2010). Nidos artificiales para el guincho son ubicados en Fuerteventura y Lobos. Quercus, 294: 13. Trujillo, D. & Rodríguez, M.A. (2007). Águilas pescadoras en nidos artificiales crían con éxito en El Hierro. Quercus, 261: 10.",NA,-29,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Anónimo. 2007. Memoria del seguimiento poblacional de Pandion haliaetus. Gobierno de Canarias. 45 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín-Carbajal, J. & Siverio, M. (2017). Implementando acciones de manejo del águila pescadora Pandion haliaetus en las islas Canarias: actuaciones para facilitar el seguimiento de sus nidos en Tenerife y La Gomera. Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UE. Informe inédito. Siverio, M. (2008). El águila pescadora en Canarias. En, R. Triay y M. Siverio (eds.): El águila pescadora en Espańa. Población en 2008 y método de censo, pp. 20-39. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Siverio, M. (2008). Águila Pescadora Pandion haliaetus: Islas Canarias. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2008. Gobierno de Canarias. 35 pp. Siverio, M., Siverio, F. & Rodríguez, B. (2018). Valores de referencia sobre el estado de conservación de la población de águila pescadora en Canarias al inicio del Plan de Conservación. Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), UE. Informe inédito. Trujillo, D. & Gallardo, T. (2010). Nidos artificiales para el guincho son ubicados en Fuerteventura y Lobos. Quercus, 294: 13. Trujillo, D. & Rodríguez, M.A. (2007). Águilas pescadoras en nidos artificiales crían con éxito en El Hierro. Quercus, 261: 10.",-50,NA,-30,"ESIC","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Pandion haliaetus",NA,"Osprey","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",6983.2969768575,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Nankinov, D. 1998. Nesting and migration of Osprey, Pandion haliaetus (L.) (Aves: Falconiformes) in Bulgaria. – Cristal (Zool.), 5: 3–13. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",-100,NA,-100,2001,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A094",NA,"Pandion haliaetus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Finland",2013,2018,"p",300,500,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",75400.3712388948,1987,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",0,0,0,"FI","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",9000,12000,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",15,30,45,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-50,NA,50,"SE","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",75400.3712388948,1985,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park; data cited in Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-80,NA,-20,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",NA,NA,NA,"AT","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Spain",1998,2018,"p",691,NA,1186,"interval","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",75400.3712388948,1984,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Belenguer, R., López Iborra, G.M., Dies, J.I., & Castany i Ŕlvaro, J. (2016). Dramatic decline of the bearded reedling, Panurus biarmicus, in Spanish Mediterranean wetlands. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 39: 17-27. Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2018). Datos de anillamiento y recuperaciones en Espańa. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, SEO/BirdLife, ICO, EBD-CSIC y GOB. Madrid. (http://www.anillamientoseo.org)",0,0,0,"ES","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3)atura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",4500,NA,6800,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 484-485 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 199 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Panurus_biarmicus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",40,60,80,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",75400.3712388948,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",116,224,332,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",8,62,116,"BE","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Netherlands",2013,2016,"p",1400,NA,2100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",75400.3712388948,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",36,40,44,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-9,5,21,"NL","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","UK",2012,2016,"p",655,655,655,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694. Totals excludes birds in Channel Islands & Isle of Man.",75400.3712388948,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,64,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,34,NA,"UK","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1800,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",90,NA,180,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Italy",2013,2018,"p",550,NA,850,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",75400.3712388948,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-95,NA,-85,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",-50,NA,-5,"IT","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","France",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",75400.3712388948,1980,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",75400.3712388948,1991,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Germany",2016,2016,"p",4100,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",75400.3712388948,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,82,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,19,NA,"DE","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",200,NA,450,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 532-533; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Kambourova N., B. Nikolov (2011). Bearded Reedling. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/). SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 532-533; Kambourova N., B. Nikolov (2011). Bearded Reedling. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 532-533; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Kambourova N., B. Nikolov (2011). Bearded Reedling. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",0,NA,0,"BG","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Croatia",2010,2012,"p",30,NA,60,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",300,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",75400.3712388948,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,9900,NA,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",100,NA,150,"EE","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",900,NA,1100,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",10,NA,20,"LT","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",75400.3712388948,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",38,NA,44,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",38.25,41.42,44.2,"LV","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2000,2000,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",75400.3712388948,1996,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-22.27,70.55,264.17,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",0,0,0,"DK","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Spain",2004,2006,"p",5785000,NA,7565000,"interval","estimatePartial","Atiénzar, F., Álvarez, E. & Barba, E. (2016). Carbonero común - Parus major. En: Enciclopedia virtual de los vertebrados espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M.B. (Eds). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/habitat/parmajha.html) Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Atiénzar, F., Álvarez, E. & Barba, E. (2016). Carbonero común - Parus major. En: Enciclopedia virtual de los vertebrados espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M.B. (Eds). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/habitat/parmajha.html) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2018). Datos de anillamiento y recuperaciones en Espańa. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, SEO/BirdLife, ICO, EBD-CSIC y GOB. Madrid. (http://www.anillamientoseo.org) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Atiénzar, F., Álvarez, E. & Barba, E. (2016). Carbonero común - Parus major. En: Enciclopedia virtual de los vertebrados espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M.B. (Eds). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/habitat/parmajha.html) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2018). Datos de anillamiento y recuperaciones en Espańa. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, SEO/BirdLife, ICO, EBD-CSIC y GOB. Madrid. (http://www.anillamientoseo.org) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",5650000,NA,7e+06,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",55870590.3684097,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,12,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",7,11,16,"DE","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","France",2013,2018,"p",4e+06,NA,7e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",55870590.3684097,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial",NA,NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-10.2,NA,"FR","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",4487000,NA,5113000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",15,21,28,"PL","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",3200000,NA,6400000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",55870590.3684097,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2709000,2838000,2967000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,0,50,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",5,10,15,"SE","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","UK",2016,2016,"p",2330621,2330621,2330621,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",55870590.3684097,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,43.98,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-1.38,NA,"UK","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1500000,NA,3e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1818384,2027735,2281193,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",80,107,138,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",4,10,17,"FI","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",55870590.3684097,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",5,NA,10,"IT","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,1500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",1130000,NA,1158000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",132,NA,277,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p. http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Parus_major.pdf",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",8e+05,NA,1300000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian)",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",902179,979841,1064188,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",55870590.3684097,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",NA,119,NA,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",13.1,31.9,53.4,"LV","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Greece",2013,2018,"p",870000,NA,1080000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,20,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",687992,858705.333333333,1583637,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",55870590.3684097,1980,2016,"UNK",NA,"Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",26.4,32.8,39.6,"IE","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",7e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",55870590.3684097,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,5,NA,"AT","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",642117,642117,642117,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",55870590.3684097,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-33.51,-26.92,-19.71,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-28.75,-19.85,-9.94,"DK","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,7e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",375000,NA,625000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",55870590.3684097,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",7,16,26,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-7,-4,-1,"NL","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",350000,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",305500,425800,546000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",55870590.3684097,1973,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-10,25,61,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-25,-20,-13,"BE","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",55870590.3684097,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-3,NA,1,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",21,NA,34,"EE","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",110000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports;",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",0,NA,120,"CY","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Gibraltar",2004,2018,"p",1,5,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",-1,5,5,"GIB","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",25,NA,50,"mean","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",250,500,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",25,100,100,"GIB","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",6e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",133297771.333051,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-86,-80,-73,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",3,10,17,"NL","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,465000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,9.4,NA,"SI","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Austria",2013,2018,"p",250000,NA,450000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",133297771.333051,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,8,NA,"AT","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,4e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,2000,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Common birds monitoring scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/4/38.html (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-50,NA,-30,"BG","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",254400,343000,431600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",133297771.333051,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-70,-60,-50,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-34,-28,-22,"BE","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Greece",2013,2018,"p",2510000,NA,3240000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",836000,NA,863000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-35,NA,-8,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,35000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-10,NA,10,"LU","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",2e+06,NA,2500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,451000,602000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-77,-72,-67,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,7,25,"SE","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2700000,NA,5400000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",133297771.333051,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-51.7,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","UK",2016,2016,"p",4811438,5293141,5774844,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",133297771.333051,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-58.72,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-0.63,NA,"UK","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",1060240,1511097.33333333,3055829,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",133297771.333051,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",12.4,29.3,39.6,"IE","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Poland",2013,2018,"p",6264000,NA,6856000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",0,8,17,"PL","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Finland",2013,2018,"p",182507,215592,241619,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-76,-68,-57,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-51,-42,-31,"FI","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Germany",2016,2016,"p",4100000,NA,6e+06,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",133297771.333051,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-19,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",16,24,33,"DE","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",639986,639986,639986,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",133297771.333051,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-42.45,-37.06,-31.17,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-21.43,-13.91,-5.74,"DK","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","France",2013,2018,"p",4e+06,NA,7e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",133297771.333051,2001,2018,"U","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-13,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-5.1,NA,"FR","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",133297771.333051,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-40,NA,0,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",-25,NA,-5,"IT","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-50,NA,-30,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1200000,NA,1800000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-25,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-10,NA,-1,"SK","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",56324,75752,101881,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",133297771.333051,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-94,NA,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-31.1,46.9,200.1,"LV","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",133297771.333051,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-248,NA,-85,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Spain",2004,2006,"p",74590000,NA,89395000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",133297771.333051,1998,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-10.8,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-9.1,NA,"ES","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",6e+05,NA,930000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports;",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",16,NA,100,"CY","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,3e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",53000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",10,NA,30,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",5,NA,20,"BG","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-50,NA,"GR","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Malta",2017,2018,"p",100250,NA,295826,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,0,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-5,NA,"MT","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",3544907.8998481,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",30,NA,60,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-25,NA,-15,"IT","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=158&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",0,0,0,"PTMA","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Spain",2004,2006,"p",765000,NA,2510000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. Roviralta, F. (2016). Gorrión Moruno – Passer hispaniolensis. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. Http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/ SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Roviralta, F. (2016). Gorrión Moruno – Passer hispaniolensis. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/ SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,334.6,NA,"ES","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer italiae",NA,"Italian Sparrow","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2e+06,NA,3e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",2656431.57812766,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-70,NA,-60,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-25,NA,-15,"IT","A621",NA,"Passer italiae" "Passer italiae",NA,"Italian Sparrow","France",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Thibault, J.-C. 1983. Les oiseaux de la Corse. Histoire et répartition aux XIXe et XXe scičcles, PNRC, Ajaccio. 255 p. ; COMOLET-TIRMAN J., SIBLET J-P., WITTE I., CADIOU B., CZAJKOWSKI M. A., DECEUNINCK B., JIGUET F., LANDRY P., QUAINTENNE G., ROCHE J. E., SARASA M. & TOUROULT J. 2015. Statuts et tendances des populations d’oiseaux nicheurs de France, Bilan simplifié du premier rapportage national au titre de la Directive Oiseaux. Alauda 83(1), SEOF35-76",2656431.57812766,1980,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A621",NA,"Passer italiae" "Passer italiae",NA,"Italian Sparrow","Greece",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Drettakis pers. Communication",2656431.57812766,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A621",NA,"Passer italiae" "Passer italiae",NA,"Italian Sparrow","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2656431.57812766,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A621",NA,"Passer italiae" "Passer italiae",NA,"Italian Sparrow","Austria",2013,2018,"p",25,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",2656431.57812766,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,"AT","A621",NA,"Passer italiae" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2428000,NA,2767000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",99,123,149,"PL","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Spain",2013,2018,"p",1655000,NA,2810000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) García-Navas, V. (2016). Gorrión molinero – Passer montanus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","García-Navas, V. (2016). Gorrión molinero – Passer montanus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-18,NA,-3.4,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) García-Navas, V. (2016). Gorrión molinero – Passer montanus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",1552000,NA,1646000,"interval","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Germany",2016,2016,"p",840000,NA,1250000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",14381880.0223803,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-41,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,5,NA,"DE","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Italy",2013,2018,"p",6e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",14381880.0223803,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,20,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-20,NA,-10,"IT","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",557188,557188,557188,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",14381880.0223803,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",42.32,68.26,98.78,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-25.82,-6.71,16.82,"DK","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",350000,NA,7e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",14381880.0223803,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",290000,423000,554000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-16,0,19,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-5,10,27,"SE","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Finland",2013,2018,"p",293862,315877,335400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",2142,2554,3040,2006,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",86,136,197,"FI","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Greece",2013,2018,"p",220000,NA,370000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,14,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,-18,NA,"GR","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,7e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Population trend for the period 2005-2012.",25,NA,65,"BG","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","UK",2016,2016,"p",246382,246382,246382,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",14381880.0223803,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-84.11,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,58.3,NA,"UK","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Austria",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",14381880.0223803,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,24,NA,"AT","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",151000,NA,243000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-25.5,NA,"SI","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-40,NA,-30,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-10,NA,-5,"LT","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",88386,110259,137545,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",14381880.0223803,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",120.79,NA,747.36,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-13.5,17.7,59,"LV","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","France",2013,2018,"p",70000,NA,140000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",14381880.0223803,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-56,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-39,NA,"FR","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",80000,NA,110000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",14381880.0223803,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-127,NA,-90,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-37,NA,-27,"EE","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",14381880.0223803,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-72,-63,-51,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-54,-46,-37,"NL","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",22078,NA,81964,"interval","completeSurvey","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",16600,23300,29900,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",14381880.0223803,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-92,-89,-86,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-39,-37,-33,"BE","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-30,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Ireland",2012,2012,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Best expert opinion - Alex Copland",14381880.0223803,1980,2011,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their Conservation Status. Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3). Best expert opinion - Alex Copland",NA,300,NA,2000,2011,"I","estimateExpert","As per previous reporting period (2008-2012): BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Best expert opinion - Alex Copland",NA,14,NA,"IE","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Malta",2017,2018,"p",74,NA,79,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,-7,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-7,NA,"MT","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Pastor roseus",NA,"Rosy Starling","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,1000,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",2566.22776601684,1980,2015,"UNK","absentData","o data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A494",NA,"Pastor roseus" "Pastor roseus",NA,"Rosy Starling","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",2566.22776601684,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",0,0,0,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",0,0,0,"BG","A494",NA,"Pastor roseus" "Pelagodroma marina",NA,"White-faced Storm-petrel","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",77770,NA,110565,"estimate","estimatePartial","Moniz, F. 2012. Distribuiçăo e abundância populacional de Calcamar (Pelagodroma marina) na ilha Selvagem Grande. Relatório de Estágio da Licenciatura em Gestăo Bio-recursos. Instituto Superior Dom Afonso III (relatório năo publicado). Catry, P., Geraldes, P., Pio, J.P. & Almeida, A. (2010). Seabirds of Selvagem Pequena and Ilhéu de Fora: censuses and notes, with data on the diet of the Yellow-legged Gull. Airo 20: 29-35.",92802.350605365,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Campos, A. R. & Granadeiro, J. P. (1999). Breeding Biology of the White-faced Storm-petrel on Selvagem Grande Island, North-East Atlantic. Waterbirds 22(2):199-206. Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira.",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Moniz, F. 2012. Distribuiçăo e abundância populacional de Calcamar (Pelagodroma marina) na ilha Selvagem Grande. Relatório de Estágio da Licenciatura em Gestăo Bio-recursos. Instituto Superior Dom Afonso III (relatório năo publicado).",-1,-1,-1,"PTMA","A389",NA,"Pelagodroma marina" "Pelagodroma marina",NA,"White-faced Storm-petrel","Canary Islands",2016,2016,"p",73,NA,74,"estimate","completeSurvey","Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez Godoy, F. & Padrón Padrón, A. (2016). Pelagodroma marina. Lanzarote. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas (2016). Gobierno de Canarias y DRACAENA. 26 pp.",92802.350605365,1987,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez, B., De León, L., Martín A., Alonso, J. & Nogales, M. (2003). Status and distribution of breeding seabirds in the northern islets of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Atlantic Seabirds 5(2): 41-56. Rodríguez, F. & Farińa, B. (2011). Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2011: paíńo pechialbo (Pelagodroma marina). Gobierno de Canarias. 22 pp. Rodríguez Godoy, F. & Padrón Padrón, A. (2016). Pelagodroma marina. Lanzarote. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas (2016). Gobierno de Canarias y DRACAENA. 26 pp.",73,73,73,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez, F. & Farińa, B. (2011). Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2011: paíńo pechialbo (Pelagodroma marina). Gobierno de Canarias. 22 pp. Rodríguez Godoy, F. & Padrón Padrón, A. (2016). Pelagodroma marina. Lanzarote. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas (2016). Gobierno de Canarias y DRACAENA. 26 pp.",22,22,22,"ESIC","A389",NA,"Pelagodroma marina" "Pelecanus crispus",NA,"Dalmatian Pelican","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1945,NA,2191,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, a. (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 5) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 6) ed, . a atsad, G. 2019. aaf pee 2018. taa stasa esp, aµ esp. Se. 17.",2482.86882527058,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,780,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,69,NA,"GR","A020",NA,"Pelecanus crispus" "Pelecanus crispus",NA,"Dalmatian Pelican","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",80,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Michev T., N. Kambourova (com.). 2012. ""National Action Plan for conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) in Bulgaria for the period 2013-2022"", Sofia, MoEW, 99 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; http://www3.moew.government.bg/files/file/Nature/Biodiversity/Valeri/NAP_P_crispus_2013-2022.pdf Catsadorakis, G. and D. Portolou (compilers) (2017) Status Report for the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus). Report of Action A6 under the framework of Project LIFE EuroSAP (LIFE14 PRE/UK/002). Hellenic Ornithological Society and Society for the Protection of Prespa",2482.86882527058,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Michev T., N. Kambourova (com.). 2012. ""National Action Plan for conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) in Bulgaria for the period 2013-2022"", Sofia, MoEW, 99 p. Catsadorakis, G. and D. Portolou (compilers) (2017) Status Report for the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus). Report of Action A6 under the framework of Project LIFE EuroSAP (LIFE14 PRE/UK/002). Hellenic Ornithological Society and Society for the Protection of Prespa",2,NA,80,2001,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Michev T., N. Kambourova (com.). 2012. ""National Action Plan for conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) in Bulgaria for the period 2013-2022"", Sofia, MoEW, 99 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Catsadorakis, G. and D. Portolou (compilers) (2017) Status Report for the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus). Report of Action A6 under the framework of Project LIFE EuroSAP (LIFE14 PRE/UK/002). Hellenic Ornithological Society and Society for the Protection of Prespa",0,0,0,"BG","A020",NA,"Pelecanus crispus" "Pelecanus onocrotalus",NA,"Great White Pelican","Greece",2013,2018,"p",613,NA,931,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7) ed, . a atsad, G. 2019. aaf pee 2018. taa stasa esp, aµ esp. Se. 17.",12755.4488731873,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,250,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,139,NA,"GR","A019",NA,"Pelecanus onocrotalus" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","France",2018,2018,"p",421480,527260,773390,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bro E. & A. Crosnier 2012. Grey Partridge Perdix perdix in France in 2008: distribution, abundance, population change.. Bird study n°59, 320-326 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00063657.2012.674099?af=R&#.UbXp3XdOLQw ; Reitz F. 2018. La perdrix grise en 2017. . Lettre d’informations du réseau Perdrix-Faisan n°26, 2-6 http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/Reseau-Perdrix-Faisan-download99; Godin S. & E. Bro 2017. Perdrix grise : analyse des conséquences des mauvaises reproductions ŕ répétition sur les populations. Faune Sauvage n°317 , ONCFS37-42 http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/Revue-Faune-sauvage-ru153/Revue-Faune-sauvage-ar1878; Bro E. 2018. La perdrix grise de plaine (Perdix perdix all other) Rapportage Directive Oiseaux 2018. rapport interne,",859087.707989548,1979,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Garrigues R. 1981. Enquęte nationale perdrix grise. Bulletin Mensuel de l’O.N.C. n°43 , 11-23",-43,-43,-43,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Godin S. & F. Reitz 2019. Perdrix Grise. Lettre d’informations du réseau Perdrix-Faisan, ONCFS2-6 http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/Reseau-Perdrix-Faisan-download99; Jiguet F. 2018. Les résultats nationaux du programme STOC de 1989 ŕ 2017. vigie nature, MHNH http://www.vigienature.fr/fr/observatoires/suivi-temporel-oiseaux-communs-stoc/resultats-3413; Bro E. 2018. La perdrix grise de plaine (Perdix perdix all other). Rapportage Directive Oiseaux 2018, ONCFS. 00",-26,-26,-26,"FR","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Poland",2013,2018,"p",95000,NA,133000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Panek M., Budny M. 2015. Sytuacja zwierzat lownych w Polsce 2015, ze szczególnym uwzglednieniem kuropatwy (na podstawie wyników monitoringu). Stacja Badawcza PZL Czempin; Chodkiewicz T., Neubauer G., Sikora A., Lawicki L., Meissner W., Bobrek R., Cenian Z",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-44,-29,-11,"PL","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","UK",2016,2016,"p",37127,37127,37127,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Adjusted by BBS monitoring trend from 1988/91.",859087.707989548,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-88.27,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-39.69,NA,"UK","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Germany",2016,2016,"p",21000,NA,37000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",859087.707989548,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-91,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-66,-52,-33,"DE","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",14000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 200-201; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 200-201;",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 200-201; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",8700,13600,18500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-90,-70,-50,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,30,"SE","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Finland",2013,2018,"p",9000,12000,20000,"estimate","absentData","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",859087.707989548,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Scattered census and observational data by Natural Resources Institute Finland",0,0,0,"FI","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",8000,NA,16000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",859087.707989548,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-8,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-5,NA,"CZ","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Austria",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",859087.707989548,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-70,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring""); BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,-60,NA,"AT","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",4500,NA,5500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",859087.707989548,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-91,-88,-85,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-79,-76,-73,"NL","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",4702,4702,4702,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",859087.707989548,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-67.19,-50.46,-25.54,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-41.3,-9.36,37.86,"DK","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",4000,4000,4000,"mean","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2200,3100,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",859087.707989548,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-89,-85,-80,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-81,-71,-55,"BE","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",859087.707989548,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,"EE","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-99,NA,-97,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",5,NA,10,"LT","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Krajniak D., Bucko J.: Hunting bags statistics NLC Zvolen 2014-2017. Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Krajniak D., Bucko J.: Hunting bags statistics NLC Zvolen 2014-2017",-80,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Krajniak D., Bucko J.: Hunting bags statistics NLC Zvolen 2014-2017",-60,NA,-40,"SK","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Hungary",2017,2018,"p",180,NA,5790,"estimate","estimatePartial","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Országos Vadgazdálkodási Adattár (National Game Management Database, NGMD).",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Országos Vadgazdálkodási Adattár (National Game Management Database). http://www.ova.info.hu/vgstat.html MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-99,NA,-93,2005,2018,"D","estimatePartial","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Országos Vadgazdálkodási Adattár (National Game Management Database). http://www.ova.info.hu/vgstat.html",-98,NA,-71,"HU","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",500,NA,1100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",859087.707989548,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-55,NA,-52,2000,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",14.26,17.32,19.06,"LV","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Italy",2018,2018,"p",160,160,160,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",859087.707989548,1993,2018,"Unk","absentData","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",-95,NA,-90,"IT","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",40,NA,430,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-75,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-75.7,NA,"SI","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Ireland",2018,2019,"p",106,NA,116,"estimate","completeSurvey","East Donegal Grey Partridge Re-Establishment Project Interim Report (2018) Collaborative Project between Inch local gun Club, Donegal Game and Wildlife Association, the Irish Grey Partridge Conservation Trust, National Association of Regional Game Councils, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the National Parks & Wildlife Service with support from the Heritage Council. Kavanagh, B. (2017) Irish Grey Partridge Project Review 2017. Boora Co. Offaly. Report to the National Parks & Wildlife Service. Expert opinion - Pádraig O'Donnell, National Parks & Wildlife Service Expert opinion - Emmett Johnston, National Parks & Wildlife Service Expert opinion - Conleth Farrell, Gery Partridge Project, Newcastle, Co. Wicklow",859087.707989548,1980,2019,"D","absentData","Kavanagh, B. (2017) Irish Grey Partridge Project Review 2017. Boora Co. Offaly. Report to the National Parks & Wildlife Service.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2019,"I","estimatePartial","Expert opinion - Brendan Kavanagh. Review of Annual Grey Partridge Counts 1991-2009 Irish Grey Partridge Conservation Trust (website accessed 28/06/2019).",231.3,NA,262.5,"IE","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Klein R., G. Biver (2009): Die Erfassung des Rebhuhns Perdix perdix 2008 im Osten Luxemburgs. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 40-48; Biver G. & Sowa F. (2009): Plan d'action Espčces Perdix perdix Perdrix grise. Ministčre du Développement Durable et des Infrastructures & Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg & Sicona Ouest ; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Klein R., G. Biver (2009): Die Erfassung des Rebhuhns Perdix perdix 2008 im Osten Luxemburgs. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 40-48; Biver G. & Sowa F. (2009): Plan d'action Espčces Perdix perdix Perdrix grise. Ministčre du Développement Durable et des Infrastructures & Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg & Sicona Ouest ; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-90,NA,-75,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Klein R., G. Biver (2009): Die Erfassung des Rebhuhns Perdix perdix 2008 im Osten Luxemburgs. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 40-48; Biver G. & Sowa F. (2009): Plan d'action Espčces Perdix perdix Perdrix grise. Ministčre du Développement Durable et des Infrastructures & Centrale ornithologique Luxembourg & Sicona Ouest ; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-60,NA,-40,"LU","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Perdix perdix","hispaniensis","Grey Partridge","France",2012,2018,"p",3260,NA,16300,"minimum","estimatePartial","NOVOA 1992. Validation d’un indice de la densité printaničre des perdrix grises des Pyrénées, Perdix perdix hispaniensis, ŕ l’aide d’appels pré-enregistrés. . Gibier Faune Sauvage, 105-118 ; LESCOURRET F 1988. Éléments de répartition de la Perdrix grise (Perdix perdix hispaniensis REICH.) dans les Pyrénées françaises.. Gibier Faune Sauvage Volume 5, ONC123-148 ; LEONARD P 1992. Méthode de dénombrement des galliformes de montagne en été avec des chiens d’arręt et présentation des résultats. Bulletin Mensuel. n° 172, Fiche tech. n° 76. , ONC10",10753.6832217871,1990,2018,"Unk","absentData",". Rapport décennal OGM 2000-2009.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"S","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A415",NA,"Perdix perdix hispaniensis" "Perdix perdix","hispaniensis","Grey Partridge","Spain",1998,2018,"p",2000,NA,6000,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). La invernada de Aves acuáticas en Espańa. Dirección general de Conservación de la Naturaleza-SEO/BirdLife. Ed. Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Madrid.",10753.6832217871,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Información proporcionada por las Comuinidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, J. & Purroy, F.J. (2016). Perdiz pardilla – Perdix perdix. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",-38.3,-38.3,-38.3,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comuinidades Autónomas. Purroy, J. & Purroy, F.J. (2016). Perdiz pardilla – Perdix perdix. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/)",-27.1,-27.1,-27.1,"ES","A415",NA,"Perdix perdix hispaniensis" "Perdix perdix","italica","Grey Partridge","Italy",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gustin M, Brambilla M & Celada C. 2009. Valutazione dello stato di conservazione dell’avifauna italiana. Specie in Allegato I della Direttiva Uccelli. Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU",0,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","no data available for the past",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Gustin M, Brambilla M & Celada C. 2009. Valutazione dello stato di conservazione dell’avifauna italiana. Specie in Allegato I della Direttiva Uccelli. Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A414",NA,"Perdix perdix italica" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",438300,NA,601000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,57,NA,"SI","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Spain",2004,2006,"p",2690000,NA,3655000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Polo, V. (2016). Carbonero Garrapinos – Periparus ater. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. Http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/ SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Greece",2013,2018,"p",340000,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","UK",2016,2016,"p",661961,661961,661961,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",15379383.9976537,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,1.57,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-9.18,NA,"UK","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",8e+05,NA,1200000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",15379383.9976537,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,8,NA,"AT","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",30600,48400,66200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",15379383.9976537,1973,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-46,-15,16,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-7,6,22,"BE","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",15379383.9976537,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",25,NA,35,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",450000,NA,9e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",15379383.9976537,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,"CZ","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",16000,NA,30000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,245,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,26,NA,"HU","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",250000,410000,573000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-49,-41,-32,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-12,-2,9,"SE","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",35704,61394,85421,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-42,9,103,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-27,-5,2,"FI","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",612205,836424,2176920,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",15379383.9976537,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",8.4,15.8,23.7,"IE","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","France",2013,2018,"p",6e+05,NA,9e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",15379383.9976537,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-18,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,21.6,NA,"FR","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",250000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",5,NA,15,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",5,NA,15,"SK","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1100000,NA,1600000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",15379383.9976537,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,2,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-24,-15,-6,"DE","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",15379383.9976537,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-83,NA,69,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-109,NA,87,"EE","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",92967,127683,175364,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",15379383.9976537,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",64,NA,65,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-10.4,38.7,111.7,"LV","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",725000,NA,982000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-16,-5,7,"PL","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",16000,NA,20000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",15379383.9976537,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-59,-49,-37,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-51,-46,-40,"NL","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",92589,92589,92589,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",15379383.9976537,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-51.38,-39.89,-25.78,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-42.82,-22.18,5.1,"DK","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Periparus ater","cypriotes","Coal Tit","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",43000,NA,79000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",58283.7884835912,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",31,NA,43,"CY","A471",NA,"Periparus ater cypriotes" "Perisoreus infaustus",NA,"Siberian Jay","Finland",2013,2018,"p",33550,61538,83737,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",115538,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-51,-31,0,"FI","A548",NA,"Perisoreus infaustus" "Perisoreus infaustus",NA,"Siberian Jay","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",37000,54000,71000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",115538,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,-30,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-6,NA,46,"SE","A548",NA,"Perisoreus infaustus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","France",2016,2017,"p",10600,12600,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Thiollay, J.-M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2004. Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. 175 p. ; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007",59231.7466324647,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Thiollay J.-M., Terrasse J.-F. 1984. Estimation des effectifs de rapaces nicheurs diurnes et non rupestres en France. Enquęte FIR-UNAO 1979-1982 . , FIR & UNAO, Paris177 p. ; LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007",NA,0,NA,2007,2017,"S","completeSurvey","LPO - CNRS 2012. Observatoire rapaces - programme de suivi des populations de rapaces nicheurs diurnes en France.. http://observatoire-rapaces.lpo.fr/index.php?m_id=1; Le Rest, K. 2013. Méthodes statistiques pour la modélisation des facteurs influençant la distribution et l’abondance de populations : application aux rapaces diurnes nichant en France. . Thčse Biologie de l'environnement, des populations, écologie. , Université de Poitiers153 p. http://nuxeo.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/30137e63-b283-4cdd-b432-4b098e4348fc; Le Rest, K., Pinaud, D. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Volunteer-based surveys offer enhanced opportunities for biodiversity monitoring across broad spatial extent. Ecological Informatics 30, 313-317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.007",NA,0,NA,"FR","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5200,6600,8100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",-70,-50,-30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",-20,0,20,"SE","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Germany",2016,2016,"p",4000,NA,5500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",59231.7466324647,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-14,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-6,NA,"DE","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Poland",2013,2018,"p",3300,NA,4000,"mean","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD – Raptor Survey)",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPD)",-32,-12,14,"PL","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",1063,2768,7203,"interval","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",59231.7466324647,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",40,NA,45,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Avotins jun., A., Reihmanis, J. 2018. [Background monitoring scheme for Birds of Prey and Owls in Latvia. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",27.2,NA,94.1,"LV","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1811,2335,2717,"interval","estimatePartial","Birds of Prey monitoring data, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",59231.7466324647,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary)",-58,-51,-44,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary)",-39,-26,-10,"FI","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Spain",2009,2010,"p",1710,NA,1960,"interval","estimatePartial","Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf)",59231.7466324647,1980,2015,"S","estimatePartial","Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011). Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/36_rapacesforestales.pdf)",0,0,0,1998,2015,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Purroy, J. & Purroy, F.J. (2015). Abejero europeo – Pernis apivorus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/) SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa Sacre de SEO/BirdLife en 2012. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Información obtenida a partir de la Base de Datos del Inventario de especies terrestres. Seguimiento de Aves SACRE. (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente). (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2013/)",0,0,0,"ES","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1400,NA,1800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Rimgaudas Treinys rimga.t@gmail.com Rašomavicius, V. (red.) 2007. Lietuvos raudonoji knyga. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 800 p. (Red Data Book of Lithuania, 2007) Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1200,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",59231.7466324647,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,200,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",59231.7466324647,1987,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-15,NA,57,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-5,NA,21,"EE","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Italy",2000,2010,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",59231.7466324647,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,60,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",20,NA,35,"IT","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",690,910,1130,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",59231.7466324647,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",156,237,319,2008,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-29,-7,16,"BE","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",800,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 538-540. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished.",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 538-540. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Horváth M., Bagyura J., Fatér I., Firmánszky G., Horváth Zoltán, Palatitz Péter & Prommer Mátyás (szerk.) (2008): Ragadozómadár és bagoly-fajok országos monitoringja 2007-ben. Kutatási jelentés. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület. Budapest. 46 pp.",50,NA,100,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 538-540. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Horváth M., Bagyura J., Fatér I., Firmánszky G., Horváth Zoltán, Palatitz Péter & Prommer Mátyás (szerk.) (2008): Ragadozómadár és bagoly-fajok országos monitoringja 2007-ben. Kutatási jelentés. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület. Budapest. 46 pp.",0,0,0,"HU","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",650,NA,1200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 (manuscript) Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",59231.7466324647,1985,2015,"S","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",0,0,0,2007,2019,"S","estimateExpert","expert opinion",0,0,0,"CZ","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Denmark",2015,2015,"p",650,650,650,"estimate","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",59231.7466324647,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,50,NA,2004,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",400,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222.",100,NA,200,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov P (ed.) (2007) Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB, 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BIRDS OF PREY DATA BASE (2013) held by Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. . (2007). , ( 4.2.). : , , 2000, , 207-222.",0,NA,0,"BG","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",360,NA,440,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",59231.7466324647,1984,2017,"UNK","absentData","Sovon",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"UNK","absentData","Sovon",NA,NA,NA,"NL","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",59231.7466324647,1980,2012,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2002,2017,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Croatia",2013,2013,"p",150,NA,250,"estimate","estimateExpert","Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,180,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Weiss J., N. Paler (2006): Verbreitung, Bestand und Zukunftsaussichten des Wespenbussards Pernis apivorus in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 26-30Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",0,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Weiss J., N. Paler (2006): Verbreitung, Bestand und Zukunftsaussichten des Wespenbussards Pernis apivorus in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 21: 26-30; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","UK",2000,2000,"p",33,NA,69,"estimate","completeSurvey","RBBP; Batten, L.A. 2001. European Honey-buzzard Survey 2000 and 2001: preliminary results and request for further surveys. British Birds 94: 143-144. Ogilvie, M.A. 2003. European Honey-buzzards in the UK - correction to breeding totals. British Birds 96: 145.",59231.7466324647,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,533,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-6,NA,"UK","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Petronia petronia",NA,"Rock Sparrow","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1261687,NA,2015946,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",1703135.02254555,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/5990_RES_SP.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,70.9,NA,"ES","A357",NA,"Petronia petronia" "Petronia petronia",NA,"Rock Sparrow","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1703135.02254555,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A357",NA,"Petronia petronia" "Petronia petronia",NA,"Rock Sparrow","France",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",1703135.02254555,1980,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A357",NA,"Petronia petronia" "Petronia petronia",NA,"Rock Sparrow","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",1703135.02254555,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-50,NA,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A357",NA,"Petronia petronia" "Petronia petronia",NA,"Rock Sparrow","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",1703135.02254555,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A357",NA,"Petronia petronia" "Petronia petronia",NA,"Rock Sparrow","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=159&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",1703135.02254555,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A357",NA,"Petronia petronia" "Petronia petronia",NA,"Rock Sparrow","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",386,NA,1526,"Minimum","estimatePartial","García del Rey, E. (2008). Petronia petronia. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2008. Gobierno de Canarias. 26 pp. González Acebes, M. (2006). Petronia petronia: Gran Canaria. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2006. Gobierno de Canarias. 23 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Silva, J.L. & Farińa Trujillo, B. (2006). Petronia petronia: Tenerife y El Hierro. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2006. Gobierno de Canarias. 39 pp. Silva, J.L. & Farińa Trujillo, B. (2007). Petronia petronia. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 31 pp.",1703135.02254555,1980,2018,"U","absentData","García del Rey, E. (2008). Petronia petronia. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2008. Gobierno de Canarias. 26 pp. González Acebes, M. (2006). Petronia petronia: Gran Canaria. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2006. Gobierno de Canarias. 23 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Silva, J.L. & Farińa Trujillo, B. (2006). Petronia petronia: Tenerife y El Hierro. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2006. Gobierno de Canarias. 39 pp. Silva, J.L. & Farińa Trujillo, B. (2007). Petronia petronia. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 31 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","absentData","García del Rey, E. (2008). Petronia petronia. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2008. Gobierno de Canarias. 26 pp. González Acebes, M. (2006). Petronia petronia: Gran Canaria. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2006. Gobierno de Canarias. 23 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Silva, J.L. & Farińa Trujillo, B. (2006). Petronia petronia: Tenerife y El Hierro. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2006. Gobierno de Canarias. 39 pp. Silva, J.L. & Farińa Trujillo, B. (2007). Petronia petronia. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 31 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A357",NA,"Petronia petronia" "Petronia petronia",NA,"Rock Sparrow","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",150,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",1703135.02254555,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,NA,0,"BG","A357",NA,"Petronia petronia" "Gulosus aristotelis","aristotelis","European Shag","UK",2015,2015,"p",13643,17439,20733,"interval","estimatePartial","JNCC Seabird Monitoring Programme. The UK population estimates were derived from a method first used in APEP3: Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100. Population estimates were calculated using the long-term Thomas trend index from the year 1986 - 2015 (using counts from a sample of colonies monitored by the UK Seabird Monitoring Programme), anchored to the last census count, Seabird 2000. To test the robustness of the Thomas trend an estimation the Seabird 2000 population was produced using the trend index between 1986-2000 and anchored to the 1986 (SCR) census population for the species. If this estimate had a variance of 30% (or over) from the actual Seabird 2000 population, the method was not used (and an alternative is given, such as the Seabird 2000 census). Thomas trend methodology can be found here http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201",31794.391883847,1986,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-59,-45,-33,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-52,-40,-29,"UK","A684",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis aristotelis" "Gulosus aristotelis","aristotelis","European Shag","France",2016,2018,"p",7380,NA,7450,"estimate","completeSurvey","Debout Gérard 2018. Réseau des réserves normandes. Rapport en ligne, http://www.gonm.org/index.php?q=RRN; Cadiou Bernard 2018. Bilan de l'enquęte 2017 sur des colobnies témoins de cormorans huppés des sous-régions marines Manche- mer du Nord et mers celtiques. Rapport AFB, Brest9",31794.391883847,1978,2018,"I","completeSurvey",NA,NA,270,NA,2006,2018,"I","completeSurvey",NA,3,NA,4,"FR","A684",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis aristotelis" "Gulosus aristotelis","aristotelis","European Shag","Ireland",2015,2018,"p",4980,4980,4980,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",31794.391883847,1987,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,7,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,45,NA,"IE","A684",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis aristotelis" "Gulosus aristotelis","aristotelis","European Shag","Spain",2017,2017,"p",1668,1668,1668,"estimate","completeSurvey","MARDEAVES (2016). Seguimento do número de parellas reprodutoras de Corvo marińo cristado (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) nas illas do Parque Nacional dende 1976 (https://mardeaves.org/portfolio/seguimento-da-poboacion-de-corvo-marino-cristado/) Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla). Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. Peón, P., Sánchez-Corominas, T. & Váquez, V.M. (en preparación). El Cormorán mońudo en Asturias. En: El Cormorán mońudo en Espańa (2008-2017). Monografía SEO/BirdLife. SEO/BirdLe, (2019). Censo reproductor de cormorán mońudo en Espańa, 2017. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. (in prep). SIGMA S.L. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación del estado de conservación del Cormorán mońudo en Asturias. Ańo 2017. Informe elaborado para el Principado de Asturias.",31794.391883847,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Álvarez, D. & Velando, A. (2007). El cormorán mońudo en Espańa. Población en 2006-2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/15_cormoran_monudo_2006_tcm30-208111.pdf) Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla). Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. Peón, P., Sánchez-Corominas, T. & Váquez, V. M. (en preparación). El Cormorán mońudo en Asturias. En: El Cormorán mońudo en Espańa (2008-2017). Monografía SEO/BirdLife. SIGMA S.L. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación del estado de conservación del Cormorán mońudo en Asturias. Ańo 2017. Informe elaborado para el Principado de Asturias. Seguimento do número de parellas reprodutoras de Corvo marińo cristado (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) nas illas do Parque Nacional dende 1976 (https://mardeaves.org/portfolio/seguimento-da-poboacion-de-corvo-marino-cristado/) SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Censo reproductor de cormorán mońudo en Espańa, 2017. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. (in prep).",NA,86,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Álvarez, D. & Velando, A. (2007). El cormorán mońudo en Espańa. Población en 2006-2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/15_cormoran_monudo_2006_tcm30-208111.pdf) Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla). Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. Peón, P., Sánchez-Corominas, T. & Váquez, V. M. (en preparación). El Cormorán mońudo en Asturias. En: El Cormorán mońudo en Espańa (2008-2017). Monografía SEO/BirdLife. SIGMA S.L. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación del estado de conservación del Cormorán mońudo en Asturias. Ańo 2017. Informe elaborado para el Principado de Asturias. Seguimento do número de parellas reprodutoras de Corvo marińo cristado (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) nas illas do Parque Nacional dende 1976. (https://mardeaves.org/portfolio/seguimento-da-poboacion-de-corvo-marino-cristado/) SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Censo reproductor de cormorán mońudo en Espańa, 2017. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. (in prep).",NA,-5,NA,"ES","A684",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis aristotelis" "Gulosus aristotelis","aristotelis","European Shag","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",150,170,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",31794.391883847,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",15000,17000,20000,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",15000,17000,20000,"SE","A684",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis aristotelis" "Gulosus aristotelis","aristotelis","European Shag","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",31794.391883847,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A684",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis aristotelis" "Gulosus aristotelis","desmarestii","European Shag","Spain",2006,2007,"p",2087,2087,2087,"estimate","estimateExpert","Álvarez, D. & Velando, A. (2007). El cormorán mońudo en Espańa. Población en 2006-2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",8254.22353324985,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Álvarez, D. & Velando, A. (2007). El cormorán mońudo en Espańa. Población en 2006-2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2013,"UNK","absentData","Álvarez, D. & Velando, A. (2007). El cormorán mońudo en Espańa. Población en 2006-2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A392",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii" "Gulosus aristotelis","desmarestii","European Shag","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",1600,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",8254.22353324985,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",0,0,0,"HR","A392",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii" "Gulosus aristotelis","desmarestii","European Shag","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2100,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",8254.22353324985,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A392",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii" "Gulosus aristotelis","desmarestii","European Shag","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,1450,"estimate","completeSurvey","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",8254.22353324985,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Insufficient data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A392",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii" "Gulosus aristotelis","desmarestii","European Shag","France",2009,2018,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257",8254.22353324985,1981,2017,"F","estimatePartial","Guelfuci, S. 2017. Caractérisation de l'avifaune marine de la Riserva Naturale di i Bucchi di Bunifaziu. OEC RNBB, Master Universita Corti40 ; Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p. ; Recorber, B. 2017. Comptage de la population reproductrice de cormorans huppés de Méditerrannée (Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii) aux Iles Sanguinaires ŕ Ajaccio, Isula Piana ŕ Coto-Chiavari, site Natura 2000 (ZPS FR9410096) et aux abords : année 2017. DREAL Corse, DREAL12 ; Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257",-50,NA,25,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs 2015. 5e recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012).. Ornithos 22, LPO Rochefort233-257",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A392",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii" "Gulosus aristotelis","desmarestii","European Shag","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",170,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Doga Dernegi (2014): Preparing the basis for an inventory of Marine Important Bird Areas along the southern Black Sea Coast (Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey). Doga Dernegi. Final report of the EU funded project. Ankara, Turkey. 44 pp.; MONITORING OF SELECTED SEA BIRDS FOR 2018 ACCORDING TO THE DESCRIPTOR 1 - BIODIVERSITY, E1 and E4 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56 / EC Summary Report, 2016 BSPB. A study of selected coastal bird species in relation to the improvement of monitoring programs under Descriptor D1 and D4 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56 / EC. Summary Report 2015;",8254.22353324985,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p.; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; Simeonov, S., T. Michev, D. Nankinov. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press, Sofia. 350 pp. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",560,NA,1000,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; MONITORING OF SELECTED SEA BIRDS FOR 2018 ACCORDING TO THE DESCRIPTOR 1 - BIODIVERSITY, E1 and E4 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56 / EC Summary Report, 2016 BSPB. Study of selected coastal bird species in relation to the improvement of the monitoring program under Descriptor D1 and D4 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56 / EC. Summary Report 2015;",0,0,0,"BG","A392",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii" "Gulosus aristotelis","desmarestii","European Shag","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Targetted boat surveys at two best known breeding sites; BirdLife Cyprus sightings data as reported in Annual reports; Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus 2014",8254.22353324985,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Targetted boat surveys at two best known breeding sites. BirdLife Cyprus sightings data as reported in Annual reports. Cyprus IBA inventories 2004 and 2012. Game & Fauna Service data and expert opinion. Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus;",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Targetted boat surveys at two best known breeding sites. BirdLife Cyprus sightings data as reported in Annual reports. Cyprus IBA inventories 2004 and 2012",0,NA,0,"CY","A392",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii" "Gulosus aristotelis","desmarestii","European Shag","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",6,10,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",8254.22353324985,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",6,10,10,"GIB","A392",NA,"Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii" "Phalacrocorax carbo","carbo","Great Cormorant","UK",1999,2002,"p",7325,7325,7325,"estimate","completeSurvey","Derived from: Sellers, R.M. 2004. Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo. Pp.128-145. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser. Estimate of carbo subsepecies subtracted Newson in litt. estimate from Sellers' estimate.",13910,1986,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-28,2,18,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-45,-19,-7,"UK","A683",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo carbo" "Phalacrocorax carbo","carbo","Great Cormorant","Ireland",2015,2018,"p",4688,4688,4688,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",13910,1987,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,18,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,15,NA,"IE","A683",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo carbo" "Phalacrocorax carbo","carbo","Great Cormorant","France",2018,2018,"p",1897,1897,1897,"estimate","completeSurvey",". Recensement national des grands cormorans nicheurs en France en 2018. Rapport final. Marion 2019.",13910,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. et les coordinateurs régionaux, coordinateurs départementaux et coordinateurs-espčce 2011. Cinquičme recensement national des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine 2009-2011, 1čre synthčse : bilan intermédiaire 2009-2010, Brest, Gisom et AAMP. 80 p. http://files.biolovision.net/www.atlas-ornitho.fr/pdffiles/ROMN2009-2010RP1-mars2011-9035.pdf",NA,130,NA,2006,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". Recensement national des grands cormorans nicheurs en France en 2018. Rapport final. Marion 2019. ; Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p.",NA,-3,NA,"FR","A683",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo carbo" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",35000,40000,45000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",246019.305864557,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","National inventories",35000,40000,45000,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-30,0,30,"SE","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",33186,33186,33186,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",246019.305864557,1982,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,1500,NA,2004,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,-17,NA,"DK","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Poland",2013,2018,"p",25767,28426,30066,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MKO – Great Cormorant Census)",246019.305864557,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Krzywosz T., Piotr Traczuk P. 2013. Populacja legowa kormorana czarnego Phalacrocorax carbo w Polsce w 2013 r. Komunikaty Rybackie Nr 4 (135)/2013: 12-36; Tomialojc L. & Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro N",1600,NA,1900,2010,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MKO)",NA,20,NA,"PL","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Germany",2016,2016,"p",26000,26000,26000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",246019.305864557,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",1443,2285,3567,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-11,0,12,"DE","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Finland",2013,2018,"p",18662,23534,26704,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",246019.305864557,1996,2018,"I","completeSurvey","https://www.ymparisto.fi/fi-FI/Luonto/Lajit/Lajien_seuranta/Merimetsoseuranta",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","https://www.ymparisto.fi/fi-FI/Luonto/Lajit/Lajien_seuranta/Merimetsoseuranta",NA,198,NA,"FI","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",18650,NA,22500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",246019.305864557,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",173,175,177,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-25,-9,10,"NL","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Estonia",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","completeSurvey","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Linnualade inventuurid 2012-2018. Avaldamata.",246019.305864557,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1398,NA,18242,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",68,NA,72,"EE","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","France",2018,2018,"p",7715,7715,7715,"estimate","completeSurvey",". Recensement national des grands cormorans nicheurs en France en 2018. Rapport final. Marion 2019.",246019.305864557,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cadiou B. et les coordinateurs régionaux, coordinateurs départementaux et coordinateurs-espčce 2011. Cinquičme recensement national des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine 2009-2011, 1čre synthčse : bilan intermédiaire 2009-2010, Brest, Gisom et AAMP. 80 p. http://files.biolovision.net/www.atlas-ornitho.fr/pdffiles/ROMN2009-2010RP1-mars2011-9035.pdf; . Recensement national des grands cormorans nicheurs en France en 2018. Rapport final. Marion 2019.",NA,385650,NA,2006,2018,"I","completeSurvey",". Recensement national des grands cormorans nicheurs en France en 2018. Rapport final. Marion 2019.",NA,88.5,NA,"FR","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Greece",2015,2015,"p",6000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) µa, a., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",246019.305864557,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,1160,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,62.7,NA,"GR","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5600,NA,5800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",246019.305864557,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",550900,NA,570900,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2600,NA,4800,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. BSPB Bird Database 3. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",246019.305864557,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. 2. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, Bas 3. BSPB Bird Database 4. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",30,NA,50,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; 2. BSPB Bird Database 3. WWF Green borders LIFE+ Project Reports Expert for contact: Svilen Cheshmedjiev, svilen.cheshmedjiev@bspb.org",5,NA,10,"BG","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Italy",2011,2011,"p",3050,NA,3220,"estimate","estimateExpert","Volponi et al. 2011. How many Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo breed in Italy? Results from the 2011 national colony census. 8th International Conference on Cormorants (Medemblick, NL).",246019.305864557,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",6340,NA,10070,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",2300,NA,3487,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",246019.305864557,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1845,NA,1898,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Millers K. 2013: Status of the breeding population of Great Cormorants in Latvia in 2012. Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1.46,1.99,2.45,"LV","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Hungary",2013,2017,"p",2390,NA,2721,"estimate","completeSurvey","National Park Directorates' database on complete, national surveys covering all known colonies, carried out annually in the years 2012-2017 (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species).",246019.305864557,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Oláh J., Oláh J., Ecsedi Z. (2003): A kárókatona (Phalacrocorax carbo) halastavi kártétele és kárértékbecslése. Fishpond damages done by the Cormorant and the estimation of the value of the damage. Magyar Vízivad Közlemények 10., p.337-379. National Park Directorates' database Faragó, S. (2002): Vadászati állattan. Mezogazda Kiadó, p. 496.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National Park Directorates' database on complete, national surveys covering all known colonies, carried out annually in the years 2012-2017. However, the trend is only estimated for previous years back to 2007. It is assumed that the trend was in those years about the same as since 2012, i.e. stable (with slight fluctuations from year to year).",0,0,0,"HU","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1400,1700,2100,"mean","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",246019.305864557,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",6264,7855,9445,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-14,4,29,"BE","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Spain",2012,2012,"p",1605,1605,1605,"estimate","completeSurvey","Molina, B. (2013). El cormorán grande en Espańa. Población reproductora e invernante en 2012- 2013 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://doi.org/10.31170/0047) Molina, B. (SEO/BirdLife) (2014): Status of the breeding population of Great Cormorants in Spain in 2012. – In: Bregnballe, T., Lynch, J., Parz-Gollner, R., Marion, L., Volponi, S., Paquet, J.-Y., Carss, D.N. & van Eerden, M.R. (eds.): Breeding numbers of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in the Western Palearctic, 2012-2013. – IUCN-Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group Report. Scientific report from DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University. No. 99: 203-207. (http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR99.pdf)",246019.305864557,1980,2012,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Molina, B. (2013). El cormorán grande en Espańa. Población reproductora e invernante en 2012- 2013 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://doi.org/10.31170/0047) Molina, B. (SEO/BirdLife) (2014): Status of the breeding population of Great Cormorants in Spain in 2012. – In: Bregnballe, T., Lynch, J., Parz-Gollner, R., Marion, L., Volponi, S., Paquet, J.-Y., Carss, D.N. & van Eerden, M.R. (eds.): Breeding numbers of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in the Western Palearctic, 2012-2013. – IUCN-Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group Report. Scientific report from DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University. No. 99: 203-207. (http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR99.pdf) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",NA,3821,NA,2007,2012,"I","completeSurvey","Molina, B. (2013). El cormorán grande en Espańa. Población reproductora e invernante en 2012- 2013 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://doi.org/10.31170/0047) Molina, B. (SEO/BirdLife) (2014): Status of the breeding population of Great Cormorants in Spain in 2012. – In: Bregnballe, T., Lynch, J., Parz-Gollner, R., Marion, L., Volponi, S., Paquet, J.-Y., Carss, D.N. & van Eerden, M.R. (eds.): Breeding numbers of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in the Western Palearctic, 2012-2013. – IUCN-Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group Report. Scientific report from DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University. No. 99: 203-207. (http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR99.pdf) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",NA,453,NA,"ES","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","UK",2012,2012,"p",1559,1559,1559,"estimate","estimatePartial","Newson in litt.",246019.305864557,1981,2011,"I","completeSurvey","Newson, S.E., Marchant, J.H., Ekins, G.R. & Sellers, R.M. 2007. The status of inland-breeding Great Cormorants in England. British Birds 100: 289-299. Newson, S.E., Marchant, J.H., Sellers, R,M., Ekins, G.R., & Burton, N.H.K. 2013. Colonisation and range expansion of inland breeding Cormorants in England. British Birds 106: 737-743.",15500,NA,15500,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Newson, S.E., Marchant, J.H., Ekins, G.R. & Sellers, R.M. 2007. The status of inland-breeding Great Cormorants in England. British Birds 100: 289-299. Newson, S.E., Marchant, J.H., Sellers, R,M., Ekins, G.R., & Burton, N.H.K. 2013. Colonisation and range expansion of inland breeding Cormorants in England. British Birds 106: 737-743.",NA,NA,NA,"UK","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",1230,NA,1653,"interval","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama",246019.305864557,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama Report on the implementation of AEWA for the period 2009-2011 - Croatia. http://www.unep-aewa.org/en/document/national-report-croatia-2",-60,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama Report on the implementation of AEWA for the period 2009-2011 - Croatia. Http://www.unep-aewa.org/en/document/national-report-croatia-2",-40,NA,-30,"HR","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",246019.305864557,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"I","estimateExpert","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",870,NA,2174,"PT","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",238,NA,319,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 and annual breeding pair survay (Musil et al. 2016) Musil P., Machácek P., Musilová Z., Pavelka K. & Podhrázský M. 2016. Numbers of breeding pairs of Great Cormorants in the Czech Republic in 2014-2016.",246019.305864557,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,5,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",19,NA,45,"CZ","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,175,"mean","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Lešová A. & Adamec M. (eds.) 2015: kormorán – kontroverzia jeho ochrany. Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, Banská Bystrica, 122 p. Lešová A. & Adamec M. (eds.) 2015: Biológia, distribúcia a potravná ekológia kormorána velkého v Európe. Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, Banská Bystrica, 112 p. Lešová A. & Adamec M. (eds.) 2015: Prevencia a ochrana pred kormoránmi v rybnom hospodárstve. Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, Banská Bystrica, 122 p. Danko Š. (2011): Vtáctvo Senného v minulosti a dnes. Slovenská ornitologická spolocnost, Slovensko 135 p.",246019.305864557,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",20,NA,70,"SK","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Austria",2013,2017,"p",103,NA,156,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, Thomas Zuna-Kratky, unpublished data (Marchauen), W. Niederl (2013-2017) unpubliahed data and reports (Rheindelta)",246019.305864557,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, Thomas Zuna-Kratky, unpublished data (Marchauen), W. Niederl (2013-2017) unpubliahed data and reports (Rheindelta), Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding birds 1981-1985)",NA,5000,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, Thomas Zuna-Kratky, unpublished data (Marchauen), W. Niederl (2013-2017) unpubliahed data and reports (Rheindelta)",NA,-27,NA,"AT","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phalaropus lobatus",NA,"Red-necked Phalarope","UK",2012,2016,"males",56,56,56,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",28061.6568542495,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,90,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,92,NA,"UK","A170",NA,"Phalaropus lobatus" "Phalaropus lobatus",NA,"Red-necked Phalarope","Finland",2013,2018,"males",7000,9000,11000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",28061.6568542495,1990,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-65,NA,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-50,NA,"FI","A170",NA,"Phalaropus lobatus" "Phalaropus lobatus",NA,"Red-necked Phalarope","Sweden",2013,2018,"males",13000,19000,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",28061.6568542495,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",-50,NA,100,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,20,"SE","A170",NA,"Phalaropus lobatus" "Phalaropus lobatus",NA,"Red-necked Phalarope","Ireland",2013,2018,"males",2,NA,16,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",28061.6568542495,1991,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A170",NA,"Phalaropus lobatus" "Phasianus colchicus",NA,"Common Pheasant","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",70.7106781186548,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,"GR","A115",NA,"Phasianus colchicus" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1061000,NA,1378000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-6,2,10,"PL","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Germany",2016,2016,"p",8e+05,NA,1100000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",6113687.20412004,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-13,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-7,0,7,"DE","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Spain",2004,2006,"p",740000,NA,1115000,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","France",2013,2018,"p",6e+05,NA,1300000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",6113687.20412004,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-6,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-8.25,NA,"FR","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",6113687.20412004,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,43.1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-19.9,NA,"CZ","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",6113687.20412004,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,NA,10,"IT","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",172000,NA,181000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",102,NA,190,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",59,NA,135,"HU","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Austria",2013,2018,"p",130000,NA,220000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",6113687.20412004,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,7,NA,"AT","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",132000,NA,192500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,17.2,NA,"SI","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. BSPB Bird Database Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgari",10,NA,20,2000,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/products/4.html (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012 ); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,0,0,"BG","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",10,NA,20,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania",0,0,0,"LT","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",20400,26600,32800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",6113687.20412004,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",36,77,119,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-23,-9,9,"BE","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",16627,24974,37514,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",6113687.20412004,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",4237,NA,4372,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",70.9,313.6,846.1,"LV","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",13000,NA,20000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",6113687.20412004,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-35,49,236,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-5,9,24,"NL","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",6113687.20412004,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-6,NA,15,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,NA,15,"EE","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",400,600,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",5,25,45,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,30,"SE","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",584,584,584,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",6113687.20412004,1991,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-46.15,-20.98,15.34,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-16.97,54.71,179.56,"DK","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Finland",2013,2018,"p",100,150,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",6113687.20412004,1981,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,-25,NA,"FI","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","UK",2012,2016,"p",58,58,58,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",6113687.20412004,1976,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-29,NA,2001,2016,"S","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,7,NA,"UK","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",543000,905000,1267000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",15,35,59,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-1,6,13,"SE","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Finland",2013,2018,"p",465384,606205,689546,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",26,52,84,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-14,-7,1,"FI","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Poland",2013,2018,"p",438000,NA,547000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",57,81,108,"PL","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",3144009.70456049,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",230,NA,500,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",45,NA,60,"IT","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","France",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",3144009.70456049,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,78,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,28.6,NA,"FR","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","UK",2016,2016,"p",96824,134200,171576,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",3144009.70456049,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,82.28,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,39.85,NA,"UK","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Germany",2016,2016,"p",91000,NA,155000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",3144009.70456049,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,52,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",31,51,75,"DE","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",113905,113905,113905,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",3144009.70456049,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",150.62,220.68,309.67,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",129.7,179.99,240.19,"DK","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Spain",2004,2006,"p",58500,NA,132000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",3144009.70456049,1996,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx)",NA,4.9,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",0,0,0,"ES","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",10,NA,20,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",15,NA,50,"LT","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",3144009.70456049,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,"CZ","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",31914,43318,58795,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",3144009.70456049,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",NA,-44,NA,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",5.8,86.7,221.9,"LV","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3144009.70456049,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",92,NA,210,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-6,NA,44,"EE","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",19000,NA,23000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3144009.70456049,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-2,22,52,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",65,82,100,"NL","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Austria",2013,2018,"p",13000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",3144009.70456049,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",4700,NA,6900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,61.3,NA,"SI","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",4200,5400,6600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3144009.70456049,1973,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-9,17,43,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",45,112,221,"BE","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-30,NA,-20,"BG","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1600,NA,3200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019 Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s. Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, T. (eds.) (2002). Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. Veda, Bratislava.",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, T. (eds.) (2002). Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. Veda, Bratislava. CBC - common bird census",-80,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko, Š., Darolová, A., Krištín, T. (eds.) (2002). Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. Veda, Bratislava. CBC - common bird census",NA,-20,NA,"SK","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Hungary",2017,2018,"p",60,NA,180,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy László (szerk.) (1984)- Magyarország fészkelo madarai p. 171-172 Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 378-379 p. Haraszthy László- Magyarország madarai; (1998,2000) p. 279-280 Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 103 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 438-439 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 204 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 177 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,-99,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Phoenicurus_phoenicurus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",3144009.70456049,1991,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",0,0,0,2012,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",0,0,0,"IE","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Phylloscopus bonelli","sensu stricto [excluding orientalis]","Bonelli's Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2694681.21197018,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,60,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,32.8,NA,"FR","A499",NA,"Phylloscopus bonelli s. str." "Phylloscopus bonelli","sensu stricto [excluding orientalis]","Bonelli's Warbler","Spain",2004,2018,"p",2138431,NA,2607719,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",2694681.21197018,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/5240_RES_SP.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",63.7,63.7,63.7,"ES","A499",NA,"Phylloscopus bonelli s. str." "Phylloscopus bonelli","sensu stricto [excluding orientalis]","Bonelli's Warbler","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",1200,NA,1500,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2694681.21197018,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A499",NA,"Phylloscopus bonelli s. str." "Phylloscopus bonelli","sensu stricto [excluding orientalis]","Bonelli's Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,35000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",2694681.21197018,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,2,NA,"AT","A499",NA,"Phylloscopus bonelli s. str." "Phylloscopus bonelli","sensu stricto [excluding orientalis]","Bonelli's Warbler","Germany",2012,2016,"p",1200,NA,2300,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2694681.21197018,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A499",NA,"Phylloscopus bonelli s. str." "Phylloscopus bonelli","sensu stricto [excluding orientalis]","Bonelli's Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",2694681.21197018,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",15,NA,25,"IT","A499",NA,"Phylloscopus bonelli s. str." "Phylloscopus bonelli","sensu stricto [excluding orientalis]","Bonelli's Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2694681.21197018,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",0,0,0,"PT","A499",NA,"Phylloscopus bonelli s. str." "Phylloscopus borealis",NA,"Arctic Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",100,300,700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, S. A., Jukarainen, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Below, A., Lehtiniemi, T., Pessa, J., ... Valkama, J. P. T. (2019). Linnut - Birds - Aves. In E. Hyvärinen, A. Juslén, E. Kemppainen, A. Uddström, & U-M. Liukko (Eds.), Suomen lajien uhanalaisuus - Punainen kirja 2019: The 2019 Red List of Finnish Species (pp. 560-570). Helsinki: Ympäristöministeriö & Suomen ympäristökeskus. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",400,1990,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",-60,-46,-39,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",-38,-23,-18,"FI","A605",NA,"Phylloscopus borealis" "Phylloscopus borealis",NA,"Arctic Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",60,100,130,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",400,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Sverige - annual reports Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",NA,NA,NA,"SE","A605",NA,"Phylloscopus borealis" "Phylloscopus canariensis",NA,"Canary Islands Chiffchaff","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",44721.3595499958,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A613",NA,"Phylloscopus canariensis" "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Greece",2015,2015,"p",20000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,365,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Spain",2004,2018,"p",642821,NA,987081,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/5270_RES_SP.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Austria",2013,2018,"p",450000,NA,7e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",25421846.1530135,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,3,NA,"AT","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","UK",2016,2016,"p",1735158,1735158,1735158,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",25421846.1530135,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,257.51,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,63.57,NA,"UK","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",149500,176900,204300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",25421846.1530135,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-7,11,28,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-5,2,7,"BE","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",350000,NA,550000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",25421846.1530135,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",74,88,103,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",28,32,38,"NL","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,7e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian)",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",432000,NA,444000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",25421846.1530135,1999,2018,"I","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",9,NA,37,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,1500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",503000,552000,608000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",326,442,588,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",167,193,223,"SE","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Finland",2013,2018,"p",379366,448944,532866,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-2,20,48,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",69,85,102,"FI","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",160000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",253840,345748,902220,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",25421846.1530135,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",40.9,51,61.9,"IE","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Germany",2016,2016,"p",3300000,NA,4600000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",25421846.1530135,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,18,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",33,41,49,"DE","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2467000,NA,3087000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-6,0,6,"PL","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",25421846.1530135,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",25,NA,70,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","France",2013,2018,"p",2500000,NA,4e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; Roché J. et al. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d'oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 241-268",25421846.1530135,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-10,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,5,NA,"FR","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",25421846.1530135,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-55,NA,-52,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-26,NA,-17,"EE","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",6e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,"SK","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",761466,861780,977183,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",25421846.1530135,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",57,NA,58,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-8.8,2.1,14.1,"LV","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",401115,401115,401115,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",25421846.1530135,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",330.73,429.3,549.71,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",13.81,41.31,74.77,"DK","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",25421846.1530135,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,43.5877399671657,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-10.2670094219805,NA,"CZ","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus ibericus",NA,"Iberian Chiffchaff","Spain",2004,2006,"p",412184,NA,667129,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",595319.543801511,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2013). Resultados del programa sacre 1996-2013. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seguimientodeaves.org/ESPECIOS/docs/ESPECIES/5272_RES_SP.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A618",NA,"Phylloscopus ibericus" "Phylloscopus ibericus",NA,"Iberian Chiffchaff","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",595319.543801511,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A618",NA,"Phylloscopus ibericus" "Phylloscopus ibericus",NA,"Iberian Chiffchaff","France",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",595319.543801511,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2000,2017,"Unk","absentData","DUBOIS, P.J., LE MARECHAL, P., OLIOSO, G. & YESOU, P. 2008. Nouvel inventaire des Oiseaux de France, Delachaux & Niestlé, Paris. 560 p. ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A618",NA,"Phylloscopus ibericus" "Phylloscopus orientalis",NA,"Eastern Bonelli's Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",22647.3660368773,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e . & aa . (epµ.) 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 se. 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. e . & aa . (epµ.) 2009. ß t peµe t d. taea, a, 528 se. 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,-50,NA,"GR","A498",NA,"Phylloscopus orientalis" "Phylloscopus orientalis",NA,"Eastern Bonelli's Warbler","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012; Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB; Nankinov 2009-Studies on the Fauna of Bulgaria. Birds-Aves;",22647.3660368773,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",10,NA,50,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,0,0,"BG","A498",NA,"Phylloscopus orientalis" "Phylloscopus orientalis",NA,"Eastern Bonelli's Warbler","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",25,NA,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",22647.3660368773,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A498",NA,"Phylloscopus orientalis" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1169000,NA,1561000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-21,-14,-6,"PL","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",517243,599453,696347,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",4317625.46217944,1991,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",47,NA,48,2015,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-27.9,-12.4,6.1,"LV","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",350000,NA,450000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",4317625.46217944,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-55,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-28,NA,-19,"EE","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",123019,200235,304541,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-76,-70,-65,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-21,-7,10,"FI","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",140000,NA,260000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",4317625.46217944,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-45,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",12,30,49,"DE","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",152000,167000,185000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-44,-35,-24,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,-23,-15,"SE","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","France",2009,2012,"p",120000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mahiez Y 2016. ETUDE DE LA POPULATION NICHEUSE DU POUILLOT SIFFLEUR PHYLLOSCOPUS SIBILATRIX DANS LE NORD - PAS-DE-CALAIS. in Etude de la population nicheuse du pouillot siffleur Phylloscopus sibilatrix dans le Nord-Pas-Calais , 27 p. ; Johannot F. Weltz, M. Brezard J.-M., Deceuninck B., Gauberville C., Hargues R., Nicolau-Guillaumet P., Paquin M., Perthuis A., Roche J. & Schricke V. 2012. Cahiers d'habitats Natura 2000. Oiseaux Tome 8. https://inpn.mnhn.fr, La Documentation Française, Paris384 ; issa N etMuller Y.coord 2015. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. in Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine, delachaux1078-1079",4317625.46217944,1989,2012,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-69,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-6.7,NA,"FR","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",-4,NA,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",-10,NA,0,"SK","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",70000,NA,140000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",4317625.46217944,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",54000,NA,58000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",4317625.46217944,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,3,NA,"AT","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",4317625.46217944,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-20,NA,0,2000,2014,"I","estimateExpert","Ceccarelli P., Gellini S., Londi G., Agostini N., 2019. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti nel Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, monte Falterona e Campigna (2012-2017).Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, monte Falterona e Campigna.",5,NA,20,"IT","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",8000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB ornithological database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-unpublished data",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB ornithological database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-unpublished data",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB ornithological database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-unpublished data",0,NA,10,"BG","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",9944,9944,9944,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",4317625.46217944,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-72.67,-63.29,-50.81,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-29.74,3.91,51.78,"DK","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",5300,7400,9500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",4317625.46217944,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-83,-76,-69,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-33,-24,-15,"BE","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","UK",2016,2016,"p",5994,6512,7031,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",4317625.46217944,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-69.67,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-16.23,NA,"UK","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1800,NA,3000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",4317625.46217944,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-61,-50,-35,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",0,18,39,"NL","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",500,500,500,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",4317625.46217944,1986,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",-94.1,NA,-70.6,2011,2018,"U","absentData","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Spain",2018,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus trochiloides",NA,"Greenish Warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",70393.1910541943,1980,2017,"Unk","estimatePartial","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides" "Phylloscopus trochiloides","sensu stricto [excluding nitidus and plumbeitarsus]","Greenish Warbler","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",14407,28100,54810,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",70393.1910541943,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-50.3,47.8,261.2,"LV","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides s. str." "Phylloscopus trochiloides","sensu stricto [excluding nitidus and plumbeitarsus]","Greenish Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",50,NA,90,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",70393.1910541943,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides s. str." "Phylloscopus trochiloides","sensu stricto [excluding nitidus and plumbeitarsus]","Greenish Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",300,400,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",70393.1910541943,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",100,200,300,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",50,100,150,"SE","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides s. str." "Phylloscopus trochiloides","sensu stricto [excluding nitidus and plumbeitarsus]","Greenish Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",17851,29280,50411,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",70393.1910541943,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",50,264,768,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",113,310,661,"FI","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides s. str." "Phylloscopus trochiloides","sensu stricto [excluding nitidus and plumbeitarsus]","Greenish Warbler","Germany",2011,2016,"p",3,NA,10,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",70393.1910541943,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,65,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,33,NA,"DE","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides s. str." "Phylloscopus trochiloides","sensu stricto [excluding nitidus and plumbeitarsus]","Greenish Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",70393.1910541943,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides s. str." "Phylloscopus trochiloides","sensu stricto [excluding nitidus and plumbeitarsus]","Greenish Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",70393.1910541943,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",60,NA,300,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides s. str." "Phylloscopus trochiloides","sensu stricto [excluding nitidus and plumbeitarsus]","Greenish Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",7000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",70393.1910541943,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-12,NA,60,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,0,NA,"EE","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides s. str." "Phylloscopus trochiloides","sensu stricto [excluding nitidus and plumbeitarsus]","Greenish Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission, http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/; https://ornitho.pl; A. Sikora - unpublished information",70393.1910541943,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A573",NA,"Phylloscopus trochiloides s. str." "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",7930000,13210000,18460000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-46,-43,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,-7,-4,"SE","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",6748688,7444401,7935556,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-38,-33,-29,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",1,4,8,"FI","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2939000,NA,3311000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-5,1,8,"PL","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","UK",2016,2016,"p",2308146,2308146,2308146,"interval","completeSurvey","Baseline = Bibby , C.J. 1989. A survey of breeding Wood Warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix, in Britain 1984-85. Bird Study 36: 56-72. Extrapolation from 1995 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",31978586.9687032,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-41.15,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,9.48,NA,"UK","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",1329439,1721483,4321906,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",31978586.9687032,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",37.7,44.9,52.5,"IE","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",790000,NA,1200000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",31978586.9687032,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-48,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-22,-16,-11,"DE","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",558242,636506,726862,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",31978586.9687032,1991,2016,"S","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",16,NA,17,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-24.3,-9.1,9,"LV","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",450000,NA,9e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",31978586.9687032,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-2,NA,"CZ","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",31978586.9687032,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-55,NA,-52,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-44,NA,-43,"EE","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,"SK","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",298645,298645,298645,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",31978586.9687032,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-72.96,-70.43,-67.67,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-44.16,-35.67,-26.01,"DK","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",150000,NA,250000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",31978586.9687032,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-28,-20,-12,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-17,-11,-5,"NL","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",31978586.9687032,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-53,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-48.35,NA,"FR","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",28200,39700,51300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",31978586.9687032,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-78,-69,-61,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-52,-41,-27,"BE","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,45000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",31978586.9687032,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,6,NA,"AT","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,43,NA,"HU","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",25,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Spain",1998,2018,"p",60,60,60,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Aparicio, R.J. (2012). Mosquitero musical – Phylloscopus trochilus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Aparicio, R.J. (2012). Mosquitero musical – Phylloscopus trochilus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. Http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Spain",2004,2006,"p",2640000,NA,3500000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",8428568.60140036,1996,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-1.1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",8428568.60140036,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,400,2012,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",10,NA,20,"IT","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","UK",2016,2016,"p",608882,608882,608882,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",8428568.60140036,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,31.02,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-2.08,NA,"UK","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","France",2013,2018,"p",350000,NA,7e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial",". Abondance et répartition de la Pie bavarde (Pica pica) dans plusieurs départements de France métropolitaine.. ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",8428568.60140036,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,14,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN. ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. Journal of Ornithology, ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision.. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615",NA,3,NA,"FR","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Germany",2016,2016,"p",375000,NA,555000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",8428568.60140036,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-7,1,9,"DE","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Poland",2013,2018,"p",390000,NA,441000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-13,-5,4,"PL","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",250000,NA,350000,"estimate","estimatePartial","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 576-577;",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","expert opinion",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 576-577;",5,NA,10,"BG","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",224150,281768,463209.333333333,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",8428568.60140036,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-13.9,-10.2,-6.4,"IE","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",235443,235443,235443,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",8428568.60140036,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-6.39,1.87,10.83,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-24.44,-18.55,-12.24,"DK","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",160000,184000,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-31,-28,-14,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-25,-18,-11,"SE","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Finland",2013,2018,"p",147470,174497,197368,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-40,-27,-11,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-38,-30,-22,"FI","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",91000,NA,103000,"interval","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",8428568.60140036,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",52400,72900,93500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",8428568.60140036,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",176,284,392,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-9,0,10,"BE","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",46791,68070,99025,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",8428568.60140036,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",209.5,NA,1094.08,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",7.9,56.6,124.8,"LV","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Greece",2015,2015,"p",30000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,116,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,116,NA,"GR","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",45000,NA,65000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",8428568.60140036,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-35,-20,-3,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",1,10,18,"NL","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",10,NA,25,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",16500,NA,45000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017) & Game & Fauna Service",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",12,NA,65,"CY","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-20,NA,-10,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",5,NA,10,"LT","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Austria",2013,2018,"p",12000,NA,16000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",8428568.60140036,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,1,NA,"AT","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",8428568.60140036,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-22,NA,-12,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-35,NA,-27,"EE","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,12900,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-21,NA,"SI","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Biver, G. & P. Jungers (2007): Die Elster Pica pica im Süden Luxemburgs in 2005 - Vergleichsstudie zu 1990. RWB 22: 52-60.; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Biver, G. & P. Jungers (2007): Die Elster Pica pica im Süden Luxemburgs in 2005 - Vergleichsstudie zu 1990. RWB 22: 52-60.; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",20,NA,30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Biver, G. & P. Jungers (2007): Die Elster Pica pica im Süden Luxemburgs in 2005 - Vergleichsstudie zu 1990. RWB 22: 52-60.; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",5400,5400,5400,"mean","estimateExpert","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",60885.9865069454,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",380,NA,520,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",350,NA,600,"mean","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2011,2018,"D","estimatePartial","The negative trend (decrease of 10-30% in the period 2011-2018) was estimated based on national monitoring results at SPA Snežnik-Pivka, SPA Julijci, SPA Kocevsko and SPA Pohorje, and also on survey results within the project LIFE Kocevsko. See the following references: Denac K. (2015): Popis triprstega in belohrbtega detla na SPA Kocevsko v letu 2015. Porocilo. Projekt »Ohranjanje Natura 2000 obmocij na Kocevskem - LIFE KOCEVSKO (LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314)«. Narocnik: Zavod za gozdove Slovenije. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Bertoncelj I., Perušek M., Hudoklin A., Bitorajc Z. (2015): Popis triprstega detla Picoides tridactylus na obmocju Natura 2000 Kocevsko. Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, Obmocna enota Kocevje, Kocevje. Perušek M. (2016): Ožji gnezdilni habitat in hranjenje mladicev triprstega detla Picoides tridactylus na Kocevskem. Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, Obmocna enota Kocevje, Kocevje. Denac K. (2017): Triprsti detel Picoides tridactylus. pp. 118-130. In: Denac K., Kmecl P., Mihelic T., Jancar T., Denac D., Bordjan D.: Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2017. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kuretic M., Bitorajc Z., Kotnik T., Prijanovic P., Peteržinek S. (2018): Popis belohrbtega (Dendrocopos leucotos) in triprstega detla (Picoides tridactylus) na obmocju Natura 2000 Kocevsko. Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, Obmocna enota Kocevje, Kocevje. Denac K. (2018): Triprsti detel Picoides tridactylus. pp. 141-151. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-30,NA,-10,"SI","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Finland",2013,2018,"p",19539,25296,34212,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-45,-5,62,"FI","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",5700,7900,10900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,-25,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-31,-5,"SE","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",350,NA,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Poland",2013,2017,"p",1000,NA,1400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Chylarecki P., Chodkiewicz T., Neubauer G., Sikora A., Meissner W., Wozniak B., Wylegala P., Lawicki L., Marchowski D., Betleja J., Bzoma S., Cenian Z., Górski A., Korniluk M., Moczarska J., Ochocinska D., Rubacha S., Wieloch M., Zielinska M., Zielinski P., Kuczynski L. 2018. Trendy liczebnosci ptaków w Polsce. GIOS, Warszawa.",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2011,2017,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MRD)",-27,-8,14,"PL","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",60885.9865069454,1991,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",0,0,0,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-98.75,-88.08,-25.13,"LV","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,170,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB database Shurulinkov P.,G.Stoyanov, E.Komitov, G.Daskalova, A.Ralev (2012) Contribution to the knowledge on distribution,number and habitat preferences of rare and endangered birds in Western Rhodopes Mts.Southern Bulgaria. Strigiformes and Piciformes. Acta zoologica bulgarica., 64(1): 43-56",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Nankinov D., S.Simeonov, T.Michev, B.Ivanov 1997 Fauna of Bulgaria vol.26, Aves, part 2.BAS ,Sofia. Red Data Book of PR Bulgaria (1985) BAS,Sofia.",-30,NA,-20,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB database Shurulinkov P.,G.Stoyanov, E.Komitov, G.Daskalova, A.Ralev (2012) Contribution to the knowledge on distribution,number and habitat preferences of rare and endangered birds in Western Rhodopes Mts.Southern Bulgaria. Strigiformes and Piciformes. Acta zoologica bulgarica., 64(1): 43-56",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Germany",2012,2016,"p",900,NA,1300,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",60885.9865069454,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,2,NA,"DE","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. EU birds mapping (SNC SR)",-10,NA,-5,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. monitoring of common species.",-10,NA,-5,"SK","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of woodpeckers. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2058&Itemid=371",-92,NA,5,"EE","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Greece",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. (5) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. 6) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","France",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","LPO Franche-Comté [collectif] 2018. Paul, J-P. (2018) Pic tridactyle (Picoides tridactylus). in LPO Franche-Comté [collectif], 2018 Les Oiseaux de Frénche-Comté. Répartition, tendances et conservation.. Biotop, Mčze, 480 p, Biotope, Mčze480",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Italy",2013,2018,"p",110,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",60885.9865069454,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",120,NA,200,2000,2014,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",10,NA,20,"IT","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Germany",2016,2016,"p",9500,NA,13500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",108246.804781925,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-38,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-12,NA,"DE","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",6500,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB database Shurulinkov P.,G.Stoyanov, E.Komitov, G.Daskalova, A.Ralev (2012) Contribution to the knowledge on distribution,number and habitat preferences of rare and endangered birds in Western Rhodopes Mts.Southern Bulgaria. Strigiformes and Piciformes. Acta zoologica bulgarica., 64(1): 43-56",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) BSPB database Nankinov D., S.Simeonov, T.Michev, B.Ivanov 1997 Fauna of Bulgaria vol.26, Aves, part 2.BAS ,Sofia.",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB database Shurulinkov P.,G.Stoyanov, E.Komitov, G.Daskalova, A.Ralev (2012) Contribution to the knowledge on distribution,number and habitat preferences of rare and endangered birds in Western Rhodopes Mts.Southern Bulgaria. Strigiformes and Piciformes. Acta zoologica bulgarica., 64(1): 43-56",5,NA,10,"BG","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",108246.804781925,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,8,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,7,NA,"CZ","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Finland",2013,2018,"p",4913,5438,6049,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",326,444,594,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",26,337,1238,"FI","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",3600,NA,7200,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",108246.804781925,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,20,NA,"AT","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Short-term trend for Picus canus is only known for farmland which is not the primary habitat of the species. Short-term trend in farmland (period 2008-2018) is uncertain (see Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.) There is no data on Picus canus short-term trend in forests in Slovenia.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,50,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of woodpeckers. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2058&Itemid=371",-26,NA,49,"EE","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Poland",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Wilk T., Bobrek R., Pepkowska-Król A., Neubauer G., Kosicki J. 2016. Ptaki polskich Karpat - stan, zagrozenia, ochrona. OTOP, Marki; Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189.",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",150,NA,200,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Latvia",2018,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",108246.804781925,1991,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Expert: Madars Bergmanis, bmadars@gmail.com",251,NA,258,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",21.1,135.22,338.38,"LV","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Croatia",2010,2015,"p",3500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",2000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,3300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",30,NA,40,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",10,NA,60,"LT","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","France",2009,2012,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Comolet-Tirman 2015. Pic cendré. in Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine, Paris800-803",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert",NA,-80,NA,-25,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",-23,NA,0,"FR","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Ridzon, J., Karaska, D., Topercer, J., 2015: Aktuálny stav výberových druhov vtákov v Chránených vtácích územiach na Slovensku. Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Banská Bystrica, 320 s.",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census EU birds mapping (SNC SR)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census EU birds mapping (SNC SR)",0,0,0,"SK","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1300,1900,2600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional data",50,100,150,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,30,"SE","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Italy",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",108246.804781925,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",40,NA,50,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Greece",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe - Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK, BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No 12).",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",4,9,14,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",108246.804781925,1973,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-77,-49,-20,"BE","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus sharpei",NA,"Iberian Green Woodpecker","Spain",2004,2006,"p",234230,NA,416850,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",335380.441881644,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades autónomas Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2002). Tendencias de las poblaciones de aves comunes en Espańa (1996-2001). Programa SACRE. Informe 2001. SEO/BirdLife. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,1998,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades autónomas Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). La invernada de Aves acuáticas en Espańa. Dirección general de Conservación de la Naturaleza-SEO/BirdLife. Ed. Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Madrid. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,2.6,NA,"ES","A867",NA,"Picus sharpei" "Picus sharpei",NA,"Iberian Green Woodpecker","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",335380.441881644,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A867",NA,"Picus sharpei" "Picus sharpei",NA,"Iberian Green Woodpecker","France",2009,2018,"p",150,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert",NA,335380.441881644,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A867",NA,"Picus sharpei" "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",10200,12700,15200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",684807.014252935,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",117,170,223,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-22,-11,1,"BE","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Austria",2013,2018,"p",17000,NA,28000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",684807.014252935,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,16,NA,"AT","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",8000,NA,9500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",684807.014252935,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",211,336,507,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",6,21,38,"NL","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","(BirdLife International 2015) European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",22000,NA,30000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 364-365 p.",100,NA,120,2007,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","The National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database suggested a 12-177% increase in the short-term, but this seems too broad and the upper range is unrealistically high. The 2013 report estimated 8300-11400 pairs, which was probably underestimated due to the different method used (500 m radius for the territory size). The MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008) publication estimated 12000-20000 pairs. All in all, the figures are inconsistent and no trend can be reliably estimated from them.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",219,219,219,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",684807.014252935,1985,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-80.63,-72.68,-61.62,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-63.41,-32.61,20.49,"DK","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",684807.014252935,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,"EE","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",10000,NA,17000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Population size for year 2018 was calculated based on the population estimate in previous reporting under the Birds Directive (DOPPS 2014) for the period 2008-2012, which was 9000-15000 pairs, and population trend for farmland landscape in Slovenia for the period 2008-2018 from Kmecl & Šumrada (2018), which was stable (annual multiplicative trend value 1,016). Population estimate was rounded upwards. DOPPS (2014): Povzetek porocila po 12. clenu Direktive o pticah za obdobje 2008-2012. Narocnik: Zavod RS za varstvo narave. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016_25_10_porocilo_pd_2008_2012-povzetek.pdf Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,"SI","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","UK",2016,2016,"p",40624,45516,50408,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",684807.014252935,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,61.46,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-10.52,NA,"UK","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Italy",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",684807.014252935,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,1100,NA,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",20,NA,30,"IT","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",11000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) BSPB database Nankinov, D., S. Simeonov, T. Michev, B. Ivanov. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",0,0,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",0,0,0,"BG","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",0,NA,10,"LU","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",13000,18000,23000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,-39,-26,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,5,22,"SE","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",684807.014252935,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,4,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,6,NA,"CZ","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","France",2009,2012,"p",150000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",684807.014252935,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,NA,45,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-17,NA,"FR","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Germany",2016,2016,"p",51000,NA,92000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",684807.014252935,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",41,NA,180,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",11,28,47,"DE","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,2300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",10,NA,15,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",10,NA,15,"SK","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,360,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-30,NA,-20,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-50,NA,-30,"LT","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",1,NA,4,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",684807.014252935,1991,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-99,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Kerus V. 2011. Changes in the status of breeding birds of Latvia during 1980-2010. Doctoral Thesis. Riga: University of Latvia Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-95,NA,"LV","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Poland",2013,2018,"p",28000,NA,43000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",78,129,194,"PL","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Pinicola enucleator",NA,"Pine Grosbeak","Finland",2013,2018,"p",4323,9829,15206,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",14829,1990,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-60,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-84,-47,60,"FI","A545",NA,"Pinicola enucleator" "Pinicola enucleator",NA,"Pine Grosbeak","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2500,5000,7500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",14829,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert judgement",-75,-50,-25,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-75,-50,-25,"SE","A545",NA,"Pinicola enucleator" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",80,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",10151.7578369793,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",0,0,0,2000,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,"BG","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Austria",2013,2017,"p",67,NA,121,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",10151.7578369793,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park, Dvorak et al. 2016",NA,30,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",NA,-9,NA,"AT","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Spain",2013,2018,"p",935,1602,1973,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas.",10151.7578369793,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. Máńez, M. & Rendón-Martos, M. (Eds.). (2009). El morito, la espátula y el flamenco en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/25_morito_espatula_y_flamenco_tcm30-208184.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,120,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. Máńez, M. & Rendón-Martos, M. (Eds.). (2009). El morito, la espátula y el flamenco en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/25_morito_espatula_y_flamenco_tcm30-208184.pdf)",0,0,0,"ES","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","UK",2012,2016,"p",31,31,31,"estimate","completeSurvey","RBBP data for 2017",10151.7578369793,1989,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,1360,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,462,NA,"UK","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",2530,NA,3100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",10151.7578369793,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",1344,1414,1487,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",44,71,103,"NL","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",518,NA,550,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF; eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",10151.7578369793,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",612,NA,1100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Source of data: National Park Directorates Expert: Csaba Pigniczki",10151.7578369793,1982,2018,"I","estimatePartial","References: Rakonczay Z. (ed.) (1990): Vörös könyv. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. 360 p. Haraszthy L. (ed.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. Data sources: National Park Directorates, references Statistical analysis: TRIM – linear model (only one data/year was used, which data is responsible for the estimated minimum number of breeding pairs in Hungary) Expert: Csaba Pigniczki",NA,43,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Data sources: National Park Directorates Statistical analysis: TRIM – time effect model, linear model (only one data/year was used, which data is responsible for the estimated minimum number of breeding pairs in Hungary). 25% decline, estimating with comparing the average breeding pairs of 2013-2018 period and the average breeding pairs of 2007-2012 period (824 bp / 1095 bp *100)Overall slope: 0.9572 ± 0.0026 (SE) There are big, annual differences between estimated breeding numbers – this is the result of the fact that Spoonbills may skip breeding, if circumstances are not optimal for them (dryness in breeding area, probably also in case of bad wintering conditions). Expert: Csaba Pigniczki",NA,-25,NA,"HU","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",25,34,43,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",10151.7578369793,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2400,3300,4200,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",19,62,105,"BE","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,280,"mean","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",10151.7578369793,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-10,NA,-5,"HR","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017, observations",10151.7578369793,1987,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,100,NA,2002,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017, observations",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",334,334,334,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",10151.7578369793,1996,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,17800,NA,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,1527,NA,"DK","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Germany",2016,2016,"p",850,850,850,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",10151.7578369793,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,8705,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",308,408,530,"DE","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Italy",2010,2015,"p",230,NA,240,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",10151.7578369793,1989,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",2300,NA,11400,2011,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",20,NA,30,"IT","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",10151.7578369793,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",1,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Greece",2015,2015,"p",300,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se 2. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 4. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",10151.7578369793,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7)Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","France",2017,2017,"p",1186,1186,1186,"estimate","completeSurvey","Marion, L. 2019. Spatule Blanche - Platalea leucorodia. in Les Oiseaux Nicheeurs Rares et Menacées en 2016/17., in prep. ; Marion, L. 2018. Spatule Blanche - Platalea leucorodia in Quaintenne, G. (Ed.) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",10151.7578369793,1981,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Marion L., Marion P. 1982. La Spatule blanche (Platalea leucorodia L.) niche au lac de Grand-Lieu. Alauda 50, 241-249 ; Marion, L. 2019. Spatule Blanche - Platalea leucorodia. in Les Oiseaux Nicheeurs Rares et Menacées en 2016/17., in prep. ; Marion, L. 2018. Spatule Blanche - Platalea leucorodia in Quaintenne, G. (Ed.) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91 ; . Quaintenne G. (coord.), Béchet A., Benmergui M., Beslot É., Brossault P., Cadiou B., Camberlein P., Croset F., Culioli J.-M., Debiesse L., Debout G., Dubois P.J., Dulac P., Flitti A., Gallien F., Girard O., Havet S., Hirtz M., Jacob Y., Kayser Y., Kobierzycki É., Le Nevé A., Lécuyer P., Marion L., Michelat D., Néouze R., Pilard P., Pin C., Ponchon C., Provost P., Purenne R., Razin M., Recorbet B., Rey D., Robin J.-G., Vincent-Martin N., Sadoul N., Scher O., Triplet P., Trotignon J. & Wahl R. (2018) Observatoire des oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés. Coord. LPO, Rochefort. .",NA,39433,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Marion, L. 2019. Spatule Blanche - Platalea leucorodia. in Les Oiseaux Nicheeurs Rares et Menacées en 2016/17., in prep. ; Marion, L. 2018. Spatule Blanche - Platalea leucorodia in Quaintenne, G. (Ed.) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, 57-91",320,375,430,"FR","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Plectrophenax nivalis",NA,"Snow Bunting","UK",2011,2011,"p",48,60,83,"estimate","completeSurvey","Hayhow, D.B., Eaton, M. A., Stanbury, A. J., Douse, A., & Marquiss, M. 2018. The first UK survey and population estimate of breeding Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis. Bird Study 65: 36-43.",31060,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,117,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,63,NA,"UK","A375",NA,"Plectrophenax nivalis" "Plectrophenax nivalis",NA,"Snow Bunting","Finland",2013,2018,"p",3000,5000,7000,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",31060,1990,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,-30,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-57,27,235,"FI","A375",NA,"Plectrophenax nivalis" "Plectrophenax nivalis",NA,"Snow Bunting","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",16000,26000,36000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",31060,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert judgement",-75,-50,-25,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-41,-11,32,"SE","A375",NA,"Plectrophenax nivalis" "Plegadis falcinellus",NA,"Glossy Ibis","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",17378.7754175179,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A032",NA,"Plegadis falcinellus" "Plegadis falcinellus",NA,"Glossy Ibis","France",2016,2016,"p",1920,1920,1920,"estimate","completeSurvey","Reeber S. 2017. Suivi ornithologique du Lac de Grand-Lieu en 2016. , SNPN - DEAL42 p. http://www.snpn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Suivi_ornithologique-RNN_du_lac_de_Grand-Lieu-2016.pdf; Les Amis des Marais du Vigueirat 2018. Marais du Vigueirat - Rapport d'activité 2017. , 73 p. http://www.marais-vigueirat.reserves-naturelles.org/medias/RA-Amis-des-Marais-du-Vigueirat-2017.pdf",17378.7754175179,1988,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Reeber S. 2017. Suivi ornithologique du Lac de Grand-Lieu en 2016. , SNPN - DEAL42 p. http://www.snpn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Suivi_ornithologique-RNN_du_lac_de_Grand-Lieu-2016.pdf; Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p ; Les Amis des Marais du Vigueirat 2018. Marais du Vigueirat - Rapport d'activité 2017. , 73 p. http://www.marais-vigueirat.reserves-naturelles.org/medias/RA-Amis-des-Marais-du-Vigueirat-2017.pdf",NA,191900,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Reeber S. 2017. Suivi ornithologique du Lac de Grand-Lieu en 2016. , SNPN - DEAL42 p. http://www.snpn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Suivi_ornithologique-RNN_du_lac_de_Grand-Lieu-2016.pdf; Kayser Y., Gauthier-Clerc M., Paz L., Ballesteros M., Boudouin S. & Petit J. 2006. Nouveaux cas de nidification de l’Ibis falcinelle Plegadis falcinellus en Camargue en 2006. Ornithos 13-5, 322-325 ; Les Amis des Marais du Vigueirat 2018. Marais du Vigueirat - Rapport d'activité 2017. , 73 p. http://www.marais-vigueirat.reserves-naturelles.org/medias/RA-Amis-des-Marais-du-Vigueirat-2017.pdf",NA,13600,NA,"FR","A032",NA,"Plegadis falcinellus" "Plegadis falcinellus",NA,"Glossy Ibis","Spain",2013,2018,"p",6462,11523,24162,"estimate","completeSurvey","SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",17378.7754175179,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Máńez, M. & Rendón-Martos, M. (Eds.). (2009). El morito, la espátula y el flamenco en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/25_morito_espatula_y_flamenco_tcm30-208184.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Máńez, M. & Rendón-Martos, M. (Eds.). (2009). El morito, la espátula y el flamenco en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/25_morito_espatula_y_flamenco_tcm30-208184.pdf). SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",11.32,11.46,11.6,"ES","A032",NA,"Plegadis falcinellus" "Plegadis falcinellus",NA,"Glossy Ibis","Greece",2015,2015,"p",220,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",17378.7754175179,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7)Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A032",NA,"Plegadis falcinellus" "Plegadis falcinellus",NA,"Glossy Ibis","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,9,"mean","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",17378.7754175179,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-100,NA,200,"HR","A032",NA,"Plegadis falcinellus" "Plegadis falcinellus",NA,"Glossy Ibis","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",50,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",17378.7754175179,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",-50,NA,-10,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",0,0,0,"BG","A032",NA,"Plegadis falcinellus" "Plegadis falcinellus",NA,"Glossy Ibis","Italy",2015,2016,"p",60,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",17378.7754175179,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",730,NA,5900,2002,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",325,NA,525,"IT","A032",NA,"Plegadis falcinellus" "Plegadis falcinellus",NA,"Glossy Ibis","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",0,NA,12,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",17378.7754175179,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 532-534. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A032",NA,"Plegadis falcinellus" "Pluvialis apricaria",NA,"Eurasian Golden Plover","Finland",2013,2018,"p",89089,121726,143233,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",275779.806460846,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-9,15,44,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-11,6,26,"FI","A140",NA,"Pluvialis apricaria" "Pluvialis apricaria",NA,"Eurasian Golden Plover","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",83000,110000,140000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",275779.806460846,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",10,25,40,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",0,13,28,"SE","A140",NA,"Pluvialis apricaria" "Pluvialis apricaria",NA,"Eurasian Golden Plover","UK",2016,2016,"p",32667,NA,50531,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = O'Brien, M. 2004. Estimating the number of farmland waders breeding in the United Kingdom. International Wader Studies 14: 135-139. Total (derived from a compilation of estimates between 1980s-2000) adjusted using subsequent BBS monitoring from 1995 to 2016",275779.806460846,1970,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Berkhamsted, T. & A.D. Poyser. O'Brien, M. 2004. Estimating the number of farmland waders breeding in the United Kingdom. International Wader Studies 14: 135-139. The latter estimate being derived from a compilation of estimates between 1980s-2000, and adjusted using subsequent BBS monitoring from 1995 to 2016. There is high uncertainty about this trend as it is probably that early national estimates are likely to have significantly under-estimated the national population size.",11,NA,71,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-8.52,NA,"UK","A140",NA,"Pluvialis apricaria" "Pluvialis apricaria",NA,"Eurasian Golden Plover","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2500,NA,3400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",275779.806460846,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Breeding birds survey of mires. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2034&Itemid=347",12,NA,27,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1,NA,8,"EE","A140",NA,"Pluvialis apricaria" "Pluvialis apricaria",NA,"Eurasian Golden Plover","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",260,NA,550,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",275779.806460846,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",7,NA,12,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1.56,3.67,6.27,"LV","A140",NA,"Pluvialis apricaria" "Pluvialis apricaria",NA,"Eurasian Golden Plover","Ireland",2019,2019,"p",84,NA,98,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Clotworthy, C. (2009). The dsitribution and ecology of Eurasian Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) in the Owenduff/Nephin Complex Special Protection Area 4098. MSc Thesis submitted to National University of Ireland, Galway. NPWS, unpublished data. IE Article 12 report for period 2008-2012.",275779.806460846,1972,2019,"D","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser. Allen, D. & Mellon, C. (unpubl data) cited in 'Bird Habitats in Ireland' 2012, Collins Press, Cork.",-84,NA,-82,2006,2019,"D","estimatePartial","See Section 2.7",NA,-37.5,NA,"IE","A140",NA,"Pluvialis apricaria" "Pluvialis apricaria",NA,"Eurasian Golden Plover","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",35,NA,45,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",275779.806460846,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A140",NA,"Pluvialis apricaria" "Pluvialis apricaria",NA,"Eurasian Golden Plover","Germany",2014,2014,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",275779.806460846,1980,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-86,NA,2004,2014,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A140",NA,"Pluvialis apricaria" "Pluvialis apricaria",NA,"Eurasian Golden Plover","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",275779.806460846,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,-100,NA,2004,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,-100,NA,"DK","A140",NA,"Pluvialis apricaria" "Podiceps auritus",NA,"Horned Grebe","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2500,2700,3000,"interval","estimatePartial","Toivanen, T. 2014: Vuoden lintu -kartoituksen tulokset 2012; Mustakurkku-uikusta on tullut saariston lintu. – The yearbook of the Linnut magazine 2013: 4–9. (in Finnish with English summary) Expert working group. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",4928.12130326537,1986,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Toivanen, T. 2014: Vuoden lintu -kartoituksen tulokset 2012; Mustakurkku-uikusta on tullut saariston lintu. – The yearbook of the Linnut magazine 2013: 4–9. (in Finnish with English summary)",NA,-11,NA,"FI","A007",NA,"Podiceps auritus" "Podiceps auritus",NA,"Horned Grebe","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1800,2000,2400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",4928.12130326537,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on national inventories",-30,-20,-10,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-14,16,163,"SE","A007",NA,"Podiceps auritus" "Podiceps auritus",NA,"Horned Grebe","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150,NA,250,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",4928.12130326537,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-48,NA,-23,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-34,NA,-1,"EE","A007",NA,"Podiceps auritus" "Podiceps auritus",NA,"Horned Grebe","UK",2012,2016,"p",29,29,29,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",4928.12130326537,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-57,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-35,NA,"UK","A007",NA,"Podiceps auritus" "Podiceps auritus",NA,"Horned Grebe","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",4928.12130326537,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,2013,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A007",NA,"Podiceps auritus" "Podiceps auritus",NA,"Horned Grebe","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,1,3,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",4928.12130326537,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-99,NA,2012,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-86.43,-82.68,-78.32,"LV","A007",NA,"Podiceps auritus" "Podiceps auritus",NA,"Horned Grebe","Germany",2011,2016,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",4928.12130326537,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-71,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A007",NA,"Podiceps auritus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Finland",2013,2018,"p",31553,35796,39663,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",218554.482866664,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut vuosikirja 2018:46-55. Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL).",-40,-34,-27,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut vuosikirja 2018:46-55. Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL).",-35,-23,-10,"FI","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Germany",2016,2016,"p",18500,NA,27000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",218554.482866664,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,19,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-11,NA,"DE","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Spain",2007,2007,"p",22050,22050,22050,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",-26.9,NA,139.4,"ES","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",18000,22000,26000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",-45,-30,-15,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-1,38,91,"SE","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Poland",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP – Flagship Species Survey); expert assessment",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",0,25,56,"PL","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","France",2009,2012,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","absentData","Issa, N. & Muller, Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Volume 1: des Anatidés aux Alcidés. Delachaud et niestlé,",218554.482866664,1985,2012,"I","completeSurvey","Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",200,NA,300,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Issa, N. & Muller, Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Volume 1: des Anatidés aux Alcidés. Delachaud et niestlé,",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",11000,NA,15000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",218554.482866664,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-42,-30,-16,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-22,-14,-6,"NL","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,13000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","UK",2016,2016,"p",4882,4882,4882,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extralopation using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trends since 1995 (Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf)",218554.482866664,1975,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Hughes, S.W.M., Bacon, P. & Flegg, J.J.M. 1979. The 1975 census of Great Crested Grebe in Britain. Bird Study 26: 213-226. BTO in litt. - this report",NA,-40,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-0.29,NA,"UK","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",3000,NA,6200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",218554.482866664,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-33,NA,-32,2000,2017,"UNK","absentData","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",218554.482866664,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-1,NA,2001,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",0,NA,0,"CZ","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",3418,3418,3418,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",218554.482866664,1982,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-69.06,-61.19,-51.38,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-59.1,-46.98,-31.64,"DK","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2315,NA,3045,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",218554.482866664,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",115,NA,325,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Estonia",2017,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",218554.482866664,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-20,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",52,NA,65,"EE","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 26 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 30 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 105-107 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 69 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-71,NA,-67,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Podiceps_cristatus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1400,1700,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",218554.482866664,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",273,353,433,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",21,47,72,"BE","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",1000,NA,2499,"estimate","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Preston, K. (1976). Census of Great Crested Grebes, summer 1975. Irish Bird Rep. 1975:38-43. Perry, K. (2000) The Ecology and Conservation of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus at Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland. PhD Thesis, University of Ulster",218554.482866664,1975,2011,"UNK","absentData","Preston, K. 1976. Census of Great Crested Grebes, summer 1975. Irish Bird Rep. 1975:38-43. Perry, K. (2000) The Ecology and Conservation of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus at Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland. PhD Thesis, University of Ulster. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,0,NA,"IE","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1700,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",218554.482866664,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1994; representativness of short term trend uncertain because no recent data on population sizes for several important breeding populations on large lakes (e.g. Wörther See, Ossiacher See) and in fish pond areas (e.g. Waldviertel)",20,NA,40,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",20,NA,50,"AT","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, 2) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. 3) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens. 4. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 6. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",550,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 46-47; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nikolov H. (2011). Podiceps cristatus. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/). SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 46-47; Nikolov H. (2011). Podiceps cristatus. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 46-47; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nikolov H. (2011). Podiceps cristatus. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",0,NA,0,"BG","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",20,NA,30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,270,"estimate","completeSurvey","Deberšek B., Bordjan D. (2016): Letna dinamika, naravovarstveno vrednotenje in pregled podatkov o pojavljanju vodnih ptic na Šaleških jezerih (S Slovenija). – Acrocephalus 37 (168/169): 5–47. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Štumberger, B. (1981): Razširjenost in pojavljanje copastega ponirka Podiceps cristata v Slovenskih goricah in na Ptujskem polju. – Acrocephalus 2 (8/9): 29-35.",200,NA,400,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",20,NA,35,"SI","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",18,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg Konter A. (2004): The Great Crested Grebe in Luxembourg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 20: 8-18; Konter A. (2009): Erster Brutnachweis des Haubentauchers Podiceps cristatus an der Sauer. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 61-62; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Konter A. (2012): Hoher Bruterfolg des Haubentauchers Podiceps cristatus in Steinheim – Zweitbrut mit Schwierigkeiten. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 73-81; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg Konter A. (2004): The Great Crested Grebe in Luxembourg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 20: 8-18; Konter A. (2009): Erster Brutnachweis des Haubentauchers Podiceps cristatus an der Sauer. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 61-62; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Konter A. (2012): Hoher Bruterfolg des Haubentauchers Podiceps cristatus in Steinheim – Zweitbrut mit Schwierigkeiten. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 73-81; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",400,NA,500,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Konter A. (2004): The Great Crested Grebe in Luxembourg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 20: 8-18; Konter A. (2009): Erster Brutnachweis des Haubentauchers Podiceps cristatus an der Sauer. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 61-62; Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Konter A. (2012): Hoher Bruterfolg des Haubentauchers Podiceps cristatus in Steinheim – Zweitbrut mit Schwierigkeiten. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 27: 73-81; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",0,NA,10,"LU","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2849,3976,5066,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",9511.52902768018,1986,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-2,21,50,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-48,-29,-4,"FI","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1500,NA,2100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",9511.52902768018,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,1,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-18,NA,"DE","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",900,1100,1400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on national inventory",80,115,150,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-30,0,30,"SE","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",754,754,754,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",9511.52902768018,1986,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-17.95,6.41,37.71,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-58.71,-36.95,-5.12,"DK","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Poland",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,900,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP – Flagship Species Survey); expert assessment",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",-80,NA,-70,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",-71,-49,-13,"PL","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",185,NA,420,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-39.44,NA,-35.76,"LV","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",525,NA,570,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150,NA,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",9511.52902768018,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-57,NA,-49,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-33,NA,-20,"EE","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",30,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. BSPB Bird Database Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",0,0,0,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",-30,NA,-10,"BG","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. P. 202 MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 278 p. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species)",NA,-88,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-75,NA,"HU","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",9,NA,16,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",9511.52902768018,1983,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",507,1153,2450,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-33,23,118,"NL","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",400,NA,900,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,0,"SI","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","France",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Croset F. 2018. Grčbe jougris - Podiceps grisegena. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, p. 57-91",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Dubois P.J., Le Maréchal P., Olioso G. & Yésou P. 2008. Nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. , Delachaud & Niestlé, Paris559 p. ; Croset F. 2018. Grčbe jougris - Podiceps grisegena. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, p. 57-91 ; Croset F. 2008. Grčbe jougris - Podiceps grisegena. in Riegel J. et les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, p. 153-180",-100,NA,200,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Croset F. 2018. Grčbe jougris - Podiceps grisegena. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2018) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25-2, p. 57-91 ; Croset F. 2008. Grčbe jougris - Podiceps grisegena. in Riegel J. et les coordinateurs-espčce (2008) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2007. Ornithos 15-3, p. 153-180",-100,NA,200,"FR","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",9511.52902768018,1987,2016,"UNK","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"UNK","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Spain",2007,2007,"p",2303,NA,3703,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","France",2009,2012,"p",1200,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",9358.72465540435,1985,2012,"I","estimatePartial","Yeatman-Berthelot D. & G. Jarry 1994. Nouvel atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1985-1989. , Société Ornithologique de France775 p ; Issa N & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",41,NA,74,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP – Flagship Species Survey); expert assessment",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",-70,NA,-60,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MFGP)",-54,21,194,"PL","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Germany",2011,2016,"p",900,NA,1100,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",9358.72465540435,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-24,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-46,-26,1,"DE","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",410,NA,540,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",9358.72465540435,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",460,508,561,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-23,1,32,"NL","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",230,310,380,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",9358.72465540435,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",4082,5536,6809,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",16,56,91,"BE","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",100,NA,250,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species)",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. p. 202 MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 278 p. National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species)",-78,NA,-66,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","National park directorates’ databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-78,NA,-66,"HU","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",135,135,135,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Uffe Gjřl Sřrensen, Truede og sjćldne danske ynglefugle 1976-1991, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, nr 89, 1995.",9358.72465540435,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-31.47,20.37,109.68,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",80,100,110,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",800,1000,1200,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-35,-25,-15,"SE","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",70,NA,90,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",0,0,0,"HR","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",50,NA,80,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",9358.72465540435,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-16,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-87,NA,-83,"CZ","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-20,NA,-10,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-53,NA,-50,"LT","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","UK",2012,2016,"p",55,55,55,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",9358.72465540435,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,234,NA,2001,2016,"S","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,4,NA,"UK","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Greece",2015,2015,"p",40,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4.t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4.t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,350,NA,"GR","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. BSPB Bird Database Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",-50,NA,-40,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",-30,NA,-15,"BG","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Austria",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,21,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",9358.72465540435,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak et al. 1994, Dvorak et al. 2016, unpublished data from various sources and databases",NA,-97,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring programm of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel national park",NA,178,NA,"AT","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-60,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-95,NA,-50,"SK","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,400,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,86,NA,"SI","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",0,2,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",9358.72465540435,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-92,-91,-90,2012,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-88.54,-87.1,-85.01,"LV","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Poecile cinctus",NA,"Siberian Tit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",55811,92435,146496,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",124435,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-76,-62,-39,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. - Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16-31",-45,-8,53,"FI","A490",NA,"Poecile cinctus" "Poecile cinctus",NA,"Siberian Tit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",16000,32000,49000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",124435,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert judgement",-90,-70,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-70,-40,-10,"SE","A490",NA,"Poecile cinctus" "Poecile lugubris",NA,"Sombre Tit","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",44569.4902725473,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A491",NA,"Poecile lugubris" "Poecile lugubris",NA,"Sombre Tit","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",44569.4902725473,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A491",NA,"Poecile lugubris" "Poecile lugubris",NA,"Sombre Tit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",44569.4902725473,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian)",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A491",NA,"Poecile lugubris" "Poecile lugubris",NA,"Sombre Tit","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",44569.4902725473,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A491",NA,"Poecile lugubris" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",104025,146961,207619,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2561327.99011038,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",NA,-31,NA,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-51.8,-26.2,11.6,"LV","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",70000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Migrationg passerines monitoring at Kabli birdstation. http://kabli.nigula.ee/index.php/et/kabli?view=species&station=kabli&spid=303",-50,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,"EE","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Greece",2015,2015,"p",200,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2015,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",2561327.99011038,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",-40,NA,-33,"HU","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",17000,NA,32000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2012,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","UK",2016,2016,"p",2759,2759,2759,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",2561327.99011038,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-90.5,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-54.85,NA,"UK","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",5300,7900,10600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2561327.99011038,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-72,-58,-44,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-56,-34,-12,"BE","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",230000,NA,292000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-19,-1,20,"PL","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2561327.99011038,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-66,-60,-52,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-25,-17,-8,"NL","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",500,500,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",2561327.99011038,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",21491.33,67930.69,207160.84,2006,2017,"U","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",444301,540270,670203,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. - Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16-31",-62,-53,-43,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. - Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16-31",-50,-44,-36,"FI","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",486000,542000,597000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-74,-71,-68,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-39,-32,-25,"SE","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",45000,NA,90000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2561327.99011038,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,43.5877399671657,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-10.167275887006,NA,"CZ","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",64000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",2561327.99011038,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-16,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-16,NA,"DE","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",2561327.99011038,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","France",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",2561327.99011038,2002,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-55,NA,-50,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,85000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",13000,NA,15000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",4074519.20677496,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-15,6,31,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-9,1,11,"NL","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,130000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",4074519.20677496,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","UK",2016,2016,"p",28686,28686,28686,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",4074519.20677496,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends Broughton, R.K. & Hinsley, S.A. 2015. The ecology and conservation of the Marsh Tit in Britain. British Birds 108: 12-29.",NA,-61.84,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf Broughton, R.K. & Hinsley, S.A. 2015. The ecology and conservation of the Marsh Tit in Britain. British Birds 108: 12-29.",NA,-43.18,NA,"UK","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",13300,17800,22200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",4074519.20677496,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-49,-32,-15,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-30,-20,-8,"BE","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,-52,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",130000,NA,250000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",75000,90000,109000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-74,-69,-64,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-37,-24,-8,"SE","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",192000,NA,326000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",27,59,98,"PL","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",60000,NA,120000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",4074519.20677496,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",29444,29444,29444,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",4074519.20677496,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-26.26,-11.31,6.58,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-33.37,-14.89,8.17,"DK","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","France",2013,2018,"p",6e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",4074519.20677496,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial",NA,NA,9,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,3.38,NA,"FR","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",4074519.20677496,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",230,NA,400,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",20,NA,35,"IT","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",405000,NA,530000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",4074519.20677496,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,14,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-13,0,15,"DE","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",4074519.20677496,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-97,NA,-71,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-94,NA,-61,"EE","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,160000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Spain",1998,2002,"p",82000,NA,96000,"interval","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",105000,NA,160000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Expert opinion based on the national common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database graph.",0,0,0,"HU","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",48132,87907,160550,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",4074519.20677496,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-38,NA,-37,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-74.1,-56.4,-28,"LV","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Porphyrio porphyrio","porphyrio","Purple Swamphen","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",4332.57556266758,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A722",NA,"Porphyrio porphyrio porphyrio" "Porphyrio porphyrio","porphyrio","Purple Swamphen","France",2014,2014,"p",107,NA,184,"estimate","completeSurvey","Clément D. 2016. Talčve sultane - Porphyrio porphyrio. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2016) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2014. Ornithos 23-2, 65-101",4332.57556266758,1995,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Clément D. 2016. Talčve sultane - Porphyrio porphyrio. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2016) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2014. Ornithos 23-2, 65-101 ; Aleman Y. 1996. La Talčve sultane Porphyrio porphyrio, une nouvelle espčce nicheuse pour la France. Ornithos 3-1, 176-177",9000,NA,10600,2007,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Gonin J. & Aleman Y. 2006. Talčve sultane - Porphyrio porphyrio. in Riegel, J. & les coordinateurs-espčce (2006) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2003 et 2004. Ornithos 13-4, 209-237 ; Clément D. 2016. Talčve sultane - Porphyrio porphyrio. in Quaintenne & les coordinateurs-espčce (2016) Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2014. Ornithos 23-2, 65-101",40,NA,110,"FR","A722",NA,"Porphyrio porphyrio porphyrio" "Porphyrio porphyrio","porphyrio","Purple Swamphen","Italy",2013,2018,"p",550,NA,750,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",4332.57556266758,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,130,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A722",NA,"Porphyrio porphyrio porphyrio" "Porphyrio porphyrio","porphyrio","Purple Swamphen","Spain",2007,2018,"p",3300,3350,3400,"interval","estimatePartial","Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",4332.57556266758,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",-8.3,-8.3,NA,"ES","A722",NA,"Porphyrio porphyrio porphyrio" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",700,1100,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. . – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,-4,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. . – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,6,NA,"FI","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"cmales",150,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","DELOV, V. Spotted Crake Porzana porzana. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Poporzan.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp.",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","DELOV, V. Spotted Crake Porzana porzana. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Poporzan.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. SIMEONOV, A., T. MICHEV, D. NANKINOV. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press. Sofia. 351 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"UNK","absentData","DELOV, V. Spotted Crake Porzana porzana. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Poporzan.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",5,NA,80,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",12493.3751754462,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-80,NA,-50,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Spain",2018,2018,"cmales",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Greece",2015,2015,"cmales",0,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,"GR","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","UK",2012,2016,"cmales",31,31,31,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",12493.3751754462,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,431,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,50,NA,"UK","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Latvia",2013,2017,"cmales",610,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",12493.3751754462,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",66,NA,79,2006,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Keišs O. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the night active birds in farmland. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-62.7,-4.1,130.2,"LV","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Belgium",2013,2018,"cmales",20,48,77,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",12493.3751754462,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",233,700,1183,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-33,60,157,"BE","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Slovenia",2013,2018,"cmales",20,NA,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Kercek M. (2009): Gnezdilke kopenskega dela zadrževalnika Medvedce (SV Slovenija). – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 165–179. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,192,NA,"SI","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Hungary",2014,2018,"cmales",650,NA,1300,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 55-56 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 112-113 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 244-246 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 100 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 96. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Porzana_porzana.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",0,0,0,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Netherlands",2013,2017,"cmales",110,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",12493.3751754462,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-47,-43,-39,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-28,-6,22,"NL","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",900,NA,1300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lietuvos raudonoji knyga. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 800 p. (Red Data Book of Lithuania, 2007) Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",40,NA,80,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Germany",2016,2016,"cmales",900,NA,1400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",12493.3751754462,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,8,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-8,NA,"DE","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Italy",2013,2018,"cmales",10,NA,30,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",12493.3751754462,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-85,NA,-80,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",0,0,0,"IT","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","France",2013,2018,"cmales",100,NA,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris ; Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs-espčce 2013. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2012., Ornithos 20-6 : (. p. 297-33",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData","Issa, N. & Muller, Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Volume 1: des Anatidés aux Alcidés. Delachaud et niestlé,",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Croatia",2012,2012,"cmales",30,NA,70,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",12493.3751754462,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-61,NA,-51,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-50,NA,-45,"EE","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",60,NA,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Databáza výskytu mapovatela: M. Fulína, dátum 15.3.2012 ŠOP SR. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",75,125,175,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-30,-20,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-70,-50,-30,"SE","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Denmark",2017,2017,"cmales",66,66,66,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",12493.3751754462,1980,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Spain",1998,2018,"p",1403,1403,1403,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",63127.1351738279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por Cataluńa.",NA,11,NA,"ES","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",63127.1351738279,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Austria",2013,2018,"p",13000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",63127.1351738279,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",0,0,0,"AT","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Poland",2013,2015,"p",200,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Wilk T., Bobrek R., Pepkowska-Król A., Neubauer G., Kosicki J. 2016. Ptaki polskich Karpat - stan, zagrozenia, ochrona. OTOP, Marki.",63127.1351738279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2000,NA,3500,"interval","estimatePartial","National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Spiridonov G., A. Ignatov, G. Stoyanov (2011). Alpine Accentor, Prunella collaris. In: Golemanski, V. et al. (Eds) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 2. Animals. IBEI – BAS & MOEW, Sofia. SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",63127.1351738279,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Spiridonov G., A. Ignatov, G. Stoyanov (2011). Alpine Accentor, Prunella collaris. In: Golemanski, V. et al. (Eds) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 2. Animals. IBEI – BAS & MOEW, Sofia. Ignatov A., G. Spiridonov, P. Iankov (2007). Prunella collaris. - In: Iankov, P. (ed). Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 422-423.",0,NA,5,2000,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Spiridonov G., A. Ignatov, G. Stoyanov (2011). Alpine Accentor, Prunella collaris. In: Golemanski, V. et al. (Eds) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 2. Animals. IBEI – BAS & MOEW, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Ignatov A., G. Spiridonov, P. Iankov (2007). Prunella collaris. - In: Iankov, P. (ed). Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 422-423.",0,NA,5,"BG","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",3,NA,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",63127.1351738279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",63127.1351738279,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","France",2009,2018,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",63127.1351738279,1989,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",63127.1351738279,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-45,NA,-20,"IT","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Germany",2016,2016,"p",430,NA,800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",63127.1351738279,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",100,100,100,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",63127.1351738279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",63127.1351738279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","UK",2016,2016,"p",2504683,2504683,2504683,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",11620935.114887,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-9.87,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,3.85,NA,"UK","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",1294124,1630331,3933464,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",11620935.114887,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",7.9,13.7,19.8,"IE","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1250000,NA,1750000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",11620935.114887,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-17,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-15,-8,-1,"DE","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","France",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",11620935.114887,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",-30,-30,-30,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",-24.8,-24.8,-24.8,"FR","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Spain",2004,2006,"p",715000,NA,1065000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. Http://www.magrama.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm7-218232.pdf",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2015). Prunella modularis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T22718651A60276558. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22718651/60276558) Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",514000,552000,591000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-96,-65,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-19,-13,-7,"SE","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Finland",2013,2018,"p",324360,418055,529238,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-9,8,29,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-33,-26,-19,"FI","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",240000,NA,480000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",11620935.114887,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",216300,249500,282800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",11620935.114887,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3,19,35,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-36,-29,-21,"BE","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",11620935.114887,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,1,NA,"AT","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",175000,NA,225000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",11620935.114887,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-28,-17,-5,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-16,-11,-6,"NL","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",120774,149429,184883,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",11620935.114887,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-30,NA,-29,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-37.3,-13.2,19.4,"LV","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Poland",2013,2018,"p",127000,NA,167000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-45,-30,-12,"PL","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",11620935.114887,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-15,NA,-5,"IT","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",70000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",11620935.114887,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-25,NA,-20,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-19,NA,1,"EE","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",70606,70606,70606,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",11620935.114887,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-62.71,-55.77,-47.58,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-38.93,-21.12,1.34,"DK","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",32000,NA,41000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"interval","estimatePartial","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 420-421.",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 420-421.",0,NA,5,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 420-421.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,5,"BG","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Consultation with national experts.",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",-58,NA,-33,"HU","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Pterocles alchata",NA,"Pin-tailed Sandgrouse","Spain",2007,2018,"p",7397,NA,8831,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Suárez, F., Hervás, I., Herranz, J. & Del Moral, J.C. (2006). La ganga ibérica y la ganga ortega en Espańa: población en 2005 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/8_ganga_y_ortega_2005_tcm30-208253.pdf).",8166.18698404149,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Suárez, F., Hervás, I., Herranz, J. & Del Moral, J.C. (2006). La ganga ibérica y la ganga ortega en Espańa: población en 2005 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/8_ganga_y_ortega_2005_tcm30-208253.pdf).",750,750,750,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Suárez, F., Hervás, I., Herranz, J. & Del Moral, J.C. (2006). La ganga ibérica y la ganga ortega en Espańa: población en 2005 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/8_ganga_y_ortega_2005_tcm30-208253.pdf).",0,0,0,"ES","A205",NA,"Pterocles alchata" "Pterocles alchata",NA,"Pin-tailed Sandgrouse","France",2016,2016,"p",54,77,119,"interval","completeSurvey",". Rapport d'activité 2018 de la Réserve naturelle nationale des coussouls de Crau. ; 2012. Bilan technique et financier final. Plan national d'actions en faveur du Ganga cata (Pterocles alchata) et de l'Alouette calandre (Melanocorypha calandra) 2012-2016.",8166.18698404149,1980,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Cheylan G. 1975. Esquisse écologique d’une zone semi-aride: la Crau (Bouches-du-Rhône). Alauda 43, p. 23-54 ; Wolff A. 1998. Effectifs et répartition de la grande avifaune nicheuse des coussouls de Crau. In Patrimoine naturel et pratiques pastorales en Crau, Saint-Martin de Crau, CEEP-Écomusée de la Craup. 13-21 ; Cheylan G. 1990. Le statut du Ganga cata Pterocles alchata en France. Alauda, 58, p 9-15",-21,NA,-10,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A205",NA,"Pterocles alchata" "Pterocles alchata",NA,"Pin-tailed Sandgrouse","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,16,"estimate","completeSurvey","unpublished data ICNF",8166.18698404149,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A205",NA,"Pterocles alchata" "Pterocles orientalis",NA,"Black-bellied Sandgrouse","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",130,NA,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cardoso, A.C., 2014. Censo de Cortiçol-de-barriga-preta. ICNF - Departamento de Conservaçăo da Natureza e das Florestas do Alentejo; Cardoso, A.C., 2018. Censo de Cortiçol-de-barriga-preta. ICNF - Departamento de Conservaçăo da Natureza e das Florestas do Alentejo.",3152.14240043769,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Rufino R (coord.) (1989); Equipa Atlas 2008; Cardoso, A.C., 2013. Censo de Cortiçol-de-barriga-preta. ICNF - Departamento de Conservaçăo da Natureza e das Florestas do Alentejo; Cardoso, A.C., 2014. Censo de Cortiçol-de-barriga-preta. ICNF - Departamento de Conservaçăo da Natureza e das Florestas do Alentejo; Cardoso, A.C., 2018. Censo de Cortiçol-de-barriga-preta. ICNF - Departamento de Conservaçăo da Natureza e das Florestas do Alentejo; A.C.Cardoso com.pess.",NA,-28.9,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Cardoso, A.C., 2013. Censo de Cortiçol-de-barriga-preta. ICNF - Departamento de Conservaçăo da Natureza e das Florestas do Alentejo; Cardoso, A.C., 2014. Censo de Cortiçol-de-barriga-preta. ICNF - Departamento de Conservaçăo da Natureza e das Florestas do Alentejo; Cardoso, A.C., 2018. Censo de Cortiçol-de-barriga-preta. ICNF - Departamento de Conservaçăo da Natureza e das Florestas do Alentejo.",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A420",NA,"Pterocles orientalis" "Pterocles orientalis",NA,"Black-bellied Sandgrouse","Spain",2005,2018,"p",1145,2257,2909,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",3152.14240043769,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",-90,-70,-60,2005,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Suárez, F., Hervás, I., Herranz, J. & Del Moral, J.C. (2006). La ganga ibérica y la ganga ortega en Espańa: población en 2005 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/8_ganga_y_ortega_2005_tcm30-208253.pdf)",-80,-77,-50,"ES","A420",NA,"Pterocles orientalis" "Pterocles orientalis",NA,"Black-bellied Sandgrouse","Canary Islands",2011,2011,"p",450,755.5,1113,"Minimum","estimatePartial","BirdLife International. (2015). Ptrerocles orientalis (black-bellied sandgrouse). European Union Red List of Birds. Supplementary material.",3152.14240043769,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes y distribución de cuatro especies de aves estepáricas en las Islas Canarias orientales. Contrato para la realización de actividades de apoyo tecnológico, Red Electrica de Espańa, Madrid, Espańa. Disponible en: https://goo.gl/2pjBe9. Emmerson, K.W. (1999). Distribución y abundancia en las Islas Canarias. (pp. 109-115). In Herranz , J. & Suárez, F. (eds.). La Ganga Ibérica (Pterocles alchata) y la Ganga Ortega (Pterocles orientalis) en Espańa. Distribución, abundancia, biología y conservación. Colección Técnica. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. González Acebes, M. & Moreno Martín, A.C. (2003). Ganga ortega Pterocles orientalis: Fuerteventura. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2003. Gobierno de Canarias. 27 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Seoane, J., Carrascal, L.M., Palomino, D. & Alonso, C.L. (2010). Population size and habitat relationships of Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis in the Canary Islands, Spain. Bird Conservation International 20: 161-175. Suárez, F., Hervás, I., Herranz, J. & Del Moral, J.C. (2006). La ganga ibérica y la ganga ortega en Espańa: población en 2005 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. (2012). Tendencias poblacionales recientes y distribución de cuatro especies de aves estepáricas en las Islas Canarias orientales. Contrato para la realización de actividades de apoyo tecnológico, Red Electrica de Espańa, Madrid, Espańa. Disponible en: https://goo.gl/2pjBe9. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Seoane, J., Carrascal, L.M., Palomino, D. & Alonso, C.L. (2010). Population size and habitat relationships of Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis in the Canary Islands, Spain. Bird Conservation International 20: 161-175.",-58,NA,-36,"ESIC","A420",NA,"Pterocles orientalis" "Pterodroma deserta",NA,"Desertas Petrel","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",160,NA,180,"estimate","estimatePartial","Menezes, D., Oliveira, P., Ramírez, I. 2010. Pterodromas do arquipélago da Madeira. Duas espécies em recuperaçăo. Funchal, Portugal: Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira. Ramos, Raül; Ramírez, Iván; Paiva, Vitor; Milităo, Teresa; Biscoito, Manuel; Menezes, Dília; Phillips, Richard; Zino, Francis & González-Solís, Jacob. (2016). Global spatial ecology of three closely-related gadfly petrels. Scientific Reports. 6. 23447. 10.1038/srep23447. Ramiréz, Iván; Paiva, Vitor; Menezes, Dília; Silva, Isamberto; Phillips, Richard A.; Ramos, Jaime A.& Garthe, Stefan. (2013)Year round distribution and habitat preferences of the Bugio Petrel. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Volume 476: 269-284 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",169.705627484771,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Based on expert opinion",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Menezes, D., Oliveira, P., Ramírez, I. 2010. Pterodromas do arquipélago da Madeira. Duas espécies em recuperaçăo. Funchal, Portugal: Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira. Ramos, Raül & Ramírez, Iván & Paiva, Vitor & Milităo, Teresa & Biscoito, Manuel & D., Menezes & Phillips, Richard & Zino, Francis & González-Solís, Jacob. (2016). Global spatial ecology of three closely-related gadfly petrels. Scientific Reports. 6. 23447. 10.1038/srep23447.",0,0,0,"PTMA","A872",NA,"Pterodroma deserta" "Pterodroma madeira",NA,"Zino's Petrel","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",65,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","Menezes, D., Oliveira, P., Ramírez, I. 2010. Pterodromas do arquipélago da Madeira. Duas espécies em recuperaçăo. Funchal, Portugal: Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira. Ramos, Raül & Ramírez, Iván & Paiva, Vitor & Milităo, Teresa & Biscoito, Manuel & D., Menezes & Phillips, Richard & Zino, Francis & González-Solís, Jacob. (2016). Global spatial ecology of three closely-related gadfly petrels. Scientific Reports. 6. 23447. 10.1038/srep23447. 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",72.1110255092798,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Based on expert opinion",30,NA,40,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Menezes, D., Oliveira, P., Ramírez, I. 2010. Pterodromas do arquipélago da Madeira. Duas espécies em recuperaçăo. Funchal, Portugal: Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira. Ramos, Raül & Ramírez, Iván & Paiva, Vitor & Milităo, Teresa & Biscoito, Manuel & D., Menezes & Phillips, Richard & Zino, Francis & González-Solís, Jacob. (2016). Global spatial ecology of three closely-related gadfly petrels. Scientific Reports. 6. 23447. 10.1038/srep23447.",0,0,0,"PTMA","A385",NA,"Pterodroma madeira" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1700,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",171270.708138081,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Spain",1998,2002,"p",46778,46778,46778,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",171270.708138081,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",171270.708138081,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",1100,NA,1400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",171270.708138081,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",171270.708138081,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",171270.708138081,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",0,0,0,"PT","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",11000,NA,16000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",171270.708138081,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",10,NA,20,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian) BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,"BG","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Germany",2012,2016,"p",70,NA,110,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",171270.708138081,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,51,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,21,NA,"DE","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","France",2008,2012,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. , LPO, MNHN & SEOF, Paris689-1408",171270.708138081,1980,2012,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,NA,0,"FR","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Italy",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",171270.708138081,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",400,NA,500,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service);",171270.708138081,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Puffinus lherminieri","[including baroli]","Audubon's Shearwater","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1512,NA,3837,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ramos, U. 2013. Reproductive biology of an endangered seabird species, the Macaronesian Shearwater Puffinus baroli baroli. Tese de mestrado em Ecologia. Faculdade de Cięncias da Universidade de Coimbra (năo publicado) Plano de açăo da espécie do projeto LIFE Ilhéus do Porto Santo (https://lifeportosanto.madeira.gov.pt/) 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",3823.18411841353,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Oliveira, P. & Moniz, P. 1995. Breeding Chronology of the Little shearwater Puffinus assimilis in Selvagem Grande. Proc. Of the 5th Internacional Seabird Group Conference. Glasgow Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ramos, U. 2013. Reproductive biology of an endangered seabird species, the Macaronesian Shearwater Puffinus baroli baroli. Tese de mestrado em Ecologia. Faculdade de Cięncias da Universidade de Coimbra (năo publicado)",0,0,0,"PTMA","A880",NA,"Puffinus lherminieri" "Puffinus lherminieri","[including baroli]","Audubon's Shearwater","Azores",1996,2004,"p",895,NA,1741,"estimate","estimatePartial","Monteiro L.R., Ramos J.A., Pereira J. C.,Monteiro P. R., Feio R. S., Thompson D. R.,Bearhop S., Furness R. W., Laranjo M., Hilton G., Neves V. C., Groz M. P., and Thompson K.R. (1999). Status and Distribuition of Fea's Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Manx Shearwater, and Band-Rumped Storm Petrel in the Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds 22, 358-366. Neves, V. (2008). Puffinus assimilis In Equipa Atlas (eds.): Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). Pp. 122-123. Instituto de Conservaçăo da Natureza e Biodiversidade, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Parque Natural da Madeira, Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar. Assírio & Alvim, Lisboa.",3823.18411841353,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A880",NA,"Puffinus lherminieri" "Puffinus lherminieri","[including baroli]","Audubon's Shearwater","Canary Islands",2014,2015,"p",95,NA,291,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Bécares, J., Gil-Velasco, M., Morales, E. & Aguilar, N. (2015). Canarias con la Mar. Conservación de cetáceos y Aves marinas en Canarias (Memoria Técnica). Informe de GIC-ULL a la Fundación Biodiversidad-MAGRAMA. Gil Velasco, M. (2017). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 1ş. Información de las especies objetivo en Canarias, Lanzarote, en las áreas seleccionadas y nidos para el seguimiento de MISTIC SEAS II. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 49 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 2ş. Monitoreo acústico de las colonias de pardela chica Puffinus baroli en El Golfo (Timanfaya, Lanzarote) y Montańa Clara (Archipiélago Chinijo). Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico.Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 26 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 3ş. Información de las campańas de junio a octubre del segundo ańo, reuniones mantenidas y acciones de divulgación. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Documento de avance del informe final con la estructura del mismo. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 38 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",3823.18411841353,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bécares, J., Gil-Velasco, M., Morales, E. & Aguilar, N. (2015). Canarias con la Mar. Conservación de cetáceos y Aves marinas en Canarias (Memoria Técnica). Informe de GIC-ULL a la Fundación Biodiversidad-MAGRAMA. Gil Velasco, M. (2017). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 1ş. Información de las especies objetivo en Canarias, Lanzarote, en las áreas seleccionadas y nidos para el seguimiento de MISTIC SEAS II. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 49 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 2ş. Monitoreo acústico de las colonias de pardela chica Puffinus baroli en El Golfo (Timanfaya, Lanzarote) y Montańa Clara (Archipiélago Chinijo). Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico.Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 26 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 3ş. Información de las campańas de junio a octubre del segundo ańo, reuniones mantenidas y acciones de divulgación. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Documento de avance del informe final con la estructura del mismo. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 38 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez, B., De León, L., Martín A., Alonso, J. & Nogales, M. (2003). Status and distribution of breeding seabirds in the northern islets of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Atlantic Seabirds 5(2): 41-56.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bécares, J., Gil-Velasco, M., Morales, E. & Aguilar, N. (2015). Canarias con la Mar. Conservación de cetáceos y Aves marinas en Canarias (Memoria Técnica). Informe de GIC-ULL a la Fundación Biodiversidad-MAGRAMA. Gil Velasco, M. (2017). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 1ş. Información de las especies objetivo en Canarias, Lanzarote, en las áreas seleccionadas y nidos para el seguimiento de MISTIC SEAS II. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 49 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 2ş. Monitoreo acústico de las colonias de pardela chica Puffinus baroli en El Golfo (Timanfaya, Lanzarote) y Montańa Clara (Archipiélago Chinijo). Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico.Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 26 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Informe parcial 3ş. Información de las campańas de junio a octubre del segundo ańo, reuniones mantenidas y acciones de divulgación. Avances del proyecto MISTIC SEAS II a nivel macaronésico. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 52 pp. Gil Velasco, M. (2018). Proyecto Piloto de Monitorización de Aves marinas en Canarias en el marco de MISTIC SEAS II. Documento de avance del informe final con la estructura del mismo. Gobierno de Canarias y Asociación GIC. 38 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A880",NA,"Puffinus lherminieri" "Puffinus mauretanicus",NA,"Balearic Shearwater","Spain",2017,2017,"p",2907,2907,2907,"estimate","estimateExpert","Arcos, J.M., Alonso, J., López, I. &Mayol, J. (2017). Study, monitoring and conservation of the Balearic shearwater in Spain: an update. Fourth Meeting of the Population and Conservation Status Working Group, ACAP - PACSWG Inf 25 Rev 1.",2907,1985,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Genovart, M., Arcos, J. M., Álvarez, D., McMinn, M., Meier, R., Wynn, R. B., ... & Oro, D. (2016). Demography of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater: the impact of fisheries and time to extinction. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53(4), 1158-1168.",NA,-0.14,NA,2007,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Genovart, M., Arcos, J. M., Álvarez, D., McMinn, M., Meier, R., Wynn, R. B., … & Oro, D. (2016). Demography of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater: the impact of fisheries and time to extinction. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53(4), 1158-1168.",NA,-14,NA,"ES","A693",NA,"Puffinus mauretanicus" "Puffinus puffinus",NA,"Manx Shearwater","UK",1999,2002,"p",281382,299712,319499,"estimate","completeSurvey","Newton, S.F., Thompson, K. & Mitchell, P.I. 2004. Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus. Pp. 63-80. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",335807.86095294,1980,2015,"UNK","absentData","JNCC. 2016. Seabird Population Trends and Causes of Change: 1986-2015 Report (http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Updated September 2016.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2015,"UNK","absentData","JNCC. 2016. Seabird Population Trends and Causes of Change: 1986-2015 Report (http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Updated September 2016.",NA,NA,NA,"UK","A013",NA,"Puffinus puffinus" "Puffinus puffinus",NA,"Manx Shearwater","Ireland",1998,2002,"p",32545,32545,32545,"estimate","completeSurvey","As per last Art 12 Report: Mitchell, P. Ian, Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (2004) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002). T & AD Poyser, London. Expert opinion and unpublished data: S. Newton, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",335807.86095294,1980,2019,"UNK","absentData","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2002,2018,"UNK","absentData","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A013",NA,"Puffinus puffinus" "Puffinus puffinus",NA,"Manx Shearwater","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1250,NA,5000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira Equipa Atlas 2008. Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). Instituto da Conservaçăo da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Parque Natural da Madeira e Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar. Assírio & Alvim. Lisboa. 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25 Fagundes, A.I., J. Nunes & J. Ferreira. 2008. Atlas das Aves Nidificantes do Parque Ecológico do Funchal. Município do Funchal. 115 pp.",335807.86095294,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Trujillo, D. 2008. Seguimiento de una especie amenazada de ave de Canarias, pardela pichoneta (Puffinus puffinus), integrada en el proyecto INTERREG III B Azores-Madeira-Canarias (Bionatura). GesPlan S.A. Informe inédito. Nunes, J., Nunes, M., Fagundes, A. I., Valkenburg, T. 2010. Contributo para a conservaçăo do Fura-bucho-do-atlântico Puffinus puffinus, uma espécie ameaçada na ilha da Madeira. Airo 20: (12-21).",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",NA,0,NA,"PTMA","A013",NA,"Puffinus puffinus" "Puffinus puffinus",NA,"Manx Shearwater","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",250,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International. (2015) European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp.",335807.86095294,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife International. (2015) European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez, B., Barone, R., Pérez, B. & Hernández, A. (2008). Status and conservation requirements of Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus on Tenerife (Canary Islands). Alauda 76 (1): 72-74. Trujillo, D. (2008). Seguimiento de una especie amenazada de ave de Canarias, pardela pichoneta (Puffinus puffinus), integrada en el proyecto interreg III B Azores-Madeira- Canarias (Bionatura). GesPlan S.A. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Pérez-Méndez, N. & Rodríguez, A. (2017). Documento estratégico para la conservación de las aves marinas de Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias. 76 pp. Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez, B., Barone, R., Pérez, B. & Hernández, A. (2008). Status and conservation requirements of Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus on Tenerife (Canary Islands). Alauda 76 (1): 72-74. Trujillo, D. (2008). Seguimiento de una especie amenazada de ave de Canarias, pardela pichoneta (Puffinus puffinus), integrada en el proyecto interreg III B Azores-Madeira- Canarias (Bionatura). GesPlan S.A. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A013",NA,"Puffinus puffinus" "Puffinus puffinus",NA,"Manx Shearwater","France",2017,2017,"p",319,NA,464,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mahéo, H., Cadiou, B. 2017. Rapport d’activité de la Réserve naturelle nationale d’Iroise 2017. AFB/PNMI.. ; Provost, P., Bentz, G., Deniau, A. 2017. Réserve Naturelle Nationale des Sept-Iles – Rapport d’activités 2017.",335807.86095294,1978,2017,"I","completeSurvey",NA,26100,NA,26100,2005,2017,"I","completeSurvey",NA,80.5,NA,80.5,"FR","A013",NA,"Puffinus puffinus" "Puffinus puffinus",NA,"Manx Shearwater","Azores",1996,2004,"p",115,NA,240,"estimate","estimatePartial","Monteiro LR, Ramos JA, Pereira JC, Monteiro PR, Feio RS, Thompson DR, Bearhop S, Furness RW, Laranjo M, Hilton G, Neves VC, Groz MP and Thompson KR. (1999). Status and Distribution of Fea’s Petrel, Bulwer’s Petrel, Manx Shearwater, Little Shearwater, and Band-Rumped Storm Petrel in the Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds 22: 358-366.",335807.86095294,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A013",NA,"Puffinus puffinus" "Puffinus yelkouan",NA,"Yelkouan Shearwater","Italy",2003,2010,"p",12791,NA,19774,"estimate","estimateExpert","Baccetti et al. 2009, in Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",30703.5832119299,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",10,NA,20,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A464",NA,"Puffinus yelkouan" "Puffinus yelkouan",NA,"Yelkouan Shearwater","Greece",2013,2018,"p",6830,NA,13200,"estimate","completeSurvey","1) Gaudard C. (compiler) (2018). International Single Species Action Plan for the Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus Yelkouan. Project LIFE 14 PRE/UK/000002. Coordinated Efforts for International Species Recovery EuroSAP. LPO/BirdLife France. Rochefort. 45p. 2) Fric, J., t, ., aed, ., µa, ., apad, . & . (2019). et t p (Puffinus yelkouan) st pe t G. Sett aaf 2015-2018. Nature Conservation Consultants (NCC) E... & taea. 3) Portolou, D. and J. Fric (2015) Status and conservation of seabird species in Greece and the current Marine Important Bird Area network. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the Conservation of Marine and Coastal Birds in the Mediterranean. Hammamet, Tunisia, 20-22 February 2015. RAC-SPA (Mediterranean Action Plan), Medmaravis and Les Amis des Oiseaux (BirdLife Tunisia). 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",30703.5832119299,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","1) Gaudard C. (compiler) (2018). International Single Species Action Plan for the Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus Yelkouan. Project LIFE 14 PRE/UK/000002. Coordinated Efforts for International Species Recovery EuroSAP. LPO/BirdLife France. Rochefort. 45p. 2) Fric, J., t, ., aed, ., µa, ., apad, . & . (2019). et t p (Puffinus yelkouan) st pe t G. Sett aaf 2015-2018. Nature Conservation Consultants (NCC) E... & taea. 3) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and T. Kastritis (2012). Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece. LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285 - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece), Athens. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,0,"GR","A464",NA,"Puffinus yelkouan" "Puffinus yelkouan",NA,"Yelkouan Shearwater","France",2016,2018,"p",2031,2954,4425,"estimate","estimatePartial","LPO PACA, CEFE & PNPC 2018. Recensement des populations de Puffins de Scopoli et yelkouan sur les îles d’Hyčres 2017-2019. Partie 2 : Puffin yelkouan sur l’île du Levant (83). Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros, 48 ; . PNPC (2013). Suivi_Puffins_Bagaud_juin2013. Données non publiées fournies par le Parc national de Port-Cros. ; Audevard A. 2017. Recensement des populations de Puffins de Scopoli et yelkouan sur les îles d’Hyčres 2017-2019. Partie 1 : Porquerolles (83). Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros et LPO PACA, 54 p. ; CEFE, PNPC & LPO PACA 2019. Réévaluation des effectifs reproducteurs de puffin yelkouan sur l'île du Levant. Données non publiées, ; Bourgeois K. & Vidal E. 2009. Suivi des populations de puffins des îles d’Hyčres – Bilan 2003-2009 et note méthodologique. Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros, 30 p. ; . PNCal (2019). eff_PUFYEL_PNcal. Données non publiées fournies par le Parc national des Calanques..",30703.5832119299,1982,2018,"Unk","estimatePartial","Bourgeois, K. 2012. Le puffin yelkouan Puffinus yelkouan : Etat des connaissances et de conservation actualisé des populations nicheuses des petites îles Méditerranée, Initiative PIM. 22 p. ; LPO PACA, CEFE & PNPC 2018. Recensement des populations de Puffins de Scopoli et yelkouan sur les îles d’Hyčres 2017-2019. Partie 2 : Puffin yelkouan sur l’île du Levant (83). Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros, 48 ; Audevard A. 2017. Recensement des populations de Puffins de Scopoli et yelkouan sur les îles d’Hyčres 2017-2019. Partie 1 : Porquerolles (83). Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros et LPO PACA, 54 p. ; Rabouam, C. 1999. Le puffin cendré Calonectris diomedea diomedea et le puffin de Méditerranée Puffinus puffinus yelkouan dans l'archipel des îles d'Hyčres. ; Zotier, R. & Vidal, P. 2004. Puffin yelkouan, Cadiou, B., Pons, J.M. & Yésou, P. (eds). p. 58–61 ; . PNCal (2019). eff_PUFYEL_PNcal. Données non publiées fournies par le Parc national des Calanques..",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"U","estimatePartial","LPO PACA, CEFE & PNPC 2018. Recensement des populations de Puffins de Scopoli et yelkouan sur les îles d’Hyčres 2017-2019. Partie 2 : Puffin yelkouan sur l’île du Levant (83). Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros, 48 ; Audevard A. 2017. Recensement des populations de Puffins de Scopoli et yelkouan sur les îles d’Hyčres 2017-2019. Partie 1 : Porquerolles (83). Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros et LPO PACA, 54 p. ; Bourgeois K. & Dromzée S. 2012. Dynamique des populations de puffins sur les îles d’Hyčres. Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros, 28 p. ; CEFE, PNPC & LPO PACA 2019. Réévaluation des effectifs reproducteurs de puffin yelkouan sur l'île du Levant. Données non publiées, ; Bourgeois K. & Vidal E. 2009. Suivi des populations de puffins des îles d’Hyčres – Bilan 2003-2009 et note méthodologique. Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros, 30 p. ; Courbin N., Grémillet D. & Besnard A. 2018. Etude de la dynamique des populations de puffins de Scopoli et yelkouan du Parc national des Calanques et du Parc national de Port-Cros. Rapport pour le Parc national de Port-Cros et des Calanques, 94 p. ; Oppel S., Raine A.F., Borg J.J., Raine H., Bonnaud E., Bourgeois K. & Breton A.R. 2011. Is the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan threatened by low adult survival probabilities?. Biological Conservation 144, 2255-2263 ; . PNCal (2019). eff_PUFYEL_PNcal. Données non publiées fournies par le Parc national des Calanques..",-50,NA,0,"FR","A464",NA,"Puffinus yelkouan" "Puffinus yelkouan",NA,"Yelkouan Shearwater","Malta",2016,2018,"p",1770,NA,2580,"estimate","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016), Bird Life Malta LIFE Arcipelagu Garnija Project, code is LIFE14 NAT/MT/991 (2015-2020), Bird Life Malta and John J. Borg Malta Environment & Planning Authority (2013): MSFD Initial Assessment Report-Seabirds. Malta: Malta Environment & Planning Authority",30703.5832119299,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,18,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project LIFE10 NAT/MT/090 (2011-2016), Bird Life Malta LIFE Arcipelagu Garnija Project, code is LIFE14 NAT/MT/991 (2015-2020), Bird Life Malta and John J. Borg Malta Environment & Planning Authority (2013): MSFD Initial Assessment Report-Seabirds. Malta: Malta Environment & Planning Authority Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,18,NA,"MT","A464",NA,"Puffinus yelkouan" "Puffinus yelkouan",NA,"Yelkouan Shearwater","Croatia",2018,2019,"p",127,NA,360,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Kapelj, S., Mikulic, K., Rajkovic, Ž., Zec, M., Šaric, I., Budinski, I., (2019.): Rezultati istraživanja cjevonosnica 2019. godine – Završno izvješce terenskih istraživanja u sklopu izrade strucne podloge – cjevonosnice, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str. *procjena ne ukljucuje Malu i Veliku Palagružu, zato je min",30703.5832119299,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Kapelj, S., Mikulic, K., Rajkovic, Ž., Zec, M., Šaric, I., Budinski, I., (2019.): Rezultati istraživanja cjevonosnica 2019. godine – Završno izvješce terenskih istraživanja u sklopu izrade strucne podloge – cjevonosnice, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Kapelj, S., Mikulic, K., Rajkovic, Ž., Zec, M., Šaric, I., Budinski, I., (2019.): Rezultati istraživanja cjevonosnica 2019. godine – Završno izvješce terenskih istraživanja u sklopu izrade strucne podloge – cjevonosnice, u sklopu projekta OPKK 2014.-2020. ""Izrada prijedloga planova upravljanja strogo zašticenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)“ Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",0,0,0,"HR","A464",NA,"Puffinus yelkouan" "Puffinus yelkouan",NA,"Yelkouan Shearwater","Spain",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Genovart, M., Juste, J., Contreras-Díaz, H., & Oro, D. (2012). Genetic and phenotypic differentiation between the critically endangered Balearic shearwater and neighboring colonies of its sibling species. Journal of Heredity, 103(3), 330-341.",30703.5832119299,1980,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","Genovart, M., Juste, J., Contreras-Díaz, H., & Oro, D. (2012). Genetic and phenotypic differentiation between the critically endangered Balearic shearwater and neighboring colonies of its sibling species. Journal of Heredity, 103(3), 330-341.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","completeSurvey","Genovart, M., Juste, J., Contreras-Díaz, H., & Oro, D. (2012). Genetic and phenotypic differentiation between the critically endangered Balearic shearwater and neighboring colonies of its sibling species. Journal of Heredity, 103(3), 330-341.",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A464",NA,"Puffinus yelkouan" "Pyrrhocorax graculus",NA,"Yellow-billed Chough","Spain",1998,2002,"p",10000,NA,11000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",58211.9004582648,1984,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","absentData","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A345",NA,"Pyrrhocorax graculus" "Pyrrhocorax graculus",NA,"Yellow-billed Chough","Greece",2015,2015,"p",2000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",58211.9004582648,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A345",NA,"Pyrrhocorax graculus" "Pyrrhocorax graculus",NA,"Yellow-billed Chough","Austria",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,14000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",58211.9004582648,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A345",NA,"Pyrrhocorax graculus" "Pyrrhocorax graculus",NA,"Yellow-billed Chough","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",58211.9004582648,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A345",NA,"Pyrrhocorax graculus" "Pyrrhocorax graculus",NA,"Yellow-billed Chough","Germany",2016,2016,"p",550,NA,1100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",58211.9004582648,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A345",NA,"Pyrrhocorax graculus" "Pyrrhocorax graculus",NA,"Yellow-billed Chough","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,1000,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",58211.9004582648,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A345",NA,"Pyrrhocorax graculus" "Pyrrhocorax graculus",NA,"Yellow-billed Chough","France",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",58211.9004582648,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,-85,NA,-85,"FR","A345",NA,"Pyrrhocorax graculus" "Pyrrhocorax graculus",NA,"Yellow-billed Chough","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",58211.9004582648,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,50,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",-25,NA,-5,"IT","A345",NA,"Pyrrhocorax graculus" "Pyrrhocorax graculus",NA,"Yellow-billed Chough","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,1300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",58211.9004582648,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",-20,NA,-10,2001,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",-30,NA,-10,"BG","A345",NA,"Pyrrhocorax graculus" "Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax",NA,"Red-billed Chough","Spain",1998,2002,"p",16943,16943,16943,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",23899.8095912882,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Blanco, G. (2004a). La Chova piquirroja (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax). Pp. 546-547. En: Martí, R. (ed.). Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología, Madrid. Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,1.4,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A346",NA,"Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax" "Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax",NA,"Red-billed Chough","France",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",23899.8095912882,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A346",NA,"Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax" "Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax",NA,"Red-billed Chough","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,1800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Xirouchakis, S. & Handrinos, G. 2009. Red-billed Chough. In: Legakis, A. & P. Maragou (eds.). The Greek Red Data Book. Hellenic Zoological Society.",23899.8095912882,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Xirouchakis, S. & Handrinos, G. 2009. Red-billed Chough. In: Legakis, A. & P. Maragou (eds.). The Greek Red Data Book. Hellenic Zoological Society.",-30,NA,-5,"GR","A346",NA,"Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax" "Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax",NA,"Red-billed Chough","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1050,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",23899.8095912882,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,110,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A346",NA,"Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax" "Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax",NA,"Red-billed Chough","Ireland",2002,2003,"p",839,839,839,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gray, N., Thomas, G., Trewby, M. & Newton, S. (2003) The status and distribution of Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in the Republic of Ireland 2002/03. Irish Birds 7: 147-156. Trewby, M., Carroll, D., Farrell, F., Gaj- McKeever, R., Mugan, N. & Newton, S. (2010). The seasonal distribution and foraging behaviour of Red-billed Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in Counties Sligo and Leitrim, February 2009 to January 2010. Unpublished BirdWatch Ireland Report to National Parks & Wildlife Service. Trewby, M., Carroll, D., Gaj-McKeever, R., & Newton, S. (2010) The seasonal distribution and foraging behaviour of Red-billed Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in north Co. Kerry, September 2008 to September 2009. Unpublished BirdWatch Ireland Report to National Parks & Wildlife Service. Trewby, M., Carroll, D., Mugan, N. O’Keeffe, D. & Newton, S. (2010) The seasonal distribution and foraging behaviour of Red-billed Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in Counties Waterford and Cork, February 2008 to January 2009. Unpublished BirdWatch Ireland Report to National Parks & Wildlife Service. Trewby, M., Thomas, G. & Newton, S. (2005) The distribution and feeding ecology of the Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in southwest Co. Cork. BirdWatch Ireland Conservation Report No. 05/1. Trewby, M. (2006) Choughs in southwest Co. Mayo, Killary Harbour to Achill Island: a review of information and observations in October-November 2006. Unpublished BirdWatch Ireland Report, Newtownmountkennedy, Co.Wicklow. A review of the SPA network of sites in the Republic of Ireland. A report by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, December 2013.",23899.8095912882,1982,2003,"I","completeSurvey","Bullock, I.D., Drewett, D.R. & Mickleburgh, S.P. (1983) The Chough in Ireland. Irish Birds 2:257-271. Gray, N., Thomas, G., Trewby, M. & Newton, S. (2003) The status and distribution of Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in the Republic of Ireland 2002/03. Irish Birds 7: 147-156. Expert opinion: M. Trewby, Woodrow Sustainable Solutions http://woodrow.ie/team/mike-trewby",24,NA,30,1992,2003,"S","completeSurvey","Berrow, S.D., Mackie, K.L., O’Sullivan, O., Shepherd, K.B., Mellon, C. & Coveney, J.A. (1993) The second International Chough Survey in Ireland. Irish Birds 5: 1-10. Gray, N., Thomas, G., Trewby, M. & Newton, S. (2003) The status and distribution of Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in the Republic of Ireland 2002/03. Irish Birds 7: 147-156. Expert opinion: M. Trewby, Woodrow Sustainable Solutions http://woodrow.ie/team/mike-trewby",0,0,0,"IE","A346",NA,"Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax" "Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax",NA,"Red-billed Chough","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",250,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A., González, E. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y abundancia de especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente en 2017. Informe final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 226 pp.",23899.8095912882,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Blanco, G., Pais, J.L., Fargallo, J.A., Potti, J., Lemus, J.A., & Dávila, J.A. (2009). High proportion of non breeding individuals in an isolated Red-billed Chough population on an oceanic island (La Palma, Canary Islands). Ardeola 56 (2): 229-339. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González, E. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y abundancia de especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente en 2017. Informe final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 226 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Blanco, G., Pais, J.L., Fargallo, J.A., Potti, J., Lemus, J.A., & Dávila, J.A. (2009). High proportion of non breeding individuals in an isolated Red-billed Chough population on an oceanic island (La Palma, Canary Islands). Ardeola 56 (2): 229-339. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A., González, E. & Trujillo, D. (2017). Estudio de la distribución y abundancia de especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente en 2017. Informe final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 226 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A346",NA,"Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax" "Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax",NA,"Red-billed Chough","UK",2014,2014,"p",333,333,333,"estimate","completeSurvey","Hayhow, D.B., Johnstone, I., Moore, A.S., Mucklow, C., Stratford, A. Sur, M. & Eaton, M.A. 2018. Breeding status of Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in the UK and Isle of Man 2014. Bird Study 65: 458-470.",23899.8095912882,1982,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Bullock, I., Drewett, D. & Mickleburgh, M.A. 1983. The Chough in Britain and Ireland. British Birds 76: 377-401. Hayhow, D.B., Johnstone, I., Moore, A.S., Mucklow, C., Stratford, A. Sur, M. & Eaton, M.A. 2018. Breeding status of Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in the UK and Isle of Man 2014. Bird Study 65: 458-470.",NA,81,NA,1992,2014,"I","completeSurvey","Johnstone, I., Thorpe, R., Moore, A. & Finney, S. 2007. Breeding status of Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in the UK and Isle of Man in 2002. Bird Study 54: 23-24. Hayhow, D.B., Johnstone, I., Moore, A.S., Mucklow, C., Stratford, A. Sur, M. & Eaton, M.A. 2018. Breeding status of Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in the UK and Isle of Man 2014. Bird Study 65: 458-470.",NA,31,NA,"UK","A346",NA,"Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax" "Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax",NA,"Red-billed Chough","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",23899.8095912882,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A346",NA,"Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax" "Pyrrhula murina",NA,"Azores Bullfinch","Azores",2018,2018,"p",257,485,841,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coelho R. 2018. Monitorizaçăo de Priolo Pyrrhula murina 2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado).",485,1983,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bibby C. J. & Charlton T. D. 1991. Observations on the Săo Miguel bullfinch. Acoreana, 7, 297-304. Bibby,C. J., Charlton, T. D., & Ramos, J. A. 1992. Studies of west Paleartic birds-Azores bullfinch. British Birds, 85, 677-680. Ceia, R. 2008. Monitorizaçăo da populaçăo de Priolo. Relatório da acçăo F6 do Projecto LIFE Priolo. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://life-priolo.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/f6_life_priolo_spea.pdf Ceia R., Ramos J.A., Heleno R., Hilton G., Marques T. 2011. Status assessment ofthe critically endangered Azores Bullfinch. Bird Conserv. Int. 21, pp. 477–489. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0959270911000025 Coelho, R. 2018. Monitorizaçăo de Priolo Pyrrhula murina 2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado). Monticelli D., Ceia R., Heleno R., Laborda H., Timóteo S., Jareńo D., Hilton G.M. & Ramos, J. A. 2010. High survival rate of a critically endangered species, the Azores Bullfinch Pyrrhula murina, as a contribution to population recovery. Journal of Ornithology, 151(3), pp. 627-636. doi.org/10.1007/s10336-010-0501-4 Ramos J.A. 1996. Introduction of exotic tree species as a threat to the Azores Bullfinch population. J Appl Ecol 33:710–722",600,600,600,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Coelho R. 2018. Monitorizaçăo de Priolo Pyrrhula murina 2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado). Gil A., Ceia R., Coelho R., Teodósio J., Sampaio H., Veríssimo C., Heleno R., Ramos J. & Timóteo S. 2016. The Priolo Atlas: A citizen science-based census initiative for supporting Pyrrhula murina habitat conservation and restoration policies in Săo Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal). Ecological engineering, 86, pp. 45-52.",0,NA,0,"PTAC","A453",NA,"Pyrrhula murina" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",511000,582000,665000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-42,-34,-24,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",36,55,77,"SE","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",281402,432420,700663,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., Tierney, T. D., O’Halloran, J. & Cummins, S. (in prep) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",3173935.7926858,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",30.9,40.9,51.7,"IE","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","UK",2016,2016,"p",263951,263951,263951,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1995 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",3173935.7926858,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-11.42,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,29.54,NA,"UK","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Finland",2013,2018,"p",149394,247991,381859,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-28,-8,17,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",18,37,58,"FI","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Germany",2016,2016,"p",170000,NA,330000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",3173935.7926858,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,80,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",55,91,135,"DE","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",110266,178680,289542,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",3173935.7926858,1991,2016,"S","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-3,NA,-2,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-2.2,51.4,130.9,"LV","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Spain",2004,2018,"p",114908,171708,238800,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","France",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",3173935.7926858,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-55,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-30.86,NA,"FR","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",90000,NA,180000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",3173935.7926858,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,3,NA,"CZ","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Austria",2013,2018,"p",90000,NA,160000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",3173935.7926858,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,0,NA,"AT","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",70000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3173935.7926858,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-41,NA,-14,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-42,NA,-37,"EE","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",0,0,0,"SK","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Poland",2013,2018,"p",64000,NA,91000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-26,1,37,"PL","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Italy",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",3173935.7926858,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-20,NA,-10,"IT","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",38963,38963,38963,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",3173935.7926858,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",7.11,47.28,102,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-0.12,41.62,98.82,"DK","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; p.",0,NA,0,"BG","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",9600,12100,14700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3173935.7926858,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-40,-24,-8,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-9,10,33,"BE","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",9000,NA,11000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3173935.7926858,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",46,96,162,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",38,55,74,"NL","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3, LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,66,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,15,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",-95,NA,-90,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",0,0,0,"HU","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P., Denac K., Ploj A., Gamser M. (2019): Porocilo popisa ptic na Cerkniškem jezeru v letu 2018. Projekt LIFE Stržen (LIFE16NAT/SI/000708). DOPPS, Ljubljana.",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2013,"UNK","absentData","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2800,"estimate","completeSurvey","M. Dvorak et al. Unpublished data; Dvorak & Nemeth (2014); BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",122304.181582115,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds); M. Dvorak et al. Unpublished data",-80,NA,-50,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","M. Dvorak et al. Unpublished data",NA,NA,NA,"AT","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Spain",1998,2002,"p",11400,NA,68800,"interval","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",730,970,1210,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",122304.181582115,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",26,67,109,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-37,-16,5,"BE","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",2800,NA,4700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",122304.181582115,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-1,25,59,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",31,44,58,"NL","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","UK",2012,2016,"p",1410,1410,1410,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694. A known under-estimate; RBBP (Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel 2017. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2015. British Birds 110: 706-754) suggest 1,950 territories in 2015 if separate estimates from county recorders included in total.",122304.181582115,1988,2011,"S","absentData","Trend inferred from 20 year index of distribution change in GB = -0.04 indicating stability (as documented by comparision of 1988-91 and 2007-11 BTO breeding atlases: Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swann, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R.J. 2013. Bird Atlas 2007-2011. The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. BTO, BirdWatch Ireland & SOC; Thetford, Norfolk. 720 pp.)",0,0,0,2004,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"UK","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",122304.181582115,1990,2018,"UNK","absentData","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Rallus_aquaticus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp.",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","estimateExpert","IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",800,NA,1600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2900,4700,6500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-55,NA,665,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,50,"SE","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Croatia",2013,2013,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Poland",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-4,71,197,"PL","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Finland",2013,2018,"p",700,1000,1300,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. . – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,270,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. . – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,13,NA,"FI","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2004. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.2 (Tetraonidae-Scolopacidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",122304.181582115,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1632,1632,1632,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",122304.181582115,1996,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-39.15,-3.68,51.03,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-36.01,11.65,90.07,"DK","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Germany",2011,2016,"p",13500,NA,20000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",122304.181582115,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,24,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,7,NA,"DE","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",980,NA,1961,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",122304.181582115,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","France",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",800,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",122304.181582115,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",29,NA,48,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",29,NA,48,"EE","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",870,NA,1800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",122304.181582115,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",41,NA,48,2012,2017,"UNK","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",17,NA,22,"estimate","completeSurvey","Bastian M. (2013): Die Brutverbreitung 2012 der Wasserralle (Rallus aquaticus) in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 9-16; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Bastian M. (2013): Die Brutverbreitung 2012 der Wasserralle (Rallus aquaticus) in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 9-16; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",0,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bastian M. (2013): Die Brutverbreitung 2012 der Wasserralle (Rallus aquaticus) in Luxemburg. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 28: 9-16; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1250000,NA,1850000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",5639403.12868463,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-15,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-22,-1,25,"DE","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1205000,NA,1885000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",38,38,38,"ES","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","France",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,9e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",5639403.12868463,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,102,102,102,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",98,98,98,"FR","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",5639403.12868463,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,200,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",10,NA,25,"IT","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Poland",2013,2018,"p",258000,NA,539000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",92,145,211,"PL","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",135000,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Austria",2013,2018,"p",120000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",5639403.12868463,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",75000,NA,150000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",5639403.12868463,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,5,NA,"CZ","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",56000,NA,125000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",43800,55000,66200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",5639403.12868463,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-47,-34,-20,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-23,-16,-7,"BE","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Greece",2015,2015,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",10000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",12000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",10,NA,20,"LU","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",3000,4000,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",30000,4e+05,5e+05,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",3000,4000,5000,"SE","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",299900,NA,499900,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",49900,NA,59900,"LT","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",3500,NA,4200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",5639403.12868463,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-9,53,156,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",49,74,103,"NL","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","UK",2016,2016,"p",1465,1465,1465,"estimate","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",5639403.12868463,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,1732,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,453,NA,"UK","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Latvia",2017,2018,"p",350,NA,1600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",5639403.12868463,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",25394,NA,39359,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",15905.96,21524.06,24668.03,"LV","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases",0,0,0,"HU","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",225,225,225,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Uffe Gjřl Sřrensen, Truede og sjćldne danske ynglefugle 1976-1991, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, nr 89, 1995.",5639403.12868463,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",790.7,2487.33,7200.1,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus madeirensis",NA,"Madeira Kinglet","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=157&Itemid=66&lang=pt van der Ende & van der Veen. (2009). Population size & presence in habitat types of the Madeira Firecrest (Regulus madeirensis) on Madeira Island. Final Thesis on Animal Management. University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein; Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",70710.6781186547,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Oliveira, P., Costa Neves, H. & Silva, I. 1998. Composition, Structure and Density Changes of Passerine Communities in Laurel Forest, Exotic Forest and Agricultural Fields on Madeira Island. Boletim Museu Municipal, nş5: 291-298.",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",2,NA,40,"PTMA","A652",NA,"Regulus madeirensis" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",3609000,3880000,4146000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-68,-63,-58,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",21,30,39,"SE","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Finland",2013,2018,"p",782597,1176892,1481232,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-31,-18,-2,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-6,2,12,"FI","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Germany",2016,2016,"p",910000,NA,1350000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",12826530.0644459,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-23,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-33,-23,-10,"DE","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","UK",2016,2016,"p",788292,788292,788292,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",12826530.0644459,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-11.25,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-12.04,NA,"UK","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Poland",2013,2018,"p",522000,NA,811000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-22,-8,8,"PL","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","France",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",12826530.0644459,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-41,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-6.5,NA,"FR","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",436715,601806,1611234,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",12826530.0644459,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-9.4,-2.6,4.8,"IE","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",12826530.0644459,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",25,NA,50,2000,2014,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",-20,NA,-5,"IT","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",248913,322427,417652,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",12826530.0644459,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-46,NA,-45,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-1.2,32,75.3,"LV","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Austria",2013,2018,"p",250000,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",12826530.0644459,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,1,NA,"AT","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Spain",1998,2002,"p",170000,NA,580000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-34.4,NA,"ES","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",190000,NA,360000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",12826530.0644459,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-4,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-5,NA,"CZ","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",12826530.0644459,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-78,NA,-72,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-43,NA,-42,"EE","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",118100,NA,258300,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,118,NA,"SI","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Azores",2013,2017,"p",45517,141325,307960,"mean","estimatePartial","Count data extracted from CAC (Common Bird Census; 2013-2018), provided by SPEA (not published).",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"UNK","absentData","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",NA,NA,NA,"PTAC","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",80000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",108094,108094,108094,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",12826530.0644459,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-57.8,-44.14,-26.21,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-54.21,-23.27,25.86,"DK","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",50100,63900,77700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",12826530.0644459,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-50,-36,-22,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-38,-23,-3,"BE","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",45000,NA,75000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",12826530.0644459,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",42,73,110,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",14,25,38,"NL","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",5000,NA,12000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Regulus_regulus.pdf",0,0,0,"HU","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Spain",2004,2006,"p",12400,NA,14600,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2018). Datos de anillamiento y recuperaciones en Espańa. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, SEO/BirdLife, ICO, EBD-CSIC y GOB. Madrid. (http://www.anillamientoseo.org)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","absentData","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2018). Datos de anillamiento y recuperaciones en Espańa. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, SEO/BirdLife, ICO, EBD-CSIC y GOB. Madrid. (http://www.anillamientoseo.org)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",-100,NA,-100,"LU","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Austria",2013,2018,"p",130,NA,230,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",163746.459194912,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-90,NA,-70,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,-80,NA,"AT","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",45,NA,75,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",163746.459194912,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",424,625,900,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-76,-58,-29,"NL","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",163746.459194912,1998,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 119 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 252 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 497-499 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 204-205 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-66,NA,-63,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Remiz_pendulinus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,0,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",163746.459194912,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,0,NA,"BE","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",400,NA,900,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 560-561; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Kambourova N. (2011). Remiz pendulinus. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/). SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 560-561; Kambourova N. (2011). Remiz pendulinus. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 560-561; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Kambourova N. (2011). Remiz pendulinus. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Poland",2013,2018,"p",14000,NA,34000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-33,-11,19,"PL","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Finland",2013,2018,"p",3,5,15,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",163746.459194912,1985,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",NA,85,NA,"FI","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",163746.459194912,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-11,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-8,NA,"CZ","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",10,20,30,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-30,-20,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-50,-30,-10,"SE","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",10,10,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Uffe Gjřl Sřrensen, Truede og sjćldne danske ynglefugle 1976-1991, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, nr 89, 1995.",163746.459194912,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-87.68,-26.97,299.81,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1700,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",163746.459194912,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-32,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-46,NA,"DE","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","France",2008,2012,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,163746.459194912,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Yeatman-Berthelot D. & Jarry G. 1994. Olioso, G. (1994) Rémiz penduline. in Yeatman-Berthelot D. & Jarry G. Nouvel Atlas des Oiseaux Nicheurs de France 1985-1989, Société Ornithologique de France775",-100,NA,-98,2007,2018,"Unk","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Issa, N. (2015) Rémiz penduline. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015) Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropiltaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO / SEOF / MNHN. Delachaux et Nieslé, Paris, 1408 p., Delachaux & Niestlé, paris1406",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Italy",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,11000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",163746.459194912,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-65,NA,-50,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti com. pers.",-15,NA,-5,"IT","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",10,NA,30,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",163746.459194912,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",50,NA,100,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,"EE","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,1700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",163746.459194912,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",171,NA,184,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",56.15,58.11,59.36,"LV","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-40,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-50,NA,-30,"SK","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Greece",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (2) Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens. (3) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Austria",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,6500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",1771220.86478593,1981,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-40,NA,-20,"AT","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,3000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Božic L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bracko F. (1997): Ornitološki atlas Drave od Maribora do Ptuja (1989–1992). – Acrocephalus 18 (82): 57–97. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Polak S. (ed.) (2000b): Mednarodno pomembna obmocja za ptice v Sloveniji. Important Bird Areas (IBA) in Slovenia. Monografija DOPPS št. 1. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Božic L., Denac D. (2017): Population dynamics of five riverbed breeding bird species on the lower Drava River, NE Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 38 (174/175): 85–126. Denac, D. & Smole, J. & Vrezec, A. (2009): Naravovarstveno vrednotenje avifavne ob Savi med Krškim in Jesenicami na Dolenjskem s predlogom novega mednarodno pomembnega obmocja (IBA) za ptice v Sloveniji. – Natura Sloveniae 11 (1): 25-57. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",50,NA,60,"SI","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Spain",1998,2002,"p",540000,NA,750000,"interval","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series no. 3).",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",6300,7700,9200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1771220.86478593,1973,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-30,-14,2,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","short-term trends calculated from the Common Bird Monitoring schemes results",-16,3,23,"BE","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",64099,230111.5,660342.666666667,"interval","estimatePartial","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",1771220.86478593,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-34.6,-17.7,3.1,"IE","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Netherlands",2013,2016,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1771220.86478593,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",541,550,559,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-27,-18,-8,"NL","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",12000,NA,24000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Croatia",2010,2010,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Grlica, I. (2014): Monitoring bregunice (Riparia riparia), vodomara (Alcedo atthis), male cigre (Sterna albifrons) i crvenokljune cigre (Sterna hirundo) na rijekama Muri, Dravi i Dunavu tijekom 2014. godine. Završno izvješce za DZZP",-80,NA,-65,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",-50,NA,-30,"HR","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",17000,26000,42000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-83,-74,-60,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-70,-52,-25,"SE","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB GIS related ornithological database",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10. BSPB GIS related ornithological database",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series Book 10.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB GIS related ornithological database",0,NA,10,"BG","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","UK",2016,2016,"p",70457,NA,227281,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",1771220.86478593,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,17.3,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,34.82,NA,"UK","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Poland",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-4,62,166,"PL","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Germany",2016,2016,"p",85000,NA,135000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1771220.86478593,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-18,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-19,NA,"DE","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Finland",2013,2018,"p",16000,19000,22000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki. Ahlman, S. 2011: Sand Martin in Finland in 2009. -- The Yearbook of the Linnut Magazin 2010:130--135 (Finnish with English summary).",-85,-65,-22,"FI","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","France",2009,2012,"p",60000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,1771220.86478593,1985,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"Unk","estimatePartial",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Italy",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",1771220.86478593,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-25,NA,-10,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",15000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. P. 202.",-70,NA,-30,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",7300,NA,16000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1771220.86478593,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",NA,-80,NA,2000,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-28.47,-28.1,-27.77,"LV","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",6000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1771220.86478593,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-65,NA,-40,2006,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-237,NA,-49,"EE","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation)",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation)",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation)",-50,NA,-30,"SK","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",60,NA,120,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",-80,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-50,NA,-25,"LU","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",9210,9210,9210,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",1771220.86478593,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-68.86,-56.83,-40.32,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-63.46,-43.07,-12.71,"DK","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Rissa tridactyla",NA,"Black-legged Kittiwake","UK",2015,2015,"p",172699,205261,257493,"interval","estimatePartial","JNCC Seabird Monitoring Programme. The UK population estimates were derived from a method first used in APEP3: Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100. Population estimates were calculated using the long-term Thomas trend index from the year 1986 - 2015 (using counts from a sample of colonies monitored by the UK Seabird Monitoring Programme), anchored to the last census count, Seabird 2000. To test the robustness of the Thomas trend an estimation the Seabird 2000 population was produced using the trend index between 1986-2000 and anchored to the 1986 (SCR) census population for the species. If this estimate had a variance of 30% (or over) from the actual Seabird 2000 population, the method was not used (and an alternative is given, such as the Seabird 2000 census). Thomas trend methodology can be found here http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201",240480.115039523,1986,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-70,-61,48,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-20,-13,-7,"UK","A188",NA,"Rissa tridactyla" "Rissa tridactyla",NA,"Black-legged Kittiwake","Ireland",2015,2018,"p",24728,24728,24728,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",240480.115039523,1987,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,-35,NA,2002,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,-32,NA,"IE","A188",NA,"Rissa tridactyla" "Rissa tridactyla",NA,"Black-legged Kittiwake","Germany",2016,2016,"p",4697,4697,4697,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",240480.115039523,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",58,108,174,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-44,-33,-19,"DE","A188",NA,"Rissa tridactyla" "Rissa tridactyla",NA,"Black-legged Kittiwake","Spain",2013,2017,"p",0,2,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla). Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",240480.115039523,1981,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla). Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",-99,-99,0,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla). Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",NA,-90,NA,"ES","A188",NA,"Rissa tridactyla" "Rissa tridactyla",NA,"Black-legged Kittiwake","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",200,200,200,"minimum","estimateExpert","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",240480.115039523,2000,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Sovon, Camphuysen & de Vreeze (2005)",0,NA,100,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Sovon",0,NA,100,"NL","A188",NA,"Rissa tridactyla" "Rissa tridactyla",NA,"Black-legged Kittiwake","France",2016,2018,"p",4815,NA,5500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Fabrice Gallien 2018. Suivi de la mouette tridactyle en période de reproduction sur des colonies témoins des sous-régions marines Manche - mer du Nord et mers Celtiques - Saison 2018. Rapport pour l'AFB, 10 http://www.oiseaux-manche.org/accueil/productions/documents; Fabrice Gallien 2016. Suivi de la mouette tridactyle en période de reproduction sur des colonies témoins de la sous-région marine Manche Mer du Nord - Saison 2016 . Rapport pour l'AFB, 9 http://www.oiseaux-manche.org/accueil/productions/documents; Fabrice Gallien 2017. Suivi de la mouette tridactyle en période de reproduction sur des colonies témoins des sous-régions marines Manche - mer du Nord et mers Celtiques - Saison 2017 . Rapport pour l'AFB, 10 http://www.oiseaux-manche.org/accueil/productions/documents",240480.115039523,1979,2018,"I","completeSurvey",NA,136,NA,160,2009,2018,"S","completeSurvey",NA,NA,0,0,"FR","A188",NA,"Rissa tridactyla" "Rissa tridactyla",NA,"Black-legged Kittiwake","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",409,409,409,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176, http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR176.pdf & https://www.fugledata.dk/kolkyst/",240480.115039523,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-9.2,11.03,35.64,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-0.47,26.93,61.1,"DK","A188",NA,"Rissa tridactyla" "Rissa tridactyla",NA,"Black-legged Kittiwake","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",31,37,41,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",240480.115039523,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-20,0,20,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-10,0,10,"SE","A188",NA,"Rissa tridactyla" "Saxicola dacotiae",NA,"Fuerteventura Stonechat","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"i",13376,NA,15492,"estimate","completeSurvey","García del Rey, E. (2009). The status of the Fuerteventura Stonechat Saxicola dacotiae: a new evaluation using distance sampling and GIS: Bird Conservation International 19: 1-9. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Seoane, J., Kouri, A. Illera, J.C., Palomino, D., Alonso, C.L. & Carrascal, L.M. (2010). La tarabilla canaria en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2005-2006 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Seoane, J., Kouri, A., Illera, J.C., Palomino, D., Alonso, C.L. & Carrascal, L.M. (2010). New data on the population, distribution and habitat preferences of the Canary Islands stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae). Ardeola 57: 387-405.",14395.1725241485,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bibby, C.J. & Hill, D.A. (1987). Status of the Fuerteventura Stonechat Saxicola dacotiae. Ibis, 129: 491-498. García del Rey, E. (2009). The status of the Fuerteventura Stonechat Saxicola dacotiae: a new evaluation using distance sampling and GIS: Bird Conservation International 19: 1-9. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Seoane, J., Kouri, A. Illera, J.C., Palomino, D., Alonso, C.L. & Carrascal, L.M. (2010). La tarabilla canaria en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2005-2006 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Seoane, J., Kouri, A., Illera, J.C., Palomino, D., Alonso, C.L. & Carrascal, L.M. (2010). New data on the population, distribution and habitat preferences of the Canary Islands stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae). Ardeola 57: 387-405.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","García del Rey, E. (2009). The status of the Fuerteventura Stonechat Saxicola dacotiae: a new evaluation using distance sampling and GIS: Bird Conservation International 19: 1-9. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Seoane, J., Kouri, A. Illera, J.C., Palomino, D., Alonso, C.L. & Carrascal, L.M. (2010). La tarabilla canaria en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2005-2006 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Seoane, J., Kouri, A., Illera, J.C., Palomino, D., Alonso, C.L. & Carrascal, L.M. (2010). New data on the population, distribution and habitat preferences of the Canary Islands stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae). Ardeola 57: 387-405.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A437",NA,"Saxicola dacotiae" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Poland",2013,2018,"p",930000,NA,1330000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-46,-41,-35,"PL","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",219263,262367,313946,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",3008257.38149901,1995,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-22.72,NA,37.51,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-42.9,-30.2,-15,"LV","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",180000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",NA,-25,NA,"LT","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",197000,215000,237000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-54,-46,-37,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,-13,-4,"SE","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3008257.38149901,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-41,NA,1,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-39,NA,-23,"EE","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Finland",2013,2018,"p",142456,178047,223476,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-64,-52,-35,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-53,-44,-34,"FI","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Spain",2004,2006,"p",34316,NA,134850,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa SACRE: Seguimiento de Aves comunes en Primavera. Resultados 1998-2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. Https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Resultados_sacre_11c.pdf",-10,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa SACRE: Seguimiento de Aves comunes en Primavera. Resultados 1998-2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 210 pp. Https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Resultados_sacre_11c.pdf",NA,-79.1,NA,"ES","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","UK",2016,2016,"p",19663,49282,78902,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend. Irish Rare Breeding Birds Panel for Northern Ireland.",3008257.38149901,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-96.65,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-23.93,NA,"UK","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Germany",2016,2016,"p",19500,NA,35000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",3008257.38149901,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-57,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-52,-41,-28,"DE","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",12000,NA,24000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",3008257.38149901,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-8,NA,"CZ","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","France",2013,2018,"p",11000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Roché J. et al. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d'oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 241-268",3008257.38149901,1989,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-70,NA,-68,2005,2017,"D","completeSurvey","GUELIN F., CARRIAS J-F., CLAMENS A., MEURET J-P., & SAULAS S. 2018. Evaluation des populations de passereaux communs nicheurs d'un plateau agricole du Puy-de-Dôme (France) par la méthode du ""distance sampling"" . Alauda, SEOF, Paris279-298 ; . STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-40,NA,"FR","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",3008257.38149901,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-30,NA,-15,"IT","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-30,NA,-10,"SK","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html)",-5,NA,0,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html)",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",6936,6936,6936,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",3008257.38149901,1981,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-84.89,-80.03,-73.65,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-14.51,29.25,92.73,"DK","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",4000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 103-104 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 205 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 439-440 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 177-178 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-70,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Saxicola_rubetra.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-30,NA,-20,"HU","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5000,5000,5000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Austria",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1600,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; Uhl & Wichmann (2017); Pöhacker et al. (2013), K. Peer schriftl. Mitt., A. Kleewein schriftl. Mitt., H. Salzgeber schriftl. Mitt., H. Pfeifhofer schrift. Mitt.",3008257.38149901,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-50,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-50,NA,-25,"AT","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",15,NA,15,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",320,NA,580,"estimate","estimatePartial","Population size for year 2018 was calculated based on the population estimate in previous reporting under the Birds Directive (DOPPS 2014) for the period 2008-2012, which was 600-1100 pairs, and population trend for farmland landscape in Slovenia for the period 2008-2018 from Kmecl & Šumrada (2018), which was steep decline (annual multiplicative trend value 0,898). Population estimate was rounded upwards. DOPPS (2014): Povzetek porocila po 12. clenu Direktive o pticah za obdobje 2008-2012. Narocnik: Zavod RS za varstvo narave. DOPPS, Ljubljana. http://ptice.si/2014/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016_25_10_porocilo_pd_2008_2012-povzetek.pdf Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Tome D., Sovinc A., Trontelj P. (2005): Ptice Ljubljanskega barja. Monografija DOPPS št. 3. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-90,NA,-75,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-70,NA,-60,"SI","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",260,NA,320,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3008257.38149901,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-78,-77,-76,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-40,-27,-12,"NL","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",180,210,250,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3008257.38149901,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-84,-81,-77,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3,20,43,"BE","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",51,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",3008257.38149901,1991,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",NA,-62.3,NA,"IE","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Biver G. (2008): Vorkommen von Schafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten. Vergleichsstudie zu 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 1-12; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Bastian, M. (2015): Wiesenvogel-Kartierung 2013. Kartierung der Vorkommen von Wiesenschafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten - Bestandsentwicklung seit 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 30: 44-57 ; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg Biver G. (2008): Vorkommen von Schafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten. Vergleichsstudie zu 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 1-12; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Bastian, M. (2015): Wiesenvogel-Kartierung 2013. Kartierung der Vorkommen von Wiesenschafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten - Bestandsentwicklung seit 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 30: 44-57 ; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",-100,NA,-100,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Biver G. (2008): Vorkommen von Schafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten. Vergleichsstudie zu 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 23: 1-12; Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16; Bastian, M. (2015): Wiesenvogel-Kartierung 2013. Kartierung der Vorkommen von Wiesenschafstelze Motacilla flava, Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis und Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra in drei ausgewählten Grünlandgebieten - Bestandsentwicklung seit 1996. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 30: 44-57 ; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",-100,NA,-100,"LU","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Austria",2013,2018,"p",3700,NA,6100,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",6775151.49810212,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-52,NA,"AT","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Greece",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Spain",2013,2018,"p",3262939,3844493,4634871,"estimate","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & D. Palomino (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-4.8,-4,-3.2,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Información obtenida de la base de datos del Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres. Programa SACRE. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",29900,NA,39900,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",300,NA,400,"LT","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","UK",2016,2016,"p",43061,65093,87125,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",6775151.49810212,1995,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",92,92,152,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-27.83,NA,"UK","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",30584,46544,91123.3333333333,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",6775151.49810212,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-33.4,-24,-13.5,"IE","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",20400,NA,37700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-52.6,NA,"SI","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",194000,NA,204000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",-76,NA,-41,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-54,NA,-29,"HU","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",6300,7500,8600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",6775151.49810212,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",142,188,231,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",24,59,106,"BE","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2500,NA,5500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html)",0,0,0,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html)",-20,NA,-5,"BG","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2300,NA,4600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Poland",2013,2018,"p",106000,NA,174000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-45,-31,-13,"PL","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",366,366,366,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",6775151.49810212,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",8739.25,18892.46,40096.97,2011,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",158.89,729.14,2148.76,"DK","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Finland",2013,2018,"p",0,0,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",6775151.49810212,1992,2018,"S","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",0,0,0,"FI","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","France",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",6775151.49810212,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-25,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-7.2,NA,"FR","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",6775151.49810212,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,100,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-40,NA,-30,"IT","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Germany",2016,2016,"p",37000,NA,66000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",6775151.49810212,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",181,NA,1000,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",146,358,726,"DE","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-30,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ;",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",30,NA,50,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","OLorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",40,50,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",4000,5000,6000,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",500,1000,1500,"SE","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",15000,NA,18000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",6775151.49810212,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",1061,1552,2241,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",122,134,146,"NL","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Slovenia",2013,2018,"cmales",30,NA,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",4000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estimate based on survey data from Lower Austria (which covers the main part of the core distribution of the species in Austria) and extrapolations and expert opinion from the other austrian states.",1024713.09564403,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",0,0,0,"AT","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Latvia",2016,2016,"cmales",17904,39811,88521,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2006,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Keiss O. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the night active birds in farmland. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-38.7,28.3,157.3,"LV","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Belgium",2013,2018,"cmales",800,3700,6500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1024713.09564403,1973,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",NA,NA,NA,"BE","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","UK",2016,2016,"cmales",43079,57108,71105,"estimate","estimatePartial","Heward, C.J., Hoodless, A.N., Conway, G.J., Aebischer, N.J., Gillings, S. & Fuller, R.J. 2015. Current status and recent trend of the Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola as a breeding bird in Britain. Bird Study 62: 535-551. doi: 10.1080/00063657.2015.1092497. Exact figures for Heward et al. are 55,241 (CI 41,806 - 69,004). This estimate adds in the APEP 3 totals for NI, adjusting them making the assumption that the change in NI is similar to GB.",1024713.09564403,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-77.38,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-31.26,NA,"UK","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Greece",2015,2015,"cmales",10,10,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Madeira",2013,2018,"cmales",1,1,162,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gouveia, C. & A. I. Fagundes. 2011. Censo da populaçăo de Galinhola Scolopax rusticola 2010. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Funchal. 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Oliveira & Menezes. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira. Funchal",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Gouveia, C. & A. I. Fagundes. 2011. Censo da populaçăo de Galinhola Scolopax rusticola 2010. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Funchal. Oliveira & Menezes. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira. Funchal",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Netherlands",2013,2015,"cmales",2200,NA,3500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",1024713.09564403,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-31,8,66,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-2,17,39,"NL","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Hungary",2014,2018,"cmales",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Haraszthy László (2019): Az erdei szalonka magyarországi fészkelése és tavaszi vadászata, Madártávlat XXVI/1., 18-19 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 68-69 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 306-307 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 124 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 118 p. Haraszthy László (2019): Az erdei szalonka magyarországi fészkelése és tavaszi vadászata, Madártávlat XXVI/1., 18-19 p. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Scolopax_rusticola.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",20000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"cmales",90,NA,180,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"cmales",1000,NA,2500,"Minimum","estimateExpert","SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Seguimiento de la distribución y abundancia de cuatro especies orníticas escasas y prioritarias en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay: gavilán, chocha perdiz, paloma rabiche y paloma turqué. Memoria final. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. 96 pp. + Anexos.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","France",2013,2018,"cmales",21000,24000,27000,"interval","completeSurvey",". Boussac L. (2018) Abondance, distribution et tendance des effectifs reproducteurs de Bécasse des bois (Scolopax rusticola) en France entre 1988 et 2017. Rapport de stage M2, Université de Montpellier..",1024713.09564403,1988,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,-40,-30,-20,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,-20,-10,0,"FR","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Italy",2013,2018,"cmales",50,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2004. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.2 (Tetraonidae-Scolopacidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",1024713.09564403,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,70,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",138399,177982,260623,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",32,110,231,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-37,-15,14,"FI","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Germany",2011,2016,"cmales",20000,NA,39000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",1024713.09564403,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-8,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Croatia",2013,2018,"cmales",10,NA,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",20000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1024713.09564403,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-77,NA,-55,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-57,NA,-9,"EE","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Krajniak D., Bucko J.: Hunting bags statistics, NLC Zvolen 2014-2017",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,0,0,"SK","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"cmales",10,NA,30,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorgé P., M. Bastian & K. Klein (2015): Die Rote Liste der Brutvögel Luxemburgs 2014 RWB 30: 58-65; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",NA,NA,NA,"LU","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",396000,580000,774000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-49,0,61,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-17,4,29,"SE","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Ireland",2008,2011,"cmales",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",1024713.09564403,1972,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",0,0,0,"IE","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Denmark",2017,2017,"cmales",2000,2000,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",1024713.09564403,1996,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-9.9,25,72.59,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Azores",2013,2018,"cmales",3247,3461,3704,"mean","estimatePartial","DRRF (unpublished data from DRRF annual monitoring scheme of woodcock roding counts, during the breeding season)",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2011,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Data extracted from regional monitoring sheme (2011-2018), provided by DRRF (Regional Direction of Forest Resources)(not published).",NA,0.1,NA,"PTAC","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Spain",1998,2002,"cmales",3600,NA,4000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Arizaga, J. (2013). Review on the scientific knowledge on the woodcock Scolopax rusticola L., 1758 in Spain. Munibe (Ciencias Naturales-Natur Zientziak). Nş 61 (2013). Pp 129-145. Heath, M.F., & Hagemeijer, W.J. (2000). European bird populations: estimates and trends (No. 10). BirdLife International. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BirdLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Arizaga, J. (2013). Review on the scientific knowledge on the woodcock Scolopax rusticola L., 1758 in Spain. Munibe (Ciencias Naturales-Natur Zientziak). Nş 61 (2013). Pp 129-145. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Serinus canaria",NA,"Island Canary","Azores",2013,2017,"p",1162117,1843889,2331398,"mean","estimatePartial","Count data extracted from CAC (Common Bird Census; 2013-2018), provided by SPEA (not published).",1910971.03932499,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2019,"S","completeSurvey","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",0.1,NA,50,"PTAC","A450",NA,"Serinus canaria" "Serinus canaria",NA,"Island Canary","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",1910971.03932499,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A450",NA,"Serinus canaria" "Serinus canaria",NA,"Island Canary","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=161&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",1910971.03932499,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",0,0,0,"PTMA","A450",NA,"Serinus canaria" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Spain",2004,2018,"p",13056552,NA,15486233,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",-2.2,NA,-1.1,"ES","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,1500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",20163518.4844752,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",150,NA,400,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Poland",2013,2018,"p",567000,NA,749000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-27,-17,-5,"PL","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",20163518.4844752,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-5,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-6,NA,"CZ","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","France",2013,2018,"p",250000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",20163518.4844752,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-41,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-32,NA,"FR","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",113000,NA,130000,"interval","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-48,NA,-12,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Greece",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,110000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Germany",2016,2016,"p",65000,NA,130000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",20163518.4844752,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-50,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-59,-50,-39,"DE","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",49900,NA,88300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-35.6,NA,"SI","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Austria",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",20163518.4844752,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-23,NA,"AT","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-30,NA,-10,"SK","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of sightings records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports (no systematic longer-term data); Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas",25,NA,50,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",20,NA,60,"CY","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",1200,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",20163518.4844752,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1263,NA,1478,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",813.12,851.88,871.25,"LV","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",1000,NA,2500,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Trujillo, D. (2017). Censo de las poblaciones de aves fringílidas de serín verdecillo (Serinus serinus), serín canario (Serinus canaria), verderón común (Chloris chloris), jilguero europeo (Carduelis carduelis) y pardillo común (Linaria cannabina) de Gran Canaria en el ańo 2017. Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-30,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",80,230,380,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",20163518.4844752,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-96,-88,-80,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-88,-65,-42,"BE","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20163518.4844752,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,50,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",10,NA,20,"EE","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",30,40,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-50,0,50,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-20,0,20,"SE","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",20163518.4844752,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Sovon",-90,-90,NA,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-91,-83,-67,"NL","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",2,10,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",-66,66,66,"GIB","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2,2,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Uffe Gjřl Sřrensen, Truede og sjćldne danske ynglefugle 1976-1991, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, nr 89, 1995.",20163518.4844752,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-91.55,-64.6,40.78,2011,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-100,-62.75,2616.84,"DK","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Finland",2013,2018,"p",0,1,3,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",0,0,0,"FI","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1250000,NA,1750000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",8696801.72851203,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,53,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",23,35,48,"DE","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","France",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",8696801.72851203,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-13,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-12.4,NA,"FR","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",7e+05,NA,1400000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",8696801.72851203,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,"CZ","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",7e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",5,NA,15,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",5,NA,15,"SK","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Poland",2013,2018,"p",479000,NA,569000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",0,13,28,"PL","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,450000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",226000,264000,301000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",38,54,72,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",20,40,60,"SE","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","UK",2016,2016,"p",249344,249344,249344,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",8696801.72851203,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,155.05,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,35.73,NA,"UK","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",8696801.72851203,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,3,NA,"AT","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Spain",2004,2018,"p",44860,NA,695000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,4.3,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",168000,NA,179000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 62-63 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p. http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Sitta_europaea.pdf",0,0,0,"HU","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. BSPB Bird Database",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/3/81.html (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012 )",0,0,0,"BG","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",114200,NA,228500,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,31,NA,"SI","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",74696,104928,147394,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",8696801.72851203,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",65,NA,67,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-27.4,5.2,50.8,"LV","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",8696801.72851203,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",25,NA,35,"IT","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",50000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",8696801.72851203,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-40,NA,-13,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-11,NA,26,"EE","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",52968,52968,52968,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",8696801.72851203,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",65.62,106.75,157.75,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",12.94,48.73,94.67,"DK","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",33100,37800,42400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",8696801.72851203,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",44,64,84,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-8,6,25,"BE","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",31000,NA,38000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",8696801.72851203,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",140,185,237,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",35,44,53,"NL","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Finland",2013,2018,"p",50,150,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Winter bird censuses of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",NA,561,NA,"FI","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Sitta krueperi",NA,"Krueper's Nuthatch","Greece",2015,2015,"p",540,NA,660,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 4) 1) IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 2012.1). Available at: http://www.iucnredlist.org. 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. Available at: http://www.ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=62LywcEzaKE%3D&tabid=539&language=el-GR.",596.992462263972,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) 1) IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 2012.1). Available at: http://www.iucnredlist.org. 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. Available at: http://www.ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=62LywcEzaKE%3D&tabid=539&language=el-GR.",NA,710,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) 1) IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 2012.1). Available at: http://www.iucnredlist.org. 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. Available at: http://www.ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=62LywcEzaKE%3D&tabid=539&language=el-GR.",NA,386,NA,"GR","A444",NA,"Sitta krueperi" "Sitta neumayer",NA,"Western Rock-nuthatch","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB database P.Shurulinkov -unpublished data",18636.7358417056,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB database Ivanov B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria.vol.30 Aves-part 3, BAS,Sofia.",10,NA,15,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Digital edition, Vol. 2, Animals. BAS-MOEW, Sofia, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB database",0,NA,10,"BG","A445",NA,"Sitta neumayer" "Sitta neumayer",NA,"Western Rock-nuthatch","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",18636.7358417056,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,60,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A445",NA,"Sitta neumayer" "Sitta neumayer",NA,"Western Rock-nuthatch","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,1000,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",18636.7358417056,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A445",NA,"Sitta neumayer" "Sitta whiteheadi",NA,"Corsican Nuthatch","France",2012,2018,"p",1500,1879,2200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Office National des Foręts 2017. Plan national d'actions en faveur de la sittelle corse Sitta whiteheadi 2017 - 2026. Ministčre de la Transition écologique et solidaire, La Défence, Ministčre de la Transition écologique et solidaire95 ; Thibault J. Cl., Hacquemand D., Moneglia P., Pellegrini H., Prodon R., Recorbet B., Seguin J. F. et Villard P. 2011. Distribution and population size of the Corsican Nuthatch Sitta whiteheadi. p. 199-206",1879,2000,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Thibault J. Cl., Seguin J. F. et Norris K. 2009. Plan de restauration de la sittelle corse. 52 p. ; Office National des Foręts 2017. Plan national d'actions en faveur de la sittelle corse Sitta whiteheadi 2017 - 2026. Ministčre de la Transition écologique et solidaire, La Défence, Ministčre de la Transition écologique et solidaire95 ; Thibault J. Cl., Hacquemand D., Moneglia P., Pellegrini H., Prodon R., Recorbet B., Seguin J. F. et Villard P. 2011. Distribution and population size of the Corsican Nuthatch Sitta whiteheadi. p. 199-206",-15,NA,-10,2012,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Office National des Foręts 2017. Plan national d'actions en faveur de la sittelle corse Sitta whiteheadi 2017 - 2026. Ministčre de la Transition écologique et solidaire, La Défence, Ministčre de la Transition écologique et solidaire95 ; Moneglia, P., Besnard, A., Prodon, R., Thibault, J.-C. & Beck N. 2010. Conséquences du feu sur l’effectif de deux populations de sittelle Corse. p. 7-18 ; Seguin, Torre, Villard, Recorbet et Thibault 2017. Nouveau déclin de la répartition de la Sittelle corse Sittta whiteheadi. Ornithos, 323-334",-2,NA,-1,"FR","A331",NA,"Sitta whiteheadi" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","Finland",2013,2018,"p",68528,108505,155511,"mean","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",232771.654398101,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-36,-24,-10,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-38,-22,-2,"FI","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",44000,59000,74000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",232771.654398101,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Regional inventories",-80,-70,-60,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-70,-60,-50,"SE","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","UK",2012,2015,"p",37209,37209,37209,"estimate","estimatePartial","Musgrove, A.J., Austin, G.E., Hearn, R.D., Holt, C.A., Stroud, D.A. & Wotton, S.R. 2011. Overwinter population estimates of British waterbirds. British Birds 104: 364-397. Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Tenth Article 12 report, based on APEP3 (Musgrove et al. 2011) undertook novel analyses using wintering waterbird figures - winter total minus Lincolnshire to Essex (which are assumed to be Dutch breeders) and adjusted by a scale (2.21). This update uses the same method",232771.654398101,1970,2015,"I","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Berkhamsted, T. & A.D. Poyser. BTO in litt; this report",NA,40,NA,1990,2015,"I","estimatePartial","Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London.; BTO in litt.; this report",NA,17,NA,"UK","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",18383,18383,18383,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",232771.654398101,1996,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-45.56,-32.5,-16.48,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-40.06,-23.97,-4.01,"DK","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",5500,NA,6700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",232771.654398101,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-20,-19,-18,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-54,-35,-8,"NL","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",232771.654398101,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-91,NA,-87,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-29,NA,-28,"EE","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","Germany",2014,2016,"p",1500,1500,1500,"mean","estimatePartial","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",232771.654398101,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,126,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,43,NA,"DE","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","Ireland",2012,2012,"p",160,160,160,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Expert opinion - D. Suddaby (BirdWatch Ireland). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Cotton, D.C.F. 2004. Appendix B Flora and fauna. In: McGowan, J. Inishmurray: Island Voices. Aeolus. Hall, M.E., Newton, S., Suddaby, D. & Trewby, M. (2006) Seabird Productivity on the west coast of Ireland in 2006. NPWS Seabird Monitoring Project Report 2006. Leonard K. 2010. A survey of breeding Eiders Somateria mollissima in Northern Ireland in 2009. Irish Birds 9: 11-18.",232771.654398101,1980,2012,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2012,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B, & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,6,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",232771.654398101,1999,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",200,NA,500,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","France",2015,2017,"p",2,3,4,"estimate","completeSurvey","Le Nevé, A. 2018. Eider ŕ duvet (Somateria mollissima). in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2013. Ornithos 21-6, 57-91",232771.654398101,1980,2016,"F","estimatePartial","GOB (coord.) 2012. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de Bretagne. , 511 ; Le Nevé, A. . Eider ŕ duvet (Somateria mollissima). in Quaintenne G. & les coordinateurs-espčce Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2013. Ornithos 21-6, ; LPO Pays de la Loire 2014. Oiseaux nicheurs des Pays de la Loire. , Delachaud et Niestlé574 p.",0,0,0,2007,2017,"F","completeSurvey",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Somateria mollissima",NA,"Common Eider","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",232771.654398101,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A063",NA,"Somateria mollissima" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",6264,8821,11480,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",29003.9027974789,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55. Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-44,-31,-15,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Waterfowl monitoring schemes of Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE; previously Fisheries and Game Research Institute RKTL). Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55. Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-56,-38,-13,"FI","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",6200,NA,7500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",29003.9027974789,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-65,-60,-54,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-13,-5,5,"NL","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",2400,NA,2800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",29003.9027974789,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-7,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-3,NA,"DE","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1700,1900,2100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,100,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,-20,-10,"SE","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","France",2009,2012,"p",1700,NA,2100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ibanez F. et Trolliet B. 1990. Le Canard souchet Anas clypeata nicheur dans le marais Breton: effectif, répartition et liaison avec les limicoles.. Gibier Faune Sauvage, 795-106",29003.9027974789,1985,2013,"I","estimatePartial",NA,70,NA,240,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Issa & Muller coord. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Vol. 1 : des Anatidés aux Alcidés, 1čre éd.688 p 978-2-603-01878-1",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Spain",2007,2007,"p",1600,1600,1600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",NA,443.6,443.6,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",-10,NA,10,"ES","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",29003.9027974789,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-34,NA,4,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-2,NA,9,"EE","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","UK",2012,2016,"p",1033,1033,1033,"mean","estimateExpert","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",29003.9027974789,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,15,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-17,NA,"UK","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",610,760,920,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",29003.9027974789,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",110,162,217,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-32,-16,2,"BE","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM - Wetland Bird Survey); Krajewski L. 2018. Ocena liczebnosci cyranki Spatula querquedula i plaskonosa S. clypeata w Ostoi Biebrzanskiej w roku 2018. Ornis Polonica 59: 250-263; Kasprzykowski Z., Dmoch A., Golawski A., Kozik R., Mitrus C. 2017. Zmiany liczebnosci wybranych legowych gatunków wodno-blotnych w Dolinie Dolnej Narwi i Dolinie Dolnego Bugu. Ornis Polonica 58: 1-11; Winiecki A., Mielczarek P. 2018. Awifauna legowa OSO Dolina Srodkowej Warty - stan wspólczesny i zmiany w latach 1975-2015. Ornis Polonica 59: 17-55; expert assessment;",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",-75,NA,-50,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",459,459,459,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",29003.9027974789,1988,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-76.76,-57.28,-22.43,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-69.56,-34.72,33.78,"DK","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",10,NA,30,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Italy",2010,2015,"p",160,NA,210,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",29003.9027974789,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",5,NA,60,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",5,NA,7,"IT","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",70,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",29003.9027974789,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-75,NA,-73,2003,2017,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"LV","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Ecsedi Z. (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged, 602 p. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/",-90,NA,-75,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Anas_clypeata.pdf",-67,NA,-53,"HU","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,160,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at, Alexander Schuster unpublished data (Trauntal)",29003.9027974789,1981,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at; data from Dvorak et al. 1994",NA,-75,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at, Alexander Schuster unpublished data (Trauntal)",NA,-30,NA,"AT","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",28,NA,87,"interval","estimatePartial","1) Research Program: ""Phenology of Bird Migration in Greece"". 2005 - present day Financiation: Hellenic Hunters Confederation Realization: LKN Analysis Ltd. The methodology of the Research Program has been prepared by the Department of Forestry and Natural Environemt of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Research Organizations Oiseaux Migrateurs du Palearctique Occidental (OMPO) a Institut Mediterraneen du Patrimoine Cynegetique et Faunistique (IMPCF). The program is realized since 2005 in annual basis, with 38 specialized observers, in 22 major wetlands of the country, with observations taking place during 10 months per year, for 3 times within each month (in 10-days period intervals). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Research Program: ""Phenology of Bird Migration in Greece"". 2005 - present day Financiation: Hellenic Hunters Confederation Realization: LKN Analysis Ltd. The methodology of the Research Program has been prepared by the Department of Forestry and Natural Environemt of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Research Organizations Oiseaux Migrateurs du Palearctique Occidental (OMPO) a Institut Mediterraneen du Patrimoine Cynegetique et Faunistique (IMPCF). The program is realized since 2005 in annual basis, with 38 specialized observers, in 22 major wetlands of the country, with observations taking place during 10 months per year, for 3 times within each month (in 10-days period intervals). 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",26,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",NA,NA,NA,2011,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",0,0,0,"IE","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,0,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",0,NA,0,"BG","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",29003.9027974789,1987,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,-83,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-75,NA,-73,"CZ","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-25,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,161,NA,"SI","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Breeding recorded in 2010 and 2011 for this species represented first confirmed records since 1910",100,NA,100,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",-100,NA,0,"CY","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM - Wetland Bird Survey); Krajewski L. 2018. Ocena liczebnosci cyranki Spatula querquedula i plaskonosa S. clypeata w Ostoi Biebrzanskiej w roku 2018. Ornis Polonica 59: 250-263; Kasprzykowski Z., Dmoch A., Golawski A., Kozik R., Mitrus C. 2017. Zmiany liczebnosci wybranych legowych gatunków wodno-blotnych w Dolinie Dolnej Narwi i Dolinie Dolnego Bugu. Ornis Polonica 58: 1-11; Winiecki A., Mielczarek P. 2018. Awifauna legowa OSO Dolina Srodkowej Warty - stan wspólczesny i zmiany w latach 1975-2015. Ornis Polonica 59: 17-55; expert assessment;",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",-60,NA,-30,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-21,82,295,"PL","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1200,NA,1700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",11755.7641554235,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-43,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-11,NA,"DE","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1000,NA,1400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",11755.7641554235,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-76,-69,-59,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-49,-41,-31,"NL","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Finland",2013,2018,"p",500,1000,2000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-79,-65,-44,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",0,0,0,"FI","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",800,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",11755.7641554235,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-35,NA,-22,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-42,NA,-13,"EE","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-30,NA,-10,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-53,NA,-50,"LT","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion National Park Directorates' databases ""A közösségi jelentoségu természeti értékek hosszú távú megorzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkituzéseinek hazai szintu megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok"" programme http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Ecsedi Z. (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged, 602 p. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-58,NA,-53,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Barabás, L. (2013): Breeding distribution of Hungarian Duck species. Hungarian Waterfowl Publications 23: 79-120. Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278 National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Anas_querquedula.pdf",-53,NA,-33,"HU","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","France",2009,2012,"p",350,NA,550,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,11755.7641554235,1980,2012,"D","estimateExpert",". Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat/ DDH Consult, on behalf of the European Commission, (2004). European Union Management Plan for Garganey. .",-30,NA,-30,2007,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert","Triplet P. in Powolny T. et Czajkowski M. A. 2019. Sarcelle d'été. Le statut des espčces de l'annexe IIA de la Directive Oiseaux, OMPO ; . Schricke V. (1999) Management plan, the Garganey Anas querquedula –European Commission General Directorate XI, 74 p.. ; Schricke V. 2001. Elements for a garganey (Anas querquedula) management plan. . Game and Wildlife Science, 189-41 ; Guillemain M., Fritz H., Klaassen M., Johnson A. R. et Hafner H. 2004. Fuelling rates of garganey (Anas querquedula) staging in the Camargue, southern France, during spring migration. . J Ornithol , 145152-158 ; Triplet P. in Rocamora G. & Yeatman-Berthelot D. 2000. Sarcelle d’été . Oiseaux menacés et ŕ surveiller en France. , SEOF, LPO56-57 ; . Fouquet M., Girard O., Tesson J.- L. & Yésou P. (1992) Actions préliminaires pour la restauration des populations de Sarcelle d’été (Anas querquedula). Rapport de convention CEE / ONC. 73 p..",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",340,NA,530,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","expert opinion",0,NA,0,2001,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans. 2009. Integrated management plan for Special Protection Area ""Pomorie Lake"" (BG0000152) under the Bird Directive, Site of Community Interest ""Pomorie"" (BG0000620) under the Habitat Directive, ""Pomorie Lake"" Protected Area and “Pomorie Lake” Ramsar site, 212 . BSPB Bird Database Po sledite na pticite (http://www.worldbirds.org) Shurulinkov, P. G. Daskalova, R. Tzonev, 2013. Breeding Waterbirds in Temporally Flooded Wetlands in Northern Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 65 (2), 2013: 207-215",0,NA,0,"BG","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Italy",2013,2018,"p",350,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",11755.7641554235,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",65,NA,75,2003,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",-25,NA,-5,"IT","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",180,300,420,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-70,-50,-30,"SE","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",11755.7641554235,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-88,NA,-87,2012,2018,"S","estimateExpert","University of Latvia, Institute of Biology",0,0,0,"LV","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",150,150,150,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",11755.7641554235,1990,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-73.35,5.64,292.52,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",100,130,160,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",11755.7641554235,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-44,-28,-11,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-20,4,28,"BE","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","UK",2012,2016,"p",101,101,101,"mean","estimateExpert","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",11755.7641554235,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,47,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,51,NA,"UK","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Austria",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,140,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at, Alexander Schuster unpublished data (Trauntal), Thomas Zuna-Kratky & Johannnes Frühauf (March/Thaya-Auen)",11755.7641554235,1985,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at; data from Dvorak et al. 1994",NA,10,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at, Alexander Schuster unpublished data (Trauntal)",-40,NA,-30,"AT","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Greece",2015,2015,"p",30,NA,100,"interval","estimatePartial","1) Research Program: ""Phenology of Bird Migration in Greece"". 2005 - present day Financiation: Hellenic Hunters Confederation Realization: LKN Analysis Ltd. The methodology of the Research Program has been prepared by the Department of Forestry and Natural Environemt of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Research Organizations Oiseaux Migrateurs du Palearctique Occidental (OMPO) a Institut Mediterraneen du Patrimoine Cynegetique et Faunistique (IMPCF). The program is realized since 2005 in annual basis, with 38 specialized observers, in 22 major wetlands of the country, with observations taking place during 10 months per year, for 3 times within each month (in 10-days period intervals). 2) Birds in Europe 2004 3) µa s. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Spain",1998,2018,"p",17,NA,100,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las mComunidades Autónomas Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",11755.7641554235,1984,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Croatia",2012,2018,"p",30,30,30,"Minimum","absentData","Središnja lovna evidencija (https://sle.mps.hr)",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",11755.7641554235,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-6,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-75,NA,-66,"CZ","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,25,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,19,NA,"SI","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,3,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","irdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; First confirmed breeding in 1993.",50,NA,100,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,0,0,"LU","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Irelan",11755.7641554235,1991,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",0,0,0,2011,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland",0,0,0,"IE","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spilopelia senegalensis",NA,"Laughing Dove","Italy",2013,2018,"p",65,NA,73,"estimate","estimateExpert","Massa B., Lo Cascio P., Ientile R., Canale E. D., La Mantia T., 2015. Gli uccelli delle isole circumsiciliane Naturalista sicil., S. IV, XXXIX (2), 2015, pp. 105-373.",68.8839603971781,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",280,NA,330,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A897",NA,"Spilopelia senegalensis" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Austria",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",3660950.56032827,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,0,NA,"AT","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Spain",2013,2018,"p",560,560,560,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home",3660950.56032827,1984,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",0,0,0,"ES","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg; Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,0,0,"LU","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",3000,NA,9000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","France",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",3660950.56032827,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion National park directorates' databases",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinion National park directorates' databases",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert opinion National park directorates' databases",-50,NA,-50,"HU","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",250,430,620,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3660950.56032827,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-67,-43,-18,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-23,32,91,"BE","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3660950.56032827,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-54,-52,-49,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",37,103,197,"NL","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","UK",2016,2016,"p",442565,442565,442565,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",3660950.56032827,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,236.29,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,97.66,NA,"UK","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1148545,1601553,2049501,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",23,40,60,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-10,-4,3,"FI","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Poland",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,41000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-19,33,113,"PL","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",184276,226359,278053,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",3660950.56032827,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",59,NA,61,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",12.5,64.2,137.2,"LV","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",99999,NA,99999,"estimate","absentData","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology.",3660950.56032827,1990,2011,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Cambridge, U.K. : BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,733,NA,2000,2011,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12). Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,67,NA,"IE","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",3660950.56032827,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-30.4,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,11.6,NA,"CZ","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",106,106,106,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",3660950.56032827,1982,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-75.93,-60.28,-34.9,2006,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-64.52,-18.02,79.35,"DK","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. Ivanov, B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 30, Aves, part III, Sofia, BAS, 409 p. (in Bulgarian with English Summary) BSPB Bird Database",0,0,0,2000,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria",0,0,0,"BG","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Germany",2011,2016,"p",21000,NA,51000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",3660950.56032827,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"F","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1000,1000,1000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002",-30,NA,-20,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Italy",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",3660950.56032827,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",90000,NA,130000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3660950.56032827,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-65,NA,-63,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-52,NA,-47,"EE","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",493000,817000,1134000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey, Migration counts Falsterbo",-57,-50,-42,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,0,40,"SE","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Greece",2015,2015,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#).",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,127,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=162&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=162&Itemid=66&lang=pt Nunes, J. & Fagundes, I. (2004). Novas Espécies Nidificantes no Arquipélago da Madeira Galinha-d'água Gallinula chloropus e Lugre Carduelis spinus. Congresso Internacional Aves do Atlântico. 29 de Out a 1 de Nov 2004. Săo Vicente, Madeira.",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013- http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=162&Itemid=66&lang=pt Nunes, J. & Fagundes, I. (2004). Novas Espécies Nidificantes no Arquipélago da Madeira Galinha-d'água Gallinula chloropus e Lugre Carduelis spinus. Congresso Internacional Aves do Atlântico. 29 de Out a 1 de Nov 2004. Săo Vicente, Madeira.",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Stercorarius longicaudus",NA,"Long-tailed Jaeger","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",8600,13000,17000,"mean","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",22000,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,NA,400,"SE","A174",NA,"Stercorarius longicaudus" "Stercorarius longicaudus",NA,"Long-tailed Jaeger","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5000,9000,11000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",22000,1990,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland. Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",0,0,0,2000,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland. Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",0,0,0,"FI","A174",NA,"Stercorarius longicaudus" "Stercorarius parasiticus",NA,"Arctic Jaeger","UK",2015,2015,"p",536,785,1558,"interval","estimatePartial","JNCC Seabird Monitoring Programme. The UK population estimates were derived from a method first used in APEP3: Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100. Population estimates were calculated using the long-term Thomas trend index from the year 1986 - 2015 (using counts from a sample of colonies monitored by the UK Seabird Monitoring Programme), anchored to the last census count, Seabird 2000. To test the robustness of the Thomas trend an estimation the Seabird 2000 population was produced using the trend index between 1986-2000 and anchored to the 1986 (SCR) census population for the species. If this estimate had a variance of 30% (or over) from the actual Seabird 2000 population, the method was not used (and an alternative is given, such as the Seabird 2000 census). Thomas trend methodology can be found here http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201",1876,1986,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-87,-75,-39,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-79,-43,-11,"UK","A173",NA,"Stercorarius parasiticus" "Stercorarius parasiticus",NA,"Arctic Jaeger","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",450,560,670,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1876,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,0,50,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,0,10,"SE","A173",NA,"Stercorarius parasiticus" "Stercorarius parasiticus",NA,"Arctic Jaeger","Finland",2013,2018,"p",416,531,630,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1876,1980,2012,"S","estimateExpert","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-8,77,236,2007,2018,"S","absentData","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-55,-13,59,"FI","A173",NA,"Stercorarius parasiticus" "Sterna dougallii",NA,"Roseate Tern","Ireland",2016,2018,"p",1820,1820,1820,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",2732.88330237334,1984,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,579,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,82,NA,"IE","A192",NA,"Sterna dougallii" "Sterna dougallii",NA,"Roseate Tern","Azores",2014,2018,"p",535,NA,1068,"estimate","completeSurvey","Neves, V. 2014. Azores Tern Census Report 2014. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2014. Neves, V. 2015. Azores Tern Census Report 2015. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2015. DRAM 2016. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna spp.) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2016. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM 2017. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna hirundo e Sterna dougallii) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2017. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM Censo de garajaus 2018 (dados năo publicados)",2732.88330237334,1980,2012,"F","completeSurvey","Neves, V. 2007. Azores Tern Census Report 2007. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2007. Neves, V. 2008. Azores Tern Census Report 2008. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2008. Neves, V. 2009. Azores Tern Census Report 2009. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2009. Neves, V. 2010. Azores Tern Census Report 2010. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2010. Neves, V. 2011. Azores Tern Census Report 2011. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2011. Neves, V. 2012. Azores Tern Census Report 2012. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2012. Neves, V. 2014. Azores Tern Census Report 2014. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2014. Neves, V. 2015. Azores Tern Census Report 2015. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2015. DRAM 2016. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna spp.) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2016. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM 2017. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna hirundo e Sterna dougallii) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2017. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM Censo de garajaus 2018 (dados năo publicados)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Neves, V. 2007. Azores Tern Census Report 2007. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2007. Neves, V. 2008. Azores Tern Census Report 2008. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2008. Neves, V. 2009. Azores Tern Census Report 2009. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2009. Neves, V. 2010. Azores Tern Census Report 2010. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2010. Neves, V. 2011. Azores Tern Census Report 2011. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2011. Neves, V. 2012. Azores Tern Census Report 2012. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2012. Neves, V. 2014. Azores Tern Census Report 2014. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2014. Neves, V. 2015. Azores Tern Census Report 2015. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2015. DRAM 2016. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna spp.) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2016. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM 2017. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna hirundo e Sterna dougallii) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2017. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM Censo de garajaus 2018 (dados năo publicados)",0,0,0,"PTAC","A192",NA,"Sterna dougallii" "Sterna dougallii",NA,"Roseate Tern","UK",2012,2016,"p",95,95,95,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",2732.88330237334,1986,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-70,-52,-12,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,11,NA,"UK","A192",NA,"Sterna dougallii" "Sterna dougallii",NA,"Roseate Tern","France",2018,2018,"p",36,NA,38,"estimate","completeSurvey","JACOB Y. & PFAFF E. 2019. Sternes nicheuses 2018 Manche est-mer du Nord, Manche ouest – mer celtique et golfe de Gascogne – côtes ibériques. Rapport de l’observatoire oiseaux marins et côtiers de l’Agence française pour la Biodiversité et de l’observatoire régional de l’avifaune de Bretagne.",2732.88330237334,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,NA,-71,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey",NA,-45,NA,-43,"FR","A192",NA,"Sterna dougallii" "Sterna dougallii",NA,"Roseate Tern","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=259&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",2732.88330237334,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A192",NA,"Sterna dougallii" "Sterna dougallii",NA,"Roseate Tern","Canary Islands",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",2732.88330237334,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Martín, A., Delgado, G., Nogales, M., Quilis, V., Trujillo, O., Hernández, E. & Santana, F. (1989). Premiéres données sur la nidification du Puffin des Anglais (Puffinus puffinus), du Pétrel-frégate (Pelagodroma marina) et de la Sterne de Dougall (Sterna dougallii) aux îles Canaries. L'Oiseau et R. F. O. 59 (1): 73-83.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A192",NA,"Sterna dougallii" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Finland",2013,2018,"p",29215,41495,55624,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A., Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67. Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67. Laaksonen, T., Lehikoinen, A., Pöysä, H., Sirkiä, P. & Ikonen, K. 2019: Sisävesien vesilintujen kannanvaihtelut 1986-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018:46-55.",-42,-32,-20,"FI","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",18000,25000,33000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",30,40,50,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-25,0,10,"SE","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",14000,NA,19000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",161946.860961322,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",87,88,89,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-34,-25,-15,"NL","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","UK",2015,2015,"p",8911,10884,13371,"interval","estimatePartial","JNCC Seabird Monitoring Programme. The UK population estimates were derived from a method first used in APEP3: Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100. Population estimates were calculated using the long-term Thomas trend index from the year 1986 - 2015 (using counts from a sample of colonies monitored by the UK Seabird Monitoring Programme), anchored to the last census count, Seabird 2000. To test the robustness of the Thomas trend an estimation the Seabird 2000 population was produced using the trend index between 1986-2000 and anchored to the 1986 (SCR) census population for the species. If this estimate had a variance of 30% (or over) from the actual Seabird 2000 population, the method was not used (and an alternative is given, such as the Seabird 2000 census). Thomas trend methodology can be found here http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201",161946.860961322,1986,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-32,-16,5,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-16,NA,-10,"UK","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Germany",2012,2016,"p",8500,NA,9000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",161946.860961322,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-9,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-6,NA,"DE","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","France",2013,2018,"p",6500,NA,7500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Issa, N. & Muller, Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Volume 1: des Anatidés aux Alcidés. Delachaud et niestlé,",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p.",20,NA,25,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","DUBOIS, P.J., LE MARECHAL, P., OLIOSO, G. & YESOU, P. 2008. Nouvel inventaire des Oiseaux de France, Delachaux & Niestlé, Paris. 560 p.",5,NA,10,"FR","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Poland",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",5,NA,15,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MMC)",-33,-9,22,"PL","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",161946.860961322,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",70,NA,762,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",159,NA,196,"EE","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Spain",2013,2016,"p",4602,NA,7449,"estimate","completeSurvey","Censos de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Generalitat Valenciana, Junta de Andalucía. Gustavo A. Ballesteros com pers (datos de la Región de Murcia hasta 2016) y Gobierno de la Región de Murcia para 2017. Fernández Calvo et al, (2017). Seguimiento de la colonia de charrán común (Sterna hirundo) de la Bahía de Santander (ańo 2017).",161946.860961322,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Fernández Calvo et al, 2017. Seguimiento de la colonia de charrán común (Sterna hirundo) de la Bahía de Santander (ańo 2017). Censos de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Generalitat Valenciana, Junta de Andalucía Gustavo A. Ballesteros com pers (datos de la Región de Murcia hasta 2016) y Gobierno de la Región de Murcia para 2017. Amado, C.C., Guzmán, J.M.S., & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa: población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife.",NA,204,NA,2007,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Censos de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Generalitat Valenciana, Junta de Andalucía Gustavo A. Ballesteros com pers (datos de la Región de Murcia hasta 2016) y Gobierno de la Región de Murcia para 2017. Fernández Calvo et al, (2017). Seguimiento de la colonia de charrán común (Sterna hirundo) de la Bahía de Santander (ańo 2017)",NA,-18,NA,"ES","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Ireland",2016,2018,"p",5058,5058,5058,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",161946.860961322,1984,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,201,NA,2015,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,104,NA,"IE","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Italy",2006,2015,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",161946.860961322,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",55,NA,60,"IT","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Azores",2014,2018,"p",2419,NA,3411,"estimate","completeSurvey","Neves, V. 2014. Azores Tern Census Report 2014. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2014. Neves, V. 2015. Azores Tern Census Report 2015. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2015. DRAM 2016. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna spp.) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2016. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM 2017. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna hirundo e Sterna dougallii) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2017. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM Censo de garajaus 2018 (dados năo publicados)",161946.860961322,1980,2012,"F","completeSurvey","Neves, V. 2007. Azores Tern Census Report 2007. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2007. Neves, V. 2008. Azores Tern Census Report 2008. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2008. Neves, V. 2009. Azores Tern Census Report 2009. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2009. Neves, V. 2010. Azores Tern Census Report 2010. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2010. Neves, V. 2011. Azores Tern Census Report 2011. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2011. Neves, V. 2012. Azores Tern Census Report 2012. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2012. Neves, V. 2014. Azores Tern Census Report 2014. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2014. Neves, V. 2015. Azores Tern Census Report 2015. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2015. DRAM 2016. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna spp.) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2016. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM 2017. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna hirundo e Sterna dougallii) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2017. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM Censo de garajaus 2018 (dados năo publicados)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Neves, V. 2007. Azores Tern Census Report 2007. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2007. Neves, V. 2008. Azores Tern Census Report 2008. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş4/2008. Neves, V. 2009. Azores Tern Census Report 2009. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2009. Neves, V. 2010. Azores Tern Census Report 2010. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2010. Neves, V. 2011. Azores Tern Census Report 2011. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2011. Neves, V. 2012. Azores Tern Census Report 2012. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş5/2012. Neves, V. 2014. Azores Tern Census Report 2014. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş2/2014. Neves, V. 2015. Azores Tern Census Report 2015. University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography & Fisheries. Arquivos do DOP, Série Estudos nş1/2015. DRAM 2016. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna spp.) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2016. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM 2017. Censo de Garajaus (Sterna hirundo e Sterna dougallii) na subdivisăo da ZEE Portuguesa da Regiăo Autónoma dos Açores - Relatório 2017. Implementaçăo da Diretiva-Quadro da Estratégia Marinha. MOA01-III - MONIAVES – Programa de monitorizaçăo de populaçőes de aves marinhas na subdivisăo dos Açores. DRAM Censo de garajaus 2018 (dados năo publicados)",0,0,0,"PTAC","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1800,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-65,NA,-50,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",NA,-20,NA,"LT","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,2300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",161946.860961322,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-9,NA,-7,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-51.96,-51.25,-50.8,"LV","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Hellenic Ornithological Society database",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Handrinos, G. & Akriotis, T. 1997. The Birds of Greece. Helm.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe - Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK, BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",300,900,1510,"mean","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",161946.860961322,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",90,470,856,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-81,-42,-2,"BE","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Shurulinkov P., Daskalova G., Michov S., Koev V. (2016) The distribution, numbers, and breeding of terns and waders on the sand islands along the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube. NwjZ Art#e151604 (vol.12, no.1, pp.065-077); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Nankinov D., S. Simeonov, T. Michev, B. Ivanov. 1997. Fauna of Bulgaria, Vol. 26, Aves, part II, Sofia, BAS, 426 p. (in Bulgarian, with English Summary) Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",0,0,0,2000,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",0,0,0,"BG","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=144&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",565,NA,862,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 608-611. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",600,NA,800,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",161946.860961322,1981,2017,"I","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,1,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",33,NA,50,"CZ","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",460,NA,900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Experts: Benko, Chudý,Fabry, Demko, Vrlík, Jurecek, Jarcuška, Karaska, Vrlík, Pacenovský, Marcinkech Ridzon, J., Darolová, A. Karaska, D., Fulín, M. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",200,NA,450,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-30,NA,-20,"SK","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Denmark",2015,2015,"p",635,635,635,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",161946.860961322,1980,2015,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2015,"S","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Austria",2013,2018,"p",340,NA,480,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2013-2018 (Rheindelta); B. Wendelin, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at (other areas)",161946.860961322,1981,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2013-2018 (Rheindelta), B. Wendelin, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at (other areas); Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",300,NA,320,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Ornithologischer Rundbrief Bodensee Sommer 2007-2018 (Rheindelta), B. Wendelin, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at (other areas)",NA,2,NA,"AT","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",197,NA,442,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac, K., Mihelic, T., Mozetic, B. & Rakar, B. (2014): Spremljanje stanja avifavne v naravnem rezervatu Škocjanski zatok. Projekt AdriaWet 2000 »Jadranska mokrišca za omrežje Natura 2000« (OP Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013). Porocilo. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Denac, D. (2002): Common Tern Sterna hirundo breeding population: developement and nature conservation management results at the Ormož wastewater basins between 1992 and 2002 (NE Slovenia). – Acrocephalus 23 (115): 163–168. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Janžekovic, F. & Štumberger, B. (1984): Otoka na Ptujskem jezeru zašcitena. Acrocephalus 5 (22): 54–56. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik, I. (2012): Favnisticni in ekološki pregled ptic Secoveljskih solin. – Soline predelava soli, Seca. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",100,NA,150,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",NA,156,NA,"SI","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Canary Islands",2007,2007,"p",16,NA,24,"estimate","estimatePartial","Corbacho, C., Sánchez-Guzmán, J.M. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Díaz-Bertrana Sánchez, M., Farińa Trujillo, B., Riera Cillanueva, R. & Silva Armas, J.L. (2007). Charrán común Sterna hirundo. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 55 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Corbacho, C., Sánchez-Guzmán, J.M. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Díaz-Bertrana Sánchez, M., Farińa Trujillo, B., Riera Cillanueva, R. & Silva Armas, J.L. (2007). Charrán común Sterna hirundo. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 55 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Quilis, V., Martín, A., Nogales, M., Delgado, G., Hernández, E. & Trujillo, O. (1990). Status y distribución del Charrán Común (Sterna hirundo) en el archipiélago canario. Ardeola 37 (2): 299-304.",-57,NA,-53,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Corbacho, C., Sánchez-Guzmán, J.M. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Díaz-Bertrana Sánchez, M., Farińa Trujillo, B., Riera Cillanueva, R. & Silva Armas, J.L. (2007). Charrán común Sterna hirundo. Seguimiento de poblaciones de especies amenazadas 2007. Gobierno de Canarias. 55 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,3,"estimate","estimatePartial","Monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus and Game & Fauna Service, as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists and also by the Game & Fauna Service; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Breeding recorded in 2002 - for the first time since 1905; Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus and Game & Fauna Service, as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists and also by the Game & Fauna Service; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Sterna paradisaea",NA,"Arctic Tern","Finland",2013,2018,"p",67503,89814,159434,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",206727.160960513,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",36,79,134,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",34,58,87,"FI","A194",NA,"Sterna paradisaea" "Sterna paradisaea",NA,"Arctic Tern","UK",1998,2002,"p",53380,53380,53380,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ratcliffe, R. 2004. Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea. Pp. 328-338. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",206727.160960513,1986,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-5,34,115,2004,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",21,52,115,"UK","A194",NA,"Sterna paradisaea" "Sterna paradisaea",NA,"Arctic Tern","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",38000,41000,45000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",206727.160960513,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",50,60,70,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,20,30,"SE","A194",NA,"Sterna paradisaea" "Sterna paradisaea",NA,"Arctic Tern","Estonia",2013,2018,"p",9300,NA,12000,"estimate","completeSurvey","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Linnualade inventuurid 2012-2018. Avaldamata.",206727.160960513,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",188,NA,489,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",70,NA,78,"EE","A194",NA,"Sterna paradisaea" "Sterna paradisaea",NA,"Arctic Tern","Denmark",2015,2015,"p",4900,4900,4900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",206727.160960513,1980,2015,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,-45,NA,2004,2015,"S","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A194",NA,"Sterna paradisaea" "Sterna paradisaea",NA,"Arctic Tern","Germany",2014,2016,"p",3300,3300,3300,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",206727.160960513,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-44,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-27,NA,"DE","A194",NA,"Sterna paradisaea" "Sterna paradisaea",NA,"Arctic Tern","Ireland",2016,2018,"p",2778,2778,2778,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland",206727.160960513,1984,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,40,NA,2002,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,2,NA,"IE","A194",NA,"Sterna paradisaea" "Sterna paradisaea",NA,"Arctic Tern","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",770,NA,1250,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",206727.160960513,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-17,-14,-12,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-44,-19,15,"NL","A194",NA,"Sterna paradisaea" "Sterna paradisaea",NA,"Arctic Tern","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",206727.160960513,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-87,NA,-80,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-91.24,-89.56,-86.96,"LV","A194",NA,"Sterna paradisaea" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Italy",2006,2015,"p",2000,NA,3500,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",15371.8800285188,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-60,NA,-40,2004,2015,"I","estimateExpert","Scarton F., 2017: in: Campostrini P., Dabala C., Del negro P., Tosi L., (Eds.), 2017. Scarton F., Valle R., 2016. In: Bonato L., Trabucco R., Bon M., (Eds.). Atti 7° Convegno Faunisti Veneti, Verona, 15-16 novembre 2014: 28-33.",120,NA,130,"IT","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Spain",2013,2016,"p",1574,NA,2833,"estimate","completeSurvey","Censos de las Comunidades Autónomas de Catalunya, Valencia, Andalucía e Illes Balears. Datos de Gustavo Ballesteros para los censos de Murcia.",15371.8800285188,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Censos de las Comunidades Autónomas de Catalunya, Valencia, Andalucía e Illes Balears. Corbacho, C., Sánchez Guzmán, J.M. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Datos de Gustavo Ballesteros para los censos de Murcia.",NA,394,NA,2007,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Censos de las Comunidades Autónomas de Catalunya, Valencia, Andalucía e Illes Balears. Datos de Gustavo Ballesteros para los censos de Murcia.",NA,-25,NA,"ES","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","France",2014,2017,"p",1719,2005,2292,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,15371.8800285188,1979,2017,"I","completeSurvey",NA,NA,156,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey",NA,NA,28,NA,"FR","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-14,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) Dimalexis, T., Bousbouras, D., Kastritis, T., Manolopoulos, A. & Saravia, V. (eds.) 2009. Evaluation of 69 Important Bird Areas as Special Protection Areas. Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","UK",2012,2016,"p",1491,1491,1491,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694. [Extrapolated total from the Seabird 2000 national survey - see Additional information cell - gives 1,585 (CI 1,440 - 1,708).",15371.8800285188,1986,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-42,-34,-28,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-7,-4,-4,"UK","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Poland",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",-30,NA,-15,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",620,NA,1000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",15371.8800285188,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",127,139,151,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-11,25,75,"NL","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Portugal",2018,2018,"p",620,NA,650,"estimate","completeSurvey","Jaime Ramos com. Pess.; unpublished data ICNF.",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",530,630,730,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",40,60,80,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,30,50,"SE","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Germany",2012,2016,"p",500,500,500,"mean","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",15371.8800285188,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-26,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-24,NA,"DE","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Denmark",2015,2015,"p",457,457,457,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",15371.8800285188,1980,2015,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2015,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,-43,NA,"DK","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Ireland",2016,2018,"p",388,388,388,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",15371.8800285188,1984,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,51,NA,2002,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,88,NA,"IE","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150,NA,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",15371.8800285188,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-37,NA,11,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",25,NA,44,"EE","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-50,NA,-40,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,-25,NA,"LT","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",33,NA,262,"estimate","completeSurvey","Shurulinkov, P., G. Daskalova, S. Michov & V. Koev (2016): The distribution, numbers, and breeding of terns and waders on the sand islands along the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube. North Western Journal of Zoology 12 (1): 65-77.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Green Balkans (unpubl.); data from the: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.dspPage&n_proj_id=4065 Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",-10,NA,-5,2000,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria . Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/ BSPB Bird Database)",0,0,0,"BG","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",70,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",15371.8800285188,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-70,NA,-69,2012,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-26.7,-23.62,-21.81,"LV","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Finland",2013,2018,"p",75,80,85,"estimate","completeSurvey","Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothia 2019: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia Hongell, H., Pakanen, V.M. & Pessa, J. 2019: Unpublished monitoring data Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothnia 2019: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia Hongell, H. 2003: On Little Tern's breeding populations within the Baltic Sea region and its breeding biology in Kalajoki. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2002: 118–125. (in Finnish with English summary). Hongell, H., Pakanen, V.M. & Pessa, J. 2019: Unpublished monitoring data",NA,126,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothnia 2019: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia Hongell, H., Pakanen, V.M. & Pessa, J. 2019: Unpublished monitoring data",NA,5,NA,"FI","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",40,61,82,"mean","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",15371.8800285188,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2567,3967,5367,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-61,-41,-21,"BE","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",25,NA,60,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",-75,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",-40,NA,-20,"HR","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",22,NA,58,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik, I. (2012): Favnisticni in ekološki pregled ptic Secoveljskih solin. – Soline predelava soli, Seca. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",1000,NA,2000,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",NA,31,NA,"SI","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Monthly waterbird counts as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus and Game & Fauna Service, as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists and also by the Game & Fauna Service; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",100,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Monthly waterbird counts as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",5,NA,100,"CY","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 612-615. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 612-615. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-100,NA,"HU","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",15371.8800285188,1981,2017,"UNK","absentData","absentData",NA,NA,NA,2001,2017,"UNK","absentData","absentData",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Spain",2004,2006,"p",1195000,NA,2270000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",9791867.20244471,1998,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,715.4,NA,2005,2011,"I","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,208.3,NA,"ES","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","France",2009,2012,"p",9e+05,NA,1700000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sueur, F. & Issa, N. 2015. Tourterelle tuRQUE. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlép.710-713",9791867.20244471,1996,2017,"I","completeSurvey",NA,61,83,110,2007,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 891-893",-16,NA,3,"FR","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1082000,NA,1346000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",57,71,85,"PL","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","UK",2016,2016,"p",729902,808897,887892,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",9791867.20244471,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,21.42,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-20.92,NA,"UK","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Greece",2013,2018,"p",610000,NA,780000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Italy",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Caprimulgidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",9791867.20244471,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",500,NA,1235,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",35,NA,45,"IT","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",272000,NA,314000,"interval","completeSurvey","Expert opinions National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinions National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database",28,NA,78,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinions National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",180000,NA,360000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",9791867.20244471,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",78197,173959.333333333,256629.333333333,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",9791867.20244471,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",38,56,76.1,"IE","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1e+05,NA,186000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",9791867.20244471,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-20,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-21,-12,-2,"DE","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",80000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Mitev I. 2007. Eurasian Collared Dove. In: Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 308-309;",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Mitev I. 2007. Eurasian Collared Dove. In: Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 308-309;",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Mitev I. 2007. Eurasian Collared Dove. In: Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 308-309; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,0,0,"BG","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",74200,105300,136300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",9791867.20244471,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",24,76,127,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-32,-26,-19,"BE","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",55000,NA,70000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",9791867.20244471,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-44,-23,4,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-28,-22,-16,"NL","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",0,0,0,"SK","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Austria",2013,2018,"p",35000,NA,55000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",9791867.20244471,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,8,NA,"AT","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",28932,28932,28932,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",9791867.20244471,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-27.15,-13.23,3.28,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-54.1,-45.15,-34.64,"DK","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",24500,NA,31600,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-23,NA,"SI","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",15616,NA,39750,"interval","completeSurvey","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Mikulic, K., Katanovic, I., Zec, M., Budinski, I., (2018.): Izvještaj o stanju ocuvanosti odredenih vrsta ptica na podrucju Republike Hrvatske. Udruga BIOM. Zagreb. 34 str.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cypprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Walsh & Pomeroy (2012) Continuing spread of the Collared Dove in W Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus Annual report 2011; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 The Birds Of Cyprus (1992)",100,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",0,NA,33,"CY","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-20,NA,-10,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Azores",2015,2018,"p",335,NA,86913,"estimate","estimatePartial","DRA (Data from 2015-2018 not published; obtained from DRA monitoring scheme) Fontaine R., Fonseca A. & Gonçalves D. 2018 . Censo de pombo das rochas, rola turca, melro preto, estorninho malhado e milhafre Arquipélago dos Açores 2014-2017. CIBIO/InBIO Universidade do Porto, Universidade dos Açores.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2015,2018,"I","estimatePartial","DRA (Data from 2015-2018 not published; obtained from DRA monitoring scheme) Fontaine R., Fonseca A. & Gonçalves D. 2018 . Censo de pombo das rochas, rola turca, melro preto, estorninho malhado e milhafre Arquipélago dos Açores 2014-2017. CIBIO/InBIO Universidade do Porto, Universidade dos Açores.",NA,4483,NA,"PTAC","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2300,3100,4300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert judgement based on national inventories",-75,-50,-25,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-59,19,54,"SE","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Canary Islands",1997,2003,"p",1000,NA,2500,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,1,NA,"ESIC","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",205,NA,350,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",9791867.20244471,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-32,NA,-29,2000,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0.77,3.95,7.18,"LV","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Malta",2017,2018,"p",146,NA,384,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",9791867.20244471,2003,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,80,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,1132,NA,"MT","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=178&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=178&Itemid=66&lang=pt",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=178&Itemid=66&lang=pt Oliveira, P. & Sepúlveda, P. (2011). Contribuiçăo do Atlas das Aves Nidificantes de Portugal e do Primeiro Atlas das Aves da Madeira para a actualizaçăo da listagem das aves nidificantes no Arquipélago da Madeira. SPEA 2011. Livro de resumos - VII Congresso de Ornitologia & I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa.",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Finland",2013,2018,"p",150,200,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,13,NA,"FI","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",9791867.20244471,1980,2017,"D","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-100,NA,-50,2006,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,50,"EE","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",25,50,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",100,100,100,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",50,100,100,"GIB","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Spain",2018,2018,"p",1006540,1342665,1678790,"interval","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Fisher, I., Ashpole, J., Scallan, D., Proud, T. & Carboneras, C. (compilers). (2018). International Single Species Action Plan for the conservation of the European Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur (2018 to 2028). European Commission 2018. (http://www.trackingactionplans.org/SAPTT/downloadDocuments/openDocument?idDocument=49) SEO/BirdLife. (2016) Analysis of environmental correlates of Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur abundance in Spain using data from SACRE. SEO/Birdlife, Madrid. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://doi.org/10.31170/0073)",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) De Juana, E. (2004). Cambios en el estado de conservación de las aves en Espańa, ańos 1954 a 2004. Ardeola, 51(1), 19-50. Fisher, I., Ashpole, J., Scallan, D., Proud, T. & Carboneras, C. (compilers) (2018). International Single Species Action Plan for the conservation of the European Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur (2018 to 2028). European Commission 2018. (http://www.trackingactionplans.org/SAPTT/downloadDocuments/openDocument?idDocument=49) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2016). Analysis of environmental correlates of Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur abundance in Spain using data from SACRE. SEO/Birdlife, Madrid. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-29,-29,-29,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Fisher, I., Ashpole, J., Scallan, D., Proud, T. & Carboneras, C. (compilers) (2018). International Single Species Action Plan for the conservation of the European Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur (2018 to 2028). European Commission 2018. (http://www.trackingactionplans.org/SAPTT/downloadDocuments/openDocument?idDocument=49) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife. (2016). Analysis of environmental correlates of Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur abundance in Spain using data from SACRE. SEO/Birdlife, Madrid. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-40,-25,-23,"ES","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","France",2009,2009,"p",397000,436900,481000,"interval","completeSurvey","Issa, N. & Boutin, J.M. 2015. Tourterelle des bois. In Issa N & Muller Y (coord.) Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, Delachaux & Niestlé, Paris714-716 ; Bacon, L 2012. Estimation de la taille de la population de tourterelle des bois nicheuse en France . Rapport de stage Master 2, 20 pages et annexes",2630796.22829983,1996,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-47,-37,-21,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 891-893 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615",-46,-37,-25,"FR","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Italy",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",2630796.22829983,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",200,200,200,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",80000,NA,120000,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 320-321 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 83-84 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 207 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 368-369 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 156 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 143 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Population trend for the period 2005-2012.",0,NA,0,"BG","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",27000,NA,135000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2630796.22829983,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-4,NA,"CZ","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Greece",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1)BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 6) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 7) National Report of the National Center for the Environment and Sustainable Development under the title: “Greece – State of the Environment Report 2015-2016: Nature and Biodiversity” 8) Fisher I, Ashpole J, Scallan D, Proud T and Carboneras C (compilers) (2018) International Single Species Action Plan for the conservation of the European Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur (2018 to 2028). European Commission 2018",-15,NA,-5,"GR","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Poland",2013,2018,"p",22000,NA,37000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-48,-34,-16,"PL","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Germany",2016,2016,"p",12500,NA,22000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",2630796.22829983,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-89,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-70,-61,-51,"DE","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Krištín (in litt.)",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-30,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",-30,NA,-20,"SK","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Austria",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",2630796.22829983,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-18,NA,"AT","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",3579,6651,12361,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2630796.22829983,1995,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-77.94,NA,38.95,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-71.3,-51.7,-20.1,"LV","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas, con especial referencia a la codorniz común. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 174 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2015). Seguimiento de aves reproductoras comunes en zonas agrícolas de Canarias en la temporada de cría de 2015. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 156 pp. + anexos.",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Emmerson, K. (2005). Estudio de la abundancia relativa de especies cinegéticas en la isla de Tenerife durante el trienio 2002-2004. Cabildo Insular de Tenerife/Ornistudio S.L.Informe no publicado. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas, con especial referencia a la codorniz común. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 174 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2015). Seguimiento de aves reproductoras comunes en zonas agrícolas de Canarias en la temporada de cría de 2015. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 156 pp. + anexos. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de aves en declive en zonas agrícolas, con especial referencia a la codorniz común. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 174 pp. + anexos. Lorenzo, J.A. & González, C. (2015). Seguimiento de aves reproductoras comunes en zonas agrícolas de Canarias en la temporada de cría de 2015. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 156 pp. + anexos.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",2300,NA,8500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017) and the ""Bird Hunting Bag Statistics Program 2017-2018"", Game & Fauna Service.",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports.",-24,NA,-15,"CY","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","UK",2016,2016,"p",3588,3588,3588,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",2630796.22829983,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-97.35,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-87.78,NA,"UK","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2700,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-80,NA,-60,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-40,NA,-30,"LT","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",2200,2800,3500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2630796.22829983,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-92,-90,-88,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-41,-25,-7,"BE","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",1800,NA,2600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-66.7,NA,"SI","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",1200,NA,1400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",2630796.22829983,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-95,-93,-88,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-85,-74,-56,"NL","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",350,NA,700,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2630796.22829983,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-93,NA,-85,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-92,NA,-70,"EE","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-30,NA,-10,"LU","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",50,50,50,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",2630796.22829983,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",1718.73,5899.61,18984.9,2006,2017,"D","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Finland",2013,2018,"p",0,1,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,-80,NA,2006,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland: Tiira-bird observation database. Lehtiniemi, T. 2019: Harvalukuiset lintulajit Suomessa 2017-2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 26-37.",NA,-50,NA,"FI","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","France",2009,2012,"p",87700,NA,130500,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,606178.765893566,1989,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",65000,NA,75000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-193",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2010,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MLSL)",-6,19,50,"PL","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Germany",2016,2016,"p",43000,NA,75000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",606178.765893566,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Spain",1998,2002,"p",45000,NA,61000,"interval","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","UK",2005,2005,"p",50000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Freeman, S.N., Balmer, D.E. & Crick, H.Q.P. 2007. Tawny Owl Survey 2005. BTO News 268: 6-7.",606178.765893566,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-32.24,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-10.86,NA,"UK","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Italy",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Caprimulgidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",606178.765893566,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",400,NA,500,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",15000,18000,21000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-70,0,38,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,0,20,"SE","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Latvia",2017,2017,"p",12512,16604,23925,"interval","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",606178.765893566,1990,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",-30,-22,-13,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",2,31,68,"LV","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Croatia",2010,2010,"p",14000,NA,16000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats",606178.765893566,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,20,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2017,"U","estimatePartial","GTAN-SPEA, 2019. Relatório do Programa NOCTUA Portugal (2009/10 - 2017/18).Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",10000,NA,18000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","expert opinion",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",0,0,0,"CZ","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",4700,7400,10200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",606178.765893566,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-81,185,292,2008,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",5000,NA,9100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",606178.765893566,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Vrezec A. (2017b): Being with owls – from faunistic surveys to ecosystem research. pp. 8–9. In: World Owl Conference 2017, Book of Abstracts. Evora, 26–30 September 2017. – University of Evora.",0,0,0,2002,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Vrezec A. (2017b): Being with owls – from faunistic surveys to ecosystem research. pp. 8–9. In: World Owl Conference 2017, Book of Abstracts. Evora, 26–30 September 2017. – University of Evora.",0,0,0,"SI","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o.",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. https://www.ksh.hu/docs/hun/xftp/stattukor/regiok/orsz/erdogazd12.pdf https://www.arcanum.hu/hu/online-kiadvanyok/TenyekKonyve-tenyek-konyve-1/zold-19B21/termeszetvedelem-magyarorszagon-1A3D7/erdok-1A7EC/magyarorszag-legfobb-termeszetes-erdotarsulasai-1A7ED/az-erdoterulet-valtozasa-a-honfoglalastol-napjainkig-1A803/",5,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 278. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. https://www.ksh.hu/docs/hun/xftp/stattukor/regiok/orsz/erdogazd12.pdf",0,0,0,"HU","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-own unpublished data",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) BSPB database Simeonov S., T.Michev,D.Nankinov (1990) Fauna of Bulgaria.vol.20 Aves,part 1.BAS,Sofia",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova-own unpublished data",0,NA,0,"BG","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",4500,NA,5500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",606178.765893566,1984,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-14,11,44,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-12,3,19,"NL","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019.",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",3500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-5,NA,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-44,NA,-12,"LT","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2447,2447,2447,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",606178.765893566,1987,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-23.16,31.57,123.23,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-6.7,70.63,203.16,"DK","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",606178.765893566,1987,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-101,NA,149,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-38,NA,6,"EE","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1016,1217,1434,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",606178.765893566,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-13,-1,14,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-25,-12,2,"FI","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",0,NA,0,"LU","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",1,3,3,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",100,100,100,2001,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix nebulosa",NA,"Great Grey Owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",492,645,946,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1052.74165738677,1986,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-25,12,66,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",12,74,165,"FI","A457",NA,"Strix nebulosa" "Strix nebulosa",NA,"Great Grey Owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",200,400,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1052.74165738677,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Expert judgement",-50,NA,100,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-50,NA,50,"SE","A457",NA,"Strix nebulosa" "Strix nebulosa",NA,"Great Grey Owl","Poland",2013,2017,"p",2,NA,7,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",1052.74165738677,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A457",NA,"Strix nebulosa" "Strix nebulosa",NA,"Great Grey Owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",1052.74165738677,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,"LT","A457",NA,"Strix nebulosa" "Strix nebulosa",NA,"Great Grey Owl","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Linnualade inventuurid 2012-2018. Avaldamata.",1052.74165738677,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,"EE","A457",NA,"Strix nebulosa" "Strix nebulosa",NA,"Great Grey Owl","Latvia",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",1052.74165738677,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne. Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Unpublished data of EBBA2 and Eionet, 2014. Bird population status and trends at the EU and Member State levels [WWW Document]. URL https://bd.eionet.europa.eu/article12/summary",0,0,0,"LV","A457",NA,"Strix nebulosa" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",2722,3088,3651,"interval","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",36568.7002618636,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",20,37,57,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-23,-13,-2,"FI","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Latvia",2017,2017,"p",1825,3033,5381,"interval","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",36568.7002618636,1990,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",4,44,98,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for species conservation activity plan (draft); Expert: Andris Avotinš jun., avotins.puces@gmail.com",-67,-48,-17,"LV","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2000,2700,3400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",36568.7002618636,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement",10,20,30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,0,20,"SE","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1400,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.; Harvancík Stanislav, Sovy Slovenska vo fotografii, DANSTA, 2009. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",36568.7002618636,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",50,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",10,NA,20,"SK","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1300,NA,1800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-194; Wilk T., Bobrek R., Pepkowska-Król A., Neubauer G., Kosicki J. 2016. Ptaki polskich Karpat - stan, zagrozenia, ochrona. OTOP, Marki.",36568.7002618636,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",270,NA,300,2010,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MLSL)",-32,19,102,"PL","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",36568.7002618636,1987,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-98,NA,6,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Monitoring of raptors. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2059&Itemid=372",-37,NA,2,"EE","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",700,NA,1200,"interval","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",36568.7002618636,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Al Vrezec and http://atlas.ptice.si/atlas/index.php",20,NA,40,2002,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Al Vrezec and http://atlas.ptice.si/atlas/index.php",10,NA,30,"SI","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Croatia",2013,2013,"p",700,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Tutiš, V. (2013): Monitoring Programme ural owl (Strix uralensis) in Croatia, Institute of Ornithology, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, IPA MANMON project",36568.7002618636,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",120,NA,280,"estimate","estimatePartial","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Demeter, I., Horváth, M. & Prommer, M. (2019): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSZ) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása. Heliaca: 15: 74-75.",36568.7002618636,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,1300,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",36568.7002618636,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",4900,NA,7900,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,NA,25,"LT","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",50,NA,70,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",36568.7002618636,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","expert opinion",NA,200,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,20,NA,"CZ","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",35,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. BAS, MOEW, Sofia. BSPB database",36568.7002618636,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. BAS, MOEW, Sofia. Botev, B. (ed.) 1985. Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Vol. 2, Animals, Sofia, BAS, 183 p. BSPB database",0,NA,5,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. BAS, MOEW, Sofia. BSPB database",-10,NA,0,"BG","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Italy",2013,2018,"p",25,NA,45,"estimate","estimateExpert","Rassati G. 2017.",36568.7002618636,1994,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",2500,NA,4500,2000,2014,"I","estimateExpert","Rassati G. 2017.",400,NA,470,"IT","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Petutschnig & Probst 2017, Kleewein 2016",36568.7002618636,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Petutschnig & Probst 2017, Kleewein 2016, R. Probst pers. communication",NA,0,NA,"AT","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Sturnus unicolor",NA,"Spotless Starling","Spain",2004,2006,"p",23345000,NA,29585000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",27035042.5460337,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-25.8,NA,NA,"ES","A352",NA,"Sturnus unicolor" "Sturnus unicolor",NA,"Spotless Starling","Italy",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2013. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.8 (Sturnidae-Fringillidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",27035042.5460337,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-50,NA,-40,2012,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",25,NA,40,"IT","A352",NA,"Sturnus unicolor" "Sturnus unicolor",NA,"Spotless Starling","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",27035042.5460337,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A352",NA,"Sturnus unicolor" "Sturnus unicolor",NA,"Spotless Starling","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",50,100,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",27035042.5460337,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A352",NA,"Sturnus unicolor" "Sturnus unicolor",NA,"Spotless Starling","France",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",27035042.5460337,1989,2017,"I","estimateExpert",NA,NA,14,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A352",NA,"Sturnus unicolor" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Germany",2016,2016,"p",2600000,NA,3600000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",24927217.0182793,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",-55,-55,-55,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-22,-15,-7,"DE","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","France",2013,2018,"p",2e+06,NA,3500000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",24927217.0182793,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",21,21,21,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 891-893 ; . STOC EPS / MNHN. ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615",23,23,23,"FR","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2205000,NA,2963000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-8,3,16,"PL","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","UK",2016,2016,"p",1531200,1735706,1940213,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",24927217.0182793,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-81.76,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-35.1,NA,"UK","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",24927217.0182793,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,3,NA,"CZ","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",8e+05,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB; Ivanov B. 2011. Fauna of Bulgaria, Aves, part 3,195-200.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Population trend for the period 2005-2012.",-33,NA,-10,"BG","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Italy",2013,2018,"p",8e+05,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",24927217.0182793,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-35,NA,-20,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",718815.5,1033452,1868774.66666667,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",24927217.0182793,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-9.7,-4,2,"IE","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",710000,NA,990000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Expert opinions. National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Azores",2015,2018,"p",440519,730997,967404,"mean","estimatePartial","DRA (Data from 2018 not published; obtained from DRA monitoring scheme) Fontaine R., Fonseca A. & Gonçalves D. 2018 . Censo de pombo das rochas, rola turca, melro preto, estorninho malhado e milhafre Arquipélago dos Açores 2014-2017. CIBIO/InBIO Universidade do Porto, Universidade dos Açores.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",0.1,NA,50,"PTAC","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Spain",1998,2002,"p",4e+05,NA,1200000,"interval","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",24927217.0182793,1984,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International/European Bird Census Council (2000) European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 10) Hagemeijer, E.J. & Blair, M.J. (Eds.) (1997). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding birds: Their distribution and abundance. T & A D Poyser, London. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",450000,NA,750000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",24927217.0182793,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-77,-69,-58,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-19,-12,-4,"NL","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín in litt.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,"SK","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",365000,403000,448000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-68,-63,-58,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-43,-37,-30,"SE","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",326025,364026,406455,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",24927217.0182793,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",39.39,NA,195.63,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2.8,29,61.3,"LV","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",289675,289675,289675,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",24927217.0182793,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-69.56,-63.37,-55.96,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-58.32,-41.38,-18.34,"DK","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Greece",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,390000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,156,NA,"GR","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",155100,228000,301000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",24927217.0182793,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-54,-33,-11,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-39,-31,-21,"BE","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2e+05,NA,250000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",24927217.0182793,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-3,NA,14,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-22,NA,-17,"EE","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",155000,NA,301000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-22.4,NA,"SI","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Austria",2013,2018,"p",140000,NA,240000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",24927217.0182793,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,2,NA,"AT","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Finland",2013,2018,"p",59164,88272,112934,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-65,-52,-35,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",4,33,68,"FI","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",50,NA,250,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Malta",2017,2018,"p",2,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018)",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Raine, A., Sultana, J. and Gillings, S. (2008). Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008. BirdLife Malta. Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Raine, A., Sultana, J. and Gillings, S. (2008). Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008. BirdLife Malta. Sultana, J., Borg J.J., Gauci, C. and Falzon, V., (2011). The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta.",NA,-10,NA,"MT","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Surnia ulula",NA,"Northern Hawk-owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1100,2300,14000,"mean","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",4300,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,NA,400,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,NA,400,"SE","A456",NA,"Surnia ulula" "Surnia ulula",NA,"Northern Hawk-owl","Finland",2013,2018,"p",300,2000,7200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",4300,1986,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-62,-30,25,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Meller, K., Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2019: Kuuma kesä suosi haukkoja — myyräkato masensi pöllöjä. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 80-95. (in Finnish with English summary). Björklund, H., Saurola, P. & Valkama, J. 2018: Breeding and population trends of common raptors and owls in Finland in 2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 56–69. (in Finnish with English summary).",-62,8,181,"FI","A456",NA,"Surnia ulula" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","France",2013,2018,"p",5e+06,NA,8e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",42224089.7006556,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey",NA,NA,24,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,11.8,NA,"FR","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Germany",2016,2016,"p",4650000,NA,6150000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",42224089.7006556,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",41,NA,180,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",52,58,65,"DE","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Poland",2013,2018,"p",4799000,NA,5346000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",11,17,23,"PL","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2e+06,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia Italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",42224089.7006556,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",10,NA,15,"IT","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Spain",2004,2018,"p",2739983,NA,3311452,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2018). Datos de anillamiento y recuperaciones en Espańa. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, SEO/BirdLife, ICO, EBD-CSIC y GOB. Madrid. (http://www.anillamientoseo.org) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",2e+06,NA,2500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","UK",2016,2016,"p",1665895,1665895,1665895,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",42224089.7006556,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,248.34,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,70.25,NA,"UK","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1366000,1440000,1503000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",131,150,172,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,16,21,"SE","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",42224089.7006556,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",1056000,NA,1104000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",73,NA,110,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",11,NA,33,"HU","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Austria",2013,2018,"p",8e+05,NA,1200000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",42224089.7006556,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,5,NA,"AT","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",8e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín in litt.",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,"SK","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",569000,NA,781000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-13.2,NA,"SI","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria BSPB Bird Database SPA mapping of breeding birds 2012",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia, BSPB. Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian)",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/product-view/3/30.html (Population trend estimate covers the period 2005-2012 ); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,0,0,"BG","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",366335,586216,1711466,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",42224089.7006556,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",340.7,396.5,458.6,"IE","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Azores",2013,2017,"p",349284,493190,819438,"mean","estimatePartial","Count data extracted from CAC (Common Bird Census; 2013-2018), provided by SPEA (not published).",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",0.1,NA,50,"PTAC","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",486672,486672,486672,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",42224089.7006556,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",151.28,167.94,185.67,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",10.48,21.39,33.29,"DK","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",42224089.7006556,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",194,226,263,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",48,55,61,"NL","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",42224089.7006556,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",26,NA,39,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",2,NA,9,"EE","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",285700,381000,476200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",42224089.7006556,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",196,295,393,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",23,32,42,"BE","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",283086,323836,370453,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",42224089.7006556,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",128.21,NA,463.55,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",57.1,94.2,139.4,"LV","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,350000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",5,NA,10,"LT","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Finland",2013,2018,"p",122233,150354,176568,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",57,129,233,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",65,92,123,"FI","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) E taea, pe t pt a fµ, pe eßt. Ged T., et.all. 3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) E taea, pe t pt a fµ, pe eßt. Ged T., et.all.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,199,NA,"GR","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=156&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",56,NA,92,"PTMA","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",101,250,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",10,20,20,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia balearica",NA,"Balearic Warbler","Spain",2013,2018,"p",14000,NA,25000,"Minimum","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2017). Sylvia balearica (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22734798A113119361. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22734798/113119361). Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A. & Christie, D. (2006). Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 11: Old World Flycatchers to Old World Warblers. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain. SEO/BIrdLife. (2018). (https://www.seo.org/ave/curruca-balear/).",18708.2869338697,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife International (2017). Sylvia balearica (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22734798A113119361. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22734798/113119361).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2017). Sylvia balearica (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22734798A113119361. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22734798/113119361).",0,0,0,"ES","A569",NA,"Sylvia balearica" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",696000,1168000,1630000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-22,-16,-9,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-9,-4,1,"SE","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",690000,NA,1e+06,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",6611915.28106644,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-38,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-38,-32,-25,"DE","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,9e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",6611915.28106644,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-32,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-29,NA,"FR","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",524403,663618,846795,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-30,-21,-11,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-39,-34,-29,"FI","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",4e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",6611915.28106644,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,NA,6,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-31,NA,-21,"EE","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",374000,NA,512000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-40,-31,-20,"PL","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Spain",1998,2018,"p",261473,392667,532107,"estimate","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",277382,325918,382947,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",6611915.28106644,1995,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-13.18,NA,98.81,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",10.2,40.9,79.2,"LV","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Krištín in litt.",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation), Krištín in litt.",0,0,0,"SK","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",190000,NA,380000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",6611915.28106644,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-66.6,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-28.5,NA,"CZ","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,350000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",175402,175402,175402,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",6611915.28106644,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-51.98,-46.61,-40.64,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-34.39,-21.01,-5.18,"DK","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","UK",2016,2016,"p",143676,143676,143676,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",6611915.28106644,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,8.94,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-6.92,NA,"UK","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",80000,NA,140000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",6611915.28106644,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-24,-15,-4,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-13,-6,1,"NL","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",49500,64400,79200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",6611915.28106644,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-38,-19,0,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-61,-49,-32,"BE","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",6611915.28106644,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",20,NA,200,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-40,NA,-25,"IT","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",6611915.28106644,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,7,NA,"AT","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",400,NA,800,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-50,NA,"SI","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",300,NA,800,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",6611915.28106644,1999,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 459 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 111 p. Szép, T., Nagy, K., Nagy, Zs. & Halmos, G. (2012): Population trends of common breeding and wintering birds in Hungary, decline of long-distance migrant and farmland birds during 1999-2012. Ornis Hungarica 2012. 20(2): 13-63. Haraszthy László (1998, 2000) - Magyarország madarai; 313-314 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 233 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 191 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,-89,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Sylvia_borin.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",200,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",100,100,100,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",6611915.28106644,1991,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",0,0,0,2011,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",0,0,0,"IE","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Greece",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia cantillans","[excluding subalpina]","Subalpine Warbler","Spain",2004,2018,"p",2538158,NA,3073284,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",4191990.34105451,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A304",NA,"Sylvia cantillans" "Sylvia cantillans","[excluding subalpina]","Subalpine Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",4191990.34105451,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A304",NA,"Sylvia cantillans" "Sylvia cantillans","[excluding subalpina]","Subalpine Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",4191990.34105451,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial",NA,120,120,250,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,27,NA,"FR","A304",NA,"Sylvia cantillans" "Sylvia cantillans","[excluding subalpina]","Subalpine Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",4191990.34105451,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A304",NA,"Sylvia cantillans" "Sylvia cantillans","[excluding subalpina]","Subalpine Warbler","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,140000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) pe eßt. taea. Ged T., et al. 6) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 7) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",4191990.34105451,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) pe eßt. taea. Ged T., et al. 6) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A304",NA,"Sylvia cantillans" "Sylvia cantillans","[excluding subalpina]","Subalpine Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",4191990.34105451,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",65,NA,300,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",15,NA,30,"IT","A304",NA,"Sylvia cantillans" "Sylvia cantillans","[excluding subalpina]","Subalpine Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",3000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",4191990.34105451,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A304",NA,"Sylvia cantillans" "Sylvia cantillans","[excluding subalpina]","Subalpine Warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",4191990.34105451,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A304",NA,"Sylvia cantillans" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2300000,NA,2668000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-12,-6,1,"PL","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","UK",2016,2016,"p",1121804,1121804,1121804,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",11934972.4664539,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,68.79,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,12.56,NA,"UK","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","France",2013,2018,"p",7e+05,NA,1300000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",11934972.4664539,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-8,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-4.5,NA,"FR","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Germany",2016,2016,"p",6e+05,NA,950000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",11934972.4664539,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,29,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",18,29,41,"DE","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Spain",2004,2006,"p",510000,NA,780000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-2.7,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",392413,462588,545314,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",11934972.4664539,1995,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",59.39,NA,190.92,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",6.1,31.4,62.1,"LV","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",392846,392846,392846,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",11934972.4664539,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",4.73,14.91,26.06,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-8.42,2.16,13.86,"DK","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",11934972.4664539,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-20,NA,10,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-46,NA,-45,"EE","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",250000,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-5,NA,0,"LT","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Finland",2013,2018,"p",270010,315654,363482,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-47,-32,-14,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-38,-30,-22,"FI","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",164000,248000,330000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-1,0,21,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-1,6,14,"SE","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",235000,NA,249000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM). Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",4,NA,63,"HU","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",120000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",11934972.4664539,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",153,186,225,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",44,53,62,"NL","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",11934972.4664539,1982,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,"CZ","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",11934972.4664539,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,25,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",60000,NA,160000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Population trend for the period 2005-2012.",33,NA,167,"BG","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",63356,97099,262956,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",11934972.4664539,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",9.1,22,36.3,"IE","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",65800,84800,103700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",11934972.4664539,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",67,115,163,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-2,15,35,"BE","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation)",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation)",-10,NA,-1,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk Ridzon in litt. (www.vtaky.sk, 2019, manuscript in preparation)",-10,NA,-1,"SK","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) pe eßt. pe t pt. taea.",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) pe eßt. pe t pt. taea.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Austria",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",11934972.4664539,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,-31,NA,"AT","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",15300,NA,21400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-50.6,NA,"SI","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",30,NA,70,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia conspicillata",NA,"Spectacled Warbler","Spain",2004,2006,"p",121500,NA,296500,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",266583.475041472,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx). Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,"ES","A303",NA,"Sylvia conspicillata" "Sylvia conspicillata",NA,"Spectacled Warbler","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",266583.475041472,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A303",NA,"Sylvia conspicillata" "Sylvia conspicillata",NA,"Spectacled Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",266583.475041472,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A303",NA,"Sylvia conspicillata" "Sylvia conspicillata",NA,"Spectacled Warbler","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",7000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",266583.475041472,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; No systematic data is available for before 2006",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",0,NA,0,"CY","A303",NA,"Sylvia conspicillata" "Sylvia conspicillata",NA,"Spectacled Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",266583.475041472,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A303",NA,"Sylvia conspicillata" "Sylvia conspicillata",NA,"Spectacled Warbler","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=155&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",266583.475041472,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",NA,1,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Based on expert opinion",NA,1,NA,"PTMA","A303",NA,"Sylvia conspicillata" "Sylvia conspicillata",NA,"Spectacled Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",650,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",266583.475041472,1989,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-80,NA,-40,2007,2017,"D","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A303",NA,"Sylvia conspicillata" "Sylvia conspicillata",NA,"Spectacled Warbler","Malta",2017,2018,"p",716,NA,1162,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",266583.475041472,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,-19,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-25,NA,"MT","A303",NA,"Sylvia conspicillata" "Sylvia crassirostris",NA,"Eastern Orphean Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",30845.9611492365,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",5,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimateExpert","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A571",NA,"Sylvia crassirostris" "Sylvia crassirostris",NA,"Eastern Orphean Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",30845.9611492365,1980,2015,"S","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5. Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A571",NA,"Sylvia crassirostris" "Sylvia crassirostris",NA,"Eastern Orphean Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",30845.9611492365,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A571",NA,"Sylvia crassirostris" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Poland",2013,2018,"p",720000,NA,821000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-14,-5,6,"PL","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Finland",2013,2018,"p",221874,271050,343037,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-20,2,28,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",-23,-13,-2,"FI","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Germany",2016,2016,"p",180000,NA,295000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",3482339.03026893,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,1,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-23,-14,-3,"DE","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",177643,177643,177643,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",3482339.03026893,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-48.37,-37.17,-23.62,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",1.35,21.88,46.17,"DK","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",132000,145000,160000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-22,0,7,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-47,-42,-36,"SE","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",110000,NA,160000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",5,NA,10,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,5,"LT","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",80000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3482339.03026893,1984,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-22,0,44,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-44,NA,-25,"EE","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",67196,90103,120820,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",3482339.03026893,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",59,NA,60,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-8.4,40,111,"LV","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",53000,NA,123000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 101 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",27,NA,128,"HU","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","UK",2016,2016,"p",78883,78883,78883,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",3482339.03026893,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-6.34,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,27.53,NA,"UK","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Austria",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",3482339.03026893,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",45000,NA,90000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",3482339.03026893,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-3,NA,"CZ","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",30000,NA,70000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",-4,NA,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. CBC - common bird census",NA,-4,NA,"SK","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","France",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,32000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",3482339.03026893,1989,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-1.6,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-15.88,NA,"FR","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",17000,NA,20000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3482339.03026893,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-47,-30,-8,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-2,11,26,"NL","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",3482339.03026893,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-25,NA,0,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",12600,16300,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3482339.03026893,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",5,36,67,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Greece",2015,2015,"p",5000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,10000,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlis",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",5300,NA,11100,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,12,NA,"SI","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",-20,NA,-10,"LU","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia hortensis","sensu stricto [excluding crassirostris]","Orphean Warbler","Spain",2004,2006,"p",109500,NA,220500,"interval","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",174392.055779466,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,187.3,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,60,NA,"ES","A570",NA,"Sylvia hortensis s. str." "Sylvia hortensis","sensu stricto [excluding crassirostris]","Orphean Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",174392.055779466,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-80,NA,-75,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",-50,NA,-5,"IT","A570",NA,"Sylvia hortensis s. str." "Sylvia hortensis","sensu stricto [excluding crassirostris]","Orphean Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",9000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",174392.055779466,2001,2017,"I","absentData",NA,28,NA,205,2007,2017,"I","estimatePartial",NA,28,NA,110,"FR","A570",NA,"Sylvia hortensis s. str." "Sylvia hortensis","sensu stricto [excluding crassirostris]","Orphean Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",174392.055779466,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A570",NA,"Sylvia hortensis s. str." "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Spain",2004,2006,"p",4549219,NA,5793724,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,1.45641942111409,NA,"ES","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"S",NA,"Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,1500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",9305391.48731586,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",65,NA,150,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Greece",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,620000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 6) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, 6) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,0,NA,"GR","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,250000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",9305391.48731586,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial",NA,NA,-20,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-13,NA,"FR","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",97000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Survey data analysed using DISTANCE programme; Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017; BirdLife Cyprus Common Birds monitoring scheme data; Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports;",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Pomeroy & Walsh Sandgrouse 22 (2000); Pomeroy & Walsh Oryx 36 (2002), Pomeroy & Walsh Sandgrouse 28 (2006); Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird signtings records reported in the society's annual reports.",1e+05,NA,5e+05,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",36,NA,61,"CY","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Malta",2017,2018,"p",8504,NA,13727,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,0,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,-25,NA,"MT","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D. 2009. Studies on Fauna of Bulgaria, Birds - Aves, Passeriformes, Sofia, ETO, 407 p. (in Bulgarian); Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.",0,0,0,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Nankinov, D., . Dutsov, B. Nikolov, B. Borisov, G. Stoyanov, G. Gradev, D. Georgiev, D. Popov, D. Domuschiev, D. Kirov, E. Tilova, I. Nikolov, I. Ivanov, K. Dichev, K. Popov, N. Karaivanov, N. Todorov, P. Shurulinkov, R. Stanchev, R. Aleksov, R.Tsonev, S. Dalakchieva, S. Ivanov, S. Marin, S. Staikov, S. Nikolov & H. Nikolov. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",5,NA,15,"BG","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",101,250,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia melanocephala",NA,"Sardinian Warbler","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",9305391.48731586,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A305",NA,"Sylvia melanocephala" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Poland",2013,2018,"p",98000,NA,128000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",26,70,127,"PL","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",25000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 458 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110-111 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 469-470 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 231 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 191 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Sylvia_nisoria.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",4500,NA,15000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,0,0,2001,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Population trend for the period 2005-2012",0,0,0,"BG","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Germany",2016,2016,"p",5500,NA,9500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",442564.766713424,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,15,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-10,NA,"DE","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",442564.766713424,1982,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-6.99,NA,"CZ","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",5,NA,10,"LT","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",2084,NA,4573,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",442564.766713424,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",24,NA,29,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",24.05,26.03,29.14,"LV","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",442564.766713424,1983,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-89,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-89,NA,-29,"EE","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Austria",2013,2018,"p",2200,NA,3300,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",442564.766713424,1981,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",50,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",10,NA,20,"AT","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Slovenia",2016,2018,"p",800,NA,1350,"estimate","estimatePartial","Denac K. (2018): Pisana penica Sylvia nisoria. pp. 173-178. In: Denac K., Jancar T., Božic L., Mihelic T., Koce U., Kmecl P., Kljun I., Denac D., Bordjan D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P., Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-30,NA,-25,"SI","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Finland",2013,2018,"p",200,300,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",442564.766713424,1994,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",0,0,0,"FI","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",100,180,250,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on ringing data",-70,-50,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-70,-50,-30,"SE","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50,NA,200,"estimate","estimatePartial","1)µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 2) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,-77,NA,"GR","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",442564.766713424,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-95,NA,-90,2000,2014,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",-50,NA,-5,"IT","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",442564.766713424,1983,2017,"D","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-96.07,-91.33,-81.22,2006,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",NA,NA,NA,"DK","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Sylvia ruppeli",NA,"Rueppell's Warbler","Greece",2015,2015,"p",3000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",5477.22557505166,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A440",NA,"Sylvia ruppeli" "Sylvia sarda","sensu stricto [excluding balearica]","Marmora's Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",62071.0678118655,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A500",NA,"Sylvia sarda s. str." "Sylvia sarda","sensu stricto [excluding balearica]","Marmora's Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",55000,55000,55000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",62071.0678118655,1980,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A500",NA,"Sylvia sarda s. str." "Sylvia subalpina",NA,"Moltoni's Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,130000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2010. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.6 (Sylviidae-Paradoxornithidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",82084.7910453586,1993,2018,"Unk","absentData","no data available for the past",NA,NA,NA,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",15,NA,30,"IT","A907",NA,"Sylvia subalpina" "Sylvia subalpina",NA,"Moltoni's Warbler","Spain",2013,2018,"p",48,48,48,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home)",82084.7910453586,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife International (2017). Sylvia subalpina (amended version of 2017 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22735596A118626039. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22735596/118626039).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife International (2017). Sylvia subalpina (amended version of 2017 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22735596A118626039. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22735596/118626039).",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A907",NA,"Sylvia subalpina" "Sylvia subalpina",NA,"Moltoni's Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Roché J. et al. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d'oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 241-268",82084.7910453586,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A907",NA,"Sylvia subalpina" "Sylvia undata",NA,"Dartford Warbler","Spain",1998,2002,"p",461027,599456,847875,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & D. Palomino (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. (Seguimiento de Aves, 19). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas.",877429.644884995,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-4.6,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",-6.2,-4.6,-3.1,"ES","A302",NA,"Sylvia undata" "Sylvia undata",NA,"Dartford Warbler","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",877429.644884995,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A302",NA,"Sylvia undata" "Sylvia undata",NA,"Dartford Warbler","France",2013,2018,"p",25000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",877429.644884995,2001,2017,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-70,NA,-60,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN. ; Piguet F. & Williamson T. 2013. Habitat-dependent population recovery in the Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata following a severe winter episode. Bird Study 60 (3), doi.org/10.1080/00063657.2013.811463",NA,-41.94,NA,"FR","A302",NA,"Sylvia undata" "Sylvia undata",NA,"Dartford Warbler","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",877429.644884995,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A302",NA,"Sylvia undata" "Sylvia undata",NA,"Dartford Warbler","UK",2016,2016,"p",1691,1691,1691,"estimate","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694. 2016 total was similar to 1677 in 2015. RBBP figure is possibly more likely to reflect current population given the population crash reported, but under-reporting may well have occurred so it is unclear if it is more accurate.",877429.644884995,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,449,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-19,NA,"UK","A302",NA,"Sylvia undata" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","France",2009,2012,"p",12000,NA,19000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2006,2018,"D","estimatePartial","MNHN - Vigie Nature 2019. Les résultats nationaux du programme STOC de 2006 ŕ 2018. , Paris http://www.vigienature.fr/fr/observatoires/suivi-temporel-oiseaux-communs-stoc/resultats-3413",NA,-22,NA,"FR","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Germany",2016,2016,"p",12000,NA,19000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",92126.304178527,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-1,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-1,NA,"DE","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Poland",2013,2018,"p",7500,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-8,48,133,"PL","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","UK",2016,2016,"p",3646,NA,7293,"interval","completeSurvey","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extralopation using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trends since 1988-1991 (Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf)",92126.304178527,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-63.15,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",NA,-16.74,NA,"UK","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",3438,NA,6875,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",92126.304178527,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their Conservation Status. Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3).",NA,NA,NA,2000,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 26 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 30 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 104-105 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 68 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-67,NA,-60,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Tachybaptus_ruficollis.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Italy",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",92126.304178527,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",100,NA,200,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",0,0,0,"PT","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",2100,NA,2900,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",92126.304178527,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",58,100,153,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-13,-3,8,"NL","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Spain",2013,2018,"p",2274,2274,2274,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/26_aves_acuaticas_reproductoras_tcm30-208250.pdf)",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",66,NA,116,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas.",0,0,0,"ES","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2177,2177,2177,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",92126.304178527,1984,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-57.47,-33.77,2.56,2006,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-69.27,-40.12,12.65,"DK","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 and detailed waterbird monitoring in South Bohemia",92126.304178527,1981,2017,"D","estimatePartial","The long-term trends were analysed using data from annual waterbird census carried out in May ( see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia – see Musil & Fuchs 1994). The individual species trends in numbers were calculated by Trends and Indices for Monitoring data (TRIM) software (Statistics Netherlands version 3.52, Pannekoek and Van Strien, 2005). The additive slope (i.e. the change in indices from one year to the next) was used to estimate the Czech trend, see also Fouque et al. (2009), Musil et al. (2011). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Fouque C, Guillemain M, Schricke V (2009) Trends in the numbers of Coot Fulica atra and wildfowl Anatidae wintering in France and their relationship with hunting activity at wetland sites. Wildfowl. Special Issue Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519. Musil P, Musilová Z, Fuchs R, Poláková S (2011) Long-term changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Czech Republic, 1966–2008. Bird Study 58: 450–460.",NA,-7,NA,2001,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",-25,NA,-25,"CZ","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Greece",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2. Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 3. µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4. t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5. ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1200,1500,1800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",92126.304178527,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",66,107,148,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-4,20,45,"BE","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,0,0,"LT","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Austria",2013,2018,"p",900,NA,1200,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",92126.304178527,1981,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 1994",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",15,NA,30,"AT","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Nikolov H. (2011). Little Grebe. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 44-45; Nikolov H. (2011). Little Grebe. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 44-45; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nikolov H. (2011). Little Grebe. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",270,300,350,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert judgement",-50,0,100,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Species observation system. BirdLife Sverige - yearly reports in Fĺgelĺret",-30,-20,-10,"SE","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,160,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",12.8,NA,20.23,"LV","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Konter A. (2011): Hohe Populationsdichte und früher Brutbeginn des Zwergtauchers Tachybaptus ruficollis. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 26: 27-29; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Konter A. (2011): Hohe Populationsdichte und früher Brutbeginn des Zwergtauchers Tachybaptus ruficollis. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 26: 27-29; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",60,NA,80,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Konter A. (2010): Wasservögel an der Sauer im Raum Echternach: Bestand und Ausblick. Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 25: 41-55; Konter A. (2011): Hohe Populationsdichte und früher Brutbeginn des Zwergtauchers Tachybaptus ruficollis. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 26: 27-29; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",0,NA,20,"LU","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,160,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Cyprus annual reports and Cyprus Ornithological Society reports (non-systematic survey data). Flint & Stewart (BOU Checklist No.6, The Birds of Cyprus) report the species as only occassional breeder, 1-6 pairs up to 1990.",50,NA,150,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",92126.304178527,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",20,NA,50,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,0,0,"EE","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Finland",2013,2018,"p",10,15,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database. Expert working group. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,300,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,17,NA,"FI","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Malta",2017,2018,"p",2,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018 Birdlife Malta Wintering counts 2017-2018 (unpublished data)",92126.304178527,1996,2018,"S","estimatePartial","'Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2018' in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018 Birdlife Malta Wintering counts 2017-2018 (unpublished data) Breeding Bird Atlas 2008. Malta: Birdlife Baldacchino, A.E. & Azzopardi, J. (2012): Breeding Birds of the Maltese Islands- a scientific and historical review. Malta: Mala Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta.",NA,0,NA,"MT","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Greece",2013,2018,"p",170000,NA,390000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",310802.589827483,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Spain",1998,2002,"p",9186,9186,9186,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",310802.589827483,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",0,0,0,"ES","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Austria",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",310802.589827483,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",30,NA,100,"AT","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",250,NA,350,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",310802.589827483,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",2000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Antonov, A., Mitev, I. 2007. Tachymarptis melba. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",310802.589827483,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Mitev, I. 2007. Tachymarptis melba. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",20,NA,30,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Antonov, A., Mitev, I. 2007. Tachymarptis melba. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",20,NA,30,"BG","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",310802.589827483,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Birds in Europe II (2004), BirdLife International; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports",0,NA,0,"CY","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",310802.589827483,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Italy",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",310802.589827483,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,20,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert","No recent data available - Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","France",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",310802.589827483,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert",NA,0,0,0,2007,2017,"S","absentData",NA,NA,0,NA,"FR","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",6,10,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",310802.589827483,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Germany",2012,2016,"p",300,NA,350,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",310802.589827483,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,242,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",60,89,123,"DE","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",310802.589827483,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tadorna ferruginea",NA,"Ruddy Shelduck","Greece",2015,2015,"p",60,NA,80,"estimate","estimatePartial","1)e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. Available at: http://www.ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=TPsw%2b3PNVX8%3d&tabid=518&language=el-GR 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",398.300724215613,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,154,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,154,NA,"GR","A397",NA,"Tadorna ferruginea" "Tadorna ferruginea",NA,"Ruddy Shelduck","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,120,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ilieva, M., Zehtindjiev, P., Kutsarov, I., Georgiev, D.. 2007. Tadorna ferrugenea. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Zehtindjiev, P., Bogdanova, M., Bedev, K. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals.",398.300724215613,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ilieva, M., Zehtindjiev, P., Kutsarov, I., Georgiev, D.. 2007. Tadorna ferrugenea. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Zehtindjiev, P., Bogdanova, M., Bedev, K. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals.",-50,NA,-30,2001,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ilieva, M., Zehtindjiev, P., Kutsarov, I., Georgiev, D.. 2007. Tadorna ferrugenea. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004. Zehtindjiev, P., Bogdanova, M., Bedev, K. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals.",10,NA,20,"BG","A397",NA,"Tadorna ferruginea" "Tadorna ferruginea",NA,"Ruddy Shelduck","Canary Islands",2018,2018,"p",69,NA,69,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris) en Fuerteventura y tarro canelo (Tadorna ferruginea) en Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria y Tenerife. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 102 pp. + anexos. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",398.300724215613,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. & Cabrera, M. (2008). El tarro canelo. En Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, J.A., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris) en Fuerteventura y tarro canelo (Tadorna ferruginea) en Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria y Tenerife. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 102 pp. + anexos. Martín, A., Hernández, M.A., Lorenzo, J.A., Nogales, M. & González, C. (2000). Las palomas endémicas de Canarias. Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 191 pp. Palomino, D. & Valls, J. (2011).Las rapaces forestales de Espańa. Población reproductora en 2009-2010 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 153 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/36-rapacesforestales_tcm30-207977.pdf) SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",985,NA,2300,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Lorenzo, J.A. & Cabrera, M. (2008). El tarro canelo. En Ballesteros, G., Cabrera, M., Echevarrías, J.L., Lorenzo, J.A., Raya, C., Torres-Esquivias, J.A. & Viedma, C. Tarro canelo, cerceta pardilla, porrón pardo, malvasía cabeciblanca y focha moruna en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. Lorenzo, J.A., Cabrera, M. & González, C. (2014). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de cerceta pardilla (Marmaronetta angustirostris) en Fuerteventura y tarro canelo (Tadorna ferruginea) en Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria y Tenerife. Memoria técnica. SEO/BirdLife y Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza del Gobierno de Canarias. 102 pp. + anexos. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas reproductoras, estatus y tendencia de sus poblaciones en Canarias (temporada de 2018). Gobierno de Canarias y SEO/BirdLife. 87 pp. + anexos.",767,NA,3450,"ESIC","A397",NA,"Tadorna ferruginea" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","UK",2016,2016,"p",7856,7856,7856,"estimate","completeSurvey","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolated by BBS monitoring trend from 1988/91.",40549.1993209916,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-43.39,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-9.41,NA,"UK","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",5700,NA,9400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",40549.1993209916,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",35,58,84,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",13,21,30,"NL","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Germany",2016,2016,"p",6500,NA,7500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",40549.1993209916,1985,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,19,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,"DE","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",4600,5300,6100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",30,50,70,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-40,-30,-20,"SE","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","France",2009,2012,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa, N. 2012. Anatidés nicheurs en France enquęte 2010-2011. Inventaires : année 2, Rochefort, LPO/MEDDTL. 24 ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",40549.1993209916,1980,2012,"I","estimateExpert","Dubois P.J., Le Maréchal P., Olioso G. & Yésou P. 2008. Nouvel inventaire des oiseaux de France. , Delachaud & Niestlé, Paris559 p. ; Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. , Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",300,NA,400,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",1237,1237,1237,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",40549.1993209916,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-68.07,-64.09,-59.64,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-44.21,-33.21,-20.25,"DK","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Spain",2007,2007,"p",600,NA,2250,"interval","estimatePartial","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/26_acuatrepcom.pdf)",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.) (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/26_acuatrepcom.pdf) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/26_acuatrepcom.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0)",NA,NA,76.5,"ES","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",900,1100,1300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",40549.1993209916,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",329,424,519,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-3,19,41,"BE","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",958,958,958,"estimate","estimatePartial","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",40549.1993209916,1980,2011,"UNK","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,1991,2011,"I","estimateExpert","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Gibbons D.W., Reid J.B. & Chapman R.A. (1993) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991. Poyser, London.",NA,30,NA,"IE","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Greece",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,1000,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,614,NA,"GR","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Italy",2010,2016,"p",440,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",40549.1993209916,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",2400,NA,4300,2005,2007,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",45,NA,70,"IT","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",400,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",40549.1993209916,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-81,NA,-74,2006,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-28,NA,-22,"EE","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Finland",2013,2018,"p",300,350,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Archipelago Bird Census data. BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",0,0,0,"FI","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",40549.1993209916,2001,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",150,NA,320,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",40549.1993209916,1980,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Priednieks J., Strazds M., Strazds A., Petrins A. 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1561,NA,1763,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",202.3,213.88,223.74,"LV","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Poland",2013,2015,"p",110,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189.",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Austria",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,60,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects and from www.ornitho.at",40549.1993209916,1990,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects",3000,NA,6000,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria unpublished data from specific monitoring projects",NA,55,NA,"AT","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",30,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 96-97; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Profirov L. (2011). Tadorna tadorna. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/). SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 96-97; Profirov L. (2011). Tadorna tadorna. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 96-97; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Profirov L. (2011). Tadorna tadorna. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,38,"estimate","completeSurvey","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases",40549.1993209916,1996,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinion Hadarics T. (1996): Bütykös ásólúd (Tadorna tadorna) fészkelése Magyarországon. Breeding of Shelduck in Hungary. Túzok 1. (3), p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278. National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/ http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Tadorna_tadorna.pdf",1400,NA,3700,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Expert opinions MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 278. National Park Directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Tadorna_tadorna.pdf",200,NA,280,"HU","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",13,NA,20,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",40549.1993209916,1986,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,2000,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",900,NA,1200,"CZ","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-60,NA,-33,"LT","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik, I. (2012): Favnisticni in ekološki pregled ptic Secoveljskih solin. – Soline predelava soli, Seca. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",100,NA,400,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",NA,-22,NA,"SI","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Prokop D. & Svetlík J. 2006: Prvé zdokumentované hniezdenie húsky pestrej (Tadorna tadorna) na Slovensku. Tichodroma 18 Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Prokop D. & Svetlík J. 2006: Prvé zdokumentované hniezdenie húsky pestrej (Tadorna tadorna) na Slovensku. Tichodroma 18 Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Prokop D. & Svetlík J. 2006: Prvé zdokumentované hniezdenie húsky pestrej (Tadorna tadorna) na Slovensku. Tichodroma 18 Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002",NA,NA,NA,"SK","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Tarsiger cyanurus",NA,"Orange-flanked Bush-robin","Finland",2013,2018,"p",750,1500,5500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1500,1990,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,2000,NA,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",NA,800,NA,"FI","A534",NA,"Tarsiger cyanurus" "Tarsiger cyanurus",NA,"Orange-flanked Bush-robin","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",0,0,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1500,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-100,NA,1000,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-100,NA,1000,"SE","A534",NA,"Tarsiger cyanurus" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Greece",2015,2015,"cmales",150,NA,180,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",631028.392749954,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","o data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","o data available",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",10000,NA,12500,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats (minimum estimate); state hunting associations (Landesjagdverbände der Bundesländer), results of counts of displaying males on lekking grounds (maximum estimate)",631028.392749954,1981,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; state hunting associations (Landesjagdverbände der Bundesländer), results of counts of displaying males on lekking grounds (maximum estimate)",NA,0,NA,"AT","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",631028.392749954,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Rašomavicius, V. (red.) 2007. Lietuvos raudonoji knyga. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 800 p. (Red Data Book of Lithuania, 2007) Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) species action plann (2012) Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-15,NA,-10,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Poland",2016,2018,"cmales",260,NA,315,"estimate","estimatePartial","Zawadzka D., Zurek Z., Armatys P., Stachyra P., Szewczyk P., Korga M., Merta D., Kobielski J., Kmiec M., Pregler B., Krzan P., Rzonca Z., Zawadzki G., Zawadzki J., Soltys B., Bielanski J., Czaja J., Flis-Martyniuk E., Wediuk A., Rutkowski R., Krzywinski A. 2019. Liczebnosc i rozmieszczenie gluszca w Polsce w XXI w. Sylwan, in press.",631028.392749954,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tomialojc L., Stawarczyk T. 2003. Awifauna Polski: rozmieszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany. PTPP ""pro Natura""; Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds",-70,NA,-60,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189",25,NA,30,"PL","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","UK",2015,2016,"cmales",268.333333333306,557,752.5,"interval","completeSurvey","Wilkinson, N. I., Eaton, M. A., Marshall, G., & Haysom, S. 2018. The population status of Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in Scotland in 2015-16. Bird Study 65: 20-35.",631028.392749954,1992,2010,"D","completeSurvey","Catt, D.C., Baines, D., Picozzi, N., Moss, R. & Summers, R.W. 1998. Abundance and distribution of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in Scotland 1992-94. Biological Conservation 85: 257-267. Wilkinson, N. I., Eaton, M. A., Marshall, G., & Haysom, S. 2018. The population status of Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in Scotland in 2015-16. Bird Study 65: 20-35.",NA,-49,NA,2009,2015,"D","completeSurvey","Ewing, S.R., Eaton, M.A., Poole, T.F., Davies, M. & Haysom, S. 2012. The size of the Scottish population of Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus: results of the fourth national survey. Bird Study 59: 126-138. Wilkinson, N. I., Eaton, M. A., Marshall, G., & Haysom, S. 2018. The population status of Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in Scotland in 2015-16. Bird Study 65: 20-35.",NA,-13,NA,"UK","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Slovenia",2002,2017,"cmales",550,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Divji petelin Tetrao urogallus. pp. 74-75. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",631028.392749954,1980,2012,"D","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Divji petelin Tetrao urogallus. pp. 74-75. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic, T (2012): Monitoring divjega petelina na rastišcih na Jelovici v letu 2011. Koncno porocilo. DOPPS, Ljubljana Mihelic 2013: Monitoring divjega petelina na vplivnem obmocju ŠC Pokljuka – Popis rastišc 2012, zakljucno porocilo. DOPPS, Ljubljana",-40,NA,-20,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Divji petelin Tetrao urogallus. pp. 74-75. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic, T. (2018): Merjenje ucinkov konkretnih terenskih akcij s spremljanjem zasedenosti rastišc divjega petelina in stanišc gozdnega jereba, v sklopu projekta LIFE KOCEVSKO (LIFE13 NAT/SI/000314). Porocilo. DOPPS-BirdLife, Ljubljana.",-20,NA,-5,"SI","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"cmales",1010,NA,1185,"estimate","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Plachiyski, D., G.S: Popgeorgiev, S.G. Avramov & Z.N. Boev (2018): The Balkan Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus rudolfi Dombrowski, 1912 (Galliformes: Phasanidae): Distribution History and Current Status in Bulgaria. Acta Zool. Bulg. 70(1): 101-111.",631028.392749954,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Plachiyski, D., G.S: Popgeorgiev, S.G. Avramov & Z.N. Boev (2018): The Balkan Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus rudolfi Dombrowski, 1912 (Galliformes: Phasanidae): Distribution History and Current Status in Bulgaria. Acta Zool. Bulg. 70(1): 101-111.BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Petrov, I. K. (2008) Acta Zool. Bulg.,Suppl. 2: 35-40; Simeonov, S., T. Michev, D. Nankinov. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press, Sofia. 350 pp. (in Bulgarian with English Summary)",-40,NA,-30,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BSPB Bird Database; Golemansky V. (ed.) 2011. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals. Http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/; Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; Petrov, I. K. (2008) Acta Zool. Bulg.,Suppl. 2: 35-40.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Plachiyski, D., G.S: Popgeorgiev, S.G. Avramov & Z.N. Boev (2018): The Balkan Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus rudolfi Dombrowski, 1912 (Galliformes: Phasanidae): Distribution History and Current Status in Bulgaria. Acta Zool. Bulg. 70(1): 101-111.",-10,NA,-1,"BG","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Sweden",2013,2018,"cmales",244000,350000,458000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",631028.392749954,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-59,0,382,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,0,10,"SE","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",99.99999999,NA,200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",631028.392749954,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",202578,255796,675556,"mean","completeSurvey","Finnish wildlife triangle scheme run by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) https://www.riistakolmiot.fi/ Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",631028.392749954,1987,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Finnish wildlife triangle scheme run by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) https://www.riistakolmiot.fi/",-22,-13,-3,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Finnish wildlife triangle scheme run by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) https://www.riistakolmiot.fi/",-20,-14,-7,"FI","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Germany",2012,2016,"cmales",750,NA,1000,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",631028.392749954,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-47,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-18,NA,"DE","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Latvia",2015,2015,"cmales",1932,1932,1932,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lőhmus, A., Leivits, M., Peterhofs, E. et al. The Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus): an iconic focal species for knowledge-based integrative management and conservation of Baltic forests. Biodivers Conserv (2017) 26: 1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-016-1223-6",631028.392749954,1991,2012,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert: Elmars Peterhofs, E.Peterhofs@lvm.lv",NA,0,NA,"LV","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","France",2013,2018,"cmales",200,NA,260,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,631028.392749954,1980,2012,"D","completeSurvey",NA,-60,NA,-50,2000,2012,"D","completeSurvey",NA,-30,NA,-15,"FR","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Croatia",2010,2015,"cmales",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Grubešic M. , K. Tomljanovic, M. Ancic (2015): Monitoring tetrijeba gluhana (Tetrao urogallus) na podrucju Primorsko-goranske županije za 2015. godinu s analizom razloga ugroženosti i prijedlogom mjera zaštite tetrijeba gluhana i njegovih staništa. Strucna studija. Šumarski fakultet Sveucilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb. 39 str.",631028.392749954,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Grubešic M. , K. Tomljanovic, M. Ancic (2015): Monitoring tetrijeba gluhana (Tetrao urogallus) na podrucju Primorsko-goranske županije za 2015. godinu s analizom razloga ugroženosti i prijedlogom mjera zaštite tetrijeba gluhana i njegovih staništa. Strucna studija. Šumarski fakultet Sveucilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb. 39 str.",NA,-50,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Grubešic M. , K. Tomljanovic, M. Ancic (2015): Monitoring tetrijeba gluhana (Tetrao urogallus) na podrucju Primorsko-goranske županije za 2015. godinu s analizom razloga ugroženosti i prijedlogom mjera zaštite tetrijeba gluhana i njegovih staništa. Strucna studija. Šumarski fakultet Sveucilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb. 39 str.",NA,-50,NA,"HR","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Italy",2013,2018,"cmales",1800,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2004. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.2 (Tetraonidae-Scolopacidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",631028.392749954,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2004. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.2 (Tetraonidae-Scolopacidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",1300,NA,1600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",631028.392749954,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-47,NA,-41,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-15,NA,-11,"EE","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",300,NA,420,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015. Mikoláš et al, Program záchrany hluchána hôrneho (Tetrao urogallus Linnaeus, 1758) na roky 2018-2022, ŠOP SR B. Bystrica, 2018 Mikoláš et al, Forest management impacts on capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) habitat distribution and connectivity in the Carpathians, Landscape Ecology, 2017",631028.392749954,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Mikoláš et al, Program záchrany hluchána hôrneho (Tetrao urogallus Linnaeus, 1758) na roky 2018-2022, ŠOP SR B. Bystrica, 2018 Mikoláš et al, Forest management impacts on capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) habitat distribution and connectivity in the Carpathians, Landscape Ecology, 2017",-70,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Mikoláš et al, Program záchrany hluchána hôrneho (Tetrao urogallus Linnaeus, 1758) na roky 2018-2022, ŠOP SR B. Bystrica, 2018 Mikoláš et al, Forest management impacts on capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) habitat distribution and connectivity in the Carpathians, Landscape Ecology, 2017",-50,NA,-30,"SK","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Tetrao urogallus","aquitanicus","Western Capercaillie","France",2010,2017,"cmales",2480,NA,3588,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,3383.6811926799,1980,2012,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-60,NA,-20,2010,2017,"S","estimatePartial",NA,0,0,0,"FR","A661",NA,"Tetrao urogallus aquitanicus" "Tetrao urogallus","aquitanicus","Western Capercaillie","Spain",2016,2018,"cmales",376,NA,427,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas: Censo de gallinaceas de montańa (proyecto GALLYPIR) coordinado por el Servei de Fauna i Flora del Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Gobierno de Aragón. (2016). Seguimiento de los cantaderos de urogallo (Tetrao urogallus aquitanicus) en Aragon temporada 2019. Estatus y evolución de la población. Area. Seguimientos anuales de la población de urogallo en Navarra. GAN-NIK y Gobierno de Navarra.",3383.6811926799,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas: Censo de gallinaceas de montańa (proyecto GALLYPIR) coordinado por el Servei de Fauna i Flora del Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Gobierno de Aragón. (2016). Seguimiento de los cantaderos de urogallo (Tetrao urogallus aquitanicus) en Aragon temporada 2019. Estatus y evolución de la población. Area. Seguimientos anuales de la población de urogallo en Navarra. GAN-NIK y Gobierno de Navarra. Grupo de Trabajo del urogallo pirenaico (2005). Estrategia para la conservación del urogallo pirenaico (Tetrao urogallus aquitanicus) en Espańa. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 21pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/pbl_conserv_urogallo_pirenaico_tcm30-194778.pdf) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Robles, L., Ballesteros, F. & Canut, J. (Eds.) (2006). El urogallo en Espańa, Andorra y Pirineos franceses. Situación actual (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 98pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/10_urogallo_2005_tcm36-208049.pdf) Rodríguez-Muńoz, R. (2016). Urogallo común – Tetrao urogallus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/teturo.html)",-45,NA,-44,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas: Censo de gallinaceas de montańa (proyecto GALLYPIR) coordinado por el Servei de Fauna i Flora del Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Gobierno de Aragón. (2016). Seguimiento de los cantaderos de urogallo (Tetrao urogallus aquitanicus) en Aragon temporada 2019. Estatus y evolución de la población. Area. Seguimientos anuales de la población de urogallo en Navarra. GAN-NIK y Gobierno de Navarra.",-34.4,NA,-24.1,"ES","A661",NA,"Tetrao urogallus aquitanicus" "Tetrao urogallus","cantabricus","Western Capercaillie","Spain",2018,2018,"cmales",187,199,212,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica, Junta de Castilla y León. (2018). Informe de resultados. Anualidad 2018. En: Acciones urgentes in situ para la recuperación de especies declaradas en situación crítica: urogallo cantábrico, Grupo de trabajo del urogallo cantábrico en situación crítica. Grupo de Trabajo del urogallo cantábrico (2004). Estrategia para la conservación del urogallo cantábrico (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) en Espańa. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 21pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/publicaciones/pbl_estrategia_urogallo_cantabrico_tcm30-197267.pdf) Grupo de trabajo del urogallo cantábrico del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. (2018). Censo del urogallo cantábrico (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/prensa/190125censourogallo_tcm30-486486.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas: Herrero A. & Simal, R. (2017). Seguimiento de la población de urogallo (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) en Cantabria. Ańos 2016-2017. Informe inédito de la Dirección General del Medio Natural de la Consejería de Medio Rural, Pesca y Alimentación. Gobierno de Cantabria. IBYS. (2016). Seguimiento de Urogallo en época de celo en el Principado de Asturias, ańo 2016. Estudio elaborado para el Principado de Asturias. Junta de Castilla y León. (2018). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de urogallo (Tetrao urogallus) en Castilla y León. Ańo 2018. Informe inédito. Consejería de Fomento y Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y León.",199,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Grupo de trabajo del urogallo cantábrico del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. (2018). Censo del urogallo cantábrico (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/prensa/190125censourogallo_tcm30-486486.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas: Herrero A. & Simal, R. (2017). Seguimiento de la población de urogallo (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) en Cantabria. Ańos 2016-2017. Informe inédito de la Dirección General del Medio Natural de la Consejería de Medio Rural, Pesca y Alimentación. Gobierno de Cantabria. IBYS. (2016). Seguimiento de Urogallo en época de celo en el Principado de Asturias, ańo 2016. Estudio elaborado para el Principado de Asturias. Junta de Castilla y León. (2018). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de urogallo (Tetrao urogallus) en Castilla y León. Ańo 2018. Informe inédito. Consejería de Fomento y Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y León. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Robles, L., Ballesteros, F. & Canut, J. (Eds.) (2006). El urogallo en Espańa, Andorra y Pirineos franceses. Situación actual (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 98pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/10_urogallo_2005_tcm36-208049.pdf) Rodríguez-Muńoz, R. (2016). Urogallo común – Tetrao urogallus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/teturo.html)",-76.9,NA,-41.9,2009,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Grupo de trabajo del urogallo cantábrico del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica. (2018). Censo del urogallo cantábrico (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/prensa/190125censourogallo_tcm30-486486.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas: Herrero A. & Simal, R. (2017). Seguimiento de la población de urogallo (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) en Cantabria. Ańos 2016-2017. Informe inédito de la Dirección General del Medio Natural de la Consejería de Medio Rural, Pesca y Alimentación. Gobierno de Cantabria. IBYS. (2016). Seguimiento de Urogallo en época de celo en el Principado de Asturias, ańo 2016. Estudio elaborado para el Principado de Asturias. Junta de Castilla y León. (2018). Seguimiento de las poblaciones de urogallo (Tetrao urogallus) en Castilla y León. Ańo 2018. Informe inédito. Consejería de Fomento y Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y León. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Robles, L., Ballesteros, F. & Canut, J. (Eds.) (2006). El urogallo en Espańa, Andorra y Pirineos franceses. Situación actual (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 98pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/10_urogallo_2005_tcm36-208049.pdf) Rodríguez-Muńoz, R. (2016). Urogallo común – Tetrao urogallus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A. & Morales, M.B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/teturo.html)",-78.6,NA,-32.9,"ES","A513",NA,"Tetrao urogallus cantabricus" "Tetrax tetrax",NA,"Little Bustard","Spain",2016,2016,"i",54074,77622,118272,"interval","completeSurvey","García de la Morena, E.L., Bota, G., Mańosa, S. & Morales, M.B. (2018). El sisón común en Espańa. II Censo Nacional (2016). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/47%20sison%20comun/pdf/SEO%2047%20SISON.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",100958.675973323,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) García de la Morena, E.L., Bota, G., Ponjoan, A. & Morales, M.B. (2006). El sisón común en Espańa. I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 155p. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/12_sison_2005_tcm30-207948.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife. (2018). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/Birdlife 2017. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid. 69 pp. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/boletin/2017/html5forpc.html?page=0) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-37.1,NA,2005,2016,"D","completeSurvey","García de la Morena, E.L., Bota, G., Mańosa, S. & Morales, M.B. (2018). El sisón común en Espańa. II Censo Nacional (2016). SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/boletin/seguimiento/censos/47%20sison%20comun/pdf/SEO%2047%20SISON.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-48,NA,"ES","A128",NA,"Tetrax tetrax" "Tetrax tetrax",NA,"Little Bustard","Portugal",2013,2018,"i",10016,17800,25672,"interval","completeSurvey","Silva, Joăo P., et al. ""EU protected area network did not prevent a country wide population decline in a threatened grassland bird."" PeerJ 6 (2018): e4284.",100958.675973323,2003,2016,"D","completeSurvey","""Silva et al. (2018), EU protected area network did not prevent a country wide population decline in a threatened grassland bird. PeerJ 6:e4284; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4284; J.P.Silva comm. Pess.""",NA,-50,NA,2003,2016,"D","completeSurvey","""Silva et al. (2018), EU protected area network did not prevent a country wide population decline in a threatened grassland bird. PeerJ 6:e4284; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4284; J.P.Silva comm. Pess.""",NA,-50,NA,"PT","A128",NA,"Tetrax tetrax" "Tetrax tetrax",NA,"Little Bustard","France",2016,2016,"i",4858,NA,4956,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gendre N., Eraud C., Bretagnolle V. & Dalloyau S. 2018. L'Outarde canepetičre en France en 2012 et 2016 : effectifs et répartition. Ornithos 25-5, 290-302",100958.675973323,1980,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Attié, C. & Jolivet, C. 2011. Deuxičme Plan national d'actions en faveur de l'Outarde canepetičre Tetrax tetrax 2011-2015, Ministčre de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable, des Transports et du Logement. 130 p. ; Gendre N., Eraud C., Bretagnolle V. & Dalloyau S. 2018. L'Outarde canepetičre en France en 2012 et 2016 : effectifs et répartition. Ornithos 25-5, 290-302",NA,-70,NA,2008,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Gendre N., Eraud C., Bretagnolle V. & Dalloyau S. 2018. L'Outarde canepetičre en France en 2012 et 2016 : effectifs et répartition. Ornithos 25-5, 290-302",32,NA,45,"FR","A128",NA,"Tetrax tetrax" "Tetrax tetrax",NA,"Little Bustard","Italy",2010,2016,"i",620,NA,640,"estimate","estimateExpert","Grussu&Gruppo Ornitologico Sardo, 2017. Gli uccelli nidificanti in Sardegna. Status, distribuzione e popolazione aggiornati al 2016. Aves Ichnusae XI.",100958.675973323,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,100,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Grussu&Gruppo Ornitologico Sardo, 2017. Gli uccelli nidificanti in Sardegna. Status, distribuzione e popolazione aggiornati al 2016. Aves Ichnusae XI.",0,0,0,"IT","A128",NA,"Tetrax tetrax" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",14850,NA,19100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",64016.7704954388,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",113,115,116,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-44,-5,56,"NL","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","UK",2015,2015,"p",13143,14158,14946,"interval","estimatePartial","JNCC Seabird Monitoring Programme. The UK population estimates were derived from a method first used in APEP3: Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates of birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106: 64-100. Population estimates were calculated using the long-term Thomas trend index from the year 1986 - 2015 (using counts from a sample of colonies monitored by the UK Seabird Monitoring Programme), anchored to the last census count, Seabird 2000. To test the robustness of the Thomas trend an estimation the Seabird 2000 population was produced using the trend index between 1986-2000 and anchored to the 1986 (SCR) census population for the species. If this estimate had a variance of 30% (or over) from the actual Seabird 2000 population, the method was not used (and an alternative is given, such as the Seabird 2000 census). Thomas trend methodology can be found here http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201",64016.7704954388,1986,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-3,5,11,2004,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",0,6,11,"UK","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","France",2018,2018,"p",9347,NA,9657,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,64016.7704954388,1979,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CADIOU B., PONS J.-M. & YESOU P. 2004. Sterne caugek. in Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Biotope, Mézep. 151-156",60,61,62,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Les Amis du marais du Vigueirat 2018. Lettre d'information réseau de gestionnaires et de suivi laro-limicoles n°5 - Décembre 2018/Résultats 2018. LIFE+ ENVOLL, Arlespage 11 http://www.life-envoll.eu/IMG/pdf/newsletter_reseau_de_gestionnaires_et_de_suivi_no5_dec.2018-4.pdf; JACOB Y. & PFAFF E. 2019. Sternes nicheuses 2018 Manche est-mer du Nord, Manche ouest – mer celtique et golfe de Gascogne – côtes ibériques. Rapport de l’observatoire oiseaux marins et côtiers de l’Agence française pour la Biodiversité et de l’observatoire régional de l’avifaune de Bretagne.",62,NA,63,"FR","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Germany",2016,2016,"p",7500,7500,7500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",64016.7704954388,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,32,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",11,27,40,"DE","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",3905,3905,3905,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",64016.7704954388,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",NA,-35,NA,"DK","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Spain",2013,2018,"p",3731,3731,3731,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",64016.7704954388,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Corbacho, C., Sánchez Guzmán, J.M. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",560,2500,32504,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Corbacho, C., Sánchez Guzmán, J.M. & Villegas, M.A. (2009). Pagazas, charranes y fumareles en Espańa. Población reproductora en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/24_pagazas_charranes_y_fumareles_tcm30-208121.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",0,0,0,"ES","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Ireland",2016,2018,"p",2519,2519,2519,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",64016.7704954388,1984,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,97,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,43,NA,"IE","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",1100,NA,2600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 286-287; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Gradev G, Bedev K., Dimitrov M., Nikolov H., Simeonov P.. (2011). Sandwich Tern. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/). SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",64016.7704954388,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 286-287; Gradev G, Bedev K., Dimitrov M., Nikolov H., Simeonov P.. (2011). Sandwich Tern. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",0,0,0,2000,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 286-287; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Gradev G, Bedev K., Dimitrov M., Nikolov H., Simeonov P.. (2011). Sandwich Tern. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",0,0,0,"BG","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",950,1040,1100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",64016.7704954388,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","National inventory",30,40,50,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",100,120,140,"SE","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",800,NA,1100,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",64016.7704954388,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",34,NA,106,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-8,NA,37,"EE","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Italy",2006,2015,"p",798,NA,821,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Caprimulgidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",64016.7704954388,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",330,NA,470,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2006. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.3 (Stercorariidae-Caprimulgidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",115,NA,120,"IT","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Greece",2015,2015,"p",400,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",64016.7704954388,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se 4) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 6) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 7) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe : Popilation estimates, trends and conservation status, Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se 3) Natura viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Poland",2013,2018,"p",41,427,770,"estimate","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MRC - Sandwich Tern Census)",64016.7704954388,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Sikora A., Rohde Z., Gromadzki M., Neubauer G., Chylarecki P. 2007. Atlas rozmieszczenia ptaków legowych Polski 1985-2004. Bogucki Wyd. Naukowe, Poznan; Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wo",-90,NA,160,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MRC)",NA,-32,NA,"PL","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,74,147,"mean","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",64016.7704954388,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-100,-41,18,"BE","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Austria",2013,2018,"p",700,NA,1100,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from a limited number of different sites and habitats",8404.89871203103,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,0,NA,"AT","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Spain",1998,2018,"p",1615,1887,2165,"estimate","completeSurvey","Atlas de aves nidificantes de Catalunya 2014-2018, en preparación (http://www.ornitologia.org/ca/quefem/monitoratge/atles/tercer_atles/index.html) Aymerich, P., Capdevila, F., Canut, J., Roig, J. & Santandreu, J. (2012). Distribuciň I abundŕncia de la població reproductora de Pela-roques Tichodroma muraria a Catalunya. Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia, 28: 1-19. García, E. & Vigil Morán, A. (2014). Tichodroma muraria. Pp. 456-457. En: García, E., García-Rovés, P., Vigil Morán, A., Alonso Cuetos, L.M., Fernández Pajuelo, M.A., Silva González, G., Pascual Stevens, D. & Álvarez, D. (Eds.). Atlas de las aves nidificantes de Asturies (1990-2010). Coordinadora Ornitolóxica d’Asturies, Avilés. 629 pp. Gil, J.A., & Pérez, C. (2015). Distribución y abundancia de la población reproductora de Treparriscos (Tichodroma muraria) en Aragón. Pirineos, 170, 011. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, J., Purroy, F.J. & Falagán, J. (2016). Treparriscos – Tichodroma muraria. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Espańoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. (http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/aves/ticmur.html) Sanz-Zuasti, J. & Velasco, T. (1999). Guía de las aves de Castilla y León. Ed. Carlos Sánchez, Medina del Campo.",8404.89871203103,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004). Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, 374 pp. Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) De Juana, E. (2004). Cambios en el estado de conservación de las Aves en Espańa, Ańos 1954 a 2004. Ardeola 51(1) 19-50. (https://www.ardeola.org/uploads/articles/docs/553.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",0,0,0,1998,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2018). Tichodroma muraria. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22711234A132095740. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22711234/132095740) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programas de seguimiento de SEO/BirdLife en 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp.",0,0,0,"ES","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",200,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T. (2019): Skalni plezalcek Tichodroma muraria. pp. 388-389. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",8404.89871203103,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Mihelic T. (2019): Skalni plezalcek Tichodroma muraria. pp. 388-389. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Mihelic T. (2019): Skalni plezalcek Tichodroma muraria. pp. 388-389. In: Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002-2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Greece",2015,2015,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",8404.89871203103,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. BAS, MOEW, Sofia. BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",8404.89871203103,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. BAS, MOEW, Sofia. BSPB database",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. BAS, MOEW, Sofia. BSPB database P.Shurulinkov,G.Daskalova- unpublished data",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Poland",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Wilk T., Bobrek R., Pepkowska-Król A., Neubauer G., Kosicki J. 2016. Ptaki polskich Karpat - stan, zagrozenia, ochrona. OTOP, Marki.",8404.89871203103,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Germany",2016,2016,"p",80,NA,120,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",8404.89871203103,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019",8404.89871203103,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-50,NA,-30,"SK","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","France",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,1200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",8404.89871203103,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",8404.89871203103,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available - Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2011. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.7 (Paridae-Corvidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tringa erythropus",NA,"Spotted Redshank","Finland",2013,2018,"p",6257,11156,17666,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",15456,1990,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished line transect data of nature reserves by Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland.",-30,-30,-30,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki",-57,-26,22,"FI","A161",NA,"Tringa erythropus" "Tringa erythropus",NA,"Spotted Redshank","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",2700,4300,6800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",15456,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-66,-46,-15,"SE","A161",NA,"Tringa erythropus" "Tringa glareola",NA,"Wood Sandpiper","Finland",2013,2018,"p",323473,361632,391334,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",494858.126827773,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-51,-38,-21,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",-15,-5,7,"FI","A166",NA,"Tringa glareola" "Tringa glareola",NA,"Wood Sandpiper","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",97000,130000,167000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",494858.126827773,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-48,0,74,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",0,0,25,"SE","A166",NA,"Tringa glareola" "Tringa glareola",NA,"Wood Sandpiper","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",494858.126827773,1980,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-1,NA,13,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-2,NA,4,"EE","A166",NA,"Tringa glareola" "Tringa glareola",NA,"Wood Sandpiper","Latvia",2015,2017,"p",170,524,878,"interval","estimatePartial","Calculation based on data collected in Latvian Natura 2000 monitoring scheme (2015-2017)",494858.126827773,1991,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-3,NA,5,2000,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-35.65,-33.75,-29.76,"LV","A166",NA,"Tringa glareola" "Tringa glareola",NA,"Wood Sandpiper","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",80,NA,160,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",494858.126827773,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-15,NA,-10,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,NA,0,"LT","A166",NA,"Tringa glareola" "Tringa glareola",NA,"Wood Sandpiper","Denmark",2015,2015,"p",107,107,107,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",494858.126827773,1980,2015,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,2004,2015,"S","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",0,0,0,"DK","A166",NA,"Tringa glareola" "Tringa glareola",NA,"Wood Sandpiper","UK",2012,2016,"p",31,31,31,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",494858.126827773,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-48,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-75,NA,"UK","A166",NA,"Tringa glareola" "Tringa glareola",NA,"Wood Sandpiper","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",494858.126827773,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-100,NA,-80,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A166",NA,"Tringa glareola" "Tringa glareola",NA,"Wood Sandpiper","Germany",2011,2014,"p",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",494858.126827773,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A166",NA,"Tringa glareola" "Tringa nebularia",NA,"Common Greenshank","Finland",2013,2018,"p",48491,52129,63502,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",82508.0824636848,1981,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-3,31,75,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-17,-3,13,"FI","A164",NA,"Tringa nebularia" "Tringa nebularia",NA,"Common Greenshank","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",19000,29000,39000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",82508.0824636848,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-74,0,152,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,7,20,"SE","A164",NA,"Tringa nebularia" "Tringa nebularia",NA,"Common Greenshank","UK",1995,1995,"p",700,NA,1500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Hancock, M. H., Gibbons, D. W. & Thompson, P. S. 1997. The status of the breeding Greenshank Tringa nebularia in the United Kingdom in 1995. Bird Study 44: 290-302.",82508.0824636848,1985,1995,"I","estimatePartial","Stroud, D.A., Reed, T.M., Pienkowski, M.W. & Lindsay, R.A. (1987). Birds, bogs and forestry: the peatlands of Caithness and Sutherland. Nature Conservancy Council, Peterborough. 121 pp. Hancock, M.H., Gibbons, D.W. & Thompson, P.S. 1997. The status of the breeding Greenshank Tringa nebularia in the United Kingdom in 1995. Bird Study 44: 290-302.",NA,13,NA,1998,2010,"I","estimatePartial","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Risely, K., Massimino, D., Johnston, A., Newson, S.E., Eaton, M.A., Musgrove, A.J., Noble, D.G., Procter, D. & Baillie, S.R. 2012. The Breeding Bird Survey 2011. BTO Research Report 624. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. http://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/u16/downloads/reports/bbsreport11.pdf",NA,12.3,NA,"UK","A164",NA,"Tringa nebularia" "Tringa nebularia",NA,"Common Greenshank","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",300,NA,400,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",82508.0824636848,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Breeding bird survey of mires. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2034&Itemid=347",2600,NA,2900,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-8,NA,5,"EE","A164",NA,"Tringa nebularia" "Tringa nebularia",NA,"Common Greenshank","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",82508.0824636848,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",113,NA,345,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-58.36,-50.21,-38.15,"LV","A164",NA,"Tringa nebularia" "Tringa nebularia",NA,"Common Greenshank","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",82508.0824636848,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,0,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",0,0,0,"LT","A164",NA,"Tringa nebularia" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Finland",2013,2018,"p",121926,145216,171121,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",269206.713194405,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",26,60,102,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-25,-15,-3,"FI","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",45000,49000,54000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",269206.713194405,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-13,0,44,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",6,16,28,"SE","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",22515,37367,62016,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",269206.713194405,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",92,NA,94,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-39.7,-9.4,34.4,"LV","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Poland",2013,2018,"p",12000,NA,22000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",269206.713194405,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-13,53,162,"PL","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",269206.713194405,1983,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,0,0,"EE","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",269206.713194405,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1000,NA,1300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",269206.713194405,1985,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,62,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,6,NA,"DE","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",50,NA,80,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",269206.713194405,1986,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",NA,600,NA,2001,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",14,NA,25,"CZ","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",40,NA,90,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 80-81; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Shurulinkov P. (2011). Green Sandpiper. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/). SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",269206.713194405,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 80-81; Boev Z., Michev T., Kambourova N. (2011). Purple Heron. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",NA,NA,NA,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 80-81; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Boev Z., Michev T., Kambourova N. (2011). Purple Heron. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria, Golemanski G. (ed.), (web edition, http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/bg/).",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",52,52,52,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 &",269206.713194405,1996,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-50.84,64.69,418.08,2010,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-56.9,31.79,251.33,"DK","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa ochropus",NA,"Green Sandpiper","UK",2012,2016,"p",2,2,2,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",269206.713194405,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-25,NA,"UK","A165",NA,"Tringa ochropus" "Tringa stagnatilis",NA,"Marsh Sandpiper","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5,10,15,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",64.2031843617015,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species.",NA,600,NA,"FI","A163",NA,"Tringa stagnatilis" "Tringa stagnatilis",NA,"Marsh Sandpiper","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,30,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",64.2031843617015,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",900,NA,1900,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",50,NA,100,"LT","A163",NA,"Tringa stagnatilis" "Tringa stagnatilis",NA,"Marsh Sandpiper","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",0,0,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad.",64.2031843617015,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",0,100,500,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-100,NA,500,"SE","A163",NA,"Tringa stagnatilis" "Tringa stagnatilis",NA,"Marsh Sandpiper","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",64.2031843617015,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec.",-100,NA,100,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A163",NA,"Tringa stagnatilis" "Tringa stagnatilis",NA,"Marsh Sandpiper","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,35,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",64.2031843617015,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available.",NA,NA,NA,2012,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",46.84,87.08,136.36,"LV","A163",NA,"Tringa stagnatilis" "Tringa stagnatilis",NA,"Marsh Sandpiper","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",64.2031843617015,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,10,NA,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",0,NA,10,"EE","A163",NA,"Tringa stagnatilis" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",23000,27000,33000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",10,20,30,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",16,39,66,"SE","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","UK",2016,2016,"p",21917,21917,21917,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = O'Brien, M. 2004. Estimating the number of farmland waders breeding in the United Kingdom. International Wader Studies 14: 135-139. Colhoun, K., Mawhinney, K. & Peach, W.J. 2015. Population estimates and changes in abundance of breeding waders in Northern Ireland up to 2013. Bird Study 62: 394-403. doi: 10.1080/00063657.2015.1058746 Extrapolated using BBS monitoring trend from 1997 in GB. NI estimate based on contemporary survey data in 2013 NI estimate = 119",101937.40711707,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO Waterways Bird Survey/Waterways Breeding Bird Survey https://www.bto.org/about-birds/birdtrends/2018",-70.13,-70.13,-70.13,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",-28.45,-28.45,-28.45,"UK","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",17000,NA,20000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",101937.40711707,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-34,-23,-9,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-25,-19,-12,"NL","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Germany",2012,2016,"p",8500,8500,8500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",101937.40711707,1981,2014,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-8,-2,5,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",-20,-16,-12,"DE","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5285,7212,10381,"estimate","estimateExpert","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-61,-49,-33,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",-14,6,31,"FI","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",7139,7139,7139,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",101937.40711707,1983,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-59.53,-49.5,-37.08,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-35.67,-12.77,17.4,"DK","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",2500,NA,3500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",101937.40711707,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Breeding bird survey of coastal meadows. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3418&Itemid=5816",-38,NA,-29,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-6,NA,6,"EE","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Italy",2018,2018,"p",1600,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",101937.40711707,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",70,NA,175,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",45,NA,70,"IT","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","France",2010,2017,"p",1447,NA,1657,"estimate","completeSurvey","Deceuninck B., Nissa N. 2015. Chevalier gambette. in Issa N. & Muller Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France Métropolitaine. nidification et présence hivernale., Delachaux et Niestlé580-585",101937.40711707,1983,2011,"I","estimatePartial",NA,150,NA,200,2007,2018,"Unk","completeSurvey",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Spain",2003,2007,"p",1100,1100,1100,"mean","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/26_acuatrepcom.pdf)",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Información proporcioanda por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa, Población en 2007 y método de censo. Seguimiento de Aves 26. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210 pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/26_acuatrepcom.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Información proporcioanda por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) (2009). Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/26_acuatrepcom.pdf) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Poland",2013,2018,"p",800,NA,1200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; Kasprzykowski Z., Dmoch A., Golawski A., Kozik R., Mitrus C. 2017. Zmiany liczebnosci wybranych legowych gatunków wodno-blotnych w Dolinie Dolnej Narwi i Dolinie Dolnego Bugu. Ornis Polonica 58: 1-11; Winiecki A., Mielczarek P. 2018. Awifauna legowa OSO Dolina Srodkowej Warty - stan wspólczesny i zmiany w latach 1975-2015. Ornis Polonica 59: 17-55; expert assessment",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK; To",-60,NA,-50,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPM)",-51,-27,8,"PL","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",480,NA,850,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Haraszthy László (szerk.) (1984)- Magyarország madarai; 85-86 p. Tucker, G. M. – Heath, M. F. (1994): Birds in Europe – Their Conservation Status. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, 280-281 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 71 p. Haraszthy László (1998, 2000) - Magyarország madarai; 162 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 315-317 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 127 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 121-122. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Tringa_totanus.pdf National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Greece",2015,2015,"p",400,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 4) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",400,500,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",101937.40711707,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",100,150,200,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",23,54,85,"BE","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,400,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",-30,NA,-20,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 288 p. Raudonikis L. 2004. Lithuania. In: Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends, and conservation status. BirdLife International, BirdLife Conservation Series No12, Cambridge, UK. Rašomavicius, V. (red.) 2007. Lietuvos raudonoji knyga. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 800 p. (Red Data Book of Lithuania, 2007)",-40,NA,-30,"LT","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",220,250,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","A combination of unpublished data/reports from the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and BirdWatch Ireland, plus expert opinion for a minority of sites. Full details with NPWS.",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Partridge, J.K. & K.W. Smith. (1992). Breeding wader populations in Northern Ireland, 1985-87. Irish Birds 4: 497–518. Gibbons, D.W., J.B. Reid & R.A. Chapman. (1993). The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988–1991. T & A.D. Poyser, London, UK.",-95,-94,-93,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Lauder and Donagh (2008) estimated 500 pairs on expert opinion and available data. Compared to latest population estimate as per Section 2. Lauder, C. & A. Donaghy 2008. Breeding Waders in Ireland 2008: A Review and Recommendations for Future Action. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland.",-56,-50,-40,"IE","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",140,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",101937.40711707,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-71,NA,-70,2000,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-39.4,-37.08,-34.95,"LV","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Austria",2013,2018,"p",40,NA,210,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016, Georg Bieringer et al. Unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Hans-Martin Berg, unpublished data (Leithaniederung and Hanság), BirdLife Austria, unpublished arichve data",101937.40711707,1986,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016, Georg Bieringer et al. unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Hans-Martin Berg, unpublished data (Leithaniederung and Hanság); Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian breeding birds 1981-1985",NA,-28,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Dvorak et al. 2016, Georg Bieringer et al. unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Hans-Martin Berg, unpublished data (Leithaniederung and Hanság), BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",NA,-43,NA,"AT","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Czech Republic",2014,2018,"p",50,NA,70,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",101937.40711707,1986,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Štastný et al. 2006",0,0,0,2002,2016,"F","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",0,0,0,"CZ","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",20,NA,45,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 264-265; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 264-265;",-15,NA,-10,2000,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 264-265; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",-10,NA,-5,"BG","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,40,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Ridzon, J., Darolová, A. Karaska, D., Fulín, M.",-70,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,30,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,25,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac, K., Mihelic, T., Mozetic, B. & Rakar, B. (2014): Spremljanje stanja avifavne v naravnem rezervatu Škocjanski zatok. Projekt AdriaWet 2000 »Jadranska mokrišca za omrežje Natura 2000« (OP Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013). Porocilo. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Polak S. (1993): Ptice gnezdilke Cerkniškega jezera in okolice. – Acrocephalus 14 (56/57): 32–62. Škornik, I. (2012): Favnisticni in ekološki pregled ptic Secoveljskih solin. – Soline predelava soli, Seca. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",70,NA,400,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",NA,1358,NA,"SI","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",3,NA,8,"mean","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,250,NA,"HR","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","UK",2016,2016,"p",10812259,10812259,10812259,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1995 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",35257720.976805,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",76.92,76.92,76.92,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",14.68,14.68,14.68,"UK","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",4711623,5552467,12824500,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",35257720.976805,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",2.5,6.2,9.9,"IE","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","France",2013,2018,"p",3e+06,NA,7e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial",NA,35257720.976805,2001,2018,"D","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",-20,-20,-20,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-1.9,NA,"FR","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Spain",2004,2006,"p",2755000,NA,3595000,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf)",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcioanda por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Germany",2016,2016,"p",2550000,NA,3e+06,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",35257720.976805,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,18,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-9,-4,1,"DE","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,2500000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",35257720.976805,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5e+05,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Poland",2013,2018,"p",656000,NA,1293000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",11,23,35,"PL","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",812000,857000,897000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",253,307,370,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",64,73,81,"SE","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",446460,504167,569334,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",35257720.976805,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",105,NA,106,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",17,43.6,75.6,"LV","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",4e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",35257720.976805,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",71,86,102,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-3,1,6,"NL","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",369500,472700,576000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",35257720.976805,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",54,97,140,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-3,2,8,"BE","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",432589,432589,432589,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",35257720.976805,1980,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-11.8,34.76,104.95,2006,2017,"F","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-63.54,2.66,166.27,"DK","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",250000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",35257720.976805,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",22,NA,36,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",13,NA,31,"EE","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Austria",2013,2018,"p",180000,NA,290000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",35257720.976805,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Finland",2013,2018,"p",86415,189622,301724,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",35257720.976805,1984,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",96,170,270,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut. — Linnut -vuosikirja 2017:16–31",48,74,103,"FI","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",130000,NA,260000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",35257720.976805,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. CBC - common bird census",0,0,0,"SK","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",74000,NA,101000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-19.9,NA,"SI","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,15,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; BSPB Bird Database",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,0,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,0,0,"BG","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",46000,NA,71000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-18,NA,67,"HU","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinion based on the ""Study on FBI and CBI Indicators"" (Birdlife Cyprus, 2017)",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no 6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird signtings records reported in the society's annual reports.",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Study on FBI and CBI Indicators, Birdlife Cyprus, 2017",28,NA,50,"CY","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",50,100,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Troglodytes troglodytes","fridariensis","Winter Wren","UK",2012,2016,"p",38,38,38,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",38,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",122,122,122,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",35,35,35,"UK","A434",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes fridariensis" "Turdus iliacus",NA,"Redwing","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1165778,1323478,1424614,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",2189128.00417723,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-37,-29,-19,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",-22,-16,-11,"FI","A286",NA,"Turdus iliacus" "Turdus iliacus",NA,"Redwing","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",744000,797000,851000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",2189128.00417723,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-20,0,20,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-30,-25,-20,"SE","A286",NA,"Turdus iliacus" "Turdus iliacus",NA,"Redwing","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",2189128.00417723,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-82,NA,-74,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-70,NA,-52,"EE","A286",NA,"Turdus iliacus" "Turdus iliacus",NA,"Redwing","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",13462,18844,26379,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2189128.00417723,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",NA,-76,NA,2005,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-89.3,-78.9,-59.5,"LV","A286",NA,"Turdus iliacus" "Turdus iliacus",NA,"Redwing","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",2189128.00417723,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",-98,NA,-97,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-30,NA,-20,"LT","A286",NA,"Turdus iliacus" "Turdus iliacus",NA,"Redwing","Poland",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","expert assessment",2189128.00417723,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A286",NA,"Turdus iliacus" "Turdus iliacus",NA,"Redwing","UK",2012,2016,"p",21,21,21,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",2189128.00417723,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-20,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,62,NA,"UK","A286",NA,"Turdus iliacus" "Turdus iliacus",NA,"Redwing","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",2189128.00417723,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A286",NA,"Turdus iliacus" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Spain",2004,2018,"p",8544580,NA,10320358,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf). Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Germany",2016,2016,"p",7900000,NA,9550000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",60077292.2039398,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,11,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",7,10,14,"DE","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","France",2009,2012,"p",5e+06,NA,8e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Roché, J. E., Muller, Y. & Siblet, J.-P. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d’oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 81, 241-268 ; Deceuninck, B., Issa, N., Muller, Y. & Triboulin, L. 2015. Merle noir Turdus merula. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé978-981 ; Barbet-Massin, M., Dalloyau, S., Issa, N. & Jiguet, F. 2015. Méthodologie et organisation générale. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé30-38",60077292.2039398,1996,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861 ; Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d'alaudidés, colombidés, turdidés en France: le programme ACT. 53-61 ; . Roux, D., Body, G., Eraud, C. & Dej, F. (2017) Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau national d’observation « Oiseaux de passage » ONCFS-FNC-FDC. Rapport interne ONCFS, novembre 2017, 28 p..",-10,3.3,4.5,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861 ; Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; 2018. La couverture géographique du programme ""ACT"". Réseau ONCFS-FNC-FDC ""Oiseaux de passage"", http://carmen.carmencarto.fr/38/Oiseaux_de_passage.map#; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d'alaudidés, colombidés, turdidés en France: le programme ACT. 53-61 ; . STOC EPS / MNHN. ; Roux D. Body G, Eraud C, DEJ F 2017. Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau National d'Observation des Oiseaux de Passage, http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/Reseau-Oiseaux-de-passage-ru103/Publications-du-Reseau-Oiseaux-de-passage-ar239; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al.. Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 891-893 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision.. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615",NA,10.9,NA,"FR","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","UK",2016,2016,"p",4807770,5040902,5274035,"interval","estimatePartial","Baseline = Newson, S.E., Evans, K.L., Noble, D.G., Greenwood, J.J.D. & Gaston, K.J. 2008. Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1330-1338. Extrapolation from 2006 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",60077292.2039398,1980,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,2.06,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,2.45,NA,"UK","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Poland",2013,2018,"p",2786000,NA,3865000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",51,59,68,"PL","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Italy",2013,2018,"p",2e+06,NA,5e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",60077292.2039398,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",10,NA,20,"IT","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",2640046.66666667,3075963.33333333,5316172,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",60077292.2039398,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",6.7,9.8,13,"IE","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",2100000,NA,4200000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",60077292.2039398,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,43.1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,24.3,NA,"CZ","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",2094328,2094328,2094328,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",60077292.2039398,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",7.6,20.52,34.96,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-21,-8.39,6.04,"DK","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1196000,1815000,2411000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",21,29,38,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-10,-6,-2,"SE","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,3e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",8e+05,NA,1500000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Population trend for the period 2005-2012.",-30,NA,0,"BG","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",950000,NA,1070000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,NA,NA,"HU","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Austria",2013,2018,"p",8e+05,NA,1200000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",60077292.2039398,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,9,NA,"AT","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",650000,NA,1100000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",60077292.2039398,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",19,29,39,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-1,3,6,"NL","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Greece",2013,2018,"p",710000,NA,9e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,21,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",0,0,0,"GR","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",550400,692300,834100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",60077292.2039398,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",2,28,54,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-16,-12,-8,"BE","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Azores",2015,2018,"p",606445,685599,820827,"mean","estimatePartial","DRA (Data from 2018 not published; obtained from DRA monitoring scheme) Fontaine R., Fonseca A. & Gonçalves D. 2018 . Censo de pombo das rochas, rola turca, melro preto, estorninho malhado e milhafre Arquipélago dos Açores 2014-2017. CIBIO/InBIO Universidade do Porto, Universidade dos Açores.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No sources available.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Alonso H., Coelho R., Costa J., Gouveia C., Leităo D., Machado R., & Teodósio J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns 2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa. URL: http://www.spea.pt/pt/estudo-e-conservacao/censos/censo-de-aves-comuns/",0.1,NA,50,"PTAC","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Finland",2013,2018,"p",550901,659509,787694,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",184,252,335,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",19,29,40,"FI","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",590899,647165,708788,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",60077292.2039398,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",273,NA,274,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",2.3,18.1,36.2,"LV","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",410000,NA,580000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",60077292.2039398,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",37,NA,55,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",30,NA,38,"EE","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2004,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",270000,NA,370000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",5,NA,10,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,5,"LT","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=154&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",36,NA,54,"PTMA","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg ; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,0,"LU","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",20000,NA,1e+05,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service);",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas; Analysis of data from systematic monitoring of four SPA sites by the Game & Fauna service 2007-10, using Distance programme; 2012 revised inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Hellicar et al.; Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Kourtellarides, The Breeding birds of Cyprus (1997); Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",500,NA,1000,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",0,NA,0,"CY","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Gibraltar",2001,2018,"p",101,250,250,"mean","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,2001,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",0,0,0,"GIB","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",1157000,1930000,2703000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-9,0,7,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-2,3,8,"SE","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Germany",2016,2016,"p",1600000,NA,1950000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",17013694.9374557,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,5,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",8,16,24,"DE","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1121000,NA,1843000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",11,20,29,"PL","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","France",2009,2012,"p",1e+06,NA,2e+06,"estimate","estimatePartial","Barbet-Massin, M., Dalloyau, S., Issa, N. & Jiguet, F. 2015. Méthodologie et organisation générale. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé30-38 ; Roché, J. E., Muller, Y. & Siblet, J.-P. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d’oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 81, 241-268 ; Olioso, G. 2015. Grive musicienne Turdus philomelos. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN. Delachaux et Niestlé986-989",17013694.9374557,1996,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d'alaudidés, colombidés, turdidés en France: le programme ACT. 53-61 ; Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861 ; . Roux, D., Body, G., Eraud, C. & Dej, F. (2017) Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau national d’observation « Oiseaux de passage » ONCFS-FNC-FDC. Rapport interne ONCFS, novembre 2017, 28 p..",6.1,15,24,2007,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. Journal of Ornithology, ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision. Journal of Ornithology, ; Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d'alaudidés, colombidés, turdidés en France: le programme ACT. 53-61 ; Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861 ; . Roux, D., Body, G., Eraud, C. & Dej, F. (2017) Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau national d’observation « Oiseaux de passage » ONCFS-FNC-FDC. Rapport interne ONCFS, novembre 2017, 28 p..",-3,3.9,11,"FR","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","UK",2016,2016,"p",1308420,1308420,1308420,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",17013694.9374557,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-10.98,NA,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,7.06,NA,"UK","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Finland",2013,2018,"p",980844,1059773,1175381,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",13,29,46,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",12,20,28,"FI","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",687965,853569,2056642,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",17013694.9374557,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"S","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-8,-3.9,0.3,"IE","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",6e+05,NA,1e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",450000,NA,9e+05,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",17013694.9374557,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,"CZ","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",430769,514924,617919,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",17013694.9374557,1991,2016,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",130,NA,131,2005,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",3.8,21.4,41.7,"LV","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Spain",2004,2018,"p",369672,NA,663714,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Austria",2013,2018,"p",350000,NA,550000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",17013694.9374557,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,4,NA,"AT","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",366000,NA,430000,"interval","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 110 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 223 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 189-190 p.",0,0,0,"HU","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",384280,384280,384280,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",17013694.9374557,1980,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-7.06,11.17,32.87,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",22.34,46.73,75.5,"DK","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",3e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",17013694.9374557,1983,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-13,NA,10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",0,NA,1,"EE","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",150000,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; SPAs mapping in 2012 Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/ Geographic Information System with Ornithologcal Information of BSPB",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,5,2001,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Common Bird Monitoring Scheme http://bspb.org/monitoring/; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Population trend for the period 2005-2012.",0,NA,45,"BG","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",138400,NA,276900,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,33,NA,"SI","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia Italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",17013694.9374557,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",25,NA,40,"IT","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",110000,NA,180000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",17013694.9374557,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",90,117,148,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",0,6,12,"NL","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",92600,128300,163900,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",17013694.9374557,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-54,-36,-18,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-35,-28,-22,"BE","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Greece",2015,2015,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Finland",2013,2018,"p",1641436,1871408,2072498,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",72,102,138,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",8,16,25,"FI","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Poland",2013,2018,"p",949000,NA,1328000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-8,3,14,"PL","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",356000,592000,832000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",50,100,150,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-26,-20,-13,"SE","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Germany",2016,2016,"p",111000,NA,215000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",4608012.46225532,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-18,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-31,-18,-3,"DE","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",85000,NA,170000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",4608012.46225532,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,3,NA,"CZ","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",80000,NA,150000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",4608012.46225532,1983,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point count survey of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",-22,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point count survey of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",NA,-23,NA,"EE","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 288 p. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Raudonikis L. 2004. Lithuania. In: Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends, and conservation status. BirdLife International, BirdLife Conservation Series No12, Cambridge, UK. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",53599,88169,145036,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",4608012.46225532,1995,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-9.23,NA,414.37,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-44.6,0.1,76.3,"LV","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Austria",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,35000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",4608012.46225532,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,2,NA,"AT","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","France",2009,2012,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Roché, J. E., Muller, Y. & Siblet, J.-P. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d’oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 81, 241-268 ; Olioso, G. & Abel, J. 2015. Grive litorne Turdus pilaris. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé982-985 ; Barbet-Massin, M., Dalloyau, S., Issa, N. & Jiguet, F. 2015. Méthodologie et organisation générale. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé30-38",4608012.46225532,1996,2017,"U","completeSurvey","Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861 ; Roux D. Body G, Eraud C, DEJ F 2017. Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau National d'Observation des Oiseaux de Passage, http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/Reseau-Oiseaux-de-passage-ru103/Publications-du-Reseau-Oiseaux-de-passage-ar239; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d'alaudidés, colombidés, turdidés en France: le programme ACT. 53-61 ; Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; 2018. La couverture géographique du programme ""ACT"". Réseau ONCFS-FNC-FDC ""Oiseaux de passage"", http://carmen.carmencarto.fr/38/Oiseaux_de_passage.map#",-23,44,172,2007,2017,"U","estimatePartial","Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861 ; . Roux, D., Body, G., Eraud, C. & Dej, F. (2017) Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau national d’observation « Oiseaux de passage » ONCFS-FNC-FDC. Rapport interne ONCFS, novembre 2017, 28 p.. ; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d’alaudidés, colombidés et turdidés en France: le programme ACT. Alauda, 69, 53-61 ; Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; 2018. La couverture géographique du programme ""ACT"". Réseau ONCFS-FNC-FDC ""Oiseaux de passage"", http://carmen.carmencarto.fr/38/Oiseaux_de_passage.map#",-61,-34,9.1,"FR","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",12000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",10,NA,40,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",10,NA,40,"SK","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",5500,7600,9800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",4608012.46225532,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",49,105,165,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",13,41,76,"BE","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",4608012.46225532,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",-25,NA,-10,"IT","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",2000,NA,3500,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",820,820,820,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",4608012.46225532,1982,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-86.78,-76.49,-58.58,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-60.56,-18.6,61.21,"DK","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",30,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases",4608012.46225532,1981,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert opinions Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (1984): Magyarország fészkelo madarai. Natura, Budapest. 247 p. National Park Directorates' databases",600,NA,2400,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert opinions National Park Directorates' databases",0,0,0,"HU","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Greece",2015,2015,"p",10,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,0,"GR","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",10,NA,25,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",4608012.46225532,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-98,-98,-98,2006,2017,"U","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-96,-77,7,"NL","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",10,10,10,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","UK",2011,2015,"p",8,8,8,"mean","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel 2017. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2015. British Birds 110: 706-754.",4608012.46225532,1978,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-75,NA,2001,2016,"D","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,-56,NA,"UK","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Austria",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",224040.462147079,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","France",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",224040.462147079,1989,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Italy",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",224040.462147079,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",7700,9200,10800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Expert judgement based on regional inventories",50,100,150,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",25,50,75,"SE","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","UK",2016,2016,"p",5541,7290,9414,"interval","completeSurvey","Baseline = Wotton, S.R., Stanbury, A., Douse, A. & Eaton, M.A. 2016. The status of the Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus in the UK in 2012. Bird Study 63: 155-164. Extrapolated using BBS monitoring trend which suggests a slight increase since 2012. This is based on a fairly low sample but sample is now big enough to report a five-year BBS trend so it is valid to use it to update the 2012 estimate (this extrapolation is made from the corrected 2012 survey estimate which accounts for detectability).",224040.462147079,1970,2012,"D","completeSurvey","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Berkhamsted, T. & A.D. Poyser. Wotton, S.R., Stanbury, A., Douse, A. & Eaton, M.A. 2016. The status of the Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus in the UK in 2012. Bird Study 63: 155-164.",NA,-56,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,27.02,NA,"UK","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Spain",2003,2003,"p",6000,NA,7000,"interval","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,5000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-20,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. SOS/BS 2013; www.vtaky.sk",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Germany",2012,2016,"p",2300,NA,4200,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",224040.462147079,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-12,NA,2004,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-9,NA,"DE","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",1600,NA,3200,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Poland",2013,2015,"p",1600,NA,3200,"estimate","estimatePartial","Wilk T., Bobrek R., Pepkowska-Król A., Neubauer G., Kosicki J. 2016. Ptaki polskich Karpat - stan, zagrozenia, ochrona. OTOP, Marki.",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2015: European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.). http://datazone.birdlife.org/info/euroredlist",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Finland",2013,2018,"p",150,350,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",224040.462147079,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",140,382,830,"FI","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Ireland",2013,2019,"p",8,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",224040.462147079,2000,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",-84,NA,-80,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Crowe, O. (2019). Status of rare breeding birds in the Republic of Ireland 2013 - 2018. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Dublin, Ireland.",-66.7,NA,-40,"IE","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1,5,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",224040.462147079,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","France",2008,2012,"p",3e+05,NA,9e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","Olioso, G., Muller, Y. & Virondeau, A. 2015. Grive draine Turdus viscivorus. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé992-995 ; Barbet-Massin, M., Dalloyau, S., Issa, N. & Jiguet, F. 2015. Méthodologie et organisation générale. in Issa, N. & Muller, Y. coord. (2015). Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine. Nidification et présence hivernale. LPO/SEOF/MNHN, Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé30-38 ; Roché, J. E., Muller, Y. & Siblet, J.-P. 2013. Une méthode simple pour estimer les populations d’oiseaux communs nicheurs en France. Alauda, 81, 241-268",3346830.21485028,1996,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d'alaudidés, colombidés, turdidés en France: le programme ACT. 53-61 ; Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861 ; . Roux, D., Body, G., Eraud, C. & Dej, F. (2017) Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau national d’observation « Oiseaux de passage » ONCFS-FNC-FDC. Rapport interne ONCFS, novembre 2017, 28 p..",-41,-29,-16,2007,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision. Journal of Ornithology, ; Fewster, R. M., Buckland, S. T., Siriwardena, G. M., Baillie, S. R. & Wilson, J. D. 2000. Analysis of population trends for farmland birds using generalized additive models. Ecology, 81 , 1970-1984 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. . Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. Journal of Ornithology, ; Boutin, J.-M., Barbier, L. & Roux, D. 2001. Suivi des effectifs nicheurs d'alaudidés, colombidés, turdidés en France: le programme ACT. 53-61 ; Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1852-1861 ; . Roux, D., Body, G., Eraud, C. & Dej, F. (2017) Suivi des populations nicheuses (1996-2017) et hivernantes (2000-2017). Réseau national d’observation « Oiseaux de passage » ONCFS-FNC-FDC. Rapport interne ONCFS, novembre 2017, 28 p..",-21,-9,6,"FR","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",427000,470000,516000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",99,170,266,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",29,42,56,"SE","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Spain",2004,2018,"p",255075,NA,585464,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Germany",2016,2016,"p",165000,NA,320000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",3346830.21485028,1980,2016,"S","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-4,NA,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",13,29,48,"DE","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Finland",2013,2018,"p",150033,172370,199437,"mean","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",3346830.21485028,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",89,173,291,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975-2017. Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 1631.",7,24,43,"FI","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","UK",2016,2016,"p",166885,166885,166885,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Gibbons, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A. 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991. Poyser, London. Extrapolation from 1988-91 using Breeding Bird Survey monitoring trend.",3346830.21485028,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",NA,-50.72,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,-26.13,NA,"UK","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Poland",2013,2018,"p",109000,NA,161000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",0,18,40,"PL","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Ireland",2011,2016,"p",90531.3333333333,123466.666666667,239181,"interval","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",3346830.21485028,1980,2016,"UNK","absentData","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,NA,NA,2006,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. (2019) Countryside Bird Survey: Status and trends of common and widespread breeding birds 1998-2016. Irish Wildlife Manuals (in prep). National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",-16.6,-9.8,-2.6,"IE","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Austria",2013,2018,"p",80000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, estimate based on a sample of breeding densities from different sites and habitats and corrected by the results of the Austrian breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"") for 1998- 2018",3346830.21485028,1981,2018,"UNK","absentData","BirdLife Austria, unpublished",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, results of the Austrian Breeding bird monitoring (""Brutvogelmonitoring"")",NA,10,NA,"AT","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",80000,NA,120000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Common birds monitoring scheme in Bulgaria (http://bspb.org/monitoring/bg/index.html) BSPB Bird Database",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.",0,NA,0,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",0,NA,0,"BG","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Italy",2013,2018,"p",50000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2008. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.5 (Turdidae-Cisticolidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",3346830.21485028,1993,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,0,0,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",20,NA,35,"IT","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",3346830.21485028,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,1,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,0,NA,"CZ","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",35000,NA,55000,"estimate","completeSurvey","MIHELIC T., KMECL P., DENAC K., KOCE U., VREZEC A., DENAC D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","There are no sources for this information.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","KMECL P. & ŠUMRADA T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,0,NA,"SI","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Greece",2015,2015,"p",20000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po; Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimatePartial","eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/po",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",16678,28862,49946,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",3346830.21485028,1991,2016,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",NA,-32,NA,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society.",-9.7,59.8,175.9,"LV","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",16700,21600,26500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",3346830.21485028,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-52,-38,-24,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-30,-20,-8,"BE","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",20087,20087,20087,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",3346830.21485028,1981,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-53.79,-41.41,-25.83,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-48.46,-23.56,11.95,"DK","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“, 256 p. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",0,NA,0,"LT","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",15000,NA,25000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",3346830.21485028,1980,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",49,NA,85,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-7,NA,31,"EE","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",10000,NA,12000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",3346830.21485028,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-50,-33,-10,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-21,-13,-3,"NL","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",7000,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 294-295 p. Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 107 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 215 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 451-452 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 183-184 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Turdus_viscivorus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",0,0,0,"HU","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Experts' estimate",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,NA,10,"LU","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Turnix sylvaticus",NA,"Common Buttonquail","Spain",2018,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Gutiérrez Expósito C., Copete, J.L., Abdeljebbar Qninba, P. & Garrido, H. (2011) History, status and distribution of Andalusian Buttonquail in the WP. Dutch Birding, 33: 75-93. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",0,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","BirdLife International (2016). Turnix sylvaticus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016. (https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22680500/90008182) Gutiérrez Expósito C., Copete, J.L., Abdeljebbar Qninba, P. & Garrido, H. (2011) History, status and distribution of Andalusian Buttonquail in the WP. Dutch Birding, 33: 75-93. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente. (2018). Resolución de 1 de agosto de 2018, de la Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente, por la que se publica el Acuerdo de la Conferencia Sectorial de Medio Ambiente en relación al Listado de especies extinguidas en todo el medio natural espańol. (https://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-2018-11522)",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Gutiérrez Expósito C., Copete, J.L., Abdeljebbar Qninba, P. & Garrido, H. (2011) History, status and distribution of Andalusian Buttonquail in the WP. Dutch Birding, 33: 75-93.",0,0,0,"ES","A717",NA,"Turnix sylvaticus" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Spain",1998,2002,"p",25000,NA,45000,"interval","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Moral, J.C., Escandell, V., Molina, B., Bermejo, A., & Palomino, D. (Eds.) (2008). Programas de seguimiento de SEO/BirdLife en 2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 35 pp. Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. SEO/BirdLife (2012). Programa de seguimiento de Avifauna de SEO/BirdLife 2011. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 35 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073) Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",NA,-26.8,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Brinzal (2019). Censo de Lechuza común (Tyto alba) en la Comunidad de Madrid. Ańo 2018. Cornell Lab (2018). eBird. Plataforma online para el registro de observaciones de aves. (https://ebird.org/home) Información proporcionada por las Comunidaes Autónomas Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2018). Datos de anillamiento y recuperaciones en Espańa. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, SEO/BirdLife, ICO, EBD-CSIC y GOB. Madrid. (http://www.anillamientoseo.org) MITECO (2011). Tendencia de las aves nocturnas (2006-2011). Ministerio para la transición ecológica (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_nocturnas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,-50.8,NA,"ES","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Germany",2016,2016,"p",14500,NA,26000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",111681.553588695,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",41,NA,180,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-11,NA,"DE","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","France",2009,2012,"p",10000,NA,35000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",111681.553588695,1980,2017,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"F","estimateExpert",NA,-50,NA,100,"FR","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Italy",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,13000,"estimate","estimateExpert","BirdLife International 2017. European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.",111681.553588695,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",0,NA,8,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","UK",1995,2016,"p",4000,NA,14218,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = Toms, M.P., Crick, H.Q.P. & Shawyer, C.R. 2001. The status of breeding Barn Owls Tyto alba in the United Kingdom 1995-97. Bird Study 48: 23-37. Adjusted by BBS monitoring trend from 1995-2016. However, BBS there is significant uncertainty from BBS monitoring of this species, so the true population size lies between 4,000 - 14,218, probably c.9,000.",111681.553588695,1970,2016,"U","estimatePartial","Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. Berkhamsted, T. & A.D. Poyser. Vs Toms, M.P., Crick, H.Q.P. & Shawyer, C.R. 2001. The status of breeding Barn Owls Tyto alba in the United Kingdom 1995-97. Bird Study 48: 23-37, adjusted by BBS monitoring trend from 1995-2016. However, BBS there is significant uncertainty from BBS monitoring of this species, so the true population size lies between 4,000 - 14,218, probably c.9,000.",-41,NA,111,2004,2016,"S","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",NA,5.35,NA,"UK","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2009,2017,"D","estimatePartial","GTAN-SPEA, 2019. Relatório do Programa NOCTUA Portugal (2009/10 - 2017/18).Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa (relatório năo publicado)",NA,NA,NA,"PT","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Greece",2015,2015,"p",3000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 3) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",1250,NA,3600,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",111681.553588695,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",1934,2046,2164,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",19,25,31,"NL","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Croatia",2010,2010,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kralj i sur. (2013): Atlas selidbe ptica Hrvatske. ZZO HAZU, Zagreb.",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",1300,1700,2100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",111681.553588695,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",30,70,110,2008,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-37,-17,2,"BE","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Poland",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Tucker G.M., Heath M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.; BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK;",-60,NA,0,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Milchev B. & Gruychev G. (2014). Breeding distribution and nest site diversity of Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in the context of restoration of agricultural sector in Central South Bulgaria. – Ornis Hungarica 22(1): 69–75. Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. BAS, MOEW, Sofia. BSPB database",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English) Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. BAS, MOEW, Sofia. BSPB database Red Data Book of Bulgaria (1985) BAS,Sofia Simeonov S., T.Michev,D.Nankinov (1990) Fauna of Bulgaria.vol.20 Aves,part 1.BAS,Sofia",0,NA,10,2000,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Iankov, P. (ed.) 2007 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 679 p. (In Bulgarian and English); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Golemansky V.(ed.) (2011) Red data Book of Bulgaria.vol.2 Animals. BAS, MOEW, Sofia. BSPB database",0,NA,10,"BG","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=147&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=147&Itemid=66&lang=pt Sepúlveda & Ferreira (dados năo publicados)",0,0,0,"PTMA","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Ireland",2008,2011,"p",562,NA,702,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lusby, J., O’Clery, M., McGuinness, S., Tosh, D., & Crowe, O. (2019). The interactions between Barn Owls and major roads: informing management and mitigation. Draft Report (TBC) to Transport Infrastructure Ireland.",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Expert opinion: J.Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie. Sharrock, J.T.R. (1976) The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. T. & AD Poyser.",NA,NA,NA,1995,2018,"U","absentData","Balmer, D., Gillings, S., Caffrey, B., Swan, B., Downie, I. & Fuller, R. (2013) Bird Atlas 2007-11 The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. British Trust for Ornithology. Expert opinion: J.Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland; http://www.birdwatchireland.ie.",NA,NA,NA,"IE","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Hungary",2013,2018,"p",346,NA,860,"estimate","estimatePartial","Demeter Iván, Horváth Márton & Prommer Mátyás (2019): Az MME Ragadozómadár-védelmi Szakosztálya (RMvSz) által monitorozott fajok 2017-es költési eredményeinek összefoglalása. Summary of population monitoring programmes run by MME/Birdlife Hungary’s Raptor Conservation Department (RCD) in 2017. Heliaca 15: 75. Dr. Klein Ákos, László Csaba (szerk, 2019): Gyöngybagollyal kapcsolatos országos célkituzések, ötéves terv (2017-2022) elorehaladási beszámoló Mátics, Róbert & Gyula, Hoffmann & Farkas, Sandor & Dawson, Deborah & Frantz, Alain & Varga, Dániel & Mátics, Erika & Klein, Ákos (2017): Demographic decline and detection of genetic bottleneck in a population of Barn Owl Tyto alba in Hungary. Journal of Ornithology. 158. 10.1007/s10336-017-1433-z. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. Consultation with national experts. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",111681.553588695,1998,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dr. Klein Ákos, László Csaba (szerk, 2019): Gyöngybagollyal kapcsolatos országos célkituzések, ötéves terv (2017-2022) elorehaladási beszámoló Mátics, Róbert & Gyula, Hoffmann & Farkas, Sandor & Dawson, Deborah & Frantz, Alain & Varga, Dániel & Mátics, Erika & Klein, Ákos (2017): Demographic decline and detection of genetic bottleneck in a population of Barn Owl Tyto alba in Hungary. Journal of Ornithology. 158. 10.1007/s10336-017-1433-z. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. Consultation with national experts. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-15,NA,-5,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Dr. Klein Ákos, László Csaba (szerk, 2019): Gyöngybagollyal kapcsolatos országos célkituzések, ötéves terv (2017-2022) elorehaladási beszámoló Mátics, Róbert & Gyula, Hoffmann & Farkas, Sandor & Dawson, Deborah & Frantz, Alain & Varga, Dániel & Mátics, Erika & Klein, Ákos (2017): Demographic decline and detection of genetic bottleneck in a population of Barn Owl Tyto alba in Hungary. Journal of Ornithology. 158. 10.1007/s10336-017-1433-z. Hámori Dániel, Csörgo Tibor (szerk, 2017): Magyarországon eloforduló bagolyfajok határozása és gyakorlati természetvédelme, Herman Ottó Intézet, 46. o. Consultation with national experts. National park directorates' databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-10,NA,-5,"HU","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",400,NA,500,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Siverio, F., Siverio, M. & Barone, R. (2016). Actualización de la información sobre las poblaciones de lechuza común Tyto alba gracilirostris en las islas e islotes orientales del archipiélago canario. Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza, Gobierno de Canarias. Informe inédito.",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp. Siverio, F. (1998). Distribución y estatus de Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769) en Tenerife, islas Canarias (Aves, Tytonidae). Vieraea, 26: 121-131. Siverio, M. (2011). Seguimiento de Poblaciones de Especies Amenazadas (2011). Tyto alba gracilirostris (Hartert, 1905). Lanzarote y Fuerteventura. Gesplan, S.A.U.-Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Informe inédito. Siverio, F., Siverio, M. & Barone, R. (2016). Actualización de la información sobre las poblaciones de lechuza común Tyto alba gracilirostris en las islas e islotes orientales del archipiélago canario. Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza, Gobierno de Canarias. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Siverio, M. (2011). Seguimiento de Poblaciones de Especies Amenazadas (2011). Tyto alba gracilirostris (Hartert, 1905). Lanzarote y Fuerteventura. Gesplan, S.A.U.-Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Informe inédito. Siverio, F., Siverio, M. & Barone, R. (2016). Actualización de la información sobre las poblaciones de lechuza común Tyto alba gracilirostris en las islas e islotes orientales del archipiélago canario. Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza, Gobierno de Canarias. Informe inédito.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,750,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service)",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus",10,NA,40,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Very limited data. Expert opinion (Game & Fauna Service)",0,NA,0,"CY","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",300,300,300,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Expert assesment",111681.553588695,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",38.72,492.86,2301.81,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",-96.04,-55.39,234.04,"DK","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",150,NA,240,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017 Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,-70,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Národní strategie ochrany dravcu a sov CR. Praha 2017 (manuscript)",NA,-25,NA,"CZ","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-80,NA,-50,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-40,NA,-20,"SK","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","M. Kayser (2012): Ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2012 für die Schleiereule im Müllerthal. Regulus 6/2012: 20-21; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",0,0,0,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg",-30,NA,-10,"LU","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Slovenia",2002,2017,"p",80,NA,130,"estimate","estimatePartial","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",111681.553588695,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Geister I. (ed.) (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana.",0,0,0,2002,2017,"UNK","absentData","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,"SI","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Austria",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",111681.553588695,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-50,NA,-20,"AT","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society “.",0,0,0,2013,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2017. New and rare birds for Lithuania. Vilnius: „Lithuanian Ornithological Society“.",0,0,0,"LT","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",0,5,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","No relevant data available",50,100,200,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-75,-50,-25,"SE","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Malta",2017,2018,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018)",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing. Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12), Cambridge, UK. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 3), Cambridge, UK.",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"UNK","absentData","Malta Breeding Bird Atlas (2018) in preparation, (included a complete breeding bird population census in Malta together with a wintering bird census in 2017-2018) Raine, A., Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009) Malta Breeding Bird Atlas 2008, Malta: BirdLife Malta. Sultana, J., Borg, J.J., Gauci, C. & Falzon, V. (2011): The Breeding Birds of Malta. Malta: BirdLife Malta & BDL Publishing.",NA,NA,NA,"MT","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Gibraltar",2014,2018,"p",0,NA,0,NA,NA,"Bensusan, K.J. & Perez, C.E. (2003). A Conservation Action Plan for MOD sites in Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J .E. (1978). Conservation – A Future? Semi ­ natural Nature Reserve, Gibraltar: A Management Plan. Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society. GONHS. Cortes, J.E, (1996). Windmill Hill Flats: a good view of migration across the Straits of Gibraltar. Almoraima 15:163-184. Cortes, J.E., Finlayson J.C., Garcia, E.F.J., Mosquera, M.A.J., (1980). The Birds of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Books. Gibraltar. Environmental Action & Management Plan (2012). Government of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Bird Reports (2006 - 2012). Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society Gibraltar Nature News (2006 – 2012). Bi-annual Publication. Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Nature Protection Act 1991 (2013). Perez, C.E. (2013). Report on the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora & Fauna in Gibraltar (2012). Wildlife (Gibraltar) Ltd Perez, C.E. & Bensusan, K. J. (2005). Upper Rock Nature Reserve A Management and Action. Plan. Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Perez, C.E. (2006). Biodiversity Action Plan, Gibraltar: Planning for Nature. Gibraltar: Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS). Southern Waters of Gibraltar Management Scheme EU Natura 2000 Site (2012).",111681.553588695,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"GIB","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Spain",2004,2018,"p",714769,NA,1199594,"interval","estimatePartial","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. SEO/BirdLife (2019). Programas de seguimiento y grupos de trabajo de SEO/BirdLife 2018. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. (https:doi.org/10.31170/0073)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1e+05,NA,5e+05,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado); Relatório Nacional Directiva Aves (2008-2012).",0,0,0,2004,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Alonso, H., Coelho, R., Costa, J., Gouveia, C., Leităo, D., Machado, R.,& Teodósio, J. 2019. Relatório do Censo de Aves Comuns2004-2018. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa(relatório năo publicado).",0,0,0,"PT","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","France",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,110000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",1562394.02425191,2001,2017,"I","estimateExpert",NA,5,NA,15,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial",". STOC EPS / MNHN.",NA,-15.2,NA,"FR","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Greece",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,80000,"estimate","estimatePartial","(1) Hellenic Common Birds Monitoring Scheme database (2007-2019), Hellenic Ornithological Society, (2) BirdLife International (2017). European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. Cambridge. UK: BirdLife Internationa. ISBN 978-1-912086-00-9, (3) D. Portolou & V. Kati (2017). “Abundance and distribution of selected species – SEBI 01”. In: Kati V (Ed) “Greece-the state of environment 2015-2016: Nature and biodiversity. National report”. National Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Athens, pp 3-20 – 3-36 [In Greek]. Available at: http://ekpaa.ypeka.gr/index.php/soer-2018",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 2) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",0,NA,0,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data",NA,NA,NA,"GR","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Poland",2013,2018,"p",43000,NA,66000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-31,-18,-3,"PL","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Italy",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P & Fracasso G. 2007. Ornitologia italiana. Vol.4 (Apodidae-Prunellidae). Alberto Perdisa Editore, Bologna",1562394.02425191,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",300,NA,400,2012,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & Lipu (2018). Uccelli comuni delle zone agricole in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2017. 16 pp.",0,0,0,"IT","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Stoynov, E., Mitev, I. 2008. Upupa epops. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Stoynov, E., Mitev, I. 2008. Upupa epops. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia. Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",5,NA,10,2001,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","Stoynov, E., Mitev, I. 2008. Upupa epops. In: Iankov, P. (Ed.) Atlas of breeding birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation series, Book 10, BSPB, Sofia.; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; Nankinov,D. et al. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria. Green Balkans, Plovdiv, 2004.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",9200,NA,11500,"estimate","completeSurvey","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 91 p. Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 235-236 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 173 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 389-390 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. p. 154-155. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Upupa_epops.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",49,NA,69,"HU","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Croatia",2014,2014,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Canary Islands",1997,2018,"p",2500,NA,10000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Carrascal, L.M. & Alonso, C.L. (2005). Censo de aves estepáricas en las islas orientales del archipiélago canario. Programa de seguimiento y planificación de especies amenazadas de canarias “centinela”. CSIC-Gobierno de Canarias. Informe no publicado. Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp. Martín, A. & Lorenzo, J.A. (2001). Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Francisco Lemus Editor. La Laguna. 787 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"U","estimateExpert","Lorenzo, J.A. (2007) (Ed). Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes en el Archipiélago Canario (1997-2003). Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid. 520 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"ESIC","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Germany",2011,2016,"p",800,NA,950,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",1562394.02425191,1980,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,175,NA,2004,2016,"I","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,56,NA,"DE","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Madeira",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Equipa Atlas, 2013 - http://www.atlasdasaves.netmadeira.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=150&Itemid=66&lang=pt 1ş Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MJWLVHRhU9A8IgbvY2DhPiFm_Tp1hD25",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Oliveira, P. & Menezes, D. 2004. Aves do Arquipélago da Madeira. Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Meirinho, A., Leal, A., Marques, A.T., Fagundes, A.I., Sampaio, H., Costa, J. & Leităo, D. 2013. O estado das aves comuns em Portugal 2011: Relatório do projeto Censo de Aves Comuns. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/relatoriocac_2011.pdf",0,0,0,"PTMA","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Bird sightings records as published in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",-17,NA,0,"CY","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-25,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Slovenia",2002,2018,"p",450,NA,750,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",-30,NA,-20,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. DOPPS, Ljubljana.",0,NA,10,"SI","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Austria",2013,2018,"p",450,NA,650,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",1562394.02425191,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-60,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",-20,NA,-10,"AT","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,670,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",10,NA,15,2013,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",0,0,0,"LT","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Latvia",2013,2018,"p",250,NA,450,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",1562394.02425191,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",85,NA,101,2000,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv Expert: Viesturs Kerus, viesturs@lob.lv",64.58,67.7,71.78,"LV","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",60,NA,120,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",5,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",1562394.02425191,1980,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,2006,2017,"S","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-10,NA,10,"EE","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",0,2,5,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-100,NA,500,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-100,NA,250,"SE","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",0,0,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",1562394.02425191,1973,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-100,-100,-67,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Uria aalge","all others","Common Murre","UK",1998,2002,"i",1418000,1418000,1418000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Harris, M.P. & Wanless, S. 2004. Common Guillemot Uria aalge. Pp. 350-363. In: Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. (eds.) Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland. T. & A.D. Poyser.",1660976.44063763,1986,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-5,29,63,2004,2015,"I","completeSurvey","JNCC 2016. Seabird Monitoring Programme data (http://www.jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-3201). Joint Nature Conservation Committee.",-13,19,83,"UK","A887",NA,"Uria aalge all others" "Uria aalge","all others","Common Murre","France",2015,2016,"i",658,NA,802,"mean","completeSurvey","Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25, 57-91 ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2016.",1660976.44063763,1977,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25, 57-91 ; Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004. Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mčze. 218 p. ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2016.",8,17,26,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Quaintenne G. et les coordinateurs espčce 2018. Les oiseaux nicheurs rares et menacés en France en 2015. Ornithos 25, 57-91 ; Cadiou B., Jacob Y., Provost P., Quénot F. & Février Y. 2017. Bilan de la saison de reproduction des oiseaux marins en Bretagne en 2016.",23,32,41,"FR","A887",NA,"Uria aalge all others" "Uria aalge","all others","Common Murre","Denmark",2017,2017,"i",7000,7000,7000,"estimate","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017 & Trćkfuglene pĺ Christiansř 1976-2001. Mikkel Lausten & Peter Lyngs. Pihl, S. & Fredshavn, J.R. 2015. Střrrelse og udvikling af fuglebestande i Danmark. Artikel 12 rapportering til Fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi, 44 s. - Videnskabelig rapport fra DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi nr. 176, http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR176.pdf. https://www.fugledata.dk/kolkyst/. -Laursen, K. (Red.) 2001: Overvĺgning af fugle, sćler og planter 1999-2000, med resultater fra feltstationerne. Danmarks Miljřundersřgelser. 103 s. - Faglig Rapport fra DMU, nr 350.",1660976.44063763,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",178,205.61,235.89,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","www.dofbasen.dk & Nyegaard,T. et al.,Truede og sjćldne ynglefugle i Danmark 1998-2012, Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 108, nr 1, 2014 & Atlas III 2014-2017 (www.dofbasen.dk/atlas) & DOF BirdLifeDK Fugleĺret 2006-2017",34.19,50.07,67.66,"DK","A887",NA,"Uria aalge all others" "Uria aalge","all others","Common Murre","Sweden",2013,2018,"i",44000,52000,60000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",1660976.44063763,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Regional inventories, Species observation system www.artportalen.se",160,180,200,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Regional inventories, Species observation system www.artportalen.se",40,50,60,"SE","A887",NA,"Uria aalge all others" "Uria aalge","all others","Common Murre","Ireland",2015,2018,"i",177388,177388,177388,"estimate","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",1660976.44063763,1987,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,72,NA,2002,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Cummins, S., Lauder, C, Lauder, A & Tierney, T. D. (2019) The status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. XXX. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland.",NA,28,NA,"IE","A887",NA,"Uria aalge all others" "Uria aalge","all others","Common Murre","Germany",2016,2016,"i",5622,5622,5622,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",1660976.44063763,1980,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",81,114,152,2004,2016,"I","completeSurvey","Monitoring seltener Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ga&subsubcat=kontakt)",6,27,51,"DE","A887",NA,"Uria aalge all others" "Uria aalge","all others","Common Murre","Finland",2013,2018,"i",160,240,260,"estimate","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",1660976.44063763,1982,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",161,173,184,2010,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Finnish archipelago bird census (organized by Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Metsähallitus and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke) Below, A., Mikkola-Roos, M., Kurvinen, L. & Lehikoinen, A. 2019: Saaristolintukantojen kehitys vuosina 1980–2018. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 56-67.",187,222,257,"FI","A887",NA,"Uria aalge all others" "Uria aalge","ibericus","Common Murre","Portugal",2016,2018,"i",0,NA,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Oliveira, N., A. Almeida, A. Santos Torres, I. Fagundes, P. Rodrigues & J. Andrade, 2016. Updated Information on the Breeding Status of Berlengas Archipelago Seabirds. Report of the Action A1, Project LIFE Berlengas. SPEA - Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Lisbon (unpublished report).",0.5,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Oliveira, N., A. Almeida, A. Santos Torres, I. Fagundes, P. Rodrigues & J. Andrade, 2016. Updated Information on the Breeding Status of Berlengas Archipelago Seabirds. Report of the Action A1, Project LIFE Berlengas. SPEA -Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Lisbon (unpublished report);Lecoq, M. 2003. Censo das Populaçőes de Aves Marinhas Nidificantes no Arquipélago das Berlengas em 2002: Calonectris diomedea, Phalacrocorax aristotelis e Uria aalge. Relatório II (Final): Censo da Populaçăo em 2002. SPEA; Morais L., P. Crisóstomo, E. Mourato & T. Menino 2014. Contagem de aves marinhas na Ilha da Berlenga. Relatório técnico. ICNB. Reserva Natural das Berlengas.",NA,-19500,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Oliveira, N., A. Almeida, A. Santos Torres, I. Fagundes, P. Rodrigues & J. Andrade, 2016. Updated Information on the Breeding Status of Berlengas Archipelago Seabirds. Report of the Action A1, Project LIFE Berlengas. SPEA -Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, Lisbon (unpublished report); Morais L., P. Crisóstomo, E. Mourato & T. Menino 2014. Contagem de aves marinhas na Ilha da Berlenga. Relatório técnico. ICNB. Reserva Natural das Berlengas.",NA,-700,NA,"PT","A419",NA,"Uria aalge ibericus" "Uria aalge","ibericus","Common Murre","Spain",2007,2017,"i",0,0,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla). Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",0.5,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla). Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. SEO/BirdLife, (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",-100,-100,0,2007,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Munilla, I. (2017). Seguimiento y evaluación de las poblaciones reproductoras de cormorán mońudo (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), pardela cenicienta (Calonectris diomedea), arao común (Uria aalge) y gaviota tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla). Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Ordenación do Territorio. Informe no publicado. 65 pp. Munilla, I. & Velando, A. (2008). Propuesta técnica del Plan integral de recuperación y conservación de las aves nidificantes en cantiles costeros: Uria aalge, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Rissa tridactyla. Dirección Xeral de Conservación da Natureza, Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. Informe no publicado. 141 pp. SEO/BirdLife. (2019). Actualización de la evaluación inicial y buen estado ambiental para el grupo Aves, y propuesta de revisión de objetivos ambientales. Estrategias Marinas de Espańa.",-100,-100,0,"ES","A419",NA,"Uria aalge ibericus" "Vanellus spinosus",NA,"Spur-winged Lapwing","Greece",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,60,"estimate","estimatePartial","Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T., and Dimalexis. T. (eds.) 2009. Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Hellenic Ornithological Society. Athens",101.587204702189,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Handrinos, G. & Akriotis, T. 1997. The Birds of Greece. Helm.",NA,0,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Handrinos, G. 2009. Spur-winged Lapwing. In: Legakis, A. & P. Maragou (eds.). The Greek Red Data Book. Hellenic Zoological Society.",NA,0,NA,"GR","A728",NA,"Vanellus spinosus" "Vanellus spinosus",NA,"Spur-winged Lapwing","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,70,"estimate","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports; Important Bird Areas of Cyprus, BirdLife Cyprus 2014; Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior)",101.587204702189,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Charalambidou et al. Podoces, 2012, 7(1/2): 1–8; Monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus and Game & Fauna Service, as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists and also by the Game & Fauna Service; Analysis of BirdLife Cyprus bird sightings records reported in the society's annual reports; 2012 revised inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Hellicar et al.; 2004 inventory of Cyprus Important Bird Areas, by Iezekiel et al.; Flint & Stewart BOU Checklist no.6 (1992) The Birds of Cyprus; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus Breeding Birds’ Atlas.",6000,NA,6700,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Systematic monthly waterbird counts by BirdLife Cyprus as published in BirdLife Cyprus monthly checklists; Birdwatching records as reported in BirdLife Cyprus annual reports",16,NA,25,"CY","A728",NA,"Vanellus spinosus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Finland",2013,2018,"p",135574,163208,190987,"interval","completeSurvey","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",29,67,116,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Bird monitoring schemes of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki.",45,68,95,"FI","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Latvia",2016,2016,"p",135521,159268,187177,"interval","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",959478.075889717,1995,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-38.05,NA,88.75,2005,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Aunins A., Mardega I. 2018. [Countrywide monitoring of the common birds. Final report for the year 2018.] (in Latvian) Latvian Ornithological society",-43,-18.8,14.6,"LV","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Netherlands",2013,2015,"p",110000,NA,160000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",959478.075889717,1984,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-59,-55,-52,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-35,-32,-29,"NL","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","UK",2016,2016,"p",97497,97497,97497,"estimate","estimatePartial","Baseline = O'Brien, M. 2004. Estimating the number of farmland waders breeding in the United Kingdom. International Wader Studies 14: 135-139. Colhoun, K., Mawhinney, K. & Peach, W.J. 2015. Population estimates and changes in abundance of breeding waders in Northern Ireland up to 2013. Bird Study 62: 394-403. doi: 10.1080/00063657.2015.1058746 Extrapolated using BBS monitoring trend from 1997 in GB. NI estimate based on contemporary survey data in 2013 NI estimate = 860 (95% CI 277-1,545)",959478.075889717,1980,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Joint Common Bird Census/Breeding Bird Survey smoothed trend index. Woodward, I.D., Massimino, D., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H., Sullivan, M.J.P., Baillie, S.R. & Robinson, R.A. (2018) BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report 708. BTO, Thetford. www.bto.org/birdtrends",-67.12,-67.12,-67.12,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey data: Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Gillings, S., Eaton, M.A., Noble, D.G., Balmer, D.E., Procter, D., PearceHiggins, J.W. & Woodcock, P. 2018. The Breeding Bird Survey 2017. BTO Research Report 706 British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. https://www.bto.org/sites/default/files/bbs-report-2017.pdf",-34.11,-34.11,-34.11,"UK","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Poland",2013,2018,"p",64000,NA,87000,"interval","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL – Common Bird Survey)",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","State Environmental Monitoring / Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (survey: MPPL)",-73,-66,-58,"PL","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Germany",2016,2016,"p",42000,NA,67000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",959478.075889717,1980,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-93,NA,2004,2016,"D","completeSurvey","Monitoring häufiger Brutvögel (http://www.dda-web.de/index.php?cat=monitoring&subcat=ha_neu&subsubcat=kontakt)",-50,-41,-31,"DE","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Sweden",2013,2018,"p",34000,45000,54000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Ottosson, U., Ottvall, R., Elmberg, J., Green, M., Gustafsson, R., Haas, F., Holmqvist, N., Lindström, Ĺ., Nilsson, L., Svensson, M., Svensson, S. & Tjernberg, M. 2012. Fĺglarna i Sverige – antal och förekomst. SOF, Halmstad. Swedish Bird Survey. BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-48,-37,-24,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Svensk fĺgeltaxering - Swedish Bird Survey",-46,-38,-30,"SE","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",40000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",959478.075889717,1983,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",316,NA,560,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","[1] Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers [2] Point counts of breeding birds. http://seire.keskkonnainfo.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3417&Itemid=5815",64,NA,88,"EE","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Denmark",2017,2017,"p",17115,17115,17115,"estimate","estimatePartial","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017 & Mandrup, E. 1997, Hvor mange fugle yngler i Danmark, Dansk Ornitologisk Tidsskrift, nr 3, 1997",959478.075889717,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-66.33,-61.7,-56.44,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Charlotte M. Moshřj, Daniel Palm Eskildsen, Michael Fink Jřrgensen & Thomas Vikstrřm, (2018): Overvĺgning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2017",-47.58,-39.06,-29.3,"DK","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","France",2010,2011,"p",12000,NA,18000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Caupenne M 2015. Le vanneau huppé. In Issa N & Muller Y Atlas des oiseaux de France métropolitaine: Nidification et hivernage. Volume 1: Des anatidés aux alcidés, Delachaux et niestlé526-528",959478.075889717,1983,2011,"D","estimatePartial",NA,-20,NA,-20,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., & Quataert, P. 2017. Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision. Journal of Ornithology, 158(2), 603-615 ; Onkelinx, T., Devos, K., Jansen, I., Van Calster, H., & Quataert, P. 2017. Reply to the comment on ‘Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision’by Bogaart et al. Journal of Ornithology, 158(3), 891-893",NA,NA,NA,"FR","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",10000,13500,17000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",959478.075889717,1973,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-33,-10,13,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-76,-72,-67,"BE","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Hungary",2014,2018,"p",10000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 64 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 116 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 288-289 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 111-112 p. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-85,NA,-80,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Vanellus_vanellus.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2 National common bird monitoring scheme (MMM) database.",-76,NA,-54,"HU","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Lithuania",2008,2012,"p",9600,NA,12000,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",-30,NA,-20,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES) Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017-2018. Lietuvos saugomu gyvunu, augalu ir grybu vertinimo pagal IUCN kategorijas ir rušiu aprašymu parengimo paslaugos (Protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms IUCN status estimation and describtions in Lithuania (Agreement No VPS-2017-16-AARP)",NA,-20,NA,"LT","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",7000,NA,10000,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",959478.075889717,1982,2018,"D","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,-4,NA,2007,2018,"U","completeSurvey","CSO (unpubl.): Common Bird Monitoring Programme",NA,2,NA,"CZ","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Italy",2013,2018,"p",5500,NA,7000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",959478.075889717,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",600,NA,820,2000,2014,"I","estimatePartial","Extrapolated data by the average annual trend, from: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2015). Uccelli comuni in Italia. Aggiornamento degli andamenti di popolazione e del FBI per la Rete Rurale Nazionale dal 2000 al 2014. LIPU, 16 pp.",10,NA,35,"IT","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Austria",2013,2018,"p",3800,NA,6900,"estimate","completeSurvey","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",959478.075889717,1981,2018,"D","estimateExpert","BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data; Dvorak, Ranner & Berg 1993 (Atlas of Austrian Breeding Birds)",-60,NA,-30,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at; BirdLife Austria, unpublished archive data",0,0,0,"AT","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-30,NA,-10,"SK","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",2000,2000,2000,"Minimum","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Spain",2013,2018,"p",1365,NA,1472,"estimate","estimatePartial","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2012). Atlas de las aves en invierno en Espańa 2007-2010. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente-SEO/ BirdLife. Madrid. 817 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/atlas_aves_invierno_tcm30-198034.pdf)",NA,-52,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) SEO/BirdLife (2018). Censos de aves acuáticas. (http://www.acuaticas.org/WebForms/ConsultaContenidos/Paginas/RealMapasDistAbunEspecie.aspx)",0,0,0,"ES","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"p",800,NA,1500,"estimate","estimatePartial","expert opinion; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 250-251;",-20,NA,-10,2000,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Iankov P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 250-251; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018;",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Slovenia",2018,2018,"p",500,NA,700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018. (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. (The atlas of birds of Slovenia. The census of breeding birds 2002-2017.) – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-90,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kmecl P. & Šumrada T. (2018): Monitoring splošno razširjenih vrst ptic za dolocitev slovenskega indeksa ptic kmetijske krajine - koncno porocilo za leto 2018 (Monitoring of common bird species for the determination of Slovenian farmland bird index - final report for the year 2018). – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-51.1,NA,"SI","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Ireland",2013,2018,"p",476,520,620,"estimate","completeSurvey","A combination of unpublished data/reports from the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and BirdWatch Ireland, plus expert opinion for a minority of sites. Full details with NPWS.",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Partridge, J.K. & K.W. Smith. (1992). Breeding wader populations in Northern Ireland, 1985-87. Irish Birds 4: 497–518. Gibbons, D.W., J.B. Reid & R.A. Chapman. (1993). The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988–1991. T & A.D. Poyser, London, UK.",-95,-95,-94,2008,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Lauder and Donagh (2008) estimated 2,000 pairs on expert opinion and available data from a selection of key sites. Compared this to latest population as per Section 2. Lauder, C. & A. Donaghy 2008. Breeding Waders in Ireland 2008: A Review and Recommendations for Future Action. Unpublished report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland.",-76,-74,-69,"IE","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Greece",2015,2015,"p",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 3) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,"GR","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Luxembourg",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Biver G. (2009): Der Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus in Luxemburg 2008. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 22-32); Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16.; Biver, G. (2013): Plan d'action Vanneau huppé - Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus. Centrale ornithologique & Ministčre du Développement durable et des Infrastructures.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Melchior E., E. Mentgen, R. Peltzer, R. Schmitt, J. Weiss (1987): Atlas der Brutvögel Luxemburgs. Lëtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga. Kremer-Muller & Cie, Foetz, Luxembourg Streicher, R. (2000): Der Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus in Luxemburg. RWB 18: 1-13.; LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembourg Biver G. (2009): Der Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus in Luxemburg 2008. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 22-32); Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16.; Biver, G. (2013): Plan d'action Vanneau huppé - Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus. Centrale ornithologique & Ministčre du Développement durable et des Infrastructures.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",-100,NA,-95,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Biver G. (2009): Der Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus in Luxemburg 2008. Regulus Wissenschaftliche Berichte, 24: 22-32); Biver G. (2009): Bestände der Vögel des Offenlandes europaweit rückgängig... und in Luxemburg? Regulus 4/2009: 14-16.; Biver, G. (2013): Plan d'action Vanneau huppé - Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus. Centrale ornithologique & Ministčre du Développement durable et des Infrastructures.; Lorgé P., E. Melchior (2016): Die Vögel Luxemburgs. Natur&ëmwelt Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-2-919920-01-3 ; Ornitho.lu (2018): online database natur&ëmwelt asbl & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) e.V.; Luxembourg Recorder (2018): database Musée national d’histoire naturelle; Luxembourg LUXOR (2018): natur&ëmwelt – Bird-database, Luxembour",-70,NA,-50,"LU","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Xenus cinereus",NA,"Terek Sandpiper","Finland",2013,2018,"p",5,6,8,"estimate","completeSurvey","Pakanen, V.M. & Pessa, J.: Unpublished monitoring data. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothnia 2013: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia. Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",6,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Pakanen, V.M. & Pessa, J.: Unpublished monitoring data. Rauhala, P. 2007: Suomen rantakurvipopulaation suojelusuunnitelma. Lapin lääni. Raportti Lapin ympäristökeskukselle. Ei julkinen (laki 621/1999, 24§) (In Finnish). Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothnia 2013: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia. Rauhala, P. 2008: Rantakurvin (Xenus cinereus) esiintymisestä ja suojelumahdollisuuksista Lapin läänissä. - Lapin ympäristökeskuksen raportteja 6/2008. (In Finnish).",-80,-74,-60,2007,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Pakanen, V.M. & Pessa, J.: Unpublished monitoring data. Rauhala, P. 2007: Suomen rantakurvipopulaation suojelusuunnitelma. Lapin lääni. Raportti Lapin ympäristökeskukselle. Ei julkinen (laki 621/1999, 24§) (In Finnish). Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, North Ostrobothnia 2013: The database of threatened species in North Ostrobothnia. Rauhala, P. 2008: Rantakurvin (Xenus cinereus) esiintymisestä ja suojelumahdollisuuksista Lapin läänissä. - Lapin ympäristökeskuksen raportteja 6/2008. (In Finnish).",0,0,0,"FI","A167",NA,"Xenus cinereus" "Xenus cinereus",NA,"Terek Sandpiper","Latvia",2013,2017,"p",0,0,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",6,1991,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-100,NA,-44,2012,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",0,0,0,"LV","A167",NA,"Xenus cinereus" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Greece",2015,2015,"cmales",10,NA,50,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5)Handrinos,G., & Akriotis, T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & C Black, London. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 5) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",0,0,0,"GR","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Lithuania",2013,2018,"cmales",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"UNK","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",NA,NA,NA,2013,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2016-2018. Leidinio ""Lietuvos raudonoji knyga"" parengimo paslaugos (Red data book of Lithuania). (Agreement No VPS-2016-104-ES)",20,NA,35,"LT","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Bulgaria",2005,2018,"cmales",300,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","DELOV, V. Little Crake Porzana parva. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Poparva.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","DELOV, V. Little Crake Porzana parva. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Poparva.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. SIMEONOV, A., T. MICHEV, D. NANKINOV. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press. Sofia. 351 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"UNK","absentData","DELOV, V. Little Crake Porzana parva. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Poparva.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Slovenia",2013,2018,"cmales",20,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Bordjan D., Božic L. (2009): Pojavljanje vodnih ptic in ujed na obmocju vodnega zadrževalnika Medvedce (Dravsko polje, SV Slovenija) v obdobju 2002–2008. – Acrocephalus 30 (141/142/143): 55–163. Denac, K., T. Mihelic, L. Božic, P. Kmecl, T. Jancar, J. Figelj & B. Rubinic (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). Narocnik: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor. DOPPS – BirdLife, Ljubljana. Geister I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. Razširjenost gnezdilk. – DZS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,NA,NA,2005,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Bordjan D. (2012): Vodne ptice in ujede Cerkniškega polja (južna Slovenija) v letih 2007 in 2008, s pregledom zanimivejših opazovanj do konca leta 2010. – Acrocephalus 33 (152/153): 25–104. Denac K., Mihelic T., Božic L., Kmecl P., Jancar T., Figelj J., Rubinic B. (2011): Strokovni predlog za revizijo posebnih obmocij varstva (SPA) z uporabo najnovejših kriterijev za dolocitev mednarodno pomembnih obmocij za ptice (IBA). Koncno porocilo (dopolnjena verzija). – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Denac K., Jancar T., Božic, L., Mihelic, T., Koce, U., Kmecl, P., Kljun, I., Denac, D., Bordjan, D. (2018): Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst ptic na obmocjih Natura 2000 v letu 2018 in sinteza monitoringa 2016-2018. Porocilo. Narocnik: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. DOPPS, Ljubljana. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana.",NA,-14,NA,"SI","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Hungary",2014,2018,"cmales",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",18575.3181284182,1990,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Magyar G., Hadarics T., Waliczky Z., Schmidt A., Nagy T. & Bankovics A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Madártani Intézet, Budapest, 56 p. BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. (BirdLife Conservation Series No.12.), 101 p. Ecsedi Z. (szerk.) (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros - Szeged. 2004. 246-247 p. MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. P. 96-97. KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001 project results, unpublished. National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",-66,NA,-40,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","http://www.termeszetvedelem.hu/_user/browser/File/Natura2000/BD_12_jelentes_2013_anyagai/Porzana_parva.pdf National park directorates’ databases http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",20,NA,40,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Poland",2013,2018,"cmales",1500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Chodkiewicz T., Kuczynski L., Sikora A., Chylarecki P., Neubauer G., Lawicki L., Stawarczyk T. 2015. Ocena liczebnosci populacji ptaków legowych w Polsce w latach 2008–2012. Ornis Polonica 56: 149-189; expert assessment",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection & Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP) / BirdLife Poland",NA,NA,NA,"PL","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Latvia",2013,2018,"cmales",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",18575.3181284182,1991,2017,"I","estimatePartial","Strazds M., Priednieks J., Vaverins G. 1994. [Size of Latvian bird populations.] (in Latvian) In: Putni daba, 4: 3–18 Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",320,NA,361,2012,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Unpublished data for European Breeding Bird Atlas (2013-2017); Expert: Andris Dekants, andris.dekants@lob.lv",-13.03,-10.56,-7.54,"LV","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Finland",2013,2018,"cmales",1,7,15,"estimate","estimatePartial","Lehikoinen, A. , Below, A., Jukarainen, A., Laaksonen, T., Lehtiniemi, T., Mikkola-Roos, M., Pessa, J., Rajasärkkä, A., Rusanen, P., Sirkiä, P., Tiainen, J. & Valkama, J. 2019: Suomen lintujen pesimäkantojen koot. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2018: 38-45.",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"UNK","estimateExpert","BirdLife Finland 2019: Regional observation summary database of Finnish Birdwatching societies on scarce bird species. Expert working group.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","BirdLife Finland 2019: Tiira bird observation database.",0,0,0,"FI","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Croatia",2013,2018,"cmales",80,NA,250,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str.",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Germany",2011,2016,"cmales",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",18575.3181284182,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,"DE","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","France",2013,2018,"cmales",2,NA,8,"estimate","estimateExpert","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"Unk","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Italy",2013,2018,"cmales",5,NA,20,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",18575.3181284182,1993,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",NA,-75,NA,2007,2018,"Unk","absentData","No recent data available",NA,NA,NA,"IT","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Slovakia",2013,2018,"cmales",50,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. R Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-50,NA,-30,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018.",-20,NA,-10,"SK","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Estonia",2013,2017,"cmales",40,NA,100,"estimate","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",18575.3181284182,1980,2017,"D","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",NA,-30,NA,2006,2017,"S","estimatePartial","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",-9,NA,-5,"EE","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Austria",2013,2018,"cmales",1500,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Dvorak & Nemeth 2014; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel",18575.3181284182,1981,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Dvorak et al. 1997; Dvorak & Nemeth 2014; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel",-90,NA,-70,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Dvorak & Nemeth 2014; BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel",NA,0,NA,"AT","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"cmales",20,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","DELOV, V. Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. E-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Popusill.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",186.224660202736,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","DELOV, V. Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. E-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Popusill.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. SIMEONOV, A., T. MICHEV, D. NANKINOV. 1990. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20. AVES. Part I. BAS Press. Sofia. 351 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2001,2018,"UNK","absentData","DELOV, V. Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Popusill.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",NA,NA,NA,"BG","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Greece",2015,2015,"cmales",10,10,10,"estimate","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",186.224660202736,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","No data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12).",NA,0,NA,"GR","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Netherlands",2013,2015,"cmales",10,NA,30,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",186.224660202736,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Sovon",460,1368,3653,2006,2017,"I","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",5,399,1846,"NL","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Belgium",2013,2018,"cmales",0,0,1,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",186.224660202736,1973,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",0,0,0,"BE","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Hungary",2013,2018,"cmales",0,NA,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","National Park Directorates' databases http://www.birding.hu/",186.224660202736,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","National Park Directorates' databases Ecsedi Z. (2004): A Hortobágy madárvilága. Hortobágy Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Winter Fair, Balmazújváros-Szeged, 602 p. Expert opinions Maygar et al. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és TermészetvédelmiEgyesület, Budapest. Http://www.birding.hu/",-100,NA,-70,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","National Park Directorates' databases http://www.birding.hu/",0,0,0,"HU","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"cmales",0,NA,0,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",186.224660202736,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","expert opinion",NA,NA,NA,"CZ","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Portugal",2013,2018,"cmales",1,1,1,"Minimum","estimateExpert","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",186.224660202736,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Spain",2003,2018,"cmales",59,59,60,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Información proporcionada por las comunidades autónomas. Lekuona, J.M., Artazcoz, A., Aldabe, J.L.R., & Muńoz, J.D. (2017). Census, phenology and habitat choice of Baillon’s Crakes Zapornia pusilla in Navarre (N Spain). Revista catalana d'ornitologia, (33), 1-9. Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",186.224660202736,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J. (1996). Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 3: Hoatzin to Auks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Lekuona, J.M., Artazcoz, A., Aldabe, J.L.R., & Muńoz, J.D. (2017). Census, phenology and habitat choice of Baillon’s Crakes Zapornia pusilla in Navarre (N Spain). Revista catalana d'ornitologia, (33), 1-9. Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). 2004. Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx)",NA,NA,NA,"ES","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","France",2013,2018,"cmales",0,NA,7,"estimate","estimateExpert","Issa N. & Muller Y. 2015. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. , LPO/SEOF/MNHN/Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris",186.224660202736,1980,2018,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2017,"Unk","estimateExpert",NA,NA,NA,NA,"FR","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Germany",2011,2016,"cmales",0,NA,0,NA,"absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",186.224660202736,1980,2016,"Unk","absentData","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,NA,NA,2004,2016,"F","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,0,NA,"DE","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Croatia",2010,2015,"cmales",12,NA,25,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radovic, D., Cikovic, D., Barišic, S. (ur.) (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 258 str. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",186.224660202736,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","no data available",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Phoenicopterus roseus",NA,"Greater Flamingo","Spain",2013,2018,"p",NA,NA,NA,"estimate","completeSurvey","Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas.",49150.5902635326,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","De Juana, E. (2004). Cambios en el estado de conservación de las Aves en Espańa, Ańos 1954 a 2004. Ardeola 51(1) 19-50. (https://www.ardeola.org/uploads/articles/docs/553.pdf) Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. Máńez, M. & Rendón-Martos, M. (Eds.). (2009). El morito, la espátula y el flamenco en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 122pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/25_morito_espatula_y_flamenco_tcm30-208184.pdf) Madrońo, A., González, C. & Atienza, J.C. (Eds.). (2004). Libro Rojo de las Aves de Espańa. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid. 452 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/lrcompletoparaweb_tcm30-207942.pdf) Martí, R. & del Moral, J.C. (Eds.) (2003). Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de Espańa. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza- Sociedad Espańola de Ornitología. Madrid, 733 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/inventario-nacional-de-biodiversidad/ieet_aves_atlas.aspx) Purroy, F.J. (Coord.) (1997). Atlas de las aves de Espańa (1975-1995). SEO/BidLife. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. 583 pp.",1.65,100,100,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Database of the ‘Atlas de las aves reproductoras de Espańa’. Updated version 2011 with data from SEO/Birdlife’s monitoring programmes. In: Inventario Espańol de Especies Terrestres, Inventario Espańol del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (2013). (https://www.miteco.gob.es/fr/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/inventario-especies-terrestres/ieet_aves_sist_seg_tendencia_comunes_esp.aspx) Información procedente de las Comunidades Autónomas. Máńez, M. & Rendón-Martos, M. (Eds.). (2009). El morito, la espátula y el flamenco en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 122pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/25_morito_espatula_y_flamenco_tcm30-208184.pdf)",3,17,22,"ES","A663",NA,"Phoenicopterus roseus" "Phoenicopterus roseus",NA,"Greater Flamingo","Italy",2017,2017,"p",NA,NA,NA,"estimate","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",49150.5902635326,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",1349900,NA,3149900,2010,2017,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Fracasso G., 2018. The Birds of Italy. Vol. I. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina (Italy), ""historia naturae"" (6), pp. 512.",225,NA,660,"IT","A663",NA,"Phoenicopterus roseus" "Phoenicopterus roseus",NA,"Greater Flamingo","France",2013,2018,"p",NA,NA,NA,"estimate","completeSurvey",NA,49150.5902635326,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey",NA,-100,NA,NA,2012,2018,"F","completeSurvey",NA,-100,NA,NA,"FR","A663",NA,"Phoenicopterus roseus" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Spain",2007,2007,"p",9300,9300,28450,"Minimum","estimatePartial","Palomino, D. & Molina, B. (Eds.) 2009. Aves acuáticas reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2007 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 210pp. (https://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/26_acuatrepcom.pdf)",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas. Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their conservation status BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series nş 3).",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Carrascal, L.M. & Palomino, D. (2008). Las aves comunes reproductoras en Espańa. Población en 2004-2006. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid. 202 pp. (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/temas/inventarios-nacionales/19_paseriformes_2004_2006_tcm30-208258.pdf) Información proporcionada por las Comunidades Autónomas.",0,0,0,"ES","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Netherlands",2013,2017,"p",4750,NA,5700,"estimate","completeSurvey","Sovon NEM (Sovon, CBS and provincies) and Bird atlas (Sovon 2018)",35373.8438802631,1980,2017,"D","completeSurvey","Sovon",-45,-44,-43,2006,2017,"D","completeSurvey","NEM (Sovon, RWS, CBS, provincies)",-28,-17,-4,"NL","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Germany",2011,2016,"p",3600,NA,4200,"mean","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",35373.8438802631,1985,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-21,NA,2004,2016,"D","estimateExpert","Gerlach et al. (in Vorb.): Vögel in Deutschland – 2019. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Bundesamt für Naturschutz und Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft der Vogelschutzwarten, Münster.",NA,-40,NA,"DE","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","France",2013,2018,"p",3500,NA,4300,"estimate","estimatePartial","Les Amis des Marais du Vigueirat (coord.) 2018. Life+ ENVOLL - Résultats des suivis laro-limicoles 2014-2018. www.life-envoll.eu/, http://www.life-envoll.eu/IMG/pdf/newsletter_reseau_de_gestionnaires_et_de_suivi_no5_dec.2018-4.pdf; RNN de Séné - Bretagne-Vivante 2018. Suivi Avocette élégante RNN de Séné - Bretagne-Vivante. http://www.bretagne-vivante-dev.org, http://www.bretagne-vivante-dev.org/avocette/avosites.php; Debout G. 2018. Observatoire de l'Avifaune Normande. Bilan Synthétique. 12 p.. , GONm - Groupe Ornithologique Normand, Caen12 p. http://www.gonm.org/public/Telechargements/Etudes/2017_Observatoires-Bilan_GONm.pdf; LPO Vendée 2016. Limicoles nicheurs en Marais breton. Enquęte 2015. , LPO Vendée24 p. http://www.baie-bourgneuf.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/01-limicoles_nicheurs-marais_breton.pdf; Guéret J.-P. & Moneuse S. 2017. Limicoles nicheurs du Marais poitevin. Synthčse de l’enquęte 2015-2016 et tendances d’évolution. , LPO / PNR du Marais Poitevin60 p. http://biodiversite.parc-marais-poitevin.fr/IMG/pdf/limicoles_nicheurs_du_marais_poitevin_-_synthese_2015-2016_et_tendances_d_evolution-2.pdf; Poitou-Charentes Nature 2018. Liste rouge du Poitou-Charentes : chapitre Oiseaux nicheurs. , Poitou-Charente Nature, Fontaine-le-Comte25 p. http://www.nouvelle-aquitaine.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/lrr_oiseaux_nicheurs_du_poitou-charentes_pcn-lpo_modif032019.pdf; Beaudoin C. & Camberlein P. 2017. 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Enquęte 2010-2011. , LPO, Rochefort41 p.",NA,0,NA,"FR","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Denmark",2014,2014,"p",2500,2500,2500,"estimate","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljř og Energi. - Videnskabelig rapport nr. 314. http://dce2.au.dk/pub/SR314.pdf and http://novana.au.dk/fugle/",35373.8438802631,1980,2014,"F","completeSurvey","Nielsen, R.D., Holm, T.E., Clausen, P., Bregnballe. T., Clausen, K.K., Petersen, I.K., Sterup, J., Balsby, T.J.S., Pedersen, C.L., Mikkelsen, P. & Bladt, J. (2019). Fugle 2012-2017. NOVANA. 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BirdLife Sverige, Annual Bird reports.",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","BirdLife Sverige annual reports",-30,50,70,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Species observation system, www.artportalen.se",-30,0,30,"SE","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","UK",2016,2016,"p",1885,1885,1885,"estimate","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",35373.8438802631,1978,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,978,NA,2001,2016,"I","completeSurvey","RBBP; Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel. 2018. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 2016. British Birds 111: 644-694.",NA,48,NA,"UK","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Italy",2013,2018,"p",1420,NA,2250,"estimate","estimateExpert","Tinarelli 2019, pers. com. - Scarton F., 2017. Le specie di interesse conservazionistico nidificanti nella laguna aperta: anni 2013-2015. In: Campostrini P., Dabala C., Del negro P., Tosi L., (Eds.), 2017. Il controllo ambientale della costruzione del MO",35373.8438802631,1993,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345.",50,NA,60,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Scarton F., 2017, In: Campostrini P., Dabala C., Del negro P., Tosi L., (Eds.), 2017. Il controllo ambientale della costruzione del MOSE. 10 anni di monitoraggi tra mare e laguna di Venezia 2004-2015: 67-86.",0,0,0,"IT","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Greece",2015,2015,"p",400,NA,600,"estimate","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa. 7) Handrinos, G., & Akriotis T., (1997) The birds of Greece. C. Helm, A & Black, London.",NA,-16,NA,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","1) BirdLife International (2004) Birds in Europe:Population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: Birdlife International (Birdlife Conservation Series No. 12). 2) e, . & aa, . (epµ.). 2009. ß t peµe t da. taea, a, 528 se. 3) Natura Viewer (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu/#). 4) µa, ., astt, T., Gßa, ., ap, ., ada, ., aa, ., , S., satd, ., Papazoglou, C. & Barov, B. 2009. sd sµßat dasttt se ss µe ta ed aat t d stasa t pada. aadt 8. d apatse, ape a ededeµ µt a ta ed aat. 5) t, ., pd, S., , ., astt, T. & µa, . (epµ.).2009. Sµat e a ta t da: e teatta a t ats t ptta. taea, a. 6) ., ptsa ., Tµad ., at ., pt ., pat S., t ., a ., edsp ., s ., ., Stef .., asµpa ., a e . (Stst ds). 2015. G’ Fs t et 9 «pptea a s t atstas ats d pada st da» A, a, Sµpa Gafe eet «""F.FSS-.S"" .. – OS GOG – ""T.S S"" ..», Tessa.",NA,25,NA,"GR","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Belgium",2013,2018,"p",400,480,550,"estimate","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",35373.8438802631,1973,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",78,113,144,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Vermeersch G. et al. (2018, in press). Broedvogels in Vlaanderen in de periode 2013-2018. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), Brussel. / Paquet, J-Y., Anselin, A., Vermeersch, G., Derouaux, A., Devos, K. (2019, in prep.). Contribution of Belgium to EBCC European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. Internal Report.",-2,18,35,"BE","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Hungary",2015,2017,"p",348,NA,360,"estimate","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 590-592. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Haraszthy, L. (szerk.) (1998): Magyarország madarai. Mezogazda Kiadó, Budapest. 441 p. Magyar, G., Hadarics, T., Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. KTM Természetvédelmi Hivatal Madártani Intézete – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület – Winter Fair, Budapest – Szeged. p. 202 MME Nomenclator Bizottság (2008): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke. Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest. 278 p. Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 590-592. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Haraszthy L. (szerk.) (2014): Natura 2000 fajok és élohelyek Magyarországon. Pro Vértes Közalapítvány, Csákvár. p. 590-592. National park directorates' databases (Annual survey of colonially breeding and strictly protected bird species) http://map.mme.hu/maps/map2",0,0,0,"HU","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Portugal",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimatePartial","eBird (2019). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org/portugal/home. (Accessed: October 22, 2018).",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData",NA,NA,NA,NA,"PT","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Bulgaria",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,800,"estimate","estimatePartial","Shurulinkov P., Daskalova G., Michov S., Koev V. (2016) The distribution, numbers, and breeding of terns and waders on the sand islands along the Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube. NwjZ Art#e151604 (vol.12, no.1, pp.065-077); National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; DIMITROV, M. Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Reavoset.html last access: August 2019 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","DIMITROV, M. Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Reavoset.html last access: August 2013 IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp. NANKINOV, D., S. SIMEONOV, T. MICHEV, B. IVANOV. 1997. The Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 26. AVES. Part II. BAS Press, Pensoft. Sofia. 428 pp.",-35,NA,-5,2001,2018,"F","estimateExpert","DIMITROV, M. Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. e-version: http://e-ecodb.bas.bg/rdb/en/vol2/Reavoset.html last access: August 2013; National Art. 12 reporting database 2013-2018; IANKOV, P. (ed.) 2007. Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 10. Sofia. 679 pp. NANKINOV, D., . DUTSOV, B. NIKOLOV, B. BORISSOV, G. STOYANOV, G. GRADEV, D. GEORGIEV, D. POPOV, D. DOMUSCHIEV, D. KIROV, E. TILOVA, I. NIKOLOV, I. IVANOV, K. DICHEV, K. POPOV, N. KARAIVANOV, N. TODOROV, P. SHURULINKOV, R. STANCHEV, R. ALEKSOV, R.TSONEV, S. DALAKTCHIEVA, S. IVANOV, S. MARIN, S. STAJKOV, S. NIKOLOV & H. NIKOLOV. 2004. Breeding totals of the ornithofauna in Bulgaria, 2004. Green Balkans, Plovdiv. 32 pp.",0,0,0,"BG","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Estonia",2013,2017,"p",150,NA,250,"estimate","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",35373.8438802631,1980,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",45,NA,82,2006,2017,"S","completeSurvey","Estonian Working Group on Bird Status and Numbers",16,NA,28,"EE","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Austria",2013,2017,"p",60,NA,190,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kohler & Bieringer 2016; Bernhard Kohler, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, BirdLife Austria, unpublished data from www.ornitho.at",35373.8438802631,1984,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Kohler & Bieringer 2016; Bernhard Kohler, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel",NA,60,NA,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Kohler & Bieringer 2016; Bernhard Kohler, unpublished data from the bird monitoring program of the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel",NA,-38,NA,"AT","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Slovenia",2013,2018,"p",22,NA,49,"estimate","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Birdlife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12. – Birdlife International, Cambrige. Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik, I. (2012): Favnisticni in ekološki pregled ptic Secoveljskih solin. – Soline predelava soli, Seca. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",2000,NA,5000,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Mihelic T., Kmecl P., Denac K., Koce U., Vrezec A., Denac D. (eds.) (2019): Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. – DOPPS, Ljubljana. Škornik I. (2019): Naravovarstveni monitoring Secoveljskih solin 2018. SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Seca.",NA,1436,NA,"SI","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Czech Republic",2014,2017,"p",7,NA,15,"estimate","completeSurvey","Štastný et Bejcek in prep. - Atlas hnízdního rozšírení ptáku CR 2014-2017",35373.8438802631,1987,2016,"I","completeSurvey","The precise number is unknow. Štastný et al. 2006",NA,0,NA,2001,2017,"I","completeSurvey","Trends in waterbird breeding population size were estimated using changes in population data from nation-wide numbers project of “Atlas of Breeding Bird Distribution” carried out in whole Czech Republic in 2001 -2003 and 2014 – 2017. Range of relative change in breeding population size was used as the measurement of population trend. The values of relative rate of change were compared with data from annual monitoring (census in May – see Musil & Fuchs 1994, Musil et al. 2001, Cehovská et al. 2019 for the methods) on limited amount of sites (fishpond regions in south and central Bohemia - see Musil & Fuchs 1994). Cehovská M., Musil P., Musilová Z., Poláková, K. & Zouhar J. 2019: Diving duck census efficiency based on monitoring of individually marked females: the influence of breeding stage of individual females and timing of census. Bird Study in press. Musil P. Cepák J. Hudec K. & Zárybnický J. 2001. The long-term trends in the breeding waterfowl populations in the Czech Republic. OMPO, Institute of Applied Ecology, Kostelec nad Cernými lesy. Musil P. & Fuchs R. 1994: Changes in abundance of water birds species in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the last 10 years. Development in Hydrobiology. In: Kerekes J. J. [ed.]: Aquatic Birds in Trophic Web of Lakes. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 511–519.",275,NA,600,"CZ","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Slovakia",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,20,"estimate","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002. Karaska D., Trnka A., Krištín A., Ridzon J.: Chránené vtácie územia Slovenska. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, 2015.",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimatePartial","Coordinatory group for reporting 2019, AVES-Symfony Database 2013-2018, KIMS Database 2013-2018. Danko Štefan, Darolová Alžbeta, Krištín Anton: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. VEDA, vyd. SAV Bratislava, 2002.",0,0,0,"SK","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Croatia",2013,2018,"p",5,NA,6,"estimate","completeSurvey","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama. Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišic, Davor Cikovic, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušic,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radovic, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnkovic, Antun Delic, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbovic, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilic, Luka Jurinovic, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisicic, Ivica Lolic, Gordan Lukac. Kristijan Mandic, Krešimir Mikulic, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanovic, Vlatka Šcetaric, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2015): Procjene brojnosti za SPA podrucja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Dumbovic Mazal V., Pintar V., Zadravec M. (2019): Prvo izvješce o brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti ptica u Hrvatskoj sukladno odredbama Direktive o pticama.",NA,NA,NA,"HR","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Lithuania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Logminas, V. (ed.). 1991. Lietuvos fauna: paukšciai. Vilnius: „Mokslas“. Kurlavicius, P. (ed.) 2006. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlasas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) BirdLife International/European Bird Cencus Council. 2000. European bird populations: estimates and trends. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 10). Raudonikis L. 2004. Important Bird Areas of the European Union Importance in Lithuania. Lithuanian Ornithological Society & Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University. Lutute, Vilnius. Jusys, V., Karalius, S., Raudonikis, L. 2012. Lietuvos paukšciu pažinimo vadovas. Kaunas: „Lutute“. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania. Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius.",0,NA,300,2013,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Expert working group of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (lod@birdlife.lt) 2015-2018. Lietuvos perinciu paukšciu atlaso duomenu baze (Lithuanian Breeding Birds Atlas Database). Vilnius. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Status and trends of bird populations (Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC) National Summary 2008-2012 Lithuania.",-100,NA,-70,"LT","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Poland",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","completeSurvey","The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","completeSurvey","Stawarczyk T., Cofta T., Kajzer Z., Lontkowski J., Sikora A. 2017. Rzadkie Ptaki Polski. Studio B&W Wojciech Janecki, Sosnowiec; The Polish Avifaunistic Commission http://komisjafaunistyczna.pl/",0,0,0,"PL","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Sylvia melanothorax",NA,"Cyprus Warbler","Cyprus",2013,2018,"p",60000,NA,90000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Game & Fauna Service, SPAs Management Plans, 2016 (Ministry of the Interior) and expert opinion.",73484.6922834953,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Pomeroy & Walsh (2002) Oryx, 36,44-49; Whaley DJ & Dawes JC, 2003 Cyprus breeding Birds’ Atlas; Analysis of recent BirdLife Cyprus bird signtings records reported in the society's annual reports.",-30,NA,-10,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Expert opinion",-36,NA,-15,"CY","A468",NA,"Sylvia melanothorax" "Aythya nyroca",NA,"Ferruginous Duck","Romania",2013,2015,"p",2628,NA,10464,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",8534.80879086531,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A060",NA,"Aythya nyroca" "Botaurus stellaris",NA,"Eurasian Bittern","Romania",2013,2018,"cmales",2500,NA,4500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",15297.2188624798,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A021",NA,"Botaurus stellaris" "Bubulcus ibis",NA,"Cattle Egret","Romania",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,60,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",70854.6167171586,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",400,NA,500,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",250,NA,300,"RO","A025",NA,"Bubulcus ibis" "Anthus campestris",NA,"Tawny Pipit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",394750,NA,560983,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1015326.40175556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1,NA,15,"RO","A255",NA,"Anthus campestris" "Anthus pratensis",NA,"Meadow Pipit","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",5805286.32674849,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A257",NA,"Anthus pratensis" "Anthus spinoletta",NA,"Water Pipit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",129741,NA,272737,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",477379.658528013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A259",NA,"Anthus spinoletta" "Anthus trivialis",NA,"Tree Pipit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",548490,NA,818552,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",9058031.8071128,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-6,NA,1,"RO","A256",NA,"Anthus trivialis" "Ardea alba",NA,"Great White Egret","Romania",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",9425.49634111035,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,NA,19,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A773",NA,"Ardea alba" "Ardea cinerea",NA,"Grey Heron","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4500,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",144994.544543381,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-23,NA,7,"RO","A028",NA,"Ardea cinerea" "Ardea purpurea",NA,"Purple Heron","Romania",2013,2015,"p",1797,NA,7830,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",14308.8841910439,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A029",NA,"Ardea purpurea" "Ardeola ralloides",NA,"Squacco Heron","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2700,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",8364.89425260648,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A024",NA,"Ardeola ralloides" "Bucephala clangula",NA,"Common Goldeneye","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2,NA,10,"estimate","completeSurvey","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",210571.393645271,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,"RO","A067",NA,"Bucephala clangula" "Burhinus oedicnemus",NA,"Eurasian Thick-knee","Romania",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",68600.9425778534,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A133",NA,"Burhinus oedicnemus" "Calandrella brachydactyla",NA,"Greater Short-toed Lark","Romania",2013,2018,"p",384085,NA,636121,"interval","completeSurvey","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1858722.03244346,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",2,NA,10,"RO","A243",NA,"Calandrella brachydactyla" "Cecropis daurica",NA,"Red-rumped Swallow","Romania",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2129923.6007863,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca.",10000,NA,60000,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,"RO","A479",NA,"Cecropis daurica" "Charadrius alexandrinus",NA,"Kentish Plover","Romania",2013,2018,"p",180,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",9585.45325943982,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-50,NA,-1,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-50,NA,-1,"RO","A138",NA,"Charadrius alexandrinus" "Charadrius dubius",NA,"Little Ringed Plover","Romania",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",86926.5319810331,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A136",NA,"Charadrius dubius" "Ciconia ciconia",NA,"White Stork","Romania",2013,2018,"p",7500,NA,9000,"estimate","estimatePartial","BerzeleRomaniei (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",161775.323329195,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-29,NA,2,"RO","A031-B",NA,"Ciconia ciconia" "Ciconia nigra",NA,"Black Stork","Romania",2013,2014,"p",1175,NA,2724,"interval","completeSurvey","National Raptor Monitoring Programme, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",8244.57091203825,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A030",NA,"Ciconia nigra" "Cinclus cinclus",NA,"White-throated Dipper","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2600,NA,26000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",105414.215696267,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-50,NA,-10,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-20,NA,-1,"RO","A264",NA,"Cinclus cinclus" "Coturnix coturnix",NA,"Common Quail","Romania",2013,2015,"cmales",870770,NA,1177084,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1854369.01814029,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-10,NA,1,"RO","A113",NA,"Coturnix coturnix" "Cyanecula svecica",NA,"Bluethroat","Romania",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",355044.61411494,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A480",NA,"Cyanecula svecica" "Cygnus olor",NA,"Mute Swan","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",79492.8754813576,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",50,NA,200,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,"RO","A036",NA,"Cygnus olor" "Dryocopus martius",NA,"Black Woodpecker","Romania",2013,2015,"p",14500,NA,57000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",269442.035876834,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-6,NA,16,"RO","A236",NA,"Dryocopus martius" "Egretta garzetta",NA,"Little Egret","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",42803.4871682398,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A026",NA,"Egretta garzetta" "Eremophila alpestris",NA,"Horned Lark","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",4539.3225680266,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A248",NA,"Eremophila alpestris" "Erithacus rubecula",NA,"European Robin","Romania",2013,2015,"p",2586175,NA,3164225,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",46686249.3361973,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-6,NA,0,"RO","A269",NA,"Erithacus rubecula" "Eudromias morinellus",NA,"Eurasian Dotterel","Romania",2013,2018,"males",0,NA,1,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",6037.13728734491,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,0,"RO","A727",NA,"Eudromias morinellus" "Fulica atra",NA,"Common Coot","Romania",2013,2015,"p",48698,NA,95138,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",680716.44575493,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A125",NA,"Fulica atra" "Alauda arvensis",NA,"Eurasian Skylark","Romania",2013,2015,"p",6690206,NA,7367074,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",31405967.1446814,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-4,NA,0,"RO","A247",NA,"Alauda arvensis" "Anas crecca",NA,"Common Teal","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,3,"estimate","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",299054.357616575,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,300,"RO","A052",NA,"Anas crecca" "Anas platyrhynchos",NA,"Mallard","Romania",2013,2015,"p",76662,NA,146831,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",2474939.21174978,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",6,NA,26,"RO","A053",NA,"Anas platyrhynchos" "Anser anser",NA,"Greylag Goose","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",269591.324087567,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A043",NA,"Anser anser" "Aythya ferina",NA,"Common Pochard","Romania",2013,2015,"p",3050,NA,12315,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",38731.595846316,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A059",NA,"Aythya ferina" "Aythya fuligula",NA,"Tufted Duck","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,3,"estimate","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",228904.62965175,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,300,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,300,"RO","A061",NA,"Aythya fuligula" "Galerida cristata",NA,"Crested Lark","Romania",2013,2015,"p",257015,NA,542130,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",16778504.5083885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-15,NA,1,"RO","A244",NA,"Galerida cristata" "Gallinago gallinago",NA,"Common Snipe","Romania",2013,2018,"p",30,NA,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",564086.710358902,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A153",NA,"Gallinago gallinago" "Gallinula chloropus",NA,"Common Moorhen","Romania",2013,2015,"p",36602,NA,61719,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",825993.126309504,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A123",NA,"Gallinula chloropus" "Larus melanocephalus",NA,"Mediterranean Gull","Romania",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",20042.9452156115,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",100,NA,2000,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-50,NA,-30,"RO","A176",NA,"Larus melanocephalus" "Larus michahellis",NA,"Yellow-legged Gull","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1500,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",432531.274585791,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,100,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,30,"RO","A604",NA,"Larus michahellis" "Larus ridibundus",NA,"Black-headed Gull","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",938929.433233973,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,30,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,"RO","A179",NA,"Larus ridibundus" "Linaria cannabina",NA,"Eurasian Linnet","Romania",2013,2015,"p",353481,NA,867797,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",16627819.1024277,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-35,NA,-5,"RO","A476",NA,"Linaria cannabina" "Locustella fluviatilis",NA,"Eurasian River Warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",6474,NA,38595,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",216011.363894148,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A291",NA,"Locustella fluviatilis" "Sitta europaea",NA,"Wood Nuthatch","Romania",2013,2015,"p",795069,NA,1159571,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",8696801.72851203,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,5,"RO","A332",NA,"Sitta europaea" "Spatula clypeata",NA,"Northern Shoveler","Romania",2013,2018,"p",15,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",29003.9027974789,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A857",NA,"Spatula clypeata" "Spatula querquedula",NA,"Garganey","Romania",2013,2018,"p",520,NA,5200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",11755.7641554235,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A856",NA,"Spatula querquedula" "Spinus spinus",NA,"Eurasian Siskin","Romania",2013,2018,"p",8400,NA,84000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",3660950.56032827,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A478",NA,"Spinus spinus" "Sterna hirundo",NA,"Common Tern","Romania",2013,2018,"p",6000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",161946.860961322,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A193",NA,"Sterna hirundo" "Glareola pratincola",NA,"Collared Pratincole","Romania",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,800,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",5869.92898845489,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A135",NA,"Glareola pratincola" "Haematopus ostralegus",NA,"Eurasian Oystercatcher","Romania",2013,2018,"p",50,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",185427.352028478,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2500,NA,15000,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A130",NA,"Haematopus ostralegus" "Himantopus himantopus",NA,"Black-winged Stilt","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1400,NA,14000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",45056.5231208593,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",10,NA,50,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A131",NA,"Himantopus himantopus" "Delichon urbicum",NA,"Northern House-martin","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,1300000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",12488046.044297,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-118,NA,15,"RO","A738",NA,"Delichon urbicum" "Dendrocopos leucotos",NA,"White-backed Woodpecker","Romania",2013,2015,"p",16633,NA,55564,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",55551.5578492571,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A239",NA,"Dendrocopos leucotos" "Dendrocopos major","all others","Great Spotted Woodpecker","Romania",2013,2015,"p",331515,NA,492058,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",5563217.54885323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,3,"RO","A658",NA,"Dendrocopos major all others" "Dendrocopos syriacus",NA,"Syrian Woodpecker","Romania",2013,2015,"p",36470,NA,94422,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",128485.526059359,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-9,NA,11,"RO","A429",NA,"Dendrocopos syriacus" "Dryobates minor",NA,"Lesser Spotted Woodpecker","Romania",2013,2015,"p",25596,NA,80739,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",267201.345423119,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1,NA,33,"RO","A869",NA,"Dryobates minor" "Hirundo rustica",NA,"Barn Swallow","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,3e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",23579392.6238282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-23,NA,-8,"RO","A251",NA,"Hirundo rustica" "Ixobrychus minutus",NA,"Common Little Bittern","Romania",2013,2015,"p",27079,NA,49335,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",53287.3068835885,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A022",NA,"Ixobrychus minutus" "Jynx torquilla",NA,"Eurasian Wryneck","Romania",2013,2015,"p",43907,NA,91289,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",440615.702505264,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-6,NA,8,"RO","A233",NA,"Jynx torquilla" "Larus cachinnans",NA,"Caspian Gull","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",7232.0070104071,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A459",NA,"Larus cachinnans" "Leiopicus medius",NA,"Middle Spotted Woodpecker","Romania",2013,2015,"p",126425,NA,219696,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",398637.285211794,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-7,NA,17,"RO","A868",NA,"Leiopicus medius" "Limosa limosa","limosa","Black-tailed Godwit","Romania",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",42004.934901671,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A614-B",NA,"Limosa limosa limosa" "Lullula arborea",NA,"Wood Lark","Romania",2013,2015,"p",282694,NA,395256,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",2330567.03542518,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-4,NA,6,"RO","A246",NA,"Lullula arborea" "Luscinia luscinia",NA,"Thrush Nightingale","Romania",2013,2015,"p",31948,NA,83922,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",606656.270279941,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-7,NA,12,"RO","A270",NA,"Luscinia luscinia" "Luscinia megarhynchos",NA,"Common Nightingale","Romania",2013,2015,"p",714687,NA,1010434,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",10147192.4707047,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1,NA,9,"RO","A271",NA,"Luscinia megarhynchos" "Melanocorypha calandra",NA,"Calandra Lark","Romania",2013,2015,"p",785101,NA,1109698,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",5294022.64050684,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-17,NA,24,"RO","A242",NA,"Melanocorypha calandra" "Mergellus albellus",NA,"Smew","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",4602.2360679775,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,"RO","A767",NA,"Mergellus albellus" "Mergus merganser",NA,"Goosander","Romania",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,250,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",81472.2224130269,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",10000,NA,25000,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1000,NA,2500,"RO","A070",NA,"Mergus merganser" "Microcarbo pygmaeus",NA,"Pygmy Cormorant","Romania",2013,2018,"p",9400,NA,10500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",17108.1332786925,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1,NA,20,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A875",NA,"Microcarbo pygmaeus" "Motacilla alba",NA,"White Wagtail","Romania",2013,2015,"p",553065,NA,906245,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",8369683.00029094,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-6,NA,1,"RO","A262",NA,"Motacilla alba" "Motacilla cinerea",NA,"Grey Wagtail","Romania",2013,2015,"p",134809,NA,298025,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1383302.53410179,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A261",NA,"Motacilla cinerea" "Motacilla flava","[excluding tschutschensis]","Yellow Wagtail","Romania",2013,2015,"p",3792724,NA,4743598,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",9074972.1679907,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1,NA,9,"RO","A260",NA,"Motacilla flava" "Netta rufina",NA,"Red-crested Pochard","Romania",2013,2018,"p",230,NA,2300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",12708.0281557747,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A058",NA,"Netta rufina" "Numenius arquata","arquata","Eurasian Curlew","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",164844.717735298,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,-100,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,"RO","A768",NA,"Numenius arquata arquata" "Nycticorax nycticorax",NA,"Black-crowned Night-heron","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4000,NA,8000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",30120.7950002643,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A023",NA,"Nycticorax nycticorax" "Oenanthe isabellina",NA,"Isabelline Wheatear","Romania",2013,2015,"p",10678,NA,32752,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",24717.0384751025,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database Szabó L. (1999) A pusztai hantmadár elso bizonyított fészkelése Romániában. Erdélyi Nimród, an I, nr.3, p.28",1000,NA,10000,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,NA,16,"RO","A435",NA,"Oenanthe isabellina" "Oenanthe oenanthe","[excluding seebohmi]","Northern Wheatear","Romania",2013,2015,"p",374014,NA,572234,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",2800514.10846768,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-2,NA,11,"RO","A277",NA,"Oenanthe oenanthe" "Oenanthe pleschanka",NA,"Pied Wheatear","Romania",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,700,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",853.187297133311,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A533",NA,"Oenanthe pleschanka" "Pelecanus crispus",NA,"Dalmatian Pelican","Romania",2013,2019,"p",221,NA,432,"estimate","completeSurvey","Bugariu, S. (2020) National Pelican Colony Census Scheme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database",2482.86882527058,1980,2019,"I","estimatePartial","Catsadorakis, G., O. Onmus, S. Bugariu, O. Gül, D. Hatzilacou, O. Hatzofe, M. Malakou, T. Michev, T. Naziridis, H. Nikolaou, A. Rudenko, D. Saveljic, S. Shumka, M. Siki & A.J. Crivelli (2015). Current status of the Dalmatian Pelican and the Great White Pelican of the Black Sea / Mediterranean flyway. Endangered Species Research 27: 119-130. Catsadorakis, G. and Portolou, D. (compilers). 2018. International Single Species Action Plan the Conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus). CMS Technical Series No. 39, AEWA Technical Series No. 69, EAAFP Technical Report No. 1. Bonn, Germany and Incheon, South Korea. Bugariu, S. (2020) National Pelican Colony Census Scheme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database Plateew,M.,Kiss,J.B.,Zhmud,M.,Sadoul,N.(2004) Colonial waterbirds and their habitat use in the Danube Delta, RIZA report 2004.002, ISBN 90.369.5658.7 Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment RIZA, Lelystad, The Netherlands. Danube Delta National Institute, Tulcea, Romania, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Vilkove, Ukraine, Tour du Valat, Arles, France:103-105. Heath, Melanie, Borggreve, C., Peet, N. (2000). European Bird population; estimates and trends. Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife Conservation Series. 10 : 17.",100,NA,250,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Catsadorakis, G., O. Onmus, S. Bugariu, O. Gül, D. Hatzilacou, O. Hatzofe, M. Malakou, T. Michev, T. Naziridis, H. Nikolaou, A. Rudenko, D. Saveljic, S. Shumka, M. Siki & A.J. Crivelli (2015). Current status of the Dalmatian Pelican and the Great White Pelican of the Black Sea / Mediterranean flyway. Endangered Species Research 27: 119-130. Catsadorakis, G. and Portolou, D. (compilers). 2018. International Single Species Action Plan the Conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus). CMS Technical Series No. 39, AEWA Technical Series No. 69, EAAFP Technical Report No. 1. Bonn, Germany and Incheon, South Korea. Bugariu, S. (2020) National Pelican Colony Census Scheme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database",-15,NA,10,"RO","A020",NA,"Pelecanus crispus" "Pelecanus onocrotalus",NA,"Great White Pelican","Romania",2013,2018,"p",8000,NA,18000,"mean","completeSurvey","Bugariu, S. (2020) National Pelican Colony Census Scheme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database Marinov, M., Pogan, T., Dorosencu, A., Nichersu, I., Alexe, V., Trifanov, C., Bozagievici, R., Tosic, K., Kiss, J.B., (2016) Monitoring the Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus Linnaeus, 1758) breeding population using drones in 2016 - the Danube Delta (Romania). Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol.22, Tulcea",12755.4488731873,1980,2019,"I","estimatePartial","Catsadorakis, G., O. Onmus, S. Bugariu, O. Gül, D. Hatzilacou, O. Hatzofe, M. Malakou, T. Michev, T. Naziridis, H. Nikolaou, A. Rudenko, D. Saveljic, S. Shumka, M. Siki & A.J. Crivelli (2015). Current status of the Dalmatian Pelican and the Great White Pelican of the Black Sea / Mediterranean flyway. Endangered Species Research 27: 119-130. Bugariu, S. (2020) National Pelican Colony Census Scheme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database Plateew,M.,Kiss,J.B.,Zhmud,M.,Sadoul,N.(2004) Colonial waterbirds and their habitat use in the Danube Delta, RIZA report 2004.002, ISBN 90.369.5658.7 Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment RIZA, Lelystad, The Netherlands. Danube Delta National Institute, Tulcea, Romania, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Vilkove, Ukraine, Tour du Valat, Arles, France:103-105.",200,NA,400,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Catsadorakis, G., O. Onmus, S. Bugariu, O. Gül, D. Hatzilacou, O. Hatzofe, M. Malakou, T. Michev, T. Naziridis, H. Nikolaou, A. Rudenko, D. Saveljic, S. Shumka, M. Siki & A.J. Crivelli (2015). Current status of the Dalmatian Pelican and the Great White Pelican of the Black Sea / Mediterranean flyway. Endangered Species Research 27: 119-130. Bugariu, S. (2020) National Pelican Colony Census Scheme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database Marinov, M., Pogan, T., Dorosencu, A., Nichersu, I., Alexe, V., Trifanov, C., Bozagievici, R., Tosic, K., Kiss, J.B., (2016) Monitoring the Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus Linnaeus, 1758) breeding population using drones in 2016 - the Danube Delta (Romania). Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol.22, Tulcea",100,NA,300,"RO","A019",NA,"Pelecanus onocrotalus" "Phalacrocorax carbo","sinensis","Great Cormorant","Romania",2013,2018,"p",12000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",246019.305864557,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,100,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A391",NA,"Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis" "Phoenicurus ochruros",NA,"Black Redstart","Romania",2013,2015,"p",508549,NA,803573,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",6113687.20412004,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-2,NA,12,"RO","A273",NA,"Phoenicurus ochruros" "Phoenicurus phoenicurus",NA,"Common Redstart","Romania",2013,2015,"p",62229,NA,207830,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",3144009.70456049,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-5,NA,15,"RO","A274",NA,"Phoenicurus phoenicurus" "Picoides tridactylus",NA,"Three-toed Woodpecker","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4070,NA,23684,"interval","estimatePartial","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",60885.9865069454,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A241",NA,"Picoides tridactylus" "Picus canus",NA,"Grey-faced Woodpecker","Romania",2013,2018,"p",30294,NA,48182,"interval","estimatePartial","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",108246.804781925,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-20,NA,5,"RO","A234",NA,"Picus canus" "Picus viridis","sensu stricto [excluding sharpei]","Eurasian Green Woodpecker","Romania",2013,2015,"p",89038,NA,102286,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",684807.014252935,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-11,NA,8,"RO","A866",NA,"Picus viridis s. str." "Platalea leucorodia",NA,"Eurasian Spoonbill","Romania",2013,2018,"p",600,NA,1200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",10151.7578369793,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A034",NA,"Platalea leucorodia" "Plegadis falcinellus",NA,"Glossy Ibis","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",17378.7754175179,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-20,NA,-1,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A032",NA,"Plegadis falcinellus" "Podiceps cristatus",NA,"Great Crested Grebe","Romania",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,30000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",218554.482866664,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A005",NA,"Podiceps cristatus" "Podiceps grisegena",NA,"Red-necked Grebe","Romania",2013,2018,"p",130,NA,1300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",9511.52902768018,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-20,NA,-1,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A006",NA,"Podiceps grisegena" "Podiceps nigricollis",NA,"Black-necked Grebe","Romania",2013,2018,"p",300,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",9358.72465540435,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A008",NA,"Podiceps nigricollis" "Tadorna ferruginea",NA,"Ruddy Shelduck","Romania",2013,2018,"p",60,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",398.300724215613,1980,2019,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,50,2013,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,"RO","A397",NA,"Tadorna ferruginea" "Tadorna tadorna",NA,"Common Shelduck","Romania",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",40549.1993209916,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A048",NA,"Tadorna tadorna" "Troglodytes troglodytes","all others","Winter Wren","Romania",2013,2015,"p",339368,NA,575235,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",35257720.976805,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-9,NA,9,"RO","A676",NA,"Troglodytes troglodytes all others" "Vanellus vanellus",NA,"Northern Lapwing","Romania",2013,2015,"p",75080,NA,115034,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",959478.075889717,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-30,NA,-8,"RO","A142",NA,"Vanellus vanellus" "Zapornia parva",NA,"Little Crake","Romania",2013,2018,"cmales",3600,NA,36000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",18575.3181284182,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A892",NA,"Zapornia parva" "Zapornia pusilla",NA,"Baillon's Crake","Romania",2013,2018,"cmales",5,NA,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",186.224660202736,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A893",NA,"Zapornia pusilla" "Porzana porzana",NA,"Spotted Crake","Romania",2013,2018,"cmales",80,NA,830,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",12493.3751754462,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A119",NA,"Porzana porzana" "Prunella collaris",NA,"Alpine Accentor","Romania",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",63127.1351738279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A267",NA,"Prunella collaris" "Prunella modularis",NA,"Hedge Accentor","Romania",2013,2015,"p",319633,NA,645245,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",11620935.114887,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A266",NA,"Prunella modularis" "Ptyonoprogne rupestris",NA,"Eurasian Crag-martin","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",171270.708138081,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Nadra E. (1970), Lastunul de stânca (Ptyonoprogne rupestris rupestris SCOP.), gen i specie noua pentru ornitofauna României, Rev. Muz., 7, nr. 2, p. 140-142, Bucureti.",1000,NA,3000,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,"RO","A250",NA,"Ptyonoprogne rupestris" "Rallus aquaticus",NA,"Western Water Rail","Romania",2013,2015,"p",9397,NA,21155,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",122304.181582115,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A118",NA,"Rallus aquaticus" "Riparia riparia",NA,"Sand Martin","Romania",2013,2018,"p",45000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1771220.86478593,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A249",NA,"Riparia riparia" "Saxicola rubetra",NA,"Whinchat","Romania",2013,2015,"p",490997,NA,702952,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",3008257.38149901,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-7,NA,2,"RO","A275",NA,"Saxicola rubetra" "Saxicola torquatus",NA,"Common Stonechat","Romania",2013,2015,"p",633402,NA,963783,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",6775151.49810212,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-5,NA,2,"RO","A276",NA,"Saxicola torquatus" "Scolopax rusticola",NA,"Eurasian Woodcock","Romania",2013,2018,"cmales",620,NA,6200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1024713.09564403,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A155",NA,"Scolopax rusticola" "Streptopelia turtur",NA,"European Turtle-dove","Romania",2013,2018,"p",120000,NA,3e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2630796.22829983,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-1,NA,8,"RO","A210",NA,"Streptopelia turtur" "Tachybaptus ruficollis",NA,"Little Grebe","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2400,NA,24000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",92126.304178527,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A004",NA,"Tachybaptus ruficollis" "Accipiter brevipes",NA,"Levant Sparrowhawk","Romania",2013,2018,"p",550,NA,900,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2418.84305027379,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,50,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A402",NA,"Accipiter brevipes" "Accipiter gentilis","all others","Northern Goshawk","Romania",2013,2014,"p",NA,3724,NA,"Minimum","completeSurvey","National Raptor Monitoring Programme, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",73870.1717465648,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A899",NA,"Accipiter gentilis all others" "Accipiter nisus","all others","Eurasian Sparrowhawk","Romania",2013,2014,"p",NA,9070,NA,"Minimum","completeSurvey","National Raptor Monitoring Programme, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",272364.464898827,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A898",NA,"Accipiter nisus all others" "Acrocephalus agricola",NA,"Paddyfield Warbler","Romania",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",7872.45779882157,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A680",NA,"Acrocephalus agricola" "Acrocephalus arundinaceus",NA,"Great Reed-warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",482188,NA,706987,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1565038.60805782,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-9,NA,2,"RO","A298",NA,"Acrocephalus arundinaceus" "Acrocephalus melanopogon",NA,"Moustached Warbler","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2300,NA,23000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",18597.5163765941,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A293",NA,"Acrocephalus melanopogon" "Acrocephalus palustris",NA,"Marsh Warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",733455,NA,1139786,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",3246898.70223558,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",6,NA,14,"RO","A296",NA,"Acrocephalus palustris" "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus",NA,"Sedge Warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",114418,NA,224592,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1847886.46568013,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-20,NA,8,"RO","A295",NA,"Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" "Acrocephalus scirpaceus",NA,"Eurasian Reed-warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",134944,NA,225900,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",2024771.20667279,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-28,NA,12,"RO","A297",NA,"Acrocephalus scirpaceus" "Actitis hypoleucos",NA,"Common Sandpiper","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",311557.787588311,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A168",NA,"Actitis hypoleucos" "Aegithalos caudatus",NA,"Long-tailed Tit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",445867,NA,836297,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",7549332.61676185,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-2,NA,9,"RO","A324",NA,"Aegithalos caudatus" "Aegolius funereus",NA,"Boreal Owl","Romania",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,5000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",58281.1639664516,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A223",NA,"Aegolius funereus" "Alcedo atthis",NA,"Common Kingfisher","Romania",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",92057.8573291442,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A229",NA,"Alcedo atthis" "Apus apus",NA,"Common Swift","Romania",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,60000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",15431337.3967247,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A226",NA,"Apus apus" "Aquila chrysaetos",NA,"Golden Eagle","Romania",2013,2018,"p",90,NA,150,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",5707.44377529137,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","estimatePartial","Monitoring of the breeding success of the Golden Eagle, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,0,0,"RO","A091",NA,"Aquila chrysaetos" "Aquila heliaca",NA,"Eastern Imperial Eagle","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1,NA,3,"estimate","estimateExpert","OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",319.748625482985,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",100,NA,300,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",100,NA,300,"RO","A404",NA,"Aquila heliaca" "Asio flammeus",NA,"Short-eared Owl","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,30,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",8291.13284787938,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,3000,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,3000,"RO","A222",NA,"Asio flammeus" "Asio otus",NA,"Northern Long-eared Owl","Romania",2013,2018,"p",NA,11389,NA,"Minimum","completeSurvey","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",186042.660587125,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Monitoring of Nocturnal Birds of Open Habitats, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-22,NA,4,"RO","A221",NA,"Asio otus" "Athene noctua",NA,"Little Owl","Romania",2013,2018,"p",15000,NA,40000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",262128.203619727,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Monitoring of Nocturnal Birds of Open Habitats, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-8,NA,21,"RO","A218",NA,"Athene noctua" "Bonasa bonasia",NA,"Hazel Grouse","Romania",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,22500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",710267.595189302,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A104",NA,"Bonasa bonasia" "Bubo bubo",NA,"Eurasian Eagle-owl","Romania",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",15171.435525281,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A215",NA,"Bubo bubo" "Buteo buteo",NA,"Eurasian Buzzard","Romania",2013,2014,"p",NA,28415,NA,"Minimum","completeSurvey","National Raptor Monitoring Programme, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",691586.627917059,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-9,NA,3,"RO","A087",NA,"Buteo buteo" "Buteo socotraensis",NA,"Long-legged Buzzard","Romania",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,900,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1558.68068321119,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2000,NA,3000,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,"RO","A403",NA,"Buteo rufinus" "Caprimulgus europaeus",NA,"European Nightjar","Romania",2014,2018,"cmales",7144,NA,11207,"interval","completeSurvey","Monitoring of Nocturnal Birds of Open Habitats, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",244226.137107934,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Monitoring of Nocturnal Birds of Open Habitats, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,NA,48,"RO","A224",NA,"Caprimulgus europaeus" "Carduelis carduelis",NA,"European Goldfinch","Romania",2013,2015,"p",653125,NA,1109338,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",28407866.485151,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-10,NA,-2,"RO","A364",NA,"Carduelis carduelis" "Carpodacus erythrinus",NA,"Common Rosefinch","Romania",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,300,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",466167.741755936,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database Klemm, W., Kohl S., 1988: Die Ornis Siebenbürgens, Band III, Studia Transylvanica 8/III, Böhlau Verlag, Köln Wien",2000,NA,3000,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,"RO","A371",NA,"Carpodacus erythrinus" "Certhia brachydactyla","all others","Short-toed Treecreeper","Romania",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",6017997.35163947,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A637",NA,"Certhia brachydactyla all others" "Certhia familiaris",NA,"Eurasian Treecreeper","Romania",2013,2015,"p",598146,NA,994337,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",4901734.09654236,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-5,NA,15,"RO","A334",NA,"Certhia familiaris" "Cettia cetti",NA,"Cetti's Warbler","Romania",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2186035.49001982,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",4000,NA,10000,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,"RO","A288",NA,"Cettia cetti" "Chlidonias hybrida",NA,"Whiskered Tern","Romania",2013,2018,"p",10000,NA,20000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",29088.0151838999,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A734",NA,"Chlidonias hybrida" "Chlidonias leucopterus",NA,"White-winged Tern","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1699.22839821181,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,10000,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,10000,"RO","A198",NA,"Chlidonias leucopterus" "Chlidonias niger",NA,"Black Tern","Romania",2013,2018,"p",10,NA,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",14175.4511470731,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A197",NA,"Chlidonias niger" "Chloris chloris",NA,"European Greenfinch","Romania",2013,2015,"p",649715,NA,1000410,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",19393154.2299135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-4,NA,6,"RO","A363",NA,"Chloris chloris" "Circaetus gallicus",NA,"Short-toed Snake-eagle","Romania",2013,2014,"p",545,NA,1110,"interval","completeSurvey","National Raptor Monitoring Programme, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",8355.36298053638,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A080",NA,"Circaetus gallicus" "Circus aeruginosus",NA,"Western Marsh-harrier","Romania",2013,2015,"bfemales",9334,NA,22314,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",66767.8128379874,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-10,NA,9,"RO","A081",NA,"Circus aeruginosus" "Circus macrourus",NA,"Pallid Harrier","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",20,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca.",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,"RO","A083",NA,"Circus macrourus" "Circus pygargus",NA,"Montagu's Harrier","Romania",2013,2018,"bfemales",20,NA,50,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",16691.9088402747,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-50,NA,50,"RO","A084",NA,"Circus pygargus" "Clanga pomarina",NA,"Lesser Spotted Eagle","Romania",2013,2014,"p",1901,NA,3449,"interval","completeSurvey","National Raptor Monitoring Programme, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",12871.0043101422,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2005,2014,"D","completeSurvey","National Raptor Monitoring Programme, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-54,NA,-13,"RO","A858",NA,"Clanga pomarina" "Coccothraustes coccothraustes",NA,"Hawfinch","Romania",2013,2015,"p",812119,NA,1346994,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",3146879.56844383,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-7,NA,2,"RO","A373",NA,"Coccothraustes coccothraustes" "Columba oenas",NA,"Stock Dove","Romania",2013,2015,"p",30299,NA,79841,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",791834.421483699,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A207",NA,"Columba oenas" "Columba palumbus","palumbus","Common Woodpigeon","Romania",2013,2015,"p",288121,NA,390190,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",22212384.8861063,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",4,NA,16,"RO","A687",NA,"Columba palumbus palumbus" "Coracias garrulus",NA,"European Roller","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4600,NA,6500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",16243.6588927323,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-8,NA,10,"RO","A231",NA,"Coracias garrulus" "Corvus corax",NA,"Common Raven","Romania",2013,2018,"p",27000,NA,55000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",395694.811008518,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",30,NA,50,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-10,NA,8,"RO","A350",NA,"Corvus corax" "Corvus corone","[including cornix]","Carrion Crow","Romania",2013,2015,"p",208334,NA,331974,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",6626985.63022815,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,11,"RO","A349",NA,"Corvus corone" "Corvus frugilegus",NA,"Rook","Romania",2013,2018,"p",150000,NA,2e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",3765815.16985282,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-1,NA,17,"RO","A348",NA,"Corvus frugilegus" "Corvus monedula",NA,"Eurasian Jackdaw","Romania",2013,2015,"p",319514,NA,547141,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",7405438.98444117,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,NA,10,"RO","A347",NA,"Corvus monedula" "Crex crex",NA,"Corncrake","Romania",2014,2018,"cmales",16300,NA,21527,"interval","completeSurvey","Monitoring of Nocturnal Birds of Open Habitats, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",182503.770968994,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-15,NA,21,"RO","A122",NA,"Crex crex" "Cuculus canorus",NA,"Common Cuckoo","Romania",2013,2018,"cmales",3e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2847911.42387439,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-6,NA,0,"RO","A212",NA,"Cuculus canorus" "Cyanistes caeruleus","sensu stricto [excluding teneriffae]","Blue Tit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",875292,NA,1255047,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",31252584.1660441,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,NA,10,"RO","A483",NA,"Cyanistes caeruleus s. str." "Emberiza calandra",NA,"Corn Bunting","Romania",2013,2015,"p",4047595,NA,4790635,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",19952760.3107171,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",2,NA,6,"RO","A383",NA,"Emberiza calandra" "Emberiza cia",NA,"Rock Bunting","Romania",2013,2018,"p",5300,NA,53000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2128809.80898693,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A378",NA,"Emberiza cia" "Emberiza cirlus",NA,"Cirl Bunting","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",3111355.68259102,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A377",NA,"Emberiza cirlus" "Emberiza citrinella",NA,"Yellowhammer","Romania",2013,2015,"p",909628,NA,1252451,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",15891263.9187139,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,1,"RO","A376",NA,"Emberiza citrinella" "Emberiza hortulana",NA,"Ortolan Bunting","Romania",2013,2015,"p",596091,NA,875881,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1327980.19088134,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,NA,5,"RO","A379",NA,"Emberiza hortulana" "Emberiza melanocephala",NA,"Black-headed Bunting","Romania",2013,2015,"p",140961,NA,288287,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",388857.738486573,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Shurulinkov P.S., Nikolov B.P., Tsonev R.T. 2001. On the distribution of the Black-headed bunting (Emberiza melanocephala) in Bulgaria. Bunting Studies in Europe: 81–87 Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",14000,NA,30000,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-4,NA,6,"RO","A382",NA,"Emberiza melanocephala" "Emberiza schoeniclus",NA,"Reed Bunting","Romania",2013,2015,"p",51010,NA,124218,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",2131130.26518703,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-9,NA,9,"RO","A381",NA,"Emberiza schoeniclus" "Falco cherrug",NA,"Saker Falcon","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4,NA,30,"mean","completeSurvey","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",269.252334517522,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database.",NA,1000,NA,"RO","A511",NA,"Falco cherrug" "Falco naumanni",NA,"Lesser Kestrel","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",30624.0971358047,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,"RO","A095",NA,"Falco naumanni" "Falco peregrinus","[including pelegrinoides]","Peregrine Falcon","Romania",2013,2018,"p",270,NA,500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",12161.1649398161,1980,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",5000,NA,10000,2007,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",100,NA,400,"RO","A103",NA,"Falco peregrinus" "Falco subbuteo",NA,"Eurasian Hobby","Romania",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,15000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",52996.710118667,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A099",NA,"Falco subbuteo" "Falco tinnunculus",NA,"Common Kestrel","Romania",2013,2018,"p",20000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",371343.078371167,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-12,NA,6,"RO","A096",NA,"Falco tinnunculus" "Falco vespertinus",NA,"Red-footed Falcon","Romania",2015,2015,"p",1500,NA,2500,"estimate","estimatePartial","National Red-footed Falcon Survey, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",3149.0771259681,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Editor: P. Palatitz, Sz. Solt, P. Fehérvári (2018): The Blue Vesper - Ecology and Conservation of the Red-footed Falcon; BAGYURA J. & PALATITZ P. (2004): Fajmegorzési tervek: Kék vércse (Falco vespertinus). KvVM TV; Peter Palatitz, Peter Fehérvári, Szabolcs Solt & Éva Horváth 2015. Breeding population trends and pre-migration roost-site survey of the Red-Footed Falcon in Hungary. – Ornis Hungarica 23(1): 77–93.",-60,NA,-40,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-15,NA,-5,"RO","A097",NA,"Falco vespertinus" "Ficedula albicollis",NA,"Collared Flycatcher","Romania",2013,2015,"p",526143,NA,791316,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1105642.31821836,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,NA,15,"RO","A321",NA,"Ficedula albicollis" "Ficedula hypoleuca",NA,"European Pied Flycatcher","Romania",2013,2018,"p",450,NA,4400,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2592271.00849629,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A322",NA,"Ficedula hypoleuca" "Ficedula parva",NA,"Red-breasted Flycatcher","Romania",2013,2015,"p",167816,NA,341085,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",436044.276071437,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A320",NA,"Ficedula parva" "Fringilla coelebs","all others","Eurasian Chaffinch","Romania",2013,2015,"p",7150096,NA,8116296,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",100497361.157168,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,1,"RO","A657",NA,"Fringilla coelebs all others" "Garrulus glandarius",NA,"Eurasian Jay","Romania",2013,2015,"p",338014,NA,490700,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",5764319.29902495,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-4,NA,3,"RO","A342",NA,"Garrulus glandarius" "Gelochelidon nilotica",NA,"Common Gull-billed Tern","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,10,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",8934.19471929305,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,1000,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-100,NA,1000,"RO","A189",NA,"Gelochelidon nilotica" "Glaucidium passerinum",NA,"Eurasian Pygmy-owl","Romania",2013,2014,"p",NA,8802,NA,"Minimum","completeSurvey","National monitoring of the Pygmy Owl, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",56960.6762989806,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A217",NA,"Glaucidium passerinum" "Haliaeetus albicilla",NA,"White-tailed Sea-eagle","Romania",2013,2018,"p",55,NA,110,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",5469.30300026197,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",10,NA,50,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A075",NA,"Haliaeetus albicilla" "Hieraaetus pennatus",NA,"Booted Eagle","Romania",2013,2014,"p",344,NA,770,"interval","completeSurvey","National Raptor Monitoring Programme, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",22307.6468789849,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2013,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A092",NA,"Hieraaetus pennatus" "Hippolais icterina",NA,"Icterine Warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",113072,NA,311365,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1438994.31060113,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-4,NA,8,"RO","A299",NA,"Hippolais icterina" "Iduna pallida","sensu stricto [excluding opaca]","Eastern Olivaceous Warbler","Romania",2013,2018,"p",3000,NA,10000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",266044.620293297,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A487",NA,"Iduna pallida s. str." "Lanius collurio",NA,"Red-backed Shrike","Romania",2013,2015,"p",3264807,NA,3916343,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",6278173.52224198,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,NA,5,"RO","A338",NA,"Lanius collurio" "Lanius excubitor","[excluding meridionalis, but including koenigi]","Great Grey Shrike","Romania",2013,2015,"p",2250,NA,17189,"estimate","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",59671.6957042986,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-24,NA,-3,"RO","A340",NA,"Lanius excubitor" "Lanius minor",NA,"Lesser Grey Shrike","Romania",2013,2015,"p",100945,NA,229464,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",177142.086883102,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-23,NA,3,"RO","A339",NA,"Lanius minor" "Lanius senator",NA,"Woodchat Shrike","Romania",2013,2018,"p",255,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2369282.24585668,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A341",NA,"Lanius senator" "Larus ichthyaetus",NA,"Pallas's Gull","Romania",2013,2018,"p",70,NA,120,"estimate","completeSurvey","Kiss J. B., Alexe V., Doroencu C.A., Ceico T., Kiss B. N., Marinov M. (2016) Recent data on the Danube Delta (Romania) avifauna from the 2014 and 2015 summer seasons. Acrocephalus, 37: 85-92 Kiss J.B., Alexe V., Marinov M., Sándor D.A. (2010) Data on the distribution of the Greater Black-headed Gull (Larus ichthyaetus Pall. 1773) and its breeding in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute 16:19-22",91.6515138991168,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Kiss J. B., Alexe V., Doroencu C.A., Ceico T., Kiss B. N., Marinov M. (2016) Recent data on the Danube Delta (Romania) avifauna from the 2014 and 2015 summer seasons. Acrocephalus, 37: 85-92 Kiss J.B., Alexe V., Marinov M., Sándor D.A. (2010) Data on the distribution of the Greater Black-headed Gull (Larus ichthyaetus Pall. 1773) and its breeding in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute 16:19-22",1,NA,70,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Kiss J. B., Alexe V., Doroencu C.A., Ceico T., Kiss B. N., Marinov M. (2016) Recent data on the Danube Delta (Romania) avifauna from the 2014 and 2015 summer seasons. Acrocephalus, 37: 85-92 Kiss J.B., Alexe V., Marinov M., Sándor D.A. (2010) Data on the distribution of the Greater Black-headed Gull (Larus ichthyaetus Pall. 1773) and its breeding in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute 16:19-22",1,NA,70,"RO","A800",NA,"Larus ichthyaetus" "Locustella luscinioides",NA,"Savi's Warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",114498,NA,205782,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",280500.55631105,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-4,NA,18,"RO","A292",NA,"Locustella luscinioides" "Locustella naevia",NA,"Common Grasshopper-warbler","Romania",2013,2018,"p",160,NA,1600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",411557.007753316,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A290",NA,"Locustella naevia" "Lophophanes cristatus",NA,"Crested Tit","Romania",2013,2018,"p",43600,NA,436000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",4690292.76974519,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A497",NA,"Lophophanes cristatus" "Loxia curvirostra",NA,"Red Crossbill","Romania",2013,2015,"p",117506,NA,385089,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1520243.05832395,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A369",NA,"Loxia curvirostra" "Lyrurus tetrix","tetrix","Black Grouse","Romania",2013,2014,"cmales",65,NA,150,"estimate","estimatePartial","Iuan C., Záhorec L., 2020 (in prep.), Contributions to knowledge of nesting black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in Rodna Mountains National Park and Natura 2000 site (Romania), Studii i Cercetari - Seria Biologie, Complexul Muzeal Bistria, nr. 20, Bistria-Nasaud",660298.012257925,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A876",NA,"Lyrurus tetrix tetrix" "Mareca strepera",NA,"Gadwall","Romania",2013,2015,"p",505,NA,8948,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",61083.2151241853,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A889",NA,"Mareca strepera" "Merops apiaster",NA,"European Bee-eater","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,4e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",4011596.64039176,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-9,NA,10,"RO","A230",NA,"Merops apiaster" "Milvus migrans",NA,"Black Kite","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,5,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",56908.1182712853,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-95,NA,-5,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A073",NA,"Milvus migrans" "Monticola saxatilis",NA,"Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush","Romania",2013,2018,"p",45,NA,200,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",28157.8647901868,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-80,NA,-20,2007,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-20,NA,-1,"RO","A280",NA,"Monticola saxatilis" "Muscicapa striata",NA,"Spotted Flycatcher","Romania",2013,2015,"p",132050,NA,326682,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",6197800.10270682,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-4,NA,11,"RO","A319",NA,"Muscicapa striata" "Nucifraga caryocatactes",NA,"Spotted Nutcracker","Romania",2013,2015,"p",46672,NA,126276,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",199850.353555074,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A344",NA,"Nucifraga caryocatactes" "Oenanthe hispanica",NA,"Black-eared Wheatear","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,0,"estimate","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",727479.102143795,1980,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,2007,2018,"S","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,"RO","A278",NA,"Oenanthe hispanica" "Oriolus oriolus",NA,"Eurasian Golden Oriole","Romania",2013,2018,"p",4e+05,NA,8e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2995355.41931993,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"D","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-6,NA,0,"RO","A337",NA,"Oriolus oriolus" "Otis tarda",NA,"Great Bustard","Romania",2013,2018,"i",5,NA,10,"mean","completeSurvey","OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",34560.6866647684,1980,2018,"D","estimatePartial","Geacu S. (2016): The Great Bustard (Otis tarda L.) Population Dynamics in Romania, Rev. Roum Georgr./ Rom. Journ. Geogr., 60, (1), p. 43-49, 2016",-99,NA,-98,2007,2018,"D","completeSurvey","OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-12,NA,-4,"RO","A129",NA,"Otis tarda" "Otus scops",NA,"Eurasian Scops-owl","Romania",2014,2018,"p",41306,NA,50265,"interval","completeSurvey","Monitoring of Nocturnal Birds of Open Habitats, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",149331.218450469,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2014,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Monitoring of Nocturnal Birds of Open Habitats, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-11,NA,-1,"RO","A214",NA,"Otus scops" "Panurus biarmicus",NA,"Bearded Parrotbill","Romania",2013,2015,"p",19605,NA,40465,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",75400.3712388948,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A323",NA,"Panurus biarmicus" "Parus major",NA,"Great Tit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",4812726,NA,5698871,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",55870590.3684097,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,NA,5,"RO","A330",NA,"Parus major" "Passer domesticus","sensu stricto [excluding italiae]","House Sparrow","Romania",2013,2018,"p",5e+06,NA,6e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",133297771.333051,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-7,NA,0,"RO","A620",NA,"Passer domesticus s. str." "Passer hispaniolensis",NA,"Spanish Sparrow","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2e+05,NA,6e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",3544907.8998481,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-7,NA,11,"RO","A355",NA,"Passer hispaniolensis" "Passer montanus",NA,"Eurasian Tree Sparrow","Romania",2013,2015,"p",1759529,NA,2386558,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",14381880.0223803,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,5,"RO","A356",NA,"Passer montanus" "Pastor roseus",NA,"Rosy Starling","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",2566.22776601684,1980,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,2007,2018,"F","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",0,0,0,"RO","A494",NA,"Pastor roseus" "Perdix perdix","all others","Grey Partridge","Romania",2013,2018,"p",40000,NA,1e+05,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",859087.707989548,1980,2018,"D","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",-50,NA,-1,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-7,NA,6,"RO","A644",NA,"Perdix perdix all others" "Periparus ater","all others","Coal Tit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",1333428,NA,1863563,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",15379383.9976537,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-4,NA,10,"RO","A472",NA,"Periparus ater all others" "Pernis apivorus",NA,"European Honey-buzzard","Romania",2013,2014,"p",8944,NA,13555,"interval","completeSurvey","National Raptor Monitoring Programme, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",59231.7466324647,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A072",NA,"Pernis apivorus" "Phylloscopus collybita","sensu stricto [excluding canariensis, ibericus and tristis]","Common Chiffchaff","Romania",2013,2015,"p",2725768,NA,3305075,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",25421846.1530135,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,2,"RO","A572",NA,"Phylloscopus collybita s. str." "Phylloscopus sibilatrix",NA,"Wood Warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",432869,NA,796868,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",4317625.46217944,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-6,NA,3,"RO","A314",NA,"Phylloscopus sibilatrix" "Phylloscopus trochilus",NA,"Willow Warbler","Romania",2013,2018,"p",5000,NA,50000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",31978586.9687032,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-9,NA,6,"RO","A316",NA,"Phylloscopus trochilus" "Pica pica",NA,"Black-billed Magpie","Romania",2013,2015,"p",668969,NA,822706,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",8428568.60140036,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,3,"RO","A343",NA,"Pica pica" "Poecile lugubris",NA,"Sombre Tit","Romania",2013,2018,"p",2500,NA,25000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",44569.4902725473,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A491",NA,"Poecile lugubris" "Poecile montanus",NA,"Willow Tit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",130418,NA,318717,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",2561327.99011038,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A492",NA,"Poecile montanus" "Poecile palustris",NA,"Marsh Tit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",587230,NA,937844,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",4074519.20677496,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",6,NA,22,"RO","A493",NA,"Poecile palustris" "Pyrrhula pyrrhula",NA,"Eurasian Bullfinch","Romania",2013,2015,"p",138719,NA,319252,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",3173935.7926858,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A372",NA,"Pyrrhula pyrrhula" "Recurvirostra avosetta",NA,"Pied Avocet","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1000,NA,7000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",35373.8438802631,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A132",NA,"Recurvirostra avosetta" "Regulus ignicapilla",NA,"Firecrest","Romania",2013,2015,"p",193295,NA,483456,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",5639403.12868463,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A318",NA,"Regulus ignicapilla" "Regulus regulus",NA,"Goldcrest","Romania",2013,2015,"p",615604,NA,1135975,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",12826530.0644459,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-1,NA,22,"RO","A317",NA,"Regulus regulus" "Remiz pendulinus",NA,"Eurasian Penduline-tit","Romania",2013,2015,"p",14771,NA,37173,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Breeding Waterbird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",163746.459194912,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-17,NA,12,"RO","A336",NA,"Remiz pendulinus" "Serinus serinus",NA,"European Serin","Romania",2013,2015,"p",97694,NA,251654,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",20163518.4844752,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-20,NA,2,"RO","A361",NA,"Serinus serinus" "Sternula albifrons",NA,"Little Tern","Romania",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,600,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",15371.8800285188,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A885",NA,"Sternula albifrons" "Streptopelia decaocto",NA,"Eurasian Collared-dove","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1e+06,NA,3e+06,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",9791867.20244471,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-2,NA,8,"RO","A209",NA,"Streptopelia decaocto" "Strix aluco",NA,"Tawny Owl","Romania",2013,2014,"p",NA,81206,NA,"Minimum","completeSurvey","National monitoring of the Ural and Tawny Owls, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",606178.765893566,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A219",NA,"Strix aluco" "Strix uralensis",NA,"Ural Owl","Romania",2013,2014,"p",NA,20985,NA,"Minimum","completeSurvey","National monitoring of the Ural and Tawny Owls, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",36568.7002618636,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A220",NA,"Strix uralensis" "Sturnus vulgaris",NA,"Common Starling","Romania",2013,2015,"p",2749791,NA,3584757,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",24927217.0182793,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-7,NA,1,"RO","A351",NA,"Sturnus vulgaris" "Sylvia atricapilla",NA,"Blackcap","Romania",2013,2015,"p",2130766,NA,2639637,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",42224089.7006556,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",0,NA,5,"RO","A311",NA,"Sylvia atricapilla" "Sylvia borin",NA,"Garden Warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",188386,NA,354318,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",6611915.28106644,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,12,"RO","A310",NA,"Sylvia borin" "Sylvia communis",NA,"Common Whitethroat","Romania",2013,2015,"p",2053226,NA,2580060,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",11934972.4664539,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-2,NA,3,"RO","A309",NA,"Sylvia communis" "Sylvia curruca","[including minula]","Lesser Whitethroat","Romania",2013,2015,"p",934097,NA,1291391,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",3482339.03026893,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"S","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-2,NA,4,"RO","A574",NA,"Sylvia curruca" "Sylvia nisoria",NA,"Barred Warbler","Romania",2013,2015,"p",177916,NA,364962,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",442564.766713424,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",5,NA,16,"RO","A307",NA,"Sylvia nisoria" "Tachymarptis melba",NA,"Alpine Swift","Romania",2013,2018,"p",1200,NA,3000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",310802.589827483,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca. Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",500,NA,1000,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1,NA,20,"RO","A228",NA,"Tachymarptis melba" "Tetrao urogallus","all others","Western Capercaillie","Romania",2013,2018,"cmales",2500,NA,6000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database Iuan C., Sasaran R. (2015): Evaluarea starii de conservare a cocoului de munte (Tetrao urogallus) din Parcul Naional Munii Rodnei (Sit Natura 2000 ROSCI0125, ROSPA0085), Acta Musei Maramorosiensis, Seria X, Secia tiinele Naturii, Sighetu Marmaiei, pag. 87-99",631028.392749954,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A659",NA,"Tetrao urogallus all others" "Thalasseus sandvicensis",NA,"Sandwich Tern","Romania",2013,2018,"p",100,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",64016.7704954388,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A863",NA,"Thalasseus sandvicensis" "Tichodroma muraria",NA,"Wallcreeper","Romania",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,1000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",8404.89871203103,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A333",NA,"Tichodroma muraria" "Tringa totanus",NA,"Common Redshank","Romania",2013,2018,"p",200,NA,2000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",101937.40711707,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A162",NA,"Tringa totanus" "Turdus merula",NA,"Eurasian Blackbird","Romania",2013,2015,"p",2623894,NA,3192900,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",60077292.2039398,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"I","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",1,NA,5,"RO","A283",NA,"Turdus merula" "Turdus philomelos",NA,"Song Thrush","Romania",2013,2015,"p",1510018,NA,1743426,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",17013694.9374557,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-1,NA,5,"RO","A285",NA,"Turdus philomelos" "Turdus pilaris",NA,"Fieldfare","Romania",2013,2015,"p",259235,NA,516465,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",4608012.46225532,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database Ciochia V., (1992), Pasarile clocitoare din România, Editura tiinifica, Bucureti Weber, P. (ed) (1994) Atlasul Provizoriu Al Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Publ SOR 2, Media Munteanu, D., Papadopol, A. i Weber, P. 2002. Atlasul Pasarilor Clocitoare din România. Societatea Ornitologica Româna, Cluj-Napoca.",3000,NA,10000,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-3,NA,14,"RO","A284",NA,"Turdus pilaris" "Turdus torquatus",NA,"Ring Ouzel","Romania",2013,2015,"p",28764,NA,108068,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",224040.462147079,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A282",NA,"Turdus torquatus" "Turdus viscivorus",NA,"Mistle Thrush","Romania",2013,2015,"p",176961,NA,336928,"interval","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",3346830.21485028,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","estimatePartial","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-6,NA,8,"RO","A287",NA,"Turdus viscivorus" "Tyto alba",NA,"Common Barn-owl","Romania",2013,2018,"p",500,NA,1500,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",111681.553588695,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2007,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,"RO","A213",NA,"Tyto alba" "Upupa epops",NA,"Common Hoopoe","Romania",2013,2018,"p",43000,NA,430000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1562394.02425191,1980,2018,"UNK","absentData","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",NA,NA,NA,2008,2018,"U","completeSurvey","Romanian Common Bird Monitoring Programme, Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database",-10,NA,0,"RO","A232",NA,"Upupa epops" "Ficedula semitorquata",NA,"Semi-collared Flycatcher","Romania",2013,2018,"p",400,NA,4000,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",6351.06383788591,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",10000,NA,1e+05,2013,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",10000,NA,1e+05,"RO","A442",NA,"Ficedula semitorquata" "Apus pallidus",NA,"Pallid Swift","Romania",2013,2018,"p",20,NA,100,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",390392.279966196,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1000,NA,5000,2007,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",1000,NA,5000,"RO","A227",NA,"Apus pallidus" "Larus canus",NA,"Mew Gull","Romania",2013,2018,"p",0,NA,2,"estimate","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",272523.38496011,1980,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",100,NA,200,2010,2018,"I","estimateExpert","Ornitodata (Romanian Ornithological Society) Database, OpenBirdMaps (Milvus Group) Database, Rombird (Romanian Rarity Commission) Database",100,NA,200,"RO","A182",NA,"Larus canus"