# Structure of the data The datasets uploaded here were generated using scCUT&Tag-pro for six single-cell histone modification marks, namely -- H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K27ac, H3K27me3, H3K9me3. For each dataset we provide the following files 1.) _fragment_file_: This is primarily a preprocessed BED file with read-mapping information along with cellular barcodes 2.) _rds_file_: A seurat object file containing following information: * "tiles": A ChromatinAssay, linked with the fragment file (above) and coverage profile of 5Kb non-overlapping bins across the genome. * "ADT": A SeuratAssay with cell-wise protein abundances. * "wnn.umap": UMAP embeddings of the cells using WNN (weighted nearest neighbor) analysis. * "adt.umap": UMAP embeddings of the cells using only the protein (ADT) data. * "cut.tag.umap": UMAP embeddings of the cells using only the histone modification data. * "azimuth.umap": UMAP embeddings of the cells on the Azimuth defined reference embeddings. Note: * To load the data into a R environment, please install the Seurat and Signac packages, which are available on CRAN. Once loaded, the path of the fragment file has to be updated in the Seurat object: "obj <- UpdatePath(Fragments(obj)[[1]], "~/fragments.tsv.gz")"