------------------------------------------------------------ analysis.xlsx Provides the complete set of rows for the tables in the manuscript ------------------------------------------------------------ Stackoverflow-Refactor.sqlite A SQLite database of Stack Overflow refactoring posts and the LDA topic assignment for each question | Table Name | Description | |:-------------------------------------------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | Questions_TitleOrTag | All refactoring questions (posts that have refactor in the tag or title) | | AllAnswers_TitleOrTag | All answers for all questions (that have an answer) in 'Questions_TitleOrTag' | | AcceptedAnswers_TitleOrTag | Accepted answers for all questions (that have an accepted answer) in 'Questions_TitleOrTag' | | NonAcceptedAnswers_TitleOrTag | Non-Accepted answers for all questions (that have a non-accepted answer) in 'Questions_TitleOrTag' | | Questions_TitleOrTag__tagsplit | Tags associated with all questions in 'Questions_TitleOrTag' | | Questions_TitleOrTag__bodycleansed | Same as 'Questions_TitleOrTag', but the body column has been removed of HTML tags, code snippets and url's | | AcceptedAnswers_TitleOrTag__bodycleansed | Same as 'AcceptedAnswers_TitleOrTag', but the body column has been removed of HTML tags, code snippets and url's | | NonAcceptedAnswers_TitleOrTag__bodycleansed | Same as 'NonAcceptedAnswers_TitleOrTag', but the body column has been removed of HTML tags, code snippets and url's | | k5_annotation_input | Sample set of questions associated with a topic that were manually reviewed | | k5_dominant_distribution | Distribution of each topic | | k5_dominant | Each question is assigned its dominant topic | ------------------------------------------------------------ LDA_Model.zip The optimum LDA model utilized in this study to generate the topics and perform the topic assignments ------------------------------------------------------------