Published July 11, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Online Tone Manipulation in Violin Performance: An ERP and ERSP study

  • 1. Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • 2. Universitat de Barcelona



Data and Software used in 
Online Tone Manipulation in Violin Performance: An ERP and ERSP Study.
Ángel David Blanco, Jordi Costa-Faidella, Alfonso Pérez, David Dalmazzo, Rafael Ramirez, Iria SanMiguel
(not published at this moment)




1. Online_Tone_Manipulation_Violin_DATA.rar

In this compressed file we found 3 folders:


1.1 Raw_data: raw data of the participants of the experiment.

Inside we find 16 folders. Each one contains the raw data of each participant: SXX (where XX is the code assigned to each subject).
Data from participants S01 and S11 are missing due to technical problems.

Each folder contains:

audio: This folder contains the audio recorded during each block of the session.
sXX: This folder contains the EEG files recorded during each block of the session.
tony: This folder contains the tony and excel files with the information about the audio onsets and the onsets of corrective movements.

We also find 2 matlab scripts:

main_final.m: This script creates one *.set file per block with the EEG data and the audio markers for each event. 
main_EEG.m This script creates the Merged_Datasets.set file with the data from all the blocks. It also cleans the data from noise artifacts that were previously visual inspected.
It also computes the average reference, filters the Data, computes ICA and removes those components related with ocular activity. 
It also creates te SXX_MergedDatasets_filt25_ICprun.set and the SXX_MergedDatasets_filt50_ICprun_TF.set

Those files can already be found inside each folder. 

SXX_MergedDatasets_filt25_ICprun.set: This file contains the data for the ERPs already processed (pass band filter 1-25Hz). 
SXX_MergedDatasets_filt25_ICprun_TF.set: This file contains the data for the ERSPs already processed (pass band filter 1-50Hz).

(Based on audio onsets and logfiles)
Hundreds: TASK
Units: ORDER
0: Reference
100: Active
200: Replayed
300: Manipulated Active
400: Post-error manipulation Active
500: Non-manipulated active
600: Manipulated Replayed
700: Post-error manipulated Replayed
800: Non-manipulated Replayed
900: Onset End Correction Active
1000: Onset End Correction Passive
10: Open-String Note
20:In Tune ONSET
30: Mistuned ONSET 
40: In Tune STABLE
50: Mistuned STABLE
60: Notes with correction ONSET (All)
70: Mistuned notes with correction ONSET
80: Mistuned notes without correction ONSET
1: Low (15-30c)
2: LowHigh(30-50c)
3: Middle (50-70c)
4: MiddleHigh(70-100)
5: High (>100)


In Raw_data we can also found two scripts

load_participants.m: This script executes the main_final.m script for each participant.
load_participants_EEG.m: This script executes the main_EEG.m script for each participant


1.2 ERPs:

Inside this folder we find 3 more folders:

Active: Contains the *.set files with the ERPs for each event of interest inside the Active condition.
Replayed (Passive): Contains the *.set files with the ERPs for each event of interest inside the Replayed condition.
Reference Melody: Contains the *.set files with the ERPs of the reference melody.

Events of interest in the names of each Folder:
XXXX_Tuned: tuned notes
XXXX_Mistuned: notes with an error higher than 30 cents.
XXXX_nonman: nonmanipulated
XXXX_man: manipulated
XXXX_postman: postmanipulated
XXXX_Corr_Low: Trials with slow corrective movements (>350 ms) 
XXXX_Corr_Medium: Trials with medium corrective movements (250-350ms)
XXXX_Corr_High: Trials with fast corrective movements (<250ms)
XXXX_Low: low error (15-30 cents)
XXXX_Medium: Medium error (30-50 cents)
XXXX_Medium_High: Medium High error (50-70 cents)
XXXX_High_High: High errors (>70 cents)

1.3 ERSPs:

ERSPs of Active Tuned and Mistuned and Replayed Tuned and Mistuned in MATLAB Data files.

Inside each file we can find the ERSPs and the ITC for different electrodes:

ersp_XX: where XX is the name of the electrode (C3,C4,CP3,CP4)..
itc_XX: where XX is the name of the electrode (C3,C4,CP3,CP4)..

both the ersp_XX and the itc_XX are three-dimensional matrices:

frequencies (30 points) X time (200 points) X participants (15 subjects).

The frequencies and times variables contain an array with the information of the frequency value (Hz) and time value (ms) for each point.


2. Online_Tone_Manipulation_Violin_STIMULI_and_MAX_software.rar

In this compressed file we found two folders:

2.1 Online_Tone_Manipulation_System_in_Max folder

This folder contains the system in Max that allows us to manipulate the pitch of the played note in the melody.

recording_session.maxpat: open this file to access the system.
random_file.csv: file which contains the order of the melodies reproduced to the participants, the note which has to receive the manipulation, and the direction of the manipulation (1 up, 0 down).

We can also find two folders:

audio: the audio of the participant for each block is recorded and saved inside this folder
New_generated_melodies: This folder needs to contain the melodies reproduced to the participant during the experiment


2.2 Stimuli folder

This folder contains three folders:


2.2.1 Generated_Scores folder

This folder contains the code and which generates the score images used during the experiment.

Inside the folder we can find:

generate_scores.m: Script used to generate the score images

New_generated_scores folder: This folder contains the XML code and the *.jpg file for each score.


2.2.2 Screen

This folder contains the code used to deliver the visual information to the participant during the session and also the clicks sent to the DSP computer and the markers to the EEG computer via parallel port.
The random_file.csv inside this folder has to be the same that the one contained inside the Online_Tone_Manipulation_System_in_Max.

Inside this folder we can find:

Violin_screen_Brainlab.m: script with the code which has to be executed to start delivering the visual instructions to the participants


2.2.3 Violin_Sample_sounds

Inside this folder we can find two folders:

New_generated_melodies: contains the final generated melodies of the experiment
Original_Sounds: contains the original sounds used to generate the rest of the melodies of the experiment

We can also find two important scripts:

Generate_audios: this script generates the different melodies of the experiment from the original sounds.
Randomize_audios_new: this script generates the random_file.csv with the random order of the melodies together




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