ReadMe The datafile: Note: we found that the dashes and underscores present in the snp annotations provided by illumina caused errors when running our R code. We there for dummy coded these (dashes/underscores) as Q and Z in the analysis file. The data file contains the following: A header row that identifies the following variables: ID, BMI, SEX, AGE, lnTRI, lnPAI1, PAI14G5G + SNP1.........+SNPN ID = individual ID BMI = body mass index SEX = 0 =male 1 =female AGE = chronological age measured in years lnTRI = natural log of the triglyceride measurement lnPAI1 = natural log of the PAI-1 measurement PAI14G5G = genotype (if available) at the PAI1 4G5G variant SNP1-SNPN = all analyzed SNPs with genotypes coded additively for the effect of the minor allele (0,1,2 copies of the minor allele) Note for R code: The included R code is for the median regression analysis. However changing the tau variable to 0.75 will yield the R code used to generate the Upper quartile regression analysis