Published November 21, 2023 | Version v7
Software Open

Confidentiality Report EU PPP for IUCLID 6 v7.10.1 (and v7.10.3) Report Generator

  • 1. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)


Version v7

This version is built on top of default reports published in IUCLID 6 v7.10.1 (October 2023) and lately in v7.10.3 patch release (November 23). It replaces version v6 in Zenodo and introduces changes listed bellow.

This zip package contains the templates to be used by the Report Generator tool in IUCLID 6 v7.10.1 and higher to generate a report containing the full list of confidentiality claims made by the applicant for a plant protection product (PPP) dossier. 

To run the report, first upload it in the Report Manager tool of IUCLID and follow the indicated instructions; then go to your PPP dossier, click on Report Generator and select your uploaded reportThe recommended stylesheet for this report is landscape mode - an example is included in this publication (CSV does not require a stylesheet).


Changes in v7 include:

  • updates
    • addition of a new column that lists the UUIDs of literature reference linked to a specific CR
    • addition of information about the duplication of UUID in several CRs as a footnote at the end of the table




Files (47.3 kB)

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