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Published April 28, 2021 | Version FODE_STUD_1.0
Dataset Open

Students' perceived obstacles with Forced Online Distance Learning during the CoVID-19 outbreak and their preferences to continue with the introduced teaching methods after the reopening of the University of Maribor [Project documentation]

  • 1. University of Maribor, Faculty of Education
  • 2. University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sceince and Mathematics
  • 3. University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sceince and Mathematics, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science


The outbreak of COVID -19 forced most universities into distance education. Three didacticians and researchers from the University of Maribor, Slovenia: Kosta Dolenc, Mateja Ploj Virtič and Andrej Šorgo formed a self-initiated initiative project group during the COVID -19 epidemic and started the first project with the working title: The Side Effects of Forced Online Distance Education (FODE).

The aim of the second study, conducted during the first wave of the epidemic in March 2020, was to investigate the response of university students to the new situation. The project documentation provided for the Forced Online Distance Learning (FODL) consists of:

  • abstract,
  • instrument,
  • copy of the descriptive statistics,
  • and SPSS dataset.


This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency under the core projects: "Information systems", grant no. P2-0057 (Šorgo Andrej) and "Computationally intensive complex systems", grant no. P1-0403 (Ploj Virtič Mateja). The authors declared that there were no conflicts of interest and that the opinions expressed were those of the authors. For the English translation of the instrument, see the articles cited in the Introduction (see Appendix).



Additional details


  • Ploj Virtič, M., Dolenc, K., & Šorgo, A. (2021). Changes in online distance learning behaviour of university students during the Coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak, and development of the model of forced distance online learning preferences. European Journal of Educational Research, 10(1), 393-411.
  • Šorgo, A., Ploj Virtič, M., Dolenc, K. (2021). Differences in personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology among university students and teachers [submitted manuscript]
  • Dolenc, K., Šorgo, A., Ploj Virtič, M. (2021). The difference in views of educators and students on Forced Online Distance Education can lead to unintentional side effects. Education and Information Technologies [accepted manuscript], https://www.10.1007/s10639-021-10558-4
  • Ploj Virtič, M., Dolenc, K., Šorgo, A. (2020). Študij na daljavo na Univerzi v Mariboru v času izbruha CoVID-19 in napovedni model študija na daljavo za čas po ponovnem odprtju univerze. V: Inovativna uporaba IKT v visokem šolstvu: izzivi in priložnosti: konferenca IKTVVIS, online, 24. - 25. september 2020. Ljubljana: IKTVVIS. 2020,
  • Šorgo, A., Ploj Virtič, M., Dolenc, K. (2020). Razlike med univerzitetnimi učitelji in študenti v osebni inovativnosti na področju informacijskih tehnologij. V: Inovativna uporaba IKT v visokem šolstvu: izzivi in priložnosti: konferenca IKTVVIS, online, 24. - 25. september 2020. Ljubljana: IKTVVIS. 2020,