Published March 8, 2016 | Version v1
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Demonstrative simulations of L-PEACH: a computer-based model to understand how peach trees grow

  • 1. Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, 1035 Wickson Hall, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616


L-PEACH is a computer-based model that simulates source-sink interactions, architecture and physiology of peach trees (Allen et al., 2005, 2006, 2007). The model integrates important concepts related to water transport and carbon assimilation, distribution, and use within the tree (DeJong et al., 2011). L-PEACH is able to simulate crop yield responses to commercial practices such as fruit thinning (Lopez et al., 2008) and pruning (Smith et al., 2008) and could be useful for making fruit growers understand how to optimize these operations. In this work we present several demonstrative simulations of L-PEACH to complement the existing references about L-PEACH and demonstrate its value to study, understand and teach how trees grow (DeJong et al., 2008).

The FIRST SIMULATION corresponds with the version of L-PEACH that runs on a daily time-step (L-PEACH-d) (Lopez et al., 2008, 2010). The simulation shows the growth of a peach tree over three years. The color of the stem indicates the direction of the movement of carbon within the tree (white indicates no flux of carbon, increasing apical flux of carbon from light yellow to red, and increasing basal flux of carbon from light blue to deep purple) (see details of colors in Allen et al., 2005). During this simulation the tree was stopped during the dormant season between years and the trees were pruned by the model operator in a manner that is similar to how trees would be pruned when growing in an orchard.  Also during the first year of tree growth, grafting is simulated by cutting the tree back in early spring and allowing the tree to grow again as it would in a tree nursery.  After this first year the tree is cut back to a single trunk in the same manner as is commonly done when a tree is transplanted from a tree nursery to a commercial fruit orchard.

In the SECOND SIMULATION a detailed section of the tree was selected to better appreciate the realism of leaf and fruit growth and in the THIRD SIMULATION we show how to prune a peach tree to a V-system. Responses to pruning were modelled based on the concept of apical dominance as described in Smith et al. (2008) and Lopez et al. (2008).

Subsequent simulations correspond to the last version of the L-PEACH model that includes a xylem circuit so that the diurnal water potential of each organ could be simulated along with its physiological functioning and growth. Sub-models for leaf transpiration, soil water potential and the soil-plant interface were also incorporated to provide the driving force and pathway for water flow. In the FOURTH SIMULATION we presented the effect of different irrigation treatments (control irrigation and drought irrigation) on tree development, growth and fruit yield (Da Silva et al., 2011; 2014). L-PEACH-h was also use to illustrate the effect of severity of pruning in tree growth (FIFTH SIMULATION). We tested three levels of pruning: soft, control, and hard. The simulation indicates how trees that received hard pruning are able to recover a similar tree size than control and soft pruned trees due to the generation of vigorous shoots in response to hard pruning.

The SIXTH SIMULATION was generated to demonstrate that L-PEACH can be also used to simulate the effect of size-controlling rootstock in tree growth (Da Silva et al., 2015). In this simulation we compared tree growth with a standard rootstock (Control) and a size-controlling rootstock (Rootstock) by reducing the hydraulic conductance of the ‘rootstock” piece (base of the trunk) by 50% in the size-controlling rootstock to simulate a reduction in vessel diameters and consequently reduced hydraulic conductance in that part of the tree. After four years of simulated growth, the virtual tree on the dwarfing rootstock was substantially smaller than the virtual tree on the control rootstock.

What you can’t see in the movies is that the L-PEACH model calculates the distribution of light in the tree canopy as the tree grows and the rate of photosynthesis in each leaf during a simulated day or hour (depending on whether the daily or hourly models are used for the simulation). Then the distribution and use of photo-assimilates are calculated by the methods described in the papers cited below. The simulations are based on real environmental input data (light, temperature, day length, etc. collected from a real weather station located near a peach orchard) and development of tree architecture is based on developmental principles governing tree growth and detailed measurements of  shoots of peach trees (see references).

Description of files

Simulation 1: L-PEACH-d over three years of growth.

Simulation 2: Detailed growth of leaves and fruit using L-PEACH.

Simulation 3: Pruning L-PEACH-d to a v-system.

Simulation 4: Control irrigation vs. Drought irrigation using L-PEACH-h.

Simulation 5: Reactions to soft, control and hard pruning using L-PEACH-h.

Simulation 6: Simulating the effect of size-controlling rootstock using L-PEACH-h.


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  • Allen, M.T., P. Prusinkiewicz, T.M. DeJong. 2005. Using L-systems for modeling source-sink interactions, architecture and physiology of growing trees: the L-PEACH model. New Phytologist 166:869-888.
  • Allen, M., T. DeJong, P. Prusinkiewicz. 2006. L-PEACH, an L-Systems based model for simulating the architecture and carbon partitioning of growing fruit trees. Acta Horticulturae. 707:71-76.
  • Allen, M.T., P. Prusinkiewicz, R.R. Favreau, T.M. DeJong. 2007. L-PEACH, an L-system-based model for simulating architecture, carbohydrate source-sink interactions and physiological responses of growing trees. In: Functional-Structural Plant Modelling in Crop Production, J. Vos, L. Marcelis, P. de Visser and P. Struik eds. Frontis, Wageningen, Netherlands. p 139-150.
  • Da Silva, D., R.R. Favreau, I. Auzmendi, T.M. DeJong. 2011. Linking water stress effects on carbon partitioning by introducing a xylem circuit into L-PEACH. Annals of Botany 108: 1135-1145.
  • Da Silva, D., L. Qin, C. DeBuse, T.M. DeJong. 2014. Measuring and modelling seasonal patterns of carbohydrate storage and mobilization in the trunks and root crowns of peach trees. Annals of botany 114 (4): 643-652.
  • Da Silva, D., R.R. Favreau, S. Tombesi, T.M. DeJong. 2015. Modeling Size-Controlling Rootstock Effects on Peach Tree Growth and Development Using L-PEACH-h. Acta Horticulturae 1068: 227-234.
  • DeJong, T.M., R. Favreau, M. Allen, P. Prusinkiewicz 2008. Using computer technology to study, understand and teach how trees grow. Acta Horticulturae 772: 143-150.
  • DeJong, T.M., R. Favreau, Y.L. Grossman, G. Lopez. 2011. Using concept-based computer simulation modeling to study and develop an integrated understanding of tree crop physiology. Acta Horticulturae 903:751-757.
  • Lopez, G., C. Smith, R. Favreau,T. DeJong. 2008. Using L-PEACH for dynamic simulation of source-sink behavior of peach trees: effects of date of thinning on fruit growth. Acta Horticultuare 803:209-216.
  • Lopez, G., R.R. Favreau, C. Smith, E. Costes, P. Prusinkiewicz, T.M. DeJong. 2008. Integrating simulation of architectural development and source-sink behaviour of peach trees by incorporating Markov chains and physiological organ function sub-models into L-PEACH. Functional Plant Biology 35 (10): 761-771.
  • Lopez, G., R.R. Favreau, C. Smith, T.M. DeJong. 2010. L-PEACH: a computer-based model to understand how peach trees grow. HortTechnology 20 (6): 983-990.
  • Smith, C, E. Costes, R.R. Favreau, G. Lopez, T.M. DeJong. 2008. Improving the Architecture of Simulated Trees in L-PEACH by Integrating Markov Chains and Pruning. Acta Horticulturae 803: 201-208.