Variable name;;Description;;;;;;;;;;;;;; uid;;Unique address identifier;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tract;;Identifier of census tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; school_NM;;School district name in which the address lies;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tract_AREA;;Area of census tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; n_panels;;Number of panels assigned at that address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den200;;Number of addresses within 200m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan200;;Number of panels within 200m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den300;;Number of addresses within 300m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan300;;Number of panels within 300m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den400;;Number of addresses within 400m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan400;;Number of panels within 400m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den500;;Number of addresses within 500m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan500;;Number of panels within 500m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den600;;Number of addresses within 600m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan600;;Number of panels within 600m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den700;;Number of addresses within 700m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan700;;Number of panels within 700m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den800;;Number of addresses within 800m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan800;;Number of panels within 800m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den900;;Number of addresses within 900m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan900;;Number of panels within 900m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_denkm;;Number of addresses within 1000m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pankm;;Number of panels within 1000m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den1100;;Number of addresses within 1100m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan1100;;Number of panels within 1100m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a_den1200;;Number of addresses within 1200m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad_around_pan1200;;Number of panels within 1200m radius of address;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tot_pop;;Total population of census tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; p_unemployed;;Percent of unemployment in tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; med_hh_income;;Median household income over cenus tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; snap;;Number of households having received SNAP benefits in last 12 months;;;;;;;;;;;;;; med_house_val;;Median home value in census tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; med_rent;;Median monthly rent for renter-occupied units in tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tot_hh;;Total households in cenus tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; p_bach;;Percent of individuals 25+ with bachelor's or higher in tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; p_veteran;;Percent of civilian 18+ population with veteran status in tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; per_1race;;Percent of total tract population indentifying as a single race;;;;;;;;;;;;;; per_hoccupied;;Percent of total house units occupied in tract;;;;;;;;;;;;;; has_panel;;Inidcator if an address has a solar panel;;;;;;;;;;;;;;