Modelled Annual Mean Antarctic SMB for common period of 1981-2016, except COSMO-CLM^2 (1987-2015). All values are in Gt, calculated based on values given in associated Netcdf file. PLease read Mottram et al., 2020 The Cryosphere for full details. We use Rignot basins and a common ice mask to calculate these numbers which are rounded to nearest Gt. area_GAIS=1.2063e+07 km^2 area_AP=2.3070e+05 km^2 area_WAIS=2.0940e+06 km^2 area_EAIS=9.7386e+06 km^2 Model,GAIS,GAP,GEAIS,GWAIS HIRHAM44,2042,227,1116,699 HIRHAM11,1964,242,1065,658 MAR,2046,206,1196,643 RACMO,1939,197,1094,632 MetUM,1751,162,996,593 ERAint,1623,137,915,571 EnsembleMean,1894,195,1064,633 COSMOCLM,1668,98,1023,548,