Published December 31, 2020 | Version 3.0
Project deliverable Open

BigDataGrapes D8.3 - Integration and Operation with real-life Software Systems

  • 1. ABACO
  • 2. Geocledian


The deliverable (D8.3) focuses on the task T8.3 Integration with existing real-life Software Systems: this task focuses on the integration of the BigDataGrapes software stack and data model into a market-ready Farm Management System produced by ABACO, SITI4Farmer, augmenting its functionalities to support the implementation of the envisaged Use Cases.

This deliverable aims to incorporate by prototyping onto SITI4Farmer, the relevant functionalities of the BigDataGrapes software stack, further used in the piloting sessions.

Also, in this framework, an integration with FOODAKAI, an existing software on food security that is complementary to the capabilities of ABACO SITI4Farmer, has been performed. In fact, food security depends also on meteorological and agronomical issues that are the focus of SITI4Farmer.

Within the BigDataGrapes scope, the farm management system integration refers to the integration of weathersoil-plant monitoring data via data exchange over Rest-APIs in JSON format. Another important integration domain is represented by the GEOCLEDIAN Satellite data and the related vegetation indices. The real-life software system allows to define (draw and edit) farming plans at field level on top of which time series of indices are calculated.

This document is structured as follows: after a brief introduction, Chapter 2 focuses on the farm management pilot and the related data recorded. Chapter 3 is about datasets and their relationships with use case scenarios. Chapter 4 describes SITI4Farmer and how the BigDataGrapes technologies are integrated into the system. The exploited BigDataGrapes technologies are related to satellite data from GEOCLEDIAN and data visualization improvements with the support of KU LEUVEN. Chapter 5 describes FOODAKAI and how the BigDataGrapes technologies are integrated into the system.

Finally, Chapter 6 describes the next steps and conclusions


D8.3 - Integration and Operation with real-life Software Systems_M36_V3.0.pdf

Additional details


BigDataGrapes – Big Data to Enable Global Disruption of the Grapevine-powered Industries 780751
European Commission