m87skysamples.h5 : a hdf5 File structured as follows: - keys ['0' to '159']: individual samples of the reconstruction - keys {'lo', 'hi'}: individual frequency bands 'lo' corresponds to the observational frequency at 227.0707GHz and 'hi' corresponds to 229.0707GHz The contained dataset has shape (28,256,256) The first axis is the time axis. Each time bin is 6h long and the first bin begins at 00.76805556 UTC on April 5, 2017. The second and third axes span the sky position. Each angular bin is 1 micro arc second wide. The second axis points to the North, the third axis goes in western direction. Each element of the dataset is the sky brightness in arbitrary units. m87.mp4 : a video of the reconstruction Meant to verify successful data extraction m87_uncertainty.mp4 : a video of the relative uncertainty of the reconstruction Meant to verify successful data extraction