Published December 14, 2020 | Version 1
Dataset Restricted

London Graph Dataset

  • 1. Sistematica SpA


The dataset provided here is an output of the Track & Know project, shared with the scientific community. The dataset consists of aggregate origin-destination (OD) flows of private cars in London augmented with feature data describing city locations and dyadic relations between them. The geographical location of each cell in the OD graph is not provided, for privacy protection, since the extension of each area is relatively small.

The dataset was first used in the following publication:
 Gevorg Yeghikyan, Felix L. Opolka, Bruno Lepri, Mirco Nanni, Pietro Lio`. Learning

Mobility Flows from Urban Features with Spatial Interaction Models and Neural Networks. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), to appear.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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You need to satisfy these conditions in order for this request to be accepted:

The vehicle flows of the OD matrix have been inferred from a proprietary dataset, as an aggregation of geographical areas (500 x 500 metres) and traffic flows of 10000 vehicles. The dataset, containing anonymous GPS traces of private vehicles, was made accessible by the data owner to the partners of the Track & Know project, for activities relevant for the project.

The original dataset was stored on a MongoDB hosted and managed by the Sistematica S.p.A. project partner, and the OD matrix flows has been obtained as outputs through a sequence of ad hoc queries to the database server and iterative computations on the client side. Eventually, on the client side no piece of information other than the output matrix was kept.

The proprietary dataset is not accessible to the public.

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Track and Know – Big Data for Mobility Tracking Knowledge Extraction in Urban Areas 780754
European Commission