Published January 19, 2021 | Version 1
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Digitized, corrected and supplemented data on net zooplankton of the Far East seas and adjacent Pacific Ocean waters from five rare reference books published in Russian in limited editions

  • 1. Pacific Branch of Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO)
  • 1. Pacific Branch of Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO)


Data on plankton collected by the Juday net in 1984-2013 in the Far Eastern seas and the north-western Pacific containing the species composition, occurrence and abundance of zooplankton in the surveyed area. The data is aggregated by species, developmental stages, size fractions, regions, vertical layers of water, light and dark time of day, four seasons of the year and perennial periods. It is accompanied shape-files with polygons of the regions by which data is summarized with information about surface areas and water volumes in each of them. The scope of application of this data is fundamental to the management of marine resources, aquaculture development, nature conservation, and assessment of the damage of various anthropogenic factors on nature.


Supplement to: Volvenko, Igor V. (2021 in prep.): A database of net zooplankton of the Far East seas and adjacent Pacific Ocean waters. Earth System Science Data, …



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  • Dolganova, N.T., Volvenko, I.V. 2016. Net Zooplankton of the Northwestern Part of Japan (East) Sea: Occurrence, Abundance, and Biomass. 1985-2013. TINRO-Center, Vladivostok. ISBN 978-5-89131-129-9
  • Dolganova, N.T., Volvenko, I.V. 2016. Net Zooplankton of Peter the Great Bay (Japan/East Sea): Occurrence, Abundance, and Biomass. 1988-2013. TINRO-Center, Vladivostok. ISBN 978-5-89131-125-1
  • Volkov, A.F., Volvenko, I.V. 2016. Net Zooplankton of the Western Part of the Bering Sea: Occurrence, Abundance, and Biomass. 1986-2013. TINRO-Center, Vladivostok. ISBN 978-5-89131-126-8
  • Volkov, A.F., Volvenko, I.V.. 2016. Net Zooplankton of the Okhotsk Sea: Occurrence, Abundance, and Biomass. 1984-2013. TINRO-Center, Vladivostok. ISBN 978-5-89131-127-5
  • Volkov, A.F., Volvenko, I.V. 2016c. Net Zooplankton of the Northwestern Pacific: Occurrence, Abundance, and Biomass. 1985-2013. TINRO-Center, Vladivostok. ISBN 978-5-89131-128-2