SMAP-HB: Hyper-resolution satellite-based soil moisture over the continental United States SMAP-HB is a hyper-resolution satellite-based surface soil moisture product that combines NASA's Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) L3 Enhance product, hyper-resolution land surface modeling, radiative transfer modeling, machine learning, and in-situ observations. The original dataset was developed over the continental United States at 30-m 3-hourly resolution (2015–2019). This dataset is an aggregated product and is available for download at a 1-km 6-hr resolution. Subsets of the original dataset are available on request from Noemi Vergopolan ( The SMAP-HB dataset reports the top 5-cm surface soil moisture in volumetric units (m3/m3). The files have a Plate Carrée projection and are stored in netCDF4 format. Please cite the following paper when using the dataset in any publication: Vergopolan, N., Chaney, N. W., Beck, H. E., Pan, M., Sheffield, J., Chan, S., & Wood, E. F. (2020). Combining hyper-resolution land surface modeling with SMAP brightness temperatures to obtain 30-m soil moisture estimates. Remote Sensing of Environment, 242, 111740.