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Published December 26, 2020 | Version v1
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IPBES VA Chapter 4. Literature & case study review on protected areas and conservation schemes outcomes


Literature & case study review on protected areas and conservation schemes outcomes.

Code: VA_4.6_Ch4

Versioning:01 (24.11.2020)

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4394268


The IPBES Scoping document for the Values Assessment highlights the need to assess the types of values of nature that have (or have not) been incorporated into decision-making, the types of valuation approaches incorporated into decision-making, the challenges that have hindered the incorporation of diverse conceptualizations of values of nature in a range of decision and policy-making contexts and the implications for different stakeholders. In this context a literature & case-study review was conducted to examine how values are articulated by diverse stakeholders through Protected Area policies and other conservation schemes including Indigenous Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs), and how they come to influence outcomes. Through this review we address the following questions:

  • What types of protected area impacts are most frequently studied, what valuation methods are used to assess these impacts, and where are the gaps in the evidence on the impacts of protected areas? 
  • What enabling conditions related to protected area design and implementation processes are linked to more beneficial social and environmental impacts?
  • What aspects of the decision process and specifically the inclusion of marginalized values and the values of marginalized people in decision-making are associated with improvements in well-being, sustainability and justice?



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