Published July 6, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Neoxorides striatus Johansson & Klopfstein 2020, sp. nov.

  • 1. Baskarp Fredriksberg 1, 566 92 Habo, Sweden.
  • 2. Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Augustinergasse 2, CH- 4001 Basel, Switzerland.


Neoxorides striatus Johansson sp. nov. E08054F6-B6CC-41A1-8F84-5D221C781D6D

Figs 1 A–C, 9B, E, H


Neoxorides striatus sp. nov. (Fig. 1A) is similar to N. collaris and N. montanus regarding colour and shape, and is intermediate between those species. The face of the male is usually narrower (Fig. 9H) in comparison with the other two species (Fig. 9G). Furthermore, the frons is weakly transversely striate in N. striatus sp. nov. (Fig. 1B) but more evenly shagreened in N. collaris and N. montanus, and the mesopleural furrow usually has more distinct transverse carinae (Fig. 1C, frequently almost as in Fig. 6F). Neoxorides striatus sp. nov. is also distinguished from N. montanus by the usually slightly shorter first tergite in the female (Fig. 9E) (overlap exists), the orange mid coxae in the female, the narrower white line on the sides of the pronotum and the smaller white spots along the inner orbits above the antennal scrobes. The latter character is more evident in females, but the marks are usually shorter and narrower in males with the inner margins concave, while the inner margins are usually convex in the male of N. montanus. From N. collaris it is also distinguished by the longer first tergite (Fig. 9E) and the usually shorter/wider white spots along the inner orbits (Fig. 9B).


The weak striation of the frons in combination with the striate sides of pronotum and transverse carination of the mesopleural furrow is diagnostic.

Material examined


GERMANY • ♂; Bavaria, Nürnberg; 8 May 2001; R. Bauer leg.; ZSM BC ZSM HYM07485 (Fig. 1 A–C).


SWEDEN • 1 ♀; Uppland, Norrtälje, Väddö; probably 1890–1895; G.A. Ringselle leg. (1868–1944); MZLU 754 2019 • 1 ♀; Ångermanland, Bjurholm, Käringbergets ekopark; 30 May–30 Jul. 2011; M. Larshagen/Sveaskog leg.; NHRS-HEVA000011623 • 1 ♂; Hälsingland, Ramsjö, Ensjölokarna; 30 May–28 Jun. 2002; window trap; L.- O. Wikars leg.; NHRS-HEVA000011622 • 5 ♀♀; coll. Marklin (1777–1857); UPSZEN 153034 to 153038 • 5 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding; UPSZEN 153022 to 153026 • 2 ♀♀; coll. Gyllenhaal (1752–1840); UPSZEN 153041, 153042 • 3 ♂♂, same collection data as for preceding; UPSZEN 153031 to 153033 • 1 ♀; coll. Haeffner (active 1800–1815); UPSZEN 153039 • 3 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding; UPSZEN 153027 to 153029 • 1 ♂; coll. Stenhammar (1783–1866); UPSZEN 153030 • 1 ♀; Småland; C.H. Boheman leg. (1796–1868); NHRS-HEVA000011613 • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; NHRS-HEVA000011599 • 1 ♀; Stockholm; 19 th century; NHRS-HEVA000011612 • 1 ♀; “Hlm” [Stockholm]; C.H. Boheman leg. (1796–1868); NHRS-HEVA000011611 • 1 ♀; Östergötland; 19 th century; NHRS-HEVA000011607 • 1 ♂; Uppland; 19 th century; NHRS-HEVA000011612 • 1 ♀; Östergötland, Norrköping, Kimstad; 15 Jun. (year unknown); probably E. Haglund leg. (1837–1901); NHRS-HEVA000011600 • 1 ♀; Uppland, Uppsala, Vassunda; probably 1905–1910; O. Lundblad leg. (1890–1970); NHRS-HEVA000011598 • 1 ♂; Östergötland, Linköping, Sankt Lars, på Gärdesgård (on wooden fence); 10 Jun. 1914; H. Nordenström leg.; NHRS-HEVA000011597 • 1 ♂; Östergötland, Norrköping, Kimstad; 23 Jun. (year unknown); probably E. Haglund leg. (1837–1901); NHRS-HEVA000011596 • 1 ♂; Halland, Kungsbacka, Särö; 23 Jun. (year unknown); N. Westring leg. (1798–1882); NHRS-HEVA000011595 • 1 ♀; Östergötland (green rhomb); NHRS-HEVA000011594 • 1 ♂; “Hlm” [Stockholm]; C.H. Boheman leg. (1796–1868); NHRS-HEVA000011593.

FINLAND • 1 ♀; Åland, Eckerö; 1939; W. Hellén leg.; MZH 355 ( • 1 ♂; Varsinais-Suomi, Lohja, Kouvola Village; 7–10 Jun. 1910; R. Frey leg.; MZH 339 ( • 1 ♀; Varsinais-Suomi, Turku, Ispois (Ispoinen); E. Reuter leg.; MZH ( • 1 ♂; Satakunta, Loimaa; A. Merisuo leg.; MZH ( • 1 ♀; Etelä-Häme, Hattula; L. von Essen leg.; MZH 4184 ( • 1 ♀; Etelä-Häme, Hattula; A. Wegelius leg.; MZH 574 ( • 1 ♀; Etelä-Häme, Pirkkala; T. Grönblom leg.; MZH 589 ( • 1 ♂; Etelä-Häme, Palkäne; W. Hellén leg.; MZH 842 ( • 1 ♂; Pohjois-Karjala, Nurmes; 17 Jun. 1939; A. Saarinen leg.; MZH ( • 1♀; Keski-Pohjanmaa, Haapavesi; unspecified date but probably 1890s; A.G. Helenius leg.; MZH ( • 2 ♂♂; Inarin Lappi, Inari, Ivalo; 24 Jun. 1930; R. Frey leg.; MZH 181, 186 (, • 1 ♀; Inarin Lappi, Inari, Ivalo; 24 Jun. 1937; W. Hellén leg.; MZH 1178 ( • 1 ♀; Inarin Lappi, Inari, Ivalo; 25 Jun. 1937; W. Hellén leg.; MZH 1254 ( • 2 ♂♂; Inarin Lappi, Inari, Ivalo; W. Hellén leg.; MZH 127 (;

UKRAINE • 1 ♂; Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Bogorodchany District, Mochary, 5 km NE of Bogorodchany; 300–320 m; 28 Apr. 2018; O. Varga leg.; mixed forest, sweep netting; NHRS-HEVA000011621.

GERMANY • 1 ♂; Bavaria, Nürnberg; 16 May 2001; R. Bauer leg.; ZSM BC ZSM HYM07484 • 1 ♂; Oberbayern, Ammergauer Alpen, Oberammergau; 16 Jul. 2017; 850 m; M. Riedel leg.; MR.

EUROPE • 1 ♀; “ 1881-93 ”; coll. Buchecker; probably of Central European origin; NHMUK.


Fore wing length 6–14 mm. Antenna in both sexes with 28–36 flagellomeres. First to fourth flagellomere about 4.5–5.0 times as long as wide. Central flagellomeres stout, about 1.5–1.7 times as long as wide. Subapical flagellomeres approximately 0.8–1.0 times as long as wide. Temple slightly widened behind eyes in dorsal view, with coarse scale-like structure following outer and upper margin of compound eye. Frons between antennal scrobes and central ocellus with weak transverse striation (Fig. 1B). Face shagreened, frequently with weak transverse striation in lower half. Head dorsally, behind compound eyes, with rather indistinct punctures on a shagreened background. Inner orbits strongly converging. Face in male narrower than in N. collaris and N. montanus (Figs 1B, 9H). Face below antennal sockets quite smooth with indication of transverse striae in lower part. Mandible chisel-shaped, with sides converging as in N. collaris. Malar space short, about 0.1 times as wide as mandibular base. Wing membrane clear. Pronotum centrally unmodified, not raised as in N. nitens. Sides of pronotum centrally with distinct striae, which extends upwards/backwards to upper part (as in Fig. 6G). Striae often more distinct and larger than in N. montanus. Mesosternum and mesopleuron shagreened with quite dense but clearly discernible punctures, slightly denser and more distinct than in N. collaris and N. montanus. Mesopleuron in front of speculum with weak striae (Fig. 1C). Mesopleural furrow with distinct transverse carinae (Fig. 1C). Mesoscutum shagreened with indistinct punctures, centrally transversely strigose. Notauli deeply impressed, dividing the mesoscutum into three lobes. Scutellum with indistinct punctures on a shagreened background. Propodeum basally weakly aciculate (as in Fig. 6A). Submetapleural carinae complete. First tergite in female 2.0–2.3 times as long as wide (Fig. 9E), in male more variable, about 2.5–3.5 times as long as wide. Sclerotised section of first sternite with a raised keel-like projection centrally often with weak transverse ridges. First to third tergite with transverse rugulose striation that sometimes extends to sides. Male parameres usually more strongly sclerotized, as in typical N. collaris.


Body black. Inner orbit in female with a white line which is about two times as long as wide above the antennal scrobes. Face in male entirely white. Spot below the occipital carina centrally white. The white line on the sides of pronotum is very narrow in both sexes and usually at most about ¼ as wide as the width of the fore femur, missing in small specimens. Tegulae and palpi white. Antennae black or brown. Wing veins and pterostigma testaceous. Coxae in female orange. Mid coxae in large males with large yellow spot that covers most of the outer side or a smaller yellow spot, in smaller males coxae entirely orange. Trochanter and trochantelli yellowish. Legs orange, hind tibia and hind- and mid-tarsi infuscate. Fore and mid femur and tibia sometimes yellow anteriorly.


No host is known for Neoxorides striatus sp. nov. Most records seem to stem from pristine coniferous forests. The available records indicate that the period of flight is June and July in northern Europe.

Distribution and status in Sweden

Only a few recent records. All present localities consist of relatively large fragments of primeval forests. Numerous old specimens from the 19 th century in collections from Sweden and Finland indicates a strong decline in numbers during the last century. Ha, Hs, Sm, Up, Ån, Ög.

DNA barcode

The barcodes of this species are separated from their closest barcode (in N. montanus) by 4.6% p-distance. The sequences are stored on BOLD under accession numbers: FBICA170-11 (BC ZSM HYM 07485), FBICA169-11 (BC ZSM HYM 07484).


Published as part of Johansson, Niklas & Klopfstein, Seraina, 2020, Revision of the Swedish species of Neoxorides Clément, 1938 (Ichneumonidae: Poemeniinae) with the description of a new species and an illustrated key to species, pp. 1-29 in European Journal of Taxonomy 680 on pages 20-23, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.680,


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Linked records

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  • Gravenhorst J. L. C. 1829. Ichneumonologia Europaea. Pars III. Vratislaviae [Wroclaw]. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 11531
  • Oehlke J. 1966. Die westpalaearktischen Arten der Tribus Poemeniini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)., Beitrage zur Entomologie 15 (1965): 881 - 892.