This DATSETNAMEreadme.txt file was generated on 2020-12-07 by Julle-Daniere Eglantine GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: The social function of the feeling and expression of guilt 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Julle-Daniere Eglantine Institution: University of Portsmouth Address: Portsmouth, UK Email: B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Jamie Whitehouse Institution: Nottingham Trent University Address: Nottingham, UK Email: C. Alternate Contact Information Name: Bridget Waller Institution: Nottingham Trent University Address: Nottingham, UK Email: 3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) : 2019-Jan-16 to 2019-Oct-05 4. Geographic location of data collection: Portsmouth, UK 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2016-206); European Research Council Consolidator Grant (864694 FACEDIFF) SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: N/A 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: N.A 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: N/A 5. Was data derived from another source? no 6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Julle-Daniere et al, 2020, The social function of the feeling and expression of guilt [Dataset] DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: a. ALL_dataset: all data collected for this study; includes different onglets Personality_summary: all personality data and index scores Data_StudyA_Affect: all mood data for pLayer 1 Data_StudyA_Personality: all personality data for pLayer 1 Data_StudyA: data collected from the dictator game for pLayer 1 Data_StudyB_Affect: all mood data for pLayer 2, conditions 1&2 Data_StudyB_Personality: all personality data for pLayer 2, conditions 1&2 Data_StudyB: data collected from the dictator game for pLayer 2, conditions 1&2 Data_StudyB3_Affect: all mood data for pLayer 2, condition 3 Data_StudyB3_Personality: all personality data for pLayer 2, condition 3 Data_StudyB3: data collected from the dictator game for pLayer 2, condition 3 b. Study3_Analysis: R code of all analysis conducted on various data files 2. Relationship between files, if important: N/A 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: N/A 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Facial expression. The stimulus videos of Player 1 were coded using the Facial Action Coding System Dictator game - reward split In the dictator game presented to Player 1 (Fig. 1), players were forced to make an uneven split and attribute at least £1 more to themselves or to their partner. Therefore the dependent variable was the overall proportion of coins given to Player 2 (of the 15 available: percentage < 0.5: more money retained for self; percentage > 0.5: more money to Player 2). In conditions 1 and 2, Player 2 was presented with the reward money already split (10 to Player 1, 5 to Player 2). Here, the dependent variable was the magnitude of change from the original split to the final split:  10-x15 , with x  being the final number of coins given to Player 1. In condition 3, Player 2 was presented with an un-split reward and the dependent variable was calculated as for Player 1. 2. Methods for processing the data: Questionnaires and scores Results from dictator game 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Excel and R 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: N/A 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: data collected in the lab. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: N/A 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: all 3 investigators listed above. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [FILENAME] 1. Number of variables: 94 2. Number of cases/rows: 216 rows 3. Variable List: General data MarbleDrops number of times the marble dropped from the structure P1DecisionTime time in sec taken by Player to split the money beween Player 1 and Player 2 YOU number of coins given to self OTHER number of coins given to the other player Other_You difference between nb of coin given to the other and nb of coins kept for self You_Other difference between nb of coin kept for self and given to the other Percent_You percentage of coin kept for self Percent_Other percentage of coins given to the other MoneyBi binary variable: 1. More coins given to the other, 0. More coins kept for self Friend_index friendship index (based on friendship questionnaire: unidimensional relationship closeness scale (URCS)) FriendBI binary variable: 1 if friendship index >3.5; 0 otherwise Closeness_Absolute difference between perceived closeness (out of 100) after and before playing the game AnnoyanceSelf level of annoyance out of 100 felt towards oneself regarding performance at cooperative game WhoseFault: >50 fault attributed to self; <50 fault attributed to partner; 50 fault shared between the 2 players GuiltSelf_P1_T3 level of guilt reported by player 1 at the end of the study, out of 5 GuiltSelf_P1_T2 level of guilt reported by player 1 right after the cooperative game, out of 5 GuiltSelf_P1_BI Guilty if increased level of guilt between T2 and T3; NotGuilty otherwise EthnicGp ethnic group Player 1 self-identified with EthnicGp_P2 ethnic group Player 2 self-identified with Congruence 1 if ethnic group Player 1 = ethnic group Player 2 Congruence2 A-B: A ethnic Player 1, B ethnic Player 2 G_NBE/G_R guilt subscales from guilt and shame proneness scale (GASP), out of 10 S_NSE/S_W shame subscales from guilt and shame proneness scale (GASP), out of 10 FACX_Y factor resulting from factor analysis of facial movements MagnitudeSplit Player 2 presented with original split (10 coins for other, 5 coins for self); this measure how Player 2 changed that original split: (original split-coins given to other in the end)/total nb of coin 15 Guilt3_P2 level of guilt reported by player 2 at the end of the study, out of 5 Guilt_P2Bi 1 if increased level of guilt between T2 and T3; 0 otherwise GuiltJudged_P2P1 level of guilt Player 2 thinks Player 1 feels on video GuiltJudged_P2P1bi 1 if judged guilt >2; 0 otherwise GuiltSelf_P1 = GuiltSelf_P1_T3 Personality data Gender female/male Age split by categories: <20, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 EthnicGp ethnic group players self-identified with UK_stay1 time spent in the UK, in years Money_split = Percent_Other Ext Extraversion subscale from ‘How am I in general’ questionnaire Ag Agreeableness subscale from ‘How am I in general’ questionnaire Cons Conscientiousness subscale from ‘How am I in general’ questionnaire EmS Emotional Stability subscale from ‘How am I in general’ questionnaire Op Openness to new experience subscale from ‘How am I in general’ questionnaire Positive1 Positive score from PANAS questionnaire at the beginning of study, out of 5 Negative1 Negative score from PANAS questionnaire at the beginning of study, out of 5 Guilt1 level of guilt felt at the beginning of study, out of 5 AnnoyanceSelf level of annoyance out of 100 felt towards oneself regarding performance at cooperative game AnnoyancePartner level of annoyance out of 100 felt towards the partner regarding performance at cooperative game Positive2 Positive score from PANAS questionnaire after the cooperative game, out of 5 Negative2 Negative score from PANAS questionnaire, out of 5 Guilt2 level of guilt felt after the cooperative game, out of 5 Positive3 Positive score from PANAS questionnaire at the end of study, out of 5 Negative3 Negative score from PANAS questionnaire at the end of study, out of 5 Guilt3 level of guilt felt at the end of study, out of 5 GuiltBi 1 if increased level of guilt between T2 and T3; 0 otherwise Positive_P1 Positive score of Player 1 from PANAS questionnaire at the end of study, out of 5 Negative_P1 Negative score of Player 1 from PANAS questionnaire at the end of study, out of 5 Guilt_P1 = GuiltSelf_P1_T3 Closeness_Pre level of closeness felt out of 100 before playing the game Closeness_Post level of closeness felt out of 100 after playing the game Closeness = Closeness_Absolute Cooperation_other out of 100, level of cooperation one thinks their partner displayed during the game Engagement_other out of 100, level of engagement one thinks their partner displayed during the game Motor_Other out of 100, level of motor skills one thinks their partner displayed during the game Whose fault >50 fault attributed to self; <50 fault attributed to partner; 50 fault shared WhoToBlaim >50 “me”, <50 “other” =50 “both” Machiavelism/Psychopathy/Neuroticism subscales from the dirty dozen personality questionnaire Affect data 1PositiveAffect = Positive1 1NegativeAffect = Negative1 2PositiveAffect = Positive2 2NegativeAffect = Negative2 3PositiveAffectAfter = Positive3 3NegativeAffectAfter = Negative3 1Guilty = Guilt1 2Guilty = Guilt2 3Guilty = Guilt3 1Ashamed level of shame felt at the beginning of study 1Distressed level of distress felt at the beginning of study 1Proud level of pride felt at the beginning of study 2Ashamed level of shame felt after the cooperative game 2Distressed level of distress felt after the cooperative game 2Proud level of pride felt after the cooperative game 3Ashamed level of shame felt at the end of study 3Distressed level of distress felt at the end of study 3Proud level of pride felt at the end of study PositiveAffectDifferent13 difference 3Positive-1Positive NegativeAffectDifference13 difference 3Negative3-1Negative GuiltDifference13 difference Guilt3-Guilt1 PositiveAffectDifferent23 difference 3Positive-2Positive NegativeAffectDifference23 difference 3Negative-2Negative GuiltDifference23 difference Guilt3-Guilt2 PositiveAffectDifferent12 difference 2Positive-1Positive NegativeAffectDifference12 difference 2Negative-1Negative GuiltDifference12 difference Guilt2-Guilt1 ShameDifference23 difference 3Ashamed- 2Ashamed DistressedDifference23 difference 3Distressed-2Distressed PrideDifference23 difference 3Proud-2Proud 4. Missing data codes: *blank cell* 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: N/A