PsPM-ViS dataset ================= Repository Version: 2020.07.07 This dataset contains skin conductance responses (SCR), electrocardyogram (ECG), respiration, pupil size (PSR), and gaze coordinates measurements for 29 healthy unmedicated participants (17 females and 12 males aged 25.3 +/- 3.7) participating in a a classical (Pavlovian) discriminant delay fear conditioning experiment with 3 blocks. CSs are 2 full-screen patterns of approximately equal brightness, contrast, and spatial frequency. US was a train of electric square pulses delivered with a constant current stimulator on participants' dominant forearm through a pin-cathod/ring-anode configuration. SOA between the CS and US was 3.5 s. The first 2 blocks were fear acquisition, with 15 CS+US+, 15 CS+US-, and 30 CS- in each block, and the last block was an extinction phase with 20 CS- and 20 CS+ trials without US delivery. The order of trials in each block was randomized. No fixation cross was presented during CS. During ITI, a black fixation cross was presented in the center of a grey background (RGB 0.7, 0.7, 0.7). ITI was randomly determined on each trial to be an integer between 7 - 11 s. The blocks were recorded on the same day with self-paced breaks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This repository is curated by the PsPM team, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset is described and used in following references: - Yanfang Xia & Filip Melinscak & Dominik R. Bach (2020) Saccadic scanpath length: an index for human threat conditioning. Behav Res (2020). DOI:10.3758/s13428-020-01490-5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Structure: - README.txt // This document - excludes.txt // Information on subjects excluded from certain publications - Data // Folder Containing all data files - ViS_wdq_XX_snY.mat // 29 files holding measurements for SCR, ECG, respiration - ViS_pupil_XX_snY.mat // 29 files holding measurements for eye-tracker - ViS_cogent_XX_snY.mat // 29 files holding key presses, CS/US information and demographics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Files: - Files holding SCR, ECG, respiration traces and time markers, recorded with WDQ software. - Skin conductance (channel 1) - Electrocardiogram (channel 2) - Respiration (channel 3) - Event markers used for synchronization with Cogent files, markers are set at CS presentation onset (channel 4) - Files holding pupil traces and time markers, recorded with Eyelink software. - Event markers used for synchronization with Cogent files, marker are set at CS presentation onset (channel 1) - Pupil size for left pupil (channel 2) - Gaze coordinate x for left pupil (channel 3) - Gaze coordinate y for left pupil (channel 4) - Pupil size for right pupil (channel 5) - Gaze coordinate x for right pupil (channel 6) - Gaze coordinate y for right pupil (channel 7) - Files holding keyboard presses and CS/US information, recorded with Cogent 2000 software. Also contains demographic (age, sex, group). The field indicates the assignment of CS+/- to stimulus patterns. The data file name is composed of: - ViS The dataset name - wdq/pupil/cogent The type of data recorded (see above) - XX The subject number - Y The session number Data are stored as .mat files for use with MATLAB (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, USA) in a format readable by the PsPM toolbox ( All Matlab files are saved in MATLAB 9.5 (R2018b) format.