Readme for data file “Male_Brom_Association_data.csv”, which provides the proportion of monitored territorial males that were found on bromeliads for golden rocket frogs (Anomaloglossus beebei) and Kai rocket frogs (Anomaloglossus kaiei). Data from manuscript: JP Tumulty & MA Bee. Ecological and social drivers of neighbor recognition and the dear enemy effect in a poison frog. Behavioral Ecology. Data collected by James Tumulty Columns: —Nmales: Number of territorial males surveyed at a particular site in a particular year. —NBrom: Number of bromeliads mapped at a particular site in a particular year. —Obs_prop_onBrom: The observed proportion of capture locations of territorial males that were on bromeliads. For each male, one capture location was randomly selected to use to calculate this proportion to account for the non-independence of multiple capture locations of the same male. —Site: The name of the site that was surveyed for territorial males. —Year: The year the data was recorded. —Species: Whether the data are from golden rocket frogs ("beebei") or Kai rocket frogs ("kaiei").