Readme for data file “Egg_Association_Simdata.csv”, which provides the simulated data of the proportion of egg clutches that would be found within male territories by chance for each site in each year. Data from manuscript: JP Tumulty & MA Bee. Ecological and social drivers of neighbor recognition and the dear enemy effect in a poison frog. Behavioral Ecology. Data collected by James Tumulty Columns: —Sim_prop_egg: The proportion of n random locations that were within male territories in a site, where n is the number of egg clutches found at a site in a given year. N can be found in the data sheet "Egg_Association_data.csv". The simulation was repeated 10,000 times for each site-year. —Species: Whether the data was simulated for the golden rocket frog site ("beebei") or the Kai rocket frog site ("kaiei"). There was only one site per species, so there is no separate site column here. Egg clutch data were only recorded for golden rocket frogs. —Year: The year the data was recorded that the simulations are based off of.