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Published October 11, 2020 | Version 2.11
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jgm/pandoc: pandoc 2.11


Click to expand changelog - Add `--citeproc` (`-C`) option to trigger built-in citation processing. It is no longer necessary to use the external `pandoc-citeproc` filter. `--citeproc` behaves like a filter and can be positioned relative to other filters as they appear on the command line. The new built-in citation processing uses the citeproc library, a reimplementation of CSL citation processing that fixes many of the shortcomings of pandoc-citeproc. In general, citation processing should work much the same as it did with pandoc-citeproc, but with greater fidelity to CSL styles and better performance. (The tests from the pandoc-citeproc package have been carried over to pandoc.) The following differences should be noted: - At this point, only some of the writers (HTML, ms, LaTeX) properly interpret CSL display styles. You should get decent output in all formats (at least as good as with pandoc-citeproc), but indentation and block-alignment may not be right. - pandoc-citeproc searches the `~/.csl` directory for `.csl` styles. Pandoc instead searches the `csl` subdirectory of the pandoc user data directory (e.g., `~/.pandoc/csl` or `~/.local/share/pandoc/csl`). Users who already keep CSL styles in `~/.csl` may find it convenient to add a symlink. - Some of the bibliography formats supported by pandoc-citeproc (via hs-bibutils) are no longer supported: Copac, EndNote, ISI, MEDLINE, MODS, and RIS. If you use one of these formats, you may use the `bibutils` utility to convert to BibLaTeX. We now support only BibTeX, BibLaTeX, CSL JSON, and pandoc's YAML/Markdown analogue of CSL JSON. - pandoc-citeproc would always retrieve the independent parent of a dependent style by doing an HTTP request. pandoc will now first seek the independent parent locally (in the resource path or in the `csl` subdirectory of the pandoc user data directory) before resorting to HTTP. In addition, you may omit the `.csl` extension, e.g. `--csl zoology`. - Using the `--bibliography` option (or including `bibliography` in YAML metadata) no longer triggers citation processing implicitly: one must always use the `--citeproc` option if citation processing is wanted. - Add `csljson` as and input and output format. This allows pandoc to convert between `csljson` and other bibliography formats (e.g. `-f csljson -t markdown -s` or `-f bibtex -t csljson`), and to generate formatted versions of CSL JSON bibliographies (e.g., `pandoc -f csljson --citeproc pl.json -o pl.pdf`). - Added `bibtex`, `biblatex` as input formats. This allows pandoc to convert between BibLaTeX and BibTeX and other bibliography formats, and to generated formatted versions of BibTeX/BibLaTeX bibliographies (e.g., `pandoc -f biblatex --citeproc pl.bib -o pl.pdf`). - Raise informative errors when YAML metadata parsing fails (#6730). Previously the command would succeed, returning empty metadata, with no errors or warnings. - Sort languages in `--list-highlight-languages` output (#6718, Albert Krewinkel). Languages were previously sorted by their long name, which leads to unexpected results). - Add CSS to default HTML template (#6601, Mauro Bieg). This greatly improves the default typography in pandoc's HTML output. The CSS is sensitive to a number of variables (e.g. `mainfont`, `fontsize`, `linestretch`): see the manual for details. To restore the earlier, more spartan output, you can disable this with `-M document-css=false`. - Support `--toc-depth` option for ODT writer (#6696, niszet). - Fix issues with Windows UNC paths with some options (#5127). - Remove `fenced_code_blocks` and `backtick_code_blocks` from allowed `commonmark` and `gfm` extensions. These shouldn't really be counted as extensions, because they can't be disabled in commonmark. Adjust markdown writer to check for the commonmark variant in addition to extensions. - Add these extensions to `gfm` and `commonmark`: `fenced_code_blocks`, `backtick_code_blocks`, `fenced_code_attributes`. These can't really be disabled in the reader, but they need to be enabled in the writer or we just get indented code. - Make sure proper set of extensions is recognized for `commonmark_x`. - Allow `gfm_auto_identifiers`, `ascii_identifiers` extensions for `docx`. - Markdown reader: - Add `Maybe FilePath` parameter to `yamlToMeta` \[API change\]. - Export `yamlToRefs` \[API change\], a version of `yamlToMeta` specialized to references. - Set `citationNoteNum` accurately in citations. - Revise abbreviation support. Don't insert a nonbreaking space after a potential abbreviation if it comes right before a note or citation. This causes problems for citeproc's moving of note citations. - LaTeX reader: - Support missing siunitx commands (#6658). - Support `squared`, `cubed`, `tothe` in siunitx (#6657). - Improved uncertainty handling in slunitx. - Factored out siunitx stuff into separate unexposed module. - Fix improper empty cell filtering (#6689, Christian Despres). - Fix parsing of "show name" in `\newtheorem` (#6734). Previously we were just treating it as a string and ignoring accents and formatting. - Prevent wrong nesting of `\multirow` and `\multicolumn` table cells (#6603, Laurent P. René de Cotret). - Table cell parser not consuming spaces correctly (#6596, Laurent P. René de Cotret). - Change `SIRange` to `SIrange` (#6617, Emerson Harkin). - Allow blank lines inside `\author` (#6324). - DocBook reader: - Don't squelch space at end of emphasis and other inline elements; instead, move it outside the element (#6719). - Implement table cell alignment (#6698, Nils Carlson). - Implement column span support for tables (#6492, Nils Carlson). - Update list of block level tags (#6610). - JATS reader: - Don't squelch space at end of emphasis and other inline elements; instead, move it outside the element (#6719). - RST reader: - Apply `.. class::` directly to following Header rather than creating a surrounding Div (#6699). - Docx reader: - Allow empty dates in comments and tracked changes (#6726, Diego Balseiro). - Markdown writer: - Be less aggressive about using quotes for YAML values, allowing e.g. a quotation mark or bracket as long as it's not at the beginning of the line. - Use double quotes for YAML metadata (#6727). - Sort YAML metadata keys in Markdown output case-insensitive. - Asciidoc writer: - Support asciidoctor's block figures (#6538, argent0). - LaTeX writer: - Fix spacing issue with list in definition list. When a list occurs at the beginning of a definition list definition, it can start on the same line as the label, which looks bad. Fix that by starting such lists with an `\item[]`. - HTML writer: - Support intermediate table headers (#5314, Albert Krewinkel). - Support attributes on all table elements (Albert Krewinkel). - Render table footers if present (#6314, Albert Krewinkel). - Fix addition of `doc-biblioentry` role. - Support colspans and rowspans in HTML tables (#6312, Albert Krewinkel). - ICML writer: - Support internal document links (#5541, Leonard Rosenthol). - Changed default link state to invisible (#6676, Leonard Rosenthol). - Docx writer: - Better handle list items whose contents are lists (#5948, Michael Hoffmann). If the first element of a bulleted or ordered list is another list, then that first item would previously disappear if the target format is docx. - Separate adjacent tables (#4315). Word combines adjacent tables, so to prevent this we insert an empty paragraph between two adjacent tables. - Org writer: - Don't force blank line after headings (#6554). - OpenDocument writer: - Implement table cell alignment (#6700 Nils Carson, Mauro Bieg). - New table cell support with row and column spans (#6682, Nils Carson). - Syntax highlighting for inline code (#6711, niszet). - Add Text.Pandoc.Citeproc module, exporting `processCitations` \[API change\]. This depends on several other, unexported modules under Text.Pandoc.Citeproc. - Add module Text.Pandoc.Writers.CslJson, exporting `writeCslJson`. \[API change\] - Add module Text.Pandoc.Readers.CslJson, exporting `readCslJson`. \[API change\] - Add module Text.Pandoc.Readers.BibTeX, exporting `readBibTeX` and `readBibLaTeX`. \[API change\] - Text.Pandoc.Filter: Add `CiteprocFilter` constructor to Filter. \[API change\] This runs the processCitations transformation. We need to treat it like a filter so it can be placed in the sequence of filter runs (after some, before others). In FromYAML, this is parsed from `citeproc` or `{type: citeproc}`, so this special filter may be specified either way in a defaults file (or by `citeproc: true`, though this gives no control of positioning relative to other filters). - Add new exported module Text.Pandoc.Writers.AnnotatedTable \[API change\] (#6655, Christian Despres). This module (which should generally be imported qualified to avoid name conflicts) provides a `Table` type that mirrors the structure of a pandoc `Table`, but with added inferred information so that the writers do not have to lay out tables themselves. The `toTable` and `fromTable` functions convert between an annotated `Table` and a regular pandoc `Table`. In addition to producing a `Table` with coherent and well-formed annotations, the `toTable` function also normalizes its input table like the table builder does. Tests ensure that `toTable` normalizes tables exactly like the table builder, and that its annotations are coherent. - Text.Pandoc.Logging: - Remove unused `CouldNotParseYamlMetadata` constructor for `LogMessage` \[API change\]. - Add `CiteprocWarning` constructor to `LogMessage` \[API change\]. - Text.Pandoc.Readers.Metadata: export `yamlBsToRefs` \[API change\]. These allow specifying an id filter so we parse only references that are used in the document. - Text.Pandoc.Parsing: - Export ParseError \[API change\]. - Add `stateInNote` and `stateNoteNumber` to `ParserState` \[API change\]. These are used to populate note numbers for citation processing. - Fix apparent typos in sample.lua (#6729, William Lupton). Also make the writer less aggressive in escaping quotes. - Text.Pandoc.Options: - `defaultMathJaxURL`: use `tex-chtml-full` instead of `tex-mml-chtml` (#6599, Kolen Cheung). This drops the MathML support (which we don't need for HTML math rendering) and includes the full JavaScript, which makes it possible to use `--self-contained` (though there may still be issues if the required math fonts aren't available). This change should also reduce latency in pages with lots of formulas. - Add `/tex-chtml-full.js` to `defaultMathJaxURL` (#6593) Previously we added this in processing command line options, but not in processing defaults files, which was inconsistent. - epub.css: Fix cover page selectors and add note explaining their use (#6649, a-vrma). - Add data files needed for Text.Pandoc.Citeproc: these include `default.csl` in the data directory and a `citeproc` directory that is only used at compile-time for biblatex localizations. Note that we've added `file-embed` as a mandatory rather than a conditional depedency, because of the biblatex localization files. - Lua filters: - Add SimpleTable for backwards compatibility (#6575, Albert Krewinkel). A new type `SimpleTable` is made available to Lua filters. It is similar to the `Table` type in pandoc versions before 2.10; conversion functions from and to the new Table type are provided. Old filters using tables now require minimal changes and can use, e.g., if PANDOC_VERSION > {2,10,1} then pandoc.Table = pandoc.SimpleTable end and function Table (tbl) tbl = pandoc.utils.to_simple_table(tbl) … return pandoc.utils.from_simple_table(tbl) end to work with the current pandoc version. - Make `attr` argument optional in `Table` constructor (Albert Krewinkel). This changes the Lua API. It is highly unlikely for this change to affect existing filters, since the documentation for the new Table constructor (and type) was incomplete and partly wrong before. The Lua API is now more consistent, as all constructors for elements with attributes now take attributes as the last parameter. - MANUAL.txt: - Add a dedicated Citations section which consolidates the information the manual used to contain about citation processing, and incorporates some information formerly found in the pandoc-citeproc man page. - Add note about lualatex using `selnolig`. - Remove duplicate `seriespage` (#6568, Blake Eryx). - Remove lists of support extensions for markdown variants (#6604). Instead, offer the advice to use `--list-extensions=FORMAT`. - Fix position of attributes in header (Albert Krewinkel). - Delete obsolete section on compact and loose lists (#6684). - doc/ - Add info on how to debug Lua filters (#6732, Ian Max Andolina). - Document Underline type and constructor (Albert Krewinkel). - Document `body` field (Albert Krewinkel). - Add missing header attribute - Add missing Link.title field (Albert Krewinkel). - Make the setting-the-date example conditional (the-solipsist). This makes the example a bit more realistic. - Remove outdated link table example. - doc/ - Add section on tables (Albert Krewinkel). - Add section on handling of unknown directives (Albert Krewinkel). - fix typo (#6584, Dmitry Volodin). - Use golden test framework for command tests. This means that `--accept` can be used to update expected output. - Use the `smart` extension when generating pandoc's man page (#6613). - Release-candidate: don't build windows i386. So far we haven't been able to figure out how to get stack to use a 32-bit ghc. - Use `null` instead of deprecated `Builder.isNull`. - Makefile: - Fix macospkg target to fetch target from S3 artifacts. - Fix pandoc-templates target to include all partials. - Remove duplicated dependency in pandoc.cabal (#6591, Felix Yan). - Sort build depends in pandoc.cabal alphabetically (#6691, Albert Krewinkel). - Add .travis.yml for macos release candidate build (#6622). We need to build the release candidate on Travis rather than GitHub actions, because GH has macos 10.15, and binaries compiled on that OS will not work with 10.13. This build is only triggered on `rc/*` branches. - Remove instructions for building pandoc-citeproc from CI and release binary build instructions. We will no longer distribute pandoc-citeproc. - Fix math rendering in trypandoc (this broke after commit d8ad766d17603784b86fc5c2e1b22864125d04d1). - Use latest versions of skylighting, commonmark (#6589), comonmark-extensions, commonmark-pandoc, texmath. - Relax version bounds for hslua, hslua-module-text, bytestring. - Use released pandoc-types 1.22. This changes the JSON encoding slightly for the new table types introduced in 1.21, so they're more consistent with the rest. Developers of libraries for pandoc filters will want to take note. - Fix hlint suggestions, update hlint.yaml (#6680, Christian Despres). - Code cleanup (#6678, Joseph C. Sible). - Add haddocks to functions in Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (Albert Krewinkel). - Remove duplicate `tshow` definition. - Linux release candidate build: use ghc-musl container. This simplifies our build process (over using a customized alpine container).



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