This describes the data spreadsheet found in Data.xlsx. Data_1 is the data from Sample A. Data_2 is the data from Sample B. Each row is an observation. The NV name/number is given in the column NV. The sample area (B = bulk (~50um thickness), C = cantilever (~3um thickness), M = membrane (~3um thickness)) states where on the sample the NV was measured. The two laser power columns state the powers of the 532nm and 637nm lasers. The ZPL column gives the position of the ZPL measured with the spectrometer (wavelength in air). Ex, Ey linewidths: based on fits to measured PLE. Splitting: distance between centers of Ex and Ey linewidths. E1, E2, Ex, Ey: other lines, not measured in this data set Lowest power: indicates whether measurement was the lowest power measurement available for that NV. Useful for logical indexing. Isotope: labelling through pulsed ESR, labels are N14 (all N14 NVs), NA (NVs that couldn't be labelled), N15 (broad N15 NVs), N15_2 (narrow N15 NVs, highlighted in red) Tsample and Tcoldhead: measured temperatures at the sample and coldhead temperature sensors.