Published January 28, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The gut microbiota — brain axis of insects

  • 1. University of Lausanne


Research on the connections between gut microbes and the neurophysiology and behavior of their animal hosts has grown exponentially in just a few years. Most studies have focused on mammalian models as their relevance to human health is widely established. However, evidence is accumulating that insect behavior may be governed by molecular mechanisms that are partly homologous to those of mammals, and therefore relevant for the understanding of their behavioral dysfunctions. Social insects in particular may provide experimentally amenable models to disentangle the contributions of individual bacterial symbionts to the gut microbiota — brain axis. In this review, we summarize findings from recent research on the neurological and behavioral effects of the gut microbiota of insects and propose an integrated approach to unravel the extended behavioral phenotypes of gut microbes in the honey bee.


This work was funded by the University of Lausanne, the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement BRAIN (No 797113) to Joanito Liberti, and by a HFSP Young Investigator grant (RGY0077/2016), a ERC Starting Grant (MicroBeeOme), and a Swiss National Science Foundation grant (31003A_160345) to Philipp Engel.



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European Commission
MicroBeeOme – Evolution of the honey bee gut microbiome through bacterial diversification 714804
European Commission
BRAIN – Bacterial regulation of Apis neurophysiology 797113