License ========== The dataset components are licensed in the following manner: - Target sound event recordings (`source_data/events`) are accompanied by the license information on a per-file basis: for each `*.wav` file see the corresponding `*.yaml` file with information about the author and the license. Such licenses as CC BY-NC 3.0, CC BY 3.0, Sampling Plus 1.0 and CC0 1.0 are applicable, depending on the file. The list of the used freesound files with attribution and licenses is also aggregated in FREESOUNDCREDITS.txt file. - Source background recordings are licensed under the EULA.pdf file at `source_data/bgs/EULA.pdf`. - The generated mixtures are licensed under the EULA.pdf file at `mixture_data/EULA.pdf`. - The mixture sets use many sounds from freesound, for the full list with attribution see files: `source_data/cv_setup/events_devtrain.yaml` and `source_data/cv_setup/events_devtest.yaml`. - The TUT_Rare_sound_events_mixture_synthesizer software is licensed under EULA.pdf at `TUT_Rare_sound_events_mixture_synthesizer/EULA.pdf`.