Land-use impacts of Brazilian wind power expansion
- 1. University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences
- 2. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- 3. German Aerospace Center
- 4. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
The dataset support findings that are reported in the study Land-use impacts of Brazilian wind power expansion which is currently available as a preprint DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.29794.76480
This is an initial release of the data set, its stable version will be released on acceptance by the peer-reviewed journal.
Current version of the data set provides aggregated land-use and land cover for the wind park clusters, which were installed from 1998 to 2018 in four federal states in Brazil that cover 80% of the country’s installed capacity. The land-use and land cover for each wind park cluster was aggregated for the year which is two years prior to the commissioning year of that wind park cluster.
- state: federal state of Brazil i.e., BA (Bahia), CE (Céara), RN (Rio Grande do Norte), RS (Rio Grande do Sul)
- wind_cluster_id: identification code for each wind cluster
- anthropogenic_land_m2: area of anthropogenic land-use within the wind cluster, m2
- coastal_sand_m2: area of coastal sands within the wind cluster, m2
- native_vegetation_m2: area of native vegetation within the wind cluster, m2
- water_m2: area of water within the wind cluster, m2
- total_area_m2: total area of the wind cluster, m2
- wind_cluster_type: type of the wind cluster based on its prevailing land-use and land cover class i.e.,
- AnthLd wind cluster has anthropogenic land as its prevailing land-use and land cover class
- Coast wind cluster has coastal sand as its prevailing land-use and land cover class
- NatVeg wind cluster has native vegetation as its prevailing land-use and land cover class
The land-use and land cover for wind park clusters is derived from annual land-use and land cover maps for Brazil with the spatial resolution of 30 x 30 m by MapBiomas project [1]. The wind park locations and their commissioning dates are derived from the data set by Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency [2].
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Additional details
- [1] Project MapBiomas 2019 Collection 4.0 of Brazilian Land Cover & Use Map Series. Available at:
- [2] ANEEL 2019 Sistema Georreferenciado do Setor Elétrico do Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica Available at: