Galactic 3D extinction of Leike et al 2020 There are 4 files in the data set. The file 'samples.h5' contains 12 contains approximate posterior samples of the dust density, the other files contain summary statistics thereof and can be computed from the file 'samples.h5', but are a lot smaller. Provided under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). samples.h5 Attributes: - information: contains information about the origin, content, and license of this file as a string. Contains: - samples: A (12,740,740,540) data array of float32 The data cube has four dimensions. The ijkl-th data value contains the extinction per parsec in the region where the x coordinate reaches from (j-370)pc to (j-369)pc , analogously for (k,y). The z-corrdinate in the ijkl-th data value ranges from (l-270)pc to (l-269)pc. The galactic center lies in positive x direction, z is the coordinate axis perpendicular to the galactic disk. The index i counts through the posterior samples. Note that the extinction is not in magnitudes but in natural logarithmic units, i.e. a value of 1 corresponds to an intensity reduction of e^{-1} for G-Band photons traveling one parsec through that dust. Attributes: - information: contains the above paragraph as a string. mean_std.h5 Sample mean and variance of the file 'samples.h5' Attributes: - information: contains information about the origin, content, and license of this file as a string. Contains: - mean: A (740,740,540) array of float32 The data cube has three dimensions. The jkl-th data value contains the extinction per parsec in the region where the x coordinate reaches from (j-370)pc to (j-369)pc , analogously for (k,y). The z-corrdinate in the jkl-th data value ranges from (l-270)pc to (l-269)pc. The galactic center lies in positive x direction, z is the coordinate axis perpendicular to the galactic disk. Note that the extinction is not in magnitudes but in natural logarithmic units, i.e. a value of 1 corresponds to an intensity reduction of e^{-1} for G-Band photons traveling one parsec through that dust. Attributes: - information: contains the above paragraph as a string. - std: A (740,740,540) array of float32 One sigma uncertainty estimates on the extinction values. \nNote that the uncertainties of individual voxels are correlated, for a detailed analysis using the posterior samples is recommended.") Attributes: - information: contains the above paragraph as a string. power.h5 The power spectra computed from samples.h5 Attributes: - information: contains information about the origin, content, and license of this file as a string. Contains: - power: An array of shape (12, 11187652) The ij-th data value contains the i-th sample of the j-th k-mode of the Power spectrum of the logarithmic G-band dust extinction cross section density. The power spectra were computed by P_k = |F(s)|^2/V where F is the Fourier transform, s is the dust extinction density in the G-band in e-folds per parsec, and V is the volume of the map, i.e. 740^2*540pc^3. To obtain P_k, values with the same k were averaged. The power is given in units of pc. The dataset 'power_coordinates' contains the corresponding Fourier coordinates to this dataset in units of pc^{-1} Attributes: - information: contains the above paragraph as a string. - power_coordinates: An array of shape (11187652) Coordinates for the power spectrum. Note that we follow the Fourier-convention where the minimal non-zero k-coordinate is 1/L (without 2 Pi), where L is the Length of the box (740pc). Coordinates are given in units of 1/pc. Attributes: - information: contains the above paragraph as a string. histogram.h5 The histogram computed from samples.h5 Attributes: - information: contains information about the origin, content, and license of this file as a string Contains: - histogram: An array of shape (12, 256) The ij-th data value corresponds to the number of voxels in the i-th posterior sample with dust extinction density in e-folds per parsec between bin_edges[j] and bin_edges[j+1]. Attributes: - information: contains the above paragraph as a string. - bin_edges: An array of shape (257) Edges of the bins of the histogram. Units are in e-folds per parsec.") Attributes: - information: contains the above paragraph as a string.