Published September 22, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

MuMMER dataset

  • 1. Idiap Research Institute


A dataset for multi-party human-robot interaction available for research purposes.

It comprises 1 h 29 min of multimodal recordings of people interacting with the social robot Pepper in entertainment scenarios, such as quiz, chat, and route guidance. In the 33 clips (of 1 to 4 min long) recorded from the robot point of view, the participants are interacting with the robot in an unconstrained manner.

The dataset contains color and depth videos from a Kinect v2, an Intel D435, and the video from Pepper. All the (visual) faces and the identities in the dataset were manually annotated, making the identities consistent across time and clips. The goal of the dataset is to evaluate perception algorithms in multi-party human/robot interaction, in particular the reidentification part when a track is lost, as this ability is crucial for keeping the dialog history. The dataset can easily be extended with other types of annotations



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

Request access

If you would like to request access to these files, please fill out the form below.

You need to satisfy these conditions in order for this request to be accepted:

Access to the dataset is based on an End-User License Agreement. The use of the dataset is strictly restricted to non-commercial research.

Please provide us the following information about the authorized signatory (MUST hold a permanent position):

  • Full name
  • Name of organization
  • Position / job title
  • Academic / professional email address
  • URL where we can verify the information details

Only academic/professional email addresses from the same organization as the signatory are accepted for the online request. All online requests coming from generic email providers such as gmail will be rejected.

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MuMMER – MultiModal Mall Entertainment Robot 688147
European Commission