FOLDER "uWFp_animal_products": it contains the unit water footprint of production (in m3/ton) of animal-based products, averaged over the period 1996-2005 and referred to year 2000; "uWF_itemXX.mat": uWF of the product XX, m3/ton. ROWS: producing country; COLS: - FOLDER "uWFp_primary_crops": it contains the unit water footprint of production (in m3/ton) of primary crops, along the period 1961-2016; "uWFp_itemXX.mat": uWF of the product XX, m3/ton. ROWS: producing country; COLS: years FOLDER "uWFs_primary&derived_crops": it contains the unit water footprint of supply (in m3/ton) of primary and processed crops, along the period 1986-2016; "uWFs_itemXX.mat": uWF of the product XX, m3/ton. ROWS: producing country; COLS: years FOLDER "WFp_animal_products": it contains the water footprint of production (in m3/yr) of animal-based products, averaged over the period 1996-2005 and referred to year 2000; "VWP_itemXX.mat": VWP of the product XX, m3/yr. ROWS: producing country; COLS: - FOLDER "WFp_primary_crops": it contains the water footprint of production (in m3/yr) of primary crops along the period 1961-2016; "VWP_itemXX.mat": VWP of the product XX, m3/yr. ROWS: producing country; COLS: year FOLDER "VWT_animal_products": it contains the detailed trade matrix of virtual water (in m3/yr) of animal-based products, averaged over the period 1996-2005 and referred to year 2000; "VWT_itemXX_2000.mat": VWT of the product XX, m3/yr. ROWS: exporting country; COLS: importing country FOLDER "VWT_primary_crops": it contains the detailed trade matrix of virtual water (in m3/yr) of primary crops, along the period 1986-2016; "VWT_itemXX_YYYY.txt": VWT of the product XX in year YYYY, m3/yr. ROWS: exporting country; COLS: importing country