Input.Stance,Input.Claim,Input.Tagme_concepts,Input.Babelfy_concepts,Answer.rel,Answer.concept_1,Answer.concept1.entities,Answer.effect,Answer.concept_2,Answer.concept2.entities,Answer.GoodBad,Answer.concept_3 for,"By legalizing drugs, the state can regulate the sale","{'regulation', 'state (polity)', 'recreational drug use', 'legalization'}",{'drug'},Relation,legalizing drugs,legalization|drug,positive,state can regulate the sale,state (polity)|regulation,good,"citizens, public health, state, government, public safety, taxes, budgets, sales" against,"Despite promising developments, it is unrealistic to expect Iraqs own forces to be able to take over fully in the near future.","{'future', 'expectation (epistemic)'}","{'future', 'contempt', 'iraq', 'exploitation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Fair Use provides sufficient protection to copyright-holders to generate significant revenues.,"{'fair use', 'protectionism'}","{'fair use', 'tax revenue'}",Relation,fair use,fair use,positive,protection to copyright-holders to generate significant revenues,protectionism|tax revenue,good,"copyright holders, tax payers, copyright holders" against,We have to look at there evidence of times that this has been attempted,set(),"{'evidence', 'time'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Difficulties in defining Fair Use leads to wasteful court-battles.,{'fair use'},{'fair use'},Relation,difficulties in defining fair use,fair use,positive,court-battles,fair use,bad,"courts, companies, courts, users, courts, companies" against,"Withdrawal from Iraq would crush moderates, embolden extremists","{'moderate', 'extremism', 'iraq'}","{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'extremism', 'moderate'}",Relation,withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,positive,embolden extremists,extremism,bad,"iraqis, moderates, most of the population, moderates" for,Regulated legalization of drugs will improve public health,"{'free will', 'public health', 'prostitution law', 'drug liberalization'}","{'drug liberalization', 'regulation', 'public health'}",Relation,regulated legalization of drugs,drug liberalization|regulation,positive,public health,public health,good,"public health, society, individuals, society, the general public, society, public, citizens" for,A coalition timetable would force Iraqis to come together and work faster.,set(),"{'coalition', 'iraqi people'}",Relation,a coalition timetable,coalition,positive,iraqis to come together and work faster,iraqi people,neutral, against,In the short term it might eliminate drug dealers on our streets but do any of us really think that whatever multinational corporation ends of cornering the drug market will have a problem trading with the existing cartels,"{'problem solving', 'will (philosophy)', 'multinational corporation'}","{'trust (electronics company)', 'street', 'market (economics)', 'illegal drug trade', 'drug', 'problem', 'term (time)', 'multinational corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,4-team playoff is good way to determine champs,set(),"{'playoffs', 'champion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Political progress has been made but must be continued with coalition support.,"{'politics', 'coalition'}","{'politics', 'coalition'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legalizing drugs would eliminate an industry that drives gangs and criminal activities,"{'crime', 'gang', 'recreational drug use', 'motivation'}","{'crime', 'drug', 'gang', 'industry'}",Relation,legalizing drugs,drug|recreational drug use|industry,negative,gangs and criminal activities,crime|gang|motivation|industry,NoAgreement, for,Coalition forces harm the popular legitimacy of Iraqi leaders that work with them,"{'caliphate', 'coalition of the gulf war', 'iraq'}","{'legitimacy (political)', 'coalition', 'iraqi people'}",Relation,coalition forces,coalition,negative,popular legitimacy of iraqi leaders that work with them,iraqi people|legitimacy (political),bad,"iraqi leaders, the iraqi leaders, iraqi leaders" against,An immoral drug-trade should be confined to criminal-agents rather than governments.,"{'government', 'morality'}",{'administration (government)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,4-team playoff inevitabaly leads to bigger playoffs,set(),{'playoffs'},Relation,4-team playoff,playoffs,positive,bigger playoffs,playoffs,neutral, against,An early withdrawal would destroy Iraqs nascent government.,set(),"{'iraq', 'administration (government)'}",Relation,early withdrawal,administration (government),negative,nascent government,iraq|administration (government),bad,"iraqi government and citizens, iraq, iraqi government, iraqi government, iraqis, the world" against,Compressed air has too low volumetric energy density to be used as automotive fuel.,{'energy density'},"{'motor fuel', 'energy density', 'compressed air'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An early US withdrawal would undermine international support for the Iraqi government,{'politics of iraq'},{'politics of iraq'},Relation,an early us withdrawal,politics of iraq,NoAgreement,undermine international support for the iraqi government,politics of iraq,bad,"iraqi government, iraq" against,Enemies of the US would view an early withdrawal from Iraq as a sign of fecklessness,"{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'axis of evil', 'iraq war'}","{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'medical sign', 'enemy combatant'}",Relation,an early withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,positive,sign of fecklessness,iraq war|enemy combatant,bad,"us, enemies of the us, image of the us" for,In times of recession there is pressure to protect declining industries.,"{'recession', 'industry'}","{'recession', 'pressure', 'time', 'industry'}",Relation,recession,recession,positive,pressure to protect declining industries,pressure|industry,NoAgreement, against,An early withdrawal from Iraq would undermine US credibility with allies,"{'allies of world war i', 'iraq'}","{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'credibility'}",Relation,early withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq|iraq,negative,us credibility with allies,credibility,NoAgreement, for,"It is sensible for governments to protect domestic supplies of vital goods, such as oil, food and steel, from the political vicissitudes of world cartels",set(),"{'trust (electronics company)', 'oil', 'commodity', 'food', 'steel', 'administration (government)', 'macrocosm and microcosm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Net neutrality forces network owners to operate in suboptimal ways,"{'computer network', 'net neutrality'}",{'net neutrality'},Relation,net neutrality,net neutrality,positive,network owners to operate in suboptimal ways,computer network,bad,"network owners, customers, network owners, network owners, network owners" against,Succeeding in Iraq will help justify the war and those who supported it.,"{'war', 'iraq war'}",{'warfare'},Relation,succeeding in iraq,iraq war,positive,justify the war and those who supported it,iraq war,neutral, against,"Worldwide cartels of producers have recently weakened, especially for agricultural goods.","{'agriculture', 'good (economics)'}",{'record producer'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Net neutrality may not be good for ISPs, but good overall.",{'net neutrality'},"{'overall', 'internet service provider', 'net neutrality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The first duty of every government is to protect its own citizens:,set(),{'administration (government)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,ISPs have a right to recover costs from heavy bandwidth users,{'bandwidth (computing)'},"{'rights', 'bandwidth (signal processing)', 'internet service provider', 'cost', 'user (computing)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Companies in developing economies suffer from poor stockmarket flexibility and political uncertainty,"{'uncertainty', 'economy', 'politics', 'poverty', 'suffering', 'stock market', 'company', 'labour market flexibility'}","{'uncertainty', 'stock exchange', 'flexibility (engineering)', 'developing country', 'company'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Net neutrality will force ISPs to ask permission from FCC.,"{'free will', 'federal communications commission', 'net neutrality'}","{'permission (magazine)', 'internet service provider', 'federal communications commission', 'net neutrality'}",Relation,net neutrality,net neutrality,positive,isps to ask permission from fcc,permission (magazine)|federal communications commission|internet service provider,neutral, for,Torturous and brutal tactics in Iraq have only worsened US moral credibility.,"{'torture', 'iraq war', 'morality'}","{'tactic (method)', 'credibility', 'iraq'}",Relation,torturous and brutal tactics in iraq,tactic (method)|iraq war|iraq|torture,positive,us moral credibility,morality|credibility,bad,"us allies, us citizens, us government, worsened moral credibility is bad for other countries in judging the actions of the united states. allies may frown upon the us and have a less trusting relationship., the united states" against,Net Neutrality may restrict value-added services,{'net neutrality'},"{'value-added service', 'net neutrality'}",Relation,net neutrality,net neutrality,negative,value-added services,value-added service,neutral, against,Iraq is a pillar of American strategy in the Middle East that should not be abandoned,"{'middle east', 'iraq', 'pillar (car)'}","{'middle east', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Developing economies hit glass ceiling as they attempt to stabilize economies,"{'stabilization policy', 'glass ceiling', 'economic system'}","{'developing country', 'economy', 'glass ceiling'}",Relation,developing economies,stabilization policy,positive,glass ceiling,glass ceiling,bad,"developing economies, developing economy, economies" for,The world wants the US to withdraw from Iraq and would support its decision to do so.,"{""pakistan's role in the war on terror"", 'iraq war', 'withdrawal of u.s. troops from afghanistan'}",{'choice'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Govts must address anti-competitive actions such as dumping.,{'anti-competitive practices'},{'state (polity)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Net Neutrality will raise prices for users,"{'price', 'salary', 'will and testament', 'net neutrality'}","{'price', 'user (computing)', 'net neutrality'}",Relation,net neutrality,net neutrality,positive,raise prices for users,user (computing)|price,bad,"internet users, internet users, net users, users" for,Developing countries need help in building a competitive economy:,"{'economy', 'nation', 'competitiveness'}","{'developing country', 'economy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The US has accomplished its limited strategic objectives in Iraq, so it can leave.","{'iraq war', 'strategic bombing'}",{'strategic objective (military)'},Relation,us has accomplished its limited strategic objectives in,strategic objective (military)|iraq war,positive,it can leave,strategic objective (military)|iraq war|strategic bombing,NoAgreement, for,Enhanced interrogation should not be condemned because of bad apples.,set(),"{'enhanced interrogation techniques', 'apple'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Insufficient broadband market choice to deter bad behavior,"{'rational choice theory', 'market (economics)', 'deterrence theory'}","{'broadband', 'market (economics)', 'pathological (mathematics)'}",Relation,insufficient broadband market choice,broadband|market (economics),negative,bad behavior,market (economics)|deterrence theory,NoAgreement, against,A premature US withdrawal would jeopardize world oil supplies,set(),"{'coitus interruptus', 'oil reserves'}",Relation,premature us withdrawal,coitus interruptus,NoAgreement,world oil supplies,oil reserves,bad,"world, us, world oil supplies, oil supplies, oil supplies" for,Net neutrality saves Internet as ideal marketplace,{'net neutrality'},"{'cyberspace', 'market (place)', 'net neutrality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"A policy of ""containing"" fundamentalism would successfully follow withdrawing from Iraq.","{'iraq', 'fundamentalism'}","{'iraq', 'fundamentalism (sculpture)'}",Relation,withdrawing from iraq,iraq,positive,"a policy of ""containing"" fundamentalism",fundamentalism,good,"iraqis, society, society, women, non-fundamentalists, iraq" for,Waterboarding leaves no lasting scars and so is not torture,"{'torture', 'waterboarding'}",{'scar'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Markets force network owners to play fair and neutral,set(),"{'force chain', 'ownership', 'market (economics)'}",Relation,markets,market (economics),positive,network owners to play fair and neutral,ownership,good,"network users, internet, internet users, society, honest network owners, society, with providers participating in fair markets, consumers will have the ultimate benefit." for,The longer the US stays in Iraq the harder it becomes to withdraw.,{'iraq'},set(),Relation,the longer the us stays in iraq,iraq,positive,harder it becomes to withdraw,,bad,"troops, us, usa, iraq, soldiers" against,Existing laws check unfair practices by broadband owners,"{'law', 'internet access'}","{'law', 'broadband'}",Relation,existing laws,law,negative,unfair practices by broadband owners,broadband,NoAgreement, against,"If the US withdraws early from Iraq, it will have to return to fight again",{'iraq war'},"{'mesopotamia', 'forfeit (sport)'}",Relation,from iraq,iraq war,positive,to return to fight again,iraq war,bad,"the united states, us troops, us, iraq, the us, the troops, iraq" for,"Net neutrality adds no new regs, only preserves Internet neutrality",{'net neutrality'},"{'regular expression', 'net neutrality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Withdrawing would be counter to US and allied oil-interests in Iraq.,"{'counterattack', 'allies of world war ii', 'iraq', 'withdrawal (military)'}",set(),Relation,withdrawing,withdrawal (military),negative,us and allied oil-interests,allies of world war ii|iraq,bad,"us government and allied., oil" against,The same info can be obtained by traditional interrogations,set(),{'information'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Net Neutrality means greater regulation of the Internet,"{'net neutrality', 'library'}","{'regulation', 'cyberspace', 'net neutrality'}",Relation,net neutrality,net neutrality,positive,greater regulation of the internet,regulation|cyberspace,neutral, for,Islamic terrorists can release info after reaching pain threshold,{'islamic terrorism'},"{'islamic terrorism', 'threshold of pain'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Withdrawing coalition troops from Iraq would increase the likelihood of a civil war between Kurds and Arabs.,"{'withdrawal (military)', 'arabs', 'iraq war', 'kurds', 'multi-national force – iraq'}","{'civil war', 'arabs', 'kurds', 'likelihood', 'coalition'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Govt regs like Net Neutrality have unintended consequences,"{'government', 'net neutrality'}","{'unintended consequences', 'regular expression', 'state (polity)', 'net neutrality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kurds may secede regardless if US stays or leaves Iraq,"{'iraq', 'kurds'}",{'kurds'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Enhanced interrogations inflict ""severe pain/suffering"" (torture).",{'torture'},{'enhanced interrogation techniques'},Relation,enhanced interrogations,enhanced interrogation techniques,positive,"""severe pain/suffering"" (torture)",torture,bad,"prisoners, society, world, people being interrogated, society, prisoners, detainees" for,"Telecoms can""t be relied on to make best decisions for public.",{'telecommunication'},"{'telecommunication', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Enhanced interrogation techniques amount to torture,{'enhanced interrogation techniques'},{'enhanced interrogation techniques'},Relation,enhanced interrogation techniques,enhanced interrogation techniques,positive,torture,,neutral, for,Turkey is unlikely to intervene if the Kurds secede,"{'secession', 'kurds', 'turkey'}","{'kurds', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Some data should be allowed to move faster,set(),{'geodetic datum'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Secret prisons protect methods in a time of war.,"{'war', 'time'}","{'black site', 'warfare', 'method (music)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Network owners have a profit incentive to price discriminate,"{'incentive', 'price discrimination', 'business networking', 'profit (accounting)'}","{'profit (economics)', 'incentive', 'price discrimination'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An early withdrawal could turn Iraq into another Cambodia.,"{'iraq', 'cambodia'}","{'iraq', 'cambodia'}",Relation,early withdrawal,,positive,iraq into another cambodia,iraq|cambodia,bad,"iraqis, iraqi people, society, iraq, iraqis, iraq government and citizens" for,President has sole discretion to interpret i-law during war,"{'vietnam war', 'president of the united states'}",{'warfare'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Withdrawing from Iraq despite risks of genocide would further desensitize world,"{'iraq', 'genocide'}","{'hazard', 'iraq', 'genocide'}",Relation,withdrawing from iraq,iraq|genocide,positive,world,hazard|genocide,bad,"citizens of the world, iraq, world, victims of genocide, society, society" against,Net neutrality allows some sites to hog bandwidth,"{'bandwidth (computing)', 'net neutrality'}","{'grothendieck topology', 'net neutrality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Geneva Conventions apply to all prisoners, including terrorists.","{'prisoner of war', 'geneva conventions', 'terrorism'}","{'prisoner', 'geneva conventions'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An early withdrawal from Iraq would result in a Shiite genocide of Sunnis.,"{'shia islam', 'sunni islam', 'iraq', 'genocide'}","{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'shia islam', 'sunni islam', 'genocide'}",Relation,early withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq|iraq,positive,shiite genocide of sunnis,shia islam|genocide|sunni islam,bad,"sunni islam, humanity, sunnis, sunnis, sunnis" for,President can suspend habeas corpus in war; enemy combatants OK,"{'habeas corpus', 'war', 'enemy combatant'}","{'warfare', 'habeas corpus', 'combatant', 'enemy combatant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Genocide won""t occur in Iraq, where factions are evenly armed","{'iraq', 'genocide'}","{'iraq', 'genocide', 'political faction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Net neutrality properly separates Internet access and content.,"{'internet access', 'web content', 'internet', 'net neutrality'}","{'internet access', 'net neutrality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US President has sole discretion on enhanced interrogations,{'president of the united states'},"{'enhanced interrogation techniques', 'president of the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The 2002 Congressional war-authorization does not cover the current scope of the Iraq War.,{'iraq war'},"{'warfare', 'range (music)', 'congress'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Punishment acknowledges to victims that they have been wronged.,"{'victimology', 'punishment'}",{'punishment'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US troops want to find meaning in their sacrifices in Iraq by finishing the mission.,{'iraq'},"{'iraq', 'united states armed forces'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Enhanced interrogations violate due process laws.,{'due process'},"{'enhanced interrogation techniques', 'due process'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"It is too hard to tell if rehabilitation has ""worked.""",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A hasty withdrawal from Iraq could risk the lives of coalition troops.,"{'iraq war', 'multi-national force – iraq'}","{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'coalition'}",Relation,hasty withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,positive,risk the lives of coalition troops,coalition,bad,"coalition troops, troops, coalition troops, troops, coalition troops, usa" for,US Constitution does not apply to enemy combatants,"{'enemy combatant', 'united states constitution'}","{'combatant', 'enemy combatant', 'united states constitution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many US troops see an on-the-ground need for their continued presence there.,"{'united states dollar', 'united states armed forces'}","{'need', 'united states armed forces'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Studies show rehabilitation programs are effective.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Many countries perform ""enhanced interrogations"".",set(),"{'enhanced interrogation techniques', 'administrative divisions of mexico'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Private insurers offer sufficient choices,set(),"{'underwriting', 'private (rank)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Honoring the fallen requires that US troops remain to see victory through in Iraq,"{'united states dollar', 'iraq war', 'united states armed forces'}","{'iraq', 'united states armed forces', 'victory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Enhanced interrogations"" effectively obtain info, save lives","{'saved game', 'video game remake'}","{'enhanced interrogation techniques', 'information'}",Relation,enhanced interrogations,enhanced interrogation techniques,positive,lives,information,good,"society, country, potential victims, saving lives, for those whose innocent lives are saved, lives" for,"""Half of Americans think that torturing terrorist suspects can be ""sometimes"" or ""often"" justified."" ","{'charlie hebdo shooting', 'torture', 'terrorism'}","{'one half', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public insurance offers an option to uninsured and struggling,"{'insurance', 'public sector', 'option (finance)'}","{'insurance', 'option contract', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An early withdrawal from Iraq would boost the morale of terrorists,"{'iraq', 'terrorism'}","{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'morale'}",Relation,an early withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq|iraq,positive,boost the morale of terrorists,morale|terrorism,bad,"non terrorists, americans, the world, humanity, iraqi citizens, us citizens, helping terrorism" for,"Torture ""to save lives"" has a substantial body of support among publics:",{'torture'},"{'physical body', 'torture'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Nobody will be forced into public insurance; its an option,"{'insurance', 'initial public offering', 'option (finance)'}","{'insurance', 'option contract'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Enhanced interrogations undermine Americas moral legitimacy.,"{'americas', 'legitimacy (political)'}","{'enhanced interrogation techniques', 'united states', 'legitimacy (law)'}",Relation,enhanced interrogations,enhanced interrogation techniques,negative,americas moral legitimacy,legitimacy (law)|legitimacy (political)|united states,bad,"american legitimacy, us government, us troops, us citizens, american power, citizens, detainees, us allies, american citizens, usa, justice, society" for,Private insurers limit choice of doctors as much as public insurance,"{'insurance', 'utility', 'public', 'health insurance'}","{'underwriting', 'physician', 'insurance', 'private (rank)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Majority of Americans believe harsh interrogations justified,set(),"{'enhanced interrogation techniques', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US polls find a majority favor a public insurance option,"{'public health insurance option', 'supermajority', 'election'}","{'the poll diaries', 'public health insurance option', 'minority group'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Social networking sites have agreements that explicitly say that information can be used commercially in any way.,"{'social networking service', 'jean-baptiste say', 'contract'}","{'social networking service', 'information', 'mode (literature)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Employers may dump their employees into public insurance,"{'employment', 'public sector', 'health insurance'}",{'insurance (constituency)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is unethical for social network sites to use personal information to enable advertisers to better target you as a consumer.,"{'ethics', 'social network', 'advertising', 'consumer', 'personally identifiable information'}","{'advertising', 'social networking service', 'consumer', 'personally identifiable information'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Social networking sites give too great of access and control to governments.,"{'social networking service', 'internet access'}","{'social networking service', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Users have a choice.,set(),{'user (computing)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public insurance meets moral obligation to insure the uninsured,set(),"{'insurance', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Hiding behind ""support the troops"" abrogates the responsibilities of command",set(),{'support our troops'},Relation,"hiding behind ""support the troops""",support our troops,negative,responsibilities of command,,bad,"troops, troops, military command, command leaders, command" against,Social networking sites make it possible to maintain fictional identity.,"{'social networking service', 'online identity'}","{'social networking service', 'personal identity'}",Relation,social networking sites,social networking service,positive,fictional identity,online identity,neutral, against,Healthcare reform/regulation can succeed without public option,"{'public health insurance option', 'health care reform'}","{'public health insurance option', 'health care'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,American soldiers would rather leave Iraq than stay,{'iraq war'},"{'soldier', 'americans', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Given the investment the US has made in Iraq, it cannot give up now.","{'united states dollar', 'iraq'}",{'investment'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Social networking sites distract from quality interpersonal connections.,"{'cerebral cortex', 'social networking service', 'interpersonal relationship'}","{'social networking service', 'connected space'}",Relation,social networking sites,social networking service,negative,interpersonal connections,interpersonal relationship,bad,"everyone trying to form relationships with others face to face, society, friendships, people, people, human beings" for,Public and private insurers can learn from each other,"{'insurance', 'privately held company', 'public company'}","{'underwriting', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"It is not credible anymore to claim that success is possible ""this time""",{'credibility'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Social networking sites estrange people.,"{'', 'social networking service'}","{'social networking service', 'people (microsoft service)'}",Relation,social networking sites,social networking service,positive,estrange people,people (microsoft service),bad,"interpersonal interactions, relationships, people, society, people and society" for,Insurers/conservatives oppose public insurance because it works,"{'insurance', 'conservatism'}",{'insurance'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Contradictory to argue public option bad, insurers can""t compete","{'contradiction', 'argument', 'public health insurance option'}","{'underwriting', 'public health insurance option'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Social networking sites create great opportunities for professional networking.,"{'social networking service', 'social network', 'professional network service'}",{'social networking service'},Relation,social networking sites,social networking service,positive,professional networking,professional network service,good,"users, professionals, companies, professional networking, individuals" against,Competition in private insurance can be improved without public plan.,"{'insurance', 'publicly funded health care', 'competition (economics)', 'canadian dollar'}","{'insurance', 'program management', 'competition (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Social networking sites enable individuals to move toward making face-to-face meetings:,{'social networking service'},"{'social networking service', 'meeting'}",Relation,social networking sites,social networking service,positive,individuals to move toward making face-to-face,meeting,good,"individuals, productivity, relationships, business, users of social nets, job candidates, companies" against,Government will favor public insurance; no level playing-field,"{'insurance', 'will and testament', 'government'}","{'insurance', 'degree (music)', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Even with peace, Israel needs ability to defend itself","{'peace', 'self-defense', 'israel'}","{'peace', 'israel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Public insurance would destroy private insurance industry,"{'insurance', 'public company'}","{'insurance', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public,negative,private insurance industry,insurance,neutral, for,"With pre-1967 borders, PLO would recognize Israel, end conflict","{'green line (israel)', 'israel', 'palestine liberation organization'}","{'green line (israel)', 'israel', 'palestine liberation organization'}",Relation,with pre-1967 borders,green line (israel)|palestine liberation organization,positive,"plo would recognize israel, end conflict",israel|palestine liberation organization,good,"plo, israel, civilians in the area, everyone in israel and involved in this conflict" for,"Public insurance competes with private insurers, keeps them honest","{'insurance', 'privately held company', 'public company'}","{'insurance', 'underwriting', 'public'}",Relation,competing with private insurers,underwriting|insurance|privately held company|public company|public,positive,insurers,underwriting|insurance|privately held company,good,"citizens, keeping companies honest, society, public insurance, private insurers, insurance customers" for,"Israel hasn""t recog Pal so can""t expect recog of Israel.",{'israel'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Arabs seek pre-1967 borders to weaken and dissolve Israel.,"{'green line (israel)', 'arab citizens of israel', 'israel'}","{'green line (israel)', 'arabs', 'israel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Public option monopoly squeezes health care suppliers, doctors","{'public health insurance option', 'manufacturing', 'physician', 'monopoly'}","{'doctor of the church', 'public health insurance option', 'supply chain', 'monopoly'}",Relation,public option monopoly,monopoly|public health insurance option,negative,"health care suppliers, doctors",physician,bad,"doctors, health care suppliers, health care suppliers, doctors, the sick, health care suppliers, doctors, patients, health care suppliers, doctors" against,Pre-1967 borders would just bring conflict into Israel,"{'green line (israel)', '2006 lebanon war', 'israel'}","{'green line (israel)', 'israel'}",Relation,pre-1967 borders,green line (israel),positive,conflict into israel,israel,bad,"israel, israel, society, israel, israel, creating conflict" against,Public insurance may force private insurance rate increase,"{'insurance', 'interest rate'}","{'insurance', 'rates (tax)', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public,positive,private insurance rate increase,insurance,neutral, for,Public insurer can best negotiate down drug prices,"{'insurance', 'price', 'public company'}","{'underwriting', 'mourvèdre', 'public'}",Relation,public insurer,insurance|public,positive,negotiate down drug prices,price,good,"insured, people, lower prices" against,Israel had right to claim minimal territory to ensure security.,"{'minarchism', 'rights', 'israel', 'national security', 'mineral rights'}","{'district', 'israel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Greater prevention and health through public insurance saves money.,"{'health insurance', 'health', 'risk management', 'money', 'public'}","{'insurance', 'health', 'money'}",Relation,greater prevention and health through public insurance,health insurance|health|insurance|public,positive,saves money,money,good,"public health, public, society, society, patients" against,Israel won 1967 war; has right to territory gained.,"{'british overseas territories', 'six-day war', 'israel'}","{'warfare', 'district', 'israel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Arab states have claim to pre-1967 territory, not Palestinians","{'arabs', 'palestinians', 'arab league'}","{'arab league', 'palestinian people', 'district'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Expensive public insurance option would worsen national debt,{'public health insurance option'},"{'cost', 'public health insurance option', 'government debt'}",Relation,expensive public insurance,public health insurance option,positive,worsen national debt,government debt,bad,"government, economy, government debt, government, society, economy" for,"Pre-1967 territory is ""occupied"", must be returned.",set(),{'district'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Success"" in Iraq is impossible so withdrawal should come sooner than later",{'iraq war'},"{'secession', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Public insurance will be used excessively at greater cost,"{'insurance', 'public sector', 'cost'}","{'insurance', 'cost', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public,positive,cost,cost,bad,"cost, those wishing to reduce waste., greater cost of insurance" against,The coalition can succeed in Iraq with more fine tunings of its strategy,{'iraq war'},"{'musical tuning', 'scheme (programming language)', 'iraq', 'coalition'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Pre-1967 borders would be too insecure and dangerous,set(),{'green line (israel)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Public insurance costs will grow as private insurance is pushed out,{'insurance'},"{'insurance', 'cost', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public,positive,private insurance,cost|insurance,bad,"private insurance, insured people, taxpayers, private insurance, people buying insurance, society, private insurance companies" for,No strategic changes in Iraq can alter the fundamental impossibilities of the conflict.,{'iraq war'},"{'change (philosophy)', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Public insurance inefficiencies can be hidden by taxpayer-funding,"{'insurance', 'public company', 'market anomaly'}","{'insurance', 'public', 'inefficiency'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The majority of Americans want troops to withdraw from Iraq on a timetable.,"{'united states army', 'iraq'}","{'americans', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Public insurance option will increase taxes, drag-down economy","{'public health insurance option', 'will and testament', 'economy', 'tax'}","{'public health insurance option', 'economy', 'tax'}",Relation,public insurance option,public health insurance option,positive,"increase taxes, drag-down economy",economy|tax,bad,"economy, society, patients, taxpayers, us economy, citizens, economy, economy" against,Pre-1967 borders would erode Israeli deterrence,"{'israelis', 'erosion', 'green line (israel)', 'deterrence theory'}","{'deterrence (psychology)', 'green line (israel)'}",Relation,pre-1967 borders,green line (israel),negative,israeli deterrence,israelis|deterrence theory,NoAgreement, against,The Commander in Chief is given executive authority to prosecute the Iraq War.,"{'executive (government)', 'tribal chief', 'iraq war', 'prosecutor'}","{'executive (government)', 'commander (united states)', 'warfare', 'iraq', 'scottish clan chief'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public plan counters insurance company efforts to deny claims,{'insurance'},"{'underwriting', 'program management', 'public', 'counter (furniture)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Coordinated Arab attack unlikely; pre-1967 borders fine.,"{'green line (israel)', 'arab citizens of israel'}","{'attempt', 'motor coordination', 'green line (israel)', 'arabs', 'fine (penalty)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Insurance companies insure the healthy; public plan insures the unhealthy,"{'insurance', 'health', 'publicly funded health care'}","{'underwriting', 'program management'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Withdrawing from Vietnam was a mistake and so should be avoided in Iraq,"{'vietnam', 'iraq'}","{'vietnam war', 'iraq', 'mistake (criminal law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Success in 1967 war shows defensibility of pre-1967 borders.,"{'six-day war', 'green line (israel)'}","{'warfare', 'green line (israel)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Success in the Middle East will be achieved like in South East Asia; despite withdrawing,{'middle east'},"{'middle east', 'southeast asia'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Post-1967 borders protect against long-term threats,"{'border', 'biodiversity'}",{'border'},Relation,post-1967 borders,border,negative,long-term threats,border,good,"citizens, israel, country" for,Withdrawing from Iraq would provide a needed stimulus to the US economy.,"{'stimulus (economics)', 'iraq war', 'economy of the united states'}","{'stimulus (psychology)', 'iraq', 'economy of the united states'}",Relation,withdrawing from iraq,iraq war|iraq,positive,stimulus to the us,economy of the united states|stimulus (economics)|stimulus (psychology),good,"us economy, us citizens, us businesses, us economy, iraq citizens, us economy, us economy" against,"GDP growth expresses the improvement of living standards, not ego.",{'guanosine diphosphate'},"{'standard of living', 'economic growth'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Asian Carp have a low probability of destroying the Lake Michigan ecosystem.,"{'asian carp', 'ecosystem', 'lake michigan'}","{'asian carp', 'ecosystem', 'probability', 'lake michigan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Deficit spending in Iraq is not what is causing the economy to recede in the status quo,"{'deficit spending', 'status quo', 'economy', 'iraq war'}","{'deficit spending', 'status quo', 'economy', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Private insurance puts profit first; public insurance puts health first,"{'insurance', 'business'}","{'insurance', 'health first'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There is a flood uncertainty should we construct barriers at various locks on the Chicago River.,"{'lock (water navigation)', 'flood', 'chicago river'}","{'lock (water transport)', 'uncertainty', 'chicago river', 'flood'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Withdrawing from Iraq would undermine democracies in region,"{'iraq', 'democracy'}","{'region', 'democracy'}",Relation,withdrawing from iraq,iraq,negative,democracies in region,region|democracy|iraq,bad,"democracies in region, countries trying to rebuild after the war, the chance for a stable government would significantly decrease after us withdrawal from iraq., democracies in iraq, iraqi people, middle east democracies and their citizens" against,Public insurance would stifle medical innovation and advancement,"{'health insurance', 'innovation', 'health care'}","{'insurance', 'public', 'advancement (inheritance)'}",Relation,public insurance,health insurance|insurance|public|health care,negative,medical innovation and advancement,advancement (inheritance)|innovation,bad,"people in need of new or advanced treatment methods, society, public, medical advancement" for,"Religious ""rules"" apply only to those in that religion.","{'norm (social)', 'religion'}",{'faith'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Iraq will not become a model democracy; US shouldn""t stay for this","{'iraq', 'democracy'}","{'economic model', 'democracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legalizing gay marriage will incite attacks on Churches,"{'same-sex marriage', 'legalization', 'incitement', 'will and testament', 'assault'}","{'same-sex marriage', 'offense (sports)'}",Relation,legalizing gay marriage,same-sex marriage|legalization,positive,attacks on churches,assault,bad,"churches, churchgoers, church-goers, people of religious faith, gays, churches, religion, society" for,A public insurance plan can spearhead quality improvements,"{'insurance', 'public company', 'quality management'}","{'insurance', 'program management', 'quality management'}",Relation,public insurance plan,insurance,positive,quality improvements,quality management,good,"public health, individuals, society, society, healthcare" for,We should trust that democracy will appeal to Muslims no matter what happens in Iraq.,"{'democracy', 'trust law', 'iraq', 'appeal', 'will and testament'}","{'muslim', 'matter', 'democracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Conservatives fear successful public plan undermines their arguments,"{'argument', 'conservatism'}",{'case (policy debate)'},Relation,successful public plan,case (policy debate),negative,arguments,argument|conservatism,bad,"conservatives, republicans" against,"Laws are divinely inspired, depend on Gods def of marriage","{'revelation', 'god (male deity)'}","{'law', 'tambourine', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Withdrawing early will destroy the democratic potential of Iraq,"{'iraq war', 'democracy'}",set(),Relation,withdrawing early,iraq war,negative,democratic potential of iraq,democracy|iraq war,NoAgreement, against,Churches should not have to offer gay marriage.,"{'same-sex marriage', 'local church'}",{'same-sex marriage'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Public option puts bureaucrats between patients and doctors,"{'public health insurance option', 'patient', 'physician'}","{'doctor of the church', 'bureaucrat', 'public health insurance option', 'patient'}",Relation,public option,public health insurance option,positive,bureaucrats between patients and doctors,bureaucrat|patient|physician,bad,"bureaucrats, patients, doctors, patients, doctors, healthcare, patients, doctors, patients, doctors, healthcare, society" against,An early US exit might cause Iraqi troops to defect to the insurgency,"{'iraqi army', 'united states dollar', ""ba'athist iraq"", 'iraqi insurgency (2003–11)'}","{'exit (command)', 'iraqi army', 'insurgency'}",Relation,,,NoAgreement,,,NoAgreement, for,Many faith groups welcome gay marriage,"{'faith', 'same-sex marriage', 'social group'}","{'religious organization', 'same-sex marriage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Public option forces taxpayers to pay for other peoples insurance.,"{'insurance', 'public health insurance option', 'nation', 'tax'}","{'insurance', 'public health insurance option', 'people'}",Relation,public option,public health insurance option,positive,taxpayers to pay for other peoples,people|nation|tax,bad,"taxpayers who pay for others insurance, taxpayers, taxpayers" for,Withdrawing from Iraq would remove the rallying cause of the insurgency,"{'social issue', 'insurgency', 'iraq war', 'withdrawal (military)'}",{'insurgency'},Relation,withdrawing from iraq,iraq war|withdrawal (military),negative,the rallying cause of the insurgency,insurgency,good,"people from iraq, iraq, world" for,Marriage allows gays to see each other in hospitals.,"{'same-sex marriage', 'homosexuality'}","{'conflict of marriage laws', 'gay'}",Relation,marriage,same-sex marriage,positive,to see each other in hospitals,gay,good,"gays, marriage, society, gays, this allows couples visitation rights in hospitals where non-married individuals would not be allowed to see each other., homosexual people, gays" against,An early US withdrawal from Iraq would boost the morale of insurgents,"{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'morale', 'insurgency', 'iraq'}","{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'morale'}",Relation,early us withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,positive,morale of insurgents,insurgency|morale,neutral, for,Private insurers ration as-much or more than public insurance.,"{'insurance', 'public sector', 'privately held company'}","{'underwriting', 'insurance', 'private (rank)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Gays can already obtain most benefits of marriage,"{'sexual intercourse', 'same-sex marriage', 'gay'}","{'marriage', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Following a withdrawal, insurgents would attack the Iraqi government and troops.","{'troop', 'iraqi insurgency (2003–11)', 'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'federal government of iraq', 'attack aircraft'}",{'politics of iraq'},Relation,withdrawal,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq|troop,positive,insurgents would attack the iraqi government and,federal government of iraq|iraqi insurgency (2003–11),bad,"iraq, iraqis, iraqi government, troops and citizens, withdrawal" for,"Gays are taxpaying citizens, deserve marriage benefits","{'sexual intercourse', 'same-sex marriage', 'gay'}","{'marriage', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Public insurance leads to socialized medicine, rationing, long-lines","{'health insurance', 'public sector', 'socialized medicine'}","{'insurance', 'socialized medicine', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public|health insurance|public sector,positive,"socialized medicine, rationing, long-lines",socialized medicine,bad,"society, people needing healthcare., citizens, patients, doctors, patients, citizens" against,Civil unions offer same benefits as marriage,"{'civil union', 'same-sex marriage', 'social security'}","{'civil union', 'conflict of marriage laws', 'welfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Sunni insurgents are too weak to seize Baghdad following a US withdrawal,"{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'sunni islam', 'baghdad'}","{'sunni islam', 'baghdad'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Insurers should not be trusted with sole control of health insurance,"{'health insurance', 'control freak'}","{'underwriting', 'house (season 1)', 'health insurance'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An early US exit would demoralize Iraqi troops,"{'iraqi army', 'iraq'}","{'exit (command)', 'iraqi army'}",Relation,early us exit,exit (command),positive,demoralize iraqi troops,iraqi army,bad,"iraqi troops, iraqi citizens, iraqi troops, iraqi troops, iraqi troops" for,Gay marriage should not be banned for tradition,"{'same-sex marriage', 'tradition', 'censorship'}","{'same-sex marriage', 'tradition'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Limited ""success"" of surge only feeds false hopes in Iraq","{'false hopes (doomtree album)', 'iraq'}","{'hope', 'iraq'}",Relation,"limited ""success"" of surge",iraq|hope,positive,false hopes in iraq,iraq|hope,bad,"iraq, americans, people in iraq, americans" against,Yes. This is why supporters of same-sex marriage do not fight to legalize polygamy,"{'same-sex marriage in the united states', 'polygamy'}","{'same-sex marriage', 'polygamy', 'supporter'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Efforts to create a public-private insurance hybrid are in good faith.,"{'insurance', 'good faith', 'hybrid vehicle', 'public–private partnership'}","{'insurance', 'good faith (law)', 'exertion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Lightweight, inflatable structures based on thin film solar cells may be suitable for deployment in space even with current launch systems.","{'ocean current', 'thin-film solar cell', 'system', 'space launch'}","{'lightweight', 'thin film solar cell', 'launch vehicle', 'infinite set', 'inflatable'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Marriage gives gays a sense of future, purpose, belonging",{'homosexuality'},"{'marriage', 'word sense', 'intention', 'future', 'gay'}",Relation,marriage,marriage,positive,"gays a sense of future, purpose, belonging",future|gay,good,"gays, society, gays, gay people, citizens, society, gays, marriage and security" for,Public insurance offers a valuable check on private insurance,"{'insurance', 'cheque', 'public company'}","{'insurance', 'cheque', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public|public company,positive,check on private insurance,insurance|cheque|public company,neutral, for,Benefits of marriage help gays stay together,"{'sexual intercourse', 'same-sex marriage', 'gay'}","{'benefits (how i met your mother)', 'conflict of marriage laws', 'gay'}",Relation,benefits of marriage,same-sex marriage|benefits (how i met your mother),positive,together,gay|same-sex marriage,good,"gays, society, gays, society, gay people, gays" for,Space-based solar power would require only a negligible amount of land.,{'space-based solar power'},{'space-based solar power'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Costs of Medicare/Medicaid show public insurance waste,"{'insurance', 'medicaid', 'medicare (united states)'}","{'cost', 'municipal solid waste', 'insurance'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Gays can have stable relationships w/o marriage,{'homosexuality'},"{'marriage', 'interpersonal relationship', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The concentration of sunlight is easier to achieve in space than on Earths surface.,"{'concentration', 'space', 'sunlight', 'surface water'}","{'concentration', 'infinite set', 'sunlight', 'earth'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Medicare and public insurance fail to provide good fraud protection,"{'good (economics)', 'fraud', 'medicare (united states)', 'insurance', 'market failure', 'public company'}","{'insurance', 'fraud', 'medicare (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Gays strengthen marriage by desiring it,set(),"{'marriage', 'gay'}",Relation,marriage,marriage|gay,positive,marriage,marriage,good,"society, marriage, marriage, marriage, gays, society" against,Space radiation degrade solar panels.,{'solar panel'},"{'photovoltaic system', 'health threat from cosmic rays'}",Relation,space radiation,photovoltaic system|health threat from cosmic rays,positive,solar panels,solar panel,bad,"solar panels, solar panels users., solar panel users, bad for those who own solar panels., solar panel owners and users" for,Straights have done more to weaken marriage than gays,"{'same-sex marriage', 'gay', 'heterosexuality'}","{'marriage', 'gay'}",Relation,straights,heterosexuality,positive,weaken marriage,marriage,bad,"gays, straights, society, marriage" for,Gay marriage would reduce pressure on gays to marry straight.,"{'reductionism', 'same-sex marriage', 'homosexuality', 'heterosexuality'}","{'pressure', 'same-sex marriage', 'gay'}",Relation,gay marriage,same-sex marriage,negative,pressure on gays to marry straight,pressure|heterosexuality,bad,"gays and the straight people they marry, gays, gays, straights, humanity" against,Transmission of the generated power from space to Earth poses a significant technological challenge.,"{'earth', 'electricity generation', 'power (physics)', 'electric power transmission', 'space'}","{'earth', 'infinite set', 'power (social and political)', 'transmission (telecommunications)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Gays cannot recklessly procreate as straights can,"{'heterosexuality', 'gay'}",{'gay'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Solar wind would tend to move the solar panels.,"{'solar power', 'solar wind'}","{'solar wind', 'photovoltaic system'}",Relation,solar wind,solar wind,positive,move the solar panels,solar power|photovoltaic system,neutral, for,"Vows are about love, not reproduction; gays qualify",set(),"{'love', 'reproduction', 'vow', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public insurance saves many businesses cost of health insurance,"{'insurance', 'health insurance'}","{'health insurance', 'insurance', 'companies law', 'cost', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public,positive,many businesses cost of health insurance,health insurance|cost,good,"businesses, society, economy, businesses, health, businesses" against,Denying marriage to infertile would be too costly,"{'denial', 'conflict of marriage laws', 'infertility'}",{'marriage'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Public insurance will be paid for by taxes on businesses,"{'business', 'public sector', 'insurance', 'will and testament', 'tax'}","{'insurance', 'public', 'tax', 'companies law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Marriage is about much more than kids; gays qualify,"{'child', 'same-sex marriage', 'homosexuality'}","{'gay', 'conflict of marriage laws', 'kidskin'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Marriage is mainly for reproduction; can""t include gays","{'same-sex marriage', 'reproduction', 'homosexuality'}","{'marriage', 'reproduction', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Microwave or laser power beam could be used as a weapon.,"{'laser', 'nuclear weapon', 'microwave', 'light beam'}","{'laser', 'power (physics)', 'microwave', 'weapon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public insurance makes workers healthier and more productive.,"{'health insurance', 'health', 'public sector', 'workforce', 'productivity'}","{'insurance', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,health insurance|insurance|public,positive,workers healthier and more,health|productivity|workforce,good,"workers, companies, workers, employers, workers, society, businesses, workers, industry, society, economics" for,Models satisfy the demand for beauty.,set(),{'economic model'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mandates wrongly give insurers millions of new customers,{'insurance'},"{'underwriting', 'million', 'customer'}",Relation,mandates,insurance,positive,new customers,customer|insurance,NoAgreement, for,Gays can reproduce and start a family.,{'reproduction'},"{'family', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Indulging in viewing ""perfect"" men/women may shatter ones ability to live in a real world",{'real world (tv series)'},{'real life'},Relation,"indulging in viewing ""perfect""",real world (tv series)|real life,positive,ones ability to live in a real world,real world (tv series)|real life,bad,"shattering, people, couples., society" against,Public insurance will discourage people from becoming doctors.,"{'insurance', 'physician', 'person', 'will and testament', 'public'}","{'insurance', 'physician', 'people', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public,negative,people from becoming doctors,people|physician,bad,"healthcare, citizens, people, future generations, society, medicine" for,Public insurance will give doctors/hospitals millions of new patients.,"{'insurance', 'physician', 'patient', 'will and testament', 'public'}","{'insurance', 'patient', 'million', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public,positive,give doctors/hospitals millions of new,patient|million|physician,good,"doctors, hospitals, patients, doctors, hospitals, patients, society in general, doctors, hospitals, patients, doctors, patients, insurance companies, business,economy,overall health" for,"Gays raise children now, but at a disadvantage w/o marriage",set(),"{'marriage', 'children & young people now', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Models create demand for luxuries.,"{'luxury goods', 'demand'}","{'luxury goods', 'demand', 'product (business)'}",Relation,models,product (business),positive,demand for luxuries,luxury goods|demand,neutral, against,Hospitals may be overwhelmed by new public-insurance patients.,"{'patient', 'hospital'}","{'patient', 'hospital'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Children always benefit from two parents, gay or straight","{'child', 'heterosexuality', 'parent', 'gay'}","{'child', 'parent'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The view of an attractive, young, well dressed men/women can improve productivity",set(),{'productivity'},Relation,"view of an attractive, young, well dressed men/women",,positive,productivity,productivity,good,"business owners, employees, national economy, workers, whatever the task is" against,Public insurance wrongly mandates physician participation.,"{'insurance', 'public sector', 'physician'}","{'insurance', 'participation (decision making)', 'physician', 'public'}",Relation,public insurance,insurance|public|public sector,positive,physician participation,physician,bad,"physicians, physicians" for,Quality of parenting should not be a factor against gay marriage,"{'lgbt parenting', 'same-sex marriage'}","{'same-sex marriage', 'quality (philosophy)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Models serve as a deterrent example.,{'mathematical model'},{'economic model'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,UN SC can block ICC prosecutions for security reasons,"{'united nations security council', 'andean community', 'international criminal court'}","{'united nations security council', 'smart card'}",Relation,security reasons,united nations security council,positive,block icc prosecutions,international criminal court|united nations security council,neutral, for,Judicial elections elevate debate and awareness of judiciary,"{'judiciary', 'election'}","{'judiciary', 'argumentation theory', 'awareness', 'election'}",Relation,judicial elections,judiciary|election,positive,elevate debate and awareness of judiciary,judiciary|awareness,good,"judiciary, citizens, everyone, voters who wish to be informed, society, politics, justice" against,ICC may interfere with the work of the UN Security Council,{'united nations security council'},"{'united nations security council', 'job', 'smart card'}",Relation,icc,,negative,the work of the un security council,united nations security council,bad,"members of the un, no one" against,Children have a claim to biological parents,"{'child', 'biology', 'proposition', 'parent'}","{'child', 'proposition', 'parent'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Acceptance of gay marriage should not be imposed on citizens,"{'acceptance', 'same-sex marriage', 'citizenship'}",{'same-sex marriage'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,ICC causes tyrants to cling to power to avoid prosecution,"{'power (social and political)', 'tyrant', 'causality', 'prosecutor', 'international criminal court'}","{'interstate commerce commission', 'power (social and political)'}",Relation,icc,international criminal court,positive,tyrants to cling to power to avoid prosecution,power (social and political)|tyrant|prosecutor,bad,"icc, country the tyrant is ruling, world, tyrant's citizens, world, society, people of that country" for,Voters will ensure elected judges uphold the rule of law,"{'voting', 'free will', 'judge'}","{'rule of law', 'judge'}",Relation,voters,voting,positive,elected judges uphold the rule of law,rule of law|judge,good,"democracy, citizens, voters, judges, society, maintaining our judicial system, voters" against,Appointed judiciaries are more independent to check other branches,"{'judiciary', 'separation of powers', 'independence'}",{'judiciary of scotland'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Many dictionaries include gays in ""marriage""","""{'same-sex marriage', 'homosexuality'}","{'marriage', 'dictionary', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,ICC rules of war make war more tolerable and likely,"{'law of war', 'international criminal court'}","{'interstate commerce commission', 'law of war', 'lifted or the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground'}",Relation,icc rules of war,law of war|international criminal court,positive,war,law of war,NoAgreement, against,Political style will replace merit with election of judges,"{'judge', 'meritocracy', 'free will', 'politics', 'election'}","{'merit (law)', 'judge', 'style (visual arts)', 'politics', 'election'}",Relation,election of judges,style (visual arts)|politics|judge|election,positive,election of judges,merit (law)|judge|meritocracy|election,bad,"citizen values, law, society, justice, government, those who deserve to earn judgeships" against,"Marriage can evolve, but only in context of man and woman",set(),"{'man', 'woman', 'conflict of marriage laws', 'context (language use)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,ICC can balance need for justice and practical peace,"{'justice', 'pragmatism', 'peace', 'international criminal court'}","{'interstate commerce commission', 'need', 'peace', 'justice (virtue)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Definition of marriage can and should evolve to include gays,{'marriage'},"{'marriage', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,ICC will continually expand jurisdiction over national sovereignty,"{'sovereignty', 'will and testament', 'international criminal court', 'jurisdiction'}",{'interstate commerce commission'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Marriage is about love/commitment; gays qualify,"{'same-sex marriage', 'homosexuality'}","{'marriage', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Democracies have no obligation to merit.,"{'meritocracy', 'obligation', 'democracy'}","{'merit (law)', 'obligation', 'democracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,ICC helps protect captured servicemen abroad,{'international criminal court'},"{'interstate commerce commission', 'serviceman'}",Relation,icc,international criminal court,positive,protection of captured servicemen abroad,serviceman,good,"captured servicemen, servicemen, world relations, people should not lose their lives in war, captured servicemen" against,"Merit, not money, should sway judicial elections","{'judiciary', 'meritocracy', 'election'}","{'money', 'election'}",Relation,merit,money|meritocracy,positive,judicial elections,judiciary|election,neutral, for,Marriage ban impairs ability of employers to attract gays,"{'employment', 'same-sex marriage', 'ban (law)', 'gay'}","{'marriage', 'ban (medieval)', 'gay'}",Relation,marriage ban,marriage|ban (law),negative,ability of employers to attract gays,employment|gay,bad,"employers, gays, gay people, employers, employers, gay people" against,Elected judges are effectively forced to join political parties,"{'political party', 'joinder', 'election', 'judge'}","{'political party', 'judge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Article 98 agreements help protect US citizens from ICC,"{'international criminal court', 'united states and the international criminal court'}","{'interstate commerce commission', 'citizenship in the united states', 'agreement (linguistics)'}",Relation,article 98 agreements,agreement (linguistics)|international criminal court,positive,protect us citizens from icc,citizenship in the united states|international criminal court,neutral, against,Gay marriages legal benefits would strain taxpayers,"{'same-sex marriage', 'legal personality', 'tax'}","{'same-sex marriage', 'tax', 'legal benefit'}",Relation,gay marriages legal,same-sex marriage|legal benefit,positive,strain taxpayers,tax,NoAgreement, against,ICC puts national servicemen abroad at risk of prosecution,set(),"{'interstate commerce commission', 'hazard', 'serviceman'}",Relation,icc,interstate commerce commission,positive,national servicemen abroad at risk of prosecution,hazard|serviceman,bad,"national servicemen, national servicemen" against,Elections pressure judges to craft positions to win votes,{'tołwin'},"{'pressure', 'election', 'judge'}",Relation,elections,election,positive,judges to craft positions to win votes,pressure|judge,bad,"citizens, imjmpartiality of judiciary, society, justice, society, criminals" against,Gay exclusion is just to protect procreative marriage,"{'reproduction', 'same-sex marriage', 'social exclusion', 'homosexuality'}","{'marriage', 'gay'}",Relation,gay exclusion,social exclusion|same-sex marriage|homosexuality|gay,positive,protect procreative marriage,marriage|reproduction,NoAgreement, for,Marriage ban makes gays second class citizens,"{'same-sex marriage', 'homosexuality'}","{'marriage', 'ban (medieval)', 'second-class citizen', 'gay'}",Relation,marriage ban,marriage|same-sex marriage|ban (medieval),positive,gays second class citizens,second-class citizen|gay,bad,"gays, society, gays, society, gays, society, gay people, same sex couples,gays" for,ICC can try servicemen only if domestic courts do not,set(),"{'interstate commerce commission', 'serviceman', 'court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Judicial elections need not be designed as partisan.,"{'judiciary', 'political party', 'election'}","{'judiciary', 'election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,ICC is too ineffective to deter war crimes,"{'deterrence (legal)', 'international criminal court', 'war crime'}","{'interstate commerce commission', 'war crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Elected judges bring hassle of regulating conflicts of interests,"{'conflict of interest', 'regulation', 'judge'}","{'conflict of interest', 'judge'}",Relation,elected judges,judge,positive,hassle of regulating conflicts of interests,conflict of interest,bad,"society, judiciary system, society, government, justice" against,Gays have no right to marry; neither do incestuous,"{'incest', 'same-sex marriage in the united states', 'homosexuality'}","{'ethics', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Elected judge conflicts of interests can be sufficiently regulated,"{'conflict of interest', 'regulation', 'election', 'judge'}","{'conflict of interest', 'judge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Deterrence theory untenable; ICC will not deter,"{'international criminal court', 'free will', 'deterrence theory'}","{'interstate commerce commission', 'deterrence theory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Gay spouses can helpfully adopt orphaned kids.,"{'orphan', 'child', 'gay'}","{'spouse', 'kidskin', 'gay'}",Relation,spouses,spouse|gay,positive,orphaned kids,orphan|child,good,"orphaned kids, orphans, orphaned kids" against,Lawyers may fund judge campaigns to influence trials,"{'judge', 'trial', 'political campaign', 'social influence', 'lawyer'}","{'political campaign', 'trial', 'lawyer', 'judge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,ICC and rule of law help deter war crimes and genocide,"{'deterrence (legal)', 'genocide', 'international criminal court', 'war crime'}","{'interstate commerce commission', 'rule of law', 'genocide', 'war crime'}",Relation,icc and rule of law,interstate commerce commission|rule of law|international criminal court,negative,war crimes and genocide,genocide|war crime,NoAgreement, against,Alternatives to marijuana should be used to ease the terminally ill,{'cannabis (drug)'},"{'cannabis (drug)', 'alternative rock'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"All UN members can vote on ICC definition of ""aggression"" ","{'united nations general assembly resolution 3314', 'andean community', 'international criminal court', 'united nations'}","{'interstate commerce commission', 'definition', 'member states of the united nations'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Elected judges increase the influence of special interests,"{'social influence', 'advocacy group', 'election', 'judge'}","{'advocacy group', 'judge'}",Relation,elected judges,election|judge,positive,influence of special interests,social influence|advocacy group,neutral, for,Marijuana helps the terminally ill cope with their ebbing life.,"{'cannabis (drug)', 'terminal illness'}",{'cannabis (drug)'},Relation,marijuana,cannabis (drug),positive,terminally ill cope,terminal illness,good,"terminally ill, terminally ill, patients, ill" against,Impossible to avoid big-money influence in judicial elections,"{'judiciary', 'election'}",{'election'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The innocent have nothing to fear from the ICC.,set(),{'interstate commerce commission'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Marijuana is natural; dispensaries should be allowed,"{'cannabis (drug)', 'cannabis shop'}","{'dispensary', 'cannabis (drug)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Very few countries have judicial elections; reducing its legitimacy.,"{'judiciary', 'legitimacy (political)', 'reductionism', 'nation', 'election'}","{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'legitimacy (law)', 'election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Marijuana dispensaries should be regulated, but allowed","{'allosteric regulation', 'cannabis shop'}","{'dispensary', 'cannabis (drug)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Marinol pills can be prescribed; Marijuana is unnecessary,"{'medical prescription', 'tetrahydrocannabinol', 'tablet (pharmacy)', 'cannabis (drug)'}","{'tetrahydrocannabinol', 'cannabis (drug)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"ICC targets the worst war criminals, not global leaders","{'world war', 'leadership', 'international criminal court'}",{'interstate commerce commission'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,ICC courts uphold individual rights and due process,"{'court', 'international criminal court', 'due process'}","{'interstate commerce commission', 'individual and group rights', 'court', 'due process'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Elections make judges more democratically accountable,"{'accountability', 'democracy', 'election', 'judge'}","{'election', 'judge'}",Relation,elections,election,positive,judges more democratically accountable,accountability|democracy|judge,good,"society, trust in institutions, democracy, citizens, government, society, society, country, society, fairness, democracy" for,Medical marijuana is unrelated to crime that surrounds dispensaries.,"{'dispensary', 'medical cannabis'}","{'crime', 'dispensary', 'medical cannabis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Judges can be made accountable without elections.,{'accountability'},"{'election', 'judge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,ICC acts only if national courts cannot; preserves sovereignty,{'international criminal court'},"{'interstate commerce commission', 'sovereignty', 'national court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Raids on marijuana dispensaries have collateral damage,"{'collateral damage', 'cannabis shop'}","{'raid (military)', 'collateral damage (film)', 'cannabis (drug)', 'dispensary'}",Relation,raids on marijuana dispensaries,cannabis shop|raid (military)|cannabis (drug)|dispensary,positive,collateral damage,collateral damage,bad,"marijuana dispensaries, society, innocent people, marijuana users, marijuana businesses, marijuana dispensaries, marijuana users" for,Screening can help ensure judicial candidates have sufficient merit.,{'meritocracy'},{'candidate (degree)'},Relation,screening,,positive,judicial candidates have sufficient merit,meritocracy,good,"those who want a fair judiciary, society, justice, society, judicial system, candidates, citizens" for,Marijuana dispensaries will exist whether legal or not.,"{'will and testament', 'common law', 'cannabis shop'}","{'dispensary', 'cannabis (drug)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"ICC acts only if nat. courts can""t; preserves const. rights",set(),"{'interstate commerce commission', 'constant (computer programming)', 'rights', 'court', 'nat (unit)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Marijuana might have some toxicity, but so do other drugs.","{'drug', 'cannabis (drug)', 'toxicity'}","{'drug', 'cannabis (drug)', 'toxicity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Judicial elections are known to produce inferior judiciaries,"{'judiciary', 'election'}","{'judiciary', 'judiciary of scotland', 'election'}",Relation,judicial elections,judiciary|election,positive,inferior judiciaries,judiciary,bad,"citizens, justice, society, society, people accused of a crime, worse execution of justice, citizens and government" for,Scalpers help sell tickets to those that want them most.,{'ticket resale'},"{'ticket (admission)', 'ticket resale'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Marijuana use increases the risk of psychosis,"{'cannabis (drug)', 'psychosis', 'risk'}","{'hazard', 'cannabis (drug)', 'psychosis'}",Relation,marijuana use,cannabis (drug),positive,psychosis,psychosis,bad,"marijuana users, public, marijuana users, society, marijuana users, people, drug users, public health" against,"Elections frequently unseat experienced, and seat inexperienced, judges.","{'legislature', 'election', 'court system of canada'}","{'election', 'judge'}",Relation,elections,election,positive,"inexperienced,",judge|election,bad,"citizens, cities, experienced judges, the country, experienced judges" against,"Scalpers keep supply low, prices high, by tearing up tickets",{'price'},"{'supply (economics)', 'ticket (admission)', 'price', 'ticket resale'}",Relation,tearing up tickets,supply (economics)|ticket (admission),positive,"supply low, prices high",price|supply (economics),bad,"consumers, businesses, people who want to buy concert tickets or event tickets, society, consumers, entertainment industry" against,Marijuana use can lead to cancer,"{'cancer', 'cannabis (drug)'}","{'cancer', 'cannabis (drug)'}",Relation,marijuana use,cannabis (drug),positive,cancer,cancer,bad,"marijuana users, cannabis users, people" for,Runners throw themselves at fielder at second base as well.,"{'baseball positions', 'base running', 'second baseman'}",{'runner (cricket)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"It is up to the people to decide which judges ""merit"" election.",set(),"{'merit (law)', 'people', 'election', 'judge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Marijuana can have a beneficial mind-altering effect if used right,{'cannabis (drug)'},"{'rights', 'cannabis (drug)'}",Relation,marijuana,cannabis (drug),positive,beneficial,rights,good,"mind, people who use marijuana, patients" against,"Home base collisions shouldn""t be preserved for traditions sake.",{'sake'},"{'collision (heroes)', 'tradition (song)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,People should be free to use marijuana as long as it harms no one else,"{'', 'freeware', 'cannabis (drug)'}","{'people', 'cannabis (drug)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Judiciary is weaker; should not be stronger by elections,set(),"{'judiciary', 'election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Home plate collisions turn baseball players into gladiators.,"{'cleveland gladiators', 'baseball'}","{'collision', 'gladiator'}",Relation,home plate collisions,collision|baseball,positive,baseball players into gladiators,baseball|gladiator,neutral, for,Children are in no position to make choice about burqa.,{'burqa'},"{'child', 'burqa', 'pink (singer)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Illegal medical marijuana forces sufferers to purchase on the black market.,"{'black market', 'medical cannabis', 'illegal drug trade'}","{'black market', 'medical cannabis'}",Relation,illegal medical marijuana,medical cannabis|illegal drug trade,positive,sufferers to purchase on the black,black market,bad,"for addicts to marijuana and government, sufferers, society, medical marijuana users, sufferers who use medical marijuana, all of those wanting to purchase medical marijuana" against,Other sports have changed rules to make game safer.,"{'regulation of sport', 'sport', 'game', 'safety'}",{'game'},Relation,changed rules,regulation of sport|sport,positive,game safer.,safety|game,good,"for sports lovers and parents and people who play sports., athletes, the sport, the players" for,The choice to use marijuana should be based on individual experience,"{'individual', 'experience', 'cannabis (drug)', 'choice'}","{'experience', 'cannabis (drug)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If men were religiously required to wear burqa, it would end.","{'burqa', 'religion'}","{'man', 'burqa'}",Relation,religiously required to wear burqa,man|burqa|religion,negative,,,neutral, for,Banning collisions would give unfair advantage to runner/catcher.,{'catcher'},{'collision'},Relation,banning collisions,collision,positive,advantage to runner/catcher,catcher,bad,"fairness of the game, runners and catchers" against,Legalizing medical marijuana would make roads more dangerous.,{'medical cannabis'},"{'road', 'medical cannabis'}",Relation,legalizing medical marijuana,medical cannabis,positive,make roads more dangerous.,road,bad,"drivers, passengers, safety, drivers, society, pedestrians, drivers, drivers, pedestrians, society" for,Those wearing burqa increase pressure on others to wear it.,{'burqa'},"{'pressure', 'burqa'}",Relation,those wearing burqa,burqa,positive,pressure on others to wear,pressure|burqa,bad,"society, those not wearing burqas, others, society, women" for,Individuals have right to pursue what they believe are best treatments.,"{'belief', 'rights'}",{'individual'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Runner can""t just stop if catcher has ball.","{'catcher', 'baseball (ball)'}","{'catcher', 'ball'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Even if burqa is oppressive symbol, women have right to wear it","{'oppression', 'rights', 'woman', 'burqa', 'symbol'}","{'woman', 'burqa', 'symbol'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Some women wear burqa to emulate wives of prophet Muhammad.,"{'muhammad', 'prophets and messengers in islam', 'burqa', 'polygamy'}","{'burqa', 'muhammad', 'woman', 'wife'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Ending home plate collisions can be neutral for catcher, runner.",{'catcher'},"{'runner (cricket)', 'catcher', 'collision (heroes)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Burqa ban isolates women that believe they must wear it,"{'belief', 'hijab by country', 'burqa', 'woman'}","{'isolates', 'hijab by country', 'woman'}",Relation,burqa ban,burqa,NoAgreement,women that believe they must wear it,isolates|woman|belief,bad,"women society, women, women" against,Marijuanas public health costs violate tax-payer liberties.,"{'health economics', 'public health'}","{'health economics', 'cannabis (drug)', 'liberty', 'public health'}",Relation,marijuana's public health,cannabis (drug)|public health|health economics,negative,tax-payer liberties,liberty,NoAgreement, against,Home plate collisions can be easily banned without changing game.,set(),"{'collision (heroes)', 'home plate (mars)', 'game'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Burqa has diversity of meaning to women that wear it,"{'multiculturalism', 'burqa', 'women in islam'}","{'burqa', 'woman'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Runners would easily adjust to slide into home plate.,"{'slide (baseball)', 'base running'}",{'home plate (mars)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Doctors should be trusted to check abuse of medical marijuana,"{'trust (emotion)', 'separation of powers', 'child abuse', 'medical cannabis'}","{'physician', 'abuse', 'medical cannabis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Burqa ban protects women from pressure to wear it,"{'hijab by country', 'burqa', 'women in islam'}","{'pressure', 'hijab by country', 'woman'}",Relation,burqa ban,burqa,NoAgreement,protects women from pressure,woman|women in islam|pressure,good,"women in islamic countries, women who would be pressured to wear burqa, women in islam" against,Medical marijuana will be abused by druggies,"{'substance abuse', 'medical cannabis', 'substance dependence'}","{'medical cannabis', 'substance dependence'}",Relation,medical marijuana,medical cannabis,positive,abused by druggies,substance abuse,bad,"drug users, marijuana businesses, people, society, druggies, druggies, society, drug addicts, society" for,"Home base collisions, injuries too rare to justify ban",set(),"{'collision (heroes)', 'injury', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Wrong to force removal of burqa to protect against forced-wearing,{'burqa'},"{'burqa', 'wrong'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Catchers don""t have to block the plate.",set(),{'catcher'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legalizing medical marijuana may cause crime and safety problems,"{'crime', 'causation (law)', 'medical cannabis', 'legalization'}","{'crime', 'problem', 'safety', 'medical cannabis'}",Relation,legalizing medical marijuana,medical cannabis|legalization,positive,crime and safety problems,crime|safety|problem,bad,"citizens, safety, society, police, citizens, courts, people, society, society, law enforcement" for,"""Choice"" to wear burqa is driven by oppressive ideology","{'ideology', 'burqa'}","{'political philosophy', 'burqa', 'choice'}",Relation,oppressive ideology,ideology,positive,"""choice"" to wear burqa",burqa,bad,"society, women, women" against,"Legalizing medical marijuana normalizes drug, increases use","{'recreational drug use', 'medical cannabis', 'legalization'}","{'drug', 'medical cannabis'}",Relation,legalizing medical marijuana,medical cannabis|legalization,positive,"drug, increases use",drug|recreational drug use,NoAgreement, for,Burqa generally disadvantages women as compared to men.,{'burqa'},"{'man', 'burqa', 'woman'}",Relation,burqa,burqa,NoAgreement,disadvantages women,woman,bad,"women, women, women" against,Medical marijuana can act as a gateway drug to harder ones,"{'gateway drug theory', 'medical cannabis'}","{'gateway drug theory', 'medical cannabis'}",Relation,medical marijuana,medical cannabis,positive,harder ones,gateway drug theory,bad,"individuals, society, health, medical marijuana users, people who do drugs, drug users, medical marijuana users" against,Ban causes women to cling to burqa more tightly,{'burqa'},{'woman'},Relation,ban,,positive,women cling to burqa more tightly,woman|burqa,NoAgreement, for,Marijuana is a good alternative medicine to suit individual needs,"{'individual', 'lawsuit', 'cannabis (drug)', 'alternative medicine'}","{'need', 'lawsuit', 'cannabis (drug)', 'alternative medicine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Full veils represent misogynist ideology designed to oppress women,"{'ideology', 'oppression', 'misogyny', 'woman', 'veil'}","{'political philosophy', 'full moon', 'woman', 'veil'}",Relation,full veils,veil,positive,misogynist ideology,misogyny|ideology|oppression|woman|political philosophy,bad,"women, women, women, society" for,Marijuana can help treat bipolar disorders:,"{'bipolar disorder', 'cannabis (drug)'}","{'bipolar disorder', 'cannabis (drug)'}",Relation,marijuana,cannabis (drug),positive,bipolar disorders,bipolar disorder,good,"people with bipolar disorder, those with bipolar disorders, people with bipolar disorder and their families/friends" for,Face-covering veil makes economic/social participation impossible,set(),"{'participation (decision making)', 'veil'}",Relation,face-covering veil,veil,negative,economic/social participation,participation (decision making),bad,"participation, society, women, veil-wearing women" for,It is a myth that marijuana use can cause schizophrenia,"{'schizophrenia', 'urban legend', 'cannabis (drug)'}","{'schizophrenia', 'cannabis (drug)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Women should assimilate, or return to Islamist states","{'state (polity)', 'second coming', 'islamism', ""women's rights"", 'cultural assimilation'}",{'woman'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Cannabis causes higher rates of depression and anxiety problems.,"{'inflation', 'cannabis (drug)', 'anxiety'}","{'depression and anxiety', 'cannabis', 'rate (mathematics)', 'problem'}",Relation,cannabis,cannabis|cannabis (drug),positive,depression and anxiety problems,depression and anxiety|problem|anxiety,bad,"individuals, society, cannabis users, cannabis users, society, for people who use cannabis" for,Burqa can be banned on the grounds that it is indecent.,"{'burqa', 'censorship', 'morality'}",{'burqa'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Marijuana can curb psychotic symptoms in people with schizophrenia,"{'schizophrenia', 'person', 'cannabis (drug)', 'psychosis'}","{'people', 'symptom', 'schizophrenia', 'cannabis (drug)'}",Relation,marijuana,cannabis (drug),negative,psychotic symptoms in people with schizophrenia,symptom|psychosis|schizophrenia,good,"schizophrenics, society as a whole, psychotic people, schizophrenics, people with schizophrenia, society, schizophrenia suffers, families" against,"Women should be able to wear what they want, including burqa",{'burqa'},"{'burqa', 'woman'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If neo-Nazis can wear their outfits, women can wear burqas.",{'neo-nazism'},"{'burqa', 'woman'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Burqa can be criticized, but ban is excessive",{'burqa'},"{'ban (law)', 'burqa'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Marijuana can provide patients with significant pain relief,"{'pain management', 'patient', 'cannabis (drug)'}","{'pain management', 'patient', 'cannabis (drug)'}",Relation,marijuana,cannabis (drug),positive,pain relief,pain management,good,"patients, patient, those with pain, pain sufferers, patients" for,Burqa presents some security/safety risks for others.,"{'security', 'safety', 'burqa'}","{'hazard', 'burqa'}",Relation,burqa,burqa,positive,security/safety risks for others,security|hazard|safety,bad,"people, burqa wearers, other people, people" against,"Legalizing medical marijuana opens door to bad definitions of ""pain"".","{'medical cannabis', 'legalization'}","{'definition', 'pain', 'door', 'medical cannabis'}",Relation,legalizing medical marijuana,medical cannabis|legalization,positive,"bad definitions of ""pain""",definition|pain,bad,"public health, citizens, marijuana users, those who use it for legitimate pain, addicts, society" against,"Limits can be imposed on burqa when necessary, but not ban","{'burqa', 'for but not with'}","{'ban (law)', 'burqa'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Discomfort with burqa is inadequate to ban it,{'burqa'},{'burqa'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legalizing medical marijuana will increase state revenue.,"{'free will', 'state (polity)', 'medical cannabis', 'legalization'}","{'tax revenue', 'medical cannabis'}",Relation,legalizing medical marijuana,medical cannabis|legalization,positive,state revenue,tax revenue,good,"state economy, citizens, schools, medical marijuana users, state economy, society, state, us economy, government" for,"Burqa ban is not based on racism, but sound arguments","{'hijab by country', 'burqa', 'racism'}","{'soundness', 'hijab by country'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Medical marijuana should not be allowed just to grow state revenue,{'medical cannabis'},"{'tax revenue', 'medical cannabis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legalizing medical marijuana will reduce state spending.,"{'state (polity)', 'government spending', 'medical cannabis', 'legalization', 'tax shelter'}","{'government spending', 'medical cannabis'}",Relation,legalizing medical marijuana,medical cannabis|legalization,negative,state spending,state (polity)|government spending,good,"state economy, society, citizens and government" for,"If burqa ban was about racism, hijab would be banned too","{'ban (law)', 'burqa', 'racism', 'hijab', 'hijab by country'}","{'hijab', 'hijab by country'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Medical marijuana dispensaries can hurt surrounding businesses.,"{'medical cannabis', 'cannabis shop'}","{'dispensary', 'medical cannabis', 'companies law'}",Relation,medical marijuana dispensaries,dispensary|medical cannabis|cannabis shop,negative,surrounding businesses,companies law,bad,"business, employees, surrounding business, surrounding businesses, surrounding businesses" for,Burqas can lead to rickets for babies of burqa wearers,"{'burqa', 'osteomalacia'}","{'rickets', 'infant', 'burqa'}",Relation,burqas,burqa,positive,rickets for babies of burqa wearers,rickets|infant|burqa,bad,"babies, families, babies, babies, mothers, babies" against,Will tourists be forbidden from wearing burqa?,"{'haram', 'burqa'}",{'burqa'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Ban unenforceable against those believing God commands burqa,"{'burqa', 'god in islam'}","{'god', 'ban (law)', 'burqa'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Marijuana dispensaries will create many jobs,{'cannabis shop'},"{'dispensary', 'job', 'cannabis (drug)'}",Relation,marijuana dispensaries,dispensary|cannabis (drug)|cannabis shop,positive,many jobs,job,good,"workers, marijuana users, the economy, the economy, unemployed, workforce" for,Foreigners adopt local customs in Islamic countries; same in West,"{'alien (law)', 'muslim world', 'western world', 'adoption'}","{'alien (law)', 'muslim world', 'custom (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Smoked marijuana has advantages over chemical break-downs,"{'cannabis (drug)', 'cannabis smoking'}","{'chemical substance', 'cannabis smoking'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The EU may not become a federal union that requires a president.,"{'federation', 'president of france', 'european union'}","{'trade union', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Identity need be visible at all times, not just upon request.",set(),"{'petition', 'personal identity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,That so few wear burqa means ban will cause little disruption,{'burqa'},"{'clothing', 'ban (law)', 'burqa'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Election of a President focuses the accountability on one single individual.,"{'accountability', 'election'}",{'election'},Relation,election of a president,election,positive,accountability on one single individual,accountability,neutral, against,Women can be required to lift veils for certain security reasons,{'security'},"{'woman', 'veil'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electing an EU president directly will increase accountability.,"{'accountability', 'president of the european union'}",{'president of the european union'},Relation,electing an eu president directly,president of the european union,positive,accountability,accountability,good,"eu people, eu citizens, europe, the eu, society, a functioning democracy, eu" against,Criminals could use ski masks just as easy as burqas,{'crime'},{'burqa'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A government controlled by a single person would increase transparency.,{'government'},"{'transparency and translucency', 'administration (government)', 'single person'}",Relation,a government controlled by a single person,government|single person|administration (government),positive,transparency,transparency and translucency,good,"citizens, society, citizens, transparency" against,Very few wear burqa; impact too small to justify ban,{'burqa'},"{'impact (mechanics)', 'clothing', 'ban (law)', 'burqa'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,An elected president would make the EU more functional.,"{'president of france', 'election', 'european union'}","{'president', 'european union'}",Relation,an elected president,president|election,positive,eu more,european union,good,"eu, world, citizens of european union, the eu, society, eu, eu citizens, eu" for,"Few wear burqas, but it impacts all of society.",set(),"{'society', 'clothing', 'burqa'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electing a President increases the power a single individual can hold.,"{'the power (snap! song)', 'canadian hot 100'}","{'power (social and political)', 'president'}",Relation,electing a president,president,positive,power a single individual can,power (social and political),neutral, against,Most are willing to lift burqa when necessary,{'burqa'},{'burqa'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"By seeking a mandate for popular reform, the European Union must seek the good will of the people.","{'populism', 'european union'}","{'reform', 'people', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Population differences lead to unfair elections.,"{'unfair election', 'demographics of india'}",{'unfair election'},Relation,population differences,demographics of india,positive,unfair elections,unfair election,bad,"candidates, democracies, citizens, government, citizens, population" against,EU population not involved enough to elect president,{'european union'},{'demographics of the european union'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Women wearing burqa are integrating, but set terms",{'burqa'},"{'burqa', 'woman'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Elections would force EU politicians to act as populists.,"{'populism', 'politics', 'election', 'european union'}","{'election', 'european union'}",Relation,elections,election,positive,eu politicians to act as populists,populism|politics|european union,neutral, for,The burqa and niqab are meant to make women look unappealing.,"{'niqāb', 'burqa', 'women in islam'}","{'niqāb', 'burqa', 'woman'}",Relation,burqa and niqab,niqāb|burqa,NoAgreement,appealing,women in islam|woman,bad,"women in islam, women, for those who like to look at women, israeli women" against,National holidays would have to be changed under all of the proposed calendars.,"{'holiday', 'calendar'}","{'holiday', 'calendar'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A majority of Europeans tend to support a ban.,"{'ethnic groups in europe', 'minority group'}","{'ethnic groups in europe', 'ban (law)', 'minority group'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Body parts may be cut-off while bull is still alive.,"{'alive (pearl jam song)', 'still alive'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Biblical account of Creationwasintended to be taken literally.,"{'bible', 'biblical literalism', 'creationism'}",{'authorship of the bible'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Bulls can""t reason, but they can suffer; bullfighting wrong.","{'wrongdoing', 'bullfighting'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Church will appear weak if it accepts macro-evolution.,{'macroevolution'},{'church service'},Relation,macro-evolution,macroevolution,positive,the church,church service,bad,"the church, the church, the church, evolution, creationism, catholic church" against,Evolution is vital for Atheism to survive.,"{'evolution', 'atheism', 'vitalism'}",{'atheism'},Relation,evolution,evolution,positive,atheism to survive,atheism,good,"atheism theory, atheism, atheism, atheists" against,"Bulls"" horns may be shaved, making them very sensitive to pain.","{'pain', 'horn (anatomy)'}",set(),Relation,horns may be shaved,horn (anatomy),positive,making them very sensitive to pain,pain,bad,"bulls, bulls, the person/animal experiencing it, this causes undue harm to living creatures" against,Horses suffer in bullfighting as much as bulls.,"{'bullfighting', 'bull'}",{'horse'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"That kind of thing wouldn""t happen in reality.",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Justice of reneging AIG bonuses would be worth costs,"{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'united states department of justice'}","{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'cost', 'justice (virtue)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Majorities in bullfighting states & elsewhere oppose it.,{'bullfighting'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Profits from bullfighting end up in hands of small group.,"{'hands (little boots album)', 'the e.n.d', 'bullfighting'}","{'profit (economics)', 'hand', 'musical ensemble'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,AIG bonuses reward those responsible for collapse,"{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'subprime mortgage crisis'}",{'aig bonus payments controversy'},Relation,aig bonuses,aig bonus payments controversy,positive,reward those responsible for collapse,aig bonus payments controversy|subprime mortgage crisis,bad,"the country, the citizens, everyone but aig cronies, society" for,Many cultural and sporting events involve serious risks.,"{'culture', 'sport', 'risk'}","{'hazard', 'athletics (sport)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Punishing bonuses will distract AIG from restructuring,"{'performance-related pay', 'restructuring', 'american international group'}",set(),Relation,punishing bonuses,performance-related pay,positive,aig from restructuring,restructuring,neutral, against,Bullfighting is too dangerous to humans to justify,{'bullfighting'},{'human'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,More risks the bullfighter takes the better,{'torero'},{'rodeo clown'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unfair fight; bull is severely injured before matador,"{'torero', 'bull'}",{'unfair (drama)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Mastery of nature"" can be demonstrated w/o torturing bulls.",set(),"{'skill', 'nature (philosophy)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bonuses help AIG keep employees and survive,{'american international group'},set(),Relation,bonuses,,positive,aig keep employees and survive,american international group,good,"aig, aig employees, aig, employees, aig, employees, stockholders, aig, employees" for,Reneging AIG bonuses would undermine shareholder confidence,{'aig bonus payments controversy'},"{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'authority (management)', 'shareholder'}",Relation,reneging aig bonuses,aig bonus payments controversy,negative,shareholder confidence,shareholder,bad,"shareholder confidence, shareholders, stock market, the company, shareholders" against,AIG bonuses blackmail taxpayers with threat of collapse,"{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'blackmail', 'tax'}","{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bullfighting makes for a barbaric society.,"{'barbarian', 'bullfighting'}",{'society'},Relation,bullfighting,bullfighting,positive,barbaric society,barbarian|society,bad,"society, society, bulls, society, society citizens" against,An early withdrawal from Iraq would hurt US credibility in the War on Terror,"{'war on terror', 'iraq'}","{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'credibility', 'war on terror'}",Relation,early withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq|iraq,NoAgreement,us credibility in the war on terror,credibility|war on terror,bad,"us morale, us government, us military, the united states" against,AIG bonuses would not have been possible without bailout,"{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'emergency economic stabilization act of 2008'}","{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'bailout'}",Relation,bailout,bailout,positive,aig bonuses,aig bonus payments controversy,good,"aig, aig employees" against,"AIG bonus contracts, like all contracts, are subject to change","{'performance-related pay', 'employment contract', 'american international group'}",{'contract'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Iraq is only a jihadist-terrorist threat because US troops are there to be targeted.,"{'united states dollar', 'iraq'}","{'iraq', 'united states armed forces'}",Relation,us troops are there to be targeted,united states armed forces,positive,iraq is only a jihadist-terrorist threat,iraq,bad,"iraq, usa, society, those who don't want to die in a terrorist attack., iraq, us troops" against,Congress can invalidate AIG contracts with cause.,"{'social issue', 'american international group', 'united states congress'}","{'contract', 'american international group', 'united states congress'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,AIG should reveal contracts so public can judge validity,{'american international group'},{'contract'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is wrong to believe that we need to fight terrorists in Iraq to prevent them from coming to the US.,"{'iraq', 'terrorism'}",{'iraq'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,AIG is obligated by contract with employees to give bonuses,"{'employment', 'contract', 'performance-related pay', 'american international group'}",{'contract'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An early US withdrawal would enable Al Qaeda to use Iraqi oil revenue,"{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'oil reserves in iraq', 'al-qaeda', 'peak oil'}","{'oil reserves in iraq', 'al-qaeda', 'peak oil'}",Relation,an early us withdrawal,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,positive,enable al qaeda to use iraqi oil revenue,oil reserves in iraq|al-qaeda,bad,"iraqi citizens, iraqi government(as holders of the revenue), us soldiers, iraqi citizens, iraq, society" against,"If the US withdraws from Iraq, it will become an Islamist base for Al Qaeda","{'islamism', 'al-qaeda', 'iraq', 'will durant'}","{'al-qaeda', 'iraq'}",Relation,us withdraws from iraq,iraq,positive,islamist base for al qaeda,al-qaeda|islamism,bad,"everyone but al qaeda, non-islamic iraqis, opponents of al quaeda, us, non-islamic neighboring countries, usa, iraq, society, iraqi citizens, us" for,AIG got itself into crisis; only it knows how to get out.,{'american international group'},"{'financial crisis of 2007–08', 'american international group'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Al Qaeda will not thrive in majority Shiite Iraq,"{'shia islam', 'al-qaeda', 'iraq'}","{'shia islam', 'al-qaeda', 'age of majority', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Occupying Iraq makes the USA and its allies targets for terrorist attack throughout the world.,"{'united states', 'iraq war', 'terrorism'}","{'united states', 'iraq', 'allies of world war ii'}",Relation,occupying iraq,iraq war,positive,targets for terrorist attack,terrorism,bad,"us and allies, usa and its allies can be attacked, usa, usa's allies, it creates the potential for violence against the united states and allied countries. this would cause harm to innocent civilians., usa, allies, society" for,AIG bonuses stimulate New York and national economy,{'aig bonus payments controversy'},"{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'house of york'}",Relation,aig bonuses,aig bonus payments controversy,positive,new york and national economy,aig bonus payments controversy|house of york,good,"national economy, ny citizens, people from new york and everybody else, the general public, economy" against,"Once the US leaves, terrorists will launch a massive, violent campaign.",set(),"{'terrorism', 'military campaign'}",Relation,us,military campaign,positive,"a massive, violent",terrorism,bad,"victims of the terrorists, us, citizens, those in the area, us, citizens, victims of terrorism, iraqi citizens" for,The US can back anti-terrorism efforts in and around Iraq after leaving,{'iraq'},{'exertion'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,AIG knows best how to spend bailout (even on bonuses),"{'troubled asset relief program', ""bankers' bonuses"", 'american international group'}","{'bailout', 'american international group'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,AIG bonuses make case for bank nationalization,"{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'nationalization'}","{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'bank', 'nationalization', 'data type'}",Relation,aig bonuses,aig bonus payments controversy,positive,case for bank nationalization,bank|nationalization,neutral, against,Al Qaeda has made Iraq a central front and they must be stopped there,"{'al-qaeda', 'iraq'}","{'al-qaeda', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Al Qaeda is powerless to establish a caliphate in Iraq after a US withdrawal,"{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'al-qaeda', 'rashidun caliphate', 'iraq'}","{'al-qaeda', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Iraqi Sunnis would mainly oppose Al Qaeda after the US leaves,"{'sunni islam', 'al-qaeda', 'iraq'}","{'sunni islam', 'al-qaeda', 'iraqi people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,AIG and free markets cannot be relied upon,"{'free market', 'american international group'}",{'free market'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mending relations with countries that opposed the war would make it easier to fight the war on terror.,"{'war', 'international relations', 'nation', 'war on terror'}","{'warfare', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'war on terror'}",Relation,mending relations with countries,international relations,positive,war on,war on terror,good,"citizens, refugees, world, citizens, those fighting the war on terror" against,Allowing AIG bonuses would undermine government-citizen trust.,"{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'trust (emotion)'}","{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'trust law'}",Relation,allowing aig bonuses,aig bonus payments controversy,negative,government-citizen trust,trust (emotion),bad,"government, citizens, government, society, society, government" for,Reneging AIG bonuses will cause more govt intervention,"{'aig bonus payments controversy', 'interventionism (politics)'}",{'aig bonus payments controversy'},Relation,reneging aig bonuses,aig bonus payments controversy,positive,government intervention,interventionism (politics),neutral, for,The US should withdraw immediately to respect the will of Iraqis,{'iraqis'},{'iraqi people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Withdrawing troops would actually improve security and so uphold any obligation to Iraqis.,{'iraqis'},"{'obligation', 'iraqi people'}",Relation,withdrawing troops,iraqis,positive,security and so uphold any obligation to,obligation|iraqi people|iraqis,good,"iraqis, americans, military, iraqis, iraqis" for,Taxes should not be used to punish AIG,"{'american international group', 'tax'}",{'tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The US has obligations to the world that must be considered over obligations to just Iraqis.,set(),"{'world', 'obligation', 'iraqi people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Government should have regulated bonuses, not tax them","{'performance-related pay', 'tax', 'government', 'regulation'}",{'administration (government)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The US has obligations to its own citizens that must be considered along side obligations to Iraqis.,{'obligation'},"{'obligation', 'iraqi people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The implications of reanalysis should be looked at carefully:,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The US has a duty to Iraqis to stay and minimize the damage it has caused,set(),{'iraqi people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"While publics do want the US to leave, they also express a desire to see a stable Iraq.",{'iraq'},"{'desire', 'public', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,New techniques make a reanalysis of evidence possible later on:,set(),"{'hybrid theory (ep)', 'evidence (musician)'}",Relation,new techniques,hybrid theory (ep)|evidence (musician),positive,evidence,hybrid theory (ep)|evidence (musician),good,"society, those who want justice." for,The US tried and failed to secure a UN Security Council authorization for war.,{'united nations security council'},"{'united nations security council', 'warfare', 'authorization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If the double jeopardy rule is scrapped, police work will be sloppier","{'law', 'will and testament', 'double jeopardy', 'police'}",{'double jeopardy'},Relation,double jeopardy rule,double jeopardy|law,positive,police work will be sloppier,police,bad,"justice, those who wish to receive justice, society, law, police, police, us citizens, the community" for,The Police should be able to restrain themselves from over-pursuing an investigation:,"{'police', 'criminal procedure'}",{'constabulary'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Guilt should be the primary criteria for trials, not double jeopardy considerations:",{'double jeopardy'},"{'guilt (law)', 'consideration', 'double jeopardy', 'trial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Congress authorized the war for objectives that no longer exist,{'united states congress'},"{'warfare', 'united states congress'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Banning ""double jeopardy"" laws would help protect innocent people from continual prosecution:",{'double jeopardy'},"{'people', 'law', 'double jeopardy'}",Relation,"banning ""double jeopardy"" laws",law|double jeopardy,positive,protect innocent people from continual prosecution,people,good,"citizens, the innocent, innocent people should not be persecuted." against,The US has to make the best of Iraq irrespective of faulty justifications going in.,{'iraq'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The Iraq War will be illegal after UN authorizations expire on January 1, 2009","{'free will', 'iraq war', 'international law', 'united nations'}","{'iraq war', 'authorization', 'january 2009'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Saddam Hussein would have re-started Iraqs WMD program some-day.,"{'nuclear weapon', 'saddam hussein'}","{'weapon of mass destruction', 'saddam hussein'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Its more important that a justice system provide is a clear result:,"{'justice', 'list of national legal systems'}","{'result', 'justice (virtue)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An early withdrawal from Iraq would be highly risky to exiting troops.,"{'iraq war', 'united states armed forces'}",{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq'},Relation,early withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,positive,exiting troops,united states armed forces|withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq|iraq war,bad,"us troops, troops, usa, puts troops in harms way" for,"When a conviction appears tainted, we allow a retrial; Why not for an acquittal?",{'acquittal'},"{'new trial', 'conviction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If coalition forces withdraw too early, Iraq will likely fall into civil war","{'iraq war', 'multi-national force – iraq', 'withdrawal of u.s. troops from afghanistan'}","{'track geometry', 'civil war', 'iraq'}",Relation,coalition forces withdraw too early,withdrawal of u.s. troops from afghanistan,positive,iraq will likely fall into civil war,civil war|iraq,bad,"iraqi citizens, iraq, this is bad for the country of iraq and will prevent them from obtaining a stable government., those who live in iraq, iraqis, society, middle east" for,"When crimes goes unpunished by double jeopardy laws, it undermines our faith in the justice system:","{'law', 'list of national legal systems', 'justice', 'faith', 'double jeopardy'}","{'law', 'crime', 'system', 'faith', 'double jeopardy', 'justice (virtue)'}",Relation,crimes goes unpunished by double jeopardy laws,law|crime|double jeopardy,positive,our faith in the justice system,system|justice|faith,bad,"accusers, faith in the justice system, our faith in the justice system, victims, society, institutions" for,"An early withdrawal would end Sunni fears of working with Shiite ""collaborators"""," ""{'sunni islam', 'shia islam'}","{'sunni islam', 'fear', 'shia islam'}",Relation,early withdrawal,,negative,"sunni fears of working with shiite ""collaborators""",fear|sunni islam|shia islam,NoAgreement, against,The rule of law will actually come to mean less if it exists in a perpetual state of potential overturn.,"{'quantum state', 'rule of law', 'will and testament', 'eternity'}","{'rule of law', 'province'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Regional powers have an interest in preventing civil war,{'civil war'},"{'regional power', 'civil war'}",Relation,regional powers,regional power,negative,civil war,civil war,NoAgreement, for,The judicial system is unlikely to be overwhelmed with retrials.,"{'new trial', 'judicial system of japan'}","{'judiciary', 'new trial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Iraqi civil roots are strong enough to avoid civil war if US leaves,set(),"{'civil war', 'root', 'iraqi people'}",Relation,iraqi civil roots,iraqi people,negative,civil war,civil war,bad,"iraq, iraqis" for,All the rules and laws that protect the accused at the first trial will be in place at a second.,"{'law', 'duel', 'trial', 'indictment', 'first amendment to the united states constitution', 'will and testament'}","{'law', 'location (geography)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The presumption of innocence will be undermined in a retrial:,"{'presumption of innocence', 'new trial'}","{'presumption of innocence', 'new trial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A troop withdrawal would lead to a refuge crisis in Iraq and regionally,"{'iraq war', 'lead'}","{'crisis', 'iraq'}",Relation,troop withdrawal,iraq war|lead|crisis,positive,crisis in iraq and regionally,iraq|crisis,bad,"iraq, region, refugees, iraqi locals, middle east, refugees" for,Iraqis will avoid civil war precisely because its prospects are so grim,{'english civil war'},"{'civil war', 'iraqi people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A prohibition of sado-masochism is simply inconsistent with the liberty that governments already permit their citizens to injure each other and themselves.,"{'government', 'prohibition', 'license', 'sadomasochism', 'liberty', 'citizenship'}","{'prohibition of drugs', 'liberty', 'administration (government)', 'sadomasochism'}",Relation,a prohibition of sado-masochism,prohibition|sadomasochism,negative,citizens,liberty|citizenship,bad,"government, citizens, freedom, citizens" for,Sado-masochism can be rendered relatively free of physical risk for its participants.,{'sadomasochism'},"{'hazard', 'sadomasochism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many armed sectarian factions have a direct interest in fomenting civil war.,{'russian civil war'},"{'civil war', 'political faction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Sado-masochism need not be rendered completely free of risk, as long as the risks are understood by the consenting parties:","{'completely free', 'risk', 'long (finance)', 'sadomasochism', 'free (free album)'}","{'party', 'hazard', 'sadomasochism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Regional powers would provide limited support to Iraqi proxies in any civil war,"{'regional power', 'civil war', 'proxy war', ""pakistan's role in the war on terror"", 'iraq'}","{'regional power', 'civil war', 'iraqi people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legalization of sado-masochism holds a number of risks to the application of the law:,"{'law', 'risk', 'bdsm'}","{'law', 'legalization', 'number', 'sadomasochism', 'hazard'}",Relation,legalization of sado-masochism,bdsm|legalization|sadomasochism,positive,risks to the application of the law,law|risk,neutral, against,"Every government has a duty to protect the moral and physical health of all its citizens, even from themselves in some circumstances:","{'health', 'citizenship'}","{'health', 'consideration', 'administration (government)', 'duty to protect'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Iraqs Sunnis and Shiites have a history of tolerance not violence,"{'toleration', 'sunni islam', 'violence', 'shia islam'}","{'sunni islam', 'violence', 'history', 'shia islam'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"No matter what, deterrence does not work.",{'deterrence theory'},"{'deterrence (psychology)', 'matter'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Few Iraqi sectarian leaders want a civil war to disrupt their oil revenues,"{'petroleum', 'sectarianism'}","{'civil war', 'peak oil', 'iraqi people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legalization would change drug consumption from a criminal to a health issue,"{'health', 'crime', 'child', 'drug liberalization', 'recreational drug use', 'ingestion'}","{'drug', 'consumption (economics)', 'health', 'legalization'}",Relation,legalization,legalization|recreational drug use|drug,positive,change drug consumption from a criminal to a health issue,health|crime|consumption (economics),neutral, for,"Iraqis would unify around an early US withdrawal, avoiding civil war","{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'iraqis'}","{'civil war', 'iraqi people'}",Relation,withdrawal,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,negative,civil war,civil war,NoAgreement, against,Lower prices due to legalization of drugs will increase consumption,{'ingestion'},"{'consumption (economics)', 'drug liberalization'}",Relation,legalization of drugs,drug liberalization,positive,consumption,consumption (economics)|drug liberalization,NoAgreement, for,Drug prohibition does not correlate with decreased use,{'prohibition of drugs'},{'prohibition of drugs'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Withdrawing from Iraq prematurely would be as disastrous as withdrawing from Vietnam,"{'vietnam', 'iraq'}","{'vietnam war', 'iraq'}",Relation,withdrawing from iraq prematurely,iraq,positive,disastrous as withdrawing from vietnam,vietnam war,bad,"iraq, us, iraq, the usa, troops, iraqis and americans, iraq" against,The legalization of drugs will increase consumption,"{'drug liberalization', 'ingestion'}","{'consumption (economics)', 'drug liberalization'}",Relation,legalization of drugs,drug liberalization,positive,consumption,ingestion|consumption (economics),neutral, for,"Once the US begins to leave, Iraqis will take control of their own security.",set(),{'iraqi people'},Relation,us begins to leave,,positive,iraqis will take control of their own security,iraqi people,neutral, against,An early US withdrawal from Iraq would be generally disastrous,"{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'iraq'}",{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq'},Relation,an early us withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,positive,disastrous,,bad,"people of iraq, us troops, us government, us government, for all parties" for,The state can tax the sale of legalized drugs and use the revenue for treatment programs,"{'prohibition of drugs', 'state (polity)', 'andean community', 'legalization', 'tax'}","{'drug', 'state (polity)', 'tax revenue'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Coalition withdrawal is more likely to damage Iraq than help it,"{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'iraq war', 'multi-national force – iraq'}","{'secession', 'iraq', 'coalition'}",Relation,coalition withdrawal,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq|coalition,positive,damage iraq,iraq,NoAgreement, for,Legalization of drugs will remove the rebellious glamor of it,"{'will (philosophy)', 'glamour (presentation)'}",{'drug liberalization'},Relation,legalization of drugs,drug liberalization,negative,rebellious glamor,glamour (presentation),good,"society, drug users, society" against,Reports concluding that an early withdrawal from Iraq would be disastrous,{'iraq'},"{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'report'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Individuals have the right to control their bodies and consume drugs,"{'human body', 'ethics'}","{'physical body', 'drug', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Claims that disaster would follow withdrawal are made by discredited advocates of invasion,set(),{'invasion'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Prohibition also costs lives.,"{'writ of prohibition', 'costs in english law'}","{'prohibition of drugs', 'life (magazine)'}",Relation,prohibition,prohibition of drugs,positive,lives,,bad,"the living, citizens, people, society" against,A civil war in Iraq would draw in regional powers,"{'iraq war', 'sectarian violence in iraq (2006–07)'}","{'regional power', 'civil war in iraq (2006–07)'}",Relation,a civil war in iraq,iraq war|civil war in iraq (2006–07),positive,in regional powers,regional power,neutral, for,Troops could be withdrawn to Iraqs borders to ensure against a regional conflict.,"{'border', 'region', 'war', 'troop'}","{'border', 'iraq'}",Relation,troops could be withdrawn to iraqs borders,troop|border|iraq,negative,ensure against a regional conflict,war|troop|border|region,neutral, against,Legalization would send the wrong message that drug-use is acceptable.,set(),"{'message', 'legalization'}",Relation,legalization,legalization,positive,drug-use is acceptable,message,bad,"public, society, american citizens, people who want to use drugs and thinks its okay, society" for,Regional powers would help stabilize Iraq following US withdrawal,"{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq', 'iraq war'}","{'regional power', 'secession'}",Relation,regional powers,regional power,positive,stabilize iraq,regional power|withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,good,"iraqis, iraqi inhabitants, iraq" for,Regional powers would prefer stability in Iraq to protect their oil industries,"{'oil', 'iraq', 'industry'}","{'regional power', 'petroleum industry', 'stability theory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Saudis would back Sunni Iraqis if the US pulls out,"{'sunni islam', 'saudis', 'iraqis'}","{'sunni islam', 'saudi arabia', 'iraqi people'}",Relation,if the us pulls out,,positive,saudis would back sunni iraqis,saudi arabia|sunni islam|saudis|iraqis,neutral, for,Drugs can have a beneficial mind-expanding capacity.,"{'psychedelia', 'recreational drug use'}","{'drug', 'capacity (law)'}",Relation,drugs,drug,positive,beneficial mind-expanding capacity,capacity (law),good,"citizens, mental health, drug use can be beneficial to users. it can help them expand their minds in a positive way beyond their current capabilities." for,Iraqi nationalism will prevent Iranian influence after US withdrawal,"{'free will', 'iraqi nationalism', 'history of iran'}","{'iraqi nationalism', 'persian people'}",Relation,iraqi nationalism,iraqi nationalism,negative,iranian influence after us withdrawal,,neutral, against,Attempting to alter with drug-use the God-given human state-of-mind is immoral.,"{'robert alter', 'human', 'morality'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The negative effects of drug-use make it morally wrong and appropriate for governments to ban.,"{'negative liberty', 'ban (law)', 'government', 'morality', 'causality'}",{'administration (government)'},Relation,negative effects of drug-use,ban (law)|government|administration (government)|negative liberty,positive,governments to,ban (law)|government|administration (government)|morality,neutral, against,"Withdrawing from Iraq will damage the United States"" ability to deal with Iran.","{'united states', 'iran national football team', 'iraq war'}",{'united states'},Relation,withdrawing from iraq,iraq war,negative,"united states"" ability to deal with",united states,bad,"us and it's troops, us, iraqi citizens, united states, iran, iraq, us, irani people, iraqi people" against,Irans influence in Iraq would grow significantly if the United States withdraws.,"{'united states', 'iraq war'}","{'united states', 'forfeit (sport)'}",Relation,united states withdraws,united states,positive,influence in iraq,iraq war,NoAgreement, against,It is wrong for governments to obtain tax-revenue from immoral behavior.,"{'wrongdoing', 'ethology', 'government', 'morality'}","{'behavior', 'political science'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Teenagers who start drinking too early have a 1500% more chance of becoming alcoholics and drinking too much.,{'alcoholism'},{'probability'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Multilateral agencies often create dependencies abroad.,"{'list of specialized agencies of the united nations', 'crown dependencies', 'multilateralism'}","{'dependency (project management)', 'agency (lds church)'}",Relation,multilateral agencies,multilateralism|agency (lds church),positive,create dependencies abroad,crown dependencies|dependency (project management),bad,"abroad, united nations, society, international relations, society, people in those countries that become dependent" against,Greek debt is too large for bailout to solve,"{'greece', 'debt', 'bailout'}","{'greek language', 'debt', 'bailout'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open carry is vulnerable to attacker trying to take weapon,"{'hacker (computer security)', 'weapon', 'open carry in the united states'}","{'weapon', 'attacker', 'open carry in the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"A partition plan would reduce the need to protect against opposing groups, reducing the incentive for violence:","{'functional group', 'redox'}","{'need to', 'united nations partition plan for palestine', 'incentive', 'violence'}",Relation,a partition plan,united nations partition plan for palestine,negative,need to protect against opposing the,violence|incentive|need to,good,"israel, palestine, world, anyone involved in this conflict, civilians, israelis, palestinians, society, government, citizens, reducing incentive for violence" against,Anti-social behavior may not be a causal result of video games:,set(),"{'anti-social behaviour', 'pc game', 'result'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Chinas ""one child"" policy causes ""gendercide"" ","""{'one-child policy', 'etiology', 'gendercide'}",{'child'},Relation,"chinas ""one child"" policy",one-child policy,positive,"""gendercide""",gendercide,bad,"china, children, families, society, china, society, families, female infants, children, girl children" against,Sixteen year olds are not responsible enough to drink to moderation and have a higher chance of becoming alcoholics.,"{'alcoholism', 'tragic kingdom'}","{'probability', '16 (number)', 'year', 'moderation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Dollarization can reduce the risk of inflation:,"{'inflation', 'currency substitution'}","{'hazard', 'inflation', 'currency substitution'}",Relation,dollarization,currency substitution,negative,risk of inflation,inflation,good,"economy, citizens, government, society, economic stability, unites states" for,National primaries produce sound bite politics,"{'sound bite', 'politics'}","{'sound bite', 'politics', 'national primary'}",Relation,national primaries,national primary,positive,sound bite politics,sound bite|politics,bad,"politics, voters, candidates, viewing public, politicians, bite politics, democratic process" for,Risks of a nuclear Iran will raise oil prices,{'iran'},"{'hazard', 'nuclear program of iran', 'price of petroleum'}",Relation,risks of a nuclear iran,nuclear program of iran|iran,positive,raise oil prices,price of petroleum,bad,"world oil industry, drivers, economy, people who buy oil, consumers, petroleum prices, gas prices, oil consumers" against,Most twenty-somethings do want to drink with 15 year-olds.,"{'ageing', 'doctor of osteopathic medicine', 'drinking'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""New"" Serbia wants to move away from Kosovo problem","{'new serbia', 'kosovo'}",{'problem (šarlo akrobata song)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Standards require old generating plants to update equipment:,"{'electricity generation', 'factory', 'machine'}","{'power station', 'standard solution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Greenhouse-gas-emitting natural gas is used to make biofuel fertilizer.,"{'fertilizer', 'natural gas', 'biofuel'}","{'fertilizer', 'natural gas', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public opinion supports the Greece bailout,{'greece'},"{'greece', 'public opinion', 'bailout'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Stabilizing the exchange rate against the dollar reduces risks, thus encouraging other countries to engage in trading with that country:",{'exchange rate'},"{'exchange rate', 'state (polity)', 'hazard', 'dollar'}",Relation,stabilizing the exchange rate against the dollar,exchange rate|dollar,negative,in trading,state (polity)|dollar|exchange rate,good,"importers, exporters, businesses, economy, society, economy, trade, exchange, countries, citizens, united states economy, international trade" for,Geoengineering gives time and optimism to climate fight,"{'climate engineering', 'time', 'climate change'}","{'climate', 'time'}",Relation,geoengineering,climate engineering,positive,time and optimism to climate fight,climate|time|climate change,good,"climate change, environment, earth, society, environmental health, people" against,Human error could cause devastating impacts with geoengineering.,"{'climate engineering', 'causality', 'impact event', 'human error'}","{'impact (mechanics)', 'human error'}",Relation,human error,human error,positive,devastating impacts,impact event,bad,"geoengineering, the environment, people, world, environment, geoengineering" against,No Child Left Behind increases dropout rates.,"{'high school dropouts', 'no child left behind act'}","{'child', 'relative direction'}",Relation,no child left behind,no child left behind act,positive,dropout rates,high school dropouts,bad,"students, society, students, teachers, the children, children, education, children" against,No Child Left Behind does nothing to improve teachers.,"{'education', 'no child left behind act'}","{'child', 'teacher', 'relative direction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Self-determination is a fundamental right that must be afforded to a native or national group.,"{'self-determination', 'nation', 'ingroups and outgroups', 'indigenous (ecology)'}","{'fundamental rights', 'self-determination'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The effects of geoengineering would be expensive.,"{'effects of global warming', 'climate engineering'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Violent video games may enable gamers to rehearse aggressive solutions to confict:,"{'games for may', 'video game controversies'}","{'gamer', 'video game controversies', 'solution'}",Relation,violent video games,video game controversies,positive,gamers to rehearse aggressive solutions,gamer,NoAgreement, for,Natural gas can replace fossil fuels that emit more greenhouse gases,"{'fossil fuel', 'compressed natural gas', 'fossil', 'greenhouse gas'}","{'jerrycan', 'fossil fuel', 'natural gas', 'greenhouse gas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is better to plant trees and leave them.,"{'plant', 'tree'}",{'tree'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Chinese understand their success depends on ""one child"".","{'social status', 'understanding', 'child', 'chinese culture', 'one-child policy'}","{'child (hieroglyph)', 'chinese language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Subsidies contribute to the abuse of the word ""art""",set(),"{'subsidy', 'art', 'insult', 'word'}",Relation,subsidies,,positive,"abuse of the word ""art""",art,NoAgreement, for,"Flag burning does not clearly qualify as an element of ""speech"" that should receive freedoms.","{'classical element', 'free will', 'freedom of speech', 'flag desecration'}","{'aspect of music', 'flag desecration', 'spoken language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Standardized tests ensures students learn essential information.,{'standardized test'},"{'student', 'information', 'standardized test'}",Relation,standardized tests,standardized test,positive,learn essential information,information,good,"students are ensured to be learning essential information they need for schooling., students, learning, education, students, students" against,Sun-obstructing geoengineering will negatively impact solar power,"{'climate engineering', 'impact event', 'solar energy'}",{'solar energy'},Relation,sun-obstructing geoengineering,climate engineering,negative,solar power,solar energy,NoAgreement, against,Burning natural gas to heat home contaminates air quality,"{'home', 'air pollution', 'natural gas', 'heat', 'combustion'}","{'heat', 'natural gas', 'house', 'air pollution'}",Relation,burning natural gas to heat,natural gas|house|home|heat,positive,air quality,air pollution,bad,"environment, individuals, people, the planet, environment, humankind, environment" for,It disrupts wildlife and can easily be stopped,"{'tin can', 'wildlife'}",{'wildlife'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Despite ample investment, production costs remain high","{'cost-of-production theory of value', 'outline of industrial organization'}","{'cost-of-production theory of value', 'investment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Geoengineering can be gradually tested and implemented.,{'geoprofessions'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,National bailouts have succeeded with tough austerity measures,"{'austerity', 'bailout'}","{'austerity', 'bailout'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Biofuels emit more particulate pollutants than gasoline/diesel,"{'diesel fuel', 'particulates', 'gasoline', 'biofuel', 'emission spectrum', 'pollutant'}",{'biofuel'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Open-carry laws could help reduce costs of private security.,set(),"{'cost', 'law', 'security guard'}",Relation,open-carry laws,law,NoAgreement,costs of private security,cost,good,"security costs, safety, budget, debt, society, the payers" against,NCLB sets overly restrictive qualifications for teaching.,{'no child left behind act'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Parents with one child will care more for that child.,"{'child', 'parent', 'foster care', 'will and testament', 'one-child policy'}","{'child', 'parent'}",Relation,parents with one child,child|parent,positive,care more for that child,child,good,"children, child health, education, children" against,Iran can be deterred from using a nuclear weapon,"{'iran', 'nuclear weapon'}","{'iran', 'nuclear weapon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Geoengineering can be very cheap,{'geoprofessions'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Multilateral aid is sometimes hard to justify to constituents.,{'aid'},{'aid'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A nuclear Iran can be diplomatically/strategically contained.,"{'iran', 'diplomacy'}",{'nuclear program of iran'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Good not ""failing"" students students will leave under NCLB.",{'student'},{'student'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Abundant natural gas helps lower energy prices,"{'natural gas', 'abundance of the chemical elements'}","{'price', 'thermodynamic free energy', 'natural gas'}",Relation,abundant natural gas,natural gas,positive,lower energy prices,price,good,"consumers, saving money, humankind, who pays for energy, natural gas consumers" for,Even unofficial dollarization increases the stability of a countrys bank system,"{'currency substitution', 'bank'}","{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'currency substitution', 'system', 'bank (geography)'}",Relation,unofficial dollarization,system|currency substitution,positive,stability of a countrys bank system,system|bank,good,"banks, money, society, banking, economy, stability, society, country's bank system, banks, economic stability" against,UN efforts on poverty may actually stunt development.,"{'poverty', 'economic development'}","{'poverty', 'development economics', 'stunt'}",Relation,un efforts on poverty,poverty,NoAgreement,stunt development,stunt|economic development,bad,"everyone, people, poverty, hunger, children, society, impoverished people" for,Dollarization helps encourage foreign investment:,"{'foreign direct investment', 'currency substitution'}","{'foreign direct investment', 'currency substitution'}",Relation,dollarization,,positive,foreign investment,foreign direct investment,good,"international trade, united states economy, society, economy, businesses, economy, the economy, the us" against,Biofuels production and use may increase greenhouse gas emissions,"{'greenhouse gas', 'production (economics)', 'biofuel'}","{'greenhouse gas', 'biofuel'}",Relation,biofuels production and use,biofuel,positive,increase greenhouse gas emissions,greenhouse gas,bad,"all life, environmental health, environment, global warming" for,Corporations have valuable perspectives to voice,set(),"{'corporation', 'perspective (graphical)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Peter Galbraith, Former US ambassador to Croatia, supports a partitioning of Iraq","{'croatia', 'iraq', 'peter w. galbraith'}","{'iraq', 'united states ambassador to croatia', 'peter w. galbraith'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"During Earth Hour, a lot of people use candles.",{'earth hour'},"{'earth hour', 'people', 'land lot', 'candle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Subsidies help foster newer more innovative forms of art.,{'innovation'},"{'subsidy', 'art'}",Relation,subsidies,subsidy,positive,newer more innovative forms of art,innovation|art,good,"artists, society, artists, consumers of art, art innovation, artists, society" for,Subsidizing biofuels helps lower gas prices and save taxpayers money.,"{'natural gas', 'biofuel', 'money', 'gasoline and diesel usage and pricing', 'tax'}","{'money', 'gasoline and diesel usage and pricing', 'biofuel'}",Relation,subsidizing biofuels,biofuel,positive,lower gas prices and save taxpayers money,money|gasoline and diesel usage and pricing,good,"working class people, taxpayers, taxpayers, consumers" for,Ownership over IP can be passed on to another person,set(),"{'intellectual property', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Experimental tests show positive focus effects of video games:,"{'sound effect', 'negative (photography)', 'focus (optics)', 'video game', 'experiment', 'statistical hypothesis testing'}","{'pc game', 'experiment'}",Relation,video games,video game,positive,positive focus effects,focus (optics),good,"gamers, the concept is good because it shows positive results of video games in the concentration, people's ability to focus" against,UN money can have more effects in fighting climate change than poverty.,"{'poverty', 'climate change'}","{'money', 'poverty', 'climate change'}",Relation,un money,money,positive,fighting climate change,climate change,good,"the environment, climate, climate chage, fighting climate change" against,Kosovo independence could spark conflict with Serbia around Metrovica,"{'serbia', 'kosovo', 'kosovo war', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence'}","{'serbia', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence'}",Relation,kosovo independence,kosovo,positive,conflict with serbia around metrovica,serbia,bad,"serbia, kosovo, serbia, it's bad because a fight between countries never brings anything good, citizens, peace" for,"""Art need not reflect real life.",{'art'},"{'real life', 'art'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If the author is dead, IP means nothing to them.",{'intellectual property'},{'author'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Default would harm the whole euro area,"{'eurozone', 'default (finance)'}",{'eurozone'},Relation,default,default (finance),positive,harm the whole euro area,eurozone,bad,"the whole euro area, euro area, europe, european economy, europeans, euro area" against,"Climate change must be addressed, or poverty will worsen","{'poverty', 'climate change'}","{'poverty', 'climate change'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"In some cases, the UN must prioritize between poverty and climate.","{'poverty', 'climate change', 'united nations'}","{'poverty', 'climate'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Teenagers will always rebel against limits on their behavior.,"{'rebellion', 'adolescence'}",{'behavior'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Dollarization places constraints on US monetary policy,"{'monetary policy of the united states', 'currency substitution', 'monetary policy'}","{'currency substitution', 'location (geography)', 'monetary policy'}",Relation,dollarization,monetary policy|location (geography),negative,us monetary policy,monetary policy of the united states,bad,"constraints monetary policy, constrains us policies, us monetary policy" for,Full dollarization can protect countries from currency crises.,"{'currency crisis', 'currency substitution', 'canadian dollar'}","{'full moon', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'currency substitution', 'currency crisis'}",Relation,full dollarization,currency substitution,positive,protect countries from currency crises,currency crisis,good,"countries, protect countries from currency crises, national currency" against,Young adults often can afford pubs and would simply buy liquor cheaply at supermarkets.,"{'pub', 'supermarket', 'distilled beverage'}","{'pub', 'adult', 'supermarket', 'distilled beverage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The complicated primary system creates confusion and turns voters off,set(),set(),Relation,complicated primary system,,positive,confusion and turns voters off,,bad,"democratic process, voters, candidates, politics, government, voters, elections, democracy, voters and candidates, voters, elections" for,"Elephant populations have revived, making it possible to lift the ban:",set(),"{'ban (law)', 'elephant'}",Relation,elephant populations have revived,elephant,positive,lift the ban,ban (law),good,"elephants, laws, elephants" against,Kosovo independence and international recognition would apply a double standard,"{'double standard', 'kosovo', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence'}","{'double standard', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'diplomatic recognition'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,If the purpose of writing or any art form is to convey an idea to as many people as possible then.,"{'idea', 'person', 'writing', 'intention', 'art'}","{'people', 'intention', 'idea'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No Child Left Behind motivates teachers to cheat.,"{'cheating', 'education', 'no child left behind act'}","{'child', 'teacher', 'relative direction', 'motivation'}",Relation,no child left behind,no child left behind act,positive,teachers to cheat,teacher|cheating,bad,"teachers, students, society, students, students, society, students, education system, teachers" against,Iowa and New Hampshire should not always be first in the primaries,"{'iowa', 'new hampshire'}","{'primary election', 'iowa', 'new hampshire'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,UN should adopt only solutions to climate change that help the poor.,"{'poverty', 'climate change'}","{'climate change', 'solution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The children will still have families.,"{'child', 'will and testament', 'family'}","{'child', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""One child"" policy helps fight against global warming","{'global warming', 'one-child policy'}",{'child'},Relation,"""one child""",one-child policy,negative,global warming,global warming,good,"environment, climate change, pollution, environmental health, environment, the environment, pollution, global warming, climate change" for,"The ""Middle Way"" bridges Chinese and Tibetan interests","{'chinese language', 'standard tibetan', 'middle way'}","{'tibetic languages', 'chinese language', 'middle way', 'bridge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The effects of geoengineering may be irreversible.,"{'effects of global warming', 'climate engineering'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Opposing election spending from corporations cancel each other out,set(),"{'corporation', 'election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Poverty spreads diseases more than climate change could,"{'poverty', 'climate change', 'disease'}","{'poverty', 'climate change', 'disease'}",Relation,poverty,poverty,positive,diseases,disease,bad,"the concept is bad for spreading disease, those in the poverty line, the poor, mankind" for,Biofuels have not been the cause of higher food prices and shortages,"{'food', 'price', 'water security', 'biofuel', 'social movement'}","{'economic shortage', '2007–08 world food price crisis', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Complicated US primaries lead to misleading vote counts,{'united states presidential primary'},"{'united states presidential primary', 'vote counting system'}",Relation,complicated us primaries,united states presidential primary,positive,misleading vote counts,vote counting system,bad,"society, accurate votes, integrity, misleading vote counts, democratic process, voters, government, society" for,Shias see a partition plan as a means of constraining the Sunnis:,"{'shia islam', 'united nations partition plan for palestine', 'sunni islam'}","{'shia islam', 'united nations partition plan for palestine', 'sunni islam'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bilateral aid packages sometimes work at cross-purposes; multilateral aid coordinates.,"{'employment', 'aid'}","{'packaging and labeling', 'aid'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Onlookers can easily look away from breastfeeders.,"{'canadian hot 100', 'look away'}",{'breastfeeding'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If civil war is the likely outcome, a partitioning of Iraq may be the easiest way for the United States to exit seamlessly:","{'united states', 'iraq'}","{'civil war', 'result', 'united states', 'mode (literature)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,By promoting low inflation and stabilizing the economy dollarization lays the foundation for a market based economy to properly function,"{'market economy', 'inflation', 'currency substitution', 'economic system'}","{'market share', 'inflation', 'currency substitution', 'economy'}",Relation,promoting low inflation and stabilizing the economy,currency substitution|inflation|economy,positive,foundation for a market based economy,economy|market economy,good,"stabilizing the economy, market based economy, economy, society, the market based economy, society, country's economy" for,International community is to blame for many failures in Bosnia.,"{'bosnian war', 'united nations'}",{'international community'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Dalai Lama rightly supports Tibetan protests, but also non-violence","{'nonviolence', 'tibetan buddhism', '14th dalai lama', 'opposition to united states involvement in the vietnam war'}","{'tibetic languages', 'nonviolence', 'dalai lama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Compulsory treatment may only be successful in the short term:,{'involuntary commitment'},"{'involuntary commitment', 'term (time)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Natural gas can smooth transition to renewable energy,"{'energy transition', 'compressed natural gas', 'renewable energy'}","{'jerrycan', 'natural gas', 'renewable energy'}",Relation,natural gas,natural gas,positive,transition to renewable energy,energy transition|renewable energy,good,"consumers, the environment, the environment, society, public health, renewable energy" against,"Without subsidy, many of the arts would not survive",set(),"{'subsidy', 'art'}",Relation,subsidy,subsidy,NoAgreement,arts,art,good,"the arts, arts, the arts" for,An independent Kosovo would actually become part of the EU,"{'kosovo', 'european union'}","{'kosovo', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Drinking in moderation can be very healthy.,set(),{'moderation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Biofuel development increases demand for scarce water resources.,"{'demand', 'water resources', 'scarcity', 'biofuel', 'economic development'}","{'development economics', 'water resources', 'biofuel'}",Relation,biofuel development,biofuel,positive,demand for scarce water resources,water resources|scarcity|demand,bad,"society, environment, water supply, environment, people, earth, water levels" against,Consequences of geoengineering could be worse than climate change,"{'effects of global warming', 'climate engineering', 'climate change'}","{'result', 'climate change'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Biofuels will promote rural development.,{'biofuel'},"{'rural development', 'biofuel'}",Relation,biofuels,biofuel,positive,rural development,rural development,good,"rural areas, society, bio fuel, diversity, renewable energy, rural development., rural areas" against,"Experiments show visual, tracking benefits from video games, particularly shoot-em-ups:","{'beavis and butt-head', ""shoot 'em up""}","{'pc game', 'experiment', ""shoot 'em up""}",Relation,,,NoAgreement,,,NoAgreement, against,Geoengineering will reduce incentive to cut emissions,"{'climate engineering', 'incentive', 'air pollution', 'waste minimisation'}","{'ejaculation', 'incentive'}",Relation,geoengineering,climate engineering,negative,incentive to cut emissions,air pollution|incentive,neutral, for,"The UN is in a fiscal (budget) crisis that can only be alleviated by eliminating the ""no growth"" policy and allowing increasing budgetary contributions from the US:","{'fiscal policy', 'environmental policy', 'budget', 'budgetary policy', 'united nations'}","{'financial crisis of 2007–08', 'insurance policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Command-and-control regulations do create costs that incentivize reductions in carbon emissions:,"{'carbon dioxide', 'regulation'}","{'command and control', 'cost', 'regulation', 'greenhouse gas'}",Relation,command-and-control regulations,command and control|regulation,positive,reductions in carbon emissions,greenhouse gas|carbon dioxide,good,"the planet, emissions, environment, society, global warming, society, the environment, future generations, the earth, society, environmental health" against,Many people respond positively to seeing open weapons.,set(),"{'people', 'weapon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Claim that violent video games can disturb individuals, particularly youth, psychologically:","{'mineral rights', 'video game', 'video game controversies'}","{'individual', 'video game controversies', 'youth'}",Relation,violent video games,video game,positive,"individuals, particularly",youth|individual,bad,"adolescents, players, children, families, society" against,"Greece bailout adds to debt, does more harm than good","{'greece', 'debt'}","{'greece', 'debt', 'harm', 'bailout'}",Relation,greece bailout,greece|bailout,positive,debt,debt,bad,"greece, international relations, people bailing out greece, citizens of greece, people bailing out greece, greece" against,"Regardless of the procedures with which internment is dressed up by embarrassed authorities, it is open to abuse because trials are secret with the executive essentially scrutinising itself.","{'embarrassment', 'executive (government)', 'child abuse', 'secrecy'}","{'abuse', 'executive (government)', 'regard', 'government agency', 'procedure in conflict of laws', 'poundage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An independent Kosovo would have to pay impossible debts to Serbia,"{'serbia', 'kosovo'}",{'kosovo'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most 18 year-olds who want to drink are forced to do it secretely.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Earth Hour would not be convenient for electricity companies.,"{'earth hour', 'electricity'}","{'earth hour', 'electric utility'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The UN can do more to address climate change than poverty.,"{'poverty', 'climate change'}","{'poverty', 'climate change'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Tibet independence protesters have more leverage than ""widdle way"" voices",{'tibet'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Israel can fully deter and defend against Iran,"{'iran', 'israel'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open carry causes discomfort and worsens anti-gun opinions,"{'suffering', 'causality', 'precedent', 'open carry in the united states'}","{'opinion', 'open carry in the united states'}",Relation,open carry,open carry in the united states,positive,worsens anti-gun opinions,opinion,bad,"anti-gun citizens, society, people with pro-gun opinions, open carry citizens, society, nra" for,Subsidies always carry a danger of interference and distortion in art.,"{'distortion', 'interference (communication)'}","{'subsidy', 'art'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Flag burning laws should be subject to state-level public opinion and will.,"{'law', 'flag desecration', 'public opinion', 'free will', 'citizenship'}","{'law', 'public opinion', 'flag desecration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Primary elections give too much power to party ""bosses"" ","{'political boss', 'the power (film)'}","{'boss (rapper)', 'political party', 'power (social and political)', 'primary election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Emissions standards can give unfair advantage to certain industries:,{'emission standard'},"{'emission standard', 'industry'}",Relation,emissions standards,emission standard,positive,unfair advantage to certain industries,industry,bad,"industries that don't get it, certain industries, certain industries, industries, economy, fairness, economic fairness" against,Complicated primary elections create confusion abroad,set(),{'primary election'},Relation,complicated primary elections,primary election,positive,confusion abroad,primary election,bad,"international relations, voters, government, democracy, diplomacy, political parties, voters, everyone involved, international relations" for,A nuclear Iran will be more aggressive toward Israel,"{'iran', 'israel'}","{'nuclear program of iran', 'israel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Inflation pressures reduce the real ""purchasing power"" of a no-growth budget:","{'government budget', 'inflation (cosmology)', 'pressure', 'purchasing power parity', 'real versus nominal value (economics)'}","{'cold inflation pressure', 'budget', 'purchasing power'}",Relation,inflation pressures,inflation (cosmology)|pressure,negative,"the real ""purchasing power"" of a no-growth budget",government budget,neutral, against,Rotating regional primaries solve the problems of the current process,set(),"{'mental process', 'problem', 'primary election'}",Relation,rotating regional primaries,primary election,positive,solve the problems of the current process,problem,good,"democratic process, democracy, voters, voting public" against,"If the dollar is globally depreciating, mass dumping of dollar can occur",{'east caribbean dollar'},"{'dollar', 'mass'}",Relation,dollar is globally depreciating,dollar,positive,mass dumping of dollar,dollar,bad,"the economy, americans, can really change the economy for the worse, international economy, us economy, economy, society" for,Dollarization makes sense for nations trading mainly with US,"{'trade', 'currency substitution', 'nation state'}","{'state (polity)', 'currency substitution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Emissions from natural gas can be filtered out,"{'jerrycan', 'electronic filter', 'compressed natural gas', 'greenhouse gas'}","{'jerrycan', 'natural gas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A national primary would abandon the healthy caucus process,set(),"{'caucus', 'cognition', 'national primary'}",Relation,national primary,national primary,negative,healthy caucus process,caucus,bad,"politics, government, society, democratic process, caucus, elections, democracy" for,Governments should be able to sell the ivory they confiscate in order to fund their expensive regulation of ivory trading:,"{'ivory trade', 'government', 'regulation', 'court order'}","{'regime', 'ivory trade', 'regulation', 'ivory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Developing new land for biofuels can release greenhouse gases,"{'greenhouse gas', 'biofuel'}","{'new land (magazine)', 'greenhouse gas', 'biofuel'}",Relation,developing new land for biofuels,biofuel,positive,release greenhouse gases,greenhouse gas,bad,"climate, environmental health, the concept is bad because nothing justifies maintaining and increasing climate change, atmosphere, earth, humanity" against,"Patriotic principles do deserve to be questioned and criticized, making potentially un-patriotic acts of flag-burning (in certain contexts) more acceptable:",{'value (ethics)'},"{'nationalism', 'praxeology', 'principle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,International community will accept necessity of geoengineering.,"{'international community', 'climate engineering'}","{'international community', 'necessity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,NCLB gets teachers to over-focus on those just below passing,{'no child left behind act'},{'teacher'},Relation,nclb,no child left behind act,positive,those just below passing,teacher,bad,"teachers, students, average students" for,Dollarized countries can create a higher demand for American goods and services,"{'country', 'currency substitution'}","{'goods and services', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'currency substitution', 'americans'}",Relation,dollarized countries,currency substitution|country,positive,a higher demand for american goods and services,americans|goods and services|administrative divisions of mexico,NoAgreement, for,Carbon tax market mechanisms would be more effective in reducing carbon emissions:,"{'carbon dioxide', 'free market', 'redox', 'carbon tax'}","{'greenhouse gas', 'market mechanism', 'carbon tax'}",Relation,carbon tax market,carbon tax,negative,carbon emissions,greenhouse gas|carbon dioxide,good,"atmosphere, earth, humanity, emissions, environment, global warming, air quality" for,Shareholders will limit corp spending on elections,"{'corporation', 'shareholder', 'will and testament', 'election'}",{'shareholder'},Relation,shareholders,shareholder,negative,corp spending on elections,corporation|election,neutral, for,Liquefied natural gas can be a good fuel for vehicles.,"{'product (business)', 'fuel', 'jerrycan', 'vehicle', 'compressed natural gas', 'liquefied natural gas'}","{'jerrycan', 'vehicle', 'liquefied natural gas', 'fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A summary of the main classes of studies that link violent video games to actual violence:,"{'video game', 'video game controversies'}","{'discipline (academia)', 'video game controversies', 'violence', 'summary (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Countries currently operating some sort of fixed exchange rate (as many developing countries do) cannot operate as lenders of last resort anyway:,"{'lender of last resort', 'circuit (administrative division)', 'exchange rate', 'fixed exchange-rate system', 'country'}","{'developing country', 'state (polity)', 'fixed exchange-rate system', 'lender of last resort'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Commercial lenders charge extremely high interest rates,"{'interest', 'commerce'}","{'commercial lender (u.s.)', 'interest rate'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A nuclear Iran may supply the weapon to terrorists,"{'iran', 'terrorism', 'weapon'}","{'nuclear program of iran', 'weapon'}",Relation,a nuclear iran,nuclear program of iran|iran,positive,weapon to terrorists,weapon|terrorism,bad,"the world, countries, citizens" against,UN should prioritize any and all solutions to climate change.,{'climate change'},"{'climate change', 'solution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Geoengineering may whiten skies, harm human psychology","{'psychology', 'climate engineering'}","{'sky blue', 'harm', 'psychology'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,School choice in NCLB will make bad schools worse.,"{'school choice', 'no child left behind act'}","{'school choice', 'school', 'no child left behind act'}",Relation,school choice in nclb,no child left behind act|school choice,positive,make bad schools worse,school,bad,"nclb children, schools, schools, society, students, schools, education system" against,An independent Kosovo might discriminate against Kosovar Serbs.,"{'kosovo serbs', 'kosovo', 'serbs'}","{'kosovo serbs', 'kosovo'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Keynesian economic policies fail in the long term,"{'term (time)', 'market failure', 'keynesian economics', 'economic policy'}","{'term (time)', 'keynesian economics', 'economic policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An opaque international diplomatic climate makes conflict more likely in Kosovo,"{'war', 'international law', 'climate', 'kosovo', 'diplomacy'}","{'climate', 'kosovo', 'conflict (process)'}",Relation,opaque international diplomatic climate,diplomacy,positive,conflict more likely in kosovo,kosovo|conflict (process)|war,bad,"kosovo, kosovo, anyone involved in this conflict, conflict, kosovo, world peace" against,Tibetans in exile enjoy greater freedom currently than autonomy could offer,"{'tibetan diaspora', 'autonomy', 'political freedom'}","{'tibetan diaspora', 'autonomy'}",Relation,tibetans in exile,tibetan diaspora,positive,greater freedom,autonomy|political freedom,good,"tibetans, tibetans, citizens, freedom, tibetans in exile" against,Kosovo independence would foster Albanian and international jihadism,"{'jihadism', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'international law', 'kosovo', 'albania'}","{'albanian language', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'jihadism'}",Relation,kosovo independence,2008 kosovo declaration of independence|kosovo,positive,albanian and international jihadism,jihadism|albania,NoAgreement, for,"Even if we could define sentience, how human-like would an animal need to be to warrant protection:","{'sentience', 'anthropomorphism'}","{'need', 'sense'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ban on direct corporate funding is ban on free speech,{'freedom of speech'},"{'freedom of speech', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,ban on direct corporate funding,ban (law),positive,ban on free speech,freedom of speech,bad,"society, corporations, ban on free speech" against,Superdelegates are not bound to represent the electorate.,{'superdelegate'},{'superdelegate'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Serbian Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic supports Kosovo independence,"{'serbs', 'ministry of foreign affairs (serbia)', 'goran svilanović', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'kosovo'}","{'serbs', 'foreign minister', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'goran svilanović'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Pro baseball players are paid to take risks, entertain.","{'baseball', 'professional sports'}","{'hazard', 'professional baseball'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Geoengineering technologies may be used for military purposes,"{'climate engineering', 'technology'}",{'engineering'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Natural gas vehicles reduce emissions, fight global warming","{'air pollution', 'global warming', 'vehicle', 'redox', 'compressed natural gas', 'natural gas vehicle'}",{'natural gas vehicle'},Relation,natural gas vehicles,vehicle|natural gas vehicle,negative,"emissions, fight global warming",air pollution|global warming,good,"environment, people, environment, society, environmental health, the planet, everyone" against,Having them too often would be inconvenient and annoying.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Biofuels are abudnant, renewable, and will never run out",{'biofuel'},{'biofuel'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The arts can survive on profits and business models alone,"{'business model', 'profit (accounting)'}","{'profit (economics)', 'business model', 'art'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Delaying Kosovo independence will escalate violence and instability,"{'kosovo war', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence'}","{'2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'violence'}",Relation,delaying kosovo independence,2008 kosovo declaration of independence,positive,instability,violence,bad,"kosovo, international peace, citizens of kosovo and surrounding areas, kosovo, international community, violence, kosovo" against,Right to bear arms confers right to carry openly.,"{'right to keep and bear arms', 'open carry in the united states'}","{'right to keep and bear arms', 'concealed carry in the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Geoengineering risks can be tested, corrected, avoided.","{'climate engineering', 'software testing', 'risk'}",{'hazard'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No Child Left Behind reveal nothing new about school performance,{'no child left behind act'},"{'child', 'performance', 'relative direction', 'school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Biofuel production consumes crops that could feed people,"{'crop', 'production (economics)', 'biofuel'}","{'crop', 'people', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Iraqi government and sectarian groups are unable or unwilling to agree on the nature of a federalized Iraq:,"{'nature', 'sectarianism', 'national guard of the united states', 'iraq', 'federal government of iraq'}","{'iraq', 'nature', 'administration (government)', 'iraqi people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,UN money will go further in fighting poverty than climate change.,"{'poverty reduction', 'poverty', 'climate change'}","{'money', 'poverty reduction', 'climate change'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Geoengineering is temporary intervention to buy time.,{'climate engineering'},{'intervention (law)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Attacker is unlikely to try to take openly carried gun,{'gun'},"{'attacker', 'gun'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Being a catcher means accepting certain inherent risks,{'catcher'},"{'catcher', 'inherent risk (accounting)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Carbon neutral biofuels only emit CO2 they draw from atmosphere,"{'biofuel', 'carbon offset', 'carbon dioxide', 'atmosphere', 'emission spectrum'}","{'carbon neutrality', 'atmosphere', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Primary elections distribute power unequally among voters,"{'voting', 'power (social and political)', 'primary election'}","{'power (social and political)', 'primary election'}",Relation,primary elections,primary election,positive,unequally among voters,voting|power (social and political),bad,"voters, fairness, voters" against,Force-feeding of anorexic patients can be risk the patients health:,"{'health', 'risk', 'force-feeding', 'patient', 'anorexia nervosa'}","{'health', 'patient'}",Relation,force-feeding of anorexic patients,force-feeding|patient|anorexia nervosa,positive,risk the patients health,health|risk|patient,bad,"anorexic patients, doctors, society, patients, anorexic patients, patient" against,Kosovo is an historic part of Serbia that should not grow independent,"{'serbia', 'kosovo'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"China gives exemptions from ""one child"" in special circumstances","{'murder', 'china'}","{'child', 'murder', 'exemption (church)', 'cathay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,No Child Left Behind offers valuable measure of student progress,{'no child left behind act'},"{'student', 'relative direction', 'minor (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The prohibition of an act because it is likely to cause offense or disruption amounts to a hecklers charter.,"{'crime', 'heckler', 'prohibition', 'act of congress', 'causation (law)'}","{'prohibition of drugs', 'charter', 'act (document)', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kosovars strongly desire independence,"{'ten-day war', 'kosovo'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Commercial lenders have far more capital than charities.,"{'capital (economics)', 'commerce', 'loan'}","{'charity (practice)', 'working capital', 'commercial lender (u.s.)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Natural gas drilling leaves a large environmental ""footprint"" ","{'ecological footprint', 'natural gas'}",{'natural gas'},Relation,natural gas drilling,natural gas,positive,leaves a large environmental footprint,ecological footprint,bad,the environment against,"Only special ""flex-cars"" can use corn ethanol.",{'corn ethanol'},{'corn ethanol'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If partitioning Iraq is the best way to stabilize Iraq, than it is also the best way to uphold US national interests of stabilizing the country and getting out:",{'iraq'},"{'state (polity)', 'national interest', 'cargo'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Shifting to a biofuel economy would take decades.,{'biofuel'},"{'decade', 'economy', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,People also use torches.,set(),"{'torch', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If the author merely wants to express views, IP is of no value.",set(),"{'intellectual property', 'author', 'view', 'value (personal and cultural)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The oppression and abuse of native peoples by (primarily) colonial powers should be repaired by offering the right of self-determination:,"{'self-determination', 'oppression', 'indigenous peoples', 'child abuse', 'sacrifice'}","{'self-determination', 'abuse', 'oppression', 'indigenous peoples', 'colonialism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Western media gives poverty too little attention vs climate,{'poverty'},"{'poverty', 'attention', 'climate', 'western media'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Openly carrying weapons usually draws no notice.,{'open carry in the united states'},"{'weapon', 'open carry in the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"When it is harder to get alcohol, young people binge drink.","{'alcohol', 'adolescence', 'youth'}","{'binge drinking', 'alcoholic beverage', 'youth'}",Relation,harder to get alcohol,alcohol,positive,young people binge drink,youth|binge drinking,bad,"young people, society, young people, society, law enforcement, young people, young people, health, young people, society" for,China outlaws physically forcing women to have abortions,"{'history of china', 'woman'}","{'abortion', 'outlaw', 'cathay', 'woman'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Geoengineering can effectively fight climate change,"{'climate engineering', 'climate change'}",{'climate change'},Relation,geoengineering,climate engineering,negative,climate change,climate change,good,"the environment, society, pollution, climate, environment" against,Risk of force feeding may cause anorexics to avoid treatment:,{'force-feeding'},{'hazard'},Relation,risk of force feeding,force-feeding,positive,anorexics to avoid treatment,,bad,"anorexics and their families, well-being of anorexics, citizens, anorexics" for,"It is caused by humans, so humans can eradicate it",set(),{'humans (noon universe)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Producing biofuels requires more energy than they generate.,"{'energy', 'electricity generation', 'manufacturing', 'biofuel'}","{'thermodynamic free energy', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A partition plan would be regionally destabilizing:,set(),{'united nations partition plan for palestine'},Relation,partition plan,united nations partition plan for palestine,positive,regionally,,bad,"the region, the region, peace" for,"Dalai Lama targets his struggle against the Chinese Governments oppression , not against its people","{'government', 'chinese people', 'oppression', 'dalai lama', 'history of china'}","{'dalai lama', 'oppression', 'people', 'struggle (tv series)', 'government of china'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Stars would be far more visible and interesting if light pollution didn""t exist.","{'visible spectrum', 'light pollution'}","{'light pollution', 'star'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A nuclear Iran would be more inclined to support terrorism,"{'iran', 'terrorism'}","{'nuclear program of iran', 'terrorism'}",Relation,a nuclear iran,iran|nuclear program of iran,positive,support terrorism,terrorism,bad,"the world, everyone, the middle east, the world" against,Drugs are bad for athletes and take away from the purpose of sport.,{'sport'},{'drug'},Relation,drugs,drug,negative,purpose of sport,sport,bad,"sports persons, viewers, all involved, sports, fair play, athletes, sports, athletes, society, for athletes" against,The Chinese government tries to discredit Dalai Lama,"{'chinese cuisine', 'dalai lama'}","{'government of china', 'dalai lama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The intermixing of sectarian groups in Iraq would lead to ethnic cleansing during any partitioning of the country:,"{'miscegenation', 'partition (politics)', 'ethnic cleansing', 'iraq war', 'sectarianism', 'nation state'}","{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'iraq'}",Relation,intermixing of sectarian groups in iraq,sectarianism|iraq,positive,ethnic cleansing,ethnic cleansing|partition (politics),bad,"sectarian groups, iraq, sectarian groups, iraq, iraq, iraqis, international community" against,Law-abiding citizens carrying openly makes people feel safer.,"{'law', 'person', 'safe sex', 'citizenship'}",{'people'},Relation,law-abiding citizens carrying openly,law|citizenship,positive,people feel safer,people,good,"citizens, public, law-abiding citizens, people, the concept is good because people feel safe when they see that citizens comply with the laws, people carrying guns" for,A healthier body weight is necessary to be able to treat the patients psychological problems:,"{'health', 'mental disorder', 'human body weight', 'patient', 'therapy'}","{'patient', 'mental disorder', 'body weight'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Multilateral aid agencies are more familiar with the regions or nations they work in.,"{'nation', 'aid'}","{'region', 'state (polity)', 'aid agency', 'aid'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The US has a right and fiscal obligation to expect that its taxpayers money is spent responsibly and within reason:,"{'law of obligations', 'rights', 'money', 'prosecutor', 'tax'}","{'money', 'rights', 'obligation', 'tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unlimited spending allows corps to intimidate candidates,set(),"{'candidate (degree)', 'corps'}",Relation,unlimited spending,,positive,corps to intimidate candidates,candidate (degree)|corps,bad,"candidates, voters, society, candidates, democratic process, candidates, candidates, fairness" against,"Video games are often played with friends, and may be socially beneficial as such:","{'friends', 'beavis and butt-head'}",{'pc game'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The partitioning of Iraq would comply with Iraqs constitution:,"{'iraq', 'partitioning of the ottoman empire', 'united states constitution'}",{'constitution'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Further trade integration with the United States may not be a good thing:,"{'regional integration', 'united states'}","{'united states', 'desegregation', 'trade'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The partitioning of Iraq would simply formalize the sectarian separations that are occurring more and more on the ground now:,"{'partition of india', 'iraq'}","{'land', 'iraq'}",Relation,partitioning of iraq,iraq,positive,sectarian separations,partition of india,neutral, against,Risky to involve private companies in geoengineering,"{'climate engineering', 'privately held company'}","{'hazard', 'privately held company'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Natural gas can be harmful and even poisonous to ingest,"{'mushroom poisoning', 'compressed natural gas'}","{'jerrycan', 'natural gas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The war on terror has no realistic end-game, making it impossible to define it as a war, which has a definite length.","{'endgame (play)', 'war on terror'}","{'warfare', 'war on terror', 'length'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Geoengineering may result in unexpected consequences,{'climate engineering'},{'unintended consequences'},Relation,geoengineering,climate engineering,positive,unexpected consequences,unintended consequences,bad,"climate change, environment, environment, unexpected consequences" for,"Claim that Sunnis may have the most to gain from a partitioning of Iraq, giving them reasons to change their general position to support for a partition plan:","{'united nations partition plan for palestine', 'general position', 'sunni islam', 'kingdom of iraq'}","{'general position', 'proposition', 'sunni islam', 'iraq', 'united nations partition plan for palestine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ethnic Albanians have an historic claim to Kosovo,"{'kosovo', 'albanians'}",{'albanians'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unlimited corporate spending kills small-donor candidates,{'corporate law'},{'candidate (degree)'},Relation,unlimited corporate spending,,negative,small-donor candidates,,bad,"democratic process, small-donor candidates, small-donor candidates, voters, small-donor candidates, government, politics, society" for,Age limits make drinking rebellious and cool.,set(),set(),Relation,age limits,,positive,drinking rebellious and cool,,bad,"young people who think drinking is ok, parents, underage drinkers, teens, society, minors, society, the young people, society." for,"Violent video games may desensitize gamers to violence, making it more emotionally conceivable to perform violence:","{'fertilisation', 'games for may', 'video game controversies', 'emotion'}","{'gamer', 'video game controversies', 'violence'}",Relation,violent video games,violence|video game controversies|gamer,positive,violence,violence,bad,"gamers, society, society, gamers, society, it may desensitize gamers, society, video gamers" against,"Protests have been widespread in China against ""one child"" ","{'protest', 'one-child policy', 'china', 'child abuse'}","{'child', 'cathay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Geoengineering will create jobs.,{'climate engineering'},{'job'},Relation,geoengineering,climate engineering,positive,jobs,job,good,"society, climate, society, earth, prospective employees, workers, employees, economy, unemployed" for,Modern Chinese people actually prefer only one child,{'chinese people'},"{'child', 'chinese people', 'standard chinese'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Breastfeeding can help new mothers lose weight,{'breastfeeding'},{'mother'},Relation,breastfeeding,breastfeeding,positive,new mothers lose weight,mother,good,"new mothers, pregnant women, new mothers, mother, health, weightloss, new mothers" for,"Chinas ""one child"" policy increases individual savings.","{'individual', 'one-child policy', 'wealth'}","{'child', 'cathay'}",Relation,"chinas ""one child"" policy",one-child policy,positive,increases individual savings,individual|wealth,good,"chinese individuals, citizens, chinese finances, individuals, it is good because there is a reason for that policy that undoubtedly implies less expenses for families" for,Default would devastate Greek and global economies,"{'sovereign default', 'world economy', 'ancient greece'}","{'greek language', 'world economy'}",Relation,default,sovereign default,positive,greek and global economies,world economy,bad,"greek and global economies, greece, global economies, greek economy, world economy, economies, greece, global economies" for,"Natural gas is one of the cheapest ways to go ""green"" ","{'grouplove', 'natural gas', 'the one (2001 film)'}",{'natural gas'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If Tibetans accept autonomy, they will close the door to independence in the future.","{'tibetan people', 'free will', 'autonomy'}","{'tibetic languages', 'future', 'autonomy', 'door'}",Relation,tibetans accept autonomy,tibetan people|autonomy,negative,close the door to independence in the future,autonomy|future|door|free will,bad,"autonomous ruling, independence, tibetans, tibetans" for,Geoengineering ideas can help scare world into climate action,"{'climate action', 'climate', 'world', 'geoprofessions'}","{'european climate change programme', 'idea'}",Relation,geoengineering ideas,geoprofessions|idea,positive,climate action,climate action,good,"the world, society, world, the environment, society, environment, environment, global warming, climate change" against,Many Shias would reject a US partition plan as an imperialist divide-and-conquer strategy:,"{'imperialism', 'shia islam'}","{'shia islam', 'united nations partition plan for palestine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Other methods are available to limit inflationary tendencies:,"{'inflation', 'integral', 'limit (mathematics)'}",{'method (music)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"An international institution should not be held hostage to the ""no-growth"" politics of a single member nation:",{'politics'},"{'state (polity)', 'held hostage', 'international organization', 'single-member district', 'outline of political science'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Biofuel production can increase the price of many foods,"{'the price (angel)', 'food', 'biofuel'}","{'food', 'production (economics)', 'biofuel'}",Relation,biofuel production,biofuel|production (economics),positive,increase the price of many foods,food,bad,"consumers, society, people who buy food, customers, society, consumers" for,It is OK to use food for other purposes than eating it,"{'food', 'eating'}",{'food'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It would save more energy.,set(),{'thermodynamic free energy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The war on terror is not truly winnable, making it wrong to ""intern"" or detain on the indefinite basis of such a war.","{'internment', 'war on terror'}","{'warfare', 'war on terror', 'bass (voice type)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Most bars and pubs would let in 16 year-olds, if the drinking age was lowered.",{'pub'},"{'pub', 'bar (establishment)', 'legal drinking age'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Iran can rebuild nuclear program, and make it invulnerable",{'iran'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Climate change may be inevitable, while poverty can be stopped.",{'climate change'},"{'poverty', 'climate change'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Elephants are sentient beings, and are too similar to humans to be subject to killing:","{'death', 'human', 'subject (philosophy)', 'sentience', 'elephant'}","{'human', 'elephant', 'sentient beings (buddhism)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Firms often calculate that non-compliance with regulations is more cost-effective:,"{'cost-effectiveness analysis', 'regulation'}","{'company', 'regulation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Concealed weapons are harder to draw against attackers.,{'concealed carry in the united states'},"{'attacker', 'concealed carry'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unlimited election spending will increases corruption,"{'will and testament', 'political corruption', 'election'}",{'election'},Relation,unlimited election spending,election,positive,corruption,political corruption,bad,"voters, government, politics, government, fairness, democracy, citizens, politicians, morale, democratic process, the concept is bad for corruption" against,Allies of Middle East will prevent a nuclear Iran from dominating,"{'iran', 'middle east', 'allies of world war ii'}","{'middle east', 'nuclear program of iran'}",Relation,allies of middle east,middle east,negative,a nuclear iran from dominating,iran|nuclear program of iran,good,"world peace, iran citizens, allied countries" for,Schools should teach test-information as well as arts etc..,{'school'},{'school'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Universal language could exist alongside other languages.,"{'language', 'universal language'}","{'language', 'universal language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Dollarization can violate sovereign democratic control,"{'sovereignty', 'currency substitution', 'democracy'}",{'currency substitution'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Universal language ends constraint to free trade and workforce movement.,"{'free trade', 'workforce', 'regulation', 'freedom of movement'}","{'movement (sign language)', 'free trade', 'human resources', 'universal language'}",Relation,universal language,universal language,negative,constraint to free trade and workforce movement,free trade|workforce,good,"free trade, workforce, international markets, economy, society, workers, economy, free trade" for,Monetary policy is not that important to maintain in the face of dollarization,"{'monetary policy', 'currency substitution'}","{'face', 'monetary policy', 'currency substitution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Effect of climate change is too unclear to prioritize it.,{'climate change'},{'climate change'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Biofuels will increase energy supply so decrease prices.,"{'price', 'energy supply', 'biofuel'}","{'price', 'energy supply', 'biofuel'}",Relation,biofuels,biofuel,positive,increase energy supply,energy supply,good,"society, markets, energy supplies, society, prices, society, environment, sustainable energy" for,Bilateral arrangements better uphold the interests of state funders.,set(),{'symmetry in biology'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Concealed carry preserves element of surprise against threats,{'concealed carry'},"{'surprise (emotion)', 'concealed carry'}",Relation,concealed carry,concealed carry,positive,surprise against threats,surprise (emotion),good,"the person carrying the gun, safety, gun enthusiasts, anyone in war" for,Public supports free speech of corporations and unions,"{'corporation', 'public sector', 'trade union', 'freedom of speech'}","{'corporation', 'trade union', 'freedom of speech', 'fundraising'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Multilateral aid can be equally or more coercive than bilateral aid.,{'aid'},{'aid'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,NCLB flexibly allows disabled to take separate exams,"{'disability', 'test (assessment)', 'no child left behind act'}","{'test (assessment)', 'no child left behind act'}",Relation,nclb,no child left behind act|disability,positive,disabled to take separate exams,disability|test (assessment),good,"disabled, teachers, disabled, students, society, disabled" for,Many open-carry merely to incite reactions.,"{'sandy hook elementary school shooting', 'open carry in the united states'}",{'chemical reaction'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US primary elections help strengthen political parties.,{'united states presidential primary'},"{'united states presidential primary', 'political party', 'primary election'}",Relation,us primary elections,primary election|united states presidential primary,positive,political,political party,good,"democratic process, political parties, political parties, democracy, politics, us" for,"Well organized conventions have always been ""coronation"" events.",{'coronation'},"{'convention (norm)', 'investiture'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"No Child Left Behind offers flexibility at state, local level",{'no child left behind act'},"{'child', 'left behind (lost)', 'flexibility (engineering)'}",Relation,no child left behind,no child left behind act,positive,"flexibility at state, local level",flexibility (engineering),good,"states, school districts, teachers, students, education, kids, students, teachers, education system" for,The biofuel industry will create domestic jobs.,"{'employment', 'industry', 'biofuel'}","{'job', 'industry', 'biofuel'}",Relation,biofuel industry,industry|biofuel,positive,domestic jobs,employment|job,good,"economy, sustainable resources, biofuel, jobs, employees, biofuel industry, society, jobs, the economy, unemployment, economic stability" against,US leverage over the UN budgetary process gives it more power to influence the course of UN policies:,"{'policy', 'united nations'}","{'power (social and political)', 'cognition'}",Relation,us leverage over the un budgetary process,united nations|power (social and political),positive,more power to influence the course of un,power (social and political)|policy|united nations,neutral, against,Better ways to fight climate change than geoengineering,"{'climate engineering', 'climate change'}",{'climate change'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Chinas ""one child"" policy causes socioeconomic discrimination","{'discrimination', 'causality', 'one-child policy', 'socioeconomics'}","{'child', 'discrimination', 'cathay'}",Relation,"chinas ""one child"" policy",one-child policy,positive,socioeconomic discrimination,discrimination|socioeconomics,bad,"socioeconomic discrimination, china, children, lower ses, people in china, society, families" for,"Government subsidies will be inefficiently wasted on ""artsy"" flops.",{'subsidy'},{'subsidy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,NCLB causes schools to turn-away most needy students.,"{'inflation', 'no child left behind act', 'poverty', 'student', 'school'}","{'student', 'school', 'no child left behind act'}",Relation,nclb,no child left behind act,positive,schools to turn-away most needy students,poverty|student|school,bad,"students, schools, achievement, poverty, skills, education, needy students, schools, society, needy students, needy students, needy students" against,The re-drawing of state boundaries is hardly the best way to promote stability in newly independent states:,"{'german question', 'state (polity)'}",{'post-soviet states'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A nuclear Iran will spark an international arms race,"{'iran', 'arms race'}","{'nuclear program of iran', 'arms race'}",Relation,a nuclear iran,iran|nuclear program of iran,positive,an international arms race,arms race,bad,"world, countries, humanity, countries, governments, united nation, middle east, society" for,If breastfeeders must cover; meateaters should eat under table,set(),"{'breastfeeding', 'table (information)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many collisions have caused career-changing injuries.,set(),"{'collision', 'injury'}",Relation,collisions,collision,positive,career-changing injuries,injury,bad,"victims' careers, healthcare system, employers, careers" against,The penalties of violating IP rights cover the cost of administration.,"{'intellectual property', 'sanctions (law)'}","{'intellectual property', 'cost', 'punishment', 'business administration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The 1999 relaxation of CITES controls coincided with a fivefold upsurge in poaching in Kenya and a similar increase in India, as criminals assumed that legal sales would soon be allowed once again.","{'india', 'poaching', 'kenya', 'law'}","{'outlaw', 'sale (berkshire cricketer)', 'citation', 'india', 'kenya'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""One child"" policy violates right to reproduce and found family.","{'rights', 'one-child policy'}","{'child', 'rights', 'policy', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Chinas ""one child"" policy causes the abandonment of children","{'one-child policy', 'etiology', 'child abandonment'}","{'child', 'insurance policy', 'child abandonment', 'cathay'}",Relation,"chinas ""one child"" policy",one-child policy,positive,abandonment of children,child abandonment,bad,"children, abandonment of children, china, children, families, chinese society, children being abandoned" for,Many geoengineering solutions cut atmospheric greenhouse gases.,"{'climate engineering', 'greenhouse gas', 'solution', 'atmosphere'}","{'solution', 'greenhouse gas'}",Relation,geoengineering solutions,climate engineering,negative,atmospheric greenhouse gases,greenhouse gas,good,"environment, society, atmosphere, environment, environmental health, earth, humanity,atmosphere" against,Open carry is an opportunity to express individual rights.,{'open carry in the united states'},"{'individual and group rights', 'open carry in the united states'}",Relation,open carry,open carry in the united states,positive,individual rights,individual and group rights,good,"people, society, united states, society, rights, individuals" for,Algae biofuelmay prove efficient enough to replace oil.,{'algae'},"{'oil', 'algae'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Carbon emissions regulations and standards have proven an effective tool, and can be strengthened if necessary:","{'emission standard', 'can (band)', 'if (band)', 'greenhouse gas'}","{'emission standard', 'tool', 'greenhouse gas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bailout forces Greece to accept unfair conditions,{'greece'},"{'greece', 'bailout'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No Child Left Behind encourages states to set low standards.,{'no child left behind act'},"{'child', 'relative direction'}",Relation,no child left behind,no child left behind act,positive,states to set low standards,relative direction,bad,"students, society, children, education, education, children, schools, education system" against,Primary elections give unfair advantage to incumbent candidates.,set(),"{'candidate (degree)', 'primary election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Adults will not be more responsible role models with a lower drinking age.,{'alcoholic beverage'},"{'legal drinking age', 'adult', 'role model'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Geoengineering is important to research, keep on table",{'climate engineering'},"{'research', 'table (information)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,NCLB testing helps reveal and change failing teaching methods.,set(),"{'pedagogy', 'no child left behind act'}",Relation,nclb testing,no child left behind act,NoAgreement,failing teaching methods,,good,"teachers, students, students, society, students, teachers" against,Flag burning can be a patriotic expression.,"{'freedom of speech', 'patriotism', 'flag desecration'}","{'facial expression', 'flag desecration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"At sixteen, young adults are not allowed to do several key things.",{'key signature'},"{'adult', 'clothing'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,States are free to opt out of No Child Left Behind,"{'member state of the european union', 'opt-out', 'no child left behind act'}","{'child', 'relative direction', 'united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Standards enables students to integrate well into new schools.,set(),"{'student', 'the new school'}",Relation,standards,student,positive,students to integrate well into new schools,student|the new school,good,"students, schools, teachers, education, new students and parents, students, education system, students" against,No Child Left Behind subjects disabled to same test standards.,"{'test (assessment)', 'no child left behind act'}","{'child', 'left-wing politics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Iran would respond to an attack by disrupting oil prices,"{'iran', 'price of oil'}","{'iran', 'price of petroleum', 'offense (sports)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Govt has no authority to selectively offer free speech,"{'authority', 'freedom of speech', 'government'}","{'freedom of speech', 'state (polity)', 'government agency'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Genetically modified crops help produce more biofuel more efficiently.,"{'genetically modified crops', 'efficiency', 'biofuel'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'biofuel'}",Relation,genetically modified crops,genetically modified crops,positive,more biofuel,efficiency|biofuel,good,"efficiency, fuel, environment, gas prices, the environment" against,"Argument that during the period in which violent gameplay among youth has increased, youth crime rates have fallen, weakening the causal link between violent game play and violence:","{'violence', 'juvenile delinquency', 'video game controversies', 'halo 3', 'play (activity)', 'causality', 'monotonicity of entailment'}","{'violence', 'gameplay', 'youth', 'juvenile delinquency', 'argument'}",Relation,gameplay among youth has increased,gameplay|youth|video game controversies|play (activity)|violence,positive,youth crime rates have fallen,youth|juvenile delinquency|violence,good,"gamers, youth, law enforcement, society, society, youth, society" against,Forests and ecosystems are cleared to make room for biofuel crops.,"{'deforestation', 'biofuel', 'forest', 'ecosystem'}","{'crop', 'biofuel', 'wood (golf)', 'ecosystem'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Backloading of the primary schedule can help reduce the special interest effect contained in all big money campaigns.,{'advocacy group'},"{'money', 'political campaign', 'schedule', 'advocacy group'}",Relation,backloading of the primary schedule,schedule|political campaign,negative,special interest effect contained in all big money campaigns,money|political campaign,NoAgreement, against,Regional and local government and security apparatuses would be unable to maintain order following a partitioning of Iraq:,"{'security', 'local government', 'iraq'}","{'security', 'local government', 'iraq'}",Relation,partitioning of iraq,iraq,negative,order,local government,bad,"regional and local government, security apparatuses, regional and local government, security" against,The conduct of flag burning is often necessary to enter the marketplace of ideas.,{'flag desecration'},"{'marketplace of ideas', 'flag desecration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US primaries give needed power to state parties,"{'sovereign state', 'united states presidential primary'}","{'united states presidential primary', 'political party', 'power (social and political)'}",Relation,us primaries,united states presidential primary,positive,power to state parties,power (social and political),NoAgreement, against,Tibetan cultural identity can survive only outside of Chinas modernization agenda,"{'tibetan people', 'canadian albums chart'}","{'tibetic languages', 'cultural identity', 'cathay', 'modernization theory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Geoengineering only masks problem of CO2 emissions,"{'climate engineering', ""carbon dioxide in earth's atmosphere""}","{'mask', 'problem', ""carbon dioxide in earth's atmosphere""}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,What use is a church that stands back and looks on?,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Serbian abuses invalidate their sovereignty over Kosovo,"{'serbs', 'sovereignty', 'kosovo'}","{'serbs', 'abuse'}",Relation,serbian abuses,serbs|abuse,positive,invalidate their sovereignty over kosovo,sovereignty|kosovo,bad,"serbs, citizens, human rights, kosovo, serbia" against,Natural gas greenhouse emissions outweigh its utility at home.,"{'home', 'greenhouse effect', 'natural gas', 'greenhouse gas'}","{'public utility', 'home', 'natural gas', 'greenhouse gas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"At sixteen, young adults are legaly allowed to do many new things.",set(),"{'adult', 'clothing'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Video games may be an important source of popularity among youth today:,{'games for may'},"{'popularity', 'pc game', 'youth', 'today (bbc radio 4)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Actually, violent games act more as a type of catharsis, allowing people with aggressive feelings to vent them in the game rather than in real life.""","{'catharsis', 'aggression', 'emotion', 'in real life', 'person'}","{'catharsis', 'real life', 'people', 'feeling', 'actually', 'game'}",Relation,violent games,aggression|game,positive,allowing people with aggressive feelings to vent,aggression|people|feeling,neutral, for,The Dalai Lama should act Tibets best interests regardless of public opinion.,"{'act of parliament', '14th dalai lama'}","{'public opinion', 'best interests', 'dalai lama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Free speech does not apply equally to companies,"{'corporation', 'freedom of speech'}","{'freedom of speech', 'company'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Teachers are not necessarily to blame for poor student performance.,"{'teacher', 'poverty', 'student'}","{'teacher', 'student'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unlimited spending allows special interests to dominate elections,{'advocacy group'},"{'advocacy group', 'election'}",Relation,unlimited spending,,positive,special interests to dominate elections,advocacy group|election,bad,"voters, politics, government, society, democratic process, democracy" for,Fast-growing algae can make much more biofuel comparatively.,"{'algae', 'biofuel'}","{'algae', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"At a time when our society is under threat, it is more important to protect our intelligence sources than it is to try and punish individual terrorists.","{'trial', 'time', 'society', 'individual', 'coercion', 'intelligence', 'terrorism', 'punishment'}","{'time', 'society', 'informant', 'intelligence', 'terrorism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"NCLB demands too much from schools with worst students, least funding.","{'student', 'no child left behind act'}","{'student', 'need', 'school', 'no child left behind act'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"China often forces abortions on women, violating human rights","{'history of china', 'human rights', 'woman', 'abortion'}","{'human rights', 'woman', 'cathay', 'abortion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Serbias abuses in Kosovo are exaggerated,"{'domestic violence', 'kosovo war', 'exaggeration'}",{'abuse'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There are more efficient ways how to harness solar energy than Biofuels.,"{'biofuel', 'solar energy'}","{'biofuel', 'solar energy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Unfair to free corporate spending, while limiting campaign fundraising",set(),"{'political campaign', 'unfair (drama)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Effects of geoengineering could cause international conflict,"{'effects of global warming', 'climate engineering', 'war'}",set(),Relation,effects of geoengineering,climate engineering,positive,international conflict,war,bad,"international conflict, countries, citizens, everyone, countries, society, countries, governments" against,"A partition would strengthen groups that propagate terrorism and fundamentalism, particularly in Western Iraq:","{'islamic fundamentalism', 'iraq war', 'social group', 'partition of india', 'terrorism'}","{'fundamentalism (sculpture)', 'western (genre)', 'iraq', 'terrorism'}",Relation,a partition,partition of india,positive,strengthen groups that propagate terrorism,terrorism,bad,"iraq, world, peace, stability, diplomacy, human rights, iraqi citizen, freedom, peace" for,Internment removes threats from society.,"{'intimidation', 'internment', 'society'}",{'society'},Relation,internment,internment,negative,threats from society,society,good,"society, society, society, safety, society" against,Companies can easily adapt to heavier efficiency standards:,{'efficient energy use'},"{'technical standard', 'company'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The partitioning of Iraq would benefit counter-terrorism efforts there:,"{'counter-terrorism', 'partition of india', 'iraq'}",set(),Relation,the partitioning of iraq,iraq,positive,counter-terrorism efforts there,counter-terrorism,good,"iraq, middle east relations, iraq, terrorism, people, iraqis, the world" for,"The purpose of free speech protection is the advancement of discourse, knowledge, and truth, but flag burning adds nothing to any of these objectives.","{'truth', 'knowledge', 'flag desecration', 'discourse', 'freedom of speech', 'intention'}","{'truth', 'flag desecration', 'freedom of speech', 'intention', 'discourse analysis', 'cognition'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kosovo independence will formalize its existing autonomy,"{'autonomy', 'kosovo', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'free will'}","{'2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'autonomy'}",Relation,kosovo independence,2008 kosovo declaration of independence|kosovo,positive,existing autonomy,autonomy|kosovo,NoAgreement, for,Most teachers are honest and will not cheat the system under NCLB.,"{'education', 'honesty', 'system', 'no child left behind act', 'cheating'}",{'teacher'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corporate free speech helps check government power,"{'corporate law', 'power (social and political)', 'government'}","{'corporation', 'freedom of speech', 'power (social and political)', 'administration (government)'}",Relation,corporate free speech,freedom of speech|corporation,positive,check government power,power (social and political)|government,good,"democratic process, citizens, power distribution, government" for,Primaries help parties define their agendas.,set(),"{'political party', 'primary election'}",Relation,primaries,primary election,positive,parties define their,political party,good,"voters, parties, parties, political parties, voters, government, agendas, political parties" against,An independent Kosovo would be financially costly to its neighbors,{'autonomous province of kosovo and metohija'},{'kosovo'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Geoengineering shading can negatively impact plantlife,"{'climate engineering', 'plantlife'}",set(),Relation,geoengineering shading,climate engineering,negative,plantlife,plantlife,bad,"plants, environmentalist, plants, vegetable eaters, negatively impact plant, plant-life, all life" against,Unlimited spending lets corporations intimidate unwanted laws,"{'corporation', 'roman law'}","{'corporation', 'law'}",Relation,unlimited spending,corporation,positive,corporations intimidate unwanted laws,corporation|law,bad,"democratic process, society, buying public, unwanted laws" for,A cap-and-trade system better encourages companies to cut their carbon emissions:,"{'carbon dioxide', 'emissions trading', 'system'}","{'company', 'greenhouse gas'}",Relation,a cap-and-trade system,emissions trading,positive,companies to cut their carbon emissions,company,good,"the environment, environmental health, the planet, the environment, pollution, climate change" against,Natural gas will lower fossil fuel prices and increase consumption.,"{'price of oil', 'fossil fuel', 'natural gas'}","{'price of petroleum', 'consumption (economics)', 'fossil fuel', 'natural gas'}",Relation,natural gas,natural gas,positive,lower fossil fuel prices,fossil fuel|price of petroleum,neutral, against,Climate change will disproportionately harm poorest states.,"{'state (polity)', 'climate change'}",{'climate change'},Relation,climate change,climate change,positive,harm poorest states,state (polity),bad,"poor states, society, poor states, states, citizens, people, poor states" for,"Defining sentience is impossible, making it impossible to determine which animals deserve rights or protection:",{'sentience'},"{'rights', 'animal'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Larger population does not inherently damage environment.,"{'world population', 'natural environment', 'environmental degradation'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Biofuel farms increase water-use and chemical run-off,"{'surface runoff', 'chemical substance', 'agriculture', 'biofuel'}","{'farm', 'biofuel'}",Relation,biofuel farms,farm|biofuel,positive,water-use and chemical run-off,chemical substance|surface runoff,bad,"environmental health, environment, society, environment, the environment, farms, public health, all living material" against,"Rights are needed to protect the few as well as the many, otherwise there would be no need for them in a democracy.","{'rights', 'democracy'}","{'need', 'rights', 'democracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Intellectual property allows people to survive.,{'intellectual property'},"{'intellectual property', 'people'}",Relation,intellectual property,intellectual property,positive,people to survive,people,good,"people, people, people, society, creators" for,Dollarization shows commitment to renouncing currency devaluations,"{'devaluation', 'currency substitution', 'currency'}","{'devaluation', 'currency substitution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Lack of cooperative behavior"" and ""aggressiveness"" may be both necessary and useful traits in a capitalistic society:","{'aggression', 'society', 'capitalism', 'cooperation', 'trait theory'}","{'society', 'trait (computer programming)', 'aggression'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Dollarized countries will be vulnerable to being outcompeted in export markerts,{'currency substitution'},"{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'currency substitution', 'export'}",Relation,dollarized countries,currency substitution,positive,outcompeted in export markerts,export,bad,"consumers, businesses, dollarized countries, export markets, dollarized countries, dollarized countries' economies" for,Dollarization increases market access and integration,"{'market access', 'currency substitution', 'economic integration'}","{'market access', 'currency substitution', 'consolidation (business)'}",Relation,dollarization,currency substitution,positive,market access and integration,market access|economic integration,good,"governments, companies, world economy, economy, society, business, economy, people, markets" for,A nuclear Iran would use oil as a weapon,"{'iran', 'oil imperialism theories'}","{'oil imperialism theories', 'nuclear program of iran'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Israels anti-missiles can protect against nuclear Iran,"{'africa cup of nations', 'iran national football team'}","{'israel', 'nuclear program of iran', 'missile defense'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"US inflexibility on ""no-growth"" UN budgets diminishes its leadership role in the world body:",{'leadership'},"{'physical body', 'leadership', 'budget rent a car'}",Relation,"us inflexibility on ""no-growth"" un budgets",,negative,leadership role in the world body,leadership,bad,"us, un, international community, us government, leadership role, us, un, us" for,"Contention that parents are unaware of how violent the video games are, can""t be relied upon as filters, making censorship important:","{'pokémon (video game series)', 'content-control software', 'violence', 'censorship'}","{'pc game', 'censorship', 'parent'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""One child"" causes abortion of daughters, demographic shift","{'child', 'population ageing', 'abortion', 'causality', 'demography'}","{'child', 'daughter', 'population ageing', 'abortion'}",Relation,"""one child""",child,positive,abortion of daughters,daughter|abortion|demography,bad,"daughters, chinese population, mothers, families, society, female children, women, society, demographics" for,Iowa and New Hampshire are ideal states to start the primaries,"{'iowa', 'new hampshire'}","{'primary election', 'iowa', 'new hampshire'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Starting then stopping geoengineering would accelerate warming,"{'climate engineering', 'global warming'}",set(),Relation,starting then stopping geoengineering,climate engineering,positive,warming,global warming,bad,"environment, global warming, earth, planet earth, people,animals, people opposed global warming, warming, planet earth, people" against,"NGVs may reduce emissions, but still contribute to global warming","{'air pollution', 'global warming', 'redox', 'still', 'natural gas vehicle'}",{'natural gas vehicle'},Relation,ngvs,natural gas vehicle,NoAgreement,contribute to global warming,air pollution|global warming,good,"citizens, countries, emissions, environment" for,"Counter-argument to...""Myth 11. If violent video games cause increases in aggression, violent crime rates in the U.S. would be increasing instead of decreasing.","{'aggression', 'violent crime', 'crime statistics', 'i-f', 'video game controversies', 'monotonic function'}","{'united states', 'video game controversies', 'counterargument', 'violent crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Practical benefits would compel adoption of universal language.,set(),"{'pragmatism', 'employee benefit', 'universal language', 'adoption'}",Relation,practical benefits,pragmatism|universal language|adoption,positive,adoption of universal language,universal language,good,"society, adoption of universal language., people, global citizens" against,NCLB causes the retention of students in grades to avoid tests.,"{'educational stage', 'school discipline', 'test (assessment)', 'no child left behind act', 'student'}","{'test (assessment)', 'grade (slope)', 'no child left behind act', 'student', 'grade retention'}",Relation,nclb,no child left behind act,positive,retention of students in grades to avoid tests,test (assessment)|grade retention,bad,"students, education, students, schools, society" for,One can reveal a concealed gun in order to deter a criminal.,"{'one (u2 song)', 'crime', 'firearm'}","{'firearm', 'tuple'}",Relation,reveal a concealed gun,firearm,positive,deter a,crime,good,"people, citizens" for,Experts and scientists would conduct geoengineering.,"{'climate engineering', 'scientist'}","{'scientist', 'expert'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,EU has the will to defend the Euro,{'euro'},"{'euro', 'europium'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Iran would be deterred from giving nucs to terrorists,"{'iran', 'terrorism', 'deterrence theory'}","{'iran', 'nuc'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""One child"" policies improve China for young generations.","{'child', 'one-child policy', 'history of china'}","{'child', 'cathay'}",Relation,"""one child"" policies",one-child policy,positive,improve china for young generations.,child|history of china,good,"young chinese people, china, diversity, society, chinese public" for,"Dollarization works best for small, interdependent nations","{'currency substitution', 'nation state'}","{'state (polity)', 'currency substitution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Chinas ""one child"" policy helps eradicate poverty","{'poverty reduction', 'poverty', 'one-child policy'}","{'child', 'poverty reduction', 'cathay'}",Relation,"chinas ""one child"" policy",child|one-child policy,negative,eradicate poverty,poverty reduction|poverty,good,"national debt, society, economy, china, economy, poor, citizens of china, china" against,Some delegates are not obligated to vote according to popular will,"{'voting', 'delegate', 'popular sovereignty'}",{'delegate'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Medical ethics say that a doctor has a responsibility to keep the patient alive to administer treatment:,"{'medical ethics', 'jean-baptiste say', 'therapy', 'moral responsibility'}","{'medical ethics', 'doctor of the church', 'patient'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Home base collisions are exciting to watch.,set(),{'collision (heroes)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Alternatives such as the Delaware Plan would help all candidates and encourage public engagement,{'delaware plan'},"{'candidate (band)', 'public engagement', 'alternative rock', 'delaware plan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Dollarization can increase competition, innovation, productivity","{'currency substitution', 'competition (economics)', 'andean community', 'productivity', 'innovation'}","{'innovation', 'currency substitution', 'competition (economics)', 'productivity'}",Relation,dollarization,currency substitution,positive,"competition, innovation, productivity",competition (economics)|productivity|innovation,good,"economy, economic stimulation, the economy and government" for,Concealed carry adequately protects right to bear arms.,{'concealed carry'},"{'right to keep and bear arms', 'concealed carry'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ethnic divisions make an independent Kosovo the most viable,"{'ethnic group', 'kosovo'}",{'kosovo'},Relation,ethnic divisions,ethnic group,positive,independent kosovo the most viable,kosovo,good,"kosovar serbs, eu, united nations, kosovo, independence, citizens" for,No Child Left Behind offers choice to leave failing schools,{'no child left behind act'},"{'child', 'liberal party (norway)', 'school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Citizens United illogically increases money in elections,{'citizens united v. fec'},"{'citizens united v. federal election commission', 'money', 'election'}",Relation,citizens united,citizens united v. federal election commission|citizens united v. fec,positive,money in elections,election|money,neutral, against,People would start taking Earth Hours for granted.,{'earth'},"{'earth hour', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Odorless natural gas can escape detection risking fire/explosion.,"{'fire', 'explosion', 'compressed natural gas'}","{'jerrycan', 'olfaction', 'natural gas', 'detection risk'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Concealed weapons buy time to draw gun.,set(),"{'gun', 'concealed carry'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Currency crises can be better avoided under floating exchange rates.,"{'currency crisis', 'canadian dollar'}","{'floating exchange rate', 'currency crisis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Unlimited spending lets candidates focus on message over fundraising.,set(),"{'message', 'candidate (degree)'}",Relation,unlimited spending,,positive,candidates focus on message over fundraising,message|candidate (degree),good,"candidates, voters, candidates, voters, elections, democracy, messaging, candidates, electorate, society, country." for,Kosovo cannot be likened to other modern secessionist movements,"{'secession', 'kosovo'}","{'kosovo', 'separatism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Claim that the intensity of the above influences of video games on the player are likely only going to grow, as video games become increasingly realistic:",{'video game'},"{'law & order: special victims unit (season 7)', 'pc game', 'claim (patent)', 'player (game)', 'intensity (physics)'}",Relation,video games,video game,positive,video games,video game|player (game),NoAgreement, against,The biomass for creating alae biofuel has to be created from scratch.,"{'alae (nematode anatomy)', 'biomass', 'biofuel'}","{'biomass (ecology)', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kosovo Albanians seek a peaceful transition to independence,"{'kosovo', 'kosovo albanians', 'independence'}","{'kosovo albanians', 'independence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The US often financially supports nations that dollarize.,"{'united states dollar', 'currency substitution'}",{'state (polity)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Big-business resistance to addressing climate change should be ignored.,"{'climate change', 'antimicrobial resistance'}",{'climate change'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Biofuels are not viable enough to relieve foreign oil dependencies.,"{'petroleum', 'biofuel'}","{'energy security', 'north american energy independence', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The war on terror is not like past, conventional conflicts, and the executive branch should not be able to take wartime powers simply on its own declaration.","{'war', 'executive (government)', 'convention (norm)', 'past tense', 'great power', 'war on terror', 'bosnian war'}","{'power (social and political)', 'war on terror', 'executive office of the president of the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most spoken language should be adopted as the universal language.,{'spoken language'},"{'spoken language', 'universal language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Russia and China may block Kosovo independence in UN,"{'2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'china', 'kosovo', 'russia', 'united nations'}",{'2008 kosovo declaration of independence'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Injecting sulfur into the atmosphere means more acid rain,"{'acid rain', 'sulfur', 'atmosphere of earth'}","{'sulfur', 'standard conditions for temperature and pressure', 'acid rain'}",Relation,injecting sulfur into the atmosphere,sulfur|atmosphere of earth,positive,more acid rain,acid rain,bad,"environmental health, environment, climate, environment, earth, people, environment, global warming, earth, the planet" against,Dollarized countries lose right to seignorage (print money):,"{'rights', 'currency substitution', 'seigniorage', 'fiat money'}","{'fiat money', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'currency substitution', 'seigniorage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many green orgs and scientists support geoengineering option.,"{'green politics', 'climate engineering', 'option (finance)'}","{'option contract', 'scientist'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Tolerating"" a nuclear Iran means using every tool but war.","{'iran', 'war'}","{'warfare', 'tool', 'nuclear program of iran'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Maintaining a national currency can be very costly to citizens,"{'fiat money', 'canadian dollar', 'currency'}",{'fiat money'},Relation,maintaining a national currency,currency,positive,very costly to citizens,currency,bad,"citizens who it is costly for, citizens, economy, citizens" for,"""Middle way"" wisely supports the Chinese Olympic Games","{'2008 summer olympics', 'china'}","{'chinese language', 'middle way', 'olympic games'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Biofuels burn more cleanly, cun cut greenhouse gas emissions","{'greenhouse gas', 'biofuel'}","{'cun (unit)', 'greenhouse gas', 'biofuel'}",Relation,biofuels burn,biofuel,negative,greenhouse gas emissions,greenhouse gas,good,"environment, environment, greenhouse" against,"Tibetans want independence, not the ""middle way"" ","""{'tibetan people', 'middle way'}","{'tibetic languages', 'middle way'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A cap-and-trade system is complicated and entails substantial administrative costs:,"{'emissions trading', 'administrative law'}",{'cost'},Relation,cap-and-trade system,emissions trading,positive,substantial administrative costs,cost,bad,"economy, costs, companies incurring the cost, costs" for,Universal language would remove cost of translation services.,{'universal language'},"{'cost', 'translation', 'service (economics)', 'universal language'}",Relation,universal language,universal language,negative,cost of translation services,cost|translation|service (economics),neutral, for,"Biofuel requires open-land, which is often found in poor countries.","{'third world', 'biofuel'}","{'third world', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""The Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), a Shia party, advocate a southern federal region."," {'federation', 'region', 'shia islam', 'islamic supreme council of iraq', ""ba'athist iraq"", 'iranian revolution'}","{'shia islam', 'political party', 'islamic supreme council of iraq', 'iranian revolution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Implementing one universal language would lead to a job loss.,{'unemployment'},"{'unemployment', 'universal language'}",Relation,implementing one universal language,universal language,positive,job loss,unemployment,bad,"employees, the economy, society, society, workers, workers, workers, labor market, prosperity, workers, society" for,Air strikes can destroy Irans nuclear program,{'nuclear power'},"{'iran', 'airstrike'}",Relation,air strikes,airstrike,negative,irans nuclear program,iran|nuclear power,NoAgreement, for,"""Party bosses"" are legally permitted to exercise power in primaries","{'political boss', 'power (social and political)'}","{'political boss', 'power (social and political)', 'primary election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Kosovar Albanians have terrorized ethnic Serbs in Kosovo,"{'kosovo serbs', 'kosovo', 'serbs of croatia', 'kosovo albanians', 'albanians'}","{'serbs', 'kosovo albanians', 'kosovo serbs'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Some doctors advocate focusing on palliative care (relief of pain but not treatment of cause) due to the low full recovery rates of anorexia sufferers:,"{""doctor's advocate"", 'anorexia nervosa', 'palliative care', 'focusing', 'for but not with', 'therapy'}","{'anorexia (symptom)', 'recuperation (recovery)', 'pain', 'physician', 'suffering', 'palliative care', 'rate (mathematics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Spending limits protect voter voices from being priced-out,set(),"{'limit (music)', 'song'}",Relation,spending limits,,negative,voter voices from being priced-out,,good,"voters, voices, the concept is good because voters feel valued, voters, society, democratic process" against,"Attacking Iran would legitimize regime, undermine democracy","{'iran', 'democracy'}","{'iran', 'democracy', 'regime'}",Relation,attacking iran,iran,positive,"legitimize regime, undermine democracy",democracy|regime,bad,"iran, world, un, democracy, society, americans, iranians" for,"If media has right to speak, why not other corps?","{'speech', 'mass media'}",{'corps'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Dollarization can help lower borrowing costs,"{'government debt', 'currency substitution'}",{'currency substitution'},Relation,dollarization,currency substitution,NoAgreement,lower borrowing costs,government debt,good,"people, borrowers, the economy, burrowers, debt management, budgets, fiscal policy, lower borrowing costs" against,Claim that Arab Sunni Iraqis strongly reject the federalism envisioned by the Kurds:,"{'federalism', 'arabs', 'sunni islam', 'kurds', 'iraqis'}","{'federalism', 'arabs', 'iraqi people', 'sunni islam', 'kurds'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Studies that look for correlations between violent gameplay and aggression and violence:,"{'aggression', 'violence'}","{'aggression', 'gameplay', 'violence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Odors added to natural gas to enable human detection,"{'natural gas', 'odor'}","{'detection', 'natural gas', 'odor'}",Relation,odors added to natural gas,odor|natural gas,positive,human detection,detection,good,"people, society, the concept is good because otherwise we could not realize when there is a gas leak, humans" for,Iran might enjoy having an autonomous Shia region under its influence.,"""{'djibouti', 'iran', 'shia islam'}","{'iran', 'shia islam'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Iraqs history as a united country has resulted only in violence and demanded hard-handed governance, and partitioning it would solve this problem:","{'government', 'violence', 'history', 'nation state'}","{'state (polity)', 'violence', 'administration (government)', 'problem', 'history'}",Relation,iraqs history as a united country,history,positive,violence,violence,bad,"iraqis, international community., violence, iraqis, safety, freedom, citizens" for,Technology advances help long-term safety of geoengineering.,"{'climate engineering', 'nuclear safety and security', 'food technology'}","{'engineering', 'safety'}",Relation,technology advances,food technology,positive,long-term safety of geoengineering,climate engineering|safety,good,"safety of geoengineering., society, world, the environment, society, geoengineering, environment, safety" against,Subsidized art will be available to all classes.,"{'subsidy', 'free will', 'art', 'social class'}","{'subsidy', 'art'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Primaries help underfunded candidates gain attention,set(),"{'candidate (degree)', 'primary election'}",Relation,primaries,primary election,positive,underfunded candidates gain attention,candidate (degree)|primary election,good,"candidates running for positions, underfunded candidates, society, voters, democratic process, candidates gain attention" for,Air strikes on Iran would be limited to self-defense,"{'iran', 'may 2013 rif dimashq airstrikes'}","{'iran', 'airstrike', 'self-defense'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Universal language would eliminate translation error.,"{'translation', 'universal language'}","{'error', 'translation', 'universal language'}",Relation,universal language,universal language,negative,translation error,error|translation,good,"communicators, language, international industry, world" for,"A ""soft"" partitioning of Iraq would reduce sectarian violence in Iraq:",{'sectarian violence in iraq'},"{'sectarian violence in iraq', 'iraq'}",Relation,"""soft"" partitioning of iraq",iraq,negative,sectarian violence in iraq,sectarian violence in iraq,good,"iraqi citizens, iraq, iraqis, iraq, iraqis, society" against,"To question whether flag burning is an example of free ""speech"" is to engage in a futile semantic discussion: The law ought to protect the freedom of expression.","{'law', 'conversation', 'flag desecration', 'freedom of speech', 'semantics'}","{'law', 'flag desecration', 'spoken language', 'discourse', 'freedom of speech'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A carbon tax is less popular and harder to achieve politically:,"{'popular culture', 'carbon tax'}",{'carbon tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Concealed weapons can be very comfortable.,set(),{'concealed carry'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Emissions markets allow companies to buy the right to commit a social ""bad"" (polluting):","{'air pollution', 'market (economics)', 'rights', 'corporation', 'committee', 'society', 'trade'}","{'rights', 'company', 'market (economics)'}",Relation,emissions markets,market (economics),positive,allow companies to buy the right to commit a social,air pollution|corporation|company,bad,"society, the environment, the environment, the environment, society, people, climate" against,Claim that Sunnis fear being isolated from Iraqs oil resources:,"{'sunni islam', 'oil reserves'}",{'oil reserves'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Natural gas is difficult to transport and store.,"{'retail', 'transport', 'natural gas'}","{'transport', 'natural gas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Fighting climate change meets more resistance than poverty.,"{'poverty', 'climate change'}","{'poverty', 'climate change'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The US supports Dalai Lama and his cause,"{'social issue', 'united states dollar', '14th dalai lama'}",{'dalai lama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bystanders often feel intimidated by openly carried guns.,{'overview of gun laws by nation'},{'gun'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Argument that it would be impossible to effectively enforce the censorship of violent video games:,"{'video game', 'video game controversies', 'censorship'}","{'argumentation theory', 'video game controversies', 'censorship'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Natural gas mines have sensors and equipment to improve safety.,"{'machine', 'mining', 'natural gas', 'safety', 'sensor'}","{'sensor', 'natural gas', 'safety (firearms)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"China plans on ending ""one child"" policy in the future","{'history of china', 'one-child policy'}","{'child', 'future', 'cathay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Knowbody has the right to decide on geoengineering.,{'climate engineering'},{'rights'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Chinese can simply pay a fine to have an extra child.,{'chinese people'},"{'child (hieroglyph)', 'chinese language', 'fine (penalty)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Iowa and New Hampshire help reveal the candidates to the nation,"{'iowa', 'new hampshire'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'state (polity)', 'iowa', 'new hampshire'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"No Child Left Behind helps draw, keep, and motivate good teachers.","{'value (ethics)', 'education', 'no child left behind act'}","{'child', 'relative direction', 'names and titles of jesus in the new testament'}",Relation,no child left behind,no child left behind act,positive,good teachers,education,good,"students, teachers, society, children, society, teachers, students, society, students, education, students, teachers" for,"The primary role of a government is to protect its citizens from damaging themselves and society as a whole, which may include the function of video game censorship:","{'government', 'society', 'video game controversies', 'primary education', 'citizenship'}","{'regime', 'society', 'video game controversies', 'map (mathematics)', 'citizenship'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bailout of Greece will help prevent contagion,"{'greece', 'financial contagion', 'bailout'}","{'greece', 'contagion (film)', 'bailout'}",Relation,bailout of greece,greece|bailout,negative,contagion,financial contagion,good,"greece, eu, financial stability, greece, geeks, europe, the economy, greece, international markets" for,Primaries create pride in unique local systems,"{'primary election', 'voting system'}","{'primary election', 'pride', 'local system'}",Relation,primaries,primary election,positive,pride in unique local systems,pride|local system,good,"elections, voting, voters, democracy, political parties, local politics, candidates, voters, democratic process, voters, democracy" against,"Continental drinking cultures are not ""mature""; they have drinking problems.","{'culture', 'adult', 'continent'}","{'drinking culture', 'continental climate', 'alcoholism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Standardized tests may have cultural biases.,"{'culture', 'bias', 'standardized test'}","{'cultural bias', 'standardized test'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,High inflation and economic instability have historically led to authoritarian regimes,"{'inflation', 'authoritarianism', 'high middle ages', 'economic history'}","{'top (technical analysis)', 'inflation'}",Relation,economic instability,inflation,positive,authoritarian regimes,authoritarianism,bad,"democracy, freedom, society, international relations, society, citizens, authoritarian regimes" against,NCLB raises standards and testing without improving education,"{'test (assessment)', 'education', 'learning standards', 'no child left behind act'}","{'technical standard', 'didactic method', 'no child left behind act'}",Relation,nclb,no child left behind act,positive,standards and testing,education,neutral, for,Arts subsidies benefit mostly the wealthy and elite,"{'elite', 'welfare', 'subsidy', 'wealth', 'humanities'}","{'subsidy', 'elite'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,No Child Left Behind encourages parents to engage more actively,{'no child left behind act'},"{'child', 'relative direction', 'parent'}",Relation,no child left behind,no child left behind act,positive,parents to engage more actively,parent|child,good,"children, education, parents, students, society, children, parents, teachers, society, children being happier and healthier, parents knowing what their children are doing" against,Unlimited corporate spending forces candidates to fundraise more,"{'corporation', 'military'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'military branch'}",Relation,unlimited corporate spending,corporation,positive,fundraise more,,bad,"candidates, democratic process, voters, candidates, politics, government" against,"Markets should address poverty, not the UN.","{'poverty', 'state of the union', 'market (economics)', 'united nations'}","{'poverty', 'market (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A nuclear Iran would be more aggressive in the Middle East,"{'iran', 'middle east'}","{'middle east', 'nuclear program of iran'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kosovo independence will foster national pride and progress,"{'2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'patriotism', 'pride', 'kosovo war', 'social progress'}","{'nationalism', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence'}",Relation,kosovo independence,2008 kosovo declaration of independence,positive,national pride and progress,nationalism|social progress,good,"kosovo citizens, national pride and progress, kosovo, kosovo citizens, kosovo, kosovo's citizens, world" for,The imposition of a centralized government has the potential to foment civil war:,set(),"{'civil war', 'centralized government'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Claim that testimonies of criminals that place blame on video games should not be relied upon as the criminals may simply be looking for a deflective excuse:,"{'testimony', 'cause of action', 'crime'}","{'crime', 'excuse (legal)', 'pc game', 'testimony', 'blame'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corporate spending used to fight election regulations,"{'corporate law', 'regulation', 'election'}","{'corporation', 'regulation', 'election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Support for Kosovo independence will reduce Muslim resentment,"{'reductionism', 'kosovo', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'muslim'}","{'muslim', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'support (measure theory)', 'resentment'}",Relation,support for kosovo independence,kosovo,negative,muslim resentment,resentment|muslim,good,"kosovo and muslim, kosovo, muslims, international peace, muslims, kosovo, society, reduce muslim resentment, kosovo" for,"""One child"" policy can be modified to improve demographics.",{'one-child policy'},"{'child', 'policy', 'demographics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Continued detention is sometimes elected by detainees over deportation, which makes it ok in these instances.","{'deportation', 'detention (imprisonment)'}","{'oklahoma', 'deportation', 'continued', 'detention (imprisonment)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Military strikes on Iran would invite painful retaliation,{'iran'},"{'iran', 'military strike'}",Relation,military strikes on iran,iran|military strike,positive,painful retaliation,iran,bad,"iran, us, world, society, the concept is bad because that can mean damage to the country and the population, iran, international relations, society" for,Lowering the drink age could also lower teenage crime.,"{'juvenile delinquency', 'working class'}","{'juvenile delinquency', 'aging of wine'}",Relation,lowering the drink age,juvenile delinquency,negative,teenage crime,juvenile delinquency,good,"lower teenage crime., teenagers, crime, juvenile delinquency, crime rates, safety, public safety" for,"Biofuels can be produced locally, reducing transport/emissions.","{'air pollution', 'biofuel'}",{'biofuel'},Relation,biofuels,air pollution,positive,reducing transport/emissions,,good,"the planet, the environment" against,Northern Kosovo serbs may secede from an independent Kosovo,"{'kosovo serbs', 'kosovo', 'north kosovo', 'kosovo war', 'secession'}","{'kosovo serbs', 'north kosovo', 'kosovo'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,People will pay for good art; subsidies are unnecessary.,"{'subsidy', 'free will', 'person', 'good (economics)'}","{'subsidy', 'art', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Intellectual property helps sustain businesses, employment.","{'employment', 'business'}","{'intellectual property', 'employment', 'companies law'}",Relation,intellectual property,intellectual property,positive,"sustain businesses, employment",employment|business,good,"businesses, employees, economy, society, employment, economy, business, employees, economic stability, business, employees" for,Voters can be trusted to judge corporate speech/messages,"{'corporate law', 'judge'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Biofuel stumbling blocks will be overcome with time,{'biofuel'},"{'stumbling block', 'time', 'biofuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Highly intelligent people play video games.,"{'video game', 'intelligence', 'play (activity)'}","{'pc game', 'intelligence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Standards target and limit the worst kinds of emissions:,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Open carrying helps foster politeness between citizens.,set(),"{'politeness', 'open carry in the united states'}",Relation,open carrying,open carry in the united states,positive,politeness between citizens,politeness,good,"friendliness, citizens, local relations, citizens, citizens, society, society, citizens to get along" against,Open carrying need not be seen as intimidating.,set(),{'open carry in the united states'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The national flag is a symbol of nationhood and national unity that ought to be protected from abuse.,"{'nationalism', 'nation', 'national flag', 'symbol'}","{'insult', 'symbol', 'ensign', 'national unity (ireland)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""those who like violent video games tend to be more aggressive than those who do not like them.""[15]",{'video game controversies'},{'video game controversies'},Relation,those who like violent video games,video game controversies,positive,more aggressive,,bad,"themselves, those around them, society, everyone, video game players, society" against,Open carry helps educate public about guns,{'open carry in the united states'},"{'gun', 'open carry in the united states'}",Relation,open carry,open carry in the united states,positive,educate public about guns,gun,neutral, for,Austerity measures of Greek bailout set good precedent,"{'austerity', 'greek mythology'}","{'austerity', 'greek language', 'bailout'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Determining who represents a ""native"" may make it difficult to decide who is being afforded the right to choose:",{'roe v. wade'},{'pro-choice'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Dollarization can benefit nations suffering from hyperinflation,"{'currency substitution', 'canadian dollar', 'welfare', 'hyperinflation', 'nation state'}","{'hyperinflation', 'state (polity)', 'currency substitution'}",Relation,dollarization,currency substitution,positive,hyperinflation,hyperinflation,bad,"economy, society, hyperinflation" against,Open carry better for things where fewer people are around.,{'open carry in the united states'},"{'clothing', 'people', 'open carry in the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kosovos autonomy within Yugoslavia supports moves to independence,"{'yugoslavia', 'autonomy', 'independence'}","{'kosovo', 'autonomy', 'independence'}",Relation,kosovos autonomy within yugoslavia,kosovo|yugoslavia|autonomy,positive,moves to independence,independence,good,"kosovos, kosovo, serbia, yugoslavia, kosovo, yugoslavia, international community" against,Announcing dollarization can cause financial panic,"{'financial crisis', 'currency substitution', 'canadian dollar'}","{'financial crisis', 'currency substitution'}",Relation,announcing dollarization,currency substitution,positive,financial panic,financial crisis,bad,"economic stability, society, economy, money, tax payers, countries, goverments, economics, person finances" against,"""One child"" will create a generation of men without women to marry","{'child', 'men without women (film)', 'one-child policy'}","{'child', 'men without women (film)'}",Relation,"""one child""",one-child policy,positive,a generation of men without women to marry,men without women (film),bad,"china, society, citizens, women, men, procreation, chinese men, chinese society, families, family, society, peace, procreation" for,NCLB helps narrow the achievement gap for minorities.,"{'achievement gap in the united states', 'minority group', 'no child left behind act'}","{'achievement gap in the united states', 'no child left behind act'}",Relation,nclb,no child left behind act,positive,the achievement gap for minorities,achievement gap in the united states|minority group,good,"minorites, minorities, minorities, minorities, students, society, minorities" for,"China would have far too many children if not for ""one child"".",{'china'},{'child'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The UN already has adequate financing to fulfill its objectives:,"{'finance', 'goal'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many EU foreign ministers fear violence following Kosovo independence,"{'kosovo', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'violence', 'european union'}","{'2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'violence', 'high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Unlimited spending frees up advocacy groups in elections,{'election'},"{'advocacy group', 'election'}",Relation,unlimited spending,,positive,advocacy groups in elections,advocacy group|election,neutral, for,The UK would benefit from dollarization,"{'currency substitution', 'welfare'}","{'currency substitution', 'united kingdom'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Kosovo independence would encourage other separatist movements,"{'political movement', 'kosovo', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'separatism'}","{'separatist movements of india', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence'}",Relation,kosovo independence,kosovo|2008 kosovo declaration of independence,positive,other separatist movements,political movement|separatism,neutral, against,"Parents, not government, should play this filtration role:","{'play (activity)', 'government', 'parent'}","{'filtration', 'parent', 'political science'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"NCLB wrongly cuts funding to the most needy, under-performing schools.","{'tax cut', 'no child left behind act', 'poverty', 'education in the united states', 'funding'}","{'school', 'no child left behind act'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Iraqs neighbors would oppose a partition plan and possibly seek to intervene militarily:,set(),"{'united nations partition plan for palestine', 'iraq'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most people have a lot of fun with the lights off for just an hour.,set(),"{'light', 'people', 'land lot', 'hour', 'fun'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corp. spending limits infringe free speech in assoc.,{'freedom of speech'},"{'corporation', 'freedom of speech'}",Relation,corp. spending limits,corporation,negative,infringe free speech,freedom of speech,NoAgreement, against,Corporate spending in elections increases attack ads,{'attack ad'},"{'corporation', 'attack ad', 'election'}",Relation,corporate spending in elections,corporation|election,positive,attack ads,attack ad,bad,"candidates, elections, voters, society, society, voters, government, increases attack ads" against,Corporate free speech adds complexity to campaign finance,{'corporate law'},"{'corporation', 'complexity', 'freedom of speech', 'fundraising'}",Relation,corporate free speech,freedom of speech|corporation,positive,complexity to campaign finance,complexity|fundraising,bad,"public, campaign fundraising, campaign fundraisers, democratic process, transparency, corporate finance" for,"Natural gas leaks tend to dissipate, reducing risks.","{'natural gas', 'redox'}","{'gas leak', 'hazard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Parties don""t have to treat all candidates equally in primaries","{'treaty', 'candidate', 'political party', 'primary election'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'political party', 'primary election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Those offended by breastfeeding should tolerate it.,{'breastfeeding'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is fair to punish all carbon emissions with a carbon tax:,"{'justice', 'carbon tax', 'punishment', 'greenhouse gas'}","{'carbon tax', 'greenhouse gas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A carbon market is complicated to explain and introduce into a population:,{'carbon emission trading'},"{'population', 'carbon', 'market (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Primaries help reveal candidates to the public.,{'primary election'},"{'candidate (degree)', 'primary election', 'public'}",Relation,primaries,primary election,positive,reveal candidates to the public,candidate (degree)|public,good,"candidates, voters, government, candidates, democratic process, reveal candidates to the public., society, public, voters, the candidates, the public, democracy" for,A national primary would violate Party rights to association,"{'freedom of association', 'political party', 'rights'}","{'political party', 'rights', 'voluntary association', 'national primary'}",Relation,a national primary,national primary,NoAgreement,violate party rights to association,rights|political party,NoAgreement, for,Free speech is and should be limited in many instances.,set(),"{'freedom of speech', 'instance (computer science)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Ending Chinas ""one-child"" policy would cause a population spike","{'population spike', 'one-child policy'}","{'population spike', 'cathay'}",Relation,"ending chinas ""one-child"" policy",one-child policy,positive,population spike,population spike,neutral, for,The war on terror is indeed a war with major threats that need protecting against.,{'war on terror'},"{'warfare', 'war on terror'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Teachers want to be held accountable, just not to tests.","{'accountability', 'education', 'want'}","{'teacher', 'test (assessment)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Conducting detainee trials in the US would endanger US citizens,set(),"{'trial', 'citizenship in the united states'}",Relation,conducting detainee trials,trial,positive,endanger us citizens,citizenship in the united states,bad,"us citizens, us citizens, us citizens, us citizens, us citizens" against,Republicans believe govt most effective when decentralized,"{'government', 'belief', 'decentralization', 'republicanism'}",{'state (polity)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US courts can successfully try Guantanamo detainees,"{'trial', 'guantanamo bay detention camp', 'federal judiciary of the united states', 'united states dollar'}","{'guantanamo bay detention camp', 'court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Detainees have a right to due process and protections in US courts,"{'detention (imprisonment)', 'due process', 'federal judiciary of the united states', 'united states dollar'}",{'court'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans believe constitution guarantees greater state power,"{'belief', 'republicanism', 'power (social and political)', 'contract', 'constitution'}","{'republican party (united states)', 'constitution', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Liberals favor large federal government over state govt,"{'federation', 'liberalism'}","{'state (polity)', 'federal government of the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Closing Guantanamo would return detainees to abusive countries.,{'guantanamo bay detention camp'},"{'state (polity)', 'guantánamo'}",Relation,closing guantanamo,guantanamo bay detention camp,positive,to abusive countries,,bad,"detainees, detainees, for the detainees" against,Republicans have better closed the gender wage gap.,"{'gender pay gap', 'republicanism'}",{'gender pay gap'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Some human rights can be violated to preserve national security.,set(),"{'human rights', 'national security'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Guantanamo detainees have been subjected to human rights abuses,"{'human rights', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}","{'human rights', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Democrats have accomplished more when in power,set(),"{'power, montana', 'democratic party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans have accomplished more while in party,"{'irish republicanism', 'political party'}",{'political party'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Guantanamo abuses include the desecration of the Koran,"{'desecration', 'guantanamo bay detention camp', 'quran', 'domestic violence'}","{'sacrilege', 'abuse'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Speeding monitors and cameras strengthen speeding enforcement.,{'speed limit enforcement'},"{'enforcement', 'camera', 'computer monitor'}",Relation,speeding monitors and cameras,camera,positive,speeding enforcement,speed limit enforcement|enforcement,NoAgreement, against,Closing Guantanamo would renew Americas image and leadership,{'americas'},"{'leadership', 'mental image', 'alan keyes'}",Relation,closing guantanamo,americas,positive,renew americas image and leadership,leadership|americas,good,"american people, society, america, american public, americans" against,Guantanamo Bay makes it difficult for US allies to help war on terror,"{'war on terror', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}","{'guantánamo bay', 'war on terror'}",Relation,guantanamo bay,guantanamo bay detention camp|guantánamo bay,negative,us allies to help war on terror,war on terror,bad,"us citizens, national security, public safety, usa, us, international relations, us allies to help war on terror" against,Closing Guantanamo helps uphold the rule of law internationally,set(),{'rule of law'},Relation,closing guantanamo,rule of law,positive,rule of law internationally,rule of law,good,"terrorists, rule of law, international law, guantanamo prisoners, national security, usa, international relations" against,Bailout would diminish global market for US autos,"{'bailout', 'car', 'market (economics)', 'united states dollar'}","{'bailout', 'car', 'market (economics)'}",Relation,bailout,bailout,negative,global market for us autos,car|market (economics),bad,"us auto companies, international us car sales., us auto market, auto makers, us autos" for,"US autos are productive and viable, should be kept alive.","{'environmental economics', 'car', 'productivity', 'life'}",{'car'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US must show resolve in Afg. to beat extremism,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Claim that it will cause non-poor families to fall into poverty more than it will cause poor families to escape poverty:,"{'family', 'will and testament', 'poverty', 'causality', 'cause of action', 'free will'}","{'household', 'poverty'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US rejections of UN calls to close Guantanamo look very bad.,set(),{'social rejection'},Relation,us rejecting un calls,social rejection,positive,image,,bad,"usa, international community, usa" for,US bailout can force needed changes on automakers.,set(),"{'bailout', 'automotive industry'}",Relation,us bailout,bailout,positive,changes on automakers,automotive industry,neutral, for,Guantanamo should not be closed to placate international opinion,"{'freedom of speech', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}",{'opinion'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"More troops in Afg will anger Muslims, impair efforts in ME","{'muslim', 'anger'}",{'muslim'},Relation,more troops in afg,,positive,anger muslims,muslim|anger,bad,"middle east, international relations, usa, muslims, united states, middle east, international relations, troops, muslims, middle east stability, muslims, me, efforts in me" for,States and cities in which raises in the minimum wage are claimed to have had no negative effect on employment (these findings and claims are often cited in the larger debate):,"{'city', 'negative liberty', 'minimum wage', 'employment', 'u.s. state'}","{'city', 'minimum wage', 'result', 'argumentation theory', 'employment', 'province'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Tortured detainees cannot be tried in US, would be released","{'detention (imprisonment)', 'torture'}",{'torture'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"W/o more troops, Afgh will become terrorist haven",{'terrorism'},set(),Relation,w/o more troops,,positive,afgh will become terrorist haven,terrorism,bad,"afghans, victims of terrorism, society, international affairs, government, afgh, society, population, afghanistan, people" against,Tortured detainees can be successfully tried in US courts,"{'detention (imprisonment)', 'torture', 'federal judiciary of the united states'}","{'torture', 'court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,More US troops will increase support for the Taliban and Al Qaeda,"{'al-qaeda', 'united states armed forces', 'united states dollar', 'taliban'}","{'united states armed forces', 'al-qaeda', 'taliban'}",Relation,more us troops,united states armed forces,positive,support for the taliban and al qaeda,al-qaeda|taliban,bad,"us citizens, middle east, international relations, usa, people, counter-terrorism" against,Autos will not restructure if US bails them out,set(),{'car'},Relation,us bails them out,car,NoAgreement,autos will not restructure,car,bad,"could have the same issue again, poor people, consumers, automotive companies, economy, us economy, auto industry" for,Key figures that appear to agree with the above conclusions:,set(),{'key (lock)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Guantanamo bays existence fuels terrorist causes,"{'terrorism', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}","{'guantánamo bay', 'fuel', 'macrocosm and microcosm'}",Relation,guantanamo bay,guantanamo bay detention camp,positive,terrorist causes,terrorism,bad,"society, safety, peace, everyone, safety, public wellness, people, for the general public" against,"More troops in Afg will inflame broader Muslim anger, terrorism","{'terrorism', 'muslim', 'anger'}","{'terrorism', 'muslim', 'anger'}",Relation,more troops in afg,,positive,"muslim anger, terrorism",terrorism|muslim|anger,bad,"society, peace, citizens, society, society, afghanistan, troops, society, government" for,Argument that an increase in the minimum wage would help the poor escape poverty:,"{'the help (film)', 'poverty', 'minimum wage'}","{'poverty', 'minimum wage', 'collegiate wrestling'}",Relation,increase in the minimum wage,minimum wage,positive,poor escape poverty,poverty|the help (film),good,"poor, the poor, poor people, economically weak section, improve poor people life style" for,US has successfully aided autos before; can do it again,{'do it again (steely dan song)'},{'car'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"US need not state-build in Afg, but counter terrorism",{'counter-terrorism'},{'counter-terrorism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Guantanamo Bay helps disrupt terrorist groups.,{'guantánamo bay'},{'guantánamo bay'},Relation,guantanamo bay,guantánamo bay,negative,terrorist groups,,good,"national security, public safety, usa, american public, public safety, us, society" against,Claim that higher minimum wages for Americans will cause employers to look for foreign labor sources,"{'immigration', 'higher education', 'insurance', 'employment'}","{'minimum wage', 'immigration', 'americans'}",Relation,higher minimum wages for americans,minimum wage|americans,positive,employers to look for foreign labor sources,employment,bad,"society, american work-force, americans, citizens, american workers, businesses, society" against,More troops in Afghanistan perpetuates corrupt Afghan government,"{'afghanistan', 'political corruption', 'politics of afghanistan', 'united states armed forces'}","{'politics of afghanistan', 'islamic state of afghanistan'}",Relation,more troops in afghanistan,afghanistan|united states armed forces,positive,corrupt afghan government,politics of afghanistan|political corruption|afghanistan,bad,"middle east, international relations, usa, afghanistan, citizens, people, refugees, afghan citizens, afghan citizens, troops" against,Moral hazard: US auto bailout would reward failure,"{'moral hazard', 'automotive industry crisis of 2008–10', 'united states dollar'}","{'moral hazard', 'automotive industry crisis of 2008–10', 'failure'}",Relation,us auto bailout,automotive industry crisis of 2008–10,positive,reward failure,failure,bad,"those succeeding, workers motivation, society, us economy" against,Argument that raising the minimum wage would entail negative effects on teenage employment:,"{'minimum wage', 'logical consequence'}","{'minimum wage', 'employment', 'result'}",Relation,raising minimum wage,minimum wage,NoAgreement,negative effects on teenage employment,employment|result,bad,"economy, teenage employment, teenagers, society, people, teenagers" against,Released Guantanamo detainees are unlikely to return to terrorism,"{'al-awda (guerrilla organization)', 'terrorism', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}","{'terrorism', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Argument that the benefits of a minimum wage increase would be greater among higher income groups:,"{'upper class', 'minimum wage', 'income in the united states', 'employee benefit', 'social group'}","{'minimum wage', 'income', 'argument (complex analysis)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The right to free speech does not apply to corps.,{'freedom of speech'},"{'freedom of the press', 'corps'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Auto bailout will encourage other companies to seek bailouts,"{'bailout', 'automotive industry crisis of 2008–10'}","{'bailout', 'automotive industry crisis of 2008–10', 'company'}",Relation,auto bailout,bailout,positive,other companies to seek bailouts,bailout|company,bad,"tax payers, economy, society, the government, society, economy" for,Argument that a minimum wage increase would be appropriate in light of more frequent Congressional pay raises:,{'minimum wage'},"{'light', 'congress', 'minimum wage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If media can endorse, why can""t other comps?",{'mass media'},{'comp (command)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Guantanamo Bay and the threat of detention helps deter terrorists.,{'guantanamo bay detention camp'},"{'guantánamo bay', 'detention (imprisonment)'}",Relation,guantanamo bay,guantanamo bay detention camp|guantánamo bay,negative,terrorists,detention (imprisonment),good,"us safety, society, world, people who are not terrorists, safety, society, america, people" against,US autos have failed to control labor cost,{'employment'},"{'car', 'remuneration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Judgments by other key players that a minimum wage increase harms employment:,"{'minimum wage', 'employment'}","{'minimum wage', 'player (game)', 'employment'}",Relation,minimum wage increase,minimum wage,positive,employment,employment,bad,"minimum wage workers, employers, employment, job seekers, employment" against,"Unfair to free corp spending, while limiting camp. fundraising.",set(),"{'unfair (drama)', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US autos have already significantly cut labor costs,"{'car', 'labour economics', 'wage'}","{'car', 'remuneration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Deterrent effect"" of Guantanamo on terrorists cannot be confirmed.","{'terrorism', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}","{'force (law)', 'terrorism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Claim that raising the minimum wage might cause employers to replace less skilled workers with more skilled workers:,"{'minimum wage', 'skilled worker', 'just cause', 'employment'}","{'minimum wage', 'skilled worker'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Class bias influenced reluctance to help Detroit,"{'class discrimination', 'detroit'}",{'bias (textile)'},Relation,class bias,class discrimination,NoAgreement,reluctance to help detroit,detroit,bad,"detroit, detroit, society, reluctance to help detroit, detroit" for,Argument that a substantial number of workers and poor workers would benefit:,"{'working class', 'poverty', 'employee benefit', 'argument'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If released, many Guantanamo detainees will return to terrorism","{'terrorism', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}","{'terrorism', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}",Relation,guantanamo detainees,guantanamo bay detention camp,positive,return to terrorism,terrorism,bad,"world, humans, government, christians, humans, national security, public safety, usa, society, detainees, victims of terrorism" for,US auto labor wages not to blame for automakers failures,"{'wage', 'labour economics', 'united states dollar'}","{'car', 'remuneration', 'automotive industry'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Unlimited spending frees up advocacy groups in election.,{'by-election'},"{'advocacy group', 'election'}",Relation,unlimited spending,election,positive,frees up advocacy,advocacy group|election,neutral, against,Bailout would be wasted on auto unions,set(),"{'bailout', 'auto union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Any released detainees would be a drop in the bucket for terrorism.,{'terrorism'},{'terrorism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unlimited spending allows foreign corps to sway elections.,set(),"{'election', 'corps'}",Relation,unlimited spending,corps,positive,foreign corps to sway,election|corps,bad,"free elections, international relations, regional stability, democratic governments, elections, america" against,Past Cuba-US treaties forbid the current use of Guantanamo,set(),"{'past', 'current use', 'pact'}",Relation,past cuba-us treaties,past|pact,negative,current use of guantanamo,current use,neutral, for,Arguments that raising the minimum wage would not lead to job-loss and higher unemployment:,"{'raising (linguistics)', 'minimum wage', 'argument (linguistics)', 'unemployment'}","{'minimum wage', 'unemployment'}",Relation,arguments that raising the minimum,raising (linguistics)|minimum wage|argument (linguistics),negative,job-loss and higher unemployment,unemployment,NoAgreement, for,Bailout allows US autos to produce needed green cars,"{'car', 'united states dollar'}","{'bailout', 'car', 'railroad car'}",Relation,bailout,bailout,positive,needed green cars,car,good,"green cars, environment, americans, society, the environment" against,Unlimited spending forces politicians to focus more on fundraising.,set(),"{'politician', 'military branch'}",Relation,unlimited spending,,positive,focus more on fundraising,politician,neutral, for,Enemy combatants receive sufficient judicial process under i-law,"{'necessity and sufficiency', 'procedural law'}","{'combatant', 'procedural law', 'enemy combatant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Claim that raising the minimum wage may limit the ability of low-skill job-seekers to exchange their low-wage labor for job training and other fringe benefits:,"{'training', 'market economy', 'minimum wage', 'labour economics'}","{'job', 'minimum wage', 'ability (fringe)', 'employee benefit', 'proletariat'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Pres Carter succeeded in ME peace, supports Palestine in UN.","{'jimmy carter', 'nobel peace prize', 'president of the united states', 'state of palestine', 'united nations', 'middle east'}","{'john s. carter', 'palestine', 'peace'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Spending limits infringe free speech in assocs.,{'freedom of speech'},{'freedom of speech'},Relation,spending limits,,negative,free speech in,freedom of speech,neutral, for,Poor judicial process can be improved; no cause to close Guantanamo.,"{'poverty', 'causality'}",{'procedural law'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bailout of autos will take money from green economy.,"{'bailout', 'money', 'green economy'}","{'bailout', 'car', 'money', 'green economy'}",Relation,bailout of autos,bailout|car,positive,take money from green economy,green economy|money,bad,"green economy, green economy, environment, society, environmentalists, green economy, environment" for,"Argument that low-wage job-seekers lack negotiating power and knowledge of their own worth, that any negotiated wage may not reflect the real market value of labor, and that raising the minimum wage would solve this problem for minimum wage workers:","{'real property', 'labour economics', 'argument', 'market value', 'minimum wage', 'problem solving', 'power (social and political)', 'laborer'}","{'problem', 'market value', 'cognition', 'minimum wage', 'remuneration', 'power (social and political)', 'proletariat'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public supports free speech of corps and unions.,"{'freedom of speech', 'trade union'}","{'trade union', 'freedom of speech', 'fundraising'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Enemy combatants can be held without trial until hostilities cease,set(),"{'combatant', 'trial', 'enemy combatant', 'hostility'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Living standards would improve significantly among the needy, according to some sources:","{'standard of living', 'poverty'}",{'standard of living'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US veto of Palestinian UN vote would undermine relationship with Arabs.,"{'state of palestine', 'united nations', 'united states dollar', 'arabs', 'united nations security council veto power'}","{'interpersonal relationship', 'arabs', 'palestinian people'}",Relation,us veto of palestinian un vote,state of palestine|united nations|united nations security council veto power,negative,relationship with arabs.,arabs|interpersonal relationship,bad,"us, palestine, arabs, palestinian people, the us, israel" against,Chrysler and GM should declare bankruptcy and merge,"{'general motors', 'mergers and acquisitions', 'bankruptcy', 'chrysler'}","{'gm chassis', 'bankruptcy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,New info tech makes limits on speech unrealistic.,set(),"{'speech (rapper)', 'information', 'tech (mascot)'}",Relation,new info tech,tech (mascot),negative,limits on speech,speech (rapper),bad,"free thought, citizens, revolutionaries, people" for,US veto would undermine strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia.,"{'saudi arabia', 'united nations security council veto power'}","{'saudi arabia', 'interpersonal relationship'}",Relation,us veto,united nations security council veto power,negative,strategic relationship with saudi arabia,saudi arabia,neutral, against,Guantanamo Bay prisoners have no way of proving innocence.,{'guantanamo bay detention camp'},"{'guantanamo bay detention camp', 'innocence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unlimited spending allows corps to fight election regulations.,{'regulation'},"{'election', 'regulation', 'corps'}",Relation,unlimited spending,,positive,corps to fight election regulations,regulation|election|corps,neutral, against,Loose housing for calves often subjects them to bullying and apprehension.,{'bullying'},set(),Relation,loose housing for calves,,positive,bullying and apprehension,bullying,bad,"calves, calves, people, calves, calves, farmers" for,Over 120 countries have already recognized Palestine.,"{'diplomatic recognition', 'nation', 'state of palestine'}",{'administrative divisions of mexico'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Without aid, US auto collapse will cause massive job loss","{'fall of the western roman empire', 'free will', 'causality'}","{'car', 'aid', 'unemployment'}",Relation,us auto collapse,aid|car,positive,massive job loss,unemployment,bad,"employment, unemployed, auto industry, society, auto industry employees, workers, the economy, automotive workers, economy" against,Evidence and claims that job-loss would accompany a minimum wage increase:,"{'evidence (law)', 'minimum wage', 'cause of action'}","{'minimum wage', 'evidence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,UN recognition would force final negotiations of two-state solution.,{'two-state solution'},"{'two-state solution', 'negotiation'}",Relation,un recognition,negotiation,positive,final negotiations of two-state solution,two-state solution,neutral, for,Modern veal producers follow strict regulations on humane treatment,"{'veal (band)', 'therapy'}","{'veal (band)', 'treatment (song)', 'humanity (virtue)', 'record producer', 'regulation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Shareholders will limit corp spending on elections.,"{'will and testament', 'corporation', 'election', 'shareholder'}",{'shareholder'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Auto bankruptcy during economic crisis would be devastating,"{'car', 'great recession', 'bankruptcy'}","{'car', 'depression (economics)', 'bankruptcy'}",Relation,auto bankruptcy during economic crisis,car|bankruptcy,positive,devastating,depression (economics)|great recession,bad,"auto bankruptcy, economy, car industry, workers, economy" for,"""President Bush signaled readiness last week to consider some Democratic priorities such as a minimum-wage increase"".",{'george w. bush'},"{'democratic party (united states)', 'minimum wage', 'week'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If humane practices are not being followed, than regulations can be improved.",set(),{'regulation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,History shows conflicts need resolving by parties involved.,set(),"{'history', 'political party'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US autos may never get out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy,"{'chapter 11, title 11, united states code'}","{'car', 'chapter 11, title 11, united states code'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Planes are noisy and they disturb people.,set(),"{'people', 'airplane'}",Relation,planes,airplane,positive,,,bad,"people, people, public, communities" for,Israels refusal to halt settlements has prevented negotiations.,set(),"{'israel', 'negotiation', 'plantation (settlement or colony)'}",Relation,refusal to halt settlements,plantation (settlement or colony)|israel,negative,negotiations,negotiation,NoAgreement, for,Democrats tend to support raising the minimum wage and are making it majority legislative priority for the 110th Congress:,"{'history of the united states democratic party', '110th united states congress', 'minimum wage', 'abortion-rights movements', 'legislature', 'majority'}","{'age of majority', '110th united states congress', 'minimum wage', 'democratic party (united states)', 'traffic'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A ban on veal farming would provide an important boost to animal rights.,"{'animal rights', 'veal'}","{'animal rights', 'veal', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,ban on veal farming,veal|ban (law),positive,animal rights,animal rights,good,"animals, animals, for the animals, animals, animal rights" against,Republicans tend to oppose raising the minimum wage:,"{'the republicans (france)', 'minimum wage'}",{'minimum wage'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Peace can only be achieved by Israel and Palestine, not UN","{'israel', 'nobel peace prize', 'state of palestine', 'united nations'}","{'palestine', 'peace'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It would jeopardize the operation of the airport.,set(),"{'military operation', 'aerodrome'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"November, 2006 election propositions to increase the minimum wage from the current federal minimum of $5.15 PASSED in six states.","{'minimum wage', 'victorian state election, 2006'}","{'election', 'minimum wage', 'proposition (politics)', 'november 2006', 'passed', 'province'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bankruptcy of US autos would spread panic in US economy,"{'economy of the united states', 'panic of 1873', 'bankruptcy', 'united states dollar'}","{'car', 'economy of the united states'}",Relation,bankruptcy of us autos,bankruptcy,positive,panic in us economy,economy of the united states,bad,"americans, united states, americans, the economy, us cars, us economy" against,Veal farming is inherently abusive to calves to meet market demands,"{'veal', 'calf', 'meet market'}","{'supply and demand', 'veal'}",Relation,veal farming,veal,positive,market demands,meet market,bad,"cows, cows, calves" for,Statehood would break from status quo and impasse.,"{'state (polity)', 'status quo'}","{'impasse', 'status quo (band)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Chapter 11 bankruptcy will help autos restructure and regroup.,"{'will smith', 'chapter 11, title 11, united states code'}","{'car', 'chapter 11, title 11, united states code'}",Relation,chapter 11 bankruptcy,"chapter 11, title 11, united states code",positive,autos restructure and regroup,car,NoAgreement, against,Some planes need to land during the night.,"{'earth', 'night', 'airplane'}","{'night', 'airplane'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hutches can be more comfortable for veal calves.,"{'veal', 'canning', 'calf'}",{'veal'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"An ""extraordinary"" emergency may call for circumvented certain more ordinary legal procedures:",{'law'},"{'emergency', 'procedural law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,UN vote on Palestinian independence would flare tensions.,"{'state of palestine', 'united nations'}",{'state of palestine'},Relation,un vote on palestinian independence,state of palestine|united nations,positive,tensions,,bad,"us citizens, government, society, peace, for peace, palestinians, israelis" for,Failure of US autos would devastate US economy,"{'car', 'economy of the united states'}","{'car', 'economy of the united states'}",Relation,failure of us autos,car,negative,us economy,economy of the united states,bad,"economy, us economy, economy" for,A lot of cities regret having houses under flight paths.,set(),"{'house', 'land lot', 'city'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hutches could be abandoned without banning veal production completely.,{'veal (band)'},"{'veal (band)', 'record producer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Supporting Palestine at UN would bolster Israeli security,"{'israel', 'state of palestine', 'united nations'}",set(),Relation,supporting palestine at un,state of palestine|united nations,positive,israeli security,israel,NoAgreement, for,Failure of US autos would devastate supporting industries,"{'industry', 'car', 'united states dollar'}","{'industry', 'car', 'failure'}",Relation,failure of us autos,car|failure,negative,supporting industries,industry,bad,"industries, for the overall economy, auto industry, supporting industries, consumers, supporting industries" against,It may unfairly obstruct the defense:,"{'defense (legal)', 'obstruction of justice'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mobile adult foreskin is very easy to clean.,{'foreskin'},{'foreskin'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If someone killed a human at any age it would be murder, so why should it be any different with cows.","{'human rights', 'death', 'ageing'}","{'aging of wine', 'murder'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Denying Palestinian statehood could lead to renewed violence.,{'palestinians'},"{'violence', 'proposals for a palestinian state'}",Relation,denying palestinian statehood,proposals for a palestinian state,positive,violence,violence,bad,"citizens, peace, palestinian, palestinians" against,"Ex Parte Milligan concluded that the power to suspend the writ of Habeus Corbus is the power of Congress, not the Executive:","{'ex parte milligan', 'the power (snap! song)'}","{'united states congress', 'writ', 'executive (government)', 'power (social and political)', 'ex parte milligan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Buying from foreign car companies supports American workers.,{'workforce'},"{'laborer', 'americans'}",Relation,buying from foreign car companies,americans,positive,american workers,workforce|americans,good,"american workers, american workers" for,Smegma in uncircumcised penis produces unattractive smell/taste.,"{'circumcision', 'taste', 'olfaction', 'penis', 'smegma'}","{'smegma', 'penis'}",Relation,smegma in uncircumcised penis,smegma,positive,unattractive smell/taste,taste|olfaction,bad,"penis, hygiene, people who will smell or taste the smegma, men, sexually active people, smell, taste, males, uncircumcised" for,Bailout will preserve place of autos in American identity,set(),"{'location (geography)', 'parks and recreation (season 5)', 'culture of the united states', 'car'}",Relation,bailout,culture of the united states,positive,place of autos in american identity,culture of the united states,NoAgreement, for,"Palestinian statehood via the UN would undermine Syria, Iran.","{'iran', 'syria', 'history of the state of palestine', 'united nations', 'palestinians'}","{'syria', 'iran', 'proposals for a palestinian state'}",Relation,palestinian statehood via the un,united nations|palestinians|proposals for a palestinian state,NoAgreement,undermining of,iran|syria,NoAgreement, against,Some falsely believe circumcision makes condom-use unnecessary,"{'circumcision', 'belief'}",{'feast of the circumcision of christ'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is cruel to harm and kill baby cows at such an early age.,set(),"{'aging of wine', 'infant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Marbury v. Madison clearly establishes the Court as the final arbiter of the meaning of the Constitution - it has jurisdiction in all criminal judgements, although Congress, and Congress alone, is Constitutionally permitted to limit the writ of habeus corpus:","{'marbury v. madison', 'jurisdiction', 'criminal law', 'employment tribunal', 'habeas corpus', 'constitution', 'united states constitution'}","{'arbitral tribunal', 'court', 'united states congress', 'marbury v. madison', 'jurisdiction', 'habeas corpus', 'legal opinion', 'constitution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Auto companies key to US energy security,{'energy security'},{'energy security'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A circumcised penis looks better,"{'circumcision', 'human penis'}",{'human penis'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Euphoria of UN vote would wear off w/ Israel still in control.,"{'israel', 'euphoria'}","{'israel', 'euphoria'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"As a result, most defendants are unlikely to have civilian attorneys","{'defendant', 'civil law (legal system)', 'attorney at law'}","{'lawyer', 'result', 'suspect'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If cattle can be killed tolerably, what makes killing them as calves unethical?",{'cattle'},{'cattle'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Faulty circumcision can result in loss of penis,"{'circumcision', 'penis'}","{'wine fault', 'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'penis'}",Relation,faulty circumcision,circumcision,positive,loss of penis,penis,bad,"receiver of circumcision, males, males, population, men, males, men" against,Grain diets are rare in veal because it produces tougher meat.,"{'diet (nutrition)', 'veal', 'doneness', 'grain', 'meat'}","{'meat', 'veal', 'diet (nutrition)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"(<- counter) Opinion that there are never ""extraordinary"" circumstances that justify setting aside certain ordinary legal procedures: On Ex Parte Milligan",{'ex parte milligan'},"{'counter (furniture)', 'opinion', 'procedural law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Circumcision always risks permanent injury and disfigurement,"{'circumcision', 'risk'}","{'circumcision', 'disfigurement', 'injury'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,permanent injury and disfigurement,disfigurement|injury,bad,"circumcised males, visual attractiveness, health/pain, males, men, humans, life, people" for,"If US automakers fail, foreign autos will raise prices","{'car', 'price', 'salary', 'will and testament', 'automotive industry'}","{'car', 'automotive industry'}",Relation,us automakers fail,automotive industry,positive,foreign autos,price|automotive industry,bad,"us automakers, us consumers, us citizens, for people who buy cars, the foreign autos will raise prices" against,The desire to have ones own child and to nurture it is wholly natural:,"{'nature', 'child abuse', 'nature versus nurture', 'desire'}","{'child', 'desire'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Reproductive cloning would entail dehumanizing experimentation,"{'experiment', 'cloning', 'logical consequence'}",set(),Relation,reproductive cloning,cloning,positive,dehumanizing experimentation,experiment|logical consequence,bad,"human condition, humanity, people, clones, humans, involved workers" for,The inefficient land-use of veal is not a justification to ban veal.,{'veal'},"{'land use', 'veal'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Automaker bailout unfairly disadvantages competition,"{'bailout', 'automotive industry'}","{'bailout', 'competition (economics)', 'automotive industry'}",Relation,automaker bailout,bailout|automotive industry,negative,competition,competition (economics),bad,"businesses, for a capitalist economy, auto competition" against,All circumcisions leave scaring and disfiguration,"{'circumcision', 'fear', 'disfigurement'}","{'circumcision', 'disfigurement'}",Relation,all circumcisions,circumcision,positive,scaring and disfiguration,disfigurement,bad,"person disfigured, circumcised males, visual attractiveness, humans, men" against,"Permit evidence that would be convincing to a reasonable person,","{'license', 'evidence (law)', 'reasonable person'}","{'license', 'reasonable person', 'evidence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Circumcision entails risk of pulmonary embolism,"{'circumcision', 'pulmonary embolism', 'risk'}","{'hazard', 'pulmonary embolism'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,risk of pulmonary embolism,pulmonary embolism|risk,bad,"males, healthcare, doctors, males, individual health, medicine, circumcised penises" against,"Not the same as court-martials - Defendents in military tribunals have far fewer procedural rights than those in court-martials, which some argue is unfair and unjust:","{'argument', 'justice', 'distributive justice', 'court-martial'}","{'military justice', 'procedural law', 'court-martial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Auto bailout could diminish US assets and dollar,"{'automotive industry crisis of 2008–10', 'asset', 'united states dollar'}","{'automotive industry crisis of 2008–10', 'asset', 'united states dollar'}",Relation,auto bailout,automotive industry crisis of 2008–10,negative,us assets and dollar,united states dollar|asset,bad,"people, economy., the us economy, economy, auto industry, banks, consumers, employees, currency, assests" for,Veal farming is an economically important industry that cannot be scrapped,"{'industry', 'agriculture', 'economy', 'veal'}","{'industry', 'veal'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Other methods than circumcision can reduce risk of foreskin infection.,"{'circumcision', 'foreskin', 'infection'}","{'hazard', 'foreskin', 'method (music)', 'infection'}",Relation,other methods than circumcision,circumcision|method (music)|hazard,negative,foreskin infection,infection|foreskin,good,"penises, men, men" against,US can rely entirely on foreign automakers in global economy,"{'globalization', 'automotive industry', 'andean community', 'united states dollar'}","{'world economy', 'automotive industry'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Low standards for evidence in tribunals are likely to lead to innacurate conclusions:,{'evidence'},"{'courtroom', 'evidence'}",Relation,low standards for evidence in tribunals,evidence,positive,innacurate conclusions,evidence,bad,"innacurate conclusions, legitimacy, defendants" for,Veal is easy and fast to cook,"{'veal', 'cooking'}",{'veal'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Circumcision can cause hemorrhaging and death,"{'death', 'circumcision', 'bleeding', 'etiology'}","{'death', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,hemorrhaging and death,death|bleeding,bad,"humans, life, peoples, boy and men, men, society, health, people, males, healthcare" for,HABEAS CORPUS: Opinion that right of Habeus Corpus does not apply to aliens detained by DOD at Guantanamo:,"{'rights', 'guantanamo bay detention camp', 'detention (imprisonment)', 'alien (law)', 'freedom of speech', 'united states department of defense', 'habeas corpus'}","{'opinion', 'ethics', 'alien (law)', 'right of self-defense', 'habeas corpus'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Human clones will be seen and treated by some as inferior,{'human cloning'},{'human cloning'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Circumcision can result in a ""concealed penis"" ","{'circumcision', 'buried penis'}","{'buried penis', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision,,positive,concealed penis,buried penis,bad,men against,Veal calves require antibiotics and medicine that are passed onto consumers,"{'veal', 'medicine', 'cattle', 'antibiotics'}","{'history of medicine', 'veal', 'consumer', 'antibiotics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US auto bailout would damage global free trade,"{'globalization', 'automotive industry crisis of 2008–10', 'united states dollar', 'free trade'}","{'automotive industry crisis of 2008–10', 'free trade'}",Relation,us auto bailout,automotive industry crisis of 2008–10,negative,global free trade,free trade|globalization,bad,"free trade, economy, international trade, us economy, society, global free trade" for,"An ""extraordinary"" emergency may call for circumventing certain more ordinary legal procedures:",{'law'},"{'emergency', 'procedural law'}",Relation,emergency,emergency,positive,circumventing certain more ordinary legal,procedural law|law,bad,"law, government, citizens, public, justice, institutions, the rule of law" for,Parents that lose a child should not be assuaged with a cloned baby.,"{'infant', 'cloning', 'parent', 'child'}","{'infant', 'parent', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Circumcision can cause sleep apnea in infants,"{'circumcision', 'infant', 'sleep apnea'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'infant', 'sleep apnea'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,sleep apnea in infants,infant|sleep apnea,bad,"infants, babies, infants, babies, families, infants, circumcised infants, health, circumcision, medicine" against,Calves are fed inhumane milk diets to keep them anemic and their meat pale,"{'milk', 'anemia', 'diet (nutrition)', 'cattle', 'pallor'}","{'milk', 'meat', 'mourvèdre', 'diet (nutrition)'}",Relation,milk diets,cattle|milk|diet (nutrition),positive,anemic and their meat pale,meat|anemia,bad,"cows, cows, consumers/cow/the meat, calves, calves" against,Circumcisions often remove too much foreskin,"{'circumcision', 'foreskin'}","{'foreskin', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Taxpayer dollars should not be used to bailout auto companies.,"{'emergency economic stabilization act of 2008', 'corporation'}","{'bailout', 'dollar'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If women have a right to reproduce, society can""t say ""not by cloning"" ","{'woman', 'rights', 'reproduction', 'society', 'cloning'}","{'society', 'woman', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Military tribunals have a history that runs back to the revolutionary war.,{'military justice'},"{'american revolutionary war', 'military justice', 'history'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcision has sufficient medical benefits to be routine,{'circumcision'},{'feast of the circumcision of christ'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Opponents of cloning must tolerate the practice,{'human cloning'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The temperature record shows no consistent global warming trend,"{'fad', 'global warming'}",{'temperature record'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Circumcision can result in urethral fistula,"{'circumcision', 'urethra', 'fistula'}",{'fistula'},Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,urethral fistula,urethra|fistula,bad,"men, circumcised boys, urethral fistula, men, society, health, men, males" for,US should make low interest loans to automakers,"{'loan', 'interest', 'united states dollar'}","{'loan', 'automotive industry'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,WWII Qurin case may provide precedent for detainee tribunals:,"{'tribunal', 'precedent'}","{'tribunal', 'common law', 'world war ii'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If the earth was following natural trends, we should be experiencing a cooling trend now.","{'earth', 'nature'}",{'earth'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Pain of neonatal circumcision helps avoid future suffering.,"{'suffering', 'circumcision', 'infant', 'pain'}",{'feast of the circumcision of christ'},Relation,pain of neonatal circumcision,circumcision|pain,negative,future suffering,suffering,good,"infant, infant males, adult males, men, people" for,Cloning will involve the creation of children for predetermined roles.,"{'determinism', 'cloning', 'creation myth', 'free will'}",{'child'},Relation,cloning,cloning,positive,creation of children for predetermined,determinism|child,bad,"free will, future generations, society" against,Nationalization of US automakers would increase US debt.,"{'nationalization', 'national debt of the united states'}","{'nationalization', 'national debt of the united states', 'automotive industry'}",Relation,nationalization of us automakers,nationalization|automotive industry,positive,increase us,national debt of the united states,bad,"general public of u.s., taxpayers, government, citizens, us economy, usa, society, the us economy" for,Cooling between 1940 and 1975 can be attributed to sulphate aerosols,"{'global cooling', 'sulfate aerosol'}",{'sulfate aerosol'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The tribunals violate the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.,"{'tribunal', 'international covenant on civil and political rights'}","{'tribunal', 'civil and political rights', 'pact', 'political international'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Crying of circumcised babies can cause complications.,"{'circumcision', 'infant', 'causality'}",{'infant'},Relation,crying of circumcised babies,circumcision|infant,positive,complications,causality,bad,"babies, babies, circumcised babies, babies, people, health, male infants, healthcare workers, parents" for,Reproductive cloning harms the integrity of the family:,{'cloning'},{'family'},Relation,reproductive cloning,cloning,negative,integrity of the family,family,bad,"families, family, the family" for,"""The 1949 Convention does not apply to al Qaeda and its members.","{'member of the european parliament', 'european convention on human rights', 'al-qaeda'}","{'aluminium', 'convention (meeting)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Parental motives can""t be used against cloning and not normal child-rearing","{'norm (social)', 'parenting', 'parent', 'cloning', 'motivation'}","{'parent', 'motivation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Parents have a right to circumcise their children.,"{'circumcision', 'rights', 'child', 'parenting'}","{'child', 'parent', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Arctic has not consistently warmed in the way that human-caused global warming theory would have it,"{'global warming', 'arctic'}","{'global warming', 'arctic'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The Supreme Court ruled on June 29th, 2006 that the military tribunals violate the Geneva convention.",{'geneva conventions'},"{'geneva conventions', 'supreme court of the united states', 'military justice', 'june 29'}",Relation,supreme court ruling,supreme court of the united states,positive,geneva convention,geneva conventions,NoAgreement, against,Cloned babies would be loved by parents that choose to have them,"{'cloning', 'parent', 'infant'}","{'cloning', 'parent', 'infant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The accelerating rate of global warming may be naturally caused.,{'global warming'},{'rate (mathematics)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Justice Alito concluded that tribunals did conform with the requirement in Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions that any such tribunals be ""a regularly constituted court"" He argued that Common Article 3 was satisfied in Hamdans case because the military commissions:","{'military justice', 'court', 'precedent', 'tribunal', 'european convention on human rights', 'geneva conventions', 'samuel alito'}","{'military justice', 'court', 'article three of the united states constitution', 'tribunal', 'commons', 'geneva conventions', 'samuel alito'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hippocratic oath obligates doctors to avoid circumcision,"{'circumcision', 'physician', 'hippocratic oath'}","{'doctor of the church', 'oath', 'hippocrates'}",Relation,hippocratic oath,hippocratic oath,positive,avoid circumcision,circumcision,neutral, against,This argument assumes that we know Gods intentions.,"{'deity', 'argument'}","{'intention', 'god'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Financial crisis is to blame for much of US auto collapse,{'united states dollar'},"{'financial crisis of 2007–08', 'car'}",Relation,financial crisis,financial crisis of 2007–08,positive,us auto collapse,car,bad,"us, auto companies, the general economy, us, auto makers, consumers" for,"NOT A PRISONER Even if the Geneva Convention could be enforced in U.S. courts, it would not be of assistance to Hamdan at the time because, for a conflict such as the war against al-Qaeda that is not between two countries, it guarantees only a certain standard of judicial procedurea ""competent tribunal""without speaking to the jurisdiction in which the prisoner must be tried.","{'federal judiciary of the united states', 'competent tribunal', 'prisoner', 'jurisdiction', 'nation', 'hamdan v. rumsfeld', 'india–pakistan relations', 'geneva conventions', 'united states dollar', 'al-qaeda', 'war'}","{'court', 'war on', 'competent tribunal', 'prisoner', 'jurisdiction', 'state (polity)', 'geneva conventions', 'al-qaeda', 'united states', 'technical standard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Humans have the right to choose to practice cloning,"{'cloning', 'human'}","{'pro-choice', 'human'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Human carbon emissions have dramatically accelerated global warming,"{'greenhouse gas', 'runaway climate change'}","{'human', 'greenhouse gas'}",Relation,human carbon emissions,greenhouse gas|human,positive,accelerated global warming,runaway climate change,bad,"humans, global warming, society, wildlife, environment, climate control, nature, environment, global warming, planet" against,Neonatal circumcision violates right to avoid inflicted pain,"{'circumcision', 'rights', 'infant', 'pain'}","{'ethics', 'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'infant'}",Relation,neonatal circumcision,circumcision|infant,negative,right to avoid inflicted pain,rights|pain|infant,bad,"rights, infants, human rights, ethics" for,US carmakers have been making the transition to efficient cars,"{'automotive industry', 'car', 'united states dollar', 'fuel efficiency'}","{'terrafugia transition', 'railroad car', 'automotive industry'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The Executive Order establishing the tribunals applies to any member of Al Qaida and to those who harbor terrorists. Yet, such persons are not necessarily violators of the laws of war.","{'terrorism', 'executive order', 'law of war', 'tribunal', 'al-qaeda'}","{'terrorism', 'executive order', 'law of war', 'tribunal', 'al-qaeda', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Human cloning would enable infertile couples to have children,"{'infertility', ""children's rights"", 'human cloning'}","{'child', 'human cloning'}",Relation,,,NoAgreement,,,NoAgreement, against,The atmosphere is not warming in the way human-caused global warming theories would predict.,"{'atmosphere', 'global warming', 'theory', 'prediction'}","{'global warming', 'standard conditions for temperature and pressure'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The new immigration law will decrease crime rates in Arizona.,"{'arizona', 'immigration law', 'immigration to the united states', 'crime', 'will and testament', 'crime statistics'}","{'arizona', 'immigration law', 'immigration to the united states'}",Relation,new immigration law,immigration law|immigration to the united states,negative,crime rates in arizona,crime|arizona,good,"arizona, citizens of arizona, arizona community, society, arizona state dwellers, police departments, state government" against,Parents lack right to choose non-therapeutic circumcision,"{'circumcision', 'parenting', 'abortion-rights movements'}","{'parent', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ocean layers have warmed in a manner that indicates human-causes of global warming:,"{'global warming', 'stratum', 'ocean'}","{'mode (literature)', 'ocean'}",Relation,global warming,ocean,positive,global warming,global warming,bad,"humans, humans, humanity, the earth" against,Cloning allows gay couples to have children of their own blood,"{'cloning', 'child', 'homosexuality', 'blood'}","{'same-sex relationship', 'child', 'blood'}",Relation,cloning,cloning,positive,gay couples to have children,same-sex relationship|child|homosexuality,neutral, against,"Arizona law causes distrust of police, undermines enforcement","{'police', 'arizona', 'law', 'law enforcement'}","{'constabulary', 'enforcement', 'arizona', 'law'}",Relation,arizona law,arizona|law,positive,distrust of police,law enforcement|police|enforcement,bad,"arizona, police, public, communities, arizona residents, society' community, peace, police, citizens, mayor" against,Circumcision was used to reduce fertility of certain groups,"{'social group', 'circumcision', 'reductionism', 'fertility'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'fertility'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,fertility of certain groups,fertility,neutral, for,The Roma have a tragic history of persecution:,"{'history', 'romani people', 'religious persecution'}","{'history', 'romani people', 'persecution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,By the will of nature/God infertile couples are not meant to reproduce,"{'infertility', 'god', 'nature (journal)', 'reproduction', 'free will'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No right to impose religious belief in circumcision on child,"{'circumcision', 'jesus', 'rights', 'belief'}","{'rights', 'child', 'belief', 'faith', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An independent Roma may encourage European politicians to shirk their responsibilities to Roma populations in their own countries:,"{'shirk (islam)', 'nation', 'romani people', 'european union'}","{'rome', 'romani people', 'administrative divisions of mexico'}",Relation,independent roma,rome,positive,european politicians to shirk their responsibilities,shirk (islam),bad,"roma populations, citizens, people" for,Atmospheric shifts show human fingerprints on global warming,"{'global warming', 'human'}","{'atmosphere', 'fingerprint', 'shift work'}",Relation,atmospheric shifts,atmosphere|human,positive,global warming,global warming,bad,"society, earth, global warming, the earth" against,Arizona law puts police under contradicting missions,"{'arizona', 'law'}","{'constabulary', 'arizona', 'law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Arguments against circumcision are insufficient to change policy.,"{'brit milah', 'social change', 'public policy'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A cloned human would have a diminished sense of identity/individuality,"{'sense', 'identity (social science)', 'cloning', 'human', 'individual'}",set(),Relation,a cloned human,cloning|human,NoAgreement,diminished sense of identity/individuality,sense|identity (social science)|individual,bad,"cloned humans, human rights, public, ethics, society, humans, human race, future generation, uniqueness" against,Recognising nationhood on the basis of ethnicity is divisive and will undermine the positive trend towards multicultural nation states:,"{'positivism', 'multiculturalism', 'bandwagon effect', 'nation state', 'social undermining'}","{'basis trading', 'nation state'}",Relation,recognising nationhood on the basis of ethnicity,nation state,negative,positive trend towards multicultural nation states,multiculturalism|nation state,bad,"multiculturalism, minorities, all cultural groups, society, multiculturalism, multiculturalism, society, multicultural nation states" against,"The acceleration of global warming could be natural, and therefore the accelerated on-the-ground effects could be natural as well.","{'accelerating expansion of the universe', 'nature', 'global warming', 'causality', 'acceleration'}",{'result'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Opponents of circumcision have adopted nefarious tactics,{'circumcision'},"{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'military tactics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Arizona law burdens immigrants who must carry papers,{'arizona'},"{'arizona', 'immigration', 'law', 'document'}",Relation,arizona law,arizona|law,positive,burdens immigrants,immigration|document,NoAgreement, against,It is a false requirement that clones possess individuality,{'individualism'},{'individuation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Scientists have a financial interest in calling climate change a crisis.,"{'financial crisis of 2007–08', 'interest', 'science', 'vocation', 'climate change', 'finance'}","{'climate change', 'crisis', 'interest', 'scientist'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The IRU should not be considered representative of the worlds Romany people:,{'romani people'},"{'iru (food)', 'world', 'romani people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcised foreskin can be used to combat facial aging,"{'ageing', 'circumcision', 'foreskin'}","{'circumcision', 'foreskin'}",Relation,circumcised foreskin,circumcision|foreskin,negative,facial aging,ageing,good,"patients, people, patients, society, aging, people" for,Arizona merely enforces law that aliens carry papers,{'university of arizona'},"{'arizona', 'document', 'law', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Human cloning makes individuals replaceable,{'human cloning'},{'human cloning'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vast majority of scientists believe climate change due to humans,"{'science', 'global warming', 'human', 'belief'}","{'climate change', 'vast (novel)', 'scientist', 'human'}",Relation,humans,human,positive,climate change,climate change,bad,"preventing climate change, the planet, planet, environment, humans" for,Recognising the Roma as a nation and thus granting direct access to development aid would reduce the burden on countries with particularly large gypsy populations:,"{'a-nation', 'waste minimisation', 'romani people'}","{'names of the romani people', 'development aid', 'state (polity)', 'burden, luxembourg', 'romani people'}",Relation,recognising the roma as a nation,romani people,negative,burden on countries with particularly large gypsy populations,romani people,good,"helps other states be more stable., society, countries which give aid, nations with large romani populations, the roma, economy, society" for,Being forced to show papers in Arizona is no big deal,"{'the t.o. show', 'university of arizona'}","{'arizona', 'document'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Circumcision can cause male impotency,"{'circumcision', 'erectile dysfunction', 'man', 'etiology'}",{'circumcision'},Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,male impotency,erectile dysfunction,bad,"men, men, men, male, males, men, penis, babies" against,Global warming has become an industry in itself.,{'global warming'},"{'industry', 'global warming'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Individualism will be maintained despite cloning, as ""clones"" will develop their own unique identities:","{'cloning', 'identity (social science)', 'free will', 'individualism'}","{'individualism', 'personal identity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,National governments and civil services are the best people to administer long-term development projects for the Roma:,"{'romani people', 'development aid', 'central government', 'economic development'}","{'administration (government)', 'project', 'people', 'development economics', 'civil service', 'romani people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Nothing to worry about as long as you have papers.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Opponents exaggerate the impact that cloning will have on the world,"{'human cloning', 'exaggeration', 'free will', 'social influence'}",{'impact (mechanics)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcised men engage in more varied sexual activity.,"{'human sexual activity', 'circumcision', 'man'}","{'human sexual activity', 'circumcision', 'man'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision|man,positive,varied sexual activity,human sexual activity,neutral, for,Arizona immigration law helps deter illegal immigrants,{'arizona sb 1070'},"{'arizona sb 1070', 'illegal immigration'}",Relation,arizona immigration,arizona sb 1070,negative,illegal immigrants,illegal immigration,good,"us citizens, arizona, deter illegal immigrants, arizona law, national security, public safety, usa" for,Many scientists are pressured to deny global warming is human-caused:,{'global warming'},{'scientist'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Nationhood would enable the strengthening of Roma schools, which have proved very important to the education of Romanys:","{'nation', 'school', 'romani people', 'education'}","{'rome', 'didactic method', 'school', 'romani people'}",Relation,nationhood,nation,positive,roma schools,school|education,good,"roma students, teachers, children, families, roma education, romani people, roma schools, romany people" for,"Humans have increased significantly the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, adding substantially to the ""greenhouse effect"" ","{'greenhouse gas', 'continent', 'greenhouse effect', 'atmosphere', 'human'}","{'atmosphere', 'greenhouse effect', 'human', 'greenhouse gas'}",Relation,increased significantly the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,human|greenhouse gas,positive,"""greenhouse effect""",greenhouse gas|greenhouse effect,bad,"atmosphere, environment, the environment, environment, humans" against,Cloning is safe enough to perform on humans,"{'cloning', 'human', 's.h.i.e.l.d.'}",{'human'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Sex with uncircumcised penis can be painful for men,"{'circumcision', 'sex', 'man', 'pain', 'penis'}","{'human sexual activity', 'man', 'penis'}",Relation,sex with uncircumcised penis,circumcision|human sexual activity|penis,positive,painful,pain,bad,"uncircumcised males, sex, couples, men, men, for comfort" for,Arizona has right to fight illegal immigration w/o federal authorization,"{'illegal immigration to the united states', 'arizona', 'conservatism in the united states'}","{'authorization', 'arizona', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Establishing a parallel education system within a nation will continue the marginalization of the Roma:,"{'romani people', 'a-nation', 'parallel education', 'social exclusion'}","{'parallel education', 'social exclusion', 'state (polity)', 'didactic method', 'romani people'}",Relation,parallel education system within a nation,parallel education,positive,marginalization of the roma,social exclusion|romani people,bad,"society, roma people, the roma" for,"Human greenhouse gas emissions have a clear ""greenhouse"" warming effect:","{'greenhouse effect', 'human', 'transparency and translucency', 'greenhouse gas'}","{'human', 'nursery (room)', 'greenhouse gas'}",Relation,human greenhouse gas emissions,greenhouse gas|human,positive,"""greenhouse"" warming effect",greenhouse effect,bad,"humans and society., nature, environment, global warming, environment, society" against,Cloning will not lead to the mass production of clones,"{'mass production', 'cloning'}",{'mass production'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,10th amendment supports state rights to craft immigration law.,{'tenth amendment to the united states constitution'},"{'immigration law', 'amendment', ""states' rights""}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,MBA offers strategy and managerial skills useful anywhere,"{'management', 'master of business administration', 'strategy', 'skill'}","{'master of business administration', 'scheme (programming language)', 'skill'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It will only aid and support North Koreas quest for nuclear weapons,"{'korea', 'humanitarian aid', 'nuclear weapon', 'close air support', 'north korea'}","{'north korea', 'nuclear weapon', 'quest (video gaming)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Circumcised and uncircumcised men have statistical equal stamina,"{'circumcision', 'man', 'egalitarianism'}","{'circumcision', 'stamen', 'man'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Cloning will lead to eugenics, or the artificial manipulation and control of the characteristics of people.","{'nature', 'psychological manipulation', 'eugenics', 'social control', 'free will', 'person', 'human cloning'}","{'eugenics', 'people'}",Relation,cloning,human cloning,positive,characteristics of people,eugenics,bad,"humanity, social equality, people, society" against,US politicians are not obligated to use Bible in swearing-in.,"{'obligation', 'bible', 'oath'}","{'authorship of the bible', 'oath'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Arizona has every right to fight illegal immigration,"{'arizona', 'conservatism in the united states', 'illegal immigration'}","{'arizona', 'rights', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Circumcision can cause ""urine burns"" in infant","{'circumcision', 'burn', 'infant', 'etiology', 'urine'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'infant', 'urine'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,"""urine burns"" in infant",burn|infant|urine,bad,"men, babies, infant, infants, infants, parents" for,MBA is equalizer; disadvantaged can excel after undergrad,"{'master of business administration', 'undergraduate education', 'equalization (audio)'}","{'master of business administration', 'undergraduate education'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Cloning evil people will not result in evil clones,"{'will (philosophy)', 'cloning', 'evil', 'human cloning'}",{'evil'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Founders of America intended for the country to be a-religious.,set(),"{'united states', 'entrepreneurship', 'state (polity)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Roughly 70% of Arizonans support the states immigration law.,"{'immigration law', 'state (polity)', 'child support'}",{'immigration law'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Circumcision can cause urinary retention in infants,"{'nephritis', 'circumcision', 'infant', 'urinary retention'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'infant', 'urinary retention'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,urinary retention in infants,urinary retention|infant,bad,"infants, males, infants, infants, comfort" for,MBA generally offers professional credibility,{'master of business administration'},"{'master of business administration', 'credibility'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corporate broadcasters respond to diverse market demands,"{'market (economics)', 'corporation'}","{'supply and demand', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is baseless that a dictator would build an army of clones,"{'cloning', 'dictator', 'clone trooper'}","{'army', 'dictator'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most Americans support Arizonas immigration law,{'immigration law'},"{'arizona', 'immigration law', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The uncircumcised often suffer from penis infections,"{'suffering', 'circumcision', 'infection', 'penis'}","{'infection', 'penis'}",Relation,uncircumcised,circumcision,positive,penis infections,penis|infection,bad,"the person with it, uncircumcised males, sex, couples, health, men, uncircumcised, people, men" for,People want to clone humans for their organs,"{'organ (anatomy)', 'cloning', 'human'}","{'organ (anatomy)', 'people', 'human'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Fairness Doctrine would destroy viability of conservative radio,"{'fairness doctrine', 'conservatism'}","{'fairness doctrine', 'radio'}",Relation,fairness doctrine,fairness doctrine,negative,conservative radio,radio|conservatism,neutral, against,Cops will trump up charges in order to find illegals,{'donald trump'},{'illegal immigration'},Relation,trump up charges,,positive,find illegals,illegal immigration,NoAgreement, against,Cloned humans have a soul and are ordinary humans in every way,"{'cloning', 'human', 'soul'}","{'cloning', 'humans (noon universe)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Enrolling in MBA can break stride in career,"{'master of business administration', 'break (music)'}",{'master of business administration'},Relation,enrolling in mba,master of business administration,NoAgreement,break stride in career,break (music),bad,"the person enrolling, students" against,Ideologies drive false medical justifications for circumcision,"{'circumcision', 'ideology'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'political philosophy', 'theory of justification'}",Relation,ideologies,ideology,positive,false medical justifications for circumcision,circumcision|theory of justification,bad,"infants, men, society, people, men, medical communities, patients, those circumcised" against,Fairness Doctrine would open costly political battle,"{'fairness doctrine', 'politics'}","{'legal doctrine', 'fairness measure'}",Relation,fairness doctrine,fairness doctrine,positive,costly political battle,politics,NoAgreement, for,"Arizona cops will justly apply ""reasonable suspicion"" of illegals","{'police', 'arizona', 'will and testament', 'justice', 'reasonable suspicion'}","{'reasonable suspicion', 'arizona', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hiring b/w MBA and non-MBA usually goes to MBA,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"While illegal clones should have rights, a ban is still justified","{'rights', 'law', 'human cloning'}","{'rights', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Arizona immigration law invites abusive racial profiling.,"{'child abuse', 'immigration law', 'arizona sb 1070', 'racial profiling'}",{'arizona sb 1070'},Relation,arizona immigration law,immigration law,positive,abusive racial profiling,racial profiling,bad,"humans, minorities, minorities, society, for minorities, minorities" for,Free speech without Fairness Doctrine can harm policy-making,"{'fairness doctrine', 'freedom of speech'}","{'fairness doctrine', 'freedom of speech'}",Relation,free speech without fairness doctrine,freedom of speech,negative,policy-making,,bad,"citizens, policymakers, free speech, human rights" against,Circumcision industry drives false medical justifications,{'circumcision'},"{'industry', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision industry,circumcision|industry,positive,false medical justifications,industry,bad,"males, healthcare, medical morale, patients, patients, society, education" for,MBA is a good way to get into inner circle of a business,{'master of business administration'},"{'business', 'master of business administration', 'clique', 'mode (literature)'}",Relation,mba,master of business administration,positive,inner circle,clique,good,"developing business contacts and relationships, people with mbas, business people, business deals" against,"""Reasonable suspicion"" in Arizona will lead to racial profiling","{'reasonable suspicion', 'arizona', 'racial profiling'}",{'reasonable suspicion'},Relation,"""reasonable suspicion"" in arizona",reasonable suspicion,positive,racial profiling,racial profiling,bad,"racial minorities, human rights, racism, minorities, racial profiling, minorities" for,Circumcision helps prevent balantis in the penis,"{'circumcision', 'penis'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'penis'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,balantis in the penis,penis,good,"men, men, circumcised males, health, disease" against,Deformed clones would still be happy to be alive,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Enforcing the Fairness Doctrine would be too expensive.,{'fairness doctrine'},"{'legal doctrine', 'fairness measure'}",Relation,enforcing the fairness doctrine,fairness doctrine,positive,too expensive,fairness measure,bad,"economy, the enforcers" against,Some employers see MBA grads as too expensive,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcision helps protect against human papilloma virus,"{'circumcision', 'human papillomavirus'}","{'human papillomavirus', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,human papilloma virus,human papillomavirus,good,"the circumcised men, males, society, public health, helps protect, society, people" against,"Arizona law will harass, jail Latinos w/o papers on them","{'arizona', 'will and testament', 'prison', 'law', 'hispanic and latino americans', 'harassment'}","{'hispanic and latino americans', 'arizona', 'document', 'law'}",Relation,arizona law,arizona|law,positive,jail latinos w/o papers on them,hispanic and latino americans,NoAgreement, for,MBA offers a choice of employers,"{'master of business administration', 'employment', 'utility'}",{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Scientists want to create a race of clones to experiment on,"{'experiment', 'cloning', 'scientist'}","{'experiment', 'scientist'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Arizona immigration law causes parents to send students elsewhere,"{'immigration law', 'causality', 'arizona sb 1070'}","{'student', 'parent', 'arizona sb 1070'}",Relation,arizona immigration law,immigration law|arizona sb 1070,positive,parents send students elsewhere,student|parent,NoAgreement, against,"Fairness Doctrine falsely presumes ""fairness"" can be determined",{'fairness doctrine'},"{'legal doctrine', 'fairness measure'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Cloned humans should have equal rights,"{'cloning', 'human', 'egalitarianism'}","{'cloning', 'human', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcision helps prevent phimosis,"{'circumcision', 'phimosis'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'phimosis'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,phimosis,phimosis,good,"man, prevention of urinary problems, men, sexual partners, public health, society, patients, medicine, public health, infants" for,MBA opens doors to more jobs.,"{'master of business administration', 'steve jobs'}","{'master of business administration', 'door', 'employment'}",Relation,mba,master of business administration,positive,more jobs,employment,good,"workers, citizens, business, society, people, economy, mba recipients, economy, mba students" against,Fairness Doctrine opens the door to government abuse,"{'fairness doctrine', 'government'}","{'administration (government)', 'door', 'abuse', 'legal doctrine', 'fairness measure'}",Relation,fairness doctrine,fairness doctrine,positive,government abuse,abuse|government,bad,"government, society, government, society, society" for,Circumcision helps protect against chlamydia,"{'circumcision', 'chlamydia infection'}","{'chlamydia (genus)', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,chlamydia,chlamydia infection,good,"people, society, spread of venereal disease, penises, men, society, public health, sexual partners" for,Arizona law will lessen the financial burden caused by illegal aliens.,"{'will and testament', 'law', 'alien (law)', 'university of arizona'}","{'arizona', 'law', 'illegal immigration'}",Relation,arizona law,arizona|law,negative,financial burden caused by illegal aliens,alien (law)|illegal immigration,good,"taxpayers, society, taxpayers, financial burden caused by illegal aliens, arizona economy" against,Clones are not good or bad; they have the potential to be either,"{'cloning', 'potentiality and actuality', 'good and evil'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Fairness Doctrine actually stifles public debate,"{'fairness doctrine', 'public debate', 'policy debate'}","{'fairness doctrine', 'public debate'}",Relation,fairness doctrine,fairness doctrine,negative,public debate,public debate,NoAgreement, against,Employers prefer years of work experience over MBA,"{'work experience', 'master of business administration', 'employment'}","{'master of business administration', 'old age', 'work experience'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Human cloning will increase inequalities in society,"{'in society', 'free will', 'human cloning'}","{'inequality (mathematics)', 'society', 'human cloning'}",Relation,human cloning,human cloning,positive,inequalities in society,inequality (mathematics)|in society|society,bad,"society, society, society, society, society" against,Fairness Doctrine harms instead of protecting free speech,{'fairness doctrine'},"{'fairness doctrine', 'freedom of speech'}",Relation,fairness doctrine,fairness doctrine,negative,free speech,freedom of speech,NoAgreement, for,Circumcision helps protect against syphilis,"{'syphilis', 'circumcision'}","{'syphilis', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,syphilis,syphilis,good,"public health, communities, men, public health, sexual partners, circumcised men, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases." for,Harder for older students to balance life/family/MBA,{'master of business administration'},{'student'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Addicted youth should be helped, not punished.","{'addiction', 'adolescence', 'punishment'}",{'youth'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Arizona law will return jobs back to the American people.,"{'will and testament', 'law', 'university of arizona', 'americans'}","{'arizona', 'law', 'americans', 'job'}",Relation,arizona law,arizona|law,positive,return jobs back to the american people,job|americans,good,"economy, job seekers, american people, american people" against,Older MBA students may appreciate it much more.,{'master of business administration'},"{'student', 'master of business administration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Fairness Doctrine does not censor; only ensures balance,"{'fairness doctrine', 'censorship'}","{'legal doctrine', 'fairness measure'}",Relation,fairness doctrine,fairness doctrine,positive,balance,fairness measure,good,"for those seeking equity, justice, peace, society, equality, balance, citizens" against,"Circumcision can cause ""skin bridge"" on penis","{'circumcision', 'skin bridge'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'skin bridge', 'penis'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,skin,skin bridge,bad,"men, skin bridge caused by circumcision, men, penis, men, males" for,Better to finish MBA sooner than later,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Arizona immigration law will damage local economy,"{'immigration law', 'will and testament', 'arizona sb 1070', 'damages', 'economic system'}","{'economy', 'arizona sb 1070'}",Relation,arizona immigration law,immigration law|arizona sb 1070,positive,local economy,economy|damages|economic system,bad,"local business, local economy" for,Unpunished drug users are unlikely to fight their substance dependency.,"{'substance dependence', 'substance abuse', 'recreational drug use'}","{'substance dependence', 'drug user'}",Relation,unpunished drug users,drug user,negative,substance dependency,substance dependence|substance abuse,bad,"addicts, society, drug users, healthcare, society" against,Fairness Doctrine can benefit outrageous perspectives,{'fairness doctrine'},"{'legal doctrine', 'perspective (graphical)', 'fairness measure'}",Relation,fairness doctrine,fairness doctrine,positive,outrageous perspectives,fairness doctrine,neutral, for,MBA is a great way to make a career change,{'master of business administration'},"{'master of business administration', 'vocation'}",Relation,mba,master of business administration,positive,career change,vocation,good,"mba students, the holder of the mba" against,"Most male sexual health problems stem from irresponsible sex, not circumcision.","{'circumcision', 'male'}","{'human sexual activity', 'circumcision', 'reproductive health'}",Relation,irresponsible sex,human sexual activity,positive,male sexual health problems,reproductive health,bad,"public health, men, health, sex, men, boys, teenagers" against,"War on drugs keeps drug trade profitable, lures children in","{'war on drugs', 'profit (economics)'}","{'war on drugs', 'drug', 'child', 'trade'}",Relation,war on drugs,war on drugs,positive,drug trade,drug|trade,bad,"society, people, families, children, people, children, children, families, countries, public safety" for,Illegal immigrants in Arizona pose threat to security,"{'illegal immigration to the united states', 'arizona'}","{'arizona', 'illegal immigration'}",Relation,illegal immigrants in arizona,illegal immigration to the united states|arizona|illegal immigration,positive,security,,bad,"us citizens, arizona residents" against,Arizona law would strain federal govt with deportations,"{'government', 'arizona', 'federation', 'law'}","{'state (polity)', 'arizona', 'deportation', 'law'}",Relation,arizona law,arizona|law,positive,deportations,deportation,bad,"government, federal government, deportees, federal government" against,Enforcing drug laws would mean mass imprisonment,set(),"{'mass', 'prohibition of drugs'}",Relation,enforcing drug laws,prohibition of drugs,positive,mass imprisonment,mass,neutral, against,Public can judge extreme viewpoints: Fairness Doctrine unnecessary,{'fairness doctrine'},"{'legal doctrine', 'fairness measure', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Older MBA students bring more experience/perspective.,{'master of business administration'},"{'student', 'master of business administration'}",Relation,older mba students,student|master of business administration,positive,perspective,student,good,"employers, mba programs, overall knowledge, students, class, teachers" for,Circumcision helps protect against kidney infections,"{'kidney', 'circumcision', 'infection'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'pyelonephritis'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,kidney infections,infection|kidney,good,"kidneys, males, men, infants, health, circumcision, medicine" for,War on Drugs increases price of drugs,"{'war on drugs', 'sterling price'}","{'war on drugs', 'drug', 'rice (medicine)'}",Relation,war on drugs,war on drugs,positive,price of drugs,rice (medicine)|drug,neutral, against,Better to wait for employer who will pay your MBA.,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Arizona immigration law will increase lawsuits and costs,"{'will and testament', 'costs in english law', 'arizona sb 1070', 'lawsuit'}","{'costs in english law', 'arizona sb 1070', 'lawsuit'}",Relation,arizona immigration law,arizona sb 1070,positive,lawsuits and costs,lawsuit,bad,"arizona economy, immigrants, citizens, citizens, citizens, government, system of law" for,Non-circumcision can result in many complications,"{'can bus', 'complication (horology)'}",set(),Relation,non-circumcision,complication (horology),positive,many complications,complication (horology),bad,"non-circumcised penises, circumcised males, health, men, uncircumcise men" for,Bank tax will help reduce large US deficit,"{'bank tax', 'national debt of the united states'}","{'bank tax', 'national debt of the united states'}",Relation,bank tax,bank tax,negative,us deficit,national debt of the united states,good,"citizens, us deficit, economy, us citizens" for,War on Drugs helps hold down usage,{'war on drugs'},"{'usage', 'war on drugs'}",Relation,war on drugs,war on drugs,negative,usage,usage,good,"society, citizens, society, government, drug users, prospective drug users, preventing large-scale trafficking of narcotics." for,Fairness Doctrine helps advance free speech values,"{'fairness doctrine', 'freedom of speech', 'value (ethics)'}","{'fairness doctrine', 'freedom of speech', 'value (computer science)'}",Relation,fairness doctrine,fairness doctrine,positive,free speech values,freedom of speech|value (ethics),good,"humans, free speech, citizens of a country, free speech, rights, society" against,Better to wait to see if MBA is necessary.,"{'master of business administration', 'wait (command)', 'conditional (computer programming)'}",{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Individuals are at liberty to take drugs, harm themselves","{'harm', 'liberty'}","{'mourvèdre', 'liberty'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,[[Argument: Circumcision helps prevent herpes| Circumcision helps prevent herpes,"{'herpes simplex', 'circumcision'}",{'feast of the circumcision of christ'},Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,herpes,herpes simplex,good,"men, sexual partners, society, circumcised men, boys" against,Bank tax is too small to impact deficit,"{'bank tax', 'government budget balance'}","{'bank tax', 'impact (mechanics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,MBA teaches essential business language,"{'business', 'master of business administration', 'language'}","{'master of business administration', 'language', 'companies law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Fairness Doctrine advocates forget Medias liberal bias.,"{'fairness doctrine', 'media bias', 'liberalism'}","{'legal doctrine', 'media bias', 'fairness measure'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,2010 bank tax will raise less revenue due to evasion,"{'tax evasion', 'bank tax', 'salary', 'revenue stamp'}","{'tax revenue', 'evasion (law)', 'bank tax'}",Relation,2010 bank tax,bank tax,positive,less revenue,tax revenue|evasion (law),bad,"the economy, citizens, banks, business, economy, society" against,"Fairness Doctrine wrongly sees ""two sides"" to every issue",{'fairness doctrine'},"{'legal doctrine', 'fairness measure'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcision helps prevent chancroids,{'circumcision'},"{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'chancroid'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,chancroids,chancroid,good,"public health, communities, men, society, people, men, society, sexually active people, health, reduced rate of stis, reduced probability of stis" against,Challenge/reward can be found outside MBA,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bank tax unfairly targets biggest 50 banks,{'bank tax'},"{'bank (geography)', 'bank tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,War on Drugs is too ineffective to justify costs,{'war on drugs'},"{'cost', 'war on drugs'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcision helps protect against cancer of the penis,"{'circumcision', 'penile cancer'}","{'penile cancer', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,cancer of the penis,penile cancer,good,"men, circumcised males, health, penis, society, people, men" for,An MBA can be a nice academic break from work,{'master of business administration'},"{'job', 'master of business administration', 'bone fracture'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Debt unquestionable under 14th; Obama can raise ceiling,set(),{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Bailout was a mistake, so should not be repaid",set(),"{'bailout', 'mistake (criminal law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Women preferring circumcised men suffer from cultural ills,"{'suffering', 'woman', 'female genital mutilation', 'culture'}","{'woman', 'man'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is justified to repay the debt,"{'justified (tv series)', 'the debt (2010 film)'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Pres Clinton would have ordered raising debt ceiling.,"{'president of the united states', 'bill clinton', 'national debt of the united states'}","{'bill clinton', 'united states debt ceiling'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,MBAs sometimes speak with too much elite business jargon,{'buzzword'},"{'buzzword', 'master of business administration', 'elite'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Higher price of illegal drugs causes more crimes by users,"{'substance abuse', 'etiology', 'crime'}","{'illegal drug trade', 'user (computing)', 'crime'}",Relation,higher price of illegal drugs,illegal drug trade,positive,crimes by users,crime,bad,"general society, crime victims, society, society, safety, communities" against,"Attitudes should conform to the normal body, not visa versa.","{'norm (social)', 'conformity', 'attitude (psychology)'}","{'attitude (psychology)', 'physical body', 'visa (document)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bank tax will be passed on to consumers,{'bank tax'},"{'bank tax', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"War on Drugs destroys local suppliers, gives cartels monopoly","{'cartel', 'war on drugs', 'monopoly', 'distribution (business)'}","{'supply chain', 'war on drugs', 'monopoly'}",Relation,war on drugs,war on drugs,NoAgreement,local suppliers,monopoly|supply chain,bad,"for reducing crime, children, teenagers, society" against,Framers would have noted that 14th amends 1st.,"{'fourteenth amendment to the united states constitution', 'law', 'first amendment to the united states constitution', 'founding fathers of the united states'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,MBA helps avoid mistakes with on-job training,{'master of business administration'},"{'master of business administration', 'mistake (criminal law)'}",Relation,mba,master of business administration,negative,mistakes with on-job training,mistake (criminal law),good,"employees, new employees, businesses, people with mbas" against,2010 US bank tax will kill jobs created/fostered by banks,"{'the will to kill', 'bank tax'}","{'bank', 'bank tax', 'u.s. bancorp', 'job'}",Relation,2010 us bank tax,bank tax,negative,jobs created/fostered by,job,bad,"jobs created by banks, job market, economy, job market, kill jobs created/fostered by banks" for,Women prefer cleaner circumcised penis,"{'woman', 'human penis', 'circumcision'}","{'woman', 'human penis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,War on Drugs helps combat drug-related crimes,{'war on drugs'},"{'war on drugs', 'combat', 'drug-related crime'}",Relation,war on drugs,war on drugs,negative,drug-related crimes,drug-related crime,good,"crime statistics, police, regular people, society, citizens" against,Few executives believe MBA preps for real business,{'master of business administration'},"{'business', 'executive director', 'preppy', 'master of business administration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,2010 bank tax will deter future risk-taking by banks,"{'risk', 'bank', 'bank tax'}","{'bank (geography)', 'bank tax'}",Relation,2010 bank tax,bank tax,negative,future risk-taking by banks,risk|bank,bad,"the economy, banks" against,More people die from Drug War than overdosing,"{'death', 'drug overdose', 'war on drugs'}",{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,14th Amend goes beyond Civil War to cover all debts.,set(),"{'amend (motion)', 'civil war'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Women prefer the appearance of a circumcised penis.,"{'woman', 'human penis', 'circumcision'}","{'woman', 'human penis', 'phenomenon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,MBA offers self-satisfaction at accomplishment.,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},Relation,mba,master of business administration,positive,self-satisfaction,,good,"you, for the self, mba students" against,Obama raising debt ceiling would be politically costly,"{'politics of the united states', 'barack obama', 'national debt of the united states'}","{'barack obama', 'united states debt ceiling'}",Relation,obama raising debt ceiling,barack obama|united states debt ceiling,positive,political cost,barack obama|politics of the united states,bad,"oba!a, obama, democrats, obama" against,War on Drugs keeps drug trade profitable,{'war on drugs'},"{'war on drugs', 'drug', 'trade'}",Relation,war on drugs,war on drugs,positive,drug trade,drug|trade,bad,"society, crime, communities, humans, the general public" for,GOP holding econ hostage; Obama has moral auth. to raise ceiling.,"{'government of pakistan', 'moral'}","{'republican party (united states)', 'hostage', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,2010 bank tax puts US banks at disadvantage globally,{'bank tax'},"{'bank tax', 'u.s. bancorp'}",Relation,bank tax,bank tax,positive,disadvantage,,bad,"us, for the us economy" against,Circumcised babies can require more motherly care,"{'mother', 'infant', 'foster care', 'female genital mutilation'}","{'circumcision', 'infant'}",Relation,circumcised babies,circumcision|infant,positive,more motherly care,mother,neutral, for,MBA teaches you to think like a business person,"{'master of business administration', 'businessperson'}","{'master of business administration', 'businessperson'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,War on Drugs cannot be won; drugs will always exist,{'war on drugs'},"{'war on drugs', 'drug'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Better for Obama to raise ceiling than keep compromising.,set(),{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Separation of foreskin during puberty can be problematic.,"{'foreskin', 'puberty'}","{'foreskin', 'puberty'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Article 1 gives power to Congress alone to pay debts.,"{'united states congress', 'article one of the united states constitution'}","{'united states congress', 'article one of the united states constitution', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,MBA can be very interesting,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"War on Drugs restricts clean needle access, worsens diseases","{'war on drugs', 'disease'}","{'war on drugs', 'hypodermic needle', 'disease'}",Relation,war on drugs,war on drugs,negative,clean needle access,hypodermic needle,NoAgreement, for,Circumcision ends need to retract foreskin to urinate,"{'circumcision', 'urination', 'foreskin'}","{'need', 'circumcision', 'foreskin'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,need to retract foreskin to urinate,need|urination|foreskin,neutral, for,MBA exposes one to ambitious peers,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,EU expansion does not result in jobs migrations from east to west.,{'enlargement of the european union'},"{'human migration', 'enlargement of the european union', 'benjamin west', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Raising debt limit would constitute dictatorial move.,set(),{'debt limit'},Relation,raising debt limit,debt limit,positive,dictatorial move,,bad,"citizens, citizens, government, freedom, society" against,Harms of many illicit drugs have been exaggerated.,set(),"{'illegal drug trade', 'harm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Managing and updating open-source technology is too difficult and costly for it to be adopted throughout society on a large scale:,"{'society', 'open-source software'}","{'society', 'open source', 'scalability'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Free movement of new EU citizens will cause job migrations.,"{'european union', 'internal market', 'citizenship of the european union', 'causality', 'employment', 'human migration'}","{'job migration', 'free (rapper)', 'social movement', 'citizenship of the european union'}",Relation,free movement of new eu citizens,,positive,job migrations,job migration,neutral, against,Most try drugs only a handful of times; little harm,set(),"{'drug', 'harm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,CEOs should have an MBA,"{'master of business administration', 'chief executive officer'}","{'master of business administration', 'chief executive officer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Normal balance of powers can be shirked during crisis.,"{'andean community', 'subprime mortgage crisis'}","{'normal balance', 'financial crisis of 2007–08'}",Relation,crisis,financial crisis of 2007–08|subprime mortgage crisis,negative,normal balance of powers,normal balance,NoAgreement, for,It is morally right to expand benefits of EU membership.,"{'welfare', 'member state of the european union', 'morality', 'european union'}",{'member state of the european union'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Unilateral action would cause no damage; no legal standing.,"{'damages', 'causation (law)', 'standing (law)', 'unilateralism'}",{'unilateralism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many illegal drugs have medicinal qualities.,"{'prohibition of drugs', 'herbalism'}","{'illegal drug trade', 'quality (philosophy)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"MBAs get training in numbers, but not leadership","{'for but not with', 'training', 'leadership'}","{'master of business administration', 'leadership'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Deadlocked Congress foregoes power to raise debt ceiling,{'united states congress'},"{'united states congress', 'united states debt ceiling', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,European Union should include all of Europe; its in their name.,{'european union'},{'european union'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legalizing drugs would improve quality control,{'recreational drug use'},"{'quality control', 'drug'}",Relation,legalizing drugs,drug,positive,quality control,quality control,good,"society, drug users, users, criminals, citizens, everyone, us citizens" for,"Charter schools cut through red tape, quickly opening after Katrina",set(),"{'charter school', 'hurricane katrina'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Open-source software usually lacks customer support and trouble shooting like closed-source software, meaning governments have to pay extra for that support:","{'proprietary software', 'customer support'}","{'administration (government)', 'technical support', 'troubleshooting', 'proprietary software', 'open-source software'}",Relation,open-source software,open-source software,positive,support,technical support|customer support,bad,"customers, governments" for,Many leading managerial positions require an MBA.,"{'management', 'master of business administration'}",{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,EU expansion will improve flow of knowledge and technology,"{'technology', 'enlargement of the european union', 'knowledge'}","{'enlargement of the european union', 'cognition', 'engineering', 'fluid dynamics'}",Relation,eu expansion,enlargement of the european union,positive,flow of knowledge and technology,technology|knowledge,good,"consumers, scientists, the eu/the citizens, eu, world, society, businesses, economy, society, society" for,Katrina allowed New Orleans to restart with charter schools,"{'new orleans', 'hurricane katrina'}","{'new orleans', 'charter school', 'hurricane katrina'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"While open source software is not always free, it tends to be significantly cheaper than closed source alternatives and can save governments money.","{'government debt', 'money', 'adobe flash', 'proprietary software', 'open-source software'}","{'administration (government)', 'proprietary software', 'money', 'open-source software'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,MBA offers knowledge/experience key to confidence/leadership,"{'knowledge', 'leadership', 'master of business administration', 'experience', 'confidence'}","{'master of business administration', 'key (lock)'}",Relation,knowledge/experience,master of business administration|knowledge|experience,positive,confidence/leadership,leadership|confidence,good,"people who have a mba, confidence/leadership, confidence/leadership" against,New Orleans should not be experimented on with charter schools,{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,EU labor regulations will reduce productivity of new entrants,"{'labour economics', 'european union', 'will and testament', 'labour law', 'productivity'}","{'productivity', 'european union'}",Relation,eu labor regulations,european union|labour law,negative,productivity of new entrants,productivity,bad,"eu, eu new entrants, productivity, new entrants, eu businesses, workers" against,Harm reduction drug policies work in many countries,{'harm reduction'},"{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'drug policy', 'harm reduction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Agile charter schools can quickly respond to meet demand,{'alberta charter schools'},{'charter school'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,MBA teaches how to operate/lead organizations at scale,{'master of business administration'},"{'master of business administration', 'organization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Expanding to include mostly poorer states will strain EU budget.,{'budget of the european union'},{'budget of the european union'},Relation,expanding to include mostly poorer states,,NoAgreement,eu budget,budget of the european union,bad,"eu, richer eu states, economy, eu, eu" against,Drug War in Columbia is failing to cut drug trade,"{'illegal drug trade', 'war on drugs'}","{'drug', 'trade'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Debt from MBA can be a major burden.,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},Relation,debt from mba,master of business administration,positive,burden,master of business administration,bad,"mba students, mba recipients, economy, debtor, student" for,Open-source software can pressure the reduction in the prices of closed-source software:,"{'pressure', 'proprietary software', 'open-source software'}","{'proprietary software', 'open-source software'}",Relation,open-source software,open-source software,positive,reduction in the prices of closed-source software,pressure|proprietary software,NoAgreement, for,Charter schools make good use of empty school buildings,set(),{'charter school'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Employers pay for employee MBAs because its a good investment.,"{'good (economics)', 'investment', 'employment'}","{'investment', 'master of business administration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hateful and harmful representations of Muhammad are illegal and should be censored.,"{'muhammad', 'law', 'hatred', 'mental representation', 'censorship', 'harm principle'}",{'mental representation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Open-source software, because it is typically cheaper, can be spread more widely, such that citizens and governments operate on the same systems and more commonly, to the benefit of democracy:","{'voting system', 'democracy', 'citizenship', 'welfare', 'government'}","{'regime', 'democracy', 'open-source software'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,EU member states suffer from socialist economic environment,"{'environmentalism', 'european union', 'socialism', 'member state of the european union', 'economics'}","{'political economy', 'member state of the european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,MBA is bad investment if you have no career goals,{'master of business administration'},"{'investment', 'master of business administration', 'intrinsic value (ethics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Danish government should not be held responsible for the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons.,"{'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy', 'muhammad', 'danish language', 'politics of denmark'}","{'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy', 'politics of denmark'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Even if closed source software firms are ultimately answerable to their shareholders, their shareholders want them to produce software which meets the needs of their customers so that they can sell their products:","{'product (business)', 'customer', 'legal personality', 'sales', 'proprietary software', 'shareholder'}","{'company', 'product (business)', 'customer', 'need', 'proprietary software', 'software', 'shareholder'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,EU enlargement will increase cross-border trade.,{'enlargement of the european union'},"{'enlargement of the european union', 'trade'}",Relation,eu enlargement,enlargement of the european union,positive,cross-border trade,trade,good,"economies, business, economy" against,MBA will always be there; start-up opportunity might night,{'master of business administration'},{'master of business administration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Charter schools contribute to damaging privatization of schools,"{'privatization', 'charter school'}","{'school', 'privatization', 'charter school'}",Relation,charter schools,charter school,positive,privatization of schools,school|privatization,neutral, for,"The ""Bomb in Turban"" addresses parts of Islam that inspire terrorism","{'inspire (magazine)', 'terrorism', 'islam', 'car bomb', 'turban'}","{'speech (rapper)', 'terrorism', 'islam', 'turban', 'bomb'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Open-source software is often effectively publicly owned and can be used for key public interest activities, vs. private ownership, which prevents this from happening:",{'open-source software'},"{'public interest', 'private property', 'open-source software'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Charter schools have a poor return on investment,"{'return on investment', 'charter school', 'poverty in the united states'}","{'charter school', 'return on capital'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,EU environmental regulations will cost new member states,"{'environmental law', 'european union'}","{'history of the european union', 'environmental law', 'european union'}",Relation,eu environmental regulations,environmental law|european union,positive,new member states,european union,bad,"new member states of the eu, new member states, it will cost new member states something, member states" for,MBAs have a statistically lower chance of failed start-ups.,"{'startup company', 'probability', 'master of business administration', 'statistics'}","{'probability', 'master of business administration'}",Relation,mba,master of business administration,negative,failed start-ups,startup company,good,"businesses, owners, mba students" for,Open-source software can be adapted to specialized uses much more easily than closed-source software:,"{'adaptation', 'proprietary software', 'open-source software'}","{'proprietary software', 'open-source software'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Charter schools proliferated too quickly to monitor performance,{'performing arts'},"{'performance', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"MBA teaches strategic planning, not just tactics","{'strategic planning', 'master of business administration'}","{'master of business administration', 'military tactics'}",Relation,mba,master of business administration,positive,strategic planning,strategic planning|master of business administration,good,"preparing individuals that can work in a strategic business environment, for planning ahead, strategic planning, management graduates, market experts" for,EU enlargement will open countries to foreign competition,"{'enlargement of the european union', 'will and testament', 'nation', 'open economy', 'competition law'}","{'competition (economics)', 'enlargement of the european union', 'open terrain'}",Relation,eu enlargement,enlargement of the european union,positive,countries to foreign competition,competition (economics),neutral, for,"If students are having sex, they need to know about safe sex.",{'safe sex'},"{'student', 'safe sex'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Richer member states gain more than they pay out in subsidies.,set(),"{'member state', 'subsidy', 'richer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Charter schools offer fewer services, reducing operating costs",set(),"{'service (economics)', 'charter school', 'overhead (business)'}",Relation,offer fewer services,charter school,positive,operating costs,overhead (business),NoAgreement, for,The Muslim world has presented an image of itself that is partly to blame for the Muhammad cartoons.,"{'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy', 'muslim', 'muhammad', 'muslim world'}","{'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy', 'muslim world', 'image (mathematics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Enlargement may undermine Common Agricultural Policy, but for the better.","{'common agricultural policy', 'enlargement of the european union'}",{'common agricultural policy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Closed source software companies are more than capable of segmenting their products to reach each part of the market:,"{'marketing', 'product (business)', 'software industry', 'software', 'proprietary software', 'market segmentation'}","{'market (economics)', 'software industry', 'proprietary software', 'product (business)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Condoms in public education will reduce underage pregnancy,"{'teenage pregnancy', 'condom'}","{'teenage pregnancy', 'condom'}",Relation,condoms in public education,condom,negative,underage pregnancy,teenage pregnancy,good,"society, humans, reducing underage pregnancy, society, teenagers" against,Tech firms are frequently arriving at a legal balance and mutual understanding not to sue each other:,"{'business', 'legal personality', 'lawsuit'}",{'tech (mascot)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Charter schools can generate strong funding from foundations,{'electric generator'},{'charter school'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Expansion could devastate farming in western Europe.,"{'agriculture', 'western europe', 'economic growth'}",{'western europe'},Relation,expansion,economic growth,negative,farming in western europe,agriculture|western europe,bad,"farmers, farmers, people, food, farmers" against,"The Muhammad cartoons have stimulated an international xenophobic, free speech competition.","{'competition (economics)', 'muhammad', 'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy', 'xenophobia', 'freedom of speech'}","{'competition (economics)', 'freedom of speech', 'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy'}",Relation,muhammad cartoons,muhammad|jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy,positive,free speech competition,xenophobia|freedom of speech|competition (economics),neutral, against,Patents encourage investment:,"{'investment', 'patent'}","{'investment', 'patent'}",Relation,patents,patent,positive,investment,investment,good,"economy, investors, the economy, economy, investors" against,Condoms for students can offend people from different religions.,"{'person', 'condom'}","{'student', 'people', 'condom', 'faith'}",Relation,condoms for students,condom,positive,offend people from different religions,people|faith|person,bad,"religion, sex, extramarital sex, people from different religions, happiness" for,Charter school administrators can hand-pick the best teachers,"{'charter school', 'the best (song)'}","{'teacher', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,EU enlargement helps spread health and food standards,set(),"{'enlargement of the european union', 'health', 'standards of identity for food'}",Relation,eu enlargement,enlargement of the european union,positive,health and food standards,health,good,"spread health and food standards, citizens of eu, food standards, health, medicine, public health, health, society" for,Providing condoms to students is the morally pragmatic thing to do.,"{'morality', 'pragmatism', 'condom'}","{'student', 'condom'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Muslims have the right to protest the publishing of images of Muhammad.,"{'depictions of muhammad', 'muslim'}","{'right to protest', 'depictions of muhammad', 'muslim'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,EU enlargement will strain socio-cultural differences,set(),"{'enlargement of the european union', 'conflict (process)'}",Relation,eu enlargement,enlargement of the european union,positive,socio-cultural differences,conflict (process),bad,"communities, cultural differences, europe, society, government, society, society, culture" against,Taxpayers should not have to support objectionable condom-distribution programs.,{'tax'},{'tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Charter schools spend more on administration,"{'charter school', 'public administration'}","{'administration (government)', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No exercise in free speech that results in deaths can be justified.,{'freedom of speech'},"{'death', 'freedom of speech', 'physical exercise'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Opens-source technology avoids patent hold-ups and legal liabilities:,{'patent'},"{'legal liability', 'engineering', 'hold-ups'}",Relation,opens-source technology,,negative,patent hold-ups and legal liabilities,legal liability|patent|hold-ups,bad,"business, business, ease of access, flow of information, manufacturers" against,The state should provide for its ill.,"{'illinois', 'alabama'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The openness of open-source software produces faster, more responsive, and more robust improvements in software:","{'openness', 'robustness (computer science)', 'software', 'open-source software'}","{'openness', 'software', 'open-source software'}",Relation,openness of open-source software,open-source software|openness,positive,"faster, more responsive, and more robust improvements in",software|robustness (computer science),good,"software, software users, software, software, software users, it, tech companies, digital networks, software, computers" against,Condoms in schools would encourage sex and so increase STD risks.,"{'sexually transmitted infection', 'risk', 'sexual intercourse', 'condom'}","{'sexually transmitted disease', 'condom', 'human sexual activity', 'hazard', 'school'}",Relation,condoms in schools,condom|school,positive,std risks,sexually transmitted infection|sexually transmitted disease|sexual intercourse|human sexual activity,bad,"society, schools, minors, parents, students, children, schools, people, society, students, public health, students" for,Argument: Jyllands-Posten cartoons have led to the curtailment of free speech.,{'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy'},"{'freedom of speech', 'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy'}",Relation,jyllands-posten cartoons,jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy,positive,curtailment of free speech,freedom of speech,bad,"society, freedoms, liberty, democracy, society" for,Charter schools promote teacher independence and character,{'independence'},"{'teacher', 'character (arts)', 'charter school'}",Relation,charter schools,charter school,positive,teacher independence and character,independence|character (arts)|teacher,good,"people, teachers, independence, teachers, students, schools, children, teachers, students" for,Individuals should be responsible for their own lives with their own money.,set(),{'money'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Charter schools actively resist teacher unionization,"{'trade union', 'charter school'}","{'teacher', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Individuals and families should be trusted to act rationally in the sale of organs.,"{'sales', 'trust (emotion)', 'family', 'rationality'}","{'organ (anatomy)', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Real innovation is driven by the profit motive and comes from the knowledge that a firm can capitalize on a discovery:,"{'discovery (observation)', 'knowledge', 'profit motive', 'innovation'}","{'real number', 'company', 'profit motive', 'innovation', 'cognition', 'discovery (observation)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Western free-speech culture must be upheld over models of Muslim censorship.,"{'western world', 'censorship in islamic societies'}","{'western (genre)', 'culture', 'economic model', 'freedom of speech', 'censorship in islamic societies'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Distributing condoms in public schools will reduce the spread of STDs,"{'sexually transmitted infection', 'reductionism', 'free will', 'condom'}","{'sexually transmitted disease', 'public school (united kingdom)', 'condom'}",Relation,distributing condoms in public schools,public school (united kingdom)|condom,negative,spread of stds,sexually transmitted disease,good,"students, humans, society, people, teens, society, public health" for,The mission focus of charter schools helps promote success,set(),{'charter school'},Relation,the mission focus of charter schools,charter school,positive,success,charter school,good,"students, children, children, families, students, students, teachers, parents, society, students, schools" against,The opportunity for individuals and governments to gain considerable capital for organs sold will lead to human rights violations.,"{'human rights', 'organ (anatomy)', 'will and testament', 'capital punishment'}","{'means, motive, and opportunity', 'organ (anatomy)', 'working capital', 'human rights', 'regime', 'individual'}",Relation,the opportunity for individuals and governments to gain considerable capital for organs sold,"means, motive, and opportunity|organ (anatomy)",positive,human rights violations,human rights,bad,"humans, people, human rights, society" for,Charter schools combine the best of public and private schools.,{'private school'},"{'private school', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Argument: Religious people must be tolerant of criticism in a modern democracy.,"{'toleration', 'biblical criticism', 'democracy'}","{'literary criticism', 'democracy', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Condom distribution will encourage sexual activity and other risky behavior.,"{'human sexual activity', 'will and testament', 'condom', 'risk'}","{'human sexual activity', 'probability distribution', 'behavior', 'condom'}",Relation,condom distribution,condom,positive,sexual activity and other risky behavior,human sexual activity|risk|behavior,bad,"society, society, disease spread, morality, society, healthcare industries, teens, society" against,"Certain firms have adopted open-source technologies out of desperation in the face of competition, possibly indicating that this shift will not be long-term, and should not be followed:",{'legal personality'},"{'competition (economics)', 'open source', 'face'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Widespread condom distribution will establish sexual activity,"{'human sexual activity', 'condom'}","{'human sexual activity', 'probability distribution', 'condom'}",Relation,widespread condom distribution,condom,positive,sexual activity,human sexual activity,neutral, against,Charter schools create two-tiers; lets public schools fail,set(),"{'public school (united kingdom)', 'charter school'}",Relation,charter schools,charter school,positive,public schools fail,public school (united kingdom),bad,"public schools, public school students, public school teachers and staff, society, students, economy" for,"The legalization of an organ marketplace would close organ trading black markets, and open the door for broader oversight.","{'black market', 'market (place)', 'organ (music)', 'trade', 'organ (anatomy)'}","{'black market', 'market (economics)', 'open the door (roger hodgson album)', 'organ trade', 'organ (anatomy)', 'legalization'}",Relation,legalization of an organ marketplace,market (economics)|legalization|market (place),positive,organ trading black markets,black market|organ trade|organ (anatomy),good,"society, patients needing transplant, people in need of organ transplants" against,Freedom of expression should not be excercised through deliberately insulting means.,"{'freedom of speech', 'physical exercise', 'insult'}",{'freedom of speech'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,National standard punishes states with less renewable energy,{'renewable energy'},{'renewable energy'},Relation,national standard,,negative,states with less renewable energy,renewable energy,bad,"states, environment" against,Public schools can offer everything charter schools claim,set(),"{'public school (united kingdom)', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The significant opportunity for profit will lead to market failures and results such as organ-trafficking.,"{'business', 'equal opportunity', 'market failure'}","{'market failure', 'profit (economics)', 'result'}",Relation,the significant opportunity for profit,profit (economics),positive,organ-trafficking,market failure|result,bad,"market efficiencies., economy, consumers, customers, economy, humans, economy" for,The Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons stimulate debate and understanding.,"{'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy', 'understanding', 'muhammad', 'jyllands-posten'}","{'jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy', 'argument'}",Relation,jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons,jyllands-posten muhammad cartoons controversy,positive,debate and understanding,understanding|argument,NoAgreement, for,Providing access to birth control empowers women with more control over their bodies.,"{'birth control', 'control: the remixes', 'control (janet jackson album)', 'contact (law)', 'empowerment'}","{'birth control', 'woman', 'control: the remixes', 'contact (law)', 'physical body'}",Relation,access to birth control,birth control,positive,more control over their bodies,physical body|woman|empowerment,good,"women, women, womens health, women, women, society, health, society, women" for,Publishing images of Muhammad helps combat self-censorship.,"{'depictions of muhammad', 'self-censorship'}","{'depictions of muhammad', 'self-censorship'}",Relation,publishing images of muhammad,depictions of muhammad,negative,self-censorship,self-censorship,NoAgreement, for,Utilities can go across state borders to get renewable energy.,{'renewable energy'},"{'border', 'public utility', 'renewable energy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Charter schools can unconventionally reward student success,"{'goal', 'alberta charter schools'}","{'student', 'enneagram of personality', 'charter school'}",Relation,charter schools,charter school,positive,student success,student,good,"students, students of charter schools, alternative praise" for,"In an organ marketplace, the greater availability of organs will reduce the pressure on doctors to unethically remove organs from the deceased without consent.","{'redox', 'death', 'physician', 'pressure', 'organ (anatomy)'}","{'market (economics)', 'physician', 'accessibility', 'organ (anatomy)', 'consent (criminal law)'}",Relation,greater availability of organs,organ (anatomy)|accessibility,negative,pressure on doctors to unethically remove organs from the deceased without on,organ (anatomy)|consent (criminal law)|physician,good,"doctors, patients, doctors, doctors, people waiting for an organ, families of the deceased" against,Renewable electricity standard increases energy prices - unpopular.,"{'energy', 'price', 'renewable portfolio standard'}","{'price', 'thermodynamic free energy', 'renewable portfolio standard'}",Relation,renewable electricity standard,renewable portfolio standard|energy,positive,increases energy prices,price,bad,"energy companies, paid energy users, electricity users, society, humans" for,Many Muslim groups tolerate images of Muhammad.,"{'toleration', 'depictions of muhammad', 'muslim'}","{'depictions of muhammad', 'muslim'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Many factors constrain ""choice"" introduced by charter schools","{'factors of production', 'constraint (mathematics)'}","{'choice: current reviews for academic libraries', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A legitimate market in human organs would not be inconsistent with either public or private healthcare services.,"{'health care', 'private healthcare'}","{'market (economics)', 'service (economics)', 'mourvèdre', 'private healthcare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Images of Muhammad are forbidden because they lead to idolatry.,"{'depictions of muhammad', 'haram', 'idolatry'}","{'depictions of muhammad', 'idolatry'}",Relation,images of muhammad,depictions of muhammad,positive,idolatry,idolatry,bad,"religion, humans, religion" for,RES may compel utilities to pay for your extra solar power,{'solar power'},"{'solar energy', 'public utility'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Income inequality shows wealth of rich not ""trickling down."" ","{'wealth', 'economic inequality'}","{'wealth', 'economic inequality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Charter school choice helps pressure school boards to reform,"{'school choice', 'charter school', 'reform'}","{'school choice', 'reform', 'pressure', 'charter school', 'school boards in england and wales'}",Relation,charter school choice,school choice|charter school,positive,school boards to reform,reform,good,"schools, students, teachers, students, teachers, society, students, children, society, students" for,An organ market will reduce state costs.,"{'organ (anatomy)', 'market economy', 'state (polity)', 'reductionism'}","{'market (economics)', 'organ (anatomy)', 'cost'}",Relation,organ market,market (economics)|market economy|organ (anatomy),negative,state costs,cost|reductionism|state (polity),good,"consumers, state economy, economy, people who need organs" for,"RES will cause electricity to rise only slightly, then decline.",{'electricity'},"{'decline', 'electricity'}",Relation,res,,positive,"electricity to rise only slightly, then",decline|electricity,neutral, against,Occupiers wrongly seek to redistribute by dragging rich down.,{'land reform'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Western cartoonists should not be held to a double standard,"{'double standard', 'western culture'}","{'western (genre)', 'cartoonist', 'double standard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Renewable energy does little to increase energy independence,{'renewable energy'},"{'thermodynamic free energy', 'renewable energy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The state is able to afford costs of providing state-funded organs to those in need.,set(),"{'cost', 'organ (anatomy)', 'need'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Charter schools offer parents choices in public schools,{'charter school'},"{'choice: current reviews for academic libraries', 'parent', 'charter school', 'public school (united kingdom)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Occupy protests oppose corporations fighting protective regulations.,"{'regulation', 'protectionism', 'occupy movement'}","{'regulation', 'occupy movement', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Renewable Energy Standard increases energy prices, kills jobs","{'employment', 'renewable portfolio standard', 'renewable energy'}","{'price', 'thermodynamic free energy', 'renewable portfolio standard', 'job'}",Relation,renewable energy standard,renewable energy|renewable portfolio standard,positive,energy prices,price,bad,"consumers, consumer, customer, citizens, society, cost of living, society" against,The expensive price of organs is likely to make the sale of them highly discriminatory.,{'organ (anatomy)'},{'organ (anatomy)'},Relation,expensive price of organs,organ (anatomy),positive,highly discriminatory,,NoAgreement, for,Argument: Muslims should not be given exceptional rights and protections,"{'islam', 'rights', 'argument'}","{'muslim', 'rights', 'argumentation theory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Adaptive charter schools can make necessary changes,set(),"{'adaptive behavior', 'charter school', 'mathematics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Taxing rich"" likely to harm middle class job-creators.","{'affluence in the united states', 'american middle class'}",{'bourgeoisie'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A woman should certainly should be aware of their pregnancy and can a perform an abortion prior to 3 months.,"{'pregnancy', 'woman', 'abortion'}","{'abortion', 'woman', 'month', 'gestation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A national renewable energy standard will increase electricity costs,"{'electricity', 'renewable portfolio standard', 'renewable energy'}","{'electricity', 'price', 'renewable portfolio standard'}",Relation,national renewable energy standard,renewable portfolio standard|renewable energy,positive,electricity costs,electricity|price,neutral, against,Occupiers wrong to oppose bail out of financial system.,{'bailout'},"{'bailout', 'financial system'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The wealthy will not be the sole beneficiaries of a policy of organ purchase.,"{'will and testament', 'upper class', 'beneficiary'}","{'organ (anatomy)', 'beneficiary', 'insurance policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Charter schools perform no better than public schools,set(),"{'public school (united kingdom)', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Any cut-off certainly shouldn""t be any later than 3 months:",set(),{'month'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Some industries are natural monopolies, because their infrastructure is too costly and too complex to be open to competition.","{'complex system', 'competition', 'computer industry', 'infrastructure', 'open economy', 'natural monopoly'}","{'industry', 'competition (economics)', 'infrastructure', 'natural monopoly'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Occupiers lump socially productive investors in with others.,{'society'},{'investor'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If there is to be common ground or compromise, it may be in fixing the point during pregnancy which there is consensus that abortions should be limited.","{'common land', 'abortion', 'scientific consensus'}","{'abortion', 'consensus decision-making', 'via media', 'gestation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Renewable Energy Standard fosters clean energy economy and jobs,"{'sustainable energy', 'renewable energy', 'renewable portfolio standard', 'energy economics', 'employment'}","{'sustainable energy', 'energy economics', 'renewable portfolio standard', 'job'}",Relation,renewable energy standard,renewable energy,positive,clean energy economy and jobs,energy economics,good,"society, planet, those in the job market and the environment, citizens, the economy, environment" against,Private companies rarely protect the safety and standards of their workforce as well as nationalised industries do.,"{'nationalization', 'safety', 'standardization', 'privately held company'}","{'nationalization', 'safety', 'human resources', 'privately held company'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Charter schools proliferated too quickly to monitor,set(),{'charter school'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Fair for rich to pay more into system that helped them get rich,"{'wealth', 'system', 'justice'}",{'funfair'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Laws might offer effective financial incentives, training and penalty provisions.","{'law', 'training', 'sanctions (law)', 'incentive', 'tax rate', 'finance'}","{'penal damages', 'law'}",Relation,laws,law,positive,"effective financial incentives, training and penalty",penal damages|training|incentive,good,"communities, economy, society, companies, taxing, government" against,New regs/taxes on finance firms would cause them to leave US.,"{'appeal', 'legal personality', 'social issue', 'united states dollar', 'tax', 'finance'}",{'finance'},Relation,new regs/taxes on finance firms,tax|finance,positive,leave us,,bad,"american employees, economy, financial firms, businesses, economy, us economy" against,The electorate will hold elected officials accountable to running state-owned companies efficiently:,"{'official', 'voting', 'state-owned enterprise', 'efficiency'}","{'government-owned corporation', 'official'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Entrepreneurs exploit corrupt officials to create charter schools,"{'exploitation of labour', 'political corruption'}","{'official', 'charter school'}",Relation,exploit corrupt officials,political corruption|official,positive,charter schools,charter school,neutral, for,Regulations restrict charter schools and their competitiveness,set(),"{'regulation', 'charter school', 'competitiveness'}",Relation,regulations,regulation,negative,charter schools and their competitiveness,charter school,neutral, for,Vuvuzelas drown out ebbs and flows of games.,set(),"{'vuvuzela', 'game'}",Relation,vuvuzelas,vuvuzela,negative,ebbs and flows of games,game,bad,"games, sports, hearing, observer, fans, supporters, people" against,"Natural monopolies are by definition not subject to competition, and may be better administered by the state.","{'definition', 'subject (philosophy)', 'natural monopoly'}","{'competition (economics)', 'definition', 'natural monopoly'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public schools are cushioned from enrollment losses to charter schools,"{'public school (united kingdom)', 'education'}","{'public school (united kingdom)', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,OWS aims to give voice and power back to the people.,set(),"{'people', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vuvuzelas turn people off from watching and attending games,set(),"{'vuvuzela', 'people', 'game'}",Relation,vuvuzelas,vuvuzela,negative,watching and attending games,game|people,bad,"players, sporting events, observers, athletes, stadiums/arenas, noise, attendance, tv ratings, fans, sports" against,"Downsizing - Private companies often face a conflict between profitability and service levels, and could over-react to short-term events.","{'profit (accounting)', 'privately held company'}","{'service level', 'privately held company'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Reduced emissions from RES may have no impact on climate change,{'climate change'},"{'reduced ring', 'climate change', 'impact (mechanics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Charter schools stimulate competition to enroll students,set(),"{'student', 'competition (economics)', 'charter school'}",Relation,charter schools,charter school,positive,competition to enroll students,competition (economics)|student,neutral, against,Occupiers should be protesting timid financial reforms.,set(),{'reform'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Guests at World Cup should embrace S. African vuvuzela tradition.,"{'vuvuzela', '2006 fifa world cup'}","{'fifa world cup', 'vuvuzela'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vuvuzelas drown out singing and other expressions of support.,{'singing'},"{'vuvuzela', 'facial expression'}",Relation,vuvuzelas,vuvuzela,negative,singing and other expressions of support,singing,NoAgreement, against,Charter schools compete with and threaten public schools,{'education in the united states'},"{'public school (united kingdom)', 'charter school'}",Relation,charter schools,charter school,negative,public schools,education in the united states|public school (united kingdom),bad,"public schools, public schools" for,Nuclear power and Yucca can decrease dependence on foreign oil.,"{'yucca', 'oil', 'united states energy independence'}","{'addiction', 'yucca', 'north american energy independence', 'nuclear power'}",Relation,nuclear power and yucca,nuclear power,negative,dependence on foreign,oil,good,"domestic producers, citizens, foreign relations, united states, us, environment, economy" against,"Certain public-interest services should only be run by the state, whos sole focus is to benefit the public-interest:",set(),"{'service (economics)', 'whos', 'province'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Charter schools can destroy valuable neighborhood schools,{'neighbourhood'},"{'neighbourhood', 'charter school', 'school'}",Relation,charter schools,charter school,negative,valuable neighborhood schools,neighbourhood|school,bad,"students of public schools, public schools, teachers and school staff, students" against,New types of reactors may use current waste as valuable fuel.,"{'fuel', 'nuclear reactor', 'radioactive waste', 'electric current'}","{'waste', 'data type', 'fuel', 'new (c++)', 'nuclear reactor'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Higher efficiency and productivity of private markets leads to a diffusion of public benefits:,"{'private sector', 'market (economics)', 'efficiency', 'welfare', 'diffusion (business)', 'higher education', 'public sector', 'productivity'}","{'heidi montag', 'market (economics)', 'public good', 'diffusion', 'productivity'}",Relation,higher efficiency and productivity of private markets,productivity|efficiency,positive,diffusion of public benefits,public good|diffusion,good,"society, citizens, for public welfare, the public" for,Charter schools spur competition that forces all schools to improve,set(),"{'competition (economics)', 'school', 'charter school'}",Relation,charter schools,charter school|school,positive,all schools to improve,competition (economics)|school,good,"schools, school quality, schools, school standards, education system" against,Many people enjoy the noise of the vuvuzela.,{'vuvuzela'},"{'vuvuzela', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The transportation of nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain entails risks.,"{'transport', 'radioactive waste', 'yucca mountain nuclear waste repository'}","{'yucca mountain', 'transport', 'radioactive waste', 'hazard'}",Relation,transportation of nuclear waste,transport|radioactive waste|yucca mountain nuclear waste repository,positive,,,bad,"society, public, communities, usa, the environment and people." against,"Some would also point out that privatizing certain functions of government might hamper coordination, and charge firms with specialized and limited capabilities to perform functions which they are not suited for.","{'privatization', 'capability approach', 'division of labour'}","{'administration (government)', 'map (mathematics)'}",Relation,privatizing certain functions of government,administration (government)|privatization,negative,coordination in,administration (government)|privatization,bad,"government, consumers, citizens, firms" for,Flexibility of charter schools can better serve disadvantaged,set(),"{'flexibility (engineering)', 'charter school'}",Relation,flexibility of charter schools,charter school|flexibility (engineering),positive,disadvantaged,flexibility (engineering),good,"disadvantaged, students, children, for the disadvantaged." against,Fans respectfully avoid blowing vuvuzelas during anthems.,{'vuvuzela'},"{'vuvuzela', 'anthem', 'mechanical fan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,God holds too much legal authority in Islam:,{'islam'},"{'islam', 'rational-legal authority', 'god'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Occupy protesters come from all walks of life.,set(),{'occupy movement'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corrosion would not be a threat a Yucca for thousands of years.,{'yucca'},"{'yucca', 'corrosion', '1000 (number)', 'year'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vuvuzelas can disrupt national anthems and award ceremonies.,"{'national anthem', 'ceremony'}","{'vuvuzela', 'national anthem'}",Relation,vuvuzelas,vuvuzela,negative,national anthems and award ceremonies,national anthem|ceremony,bad,"national anthems and award ceremonies, fans wanting to hear national anthems, award ceremonies, crowds, athletes, ceremonies, ritual, organization" against,Nuclear waste should not be created in the first place.,"{'first chechen war', 'radioactive waste'}","{'location (geography)', 'radioactive waste'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Vuvuzela ban would impose Western values on World Cup,{'vuvuzela'},"{'fifa world cup', 'value (computer science)', 'western (genre)', 'vuvuzela', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,vuvuzela ban,vuvuzela|ban (law),positive,western values,fifa world cup,neutral, for,"The Muslim world cannot be democratic until it reforms its position on women, yet a central Quranic metaphor describes women as complementary to men, but not equal.","{'metaphor', 'democracy', 'for but not with', 'muslim world', 'quran', 'reform', 'muslim', 'women in islam'}","{'woman', 'metaphor', 'muslim world', 'man', 'quran', 'reform'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Charter schools can exclude special needs students,"{'disability', 'social exclusion', 'alberta charter schools'}","{'special education in the united kingdom', 'charter school'}",Relation,charter schools,charter school,negative,special needs students,disability,bad,"special needs students, special needs students, special needs students" against,Occupiers should protest White House not Wall Street.,"{'military occupation', 'protest', 'executive office of the president'}","{'wall street', 'white house (plantation)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,TV stations can easily adjust volume for vuvuzelas.,set(),"{'vuvuzela', 'television station', 'sound intensity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Majority of Americans favor increasing taxes on wealthy.,"{'wealth', 'american ethnicity', 'majority', 'taxation in the united states'}","{'tax', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Islamic interpretations differ significantly over the role of women in Islamic society:,"{'islamic culture', 'islamism', 'gender role', 'women in islam', 'hermeneutics'}","{'islam', 'women in (e)motion (odetta album)', 'gender role', 'islamic society (bahrain)', 'aesthetic interpretation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Disadvantaged can afford publicly-funded charter schools,set(),"{'disadvantaged', 'charter school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Nuclear needed to replace hydrocarbons; Yucca justified as such,{'yucca'},"{'hydrocarbon', 'yucca'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,To talk of an Islamic democracy is to distort the concept of democracy to an unrecognisable extent.,"{'islamic democracy', 'concept'}","{'islamic democracy', 'concept', 'democracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vuvuzelas make it hard to hear commentators.,set(),{'vuvuzela'},Relation,vuvuzelas,vuvuzela,negative,hear commentators,vuvuzela,bad,"listeners, observers, sports, spectators, fans, viewers, audience, listeners, commentators" for,Cameras can deter anti-social behavior such as littering,"{'closed-circuit television', 'deterrence (legal)', 'litter', 'anti-social behaviour'}","{'camera', 'anti-social behaviour'}",Relation,cameras,closed-circuit television|camera,negative,anti-social behavior,litter|anti-social behaviour,good,"environment, environment, society, the environment, people, society" for,Many groups with Occupy protests have very specific demands.,{'occupy movement'},{'occupy movement'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,World poverty and currency crises are unlikely to be solved through a global tax:,set(),"{'tax', 'poverty', 'currency crisis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Islamic states lack civil society where democratic debate and pressure can be fostered.,"{'democracy', 'islamic state', 'civil society'}","{'islam', 'civil society', 'argumentation theory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vuvuzelas can be used as weapons.,{'vuvuzela'},"{'vuvuzela', 'weapon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Crime cameras help deter crime,"{'deterrence (legal)', 'crime'}","{'camera', 'crime'}",Relation,crime cameras,camera|crime,negative,crime,crime,good,"society, people, humans, society, public safety, police, public, communities, police, society" for,Vuvuzelas can be thrown on the football field in anger.,"{'vuvuzela', 'africa cup of nations', 'football pitch', 'football'}","{'vuvuzela', 'gridiron (card game)', 'anger'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Islamic world is not alone in having members who take up arms for their cause:,set(),{'muslim world'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Occupy protesters understand Public Relations techniques.,"{'cinematic techniques', 'public relations'}","{'occupy movement', 'public relations'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"While the tax would originally be set at 0.01%, there is always the possibility that the tax would be raised up to even 50%.",set(),"{'tax', 'theory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Crime cameras help restore a public sense of safety,set(),"{'safety', 'camera', 'crime'}",Relation,crime cameras,camera|crime,positive,public sense of safety,safety,good,"public, citizens, citizens, society, police, public safety, prospective victims of crime, law enforcement, society" for,Changes in other characteristics of the social structure have still been unable to loosen the grip of Islam on political consciousness.,{'islam'},"{'political consciousness', 'islam', 'social organization', 'youth inclusion support panel', 'mathematics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Fans can be trusted to use vuvuzelas safely.,{'vuvuzela'},"{'vuvuzela', 'fan (person)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Occupy protests need leader(s) to communicate goals.,"{'goal', 'leadership', 'communication', 'occupy movement'}","{'intrinsic value (ethics)', 'occupy movement'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Israels security wall was found by the ICJ to be a breach of international law in 2004:,"{'international law', 'international court of justice'}","{'international law', 'wall', 'israel', 'international court of justice'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Ear plugs can effectively limit any damage from vuvuzela.,{'vuvuzela'},"{'vuvuzela', 'earplug'}",Relation,ear plugs,earplug,negative,damage from,vuvuzela,good,"people, hearing, musicians, vuvuzela user" against,"While the USA would like to see other international actors be held responsible for not acting during humanitarian crises, the US has relied on its role as the worlds premier power in order to justify much of its foreign policy in the post-Cold War era:","{'united states', 'rationalization (psychology)', 'the order (group)', 'foreign policy of the united states'}","{'actor', 'warfare', 'macrocosm and microcosm', 'foreign policy', 'humanitarian crisis', 'premier power', 'united states', 'epoch (reference date)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Crime cameras offer a dangerous false sense of security,"{'false flag', 'crime', 'sensor', 'security', 'risk', 'camera'}","{'camera', 'crime'}",Relation,crime cameras,camera|crime,positive,false sense of security,security,bad,"people, those on camera, law enforcement, public safety, it doesn't provide real security, consumers, humans" against,Surveillance cameras merely shift crime to different areas,{'closed-circuit television'},"{'closed-circuit television', 'area', 'crime'}",Relation,surveillance cameras,closed-circuit television,positive,shift crime to different areas,area|crime,bad,"society, areas without cameras" for,Vuvuzelas can cause hearing damage.,"{'vuvuzela', 'noise-induced hearing loss'}","{'hearing loss', 'vuvuzela'}",Relation,vuvuzelas,vuvuzela,positive,hearing damage,hearing loss|noise-induced hearing loss,bad,"ears, humans, people, children, people using vuvuzelas, health, audience" against,"The Oslo Accord between Israel and the Palestinians says that disputes must be settled by negotiation, not by unilateral appeal to external bodies:","{'israel', 'negotiation', 'oslo', 'oslo i accord', 'state of palestine', 'settlement (litigation)'}","{'israel', 'tilt (optics)', 'negotiation', 'palestinian people', 'oslo i accord', 'conflict (process)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The Tobin Tax would ease the international relief, aid and intervention burden that usually falls on the United States shoulders:","{'tobin tax', 'humanitarian aid', 'international law', 'united states'}","{'tobin tax', 'united states'}",Relation,the tobin tax,tobin tax,positive,intervention burden states,united states|humanitarian aid,good,"us, united states, united states, united states" for,Occupy protesters have common message to right capitalism,"{'occupy movement', 'right-wing politics', 'capitalism'}","{'occupy movement', 'message', 'capitalism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vuvuzelas could lead to lawsuits over hearing loss.,"{'vuvuzela', 'noise-induced hearing loss'}","{'hearing loss', 'vuvuzela', 'lawsuit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Shift in crime means cameras are working, should be expanded","{'view camera', 'camera'}","{'camera', 'shift out and shift in characters', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Its OK for Occupiers to have a diversity of objectives.,set(),"{'oklahoma', 'diversity jurisdiction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The barrier is an effective way to prevent suicide bombers from crossing into Israel and killing Israelis:,"{'suicide attack', 'suicide prevention', 'israel'}","{'suicide attack', 'suicide prevention', 'israel'}",Relation,the barrier,,negative,suicide bombers from crossing into israel and killing israelis,suicide attack|israel,good,"israelis, israel, israelis, society, israel, israelis" against,A Tobin Tax would put an unfair burden on important currencies:,"{'tobin tax', 'currency', 'tax incidence'}","{'tobin tax', 'currency'}",Relation,tobin tax,tobin tax,positive,unfair burden on important currencies,currency,bad,"countries, important currencies, economy, economy, currency traders, international financial relations, travelers, business people" for,Even shifting crime with cameras can benefit communities.,set(),"{'community', 'camera', 'crime'}",Relation,cameras,camera|crime,positive,communities,crime|community,good,"communities, communities" against,The vuvuzela helps motivate players,{'vuvuzela'},"{'vuvuzela', 'player (game)'}",Relation,vuvuzela,vuvuzela,positive,motivate players,player (game),good,"players, fans, sports, sports fans, sports players, players, fans, members of the team, players, crowds, sporting arenas" against,"Occupy protests ineffective; Wall Street bankers don""t care.","{'wall street', 'occupy movement'}","{'care (new zealand)', 'wall street', 'occupy movement'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Any short term security gain will be offset by growing Palestinian resentment against Israel,"{'israel', 'offset dish antenna', 'short (finance)'}","{'israel', 'term (time)', 'palestinian people', 'security (finance)', 'gain', 'resentment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Crime cameras help catch criminals and get them off the street,{'crime'},"{'camera', 'crime'}",Relation,crime cameras,camera|crime,positive,criminals,crime,good,"society, police, law enforcement, society, citizens, for the general public, society" against,Occupy protests lack common/coherent message,{'occupy movement'},"{'occupy movement', 'message'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The barrier harms Israels international image and weakens its support in the USA, a crucial ally:",set(),"{'united states', 'barrier isolator', 'israel', 'mental image'}",Relation,the barrier,barrier isolator,negative,israels international image and weakens its support in the,united states|israel,bad,"us, israel, government relations, israel" for,"Crime cameras offer conclusive, unbiased evidence in court.","{'court', 'evidence', 'bias', 'crime'}","{'camera', 'evidence', 'crime'}",Relation,crime cameras,crime|camera,positive,evidence,court|evidence,good,"police, law enforcement, citizens, legal team, justice, society" against,The revenue-collection process is likely to be politicized:,set(),{'cognition'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vuvuzelas disrupt players and others sleep at night,{'sleep'},"{'vuvuzela', 'player (game)', 'night'}",Relation,vuvuzelas,vuvuzela,negative,players and others sleep at night,sleep|player (game)|night,bad,"people, players, community, players, sporting events, players" for,The Security wall could weaken the Palestinian position at any peace negotiations as it creates new facts on the ground favorable to Israel that will be hard to reverse:,"{'facts on the ground', 'israel', 'palestinians', 'israeli–palestinian peace process'}","{'facts on the ground', 'israel', 'negotiation', 'wall', 'palestinian people', 'peace'}",Relation,the security wall,wall,positive,palestinian position,israeli–palestinian peace process|peace,neutral, for,"Biological parents would not be threatened by their children knowing their existence, so why would these parents be more likely to perform abortions:","{'parenting', 'abortion'}","{'existence', 'minor (law)', 'parent', 'abortion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"In time, entry systems will become more routine across the Israeli-Palestinian security border:","{'time', 'system', 'time travel'}",{'border'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The Tobin Tax would be a way to ensure that there is a stable, yearly contribution to a global relief fund, most likely administered by the United Nations:","{'stable', 'relief', 'company rule in rhodesia', 'united nations', 'tobin tax'}","{'tobin tax', 'mode (literature)', 'united nations'}",Relation,the tobin tax,tobin tax,positive,"stable, yearly contribution to a global relief fund",stable|relief,good,"society, government, global people in need of relief, humans, planning, international development, international relief efforts" for,"Crime cameras help reduce crime rates,",set(),"{'camera', 'crime'}",Relation,crime cameras,camera,negative,crime rates,crime,good,"crime rates, society, society, police, citizens" against,Such a large number of children are illegitimate that a right to know would cause family disruptions:,{'family'},"{'child', 'right to know', 'family'}",Relation,right to know,right to know,positive,family disruptions,family,bad,"for family stability, families, families, children, society, families, children, family" for,Increasing oil prices will increase pressure to drill in ANWR.,"{'oil well', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'pressure', 'price of petroleum', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}",Relation,increasing oil prices,price of petroleum,positive,pressure to drill in,pressure|arctic national wildlife refuge,neutral, for,Hi-tech crime cameras help predict and prevent criminal acts,set(),"{'camera', 'high tech', 'crime'}",Relation,hi-tech crime cameras,camera|high tech,negative,criminal acts,crime,good,"humans, citizens, prospective victims of crime, law enforcement, society, police" for,"A global tax would move us in the right direction in terms of management of new global concerns, including environmental, economical and political:","{'globalization', 'management', 'environmental economics', 'economic system', 'politics'}",{'tax'},Relation,global tax,globalization|tax,positive,management of new global,management|environmental economics,good,"environment, international relations, humanity, humans" for,The right to know paternity is part of the implicit contract that a father supports a family in exchange for knowing the children are his.,"{'knowledge', 'paternity (law)', 'family', 'matrimonial regime', 'trade', 'father'}","{'minor (law)', 'right to know', 'family', 'father', 'contract'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A clear majority of Americans oppose drilling in ANWR.,"{'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Palestinian Authority has to show that it can be trusted to run a viable state before Israel relaxes its security measures:,"{'israel', 'the t.o. show', 'palestinian national authority'}","{'security alarm', 'state (polity)', 'israel', 'palestinian national authority'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Benefits of crime cameras may not be reflected in crime rates.,"{'camera', 'crime'}","{'camera', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A global tax could raise billions of dollars/year that could easily be used to fund UN aid efforts:,"{'aid', '1,000,000,000', 'united nations', 'united states dollar', 'tobin tax'}","{'tax', 'exertion', 'orders of magnitude (numbers)'}",Relation,global tax,tax,positive,raise billions of dollars/year that could easily be used to fund un aid efforts,aid|united nations,good,"un, human rights, global aid, global society, world economy, refugees, countries, government" for,The security wall effectively means the annexation of Palestinian territory by Israel:,"{'israel', 'palestinian territories', 'berlin wall', 'annexation', 'palestinians'}","{'wall', 'israel', 'annexation', 'palestinian territories'}",Relation,security wall,wall,positive,annexation of palestinian territory by israel,palestinian territories|annexation,NoAgreement, for,Drilling would create a substantial number of new jobs.,{'employment'},{'job'},Relation,drilling,,positive,substantial number of new jobs,job|employment,good,"job seekers, society, economy, oil companies, employment, employees, economy, people, workers" against,A global tax would be unfamiliar to most people:,set(),"{'tax', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Israel has a legitimate right to self-defense and to prioritize the protection of its citizens right to life:,"{'israel', 'citizenship', 'legitimacy (political)', 'self-defense', 'consumer protection', 'right to life', 'right of self-defense'}","{'right to life', 'israel', 'citizenship', 'right of self-defense'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Job-creation would be better achieved by investing in green energy.,"{'investment', 'sustainable energy'}",{'sustainable energy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Cameras speed up responses to crime and injuries.,set(),"{'camera', 'injury', 'crime'}",Relation,cameras,camera,positive,speed up responses to crime and injuries,injury|crime,good,"law and order, justice, safety, crime and injury victims, victims, police, people who are attacked, people affected by accidents" against,The idea that disease predictions should be made through knowledge of biological parenthood is wrong:,"{'knowledge', 'idea', 'world population', 'parent', 'disease'}","{'idea', 'cognition', 'prediction', 'parent', 'disease'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Immunity is definite, and holds politicians accountable for their offenses and crimes after office:",{'crime'},"{'politician', 'reality television', 'crime'}",Relation,immunity,crime,positive,politicians accountable for their offenses and crimes after office,politician|crime,good,"citizens, justice, society, citizens, legal system, justice, society, society" for,"ANWR drilling would result in many ""trickle-down"" economic benefits.","{'economics', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'welfare', 'trickle-down economics'}",{'arctic refuge drilling controversy'},Relation,anwr drilling,arctic refuge drilling controversy,positive,"""trickle-down"" economic benefits",economics|trickle-down economics,good,"economy, economics, poor, working class, employees" for,"The Tax will most likely receive widespread popular support both in the US as well as other constituencies, given that it promises to be such an important mechanism for proving international relief in case of emergencies:","{'will and testament', 'precedent'}","{'lawsuit', 'reaction mechanism', 'electoral district', 'emergency', 'tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,CCTV failing to cut crime,"{'closed-circuit television', 'crime'}","{'closed-circuit television', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,There is a strong medical imperative to discover genetic parentage:,"{'genetics', 'medicine'}",{'heredity'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"With immunity, politicians may be accused unfairly and without the ability to clear their name in trial:",set(),{'trial'},Relation,immunity,,positive,political accusations,trial,bad,"politicians, politicians, politicians, politicians, due process, politicians, innocent politicians" for,Cameras make a small but valuable contribution to crime fighting.,{'camera'},"{'crime control', 'camera'}",Relation,cameras,camera,positive,crime fighting,crime control,good,"victims, people, society, law enforcement" against,Making sex offenders come in for weekly injections is infeasible.,{'sex and the law'},{'sex offender'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Federal tax revenues would increase as as a result of drilling in the ANSWR.,"{'tax law', 'tax revenue', 'federation'}","{'tax revenue', 'federal architecture'}",Relation,drilling in the answr,tax revenue,positive,federal tax revenues,tax revenue,neutral, against,Such a right would cause greater emotional distress for both sides:,set(),"{'rights', 'distress (medicine)'}",Relation,such a right,rights,positive,greater emotional distress for both sides,distress (medicine),bad,"people, people harmed by the right, people, both sides, society" for,Castration saves money spent on treating offenders.,{'castration'},"{'castration', 'money'}",Relation,castration,castration,negative,money spent on treating offenders,money,good,"society, victims, prison costs/taxation, for society, economy" for,Damaged crime cameras can be fixed.,{'camera'},"{'camera', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Drilling in ANWR would increase US GDP.,"{'gross domestic product', 'economy of the united states', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'economy of the united states'}",Relation,drilling in anwr,arctic refuge drilling controversy|arctic national wildlife refuge,positive,us gdp,gross domestic product|economy of the united states,good,"us economy, us economy, us gdp, gdp, us economy, us citizens" for,Attempts to prosecute senior politicians are very frequently cheap attempts to score political points against them:,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many offenders will seek castration merely to get out of jail.,"{'castration', 'will and testament', 'prison', 'crime'}",{'castration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Such legal powers make this proposition even more dangerous:,"{'philosophy of law', 'proposition', 'risk', 'power (social and political)'}",set(),Relation,such legal powers,power (social and political),positive,this proposition even more,proposition|risk,bad,"citizens, people, safety, dangerous" for,The fame and occupation of politicians may make it impossible for them to obtain a fair and objective trial:,set(),"{'lawsuit', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The US needs a diversity of energy sources involving green energy AND ANWR oil.,"{'petroleum', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'sustainable energy', 'oil', 'energy development', 'arctic national wildlife refuge', 'biodiversity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The reassurance which comes from knowing ones parentage is a valuable source of psychological security:,{'psychological abuse'},{'heredity'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Castrating sex offenders violates right to deny treatment.,"{'castration', 'rights', 'psychotherapy', 'denial', 'sex offender'}","{'rights', 'sex offender', 'discourse'}",Relation,castrating sex offenders,castration|sex offender,negative,right to deny treatment,rights|denial,neutral, for,Even broken cameras can offer a deterrent effect on crime.,"{'closed-circuit television', 'crime'}","{'force (law)', 'camera', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Crimes may relate to the office itself, and it is important to prosecute crimes for the purpose of upholding accountability:","{'criminal law', 'intention', 'prosecutor', 'accountability'}","{'government agency', 'intention', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Added oil supply from ANWR would be a ""drop in the bucket"" for US consumption.","{'list of countries by oil production', 'arctic national wildlife refuge', 'petroleum industry'}","{'consumption (economics)', 'petroleum', 'arctic national wildlife refuge', 'supply (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Crime-ridden communities have right to demand and install cameras,{'community'},{'camera'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Prosecutions need to be carried out at the time that the charges are leveled due to evidence collection:,{'digital forensics'},"{'time', 'digital forensics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Castrating sex offenders denies right to reproduce.,"{'castration', 'rights', 'sex offender', 'denial'}","{'rights', 'sex offender'}",Relation,sex offenders,castration,negative,right to,rights|denial,NoAgreement, for,Cell phones are used by students to cheat in school.,"{'student', 'school', 'cheating', 'mobile phone'}","{'telephone', 'student', 'school'}",Relation,cell phones,mobile phone,positive,cheat in school,student|school|cheating,bad,"students, students, education system, bright students who cannot achieve their goal, schools, students, education" against,Sex offenders lose some rights but not all; castration crosses line,"{'castration', 'for but not with', 'sex offender'}","{'castration', 'rights', 'sex offender'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Crime cameras lead to slippery slope of Big Brother surveillance.,"{'slippery slope', 'big brother (tv series)', 'surveillance'}","{'big brother (nineteen eighty-four)', 'camera', 'crime', 'surveillance', 'slippery slope'}",Relation,crime cameras,crime|surveillance|camera,positive,big brother surveillance,big brother (nineteen eighty-four)|surveillance,bad,"privacy, ethics, people, society, society, liberty, innocent people" against,Immunity while in office encourages incumbents to try to hang onto office when it might be better for them to leave:,{'appeal'},"{'incumbent', 'reality television'}",Relation,immunity while in office,,positive,incumbents to try to hang onto office when it might be better for them to leave,incumbent,bad,"voters, public, it might be better for them to leave:, society, government, voters" for,Inslee supports EPA regulations of greenhouse gas emissions.,"{'regulation', 'jay inslee', 'united states environmental protection agency', 'greenhouse gas'}","{'regulation', 'greenhouse gas', 'united states environmental protection agency'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Immunity allows the politician to remain focused on serving his office effectively:,"{'reality television', 'the office (u.s. tv series)'}",set(),Relation,immunity,,positive,politician to remain focused on serving his office,,good,"political stability., politicians, politics, society, politics, politicians" against,The relative insignificance of ANWR oil supplies makes it a poor means to reducing US foreign oil dependencies.,"{'oil', 'petroleum', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'north american energy independence', 'oil reserves', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Castration to get out of jail lacks informed consent,"{'castration', 'informed consent', 'henrietta lacks'}","{'castration', 'prison', 'informed consent'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If a person has nothing to hide, then there is no issue.",set(),{'individual'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Immunity from prosecution would encourage cowardly politics:,"{'cowardice', 'politics (aristotle)'}","{'immunity from prosecution (international law)', 'politics'}",Relation,immunity from prosecution,immunity from prosecution (international law),positive,cowardly politics,politics|cowardice,bad,"electorate, society, politics, society, honest politicians, long term political stability, society" for,Sex predators are monsters who forgo most rights.,"{'animal rights', 'sex', 'predation'}","{'rights', 'monster', 'sexual predator'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Crime cameras violate privacy no more than corner store cameras.,"{'closed-circuit television', 'movie camera', 'crime'}","{'privacy', 'camera', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corporations traditionally have limited rights,"{'unenumerated rights', 'corporate law'}","{'unenumerated rights', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Reducing US foreign oil dependence would be best achieved through investments in green energy technology.,"{'investment', 'sustainable energy', 'energy technology', 'united states energy independence'}","{'investment', 'sustainable energy', 'north american energy independence', 'energy technology', 'energy security'}",Relation,investments in green energy,investment|sustainable energy|energy technology|united states energy independence,positive,reducing us foreign oil dependence,united states energy independence,good,"environment, usa, citizens, government, petrodollar, energy security, environments" for,"Inslee wants to clean Sound, co-sponsored Puget Sound Recovery Act.","{'jay inslee', 'puget sound'}",{'act (document)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Castration puts rights of victims over sex offenders,"{'castration', 'rights', 'sex offender', 'victimisation'}","{'castration', 'rights', 'sex offender'}",Relation,castration,castration,positive,rights of victims,victimisation,good,"victims, victims of sex offenders, society" for,Bad precedent against personhood should be personhood,"{'personhood', 'precedent'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Crime cameras place security over civil liberties.,"{'video camera', 'security', 'civil liberties', 'crime'}","{'camera', 'civil liberties', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Drilling in ANWR would help reduce the large US budget deficit.,"{'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'national debt of the united states', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'national debt of the united states'}",Relation,drilling in anwr,arctic refuge drilling controversy,negative,us budget deficit,national debt of the united states,NoAgreement, for,Jay Inslee supports gay marriage.,"{'same-sex marriage', 'jay inslee'}","{'same-sex marriage', 'jay inslee'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Crime cameras help reduce frequency of community patrols.,set(),"{'crime', 'frequency', 'community', 'patrol', 'camera'}",Relation,crime cameras,crime|camera,negative,community patrols,community|patrol,good,"tax payers, neighborhoods, safety, society, society, people, community" for,US domestic oil supplies are severely limited and create vulnerabilities that ANWR can help alleviate.,"{'arctic national wildlife refuge', 'united states dollar'}","{'vulnerability', 'oil reserves', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}",Relation,us domestic oil supplies,oil reserves,positive,vulnerabilities,vulnerability,bad,"vulnerabilities create weakness, consumers, companies, usa, citizens, government, petrodollar" against,Corporate rights wrongly give individuals double rights.,set(),"{'rights', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Rob McKenna believes voters should decide on gay marriage.,"{'rob mckenna', 'same-sex marriage'}","{'rob mckenna', 'same-sex marriage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Any attempt to ""help"" offender may be soft on him.",{'brian may'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Crime cameras often have no one watching due to limited resources.,set(),"{'resource', 'camera', 'one (law & order: criminal intent)', 'crime'}",Relation,limited resources,camera|crime|resource,positive,crime cameras,resource,bad,"citizens, police, law enforcement" for,"Citizens shouldn""t be deprived of rights when joining corps.",{'citizenship'},"{'rights', 'corps'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,McKenna helped crack down on identity theft as AG.,{'identity theft'},"{'silver', 'identity theft'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Castration exposes sex offenders to side effects,{'castration'},"{'castration', 'sex offender', 'side effect'}",Relation,castration,castration,positive,side effects,side effect,bad,"side effects, sex offenders, offenders, health, healthcare, sex offenders" for,ANWR has substantial oil reserves and is an important resource to tap.,"{'natural resource', 'oil reserves', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'resource', 'oil reserves', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Earmarks are often unrelated to legislation; holds up bill.,"{'bill (law)', 'earmark (politics)'}","{'bill (law)', 'legislation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Jay knows what its like to work hard for days pay.,"{""what it's like""}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Castration helps sex offender by freeing them of urges.,"{'castration', 'sex offender'}","{'castration', 'sex offender'}",Relation,castration,castration,negative,sex offender by freeing them of,sex offender,good,"society, sex offender, public safety, sex offender, sex offenders" against,One can commit rape without an erection.,"{'erection', 'rape'}","{'erection', 'rape'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Earmarks allocate collective resources where it is needed most.,{'earmark (politics)'},{'commons'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Oil from the ANWR would not be available for a long time.,"{'oil', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'year', 'petroleum', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Rob McKenna wants to focus attention on education.,"{'rob mckenna', 'attention'}","{'didactic method', 'rob mckenna', 'attention'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Offenders could reverse ""chemical castration"" with other drugs.","{'chemical castration', 'drug'}","{'chemical castration', 'drug'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,McKenna developed broad-based alliances to win AG election,{'tołwin'},"{'election', 'silver'}",Relation,developing broad-based alliances,,positive,ag election,election,neutral, against,Corporations are property; should have few rights,"{'property', 'corporatism', 'rights'}","{'property', 'rights', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Uncertainty supports chemical castration in all cases.,{'chemical castration'},"{'chemical castration', 'uncertainty'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Earmarks allow representatives to effectively apply local knowledge,{'earmark (politics)'},{'traditional knowledge'},Relation,earmarks,earmark (politics),positive,effectively apply local knowledge,traditional knowledge,good,"education, students, academics, citizens, society, citizens" for,"Inslee knows Washington State, both sides of cascades.","{'washington (state)', 'jay inslee', 'cascade range'}",{'washington (state)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Castrating sex offenders gives false sense of security on rape.,"{'castration', 'sex offender', 'rape'}","{'safety', 'sex offender'}",Relation,castrating sex offenders,castration|sex offender,positive,false sense of security on rape,rape|sex offender,bad,"humans, public safety, crime, society, public safety" against,Drilling in ANWR would have a negligible effect on oil prices.,"{'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'price of petroleum', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corporate interests rarely conflict with individuals interests,"{'corporatism', 'war'}","{'individual', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Earmarks benefit all equally in the long-run.,"{'welfare', 'earmark (politics)'}",{'long run and short run'},Relation,earmarks,earmark (politics),positive,,,good,"society, poverty, humans, people, corporations" for,Inslee will build high-tech industry clusters.,{'high tech'},"{'high tech', 'business cluster'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Alaskan all-republican delegates in Congress favor drilling.,"{'alaska', 'oil well', 'non-voting members of the united states house of representatives', 'united states congress'}","{'delegate', 'united states congress'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Earmarks benefit citizens with powerful legislators.,"{'citizenship in the united states', 'legislature', 'welfare', 'earmark (politics)'}",set(),Relation,earmarks,earmark (politics),positive,powerful legislators,legislature,neutral, for,Castrating sex offenders helps put public at ease.,{'castration'},"{'sex offender', 'peace'}",Relation,castrating sex offenders,castration|sex offender,positive,at ease,peace,neutral, for,"With rights companies can enter into contracts, lawsuits","{'contract', 'company', 'lawsuit', 'natural and legal rights'}","{'contract', 'rights', 'company', 'lawsuit'}",Relation,rights,rights,positive,lawsuits,lawsuit|contract,neutral, against,McKenna will achieve more with fewer state employees.,"{'will and testament', 'state (polity)', 'employment'}",{'mckenna (name)'},Relation,fewer state employees,state (polity)|employment,positive,more,mckenna (name),good,"state, tax payers, workers, state" for,Corporations have a right to defend their interests,"{'corporatism', 'rights'}","{'rights', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,ANWR would require an infrastructure that would be environmentally invasive.,"{'natural environment', 'infrastructure', 'invasive species', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Sex offenders should be detained/monitored, not castrated.","{'castration', 'involuntary commitment', 'sex offender'}",{'sex offender'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Rob McKenna is not who he says he is.,{'rob mckenna'},{'rob mckenna'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Earmarks divide federal tax dollars unequally.,"{'taxation in the united states', 'federal government of the united states', 'earmark (politics)'}","{'tax', 'united states dollar'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Efficiency gains should be generated:,"{'electricity generation', 'efficient energy use'}",{'gain'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Inslee has vision to grow clean energy jobs in WA.,{'renewable energy'},"{'sustainable energy', 'washington (state)', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corps have no moral consciences like persons.,{'moral'},"{'conscience', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,ANWR oil drilling would harm ANWR caribou.,"{'caribou', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'oil well', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}",Relation,anwr oil drilling,oil well,positive,anwr caribou,caribou|arctic national wildlife refuge,bad,"cafribou, wildlife refuge, caribou, anwr caribou, caribou, nature, caribou, environment" for,Earmarks have existed since inception of US democracy,"{'federal deposit insurance corporation', 'earmark (politics)'}","{'democracy', 'earmark (politics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Corporations are not natural persons, so have fewer rights","{'rights', 'natural person', 'corporation'}","{'rights', 'natural person', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,McKennas would shrink WA govt workforce overtime via natural attrition.,set(),"{'mckenna (name)', 'overtime (sports)', 'human resources', 'washington (state)', 'state (polity)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,ANWR drilling would harm polar bears.,{'arctic refuge drilling controversy'},"{'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'polar bear'}",Relation,anwr drilling,arctic refuge drilling controversy,positive,harm polar bears,polar bear,bad,"environment, bears, the environment, polar bears, nature, environment, polar bears, polar bears, polar bears" for,Argument: Earmarks enable strong congressional check on executive spending,"{'united states congress', 'separation of powers', 'executive (government)', 'earmark (politics)'}","{'check (unit testing framework)', 'parameter (computer programming)'}",Relation,earmarks,earmark (politics),positive,strong congressional check on executive spending,check (unit testing framework)|executive (government)|separation of powers|united states congress,NoAgreement, for,"Individuals create corporations, giving them rights","{'corporatism', 'rights'}","{'rights', 'individual', 'corporation'}",Relation,individuals,individual,positive,corporations,corporatism|rights,neutral, for,McKenna wrongly refused to represent Lands Commissioner Goldmark.,set(),"{'state (polity)', 'mckenna (name)', 'commissioner'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Drilling in ANWR would risk major oil spills and environmental harm.,"{'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'oil spill', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'harm'}",Relation,drilling in anwr,arctic national wildlife refuge|arctic refuge drilling controversy,positive,major oil spills and environmental harm,oil spill|harm,bad,"business, earth, animals, environment, environment, nature, the environment, earth, planet, environment" for,Earmarks can help the passage of important legislation,{'earmark (politics)'},"{'enactment', 'legislation'}",Relation,earmarks,earmark (politics),positive,the passage of important legislation,enactment|legislation,NoAgreement, against,McKenna used performance management models to set goals for employees.,"{'goal', 'performance management', 'scenic design', 'scientific modelling'}","{'performance management', 'economic model', 'ice hockey statistics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,NAFTA and other FTAs make multilateral free trade agreements more difficult to construct,"{'free trade area', 'multilateralism', 'north american free trade agreement', 'free trade'}","{'construct (dungeons & dragons)', 'free trade area', 'north american free trade agreement'}",Relation,nafta and other ftas,free trade|north american free trade agreement,negative,multilateral free trade agreements,free trade|multilateralism,neutral, for,Politicians bash earmarks to appear fiscally disciplined,"{'fiscal conservatism', 'presidency of george w. bush', 'earmark (politics)'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Dictionaries include corporations in definitions of persons,{'dictionary'},"{'definition', 'individual', 'dictionary', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Earmarks cannot be fully examined during short period of exposure,{'earmark (politics)'},{'aircraft dynamic modes'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Drilling in ANWR will threaten muskoxen.,"{'muskox', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'muskox', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy'}",Relation,drilling in anwr,arctic refuge drilling controversy,negative,muskoxen,muskox,bad,"muskoxen, muskoxen, wildlife, muskox, environment" for,NAFTA helps control the exploitation of Mexicos poor intellectual property laws,"{'social control', 'intellectual property', 'poverty', 'exploitation of labour', 'north american free trade agreement'}","{'exploitation', 'mexico', 'north american free trade agreement', 'intellectual property'}",Relation,nafta,north american free trade agreement,negative,mexicos poor intellectual property laws,exploitation|poverty|mexico,good,"mexican workers, mexicans" for,Inslee can run as an outsider.,set(),{'outsider (rapper)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Opponents of earmarks hypocritically engage in practice,{'earmark (politics)'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Wildlife refuges typically allow for limited drilling projects.,{'wildlife'},"{'project', 'wildlife refuge'}",Relation,wildlife refuges,wildlife|wildlife refuge,positive,limited drilling projects,project,neutral, against,Super-human life makes corps ineligible for rights,set(),"{'superhuman', 'rights', 'corps'}",Relation,super-human life,superhuman,NoAgreement,corps ineligible for rights,rights|corps,neutral, for,NAFTA helps states recover from crisis (i.e. Peso crisis).,"{'peso', 'mexican peso crisis', 'north american free trade agreement'}",{'crisis'},Relation,nafta,north american free trade agreement,positive,states recover from crisis (i.e. peso,crisis|peso|mexican peso crisis,good,"states, economies, public, recovery after disaster, states (mexico), states, citizens, business" for,Inslee insists America can win clean energy competition.,"{'competition (economics)', 'sustainable energy'}","{'united states', 'sustainable energy', 'competition (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Earmarks fuel excessive defense spending,"{'military budget', 'earmark (politics)'}","{'fuel', 'hypothecated tax', 'military budget'}",Relation,earmarks,earmark (politics),positive,excessive defense spending,military budget,bad,"for the taxpayer, economy, country, taxpayers, economy, citizens" for,Employees transfer many of their rights to corps,"{'rights', 'population transfer', 'employment'}","{'rights', 'corps'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Drilling in ANWR would harm bird habitats.,"{'bird', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'arctic national wildlife refuge', 'habitat'}","{'bird', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'habitat'}",Relation,drilling in anwr,arctic refuge drilling controversy|arctic national wildlife refuge,positive,harm bird habitats,bird|habitat,bad,"birds, wildlife refuge, environment, birds, environment, birds, environment, birds" for,Mexican leaders have cited NAFTAs benefits,"{'mexican americans', 'welfare'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Corps have some rights, but not all given to persons.",{'for but not with'},"{'rights', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Jay led cleantech job-creation in Congress, can do it for WA.",set(),"{'united states congress', 'washington (state)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Earmarks often go toward important social works; not waste,"{'public works', 'earmark (politics)'}",{'dissipation'},Relation,earmarks,earmark (politics),positive,important social works,earmark (politics)|public works,good,"social works, humans, public, citizens" against,ANWR oil drilling will lead to the exploitation of other protected areas.,"{'lead', 'exploitation of natural resources', 'marine protected area', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}","{'exploitation', 'protected area', 'oil well', 'arctic national wildlife refuge'}",Relation,anwr oil drilling,oil well|arctic national wildlife refuge,positive,exploitation of other protected areas,exploitation of natural resources|protected area,bad,"environment, society, protected areas, environment, justice, nature, environment, protected areas, wildlife" against,Earmarks create unsustainable institutional dependencies,{'earmark (politics)'},{'dependency (project management)'},Relation,earmarks,earmark (politics),positive,institutional dependencies,dependency (project management),bad,"people, government stability, institutions, society, politicians, society, citizens" against,McKenna supports protecting environment and fostering clean energy.,{'natural environment'},{'sustainable energy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corporate rights protect owners from liability.,"{'legal liability', 'legal personality'}","{'rights', 'corporation'}",Relation,corporate rights,rights|corporation,positive,protect owners from liability,legal liability,good,"owners, owners, owners" against,NAFTA creates a two tier trade system where North Americans have an advantage.,"{'statistic (role-playing games)', 'north american free trade agreement', 'trade'}","{'north american free trade agreement', 'trade'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The ANWR drilling area under consideration is a baron land with little to protect.,"{'real property', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy'}","{'area', 'arctic refuge drilling controversy', 'baron'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Earmarks should be reformed, but ban is unnecessary",{'earmark (politics)'},{'ban (law)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corporate personhood gives businesses a voice,"{'company', 'legal personality'}","{'corporate personhood', 'spokesperson', 'companies law'}",Relation,corporate personhood,corporate personhood,positive,businesses,company|corporate personhood,neutral, for,New Apollo project will produce unexpected industries/jobs.,"{'industry', 'apollo program', 'employment'}",{'apollo program'},Relation,new apollo project,apollo program,positive,unexpected industries/jobs,employment|industry,good,"people seeking jobs, workers, business, industry, workers, job seekers, society" for,Drilling would only be done in the winter months.,"{'oil well', 'winter'}","{'winter', 'month'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"NAFTA ""fast track"" authority is necessary to bypass a non-acting congress",{'north american free trade agreement'},"{'united states congress', 'north american free trade agreement'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Corps shouldn""t be denied rights because of benefits from state","{'civil and political rights', 'state (polity)', 'welfare'}","{'state (polity)', 'rights', 'corps'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Earmarks are used by politicians to effectively buy votes,"{'voting', 'politics', 'earmark (politics)'}",{'politician'},Relation,earmarks,earmark (politics),positive,buy votes,voting|politician,bad,"citizens, constituency, voters, politicians, voters, citizens, community" against,NAFTA was intended to reach the Free Trade Area of the Americas Agreement and the posposal of this seems to suggest little public support for trade acts in general:,"{'trade', 'north american free trade agreement', 'free trade area of the americas', 'history of slavery'}","{'fundraising', 'trade act of 1974', 'north american free trade agreement', 'free trade area of the americas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Inslee will make WA a leader in cleantech in US/World.,{'clean technology'},{'clean technology'},Relation,inslee,clean technology,positive,wa a leader in cleantech in us/world,clean technology,good,"inslee, us, society, world, inslee, wa, cleantech, us/world" for,"""Legalized gambling activities act as a regressive tax on the poor"" (Clotfelter and Cook 1989).","{'statute', 'regressive tax', 'gambling', 'charles t. clotfelter'}","{'regressive tax', 'legalization', 'cook (profession)', 'charles t. clotfelter'}",Relation,legalized gambling,legalization|gambling,positive,regressive tax,regressive tax,bad,"the poor, the poor, the poor" against,"There is massive opposition to NAFTA in all three countries, which shows the potential danger.",{'north american free trade agreement'},{'administrative divisions of mexico'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corp personhood means bad CEOs are guilty of murder,"{'legal personality', 'corporation'}","{'personhood', 'murder', 'chief executive officer', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Earmarks have already been significantly reformed,{'earmark (politics)'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Inslee will create thousands of cleantech jobs across state.,"{'free will', 'clean technology', 'state (polity)', 'employment'}","{'1000 (number)', 'job'}",Relation,inslee,job|employment,positive,cleantech jobs,job|clean technology|employment,good,"people, the state, job seekers, youth, unemployed people, the future of the economy" against,It is impossible to stop online gambling.,"{'stop! (sam brown song)', 'impossible (shontelle song)', 'online gambling'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Cleantech can unite both sides of cascade mountains.,"{'cascade range', 'clean technology'}","{'clean technology', 'mountain'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Cultures, including aboriginal traditions, evolve and morph through time and the interaction with other cultures:","{'shapeshifting', 'time', 'tradition', 'culture', 'indigenous peoples', 'evolution', 'social relation'}","{'time', 'face-to-face interaction', 'culture'}",Relation,interaction with other cultures,tradition|culture,positive,and and,culture|evolution,neutral, against,"Corporations have no ""right"" to a voice in democracy","{'democracy', 'corporatism', 'rights'}","{'democracy', 'rights', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Retraining workers that lose from free trade is costly,"{'workforce', 'retraining', 'free trade'}","{'laborer', 'free trade'}",Relation,workers,workforce,positive,,,neutral, for,Aboriginals deserve differential treatment as compensation for violated treaties:,"{'aboriginal peoples in canada', 'treaty'}","{'nationalization', 'indigenous australians', 'pact'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Analogy that gambling truly is like a drug, and should be treated as a controlled substance:",{'controlled substance'},"{'drug', 'controlled substance'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corporations have hijacked the 14th Amendment,"{'carjacking', 'corporate law', 'fourteenth amendment to the united states constitution'}",{'corporation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,McKenna let banks responsible for foreclosure crisis off hook.,"{'2010 united states foreclosure crisis', 'bank', 'foreclosure'}","{'2010 united states foreclosure crisis', 'bank'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"In the U.S., affirmative action is an acceptable way of ""levelling the playing field"", why not approaches to aboriginals as well:","{'playing the field', 'affirmative action', 'indigenous australians', 'the way (film)'}","{'affirmative action', 'mode (literature)', 'pitch (sports field)', 'united states', 'indigenous australians'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Examples in which casinos have helped to regenerate many places that previously had considerable poverty and social problems:,"{'poverty', 'social issue', 'urban renewal'}","{'location (geography)', 'poverty', 'casino', 'social issue'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Workers who lose their jobs to free trade earn less in the new jobs they find,"{'free trade', 'workforce', 'world health organization', 'employment'}","{'free trade', 'job'}",Relation,workers who lose their jobs to free trade,free trade|employment,positive,earn less in the new jobs,job|employment,bad,"workers, workers, economy, employees, society" for,"Jerusalem can be shared; it need not be ""divided"".",{'jerusalem'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Constitutional rights should protect people over corporations,"{'person', 'corporate law', 'united states constitution'}","{'constitutional right', 'people', 'company'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Inslee seeks 100% graduation with dropout prevention strategies.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Free trade increases the purchasing power of consumers,"{'consumer', 'free trade'}","{'purchasing power', 'consumer', 'free trade'}",Relation,free trade,free trade,positive,purchasing power of consumers,purchasing power|consumer,good,"consumers, businesses, economy, consumers, consumers, economy, local community, retailers, consumers, society, businesses, corporations, consumers, businesses, trade" against,Iron fertilization may require an impractical amount of iron,{'iron fertilization'},"{'iron fertilization', 'ferrous'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The idea that Jerusalem could be shared as opposed to divided or solely Israeli is not practical.,"{'pragmatism', 'jerusalem'}","{'idea', 'jerusalem'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"There are too many economic ""externalities"" surrounding gambling, which nullify the benefits:","{'gambling', 'externality', 'welfare'}",{'externality'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Inslee seeks to restore affordability of higher ed in WA.,"{'wa, ghana', 'affordable housing'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Means testing helps eliminate wasteful universal programs.,{'means test'},{'means test'},Relation,means testing,means test,NoAgreement,wasteful universal programs,,good,"society, eliminating wasting, society global people." for,The long-term economic negatives outweigh the short-term economic gains:,set(),{'affirmative and negative'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A global iron fertilization plan would cost only around $20 billion.,"{'earth', 'iron fertilization'}","{'program management', 'iron fertilization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Supports all-day kindergarten to get kids on right track.,{'kindergarten'},"{'kidskin', 'kindergarten', 'song'}",Relation,all-day kindergarten,kindergarten,positive,kids on right track,kidskin,good,"kids, kids and parents, kids" against,"With three religious claims to Jerusalem, how would it be divided?","{'jerusalem', 'religion'}",{'jerusalem'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Universal benefits very efficient to deliver.,"{'universal health care', 'economics', 'welfare'}",{'linguistic universal'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Casinos help the tourism industry of a place:,"{'casino', 'tourism'}","{'location (geography)', 'casino', 'tourism'}",Relation,casinos,casino,positive,tourism industry,tourism,NoAgreement, against,Algae bloom solutions require fertilizing too much ocean area,{'algal bloom'},"{'area', 'solution', 'algal bloom', 'ocean'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Inslee fought to strengthen US education in Congress.,"{'united states congress', 'jay inslee', 'united states dollar', 'education in the united states'}","{'united states congress', 'education in the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Israel has fought to unify Jerusalem; why now divide it?,"{'israel', 'jerusalem'}",{'israel'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,People committing crimes should be prosecuted.,"{'person', 'prosecutor', 'crime'}","{'people', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Current universal entitlements are simply impossible to sustain:,set(),"{'entitlement', 'electric current'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Monitoring iron-fertilized algae blooms globally would be costly,"{'algal bloom', 'algae', 'water quality'}",{'algal bloom'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Inslee would remove substandard teachers.,set(),{'teacher'},Relation,inslee,teacher,negative,substandard teachers,teacher,good,"for quality education, students" for,Make lectures interesting and students will put away phones.,set(),"{'student', 'telephone'}",Relation,make lectures interesting,,positive,students will put away phones,student|telephone,good,"students, students, teachers, teachers, students, students, teachers" for,"If natural iron fertilization occurs, it is OK for humans to do it","{'natural environment', 'iron fertilization'}","{'human', 'iron fertilization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Means testing for benefits will encourage fraud.,"{'will and testament', 'means test', 'fraud', 'welfare'}","{'fraud', 'means test'}",Relation,means testing for benefits,means test|welfare,positive,fraud,fraud,bad,"social welfare, ethics, society, companies, citizens, justice, government, business, insurance" against,Most students ignore rules to silence cell phones.,{'mobile phone'},"{'student', 'telephone', 'silence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Humans are already changing Earth; how can geoengineering be wrong?,"{'earth', 'climate engineering', 'human'}",{'humans (noon universe)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Inslee will invest in education as engine of econ growth.,"{'economics', 'economic growth'}","{'didactic method', 'engine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Disincentives to work are avoidable:,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Jay Inslee will protect womens reproductive choices and rights.,"{'woman', 'free will', 'jay inslee', 'reproductive rights'}","{'woman', 'jay inslee', 'reproductive rights', 'rights'}",Relation,jay inslee,jay inslee,positive,womens reproductive choices and rights,woman|reproductive rights,good,"women, women, women" for,"Abstinence is a rather outdated view, based on religious teaching, which may be a personal choice but is not to be expected as the norm for everyone:","{'norm (philosophy)', 'free will', 'religious broadcasting'}","{'opinion', 'choice'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Tampering with the environment to solve global warming is wrong.,"{'natural environment', 'global warming'}",{'nature'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Any classroom education there is should encourage abstinence:,"{'abstinence', 'education'}","{'abstinence', 'didactic method', 'classroom'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,McKenna wrongly filed lawsuit to repeal Affordable Care Act.,"{'patient protection and affordable care act', 'repeal', 'lawsuit'}","{'care act', 'lawsuit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Means testing can hurt the poor.,{'means test'},{'means test'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Democrats tend to favor positive liberties,"{'positive liberty', 'democrats (brazil)'}","{'positive liberty', 'democratic party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Inslee should focus on state, not McKenna Obamacare lawsuit.","{'state court (united states)', 'rob mckenna', 'jay inslee', 'patient protection and affordable care act'}","{'mckenna (name)', 'patient protection and affordable care act', 'lawsuit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans believe in negative rights limiting govt.,"{'negative and positive rights', 'belief', 'government', 'republicanism'}","{'negative and positive rights', 'state (polity)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"As higher earners, graduates already pay a lot more on average in taxes over their lifetime, while consuming less in welfare payments, thus more than repaying their debt to society:","{'society', 'welfare', 'debt', 'higher education', 'tax'}","{'society', 'tax', 'social security', 'gradian'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Growing algae blooms can help feed and revive fisheries.,{'algae'},"{'algal bloom', 'fishery'}",Relation,growing algae blooms,algal bloom,positive,fisheries,fishery,good,"fisheries, fish, business, economy, fisherman, environment, animals, fish, for people who like fish" for,"McKenna would repeal full Affordable Care Act, not just mandate.","{""don't ask, don't tell repeal act of 2010"", 'appeal', 'act of parliament', 'rob mckenna', 'patient protection and affordable care act'}",{'care act'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A graduate tax would be fairer for everyone in society.,"{'graduate tax', 'in society'}","{'society', 'graduate tax'}",Relation,a graduate tax,graduate tax,positive,everyone in society,society|in society,good,"society, poverty, citizens, society, non-graduates" for,"Inslee will invest in smart, future-oriented infrastructure.",set(),{'infrastructure'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Phytoplankton populations have increased; no need for iron fertilization.,"{'phytoplankton', 'iron fertilization'}","{'pauperism', 'phytoplankton', 'iron fertilization', 'population'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Democrats focus more on improving and developing cities,{'democratic party (united states)'},"{'city', 'democratic party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"A graduate tax would be a very expensive scheme to put into effect, as it would require high levels of government spending on student grants before the first graduates began to repay anything through taxation:","{'student', 'graduate tax', 'british undergraduate degree classification', 'graduation', 'grant (money)'}","{'student', 'graduate tax', 'graduation', 'grant (money)', 'scheme (programming language)', 'degree (music)', 'government spending', 'tax'}",Relation,graduate tax,graduate tax,positive,high levels of government spending,government spending,neutral, for,Democrats to help the most disadvantaged,set(),{'democratic party (united states)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Global warming kills algae, worsens warming; iron fertilization helps","{'global warming', 'iron fertilization', 'algae'}","{'global warming', 'iron fertilization', 'algae'}",Relation,global warming,global warming,positive,warming,algae,bad,"environment, environment, climate, planet inhabitants, algae, algae, global warming, environment, planet, oceans, algae" for,Artificial life can be tailored for specific needs,{'energy (operation ivy album)'},"{'need', 'artificial life'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A graduate tax is the best way to increase access to higher education without massively burdening the government with an open-ended financial commitment:,"{'graduate tax', 'access to higher education', 'higher education', 'contract', 'finance'}","{'graduate tax', 'access to higher education', 'regime', 'cargo'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Dividing Jerusalem will destroy the city,"{'jerusalem', 'carole king'}",{'city'},Relation,dividing jerusalem,jerusalem,positive,destroy the city,city|jerusalem,bad,"citizens, city, israel, jerusalem, palestinians, israelites, jews, muuslims, christians, jerusalem, inhabitants, jerusalem" against,Republicans believe private sector is better at helping poor than govt.,"{'the republicans (france)', 'poverty', 'government'}","{'state (polity)', 'private sector'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Iron fertilization would revive depleted phytoplankton populations.,"{'phytoplankton', 'iron fertilization'}","{'phytoplankton', 'iron fertilization'}",Relation,iron fertilization,iron fertilization,positive,phytoplankton populations,phytoplankton,good,"depleted phytoplankton populations, environment, water ecology, phytoplankton, oceans, ecosystem" for,Artificial life hold major benefits for humanity,{'artificial life'},"{'world', 'artificial life'}",Relation,artificial life,artificial life,positive,for humanity,world,good,"humans, humanity, humanity" for,Most algae is harmless and understood; red tides can be avoided.,"{'red tide', 'algae'}","{'red tide', 'algae'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Reps believe charity should be voluntary, not through govt welfare.","{'charitable organization', 'government', 'welfare'}","{'reps', 'state (polity)', 'charity (practice)', 'welfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The prospect of life-long higher-tax status will act as a deterrent to many weaker students who doubt their abilities to make a success of a university degree, or those from poorer backgrounds with no family tradition of higher education:","{'act of parliament', 'will and testament', 'skill', 'academic degree'}","{'student', 'status (law)', 'family', 'tradition', 'academic degree', 'higher education', 'enneagram of personality'}",Relation,prospect of life-long higher-tax status,status (law),negative,"students who doubt their abilities to make a success of a university degree, or those from poorer backgrounds with no family tradition of higher education",academic degree|higher education,bad,"people, prospective students, universities, economy" against,Humans engineered organisms for centuries; synthetic life adds little.,"{'synthetic biology', 'organism', 'human', 'genetic engineering'}","{'synthetic biology', 'century', 'human'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans believe relying on govt is generally deplorable,"{'government', 'belief', 'republicanism'}",{'state (polity)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Synthetic biology can help fight climate change and pollution,"{'pollution', 'synthetic biology', 'climate change'}","{'pollution', 'synthetic biology', 'climate change'}",Relation,synthetic biology,synthetic biology,NoAgreement,fight climate change and pollution,climate change|pollution,good,"preventing climate change, environment, society, humans" against,Republicans believe in helping others by ending dependence on govt,"{'government', 'belief', 'republicanism'}",{'state (polity)'},Relation,republicans,government|republicanism|belief,positive,ending dependence on,government|state (polity),neutral, for,Methanol can be used directly as a fuel in fuel cells.,"{'tin can', 'methanol'}","{'fuel', 'methanol (data page)', 'fuel cell'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Some plankton species cause red tides and other toxic phenomena.,"{'plankton', 'toxin', 'species', 'red tide'}","{'plankton', 'species', 'phenomenon', 'red tide'}",Relation,plankton species,plankton|species,positive,red tides and other toxic phenomena,red tide|toxin,bad,"environment, ocean, environment, ocean, the ocean, oceans, red tides and other toxic phenomena" for,Synthetic organisms unlikely to survive out of lab,"{'organism', 'organic compound'}","{'organism', 'synthetic language', 'laboratory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Reps believe heavy limits help ensure safety net is not abused.,set(),set(),Relation,heavy limits,,positive,ensure safety net is not abused,,good,"not wasting money, safety net" for,Deep water dieoffs have not been reported after natural algae blooms.,"{'water pollution', 'fish kill', 'algae', 'benthic zone', 'natural resource'}",{'algal bloom'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Methanol is easy to handle and store.,{'methanol'},{'methanol (data page)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Risks of artificial life could outweigh benefits,"{'risk', 'synthetic biology', 'cost–benefit analysis'}","{'hazard', 'artificial life'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Methanol can be produced renewably and domestically.,{'methanol'},{'methanol (data page)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Sinking organic blooms can render the deep sea anoxic.,"{'algal bloom', 'anoxic waters'}",{'deep sea'},Relation,sinking organic blooms,algal bloom,positive,deep sea anoxic,anoxic waters|deep sea,bad,"oceans, environment, environment, oceans, the ocean" for,"Synthetic life needs regulation, but should be allowed","{'synthetic biology', 'regulation of gene expression'}","{'regulation', 'synthetic biology'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Iron fertilization reverses global warming; other solutions only slow it.,"{'global warming', 'iron fertilization', 'slow movement (culture)'}","{'solution', 'iron fertilization'}",Relation,iron fertilization,iron fertilization,negative,global warming,global warming,good,"environment, global warming, environment, environment, earth, planet, environment" against,S. Ossetia should stay with Georgia to foster strength through diversity.,"{'georgia (country)', 'south ossetia'}","{'biodiversity', 'south ossetia'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Synthetic life will result in an artificial race amidst us,"{'nature', 'free will', 'synthetic biology', 'race (human categorization)'}",{'synthetic biology'},Relation,synthetic life,synthetic biology,positive,artificial race,race (human categorization),neutral, for,"Humans wouldn""t have to ""play God"" if God wasn""t so unfair",set(),{'humans (noon universe)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,More good synthetic biologists can outwit malevolent ones,"{'value theory', 'evil', 'analytic–synthetic distinction'}",{'biologist'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Any scientific advance can be abused; synthetic life no different,{'synthetic biology'},"{'synthetic biology', 'lines in my face'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Unconventional division of Jerusalem can break cycle of violence,"{'jerusalem', 'break the cycle'}","{'convention (norm)', 'cycle of violence', 'division (military)'}",Relation,unconventional division of jerusalem,division (military)|jerusalem,negative,cycle of violence,cycle of violence,good,"humans, jerusalem, people, middle east, international relations, usa, israel" against,Algae-sequestered carbon may not remain sequestered for long,{'carbon'},{'carbon'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans favor those seeking wealth without govt help,{'republicanism'},"{'wealth', 'state (polity)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Even if it was in Europes interest to sell arms to China, the damage from upsetting the United States by lifting the arms ban would be much greater.","{'united states', 'europe', 'weapon', 'history of china'}","{'united states', 'arm', 'cathay', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,arms,,positive,upsetting the united states,united states,bad,"europes, world, countries" against,Iron-fertilized algae blooms may release some greenhouse gases,"{'greenhouse gas', 'algae'}","{'algal bloom', 'greenhouse gas'}",Relation,iron-fertilized algae blooms,algal bloom,positive,greenhouse gases,greenhouse gas,bad,"environment, the environment, environment, planet, atmosphere" against,Jerusalem is too interwoven to be neatly divided,{'jerusalem'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Democrats stand for social progress.,"{'social progress', 'history of the united states democratic party'}","{'social progress', 'democratic party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The European Union should maintain the ban as a continued expression of disapproval for the Tienanmen square massacre and its legacy in modern China.,"{'china', 'tiananmen square protests of 1989', 'european union'}","{'facial expression', 'abrahamic religions', 'european union', 'history of china', 'tiananmen square protests of 1989', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Irreversible climate change makes geoengineering unavoidable.,"{'climate engineering', 'climate change'}",{'climate change'},Relation,irreversible climate change,climate change,positive,geoengineering,climate engineering,neutral, against,Dividing Jerusalem would shift the battle lines to the city,"{'jerusalem', 'carole king'}",{'city'},Relation,dividing jerusalem,jerusalem,positive,battle lines to the city,city,bad,"people, peace, inhabitants of the city, jerusalem, citizens" against,Republicans represent traditional values.,set(),"{'traditional values', 'republican party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Algae need only sequester C02 for roughly a century.,"{'carbon dioxide', 'algae', 'carbon sequestration'}","{'century', 'c2', 'algae'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The current arms ban is purely symbolic, as China is already able to buy a range of military items from Europe.","{'military', 'europe', 'china'}","{'cathay', 'range (music)', 'arm', 'europe', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Palestinians in East Jerusalem prefer Israeli over PA rule,"{'israelis', 'east jerusalem', 'palestinians', 'governance of the gaza strip', 'palestinian national authority'}","{'east jerusalem', 'pascal (unit)', 'palestinian people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Lifting the arms ban will strengthen China militarily.,"{'military', 'history of china'}","{'weapon', 'cathay', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,lifting the arms ban,weapon|ban (law),positive,china,military,NoAgreement, for,"Iron fertilization can dramatically reduce C02, combat global warming","{'redox', 'canning', 'global warming', 'carbon dioxide', 'iron fertilization'}","{'combat', 'iron fertilization'}",Relation,iron fertilization,iron fertilization,negative,combat global warming,global warming|carbon dioxide,good,"earth people, environment, globe, humans, humans, environment" against,Republicans see no contradiction between traditions and progress.,"{'progress (history)', 'reductio ad absurdum', 'tradition', 'republicanism'}","{'progress (history)', 'tradition'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Cooperating with China is the best way to gain influence with the regime in order to promote democracy and human rights,"{'human rights', 'china'}","{'democracy', 'cathay', 'human rights', 'cargo', 'regime'}",Relation,cooperating with china,china,positive,democracy and human rights,democracy|human rights,good,"citizens, democracy, human rights" for,Best practices in iron fertilization can ensure effectiveness,{'iron fertilization'},"{'best practice', 'effectiveness', 'iron fertilization'}",Relation,best practices in iron fertilization,best practice|iron fertilization,positive,effectiveness,effectiveness,good,"agriculture, farmers, public health, work, iron fertilization" against,"Dividing Jerusalem will fail, like all divided cities in history",{'jerusalem'},"{'jerusalem', 'divided city (film)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Jerusalem is too important to Jewish identity to be divided,"{'jewish identity', 'jerusalem', 'jews'}",{'jewish identity'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Reps see economic factors more important than race in affirm action.,"{'economic indicator', 'economic history'}","{'strength training', 'gene'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The European Union is taking a big risk in proposing to lift the arms ban.,"{'classe tous risques', 'european union'}","{'hazard', 'ban (law)', 'arm', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A divided Jerusalem would be less viable economically.,"{'economy', 'jerusalem'}",set(),Relation,a divided jerusalem,jerusalem,positive,less viable economically,economy,bad,"workers, money, economy, jerusalem, economy" for,Most Democrats believe torture is always unjust.,"{'democracy', 'torture', 'justice', 'belief'}",{'democratic party (united states)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Democracies often support violent, repressive dictatorships","{'democracy', ""pakistan's role in the war on terror"", 'dictatorship', 'political repression', 'violence'}",{'tyrant'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ossetians have a distinct ethnic identity and history,"{'ossetians', 'ethnic group'}","{'ossetians', 'history', 'ethnic group'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Obama should ignore public opinion, send more troops to Afg",set(),{'public opinion'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Splitting Jerusalem will establish needed peace for economic growth.,"{'free will', 'jerusalem', 'economic growth', 'peace'}","{'jerusalem', 'economic growth', 'peace'}",Relation,splitting jerusalem,jerusalem,positive,peace for economic growth,economic growth|peace,good,"jerusalem, people of jerusalem, society, economic growth, jerusalem, international relations, world economy" against,"Democracies attack non-democracies, undermining pacifism myth","{'democracy', 'mining (military)', 'offensive (military)', 'mythology', 'pacifism'}","{'pacifism', 'democracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,More troops needed to train Afghan security forces,"{'afghan national security forces', 'afghan', 'united states armed forces'}",{'afghan national security forces'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Some Reps believe torture can be just in ""ticking time-bomb"".",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Citizens that choose their leaders are more peaceful.,"{'leadership', 'citizenship', 'peace'}",set(),Relation,citizens that choose their leaders,leadership|citizenship,positive,peaceful,peace,good,"citizens, citizens, everyone, citizens, world" against,The world needs fewer borders; A S. Ossetian nation adds more.,"{'ossetians', 'nation'}","{'ossetian language', 'state (polity)', 'border'}",Relation,a s. ossetian,ossetians,positive,borders,border,neutral, against,Afghanistan security forces can hardly be trained,"{'afghanistan', 'nato training mission-afghanistan', 'afghan national security forces'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans believe in more flexible interrogation techniques.,"{'interrogation', 'irish republicanism'}",{'interrogatories'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Jerusalem was intended by the UN to be a joint capital,"{'united nations', 'jerusalem'}",{'working capital'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,S. Ossetian independence should be assessed in isolation.,"{'ossetian language', 'independence'}","{'ossetian language', 'isolation (health care)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Non-denominational prayer preserves an equilibrium between different faiths:,"{'faith', 'prayer', 'divine providence', 'nondenominational christianity'}","{'economic equilibrium', 'faith'}",Relation,non-denominational prayer,prayer|nondenominational christianity,positive,equilibrium between different faiths,faith,NoAgreement, against,Democracies are quick to mobilize forces,{'democracy'},{'democracy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US has moral obligation to stabilize Afghanistan,{'war in afghanistan (2001–14)'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans believe fairness comes from unregulated competition,"{'equity (law)', 'belief', 'republicanism', 'regulation', 'competition law'}","{'fairness measure', 'republican party (united states)', 'competition, missouri'}",Relation,unregulated competition,competition law,positive,fairness,fairness measure,good,"companies, growth, fairness, businesses, consumers, society" against,There can be no complete separation of Church and State.,{'separation of church and state'},{'separation of church and state'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US/NATO have no more moral obligation to Afg than other states.,"{'nato', 'state (polity)'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Democracies share democratic values that help maintain peace,"{'democracy', 'peace'}","{'value (computer science)', 'democracy', 'peace'}",Relation,democracies share democratic values,democracy|value (computer science),positive,peace,peace,good,"society, nations, citizens, countries, society, citizens" for,Dems believe in ensuring equal opportunity through social programs,{'equal opportunity'},"{'usgs dem', 'equal opportunity', 'welfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,South Ossetia is too small to be independent.,{'elections in south ossetia'},{'south ossetia'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Pupils are unable to consent to school prayer,{'school prayer'},"{'school prayer', 'pupil'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Limited resources constrain moral obligations of US/NATO to Afg.,{'nato'},{'factors of production'},Relation,limited resources,,negative,moral obligations of us/nato,nato,bad,"afghanistan, us, nato, us, nato, afgans, us, nato" against,Democracies are peaceful only when their interests coincide,"{'democracy', 'peace'}",{'democracy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Parents have the authority to prevent children from praying.,"{'parent', 'child', 'prayer', 'authority'}","{'parent', 'child'}",Relation,parents,parent,negative,children from praying,child|prayer,neutral, for,"Mountains should not be a factor in ""dividing"" Ossetia",{'ossetia'},"{'ossetia', 'mountain'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Democrats believe public good is paramount,"{'good worldwide', 'democracy', 'common good', 'belief'}",{'democratic party (united states)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Many empires succeed in Afghanistan, why not US?","{'afghanistan', 'not to us', 'why not us'}","{'empire', 'islamic state of afghanistan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Arms sales to Taiwan forces China to build up its defenses.,"{'china', 'taiwan'}","{'arms industry', 'defence mechanisms'}",Relation,arms sales to taiwan,arms industry|taiwan,positive,china to build up its defenses,china|defence mechanisms,neutral, for,"War in Afghanistan will not become ""Obamas Vietnam"" ","{'vietnam', 'war in afghanistan (2001–14)', 'will smith', 'family of barack obama'}","{'soviet war in afghanistan', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans believe individual rights are paramount,"{'civil liberties', 'belief', 'republicanism'}",{'individual and group rights'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Georgia cannot be blamed for its absence in S. Ossetia.,"{'georgia (country)', 'south ossetia'}",{'south ossetia'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Western powers exploits ""democratic peace"" to maintain dominance","{'hegemony', 'democracy', 'democratic peace theory'}","{'authorization', 'western world', 'democratic peace theory', 'exploit (computer security)'}",Relation,"western powers exploits ""democratic peace""",exploit (computer security)|western world|democracy|democratic peace theory,positive,maintain dominance,hegemony,neutral, against,Selling arms to Taiwan will encourage separatists there.,"{'taiwan', 'separatism'}","{'arm holdings', 'taiwan'}",Relation,selling arms to taiwan,taiwan,positive,separatists,separatism,neutral, for,Counter-terrorism w/o troops did not work in 1990s,"{'warrant officer', 'troop', 'counter-terrorism'}",{'counter-terrorism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Democracies better resolve disagreement without resorting to violence,"{'democracy', 'controversy', 'violence'}","{'democracy', 'violence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US humanitarian interventions have proven to be atrocities,{'humanitarian aid'},{'humanitarian intervention'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,South Ossetia was wrong to hold elections under conflict conditions.,{'south ossetia'},"{'south ossetia', 'election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The desire to get re-elected constrains war-making,"{'philosophy of desire', 'election'}",{'desire'},Relation,the desire to get re-elected,election|desire,negative,war-making,,neutral, for,Fines and penalties can ensure businesses comply with a ban.,"{'fine (penalty)', 'sanctions (law)'}","{'ban (law)', 'penal damages', 'fine (penalty)', 'job'}",Relation,fines and penalties,fine (penalty),positive,businesses comply with a ban,ban (law),good,"ethics, promotion of the law, businesses" against,Nations throughout history have failed to succeed in Afg,"{'nation', 'history'}",{'state (polity)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Republicans believe in equality of opportunity, not outcomes","{'equal opportunity', 'belief', 'republicanism'}","{'equal opportunity', 'republican party (united states)', 'outcome (probability)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,S. Ossetia 2006 referendum should be recognized,"{'diplomatic recognition', 'south ossetia', 'montenegrin independence referendum, 2006'}","{'south ossetia', 'referendum'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Without more troops in Afghanistan, US will lose allies","{'war in afghanistan (2001–14)', 'united states armed forces', 'united states dollar', 'allies of world war ii'}",{'islamic state of afghanistan'},Relation,more troops in afghanistan,war in afghanistan (2001–14)|united states armed forces,positive,us will lose allies,united states armed forces,bad,"united states, geopolitics, us citizens, u.s., us" for,Republicans use fear to win votes,"{'tołwin', 'republicanism'}",{'fear'},Relation,fear,fear,positive,win votes,fear,neutral, for,Democracies are founded on similar principles so they should not go to war.,"{'democracy', 'war', 'value (ethics)'}",{'democracy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A smoking ban will cause people to smoke less overall.,"{'will and testament', 'smoking ban', 'person', 'causation (law)'}","{'smoking ban', 'people'}",Relation,smoking ban,smoking ban,positive,smoke less overall,people|person,good,"people, society, healthcare, society, people's health, people's health" for,It is invalid to criticize S. Ossetias referendum for risking instability.,{'referendum'},"{'south ossetia', 'referendum'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Plastic bags have so many practical uses.,"{'plastic', 'plastic bag'}",{'plastic bag'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Democrats oppose death penalty because it is socially unjust,"{'society', 'democracy', 'justice', 'capital punishment'}","{'capital punishment', 'democratic party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Banning smoking in public would cause people to smoke more at home.,"{'public', 'smoking', 'tobacco smoking', 'ban (law)'}","{'home', 'people', 'public'}",Relation,banning smoking in public,smoking|tobacco smoking|ban (law)|public,positive,more at home,people|home|smoking|tobacco smoking,neutral, for,Democrats generally favor a higher minimum wage.,"{'history of the united states democratic party', 'minimum wage'}","{'minimum wage', 'democratic party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is not fair for supermarket chains to profit from something they get for free.,"{'supermarket', 'chain store'}",{'supermarket'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Workers can choose to work at non-smoking institutions.,"{'health care', 'smoking ban'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Labor unions protect wages, help workers be better consumers.","{'trade union', 'consumer', 'workforce'}","{'trade union', 'remuneration', 'consumer'}",Relation,labor unions,trade union|workforce,positive,better consumers,consumer|workforce,good,"economic health, consumers, society, businesses, employees, workers, subordinates, employees, employers" for,Charging for plastic bags would deter people from using them in large amounts.,{'plastic'},"{'plastic bag', 'people'}",Relation,charging for plastic bags,plastic bag,negative,using them in large amounts,plastic bag|people,good,"environment, environment, society, people, environment" against,Republicans believe the best govt governs the least,"{'government', 'republicanism'}",{'state (polity)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Consumption drops thanks to the ban.,set(),"{'consumption (economics)', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,ban,ban (law),negative,consumption,consumption (economics),NoAgreement, against,We still need something to put our shopping in.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Dems believe in bigger govt at federal and state level,"{'u.s. state', 'believe (justin bieber album)', 'federal government of the united states'}",{'state (polity)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Banning plastic bags would be good for the environment.,"{'plastic', 'plastic bag'}","{'nature', 'plastic bag'}",Relation,banning plastic bags,plastic bag,positive,good for the environment,nature,good,"environment, society, citizens, environment, environment, environment, nature, the environment" against,People can leave smoking areas to avoid harm.,set(),"{'area', 'people', 'harm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Govt makes longer-term investments than free markets,"{'free market', 'investment', 'government', 'long run and short run'}","{'free market', 'investment', 'state (polity)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Georgia has a right to maintain its internal sovereign integrity.,"{'sovereignty', 'georgia (country)', 'rights'}","{'rights', 'integrity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A complete ban is not necessary to give people a choice.,set(),"{'people', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Self-determination is not absolute; S. Ossetia does not qualify.,"{'south ossetia', 'self-determination', 'absolute monarchy'}","{'south ossetia', 'self-determination'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Republicans radically advocate eliminating key regs, progs, depts",{'california republican party'},"{'regular expression', 'united states federal executive departments'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The public infrastructure projects funded by the IBRD have consistently been recognized as unmitigated disasters.,{'international bank for reconstruction and development'},"{'public infrastructure', 'disaster', 'project', 'world bank'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Russia supports S. Ossetias 2006 referendum and right to independence.,"{'independence', 'russian empire', 'montenegrin independence referendum, 2006', 'referendum'}","{'independence', 'rights', 'south ossetia', 'referendum'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Is it wrong to say that people choose to smoke passively.,set(),{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If the aim to join Russia, S. Ossetia nationalism arguments can""t apply.","{'south ossetia', 'russia', 'nationalism'}","{'intention', 'south ossetia', 'nationalism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The new objectives of the WB will improve the quality of lives of the populations of developing countries.,"{'will (philosophy)', 'goal', 'warner bros.', 'quality (philosophy)', 'nation'}","{'quality of life', 'weber (unit)', 'developing country', 'population'}",Relation,new objectives of the wb,,positive,populations of developing countries,population|developing country|quality of life,good,"citizens, government, citizens, population of the developing country, happiness, satisfaction, developing countries" against,"Workers are free to choose to quit a smoky, unhealthy working environment.","{'workplace', 'social environment'}",{'workplace'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,S. Ossetias population is too small to warrant statehood.,{'state (polity)'},"{'south ossetia', 'population'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Government waste is much smaller than Republicans allege,{'irish republicanism'},{'government waste'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Govt is often only thing big enough to take on biggest challenges,set(),{'state (polity)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Georgia and S. Ossetia have a long history of conflict.,"{'georgia (country)', 'longitude', 'history', 'south ossetia'}","{'history', 'south ossetia'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Not all non-smokers find the smell of tobacco smoke unappealing.,"{'tobacco smoking', 'olfaction', 'tobacco'}","{'tobacco smoking', 'smoking'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The Ossetian people have a divided, non-contiguous history.","{'ossetians', 'federation'}","{'ossetians', 'history'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Reps believe govt should only do things citizens/comps can""t",{'government'},"{'state (polity)', 'clothing'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A ban will get rid of the odor left by cigarette smoke.,"{'tobacco smoke', 'cigarette'}","{'smoke', 'odor', 'cigarette', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,ban,ban (law),negative,odor left by cigarette smoke,tobacco smoke|odor|cigarette|smoke,NoAgreement, for,It is more important to protect peoples health than to protect businesses.,"{'business', 'health', 'ethnic group'}","{'health', 'people', 'companies law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Big govt means more special interests in govt,{'advocacy group'},"{'state (polity)', 'advocacy group'}",Relation,big govt,state (polity),positive,special interests in govt,advocacy group,neutral, for,S. Ossetian independence will help avoid future conflict.,"{'ossetian language', 'independence'}","{'ossetian language', 'independence, missouri'}",Relation,s. ossetian independence,independence,negative,future conflict,,good,"society, ossetians, society, people" for,Democrats support a more progressive tax structure.,"{'history of the united states democratic party', 'progressive tax', 'abortion-rights movements'}","{'structure (mathematical logic)', 'progressive tax', 'democratic party (united states)'}",Relation,democrats,democratic party (united states),positive,progressive tax,progressive tax,neutral, against,"If S. Ossetians renounce violence, no future conflicts will occur.",{'south ossetia'},"{'ossetian language', 'violence', 'future'}",Relation,s. ossetians renounce violence,south ossetia,NoAgreement,future conflicts,future|violence,good,"citizens, s. ossetians, society, south ossentians, people" against,A smoking ban would drive many bars and restaurants out of business.,"{'bar', 'smoking ban', 'restaurant'}","{'business', 'bar (establishment)', 'smoking ban', 'restaurant'}",Relation,a smoking ban,smoking ban,positive,bars and restaurants,bar|restaurant|bar (establishment),bad,"bars and restaurants, reataurant owners, bar owners, consumers, businesses, bars, restaurants, patrons" against,Republicans believe in supply-side economics and lower taxes.,"{'belief', 'republicanism', 'tax cut', 'tax', 'supply-side economics'}","{'tax', 'republican party (united states)', 'supply-side economics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Trying detainees in US courts would compromise sources,"{'detention (imprisonment)', 'federal judiciary of the united states'}","{'informant', 'court'}",Relation,trying detainees in us courts,federal judiciary of the united states,negative,sources,informant,bad,"sources, informants, sources, society, witness" for,Pornography lets women articulate femininity.,"{'woman', 'pornography', 'femininity'}","{'woman', 'pornography', 'femininity'}",Relation,pornography,pornography,positive,women articulate,woman|femininity,good,"women, women, women, feminists, free thinkers, women, women" against,Higher taxes discourage hard work.,"{'work ethic', 'income tax'}","{'tax', 'higher (the saturdays song)', 'diligence'}",Relation,higher taxes,tax,negative,hard work,work ethic,bad,"citizens, society, national tax base, citizens, work ethic, businesses, economy" against,US courts have rules for classified info in terror cases,"{'federal judiciary of the united states', 'united states dollar'}","{'panic', 'information'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Some Republicans believe all tax increases should be voted upon.,"{'taxation in the united states', 'belief', 'republicanism'}",{'tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Porn leads women down destructive/futureless path.,{'the futureless'},"{'woman', 'pornography'}",Relation,porn,pornography,positive,destructive/futureless,woman,bad,"women, society, women, women, women, economy" against,Detainees at Guantanamo for years have no more intel value.,"{'guantanamo bay detention camp', 'intel'}","{'value (computer science)', 'guantánamo', 'year'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans want people to keep more of money they earn,{'people (magazine)'},"{'people', 'money'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Porn makes women less confident of meeting expectations,set(),"{'woman', 'pornography'}",Relation,porn,pornography,positive,women less confident of meeting expectations,woman,bad,"women, women" against,Guantanamo bays existence alienates potential intelligence sources,"{'existence', 'potentiality and actuality', 'intelligence'}","{'guantánamo bay', 'existence', 'intelligence'}",Relation,guantanamo bays existence,existence|guantánamo bay,negative,potential intelligence sources,potentiality and actuality|intelligence,bad,"the us and its allies, intelligence sources, national security, spying, intelligence sources" against,"Porn helps men ""get even"" with women for unfulfilled fantasies.",{'with women'},"{'woman', 'pornography', 'man'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Progressive tax is most fair; based on ability to pay,"{'fair use', 'progressive tax'}",{'progressive tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Terrorist interrogations must be performed, why not at Guantanamo?","{'guantanamo bay detention camp', 'terrorism'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Porn helps men sublimate impulses toward rape,"{'pornography', 'rape', 'man', 'sublimation (psychology)'}","{'pornography', 'man'}",Relation,porn,pornography,negative,impulses toward rape,rape,NoAgreement, for,Dangerous Guantanamo detainees should be held as POWs,"{'prisoner of war', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}","{'prisoner of war', 'dangerous (ying yang twins song)', 'guantanamo bay detention camp'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Porn watching may actually reduce rape rates,{'rape'},"{'pornography', 'rate (mathematics)'}",Relation,porn watching,pornography,negative,rape rates,rate (mathematics)|rape,good,"rape victims, pornography watchers, society, possible rape victims, rate of rape\, society, people, women, crime, sex offenders" for,Democrats appreciate nuances; Republican think black/white,"{'black or white', 'republicanism'}","{'republican party (united states)', 'think (book)', 'democratic party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trying terrorists in the US will give them a forum for grandstanding,{'terrorism'},set(),Relation,trying terrorists in the us,terrorism,positive,give them a forum for grandstanding,terrorism,bad,"us, world peace, international relations, us" for,Rape will exist with or without pornography.,"{'will and testament', 'rape', 'pornography'}",{'pornography'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Guantanamo was wrongly created to avoid US law and courts,"{'guantanamo bay detention camp', 'federal judiciary of the united states', 'law of the united states'}","{'court', 'law of the united states'}",Relation,guantanamo,guantanamo bay detention camp,positive,us law and courts,federal judiciary of the united states|law of the united states,NoAgreement, against,Modern porn increasingly crosses fantasy-reality boundary,set(),"{'pornography', 'boundary (real estate)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Democrats tend to be more humble,{'democratic party (united states)'},{'democratic party (united states)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Guantanamo tribunal have been authorized by US courts.,"{'tribunal', 'guantanamo bay detention camp', 'federal judiciary of the united states'}","{'tribunal', 'court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Watching pornography can amount to adultery,"{'pornography', 'adultery'}","{'pornography', 'fornication'}",Relation,watching pornography,pornography,positive,adultery,adultery,bad,"institution of marriage, ethics, morality, spouses, husbands and wives" against,Republicans have discipline and authority of football coaches,{'american football'},{'discipline (academia)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Reps by govt, but forget it is of, by, for the people.",set(),"{'reps', 'people', 'state (polity)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Pornography does not count as adultery.,"{'pornography', 'adultery'}","{'pornography', 'fornication'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Dems appreciate collective interdependence in society.,set(),"{'society', 'interdependence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Porn can inspire and educate for better sex.,{'the better sex'},"{'human sexual activity', 'pornography'}",Relation,pornography,pornography|human sexual activity,positive,better sex,human sexual activity,good,"people, adults, couples" against,Republicans believe in power of individual over govt,"{'belief', 'republicanism', 'government', 'power (social and political)', 'individual'}","{'republican party (united states)', 'state (polity)', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Porn can serve as a (partial) substitute for sex life.,set(),"{'pornography', 'substitute character', 'sex life'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Ordinary sex can rarely live up to pornography,{'pornography'},"{'human sexual activity', 'ordinary (officer)', 'pornography'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Porn makes women seem less attractive to men,"{'woman', 'pornography', 'physical attractiveness'}","{'woman', 'pornography', 'man'}",Relation,porn,pornography,positive,seem less attractive to men,woman|physical attractiveness|man,bad,"society, people, women, women, women, human race" against,Porn leaves men feeling empty and upset with themselves.,set(),"{'pornography', 'man'}",Relation,porn,pornography,positive,men feeling empty and upset with,man,bad,"men, men, pornography watchers, society, men, males" against,Porn only serves to fill a void in peoples hearts.,set(),"{'pornography', 'people', 'void (astronomy)'}",Relation,porn,pornography,positive,void in peoples hearts,people|void (astronomy),neutral, for,Porn provides knowledge that builds confidence.,"{'knowledge', 'confidence'}","{'authority (management)', 'pornography', 'cognition'}",Relation,porn,pornography,positive,builds confidence,confidence,good,"people's confidence, watchers of pornography, partners of pornography watchers, people who watch porn, adults" for,Porn strokes the ego of the viewer.,{'audience'},"{'pornography', 'looker'}",Relation,porn,pornography,positive,the ego of the,looker|audience,neutral, for,It is impossible for mothers to keep working when giving birth and looking after a newborn baby.,"{'visual perception', 'infant', 'childbirth'}",{'mother'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mothers also need to breastfeed.,"{'breastfeeding', 'mother'}",{'mother'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If the person is not working, they have no right to insist on getting paid.",set(),"{'rights', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The mothers get leave anyway - getting paid is not the idea.,set(),"{'idea', 'mother'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The government could provide this pay.,set(),"{'administration (government)', 'remuneration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Private ownership of water can threaten public health and citizen rights.,{'private property'},"{'civil and political rights', 'public health', 'air pressurized water', 'private property'}",Relation,private ownership of water,private property,negative,public health and citizen rights,civil and political rights|public health,bad,"citizens, public health, communities, society, public health, citizens without ownership of water, human rights, society" against,"Even if water is considered a right, privatization is the best way to protect that right",{'privatization'},"{'privatization', 'water', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Water can be treated as an economic good,"{'good (economics)', 'andean community', 'water pollution'}",{'air pressurized water'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Problems of water supply need to be addressed with huge investment, particularly in the developing world where many people have no access to decent fresh water:","{'person', 'third world'}","{'investment', 'people', 'developing country', 'problems (aristotle)', 'water supply network', 'fresh water'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,ASEAN helped its members recover from the 1997 Asian economic collapse:,"{'great depression', 'asian people', 'association of southeast asian nations'}","{'asian people', 'association of southeast asian nations', 'economic collapse'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Anti-polygamy police raids traumatize children.,"{'psychological trauma', 'polygamy', 'police', 'child'}","{'polygamy', 'child', 'police raid'}",Relation,anti-polygamy police raids,police raid|polygamy|police,positive,traumatize children.,psychological trauma|child,bad,"children, children's mental health, children, families, parents" for,"0-emission hydrogen cars can slash emissions, fight global warming","{'global warming', 'slash (punctuation)', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",{'hydrogen vehicle'},Relation,0-emission hydrogen cars,hydrogen vehicle,negative,global warming,global warming,good,"emissions, environment, energy, pollution, people, society, environment, environment, society" against,ASEAN intends to protect its members from Westernization and promote a distinct Southeast Asian style:,"{'race and ethnicity in the united states census', 'western culture', 'association of southeast asian nations', 'member state of the european union'}","{'southeast asia', 'westernization', 'association of southeast asian nations', 'style (visual arts)'}",Relation,asean,association of southeast asian nations,positive,distinct southeast asian style,southeast asia,neutral, for,Private companies are unlikely to care for the environment:,"{'health care', 'privately held company'}",{'privately held company'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Politics often prevent elected officials from adjusting prices and investing appropriately in water utilities,"{'investment', 'price', 'water industry', 'official', 'politics'}","{'water industry', 'official', 'price', 'politics'}",Relation,politics,politics,negative,officials from adjusting prices and,price|investment|water industry,bad,"prices, economics, elected officials, city, state, country, society, water industry, environment, society" against,Hate crime laws force false categorizations of minority groups,"{'minority group', 'force (law)', 'law', 'hate crime', 'lie'}","{'hate crime', 'minority group'}",Relation,hate crime laws,law|hate crime,positive,false categorizations of minority groups,minority group,bad,"minorities, african, asian, latino, minority groups, minorities, minority groups, society" against,Market investments can spur innovation in the water industry:,"{'market (economics)', 'investment', 'water industry', 'innovation'}","{'market (economics)', 'investment', 'water industry', 'innovation'}",Relation,market investments,investment|market (economics),positive,innovation in the water industry,water industry|innovation,good,"water industry, water companies, investors and the water industry, economy, business" for,Gays that keep personal lives private are compatible with military,set(),"{'personal life', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hate crime laws provide special protections like other laws do,{'hate crime'},"{'hate crime', 'law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,There is no real competition between water suppliers that gain secure contracts in geographic areas:,{'competition'},"{'contract', 'competition (economics)', 'water'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hate crime laws tie the hands of judges,{'hate crime'},"{'hate crime', 'hand', 'judge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Rapid growth of water infrastructure can only be achieved through private investments,"{'investment', 'private sector', 'economic growth', 'infrastructure', 'andean community'}","{'investment', 'infrastructure'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hate crime laws protect all groups equally,"{'hate crime', 'law', 'social group'}",{'hate crime'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Its OK to use more energy to make hydrogen than is obtained out,{'hydrogen'},"{'thermodynamic free energy', 'hydrogen'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Troops should be judged on ability, not sexual orientation","{'last judgment', 'az-zumar', 'sexual orientation'}",{'sexual orientation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,For-profit water companies seek to maximize profits at higher cost to consumers,"{'cost', 'business', 'consumer'}","{'water industry', 'business', 'cost', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Gay troops have served with distinction and honor,{'homosexuality'},"{'distinction (philosophy)', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hate crime laws are likely to be abused by accusers,{'hate crime'},{'hate crime'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Water privatization is at odds with the need to conserve water resources,"{'water conservation', 'water privatization', 'water resources'}","{'need', 'water privatization', 'water resources'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Danger of arbitrary rulings accompanies hate crime laws:,{'hate crime'},{'hate crime'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Privacy issues with gays in the military can be resolved,"{'sexual orientation and military service', 'privacy'}","{'sexual orientation and military service', 'privacy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Treating water as an economic good will make water cheaper:,"{'free will', 'water pollution'}","{'goodwill (accounting)', 'water', 'commodity'}",Relation,treating water as an economic good,water|commodity,positive,make water,water,good,"prices, cost, water supply, citizens, water, make water cheaper:, economy, citizens, poor, water consumers" for,Clean materials and processes can be used to produce hydrogen,"{'materials science', 'clean technology', 'systems engineering', 'hydrogen'}","{'mental process', 'clean (algorithm)', 'hydrogen'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Treating water as a purely economic good will be bad for the poor:,"{'for the poor', 'water pollution'}","{'goodwill (accounting)', 'water', 'commodity'}",Relation,treating water as a purely economic good,water|commodity,positive,bad for the poor,for the poor,bad,"poor people, the poor, society, poor people, poor people" against,Too much energy required to compress hydrogen for cars,"{'energy', 'car', 'compression (physics)', 'hydrogen'}","{'car', 'thermodynamic free energy', 'hydrogen'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Water industry employees fair much better in the private sector:,"{'water industry', 'fair', 'private sector', 'employment'}","{'water industry', 'private sector'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bombing Japan was to take revenge on the civilians.,"{'civilian', 'empire of japan', 'revenge', 'bomb'}","{'civilian', 'japan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most gays will remain private after military ban is lifted,"{'military', 'will and testament'}","{'gay', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,21 drinking-age may not be responsible for lower driving deaths,"{'death', 'deaths in may 2013', 'chamber of deputies (mexico)'}",{'death'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public involvement in water will help provide stable employment.,set(),"{'water', 'employment'}",Relation,public involvement in water,water,positive,stable employment,employment,good,"public, unemployed, jobless, citizens,, economy, country, society, families, workers, public, people , economy" for,"""Don""t ask don""t tell makes gays second class citizens","{""don't ask, don't tell""}","{'gay', 'second-class citizen'}",Relation,,,NoAgreement,,,NoAgreement, for,Increase driving age to 18; reduce drinking age to 18,{'alcoholic beverage'},"{'legal drinking age', ""driver's license""}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US flexibility on Japanese emperor could have produced surrender,"{'emperor of japan', 'surrender of japan'}","{'mikuni shimokawa', 'emperor of japan', 'flexibility (anatomy)'}",Relation,us flexibility on japanese emperor,flexibility (anatomy),positive,surrender,surrender of japan,neutral, for,Allowing debate on Holocaust fosters hate groups,{'the holocaust'},"{'hate group', 'the holocaust', 'argument'}",Relation,debate on holocaust,the holocaust|argument,positive,hate groups,hate group,bad,"fosters hate groups, jews, citizens, the truth, diversity, society, everyone" for,Transgender people need protections against hate crimes,{'transgender'},"{'transgender', 'people', 'hate crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Japanese needed pretext of bombings in order to surrender,"{'casus belli', 'surrender of japan', 'atomic bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki', 'empire of japan'}",{'japanese language'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Allowing Holocaust denial helps expose and deligitimize it,{'holocaust denial'},{'holocaust denial'},Relation,allowing holocaust denial,holocaust denial,positive,deligitimize it,,good,"society, minorities, society, people should realize that it was a real thing" against,Hate crime laws violate religious free speech,"{'hate crime', 'freedom of speech', 'religion'}","{'hate crime', 'freedom of speech'}",Relation,hate crime laws,hate crime,negative,religious free speech,freedom of speech|religion,good,"religious people, the idea is good because radical religions can fuel zealous violence." for,Visitors to the US find its drinking laws frustrating/laughable,set(),"{'legal drinking age', 'visitor pattern'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Japan would not have surrendered without being bombed first,"{'surrender of japan', 'strategic bombing during world war ii', 'empire of japan', 'first opium war'}",{'japan'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Gays and lesbians need special protections from hate crimes,"{'hate crime', 'lesbian', 'sexuality and gender identity-based cultures'}","{'hate crime', 'sexuality and gender identity-based cultures'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Publics can reject holocaust denial without a ban,"{'block (internet)', 'holocaust denial'}","{'ban (law)', 'holocaust denial', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Atomic demonstration over Japan would have wasted one of two bombs,"{'nuclear weapon', 'empire of japan'}","{'demonstration (military)', 'linearizability', 'bomb', 'japan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Alcohol harms adolescents more than adults.,"{'alcoholic beverage', 'adolescence', 'adult'}","{'alcoholic beverage', 'adult', 'harm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hate crime laws can help emphasize the importance of tolerance.,{'hate crime'},{'hate crime'},Relation,hate crime laws,hate crime,positive,emphasize the importance of tolerance,,good,"society, victims, minorities, society, people" against,Many states allow under-age drinking with parents/spouses,"{'u.s. state', 'marriage', 'parent', 'alcohol consumption by youth in the united states'}",{'united states'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The impressionable must be protected from holocaust denial.,{'holocaust denial'},{'holocaust denial'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A demonstration over Tokyo harbor would have compelled surrender.,"{'new york harbor', 'tokyo', 'siege of yorktown'}","{'demonstration (protest)', 'mt haven', 'tokyo'}",Relation,demonstration over tokyo harbor,demonstration (protest)|tokyo,positive,surrender,,neutral, against,Ideas should not be banned just because they are dangerous.,set(),{'idea'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hate crime laws target violent acts not thoughts,"{'hate crime', 'video game controversies', 'target corporation'}","{'hate crime', 'act (document)', 'thought'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Forgiving debt may teach the wrong lessons and cost lives in the long run.,"{'long run and short run', 'debt'}","{'cost', 'long run and short run', 'moral'}",Relation,forgiving debt,debt,positive,cost lives in the long run.,moral,bad,"society, economy, deficit, people in debt, people prone to debt, society" against,American kids binge drink; lowering drinking age would be chaos,set(),"{'kidskin', 'legal drinking age', 'binge drinking', 'americans'}",Relation,lowering drinking age,legal drinking age,positive,chaos,binge drinking,bad,"american kids, american kids, society, society, america, kids" against,Citizens decide if gays should be allowed to protect them,set(),{'gay'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Communities fear senseless violence as much as hate violence.,set(),"{'community', 'senseless violence', 'violence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Outlawing denial makes Holocausts occurrence seem suspect,set(),"{'suspect', 'holocaust (dc comics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Debt usually cannot be attributed as the cause of deaths in poor countries.,"{'death', 'debt', 'causality', 'third world'}","{'cause of death', 'third world'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Forcing secrecy on gay troops muffles their identity,{'homosexuality'},"{'privacy', 'personal identity'}",Relation,forcing secrecy on gay troops,homosexuality|privacy,negative,identity,personal identity,bad,"troops, homosexuals, identity, society, gays, gays, society, military" against,Hate crimes cannot be proven to harm communities,set(),"{'hate crime', 'community'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hang-overs teach responsibile drinking; laws unecessary,"{'law', 'drinking culture', 'hangover'}","{'law', 'hangover'}",Relation,hang-overs,hangover,positive,responsible drinking,drinking culture,good,"society, families,, young people, people over 21, law, teaching young adults about drinking consequences" against,Defining Holocaust denial is too difficult to outlaw it,{'holocaust denial'},{'holocaust denial'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hate crimes terrorize communities and so deserve greater punishment,"{'hate crime', 'punishment', 'terrorism', 'community'}","{'hate crime', 'punishment', 'community'}",Relation,hate crimes,hate crime,positive,communities,terrorism|community,bad,"communities, people, communities, communities" against,"Even if debt does cost lives, this is not necessarily a reason to forgive it.",set(),{'even if (zoegirl song)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Lowering drinking age will undermine parental oversight,{'regulation'},{'legal drinking age'},Relation,lowering drinking age,regulation|legal drinking age,negative,parental oversight,regulation,bad,"parents, oversight, kids, students, morality, teens, parents, society" for,"Don""t ask don""t tell wrongly forces gay servicemen to lie","{'lie', 'armed forces', ""don't ask, don't tell""}",{'serviceman'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hate crime laws violate free speech more than hate crimes themselves.,"{'hate crime', 'freedom of speech', 'law'}","{'hate crime', 'freedom of speech'}",Relation,hate crime laws,hate crime,negative,free speech,freedom of speech,bad,"free speech, people" for,Debt cancellation would reduce the lives lost to the burden of debt.,set(),"{'debt relief', 'debt'}",Relation,debt cancellation,debt|debt relief,negative,lives lost to the burden of debt,debt,good,"people in debt, debtors, lives, society, humans, citizens, society, peace, reduce the lives lost" for,Criminalizing Holocaust denial is necessary to protect Israel.,"{'israel', 'holocaust denial'}","{'israel', 'holocaust denial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Offshore wind turbines generate noise harmful to marine life.,"{'electricity generation', 'wind turbine', 'marine biology', 'offshore wind power'}","{'sea breeze', 'marine biology', 'wind turbine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Gays make an immoral choice the military need not tolerate,"{'toleration', 'morality', 'choice'}","{'motivation', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Holocaust denial cannot be criminal on basis of protecting Israel.,"{'israel', 'holocaust denial'}","{'basis (linear algebra)', 'israel', 'holocaust denial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,21 drinking-age punishes parents who supervise drinking,"{'alcoholism', 'world health organization', 'parenting'}",{'parent'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Poor countries need a fresh start with debt cancellation.,set(),"{'debt relief', 'third world'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Leaking lubricating oils from wind power can damage environment.,"{'oil', 'environmentalism', 'tin can', 'lubricant', 'wind power', 'environmental degradation'}","{'oil', 'wind power'}",Relation,leaking lubricating oils from wind power,lubricant,positive,damage environment,environmentalism|environmental degradation,bad,"environment, society, clean energy advocacy, environment, environment, society, environment, global warming, environment" for,The possibility of harming a students record because he engaged in underage drinking will be significantly decreased,{'free will'},"{'scholarly method', 'archaeological record', 'theory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Tax rebates encourage irresponsible consumer spending habits,{'tax'},"{'tax refund', 'consumer spending'}",Relation,tax rebates,tax refund,positive,irresponsible consumer spending habits,consumer spending,bad,"consumers, consumers, spending, the economy, consumer, consumer budgets, families" against,Reform has to come before debt cancellation.,set(),"{'reform', 'debt relief'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Holocaust denial psychologically harms Holocaust survivors,"{'the holocaust', 'holocaust denial'}","{'the holocaust', 'holocaust denial'}",Relation,holocaust denial,holocaust denial,positive,harms holocaust survivors,the holocaust|holocaust denial,bad,"jewish people, history, holocaust survivors, holocaust survivors, holocaust survivors, society" for,Wind energy comes naturally from the environment.,"{'nature', 'natural environment', 'wind power'}",{'wind power'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Rich countries will still earn off of poor countries following debt cancellation.,"{'wealth', 'nation', 'free will'}","{'developed country', 'debt relief', 'third world'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Abundant wind energy can displace fossil fuels and slash emissions,"{'wind turbine', 'fossil fuel', 'slash (punctuation)', 'fossil', 'air pollution'}","{'wind power', 'fossil fuel'}",Relation,abundant wind energy,wind power|wind turbine,negative,fossil fuels and slash emissions,fossil fuel|air pollution|slash (punctuation),good,"environment, society, renewable energy is something that should be focused on more, wind energy, environment, air quality, society" for,Tax rebates to the lower-middle classes quickly stimulate consumption,"{'tax refund', 'tax', 'stimulus (economics)', 'consumption (economics)'}","{'tax refund', 'consumption (economics)', 'lower middle class'}",Relation,tax rebates to the lower-middle classes,lower middle class|tax refund,positive,stimulate consumption,consumption (economics),good,"economy, society, lower-middle classes, economy, economy, consumers, conception" for,18-year drinking age makes college regulation easier,"{'alcoholic beverage', 'regulation', 'u.s. history of alcohol minimum purchase age by state'}","{'regulation', 'legal drinking age'}",Relation,18-year drinking age,legal drinking age,positive,college regulation,regulation,good,"college regulation, easier regulation, less over-drinking, younger age., college administrators, students" against,Holocaust denial does not directly threaten the public.,{'holocaust denial'},"{'holocaust denial', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Debt repayments often punish those not responsible for creating debt.,set(),set(),Relation,debt repayments,,positive,those not responsible for,,bad,"society, people paying the debt" against,Measures that encourage saving help stimulate the economy,"{'saving', 'economic system'}",{'economy'},Relation,measures that encourage saving,saving,positive,stimulate the economy,economic system|economy,good,"the economy, consumers, businesses, people, savings, economy, bank, citizens, economy, society, business, economy" against,Wind energy is a cost-ineffective way to fight global warming,"{'the way to fight', 'global warming'}","{'mode (literature)', 'wind power'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A large majority of Americans oppose lowering drinking age,"{'age of majority', 'u.s. history of alcohol minimum purchase age by state'}","{'legal drinking age', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Tax rebates can be good for businesses in the service industry,"{'good (economics)', 'tax refund', 'tax', 'business', 'andean community', 'tertiary sector of the economy'}","{'tax refund', 'tertiary sector of the economy', 'companies law'}",Relation,tax rebates,tax refund,positive,businesses in the service industry,business,good,"service industry, workers, citizens, economy, business" for,Holocaust deniers do further injustice to Holocaust victims,"{'holocaust victims', 'the holocaust', 'holocaust denial'}","{'injustice', 'holocaust victims', 'holocaust denial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Wind power could free up natural gas to replace oil in cars.,"{'compressed natural gas', 'oil', 'car', 'wind power'}","{'natural gas', 'wind power', 'railroad car', 'petroleum'}",Relation,wind power,wind power,positive,replacing oil in,natural gas|oil|car,good,"environment, environment, society, cars, environment, people, environment, health, pollution" for,Video games can be played for a flexible period of time.,{'video game'},"{'time', 'pc game'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Tax rebates do not always lead to increased spending/stimulation,{'tax'},{'tax refund'},Relation,tax rebates,tax|tax refund,positive,increased spending/stimulation,,neutral, for,"Holocaust denial is hate speech, so can be outlawed.","{'holocaust denial', 'hate speech'}","{'holocaust denial', 'hate speech'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A 21 drinking age drives a wedge into social groups,"{'social group', 'wedge issue'}","{'social group', 'legal drinking age'}",Relation,21 drinking age,legal drinking age,positive,wedge into social groups,social group|wedge issue,bad,"society and its people, social groups, equality, peace, stability, social cohesion" against,Video games keep people sitting in front of the TV and inactive.,set(),"{'pc game', 'people', 'television set'}",Relation,video games,pc game,positive,sitting in front of the tv,people|television set,bad,"health and people, activity, sitting, health, people, health, society, wellness" for,18 drinking age would help fight fake IDs and terrorism,{'terrorism'},"{'legal drinking age', 'terrorism', 'identity document forgery'}",Relation,18 drinking age,legal drinking age,negative,fake ids and terrorism,terrorism|identity document forgery,good,"safety, america, citizens, citizens, crime rate, society, people and the government" for,Tax rate reductions increase weekly spending for a sustained stimulation,{'tax'},{'tax rate'},Relation,tax rate reductions,tax rate,positive,weekly spending for,tax,good,"citizens, economy, society, economy, workers, the economy, sustained stimulation." for,Holocaust deniers advance cause of post-War Nazi deniers.,"{'the holocaust', 'holocaust denial', 'nazism'}","{'advance (1874)', 'units of textile measurement', 'holocaust denial', 'nazism'}",Relation,holocaust deniers,the holocaust|holocaust denial,positive,cause of post-war nazi deniers,the holocaust|nazism,bad,"society, victims of holocaust and nazis, jews, society, safety, jews, history, society" against,Inconsistent wind energy has to be backed-up by fossil fuels,"{'fossil', 'wind power', 'fossil fuel'}","{'consistency', 'wind power', 'fossil fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Increasing food stamp benefits can help stimulate spending,"{'supplemental nutrition assistance program', 'welfare'}",{'ration stamp'},Relation,increasing food stamp,supplemental nutrition assistance program,positive,stimulate,supplemental nutrition assistance program,good,"market, spending, economy, economy, people" for,18 year-olds are trusted in war; they should be trusted to drink,"{'war', 'trust (emotion)'}",{'warfare'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Video games are a great way to relax after school or work.,set(),"{'pc game', 'school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Carbon emission greater threat to birds than wind energy,{'wind turbine'},"{'greenhouse gas', 'wind power', 'bird'}",Relation,carbon emission,greenhouse gas,positive,greater threat to birds than wind energy,wind turbine|wind power|bird,bad,"society, energy, global warming, birds, birds, environment, environment , wildlife" for,Extended unemployment benefits help bolster confidence/spending,{'unemployment benefits'},{'unemployment benefits'},Relation,extended unemployment benefits,unemployment benefits,positive,confidence/spending,,good,"unemployment benefits are meant to help people, good, economy, people, unemployed" for,Some US states are considering to lower the drinking age to 18 to allow returning soldiers to be able to legally drink,"{'u.s. state', 'alcoholic beverage'}","{'u.s. state', 'legal drinking age', 'soldier, iowa'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bushs 2008 economic stimulus plan will only add to US deficits,"{'economic stimulus act of 2008', 'united states dollar'}","{'george w. bush', 'stimulus (economics)', 'american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009', 'national debt of the united states'}",Relation,bushs 2008 economic stimulus plan,george w. bush|economic stimulus act of 2008,positive,us deficits,national debt of the united states,bad,"americans, economy, government, economy, us government, us citizens, us national debt" against,Danger of public accepting holocaust denial should be fought by logic.,"{'logic', 'holocaust denial'}","{'danger room', 'logic', 'holocaust denial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Gamers gain confidence in their mind and skill.,"{'mind', 'skill', 'confidence'}","{'gamer', 'skill', 'authority (management)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Negative effects of wind energy on birds can be minimized,{'wind turbine'},"{'bird', 'affirmative and negative', 'wind power', 'result'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It has failed to reduce the ailing habit of drinking...,{'redox'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A 2008 US stimulus package threatens to worsen inflation.,"{'inflation', 'fiscal policy'}","{'stimulus (psychology)', 'packaging and labeling', 'inflation'}",Relation,2008 us stimulus package,fiscal policy|stimulus (psychology),positive,inflation,inflation,bad,"worsened inflation, society, economy, average consumers, poor, economy, us" against,Wind turbines kill too many birds as well as bats,set(),"{'bird', 'wind turbine', 'bat'}",Relation,wind turbines kill,wind turbine,positive,birds and bats,bird|bat,bad,"bad for environmental, birds, bats, environment, birds and bats" for,Outlawing Holocaust denial helps prevent resurgence of Nazism.,"{'holocaust denial', 'nazism'}","{'resurgence & ecologist', 'holocaust denial', 'nazism'}",Relation,outlawing holocaust denial,holocaust denial,negative,resurgence of nazism,nazism,good,"history, safety, citizens, jews, society, humanity" against,Failing in video games can diminish self confidence.,set(),"{'authority (management)', 'pc game'}",Relation,failing in video games,pc game,positive,self confidence,,bad,"people who play video games, individuals, confidence, society, diminish self confidence., gamers, society, people, society" against,Lowering the drinking age increases use and problems,set(),"{'legal drinking age', 'problem'}",Relation,lowering the drinking age,legal drinking age,positive,use and problems,problem,bad,"alcoholism is an issue, underage people, teens, public safety, society, people, children, health, the liver" for,"China depends on US trade, making the effects of any sanctions significant and likely to cause the desired human rights changes:","{'die wende', 'china', 'causality', 'international trade', 'human rights', 'social control'}","{'cathay', 'result', 'trade', 'human rights', 'sanctions (law)', 'change (philosophy)'}",Relation,us trade,trade|sanctions (law),positive,desired human rights changes,sanctions (law)|social control|human rights,good,"human rights, chinese society" against,Lights on wind towers can disrupt migratory birds.,"{'bird migration', 'windcatcher', 'lights on (katy b song)'}","{'light', 'tower', 'air current'}",Relation,lights on wind towers,tower|light,negative,migratory birds,bird migration,bad,"migratory birds., environment, birds, animals, ecosystem, migratory birds, birds, migration patterns" for,The effect of the 2008 stimulus package will be immediate.,{'economic stimulus act of 2008'},"{'stimulus (psychology)', 'packaging and labeling'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Needle exchanges increase crime,"{'needle exchange programme', 'crime'}","{'needle exchange programme', 'crime'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,positive,crime,crime,bad,"safety, citizens, hospitals, society, people, community, police, society" for,Holocaust denial becomes increasingly threatening as witnesses die.,"{'death', 'witness', 'holocaust denial'}","{'witness', 'holocaust denial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Wind turbines cause annoying shadow/light flicker,"{'wind turbine', 'causality'}","{'wind turbine', 'flicker (screen)'}",Relation,wind turbines,wind turbine,positive,annoying shadow/light flicker,flicker (screen),bad,"environment, people" against,Criminalizing Holocaust denial makes it more attractive,{'holocaust denial'},{'holocaust denial'},Relation,criminalizing holocaust denial,holocaust denial,positive,it more attractive,holocaust denial,bad,"humanity, humanity, society, history, jews" for,It is wrong to place economics over human rights when weighing up the right foreign policy choices:,"{'foreign policy', 'human rights', 'right-wing politics', 'wrongdoing', 'economics'}","{'human rights', 'political economy', 'foreign policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Economic stimulus packages can be well timed to maximize benefits.,{'canadian dollar'},"{'stimulus (economics)', 'software'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Drug dealers sell drugs near needle exchanges,"{'illegal drug trade', 'drug', 'needle exchange programme'}","{'illegal drug trade', 'drug', 'needle exchange programme'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Imprisoning holocaust deniers justly muffles them.,"{'the holocaust', 'holocaust denial'}",{'holocaust denial'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A poorly timed economic stimulus can do harm.,{'stimulus (economics)'},"{'stimulus (economics)', 'harm'}",Relation,economic stimulus,stimulus (economics),positive,harm,harm,bad,"economically, society, citizens, health, people" against,Wind turbines can disrupt the scenery of a community,"{'disruptive innovation', 'wind turbine', 'tin can'}","{'theatrical scenery', 'wind turbine', 'community'}",Relation,wind turbines,wind turbine,positive,disrupt the scenery of a community,theatrical scenery|community,bad,"community, scenery, citizens, scenery of a community, community, community" against,Needle exchanges fight disease at expense of bigger drug problem,{'addiction'},"{'drug', 'needle exchange programme', 'expense', 'chess problem', 'disease'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,NoAgreement,bigger drug,disease|drug,good,"preventing disease, people, drug addicts, needle users, users of needles" against,Trade barriers against China would violate World Trade Organisation agreements and allow China to sue the US for violations:,"{'trade barrier', 'lawsuit', 'world trade organization', 'china', 'human rights', 'history of china'}","{'summary offence', 'trade barrier', 'cathay', 'world trade organization'}",Relation,trade barriers against china,trade barrier|world trade organization|china|history of china,positive,china to sue the us for,lawsuit|china,bad,"the us and china, china, us, trade, society" against,Holocaust denial gets undue attention because it is illegal.,{'holocaust denial'},"{'attention', 'holocaust denial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The installation of windmills can be relatively expensive.,{'wind turbine'},{'windmill'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Companies have Facebook profiles that benefit job-seekers, making the trade-off acceptable for employers to seek information about candidates on these sites.","{'information technology', 'trade-off', 'welfare', 'employment', 'facebook'}","{'company', 'profile (microsoft service)', 'trade-off', 'grothendieck topology', 'information', 'civil society campaign', 'facebook'}",Relation,companies have facebook profiles,facebook|company,positive,employers to seek information,employment|company|trade-off|information,neutral, against,"Often economic sanctions help strengthen an authoritarian regime by causing a ""rally around the flag"" effect:","{'flag of the united states', 'authoritarianism', 'demonstration (protest)'}","{'force (law)', 'economic sanctions', 'flag', 'rallying'}",Relation,economic sanctions,economic sanctions,positive,strengthen an authoritarian regime,authoritarianism,bad,"human rights and people living under the regime, society, people, democracy, freedom, peace" against,Drug addicts transfer HIV in many ways other than by needles.,"{'addiction', 'hypodermic needle', 'hiv'}","{'habit', 'substance dependence', 'hypodermic needle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Ramping wind energy up and down produces mechanical stresses.,{'market manipulation'},"{'wind power', 'stress (mechanics)'}",Relation,ramping wind energy up and down,wind power,positive,mechanical,stress (mechanics),bad,"the wind energy machine, mechanical stresses., environment, energy industry, wind energy" for,Social networking sites provide employers a true impression of a candidate.,"{'impression management', 'truth', 'employment', 'social networking service'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'social networking service'}",Relation,social networking sites,social networking service,positive,true impression of a candidate,truth,neutral, for,Economic sanctions provide a means to symbolically punish and isolate bad regimes:,set(),"{'agency (lds church)', 'regime', 'economic sanctions'}",Relation,economic sanctions,economic sanctions,positive,symbolically punish and isolate bad regimes,regime,neutral, for,"Holocaust denial opens doors to harmful, non-factual views",{'holocaust denial'},"{'door', 'view', 'holocaust denial'}",Relation,holocaust denial,holocaust denial,positive,"harmful, non-factual views",view,bad,"society, everyone, harmful, non-factual views, people involved in the holocaust and other historians, everyone" for,Needle exchanges help fight spread of disease,{'disease'},"{'transmission (medicine)', 'needle exchange programme'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,negative,spread of disease,disease|transmission (medicine),good,"health, disease, public safety, iv drug users, society, to help the spread of disease" for,Rising carbon-fuel prices make wind power more competitive,"{'wind power', 'competitiveness'}","{'price', 'wind power'}",Relation,rising carbon-fuel prices,price,positive,wind power more competitive,competitiveness|wind power,good,"wind power, environment, economy, global warming, environment, consumers" for,Needle exchanges help protect families of drug-abusers,set(),"{'family', 'needle exchange programme'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,positive,protect families of drug-abusers,family,good,"families, families of drug abusers, families, drug abusers, families of drug-abusers, drug-abusers, public health, families, children, public, safety" for,Incentives to cheat.,"{'incentive', 'cheating'}",{'incentive'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US money and goods should not be used to support human rights abuses committed by the government in China:,"{'child support', 'china', 'human rights', 'good (economics)', 'united states dollar'}","{'human rights', 'government of china', 'commodity', 'united states dollar'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Needle exchanges create undesirable communities.,set(),"{'community', 'needle exchange programme'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,positive,undesirable communities,community,bad,"communities, communities, society, society, communities, communities, community, drug users" for,Facebook can be used very effectively by candidates to showcase themselves to employers:,{'facebook'},"{'candidate (degree)', 'facebook', 'showcase (firefox extension)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,ECB is Inflexible: One-size-fits-all interest rate does not exist.,"{'european central bank', 'interest rate'}","{'european central bank', 'french submarine inflexible (s615)', 'interest rate', 'one size fits all'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Ultrasounds inform mothers, may reduce abortions","{'ultrasound', 'abortion'}","{'mother', 'ultrasound', 'abortion'}",Relation,ultrasounds,ultrasound,negative,abortions,abortion,neutral, against,Needle exchanges generally degrade community cleanliness.,set(),"{'community', 'needle exchange programme'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,negative,community cleanliness,community,bad,"community, society, community cleanliness, society, community, society, environment, economy, community" for,Socialism seeks social justice.,"{'social justice', 'socialism'}","{'social justice', 'socialism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legislators arrogant thinking they can change womens mind.,"{'mind', 'identity and change', 'thought'}",{'woman'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Wind energy is abundant and can supply massive quantities of energy.,"{'energy', 'quantity', 'wind power'}","{'thermodynamic free energy', 'wind power'}",Relation,wind energy,energy|wind power,positive,massive quantities of energy,thermodynamic free energy|energy|quantity|wind power,good,"energy, production, environment, emissions, people and the government, society, environment, economy" against,Employer access to social networking sites can be financially damaging to candidates.,"{'internet access', 'social networking service', 'employment'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'social networking service'}",Relation,employer access to social networking sites,internet access|social networking service|employment,positive,financially damaging to,candidate (degree)|employment,bad,"candidate, workers, employees, freedom, employment candidates, candidates" against,Needle exchanges generally degrade community safety.,set(),"{'community', 'safety', 'needle exchange programme'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,negative,degrade community,community|safety,bad,"communities, society, safety., community, police, communities, public safety, society" against,Wind energy production is inconsistent relative to demand,"{'wind power', 'relativism'}","{'energy development', 'wind power'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Women are not required to look at the ultrasound.,"{'woman', 'ultrasound'}",{'woman'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Needle exchanges often have open drug injections outside,"{'drug', 'circulatory system', 'injection (medicine)', 'needle exchange programme'}","{'drug injection', 'needle exchange programme'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Members of social networking sites have significant powers to limit outsider access:,"{'apink', 'social networking service'}","{'outsider (2012 film)', 'power (social and political)', 'social networking service'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Socialism removes the incentive to excel.,{'socialism'},"{'socialism', 'incentive'}",Relation,socialism,socialism,negative,incentive to excel,incentive,bad,"people who want to excel, society and its people, society, us, workers, employers, society at large" against,Needle exchanges harm local businesses,set(),"{'needle exchange programme', 'local business'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,negative,local businesses,local business,bad,"local business, business, economy, local jobs, growth, local businesses" for,Ultrasounds are a procedure any pregnant woman should have.,"{'pregnancy', 'surgery', 'ultrasound'}","{'gestation', 'ultrasound', 'procedure (term)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Socialism wrongly labels wanting and ambition as wrong.,{'socialism'},{'socialism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Privacy is a very important element of the social contract, and helps foster individuality and free expression, but is undermined by the extent of access of these groups.","{'privacy', 'social contract', 'freedom of speech'}","{'seclusion', 'social contract', 'aspect of music', 'freedom of speech', 'personal identity'}",Relation,privacy,privacy|seclusion,positive,individuality,personal identity,good,"freedom, individuals, people, society" for,Needle exchanges protect public from disposed needles,"{'hypodermic needle', 'needle exchange programme'}","{'hypodermic needle', 'needle exchange programme'}",Relation,needle exchanges,hypodermic needle|needle exchange programme,negative,disposed needles,hypodermic needle,good,"people who use needles, people who use needles" against,No transaction happens in capitalism unless both parties benefit.,"{'welfare', 'capitalism'}","{'political party', 'capitalism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Money should be spent on contraception etc, not ultrasounds.","{'birth control', 'obstetric ultrasonography'}","{'money', 'ultrasound'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Socialism can effectively respond to crises.,{'socialism'},"{'socialism', 'crisis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trying to regulate children will actually make them more rebellious:,"{'regulation', 'will and testament', 'child'}",{'child'},Relation,trying to regulate children,regulation|child,positive,more rebellious,child|regulation,bad,"children, parents, society, parents, children" for,Needle exchanges benefit their areas of implementation.,set(),"{'area', 'implementation', 'needle exchange programme'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,positive,benefit their areas,area|implementation,good,"area, implementation, citizens, drug users, public, communities, society, health, wellness, areas pf implementation, society, communities, harm reduction of drug use." for,Socialism puts planning into the hands of the people.,{'socialism'},"{'hand', 'socialism', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Needle exchanges decrease infections and therefore costs,{'needle exchange programme'},"{'cost', 'infection', 'needle exchange programme'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,negative,infections and costs,cost|infection,good,"drug users, society, hospitals, doctors, needle users, health, economy, needle exchange users, health, costs, safety" for,Doctor-patient relationship sometimes needs ethical boundaries.,"{'doctor–patient relationship', 'medical ethics'}","{'boundary (topology)', 'doctor–patient relationship'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Socialism poorly adapts to change.,"{'social change', 'socialism', 'adaptation'}",{'socialism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mandatory ultrasounds force doctors to compromise practice.,"{'physician', 'medicine', 'ultrasound'}","{'types of abortion restrictions in the united states', 'doctor of the church'}",Relation,mandatory ultrasounds,ultrasound,positive,doctors to compromise,physician|medicine,bad,"medicine, doctors, physicians, health, patients, health, society, morality" for,Socialism provides people with what they actually want.,{'socialism'},"{'socialism', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Needle exchanges can help create treatment awareness,set(),"{'needle exchange programme', 'awareness'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,positive,treatment awareness,awareness,good,"awareness, society, public health, needle users, iv drug users, treatment programs, society, awareness, safety" for,"Parents should monitor their childrens profiles to check against ""cyber-bullies"".",{'child'},"{'cyberbullying', 'parent', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Ultrasound mandates hijack doctor-patient relationship.,"{'doctor–patient relationship', 'ultrasound'}","{'doctor–patient relationship', 'ultrasound'}",Relation,ultrasound mandates,ultrasound,negative,doctor-patient relationship,doctor–patient relationship,bad,"society, doctors, doctors, patients, health, doctors, patients, society" for,Needle exchanges help bring addicts into treatment programs,"{'addiction', 'drug rehabilitation'}","{'addiction', 'needle exchange programme'}",Relation,needle exchanges,needle exchange programme,positive,addicts into treatment,drug rehabilitation|addiction,good,"addicts, treatment, addicts, safety, health, drug addicts, society, public health, preserve addiction, this brings addicts to drug treatment programs." for,Unplanned capitalist economies undergo dramatic volatility.,{'capitalism'},"{'volatility (finance)', 'capitalism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ultrasounds help women make informed decisions on abortion,"{'woman', 'ultrasound', 'abortion'}","{'abortion', 'woman', 'ultrasound', 'choice'}",Relation,ultrasounds,ultrasound,positive,informed decisions on abortion,choice|abortion,good,"society, women, women, society, women, society, women's health" for,Parents should try to engage with children on social networking sites.,{'social networking service'},"{'parent', 'child', 'social networking service'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Social services for addicts can be centered around needle exchanges,{'social work'},"{'addiction', 'social work', 'needle exchange programme'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Socialism has shown itself to be very efficient.,"{'socialism', 'economics'}",{'socialism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ultrasounds fit well with pro-choice concepts.,"{'ultrasound', 'abortion-rights movements'}",{'concept'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Parents should be allowed to monitor their childrens profiles to protect against child predators.,"{'parent', 'child'}","{'parent', 'child', 'child sexual abuse'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Competition produces more valued goods more cheaply.,"{'good (economics)', 'competition'}","{'competition (economics)', 'commodity'}",Relation,competition,competition (economics),positive,valued goods more cheaply,good (economics)|commodity,good,"society and consumers, consumers, businesses, economy, poor" against,"Litigation to clear land (""scenery"") for windmills can be costly.","{'wind power', 'land law'}","{'state (polity)', 'windmill', 'legal case'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Consent should be required from an applicant for an admissions officer to check out a profile:,set(),"{'officer (armed forces)', 'consent (criminal law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Abortion patients generally want to see ultrasound.,"{'patient', 'ultrasound', 'abortion'}","{'patient', 'ultrasound', 'abortion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Needle exchanges should not be forced on communities,set(),"{'community', 'needle exchange programme'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Admissions officers that search profiles put those without access at a disadvantage.,set(),{'officer (armed forces)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The threat of terrorism is too large to ignore;,{'terrorism'},{'terrorism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Wind farms build piecemeal, generating revenue from first windmill",{'windmill'},"{'tax revenue', 'windmill', 'wind farm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Access to more information about candidates makes judgements more accurate and thus more fair overall.,set(),"{'candidate (degree)', 'information'}",Relation,more information about candidates,information,positive,more accurate,information|candidate (degree),good,"fairness, candidates, jobs, businesses, everyone, candidates, voters, candidates, society" against,Wrong for govt to mandate unnecessary med procedures.,"{'mandate of heaven', 'government', 'wrongdoing', 'procedural law'}","{'state (polity)', 'procedure (term)', 'wrong'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Universities have the right to look at profiles that are based on university emails:,{'university'},"{'rights', 'email'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Mandatory sentencing removes the possibility of judicial discretion, which threatens the principle that the punishment fits the crime:","{'judicial discretion', 'crime', 'punishment', 'legal doctrine', 'mandatory sentencing'}","{'judicial discretion', 'crime', 'punishment', 'mandatory sentencing', 'theory'}",Relation,mandatory sentencing,mandatory sentencing,negative,judicial discretion,judicial discretion,bad,"society, people, fairness, justice" against,Arming police can easily backfire.,set(),{'constabulary'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Modern wind turbines produces relatively little noise,{'wind turbine'},{'wind turbine'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Surrogacy is not inherently exploitative; exploitation can be minimized,"{'sexual slavery', 'surrogacy'}","{'exploitation', 'surrogacy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mandatory sentencing will increase the efficiency of the judicial system:,"{'economic efficiency', 'judicial system of china', 'mandatory sentencing'}","{'economic efficiency', 'judiciary', 'mandatory sentencing'}",Relation,mandatory sentencing,mandatory sentencing,positive,efficiency of the judicial system:,economic efficiency|judiciary,good,"efficiency of the judicial system:, the judiciary, judges, judicial system, tax payers, the judicial system and the government" against,Women should have choice in whether to receive ultrasound.,{'ultrasound'},{'woman'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Routinely arming police officers allows them to defend themselves.,{'police'},{'police officer'},Relation,routinely arming police officers,police officer|police,positive,defend themselves.,police officer|police,good,"police, police, police, police, self-defense, safety" against,Construction deaths related to wind turbines are common.,"{'common land', 'construction', 'wind power'}","{'death', 'construction', 'wind turbine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There are not enough prison spaces left to account for the offenders that would fall under mandatory sentencing:,{'mandatory sentencing'},"{'infinite set', 'prison'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Surrogacy need not involve money payments of any kind.,{'surrogacy'},"{'payment', 'money', 'surrogacy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Routinely arming the police causes a spiral of violence.,{'violence'},"{'constabulary', 'violence', 'spiral (tv series)'}",Relation,arming the police,constabulary,positive,spiral of violence,violence,bad,"community, police, humans, safety, citizens, police, humans, police, citizens, peace, society, safety, trust in law enforcement, citizens, police, society" for,All energy sources need back-ups; wind energy is not uniquely bad,"{'uninterruptible power supply', 'wind power'}","{'energy development', 'uninterruptible power supply', 'wind power'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Ultrasound mandates intrude deeply into personal choices.,{'ultrasound'},set(),Relation,ultrasound mandates,ultrasound,positive,intrude deeply into personal choices,,bad,"freedom, people, society, people and privacy rights" against,Commercialize surrogacy will benefit the rich more than the poor.,"{'wealth', 'commerce', 'will and testament', 'poverty', 'welfare', 'surrogacy'}","{'commerce', 'surrogacy'}",Relation,commercialize surrogacy,surrogacy,positive,rich more than the poor,wealth,neutral, against,The chances of recidivism are hugely increased when an individual comes into contact with other members of the prison population:,"{'etymology', 'social network', 'united kingdom prison population', 'recidivism', 'individual'}","{'probability', 'population', 'prison', 'recidivism', 'individual'}",Relation,individual comes into contact with other members of the prison population,prison|population,positive,chances of recidivism,probability|recidivism,bad,"criminals and people, society, innocent, population, society" against,Restorative justice does not work in every case:,"{'precedent', 'employment', 'restorative justice'}",{'restorative justice'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The police are split on this issue at all levels,",{'gce advanced level (united kingdom)'},{'constabulary'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ultrasounds can be reassuring to some women.,{'ultrasound'},{'woman'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Wind energy surges can strain electricity grids,"{'electrical grid', 'electricity', 'wind power', 'deformation (mechanics)'}","{'wind power', 'electric power system'}",Relation,wind energy surges,electricity|wind power,positive,strain electricity,electrical grid,bad,"communities, cities, states, country, business, communities, budgets, electric grid, electricity" for,This step enables policemen to resolve problems safely.,set(),{'problems'},Relation,this step,problems,positive,resolve problems safely,problems,good,"policemen, the people, police, citizens, policemen" for,Abortion incurs responsibility to view ultrasound.,"{'ultrasound', 'abortion'}","{'ultrasound', 'abortion'}",Relation,abortion,abortion,positive,responsibility to view ultrasound,ultrasound,neutral, against,Serb Republic secession could spark regional war,"{'secession', 'republika srpska'}","{'serbs', 'secession', 'republic', 'warfare'}",Relation,serb republic secession,secession,positive,regional war,warfare,bad,"war, serbians, citizens, peace, people, country, society, safety, military, serb republic, people" against,Wind farms span across wide swaths of territory.,{'wind power'},"{'district', 'wind farm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Surrogacy will inevitably become commercial.,"{'will and testament', 'surrogacy', 'commercial law'}",{'surrogacy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Russian backing of Republika Srpska ind. could spark global conflict,{'republika srpska'},"{'russian language', 'republika (croatian magazine)'}",Relation,russian backing of republika srpska ind.,republika srpska,positive,global conflict,,bad,"society, russia, republika srpska, humanity, economy, world, society, world, society, citizens, peace" against,Sun tanning can negatively affect human health.,"{'health', 'sun tanning'}","{'health', 'sun tanning'}",Relation,sun tanning,sun tanning,NoAgreement,human health.,health,bad,"humans, human health, affect human health., health, students, kids, people" for,Of course it would be.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"It is a bad idea for surrogate mothers to be ""friends of the family"".","{'friends', 'family', 'aurangabad, maharashtra'}","{'organization', 'idea', 'family', 'surrogacy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Only 1 percent of a wind-farms surface actually gets built on.,set(),{'percentage'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republika Srpska secession would incite Bosnian Croat secession,"{'secession', 'croats of bosnia and herzegovina', 'republika srpska'}","{'secession', 'croats of bosnia and herzegovina', 'republika srpska'}",Relation,republika srpska secession,secession|republika srpska,positive,bosnian croat secession,croats of bosnia and herzegovina|secession,neutral, for,Nude tanning enhances exposure to sun and vitamin D production.,"{'vitamin d', 'ionizing radiation', 'sun tanning', 'nude photography', 'sun'}","{'vitamin d', 'sun', 'record producer'}",Relation,nude tanning,sun tanning,positive,exposure to sun and vitamin d,vitamin d|sun tanning,NoAgreement, for,"Surrogate mothers could be ""a friend of the family"" to avoid payments",set(),"{'payment', 'family', 'surrogacy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is not the airlines fault that people are fat. The extra fees are necessary to cover extra costs.,set(),"{'people', 'price', 'air hose', 'error', 'fee'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Heavy land-use of wind farms can jeopardize forests/ecosystems.,"{'land use', 'heavy industry'}","{'land use', 'wind farm'}",Relation,heavy land-use of wind farms,land use|wind farm,positive,jeopardize forests/ecosystems.,heavy industry,bad,"forests/ecosystems, ecosystem, forests, ecosystems, environment, forests/ecosystems" against,Men are likely to act foolishly to protect women in their combat units.,{'combat'},"{'military organization', 'women in (e)motion (odetta album)', 'man'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"They charge a lot for excess baggage, there isn""t a difference.",{'excess baggage (1997 film)'},{'baggage'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republika Srpska ind. would set dangerous secessionist precedent,"{'ansi escape code', 'republika srpska'}","{'secession', 'republika srpska'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"On a practical note, no law against surrogacy could be enforced properly.","{'law', 'surrogacy'}","{'law', 'surrogacy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Wind turbines sometimes disintegrate, jeopardizing communities.",set(),"{'community', 'wind turbine'}",Relation,wind turbines,wind turbine,positive,jeopardizing communities,community,bad,"communities, communities, cities, bad for communities." against,Biological arguments can be enlisted in the case against women in front line combat.,{'woman'},"{'woman', 'combat', 'biology'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Most people weigh under the standard weight and their payment for a larger expected weight would cover the cost for overweight people.,set(),"{'weight', 'people', 'standard gravity', 'cost', 'payment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Filibuster helps flag controversial issues for the public,"{'on the issues', 'filibuster'}","{'public', 'filibuster (military)', 'flag', 'argument'}",Relation,filibuster,filibuster,positive,flag controversial issues for the public,public,good,"awareness, society, public discourse, the public, society, public, politicians" for,Republika Srpska would add to former Yugoslavia EU voting power,"{'european union', 'republika srpska', 'socialist federal republic of yugoslavia'}","{'voting interest', 'european union', 'republika srpska', 'socialist federal republic of yugoslavia'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Threat of filibuster is used to extort pork giveaways,"{'extortion', 'filibuster (military)'}",{'pork'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Both give extra weight.,set(),{'weight'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Men, especially those likely to enlist, maintain traditional gender roles in a heavily masculine military subculture.","{'masculinity', 'subculture', 'tradition', 'man', 'gender role'}","{'subculture', 'gender role', 'man'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Republika Srpska has right to secede to protect right to exist,{'republika srpska'},{'republika srpska'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Including women would be a means to combating falling retention rates in some militaries.,set(),"{'means, motive, and opportunity', 'woman', 'retention rate', 'military branch'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A fat passenger who flies regularly would really suffer.,set(),{'passenger'},Relation,fat passenger who flies regularly,passenger,positive,suffer,passenger,bad,"passengers, travelers, fat passengers, passenger, health, flying" for,Women are not able to climb rank without combat experience.,"{'woman', 'combat', 'social class', 'experience'}","{'woman', 'combat', 'rank (formation)', 'experience'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"During turmoil, filibusters impede government progress",{'filibuster'},{'administration (government)'},Relation,filibusters,filibuster,negative,government progress,administration (government),good,"citizens, government, society, governance, democracy" against,Airlines spend a lot of money to run services.,"{'service (economics)', 'money'}","{'airline', 'land lot', 'service (economics)', 'money'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Generations of people have been subjected to corporal punishment.,"{'person', 'corporal punishment'}","{'people', 'contemporary history', 'corporal punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Filibuster hamstrings the productive passage of legislation,"{'legislation', 'filibuster'}","{'legislation', 'hamstring'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corporal punishment can ethically help save a childs future,{'corporal punishment'},"{'corporal punishment', 'future'}",Relation,corporal punishment,corporal punishment,positive,save a childs future,future,good,"children, families, society, children, future, children" for,The modern high technology battlefield increasingly means that technical expertise and decision-making skills are more valuable than simple brute strength.,"{'technology', 'decision-making', 'expert', 'battle', 'high tech', 'modern architecture', 'skill'}","{'skill', 'high tech'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If customers choose to have too much luggage, that is the customers fault.",set(),"{'fracture (geology)', 'baggage', 'customer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bosnia has made great progress; Serbs should not secede,"{'serbs', 'secession', 'bosnia (region)'}",{'serbs'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Women, some studies have shown, can perform as well as, if not better than men.",set(),"{'woman', 'man'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republika Srpska should act to make Dayton Accords work.,"{'republika srpska', 'dayton agreement'}","{'republika srpska', 'dayton agreement'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The filibuster helps protect the will of the minority,{'filibuster'},set(),Relation,the filibuster,filibuster,positive,protect the will of the minority,,good,"minorities, society, the minority of society, minority, society, minority, free will, protection, citizens" against,It is dubious that corporal punishment helps discipline children.,{'corporal punishment'},"{'child', 'corporal punishment', 'discipline (academia)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vegetarianism generally helps the environment,"{'vegetarianism', 'environmentalism'}","{'nature', 'vegetarianism'}",Relation,vegetarianism,vegetarianism,positive,helps the environment,environmentalism,good,"environment, earth, planet, society, future, health, environment, animals, nature, environment, earth" for,Corporal punishment can make a valuable example of a student,{'school corporal punishment'},"{'student', 'corporal punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Most Countries that have included women in combat roles have appealed them as well.,set(),"{'women in combat', 'administrative divisions of mexico'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many special environments have been created by livestock farming,"{'ecosystem', 'livestock', 'farm'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Dayton/Bosnia failures give cause to Republika Srpska secession,"{'secession', 'dayton, ohio', 'republika srpska', 'bosnian war'}","{'secession', 'republika srpska'}",Relation,dayton/bosnia failures,"dayton, ohio|bosnian war",positive,republika srpska secession,secession|republika srpska,neutral, against,Corporal punishment can lower a childs IQ,"{'iq (band)', 'corporal punishment'}","{'toyota iq', 'corporal punishment'}",Relation,corporal punishment,corporal punishment,positive,lower a childs iq,iq (band),bad,"children, child development, families, children, society, children, parents, society, iq" against,Reforming the filibuster is a band-aid; it needs to be abandoned.,{'filibuster (military)'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The presence of women on the battlefield can increase the odds of physical abuse and sexual trauma.,"{'physical abuse', 'psychological trauma', 'military sexual trauma'}","{'physical abuse', 'woman', 'psychological trauma'}",Relation,presence of women on the battlefield,woman,positive,physical abuse and sexual trauma.,physical abuse|psychological trauma|military sexual trauma,bad,"society, women, women in military, women, women, military" for,"Corporal punishment should be limited, but not abandoned","{'for but not with', 'corporal punishment in the home', 'child abandonment'}",{'corporal punishment'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kosovo independence set precedent for Republika Rrpska secession,"{'secession', 'kosovo war', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence'}","{'secession', '2008 kosovo declaration of independence', 'common law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The US Constitution makes no provision for the filibuster,"{'united states constitution', 'filibuster'}",{'united states constitution'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,You dont have to be vegetarian to be an avid environmentalist.,"{'vegetarianism', 'environmentalism'}",{'environmentalist'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Not clear whether corporal punishment increases abuse,"{'child abuse', 'corporal punishment'}","{'corporal punishment', 'abuse'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Experience is very important in politics, and increases iwth time in office:","{'time', 'experience', 'politics'}","{'dave brubeck', 'experience', 'politics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Farms accidentally obtaining GM crops have to pay fines to multinationals.,"{'genetically modified crops', 'agriculture', 'multinational corporation'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'farm', 'fine (penalty)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Constitution empowers Senate to set rule, including on filibuster","{'united states senate', 'constitution', 'law', 'filibuster'}","{'constitution', 'senate'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Humans have dominion over animals with a right to exploit them,"{'human', 'rights'}","{'rights', 'humans (noon universe)', 'district'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The judgement and perhaps even honesty of politicians is jeopardized by the need to constantly prepare for re-election:,set(),"{'election', 'judgement', 'honesty', 'motivation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corporal punishment induces fear and despair in children,"{'bone fracture', 'fear', 'corporal punishment', 'depression (mood)'}","{'fear', 'child', 'corporal punishment'}",Relation,corporal punishment,corporal punishment,positive,fear and despair in children,child|fear|depression (mood),bad,"children, development, families, children, parents, society, children, children" for,GM crops can respond better to fertilizer; grow better,{'fertilizer'},"{'genetically modified crops', 'fertilizer'}",Relation,gm crops,genetically modified crops,positive,grow better,fertilizer,good,"people, fertilizer, crops, farmers, the crops and consumers" for,"Animals are independent creatures that don""t exist to serve humans",set(),"{'animal', 'humans (noon universe)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Filibuster perverts rules meant to promote debate,{'filibuster'},"{'argumentation theory', 'filibuster'}",Relation,filibuster,filibuster,negative,rules meant to promote debate,argumentation theory,bad,"debate, public discourse, debate, debate, government, fairness, debate, society, government" against,Corruption is actually more likely to occur in a system with term limits,"{'political corruption', 'term limit'}",{'term limit'},Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,corruption,political corruption,bad,"politics and government, freedom, government, people, policy, government, politicians, citizens" against,Better ways exist; corporal punishment is lazy way,{'corporal punishment'},"{'mode (literature)', 'corporal punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,GM crops can be tailored to local growing conditions.,set(),{'genetically modified crops'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Dominion"" makes humans stewards; no right to harm/exploit animals",{'ethics'},"{'rights', 'steward (office)', 'humans (noon universe)', 'district'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Scripture can be cited to enforce or debunk corporal punishment.,"{'school corporal punishment', 'bible'}","{'corporal punishment', 'authorship of the bible'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Filibuster is justified to block extreme nominations,{'filibuster'},set(),Relation,filibuster,filibuster,negative,extreme nominations,,good,"government, moderate nominations, citizens" against,Dominion and meat-eating can and should be excercised responsibly.,"{'canada', 'physical exercise'}",{'dominion'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,GM food patents favor large corporations and monopolies.,"{'genetically modified food', 'monopoly', 'biological patent', 'corporation'}","{'genetically modified food', 'monopoly', 'biological patent', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Filibuster fits framers"" distrust of govt, desire for checks","{'desire', 'separation of powers', 'filibuster'}","{'cheque', 'state (polity)', 'desire'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"GM crops are made disease-resistant, which increases yields","{'genetically modified crops', 'crop yield'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'yield (finance)'}",Relation,gm crops are made disease-resistant,genetically modified crops,positive,increases yields,crop yield,good,"gmo's, society, farming, food, crops, farming, society, the crops and consumers, yields" against,"Humans have ""dominion"" over evolutionarily ""domesticated"" animals","{'evolution', 'human', 'domestication'}","{'animal', 'human', 'district'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Quotations from the Bible that promote corporal punishment.,"{'bible', 'corporal punishment'}","{'corporal punishment', 'quotation', 'authorship of the bible'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Term limits will overcome the advantage that incumbents have in any re-election campaign:,"{'barack obama presidential campaign, 2012', 'war of will'}","{'election', 'incumbent', 'political campaign', 'statistic (role-playing games)', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,negative,the advantage that incumbents have,incumbent,bad,"democracy, incumbents" for,The lower crop production costs of GM foods reduce prices,"{'agriculture', 'manufacturing'}","{'genetically modified food', 'price', 'cost-of-production theory of value'}",Relation,lower crop production costs of gm,genetically modified food,negative,prices,price,NoAgreement, for,Physical injuries only occur in abusive corporal punishment.,"{'physical abuse', 'child abuse', 'corporal punishment'}","{'corporal punishment', 'injury'}",Relation,corporal punishment,corporal punishment,positive,physical injuries,physical abuse|injury,bad,"prisoners, moral, society, men, women, soldiers, children" for,Vegetarianism reduces exposure to dioxins found in meats/dairy,"{'redox', 'dairy', 'vegetarianism', 'meat', 'dioxins and dioxin-like compounds', 'toxin'}",{'vegetarianism'},Relation,vegetarianism,vegetarianism,negative,exposure to dioxins found in meats/dairy,dairy|meat|dioxins and dioxin-like compounds|toxin,good,"society, health, well being, vegetarians" for,Keystone XL helps US avoid buying oil from volatile regions,"{'oil', 'keystone pipeline', 'volatility (chemistry)'}","{'keystone pipeline', 'petroleum', 'niterói'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Term limits are unnecessary, as voters can use their judgment to expel politicians from their posts:",{'term limit'},"{'politician', 'ballot', 'term limit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corporal punishment can cause serious physical damage,"{'human body', 'corporal punishment', 'brain damage'}",{'corporal punishment'},Relation,corporal punishment,corporal punishment,positive,serious physical damage,human body,bad,"prisoners, offenders, people faced with corporal punishment, damage, health, body, victims of corporal punishment" against,GMO corporations force farmers to buy seeds each year.,"{'genetically modified organism', 'trade', 'seed'}","{'genetically modified organism', 'seed', 'corporation', 'farmer', 'year'}",Relation,gmo corporations,genetically modified organism|corporation,positive,farmers to buy seeds,seed|farmer|year,bad,"farmers, farmers, farmers" against,It is healthiest to eat a balanced diet with both meat and vegetable products.,"{'vegetable', 'diet (nutrition)', 'health', 'eating', 'healthy diet', 'cosmetics', 'meat'}","{'vegetable', 'meat', 'healthy diet', 'product (business)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Term limits would bring fresh faces, talents and experiences into the political process:",set(),"{'political opportunity', 'experience', 'face', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,"fresh faces, talents and experiences into",political opportunity|experience,good,"government, society, politicians, government" for,Corporal punishment can be regulated within orderly framework.,{'corporal punishment'},{'corporal punishment'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,GM crops generate greater wealth for farming communities,"{'wealth', 'farm', 'community'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'wealth', 'community'}",Relation,gm crops,genetically modified crops,positive,greater wealth for farming communities,wealth|farm|community,good,"farms, society, gmo's, food industry, farmers, community, economy, farming communities, farmers, farmers, economy" for,"Keystone XL will carry stranded crude from ND, MT","{'montana', 'keystone pipeline', 'north dakota'}","{'montana', 'keystone pipeline', 'north dakota', 'petroleum'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Amateur politicians are likely to be naive and easily exploited by lobbyists for business and other interest groups:,"{'business', 'exploitation of natural resources', 'lobbying', 'advocacy group'}","{'advocacy group', 'politician', 'lobbying', 'amateur', 'business'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Vegetarian foods have as many health risks as animal foods.,"{'vegetarianism', 'health', 'food', 'health effects of tobacco'}","{'vegetarian cuisine', 'animal feed', 'health', 'risk of infection'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Risks of sexual abuse with spanking can be regulated.,"{'risk', 'sexual abuse', 'spanking'}","{'hazard', 'sexual assault'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Banning trans fats means saving thousands of lives,{'trans fat'},"{'trans fat', 'thousand (comics)'}",Relation,banning trans fats,trans fat,positive,saving thousands of lives,,good,"humans, people, lives" for,US pipeline strategically taps huge Canadian oil reserves.,"{'canada', 'oil reserves'}","{'tap (valve)', 'oil reserves', 'oil reserves in canada'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The use of GM crops increases local research,"{'genetically modified crops', 'medical research'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'research'}",Relation,use of gm crops,genetically modified crops,positive,local research,research,good,"research, the people, science, society, research, gmo's, health, wellness, scientists, health, environment, society" against,Fats contained in animal meat are healthy to consume in moderation.,"{'in moderation', 'meat', 'eating'}","{'meat', 'fat', 'moderation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corporal punishment represents failure to engage students,{'corporal punishment'},"{'student', 'corporal punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vegetarian diet can provide all essential nutrients,"{'vegetarianism', 'essential nutrient', 'canning'}","{'vegetarianism', 'essential nutrient'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trans fats are tasty and offer enjoyment to consumers.,{'trans fat'},"{'trans fat', 'consumer', 'bid price'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corporal punishment helps protect teachers and adults,"{'age of majority', 'corporal punishment'}","{'teacher', 'adult', 'corporal punishment'}",Relation,corporal punishment,corporal punishment,positive,protect teachers and adults,teacher|adult,NoAgreement, for,Developing countries already benefit from transgenic crops.,"{'genetically modified crops', 'cost–benefit analysis'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'developing country'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Dioxins found in meats are not really dangerous,"{'meat', 'dioxins and dioxin-like compounds', 'risk'}",{'meat'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Trans fats have created health crisis worthy of ban.,{'trans fat'},"{'trans fat', 'health crisis'}",Relation,trans fats,trans fat,positive,health crisis,health crisis,bad,"humans, people, health care system, soceity, citizens, doctors, population, people should want to be more healthy" against,Keystone XL places profits before environment.,"{'keystone pipeline', 'environmentalism'}","{'profit (economics)', 'keystone (architecture)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is not possible to regulate the distribution of copyrighted works:,"{'copyright', 'book', 'digital distribution'}",{'probability distribution'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vegetarians avoid consuming chemicals related to animal pain/death.,"{'death', 'vegetarianism', 'pain in animals'}","{'vegetarianism', 'animal', 'chemical substance'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trans fats occur naturally in many forms.,"{'trans fat', 'nature', 'chirality (chemistry)'}",{'trans fat'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Nothing is perfect, but we should give it a try.",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A strictly vegetarian diet can promote health problems.,"{'vegetarianism', 'health education', 'health promotion'}",{'vegetarianism'},Relation,strictly vegetarian diet,vegetarianism,positive,health,health promotion,bad,"vegetarians, health, safety, people, citizens, vegetarians, vegetarian" for,"Keystone XL could create 100,000 jobs.","{'keystone pipeline', 'steve jobs'}","{'job', 'keystone (architecture)'}",Relation,keystone xl,keystone pipeline,positive,"100,000",job,good,"jobs, people seeking work, keystone, society, people" for,Unregulated downloading violates copyright laws.,"{'regulation', 'copyright', 'download'}",{'copyright'},Relation,unregulated downloading,regulation|download,NoAgreement,copyright laws,copyright,bad,"copyright holders, laws, society" against,Poor countries should be encouraged to invest in sustainable agriculture.,"{'investment', 'sustainable agriculture', 'third world'}","{'sustainable agriculture', 'third world'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,People will consume other harmful foods if not trans fats.,{'trans fat'},"{'trans fat', 'food'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Animals belong in their natural habitat in the wild.,"{'habitat', 'wildlife'}",{'habitat'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Music is supposed to be about expression and not about record sales.,"{'music recording sales certification', 'gramophone record'}","{'music recording sales certification', 'facial expression', 'music is'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Encouraging poor nations to develop is more helpful than GMOs,"{'nation', 'genetically modified organism', 'economic development', 'third world'}",{'state (polity)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Trans fats increase risk of female infertility,"{'trans fat', 'female infertility'}","{'trans fat', 'hazard', 'female infertility'}",Relation,trans fats,trans fat,positive,female infertility,female infertility,bad,"females, health, society, kids, people, prospective parents, females, family, babies, females" for,Keystone XL would be one of the safest pipelines ever.,{'keystone pipeline'},{'keystone (architecture)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Artists can make money even without the ban.,"{'music artist (occupation)', 'the heist (album)', 'canadian hot 100'}","{'artist', 'money', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Keystone XL will not appreciably add to global emissions.,{'keystone pipeline'},{'keystone (architecture)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,GM foods will jeopardize the jobs of farmers in poor countries.,"{'genetically modified food', 'third world', 'subsistence agriculture'}","{'farmer', 'genetically modified food', 'third world', 'job'}",Relation,gm foods,genetically modified food,negative,jobs of farmers in poor countries,job|farmer|third world,bad,"society, farmers, food industry, poor countries, farmers, economy, farmers" for,Societies that adopt animal rights progress morally,"{'idea of progress', 'morality', 'animal rights', 'society', 'adoption'}","{'society', 'animal rights'}",Relation,adopt animal rights,animal rights,positive,progress,morality,good,"animal rights, society, morality, societies, societies, society" against,Downloading helps promote less well-known artists.,set(),{'artist'},Relation,downloading,,positive,less well-known artists.,artist,good,"the artists, artists, less well-known artists, art and music, promotes unknown artists" against,Trans fats extend shelf life of foods.,"{'trans fat', 'food'}","{'trans fat', 'shelf life', 'food'}",Relation,trans fats,trans fat,positive,shelf life of,shelf life|food,good,"food, safety, shelf-life, health, trans fat shelf life, consumption, people, business, commercialism" for,From a utilitarian perspective morality should not be based on species differences,"{'morality', 'utilitarianism', 'point of view (philosophy)'}","{'perspective (graphical)', 'species', 'morality', 'conflict (process)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Climate targets could still be met with oil sands.,{'oil sands'},"{'climate', 'oil sands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Online free file-downloads have damaged legitimate sales.,set(),{'online and offline'},Relation,online free file-downloads,online and offline,negative,legitimate sales,online and offline,bad,"sales, business, profits, revenue, retailers, businesses, businesses, economy" for,Govt experts needed to protect citizens from trans fats.,"{'trans fat', 'government'}","{'trans fat', 'state (polity)', 'expert'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"GM foods undermine the ability of poor countries"" to feed themselves.",set(),"{'genetically modified food', 'third world'}",Relation,gm foods,genetically modified food,negative,"poor countries"" to feed",third world,bad,"safety, hunger, famine, poor countries, poor countries, economy, environment" for,Modern humans have lost touch with animals and our likeness,set(),{'anatomically modern humans'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Investing in tars sands delays transition to clean energy,{'sustainable energy'},"{'sand', 'sustainable energy', 'tar'}",Relation,investing in tars sands,tar|sand,negative,transition to clean energy,sustainable energy,bad,"clean energy, society, delaying the creation of clean, sustainable energy, energy, environment" for,"Animals have emotions, personalities, and souls just like humans","{'human', 'soul', 'personality psychology', 'emotion'}","{'personality', 'animal', 'humans (noon universe)', 'emotion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Resources for regulating trans fats take from other things.,"{'regulation', 'trans fat'}","{'trans fat', 'resource', 'clothing'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,GM foods help meed nutrition deficiencies of poor countries.,set(),"{'genetically modified food', 'deficiency (medicine)', 'meed', 'third world', 'sustenance'}",Relation,gm foods,genetically modified food,positive,nutrition deficiencies of poor countries,deficiency (medicine)|third world|sustenance,good,"society, third world countries, gm foods, health, wellness, poor countries, people, society, international relations, people in poor countries, nutrition deficiencies of poor countries." against,"Keystone taps Alberta tar sands, the worlds dirtiest fuel.","{'athabasca oil sands', 'alberta'}","{'earth', 'athabasca oil sands', 'portland, maine', 'fuel', 'tap (valve)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Consumer demands have pushed against trans fats.,{'trans fat'},"{'trans fat', 'consumerism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If humans are animals, why defy our animalistic instincts?",set(),"{'animal', 'humans (noon universe)', 'instinct'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"GMOs solve wrong problem; access, not shortages, is the problem",{'problem solving'},"{'economic shortage', 'problem'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Keystone XL taps water-wasting tar sands,"{'keystone pipeline', 'oil sands'}","{'keystone pipeline', 'tap (valve)', 'oil sands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The only way for the musicians to survive is to sign a record deal.,{'recording contract'},"{'musician', 'recording contract'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Opposition to GM foods is widespread, and it should be respected.",set(),{'genetically modified food'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Trans fat ban needn""t be whole solution to be good.",{'trans fat'},"{'trans fat', 'solution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Keystone XL will significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions,"{'will', 'keystone pipeline', 'greenhouse gas'}","{'keystone pipeline', 'greenhouse gas'}",Relation,keystone xl,keystone pipeline,positive,greenhouse gas emissions,greenhouse gas,bad,"environment, air pollution, ecosystem, environment, for the environment., environment, ecology" for,Foods with poisonous allergens can be modified to reduce risks,"{'food', 'canning', 'allergen', 'modified starch', 'poison'}","{'food', 'hazard', 'allergen'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Humans can do wrong so can be morally inferior to animals,"{'tao', 'wrongdoing', 'morality'}","{'animal', 'humans (noon universe)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Keystone XL will emit more than other oil production,"{'keystone pipeline', 'petroleum'}","{'keystone pipeline', 'drilling'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The only artists making money off record royalties (receiving money from every copy sold) are the extremely popular ones that already have a lot of money anyway,"{'royalty payment', 'money'}","{'painting', 'money', 'lot (unit)', 'tuple', 'transcript (law)', 'royalties', 'archaeological record'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Restaurants have voluntarily stopped using trans fats,"{'trans fat', 'restaurant'}","{'trans fat', 'restaurant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Non-meat agriculture has a higher yield and can help end famine.,set(),"{'agriculture', 'yield (finance)', 'famine'}",Relation,non-meat agriculture,agriculture,NoAgreement,higher yield and can help end,famine,good,"everyone on earth, higher yield and can help end famine., health, society, crops" for,GM food products should be judged; process should not be judged.,"{'food', 'process philosophy', 'genetically modified food', 'last judgment', 'cosmetics'}","{'genetically modified food', 'mental process'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Producers sneak trans fats into foods without consumer knowledge.,"{'trans fat', 'food', 'knowledge', 'consumer'}","{'food', 'cognition', 'trans fat', 'consumer', 'hip hop production'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Costly privatization of Soc Sec would dampen econ growth,"{'privatization', 'u.s. securities and exchange commission', 'economic growth', 'state-owned enterprise', 'economics'}","{'costly', 'second', 'privatization'}",Relation,privatization of soc sec,privatization,negative,economic growth,economic growth,bad,"the economy, society, economy, public wealth" for,Evolutionary attachment to animals means they deserve rights.,"{'attachment theory', 'evolution', 'rights'}","{'phylogenetics', 'attachment theory', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Govt should protect consumers when consumers aren""t fully informed.",set(),"{'state (polity)', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The media industry might have to compensate for a lack of sales by raising prices of goods.,"{'good (economics)', 'price'}","{'commodity', 'mass media', 'price'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Killing animals should be viewed as equivalent to killing humans,{'human'},{'humans (noon universe)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Privatization during economic crisis would have been disaster.,"{'disaster', 'privatization', 'financial crisis'}","{'disaster', 'depression (economics)', 'privatization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The precautionary principle needs to be applied to GM food safety.,"{'genetically modified food', 'precautionary principle', 'food safety'}","{'genetically modified food', 'precautionary principle', 'food safety'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Trans fats so widespread consumers have little choice,"{'trans fat', 'consumer'}","{'trans fat', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Privatization would hasten depletion of Soc Sec trust funds.,"{'joseph e. hasten', 'privatization', 'u.s. securities and exchange commission', 'state-owned enterprise', 'trust law'}","{'depletion (accounting)', 'trust law', 'privatization', 'u.s. securities and exchange commission'}",Relation,privatization,privatization,positive,depletion of soc sec trust funds,depletion (accounting),bad,"social security, citizens, people would lose money, soc sec trust funds., universal healthcare, public health, society, funds, citizens, social security" against,"According to ""The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales"" by Felix Oberholzer-Gee (Harvard professor) and Koleman Strumpf, p2p services could actually work as marketing tools for the music industry.","{'marketing', 'felix oberholzer-gee', 'file sharing', 'on record', 'peer-to-peer', 'music industry', 'employment', 'music recording sales certification', 'tool'}","{'felix oberholzer-gee', 'file sharing', 'professor', 'result', 'harvard university', 'peer-to-peer', 'music industry', 'music recording sales certification', 'tool'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Enough info for consumers to make choice on trans fats.,"{'trans fat', 'consumer'}","{'trans fat', 'information', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Private accounts prevent politicians taking from social security.,"{'presidency of george w. bush', 'private sector', 'social security (united states)', 'accounting'}","{'private (novel)', 'social security'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Unregulated file-sharing could reduce the appeal and quality of related industries.,{'regulation'},"{'appeal', 'quality (philosophy)'}",Relation,unregulated file-sharing,regulation,negative,the appeal and quality of related industries,appeal|quality (philosophy),bad,"industry, economy, industries, related industries" against,Relying on scientists who favor GM foods undermines democratic processes.,"{'democracy', 'systems engineering', 'world health organization', 'genetically modified food', 'scientist'}","{'genetically modified food', 'democracy', 'scientist'}",Relation,relying on scientists who favor gm foods,genetically modified food|scientist,negative,democratic processes,democracy,NoAgreement, for,Animals deserve the same basic rights that humans enjoy,set(),"{'humans (noon universe)', 'fundamental rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,People free to do things that hurt no one else (eat trans fats).,"{'trans fat', 'hurt (christina aguilera song)', 'eat (restaurant)', 'no one (alicia keys song)'}","{'trans fat', 'people', 'clothing'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Budget shortfall has more to do with misguided tax cuts, spending.",set(),"{'tax cut', 'budget', 'economic shortage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Transition away from trans fats will be costly.,{'trans fat'},{'trans fat'},Relation,transition away from trans fats,trans fat,negative,costly,trans fat,bad,"humans, environment, diet, health, society, health,, cost, money, prices" for,GM crops can be fortified with vitamins and vaccines,"{'vitamin', 'food fortification', 'canning', 'vaccine'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'vitamin', 'vaccine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Games put violence in hands of players, unlike other speech.","{'violence', 'speech'}","{'hand', 'spoken language', 'player (game)', 'violence', 'game'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,GM food safety tests by biotech companies can be trusted.,"{'genetically modified food', 'statistical hypothesis testing', 'foodborne illness', 'biotechnology'}","{'genetically modified food', 'company', 'food safety'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Plenty of ways to reform social security w/o privatization,"{'reform party of the united states of america', 'privatization', 'social security (united states)'}","{'privatization', 'social security'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Trans fats can be replaced w/o changing taste/price.,{'trans fat'},{'trans fat'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Player can control video game and even disengage.,"{'aol', 'video game'}","{'pc game', 'player (game)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If animals have rights, do we criminalize animals that abuse each others rights?",set(),"{'animal', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Conventional foods have always involved genetic tampering,{'food'},"{'convention (norm)', 'food'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Americans support increasing taxes to fund Social Security.,"{'tax', 'social security (united states)', 'technical support', 'funding'}","{'tax', 'social security', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Parents have responsibility to monitor video games, not state.",{'video game'},"{'pc game', 'parent'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Replacement fats will get cheaper with time.,set(),"{'substitution reaction', 'fat'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Millions have been consuming GM foods for some time and are OK.,{'genetically modified food'},"{'time', 'genetically modified food', 'million'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Humans have a choice and thus responsibility to do no harm to animals.,"{'moral responsibility', 'choice'}","{'do no harm (lost)', 'humans (noon universe)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trans fat ban will hurt small restaurants most.,"{'trans fat', 'will and testament'}","{'trans fat', 'restaurant'}",Relation,trans fat ban,trans fat,negative,small restaurants,restaurant,bad,"small restaurants, economy, small restaurants, small restaurants, people" against,Voluntary rating system lets parents restrict video game access.,"{'video game', 'internet'}","{'pc game', 'parent', 'voluntary (music)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Concerns surrounding private controls of GM foods can be addressed.,"{'control engineering', 'genetically modified food', 'private spaceflight', 'canning'}",{'genetically modified food'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Private accounts would require costly new govt bureaucracy,"{'financial statement', 'government', 'private sector', 'bureaucracy'}","{'state (polity)', 'bureaucracy', 'private (rank)'}",Relation,private accounts,private sector,positive,costly new govt bureaucracy,bureaucracy|government,bad,"tax payers, citizens, government, government, economy, government finances" against,Head scarf ban in schools deprives Muslim women of right to education,{'muslim'},"{'right to education', 'women in islam', 'headscarf', 'school'}",Relation,head scarf ban,headscarf|school,negative,right to education,right to education,bad,"muslim women, society, muslims, women, society, muslim women, muslim women, society" for,"Humans must respect animal rights even if animals can""t reciprocate","{'animal rights', 'human body', 'can (band)', 'the animals'}","{'animal rights', 'humans (noon universe)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Ban makes parents"" job easier.",set(),"{'job', 'parent', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,ban,ban (law),positive,"parents"" job",job|parent,good,"parents, kids, laws, parents, children, families" for,GM crops are more pest-resistant and require fewer pesticides.,"{'genetically modified crops', 'pesticide'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'pesticide'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Animals should be treated as we would want to be treated,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Private accounts can be transferred within family,set(),"{'categorization', 'invoice', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many kids would be prohibited whose parents don t mind.,set(),"{'parent', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Head scarves initiate other forms of oppression in school,{'madhhab'},"{'headscarf', 'school'}",Relation,head scarves,headscarf,positive,other forms of oppression in school,school,bad,"oppression is bad, students, schools, people, kids, muslims, schoolchildren, oppression in school, schools" against,GM crops may require more pesticides in the long-run.,"{'genetically modified crops', 'pesticide'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'pesticide', 'long run and short run'}",Relation,gm crops,genetically modified crops,positive,more pesticides in the,pesticide,bad,"economy, citizens, ecology, environment, food industry, crops and people" for,Animal rights can be assigned according to animal psychology,{'animal rights'},"{'animal rights', 'comparative psychology'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legislators have grounds to conclude harm to children.,set(),"{'child', 'harm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Schools make up problems about the hijab as an excuse for intolerance of Muslims.,"{'madhhab', 'hijab', 'toleration', 'islam'}","{'hijab', 'problem', 'muslim', 'school', 'excuse (legal)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Conservatives want to destroy social security because it works.,{'conservatism in the united states'},"{'social security (united states)', 'conservatism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,GM crops require less pesticides; healthier for farmers.,"{'pesticide', 'genetically modified food', 'health', 'agriculture'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'pesticide', 'farmer'}",Relation,gm crops require less pesticides,pesticide|genetically modified food|genetically modified crops|agriculture,positive,healthier for farmers,farmer|health,good,"farmers, the environment, farmers, farmers, agriculture" for,"The Hijab causes problems in schools, such as division and alienation.",{'hijab'},"{'hijab', 'problem', 'school', 'division (mathematics)'}",Relation,hijab,hijab,positive,division and,problem|school,bad,"muslims, students, schools, students, education, muslims, children, students wearing hijabs" against,Social Security allows retirees to draw on own investments.,"{'pensioner', 'investment', 'social security (united states)'}","{'pensioner', 'investment', 'social security'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Public bans on head scarves encourage private bans,{'hijab'},"{'headscarf', 'ban (law)', 'public'}",Relation,public bans on head scarves,headscarf|ban (law)|public,positive,private bans,ban (law),neutral, against,People know video game violence is fake.,"{'video game', 'video game controversies'}","{'people', 'video game controversies'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Animals have rights and it is wrong to kill them needlessly.,{'animal rights'},"{'animal', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Fees on Soc Sec accounts diminish value of privatization,"{'value investing', 'privatization', 'u.s. securities and exchange commission', 'financial statement', 'state-owned enterprise', 'fee'}","{'value (computer science)', 'second', 'fee', 'privatization'}",Relation,fees on soc sec accounts,fee,negative,value of privatization,value investing|privatization,NoAgreement, for,Muslims in the West need to embrace culture/head-scarf-ban,"{'western world', 'muslim', 'culture'}",{'muslim'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Over-precaution with GM foods makes risk assessments difficult,"{'genetically modified food', 'risk assessment'}","{'genetically modified food', 'risk assessment'}",Relation,over-precaution with gm foods,genetically modified food,negative,makes risk assessments difficult,risk assessment,bad,"gm foods, society, wellness, science, food supply, food industry, society" for,Humans are obligated to cause animals no pain or suffering,"{'suffering', 'obligation', 'human', 'causality'}","{'animal', 'humans (noon universe)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Video game bans fail test of strict scrutiny.,"{'video game', 'strict scrutiny', 'failure'}","{'pc game', 'strict scrutiny'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Anti-GM protesters make it difficult to access/assess benefits.,"{'protest', 'internet'}",set(),Relation,anti-gm protesters,protest,negative,access/assess benefits,internet,neutral, against,A head scarf ban will disproportionately impact Muslim girls,{'muslim'},"{'headscarf', 'muslim girl', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,head scarf ban,headscarf|ban (law),positive,disproportionately impact muslim girls,muslim girl,bad,"disproportionately impact muslim girls, muslim girls, muslim girls, muslim girls" for,Privatization gives investment decisions to account holders.,{'privatization'},"{'investment decisions', 'privatization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Private accounts provide retirees a higher rate of return.,"{'private sector', 'retirement', 'rate of return', 'higher education', 'accounting'}","{'rate of return', 'pensioner', 'private (rank)'}",Relation,private accounts,private sector|accounting,positive,higher rate of return,rate of return|pensioner,good,"retirees, pensioners, elderly, retirees, retirees" against,Muslim women often wear head scarves to protest racism,"{'muslim', 'demonstration (protest)', 'racism'}","{'women in islam', 'headscarf'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"GM cotton, maize, soya, and others have been global successes.","{'maize', 'cotton', 'soybean'}","{'maize', 'soybean', 'gm chassis', 'success (company)', 'cotton'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Animal rights reduce humans to mere animals, not made in Gods image","{'animal rights', 'human'}","{'animal rights', 'humans (noon universe)', 'god', 'mental image'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"GM crop production is more efficient, saves energy, cuts emissions.","{'genetically modified crops', 'energy', 'air pollution'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'wound', 'thermodynamic free energy'}",Relation,gm crop production,genetically modified crops,positive,"saves energy, cuts",energy,good,"environment, people, environment" for,Banning wearing religious symbols makes discrimination more difficult,"{'religious discrimination', 'religious symbolism'}","{'discrimination', 'religious symbol'}",Relation,banning wearing religious symbols,religious symbolism|religious symbol,positive,discrimination more difficult,discrimination,good,"society and its people, society, minority groups, society" for,Eating meat means that animals suffer,set(),{'meat'},Relation,eating meat,meat,positive,suffering,,bad,"animals, activists, animals, animals" for,Privatizing social security helps the poor.,"{'poverty', 'privatization', 'social security (united states)'}",{'social security'},Relation,privatizing social security,social security|privatization|social security (united states),positive,helps,poverty,good,"the less people in poverty the better, the poor., the poor, economy, society" for,"GM crops improve yields, lowering land-use; environmentally friendly","{'genetically modified crops', 'land use', 'environmentally friendly'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'land use', 'yield (finance)'}",Relation,gm crops,genetically modified crops,positive,lowering land-use;,land use|environmentally friendly|yield (finance),good,"society, environment, farmers, malnourished people, economy, environment, resources, environment, buildings, people, environment, society" against,Granting rights to animals would damage human rights,{'human rights'},"{'human rights', 'rights'}",Relation,granting rights to animals,rights,negative,human rights,human rights,bad,"humans, society, humans, human rights" against,Tolerance of head scarves exercises emotional compassion and peace,"{'compassion', 'emotion', 'peace'}","{'compassion', 'headscarf', 'peace'}",Relation,tolerance of head scarves,headscarf,positive,emotional compassion and peace,compassion|peace,good,"compassion and peace should be more widespread, islam, society, world peace, society and its people" against,Privatizing Social Security negatively impacts women,"{'human trafficking', 'privatization', 'social security'}","{'woman', 'social security'}",Relation,privatizing social security,privatization|social security,positive,impacts,woman,bad,"women, women, equality" against,"Games help develop youths"" minds, skills, confidence.","{'skill', 'confidence'}","{'nous', 'authority (management)', 'youth', 'game', 'skill'}",Relation,games,game,positive,"develop youths"" minds, skills, confidence.",confidence|skill|youth,good,"youths, gamers, youths, society, youth, students, kids, youths" for,"GM crops reduce the need for plowing, increase the life of soil and land.","{'redox', 'plough', 'genetically modified crops', 'life', 'land', 'soil'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'need', 'life', 'soil'}",Relation,gm crops,genetically modified crops,negative,need for,need|plough|soil,good,"farmers, environment, farmers, soil, sand, farmers, farmers, society, environment" for,Headscarves symbolize and foster the oppression of women,"{'hijab', 'sexism'}","{'sexism', 'headscarf'}",Relation,headscarves,headscarf,positive,oppression of women,sexism,bad,"women, society, women, women, society, women, equality, women" for,"If demand falls, supply will decline too.",{'supply and demand'},{'demand'},Relation,demand falls,demand,positive,supply will decline,supply and demand,bad,"businesses, consumers, economy, society, economy, companies, workers, supply" for,Women can better defy sexual oppression by uncovering themselves,{'sexual norm'},"{'woman', 'sexual norm'}",Relation,uncovering themselves,woman,positive,sexual,sexual norm,NoAgreement, against,Privatized social security will cut tax revenues and social services.,"{'tax revenue', 'privatization', 'tax law', 'will and testament', 'social security (united states)'}","{'tax revenue', 'social work', 'privatization', 'social security (united states)'}",Relation,privatized social security,privatization|social security (united states),negative,tax revenues and social services,tax revenue,neutral, against,More meat will be consumed globally,"{'globalization', 'meat'}",{'meat'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Wearing the Hijab makes women more self-conscious, not less","{'hijab', 'women in islam'}","{'woman', 'hijab'}",Relation,wearing the hijab,hijab,positive,self-conscious women,woman|women in islam,bad,"society, women, women in islam" for,Social security taxes damage ability of poor to survive.,"{'tax', 'damages', 'social security (united states)'}",{'federal insurance contributions act tax'},Relation,social security taxes,tax|social security (united states),negative,ability of poor to survive,damages,bad,"poor people, society, economy, poor people, poor people, poor people, poor people" for,Some youth have tried to emulate violence in games.,{'video game controversies'},"{'youth', 'violence', 'game'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,GM crops violate the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).,"{'genetically modified crops', 'convention on biological diversity'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'convention on biological diversity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Humans have always eaten/exploited animals; it has evolved into our DNA.,{'dna'},"{'dna', 'human', 'animal'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Privatized social security cannot be assured to beat inflation.,"{'privatization', 'inflation', 'social security (united states)'}","{'privatization', 'inflation', 'social security (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many Muslim women view the veil as a means to protect their modesty and privacy.,"{'privacy', 'modesty', 'muslim', 'veil'}","{'privacy', 'women in islam', 'modesty', 'veil'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,GM crops mix with native plants and reduce genetic diversity,{'genetic diversity'},"{'genetically modified crops', 'genetic diversity', 'native plant'}",Relation,gm crops mix with native plants,genetically modified crops|native plant,negative,genetic diversity,genetic diversity,neutral, against,"Youth violence has been declining, violent video games fine.","{'adolescence', 'video game', 'video game controversies', 'violence'}","{'youth', 'video game controversies', 'violence', 'fine (penalty)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"We all descend from common relatives, so all sex is ""incest"" ","{'incest', 'gwar'}","{'human sexual activity', 'incest'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Vegetarians adopt a proper philosophy toward animals,"{'vegetarianism', 'philosophy'}",{'philosophy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Violent game ban puts children above corporations.,"{'child', 'violence'}","{'child', 'corporation', 'violence', 'game', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Head scarves help Muslim women maintain their cultural identity.,{'muslim'},"{'women in islam', 'headscarf', 'cultural identity'}",Relation,head scarves,headscarf,positive,maintain their cultural identity,cultural identity,good,"muslim women, muslim women and men, muslims, women, cultural identity" for,Environmental risks of GM crops should be weighed against risks of conventional crops.,"{'plant breeding', 'risk', 'environment (biophysical)'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'hazard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Animal rights unfairly alienate humans from the natural order.,"{'injustice', 'social alienation', 'natural order (philosophy)', 'animal rights', 'human'}","{'animal rights', 'humans (noon universe)', 'natural order (philosophy)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Headscarves make women sexual objects and increase predation,"{'woman', 'hijab', 'sexual objectification'}","{'woman', 'headscarf', 'physical body'}",Relation,headscarves,headscarf,positive,increase predation,woman|sexual objectification|physical body,bad,"women, women, society, women, women, society" for,"Incest is found in the animal kingdom, so is natural.","{'legitimacy (family law)', 'incest'}","{'incest', 'animal'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,GM crops reduce need for plowing; reduces methane/other emissions.,"{'redox', 'methane', 'air pollution', 'plough'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'need'}",Relation,gm crops,genetically modified crops,negative,methane/other emissions.,methane|air pollution|plough,good,"global warming, co2 emissions, gm foods, society, pollution, farming, ecology, environment, methane, ecology, environment" for,"If sex images can be banned for youths, so can violence","{'youth', 'violence'}","{'human sexual activity', 'illustration', 'youth', 'violence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Head scarves enable Muslim women to defy sexual oppressors,"{'hijab', 'sexual identity', 'muslim', 'oppression'}","{'women in islam', 'headscarf', 'oppression'}",Relation,head scarves,headscarf,positive,defy sexual oppressors,oppression|women in islam,good,"muslim women, muslims, society, sexual oppression should be defied, women, muslim women, freedom, women, safety" for,"GM crops can be mismatched with ecosystems, as can conventional crops.",{'ecosystem'},"{'genetically modified crops', 'ecosystem'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legalizing incest increases the risks of abuse.,"{'legalization', 'substance abuse', 'incest'}","{'hazard', 'incest', 'abuse'}",Relation,legalizing incest,legalization|incest,positive,risks of abuse,abuse,bad,"people, victims of abuse, health, safety, security, family members of abusers, young family, incest, abuse, damages." against,Vegetarianism would cause the extinction of domesticated animals.,"{'vegetarianism', 'quaternary extinction event', 'domestication'}",{'vegetarianism'},Relation,vegetarianism,vegetarianism,positive,extinction of domesticated,domestication,bad,"animals, environment, domesticated animals, pets, animals, dogs, cats, animals, pets, domestication." against,Ideas expressed in violent games shouldn t be surpressed.,{'game theory'},"{'idea', 'game'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Head scarves aren""t about oppressing women; there are good reasons","{'woman', 'headscarf'}","{'woman', 'headscarf', 'intellect'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Consensual adult incest should not be confused with abusive incest,"{'pornography', 'incest', 'child abuse', 'consent'}","{'incest', 'consent (criminal law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,GM animals can be made sterile.,set(),"{'animal', 'gm chassis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Meat can be produced very cheaply,{'meat'},{'meat'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Not talking to enemies fails to change their behavior,"{'social change', 'behavior', 'speech'}",{'behavior'},Relation,not talking to enemies,speech,negative,change their behavior,social change|behavior,bad,"relationships, society, social culture, becoming enemies with no change, enemies, people, citizens, people trying to change their enemies" for,The idea that women must wear headscarves to be dignified is offensive,set(),"{'woman', 'idea', 'headscarf'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,GM foods reduce the damage caused by pesticides to wildlife.,"{'redox', 'genetically modified food', 'pesticide', 'wildlife', 'brain damage'}","{'pesticide', 'genetically modified food', 'price', 'wildlife'}",Relation,gm foods,genetically modified food,negative,damage caused by pesticides to wildlife,pesticide|wildlife,good,"environment, environment, global warming, environment" for,Globalization can help preserve traditions and cultures.,"{'globalization', 'tradition', 'culture'}","{'globalization', 'culture'}",Relation,globalization,globalization,positive,preserve traditions and cultures,tradition|culture,good,"world, societies, society, culture, humans, preserve traditions, cultures, culture, tradition, history, society" against,Legalization of incest would encourage patriarchal abuse,"{'drug liberalization', 'incest', 'patriarchy', 'sexual abuse'}","{'legalization', 'abuse', 'incest'}",Relation,legalization of incest,legalization|incest,positive,patriarchal abuse,abuse,bad,"society, family, children, society, victims of incest, children, family, society, girl's safety, girl's mental health, society, family" for,"GM animals are designed to be ""food"",not ""breeding machines"".","{'animal husbandry', 'food', 'genetic engineering', 'machine'}","{'food', 'animal', 'gm chassis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Iraq Study Group says meet Iran/Syria w/o conditions,"{'syria', 'iran', 'iraq study group'}",{'iraq study group'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Globalization helps break the regressive taboos",{'globalization'},"{'pitbull (rapper)', 'taboo'}",Relation,globalization,globalization,negative,regressive taboos,taboo,good,"globalization, regressive taboos, society, society, citizens, the world" for,"With long-term savings locked, US can refocus on jobs.",set(),{'job'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Citizens must tolerate ""immorality"" such as incest.","{'roman citizenship', 'toleration', 'incest', 'morality'}","{'incest', 'immorality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Globalization helps eradicate child labour.,"{'globalization', 'child labour', 'genocide'}","{'globalization', 'child labour'}",Relation,globalization,globalization,negative,child labour,child labour,good,"human rights, children, corporations, children, society, society, children, children, the economy, health" for,Spending cuts are phased in slowly to allow recovery.,set(),{'recuperation (recovery)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Incestuous couples have a right to follow their own morals.,"{'incest', 'rights', 'morality'}","{'incest', 'rights', 'morality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unconditional meetings wrongly legitimize hostile leaders,{'leadership'},{'meeting'},Relation,unconditional meetings,meeting,positive,legitimize hostile leaders,leadership,bad,"countries, people, people, legitimizing hostile leaders is bad for an organization, citizens, population, democracy" against,Globalization increases market sensitivity.,"{'globalization', 'market (economics)'}","{'globalization', 'market (economics)'}",Relation,globalization,globalization,positive,market sensitivity,market (economics),neutral, against,Bitter debt deals debate undermines confidence in economy,"{'economy', 'confidence'}","{'bitter (beer)', 'authority (management)', 'economy', 'debt', 'argumentation theory'}",Relation,bitter debt deals debate,debt,negative,confidence in economy,economy|confidence,good,"economy, stock market, business, economic development, prosperity, the economy, the government, and the people" for,Obama is only willing to meet rogue leaders when its in US interests.,set(),"{'rogue (vagrant)', 'rock climbing', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Incest must be harmful not just ""immoral"" to be banned","{'censorship', 'incest', 'morality'}",{'incest'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obamas conditionless meetings would involve diplomatic preparations,set(),{'meeting'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Debt deals modest cuts protect recovering economy,"{'wound', 'debt'}","{'economy', 'debt'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Magnitude of moral abhorrence of incest justifies ban.,"{'theodicy', 'incest', 'morality'}","{'incest', 'magnitude (mathematics)', 'abhorrence', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Obama would meet Amadinejad, but he may fall out of power",set(),"{'barack obama', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Financial liberalization is difficult to implement.,"{'big bang (financial markets)', 'liberalization'}",{'liberalization'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Surrender on debt deal emboldens GOP to continue extorting.,"{'extortion', 'contract'}",{'republican party (united states)'},Relation,surrender on debt deal,contract,positive,gop to continue extorting,extortion|republican party (united states),bad,"society, american society and its people, government, society" for,Foreign competition boosts innovation.,"{'competition (economics)', 'innovation'}","{'competition (economics)', 'foreign (trey songz song)', 'innovation'}",Relation,foreign competition,competition (economics)|foreign (trey songz song),positive,innovation,innovation,good,"motivate the people, research, society, economy, improving products, society, innovation, domestic companies, consumers" for,Incest cannot be successfully banned,"{'censorship', 'incest'}",{'incest'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ideologically stubborn to meet only after preconditions met,set(),{'political philosophy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Debt ceiling helps Obama appeal to moderates.,{'moderate'},"{'appeal', 'moderate', 'barack obama', 'united states debt ceiling'}",Relation,debt ceiling,united states debt ceiling,positive,obama appeal to moderates,barack obama|appeal|moderate,good,"barack obama, obama, moderates, politics, society, obama, politics, nation" for,Banning head scarves makes it easier for Muslim women to uncover,"{'hijab', 'muslim', 'ban (law)'}","{'women in islam', 'headscarf'}",Relation,banning head scarves,headscarf|ban (law),positive,muslim women to uncover,muslim|women in islam,good,"muslim women, muslim women to uncover, women, society, muslims" for,Globalization helps eradicate poverty.,"{'globalization', 'poverty reduction', 'poverty'}","{'globalization', 'poverty reduction'}",Relation,globalization,globalization,negative,poverty,poverty,good,"low income, society, economy, poverty, people, poor people" against,Iranian leaders are evil; wrong to meet with them,"{'evil', 'caliphate', 'iranian peoples'}",{'iranian languages'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Religion should have no role in incest law,"{'incest', 'religion', 'laws regarding incest'}","{'laws regarding incest', 'faith'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Opponents should argue against head scarves, but a ban is excessive",set(),"{'headscarf', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Talking to hostile leaders takes the higher moral ground.,"{'leadership', 'hostility', 'moral', 'speech'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Muslim women are pressured by social conventions to wear the Hijab,"{'hijab', 'islam'}","{'convention (norm)', 'women in islam', 'hijab'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Liberals lost in deal w/ no tax increases, sharp cuts.","{'tax cut', 'tax', 'liberalism'}","{'tax', 'liberalism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Bible condemns incest, supports its moral condemnation","{'incest', 'bible', 'morality', 'damnation'}","{'incest', 'authorship of the bible'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Iran sponsors terrorists; wrong to talk with them,{'iran'},{'iran'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Deal needed only start deficit reductions.,set(),{'extrusion'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Majority of scholars support unconditionally meeting hostile leaders,{'leadership'},{'scholarly method'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Pressure to wear veils is fine; cultural pressure is universal,set(),"{'pressure', 'veil'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bible supports incest and embraces its practice,"{'incest', 'bible'}","{'incest', 'authorship of the bible'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A ban violates the rights of women who freely choose to wear veils,"{'world health organization', ""women's rights""}","{'veil', ""women's rights""}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama open talks offer rogue leaders propaganda opportunities,{'propaganda'},"{'talk (software)', 'loss leader', 'barack obama', 'rogue (vagrant)', 'propaganda'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Tax deal was win for wealthiest and their lobbyists.,"{'contract', 'tax', 'lobbying', 'economic inequality'}","{'tax', 'lobbying'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Globalization can lead to a ""brain drain"".","{'globalization', 'andean community', 'human capital flight'}",{'globalization'},Relation,globalization,globalization,positive,brain drain,human capital flight,bad,"established organizations, brains, productivity, health, globalization, countries affect by brain drain" against,The state must allow for parental judgement on head scarves for children,set(),"{'headscarf', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Religions impact on morals must be considered in incest ban.,"{'incest', 'religion', 'morality', 'social influence'}","{'incest', 'ban (law)', 'morality', 'faith'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Deal is purely spending cuts when public wants mix.,set(),{'audio mixing'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Muslim head-coverings help keep women safe.,{'muslim'},"{'woman', 'muslim'}",Relation,muslim head-coverings,woman|muslim,positive,safety,woman,good,"muslim women, women, culture, religion" for,Debt deal makes needed cuts to military budgets.,"{'tax cut', 'military', 'debt', 'contract', 'budget'}","{'cut (cards)', 'debt', 'military budget'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legalization would approve incest and increase it.,"{'legalization', 'incest'}","{'legalization', 'incest'}",Relation,legalization,legalization,positive,incest and increase,incest,bad,"everyone, society, people, reproduction, people" for,Globalizations helps international trade flourish.,set(),"{'globalization', 'international trade'}",Relation,globalizations,globalization,positive,international trade,international trade,good,"trade, economy, society, citizens,, international trade, world economy, trade, countries, economy, society" for,Genetic screening better creates the opportunity for a born child to live a healthy and fulfilling life.,{'health'},"{'genetic testing', 'life', 'child'}",Relation,genetic screening,genetic testing,positive,a born child to live a healthy and fulfilling life,health|life|child,good,"a healthy and fulfilling life., children, society, the child and its parents, health, disease, longevity, health, child, living" for,Talking with all Muslim leaders shows Muslims US is listening,{'muslim'},"{'islamic religious leaders', 'muslim'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Incestuous relationships are more prone to abuse than homosexual ones.,"{'incest', 'homosexuality'}","{'incest', 'enneagram of personality', 'abuse'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Only the husband has the right to see a woman.,"{'woman', 'rights', 'husband'}","{'woman', 'rights', 'husband'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legal gay marriage sets precedent for incest marriage,"{'conflict of marriage laws', 'equality before the law', 'same-sex marriage', 'precedent', 'incest'}","{'same-sex marriage', 'conflict of marriage laws', 'common law', 'incest'}",Relation,legal gay marriage,same-sex marriage,positive,precedent for incest marriage,precedent|incest,bad,"gay, society, society" for,"""Preconditions"" for talking are often what need to be talked about",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Female bodies already naturally ""screen"" away unhealthy embryos; why not take this one small step further?",{'human body'},"{'embryo', 'female body shape'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Choosing"" to wear head scarves merely internalizes oppression","{'hijab', 'oppression'}",{'headscarf'},Relation,to wear head scarves,headscarf,positive,oppression,oppression,bad,"muslim women, society, citizens, hijab wearers, people choosing to wear head scarves" against,Globalization can cause higher unemployment and wage stagnation,"{'globalization', 'unemployment in the united states', 'andean community', 'household income in the united states'}","{'globalization', 'remuneration', 'unemployment'}",Relation,globalization,globalization,positive,higher unemployment and wage stagnation,household income in the united states|unemployment|unemployment in the united states,bad,"employees, society, employment, wages, society, unemployment, the economy, jobs, workers, businesses" for,Offspring of first-cousins have a low chance of defects,{'the offspring'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Since these rules have been in place, all attempted terrorist attacks have been stopped before they happened.","{'terrorism', 'norm (social)'}",{'location (geography)'},Relation,rules have been in place,norm (social),NoAgreement,terrorist attacks,terrorism,good,"terrorism, security, safety, society, terrorism, law, avoiding terrorism" against,"""On the whole, women have been harmed more than men by globalization.","{'globalization', ""women's rights""}","{'globalization', 'woman', 'man'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Incestuous couples love one another the same as other couples,set(),{'incest'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Being able to select boy or girl embryo could allow parents to select the best match.,"{'embryo', 'natural selection', 'parent'}","{'embryo', 'parent', 'boy or girl paradox', 'game'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bans on Muslim head scarves cause a backlash from the Muslim community,"{'muslim', 'islam'}","{'ummah', 'backlash (engineering)', 'headscarf', 'muslim', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,bans on muslim head scarves,headscarf|muslim|ban (law),positive,backlash from the muslim community,muslim,bad,"society, muslims, muslims, community, muslim, islam, society, peace, muslim society" against,"If we let our guard down and remove these restrictions, the number of terrorist attcacks may start to increase.",set(),"{'restriction (mathematics)', 'number'}",Relation,remove these restrictions,restriction (mathematics),positive,terrorist attacks,number,bad,"safety, citizens, people, terrorist targets, civilized society, countries, society, society, terrorism, people targeted by terrorism" for,The principle of allowing a childless couple to have a baby is already in place in Britain.,set(),"{'location (geography)', 'infant', 'united kingdom'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many Muslims hide opposition to veil ban to avoid attacks from non-Muslims,"{'french ban on face covering', 'muslim', 'september 11 attacks', 'dhimmi'}","{'french ban on face covering', 'kaffir (racial term)', 'muslim', 'offense (sports)'}",Relation,muslims hide opposition to veil ban,muslim|french ban on face covering,negative,attacks from non-muslims,muslim|offense (sports),bad,"muslims, society, religion, muslims, religious freedom, safety, peace" for,Outlawing incest opens slippery slope to other prohibitions,"{'slippery slope', 'incest'}","{'slippery slope', 'prohibition of drugs', 'incest'}",Relation,outlawing incest,incest,positive,slippery slope to other prohibitions,slippery slope,bad,"prohibitions, society, community, people" against,Terrorism is a major problem and must not happen.,set(),"{'problem', 'terrorism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Globalization harms the environment.,{'globalization'},"{'globalization', 'nature'}",Relation,globalization,globalization,NoAgreement,the environment,nature,bad,"nature, environment, global warming, environment, environment, nature, environment, people, animals" for,Allowing head scarves would foster a greater clash of civilizations,{'clash of civilizations'},"{'clash of civilizations', 'headscarf'}",Relation,allowing head scarves,headscarf,positive,greater clash of civilizations,clash of civilizations,bad,"civilizations, civilizations, society, safety, civilizations, citizens, society, civilizations" for,"The embryos not chosen after screening could be offered up for ""adoption"" instead of being thrown away:",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Indefinitely freezing rejected embryos would be disrespectful to life.,{'embryo'},{'embryo'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legal incest opens slippery slope to legalizing other behavior,"{'slippery slope', 'incest', 'law'}","{'slippery slope', 'behavior', 'incest', 'law'}",Relation,legal incest,incest|law,positive,legalizing other behavior,behavior|law,bad,"people, government, leading to bad behavior, law, morality ,citizens" for,Globalization has enabled us to solve global problems.,{'globalization'},"{'problem', 'pitbull (rapper)'}",Relation,globalization,globalization,positive,solve global problems.,problem,good,"earth, economy, humans, countries, economies, the world, global problems" for,Terrorists usually get caught before boarding their plane anyway.,set(),{'airplane'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Veil-wearing can make it very hard to identify individuals.,set(),{'individual'},Relation,veil-wearing,,negative,identify individuals,individual,neutral, for,Laws allowing abortion may make it possible to avoid considering an embryo to be alive:,"{'embryo', 'abortion'}","{'embryo', 'law', 'abortion'}",Relation,laws allowing abortion,law|abortion,positive,avoid considering an embryo to be,embryo,neutral, for,A duty to protect civilians.,set(),"{'civilian', 'duty to protect'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Consenting adults have a right to engage in incest,"{'incest', 'consent (criminal law)'}","{'rights', 'consent (criminal law)', 'incest'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Institutions of global governance mean a democratic deficit,","{'democratic deficit', 'institution'}","{'democratic deficit', 'global governance', 'institution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Head scarf bans can cause resentment, violence, and even war","{'war', 'hijab', 'resentment', 'violence'}","{'headscarf', 'warfare', 'violence', 'resentment', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,head scarf bans,headscarf|ban (law),positive,"resentment, violence, and",violence|resentment|war,bad,"society, resentment, violence, and even war, everyone involved, war, safety, violence, citizens" against,Hard to implement no fly zone over large territory like Libya.,"{'libya', 'british overseas territories', 'hard power', 'no-fly zone'}","{'hard (nautical)', 'fly', 'district'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Nobody is forcing parents to perform ""genetic screening"", which counters its association with social-planning eugenics.","{'genetic testing', 'eugenics'}","{'voluntary association', 'parent', 'counter (furniture)', 'eugenics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Consenting adults have no right to engage in harmful incest.,"{'rights', 'harm principle', 'consent (criminal law)', 'incest'}","{'rights', 'consent (criminal law)', 'incest'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,No-fly zone does not include putting troops on the ground.,"{'2011 military intervention in libya', 'united states armed forces'}","{'soil', 'no-fly zone'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Hijab disguises key features of an individual more than hats.,{'hijab'},"{'chapeau', 'hijab'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Globalization can lead to state disintegration","{'globalization', 'dissolution of the soviet union', 'state (polity)', 'andean community'}",{'globalization'},Relation,globalization,globalization,positive,state disintegration,state (polity),bad,"unity, country, economy, society, state, peace, government, citizens" against,Bringing cool water to the surface would mean introducing warm water to ecosystems adapted for cold water.,"{'water', 'ecosystem', 'average', 'temperature', 'adaptation'}","{'cool water (perfume)', 'ecosystem', 'water'}",Relation,bringing cool water to the surface,water|temperature,positive,introducing warm water to ecosystems adapted for cold water.,water|ecosystem|temperature,NoAgreement, for,Globalization helps democracy thrive.,{'globalization'},{'globalization'},Relation,globalization,globalization,positive,democracy,,good,"society, democracy, democracy, democracy, democracy" against,No fly zone would create expectation of help elsewhere.,{'no-fly zone'},{'fly'},Relation,no fly zone,no-fly zone,positive,expectation of help elsewhere,,neutral, for,The French strongly support banning Muslim head scarves.,"{'hijab', 'french people', 'muslim'}","{'muslim', 'headscarf', 'french language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,This would help improve the health of our oceans.,set(),{'ocean'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Libyan no-fly zone would evolve into larger military engagement,{'2011 military intervention in libya'},"{'2011 military intervention in libya', 'engagement (military)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Algae biofuel can scale to replace oil,"{'cooking oil', 'biofuel', 'algae fuel', 'andean community'}","{'oil', 'algae fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Sex is for reproduction; incest cannot be only about sex.,"{'incest', 'sex', 'reproduction'}","{'human sexual activity', 'incest', 'reproduction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Would causing an algal bloom truly remove CO2 from the atmosphere?,"{'carbon dioxide', 'atmosphere', 'algal bloom'}","{'carbon dioxide', 'algal bloom', 'standard conditions for temperature and pressure'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Past No-fly zones have led to further military intervention,set(),"{'past', 'peacekeeping', 'no-fly zone'}",Relation,past no-fly zones,past|no-fly zone,positive,further military intervention,peacekeeping,bad,"flying, soldiers, militaries, peace, society" against,Globalization has made it more difficult to ensure safety and stability.,{'globalization'},"{'globalization', 'safety'}",Relation,globalization,globalization,negative,ensure safety and stability,safety,bad,"safety, society, international relations, world citizens, society, safety, stability, people" for,Marriage is a contract with little sanctity for incest to violate,"{'contract', 'marriage (catholic church)', 'incest', 'sacred'}","{'contract', 'marriage', 'sacred', 'incest'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Doing nothing is to be complicit with Gaddafi regime.,set(),{'history of libya under muammar gaddafi'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Algae biofuel has to be created from scratch,"{'biofuel', 'algae fuel'}",{'algae fuel'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"We are ""forced"" to give up national sovereignty.",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,This would lower greenhouse gas concentrations.,{'greenhouse gas'},"{'greenhouse gas', 'concentration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"No-fly zone offers low-cost, low-risk support to rebels.","{'low-cost carrier', 'rebellion', 'command and control', 'no-fly zone'}","{'rebellion', 'no-fly zone'}",Relation,no-fly zone,no-fly zone,positive,"low-cost, low-risk support to rebels",rebellion,good,"rebels, society, air traffic, military intervention, peace, diplomacy, democracy" against,Using algae to filter coal then burning it emits captured C02,"{'filtration', 'combustion', 'neutron capture', 'carbon dioxide', 'emission spectrum', 'algae', 'fossil-fuel power station'}","{'coal', 'c2', 'algae'}",Relation,using algae to filter coal,filtration|coal|algae,positive,emits captured,carbon dioxide|emission spectrum,bad,"everyone living on earth, environment, the earth" against,No-fly zone that fails to dislodge Gaddafi will look bad.,"{'muammar gaddafi', 'no-fly zone'}","{'muammar gaddafi', 'no-fly zone'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The ecosystems are already at risk and fertilization may irreversible alter them.,"{'ecosystem', 'fertilisation'}","{'ecosystem', 'hazard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Adult incest can occur after family years,"{'pornography', 'incest', 'family'}","{'incest', 'year', 'adult', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Algae can filter C02 from coal and be used for biofuel,"{'filtration', 'coal', 'carbon dioxide', 'biofuel', 'algae'}","{'biofuel', 'c2', 'algae', 'coal'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is the nature of mankind to hunt,set(),"{'christian anthropology', 'hunting'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trying to Control the weather could have unanticipated side effects.,set(),"{'scientific control', 'weather', 'side effect'}",Relation,trying to control the weather,weather,positive,unanticipated side effects,side effect,bad,"scientists, society, safety, side effects." for,No-fly zone helps limit refugees from Libyan crisis,"{'2011 military intervention in libya', 'libyan crisis (2011–present)'}","{'refugee', 'demographics of libya', 'crisis', 'no-fly zone'}",Relation,no-fly zone,no-fly zone,negative,libyan crisis,refugee|libyan crisis (2011–present),NoAgreement, for,Confusing laws for married incestuous couples show flaws of ban,"{'incest', 'ban (law)'}","{'law', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Animals feel and suffer in very similar ways as humans,set(),"{'animal', 'humans (noon universe)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Libya no fly zone could turn into Somalia disaster.,"{'2011 military intervention in libya', 'somalia'}",{'2011 military intervention in libya'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Algae biofuel start-ups exaggerate estimates to attract capital,"{'startup company', 'biofuel', 'algae fuel'}","{'estimation', 'start-up', 'algae fuel', 'working capital'}",Relation,algae biofuel,biofuel|algae fuel,positive,exaggerate estimates to attract capital,working capital|estimation,neutral, for,Lessening the strength of hurricanes would mean that 10 billion dollars a year could be used for other projects.,"{'tropical cyclone', '1,000,000,000'}","{'tropical cyclone', 'intensity (physics)', 'year', 'united states dollar'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No evidence that rebels would govern any better than Gaddafi,"{'rebellion', 'government', 'muammar gaddafi'}","{'muammar gaddafi', 'rebellion', 'evidence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Dominion and hunting can and should be excercised responsibly.,{'physical exercise'},{'dominion'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Incest can seclude people within their family network.,{'incest'},"{'incest', 'family'}",Relation,incest,incest,positive,people within their family network,family,bad,"family members, families, individuals, incestuous relationships, people, family, social networks, society" for,Algae biofuel can become price competitive with oil,"{'biofuel', 'algae fuel', 'petroleum', 'competitiveness'}","{'oil', 'price', 'algae fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legal incest would add risks on top of other risky mating.,"{'incest', 'law'}","{'hazard', 'incest', 'law'}",Relation,legal incest,incest|law,positive,risks on top of other risky mating,hazard,bad,"health, families, society, sexual health, society, mating, society" against,Hunting makes animals fearful of humans; breaches trust,"{'human', 'trust (emotion)', 'fear', 'hunting'}","{'trust (social sciences)', 'animal', 'human'}",Relation,hunting,hunting,positive,animals fearful of humans,animal|fear|human,NoAgreement, for,Lessening the strength of hurricanes would mean that fewer human lives would be lost or ruined.,{'tropical cyclone'},set(),Relation,lessening the strength of hurricanes,tropical cyclone,NoAgreement,fewer human lives,,good,"humans, society, natural disasters, victims of hurricanes, society, peace, citizens, environment, people, society" against,No-fly zone could increase support for Gaddafi,"{'muammar gaddafi', 'close air support', 'no-fly zone'}","{'muammar gaddafi', 'no-fly zone'}",Relation,no-fly zone,no-fly zone,positive,increase support for gaddafi,muammar gaddafi,neutral, against,Hi-tech algae biofuel plants require too much energy/money,"{'c4 carbon fixation', 'biofuel', 'high tech', 'energy', 'algae fuel'}","{'plant', 'high tech', 'algae fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If animals have rights, do we criminalize animals that kill each other?",set(),"{'animal', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hurricanes actually help the envrionment.,set(),set(),Relation,hurricanes,,positive,environment,,good,"environment, climate, weather, global warming, climate, environment, environment" for,"Incestuous relationships could be legal, but ban reproduction","{'incest', 'law', 'reproduction', 'ban (law)'}","{'incest', 'reproduction', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Algae pools can become contaminated and less efficient,"{'stream pool', 'photosynthetic efficiency', 'water pollution', 'algae'}",{'algae'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Proceeds of hunting industry go to wildlife sustainability,"{'industry', 'sustainability', 'wildlife', 'hunting'}","{'industry', 'yield (finance)', 'wildlife'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Developing and employing this technology would cost more than it would save.,"{'technology', 'saving', 'cost'}",{'engineering'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Algae fuel ponds must be expensively covered,{'algae fuel'},"{'pond', 'algae fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Sanctions typically harm the poorest in societies:,"{'society', 'social control', 'poverty'}",{'society'},Relation,sanctions,social control,positive,harm the poorest in societies:,poverty,bad,"the poor, society, the poor, the weak, those in need" for,Hunters fully appreciate animals and the lives they are taking,set(),{'animal'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,This technology would cool the ocean.,"{'technology', 'temperature', 'ocean'}",{'ocean'},Relation,this technology,technology,positive,cool the ocean,temperature|ocean,NoAgreement, for,Hunters help advance the interests of land preservation,{'hunting'},set(),Relation,hunters,hunting,positive,land preservation,,good,"society, environment, land, ecology, environment, hunters and the environment, society" for,Algae can be produced locally for food and fuel,"{'food', 'canning', 'local food', 'algae', 'fuel'}","{'fuel', 'food', 'algae'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is a duty to end child labor to defend access to education.,"{'child labour', 'education', 'contact (law)'}",{'child labour'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No-fly zone is an act of war; goes too far,{'iraqi no-fly zones'},"{'act (document)', 'warfare', 'no-fly zone'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,This technology would encourage the development of clouds.,"{'technology', 'cloud computing', 'research and development'}","{'development economics', 'engineering'}",Relation,this technology,technology,positive,development of clouds,cloud computing|research and development,neutral, against,Lining ponds to meet groundwater regulations is expensive,"{'regulation', 'groundwater'}","{'water well', 'pond'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,People will suspect US in Libya regardless of no-fly zone,"{'will and testament', 'suspect', '2011 military intervention in libya', 'libya', 'person'}","{'the sunday people', 'history of libya under muammar gaddafi', 'no-fly zone'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Hunting is definitely fair, because, all animals have their strengths.","{'fox hunting', 'fair', 'the animals'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many children have to work to pay for school.,"{'school', 'child', 'employment'}","{'school', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,This technology would help the earth heal its self.,{'earth'},"{'philosophy of self', 'engineering'}",Relation,this technology,,positive,earth heal its self,earth,good,"earth, earth, healing, environment, environment, environment, people" for,Show of resolve with no-fly zone could change things.,{'no-fly zone'},"{'clothing', 'no-fly zone'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Sport of hunting should, indeed, always be challenging",set(),{'athletics (sport)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Human waste and sewage can be used to grow algae biofuel,"{'human waste', 'sewage', 'biofuel', 'algae fuel'}","{'human waste', 'sewage', 'algae fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ending child labor takes precedent over international trade.,"{'child labour', 'international trade law', 'precedent'}","{'international trade', 'child labour', 'common law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,This technology could damage fragile and essential ecosystems.,"{'technology', 'ecosystem'}","{'ecosystem', 'engineering'}",Relation,this technology,technology,positive,fragile and essential,ecosystem,bad,"ecosystems, ecosystem, environment, environment, society, fragile ecosystems" for,It is perfectly natural to use animals for our own nutrition and pleasure.,{'nutrition'},{'pleasure'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Early exposure to work can give experience and perpsective to children.,{'child'},"{'experience', 'child'}",Relation,early exposure to work,,positive,experience and perpsective to,experience|child,good,"children, society, parents, children, society, children, society, children, children" for,"Algae biofuel can grow in salt water, freshwater or contaminated water.","{'water pollution', 'seawater', 'biofuel', 'algae fuel', 'salt', 'fresh water'}","{'brine', 'algae fuel', 'water pollution', 'fresh water'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Global warming is causing the arctic ice caps to melt at an alarming rate.,"{'global warming', 'ice cap', 'arctic'}","{'arctic ice pack', 'global warming', 'rate (mathematics)'}",Relation,global warming,global warming,positive,arctic ice caps to melt at an alarming rate,ice cap|arctic ice pack|arctic,bad,"environment, animals, people, earth, environment, coastal communities, society, animals, environment" for,Consumer pressure is too weak to force change on social and economic issues:,"{'social change', 'economy', 'force', 'social', 'weak interaction', 'economic policy'}","{'economic policy', 'pressure', 'consumer', 'change (philosophy)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Wrong to hunt harmless, defenseless animals",set(),{'wrong'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Individuals should ostracize hunters they know,set(),{'individual'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Algae photo-bioreactors require very little land,"{'land', 'photobioreactor', 'algae'}","{'algae fuel', 'algae'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Aircraft could also be used to jam Libyan regime communications.,"{'military communications', 'government', 'radio jamming', 'aircraft'}","{'aircraft', 'fruit preserves', 'communication', 'regime', 'demographics of libya'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Consumer power has proven highly effective in the past in forcing trans-national companies to institute ethical practices:,"{'ethics', 'multinational corporation'}","{'past', 'company', 'take care (album)', 'consumer', 'power (social and political)'}",Relation,consumer power,consumer|power (social and political),positive,trans-national companies to institute ethical practices,company|multinational corporation|ethics,good,"people, government, consumers, workers, companies, governments, consumers, society" against,The Earth goes though climate cycles over time this is just another era.,"{'earth', 'time', 'era'}","{'earth', 'time', 'era (geology)', 'climate oscillation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Those that disapprove of hunting should not hunt.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Libyan rebels can succeed without no-fly zone.,"{'anti-gaddafi forces', 'no-fly zone'}","{'anti-gaddafi forces', 'no-fly zone'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Sanctions are the most effective way to pressure change on social and economic issues:,"{'economy', 'social science', 'economic policy'}","{'economic policy', 'pressure', 'change (philosophy)'}",Relation,sanctions,economic policy,positive,pressure change on social and economic,social science|pressure|economy,neutral, against,"Climate Change may dry out the upper levels of the innermost atmospheric layer, the troposphere, and less water means a weaker greenhouse effect.","{'greenhouse effect', 'water', 'climate change', 'atmosphere of earth'}","{'water', 'atmosphere of earth', 'greenhouse effect', 'degree (music)', 'climate change', 'troposphere'}",Relation,climate change,climate change,positive,weaker greenhouse effect,atmosphere of earth|greenhouse effect,NoAgreement, against,No-fly zone would taint Libyan revolution with Western influence.,"{'western world', 'western culture', 'no-fly zone'}","{'western (genre)', 'taint (legal)', 'american revolutionary war', 'no-fly zone', 'demographics of libya'}",Relation,no-fly zone,no-fly zone,negative,libyan revolution with western influence.,western culture|taint (legal)|western world,bad,"society, libya, society, peace, no-fly zones, libya, society" for,Differences of opinion on killing and hunting must be tolerated,set(),{'conflict (process)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Algae biofuel will fail like other biofuels,"{'market failure', 'biofuel', 'algae fuel'}","{'biofuel', 'algae fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Libyan rebels want a no-fly zone.,"{'anti-gaddafi forces', 'no-fly zone'}","{'anti-gaddafi forces', 'no-fly zone'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Placing sanctions on some companies will merely shift child labour underground:,"{'shift work', 'uk underground', 'child labour', 'will and testament', 'corporation', 'sanctions (law)'}","{'child labour', 'company', 'anarchist federation (britain and ireland)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hunting need not be tolerated; it is cruel and can be made unlawful,"{'crime', 'cruelty to animals', 'hunting'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Western democracies have been largely successful.,"{'western world', 'democracy'}",{'liberal democracy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No fly zones have a history of limited effectiveness.,set(),"{'effectiveness', 'history', 'fly'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Solar cycles can explain most of the changes.,set(),"{'change (philosophy)', 'solar cycle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The rights which we enjoy in democratic countries also come with responsibilities.,"{'democracy', 'moral responsibility'}","{'rights', 'administrative divisions of mexico'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Silly to hunt based on its mystic tradition,"{'tradition', 'mysticism'}",{'hunting'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,No-fly zone would significantly benefit Libyan rebels,"{'anti-gaddafi forces', 'welfare', 'no-fly zone'}","{'anti-gaddafi forces', 'no-fly zone'}",Relation,no-fly zone,no-fly zone,positive,libyan rebels,anti-gaddafi forces,neutral, for,Wicca teaches many things beyond witchcraft/spell-casting.,"{'witchcraft', 'spell (paranormal)', 'wicca'}",{'clothing'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Obama can""t run on record, so hes creating villains",{'on record'},"{'run (cricket)', 'gramophone record', 'barack obama', 'villain'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Since the mid 1980s there have been a series of violent incidents, incited by hate speech, directed at various minorities in university.",{'hate speech'},"{'minority group', 'incident (film)', 'university', 'hate speech', 'world series of fighting 2: arlovski vs. johnson'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Facebooks news-feed now has an off-switch, giving users the choice to adjust privacy settings.","{'privacy', 'news aggregator', 'user (computing)'}","{'privacy', 'facebook', 'user (computing)'}",Relation,facebooks news-feed now has an off-switch,facebook,positive,choice to adjust privacy,privacy|user (computing),good,"privacy, users, privacy, facebook users" against,The TGD neglects rural population energy needs,"{'world energy consumption', 'world population'}","{'need', 'thermodynamic free energy', 'population'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Wiccans believe magic is part of nature.,"{'nature', 'magic (paranormal)', 'wicca', 'belief'}","{'nature', 'magic (paranormal)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama is wrongly trying to change America.,{'barack obama'},{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,China needs greater energy efficiency not the TGD,{'china'},"{'energy conversion efficiency', 'cathay', 'podgorica airport'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Commercial reasons not to promote tight security.,"{'advertising', 'promotion (marketing)'}",{'television advertisement'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many US court rulings have confirmed Wicca as a religion.,"{'confirmation', 'freedom of religion', 'wicca'}","{'court order', 'faith'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Free speech is one of the founding principles in a democratic society and should be upheld at all costs.,"{'principle', 'freedom of speech', 'democracy', 'neoplatonism'}","{'cost', 'freedom of speech', 'democracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama failed to bring the Olympics to Chicago,{'chicago bulls'},{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Facebook news feeds generally makes people feel exposed and invaded:,"{'facebook features', 'facebook', ''}","{'facebook features', 'people (microsoft service)'}",Relation,facebook news feeds,facebook features,positive,people feel exposed and invaded,people (microsoft service),bad,"people, friends, facebook users, people, users of facebook" against,Beauty contests put undue pressure on being beautiful.,set(),"{'pressure', 'beauty pageant'}",Relation,beauty contests,beauty pageant,positive,undue pressure on being beautiful,pressure,bad,"society, stress, health, society, self concept, beauty, pageants, kids" for,TGD helps lower Chinas demand pressures on world energy supplies,"{'world energy consumption', 'energy supply'}","{'pressure', 'cathay', 'world energy consumption', 'podgorica airport'}",Relation,tgd,energy supply,negative,chinas demand pressures on world energy supplies,energy supply|world energy consumption|pressure,good,"energy supply, global economy, the environment and everyone living on earth, energy, global warming, society, china, world energy" against,Wicca is too recent to become a recognized religion.,"{'religion', 'wicca'}",{'faith'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Obama justified in ""class warfare"" to restore middle class","{'class conflict', 'middle class'}","{'social class', 'bourgeoisie'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Facebook fosters hate speech.,"{'facebook', 'hate speech'}","{'facebook', 'hate speech'}",Relation,facebook,facebook,positive,hate speech,hate speech,bad,"facebook, society, facebook users, minorities, society, facebook, citizens, freedom" for,The TGD helps to alleviate drought.,set(),{'drought'},Relation,the tgd,,negative,drought,drought,NoAgreement, for,Wiccans believe in magic just like Christian believe in prayer.,"{'prayer', 'belief', 'christian', 'wicca', 'magic (paranormal)'}","{'christian', 'prayer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Facebook can be used for educational purposes.,{'facebook'},"{'facebook', 'intention'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Beauty contests let women better their lot in life.,set(),"{'woman', 'lot (biblical person)', 'beauty pageant'}",Relation,beauty contests,beauty pageant,positive,women better their lot in life,woman,good,"women, woman, betterment, economy, social mobility, women, women, pageant winners, women" against,Wiccans have no structured belief system.,"{'wicca', 'belief'}",{'belief'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Three Gorges Dam gives China added respect in the world.,"{'world', 'history of china', 'three gorges dam', 'respect'}","{'respect', 'three gorges dam', 'cathay'}",Relation,three gorges dam,three gorges dam,positive,respect,respect,good,"china, china, geopolitics, diplomacy, resource management, economic growth, china, citizens, foreign relations, china's government, chinese citizens" against,Obama could have given more help to local govts.,{'barack obama'},"{'state (polity)', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Facebook does provide valuable information.,"{'facebook', 'information technology'}","{'facebook', 'information'}",Relation,facebook,facebook,positive,valuable information,information,good,"people, companies, data" for,Beauty pageants not sexist if women eager to participate.,"{'sexism', 'beauty pageant'}","{'woman', 'beauty pageant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The TGD helps limit the risk of floods in the region.,set(),"{'hazard', 'flood'}",Relation,the tgd,,negative,risk of floods in the region,flood,good,"humanity, economy, residents, agriculture, disaster management, economic development" for,Obama is dealing with GOP trying to sabotage economy,"{'sabotage', 'republican party (united states)', 'barack obama', 'economy of the united states'}","{'republican party (united states)', 'barack obama', 'economy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Wiccan clergy can perform legal marriages.,"{'clergy', 'marriage (catholic church)', 'wicca'}","{'clergy', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""A weapon cannot be separated from a murderer."" ","{'murder', 'weapon', 'separatism'}",{'weapon'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Higher achieving schools need funding and money to give quality education. The incentive would be out of reach.,"{'education', 'money', 'quality (business)', 'school', 'higher education', 'funding', 'incentive'}","{'money', 'quality (philosophy)', 'didactic method', 'school', 'incentive'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Obama could have encouraged employers to cut hrs, not fire.",set(),"{'barack obama', 'hour'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Facebook causes the harmful spread of gossip.,{'facebook'},"{'gossip', 'facebook'}",Relation,facebook,facebook,positive,harmful spread of gossip,gossip,bad,"facebook, people, society, society, the source of the gossip" against,"The inhabitants may speak French, but that is because of historical reasons, not cultural ones.","{'history', 'culture', 'reason', 'french language'}","{'intellect', 'french language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Stopped free-fall; things could have been much worse.,set(),"{'clothing', 'free fall'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,TGD will substantially benefit Chinas economic development,set(),"{'cathay', 'economic development', 'podgorica airport'}",Relation,tgd,,positive,chinas economic development,economic development,good,"economic growth, prosperity, development, china, chinese, china, chinese, people, society" for,Schools do want extra funding and providing money to high achieving schools would provide an incentive to do well.,"{'madhhab', 'funding'}","{'incentive', 'school', 'money'}",Relation,providing money to high achieving schools,school|funding,positive,incentive to do well,incentive,good,"high achieving schools, students, school, schools, students, education" against,"All forms of farming have always involved the imposition of artificial, man-made patterns on nature:","{'pattern', 'parmenides'}","{'nature', 'pattern'}",Relation,all forms of farming,pattern,positive,man-made patterns on nature,nature,neutral, for,Obama did best possible to solve crisis with limited info/time.,{'barack obama'},"{'barack obama', 'crisis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is perfectly easy to rule on what is positive and negative:,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Three Gorges Dam will help citrus production,{'three gorges dam'},"{'citrus production', 'dam'}",Relation,the three gorges dam,three gorges dam,positive,citrus production,citrus production,good,"citrus companies, food production, farmers, consumers, society, environment, food industry" for,Took measures to reduce offensive executive pay.,set(),{'executive compensation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Schools with students who do well deserve a good education and better chance in life.,"{'water well', 'life'}","{'student', 'didactic method', 'school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Large-scale beef farming has significantly added to the damage to the ozone layer, as cows and their manure produce vast quantities of methane:","{'cattle', 'agriculture', 'beef', 'produce', 'ozone layer', 'methane', 'manure'}","{'price', 'cattle', 'ozone layer', 'methane', 'beef cattle', 'manure'}",Relation,large-scale beef farming,cattle|agriculture|beef cattle|beef,positive,damage to the ozone layer,ozone layer,bad,"environment, ozone layer damaging, environment, everyone living on earth, earth, environment, animals, humans, people, environment, ozone layer" against,Obama believes govt knows better than comps how to invest,set(),"{'state (polity)', 'barack obama', 'comp (command)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many talented individuals decide not to engage in politics because they are put off by negative attack ads:,{'politics'},"{'attack ad', 'individual', 'politics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Animal food products is an industry that retains the right to act efficiently:,"{'food', 'product (business)', 'act of congress', 'natural and legal rights', 'industry'}","{'industry', 'animal feed', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The TGD causes damaging landslides,set(),{'podgorica airport'},Relation,the tgd,podgorica airport,positive,damaging landslides,,bad,"property, society, land, citizens, property, environment, buildings, people, environment, environment" against,Lower achieving schools need the money more.,"{'working class', 'money', 'education in the united states'}","{'school', 'money'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,GOP would do nothing but cut taxes; Obama is taking action,set(),"{'tax', 'republican party (united states)', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Factory farming sees animals as products, commodities for production and sale instead of as life forms that deserve a certain respect and good treatment:","{'product (business)', 'production (economics)', 'commodity', 'intensive animal farming', 'sales', 'value (ethics)'}","{'commodity', 'intensive animal farming', 'animal', 'product (business)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Politics is a tough game, and those that go into it should expect that:",set(),"{'game', 'politics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Co-ops would compete with and improve health insurance,"{'competition (economics)', 'cooperative education', 'health insurance'}",{'health insurance'},Relation,co-ops,cooperative education|competition (economics),positive,health insurance,health insurance,good,"health care system, health insurance, health, safety, insurance, citizens, society, citizens, doctors" against,Health insurance co-ops have difficulty controlling costs and premiums,"{'control (management)', 'insurance', 'cooperative education', 'health insurance', 'cost'}","{'cost', 'health insurance cooperative'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama helped save the auto industry.,set(),"{'barack obama', 'automotive industry'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Would this ban apply to everyone, or just to candidates?","{'video game content rating system', 'ban (law)'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Developing countries will not be able to exploit their comparative advantages,"{'nation', 'comparative advantage', 'exploitation of natural resources'}","{'comparative advantage', 'developing country'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Non-profit co-ops have lower administrative costs and premiums,"{'cooperative', 'nonprofit organization', 'insurance', 'business administration', 'cost'}","{'cost', 'nonprofit organization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama has failed to grow the economy,{'presidency of barack obama'},"{'economy', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mandatory service often needed to have adequate forces,"{'conscription in israel', 'israel defense forces'}",{'service (economics)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Insurance co-ops will require government involvement/problems,"{'will and testament', 'government', 'insurance', 'cooperative'}","{'administration (government)', 'insurance'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Took critical steps to fight economic crisis, begin recovery.",set(),{'depression (economics)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The ban should apply to everyone:,"{'video game content rating system', 'ban (law)'}",{'ban (law)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Service helps connect and check military with civilians,"{'military', 'civilian'}","{'civilian', 'service (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Health insurance co-ops can scale to compete with private insurers,"{'economies of scale', 'cooperative', 'insurance', 'health insurance', 'privately held company'}","{'underwriting', 'health insurance cooperative'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Despite the negativity, voters still vote, and democracy still functions just fine:","{'democracy', 'voting'}","{'democracy', 'sign (mathematics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Conscription sometimes necessary to be ready for war.,{'conscription'},"{'conscription', 'warfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Took steps to fight corruption and influence of lobbyists.,"{'political corruption', 'lobbying'}",{'lobbying'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Co-ops can scale in a decentralized and community-focused manner.,"{'economies of scale', 'decentralization', 'cooperative'}",{'mode (literature)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unnecessary to train whole nation to prepare for threats.,set(),{'am shalem'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The TGD will kill water life in the Yangze river,{'the will to kill'},"{'life', 'water', 'river'}",Relation,the tgd,,negative,water life in the yangze river,river|water|life,good,"ecology, landscape, ecosystem, environment" against,Increasing taxes on big companies will limit job-creation.,{'tax'},"{'tax', 'big business'}",Relation,increasing taxes on big companies,tax|big business,negative,job-creation,,bad,"people who need jobs, jobs, growth, economy, working class" against,"Within democracies, voters are entitled to know the down-side to a candidate, and the other side is obviously well placed to voice it:","{'democracy', 'voting'}","{'democracy', 'save you', 'ballot', 'civil society campaign'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mandatory service makes leaders less trigger-happy,{'triggerhappy (transformers)'},"{'loss leader', 'service (economics)'}",Relation,mandatory service,service (economics),positive,less trigger-happy,triggerhappy (transformers),good,"leaders, soldiers, world security and everyone, government, country" against,Co-ops cannot scale to compete with insurers like public plan,"{'competition (economics)', 'economies of scale', 'publicly funded health care', 'cooperative', 'insurance'}","{'underwriting', 'program management', 'cooperative'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Obamas clean energy economy, ""green jobs"" have faltered","{'sustainable energy', 'energy economics', 'family of barack obama'}","{'sustainable energy', 'energy economics', 'barack obama', 'green job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Three Gorges Dam could increase downstream flooding,"{'flood', 'three gorges dam', 'downstream (petroleum industry)'}",{'three gorges dam'},Relation,three gorges dam,three gorges dam,positive,downstream flooding,flood,bad,"environment, buildings, people, land, environment, floods, environment, animals" for,Negative attack ads turn the public off to politics:,{'politics'},"{'attack ad', 'affirmative and negative', 'politics', 'public'}",Relation,negative attack ads,attack ad,negative,to politics,politics|public,bad,"public, politics, public" for,"Negative ads typically engage in ""personal politics"" that lack substantive content:",set(),"{'negative campaigning', 'politics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Helped shore up housing market, keep families in homes.",{'shore'},"{'shore', 'home', 'helping behavior', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Health co-ops cannot scale to solve problem of uninsured,"{'health care', 'cooperative education', 'problem solving', 'insurance'}","{'problem', 'health', 'condominium'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Patriotism should not be based on military service.,"{'patriotism', 'conscription'}","{'military branch', 'nationalism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"GOP tax cuts (only) aren""t very stimulative; they get saved.",{'republican party of louisiana'},"{'tax cut', 'republican party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Waterfront development will explode due to tunnel,set(),"{'tunnel', 'development economics', 'camden waterfront'}",Relation,tunnel,tunnel,positive,waterfront development,development economics,neutral, for,National service can involve non-combat roles.,"{'non-combatant', 'conscription in the united kingdom'}",{'national service'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Insurance co-ops self-sustaining, need no taxpayer support","{'taxpayer groups', 'self-sufficiency', 'insurance', 'cooperative'}",{'insurance'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama invested in education to ensure economic prosperity.,"{'investment', 'prosperity', 'economics', 'education'}","{'didactic method', 'prosperity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Health insurance co-ops cannot scale as quickly as public insurance,"{'economies of scale', 'cooperative education', 'insurance', 'health insurance'}","{'insurance', 'health insurance cooperative'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Seattles deep-bore tunnel creates jobs,set(),"{'seattle', 'tunnel', 'job'}",Relation,deep-bore tunnel,tunnel,positive,jobs,job,good,"seattle, workers, economy, jobs, employment, potential workers, seattle" for,Wrong to pay soldiers to die for their country,set(),"{'soldier', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'wrong'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,China is taking steps to limit garbage glut behind TGD,{'china'},"{'municipal solid waste', 'cathay', 'podgorica airport'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Took action to help small businesses.,set(),{'small business'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Co-ops lack scale to negotiate prices of drugs, services","{'economies of scale', 'price', 'cooperative', 'negotiation', 'service (economics)'}","{'drug', 'price', 'service (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Three Gorges Dam has helped reduce oil production and emission.,"{'redox', 'dam', 'air pollution', 'three gorges dam', 'petroleum'}","{'drilling', 'dam'}",Relation,the three gorges dam,three gorges dam,negative,oil production and emission,petroleum|air pollution,good,"environment, society, environment, us" for,"Took steps to fight financial fraud, risks, causes of crisis.","{'fraud', 'securities fraud', 'subprime mortgage crisis', 'risk'}","{'fraud', 'hazard', 'financial crisis of 2007–08', 'society of trust and estate practitioners'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"New technologies makes tunneling faster, cheaper, etc.","{'faster-than-light', 'emerging technologies', 'quantum tunnelling'}",{'emerging technologies'},Relation,new technologies,emerging technologies,positive,faster and cheaper,emerging technologies|quantum tunnelling,good,"society, companies, tunneling, tunneling" for,There should be more non-profit co-op insurers,"{'insurance', 'cooperative', 'nonprofit organization'}","{'underwriting', 'cooperative'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The hydroelectric TGD should not be considered renewable due to social, environmental costs.","{'society', 'environmentalism', 'renewable resource', 'hydroelectricity'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama is not to blame for the economic crisis.,"{'great recession', 'barack obama'}","{'depression (economics)', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Youth always find way to avoid mandatory service.,set(),"{'youth', 'military branch'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Development after removing viaduct will pay for tunnel.,{'viaduct'},"{'tunnel', 'development economics', 'viaduct'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Insurance industry needs more competition, not co-ops","{'competition (economics)', 'insurance', 'cooperative'}","{'competition (economics)', 'cooperative'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Fought to help and re-grow American manufacturing.,set(),"{'combat', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Tunnels last longer and are cheaper to maintain,set(),{'tunnel'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,China is acting to reduce downstream flooding risks,"{'history of china', 'flood'}","{'hazard', 'cathay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Punishing conscientious objectors just looks bad,{'conscientious objector'},{'conscientious objector'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Stimulus should have been bigger, not smaller as GOP claims.","{'republican party (united states)', 'american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009'}",{'republican party (united states)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mandatory military service will still have inequalities,"{'conscription', 'conscription in south korea'}","{'inequality (mathematics)', 'conscription'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Chinas Three Gorges Dam helps reduce the risk of flooding,"{'three gorges dam', 'flood'}","{'hazard', 'dam', 'cathay'}",Relation,chinas three gorges dam,dam|three gorges dam,negative,risk of flooding,flood,good,"society, dams, flooding, natural disasters, environment, floods, local area, reduce the risk of flooding, environment" against,Tunnel unnecessary to increase economic growth.,"{'quantum tunnelling', 'economic growth'}","{'tunnel', 'economic growth'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Health care co-ops have a history of insolvency and failure,"{'health care', 'insolvency'}","{'health care', 'insolvency'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mandatory service unjustified to increase political engagement.,set(),"{'engagement', 'service (economics)'}",Relation,mandatory service,service (economics),positive,political engagement,engagement,neutral, against,Good chance Seattle tunnel will go over budget,{'seattle'},"{'probability', 'commodity', 'seattle', 'tunnel', 'budget'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Obamas clean energy economy, ""green jobs"" have faltered.","{'sustainable energy', 'energy economics', 'family of barack obama'}","{'sustainable energy', 'energy economics', 'barack obama', 'green job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Tunnel opens Seattle waterfront up for tourism, etc.","{'seattle', 'central waterfront, seattle', 'tourism'}","{'tunnel', 'central waterfront, seattle', 'tourism'}",Relation,tunnel,tunnel,positive,"tourism, etc",seattle|tourism,good,"tourism, residents of seattle, tourist, business, seattle, citizens" for,Mandatory military service will cure many of societys ills,{'conscription in south korea'},{'conscription'},Relation,mandatory military service,conscription,positive,cure many of societys ills,,NoAgreement, for,Clean energy subsidies necessary to secure benefits,"{'cost–benefit analysis', 'energy subsidies', 'renewable energy'}","{'sustainable energy', 'energy subsidies'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Long-term lone masturbation can lead to serious psychological problems.,{'masturbation'},"{'masturbation', 'mental disorder'}",Relation,long-term lone masturbation,masturbation,positive,psychological problems,mental disorder,bad,"psychological problems, people, society, health, people who are involved in masturbation, people that masterbate, society" against,Health insurance co-ops are too unestablished to rely on,"{'cooperative education', 'health insurance'}",{'health insurance cooperative'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Seattle tunnel could easily be cheaper than predicted,{'seattle'},"{'seattle', 'tunnel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Masturbation can dangerously easy evolve into something more.,{'masturbation'},{'masturbation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Widespread co-op model can succeed in health insurance,"{'cooperative education', 'conceptual model', 'health insurance'}","{'economic model', 'health insurance'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Government better off running training schemes.,set(),"{'scheme (programming language)', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Masturbation cannot lead to unwanted pregnancy.,"{'masturbation', 'unintended pregnancy'}","{'masturbation', 'unintended pregnancy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Tunnel works well with surface-street option.,set(),"{'tunnel', 'option contract'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Subsidizing clean energy still makes sense even after Solyndra,"{'solyndra', 'subsidy', 'renewable energy'}","{'sustainable energy', 'solyndra'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Military service turns youth into adults,"{'adolescence', 'conscription', 'age of majority'}","{'youth', 'military branch', 'adult'}",Relation,military service,military branch,positive,youth into adults,adult|youth,neutral, for,We owe it to the dead to prosecute those responsible for their deaths:,{'death'},{'death'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama has taken major steps to fight climate change.,{'climate change'},"{'barack obama', 'climate change'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Public insurance should not be compromised away to insurance lobby,"{'lobbying', 'insurance'}","{'insurance', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A new viaduct preserves great views for drivers.,set(),"{'device driver', 'viaduct', 'view'}",Relation,new viaduct,viaduct,positive,for drivers,device driver|view,good,"drivers, views, society, views, environment, drivers, drivers" for,Living WWII war crimes victims desire continued prosecution:,"{'war crime', 'world war ii casualties', 'world war ii'}","{'desire', 'war crime', 'world war ii'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Solyndra shows failure of Obamas clean energy subsidies,"{'sustainable energy', 'solyndra', 'energy subsidies', 'family of barack obama'}","{'sustainable energy', 'solyndra', 'energy subsidies', 'structural integrity and failure', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Clean electric cars will use Seattles tunnel.,{'tram'},"{'seattle', 'tunnel', 'electric car', 'clean and jerk'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Public insurance has succeeded internationally, co-ops have not.","{'cooperative', 'insurance', 'public'}","{'insurance', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Prosecutions will deter future war crimes:,"{'will and testament', 'war crime', 'prosecutor'}",{'war crime'},Relation,prosecutions,prosecutor,negative,future war crimes,war crime,bad,"future war crimes, warfare, government, military, army, war crimes victims" for,"Obama respects gun rights, but seeks background checks","{'gun rights', 'barack obama'}","{'right to keep and bear arms', 'barack obama', 'background check'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Environmental groups prefer surface route over tunnel.,set(),"{'tunnel', 'radical environmentalism', 'route (command)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Impossible to mandate morality of state,"{'mandate of heaven', 'state (polity)', 'morality'}",{'morality'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Health insurance co-ops are a ploy to defeat public insurance,{'health insurance'},"{'insurance', 'health insurance cooperative'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,President Obama is too willing to negotiate w/o preconditions.,"{'barack obama', 'consumerism'}",{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Tunnel leaves viaduct up till completion - dangerous.,set(),"{'tunnel', 'complete metric space', 'viaduct'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Military service gives youth great responsibilities,"{'adolescence', 'conscription', 'moral responsibility'}","{'youth', 'obligation', 'military branch'}",Relation,military service,conscription|military branch,positive,youth great responsibilities,adolescence|youth|moral responsibility,good,"youth, military, youth, development, youth, kids, military" against,Beauty pageants encourage kids to seek plastic surgery,{'plastic surgery'},"{'kidskin', 'reconstructive surgery', 'beauty pageant'}",Relation,beauty pageants,beauty pageant,positive,kids to seek plastic surgery,reconstructive surgery|plastic surgery,bad,"children, children in pageants, kids, children" against,Obama appears to believe America is in inevitable decline.,set(),"{'decline', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Those that commit war crimes are frequently irrational, and would be deterred by visible prosecutions:",set(),{'war crime'},Relation,visible prosecutions,war crime,positive,deterred,war crime,good,"fairness, society, crime, punishment, society, human rights" against,The Seattle tunnel itself will not be safe.,{'seattle'},"{'seattle', 'tunnel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The ""fast and furious"" scandal shows negligence",{'atf gunwalking scandal'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mandating military service drains its many virtues,set(),"{'military branch', 'virtue (software)'}",Relation,mandating military service,military branch,negative,many virtues,virtue (software),bad,"military, military, government" for,National service produces valuable character traits:,{'national service'},"{'character orientation', 'national service'}",Relation,national service,national service,positive,valuable character traits,character orientation,good,"national service, people involved in national service, society, individuals, mental health" for,Televised war would let families see that loved-ones are OK.,set(),"{'warfare', 'family', 'television'}",Relation,televised war,warfare|television,positive,families see that loved-ones are ok,family,good,"family, loved ones, society, families, loved ones, relatives, society, mental health, military families" against,Prosecuting elderly war criminals may provoke sympathy for them:,"{'war crime', 'prosecutor'}",set(),Relation,prosecuting elderly war criminals,war crime|prosecutor,positive,sympathy for them,,bad,"victims of war criminals, peace, justice, human rights" against,Failure to advocate for free trade agreements,"{'free trade area', 'free trade'}",{'free trade area'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"A citizen only has a ""duty"" to obey the law.",{'citizenship'},{'law'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Televising war exposes children to violence.,"{'war', 'violence'}","{'warfare', 'child', 'violence'}",Relation,televising war,war,positive,exposes children to violence,child|violence,bad,"safety, children, crime, children, society, kids, children" for,Pageants have lots of fun backstage activities for kids.,set(),"{'fun', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Bringing the issues involved out into the open again will remind the world of the terrible event, and promote greater peace:","{'the world of null-a', 'coming out'}","{""bahá'í faith and the unity of humanity"", 'result', 'macrocosm and microcosm'}",Relation,,,NoAgreement,,,NoAgreement, for,Individual has duty to give back to society through service.,"{'duty', 'individualism'}","{'society', 'service (economics)', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama has tried to unite America in common defense.,{'barack obama'},{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Parents should be trusted on entering kids in child beauty pageants.,"{'child', 'parent', 'trust (emotion)'}","{'child beauty pageant', 'parent', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Compliance with migrant rights treaty could be expensive.,"{'human rights', 'immigration', 'treaty'}","{'regulatory compliance', 'rights', 'pact'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Enemy forces would benefit from televised war.,"{'war', 'armed forces'}","{'opposing force', 'warfare'}",Relation,televised war,warfare|war,positive,enemy forces,opposing force,bad,"our forces that have to fight them, country, war, peace, good,, people" against,Very young kids should not be subject to superficial competition,"{'youth', 'natural selection', 'child'}","{'kidskin', 'competition (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama is reluctant to spread American democratic ideals.,"{'democratic party (united states)', 'barack obama', 'americans'}","{'barack obama', 'democratic ideals', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Migrant remittances are growing and need greater protections,"{'migrant worker', 'remittance'}",{'remittance'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Military placement exams would encourage school-work.,set(),"{'placement exam', 'military branch', 'schoolwork'}",Relation,military placement exams,placement exam|military branch,positive,school-work,schoolwork,good,"students, society, society, military, students, society, nation, schools, education, kids" for,The Army would benefit from the funds raised from the war broadcasts.,{'funding'},"{'army', 'warfare'}",Relation,funds raised from the war broadcasts,funding,positive,army,army,good,"military, citizens, country, peace, army, public, government, country" against,"Judgement of children to participate can""t be relied on",set(),{'child'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Migration can cause damaging ""brain drain"" in countries of origin.","{'human capital flight', 'nation', 'social movement', 'homo sapiens', 'human migration', 'andean community'}","{'human migration', 'country of origin'}",Relation,migration,human migration,positive,"damaging ""brain drain"" in countries of",country of origin|human capital flight,bad,"countries of origin, brain drain, migrants' home countries" for,It meets the four freedoms needed for free content.,"{'free content', 'free software'}",{'free content'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Televised war puts reporters in a very dangerous position.,set(),"{'warfare', 'television'}",Relation,televised war,warfare|television,positive,reporters in a very dangerous position.,warfare|television,bad,"reporters, reporters, people, reporters, safety" against,Obama plays neutral arbitrator between enemies and allies.,set(),"{'arbitral tribunal', 'barack obama', 'enemy combatant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hydrogen cars will create new industries and jobs,"{'free will', 'second industrial revolution', 'employment', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'job', 'second industrial revolution', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",Relation,hydrogen cars,hydrogen vehicle,positive,new industries and jobs,job|employment,good,"economy, workers, employers, society, job seekers, economy, economy, jobs, workers" for,Migrant rights treaty protects right to enter labor unions,"{'rights', 'trade union', 'immigration', 'human rights', 'treaty'}","{'trade union', 'rights', 'pact'}",Relation,migrant rights treaty,rights|treaty,positive,right to enter labor unions,rights|trade union|human rights,good,"workers, labor unions, rights, labor unions, labor force, workers" against,Moms enter kids into beauty pageants for own insecurities,set(),"{'child', 'beauty pageant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Televised war would allow donation centers to use footage in commercials.,set(),"{'warfare', 'donation', 'television'}",Relation,televised war,warfare|television,positive,donation centers to use footage in,donation,neutral, for,"Hydrogen cars will be economically viable soon, not in decades","{'free will', 'economy', 'environmental economics', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'decade', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Enemies believe Obama is soft and won""t retaliate",{'barack obama'},"{'barack obama', 'enemy combatant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Migrant rights have been eroded in many states,"{'state (polity)', 'erosion', 'immigration', 'reproductive rights'}",{'rights'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Child beauty contests amount to child abuse.,{'child abuse'},"{'child abuse', 'beauty pageant'}",Relation,child beauty contests,beauty pageant,positive,child abuse,child abuse,bad,"children in beauty contests, children, society, children" against,Televised war could embarrass and demoralize soldiers.,"{'war', 'morale'}","{'soldier', 'warfare', 'television'}",Relation,televised war,television|war,positive,embarrass and demoralize,soldier,bad,"soldiers, soldiers, war, soldiers, integrity,, soldiers, morale, warfare, solders" against,Obama deficit plan wrongly calls for higher taxes on wealthy.,"{'wealth', 'call option', 'national debt of the united states', 'tax', 'barack obama', 'economic policy'}","{'tax', 'barack obama', 'program management'}",Relation,obama deficit plan,barack obama|economic policy,positive,higher taxes on wealthy,wealth|tax|economic policy,neutral, against,A hydrogen economy would require huge government investments,{'hydrogen economy'},"{'government bond', 'hydrogen economy'}",Relation,a hydrogen economy,hydrogen economy,positive,huge government investments,government bond,bad,"taxpayers, society, taxpayers" for,"Migration impacts social cultural, economic spheres of society","{'culture', 'economy', 'social', 'effects of global warming', 'human migration', 'society'}","{'human migration', 'society', 'ball (mathematics)', 'impact (mechanics)'}",Relation,migration,human migration,positive,"social cultural, economic spheres of",culture|economy|society|social,neutral, for,Beauty pageants teach kids to be their very best.,set(),"{'child', 'beauty pageant'}",Relation,beauty pageants,beauty pageant,positive,kids to be their very best,child,good,"children, parents, families, society, children, education, teachers, work ethic, beauty contestants" against,Televised war can create a misconceived notion of war.,set(),"{'notion (magazine)', 'warfare', 'television'}",Relation,televised war,warfare|television,positive,misconceived notion of war,warfare,bad,"war, people, people, citizens, war, knowledge" for,Obama advocates balance of spending cuts and tax increases.,{'tax'},"{'tax', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Parental ambitions can make kid queens mentally unwell.,{'queens'},"{'kidskin', 'parent', 'gyne'}",Relation,parental ambitions,parent,positive,kid queens mentally unwell,queens,bad,"kids, children, parents, mental health, kids, kids" for,Televised war would raise awareness without news censorship.,"{'censorship', 'consciousness raising'}","{'warfare', 'censorship', 'news', 'television', 'consciousness raising'}",Relation,televised war,warfare|television,positive,awareness without news,censorship|news|consciousness raising,good,"awareness, society, anti-war movement, society, citizens, freedom, population, military" for,Obama rightly asks wealthy to pay fairer share in taxes,"{'wealth', 'tax', 'stock'}","{'share (finance)', 'barack obama', 'tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hydrogen can be produced by a variety of domestic resources,{'hydrogen'},"{'resource', 'variety (botany)', 'hydrogen'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Child beauty contests teaches there will always be somebody better.,{'list of cracker episodes'},{'beauty pageant'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Televised war shows the grizzly nature of war.,{'nature'},"{'warfare', 'television'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Launched initiatives to fight tax evasion.,{'tax evasion'},"{'tax evasion', 'initiative (enterprise)', 'launched'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Child beauty pageants judge whole person.,{'child'},"{'child beauty pageant', 'individual', 'judge'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Migrant policies and protections deserve greater coordination,{'immigration'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"By educating all children through the public school system, equality can exist.","{'state school', 'child', 'education'}","{'state school', 'equality (mathematics)', 'child'}",Relation,educating all children through the public school system,child|education|state school,positive,equality,equality (mathematics),good,"children, everyone, freedom, children, families, citizens, students, society" against,Hydrogen fuel cells require technology breakthrough,"{'fuel cell', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'fuel cell', 'engineering'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama has created online tools to foster dialogue/opportunity.,{'educational technology'},"{'barack obama', 'tool, texas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Pageants teach that self-worth is in physical beauty only.,"{'physical attractiveness', 'self-esteem'}","{'moi dix mois', 'physical attractiveness', 'dignity'}",Relation,pageants,,positive,that self-worth is in physical beauty only,physical attractiveness|self-esteem,bad,"self esteem, self-worth, children, society, girls, pageants, beauty, self-esteem, pageant contestants, society" against,People should have choice.,set(),{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Encouraged students to go into math, science, engineering.","{'science', 'engineering', 'mathematics'}","{'student', 'science', 'mathematics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is not too energy-intensive to compress hydrogen,"{'gas compressor', 'efficient energy use', 'hydrogen'}",{'hydrogen'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Migrant rights treaty can conflict with immigration control policies.,"{'policy', 'canadian dollar', 'immigration', 'human rights', 'border control', 'war', 'treaty'}","{'border control', 'rights', 'policy', 'pact'}",Relation,migrant rights treaty,rights|immigration|treaty,positive,conflict with immigration control policies,immigration,bad,"border security and people in the country, immigration control policies." for,Pageants teach kids to follow rules and play fair.,{'play (jennifer lopez song)'},{'child'},Relation,pageants,child,positive,rules and play fair,child,good,"people should play by the rules, kids and the society, safety, peace, society, children" for,Provided funding to bring education into Internet age.,"{'information age', 'funding of science', 'education', 'internet'}","{'didactic method', 'information age'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Hydrogen can""t be compressed to give sufficient driving range",{'hydrogen'},"{'driving range', 'hydrogen'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama failed to prosecute torture under Bush.,"{'george w. bush', 'torture', 'barack obama', 'prosecutor'}","{'george w. bush', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Beauty contests teach kids how to strive to move up.,{'teacher'},"{'child', 'beauty pageant'}",Relation,beauty contests,beauty pageant,positive,strive to move up,child,good,"children, parents, kids, children, moving up, society, child" for,Migrant Workers Convention is the best way to protect migrants,{'international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families'},"{'international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families', 'immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Campaign finance reform would ""level"" the playing field for candidates.","{'pitch (sports field)', 'campaign finance reform in the united states'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'campaign finance reform in the united states'}",Relation,campaign finance reform,campaign finance reform in the united states,positive,playing field for candidates,candidate (degree),neutral, for,Beauty contests can boost a childs self-esteem.,set(),"{'child', 'self-esteem', 'beauty pageant'}",Relation,beauty contests,beauty pageant,positive,self-esteem,child|self-esteem,good,"mental health, children, kids, children, children" for,Obama has cut wasteful/excessive military spending.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,International law can protect against unjust state migration laws,"{'justice', 'law', 'immigration', 'state (polity)', 'international law'}","{'human migration', 'international law', 'law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An accident could end the political future of hydrogen cars,"{'intrinsic value (ethics)', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'hydrogen vehicle', 'accident', 'future'}",Relation,an accident,accident,negative,political future of hydrogen cars,intrinsic value (ethics)|future|hydrogen vehicle,neutral, for,Child beauty contests help teach kids to deal with competition.,set(),"{'kidskin', 'competition (economics)', 'beauty pageant'}",Relation,child beauty contests,beauty pageant,positive,competition,competition (economics),good,"children, children, kids, children, contests, self confident" for,Obama has helped fight poverty and help disadvantaged.,"{'disadvantaged', 'poverty reduction', 'poverty'}",{'poverty reduction'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hydrogen cars cannot be charged at home like electric cars.,{'hydrogen vehicle'},"{'home', 'electric car', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"More migrant ""rights"" means more immigration, overpopulation","{'human overpopulation', 'immigration', 'reproductive rights'}","{'rights', 'immigration', 'overpopulation'}",Relation,"more migrant ""rights""",rights|immigration,positive,"more immigration, overpopulation",immigration|overpopulation|human overpopulation,NoAgreement, against,Child beauty contests enlarge child egos to unhealthy levels.,"{'id, ego and super-ego', 'health', 'child'}","{'child', 'beauty pageant'}",Relation,child beauty contests,child|beauty pageant,positive,egos to unhealthy levels,"id, ego and super-ego",bad,"children, society, not grow ego, children, children in beauty pgeants, children, development" for,Hydrogen cars can become 100% clean; hybrids cannot.,"{'hybrid electric vehicle', 'clean technology', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",{'hydrogen vehicle'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Global migration is a problem; solution: reduce migration,"{'urbanization', 'world', 'solution'}","{'human migration', 'problem', 'solution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Beauty pageants exist for boys.,set(),"{'boy', 'beauty pageant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hydrogen cars will help end foreign oil dependencies,"{'help! (song)', 'petroleum', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'energy security', 'north american energy independence', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",Relation,hydrogen cars,hydrogen vehicle,negative,foreign oil dependencies,north american energy independence,good,"societies using hydrogen cars, america, economy, environment, oil, economy, foreign relations, economy" against,There is actually more turnover in public office than some critics of the present campaign finance systems would like to admit.,"{'revenue', 'campaign finance', 'voting system', 'public administration'}","{'fundraising', 'turnover (employment)', 'accounting software', 'public administration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hydrogen can decrease tensions over oil and promote peace,"{'petroleum', 'hydrogen'}","{'peace', 'petroleum', 'hydrogen'}",Relation,hydrogen,hydrogen,NoAgreement,decrease tensions over oil and promote peace,peace|petroleum,good,"country relationships, peace, international relations, diplomacy, prosperity, economic development" for,"Campaign finance reform will make elections more competitive, thus resulting in more turnover or ""fresh blood"" in politics.","{'reform', 'free will', 'campaign finance reform in the united states'}","{'turnover (employment)', 'blood', 'election', 'campaign finance reform in the united states', 'politics'}",Relation,campaign finance reform,campaign finance reform in the united states,positive,competitive,election|politics,good,"campaigns, politics in us, constituents in us, americans, citizens, freedom" for,Migrant workers treaty gives illegals fewer rights/protections.,"{'rights', 'migrant worker', 'treaty', 'illegal immigration'}","{'migrant worker', 'pact', 'illegal immigration'}",Relation,migrant workers treaty,treaty|migrant worker,positive,fewer rights/protections,rights,bad,"society, migrants, fewer rights/protections, illegals, illegals" for,Pageants not to blame for interest of pedophiles.,"{'blame', 'attention', 'pedophilia'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Even under the most radical proposals for reform, loopholes exist that enable candidates to spend more or reach their audiences through alternative means.",set(),"{'reform', 'loophole', 'agency (lds church)', 'civil society campaign'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Alternatives to hydrogen exist to lower foreign oil dependencies.,"{'petroleum', 'hydrogen'}","{'energy security', 'alternative rock', 'north american energy independence', 'hydrogen'}",Relation,alternatives to hydrogen,hydrogen,positive,lower foreign oil dependencies,north american energy independence|energy security|petroleum,good,"people, government, economy, environment, gasses, foreign relations, north american energy independence, society, environment" against,Migration policy should be crafted on a state-by-state basis.,{'urbanization'},"{'human migration', 'basis (linear algebra)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Beauty pageants aim for beauty, not sexy.",set(),"{'beauty', 'beauty pageant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama has helped protect and advance interests of disabled.,{'disability rights movement'},{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hydrogen cars would need a new fueling infrastructure.,"{'infrastructure', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'infrastructure', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Increasing migrant rights can cause international tensions,"{'international law', 'rights', 'immigration', 'social movement'}",{'rights'},Relation,increasing migrant rights,rights|immigration,positive,international tensions,international law,bad,"international community, society, peace, diplomacy, security, prosperity" against,"Child beauty contests worsen pedophilia, sex abuse","{'sexual abuse', 'pedophilia'}","{'sexual assault', 'beauty pageant', 'pedophilia'}",Relation,child beauty contests,beauty pageant,positive,"pedophilia, sex abuse",sexual abuse|pedophilia,bad,"children, kids, society, crime, everyone, children, society, children" against,"Even after the complete elimination of contributions by groups, the temptation to bow to the wishes of special interests may remain.",set(),"{'want', 'advocacy group', 'musical ensemble'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Empowered states legalizing medical marijuana to regulate themselves.,"{'medical cannabis', 'regulation', 'state (polity)', 'legalization'}","{'empowered', 'medical cannabis', 'united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Failure to ratify migrant workers convention draws rebukes from UN.,"{'international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families', 'ratification'}","{'international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families', 'reprimand'}",Relation,failure to ratify migrant workers convention,international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families,positive,rebukes from un,reprimand,bad,"those who failed to ratify the convention, un, society, government, countries criticized by the un" for,Existing pipelines can be used in a new hydrogen economy,"{'pipeline transport', 'hydrogen economy'}","{'hydrogen economy', 'word of mouth'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Child beauty contests encourage girls to grow-up too fast,{'child'},"{'beauty pageant', 'girl'}",Relation,child beauty contests,beauty pageant,positive,girls to grow-up too fast,child|girl,bad,"girls to grow-up too fast, girls to grow-up too fast, young girls, their parents" for,"Campaign finance reform will reduce corruption in government by discouraging candidates from ""selling themselves"" to special interests bidding for their votes:","{'advocacy group', 'candidate', 'political corruption', 'campaign finance reform in the united states', 'government'}","{'advocacy group', 'ballot', 'campaign finance reform in the united states', 'civil society campaign', 'regime'}",Relation,campaign finance reform,campaign finance reform in the united states,negative,corruption in government,candidate|political corruption|government,bad,"citizens, government, economy, corruption in government, this concept is bad for governmental representatives actually representing the values of the people they represent and were elected by. it is bad because politicians take money for their campaigns from businesses and then pass laws benefiting those businesses., government, people" against,Hydrogen fuel is susceptible to fuel contamination.,"{'pollution', 'hydrogen fuel', 'hydrogen'}","{'hydrogen fuel', 'contamination'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama focuses on deporting criminal undocumented immigrants,"{'illegal immigration', 'deportation', 'barack obama', 'crime'}",{'illegal immigration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Expanding migrant rights can damage national identity,{'nationality'},"{'rights', 'national identity'}",Relation,expanding migrant rights,rights,NoAgreement,damage national identity,national identity,neutral, against,Child beauty pageants sexualize children,"{'sexualization', 'child'}","{'child beauty pageant', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Refueling with hydrogen will be cleaner and easier,{'hydrogen'},{'hydrogen'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Campaign finance reform advances the objectives of a broader marketplace of ideas and of free speech, assembly, and thought.","{'freedom of thought', 'campaign finance reform in the united states', 'freedom of assembly'}","{'freedom of speech', 'marketplace of ideas', 'campaign finance reform in the united states'}",Relation,campaign finance reform,campaign finance reform in the united states,positive,"broader marketplace of ideas and of free speech, assembly, and thought.",marketplace of ideas|freedom of assembly|freedom of thought|freedom of speech,good,"citizens, marketplace, society, free speech, assembly, thought, americans, freedom, citizens" against,Importance of cluster bombs against threats makes a ban infeasible,set(),"{'cluster munition', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Most campaign finance reform proposals actually have the effect of limiting speech.,{'campaign finance reform in the united states'},"{'spoken language', 'campaign finance reform in the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hydrogen cars require less maintenance than gasoline cars.,"{'hydrogen vehicle', 'motor oil', 'gasoline', 'hydrogen'}","{'gasoline', 'railroad car', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many states oppose UN migrants rights treaty to please West,"{'immigration', 'human rights', 'western world', 'state (polity)', 'united nations', 'treaty'}","{'rights', 'mae west', 'pact'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Campaign finance reform gives the individual donor a voice more comparable to other interest groups:,"{'campaign finance reform in the united states', 'individual'}","{'donor (semiconductors)', 'campaign finance reform in the united states', 'advocacy group', 'song'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Myths about migrants aim to dehumanize them,{'dehumanization'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,1997 Anti-Personnel Landmines Treaty should not be interpreted to include cluster bombs,"{'anti-personnel mine', 'treaty'}","{'land mine', 'cluster munition', 'pact'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Obama focuses on a path to citizenship, not mass deportations.",set(),"{'deportation', 'citizenship'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hydrogen cars are hard to start in sub-zero weather.,"{'temperature', 'weather', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'weather', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Hydrogen fuel can be made by clean nuclear electricity,"{'clean technology', 'hydrogen fuel', 'electricity', 'hydrogen', 'nuclear power'}","{'electricity', 'hydrogen fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Cluster bombs have a substantial military value in wars,"{'military', 'cluster munition', 'war'}","{'cluster munition', 'value (personal and cultural)', 'warfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Even the most radical campaign finance reform proposals have yet to eliminate corporate or union contributions:,"{'radicalism (historical)', 'campaign finance reform in the united states'}","{'trade union', 'campaign finance reform in the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obamas immigration policies ignore the law.,{'immigration'},"{'barack obama', 'law', 'immigration policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Full welfare should be reserved for the citizens of a nation.,"{'nation', 'citizenship', 'welfare'}","{'state (polity)', 'full moon', 'welfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Fusion produces less waste than fission.,"{'nuclear fusion', 'radioactive waste', 'nuclear fission'}","{'waste', 'nuclear fission'}",Relation,fusion,nuclear fusion,positive,less waste than fission,waste|nuclear fission|radioactive waste,good,"people, environment, environment, society, environment, health, safety" against,"AFA only offers access to about 20,000 w/ pre-existing conditions.",set(),{'pre-existing condition'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Migrant rights help advance social and economic progress,"{'animal rights', 'economy', 'economic growth'}",{'rights'},Relation,migrant rights,rights,positive,social and economic progress,economy|economic growth,good,"society, social, economic progress, migrants, economy, society, society, economy, society, workers" against,"Some methods strip hydrogen from Methane, releasing C02","{'compost', 'carbon dioxide', 'hydrogen', 'methane', 'surface mining'}","{'c2', 'method (music)', 'hydrogen', 'zero-coupon bond', 'methane'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Cluster bombs kill soldiers of militaries deploying them,"{'military', 'soldier', 'cluster munition'}","{'military branch', 'soldier', 'cluster munition'}",Relation,cluster bombs,cluster munition,positive,soldiers of militaries,military|soldier|military branch,bad,"soldiers, militaries, solders, military using cluster bombs" for,Migrants should have equal rights to social welfare as nationals,"{'civil and political rights', 'citizenship', 'immigration'}","{'rights', 'immigration', 'welfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Muon catalyzation would bring the temperatures at which fusion can occur down,"{'nuclear fusion', 'down quark', 'temperature', 'muon'}","{'temperature', 'muon'}",Relation,muon catalyzation,muon,positive,temperatures at which fusion can occur,nuclear fusion|temperature,neutral, against,"The theory of evolution is based around the idea that creatures genetically mutate to survive better, but mutations (which are often caused by concentration of the gene pool due to competitors with less helpful-to-survival genes having died off) have actually only served to distort a species when they occur.","{'idea', 'mutation', 'genetics', 'species', 'gene pool', 'competition (biology)', 'evolution'}","{'phylogenetics', 'idea', 'animal', 'species', 'gene pool', 'competition', 'gene', 'mutant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hydrogen vehicles will arrive too late to help climate change,"{'global warming', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'climate change', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Welfare systems need protecting from ""freeriding"" migrants.","{'free rider problem', 'immigration', 'welfare'}","{'immigration', 'welfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Not all creationists believe in the 6000 year old model of the age of the Earth.,"{'old testament', 'age of the earth', 'belief', 'scientific modelling', 'creationism'}","{'creationism', 'age of the earth', 'year', 'economic model'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A cluster bomb ban will undermine military alliances,"{'military', 'will and testament', 'cluster munition'}","{'cluster munition', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,a cluster bomb ban,cluster munition|ban (law),negative,military alliances,military,bad,"military, countries" for,"Even with better cluster bombs, old ones will still be used.",set(),"{'cluster munition', 'old one in fiction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There is no known way how to efficiently produce muons,set(),"{'mode (literature)', 'muon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Hydrogen cars distract from better renewable alternatives,"{'renewable energy', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'alternative rock', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",Relation,hydrogen cars,hydrogen vehicle,negative,better renewable alternatives,renewable energy,bad,"energy, environment, emissions, renewable energy, environment, society" for,Migrant Rights Convention aims to facilitate family reunification,"{'rights', 'immigration', 'family reunification'}","{'rights', 'family reunification', 'catopsilia'}",Relation,migrant rights convention,rights|immigration,positive,facilitate family reunification,rights|family reunification|immigration,good,"facilitate family reunification, peace, justice, human rights, society, migrants, family" against,"Evidence is neutral, and can be interpreted in more than one way.",set(),"{'evidence (law)', 'mode (literature)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Cluster bombs simply kill too many civilians,"{'civilian', 'cluster munition'}","{'civilian', 'cluster munition'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"We""re not saying that species never go through any changes whatsoever (microevolution), we""re only arguing that it is impossible for really drastic changes to happen.",{'microevolution'},"{'species', 'change (philosophy)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Migrants have a right to family reunification,"{'family reunification', 'immigration', 'right-wing politics'}","{'rights', 'immigration', 'family reunification'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Tokamaks could ""explode"" outward.","{'tokamak', 'explosion'}",{'tokamak'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Cluster bombs inherently inaccurate, kill indiscriminate",set(),{'cluster munition'},Relation,cluster bombs,cluster munition,positive,kill indiscriminate,,bad,"civilians, people, people near cluster bomb targets" against,Uneconomical hydrogen cars cannot grow to impact global warming.,"{'global warming', 'hydrogen vehicle'}","{'impact (mechanics)', 'hydrogen vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Since evolution would theoretically take so long to occur, there has been no recorded occurence of one species evolving into another in all human history.",{'evolution'},"{'phylogenetics', 'history of the world', 'species'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Although failure of the reaction chamber is possible, simply stopping fuel delivery would prevent any sort of catastrophic failure.",set(),"{'delivery (commerce)', 'catastrophic failure', 'fuel', 'chemical reaction', 'chamber (firearms)', 'structure (mathematical logic)'}",Relation,stopping fuel delivery,delivery (commerce)|fuel,negative,catastrophic failure,catastrophic failure,good,"reaction chamber, safety, society, regulations, human life, businesses, people, preventing catastrophe" for,"Cluster bomb ""duds"" become de facto mines, threatening civilizations","{'unexploded ordnance', 'cluster munition', 'naval mine'}","{'land mine', 'cluster munition', 'civilization', 'dud'}",Relation,"cluster bomb ""duds""",unexploded ordnance|cluster munition|dud,positive,threatening civilizations,land mine|naval mine|civilization,bad,"explosions and danger, society, health, safety, environment, future of civilization, peace government, society, civilization, community, countries, families, civilizations, civilians, citizens, individuals" against,"Of the supposed ""transitional fossils"" that have been found, most of them have turned out to be frauds (such as ""Piltdown man""), insufficient bones collected (a supposed ""missing link"" between apes and men in Nebraska turned out to be a pigs tooth), or otherwise explainable.","{'sexual arousal', 'piltdown man', 'bone', 'bird collections', 'man', 'pig', 'ape', 'fossil', 'nebraska', 'transitional fossil'}","{'piltdown man', 'bone', 'tooth', 'man', 'ape', 'nebraska', 'fraud', 'transitional fossil', 'domestic pig'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electricity for hydrogen production can be made 100% 0-emission,"{'hydrogen production', 'electricity'}","{'hydrogen production', 'electricity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It can help B. Obama in future negotiations.,set(),"{'barack obama', 'negotiation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Dinosaur to bird evolution is often taken for granted as fact.,"{'dinosaur', 'evolution of birds'}","{'dinosaur', 'evolution of birds'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many US military leaders favor gays serving openly,"{'coming out', 'united states armed forces', 'gay'}","{'united states armed forces', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Peace Prize wrongly given to Obama to influence war policy.,"{'policy', 'nobel peace prize', 'barack obama', 'war', 'sphere of influence'}","{'nobel peace prize', 'barack obama', 'warfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Substitutes for cluster bombs in combat have similar costs,{'cluster munition'},"{'cost', 'combat', 'cluster munition', 'substitute (cricket)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Cluster bombs are humane in their capacity to prevent war,"{'cluster munition', 'war'}","{'humanity (virtue)', 'cluster munition', 'warfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Abandoning ""don""t ask don""t tell"" will decrease violence against gays","{""don't ask, don't tell""}",{'violence against lgbt people'},Relation,,,NoAgreement,,,NoAgreement, for,Obamas re-engagement on issues of global peace justify Peace Prize.,{'family of barack obama'},"{'world peace', 'nobel peace prize', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Perhaps the biggest problem with trying to use fossils to prove evolution is that there is more than one way of interpreting fossils.,"{'fossil', 'evolution'}","{'problem', 'fossil', 'mode (literature)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Demeaning cluster bombs is dangerous, costs lives",set(),"{'cost', 'pc game', 'cluster munition'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Don""t ask don""t tell"" keeps orientation secret, protects gays.","{""don't ask, don't tell""}",{'gay'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A cluster bomb ban would jeopardize joint peacekeeping operations.,"{'cannabis (drug)', 'cluster munition', 'peacekeeping'}","{'cluster munition', 'peacekeeping'}",Relation,a cluster bomb ban,cluster munition,negative,joint peacekeeping operations,peacekeeping,bad,"international relations, society" against,Intolerance of Muslim veils can be cited as racism.,"{'toleration', 'muslim', 'racism', 'veil'}","{'intolerance (film)', 'racism', 'veil'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Because the list of supposed transitional fossils is so long, a list of refutations of them would also be to extensive to include in full in this debate, however, covers many explanations of these ""transitional fossils"".","{'transitional fossil', 'a-list', 'fossil', 'world wide web'}","{'explanation', 'objection (argument)', 'argumentation theory', 'transitional fossil', 'listing (computer)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Polygamy allows men to avoid controlling their sexual impulses,"{'polygamy', 'human sexuality', 'man', 'instinct'}","{'polygamy', 'sexual arousal', 'man'}",Relation,polygamy,polygamy,negative,controlling their sexual impulses,man|human sexuality,neutral, for,French people have Islamophobia; ban on veil softens this problem.,"{'french people', 'islamophobia'}","{'problem', 'veil', 'french people', 'islamophobia', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,ban on,veil|ban (law),negative,,,neutral, against,ASEAN fosters a stronger collective voice internationally.,"{'foster the people', 'asean football federation', 'the voice (u.s. tv series)'}",{'association of southeast asian nations'},Relation,asean,association of southeast asian nations,positive,stronger collective voice internationally,,good,"international community, asean countries and its people, members of asean, international relations" against,Polygamy leaves some men with no women to marry; socially destabilizing,"{'society', 'polygamy', 'same-sex marriage'}","{'woman', 'polygamy', 'man'}",Relation,polygamy,polygamy,positive,social destabilizing,man|society,bad,"men, women, society, men, less available women, social destabilization" against,Gays in the military would be costly in recruiting/retention.,{'sexual orientation and military service'},{'sexual orientation and military service'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The US should have waited longer before bombing Nagasaki.,"{'atomic bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki', 'attack on pearl harbor'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,ASEAN members would be better off pursuing their own national interests:,"{'unrepresented nations and peoples organization', 'association of southeast asian nations', 'national interest'}","{'member states of the association of southeast asian nations', 'national interest'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Conventional bombs would have been more moral,"{'convention (norm)', 'morality'}","{'convention (norm)', 'bomb'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Myanmar is more likely to improve its behavior as a member of ASEAN:,"{'myanmar', 'association of southeast asian nations'}","{'behavior', 'association of southeast asian nations', 'burma'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Military gay ban is analogous to ban on blacks and women,"{'woman', 'homosexuality'}","{'woman', 'color', 'military branch', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Men have an inherent desire to have many wives and ""multiply"".",set(),"{'wife', 'man', 'desire'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There are good reasons for servicemen to keep sexual orientation secret.,{'sexual orientation'},"{'serviceman', 'intellect', 'sexual orientation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Invading Japan would have resulted in casualties far beyond bombs,"{'invasion', 'casualty (person)', 'far east', 'bomb', 'empire of japan'}","{'bomb', 'japan'}",Relation,invading japan,invasion|japan,positive,casualties far beyond bombs,casualty (person),bad,"japan, citizens, military, government, society, military personnel, society, civilians, japan" against,Polygamy does nothing to reduce the impulse toward adultery outside of the household.,"{'polygamy', 'ex nihilo'}","{'polygamy', 'household', 'fornication'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Allowing Burma to join ASEAN seemed to signal approval of that regimes record on human rights:,"{'human rights', 'myanmar', 'association of southeast asian nations'}","{'archaeological record', 'association of southeast asian nations', 'burma', 'human rights'}",Relation,allowing burma to join asean,association of southeast asian nations|burma,positive,approval of that regimes record on human rights,human rights,bad,"myanmar, international community, justice" against,"Military should not end ""don""t ask don""t tell"" during war","{'united states armed forces', ""don't ask, don't tell""}","{'military branch', 'warfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Unions such as ASEAN encourage their members to turn inwards instead of adopt the better principles of globalization:,"{'globalization', 'adoption', 'value (ethics)', 'association of southeast asian nations'}","{'globalization', 'trade union', 'association of southeast asian nations'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Large polygamous families generally enjoy lower quality of life,"{'polygamy', 'quality of life', 'family'}","{'polygamy', 'quality of life'}",Relation,large polygamous families,polygamy|family,positive,lower quality of life,quality of life,bad,"health, life, family, kids, polygamous families, families, society" for,ASEAN is unable to fulfill its main mission of providing economic stability to its members:,"{'association of southeast asian nations', 'member state of the european union'}","{'economic stability', 'association of southeast asian nations'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Don""t ask don""t tell is exploited by troops to avoid combat","{""don't ask, don't tell""}",{'combat'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Recognizing polygamy would cause a host of legal problems.,{'polygamy'},"{'problems (tv series)', 'polygamy', 'presenter'}",Relation,recognizing polygamy,polygamy,positive,legal problems,problems (tv series),bad,"courts, finances, marriages, people, government, justice system, society" for,"""Don""t ask don""t tell"" puts commanders in compromising position","{""don't ask, don't tell""}","{'commander (united states)', 'physical intimacy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Gays in the military would harm military leadership.,{'sexual orientation and military service'},"{'sexual orientation and military service', 'leadership'}",Relation,gays in the military,sexual orientation and military service,negative,military leadership,leadership,NoAgreement, for,Any problems with polygamous couples can be remedied.,{'polygamy'},{'problem'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Professional troops can work with gays and focus on mission,set(),"{'mission (christianity)', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Armies globally show viability of gays serving openly,"{'coming out', 'homosexuality'}","{'gay (surname)', 'united states army'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Minority of troop discomfort with gays is enough to damage cohesion.,"{'minor (law)', 'homosexuality'}","{'coherence (linguistics)', 'gay'}",Relation,minority of troop discomfort with gays,gay,negative,cohesion,,NoAgreement, for,"""Don""t ask don""t tell"" undermines troop morale and unit cohesion","{'unit cohesion', 'morale', ""don't ask, don't tell""}","{'morale', 'unit cohesion'}",Relation,,,NoAgreement,,,NoAgreement, against,"""Don""t ask don""t tell"" preserves US military values","{'united states armed forces', 'filipino values', ""don't ask, don't tell""}","{'value (computer science)', 'united states armed forces'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Gays are natural not immoral, should be accepted in armies","{'natural law', 'homosexuality', 'morality'}","{'gay (surname)', 'united states army'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Gays in military inevitable; lift ban sooner than later,set(),"{'gay', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Osama photos could become icons for rallying extremists,set(),"{'image', 'photograph'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bin Laden death photos send warning to US enemies.,{'osama bin laden'},"{'death', 'ryan cabrera', 'bin laden (song)', 'photo (song)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Compulsory voting causes anti-govt feelings.,{'compulsory voting'},"{'compulsory voting', 'feeling'}",Relation,compulsory voting,compulsory voting,positive,anti-govt feelings,feeling,bad,"government, voters, united states, politics, government, society, democracy, politics, anti, government, compulsory" against,No Middle East allies thought photos would be in their interests.,"{'middle east', 'allies of world war ii'}","{'photograph', 'middle east'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Death photos reveal Bin Laden as monster he was.,"{""frankenstein's monster""}","{'death', 'monster', 'photograph', 'bin laden (song)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Vast majority of Americans oppose mandatory voting.,{'compulsory voting'},"{'majority', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Al-Qaeda will see withholding photos as sign of their impact.,{'al-qaeda'},"{'photograph', 'impact (mechanics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Compulsory voting would undermine barometer of interest.,"{'compulsory voting', 'barometer'}","{'compulsory voting', 'barometer'}",Relation,compulsory voting,compulsory voting,negative,barometer of interest,barometer,bad,"society, interest in voting, democracy, politics, effective democracy and voter turnout, voters, candidates" against,Withholding photos shows US as being respectful.,set(),{'photograph'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mandatory voting makes first-time voters see value in vote,"{'compulsory voting', 'voting', 'value (ethics)'}","{'compulsory voting', 'value (personal and cultural)'}",Relation,mandatory voting,compulsory voting|voting,positive,first-time voters see value in vote,voting|value (personal and cultural),good,"society, first-time voters, voters, government, society, society, voting, value, voters" against,Upside of photos insufficient to counter inflammation.,{'inflammation'},"{'inflammation', 'photograph'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mandatory voting compels voters to better educate themselves.,"{'compulsory voting', 'voting'}",{'compulsory voting'},Relation,mandatory voting,compulsory voting,positive,voters to better educate themselves,compulsory voting|voting,good,"society, voters, elections, voters, education, society" against,"Money supply can increase liquidity, solve crisis","{'market liquidity', 'canadian dollar', 'money supply', 'subprime mortgage crisis'}","{'market liquidity', 'crisis', 'money supply'}",Relation,money supply,money supply,positive,liquidity,market liquidity,good,"society, citizens, economy, market liquidity" against,Compulsory voting may cause backlash against participation.,{'compulsory voting'},"{'backlash (engineering)', 'compulsory voting', 'participation (decision making)'}",Relation,compulsory voting,compulsory voting,positive,backlash against participation,backlash (engineering)|participation (decision making),bad,"voting, participation, participation, democracy" against,Bin Laden photo could be seen as insensitive trophies,set(),"{'photograph', 'bin laden (song)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Government can cut taxes to increase liquidity,"{'tax', 'government', 'market liquidity'}","{'tax', 'administration (government)'}",Relation,cut taxes,tax|government,positive,liquidity,market liquidity,good,"economy, business, liquidity" for,First-time voters will better inform themselves.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bin Laden photos will only worsen Americas image abroad.,{'americas'},"{'photograph', 'mental image'}",Relation,bin laden photos,photograph,positive,worsen americas image abroad,americas|mental image,NoAgreement, against,"Mortgages should be propped up from bottom-up, not top-down",{'top-down and bottom-up design'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Death photos destroy myth of Bin Ladens invulnerability.,{'osama bin laden'},"{'death', 'photograph', 'bin laden (song)'}",Relation,death photos,death|photograph,negative,myth of bin ladens invulnerability,bin laden (song)|osama bin laden,bad,"photo viewers, no one is invulnerable or should be treated as such, freedom, americans" for,Identity cards would make providing proof of identity easier:,{'identity document'},{'identity documents in the united states'},Relation,identity cards,identity document,positive,providing proof of identity easier,identity document,NoAgreement, against,Osama photos likely to provoke violence at US embassies.,set(),"{'photograph', 'violence'}",Relation,osama photos,photograph,positive,violence at us,violence,bad,"us embassies, violence, us embassies, people, us embassies, citizens" against,Identity cards will make life harder for all of us:,{'identity document'},{'identity documents in the united states'},Relation,identity cards,identity documents in the united states|identity document,positive,harder life for all of us,identity document,bad,"everyone, identity, cards, life, harder, people, convenience" against,$700b plan gives unconstitutionally broad power to Treasury,"{'united states constitution', 'economic policy'}","{'treasury', 'program management', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Coyotes will respond to a border fence with innovative new ways to cross,set(),"{'mode (literature)', 'border barrier', 'people smuggling'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bailout could cost more than $700b if mortgage assets collapse,"{'bailout', 'mortgage loan', 'asset', 'subprime mortgage crisis'}","{'bailout', 'asset'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Life will be easier for all of us if we have identity cards:,"{'life (nbc tv series)', 'all of us'}",{'identity documents in the united states'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Osama photos could put US troops at even greater risk.,{'united states armed forces'},"{'hazard', 'photograph', 'osama bin laden', 'united states armed forces'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,$700b bailout gives treasury blank check,"{'troubled asset relief program', 'united states treasury security', 'blank check (film)'}","{'bailout', 'treasury'}",Relation,$700b bailout,bailout,positive,treasury blank check,treasury,neutral, for,Cards will tackle new types of crime like fraud and identity theft:,"{'fraud', 'identity theft', 'crime'}","{'identity documents in the united states', 'fraud', 'identity theft', 'crime'}",Relation,cards,identity documents in the united states,negative,fraud and identity theft,fraud|identity theft,good,"victims of crimes, consumers, citizens, society" for,$700b plan may result in few losses or actually profit taxpayers,"{'tax', 'profit (accounting)', 'profit (economics)', 'economic policy'}","{'program management', 'profit (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The 700 mile fence will help channel illegal immigrants to areas patrolled by border agents,"{'patrol', 'illegal immigration to the united states', 'border'}","{'border', 'mile', 'area', 'illegal immigration', 'fence'}",Relation,700 mile fence,fence,positive,channel illegal immigrants to areas patrolled by border agents,border|illegal immigration to the united states|illegal immigration|patrol,good,"america, those wishing to prevent illegal immigration, border security" against,Gloating with photos will cheapen achievement of killing Osama.,set(),{'photograph'},Relation,gloating with photos,photograph,negative,achievement of killing,photograph,NoAgreement, against,Failed fences in Spain demonstrate the futility of a border fence,{'spain'},"{'border', 'spain', 'futility, or the wreck of the titan', 'failure', 'fence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,$700b plan bails-out risk-takers who need to learn lesson,"{'risk', 'learning', 'planning'}","{'hazard', 'lesson', 'program management'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Identity cards will help reduce crime and illegal immigration:,"{'illegal immigration', 'identity document'}","{'identity documents in the united states', 'illegal immigration', 'crime'}",Relation,identity cards,identity documents in the united states|identity document,negative,crime and illegal immigration,illegal immigration|crime,good,"society, public safety, immigration, crime reduction, public safety, united states, us government" against,Military should not be able to collect info on students.,set(),"{'student', 'military branch', 'information'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many past fences have failed to stop illegal immigration only because they were meant to stop drug-trafficking,{'immigration to pakistan'},"{'illegal immigration', 'fence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Identity cards will do nothing to cut crime and illegal immigration:,"{'tao', 'identity document', 'crime', 'nothing', 'censorship', 'illegal immigration', 'free will'}","{'identity documents in the united states', 'illegal immigration', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Taxpayer opposition to $700b plan is ill-informed; ignore it,set(),{'program management'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Military recruiters have unprecedented access in schools.,set(),"{'school', 'military recruitment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Tunnels will be dug to bi-pass a 700-mile fence:,set(),"{'burrow', 'fence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Introducing an identity card scheme will be very costly,set(),"{'identity documents in the united states', 'card scheme'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A border fence would create an incentive for illegal immigrants to remain inside a country,set(),"{'border barrier', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'illegal immigration'}",Relation,a border fence,border barrier,positive,incentive for illegal immigrants to remain inside a country,illegal immigration,NoAgreement, against,Government has no credibility to solve economic crisis,{'government'},"{'credibility', 'administration (government)', 'depression (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Military recruiters wrongly have access to student info.,set(),"{'student', 'information', 'military recruitment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The messianic prophecies clearly apply to Christ and none other.,"{'christ', 'irreligion', 'messiah'}","{'saviour (comics)', 'jesus and messianic prophecy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Identity cards will cost money, but so do passports, driving licenses and all the other cards we carry at the moment:","{""driver's license"", 'money', 'passport', 'identity document'}","{'identity documents in the united states', ""driver's license"", 'money', 'instant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Forcing schools to accept recruiters violates their free speech rights.,{'freedom of speech'},"{'freedom of speech', 'school'}",Relation,forcing schools to accept recruiters,school,negative,their free speech rights,freedom of speech,NoAgreement, against,The roads required for building a border fence may actually aid illegal immigration,"{'building', 'road', 'aid', 'illegal immigration'}","{'road', 'border barrier', 'illegal immigration'}",Relation,the roads required for building a border fence,road|border barrier|building,positive,illegal immigration,illegal immigration,bad,"society, illegal immigration, united states, us government, america" for,The Jewish scriptures make it clear that there will always be a descendant of King David on the throne of Israel.,"{'israel', 'jews', 'throne of god', 'tanakh', 'david'}","{'hebrew bible', 'throne', 'lineal descendant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Identity cards are necessary because the United States will soon require biometric passports for anyone wishing to visit the USA:,"{'united states', 'different gear, still speeding', 'biometrics', 'biometric passport'}","{'identity documents in the united states', 'biometric passport', 'united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If other recruiters allowed, military should be too.",{'military'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Recruiters raise general awareness about military.,{'united states armed forces'},{'awareness'},Relation,recruiters,united states armed forces,positive,general awareness about military,awareness,good,"military and national security, awareness of military, society, knowledge" against,"Illegals will cross over rough terrain where the barrier can""t be built",{'topography'},{'illegal immigration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Extremist groups are not naturally dying out of politics, so they should be pushed out.",{'extremism'},{'politics'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Introducing identity cards would help prevent terrorism:,{'terrorism'},"{'identity documents in the united states', 'terrorism'}",Relation,introducing identity cards,identity documents in the united states,negative,terrorism,terrorism,good,"public safety, citizens, society, improving national security" for,"Public schools can oppose military, but must offer equal access.",set(),{'public school (united kingdom)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Illegal immigrants will climb over a 700-mile fence,{'illegal immigration'},"{'fence', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Banning extremist groups will effectively snuff them out.,"{'snuff film', 'free will', 'extremism'}",{'extremist groups'},Relation,banning extremist groups,extremist groups|extremism,positive,snuff them out,,good,"safety, society, society, society, government, international affairs" for,Identity cards will be impossible to fake.,{'identity document'},{'identity documents in the united states'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Military recruits for wars that cut school budgets.,"{'military', 'budget', 'war', 'military recruitment'}","{'warfare', 'school', 'military recruitment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Extremist parties may benefit from being banned, as they may be more effective in the ""underground"".","{'may 1968 events in france', 'political party', 'welfare', 'censorship', 'extremism'}","{'political party', 'extremism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A border fence could help stem pollution from Illegal immigrants.,{'illegal immigration'},"{'pollution', 'border barrier', 'illegal immigration'}",Relation,a border fence,border barrier,positive,pollution from illegal immigrants,illegal immigration|pollution,neutral, for,On-campus recruiting gives military access to best/brightest.,{'the best and the brightest'},{'campus'},Relation,on-campus recruiting,campus,positive,access to best/brightest,the best and the brightest,good,"access, best, brightest, military, military, students, military, military, military, public safety, society" for,Extremist parties can be banned if they express hate speech that causes harm to other groups.,{'hate speech'},"{'harm', 'political party', 'hate speech'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The 700-mile fence will cut off border towns from customers,set(),"{'border town', 'customer', 'fence'}",Relation,the 700-mile fence,fence,positive,cut off border towns from customers,border town|customer,bad,"society, border towns, customers, border towns, society, border towns, customers, economy, border towns, shops, customers" against,"Why revive a poor, struggling, and violent New Orleans?",{'new orleans'},{'new orleans'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Schools should not be feeder systems for military/war.,"{'military', 'school', 'war'}",{'school'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A 700-mile fence will reduce long-term border security costs:,"{'border', 'security for costs'}","{'security (finance)', 'cost', 'border', 'fence'}",Relation,a 700-mile fence,fence,negative,long-term border security costs,security (finance)|cost,good,"economy, taxpayer, economy, us budget, society, taxpayers, safety" for,"Society can develop a general consensus about what extremist views can be deemed ""harmful"".","{'consensus decision-making', 'world view', 'economic development', 'extremism'}","{'society', 'view', 'extremism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,New Orleans can be rebuilt to address its social problems,{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'social issue'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Students should know about options/benefits in military.,{'employee benefit'},{'student'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A border fence would not be as effective as other measures,set(),"{'measurement', 'border barrier'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,New Orleans must be restored for its cultural value,"{'new orleans', 'cultural heritage'}","{'value (computer science)', 'new orleans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The 700 mile fence would be costly and run over budget,set(),"{'mile', 'fence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Recruiters mislead kids about military service,"{'conscription', 'deception', 'child', 'recruitment'}","{'kidskin', 'military branch'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The maintenance of the US border fence would be costly,"{'mexico–united states barrier', 'canada–united states border'}","{'borders of the united states', 'border barrier'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Global warming & stronger hurricanes will destroy new New Orleans,"{'new orleans', 'global warming'}","{'new orleans', 'global warming'}",Relation,global warming & stronger hurricanes,global warming,positive,destruction of new,new orleans,bad,"new orleans, new orleans, people living in new orleans, new orleans, residents of new orleans" against,Military recruiters often harass kids to join,set(),"{'child', 'military recruitment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The 700 wall cannot be compared to the Berlin wall,{'berlin wall'},"{'wall', 'berlin wall'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Why rebuild New Orleans when it will be destroyed again?,{'new orleans'},{'new orleans'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The military has a compelling story to tell to youth.,set(),"{'youth', 'military branch'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A wall would force crossers to take more deadly routes,set(),"{'wall', 'routes'}",Relation,a wall,wall,positive,crossers to take more deadly routes,routes,bad,"immigrants, crossers, crossers, deadly, route, crossers, human life, migrants" against,Military recruiting wrongly makes violence appear cool.,set(),"{'violence', 'military recruitment'}",Relation,military recruiting,military recruitment,positive,violence,violence,bad,"enlisted, people joining the military, society" for,New Orleans can be a model for all threatened coastal cities,"{'new orleans', 'threatened species'}","{'new orleans', 'city', 'economic model'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A border fence will divide border communities,{'border'},"{'community', 'border', 'border barrier'}",Relation,a border fence,border barrier|border,positive,division of border communities,community|border,bad,"border communities, border communities, society, economy, border communities, community relations" against,"As long as extremist parties do promote physical harm to others, they should be given freedom to engage in politics.",{'health'},"{'liberty', 'political party', 'extremism', 'harm', 'politics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Military can be best opportunity to get college education.,"{'higher education', 'education'}","{'means, motive, and opportunity', 'military branch', 'higher education'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Executions punish the guilty so can""t encourage killing the innocent","{'murder', 'punishment', 'guilt (law)', 'innocence', 'capital punishment'}",{'execution (computing)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Global warming and rising seas run against rebuilding New Orleans,"{'new orleans', 'global warming'}","{'sea', 'new orleans', 'global warming'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Societies have a right to set moral judgements and standards that exclude extremist groups.,"{'society', 'rights', 'social exclusion', 'extremism'}","{'society', 'rights', 'morality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Military recruiters encourage discipline and hard-work.,"{'discipline', 'military recruitment'}","{'military recruitment', 'discipline (academia)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,New Orleans civilization should be maintained despite hurricane threat,"{'new orleans', 'tropical cyclone', 'civilization'}","{'new orleans', 'civilization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"It is difficult to categorize a party as ""extremist"" or ""far-right"".","{'right-wing politics', 'political party', 'extremism'}","{'political party', 'extremism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Teenagers not developed enough to ""choose"" service.",{'domestic worker'},{'military branch'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Democracy should never be about banning opinions.,"{'democracy', 'opinion', 'ban (law)'}","{'democracy', 'opinion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Rebuilding New Orleans would put future residents at risk,{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'hazard', 'pre-registration house officer'}",Relation,rebuilding new orleans,new orleans,positive,future residents at risk,hazard,bad,"future residents, new orleans, society, residents, public welfare, residents of new orleans, new orleans, future residents of new orleans" against,Executions have a brutalizing social effect that can increase crime,"{'society', 'capital punishment', 'crime'}","{'force (law)', 'execution (computing)', 'crime'}",Relation,executions,execution (computing)|capital punishment,positive,brutalizing social effect,crime,bad,"society, public safety, crime victims, society, government, public safety, society, victims of crime" for,"OK to inform kids so when 18, they can decide.","{'ok!', 'kids (robbie williams and kylie minogue song)'}",{'kidskin'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Labels that clarify French-origin of a Champagne are sufficient consumer safeguards,"{'wine label', 'champagne'}","{'champagne', 'safeguard', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Deterrent-effect"" of executions is too controversial to justify policy.","{'justification (jurisprudence)', 'policy', 'capital punishment'}","{'policy', 'implementation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Mississippi river will shift away from New Orleans,"{'new orleans', 'mississippi river'}",{'mississippi river'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The very strength and weakness of a democracy is in allowing anyone to challenge it and mold it.,set(),{'democracy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,There are numerous examples of countries reserving their right to name a traditional product only from their country,"{'nation', 'rights', 'tradition'}","{'rights', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'product (business)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US should rebuild only parts of New Orleans above sea level,"{'new orleans', 'billboard 200', 'sea level'}","{'new orleans', 'sea level'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Extremist groups often bring what might be protected in private into the public sphere, which should be restrained.","{'private property', 'public sphere', 'protectionism', 'extremism'}","{'extremist groups', 'public sphere'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Using death penalty to fight crimes distracts from underlying problems,"{'capital punishment', 'crime'}","{'problem', 'crime control', 'capital punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Court decisions have agreed that using the name ""Champagne"" for non French wines is a deceptive tactic","{'champagne', 'court', 'french people', 'precedent', 'french wine'}","{'tactic (method)', 'champagne', 'common law', 'french wine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The difference between public and private speech is hard to distinguish, and so extremists should be given more flexibility.",{'private speech'},"{'private speech', 'flexibility (anatomy)', 'extremism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,New Orleans should be relocated farther up the Mississippi,"{'new orleans', 'mississippi'}",{'new orleans'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is impossible to determine that deterrence is not working,set(),{'deterrence (psychology)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Merely by being allowed to advocate their views, extremist parties are given a veneer of respectability.",set(),"{'opinion', 'political party', 'extremism', 'wood veneer', 'respect'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"City location need not be ""logical"" to justify existence","{'existence', 'logic'}","{'location (geography)', 'existence', 'city'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Reserving Champagne name for French producers helps protect consumers,"{'champagne (province)', 'french language'}","{'hip hop production', 'champagne', 'consumer', 'french language'}",Relation,reserving champagne name for french producers,champagne,positive,protect consumers,consumer,good,"consumers, wine production, vineyards, producers, consumers, france, consumers, consumers" against,Extremist views need to be defeated in open public debates.,{'extremism'},"{'public debate', 'view'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Criminals fear death and the death penalty,"{'capital punishment', 'fear', 'crime'}","{'death', 'capital punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Reserving ""Champagne"" name to Champagne, France sets a bad precedent for other territorial claims.","{'precedent', 'territories of the united states', 'aurangabad, maharashtra', 'champagné, sarthe', 'territorial dispute', 'france'}","{'territorial dispute', 'champagne (historical province)', 'champagne', 'common law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Not rebuilding New Orleans has nothing to do with race.,{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'race and ethnicity in the united states census'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Higher execution rates may actually increase violent crime rates:,"{'violent crime', 'crime statistics'}","{'violent crime', 'execution (computing)', 'rate (mathematics)'}",Relation,higher execution rates,execution (computing)|crime statistics,positive,violent crime rates,violent crime|crime statistics,bad,"society, government, society, people, government, society" against,Vehicle fuel economy standards can increase vehicle deaths,"{'emission standard', 'andean community', 'fuel economy in automobiles', 'vehicle'}","{'emission standard', 'death', 'vehicle', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}",Relation,vehicle fuel economy standards,vehicle|fuel economy in automobiles|emission standard,positive,vehicle deaths,vehicle|death,bad,"vehicle, people, vehicle, fuel economy, death, vehicle users, vehicle related deaths" for,The death penalty helps protect inmates and prison guards,"{'prisoner', 'prison officer', 'prison', 'capital punishment'}","{'prison officer', 'capital punishment'}",Relation,the death penalty,capital punishment,positive,protect inmates and prison guards,prisoner|prison officer,good,"inmates, guards, prisons, prisoners, prison guards, society, prisoners, prisoners, guards, inmates, prison guards" for,Rebuilding New Orleans can be funded by cutting pork,{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'pork'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Car-makers adjust to fuel economy costs by lowering other standards,"{'automotive industry', 'fuel efficiency'}",{'cost'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Fuel economy standards reduce emissions, improve air quality.","{'emission standard', 'air pollution', 'waste minimisation', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}","{'emission standard', 'air pollution'}",Relation,fuel economy standards,fuel economy in automobiles,negative,air quality,emission standard|air pollution|waste minimisation,good,"environment, global warming, air quality, environment, environment, environment, the air" against,Executions contradict strategy of sensitivity to urban neighborhoods,set(),"{'scheme (programming language)', 'neighbourhood', 'implementation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Louisiana politicians cannot be trusted with federal funding,"{'louisiana', 'presidency of george w. bush', 'federal judiciary of the united states', 'administration of federal assistance in the united states'}",{'louisiana'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Even if Champagne is protected as French, other confusions can exist.","{'champagne', 'french language'}","{'confusion (novella)', 'champagne', 'french language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Fuel economy standards only shift environmental impacts,"{'emission standard', 'shift work', 'coal mining', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}","{'emission standard', 'environmental issue'}",Relation,fuel economy standards,fuel economy in automobiles|emission standard,positive,shift in environmental impacts,environmental issue,bad,"environment, environment, animals, people" against,The death penalty denies the opportunity to study murderers to prevent future ones.,"{'equal opportunity', 'capital punishment', 'denial'}","{'means, motive, and opportunity', 'capital punishment'}",Relation,the death penalty,capital punishment,negative,the opportunity to study murderers to prevent future ones,denial,NoAgreement, against,America is vast; there is no need to rebuild New Orleans,{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'need to'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Champagne buyers very rarely report mistaken purchases.,{'champagne'},"{'report', 'champagne', 'buyer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Swiss village Champagne should be able to call its wine Champagne,"{'wine', 'champagne', 'old swiss confederacy'}","{'champagne', 'village', 'swiss people', 'wine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Opposition to fuel economy standards driven by special interests,"{'emission standard', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}","{'emission standard', 'advocacy group'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Capital punishment protects more innocents than it does accidentally take the life of innocent convicts.,"{'life', 'capital punishment', 'innocence'}","{'capital punishment', 'convict'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Reserving ""Champagne"" for France helps protect cultural heritage of Europe","{'europe', 'france'}","{'europe', 'cultural heritage', 'champagne', 'france'}",Relation,"reserving ""champagne"" for france",champagne|france,positive,protect cultural heritage of europe,europe|cultural heritage,good,"europeans, european heritage, european society, europe, europe, france, europeans, citizens, governments, france, europe" against,National hysteria can lead to unjust convictions and execution,"{'conviction', 'capital punishment'}",{'execution (computing)'},Relation,national hysteria,conviction,positive,unjust convictions and execution,conviction|capital punishment,bad,"society, social justice, unjust, convictions, execution, convicted criminals, society" for,Fuel economy standards reduce money spent by drivers on gas.,"{'emission standard', 'reductionism', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}","{'emission standard', 'money', 'gas'}",Relation,fuel economy standards,fuel economy in automobiles,negative,money spent by drivers on gas,money|gas,good,"consumers, drivers, environment, consumers, drivers, consumers, those who want to save money, drivers" for,US govt. allowed New Orleans crisis so must rebuild city,"{'new orleans', 'federal government of the united states', 'united states dollar'}","{'new orleans', 'state (polity)', 'city', 'crisis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The characteristics of a wine come specifically from the soil,type of grapes and climate","{'grape', 'climate'}","{'grape', 'soil', 'climate', 'wine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Japan/Europe show high fuel economy standards achievable,"{'emission standard', 'europe', 'fuel economy in automobiles', 'japan'}",{'emission standard'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Majority of Americans support the death penalty,"{'capital punishment in the united states', 'americans'}","{'capital punishment', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Government is obligated to rebuild NO levees and infrastructure.,{'infrastructure'},"{'infrastructure', 'administration (government)', 'levee'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Historical sources confirm the unique difference between Champagne and other sparkling wines.,"{'champagne', 'sparkling wine'}","{'history', 'champagne', 'sparkling wine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Fuel economy standards help car companies stay competitive,"{'emission standard', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}","{'emission standard', 'automotive industry'}",Relation,fuel economy standards,fuel economy in automobiles|emission standard,positive,car companies stay competitive,automotive industry,good,"competition, car companies, car companies, car, companies, competitive, auto industry, consumers, environment" for,Public calls for capital punishment must be met to uphold justice,{'capital punishment'},"{'capital punishment', 'justice (virtue)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Grapes virtually identical to those of Champagne, Frances can be produced in other regions.",{'grape'},"{'champagne (historical province)', 'regions of france'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"People, not government, should naturally rebuild New Orleans",{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'people', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Fuel economy standards increase energy independence and security,"{'emission standard', 'security', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}","{'emission standard', 'thermodynamic free energy'}",Relation,fuel economy standards,fuel economy in automobiles,positive,energy independence and security,security,good,"countries dependent on outsourced energy, economy, consumers, society, independence, security, environment, energy independence, energy security" against,Capital punishment costs more than life without parole,{'capital punishment'},"{'life imprisonment', 'capital punishment', 'more than life'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Gas taxes reduce miles driven better than fuel economy standards,"{'emission standard', 'fuel tax', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}","{'emission standard', 'mile', 'fuel tax'}",Relation,gas taxes,fuel tax,NoAgreement,miles driven,mile,good,"environment, society, environment" for,New Orleans should be rebuilt out of respect for tragedy.,{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'respect', 'tragedy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Opponents of the death penalty are not to blame for the costs.,{'capital punishment'},"{'costs in english law', 'capital punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,CAFE standards have strong history of reducing US emissions,set(),"{'history', 'coffeehouse'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Protections have significantly increased global demand for French ""Champagne""","{'supply and demand', 'champagne', 'world war', 'french language'}","{'champagne', 'french language'}",Relation,protections,champagne,positive,"global demand for french ""champagne""",champagne|french language,neutral, for,Why should taxpayers bear costs of supporting a murderer for a lifetime?,set(),"{'cost', 'tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There is little desire to return to New Orleans and rebuild,{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'streetcars in new orleans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Universal use of ""Champagne"" would promote French culture","{'culture of france', 'cinema of france', 'champagne'}","{'linguistic universal', 'culture of france', 'champagne'}",Relation,"use of ""champagne""",champagne|linguistic universal,positive,french culture,culture of france,good,"france, cultural awareness, france, french culture" against,Markets efficiently reduce emissions; fuel standards are unnecessary,"{'redox', 'air pollution', 'efficiency', 'fuel'}","{'market (economics)', 'fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mistakes in executions can be very cruel/unusual.,{'capital punishment'},"{'execution (computing)', 'mistake (criminal law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"People want to live in New Orleans, so it must be rebuilt",{'new orleans'},"{'new orleans', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Fuel economy standards increase driving so do not decrease emissions,"{'emission standard', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}",{'emission standard'},Relation,fuel economy standards,fuel economy in automobiles,positive,emissions,emission standard,bad,"environment, global warming, environment, emissions do not decrease, environment" against,"Price tag may limit potential scope of stem cell treatment, particularly if treatments are individually customized, which may be necessary.","{'film treatment', 'if....', 'stem-cell therapy', 'quantum computing', 'stem cell'}","{'range (music)', 'stem cell therapy'}",Relation,price tag,,negative,potential scope of stem cell treatment,stem-cell therapy,bad,"patients, science, hospital patients in need of stem cell therapy" for,The executed are not deprived of everything; they keep their souls.,{'soul'},{'individual'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Fuel economy standards reduce emissions, fight global warming","{'emission standard', 'global warming', 'waste minimisation', 'air pollution', 'fuel economy in automobiles'}",{'emission standard'},Relation,fuel economy standards,emission standard|fuel economy in automobiles,negative,emissions,global warming|air pollution,good,"environment, oil cost, global warming, environment, environment, public health, consumers, environment, society" against,Sanctions only create humanitarian crises.,"{'international sanctions', 'humanitarian crisis'}",{'humanitarian crisis'},Relation,sanctions,international sanctions,positive,humanitarian crises,humanitarian crisis,bad,"society, society, people, humans, citizens, families, crisis victims" against,"Alzheimers may be ""insoluble"" with stem cell treatment","{""alzheimer's disease"", 'stem cell', 'stem-cell therapy'}","{""alzheimer's disease"", 'stem cell therapy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Only love can conquer hatred and murderous acts,set(),"{'hatred', 'act (document)', 'only love (tv series)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Countering high costs - market forces and the elimination of downstream costs will make treatments affordable to individuals and the government:,"{'market (economics)', 'government'}","{'cost', 'administration (government)', 'consolidation (business)', 'individual'}",Relation,market forces and the elimination of downstream costs,cost|market (economics),positive,treatments affordable to individuals and the government,government|individual,good,"patients, government, individuals, government, government, society, social welfare, government spending, individuals, government, economy" for,"The more is produced, the more needs to be consumed.",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Yes, all Christians should keep Sabbath, not only Jews *","{'christian', 'shabbat', 'jews'}","{'christian', 'sabbath', 'jews'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The executed guilty cannot be equated with aborted unborn innocent,"{'innocence', 'capital punishment', 'guilt (law)', 'abortion'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Advertising leaves everybody better off.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The health and social impact that some maintain would result from findings of a treatment and cure for the below ailments and diseases,"{'cure', 'genomics', 'social impact assessment', 'health education', 'disease'}","{'cure', 'health', 'social impact', 'disease'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"In the Bible, both Jesus and Paul say the sabbath is not required to be kept.","{'jesus', 'shabbat', 'bible', 'paul the apostle'}","{'sabbath', 'saviour (comics)', 'authorship of the bible'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The current cost of Alzheimers disease to American society, which some sources argue would be eliminated through the discovery of a cure through stem cell research:","{""alzheimer's disease"", 'cure', 'stem cell'}","{'cure', 'price', ""alzheimer's disease"", 'discovery (observation)', 'stem cell', 'society of the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Pro-life anti-abortionists inconsistently support the death penalty.,"{'anti-abortion movements', 'capital punishment', 'abortion-rights movements'}","{'anti-abortion movements', 'capital punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Insects are likely to become resistant to GM crops,"{'genetically modified crops', 'pesticide resistance'}","{'genetically modified crops', 'insect'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Advertising boosts the economy.,{'economics'},{'economy'},Relation,advertising,,positive,the economy,economy,good,"consumer, the economy, the economy, economy, society" against,"Difficult to ""draw the line"".",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Stem cells are being used to diagnose disease"" in a process called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis","{'cognition', 'stem cell', 'preimplantation genetic diagnosis', 'disease', 'medical diagnosis'}","{'mental process', 'stem cell', 'preimplantation genetic diagnosis', 'disease'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Opinions vary significantly in different places.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Can any one say that the people who hit the twin towers should be let free.,"{'people (magazine)', 'canadian hot 100'}","{'tower', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There is no way to ban advertising.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Embryonic stem cells have extraordinary potential in treatments of all kinds.,"{'embryonic stem cell', 'stem cell'}","{'embryonic stem cell', 'voltage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bad zookeeping can be regulated and weeded out.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The death penalty harms the family of the executed,{'capital punishment'},"{'capital punishment', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Labeling gives consumers a choice on consuming GM foods,"{'genetically modified food', 'packaging and labeling', 'consumer', 'utility'}","{'genetically modified food', 'consumer'}",Relation,labeling,packaging and labeling,positive,choice on consuming gm foods,genetically modified food|consumer,good,"consumers, public health, consumers, consumers, personal choice" for,A cure for diabetes would have a massive social impact,{'diabetes mellitus'},"{'cure', 'social impact'}",Relation,a cure for diabetes,diabetes mellitus|cure,positive,massive social impact,social impact,good,"public health, society, individuals, society, medicine, those who suffer from diabetes, society" for,Executions give solace to families; killer will never kill again,"{'murder', 'will and testament', 'capital punishment'}","{'execution (computing)', 'family'}",Relation,executions,capital punishment,positive,will never kill again,family,good,"the victim's family, victims’ families" for,Unlabelled GM foods violate free right to exercise religion.,{'the free right'},"{'genetically modified food', 'ethics', 'faith'}",Relation,unlabelled gm foods,genetically modified food,negative,free right to exercise religion,faith|the free right,NoAgreement, against,Animals in zoos can be studied more closely and without cruelty.,set(),"{'zoo', 'animal'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Some scientists may be over-estimating the benefits in the broader field of stem cell research (not just embryonic stem cell research).,"{'embryonic stem cell', 'stem cell'}","{'embryonic stem cell', 'scientist', 'stem cell', 'employee benefit', 'discipline (academia)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Breeding of animals need not take place in captivity.,"{'captive breeding', 'captivity (animal)'}","{'animal', 'captivity (animal)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Executions take vengeance out of hands of loved ones,set(),"{'hand', 'capital punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Potential medical benefits claimed to exist beyond transplant therapies and treatments:,"{'organ transplantation', 'health', 'therapy'}","{'organ transplantation', 'therapy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Labeling ensures vegetarians can avoid GM food animal ingredients.,"{'genetically modified food', 'vegetarianism', 'genetically modified food controversies', 'canning'}","{'genetically modified food', 'vegetarianism', 'ingredient'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Gene therapy can be improved by using stem cells""","{'embryonic stem cell', 'gene therapy'}","{'gene therapy', 'stem cell'}",Relation,using stem cells,stem cell,positive,gene therapy can be improved,gene therapy,good,"treating hereditary diseases, health, medicine, lifespan, society, society" against,Zoos have low success rate at conserving endangered animals.,"{'conservation biology', 'endangered species'}","{'zoo', 'endangered species', 'enneagram of personality', 'rate (mathematics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Loved ones should not have to support a killer in prison,{'prison'},{'prison'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Some non-stem cell treatment approaches have been growing rapidly, which may reduce the marginal benefit stem cells provide.","{'may 1968 events in france', 'reductionism', 'cell (biology)', 'marginal utility'}","{'marginal utility', 'stem cell'}",Relation,non-stem cell treatment approaches have been growing rapidly,stem cell|cell (biology),negative,marginal benefit stem cells provide.,stem cell,neutral, for,Zoos exist simply to amuse the paying public.,set(),"{'zoo', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Labeling would make ""superior"" GM foods stand out.",{'genetically modified food controversies'},{'genetically modified food'},Relation,labeling,,positive,"""superior"" gm foods stand out",genetically modified food,neutral, against,"Many zoos have large, life-like enclosures.",set(),"{'zoo', 'enclosure (archaeology)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The state should simply not be involved in killing people.,{'people (magazine)'},{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Any social and health benefits may only come in the long-run - 14 years by one estimate:,{'social issue'},"{'health', 'year'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Zoos give the message that animals have no rights.,set(),"{'zoo', 'rights', 'boris (band)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Labeling internalizes risks for those choosing to eat GM foods.,"{'genetically modified food', 'internalization', 'labeling theory'}","{'genetically modified food', 'risk of infection'}",Relation,labeling,genetically modified food|labeling theory,positive,risks for those choosing to eat gm foods,internalization|genetically modified food,NoAgreement, against,"There may be major obstacles to stem-cell use in therapy and transplant treatments,","{'organ transplantation', 'stem cell', 'therapy'}","{'organ transplantation', 'obstacle', 'stem cell', 'therapy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Capital punishment should be based on principle, not implementation.",{'capital punishment'},"{'precept', 'capital punishment', 'implementation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The main purpose of zoos is to entertain the public and make money.,{'entertainment'},"{'zoo', 'money', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Consumers can avoid GM foods by eating ""organic"" ","{'canning', 'genetically modified food', 'consumerism', 'eating', 'organic food'}","{'genetically modified food', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Zoo animals are not there to do tricks.,{'not from there'},"{'zoo', 'animal', 'magic (illusion)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The above polls seem to correlate with other polls finding American public support for the Roe v. Wade decision:,"{'correlation and dependence', 'roe v. wade', 'opinion poll', 'precedent'}","{'fundraising', 'roe v. wade', 'opinion poll', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Difficulty enforcing GM food labels limits actual consumer choices.,"{'genetically modified food', 'consumer'}","{'genetically modified food', 'consumer choice', 'nutrition facts label'}",Relation,difficulty enforcing gm food labels,genetically modified food|nutrition facts label,negative,actual consumer choices,consumer choice|consumer,bad,"consumers, consumers, businesses, consumers, consumers, choices" against,Republican voters mainly support the status quo of limited funding or no funding at all:,"{'republicanism', 'sympathy', 'voting', 'united nations', 'status quo'}",{'status quo (band)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Food producers opposing GM labels appear to be hiding risks.,set(),"{'gram', 'food industry', 'hazard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Zoos can raise awareness of endangered species.,"{'consciousness raising', 'endangered species'}","{'zoo', 'consciousness raising', 'endangered species'}",Relation,zoos,zoo,positive,awareness of endangered species,consciousness raising|endangered species,good,"endangered species, endangered, environment" for,"""Life"" can only begin in the womb, not in a laboratory, making the destruction of embryos that never existed in the womb acceptable.","{'embryo', 'prenatal development', 'uterus'}","{'embryo', 'laboratory', 'uterus'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Any discrimination in capital punishment cases can be corrected,"{'capital punishment', 'racism'}","{'discrimination', 'capital punishment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Labeling is part of efforts to stigmatize GM foods,"{'social stigma', 'genetically modified food', 'labeling theory'}","{'genetically modified food', 'exertion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Most of the animals that you see in zoos aren""t endangered.",{'the most of animals'},"{'zoo', 'animal'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,See the ABCs of Abortions extended list of biblical passages used by pro-abortionists to argue that life begins only at birth,{'abortion'},"{'listing (computer)', 'episcopal see', 'abc (programming language)', 'abortion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,GM food producers opposing labels seem against consumer choice.,{'consumer choice'},"{'food industry', 'genetically modified food', 'consumer choice'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Wealthy Americans owe a special debt captured by estate tax,set(),"{'wealth', 'inheritance tax', 'debt', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is good for labeling to turn consumers off to GM foods.,"{'good (economics)', 'genetically modified food', 'packaging and labeling', 'consumer'}","{'genetically modified food', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Life only begins when humans take their first breath, claiming that a destruction of an embryo or fetus before this point is not the destruction of life:","{'embryo', 'fetus', 'human'}","{'fetus', 'human'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Wrongful convictions can be fixed with better prosecutors,"{'price fixing', 'prosecutor', 'miscarriage of justice'}","{'prosecutor', 'miscarriage of justice'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Human ""life"" begins at ""conception"", when a sperm fertilizes an egg cell, making the destruction of an embryo at any point beyond ""conception"" the destruction of ""human life"":","{'embryo', 'sperm', 'fertilisation', 'egg cell', 'united states pro-life movement', 'life', 'human'}","{'embryo', 'concept', 'sperm', 'egg cell', 'human'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Labeling GM foods addresses market failure on consumer health,"{'market failure', 'genetically modified food controversies'}","{'health', 'genetically modified food', 'market failure', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Some risk of executing the innocent must be tolerated,{'pope innocent i'},{'hazard'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Estate Tax unfairly harms farmers and small businesses,{'small business'},"{'farmer', 'small business', 'inheritance tax'}",Relation,estate tax,inheritance tax,NoAgreement,farmers and small businesses,farmer,bad,"agriculture, consumers, entrepreneurs, farmers, farmers, businesses" for,Labeling helps poorer countries avoid economic harm,set(),"{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'harm'}",Relation,labeling,administrative divisions of mexico,NoAgreement,poorer countries avoid economic harm,harm,good,"poorer countries, public health, society, economy, workers, labeling, avoid, poorer countries" for,Some of them have used Genesis 2:7 to support this claim:,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Charitable givings would fall if estate tax banned,"{'charitable trust', 'smoking ban'}","{'charity (practice)', 'inheritance tax'}",Relation,estate tax banned,inheritance tax,negative,charitable givings,charity (practice),bad,"charities, society, charity, the poor, charities, charitable givings" for,"Due process is all that is required, even if it risks wrongful execution","{'wrongful execution', 'due process'}","{'wrongful execution', 'due process'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Some supporters of research ask, if destroying an embryo is ""murder"" then why isn""t it outlawed - that it is highly unlikely that it will be outlawed and that the private funding of the destruction of embryos for research continues unabated may undermine the argument that it is ""murder"":","{'embryo', 'united nations'}","{'embryo', 'murder', 'research'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Wrongful executions cannot be corrected, violating due process","{'due process', 'capital punishment', 'miscarriage of justice'}","{'wrongful execution', 'due process'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Labeling of genetically modified foods segregates the market.,"{'genetically modified food', 'genetically modified food controversies'}","{'market (economics)', 'genetically modified food'}",Relation,genetically modified foods,genetically modified food,positive,the market,market (economics),neutral, for,Republicans generally favor banning the Estate Tax.,"{'california republican party', 'banning, california', 'inheritance tax'}",{'inheritance tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Jonathan Sarfati writes that in ""Senators use Bible for lessons on life in stem cell debate"", The Greenville News, 7/19/01 Zitmer, A.","{'the greenville news', 'bible', 'stem cell', 'jonathan sarfati'}","{'jonathan sarfati', 'the greenville news', 'senator (bishop of milan)', 'stem cell', 'lesson', 'argumentation theory', 'a', 'authorship of the bible'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mistaken convictions have not translated into wrongful executions,"{'conviction', 'capital punishment', 'miscarriage of justice'}",{'wrongful execution'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Labeling of genetically modified foods increases food prices.,"{'genetically modified food', 'food', 'genetically modified food controversies', 'price'}","{'genetically modified food', '2007–08 world food price crisis'}",Relation,labeling of genetically modified foods,genetically modified food,positive,food prices,price|food,bad,"consumers, grocers, food affordability for low income population, consumers" for,"The House passes a bill on May 24, 2005 that would have eased President Bushs restrictions on federal funding for stem-cell research.","{'president of the united states', 'federal government of the united states'}","{'george w. bush', 'house', 'bill (law)', 'commonwealth day'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Innocent life must be valued over that of a murderer.,set(),{'innocent life: a futuristic harvest moon'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Republicans that have supported the estate tax or opposed its repeal:,"{'irish republicanism', 'inheritance tax', 'repeal'}",{'inheritance tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Labeling helps protect the legitimate place of GM foods.,{'genetically modified food'},"{'location (geography)', 'genetically modified food'}",Relation,labeling,,positive,the legitimate place of gm foods,genetically modified food,good,"healthy choices, legimate place of gm foods, gm foods, gm foods, consumers" for,"The vast majority of the 400,000 frozen embryos in the United States will either be stored indefinitely or destroyed at some point - thus they should be used for stem cell research:","{'united states', 'stem cell'}","{'united states', 'stem cell'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Murderers might ""deserve"" death, but decency requires mercy","{'death', 'murder', 'morality', 'mercy'}",{'death'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Dems consistently oppose repealing the Estate Tax:,set(),{'inheritance tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The parents of at least 11,000 of these 400,000 embryos have given explicit permission for their embryos to be made available for stem-cell research","{'embryo', 'parenting'}","{'embryo', 'parent', 'permission (philosophy)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Labeling is wrong when GM foods show no differences with other foods,"{'genetically modified food', 'genetically modified food controversies'}","{'genetically modified food', 'food'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Senate has consistently denied floor-voting on bills to repeal estate tax.,"{'inheritance tax', 'united states senate', 'bill (law)', 'repeal'}","{'inheritance tax', 'senate', 'bill (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Executions respond appropriately to the most heinous crimes,"{'capital punishment', 'crime'}","{'execution (computing)', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) bill would have given direct federal funding to using these embryos for research,"{'united states senate', 'arlen specter', 'federal government of the united states'}","{'beak', 'arlen specter', 'embryo', 'research'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Executions help society express horror and abhorrence of murder,set(),"{'society', 'execution (computing)', 'murder', 'horror and terror', 'abomination (bible)'}",Relation,executions,murder,positive,horror and abhorrence of murder,society|murder|horror and terror,good,"society, peace, citizens, sending a message, society, potential murder victims" against,Labels wrongly imply that GM foods are unsafe,{'genetically modified food'},{'genetically modified food'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Evidence that public opinion shifted by 2006 to support for the Estate Tax:,"{'public opinion', 'abortion-rights movements', 'inheritance tax', 'evidence'}","{'public opinion', 'inheritance tax', 'evidence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Adult stem cells have a capacity to ""dedifferentiate"" and then become a wide range of tissues, similar to the wide ranging possibilities of embryonic stem cells:","{'range (biology)', 'tissue (biology)', 'cellular differentiation', 'embryonic stem cell', 'carrying capacity', 'stem cell'}","{'tissue (biology)', 'embryonic stem cell', 'adult stem cell', 'range (music)', 'theory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Labeling helps inform consumers of risks of GM foods,"{'risk', 'genetically modified food', 'consumer'}","{'genetically modified food', 'hazard', 'consumer'}",Relation,labeling,,positive,inform consumers of risks of gm foods,risk|genetically modified food|consumer,good,"consumers, citizens,, consumers, society, public health, consumers, consumers, health information" for,Death penalty addresses crimes where victim can never be compensated,"{'capital punishment', 'crime'}","{'capital punishment', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Estate tax increases cost of capital,"{'cost of capital', 'inheritance tax'}","{'capital cost', 'inheritance tax'}",Relation,estate tax,inheritance tax,positive,cost of capital,capital cost|cost of capital,neutral, for,Adult stem cells have certain drawbacks that make embryonic stem cell research greater in potential.,"{'embryonic stem cell', 'stem cell controversy'}","{'embryonic stem cell', 'adult stem cell', 'voltage'}",Relation,adult stem cells have certain drawbacks,adult stem cell,positive,embryonic stem cell research greater in potential,embryonic stem cell,neutral, against,Repealing Estate Tax offers significant stimulus.,"{'stimulus (economics)', 'inheritance tax'}","{'stimulus (psychology)', 'inheritance tax'}",Relation,repealing estate tax,inheritance tax,positive,stimulus,stimulus (economics),good,"people, improving economy, tax, government, economy, repealing, estate tax, stimulus, economy" against,"Bone marrow stem cells are used to repair heart tissue in November, 2006Daily Mail 11/7/06","{'bone marrow', 'tissue (biology)', 'heart', 'stem cell', 'dna repair'}","{'november', 'tissue (biology)', 'heart', 'hematopoietic stem cell'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is wrong to give a person the job of executing another person,"{'person', 'wrongdoing', 'capital punishment', 'employment'}","{'individual', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Repealing estate tax would cost govt significant revenues,"{'government revenue', 'government', 'inheritance tax'}","{'tax revenue', 'state (polity)', 'inheritance tax'}",Relation,repealing estate tax,inheritance tax,positive,govt significant revenues,government revenue,bad,"government, government, economy, the government, the economy" against,"Adult stem cells taken from patients themselves avoids immune rejection better than embryonic stem cells, and that this could be a more cost effective approach to treatment:","{'patient', 'embryonic stem cell', 'therapy', 'stem cell', 'transplant rejection'}","{'cost-effectiveness analysis', 'patient', 'embryonic stem cell', 'adult stem cell', 'transplant rejection'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Society is judged by how it treats prisoners; executions fail test,{'society'},"{'society', 'execution (computing)', 'prisoner'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Adult stem cells can be better controlled and targeted to create desired tissues:,"{'embryonic stem cell', 'tissue (biology)'}","{'adult stem cell', 'tissue (biology)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Costs of repealing estate tax would be minimal.,{'inheritance tax'},"{'cost', 'inheritance tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is acceptable to give a person the job of executing another.,"{'person', 'capital punishment', 'employment'}","{'individual', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Impractical/expensive for govt to cater to multiple languages,{'language'},"{'state (polity)', 'language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Both adult stem cell and embryonic stem cell research should be pursued equally aggressively because they both have unique characteristics and possible applications:,"{'embryonic stem cell', 'adult stem cell'}","{'embryonic stem cell', 'adult stem cell', 'application software'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Official English only limits federal govt, not others.","{'federation', 'english americans', 'city limits'}","{'official', 'state (polity)', 'english-only movement'}",Relation,official english,official,negative,federal,state (polity)|federation,bad,"federal government, federal government" for,"Modern states regulate executions, unlike barbaric executions elsewhere","{'regulation', 'modern history', 'state (polity)', 'capital punishment'}","{'state (polity)', 'execution (computing)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Repealing estate tax would negatively affect social programs.,{'welfare'},"{'welfare', 'inheritance tax'}",Relation,repealing estate tax,inheritance tax,negative,social programs,welfare,bad,"social programs, the people that use the social programs, social programs, society, society, low-income individuals/families" against,"Because adult stem cells are already in clinical use, they may be more practical than embryonic stem cells to move forward with:World of Stem Cells ""Advantages and Disadvantages of Adult Stem Cells over Embryonic Stem Cells""","{'the world of null-a', 'embryonic stem cell', 'stem cell', 'rollo may'}","{'clinic', 'earth', 'embryonic stem cell', 'adult stem cell', 'stem cell'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind""",{'danny phantom'},{'eye for an eye'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Estate tax raises interest rates on home loans.,{'inheritance tax'},"{'interest rate', 'inheritance tax', 'home equity loan'}",Relation,estate tax,inheritance tax,positive,interest rates on home,interest rate|home equity loan,bad,"home loans, consumers, home buyers, economy, homeowners, home buyers, house buyers" against,US language policy is working fine; why create official language?,"{'languages of the united states', 'language policy'}","{'languages of the united states', 'language policy', 'fine (penalty)', 'official language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Book ""Death By A Thousand Cuts"", by Michael Graetz and Yale political scientist Ian Shapiro chronicles the estate tax repeal movement.","{'yale university', 'lingchi', 'political science', 'ian shapiro', 'heinrich graetz', 'heimann joseph michael'}","{'death by a thousand cuts (book)', 'ian shapiro', 'political science', 'repeal', 'michael (archangel)', 'motility', 'book', 'inheritance tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The Orlic and NIH 2001 tests were not repeatable, reducing the credibility of the claim that certain adult stem cell can help repair heart tissue:","{'reductionism', 'credibility', 'milan orlić', 'tissue (biology)', 'adult stem cell', 'national institutes of health', 'proposition', 'heart', 'statistical hypothesis testing'}","{'tissue (biology)', 'fuzzy set', 'adult stem cell', 'proposition', 'national institutes of health', 'heart'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Executions characterize oppressive, undemocratic countries","{'democracy', 'oppression', 'nation'}","{'execution (computing)', 'administrative divisions of mexico'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Official English only limits govt, not private language-use","{'english studies', 'official', 'government', 'private sector'}","{'official', 'state (polity)', 'english-only movement'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,We should adhere to a precautionary principle:,{'precautionary principle'},{'precautionary principle'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many states have shown interest in additional restrictions or even complete bans on embryonic stem cell research.,"{'embryonic stem cell', 'state (polity)', 'interest'}","{'united states', 'embryonic stem cell', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Whale numbers have been revived, opening the opportunity for whaling under sound regulation:","{'whaling', 'whale'}","{'regulation', 'whale'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Official English should be non-controversial.,{'kingdom of england'},"{'official', 'english language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Economic factors favor the resumption of whaling.,"{'history of whaling', 'economic development', 'economic indicator'}",{'economy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A cap-and-trade system demands the creation of a large and highly complicated administrative bureaucracy.,"{'system', 'bureaucracy', 'emissions trading', 'public administration'}","{'macrocosm and microcosm', 'bureaucracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,States that ban research on embryos created through in vitro fertilization.,"{'embryo', 'state (polity)', 'in vitro fertilisation'}","{'united states', 'research'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A carbon tax is less popular and harder to achieve politically.,"{'popular culture', 'carbon tax'}",{'carbon tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Whales are predators that deplete fish stock upon which fishing industries depend:,"{'recreational fishing', 'fish stock', 'whale', 'predatory fish'}","{'fishing industry', 'whale', 'fish stock'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Language policies should be state-by-state, not national.","{'language policy', 'national language'}",{'language policy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Other states that have expressed interest in providing funding for research:,"{'state (polity)', 'interest', 'funding', 'research'}",{'research'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A carbon tax would also require complicated monitoring and enforcement mechanisms.,{'carbon tax'},"{'enforcement', 'reaction mechanism', 'carbon tax'}",Relation,a carbon tax,carbon tax,positive,complicated monitoring and enforcement mechanisms,enforcement,neutral, for,Non-English driver will not be able to read road-signs.,"{'reading (process)', 'traffic sign'}",{'english language'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"In general, Democratic states tend to support stem-cell research.","{'stem cell', 'democratic party (united states)', 'abortion-rights movements'}",{'democracy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Creating rating system would require major software developments.,set(),{'software development'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,English-only laws can be a public safety/health hazard,"{'health', 'hazard', 'canadian dollar'}","{'hazard', 'law', 'english-only movement'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Argument that the ""presidential lines"" are difficult to keep alive:",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Choice exists to learn language; Official English not discrimination.,"{'language', 'official language', 'choice', 'discrimination', 'language acquisition', 'english language'}","{'official', 'discrimination', 'language', 'english language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Governments within a cap-and-trade system have the incentive to ""cheat"":","{'incentive', 'system', 'emissions trading'}","{'incentive', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,These votes can never be 100% reliable and accurate.,{'accuracy and precision'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legalized aliens are unlikely to be patriotic,{'alien (law)'},{'legalization'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Rating system would allow polling on quality of arguments.,"{'quality control', 'parameter', 'opinion poll'}",{'quality (philosophy)'},Relation,rating system,quality (philosophy)|opinion poll,positive,polling on quality of arguments,opinion poll|quality control,good,"voters, voters, government, debates" for,Official English has nothing to do with discrimination.,"{'discrimination', 'english americans'}","{'official', 'discrimination', 'english language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The slow implementation of a cap-and-trade system may make it unpopular over time.,"{'time', 'slow movement (culture)', 'emissions trading'}",{'implementation'},Relation,the slow implementation of a cap-and-trade system,implementation|emissions trading,positive,make it unpopular over time,time|implementation|emissions trading,bad,"political leaders, government, cap and trade systems, environment, society, peace, citizens, environmentalist movement" against,"Illegals should be deported, not given amnesty","{'deportation', 'amnesty', 'illegal immigration'}",{'illegal immigration'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Some countries do very well with many official languages.,"{'nation', 'official language'}","{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'official language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Abuse of the voting system can be prevented.,{'voting system'},"{'voting system', 'abuse'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Companies favor the predictability of a carbon tax:,{'carbon tax'},"{'company', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Deporting illegals would be economically damaging,"{'deportation', 'illegal immigration'}",{'illegal immigration'},Relation,deporting illegals,deportation|illegal immigration,NoAgreement,economically,,bad,"illegal immigrants, us economy, society, consumers, economy, economy" for,All US citizens should be able to speak English.,"{'united states', 'english americans'}","{'citizenship in the united states', 'english language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Americans oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants,"{'amnesty', 'illegal immigration to the united states', 'americans'}","{'amnesty', 'americans', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"A carbon tax fairly treats all carbon emissions as ""bad"":",{'carbon tax'},"{'greenhouse gas', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Voting system would provide feedback.,set(),"{'voting system', 'feedback'}",Relation,voting system,voting system,positive,feedback,feedback,good,"society, society, everyone" against,English-only policies increase non-native dropout rates,set(),"{'rate (mathematics)', 'english-only movement'}",Relation,english-only policies,english-only movement,positive,dropout rates,rate (mathematics),bad,"non-natives, education, students, non-natives, non-native english speakers, non-native education success" for,Some polls find Americans support conditional amnesty.,"{'opinion poll', 'amnesty'}","{'americas (terminology)', 'opinion poll'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Voting on arguments could just follow partisan lines.,{'political party'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Illegals take jobs from and lower wages for US citizens,"{'minimum wage', 'employment', 'illegal immigration'}","{'job', 'citizenship in the united states', 'remuneration', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"A cap-and-trade system is ""fair"" because it rewards ""efficient""-polluters while punishing ""non-efficient"" polluters:","{'efficiency', 'justice', 'emissions trading', 'punishment', 'system', 'reward system'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bilingual programs allow students to get by w/o learning English,set(),"{'multilingualism', 'student', 'english language'}",Relation,bilingual programs,multilingualism,positive,students to get by w/o learning english,student|english language,neutral, for,Path to citizenship will improve working conditions for all,{'citizenship'},"{'course (navigation)', 'citizenship'}",Relation,path to citizenship,citizenship,positive,working conditions for all,course (navigation),good,"all, improve, working conditions, workers, society, employers, employees, society, workers, employees" against,No official language makes US unique internationally.,{'official language'},{'official language'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Path to citizenship will lower poverty among illegals,"{'working class', 'poverty', 'citizenship', 'illegal immigration'}","{'poverty', 'citizenship', 'illegal immigration'}",Relation,path to citizenship,citizenship,negative,poverty among illegals,poverty|illegal immigration,bad,"workers, government, society, poverty, illegals" against,It is easier for an energy supplier to understand a carbon tax than a cap-and-trade system,"{'energy', 'system', 'emissions trading', 'carbon tax'}","{'thermodynamic free energy', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Surveys indicate strong market potential for plug-in hybrids.,"{'hybrid electric vehicle', 'survey methodology', 'plug-in hybrid'}","{'market (economics)', 'survey methodology', 'plug-in hybrid'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"It is wrong to tax all carbon emissions, and call them all ""bad"":","{'tax', 'greenhouse gas'}",{'greenhouse gas'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most countries have an official language.,"{'nation', 'official language'}","{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'official language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Plug-in hybrids can increase national energy independence,"{'hybrid electric vehicle', 'plug-in hybrid'}","{'thermodynamic free energy', 'plug-in hybrid'}",Relation,plug-in hybrids,hybrid electric vehicle|plug-in hybrid,positive,national energy independence,,good,"society, countries dependent on outsourced energy, country, government, economy" for,Undocumented immigrants perform essential work in the US.,"{'illegal immigration to the united states', 'employment'}","{'work-in', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,PHEVs can substantially reduce carbon emissions.,"{'redox', 'greenhouse gas', 'tin can'}","{'greenhouse gas', 'plug-in hybrid'}",Relation,phevs,plug-in hybrid,negative,carbon emissions,greenhouse gas,good,"environment, global warming, environment" against,Majority should not oppress minority non-English speakers.,"{'oppression', 'minority group'}",{'spoken language'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Path to citizenship exists: leave and apply legally,"{'citizenship', 'law'}",{'citizenship'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Plug-in hybrids can help reduce smog.,"{'hybrid electric vehicle', 'smog', 'plug-in hybrid'}","{'smog', 'plug-in hybrid'}",Relation,plug-in hybrids,plug-in hybrid|hybrid electric vehicle,negative,smog,smog,good,"air quality, environment, environment, health, people, environment" for,Official English encourages immigrants to learn language and succeed,"{'immigration', 'language', 'official language', 'language acquisition', 'english language'}","{'official', 'language', 'english language'}",Relation,official english,english language,positive,immigrants to learn language and succeed,immigration|language,good,"immigrants, non-english speakers, immigrants, society, immigrants, success" for,US cannot be a nation of permanent illegal immigrants,{'illegal immigration to the united states'},"{'state (polity)', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Immigrants want to learn English, but not enough classes","{'for but not with', 'ship class', 'united kingdom'}",{'english language'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"PHEVs can act as ""back-up batteries"" for grid and lower emissions.","{'air pollution', 'lower manhattan'}","{'artillery battery', 'electric power system', 'plug-in hybrid'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A progressive approach could involve a carbon tax rebate.,"{'tax refund', 'progressive tax', 'carbon tax'}","{'tax refund', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Illegal immigrants do more harm than good; deport them.,set(),"{'harm', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The need for oil would hardly be reduced,"{'redox', 'oil'}","{'pauperism', 'petroleum'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Incentive to learn English exists w/o making it official language,"{'english language', 'official language'}","{'incentive', 'english language', 'official language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"A carbon tax is not really that ""regressive"", since the wealthy consume more energy and would be taxed more:","{'wealth', 'carbon tax', 'consumption (economics)', 'energy', 'regressive tax', 'tax'}","{'thermodynamic free energy', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The shift to electricity may cause black-outs in many areas.,"{'power outage', 'electricity', 'causality'}","{'area', 'shift work', 'electricity'}",Relation,the shift to electricity,electricity,positive,black-outs in many,power outage|area,bad,"areas affected by black-outs, people living in houses, people who live in those areas, area people" against,Turkish membership may cause a backlash among EU publics.,{'accession of turkey to the european union'},"{'backlash (engineering)', 'public', 'accession of turkey to the european union', 'european union'}",Relation,turkish membership,european union,positive,backlash among eu publics,european union|backlash (engineering),bad,"eu public, the eu, turkey citizens" against,A path to citizenship grants amnesty to criminals.,"{'citizenship', 'grant (money)', 'amnesty', 'crime'}","{'citizenship', 'grant (money)'}",Relation,path to citizenship,citizenship,positive,amnesty to criminals,crime|amnesty,bad,"national security, society, society, public safety, public" against,"Carbon tax revenues create a basis for progressive ""tax shifting"":","{'tax revenue', 'cost basis', 'carbon tax', 'progressive tax', 'tax shift'}","{'tax revenue', 'basis (linear algebra)', 'tax shift', 'carbon tax'}",Relation,carbon tax revenues,carbon tax|tax revenue,positive,"basis for progressive ""tax shifting""",tax shift|progressive tax,neutral, against,Majority of Germans oppose Turkey EU membership,"{'member state of the european union', 'accession of turkey to the european union', 'germany', 'turkey'}","{'member state of the european union', 'german language', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Citizenship is great opportunity; grant it to those already here.,set(),"{'citizenship', 'concession (contract)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Allowing government censorship threatens to allow a tyranny of the majority.,"{'internet censorship', 'tyranny of the majority'}","{'censorship', 'tyranny of the majority'}",Relation,government censorship,censorship,positive,tyranny of the majority,tyranny of the majority,bad,"society, minorities, democracy, minorities" against,EU states strongly opposed to Turkeys admission should not be dragged along,{'european union'},"{'admission (law)', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Carbon trading effectively turns the atmosphere into tradeable property.,"{'private property', 'carbon emission trading'}","{'atmosphere', 'property (philosophy)', 'emissions trading'}",Relation,carbon trading,carbon emission trading,positive,the atmosphere into tradeable property,emissions trading|atmosphere,neutral, against,Revenue from a carbon tax can be used to fund global aid programs.,"{'government revenue', 'globalization', 'funding', 'carbon tax'}","{'tax revenue', 'aid', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Banks bigger than ever; new regs won""t end ""too big to fail."" ",{'too big to fail'},"{'regular expression', 'bank'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Governments cannot be trusted as arbiters of free speech; it is a God-given and inalienable right.,"{'government', 'first amendment to the united states constitution', 'arbitration', 'natural and legal rights'}","{'freedom of speech', 'administration (government)', 'arbiter (electronics)', 'natural and legal rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The majority of Europeans oppose Turkeys accession to the EU,"{'ethnic groups in europe', 'minority group', 'european union', 'turkey (bird)', 'enlargement of the european union'}","{'accession (property law)', 'european union', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is principally wrong to admit Turkey.,{'turkey'},{'wild turkey'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Turkeys EU membership would help the fight against terrorism,"{'terrorism', 'member state of the european union', 'european union'}","{'terrorism', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}",Relation,turkeys eu membership,turkey|member state of the european union,positive,fight against terrorism,terrorism,good,"turkeys, international relations, public safety, everyone except terrorists" for,Speech acts lead to physical acts.,"{'speech act', 'physical body'}","{'act (document)', 'speech act'}",Relation,speech acts,speech act,positive,physical acts,,neutral, against,"2010 banking reform perpetuates ""too big to fail"" policies","{'policy', 'bank', 'market failure', 'too big to fail'}",{'reform'},Relation,2010 banking reform,bank|reform,positive,"""too big to fail"" policies",policy|too big to fail,NoAgreement, against,Carbon-trading can lead to the disproportionate polluting of poorer areas.,"{'pollution', 'lead', 'disproportionation', 'beverage can'}",{'area'},Relation,carbon-trading,,positive,disproportionate polluting of poorer,pollution|disproportionation,bad,"people living in poorer areas, poorer areas, poor, unfortunate, society" against,Turkish membership would increase terrorist threats in EU,"{'accession of turkey to the european union', 'european union'}","{'threat', 'accession of turkey to the european union', 'european union'}",Relation,turkish membership,accession of turkey to the european union|european union,positive,terrorist threats in eu,threat,bad,"eu, eu security, eu, international relations, public safety, eu, safety, security, eu" against,"Exposing ""bad"" views by allowing them to be voiced increases the likelihood that they will be defeated.",{'probability'},{'likelihood'},Relation,views by allowing them to be voiced,,positive,the likelihood that they will be defeated,likelihood,NoAgreement, against,A carbon tax sends a serious and important message about the will to fight global warming.,"{'global warming', 'carbon tax'}","{'message', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"2010 US financial reform ends ""too big to fail"""," {'financial services', 'too big to fail'}",{'reform'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Majority of Turkish people want EU membership,"{'member state of the european union', 'turkish people', 'minority group', 'european union'}","{'turkish people', 'member state of the european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Although some views may be expressed that might are contrary to religious teaching,{'religious broadcasting'},{'view'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A carbon tax can be implemented immediately.,"{'canadian dollar', 'carbon tax'}",{'carbon tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Turkey has worked hard to befriend the EU,"{'european union', 'hard power', 'turkey'}","{'european union', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Some intellectual views are antithetical to beliefs held by major religions, and should be protected against.","{'world view', 'belief', 'religion', 'intelligence', 'antithesis'}","{'major religious groups', 'view', 'belief'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Why give special treatment to dissenting religious groups?,"{'religious denomination', 'religion', 'english dissenters'}",{'religious denomination'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A cap-and-trade system better encourages companies to cut their carbon emissions.,"{'carbon dioxide', 'system', 'emissions trading'}","{'greenhouse gas', 'company'}",Relation,a cap-and-trade system,emissions trading,NoAgreement,carbon emissions,greenhouse gas|company|carbon dioxide,good,"environment, society, environment, everyone living on earth, environment" against,Admitting Turkey leads to a slippery slope of non-European admissions,"{'slippery slope', 'turkey'}","{'wild turkey', 'slippery slope'}",Relation,admitting turkey,turkey,positive,slippery slope of non-european admissions,slippery slope,neutral, against,The ends justifying the means is a common pit-fall of allowing governments to suppress freedom of speech.,"{'censorship', 'freedom of speech', 'government', 'pitfall!'}","{'freedom of speech', 'intrinsic value (ethics)', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A carbon tax would add a clear cost to polluting and create a market incentive to pollute less.,"{'market (economics)', 'pollution', 'incentive', 'carbon tax'}","{'cost', 'incentive', 'market (economics)', 'carbon tax'}",Relation,carbon tax,carbon tax,positive,market incentive to pollute less,market (economics)|pollution|incentive,good,"environment, global warming, society, environment, environment, environment, society" for,Government must protect its citizens from foreign enemies and internal enemies.,{'government'},"{'administration (government)', 'citizenship', 'enemy combatant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,EU membership for Turkey would help liberalize the Middle East,"{'turkey', 'middle east', 'member state of the european union', 'european union'}","{'middle east', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}",Relation,eu membership for turkey,turkey|member state of the european union|european union,positive,liberalize the middle east,middle east,good,"liberalize, middle east, help, freedom, middle eastern women, eu, society, turkey, the middle east, democracy" against,Carbon trading schemes rely on bureaucratic processes to actually reduce emissions.,"{'air pollution', 'carbon emission trading'}","{'mental process', 'emissions trading', 'carbon emission trading'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Gay parents have weaker custody right without marriage,"{'rights', 'same-sex marriage', 'lgbt parenting', 'child custody', 'gay'}","{'marriage', 'parent', 'rights', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Turkey membership will help advance EU interests in the Middle East,"{'european union', 'middle east', 'turkey'}","{'european union', 'advance (newspaper)', 'middle east', 'turkey'}",Relation,turkey membership,turkey,positive,eu interests in the middle east,european union|middle east,good,"europeans, the eu, turkey, eu, international relations, the eu" against,Turkeys admission would expose the EU to new conflicts and dangers.,{'european union'},"{'european union', 'admission (law)', 'turkey'}",Relation,turkeys admission,turkey,positive,eu to new conflicts and dangers,european union,bad,"turkey, eu, citizens, peace, the eu, eu, the eu and everyone" for,"If the government affects the religious term of ""marriage"" it is in violation.","{'government', 'religion', 'conflict of marriage laws', 'crime'}","{'marriage', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A carbon tax can be easily adjusted over time to achieve desired emissions results.,"{'greenhouse gas', 'carbon tax'}","{'result', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Turkey has improved its treatment of Kurds to gain EU membership,"{'kurds', 'european union', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}","{'kurds', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}",Relation,treatment of kurds,turkey|kurds,positive,gain eu membership,member state of the european union,good,"power on the world stage, turkey, kurds, kurds, citizens" for,Marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman,{'military intelligence directorate (israel)'},"{'woman', 'man', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"A cap-and-trade system is certain to reduce emissions, which is important in context of the global warming crisis:","{'financial crisis of 2007–08', 'global warming', 'waste minimisation', 'emissions trading', 'system', 'air pollution'}","{'crisis', 'system', 'context (language use)'}",Relation,a cap-and-trade system,emissions trading|system,negative,emissions,air pollution,good,"environment, public health, environment, society, environment" against,A carbon tax would shock consumers into needed behavioral changes.,"{'acute stress reaction', 'behavior change (public health)', 'consumerism', 'carbon tax'}","{'change (philosophy)', 'consumer', 'carbon tax'}",Relation,a carbon tax,carbon tax,positive,consumers into needed behavioral changes,consumer|behavior change (public health),good,"the environment, animals, and people, society, environment, environment, consumers, society, environment, global warming, environment, society" for,EU membership would help strengthen democracy in Turkey,"{'turkey', 'democracy', 'member state of the european union', 'european union'}","{'democracy', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}",Relation,eu membership,member state of the european union|european union,positive,strengthen democracy in turkey,turkey|democracy,good,"turkey, democracy, turkey, eu, international relations, turkey, turkey and the world, democracy, turkey" against,Marriage has always evolved; should now include gays,"{'same-sex marriage', 'homosexuality'}","{'marriage', 'gay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,2010 reforms limit size of banks and risks of failures,{'risk'},"{'reform', 'bank', 'hazard', 'data type'}",Relation,2010 reforms,reform,negative,size of banks and risks of failures,bank|risk,neutral, for,Turkey has made significant reforms to gain EU membership,"{'european union', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}","{'reform', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A carbon tax addresses carbon emissions in all industries:,"{'industry', 'carbon dioxide', 'carbon tax'}","{'industry', 'greenhouse gas', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A cap-and-trade system is vulnerable to companies tricking the system by polluting heavily before the system begins:,"{'vulnerability (computing)', 'system', 'emissions trading'}",{'company'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Free market constrains risk-taking by letting banks fail,"{'free market', 'risk', 'bank', 'market failure'}","{'free market', 'bank'}",Relation,free market,free market,negative,risk-taking,risk,neutral, against,Marriage is not reserved solely for those that can reproduce,{'reproduction'},{'conflict of marriage laws'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Cap-and-trade would cause job loss.,"{'social movement', 'emissions trading', 'unemployment'}","{'emissions trading', 'unemployment'}",Relation,cap-and-trade,social movement|emissions trading,positive,job loss,unemployment,bad,"workers, citizens, business, working class, economy, society, unemployment, economy, workers" against,"Banks should be making market decisions, not govt","{'market (economics)', 'decision-making', 'bank', 'government'}","{'market (economics)', 'bank (geography)', 'state (polity)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Civil unions will make people comfortable with idea of gay marriage,"{'idea', 'same-sex marriage in the united states', 'person', 'free will', 'civil union'}","{'same-sex marriage', 'people', 'civil union', 'idea'}",Relation,civil unions,civil union,positive,idea of gay marriage,idea|people|same-sex marriage,good,"gay couples, society, gays, gay marriage" against,Turkey size would give it too much voting power in the EU,"{'european union', 'turkey'}","{'voting interest', 'european union', 'clothing sizes', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The negative economic effects of a cap-and-trade system would be larger than its environmental benefits:,"{'environmentalism', 'negative liberty', 'minimum wage in the united states', 'emissions trading', 'environmentally friendly', 'system', 'economic development'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"[[Argument: Fin. reform will stifle small business, community banks.",{'bank'},"{'reform', 'community bank', 'small business', 'car tailfin'}",Relation,fin. reform,reform,negative,"small business, community banks",community bank|small business,bad,"small business and banks, small businesses, society, consumers, stifle, small business, community banks, economy, businesses, banks, small business, community banks" against,Civil unions make it harder to pass gay marriage,{'same-sex marriage in the united states'},"{'same-sex marriage', 'civil union'}",Relation,civil unions,civil union,negative,gay marriage,same-sex marriage,bad,"gay couples, society, gay marriage, gay population" for,EU membership will improve the standard of living in Turkey,"{'turkey', 'member state of the european union', 'european union'}","{'standard of living', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}",Relation,eu membership,member state of the european union|european union,positive,standard of living in turkey,turkey|standard of living,good,"turkey, turkish people, citizens, turkey, government, turkish citizens, turkey, citizens of turkey, living standards in turkey, turkey citizens" against,Reform gives fed reserve too much power over banks,{'federal reserve system'},"{'reform', 'bank', 'power (social and political)'}",Relation,reform,reform,positive,fed reserve too much power over banks,federal reserve system|bank|power (social and political),bad,"society, banks, banks, restricts competition and gives a monopoly, society" against,"If gays get civil unions, why withhold ""marriage""?",{'gay'},"{'civil union', 'gay', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A cap-and-trade system is complicated and entails substantial administrative costs.,"{'administrative law', 'emissions trading'}",{'cost'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Financial reform will make derivatives market transparent,"{'reform', 'derivatives market', 'finance'}","{'reform', 'derivatives market', 'finance'}",Relation,financial reform,reform|finance,positive,derivatives market transparent,derivatives market,NoAgreement, against,"Turkey doesn""t have to join the EU","{'enlargement of the european union', 'european union', 'turkey'}","{'wild turkey', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Financial reform puts onerous regulations on free markets.,"{'financial market', 'regulation', 'kevin carson'}","{'reform', 'regulation', 'finance', 'free market'}",Relation,financial reform,financial market|reform|finance,positive,onerous regulations on free,free market|financial market|regulation,neutral, for,A cap-and-trade system incentivizes reductions in carbon emissions where it can be done most efficiently.,"{'incentive', 'carbon dioxide', 'emissions trading'}",{'greenhouse gas'},Relation,cap-and-trade system,emissions trading,positive,reductions in carbon emissions,carbon dioxide|greenhouse gas,good,"environment, environment, environment, citizens, society, environment, global warming, environment" against,"Civil unions still ""separate, but equal"" if straights can do it.",{'separate but equal'},{'civil union'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,New reforms make regulations equally complex and vulnerable.,set(),{'reform'},Relation,new reforms,reform,positive,regulations equally complex and vulnerable,,bad,"bureaucracy and the people, persons affected by the regulations, regulations" against,A carbon tax would be more efficient.,"{'economic efficiency', 'carbon tax'}",{'carbon tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Civil unions give gays equal benefits w/o changing marriage laws,"{'civil union', 'gay'}","{'civil union', 'gay', 'marriage law'}",Relation,civil unions,civil union,positive,equal benefits w/o changing marriage laws,marriage law|gay,neutral, against,The EU will never be able to integrate Turkey economically:,"{'globalization', 'economy', 'turkey', 'european union'}","{'turkey', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,2010 US financial regs will likely reduce lending/growth.,"{'credit (finance)', 'economic growth'}",{'regular expression'},Relation,2010 us financial regs,credit (finance),NoAgreement,lending/growth,economic growth,bad,"lending, growth, economy, businesses" against,A cap-and-trade system would be harder on government budgets.,{'emissions trading'},{'government budget'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The right to marry is a basic human right,{'human rights'},"{'human rights', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A carbon tax would damage an economy.,"{'economy', 'carbon tax'}","{'economy', 'carbon tax'}",Relation,a carbon tax,carbon tax,negative,economy,economy,bad,"economy, society, economy, consumers, society, economy, economy" for,Turkeys large population offers a strong market for EU goods,"{'good (economics)', 'market economy', 'world population', 'european union'}","{'market (economics)', 'european union', 'commodity', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,2010 financial reform increases transparency,{'transparency (behavior)'},"{'reform', 'transparency and translucency'}",Relation,2010 financial reform,reform,positive,transparency,transparency (behavior),good,"a more informed populace, citizens, government, stability, society, increases, transparency, financial, investors" for,Homosexuals have the same right to marry members of the opposite sex,{'homosexuality'},"{'human sexual activity', 'ethics', 'homosexuality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,An effective cap-and-trade system helps reduce economic costs caused by carbon emissions.,"{'greenhouse gas', 'waste minimisation', 'emissions trading', 'economic development', 'cost'}","{'economic cost', 'greenhouse gas'}",Relation,an effective cap-and-trade system,emissions trading,negative,economic costs caused by carbon emissions,greenhouse gas|economic cost,good,"environment, economy, economy, economy, environment" against,Turkey is too poor and underdeveloped to join the EU,"{'enlargement of the european union', 'european union', 'third world', 'turkey'}","{'wild turkey', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Consumers can be protected w/o new financial bureaucracy,"{'finance', 'protectionism', 'bureaucracy', 'consumer'}","{'bureaucracy', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Civil unions are not ""separate, but unequal"" if heterosexuals can do it",{'civil union'},"{'heterosexuality', 'civil union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A carbon tax is more likely to result in the costs being passed on to consumers.,"{'cost', 'consumer', 'carbon tax'}","{'cost', 'consumer', 'carbon tax'}",Relation,a carbon tax,carbon tax,positive,costs being passed on to consumers,consumer|cost,bad,"consumers, consumers, consumers" against,Turkey is likely to be a major funding strain on the EU,"{'european union', 'turkey'}","{'wild turkey', 'deformation (mechanics)', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"You cannot ask a lover, ""will you civil union me?"".","{'civil union', 'union, maine'}",{'civil union'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,2010 financial reform exposes sensitive information,set(),"{'reform', 'information sensitivity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Turkeys membership would economically benefit the EU,"{'economy', 'welfare', 'member state of the european union', 'european union'}","{'european union', 'turkey'}",Relation,turkeys membership,turkey|member state of the european union,positive,economic,european union|economy,good,"eu, eu, eu, bolstering eu economy, eu, eu economy" for,"Civil union couples can say they""re ""married""",{'civil union'},{'civil union'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,2010 financial reform offers important consumer protection,"{'reform', 'consumer protection', 'finance'}","{'reform', 'consumer protection'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Carbon taxes would not cost consumers any more than a cap-and-trade system.,"{'carbon tax', 'emissions trading', 'system', 'consumer', 'cost'}","{'consumer', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Differences in ways of life between countries can have positive economic consequences.,"{'positive economics', 'consequentialism', 'economic history'}","{'consequence (rapper)', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'modus vivendi', 'conflict (process)'}",Relation,differences in ways of life between,modus vivendi,positive,positive economic consequences,positive economics,good,"countries, economy, bolstering world economies" against,EU membership would cause a damaging influx of Turkish immigrants,"{'turkish language', 'turks in germany', 'member state of the european union', 'european union'}","{'turkish language', 'member state of the european union'}",Relation,eu membership,member state of the european union|european union,positive,damaging influx of turkish immigrants,turks in germany|european union,bad,"eu, european union, eu, eu, global affairs, turkish immigrants, damaging, influx, immigrants" for,"Civil unions give what matters: equal benefits not ""marriage""","{'on what matters', 'same-sex marriage'}","{'matter', 'civil union', 'conflict of marriage laws', 'welfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is ok for some of the costs of a carbon tax to be passed on to consumers because they are also responsible for carbon emissions:,"{'cost', 'greenhouse gas', 'heterotroph', 'carbon tax'}","{'cost', 'greenhouse gas', 'consumer', 'carbon tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Turkish labor market would benefit EU,"{'european union', 'labour economics', 'welfare', 'turkey'}","{'turkish language', 'labour economics', 'european union'}",Relation,turkish labor market,turkey|labour economics,positive,eu,european union,good,"eu, turkey, general well-being of the eu, society, european government, turkey, eu" against,Sparks only ever fly between countries when their foreign policies are at odds.,set(),"{'odds', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'electric discharge', 'foreign policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Any global adoption of the American way of life necessarily means the slow decay of individual national cultural identities.,"{'globalization', 'american way', 'nation', 'individualism', 'americans', 'cultural identity'}","{'american way', 'cultural identity'}",Relation,global adoption of the american way of life,globalization|american way,negative,individual national cultural identities,cultural identity,neutral, against,"Word ""marriage"" is symbolic, should not be denied to gays","{'same-sex marriage', 'homosexuality'}","{'word', 'gay', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Turkey was promised a chance to join the EU at the Helsinki summit (1999),"{'enlargement of the european union', 'european union', 'helsinki', 'turkey'}","{'helsinki', 'european union', 'summit', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The EU cap-and-trade system is new and its difficulties simply need time to be worked out.,"{'emissions trading', 'european union'}","{'emissions trading', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No culture in the world can survive in unchanging.,set(),{'culture'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many laws already give civil unions equal benefits as marriage.,"{'same-sex marriage', 'law', 'welfare', 'egalitarianism', 'civil union'}","{'civil union', 'law', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"By breaking its promises, the EU may turn Turkey into an enemy.",{'turkey'},"{'promise', 'enemy combatant', 'turkey', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is a mistake to see American culture as all of a piece.,"{'culture of the united states', 'americans'}","{'culture of the united states', 'mistake (criminal law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""It is OK to freely investigate.",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Forced drug-testing would violate the principle of innocent until proven guilty.,set(),{'precept'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Admitting Turkey to the EU would cause the Islamisation of Europe,"{'europe', 'islamization', 'turkey'}","{'european union', 'islamization', 'turkey'}",Relation,admitting turkey to the eu,european union|turkey,positive,islamisation of europe,europe|islamization,neutral, against,"The American way of life may well be unhealthy, but it is also delicious.","{'american way', 'americans'}",{'american way'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,John Yoo advocates a role for torture,"{'john yoo', 'torture'}",{'john yoo'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,In certain circumstances it is better to compromise certain rights in order to uphold other values.,"{'canon law (catholic church)', 'natural and legal rights'}","{'value (computer science)', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Civil partners can only file taxes in registered state.,set(),"{'civil partnership in the united kingdom', 'tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Turkey EU membership should have nothing to do with religion.,"{'religion', 'accession of turkey to the european union', 'turkey'}","{'faith', 'member state of the european union', 'turkey'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Responsibility and obligation to protect.,"{'obligation', 'moral responsibility'}",{'obligation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Civil partners must pay federal taxes on death benefits.,"{'capital punishment', 'welfare'}","{'civil partnership in the united kingdom', 'tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Countries should act on principle, not the prevailing trends of other countries.",set(),{'administrative divisions of mexico'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Turkeys EU admission would provide religious balance in Europe.,"{'europe', 'turkey (bird)'}","{'european union', 'admission (law)', 'turkey'}",Relation,turkeys eu admission,european union|turkey|admission (law),positive,religious balance in europe,europe,good,"europe, turkey, international relations, diversity, religions, religious, europe, balance" against,Civil couples meet greater legal complications than married gays,"{'civil and political rights', 'gay', 'same-sex marriage', 'law'}",{'gay'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The benefits outweigh the costs.,"{'cost', 'insurance'}",{'price'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Some terrorists may deserve a little extra punishment for the death and misery they""ve caused.","{'punishment', 'death', 'depression (mood)'}","{'punishment', 'death', 'terrorism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The state retirement age sets an informal benchmark for the private sector:,"{'specification (technical standard)', 'state (polity)', 'private sector'}","{'age set', 'private sector', 'retirement age'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Partners can only make medical decisions in the registered state.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The future benefits should be taken into account too.,"{'deposit account', 'futures contract', 'economics', 'eminent domain'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Such a view is accurate, but only with regard to recent demographic cohorts and for those who do delay starting work in this way:","{'the who', 'c (musical note)', 'demography', 'delay (audio effect)'}","{'work-in', 'mode (literature)', 'cohort (statistics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Torture is not punishment, but a measure to protect innocent civilians","{'punishment', 'civilian', 'torture'}","{'punishment', 'civilian', 'torture'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Civil partners must pay federal taxes on transfered gifts.,{'gift'},"{'civil partnership in the united kingdom', 'tax', 'gift'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Drug education clearly does not work.,set(),{'drug education'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Torture actually creates sympathy for people who should otherwise be scorned and shamed.,"{'sympathy', 'torture', 'person', 'shame'}","{'torture', 'people'}",Relation,torture,torture,positive,sympathy for people who should otherwise be scorned and shamed,people|shame|sympathy,bad,"society, law, society" for,Terrorists relinquish most of their right to protection under the law,"{'law', 'terrorism', 'protectionism', 'right-wing politics'}","{'rights', 'law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Civil unions would give gays all the benefits of marriage,"{'same-sex marriage', 'civil union', 'gay', 'sexual intercourse'}","{'civil union', 'gay', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"People are starting to work later in life, meaning that a higher retirement age might be appropriate in maintaining a consistent level of years actually worked:","{'higher education', 'retirement age'}","{'people', 'degree (music)', 'retirement age', 'year'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Random drug testing will effectively utilize social and peer pressures:,"{'society', 'free will', 'peer group', 'drug test'}","{'peer pressure', 'drug test'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Terrorists have no Geneva rights,"{'human rights', 'geneva', 'terrorism'}","{'geneva', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Civil unions can be pushed to include equal benefits as marriage,"{'same-sex marriage', 'civil union'}","{'civil union', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Quality of life cannot be measured in merely monetary terms:,"{'measurement', 'quality of life', 'money'}",{'quality of life'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Random drug tests make the school environment better.,"{'psychoactive drug', 'test (assessment)', 'drug test', 'social environment'}","{'entropy', 'school', 'drug test'}",Relation,random drug tests,drug test,positive,better school environment,social environment|school,good,"students, children, education, students, environment, school, better, students" against,Civil unions have to be explained; unequal status with marriage,"{'royal intermarriage', 'civil union', 'conflict of marriage laws'}","{'status (law)', 'civil union', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The Convention against Torture only applies to torture on a countrys"" own soil:",{'united nations convention against torture'},"{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'united nations convention against torture', 'soil'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The premarital counseling by a trained counselor that is a requirement of covenant marriage enables the future husband and wife to get to know each other well.,"{'list of counseling topics', 'premarital sex', 'training', 'covenant marriage'}","{'marriage', 'covenant marriage'}",Relation,premarital counseling,covenant marriage|list of counseling topics|marriage,positive,future husband and wife to get to know each other understanding,marriage,good,"married couples, marital harmony, couples, marriages, society" against,Forced drug testing will only encourage further rebellion.,{'drug test'},"{'rebellion', 'drug test'}",Relation,forced drug testing,drug test,positive,further rebellion,rebellion,bad,"society, those trying to control the persons tested for drugs, people, society, society, drug use, public health, public safety" for,"Terrorists are going to kidnap, torture, and kill Western troops regardless of whether the West uses torture:","{'terrorism', 'murder', 'western world', 'torture', 'kidnapping'}","{'western (genre)', 'terrorism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Civil unions avoid drawn out culture war on gay marriage,"{'culture war', 'same-sex marriage'}","{'culture war', 'same-sex marriage', 'civil union'}",Relation,civil unions,civil union,negative,drawn out culture war on gay marriage,culture war|same-sex marriage,bad,"gay marriage, society, gays, lesbians" against,Abusive marriages may be prolonged by covenant marriages.,"{'child abuse', 'wedding'}","{'covenant marriage', 'abuse', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",Relation,covenant marriages,covenant marriage,positive,abusive marriages,abuse,bad,"society, individuals in covenant marriages, couples, marriage, wives, people in abusive marriages" against,Some feminists feel initiatives for covenant marriage simply conceal the hidden agenda of the antifeminist Moral Majority.,"{'feeling', 'second-wave feminism', 'moral majority', 'covenant marriage', 'antifeminism'}","{'initiative (enterprise)', 'covenant marriage', 'moral'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trees only absorb C02 during their growth,"{'absorption (chemistry)', 'tree', 'carbon dioxide', 'developmental biology'}",{'tree'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Torture is not being applied to legitimate foreign troops, but terrorists:","{'terrorism', 'torture', 'united states armed forces'}",{'torture'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Gays can only undermine marriage if seen as morally depraved,{'morality'},"{'gay', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Covenant marriage might eliminate the problem of X husbands abusing their former spouses.,{'covenant marriage'},"{'spouse', 'problem', 'husband', 'covenant marriage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Reforestation, while not a silver bullet, can help solve global warming","{'global warming', 'cocktail', 'reforestation'}",{'reforestation'},Relation,reforestation,reforestation,NoAgreement,global warming,global warming,bad,"society, environment, environment" for,A covenant marriage is a way for women to have more security in marriage.,{'covenant marriage'},"{'woman', 'covenant marriage', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,NATO is in an existential crisis in Afghanistan so should not expand,"{'afghanistan', 'nato', 'existential crisis'}","{'nato', 'islamic state of afghanistan', 'existential crisis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Performing torture puts a countrys troops at risk of being tortured in return,set(),"{'hazard', 'yield (finance)'}",Relation,performing torture,,positive,risk of being tortured in return,,bad,"troops, troops, troops, human rights, those being tortured" for,Georgia has made many efforts to improve stability,{'georgia (country)'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If partners enter a covenant marriage, they would not be able to divorce until they are separated for at least two years.","{'divorce', 'legal separation', 'covenant marriage'}","{'spouse', 'divorce', 'year', 'covenant marriage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Criteria for acceptable forms of torture is a policy susceptible to abuse,{'torture'},"{'technical standard', 'abuse', 'form (document)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Reforestation can immediately reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases,"{'redox', 'atmosphere', 'greenhouse gas', 'reforestation'}","{'greenhouse gas', 'reforestation'}",Relation,reforestation,reforestation,negative,atmospheric greenhouse gases,greenhouse gas,bad,"world, climate, environment, global warming, society, ecology, environment" for,Leaders must be afforded the flexibility to judge that torture is the most probable way to save hundreds of thousands of lives,{'torture'},"{'thousand (comics)', 'pc game', 'mode (literature)', 'flexibility (personality)'}",Relation,torture,torture,positive,save hundreds of thousands of lives,thousand (comics),good,"society, victims, government, society, peace, citizens, government" for,"No one is going to be forced to have a covenant marriage, but it should be available to people as a choice.",{'covenant marriage'},"{'choice', 'people', 'covenant marriage', 'tuple'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Georgia is too unstable to be a member of NATO,"{'georgia (country)', 'nato'}",{'nato'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Reforestation would have a negligible impact on global warming,"{'global warming', 'impact event', 'reforestation'}","{'impact (mechanics)', 'reforestation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Reforestation can result in release of greenhouse gas Methane,"{'methane', 'greenhouse gas', 'reforestation'}","{'methane', 'greenhouse gas', 'release (music)', 'reforestation'}",Relation,reforestation,reforestation,positive,release of greenhouse gas methane,methane|greenhouse gas,bad,"global warming, climate change, temperatures, coastal cities., environment, global warming, society, ecology, environment, environment" against,"If covenant marriage is given legal status, it will rapidly become a forced norm.","{'norm (social)', 'covenant marriage'}","{'norm (social)', 'covenant marriage'}",Relation,covenant marriage is given legal status,covenant marriage,positive,become a forced norm,norm (social),bad,"secular couples, society, society, society, married couples, family dynamics" against,Morally wrong for NATO to expand without limit,{'nato'},"{'nato', 'morality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"A one-in-a-million probability of the ""ticking time bomb"" occurring is sufficient to justify allowing torture in this scenario","{'rationalization (psychology)', 'torture', 'time bomb', 'ticking time bomb scenario'}","{'probability', 'ticking time bomb scenario'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Reforestation can increase Earths Albedo and global warming,"{'albedo', 'global warming', 'reforestation'}","{'earth', 'albedo', 'reforestation'}",Relation,reforestation,reforestation,positive,earths albedo and global warming,earth|albedo|global warming,bad,"environment, climate change, environment, society, ecology, environment, global warming" for,"A torture warrant allowed in only the ""ticking time-bomb"" scenario would settle the concerns of a slippery slope to abuse","{'physical abuse', 'slippery slope', 'torture', 'ticking time bomb scenario'}","{'slippery slope', 'warrant (law)', 'insult', 'scenario'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Covenant marriage is essentially a religious concept, which means that its legal stature would threaten the notion of separation of church and state.","{'concept', 'law', 'religion', 'separation of church and state', 'covenant marriage'}","{'concept', 'notion (philosophy)', 'human height', 'separation of church and state', 'covenant marriage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Reforestation sequesters C02 and helps reverse global warming,"{'global warming', 'carbon dioxide', 'reforestation'}",{'reforestation'},Relation,reforestation,reforestation,negative,global warming,global warming,bad,"society, the environment, climate, environment, earth, planet, society, future" against,"Covenant marriages force families in conflict to stay together, which has the potential to harm children more than divorce.","{'marriage', 'in conflict', 'divorce'}","{'minor (law)', 'divorce', 'family', 'covenant marriage', 'conflict (process)'}",Relation,covenant marriages,covenant marriage,positive,families in conflict to stay together,family,bad,"families, children, society, families, the children, society, children, children, parents" against,The ticking time-bomb scenario leads to a slippery slope of intrusion on rights,"{'slippery slope', 'ticking time bomb scenario'}","{'slippery slope', 'rights', 'time bomb', 'scenario'}",Relation,the ticking time-bomb scenario,ticking time bomb scenario,positive,slippery slope of intrusion on rights,rights|slippery slope,bad,"society, government, people, privacy rights, society, rights, society, society" for,NATO expansion helps break from Cold War boundaries,"{'enlargement of nato', 'nato', 'border', 'cold war'}","{'enlargement of nato', 'cold war', 'boundary (real estate)'}",Relation,nato expansion,enlargement of nato|nato,NoAgreement,break from cold war boundaries,cold war|border,neutral, against,"The ""ticking time-bomb"" scenario is too unlikely to be legally significant","{'sharia', 'ticking time bomb scenario'}",{'scenario'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Enough land for reforestation to be a viable solution,"{'environmental economics', 'land', 'reforestation'}","{'state (polity)', 'solution', 'reforestation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Covenant marriages are good for children because the make divorces less likely, and divorces are bad for children.","{'covenant (biblical)', 'divorce', 'child', 'think of the children', 'value (ethics)'}","{'minor (law)', 'divorce', 'covenant marriage', 'think of the children'}",Relation,covenant marriages,covenant marriage|covenant (biblical),negative,divorces,divorce,good,"children, children" for,Reform will continue well after joining NATO,{'nato'},"{'reform', 'nato'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Insufficient nitrogen levels will limit plant growth,{'nitrogen'},"{'yeast assimilable nitrogen', 'plant morphology'}",Relation,insufficient nitrogen levels,nitrogen,negative,plant growth,plant morphology,bad,"plant growth, environment, plants, environment, environment, public health, plants, environment" against,Covenant marriages mandate for counseling both before marriage and before divorce could be costly.,"{'marriage', 'divorce'}","{'divorce', 'covenant marriage', 'conflict of marriage laws'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Even if torture should always be illegal, it is still justified in ""the ticking time bomb"" scenario","{'ticking time bomb scenario', 'justified (album)'}","{'scenario', 'ticking time bomb scenario'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Stability in new democracies would be best achieved through ""Partnership for Peace"" ","{'democracy', 'partnership for peace'}","{'democracy', 'partnership for peace'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Passage of no-fault divorce laws resulted in an onslaught of divorce and a breakdown of the American family, and covenant marriages can help resolve this.","{'divorce', 'no-fault divorce', 'americans', 'family structure in the united states', 'bill (law)'}","{'onslaught (transformers)', 'divorce', 'no-fault divorce', 'divorce law by country', 'family structure in the united states', 'covenant marriage'}",Relation,passage of no-fault divorce laws,no-fault divorce,positive,breakdown of the american family,divorce,bad,"families, children, families, americans, peace, society, families, stability, society., society" for,The infliction of mere pain on an evil-minded terrorist to save millions of innocent lives is an ethical trade-off,"{'business ethics', 'terrorism'}","{'terrorist (video game)', 'trade-off', 'innocent life: a futuristic harvest moon', 'millions (song)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Rich pay bulk of taxes because they earn bulk of national income,{'tax'},"{'tax', 'remuneration', 'measures of national income and output'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Just as in the days of the Cold War, China exerts a huge political pull that could allow it to form a dangerous powerblock threatening Western interests.","{'powerblock', 'history of china', 'the days (song)', 'cold war'}","{'advocacy group', 'cathay', 'day', 'western (genre)', 'cold war'}",Relation,china exerts a huge political pull,history of china,positive,a dangerous powerblock,powerblock,bad,"western countries and interests, western, citizens, western countries" for,NATO would benefit substantially by Egypts manpower,"{'nato', 'human resources', 'welfare'}","{'united arab republic', 'nato'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Half of Americans think that torturing terrorist suspects can be ""sometimes"" or ""often"" justified.""","{'terrorism', 'torture', 'charlie hebdo shooting'}","{'one half', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"People wrongly associate a military threat with the Communist political regime, rather than the pacific attitudes of its leaders:","{'government', 'leadership', 'communism', 'military threat'}","{'people', 'attitude (psychology)', 'military threat', 'communism', 'state (polity)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Progressive taxes benefit public, which benefits the wealthy","{'wealth', 'progressive tax', 'welfare', 'public sector'}",{'progressive tax'},Relation,progressive taxes,progressive tax,positive,public,public sector,neutral, for,"The increasing trend towards Russian nationalism can be attributed to the weakness of the economy and the continued conflict in Chechnya, rather than the possibility of NATO expansion.","{'enlargement of nato', 'chechnya', 'russian nationalism', 'economy', 'nato'}","{'enlargement of nato', 'chechnya', 'russian nationalism', 'economy', 'theory'}",Relation,weakness of the economy and the continued conflict in chechnya,chechnya|economy,positive,russian nationalism,russian nationalism,neutral, for,Existence of corporate subsidies helps justify progressive taxes,set(),"{'existence', 'corporate welfare', 'progressive tax'}",Relation,existence of corporate subsidies,existence|corporate welfare,positive,justify progressive taxes,progressive tax,neutral, against,"If torture were legal in any circumstances, it would be institutionalized in destructive ways","{'philosophy of law', 'torture', 'involuntary commitment'}",set(),Relation,torture were legal in any circumstances,torture,positive,institutionalized in destructive ways,philosophy of law,bad,"everyone, pows, society, prisoners, society" against,Progressive systems unfairly force rich to pay bulk of taxes,{'tax'},{'tax'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Expansion will make more resources available to NATO,"{'nato', 'natural resource'}","{'nato', 'resource'}",Relation,expansion,,positive,more resources available to nato,nato|resource,good,"nato, nato, international relations, nato, nato" against,"If a country is economically strong, other countries can benefit through trade partnerships.","{'partnership', 'trade'}","{'country is', 'partnership', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'trade'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,NATO expansion can only lead to the overstretching of the organisation and thus the undermining of stability for the entirety of Europe.,"{'enlargement of nato', 'nato'}","{'enlargement of nato', 'organization'}",Relation,nato expansion,enlargement of nato,NoAgreement,and thus the undermining of stability for the entirety of europe,,bad,"eu, europeans, europe, stability, europeans, citizens, governments" against,Progressive taxes unfairly punish the rich and successful.,"{'injustice', 'punishment', 'wealth', 'progressive tax'}",{'progressive tax'},Relation,progressive taxes,progressive tax,negative,the rich and,wealth,bad,"rich and successful., rich people, successful people, rich" for,"China is an economic powerhouse, that could dwarf Western nations.",{'history of china'},"{'western world', 'cathay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Information acquired by torture cannot be relied upon,"{'torture', 'eminent domain', 'freedom of information'}",{'information'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It ought to be accepted that the NATO alliance is already diluted.,{'nato'},{'nato'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Flat tax helps lower income families get out of poverty,"{'flat tax', 'income', 'family'}","{'flat tax', 'poverty', 'income', 'family'}",Relation,flat tax,flat tax,positive,lower income families get out of poverty,poverty|family,good,"poor people, lower income families, economy, society, relieves poverty" for,Torture produces valuable and reliable information.,"{'reliabilism', 'torture', 'information'}","{'torture', 'information'}",Relation,torture,torture,positive,valuable and reliable information,reliabilism|information,good,"investigators, getting the truth, public safety, military" for,China acts as a destabilising influence in the East Asian region.,"{'race and ethnicity in the united states census', 'history of china', 'east asian cultural sphere'}","{'eastern asiatic region', 'cathay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,NATO expansion will improve the operational capacity of NATO,"{'capacity (law)', 'enlargement of nato', 'nato'}","{'enlargement of nato', 'nato'}",Relation,nato expansion,enlargement of nato|nato,positive,the operational capacity of nato,nato,good,"nato, nato, operational capacity of nato, nato, nato countries, nato, international relations" for,Torture can protect the life and dignity of the innocent,"{'torture', 'personal life', 'dignity'}","{'torture', 'dignity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Other means than tax policy should be used to help the poor,{'poverty'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,China actually acts as a crucial binding force within a turbulent theater.,{'history of china'},"{'theater (building)', 'military branch', 'cathay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The electoral college helps protect the interests of smaller states in the union,{'electoral college (united states)'},"{'electoral college', 'trade union'}",Relation,the electoral college,electoral college (united states),positive,the interests of smaller states in the union,,good,"united states, smaller states, local interests, society, states, citizens,, smaller states in the us, democracy" against,Some polls show public opinion is opposed to U.S. withdrawal.,"{'public opinion', 'opinion poll'}","{'united states', 'public opinion', 'opinion poll'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Progressive taxation helps combat extreme poverty,{'progressive tax'},"{'extreme poverty', 'progressive tax'}",Relation,progressive taxation,progressive tax,negative,extreme poverty,extreme poverty,good,"society, economy, lower-income class, society, unemployed, working class, low income people, society" for,Small state interests are protected in the Senate and need no further protection with an electoral college,"{'small government', 'united states senate', 'protectionism', 'electoral college (united states)'}","{'small government', 'electoral college', 'senate', 'national interest'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Because big states with cities get more electoral votes, city-based Democrats generally receive proportional representation.","{'electoral college (united states)', 'history of the united states democratic party', 'city', 'proportional representation', 'u.s. state'}","{'proportional representation', 'city', 'big government', 'democratic party (united states)'}",Relation,big states with cities get more electoral votes,city|electoral college (united states)|u.s. state,positive,city-based democrats generally receive proportional representation,proportional representation,good,"political equality, city-based democrats, democrats" for,The U.N. continously censures Israel.,"{'israel', 'united nations'}",{'united nations'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public employees have a right to be heard at bargaining table.,"{'civil service', 'public sector'}","{'civil service', 'ethics', 'table (information)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Minority interests must be protected against majority support for popular vote,"{'majority', 'election'}","{'election', 'minority interest'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Low economic growth in progressive systems hurts the poor,"{'progressivism', 'economic growth'}",{'economic growth'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Collective bargaining gives public unions unequal power,"{'collective bargaining', 'trade union', 'power (social and political)', 'public sector'}","{'collective bargaining', 'trade union', 'power (social and political)'}",Relation,collective bargaining,collective bargaining,positive,public unions unequal power,power (social and political)|trade union,bad,"companies, society, employers, economy" for,"U.S is the primary contributor to the U.N, and would save money by withdrawing.",{'the contributor (lds magazine)'},"{'united states', 'united nations', 'money'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A pure flat tax would be a major burden on the poor,{'flat tax'},{'flat tax'},Relation,a pure flat tax,flat tax,positive,major burden on the poor,,bad,"society, poverty, lower-income class, poor, poor, poor" for,Polls show that Americans would prefer a popular vote over an electoral college.,"{'seventeenth amendment to the united states constitution', 'electoral college (united states)'}","{'election', 'electoral college', 'opinion poll', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Democratic leaders used to oppose collective bargaining for public unions.,"{'collective bargaining', 'democracy', 'trade union', 'public sector', 'political boss'}","{'trade union', 'democratic party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A U.S. withdrawal will cause trade to falter.,{'causality'},"{'united states', 'trade'}",Relation,a u.s. withdrawal,united states,positive,trade to falter,trade,bad,"us economy, trade, us, trading nations between us, economy, consumers, economy, international relations, economy" for,Regressive sales tax makes progressive income tax necessary,"{'regressive tax', 'progressive tax', 'sales tax'}","{'progressive tax', 'sales tax'}",Relation,regressive sales tax,regressive tax,positive,progressive income tax,progressive tax,neutral, against,Attempts to withdraw from the U.N. have failed in the past.,{'united nations'},"{'sub sub', 'united nations'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Americans support the electoral college system because they see it as a guarantor of their rights.,"{'electoral college (united states)', 'americans', 'abortion-rights movements'}","{'electoral college', 'rights', 'surety', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Progressive taxes cause class warfare to pass tax burden,"{'class conflict', 'social movement', 'progressive tax'}","{'tax incidence', 'social class', 'progressive tax'}",Relation,progressive taxes,progressive tax,positive,class warfare to pass tax burden,class conflict,bad,"all classes, society, social cohesion, tax payers, lower income individuals, economics, consumers" against,Public unions want to bargain with same candidates they help elect,"{'collective bargaining', 'trade union', 'public sector'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"As no god has been conclusively proven to exist, and by extension, no afterlife with eternal damnation for sinners, sin can only be a problem on this physical plane.","{'sin', 'mathematical proof', 'afterlife', 'god', 'damnation'}","{'problem', 'sin', 'afterlife', 'physical plane', 'god', 'damnation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is not difficult to adjust electoral votes according to demographic shifts.,"{'electoral college (united states)', 'demography of the united states'}",{'population ageing'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most advanced democratic countries honor public union bargaining.,"{'collective bargaining', 'democracy', 'trade union', 'nation'}","{'trade union', 'administrative divisions of mexico'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The electoral colleges ""winner-takes-all"" system causes campaigning only to swing states:","{'political campaign', 'electoral college', 'swing state'}","{'electoral college', 'swing state'}",Relation,"the electoral colleges ""winner-takes-all"" system",electoral college,positive,campaigning only to swing states,political campaign|swing state,bad,"other states, rest of the united states, politics, voters, politics, democracy, non-swing states" for,"As long as you attach some dictionary definition to ""sin"", it can be found in the real world.",set(),"{'real life', 'lexical definition', 'sin'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Progressive tax rates end up squeezing the middle class,{'progressive tax'},"{'tax rate', 'progressive tax', 'bourgeoisie'}",Relation,progressive tax rates,tax rate|progressive tax,positive,the middle class,tax rate|bourgeoisie,bad,"middle class, middle class, middle class, economy, society, taxpayers" for,Electors are not obligated to vote according to public will.,"{'obligation', 'voting', 'will and testament'}",{'public'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Undemocratic states are most likely to restrict public bargaining.,"{'democracy', 'state (polity)'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Progressives assign too much value to money in individual welfare,"{'value (economics)', 'welfare', 'money', 'individual'}","{'value (computer science)', 'money', 'welfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Moves toward a common foreign policy have been only nominal.,{'common foreign and security policy'},{'common foreign and security policy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Tax code can be simplified without ending progressive tax,{'progressive tax'},"{'tax code (paye)', 'progressive tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There are reasons why date rape incidents are not reported that would not be resolved by making it a separate offense:,{'date rape'},"{'date rape', 'crime', 'incidents (magazine)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Critics want to end collective bargaining for political reasons,"{'collective bargaining', 'civil and political rights'}",{'music journalism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An assault weapons ban violates the presumption of innocence,{'presumption of innocence'},"{'federal assault weapons ban', 'presumption of innocence'}",Relation,an assault weapons ban,federal assault weapons ban,negative,presumption of innocence,presumption of innocence,NoAgreement, for,Having a separate offense for date rape would encourage more women to speak up and feel confident of success in court:,"{'date rape', 'social status', 'court', 'crime', 'confidence'}","{'woman', 'date rape', 'crime', 'tribunal', 'enneagram of personality'}",Relation,having a separate offense for date rape,date rape|crime,positive,feel confident of success in women,woman|court|confidence,good,"society, women, women, victims of date rape, victims of date rape, women, public safety, society, women, criminal convictions, criminal law, society, public safety" for,Majority supports collective bargaining for public employees.,"{'majority government', 'civil service', 'collective bargaining', 'public sector'}",{'civil service'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Progressive taxes recognize each wealthy dollar has less utility.,"{'progressive tax', 'utility'}","{'progressive tax', 'united states dollar', 'public utility'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An assault weapons ban leads to a slippery slope of gun seizures,{'slippery slope'},"{'search and seizure', 'federal assault weapons ban', 'slippery slope', 'gun'}",Relation,an assault weapons ban,federal assault weapons ban,positive,slippery slope of gun seizures,search and seizure|slippery slope,bad,"gun owners, individual rights, right to bear arms, people, people rights, freedom, independence, militias, citizens" against,Judges and juries failure to see date rape as being just as bad as stranger-rape is dangerous and needs to be challenged,"{'bad (album)', 'date rape', 'dangerous (michael jackson album)'}","{'date rape', 'judge', 'jury'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Union employee benefits can be cut without denying bargaining rights.,"{'rights', 'trade union', 'bargaining', 'denial'}","{'trade union', 'rights', 'employee benefit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Progressives wrongly assume wealthy dollars have less utility,"{'wealth', 'progressive era', 'united states dollar', 'utility'}","{'united states dollar', 'public utility'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Supreme Court has affirmed the individual right to bear arms.,"{'appeal', 'supreme court of the united states', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights'}","{'supreme court of the united states', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The punishment for rape exceeds the crime of date rape, making jurors unlikely to punish date-rapers at all.","{'punishment', 'date rape', 'crime'}","{'punishment', 'date rape', 'jury', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is important for the EU to have a defence policy independent of NATO.,"{'independence', 'nato', 'european union'}","{'nato', 'military policy', 'european union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Rape is rape, regardless of whether the couple know each other, or have had sex before.","{'sexual intercourse', 'rape'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Progressive taxes adjust for winners and losers of globalization,{'globalization'},"{'globalization', 'winner (card game)', 'progressive tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A European Defense Force would only approach minor conflicts that are less likely to receive the necessary consensus received by NATO.,"{'consensus decision-making', 'armed forces', 'military', 'nato', 'war', 'european space agency'}","{'nato', 'consensus decision-making'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is not reasonable to expect formal consent be given every time a couple has sexual intercourse:,"{'formalism (art)', 'sexual intercourse', 'expectation (epistemic)', 'consent'}","{'human sexual activity', 'consent (criminal law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Progressive taxation makes all citizens sacrifice equally,"{'citizenship', 'progressive tax'}","{'citizenship', 'progressive tax'}",Relation,progressive taxation,progressive tax,positive,all citizens sacrifice equally,citizenship,good,"progressive taxation, society" against,Political barriers exist.,set(),{'political (song)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,There are adequate alternatives to assault weapons for self-defense.,"{'self-defense', 'assault weapon'}","{'alternative rock', 'self-defense', 'assault weapon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Banning semi-automatic weapons would harm small businesses.,"{'semi-automatic firearm', 'weapon', 'agm-88 harm'}","{'semi-automatic firearm', 'small business'}",Relation,banning semi-automatic weapons,semi-automatic firearm|weapon,negative,small businesses,small business,bad,"small businesses, economy, small businesses, harm, weapons, small business" for,"Because the extent of ""consent"" can be very unclear in date rate crimes, the conviction always runs the risk of being arbitrary:",{'crime'},"{'rate (mathematics)', 'crime', 'hazard', 'conviction', 'consent (criminal law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most college football fans want a playoff,{'college football'},"{'playoffs', 'college football', 'association football culture'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Progressive taxation wrongly aims for equality of outcome,"{'equality of outcome', 'progressive tax'}","{'equality of outcome', 'progressive tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A ban would create blackmarkets in arm trade.,{'arms industry'},"{'black market', 'arms industry', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,a ban,ban (law),positive,blackmarkets in arm trade,arms industry|black market,bad,"black markets, arms, trade, society, public safety, government, public safety" against,No means no:,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Fans equally willing to travel to playoffs as BCS,{'ncaa division i'},"{'bc (programming language)', 'playoffs', 'mechanical fan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Progressive taxes violate principal of equality before the law,"{'bond (finance)', 'equality before the law', 'progressive tax'}","{'equality before the law', 'progressive tax'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Circumcision can cause a ""skin bridge"" on penis.","{'circumcision', 'skin bridge'}","{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'skin bridge', 'penis'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,positive,"""skin bridge"" on penis.",skin bridge,bad,"men, uncircumcised males, penis, males, men, sexuality, people with penises" for,Progressive taxes help increase employment rate,"{'tax rate', 'progressive tax', 'employment'}","{'employment-to-population ratio', 'progressive tax'}",Relation,progressive taxes,progressive tax,positive,employment rate,employment,good,"society, income, wealth, economy, employees, labor, government, people, society, businesses, workers, society" for,"Assault weapons are used by drug cartels, kill thousands","{'murder', 'assault weapon'}","{'drug cartel', '1000 (number)', 'assault weapon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Circumcision industry drives false medical justifications.,{'circumcision'},"{'industry', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision industry,industry|circumcision,positive,false medical justifications,industry,bad,"medicine, science, culture, patients, doctors, children, men, citizens" for,Fan turnout would be equally strong for college football playoffs,"{'college football', '2013–14 nfl playoffs'}","{'fan (person)', 'college football playoff'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Progressive taxation can cause ""brain drain"" from countries","{'human capital flight', 'nation', 'social movement', 'andean community', 'progressive tax'}","{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'progressive tax'}",Relation,progressive taxation,progressive tax,positive,"""brain drain"" from countries",nation|human capital flight,bad,"countries, society, economy, countries suffering from the brain drain concept, brain drain, countries" for,Circumcision helps protect against syphilis.,"{'syphilis', 'circumcision'}","{'syphilis', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,syphilis,syphilis,good,"sexual health, public health, men, circumcision, protect, syphilis, society" against,BCS builds suspense of the undefeated season,{'bowl championship series'},"{'bc (programming language)', 'perfect season'}",Relation,bcs,bowl championship series,positive,suspense of the undefeated season,perfect season,good,"tv ratings, viewership, entertainment, fans, players, entertainment, competition, superbowl fans" against,Decline in assault weapons due to decline in assault pistols,"{'handgun', 'assault rifle'}","{'decline', 'handgun', 'assault weapon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Progressive taxes help ease the blow of recession or unemployment.,"{'unemployment', 'recession'}","{'unemployment', 'progressive tax', 'recession'}",Relation,progressive taxes,progressive tax,positive,of recession or unemployment,unemployment|recession,good,"economy, society, unemployed people, society, unemployed people, society, preventing poverty, people suffering from the economy" for,Circumcision helps prevent chancroids.,{'circumcision'},"{'feast of the circumcision of christ', 'chancroid'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,chancroids,chancroid,good,"preventing ulcers, h. ducreyi, stds, chancroids on male penis, sexual health, public health, men, people that get circumcised, uncircumcised males" for,Playoffs maintain importance of regular season,"{'list of buffalo bills seasons', 'national football league playoffs'}","{'playoffs', 'season (sports)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Assault weapons empower the deranged to kill many people.,{'person'},"{'people', 'assault weapon'}",Relation,assault weapons,assault weapon,positive,the deranged to kill many people,people|person,bad,"people, safety, society, crime, public safety, citizens, safety, shootings, victims, society" for,Circumcision can help protect against human papilloma virus.,"{'circumcision', 'human papillomavirus'}","{'human papillomavirus', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,human papilloma virus,human papillomavirus,good,"public health, society, uncircumcised males" for,A playoff would still maintain and co-opt bowls,set(),{'playoffs'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcision helps prevent herpes.,"{'herpes simplex', 'circumcision'}",{'feast of the circumcision of christ'},Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,herpes,herpes simplex,good,"men, women, sexual health, public health, men, public health" against,Co-opting bowls into playoffs would be unsuccessful,set(),{'playoffs'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcision helps protect against chlamydia.,"{'circumcision', 'chlamydia infection'}","{'chlamydia (genus)', 'feast of the circumcision of christ'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,chlamydia,chlamydia infection,good,"males, public health, men, people who are circumcised, public health, disease prevention" against,"If BCS ain""t broke, don""t fix it",set(),{'bc (programming language)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Circumcision helps avoid having to retract foreskin to urinate.,"{'circumcision', 'urination', 'foreskin'}","{'circumcision', 'foreskin'}",Relation,circumcision,circumcision,negative,having to retract foreskin to urinate,urination|foreskin,good,"men, penile health, health and hygiene, uncircumcised males" for,Assault weapons are used to kill a greater number of people,{'people (magazine)'},"{'people', 'assault weapon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,College football can evolve to include a playoff,{'college football'},"{'playoffs', 'college football'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Law enforcement agents are put at a greater risk due to assault weapons,set(),"{'constabulary', 'hazard', 'assault weapon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bowls are a tradition that should be continued.,{'tradition'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Sex with an uncircumcised penis can be painful for men.,"{'circumcision', 'sex', 'man', 'pain', 'penis'}","{'human sexual activity', 'man', 'penis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Football playoffs take players away from academics.,"{'football', 'association football'}","{'playoffs', 'player (game)', 'football', 'faculty (academic staff)'}",Relation,football playoffs,playoffs|football,positive,take players away from academics,player (game),bad,"players' education, students, football players, education" against,Some falsely believe circumcision makes condom-use unnecessary.,"{'circumcision', 'belief'}",{'feast of the circumcision of christ'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Statistics gathered during the last federal weapons ban do not include ""copy-cat"" weapons",{'copycat (film)'},"{'weapon', 'statistics', 'ban (unit)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Opponents of CF playoffs care about money, not academics",set(),"{'faculty (academic staff)', 'californium', 'playoffs', 'money'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A circumcised penis looks better.,"{'circumcision', 'human penis'}",{'human penis'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Football players miss fewest classes; playoffs OK,{'association football'},"{'playoffs', 'football player'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"An assault weapons ban decreases supply and increases prices, beneficially","{'price', 'supply (economics)'}","{'federal assault weapons ban', 'price', 'supply (economics)'}",Relation,an assault weapons ban,federal assault weapons ban,negative,increases prices,supply (economics),neutral, against,The owner of Seven11 says that would actually be racist.,"{'racism', '7-eleven'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Schools lose too much money to BCS businessmen,{'british computer society'},"{'common era', 'school', 'money'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Since the ban, there have been fewer gun fatalities.",{'death'},"{'gun', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,the ban,ban (law),negative,gun fatalities,death|gun,good,"society, public safety, society, healthcare industry" for,"From a Christian point of view, that would be a good idea.","{'idea', 'good and evil', 'point of view (philosophy)', 'christianity'}","{'christian', 'idea'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Playoff would generate more revenue than BCS,"{'revenue', 'santiago stock exchange'}","{'tax revenue', 'bc (programming language)', 'playoffs'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Workfares offer the unemployed opportunities to develop skills to work their way out of poverty:,"{'equal opportunity', 'employment', 'skill', 'research and development', 'unemployment'}","{'poverty', 'workfare'}",Relation,workfares,workfare,positive,to develop skills to work their way out of for,unemployment|poverty,good,"unemployed, workers, poor people, economy, society, the unemployed, economy" against,Expiration of the assault weapons ban could enable better gun control laws,{'overview of gun laws by nation'},"{'gun control', 'ban (law)', 'assault weapon', 'expiration (options)'}",Relation,expiration of the assault weapons ban,assault weapon|ban (law),positive,better gun control laws,gun control,good,"society, peace, citizens, safety, public safety, society, public safety" for,Schools would make more money by hosting playoff games,set(),"{'school', 'playoffs', 'money'}",Relation,hosting playoff games,playoffs,positive,schools would make more money,school|money,good,"schools, money, schools, schools, education, students, educational system" against,Workfare schemes are of little use if there are no jobs out there for people to do,"{'people (magazine)', 'workfare'}","{'scheme (programming language)', 'people', 'workfare', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,BCS makes much more money than playoffs could,{'ncaa division i'},"{'bc (programming language)', 'playoffs', 'money'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Making the unemployed work for their welfare money positively breaks the dependency culture:,"{'break (work)', 'substance dependence', 'money', 'welfare', 'culture', 'employment', 'unemployment'}","{'money', 'welfare'}",Relation,making the unemployed work for their welfare money,welfare|unemployment|money,NoAgreement,the dependency culture,culture,good,"society, the unemployed, anti-dependency culture, society" for,The 1994 US assault weapons ban significantly decreased use.,{'federal assault weapons ban'},{'federal assault weapons ban'},Relation,the 1994 us assault weapons ban,federal assault weapons ban,negative,use,,good,"public safety, society, public safety, society" for,College football playoffs benefit more schools,{'college football'},"{'school', 'college football playoff'}",Relation,college football playoffs,college football|college football playoff,positive,benefits for more schools,school,good,"schools, schools, schools" against,"Putting the unemployed into workfare schemes actually limits their opportunities to look for work, by making them show up for make-work schemes when they could be job hunting:","{'work (the saturdays song)', 'workfare'}","{'job hunting', 'scheme (programming language)', 'workfare', 'busy work'}",Relation,putting the unemployed into workfare schemes,workfare,negative,opportunities to look for work,job hunting,good,"employment, the unemployed, unemployed, jobless, citizens" against,Bowls give small match-ups more exposure and drama,{'bowls'},set(),Relation,bowls,bowls,positive,more exposure and drama,,neutral, against,The assault weapons ban is unnecessary; criminals prefer concealable hand guns,"{'handgun', 'crime'}","{'handgun', 'assault weapon', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Playoffs, not computers, should determine college football champs",{'college football'},"{'football champ', 'playoffs', 'college football', 'computer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mercenaries are more likely to act lawlessly and without accountability:,"{'statute', 'mercenary', 'accountability', 'crime'}",{'mercenary'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,People would actually rather not be unemployed and dependent on the state:,"{'person', 'state (polity)', 'unemployment'}",{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A 16-team college football playoff would be best,{'college football playoff'},{'college football playoff'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The possibility of mercenaries pulling out will always remain a risk:,{'mercenary'},"{'hazard', 'mercenary'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unfettered mercenaries often cause serious tensions with locals:,"{'mercenary', 'smallpox'}","{'mercenary', 'stress (biology)', 'local anesthetic'}",Relation,unfettered mercenaries,mercenary,positive,serious tensions with locals,stress (biology),bad,"locals, locals, the regular army, foreign relations, serious, tensions, locals" against,Playoffs would be unfair to some college football teams,"{'college football', '2013–14 nfl playoffs'}","{'playoffs', 'college football'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Workfares have low standards that produce poor and potentially unsafe products:,set(),"{'technical standard', 'product (business)', 'workfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mercenaries arouse less local hostility than soldiers.,"{'soldier', 'mercenary'}","{'soldier', 'mercenary', 'hostility'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"More teams ""win"" and finish season happy in BCS",{'ncaa division i'},"{'bc (programming language)', 'team', 'season (sports)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Workfare projects can be designed so as not to displace low-paid jobs:,{'workfare'},"{'project', 'workfare', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Ads are increasingly being wound into or next to content as the primary means of revenue generation, and that the presence of such ads undermines the value of content:","{'revenue', 'value (ethics)'}","{'value (personal and cultural)', 'agency (lds church)', 'presence (sound recording)', 'advertising', 'sales (accounting)', 'contemporary history'}",Relation,presence of such ads,advertising,negative,the value of content,value (personal and cultural),NoAgreement, for,Weak states rely on mercenaries when they lack an army.,"{'army', 'mercenary'}","{'army', 'mercenary'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The US ought to support the lone democracy in the Middle East.,{'democracy in the middle east'},{'democracy in the middle east'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Web 2.0 technology is enabling market and democratic forces to be excercised more efficiently, and since these forces are long-term success-stories, Web 2.0 technologies are here to stay:","{'democracy', 'physical exercise', 'enabling', 'energy conversion efficiency', 'force', 'web 2.0'}","{'market (economics)', 'web 2.0', 'engineering'}",Relation,web 2.0 technology,web 2.0,positive,market and democratic forces to be excercised more efficiently,democracy|market (economics),good,"democratic forces, democratic societies, economy, democracy, society" against,Mercenaries are not a good idea to hire for war.,"{'idea', 'good and evil', 'mercenary', 'employment', 'war'}","{'mercenary', 'idea', 'warfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Special relations with Israel undermine US as neutral arbiter.,"{'israel', 'special forces', 'starcraft'}","{'israel', 'arbiter (electronics)'}",Relation,special relations with israel,israel,negative,us as neutral arbiter,arbiter (electronics),bad,"us, united states" against,"The ""free"" content of Web 2.0 is not very different than the mostly free content of tv, radio, and newspapers; ads are where these business make their money:","{'money', 'free content', 'advertising', 'business', 'web 2.0'}","{'newspaper', 'radio', 'companies law', 'money', 'free content', 'advertising', 'television', 'content (media)', 'web 2.0'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mercenaries should be ensured the protection of the law.,"{'rule of law', 'mercenary', 'law'}","{'mercenary', 'law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Governments rely on mercenaries at a expense of developing armies.,"{'army', 'government', 'mercenary'}","{'army', 'administration (government)', 'expense', 'mercenary'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Recently, Israel has become a prominent trading partner of the US.",{'israel'},{'israel'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Many feminist campaigns, on issues such as positive discrimination in employment, actually damage the women they claim to help.","{'lawsuit', 'affirmative action', 'feminism', 'human trafficking', 'employment', 'damages'}","{'woman', 'affirmative action', 'employment', 'offspring'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mandatory voting decreases need for big dollars in campaigns.,{'compulsory voting'},"{'pauperism', 'political campaign', 'compulsory voting', 'united states dollar'}",Relation,mandatory voting,compulsory voting,negative,need for big dollars in campaigns,political campaign,neutral, for,"Web 2.0s democratizing and decentralizing effect causes a loss of focused, common culture, which could formally be set by an elite group:","{'democratization', 'decentralization', 'world wide web', 'elite', 'causality', 'culture', 'social group', 'web 2.0'}","{'web 2.0', 'culture', 'elite', 'result'}",Relation,web 2.0s democratizing and decentralizing effect,web 2.0|democratization|decentralization,negative,"focused, common culture",culture,neutral, for,Mandatory voting would compel broader campaign messaging.,"{'quorum', 'political campaign', 'compulsory voting'}","{'political campaign', 'compulsory voting'}",Relation,mandatory voting,compulsory voting,positive,broader campaign messaging,political campaign,neutral, against,"Campaigns on behalf of women in particular reflect the feminist contention that women have been unfairly discriminated against for years, and this is likely to continue without positive action.","{'positive action', 'woman', 'feminism', 'discrimination'}","{'woman', 'political campaign', 'positive action', 'year'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Web 2.0 will not replace other, more traditional mediums of culture and information, but will simply be an addition on top of these mediums:","{'tradition', 'culture', 'information', 'spiritualism', 'free will', 'web 2.0'}","{'web 2.0', 'media (communication)', 'summation', 'culture'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mandatory voting may increase hold of established parties,"{'compulsory voting', 'greek legislative election, may 2012', 'political party'}","{'compulsory voting', 'political party'}",Relation,mandatory voting,compulsory voting,positive,hold of established parties,political party,neutral, for,"Feminism unfairly represents a small, privileged constituency of middle-class white women, who can afford to worry about relatively insignificant issues like executive pay and body image.","{'the who', 'body image', 'feminism', 'white people'}","{'executive compensation', 'body image', 'feminism', 'electoral district', 'bourgeoisie'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Some forums are designed to vet for quality content, while others are designed to allow for ""voice"" with few quality controls, and that both have their place; neither is ""better"":",set(),"{'quality control', 'quality (philosophy)', 'location (geography)', 'veterinary surgery'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Feminism has no more battles left to fight.,{'feminism'},"{'feminism', 'engagement (military)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mandatory voting pushes ignorant to vote,{'compulsory voting'},{'compulsory voting'},Relation,mandatory voting,compulsory voting,positive,ignorant to vote,compulsory voting,bad,"society, democracy, politics, mandatory, voting, ignorant, society, democracy" against,"The new models ""long tail"" allows for everything to be presented and then for a more accurate determination of what is ""actually popular"" to be made:",{'statistical model'},{'economic model'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mandatory voting would reduce polarization.,"{'compulsory voting', 'dielectric'}",{'compulsory voting'},Relation,mandatory voting,compulsory voting,negative,polarization,,good,"society, political discourse, voters, political polarization, democracy, government, society, voters, society, government" against,Feminism has plenty more to achieve.,{'feminism'},{'feminism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The production of ""quality""-content from Web 2.0 P2P forums depends on how these systems are constructed, that there are ""good"" and ""bad"" system designs, and that better and better system designs will emerge to help channel the community toward higher levels of content quality:","{'systems engineering', 'production (economics)', 'internet forum', 'content management', 'quality management', 'peer-to-peer', 'free will', 'web 2.0'}","{'p2p', 'internet forum', 'systems design', 'community', 'quality (philosophy)', 'higher (scottish)', 'web 2.0'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mandatory voting would be difficult to enforce.,{'compulsory voting'},{'compulsory voting'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Feminism needs to re-evaluate itself as a cross-cultural and global movement.,"{'globalization', 'feminism', 'cross-cultural', 'cultural movement'}","{'feminism', 'movement (sign language)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Unchecked technology threatens to undermine reality and turn media into a rival version of life",set(),{'engineering'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Punishment for not voting could be modest but symbolic.,"{'punishment', 'logic'}",{'punishment'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"By focusing on women and their problems, feminism fails to recognise that there are inequality issues in which men are the victims:","{'social inequality', 'feminism', 'man', 'victimisation'}","{'woman', 'problem', 'feminism', 'man', 'inequality (mathematics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Blogs undermine a common sense of what is ""true"" and what is ""false"":","{'falsity', 'truth'}","{'blog', 'common sense'}",Relation,blogs,blog,negative,what is,common sense|truth,bad,"people who read blogs, society, undermine a common sense of what is ""true"" and what is ""false""" for,Voting as duty makes people take it more seriously.,"{'duty', 'person'}","{'obligation', 'people'}",Relation,voting as duty,duty,positive,people take it more seriously,people,good,"voters, campaigns, political leaders, political participation, voters, government, society, democracy, democracy, responsibility, nation" against,"Quality content will always rise to the top, regardless of whether it is amateur or professionally created:","{'rise (taeyang album)', 't.o.p (singer)', 'always (ep)'}",{'quality (philosophy)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Women have suffered more inequalities and discrimination - not and thats the point of emphasize underlying feminism.,"{'woman', 'discrimination', 'social inequality', 'feminism'}","{'inequality (mathematics)', 'woman', 'feminism', 'discrimination'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Compulsory voting may infringe on freedom to express ones relgion.,"{'compulsory voting', 'religion', 'political freedom'}","{'compulsory voting', 'faith'}",Relation,compulsory voting,compulsory voting,negative,freedom to express one's religion,faith|religion,bad,"society, freedom to express religion, constitutional rights, freedom, religion" against,"Mandatory voting undermines the ""right"" to vote","{'suffrage', 'compulsory voting'}","{'compulsory voting', 'rights'}",Relation,mandatory voting,compulsory voting,negative,to vote,suffrage|rights,NoAgreement, against,"""The advantage of a broader participation is that there is a greater quantity to select quality from.""",{'quantity'},"{'quality (philosophy)', 'participation (decision making)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The Web 2.0 undercuts those that innovate, and the benefits that they deserve:","{'web 2.0', 'innovation'}",{'web 2.0'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Opponents of the feminist movement have always sought to stereotype feminists in order to reduce their support.,"{'stereotype', 'feminism'}","{'stereotype', 'feminist movement'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Voters could be given option to vote ""none of the above.""","{'none of the above', 'voting'}","{'none of the above', 'choice'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Quality of decisions matters more than access to vote.,"{'decision-making', 'voting'}",{'quality (philosophy)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many of the women who dislike the label feminist turn out to hold what would until recently have been seen as extreme feminist views,"{'woman', 'world view', 'feminism', 'coming out', 'sexual arousal'}",{'woman'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The Web 2.0 is a much more efficient system than the ""old model"" because it removes barriers to entry, making it possible for those with talents or unique contributions to enter the market and be discovered:","{'conceptual model', 'market (economics)', 'barriers to entry', 'system', 'market entry strategy', 'web 2.0'}","{'market (economics)', 'barriers to entry', 'web 2.0', 'economic model'}",Relation,the web 2.0,web 2.0,positive,those with talents or unique contributions to enter the market and be,market (economics)|barriers to entry,good,"content creators, consumers, business, investors, economy" for,Compulsory voting helps protect voter access.,"{'compulsory voting', 'voting'}",{'compulsory voting'},Relation,compulsory voting,compulsory voting,positive,voter access,voting,good,"voters, government, society, democracy, voters, voting, voters, politicians, society, voter access, voters, democracy" for,Many women no longer identify themselves as feminists.,"{'woman', 'feminism', 'identity (social science)'}",{'woman'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,American people will come around to mandatory voting.,{'compulsory voting'},{'americans'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""The very anonymity that the Web 2.0 offers calls into question the reliability of the information we receive.""","{'anonymity', 'web 2.0', 'information', 'reliability (psychometrics)'}","{'anonymity', 'web 2.0', 'information', 'reliability engineering'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Way how to get rid of obsolete airplanes.,set(),{'airplane'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The building could serve well as a library.,"{'building', 'library', 'water well'}",{'library'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Unchecked climate change will be too devastating to adapt to,"{'free will', 'adaptation', 'climate change'}",{'climate change'},Relation,unchecked climate change,climate change,positive,devastating,adaptation,bad,"adapting, environment, global health" against,Some people might miss it.,{'people (magazine)'},{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mitigating global warming will be easier than fighting it later.,"{'global warming', 'climate change mitigation'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The British Empire was founded upon colonial aggression and exploitation and should be repudiated, rather than celebrated in diluted form through the continuity the Commonwealth symbolises:","{'aggression', 'shape', 'colonialism', 'british empire', 'sexual slavery'}","{'exploitation', 'british empire', 'state (polity)', 'continuous function'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Good fences make good neighbors""","{'good fences', 'mending wall'}",{'good fences'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Commonwealth is an out-dated legacy of the British Empire that serves no real purpose but to honor Britain:,"{'commonwealth of nations', 'teleology', 'honour', 'british empire'}","{'united kingdom', 'intention', 'state (polity)', 'legacy (1998 film)', 'british empire'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A border fence would be harmful to US-Latin American Diplomacy,"{'foreign policy of the united states', 'diplomacy', 'americans'}","{'border barrier', 'diplomacy', 'americans'}",Relation,a border fence,border barrier,positive,us-latin american diplomacy,foreign policy of the united states|diplomacy,bad,"nations, peace, international relations, us-latin american diplomacy, us-latin relationship, us, latin america" for,The Commonwealth professes high ideas but fails to live up to them:,set(),"{'state (polity)', 'idea'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Mexican Army has entered the US over 200 times without authorization. Foreign policy could only be helped if these were to stop[11][12],"{'stop (pink floyd song)', 'if (pink floyd song)', 'mexican army'}","{'authorization', 'mexican army', 'foreign policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Commonwealth is not intended to be an active enforcement body:,{'commonwealth of nations'},"{'enforcement', 'commonwealth', 'physical body'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A 700 mile fence will help secure the southern US border against a number of threats,"{'canada–united states border', 'the help (film)', 'continent', 'southern united states'}","{'borders of the united states', 'number', 'mile', 'fence', 'southern united states'}",Relation,a 700 mile fence,mile|fence,positive,secure the southern us border against a number of threats,borders of the united states,good,"the us, the south, southern us, public safety, us government, us citizens" for,The Commonwealth is a sham as its members always pursue their own self-interest when it conflicts with Commonwealth solidarity.,"{'commonwealth of nations', 'solidarity', 'individualism', 'war', 'polish–lithuanian commonwealth'}","{'opportunism', 'bilad al-sham', 'commonwealth'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Virtual fences"" have had poor historical results",set(),"{'virtuality (philosophy)', 'fence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,If the photos are not released they will be leaked.,set(),{'photograph'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Boats and vehicles can be used to get around a border fence,{'vehicle'},"{'boat', 'border barrier', 'vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Withholding images lets world move forward to new tasks.,{'world on the move'},"{'project', 'mental image'}",Relation,withholding images,,positive,move forward to new tasks,project,good,"society, society" against,Just to withhold Osama photos for national security reasons.,set(),"{'national security', 'photograph'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Coupling a physical fence with new ""virtual fence"" technology will be effective:","{'technology', 'effectiveness', 'virtual reality', 'free will'}","{'engineering', 'fence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama should favor openness over censorship with Osama photos,"{'censorship', 'barack obama', 'osama bin laden'}","{'osama bin laden', 'openness', 'censorship', 'photograph', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Illegal immigrants will simply go around a 700 mile fence,"{'mile', 'go-around', 'illegal immigration'}","{'mile', 'fence', 'illegal immigration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Failed fences in China demonstrate the futility of a border fence,{'china'},"{'border', 'cathay', 'futility, or the wreck of the titan', 'failure', 'fence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Withholding photos lets Obama own event even more.,set(),{'photograph'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Not Obamas job to manage news and reactions to photos.,set(),"{'news', 'job', 'chemical reaction', 'photo (american magazine)', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A physical fence accompanied with border patrollers will be effective,set(),"{'border', 'fence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Osama death photos would squelch conspiracy theories,{'conspiracy theory'},"{'death', 'photograph', 'osama bin laden', 'conspiracy theory'}",Relation,osama death photos,death|photograph|osama bin laden,negative,conspiracy theories,conspiracy theory,NoAgreement, for,Photos would convince doubtful Americans Bin Laden dead.,set(),"{'photograph', 'osama bin laden', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Sufficient evidence to prove Osamas death without photos.,"{'necessity and sufficiency', 'death', 'evidence'}","{'necessity and sufficiency', 'death', 'photograph', 'evidence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,American people deserve confirmation offered by photos,{'americans'},"{'confirmation (latter day saints)', 'photograph', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Photos needed to convince non-radical Muslims Osamas dead.,set(),"{'muslim', 'photograph'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Photos would help people confront reality of Osamas death,{'people (magazine)'},"{'death', 'people', 'photograph'}",Relation,photos,photograph,positive,people confront reality of osamas death,death|people,good,"public awareness, democracy, society, people, society" for,Why provide detailed descriptions but not offer photos?,{'for but not with'},"{'photograph', 'linguistic description'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Photos just show Laden with bullet in head; not too gruesome.,{'bullet'},"{'slug (projectile)', 'photograph', 'head'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Children should be spared images of dead Bin Laden,set(),"{'child', 'bin laden (song)', 'mental image'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"US/world watched 9/11, they can bear to see dead Osama.",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Releasing Osama photos would imitate terrorists.,{'terrorism'},{'photograph'},Relation,releasing osama photos,photograph,positive,terrorists,terrorism,bad,"terrorism, society, public safety, safety, peace, society, children" against,Gruesome photos will overshadow victory of Osamas death.,{'death'},"{'death', 'photograph', 'victory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bin Laden photos could not be too gruesome for nation/world.,{'osama bin laden'},"{'photograph', 'bin laden (song)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bin Laden death photos may deter would-be terrorists.,{'osama bin laden'},"{'death', 'photograph', 'osama bin laden'}",Relation,bin laden death photos,death|photograph|osama bin laden,negative,would-be terrorists,photograph,good,"rivals against bin laden, public safety, global stability" against,Releasing Bin Laden photos would inflame Muslim world,"{'muslim', 'muslim world'}","{'photograph', 'osama bin laden', 'muslim world'}",Relation,releasing bin laden photos,osama bin laden|photograph,positive,inflame muslim world,muslim world|muslim,bad,"international relations, society, muslim world, the muslim world, peace, us national security, public safety, muslim world, global security, foreign relations" against,Export-oriented industries help the local children.,"{'child labour', 'export-oriented industrialization'}","{'industry', 'export-oriented industrialization', 'child'}",Relation,export-oriented industries,export-oriented industrialization,positive,help the local children,child,good,"society, children, local children" for,The recent trend of ecotourism can provide benefits to serious research,"{'economics', 'ecotourism'}","{'research', 'trend analysis'}",Relation,ecotourism,ecotourism,positive,benefits to serious research,research,good,"economics, research, research, science, environment, society, researchers, science, scientists, environment" against,Most miltary jobs require physical work that women are not capable of.,set(),"{'woman', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Parents recognize the value of education.,"{'parent', 'value (ethics)', 'education'}","{'didactic method', 'parent', 'value (personal and cultural)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Graduated response unnecessary; antipiracy laws already exist,"{'graduated response', 'copyright infringement'}","{'graduated response', 'copy protection', 'law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The physical standards for military occupational specialties should be identical for both men and women,"{'united states military occupation code', 'woman', 'man'}","{'united states military occupation code', 'woman', 'man'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Parents have no incentives to send their children to school,","{'child labour', 'incentive', 'school', 'parenting'}","{'incentive', 'parent', 'child', 'school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"To maintain its supremacy in the world, the US military needs all qualified individuals regardless of their gender","{'united states armed forces', 'gender'}","{'need', 'grammatical gender', 'united states armed forces'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Parents want their children to aspire as high as possible.,{'parent'},"{'parent', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Governments will use ISPs to catch more than pirates,{'piracy'},"{'administration (government)', 'internet service provider'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Views on women as passive domestic individuals stem from a patriarchal influence on history staring from the Ancient Greeks,"{'woman', 'world view', 'patriarchy', 'ancient greece', 'social influence', 'science, technology, engineering, and mathematics'}","{'woman', 'history', 'view', 'ancient greek', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Well-known Greek philosophers argued that in the defense of the republic both men and women should equally participate,"{'ancient greek philosophy', 'ancient greek', ""women's suffrage"", 'man'}","{'ancient greek philosophy', 'republic', 'men and women (poetry collection)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Military intervention in Darfur would worsen jihadi anti-Americanism,"{'darfur', 'anti-americanism', '2011 military intervention in libya', 'jihadism'}","{'darfur', 'anti-americanism', 'peacekeeping'}",Relation,military intervention in darfur,darfur,positive,jihadi anti-americanism,anti-americanism|jihadism,bad,"image of usa, international relations, american and safety of its people, america, darfur and usa government, usa" for,Copyrights on creative works must be enforced,"{'intellectual property in iran', 'creative work'}","{'creative work', 'copyright'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Sudans air-force would be a formidable threat to any intervening force,"{'the sudans', 'intervening cause'}","{'intervening cause', 'sudan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Graduated response will make enforcement easier over time,"{'graduated response', 'will and testament', 'law enforcement'}","{'graduated response', 'enforcement'}",Relation,graduated response,graduated response,positive,enforcement,enforcement|law enforcement,good,"society, society, enforcement agencies, people" against,Spending money on birth control in certain countries may undermine greater life-saving priorities (such as sanitation):,"{'birth control', 'money'}","{'birth control', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'sanitation', 'traffic'}",Relation,spending money on birth control in certain countries,birth control|money,negative,greater life-saving priorities (such as sanitation),sanitation|money,bad,"society, certain countries, sanitation, other priorities, government spending" for,Contraception can help save the lives of women in the developing world.,{'birth control'},"{'woman', 'developing country'}",Relation,contraception,birth control,positive,lives of women in the developing world,developing country|woman,good,"women in the developing world., saves lives, women, women, developing world" against,Enforcing graduated response will be very expensive,{'graduated response'},{'graduated response'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Key international powers such as Russia and China would prevent the success of any mission undertaken.,"{'power (international relations)', 'china', 'russia'}","{'key (lock)', 'cathay', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mandate necessary to ensure all ISPs join three strikes,"{'appeal', 'internet service provider', 'graduated response'}",{'strike action'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Supporting contraception is an easy way for the developed world to help the developing world cope with population crises and the consequent stifling of development:,"{'birth control', 'social change', 'third world'}","{'developed country', 'development economics', 'developing country', 'mode (literature)', 'human overpopulation'}",Relation,supporting contraception,birth control,positive,help the developing world cope with population crises,developing country|human overpopulation,good,"world population, countries" for,Graduated response incentivizes copyright enforcement,"{'graduated response', 'copyright'}","{'graduated response', 'copyright', 'incentive'}",Relation,graduated response,graduated response,positive,copyright enforcement,copyright,neutral, for,The violence in Darfur could be considered Genocide,"{'darfur', 'violence', 'genocide'}","{'darfur', 'violence', 'genocide'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Population forecasts predict a major spike in the size of todays population:,"{'forecasting', 'statistical population'}",{'hard disk drive'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Govt in graduated response invites mission creep,"{'graduated response', 'mission creep'}","{'graduated response', 'state (polity)', 'mission creep'}",Relation,graduated response,graduated response,positive,mission creep,mission creep,bad,"government, elections, government, government, society" against,"In many agrarian communities, it is actually in the interests of the family to have as many children as possible.","{'child labour', 'agrarian society', 'family'}","{'agrarian society', 'family', 'child', 'attention'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Foreign intervention in Sudan would violate Sudanese sovereignty,"{'sovereignty', 'interventionism (politics)', 'sudan'}","{'sovereignty', 'interventionism (politics)', 'sudan'}",Relation,foreign intervention in sudan,interventionism (politics)|sudan,negative,sudanese sovereignty,sovereignty|sudan,bad,"sudan, international relations, sudanese, sudan's sovereignty" for,"Contraception can reduce family sizes, with many resulting benefits to those family.","{'birth control', 'health', 'redox'}",{'family'},Relation,contraception,birth control,negative,family sizes,family,neutral, for,Graduated response helps avoid litigating against consumers.,{'graduated response'},"{'graduated response', 'consumer'}",Relation,graduated response,graduated response,negative,litigating against consumers,consumer,good,"consumers, consumers, consumers, businesses" for,Teachers often strike to give something better for the students.,"{'student', 'student protest'}","{'teacher', 'student'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Graduated response helps maintain user privacy,"{'graduated response', 'privacy'}","{'graduated response', 'privacy', 'user (computing)'}",Relation,graduated response,graduated response,positive,user privacy,privacy|user (computing),good,"users, users, business, technology, freedom, user privacy, users, users" against,The aims of the Sudanese government were not to eradicate a people but rather to carry out the brutal suppression of what was seen as an existential threat.,"{'politics of sudan', 'existentialism', 'global catastrophic risk'}","{'politics of sudan', 'intention', 'people', 'global catastrophic risks'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legalization will allow polygamist to send children to mainstream education.,"{'polygamy', 'legalization', 'education'}","{'didactic method', 'legalization', 'child'}",Relation,legalization,legalization,positive,polygamist to send children to mainstream,child|education,good,"children of polygamy, society, children, children" against,Striking of any kind should not be acceptable.,"{'strike action', 'kindness'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unfair to force ISPs to respond to piracy.,"{'copyright infringement', 'internet service provider'}","{'unfair (drama)', 'internet service provider', 'copyright infringement'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,NATO should intervene militarily in Darfur,"{'military', 'darfur', 'nato'}",{'nato'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Harms do result from teacher strikes, thats the point.",set(),"{'teacher', 'strike action', 'harm'}",Relation,teacher strikes,teacher|strike action,positive,harms,harm,bad,"schools, students, teachers, students, schools, society, students, children, education, society, schools, students, teachers, education" against,The children of older wives suffer when new wives enter a polygamous marriage,"{'polygamy', 'wife', 'child', 'polygyny'}","{'polygyny', 'wife', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Graduated resonse would severely damage small ISPs,{'internet service provider'},{'graduation'},Relation,graduated resonse,,negative,small isps,internet service provider,bad,"small isps, small isps, consumers, society, small isps, isps" against,A Western intervention in Darfur would be followed by an Islamic extremist insurgency,"{'insurgency', 'western world', 'islamic extremism', 'soviet–afghan war', 'darfur'}","{'western (genre)', 'islamic extremism', 'insurgency'}",Relation,a western intervention in darfur,western world|darfur|western (genre),positive,islamic extremist insurgency,insurgency|islamic extremism,bad,"international relations, middle east, world peace, dafur, society, the middle east, society, politics, peace, darfur" for,Teachers should have a right to strike just like other workers.,"{'working class', 'strike action', 'education'}",{'teacher'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Intervention might lead to more anti-Western sentiments.,{'anti-western sentiment'},{'anti-western sentiment'},Relation,intervention,,positive,more anti-western sentiments,anti-western sentiment,bad,"west, geopolitical relationships, global stability, western countries, western citizens, west" for,Graduated response gives assurances needed for investment,{'graduated response'},"{'graduated response', 'investment', 'pledge (brand)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Polygamy subjects children to an environment of rivalry and insecurity,"{'polygamy', 'child', 'social environment', 'human subject research', 'competition', 'emotional security'}","{'polygamy', 'subject (philosophy)', 'child'}",Relation,polygamy,polygamy,positive,children to an environment of rivalry and insecurity,child|social environment|emotional security,bad,"child development, society, children, children, those exposed to the environment, society" for,"""The people"" should not be conflated to include only a collective right","{'person', 'individual and group rights'}","{'people', 'individual and group rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US and NATO humanitarian military interventions bring their own set of atrocities,"{'military', 'nato', 'humanitarianism'}","{'nato', 'peacekeeping'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many women join polygamous families to climb the social ladder.,"{'woman', 'family', 'polygamy'}","{'woman', 'social status', 'polygamy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The right to keep and bear arms must be an individual right.,{'right to keep and bear arms'},"{'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Infringement will persist, but graduated response helps",{'graduated response'},{'graduated response'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Preventing genocide in Darfur with US troops would take them away from preventing genocide in Iraq.,"{'iraq', 'genocide', 'war in darfur', 'united states armed forces', 'united states dollar', 'darfur'}","{'war in darfur', 'iraq', 'united states armed forces', 'genocide'}",Relation,preventing genocide in darfur with us troops,genocide|united states armed forces|darfur|war in darfur,negative,preventing genocide in iraq,iraq|genocide,bad,"iraqi, human rights, iraqis, citizens, freedom, peace, iraq, middle east peace, international relations" for,Large majorities of citizens want calorie counts on menus,{'calorie'},"{'vote counting system', 'menu'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Colleges have used own graduated response systems,"{'graduated response', 'computer'}","{'graduated response', 'college'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Founding Fathers saw a universal right to militia and arms,"{'weapon', 'militia', 'founding fathers of the united states'}","{'entrepreneurship', 'rights', 'militia', 'arm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Stage fright and the pressure of performance can be difficult to handle for even the most experienced adults.,"{'pressure', 'stage fright'}","{'pressure', 'performance', 'adult', 'stage fright'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Legalizing polygamy will cause all women to worry about husbands pursue new wives,"{'woman', 'polygamy', 'wife', 'causality', 'free will', 'legalization'}","{'woman', 'polygamy', 'wife', 'husband'}",Relation,legalizing polygamy,polygamy|legalization,positive,women to worry about husbands pursue new wives,wife|woman,bad,"wives, women, monogamous wives/women, wives, women, society" for,Graduated response warnings deter further piracy,"{'graduated response', 'miranda warning', 'copyright infringement', 'deterrence (legal)'}","{'graduated response', 'warning (green day album)'}",Relation,graduated response warnings,graduated response,negative,further piracy,copyright infringement,good,"artists, creative industries" for,"The right to ""bear arms"" in the 2nd Amendment includes an individual right",{'right to keep and bear arms'},"{'individual and group rights', 'rights', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'amendment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Polygamous families provide women with an ideal support network,"{'woman', 'polygamy', 'family'}","{'woman', 'polygamy', 'peer support'}",Relation,polygamous families,polygamy|family,positive,women with an ideal support network,woman|peer support,good,"women, family, women, wives, families" against,"Children feel pressure to succeed in many fields, not simply in performances.",set(),"{'pressure', 'child', 'field (physics)', 'performance'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,2nd Amendment conferred a right to defend against various historical threats.,"{'rights', 'second amendment to the united states constitution'}",{'ethics'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Communism will destroy the economy.,"{'economic system', 'free will', 'communism'}","{'economy', 'communism'}",Relation,communism,communism,positive,destroy the,economy,bad,"economy, society, the economy, businesses, society, the country, business, citizens, workers, government, economy" against,Polygamy fosters the spread of venereal diseases,"{'sexually transmitted infection', 'polygamy'}","{'sexually transmitted disease', 'polygamy'}",Relation,polygamy,polygamy,positive,spread of venereal diseases,sexually transmitted infection|sexually transmitted disease,bad,"polygamists, society, health, society, polygamists, sexually active people, society, couples, public health, families, society" against,"Many US Constitution framers emphasized only a collective, militia-based right to bear arms","{'collectivism', 'founding fathers of the united states', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'united states constitution'}","{'right to keep and bear arms', 'united states constitution'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The consequences of such a ban need not be severe.,"{'consequentialism', 'ban (law)'}","{'consequence (rapper)', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Peer support of abstinence erodes as teens move through adolescence,"{'adolescence', 'sexual abstinence'}","{'abstinence', 'adolescence', 'peer support'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Polygamous women can scrutinize married men in action before marrying,"{'woman', 'polygamy', 'action (philosophy)'}","{'woman', 'polygamy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The wider consequences of a ban on child performers will be severe.,"{'punishment', 'child', 'ban (law)'}","{'child', 'consequence (rapper)', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Youth want a strong abstinence message and education,"{'abstinence', 'education'}","{'abstinence', 'youth', 'didactic method', 'message'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Shared wealth will mean more wealth for the less wealthy,"{'wealth', 'free will', 'golden mean (philosophy)'}",{'wealth'},Relation,shared wealth,wealth,positive,more wealth for the less wealthy,wealth,good,"economy, socialism, the less wealthy, society, poor, less wealthy, society, poor, workers, economy" for,The way to overcome historical American bias is to ensure every individual has the right to bear arms,"{'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights', 'americans'}","{'right to keep and bear arms', 'americentrism', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,2nd Amendment rights did not extend to all ethnic groups in terms of initial practice,"{'acronym', 'human rights', 'jargon', 'second amendment to the united states constitution', 'ethnic group'}","{'rights', 'custom (law)', 'amendment', 'nomenclature', 'ethnic group'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Childrens bodies can be damaged by many forms of physical performance.,"{'human body', 'physical fitness'}","{'child', 'physical body', 'performance'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The drive to succeed as an individual is the strongest motivating factor a human being can feel in their work,"{'drive theory', 'individual'}",{'individual'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Polygamy makes individual wives feel that they are insufficient,"{'polygamy', 'wife', 'person'}","{'polygamy', 'wife'}",Relation,polygamy,polygamy,positive,wives feel that they are insufficient,wife|person,bad,"wives, the wives, wives" for,Framers of the Constitution upholding an individual right to bear arms,"{'individual and group rights', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'founding fathers of the united states'}","{'individual and group rights', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'founding fathers of the united states'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Comprehensive sex-ed acknowledges some teens will have sex,"{'adolescence', 'sex', 'sexual intercourse'}",{'comp (command)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many could be motivated to work by a wish to aid their fellow man.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The 2nd Amendment was influenced by the English Bill of Rights to confer an individual right to bear arms.,"{'bill of rights', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'second amendment to the united states constitution', 'bill of rights 1689', 'individual and group rights'}","{'bill of rights 1689', 'individual and group rights', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'amendment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Polygamous women can choose the right husband, even if he is married",{'polygamy'},"{'woman', 'polygamy', 'husband'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Children have had to mature rapidly for ages; child performance fosters this.,"{'ageing', 'child', 'adult'}","{'aging of wine', 'child', 'concert'}",Relation,child performance,child,positive,rapidly,ageing|child,neutral, against,"Abstinence may have value, but only within comprehensive sex-ed",{'teetotalism'},"{'abstinence', 'value (computer science)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,If the 2nd amendment was to protect an individual right it would have clearly expressed it,{'second amendment to the united states constitution'},{'individual and group rights'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Polygamy causes jealousy and competition between wives,"{'polygamy', 'wife', 'causality', 'natural selection', 'jealousy'}","{'competition (economics)', 'polygamy', 'wife', 'jealousy'}",Relation,polygamy,polygamy,positive,jealousy and competition between wives,jealousy|wife,bad,"wives of polygamists, wives, polygamous wives, wives, families, family" against,Telling teens to abstain from sex makes them want it more,"{'adolescence', 'sexual abstinence', 'sexual intercourse'}",{'human sexual activity'},Relation,telling teens to abstain from sex,human sexual activity|adolescence|sexual abstinence,positive,them want it more,human sexual activity|sexual intercourse|adolescence,bad,"teens, sexual education, society, advocates of abstinence, teen pregnancy stds, teens, society" for,Allowing children to perform pushes them to grow up too soon.,set(),{'child'},Relation,allowing children to perform,child,positive,growing,,bad,"children, child development, child actors" for,The constitution confers an individual right to bear arms,"{'constitution', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights'}","{'constitution', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Polygamy leaves women sexually unsatisfied and prone to adultery,"{'plant reproductive morphology', 'polygamy'}","{'woman', 'polygamy', 'fornication'}",Relation,polygamy,polygamy,positive,sexually unsatisfied,woman|fornication,bad,"women, men, peace, society, women, women, families, society, women, women, polygamists" for,Communists are often dedicate to there political ideology and will do anything to promote it.,"{'ideology', 'communism', 'free will'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Children are less able to make decisions for themselves and to represent their interests.,"{'decision-making', 'trafficking of children'}",{'child'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Virginity pledges make teens less likely to get STD tests,"{'sexually transmitted infection', 'adolescence', 'virginity'}","{'sexually transmitted disease', 'virginity pledge'}",Relation,virginity pledges make teens,virginity pledge|virginity,negative,to get std tests,sexually transmitted disease,good,"infected, teenagers, adults, teen health, teens" for,Polygamous wives have security of husbands not having to divorce to re-marry,"{'remarriage', 'polygamy', 'wife', 'divorce'}","{'polygamy', 'wife', 'divorce', 'husband'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Communist states have a leader,"{'state (polity)', 'leadership', 'communism'}",{'communist state'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,An individual right to bear arms cannot be absolute,{'individual and group rights'},"{'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Liquid Nitrogen has too low volumetric energy density to be used as automotive fuel.,"{'energy density', 'nitrogen'}","{'energy density', 'motor fuel', 'liquid nitrogen'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Abstinence-only helps youth avoid emotional damage of sex,"{'sex', 'abstinence-only sex education'}","{'human sexual activity', 'youth', 'abstinence-only sex education'}",Relation,abstinence-only,abstinence-only sex education,negative,emotional damage of sex,sex,good,"sexual education, youths, teenagers, society, youth" against,Older wives suffer when new wives enter a polygamous marriage,"{'polygamy', 'wife', 'polygyny'}","{'polygyny', 'wife'}",Relation,new wives enter a polygamous marriage,polygamy|wife,positive,older wives suffer,wife,bad,"women, older wives, older wives, married, women, equality" against,Comprehensive sex ed rightly teaches about sexual pleasure,"{'comprehensive school', 'sex education'}","{'sexual stimulation', 'comp (command)', 'sex education'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Developing countries need the adaption debt to cope.,set(),"{'adaptation', 'developing country'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Unfettered right to bear arms would be too expansive,set(),{'right to keep and bear arms'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Polygamy is only appropriate when a man can provide for more than one wife,"{'polygamy', 'military intelligence directorate (israel)'}","{'polygamy', 'wife', 'man'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Abstinence-only wrongly bashes all non-marital sex,"{'sex', 'abstinence-only sex education'}","{'human sexual activity', 'abstinence-only sex education'}",Relation,abstinence-only,abstinence-only sex education,NoAgreement,all non-marital sex,human sexual activity|sex,neutral, for,"By sharing wealth, the wealthier will be more satisfied",{'wealth'},{'wealth'},Relation,sharing wealth,wealth,positive,wealthier will be more satisfied,wealth,good,"wealthy, society, wealthy, wealthier, the wealthier" for,"The developed countries have contributed about 70% of the emissions responsible for climate change, yet the developing world is feeling about three quarters of the effects.","{'air pollution', 'climate change', 'third world'}","{'developed country', 'result', 'climate change', 'developing country'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Abstinence-only rightly teaches saving sex for marriage,"{'same-sex marriage', 'sexual intercourse', 'abstinence-only sex education'}","{'human sexual activity', 'marriage', 'abstinence-only sex education'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,2nd Amendment applies only to the collective right of the militia to bear arms,"{'militia', 'second amendment to the united states constitution'}","{'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights', 'militia', 'amendment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"It is important for the development of democracy in Africa, that African countries be seen to be successfully pursuing and encouraging it themselves:","{'africa', 'democracy', 'history of democracy', 'nation'}","{'africa', 'history of democracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Shared wealth will mean less wealth for the wealthier,"{'wealth', 'will (philosophy)'}",{'wealth'},Relation,shared wealth,wealth,positive,less wealth for the wealthier,wealth,NoAgreement, for,If 2nd amendment applied only to militias it would be useless today,{'second amendment to the united states constitution'},{'militia'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"We need to be careful that the ""intervention"" is justified:",{'justified (tv series)'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Improper use of condoms is to blame for ""ineffectiveness"" of condoms.",{'safe sex'},"{'condom', 'morality'}",Relation,improper use of condoms,condom,positive,"""ineffectiveness"" of condoms",condom|safe sex,bad,"people using condoms incorrectly, safe sex, condom users" for,Society must collectively own many form of property through government,"{'property', 'society', 'government', 'substantial form'}","{'society', 'form (religion)', 'property (philosophy)', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most of the powerful international countries and organisations (US and UN) are loath to become involved in the sort of peacemaking (instead of peacekeeping) that is needed in African countries:,"{'africa', 'nation', 'peacekeeping', 'international'}","{'state (polity)', 'state religion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Drinking beer can lead to socially erratic behavior,"{'alcoholic beverage', 'lead', 'beverage can', 'beer'}","{'behavior', 'beverage can'}",Relation,drinking beer,beer|alcoholic beverage,positive,socially erratic behavior,behavior,bad,"society, society, people, people, society" for,Militia means the whole body of individuals within the US,set(),"{'individual', 'physical body'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Liberal democracies should ensure a degree of ""equality of outcome"" ","{'equality of outcome', 'liberal democracy'}","{'equality of outcome', 'liberal democracy', 'degree (music)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Abstinence-only discourages condom-use, increases risks",set(),"{'hazard', 'abstinence-only sex education'}",Relation,discourages condom-use,abstinence-only sex education,positive,risks,hazard,bad,"sexually active people, society, health, people having sex" for,Drinking beer together can help to break barriers between people,"{'break (music)', 'beer'}","{'people', 'beer'}",Relation,drinking beer together,beer,positive,break barriers between people,people,good,"breaking barriers, people get along and understand each other, people" for,The unique situations and power organisations present in many of the African conflicts are only well understood by the countries involved and their immediate neighbours.,"{'gift', 'organization', 'war', 'power (social and political)'}","{'state of affairs (philosophy)', 'state (polity)', 'organization', 'power (social and political)', 'conflict (process)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Bear arms"" means a military/militia, not individual right","{'military', 'militia'}","{'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Diverse schools receive poor ratings from students,"{'student', 'multiculturalism', 'poverty', 'school', 'evaluation'}","{'evaluation', 'student', 'school'}",Relation,diverse schools,multiculturalism|school,positive,poor ratings from students,student|evaluation,bad,"diverse schools, students, students, teachers" against,The effects - even of regional blocs on many despots in Africa has been shown to be nil:,"{'africa', 'despotism', 'nile'}","{'africa', 'trade bloc', 'nothing'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,High-speed rail gives criminals access to areas,"{'accessibility', 'high-speed rail'}","{'area', 'high-speed rail'}",Relation,high-speed rail,high-speed rail,positive,criminals access to areas,accessibility|area,bad,"society, citizens, society, public safety, areas" against,Minority schools disprove perceived value of diversity.,{'evidence'},"{'school', 'value (personal and cultural)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,High speed rail efficiently increases capacity.,"{'volume', 'high-speed rail', 'energy conversion efficiency'}",{'high-speed rail'},Relation,high speed rail,high-speed rail,positive,increases capacity,volume,good,"commuters, people, travelers, society, travel, business, capacity" against,Neighboring countries in Africa have only increased the problems of their African neighbors during crisis:,"{'africa', 'nation'}","{'africa', 'problem', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'crisis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"In modern America, the right to bear arms still helps check government power","{'government', 'power (social and political)'}","{'right to keep and bear arms', 'power (social and political)', 'administration (government)'}",Relation,the right to bear arms,right to keep and bear arms,NoAgreement,of government power,government|power (social and political),NoAgreement, for,Abstinence-only helps discourage out-of-wedlock pregnancies,"{'pregnancy', 'abstinence-only sex education'}","{'gestation', 'abstinence-only sex education'}",Relation,abstinence-only,abstinence-only sex education,negative,out-of-wedlock pregnancies,pregnancy,NoAgreement, against,In todays reality the Second Amendment cannot be applied to civilians,{'second amendment to the united states constitution'},"{'civilian', 'second'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Too few will ride HSR to have environmental impact.,{'high-speed rail'},"{'environmental issue', 'high-speed rail'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Affirmative action helps create diverse learning environment.,{'affirmative action'},{'affirmative action'},Relation,affirmative action,affirmative action,positive,diverse learning environment,,good,"students, schools, society, society, learning, minorities, schools, society, learning environments, students, schools" for,Why should corporate lobbying be bad and other forms good.,{'good (economics)'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,High-speed rail only works between close cities,{'high-speed rail'},"{'high-speed rail', 'close city, texas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Independence means war -,"{'war', 'independence'}","{'warfare', 'independence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""A well-regulated militia"" can apply to a state-run as well as an independent militia.",set(),{'militia'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,High-speed rail helps businesspeople be more productive.,{'high-speed rail'},{'high-speed rail'},Relation,high-speed rail,high-speed rail,positive,business people be more productive,,good,"productivity, businesses, consumers, human society production and advancement, business people, business people, productivity" for,"Parents, not schools, should teach kids about sex","{'child', 'gender', 'parent', 'school', 'teacher'}","{'kidskin', 'human sexual activity', 'parent', 'school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is not necessary to test more than once a week.,set(),{'week'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Americas modern military makes the militia unnecessary for national security.,"{'americas', 'national security', 'modern history', 'military', 'militia'}","{'united states', 'national security', 'militia'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,High-speed rail frees up existing rail for other purposes.,{'high-speed rail'},{'high-speed rail'},Relation,high-speed rail,high-speed rail,positive,existing rail for other,,good,"other purposes, travel, commuters, companies" for,Schools have right to improve diversity in ways of their choosing,"{'rights', 'multiculturalism', 'education in the united states'}",{'school'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Schools are obligated to help teach kids about their sexuality,"{'school of thought', 'obligation', 'human sexuality', 'education'}","{'kidskin', 'school', 'human sexuality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If we slack off in testing, athletes could easily get away with drug use.",{'slacker'},"{'drug', 'athletics (sport)'}",Relation,we slack off in testing,slacker|drug,positive,athletes could easily get away with drug use,drug|athletics (sport),bad,"sports fairness, fairness, competition, sports, regulations, integrity, athletes, sports" for,High-speed rail can be funded by decreasing military spending.,{'high-speed rail'},{'high-speed rail'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Affirmative action wrongly takes from one group to give to another.,"{'social group', 'affirmative action', 'one-party state'}",{'affirmative action'},Relation,affirmative action,affirmative action,positive,taking from one group to give to another,social group,NoAgreement, for,Parents prefer more modest abstinence-only sex-ed,"{'abstinence-only sex education', 'parenting', 'modesty'}",{'parent'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,High speed rail not best way to create local jobs.,"{'local government', 'high-speed rail', 'employment'}","{'high-speed rail', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,An individual right to bear arms helps protect against domestic tyranny,{'individual and group rights'},"{'right to keep and bear arms', 'tyrant', 'individual and group rights'}",Relation,an individual right to bear arms,right to keep and bear arms,positive,against domestic tyranny,tyrant|individual and group rights,good,"individuals, society, people, citizens of the us" for,It gets to a point where it happens too often and gets annoying.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Affirm action justly asks whites to sacrifice for common good:,{'sacrifice'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"High-speed rail will get subsidies, but so do autos.","{'high-speed rail', 'free will'}","{'high-speed rail', 'car', 'subsidy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Civilian trials avoid using evidence from coercive interrogations.,"{'evidence', 'civilian', 'coercion', 'trial', 'interrogation'}","{'civilian', 'trial', 'coercion', 'evidence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Athletes should be punished severely for breaking the law.,"{'punishment', 'crime'}","{'athletics (sport)', 'crime'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"In order to form a militia, citizens require guns and a right to own them",{'militia'},"{'rights', 'militia', 'gun'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Cheats keep cheating.,{'cheating'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,No group should benefit or be punished for ancestral wrongs.,"{'welfare', 'punishment', 'social group', 'wrongdoing', 'ancestor'}","{'musical ensemble', 'wrong'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,High-speed train stations can be positioned in city centers.,{'high-speed rail'},"{'city centre', 'high-speed rail'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The 2nd amendment protects the ability to form a militia not the ongoing existence of one.,"{'existence', 'militia', 'neoplatonism'}","{'metal marines', 'existence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A life-time sports ban does not fit the crime of drug use.,"{'recreational drug use', 'crime'}","{'drug', 'crime', 'athletics (sport)', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,High-speed rail helps relieve air-travel congestion.,{'high-speed rail'},"{'traffic congestion', 'high-speed rail'}",Relation,high-speed rail,high-speed rail,positive,air-travel congestion,traffic congestion,good,"air-travel congestion., air travelers, air traffic controllers, public safety, travelers, the air-travel industry, society, air-travel congestion, travelers, air-travel congestion" against,No US citizens are in a militia and so none have a right to keep and bear arms,"{'united states', 'second amendment to the united states constitution', 'militia'}","{'citizenship in the united states', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'militia'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Affirmative action allows the best to rise by countering systemic exclusion,{'affirmative action'},{'affirmative action'},Relation,affirmative action,affirmative action,positive,the best to rise by countering systemic exclusion,,good,"best people, society, everybody, society, marginalized people, society" against,Athletes should get a second chance after first conviction for drug use.,"{'conviction', 'substance abuse'}","{'drug', 'luck', 'athletics (sport)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"No need to turn off electronics, etc., on trains",set(),"{'train', 'electronics', 'motivation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Affirmative action makes race only a small ""plus"" for candidates.","{'affirmative action', 'race (human categorization)'}","{'affirmative action', 'candidate (degree)'}",Relation,affirmative action,affirmative action,positive,"a small ""plus"" for",candidate (degree)|race (human categorization),good,"candidates, candidates, companies, society, minority candidates" against,The individual right to form a militia has been eliminated in America,{'individual and group rights'},"{'united states', 'militia', 'individual and group rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Previous Supreme Court decisions ruled that the Second Amendment does not apply to personal guns,"{'firearm', 'precedent', 'supreme court of the united states', 'second amendment to the united states constitution', 'legal opinion'}","{'gun', 'supreme court of the united states', 'second', 'amendment', 'common law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Going to top universities is more important than good grades.,"{'educational stage', 'value (ethics)', 'university'}",{'grade (slope)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Terrorists should not be given privileges of civilian courts,"{'civilian', 'terrorism', 'court', 'privilege (legal ethics)'}","{'privilege (evidence)', 'terrorism', 'court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is unfair for athletes to obtain advantages from drugs.,{'drug'},"{'drug', 'athletics (sport)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Train capacity can be increased without HSR,"{'train', 'high-speed rail', 'headway'}","{'train', 'high-speed rail'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Some athletes have ongoing problem, eg. diabetes that need medication.",{'diabetes mellitus'},"{'diabetes mellitus', 'athletics (sport)', 'chess problem'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Terrorists should not be treated as common criminals.,"{'terrorism', 'common law', 'crime'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Laws should be ""race-blind"" to counter discrimination:","{'reverse discrimination', 'law', 'color blindness (race) in the united states'}","{'reverse discrimination', 'law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Court rulings upholding the individual right to bear arms,"{'right to keep and bear arms', 'court', 'individual and group rights', 'fatwa'}","{'individual and group rights', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'court order'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Painkiller medication kills pain - that will enhance performance.,{'analgesic'},{'performance'},Relation,painkiller medication,analgesic,positive,enhance,performance,good,"performance, painkiller users, athletes, spectators, performance, people" against,High speed rail based on falsely seductive idea of speed.,"{'high-speed rail', 'seduction', 'idea'}","{'high-speed rail', 'aether (classical element)', 'speed'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,An individual right to bear arms has been championed throughout US history,{'individual and group rights'},"{'history', 'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Civilian trials show more concern for terrorists than public.,"{'civilian', 'terrorism'}","{'civilian', 'trial', 'terrorism', 'public'}",Relation,civilian trials,civilian|trial,positive,more concern for terrorists than public,terrorism|public,neutral, for,Affirmative action is only way to level playing field,{'affirmative action'},"{'affirmative action', 'level playing field'}",Relation,affirmative action,affirmative action,positive,level playing field,level playing field,good,"people at a disadvantage, employment, minorities" against,Open primaries undermine party affiliation and voter participation.,"{'political party', 'primary elections in the united states'}","{'voter turnout', 'political party'}",Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,negative,party affiliation and voter participation,political party|voter turnout,bad,"party affiliation and voter participation, u.s. government, u.s. citizens, voters, politicians, lessening voter turnout" for,"Why would the framers be so misleading as to conflate ""keep"" with ""upkeep""?",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trials for terrorists should not be held until after conflict,"{'trial', 'terrorism', 'war'}","{'trial', 'terrorism', 'conflict (process)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If they need medication, they really shouldn""t be competing.",set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Predominantly black schools offer fewer AP classes.,"{'catholic school', 'advanced placement', 'african americans'}","{'advanced placement', 'black school'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Military tribunals make trying terrorists in court unnecessary.,"{'military justice', 'terrorism', 'court'}","{'military justice', 'court'}",Relation,military tribunals,military justice,negative,trying terrorists in court,terrorism|court,neutral, against,"50 percent of the respondents believe the program was ""wrong."" ",set(),"{'software', 'percentage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open primaries let independents/third-party-voters participate,"{'independent (voter)', 'primary elections in the united states'}",set(),Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,independents/third-party-voters participate,independent (voter),good,"voting public, independents/third-party-voters, america, voters, society" against,"If the concern was to have a militia for national security or to combat tyranny, the collective meaning of ""keep"" would make sense.","{'national security', 'meaning of life', 'collectivism', 'militia', 'sense and reference', 'tyrant'}","{'tyrant', 'national security', 'militia'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,IMF should not intervene.,{'international monetary fund'},{'international monetary fund'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Military tribunals have performed poorly versus civilian courts,"{'military justice', 'court', 'civil law (legal system)'}","{'military justice', 'court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open primaries demand more from voters in assessing candidates,"{'candidate', 'voting', 'primary elections in the united states'}",{'candidate (degree)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"A May, 2006 USA Today poll found 51% of Americans disapprove of the NSA program.","{'americans', 'usa today', 'national security agency', 'ray may'}","{'united states', 'national security agency', 'opinion poll', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"To ""keep"" arms could only mean to ""upkeep"" them in a collective sense.",set(),{'arm'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""When there is incitement to genocide, the international community should act immediately","{'international community', 'incitement', 'genocide', 'act of congress'}","{'international community', 'incitement', 'genocide'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Primaries can decide elections; they need to be inclusive/open.,set(),"{'primary election', 'election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A military tribunal would have been faster in case of KSM.,"{'khalid sheikh mohammed', 'military justice'}","{'military justice', 'trial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"""Keep"" could confer only a collective right to keep and store, not a personal right.",set(),"{'personal rights', 'individual and group rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Courtroom rants of terrorists only expose them as hateful fools,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open primaries can be modified to limit costs,{'primary elections in the united states'},{'cost'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If ""bear"" was commonly taken in a military sense, ""keep"" should also be considered in military, collective sense.",{'keep'},{'bear'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"FISA has a clear War Time role and thus can""t be overridden by the AUMF:",{'scouting ireland'},"{'history of time in the united states', 'foreign intelligence surveillance act'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Open primaries will increase cost barrier for candidates,{'primary elections in the united states'},"{'cost', 'candidate (degree)'}",Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,increase cost barrier for candidates,cost,bad,"candidates, some candidates, voters, candidates, candidates, voters, government, candidates" for,There will be no TV cameras in trials of terror suspects.,"{'professional video camera', 'television'}","{'professional video camera', 'trial', 'panic'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Marriage allows a community to celebrate a couples love.,{'love'},"{'community', 'marriage'}",Relation,marriage,marriage,positive,community to,community|love,good,"couples, the community, society, community" against,Other means have uncovered the same evidence revealed by the NSA program:,"{'national security agency', 'evidence'}","{'means, motive, and opportunity', 'evidence (law)', 'national security agency'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open primaries would rarely lead to two nominees of same party.,{'primary elections in the united states'},"{'political party', 'civil society campaign'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trials of 9/11 terrorists in NYC will become a circus,set(),"{'new york city', 'trial', 'circus (novel)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Keep"" in the 2nd amendment refers to an individual right to bear arms","{'right to keep and bear arms', 'second amendment to the united states constitution', 'individual and group rights'}","{'right to keep and bear arms', 'individual and group rights', 'keep', 'amendment'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The NSA programs failure to procure judicial orders violated the fourth (right to privacy) and first amendments (freedom of speech):,"{'fourth amendment to the united states constitution', 'national security agency', 'united states bill of rights', 'right to privacy', 'software', 'freedom of speech', 'first amendment to the united states constitution', 'court order'}","{'national security agency', 'right to privacy', 'program management', 'freedom of speech', 'first amendment to the united states constitution', 'court order'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If ""bear"" has a military-connotation, ""keep"" can still retain an individual meaning.",set(),{'bear'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,General election are open; primaries are OK to be closed.,"{'oklahoma', 'general election', 'primary elections in the united states'}","{'primary election', 'general election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is fallacious to presume that marriage as an institution is what provides a stable home environment for a child.,"{'stable', 'home', 'child'}","{'institution', 'child', 'conflict of marriage laws', 'home'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Judges can quash irrelevant speeches from terrorists.,{'judge'},"{'judge (manga)', 'speech (rapper)', 'terrorism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Sharing what you are doing now fosters appreciation for now.,set(),set(),Relation,sharing what you are doing now,,positive,appreciation for now,,good,"self awareness and staying in the presence, mental health, self, society, individuals, society" for,Many factors came together to favor US action in Libya,{'libya'},{'aspect of music'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US courts have successfully tried many terrorists,"{'terrorism', 'federal judiciary of the united states', 'united states dollar'}",{'court'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Primaries are internal matters for party to choose best candidate,{'primary election'},"{'candidate (degree)', 'matter', 'primary election', 'political party'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The NSA programs abuses of civil liberties extend well beyond the ""special needs"" category of the law:","{'national security agency', 'civil liberties in the united states'}","{'national security agency', 'special education', 'abuse', 'law', 'software', 'political freedom'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If somehow acquitted, terrorists would still be detained.",{'acquittal'},{'terrorism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Twitter can be used to deepen your understanding of current issues.,{'twitter'},"{'result', 'twitter'}",Relation,twitter,twitter,positive,of current issues,result,good,"subscribers, twitter users, society" for,Inaction in Libya would have weakened Arab spring,"{'libya', 'arab spring'}","{'history of libya under muammar gaddafi', 'arab spring'}",Relation,inaction in libya,libya,NoAgreement,weakened arab spring,arab spring,bad,"arabs, peace, democracy, arabs, muslims, peace, citizens" against,Measures to address acquittals are risk to civilian courts.,"{'acquittal', 'court', 'civil law (legal system)', 'risk'}","{'measurement', 'hazard'}",Relation,measures to address acquittals,acquittal,positive,risk to civilian courts.,court|risk,bad,"civilian courts, civil court, court system, society, civilian courts" for,"Without US involvement, Libya would turn into a disaster",{'libya'},set(),Relation,without us involvement,,positive,libya would turn into a disaster,libya,bad,"libya, libya, international relations, world peace, libya, libya society, government" against,Few missions to space have produced notable scientific results.,"{'space', 'science'}","{'infinite set', 'outcome (probability)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The program easily meets the Courts reasonableness test for whether a warrant is required.,"{'warrant (law)', 'court', 'reasonable person'}","{'warrant (law)', 'court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Trying and imprisoning terrorists can create needed US jobs.,"{'terrorism', 'canadian dollar', 'united states dollar'}","{'terrorism', 'job'}",Relation,trying and imprisoning terrorists,terrorism,positive,us jobs,job,good,"citizens, unemployed, unemployed, american society, employers, employees, us job seekers" against,Obama had time to seek Congressional approval on Libya.,"{'united states congress', 'libya', 'barack obama', 'time (magazine)'}","{'history of libya under muammar gaddafi', 'congress', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Open primaries violate right of free association,"{'freedom of association', 'primary elections in the united states'}",{'freedom of association'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,negative,right of free association,freedom of association,bad,"society, freedom" against,FISA authorizes the Justice Department to obtain warrants from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) up to 72 hours after the beginning of the eavesdropping.,"{'united states foreign intelligence surveillance court', 'classified information', 'foreign intelligence surveillance act', 'united states department of justice', 'warrant (law)'}","{'hour', 'foreign intelligence surveillance act', 'united states foreign intelligence surveillance court', 'united states department of justice', 'warrant (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Libya war weakens War Powers; makes going to war easier,{'libya'},"{'history of libya under muammar gaddafi', 'warfare'}",Relation,libya war,libya|warfare,positive,going to war,warfare,bad,"libya, society, victims of war, civilians, peace, global security" for,Primaries too important in democracy to be internal to parties.,"{'democracy', 'primary election', 'political party'}","{'democracy', 'primary election', 'political party'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Wrong to give some terrorists civilian trials and not others,"{'civilian', 'terrorism'}","{'terrorism', 'lawsuit', 'wrong'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Going into space to discover the effects of space on humans is circular logic.,"{'outer space', 'causality', 'discover (magazine)', 'circular reasoning', 'human'}","{'infinite set', 'circular reasoning', 'humans (noon universe)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,FISA authorized the president to conduct wartime electronic surveillance without warrants.,"{'surveillance', 'president of the united states', 'foreign intelligence surveillance act', 'warrant (law)', 'war'}","{'warrant (law)', 'foreign intelligence surveillance act'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Closed primaries can also violate free assoc,"{'can (band)', 'primary elections in the united states', 'free (band)'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Some spin-off technology will come from unmanned space travel as easily as from manned space travel,"{'robotic spacecraft', 'human spaceflight', 'free will', 'spaceflight'}","{'human spaceflight', 'spaceflight', 'spin-off (media)', 'engineering'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"US needn""t have been attacked to use force in Libya.","{'the force (star wars)', 'libya national football team'}","{'history of libya under muammar gaddafi', 'military branch'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Pres has authority to commit to non-war military action.,"{'military', 'war', 'authority'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Terrorists should be tried in courts or tribunals case-by-case.,"{'tribunal', 'terrorism', 'court'}","{'tribunal', 'court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open primaries preserve right of parties to endorse nominees,"{'candidate', 'primary elections in the united states'}","{'civil society campaign', 'political party', 'natural and legal rights'}",Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,right of parties to endorse nominees,candidate|political party|civil society campaign,NoAgreement, for,Humans are able to make judgments in space exploration and testing.,{'experiment'},"{'space exploration', 'humans (noon universe)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,FISA made room for the 2001 Authorization of the Use of Military Force to authorize warrantless wiretapping:,"{'military', 'nsa warrantless surveillance (2001–07)', 'foreign intelligence surveillance act'}","{'authorization', 'military organization', 'foreign intelligence surveillance act'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Humans must be in space in order to test the impact space has on them.,{'human body'},"{'infinite set', 'humans (noon universe)', 'impact (mechanics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Even regime change goals in Libya have moral legitimacy.,"{'libya', 'legitimacy (political)'}","{'history of libya under muammar gaddafi', 'intrinsic value (ethics)', 'regime change', 'legitimacy (political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Terrorists should be met with the weapon of the law.,"{'weapon', 'terrorism'}","{'weapon', 'law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Presidents Article II powers provide an exception to the warrant requirement that is unassailable by Congress:,"{'exponentiation', 'president of the united states', 'exception handling'}","{'united states congress', 'warrant (law)', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"War Powers might be bad law, but it must be obeyed.",set(),{'law'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Funding should only go to cost-effective robotic space exploration,{'robotic spacecraft'},{'robotic spacecraft'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open primaries favor new candidates over establishment.,"{'united states presidential election, 2008', 'primary elections in the united states'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'casino'}",Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,new candidates over establishment,candidate (degree),good,"new candidates, democracy, anti-establishment, politics, u.s. elections" against,"No court precedent supports President Bushs theory that FISA impedes on the executives ""inherent powers"".","{'court', 'precedent', 'foreign intelligence surveillance act'}","{'george w. bush', 'inherent powers (united states)', 'executive (government)', 'foreign intelligence surveillance act', 'common law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Qadhafi showed will to kill and abuse civilians in mass,"{'civilian', 'the will to kill'}","{'civilian', 'hoi polloi'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Manned missions force space-craft to have greater weight-bearing capacities for rocks.,"{'human spaceflight', 'spaceflight', 'spacecraft', 'force'}","{'human spaceflight', 'capacities (album)', 'rock music'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trying terrorists in US invites a terrorist attack,{'terrorism'},{'terrorism'},Relation,trying terrorists in us,terrorism,positive,terrorist attack,terrorism,bad,"society, innocent citizens, society, the world, for the us, public" against,"Some sources claim,according to Wikipedia, that in order for Title II to be used in defense of the program",{'wikipedia'},"{'wikipedia', 'program management', 'american football'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Parties like closed primaries because extremes help fundraising,"{'primary elections in the united states', 'political parties in the united states'}",{'political party'},Relation,extremes,primary elections in the united states,positive,fundraising,,good,"political parties, leaders of political parties, parties" for,US/NATO have acted consistent with UN Res 1973.,"{'nato', 'united nations'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Space exploration is inspiring and pushes humans to advance,{'space exploration'},"{'space exploration', 'humans (noon universe)'}",Relation,space exploration,space exploration,positive,humans to advance,humans (noon universe),good,"humans, society, humans, humans, the concept is good for advacement of human society, humanity, space exploration" against,Terrorist trials threaten safety of surrounding community,"{'community', 'trial', 'terrorism', 'safety'}","{'community', 'trial', 'safety'}",Relation,terrorist trials,trial|terrorism,negative,safety of surrounding community,community|safety,bad,"community, society, surrounding community, society, community" for,Male athletes have received unrepresentative support from male sport administrators and media executives:,"{'sport', 'list of corporate titles', 'man', 'mass media', 'male', 'public administration'}","{'plant reproductive morphology', 'media proprietor', 'athletics (sport)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Trying terrorists shows confidence in US system and ideals,set(),{'authority (management)'},Relation,trying terrorists,authority (management),positive,confidence in us system and ideals,authority (management),good,"national confidence, trust, citizens, us system, us system and ideals confidence, us system and ideals, society" for,Open primaries favor best candidate over party affiliation,"{'political party', 'primary elections in the united states'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'political party'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US Libyan intervention wrongly rests on NATO authority.,{'nato'},"{'government agency', 'nato', 'demographics of libya'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Wimbledon stands out as discriminatory given that two other Grand Slam tournaments (the US and Australian Opens) pay equal prize money.,"{'wimbledon f.c.', 'discrimination', 'grand slam (tennis)'}","{'australian open', 'prize money', 'remuneration', 'grand slam (tennis)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legitimate trials are harder for radicals to criticize.,set(),"{'trial', 'root (linguistics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"On the contrary, this is an accepted principle in world sports and anyone trying to blackmail a tournament would lose public sympathy themselves:",set(),"{'macrocosm and microcosm', 'tournament (medieval)', 'athletics (sport)'}",Relation,trying to blackmail a tournament,athletics (sport)|tournament (medieval),NoAgreement,lose public sympathy,athletics (sport),bad,"sports, social status, the person losing sympathy, someone blackmailing" against,Open primaries allow nominations inconsistent with party views,{'primary elections in the united states'},"{'view', 'political party'}",Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,nominations inconsistent with party views,political party|view,neutral, against,War Powers covers US forces playing supporting role in wars.,set(),"{'supporting character', 'warfare', 'united states armed forces'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Open primaries reduce distinctive ideological choices,"{'reductionism', 'primary elections in the united states', 'choice'}",{'pink (singer)'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,negative,distinctive ideological choices,choice,neutral, for,"Civilian trials improve global opinion of US, fight on terrorism","{'globalization', 'trial', 'civil law (legal system)'}","{'civilian', 'trial', 'terrorism', 'opinion'}",Relation,civilian trials,trial|civilian,positive,"improve global opinion of us, fight on terrorism",opinion|terrorism,good,"international relations, society, us, us, us, us, war on terror" against,Mens higher inherent ability to perform in sports has a higher market value:,set(),"{'man (middle-earth)', 'athletics (sport)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US is committing acts of war in Libya; War Powers apply.,{'libya'},"{'history of libya under muammar gaddafi', 'praxeology', 'warfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is outrageous that in the modern world women can be paid less than men for doing the same job.,{'modern history'},"{'woman', 'modern history', 'man', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Terrorist trial in US will give appearance of US weakness.,"{'trial', 'terrorism'}",{'trial'},Relation,terrorist trial in us,trial|terrorism,positive,appearance of us weakness.,,bad,"the us, united states, international relations, usa, us military, us government" for,Open primaries advance two most-favored candidates to general,"{'general officer', 'primary elections in the united states'}",{'candidate (degree)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US action in Libya does not amount to hostilities/war,{'libya'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open primaries favor voter wishes over party establishments,"{'voting', 'political party', 'primary elections in the united states'}","{'wish (charity)', 'political party'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US courts have successfully tried terrorists and protected intelligence.,"{'terrorism', 'federal judiciary of the united states', 'espionage', 'puppet state', 'united states dollar'}","{'intelligence', 'court'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Equal-pay campaigns are selectively discriminatory and risk causing a backlash against joint tournaments that will harm female pay:,{'wwe backlash'},"{'political campaign', 'hazard', 'battlebots', 'tournament (medieval)'}",Relation,equal-pay campaigns,political campaign,positive,backlash against joint tournaments,wwe backlash|hazard,bad,"women, women, employees, females, society, women" for,US ground forces not engaged in hostilities in Libya.,"{'army', 'libya', 'engagement', 'hostility'}","{'army', 'history of libya under muammar gaddafi'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,9/11 suspects can be convicted without classified evidence.,"{'conviction', 'evidence'}","{'suspect', 'september 11 attacks', 'evidence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,One quick fix could be to equalize pay first in tournaments with joint mens and womens events:,set(),"{'man (middle-earth)', 'remuneration', 'tournament (medieval)', 'quickie (sex)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Costs of engagement in Libya help show its a war.,{'libya'},"{'cost', 'history of libya under muammar gaddafi', 'engagement', 'warfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Trying and imprisoning terrorists will be popular where it creates jobs.,"{'terrorism', 'employment'}","{'terrorism', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Open primaries allow nominations inconsistent with party member views,"{'political party', 'primary elections in the united states'}","{'view', 'political party'}",Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,nominations inconsistent with party member views,political party|view,neutral, for,Space exploration inspires children to study science (an investment),"{'science', 'human spaceflight', 'investment', 'research'}","{'science', 'space exploration', 'investment', 'child'}",Relation,space exploration,space exploration,positive,children to study science,child|science|research,good,"children, science, human knowledge, incentive for children to learn, society, children, space exploration, education and learning for children, children, science, the future, humankind" for,Subsidizing clean energy and not oil will allow rapid transition.,"{'sustainable energy', 'gleichschaltung', 'subsidy', 'petroleum'}","{'terrafugia transition', 'sustainable energy', 'petroleum'}",Relation,subsidizing clean energy,subsidy,positive,rapid transition,sustainable energy,good,"govenments, entrepreneurs, environment, alternative energy, the earth, environment, public health, society" against,US has lead role in NATO in Libyan war.,"{'italo-turkish war', 'nato'}","{'leading actor', 'nato', 'demographics of libya', 'warfare'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Minor offenders, gang members, and the poor are unlikely to be aware of the punishments for the crimes which they commit, undermining the notion of zero-tolerance deterring crime among these groups:","{'minor (law)', 'deterrence (legal)', 'awareness', 'crime', 'poverty', 'punishment', 'involuntary commitment', 'gang'}","{'minor (law)', 'crime', 'punishment', 'zero tolerance', 'gang'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Open primaries push third parties out of general (reduce choice),{'primary elections in the united states'},"{'third party (united states)', 'choice'}",Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,negative,third parties out of general,third party (united states),bad,"third parties, third party candidates, voters, government, society, third paties, society." for,Far more subsidies go to oil than renewables.,"{'subsidy', 'petroleum', 'renewable energy'}","{'oil', 'subsidy', 'renewable energy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Under $1b in spending can hardly be called a ""war."" ",set(),{'warfare'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Public funding is necessary to achieve real results in space.,{'subsidy'},"{'infinite set', 'outcome (probability)', 'subsidy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Open primaries produce competitive, substantive general elections","{'competition', 'south african general election, 1994', 'primary elections in the united states'}",{'general election'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,"competitive, substantive general elections",general election|competition,good,"democracy, society, general elections, voters, government, candidates" against,"Obama needed to consult all of Congress, not just leaders.","{'united states congress', 'barack obama'}","{'united states congress', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Oil subsidies shield poor from high oil prices.,"{'world oil market chronology from 2003', 'subsidy'}","{'price of petroleum', 'subsidy', 'petroleum'}",Relation,oil subsidies,subsidy|petroleum,positive,poor from high oil prices,price of petroleum|petroleum,good,"poor, society, poor" against,Significant private capital can be raised for space exploration.,"{'space exploration', 'capital (economics)'}","{'space exploration', 'capitalism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open primaries foster nuance and choice within a party.,"{'primary elections in the united states', 'murphy j. foster'}",{'political party'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,nuance and choice within a,political party,good,"more options is better, party members, voters, candidates, government, society, people, democracy, country" for,Zero Tolerance policing helps deter criminal acts:,"{'deterrence (legal)', 'police', 'zero tolerance', 'crime'}","{'zero tolerance', 'crime'}",Relation,zero tolerance policing,zero tolerance,negative,criminal acts,crime,good,"society, society, society, deterrence, crime" for,Fossil fuel subsidies mainly benefit gas-guzzling wealthy.,"{'wealth', 'energy subsidies', 'fossil-fuel power station', 'welfare'}","{'subsidy', 'fossil fuel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Israels flotilla raid strains its alliances,set(),"{'flotilla', 'raid (military)', 'israel'}",Relation,israels flotilla raid,flotilla|israel|raid (military),NoAgreement,its alliances,,NoAgreement, against,Arresting small-scale pushers (many of them addicts) and users is targeting the victims to stop the crime:,set(),"{'illegal drug trade', 'crime', 'user (computing)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Space funding would be better spent helping people on earth,"{'space', 'earth'}","{'infinite set', 'people', 'earth'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Israel flotilla raid makes it harder to act on Iran,"{'gaza flotilla raid', 'israel', 'iran'}","{'flotilla', 'raid (military)', 'israel'}",Relation,israel flotilla raid,gaza flotilla raid|israel|flotilla|raid (military),negative,act on iran,iran,neutral, for,Open primaries lend cred to third-party candidates,"{'third party (united states)', 'primary elections in the united states'}",{'candidate (degree)'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,cred to third-party candidates,third party (united states),good,"candidates, voters, government, voters, third-party candidates, america, society, third-party candidates, third-party candidates" against,Zero Tolerance can lead to police profiling of certain groups and the abuse of authority:,set(),"{'constabulary', 'zero tolerance', 'abuse of authority'}",Relation,zero tolerance,zero tolerance,positive,police profiling of certain groups and the abuse of authority,abuse of authority,bad,"targeted groups, society, innocent people, policing, society, civil rights, certain groups of people" for,Oil industry pays millions to scare Congress into maintaining subsidies.,{'subsidy'},"{'human sexual activity', 'millions', 'subsidy', 'petroleum industry'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Israel could have legally sunk Gaza flotilla for breaking blockade,"{'gaza freedom flotilla', 'blockade of the gaza strip', 'israel', 'gaza city'}","{'gaza flotilla raid', 'blockade', 'israel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Space programs have relatively small budgets,"{'miniaturized satellite', 'outer space', 'human spaceflight'}",{'budget'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Zero Tolerance is vital to regenerate urban environments:,{'urban area'},"{'zero tolerance', 'urban area'}",Relation,zero tolerance,zero tolerance,positive,regenerate urban environments,urban area,good,"urban areas, environment, urban environments" against,"If people want ""choice"" in a party, they should join it",set(),"{'people', 'political party', 'choice'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Illegal to seize peaceful supplies during conflict,"{'war', 'law', 'peace'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Subsidies can reduce price incentive to conserve oil.,"{'water conservation', 'oil', 'price', 'subsidy', 'tax shelter', 'incentive', 'andean community'}","{'incentive', 'price', 'subsidy', 'petroleum'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Humans could benefit from natural resources of other planets,"{'natural resource', 'human', 'welfare', 'planet'}","{'humans (noon universe)', 'planet'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Prison sentences contribute to a far higher tendency to re-offend:,"{'sentence (law)', 'prison', 'recidivism'}",{'conviction'},Relation,prison sentences,sentence (law)|prison,positive,far higher tendency to re-offend,recidivism,bad,"society, innocent, peace, people, inmates, society, public safety, convicts, public, society" against,"Israeli raid on flotilla was aggressive; can""t be called self-defense",{'gaza flotilla raid'},"{'flotilla', 'raid (military)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Subsidizing oil helps promote economic growth.,{'economic growth'},"{'petroleum', 'economic growth'}",Relation,subsidizing oil,petroleum,positive,economic growth,economic growth,good,"economy, businesses, citizens, economy, economy, economy, businesses, workers, economy" against,Private markets are better suited to invest in space exploration,"{'market (economics)', 'investment', 'private sector'}","{'categorization', 'space exploration', 'market (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Open primaries push third parties out of general elections,"{'general election', 'primary elections in the united states'}","{'third party (united states)', 'general election'}",Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,third parties out of general elections,third party (united states)|general election,bad,"voters, government, society, third parties, open primaries" against,Subsidizing oil can help create and keep jobs.,set(),"{'oil can', 'job'}",Relation,subsidizing oil,oil can,positive,create and keep jobs,job,good,"workers, democracy, society, economy, economy, job creation, economy, workers" against,The expense of zero tolerance in money and manpower and prisons actually makes policing worse:,"{'police', 'human resources', 'prison'}","{'prison', 'human resources', 'expense', 'money'}",Relation,expense of zero tolerance,expense|prison|money,positive,makes policing worse,police,bad,"police, citizens, society, police, governments, police, citizens, justice" against,Cameras of flotilla activists were taken to hide evidence.,set(),"{'flotilla', 'camera', 'evidence', 'militant (word)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Open primaries can spur new, moderate coalitions",{'primary elections in the united states'},{'coalition'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,"new, moderate coalitions",coalition,neutral, for,"Zero tolerance is affordable, saves costs, and actually helps stimulate economies:",set(),"{'cost', 'economy', 'zero tolerance'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,60% of Americans oppose funding a mission to Mars.,"{'mission to mars', 'mars'}","{'march', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Oil subsidies will get more expensive as oil prices rise.,"{'sea level rise', 'subsidy'}","{'price of petroleum', 'subsidy', 'petroleum'}",Relation,oil prices rise,price of petroleum|petroleum,positive,get more expensive,subsidy|petroleum,bad,"economy, society, oil subsidies, consumers, society, international trade" against,Israel should have expected Gaza flotilla to react violently,"{'gaza flotilla raid', 'israel', 'gaza city'}","{'gaza flotilla raid', 'israel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,People should not be forced to contribute towards something they oppose.,"{'something (beatles song)', 'people (1964 song)'}",{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Regulation would impose new transaction costs. Policing the limit would cause delay and cost money.,"{'regulation', 'police', 'transaction cost', 'money'}","{'regulation', 'cost', 'transaction cost', 'money'}",Relation,regulation,regulation,positive,new transaction costs,transaction cost,NoAgreement, for,Open primaries increase bipartisanship/productivity in govt,"{'bipartisanship', 'government', 'productivity', 'primary elections in the united states'}",{'state (polity)'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,bipartisanship/productivity in govt,government|bipartisanship|productivity,good,"society, voters, government, governments, government, bipartisanship/productivity in govt, average citizen" against,People can be trusted to make the right choices,"{'person', 'rights', 'trust (emotion)', 'choice'}",{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Out-armed Palestinians attacked Israel before, would attack on Flotilla.","{'gaza flotilla raid', 'ain es saheb airstrike', 'israel', 'palestinians'}","{'flotilla', 'israel', 'palestinian people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Closed primaries check centrism in general election,"{'united kingdom general election, 2015', 'centrism', 'separation of powers', 'primary elections in the united states'}","{'centrism', 'general election'}",Relation,closed primaries,primary elections in the united states,negative,centrism in general election,general election|centrism,neutral, for,The system is flexible and so can meet needs as they change throughout the economic cycle.,"{'social change', 'business cycle', 'andean community'}","{'pauperism', 'business cycle', 'staff (music)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"In the military, young men acquire many skills for everyday life.","{'everyday life', 'skill'}","{'everyday life', 'skill'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ending subsidies for oil companies will save tens of billions.,"{'subsidy', 'petroleum', 'petroleum industry'}","{'1,000,000,000', '10 (number)', 'subsidy'}",Relation,ending subsidies for oil companies,subsidy|petroleum industry,positive,tens of billions,1000000000,good,"economy, taxpayers, society, working class citizens, consumers, society, economy, budget, echo system, economy" for,A cap acts as a disincentive to swift withdrawal of funds.,set(),{'cap'},Relation,cap,cap,negative,withdrawal of,,neutral, against,Open primaries will make politics more bland,"{'primary elections in the united states', 'politics'}",{'politics'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,politics more bland,politics,neutral, for,Ending fossil fuel subsidies would cut emissions.,"{'energy subsidies', 'fossil-fuel power station'}","{'ejaculation', 'subsidy', 'fossil fuel'}",Relation,ending fossil fuel subsidies,fossil fuel|subsidy|energy subsidies,negative,emissions,fossil fuel,good,"environment, society, environment, air quality, climate change, everyone, society, the environment, environment, public health" against,Any cap may be subject to challenge or reciprocation by other countries.,set(),"{'pole and polar', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'cap'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Activists would have been justified in violence in self-defense.,"{'peace movement', 'violence', 'self-defense', 'theory of justification'}","{'violence', 'self-defense', 'militant (word)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Open primaries favor moderate/pragmatic candidates,"{'candidate', 'moderate', 'primary elections in the united states'}",{'candidate (degree)'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,moderate/pragmatic candidates,candidate|moderate,neutral, for,Money subsidizing oil could go toward subsidizing clean energy.,"{'oil', 'sustainable energy', 'subsidy'}","{'sustainable energy', 'money', 'petroleum'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A cap would raise the cost of capital and so slow the economy.,"{'cost of capital', 'economic system'}","{'capital cost', 'economy'}",Relation,cap,capital cost|cost of capital,positive,slow the economy,economy,bad,"people, economy, bad for the economy, economy" for,Israel has right to know what enters Gaza during conflict,"{'israel', 'gaza city'}","{'israel', 'engagement (military)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Open primaries produce moderate candidates that lack core beliefs,{'primary elections in the united states'},"{'candidate (degree)', 'basic belief'}",Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,moderate candidates that lack core beliefs,candidate (degree)|basic belief,bad,"elections, politics, voters, us government, elections, voters, government, society" for,Fossil fuel subsidies contradict fight against climate change.,"{'climate change', 'energy subsidies', 'fossil-fuel power station'}","{'subsidy', 'climate change', 'fossil fuel'}",Relation,fossil fuel subsidies,fossil fuel|subsidy|energy subsidies,negative,fight against climate change,climate change,bad,"environment, environment, climate change activists, earth, climate change" against,The whole idea of investment curbs affronts the ideal of the free market.,{'free market'},"{'investment', 'idea', 'free market', 'ideal (ethics)', 'nyse mkt'}",Relation,the whole idea of investment,investment,negative,the ideal of the free market,free market|ideal (ethics),bad,"free market, free market, the free market, libertarian ideals, society" for,Closed primaries have political extremes determine nominees,{'primary elections in the united states'},{'nomination'},Relation,closed primaries,primary elections in the united states,positive,political extremes determine nominees,nomination,neutral, for,Caffeine helps to stay alert.,{'caffeine'},{'caffeine'},Relation,caffeine,caffeine,positive,stay alert,,good,"workers, businesses, drivers, society, families, tired people, caffeine consumers, students,people" for,Israel has right to blockade Gaza during conflict,"{'israel', 'gaza strip', '2006 lebanon war', 'blockade of the gaza strip', 'right-wing politics'}","{'blockade', 'israel', 'engagement (military)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Attention falls abruptly, after the effect of caffeine has subsided.",{'caffeine'},"{'caffeine', 'attention'}",Relation,the effect of caffeine,caffeine,positive,abruptly,attention|caffeine,bad,"caffeine consumers, caffeine user" for,"Open primaries end ""us vs them"" partisanship voting","{'voting', 'primary elections in the united states'}",{'partisan (political)'},Relation,open primaries,primary elections in the united states,negative,"""us vs them"" partisanship voting",voting|partisan (political),good,"americans, voters, politicians, u.s. government, voters, government, society, candidates, ends us vs them"" partisanship voting, elections, voting public" for,Economic growth is best when it comes from within.,set(),{'economic growth'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"A cap would reduce foreign investment, which is critical to economic growth.",{'foreign direct investment'},"{'foreign direct investment', 'cap', 'economic growth'}",Relation,a cap,cap,negative,foreign investment,foreign direct investment,bad,"economy, economic growth, economy" for,Coffee lowers the risk of prostate cancer.,"{'prostate cancer', 'coffee'}","{'futures contract', 'prostate cancer', 'coffee'}",Relation,coffee,coffee,negative,risk of prostate cancer,prostate cancer,good,"health, cancer, men, society, people, coffee drinkers" against,Open primaries allow tactical manipulation,"{'tactical voting', 'primary elections in the united states'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The message a cap sends out will scare off investors.,set(),"{'cap', 'investor', 'message'}",Relation,the message a cap sends,message,positive,off investors,investor,bad,"investments, communication, investors, economy, investors, companies, stock price" against,Coffee can induce stomach problems.,"{'coffee', 'stomach'}","{'problem', 'stomach'}",Relation,coffee,coffee,positive,stomach problems.,problem|stomach,bad,"health, coffee users, digestive health, coffee drinkers, health" for,Voter manipulation risk too small to outweigh open primary pros,{'primary election'},"{'professional sports', 'hazard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Lifting Gaza blockade would let weapons in, undermine peace","{'blockade of the gaza strip', 'mortar (weapon)'}","{'blockade of the gaza strip', 'weapon', 'peace'}",Relation,lifting gaza blockade,blockade of the gaza strip,positive,let weapons in,weapon,bad,"gaza, international relations, peace, peace, those living in gaza, people" against,Coffee increases the risk of heart attack.,"{'myocardial infarction', 'coffee'}","{'myocardial infarction', 'hazard', 'coffee'}",Relation,coffee,coffee,positive,risk of heart attack,myocardial infarction,bad,"coffee consumers, coffee drinkers, people, coffee drinkers, coffee drinkers, health, coffee drinkers" for,Putting a cap on foreign investment and so reducing the likelihood of a bubble economy developing acts as a spur to local investors to invest their money in the home economy.,"{'probability', 'reductionism', 'home', 'branch line', 'local government', 'economic bubble', 'money', 'act of parliament', 'economy'}","{'home', 'economic bubble', 'investor', 'money', 'likelihood', 'foreign direct investment', 'act (document)', 'economy', 'goad', 'cap'}",Relation,putting a cap on foreign investment,foreign direct investment,NoAgreement,bubble economy,investor|economy|likelihood,good,"economy, locals, business, society, developers, people in home economy, local investors, consumers, domestic investors, economy" against,Open primaries abused to oust sitting politicians,{'primary elections in the united states'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Israel offered to transport flotilla aid peacefully,{'israel'},"{'flotilla', 'israel', 'aid'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Multiculturalism can help separate conflicting groups.,{'multiculturalism'},{'multiculturalism'},Relation,multiculturalism,multiculturalism,positive,separate conflicting groups,,neutral, for,A cap would insulate the home economy from the extremities of the global economy.,{'cap'},"{'economy', 'home', 'cap', 'world economy'}",Relation,a cap,cap,positive,home economy from the extremities of the global,economy|world economy,good,"world economy, economy, world" against,Kangaroos have been part of Aboriginal culture for millenia.,"{'indigenous australians', 'kangaroo', 'australian aboriginal culture'}","{'kangaroo', 'australian aboriginal culture', 'millennium'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Israels raid on Gaza flotilla was a PR disaster,"{'gaza freedom flotilla', 'gaza city'}","{'gaza flotilla raid', 'raid (military)', 'israel', 'praseodymium'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Term limits ensure politicians understand private sector,"{'term limit', 'politics'}","{'politician', 'private sector', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,private sector,politician|private sector,good,"private sector, politicians, private sector, private sector" against,Multiculturalism highlights differences and can increase hate crimes.,"{'hate crime', 'multiculturalism'}","{'hate crime', 'multiculturalism', 'conflict (process)'}",Relation,multiculturalism,multiculturalism,positive,differences and can increase hate crimes,hate crime,bad,"citizens, victims of crimes, people who care about differences, victims of hate crimes, minorities" for,Superdelegates represent party-leadership at national convention,"{'superdelegate', 'united states presidential nominating convention'}","{'superdelegate', 'national convention'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Term limits ensure politicians understand real world,"{'understanding', 'reality', 'term limit', 'politics'}","{'real life', 'politician', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,politicians understand real world,understanding|politician,good,"citizens, citizens, electorate, society, politicians, people, public, people" against,Superdelegate placement at national convention should not be a major consideration.,{'superdelegate'},"{'superdelegate', 'national convention'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Voters have consistently supported term limits.,{'term limit'},{'term limit'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If some aspects of multiculturalism are bad, they can be changed.",{'multiculturalism in canada'},{'multiculturalism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Superdelegates violate the principal of one person one vote,"{'bond (finance)', 'superdelegate', 'one man, one vote'}","{'superdelegate', 'individual'}",Relation,superdelegates,superdelegate,negative,the principal of one person one vote,"one man, one vote",bad,"political equality, voters, society, voting public" against,Term limits undermine voter liberties to choose,{'term limit'},"{'term limit', 'liberty'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,negative,voter liberties to choose,liberty,bad,"voters, government, society, voters, citizens, democracy, society, voters, voters" against,Multiculturalism can constrain police with a fear racism charges.,"{'racism', 'multiculturalism'}","{'constabulary', 'racism', 'fear (song series)', 'multiculturalism'}",Relation,multiculturalism,multiculturalism,negative,police with a fear racism charges,racism,NoAgreement, for,Superdelegates are life-long party leaders that deserve more power,{'superdelegate'},"{'superdelegate', 'political boss', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Publics favor maintaining unique cultural heritages and multiculturalism,{'multiculturalism'},"{'multiculturalism', 'cultural heritage', 'public'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Not easy for voters to ""vote out"" powerful incumbents.",{'voting'},{'incumbent'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"In this case, the aboriginal interest must be placed on the back burner.",{'australian aboriginal languages'},{'interest'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Electorate can impose ""term limits"" with votes","{'electoral district', 'voter registration', 'term limit'}",{'term limit'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Moving Kangaroos resolves issue of habitat and species destruction.,"{'habitat destruction', 'kangaroo', 'species', 'animal locomotion', 'habitat'}","{'species', 'kangaroo', 'habitat', 'offspring'}",Relation,moving kangaroos,kangaroo,negative,habitat and species destruction,habitat destruction|kangaroo|species|habitat,good,"the suppression of kangeroo habitat and species destruction, kangaroos, kangaroos, environment" against,Superdelegates strike a nerve after 2000 Bush-Gore elections,"{'superdelegate', 'election'}","{'superdelegate', 'nerve', 'election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The pretense that ""it is just my culture"" can justify almost anything",set(),{'culture'},Relation,"the pretense that ""it is just my culture""",culture,positive,almost anything,,bad,"human behavior, people" for,How superdelegates should vote with popular will is unclear,"{'superdelegate', 'supermajority', 'popular sovereignty'}",{'superdelegate'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Term-limits check special interest influence,"{'advocacy group', 'separation of powers', 'term limit'}","{'advocacy group', 'term limit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Multiculturalism does entail the loss of culture; that of the host country:,"{'multiculturalism', 'culture'}","{""maître d'hôtel"", 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'multiculturalism', 'culture'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Superdelegates provide greater mainstream party representation,"{'representative democracy', 'superdelegate', 'political party'}","{'mental representation', 'superdelegate', 'political party', 'mainstream'}",Relation,superdelegates,superdelegate,positive,greater mainstream party representation,mainstream|representative democracy|political party,good,"party representation, representation, political transparency, society, democracy, society" for,Lobbyists fight term limits for a reason.,"{'lobbying', 'term limit'}","{'lobbying', 'term limit', 'intellect'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Conscription may inspire camaraderie, unifying a people.",{'conscription'},"{'conscription', 'people'}",Relation,conscription,conscription,positive,unifying a people,people,good,"people, society, camaraderie, unifying people to work together, society, social cohesion, people" against,Kangaroo shootings can jeopardize public safety.,set(),"{'shooting sport', 'kangaroo', 'public safety'}",Relation,kangaroo shootings,shooting sport|kangaroo,positive,jeopardize public safety,public safety,bad,"the public, society, public safety, public safety, society" for,It is impossible to pick a single moral-cultural standard in the assimilation model.,set(),"{'constructivism (philosophy of education)', 'economic model'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Superdelegates would be meaningless if they had to vote with electorate.,"{'superdelegate', 'voting'}",{'superdelegate'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Lobbyists equally influence term-limited politicians.,"{'lobbying', 'influence peddling', 'term limit'}","{'politician', 'lobbying'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Sterilization vaccines can be used instead of killing Kangaroos,"{'sterilization (microbiology)', 'death', 'vaccination', 'canning'}","{'sterilization (microbiology)', 'kangaroo', 'vaccine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Conscription can be used as a tool to control and re-educate the population.,{'conscription'},"{'conscription', 'tool, texas', 'population'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Superdelegates were not elected or appointed to elect presidential nominee,"{'presidential nominee', 'superdelegate', 'election'}","{'presidential nominee', 'superdelegate'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Multiculturalism may also utilize the term tolerance, but it could easily be suggested the appropriate term is more likely respect.","{'toleration', 'respect', 'multiculturalism'}",{'multiculturalism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Informed voters curb special interests better than term limits,"{'advocacy group', 'term limit'}","{'advocacy group', 'term limit'}",Relation,informed voters,advocacy group,negative,special interests,advocacy group|term limit,NoAgreement, against,Superdelegates have too much power relative to ordinary voters,{'superdelegate'},"{'superdelegate', 'ballot', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Kangaroo culling by dart-euthanasia can be inhumane,{'culling'},{'culling'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Assimilation wrongly bans practices due to rare abuses,{'cultural assimilation'},set(),Relation,assimilation,cultural assimilation,negative,practices,,neutral, for,Superdelegates have the peoples interests at heart,{'superdelegate'},"{'superdelegate', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,OK for politicians to listen to interest groups.,set(),"{'advocacy group', 'politician'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kangaroos can be culled humanely through sedation then euthanasia,"{'euthanasia', 'sedative', 'kangaroo'}","{'animal euthanasia', 'kangaroo', 'sedation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A professional army can become a dangerous state-within-a-state.,set(),{'standing army'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Multiculturalism calls for a ""mosaic"" rather than a ""melting pot""","{'moses', 'melting pot', 'multiculturalism'}","{'crucible', 'multiculturalism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Culling Kangaroo tarnishes the image of Australia around the world.,"{'culling', 'kangaroo', 'australia'}","{'kangaroo', 'image (mathematics)'}",Relation,culling kangaroo,culling|kangaroo,negative,the image of australia around the world,australia,bad,"australia, australia, citizens, animal rights, australia, world, tourism industry, kangaroo, australia, australia, international relations" for,"In case of total war, the conscription is the only alternative for a small nation to build an army of credible strength without having to depend on alliances.","{'total war', 'conscription'}","{'military strategy', 'conscription', 'total war', 'state (polity)', 'army', 'trial'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Multiculturalism can damage social capital and cohesion,"{'social capital', 'damages', 'structural cohesion', 'multiculturalism'}","{'social capital', 'multiculturalism'}",Relation,multiculturalism,multiculturalism,negative,social capital and cohesion,social capital|structural cohesion,bad,"society, workplace, economy, cohesion, people, societies" against,Superdelegates should follow the will of the voters,{'superdelegate'},{'superdelegate'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Australia could make alot more money on Kangaroo tourism.,"{'kangaroo', 'australia'}","{'kangaroo', 'tourism', 'money'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Term-limits are the only way to change Washington.,set(),"{'mode (literature)', 'term limit'}",Relation,term-limits,term limit,positive,change washington,,good,"political future, america, to make changes" against,Superdelegates represent old era of closed-door politics.,"{'superdelegate', 'politics of the united states', 'equal rights amendment'}","{'epoch (reference date)', 'superdelegate', 'politics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Some nations find identity and pride in multicultural policies,"{'policy', 'multiculturalism', 'pride', 'identity (social science)', 'nation'}","{'pride', 'state (polity)', 'personal identity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Term-limited politicians often commit less to office,"{'committee', 'term limit'}","{'government agency', 'politician', 'term limit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Tibetans want independence, not the ""middle way""","{'middle way', 'tibetan people'}","{'middle way', 'tibetic languages'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kangaroo cullings will not be substantial enough to damage the tourism industry.,"{'kangaroo meat', 'tourism'}","{'culling', 'tourism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Multiculturalism can lead to class conflict,"{'class conflict', 'multiculturalism'}",{'multiculturalism'},Relation,multiculturalism,multiculturalism,positive,class conflict,class conflict,bad,"classes, different cultures, society, peace, societies, people, society" for,Inconsistent wind energy in Pickens Plan can be accommodated,"{'pickens plan', 'wind power'}","{'consistency', 'pickens plan', 'wind power'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Moving Kangaroos would address crop destructions in specific areas.,{'kangaroo'},"{'kangaroo', 'crop destruction'}",Relation,moving kangaroos,kangaroo,NoAgreement,crop destructions in specific,crop destruction,NoAgreement, for,Term limits only prevent politicians holding same office.,{'term limit'},"{'politician', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,negative,politicians holding same office,politician,neutral, for,The unity of society that assimilation talks about can be found through multiculturalism.,"{'multiculturalism', 'society', 'cooperation', 'cultural assimilation'}","{'society', 'multiculturalism', 'talk (software)', 'unity (star trek: voyager)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Wind energy is a renewable resource than can replace coal.,"{'tin can', 'coal', 'renewable resource', 'wind power'}","{'coal', 'renewable resource', 'wind power'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Politicians become increasingly arrogant/corrupt over time.,set(),{'politician'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Culling Kangaroo will reduce their consumption of Australian crops.,"{'culling', 'reductionism', 'kangaroo'}","{'consumption (economics)', 'kangaroo', 'australia'}",Relation,culling kangaroo,kangaroo|culling,negative,their consumption of australian crops,consumption (economics)|australia,good,"australian crops, agriculture, farmers, society, australian crops" for,Assimilation and cultural unity is impossible to achieve,"{'cultural assimilation', 'cultural identity'}",{'borg (star trek)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Voters should be fully empowered to choose primary nominee.,"{'candidate', 'voting', 'primary election'}",{'civil society campaign'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Term limits undermine value of experience in governance,"{'experience', 'governance', 'value (ethics)'}","{'value (computer science)', 'experience', 'administration (government)', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,negative,value of experience in governance,experience|governance|value (ethics),bad,"voters, government, society, citizens, value of experience" for,Kangaroo culling to fight overpopulation cannot be compared with whaling,"{'culling', 'whaling', 'overpopulation'}","{'culling', 'overpopulation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Pickens Plan wind turbines will produce significant energy,"{'primary production', 'pickens plan', 'energy'}","{'pickens plan', 'thermodynamic free energy', 'wind turbine'}",Relation,pickens plan wind turbines,pickens plan|wind turbine,positive,significant energy,energy,good,"energy, environment, environment, consumers, energy production, function of energy usages in human society" for,It is misleading to claim multiculturalism sacrifices individual right to group rights,"{'deception', 'individual and group rights', 'multiculturalism', 'sacrifice'}","{'individual and group rights', 'multiculturalism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Superdelegates should vote their beliefs, not according to popular vote.","{'superdelegate', 'election'}","{'superdelegate', 'election', 'belief'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,New politicians are always trying to make headlines.,set(),"{'new (surname)', 'headline'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Code of Practice in the ACT helps ensures culls are humane.,"{'statute', 'code (law)', 'ethical code'}","{'act (document)', 'humanity (virtue)'}",Relation,the code of practice in the act,code (law),positive,culls are humane,humanity (virtue),good,"society, kangaroos, humanely thinning herds when needed is good, animals, animals, morality" against,Better ways to cut oil consumption than Pickens Plan,"{'peak oil', 'pickens plan'}","{'peak oil', 'pickens plan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Kangaroo shooting may be preferable to culling by dart-euthanasia,"{'culling', 'kangaroo'}",{'kangaroo'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Candidate solicitations of superdelegates damage the political process,{'superdelegate'},"{'candidate (degree)', 'superdelegate', 'political opportunity'}",Relation,candidate solicitations of superdelegates,candidate (degree)|superdelegate,positive,damage the political process,political opportunity,bad,"the political process, democracy, political process, government, politicians, citizens, society" for,Term-limits prevent switching parties to stay in power.,set(),"{'political party', 'term limit', 'power (social and political)'}",Relation,term-limits,term limit,negative,switching parties to stay in,political party|power (social and political),neutral, for,The Pickens Plan will stimulate the US economy,"{'free will', 'pickens plan'}","{'program management', 'economy of the united states'}",Relation,the pickens plan,pickens plan,positive,stimulate the us economy,economy of the united states,good,"americans, citizens, economy, economy, consumers, united states, economy, u.s. citizens, us economy, society, government, business/corporations" for,Concerns over womens rights cannot be blamed on multiculturalism,"{'victim blaming', 'multiculturalism', ""women's rights""}","{'multiculturalism', ""women's rights""}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Pickens makes beneficial long-term investments in electric grid,{'electrical grid'},"{'investment', 'electric power system'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Term limits let politicians make hard decisions then leave,{'term limit'},"{'politician', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,politicians make hard decisions then leave,politician,neutral, against,Culling kangaroos is inhumane when humane alternatives exist.,"{'culling', 'kangaroo'}","{'alternative rock', 'kangaroo'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Multiculturalism calls for distracting and costly accommodations to foreign students.,{'multiculturalism'},"{'international student', 'multiculturalism'}",Relation,multiculturalism,multiculturalism,positive,distracting and costly accommodations to foreign students,international student,bad,"foreign students, society, foreign students" against,Superdelegates often vote out of self-interest for likely winner,"{'suffrage', 'superdelegate', 'republican national committee'}","{'superdelegate', 'opportunism', 'winner (card game)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The meat and skin of culled Kangaroos will not be wasted.,"{'meat', 'kangaroo'}","{'meat', 'kangaroo'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Walter Mondales 1984 election shows risks of superdelegate nominees,"{'united states presidential election, 1984', 'superdelegate'}","{'election', 'nomination', 'superdelegate', 'walter mondale', 'hazard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Term limits counter career politicians, favors citizen leg.",set(),"{'pegleg', 'politician', 'term limit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is relatively cheap to convert existing cars to natural gas.,"{'natural gas', 'energy transformation'}","{'natural gas', 'railroad car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Assimilation can provide indigenous peoples with skills to succeed,"{'skill', 'canning', 'indigenous peoples', 'cultural assimilation'}","{'skill', 'indigenous peoples', 'cultural assimilation'}",Relation,assimilation,cultural assimilation,positive,indigenous people skills,skill|indigenous peoples,good,"indigenous peoples, people, indigenous people, indigenous people" for,Career politicians get complacent; new ones work hard.,set(),"{'politician', 'enneagram of personality'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Superdelegates help better develop the party platform,"{'superdelegate', 'triumph heritage empowerment party'}","{'superdelegate', 'party platform'}",Relation,superdelegates,superdelegate,positive,develop the party platform,party platform,NoAgreement, for,A Kangaroo culling would humanely prevent a population crash,"{'culling', 'world population'}",{'culling'},Relation,a kangaroo culling,culling,negative,a population crash,,good,"kangaroos, kangaroos, society, animal humaneness, kangaroos" for,Pickens Plan exploits abundant US natural gas resources.,"{'natural gas', 'resource', 'pickens plan'}","{'natural gas', 'resource', 'pickens plan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,America demonstrates that assimilation can succeed.,"{'americas', 'cultural assimilation'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Term-limited politicians spend time looking for next job,{'term limit'},"{'politician', 'term limit', 'job'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Superdelegates provide unifying margin of victory in tight race,"{'glossary of american football', 'superdelegate'}","{'superdelegate', 'victory'}",Relation,superdelegates,superdelegate,positive,unifying margin of victory in tight race,victory,good,"the political party, members of the political party, superdelegates" against,Pickens Plan for natural gas vehicles will increase gas prices,"{'natural gas vehicle', 'pickens plan', 'compressed natural gas'}","{'gasoline and diesel usage and pricing', 'natural gas vehicle', 'pickens plan'}",Relation,pickens plan for natural gas vehicles,pickens plan,positive,increase gas prices,gasoline and diesel usage and pricing,bad,"gas costs more, cost for consumers and business, consumers, oil users, gasoline car users, economy" against,"Kangaroos should just be moved, not culled.",{'kangaroo'},{'kangaroo'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,It is misleading to claim America is a prime example of assimilation,"{'deception', 'cultural assimilation'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Superdelegates may discourage future political participation,{'superdelegate'},"{'superdelegate', 'participation (decision making)'}",Relation,superdelegates,superdelegate,negative,future political participation,participation (decision making),neutral, for,Translocation often places Kangaroos in a threatening environment,"{'kangaroo', 'species translocation'}","{'nature', 'kangaroo', 'species translocation'}",Relation,translocation,species translocation,positive,kangaroos in a threatening environment,kangaroo,bad,"kangaroos, environment, kangaroos, kangaroos, animals" for,Wind energy frees up natural gas to be used in cars.,"{'car', 'compressed natural gas'}","{'natural gas', 'wind power', 'railroad car'}",Relation,wind energy,wind power,positive,frees up natural gas to be used in cars,natural gas|car,good,"efficiency, environment, society, energy availability, environment, natural gas, cars" against,Multiculturalism can cause the false mashing of identities,"{'multiculturalism', 'cultural identity'}","{'identity (social science)', 'multiculturalism'}",Relation,multiculturalism,multiculturalism,positive,false mashing of identities,identity (social science),neutral, for,Superdelegates help increase the likelihood of a Democratic presidency,"{'superdelegate', 'president of the united states', 'democratic party of oregon'}","{'likelihood', 'superdelegate', 'presidency', 'democratic party (united states)'}",Relation,superdelegates,superdelegate,positive,likelihood of a democratic presidency,presidency|democratic party (united states)|likelihood,neutral, for,Term limits create turnover that encourages new candidates,"{'revenue', 'candidate', 'term limit'}","{'candidate (degree)', 'term limit', 'turnover (food)'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,turnover that encourages new candidates,candidate,good,"freedom, elections, democracy, voters, government, society, candidates" for,Existing gasoline vehicles can be converted to cleaner natural gas.,"{'natural gas', 'vehicle', 'gasoline'}","{'natural gas', 'vehicle', 'gasoline'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Assimilation unrealistically expects immigrants to shed their cultural heritage,"{'cultural heritage', 'immigration', 'cultural assimilation'}",{'cultural heritage'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electric car batteries all must be replaced eventually.,"{'electric vehicle battery', 'electric car'}",{'electric vehicle battery'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Term limits increase power of bureaucrats over reps.,set(),"{'bureaucrat', 'united states house of representatives', 'term limit', 'power (social and political)'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,power of bureaucrats over reps,bureaucrat|united states house of representatives|power (social and political),NoAgreement, for,Britain sent its soldiers to fight an unjust war in the Falkland Islands.,"{'just war theory', 'british army', 'british empire', 'combat', 'falkland islands'}","{'soldier', 'warfare', 'falkland islands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Illegal aliens are not in a position to assimilate,"{'location (geography)', 'alien (law)', 'cultural assimilation'}","{'alien (law)', 'status (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Term limits reduce government size, spending, deficits",set(),"{'administration (government)', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,negative,"government size, spending, deficits",administration (government),NoAgreement, for,PR results in more engagement in politics as every vote counts:,"{'suffrage', 'public relations', 'politics'}","{'engagement', 'public relations', 'politics'}",Relation,pr,public relations,positive,more engagement in politics,engagement|politics,good,"for the country and voting., voters, citizens, politicians, democracy, the electorate, society, elections, politicians" for,Regenerative braking systems reduce break-pedal wear and tear.,{'regenerative brake'},"{'brake', 'regenerative brake', 'wear and tear'}",Relation,regenerative braking systems,regenerative brake,negative,break-pedal wear and tear,brake|wear and tear,good,"traffic safety, drivers, drivers, citizens, cars, drivers, break-pedal wear and tear, environment, consumers, governments" for,These all contribute to a general Scottish identity that is distinct from England:,"{'scottish national identity', 'scotland', 'kingdom of england'}","{'scottish national identity', 'england'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Term-limited politicians spend extra to win new offices.,"{'tołwin', 'term limit'}","{'politician', 'term limit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electric cars require less maintenance than gasoline vehicles.,"{'electric vehicle', 'vehicle', 'motor oil', 'gasoline'}","{'vehicle', 'gasoline', 'electric car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Term limits indiscriminately target good and bad politicians,set(),"{'politician', 'term limit'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Returning the Falkland Islands would be an insult to dead soldiers.,{'falkland islands'},"{'soldier', 'insult', 'falkland islands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,PR would result in less respect for parliament as it means the loss of the constituency link,"{'electoral district', 'proportional representation', 'respect party', 'parliament of the united kingdom'}","{'puerto rico', 'electoral district', 'respect', 'parliament', 'connected space'}",Relation,pr,proportional representation,positive,less respect for parliament,parliament|respect,bad,"parliament, parliament, parliament, institutions, parliament, voters, society" for,Electric cars can accelerate faster than gasoline cars.,{'petrol engine'},"{'railroad car', 'gasoline', 'electric car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Argument that the 1997 devolution of power to Scotland has given them sufficient power and control to exercise their interests:,"{'kingdom of scotland', 'devolution'}","{'power & control', 'devolution', 'scotland'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Term limits encourage short-term politicking,set(),{'term limit'},Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,short-term politicking,,neutral, against,The British had permission from the UN to use reasonable force to retake the islands,"{'british empire', 'united nations', 'right of self-defense'}","{'british people', 'permission (philosophy)', 'island', 'right of self-defense'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,PR would result in more respect for parliament,"{'proportional representation', 'respect party', 'house of commons of the united kingdom'}","{'puerto rico', 'respect', 'parliament'}",Relation,pr,proportional representation,positive,more respect for parliament,respect|parliament,good,"parliament, parliament, parliament, society, government, politics, government, order, society" for,"Some sources argue that it may no longer be very valuable in todays Europe to maintain ""economies of scale"" in larger unions for the sake of pooling resources for funding a stronger military.","{'military', 'europe', 'economies of scale', 'resource'}","{'economies of scale', 'trade union', 'today (bbc radio 4)', 'resource', 'military branch'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Spanish explorer Megellan was first to discover Malvinas,"{'exploration', 'discovery (observation)', 'spanish empire', 'falkland islands'}","{'falkland islands', 'spanish language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US can supply India with high technology that will help it modernize.,{'india'},"{'high tech', 'india'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electric vehicles take a long time to recharge.,"{'rechargeable battery', 'electric vehicle'}","{'electric vehicle', 'year'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Term limits help ensure introduction of new ideas.,set(),"{'introduction (writing)', 'idea', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,introduction of new ideas,idea,neutral, against,Argument that and independent Scotland would lose the benefits of UK subsidies:,"{'kingdom of scotland', 'scottish independence'}","{'scottish independence', 'subsidy', 'united kingdom'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,British explorers were the first to discover the Islands,"{'exploration', 'great britain', 'falkland islands'}","{'british people', 'island'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electric vehicles vibrate less for a smoother ride.,{'vibration'},{'electric vehicle'},Relation,electric vehicles,electric vehicle,positive,smoother ride,vibration,good,"smoother ride, consumers, drivers, people, riders, driver" for,"Term limits counter hierarchy, ensure equality, among politicians","{'hierarchy', 'social equality', 'politics'}","{'hierarchy', 'equality (mathematics)', 'politician', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,among politicians,politician,good,"electorate, the citizens, democracy, society, country's population, politicians, politicians, voters, government, society" for,Electric car power and speed can be precisely controlled.,"{'speed', 'electric car', 'power (physics)'}","{'speed', 'electric car', 'power (physics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Taking a ""colony"" from one coloniser and giving it to another can hardly be right.","{'colonization', 'one-party state', 'colony', 'right-wing politics'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"As part of the larger UK, Scotland would be able to better protect its interests from an increasingly federalizing EU:","{'federalism', 'european union', 'scotland', 'united kingdom'}","{'european union', 'scotland', 'united kingdom'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Term limits create problematic lame duck final terms,{'lame duck (politics)'},"{'lame duck (politics)', 'term limit'}",Relation,term limits,term limit,positive,lame duck final terms,lame duck (politics),bad,"politicians, government, society, politics, society, voters, government, politicians, voters" for,Returning the islands would not be a sign that violence and threats are legitimate.,{'violence'},"{'violence', 'island'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The economic impact would be ""irrelevant"":",{'economy'},{'economic impact analysis'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electric vehicles have a limited range.,"{'electric vehicle', 'all-electric range'}","{'range (music)', 'electric vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Term limits worked at state level, can work at federal level.","{'u.s. state', 'federal government of the united states', 'term limit'}",{'term limit'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Deal will help India modernize its nuclear energy plants.,"{'power station', 'india', 'nuclear power'}","{'india', 'nuclear power plant'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"England may benefit from its reduced subsidization of Scotland, and greater potential to specialize its own economy:","{'layoff', 'subsidy', 'welfare', 'england', 'kingdom of scotland'}","{'economy', 'scotland', 'england'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It takes too long to recharge electric vehicles.,set(),{'electric vehicle'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Disabled would have to seek euthanasia in order to receive it,"{'euthanasia', 'disability', 'court order'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'disability'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Returning the islands would imply that violence and threats are legitimate ways to conduct diplomacy.,"{'coercion', 'violence', 'diplomacy', 'legitimacy (political)'}","{'mode (literature)', 'violence', 'island', 'diplomacy'}",Relation,returning the islands,island,positive,implication that violence and threats are legitimate ways to conduct diplomacy,coercion|legitimacy (political)|diplomacy|violence,bad,"diplomacy, international relations, society" for,Nuclear energy will cleanly meet Indias growing energy demands,"{'nuclear power in pakistan', 'indian subcontinent'}","{'india', 'thermodynamic free energy', 'world energy consumption'}",Relation,nuclear energy,nuclear power in pakistan,positive,growing energy demands,india|world energy consumption,good,"environment, india, public health\, citizens of india, indian citizens, environment, indians" for,"Economically, the islands will be an energy asset to Britain.","{'energy', 'economy', 'british empire'}","{'island', 'united kingdom', 'asset', 'political economy', 'thermodynamic free energy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The economic effects of independence would be ""impossible"" to predict, making it a poor point to use in favor of independence:",{'independence (probability theory)'},{'result'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Nuclear power would provide India with relatively little energy,"{'india', 'nuclear power'}","{'india', 'thermodynamic free energy', 'nuclear power'}",Relation,nuclear power,nuclear power,positive,india with relatively little energy,india,bad,"india, india, india" against,Few utilities can support widespread quick-charging,{'public utility'},{'public utility'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Denying the disabled the ""right to die"" will cause them painful deaths","{'denial', 'will and testament', 'death', 'causality', 'pain', 'right to die', 'disability'}","{'death', 'right to die'}",Relation,"denying the disabled the ""right to die""",denial|right to die|disability,positive,painful deaths,death|pain,bad,"the disabled, the disabled, their families, society, disabled, patients, terminally ill, the disabled, society" for,Britain secretly promised to abandon its claim before 1771.,set(),{'united kingdom'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Nuclear deal helps India meet rapidly growing energy demand,"{'joint comprehensive plan of action', 'india', 'nuclear power'}","{'india', 'world energy consumption'}",Relation,nuclear deal,nuclear power,positive,india meet rapidly growing energy demand,india,good,"india, india, indian people, indian citizens" for,"Regulations lower risks of euthanasia causing disabled to be viewed as ""valueless"" ","{'regulation', 'risk', 'disability', 'euthanasia'}","{'regulation', 'hazard', 'non-voluntary euthanasia'}",Relation,regulations,regulation,negative,"risks of euthanasia causing disabled to be viewed as ""valueless""",euthanasia|disability|risk,good,"disabled people, society, patients, families, disabled" against,Not safe to let citizens do electric car quick-charging,{'electric vehicle'},{'electric car'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Britain never secretly agreed to give Falklands to Argentina,"{'argentina', 'falkland islands', 'united kingdom'}","{'argentina', 'falkland islands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Nuclear deal could backfire if India becomes a foe of the US.,"{'joint comprehensive plan of action', 'india', 'nuclear power'}",{'india'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Government can adequately regulate euthanasia in cases involving disabled,"{'euthanasia', 'precedent', 'government', 'disability', 'regulation'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,New electric car batteries allow for charging in minutes.,"{'electric vehicle battery', 'electric car'}","{'electric vehicle battery', 'minute of arc'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,UK planned to give the Falkland Islands to Argentina,"{'argentina', 'falkland islands', 'united kingdom'}","{'argentina', 'falkland islands', 'united kingdom'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"An independent Scotland may benefit economically from the reduced English exploitation of Scottish natural resources, which may be disproportionately used for the benefit of England:","{'may 1968 events in france', 'scottish people', 'scottish independence', 'welfare', 'england', 'kingdom of scotland', 'economics'}","{'exploitation', 'scottish people', 'scottish independence', 'england', 'natural resource', 'english language'}",Relation,an independent scotland,scottish independence|kingdom of scotland,positive,england economy,economics|exploitation|england|natural resource,good,"england economy, scotland, economy" for,US-India nuclear deal forges a strategic partnership,{'nuclear weapon'},{'strategic partnership'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Trained physicians are qualified to aid patients in decision to die,"{'physician', 'decision-making', 'training', 'death'}","{'physician', 'patient', 'training'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electric vehicles produce less noise than internal combustion engines.,{'internal combustion engine'},"{'electric vehicle', 'internal combustion engine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Euthanasia gives too much power to doctors to kill,"{'euthanasia', 'murder', 'physician'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'doctor of the church', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The US and India have a history of peaceful nuclear relations.,"{'international relations', 'nuclear weapon', 'india', 'peace'}","{'human sexual activity', 'india'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Vernet and his settlers had British permission to be on the islands.,"{'luis vernet', 'falkland islands', 'british empire'}","{'settler', 'british people', 'permission (philosophy)', 'island'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The difference in voting patterns between the Scots and the English unfortunately mean that the latter have more say than the former regarding the formation of British governments in general elections.,"{'scots language', 'heraldry', 'kingdom of england'}","{'scottish people', 'general election', 'government of the united kingdom', 'pattern (architecture)', 'organization', 'english language', 'conflict (process)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Regenerative braking systems reduce braking dusts.,{'regenerative brake'},"{'dust', 'brake', 'regenerative brake'}",Relation,regenerative braking systems,regenerative brake,negative,braking dusts,dust|brake,good,"cars, reduction of braking dusts, wheels, drivers,, environment, public health, governments, entrepreneurs" against,Euthanasia violates the guiding principle of medical ethics is to do no harm,"{'euthanasia', 'principle', 'medical ethics'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'principle', 'medical ethics', 'harm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"In the 1771 agreement both the UK and Spain, respected each others claim for the islands","{'spain', 'united kingdom'}","{'island', 'spain'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Libertarians cooperate with many non right wing organizations,"{'libertarianism', 'cooperation', 'right-wing politics', 'organization'}",{'organization'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US nuclear industry would benefit from nuclear deal with India.,"{'joint comprehensive plan of action', 'india', 'welfare', 'nuclear power'}","{'india', 'nuclear power'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Silent electric cars can be a safety hazard.,"{'safety', 'hazard', 'electric car'}","{'occupational safety and health', 'electric car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Doctors are obligated to reduce patient suffering by enabling euthanasia,"{'suffering', 'euthanasia', 'reductionism', 'patient', 'physician', 'obligation'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'patient', 'doctor of the church'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,People should not be forced to interact with a government,set(),"{'people', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Lighter electric cars can be more vulnerable in collisions.,{'electric car'},"{'collision', 'electric car', 'pyrotechnic initiator'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Nootka Sound Convention does not apply to UK in Falklands.,"{'falkland islands', 'nootka convention', 'united kingdom'}","{'falkland islands', 'nootka convention', 'united kingdom'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Safeguards apply only to fissile materials produced after the agreement.,"{'fissile material', 'iaea safeguards'}","{'fissile material', 'safeguard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Making all government interaction voluntary would cause a huge increase in crime,"{'crime', 'voluntary association', 'causality', 'government', 'social relation'}","{'administration (government)', 'interaction', 'crime'}",Relation,making all government interaction voluntary,government|voluntary association,positive,a huge increase in crime,crime,bad,"society, government, society, public safety, police officers, government, safety, society, society, crime rates" against,Physicians can never be obligated to facilitate euthanasia,"{'euthanasia', 'obligation'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'physician'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electric cars fight global warming better than hybrids.,"{'hybrid electric vehicle', 'global warming'}","{'electric car', 'hybrid (gary numan album)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Peru vocally supports the Argentinian claim to the Falklands.,"{'argentina', 'falkland islands', 'peru'}","{'argentine people', 'falkland islands', 'peru'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"In 65 years of the United Nations, Argentina has failed to get any substantial support","{'argentina', 'united nations'}","{'year', 'united nations', 'argentina'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electric cars can utilize existing grid,"{'electrical grid', 'can bus', 'electric car'}","{'grid (graphic design)', 'electric car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Sending nuclear fuel to India frees its own uranium for more bombs.,"{'uranium', 'nuclear fuel cycle', 'nuclear weapon', 'india'}","{'uranium', 'bomb', 'nuclear fuel', 'india'}",Relation,sending nuclear fuel to india,india|nuclear fuel,positive,frees its own uranium for more bombs,uranium|nuclear weapon|bomb|india,NoAgreement, for,"Euthanasia doctors don""t ""kill"", they help individuals die who want to","{'euthanasia', 'physician', 'boss (crime)'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'doctor of the church', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Mercosur supports Argentinas claim to the Malvinas,"{'mercosur', 'north borneo dispute', 'falkland islands'}","{'argentina', 'mercosur'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electric vehicles would place great strain on electric grids.,"{'electric power transmission', 'electric vehicle'}","{'electric vehicle', 'electric power system', 'deformation (mechanics)'}",Relation,electric vehicles,electric vehicle,positive,great strain on electric grids,electric power system,bad,"electric grids, electric grids, consumers, environment, power grid, citizens, utilities, electric grids" against,People can not always be trusted to make the right choices,"{'rights', 'canadian albums chart', 'choice'}",{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Doctors are often put into an impossible position of denying requests to assist in suicide.,{'suicide'},"{'doctor of the church', 'suicide'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A US-India nuclear deal will gut the NPT.,"{'treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons', 'nuclear weapon', 'joint comprehensive plan of action'}",{'gut (anatomy)'},Relation,us-india nuclear deal,nuclear weapon|treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons,negative,the npt,treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons,bad,"npt, npt, society, humanity, npt" for,Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez supports Argentinas claim to the Malvinas.,"{'hugo chávez', 'mineral rights', 'falkland islands'}","{'argentina', 'hugo chávez'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Libertarians oppose all restrictions on freedom of speech,"{'regulation', 'freedom of speech', 'libertarianism'}",{'freedom of speech'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If an individual doctor opposes euthanasia, another one can perform the procedure.",{'euthanasia'},"{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'doctor of the church', 'procedure (term)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is important for society to set some moral boundaries.,"{'society', 'morality'}","{'society', 'boundary (real estate)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The US-India nuclear deal helps protect both countries from China.,{'china'},{'administrative divisions of mexico'},Relation,the us-india nuclear deal,china,positive,protect both countries from,china,good,"us, india, us, india, foreign relations, united states, india, international relations, us, india" for,Eligibility for euthanasia requires that patients meet strict criteria.,{'euthanasia'},"{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'patient', 'technical standard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Islands have been British since 1833.,"{'great britain', 'falkland islands'}","{'british people', 'island'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electricity shortages in some regions make electric cars inadvisable.,"{'electricity generation', 'electric car', 'water security'}","{'energy crisis', 'region', 'electric car'}",Relation,electricity shortages,electricity generation,negative,electric cars,electric car,neutral, for,Libertarians call for repealing all laws regulating sex,"{'regulation', 'libertarianism', 'law'}","{'law', 'sex'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Difficult to ensure assisted suicide is voluntary,"{'euthanasia', 'volition (psychology)'}",{'assisted suicide'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legitimate negotiations over the Falklands must be done through UN.,"{'united nations', 'falkland islands'}",{'negotiation'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Giving India nuclear aid could spark a harmful rivalry with China.,"{'china', 'nuclear weapon', 'india'}","{'rivalry (economics)', 'cathay', 'india', 'aid'}",Relation,giving india nuclear aid,india|nuclear weapon,positive,harmful rivalry with china.,china|rivalry (economics),bad,"us, china, india, society, politics, india, world" against,Euthanasia will desensitize public to idea of killing to solve problems,"{'euthanasia', 'will and testament', 'idea', 'problem solving'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'problem', 'idea'}",Relation,euthanasia,euthanasia,positive,desensitize public to idea of killing to solve problems,problem solving,bad,"society, healthcare industry, patients, society, families, patients, victims, society" against,The Falklands have been continuously occupied by the UK since 1833.,{'falkland islands'},{'united kingdom'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Modernizing grid will accommodate new renewable electricity.,"{'electrical grid', 'modernization theory', 'renewable energy'}","{'grid (graphic design)', 'renewable energy'}",Relation,modernizing grid,electrical grid|modernization theory,positive,new renewable electricity,renewable energy,good,"society, people, environment, renewable energy, environment, society, environment, environment, society, ecology, environment, society, consumers" for,People should be able to choose.,set(),{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US-India nuclear deal could cause Pakistan to seek similar deal elsewhere.,"{'pakistan', 'nuclear weapon', 'joint comprehensive plan of action', 'social issue'}",set(),Relation,us-india nuclear deal,nuclear weapon,positive,pakistan to seek similar deal elsewhere,pakistan,neutral, against,Electric cars use coal-electricity and add to global warming.,{'global warming'},{'electric car'},Relation,electric cars,electric car,positive,global warming,global warming,bad,"environment, environment, climate change is bad, environment, global warming" for,"Third party euthanasia regulators can ensure against abuse (family, doctor...)","{'euthanasia', 'family medicine', 'party (law)'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'doctor of the church', 'abuse', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,People need government to prevent them from making mistakes.,set(),"{'error', 'people', 'administration (government)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US-India nuclear deal alienates Pakistan (does not have a deal).,"{'pakistan', 'nuclear weapon', 'joint comprehensive plan of action'}",set(),Relation,us-india nuclear deal,joint comprehensive plan of action,positive,alienates pakistan,pakistan,NoAgreement, for,Government is corrupt and works against the interests of the people,"{'political corruption', 'government'}","{'administration (government)', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Dutch doctors have abused legal euthanasia in their country,"{'euthanasia', 'child abuse', 'law', 'dutch language'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'doctor of the church', 'administrative divisions of mexico', 'dutch language'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Clean coal"" can generate cleaner electricity for electric cars.","{'electricity generation', 'clean coal', 'electricity', 'electric car'}","{'clean coal', 'electricity', 'electric car'}",Relation,"""clean coal""",clean coal,positive,cleaner electricity for electric cars,electricity|electric car|electricity generation,good,"environment, people, environment, environment, society, environment" against,Libertarianism abandons the social contract and Western political thought,"{'libertarianism (metaphysics)', 'social contract', 'western world', 'political philosophy'}","{'western (genre)', 'social contract', 'libertarianism', 'political philosophy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Secret voting systems allow for employer abuses.,"{'voting system', 'secret ballot', 'child abuse', 'employment'}","{'voting system', 'secret ballot', 'abuse'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Euthanasia is driven by a cynical desire to cut health care costs,"{'euthanasia', 'health care', 'health care prices'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'health care prices', 'desire'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,People will receive money from families.,{'family'},"{'people', 'money', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electric cars increase local coal emissions,"{'local food', 'air pollution', 'fossil-fuel power station', 'electric car'}","{'coal', 'electric car'}",Relation,electric cars,electric car,positive,local coal emissions,air pollution|coal,bad,"coal emissions is bad for environment, the environment, environment, global warming, environment, public health" for,Euthanasia would reduce health care costs,"{'euthanasia', 'health care', 'health care prices'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'health care prices'}",Relation,euthanasia,euthanasia,negative,health care costs,health care prices,good,"patients, people who need healthcare, taxpayers, health care subscribers" for,People will receive money from charities.,"{'person', 'will and testament', 'money', 'charity (practice)'}","{'people', 'money', 'charity (practice)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The ill will feel pressure to seek euthanasia to avoid burdening family,{'euthanasia'},"{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'pressure', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,EFCA gives employees equal access to injunctive relief,set(),{'cease and desist'},Relation,efca,,positive,employees equal access to injunctive relief,,good,"employees, society, employees, employees" for,Electric cars can be combined with regenerative braking.,{'regenerative brake'},{'electric car'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most people that believe euthanasia is wrong never sat by a bed side.,"{'euthanasia', 'person', 'wrongdoing', 'belief'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'bed', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Even coal-powered electric cars pollute less than gasoline cars.,"{'pollution', 'gasoline', 'electric car'}","{'railroad car', 'gasoline', 'electric car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,EFCA opens door to intimidation of union holdouts,set(),"{'trade union', 'door'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Family members may oppose the decision of a loved one to be euthanized.,"{'voices of animals and men', 'animal euthanasia', 'the loved one (film)'}",{'family'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,People are obligated to offer support to others when it is a matter of survival,"{'matter (philosophy)', 'sympathy', 'obligation', 'person', 'life'}","{'matter', 'people', 'support (structure)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electric cars can slash greenhouse gas emissions.,"{'greenhouse gas', 'slash (punctuation)', 'electric car'}","{'greenhouse gas', 'electric car'}",Relation,electric cars,electric car,negative,greenhouse gas emissions,greenhouse gas,good,"the environment, humankind, greenhouse gas emissions, environment, people" for,People can be trusted to make right environmental choices,"{'rights', 'environmentalism', 'trust (emotion)', 'choice', 'person'}",{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Families will abuse euthanasia merely to reduce family strains.,"{'euthanasia', 'will and testament', 'family'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'deformation (mechanics)', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Employee Free Choice Act favors one-sided union pitches,"{'employee free choice act', 'free will'}","{'employee free choice act', 'pitch (music)', 'trade union'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Legalizing euthanasia would allow more open family dialogue on the choice.,"{'euthanasia', 'family'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'family', 'dialogue'}",Relation,legalizing euthanasia,euthanasia,positive,more open family dialogue on the choice,family|dialogue,good,"families, patients, family, families, patients, patient, family, doctor, society" for,Electric cars will get cleaner with more renewable sources,set(),"{'electric car', 'renewable energy'}",Relation,more renewable sources,renewable energy,positive,electric cars will get cleaner,electric car,good,"environment, environment, environment, cities, citizens, electric cars" against,"Employers have been pressured to ""voluntarily"" adopt card-checking","{'adoption', 'employment'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Libertarianism would allow individuals to own and destroy the environment,"{'libertarianism', 'environmentalism'}",{'libertarianism (metaphysics)'},Relation,libertarianism,libertarianism,positive,individuals to own and destroy the environment,environmentalism,bad,"environment, environment, public health, society, earth, society, planet, environment, future generations, society" against,Employers rarely violate the law during union organizing campaigns,"{'union organizer', 'political campaign', 'law', 'employment'}","{'campaign (magazine)', 'law', 'union organizer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Individuals have the right to appropriate natural resources.,"{'natural resource', 'rights'}","{'natural resource', 'rights', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Religious opposition to Euthanasia should not be considered in law,"{'euthanasia', 'law', 'religion'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electric cars will have a negligible impact on emissions.,set(),"{'impact (mechanics)', 'electric car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,EFCA allows employers or employees to seek negotiation mediation,"{'negotiation', 'mediation', 'employment'}","{'mediation', 'negotiation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Domestic electricity is required for electric cars to replace gasoline.,"{'electricity', 'gasoline', 'electric car'}","{'electric car', 'electricity', 'gasoline', 'domestic worker'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Libertarians overlook that government/law exist to preserve rights.,"{'rights', 'law', 'government', 'libertarianism', 'constitutional law'}",{'rights'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Opposition to euthanasia is not supported only be religious arguments,"{'euthanasia', 'religion'}",{'non-voluntary euthanasia'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Britain offered to take Argentinas claim to the Falklands to the ICJ.,"{'british empire', 'international court of justice', 'north borneo dispute', 'falkland islands'}","{'argentina', 'international court of justice', 'falkland islands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,EFCA preserves employee choice with majority sign-up voting,"{'card check', 'utility'}",{'card check'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Individuals are entirely free, except to violate the freedoms of others",set(),{'individual'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electric cars reduce dependencies on foreign oil.,"{'electric vehicle', 'petroleum'}","{'north american energy independence', 'electric car'}",Relation,electric cars,electric vehicle|electric car,negative,dependencies on foreign oil,petroleum|north american energy independence,good,"economy, consumers, environment, environment, society, us economy, environment, environment" for,Euthanasia can only be performed after exhausting palliative options,"{'euthanasia', 'palliative care'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'choice'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The British were the first to settle in the Falkland Islands.,"{'british empire', 'falkland islands'}","{'british people', 'falkland islands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electric car maintenance costs have fallen,{'electric car'},"{'preventive maintenance', 'auto maintenance', 'electric car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"EFCA strengthens workers"" ability and right to unionize","{'working class', 'trade union', 'right-wing politics'}",{'rights'},Relation,efca,trade union,positive,ability and right to unionize,working class|trade union|rights,good,"workers, workers, workers, society, workers" against,"Individuals must cede some rights to gain collective, democratic power","{'democracy', 'collectivism'}","{'rights', 'individual', 'power (social and political)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,There is no reason why euthanasia would damage palliative care,"{'euthanasia', 'palliative care', 'brain damage'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'intellect', 'palliative care'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Individuals have a right to own themselves with full independence.,{'independence'},"{'rights', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,EFCA card checking campaigns can be unreliable and illegitimate,set(),"{'card check', 'political campaign'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There was no binding universal international law in the 1800s that supports Argentinas inheritance claim and plenty of evidence to support Britains,"{'inheritance', 'contract', 'evidence (law)', 'universal newsreel'}","{'evidence', 'united kingdom', 'argentina', '1800', 'heritage (armenia)', 'international law'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electric cars are too expensive to be viable,"{'electric vehicle', 'environmental economics'}",{'electric car'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Assisted suicide increases interest in improving end-of-life care,"{'end-of-life care', 'interest (emotion)', 'assisted suicide'}","{'end-of-life care', 'assisted suicide'}",Relation,assisted suicide,assisted suicide,positive,interest in improving end-of-life care,end-of-life care,good,"society, healthcare, sick people, seniors, sick people, dying people, society, patients, families, society, human living condition, patients, their families, medical professionals" against,EFCA would foster the creation of unions workers may not want,{'working class'},{'trade union'},Relation,efca,trade union,positive,the creation of unions workers may not want,working class|trade union,bad,"workers, workers, union workers, working class people" for,People choose best for themselves; they should have a right to this choice.,{'rights'},"{'people', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Argentina-UK relations will be strained until the Falklands are returned.,{'argentina–united kingdom relations'},"{'argentina–united kingdom relations', 'falkland islands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Euthanasia can be appropriate when a person is no longer themselves.,{'euthanasia'},"{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Libertarianism offers voters an important political alternative.,"{'voting', 'libertarianism', 'political philosophy', 'alternative media'}",{'libertarianism'},Relation,libertarianism,libertarianism,positive,an important political alternative,voting|political philosophy,good,"voters, elections, society, voters, politics" for,Electric cars often achieve 90% energy conversion efficiency.,"{'energy conversion efficiency', 'electric car'}","{'energy conversion efficiency', 'electric car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,EFCA would be costly to companies and workers,"{'company', 'employment'}","{'laborer', 'company'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"People should not be euthanized because they are in a ""drugged state"" ","{'euthanasia', 'substance abuse', 'people (magazine)'}",{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Returning the Falklands to Argentina would improve US-relations with the region.,"{'djibouti', 'argentina', 'falkland islands'}","{'region', 'argentina', 'falkland islands'}",Relation,returning the falklands to argentina,argentina|falkland islands,positive,us-relations with the region,region,good,"international relation, us, falkland society, government, international relations, argentina, us, argentina" for,"Libertarians would decriminalize many crimes, so reduce ""crime"".","{'reductionism', 'libertarianism', 'decriminalization', 'crime'}","{'libertarianism', 'crime'}",Relation,libertarians,libertarianism,positive,,,neutral, against,EFCA would force employers to campaign year-round,"{'advocacy group', 'employment'}",set(),Relation,efca,advocacy group,positive,employers to campaign year-round,employment,NoAgreement, against,Euthanasia is falsely based on the idea that the ill can lose their identity,"{'euthanasia', 'idea', 'identity (philosophy)'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'idea', 'personal identity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Electric vehicles are lighter so require less energy.,"{'energy', 'electric vehicle'}","{'electric vehicle', 'thermodynamic free energy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Libertarianism would give criminals an immunity from loss,"{'legal immunity', 'libertarianism', 'crime'}",{'libertarianism'},Relation,libertarianism,libertarianism,positive,criminals an immunity from loss,legal immunity,neutral, for,British possession of the Falklands causes tension and risks war.,"{'stress (biology)', 'british overseas territories', 'risk', 'british empire', 'war'}","{'british people', 'stress (biology)', 'warfare', 'hazard', 'ownership', 'falkland islands'}",Relation,british possession of the falklands,british overseas territories|falkland islands|british empire,positive,tension and,warfare|risk|war,bad,"british occupation, world growth, falklands, britain, society, government, falklands, international relations, safety" for,"Too many workers want to unionize but can""t currently","{'working class', 'trade union'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Forcing a person to stay on life support in excruciating pain is cruel,{'in the lonely hour'},{'individual'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Moon colonization satisfies human desire to explore,{'moon'},"{'colonization of the moon', 'desire'}",Relation,moon colonization,colonization of the moon,positive,human desire to explore,desire,good,"human, humans, human desire to explore, humans, society" for,Brits now dominate the Malvinas; self-determination cannot apply,{'self-determination'},"{'self-determination', 'falkland islands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,In a libertarian society people would feel more responsible for their actions,"{'feeling', 'social actions', 'society', 'libertarianism', 'person'}","{'society', 'people'}",Relation,libertarian society,libertarianism|society,positive,more responsible for their actions,people|feeling,good,"people, society, humanity, society, responsibility, fairness and justice in society" against,Unions are dwindling because few workers care to join,"{'health care', 'trade union', 'employment'}",{'trade union'},Relation,few workers care to join,employment,positive,unions are dwindling,trade union,neutral, against,Libertarian economics runs contrary to modern economic theory.,"{'economic liberalism', 'libertarianism', 'economics'}",{'economic liberalism'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Individuals have a right to die when life becomes excruciating or undignified,"{'right to die', 'life', 'dignity'}","{'right to die', 'life'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Modern economics calls for case-by-case government intervention,{'economics'},"{'political economy', 'economic interventionism'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Falkland Islands adopted a motion to remain British in 1977.,"{'british empire', 'falkland islands'}","{'presidencies and provinces of british india', 'motion (physics)', 'falkland islands'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,EFCA raises penalties on employers violating unionization laws,"{'trade union', 'law', 'sanctions (law)', 'employment'}","{'penal damages', 'law'}",Relation,efca,,positive,penalties on employers violating unionization laws,penal damages|law,neutral, against,Free marketeers deduce from a false premise that markets explain humans,"{'deductive reasoning', 'false premise'}","{'free market', 'humans (noon universe)', 'false premise'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If Euthanasia is for 6-month terminal patients, why not let them live it out?","{'euthanasia', 'live it out', 'terminal illness'}","{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'terminal illness'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Moonbase would be ideal staging area for space exploration,set(),"{'space exploration', 'colonization of the moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Argentina can claim Malvinas and uphold the way of life of inhabitants.,{'argentina'},"{'argentina', 'modus vivendi'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Libertarians cooperate with many left wing organizations,"{'left-wing politics', 'libertarianism', 'cooperation', 'organization'}",{'organization'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If Internet access is a right, so would be news","{'internet service provider', 'news', 'internet'}","{'access is', 'internet access', 'rights', 'news'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Life is an intrinsic good that cannot be traded in to end suffering,"{'suffering', 'intrinsic value (ethics)', 'personal life'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,All people joining the Libertarian party a required to confirm they are Libertarian.,{'libertarian party (united states)'},"{'political party', 'people', 'libertarian party (united states)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Falkland Islanders have a right to self-determination,"{'falkland islanders', 'self-determination'}",{'self-determination'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There are too few practical reasons to colonize the Moon,"{'colonialism', 'pragmatism', 'moon'}","{'practical reason', 'moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Euthanasia is better than non-treatment ways to shorten lives and end suffering,"{'euthanasia', 'intrinsic value (ethics)', 'suffering'}",{'non-voluntary euthanasia'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Internet access must be a right in an edemocracy,"{'internet access', 'e-democracy', 'internet'}","{'internet access', 'rights', 'e-democracy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Libertarian Party only exists to promote libertarianism,"{'libertarianism', 'libertarian party (united states)'}","{'political party', 'libertarianism', 'libertarian party (united states)'}",Relation,the libertarian party,libertarian party (united states),positive,libertarianism,libertarianism,neutral, against,The vast majority of Falkland Islanders want to remain British.,"{'falkland islanders', 'british people'}","{'falkland islanders', 'british people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Life can be prolonged unnaturally; euthanasia is a necessary cut-off option,{'euthanasia'},"{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'option contract'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Internet access is essential now; must be a right,"{'internet access', 'internet'}","{'access is', 'internet access', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Anyone can laugh, (almost) anytime",set(),{'laughter'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Moonbase could be used to launch rockets on mission to Mars.,"{'mission to mars', 'the moonbase', 'mars', 'rocket'}","{'mission to mars (novel)', 'launch vehicle', 'colonization of the moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Individuals have a right to hasten death, not merely to refuse treatment","{'joseph e. hasten', 'waste'}","{'death', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If the internet is a right, then drugs should be a right",{'library'},"{'cyberspace', 'drug', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Spains prerogative to complain about Britains actions in 1833 not Argentinas.,"{'roman britain', 'lawsuit'}","{'united kingdom', 'spain', 'privilege (social inequality)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Only conscious people can laugh,"{'person', 'consciousness', 'laughter'}","{'people', 'laughter'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Colonizing the Moon would test new technologies along with testing space colonization.,"{'emerging technologies', 'nuclear weapons testing', 'space colonization', 'research and development', 'moon'}","{'space colonization', 'emerging technologies', 'colonization of the moon'}",Relation,colonizing the moon,colonization of the moon,positive,test new technologies,emerging technologies,good,"business, economy, science, technology, space exploration, society, technology" against,"While a right to refuse treatment may exist, a right to assisted suicide does not",{'euthanasia'},"{'involuntary treatment', 'rights', 'assisted suicide'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Internet ""right"" means denying parents"" ability to set limits.","{'parent', 'rights', 'set (mathematics)', 'internet'}","{'parent', 'cyberspace', 'rights'}",Relation,"internet ""right""",rights|internet,positive,"denying parents"" ability to set limits",parent,bad,"parents, parents" for,Laughter leaves no high toxic waste,{'hazardous waste'},{'toxic waste'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The mother generally considers her fetus to be her ""unborn baby"", waiting to enter the world, assigning it equal value as a born baby.","{'infant', 'fetus', 'egalitarianism', 'prenatal development', 'mother', 'value (ethics)'}","{'infant', 'value (personal and cultural)', 'fetus', 'macrocosm and microcosm', 'prenatal development', 'mother'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Moon base would spark public interest in Mars mission.,"{'exploration of mars', 'mars'}","{'public interest', 'mars orbiter mission', 'colonization of the moon'}",Relation,moon base,colonization of the moon,positive,public interest in mars mission,exploration of mars|mars orbiter mission|mars|public interest,good,"mars mission, space exploration, astronauts,nasa, space exploration, society, increases chance of mars mission, society" against,Laughter overdose may result in a serious injury,"{'major trauma', 'drug overdose', 'laughter'}","{'drug overdose', 'injury'}",Relation,laughter overdose,laughter,positive,serious injury,injury|major trauma,bad,"people laughing, person, laughter, the individual" for,Removing life support causes an excruciating death; euthanasia is more humane,"{'euthanasia', 'death', 'humanism', 'causality', 'life support'}","{'death', 'life support', 'non-voluntary euthanasia'}",Relation,removing life support,life support,positive,an excruciating death,death,bad,"patients, patients being taken off of life support, dying, patients, family members, society" against,"Internet access is no right, but means of entertainment.","{'internet access', 'entertainment', 'internet'}","{'access is', 'internet access', 'entertainment', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Withdrawing life-support should not be to end life, but for other purposes",set(),"{'life support', 'intention'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Generally, for those that believe that a human life and person is begun upon conception,","{'life', 'human', 'fertilisation', 'belief'}","{'generally', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Government subsidies can help achieve universal access.,{'subsidy'},{'subsidy'},Relation,government subsidies,subsidy,positive,universal access,,good,"people, citizens, people" for,Moon colony could be safeguard against asteroids,"{'asteroid', 'moon'}","{'asteroid', 'colonization of the moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"When life can only continue ""unnaturally"", ""unnatural"" euthanasia is OK",{'euthanasia'},{'non-voluntary euthanasia'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama would be older than many past presidents,"{'president of the united states', 'barack obama'}",{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Dignity of human life must override any individual will to be euthanized,"{'euthanasia', 'dignity', 'will and testament', 'life', 'human'}",{'dignity'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The fetus can feel pain, thus making the processes used in partial birth abortion barbarous.","{'suffering', 'fetus', 'intact dilation and extraction'}","{'fetus', 'mental process', 'intact dilation and extraction', 'pain'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Other taxpayers must pay for right to Internet,{'tax'},"{'cyberspace', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Colonizing Moon will improve cooperation between countries,"{'free will', 'colonization', 'nation', 'moon'}","{'cooperation', 'administrative divisions of mexico'}",Relation,colonizing moon,colonization|moon,positive,cooperation between countries,cooperation|nation,good,"countries, international affairs, government, space industry, countries, international relations, international relations, space exploration, countries, world" for,Obama is simply too young to be president,"{'president of the united states', 'barack obama'}",{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Nobody has the right to take anothers life, including with euthanasia",{'euthanasia'},"{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Territorial claims on the Moon will become a source of conflict.,"{'oregon territory', 'land claim', 'moon'}","{'territorial dispute', 'engagement (military)'}",Relation,territorial claims on the moon,land claim|territorial dispute|moon,positive,conflict,engagement (military)|land claim|territorial dispute,bad,"people on the moon, society, the world, society, peace, stability, society" for,Right to Internet may only mean right to avoid govt censorship.,"{'censorship', 'government', 'internet'}","{'censorship', 'cyberspace', 'state (polity)', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama is 46 and plenty old enough to be president,{'barack obama'},{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is a moral duty to attempt to prevent suicide in general; euthanasia too.,"{'euthanasia', 'suicide prevention', 'suicide'}","{'suicide prevention', 'obligation', 'non-voluntary euthanasia'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The collapsing of the skull of the ""partially born"" fetus is necessary to prevent pain and the risk of damage to the woman.","{'human skull', 'fetus', 'pain'}","{'woman', 'price', 'fetus', 'pain', 'hazard', 'skull'}",Relation,"the collapsing of the skull of the ""partially born"" fetus",fetus|skull,negative,pain and the risk of damage to the woman.,woman|pain|hazard,NoAgreement, for,Majority of people believe Internet is a human right,"{'people', 'belief', 'human rights', 'majority', 'internet'}","{'human rights', 'cyberspace', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Artificial gravity can overcome health risks on Moonbase.,{'artificial gravity'},"{'hazard', 'health', 'artificial gravity'}",Relation,artificial gravity,artificial gravity,negative,health risks on moonbase,health,good,"humans, moonbase, moonbase, health" for,McCain will put country first in solving challenges in US,{'john mccain'},"{'mccain (surname)', 'john mccain presidential campaign, 2008'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There is no comparison between a presumed right to die and other rights,"{'euthanasia', 'rights', 'presumption'}","{'right to die', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Moonbase advances knowledge of human viability on alien planets.,"{'knowledge', 'human', 'natural selection', 'exoplanet', 'extraterrestrial life', 'planet', 'the moonbase'}","{'cognition', 'planet'}",Relation,moonbase,the moonbase,positive,knowledge of human viability on alien planets,knowledge|human|planet,good,"space exploration, science, humanity, science, human knowledge, society, knowledge, human viability, human knowledge, science" for,NGVs can be refueled anywhere from existing natural gas lines.,"{'natural gas', 'natural gas vehicle', 'pipeline transport'}","{'natural gas vehicle', 'pipeline transport'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The infants rights begin only after the fetus is removed from the mothers body and its umbilical cord cut.,"{'infant', 'fetus', 'cousin', ""women's rights"", 'human body', 'mother', 'wound', 'umbilical cord'}","{'rights', 'infant', 'fetus', 'umbilical cord', 'mother', 'physical body'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obamas charisma and persuasiveness help rally people around actions.,{'rally for the people'},"{'charisma (magazine)', 'people', 'barack obama'}",Relation,obamas charisma and persuasiveness,barack obama|charisma (magazine),positive,rally people around actions,people|rally for the people,good,"people, actions, america, obama, society, public" against,Children would not develop properly in low-gravity Moon colony,"{'moon', 'weightlessness'}","{'child', 'colonization of the moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,An analogy could be appropriately drawn to the methods for conducting capital punishment.,"{'analogy', 'capital punishment'}","{'capital punishment', 'summons'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama inspires people to become better citizens.,"{'person', 'citizenship in the united states', 'barack obama'}","{'people', 'barack obama'}",Relation,obama,barack obama,positive,people to become better citizens,person|citizenship in the united states|people,good,"people, country, citizens, united states, society, politics" for,Low-gravity Moon would be healthier for elderly,{'moon'},"{'moon', 'weightlessness'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Natural gas will decrease price of oil and coal and increase consumption.,"{'natural gas', 'coal', 'consumption (economics)'}","{'natural gas', 'price of petroleum', 'consumption (economics)', 'coal'}",Relation,natural gas,natural gas,negative,price of oil and coal,price of petroleum|coal,neutral, for,Obama made too many campaign promises to fulfill them all,"{'political campaign', 'barack obama', 'election promise'}","{'election promise', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"A ban on partial birth abortions would stop other even more ""gruesome"" forms of late term abortions.",{'intact dilation and extraction'},"{'late termination of pregnancy', 'mourvèdre', 'intact dilation and extraction'}",Relation,a ban on partial birth abortions,late termination of pregnancy,negative,"other even more ""gruesome"" forms of late term abortions",late termination of pregnancy,good,"babies, society, women, fetuses, society, anti-abortion activists" for,Natural gas can help smooth the transition to renewable energy.,"{'compressed natural gas', 'renewable energy'}","{'natural gas', 'jerrycan', 'renewable energy'}",Relation,natural gas,natural gas,positive,smooth the transition to renewable energy,renewable energy,good,"environment, society, environment, environment, future generations, society, environment" for,Criminalizing euthanasia violates the right to equal protection,{'euthanasia'},"{'non-voluntary euthanasia', 'right to equal protection'}",Relation,criminalizing euthanasia,euthanasia,negative,the right to equal protection,right to equal protection,good,"citizens, equality, freedom, society, people" for,Moon colony would feel comforted by site of large Earth.,"{'earth', 'moon'}","{'earth', 'sita (waste management company)', 'colonization of the moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A blanket ban on partial birth abortions may make it impossible to save a womans life in certain medical circumstances.,{'intact dilation and extraction'},"{'prince michael jackson ii', 'intact dilation and extraction', 'woman', 'ban (law)'}",Relation,a blanket ban on partial birth abortions,ban (law),negative,save a womans life in certain medical circumstances.,woman,bad,"women, pregnant women, women, doctors, women" for,The right to life includes a right to die.,"{'right to die', 'right to life'}","{'right to die', 'right to life'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama can help clean up economic mess Bush created,set(),{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Colonizing Moon will foster space commercialization,{'commercialization of space'},"{'commercialization of space', 'moon'}",Relation,colonizing moon,moon,positive,space commercialization,commercialization of space,neutral, for,Natural gas cars perform comparably to petrol cars,"{'natural gas', 'car', 'gasoline'}","{'natural gas vehicle', 'gasoline', 'railroad car'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,McCain offers the right kind of change,{'conservatism in the united states'},{'change (philosophy)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"When abortion is illegal , many women die or suffer serious medical problems from either self-induced or illegal ""back-alley"" abortions.","{'suffering', 'unsafe abortion', 'health care', 'prostitution', 'abortion', 'death', 'human trafficking', 'self-induced abortion'}","{'woman', 'problem', 'abortion'}",Relation,abortion is illegal,abortion,positive,women die,suffering|woman|death,bad,"women, society, health, women, public health, society, choice, society, woman's health, women, society, women, society" against,Unregulated natural gas car conversions can be dangerous,{'natural gas vehicle'},"{'conversion (chemistry)', 'natural gas vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Pregnancy detection methods and first term abortion options may also be sufficient provisions to women of the means to ""choose"" to determine the future of their bodies.","{'pregnancy test', 'future', 'physical body', 'abortion'}","{'woman', 'abortion', 'pregnancy test', 'means, motive, and opportunity', 'future', 'method (music)', 'option contract', 'physical body'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,McCain will fight corruption and clean-up Washington,"{'washington, d.c.'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Opponents of euthanasia erroneously argue that human death is always wrong; exceptions exist.,"{'euthanasia', 'argument'}",{'non-voluntary euthanasia'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Other common logistical and/or personal reasons might exist that make a first trimester abortion infeasible, and which may provide a sufficient circumstance for a woman to seek a late, partial birth abortion.","{'pregnancy', 'intact dilation and extraction', 'abortion'}","{'woman', 'motivos personales', 'intact dilation and extraction', 'abortion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Natural gas leaks dissipate quickly; pose little risk,{'natural gas'},"{'gas leak', 'hazard'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,McCain offers four more years of Bushs failed policies,{'john mccain'},"{'mccain (surname)', 'year'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Right to die allows opponents to not participate.,{'right to die'},{'right to die'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Colonized Moon could export mineral resources to Earth,"{'earth', 'mineral', 'export', 'colony', 'natural resource', 'moon'}","{'earth', 'mineral resource classification', 'colony', 'moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Certain medical conditions of the baby or mother that threaten the mothers health or life may develop later in a pregnancy making late-term abortion justified as a way to protect the mothers health.,"{'infant', 'late termination of pregnancy', 'justified (album)', 'by the way', 'pregnancy', 'mother', 'disease'}","{'infant', 'late termination of pregnancy', 'health', 'mode (literature)', 'life', 'mother', 'disease', 'gestation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Natural gas utilities have a long record of safety,{'natural gas'},"{'safety', 'archaeological record', 'public utility'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,It is more historic to elect the first black candidate than the first female candidate.,"{'candidate', 'first amendment to the united states constitution', 'african americans', 'election'}",{'candidate (degree)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Only McCain has actually made change happen,"{'franklin mccain', 'social change'}",{'change (philosophy)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Growing crops on the moon faces many difficult challenges.,{'moon face'},{'moon face'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The first female president would be just as good as the first black president.,{'president'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obama can help bridge gap between Muslim and Christian worlds,"{'christian', 'muslim'}","{'bridge', 'col', 'muslim', 'christendom', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Refueling will only be easy with a natural gas infrastructure.,"{'natural gas', 'infrastructure'}","{'natural gas', 'infrastructure'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The widespread availability of birth control options provide women with a sufficient ""choice"" to determine the future of their bodies.","{'birth control', 'future', 'choice', 'necessity and sufficiency', 'physical body'}","{'birth control', 'woman', 'future', 'option contract', 'accessibility', 'physical body'}",Relation,the widespread availability of birth control options,birth control,positive,to determine the future of their bodies,woman|choice|physical body,good,"women, women, women" against,It is more important to elect the first black candidate than the first female candidate.,"{'candidate', 'first amendment to the united states constitution', 'african americans', 'election'}",{'candidate (degree)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Colonizing the Moon would be too expensive to justify,set(),{'colonization of the moon'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Electing Obama will improve image of US as a tolerant nation,set(),"{'state (polity)', 'barack obama', 'image (mathematics)'}",Relation,electing obama,barack obama,positive,image of us as a tolerant nation,image (mathematics)|state (polity),good,"improve image of us, the usa, international relations, society, government, politics, world relations, us citizens, us government" against,The election of Hilary Clinton would cause America to appear dynastic,set(),"{'hillary rodham clinton', 'election'}",Relation,election of hilary clinton,hillary rodham clinton|election,positive,america to appear dynastic,election,bad,"image of united states, international relations, america, america, america, america, voters, society" against,Prolonging Iraq War will permanently damage US military,"{'will and testament', 'damages', 'iraq war'}","{'warfare', 'iraq', 'united states armed forces'}",Relation,prolonging iraq war,iraq war,positive,permanently damage us military,united states armed forces,bad,"war, economy, foreign affairs, us armed forces, us citizens, us military, society, international relations, us military, soldiers, us military" against,"""Slippery-slope"" argument that ""once ""fetal rights"" are granted to one stage of the pregnancy, nothing will prevent their extension to all stages"", which is argued as going too far.","{'pregnancy', 'fetal rights', 'free will'}","{'fetal rights', 'slippery slope', 'gestation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A colony at the Lunar north pole would avoid temperature extremes.,"{'temperature', 'lunar north pole', 'north pole'}","{'extreme (travel channel series)', 'temperature', 'lunar north pole', 'colony (the x-files)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If Clintons election would be dynastic, what about Bush II?",set(),"{'george w. bush', 'election'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Natural gas cars have a smaller range than gasoline engines.,"{'natural gas', 'car', 'gasoline', 'all-electric range'}","{'range (music)', 'natural gas vehicle', 'petrol engine'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,An early withdrawal from Iraq would be highly risky to exiting troops,"{'united states armed forces', 'iraq war'}",{'withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq'},Relation,early withdrawal from iraq,withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq,positive,risky to exiting troops,united states armed forces,bad,"military troops, u.s. military, americans, troops, army, soldiers, safety, us service persons, us military" against,Temperature extremes make colonizing the Moon very challenging.,"{'temperature', 'moon'}","{'temperature', 'colonization of the moon'}",Relation,temperature extremes,temperature,negative,colonizing the moon,colonization of the moon,bad,"nasa, people who want to colonize the moon, colonizing the moon" for,The majority of Americans oppose late term abortions.,"{'age of majority', 'late termination of pregnancy'}","{'late termination of pregnancy', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Bill Clinton would be a major national asset as the first man.,{'bill clinton'},"{'diane english', 'asset', 'bill clinton'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Existing gasoline-powered vehicles may be converted to CNG,"{'compressed natural gas', 'petrol engine', 'vehicle'}","{'compressed natural gas', 'vehicle'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A poor woman may also be more susceptible to late abortions for a variety of reasons.,{'abortion'},"{'variety (linguistics)', 'woman', 'intellect', 'late termination of pregnancy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Bill Clinton would wrongly act as a co-president along side Hilary Clinton.,{'bill clinton'},"{'hillary rodham clinton', 'bill clinton'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Most nations must import natural gas from abroad,"{'natural gas', 'import'}","{'natural gas', 'state (polity)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Clinton family drama should not be in the oval office again.,"{'oval office', 'drama'}","{'oval office', 'drama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Age as a stereotype that should not be used against McCain.,"{'stereotype', 'ageism'}","{'stereotype', 'old age'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Existing holes and lunar caves can serve as basis for a moon-base.,"{'the moonbase', 'moon'}","{'crystal structure', 'electron hole', 'cave'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There are certain exceptional cases which have been cited as circumstantially appropriate for a partial birth abortion.,{'intact dilation and extraction'},{'intact dilation and extraction'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"John McCain would likely ""lose his bearings"" while in office.",{'john mccain'},"{'government agency', 'john mccain', 'behavior'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Obamas African decent will win valuable points in the Muslim world.,"{'muslim', 'family of barack obama', 'muslim world'}","{'barack obama', 'muslim world'}",Relation,obamas african decent,family of barack obama|barack obama,positive,valuable points in the muslim world,muslim world|muslim,good,"obama, muslims, obama" for,Natural gas can cost much less than gasoline per gallon,"{'gasoline', 'compressed natural gas'}","{'natural gas', 'jerrycan', 'gallon', 'gasoline'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The proximity of the Moon to Earth makes it ideal to colonize,"{'earth', 'moon'}","{'earth', 'distance', 'moon'}",Relation,the proximity of the moon,earth|distance|moon,positive,ideal to colonize,moon,good,"explorers, colonists,, society, humanity, exploration" against,John McCain would be the oldest president ever to take office.,"{'president of the united states', 'john mccain'}",{'john mccain'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obamas inexperience could lead to ill-advised global policies.,set(),set(),Relation,obamas inexperience,,positive,ill-advised global,,bad,"america, citizens, world, global policies" against,"Responding to rape, a woman seeks and abortion.","{'woman', 'rape', 'abortion'}","{'woman', 'abortion'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A female president would be appropriately empathetic in her foreign policy.,{'foreign policy'},"{'president', 'foreign policy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,A colony at the Lunar north pole could rely on solar energy.,"{'solar energy', 'lunar north pole', 'north pole'}","{'solar energy', 'lunar north pole'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Modern US crises require McCains experience and steady hand,set(),"{'hand', 'crisis', 'didone (typography)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Clintons vote in the Iraq War was justifiable or at least excusable.,"{'planned parenthood', 'bill clinton', 'iraq war'}","{'iraq', 'warfare', 'voter turnout', 'bill clinton'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mother and/or family are impoverished and would not be able to support the new family entrant.,"{'poverty', 'mother', 'family', 'social support'}","{'new family organization', 'mother', 'family'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Natural gas vehicles have been around for decades,"{'natural gas vehicle', 'compressed natural gas'}","{'natural gas vehicle', 'decade'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A moon colony would be at extreme risk of meteor strikes.,{'gloster meteor'},"{'meteorite', 'extreme risk', 'colonization of the moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama lacks the experience necessary to be an effective president.,set(),"{'in a time lapse', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Compressed natural gas vehicles cost more,"{'cost of electricity by source', 'natural gas vehicle', 'compressed natural gas'}","{'natural gas vehicle', 'compressed natural gas'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Women may seek to abort having the child of a batterer.,"{'woman', 'child', 'abortion'}","{'woman', 'child'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,High demand can increase corn ethanol and gas prices,"{'natural gas', 'corn ethanol', 'andean community', 'gasoline and diesel usage and pricing'}","{'gasoline and diesel usage and pricing', 'corn ethanol', 'demand'}",Relation,high demand,demand,positive,increase corn ethanol and gas prices,gasoline and diesel usage and pricing|corn ethanol,bad,"society, environment, consumers" against,"Obama would be a fresh, uncorrupted face in the White House",{'white house'},"{'face', 'barack obama', 'white house'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Knowledge of Moon extensive; colonization adds little,"{'space colonization', 'moon'}","{'cognition', 'colonization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Female rape victims may be physically prevented by the rapist from seeking an abortion in the first term.,"{'woman', 'abortion', 'victimology', 'rape', 'pregnancy', 'physical abuse', 'first amendment to the united states constitution'}","{'abortion', 'effects and aftermath of rape', 'female'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Burning natural gas releases ultra-fine particles; a health risk.,"{'ultrafine particle', 'combustion', 'compressed natural gas'}","{'natural gas', 'ultrafine particle', 'health', 'release (music)', 'hazard'}",Relation,burning natural gas,natural gas|combustion,positive,health risk,ultrafine particle|health|hazard,bad,"environment, society, healthcare industry, environment, the environment, health, society, health, air quality, society" against,Corn ethanol cannot scale.,{'corn ethanol'},{'corn ethanol'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Partial-birth abortions are performed when fetal tissues are harder to dismember.,"{'fetus', 'tissue (biology)', 'dismemberment', 'intact dilation and extraction'}","{'tissue (biology)', 'intact dilation and extraction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corn ethanol contributes to soil erosion and runoff,"{'corn ethanol', 'surface runoff', 'soil erosion'}","{'corn ethanol', 'surface runoff'}",Relation,corn ethanol,corn ethanol,positive,soil erosion and runoff,surface runoff|soil erosion,bad,"environment, environment, farming, the soil and environment leeching" against,Obama can unify America to meet its challenges.,set(),"{'united states', 'barack obama'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Argument: Natural gas can be harmful and even poisonous to ingest,"{'jerrycan', 'compressed natural gas', 'mushroom poisoning'}","{'natural gas', 'jerrycan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corn ethanol acts as an antifreeze in the wintertime,"{'corn ethanol', 'antifreeze protein'}","{'corn ethanol', 'antifreeze', 'winter'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Contention that younger and poorer women are much more likely to have partial birth abortions due to lack of resources and information, making a ban on partial birth abortion socio-economically discriminatory.","{'information', ""women's rights"", 'socioeconomics', 'discrimination', 'intact dilation and extraction'}","{'woman', 'information', 'aporia', 'intact dilation and extraction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Britney Law woud create a slippery slope against freedom of press.,"{'slippery slope', 'freedom of the press'}","{'britney spears', 'slippery slope', 'law', 'freedom of the press'}",Relation,britney law,law,positive,slippery slope against freedom of press,slippery slope|freedom of the press,bad,"rights, society, freedom, press, press, society, press, freedom of press" for,McCain is a Maverick that places principle before party,"{'maverick county, texas'}",{'party (law)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The facts seem to bear-out the assertion that younger and poorer women are more likely to opt for partial birth abortions.,"{'intact dilation and extraction', ""women's rights""}","{'woman', 'intact dilation and extraction'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Modern engines have been made ethanol-compatible,set(),{'engine'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"The paparazzi acts illegally and against celebraties"" wishes - that is not legitimate.",{'paparazzi'},{'want'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Too few scientific reasons to colonize the Moon,{'moon'},"{'snow crash', 'moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obama is too liberal to unify America and act as president,"{'liberalism', 'president of the united states', 'barack obama'}",{'barack obama'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,John McCain has run a divisive campaign,{'john mccain'},"{'political campaign', 'john mccain'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If celebreties wanted to be chased around by the paparazzi, they would disapprove of the ""Britney Law."" ","{'paparazzi', 'britney spears'}","{'paparazzi', 'britney spears', 'law'}",Relation,wanted to be chased,britney spears|law|paparazzi,negative,the,law,neutral, against,Random sobriety tests amount to unreasonable searches,set(),{'entropy'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Rural people have high hopes for corn ethanol,{'corn ethanol'},"{'corn ethanol', 'hope (hawthorne heights ep)', 'rural area', 'people'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Moonbase will help answer remaining scientific questions,set(),{'theory'},Relation,moonbase,,positive,answer remaining scientific questions,theory,good,"science, travel, theory, answers questions, scientists, science, space exploration" against,Obama is willing to tell Americans uncomfortable truths,set(),"{'barack obama', 'americans'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,What the paparazzi do is illegal.,{'paparazzi (lady gaga song)'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many environmentalists oppose corn ethanol,"{'corn ethanol', 'environmentalism'}","{'corn ethanol', 'environmentalist'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Innocentdohave something to fear from unjust searches.,"{'justice', 'fear'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,McCain tried to circumvent campaign-finance rules he created,"{'united states house committee on rules', 'john mccain'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corn ethanol production demands too much oil to lower oil dependencies,"{'corn ethanol', 'crown dependencies'}","{'corn ethanol', 'energy security', 'oil'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Moon would be ideal site for a space observatory.,"{'space observatory', 'moon'}","{'space observatory', 'moon'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Random breath tests are an inconvenience and make people angry.,set(),"{'people', 'random checkpoint'}",Relation,random breath tests,random checkpoint,positive,people angry,people,bad,"people, people, society" against,A lot of celebrities actually encourage the paparazzi.,"{'paparazzi', 'celebrity'}","{'celebrity', 'land lot'}",Relation,celebrities,celebrity,positive,paparazzi,paparazzi,neutral, against,Random breath tests create slippery slope to expanding police powers,"{'police', 'slippery slope'}","{'slippery slope', 'random checkpoint'}",Relation,random breath tests,random checkpoint,positive,slippery slope to expanding police powers,police|slippery slope,bad,"society, perception of police, society, society, freedom" for,McCain has the integrity to place principle before politics.,"{'principle', 'integrity', 'politics'}","{'integrity', 'politics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corn ethanol will not be a significant substitute for oil,{'corn ethanol'},"{'corn ethanol', 'oil', 'substitute (cricket)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The paparazzi annoy many celebrities.,"{'paparazzi', 'celebrity'}","{'celebrity', 'annoyance'}",Relation,paparazzi,paparazzi,positive,celebrities,celebrity|annoyance,bad,"celebrities, celebrities, celebrities" against,"""Random"" breath tests likely to be implemented unequally",set(),"{'entropy', 'breath test'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corn ethanol increases the price of corn and related foods,"{'the price (angel)', 'corn ethanol', 'maize'}","{'corn ethanol', 'maize', 'food'}",Relation,corn ethanol,corn ethanol,positive,price of corn and related,the price (angel)|food,bad,"consumers, consumers, food prices rising" against,Enforcing existing laws will sufficiently protect celebrities,"{'will and testament', 'law'}","{'celebrity', 'law'}",Relation,enforcing existing laws,law,positive,protect celebrities,celebrity,good,"celebrities, celebrities, celebrities, celebrities" against,McCain will help fight inequality; McCain will not,{'will smith'},{'inequality (mathematics)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Police will use breath tests as excuse for unreasonable searches,"{'will and testament', 'police'}","{'constabulary', 'breath test', 'excuse (legal)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Random sobriety stops set-up unjust detection of other crimes,"{'fraud', 'justice', 'crime'}","{'dryness (taste)', 'crime'}",Relation,random sobriety stops,,positive,unjust detection of other crimes,crime,NoAgreement, for,Corn ethanol energy produces a net energy gain,"{'corn ethanol', 'net energy gain'}","{'corn ethanol', 'thermodynamic free energy', 'net energy gain'}",Relation,corn ethanol energy,corn ethanol,positive,net energy gain,net energy gain,good,"energy consumers, people who need energy, society, utilities, environment, people who are getting more energy, environment" against,Celebrities can avoid the media by staying at home.,"{'celebrity', 'mass media', 'home'}","{'celebrity', 'home'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Good use of police to cultivate awareness on drunk driving.,"{'environmentalism', 'driving under the influence'}","{'constabulary', 'awareness'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"McCain war record shows bravery, not wisdom","{'courage', 'wisdom'}","{'wisdom', 'warfare', 'archaeological record', 'courage'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Corn ethanol damages air quality and causes respiratory illnesses,"{'respiratory system', 'damages', 'bleeding', 'corn ethanol', 'air pollution', 'disease'}","{'corn ethanol', 'air pollution', 'respiratory disease'}",Relation,corn ethanol,corn ethanol,positive,air quality and causes respiratory,respiratory disease|air pollution,bad,"environment, public health, society, people, respiratory system, environment, society, air quality, health, society, health, safety, humans, animals, ecology" against,"""Britney law"" would wrongly hinge on whether an individual has celebrity status.",set(),"{'britney spears', 'masterpiece theatre (marianas trench album)', 'law', 'individual'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Random breath tests worthwhile; stop offenders, keep roads safe.",set(),"{'road', 'random checkpoint'}",Relation,random breath tests,random checkpoint,positive,roads safe,road,good,"commuters, drivers, motorists, drivers, commuters, catching offenders, road safety, public safety, drivers" against,Electing Barack Obama will advance racial equality,"{'barack obama', 'election'}","{'racial equality', 'barack obama'}",Relation,electing barack obama,barack obama|election,positive,advance racial equality,racial equality,good,"society, society, politics, society, american public" for,The paparazzi constantly invade the privacy of celebrities for photos.,"{'privacy', 'paparazzi', 'celebrity', 'photograph'}","{'privacy', 'celebrity', 'photograph'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Coastal states have right to drill offshore,{'shore'},{'coastal states'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"NATO is relevant in post-Cold War, helping stabilize Europe.","{'europe', 'nato', 'war'}","{'nato', 'warfare'}",Relation,nato,nato,positive,stabilize europe,europe,good,"europe, world, society, government, economics" for,Paparazzi pursuing celebrities often endanger the public,"{'paparazzi', 'celebrity'}","{'celebrity', 'public'}",Relation,paparazzi pursuing celebrities,paparazzi,positive,endangering the public,public,bad,"public, public, society, public, society, public" for,New technology makes offshore drilling safer than ever,"{'technology', 'safety', 'offshore drilling'}",{'engineering'},Relation,new technology,technology,positive,offshore drilling safer than ever,safety|offshore drilling,good,"safer drilling is good, offshore drilling, safety, offshore drilling employees, environment, workers, drillers, employees, business" for,It requires less petroleum to produce corn ethanol than gasoline,"{'corn ethanol', 'gasoline', 'petroleum'}","{'corn ethanol', 'gasoline', 'petroleum'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Diners want blissful ignorance without calorie counts,{'calorie'},"{'ignorance', 'calorie'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,NATO expansion helps break from Cold War boundaries.,"{'enlargement of nato', 'nato', 'border', 'cold war'}","{'enlargement of nato', 'cold war', 'boundary (real estate)'}",Relation,nato expansion,enlargement of nato|nato,positive,break from cold war boundaries,cold war,good,"nato countries, world, governments" for,Calorie counts rightly value health over blissful ignorance,"{'health', 'calorie', 'value (ethics)'}","{'ignorance', 'health', 'calorie', 'value (personal and cultural)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,NATO expansion helps deter Russian expansionism.,"{'enlargement of nato', 'nato', 'russian empire', 'expansionism'}","{'russian language', 'enlargement of nato', 'expansionism'}",Relation,nato expansion,enlargement of nato,negative,russian expansionism,expansionism|russian empire,neutral, for,Corn ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline,"{'corn ethanol', 'combustion', 'gasoline'}","{'corn ethanol', 'burn', 'gasoline'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Everyone knows drunk driving is wrong.,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Transporting offshore oil by pipeline carries environmental risks.,"{'natural environment', 'transport', 'pipeline transport', 'offshore drilling', 'petroleum'}","{'offshore drilling', 'futures contract'}",Relation,transporting offshore oil by pipeline,pipeline transport|offshore drilling,positive,environmental risks,natural environment,bad,"environment, environment, environment, conservationists, society, environment, global warming" against,No such organization that could supersede NATO exists.,{'nato'},"{'nato', 'organization'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Calorie counts make it easier to judge calories in foods,"{'food', 'calorie'}","{'food', 'calorie'}",Relation,calorie counts,calorie,positive,easier to judge calories in foods,food|calorie,good,"health conscious, health, people" for,Many race cars run on corn ethanol:,"{'corn ethanol', 'run on (band)'}",{'corn ethanol'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Environmentally-friendly nations allow offshore drilling,{'offshore drilling'},"{'state (polity)', 'environmentally friendly'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Boycotting the Olympics will change nothing in the host country.,{'change nothing (song)'},"{""maître d'hôtel"", 'administrative divisions of mexico'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Mandatory calorie counts infringe restaurants"" freedom of speech","{'freedom of speech', 'calorie'}","{'freedom of speech', 'calorie', 'restaurant'}",Relation,mandatory calorie counts,calorie,negative,restaurants' freedom of speech,freedom of speech|restaurant,bad,"restaurants, restaurants, restaurants, restaurants, freedom of speech" against,Little evidence random alcohol tests deter drunk driving.,"{'alcohol', 'driving under the influence'}","{'alcoholic beverage', 'evidence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many other countries have offended against humanitarian concerns more recently,"{'nation', 'humanitarianism', 'arab spring'}",{'administrative divisions of mexico'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Offshore drilling only adds more C02 to atmosphere,"{'offshore drilling', 'carbon dioxide', 'atmosphere of earth'}","{'offshore drilling', 'standard conditions for temperature and pressure'}",Relation,offshore drilling,offshore drilling,positive,to atmosphere,carbon dioxide|atmosphere of earth,bad,"environment, atmosphere, environment, global warming, society, ecology, environment, atmosphere, environment, environment, atmosphere" against,Influencing China on Darfur would be best achieved through the Olympics there,"{'darfur', 'china'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Consumers can find info off menus, calorie counts unnecessary",{'calorie'},"{'menu', 'information', 'calorie', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Japan needs to be able to protect itself in an unstable region.,{'empire of japan'},{'japan'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,RBT has been successful in countries that implement it,set(),{'administrative divisions of mexico'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Boycotting the Olympics will bring China to respond to the Darfur crisis,"{'darfur', 'war in darfur', 'china'}",{'war in darfur'},Relation,boycotting the olympics,china,positive,china responding to the darfur crisis,war in darfur|china,good,"international relations, world peace, [the crisis in] darfur" against,Japans environment will immediately become more dangerous if her neighbours see her re-arming and taking a more aggressive military position.,{'neighbours'},{'japan'},Relation,re-arming and taking a more aggressive military position,japan|neighbours,positive,more dangerous,japan,bad,"japan, japanese citizens, japanese citizens, japan, international relations" against,Having the 2008 Olympics in China will improve world peace,"{'free will', 'world peace', 'history of china', '2008 summer olympics'}","{'world peace', 'china at the olympics'}",Relation,having the 2008 olympics in china,china at the olympics|2008 summer olympics,positive,world peace,world peace,good,"nations, citizens, world, society, international affairs, world, peace, china, international relations" for,Calories on menus empower consumers to make healthier choices,"{'health', 'consumer'}","{'menu', 'calorie', 'consumer'}",Relation,calories on menus,calorie|menu,positive,consumers to make healthier choices,health|consumer,good,"the individual, society, dieters, health, consumers,, human' s health, society" for,Directional drilling allows a single well to tap massive reservoirs,{'directional drilling'},{'directional drilling'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Random breath tests help deter drunk driving,{'driving under the influence'},{'random checkpoint'},Relation,random breath tests,random checkpoint,negative,drunk driving,driving under the influence,good,"everyone, drivers, public safety, drivers, people, commuters" against,Japans people oppose militarism.,"{'people', 'militarism'}","{'people', 'militarism', 'japan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Offshore drilling can be coupled with efficiency policies,"{'offshore drilling', 'coupled with'}",{'offshore drilling'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Calories on menus pressure restaurants to make healthier meals,"{'meal', 'calorie', 'chinese cuisine'}","{'meal', 'menu', 'calorie', 'pressure', 'restaurant'}",Relation,calories on menus,menu|calorie,positive,pressure restaurants to make healthier meals,meal|restaurant|pressure,good,"restaurant customers, dieters, society, producers of healthy food, society health, restaurants, consumers, healthy meals, society, patrons" against,Boycotting China will be against the spirit of the Olympics,"{'spirit', 'china', 'free will'}",{'cathay'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The international community willingly accepts the burden of having to defend Japan:,{'japan'},"{'international community', 'japan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,China will not reform as a result of Olympic boycott,"{'china', '1980 summer olympics boycott'}","{'olympic games scandals and controversies', 'cathay'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Consumers have a right to know calories in meals,"{'meal', 'calorie', 'consumer'}","{'meal', 'calorie', 'right to know', 'consumer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Repeat drunk drivers unlikely to respond to RBT deterrence.,set(),"{'drunk drivers', 'deterrence (psychology)', 'repeat sign'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If drilling is safe at current sites, why not expand it?",{'electric current'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Countries should be able to govern their own affairs and house a military capability.,set(),"{'administrative divisions of mexico', 'military capability'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Calorie counts may cause eating less now, more later",{'calorie'},{'calorie'},Relation,calorie counts,calorie,positive,"eating less now, more later",,neutral, for,People drive drunk because they can get away with it,set(),{'people'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,New offshore oil will take years to come on-line,set(),"{'offshore drilling', 'year'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The Olympic games should not be politicized,{'ancient olympic games'},{'olympic games'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many within Japan deny that much of what she did during the Second World War even happened at all.,"{'empire of japan', 'world war ii'}","{'world war ii', 'japan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Offshore oil exploration could result in a major find,"{'offshore drilling', 'hydrocarbon exploration'}","{'offshore drilling', 'hydrocarbon exploration'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,The Olympics have always been politicized,set(),set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Random alcohol breath tests reduce accidents, save lives",{'alcohol'},"{'alcoholic beverage', 'breath test', 'accident', 'life'}",Relation,random alcohol breath tests,alcohol|breath test,negative,accidents,accident|life,good,"dwi rates, public safety, drivers, society, healthcare industry" against,"Japan feels herself constrained by the constitutional rule against ""offensive"" militarism.","{'constitution', 'militarism', 'soviet–japanese war (1945)', 'empire of japan'}","{'militarism', 'japan'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Oil companies should tap existing reserves before going offshore,"{'oil reserves', 'offshore drilling', 'petroleum', 'petroleum industry'}",set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Obesity epidemics justify mandatory calorie counts,"{'epidemic', 'calorie', 'obesity'}","{'calorie', 'epidemiology of obesity'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Alcohol causes poor judgement.,"{'judgement', 'poverty', 'alcoholism', 'causality'}","{'alcoholic beverage', 'judgement (anathema album)'}",Relation,alcohol,alcoholic beverage,positive,poor judgement,judgement,bad,"public safety, personal health, society, people, society, drinkers and their companions, citizens, politicians, families, men, women" for,Politicizing and boycotting Beijing is necessary to uphold the Olympic spirit,{'2008 summer olympics'},{'olympic spirit'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,There is not enough US offshore oil to make a difference,{'petroleum'},{'offshore drilling'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"""Planets"" should not have to ""clear"" their area.",set(),{'planet'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Calories on menus add to forbidden-fruit allure of high-calorie meals,"{'meal', 'calorie', 'food energy'}","{'menu', 'calorie', 'meal'}",Relation,calories on menus,calorie|menu,positive,allure of high-calorie meals,meal|calorie,bad,"consumers, dieters, health, diets" against,Olympic boycotts have achieved nothing historically,set(),{'olympic games scandals and controversies'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Individuals should be able to judge whether they are okay to drive.,{'united states district court'},{'individual'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"A ""planet"" needs to dominate its locality, and that this was the primary justification for the IAUs demotion of Pluto:","{'iau definition of planet', 'pluto'}","{'iau definition of planet', 'locality (astronomy)', 'planet'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Objects within other astronomical categories often diverge substantially.,"{'astronomy', 'category theory'}","{'category (kant)', 'physical body'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Chinas 2008 Olympics will accelerate its civil society,"{'will and testament', '2008 summer olympics'}",{'civil society'},Relation,chinas 2008 olympics,2008 summer olympics,positive,accelerate its civil society,civil society,good,"china, society, chinese people, china, international relations" for,Offshore oil helps mitigate spikes in oil prices,{'petroleum'},"{'offshore drilling', 'nail (fastener)', 'price of petroleum'}",Relation,offshore oil,offshore drilling,negative,spikes in oil prices,price of petroleum,good,"economy, business, society, consumers, consumers, economy, economy, echo system" against,Different people absorb alcohol at different rates.,"{'absorption (chemistry)', 'alcohol', 'chemical kinetics'}","{'alcoholic beverage', 'people', 'rate (mathematics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Calorie counts incentivize healthier menus that attract new customers,"{'incentive', 'calorie'}","{'menu', 'calorie', 'customer'}",Relation,calorie counts,calorie,positive,healthier menus,menu,good,"customers, customers, restaurants, customers, businesses, customers, dieters" for,"A ""planet"" should not have to ""dominate"" its locality.",{'planet'},"{'type locality (geology)', 'planet'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,US offshore drilling would hardly lower global oil prices,"{'offshore drilling', 'price of oil', 'united states dollar', 'multinational corporation'}",{'price of petroleum'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Only boycotting the Olympics sufficiently protests Chinas abuses.,"{'boycott', 'protest'}",{'abuse'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,The fashion industry is not to blame for eating disorders.,"{'fashion', 'eating disorder', 'blame'}",{'eating disorder'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Calories on menus help reduce health care costs,"{'health care', 'health care prices'}","{'menu', 'calorie', 'health care prices'}",Relation,calories on menus,calorie|menu,positive,health care costs,health care prices,good,"society, health insurers, the economy, public health, society, consumers, consumers, citizens" for,Many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness.,set(),"{'need', 'economic model', 'girl'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"The new definition under the IAU will eliminate the possibility that dozens of new ""planets"", under the old definition, be found and that an unmanageable and less meaningful list of ""planets"" emerges:","{'meaning (linguistics)', 'international association of universities'}","{'international astronomical union', 'definition', 'planet', '12 (number)', 'numeral system', 'theory'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Calorie counts on menus would be very costly for restaurants.,"{'calorie', 'chinese cuisine'}","{'menu', 'calorie', 'restaurant'}",Relation,calorie counts on menus,menu|calorie,positive,costly for restaurants,restaurant,bad,"restaurants, for restaurants, restaurants, consumers, diners, business, economy" against,A boycott of the 2008 Olympics would antagonize the Chinese people,"{'gymnastics at the 2008 summer olympics', 'chinese people', '1980 summer olympics boycott'}","{'olympic games', 'chinese people'}",Relation,a boycott of the 2008 olympics,olympic games,positive,the chinese people,chinese people,bad,"boycotters, enemies of the chinese, chinese people, chinese people, international relations, olympic games" for,"US offshore drilling will improve confidence, futures, and prices","{'offshore drilling', 'futures contract', 'price', 'united states dollar'}","{'authority (management)', 'price', 'future'}",Relation,us offshore drilling,offshore drilling,positive,"confidence, futures, and prices",price|future,good,"government, economics, people involved in drilling, us economy, us, confidence, futures, prices" for,Calorie counts a better option than taxing unhealthy foods,"{'food', 'health', 'calorie'}","{'junk food', 'option contract', 'calorie'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Pluto fits the description of a Kuiper belt comet more than of a planet:,"{'pluto', 'comet', 'kuiper belt', 'planet'}","{'kuiper belt', 'comet', 'linguistic description', 'planet'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"US offshore oil is significant, can have big market impact","{'offshore drilling', 'petroleum', 'united states dollar'}","{'offshore drilling', 'market impact'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Anonymity ensures that arguments rise above identity attacks.,set(),"{'anonymity', 'offense (sports)', 'personal identity'}",Relation,anonymity,anonymity,positive,arguments rise above identity attacks,personal identity,good,"civil debate, arguments, society" against,Calorie counts on menus will turn-off customers.,{'calorie'},"{'menu', 'calorie', 'customer'}",Relation,calorie counts on menus,menu|calorie,positive,turn-off customers,customer,bad,"restaurants, restaurants, restaurants, business, consumers, restaurants" for,Media tend to generalize.,set(),{'medes'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Plutos new status will diminish attention paid to dwarf planets.,"{'free will', 'social status', 'attention'}","{'status (law)', 'dwarf planet', 'attention'}",Relation,plutos new status,status (law),negative,attention paid to dwarf planets,dwarf planet|attention,bad,"learning, space exploration, researchers, dwarf planets, dwarf planets" for,Foreign interests could be funding anonymous issue ads,"{'anonymity', 'advertising'}","{'issue advocacy ads', 'interest'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,There is no evidence that trade with abusers helps to reform society.,{'society'},"{'society', 'trade', 'evidence'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Calorie counts eliminate ability of restaurants to be spontaneous.,{'calorie'},"{'calorie', 'restaurant'}",Relation,calorie counts,calorie,negative,ability of restaurants to be spontaneous,restaurant,bad,"restaurants, consumers, restaurants, customers, restaurants, restaurants, restaurants, customers" for,A comprehensive US energy plan must include offshore drilling,{'offshore drilling'},"{'program management', 'thermodynamic free energy'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Anonymous funding of TV ads runs against principles of free speech,"{'television advertisement', 'advertising', 'television', 'freedom of speech', 'anonymity'}","{'anonymous (group)', 'television advertisement', 'freedom of speech'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Downgrading Pluto will disappoint children instead of inspire them.,{'pluto (mythology)'},{'child'},Relation,downgrading pluto,pluto (mythology),positive,disappoint children,child,bad,"children, learning, children, hopes, dreams, children, society, children, children, science" for,Trade allows human rights abuses to continue.,"{'human rights', 'trade'}","{'human rights', 'trade'}",Relation,trade,trade,positive,human rights abuses,human rights,bad,"human rights, human rights, society, public health" for,"If you""re going to attack a candidate, reveal your identity",{'german reunification'},{'candidate (degree)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Calorie counts over-crowd valuable menu space,{'calorie'},"{'menu', 'calorie'}",Relation,calorie counts,calorie,positive,over-crowd valuable menu space,menu,bad,"restaurants, customers, restaurant owners, restaurants, food service" for,Some people appreciate the site of offshore oil rigs,{'oil platform'},"{'offshore drilling', 'oil platform', 'people (microsoft service)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Many nations welcome women in the military and have no laws restricting their access in military operations,"{'roman law', 'women in the military'}","{'state (polity)', 'military operation', 'law', 'women in the military'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trade may reduce monetary incentive for forms of abuse.,"{'workplace bullying', 'tax shelter', 'money', 'trade', 'incentive', 'greek legislative election, may 2012'}","{'incentive', 'abuse', 'trade'}",Relation,trade,trade,negative,monetary incentive for forms of abuse,money|abuse|incentive,good,"traders, society, economy" for,2010 US elections show why transparent campaign ads needed,"{'campaign advertising', 'united states elections, 2010'}","{'campaign advertising', 'united states elections, 2010'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,US offshore natural gas drilling can significantly lower prices,"{'natural gas', 'oil well', 'price', 'offshore drilling', 'united states dollar'}","{'natural gas', 'price'}",Relation,us offshore natural gas drilling,offshore drilling|natural gas,positive,lower prices,price,good,"united states, gas consumers, poor, workers, economy, business, economy, consumers" against,Trade with abusers helps reform societies long-term.,"{'society', 'trade'}","{'reform', 'society', 'trade'}",Relation,trade with abusers,trade,positive,reform societies long-term,reform|society,good,"society, public safety, society, people, citizens, economic growth, economy, business, government" against,It is difficult for restaurants to keep calorie counts consistent.,{'calorie'},"{'restaurant', 'calorie'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Attack ads are a part of politics, but sources must be known",set(),"{'attack ad', 'politics'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Banning corporations from trading with human rights abusers will decrease human rights abuses.,"{'will and testament', 'trade', 'human rights', 'corporate law', 'ban (law)'}","{'human rights', 'corporation'}",Relation,banning corporations from trading with human rights abusers,corporation|human rights|ban (law),negative,human rights abuses,human rights,good,"human rights, human rights, humans, society, society, public health" against,Offshore oil rigs are vulnerable to storms,"{'vulnerability', 'oil platform', 'storm'}","{'offshore drilling', 'oil platform', 'storm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Enforcing calorie counts laws will be expensive for the state.,"{'indictment', 'will and testament', 'calorie', 'law', 'state (polity)'}",{'law'},Relation,enforcing calorie counts laws,calorie|law,positive,expensive for the state,state (polity),bad,"state, government, constituents, state, state, state budgets, health laws" against,Liberal groups can raise anonymous funding for ads too,"{'fundraising', 'liberalism', 'advertising'}",{'advertising'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Corporations are legally obliged to put profit over people.,"{'profit over people', 'corporation'}","{'people (magazine)', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Offshore drilling helps US break dependence on foreign oil,"{'offshore drilling', 'oil', 'united states energy independence'}","{'offshore drilling', 'north american energy independence'}",Relation,offshore drilling,offshore drilling,positive,us break dependence on foreign oil,united states energy independence|north american energy independence,good,"united states, americans, citizens, government, country, united states, economy, consumers, us" for,The internal structure of corporations forces them to put profit over people.,"{'structure of the earth', 'profit over people'}","{'people (magazine)', 'profit (economics)', 'structure (mathematical logic)', 'corporation'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Microfinance can positively affect literacy rate.,{'microcredit'},"{'microfinance', 'literacy'}",Relation,microfinance,microfinance,positive,literacy rate,literacy,good,"people, literacy rate, more literacy leads to more educated people, society" for,"Calorie counts will be ignored by some, but help others",{'calorie'},{'calorie'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ground zero mosque helps bridge gap between West and Muslims.,"{'muslim', 'park51', 'mosque'}","{'muslim', 'bridge', 'park51'}",Relation,ground zero mosque,mosque,positive,gap between west and muslims,muslim,good,"the west and muslims, peace, tolerance, society, religion, civil rights, social change, society, society, religion" for,"$700b plan saves economy and taxpayers, not just Wallstreet","{'tax', 'wall street', 'economy of the united states', 'economic policy'}","{'economy', 'program management'}",Relation,$700b plan,economic policy,positive,economy and taxpayers,tax|economy of the united states|economic policy,good,"economy, taxpayers, wall street, taxpayers, society, economy, economy, businesses, taxpayers, politicians, society" for,Trade and economic growth do not necessarily help.,"{'economic growth', 'trade'}","{'economic growth', 'trade'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"No ""proof"" calorie counts work, but a reasonable expectation","{'reason', 'calorie', 'expected value', 'count data', 'mathematical proof'}",{'calorie'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,$700b bailout could go toward excessive pay of greedy CEOs,set(),{'bailout'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Trade is better than barriers to export.,"{'trade barrier', 'trade', 'export'}",{'trade'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Customers will pay more attention to calorie counts over time.,"{'time', 'calorie'}","{'time', 'calorie', 'attention', 'customer'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Ground zero mosque will agitate US-West relations.,"{'us west', 'park51'}",{'park51'},Relation,ground zero mosque,park51,positive,agitate us-west relations,us west,bad,"society, peace, acceptance, diplomacy, global security, society, international relations, international relations, citizens" for,Executive pay restrictions can be passed along with $700b plan,"{'regulation', 'plan', 'executive compensation'}","{'executive compensation', 'ict 1900 series'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Export opportunities help eradicate child labour.,"{'child labour', 'genocide'}","{'means, motive, and opportunity', 'child labour', 'export'}",Relation,export opportunities,export,negative,child labour,child labour,good,"children, society, children, humanity, society, children" for,Park51 only offensive if you think all Muslims responsible for 9/11,"{'you (janet jackson song)', 'if (janet jackson song)', 'park51'}",{'muslim'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"Child labour worsens the status quo, thus has to be stopped.","{'child labour', 'status quo'}","{'child labour', 'status quo'}",Relation,child labour,child labour,negative,status quo,status quo,bad,"society, children, government, children, the status quo, society" against,Those dining out are less likely to care about calories,set(),{'calorie'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Multinationals exploit children.,"{'exploitation of labour', 'child labour', 'multinational corporation'}",{'child'},Relation,multinationals,multinational corporation,positive,exploit children,exploitation of labour|child labour|child,bad,"society, children, business, children" for,Calorie counts cause consumers to make healthier choices,"{'health', 'calorie', 'causality', 'consumer', 'choice'}","{'calorie', 'consumer'}",Relation,calorie counts,calorie,positive,consumers to make healthier choices,health|consumer|choice,good,"consumers, health industry, consumers, consumers, public health, society, the individual consumers, health care" against,No assurances that a $700b bailout would work,"{'bailout', 'labour economics'}","{'bailout', 'pledge (brand)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Radical Muslims see ground zero mosque as symbol of victory,"{'muslim', 'islamism', 'park51', 'symbol'}","{'victory', 'islam', 'park51', 'symbol'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Opposing Cordoba House fosters divisions extremists want,{'park51'},"{'division (the gazette album)', 'park51'}",Relation,opposing cordoba house,,positive,divisions extremists want,,good,"extremists, extremists" against,$700 bailout wrongly trusts culprits to solve crisis,"{'bailout', 'subprime mortgage crisis', 'cartel'}","{'bailout', 'crisis', 'culprit', 'trust company'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Calorie counts are worth a try as they do no harm,{'calorie'},"{'try', 'calorie', 'harm'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Mosque wrongly uses proximity to ground zero to spread Islam,"{'evangelism', 'ground zero', 'islam', 'mosque'}","{'islam', 'mosque'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"People are willing to pay extra for ""child labour-free"" products.",set(),"{'people', 'child', 'product (business)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,$700b bailout would increase US deficit and interest rates,"{'bailout', 'national debt of the united states'}","{'bailout', 'interest rate', 'national debt of the united states'}",Relation,$700b bailout,bailout,positive,deficit and interest rates,interest rate|national debt of the united states,bad,"united states, us economy, consumers, us deficit and interest rates" against,Marketplace can encourage restaurants to voluntarily list calories,"{'canning', 'calorie', 'chinese cuisine'}","{'market (economics)', 'restaurant', 'calorie'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Net positive income effect only where 3 conditions apply:,{'income–consumption curve'},{'beos'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,No restaurant will be disadvantaged if all are required to list calories.,set(),"{'listing (computer)', 'restaurant', 'calorie'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,$700b bailout helps avoid widespread bankruptcies/layoffs,"{'emergency economic stabilization act of 2008', 'bankruptcy'}",{'bailout'},Relation,$700b bailout,bailout,negative,widespread bankruptcies/layoffs,bankruptcy,good,"prevents widespread bankruptcies/layoffs, society, consumers, employees, businesses, economy, workers, businesses, society" for,The ban can succeed.,set(),{'ban (law)'},NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"If developers intentions pure, they should be fine finding new site.",set(),"{'real estate development', 'intention'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Ban addresses some of the causes of child labour.,{'child labour'},"{'child labour', 'ban (law)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Most economists support the $700b US economic bailout plan,{'bailout'},"{'bailout', 'the economist'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,$700b bailout is generally well designed to solve US economic crisis,"{'emergency economic stabilization act of 2008', 'great depression'}","{'bailout', 'depression (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,$700b bailout is important to stabilize volatile global markets,"{'bailout', 'volatility (finance)', 'international finance'}","{'bailout', 'market (economics)'}",Relation,$700b bailout,bailout,positive,stabilize volatile global markets,volatility (finance)|market (economics),good,"economy, government, society, global markets, global markets" for,Banning ground zero mosque would violate sep of church/state,"{'park51', 'christian church', 'separation of church and state'}","{'september', 'park51'}",Relation,banning ground zero mosque,,positive,violate sep of church/state,separation of church and state,bad,"government, religion, society, churches, government, society, separation of church and state" for,"Ground zero mosque might be tasteless, but still must be allowed.",{'park51'},{'park51'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,$700b bailout must be implemented immediately to avoid crisis,set(),"{'bailout', 'crisis'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Developers have right to build ground zero mosque, but should not","{'real estate development', 'park51', 'conservatism in the united states'}","{'real estate development', 'park51'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,$700 it is more important to pass a plan than for it to be perfect.,set(),{'program management'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,First amendment protects right to build ground zero mosque,"{'park51', 'first amendment to the united states constitution', 'conservatism in the united states'}","{'park51', 'first amendment to the united states constitution', 'rights'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Advocates are fear-mongering to ram through $700b plan,set(),"{'random-access memory', 'program management'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Opponents have a right to protest ground zero mosque vigorously.,{'park51'},"{'right to protest', 'park51'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,A good solution to the US economic crisis cannot be rushed,"{'great depression', 'solution', 'united states dollar'}","{'solution', 'depression (economics)'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,"If a church was built in Muslim community, nobody would complain",{'muslim'},"{'church (building)', 'ummah'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Many hypothetical religious sites internationally would be offensive.,{'religion'},set(),NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Muslims have peacefully integrated into American society,"{'muslim', 'americans', 'racial integration'}","{'society of the united states', 'muslim'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Ground zero mosque disrespects 9/11 victims,"{'boston marathon bombing', 'park51'}",{'park51'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,9/11 victims are not entitled to make bigoted demands.,"{'bigotry', 'victimisation'}",{'casualties of the september 11 attacks'},NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Feelings of Muslim 9/11 victims need to be considered as well,{'muslim'},"{'muslim', 'feeling'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,Large sums of money can be spent and wasted toward attracting tourists:,set(),"{'tourism', 'money'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, for,Tourism increases income to a particular area or country,"{'income', 'tourism'}","{'area', 'tourism', 'administrative divisions of mexico'}",Relation,tourism,tourism,positive,income to a particular area or country,income|area,good,"national economy, employees, area, economy, area, country, business, higher standard of living" against,"Many hotels are part of large international chains, choosing to exploit local labour purely because it is cheap.",{'labour party (uk)'},"{'proletariat', 'chain', 'hotel'}",NoRelation,,,,,,, against,"Tourism demands that an area conform to a certain stereotyped image, often preventing modernisation or development, or requiring the local inhabitants to make a caricature of their own culture.","{'local government', 'modernization theory', 'economic development', 'stereotype', 'caricature'}","{'mental image', 'development economics', 'tourism', 'culture', 'area', 'modernization theory'}",Relation,tourism demands,tourism,negative,modernisation or inhabitants,development economics|culture|economic development|modernization theory,bad,"travel, economy, world connection, society, culture, society, economy" for,Geographically separating tourism related buildings and older buildings can enable conservation:,{'tourism'},"{'building', 'tourism', 'conservation (cultural heritage)', 'geography'}",Relation,geographically separating tourism related buildings and older buildings,building|tourism|geography,positive,conservation,conservation (cultural heritage),good,"cultural heritage, society, city, economy, tourists, visitors, ecology, environment, society" for,The numbers of tourists will continue to rise due to cheaper travel and greater access to previously closed countries anyway,set(),"{'travel', 'number', 'state (polity)'}",Relation,cheaper travel and greater access,travel,positive,number of tourists,number,neutral,