Published August 3, 2020 | Version v1.0
Project deliverable Open

DIHNET- Deliverable 3.4 - Common Approach for Maturity Assessment



DIHNET.EU  aims  to  create  a  sustainable  European  network  of  Digital  Innovation  Hubs  (DIHs),  by developing a set of tools and boosting the collaboration of the different DIH networks, DIHs and otherkey DIH stakeholders in Europe. 

Deliverable 3.4:Common Approach for Maturity Assessment is framed under WP3. Upgrade of the Catalogue and in Task 3.3. Common approach for Maturity Assessment. This task is fully connected to  task  2.4  (WP2)  where  the Digital  Maturity  Scan  Tool/Questionnaire  has  been  defined  under Deliverable 2.3. Both Deliverables are fully linked and have been developed in parallel. 

Deliverable 3.4 provides a common approach to quality check the maturity at DIH level. On this basis, Good Practices will be identified serving as showcases for other DIHs. Chapter1 introduces and frames the deliverable. Chapter2 presents the common approach for the Maturity assessment and the Chapter 3 explains the Champions Challenge 2019, that will give visibility to both Deliverables 3.4 and 2.3.


DIHNET-Common approach Maturity Assessment– Deliverable 3.4 – v1.0 -PU.pdf

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DIHNET.EU – Next Generation European DIH Network 825640
European Commission