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Published July 24, 2020 | Version 2.10.1
Software Open

jgm/pandoc: pandoc 2.10.1


Click to expand changelog - Add `commonmark_x` output format. This is `commonmark` with a number of useful pandoc extensions enabled. - Many more extensions now work with `commonmark` and `gfm`. - Add generic `attributes` extension. This allows attributes to be added to any block or inline element in a uniform way. Since the Pandoc AST doesn't include attributes on each element type, the attributes will sometimes be added by creating a surrounding Div or Span container. Currently this extension is only compatible with the `commonmark` and `gfm` readers. To add an attribute to a block-level element, e.g. a paragraph, put it before the block: {#mypara} This is a paragraph. Multiple attributes may be used and will be combined: {#mypara} {.blue .warning key="val"} This is a paragraph. To add an attribute to an inline-level element, put it immediately after the element: *emphasized text*{.special} - Support `--number-sections` for docx output (#1413). - LaTeX reader: - Support `\SIRange` reader (#6418, Emerson Harkin). - Support table col-span and row-span (#6311, Laurent P. René de Cotret). Supports `\multirow` and `\multicolumn`. - Support amsthm: `\newtheorem`, `\theoremstyle`, and theorem and proof environments, including labels and references. The only thing that is unsupported is the second optional argument, which causes numbering to be reset after the specified series is incremented. - Moved some code to T.P.LaTeX.Parsing. We need to reduce the size of the LaTeX reader to ease compilation on resource-limited systems. - RST reader: - Fix csv tables with multiline cells (#6549). - Fix spurious newlines in some attributes from directives. - Avoid extra newline in included code blocks. - Commonmark reader: - Switch from cmark-gfm to commonmark-hs for commonmark and gfm parsing. This avoids depending on a C library and allows us to support more pandoc extensions for `commonmark` and `gfm`. - DocBook reader: - Parse releaseinfo as metadata (#6542). - Docx reader: - Only use `bCs/iCs` on runs with `rtl` or `cs` property (#6514, Nikolay Yakimov). - Code cleanup/refactoring (Nikolay Yakimov). - Org reader (Albert Krewinkel): - Respect export setting which disables entities MathML-like entities, e.g., `\alpha`, can be disabled with the `#+OPTION: e:nil` export setting (Albert Krewinkel). - Respect export setting disabling footnotes. Footnotes can be removed from the final document with the `#+OPTION: f:nil` export setting. - Respect tables-excluding export setting. Tables can be removed from the final document with the `#+OPTION: |:nil` export setting. - Markdown writer: - Move `asciify` out of `escapeString`. Otherwise `unsmartify` doesn't catch quotes that have already been turned to entities. - Add `writeCommonmark` (new exported function, API change). - Use unicode super/subscript characters when possible if the `superscript` or `subscript` extension or `raw_html` aren't available. - Render caption as following paragraph when `table_caption` extension is not enabled. - Use numerical labels for reference links that are longer than 999 characters or contain square brackets, for conformity with commonmark (#6560). - Commonmark writer: - Instead of using cmark-gfm, use `writeCommonmark` from the Markdown writer. This function calls the markdown writer with appropriate extensions and a few small modifications (e.g. not requiring backslashes before spaces inside super/subscripts). With this change `comonmark` and `gfm` output can be used with a wider selection of extensions. - Jira writer: keep image caption as alt attribute (#6529, Albert Krewinkel). - HTML writer: - Improve alt-text/caption handling for HTML5 (#6491, Albert Krewinkel). Screen readers read an image's `alt` attribute and the figure caption, both of which come from the same source in pandoc. The figure caption is hidden from screen readers with the `aria-hidden` attribute. This improves accessibility. For HTML4, where `aria-hidden` is not allowed, pandoc still uses an empty `alt` attribute to avoid duplicate contents. - Ms writer: - Fix code highlighting with blank lines. Previously blank lines were simply omitted from highligted code. - Escape starting periods in ms writer code blocks (#6505, Michael Hoffmann). If a line of ms code block output starts with a period (.), it should be prepended by `\&` so that it is not interpreted as a roff command. - Text.Pandoc.Extensions: - Add `raw_markdown` extension (which only affects `ipynb` input). - Trim down `githubMarkdownExtensions`. Previously it included all of the following, which make sense for the legacy `markdown_github` but not for `gfm`, since they are part of base commonmark and thus can't be turned off in `gfm`: - `Ext_all_symbols_escapable` - `Ext_backtick_code_blocks` - `Ext_fenced_code_blocks` - `Ext_space_in_atx_header` - `Ext_intraword_underscores` - `Ext_lists_without_preceding_blankline` - `Ext_shortcut_reference_links` These have been removed from `githubMarkdownExtensions`, though they're still turned on for legacy `markdown_github`. - Add `Ext_attributes` constructor for `Extension` \[API change\]. - LaTeX template: use selnolig to selectively suppress ligatures with lualatex (#6534). - Benchmark bytestring readers (Nikolay Yakimov). - Documentation: - Update (favonia). - Fix Typos in (tajmone). - Rewrite Raw HTML/TeX section in MANUAL.txt to avoid duplicate headings for the extensions. - Fix typo in MANUAL.txt (Benjamin Wuethrich). - Remove duplicate 'titlepage' in MANUAL.txt (Blake Eryx). - Advertise the official nightlies in GitHub actions. Replaces #6500, thanks to @ickc.



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