We use SeisSol, commit 91d055b5c2a3d10681b6f69693769b05ea3397ee The open-source software package SeisSol can be downloaded in GitHub (https://github.com/SeisSol/SeisSol). The procedure to download, compile, and run the code is described in the documentation (https://seissol.readthedocs.io/en/lastest) The setup consists of the following files: - parameters.par: main parameter file of the setup, in which are specified most of the parameters except the spatially dependent parameters, defined in the '.yaml' file. - Korea_fault_dip.yaml: this file defines the spatially dependent friction parameters and initial stress. The file calls other '.yaml' files: Korea_initial_stress_dip.yaml and Korea_nucleation_stress_dip.yaml. - Korea_material_dip.yaml: this file defines the elastic and visco-plastic parameters. - off_rec_2planes.dat: this file provides the coordinates of 19 off-fault stations used to compare Model 1F and Model 2F synthetic waveforms. - receivers_on.dat: this file provides the coordinates of 6 on-fault stations. - pohang2planesLayers and pohang2planesLayers.xdmf: these files describe the mesh of the two-faults setup.