Reference: Phipps, S. J., and J. N. Brown: Understanding ENSO dynamics through the exploration of past climates, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 9, 012010, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/9/1/012010, 2010. Abstract: The palaeoclimate record shows that significant changes in ENSO characteristics took place during the Holocene. Exploring these changes, using both data and models, provides a means of understanding ENSO dynamics. Previous modelling studies have suggested a mechanism whereby changes in the Earth’s orbital geometry explain the strengthening of ENSO over the Holocene. Decreasing summer insolation over the Asian landmass resulted in a weakening of the Asian monsoon system. This led to a weakening of the easterly trade winds in the western Pacific, creating conditions more favourable for El Niño development. To explore this hypothesised forcing mechanism, we use a climate system model to conduct a suite of simulations of the climate of the past 8,000 years. In the early Holocene, we find that the Asian summer monsoon system is intensified, resulting in an amplification of the easterly trade winds in the western Pacific. The stronger trade winds represent a barrier to the eastward propagation of westerly wind bursts, therefore inhibiting the onset of El Niño events. The fundamental behaviour of ENSO remains unchanged, with the major change over the Holocene being the influence of the background state of the Pacific on the susceptibility of the ocean to the initiation of El Niño events. Variables: psl Mean sea level pressure (hPa) sftlf Land area fraction (%) sst Sea surface temperature (degrees Celsius) tauu Zonal wind stress (N m-2) tauv Meridional wind stress (N m-2) tax Surface stress east (N m-2) tay Surface stress north (N m-2) tsc Screen temperature (Kelvin) Contact: Steven Phipps