GUID,Title,Abstract,status,"file url","Download count",URL,"Preprint DOI","Publisher DOI","Date created","Date modified" 7h8ae,"Shallow Geothermal Potential Impact on the Energy Transition. A Case Study Region of Murcia, Spain","Nowadays, it can be assured that climate change represents an environmental danger for the planet with irreparable and unpredictable consequences in case both gas emissions as well as fossil fuel dependency does not go down. Population growth and its increasingly concentration in the cities turn these areas into a major consumer of energy, mainly due to the residential and service sector in order to meet the heating and cooling demand. In this scenario of taking advanced of renewable local resources shallow geothermal energy is presented as a renewable resource that can contribute to meet this demand with high energy and gas emissions savings. In this context, this work shows the art-of-state of the energy transition to a renewable energy society in Spain by means of the use of shallow geothermal energy. It proposes a procedure to transform the current fossil fuel consumption into renewable heating and cooling by the use of Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP). The methodology used is based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and is applied in Murcia Region, Spain. Positive results concerning gas savings emissions are expected converting shallow geothermal energy as an energy transition ally.",1,,1,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T20:39:44.125341,2020-05-26T20:41:06.914446 esrv2,"Assessment of Groundwater Pumping Alternatives for Irrigation Purposes based on the SIMUS Method","The agricultural sector production in developing countries is highly dependent on rains, being affected by scarcity periods and important water resource reductions in summers. It is very common in countries of the Mediterranean basin that need to pump water for the irrigation of crops, mainly due to the problems of drought and shortage of surface water for irrigation. The water pumping from the subsoil can be then assumed as annual, seasonal or direct, identifying different types of energy sources such as fossil fuels —mainly diesel equipment—, direct supply from grid or PV power plants— isolated or connected to the grid through net-balance system—, which are required to be applied by the agricultural sector. It can be affirmed that the majority of the commercially available water pumps run with electricity generated by Diesel engines and renewables, more specifically photovoltaic (PV) solar technologies, which have become a competitive alternative to pump water with real advantages over traditional fuel-driven generators. However, PV Water Pumping (PVWP) solutions have been marginally implemented; being considered as an electric energy source mainly in remote locations or through hybrid solutions. This paper describes a multidimensional methodology assessment of the different types of groundwater pumping with their potential combinations of aggregated agricultural areas, aquifer depth, and irrigation crop requirements, to determine the optimum or suitable size for future implementation of the most advantageous system, according to the aquifer depth and the water endowment defined. For that, this paper uses the SIMUS method for the assessment of the different types of groundwater pumping, with their potential combinations, by considering specific water aspects of the Spanish studied area (Castilla La Mancha, Spain).",1,,1,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T20:30:52.593999,2020-05-26T20:31:25.256174 ya4c9,"DIESEL ENGINE PERFORMANCE, EMISSION AND COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS WITH OPTIMIZED BLEND OF B25 METHYL ESTER OF MANGO SEED OIL","Oil based fuels worldwide have not just brought about the speedy consumption of available energy sources, yet have likewise caused extreme air pollution. The quests for a substitute fuel has prompted numerous findings because of which wide assortment of alternative fuels are available now. The current investigations have revealed the utilization of vegetable oils for engines as an option for diesel fuel. Since there is a restriction in using vegetable oils in diesel engines because of their high viscosity and low volatility. In the current work, mango seed oil is converted into respective methyl ester by transesterification process. Tests are conducted using different blends of methyl ester of mango seed oil with diesel in a diesel engine. The investigation consequences demonstrated that the MEMSO biodiesel has comparable qualities to that of diesel. The brake thermal efficiency and smoke are seen to be lower in case of MEMSO biodiesel blends than diesel. Then again, BSFC and NOx of MEMSO biodiesel blends are seen as higher than diesel. It is observed that the combustion characteristics of methyl ester of mango seed oil blends seem to be similar with that of the diesel. From this investigation, it is concluded that B25 as optimized blend and could be used as an alternative fuel in a diesel engine with no engine modifications",1,,1,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T20:28:13.763953,2020-05-26T20:28:21.018506 vm3wh,"THREE DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF BOLTED JOINT MEMBER STIFFNESS USING FRUSTA METHOD","Joint member stiffness has a great influence for both static and dynamic loading for a safe mechanical design of many types of bolted- jointed member connections. A three dimensional mathematical model for the jointed member system has been derived. This work provides a simple mathematical technique used to calculate different types a jointed member stiffness of a bolted connections. A finite element analysis is performed for the bolted joint and the model is used to predict stress field for a Grey Cast iron and aluminum alloy. Joint member stiffness is presented against member aspect ratio in dimensionless form. Results show good agreement as compared with those of used techniques of Montosh and Marschke",1,,1,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T20:27:15.181718,2020-05-26T20:27:46.590583 zuadt,"MEASUREMENT OF FLOW RESISTIVITY USING COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS","Flow resistivity is one of the most important parameters used to describe the acoustic behavior of fibrous materials, as porosity is highly used in industrial context, this paper summarizes the simulation of finding the flow resistivity using computational fluid dynamics and minimizing the error between calculated and measured resistivity. The estimation is made by taking Polyurethane Foam as sample fibrous material and varying porosity from 0.70 up to 0.98. The CFD tool analyzes and computes different pressure value respectively. Flow resistivity is further verified using experimental execution in which flow resistivity is measured from pressure measurement on a sample of porous material",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:51:37.638245,2020-05-26T23:51:37.675107 d68vm,"DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND TESTING OF A MOVABLE SOLAR OPERATED SPRAYER FOR FARMING OPERATION","Famers do spray seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. to protect crops from different insects, pests, diseases and have good harvests. Hand and fuel operated spray pumps are the most common sprayer used in Nigeria. The sprayer causes user fatigue due to excessive bulky and heavy construction, a user can't use it for more than five (5) hours without getting tired, the fuel sprayer is expensive to maintain, emits carbon dioxide and harmful to our environment. In this study, a movable solar operated sprayer for the farming operation was designed and fabricated to overcome these difficulties. The system operates in both direct mode and indirect mode. In the direct mode, the sprayer is operated from the electricity generated by 50W solar panel mounted on a movable frame and in the indirect mode it is operated on stored electrical energy in the lead-acid DC battery (12 V, 12 Ah). Priming diaphragm pump of 10W or mini DC reciprocating cycle motor of 5W is used to generate the required operating pressure to spray the liquid pesticide formulations. The capacity of the storage tank is 20 liters for uninterrupted operation of 25.1 minutes with the discharge rate of 0.79 L/min through the electric flexible mists high-pressure multiple sprayers with four (4) nozzles. Data generated from the theoretical formulae were used to fabricate the system using locally available and durable materials. The sprayer was tested in farmland on two different crops after charging the battery for 3 hours in sunlight. The results obtained were as follows: Power conversion efficiency 20.4%, the time required to charge the battery 2.88hrs, time taken to spray 1 acre of land 2.13hrs, backup time of spray 14.5hrs, application rate 0.04 𝐿/𝑚2 and operating time of the battery 8hrs. The results obtained show that solar sprayer was effective and will be useful in rural areas where there is no constant power supply. The system is incorporated with an energy bulb and charging kit to light up the farmyard and for the operator to charge his/her phone.",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:39:03.581348,2020-05-26T23:39:31.611579 n68j9,"EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION ON THE TENSILE AND WATER ABSORPTION BEHAVIOR OF JUTE/CARBON REINFORCED EPOXY COMPOSITE","Now a days traditional metallic and alloy material are replaced with the fiber based composite material in numerous engineering application. The effect of stacking sequence on tensile and flexural properties of epoxy-based carbon and jute fiber composites has been investigated experimentally and numerically in this paper. Six layers of woven unidirectional jute fiber and four-layer of carbon fiber has been fabricated by vacuum assisted resin infusion process with five different stacking sequences. The tensile and water absorption behaviors of the prepared composite samples were experimentally studied as per the standard of ASTM. The obtained results from the experiments revealed that the stacking sequence of the fiber has a great effect on the tensile and water absorption properties of the composite. To validate the experimental result of the tensile test, the exact 3 D model of the composite laminates were imported to a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software with the exact experimental condition. The predicted FEA results were compared with the experimental results and a good similarity between them has been observed.",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:38:11.205339,2020-05-26T23:38:21.910036 mjf75,"INVESTIGATION OF TILT-ANGLED DELIVERY VALVE IN HYDRAULIC RAM – EXPERIMENT RESULTS","This paper presents the experiment results of the cycle work and overall performance of a new design of delivery valve in hydraulic ram. A hydraulic ram comprises of two non-return valves. They are well known as waste and delivery valves. Both mechanism propagate water hammer in cycle work of the hydraulic ram. In early designs, the water flow phenomenon occurring in the hydraulic ram operating process must be fully recognized for further analysis. Therefore, a transparent acrylic material of a hydraulic ram model was utilized to simulate the flow pattern within the hydraulic ram. In this study, the water flow phenomenon was visualized experimentally using dyes injection method. Then, videos and pictures recorded using slow motion video camera for investigating the hydraulic ram working cycle. The transparent hydraulic ram model was the first time introduced. The results show that the delivery valve with tilt-angled of 60 was the best design to produce the optimal performance of the pump system. The most stagnation point of the flow directed through the delivery valve orifice. The total efficiency of the hydraulic ram theoretically improved up to 24% by using the new model instead of the old one.",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:37:29.251401,2020-05-26T23:37:41.974379 hdr2t,"RADIATION AND CHEMICAL REACTION EFFECTS ON MHD CASSON FLUID FLOW OF A POROUS MEDIUM WITH SUCTION/INJECTION","This research article explores on the steady of the two-dimensional buoyancy effects on MHD Casson fluid flow over a stretching of permeable sheet through a porous medium in the occurrence of suction/injection. The central PDEs are changed into ODEs by applying similarity transformations and the changed equations’ solutions are got by Runge-Kutta fourth order along with a shooting technique. The working fluid flow is considered for numerous different parameters graphically. It has been observed that velocity decreases, temperature and concentration increase when magnetic field and permeability of porous parameter increases.",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:34:28.434464,2020-05-26T23:34:40.869395 7tu2q,"DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF HAND POWER TRICYCLE FOR DISABLED USING HAND LEVER AND CRANK SYSTEM","The main objective is to develop efficient vehicle with affordable price and by using less effort to propel the vehicle. Style and manufacture a chair trike attachment for higher accessibility and performance of a chair user. This trike is incredibly with efficiency designed and might be proven as a stronger replacement for the autochthonal models employed by the incapacitated keeping in mind the factors like safety, value and performance. Trike for the handicap folks to be propelled by the novel link mechanism hooked up to the steering column changing into cranking, victimization the advantage of leverage, with correct balance and distribution of mass and centre of gravity to crank the wheel shaft for dynamical. As he will use each the hands on the steering, higher management of the vehicle is ensured. The user will go quicker and farther (in out of doors use). Levers area unit ergonomically higher for the user (less body stress induced by propulsion forces then for push rim)",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:32:54.584327,2020-05-26T23:33:37.846445 ewgjt,"DESIGN ANALYSIS AND INVESTIGATION OF FABRICATED WEEDER FOR TAPIOCA FARM","In the present-day agriculture, weed regulator in the farm lands is a tedious process that needs more money and human effort. There are a number of methods such as manually removing the unwanted plants by using traditional hand tools or by spraying chemical weedicides which will kill the weeds or using some mechanical equipment’s. Of the above-mentioned methods, the mechanical weeding is mostly preferred due to its low operating cost and human effort. Moreover, the efficiency of the mechanical weeding process is high when compared with the other methods. In dry land tapioca farms, it is difficult to remove the unwanted weed plants by using the existing weeding equipment’s. In the tapioca farms, the tubers of tapioca are located only few millimeters below the soil surface. The present -day weeding equipment’s remove the weed plants by digging the soil surface and it is not favoured because the process will cause damage to the tubers. The use of chemical weedicides is not preferred due to the hazardous nature of the chemicals. The manual weeding process is also not preferred because of the high labour cost. So, in this project A mechanical equipment for carrying out the weeding process in the tapioca farms is designed and fabricated in a way such that it will not cause any damage to the crops. The weeder will only remove the unwanted weed crops in the farm. Apart from the weeding operation, the weeder can make the soil surface loose which will increase the porosity of the soil. Hence the water percolation will be more and the moisture content of the soil can also be maintained. Thus, the weeder will reduce the costs involved in the maintenance of the tapioca farm lands. It will also reduce the human effort involved in the weeding process",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:32:10.260059,2020-05-26T23:32:21.638089 y7u4f,"IONIC LIQUID CATALYSIS TO PRODUCE COTTONSEED OIL BY TRANSESTERIFICATION AND PERFORMANCE TEST IN DIESEL ENGINE","This work is based on the performance of biodiesel blends with diesel in providing for a suitable alternative fuel. There are various methods in which the biodiesel blends are made. Every approach uses the preparation of biofuel initially from a parent oil blend. Here cottonseed oil is taken to make biodiesel. For the conversion ionic liquids have been used as catalysts. The process of transesterification has shorter reaction times with ionic liquid usage. Then subsequently test is made on a diesel engine particularly suited for alternative fuels to find out the biodiesel performance. All the tests to find the suitability of the transesterified biofuel for use in a diesel engine have been done and results presented. The performance graphs show B30 to be the optimum based biofuel blend for which maximum efficiency has been found.",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:31:30.317321,2020-05-26T23:31:57.099995 grbmv,"THE EFFECT OF DARRIEUS AND SAVONIUS WIND TURBINES POSITION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE HYBRID WIND TURBINE AT LOW WIND SPEED","This paper presents an experimental and numerical simulation to investigate a hybrid vertical axis wind turbine model highly efficient which can be worked at low wind speed by studying the aerodynamic characteristics of four models of hybrid VAWTs. The hybrid WT consists of the SWT having two blades and the DWT type straight having two blades. Four models were constructed to study experimentally and numerically to choose the best model. Two models were DWT in the upper and SWT in the lower, also two models were SWT in the upper and DWT in the lower. The phase stage angle between the turbines is 0o and 90o . The experimental and numerical results showed that the performance of hybrid WT where DWT in the upper and SWT in the lower with phase stage 90o is better than in the other models, it can be started to work at a wind velocity of 2.2 m/s. At the wind velocity 3 m/s, the values of the parameters are the rotational speed (198 rpm), the CP (0.3195), the CT (0.2003), the TSR (1.6) and self-starting rotation at this value of wind velocity (3 m/s). The efficiency of extracting the wind power by hybrid WT is (51.2 %).",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:30:35.257063,2020-05-26T23:31:11.865791 sau3r,"THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL FORCE/MOMENT MEASUREMENT DYNAMOMETER","The precision in the measurement of three-dimensional force/moment is very necessary for the manufacturing process, for satellite, and in military equipment. The purpose of this research is to design a multi-dimensional multi-point force/moment (F/M) measurement MP-M dynamometer model based on three-axis piezoelectric sensors installation. The FEM simulation is performed using ANSYS software and mathematical analyses are carried out using derived equations. The measured FEA results are consistent with the applied standard force/moments. The error difference of FEM analysis is under 1%. The FEM simulations results are approximately 99-100% of the exerted axial force, vertical force and pitch moment respectively. The designed MP-M dynamometer model is capable to measure spatial force/moment accurately and simulation experiments are discussed",1,,0,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T23:29:16.897535,2020-05-26T23:29:43.040233 t2cb9,"DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF PAPER RECYCLING UNIT","In any big institution, especially educational institutions like schools or colleges, generation of large quantity of waste papers is quite apparent. And effective use of recycled paper is also possible (craft papers, registers etc). So, instead of disposing off the waste papers into trash, recycling them makes sense. This not only helps the institute in cost saving but will also ensure its contribution towards the protection of the environment. Designing manually operated small-scaled paper recycling plant, which can be used in schools and colleges, ensures that a cheap and non-complex method of production of paper product is guaranteed. Accordingly design of the machine unit has been prepared with all necessary component specifications.",1,,1,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T20:45:01.361408,2020-05-26T20:45:39.206426 8fzy7,"STATIC THERMAL ANALYSIS OF FINS MODELS USING ANSYS","The Engine chamber is one of the essential engine components, that is subjected to over the top temperature differences and thermal stresses. Fins are set on the surface of the cylinder to improve the quantity of heat exchange by convection. When fuel is burned in an engine, heat is produced. Additional heat is also generated by friction between the moving parts. In air-cooled I.C engine, extended surfaces called fins are provided at the periphery of engine cylinder to increase heat transfer rate. That is why the analysis of fin is important to increase the heat transfer rate. The main of aim of this work is to study various researches done in past to improve heat transfer rate of cooling fins by changing cylinder fin geometry and material. In the present work, Experiments have been performed to discover the temperature variations inside the fins made in four kind geometries (plate Fins, Circular Pin fins, plate fins with holes, and draft Pin fins) and consistent state heat exchange examination has been studied utilizing a finite element software ANSYS to test and approve results. The temperature variations at various areas of fins models are evaluated by FEM and compared models of fins performance by heat flux and temperature variations obtained by experimentally in Analysis. The principle implemented in this project is to expand the heat dissipation rate by utilizing the wind flow. The main aim of the study is to enhance the thermal properties by shifting geometry, material, and design of fins",1,,1,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T20:40:53.394228,2020-05-26T20:41:01.909080 drnb4,"CFD ANALYSIS OF HEAT EXCHANGER MODELS DESIGN USING ANSYS FLUENT","The aim of the study is design tube and box heat exchanger with various pattern of tubes and examine the flow and temperature field at inlet and outlet point of tube and container using ANSYS programming tool. Three types of heat exchangers are planned in this examination with various structures of cylinders contains of 175 mm breadth and 1000 mm length shell measurement 175 mm. To expand the rate of heat exchange of heat exchanger advancement is done which tries to distinguish the best parameter combination of heat exchangers. The prefix parameter (tube width) is utilized as an info variable and the yield parameter is the most extreme temperature distinction of container and tube heat exchanger. Three types models are design on the basis tubes varieties of heat exchanger and CFX examination is completed in ANSYS 14.0.",1,,1,,10.31224/,,2020-05-26T20:25:46.999698,2020-05-26T20:26:01.677311 wxf5k,"Evaluation of seismic performance factors for tension-only braced frames","The tension-only braced frames (TOBFs) are widely used as a lateral force resisting system (LFRS) in low-rise steel buildings due to their simplicity and economic advantage. However, the system has poor seismic energy dissipation capacity and pinched hysteresis behavior caused by early buckling of slender bracing members. The main concern in utilizing the TOBF system is the determination of appropriate performance factors for seismic design. A formalized approach to quantify the seismic performance factor (SPF) based on determining an acceptable margin of safety against collapse is introduced by FEMA P695. The methodology is applied in this paper to assess the SPFs of the TOBF systems. For this purpose, a trial value of the R factor was first employed to design and model a set of TOBF archetype structures. Afterwards, the level of safety against collapse provided by the assumed R factor was investigated by using the non-linear analysis procedure of FEMA P695 comprising incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) under a set of prescribed ground motions. It was found that the R factor of 3.0 is appropriate for safe design of TOBFs. Also, the system over strength factor (Ω0) was estimated as 2.0 by performing non-linear static analyses.",1,,2,,10.31224/,10.12989/scs.2020.35.4.599,2020-05-25T19:38:04.151721,2020-05-25T19:38:24.757434 mdgyw,"Thinking systematically about the online academic experience","Two months into the coronavirus pandemic, most university and laboratory staff have been asked to work from home. We are fortunate that while most physical work has been on pause, research, scholarship, and teaching can continue via teleconference calls and collaborative online workspaces. Even as universities and labs attempt to partially re-open in the summer and fall, online scholarship will likely have to continue as students and staff struggle to return to campus due to travel and visa restrictions, and parents have to stay home due to school and daycare closures. Now is the time to brainstorm what work still needs to be done to create useful and productive virtual spaces for academics and research scientists—both amidst the pandemic and afterward. In this commentary, I will first discuss the need for a systematic approach to physical resources for online academic work. Then I will discuss the organization and operation of the larger academic gatherings.",1,,74,,10.31224/,,2020-05-24T15:35:56.867314,2020-05-24T15:36:32.456832 ntjf2,"Introducing Design Space-Independence in Beam Cross-Section Optimization","The cross-sectional topology optimization of a slender load carrying member such as a beam typically begins with the choice of design space which is generally either a square or a rectangle. However, when subjected to bending and torsional loads, such design space may often lead to biased topologies as the material distribution is directed towards the boundaries. As it may be difficult to avoid square/rectangular design space, this work introduces a constraint which may help in decreasing the dependency on the shape of the design space. The constraint is on polar first moment of area and is different from the traditional weight constraint in a way that it simultaneously constrains the weight and enclosed volume. The outcomes from the new scheme are compared with those obtained through conventional compliance- and weight- based topology optimization formulation.",1,,7,,10.31224/,,2020-05-24T15:34:01.077270,2020-05-24T15:34:23.918590 8y9d5,"Seismic Response Control of Offshore Platforms Equipped with Optimum Localization of SMA","In this paper, the seismic response control of offshore jacket-type platform equipped with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) braces is investigated. Concerning the properties of the SMAs, a new connection is introduced in order to make the most of it. Based on an actual platform structure and its mechanical model, the optimized localization of SMAs are found by damage propagation under pushover loadings. To evaluate the possibility of adopting the innovative bracing system and its efficiency, the dynamic responses of 3-D model of the existing 4-legged offshore platform placed in Persian Gulf (SPD12) is compared to the ones with SMA braces. The results show that using an SMA element is an effective way to develop the API recommendations and improve the dynamic response of offshore platforms subjected to earthquake excitations. Implementing the SMA braces can lead to a reduction in residual displacement, deck level displacement, elements and connections forces, and base shear compared to the steel tubular braces model.",1,,9,,10.31224/,,2020-05-22T22:12:33.451644,2020-05-22T22:13:05.237028 k2xc9,"AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE INDUSTRY NEEDS OF AUTOTRONIC COMPETENCIES AND THOSE PREPARED BY THE EDUCATION","This study aims to formulate competencies in autotronics specifically in the cluster of Vehicle Control System (VCS) needed by the automotive service industry (ASI) and its relevance to those taught at Vocational Schools (VSs). Employing a survey method, this research is a quantitative study involving owners, managers, heads of workshops, and service managers of 10 ASI and educators from VSs offering autotronic expertise competencies. Data were collected through questionnaires, structured interviews, observation, and documentation study, and were analyzed descriptively. The results reveal that, of the 30 VCS competency units (CUs), 4 are both needed by ASI and taught at VSs, 11 are required by ASI but not studied at VSs, another CU is not needed by ASI but introduced at VSs, and the other 14 CUs are neither required by ASI nor trained at VSs",1,,12,,10.31224/,,2020-05-20T15:42:28.370865,2020-05-20T17:16:02.340637 8c2pt,"DESIGN AND CFD ANALYSIS OF CEILING FAN FOR REGULAR ROOM SIZE","Fans are playing a major role around the globe for effective and pocket friendly cooling, especially in the region of Asia where humidity is high. Thermal comfort being one of the most important factors for improvement in working environment for better quality of work. Moving of air around the body helps sweat evaporation and makes body feel comfortable. Mixing of air from top to bottom of the area so as to neutralize the change in temperature is done by fans effectively than any other means. Destratification of air is the biggest problem faced in any enclosed area which can be rectified by using fans. CFD Analysis is performed on the designed ceiling fan to analyze the airflow around the area of interest",1,,14,,10.31224/,,2020-05-20T15:40:38.151966,2020-05-20T17:15:21.770757 qf7xd,"SIMULATION STUDIES ON MICROWAVE ASSISTED DRYING OF BIOMASS WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE SIZE OF BIOMASS","The crop-waste is available in abundant to generate energy. The energy conversion process involve production of biofuel from crop-waste. This paper considers the conversion of rice straw to energy. The conversion involve the preprocessing of rice straw which includes drying and its conversion to powder form. This paper proposes the microwave assisted drying process for rice straw. The single strand of rice straw is considered in the paper. The Multiphysics simulation is performed to understand the heat generation and heat-transfer rate with variation in the size of rice straw. The proposed process involves the cutting of rice straw to specific sizes. The rice straw size plays an important role in absorbing microwave energy. The heating pattern depends on the mode of transverse electric field interacting with specified size of rice straw. The different modes getting excited in the rice straw depends on its size. It is observed in this paper that the large size of rice straw help in achieving multiple modes in a single strand of rice straw. Hence, it results in optimized microwave process to achieve the uniform heating in rice straw. The cutting of rice straw before microwave processing requires the rice straw to size between 8 cm to 12 cm.",1,,11,,10.31224/,,2020-05-20T15:35:28.394415,2020-05-20T17:13:55.270641 reygs,"COMPARISON OF MECHANICAL AND MICROSTRUCTURAL EXAMINATION OF AL7075 COMPOSITES REINFORCED WITH MICRO AND NANO B4C","Due to the demand for lightweight materials in the field of automobiles, aeronautics and some other application, there is a need to develop lightweight materials. For the last few decades, aluminum matrix composites are being developed in order to meet out the demand of the above-mentioned industries. aluminum the above, lightweight material in the form of composites of B4C reinforced in Al7075 alloy is considered for the present investigation. The composite was produced using the stir casting method. In this investigation, the micro and nano B4C particles were used as reinforcements. The fabricated composites were characterized for microstructure and mechanical properties. From the microstructural examination, it was observed that 12% of B4C nanocomposites was having fine microstructure as compared to others. The hardness and strength were found to be maximum for 12 % B4C nanocomposites which impact strength was lowest for 12% micro composites.",1,,17,,10.31224/,,2020-05-20T15:26:49.371395,2020-05-20T17:07:59.172214 n5fjy,"THE IMPACT OF SHARE CROPPING SYSTEM ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF RICE FARMING IN CENTRAL JAVA","The problem in rice production in Java is the decrease of agricultural land area, and the increase of old farmers, the share cropping system is a system of land tenure distribution that is mostly carried out in Java. The research was conducted in Klaten Regency as the centre for rice production in Central Java. This study aims to determine the management of rice farming using a share cropping system and factors that affect its productivity. The research involved 60 farmers as the research samples who were collected using multiple linear regression methods. The analysis revealed that the number of tenant farmers amounted to 38% with a relatively younger age and a land area of 0.7 ha. Economically, they live a decent life with revenue per cost 1.6 and profit per cost C 0.25, and a productivity level of 6.3 tons/ha, which is higher than the landowners are. The share cropping system in rice farming in Klaten Regency is a system of land use and labor that provides good incentives for the tenant",1,,11,,10.31224/,,2020-05-20T15:25:50.306204,2020-05-20T17:06:27.909047 b53wx,"EFFECT OF HIGH VOLUME FLY ASH CONCRETE IN SELF-CURING ENGINEERED CEMENTITIOUS COMPOSITE (ECC)","Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) is a special type of high performance fibre reinforced cementitious composite having uniquely high ductile and tensile properties. Reducing the usage of cement in ECC by using less energy intensive binders is a step in the attainment of sustainable development to reduce greenhouse gases. River sand is also becoming a scarce commodity and hence exploring alternatives to it has become important. This paper focuses on characterizing the mechanical properties of an Eco – friendly ECC with High Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) content, manufactured sand and Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Fibre. Experiments were conducted for finding the mechanical properties of ECC by the influence of HVFA (60%, 70% & 80%) content, Self-curing Agent (Polyethylene Glycol 600) and Calcium Carbonate. The results show that the mechanical properties of HVFA-ECC having fly ash up to 70% are comparable with those of ECC without fly ash. Addition of CaCO3 and self-curing agent contributed for the early strength development and an alternative for water curing in HVFA-ECC",1,,7,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.4.2020.027,2020-05-20T15:24:19.050737,2020-05-20T17:01:41.627936 hqsz7,"A novel approach for the determination of sorption equilibria and sorption enthalpy used for MOF aluminium fumarate with water","Adsorption chillers are an environmentally friendly solution for the valorisation of waste or solar heat for cooling demands. A recent application is high efficiency data centre cooling where heat from CPUs is used to drive the process providing cold for auxiliary loads. The metal organic framework aluminium fumarate with water is potentially a suitable material pair for this low temperature driven application. A targeted heat exchanger design is a prerequisite for competitiveness requiring, amongst others, a sound understanding of adsorption equilibria and adsorption enthalpy. A novel method is used for their determination based on small isothermal and isochoric state changes applied with an apparatus developed initially for volume swing frequency response measurement to samples with a binder based adsorbent coating. The adsorption enthalpy is calculated through the Clausius-Clapeyron equation from the obtained slopes of the isotherm and isobar, while the absolute uptake is determined volumetrically. The isotherm confirms the step-like form known for aluminium fumarate with a temperature dependent inflection point at p_rel ≈ 0.25, 0.28 and 0.33 for 30, 40 and 60 °C. The calculated differential enthalpy of adsorption is 2.90±0.05 MJ/kg (52.2±1.0 kJ/mol) on average which is about 10–15% higher than expected by a simple Dubinin approximation.",1,,24,,10.31224/,,2020-05-19T17:15:31.066439,2020-05-19T18:30:23.292447 t4wbq,"Influence of Shear Cutting Process Parameters on the Residual Stress State and the Fatigue Strength of Gears","Shear cutting is used for manufacturing various parts ranging from e.g. simple washers to complex gears. The latter are typically subjected to cyclic loading and fail foremost due to fatigue damages. Hereby, the parts lifetime is mainly determined by: the geometry, the applied load, the material, the hardness, the roughness and the residual stress state. While numerous research works deal with the influence of the process parameters on the hardness and the parts geometry, the influence of the process parameters on the residual stress state and on the resulting fatigue strength has not been investigated in detail, yet. In an earlier publication, suitable shear cutting techniques, which allow to achieve a high amount of clean-cut and a favorable residual stress state were compared. In this paper, the influence of the process parameters on the residual stress state and the resulting bending fatigue strength are addressed. To simulate the bending stress occurring in the tooth root, C-shaped specimens were manufactured by different blanking techniques. The die-clearance and punch and die edge radii were varied with these blanking techniques. After measuring the cut-surface geometry, the hardness distribution and the surface roughness, the fatigue strength was determined in a pulsating test rig. By carrying out residual stress measurements using x-ray diffraction and simulating the material flow behavior using the Finite-Element-Method, basic mechanisms, which are influencing the residual stress state and the resulting bending fatigue strength, were identified and will be presented and discussed in the paper.",1,,2,,10.31224/,,2020-05-25T19:30:01.046479,2020-05-25T19:30:32.600033 239j4,"Fabrication of Low Loss and Near Zero Dispersion Suspended Core Polypropylene Fibers for Terahertz Communications Using Infinity 3D Printing Technique","In this work we explore infinity 3D printing technique to fabricate continuous several-meter-long low-loss near-zero dispersion suspended-core polypropylene fibers for application in terahertz communications. The novel filament deposition modeling (FDM)- based infinity printing technique allows continuous fabrication of unlimited in length fiber sections of complex transverse geometries using advanced thermoplastic composites, and in our opinion is poised to become a key technique for advanced terahertz fiber manufacturing. Furthermore, particular attention in our work is payed to process parameter optimization for printing with low-loss polypropylene plastic, as well as an in-depth comparison between fibers printed using standard FDM 3D printers and infinity 3D printers.",1,,48,,10.31224/,,2020-05-18T17:11:08.415430,2020-05-18T17:35:08.290856 u6skx,"Additive manufacturing of highly reconfigurable plasmonic circuits for terahertz communications","Terahertz communications is a booming field in rapid development. While in most of the existing terahertz communication systems, modulated THz carrier wave is transmitted via free-space communication channels, the THz waveguide-based integrated solutions can be of great utility both at the transmitter and receiver ends. Thus, at the transmitter end they can be used for steering, beam forming, and multiplexing of the THz signals. At the receiver end, terahertz waveguide-based solutions can be used as reliable interconnects (especially in the geometrically complex environments, ex. intra-vehicle communications), as well as for real-time analogue signal processing such as filtering and demultiplexing. More generally, waveguide-based THz optical circuits are indispensable for miniaturization and mass production of cost-effective THz communication systems. In this work, we present comprehensive numerical, fabrication and optical characterization studies of a new type of modular THz integrated circuits based on the micro-encapsulated two-wire plasmonic waveguides. Particular attention is payed to the design of optimized components such as waveguides, couplers and waveguide Bragg gratings to realize easy to handle, highly reconfigurable terahertz circuits capable of complex functionalities such as multiplexing and demultiplexing. The basic element of all the developed subcomponents is a low-loss low-dispersion two-wire waveguide suspended inside of a protective micro-sized enclosure (cage) using deeply subwavelength dielectric supports. The high resolution stereolithography 3D printing and wet chemistry metal deposition techniques are employed to fabricate such waveguides where the THz light is mainly confined in the air gap between the two wires. First, the straight waveguides are characterized using continuous-wave THz spectroscopy system with the measured transmission loss and group velocity dispersion (GVD) of 6 m-1 and -1.5 ps/THz·cm respectively at the carrier frequency of 140 GHz. Next, waveguide bends and a Y-coupler based on the two coalescing waveguide bends are studied. We find that due to the presence of a cage, the curved two-wire waveguides show smaller bending loss than the free-standing two-wire waveguides of similar geometry. Additionally, we find that relatively tight bends of ~5cm-radius can be well tolerated by adding less than ~10 m-1 propagation losses to the curved waveguide propagation loss. Next, we design and fabricate the two-wire waveguide Bragg gratings by hot stamping a periodic sequence of metal strips onto a paper sheet and inserting it into the air gap between the two-wire waveguides. The geometry of the grating featuring a Bragg frequency of 140 GHz is studied theoretically and numerically, and the optimal waveguide gratings are then realized experimentally. Such structures can have bandwidths as high as ~20 GHz. Finally, using thus developed modular components, a two channel THz Add-Drop Multiplexer (ADM) is demonstrated for the operation at 140 GHz carrier frequency and featuring a spectral width of 2.8 GHz. We believe that the reported modular platform based on the micro-encapsulated two-wire waveguides can have a strong impact on the field of integrated optical circuits for THz signal processing and potentially sensing due to ease of device fabrication (standard 3D printers and wet chemistry), modular design and high degree of reconfigurability, low-loss and low-dispersion of the underlying waveguides, as well as high potential for the real-time tunability of the optical circuits due to ease of access of the modal fields inside the controlled in-cage environment.",1,,37,,10.31224/,,2020-05-18T17:10:43.503457,2020-05-18T17:31:03.173808 vp6jq,"Three shades of green: Perspectives on at-work charging of electric vehicles using photovoltaic carports","Electric vehicles (EVs) are widely heralded as the silver bullet for greening personal transport. However their eventual impact in South Africa, a developing country with a low-capacity carbon-heavy grid, is questionable. This paper examines the potential impact of electrification of the vehicle fleet in South Africa, and explores the concept that large employers could take advantage of the country’s abundant sunshine and provide photovoltaic (PV) solar carports for employees to charge their vehicles while at work. We assess the extent to which this would reduce the potential burden on the national grid, and also consider the economic perspectives of the vehicle owners and the employers. Our assessment employs a mobility model and a battery model for the vehicles, and solar simulation with measured data for the PV generation. We show that without the provision of additional solar generation, charging four million vehicles from the grid would exceed the grid’s capacity. Further, the carbon footprint of an electric vehicle charged from the grid would be greater than that of a petrol-fuelled vehicle, negating any potential benefits of electrification. However, we demonstrate that photovoltaic charging at work renders electric vehicles more carbon-friendly than petrol equivalents, and has substantial financial benefits for the vehicle owner, the employer, and the grid.",1,,36,,10.31224/,,2020-05-18T13:54:09.713528,2020-05-22T12:10:05.015583 sn7cg,"GIS Based Solar Resource Analysis for Irrigation Purposes: Rural Areas Comparison under Groundwater Scarcity Conditions","During the past decade, most governments have been promoting energy efficiency programs and the integration of renewable energy sources into the majority of energy uses. Among the diferent sectors, the agricultural sector is becoming a more active participant to reduce fossil fuel dependence and improve environmental sustainability. Indeed, agriculture usually combines both a high energy demand and water problems associated with over-exploited aquifers, providing great potential and remarkable opportunities to change the energy mix and maximize the use and integration of natural resources in a rational way. Considering this framework, the present paper describes and compares the solar resource integration and its effects on agricultural pumping purposes in two Mediterranean countries, Spain and Morocco, with significant differences in terms of energy mix, climatic conditions and energy policies. As a novel contribution in this paper, we propose the use of GIS to analyze the spatial and temporal variability of the solar resource through real data of both locations, as well as to study groundwater resources. With this aim, two technical proposals for irrigation purposes are compared in terms of environmental benefits, CO2 emissions and agriculture energy model changes: diesel equipment and photovoltaic system. Results based on solar radiation resource, pumping requirements and aquifer depth are included in the paper.",1,,17,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.solmat.2016.06.045,2020-05-17T20:29:58.113617,2020-05-17T20:30:21.764627 f2w75,"On Polyekthetic Processes","This Preprint introduces polyekthetic processes, a generalization of polytropic processes. The etymology of the new term is given, and the concept is explained theoretically. A useful associated definition for constant-property processes, for arbitrary properties and expressions thereof, is given, and associated polyekthetic exponents k_ijℓ are defined and a general solution is obtained. Examples on van-der-Waals, general, and ideal gas substances are provided with discussions.",1,,15,,10.31224/,,2020-05-16T13:14:28.425298,2020-05-16T13:14:42.638251 xjf6z,"Geospatial Data Analytics- A Deep Learning Perspective","To visualize high-dimensional geospatial data has achieved much importance in last decades. But to analyze it, the technologies used of machine learning are not so convincing and thus it is high time to switch to a sub-domain of machine learning called deep learning, which has gained popularity because of its accuracy in processing and analyzing high-dimensional data. The convergence of deep learning with geospatial data analytics shall prove to be a boon to those who actually has a need to predict specific outputs over geospatial data. In this paper, we have presented some geospatial data generated using the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technology and proposed ways to implement deep learning over these data. GIS technology is a mapping technology which signifies high-dimensional geospatial data and our aim is to propose a model where GIS converges with highly efficient deep neural networks such as CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory Network). We have provided geospatial as well as statistical results in this paper to visualize practically the GIS technology. This paper further provides future scope of the proposed model which shall present the challenges that needs to be tackled in future and its applicability in many relevant domains.",1,,95,,10.31224/,,2020-05-15T17:05:21.896796,2020-05-18T03:01:31.343729 5t6fb,"Multidimensional Analysis of Groundwater Pumping for Irrigation Purposes: Economic, Energy and Environmental Characterization for PV Power Plant Integration","Nowadays, the agriculture sector presents relevant opportunities to integrate renewable energy sources as an alternative solution to mitigate fossil-fuel dependence and decrease emissions. Moreover, this sector demands a detailed review of energy uses and other factors that are addressed as priority issues in most developed countries. In this framework, groundwater pumping energy requirements for agriculture irrigation emerge as a relevant topic to be improved in terms of power demand. Actually, this demand is currently supplied by diesel equipment solutions, with relevant drawbacks such as: (i) a large energy dependence on fossil fuels for the agricultural sector and (ii) a lack of participation in reducing CO 2 emissions. This paper proposes a multidimensional characterization to evaluate photovoltaic (PV) solar energy integration into groundwater pumping requirements. Alternative solutions are compared under economic, energy and environmental aspects; thus providing an extensive scenario where the considerable influence of multiple factors such as water needs, irrigation area or aquifer depth are explicitly considered. Extensive results based on a real Spanish aquifer and discussion about the solutions are also included in the paper.",1,,31,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.renene.2019.01.077,2020-05-15T17:04:14.114117,2020-05-15T17:07:47.849023 uhp9e,"Development of a Fuzzy-based Patrol Robot Using in Building Automation System","A Building Automation System (BAS) has functions of monitoring and controlling the operation of all building sub-systems such as HVAC (Heating-Ventilation, Air-conditioning Control), electric consumption management, fire alarm control, security and access control, and appliance switching control. In the BAS, almost operations are automatically performed at the control centre, the building security therefore must be strictly protected. In the traditional system, the security is usually ensured by a number of cameras installed at fixed positions and it may results in a limited vision. To overcome this disadvantage, our paper presents a novel security system in which a mobile robot is used as a patrol. The robot is equipped with fuzzy-based algorithms to allow it to avoid the obstacles in an unknown environment as well as other necessary mechanisms demanded for its patrol mission. The experiment results show that the system satisfies the requirements for the objective of monitoring and securing the building.",1,,20,,10.31224/,,2020-05-14T15:05:59.835330,2020-05-14T15:17:22.016783 j9hye,"Slow Axis Displacement Correction for Stripe Artefact Removal in Optical Coherence Angiography","The method for displacement correction along the slow axis of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) data volumes is presented. The method is based on the recursive replacement of the next displaced OCT measurements by the weighted summation of itself and the previous OCT measurement in the slow axis dimension already corrected for the displacement. The values of the appropriate weight multipliers were defined from the local correlation of the two measurements. The proposed method was used as a preprocessing step for Optical Coherence Angiography processing of the OCT data. Substantial reduction of the motion-induced stripe artifact was demonstrated.",1,,33,,10.31224/,,2020-05-12T16:28:46.113136,2020-05-12T16:33:07.689974 w5a6m,"Computationally efficient model of OCT scan formation by focused beams and its usage to demonstrate a novel principle of OCTangiography","A computationally highly efficient full-wave model of OCT-scan formation by focused beams in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) is presented. Similarly to some previous models, it is based on summation of fields scattered by discrete sub-resolution scatterers and enables accounting for axial and lateral inhomogeneity of the illuminating Gaussian beam. The main feature ensuring high computational efficiency of the described model is that instead of numerical integration of the scattered signal over the receiving aperture we apply analytical description of both the illuminating-beam focusing and collection of the scattered signals over the receiving aperture. Elimination of numerical integration over the receiving aperture has increased the computation speed by a factor of ~ 10^3. This is of key importance for practical feasibility of simulations of 3D OCT data volumes for large amounts (~ 10^5-10^7 ) of scatterers corresponding to realistic densities of cells in biological tissues. We demonstrate the model possibilities by simulating digital refocusing of strongly focused OCT beams in the presence moving scatterers. A novel principle of contrast-agent-free visualization of scatterer flows with velocities typical of blood microcirculation is demonstrated.",1,,28,,10.31224/,,2020-05-12T14:39:39.771675,2020-05-12T14:40:41.222548 96kng,"On Illustrating Carnot’s General Proposition by Means of Reversible Stirling Engines","Carnot’s general proposition, also referred to as one of Carnot’s principles, states that the work producing potential of heat—harvested by reversible heat engines—is independent on the working fluid and on engine internal details, being only a function of the temperatures of the reservoirs with which the engine exchanges heat. This concept, usually presented to ME students in the context of the second law of thermodynamics, is usually proven by contradiction, using second law concepts and abstractions, without concrete examples, even though Carnot’s proposition mentions concrete things such as working fluids and engine internal details. This work proposes to document the usage of reversible Stirling engine models that take the engine arrangement and fluid properties into account towards illustrating the validity of Carnot’s general proposition.",1,,54,,10.31224/,,2020-05-12T14:38:27.438094,2020-05-12T14:39:10.530548 wjtg2,"Unsupervised Machine Learning in Fractography: Evaluation and Interpretation","Modern computer vision and machine learning techniques, when applied in Fractogra- phy bare the potential to automate much of the failure analysis process and remove human induced ambiguity or bias. Given the complex interaction between intrinsic (e.g. microstructure) and extrinsic (e.g. environment, loading history) factors leading to failure, deep learning methods, which exhibit very high efficiency in establishing complex interconnections between the input data, may end up revealing new correla- tions and information that is encoded onto the complex geometries of fracture surfaces and remained hidden from us so far. In this work, we examine the potential use of an unsupervised learning pipeline to classify fracture surfaces of five tungsten heavy alloys following their chemical content (i.e. Tungsten percentage). Encouraged by the success of the algorithms, we move on and analyze the features on the fracture surfaces which are governing the decision process of the algorithms. The fractographic interpretation of these features shows that the extent of plasticity on the fracture surface serves as a measure for the classification process. The examined pipeline can be used to identify failures originating from erroneous manufacturing processes, leading to locally varying Tungsten concentrations and ultimately premature failure.",1,,38,,10.31224/,,2020-05-08T19:27:13.629438,2020-05-08T19:27:45.248745 8gvky,"Performance analysis of wireless sensor networks assisted by on-demand-based cloud infrastructure","The wireless sensor networks composed of tiny sensor with the capability of mon- itoring the tangible changes for a wide range of applications are limited with the capabilities on processing and storage. Their limited capabilities make them seek the help of the cloud that provides the rented service of processing and storage. The dense deployment of the wireless sensor and their vulnerability to the unknown attacks, alterations make them incur difficulties in the process of the conveyance causing the modifications or the loss of the content. So, the paper proposes an optimized localization of the nodes along with the identification of the trusted nodes and minimum distance path to the cloud, allowing the target to have anytime and anywhere access of the content. The performance of the cloud infrastructure-supported wireless sensor network is analyzed using the network simulator 2 on the terms of the forwarding latency, packet loss rate, route failure, storage, reliability, and the network longevity to ensure the capacities of the cloud infrastructure-supported wireless sensor networks.",1,,27,,10.31224/,10.1002/dac.4272,2020-05-08T19:25:29.170631,2020-05-08T19:26:03.520691 6wy5c,"Impacts of Coronavirus COVID-19 on the Global Shipping and Maritime Industry in Indonesia and How to Overcome the Coronavirus Outbreak Based on WHO and IMO recommendations","Since entering the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, the global share of Chinese container shipments grew up from 10% in 2003 to 14% in 2019. While the share of imports of dry bulk commodities to world volumes has jumped sharply from only 11 % to 34% in the same period. Based on the total dry bulk commodities, the portion of China in the global market is very dominant and become the major player in this industry. China imports 20% of chemicals, 18% gas, and 16% crude oil in 2019. It is understandable that the turmoil in China will have an upstream and downstream impact in the global production chain including Indonesia. The rapid spread of coronavirus has had a major impact on global shipping markets, with the slump in demand for goods from China having a ripple effect on everything from container ships to oil tankers. The freight rate for global container lines generally drops at a sharp rate of 10% -15%. A radical drop in demand for Chinese crude tankers from an average of 3.4 billion tonne miles per day in 2019 to almost zero. This was just the start of what was about to become a global crisis for all sectors including shipping. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the impacts of the Coronavirus COVID-19 on the maritime industry especially in Indonesia, and how to overcome the coronavirus outbreak based on World Health Organization (WHO) and International Maritime Organization (IMO) recommendations. The research method used in this research is the study of literature with a descriptive analysis approach.",1,,25,,10.31224/,,2020-05-07T17:27:08.507573,2020-05-07T17:27:20.760949 gn78a,"Cyber Security Threat Modeling in the Construction Industry: A Countermeasure Example During the Commissioning Process","The digitalization and automation of the construction sector, known as Construction 4.0, are transforming positively the way we plan, design, execute, and operate construction projects. However, they are also increasing the vulnerability of construction projects and making the architecture, engineering, construction, and facility management (AEC-FM) industry subject to cyberattacks. Although current cybersecurity practices are relevant, they cannot be directly adopted because of the unique challenges faced by the AEC-FM industry, such as complex supply chains, interoperability, and dynamic workforce from project to project. Current literature suggests that, though current standards and practices are relevant, industry-specific studies need to be conducted before they can be successfully integrated. To that extent, this study investigates the cybersecurity threat modeling for construction projects by developing a framework that identifies what might be compromised, how might it happen, why would someone intend to do it, what would be the impact, and what could be done to prevent it. Specifically, the objectives are to a) develop a preliminary threat model relevant to construction that can be used by construction stakeholders with minimal cybersecurity expertise, b) show the feasibility of the approach by using illustrative threat models for each of the life cycle phases of a construction project, and c) use the commissioning phase of a building as a case study to show a possible countermeasure for the cyber threats that could occur during the testing or certification process of a given system. This study addresses essential components to enable the full potential of (i.e., digitalization and automation of the construction industry) and define research areas needed to pave the roadmap for the future of the construction industry and successful development of Construction 4.0. The proposed framework will help analyze, examine, and address the safety and security of stakeholders and systems during crucial phases of a construction project (e.g., pre-construction, construction, and operation).",1,,56,,10.31224/,,2020-05-07T13:39:53.775358,2020-05-07T14:15:01.114497 tgfdy,"A human factors engineering approach to a universal labeling system for communicating the risks of hazardous drugs","Federal law defines hazardous chemicals as any chemical that poses a physical or health hazard. A burgeoning segment of the modern arsenal of medications pose a similar risk. Cytotoxic and genotoxic medications are commonly cited examples of what this author classifies as hazardous drugs. However, due to the ambiguity or outright absence of textual warning labels on these medications, individuals who suffer incidental exposure in preparation, handling, administration and disposal of the drug may be compromising their health and safety. The risk posed by hazardous drugs is not limited to those within the healthcare community either, due to the large number of individuals who handle hazardous drugs during the process of manufacturing, transport, administration, and disposal. The author proposes a simple, clear label by which all individuals who come in contact with hazardous drugs – regardless of background – can readily distinguish between hazardous and non-hazardous drugs. The implementation of the labeling system proposed herein has the potential to increase awareness of handling risks for hazardous drugs, thereby improving health, safety, and the environment.",1,,25,,10.31224/,,2020-05-07T13:38:12.194056,2020-05-07T13:38:28.078217 xpv65,"A Feasibility Study of Non-Invasive Continuous Estimation of Brachial Pressure Derived from Arterial and Venous Lines During Dialysis","Intradialytic haemodynamic instability is a significant clinical problem, leading to end-organ ischaemia and contributing to morbidity and mortality in haemodialysis patients. Non-invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring is not part of routine practice but may aid detection and prevention of significant falls in blood pressure during dialysis. Brachial blood pressure is currently recorded intermittently during haemodialysis via a sphygmomanometer. Current methods of continuous non-invasive blood pressure monitoring tend to restrict movement, can be sensitive to external disturbances and patient movement, and can be uncomfortable for the wearer. Additionally, poor patient blood circulation can lead to unreliable measurements. In this feasibility study we performed an initial validation of a novel method and associated technology to continuously estimate blood pressure using pressure sensors in the extracorporeal dialysis circuit, which does not require any direct contact with the person receiving dialysis treatment. The paper describes the development of the measurement system and subsequent in vivo patient feasibility study with concurrent measurement validation by Finapres Nova experimental physiological measurement device. We identify a mathematical function to describe the relationship between arterial line pressure and brachial artery BP, which is confirmed in a patient study. The methodology presented requires no interfacing to proprietery dialysis machine systems, no sensors to be attached to the patient directly, and is robust to patient movement during treatment and also to the effects of the cyclical pressure waveforms induced by the hemodialysis peristaltic blood pump. This represents a key enabling factor to the development of a practical continuous blood pressure monitoring device for dialysis patients. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible.",1,,46,,10.31224/,,2020-05-07T13:37:00.927225,2020-05-26T17:51:21.317089 3y6bx,"Electronic waste management in Romania: pathways for sustainable practices","This chapter aims to examine the current challenges in electronic waste (e-waste) management in a new EU Member State like Romania. The chapter analyses the route from unsound disposal practices (e.g. illegal dumping) towards sustainable practices of e-waste under EU targets and objectives. This e-waste stream is toxic for the environment and public health, thus, proper collection, treatment, and recycling facilities are required. The waste management infrastructure must be completed by a comprehensive e-waste statistic database, reliable monitoring, and law enforcement activities. The chapter reveals the current gaps in e-waste management activities in Romania while highlighting the best practices in this sector. The chapter identifies the specific pathways for sustainable practices associated with electronic waste management. The role of different actors involved in e-waste flows is examined such as public institutions, private sector, NGOs or local community. This emerging e-waste stream has a high recycling and recovery potential which could further support a circular economy in Romania.",1,,22,,10.31224/,10.1016/B978-0-12-817030-4.00024-3,2020-05-05T15:23:22.178220,2020-05-05T15:23:44.699615 d9ypk,"A holistic evaluation of the impact of UK renewable strategy on emissions","Reduction in fossil fuels, contributing to greenhouse gases, and improvement of air quality from vehicle emissions is of growing concern worldwide. This has led to the introduction of several binding and non-binding agreements, such as the Renewable Energy Directive to increase the renewable content of fuel for transportation, the carbon dioxide emissions standards to limit the amount of carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles and the Euro Standards to limit the amount of emissions harmful to human health in the exhaust. However, the influence of the fuel composition on hazardous exhaust emissions is a complex, and often contradictory, relationship between factors such as the fuel properties, combustion characteristics and engine load. Therefore policy implemented to improve one aspect, such as a reduction in carbon dioxide, can have a detrimental effect on another such as increased NOx emissions. This paper analyses, in a holistic manner, the impact on carbon dioxide and harmful emissions from transient compression ignition engines when increasing the renewable content of the fuel to meet the renewable energy targets. The analysis is based on a model developed from a rigorous Design of Experiment methodology used to determine the complex relationship between renewable fuel content and exhaust emissions (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides). Unlike other studies, the results were collected from a transient engine cycle, the World Harmonised Light vehicle Test Procedure, rather than steady state conditions, thus the results are more applicable to the real world. The results generally show that as the amount of ethanol is increased then the NOx and CO emissions decrease compared to current pump diesel. Increasing the biodiesel content generally increases the CO and CO2 emissions from the engine. For practical reasons a ternary blend is required to minimise the diesel engine emissions whilst meeting the UK’s future renewable content target. A blend of B2.4E10 was found to be the optimum compromise between renewable content and engine emissions. However, for this to be achieved the UK will have to invest in second and third generation ethanol.",1,,45,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117586,2020-05-05T15:12:19.256789,2020-05-05T15:12:41.965516 4bqkp,"SMART BIOFEEDBACK EXPECTORANT SYSTEM FOR IMPROVING THE LUNG CAPACITIES","The Biofeedback Expectorant is a device which is designed for patients suffering from various lung disorders, associated with the production and secretion of excessive quantities of mucus within the airways and help to loosen the mucous so that it tends to be hacked from the lungs. Meanwhile, the mucous in the lungs becomes thick and difficult to wash out from the air routes. When this mucous remain in the air routes, it blocks airways and becomes hard to relax. The disease is likely to be conceivable if the mucous remains permanently in the air routes. When one breathes out through this device, it bounces the ball inside to it. This action produces signals around 15 Hz and forward the vibration via the air ways. This amalgamation of enhanced intensity and vibration aids the mucous in moving into the air ways where it remains. Some patients can’t blow for a longer duration, therefore a feedback system is designed in such a way that the pressure is measured using a pressure sensor. If the value goes below the certain threshold limit the beep sound is heard and a light indication is provided so that we can find whether the patient should blow effectively. The Blowing time (how much time duration the patient is blowing) was measured and display in the LCD screen. The forced expiratory flow volume (FEV1) and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) was calculated that gives an idea about the status of the lungs. The Mann Whitney U Test was conducted with α = 0.05 for the sampled data, the results show that the data is statistically significant. This device is small, portable, and easy to use with no side effects.",1,,19,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.021,2020-05-02T14:08:49.197120,2020-05-04T15:04:28.387047 wernz,"EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON BEACH MORPHODYNAMICAL PROCESS NEAR RIVER MOUTH","Physical model study on wave influences on river-mouth depositional process is presented. Experiments were performed in a wave basin in order to determine erosion and accretion area due to the combined wave – current flows. An inflow glass channel was designed to reproduce a river mouth model in a 3D wave basin made with a sand bottom. The tests were carried out under three different conditions: river current, waves, wave –current interaction. Measurements of wave heights, beach profiles and bathymetric profiles were made. The results show that in the presence of combined wave-current flows, erosion areas are more evident in vicinity of a mouth with depth and width values greater than depth and width values of inflow channel.",1,,18,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.020,2020-05-02T14:23:51.067469,2020-05-04T15:04:24.053181 7gy2j,"HOTSPOT REVELATION IN SOLAR PANEL USING SPARSE RECONSTRUCTION AND EXTREME LEARNING MACHINE","In today’s world, solar panel is one of the major sources for generating power directly from the sunlight by using electronic processes and there is no greenhouse emission in photovoltaic cell as it does not require any other source of fuel like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power systems. Hotspot is one of the main causes of photovoltaic cell which occurs due to the dissipation of power in shaded cells. In the existing literature, the hotspot in solar panel is detected by using various algorithms and techniques but it does not improve accuracy, performance, temperature distribution, problem like overfitting and underfitting also exists. To overcome that, the proposed work deals with capturing the hotspot as thermal image through an infrared camera which is mainly used for temperature distribution. For identifying hotspot, the features like shade, correlation, contrast, energy, entropy, homogeneity, prominence, sparse are extracted using sparse reconstruction and GLCM algorithms. The features are given to the classification algorithm named as Extreme Learning Machine which gives the good generalization performance and improves accuracy higher when compared to other algorithms. The overfitting and underfitting problem can also be rectified by using these algorithms. Finally using extreme learning machine, the percentage of hotspot in photovoltaic cell can be identified.",1,,24,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.018,2020-05-02T14:21:47.333872,2020-05-04T15:04:33.741060 3w5v8,"RISK-BASED TESTING: IDENTIFYING, ASSESSING, MITIGATING & MANAGING RISKS EFFICIENTLY IN SOFTWARE TESTING","Most of the software organizations often strive hard while deciding the release dates of their software product. This is because no organization wants to take risks where the fault is revealed in the developed product on the client-side. This will lead to expensive bug-fixes, and the image of the developer company is tarnished. On the other hand, testing beyond a particular time would lead to a loss of revenue for the organization. The effective approach for handling the risky components will enable software testers to identify more important test cases that can reveal faults associated with those components. After identification of those test cases, software testers work to fix fault sooner by managing the testing schedule by running such test cases earlier. Faults associated with hazardous components can also be detected sooner. In riskbased testing, the probability of a fault becoming a reality is assessed, and the damage that this fault can cause when leading to failure is considered. This study has presented an overall layout of risk-based testing. We have summarized the research findings of numerous researchers in this field. This will help the newcomers in this filed to provide a comprehensive source of information altogether. The future direction of this study will focus on proposing a novel technique for risk-based testing, considering different parameters together.",1,,25,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.017,2020-05-02T14:15:14.881360,2020-05-04T15:04:33.790131 p29zj,"LEARNABILITY: AN INEVITABLE SKILL NEEDED FOR SUSTENANCE IN INDUSTRY 4.0","Today we are living in the era of fourth industrial revolution demanding variety of skills set for delivering various jobs. The world is transforming in a contingent way. This transformation is not only in terms of technology but a complete domino effect is being witnessed in the recent past. The technology, demography and the social changes are affecting the professional as well as personal life styles. The techniques and procedures followed in the organizations are becoming obsolete very quickly resulting in the need for new techniques. New jobs are created; even the most demanded jobs in the current days are not even present few years back. Thus the job description and the job specification is changing a lot these days. It is not the survival that is threatening the employee work force but it is about the sustenance of their jobs. Learnability is the skill that is coming to the aid of employees for sustenance. Learnability is the ability to quickly grow and adopt skill set to be emploayable throughout their working life. In this regard this study is aimed to identify the need of learnability skill among the people and how it affects their career. A survey was conducted with a sample of 120 employees working in different sectors to identify the need to unlearn the present skill set and relearn the new skills for their job upgradation. The study revealed that unlearning and relearning is needed in every sector like educational institutions, software, manufacturing, fast moving consumer goods etc,. The time span for the change process varies from one sector to the other. The employees seeking new skills are being headhunted by the corporate world and are reaching the tip of their career ladder and the others are left behind",1,,23,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.014,2020-05-02T14:06:39.994500,2020-05-04T15:04:22.980913 jgfup,"DESIGN FABRICATION AND CAMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY HELMET USING GLASS FIBERS REINFORCED WITH EPOXY RESIN","Now-a-days, safety is very important in various on-site industries like manufacturing, construction & power generation industries. To escape the worker from head damage, wearing of industrial safety helmet in on-site industries has become obligatory according to OHSAS 18001[Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series]. Hence the resisting possessions of safety helmet should be high to hold out against the fortuitous circumstances. This project focuses on scrutinizing and comparing the fabricated industrial safety helmet using composite material which is make by us, with existing industrial safety helmet. The fabricated safety helmet shall be figure out in both practically and theoretically processes. In practical examining the fabricated helmet shall go through the component testing which was specified by BIS 2925 [Bureau of Indian Standards]. In theoretical the results of the practical test will compared in FEA (Finite Element Analysis) using ANSYS 19 R3 software on prototype and existing models. This project talk about the outline of safety helmet constructional attributes, definition, types and choosing of suitable composite material.",1,,23,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.013,2020-05-02T14:03:06.565809,2020-05-04T15:04:23.041493 jtsvn,"IMPACT OF 5 D’S OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE PATRONAGE OF A TRANSIT NETWORK – A CASE STUDY OF VADAPALANI METRO RAIL STATION","The patronage of public transport system in Chennai has reached to its lowest level ever since its inception. In this context, planning authorities introduced 1st phase of Chennai metro rail with 32 stations. The household survey conducted before the finalization of alignment of 1st phase projected the patronage of Chennai metro rail on 2016 will be 7.74 lakh trips / day, whereas the current patronage is only 1.21 Lakh trips / day in 2020, even though the Metro rail is in operation for more than four years. The reason for this low patronage is analyzed through the primary survey within the context of 5 D’s of development (Density, Diversity, Design, Destination Accessibility & Distance to Transit) for the selected sample station",1,,22,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.009,2020-05-02T14:20:08.432664,2020-05-04T15:04:24.443152 nrm64,"SIGNCRYPTION BASED HYPER ELLIPTICAL CUREVE CRYPTOGRAPHY FRAMEWORK FOR KEY ESCROW IN MANET","Hyper elliptical curve cryptography is the prominent public key encrypto systems with practical approach to high level of security and shorter bit size of encryption. Public key encryption is a reliable cryptographic method for mobile adhoc networks. Still, some shortcomings of key management deter the reputation of its utilization in the real-time environment. One major disadvantage in the crucial necessity of elucidation is the key escrow problem. For secure group-based data transmission in the distributed environment, a secret key has to be shared among the users for the secured data transmission. For establishing efficient key distribution and management, a novel dynamic group secret key management is introduced. In this paper, we propose a signcryption based hyper elliptic curve cryptography framework for key escrow. Here the model of scheme is to divide a large group into several subgroups, each maintaining its subgroup secret keys to control the subgroup and managing many subgroups using Key Escrow Based Hyper Elliptic Curve Cryptography management algorithm. In the paper, a new methodology for collaborative key management using signcryption is implemented. The environment for mobile networks with the proposed algorithm named signcryption based Key Escrow HECC for Signcryption (KEHECCS) with a comparison of the conventional algorithms prevailing for MANETs is simulated. Compared to the existing approaches, KEHECCS demonstrates advanced key distribution features with better throughput efficiency without compromising on communication overhead and storage cost.",1,,31,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.008,2020-05-02T14:17:41.079073,2020-05-04T15:04:47.037955 mcr6s,"ADVANTAGES OF MONOPOLE TRANSMISSION TOWER WITH NEW GENERATION CONDUCTORS","This paper made an attempt to enlighten the safety parameter of monopole with the Lattice tower transmission line design in urban areas, where required right of way is constraint. Pipe section for monopole and a four-legged section for lattice tower have been chosen as tower profiles. The new generation composite conductors and Steel Reinforced conductors’ properties have been examined for an integral approach. The analysis is carried out with IS 802 (Part-1/Sec-1): 2015 and IS 875(Part3)-2015 revised code versions for 60 m height and 250 m span. It is concluded that the Monopole pipe sections are 6.7% less in weight than the four-legged lattice tower with composite conductors. While comparing the design philosophy of IS 802:2015 code and IS 875-2015 versions, former code contributed an economic design when compared to IS 875-2015 loading procedure. It is further extended that in terms of weight comparison, monopole and four-legged towers have illustrated as 30% & 9.18% less in comparison with IS 875 Code procedure.",1,,22,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.007,2020-05-02T14:01:59.788812,2020-05-04T15:04:23.716913 ca6d4,"On Exact and Local Polytropic Processes: Etymology, Modeling, and Requisites","This preprint concerns polytropic processes, a fundamental process type in engineering thermodynamics. An etymology is presented for the term, and the ties to its usefulness are identified. The seemingly new support concept of ‘logical’ thermodynamic process, as well as the seemingly new working concept of ‘exact’ polytropic process, and a statement for ‘local’ polytropic process, are herein provided. The proposition of employing local polytropic processes as computational discrete elements for generic engineering thermodynamics process modeling is made. Finally, theoretical requisites for a process to be an exact polytropic one, including the deduction of the most general equation of state of the underlying substance, are discussed beyond a reference.",1,,32,,10.31224/,,2020-05-02T13:57:01.114738,2020-05-04T16:38:47.711824 x765v,"AN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE OF A CITY: A FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY FOR ECONOMIC ADVANCEMENT","Sustainability has been accelerating around the globe due to the urban transformation for economic advancement. Areas of urban development, be it the transition from rural to urban or the land uses at urban/rural edge, require better sustainable designing from both urban and rural perspective to shape, manage and preserve the ecosystems people depend on. Although the enhancement of architectural quality has been traditionally considered for ages, still a number of urban governments and political elites begin to acknowledge the link between sustainability and economy. One needs to recognize that an improved development can contribute to local economic regeneration. A reimagined attempt towards it can attract investment and act as a catalyst for economic rejuvenation. It is important how a city cultivates a new image of urban development that plays a crucial role in the transformation of the city as a service –based urban economy. A city’s sustainable urban development is not simply an expression of broader economic and socio-cultural changes, but plays a major role in shaping the external and internal image of the city. This Study aims to look at economic growth from the perspective of sustainability. This research studies the economic growth at regional level and the sustainable urban factors that influence it. It also studies those technologies that better link sustainability and economic growth. This research concludes by assessing the role of sustainability in economic generation and how it can potentially make a positive contribution to the rejuvenation of a local economy",1,,20,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.005,2020-05-02T13:52:44.356151,2020-05-04T15:04:30.697168 k5r72,"THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF RECTANGULAR CONCRETE BEAMS REINFORCED INTERNALLY WITH HFRP REINFORCEMENTS UNDER PURE TORSION","Theoretical and Experimental analysis of rectangular concrete beams reinforced internally with Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Polymer (HFRP) reinforcements under pure torsion is carried out in this study. Different parameters like grade of concrete, beam longitudinal reinforcement ratio and transverse stirrups spicing are considered. The basic strength properties of concrete, steel and HFRP reinforcements are determined experimentally. Experimental torque verses twist relationship is established for various values of torque and twist using elastic, plastic theories of torsion. Finally the ultimate torque is determined using experimentaly for different parameters considered in this study. Based on this study, a good agreement is made between theoretical analysis and the experimental behaviour.",1,,20,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.004,2020-05-01T14:07:53.953093,2020-05-04T15:04:31.215466 dxrq9,"AN INVESTIGATION ON THE SHRINKAGE CHARACTERISTICS OF HYBRID FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE PRODUCED BY USING FIBERS OF DIFFERENT ASPECT RATIO","In the present paper, effects of shrinkage in fiber reinforced concrete are studied. Here, in the current research work, an attempt is made to study the effects on shrinkage of concrete when five different fiber materials are used for reinforcing plain concrete. Three configurations of each reinforcing fiber material is studied. Fiber aspect ratios of 40 and 100 and a combination of the fibers of the two aspect ratios in equal proportion (hybrid) make up the three configurations for one individual fiber material reinforcement. Shrinkage values are indicated in terms of total length of crack and the total area of the crack. On-field measurement of crack dimensions at periodic time intervals ranging from 0 minutes to 28 days after casting of concrete has been undertaken to determine the accurate values of shrinkage cracks in the fifteen scenarios i.e. five reinforcing fiber materials with three configurations each using aspect ratio of fibers 40, 100 and the hybrid (40 +100) case. It is seen that, irrespective of the material of fiber used for reinforcing concrete, hybridized concrete consistently shows better results relative to single aspect ratio fiber reinforcement. This research also aims to provide a bench mark for future research works on shrinkage characteristics of hybridized fiber reinforced concrete",1,,23,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.003,2020-05-01T14:06:43.822324,2020-05-04T15:03:45.184469 2q4va,"IMPACT OF METRO STATION IN ITS IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD – A CASE STUDY OF CHENNAI METRO RAIL CORRIDOR","Metro stations around the world have contributed to the development of the space surrounding the station. The intensity of development depends not only on the metro station but on lot of other parameters like availability of developable land, population density, existing intermodal connection, distance to the Central Business District (CBD), etc. Through literature the possible parameters which influence the development surrounding the metro station is identified and analysed to rank the stations of the Chennai metro rail 1st phase. This ranking will help to forecast the development which is likely to happen surrounding the metro station, helping the authorities in formulating suitable development regulations surrounding the station.",1,,32,,10.31224/,10.34218/IJARET.11.3.2020.002,2020-05-01T14:05:32.624234,2020-05-04T15:03:38.935446 yu2dx,"Optimized Pool Testing for COVID - 19 with focus on the Indian Demographic","The COVID-19 pandemic has gripped the entire globe in a span of less than half a year claiming a recorded 200,000 lives [1] till date. All the countries are going for rapid testing aiming to hopefully contain all the carriers before it takes the form of an epidemic, or what the populous calls Stage-4. The current method of testing used by the governments has been compared to the method proposed. Towards the end, some figures have been calculated to show the actual capital saved by using the proposed method.",1,,42,,10.31224/,,2020-05-02T13:53:26.634014,2020-05-04T15:05:01.837858 9wm73,"Dynamic vibration absorber in robot for inspection of electrical transmission lines","The aim of this paper is to study the use of a dynamic vibration absorber in a robot for inspection of electrical transmission lines. To achieve this, in this paper, a mathematical model used to study the motion of a robot for inspection of electrical transmission lines. In this model, the electrical line, which is located on a different level of elevations, is considered as a thread. The robot considered a moving load on the line. First, the configuration and tension in the thread have been calculated. Then the equation of motion is written using the Lagrange method. As a result, vibrations in the horizontal plane of the motion appears. These vibrations might serve as a source of parametric oscillations' appearance in the perpendicular plane of motion. To avoid dangerous oscillation in the vertical plane of motion and achieve dynamical stability during the operation of the robot on the electrical line, dynamic vibration absorber has been used and its performance evaluated.",1,,25,,10.31224/,,2020-05-01T12:56:48.135321,2020-05-24T11:26:35.891237 zdfm6,"Gas sensors based on dielectrophoresis of graphene, and graphene oxide, and reduced graphene oxide A Review","Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is a label-free, accurate, fast, and low-cost diagnostic technique that uses the principles of polarization and the motion of bioparticles in applied electric fields. DEP occurs when uncharged particles in the solution are subject to a spatially non-uniform alternating-current (AC) electric field, resulting in the motion of particles by creating a polarizability gradient between the particles and the suspending medium. The movement of particles in DEP is based on the difference in polarizability between the particles and the surrounding medium. If the particles move toward the electrode edge, the region of high electric field gradient, the response is called positive DEP (p-DEP). At the same time, if the particles move away from the electrode edge, the response is called negative DEP (n-DEP). This phenomenon provides a powerful and versatile tool for the non-destructive manipulation of nanoscale materials, allowing for the control of the resistance and the type of the assembly. This technique has been proven to be beneficial in various fields, including environmental research, polymer research, sensors, biosensors, microfluidics, medicine, and diagnostics. This paper reviews the fundamentals of DEP and its specific application in the incorporation of graphene, graphene oxide(GO), and reduced graphene oxide(RGO), enabling the assembly of individual two-dimensional nanostructures at predefined locations in microdevices for gas sensor applications. The review provides an essential framework for parallel fabrication approaches of graphene-based devices.",1,,44,,10.31224/,,2020-04-30T23:30:54.174718,2020-05-04T15:03:24.068291 95arg,"A Mathematical Model to Analyze Data on Coronavirus Cases","A mathematical model is presented which is designed to be applicable to Coronavirus case data from any country and which can serve as a tool to carry out predictive analysis and sensitivity analysis with the goal of minimizing virus related deaths. The model has been successfully applied to Covid-19 case data in five countries – China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and the USA. The model is versatile and can be applied to other countries and regions as well.",1,,91,,10.31224/,,2020-04-28T16:11:32.440739,2020-05-04T15:01:34.658582 bjpdm,"Dispersion Limited versus Power Limited Terahertz Transmission Links Using Solid Core Subwavelength Dielectric Fibers","Terahertz (THz) band (0.1 THz-10 THz) is the next frontier for the ultra-high-speed communication systems. Currently, most of communications research in this spectral range is focused on wireless systems, while waveguide/fiber-based links have been less explored. Although free space communications have several advantages such as convenience in mobility for the end user, as well as easier multi-device interconnectivity in simple environments, the fiber-based communications provide superior performance in certain short-range communication applications such as multi-device connectivity in complex geometrical environments (ex. intra-vehicle connectivity), secure communications with low probability of eavesdropping, as well as secure signal delivery to hard-to-reach or highly protected environments. In this work, we present an in-depth experimental and numerical study of the short-range THz communications links that use subwavelength dielectric fibers for information transmission and define main challenges and tradeoffs in the link implementation. Particularly, we use air or foam-cladded polypropylene-core subwavelength dielectric THz fibers of various diameters (0.57-1.75 mm) to study link performance as a function of the link length of up to ~10 m, and data bitrates of up to 6 Gbps at the carrier frequency of 128 GHz (2.34 mm wavelength). We find that depending on the fiber diameter, the quality of the transmitted signal is mostly limited either by the modal propagation loss or by the fiber velocity dispersion (GVD). An error-free transmission over 10 meters is achieved for the bit rate of 4 Gbps using the fiber of smaller 0.57 mm diameter. Furthermore, since the fields of subwavelength fibers are weakly confined and extend deep into the air cladding, we study the modal field extent outside of the fiber core, as well as fiber bending loss. Finally, the power budget of the rod-in-air subwavelength THz fiber-based links is compared to that of free space communication links and we demonstrate that fiber links offer an excellent solution for various short-range applications.",1,,81,,10.31224/,,2020-04-27T16:11:02.197301,2020-05-04T15:01:02.571086 svfkz,"Sensors for Monitoring Corrosion of Steel Embedded in Concrete","This paper presents the use of an innovative low cost sensor for monitoring corrosion of steel members embedded in concrete. Corrosion of steel reinforcing bars or embedded steel in concrete structural components is a major concern for structures such as bridges and parking garages. Moisture and chloride ingress through the cracks is the primary reason for corrosion of such concrete structures. The chloride and moisture levels significantly affect the electrical conductivity of concrete. A low cost sensor for measuring concrete resistivity (or conductivity) was developed by researchers at West Virginia University. This sensor is very durable and can be embedded in concrete members (beams, columns, etc.) at the time of pouring concrete. The electrical resistivity measurement obtained using this sensor can be used to evaluate the potential for corrosion of embedded steel. This paper presents laboratory and field results obtained using the sensor to demonstrate its usefulness. The paper also highlights the simplicity and ease of use of this sensor. In addition, the paper also discusses the use of a commercially available temperature/humidity sensor that can be used in conjunction with the electrical resistivity sensor for a comprehensive assessment of the potential for corrosion of steel embedded in concrete.",1,,28,,10.31224/,,2020-04-26T12:55:22.311949,2020-04-26T15:12:42.178261 rdx8n,"Detection of Buried FRP Composite Pipes Using Ground Penetrating Radar","Millions of miles of pipelines are used in the United States to transport natural gas and petroleum products. The traditional metallic pipelines undergo significant amount of corrosion related degradation in the field environment, which have led to numerous accidents. This research proposes innovative Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite pipes for replacing degraded metallic pipes and for new pipeline construction. The FRP composite pipes are lighter, non-corrosive and have a long service life. However, they pose a challenge for subsurface detection and mapping since the traditional techniques used by construction crews to detect buried metallic pipes do not work for non-metallic composite pipes. This research investigates the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Nondestructive Testing (NDT) technique in conjunction with innovative strategies to make buried FRP composite pipes detectable, which is crucial for the field implementation of the new generation of pipelines.",1,,28,,10.31224/,,2020-04-26T12:53:59.627507,2020-04-26T15:06:08.824098 nm6s3,"Detection Of Buried Pipelines Transporting Hot Fluids Using Infrared Thermography","Detection of buried utilities such as pipelines is essential for infrastructure asset management operations. Pipeline locating operations are carried out during construction, rehabilitation, or farming activities in order to avoid digging into the buried pipeline; or to locate the pipe for maintenance work. Several techniques exist for locating buried pipelines, including Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and tracer wires. GPR is less effective in locating non-metallic pipes or pipes buried in very wet and electrically conductive soils, while the tracer wire technique can only be used if the wires are buried with the pipe. A method of locating buried pipelines transporting hot fluids using Infrared Thermography (IRT) is presented in this paper. Additionally, IR cameras come in portable and compact form factors, which make it possible for it to be mounted on UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or to be integrated into UAV inspection systems. A 7.6 cm (3 inch) diameter Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) composite pipe buried at 35.6 cm (14 inch) depth and transporting hot water was easily detected in the laboratory using IRT. A 15.2 cm (6 inch) diameter pipe buried at 91.4 cm (3 ft) depth and transporting steam in the field environment was also detected all year round in different weather conditions with IRT. The laboratory and field results offer a great potential for detecting pipelines transporting hot petroleum from production wells and refineries, as well as pipes transporting fluids with significantly higher or lower temperatures with respective to the surrounding soil.",1,,29,,10.31224/,,2020-04-26T12:53:26.864082,2020-04-26T15:02:04.110349 78j5t,"Simple Method to Determine Linearity Deviations of Topography Measuring Instruments with a Large Range Axial Scanning System","The use of areal characterization of surface texture with high accuracy in a quality control process requires reliability. Therefore, regular inspection of the measurement systems is needed. Important metrological features of a measure- ment system in dimensional metrology are the amplification factor and linearity. This paper presents a simple method for characterizing the axial scanning system of areal topography measuring instruments with little expense and effort, well suited for industrial routine calibration in the field. The method is based on employing a single material measure with a range of step heights. It is shown that the amplification factor and linearity deviations can be determined and adjusted for large axial measurement ranges.",1,,50,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.precisioneng.2020.04.018,2020-04-24T17:50:50.844162,2020-04-24T17:51:05.535401 mntvy,"Large-scale introduction of forest-based biorefineries: actor perspectives and the impacts of a dynamic biomass market","Large-scale implementation of forest-based biofuel production will have an impact on biomass prices, something which in turn will affect biofuel production costs. The profitability of emerging biofuel production technologies is usually assessed using techno-economic or market approaches. While techno-economic approaches have a detailed description of technologies within plant-level or supply chain system boundaries, they build on exogenously given static biomass prices. Conversely, market approaches have a consistent description of the economic system including market interactions for prices within local or national boundaries, but they generally lack technological depth. This paper combines these two approaches using an iterative framework for a case study optimising the production cost of liquefied biomethane (LBG) using different configurations of sawmill-integrated biomass gasification. Cost estimates are developed using system boundaries reflecting the plant owner and policymaker perspectives, respectively. The results show that different plant configurations are favoured depending on the choice between minimising the biofuel production cost for the plant-owner or for the policymaker. Market dynamics simulated by the iterative procedure show that a direct policy support of 36-56 EUR/MWh would be needed to sustain large-scale LBG production, which is 12-31% higher than the necessary policy support estimated based on static biomass prices.",1,,39,,10.31224/,,2020-04-24T13:58:38.991787,2020-04-24T13:59:17.397342 cyhzn,"Acoustical and Optical Determination of Mechanical Properties of Inorganically-Bound Foundry Core Materials","Inorganically-bound sand cores are used in many light-metal foundries to form cavities in the cast part, which cannot be realised by the mould itself. To enable FEM simulations with core materials, their mechanical properties have to be measured. In this article, we develop methods to determine the Young's and shear modulus, the Poisson number, and the fracture strain. This allows us to fully parametrise an ideal brittle FEM model. We found that the Young's and shear modulus can be obtained acoustically via the impulse excitation technique. The fracture strain was measured with a high-speed camera and a digital image correlation algorithm.",1,,44,,10.31224/,,2020-04-23T12:54:06.666318,2020-04-29T12:46:58.609431 vs9yg,"A Study on Application of Automation Technology in Logistics and Its Effect on E-Commerce","Since the world transformed into the digital era, e-commerce is the real thing to concern for everyone, not only limited to the business people but also for people who want to buy something without hassle. Furthermore, as an estimation global retail e-commerce sales almost grow doubled in range of three years from US\$ 1.3 trillion in 2014 to US\$ 2.3 trillion in 2017 and this growth trend will still last until the future. However, this trend demands innovative solutions, applying automation technology to e-commerce logistics is one of the solutions which significant to the future of e-commerce. Based on that, this study principally talks about the real-world implementation example of automation technology in logistics as well discuss the effects that will be faced by e-commerce towards using the automation technology in logistics so the e-commerce industry will be ready for facing future disruption.",1,,98,,10.31224/,,2020-04-23T12:52:17.770877,2020-04-29T17:10:37.850443 r3x5f,"High-Impedance Faults in Power Distribution Systems: A Narrative of the Field's Developments","High-impedance faults in power distribution systems is a lasting problem with decades of steady investigation. Due to the complexity of the problem, the field can also be challenging to navigate. Although there exist surveys of the field in the literature, it is not easy to find a comprehensive contextualization of how and when the field developments unfolded. This paper presents the historical narrative of the progress and developments based on the most cited papers since the inception of the field. The accounts are not limited to archaic and obsolete works. They are all contextualized from the seminal papers to contemporary methods and related technology. Quantitative figures on the survey of the methods and relevant knowledge gaps are also discussed at the closing of the paper.",1,,69,,10.31224/,,2020-04-23T12:45:06.724770,2020-04-24T05:03:48.580549 g3n2h,"Probabilistic packet transmission through a limited-lifetime deletion channel with arbitrary deletion probability","This paper considers the transmission of a packet through a binary deletion channel with an unknown and arbitrarily high deletion probability. The deletion positions are unknown to both sender and receiver, and the number of bits received before channel closure is unknown to both sender and receiver. The number of received bits is in the range 1-100. This paper argues that, for such a channel, an encoding method that enables the calculation of probability masses for all possible packets is preferred to one which attempts perfect reconstruction of the transmitted packet. It then presents and analyzes such an encoding method. The presented method encodes information on the probability of receiving a 1 vs. a 0, rather than in the 1's and 0's themselves. The receiver decodes the information using Bayesian inference. Rather than transmitting the packet of interest, the encoding method transmits information about the packet of interest in order to guarantee information transfer for any nonzero number of bits received. This paper analyzes the statistics of convergence of this estimator for all numbers of received bits from 0 to 100.",1,,42,,10.31224/,,2020-04-22T16:56:40.876694,2020-04-23T05:02:43.058668 v7es2,"Thermal loss analysis of a solar flat collector using numerical simulation","In this paper, we studied theoretically and numerically heat losses of a flat solar collector for the subsequent modelling of the solar water heating system for the Kazakhstan climate condition. For different climatic zones with a growing cost for energy or lack of central heating systems, promising is to find ways to improve the energy efficiency of the solar system. The solar system is simulated by the mathematical model (ODE model) of energy. To bridge the results of modelling and real values, our research investigated the important physical parameters such as loss coefficient, Nu, Ra, Pr values, which are impacting on the efficiency of solar flat collector and for heat losses of system. The developed mathematical models, the design and composition of the software and hardware complex, automated control and monitoring systems allow solar hot water heating system to increase the energy efficiency of a life support systems and heat supply of buildings, by reducing energy consumption for heat supply.",1,,32,,10.31224/,,2020-04-21T19:30:00.025160,2020-04-25T05:25:26.671416 3u7w9,"Timed up and go and 6 minutes walking tests with wearable inertial sensor: One step further for the prediction of the risk of fall in elderly nursing home people","Assessing the risk of fall in elderly people is a difficult challenge for clinicians. Since falls represent one of the first causes of death in such people, numerous clinical tests have been created and validated over the past thirty years to ascertain the risk of falls. More recently, the developments of low-cost motion capture sensors have facilitated observations of gait differences between fallers and non-fallers. The aim of this study is twofold. First to design a method combining clinical tests and motion capture sensors in order to optimize the prediction of the risk of fall. Second to assess the ability of an artificial intelligence to predict risk of fall from sensor raw data only. Seventy-three nursing home residents over the age of 65 underwent the Timed Up and Go (TUG) and a 6 minutes walking tests equipped with a home-designed wearable Inertial Measurement Unit during two sets of measurements at 6 months interval. Observed falls during that interval enabled us to divide residents into two categories: fallers and non-fallers. We show that the TUG test results coupled to gait variability indicators, measured during a 6 minutes walking test, improves (from 68% to 76%) the accuracy of risk of fall’s prediction at six months. In addition, we show that artificial intelligence algorithm trained on the sensor raw data of fifty-seven participants reveals an accuracy of 75 % on the remaining sixteen participants.",1,,47,,10.31224/,,2020-04-21T19:28:02.807222,2020-04-22T05:03:03.655206 wx89s,"X-Ray Image based COVID-19 Detection using Pre-trained Deep Learning Models","Detecting COVID-19 early may help in devising an appropriate treatment plan and disease containment decisions. In this study, we demonstrate how pre-trained deep learning models can be adopted to perform COVID-19 detection using X-Ray images. The aim is to provide over-stressed medical professionals a second pair of eyes through intelligent image classification models. We highlight the challenges (including dataset size and quality) in utilising current publicly available COVID-19 datasets for developing useful deep learning models. We propose a semi-automated image pre-processing model to create a trustworthy image dataset for developing and testing deep learning models. The new approach is aimed to reduce unwanted noise from X-Ray images so that deep learning models can focus on detecting diseases with specific features from them. Next, we devise a deep learning experimental framework, where we utilise the processed dataset to perform comparative testing for several popular and widely available deep learning model families such as VGG, Inception, Xception, and Resnet. The experimental results highlight the suitability of these models for current available dataset and indicates that models with simpler networks such as VGG19 performs relatively better with up to 83% precision. This will provide a solid pathway for researchers and practitioners to develop improved models in the future.",1,,222,,10.31224/,,2020-04-21T19:25:50.964880,2020-04-22T05:03:01.159380 3v6be,"Design for additive manufacturing - effects of part orientation, printer selection, and infill density on mechanical properties and production cost","This original work investigates the influence of infill design, printer selection, and part orientation on the mechanical properties and production cost of parts fabricated using material extrusion additive manufacturing systems. Flexural test specimens are fabricated in both production-grade (Fortus 250mc) and entry-level (MakerBot Replicator 2X) material extrusion systems with varying infill densities (1 mm to 10 mm spacing between rasters). In addition, solid infill specimens are printed in three orientations to establish baseline mechanical stiffness and strength. Finite element simulations and a simplified analytical model based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory are developed. Results show reasonable agreement between analytical, simulation, and experimental results; 10-20% and 10-40% deviation for production-grade and entry-level specimens specimens, respectively. There is a 40% reduction in stiffness and strength between the solid XY specimen and 1 mm infill specimen. As infill density is further decreased, stiffness and strength asymptotically reduces by 60-70% when compared to solid specimens. This effect is more pronounced in specimens fabricated using entry-level printers, which indicates that printer selection plays a role in printing highly sparse parts. Cost analysis suggests that up to 40% savings can be achieved with highly sparse structures. However, for structural parts, it is recommended that parts be printed with solid infill and with the loading direction aligned in the XY plane to achieve high stiffness, high strength, and reasonable cost. Findings from this study show that there is minimal cost savings but high reduction in mechanical stiffness and strength when sparse infills are used in both production-grade and entry-level printers. Hence, it is recommended that solid infill should be used in all regions of parts that carry significant mechanical stress and sparse infill be used solely to support internal geometries and overhangs.",1,,124,,10.31224/,,2020-04-20T21:09:06.403672,2020-04-21T05:02:26.979732 79wmg,"Integration of Solar dryer with a Hybrid system of Gasifier- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine: Performance Analysis","A novel approach is presented to reduce the moisture content of biomass by employing a solar dryer. The impact of decreasing moisture contents on the key parameters of the system is investigated. Also, the effect of air mass flux on drying rate of biomass is evaluated and discussed considering three alternative air mass flux rates as well as two different time periods for drying and discharging biomass, namely 15 and 30 minutes. Results demonstrate that by reducing the moisture of biomass, power output and efficiency of the hybrid system have been improved from 265 kW and 30% efficiency up to 295 kW and 57.6% respectively. The best efficiency performance of system is achieved by the 15 minutes drain time and air mass flux of 0.011 kgm^(-2) s^(-1), while the best power generation of the system will be obtained by the 30 minutes drain time and air mass flux of 0.011 kgm^(-2) s^(-1).",1,,50,,10.31224/,,2020-04-18T18:20:53.091538,2020-04-19T05:03:29.544844 9cvp5,"Electrochemical Modeling and Techno -Economic Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell for Residential Applications","In this paper, an electrochemical model was developed to investigate the performance analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The curves of voltage, power, efficiency, and the generated heat of cell have been analyzed to accomplish a set of optimal operating conditions. Further, a sensitivity analysis of major parameters that have a remarkable impact on the economy of the SOFC and its residential applications has been conducted. The results illustrate that the current density and cell performance temperature have vital effects on the system efficiency, output power and heat generation of cell of the SOFC. The best system efficiency is approached up to 53.34 % while implementing combined heat and power generation might be further improved up to 86 %. The economic evaluation results indicate that parameters such as overall efficiency, natural gas price and additional produced electricity that has prone to be sold to the national power grid, have a significant impact on the SOFC economy. The results indicate the strong reduction in the purchasing cost of the SOFC, i.e. not more than $2500, and improving the electrical efficiency of SOFC, i.e. not less than 42 %, can be the breakeven points of investment on such systems in residential applications. Also, it is found that the target of this SOFC cogeneration system for residential applications in Iran is relying on considerable technological enhancement of the SOFC, as well as life cycle improvement; improvement in governmental policies; and profound development in infrastructures to mitigate legal constraints.",1,,44,,10.31224/,,2020-04-18T16:54:52.280662,2020-04-19T05:03:27.841603 z3p7q,"BREED - A Problem Solving Bionic Design Methodology","Bionic designs which have evolved from time-tested strategies of nature have been a source of inspiration for designers to solve problems. The beauty of nature’s form is derived from effective evolution and robustness of its function. Current bionic design methods are analogical and hence are discordant to the design engineering workflow. In this paper, a methodology is proposed which suggests suitable bionic structures to a given design space. The methodology consists of the following stages which are Bionic representation, Relation, Emulation, Engineering specifications, Design verification and optimisation (BREED) and finally realization. This methodology aims to function as a systematic problem-solving approach to retrieve structural inspirations from nature and mimic its form. The methodology also integrates biological inputs to the context of an engineering design problem. Inspiration and validation phases of the bionic structure are represented as a V- model. The designer can leverage this framework to come up with novel bionic design concepts. A structural dome is used as a case study to demonstrate the procedure of BREED methodology. Biological forms for the dome are obtained using a spectral matching technique. The bionic design is validated after applying relevant boundary conditions and by using proven engineering methods.",1,,50,,10.31224/,,2020-04-18T14:35:44.262711,2020-04-19T05:04:01.066255 wkr74,"Plausible fast & economic detection of SARS-CoV infection using paper-based isoelectric focusing: a hypothesis","In the wake of current pandemic of COVID-19, there has arisen an urgent need to come up with novel ways to detect the infected person with SARS-CoV-2 at an extremely fast pace so that the person is immediately quarantined to prevent further transmission of the virus to other susceptible individuals. Such quick detection measures would allow the timely mitigation of the dreadful disease which has claimed close to 100,000 lives worldwide. In this article, a very fast and cheap way to detect the presence of SARS-CoV in the biopsied tissue has been proposed. The current method discussed here would drastically reduce the time of detection of an infected person to less than ~ 6 hours in addition to the economic benefit of using paper-based isoelectric focusing. The infecting coronavirus that causes severe respiratory distress contains four major types of structural proteins: spike (S) proteins, membrane (M) proteins, envelope (E) proteins & nucleocapsid (N) proteins. Peculiar isoelectric points of these four structural proteins have been proposed to detect the SARS-CoV infection. This work would be of immense interest to the scientists, researchers as well as health professionals who are trying to mitigate the spread of the disease as well as to cure it at the same time.",1,,80,,10.31224/,,2020-04-15T14:08:33.966006,2020-04-17T05:04:47.679097 yt9sx,"COMPUTER VISION FOR COVID-19 CONTROL: A SURVEY","The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an urgent need to contribute to the fight against an immense threat to the human population. Computer Vision, as a subfield of Artificial Intelligence, has enjoyed recent success in solvingvarious complex problems in health care and has the potential to contribute to the fight of controlling COVID-19. In response to this call, computer vision researchers are putting their knowledge base at work to devise effective ways to counter COVID-19 challenge and serve the global community. New contributions are being shared with everypassing day. It motivated us to review the recent work, collect information about available research resources and an indication of future research directions. We want to make it available to computer vision researchers to save precious time. This survey paper is intended to provide a preliminary review of the available literature on the computer vision efforts against COVID-19 pandemic.",1,,587,,10.31224/,,2020-04-15T14:05:23.467976,2020-04-16T05:06:49.264762 f7h9j,"Buckling strength of additively manufactured cylindrical shells: An exploratory study of as-printed and reinforced ABS and PLA cases","Additively-manufactured (AM) materials have a defined mesostructure and natural voids which impact their structural stability; thin shells which so not have bulk to support or absorb the effects of the variances in properties are particularly affected. Thin shells are a common feature in many designs, providing good strength-to-weight ratios for many applications, particularly in the aerospace and structural design domains. The use of AM processes to produce thin structures could both expand the use of AM and improve the application space for thin structures in design, but this problem has not yet been widely explored for buckling cases. The brief exploratory study presented in this paper examined the characteristics and critical buckling load of thin-walled ABS and PLA cylinders under static axial and angled radial loading. A designed 2(4-1) factorial experiment was used to explore the buckling behavior, examining the impact of wall thickness, material, and two kinds of internal reinforcement (soft infill and polyurethane foam). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) (including model adequacy testing and proof of Fisher Assumption validity) was completed on data from two replications (32 total tests), providing useful information on the significance of the factors and their interactions. The data is provided in full, along with a discussion of the experimental design and testing method, the results, and the importance of this problem in further research efforts. The results of the tests showed a dramatic variance in the performance based on the characteristics of the cylinders. The data collected can be used to drive future work toward the modeling and design of hard polymer AM thin structures, as well as developing efficient and low-cost methods for testing and exploring these structures for practical design problems.",1,,55,,10.31224/,,2020-04-14T21:34:29.359285,2020-04-15T05:02:02.619151 ef9k4,"An economical insulated shipping container providing a $> 4$-day lifetime for frozen biosamples without dry ice","Many research projects in the life sciences require the shipment of biosamples which *must* remain frozen. We describe the design, construction, testing, and use of an economical and reusable insulated ""super-box"" which, in conjunction with reusable phase-change--material ""cold packs"", reliably maintains a volume of about 38~liters (sufficient to hold 34 standard $13.4 \times 13.4 \times 5.2$~cm cryoboxes) below $-15^\degree$C for about 3.5~days, and below $-5^\degree$C for about 4.5~days. The entire system is readily constructed from commercially-available materials at a cost of under US\$500. In contrast to systems using dry ice (frozen CO$_2$) during shipment, the super-box and cold packs do not require special handling during shipment and are not considered ""dangerous cargo"" by commercial shippers.",1,,42,,10.31224/,,2020-04-13T12:57:04.500795,2020-04-14T05:04:25.880971 re94j,"Large Eddy Simulation of liquid metal turbulent mixed convection in a vertical concentric annulus","In the present study turbulent forced and mixed convection heat transfer to a liquid metal flowing upwards in a concentric annulus is numerically investigated by means of Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The inner-to-outer radius ratio is 0.5. The Reynolds number based on bulk velocity and hydraulic diameter is 8900, while the Prandtl number is set to a value of 0.026. A uniform and equal heat flux is applied on both walls. LES has been chosen to provide sufficiently accurate results for validating Reynolds-Averaged turbulence models. Moreover, being the thermal sublayer thickness of liquid metals much larger than the viscous hydrodynamic one, liquid metals present a separation between the turbulent thermal and hydrodynamic scales. Thus, with the same grid resolution it is possible to perform a LES for the flow field and a “thermal“ Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) for the temperature field. Comparison of the forced convection results with available DNS simulations shows satisfying agreement. Results for mixed convection are analyzed and the differences with respect to forced convection at the same Reynolds number are thoroughly discussed. Moreover, where possible, a comparison with air is made.",1,,41,,10.31224/,10.1115/1.4038858,2020-04-12T20:00:20.337181,2020-04-13T00:47:40.904640 8bmaz,"Assimilation of Experimental Data to Create a Quantitatively-Accurate Reduced Order Thermoacoustic Model","We combine a thermoacoustic experiment with a thermoacoustic reduced order model using Bayesian inference to accurately learn the parameters of the model, rendering it predictive. The experiment is a vertical Rijke tube containing an electric heater. The heater drives a base flow via natural convection, and thermoacoustic oscillations via velocity-driven heat release fluctuations. The decay rates and frequencies of these oscillations are measured every few seconds by acoustically forcing the system via a loudspeaker placed at the bottom of the tube. More than 320,000 temperature measurements are used to compute state and parameters of the base flow model using the Ensemble Kalman Filter. A wave-based network model is then used to describe the acoustics inside the tube. We balance momentum and energy at the boundary between two adjacent elements, and model the viscous and thermal dissipation mechanisms in the boundary layer and at the heater and thermocouple locations. Finally, we tune the parameters of two different thermoacoustic models on an experimental dataset that comprises more than 40,000 experiments. This study shows that, with thorough Bayesian inference, a qualitative model can become quantitatively accurate, without overfitting, as long as it contains the most influencial physical phenomena.",1,,49,,10.31224/,,2020-04-12T20:01:41.302482,2020-04-13T00:15:00.764847 sk6nt,"Additive manufacturing of self-compacting concrete through controlled heating","Construction using concrete through additive manufacturing is gaining attention. This approach involves a layer-wise deposition of concrete. A layer of printed concrete needs to be ``strong"" enough to sustain the weight of layers to be printed above. These layers may not bond well with each other, however. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) may lead to a better bonding, but it may not have sufficient strength. This paper presents a method to print SCC through controlled heating. Properties of printed concrete in fresh and hardened states are studied. Heating leads to a sharp rise in the strength of freshly-printed concrete layers, but a long duration of heating may lead to a reduction in strength of printed concrete after hardening particularly if water-to-cement ratio is small or if loads are applied parallel to the printed layers.",1,,87,,10.31224/,,2020-04-12T12:32:19.113340,2020-04-12T14:26:02.466394 mwekx,"Proposal for a Low-cost High-fidelity ventilator for COVID-19 pandemic","The COVID-19 pandemic situation has called for an urgent need for the development of low cost respiratory ventilators across the globe. Such ventilators must include functionalities to cater to the patients experiencing severe respiratory illnesses, such as ARDS, where lung compliance and patient breathing cycles are dynamic, and require an accurate and controllable ventilator design. A low cost ventilator design is presented here which offers essential pressure and volume control ventilator modes for critical patients while being cost-effective as compared to all other presently available commercial alternatives which provide similar functions. The presented design is currently in the conceptual stage, and is presented here to elicit feedback for further refinement, prototyping, medical approval and large scale manufacturing.",1,,340,,10.31224/,,2020-04-11T23:23:01.731473,2020-04-28T02:29:50.839746 kpv3r,"Subordinate Oscillator Arrays: Physical Design and Effects of Error","Prior work demonstrates that an attached subordinate oscillator array (SOA) can attenuate vibration of a host structure over a frequency range of interest. A judicious choice of the distribution of masses and stiffnesses of the attached oscillators can result in a relatively flat frequency response of for the host structure over a desired band. This response modification can be a significant improvement over classical dynamic vibration absorbers (DVA) that attenuate a structure's response at one target frequency while increasing the frequency response amplitude at nearby side frequencies. Performance of the SOA can be highly sensitive to the uncertainty or disorder in the mechanical properties of the system. This paper introduces a novel design strategy that can make use of either 3D-printing or piezoelectric SOAs (PSOAs). These strategies have the potential to address and ameliorate such sensitivity to error. It is important to note that the design strategy is simple and effective in that it can be carried out without computational optimization techniques by choosing simple or well-known distributions of properties.",1,,50,,10.31224/,,2020-04-13T16:09:11.050802,2020-04-14T05:04:03.246921 qb4up,"Expanding the Teaching of Single Frequency Vibration Absorption to Broadband Attenuation using Subordinate Oscillator Arrays via Fettuccine Pasta","Dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) and tuned mass-dampers (TVAs) have wide-spread applications in the aerospace industry, the automotive sector, and in civil engineering structures. There are numerous designs of active and passive vibration attenuators or absorbers that isolate structural vibrations at or around the desired frequency. All these design approaches are fundamentally different ways to modify and tune the placement of the resonant frequencies of the host structure. The current work presents a novel method to passively attenuate vibration over a broad frequency bandwidth in the presence of uncertainty. An array of linear oscillators, also referred to as subordinate oscillator arrays (SOAs), are attached to a two-degrees-of-freedom structure to produce an attenuated broadband frequency response around a target frequency. SOAs can also be interpreted as an array of DVAs and in some categories, they can be considered as an approach to meta-structures. Another objective of the current work is to develop a hands-on approach to extend classroom teaching of vibration-isolation using SOAs made out of fettuccine strands and modeling clay. The frequencies of the oscillators in the array are tuned by varying the length of each strand and the mass of the modeling clay attached to its tip. Uncertainty in dynamic properties of such oscillators often results in mistuned SOAs with non-uniform frequency response function. Therefore, designing and testing fettuccine-based SOAs allows students to handle cases when structural uncertainties arise in engineering systems. Additionally, some of the work in the field of meta-structures can be modeled and represented by SOAs and this will provide a straight forward way to teach students some of these contemporary concepts.",1,,53,,10.31224/,,2020-04-11T01:32:54.333725,2020-04-11T01:33:21.994308 73nf4,"Numerical analysis of mixed mode convection in 3D cavity: Application to air refreshment in buildings","A domain with classical dimension has been studied numerically by STARCCM+ based on recent research and innovation in the field of Energy and Buildings. Conceiving temperature range of summer (May-July) in southern France, Mixed mode (Mechanical ventilation through inlet, Natural ventilation in room) ventilation method has considered as a mean of air refreshment in a classical room. Moreover, numerical analysis has performed at Reynolds Number (Re) 8.6 x 102, 1.7 x 103 to examine effects of inlet angle (horizontal, inclined) and domain wall thickness in air refreshment. Finally, all the parameters have compared by bulk temperature on horizontal planes and heat transferred from domains to find out the optimum solution.",1,,45,,10.31224/,,2020-04-10T13:44:21.056063,2020-04-11T19:26:31.558982 3qeyc,"Student Perceptions of First-Year Engineering Justice Curriculum","This complete research paper will describe our qualitative analysis of the impacts of a first-year engineering course which includes curricular elements of social justice, social responsibility, and ethics. We present our interpretation of four interesting results that came out of our mixed-methods study (n=231) in which we surveyed students taking a first-year engineering course on their perceptions of the role of engineering in society and the world. We find that while a single course is unlikely to be sufficient to greatly influence student perceptions, for some sub-groups, the influence was greater than for the study sample as a whole. We specifically highlight four notable findings and discuss their implications.",1,,56,,10.31224/,,2020-04-10T00:01:38.019978,2020-04-10T00:02:04.158049 k47sq,"Development of the Optimization Models and Solution Algorithms for the Vessel Schedule Recovery Problem in Liner Shipping","Over 80% of the global trade tonnage and 70% of global trade value are carried by oceangoing vessels around the world. However, vessel routing and scheduling is a challenging exercise in liner shipping because of uncertainties that may affect the planned operations. Delays caused by uncertainties, such as weather, natural hazards, labor strikes, and others, increase the complexity of liner shipping, related to schedule adherence and reliability of service. In the event of a delay, liner shipping companies take decisions to recover the schedule, aiming to deliver cargoes in a timely manner. Vessel operators may decide to increase the sailing speed of the ship, which will further increase bunker fuel consumption and the total operational cost of liner shipping operations. The vessel schedule recovery problem becomes even more difficult if the delay is large. The contributions of this dissertation to the state-of-the-art are as follows: 1) a set of operational-level vessel schedule recovery models in liner shipping; 2) the vessel schedule recovery models for the liner shipping routes that pass through Emission Control Areas; 3) consideration of multiple vessel schedule recovery alternatives (e.g., port skipping with and without cargo diversion, speed adjustment, handling rate adjustment); 4) application of the appropriate solution approaches for solving the vessel schedule recovery problem; 5) identification of the key factors that may influence vessel schedule recovery; and 6) presentation of the managerial insights and benefits of the developed vessel schedule recovery optimization models.",1,,57,,10.31224/,10.13140/RG.2.2.32561.94565,2020-04-09T17:56:55.052629,2020-04-09T17:57:31.774702 6wh4x,"Determination of drag coefficients in ball bearings and automatic ball balancers at low Reynolds numbers","With the OpenFOAM CFD Software the drag coefficient in automatic ball balancers utilizing the outer ring of radial ball bearings is calculated.",1,,53,,10.31224/,,2020-04-09T14:42:06.684290,2020-04-09T15:40:54.302872 h3wgc,"Current understanding on the Effectiveness of Face Masks and Respirators to Prevent the Spread of Respiratory Viruses","Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety foot wares, gloves, face masks and respirators, face shields, and gowns are used both in health care and community settings to contain the spread of infectious diseases during microbial outbreaks. Filtering device including face masks and respirators are important components of PPE to prevent the bio-aerosol and droplet mediated transmission of a disease. In case of respiratory pathogens, droplets originate from an infected person sneezing and coughing and aerosols are formed by exhalation and desiccation of larger droplets. The filtering efficiency of a filtering device depends on nature of the filter, size and nature of particles, user preference, and environmental conditions. The breathability, facial fitness, and contamination from used mask and respirator are important factors to be considered in designing a filtering device. This review discusses on current development in materials used for filtering device, effectiveness of face mask and respirator, emerging technologies for better filtering device, and finally provide a general guideline for proper use and future prospective of face mask and respirator.",1,,588,,10.31224/,,2020-04-08T13:08:47.345720,2020-04-08T13:09:44.707984 r9af2,"Synthesis of Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles in Premixed Flames","Synthesis of manganese oxide nanoparticles was carried out in premixed stagnation flames. The deposition surface was stationary to enable rigorous comparison to flame structure computations using pseudo one-dimensional and full two-dimensional calculations. The pseudo one-dimensional assumption taken by OPPDIF to calculate the flame structure performs reasonably well for the narrow aspect ratio stagnation flow currently studied. Agreement between the measured flame position and both computational methods was within 0.25 cm. The variation in manganese oxidation state in the products observed here is shown to be caused by competing oxidation and particle nucleation processes. Complimentary experimental and modeling studies of flame synthesis were carried out under well-defined boundary conditions to examine this competition. Manganese oxide products having II, II,III, III and IV valence were observed depending on the flame conditions. Unlike iron oxide and titanium oxide systems, complete oxidation to MnO2 is only observed for the most oxidizing growth conditions. The first observation of phase pure MnO by flame synthesis is reported here. Manipulation of the balance between manganese oxidation and particle nucleation through control of the time-temperature-oxygen history may enable selective synthesis of manganese oxide nanoparticles with tailored morphology and oxidation state.",1,,64,,10.31224/,,2020-04-08T13:05:47.330967,2020-04-08T13:06:04.314544 k3nq6,"Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Short-term Travel Time Prediction Using Multiple Data Sources","Having access to accurate travel time is of great importance for both highway network users and traffic engineers. The travel time which is currently reported on several highways is estimated by employing naïve methods and using limited sources of data. This results in unreliable and inaccurate travel time prediction and could impose delay on travelers. Therefore, the main objective of this study is short-term prediction of travel time for highways using multiple data sources including loop detectors, probe vehicles, weather condition, network, accidents, road works, and special events in order to consider the effect of different factors on travel time. To this end, two machine learning methods, K-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest, are employed. After applying data cleaning process on datasets and combining them, the models are trained to predict and compare short-term harmonic average speed as a representative of travel time for 5-minute prediction horizons in one hour ahead. The travel time is calculated as the ratio of the length of each link and the harmonic average speed for all reporting vehicles. Hence, a model is trained for each technique to predict travel time 5 minutes ahead, 10 minutes ahead, and all the way down to 60 minutes ahead. The results confirm satisfying performance of both models in short-term travel time prediction with slightly outperformance of Random Forest model. A feature importance and sensitivity analysis also applied for the Random Forest model, and traffic variables are found as the most effective variables in predicting the travel time.",1,,64,,10.31224/,,2020-04-08T13:04:32.427883,2020-04-08T13:04:56.415185 h7z4d,"Discrete Network Design Problem","The network design problem aims to minimize the travelers’ total cost under budget restrictions. This research provides a framework to incorporate variable demand assignment in the discrete network design problem. The findings emphasized the impact of considering variable demand in discrete network design problem.",1,,37,,10.31224/,,2020-04-08T13:03:02.925357,2020-04-08T13:03:37.301279 2ygxq,"A Concept for Capturing and Docking Spacecraft with Flux-Pinned Interfaces","Flux-pinned interfaces for spacecraft leverage the physics of magnetic flux pinning to govern the dynamics between close-proximity spacecraft. The behavior of this interface enables a magnet to be held at a distance in up to six degrees of freedom relative to a type-II superconductor without contact or active control systems. This behavior is the result of a magnetic potential well with an equilibrium set by designer of the interface. When applied to a conceptual sample capture scenario, this approach offers several unique advantages over traditional mechanical capture systems, including robustness to control failures and the ability to preferentially orient the capture target without mechanical keying features. However, as a passive system, it is important to characterize the depth and shape of the potential well in order to bound the acceptable relative motion between a notional spacecraft and a notional sample cache to ensure a successful capture. This paper presents the results of a series of air bearing experiments designed to determine these bounds. Extrapolating from the ground testing environment, it was determined that the FPI is expected to work at a range of 50 cm in orbit around Mars, and operates best in a path angle of 0 degrees. It can tolerate a total relative translational velocity of up to 4.7 cm/sec or a total angular rate of 24 deg/sec between a spacecraft and a sample cache.",1,,42,,10.31224/,,2020-04-06T18:27:21.506307,2020-04-06T18:27:46.266387 rvcs3,"A Personal Respirator Specification for Health-care Workers Treating COVID-19 (PeRSo)","The SARS-CoV-2 virus infection is a rapidly spreading global pandemic. Recent media coverage has highlighted the importance of protecting health-care workers together with issues surrounding availability and suitability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Around 20% of healthcare workers treating COVID19 cases in Italy have become infected which leads to staff absence at a critical point during the pandemic, and unfortunately in some cases mortality. PPE plays a major role in control programs. Standard PPE such as N95/FFP3 facemasks have limitations such as an ineffective seal during talking or after prolonged use, face shapes which cannot be adequately fitted, and logistical issues ensuring availability of the correct mask for each person. Furthermore, global stock is low, and issues around diagnostic testing specificity and turnaround time may lead to infectious patients receiving care from health care staff who are not wearing appropriate PPE. To address acute shortcomings in PPE availability, we have developed a simple pressurised air purified respirator unit, incorporating a combination of inexpensive and widely available components parts. The prototype was developed to minimise the number and complexity of manufacturing steps with the intention that derivative versions could be developed in many different parts of the world, including low resource settings with minor modification, where transmission could be rapid amongst high population densities. The “Personal Respirator – Southampton” (PeRSo) delivers HEPA filtered air from a battery powered fan-filter assembly through a lightweight hood/face mask that can be comfortably worn for several hours. Initial user feedback provided by doctors and nurses shows the PeRSo prototype was preferred to standard N95/FFP3 masks, being more comfortable, reducing time lost placing and removing PPE between patients, and allowing better communication. Preliminary tests indicate that the device removes microbes and passes the “fit tests” widely used to evaluate face masks. Full verification of the safety and the duration of effectiveness and durability of the device is required, as part of translation into use. Rapid upscale of production is required to protect healthcare workers from infection while the global situation accelerates, so that they can look after patients during the peak of the pandemic.",1,,1139,,10.31224/,,2020-04-06T18:15:04.574041,2020-05-20T18:09:35.785733 27qs6,"Incorporation of titanate nanosheets to enhance mechanical properties of water-soluble polyamic acid","Pyromeliticdianhydride (PMDA) and 4’,4’-oxydianiline (ODA) were used as monomers of polyimide. To synthesise a water soluble polyimide precursor (polyamic acid salt), triethylamine (TEA) was added to polyamic acid with a TEA/COOH mole ratio of 1:1. Titanate nanosheets were synthesised by solid-state reaction, ion-exchanged with acid, and exfoliated by TEA. Exfoliated titanate nanosheets were mixed with water soluble polyamic acid salt as reinforcing filler. Drop casting was deployed to synthesise polyamic acid/titanate nanosheet nanocomposite films. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were employed to study the morphology and dispersion of nanosheets in the colloidal dispersion and the solid film composite. Modulus and hardness of nanocomposites was provided by nanoindentation. Hardness increased by 90% with addition of 2% TiNS while modulus increased by 103% compared to pure polymer. This behaviour agrees well with Halpin-Tsai theoretical predictions up to 2 wt% filler loading; agglomeration occurs at higher concentrations.",1,,41,,10.31224/,10.1088/1757-899X/223/1/012054,2020-04-04T21:46:15.602904,2020-04-04T21:46:42.553898 x4ra3,"Producing Platinum Resistant Nanolayer by Electrodeposition Method and Investigation of its Behavior in Acidic and Chloride Media","The purpose of this study is obtaining resistant platinum coating in acidic and chloride media. In this regard, gold coating as an interlayer coated on copper substrate was selected as the most beneficial substrate for platinum plating according to the study among different substrates. In this study, Chronoamprometry (constant potential) method was conducted as the electrodeposition process and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were utilized to investigate the coating morphology. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) tests were performed in the hydrochloric acid bath to check the durability and stability of the resultant pt. coating. The results show that the resistant platinum coating has been obtained.",1,,45,,10.31224/,,2020-04-04T21:45:09.803379,2020-04-04T21:45:46.729946 zn3wf,"Automatic Incremental Learning of Terrain Transitions in a Powered Below Knee Prosthesis","Objective: This paper describes the development and preliminary offline validation of an algorithm facilitating automatic, self-contained learning of ground terrain transitions in a lower limb prosthesis. This method allows for continuous, in-field convergence on an optimal terrain prediction accuracy for a given walking condition, and is thus not limited by the specific conditions and limited sample size of an in-lab training scheme. Methods: We asked one subject with a below-knee amputation to traverse level ground, stairs, and ramps using a high-range-of-motion powered prosthesis while internal sensor data were remotely logged. We then used these data to develop a dynamic classification algorithm which predicts the terrain of each stride and then continuously updates the predictor using both data from the previous stride and an accurate terrain back-estimation algorithm. Results: Across 100 simulations randomizing stride order, our method attained a mean next-stride prediction accuracy of ? 96%. This value was first reached after ? 200 strides, or about ? 5 minutes of walking. Conclusion and significance: These results demonstrate a method for automatically learning the gait patterns preceding terrain transitions in a prosthesis without relying on any external devices. By virtue of its dynamic learning scheme, application of this method in real-time would allow for continuous, in-field optimization of prediction accuracy across a variety of walking variables including physiological conditions, variable terrain geometries, control methodologies, and users.",1,,95,,10.31224/,,2020-04-04T21:40:22.482673,2020-04-04T21:40:41.546116 nt5e2,"Inhibition of Polyimide Photodegradation by Incorporation of Titanate Nanotubes into a Composite","The effect of UV light exposure on the properties of hexafluoroisopropylidene-diphthalic anhydride–oxydianiline (6FDA–ODA) polyimide (PI) and polyimide–titanate nanotube (TiNT/PI) composites has been studied using Raman spectroscopy, optical microscopy, nanoidentation and TEM. The degree of polymer photodegradation was estimated by measuring the change in affinity to a positively charged dye (methylene blue, MB). The mechanism of photoassisted transformations in polyimides usually involves scission of polymer chains accompanied by appearance of active radicals, which undergo further rapid transformations to more stable phenol, amine, and carboxylic functional groups. The accumulation of these groups can increase the degree of adsorption of charged dyes in the photodegraded polymer. It was found that neat PI showed a significantly increased capacity to adsorb MB after irradiation with UV, reaching a plateau after 1 h. In contrast, TiNT/PI composite demonstrated a much slower rise in concentration of adsorbed MB even after 4 h of UV exposure. Raman spectra indicated cleavage of C=O and C–F bonds in PI while only the C–F bond was damaged in TiNT/PI. Shorter cracks (≈ 40 µm long) appeared in TiNT/PI composites whereas macro cracks (> 100 µm) were visible in neat PI after 3 h of UV exposure. Brittleness was studied by comparing plasticity index which varied from 0 to 1 (0 corresponding to the most brittle material and 1 the most ductile one). Plasticity index reduced by 51% and 2% for PI and TiNT/PI, respectively after 3 h UV irradiation, indicating that TiNT can protect underlying PI from further damage. The hardness of neat PI decreased whereas, for TiNT/PI, it increased under UV, suggesting crosslinking of broken polymer chains with nanotubes.",1,,44,,10.31224/,10.1007/s10924-019-01443-w,2020-04-03T14:08:28.915718,2020-04-03T14:08:48.131071 dtyac,"A generalized exponential function model of the integrity loss of stones subjected to laboratory weathering cycles","Ultrasonic measurements are widely used as NDT method in historical structures for evaluation of stone material strength properties. Actual stone degradation in situ is estimated based on various laboratory tests which allow researchers to correlate the number of artificial ageing cycles of stone specimens with ultrasonic wave velocity measured on these specimens. Paper presents the results obtained for granite, marble, limestone, travertine and sandstone which undergone various cyclic ageing tests including freezing and thawing, high temperature and salt crystallisation. Analysis of the obtained results shows that independent of the stone type tested and independent of the ageing test applied a rate of change of the stone elastic properties is described by an ordinary differential equation which solution is an exponential law analogues to the Newton’s law of cooling. The degradation function model can be used for further research on expected residual strength and dynamics of the heritage materials degradation processes.",1,,46,,10.31224/,,2020-04-02T20:17:09.867982,2020-04-02T20:17:21.673840 hr8eg,"Flight-Experiment Validation of the Dynamic Capabilities of a Flux-Pinned Interface as a Docking Mechanism","Flux-pinned interfaces for spacecraft leverage the physics of superconductor interactions with electromagnetism to govern the dynamics between two bodies in close-proximity. Several unique advantages over traditional mechanical capture systems include robustness to control failures, contactless reorientation of the capture target, and collision mitigation. This study describes a series of experiments performed in a microgravity environment during a parabolic-flight campaign to measure the dynamic behavior of a flux-pinned interface in a flight-traceable environment. This paper presents the performance of a flux-pinned interface in the full six degrees of freedom in terms of several quantifiable metrics: success of capture at various energetic states, momentum change, system damping, and interface stiffness of the two spacecraft bodies.",1,,53,,10.31224/,10.1109/AERO.2019.8742170,2020-04-02T02:53:46.381353,2020-04-02T05:00:28.953808 kvaxr,"Reduced Embedded Magnetic Field in Type-II Superconductor of Finite Dimension","This work maps the magnetic field within a type-II superconductor of finite dimension that is magnetically flux-pinned. The measured field is lower in magnitude than anticipated from the frozen image model and changes shape dependent on the field-cooled image location. A proposed refined model more accurately reflects the measured field.",1,,49,,10.31224/,10.1109/TASC.2020.2976592,2020-04-02T02:53:00.622583,2020-04-02T05:00:33.592002 kfb8t,"Flux-Pinned Dynamics Model Parameterization and Sensitivity Study","Flux-pinned interfaces maintain a passively stable equilibrium between two spacecraft in close-proximity. Although flux-pinning physics has been studied from a materials-science perspective and at the systems level, the sensitivities and implications of system-level designs on the dynamics need to be better understood, especially in interfaces with multiple magnets and superconductors. These interfaces have highly nonlinear, coupled dynamics that are influenced by physical parameters including strength of magnetic field sources, field-cooled position, and superconductor geometry. Kordyuk’s frozen image model successfully approximates the characteristics of flux pinning dynamics but could provide more precise state prediction with the addition of these physical parameter refinements. This paper addresses that gap by offering parametric terms to improve the dynamics model, which may better simulate the behavior of a multiple-magnet-multiple-superconductor interface. The sensitivity of the general flux-pinned dynamics model is studied by varying the physical parameters and simulating the systems level dynamics. This work represents a critical step in the development of a model suited to spacecraft performance verification.",1,,47,,10.31224/,10.2514/1.I010714,2020-04-02T02:52:22.800980,2020-04-02T05:00:23.146232 3tkra,"Linearized Dynamics of General Flux-Pinned Interfaces","A flux-pinned interface offers a passively stable equilibrium that otherwise cannot occur between magnets because electromagnetic fields are divergenceless. The contactless, compliant nature of flux pinning offers many benefits for close-proximity robotic maneuvers, such as rendezvous, docking, and actuation. This paper derives the six degree-of-freedom linear dynamics about an equilibrium for any magnet/superconductor configuration. Linearized dynamics are well suited to predicting close-proximity maneuvers, provide insights into the character of the dynamic system, and are essential for linear control synthesis. The equilibria and stability of a flux-pinned interface are found using Villani's equations for magnetic dipoles. Kordyuk's frozen-image model provides the nonlinear flux-pinning response to these magnetic forces and torques, all of which are then linearized. Comparing simulation results of the nonlinear and linear dynamics shows the extent of the linear model's applicability. Nevertheless, these simple models offer computational speed and physical intuition that a nonlinear model does not.",1,,52,,10.31224/,10.1109/TASC.2018.2844375,2020-04-02T02:51:37.784582,2020-04-02T05:00:21.973398 zu3me,"Ion mobility and partition determine the counter-ion selectivity of ion exchange membranes","Ion (perm)selectivity and conductivity are the two most essential properties of an ion exchange membrane, yet no quantitative relation between them has been suggested. In this work, the selectivity between two different counter-ions is correlated to the membrane conductivity. We show that the counter-ion selectivity measured by conventional electrodialysis (ED) can be expressed by the product of two parameters: (a) the mobility ratio between these two different counter-ions in the membrane and (b) their partition coefficient between the solution and the membrane. This is reminiscent of the classical solution-diffusion model. Via the counter-ion mobility in the membrane, the selectivity could be simply expressed with the membrane conductivity and dimensional swelling degree at pure counter-ion forms and at mixed counter-ion form when the membrane has been equilibrated with 1:1 equivalence ratio of the two counter-ions in the solution. This correlation is validated experimentally for the ion selectivity of K+/Na+ in two commercial hydrocarbon-based cation exchange membranes (CEMs). For K+/Na+ in a commercial perfluorosulfonic CEM, and for Mg2+/Na+ in all the three types of CEMs, the correlation could predict the counter-ion partition very well; but there is an underestimation of the K+/Na+ and Mg2+/Na+ mobility ratios afforded by this correlation, which might be due to simplification of the cation activity coefficients in CEMs. This work offers a convenient method to decouple experimentally the effect of partition and mobility in controlling the membrane selectivity, and also proposes a new perspective to study the selectivity as well as conductivity of ion exchange membranes.",1,,60,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2019.117645,2020-04-01T13:33:41.912268,2020-04-01T13:34:02.538181 weph5,"Simultaneous rational design of ion separation membranes and processes","Economically viable water treatment process plants for drinking water purification are a prerequisite for sustainable supply of safe drinking water in the future. However, modern membrane process development experiences a disconnect in this domain: the synthesis of the membrane and the design of the process are decoupled. We propose an optimization strategy to simultaneously design the performance of layer-by-layer nanofiltration membrane modules and the separation process. This approach achieves overall optimal performance by extending the search space and thus exploiting synergies. Better separation performances at a lower cost as compared to conventional optimization strategies can be achieved. The key feature of this optimization framework is the integration of artificial neural networks. This machine-learning technique describes membrane performance as a function of its synthesis protocol. We optimize the design problem rigorously by a deterministic global nonlinear optimization method. Thus, this framework yields membrane synthesis protocols and membrane processes that are optimally tailored to the desired separation task. In a showcase, the simultaneous membrane synthesis and process optimization design achieve immediately favorable results with lower impurities at comparable costs. The process investment and operation costs are compared to a state of the art commercially available membrane for nanofiltration.",1,,67,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2020.117860,2020-04-01T13:32:46.272332,2020-04-01T13:33:01.731208 h3t7r,"Interlocking Spikes for Extreme Mobility","The interlock drive system generates traction by penetrating articulated spikes into the ground and by using the natural strength of the ground for traction. A fundamental problem of traction by interlocking spikes is how to penetrate the ground such that the spike will withstand the draft force. The theory of critical depth suggests that a high rake angle reduces soil fragmentation, while vehicle stability and demand for a high pull/weight ratio require a low thrust angle. To satisfy both requirements, we connect an interlocking spike with a high rake angle via a lever arm to a hinge close to the ground for a low thrust angle. The resulting friction of the spike with the soil increases the vertical penetration force during penetration. Experimental data shows that such a spike penetrates soil of a much higher penetration resistance than predicted from an analysis of the forces involved, possibly because the spike follows the path of least resistance. To better understand and improve the potential of interlocking spikes for mobility in extreme terrain, we need a comprehensive experimental analysis. Accepted Paper in Proc. Earth & Space 2020: 17th Biennial ASCE International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments, ASCE, Seattle WA.",1,,65,,10.31224/,,2020-03-31T22:14:41.444691,2020-05-22T12:57:05.143730 q3nr2,"Socially inclusive renewable energy transition in sub-Saharan Africa: A social shaping of technology analysis of appliance uptake in Rwanda","Rural off-grid renewable energy solutions often fail due to uncertainties in household energy demand, insufficient community engagement, inappropriate financial models, policy inconsistency and lack of political will. Social shaping of technology (SST) of specific household electric appliances provides a critical lens of understanding the involved socio-technical drivers behind these constraints. This study employs an SST lens to investigate appliance uptake drivers in Rwanda using the EICV5 micro dataset, such that these drivers can aid in policy design of a socially inclusive renewable energy transition. The methodology includes a systemic and epistemological review of current literature on the drivers of appliance uptake in the Global South. These drivers were then analysed using binary logistic regression on 14,580 households. Results show that appliance uptake is highly gendered in Rwanda and the type of appliance determines its diffusion across the welfare categories, commonly referred as to Ubudehe categories. Regression results show that mobile phones, radios and TV-sets have a higher likelihood of ownership than welfare appliances (refrigerator and laundry machine) by low-income households. There is also a high likelihood of uptake of power stabilisers in urban areas, indicating poor power quality. Policy implications were drawn using the lens of disruptive innovation.",1,,75,,10.31224/,,2020-03-31T13:37:32.784108,2020-04-03T15:37:53.551951 u85s4,"h5fortran: object-oriented Fortran HDF5 interface","h5fortran provides object-oriented and functional interface to the HDF5 library for Fortran. h5fortran prioritizes ease-of-use, robust self-tests and Fortran 2008 standard syntax for broad compiler, operating system and computing platform support from Raspberry Pi to HPC.",1,,44,,10.31224/,,2020-03-31T13:36:12.116131,2020-03-31T13:36:22.714391 q7v9r,"Functionalization of metal Nanoparticles for SERS-based Detections of illicit drugs in biological samples","Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has been widely used for the detection of illicit drugs due to its excellent chemical fingerprint information, high sensitivity by plasmon-enhanced excitation and scattering, and independence of aqueous solution impact. Even though it has been more than one decade since the first SERS was synthesized, extensive effort has recently been undertaken to improve hand-held Raman analyzer and make SERS a practical point-of-care (POC) device for the detection of illicit drugs in real samples. Lately, there has been a fast growth in improving methods for precise control over metal nanoparticle size and modification of their detection performance with functionalizing agents, which will dramatically enhance their application in various biomedical applications. In this study, a general view on the background of the SERS and several basic concepts and focuses are discussed. Then we put forward a summary of the progress in trace determination of illicit drugs using various functionalization methods for enhancing characteristics of the substrate toward a more selective detection of the analytes.",1,,35,,10.31224/,,2020-03-30T14:31:56.404975,2020-03-30T14:32:24.117761 9nxv4,"Investigation of surface settlement of ground caused by cut-and-cover tunneling in Urmia Interchange","Earth's surface settlement is one of the most important tunnel drilling circumstances that has been studied by many international investigations to control its effects. This paper investigates the effect of cut-and-cover tunnel construction at the ground level adjacent to the non-surface interchange of the Urmia city, Iran. At the beginning of this research, the measurement of the Earth's ground settlement at some section of the non-surface interchange that is obtained from local surveys is provided. At the next step, it is compared with the analytical results of PLAXIS 3D and local data and soil parameters. The exact surface, obtained from the regional organization, was used to measure the Earth's ground settlement. According to the results obtained from the measurements, the maximum settlement is 9.95 mm. The calculated subsidence value of numerical modelling is lower than the results of local surveys, which may be due to the accuracy of soil laboratory parameters. At the end of the research, the actual soil parameters were obtained using recursive analysis. The measured session values are within the range of the results of other researchers.",1,,52,,10.31224/,,2020-03-28T12:38:45.685935,2020-03-28T12:39:05.109255 epa5j,"Openings effects in reinforced concrete shear walls; a literature review on experimental and finite element studies","One of the types of earthquake-resistant systems is the concrete shear wall system, which has attracted the attention of engineers due to its good performance in past earthquakes. But some architectural constraints force engineers to install openings in shear walls; thus, this will affect the behavior of the shear wall. Many researchers have conducted experimental and finite element studies for assessing the effects of openings in reinforced concrete shear walls. However, there is a lack of comprehensive comparisons between different studies. This paper reviews some most recent experimental and finite element studies available in the literature and presents a review of the main contributions. This literature review reveals that the seismic responses and the stiffness of structures are influenced by the size and location of the openings in the reinforced shear wall.",1,,35,,10.31224/,,2020-03-28T03:10:42.339156,2020-03-28T03:11:12.203405 kw4tq,"Dynamics of liquid argon flow around carbon nanotube","In this work non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate the liquid argon flow passing a stationary carbon nanotube and to estimate kinetic energy of the flow and flow forces exerted on the nanotube. Effects of different factors were also investigated. CFD simulations of flow around a circular cylinder were also performed to compare the results with those of MD around the carbon nanotube. In molecular dynamics simulation, the fluid forces on the body are calculated directly from the summation of the molecular forces exerted on solid atoms by fluid atoms. In this work, this method is used to investigate the effects of different flow parameters such as flow velocity, flow temperature on the flow behavior over the carbon nanotube, atom positioning around the nanotube and forces exerted on it. The simulation is 3D, and the computational domain consists of a maximum of 33,700 liquid argon atoms as the fluid and 240 atoms of carbon which represent the solid nanotube. A single-walled carbon nanotube is simulated as a rigid body of fixed carbon atoms, and both argon-argon and argon-carbon interactions are modeled by the standard Lennard-Jonnes potential function. Flow is driven by rescaling fluid particles velocities at the inlet region with a length of 3% of the domain length in that direction every 50-time steps. Based on the information given, a parallel code was developed, and investigations have been conducted using this code. Results show that among all the parameters which were investigated in this paper, the flow velocity has the most significant effects on the exerted forces and kinetic energy on the carbon nanotube and the drag force is increased with an increment of the flow inlet velocity in all cases. Lift fluctuates around zero in all cases of the stationary carbon nanotube. Inlet flow velocities and temperatures have also changed atoms positioning in the vicinity of the nanotube and so atomic density in the nearby bins which is used to further clarify the difference in the drag force.",1,,82,,10.31224/,,2020-03-27T21:31:23.143665,2020-03-27T21:32:08.239195 8mf46,"Energy justice, built environment and poverty: A deep-narrative analysis of energy cultures in Brazil, India and Nigeria for policy modelling","Distributive energy justice as a policy instrument is crucial to meet UN-SDG 7 targets at the poorest section of rapidly urbanising Global South. This study mobilised this policy instrument to derive poverty alleviation focal points across slum rehabilitation housing in Brazil, India and Nigeria. It emphasises on the social dimensions of energy services which currently remains a literature gap. The core methodological innovation lies in the nested deep narrative analysis approach using topic modelling and grounded theory, developed in Debnath et. al. (2020). This paper presents the application of this methodology through the analysis of energy culture and built environment in poverty. Narratives of poverty and energy services were collected through focus group discussions that served as the primary data object. Topic modelling was performed to remove directionality biases in the narratives using a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)-based algorithm, which was then strengthen using grounded theory. Cross-validation of the topic models was performed using science-mapping of state-of-the-art literature in ‘energy justice’ and ‘poverty’ with an LDA-tuning algorithm. Results converged around seven key topics that probabilistically highlighted the grounded reality of complex interactions between poverty, built environment and human-scale energy services. The derived policy-focal points illustrated that built environment design, land use planning and governance are crucial to the success of SDG-7 in poverty. It showed how utilities and distribution companies can strengthen their energy governance to support social policies and improve the quality and reliability of electric power. The high diffusion of ICTs in the study area can act as a platform of change to bring distributive justice.",1,,99,,10.31224/,,2020-03-26T12:29:46.526349,2020-04-01T13:46:08.709776 aj4wm,"Influence of Strain Rate Sensitivity on Localization and Void Coalescence","The onset of macroscopic strain localization limits the ductility of many ductile materials. For porous ductile materials, two distinct mechanisms of macroscopic localization have been identified: void growth induced softening and void coalescence. In this work we focus on analyzing the influence of material's strain rate sensitivity (SRS) on the two mechanisms of macroscopic localization or ductile failure as a function of the imposed stress triaxiality. To this end, three dimensional finite element calculations of unit cells have been carried out to model void growth and coalescence in an infinite block containing a periodic distribution of initially spherical voids in a band. The matrix material of the unit cell is considered to follow a strain rate dependent elastic perfectly plastic flow response. The unit cell calculations are carried out for a range of SRS parameter, imposed stress triaxiality and initial orientations of the voided band. Our results show that both the critical porosity and strain at the onset of localization and coalescence are strongly influenced by the SRS parameter and the imposed stress triaxiality values. Furthermore, the relative effect of the SRS parameter is found to increases with the increasing value of the imposed stress triaxiality.",1,,53,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.ijplas.2019.09.007,2020-03-26T12:27:44.307254,2020-03-26T12:28:06.378620 9bkxc,"Influence of Grain Size Distribution on Ductile Intergranular Crack Growth Resistance","The influence of grain size distribution on ductile intergranular crack growth resistance is investigated using full-field microstructure-based finite element calculations and a simpler model based on discrete unit events and graph search. The finite element calculations are carried out for a plane strain slice with planar grains subjected to mode I small-scale yielding conditions. The finite element formulation accounts for finite deformations, and the constitutive relation models the loss of stress carrying capacity due to progressive void nucleation, growth, and coalescence. The discrete unit events are characterized by a set of finite element calculations for crack growth at a single-grain boundary junction. A directed graph of the connectivity of grain boundary junctions and the distances between them is used to create a directed graph in J-resistance space. For a specified grain boundary distribution, this enables crack growth resistance curves to be calculated for all possible crack paths. Crack growth resistance curves are calculated based on various path choice criteria and compared with the results of full-field finite element calculations of the initial boundary value problem. The effect of unimodal and bimodal grain size distributions on intergranular crack growth is considered. It is found that a significant increase in crack growth resistance is obtained if the difference in grain sizes in the bimodal grain size distribution is sufficiently large.",1,,108,,10.31224/,10.1115/1.4045073,2020-03-24T13:11:51.784025,2020-03-24T13:12:00.805907 exhbs,"Intergranular Fracture Prediction and Microstructure Design","A model based on discrete unit events coupled with a graph search algorithm is developed to predict intergranular fracture. The model is based on two hypotheses: (i) the key unit event associated with intergranular crack propagation is the interaction of a grain boundary crack with a grain boundary segment located at an angle with the initial crack plane; and (ii) for a given crack path, the overall crack growth resistance can be calculated using the crack growth resistance of a collection of unit events. Next, using a directed graph containing the connectivity of grain boundary junctions and the distances between them, and crack deflection versus crack growth resistance data, a directed graph in the J-resistance space is created. This graph contains information on the crack growth resistance for all possible crack paths in a given grain microstructure. Various crack growth resistance curves are then calculated including those corresponding to: (i) a local resistance minimum; (ii) a global minimum; and (iii) for verification, a path specified by microstructure-based finite element calculations. The results show that the proposed method based on discrete unit events and graph search can predict the crack path and the crack growth resistance for cracks that propagate from one grain boundary junction to another. The proposed computationally inexpensive model can be used to design material microstructures with improved intergranular fracture resistance, and/or to assess the overall crack growth resistance of materials with a known distribution of grain morphology.",1,,75,,10.31224/,10.1007/s10704-019-00347-z,2020-03-24T13:10:59.174247,2020-03-24T13:11:23.104745 s6epj,"On the micromechanism of inclusion driven ductile fracture and its implications on fracture toughness","The objective is to identify the micromechanism(s) of ductile crack advance, and isolate the key microstructural and material parameters that a?ect these micromechanisms and fracture toughness of ductile structural materials. Three dimensional, ?nite element, ?nite deformation, small scale yielding calculations of mode I crack growth are carried out for ductile material matrix containing two populations of void nucleating particles using an elasto-viscoplastic constitutive framework for progressively cavitating solid. The larger par- ticles or inclusions that result in void nucleation at an early stage are modeled discretely while smaller particles that require large strains to nucleate voids are homogeneously dis- tributed. The size, spacing and volume fraction of inclusions introduce microstructure-based length-scales. In the calculations, ductile crack growth is computed and fracture toughness is characterized. Several features of crack growth behavior and dependence of fracture tough- ness on microstructural and material parameters observed in experiments, naturally emerge in our calculations. The extent to which the microstructural and material parameters a?ect the micromechanisms of ductile crack advance and, hence, the macroscopic fracture tough- ness of the material is discussed. The results presented provide guidelines for microstructural engineering to increase ductile fracture toughness, for example, the results show that for a material with small inclusions, increasing the mean inclusion spacing has a greater e?ect on fracture toughness than for a material with large inclusions.",1,,52,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jmps.2019.05.010,2020-03-24T12:49:08.067465,2020-03-24T12:49:20.999406 nwspe,"Design of a Two Wavelength Optical Downlink for LEO Spacecrafts","Optical fiber brought high data transmission for terrestrial communication systems, consequently the community had the ambition of establishing similar data rates for free-space optical links. This work presents a system architecture and a design method for optical downlink for spacecrafts in Low-Earth orbit - LEO - and aims to achieve easy integration as well as simplicity for assembly. A statistical model for laser propagation in atmosphere is employed in order to obtain a theoretical model for description of the system.",1,,66,,10.31224/,,2020-03-24T12:20:14.793593,2020-03-24T17:21:18.925431 agsd9,"Fabrication of glucose biosensor based on vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays modified with polyaniline","The project is about the development of a novel method for the fabrication of vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays as a substrate for rapid and sensitive detection of glucose in human blood plasma. The results of characterizations and measurements reveal that in contrast with conventional methods, this user-friendly device can be employed as a sensitive, economical, and user-friendly method for the detection of small molecules such as glucose.",1,,78,,10.31224/,,2020-03-23T16:24:10.655591,2020-03-23T16:24:23.454016 jtvrd,"Correlating fracture toughness and fracture surface roughness via correlation length scale","Fracture toughness of a material depends on its microstructure and the imposed loading conditions. Intuitively, the resultant fracture surfaces must contain the information about the interlacing of these intrinsic (microstructure) and extrinsic (imposed loading) characteristics. Mandelbrot’s revelation that fracture surfaces are fractals, excited both the scientific and engineering communities, spurring a series of works focused at correlating the fracture toughness and the fracture surface roughness. Unfortunately, these studies remained inconclusive and later on it was shown that the fractal dimension of the fracture surface roughness is in fact universal. Here, we show that by going beyond the universality, a definite correlation between the fracture toughness and indices of the fracture surface roughness is obtained. To this end, fracture experiments on an aluminum alloy were carried over a wide range of loading rates (10-2 – 106 ), and the resulting fracture surface were reconstructed using stereography. The correlation lengths, extracted from the reconstructed surfaces, were found to be linearly correlated with the measured fracture toughness. The correlation unraveled in our work, along with the proposed mechanistic interpretation, revives the hope of correlating fracture toughness and fracture surface roughness, allowing quantitative failure analysis and a potential reconstructive approaches to designing fracture resistant materials.",1,,45,,10.31224/,10.1007/s10704-019-00377-7,2020-03-23T12:31:10.359697,2020-03-23T12:31:49.277891 a4y93,"Determining stresses in massive structures originating from their own weight: The effect of the construction sequence","The article considers the stress profile that develops in a massive structure due to its own weight, with the account taken of the sequence of the construction. It is demonstrated that the conventional approach that disregards the construction sequence can in general lead to significant errors.",1,,56,,10.31224/,,2020-03-22T13:29:09.249069,2020-03-22T13:29:24.368126 ywkfr,"Traffic Assignment Problem with Strict Capacity Constraints","To improve the performance of the transportation network operation, traffic assignment problems require more reliable results. Disregard the solution method, one factor that leads to more accurate results in traffic assignment problems is considering the link capacity constraints. In traffic assignment problems, techniques such as the Frank-Wolfe (FW) algorithm has extensive applications, but not considering link capacity in these methods results in inaccurate outputs. In every iteration of FW, move direction is obtained by solving the minimum cost flow problem for the network without considering the capacity constraints, which is named the all or nothing assignment algorithm. On the contrary, there is another algorithm called the Out of kilter (OFK) algorithm that solves the traffic assignment problem by minimizing the cost flow problem in networks with link capacity constraints. In this dissertation, the movement direction of the FW algorithm is obtained by the OFK algorithm. Therefore, in every iteration, link flows are lower than or equal to their capacities. In this method, we assume that the network has a circulation form, meaning that all origins are pure origin, and all destinations are the pure destination. Moreover, the results of the proposed algorithm for the Hearn and Sioux Falls transportation networks are presented and compared to the condition that link capacities are considered infinite.",1,,77,,10.31224/,,2020-03-20T20:33:48.496371,2020-04-04T20:45:55.945407 6dkv2,"Simulation of cavitation effects in blister-assisted laser-induced forward transfer of fluids","In Blister Assisted - Laser-Induced Forward Transfer (BA-LIFT), laser pulse generates a blister in an intermediate layer to push away the fluid. In this work, a Phase Field model has been proposed to study the first stages of transference. Simulations and experimental shadowgraphy images for BA-LIFT of water-glycerol mixtures have been compared. The transference mechanism is ideally only mechanical, but it does not explain some observed effects that have already been described for direct LIFT transference. Given its analogy with direct LIFT processes, four causes have been studied: direct interaction between laser and fluid, thermal conduction, a mechanical rebound, or pressure fall due to fluid velocity. After the analysis, the first three explanations have been rejected, and a hypothesis is proposed: the velocity field generated by the blister generates a cavitation bubble in the interface between the polyimide layer and the fluid. The inclusion of the effects of a cavitation bubble in the numerical model –in the form of a second push– is enough to replicate these secondary effects observed that take place at intermediate times in BA-LIFT.",1,,34,,10.31224/,,2020-03-20T17:37:55.819855,2020-03-20T17:38:41.739358 kgxr7,"Attaining stable electrolyzer operation under multi-annual climatic variations in almost fully renewable electricity systems: the case of Sweden","Hydrogen produced from renewable electricity can play an important role in deep decarbonization of industry, such as primary steel-making. However, adding large electrolyzer capacities to a low-carbon electricity system also increases the need for additional renewable electricity generation which will mostly come from variable renewable energies (VRE). This will require hydrogen production to be variable, unless sufficient flexibility is provided by other sources. Existing sources of flexibility in hydro-thermal systems are (a) hydropower and (b) thermal generation. However, increasing the flexibility of hydropower generation may have negative consequences for river ecosystems and the use of fossil and non-fossil fuels in generation may increase if thermal power is increasingly used to balance short-falls in wind power during electrolyzer operation. We assess here for our Swedish case study the utilization of electrolyzers with a dispatch model, assuming that additional VRE generation matches the additional electricity demand of hydrogen production on average. The flexibility of hydropower and thermal generation is restricted in four scenarios, and we run our model for 29 different weather years to test the impact of variable weather regimes. We show that (a) in all scenarios, electrolyzer utilization is above 60% on average, (b) the inter-annual variability of hydrogen production is very high if thermal power is not dispatched for electrolysis, (c) this problem is aggravated if hydropower flexibility is also restricted, and therefore (d) either long-term storage of hydrogen, backup hydrogen sources, or additional flexibility measures may be necessary to guarantee continuous hydrogen flows, and (e) adding wind power and electrolysis decreases the need for other backup flexibility measures in the system during climatic extreme events.",1,,105,,10.31224/,,2020-03-20T17:36:09.514263,2020-04-27T09:05:18.383748 n74ca,"Parametric Study of Buildings with and Without Shear Walls for Seismic Performance","Shear walls are structural systems which provide stability to structures from lateral loads like wind, seismic loads. As shear wall resist major portions of lateral loads in the lowest portions of the buildings and the frame supports the lateral loads in the upper portions of the building which is suited for soft storey high rise building. The properties of these seismic shear walls dominate the response of the building and therefore, it is important to evaluate the seismic response of the walls appropriately. In this present study, main focus is to determine the solution for shear walls behavior in multi-storey building. Effectiveness of shear walls has been studied with the help of six different models. Model one is bare frame structural system, model two is dual frame structural system and model three is a complete shear wall structural system with internal walls in y-direction and model four is a similar model having internal shear walls in x-direction, model five is again a dual frame having columns at exterior and shear walls in interior placed in y-direction and model six is also an dual frame structure having columns at exterior and shear walls at interior placed in x-direction. An earthquake load is applied to a building of G+15 stories located in zone III, type of soil II and various other factors are considered. Parameters like displacement and storey drift are calculated in all the cases replacing column with shear walls and their locations.",1,,52,,10.31224/,,2020-03-17T07:26:38.094423,2020-03-17T07:27:02.840869 2qxzv,"Influence of Strain rate sensitivity on Localization and void coalescence","The onset of macroscopic strain localization limits the ductility of many ductile materials. For porous ductile materials, two distinct mechanisms of macroscopic localization have been identified: void growth induced softening and void coalescence. In this work we focus on analyzing the influence of materials strain rate sensitivity (SRS) on the two mechanisms of macroscopic localization or ductile failure as a function of the imposed stress triaxiality. To this end, three dimensional finite element calculations of unit cells have been carried out to model void growth and coalescence in an infinite block containing a periodic distribution of initially spherical voids in a band. The matrix material of the unit cell is considered to follow a strain rate dependent elastic perfectly plastic flow response. The unit cell calculations are carried out for a range of SRS parameter, imposed stress triaxiality and initial orientations of the voided band. Our results show that both the critical porosity and strain at the onset of localization and coalescence are strongly influenced by the SRS parameter and the imposed stress triaxiality values. Furthermore, the relative e?ect of the SRS parameter is found to increases with the increasing value of the imposed stress triaxiality.",1,,64,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.ijplas.2019.09.007,2020-03-17T07:25:10.421653,2020-03-17T07:25:40.810608 45wcs,"Effects of plastic anisotropy on localization in orthotropic materials: new explicit expressions for the orientation of localization bands in flat specimens subjected to uniaxial tension","This paper presents a theoretical investigation on the inception of plastic localization bands in specimens taken from orthotropic metallic sheets, and subjected to uniaxial tension. For the first time, it is shown that the orientations of the localization bands can be obtained directly from experimental measurements of the uniaxial tensile flow stresses and Lankford coefficients (r-values) of the metallic sheet.",1,,84,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jmps.2019.03.002,2020-03-17T07:24:08.139942,2020-03-17T08:58:26.266752 h47dq,"Propulsion Sizing Correlations for Electrical and Fuel Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles","The aim of the project is to derive sizing correlations of propulsion system components commonly employed by fuel and electric powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles",1,,103,,10.31224/,,2020-03-16T08:05:06.117490,2020-03-16T08:05:24.242237 736a5,"A machine learning-based digital twin of the manufacturing process: metal powder-bed fusion case","Additive manufacturing processes are enabling the manufacturing of geometries that were impossible to manufacture before. However, the technology is also facing challenges due to process inconsistencies, such as local overheating which creates large scrap rates. An intelligent process relies on a digital twin [1, 2] to achieve a robust process planning avoiding substantial costs related to trial and error to overcome those obstacles. Such a digital twin of the process hence helps to accomplish a print first-time-right. We build a digital twin of the AM process - including the full print path - using a machine learning algorithm trained on synthetic, physics-based and experimentally validated data. This allows for the prediction of overheated regions for a complete workpiece within a reasonable time and the application of improved scan strategies. We outline the general method on an exemplary aerospace part made of In718, successfully predicting overheated regions and correcting it through an alternative exposure strategy.",1,,98,,10.31224/,,2020-03-15T08:26:02.727732,2020-03-15T08:26:25.028827 3h7nc,"Incorporating Variable Demand Assignment Into Discrete Network Design Problem","The network design problem (NDP) is a bi-level problem with integer and decimal variables that aims to minimize the users' total cost under the budget constraints. Although utilizing variable demand models will theoretically change the NDP’s result, the demand was assumed to be fixed and known in the literature. In this paper, a mathematical analysis will be presented to justify the importance of using variable demand in the discrete network design problem (DNDP). The DNDP for Sioux-falls network will be solved in both variable and fixed demand conditions by using total enumeration (in the upper-level) and Frank-Wolf (in the lower-level) method. The result shows that DNDP findings for variable and fix demand conditions have significant differences, especially in the mid-budget level.",1,,112,,10.31224/,,2020-03-14T19:10:18.613701,2020-03-19T14:56:25.819091 xryfa,"Cross-Season Visual Route Classification Using a Domain-Invariant Next-Best-View Planner","This paper addresses the problem of active visual place recognition (VPR) from a novel perspective of long-term autonomy. In our approach, a next-best-view (NBV) planner plans an optimal action-observation-sequence to maximize the expected cost-performance for a visual route classification task. A difficulty arises from the fact that the NBV planner is trained and tested in different domains (times of day, weather conditions, and seasons). Existing NBV methods may be confused and deteriorated by the domain-shifts, and require significant efforts for adapting them to a new domain. We address this issue by a novel deep convolutional neural network (DNN) -based NBV planner that does not require the adaptation. Our main contributions in this paper are summarized as follows: (1) We present a novel domain-invariant NBV planner that is specifically tailored for DNN-based VPR. (2) We formulate the active VPR as a POMDP problem and present a feasible solution to address the inherent intractability. Specifically, the probability distribution vector (PDV) output by the available DNN is used as a domain-invariant observation model without the need to retrain it. (3) We verify efficacy of the proposed approach through challenging cross-season VPR experiments, where it is confirmed that the proposed approach clearly outperforms the previous single-view-based or multi-view-based VPR in terms of VPR accuracy and/or action-observation-cost.",1,,72,,10.31224/,,2020-03-13T09:19:48.040291,2020-03-13T09:20:00.705004 ea2np,"Technology for monitoring everyday prosthesis use: a systematic review","Background Understanding how prostheses are used in everyday life is central to the design, provision and evaluation of prosthetic devices and associated services. This paper reviews the scientific literature on methodologies and technologies that have been used to assess the daily use of both upper- and lower-limb prostheses. It discusses the types of studies that have been undertaken, the technologies used to monitor physical activity, the benefits of monitoring daily living and the barriers to long-term monitoring. Methods A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL and EMBASE of studies that monitored the activity of prosthesis-users during daily-living. Results 60 lower-limb studies and 9 upper-limb studies were identified for inclusion in the review. The first studies in the lower-limb field date from the 1990s and the number has increased steadily since the early 2000s. In contrast, the studies in the upper-limb field have only begun to emerge over the past few years. The early lower-limb studies focused on the development or validation of actimeters, algorithms and/or scores for activity classification. However, most of the recent lower-limb studies used activity monitoring to compare prosthetic components. The lower-limb studies mainly used step-counts as their only measure of activity, focusing on the amount of activity, not the type and quality of movements. In comparison, the small number of upper-limb studies were fairly evenly spread between development of algorithms, comparison of everyday activity to clinical scores, and comparison of different prosthesis user populations. Most upper-limb papers reported the degree of symmetry in activity levels between the arm with the prosthesis and the intact arm. Conclusions Activity monitoring technology used in conjunction with clinical scores and user feedback, offers significant insights into how prostheses are used and whether they meet the user’s requirements. However, the cost, limited battery-life and lack of availability in many countries mean that using sensors to understand the daily use of prostheses and the types of activity being performed has not yet become a feasible standard clinical practice. This review provides recommendations for the research and clinical communities to advance this area for the benefit of prosthesis users.",1,,204,,10.31224/,,2020-03-11T19:26:59.963833,2020-03-11T19:51:54.234008 qgspe,"Simulation of journal bearing friction in severe mixed lubrication – Validation and effect of surface smoothing due to running-in","This paper focuses on the friction behavior of jour- nal bearings operating from hydrodynamic to mixed lubrication regime where severe metal-metal contact occurs. Therefore, friction tests with two different static loads are carried out on the journal bear- ing test-rig from KS Gleitlager. The test results in form of Stribeck curves provide a solid base to proof the isothermal elastohydrodynamic simulation approach. The simulation approach solves the av- eraged Reynolds equation introduced by Patir and Cheng and considers metal-metal contact by using the Greenwood and Tripp contact model. All nec- essary surface parameters are derived from surface scans. No less essential in this approach are the experimentally identified lubricant properties under high pressure and high shear rate. The calculated friction torque matches the mea- surement results within the measurement uncertainty for a wide range of operation conditions. With the validated simulation approach the influence of surface smoothing due to metal-metal contact is discussed. Additionally, the limits of a constant boundary coef- ficient are identified and the effects of flow factors are presented.",1,,91,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.triboint.2015.12.024,2020-03-11T09:47:06.134221,2020-03-11T09:47:21.651441 ynzx7,"Measurement of the Crankshaft Seals Friction Losses in a Modern Passenger Car Diesel Engine","This paper presents results of experimental investigations on the friction losses of the crankshaft radial lip seals of a modern four-cylinder diesel engine for passenger car applications. A two stage strip-test has been conducted on a motored engine test bed to obtain the friction torque of the radial lip seals. For the experimental investigations with the crankshaft seals removed from the engine, a special sealing apparatus has been designed and built. A wide range of tests have been performed covering the full speed range of the engine at lubricant temperatures of 70 ℃, 90 ℃, and 110 ℃. The results show a dependency on crankshaft speed and engine media supply temperature but also revealed the presence of constant plateaus of friction torque over engine speed.",1,,70,,10.31224/,10.1177/1350650119870353,2020-03-11T09:22:45.702414,2020-03-11T09:23:00.919954 r9p2f,"A Review of Sensing and Communication, Human Factors, and Controller Aspects for Information-Aware Connected and Automated Vehicles","Information-aware connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) have drawn great attention in recent years due to their potentially significant positive impacts on roadway safety and operational efficiency. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth review of three basic and key interrelated aspects of a CAV: sensing and communication technologies; human factors; and information-aware controller design. First, the different vehicular sensing and communication technologies and their protocol stacks, to provide reliable information to the information-aware CAV controller, are thoroughly discussed. Diverse human factors, such as user comfort, preferences, and reliability, to design the CAV systems for mass adaptation are also discussed. Then, the different layers of a CAV controller (route planning, driving mode execution, and driving model selection) considering human factors and information through connectivity are reviewed. In addition, the critical challenges for the sensing and communication technologies, human factors, and information-aware controller are identified to support the design of a safe and efficient CAV system while considering user acceptance and comfort. Finally, the promising future research directions of these three aspects are discussed to overcome existing challenges to realize a safe and operationally efficient CAV.",1,,72,,10.31224/,10.1109/TITS.2019.2892399,2020-03-09T07:54:34.212593,2020-03-09T07:55:01.853269 29tcr,"EFFECTS OF DISPERSION PROPERTIES ON TRANSMISSON LOSS OF THICK PANELs","For thick panels under certain conditions, continually low values of transmission loss can be shown in the high frequency range. This effect has been thought to be due to the shear type wave coincidence effect. In this work, the dispersion properties of thick panels are precisely investigated to get a right explanation for this phenomenon and to determine conditions in which this phenomenon occurs. It is also shown that lowering the stiffness of the panels is not always an effective approach to improving the transmission loss for thick panels though the approach is well-known to be effective for thin panels and has been also proposed for thick panels.",1,,65,,10.31224/,,2020-03-07T08:20:54.399042,2020-03-07T08:21:24.819228 4nqcx,"Design and predicting performance of carbon nanotube reinforced cementitious materials : mechanical properties and dipersion characteristics.","Recently, Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) are drawing considerable attention of researchers for reinforcing cementitious materials due to their excellent mechanical properties and high aspect ratio (length-to-diameter ratio). However, CNTs might not disperse well within the cement matrix, resulting in little improvement or even degradation of concrete properties. The uncertainty in producing the consistent results in different studies might be attributed to multiple interactions between the experimental variables affecting the nanotube dispersion and the final properties of CNT-cement nanocomposites. Therefore, this research mainly focused on proposing equations that can reliably capture these interactions in order to correlate CNT dispersion with the mechanical properties. The main experimental variables studied included CNT concentration, aspect ratio, ultrasonication energy, ultrasonication amplitude, surfactant-to-CNTs ratio, water-to-cement ratio, sand-to-cement ratio, and hydration age of specimen. The study reported in this research was conducted in two parts: experimental program and modeling. In the experimental part of this research, a total of 63 different mix proportions were used to evaluate the flowability, mechanical properties, and durability characteristics of cement pastes and mortars containing CNTs. Using experimental test results reported in this study and the literature, three critical relations were proposed to consider the CNT dispersion, cement matrix composition, and hydration age of cement. The proposed critical relations were then added to available theoretical models in the literature. The flexural strength and elastic modulus of CNT-cement nanocomposites were predicted through a state-of-the-art probabilistic model using a Bayesian methodology. Finally, the developed probabilistic models were used to identify the optimum ranges of the experimental variables to maximize the mechanical properties. This was done through computing the conditional probability of not meeting the specified design requirement. The experimental results indicated that addition of CNTs could significantly improve different properties of cementitious materials, if the optimum range of each variable was used. Also, to achieve the desired mechanical properties, various combinations of the experimental variables might be used. The proposed prediction models were shown to capture the interactions between the experimental variables for predicting the mechanical properties within ±15% and ±18% of the experimental test results for flexural strength and elastic modulus, respectively. Based on the findings of this research, contour plots were developed to provide practical guidelines for future engineers to design CNT-cement nanocomposites.",1,,107,,10.31224/,10.18297/etd/3255,2020-03-05T07:44:20.374148,2020-03-10T13:00:05.354012 cxema,"Climbing Bloom's Taxonomy With Jupyter Notebooks: Experiences In Mechanical Engineering","Active learning techniques are well known to improve student outcomes and shift their thinking higher on Bloom’s Taxonomy. In this paper, I will present experiences from my implementation of active learning in sophomore-level Mechanical Engineering thermodynamics classes using Jupyter Notebooks. Jupyter Notebooks are a web-based programming environment widely used in software and other industries that allows students to combine code with equations and explanations of their work. By using this software to solve open-ended design problems, students move from the Remember, Comprehend, and Apply steps of Bloom’s Taxonomy to the Analyze, Synthesize, and Evaluate stages. Successfully integrating Jupyter Notebooks with these classes has required a shift in the focus of contact hours, going from didactic presentation of material to active practice with problem-solving techniques; most class material has been moved online. This approach has been successfully implemented over several semesters, but there are nonetheless still improvements to be made, which are discussed at the end of the manuscript.",1,,94,,10.31224/,10.1115/IMECE2019-10615,2020-03-03T15:11:13.595655,2020-03-03T15:13:40.439253 tq3nx,"Electropolishing of surfaces in metallic parts obtained by Additive Manufacturing","In this paper a study of the process of Electropolishing (EP) to be applied to metallic parts obtained by Additive Manufacturing is presented. The roughness of parts obtained by Additive Manufacturing is not acceptable in many applications and consequently they require a postprocessing stage to improve the surface roughness of these parts. If the material hardness is very high, like in Stainless Steels, the process of mechanical grinding is not suitable, since there is an important wear in the tool and residual stresses can be generated in the part. EP is a process in which the roughness required is obtained without tool-part contact. The conditions for this process in 17-4PH and 316 Stainless Steel parts with a Tungsten or Lead electrode are worked out in order to achieve a fast and effective smoothing process. DC voltage and an electrolyte of H3PO4 and H2SO4 are used between the tool, which acts as the cathode, and the part, which is the anode. A micropositioning system is used to set the interelectrode gap to the optimum value. Decrease in roughness Ra from 12 m to values about 3 m with this process was achieved.",1,,36,,10.31224/,,2020-03-03T11:36:00.604628,2020-03-03T11:36:29.586279 8ws6t,"Wind and Rain Losses for Metal-clad Contemporary Houses Subjected to Non-cyclonic Windstorms","Severe windstorms cause millions in losses annually for housing in Southeast Australia that has more than half of Australia’s population. The risk assessment for housing in these non-cyclonic regions is the key to assessing the cost-effectiveness of relevant wind mitigation measures to reduce the economic losses. This study develops a probabilistic risk assessment framework to evaluate the wind and rain losses for Australian contemporary houses subjected to non-cyclonic windstorms, which integrates the hazard modelling for extreme wind and associated rainfall, reliability-based wind damage assessment, rainwater intrusion evaluation and economic loss modelling. The risk analysis was conducted for metal-clad contemporary houses in Brisbane and Melbourne. It was found that damage to building interior and contents 18 caused by rainwater intrusion associated with extreme winds is the major contributor to the annual expected economic losses, and houses in Brisbane are generally subjected to higher losses than houses in Melbourne.",1,,89,,10.31224/,,2020-03-03T10:39:41.611481,2020-03-13T08:33:18.176494 kjrhq,"Review—The Development of Wearable Polymer-Based Sensors: Perspectives","The development of smart polymer materials is reviewed and illustrated. Important examples of these polymers include conducting polymers, ionic gels, stimulus-response be used polymers, liquid crystalline polymers and piezoelectric materials, which have desirable properties for use in wearable sensors. This review outlines the mode of action in these types of smart polymers systems for utilisation as wearable sensors. Categories of wearable sensors are considered as tattoo-like designs, patch-like, textile-based, and contact lens-based sensors. The advantages and disadvantages of each sensor types are considered together with information on the typical performance. The research gap linking smart polymer materials to wearable sensors with integrated power systems is highlighted. Smart polymer systems may be used as part of a holistic approach to improve wearable devices and accelerate the integration of wearable sensors and power systems, particularly in health care.",1,,52,,10.31224/,10.1149/1945-7111/ab697c,2020-03-02T16:09:04.081800,2020-04-03T11:44:41.915695 dx79t,"Experimental characterisation of the thermal energy released by a Radio-Frequency Corona Igniter in Nitrogen and Air","The Radio-Frequency Corona Ignition System is characterised by a wide initial combustion volume and precursors production, via radical insemination by the streamers, in addition to high released thermal energy. These features lead to faster combustion, a higher tolerance for lean mixtures and EGR dilutions and, in general, more adaptability. The thermal energy released by the igniter to the surrounding medium can help to understand the performance, the behaviour and the application range. This paper proposes a systematic experimental analysis of the thermal energy released by the igniter at room temperature, via pressure-based calorimetry. This analysis, carried out at different pressures (up to 10 bar) and medium type (air or nitrogen), is extended to the whole range of the corona igniter control parameters, namely streamer duration and driving voltage. The latter is proportional to the maximum electrode voltage, as shown in the model here presented, and as confirmed by experiments. The results show, for all the vessel pressures, the high energetic efficiency of the ignition system and the high amount of the released energy. The latter is found to increase linearly with the corona streamers duration and quickly with the driving voltage up to the streamer-to-arc transition threshold. The efficiency tends to reach a defined upper limit. For each tested point, the energy released to pure nitrogen is higher than to air, which evidences the impact of the oxygen presence under streamer exposure.",1,,103,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114617,2020-03-02T15:59:56.538157,2020-03-02T16:00:32.446163 qcrxa,"Solar One – A Proposal for The First Crewed Interstellar Spacecraft","In this paper it is presented the concept and design of a beam-powered propulsion system that could become the first manned interstellar spaceship. Light-sail spacecrafts such as the so-called Starships from the Starshot project have already been designed, but this type of spaceship might not be the best option to explore exoplanets in detail. Solar one would be a manned spaceship that would integrate three existing or near-term technologies, namely: the US Navy CFR fusion reactor, a larger version of NASA’s Sunjammer light sail, and a continuous-wave version of the Teramobile laser system. With a mile-long light sail, Solar One could accelerate at almost 1 g and reach 30% the speed of light, arriving at the Alpha Centauri system in around 15 years.",1,,206,,10.31224/,,2020-02-29T16:40:37.320779,2020-05-23T02:10:01.412895 jph63,"Negshell casting: 3D-printed structured and sacrificial cores for soft robot fabrication","Soft robot fabrication by casting liquid elastomer often requires multiple steps of casting or skillful manual labor. We present a novel soft robotic fabrication technique: negshell casting (negative-space eggshell casting), that reduces the steps required for fabrication by introducing 3D-printed thin-walled cores for use in casting that are meant to be left in place instead of being removed later in the fabrication process. Negshell casting consists of two types of cores: sacrificial cores (negshell cores) and structural cores. Negshell cores are designed to be broken into small pieces that have little effect on the mechanical structure of the soft robot, and can be used for creating fluidic channels and bellows for actuation. Structural cores, on the other hand, are not meant to be broken, and are for increasing the stiffness of soft robotic structures, such as endoskeletons. We describe the design and fabrication concepts for both types of cores and report the mechanical characterization of the cores embedded in silicone rubber specimens. We also present an example use-case of negshell casting for a single joint soft robotic finger, along with an experiment to demonstrate how negshell casting concepts can aid in force transmission. Finally, we present real-world usage of negshell casting in a 6 degree-of-freedom three-finger soft robotic gripper, and a demonstration of the gripper in a robotic pick-and-place task.",1,,55,,10.31224/,,2020-02-29T16:34:02.323937,2020-02-29T17:18:47.223525 ysgp4,"Bayesian machine learning for the prognosis of combustion instabilities from noise","Experiments are performed on a turbulent swirling flame placed inside a vertical tube whose fundamental acoustic mode becomes unstable at higher powers and equivalence ratios. The power, equivalence ratio, fuel composition and boundary condition of this tube are varied and, at each operating point, the combustion noise is recorded. In addition, short acoustic pulses at the fundamental frequency are supplied to the tube with a loudspeaker and the decay rates of subsequent acoustic oscillations are measured. This quantifies the linear stability of the system at every operating point. Using this data for training, we show that it is possible for a Bayesian ensemble of neural networks to predict the decay rate from a 300 millisecond sample of the (un-pulsed) combustion noise and therefore forecast impending thermoacoustic instabilities. We also show that it is possible to recover the equivalence ratio and power of the flame from these noise snippets, confirming our hypothesis that combustion noise indeed provides a fingerprint of the combustor’s internal state. Furthermore, the Bayesian nature of our algorithm enables principled estimates of uncertainty in our predictions, a reassuring feature that prevents it from making overconfident extrapolations. We use the techniques of permutation importance and integrated gradients to understand which features in the combustion noise spectra are crucial for accurate predictions and how they might influence the prediction. This study serves as a first step towards establishing interpretable and Bayesian machine learning techniques as tools to discover informative relationships in combustor data and thereby build trustworthy, robust and reliable combustion diagnostics.",1,,202,,10.31224/,,2020-02-29T16:30:24.974888,2020-03-18T03:18:55.745777 26xnj,"Self-Supervised Learning and Network Architecture Search for Domain-Adaptive Landmark Detector","Fine-tuning a deep convolutional neural network (DCN) as a place-class detector (PCD) is a direct method to realize domain-adaptive visual place recognition (VPR). Although the PCD model is effective, a PCD model requires considerable amount of class-specific training examples and class-set maintenance in long-term large-scale VPR scenarios. Therefore, we propose to employ a DCN as a landmark-class detector (LCD), which allows to distinguish exponentially large numbers of different places by combining multiple landmarks, and furthermore, allows to select a stable part of the scenes (such as buildings) as landmark classes to reduce the need for class-set maintenance. However, the following important questions remain. 1) How we should mine such training examples (landmark objects) even when we have no domain-specific object detector? 2) How we should fine-tune the architecture and parameters of the DCN to a new domain-specific landmark set? To answer these questions, we present a self-supervised landmark mining approach for collecting pseudo-labeled landmark examples, and then consider the network architecture search (NAS) on the LCD task, which has significantly larger search space than typical NAS applications such as PCD. Extensive verification experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed framework to previous LCD methods with hand-crafted architectures and/or non-adaptive parameters, and 90% reduction in NAS cost compared with the naive NAS implementation.",1,,94,,10.31224/,,2020-02-28T18:34:31.142685,2020-02-28T18:34:42.846605 jpmva,"Reliability scheduling algorithm for low power and reliability for open CNC system","To make full use of parallel ability of multicore for ensuring the real-time system reliability constraints and low power consumption, a novel non-dependent directed acyclic graph algorithm was given based on coarse-grained software pipelining, which could transform a periodic dependency task graph into a set of independent tasks with retiming technique.",1,,70,,10.31224/,10.13196/j.cims.2018.06.014,2020-02-26T09:30:04.918018,2020-02-26T17:06:19.258608 5rkwc,"Low-power and high-reliability scheduling algorithm based on sliding window","To solve the problem of high energy consumption and poor reliability of open CNC systems, through optimizing the slack time allocation issues, a set of real-time tasks in the open CNC system was researched to minimize energy consumption while maintaining the reliability of open CNC system. A Low Power and Reliability Based on Sliding Window (LPRSW) algorithm was proposed.",1,,67,,10.31224/,10.13196/j.cims.2018.10.003,2020-02-26T09:26:37.031681,2020-02-26T17:00:48.566347 k8dsg,"Key considerations for finite element modelling of the residuum-prosthetic socket interface","Study Design: Computational modelling Background: Finite element (FE) modelling has long been proposed to support the design of prosthetics sockets. However, there is minimal detail in the literature to inform practice in developing and interpreting these complex, highly non-linear models. Objectives: To identify recommendations for best practice in FE modelling of lower limb prosthetics, considering key modelling approaches and inputs. Methods: This study developed a parametric FE model using MRI data from a transtibial amputee. Sensitivity analyses were performed upon socket loading methods, socket-residuum interface parameters and soft tissue material models from the literature, to quantify their effect on the biomechanical response of the residual limb to a range of parameterised socket designs. Results: It was found that these variables had a marked impact on the predicted response of the FE model, especially with regards to the interfacial pressure and shear distribution. Conclusions: All modelling decisions should be justified biomechanically and clinically: - consider the effects of donning and interface friction to capture the shear stresses - use representative stiffness hyperelastic material models for soft tissues when using strain to predict injury; and - interrogate models comparatively, against a clinically-used control - justification of these modelling decisions within a clinical reference frame.",1,,113,,10.31224/,,2020-02-25T14:20:07.438382,2020-02-25T14:20:22.683758 a3twm,"Full-Field Microscale Strain Measurements of a Nitinol Medical Device Using Digital Image Correlation","Computational modeling and simulation are commonly used during the development of cardiovascular implants to predict peak strains and strain amplitudes and to estimate the associated durability and fatigue life of these devices. However, simulation validation has historically relied on comparison with surrogate quantities like force and displacement due to barriers to direct strain measurement–most notably, the small spatial scale of these devices. We demonstrate the use of microscale two-dimensional digital image correlation (2D-DIC) to directly characterize full-field surface strains on a nitinol device coupon under emulated physiological loading. Experiments are performed using a digital optical microscope and a custom, temperature-controlled load frame. Following applicable recommendations from the International DIC Society, hardware and environmental heating studies, noise floor analyses, and in- and out-of-plane rigid body translation studies are first performed to characterize the microscale DIC setup. Uniaxial tension experiments are also performed using a polymeric test specimen up to nominal stains of 5%. Sub-millimeter fields of view and sub-micron displacement accuracies (9 nm mean error) are achieved, and systematic (mean) and random (standard deviation) errors in strain are each estimated to be approximately 1,000 μϵ. The system is then demonstrated by acquiring measurements at the root of a 300 μm-wide nitinol device strut undergoing fixed-free cantilever bending motion. Lüders-like transformation bands are observed originating from the tensile side of the strut that spread toward the neutral axis at an angle of approximately 55°. Optical microscale 2D-DIC setups like that demonstrated herein will be useful in future studies for characterizing cardiovascular implant micromechanics, validating computational models, and guiding the development of next-generation material models for simulating superelastic nitinol.",1,,264,,10.31224/,,2020-02-19T22:18:09.232822,2020-02-19T22:18:44.144352 j4rbg,"Assessment of spatiotemporal gait parameters using a deep learning algorithm-based markerless motion capture system","Background: Spatiotemporal parameters can characterize the gait patterns of individuals, allowing assessment of their health status and detection of clinically meaningful changes in their gait. Video-based markerless motion capture is a user-friendly, inexpensive, and widely applicable technology that could reduce the barriers to measuring spatiotemporal gait parameters in clinical and more diverse settings. Research Question: Do spatiotemporal gait parameters measured using Theia3D markerless motion capture demonstrate concurrent validity with those measured using marker-based motion capture? Methods: 30 healthy adult participants performed treadmill walking at self-selected speeds while 2D video and marker-based motion capture data were collected simultaneously. Kinematic-based gait events were used to measure nine spatiotemporal gait parameters from both systems independently. The parameters were compared using their group means, Bland-Altman methods, Pearson correlation coefficients, paired-samples t-tests, and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC(A-1) and ICC(C-1)). Results: Group means between marker-based and markerless methods were indistinguishable across all nine gait parameters, and the Bland-Altman plots showed no systematic biases or clinically meaningful differences between the systems. Pearson correlation coefficients indicated perfect or near-perfect correlation (r ≥ 0.96) between systems for gait speed, cadence, step time, step length, stride length, stride width and stance time, and strong correlations (r ≥ 0.87) for double-limb support time and swing time. T-tests indicated differences in stance, swing, and double-limb support time parameters. Strong correlations were found for both ICCs, with the lowest being ICC(A-1) of 0.84 for both double-limb support time and swing time. Significance: The high level of agreement and correlation between both systems indicate that the Theia3D markerless motion capture system is sufficiently accurate for measuring spatiotemporal gait parameters for research, clinical, and other uses. The results presented here for healthy adults during treadmill walking do not necessarily reflect the performance of the markerless system under different conditions.",1,,238,,10.31224/,,2020-02-18T19:19:34.477981,2020-02-18T19:20:01.018935 vk73r,"Observation of vector solitary waves in soft laminates using a finite volume method","Soft materials with engineered microstructure support nonlinear waves which can be harnessed for various applications, from signal communication to impact mitigation. Such waves are governed by nonlinear coupled differential equations whose analytical solution is seldom trackable, hence emerges the need for suitable numerical solvers. Based on a finite-volume method in one space dimension, we here develop a designated scheme for nonlinear waves with two coupled components that propagate in soft laminates. We apply our scheme to a periodic laminate made of two alternating compressible Gent layers, and consider two cases. In one case, we analyze a motion whose component along the lamination direction is coupled to a component in the layers plane, and discover vector solitary waves in a continuum medium. In the second case, we analyze a motion with two coupled components in the plane of the layers, and observe a train of linearly polarized solitary waves, followed by a single circularly polarized wave. The framework we developed offers a platform for further investigation of these waves and their extension to higher dimensional problems.",1,,147,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2020.103502,2020-02-19T09:00:23.770669,2020-05-17T10:03:26.361745 fyw82,"Optimal implementation of frequency domain impedances in time domain simulations of building structures on embedded foundations","Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) have been studied the last decades, and proper analysis for the linear elastic case in frequency domain has been established successfully. However, SSI is rarely considered in the seismic design of building structures. Regardless of its importance as a significant source of flexibility and energy dissipation, buildings are analyzed using a rigid base assumption, and the design is based on a response spectrum analysis, for which not only the soil, but also time are totally ignored. In a first attempt to improve and to incentivize time domain analyzes compatible with standard finite element packages for the engineering community, the state-of-practice introduces two major simplifications to transform the frequency domain analysis into a time domain analysis: (a) it assumes the frequency at which the impedance value should be read is the flexible-base frequency, and (b) it also assumes that the foundation input motion preserves the phase of the free field motion. Upon these simplifications, the following questions may arise: How does NIST recommendations perform in overall against a full finite element model? Are the embedment effects for shallow foundation not important so that the phase angle can be neglected? What is the best dimensionless frequency to estimate the soil impedance? Is it possible to make a better estimation of the dimensionless frequency to increase the NIST accuracy? In this study, we attempt to address these questions by using an inverse problem formulation.",1,,161,,10.31224/,,2020-02-18T09:25:24.679980,2020-02-18T09:25:42.890785 ep75n,"SURFACE INTEGRAL EQUATION FORMULATION FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SINGLE AND MULTI-LAYER DIELECTRIC ANTENNAS","This article studies numerically the electromagnetic scattering properties of three dimensional (3D), arbitrary shaped dielectric resonator antennas which are composed of single and multi-layered (composite) dielectric materials. Using the equivalence principle and the integral equation techniques, we first derive a surface integral equation (SIE) formulation which produces well-conditioned matrix equation. We then develop an algorithm to speed up the matrix-vector multiplications by employing the well-known method of moments (MoM) and the multilevel fast multipole method (MLFMM) on personal computer (PC) clusters. To solve the obtained integral equations, we apply a Galerkin scheme and choose the basis and testing functions as Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) defined on planar patches. Finally, we present some 3D numerical examples to demonstrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed approach.",1,,89,,10.31224/,,2020-02-18T09:23:20.363475,2020-02-18T09:23:48.414922 db7jv,"Geometrical Optics applied to 1D Site Response of Inhomogeneous Soil Deposits","The technique referred as Geometrical Optics entails considering the wave propagation in a heterogeneous medium as if it happened with infinitely small wavelength. This classic simplification allows to obtain useful approximate analytical results in cases where complete description of the waveform behavior is virtually unattainable, hence its wide use in Physics. This approximation is also commonly termed Ray Theory, and it has already been thoroughly applied in Seismology. This text presents an application of Geometrical Optics to 1D Site Response (1DSR): it is used herein to, first, explain and elucidate the generality of some previous observations and results; second, to partially settle an open question in 1DSR, namely “what are the equivalent homogeneous properties that yield the same response, in terms of natural frequencies and resonance amplitude, for a certain inhomogeneous site?”, provided few assumptions.",1,,112,,10.31224/,,2020-02-18T09:21:30.318098,2020-02-18T09:21:41.539713 2b479,"A criticism to the Tsallis regulirizing entropy formulae applied to Lévy flights in a harmonic potential","We present an apparent flaw in the proposed Constantino Tsallis entropy for a new Thermodynamics",1,,72,,10.31224/,,2020-02-17T09:22:31.788244,2020-02-17T09:22:42.425274 cvdp2,"On the conformational geometry for ""almost"" self-avoidance polymers chains.","We deduce the efective ordinary non linear differential equations satisfied by the moments associated to the end to end probability distribution of a polymer chain in the presence of a potential simulating phenomenologically the self avoidance of the chain with the coordinate z axis",1,,77,,10.31224/,,2020-02-16T13:30:48.263987,2020-02-16T13:43:02.097244 vcy35,"Recycled Asphalt Shingle Modified Asphalt Mixture Design and Performance Evaluation","The inclusion of recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) in asphalt mixtures has become increasingly common; however, the underlying design principles vary significantly by agency. The primary objectives of this study included: (1) evaluating the ‘binder availability’ concept for RAS mixtures through a carefully designed laboratory experiment; (2) demonstrating a balanced mixture performance testing approach for the design of RAS mixtures; and (3) evaluating the field data of RAS mixtures placed in the Midwest region of the U.S. Three asphalt mixture designs with RAS contents of 0.0, 2.5 and 5.0%, which were designed to have nearly identical volumetric characteristics, were investigated. The binder availability was determined to be approximately 100% in the two RAS mixtures considered. In addition, Hamburg wheel tracking and disk-shaped compact tension tests were conducted to evaluate the high- and low-temperature mixture performance. As expected, the addition of RAS significantly improved the rutting resistance. DC(T) test results demonstrated that a soft base binder effectively permitted the design of thermal-crack-resistant RAS mixtures. Field investigations indicated that the performance of pavement surfaces containing RAS was similar to that of surfaces containing only reclaimed asphalt pavement or virgin materials. This study also highlights a performance-engineered mix design approach, which is currently being adopted by several agencies in the Midwest (e.g. Illinois Tollway, Missouri DOT, etc.) and can provide mix designers a reliable approach for designing innovative asphalt mixtures with higher recycling levels and a modern, heterogeneous composition. Furthermore, the proposed approach may prove to be a simpler, more mixture-centric alternative to the primary method suggested in AASHTO PP78-17, which recommends arbitrary VMA bumping plus binder extraction, recovery, and advanced binder testing.",1,,95,,10.31224/,,2020-02-13T09:42:29.736657,2020-02-13T15:38:31.835943 mb62y,"A model for the pressure fluctuations inside fuselages","We estimate the pressure fluctuation inside rockets -missiles fuselage in a simplified mathematical model",1,,81,,10.31224/,,2020-02-11T18:46:22.578779,2020-02-11T18:46:41.184556 ef72w,"Response of military bridges to an armor column and infantry platoon under disordered retreat -a stochastic approache","We analyze military bridges structure response to a random loading in simple exactly soluble models.",1,,78,,10.31224/,,2020-02-11T18:45:17.862371,2020-02-11T18:45:41.752015 pkteu,"Numerical simulations of sand production in oil wells using the CFD-DEM-IBM approach","Three-dimensional CFD-DEM-IBM simulations of sand production in a sandstone formation, using periodic boundaries, were performed using 10000 frictional elastic spheres bonded together and compressed at 1 MPa of overburden pressure. Sand production simulation geometry and procedure are proposed, in which the cone penetration test (CPT) has been used to investigate a physical perforation penetration of the cemented sandstone material with the real-world grain size distribution from the Ustyurt-Buzachi Sedimentary Basin. The Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) was adapted for the sand production simulation geometry to simulate the fluid flow near the well casing. Oil with low viscosity and density was used as an injection fluid (reservoir fluid). Erosion near the perforation tunnel due to the pressure drawdown was examined, where the production of sand particles was initiated during the first flow due to the drag force that lifted the sand particles from the perforation damage zone. At the beginning of the simulation a sand arch was captured around the perforation tunnel and due to the fluid flow it collapsed and perforation cavity became larger. The amount and mass of produced sand particles were calculated.",1,,135,,10.31224/,,2020-02-09T20:11:34.762613,2020-02-09T20:12:02.839209 ajnmc,"The effect of contaminants on Rio de Janeiro's beaches surface waves -a mathematical exactly soluble model","We model the effect of contaminants on the coastal waves beaches by means of a fluid with an effective shear viscosity",1,,78,,10.31224/,,2020-02-09T20:09:27.203712,2020-02-09T20:09:41.812793 ewa4p,"Ohm's Law on Wave Mechanics ,a simple deduction .","We deduce the classical Ohm's law in a conductive medium from the Schrodinger equation associated to an classical electron action with a dissipation damping anomaly factor . It is worth to point out that is the first time where the Electrical Engineering basic linear circuitry equations is deduced from Quantum mechanics of the one particle Scrodinger Equation",1,,84,,10.31224/,,2020-02-08T19:08:49.050453,2020-02-08T19:09:01.889111 j7wns,"A note on the Maxwell Equations of electromagnetic irradiation in a holed spatial region","We make relevant and important comments (on engineering context of Maxwell equations for the electrical and magnetic field ) on the electromagnetic irradiation in a holed spatial region with a non trivial topology ,by rewriting those Maxwell Equations on light of the Helmholtz theorem for vectorial fields .",1,,72,,10.31224/,,2020-02-07T21:58:40.372881,2020-02-07T21:59:01.715026 w4hby,"Some comments on sampling of ergodic process, an ergodic theorem and turbulent pressure fluctuations","We present a new advanced mathematics engineering proof for an ergodic theorem for finite time duration signals in the frequency domain (periodograms) which is free from Nyquist interval sampling restriction .We also point out the usefulness of such theorem in the context of a model of random vibrations transmissions (pressure fluctuations )",1,,84,,10.31224/,,2020-02-07T21:56:55.505217,2020-02-07T21:57:22.775365 vsd73,"Sustainability Assessment of Activated Carbon from Residual Biomass used for Micropollutant Removal at a Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant","Activated carbon (AC) used for removal of organic micropollutants in European wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is usually produced from non-renewable resources that need to be transported over long distances. Utilising local residual biomass as a raw material may be advantageous in terms of sustainability. This study investigated the environmental and energy balances of using biowaste and biomass from landscape management for micropollutant removal at a commercial scale WWTP. Both residual biomasses were processed using the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass (IFBB) technique to obtain a press cake that was used as feedstock for AC production. The results showed a lower global warming potential (GWP) and cumulative energy demand in comparison to a fossil-based conventional AC. Differences in GWP between residual and fossil ACs were enhanced when the end-of-life incineration step was considered, and residual AC had a lower social risk associated with its production. Energy efficiency of AC production was substantially increased by utilising waste heat generated in the pyrolysis process of biochar and by using electricity generated in a combined heat and power plant using biogas from the methanation of IFBB press fluids. Converting residual biomass into activated carbon using IFBB and a state-of-the-art pyrolysis and activation unit along with energy recovery would aid WWTPs to become self-sufficient in terms of raw materials and improve the sustainability of WWTPs.",1,,164,,10.31224/,10.1088/1748-9326/ab8330,2020-02-07T21:53:14.041561,2020-03-31T09:21:32.810141 ujz7p,"Some exact formulae for performing wave field extrapolation in constant velocity and depth-dependennt mediums","we deduce well posed formulae for wave field extrapolation in depth-dependent mediums",1,,77,,10.31224/,,2020-02-06T09:37:46.542681,2020-02-06T09:38:02.585728 6k3yh,"Maskless exposure device for photolithography","Photolithography plays a consequential role in transferring patterns from photomasks to substrates and thereby is an important tool in semiconductor, IC, MEMS and many microstructures’ production. The photomasks are preprinted prior to the photolithographic procedure with certain layouts, and these layouts are transferred to surfaces of materials like silicon during the lithography and finally these surfaces undergo chemical processes by which three dimensional micro features are formed. Therefore photomasks containing specific layouts are the inevitable components in the entire procedure, but unfortunately those are expensive in its nature together with time consuming production formalities. Some of the successful attempts to remove these difficulties are cost effective photomasks and maskless lithography. A system named ‘Maskless Exposure Device’ (MED) is introduced here as my thesis related research and it is intended to replace the expensive photomasks. The device transfers images and layouts created on a computer, easily and effortlessly to different substrate surfaces and can be repeatedly used in photolithography by introducing new drawings on the computer screen and thereby, MED is nothing but a maskless lithographic technique. The device can be mainly used in research and development applications in MEMS production, microfluidic systems, semiconductor and biosensor designs, patterning of cell culture substrates, electrode structures etc. Research on design of microsensors and microactuators could be confronted extremely cost effectively with maximum time saving considerations.",1,,130,,10.31224/,,2020-02-05T08:55:42.423601,2020-02-05T14:52:50.571410 bdnqm,"The moment method for the seismic inverse problem","We propose a new mathematical moment technique for the inverse problem of wave propagation in an inhomogenous (half-space) medium in the acoustical wave field Born approximation by using the analytical regulariazation scheme of the theory of quantum fields .",1,,77,,10.31224/,,2020-02-05T08:54:38.536568,2020-02-05T08:55:01.823238 s4kbn,"Selecting Appropriate 3D Scanning Technologies for Prosthetic Socket Design and Transtibial Residual Limb Shape Characterisation","Introduction: Plaster casting and manual rectification represent the benchmark prosthetic socket design method. 3D technologies have increasing potential for prosthetic limb design and fabrication, especially for enhancing access to these services in lower and middle income countries (LMICs). However, the community has a responsibility to verify the efficacy of these new digital technologies. This study’s objective was to assess the repeatability of plaster casting in vivo, specifically for clinically-relevant residuum shape and landmark capture, and to compare this with three clinically-used 3D scanners. Materials and Methods: A comparative reliability assessment of casting and 3D scanning was conducted in eleven participants with established transtibial amputation. For each participant, two positive moulds were cast by a prosthetist and digitised using a white light 3D surface scanner. Between casts, each participant’s residuum was scanned. The deviation between scan volumes, cross-sections and shapes was calculated. Results: 95% of the clinically-relevant socket shape surface area had a deviation between manual casts <2.87mm (S.D. 0.44mm). The average deviation by surface area was 0.18mm (S.D. 1.72mm). The repeatability coefficient of casting was 46.1ml (3.47%) for volume, and 9.6mm (3.53%) for perimeters. For all clinically-meaningful measures, greater reliability was observed for the Omega scanner, and worse for the Sense and iSense scanners, although it was observed that the Sense scanner performance was comparable to casting (95th percentile shape consistency). Conclusions: This study provides a platform to appraise new clinical shape capture technologies in the context of best practice in manual plaster casting, and starts the conversation of which 3D scanning devices are most appropriate for different types of clinical use. The methods and benchmark results may support prosthetists in acquiring and applying their clinical experience, as part of their continuing professional development.",1,,172,,10.31224/,,2020-02-04T12:42:04.117039,2020-02-04T12:42:21.521977 scaqw,"ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE DIELECTRIC METAMATERIALS USING INTEGRAL EQUATION TECHNIQUES","We study numerically the electromagnetic scattering properties of three dimensional (3D), arbitrary shaped composite dielectric metamaterials. Using integral equation techniques, we first derive a surface integral equation formulation which produces well-conditioned matrix equation. To solve the obtained integral equations, we apply a Galerkin scheme and choose the basis and testing functions as Rao-Wilton-Glisson defined on planar patches. We then develop an algorithm to speed up the matrix-vector multiplications by employing the well-known method of moments (MoM) and the multilevel fast multipole algorithm on personal computer (PC) clusters. Some 3D numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed approach.",1,,99,,10.31224/,,2020-02-04T08:03:01.273524,2020-02-04T08:03:23.331803 p7chd,"A non linear Ohm's law -a phenomenological approach","We deduce from the second Newton's Law the medium constitutive Ohm's Law for an electrical flow with a square power law for conduction resistivity",1,,82,,10.31224/,,2020-02-04T08:01:08.807596,2020-02-04T08:01:21.818333 j86f7,"Particle-turbulence interaction of high Stokes number irregular shape particles in accelerating flow: a rocket-engine model","The addition of metal particles to solid propellant rocket engines enhances combustion and en-gine performance. The particle-turbulence interaction mechanisms of the metal particles, oraggregates of particles, with the high Reynolds number turbulent gas flow, accelerating towardsan engine nozzle, are not characterized thoroughly. We study experimentally the interactions ofhigh Stokes number particles with high speed incompressible turbulent air flow in a simplifiedquasi-two-dimensional model of a rocket engine chamber. Two-phase particle image/tracking velocimetry (PIV/PTV) methods are combined to measure the turbulent air flow simultaneously with velocities of large Stokes/particle Reynolds number irregularly shaped inertial particles(St=70, Re=300). Comparing the turbulent fluctuations in the single phase flow (unladencase) to those in the two-phase flow, (particle-laden cases) we reveal the local augmentation ofturbulent fluctuations in the wake regions of the inertial particles. Even at low mass fraction, thehigh Stokes number and slow response times lead to the global augmentation of turbulent kineticenergy (TKE). The particle response time scale is longer than all relevant flow time scales andlonger than the particle residence time scale. This situation leads to a peculiar type of interactionthat enhances turbulent kinetic energy everywhere in the flow attributable to efficient injectionof turbulent kinetic energy caused by the the vortex shedding mechanism, followed by the meanflow transport. The increase of particle mass fraction towards the nozzle due to mass conserva-tion and converging streamlines compensates for the dampening effect of the mean flow accel-eration, and augments TKE before the flow passes the nozzle throat. Furthermore, this effectis accompanied by an unexpected isotropic turbulence in the proximity of the nozzle, differentfrom the generally anisotropic accelerating flow in the chamber. The phenomena of the locallyisotropic and highly enhanced turbulence in the proximity of the engine nozzle attributable tothe low mass fraction, but high St/Re particles, is expected to improve design of solid pro-pellant rocket engines. The experimental dataset can serve as a benchmark for the multi-phasesimulations",1,,106,,10.31224/,,2020-02-03T16:36:12.379358,2020-02-03T16:36:42.985901 wxfqy,"Some comments on electromagnetic oscillations in anisotropic cavities","WE present several new studies on the mathematical methods formulation of the important problem of electromagnetic oscillations in cavities on anisotropic and axial anisotropic medium . This paper has appeared on Luiz.C.L.Botelho. . Some Comments on electromagnetic oscillations in anisotropic cavities -wave equations and boundary conditions Physics & Astronomy International Journal , v. 2, p. 562-565, 2018",1,,86,,10.31224/,,2020-02-03T09:16:33.169897,2020-02-03T09:16:42.682932 bkfju,"Adaptive Event Triggering Normed Observer Control of Nonlinear Time Delayed Systems","In this paper, event-triggering state-norm estimators are studied for nonlinear delayed systems also normed-observability concept is extended for these systems. Moreover, we established a Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional to obtain normed observability of the delayed nonlinear systems. Furthermore, an adaptive observer is developed such that convergence of the error system is guaranteed. The proposed event-triggering algorithm yields an event-based observer that ensures uniform ultimate boundedness of the tracking error.",1,,84,,10.31224/,,2020-02-03T09:08:54.049894,2020-02-03T09:09:24.096173 j9kg6,"Grasp: Design and Preliminary Testing of an Open-Source, 3D Printable Bionic Hand","We present the design and performance evaluation of a 3D printable bionic hand developed to be manufactured, assembled and programmed in the simplest way by the user. This prosthetic device can be controlled by surface electromyography (EMG) performing the six most important types of grasp to achieve the activities of daily living (ADL’s). Our design represents an affordable option with competitive features when compared to the existing commercial and open source devices.",1,,123,,10.31224/,,2020-02-02T12:43:47.747836,2020-02-02T12:44:03.283171 23s6f,"Fault-Diagnosing DCN-SLAM for 3D Change Object Detection: A Method based on Masking Input Images","Although image change detection (ICD) methods provide good detection accuracy for many scenarios, most of the existing methods rely on place-specific background modeling. The time/space cost for such place-specific models becomes prohibitive for large-scale scenarios, such as long-term robotic visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Therefore, we propose a novel ICD framework that is specifically tailored for long-term SLAM. This study is inspired by the multi-map-based SLAM framework, where N multiple localizers are capable of mutual diagnosis, thus not requiring any explicit background modeling/model. We extend this multi-map diagnosis approach toward a more generic single-map-based object-level diagnosis framework (i.e., ICD), where state-of-the-art self-localization systems can be used in their original form, which is as the change object indicator. The available single localizer is extended to different N localizers by introducing different N masked input images. Further, we also consider map diagnosis on a state-of-the-art deep-visual-SLAM system (rather than on conventional bag-of-words or landmark -based systems) in which the blackbox nature of the deep convolutional neural network (DCN) complicates the diagnosis problem. We also consider a 3D point cloud (PC) -based SLAM, and for the first time (to the best of our knowledge) adopt the state-of-the-art scan context PC descriptor for the purpose of map diagnosis.",1,,122,,10.31224/,,2020-01-31T12:15:09.142925,2020-01-31T12:15:21.471850 6qe2x,"Innovative Metaheuristic Algorithms for Efficient Berth Scheduling at Marine Container Terminals; Masoud Kavoosi; Dissertation; 2019","International trade plays a critical role for the global economy. A significant portion of general consumption goods is transported by vessels in a containerized form. Increasing volumes of the containerized trade impose additional pressure on marine container terminals (MCTs), which are responsible for service of incoming vessels from different liner shipping companies. MCTs are considered as important nodes in supply chains, as they allow transfer of containers from vessels to one of the alternative inland modes (generally, truck or rail). Managing operations within MCTs is a quite challenging task not only due to increasing seaborne trade volumes, but also due to increasing number of liner shipping alliances, deployment of megaships by liner shipping companies, inability to expand the terminal size due to spatial constraints, and other factors. Another important goal for the MCT operator is to ensure the timely service of vessels, as the vessel service delays may result in potential disruption of liner shipping schedules, and ultimately cause product delivery delays to the final customers. This dissertation focuses on addressing complex decision problems, which are faced by the MCT operators. The seaside operations, which deal with loading and unloading of vessels, will be of a primary interest, as they affect the total turnaround time of vessels. The latter is considered as one of the key performance indicators for the MCT operations. As many of decision problems related to the seaside operations, cannot be solved using the exact optimization algorithms (e.g., Simplex, Branch-and-Bound, Brach-and-Cut) within a reasonable computational time for the realistic size problem instances, a number of metaheuristic algorithms will be proposed (with a primary focus on Evolutionary Algorithms, which have been widely used in different fields for solving combinatorial decision problems). The proposed metaheuristic algorithms are expected to serve as efficient decision making tools for the MCT operators and facilitate exchange of freight flows between water and inland transportation modes.",1,,192,,10.31224/,,2020-01-29T16:47:59.015525,2020-01-29T16:48:22.172451 4xs38,"centrifugeR: Non-Trivial Balance of Centrifuge Rotors","Loading tubes in opposite buckets has been used universally, yet intuitively to balance centrifuge rotors. Most rotors support tube distributions with rotational symmetry of order not only 2 but also other prime divisors of the total bucket number. This potential allows rotors to be balanced by the non-trivial placement of tubes, which offers users greater flexibility and more safety in centrifuge operation. Based on linear combinations and random samples, centrifugeR finds the numbers of tubes that can be loaded in centrifuge rotors in a single operation and shows how to balance these tubes in cases of equal or unequal masses.",1,,151,,10.31224/,,2020-01-28T09:40:10.063995,2020-04-16T15:59:39.779336 8ybv6,"Modeling a Helical Fluid Inerter System with Time-Invariant Mem-Models","In this paper, experimental data from tests of a helical fluid inerter are used to model the observed hysteretic behaviour. The novel idea is to test the feasibility of employing mem-models, which are time-invariant herein, to capture the observed phenomena by using physically meaningful state variables. Firstly we use a Masing model concept, identified with a multilayer feedforward neural network to capture the physical characteristics of the hysteresis functions. Following this, a more refined approach based on the concept of a multi-element model including a mem-inerter is developed. This is compared with previous definitions in the literature and shown to be a more general model. Through-out this paper, numerical simulations are used to demonstrate the type of dynamic responses anticipated using the proposed time- invariant mem-models. Corresponding experimental measurements are processed to demonstrate and validate the new mem-modeling concepts. The results show that it is possible to have a unified model constructed using both the damper and inerter from the mem-model family. This model captures many of the more subtle features of the underlying physics, not captured by other forms of existing model.",1,,217,,10.31224/,,2020-01-28T09:38:57.329202,2020-01-28T09:39:23.689844 qrgtz,"Process Waste Heat Recovery with a Supercritical Carnot Engine","We describe the optimization of a supercritical CO2 Carnot engine aimed at utilizing waste heat from industrial processes. The approach is illustrated using data from a flow sheet for a toluene production chemical process [1], [2]. First, the maximum power that can be drawn from a stream carrying waste heat in the process is calculated. This heat is coupled with a supercritical working fluid Carnot engine and calculations are carried out to optimize the size and frequency of the engine. The impact of compression ratio, upper isotherm temperature, and engine pressure are considered. It is found that with a relatively small engine and frequency, on the order of 1.5 L and 50 Hz, having a moderate upper isotherm temperature and a compression ratio of 2, almost 1 million kWh of energy is recovered from a single waste stream, thereby reducing cooler loads, energy costs, and environmental emissions. The approach provides a novel computational adjunct for calculating the efficient potential recovery of waste heat in chemical process design.",1,,106,,10.31224/,,2020-01-28T09:37:52.253101,2020-01-28T09:38:04.046878 cqynw,"Development of an MRI/FEA Framework for Analysis of Subject-Specific Aortic Compliance: Part II- Constitutive Law Development and Prediction of Heterogeneous vessel Composition and Deformation","This paper, the second of two parts, presents a novel subject-specific in-silico framework in which we uncover the relationship between the spatially varying constituents of the aorta and the non-linear compliance of the vessel during the cardiac cycle uncovered in Part I. In Part II a novel microstructurally motivated constitutive model is developed, and simulations reveal that internal vessel contractility, due to pre-stretched elastin and actively generated smooth muscle stress, must be incorporated, along with collagen strain stiffening, in order to accurately predict the non-linear pressure-area relationship observed in-vivo. Modelling of elastin and smooth muscle contractility allows for the identification of the reference vessel configuration at zero-lumen pressure, in addition to accurately predicting high- and low-compliance regimes under a physiological range of pressures. This modelling approach is also shown to capture the key features of elastin and SMC knockout experiments. The volume fractions of the constituent components of the aortic material model were computed so that the in-silico pressure-area curves accurately predict the corresponding MRI data at each location. Simulations reveal that collagen and smooth muscle volume fractions increase distally, while elastin volume fraction decreases distally, consistent with reported histological data. Furthermore, the strain at which collagen transitions from low to high stiffness is lower in the abdominal aorta, again supporting the histological finding that collagen waviness is lower in this distally. The analyses presented in this paper provides new insights into the heterogeneous structure-function relationship that underlies aortic biomechanics. This novel subject-specific MRI/FEA methodology provides a foundation for personalised in-silico clinical analysis and tailored aortic device development.",1,,67,,10.31224/,,2020-01-28T09:35:19.577801,2020-02-05T17:10:34.118244 spzgd,"Development of an MRI/FEA framework for Analysis of Subject-Specific Aortic Compliance: Part I - Development of a dual-VENC 4D Flow MRI Protocol for Measurement of Heterogeneous non-linear vessel Deformation","Advancement of subject-specific in-silico medicine requires new imaging protocols tailored to specific anatomical features, paired with new constitutive model development based on structure/function relationships. In Part I of this two-part study we develop a new dual-VENC 4D Flow MRI protocol that provides unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution of in-vivo aortic deformation. Based on this dual-VENC subject-specific aortic imaging technique, in Part II we develop a new finite element framework that uncovers the link between spatial variance in vessel composition and biomechanical function. The imaging protocol developed in Part I provides high sensitivity to all blood flow velocities throughout the entire cardiac cycle, overcoming the challenge of accurately measuring the highly unsteady non-uniform flow field in the aorta. Cross sectional area change, volumetric flow rate, and compliance are observed to decrease with distance from the heart, while pulse wave velocity is observed to increase. A non-linear aortic lumen pressure-area relationship is observed throughout the aorta, such that a high vessel compliance occurs during diastole, and a low vessel compliance occurs during systole. This clearly demonstrates that vessel compliance during a cardiac cycle cannot be simplistically represented by a single value. This high-resolution MRI data provides key information on the spatial variation in non-linear aortic compliance. In Part II we demonstrate that such subject-specific data facilitates the development of finite element simulations that directly predict the relationship between spatial variations in vessel composition and biomechanical function. This MRI/FEA framework significantly advances the state-of-the-art of in-silico diagnostic techniques for the human aorta.",1,,86,,10.31224/,,2020-01-28T09:34:08.268811,2020-01-28T09:34:22.291879 azuq9,"Resources Recovery from Electronic Waste","Printed Circuit Boards in electronic scrap are richest source of base and precious metals, promoting economic drive for metal recovery. Recovery of these metals is a difficult exercise due to complex nature of electronic waste. India is one of the leading electronic waste processing hubs where more than 95% recyclers are unorganised/non-formal, lacking such a recovery facility. An efficient metal recovery protocol with lesser environmental impact remains unavailable to unorganised recyclers. In current study, an attempt has been made to combine various hydrometallurgical methods to achieve efficient metal recovery from Printed Circuit Boards. Mimicking mineral processing protocols for metal recovery from electronic waste has been a key feature of presented research. Printed Circuit Boards of personal computers were reduced to a size ≤ 2.5 mm and were used as sample for metal recovery. Copper and silver were extracted by selective leaching using Nitric Acid. Maximum extraction efficiency of 96.8% and 99.9% were achieved for copper and silver respectively. Nitric Acid was extracted using solvent extraction method to minimize the environmental damage of remaining waste as well as for reuse in next leaching cycle. Electrodeposition of copper was done on copper cathode with stainless steel and lead anodes with a maximum recovery efficiency of 89.6%. For extraction and recovery of gold and silver, various techniques used in mineral processing were applied in this research. Thiosulfate leaching was chosen for gold extraction due to its proven environment friendly properties. Maximum gold extraction efficiency of 74.3% has been achieved in this work. To recover gold from pregnant solution, zinc cementation approach was used. Up to 85.9% gold was recovered with zinc cementation. Success of thiosulfate leaching and cementation confirms the validity of mineral processing techniques in metal recovery from electronic waste. Research in this study can serve as a backbone for potential environmentally sound technology towards efficient metal recovery from electronic waste for small and medium scale recyclers.",1,,167,,10.31224/,,2020-01-27T15:30:33.925953,2020-01-27T15:30:42.943084 tw9s7,"Production Technology Lab Manual","The Production Laboratory for Mechanical Engineering is an important laboratory in manufacturing. The student understands the fundamental principles of manufacturing processes. The lab manual provided with a necessary introduction, principle, method and necessary tables for recording the data. At the end of each experiment, short answer questions are provided to get through knowledge in each experiment.",1,,199,,10.31224/,,2020-01-27T15:28:40.761362,2020-01-27T15:29:01.705388 tzn37,"Project Management for Malaysian Automotive Small-Medium Enterprise (SME)","Project Management is managing a group of people called as project team which assigned to complete project milestones according to project timeline. In this article, the authors make a summary how Malaysian automotive SMEs manage their project in comparison to Multinational Companies (MNC).",1,,103,,10.31224/,,2020-01-26T19:55:25.127946,2020-01-26T19:55:43.520830 zfrhq,"A thermodynamic transient cross-bridge model for prediction of contractility and remodelling of the ventricle","Cardiac hypertrophy is an adaption of the heart to a change in cardiovascular loading conditions. The current understanding is that progression may be stress or strain driven, but the multi-scale nature of the cellular remodelling processes have yet to be uncovered. In this study, we develop a model of the contractile left ventricle, with the active cell tension described by a thermodynamically motivated cross-bridge cycling model. Simulation of the transient recruitment of myosin results in correct patterns of ventricular pressure predicted over a cardiac cycle. We investigate how changes in tissue loading and associated deviations in transient force generation can drive restructuring of cellular myofibrils in the heart wall. Our thermodynamic framework predicts in-series sarcomere addition (eccentric remodelling) in response to volume overload, and sarcomere addition in parallel (concentric remodelling) in response to valve and signalling disfunction. This framework provides a significant advance in the current understanding of the fundamental sub-sarcomere level biomechanisms underlying cardiac remodelling. Simulations reveal that pathological tissue loading conditions can significantly alter actin-myosin cross-bridge cycling over the course of the cardiac cycle. The resultant variation in sarcomere stress pushes an imbalance between the internal free energy of the myofibril and that of unbound contractile proteins, initiating remodelling. The link between cross-bridge thermodynamics and myofibril remodelling proposed in this study may significantly advance current understanding of cardiac disease onset.",1,,122,,10.31224/,,2020-01-26T09:57:45.977250,2020-01-26T09:58:01.512232 7mut6,"Accurate Heuristic Terrain Prediction in Powered Lower-Limb Prostheses Using Onboard Sensors","This study describes the development and offline validation of a heuristic algorithm for accurate prediction of ground terrain in a lower limb prosthesis. This method is based on inference of the ground terrain geometry using estimation of prosthetic limb kinematics during gait with a single integrated inertial measurement unit. We asked five subjects with below-knee amputations to traverse level ground, stairs, and ramps using a high-range-of-motion powered prosthesis while internal sensor data were remotely logged. We used these data to develop two terrain prediction algorithms. The first employed a state-of-the-art machine learning approach, while the second was a directly tuned heuristic using thresholds on estimated prosthetic ankle joint translations and ground slope. We compared the performance of these algorithms using resubstitution error for the machine learning algorithm and overall error for the heuristic algorithm. Our optimal machine learning algorithm attained a resubstitution error of $3.4\%$ using 45 features, while our heuristic method attained an overall prediction error of $2.8\%$ using only 5 features derived from estimation of ground slope and horizontal and vertical ankle joint displacement. Compared with pattern recognition, the heuristic performed better on each individual subject, and across both level and non-level strides. These results demonstrate a method for heuristic prediction of ground terrain in a powered prosthesis. The method is more accurate, more interpretable, and less computationally expensive than state-of-the-art machine learning methods, and relies only on integrated prosthesis sensors. Finally, the method provides intuitively tunable thresholds to improve performance for specific walking conditions.",1,,133,,10.31224/,,2020-01-25T14:38:36.848194,2020-01-25T18:19:12.021423 3t9bq,"Design and development of a 3D-printed back-pressure regulator","In this communication, we describe the novel design and preparation of a back-pressure regulator that can be used in flow chemistry applications. Using low-cost components that can be readily sourced, a low-cost 3D printer and freeware design software, we developed, and 3D printed a back-pressure regulator that is simple to assemble and resistant to blocking. This device can be used to maintain the pressure of a fluidic system between the pump head to the back-pressure regulator and allows the collector, or collection vessel to be at atmospheric pressure. Ensuring control of pressure within the fluidic system is essential for maintaining consistent flow rates in flow chemistry set ups.",1,,158,,10.31224/,,2020-01-24T09:49:43.268636,2020-01-24T11:03:55.692070 5chks,"CYBER SECURITY ISSUES & CHALLENGES FACED IN HANDLING CYBERCRIMES","Abstract: With rapid computerisation of all walks of life, cyber security has become a major challenge to the mankind. Cyber security is all about security of anything in cyber realm, while information security is all about security of information regardless of the realm. Cybercrimes are perpetrated by using computers and related devices / networks by individuals with sophisticated knowledge in the field of computers. Cybercrime is an evil having its origin in the growing dependence on computers in modern life. In a day and age when everything from microwave ovens and refrigerators to nuclear power plants is being run on computers, cybercrime has assumed rather sinister implications. Cybercrime perpetrators are keeping pace with innovations in technology and are way ahead of security measures taken to curb them. With huge money involved in cybercrimes, it has become a major concern. This research paper briefly defines cyber security and deals in detail with cybercrime and five major cyber security threats currently plaguing the world.",1,,135,,10.31224/,,2020-01-24T09:34:53.071266,2020-01-24T09:35:01.277021 s3t7v,"Sanitation technology library: details and data sources for appropriateness profiles and transfer coefficients","This document provides supplementary information to apply the procedures described in: Spuhler, D., Scheidegger, A. and Maurer, M. (2020) Ex-ante quantification of nutrient, total solids, and water flows in sanitation systems. Submitted to Water Research, which in turn builds on the system generator described in: Spuhler, D., Scheidegger, A. and Maurer, M. (2018) Generation of sanitation system options for urban planning considering novel technologies. Water Research 145, 259-278. It provides the in-depth description of the methods, the raw data on their appropriateness profiles, the transfer coefficients including literature references and Factsheets for 41 sanitation technologies. Recommended citation: Spuhler, D. and Roller, L. (2020) Sanitation technology library: details and data sources for appropriateness profiles and transfer coefficients. ERIC: Supplementary material for: Spuhler, D., Scheidegger, A., and Maurer, M. (2020) Ex-ante quantification of nutrient, total solids, and water flows in sanitation systems. Submitted to Water Research.",1,,128,,10.31224/,10.25678/0000ss,2020-01-24T09:32:41.069555,2020-01-24T09:33:02.755842 smrac,"Bitstream Photon Counting Chirped AM Lidar with a Dual Unipolar Signal","This paper is a follow-up to three previous papers: the first introducing the new Bitstream Photon Counting Chirped Amplitude Modulation (AM) Lidar (PC-CAML) with the unipolar Digital Logic Local Oscillator (DLLO) concept, the second introducing the improvement thereof using the bipolar DLLO, and the third introducing the improvement of digital In-phase and Quadrature-phase (I/Q) demodulation. In that previous work, the signal was a single unipolar chirped sinusoidal or square wave. This paper introduces a new bitstream PC-CAML transceiver architecture that combines two unipolar chirped signals, referred to as the dual unipolar signal, to form a single bipolar signal in the receiver. (patent pending) This bipolar signal is mixed with the bipolar DLLOs in the in-phase (I) digital mixing and quadrature-phase (Q) digital mixing channels for digital I/Q demodulation for improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to that when using a single unipolar signal. The simulation results presented in this paper indicate an SNR improvement for the dual unipolar chirped sinusoidal signal bitstream PC-CAML compared to that of the unipolar chirped sinusoidal signal bitstream PC-CAML (both with bipolar DLLOs and digital I/Q demodulation) of from about 3 dB to about 6 dB for signals below the onset of receiver saturation, and an improvement for maximum achievable SNR of about 13 dB if the receiver is allowed to saturate. The bitstream PC-CAML with a dual unipolar signal and bipolar DLLOs with digital I/Q demodulation architecture discussed in this paper adds complexity to the transmitter and receiver compared to the architectures presented in the previous papers. Whether or not this additional complexity is worth the improved SNR will have to be decided as part of system trade studies for particular systems and their applications. However, the new architecture still retains the key advantages of the previous bitstream PC-CAML architectures since it still replaces bulky, power-hungry, and expensive wideband RF analog electronics in the receiver with digital components that can be implemented in inexpensive silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) read-out integrated circuits (ROICs) to make the bitstream PC-CAML with a DLLO more suitable for compact lidar-on-a-chip systems and lidar array receivers than previous standard PC-CAML systems. This paper introduces the dual unipolar signal and bipolar DLLOs with digital I/Q demodulation transceiver architecture for bitstream PC-CAML, and presents the initial SNR theory with comparisons to Monte Carlo simulation results.",1,,85,,10.31224/,,2020-01-23T08:54:55.747673,2020-01-23T08:55:21.295799 c6y8p,"Establishment of the Ethiopian Seismic Monitoring Network","Substantial infrastructure investments, like GERD, have long (years) time horizons before the investments break even. Safety and monitoring tools must be implemented to ensure investments like GERD, operate beyond their break-even point. A seismic network would provide real-time information to ensure infrastructure projects are safely operated and fully utilized. Safe operation will only build investor confidence that large infrastructure projects in the horn of Africa will provide stable returns in the 21 st century.",1,,106,,10.31224/,,2020-01-24T09:30:33.468303,2020-01-24T09:30:41.375258 7tqam,"Exploration of Carbon Nanotube Forest Synthesis-Structure Relationships Using Physics-Based Simulation and Machine Learning","The parameter space of CNT forest synthesis is vast and multidimensional, making experimental and/or numerical exploration of the synthesis prohibitive. We propose a more practical approach to explore the synthesis-process relationships of CNT forests using machine learning (ML) algorithms to infer the underlying complex physical processes. Currently, no such ML model linking CNT forest morphology to synthesis parameters has been demonstrated. In the current work, we use a physics-based numerical model to generate CNT forest morphology images with known synthesis parameters to train such a ML algorithm. The CNT forest synthesis variables of CNT diameter and CNT number densities are varied to generate a total of 12 distinct CNT forest classes. Images of the resultant CNT forests at different time steps during the growth and self-assembly process are then used as the training dataset. Based on the CNT forest structural morphology, multiple single and combined histogram-based texture descriptors are used as features to build a random forest (RF) classifier to predict class labels based on correlation of CNT forest physical attributes with the growth parameters. The machine learning model achieved an accuracy of up to 83.5% on predicting the synthesis conditions of CNT number density and diameter. These results are the first step towards rapidly characterizing CNT forest attributes using machine learning. Identifying the relevant process-structure interactions for the CNT forests using physics-based simulations and machine learning could rapidly advance the design, development, and adoption of CNT forest applications with varied morphologies and properties.",1,,153,,10.31224/,,2020-01-22T09:41:55.192674,2020-01-22T09:42:21.711040 h8cmw,"Conventional Data Science Techniques to Bioinformatics and Utilizing a Grid Computing Approach to Computational Medicine","Conventional data visualization software have greatly improved the efficiency of the mining and visualization of biomedical data. However, when one applies a grid computing approach the efficiency and complexity of such visualization allows for a hypothetical increase in research opportunities. This paper will present data visualization examples presented in conventional networks, then go into higher details about more complex techniques related to leveraging parallel processing architecture. Part of these complex techniques include the attempt to build a basic general adversarial network (GAN) in order to increase the statistical pool of biomedical data for analysis as well as an introduction to the project utilizing the decentralized-internet SDK. This paper is meant to show you said conventional examples then go into details about the deeper experimentation and self contained results.",1,,138,,10.31224/,,2020-01-21T08:46:03.585267,2020-01-21T08:46:21.293860 pqdz5,"Developing notional bridges based on Florida Bridge Inventory","Onset and progression of damage in bridges of various types are not always visually detectable. There have been instances that hidden damages in structural members such as girders, bracing and bridge deck have caused catastrophic collapses costing life and money . Steel bridges with fracture critical elements and cable-supported/post-tensioned bridges are among vivid examples of such cases. The failure of the Silver Bridge in Ohio in 1967, Collapse of I-35 W bridge over Mississippi River in 2007, pedestrian bridge collapse over a congested road in Miami, FL, in 2018, closure of I-526 Bridge over Wando River due to rupture of post-tensioning tendons and closure of Chicago's Lake Shore Drive Bridge due to cracks in structural steel support girders are examples that could be prevented if the onset and progress of damages could be detected early. After each failure incident, state and federal agencies normally issue instruction for in-depth inspection of all population of bridges with similar characteristics, imposing huge costs and burden on the bridge maintenance agencies.",1,,46,,10.31224/,,2020-01-21T08:52:01.531694,2020-02-06T20:15:52.033668 mcnj5,"A Systematic Analysis of Basin Effects on Surface Ground Motion","''Basin effects'' refers to trapped and reverberating earthquake waves in soft sedimentary deposits overlying convex depressions of the basement bedrock, which significantly alter frequency content, amplitude, and duration of seismic waves. This has played an important role on shaking duration and intensity in past earthquakes such as the $M_w$ 8.0 1985 Micho\'acan, Mexico, $M_w$ 6.9 1995 Kobe, Japan, and $M_w$ 7.8 2015 Gorkha, Nepal. Although the phenomenon has been understood and addressed in the literature, it has not been fully incorporated in seismic hazard analysis, and Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPE). In this study, we perform an extensive parametric study on the characteristics of surface ground motion associated with basin effects using finite element simulations. We use an elastic medium subjected to vertically propagating SV plane waves and utilize idealized basin shapes to examine the effects of basin geometry and material properties. We specifically study the effects of four dimensionless parameters, the width-to-depth (aspect) ratio, the rock-to-soil material contrast, a dimensionless frequency that quantifies the depth of the basin relative to the dominant incident wavelength, and a dimensionless distance quantifying distance of the basin edges relative to the dominant wavelength. Our results show that basin effects can be reasonably characterized using at least three independent parameters, each of which can significantly alter the resultant ground motion. To demonstrate the application of dimensional analysis applied here, we investigate the response of the Kathmandu Valley during the 2015 $M_w$ 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal using an idealized basin geometry and soil properties. Our results show that a simplified model can capture notable characteristics of the ground motion associated with basin effects which suggests that such studies can provide useful insights, relevant to the parameterization of basin effects in GMPEs and design code provisions.",1,,310,,10.31224/,,2020-01-21T08:37:37.054056,2020-02-10T21:42:29.438859 24pv5,"Explorative study on adaptive facades with superelastic antagonistic actuation","Glass facades and enclosures are highly attractive structures with increasing popularity between architects and engineers. These structures show very specific design requirements so as to guarantee an efficient interaction with the other building components. This is especially true in the case of ""adaptive"" glass systems, with continuously changing configurations according to a given design criteria. The main goal of this explorative study is the design of an adaptive facade module with antagonistic actuation. The geometry of the glazing system is controlled by pairs of superelastic cables actuated against each other in a reversible way. Superelasticity is here exploited so as to improve the structural behavior of the facade system subjected to wind loads. The efficiency of the proposed design concept is demonstrated via Finite-Element numerical analyses and also from test data obtained from an experimental prototype. It is shown that the the proposed control approach can yield substantial structural enhancements and benefits for the adaptive facade module, which are substantiated by important reductions of maximum deformations and stresses in the cladding elements.",1,,145,,10.31224/,10.1002/stc.2463,2020-01-20T17:45:53.577117,2020-01-20T17:46:01.368041 c395y,"Modeling and Miniaturization of the Thermoacoustically Driven IPTR to Encourage Sustainable Energy","The Thermoacoustic Stirling Heat Engine(TASHE) designed by Backhaus, a device without moving parts which operates at a frequency of 85 Hz with an average pressure of 3 MPa that is capable of using sustainable energies, is applied to run an Inertance Pulse Tube Refrigerator(IPTR) with 1 W cooling power at 90 K. The coupling of these devices caused to eliminate all moving parts as well as miniaturizing the refrigerator to use for cooling superconducting magnets for MRI systems. A new method for the design of the IPTR performed by using numerical simulation of REGEN3.3. Moreover, to have a better vision of the overall configuration of IPTR and verify the Results of REGEN3.3, DeltaEC is used as an auxiliary software. Fortunately, both software results matched perfectly, and the performance of the IPTR was acoustically and thermodynamically ideal.",1,,130,,10.31224/,,2020-01-17T09:38:42.298832,2020-01-17T09:39:02.513546 xa3sp,"Effect of the Temperature on the product yield during the Pyrolysis of Guinea-Corn stalk","This study explain the effect of temperature on the product yield of guinea-corn stalk (Char, tar and Gas). Approximately 0.23kg dried Guinea Corn Stalk (GCS) was introduced into the retort in which the retort was rendered airtight. The retort was placed into the chamber of an electric furnace and the GCS was pyrolysed at a temperature of 400OC at a constant time of 20minutes. This was repeated for temperatures 450,500,550 and 600OC and in each cases, the quantities of char, tar and the bio-gas were determined. Proximate and ultimate analysis were carried out on the sample in other to know the level of moisture content in the sample and also to know if GCS has more contribution to global warming by observing the percentage of the Sulphur and Nitrogen content in the ultimate analysis. Using the sigma plot application as well as the Microsoft excel bar chart to illustrate the relationship between the temperature and the pyrolysis product. This application depict and shown how the increase in temperature affect the product yield (Gas, Tar and Char). The Char yields a percentage of approximately 17% at 400OC and drastically decreased to 27% at 600OC, the tar yields a percentage of approximately 28% at 400OC and increased to 39% at 600OC and also the gas yields a percentage of approximately 17% at 400OC and increased to 34% at 600OC. The result shown that GCS can be pyrolyzed at and high temperature to obtaining more yields of bio-gas.",1,,88,,10.31224/,,2020-01-17T09:34:45.760969,2020-01-17T09:35:03.075680 v28bd,"Multi-Objective Optimization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell/GT Combined Heat and Power System: A comparison between Particle Swarm and Genetic Algorithms","Many studies have attempted to optimize integrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine (SOFC-GT), although different and somehow conflicting results are reported employing various algorithms. In this study, Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) is employed to approach the optimal design of SOFC-GT considering all prevailing factors. The emphasis is placed on the evaluation of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) performance as two effective approaches for solving the multi-objective and non-linear optimization problems. Multi- objective optimization is carried out on two vital objectives; the electrical efficiency and the overall output power of the system. The considerable achievements are the set of optimal points that aim to identify the system optimal performance which provides a practical basis for the decision-makers to choose the appropriate target functions. For the studied conditions, the two algorithms nearly exhibit similar performance, while the PSO is faster and more efficient in terms of computational effort. The PSO appears to achieve its ultimate parameter values in fewer generations compared to the GA algorithm under the examined circumstances. It is found that the maximum power of 410 kW is accomplished employing the GA optimization method with an efficiency of 64%, while PSO method yields the maximum power of 419.19 kW at the efficiency of 58.9%. The results stress that PSO offers more satisfactory convergence and fidelity of the solution for the SOFC-GT MOO problems.",1,,161,,10.31224/,,2020-01-17T09:28:01.659461,2020-04-18T17:43:33.876082 m4tqn,"Multimodal imaging of cerebral microhemorrhages and white matter degradation in geriatric patients with mild traumatic brain injury","Traditionally, neurobiologists have utilized microscale techniques of scientific investigation to uncover the fundamental organization and function of brain cells and neuronal ensembles. In recent decades, however, macroscale brain imaging methods like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) have facilitated a wider scope of understanding neural structure and function across the lifespan. Thanks to such methods, a broader picture of the relationship between microscale processes—studied by neurobiologists—and macroscale observations—made by clinicians—has emerged. More recently, the vascular component of neurodegeneration has come under renewed scrutiny partly due to increased appreciation of the relationship between neurovascular injury, cardiovascular disease and senescence. Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) are among the smallest lesions of the cerebrum which can be visualized using MRI to indicate blood-brain barrier (BBB) impairment; as such, this class of hemorrhages are important for the evaluation and macroscale detection of geriatric patients’ microscale pathologies associated with neurovascular disease and/or neurodegeneration. This chapter details a streamlined protocol for MRI/CT multimodal imaging data acquisition, archiving and digital processing, including methods tailored for the analysis of susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) scans to reveal CMB-related alterations of the human connectome. Efficient and effective MRI/CT methods like ours, when tailored for CMB and connectome analysis, are essential for future progress in this important field of scientific inquiry.",1,,143,,10.31224/,,2020-01-13T07:59:59.544880,2020-01-13T08:00:22.018369 pvyrm,"Mapping cerebral connectivity changes after mild traumatic brain injury in older adults using diffusion tensor imaging and Riemannian matching of elastic curves","Although diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can identify white matter (WM) alterations due to mild cases of traumatic brain injury (mTBI), the task of within-subject longitudinal matching of DTI streamlines remains challenging in this condition. Here we combine (A) automatic, atlas-informed labeling of WM streamline clusters with (B) streamline prototyping and (C) Riemannian matching of elastic curves to quantitate within-subject WM changes, focusing on the arcuate fasciculus. The approach is demonstrated in a group of geriatric mTBI patients imaged acutely and ~6 months post-injury. Results highlight the utility of differential geometry approaches when quantifying brain connectivity alterations due to mTBI.",1,,189,,10.31224/,,2020-01-13T07:58:29.459511,2020-01-13T07:58:42.372293 nkvcd,"APPLICATIONS OF BLOCKCHAIN IN HEALTHCARE","Abstract: The word blockchain elicits thoughts of cryptocurrency much of the time, which does disservice to this disruptive new technology. Agreed, bitcoin launched in 2011 was the first large scale implementation of blockchain technology. Also, Bitcoin’s success has triggered the establishment of nearly 1000 new cryptocurrencies. This again lead to the delusion that the only application of blockchain technology is for the creation of cryptocurrency. However, the blockchain technology is capable of a lot more than just cryptocurrency creation and may support such things as transactions that require personal identification, peer review, elections and other types of democratic decision-making and audit trails. Blockchain exists with real world implementations beyond cryptocurrencies and these solutions deliver powerful benefits to healthcare organizations, bankers, retailers and consumers among others. One of the areas where blockchain technology can be used effectively is healthcare industry. Proper application of this technology in healthcare will not only save billions of money but also will contribute to the growth in research. This review paper briefly defines blockchain and deals in detail the applications of blockchain in various areas particularly in healthcare industry.",1,,170,,10.31224/,,2020-01-12T09:49:22.225277,2020-01-12T09:49:41.673931 wjgv9,"Wave flume testing of an oscillating-body wave energy converter with a tuned inerter","In this study, the effectiveness of an oscillating-body WEC with a tuned inerter (TI) proposed by the authors is shown through wave flume testing. The TI mechanism consisting of a tuning spring, a rotational inertial mass, and a viscous damping component is able to increase energy absorption capability by taking advantage of the resonance effect of the rotational mass. This mechanism has been recently introduced for civil structures subjected to external loadings such as earthquakes and winds to decay vibration response immediately. The authors applied this mechanism to oscillating-body WECs and showed that the proposed WEC increased the power generation performance and broadened the effective frequency range without increasing the mass of the buoy itself through numerical simulation studies. To verify the validity of the proposed WEC experimentally, a small-scale prototype of the proposed device is designed and wave flume testing is carried out with various regular wave inputs of different frequencies. The results show that the WEC with the properly adjusted TI mechanism demonstrates better power generation performance compared to the conventional WEC over a wide range of wave frequencies.",1,,189,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.apor.2020.102127,2020-01-12T09:50:48.842680,2020-03-23T11:23:52.691547 y3hcr,"A First Approach to Universal Daylight and Occupancy Control System for Any Lamps: Simulated Case in an Academic Classroom","This paper presents a lighting control system based on natural light monitoring and on occupancy control, characterized by installation easiness, even for existing plants, and cheapness. The system is based on a smart control unit and lighting control devices that can be directly mounted on the lamps in series connection. The installation is noninvasive and does not require any changes in the wiring system, since the communication between each lamp and the control system is realized by means of a 2.4 GHz wireless protocol. The system functionality is ensured with any lamps, also with non-dimmable ones. Tests and functionality verifications on the system were performed in laboratory, proving the applicability to real cases and performances that are comparable to the ones achievable with dimmable LED lamps, but with a significant cost saving. Hypothesizing the application of the proposed system and of different control technologies and strategies to a real academic classroom case study, different lighting scenarios have been simulated. Obtained results allow quantifying the effects in terms of energy consumption and CO2 emissions relative to such scenarios, achieving up to 69.6% of energy saving and 30.5% of CO2 emissions avoided. From an economic point of view, the comparison between the proposed control system and commercial systems shows a shorter PayBack Period, from 9 to 5 years.",1,,153,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.07.025,2020-01-11T10:18:18.054959,2020-01-11T10:18:42.317382 6t4k3,"ZnO-Nanorod processed PC-SETas the light-harvestingmodel for plasmontronic fluorescence Sensor","This paper reports the combined plasmon coupled - surface energy transfer (PC-SET) and a distance-dependent model constructed by gold nanoparticles (GNPs) over zinc oxide nanorod (ZnO-NR) as a robust and tunable plasmontronic fluorescence regime for the detection of rhodamine 6 G (R6 G). Further, the deposition of metal created extraordinary contact through ZnO-NR utilizing a rapid thermal process (RTP) allowing the interaction of plasmon-coupled nature and surface energy transfer from the donor (R6 G) to the acceptor (ZnO). The percentage of energy transfer efficiency continuously decreased with the increment of GNPs size, shown by 72.93, 67.52 and 47.86%, corresponding to the increase of the distance between the donor and acceptor of 63.03, 67.25, and 82.49 Å, respectively. In other words, the efficiency of PC-SET complied the 1/d4 distance dependence model between donor and acceptor molecules with the detection of long-distance ranges from 46.95 – 120 Å. These findings suggest that PC-SET process has a more realistic agreement with experimental outcomes and highly supports quenching efficiency impacts related to the size of GNPs, in which the smaller size of NPs causes’ greater effectiveness towards challenges in light harvest enhanced sensing system.",1,,179,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.snb.2019.127597,2020-01-09T18:16:42.650230,2020-01-09T18:17:01.964432 a9dg5,"The restoration of severely damaged churches – Implications and opportunities on cultural heritage conservation, thermal comfort and energy efficiency","Indoor microclimate and energy performance analyses of historic buildings require tailored methodologies, because of their complexities, e.g. presence of artworks, lack of documents or project data and employed structure and materials. Given such difficulties, there are a few interdisciplinary methodologies, capable of carrying out multi-objective analyses for this kind of buildings, and they are often based on in-situ monitoring that, however, may not be able to predict the effects deriving from different conceivable technologies and control strategies. In this work, an interdisciplinary methodology is employed for evaluating cultural heritage conservation conditions, occupants ‘thermal comfort and energy performance of a specific historic building category, such as churches, on the basis of experimental and numerical approach. The methodology was applied to the case study of an ancient Italian church, recently restored following the earthquake that hit L’Aquila in 2009. After the refurbishment of the church, the statistical analysis of temperature and relative humidity experimental data allowed to observe that the conservation conditions of artistic heritage just restored may be non-correct, due to remarkable thermo-hygrometric fluctuations of the indoor microclimate. Therefore, starting from the current condition of absence of HVAC system, calibrated dynamic simulation models of the church allowed to hypothesize different technological solutions able to control the indoor microclimate and to evaluate the effects on artworks preservation, thermal comfort, and energy performance. The results of the multi-scenario analysis showed that suitable conservation conditions (PIs > 90%) and thermal comfort can be obtained by employing a complex heating/cooling and humidification/dehumidification system which determines a significant increase in energy consumption.",1,,131,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.culher.2019.11.008,2020-01-09T18:15:38.991349,2020-01-09T18:16:03.712163 q9k5h,"Enhanced power absorption of a point absorber wave energy converter using a tuned inertial mass","A novel point absorber wave energy converter with a tuned inertial mass (TIM), which is capable of significantly increasing the energy absorption and broadening the effective bandwidth, is proposed in this paper. The mechanism of the TIM has originally been introduced in the field of civil engineering as a passive energy absorber for structures subjected to external loadings such as earthquakes. It relies on attaching an additional tuning spring and a rotational inertial mass to the primary system, to improve the energy absorption performance by amplifying the displacement of the damper. Thus, considering typical point absorbers modeled as a mass-spring-dashpot system similar way to civil structures, the application of the TIM to wave energy converters can be expected to have a significant effect. In this paper, numerical investigation on the power generation performance of a point absorber with the TIM is conducted under random sea waves. The amplitude response and power generation performance are compared with the conventional point absorber, considering both non-resonant and resonant buoy cases. It is shown that by properly designing the tuning spring stiffness and generator damping, the rotation of the generator can be amplified compared to the buoy, increasing the power absorption drastically.",1,,170,,10.31224/,10.1016/,2020-01-08T02:05:26.275195,2020-05-04T03:17:30.328581 4zc69,"Comparison of peridynamic and phase-field models for dynamic brittle fracture in glassy materials","We report computational results obtained with three different models for dynamic brittle fracture. The results are compared against recent experimental tests on dynamic fracture/crack branching in glass induced by impact. Two peridynamic models (one using the meshfree discretization, the other being the LS-DYNA’s discontinuous-Galerkin implementation) and a phase-field model lead to interesting and important differences in terms of reproducing the experimentally observed fracture behavior and crack paths. We monitor the crack branching location, the angle of crack branching, the crack propagation speed, and some particular features seen in the experimental crack paths: small twists/kinks near the far edge of the sample. We discuss the models’ performance and provide possible reasons behind the failure of some of the models to correctly predict the observed behavior.",1,,500,,10.31224/,,2020-01-07T17:25:25.952635,2020-01-09T15:22:33.809095 4a28r,"Review on Different Hardening Models for Computation of Deep Drawing Process Simulation","we address herein various hardening models and their suitability in computational modelling of deep drawing process wherein magnesium alloy AZ31 as blank material. insight on all basic and advanced hardening models. The basic models as well as advanced models were illustrated in usefulness of them in metal forming. It is purely depends on the researcher to select the appropriate hardening model for extracting the real computational behavior resembling the true hardening property.",1,,309,,10.31224/,,2020-01-07T17:24:15.271527,2020-01-07T17:24:42.464557 ydu5j,"SRAM for IoT Applications in 0.6um CMOS","This article presents the detailed design and implementation of a Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) in CMOS technology. The data access (read/write) is done through Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), an industry-standard serial protocol. This SRAM is specifically suitable for Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications with slow access rates and low power consumption. For the purpose of demonstration, a 32-byte SRAM was designed and fabricated in 0.6um CMOS technology and successfully tested for its full functionality after fabrication.",1,,177,,10.31224/,,2020-01-06T20:00:31.193962,2020-01-09T15:28:11.020509 t62k8,"A Data-Driven Approach to Characterize the Impact of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on Traffic Flow","The current study aims to present a model to characterize changes in network traffic flows as a result of implementing connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) technology based on traffic network and built-environment characteristics. To develop such a model, first, POLARIS agent-based modeling platform is used to predict changes in average daily traffic (ADT) under CAVs scenario in the road network of Chicago metropolitan area as the dependent variable of the model. Second, a comprehensive set of variables and indicators representing network characteristics and urban structure patterns are generated. Three machine learning models namely K-Nearest neighbors, Random Forest, and eXtreme Gradient Boosting are developed and validated to establish the relationship between network characteristics and changes in ADT under CAVs scenario. The estimated models are found to yield acceptable performance. In addition, SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) analysis tool is employed to investigate the impact of important features on changes in ADT, which discloses the most important link properties, network features, and demographic information in predicting change in ADT under the analyzed CAVs scenario.",1,,244,,10.31224/,,2020-01-05T22:27:24.974430,2020-01-09T15:34:28.800563 drw2m,"Bitstream Photon Counting Chirped AM Lidar with Digital I/Q Demodulation","This paper is a follow-up to two previous papers, one introducing the new bitstream Photon Counting Chirped Amplitude Modulation (AM) Lidar (PC-CAML) with the unipolar Digital Logic Local Oscillator (DLLO) concept, and the other paper introducing the improvement thereof using the bipolar DLLO. In that previous work, there was only a single channel of digital mixing of the DLLO with the received photon counting signal. This paper introduces a new bitstream PC-CAML receiver architecture with an in-phase (I) digital mixing channel and a quadrature phase (Q) digital mixing channel for digital I/Q demodulation with the bipolar DLLO to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by 3 dB compared to that for the single digital mixing channel with the bipolar DLLO and by 5.5 dB compared to that for the single digital mixing channel with the unipolar DLLO. (patent pending) The bipolar DLLO with digital I/Q demodulation architecture discussed in this paper retains the key advantages of the previous bitstream PC-CAML with a DLLO systems since it also replaces bulky, power-hungry, and expensive wideband RF analog electronics with digital components that can be implemented in inexpensive silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) read-out integrated circuits (ROICs) to make the bitstream PC-CAML with a DLLO more suitable for compact lidar-on-a-chip systems and lidar array receivers than previous PC-CAML systems. This paper introduces the bipolar DLLO with digital I/Q demodulation receiver architecture for bitstream PC-CAML and presents the initial signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) theory with comparisons to Monte Carlo simulation results.",1,,127,,10.31224/,,2020-01-03T21:38:30.924682,2020-01-09T15:39:20.151177 ahn3e,"Interrelated Patterns of Electricity, Gas, and Water Consumption in Large-Scale Buildings","As cities keep growing worldwide, so does the demand for key resources such as energy (electricity and gas) and water that residents consume. Meeting the demand for these resources can be challenging and requires an understanding of their consumptions patterns. In this work, we apply XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting) to predict and analyze water and energy consumption in large-scale buildings in New York City. For this, the New York City’s local law 84 extensive dataset was merged with the Primary Land Use Tax Lot Output (PLUTO) dataset as well as with other socio-economic databases. Specifically, we developed three models: electricity, gas, and water consumption. Seven major lessons were learnt in terms of interrelationships between electricity, gas, and water consumption. In particular, water and gas consumption are highly interrelated with one another (often because gas is used for water heating). Furthermore, electricity consumption is affected by building type, and electricity and water consumption are particularly interrelated in nonresidential buildings. Overall, the knowledge gained from the models and from the SHAP analysis can help planners, engineers, and policymakers develop more effective strategies and help them manage the demand for energy and water in large-scale buildings.",1,,551,,10.31224/,,2020-01-03T16:42:02.427025,2020-01-03T16:42:22.748170 u8xth,"Serverless Computing: A Survey of Opportunities, Challenges and Applications","The topic of serverless computing has proved to be a controversial subject both within academic and industrial communities. Many have praised the approach to be a platform for a new era of computing and some have argued that it is in fact a step backward. Though, both sides agree that there exist challenges that must be addressed in order to better utilize its potentials. This paper surveys existing challenges toward vast adoption of serverless services and also explores some of the challenges that have not been thoroughly discussed in the previous studies. Each challenge is discussed thoroughly and a number of possible directions for future studies is proposed. Moreover, the paper reviews some of the unique opportunities and potentials that the serverless computing presents.",1,,569,,10.31224/,,2020-01-02T20:57:00.031608,2020-01-02T20:57:21.081171 vw3dh,"A Novel Traction Mechanism Based on Retractable Crampons to Minimize Soil Compaction and Reduce Energy Consumption","Tired and tracked tractors on agricultural soil have the inherent limitation of needing considerable ballast to gain traction and have low tractive efficiency due to slip and tire flexing. These limitations contribute to soil degradation and reduce the possibility to intensify mechanical field management. To address these disadvantages, we introduce a novel traction mechanism which combines inching or push-pull locomotion with retractable tines or crampons which penetrate the soil every few meters. Once inserted into the soil, relatively thin and short crampons provide sufficient motion resistance to pull tillage implements through the soil, with no need for additional ballast. Optimal crampon design depends on the width, depth in the soil, rake angle, and inter-crampon spacing. A hinged design allows for reliable crampon insertion and extraction. The pull/weight ratio of the vehicle can be controlled by placing the hinge low and by separating the crampon from the hinge by an arm. Travel reduction and tractive efficiency can be controlled through the actuation length of the push-pull mechanism. Experimental results show that crampons can achieve a high pull/weight ratio, travel reduction of less than 10%, and a tractive efficiency of over 90% on agricultural soil.",1,,133,,10.31224/,,2020-01-01T15:45:37.701357,2020-01-26T10:04:26.483084 mh93n,"Reliability and Efficiency of Tractive Force Generation by the Interlock Drive System","Tractors and other wheeled vehicles need considerable ballast to gain traction and have low tractive efficiency due to slip and tire flexing. The resulting soil degradation and energy cost are limiting factors that hinder the intensification of mechanical field management. The interlock drive system overcomes these limitations through the use of articulated spikes which temporarily interlock with the soil to generate traction. Once inserted into the soil, relatively thin and short spikes provide sufficient motion resistance to pull implements through the soil, with no need for additional ballast. To better understand the interaction of a spike with the soil, we conducted a series of experiments where we controlled the draft force and measured the resulting motion of the spike as it penetrates the soil and interlocks with it. Results show that the interlock drive system can generate pull reliably even on wet soil, and that a pull/weight ratio of 2 and higher is possible. The tractive efficiency for a vehicle using the interlock drive system can reach a ratio as high as 0.96 for wet and 0.975 for dry soil, as calculated from the experimental results. Precise soil applications would benefit from further improvement in the horizontal precision of soil penetration.",1,,122,,10.31224/,,2020-01-01T15:44:29.496490,2020-01-26T10:04:13.908602 wtqbn,"UTOPUS: A Novel Traction Mechanism to Minimize Soil Compaction and Reduce Energy Consumption","Tractor tires on agricultural soil suffer from inherent limitations like energy loss due to slip and tire flexing and a need for considerable ballast to gain traction. These limitations contribute to soil compaction, make the agricultural tractor energy-inefficient and make it unviable to power a tractor with solar panels or by storing renewable energy in batteries. To address these disadvantages as a whole, we introduce a novel traction mechanism that allows weeding and cultivation using only autarkic solar energy, based on the novel principle of retractable tines or crampons for traction. The mechanism inserts relatively small crampons every few meters into the soil, and then uses a push-pull mechanism to pull tillage implements through the soil, without any additional ballast. The light weight of the resulting machine and the small contact area of crampons with the soil reduce soil compaction, while the static nature of the crampons minimizes energy loss and increases energy efficiency. We report a range of successful proof-of-concept trials which show the practical feasibility of the basic concept for weeding and soil cultivation with solar energy, wind energy, and electric power supply under different conditions. We also provide calculations on the economic advantages compared to ballasted tires.",1,,153,,10.31224/,,2020-01-01T15:43:00.724288,2020-01-26T10:00:07.468718 bgznf,"UTOPUS Traction Technology: A new method for planetary exploration of steep and difficult terrain","After several successful missions to explore the surface of Mars with wheel-based rovers, the exploration of difficult and steep terrain has gained prominence in the field of planetary exploration, calling for new methods of vehicle locomotion which offer stability in steep and difficult terrain. UTOPUS traction technology offers a new method of locomotion which abandons the wheel paradigm for a two-phased anchoring and de-anchoring technique by driving removable crampons into the ground. In agriculture it minimizes soil compaction, reduces energy consumption, and produces a draft force similar to much heavier wheel-based tractors. Here we investigate whether the inherent stability of locomotion based on removable crampons allows exploration of steep and difficult terrain. We present experimental results from climbing and descending a mound of heterogeneous dust, sand, and granular material at the critical angle of repose, at an inclination of 25–40 degrees. The UTOPUS vehicle repeatedly climbed and descended the mound safely. An initial problem when reaching the top of the mound was solved by rebalancing the vehicle. Occasional failure occurred when the vehicle had strong lateral inclination, or on patches of very loose ground, suggesting the need for some design changes to the current model.",1,,125,,10.31224/,,2020-01-01T15:42:08.320524,2020-01-26T10:01:23.446416 83794,"Motion Study of Spike Entering the Soil of the Interlock Drive System","Machines for intensive agriculture require drive power. Until now this has been generated mainly by frictional connection to the soil. A frictional connection needs weight to apply drive power. This weight shears and compacts the soil, reduces soil fertility, reduces water infiltration, increases water runoff and increases erosion. The generation of traction on a field is also possible via the interlock drive system, where narrow articulated spikes penetrate the ground at regular intervals and push the vehicle horizontally over the ground, avoiding the vertical pressure of wheels. The interlock drive system can provide high tractive power for productive agriculture using lightweight construction and little energy consumption, as has been demonstrated in over 30 prototypes. Many of the fundamental working principles of this new drive system are not yet properly described. This makes it difficult to design a machine for specific soil and operating conditions without adjustment and refitting in the field. So, it is unclear until now whether an implementation with a few long spikes will operate more efficiently than an implementation with more but shorter spikes. It has also not been examined how the degree of compaction and the amount of soil moisture affect the efficiency of the spike and how the horizontal motion of a spike depends on soil conditions.",1,,114,,10.31224/,,2020-01-01T15:41:06.200179,2020-01-26T10:03:11.405049 ezhrp,"Integrated Sensing and Earthmoving Vehicle for Lunar Landing Pad Construction","Reducing the forces necessary to construct projects like landing pads and blast walls is possibly one of the major drivers in reducing the costs of establishing lunar settlements. The interlock drive system generates traction by penetrating articulated spikes into the ground and by using the natural strength of the ground for traction. The spikes develop a high pull to weight ratio and promise good mobility in soft, rocky and steep terrain, energy-efficient operation, and their design is relatively simple. By penetrating the ground at regular intervals, the spikes also enable the in-situ measurement of a variety of ground properties, including penetration resistance, temperature, and pH. Here we present a concept for a light lunar bulldozer with interlocking spikes that uses a blade and a ripper to loosen and move soil over short distances, that maps ground properties in situ and that uses this information to construct landing pads and blast walls, and to otherwise interact with the ground in a targeted and efficient manner. Trials on Mediterranean soil have shown that this concept promises to satisfy many of the basic requirements expected of a lunar excavator. To better predict performance in a lunar or Martian environment, experiments on relevant soil simulants are needed.",1,,192,,10.31224/,,2019-12-31T20:17:25.403033,2020-01-09T15:53:55.803600 nbqjm,"Modelling Closed-Die Forging Operations Using Total Lagrangian Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics","Total Lagrangian Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (TLSPH) has been applied to a set of non-trivial, commercially interesting forging examples. Being a mesh-free method, TLSPH can conveniently simulate processes having large deformation and material separation. Test cases were designed that were characterized by large material flows having large changes in grain connectivity. The implementation used, Smooth Mach Dynamics (SMD), provided tunable simulation parameters that enabled the simulation to optimally match each case. The results showed that the TLSPH/SMD has the potential to model the metal forging process efficiently without numerical instabilities. Each case studied required adaptation of the simulation parameters to optimize the results.",1,,172,,10.31224/,,2019-12-30T14:22:41.853729,2019-12-31T23:49:09.357800 du2vs,"Exploring and Improving Robustness of Multi Task Deep Neural Networks via Domain Agnostic Defenses","In this paper I explore the robustness of the Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks (MT-DNN) againstnon-targeted adversarial attacks across Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks as well assome possible ways to defend against them. Liu et al., have shown that the Multi-Task Deep NeuralNetwork, due to the regularization effect produced when training as a result of it’s cross task data, ismore robust than a vanilla BERT model trained only on one task (1.1%-1.5% absolute difference).I then show that although the MT-DNN has generalized better, making it easily transferable acrossdomains and tasks, it can still be compromised as after only 2 attacks (1-character and 2-character)the accuracy drops by 42.05% and 32.24% for the SNLI and SciTail tasks. Finally I propose a domainadaptable defense which restores the model’s accuracy (36.75% and 25.94% respectively) as opposedto a general purpose defense or an off-the-shelf spell checker.",1,,159,,10.31224/,,2019-12-29T16:27:27.510301,2019-12-29T16:27:45.836737 7mcbg,"Bipolar Digital Logic Local Oscillator for Bitstream Photon Counting Chirped AM Lidar","This paper is a follow-up to a previous paper introducing the new bitstream Photon Counting Chirped Amplitude Modulation (AM) Lidar (PC-CAML) with a Digital Logic Local Oscillator (DLLO) concept. In that previous work, the DLLO was unipolar. In this paper, a new bipolar DLLO for the bitstream PC-CAML is introduced (patent pending). The bipolar DLLO retains the key advantages of the unipolar DLLO for the bitstream PC-CAML since it also replaces bulky, power-hungry, and expensive wideband RF analog electronics with digital components that can be implemented in inexpensive silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) read-out integrated circuits (ROICs) to make the bitstream PC-CAML with a DLLO more suitable for compact lidar-on-a-chip systems and lidar array receivers than previous PC-CAML systems. In addition, the bipolar DLLO improves the electrical power signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the bitstream PC-CAML by about 2.5 dB compared to that of the unipolar DLLO as shown by the theoretical and Monte Carlo simulation results presented in this paper. Theoretically, there should be a 3 dB improvement for the bipolar DLLO from the elimination of the signal power loss to the DC component of the intermediate frequency (IF) spectrum that occurs with the unipolar DLLO. However, this improvement is partially offset by a higher quantization noise for the bipolar DLLO compared to that of the unipolar DLLO as explained in this paper. This paper introduces the bipolar DLLO for bitstream PC-CAML concept and presents the initial signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) theory with comparisons to Monte Carlo simulation results.",1,,126,,10.31224/,,2019-12-27T21:10:51.532155,2019-12-27T22:05:00.750647 gak4x,"Robust Special Strategies Resampling for Mobile Inertial Navigation Systems","The mobile navigation services in an obstructed area can be extremely challenging especially if the Global Positioning System (GPS) is blocked. In such conditions, users will find it difficult to navigate directly on-site. This needs to use inertial sensor in order to determine the location as standalone, low cost and ubiquity. However, the usage of accurate inertial sensor and fast localization module in the system would lead the phenomenon of sample impoverishment, which it is contribute computation burden to the system. There are different situation of the sample impoverishment, and the solution by using special strategies resampling algorithm cannot be used or fitted in different cases in altogether. Adaptations relating to particle filtering attribute need to be made to the algorithm in order to make resampling more intelligent, reliable and robust. In this paper, we are proposes a robust special strategy resampling algorithm by adapting particle filtering attribute such as; noise and particle measurement. This adaptation is used to counteract sample impoverishment in different cases in altogether. Finally, the paper presents the proposed solution can survive in three (3) types of sample impoverishment situation inside mobile computing platform.",1,,155,,10.31224/,10.35940/ijitee.B7322.129219,2019-12-27T17:35:14.000914,2019-12-27T17:35:25.494003 6gbau,"Numerical evaluation of dry-cooling towers interaction in different arrangement","The effect of wind on the performance of dry indirect cooling towers in different arrangements is investigated in the present paper. Thus , there are two cases to solve the problem: At first, solving various arrangements in free conviction state, and then when exposed to wind (forced conviction ).Let consider a wind of 5 m/s velocity in order to compare different results obtained in forced conviction state in various arrangement . For the case of free conviction, towers are considered as two parallel towers, two successive towers, three towers in triangular arrangement and four towers in rectangular arrangement at equal distances. Then, velocity and pressure field are compared in different arrangements and phenomena such as chocking of tower flow due to presence of wind and interactions of various towers on each other's suction capacity in case of wind blow are investigated. Navier-Stokes equations are used in this work.",1,,107,,10.31224/,,2019-12-26T22:03:12.568391,2019-12-26T22:03:28.659330 xgrdf,"DSMC Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flow over a Backward- Facing Step: Effect of Expansion ratio","Numerical simulations have been performed to study the effect of expansion ratio on the hypersonic rarefied flow past a backward-facing step. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is used for the present study. An opensource solver named dsmcFoam has been used for this purpose. The solver has been validated with well-established results from the literature and good agreement is found among them. Simulations have been carried out for expansion ratios (ER) of 2,4,6,8,10 in the transition regime. The different flow field properties such as velocity, pressure and temperature have been studied. The profiles have found to be influenced by the compressibility and rarefaction effects. Limiting case of ER=8 and above has no influence on the flow field properties.",1,,180,,10.31224/,,2019-12-25T13:43:13.605940,2019-12-25T13:43:22.578811 3x95p,"Numerical Investigation of Storm Surge in Kong Port in the Persian Gulf","Storm surge is generated by the integration of waves, tide and wind setup that is resulted in unwanted mean sea level rise and coastal flooding. The estimation of accurate storm surge is essential for the engineering design of coastal structures. In this study, we estimated the respond of mean sea level winds, tide, waves, and sea-level rise using a local coastal model. A fully coupled hydrodynamic and wave model was implemented to obtain storm surge from different phenomena. The simulations of water level fluctuations due to these parameters were analyzed with the wind forces identified with tidal observations in the Port of Kong. Extreme value analysis was performed to determine the fluctuations associated with different return periods. These data were combined by sea-level rise projections are combined with resulted value. The worst and best scenario of storm surges for each return period were determined for engineering design purposes.",1,,169,,10.31224/,,2019-12-25T13:42:13.328156,2019-12-25T13:42:21.006557 x8g4r,"Remote treatment performance identification of on-site wastewater treatment plants","On-site wastewater treatment plants are usually unattended, so undetected failures often lead to prolonged periods of reduced performance. To stabilize the good performance of unattended plants, soft-sensors could expose faults and failures to the operator. In a previous study, we developed soft-sensors and showed that soft-sensors with data from unmaintained physical sensors can be as accurate as soft-sensors with data from maintained ones. The quantities sensed were pH and dissolved oxygen (DO), and soft-sensors were used to predict nitrification performance. In the present study, we use synthetic data and monitor three plants to test these soft-sensors. We find that a long sludge age and a moderate aeration rate improve the pH soft-sensor accuracy, and that the aeration regime is the main operational parameter affecting the accuracy of the DO soft-sensor. We demonstrate that integrated design, monitoring, and control are necessary to achieve robust accuracy and to obviate case-specific fine-tuning. Additionally, we provide a unique labelled dataset for further feature and data-driven soft-sensor development. Our approach is limited to sequencing batch reactors. Moreover, nitrite accumulation and alkalinity limitation cannot be detected. The strength of the approach is that unmaintained sensors drastically reduce monitoring costs, enabling the monitoring of plants hitherto unchecked.",1,,266,,10.31224/,,2019-12-19T12:51:43.554759,2020-02-29T07:01:15.770565 4heu5,"Prediction model of chloride diffusion in concrete considering the coupling effects of coarse aggregate and steel reinforcement exposed to marine tidal environment","Chloride-induced corrosion of steel reinforcement is one of the significant factors for the durability of the reinforced concrete structures exposed to marine environments. Reinforced concrete is a multiphase composite material composed of mortar, coarse aggregate, and rebar. The coarse aggregate and rebar can both affect the chloride diffusion characteristics of concrete. Nevertheless, the current researches related to the effects of the aforementioned two impact factors on chloride diffusion in concrete either considered the coarse aggregate only, or taken into account the steel bar separately. The coupling effects of coarse aggregate and steel reinforcement on chloride transport in concrete required to be further explored and discussed. In this paper, an in-door physical experiment for chloride diffusion in plain and reinforced concrete specimens exposed to marine tidal environment was carried out. The specimens were cast using different volume fractions of coarse aggregate and diameters of steel reinforcement. The chloride concentrations for experimental specimens were measured at various exposure times, and these measurements were adopted to further investigate the common influences of coarse aggregate volume fraction and blocking effect of rebar on chloride diffusion in concrete. Using the impact factors of coarse aggregate volume fraction f(v), the direct and indirect blocking effect coefficients of rebar a(v), br(U/c) to improve the analytical solution of Fick’s second law, a prediction model of chloride diffusion in concrete considering the coupling effects of coarse aggregate and steel reinforcement was proposed. The accuracy of this proposed prediction model was validated by comparing the chloride concentrations evaluated by the prediction model with the experimental measurements. The findings are expected to be useful in realistically predicting the durability of reinforced concrete structures.",1,,598,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.04.221,2019-12-19T12:49:45.997303,2019-12-19T12:50:01.644377 7d8kf,"Investigating the relation between social media activities and the mobility and activity types of users","In the past years, there has been an emerging number of studies on estimating the passenger demand in urban environments based on social media and cellular data. However, the study of the travel behavior at the individual level and the relation between social media activity and the activity/mobility patterns of users has received limited attention. To rectify this, this study examines Twitter data for unveiling the relations between geo-tagged Tweets and Twitter user sentiments, and the respective activity types performed in the real-world. In this work we try to find common patterns between users' Twitter activity and their actual mobility/activity patterns with the aim to provide some generalizations that can help to understand and model the travel behavior of users. This is achieved with the development of educated rules and probabilistic models that can predict the mobility transfers of users between different activities based solely on social media data. The validity of our generalizations is validated with the use of 4-month Twitter data from London. Only active Twitter users have been selected to study in deep the relations between social media activities/sentiments and the activity types performed in the real-world. Although our generalizations are case study-specific, they demonstrate that it is possible to extract the activity and mobility behavior of users with the use of social media and offer a first step in this direction.",1,,217,,10.31224/,,2019-12-18T16:51:21.331814,2019-12-18T16:51:43.163267 c3tzk,"A closed-form orthotropic constitutive model for fused filament fabrication materials","We model two common fused filament fabrication mesostructures, square and hexagonal, using an orthotropic constitutive model and derive closed-form expressions for all nine effective elastic constants. The periodic void shapes are modeled using three and four point hypotrochoid curves with a single shape parameter that controls the sharpness of the points. Using the complex variable method of elasticity, we derive the in-plane elastic constants (Exx, Eyy, Gxy, nuxy) as well as out-of-plane antiplane shear constants (Gzx and Gzy). The remaining out-of-plane elastic constants (Ezz, nuzx, nuzy) are derived by directly solving the linearelasticity equations. We compare our results by conducting unit cell simulations on both mesostructures and at various porosity values. The simulations match the closed-form expressions exactly for Ezz, nuzx, and nuzy. For the remaining elastic constants, the simulation results match the closed-form expressions better for the square mesostructure than the hexagonal mesostructure. Differences between simulation and closed-form expressions are less than 10% for porosity values less than 6% (hexagonal mesostructure) and 10% (square mesostructure) for any of the nine elastic constants.",1,,186,,10.31224/,,2019-12-18T16:50:10.641563,2019-12-18T16:50:24.204853 bgxmr,"Effect of cerium content on the corrosion characteristics of Al-Co-Ce amorphous alloy solution","The effect of cerium content on the corrosion behavior of Al-Co-Ce amorphous alloys in 0.6 M NaCl solution was investigated by cyclic polarization, Mott-Schottky and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy techniques. Results indicated that the open circuit potential of Al-Co-Ce amorphous alloys displayed a decreased tendency with the increase in Ce content, and the amorphous alloy with 4 at.% Ce presented both the lowest passive current density and donor density indicating the best corrosion resistance while adding excess Ce led to the reduced corrosion resistance of Al-Co-Ce alloys. Furthermore, it was found that a low Ce content is beneficial to the formation of a more protective passive film on Al-Co-Ce amorphous alloys, and the corrosion inhibition reactions of Al-Co-Ce alloys in 0.6 M NaCl solution were changed with the increase in Ce content and the detailed reasons were discussed.",1,,149,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jmst.2019.03.014,2019-12-18T16:48:58.437543,2019-12-18T16:49:24.487237 v8x52,"COMPUTATIONAL EVALUATION OF THERMAL BARRIER COATINGS","In the power plant industry, the turbine inlet temperature (TIT) plays a key role in the efficiency of the gas turbine and, therefore, the overall—in most cases combined—thermal power cycle efficiency. Gas turbine efficiency increases by increasing TIT. However, an increase of TIT would increase the turbine component temperature which can be critical (e.g., hot gas attack). Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs)—porous media coatings—can avoid this case and protect the surface of the turbine blade. This combination of TBC and film cooling produces a better cooling performance than conventional cooling processes. The effective thermal conductivity of this composite is highly important in the design and other thermal/structural assessments. In this article, the effective thermal conductivity of a simplified model of TBC is evaluated. This work details a numerical study on the steady-state thermal response of two-phase porous media in two dimensions using personal finite element analysis (FEA) code. Specifically, the system response quantity (SRQ) under investigation is the dimensionless effective thermal conductivity of the domain. A thermally conductive matrix domain is modeled with a thermally conductive circular pore arranged in a uniform packing configuration. Both the pore size and the pore thermal conductivity are varied over a range of values to investigate the relative effects on the SRQ. In this investigation, an emphasis is placed on using code and solution verification techniques to evaluate the obtained results. The method of manufactured solutions (MMS) was used to perform code verification for the study, showing the FEA code to be second-order accurate. Solution verification was performed using the grid convergence index (GCI) approach with the global deviation uncertainty estimator on a series of five systematically refined meshes for each porosity and thermal conductivity model configuration. A comparison of the SRQs across all domain configurations is made, including uncertainty derived through the GCI analysis. References:  [1] Ibrahim, T. K. and Rahman, M. M., 2013, “Study on effective parameter of the triple-pressure reheat combined cycle performance,” Thermal Science, 17(2), pp. 497-508. [2] Nayak, J. and Mahto, D., 2014, “Effect of Gas Turbine Inlet Temperature on Combined Cycle Performance,” International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology. [3] Fathi, N., McDaniel, P., Forsberg, C., and de Oliveira, C., 2018, ""Power Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Systems, Providing Energy Storage for Low Carbon Grids,"" Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 4(2), 020911. [4] Fathi, Nima, Patrick McDaniel, Charles Forsberg, and Cassiano de Oliveira. ""Nuclear Systems for a Low Carbon Electrical Grid."" In 2016 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, pp. V001T03A007-V001T03A007. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016. [5] Hunter, I., Daleo, J., Wilson, J., and Ellison, K., 1999, “Analysis of Hot Section Failures on Gas Turbines in Process Plant Service,” Proceedings of the 28th Turbomachinery Symposium, 28, pp. 9-20. [6] Zohuri, Bahman, and Nima Fathi. ""Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Nuclear Reactors."" [7] Salehnasab, B., Poursaeidi, E., Mortazavi, S. A., and Farokhian, G. H, 2016, “Hot corrosion failure in the first stage nozzle of a gas turbine engine,” Engineering Failure Analysis, 60, pp. 316-325. [8] Rechard, Robert P., Teklu Hadgu, Yifeng Wang, Lawrence C. Sanchez, Patrick McDaniel, Corey Skinner, and Nima Fathi. Technical Feasibility of Direct Disposal of Electrorefiner Salt Waste. No. SAND2017-10554. Sandia National Lab.(SNLNM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2017. [9] Rechard, Rob P., Teklu Hadgu, Yifeng Wang, Larry C. Sanchez, Patrick McDaniel, Corey Skinner, Nima Fathi, Steven Frank, and Michael Patterson. ""Feasibility of Direct Disposal of  Salt Waste from Electochemical Processing of Spent Nuclear Fuel."" arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.00855 (2017). [10] Lai, G. Y., 2007, High-Temperature Corrosion and Materials Applications, ASM International, Novelty, OH. [11] Rao, A. D, 2012, Combined Cycle Systems for Near-Zero Emission Power Generation, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK.  [12] Ma, W., Li, X., Meng, X, Xue, Y, Bai, Y, Chen, W., and Dong, 2018, “Microstructure and Thermophysical Properties of SrZrO3 Thermal Barrier Coating Prepared by Solution Precursor Plasma Spray,” Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 27(7), pp. 1056-1063. [13] McCay, M. H., Hsu, P.-f., Croy, D. E., Moreno, D., and Zhang, M., 2017, “The Fabrication, High Heat Flux Testing, and Failure Analysis of Thermal Barrier Coatings for Power Generation Gas Turbines,” Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, 6():V006T24A008.  [15] Irick, Kevin, and Nima Fathi. ""Thermal Response of Open-Cell Porous Materials: A Numerical Study and Model Assessment."" In ASME 2018 Verification and Validation Symposium, pp. V001T03A002-V001T03A002. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.",1,,179,,10.31224/,,2019-12-15T22:39:40.489868,2019-12-24T19:40:58.727100 qmj34,"Modeling and Technical-Economic Optimization of Electricity Supply Network by Three Photovoltaic Systems","To attain an ongoing electricity economy, developing novel widespread electricity supply systems based on diverse energy resources are critically important. Several photovoltaic (PV) technologies exist, which cause various pathways to produce electricity from solar energy. This paper evaluates the competition between three influential solar technologies based on photovoltaic technique to find the optimal pathways for satisfying the electricity demand: (1) multicrystalline silicon; (2) copper, indium, gallium, and selenium (CIGS); and (3) multijunction. Besides the technical factors, there are other effective parameters such as cost, operability, feasibility, and capacity that should be considered when assessing the different pathways as optimal and viable long-term alternatives. To aid this decision-making process, a generic optimization-based model was developed for the longrange energy planning and design of future electricity supply system from solar energy. By applying dynamic programming techniques, the model is capable of identifying the optimal investment strategies and integrated supply system configurations from the many alternatives. The features and capabilities of the model were shown through application to Iran as a case study.",1,,144,,10.31224/,10.1115/1.4025120,2019-12-15T22:35:35.472100,2019-12-15T22:36:02.126241 2ewqn,"A RECIPROCITY THEOREM FOR BUCKLING STATES OF VAT (STEERED FIBER) COMPOSITE PLATES","In the present paper the flat composite plates in buckling are studied. The plates have a symmetric lay-up and loaded along their piecewise-smooth contour by the in-plane forces. The consideration employs the Classical Lamination Plate Theory. A reciprocity theorem for the buckling states of the plate is derived and analyzed. The theorem may be used as a benchmark for the structural analysis and the optimization software.",1,,131,,10.31224/,,2019-12-13T13:43:13.146823,2019-12-24T13:25:12.787566 agcyk,"Implementing Natural Gas in a Compression Ignition Cycle Using Noble Gas Addition","Natural gas is known as a relatively clean fossil fuel due to its low carbon to hydrogen ratio compared to other transportation fuels, which yields a reduction of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and unburned hydrocarbons emissions. However, it has a low cetane number, which makes it a difficult fuel for use in compression ignition engines. A potential solution for this issue can be adding small amounts of argon, as a noble gas with a low specific heat to modify the intake conditions. In this numerical study, a commercial compression ignition engine has been modeled to evaluate the auto-ignition of natural gas with the modified intake conditions. Different amounts of argon added to the intake air are examined in order to attain the optimal operating conditions. A detailed chemistry solver is implemented on a 53-species chemical kinetics mechanism to calculate the rate constants. The results show that compression ignition of natural gas can be achieved by adding small amounts of argon to the intake air. It drastically increases the in-cylinder temperature and pressure near TDC, which enables the auto-ignition of the injected natural gas. Moreover, it leads to the reduction in ignition delay and heat release rate, and expands the combustion duration. Emissions analysis indicates that NOx and CO2 can be significantly diminished by increasing the amount of argon in the intake composition. This study introduces an efficient and clean compression ignition engine fueled with natural gas running in optimal operating conditions using argon addition to the intake.",1,,168,,10.31224/,10.1115/ICEF2019-7159,2019-12-12T20:06:50.630343,2019-12-12T20:07:01.021526 5kgx2,"Screening Compounds for Fast Pyrolysis and Catalytic Biofuel Upgrading Using Artificial Neural Networks","There is significant interest among researchers in finding economically sustainable alternatives to fossil-derived drop-in fuels and fuel additives. Fast pyrolysis, a method for converting biomass into liquid hydrocarbons with the potential for use as fuels or fuel additives, is a promising technology that can be two to three times less expensive at scale when compared to alternative approaches such as gasification and fermentation. However, many bio-oils directly derived from fast pyrolysis have a high oxygen content and high acidity, indicating poor performance in diesel engines when used as fuels or fuel additives. Thus, a combination of selective fast pyrolysis and chemical catalysis could produce tuned bioblendstocks that perform optimally in diesel engines. The variance in performance for derived compounds introduces a feedback loop in researching acceptable fuels and fuel additives, as various combustion properties for these compounds must be determined after pyrolysis and catalytic upgrading occurs. The present work aims to reduce this feedback loop by utilizing artificial neural networks trained with quantitative structure-property relationship values to preemptively screen pure component compounds that will be produced from fast pyrolysis and catalytic upgrading. The quantitative structure-property relationship values selected as inputs for models are discussed, the cetane number and sooting propensity of compounds derived from the catalytic upgrading of phenol are predicted, and the viability of these compounds as fuels and fuel additives is analyzed. The model constructed to predict cetane number has a test set prediction root-mean-squared error of 9.874 cetane units, and the model constructed to predict yield sooting index has a test set prediction root-mean-squared error of 13.478 yield sooting index units (on the unified scale).",1,,150,,10.31224/,10.1115/ICEF2019-7170,2019-12-12T20:05:58.634051,2019-12-12T20:06:20.994150 n3muw,"Effect of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide Addition to Methane on Laminar Burning Velocity","Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in spark-ignited engines is a key technique to reduce in-cylinder NOx production by decreasing the combustion temperature. The major species of the exhaust gas in rich combustion of natural gas are hydrogen and carbon monoxide, which can subsequently be recirculated to the cylinders using EGR. In this study, the effect of hydrogen and carbon monoxide addition to methane on laminar burning velocity and flame morphological structure is investigated. Due to the broad flammability limit and high burning velocity of hydrogen compared to methane, this addition to the gaseous mixture leads to an increase in burning velocity, less emissions production, and a boost to the thermal efficiency of internal combustion engines. Premixed CH4-H2-CO-Air flames are experimentally investigated using an optically accessible constant volume combustion chamber (CVCC) accompanied with a high-speed Z-type Schlieren imaging system. Furthermore, a numerical code is applied to quantify the laminar burning velocity based on the pressure rise during flame propagation within the CVCC. According to the empirical and numerical results, the addition of hydrogen and carbon monoxide enhances laminar burning velocity while influencing the flame structure and development.",1,,167,,10.31224/,10.1115/ICEF2019-7169,2019-12-12T20:05:01.169440,2019-12-12T20:05:22.076640 cfeqa,"Engineering investments gear towards more sustainable projects","Need of the hour in present day scenario is to cope with energy crisis and human life in India and around the globe which is associated with depletion in the percentage of petroleum products and increase in the share of pollution caused due to emissions from diesel operated engines. This work tries to address these two major concern with the use of alternative fuel for diesel engine .A lot of research is going on the use of alternative and innovative fuels in the word, among those one of the most promising alternative ought to be hydrogen for being a clean and non carbon in nature. However various ongoing researches shown hydrogen blending to be proved to show positive effect on performance and emission of a diesel engine, which has to be carried forwarded. In this work a flow rate of 4 lpm, 6 lpm and 8 lpm respectively blend of hydrogen proportion where used along which diesel at loading at a constant speed of 1500 rpm to determine various engine performance parameters such as brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption ,brake power, indicated thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency, torque output and power output. along with these various emission parameters such as percentage of CO,HC ,NOx gas temperature with varying blend proportion are also observed and compared.",1,,129,,10.31224/,,2019-12-11T14:02:25.765805,2019-12-19T11:59:02.899464 w9v2b,"Hidden Markov Model: Tutorial","This is a tutorial paper for Hidden Markov Model (HMM). First, we briefly review the background on Expectation Maximization (EM), Lagrange multiplier, factor graph, the sum-product algorithm, the max-product algorithm, and belief propagation by the forward-backward procedure. Then, we introduce probabilistic graphical models including Markov random field and Bayesian network. Markov property and Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) are also introduced. We, then, explain likelihood estimation and EM in HMM in technical details. We explain evaluation in HMM where direct calculation and the forward-backward belief propagation are both explained. Afterwards, estimation in HMM is covered where both the greedy approach and the Viterbi algorithm are detailed. Then, we explain how to train HMM using EM and the Baum-Welch algorithm. We also explain how to use HMM in some applications such as speech and action recognition.",1,,176,,10.31224/,,2019-12-12T12:59:54.039803,2019-12-12T13:00:02.596344 zac34,"🇬🇧 Artificial intelligence as a legal entity and its civil responsibility within Europe | 🇪🇸 La inteligencia artificial como ente jurídico y su responsabilidad civil en el seno de Europa","Civil, and also criminal, responsibility in artificial intelligence involves complex technical and legislative aspects; and it is a fertilizer for future discussions and problems within the framework of the EU and worldwide. The ex ante discussion is necessary for European citizenship and the estates involved in the present and future. The sensitivity and solidarity (and also the rights and obligations) of our society must be activated now, and warn of its lack of confidence and lethargy; a society that is saturated with information that causes us serious absences in the latent forums of the European debate. In order to contribute to the analysis of the need to define Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an entity with legal personality, or legal entity, and the subsequent responsibility that would lead to such a decision, we extract and analyze elements that we consider important in the Group Report of Experts in Responsibility and New Technologies - Training of New Technologies. 2019 ... And we find it very relevant especially one of the 'findings' of the report, called Liability for Artificial Intelligence and other emerging digital technologies: “It is not necessary to give autonomous devices or systems a legal personality, since the damage they can cause It can and should be attributable to existing people or organizations”.",1,,104,,10.31224/,10.13140/RG.2.2.11245.54248,2019-12-10T15:27:44.942903,2019-12-10T16:55:47.832946 dfyzn,"Energy Decay Network","This paper and accompanying Python/C++ Framework is the product of the Authors perceived problems with narrow (Discrimination based) AI. (Artificial Intelligence) The Framework attempts to develop a genetic transfer of experience through potential structural expressions using a common regulation/exchange value (‘energy’) to create a model whereby neural architecture and all unit processes are co-dependently developed . These expressions are born from fractal definition, stochastically tuned and managed by genetic experience; successful routes are maintained through global rules: (Stability of signal propagation/function over cross functional (external state, internal immediate state, and genetic bias towards selection of previous expressions)). These principles are aimed towards creating a diverse and robust network, hopefully reducing the need for transfer learning and computationally expensive translations as demand on compute increases.",1,,101,,10.31224/,,2019-12-09T13:59:47.277593,2020-05-17T03:47:32.038083 rf78c,"Corridor navigation robot using Bond graph","In this research we are trying to find a mobile robot control method for corridor navigation and wall following in a partially known environment, when obstacles trajectory is unknown or information about it is incomplete, and the environment consists of stationary obstacles. Gathering information of the robot traveling is based on IR sensors. The aim of the robot is to select avoidance maneuvers to avoid collision with obstacles.",1,,169,,10.31224/,,2019-12-09T13:57:12.275231,2019-12-09T13:57:22.527798 3nm5v,"Crowdsourcing an Earthquake early warning system for the Indian Subcontinent","Earthquakes are potentially very destructive natural events. The risk from earthquakes is aggravated because they are unpredictable and can cause tremendous loss of life and property within seconds, particularly in dense urban settings. We present our ongoing work to develop a comprehensive earthquake early warning system (EEWS) for the Indian subcontinent. The impetus for this work comes from the fact that India has just 82 seismic stations for a land area of about 3.2 million sq. km, with no dedicated EEWS, plus low-cost accelerometers are now easily available, and smartphones have deep penetration. The planned system will use a network of mobile smartphones and stationary low-cost MEMS-based strong motion sensors. The main components of this project are: creating a high-density network of low-cost sensors, real-time transmission of data, algorithms to analyze ground shaking data, compute ground motion characteristics, and determine if the source of shaking is an earthquake.",1,,152,,10.31224/,,2019-12-09T13:54:00.046427,2019-12-09T13:54:23.186652 jkbpq,"Exploring Persistence in Stream Flow Forecasting","In this study, the authors explore three persistence approaches in streamflow forecasting motivated by the need for forecasting model skill evaluation. The authors use stream flow observations with 15 minutes resolution from the year 2008 to 2017 at 140 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamflow gauges monitoring the streams and rivers over the State of Iowa. The spatial scale of the basins ranges from about 7 km2 to 37,000 km2. The study explores three approaches: simple persistence, gradient persistence and anomaly persistence. The study shows that persistence forecasts skill has strong dependence on basin scales and weaker but non-negligible dependence on geometric properties of the river network for a given basin. Among the three approaches explored, anomaly persistence shows highest skill especially for small basins, under about 500 km2. The anomaly persistence can serve as a benchmark for model evaluations considering the effect of basin scales and geometric properties of river network of the basin. This study further reiterates that persistence forecasts are hard-to-beat methods for larger basin scales at short to medium forecast range.",1,,182,,10.31224/,10.1111/1752-1688.12821,2019-12-06T20:37:53.567402,2019-12-06T20:38:04.470367 uhy36,"Numerical simulations of cone penetration tests in cemented sandstone","In this study, three-dimensional simulations of cone penetration tests (CPT) in cemented sandstone have been carried out using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The particle size distribution of the sandstone analogue samples from the Ustyurt-Buzachi Sedimentary Basin was replicated with the numerical samples. Numbers of numerical CPT tests at different bond strength values were performed with the penetrometer vertically moved down at a constant rate. The results of the real-world particle size distribution show that the cone penetration resistance and sleeve friction increase with increasing depths; and with increase in bond strength the cone resistance and side friction decrease, while the friction ratio increases. The result of numerical CPT tests in cemented sandstone was found to be in good agreement with the Soil Behaviour Type (SBT) classification system from CPT data.",1,,324,,10.31224/,,2019-12-06T13:45:36.534417,2020-02-09T08:03:15.257922 ezy2k,"Designing Two Control Methods For Active Magnetic Bearing System","At the present study, two methods would be presented to control active magnetic bearing. Results of the two methods would be compared and would be simulated using MATLAB Simulating software. Finally, one of the two methods would be proposed as the most efficient method. The methods include 1- adaptive back-stepping control (ABS), which can be applied for controlling linear model of active magnetic bearing (AMB) and 2- pole placement control, which is applicable for controlling system linear model. In both methods, error level around working point can be measured in presence ofimproper external disturbances. Through control using the two methods, it could be indicated that magnetic bearing around work point is asymptotically stable. Simulations indicate efficiency of the control methods properly in presence of external disturbances.",1,,243,,10.31224/,,2019-12-03T14:25:12.961287,2020-01-31T14:18:15.304104 rd7x6,"Streamflow Forecasting Without Models","The authors explore simple concepts of persistence in streamflow forecasting based on the real-time streamflow observations from the years 2002 to 2018 at 140 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamflow gauges in Iowa. The spatial scale of the basins ranges from about 7 km2 to 37,000 km2. Motivated by the need for evaluating the skill of real-time streamflow forecasting systems, the authors perform quantitative skill assessment of different persistence schemes across spatial scales and lead-times. They show that skill in temporal persistence forecasting has a strong dependence on basin size, and a weaker, but non-negligible, dependence on geometric properties of the river networks in the basins. Building on results from this temporal persistence, they extend the streamflow persistence forecasting to space through flow-connected river networks. The approach simply assumes that streamflow at a station in space will persist to another station which is flow-connected; these are referred to as pure spatial persistence forecasts (PSPF). The authors show that skill of PSPF of streamflow is strongly dependent on the monitored vs. predicted basin area-ratio and lead-times, and weakly related to the downstream flow distance between stations. River network topology shows some effect on the hydrograph timing and timing of the peaks, depending on the stream gauge configuration. The study shows that the skill depicted in terms of Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE) > 0.5 can be achieved for basin area ratio > 0.6 and lead-time up to three days. The authors discuss the implications of their findings for assessment and improvements of rainfall-runoff models, data assimilation schemes, and stream gauging network design.",1,,195,,10.31224/,,2019-12-03T14:22:03.003337,2019-12-03T14:22:22.623595 yzh9s,"Effect of alkalinity source on mechanisms of iron, manganese and zinc removal from acid mine drainage by sulfate-reducing bioreactors","The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of two different sources of alkalinity source on the mechanisms of metal removal in sulfate-reducing bioreactors. Four upward-flow sulfate-reducing bioreactors each containing a 23 L mixture of organic waste materials and either waste mussel shells or limestone as an alkaline amendment were tested at hydraulic retentions of 3.3 and 10 days to treat acidic mine drainage (pH 2.9, 30 mg/L Fe, 16 mg/L Mn, 5 mg/L Zn) for ten months. A combination of methods was used to examine the effect of alkalinity source on the fate of these metals. Consistent with the monitoring data of the effluent that showed circumneutral pH and low metal concentrations, higher concentrations of Fe, Zn and Mn were found in the spent than the initial substrate, with greater metal and acidity removal in l reactors containing mussel shells (at similar residence times). Sequential extraction procedures found that Fe was mainly in the oxidizable and the residual fractions, Zn in the reducible and residual, and Mn in the exchangeable, reducible and acid extractable fractions. SEM analyses confirmed the presence of pyrite in the substrate, and the use of PHREEQC supported the interpretation that precipitation of iron sulfide and oxyhydroxide minerals, manganese carbonates and zinc sulfide occurred within the substrate for both alkalinity sources. Adsorption edge experiments on the initial substrates confirmed the potential for Zn and Mn to adsorb onto organic materials. Alkalinity source greatly affected system performance with the mussel shell reactors outperforming limestone on a volumetric basis, with the inner surfaces of the mussel shells appearing to be important for greater ongoing alkalinity release, and the outer shells important as metal sorption sites not available in limestone reactors.",1,,91,,10.31224/,,2019-12-03T14:19:42.880543,2019-12-03T14:20:02.840541 3cdp7,"Oxy-combustion Behavior of Torrefied Biomass Particles","A fundamental investigation was conducted on the combustion characteristics of torrefied biomass in both air and O2/CO2 gases containing 21% or 30% oxygen mole fractions. These gases simulated oxy-combustion environments. The targeted torrefied biomass types were waste crops, both herbaceous and woody. The experimental setup that was used in this investigation consisted of a drop-tube furnace, operated at a wall temperature of 1400 K, a high-speed high-resolution camera. Entire luminous particle combustion profiles of single particles were recorded by means of high-speed high-resolution cinematography. Combustion of these particles took place in two phases. Initially, volatiles evolved and burned in spherical/ellipsoidal envelope flames; then, upon extinction of these flames, char residues ignited and burned. Replacing air as the furnace background gas with 21%O2-79%CO2 reduced the luminosity of flame and the lengthened the burnout times; and increasing the oxygen mole fraction further to 30% increased the luminosity of the flame and shortened the burnout times.",1,,178,,10.31224/,,2019-12-02T15:55:04.613410,2019-12-02T19:50:28.829205 6n4ke,"DYSKIMOT: An ultra-low-cost inertial sensor to assess head’s rotational kinematics in adults during the Didren-Laser Test","Various noninvasive measurement devices can be used to assess cervical motion. Size, complexity and cost of gold-standard systems make them not suited in clinical practice, and actually difficult to use outside dedicated laboratory. Nowadays, ultra-low-cost inertial measurement units are available but without any packaging nor user-friendly interface. DYSKIMOT is a home- designed, small-sized, motion sensor based on the latter technology, aiming at being used by clinicians in “real-life situations”. In the present study. DYSKIMOT was compared with a gold- standard optoelectronic system (Elite). Our goal was to evaluate the accuracy of DYSKIMOT in assessing the kinematics in fast head rotations. Kinematics was simultaneously recorded by the DYSKIMOT and Elite systems during the execution of the DidRen Laser test and performed by 15 participants and 9 patients. Kinematic variables were computed from the position, speed and acceleration time series. Two-way ANOVA, Passing-Bablok regressions and Dynamic Time Warping analysis showed good to excellent agreement between Elite and DYSKIMOT, both at the qualitative level of the time series shape and at the quantitative level of peculiar kinematical events’ measured values. In conclusion, DYSKIMOT sensor is as relevant as a gold-standard system to assess kinematical features during fast head rotations in participants and patients, demonstrating its usefulness in clinical practice or research in ecological environment.",1,,212,,10.31224/,10.3390/s20030833,2019-11-30T17:04:22.169649,2020-02-04T14:50:07.712029 q69kc,"A mixture theory-based finite element formulation for the study of biodegradation of poroelastic scaffolds","Surgical implants, known as Tissue Engineered Nerve Guides (TENGs) are often inserted to provide alignment and mechanical support to broken or damaged nerves. These implants are designed to be poroelastic and biodegradable, and the ideal rate of degradation should equal the rate of regrowth of the recovering nerve. Inspired by the design of these TENGs, we develop a mixture theory-based mathematical model to simulate the degradation of a poroelastic solid immersed in a fluid bath. The temporal evolution of the solid's mechanical and transport properties is also modeled. The model comprises of the degrading solid, the degradation reaction products, and the fluid in which the solid is immersed. The resultant governing equations are formulated in an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) framework. The weak formulation of the partial differential equations (PDEs) so derived is numerically implemented using a finite element method (FEM). The numerical model is studied for stability and convergence rates using the Method of Manufactured Solutions.",1,,182,,10.31224/,,2019-11-26T20:58:03.720857,2019-11-26T22:28:50.876119 38jkr,"Towards sustainable developing cities: A simplified forecasting model for grid-tied PV using monthly electricity bills","The recent reductions in PV costs and the convenient concurrence of insolation and schools' energy usage have resulted in increased interest in augmenting supply with solar PV to save on energy costs and unburden the grid in developing countries. However, optimal sizing of PV solutions requires a detailed analysis and hourly simulation to match demand, council tariff structures (incl.\ import vs.\ export rates) and geography. This complexity exposes already resource-constrained authorities to abuse by overzealous and unwitting suppliers, and currently impedes large-scale deployment of solar PV in a sunshiny cities depraved of its requisite energy. We present a novel approach to forecast schools' hourly demand using only monthly utility bills and a trained forecasting model. We also propose an iterative solar sizing technique to assess the economic viability of using PV at schools to support government and city council officials. The results show that the method is able to forecast annual energy usage and monthly demand to within 5% and 6% respectively, while accurately determining the potential return on investment.",1,,227,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.scs.2019.101994,2019-11-26T20:52:25.150524,2020-01-01T20:21:03.981323 642t9,"Los 7 mandamientos de la IA | The 7 commandments of AI","A set of hypotheses (or propositions) that should govern the future of Artificial Intelligence.",1,,197,,10.31224/,10.13140/RG.2.2.34492.18564/1,2019-11-23T13:33:27.713052,2019-11-23T13:33:41.528596 cbu49,"CONTROLLED STRAIN OF CARDIAC MICROTISSUE VIA MAGNETIC ACTUATION","This work presents a microscale tissue testbed with closed loop mechanical control. The platform leverages a non-contact technique capable of simultaneous actuation and detection, both derived from magnetic fields. We demonstrate cyclic tension and compression of engineered microtissue as well as long-term monitoring of spontaneous beating inside an incubator. The device is capable of positional feedback with high spatial and temporal resolution, while maintaining optical access from a standard microscope. Such a platform will enable experimental design of arbitrary mechanical environments for tissue conditioning, maturation, and monitoring.",1,,205,,10.31224/,,2019-11-22T19:28:28.007659,2019-11-22T19:28:44.406462 24brg,"Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Matlab","When a driver doesn’t get proper rest, they fall asleep while driving and this leads to fatal accidents. This particular issue demands a solution in the form of a system that is capable of detecting drowsiness and to take necessary actions to avoid accidents. The detection is achieved with three main steps, it begins with face detection and facial feature detection using the famous Viola Jones algorithm followed by eye tracking. By the use of correlation coefficient template matching, the eyes are tracked. Whether the driver is awake or asleep is identified by matching the extracted eye image with the externally fed template (open eyes and closed eyes) based on eyes opening and eyes closing, blinking is recognized. If the driver falling asleep state remains above a specific time (the threshold time) the vehicles stops and an alarm is activated by the use of a specific microcontroller, in this prototype an Arduino is used.",1,,281,,10.31224/,10.33564/IJEAST.2019.v04i07.012,2019-11-22T19:27:01.317916,2020-01-10T13:40:43.755118 twh4f,"Quantifying the role of different surface coatings in experimental models of wound healing","In vitro surface coatings are widely used to mimic the role of extracellular matrix in the in vivo environment. Different effects are reported for different surface coatings, however, some of these results are inconsistent across the literature. To explore the role of different surface coatings, we use a new modified stopper-based wound-healing assay, called a stopper assay, with two commonly used surface coatings: gelatin and poly-L-lysine (PLL). Our experimental data show the gap width decreases faster with the gelatin and PLL coatings. Similarly, the number of cells in certain subregions increases faster with these coatings. Unfortunately, neither of these observations provides definitive mechanistic insight into the role of the coatings. To provide such insight we calibrate the solution of the Fisher-Kolmogorov model to match the experimental data. Our parameter estimates indicate that both coatings significantly increase cell motility without affecting cell proliferation.",1,,184,,10.31224/,,2019-11-22T14:07:40.100943,2020-02-26T13:08:42.895077 a8fmx,"Younan-Veletsos retaining wall: The exact solution","The assessment of forces exerted on walls by the backfill is a recurrent problem in Geotechnical Engineering, owing to its relevance for both retaining systems and underground structures. In particular, the work by Veletsos and Younan becomes pertinent when considering pressure increments on underground structures triggered by seismic events. These scholars furnished the first satisfactory engineering solution corresponding to a simple configuration, which has become a milestone in the field. This paper presents the exact solution to this reference problem. The solution is given in horizontal wavenumber domain, hence it comes in terms of inverse Fourier transforms, which in turn are verified against finite-element simulations. Specific features of this exact solution that were not captured by prior engineering approximations are highlighted and discussed.",1,,322,,10.31224/,,2019-11-20T21:52:17.475596,2020-01-23T16:32:26.763873 agc43,"Cognitive Internet of Vehicles: Motivation, Layered Architecture and Security Issues","Over the past few years, we have experienced great technological advancements in the information and communication field, which has significantly contributed to reshaping the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) concept. Evolving from the platform of a collection of sensors aiming to collect data, the data exchanged paradigm among vehicles is shifted from the local network to the cloud. With the introduction of cloud and edge computing along with ubiquitous 5G mobile network, it is expected to see the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in data processing and smart decision imminent. So as to fully understand the future automobile scenario in this verge of industrial revolution 4.0, it is necessary first of all to get a clear understanding of the cutting-edge technologies that going to take place in the automotive ecosystem so that the cyber-physical impact on transportation system can be measured. CIoV, which is abbreviated from Cognitive Internet of Vehicle, is one of the recently proposed architectures of the technological evolution in transportation, and it has amassed great attention. It introduces cloud-based artificial intelligence and machine learning into transportation system. What are the future expectations of CIoV? To fully contemplate this architecture’s future potentials, and milestones set to achieve, it is crucial to understand all the technologies that leaned into it. Also, the security issues to meet the security requirements of its practical implementation. Aiming to that, this paper presents the evolution of CIoV along with the layer abstractions to outline the distinctive functional parts of the proposed architecture. It also gives an investigation of the prime security and privacy issues associated with technological evolution to take measures.",1,,259,,10.31224/,,2019-11-20T14:18:44.000376,2019-11-20T14:19:01.249691 xqjg9,"Sub-Threshold Slope and ON/OFF Current variation in Nano-Scale MOSFETs","The Multi Gate transistors (MGT) have been used to improve the transistor device performance at the nanometer scales. MGTs alleviate many problems in the planar devices due to tighter control of the gate on the channel. In this paper the change in the Fin Architecture and Gate Length of the MOS device, is correlated with the Subthreshold Slope (SS) and ON/OFF current ratio. The study is done by conducting experiments and three-dimensional simulations.",1,,209,,10.31224/,,2019-11-19T20:15:14.289252,2019-11-19T20:15:43.319037 gr5t7,"Options of Natural Gas Pipeline Reassignment for Hydrogen: Cost Assessment for a Germany Case Study","The uncertain role of the natural gas infrastructure in the decarbonized energy system and the limitations of hydrogen blending raise the question of whether natural gas pipelines can be economically utilized for the transport of hydrogen. To investigate this question, this study derives cost functions for the selected pipeline reassignment methods. By applying geospatial hydrogen supply chain modeling, the technical and economic potential of natural gas pipeline reassignment during a hydrogen market introduction is assessed. The results of this study show a technically viable potential of more than 80% of the analyzed representative German pipeline network. By comparing the derived pipeline cost functions it could be derived that pipeline reassignment can reduce the hydrogen transmission costs by more than 60%. Finally, a countrywide analysis of pipeline availability constraints for the year 2030 shows a cost reduction of the transmission system by 30% in comparison to a newly built hydrogen pipeline system.",1,,299,,10.31224/,,2019-11-19T17:13:43.847092,2020-03-05T15:12:31.995813 4ryu2,"Understanding the deformation gradient in Abaqus and key guidelines for anisotropic hyperelastic user material subroutines (UMATs)","This tutorial paper provides a step-by-step guide to developing a comprehensive understanding of the different forms of the deformation gradient used in Abaqus, and outlines a number of key issues that must be considered when developing an Abaqus user defined material subroutine (UMAT) in which the Cauchy stress is computed from the deformation gradient. Firstly, we examine the ""classical"" forms of global and local deformation gradients. We then show that Abaqus/Standard does not use the classical form of the local deformation gradient when continuum elements are used, and we highlight the important implications for UMAT development. We outline the key steps that must be implemented in developing an anisotropic fibre-reinforced hyperelastic UMAT for use with continuum elements and local orientation systems. We also demonstrate that a classical local deformation gradient is provided by Abaqus/Standard if structural (shell and membrane) elements are used, and by Abaqus/Explicit for all element types. We emphasise, however, that the majority of biomechanical simulations rely on the use of continuum elements with a local coordinate system in Abaqus/Standard, and therefore the development of a hyperelastic UMAT requires an in-depth and precise understanding of the form of the non-classical deformation gradient provided as input by Abaqus. Several worked examples and case studies are provided for each section, so that the details and implications of the form of the deformation gradient can be fully understood. For each worked example in this tutorial paper the source files and code (Abaqus input files, UMATs, and Matlab script files) are provided, allowing the reader to efficiently explore the implications of the form of the deformation gradient in the development of a UMAT.",1,,1048,,10.31224/,,2019-11-19T12:46:45.608810,2019-11-19T12:47:01.943136 ywbvg,"Linking the installation response of screw piles to soil strength and ultimate capacity","A perceived advantage of screw-type foundations is the ability infer aspects of foundation performance from quantities measured or observed during installation, especially the installation torque. A particular concept widely used in practice is to correlate installation torque to ultimate capacity. This notion has proven useful as a field verification technique despite the absence of validated models that relate key variables of interest, such as installation torque, axial (crowd) force, geometrical parameters, and soil strength. This paper considers previous work by the co-authors and collaborators on analytical, numerical, and physical modelling of screw piles to relate the quantities measured or controlled during installation (e.g., installation torque) to the ultimate capacity and soil strength. Attention is given to saturated clay as a particular soil type amenable to simplified analysis. An analytical model for a single-helix pile is considered as a means of directly relating the ultimate capacity and undrained shear strength to the installation torque, crowd force, plate pitch, plate diameter, shaft diameter, installation depth, and surface roughness. The connection between the installation variables and ultimate capacity—and the sensitivity to crowd force in particular, a quantity that is typically not measured during field installations—is also discussed. The theoretical predictions are compared against data obtained from small-scale laboratory experiments that suggest the installation torque relates to the remolded strength of the soil.",1,,172,,10.31224/,,2019-11-19T12:45:32.457157,2019-11-19T12:46:01.346653 vhgre,"A Grid search-based response surface methodology for the optimum biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Clerodendrum splendens","In this paper, we propose a grid search algorithm using response surface methodology (RSM) for optimizing the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). A biological method using hot water (HW) Clerodendrum splendens (C. splendens) leaf extract is adopted for the discussion. The RSM integrated central composite design (CCD) is used to derive a quadratic objective function to model the yield of AgNPs by accounting the effects of the processing parameters, namely, C. splendens concentration, pH, and the reaction time. The optimization of the resulting objective function, which is a challenging multi-variate non-convex problem, is solved using a grid search approach. The respective optimum values of the parameters are found to be 54 mL, pH 12, and 23 min and the corresponding AgNPs yield is experimentally verified.",1,,210,,10.31224/,,2019-11-19T12:44:15.263238,2019-11-19T12:44:42.780879 nqhs5,"Reevaluating the jet breakup regime diagram","Identifying the regime of a liquid jet is necessary to determine the physical mechanisms causing breakup and consequently how to model the jet. Existing regime diagrams are based on a small amount of data classified by superficial visual characteristics, making these diagrams too inaccurate to reliably determine the correct regime. A more accurate regime diagram is developed using a large compilation of breakup length data combined with theory where the data is sparse. Improvements in the regime diagram include a new regime, the addition of the nozzle critical Reynolds number and the turbulence intensity as variables, and the recognition that how the regimes change with increasing velocity (i.e., Rayleigh to first wind-induced to second wind-induced to atomization) is not universal.",1,,368,,10.31224/,,2019-11-18T14:14:57.275517,2020-02-06T20:22:07.526635 wqgj8,"Effects of different parameters on inelastic buckling behavior of composite concrete-filled steel tubes","Composite columns are one of the most used cross-sections in various buildings and bridges. In this research, the impact of different parameters such as the effect of the eccentricity of loads or the change in the horizontal distance of the loading profiles in buckling of the composite columns with double IPE cross-sections as well as the impact of different value of slenderness on buckling of composite box columns has been investigated. Based on the results, the steel member's yielding will be delayed by filling the steel sections with concrete. Also, an increase in the amount of composite column capacity is directly related to the associative ratio of composite concrete. In other words, increasing the ratio of the concrete surface leads to greater capacity which is caused by being filled with concrete.",1,,120,,10.31224/,,2019-11-18T14:11:09.462040,2019-11-18T14:12:07.336045 mkzp5,"A Stochastic Multiscale Peridynamic Model for Corrosion-induced Fracture in Reinforced Concrete","Concrete fracture caused by corrosion of reinforcing bars may cause subsequent structure failure. To better predict this process, we introduce a partially-homogenized stochastic peridynamic model with the simplest constitutive relation (linear elastic with brittle failure). The model links microscale information (phase volume fractions of mortar, aggregates, interfaces) to macroscale fracture behavior, while costing the same as a fully homogenized model. We show, and explain why a fully-homogenized peridynamic model fails to capture the correct concrete fracture modes/patterns, while the new model succeeds. The multiscale model predicts the evolution of fracture in reinforced concrete caused by corrosion products expansion in samples with a single or multiple rebars. Non-uniform expansion of corrosion products is enforced here as preset, incremental radial displacements. The computed fracture patterns and the order in which various cracks develop match what is seen in experiments. The model’s robustness is tested under different stochastic realizations and discretization grid types.",1,,331,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.engfracmech.2020.106969,2019-11-17T13:10:34.581253,2020-05-18T18:17:49.483020 2wsv6,"Nonlinear dynamics of an axially moving beam with fractional viscoelastic damping","Nonlinear dynamics of an axially moving viscoelastic beam subjected to transverse harmonic excitation is studied. The governing equation of motion of this system is discretized by employing Galerkin’s technique which yields a single-degree-of-freedom Duffing system having nonlinear fractional derivative. The viscoelastic properties of the material are described by the fractional Kelvin–Voigt model based on the Caputo definition. The primary resonance is analytically investigated by the averaging method. With the aid of response curves, a parametric study is conducted to display the influences of the fractional order and the viscosity coefficient on steady-state responses. The validations of this study are given through comparisons between the analytical solutions and numerical ones, where the stability of the solutions is determined by the Routh-Hurwitz criterion. It is found that suppression of undesirable responses can be achieved via changing the viscosity of the system.",1,,113,,10.31224/,,2019-11-16T14:16:33.782416,2019-11-16T14:16:41.619631 acxsp,"Failure mode and effects analysis of LFP battery module","The analysis of the charge/discharge curve helps judge the quality of cells and figure out some strange behaviors of the battery module. Especially, many unusual behaviors won’t exhibit on the appearance. It’s important to establish the charge/discharge profile database for effective manufacturing and troubleshooting. In this talk, the basic charge/discharge method of Li-ion battery, simple equivalent circuit model of battery, general charge/discharge curve of LFP battery will be introduced. Then a case-by-case failure mode and effects analysis will be presented. Up to ten cases are discussed in the slides. Dr. Hsien-Ching Chung was invited by Dr. Jim Lee (the chairman of Taiwan Battery Association) to give a talk about ""Failure mode and effects analysis of LFP battery module"" in the conference, ""2018 Taiwan-Japan exchange conference on battery materials and battery manufacturing technologies."" The conference was held in Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan on Dec. 18, 2018. There were about 20 keynote speakers and 150 participants. It's a good opportunity to realize new technologies in the battery industry and the future of the energy industry.",1,,158,,10.31224/,,2019-11-14T17:36:22.041506,2019-11-27T03:21:31.976064 k2dt5,"A Method for Superelastic Constitutive Properties Calibration Using Full-field Surface Strain Data","Superelastic Nitinol is a widely used material to manufacture implantable medical devices. Simulations are extensively used in the design, optimization, and durability assessment of Nitinol implants. The constitutive response of superelastic materials is non-linear, anisotropic, and asymmetric in tension vs. compression. The existing methods to determine the superelastic material properties used in finite element simulations typically do not account for some of these complexities. The goal of this work is to introduce a method to determine the superelastic material constitutive properties using full-field surface strain measurements. We propose using digital image correlation to obtain surface strain fields during tensile testing of specially designed diamond specimens. The material properties are determined by minimizing a difference metric defined in terms of the local strain difference and the global load difference between the experiment and trial simulations. We also propose a metric in terms of the local strain difference between experimental measurement and simulation prediction to report the credibility of the material properties fitted using this method. The philosophy behind this method and the proposed metric to quantify the accuracy of material property fitting reflects the growing consensus in the implantable device community that the simulation results must be accompanied by a quantification of their credibility.",1,,224,,10.31224/,,2019-11-13T22:08:38.694033,2019-11-13T22:09:11.436534 7hqnt,"Comparative analysis of electro-mechanical properties of enameled winding wires filled with a silica nanofiller","This study deals with the use of a nanofiller, AEROSIL® R 972, a form of fumed silica with an average diameter of around 16nm and specific surface area of 110m2/g. This nanofiller is used in combination with the Polyamide Imide Wire Enamel to create a nanocomposite AI 32 S suspension. The investigation is a comparative study, using different proportions of nanofiller and a reference sample containing no filler, to determine any potential changes in electrical and mechanical properties of the wire enamel. Experimental results showed improvements in surface finish of the coat, viscosity, abrasion resistance and breakdown voltage.",1,,198,,10.31224/,,2019-11-13T19:28:45.970934,2019-12-10T22:24:16.051972 w8u9r,"Amplitude Division Multiple Access Using Uniqueness of Prime Factorization","A new method of amplitude division multiplexing (ADMA) is proposed, where a single channel can be used to transmit multiple digital signals simultaneously using the concept of prime number factorization. This method contrasts with the currently used methods such as frequency-division multiple access (FDMA), in which the total bandwidth available in a channel is divided into a series of non-overlapping frequency bands, each of which is used to carry a separate signal. Comparison of the proposed method with a popular PAM technique-2B1Q method is made. Distinct advantages of the proposed method and a few applications are presented.",1,,595,,10.31224/,,2019-11-12T14:24:52.774948,2019-11-12T14:25:03.546607 duz8g,"Artificial General Intelligence: A New Perspective, with Application to Scientific Discovery","The dream of building machines that have human-level intelligence has inspired scientists for decades. Remarkable advances have been made recently; however, we are still far from achieving this goal. In this paper, I propose an alternative perspective on how these machines might be built focusing on the scientific discovery process which represents one of our highest abilities that requires a high level of reasoning and remarkable problem-solving ability. By trying to replicate the procedures followed by many scientists, the basic idea of the proposed approach is to use a set of principles to solve problems and discover new knowledge. These principles are extracted from different historical examples of scientific discoveries. Building machines that fully incorporate these principles in an automated way might open the doors for many advancements.",1,,427,,10.31224/,,2019-11-11T13:46:29.544163,2020-01-24T15:13:07.725985 4qneu,"A Non-Iterative Field Based Vector Quantization Algorithm","This article describes a new and innovative algorithm for quantizing vectors in a two dimensional space in a non-iterative way. Additionally, this technique produces an optimal number of quantized vectors, and hence, the knowledge of the number of quantized vectors is not needed beforehand.",1,,159,,10.31224/,,2019-11-10T18:16:00.948214,2019-11-10T18:16:25.173776 r23dw,"Time Frequency analysis of data from the Vela Pulsar","In this article, the procedure to conduct the time-frequency analysis of data recieved from distant pulsars, such as the Vela pulsar is explored. Problems that are encountered and solutions to these problems are also mentioned.",1,,184,,10.31224/,,2019-11-09T22:58:48.569544,2019-11-09T22:59:01.932663 4j83z,"An experimental and computational investigation of the effects of volumetric boundary conditions on the compressive mechanics of passive skeletal muscle","Computational modeling, such as finite element analysis, is employed in a range of biomechanics specialties, including impact biomechanics and surgical planning. These models rely on accurate material properties for skeletal muscle, which comprises roughly 40% of the human body. Due to surrounding tissues, compressed skeletal muscle in vivo likely experiences a semi-confined state. Nearly all previous studies investigating passively compressed muscle at the tissue level have focused on muscle in unconfined compression. The goals of this study were to (1) examine the stiffness and time-dependent material properties of skeletal muscle subjected to both confined and unconfined compression (2) develop a model that captures passive muscle mechanics under both conditions and (3) determine the extent to which different assumptions of volumetric behavior affect model results. Muscle in confined compression exhibited stiffer behavior, agreeing with previous assumptions of near-incompressibility. Stress relaxation was found to be faster under unconfined compression, suggesting there may be different mechanisms that support load these two conditions. Finite element calibration was achieved through nonlinear optimization (normalized root mean square error <6%) and model validation was strong (normalized root mean square error <17%). Comparisons to commonly employed assumptions of bulk behavior showed that a simple one parameter approach does not accurately simulate confined compression. We thus recommend the use of a properly calibrated, nonlinear bulk constitutive model for modeling of skeletal muscle in vivo. Future work to determine mechanisms of passive muscle stiffness would enhance the efforts presented here.",1,,215,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jmbbm.2019.103526,2019-11-09T22:54:29.303575,2019-11-09T22:54:44.960404 g7v2a,"LAY-UP OPTIMALITY CONDITIONS FOR BUCKLING LEVEL MAXIMIZATION OF VAT (STEERED FIBER) COMPOSITE PLATES","IIn the present paper the flat composite plates in buckling are studied. The plates have a symmetric lay-up and loaded along their contour by the in-plane forces. The consideration employs the von Karman approach. The lay-up optimality conditions for a single-mode (lowest) buckling eigenvalue are derived using the proper variational principles and the variation calculus. Both the bending terms and the terms following from the redistribution of the 2D stresses over the plate are taken into account. The optimality conditions contain two items (corresponding to the bending and to the 2D infinitesimal plane strains). The comparative analysis of the items is performed. The physical meaning of the optimality conditions is demonstrated and explained. An illustration to the derived conditions is presented and analyzed. It is shown that for the optimal lay-up not all lamination parameters are independent on each other (one of them is a linearly dependent one). The analysis leads to a conclusion that the optimization w.r.t. the lamination parameters only is not sufficient for obtaining an optimal plate lay-up.",1,,172,,10.31224/,,2019-11-09T22:57:09.694408,2019-12-24T13:27:58.043164 m3ycp,"Dimensional Analysis: Overview and applications to problems of Soil-Structure Interaction","Dimensional Analysis is a long-established tool widely used in many branches of engineering and science. However, applications in geotechnical engineering, and in particular soil-structure interaction (SSI), have barely been explored, in spite of the method's potential to clarify parameter influence and shed light on the range of response regimes. The purpose of this text is twofold: (a) it intends to provide a brief introduction to Dimensional Analysis specifically tailored to geotechnical engineers by carefully choosing illustrative examples, (b) it uses Dimensional Analysis to study the parameter space in soil-building interaction problems, emphasizing modeling choices and using a finite-element model to demonstrate the concept of physical similarity. The suitability of using certain dimensionless parameters over others is discussed based on and their magnitude and sensitivity analysis.",1,,608,,10.31224/,,2019-11-09T13:29:30.843997,2019-11-09T13:29:44.542446 p6sya,"Threshold Voltage variation with respect to Gate geometry in Nano-scale MOSFETS","The tremendous progress in Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) technology has been a direct consequence of device scaling for past several decades. But as we have entered the nanometer era many problems related to leakage currents and other issues related to variability impacting the yield are of concern. Herein we have investigated how the change in the Fin Architecture and Gate Length of the MOS device impacts the Threshold Voltage.",1,,165,,10.31224/,,2019-11-08T12:31:22.952806,2019-11-08T12:31:44.763826 bg4m7,"Bitstream Photon Counting Chirped AM Lidar with a Digital Logic Local Oscillator","This paper introduces a new concept for the local oscillator (LO) for the Photon Counting Chirped Amplitude Modulation Lidar (PC-CAML). Rather than using a radio-frequency (RF) analog LO applied electronically either in post-detection mixing or via opto-electronic mixing (OEM) at the detector, or applied via pre-detection mixing using an optical intensity modulator as in previous systems, the new method mixes the single-bit binary counts from the photon counting detector with a single-bit binary LO using an AND binary digital logic gate. This type of LO is called the Digital Logic Local Oscillator (DLLO), and the resulting PC-CAML system is a type of bitstream lidar called bitstream PC-CAML (patent pending). The key advantage of the DLLO in the bitstream PC-CAML is that it replaces bulky, power-hungry, and expensive wideband RF analog electronics with single-bit digital logic components that can be implemented in inexpensive silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) read-out integrated circuits (ROICs) to make the bitstream PC-CAML with a DLLO more suitable for compact lidar-on-a-chip systems and lidar array receivers than previous PCCAML systems. This paper introduces the DLLO for bitstream PC-CAML concept, presents the initial signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) theory with comparisons to Monte Carlo simulation results, and makes suggestions for future work on this concept.",1,,189,,10.31224/,,2019-11-06T21:30:34.590668,2019-11-13T17:26:33.586715 rqfsp,"On the fundamental resonant mode of inhomogeneous soil deposits","The problem of estimating seismic ground deformation is central to state-of-practice procedures of designing and maintaining infrastructure in earthquake-prone areas. Particularly, the problem of estimating the displacement field in a soft shallow layer overlying rigid bedrock induced by simple SH wave excitation has been favored by engineers due to its simplicity combined with inherent relevance for practical scenarios. We here derive analytical, accurate estimates for both the fundamental frequency and the amplitude of the first resonant mode of such systems by applying an intuitive argument based on resonance of single-degree-of-freedom systems. Our estimates do not presuppose a continuous velocity distribution, and can be used for fast assessment of site response in seismic hazard assessment and engineering design. On the basis of the said estimates of fundamental frequency and amplitude, we next propose a novel definition of ``equivalent homogeneous shear modulus’’ of the inhomogeneous deposit; and we show that the response of the fundamental mode of these systems is governed by the mechanical properties of the layers closer to the bedrock. We finally discuss the validity of our argument, and evaluate the accuracy of our results by comparison with analytical and numerical solutions.",1,,334,,10.31224/,,2019-11-06T21:13:51.101360,2020-04-30T17:21:55.164096 uv8m7,"Extracting elastic constitutive parameters using the VFM within peridynamics","This paper implements the Virtual Fields Method within the ordinary state based peridynamic framework to identify material properties. The key equations derived in this approach are based on the principle of virtual works written under the ordinary state based peridynamic formalism for two-dimensional isotropic linear elasticity. In-house codes including a minimization process have also been developed to implement the method. A three-point bending test and two independent virtual fields arbitrarily chosen are used as a case study throughout the paper. The numerical validation of the virtual fields method has been performed on the case study by simulating the displacement field by finite element analysis. This field has been used to extract the elastic material properties and compared them to those used as input in the finite element model, showing the robustness of the approach. Noise analysis and the effect of the missing displacement fields on the specimen’s edges to simulate digital image correlation limitations have also been studied in the numerical part. This work focuses on pre-damage properties to demonstrate the feasibility of the method and provides a new tool for using full-field measurements within peridynamics with a reduced calculation time as there is no need to compute the displacement field. Future works will deal with damage properties which is the main strength of peridynamics.",1,,294,,10.31224/,10.1007/s42102-019-00025-7,2019-11-05T19:35:00.089207,2020-01-24T02:45:50.674547 ga4vs,"Enabling materials for subwavelength-size low-loss surface modes in the Terahertz spectral range","Terahertz spectral range (frequencies of 0.1-1 THz) has recently emerged as the next frontier for non-destructive imaging, industrial sensing and ultra-fast wireless communications. Here, we review several classes of materials such as simple metals, semiconductors, high-k dielectrics, polar materials, zero gap materials, as well as structured materials that can support strongly localized electromagnetic modes at material interfaces in the Terahertz spectral range. We present the basic theory of surface waves, detail the requirement of strong modal confinement and low loss for the surface waves propagating at material interfaces and discuss challenges for excitation of such modes at Terahertz frequencies. A large number of examples related to naturally occurring and artificial materials is then presented. A variety of practical applications is envisioned for surface waves at Terahertz frequencies including non-destructive super-resolution imaging and quality control, high sensitivity sensors capable of operation with small volumes of analytes that are opaque in the visible and near-infrared, as well as design of compact optical circuit for the upcoming ultra-high bitrate THz communication devices.",1,,225,,10.31224/,,2019-11-05T01:36:22.643738,2019-11-05T01:38:01.734112 sfkwv,"Finite Element Model of Composite Connections Strengthened with CFRP Laminates","Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) materials are being widely used for structural applications. Despite the relatively high cost of the CFRP materials, their high strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance as well as easy handling and installation have made them widely popular for different civil engineering applications where increased strength and/or ductility is important. This thesis investigates the moment-rotational response of an endplate composite connection including strengthening of the slab by using different sizes and thickness of CFRP sheets in hogging moment regions and different reinforcement bar ratios by using finite element simulations. A three dimensional non-linear model is developed in ANSYS to study the feasibility of decreasing the reinforcing bars in the presence of the CFRP laminate in hogging moment regions of the slab. The verification of the analysis is carried out to calibrate the un-strengthened model by available experimental results obtained from a series of composite connection tests as reported by other researchers. The moment resistance for the partial depth endplate composite connection obtained by ANSYS 12.1 software is found to be very close to the corresponding laboratory test value. From the results it can be observed that applying CFRP sheets to the tension face of composite slab can reduce the amount of steel reinforcement bars required for flexural strength of composite connections.",1,,346,,10.31224/,,2019-11-04T14:30:20.359329,2019-11-04T14:30:42.942422 8ht2m,"On A Quantum Proof Of The Equivalence of P And NP","We present an algorithm, along with a correctness proof, for solving the 3 Satisfiability problem that is inspired by quantum mechanical principles and that runs in polynomial time with respect to the size of the input problem. Even though we term both our algorithm and its associated proof as quantum (for reasons which we will demonstrate), it is intended to be run on standard classical architecture. In the article, we posit that the 3 Satisfiability problem has an intrinsic complex quantum form that can be programmed in order to build a model of the solution space for satisfiable instances or show that such a model cannot be constructed. This yields surprising results on the ability for classical systems to abstractly simulate general quantum systems.",1,,197,,10.31224/,,2019-11-03T17:01:20.939277,2020-03-01T03:38:41.990617 zrt52,"IMPROVING THERMO-OPTIC PROPERTIES OF SMART WINDOWS VIA COUPLING TO RADIATIVE COOLERS","In this work we first solve the radiative heat transfer problem in one dimension to perform a comparative analysis of the time averaged performance of the partially transparent radiative windows and radiative coolers. In doing so we clearly distinguish the design goals for the partially transparent windows and radiative coolers and provide optimal choice for the material parameters to realize these goals. Thus, radiative coolers are normally non-transparent in the visible, and the main goal is to design a cooler with the temperature of its dark side as low as possible relative to that of the atmosphere. For the radiative windows, however, their surfaces are necessarily partially transparent in the visible. In the cooling mode the main question is rather about the maximal visible light transmission through the window at which the temperature on the window somber side does not exceed that of the atmosphere. We then demonstrate that transmission of the visible light through smart windows can be significantly increased (by as much as a factor of 2) without additional heating of the windows via coupling of the windows to the radiative coolers using transparent cooling liquid that flows inside of the window and radiative cooler structures. We demonstrate that efficient heat exchange between radiative coolers and smart windows can be realized using small coolant velocities (sub 1mm/s for ~1m-large windows) or even using a purely passive gravitationally driven coolant flows between a hot smart window and a cold radiative cooler mounted on top of the window with only a minimal temperature differential (sub-1K) between the two. We believe that our simple models complimented with an in-depth comparative analysis of the standalone and coupled smart windows and radiative coolers can be of interest to a broad scientific community pursuing research in these disciplines.",1,,266,,10.31224/,,2019-11-03T16:57:43.766665,2019-11-03T16:58:01.966862 fnm6u,"Novel method for handling Ethereum attack","Block-chain world is very dynamic and there is need for strong governance and underlying technology architecture to be robust to face challenges. This paper considers Ethereum, a leading block chain. We deep dive into the nature of this block chain, wherein for software upgrades forks are performed. They types of forks and impact is discussed. A specific Ethereum hack led to a hard fork and focus is provided on understanding the hack and overcoming it from a novel approach. The current model has been unable to handle multiple Ethereum attacks. Thus the current approach is compared against a novel approach providing a security and scaling solution. Here the architecture draws upon combining block-chain layers into operating system level. The approach can have tremendous benefits to block chain world and improve the way decentralized application teams perform. The benefits of the novel architecture is discussed. The approach helps safe guard block chain projects, making them safer and chain agnostic.",1,,178,,10.31224/,,2019-11-02T22:45:47.920941,2019-11-02T22:46:02.766316 8sxcd,"An artificial neural network model for predicting characteristic input parameters for physics based modelling of drying process","Drying is crucial in the quality preservation of food materials. Physics-based models are effective tools to optimally control the drying process. However, these models require accurate thermo-physical properties; unavailability or uncertainty in the values of these properties increases the possibility of error. Property estimation methods are not standardized, and usually involve the use of many instruments and are time-consuming. In this work, we have developed an experimentally validated deep learning-based artificial neural network model that estimates sensitive input parameters of food materials using temperature and moisture data from a set of simple experiments. This model predicts input parameters with error less than 1%. Further, using input parameters, physics-based model predicts temperature and moisture to within 5% accuracy of experiments. The proposed work when interfaced with food machinery could play a significant role in process optimization in food processing industries.",1,,294,,10.31224/,,2019-11-02T18:25:17.142118,2019-11-02T18:25:42.643861 j5zb7,"Mechanisms and Occurrence of Detonations in Vapor Cloud Explosions","Not all accidental releases of flammable gases and vapors create explosions. Most releases do not find an ignition source, and of those that do ignite, most of them result in deflagrations that generate low or moderate overpressures. Under some circumstances, however, it is possible for deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) to occur, and this can be followed by a propagating detonation that quickly consumes the remaining detonable cloud. In a detonable cloud, a detonation creates the worst accident that can happen. Because detonation overpressures are much higher than those in a deflagration and continue through the entire detonable cloud, the damage from a DDT event is more severe. This paper first provides a brief summary of our knowledge to date of the fundamental mechanisms of flame acceleration and DDT. This information is then contrasted to and combined with evidence of detonations (detonation markers) obtained from large-scale tests and actual large vapor cloud explosions (VCEs), including events at Buncefield (UK), Jaipur (India), CAPECO (Puerto Rico), and Port Hudson (US). The major conclusion from this review is that detonations did occur in prior VCEs in at least part of the VCE accidents. Finally, actions are suggested that could be taken to minimize detonation hazards.",1,,283,,10.31224/,,2019-11-02T18:23:26.524601,2019-11-02T18:23:42.630401 cmazh,"Mechanisms and Occurrence of Detonations in Vapor Cloud Explosions: Supplemental Material","The material in this paper comprise a compendium of more detailed information and analyses of the 14 large-scale explosions described the paper Mechanisms and Occurrence of Detonations in Vapor Cloud Explosions by Oran, Chamberlain, and Pekalski [Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Each section begins with a general description of the incident and then, where possible, more analysis (based on the work of GC) and useful information about the incident. The events all have certain physical similarities, but vary greatly in terms of the level of information available for analysis. Taken together, however, they present a powerful picture of what a detonation can do as well as indications of what might be done in the future to avoid such an incident.",1,,367,,10.31224/,,2019-11-01T22:35:06.248472,2019-11-02T01:03:15.076085 4uqb2,"A simplified model for predicting shrinkage during low temperature air drying of porous food materials","Food materials shrink when they are air-dried. However, owing largely to the complexity of modelling, most drying models so far have neglected this shrinkage, leading to inaccurate predictions. The empirical nature, inability to yield data on location-specific deformations and computational cost of detailed poro-mechanistic analyses and complex deformation modelling approaches make them unattractive for models that could be used in real-time process control algorithms. In this work, we develop a simplified transport model to predict spatial and temporal shrinkage during low temperature air drying process, and validate the model with experiments. In such drying, volumetric change is dominated by moisture loss; therefore the role of gas induced porosity is neglected. This model predicts shrinkage, temperature and moisture content at each spatial location at time intervals during the drying process. The model agrees well with experiments conducted by us (reported in this paper) as well as with those conducted by others (taken from the literature) on food samples. We expect that this generalized model will find wide applications in the food processing industry.",1,,107,,10.31224/,,2019-11-01T17:02:12.916163,2019-11-01T17:02:42.655160 k8nec,"Finite Element Analysis of Precast Concrete Connections under Incremental load","Beam-to-column connections affect the rigidity and strength of the overall precast concrete structures. Even though many experimental researches have been carried out on beam-to-column connections, the behavior and failure mode of the connection in precast concrete is often difficult to assess through experimental program. The finite element analysis, on the other hand, can be an option to properly evaluate the condition of the connections. Nevertheless, the finite element analysis on the beam-to-column connections is quite limited. Thus, there is a need to study and explore the behavior of the connection system based on the finite element data. In this research, the finite element analysis was performed to study the performance of different types of beam-to-column connections in precast concrete frames. A total of four specimens were modeled and analyzed to study the connection behavior involving load-displacement relationship under static incremental load. Different connection details were considered and the behavior of various beam-to-column connections were investigated.",1,,270,,10.31224/,,2019-11-01T17:00:45.720898,2019-11-01T18:26:50.712908 gdu7v,"Regression Test Suite Study using Classic Statistical Methods and Machine Learning","This work is inter disciplinary in nature. This work tries to apply latest discoveries in Artificial Intelligence to classic testing methodologies. Machine Learning which is the field of Artificial Intelligence is explored in this work. The work demonstrates that provided the test team maintains the required data, Machine Learning Algorithms can aid in deciphering patterns from the test data. Patterns of interest are the relation between testers experience in the project and bugs uncovered, relations between the testers experience and the efficiency of test case with respect to code coverage and test execution time. Relation between testers experience and efficiency of test case with respect to code coverage and execution time, relation between testers experience and bugs uncovered are explored using classic statistical techniques and clustering Machine Learning Algorithms. This clustering can be of immense help in test selection, prioritization, pruning and Regression test execution time reduction.",1,,195,,10.31224/,,2019-11-01T17:03:19.324307,2019-11-01T17:03:47.169149 qwcav,"Thin X ray Lens Design And Simulation","A proposal of thin sandwich mirror array lens for X-ray telescope Wolter type lens is discussed. We discussed a process of design, fabrication of this thin X-ray lens and conducted a simulation and provided a measurement method for lens focal quality. The lens consists of two connected layers of arrays of rings of mirrors, one is of parabolic mirror and another is of hyperbolic mirrors. In each layer, the mirror coating is deposited on a substrate and next substrate in turn is deposited on this mirror film, leaving no air gap. Repeat this process to form an array of mirrors. Hence form a solid thin disc sandwich mirror lens and each ring of mirror can be curved precisely by polishing process. X ray travels into the transparent substrate and grazes on the surface of the mirror coating facing the substrate. Using geometrical optics ray tracing, we conducted simulation with two artificial distance stars as the source objects, a virtual lens of mirror array and a disc placed at the focal plane as the receiver CCD. Simulation shows that the star located off optical axis forms corn shape patterns by its ray crossing pointa on CCD disc. Those patterns may provide the baseline pattern for further image deconvolution or aberration reducing algorithm. The corn pattern is related to the dimensional structure of the lens and the space location of the star; hence, it contains some information about space location of the star. A simulation of ray tracing video is made as well. The thin sandwich lens we discussed in this paper may provide a way to build a large aperture telescope X ray lens",1,,130,,10.31224/,,2019-10-30T17:40:11.405359,2019-10-30T17:40:45.890599 dxt6u,"*Locating an iBeacon with GPS, using amateur radio VHF and the AMSAT satellite PSAT, NO-84, cubesat, using AX.25.*","Abstract: Resupply by airdropping or drone-shipping is a new resupply strategy in backpacking. In preparation for reconnaissance in long distance backpacking and SAR activities in remote areas, with little or no development, we consider the use of amateur radio with GPS beacons for resupply tracking and geo-tagging. While 6G communications using GPS satellites are available for mountaineering beacons, we use a dual strategy with an additional amateur radio based AX.25 packet radio using the PSAT based cubesat for publishing location information. Additionally, two cargo iTag locating satellites, bot cubesats are also used for iTag location and the automatic publication of tag locations on The satellites are AENEAS and PTecSAT. A logistics exercise is introduced, proposed to be conducted at Uncas Scientific Area, near Big Lake, MN, with an operations logistik for the spanning of drop locations and radio fox hunt, using a reconnaissance track, mobile cache device. Keywords: iTag, iBeacon, AMSAT, cubesat, AENEAS, PTecSAT, 6G, AX.25, resupply, mountaineering and backpacking, SAR. What: The AMSAT AENEAS(“Technical Details for Satellite AENEAS” n.d.), PTecSAT(“IARU Sat Coordinator” n.d.) satellite is used for resupply iBeacon tracking, with a payload of water sachets and soylent coffee packs, for mountaineering resupply logistics. Radio Fox Hunting combined with alpining is defined as a newer, ultralight backpacking technique. How: iBeacons, defining 100msec bursts at 2.425GHz are designed with the minimum wattage needed for detection on the field by the AENEAS satellite. 100 such packages containing 1-liter pouches of potable water and three meals of soylent of 87 grams each. This proof of concept study is to be conducted at Uncas Dunes Scientific and Natural Area (SNA), with an area of 658.3 acres , we have a density of airdropping of 6.58 acres per package, leading to an average distance of 26628.32 square meters, by pi/4 d^2, d is 184 meters in circle close packing model. We determine an optimal trajectory for the radio fox hunt over a published geotag distribution of 100 resupply caches. Why: Resupply strategies, form an important role in long distance mountaineering and backpacking missions, for wilderness areas with little or no little development, for example the pacific crest trail, in the united states, a strong resupply strategy along with an armada of reconnaissance track mobile caches are needed for effective mountaineering and/or search and rescue operations, with a resilience plan for extreme weather operations. The use of 6G like simulated communication is possible by using better encryption and packet compression over a slower AX.25 network, with the use of A.I based technologies like image cartoonization and feature representation and speech to text conversion for lower bandwidth requirements. So What: The use of reconnaissance tracks, along with airdropped resupply, will improve the efficiency and quality of mountaineering and provide vital air support for search and rescue operations. Resupply beacons also provide supplies for hikers or backpackers lost in the wilderness and also provide emergency communication hotspots as the beacons are still active to transreceiver emergency messages.",1,,144,,10.31224/,,2019-10-30T17:38:41.385040,2019-10-30T17:39:22.676805 4myqe,"High salinity enhances adsorption of 17α-ethinyl estradiol by polyethersulfone membrane: Isotherm modelling and molecular simulation","The increasing occurrence of steroidal hormone micropollutant in the aquatic environment and their associated consequences have caused serious environmental concerns globally. Adsorptive removal of hormonal pollutants using polymeric membranes have been suggested but information on their performance in various environmental conditions is lacking. In this study, we examined the effect of salinity on the performance of polyethersulfone (PES) membrane to remove synthetic hormone 17α-ethinyl estradiol (EE2) from water. Our results show that an increase of salinity from 0 to 3% results in an improved retention of EE2 onto PES membrane from 79.3% to 98.7%. The experimental results fit the Freundlich isotherm model better as compared to the Langmuir model. The Freundlich parameters n and Kf yielded the highest values at 3% salinity. Molecular simulation results suggest that a high salinity increases the binding energy between EE2 and PES membranes, promoting the PES-EE2 interaction through pi-pi interaction, hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interaction. This study provides valuable information for improving treatment plant design to allow better removal of EE2 and other low-polar organic contaminants from water via membrane-based sorption-elution method, and may also serves as a proof-of-concept in adsorptive removal of organic contaminants in the pre-treatment process of seawater prior to desalination to reduce burden on reverse osmosis membranes.",1,,100,,10.31224/,,2019-10-29T15:45:45.350271,2019-10-29T15:46:07.316812 phfyd,"Effects of openings on the seismic behavior and performance level of concrete shear walls","In this study, the seismic behavior of the concrete shear wall considering the opening with different shapes and constant cross-section has been studied, and for this purpose, several shear walls are placed under the increasingly non-linear static analysis (Pushover). These case studies modeled in 3D Abaqus Software, and the results of the ductility coefficient, hardness, energy absorption, added resistance, the final shape, and the final resistance are compared to shear walls without opening.",1,,106,,10.31224/,,2019-10-28T13:51:46.683073,2019-10-28T13:52:02.596050 qt27a,"Deep Learning Architectures for Automated Image Segmentation","Image segmentation is widely used in a variety of computer vision tasks, such as object localization and recognition, boundary detection, and medical imaging. This thesis proposes deep learning architectures to improve automatic object localization and boundary delineation for salient object segmentation in natural images and for 2D medical image segmentation. First, we propose and evaluate a novel dilated dense encoder-decoder architecture with a custom dilated spatial pyramid pooling block to accurately localize and delineate boundaries for salient object segmentation. The dilation offers better spatial understanding and the dense connectivity preserves features learned at shallower levels of the network for better localization. Tested on three publicly available datasets, our architecture outperforms the state-of-the-art for one and is very competitive on the other two. Second, we propose and evaluate a custom 2D dilated dense UNet architecture for accurate lesion localization and segmentation in medical images. This architecture can be utilized as a stand alone segmentation framework or used as a rich feature extracting backbone to aid other models in medical image segmentation. Our architecture outperforms all baseline models for accurate lesion localization and segmentation on a new dataset. We furthermore explore the main considerations that should be taken into account for 3D medical image segmentation, among them preprocessing techniques and specialized loss functions.",1,,210,,10.31224/,,2019-10-28T13:49:51.465168,2019-10-30T02:44:35.601091 7ce89,"Safety Analysis of Molten Salt Fast Reactor Fuel Composition using Moltres","The Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) has garnered much interest for its inherent safety and sustainbility features. The MSFR can adopt a closed thorium fuel cycle for sustainable operation through the breeding of 233 U from 232 Th. The fuel composition changes significantly over the course of its lifespan. In this study, we investigated the steady state and transient behavior of the MSFR using Moltres, a coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics code developed within the Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) framework. Three different fuel compositions, start-up, early-life, and equilibrium, were examined for potentially dangerous core temperature excursions during a unprotected loss of heat sink (ULOHS) accident. The six-group and total neutron flux distributions showed good agreement with SERPENT and published MSFR results, while the temperature distribution and total power showed discrepancies which can be attributed to known sources of error. For the transient behavior under the ULOHS scenario, while the transition time towards the new steady state core temperature is also in good agreement with existing MSFR simulations by Fiorina et al., Moltres under- estimated the temperature rise by a factor of ten, due to the same sources of error affecting the steady state results. While an MSFR loaded with start-up fuel composition operates at a higher temperature than with the other two fuel compositions, all three cases were shown to be inherently safe due to the strong negative temperature feedback.",1,,401,,10.31224/,,2019-10-24T22:34:01.085875,2019-12-12T00:10:46.741004 nxv7f,"Action Planning and Situation Analysis of Repurposing Battery Recovery and Application in China (中國汰役電池回收利用的推動現況與分析)","Due to the vigorous promotion of commercialization and the popularization of electric vehicles in China, the elimination of power batteries has gradually increased, causing environmental protection threats and waste of resources. Therefore, recycling and utilization of such batteries have been actively promoted in recent years. At present, the “Interim Measures for the Management of Recovery and Utilization of New Energy Vehicle Power Battery,” as well as related regulations and standards have been announced. The power battery traceability management platform has been established and promoted, so that the being counseled companies have cooperated to perform these policies. This article is mainly to explain the promotion system and current situation of recovery and reuse of repurposing batteries, including coding principles, traceability management system, manufacturing factory guidelines, dismantling process guidelines, residual energy measurement, etc., as well as analyze the promotion situation and policy in China. Currently, the industry and business of electric vehicles are still in the early stage of promotion. The main products include electric buses, electric motorcycles, and electric scooters. The relative policy about power battery recycling is under development. The policy, code, and standard in China and other countries can be used as references for promoting the recovery and reuse of repurposing batteries in the future in Taiwan. (This article has been published in the Journal of Taiwan Energy 6 (2019) 425-451. Link: ) ----- 近年來中國大力推動電動車輛的商業化與普及化,導致汰役電池逐漸增加,造成環保威脅與資源浪費的問題。因此積極推動汰役電池的回收與利用。目前已經公布「新能源汽車動力蓄電池回收利用管理暫行辦法」,及相關法規與標準,並建立與推廣動力電池溯源管理平台,同時輔導產業界配合執行。本文主要在說明中國汰役電池回收利用的推動制度與現況,包括編碼規則、溯源管理、設廠規範、拆解規範、餘能量測等,並分析其政府單位與民間企業的推動情形,同時檢討我國相關發展狀況。我國目前電動車輛尚在初期推廣階段,目前主要為電動巴士與電動機車,相關回收政策仍在研擬中,因此中國與國際已有的法規、標準與做法,值得我們做為未來推動汰役電池回收再利用的參考。(本文已發表於台灣能源期刊 6 (2019) 425-451, 連結: )",1,,609,,10.31224/,,2019-10-24T22:32:58.803316,2020-01-01T05:01:34.628117 d4n3s,"Summary of Safety Standards for Repurposing Batteries (汰役電池安全標準的內容與說明)","Accompanied by the increase of electric vehicles, repurposing batteries will increase rapidly as well in the future. How to deal with these batteries has become an open-ended question. Some retired power batteries possess about 80% initial capacity. So they can be utilized once again, for example, to serve the batteries in the energy storage system. However, this may cause safety problems. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) published the safety standard for batteries for use in stationary, vehicle auxiliary power, and light electric rail applications in 2013 (UL 1973) to respond to the said issues. To promote wide-ranged applications, UL published the safety standard for repurposing battery evaluation in 2018 (UL 1974). In this paper, we summarize the contents of UL 1973 and UL 1974 as a reference to accelerate the industrial development of battery energy storage system. (This article has been published in the Monthly Journal of Taipower's Engineering 860 (2020) 35-44. Link: ) ----- 隨著電動車輛的推廣與增加,汰役電池開始出現,未來數量將會快速增長,因此成為一個必須要解決的問題。這些動力電池在淘汰時,部分仍然有大約80% 的容量,顯然可以再次加以利用,例如做為儲能電池之使用。但由於是此類淘汰物品可能出現安全上的問題。Underwriters Laboratories (UL)公司在2013年提出電池於儲能系統的安全標準(UL 1973)來因應此問題,但為面對汰役電池推廣之需求,於2018年出版二次利用電池安全評估標準(UL 1974)。本文係參考UL 1973與UL 1974兩個標準,就電池儲能系統的發展現況,將這些標準加以整理與說明,供使用者參考,期能加速電池儲能系統的產業發展。 (本文已發表於台電工程月刊 860 (2020) 35-44, 連結: )",1,,268,,10.31224/,,2019-10-24T13:56:06.077552,2020-05-14T06:57:53.199801 6nw7f,"Behavior of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in a sulfur and zinc-rich medium and its applications for biosensing and biomaterials","An increasing focus of current microbiology research is the fact that some strains of bacteria, called dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria (DMRB), are capable of utilizing certain metallic ions as terminal electron acceptors in their metabolic processes. One strain in particular, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, can reduce ions of iron, lead, arsenic, and uranium, among others. Under anaerobic conditions it has also been shown to reduce sulfur compounds, nitrates, and chromates. The cultivation of DMRB under controlled conditions therefore has significant implications for the low-energy, room-temperature synthesis of metal sulfide and/or metal oxide semiconductors. Furthermore, Shewanella and other DMRB can form biofilms that interact electronically with solid-phase minerals in their environment. For this reason there exists a potential to grow DMRB directly into porous substrates in order to create biosensors that are capable of producing electrical signals that provide information about metal ion concentration in water as well as a range of other water quality variables.I will highlight my recent work exploring the behavior of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, in a medium rich in both zinc and thiosulfate ions. I have grown Shewanella bacteria in a three-electrode system and used a potentiostat to hold the system at a fixed DC voltage during cultivation while also measuring current output. After completing the cultivation step, I have used cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to characterize the DC and AC current-voltage dynamics of the system, which can reveal the reduction-oxidation activity of key bacterial proteins. In the second experiment, I have grown Shewanella bacteria under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions in media rich in zinc and thiosulfate ions and used scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive microscopy to characterize the minerals that precipitate within the batches. I compare results from a minimal medium containing only the zinc and thiosulfate sources to a more traditional Shewanella medium containing various vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to support growth. I also compare the inoculated batches to sterile control batches containing no bacteria in order to infer the effect that the bacteria have on mineralization in their environment. Finally, I use confocal microscopy to explore the fluorescence behavior of the precipitates generated in both inoculated and sterile batches.",1,,157,,10.31224/,,2019-10-23T19:23:30.702221,2019-10-23T19:23:45.944833 38ktu,"Solar cooking potential in Switzerland : nodal modelling and optimisation","Solar cooking is one possible solution to reduce the domination of fossil fuel in the domestic sector and to benefit the renewable energy. This study assesses the solar cooking potential in Switzerland. A suited nodal model, based on energy balance equations of a box-type solar cooker is implemented in Matlab. Model parameters that cannot be determined experimentally or analytically are evaluated through an optimization procedure based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA). The model is able to predict the temperature of the cooking vessel with average relative error around 5%. Based on its reliability, the model is simulated over a year for different locations in Switzerland in order to determine the solar cooking potential. It is characterized by a metric which represents the number of days a year the oven could be used to cook potatoes for two persons. It is found that the cooking times of potatoes can be well predicted by an Arrhenius law with an activation energy of 74.14 kJ/mol. A potatoes cooking criterion is based on the Arrhenius equation and determines if the pot simulated temperature profile of a particular day allows to cook potatoes. The North-East of Switzerland is the least favourable area to solar cooking with theoretically around 155 cooking days per year. Around 240 cooking days are estimated in the Valais and the Grisons cantons, which represent a significant potential for solar cooking in Switzerland.",1,,333,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.solener.2019.10.071,2019-10-23T14:12:00.345235,2019-11-25T08:40:08.253529 f9va7,"The Parenting Experience.: A Soul Machines like Demonstration(™)","Abstract: A virtual parenting experience, inspired by babyX of soul machines, as part of one’s digital life is explored as transcription from digital DNA. Algorithms are presented, using the open Daz3D framework with the Unity engine. An emphasis is placed on an anime reality and anime assets in creating the digital identity. A study on the role of loving kindness, compassion and natural education, humane education by real parenting, in the bringing up and the emergent digital personalities of virtual children is explored. Keywords: Natural Balance, parenting experience, alternatives to adoption, BabyX, Machine DNA What: Given the long waiting times and the legal formalities involved in adoption, to an end to a parenting experience, we present a virtual parenting experience based on a digital human on SaaS augmentation, with an emphasis on non physical reality , but an anime space, for an experience. Such experiences can be as realistic as a few decades long and are possible given the shift towards the cloud computing paradigm. We present a design for machine DNA based aging, parenting and bringing up, emphasising the natural balance, loving kindness and compassion, in alternative schooling, rather than a stick and carrot approach of reinforcement learning. How: We define a non linear time based template system based on the Genesis universal assets for male and female children, with a machine genome for the assets and define an aging model for uniform transcription with heuristics for social, spiritual, emotional and computational intelligence. Why: Given the extinction of many indigenous species, especially in Europe, Asia, Americas and the older Eurasia, is the need for machine evolution, the adoption of virtual parenting experiences and the knowledge of digital human identities. Can the parenting experience form a part of this identity, the need for the constant loving kindness, the warmth and humanity of human parenting. We explore this issue in this paper.",1,,129,,10.31224/,,2019-10-23T14:10:09.870102,2019-10-23T18:26:23.430428 yp2j7,"Critical Flow Centrality Measures on Interdependent Networks with Time-Varying Demands","This paper applies centrality measures based on critical flows to interdependent networks in which demands vary over time. These component importance measures combine classical flow centrality with concepts from critical infrastructure protection. In a previous work, the utility of critical flows was demonstrated on a flow network that represented a single infrastructure system with static demands. The present work considers the setting where multiple infrastructure systems are interlinked through physical and geospatial dependencies, and where demands for resources vary over time. Since critical flow measures are specific to flow patterns, and not to static network topology, the identification of critical elements requires statistical means. This paper demonstrates one such approach, leaving avenues open for future research. It also presents two forms of reliability analysis based on critical flows - a composite measure using edge reliability, and component failure/degradation analysis.",1,,280,,10.31224/,,2019-10-21T02:48:08.968199,2019-10-30T23:55:43.695360 ksg2p,"Shear Wave Speeds Track Axial Stress in Porcine Collateral Ligaments","Ligament tension is an important factor that can affect the success of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedures. However, surgeons currently lack objective approaches for assessing tension in a particular ligament intraoperatively. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of noninvasive shear wave tensiometry to characterize stress in medial and lateral collateral ligaments (MCLs and LCLs) ex vivo. Nine porcine MCL and LCL specimens were subjected to cyclic axial loading while wave speeds were measured using laser vibrometry. We found that squared shear wave speed increased linearly with stress in both the MCL (r2avg = 0.94) and LCL (r2avg = 0.98). Wave speeds were slightly lower in the MCL than the LCL when subjected to comparable axial stress (p < 0.001). Ligament-specific wave speeds may arise from differences in geometry and stress distributions between ligaments. These observations suggest it may be feasible to use noninvasive shear wave speed measures as a proxy of ligament loading during orthopedic procedures such as TKA.",1,,115,,10.31224/,,2019-10-20T18:02:30.952447,2019-10-20T18:03:03.419628 5wv2d,"A Rationale for Backprojection in Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Formation","This note on backprojection for spotlight synthetic aperture radar image formation is mainly pedagogic in purpose and is intended to be accessible. The presentation is elementary and detailed, beginning with the wave equation and melding wave notions with signal processing notions using a compact and consistent notation throughout. A reflection model is developed including a general expression for the receiver signal which does not depend on a particular transmitted waveform. Then the signal is specialized to monochromatic waves to show how waves and the Fourier transform fit together. In the end the signal is once again generalized so that the theory works for any signal type. Backprojection is shown to reconstruct the wave field that was lost by sampling it at only one point, the receiving antenna. After specializing some details to the synthetic aperture radar geometry, the Projection Slice Theorem is introduced late, after an understanding of the underlying principles is obtained. Computational aspects are considered and it is seen that backprojection and direct Fourier inversion, also known as Polar Format Algorithm, are fundamentally the same, differing only in some implementation details, albeit significant ones, thus overturning the notion that backprojection is not a Fourier process. Those who might benefit from this paper include people who have worked in this field and who seek a somewhat different point of view from the usual presentation, people in other fields who are unfamiliar with some of the engineering concepts involved, and signal processing engineers who appreciate a bit of wave theory.",1,,225,,10.31224/,,2019-10-19T13:39:20.009838,2019-10-19T13:39:41.254271 7dexn,"Brief Analysis of Aliasing in Polar and Keystone Formats for Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar","Keystone formatting [Doerry 2012] for spotlight synthetic aperture radar is an alternative to the popular polar format and reduces the computational burden of resampling the polar data to a rectangular grid before inverse Fourier transformation by a fast Fourier transform—-the polar format algorithm. After a brief review of relevant geometry and signals including linear frequency modulation and stepped sines, it is shown how to convert a polar-format radar into a keystone-format radar. Reconstructions from simulated data in both formats are shown and the differing kinds of image aliasing are examined.",1,,227,,10.31224/,,2019-10-19T13:37:15.142383,2019-10-19T13:37:41.774813 u3nej,"Biosynthesis of Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoparticles Using The Metal-Reducing Bacterium Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1","The bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is a dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium capable of performing anaerobic respiration using a metal as terminal electron acceptor. Isolated from Lake Oneida in Upstate New York, S. oneidensis MR-1 was first noted for its manganese-reducing capability, but has now been shown to reduce a range of metal ions such as Fe(III), Mn(IV), As(V) and Cr(VI), as well as sulfur anions such as thiosulfate and sulfite. In the lab, Shewanella has been grown anaerobically in media enhanced with sulfur and metal ions in order to produce several types of chalcogenide nanoparticles, such as zinc sulfide and arsenic trisulfide. Given the utility of chalcogenide materials for electronics and photonics applications, bacterially-synthesized chalcogenide nanoparticles present a tantalizing avenue for green chemistry. Compared to similar materials produced using traditional chemical synthesis methods, bacterially-synthesized nanomaterials can be produced at much lower temperatures and using fewer chemical reagents. This work presents a method of synthesizing molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles using S. oneidensis bacteria. Molybdenum disulfide is a layered semiconductor with an indirect band gap in its bulk state and a direct bandgap in its monolayer state. It also exhibits changes in its electronic properties when its surfaces are functionalized with molecules, giving it applications for both photodetection and biosensing. An anaerobic batch culture of S. oneidensis MR-1 was incubated at room temperature in the presence of molybdenum oxide, resulting in the production of molybdenum disulfide crystals less than a micron in diameter. These crystals were detected using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, absorbance spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. In addition to confirming that molybdenum disulfide can be produced by Shewanella bacteria, the data collected using these methods provide insight on the size, morphology and photoresponse of nanoparticles generated this way. The findings also allow inferences to be made about how the confluence of several mechanisms present in an anaerobic Shewanella culture combine to make such a synthesis possible, while providing clues about how such processes can be further improved or extended to other materials.",1,,242,,10.31224/,,2019-10-17T15:30:48.820564,2019-10-23T17:51:55.818341 zqv5k,"An LCL power filter for grid connected micrcoinverter","This paper proposes to use an LCL filter on two-switch DC-DC flyback microinverter and its voltage for grid connected. With the proposed system, it could possible to improve the quality of the voltage injected into grid and also the quality of outlet power. However, this filter is never used before in the literature for this kind of microinverters. Using Matlab/Simulink software, the results obtained show a better quality of power energy and are in very great conformity with the IEEE1574 standards.",1,,167,,10.31224/,,2019-10-17T14:10:05.781032,2019-10-17T14:10:22.831057 bue86,"Advancements in mechanical engineering spell hopeful development of autonomous biobots","In the case of injection gasoline engine, or better known as spark ignition engines, an effort to improve engine performance as well as to reduce fuel consumption is a fairly complex problem. Generally, engine performance improvement efforts will lead to increase in fuel consumption. However, this problem can be solved by implementing engine torque control based on intelligent regulation such as the fuzzy logic inference system. In this study, fuzzy logic engine torque regulation is used to control the throttle position entered by the driver to achieve optimal engine torque. An engine torque vs. throttle position and engine speed mapping for vehicles with economical function is used to build this control process regulation. From the simulation result, it can be concluded that this control strategy is very effective to reduce fuel consumption and simultaneously to optimize the engine performance.",1,,91,,10.31224/,,2019-10-19T13:32:55.067646,2019-10-26T05:06:55.798713 b9xp7,"Improved Power Generation From PV Array Under Partial Shading Conditions by Shade Distribution Using Magic Square View Configuration","The main purpose of this paper is to model, simulate, and improve the performance of different 9 × 9 PV array configurations under different Partial Shading Conditions (PSCs) in order to extract the maximum power by defeat the mismatching power losses. Hence, PSCs reduces the performance of Photovoltaic (PV) arrays and increase the Local Maximum Power Points (LMPPs) on output characteristics P-V due to mismatching power losses between the PV panels. For this, Total-CrossTied (TCT) , and proposed Magic Square View (MSV) PV array topologies are considered for the study under Short Narrow shading patterns. PV array configurations enhancements and their investigations are carried out with regard to the comparison of the Global peak of outlet power (GP). The parameters of the PV array configurations are performed in MATLAB/Simulink software.",1,,286,,10.31224/,,2019-10-16T16:51:30.025498,2019-10-16T18:47:02.216467 fh8m6,"Data-driven stochastic model for basin and sub-grid variability of SMAP satellite soil moisture","This study focused on the utility of coarse surface soil moisture observations for applications that require high resolution surface soil moisture information. This was accomplished by quantifying the information content of average soil moisture for three different spatial scales of 81 km2, 790 km2, and 4,400 km2. In situ point observations of soil moisture from 31 stations in Iowa were used to develop a spatial stochastic model that assumes hillslope-scale model parameters are independent. Soil moisture dry-downs and wetting regimes were analyzed using rain gauge and soil moisture sensor data. The statistical nature of dry-downs were parameterized using a power-law decay, and soil moisture increases due to rainfall were parameterized using a non-dimensional logistic curve that is a function of soil moisture deficit. The resulting stochastic model is used to quantify the magnitude of the standard deviation, σ(θ), and skewness G(θ) as a function of the areal average. We show that the greatest information content (small spatial standard deviation) of average observation corresponded to values near the minimum or the maximum soil moisture with σ(θ) < 5%, while average observations for intermediate soil moisture values had the lowest information content with σ(θ) > 20%. The differences in information content as a function of the areal average were consistent with the statistical nature of soil moisture that can be interpreted as small range bounded variable. However, this study provides quantitative estimates for the magnitude of the sub-grid and basin scale variability, documenting the utility for applications that require high resolution information. These results form the basis for the investigation of spatial runoff production in response to rainfall and to inform plot scale agriculture applications.",1,,241,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.026,2019-10-15T20:20:15.802129,2019-10-15T22:01:05.061558 vauf7,"Investigating the role of antecedent SMAP satellite soil moisture, radar rainfall and MODIS vegetation on runoff production in an agricultural region","Following results by Crow et al. (2017) [Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, 5495-5503] on the impact of antecedent soil moisture on runoff production, we investigate total runoff production during individual rainfall-runoff events in agricultural landscapes as a function of antecedent soil moisture, total rainfall, and vegetation cover for catchments with drainage areas ranging from 80-1000 km2 in the state of Iowa, USA. For our study, we use Enhanced SMAP soil moisture estimates, the MODIS enhanced vegetation index (EVI), gauge-corrected Stage IV radar rainfall, and USGS streamflow data. We analyze the event runoff ratio as a function of event-scale rainfall, antecedent SMAP soil moisture and soil-moisture-deficit-normalized rainfall for the events in a period from March 31, 2015 to October 31, 2018. Our goal is to confirm the relationships identified by Crow et al. (2017) in heavily managed agricultural landscapes and to refine some of their methodological steps to quantify the role of additional variables controlling runoff production. To this end, we define three different strategies to identify rainfall-runoff events and add a baseflow separation step to better insulate event scale stormflow runoff. We test the effects of antecedent soil moisture, rainfall, and vegetation on the event-scale runoff ratio. The antecedent SMAP soil moisture and event-scale rainfall are found to have significant predictive power in estimating event runoff ratio. Soil moisture deficit-normalized rainfall, introduced as the ratio of event-scale rainfall to available space in top soil before initiation of the event, exhibited a more distinct relationship with runoff ratio. The long-term analysis of runoff ratio, rainfall, and MODIS EVI indicated that, in an agricultural region, vegetation plays a significant role in determining event-scale runoff ratios. The methodology and outcome of our study have direct implications on real-time flood forecasting and long-term hydrologic assessments.",1,,245,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124210,2019-10-15T20:19:06.307485,2019-10-15T22:01:05.035498 uz85j,"Designing and analyzing two non-invasive current sensors using Ampere Force Law (AFL)","Here two different non-invasive current sensors are proposed, modeled and analyzed. The current sensors are based on the Ampere Force Law (AFL), defining the magnetic force between two parallel wire carrying currents. These current sensors can be used for detecting/sensing DC and AC currents as well as their combination in a single wire or multiple wires, and they do not rely on any permanent magnets for operation. In the first configuration, there are two microbeams, in which one of them is at the vicinity of the wire and undergoes the mechanical vibrations due to the magnetic force between the wire and the microbeam. The movement of the microbeam while it is generating a magnetic field induces a current inside another microbeam, which is stationary, as the output signal of the current sensor. In the second configuration, a single composite piezoelectric microbeam is used. The magnetic force between the wire and the piezoelectric microbeam leads the piezoelectric microbeam to move, thus it produces a voltage. Both configurations present extremely low power consumption, which is not dependent on the sensitivity of the current sensors. The dynamic response, sensitivity and power consumption of the current sensors are investigated, compared and discussed.",1,,271,,10.31224/,,2019-10-13T00:10:41.881871,2019-10-13T00:11:02.049678 84enj,"Reactive Programming with the Interpreter pattern, automated parsers.","Reactive programming was popularized by Netflix, with a need for quick stream based processing, for a unified framework of event programming, with JavaX and the introduction of Beans for events and streams, a broad spectrum of applications for data driven, enterprise architectures, in the context of SaaS for a framework for many applications from ubiquitous computing to IIoT are described. This paper is on the formal automation of parsing in the three world scenario of CAS, OOPS and NLP, with a broad definition of algebras, programming languages and natural languages, for stream based event parsing. Keywords: CAS, OOPS, NLP, IIOT, ubiquitous computing, RxJava, Netflix, reactive Computing What: The interpreter design pattern is embedded in RxJava and RxJS to enable the parsing of arbitrary text files. We illustrate this with a SaaS based CDSS and Expert system, with the interpreter for parsing and automated persistence of Case Studies. How: We use an integrated SaaS based expert system using AWS for persistence and text mining. Pre processing is done by a RxJS based client web worker for pre-processing and parsing of case studies and persistence on AWS with Taskoids for rule creation and persistence. Why: The MetaECHO, of the University Of New Mexico is a knowledge democratization movement, to make available specialist practice based expert knowledge through online knowledge sharing and training. In an attempt to make specialist practice available through expert system based CDSS systems, Vayu Vaidya, a research organization, based in Seattle, WA, USA, and HIHT Dehradun, India, is in the process of creating AWS based expert systems to persist all the case studies, presented through the TeleECHO and MetaECHO program. So What: The expert system, with a conversational UI interface to a CDSS system, would make specialist knowledge available 24/7 to the medical community, coupled with the preventive medicine based risk evaluation and medical infotainment information available through Amazon Alexa and IFDB.",1,,225,,10.31224/,,2019-10-13T00:18:46.674980,2019-10-13T00:19:03.287996 8knwq,"Investigation the effect of anodization voltage on the geometrical properties and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanotube arrays for degradation of p-nitrophenol","p-nitrophenol (PNP) is a nitroaromatic compound that poses a potential environmental hazard because of its acute toxicity, high carcinogenicity, low biodegradability and cumulative effect. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes have shown great potential as ideal and powerful photocatalysts in purification of polluted water due to their high photo oxidation, anti-fogging, nontoxicity, good chemical stability and low cost. Therefore, TiO2 nanotube arrays were fabricated by two-step anodization process at 30,40 and 50V; and were used in photocatalytic degradation of organic pollution p-nitrophenol. In order to have the crystal structure, nanotubes were annealed at 450 °C for 2 hours. Characterizing of TiO2 nanotubes were evaluated by FESEM, XRD and Spectrophotometry analyses. Effect of anodization voltage on nanotube’s length and diameter were investigated. The result showed that as anodization voltage increases from 30V to 50V, nanotube’s length, diameter and wall thickness increase linearly from 1.4 μm to 4.8 μm, 45 nm to 100nm and 15nm to 25 nm, respectively. Increasing in anodization voltage lead to enhancement in porosity (0.4-0.5) and roughness factor (109-194) of TiO2 nanotubes, respectively. By investigating kinetic of degradation of p-nitrophenol, it was observed that mechanism of photocatalytic degradation for all samples are followed first order kinetic. The results indicate that amongst all synthesized samples, 50 V sample with 38%, shows the most efficiency in degradation of p-nitrophenol under UV irradiation.",1,,237,,10.31224/,,2019-10-12T00:00:28.954514,2019-10-12T00:00:46.521015 3fykp,"Comparison Position of Solar PV System : College Learning Building South Lampung","Sunlight is energy that can be converted into electrical energy. One of the uses is by applying it to the roof of the building. The application in this building has restrictions such as the placement of the PV modules horizontally and vertically. In the study comparing the results of energy obtained from the PV system with horizontal and vertical positions with a standard degree angle in the direction of azimuth sunlight. Position using the horizontal produces more energy and reaches a performance ratio of more than 80%.",1,,179,,10.31224/,,2019-10-12T00:03:15.324736,2019-10-12T00:03:45.622358 fj3xq,"Crevice corrosion","Today, there is a large number of accepted tests to study crevice corrosion phenomena. The different methodologies can be used for comparing and ranking alloys, quality control, assessing the effects of changes in manufacturing routes and alloy composition on crevice corrosion resistance, as well as in evaluations to determine critical temperatures and potentials and induction times. The goal of the chapter is to describe the various standard test methods available to the corrosion specialist as well as adaptations to study specific crevice corrosion parameters. The focus is on test methods developed by the ASTM Committee G-1 on corrosion of metals, but other procedures are also included. While the test principles have been applied to many alloy systems, the scope of the chapter is on stainless steels and nickel-based alloys.",1,,314,,10.31224/,,2019-10-10T11:05:25.533873,2019-10-10T11:15:42.875486 9w84y,"Analysis of 2D Turbulence in a Taylor-Couette Flow","This work deals with the simulation of a 2D turbulence in Taylor-Couette flows. We investigate if a laminar flow acts as a global attractor in 2D for large Reynolds number, or do other stable states exist. Since in case of channel flows, the laminar flow seems to be a global attractor, the question is if shear flows themselves show such behavior in curved geometries. While working, another interesting physical observation was made about the non-monotonic relaxation to the laminar flow: Starting from values significantly higher than laminar, the total kinetic energy decreases to a lesser value and then grows back to give the laminar flow. This phenomenon is studied in some detail and a possible reason for this is then examined. The work also investigates the creation and destruction of vortices inside the domain and draws observations based on the sign of the vortices relative to the vorticity of the laminar flow. Since the creation and subsequent death of turbulence is a very interesting observation and can only be seen in 2D, it is studied extensively.",1,,301,,10.31224/,,2019-10-10T11:02:59.793052,2019-10-10T11:11:04.323783 87y2r,"AWS and Automation: A Case study II","ISP content can be readily added using the AWS CLI, in the form of ASK CLI or SFB CLI, to an existing skill. We can add premium content, in a product list [P], or consumables [C] or a subscription [S]. Even other skill content can be integrated as a premium content. In this paper we introduce taskoid machine genome , TAISPv1.0 for ISP integration, as a case study in intent machine evolution and code generator modules, modules for JSON creation and JSON compiling on AWS S3 with restful state transfer. Keywords: Taskoids, AWS, Alexa Skills, JSON, Rest, microservices, ASK CLI, SFB CLI. What: We define premium content as [[S], [C], [P]], a list of subscriptions, consumables and products for premium content. We define the stack in cloud formation, for the integration of premium content, generation of JSON objects and the building and deployment of the skill in CI/CD. How: ASK CLI script to template for a JSON generator, integrated with a cloud formation stack. SFB CLI for ISP integration and JSON generation from an .abc content. AWS integration of embedded Alexa controls and commands as ISP, for IOT or mobile integration, with a cloud formation stack, similar to Why: ISP content helps monetize skills in the freemium model, providing essential basic content with optional premium content usually in the form of product or service promotions and/ or premium content. This helps raise profits for an organization, bring in brand loyalty and equity, increase customer equity and intend to purchase.",1,,233,,10.31224/,,2019-10-10T11:10:36.376325,2019-10-10T11:19:03.180829 8gmch,"The influence of cell size on the mechanical properties of nanocellular PMMA","Solid-state foaming experiments are conducted on three grades of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Nanocellular PMMA foams are manufactured with an average cell size ranging from 20 nm to 84 nm and a relative density between 0.37 and 0.5. For benchmarking purposes, additional microcellular PMMA foams with an average cell size close to 1 ìm and relative density close to that of the nanocellular foams are manufactured. Uniaxial compression tests and single edge notch bend tests are conducted on the PMMA foams. The measured Young's modulus and yield strength of the PMMA foams are independent of cell size whereas the fracture toughness of the PMMA foam increases with decreasing average cell size from the micron range to the nanometer range.",1,,289,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.polymer.2019.121805,2019-10-08T00:34:07.831080,2019-10-08T00:34:22.216936 2jm53,"The mechanics of solid-state nanofoaming","Solid-state nanofoaming experiments are conducted on two polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) grades of markedly different molecular weight using CO2 as the blowing agent. The sensitivity of porosity to foaming time and foaming temperature is measured. Also, the microstructure of the PMMA nanofoams is characterized in terms of cell size and cell nucleation density. A one-dimensional numerical model is developed to predict the growth of spherical, gas-filled voids during the solid-state foaming process. Diffusion of CO2 within the PMMA matrix is sufficiently rapid for the concentration of CO2 to remain almost uniform spatially. The foaming model makes use of experimentally calibrated constitutive laws for the uniaxial stress versus strain response of the PMMA grades as a function of strain rate and temperature, and the effect of dissolved CO2 is accounted for by a shift in the glass transition temperature of the PMMA. The maximum achievable porosity is interpreted in terms of cell wall tearing and comparisons are made between the predictions of the model and nanofoaming measurements; it is deduced that the failure strain of the cell walls is sensitive to cell wall thickness.",1,,234,,10.31224/,10.1098/rspa.2019.0339,2019-10-08T00:33:19.797988,2019-10-08T00:33:42.926673 e5wn3,"Damage assessment of CNT-doped composites through IR-thermography and electrical resistance measurement","Rooted in their heterogeneous microstructure, composite materials possess high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios, making them essential building blocks for a wide range of industrial applications. However, their complicated microstructure makes it difficult to predict the failure mechanism and residual life under varying external loads. The in-situ health monitoring system has received much attention in recent years as one of the promising solutions for the aforementioned limitations of composite material. In this research, we suggest a coupled health monitoring system where IR thermography and electrical resistance measurement are utilized simultaneously to diagnose the damage state of the composite materials during tensile testing. The deformation and failure timeline of GFRP under quasi-static tensile loading could be subdivided into three characteristic regions, here named as damage levels, characterized by i) elastic deformation without damage formation, ii) formation of distributed micro-damages, and iii) enlargement of concentrated damage. By employing a multiphysics simulation framework, we modeled the interplay between physical phenomena occurring in three damage stages, involving crack propagation, variation in the temperature profile and electrical resistance. The results also allowed us to have an estimation of the ‘damage stress(σD)’, a value that represents the onset of micro-damage, which has a negligible effect on the elastic properties, but might be dangerous under cyclic loading.",1,,322,,10.31224/,,2019-10-06T00:48:52.986765,2019-10-06T00:49:23.102452 trw3g,"Partial Packets in Wireless Networks: A Review","Data transmission in wireless networks is vulnerable to errors, due to the nature of wireless characteristics. As a result, corrupted packets are a common case in wireless data transmissions. Many techniques have been proposed to tackle these issues and one of the recommended techniques is the partial packet recovery (PPR) scheme. There are various existing PPR methods that have been proposed, in the last two decades, in wireless networks. In addition, recent works have shown the possibility of network coding along with its capabilities in recovering the partial packets. This paper presents a review study of PPR approaches in wireless networks. We classify the approaches into several groups based on the soft information in the PHY layer. Furthermore, we describe the PPR techniques that have used in each of these groups. Our studies found that there are twenty-four protocols have been proposed using PPR to improve the performance in wireless networks.",1,,364,,10.31224/,10.1049/iet-com.2019.0550,2019-10-04T23:27:42.389205,2019-11-13T02:47:58.096316 gmzn5,"Algorithmic-Information Theory interpretation to the Traveling Salesman Problem","The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a important optimization problem in computer science, mathematics and logistics. It belongs to the class of NP-Hard problems and can be very time consuming to find solutions to large instances with guarantee optimality. As number of city-nodes in the graph increases, the amount of valid route tours also growths rapidly and thus requiring considerable time to evaluate and classify each permutation. The objective of the heuristic process is to search the solution space for the optimal solution while maximizing the attached utility-cost function (i.e. finding the shortest euclidean distance tour) and minimizing the computational time complexity of the algorithm. Many complex real world scenarios can be reduced to a simulation of a salesman trying to find the shortest (length) Hamiltonian (cycle) route in a euclidean super-graph G*. If each city-node is modeled as a input symbol in a communication channel represented by an output pair with consistent probabilities distribution thus an polynomial-time probabilistic algorithm can use this information to improve the solution quality at the same rate of transmission of information over the channel. In this paper we explore an quantitative stochastic process based in Algorithm Information Theory and the Shannon-Kelly criterion to find valid near optimal solutions using a new growth- optimal strategy applied to the TSP problem that have statistically significant transmission rate even when no encoding scheme is available, regardless of time-complexity of the problem. Previous heuristics such as 2 opt, Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) approach’s the TSP problem by relying on a priori knowledge about the data distribution in order to reduce the probability of error in finding the best candidate solution tour. In this work we propose a method that models the solution space boundaries of the TSP problem as a communication channel by means of Information Theory. We describe a search algorithm that check for patterns (i.e information content) in the elements of a constrained solution space modeled as messages transmitted through communication systems. The boundaries of the search space are defined by the Kolmogorov complexity of the candidate solutions sequences. We conclude with an discussion about the quality of the results and implications for general decision problem in Turing machines.",1,,346,,10.31224/,,2019-10-04T23:25:40.633855,2019-10-04T23:26:04.867926 mgnx2,"Effective design of in-home displays","Demand-side management is widely considered a key tool to achieve the decarbonization on the energy sector. In this regard, providing end users with detailed information about their consumption patterns is key in order to enable them to make informed decisions to reduce or adapt their energy consumption. This requires the deployment of feedback interactive technologies such as in-home displays, dedicated apps/web portals, or ambient interfaces. There have been extensive research and numerous pilot experiences on the effect of these technologies on end-user behavior, which identified the importance of an appropriate device design to achieve the desired demand response. However, a clear framework to design these feedback technologies in order to ensure the desired behavioral change does not exist. In order to fill this gap, this paper presents an exhaustive review of existing research on feedback, focusing especially on interactive devices. This review has resulted in the identification of ten key parameters that should be taken into account by device designers, including the type and form of the information provided (medium, units, disaggregation level, comparisons, goal setting), design of the interface and devices themselves, the possible inclusion of penalties and rewards, and privacy concerns. Recommendations to implement them in such a way that end-user interaction and response is maximized are provided. These recommendations would jointly make in-home displays more effective in creating the desired household behavioral change to maximize energy conservation. Moreover, critical areas where further research is necessary before a sound recommendation can be made are identified.",1,,317,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.rser.2019.109301,2019-10-03T17:24:06.700820,2019-10-04T08:24:10.800942 ad8en,"Migration from POW to POS for Ethereum","Block-chain is rapidly evolving. There are continuous enhancements. In order to validate transactions algorithm is used. The traditional approach of Proof of Work (POW) is where miners are incentivized to compete with each other to complete transactions. Alternate system is proof of stake (POS) where in the validators lock up some of their tokens and thus replace the role of miners. Generation three block chain, which are the latest and fastest ones are mostly Proof of Stake (POS). Hence the POW systems seek to leverage the POS properties in order to attain higher speed and scalability. The paper discusses the approach with Ethereum has taken to migrate from the current POW protocol to POS protocol. The concept of Caster is focused as implementation. Casper further has two subtypes of approaches know as Friendly Finality Gadget (FFG) and Correct by Construction (CBC). The paper discusses on safety guard over these algorithms.",1,,319,,10.31224/,,2019-10-01T14:22:23.474514,2019-10-06T07:34:41.047791 w9m4y,"Analysis of the efficiency of wind turbine gearboxes using the temperature variable","The aim of this paper is to evaluate how lubricant selection affects gearbox efficiency and overall energy production by analysing real data from wind farms, monitored and controlled by a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA system). The turbines analysed worked with two or more oil types for the same amount of hours, which allowed to establish relations between the active power curves and wind velocity; oil temperature inside gearboxes and wind velocity; and oil temperature inside gearboxes and active power production. The results of this study evidenced a direct relation between oil characteristics and energy efficiency i.e. gearboxes working with mineral oil perform better then gearboxes working with synthetic oils. Those differences can be significant in terms of active power production. Also, it was observed oil degradation as function of temperature increase, with changes on viscosity, which reveals that temperature behaviour along the active power curve is strongly related to oil’ characteristics.",1,,422,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.renene.2018.12.040,2019-09-30T14:05:38.989770,2019-10-01T01:46:22.249324 e24rb,"A scalable and modular Material Point Method for large-scale simulations","In this paper, we describe a new scalable and modular material point method (MPM) code developed for solving large-scale problems in continuum mechanics. The MPM is a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, which uses both moving material points and computational nodes on a background mesh. The MPM has been successfully applied to solve large-deformation problems such as landslides, failure of slopes, concrete flows, etc. Solving these large-deformation problems result in the material points actively moving through the mesh. Developing an efficient parallelisation scheme for the MPM code requires dynamic load-balancing techniques for both the material points and the background mesh. This paper describes the data structures and algorithms employed to improve the performance and portability of the MPM code.",1,,126,,10.31224/,,2019-09-29T23:22:22.227387,2019-09-29T23:27:03.459381 2qxpe,"Free space transmission lines in receiving antenna operation","This work derives exact expressions for the voltage and current induced into a two conductors non isolated transmission lines by an incident plane wave. The methodology is to use the transmission line radiating properties to derive scattering matrices and make use of reciprocity to derive the response to the incident wave. The analysis is in the frequency domain and it considers transmission lines of any small electric cross section, incident by a plane wave from any incident direction and any polarisation. The analytic results are validated by successful comparison with ANSYS commercial software simulation results, and compatible with other published results.",1,,274,,10.31224/,,2019-09-29T15:13:31.414697,2019-09-29T15:13:46.982457 rcygq,"Evolution of Microstructures on Stainless Steel induced by Ultra-Short Laser Ablation","Ultra-short pulsed laser ablation of stainless steel is accompanied by the evolution of different microstructures. Depending on the fuence, accumulated energy and number of laser passes cones from impurities, laser induced periodic surface structures and conelike protrusion (CLP) evolve at the surface. These often unwanted morphologies can be inhibited by carefully choosing the strategy and laser parameters. Here, the identifed region shows a small processing window for designed 515nm sub 1 ps ablation leading to low surface roughness. CLP are still not well understood and here a pre-cursor structure is reported. Subsequently, the CLP growth is grain orientation and polarization dependent and studied in more depth. Preferentially, CLP start to evolve at the (101) grain orientations with linear polarized laser radiation. Moreover, a nanoindentation study reveals robust mechanical properties, which could be beneficial for tribology applications in the hydrodynamic regime.",1,,375,,10.31224/,10.1007/s42452-020-2447-3,2019-09-26T20:31:44.474728,2020-03-16T11:13:29.374563 863un,"Short and Spaced Twisted Tapes to Mitigate Fouling in Tubular Membranes","Static mixers are an efficient means to mitigate membrane fouling as they deflect the fluid, thus increasing the shear rate at the membrane surface and enhancing back-transport of rejected matter. However, inserting static mixers in the flow channel of a membrane imposes an additional pressure drop. To decrease this detrimental effect of static mixers, we shorten twisted tape mixers and investigate how this shortening translates into a reduction of fouling mitigation. We follow two approaches known from heat transfer enhancement: i) shorten the total length of the twisted tape and ii) use regularly spaced short twisted tape elements which are kept at their position by smooth rods placed in between the twisted elements. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is applied to analyze the flow pattern, the shear rate at the membrane and the resulting pressure drop. The results allow for the selection of modified twisted tape mixers with lower pressure loss, but sufficient flow properties for fouling mitigation. The most promising mixer designs were selected according to the CFD study, 3D-printed, and their fouling mitigation effect experimentally investigated using silica suspensions. Additionally, the effect of foulant concentration in this system is analyzed. For low silica concentrations (0.03 g/L) the short and spaced twisted tapes mitigate fouling as efficiently as the full-length twisted tape. At high silica concentrations and fluxes, the full-length mixer mitigates fouling more strongly than the short and spaced twisted tapes. However, the modified twisted tapes prove to be more energy-efficient up to a certain fouling exposure.",1,,256,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2019.117426,2019-09-25T13:38:40.713757,2019-09-25T13:39:05.576671 fjym3,"The study of progressive collapse in dual systems","Throughout this paper, progressive collapse of steel structure with dual system considering the removing column scenario is studied. Due to this objective, two lateral load resisting systems, are modeled in ABAQUS software with omitting various columns, and the performance of systems against progressive collapse are compared with each other. The results represent that whenever a structure is experiencing an unusual external load such as the collision of a vehicle, the most critical columns are those placed at the nearest external frame of the structure. Thus, these members should be considered as highly important members because they could play a significant role in progressive collapse potential reduction as key members.",1,,193,,10.31224/,,2019-09-25T13:37:13.266005,2019-09-25T13:38:02.702081 xzmby,"QUANTUM ANNEALING OPTIMIZATION OF A HEURISTIC SURROGATE MODEL FOR PWR FUEL LOADING","An efficient fuel arrangement must be generated by PWR operators every 6–18 months. This complex problem has been extensively researched with two broad approaches, heuristic and stochastic methods becoming accepted. This initial study qualitatively introduces the concept of encoding full-core PWR fuel loading patterns into a form suitable for quantum annealing. The concepts of adiabatic quantum computers and quantum annealing are introduced and a surrogate model encoding of a set of heuristics for loading pattern design produced in a form suitable for use in present-day quantum annealers. The simulated results show significant similarity to benchmark loading patterns.",1,,375,,10.31224/,,2019-09-24T13:56:47.083364,2019-09-25T13:21:40.572613 aq3dt,"SURROGATE MODEL OPTIMIZATION OF A ‘MICRO CORE’ PWR FUEL ASSEMBLY ARRANGEMENT USING DEEP LEARNING MODELS","This paper investigates the applicability of surrogate model optimization (SMO) using deep learning regression models to automatically embed knowledge about the objective function into the optimization process. This paper demonstrates two deep learning SMO methods for calculating simple neutronics parameters. Using these models, SMO returns results comparable with those from the early stages of direct iterative optimization. However, for this study, the cost of creating the training set outweighs the benefits of the surrogate models.",1,,299,,10.31224/,,2019-09-24T13:55:58.088590,2019-09-28T17:35:28.834540 bf3du,"Aerocapture Performance Analysis for a Neptune Mission Using a Heritage Blunt-Body Aeroshell","The large navigation and atmospheric uncertainties at Neptune have historically driven the need for a mid-lift-to-drag L/D vehicle with L/D of 0.6--0.8. All planetary entry vehicles flown to date are low-L/D blunt-body aeroshells with L/D less than 0.4. The lack of a heritage mid-L/D aeroshell presents a long pole for Neptune aerocapture, as the development and testing of a new entry vehicle incurs significant cost, risk, and time. Techniques which may allow Neptune aerocapture to be performed using heritage low-L/D blunt-body aeroshells are investigated, and obviate the need for mid-L/D aeroshells. A navigation study is performed to quantify the delivery errors, and a new guidance algorithm with on-board density estimation is developed to accommodate atmospheric uncertainties. Monte Carlo simulation is used to analyze aerocapture performance of a vehicle with L/D = 0.4. One hundred percent of the cases captured successfully and show a 99.87% probability of achieving the desired science orbit with a total of 396 m/s propulsive Delta V budget, even with worst-case atmospheric uncertainties.",1,,394,,10.31224/,,2019-09-20T20:16:26.240674,2019-09-20T20:16:43.651496 v74eq,"Mining Minimal Map-Segments for Visual Place Classifiers","In visual place recognition (VPR), map segmentation (MS) is a preprocessing technique used to partition a given view-sequence map into place classes (i.e., map segments) so that each class has good place-specific training images for a visual place classifier (VPC). Existing approaches to MS implicitly/explicitly suppose that map segments have a certain size, or individual map segments are balanced in size. However, recent VPR systems showed that very small important map segments (minimal map segments) often suffice for VPC, and the remaining large unimportant portion of the map should be discarded to minimize map maintenance cost. Here, a new MS algorithm that can mine minimal map segments from a large view-sequence map is presented. To solve the inherently NP hard problem, MS is formulated as a video-segmentation problem and the efficient point-trajectory based paradigm of video segmentation is used. The proposed map representation was implemented with three types of VPC: deep convolutional neural network, bag-of-words, and object class detector, and each was integrated into a Monte Carlo localization algorithm (MCL) within a topometric VPR framework. Experiments using the publicly available NCLT dataset thoroughly investigate the efficacy of MS in terms of VPR performance.",1,,222,,10.31224/,,2019-09-20T02:52:22.831419,2019-09-20T02:52:43.083963 qhgcx,"Fault-Diagnosing SLAM for Varying Scale Change Detection","In this paper, we present a new fault diagnosis (FD) -based approach for detection of imagery changes that can detect significant changes as inconsistencies between different sub-modules (e.g., self-localization) of visual SLAM. Unlike classical change detection approaches such as pairwise image comparison (PC) and anomaly detection (AD), neither the memorization of each map image nor the maintenance of up-to-date place-specific anomaly detectors are required in this FD approach. A significant challenge that is encountered when incorporating different SLAM sub-modules into FD involves dealing with the varying scales of objects that have changed (e.g., the appearance of small dangerous obstacles on the floor). To address this issue, we reconsider the bag-of-words (BoW) image representation, by exploiting its recent advances in terms of self-localization and change detection. As a key advantage, BoW image representation can be reorganized into any different scaling by simply cropping the original BoW image. Furthermore, we propose to combine different self-localization modules with strong and weak BoW features with different discriminativity, and to treat inconsistency between strong and weak self-localization as an indicator of change. The efficacy of the proposed approach of FD with/without combining AD and/or PC was experimentally validated.",1,,299,,10.31224/,,2019-09-20T02:50:44.368395,2019-09-20T02:51:02.809389 u945r,"LIMITED RESOURCES OPTIMIZATION OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES WITH A LINEAR INTEGER PROGRAMMING APPROACH","If the availability of resources in the service center is very adequate, services can be carried out optimally, but we cannot be sure in this situation and even if excessive resources can also result in wasteful costs. If the number of requests more than the number of resources available at the service center can result in non-fulfillment of service requests, this can lead to a long queue of service requests, and if the demand for health care comes from an emergency patient (prioritized patient) can definitely cause this problem to die need to be handled better so as not to cause harm to service providers and patients as service recipients. Health service requests by patients that provide information about the location and type of service desired will be received by the service provider / server connected to the internet service, so that health care request information can be scheduled by the server (hospital health). Communication between the resources available on the server allocates time for each health service that maximizes the limited use of resources to meet the patient's health service needs. The purpose of this study is to simulate the Smart Health model on health services using linear integer programming, so that the resulting model can solve the problem of limited available resources that can serve all requests so that services and services can be done quickly, so as to reduce the risk of losing lives or risks that can endanger the patient. From the new models produced, this maximizes health services and minimizes the time of arrival of medical personnel at the place of request, where when patients request treatment for medical care from the hospital, health care will be provided according to the patient's request.",1,,272,,10.31224/,,2019-09-20T02:48:31.485264,2019-09-20T02:48:43.095246 3smqp,"Voltage dip diagnosis in electrical distribution systems using extreme learning machines: an empirical evaluation","An inefficient operation of the utility grid can be inferred from low power quality indexes. Under such conditions, reductions in the useful life of equipments and loads, grid instabilities, service interruptions and breakdowns can be expected, which would produce meaningful economic losses for the end-users as well as for the power supply company. In this context, it is useful to have a diagnosis tool able to identify the underlying cause of a given disturbance. This article proposes a one-step extreme learning machine-based method for the diagnosis of voltage dips detected on an electrical distribution grid. The proposed method was evaluated on the basis of synthetic data generated by the simulation of a real power grid. The performance of 10 hyperparameter combinations on the diagnosis of 20 different classes of voltage dips was assessed through two different strategies, i.e.: 1) a one-for-all approach, with a common classifier for all disturbance classes; and 2) a one-against-all approach, with a classifier per disturbance class. It was proven that strategy 2) has a better generalization ability and lower training and testing times. The obtained results suggest the potential of the proposed approach for power quality disturbance diagnosis, and open the challenge of formulating further hypotheses to be assessed.",1,,492,,10.31224/,,2019-09-19T19:32:57.982801,2019-09-19T19:33:22.537079 nyqug,"Effective Plans for Hospital System Response to Earthquake Emergencies","Hospital systems play a critical role in treating injuries and preventing additional deaths during disaster emergency response. Natural disasters hinder the ability of hospital systems to operate at full capacity. Therefore, it is important for cities to develop policies and standards that enable hospitals' continuous operations to provide patients with timely treatment and ensure urban resilience. Here, we present a methodology to evaluate emergency response based on a probabilistic model that assesses the loss of hospital functions and quantifies multiseverity injuries as a result of earthquake damage. The proposed methodology is able to design effective plans for patient transferal and allocation of medical resources using an optimization formulation. This methodology is applied to Lima, Peru, subjected to a disaster scenario based on the M 8.0 earthquake that occurred there in 1940. Our results show that the spatial distribution of health service demands mismatches the post-earthquake capacities of hospitals, leaving large zones on the periphery of Lima significantly underserved. This study demonstrates how emergency plans that leverage hospital-system coordination can address this demand-capacity mismatch, enabling effective patient transfers, ambulance usage, and deployment of emergency medical teams.",1,,402,,10.31224/,,2019-09-19T19:30:25.980391,2019-09-19T19:30:44.522162 y6dut,"Designing A Protective Relay for Differential Protection of Power Transformers Using Clarks Transform and S Transform","Given that power transformers are one of the most important components of each network, their protection is an important part that the power transformer errors must be accurately identified and distinguished from each other. Therefore, identification and differentiation of transient phenomena of power transformers, including internal and external errors and magnetic inrush current are essential. In this research, Clarke transform and S transform were used to distinguish between these phenomena that the proposed algorithm is very suitable in terms of three characteristics of accuracy, speed and computational cost. Initially, the simulation of internal, external errors and magnetic inrush current of the transformer was performed for different transformer scenarios. For this purpose, 1060 signal tests were performed under different conditions. Subsequently, the signals of differential current obtained by Clarke transformation and S transformation were analyzed and appropriate criteria were extracted for detecting the current of internal errors from external errors and inrush current. The simulated internal and external errors include three- phase, three-phase to ground, two- phase, two- phase to ground and phase to ground error. Simulations were performed using PSCAD software and implementation of the proposed algorithm in MATLAB environment. The results of this study prevent the unwanted performance of differential protection to prevent undesirable electrifying. It is clear that the description of transient phenomena is the first step towards improving new ideas and criteria for protection with the greater reliability of power transformer which can be controlled better such unusual conditions that are currently used in equipment and relay.",1,,308,,10.31224/,,2019-09-18T01:32:22.381500,2019-09-18T01:32:45.883992 4cjq2,"Design Report ISWTC 2019","The objective of this report is to study and design a small wind turbine for the International Small Wind Turbine Competition 2019. A team was composed for this task from multiple disciplines and at different stages of their study. Later on, sub-teams were formed and tasks were divided and distributed to the team members depending on their affinity, knowledge and skill expertise. The tasks mainly involved the design of elements, material selection, design calculations, software simulation tests, and design documentation.",1,,221,,10.31224/,,2019-09-17T13:52:27.799430,2019-09-30T11:00:48.073845 dth7v,"Computational Analysis of High Lift Generating Airfoils for Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbines","The present study aims to asses the aerodynamic performance of Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT) using high lift generating airfoils in the construction of the shroud/diffuser. The study is a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis which is carried out using Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations. The flow across the duct and rotor blades, which are modeled as an actuator disk (AD), is analyzed. Various High-Lift generating airfoils and their geometries were taken into consideration and analyzed with additional geometric modifications, such as a flange, to improve flow through the AD and increase the augmentation factor",1,,242,,10.31224/,,2019-09-17T13:51:47.678183,2019-09-22T15:21:23.174167 kzbcr,"The Potential for Ducted Wind Turbines in an Urban Environment","This article discusses the applicability of Ducted Wind Turbines for decentralized energy generation in an urban environment. Ducted Wind Turbines overcome various constraints posed by urban infrastructure including reduced wind speed, effect of the atmospheric boundary layer as well as lesser space availability. Ducted Wind Turbines present a new way of sourcing energy at a local level, aiding community based models of energy distribution and consumption. The main aim of the present letter is to propose Ducted Wind Turbines as a precursor for energy production in urban, peri-urban as well as rural areas around the world.",1,,298,,10.31224/,,2019-09-17T13:50:42.433843,2019-09-17T14:05:42.131952 mypt7,"Vigilance Enhancement Using Traditional Methods: A Review","This paper presents a review on vigilance enhancement using traditional methods and discusses their contradictory findings. The review highlights the key differences between research findings and argues that individual differences could be a significant contributing factor to the controversial results. In this paper, we found that, traditional enhancement methods are reliable and have significant effects on reducing vigilance decrement. The paper discusses the challenges toward the enhancement techniques and provides evidence to use the traditional enhancement on vigilance studies, regardless of their variations with individual differences.",1,,194,,10.31224/,,2019-09-16T16:09:41.986698,2019-09-16T16:10:07.715405 p5wg9,"Micromechanics-based prediction of the effective properties of piezoelectric composite having interfacial imperfections","We derive an analytical expression to predict the effective properties of a particulate reinforced piezoelectric composite with interfacial imperfections using a micromechanics based mean–field approach. We correctly derive the analytical formula of the modified Eshelby tensor, the modified concentration tensor, and the effective property equations based on the modified Mori–Tanaka method in the presence of interfacial imperfections. Our results are validated against finite element analyses (FEA) for the entire range of interfacial damage levels, from a perfect to a completely disconnected and insulated interface. For the facile evaluation of the nontrivial tensorial equations, we adopt the Mandel notation to perform tensor operations with 9 x 9 symmetric matrix operations. We apply the method to predict the effective properties of a representative piezoelectric composite consisting of PVDF and SiC reinforcements.",1,,164,,10.31224/,,2019-09-16T16:06:55.900978,2019-09-16T16:07:23.763493 kawxb,"Vigilance Enhancement Using Computerized Techniques","This paper presents a review on vigilance enhancement using computerized means and discusses their contradictory findings. It highlights the key differences between research findings and argues that variations in experimental protocol could be a significant contributing factor to the controversial results. In this paper, we found that, computerized means of enhancement are reliable and have significant effects on reducing vigilance decrement. The paper discusses the challenges toward the enhancement techniques and suggests several alternative strategies to reduce vigilance decrement. Furthermore, this review provides evidence to use computerized means of enhancement on vigilance studies, regardless of their practical challenges.",1,,403,,10.31224/,,2019-09-15T16:05:44.280514,2019-09-15T16:06:02.798024 xtacw,"A Unified Framework for Aerocapture Systems Analysis","A unified framework for aerocapture systems analysis studies is presented, taking into account the interconnected nature of interplanetary trajectory design and vehicle design. One of the limitations of previous aerocapture systems studies is their focus on a single interplanetary trajectory for detailed subsystem level analysis. The proposed framework and aerocapture feasibility charts enable a mission designer to perform rapid trajectory and vehicle design trade-offs, and is illustrated with its application to a Neptune mission. The approach can be applied to other atmosphere-bearing Solar System destinations. The framework can be be implemented in an aerocapture software suite to enable rapid mission design studies.",1,,358,,10.31224/,,2019-09-14T20:15:02.328947,2019-09-14T20:15:23.006793 xzg7k,"Sense- boarding algorithm in superscalar, scalable multicore and data-inspired processors.","A new algorithm of data dependencies and ILP is defined with the sense index of a thread in true-parallelism(™), from the definitions of Quasi-Parallelism, which is the sensitivity and sense indices defined for true scalability between single/multi-cores. The application to the CUDA architecture is delineated in formal architectural definitions. Keywords: CUDA architectures, superscalar, ILP, data prediction, sense sensitivity index. What: Out of order processing in a pipeline, can be optimized with the sense-boarding processor. In this single to multi-core scalable architecture, the processor is thread-centric with sleeping and active threads. Sleeping threads have a sense() function associated with them. Unlike their human counterparts, snoring is a useful feature that helps keep sensitive threads awake and running. sense-boarding is a scheduling algorithm that tracks the sensitivity indices of threads to snoring and helps schedule threads with dependency relationships for out of order execution. How: sense boarding is a board based dependency for instruction-level parallelism in multi-thread vector processing in out of order single-core/multicore symmetries. Inter thread dependencies of data are marked in a board data-structure by maps to define sensitivity and sense indices, sense functionality is useful in the case of dependencies, resource waiting and speculative execution or in data generation and prediction. sense determines the relationship in instruction-level parallelism, to sensitive out of order and data speculation. The application to the CUDA architecture for stream processing in GPUs is also mentioned. Algorithms are: Instruction level parallelism in sense-sensitivity index metrics: Data speculation , dirty caches, parallel pipeline algorithms. Scalability in single core/ multi core implementations. CUDA multi core architectures for stream speculation and instruction level parallelism. Why: Sleep is rest, and sense a measure of thread parallel-ness. While threads sleep for the right time, the awake ones perform in quasi-parallelism as HPC. Asynchronous with Lamport clocks.",1,,1063,,10.31224/,,2019-09-13T19:42:26.920214,2019-09-13T19:42:45.598411 qg8er,"Study of Interactive Systems Based on Brain and Computer Interfaces","Scientists have always been looking for ways to create an effective relationship between humans and the machine, so that this relationship is as close as possible to human relationships, since even the most sophisticated machines do not have any particular effect without human intervention. This association results from brain-generated neural responses due to motor activity or cognitive activity. Communication methods include muscle and non-muscle activities that create brain activity or brainwaves and lead to a hardware device to perform a specific task. BCI was originally designed as a communication tool for patients with neuromuscular disorders, but due to recent advances in BCI devices such as passive electrodes, wireless headset, adaptive software, and cost reduction, it has been used to link the rest of the body. The BCI is a bridge between the signals generated by thoughts in our brain and the machines. BCI has been a successful invention in the field of brain imaging, which can be used in a variety of areas, including helping motor activity, vision, hearing, and any damage that the body sustains. The BCI device records brain responses using invasive, semi-invasive and non-invasive methods including Electroencephalography (EEG), Magnetizhenophyllography (MEG), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Brain response using pattern recognition methods to control any translation application. In this article, a review of various techniques for extracting features and classification algorithms has been presented on brain data. A significant comparative analysis of existing BCI techniques is provided.",1,,326,,10.31224/,,2019-09-13T14:05:58.530328,2019-09-13T14:06:22.639656 4pgzn,"Achieving theoretical thermal conductivity and coeffieicent of thermal expansion in a W-Cu composite sheet","W-20wt.%Cu composite sheets with full density and good surface quality were successfully fabricated through an infiltration process followed by a hot rolling. After a total thickness reduction of 75%, the majority of the tungsten (W) particles have been deformed and elongated along the rolling direction. The aspect ratio of the W particles in the composite has reached 2.5. The relative density increases considerably to a maximum value of 99.8% when the rolling ratio increases. The thermal conductivity and microhardness of the W-Cu composites increase significantly with the rolling reduction. On the contrary, the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the composite samples decreases with the rolling ratio. Specifically, after subjected to 75% of thickness reduction, we obtained a large W-Cu thin sheet. This thin sheet demonstrates a low CTE of 7.27×10^-6/K and the highest thermal conductivity of 224.91 W/(m-K); both values are close to the respective theoretical ones.",1,,149,,10.31224/,,2019-09-11T01:18:32.716016,2019-09-11T01:25:35.056797 hyzbx,"Identifying Sensitive Components in Infrastructure Networks via Critical Flows","This paper introduces a novel set of component importance measures that are based on the concept of critical flow. Various research communities have developed techniques for identifying critical components of networks. The methods in this paper extend previous work on flow-based centrality measures by incorporating insights from both critical infrastructure protection and urban planning. The motivation is to provide municipalities with a means of reasoning about the impact of urban interventions. An infrastructure system is represented as a flow network in which demand nodes are assigned both demand values and criticality ratings. Sensitive elements in the network are those that carry critical flows, where a flow is deemed critical to the extent that it satisfies critical demand. A method for computing these flows is presented, and its utility is demonstrated by comparing the new measures to existing flow centrality measures. The paper also shows how the method may be combined with a simple form of reliability analysis.",1,,422,,10.31224/,,2019-09-09T01:09:12.358712,2019-09-10T18:43:34.448212 sthzg,"Future Hydrogen Markets for Transport and Industry - The Impact of CO2 Taxes","The technological lock-in of the transportation and industrial sector can be largely attributed to the limited availability of alternative fuel infrastructures. Herein, a countrywide supply chain analysis of Germany, spanning until 2050, is applied to investigate promising infrastructure development pathways and associated hydrogen distribution costs for each analyzed hydrogen market. Analyzed supply chain pathways include seasonal storage to balance fluctuating renewable power generation with necessary purification, as well as trailer- and pipeline-based hydrogen delivery. The analysis encompasses green hydrogen feedstock in the chemical industry and fuel cell-based mobility applications, such as local buses, non-electrified regional trains, material handling vehicles, and trucks, as well as passenger cars. Our results indicate that the utilization of low-cost, long-term storage and improved refueling station utilization have the highest impact during the market introduction phase. We find that public transport and captive fleets offer a cost-efficient countrywide renewable hydrogen supply roll-out option. Furthermore, we show that, at comparable effective carbon tax resulting from the current energy tax rates in Germany, hydrogen is cost-competitive in the transportation sector by the year 2025. Furthermore, we show that sector-specific CO2 taxes are required to provide cost-competitive green hydrogen supply in both the transportation and industrial sectors.",1,,273,,10.31224/,10.3390/en12244707,2019-09-06T17:11:17.799526,2020-03-05T15:16:56.260530 vw89a,"Developing Low-Cost Inundation Maps for Dam Failures: Modeling and Analysis of a Potential Dam Failure for the Péligre Dam in Haiti","Dam failure relates to significant risk of human lives, property, and the environment protection. Understanding the risk that a dam introduces is significant for making contingency plans. After a dam failure an inundation map is a crucial component to understand the impact of flooding that will occur. This paper takes Péligre Dam in Haiti as the study area, using an innovative approach for producing inundation maps and estimate consequences. This research uses GIS and remote sensing techniques to merge DEM and generate land cover as data preprocessing, and subsequently uses the DSSWISE Lite System to develop the flood simulation and generate an inundation map for further estimation of life loss. It demonstrates the potential for the production of low-cost accurate inundation maps for dam failed emergencies that can be applied in other developing countries. As the result of the simulation with setting of a moderate breach of 100 meters that developed over 1 hour, it was estimated that 65 fatalities would occur and 202 buildings would be destroyed based on it.",1,,183,,10.31224/,,2019-09-08T18:25:54.117034,2019-09-08T18:26:08.342784 wxqg7,"Can a Water Smart Grid Help Society Achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of Water as a Human Right?","In the spirit of measuring what we care about, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide guidelines to measure ``universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.'' In this work, I show where permanent or semi-permanent, autonomous or semi-autonomous technologies (objects, not processes) can measure and induce progress toward those goals and where they cannot. To do this, I apply the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework to each of the seven normative definitions from the SDGs as ``action arenas.'' For each normative definition, I examine if technologies exist or can be created to effect a positive outcome for consumers in that particular action arena using nine evaluative criteria. This analysis is applied to the United States as a case study considering its physical systems, regulations, and governance structures. This work, combined with efforts to translate the United States' systems and structures, can lead to multinational applicability. This paper examines how and when a water smart grid can and cannot be used effectively. I conclude that the material artifacts of a water smart grid can advance the SDG of safety and affordability. However, technology alone cannot assign people to jurisdictions, limiting its ability to advance goals of universal and equitable access.",1,,301,,10.31224/,,2019-09-05T20:00:49.981909,2019-09-05T20:01:03.159651 kc8wf,"Commercial microwave links for urban drainage modelling: The effect of link characteristics and their position on runoff simulations","Commercial microwave links (CMLs), radio connections widely used in telecommunication networks, can provide path-integrated quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) which could complement traditional precipitation observations. This paper assesses the ability of individual CMLs to provide relevant QPEs for urban rainfall-runoff simulations and specifically investigates the influence of CML characteristics and position on the predicted runoff. The analysis is based on a 3-year-long experimental data set from a small (1.3 km2) urban catchment located in Prague, Czech Republic. QPEs from real world CMLs are used as inputs for urban rainfall-runoff predictions and subsequent modelling performance is assessed by comparing simulated runoffs with measured stormwater discharges. The results show that model performance is related to both the sensitivity of CML to rainfall and CML position. The bias propagated into the runoff predictions is inversely proportional to CML path length. The effect of CML position is especially pronounced during heavy rainfalls, when QPEs from shorter CMLs, located within or close to catchment boundaries, better reproduce runoff dynamics than QPEs from longer CMLs extending far beyond the catchment boundaries. Interestingly, QPEs averaged from all available CMLs best reproduce the runoff temporal dynamics. Adjusting CML QPEs to three rain gauges located 2-3 km outside of the catchment substantially reduces the bias in CML QPEs. Unfortunately, this compromises the ability of the CML QPEs to reproduce runoff dynamics during heavy rainfalls. More experimental case studies are necessary to provide specific recommendations on CML preprocessing methods tailored to different water management tasks, catchments and CML networks.",1,,360,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109522,2019-09-04T13:38:29.492634,2019-09-23T10:01:32.710248 5wz7d,"Correlation Transformational operators in Reactive Streams.","Abstract: This paper describes two operators, autocorrelation and with transformational A.I for an event and sensor streams in reactive object-oriented programming. The use of stream-beans and event-beans with multi-sensor integration with application in robotics is illustrated, with use in SLAM and other semantic transfer functions with cloud integration. Keywords: Correlation operators, transformational A.I, Reactive Programming, Correlation operators, EJBs, automated persistence, RxJava, RxJS What: Reactive Programming provides for the application of operators through iterators and the observer pattern on streams. In a previous paper (Bheemaiah 2019) we have extended automated persistence of java beans as EJBs to reactive programming, with the addition of event-beans and stream-beans, we now extend the iterator methods on these beans with cross-correlation and auto-correlation functions. We illustrate this with SLAM algorithms with correlation transformational A.I. We extend the SLAM algorithms to auditory localization. How: We define a transformational A.I based system of correlation algorithms for application to stream beans and event beans. We define its functionality in SLAM and in audio stream based localization of audio sources, both with or without echos. Why: Simultaneous localization and mapping can be achieved through both visual and auditory mechanisms. Localization is traditionally implied to mean the localization in absolute or relative coordinates with the creation of mapping and the additional determination of the pose of a camera for sensory input or a similar auditory localization as a pose in the case of lidar or ultrasound or audible range sound. Localization of sound sources is an extension of correlation-based SLAM algorithms.",1,,240,,10.31224/,,2019-09-02T14:54:01.983107,2019-09-02T14:54:22.474789 yhsbt,"Taskoids: A Formal Definition","Abstract: A formal definition of taskoids with a future market in trading in work credits with carbon credits and the happiness index clock. Taskoids are defined with a machine genome basis as the quantification of the automation of tasks. They stem from the natural programming, mathematical programming and automated persistence cloud model of computing with computer-assisted code generation. In this paper, we formally define a taskoid and use AWS infrastructure as a service to define IAC rules, encrypted in machine genome to customize solutions using AWS for tasks using a machine genome to transcript YAML or JSON representations. Keywords: Taskoids, Quantification, machine genome, cloud computing, YAML, JSON What: Formal Definition of Taskoids. The formal definition of machine genome. Definition and classification of task compatibility as the formulation of automation. Example of an AWS CloudWatch and CloudFormation based JSON based Taskoid. How: Taskoids are meta-programs that use existing codebases and automated coding to encrypt in machine genome a quantIfication of automation. Why: Similar to Soul Machines and Digital DNA of Digital Human designs, we create taskoids with machine genome to easily or automatically configure IAC to an application for a class of task computability.",1,,199,,10.31224/,,2019-08-30T01:01:13.414906,2019-08-30T01:02:03.340259 3ghkf,"Singularity#1 and MFA II. Singularität Nr. 1 und MFA II.","Abstract The Dog-Ears formal system (Bheemaiah, n.d.) is extended with MFA II architecture for the definition of Taskoids, needing adaptable designs and additive printing. We present a formal system to apply the formulation to illustrate Singularity#1 as an MFA II, application. The concept of Singularity and Singularity#1 and the MFA II design philosophy is explained, with an abstract photographic art. Keywords: Dog-Ears, Taskoids, Singularity, Singularity#1, Robotics, Conversational UI, additive printing. What: Singularity#1 is defined as an algorithmic machine evolution like genetic algorithms, in MFA II architecture, with the development of machine learning algorithms for the automated design of hardware and software and additive manufacturing of the hardware.MFA II is a multi-functional architecture, where side effects are primary too in a defined multi-functionality, it is inspired by MFA I architecture of form following function and behaviors from BEAM robotics, while BEAM is analog or mixed, MFA II is digital. Was: Singularity # 1 ist definiert als eine algorithmische Maschinenentwicklung wie genetische Algorithmen in der MFA II-Architektur mit der Entwicklung von Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen für das automatisierte Design von Hardware und Software sowie für die additive Fertigung der Hardware. Es ähnelt der Singularität, die sich durch die Entwicklung von Hardware und Software für maschinelles Lernen durch A.I-Algorithmen auszeichnet. MFA II ist eine multifunktionale Architektur, bei der Nebenwirkungen auch bei einer definierten Multifunktionalität im Vordergrund stehen. Sie ist von der MFA I-Architektur mit Funktionen und Verhaltensweisen der BEAM-Robotik inspiriert, während BEAM analog oder gemischt und MFA II digital ist. How: We illustrate Singularity#1, in non-anthropomorphism in the design of Alexa skills and hardware tools for the sentient bot platform with additive manufacturing. Hardware extensions with the RetroSwitch are defined with a mathematical formulation, and templates with customization for the RetroSwitches and hardware designs are illustrated. TensorFlow is used for a mathematical formulation of MFA II with generalized Tensors. Wie: Wir veranschaulichen Singularität Nr. 1 im Nicht-Anthropomorphismus bei der Entwicklung von Alexa-Fertigkeiten und Hardware-Tools für die Plattform für empfindungsfähige Bots mit additiver Fertigung. Hardware-Erweiterungen mit dem RetroSwitch werden mit einer mathematischen Formulierung definiert, und Vorlagen mit Anpassungen für die RetroSwitches und Hardware-Designs werden veranschaulicht. TensorFlow wird für eine mathematische Formulierung von MFA II mit verallgemeinerten Tensoren mit eingebetteten Unendlichkeiten von Kovarianz und Kontravarianz und einer Konturintegralformulierung verwendet.",1,,158,,10.31224/,,2019-08-30T00:55:55.583746,2019-08-30T00:56:22.065668 t8fsr,"Modeling, Simulation and Control of a Robotic Arm","the precise control upon each degree of freedom of a robotic arm is a great challenge in implementing industrial work. To simplify mechatronics motion control systems design, this paper proposes mathematical modeling, simulation and control of a given electric motor in terms of input volt, Vin and output motions. The proposed model can be used to select, design, test and validate both plant's and motion control design to meet desired output performance. It presents a basic example of PID control applied to a robotic manipulator arm.",1,,2306,,10.31224/,,2019-08-30T00:52:10.627104,2019-08-30T00:52:22.960423 ckuh8,"Simulation of a Three link- Six Musculo Skeletal Arm Activated by Hill Muscle Model","The study of humanoid character is of great interest of researchers in the field of robotics and biomechanics. The one might want to know the forces and torques required to move a limb from an initial position to the desired destination position. Inverse dynamics is a helpful method to compute the force and torques for an articulated body limb. It enables us to know the joint torques required to rotate a link between two positions. Our goal in this study was to control a human-like articulated manipulator for a specific task of path tracking. For this purpose, the human arm was modeled with a three-link planar manipulator activated by Hill muscle model. Applying a proportional controller, values of force and torques applied to the joints were calculated by inverse dynamics and then joints and muscle forces trajectories were computed and presented. To be more accurate to say, the kinematics of the muscle-joint space was formulated by which we defined the relationship between the muscle lengths and the geometry of the links and joints. Secondary, the kinematic of the links was introduced to calculate the position of the end-effector in terms of the geometry. Then, we considered the modeling of Hill muscle dynamics and after calculation of joint torques, finally, we applied them to the dynamics of the three-link manipulator obtained from the inverse dynamics to calculate the joint states, find and control the location of manipulator’s end-effector. The results show that the human arm model was successfully controlled to take the designated path of an ellipse precisely.",1,,147,,10.31224/,,2019-08-29T15:59:18.891395,2019-12-19T04:10:00.377252 f4eq6,"Decentralized Routing Algorithm with Physical Time Windows for Modular Conveyors","We describe a decentralized routing algorithm with physical time windows for modular conveying systems. Existing routing algorithms for modular conveyors are already capable of bi-directional conveying while avoiding conflicts such as collisions, deadlocks, livelocks and starvation effects. In addition to avoiding conflicts, routing algorithms must also select routes that reduce the travel time. No existing algorithm for modular conveyors bases this decision on the expected physical lead time, even though physical lead time directly affects the system throughput. In this publication, we present an algorithm that uses the physical lead time to select routes while avoiding conflicts.",1,,325,,10.31224/,,2019-08-27T14:30:18.502308,2019-08-27T14:35:21.768070 2q43z,"A CUDA-QUDA architecture, Hyperscale-Data Quantum GPUs","Abstract: QUDA is an architecture similar to CUDA for HPC applications of Quantum GPU architectures to be used in conjunction with GPU and MCU based processing. There is no QUDA pipeline similar to a stream processing architecture or an out of order instruction pipeline. True ILP is achieved with a QUDA architecture, which is better than quasi-parallelism in a CUDA or scalar/vector architecture. Keywords: QUDA architecture, HPC, Quantum Cloud, Qiskit, spin waves, spintronic, hyper-data, quantum operating system. What: Quantum Unified Compute Architecture or QUDA architectures is the use of Q and Qiskit for a reconfigurable quantum array architecture on spintronic units with a reconfigurable scheduler for a quantum operating system.",1,,358,,10.31224/,,2019-08-26T22:29:23.100885,2019-08-26T22:29:44.297576 ctzue,"A RELATION BETWEEN LAMINATION PARAMETERS OF STIFFEST POST-BUCKLED COMPOSITE PLATE","The present paper deals with the anisotropic composite plates experiencing postbuckling. The plates have a symmetric lay-up and obey the geometrically non-linear von Karman law. A point-wise relation between the lamination parameters of the stiffest composite plates in postbuckling is derived and analyzed. It is shown that in the considered case not all lamination parameters are independent on each other (one of them is a linearly dependent one). The remaining linearly independent seven components of the lamination parameter vector are some non-linear functions of six parameters describing point-wisely the 2D principal strains and the principal curvatures. The analysis leads to a conclusion that the optimization w.r.t. the lamination parameters only is not sufficient for obtaining an optimal plate lay-up.",1,,304,,10.31224/,,2019-08-26T17:32:42.829029,2019-12-24T13:29:46.929532 8nwfj,"Mapillary based plant distributions of ethnobotanical afforestation.","Abstract: Mapillary is an open-source code base for the use of GPU based Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation of wild images. We propose the creation of an autonomous drone for the automated capture of scientific images of medicinal and edible plants to create geotagged maps of plants on with additional tags on plant sizes, species, and edible and medicinal value. This information is used in the planning of sponsored five or more level afforestation as social and academic forestry for edible and medicinal value. The same research is also useful in planning afforestation on Mars. Keywords: Miyawakis, Mapillary, Seamless Segmentation, FPN, ResNet50, Redtail, Edible and Medicinal Plants, Geotag",1,,191,,10.31224/,,2019-08-22T12:16:30.333710,2019-08-22T12:17:23.514867 wq932,"Design of the Energy Storages for a (Battery) Electric Commuter Train","The use of battery-powered electric commuter trains instead of those which are propelled by internal combustion engines on only partially (or non) electrified railway lines can save considerable amounts of energy and can avoid exhaust emissions to a large extent with comparatively low investment costs. As path to these goals, the railway line, the operating and the trains are modeled for a particularly interesting, real-life example. Then, for the generated models, it is shown how the energy demands of model-compliant (battery) electric commuter trains can be calculated and how their energy storages can be designed. The models and the procedure can also be applied for a large number of comparable dimensioning cases when defining further railway lines, operating and commuter train models, corresponding parameterization as well as the occasionally necessary addition of slope and curvature resistances. The calculation of energy demands and the design of energy storages, however, show that there are a large number of different alternatives for technical specifications as well as decisions relevant to energy efficiency and business management, too. To determine the most suitable solutions, further measures such as the investigation of the effects of intelligent modifications to the underlying models, the development and implementation of computer-aided simulations as well as the construction and testing of real (battery) electric commuter trains make sense.",1,,328,,10.31224/,,2019-08-19T13:45:22.464110,2019-08-19T13:45:43.723277 nw3d8,"Bus holding control of running buses in time windows","This work proposes a periodic bus holding control method where the bus holding times of all running trips are computed simultaneously within each optimization time period; thus, increasing the coordination among running buses to avoid bus bunching. We consider the adverse effects of the bus holding control on the in-vehicle travel times of on-board passengers and formulate holistic bus holding decisions by modeling the bus holding problem as a discrete, nonlinear, constrained optimization problem. Given the computational complexity of the bus holding problem, an alternating minimization approach is introduced for computing the optimal holding times at each optimization instance. The performance of the periodic control method is evaluated against the performance of event-based control methods using 5-month automated vehicle location and automated passenger count data from bus line 1 in Stockholm demonstrating an improvement potential of 5% for the in-vehicle travel times and 11% for the service regularity.",1,,368,,10.31224/,,2019-08-18T20:10:05.293874,2019-08-18T20:10:25.570716 swg4e,"One Green Quantum Computing Tablet Per Child","Abstract: A Paper on the design for the One Quantum Tablet Per Child, the new E-Paper in Graphene and organic polymer on PLA substrate, with a Quantum Ising Glass architecture with spin wave based STT, Quantum Internet for last mile connectivity and a distributed QPU-GPU-MCU architecture for robust scalable fault tolerant computing. Keywords: Graphene, OLED, MCU-QPU-GPU, integration, E-Paper, Quantum Cloud, Quantum Operating systems, E-Learning, Quantum Tablet, Mathematical Truth, Light as New Age Religion.",1,,320,,10.31224/,,2019-08-15T21:32:27.796969,2019-08-15T21:32:44.107087 2ybpq,"Computational Intelligence in Conversational UI, A BotLibre Case Study. A survey paper","This publication is on the computational intelligence of Chat conversational UIs that spans from, NLP, RPA, DNN’s , emergent computing to other paradigms of A.I which also include rule based systems and heuristic definition languages(HDL). The design of the BotLibre conversational UIs is presented as a case study, including future work in improving the knowledge management and database use, from postgre SQL to NoSQL and more sophisticated database clusters. Keywords: conversational UI, botlibre, NLP, Deep Learning, RPA.",1,,386,,10.31224/,,2019-08-15T21:31:38.309084,2019-08-15T21:32:03.076173 d3t8x,"Personality In Conversational UI design.","This paper describes mathematical representations for personality as an emergence, in the design of conversational UI, from voice, video and image. We use SoulMachines conversational UI as a case study, for the determination of data structures for personality definition. This model differs from other models in the existence of several aspects of personalities, with the possibility of the stability of one or more atomic aspects of a personality. Thus naturalness exists for the definition of a personality",1,,205,,10.31224/,,2019-08-15T14:12:00.067940,2019-08-15T14:12:25.726150 chtsa,"Consonant voicing and devoicing","In this project, we investigate consonant voicing and devoicing problems and claim that several acoustic parameters are effective.",1,,173,,10.31224/,,2019-08-15T14:09:44.603448,2019-08-15T14:10:26.609153 gkfp9,"An Empirical Study linking Additive Manufacturing Design Process to success in Manufacturability","This paper characterizes engineering designers’ abilities to re-design a component for additive manufacturing, employing screen capture methods. Additive Manufacturing has garnered significant interest from a wide range of industries, academia and government stakeholders due to its potential to reform and disrupt traditional manufacturing processes. The technology offers unprecedented design freedom and customization along with its ability to process novel and high strength alloys in promising lead times. To harness the maximum potential of this technology, designers are often tasked with creating new products or re-design existing portfolios of traditionally manufactured parts to achieve lightweight designs with better performance. To date, few studies explore the correspondence between design behaviors and manufacturability of final product within an Additive Manufacturing context. This paper presents empirical data from the design processes of six graduate student engineering designers as they re-design a traditionally designed part for additive manufacturing. We compare behaviors through the design task between the study participants with a quantitative measure of the manufacturability and quality of each design. Results indicate opportunities for further research and best practices in design for Additive manufacturing and engineering education practitioners across multiple disciplines.",1,,376,,10.31224/,,2019-08-13T17:06:44.777699,2019-12-11T17:24:42.350659 2mtfu,"Critical Buckling Load of Thin-Walled Plastic Cylinders in Axial and Radial Loading: Overview and FEA Case Study","This technical note discusses the theoretical static buckling load of thin-walled plastic cylinders under axial and radial loading. While the buckling of thin-walled cylinders is a well-researched topic, a variety of new design and manufacturing methods, as well as advances in polymer technologies, have brought plastic structures into prominence in recent years, necessitating a re-examination and exploration of their behavior under buckling loads. This work provides a background review of the problem, a discussion of the appropriate buckling equations, an extensive case study to demonstrate the concepts, and a brief review of some previously developed thin-walled structure reinforcement techniques. The presented work and results are intended to provide a helpful perspective, background review, and starting place for future research on the buckling behavior of thin plastic structures.",1,,483,,10.31224/,,2019-08-12T15:17:20.053378,2019-08-12T15:17:43.032955 xz2ek,"Lean A.I and Automation","Lean A.I is a data mining algorithm that implements the Referendum Algorithms for polls and blog data lakes, to implement the Lean process in an organization. This paper discusses the Referendum Algorithms and its application to the automated implementation of Lean methodology.",1,,203,,10.31224/,,2019-08-09T16:44:32.186590,2019-08-09T16:49:10.245774 zry7h,"DSMC Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flow in a Single-sided and Double-sided Lid-Driven Cavity","The present study is to investigate the behavior of a monoatomic gas enclosed in a cavity with both the top and bottom walls imparting motion to the fluid. The problem is studied for single and double-sided lid-driven flow for various wall velocities as well as parallel and anti-parallel wall motions. These types of flow have many industrial applications such as drying and melt spinning. In contrast to the single-sided flows the vortex patterns obtained in the double-sided flows are different and hence it merits a thorough examination, which is studied in this paper using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. The DSMC method proposed by G.A. Bird is based on the kinetic theory in which the molecular motion is modeled stochastically. The computational model has been implemented in OpenFOAM software using the solver named dsmcFoam. Various flow features have been examined such as eddies and vortices.",1,,359,,10.31224/,,2019-08-09T16:41:31.355891,2019-08-09T16:41:44.195602 w3tnr,"Consonant Voicing Investigation","Obstruct consonant could be detected by energy difference profiles. In thisproject, we investigate algorithm to detect three types of landmarks, [stopclosure], [stop release], [fricative closure]. As a result, Overall detection ratesfor stop closure and release are 71.3% and 82.3% for obstruent landmarks inTIMIT, and fricatives yield 83.2% and 81.9% respectively.",1,,377,,10.31224/,,2019-08-09T16:39:53.440574,2019-08-09T16:40:06.567957 4x9g8,"A Power and Area Efficient CMOS Bandgap Reference Circuit with an Integrated Voltage-Reference Branch","This work presents a compact and low power bandgap voltage reference design using self-biased current mirror circuit. This design eliminates the standard complementary-to-absolute-temperature (CTAT) bipolar device in the voltage-reference branch, reducing the bipolar area by 20 percent. Instead, the design shares the same bipolar device in the main CTAT branch for generating the reference voltage. An additional benefit of eliminating the voltage-reference branch is the reduction of total power consumption by approximately 30 percent. This novel topology reduces power and area of the core bandgap reference circuit without compromising temperature drift performance. Designed, fabricated and functionally tested in a 0.6 um CMOS process. The simulation result shows the temperature coefficient of this design is 6.3 ppm/C for a temperature range of -40C to 125C$. This bandgap reference design occupies a silicon area of 0.018 mm^2 and draws an average quiescent current of 2 uA from a supply voltage of 3.3-5V. The simulated flicker voltage noise is 4.34 uV/sqrt-Hz at 10 Hz.",1,,501,,10.31224/,,2019-08-08T14:11:11.999989,2019-08-09T13:00:01.205229 wnfxp,"Neural Machine Translation with FastMoS","In recent years, machine translation make great progress especially in neural machine translation \cite{Wu:2016:arXiv,luong2015effective,gehring2017convolutional,sutskever2014sequence,tu2016modeling,bahdanau2014neural,kong2019neural}. In \citep{kong2019fast}, they use a fast mos to obtain great performance on some machine translation corpora. In this project, we investigate this method to improve the performance of other machine translation corpora.",1,,181,,10.31224/,,2019-08-08T14:09:03.084559,2019-08-08T14:09:27.877765 4z3vk,"PHYSICAL AND RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF HYPER MODIFIED BITUMENS BY SBS","The asphalt is the important component to link the mineral materials of the road, the asphalt as a viscoelastic material, their mechanical and thermal characteristics insufficient for our region (Southern Algeria), the traditional asphalt which used in Algeria is hard but has his short life, For this reason impose Algeria and other country in the last year to improve the traditional materials of pavement concrete, by adding the polymers that allow to reduce the sensitivity part to temperature and viscous, and increases its flexibility and rigidity. In this study, we modified the asphalt by 5% we called standard modified bitumen and 7.5% noted as the hyper modified bitumen, in this modification we used an SBS, and follow the influence of polymer on asphalt viscosity, their mechanical and rheological characters changes using DMA test. also other tests carried out showed that adding of 7.5% by SBS, increase the rigidity, elasticity and reduce thermal susceptibility, in addition can predict the behavior of asphalt on the road.",1,,258,,10.31224/,,2019-08-07T20:50:37.596957,2019-08-07T20:51:02.963469 c7hsj,"Perfusion 3D Bioprinting with Gelatin and Hydrogel for Vascular Tissue Engineering","Vascular disease is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in developed countries, and thereby necessitates the replacement of diseased artery or vein through surgical intervention. Tissue engineering offers an alternative approach of designing biomaterials for small diameter artery regeneration. Vascular graft infections occur infrequently, with an incidence that varies by surgical site but in general ranges from 0.5% to 6%. Infections of vascular grafts are associated with significant mortality and morbidity risk. Vascularization is also a major problem in tissue engineering, especially for engineering tissues that are thicker than approximately 200 μm. Insufficient vascularization limits the oxygen and nutrient transfer to cells, which can lead to hypoxia and formation of non-uniform tissue structures. Vasculature-like structures are usually multilayer and hollow. They have a complex shape with varying diameters throughout the body. Thus, it is quite difficult to imitate this complex 3D structure using materials similar to native vessels such as hydrogels. Though a few techniques have been explored to fabricate this complex 3D structure, direct bioprinting of such a complex 3D structure on a solid platform in a single step has not been realized. Natural vascular tissues serve as a unique experimental tool for investigating fundamental mechanisms of vascular function and maturation process under 3D flow conditions. The methods have great potential in vascularized tissue fabrication as the vascular channel is simultaneously created while cells and matrix are printed around the channel in desired 3D patterns",1,,429,,10.31224/,,2019-08-07T20:49:20.966090,2019-08-07T20:49:41.949781 3dh9s,"Build Orientation Optimization for Strength Enhancement of FDM Parts Using Machine Learning based Algorithm","The layered fabrication approach induces directional anisotropy and impacts mechanical strength of FDM components significantly. This paper proposes generalized machine learning based parameter optimization framework to determine optimal build orientation for FDM components. The algorithm determines ideal build orientation by maximizing the minimum Factor of Safety (FoS) for the component under prescribed loading conditions ensuring its even distribution. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) coupled with Bayesian algorithm has been employed to accelerate the optimization process. The algorithm begins with an initial sample data collected using brute force approach; uses single layered ANN for approximation and optimization is achieved using Bayesian algorithm. A series of computational experiments considering five different test components has been devised to evaluate the performance and efficacy of the proposed algorithm. These experiments demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can determine the optimum building orientation effectively with certain limitations",1,,473,,10.31224/,10.14733/cadaps.2020.783-796,2019-08-06T15:38:44.253632,2019-11-06T20:21:30.486214 hsjme,"Modeling Hydrogen Networks for Future Energy Systems: A Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Approaches","Common energy system models that integrate hydrogen transport in pipelines typically simplify fluid flow models and reduce the network size in order to achieve solutions quickly. This contribution analyzes two different types of pipeline network topologies (namely, star and tree networks) and two different fluid flow models (linear and nonlinear) for a given hydrogen capacity scenario of electrical reconversion in Germany to analyze the impact of these simplifications. For each network topology, robust demand and supply scenarios are generated. The results show that a simplified topology, as well as the consideration of detailed fluid flow, could heavily influence the total pipeline investment costs. For the given capacity scenario, an overall cost reduction of the pipeline costs of 37% is observed for the star network with linear cost compared to the tree network with nonlinear fluid flow. The impact of these improvements regarding the total electricity reconversion costs has led to a cost reduction of 1.4%, which is fairly small. Therefore, the integration of nonlinearities into energy system optimization models is not recommended due to their high computational burden. However, the applied method for generating robust demand and supply scenarios improved the credibility and robustness of the network topology, while the simplified fluid flow consideration can lead to infeasibilities. Thus, we suggest the utilization of the nonlinear model for post-processing to prove the feasibility of the results and strengthen their credibility, while retaining the computational performance of linear modeling.",1,,512,,10.31224/,,2019-08-06T15:41:02.936923,2019-08-06T15:41:21.985758 aebn7,"Evolutionary computing in neuronal modeling","The efficacy of genetic algorithms in the design of models that model specific and experimental aspects of action potentials in a wide variety of organisms is proven. A specific example of a plant action potential is used to illustrate the use of genetic algorithms in the search for parameters of models. The efficiency of the genetic algorithms as a search method is in the short generation span of the convergence of the algorithm.",1,,319,,10.31224/,,2019-08-04T21:57:48.162418,2019-08-04T21:58:07.429926 ycnge,"Central vs Decentralized motion control in worm robots.","This paper describes two robotic solutions WAV and CMMWorm that illustrate a distributed and a centralized motion control and mechanism. Both approaches are shown to be equivalent but nature is inherently of a fault tolerant distributed nature while man made designs are centralized for ease of manufacturing. They are also inherently fault tolerant in the need for the replacement of only one control and propulsion mechanism.",1,,310,,10.31224/,,2019-08-04T21:55:06.935930,2019-08-04T21:55:24.361977 urxgs,"Updating Maxwell with Electrons and Charge Aug 2-1.pdf (Version: 1)","Maxwell's equations describe the relation of charge and electric force almost perfectly even though electrons and permanent charge were not in his equations, as he wrote them. For Maxwell, all charge depended on the electric field. Charge was induced and polarization was described by a single dielectric constant. Electrons, permanent charge, and polarization are important when matter is involved. Polarization of matter cannot be described by a single dielectric constant ?_(r )with reasonable realism today when applications involve 10^(-10) sec. Only vacuum is well described by a single dielectric constant ?_(0 ). Here, Maxwell's equations are rewritten to include permanent charge and any type of polarization. Rewriting is in one sense petty, and in another sense profound, in either case presumptuous. Either petty or profound, rewriting confirms the legitimacy of electrodynamics that includes permanent charge and realistic polarization. One cannot be sure ahead of time that a theory of electrodynamics without electrons or (permanent, field independent) charge (like Maxwell's equations as he wrote them) would be legitimate or not. After all a theory cannot calculate the fields produced by charges (for example electrons) that are not in the theory at all! After updating, Maxwell's equations seem universal and exact. Polarization must be described explicitly to use Maxwell's equations in applications. Conservation of total current (including ?_0 ?E??t) becomes exact, independent of matter, allowing precise definition of electromotive force EMF in circuits. Kirchhoff's current law becomes as exact as Maxwell's equations themselves. Classical chemical kinetics is seen to need revision to conserve current.",1,,362,,10.31224/,,2019-08-03T19:38:06.507338,2019-08-29T15:56:46.314780 2739d,"PNP what is in a name july 25-1 2019.pdf 10.31224/","The name PNP was introduced by Eisenberg and Chen because it has important physical meaning beyond being the first letters of Poisson-Nernst-Planck. PNP also means Positive-Negative-Positive, the signs of majority current carriers in different regions of a PNP bipolar transistor. PNP transistors are two diodes in series PN + NP that rectify by changing the shape of the electric field. Transistors can function as quite different types of nonlinear devices by changing the shape of the electric field. Those realities motivated Eisenberg and Chen to introduce the name PNP. The pun “PNP = Poisson-Nernst-Planck = Positive-Negative-Positive” has physical content. It suggests that Poisson-Nernst-Planck systems like open ionic channels should not be assumed to have constant electric fields. The electric field should be studied and computed because its change of shape is likely to be important in the function of biological systems, as it is in semiconductor systems.",1,,257,,10.31224/,,2019-08-03T19:38:51.796885,2019-08-15T12:41:15.784424 r73k5,"Investigation of the IGT25 Turbo-Compressor Control Logic Behavior Coupling with a 25-MW Consumer under Dynamic Loading","Implementing control logic in dynamic modeling of gas turbines is one of the important and effective methods in analyzing the performance of IGT25 gas turbine; because, in dynamic modeling, various results would be achieved, through different control philosophies. To do so, using behavioral analysis of the performance of IGT25 gas turbine under different ambient conditions and different fuel compositions, appropriate control logic could be extracted. In the paper, method of extraction and entering the control logic in modeling dynamic condition of IGT25 gas turbine coupled with a 25MW consumer has been studied under different ambient conditions such as various ambient temperature and pressure, relative humidity, and fuel compositions. Primarily, various scenarios existing in relation to gas turbine control have been studied; then, studying the dynamic behavior of IGT25 gas turbine under the aforementioned condition, considered control logic has been reviewed. Data obtained are at the nominal load and the condition in which the turbine’s temperature controller has been set to higher temperatures so that the maximum output load is achieved for the consumer.",1,,344,,10.31224/,,2019-08-03T19:28:40.788033,2019-08-03T19:29:04.499134 5xust,"Adsorption of methyl blue with activated carbon derived from peanut shell","In this study we synthesized activated carbon (AC) sourced from peanut shell, an agricultural waste, for the adsorption of methyl blue from its aqueous solution. AC was produced via chemical activation method and was characterized using various tools like XRD, FESEM and Raman spectroscopy. Adsorption experiments were carried in different batches with varying initial concentration, adsorbent dose, contact time, pH and temperature. The optimized parameters for adsorption were found to be that of initial dye concentration of 150 mg/L, adsorbent dose of 120 mg/L, temperature equals to 50C, contact time of 50 minutes and pH equals to 8. Adsorption data were used to figure out isotherm models, kinetics as well as thermodynamics of the process. It was concluded that maximum adsorption capacity is coming to be 714.28 mg/g, and the adsorption is favoring the Tempkin isotherm model. Also it was observed that the process is endothermic and spontaneous in nature.",1,,408,,10.31224/,,2019-08-02T13:00:16.191401,2019-08-02T13:00:44.624415 gckxb,"Investigating of Turbine Blades Geometrical Change Effects on Dynamic Performance of IGT-25 Gas Turbine","In the paper, the effect of gas generator turbine blades’ geometrical change has been studied on the overall performance of a twin-shaft 25MW gas turbine with industrial application, under dynamic conditions. Geometrical changes include change of thickness and height of gas generator turbine blades which in turn would result in the change in the mass flow rate of passing hot gas, as well as isentropic efficiency in each stage of the turbine. Gas turbine modeling in the paper is zero-dimensional and takes place with consideration of dynamic effects of volume on air compressor components, combustion chamber, gas generator turbine, power turbine, fuel system, as well as effects of heat transfer dynamics between blades, gas path, and effects of operators on inlet guide vanes, fuel valves, and air compressor discharge valve. In the mathematical model of each of the components, steady-state characteristics curves have been used, extracted from 3-Dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD). To do so, characteristic curves of the first and second stages of the four-stage turbine have been updated through 3-D fluid dynamic analysis so that the effect of geometrical changes in turbine blades would be applied. Results from effects of these changes on characteristics of transient gas flow including output power of gas generator turbine and power turbine, inlet and outlet temperatures of turbine stages, as well as air and fuel mass flow rates have been provided from the start-ups until reaching the nominal load would be achieved.",1,,412,,10.31224/,,2019-08-02T12:57:40.478257,2019-08-02T12:58:02.883474 thfwr,"Graphene Quantum Dots for Quantum GPU architectures.","This paper is on a quantum architecture using the Display Computing paradigm, for a Quantum GPU design. It builds on my previous work on quantum reconfigurable computing. The design builds on a generalized 10 qubit architecture that can be reconfigured to provide display stream and input stream transformation using quantum computing.",1,,320,,10.31224/,,2019-08-02T12:54:43.361595,2019-08-02T12:55:04.795836 2h3d6,"Display Computing - Design of monocular Auto Pilot systems","Display Computing is a new paradigm of GPU computing, where each image is computed from the previous images using generalized transformation theory. This is applied to monocular video for procedural and emergent A.I to create an autopilot for drones and robots. A microphone with the same A.I applied to audio infrasonic streams can supplement the autopilot system. This paper describes the mathematical models and algorithm",1,,246,,10.31224/,,2019-08-02T12:53:17.035759,2019-08-02T12:53:45.177341 m3hp4,"Application of Soret Effect in Optimum Desalination Process","The ocean makes up 70 percent of the earth’s surface and accounts for 96 percent of the water on the planet. Unfortunately this water cannott be consumed. It is s oversaturated with salt. Desalination is the process of turning salty ocean water into drinking water. With 783 million people lacking access to clean water and more areas facing severe droughts, desalination can be the answer of this problem. But like other ajor industrial processes, desalination has environental impacts that must be understood and mitigated. The effects on the marine environment associated with the construction and long-term operation of seawater desalination plants, including withdrawing water from the ocean and discharging the highly concentrated brine. With that disadvantages a more optimum and environmentally responsible mechanism is needed to supply clean water.",1,,365,,10.31224/,,2019-07-30T17:57:02.927323,2019-07-30T17:57:21.826616 j87bk,"Application of Polydopamine Doped Gel Electrolyte to Improve Lithium-Ion Battery Performance","The rapidly and globally increasing demand for energy results in challenges concerning not only the conversion but also the storage of electrical energy. The currently most common battery systems are based on the Li-ion technology. This technology was proposed by M. S. Whittingham in 1976, commercialized by SONY in 1990, and represents the best investigated and, due to its uniquely high-power density, most popular battery system today. However, for applications related to the Internet of Things (IoT), such as aRFID tags, sensors, smart clothes, or smart packaging, and flexible Organic Light emitting diode (OLED) the Li-ion technology reaches its limits. The demands for such thin-film applications clearly differ from conventional batteries (e.g., consumer electronics or electromobility). Vital requirements are flexibility, absence of toxic and harmful metals, the production from abundant and, ideally, renewable resources, rapid charging, excellent cycle life, and efficient processing using roll-to-roll or similar processing techniques",1,,411,,10.31224/,,2019-07-30T17:56:16.763993,2019-07-30T17:56:41.626407 yw6d9,"The universality of the Conversational UI Interface with media in UX design","This publication proves the equivalence of an animated or non-animated conversational UI with Html 5 canvas to any UX design. The universality of the interactive voice interface is proven by the enumeration of the UX widgets and the proof of equivalence to interactive voice response with visual display. What: The proof of the equivalence of conversational UI with or without media to a visual interface based on mouse or keyboard or other interactions. How: An enumeration of widgets and other UI and equivalence in the conversion to conversational UI with media. Why: Accessibility is natural in conversational UI, necessitating the conversion and equivalence. Conversational UI is hands-free and natural.",1,,320,,10.31224/,,2019-07-30T17:53:31.140164,2019-07-30T17:53:46.238533 k4fxm,"EFFECT OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS ON STEADY PERFORMANCE OF HYDROSTATIC THRUST BEARINGS: RABINOWITSCH FLUID MODEL","Purpose of the present theoretical investigation is to analyze the effects of surface roughness on the steady-state performance of stepped circular hydrostatic thrust bearings lubricated with non-Newtonian Rabinowitsch type fluids. Results for film pressure and load-carrying capacity have been plotted and analyzed on the basis of numerical results. To take the effects of surface roughness into account, Christensen theory of rough surface has been adopted. The expression for pressure gradient has been derived by means of the energy integral approach. This approach avoids the derivation of Reynolds’ equation. The numerical results for film pressure and load capacity have been obtained using Mathematica. It was observed that in comparison with smooth surfaces, dimensionless film pressure and load capacity is lower for longitudinal roughness and higher for circular roughness patterns with and the variations are significant. Load carrying capacity decreases with the increase of longitudinal roughness and, increases with the increase of circular roughness. Further, the effects of surface roughness and non-Newtonian lubricants are significant for larger values of inertia parameter. Because of the closeness of results to the experimental values, this study will be helpful in the design of circular hydrostatic thrust bearings.",1,,451,,10.31224/,,2019-07-27T23:27:31.913613,2019-07-27T23:27:47.016901 a8d3x,"Enterprise Java Beans with ReactiveX.","Abstract: This publication is on the automation of persistence, with the example of a Legacy solution, in the form of Enterprise Java Beans. While Java EE and EJB’s are depreciated. They are bridged to the present models of SaaS and serverless computing, through the introduction of two new stateful beans, StreamBean and EventBean, for functional, reactive and Cloud based automated persistence with the ability to implement any design pattern template with the Bean. This paper is on the transition from imperative programming in SQL to a NoSQL based serverless design with automation of the persistence layer in the cloud.",1,,423,,10.31224/,,2019-07-27T23:11:30.501819,2019-07-27T23:11:46.673807 7zdu3,"Formal Methods for Multi Modal UI for Robotics","A formal system of mathematics the dog-ears, is introduced to describe javascript or object notation, sensor event and action event with state modelling in the framework of DPA for a smart home and work robotics . It is assumed that a multi modal interface can be developed similar to AWS APL for this purpose. The RAVA natural programming language is introduced, which simplifies coding by eliminating the need for syntax.",1,,354,,10.31224/,,2019-07-27T23:08:07.527484,2019-07-27T23:08:22.007524 t3d86,"High-Resolution One-Dimensional Modeling of a Gas Turbine Combustor Using Eulerian-Lagrangian Method","In this paper, a dynamic combustor model for inclusion into a one-dimensional full gas turbine engine simulation model, with high numerical accuracy is developed. Effects of dominant parameters, such as frequency and amplitude of the inlet air and fuel mass flow rate fluctuations, on outlet temperature of the combustion chamber, are investigated. The main goal of this research is to analyze the response of the gas turbine combustor to dynamic events that occur in the compressor. In the present work, for modeling combustion, the equations of chemical equilibrium (a second-law concept) are developed and applied to combustion-product mixtures. Thus the heat released from combustion is computed and used as a source term in the energy equation. Ignition effects either would be considered with a time lag equation as a source term in the energy equation. The combustor flammability limits are determined by using available experimental data for various gases and also Le Chatelier’s law. Source terms of governing equations are added using the operator splitting method. To operate this, the modified version of the PPM algorithm called PPMLR is used which solves the Euler equations in Lagrangian coordinates. At the end of each time step, results calculated in the Lagrangian coordinates would remap to the original Eulerian coordinate. The results revealed that to achieve a grid-independent solution, the accuracy of 0.002 m over the length of the combustion chamber should be applied. By reducing the accuracy of simulation, numerical diffusion causes a rise in flow temperature along with the combustion chamber. Through the dynamic modeling aspect, it is found that by increasing inlet fuel flow rate frequency up to 25 Hz, the amplitude of the fluctuations of outlet temperature, increases. Further increase in frequency up to 100 Hz, the amplitude of the fluctuations remains unchanged. However further increases in frequency from 100 Hz, causes amplitudes of outlet temperature fluctuations to decrease.",1,,346,,10.31224/,,2019-07-27T23:04:30.687765,2019-07-27T23:04:45.359561 k937j,"Investigation of Influencing Parameters and Determination of the Lower and Upper Limits of Flammability of a 25MW Industrial Gas Turbine Combustor","In the paper, combustion flammability limits in the combustion chamber of gas turbines and effective factors on these limits would be studied. Considering flammability, initiation of combustion and stability limit are very important parameters in the performance of the gas turbine combustion chamber and to study these factors, flammability of combustion has to be controlled. So, in the paper, the method of calculation of these limits and factors having effects on them would be studied. Also, some of the theoretical models would be reviewed, in which flammability limits would be estimated through experimental data. Finally, with consideration of the aforementioned relations, an optimal method for calculation of upper and lower flammability limits in the gas turbine combustion chamber would be presented.",1,,644,,10.31224/,,2019-07-25T19:09:25.531933,2019-07-25T19:09:43.617340 b7gk6,"A Hybrid Model to Predict the Gyratory Compaction of Hot Mixed Asphalt","The compaction of asphalt mixture is crucial to the mechanical properties and the maintenance of the pavement. However, the mix design, which based on the compaction properties, remains largely on empirical data. We found difficulties to relate the aggregate size distribution and the asphalt binder properties to the compaction behavior in both the field and laboratory compaction of asphalt mixtures. In this paper, we would like to propose a simple hybrid model to predict the compaction of asphalt mixtures. In this model, we divided the compaction process into two mechanisms: (i) visco-plastic deformation of an ordered thickly-coated granular assembly, and (ii) the transition from an ordered system to a disordered system due to particle rearrangement. This model could take into account both the viscous properties of the asphalt binder and grain size distributions of the aggregates. Additionally, we suggest to use the discrete element method to understand the particle rearrangement during the compaction process. This model is calibrated based on the SuperPave gyratory compaction tests in the pavement lab. In the end, we compared the model results to experimental data to show that this model prediction had a good agreement with the experiments, thus, had great potentials to be implemented to improve the design of asphalt mixtures.",1,,375,,10.31224/,,2019-07-19T18:18:14.985766,2019-07-19T18:18:42.761977 ue47z,"One-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of Cross-Sectional Area Variation Effects on Flow through the Gas Turbine Diffuser","In the paper, a one-dimensional compressible flow of gas inside the gas turbine’s diffuser has been simulated. The modeling has been performed to the aim of obtaining boundary conditions of outlet gas from diffuser and inlet gas to the combustion chamber. Depending on working flow regimes of fluid including subsonic, transonic, and supersonic flows, changes of diffuser cross-section have different effects on gas flow characteristics. For these effects to be correctly imposed, Mach number of the gas flow in each time-step affected by changes of cross-section would be determined, depending on the local Mach number in the same time-step. Obtaining distribution of Mach number along diffuser length, changes in other main characteristics of flow such as pressure, temperature, speed, and density for all of the points along diffuser length would be obtained. In order to verify the validity of the numerical algorithm used, the gas flow would be solved in a divergent nozzle and compared to other numerical methods. In the end, using gas turbine diffuser’s geometrical information, compressible gas flow inside it would be studied using the actual boundary conditions for a 25 MW gas turbine.",1,,386,,10.31224/,,2019-07-19T18:17:18.397242,2019-07-19T18:17:42.321455 jm54z,"Chatbot in isiXhosa for Remote Pre/post-Natal Care","In this work we present the development of an isiXhosa ChatBot, a ChatBot developed for pre and postnatal care in the Southern African language of isiXhosa. Multiple implementations of User Interfaces were developed - notably the Android Mobile Application Implementation and the WhatsApp Integration Implementation. We deem this as an enabler for providing first-hand health-care advisors in remote African communities.",1,,411,,10.31224/,,2019-07-18T02:29:18.921559,2019-07-18T02:29:44.225503 7kzwv,"Saving water at Cape Town schools by using smart metering and behavioural change","The city of Cape Town suffered a severe water crisis in 2018. At the peak of the drought in South Africa’s Western Cape, a randomised control trial at 105 schools investigated the impact of two behavioural interventions to encourage responsible water usage: detailed water usage data feedback from smart meters, and an interschool competition. Interventions reduced water usage in these schools by 15 to 26%. The information feedback was found to be more effective in reducing night time water use, indicating better water usage by the staff, while the competition was found to be more effective during the day time, indicating better water usage by the pupils. The contrast highlights the way feedback was understood differently by the two groups, with different effects on their assumption of responsibility. This example from Cape Town demonstrates the effectiveness of combining smart technologies with nudges. It provides a model of water conservation interventions for sustainable cities.",1,,523,,10.31224/,,2019-07-17T17:34:43.947139,2019-07-17T19:20:59.737438 d2ype,"A Novel Method for Developing Compressor’s Characteristic Curves Due to the Guide Vane Stagger Angle Variation","One-dimensional models of analyzing gas turbines as a whole require characteristic curves of pressure coefficient (ψ) based on flow coefficient (φ) and the characteristic curve of compressor’s efficiency of stages so that compressor performance would be predicted. Variation of stagger angle of the stage’s inlet guide vane stated as a geometrical variation of the stage would be resulted in the displacement of pressure coefficient characteristic curve based on the stage’s flow coefficient. Performance nature of compressor stage is in a way that under this condition, the efficiency characteristic curve will remain intact. In this paper, a method would be presented to predict variations of pressure coefficient characteristic curve based on flow coefficient against variations in stagger angle of stage’s guide vane so that one-dimensional modeling of axial flow compressor would be made, through characteristic curves.",1,,487,,10.31224/,,2019-07-17T01:36:55.069752,2019-07-25T00:46:34.582242 3vbj6,"COMPOSITE PLATES IN POSTBUCKLING: DUAL EXTREMAL VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLES, ENERGY FEATURES, STABILITY, LAY-UP OPTIMALITY CONDITIONS VIA COMPLEMENTARY ENERGY APPROACH","In the present paper the composite plates in postbuckling are explored. The dual extremal variational principles are created. The principles generalize the stationary ones obtained earlier. The stability of the plate near the single-modal bifurcation point is proven. Some useful energy relations are established. It is also demonstrated that the total complementary energy may be considered as a measure of the compliance for the post-buckled composite plate. The latter measure leads to the same lay-up optimality conditions as obtained earlier via the maximization of the total potential energy. Basing on the complementary variational principle, a monotonic plate compliance minimization approach is proposed. The approach allows determining the stiffest lay-up.",1,,347,,10.31224/,,2019-07-15T17:54:57.927848,2019-12-24T13:40:39.942581 5q4pf,"Smart Product Design for Automotive Systems","Automobiles evolved from primarily mechanical to electro-mechanical, or mechatronic, vehicles. For example, carburetors have been replaced by fuel injection and air-fuel ratio control, leading to order of magnitude improvements in fuel economy and emissions. Mechatronic systems are pervasive in modern automobiles and represent a synergistic integration of mechanics, electronics and computer science. They are smart systems, whose design is more challenging than the separate design of their mechanical, electronic and computer/control components. In this review paper, two recent methods for the design of mechatronic components are summarized and their applications to problems in automotive control are highlighted. First, the combined design, or co-design, of a smart artifact and its controller is considered. It is shown that the combined design of an artifact and its controller can lead to improved performance compared to sequential design. The coupling between the artifact and controller design problems is quantified, and methods for co-design are presented. The control proxy function method, which provides ease of design as in the sequential approach and approximates the performance of the co-design approach, is highlighted with application to the design of a passive/ active automotive suspension. Second, the design for component swapping modularity (CSM) of a distributed controller for a smart product is discussed. CSM is realized by employing distributed controllers residing in networked smart components, with bidirectional communication over the network. Approaches to CSM design are presented, as well as applications of the method to a variable-cam-timing engine, and to enable battery swapping in a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.",1,,368,,10.31224/,10.1007/s11465-019-0527-0,2019-07-15T17:52:44.411755,2019-07-15T17:53:03.518122 7zxhy,"Energy release rate of fiber/matrix interface crack growth in cross-ply laminates under transverse loading: effect of the 0/90 interface and of 0 layer thickness","Models of Representative Volume Elements (RVEs) of cross-ply laminates with different geometric configurations and damage states are studied. Debond growth is characterized by the estimation of the Mode I and Mode II Energy Release Rate (ERR) using the Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT). It is found that the presence of the 0° /90° interface and the thickness of the 0° layer have no effect, apart from laminates with ultra-thin 90° plies where it is however modest. The present analysis supports the claim that debond growth is not affected by the ply-thickness effect.",1,,332,,10.31224/,,2019-07-12T18:36:23.980932,2019-07-17T11:05:31.174024 4m6nj,"Finite Element solution of the fiber/matrix interface crack problem: convergence properties and mode mixity of the Virtual Crack Closure Technique","The bi-material interface arc crack has been the focus of interest in the composite community, where it is usually referred to as the fiber-matrix interface crack. In this work, we investigate the convergence properties of the Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) when applied to the evaluation of the Mode I, Mode II and total Energy Release Rate of the fiber-matrix interface crack in the context of the Finite Element Method (FEM). We first propose a synthetic vectorial formulation of the VCCT. Thanks to this formulation, we study the convergence properties of the method, both analytically and numerically. It is found that Mode I and Mode II Energy Release Rate (ERR) possess a logarithmic dependency with respect to the size of the elements in the crack tip neighborhood, while the total ERR is independent of element size.",1,,398,,10.31224/,,2019-07-12T18:35:48.581201,2019-07-12T18:36:01.299103 z76j8,"Energy release rate of the fiber/matrix interface crack in UD composites under transverse loading: debond-debond and debond-free boundary interactions","The effects of crack shielding, finite thickness of the composite and fiber content on fiber/matrix debond growth in thin unidirectional composites are investigated analyzing Representative Volume Elements (RVEs) of different ordered microstructures. Debond growth is characterized by estimation of the Energy Release Rates (ERRs) in Mode I and Mode II using the Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) and the J-integral. It is found that increasing fiber content, a larger distance between debonds in the loading direction and the presence of a free surface close to the debond have all a strong enhancing effect on the ERR. The presence of fully bonded fibers in the composite thickness direction has instead a constraining effect, and it is shown to be very localized. An explanation of these observations is proposed based on mechanical considerations.",1,,383,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.tafmec.2019.102251,2019-07-12T18:33:13.837710,2019-07-17T11:09:05.662801 9y65h,"Dynamic transport mode estimation subject to joint decisions and spatio-temporal variations","This thesis studies the dynamic route and transport mode optimization for participating in a jointly decided activity subject to spatio-temporal variations. Joint activity participants have to travel from their current locations to a common location which is the location of the joint activity. Apart from the recurrent joint activities (such as work, school etc.), there are several joint leisure activities where activity participants have to decide about the location and the starting time of the joint leisure activity along with the transport mode(s) that each one of them has to use for commuting from his/her current location to the joint leisure activity location. The objective of this thesis is the development of a comprehensive system for the optimization of joint leisure trips that are not related to work by optimizing (a) the location and the starting time of the joint leisure activity (b) the public transport operations (c) the transport mode(s) selection for each activity participant in order to arrive there as fast as possible while satisfying his/her personal trip preferences. Activities not related to work can be responsible for more than 60\% of trips at an urban environment. Non-working travel patterns differ from the more stable, recurrent travel patterns of work-related activities such as trips from/to work, school etc. and the three main differences of those activities are: (1) The location of a leisure activity can differ on a daily basis (it is not static like the location of the working or studying place); (2) The starting time of a leisure activity has greater elasticity and can differ on a daily basis (it is not stable such as the starting time of work, school etc.); (3) The alternative journey options to and from a leisure activity location are not well-known to the users (users are more aware of their journey alternatives when it comes to transfers from/to work-related activities since those activities are re-current) . Given that a significant number of transfers is related to leisure activities, the optimization of the (1) location selection, (2) starting activity time, (3) transport mode selection and (4) route selection are of paramount importance for both the commuters' total travel cost and the transport network performance. In addition, the prediction of non-recurrent activities in time and space can be an important step forward for the tactical and dynamic planning of transport networks since the volume and the non-recurrent nature of such activities lead to significant travel demand variations compared to the more stable, work-related activities. Due to the above, this thesis focuses on: (i) Understanding the State-of-the-Art (SoA) work on utilizing user-generated data for increasing the efficiency level of joint leisure activities and proposing actions towards this direction; (ii) Capturing users' willingness to travel certain distances for participating in different types of activities; (iii) Optimizing the selection of locations and starting times of joint leisure activities (iv) Re-scheduling the starting times of public transportation trips in order to adjust to the joint leisure activity demand without deteriorating the Quality of Service (QoS) for other passengers; (v) Optimizing the journey/path selection of users' who are willing to travel from one point of the network to another for participating at one activity and, possibly, utilize multiple modes while also satisfying their preferences.",1,,609,,10.31224/,,2019-07-12T18:34:49.152836,2019-07-21T14:23:21.868892 v95rc,"Construction and Demolition Waste in Romania: The Route from Illegal Dumping to Building Materials","The paper performs a critical overview concerning the construction and demolition waste (C&DW) management issues in Romania. Five main stages related to C&DW management are highlighted such as: (i) illegal dumping on public lands; (ii) C&DW collection and disposal in urban landfills; (iii) C&DW treatment and reuse in civil constructions (roads, coating material for landfills); (iv) regional integrated waste management systems; (v) recycling of building materials (e.g., cement industry and recycled aggregates). The paper reveals the poor monitoring of C&DW flows across Romanian counties and the geographical dimension of this waste stream collected by waste operators. The paper examines the current challenges in Romania and it reveals the future prospects to provide a reliable transition towards sustainable C&DW management activities. The targeted route: waste fractions can be recycled and/or reused as building materials via integrated waste management systems, which enable a circular economy in urban and rural municipalities.",1,,366,,10.31224/,10.3390/su11113179,2019-07-12T18:31:14.562230,2019-07-12T18:31:41.941095 6q4zj,"COMPOSITE PLATES AND THEIR LAY-UP SOLUTIONS LEADING TO HIGH BUCKLING AND POST-BUCKLING RESISTANCE","At the beginning of the present paper, the post-buckled composite plates are examined. The plates have a symmetric lay-up. The layer orientation angles vary in a point-wise way or in a plate-wise way. The von Karman theory describes a plate behavior. For a plate stiffness maximization problem the first-order optimality conditions are derived. In the conditions, the essential roles play the mid-plane principal strains and the principal curvatures. The optimality conditions may lead to a co-axiality of some structural tensors. Analytical examples illustrate the solutions of such types. Further, several numerical examples are presented. In the examples, the plates are loaded by shear and have the high buckling-resisting ability also. A significant conclusion of the paper is that in the properly designed lay-up the outermost layers and the innermost layers play different roles. The former ones withstand mainly buckling, and the latter ones withstand mainly post-buckling. The innermost layers have the orientation angle rather close to 0°. The weight reduction opportunities are demonstrated.",1,,445,,10.31224/,,2019-07-11T20:31:40.721525,2019-12-24T13:32:04.335386 fkjeg,"Isolating and Expanding Endothelial Progenitor Cells from Peripheral Blood on Peptide‐functionalized Polystyrene Surfaces","The expansion of human peripheral blood endothelial progenitor cells to obtain therapeutically relevant endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) has been commonly performed on xeno‐derived extracellular matrix proteins. For cellular therapy applications, xeno‐free culture conditions are desirable to improve product safety and reduce process variability. We have previously described a novel fluorophore‐tagged RGD peptide (RGD‐TAMRA) that enhanced the adhesion of mature endothelial cells in vitro. To investigate whether this peptide can replace animal‐derived extracellular matrix proteins in the isolation and expansion of ECFCs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 22 adult healthy adult donors were seeded on RGD‐TAMRA‐modified polystyrene culture surfaces. Endothelial colony formation was significantly enhanced on RGD‐TAMRA‐modified surfaces compared to the unmodified control. No phenotypic differences were detected between ECFCs obtained on RGD‐TAMRA compared to ECFCs obtained on rat tail collagen‐coated surfaces. Compared to collagen‐coated surfaces and unmodified surfaces, RGD‐TAMRA surfaces promoted ECFC adhesion, cell spreading, and clonal expansion. This work presents a platform that allows for a comprehensive in vitro evaluation of peptide‐based biofunctionalization as a promising avenue for ex vivo ECFC expansion.",1,,408,,10.31224/,10.1002/bit.27107,2019-07-10T20:35:42.288109,2019-07-10T20:36:03.171520 te5jx,"Atomization and combustion characteristics of a fuel–water rapid internal mixing injector","In this study, we investigated the atomization characteristics of rapid internal mixing injector (RIM injector) developed in our laboratory. RIM injector successfully emulsifies base fuel without any surfactant just before fuel injection. The diameter of droplet discharged from RIM injector was evaluated based on processing of shadowgraph images. It was found that Sauter mean diameter (SMD) of droplet is determined by the gas to liquid ratio (GLR) and viscosity of emulsified fuel. The increasing GLR decreases SMD value. As water content ratio is increased, the inner structure of droplet changes to W/O type emulsion. The emulsification increases its viscosity, which deteriorates the atomization characteristics. We proposed an empirical formula as functions of GLR and Reynolds number reproducing the deterioration resulting from increasing viscosity. The formula successfully predicts the SMD variation with respect to GLR and water content ratio. Finally, we examined the effect of atomization air ratio on NOx and PM emissions. The quantity of atomization air significantly influences the PM emission because the increasing air improves the mixing of fuel vapor with combustion air.",1,,293,,10.31224/,,2019-07-10T20:34:34.451353,2019-08-24T14:31:09.133552 2w3dt,"FÜNFTE-MIAM technique for biochemical embryology problems","July 2018 [Genes and Cells 13(2 (Suppl. 1)):58-59] Project: RFBR_16-32-00914 ""Development of the novel physical methods for complex biomedical diagnostics based on position - sensitive mapping with the angular resolution at the tissue and cellular levels using analytical labs-on-a-chip""",1,,365,,10.31224/,,2019-07-09T18:45:02.300870,2019-07-09T18:45:23.809210 rcw3e,"Large-amplitude Dithering Mitigates Glitches in Digital-to-analogue Converters","This paper develops and experimentally evaluates a dither-based method for improved generation of arbitrary signals in digital-to-analogue converters that exhibits glitches --- essentially converting the glitches from high-frequency to low-frequency disturbances. One major benefit of this behaviour appears in closed-loop control applications, as the glitch disturbance can be moved from outside control law bandwidth to inside control law bandwidth, enabling suppression by feedback. A behavioural model of glitches is presented and the effect of applying a dither signal is analysed in detail. Analytical and experimental results demonstrate that a dither signal with sufficiently large amplitude can mitigate the effect of glitches, when used in conjunction with a low-pass filter. Severe glitches appear in various digital-to-analogue converter topologies, including converter topologies that are used in high-precision motion control applications, such as adaptive optics and scanning force microscopy. Glitches introduce impulse-like disturbances which have a broadband frequency distribution. Low-pass filtering alone does not provide sufficient attenuation, and in applications with feedback control only frequency content within the control law bandwidth is attenuated. Hence, a high-frequency disturbance such as a glitch will not be suppressed. The use of dithering to suppress glitches is therefore beneficial in applications where errors in signal conversion are a primary concern, such as high-precision motion control or accurate reference signal generation.",1,,424,,10.31224/,10.1109/TSP.2020.2978626,2019-07-08T20:49:05.025343,2020-03-07T11:55:42.663054 5xktq,"Optimal Quantiser Performance with a Small Dither","A quantiser is a non-smooth function and no inverse function exist that can be applied to correct for the error it introduces. Applying a dither signal and averaging to a quantiser produces a smooth image for which an inverse function does exist. This article describes methods for minimising the error after inverse compensation. We show that there is an optimal dither variance that minimises the error after inversion. Simple rules for choosing the optimal dither variance are presented. The error after inversion can be made arbitrarily small by increasing the averaging length. This can be done by oversampling the signal by the same factor as the number of averages. Quantisation of a dither signal with a continuous probability distribution, produces a discrete probability mass function. We discuss a method for recovering an unknown continuous probability distribution from the empirical discrete probability mass function of the quantised dither signal. This enables inverse compensation in systems where exact control of the dither signal is not possible, as inverse compensation requires information about the continuous probability distribution of the dither signal and the step-size of the quantiser.",1,,370,,10.31224/,,2019-07-08T20:04:49.470887,2020-01-04T23:07:14.500210 axsjd,"Experimental demonstration of data predictive control for energy optimization and thermal comfort in buildings","Model Predictive Control for room temperature control in buildings is an effective approach to energy management in buildings. However, the development and maintenance of physical models may be a bottleneck for widespread real life application. Data Predictive Control is an attempt to address this problem by learning the behaviour of the building from historical data and thus reducing the modelling effort. Here, we present an application of a Data Predictive Control approach, based on Random Forests with affine functions and convex optimization, to control the room temperature in a real life apartment. When compared to a conventional hysteresis controller, the applied approach saves 24.9 % of cooling energy while reducing the integral of comfort constraint violations by 72.0 % in a six-day experiment.",1,,568,,10.31224/,,2019-07-02T13:44:39.007363,2019-07-02T14:07:27.450770 pfys6,"Collaborating with Style: Using an Agent-Based Model to Simulate Cognitive Style Diversity in Problem Solving Teams","Collaborative problem solving can be successful or counterproductive. The performance of collaborative teams depends not only on team members' abilities, but also on their cognitive styles. Cognitive style measures differences in problem-solving behavior: how people generate solutions, manage structure, and interact. While teamwork and problem solving have been studied separately, their interactions are less understood. This paper introduces the KAI Agent-Based Organizational Optimization Model (KABOOM), the first model to simulate cognitive style in collaborative problem solving. KABOOM simulates the performance of teams of agents with heterogeneous cognitive styles on two contextualized design problems. Results demonstrate that, depending on the problem, certain cognitive styles may be more effective than others. Also, intentionally aligning agents' cognitive styles with their roles can improve team performance. These experiments demonstrate that KABOOM is a useful tool for studying the effects of cognitive style on collaborative problem solving.",1,,434,,10.31224/,,2019-07-02T12:39:58.732381,2019-07-02T12:40:21.532511 s4b68,"KABOOM: An Agent-Based Model for Simulating Cognitive Sale in Team Problem Solving","The performance of a design team is influenced by each team member's unique cognitive style - i.e., their preferred manner of managing structure as they solve problems, make decisions, and seek to bring about change. Cognitive style plays an important role in how teams of engineers design and collaborate, but the interactions of cognitive style with team organization and processes have not been well studied. The limitations of small-scale behavioral experiments have led researchers to develop computational models for simulating teamwork; however, none have modeled the effects of individuals' cognitive styles. This paper presents KABOOM (KAI Agent-Based Organizational Optimization Model), the first agent-based model of teamwork to incorporate cognitive style. In KABOOM, heterogeneous agents imitate the diverse problem-solving styles described by Kirton's Adaption-Innovation construct, which places each individual somewhere along the spectrum of cognitive style preference. Using the model, we investigate the interacting effects of a team's communication patterns, specialization, and cognitive style composition on design performance. By simulating cognitive style in the context of team problem solving, KABOOM lays the groundwork for the development of team simulations that reflect humans' diverse problem-solving styles.",1,,409,,10.31224/,,2019-07-02T12:39:20.184836,2019-07-02T12:39:42.010309 acw8z,"Wirelessly powered and remotely controlled valve-array for highly multiplexed analytical assay automation on a centrifugal microfluidic platform","In this paper we present a wirelessly powered array of 128 centrifugo-pneumatic valves that can be thermally actuated on demand during spinning. The valves can either be triggered by a predefined protocol, wireless signal transmission via Bluetooth, or in response to a sensor monitoring parameters like temperature or homogeneity of the dispersion. Upon activation of a resistive heater, a low-melting membrane (ParafilmTM) is removed to vent an entrapped gas pocket, thus letting the incoming liquid wet an intermediate dissolvable film and thus open the valve. The proposed system allows up to 12 heaters to be activated in parallel with a response time below 3 seconds, potentially, resulting in 128 actuated valves in under 30 seconds. We demonstrate with three examples of common and standard procedures how the proposed technology could become a powerful tool for implementing diagnostic assays on Lab-on-a-Disc. First, we implement wireless actuation of 64 valves during rotation in a freely programmable sequence, or upon user input in real time. Then, we show a closed-loop centrifugal flow control sequence where the state of mixing between reagents evaluated from stroboscopically recorded images triggers the opening of valves. In our last experiment valving and closed-loop control are used to facilitate centrifugal processing of whole blood.",1,,517,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.bios.2018.03.012,2019-07-01T21:19:07.425155,2019-07-01T21:19:23.181684 5wy8s,"Fees and governance: Towards sustainability in water resources management at schools in post-apartheid South Africa","Water scarcity is increasingly staking a claim next to energy as a threat to the sustainability of large cities, especially in developing countries with limited resources. The recent crisis brought on by Cape Town’s “Day Zero” drought created the impetus to expand on existing research on water demand management to include analysis of school usage patterns and key determinants thereof. With the effects of apartheid still visible in society and in school infrastructure coupled with the high water usage rates at schools, this paper evaluates the impact of school affluence (whether it is fee-paying or not, and self-governing or not) on water usage. We find that poor schools use substantially more water, partially because of poor maintenance, with mean water efficiencies of poor schools around 50% and 80% for affluent schools. Bayesian models were used to further determine which characteristics of a school are good proxies for the higher usage to help administrators and policy makers in the resource constrained educational environment. In addition to the obvious impact of maintenance, the results point an incriminatory finger at early morning-school usage, early afternoon usage, and Saturday usage",1,,456,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.scs.2019.101694,2019-07-01T21:15:11.547651,2019-08-06T08:36:37.194793 kr2gx,"The eLoaD platform endows centrifugal microfluidics with on-disc power and communication","In this paper we present a comprehensive description of the design, fabrication and operation of an electrified Lab-on-a-Disc (eLoaD) system. The smart platform is developed to extend conventional Lab-on-a-Disc applications with an electronic interface, providing additional flow control and sensing capabilities to centrifugal microfluidics platforms. Wireless power is transferred from a Qi-compliant transmitter to the eLoaD platform during rotation. An Arduino-based microcontroller, a Bluetooth communication module, and an on-board SDcard are integrated into the platform. This generalises the applicability of the eLoaD and its modules for performing a wide range of laboratory unit operations, procedures, or diagnostic assays, all controlled wirelessly during spinning. The lightweight platform is fully reusable and modular in design and construction. An interchangeable and non-disposable application disc is fitted with the necessary sensors and/or actuators for a specific assay or experiment to be performed. A particular advantage is the ability to continuously monitor and interact with LoaD experiments, overcoming the limitations of stroboscopy. We demonstrate the applicability of the platform for three sensing experiments involving optical, electrochemical, and temperature detection, and one actuation experiment involving controlled heating/cooling. The complete electronic designs and example programming codes are extensively documented in the supplementary material for easy adaptation.",1,,623,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.bios.2018.05.056,2019-07-01T21:17:50.929316,2019-07-01T21:18:07.644403 8kz6q,"Net-societal and Net-private Benefits of Some Existing Vehicle Crash Avoidance Technologies","Most light-duty vehicle crashes occur due to human error. Many of these crashes could be avoided or made less severe with the aid of crash avoidance technologies. These technologies can assist the driver in maintaining control of the vehicle when a possibly dangerous situation arises by issuing alerts to the driver and in a few cases, responding to the situation itself. This paper estimates the societal and private benefits and costs associated with three crash avoidance technologies, blind-spot monitoring, lane departure warning, and forward-collision warning, for all light duty passenger vehicles in the U.S. for the year 2015. The three technologies could collectively prevent up to 1.6 million crashes each year including 7,200 fatal crashes. In this paper, the authors estimated the net-societal benefits to the overall society from avoiding the cost of the crashes while also estimating the private share of those benefits that are directly affecting the crash victims. For the first generation warning systems, net-societal benefits and net-private benefits are positive. Moreover, the newer generation of improved warning systems and active braking should make net benefits even more advantageous.",1,,484,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.aap.2019.02.003,2019-06-30T13:21:24.143425,2019-06-30T13:21:46.176939 mb5t9,"Risk Assessment for Cyber Security of Manufacturing Systems: A Game Theory Approach","This paper presents a novel approach using game theory to assess the risk likelihood in manufacturing systems quantifiably. Cybersecurity is a pressing issue in the manufacturing sector. Nevertheless, managing the risk in cybersecurity has become a critical challenge for modern manufacturing enterprises. In risk management thinking, the first step is to identify the risk, then validate it, and lastly, consider responses to the risk. If the risk is below the security risk appetite of the manufacturing system, it could be accepted. However, if it is above the risk appetite, the system should appropriately respond by either avoiding, transferring, or mitigating the risk. The validation of the risk in terms of severity and likelihood of the threat, however, is challenging because the later component is hard to quantify. In this paper, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method is modified by employing game theory to quantitatively assess the likelihood of cyber-physical security risks. This method utilizes the game theory approach by modeling the rivalry between the attacker and the system as a game and then try to analyze it to find the likelihood of the attacker’s action. We first define players of the game, action sets, and the utility function. Major concerns of cyber security issues in the manufacturing area are carefully considered in defining the cost function composed of defense policy, loss in production, and recovery. A linear optimization model is utilized to find a mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium, which is the probability of choosing any action by the attacker also known as the likelihood of an attack. Numerical experiments are presented to further illustrate the method. Forecasting the attacker’s behavior enables us to assess the cybersecurity risk in a manufacturing system and thereby be more prepared with plans of proper responses.",1,,486,,10.31224/,,2019-06-29T00:05:34.970605,2019-06-29T00:06:09.597115 3wt5j,"Design and Preliminary Results of a Reaction Force Series Elastic Actuator for Bionic Ankle Prostheses","The TF8 actuator is an untethered, lower-extremity powered-prostheses designed to replicate biological kinetic and kinematic function of ankles. An energy optimal hardware specification was found by kinematically clamping walking gait data to the dynamic model of a series elastic actuator (SEA). We searched for a minimal electrical energy configuration of motor, reduction ratio, and spring, subject to specified constraints and ultimately discretely available components. The outcome translated into a mechanical design that heavily weighted the importance of mechanical energy storage in springs. The resulting design is a moment-coupled cantilever-beam reaction-force SEA (RFSEA) that has a nominal torque rating of 85Nm, peak torque of 175Nm, 105 degree range of motion, and a hardware mass of 1.6kg.",1,,290,,10.31224/,,2019-06-29T00:02:39.351953,2019-10-18T20:39:41.996243 swt34,"Energetic Consequences of Series and Parallel Springs in Lower-Extremity Powered Prostheses","We present electric energetic consequences for mechanical design trade-offs in lower-extremity powered prostheses. There are four main hardware components commonly implemented in these devices that can be tuned to achieve desired performance: motor, reduction ratio N, series spring stiffness Ks, and parallel spring stiffness Kp. The allowed joint range of motion is a fifth parameter that can also drastically change energy consumption. We apply a kinematically clamped analysis to the system equations to map the electric cost of transport (COT) for knee and ankle level-ground walking, in addition to ankle stair ascent and descent. We also utilize an optimization procedure to identify minimum energy hardware configurations. The energy map provides insight into consequences of variance from optimal parameters. Our results support the contribution of the series elastic element for improved power output. Parallel stiffness can provide up to 8% improvements in walking with minimal negative effect with varied terrain, and a varying ankle transmission ratio can similarly improve COT by 8% from level-ground to stair ascent. Limited dorsiflexion can further improve COT by 30%. These observations can provide the designer clarity to how design decisions modulate hardware performance.",1,,424,,10.31224/,,2019-06-28T23:47:43.363089,2019-06-28T23:48:07.337728 6b75s,"State of Health Estimation and Prediction of Fuel Cell Stacks in Backup Power Systems","Fuel cell based backup systems are used as telecommunication power supplies, where availability of power is crucial for a reliable service. State of health (SOH) is a useful metric in aiding predictive maintenance actions, that aim to reduce the system down time as well as the operating cost. In this paper, voltage, current, and temperature data from numerous stacks installed in the field to estimate an SOH metric. A long short term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN) is trained to predict SOH values six months into the future. Finally, the RNN performance is evaluated on prediction horizons of six months, as well as longer horizons of twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four months.",1,,318,,10.31224/,,2019-06-28T23:47:13.501120,2019-06-28T23:47:21.398069 38bqx,"Quantifying Consciousness: Electrophysiological Perspective","In this article, we try to track the neuroelectrical signal from its inception until it signals the human visual awareness through what we called, neurobiological wires to consciousness. We also provide a fulsome electrophysiological metric, namely, brain energy wishing for better quantification to the human global consciousness. Based on the literature review, this metric is expected to quantify the human global visual awareness, namely because it suggests the use of binocular rivalry setup. The article also offers simple ways to build up binocular rivalry experiments.",1,,412,,10.31224/,,2019-06-27T02:15:09.232775,2020-05-10T01:58:04.083216 9c3vk,"Linking Dynamics Between Pupil and Lens","This article aims to measure pupil variations through real physical stimuli in a real world; and to link them with lens accommodation theories. It is concluded that pupil dilation is linked to rounded lens, and pupil constriction is linked to faltered lens.",1,,425,,10.31224/,,2019-06-26T22:20:19.167361,2019-10-20T19:00:22.065656 am7xs,"COMPARISON BETWEEN TWO MODELING ASPECTS TO INVESTIGATE SEISMIC SOIL STRUCTURE INTERACTION IN A JOINTLESS BRIDGE","Seismic waves propagate through a series of rock and soil layers before they interact with the foundation and superstructure. Besides the original characteristics of the earthquake motion at the instant of fault rupture, it is also important how the soil site responds in terms of amplification or de-amplification of different frequency contents. Considering possible nonlinear response of soil and structure, a coupled soilstructure model is required to efficiently capture the dynamic behavior of the entire system. This paper focuses on comparison of two modelling strategies for Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) aiming to define the behavior of a jointless bridge, namely (a) one with an explicit full-scale soil domain with bridge model and (b) another with Beam on Dynamic Winkler Foundation (BDWF)/ nonlinear soil springs. Finally, the structural components that effect overall behavior of superstructure is compared between these two models and the variation of seismic response from performance-based study is discussed.",1,,560,,10.31224/,,2019-06-25T20:10:26.826228,2019-06-27T22:42:03.536050 78ra4,"Visual and Statistical Methods to Calculate Interrater Reliability for Time-Resolved Qualitative Data: Examples from a Screen Capture Study of Engineering Writing Patterns","Traditionally, interrater reliability (IRR) is determined for easily defined events, such as deciding within which category a piece of qualitative data falls. However, for time-resolved or time-dependent observational data and other nontraditional data, complications arise due to the complexity of the data being interpreted and analyzed. In this paper, we present two promising new methods for calculating IRR based on visual representations of analyzed time-resolved data. We compare the IRR calculated using these two visual methods with five of the most common statistical measures for calculating IRR, finding excellent agreement between our new methods and existing statistical formulae. This methods development is exemplified using data for our ongoing research, in which we are working to analyze time-resolved engineering writing data recorded through screen capture technology. The process of developing methods of interrater reliability for our context can also be applied to other researchers who seek to analyze non-traditional data, such as those collected during eye-tracking, screen capture, or observational studies.",1,,437,,10.31224/,,2019-06-24T22:24:25.816736,2019-07-16T15:52:59.887799 p49e8,"Build Orientation Optimization for Strength Enhancement of 3-D Printed Parts Using Machine Learning based Algorithm","The layered fabrication approach induces directional anisotropy and impacts the mechanical strength of FDM components significantly. This paper proposes a generalized machine learning based parameter optimization framework to determine optimal build orientation for FDM components. The algorithm determines ideal build orientation by maximizing the minimum Factor of Safety (FoS) for the component under prescribed loading conditions ensuring its even distribution. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) coupled with Bayesian algorithm has been employed to accelerate the optimization process. The algorithm begins with an initial sample data collected using a brute force approach; uses single layered ANN for approximation and optimization is achieved using a Bayesian algorithm. A series of computational experiments considering five different test components have been devised to evaluate the performance and efficacy of the proposed algorithm. These experiments demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can determine the optimum building orientation effectively with certain limitations.",1,,405,,10.31224/,10.14733/cadconfP.2019.232-236,2019-06-24T22:22:04.122853,2019-06-25T13:03:03.873224 jvhnr,"The impact of running-in on the friction of an automotive Gasoline-engine and in particular on its piston assembly and valve-train","Generally, mating surfaces that are in tribological contact undergo a running-in process at the beginning of their operational lifetime. During this running-in phase the tribological operating condition change significantly leading ideally to long term operation with a minimum of continuous wear. While this process and its duration is rather well understood for single machine elements like journal bearings, it is the aim of this work to investigate the running-in behaviour of more complex systems like an internal combustion engine and its sub-assemblies. To gain insight into the influence and duration of this running-in phase a series of tests have been performed under realistic engine operating conditions. To be able to separate the running-in processes for the individual subsystems piston assembly, valve-train and journal bearings of the crank train, a large series of tests have been conducted for a conventional gasoline passenger car engine. The results show a strong influence of the running-in process on total engine friction, which can be attributed mostly to the direct acting valve-train and to a considerably lesser extent to the piston assembly.",1,,379,,10.31224/,10.1177/1350650117727231,2019-06-24T22:08:50.545349,2019-06-25T13:01:23.453928 5mtq6,"A COMPLEMENTARY ENERGY THEOREM FOR COMPOSITE PLATES IN POSTBUCKLING","A composite von Karman plate in postbuckling is considered. Using the first Piola stress tensor and the displacement gradient tensor, a complementary energy variational theorem is proven. The proof is given in the case of symmetric lay-up. According to the theorem, at the actual stress state of the plate the complementary energy (as a function of the internal forces and of the moments) reaches its stationary value. The stationary feature of the actual state is valid as compared to other states satisfying the static equilibrium and the static boundary conditions. It is shown how the theorem may be generalized to the case of a non-symmetric lay-up.",1,,351,,10.31224/,,2019-06-24T22:07:37.352057,2019-12-24T13:33:39.984669 4unxj,"Numerical modeling of nanobundle- and nanorope- reinforced polymer mechanical properties","Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) demonstrate unusually high stiffness, strength and resilience, and are ideal reinforcing materials for polymer-based nanocomposites. Van der Waals interactions between the nanotubes often result in formation of nanotube bundles and/or ropes. Determination of mechanical properties of the nanobundle- and nanorope-based nanocomposites is difficult due to the complicated geometries of the reinforcement structures. However, in order to better utilize nanocomposites, it is crucial to determine mechanical properties of nanocomposites in their real form as much as possible. In this paper, the elasticity theory for anisotropic body and continuum modeling are used to determine effective mechanical properties of bundle and nanorope-based nanocomposites. Numerical models are developed using a Representative Volume Element (RVE) consisting of nanoropes and nanobundles made up of different numbers of nanotubes to investigate the effect of nanorope geometry on nanocomposite mechanical properties. Models of several RVEs are developed with nanoropes consisting of five, seven, nine, and thirteen CNTs. CNT volume fraction is kept constant in all models for a valid comparison. Also, the effect of matrix modulus on the strengthening efficiency of CNTs is investigated. The results indicate that nanocomposite longitudinal modulus decreases with increasing the number of CNTs in the nanorope.",1,,273,,10.31224/,,2019-06-22T12:49:54.415338,2019-07-01T21:31:57.416216 9n5mc,"Isothermal Thermogravimetric Analysis of Recycled Carbon Fiber Composites","Isothermal Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) is a technique in which the mass of a substance is monitored as a function of time as the sample specimen is subjected to a controlled temperature program in a controlled atmosphere. In this research, isothermal TGA was carried out to determine the thermal stability of the recycled epoxy-based and vinyl ester-based carbon fiber composite (CFC). The specimens were heated at constant temperature under nitrogen and air. We evaluate the influence of different temperature on the degradation of recycled CFCs. Results indicate that different temperature has significant influence on the degradation of the recycled CFC under nitrogen.",1,,274,,10.31224/,,2019-06-22T12:45:43.001464,2019-07-01T21:34:14.712468 7kc3f,"Dynamic Thermogravimetric Analysis of Recycled Carbon Fiber Composites: Mini Review","Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is one of the most popular analysis techniques to study the decomposition process of polymeric materials in controlled atmospheres at various temperatures. In this review, dynamic TGA was carried out to determine the thermal stability of the recycled epoxy-based and vinyl ester-based carbon fiber composite (CFC). The specimens were heated from ambient to 800 oC under nitrogen and air at different heating rates. Results indicates that different heating rates has no significant influence on the degradation of the epoxy- based CFC.",1,,281,,10.31224/,,2019-06-22T12:38:42.802804,2019-07-01T21:35:39.044756 p5xcd,"Humanoid Eyes: Perspective & Challenges","This proposal offers perspective and challenges aiming to optimize and socialize the humanoid eyes. The main purpose of this proposal is to bring the readers’ attention to the importance and the sophistication of the human eye and its four dynamics continuum, namely, the continuum that may include saccadic eye movements, pupil variations, blinks along with duchenne markers. We suggested that the robotics’ designers to work collaboratively with neuroscientists to mathematically estimate the aforementioned continuum, and therefore, humanoid eyes/cameras can be perfectly invented; invention that we try to register its essential elements in the present study. The aforementioned collaboration will be very beneficial for an additional purpose, namely, because human vision indeed activates very many cortical areas that extended to the prefrontal cortex; the collaboration may effectively flourish the eye trackers to be good replacements of the expensive brain imaging in certain circumstances.",1,,380,,10.31224/,,2019-06-22T12:34:27.181946,2020-05-24T05:00:26.945612 k2rwp,"LAY-UP OPTIMALITY CONDITIONS FOR STIFFNESS MAXIMIZATION OF ANISOTROPIC COMPOSITE PLATES IN POSTBUCKLING","The present paper deals with the optimization of post-buckled composite plates. The plates have a symmetric lay-up. The layer orientation angles vary in the point-wise or in the plate-wise ways. The von Karman theory is employed. The boundary conditions are the simple support ones or the clamped ones. The structural potential energy is treated as a measure of structural stiffness. For the plate stiffness maximization problem, the first-order necessary conditions of the local optimality are derived. The mathematical treatment of the conditions is performed. The conditions contain two terms. One of them corresponds to the mid-plane strains; another one corresponds to the plate curvatures. The optimality conditions may lead to a co-axiality of some structural tensors. An illustration of the optimality conditions is presented.",1,,399,,10.31224/,,2019-06-20T17:16:41.753184,2019-12-24T13:35:09.119604 8sxh9,"Implementing Kaizen through a Lean RACE Model: A Case Study","In this case study, we conducted a Kaizen implementation to eliminate waste in a quick shipping area of a manufacturing facility. Based on Toyota’s seven types of waste, specific wastes in the system are identified, and the improvement opportunities are specified. The lean RACE (Reduce, Accelerate, Consolidate, Enhance) model is then implemented to identify improvement targets in four directions: Reduce non-value-added activities to decrease interruption in the flow, Accelerate value-added activities to improve throughput and lead time, Consolidate value-added processes into fewer steps in order to shorten the value stream, and Enhance the value added through the processes to improve customer satisfaction and employee welfare such as the ergonomics of work and safer work environment. Based on the collected data, a numerical study is conducted through simulation modeling to verify the benefits of the Kaizen plan. The use of the RACE model, in this case, has projected results of reduction in transportation waste, less handling of work in process, and less waiting which leads to reduction in cycle time and increased throughput.",1,,366,,10.31224/,,2019-06-19T03:55:07.605067,2019-06-19T03:55:24.835565 9f8bt,"Factors Contributing to Success in an Introductory Mechanical Engineering Course: A Data-Driven Case Study","Recent studies have paid attention to the success and performance of students in higher education, concerned finding significant contributing factors. This paper attempts to examine and investigate the effect of a number of factors on students’ success in engineering courses. The data was collected from an introductory course, the Engineering Graphics and Practice, in the mechanical engineering department at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) during fall 2018 semester. The level of students in the class is mixed. Although this course is primarily designed for freshmen, there are upper-division students (juniors and seniors). The study finds that attendance and homework have the most significant effects on the overall performance of students in the course. Surprisingly, a counterintuitive finding is that the effect of a student’s class level is insignificant. The upper-division students did not outperform those in a lower division. Ultimately, the finding of this paper proves that active learning has a greater impact on a student’s overall performance than a number of earned credits.",1,,364,,10.31224/,,2019-06-19T03:54:16.408879,2019-06-19T03:54:41.908085 d6fh9,"Cybersecurity Concerns for Total Productive Maintenance in Smart Manufacturing Systems","Maintenance is the core function to keep a system running and avoid failure. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) has broadly utilized maintenance strategy to improve the customer's satisfaction and hence obtain a competitive advancement. However, the complexity of smart manufacturing systems due to the recent advancements, specifically the integration of internet and network systems with traditional manufacturing platforms, has made this function more challenging. The focus of this paper is to explain how cybersecurity could impact the TPM by affecting the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in a smart manufacturing system by providing a structured literature survey. First, it provides concerns on principle of TPM regarding cybersecurity in smart manufacturing systems. Then, it highlights the effect of a variety of cyber-physical threats on OEE, as a main key performance indicator of TPM and how differently they can reduce OEE. The countermeasures that could be considered to compensate for the negative impact of a cybersecurity threat on the overall effectiveness of the system also will be discussed. Finally, research gaps and challenges are identified to improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in presence of cybersecurity threats in critical manufacturing industries.",1,,560,,10.31224/,,2019-06-19T03:53:08.639374,2019-06-19T03:53:27.773363 y7f53,"A thermodynamically consistent chemo-mechanically coupled large deformation model for polymer oxidation","In this work, we present a continuum-level thermodynamically consistent model for high temperature oxidation in polymers, that incorporates the coupling between diffusion, chemical reaction and large deformation behavior of polymers. The specific constitutive forms are derived based on the thermodynamic inequality conditions and the kinetics of the oxidative reactions are considered. Oxidative shrinkage has also been considered in the kinematics as an irreversible effect. Subsequently, the model is implemented in ABAQUS/Standard to analyze numerically the coupled diffusion-reaction behavior of polymers undergoing oxidation. Several numerical simulations are performed to understand the effect of various material parameters on the oxidative response. The model is capable of predicting the heterogeneous oxidation profile within a thick polymer sample. It can also track the growth of oxide layer in the case of a long-term thermo-oxidative aging process. The model can be used to simulate the oxidation process involving complex geometries (as fiber reinforced composites) fairly easily under various ambient conditions.",1,,360,,10.31224/,,2019-06-17T20:22:15.182284,2019-06-18T17:36:29.695557 a5d3z,"Building The Tree Inventory Application for City of East Jakarta","Trees are essential elements of an urban space. The presence of trees in urban areas is not only appreciated as physical attribute, but beyond this, it serves a fundamental function in balancing and conserving urban ecosystem. Especially in tropical countries like Indonesia which receive high levels of solar radiation, trees contribute to the protection of urban areas from the impact of excessive micro-climatic conditions. But, the presence of trees sometimes resulted in the accidents for the residences because of broken branches and human injuries. This situation leads the city to prepare a tree inventory system, which is beneficial in giving the information about tree conditions and thus the information that would be useful for tree maintenance activities. The tree inventory on application for the city of East Jakarta was built for this purpose, comprising a tree inventory and easy access to the database. The application connects the database source with the GIS map, so that the users could retrieve information for each kind of data.",1,,283,,10.31224/,,2019-06-17T13:10:33.799010,2019-06-17T13:13:01.273291 u78t9,"Preparation of Sand Beds Using Fluidization","Reconstituting soil beds to a desired density is essential to geotechnical modeling tests. In this study, we apply and assess the method of air fluidization to prepare sand beds for geotechnical engineering studies. Through it, an automated bed preparation process can be realized. The details of device structure and design are presented as a reference for application of the methodology. By quantifying the average and local post-fluidization density of the bed, the performance of the fluidized bed device is characterized. With the addition of vibration and by changing the defluidization rate, the sand can be prepared with volume-based relative densities ranging from 10% to 92%. Local sand density, measured with a cone penetrometer, is nearly uniform across the bed: density variation is less than 13% (coefficient of variation with respect to relative density) for all protocols except for some beds prepared by defluidization only. The variation of local density and penetration resistance measured across the bed breadth is comparable to results from beds prepared by the commonly used method of pluviation. This suggests that sand beds reconstituted using air fluidization are suitable for geotechnical modeling tests.",1,,749,,10.31224/,,2019-06-14T20:37:47.955151,2019-06-14T20:38:27.097140 vngzq,"Reliability versus Renewables: Modeling Decision Making in CAISO and PJM to Identify Market Barriers and Supports to Renewable Energy Adoption in the US","While electrification has been proposed as a key mechanism for combating global warming, in the US, fossil fuels are still the mainstay of the electricity sector. This work seeks to identify market barriers and supports for the adoption of renewable energy. A framework to represent the evaluation process for generating capacity is proposed and applied to two regions: California (CAISO), where legislation requires most electricity to be supplied by renewables by 2030, and the Mid-Atlantic (PJM), where renewables have barely penetrated the market. Generation technologies are ordered via multiobjective optimization using genetic algorithms to resolve a bounded knapsack problem. Price factors for each technology are established. A net present value is assessed for representative projects in each region and technology. Local sensitivity analysis is performed. Results suggest that capacity payments in PJM offer an incentive to fossil-fuel based plants, which calls into question the suitability of carbon pricing in the region. While solar PV has the lowest costs, profitability was highest for natural gas based plants in PJM. Sensitivity is higher in CAISO than in PJM due to lower profit margins. Renewables were selected most frequently in the cost optimization, with natural gas present in ~10% of results.",1,,394,,10.31224/,,2019-06-14T18:53:19.142658,2019-06-14T18:53:47.251292 3mpyt,"Application of background pressure with kinematic criterion for free surface extension to suppress non-physical voids in the finite volume particle method","Lagrangian particle methods such as smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and the finite volume particle method (FVPM) can suffer from non-physical voids in the spatial discretisation, due to the inability of numerical particles to deform as continuum fluid elements can. It is known that the situation can be improved for wall-bounded flows in SPH by adding a uniform background pressure to ensure positive absolute pressure everywhere. In this article, we investigate the application of background pressure in FVPM, and show that numerical voids grow under negative pressure and collapse under positive pressure. To use this technique in free-surface flow, however, the background pressure must be applied as an atmospheric pressure at the free surface. A kinematic criterion for free surface extension (KCFSE) to differentiate physical free surfaces from new numerical voids has been developed, supplementing the inherent capability of FVPM to identify free-surface particles robustly. The novel method enables background pressure to be applied at physical free surfaces and throughout the fluid, but not in non-physical voids, facilitating the suppression of such spurious voids. The KCFSE is validated for a translating square cylinder inside a rectangular numerical domain, with and without a free surface, and liquid in an oscillating rectangular tank.",1,,337,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.enganabound.2019.05.010,2019-06-13T17:56:22.461458,2019-06-13T17:56:48.954686 wekmq,"Design and Repeatability Analysis of Desktop Tool for Rapid Pre-Cracking of Notched Ductile Plastic Fracture Specimens","Fracture testing is a useful mechanical testing process to explore the properties and behavior of materials, one that has seen much development and refinement in recent decades. One of the most important steps in preparing samples for testing is the production of a sharp pre-crack to initiate crack propagation in a predictable way. While several methods have been developed for doing this, particularly for metals and brittle plastic materials, a quick and reliable method for more ductile materials is lacking. This technical note describes the design and verification of a simple desktop-sized pre-cracking device which safely uses a razor blade and hammer to quickly produce straight and sharp pre-cracks of consistent depth in ductile polymeric material samples. To verify its capability and consistency, a series of tests were performed using both molded and 3-D printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). First, a series of 40 notched 25 mm x 9.5 mm ABS bars were pre-cracked, and the distance under the crack measured on both sides of the bar. Several bars were then broken along the cracks to examine the quality of the pre-crack front. These tests were then repeated 20 times each for two print orientations of fused deposition modeling (FDM) ABS printed at 100% density. All 80 pre-cracks were found to be straight, sharp, and within 1% of the nominal distance under the crack for all samples. The consistency of the pre-cracks throughout the sample cross-section was also observed to be excellent, with all 80 tests showing less than 0.25 mm of deviation, even on the highly-anisotropic FDM samples.",1,,433,,10.31224/,,2019-06-12T21:20:12.253037,2019-06-12T21:20:41.637028 85btc,"Dynamic traffic assignment with a node-based cell transmission model satisfying the link-level first-in-first-out principle","This paper develops node-based formulations for user equilibrium (UE) and system optimum (SO) dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) problems with departure time choice and route choices for general multiple origin-destination networks. Both the formulations are embedded with a new cell transmission model that satisfies the link-level First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle. Because the formulations are node-based, the need for path enumeration is obviated, which results in considerable computational efficiency compared to the existing path-based models. While this advantage of node-based (or bush-based) models has been widely accepted in the literature of static traffic assignment, the formulations of dynamic traffic assignment models have mostly been path-based. The present work first describes a node-based cell transmission model that satisfies the link-level FIFO principle, which is fit within a DTA framework that facilitates efficient computation of UE and SO solutions. Further contributions of the work include the introduction of a backpropagation algorithm to efficiently compute marginal costs and complementarity formulations of the problems. Finally, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed models using two standard test networks, along with a discussion of their convergence.",1,,321,,10.31224/,,2019-06-12T21:18:10.482875,2019-08-23T02:28:38.830308 bv6g4,"Sulfide and Fluoride Ions Based Passivation of GaAs(100) Surface and Concept of Combining Surface Passivation with Tunnel Junction Based Molecular Devices","Sulfur interaction with GaAs can reduce the harmful effect of surface states on recombination attributes. Apart from surface passivation, study of sulfur bonding on GaAs is also important for developing novel molecular electronics and molecular spintronics devices, where a molecular channel can be connected to at least one GaAs surface via thiol functional group. Excess thiol functional groups that are not involved in making molecular device channels can serve as the passivants to quench surface states. However, the primary challenge lies in increasing the stability and effectiveness of the sulfur passivated GaAs. We have investigated the effect of single and double step surface passivation of n-GaAs(100) by using the sulfide and fluoride ions. Our single-step passivation involved the use of sulfide and fluoride ions individually. However, the two kinds of double-step passivations were performed by treating the n-GaAs surface. In the first approach GaAs surface was firstly treated with sulfide ions and secondly with fluoride ions, respectively. In the second double step approach GaAs surface was first treated with fluoride ions followed by sulfide ions, respectively. Sulfidation was conducted using the nonaqueous solution of sodium sulfide salt. Whereas the passivation steps with fluoride ion was performed with the aqueous solution of ammonium fluoride. Both sulfidation and fluoridation steps were performed either by dipping the GaAs sample in the desired ionic solution or electrochemically. Photoluminescence was conducted to characterize the relative changes in surface recombination velocity due to the single and double step surface passivation. Photoluminescence study showed that the double-step chemical treatment where GaAs was first treated with fluoride ions followed by the sulfide ions yielded the highest improvement. The time vs. photoluminescence study showed that this double-step passivation exhibited lower degradation rate as compared to widely discussed sulfide ion passivated GaAs surface. We also conducted surface elemental analysis using Rutherford Back Scattering to decipher the near surface chemical changes due to the four passivation methodologies we adopted. The double-step passivations affected the shallower region near GaAs surface as compared to the single step passivations.",1,,319,,10.31224/,10.1557/adv.2017.380,2019-06-12T02:45:21.861469,2019-06-12T02:45:41.331085 ztj9k,"Decision Fusion of EEG and fNIRS Signals","In this study, we investigated the use of multimodal functional neuroimaging in detecting mental stress on the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We recorded Electroencephalography (EEG) and functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) simultaneously from 20-subjects performing mental arithmetic task under control and stress conditions. Stress was induced in this study based on two established stressors – time pressure and negative feedback about peer performance. We explored decision fusion by using support vector machine classifier for each modality, and optimizing the classifiers based on Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve values. Experiment results revealed significant reduction in alpha rhythm and mean change in concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin at PFC when stressed, p<0.001 and 0.0001 respectively. The decision fusion improved significantly the detection rate of mental stress by +7.76% and +10.57%, when compared to sole modality of EEG and fNIRS, respectively.",1,,493,,10.31224/,,2019-06-11T13:02:18.702988,2019-06-11T13:02:41.914128 hsevm,"On some sufficient conditions for distributed QoS support in wireless networks","Given a wireless network where some pairs of communication links interfere with each other, we study sufficient conditions for determining whether a given set of minimum bandwidth Quality of Service (QoS) requirements can be satisfied. We are especially interested in distributed implementations which have low communication overhead and low processing complexity. Row constraints are known to be sufficient, and we introduce the notion of the induced star number of a graph and show that this quantity determines the performance of this condition. We further investigate this problem for some special classes of networks and interference models such as unit disk networks and primary interference constraints. We determine the exact worst-case performance of some distributed algorithms for admission control and thereby show that they can be arbitrarily far away from optimal; we then show that these algorithms are within a bounded factor away from optimal for some well known classes of networks and interference models.",1,,309,,10.31224/,,2019-06-11T11:46:26.518812,2019-06-11T11:46:48.089492 dqzm7,"Adaptive Special Strategies Resampling for Inertial-based Mobile Indoor Positioning Systems : An Initial Proposal","The phenomenon of sample impoverishment during particle filtering always contribute computation burden to the inertial-based mobile IPS systems. This is due to the factor of noise measurement and number of particle. Usually, the special strategies resampling algorithms was used. However, these algorithms just can fit in certain environment. This needs an adaptation of noise measurement and number of particle in a algorithm in order to make resampling with more intelligence, reliability and robust. In tbis paper, we will propose an adaptive special strategies resampling by adapting noise and particle measurement. These adaptation is used to determine the most suitable algorithm of special strategies resampling, that can be switched for resampling purpose. Finally, we illustrate our proposed solution our for indoor environment setup.",1,,372,,10.31224/,,2019-06-11T11:44:41.056708,2019-06-12T00:34:12.660780 f3ytz,"Adaptive Navigation Support: A Literature Review of Its Application and Implication in Learning Process","The use of technology has been widely used for many people in every aspect of life and become part of daily activities in recent years. One of technology application is in the learning and education process. Adaptive Navigation Support (ANS) is a method and part of a hypermedia study that can boost the performance of students by using the benefit of technology. With ANS, students are able to make the learning process more interesting as the learning material relatively corresponds to their knowledge and preferences. Furthermore, ANS can guide students in finding their paths and ways in hyperspace based on student requirements, goals, and characteristics. Therefore, ANS has caught many researchers attention in their studies to improve student skills and performance in the learning process. Many papers, discussed in ANS, have been published over the last decade, however, no one has studied the ANS in a comprehensive way. This paper is a literature review in ANS and its application as well as its implication in the learning process. There are fourty-nine papers as its source of analysis. Our findings show that the applications of ANS can be classified into four dimensions, such as platform, use case, impact, and process. These classifications are based on the study of ANS applications and implications over the last decade.",1,,389,,10.31224/,10.3991/ijet.v14i16.10719,2019-06-10T13:14:27.781265,2019-10-04T03:00:59.699816 7s5qu,"Detailed Balance Analysis of Photovoltaic Windows","There are a number of technical and socio-economic factors converging to position photovoltaic (PV) windows as a transformative technology for the energy landscape of the future: 1) Urban areas currently account for 67–76% of global final energy consumption. 2) 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. 3) The overwhelming architectural trend is away from opaque building components and toward all-glass facades. 4) Photovoltaics are becoming extremely affordable, and the most expensive components in a conventional module are the glass and transparent metals—components that are already in highly-insulating glazing. 5) Buildings are increasingly built to easily integrate with photovoltaic energy generation using DC microgrids and on-site energy generation to balance high demand on the grid. Rational design of PV windows is of paramount importance to realize their impact. In this work, we provide an analysis on the theoretical performance of PV windows using a detailed balance model to understand the complex design space of power conversion efficiency, visible light transmittance, solar heat gain coefficient, and color. We find there are two distinct regimes for PV window absorber design. The first lowvisible light transmittance regime validates the most prevalent approach to semitransparent PV windows in which conventional absorber materials (Si, CIGS, CdTe, CZTS, perovskite, etc.) are thinned to allow visible light to pass through. In this thinned-absorber regime, an ideal bandgap of ~1.35 eV maximizes performance, which is consistent with the famous Shockley–Queisser limit. However, we identify a second, high visible light transmittance regime in which the ideal bandgap for maximum power conversion efficiency increases monotonically from 2 to 3 eV with increasing visible light transmittance. In this tuned-bandgap regime, the solar cell exhibits lower losses and tunable solar heat gain and color.",1,,456,,10.31224/,10.1021/acsenergylett.9b01316,2019-06-06T21:20:21.966377,2019-09-05T01:53:05.296252 fq8ze,"Data Prognostics Using Symbolic Regression","This paper describes a general technique for data prognostics using symbolic regression. This analysis treats the characterization of turbofan engine degradation as a particular application for the general technique. The proposed genetic program (GP) characterizes engine degradation, and then uses that characterization to both detect engine faults and predict the remaining lifetimes of engines after a fault. The genetic program exploits the fact that engine degradation manifests itself as changing correlations between sensor outputs. The NASA Prognostics Data Repository provides a training set in which 100 simulated engines are run to failure, and a test set in which a separate set of 100 simulated engines are shut off before they fail. The GP uses the training fleet of engines to identify the sensor relationships that indicate engine fault and predict remaining lifetime, and then observes the learned sensor relationships in the test fleet. The genetic program successfully detects the moment that the fault occurs for every engine in the test fleet and accurately predicts the remaining lifetime of the engines after the fault.",1,,423,,10.31224/,,2019-06-06T15:35:08.395890,2019-06-06T15:35:27.731446 fwrqj,"An Analysis of Design Process and Performance in Distributed Data Science Teams","Purpose – Often, it is assumed that teams are better at solving problems than individuals working independently. However, recent work in engineering, design, and psychology contradicts this assumption. This work examines the behavior of teams engaged in data science competitions. Crowdsourced competitions have seen increased used for software development and data science, and platforms often encourage teamwork between participants. Design/methodology/approach – We specifically examine teams participating in data science competitions hosted by Kaggle. We analyze data provided by Kaggle to compare the effect of team size and interaction frequency on team performance. We also contextualize these results through a semantic analysis. Findings – This work demonstrates that groups of individuals working independently may outperform interacting teams on average, but that small, interacting teams are more likely to win competitions. The semantic analysis revealed differences in forum participation, verb usage, and pronoun usage when comparing top- and bottom-performing teams. Research limitations/implications- These results reveal a perplexing tension that must be explored further: true teams may experience better performance with higher cohesion, but nominal teams may perform even better on average with essentially no cohesion. A limitation of this research includes not factoring in team member experience level and reliance on extant data. Originality/Value – These results are potentially of use to designers of crowdsourced data science competitions as well as managers and contributors to distributed software development projects.",1,,415,,10.31224/,,2019-06-05T12:50:12.374059,2019-06-05T12:50:26.611294 sev3c,"Bond-based peridynamics: A tale of two Poisson's ratios","This paper explores the restrictions imposed by bond-based peridynamics, particularly with respect to plane strain and plane stress models. We begin with a review of the derivations in [2] wherein for isotropic materials a Poisson's ratio restriction of 1/4 for plane strain and 1/3 for plane stress is deduced. Next, we show Cauchy's relations are an intrinsic limitation of bond-based peridynamics and specialize this result to plane strain and plane stress models, generalizing the results of [2] and demonstrating the Poisson's ratio restrictions in [2] are simply a consequence of Cauchy's relations. We conclude with a discussion of the validity of peridynamic plane strain and plane stress models formulated from two-dimensional bond-based peridynamic models.",1,,700,,10.31224/,,2019-06-04T15:48:36.549264,2019-06-04T16:44:30.318775 kjhbx,"Conceptual design of a rotational mechanical time base with varying inertia","Flexure pivot oscillators have the potential to advantageously replace the traditional balance wheel-spiral spring oscillator used in mechanical watches due to their significantly lower friction. However, they have inherent nonlinear elastic properties that can introduce a variation of their frequency with amplitude called isochronism defect. Previous research has focused on controlling the elastic behavior of flexure pivot oscillators to reach isochronism. We present a new way of minimizing the isochronism defect of rotational oscillators by varying their inertia. This principle is embodied in a new family of oscillators we call rotation-dilation coupled oscillator (RDCO). Their architecture also presents a rotational symmetry that is advantageous for minimizing the effects of gravity on their period. We present a description of this new oscillator family, give conceptual tools for tuning its isochronism and show examples of physical implementations.",1,,488,,10.31224/,,2019-06-04T15:47:43.039351,2019-06-04T16:43:44.061923 u48bc,"Modelling Gene-Protein-Reaction Associations on an FPGA","Genome-Scale metabolic models have proven to be incredibly useful.Allowing researchers to model cellular functionality based upon gene expression. However as the number of genes and reactions increases it can become computationally demanding. The first step in genome-scale metabolic modelling is to model the relationship between genes and reactions in the form of Gene-Protein-Reaction Associations (GPRA). In this research we have developed a way to model GPRAs on an Altera Cyclone II FPGA using Quartus II programmable logic device design software and the VHDL hardware description language. The model consisting of 7 genes and 7 reactions was implemented using 7 combinational functions and 14 I/O pins. This model will be the first step towards creating a full genome scale metabolic model on FPGA devices which we will be fully investigating in future studies.",1,,386,,10.31224/,,2019-06-03T16:28:15.617277,2019-06-03T16:33:01.445717 48wr2,"Optimal composition of tasks in cloud manufacturing platform: a novel hybrid GWO-GA approach","Emerging cloud manufacturing paradigm aims towards providing highly integrated solutions via enabling cooperation between distributed manufacturing resources and capabilities. Implementation of this groundbreaking idea, however, is facing serious challenges springing from the currently centralized industrial structures. In order to help it make its way out, researchers have to address a number of pivotal issues in this regard. Service composition and optimal selection (SCOS), which tackles the problem of optimally selecting and combining available resources into a composite service is one of them. To deal with this NP-hard problem, we developed a novel hybrid algorithm based on the recentlyintroduced grey wolf optimizer (GWO) in which evolutionary operators are also embedded into the hunting mechanism of the basic algorithm. This approach not only makes it possible to adapt an algorithm with continuous structure such as GWO to solve a combinatorial problem such as SCOS, but also empowers it with providing higher exploration through crossover and mutation operators. Experiments conducted clearly proves the superior performance of the proposed algorithm over existing discrete variations of GWO and genetic algorithm, especially in large-scale SCOS problems.",1,,547,,10.31224/,,2019-06-03T12:43:18.205773,2019-06-05T20:49:34.151397 ehaux,"Issues of Privilege in University Service-Learning","Service-learning activities, such as development projects organized under the Engineers Without Borders USA organization, are popular on many university campuses as a mechanism for providing applied, global learning experiences for both engineering and non-engineering students. Existing studies have found that these experiences are meaningful for students and help them to apply what they learn in the classroom to the “real world” while learning valuable teamwork, communication, project management, and other skills. In this paper, we report on our ongoing research about EWB-USA participation and outcomes and, using case studies from our ethnographic research, discuss barriers to EWB-USA project participation among less privileged students. The implications this issue has for institutions interested in using service-learning to meet core learning outcomes as well as the need to diversify service-learning will be considered.",1,,340,,10.31224/,10.24908/ijsle.v14i3.13197,2019-06-01T14:10:01.936562,2019-11-27T23:26:18.797748 f28zk,"Nonlinear numerical simulation of punching shear behaviour of reinforced concrete flat slabs with shear-heads","This paper examines the structural response of reinforced concrete flat slabs, provided with fully-embedded shear-heads, through detailed three-dimensional nonlinear numerical simulations and parametric assessments using concrete damage plasticity models. Validations of the adopted nonlinear finite element procedures are carried out against experimental results from three test series. After gaining confidence in the ability of the numerical models to predict closely the full inelastic response and failure modes, numerical investigations are carried out in order to examine the influence of key material and geometric parameters. The results of these numerical assessments enable the identification of three modes of failure as a function of the interaction between the shear-head and surrounding concrete. Based on the findings, coupled with results from previous studies, analytical models are proposed for predicting the rotational response as well as the ultimate strength of such slab systems. Practical recommendations are also provided for the design of shear-heads in RC slabs, including the embedment length and section size. The analytical expressions proposed in this paper, based on a wide-ranging parametric assessment, are shown to offer a more reliable design approach in comparison with existing methods for all types of shear-heads, and are suitable for direct practical application.",1,,657,,10.31224/,10.1007/s11709-019-0596-5,2019-05-30T18:27:36.952554,2020-05-19T07:37:38.973335 45cf9,"Results from a water-saving maintenance campaign at Cape Town schools in the run-up to Day Zero","Many South African schools struggle to maintain their water systems, particularly in the water-constrained Western Cape province, where the so-called ""Day Zero'' drought had intensified the urgency of saving water and increased the cost of supply. The problem is compounded by insufficient governmental funding, the lack of well-structured government policies, and a shortage of skilled maintenance staff at the schools. We evaluate the impact of a plumbing maintenance drive at 196 schools at the apex of the drought. Hypothesising that even the most basic maintenance could be a huge financial help to these schools, we gave plumbers a list of typical easy-gain repairs and restricted the budget to R5,000 per school, with some ad hoc exceptions. We then analysed the cost and benefit of these repairs, using data on the minimum night flow as recorded by smart water meters. We found an average of 28% reduction in MNF within five days of the reported maintenance date. The once-off R1,22 million spent on the 196 schools resulted in a monthly saving of R1,90 million -- a saving that the schools could put to academic purposes.",1,,785,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.scs.2019.101639,2019-05-30T18:25:43.534022,2019-07-01T13:22:54.075415 u3fnb,"A BioHackathon on the challenges of aging: Rapid need-finding and solution modeling in a student-led event","The Biointerfaces Interlaboratory Committees, the student organization for the Biointerfaces Institute at the University of Michigan, organized and executed an 8 hour “BioHackathon” on the broadly defined clinical topic of ‘Aging.’ The event began with experts in the field (a clinician and an engineer) highlighting the areas of greatest need in which engineers could improve the lives of the aging population. Attendees separated into teams based on shared interests in pursuing specific needs, and rapidly developed need statements and solution models to help the elderly. Solutions ranged from a smart toothbrush to help detect pneumonia in early stages, to small clothing pads to help reduce the impact of falls on hip fractures. Based on a follow-up anonymous internet survey, the attendees indicated they enjoyed the event, and would likely attend a similar event in the future. We conclude by reflecting upon the event, and suggest ways in which we could improve the style of the event for future hackathons.",1,,421,,10.31224/,,2019-05-30T18:25:03.556443,2019-05-30T18:25:21.234500 v6ams,"Chalk, talk, and energy efficiency: Saving electricity at South African schools through staff training and smart meter data visualisation","South African schools are finding electricity costly in terms of money that could be spent on the primary purpose of educating children, but they tend not to be proactive about these costs. Managing the monthly bills is a huge task: the usage numbers on the bill are incomprehensible, the time-of-use tariff structure is bewilderingly complex, and the person who deals with payments is usually an overburdened teacher. This paper describes a controlled behavioural experiment carried out at five schools in Stellenbosch. We provided highly visualised and intuitive daily, weekly and monthly reports to three of the schools, the other two acting as controls. The reports were shared with teachers, principals and the governing body to encourage accountability. Usage was shown as a colour-coded energy and financial component per hour and per tariff class. Using the difference-in-differences method, we found financial savings of 11% and 14% at two of the schools and 13% at the third school, where staff were also trained on the tariff structure before reporting started. These results suggest that sharing high-frequency, digestible information could help South African schools reduce their energy bills; a saving that has particular relevance given the country’s dependence on fossil fuels.",1,,415,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.erss.2019.05.022,2019-05-30T18:23:15.869753,2019-06-19T19:06:36.180792 za2p9,"Vegetation High-Impedance Faults' High-Frequency Signatures via Sparse Coding","The behavior of High-Impedance Faults (HIFs) in power distribution systems depends on multiple factors, making it a challenging disturbance to model. If enough data from real staged faults is provided, signal processing techniques can help reveal patterns from a specific type of fault. Such a task is implemented herein by employing the Shift-Invariant Sparse Coding (SISC) technique on a data set of staged vegetation high-impedance faults. The technique facilitates the uncoupling of shifted and convoluted patterns present in the recorded signals from fault tests. The deconvolution of these patterns was then individually studied to identify the possible repeating fault signatures. The work is primarily focused on the investigation of the under-discussed high-frequency faults signals, especially regarding voltage disturbances created by the fault currents. Therefore, the main contribution from this paper is the resulted evidence of consistent behavior from real vegetation HIFs at higher frequencies. These results can enhance phenomena awareness and support future methodologies dealing with these disturbances.",1,,372,,10.31224/,10.1109/TIM.2019.2950822,2019-05-29T12:57:39.809137,2020-01-29T08:24:35.644514 v5btz,"Rational Design of Ion Separation Membranes","Synthetic membranes for desalination and ion separation processes are a prerequisite for the supply of safe and sufficient drinking water as well as smart process water tailored to its application. This requires a versatile membrane fabrication methodology. Starting from an extensive set of new ion separation membranes synthesized with a layer-by-layer methodology, we demonstrate for the first time that an artificial neural network (ANN) can predict ion retention and water flux values based on membrane fabrication conditions. The predictive ANN is used in a local single-objective optimization approach to identify manufacturing conditions that improve permeability of existing membranes. A deterministic global multi-objective optimization is performed in order to identify the upper bound (Pareto front) of the delicate trade-off between ion retention characteristics and permeability. Ultimately, a coupling of the ANN into a hybrid model enables physical insight into the influence of fabrication conditions on apparent membrane properties.",1,,524,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2018.10.013,2019-05-27T16:46:32.341028,2019-05-27T16:46:47.401218 5tg8e,"Shell and lumen side flow and pressure communication during permeation and filtration in a multibore polymer membrane module","This study reveals the importance of the module geometry on the flow field and pressure distribution during membrane permeation for multibore membranes. The pathways of permeation are unraveled within a custom-made multibore single membrane module. For this, we combine flow velocimetry of magnetic resonance imaging (flow-MRI) with computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations and permeation experiments. First, a systematic simulation study identifies flow patterns based on simplified geometrical features that are supported experimentally through flow-MRI measurements. This comprehensive study shows how small geometric deviations from the idealistic assumptions result in unexpected fluid flow on the shell and lumen side in the module. Second, the influence of those non-ideal flow patterns during the filtration of silica particles are revealed by MRI. The results indicate heterogeneous silica deposition due to geometry induced flow fields. Contrary to the idealized assumption, the subsequent backwashing is also influenced by those deposition patterns. Hence, unavoidable non-idealities of membrane positioning during the construction of the module influence the performance of the membrane filtration. With this study, we stimulate to analyze and pioneer new strategies to optimize module design and fully recover the membrane's performance after filtration cycles during backwashing. Even more, extensive future studies on multiple multibore membranes can reveal their mutual interaction closing the gap between the single multibore membrane behavior and multibore membrane module properties.",1,,293,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2019.04.070,2019-05-27T16:45:48.469362,2019-05-27T16:46:07.232928 6n53p,"Closing the cycle: phosphorus removal and recovery from diluted e?uents using acid resistive membranes","New regulations in many developed countries call for significant reduction in phosphorus concentration for effluents released to the environment. At the same time, recovery of phosphorus – a non-renewable resource used mainly as fertilizer – from anthropogenic waste is extensively studied and bolstered as a crucial component in maintaining future food security. Thus far, studies on phosphorus recovery mainly focused on concentrated streams; although diluted effluents such as treated wastewater often contain a significant portion of the phosphorus mass. Here we propose a new approach for the simultaneous removal and recovery of phosphorus from diluted effluents using a membrane characterized by high phosphate rejection and acid resistance. High P rejection allows for the concentration of phosphorus in the retentate until recoverable calcium-phosphate precipitants are formed, while acid resistance enables a simple and effective chemical cleaning of the membrane. Factors affecting the removal and recovery of phosphorus during filtration are studied here experimentally and through thermochemical modeling. CaCO3 precipitation in the retentate resulted in severe scaling, whereas calcium-phosphate precipitated mostly in the bulk, resulting in colloidal fouling which was manageable by maintaining sub-critical permeate flux. Selective Ca-P precipitation is feasible via pH adjustments, requiring very little acid addition as shown through thermochemical modeling. Calcium-phosphate deposits were easily removed from the feed channel using acid-cleaning, and the permeate flux was completely restored. Furthermore, phosphorus removal and recovery by nanofiltration was shown to require less operating expenses compared to a more conventional approach comprising P removal by ferric chloride addition and its subsequent recovery from incinerated sludge. Our results therefore demonstrate the potential of this new approach as a step forward towards closing the anthropogenic phosphorus cycle.",1,,460,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.cej.2018.03.181,2019-05-27T16:44:15.733228,2019-05-27T16:44:47.580370 jq7u9,"2D Patterned Ion-Exhange Membranes Induce Electroconvection","Concentration polarization is a diffusion‐limited phenomenon for ion transport in electrodialysis based desalination processes. Once a so‐called limiting current is reached, the resistance of the system rises notably manifested as a plateau region in the current–voltage curves. For long it is hypothesized that altering the surface properties of the membrane can overcome the diffusional transport limitation by the induction of electroconvective vortices mixing the laminar boundary layer. To systematically investigate the influence of geometrical and chemical membrane surface topology on the evolution of electroconvection, circular patterns of polystyrene, poly(2‐vinylpyridine) (P2VP), and P2VP microgels are inkjet printed on cation‐exchange membranes. All types of patterns cause an insignificant increase in membrane resistance but they reduce the plateau lengths indicating the desired accelerated onset of electroconvection. In case of polystyrene (PS) patterns, the drop in plateau length results in a small reduction in transport resistance for overlimiting currents. However, membranes modified with linear P2VP and P2VP microgel patterns do exhibit a significantly decreased resistance in this region at a simultaneous increase of the limiting current density. Direct numerical simulations support the interpretation that the surface charge of the printed patterns influences the direction of the vortices being advantageous during ion transport toward the membrane.",1,,441,,10.31224/,10.1002/admi.201801309,2019-05-27T16:39:47.729125,2019-05-27T16:40:13.672920 5jyte,"Unraveling charge transport in carbon flow-electrodes: performance prediction for desalination applications","We report the design and analysis of a salt metathesis process using Flow-Electrode Capacitive Deionization (FCDI) for the generation of a concentrated valuable magnesium sulfate solution from dilute MgCl2 and Na2SO4 (or K2SO4) solutions. First, a batch mode decomposition and recombination of the MgCl2, Na2SO4, and K2SO4 solutions was studied with varying initial concentrations. Current efficiencies of ∼100% were observed for each cycle. In a so-called decomposition step, two different salt solutions are decomposed into electrically charged slurries having the counterions adsorbed. Swapping the slurries with the stored counterions during the recombination step results into new salt solutions upon discharge including the desired product. Both, purity of products and overall conversion of ions into the products, depend on operational parameters, while maximal achieved MgSO4 purity was as high as 93% with a concentration factor of 6.3 and a discharge current efficiency of ∼85%. Finally, a semicontinuous FCDI metathesis system was investigated. Performing the recombination step at appropriate process conditions also allows the concentration of the resulting product solutions by a factor as high as 81.5 with MgSO4 purity of ∼80% and current efficiencies of 96%. Future improvements in process configurations and membrane ion selectivity will render the process even more selective.",1,,582,,10.31224/,10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b03086,2019-05-27T16:38:37.539932,2020-03-27T10:21:50.067763 m9472,"On charge percolation in slurry electrodes used in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries","In vanadium redox flow battery systems porous carbon felts are commonly employed as electrodes inside the flow channel. Recently, slurry electrodes (or flow suspension electrodes) were introduced as a potentially viable electrode system. Such electrode systems are little understood so far. Mass, momentum and charge transfer phenomena co-occur, interactions with each other are nearly impossible to capture experimentally. We present a novel discrete model of the particulate phase combining theories from fluid dynamics, colloidal physics, and electrochemistry with a coupled CFD-DEM approach. The methodology allows to visualize local phenomena occurring during the charging of the battery and to compute the net current of the slurry electrode system. We demonstrate that an increasing particle volume fraction enables the formation of conducting networks in the flow electrode until a threshold is reached. Our study concludes, that the assumption of all particles participating in the charge transfer as assumed in pure CFD investigations is not necessarily valid.",1,,389,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.elecom.2019.02.013,2019-05-27T16:37:29.031874,2019-05-27T16:37:51.899916 dmpr3,"3D Nanofabrication inside rapid prototyped microfluidic channels showcased by wet-spinning of single micrometre fibres","Microfluidics is an established multidisciplinary research domain with widespread applications in the fields of medicine, biotechnology and engineering. Conventional production methods of microfluidic chips have been limited to planar structures, preventing the exploitation of truly three-dimensional architectures for applications such as multi-phase droplet preparation or wet-phase fibre spinning. Here the challenge of nanofabrication inside a microfluidic chip is tackled for the showcase of a spider-inspired spinneret. Multiphoton lithography, an additive manufacturing method, was used to produce free-form microfluidic masters, subsequently replicated by soft lithography. Into the resulting microfluidic device, a three-dimensional spider-inspired spinneret was directly fabricated in-chip via multiphoton lithography. Applying this unprecedented fabrication strategy, the to date smallest printed spinneret nozzle is produced. This spinneret resides tightly sealed, connecting it to the macroscopic world. Its functionality is demonstrated by wet-spinning of single-digit micron fibres through a polyacrylonitrile coagulation process induced by a water sheath layer. The methodology developed here demonstrates fabrication strategies to interface complex architectures into classical microfluidic platforms. Using multiphoton lithography for in-chip fabrication adopts a high spatial resolution technology for improving geometry and thus flow control inside microfluidic chips. The showcased fabrication methodology is generic and will be applicable to multiple challenges in fluid control and beyond.",1,,352,,10.31224/,10.1039/C7LC01366C,2019-05-27T15:44:22.419441,2019-05-27T15:44:47.311780 r59ku,"Sinusoidal shaped hollow fibers for enhanced mass transfer","Geometrically structured flow channels induce secondary flows and vortices enhancing mass and heat transport rates. In particular, these vortices may reduce concentration polarization and subsequent fouling in membrane transport processes. In this work we present a new method of producing hollow fiber membranes with a sinusoidal change in diameter along the fiber length. We engineered a pulsation module that imposes a sinusoidally fluctuating bore liquid flow rate. Harmonic bore flow conditions can be varied over a wide range of operational settings. The fluctuating bore liquid flow rate translates into axial membrane properties varying with respect to inner bore diameter and wall thickness. We suggest that the resulting narrowing and widening of the membrane lumen channel induces secondary vortices to the liquid feed inside the membrane lumen. In gas/liquid membrane absorption processes these secondary vortices reduce the diffusional resistance, also known as the Bellhouse effect. For the produced hydrophobic PVDF membranes, improved oxygen transport from shell-to-lumen side prove superiority over straight hollow fiber membranes in G/L absorption process by a factor of 2.5 at higher liquid flow rates. We anticipate the dynamic flow module to be easily integrated into currently existing hollow fiber membrane spinning processes.",1,,307,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2017.03.030,2019-05-27T15:41:28.094156,2019-05-27T15:41:48.369187 5csy8,"3D-printed conductive static mixers enable all-vanadium redox ow battery using slurry electrodes","State-of-the-art all-vanadium redox flow batteries employ porous carbonaceous materials as electrodes. The battery cells possess non-scalable fixed electrodes inserted into a cell stack. In contrast, a conductive particle network dispersed in the electrolyte, known as slurry electrode, may be beneficial for a scalable redox flow battery. In this work, slurry electrodes are successfully introduced to an all-vanadium redox flow battery. Activated carbon and graphite powder particles are dispersed up to 20 wt% in the vanadium electrolyte and charge-discharge behavior is inspected via polarization studies. Graphite powder slurry is superior over activated carbon with a polarization behavior closer to the standard graphite felt electrodes. 3D-printed conductive static mixers introduced to the slurry channel improve the charge transfer via intensified slurry mixing and increased surface area. Consequently, a significant increase in the coulombic efficiency up to 95% and energy efficiency up to 65% is obtained. Our results show that slurry electrodes supported by conductive static mixers can be competitive to state-of-the-art electrodes yielding an additional degree of freedom in battery design. Research into carbon properties (particle size, internal surface area, pore size distribution) tailored to the electrolyte system and optimization of the mixer geometry may yield even better battery properties.",1,,483,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.01.061,2019-05-27T15:40:45.712037,2019-05-27T15:41:01.067521 uv7c2,"3D-printed electrodes with improved mass transport properties","Today's electrochemical reactor design is a less developed discipline as compared to electrocatalytic synthesis. Although catalysts show increasing conversion rates, they are often operated without measures for the reduction of concentration polarization effects. As a result, a stagnant boundary layer forms at the electrode‐electrolyte interface. This stagnant boundary layer presents an additional voltage drop and reduces the energy efficiency. It is generally accepted that this phenomenon is caused by a combination of fast electrode reactions and slow diffusion of the reacting species. Our earlier work demonstrated the potential of non‐conducting static mixers to reduce concentration polarization effects. However, there are few studies on conductive static mixers applied as electrodes. In this study, we present a new concept of additive manufactured flow through electrode mixers. Our electrode geometry combines a high surface area with mixing properties, diminishing concentration polarization effects of transport‐limited reactions. Mass transport properties of these conductive static mixers are evaluated in an additive manufactured electrochemical reactor under controlled conditions by applying the limiting‐current method.",1,,416,,10.31224/,10.1002/celc.201700662,2019-05-27T15:38:11.808256,2019-05-27T15:38:29.429304 c267u,"Fouling Mitigation in Tubular Membranes by 3D-printed Twisted Tape Turbulence Promoters","Despite intensive research, fouling remains a severe problem in membrane filtration. It is often controlled by applying turbulent flow which requires a higher energy consumption. So-called turbulence promoters or static mixers can be inserted into the flow channel of tubular membranes. They deflect the fluid, induce vortices, enhance particle back-transport and increase the shear rate at the membrane surface, thus mitigating fouling. However, little is known how the geometry of such turbulence promotors affects the reduction of fouling. We investigate how different 3D-printed mixer geometries affect fouling and improve the flux during filtration with humic acid. Most mixer geometries used in the present study are based on a twisted tape; a Kenics static mixer is investigated as well. Static mixers with changing diameter prove to be less effective than twisted tape mixers with constant diameter which lead to an increase in permeate flux of around 130%. The highest flux improvement of 140% can be reached by applying a Kenics mixer. Regardless of their geometry, all investigated static mixer cause higher permeate fluxes at same specific energy consumption. Again, the Kenics mixer proves to be the most efficient static mixer. The presented mixer geometries can be fabricated with undercut injection molding techniques and represent a simple and viable option to make tubular membrane based filtration processes more efficient.",1,,386,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2018.02.015,2019-05-27T14:47:52.160991,2019-05-27T14:48:07.030404 r4hax,"3D-printed rotating spinnerets create membranes with a twist","Round hollow fiber membranes have been well established in applications such as gas separation, ultrafiltration and blood dialysis. Yet, it is well known that geometrical topologies can introduce secondary flow patterns counteracting mass transport limitations, stemming from diffusion resistances and fouling. We present a new systematic methodology to fabricate novel membrane architectures. We use the freedom of design by 3D-printing spinnerets, having multiple bore channels of any geometry. First, such spinnerets are stationary to fabricate straight bore channels inside a monolithic membrane. Second, in an even more complex design, a new mechanical system enables rotating the spinneret. Such rotating multibore spinnerets enable (A) the preparation of twisted channels inside a porous monolithic membrane as well as (B) a helical twist of the outside geometry. The spun material systems comprise classical polymer solutions as well as metal-polymer slurries resulting in solid porous metallic monolithic membrane after thermal post-processing. It is known that twisted spiral-type bore channel geometries are potentially superior to straight channels with respect to mass and heat polarization phenomena, however their fabrication was cumbersome in the past. Now, the described methodology enables membrane fabrication to tailor the membrane geometry to the needs of the membrane process. To showcase the delicate interplay between the geometry and radial and axial flow conditions, we report fluid mechanical simulations and flow magnetic resonance imaging measurements for a twisted tri-bore membrane during permeation.",1,,259,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2018.03.026,2019-05-27T14:46:55.347551,2019-05-27T14:47:27.379806 d6wsr,"Flow and filtration imaging of single use sterile membrane filters","Sterile filters incorporating endotoxin adsorption function emerged recently to pretreat dialysate liquids fed to a hemodialysis filtration process. Their application significantly enhances the survival rate during dialysis treatment as they function as steril filters as well as an endotoxin adsorber. Little is known about the fluid flow distribution in such single use membrane modules. We report a detailed analysis of the local 3D flow field distribution in such membrane modules using magnetic resonance flow imaging. Next to pure water filtration representing the application case of endotoxin adsorption from an already pure liquid, we also used the module as a filtration device rejecting for instance colloidal silica. Such experiments performed in-situ allow the quantification of cake layer development and its concomitant redistribution of the flow field. Particularly novel is the quantification of the time evolution of local permeate flux distribution. These detailed insights of this study encourage the use of flow-MRI when designing and applying new membrane module configurations.",1,,412,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2018.02.002,2019-05-27T14:46:14.916781,2019-05-27T14:46:48.760793 tqnx4,"What are the microscopic events of colloidal membrane fouling?","Due to the complex interplay between surface adsorption and hydrodynamic interactions, representative microsocpic mechanisms of colloidal membrane fouling are still not well understood. Numerical simulations overcome experimental limitations such as the temporal and spatial resolution of microscopic events during colloidal membrane fouling: they help to gain deeper insight into fouling processes. This study uses coupled computational fluid dynamics - discrete element methods (CFD-DEM) simulations to examine mechanisms of colloidal fouling in a microfluidic architecture mimicking a porous microfiltration membrane. We pay special attention to how particles can overcome energy barriers leading to adsorption and desorption with each other and with the external and internal membrane surface. Interparticle interaction leads to a transition from the secondary to the primary minimum of the DLVO potential. Adsorbed particles can show re-entrainment or they can glide downstream. Since particles mainly resuspend as clusters, the inner pore geometry significantly affects the fouling behavior. The findings allow a basic understanding of microscopic fouling events during colloidal filtration. The methodology enables future systematic studies on the interplay of hydrodynamic conditions and surface energy contributions represented by potentials for soft and patchy colloids.",1,,494,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2018.02.023,2019-05-27T14:45:22.347257,2019-05-27T14:45:42.010978 r82zn,"Implementation of a Dynamic Network Model of the Nigerian Transmission Grid for Investigations on Power System Stability","Electricity is the backbone of any modern society and economy. Therefore, economic growth and an increase in social wealth of a country usually lead to an increase in demand for electrical energy especially for a country as Nigeria. As the population of Nigeria is increasing exponentially, there exists a need to make basic needs constantly available, for the wellbeing of the increasing population. This is possible through mechanization. Reliable and stable electricity supply is the surest means to this end. As a result, there is a need to constantly review the dynamics of the power system while more energy sources and loads are being added to the existing power network grid. This creates a demand for precise models for the corresponding network. In this paper, the power network system of the Nigerian transmission grid was implemented at normal operations to include the dynamic models to the corresponding network elements (i.e. generation Units based on their installed capacities and controllers). With the help of this model, stationary load flow calculations, as well as the network’s model performance in steady state was conducted. The network’s model performance in the case of load changes and fault operations was also carried out. These allowed for investigations on the stability status of the Nigerian transmission grid.",1,,641,,10.31224/,,2019-05-27T14:44:37.411762,2019-05-27T14:45:02.162536 46p9q,"Uncovering the dynamic fracture behavior of PMMA","Experimental investigations of dynamic crack propagation in PMMA induced by impact show single cracks running at around 300-400 m/s. Existing numerical models for simulating dynamic fracture in PMMA consistently produce crack propagation speeds significantly higher than those measured experimentally. Here we uncover the reason for this puzzle by showing that localized softening in the fracture process zone (caused by heating due to high strain rates in front of the crack tip), leads to crack propagation speeds that match the observed ones. We introduce a new constitutive model in our peridynamic formulation for PMMA to account for material softening in the crack tip region. With the new model, the computed crack speed and crack length evolution match very closely those found experimentally.",1,,509,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.engfracmech.2019.106617,2019-05-18T00:27:07.538411,2019-11-17T15:56:43.579346 j6vyg,"Load distribution in threads of porous metal-ceramic functionally graded composite joints subjected to thermomechanical loading","Metal-ceramic functionally graded materials (FGMs) have been extensively used in aerospace engineering where high strength and excellent heat insulation materials are desired. In this paper, load distribution in threads of the Thermal Protection System used bolted joint made up of porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) FGMs is investigated by ABAQUS codes. The bolted joint is subjected to reentry heating corresponding to the Access to Space Vehicle. Effects of bolt-nut parameters including thread tooth profile, thread pitch, and modulus ratio of bolt to nut on load distribution in threads are analyzed in detail. It is found that uneven load distribution in threads occurs at elevated temperature, which mainly focuses on the first two threads closest to the nut bearing surface, with the first thread carrying 74% of the total load. Bolt-nut parameters have great effects on load distribution in threads, with trapezoidal thread, extra fine thread and greater modulus ratio of bolt to nut leading to more evenly distributed load. Further studies show that nut shape has significant effects on load distribution in threads, the optimized nut is designed to make the maximum load bearing ratio of the thread decrease to 30.21%, and thus the service reliability of the bolted joint is greatly improved.",1,,289,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.08.113,2019-05-16T13:54:07.317012,2019-05-16T13:54:21.744127 xp7va,"Design and analysis of the porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) ceramic joint with load bearing-heat insulation integration","The joining of ceramics with metals is widely used in aerospace engineering where high strength and excellent heat insulation materials are desired. In this paper, a new multifunctional bolted joint with load bearing-heat insulation integration is prepared with porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) sandwich ceramics. Double-shear behavior of the bolted joint connecting C/SiC plates is analyzed by ABAQUS codes. It is found that shearing damage occurs at shearing faces of the bolt, the shearing failure faces are layered rather than smooth. To improve its shearing strength, we introduce the shear band (ZrO2+V%Ni of thickness h) to its shearing faces. Results show that the shear band can improve the shearing strength and slow down the attenuation of load bearing capacity after reaching the shearing strength, without obviously increasing the thermal conductivity. An optimal structural design is performed and proper shear band is defined to balance the shearing strength and heat insulation performance of the ceramic joint.",1,,274,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.09.085,2019-05-16T13:53:25.695965,2019-05-16T13:53:43.663610 x9emb,"A Solution for Dynamic Spectrum Management in Mission-Critical UAV Networks","In this paper, we study the problem of spectrum scarcity in a network of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) during mission-critical applications such as disaster monitoring and public safety missions, where the pre-allocated spectrum is not sufficient to offer a high data transmission rate for real-time video streaming. In such scenarios, the UAV network can lease part of the spectrum of a terrestrial licensed network in exchange for providing relaying service. In order to optimize the performance of the UAV network and prolong its lifetime, some of the UAVs will function as a relay for the primary network while the rest of the UAVs carry out their sensing tasks. Here, we propose a team reinforcement learning algorithm performed by the UAV's controller unit to determine the optimum allocation of sensing and relaying tasks among the UAVs as well as their relocation strategy at each time. We analyze the convergence of our algorithm and present simulation results to evaluate the system throughput in different scenarios.",1,,403,,10.31224/,,2019-05-16T01:36:03.424010,2019-05-16T01:36:26.880467 xnq4t,"How much energy can optimal control of domestic water heating save?","Scheduled control of domestic electric water heaters, designed to cut energy use while minimising the impact on users' comfort and convenience, has been fairly common for some time in a number of countries. The aim is usually load-shifting (by heating water at off-peak times) and/or maximising time-of-use pricing benefits for users. The scheduling tends not to be linked to actual hot water usage and depends largely on stored thermal energy. Heat losses therefore tend to be greater than if the heater ran without a break. The effect of such a control strategy is thus to worsen the energy loss and in most cases increase greenhouse gas emissions. Many developing countries have flat-pricing (no time-of-use incentives) and rely heavily on energy from fossil fuels, making these considerations even more pressing. We explore three strategies for optimal control of domestic water heating that do not use thermostat control: matching the delivery temperature in the hot water, matching the energy delivered in the hot water, and a variation of the second strategy which provides for Legionella sterilisation. For each of these strategies we examine the energy used in heating, the energy delivered at the tank outlet, and issues of convenience to the user. The study differs from most previous work in that it uses real daily hot-water usage profiles, ensures like-for-like comparison in delivered energy at the point of use, and includes a daily Legionella avoidance strategy. We tackled this as an optimal control problem using dynamic programming. Our results demonstrate a median energy saving of between 8\ and 18% for the three strategies. Even more savings would be realised if intended and unintended usage events are correctly classified, and the optimal control only plans for intended usage events.",1,,613,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.esd.2019.05.004,2019-05-15T13:00:45.581452,2019-08-06T07:44:05.993457 5xv76,"Frequency Analysis of Vortex Shedding in Wake Area behind the NACA0012 Airfoil via Fully-Lagrangian Vortex Element Method","Shedding frequency of the vortices of the low-pressure area behind NACA0012 airfoil cross-section is provided for a laminar flow of an incompressible viscose fluid using Lagrangian vortex elements scheme. In the current work, only those areas of the solution domain were modeled where there are velocity gradients. It was done by the vorticity transfer equation that was obtained by calculating the cross product of the sides of the momentum equation. According to the Fractional Step method, the vorticity transfer equation was separated into two different equations that were solved sequentially in each time step: non-linear convection equation and the linear diffusion equation. Vorticity field in the physical domain was separated by the sheet and bubble vortices and each of the vortex elements in the solving field moved according to Biot-Savar Law and diffused according to the random walk method. The flow around the airfoil was obtained using Joukowsly mapping of the solution of the flow around a circle. This work was validated by comparing the aerodynamics force coefficients obtained from the vortex elements method with those obtained from analytical methods. Vortex shedding frequencies were calculated using the Fourier transform of the time response of the changes in the aerodynamic forces, being compared to the experimental results under the same conditions.",1,,501,,10.31224/,,2019-05-14T17:41:32.692497,2020-03-24T18:47:32.530942 meb53,"A comparative evaluation of the impact of average speed enforcement (ASE) on passenger and minibus taxi vehicle drivers on the R61 in South Africa","Average Speed Enforcement (ASE) is an emergent alternative to instantaneous speed limit enforcement to improve road safety, and is used to enforce an average speed limit over a road segment. This paper presents a study on the response of passenger vehicles and minibus taxis to ASE on the R61 in South Africa. A spatio-temporal quantitative study of speed compliance is conducted, where metrics such as speed variability, average speed and 85th percentile speed measured prior to, and during enforcement are analysed for two prominent modes of transport – passenger vehicles and minibus taxis. These measurements are taken on the enforcement route and on control routes adjacent to and further away from the enforcement route. A qualitative study is also conducted to evaluate the relationship between speed compliance and driver understanding of the system. The impact of the system on crash risk and injury severity is also examined before and during enforcement. For passenger vehicles, results show that the introduction of ASE was followed by a reduction in mean speed on the enforcement route and adjacent control route. For minibus taxis, it was found that ASE appears to have little influence on improving speed compliance, which is likely associated with a lack of driver understanding on how the system operates.",1,,394,,10.31224/,10.17159/2309-8775/2016/v58n4a1,2019-05-14T17:40:26.514605,2020-01-06T19:24:27.417413 m67ew,"On the analytical approach to the linear analysis of an arbitrarily curved spatial Bernoulli-Euler beam","The equilibrium and kinematic equations of an arbitrarily curved spatial Bernoulli-Euler beam are derived with respect to a parametric coordinate and compared with those of the Timoshenko beam. It is shown that the beam analogy follows from the fact that the left-hand side in all the four sets of those equations are the covariant derivatives of unknown vector. Furthermore, an elegant primal form of the equilibrium equations is composed. No additional assumptions, besides those of the linear Bernoulli-Euler theory, are introduced, which makes the theory ideally suited for the analytical assessment of big-curvature beams. The curvature change is derived with respect to both convective and material/spatial coordinates, and some aspects of its definition are discussed. Additionally, the stiffness matrix of an arbitrarily curved spatial beam is calculated with the flexibility approach utilizing the relative coordinate system. The numerical analysis of the carefully selected set of examples proved that the present analytical formulation can deliver valid benchmark results for testing of the purely numeric methods.",1,,398,,10.31224/,,2019-05-13T14:17:42.671076,2019-05-13T14:18:01.434916 nygd8,"Empirical validation of a data-driven heating demand simulation with error correction methods","Advanced control concepts for building energy systems, such as Model Predictive Control, often require models that forecast the energy demand of a building. Such models are commonly based on first principles, however the cost and effort required to develop such models may be prohibitive for real-life applications. As an alternative, we introduce and validate a data-driven simulation approach based on Artificial Neural Networks to forecast the heating demand of buildings. The forecast is enhanced with the help of two correction methods, based on online learning and forecast error auto-correlation. Validation results based on data from four office buildings suggest that our method shows better forecasting performance than a fitted 5R3C building model.",1,,510,,10.31224/,,2019-05-13T14:13:30.404039,2019-05-13T14:13:48.322942 vxw6g,"Improved day ahead heating demand forecasting by online correction methods","To reduce the heating and cooling energy demand of buildings and districts novel control strategies are constantly being developed that require information on the future demand of the controlled entity. Demand forecasting is commonly done with deterministic white box models or fitted grey-box models, however, recently more and more data and machine learning based approaches are being developed. All approaches have weaknesses: white-box models require major modelling effort, grey-box approaches are limited by their model or parameter complexity and machine learning is dependent on hyperparameters, some of which are randomly chosen, and therefore considered unreliable. Here we develop a forecasting approach based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and introduce error correction methods based on online learning and the learned autocorrelation of the forecasting error. We compare the approach to other regression based and grey-box methods in a real case study of a small-scale district energy system with mixed use and unknown lower-level control. We show that the proposed method outperforms the other forecasting methods in terms of average error and coefficient of determination. We further demonstrate that in our case study the error correction methods significantly reduce variance in ANN performance created by randomly initialized parameters in the networks.",1,,592,,10.31224/,,2019-05-13T14:12:53.046463,2019-05-13T14:13:27.174233 7bvwp,"Polyethylene terephthalate fibers with exotic microstructures [The Lost Archive Digitalization Program; OCR Report Index: 181906-2].","Polyethylene terephthalate fibers with exotic microstructures [The Lost Archive Digitalization Program; OCR Report Index: 181906-2].",1,,313,,10.31224/,,2019-05-13T14:04:04.002267,2019-05-13T14:04:22.859399 qud3y,"Polyethylene terephthalate technical sample [The Lost Archive Digitalization Program; OCR Report Index: 181906].","OCR Report Index: 181906; Object: Polyethylene terephthalate film sample. DEFIN.: Polyethylene terephthalate (sometimes written poly(ethylene terephthalate)), commonly abbreviated PET, PETE, or the obsolete PETP or PET-P, is the most common thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in fibres for clothing, containers for liquids and foods, thermoforming for manufacturing, and in combination with glass fibre for engineering resins.",1,,265,,10.31224/,,2019-05-13T14:04:44.386456,2019-05-13T14:05:01.601029 8rx9q,"Second-generation composites from recycled wind turbine blades","The demand for wind and other forms of clean energy is increasing in the US and throughout the world. Wind energy is also expected to provide 14.9% of the global electricity demand by 2020. Under this scenario, a significant amount of wind turbine blades (WTBs) will continue to burden our current landfills until a viable recycling strategy is found. Repurposing or recycling of end- of-use wind turbine blade material will provide both economic and environmental attributes.",1,,539,,10.31224/,,2019-05-13T13:53:47.870050,2019-06-21T23:36:22.794811 xge6z,"Characterization of the physical properties of extruded composites from recycled wind turbine blade material","Wind turbine blades (WTB) mechanically recycled and used as a feedstock for thermoplastic composites. Physical properties (water sorption (WA), Thickness swelling (TS)) dataset of composites made from recycled wind turbine blades presented. Dataset also presented the influence of resin level, mill screen size and coupling agents on the physical properties of composites.",1,,285,,10.31224/,,2019-05-13T13:51:50.522607,2019-05-13T13:52:07.231656 axknf,"Experimental data on the mechanical properties of extruded composites from recycled wind turbine blade material","The wind turbine blades (WTB) that face end-of-life was first mechanically milled and classified through a range of varying screen sizes. We then blended this with high density polyethylene (HDPE) thermoplastic resin and extruded it to a profiled composite. We determined the influence of refined particle size, resin content and coupling agents (maleic anhydride polyethylene (MAPE) and methacryloxypropyltriethoxysilane (Silane)) on the mechanical properties of recycled composites [1].",1,,274,,10.31224/,,2019-05-13T13:49:25.150941,2019-05-13T13:49:41.598525 2fdut,"Equivalent Neutral Axis for Structural Condition Assessment using Multi-sensor Fusion","Damage detection is one of the primary purposes of structural health monitoring. Since neutral axis location changes have been considered to be sensitive damage indicators, extensive research efforts have been devoted to developing effective and accurate neutral axis estimation methods, although challenges remain in real-world applications. This report proposes a novel structural condition assessment method using an equivalent neutral axis (ENA) at each location at which a sensor is installed that can be estimated based on acceleration and strain measurements. Numerical simulations were conducted using a simply supported steel beam model to investigate the effect of the ENA with respect to the sensor configuration and damage level. The proposed method was also applied to a numerical reinforced concrete beam model to further validate the ENA as a damage indicator, thus proving the sensitivity of the ENA to structural damage",1,,275,,10.31224/,,2019-05-10T15:18:12.501669,2019-05-10T15:18:41.506909 csvfh,"Toward coordinated transmission and distribution operations","Proliferation of smart grid technologies has enhanced observability and controllability of distribution systems. If coordinated with the transmission system, resources of both systems can be used more efficiently. This paper proposes a model to operate transmission and distribution systems in a coordinated manner. The proposed model is solved using a Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation (SLR) approach. The computational performance of this approach is compared against existing methods (e.g. subgradient method). Finally, the usefulness of the proposed model and solution approach is demonstrated via numerical experiments on the illustrative example and IEEE benchmarks.",1,,285,,10.31224/,,2019-05-07T21:15:09.904127,2019-05-07T21:16:21.422319 evd92,"Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (CLTE) dataset of extruded composites from recycled wind turbine blade material","The coefficient of linear thermal expansion (CLTE often referred to as “α”) is a material property which characterizes the ability of a plastic to expand under the effect of temperature elevation. We determined CLTE of extruded fiber-reinforced composites manufactured from recycled wind turbine blade (rWTB) material by considering the influence of particle size, resin content and MAPE as a coupling agent [1].",1,,270,,10.31224/,,2019-05-06T14:06:13.131187,2019-05-12T05:48:32.373277 2aub6,"LAB-ON-A-DISH RAPID PROTOTYPING AND MICROSCOPIC INVESTIGATIONS OF LAB-ON-A-DISH GEOMETRIES (INCLUDING DYE DIFFUSION STUDIES)","The problem of compatibilities of fluorescence techniques and polymer chips is resolved (as a part of the general chip optics problem) using microscopic investigations of polymer chip transparency in some different textural variances and microfluorimetric measurements of fluorescent dyes in the chip geometry. The problem of the soil chip prototyping is solved using 3D-printing based on some biocompatible and, so possible, biodegradable polymers. The basic complexity of experimental data is provided in the tables placed in the general article text. Is it possible to create multiparametric analytical technique for synchronous biocompatible soil microbiome analysis and monitoring? It is a general question for the real time environmental control. We can say “Yes”, but only if we have a minimal prerequisite case, which we have a good polymer, real “real time” analyzer, biocompatible and biodegradable coatings etc. In other cases the general problem of soil chip design is not a problem of engineering, but it is a problem of soil-chip interface chemical physics and physical chemistry. Such problem may be interpreted only as a principal physical, but not as a technical problem.",1,,378,,10.31224/,,2019-05-06T14:05:20.392018,2019-05-07T19:30:27.717172 6cjzf,"Using thermal transients at the outlet of electrical water heaters to recognise consumption patterns for heating schedule optimisation","In the midst of environmental concerns, and soaring energy costs and energy shortages, the efficiency of electrical household water heaters (EWHs) has been identified as an area with significant potential for savings. The benefits of applying optimised scheduling control for EWHs has been proven by various studies, however, little has been done to measure individual behaviour. This paper presents an alternative to the invasive and expensive solution of using water flow meters. A hardware and algorithmic solution is presented that uses thermal transients at the outlet of an EWH to measure consumption patterns. The results show that the approach is able to detect usage events with an accuracy of 91%. Despite the challenges related to thermal inaccuracies, event durations are estimated to within 2 minutes accuracy 79% of the time.",1,,382,,10.31224/,10.1109/NTMS.2015.7266530,2019-05-06T14:03:31.127787,2019-05-07T19:30:48.488426 se8hx,"Can open-loop control algorithms solve the data center switching problem?","There is a world-wide push to create the next generation all-optical transmission and switching technologies for exascale data centers. In this paper we focus on the switching fabrics. Many different types of 2D architectures are being explored including MEMS/waveguides and semiconductor optical amplifiers. However, these tend to suffer from high, path dependent losses and crosstalk issues. The technologies with the best optical properties demonstrated to date in large fabrics (>100 ports) are 3D MEMS beam steering approaches. These have low average insertion losses, and equally important, a narrow loss distribution. However, 3D MEMS fabrics are generally dismissed from serious consideration for this application because of their slow switching speeds (~few milliseconds) and costs ($100/port). In this paper we show how novel feedforward open loop controls can solve both problems by improving switching speeds by two orders of magnitude and costs by one order of magnitude. With these improvements in hand, we believe 3D MEMS fabrics can become the technology of choice for data centers.",1,,507,,10.31224/,,2019-05-04T01:40:12.011794,2019-05-04T01:40:32.283494 69puh,"Derivation, Design and Simulation of the Single-Ended Primary-Inductor Converter (SEPIC)","The purpose of the paper is to guide engineering students and ease their transition from the most basic DC-DC converter topologies to more advanced types. The buck, boost and buck-boost converters are the usual suspects in textbooks and engineering classes to introduce students to the basics of power electronics and switch mode power supplies. There is a gap of how detailed such second order DC-DC converters are described and the more advanced fourth order such as the Cuk, Zeta and Single-Ended Primary-Inductor Converter (SEPIC). This paper gives a detailed derivation of the equations governing the SEPIC. An example of sizing of components is presented for a range of input voltages and power levels. Finally the design is verified by a circuit simulation using LTSpice.",1,,1591,,10.31224/,,2019-05-02T14:27:43.843092,2019-05-03T13:30:02.343721 k82ca,"Polymer Nanocomposites having a High Filler Content: Synthesis, Structures, Properties, and Applications","The recent development of nanoscale fillers, such as carbon nanotube, graphene, and nanocellulose, allows the functionality of polymer nanocomposites to be controlled and enhanced. However, conventional synthesis methods of polymer nanocomposites cannot maximise the reinforcement of these nanofillers at high filler content. Approaches to the synthesis of high content filler polymer nanocomposites are suggested to facilitate future applications. The fabrication methods address design of the polymer nanocomposite architecture, which encompass one, two, and three dimensional morphology. Factors that hamper the reinforcement of nanostructures, such as alignment, dispersion of filler as well as interfacial bonding between filler and polymer are outlined. Using suitable approaches, maximum potential reinforcement of nanoscale filler can be anticipated without limitations in orientation, dispersion, and the integrity of the filler particle-matrix interface. High filler content polymer composites containing emerging materials such as 2D transition metal carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides (MXenes) are expected in the future.",1,,352,,10.31224/,10.1039/C9NR00117D,2019-05-01T16:01:37.771261,2020-04-03T11:44:04.924483 pkdwt,"Automated analysis of neck muscle boundaries for cervical dystonia using ultrasound imaging and deep learning","Objective: To provide an automated visualization, pattern analysis and classification of neck muscle boundaries comparing cervical dystonia with healthy controls. Methods: We recorded transverse cervical ultrasound (US) images and whole-body motion analysis of sixty-one standing participants (35 cervical dystonia, 26 age matched controls). We manually annotated 3,100 images sampling a range of pitch, yaw, and roll head movements (2,000 this dataset, 1,100 previous dataset of 28 healthy participants), and trained, validated and tested a deep residual deconvolutional neural network (DCNN) to classify pixels to 13 categories (five paired neck muscles, skin, ligamentum nuchae, vertebra). For all participants in their normal standing posture, we generated held out DCNN segmented US images, extracted segmentation boundaries, transformed the boundaries to principal components and clustered the dystonia participants into two groups using their component scores. Results: For all segments, metrics of segmentation accuracy were Jaccard Index (50±21%) and Hausdorff Distance (5.8±4 mm). For the four deep muscle layers, their boundaries were used to predict central injection sites for each muscle with average precision 94±2%. Using 10-fold cross-validation to select predictive components, linear analysis of component scores identified two significant eigen-patterns discriminating Dystonia from Controls and classifying group membership (Dystonia1, Dystonia2, Control) correctly at 93.4%. Motion analysis showed the groups differed significantly according to head yaw-rotation posture and truncal posture. Conclusion: Neck muscle shape alone discriminates dystonia from healthy controls. Significance: Using deep learning, US imaging allows online, automated visualization, pattern analysis, diagnostic classification of cervical dystonia and segmentation of individual muscles for targeted injection.",1,,461,,10.31224/,,2019-04-29T21:21:05.443181,2019-04-30T13:50:33.624225 rdeq4,"Analytical modelling of thermal residual stresses and optimal design of ZrO2-(ZrO2+Ni) sandwich ceramics","The joining of ceramics with metals have been extensively used in applications requiring high strength and excellent heat insulation. However, evaluating the residual stress generated inevitably due to the mismatch in coefficients of thermal expansion of ceramic and metal is challenging, which is very important for fabrication and characterization of layered inhomogeneous material. A simplified analytical model considering the overall deformation compatibility is established to compute the interlaminar residual stresses of the ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) sandwich ceramics, which agrees well with the results obtained by the commercial finite element package. The effects of the thickness ratio of the transitional layer to the middle layer, and the number of transitional layers on the properties of the ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) sandwich ceramics are researched to obtain the optimal structure.",1,,368,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.03.025,2019-04-29T17:50:02.115101,2019-04-29T20:41:34.680586 bvhzc,"Preparation and thermodynamic analysis of the porous functionally graded bolted joint","Ceramic-metal functionally graded materials (FGMs) have been extensively used in aerospace engineering where high strength and excellent heat insulation materials are desired. In this paper, the thermodynamic behavior of the Thermal Protection System (TPS) used bolted joints made up of porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) FGMs is investigated by finite-element (FE) modeling. The bolted joint is subjected to reentry heating corresponding to the Access to Space Vehicle. Thermodynamic simulations are carried out to yield the transient response of the porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) functionally graded bolted joint (FGBJ). The effects of the preload on the thermomechanical behavior and service reliability of the bolted joint are numerically analyzed in detail by ABAQUS codes. It is found that the preload relaxation of the bolted joint occurs at elevated temperature, and the preload has significant influence on service reliability of the bolted joint under transient thermomechanical circumstances. With the increase of the preload, stress concentration which occurs at the root of the first thread of the bolt increases rapidly and predominates in service reliability. Proper preload is thus defined to balance the service reliability and tightness of the bolted joint. Further studies show that the shape of the nut has a great effect on the stress concentration of the thread, the optimized nut is designed to reduce the stress concentration of the thread, and thus the reliability of the bolted joint is also improved.",1,,370,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.compositesb.2015.07.018,2019-04-29T16:46:33.143636,2019-04-29T19:39:23.490648 3q479,"Measuring residual stress and its influence on properties of porous ZrO2-(ZrO2+Ni) ceramics","Ceramic-metal functionally graded materials (FGMs) have been extensively used in aerospace engineering where high strength and excellent heat insulation materials are desired. However, their performance depends highly on the internal residual stress, which is generated inevitably due to the thermal mismatch of ceramic and metal. In this paper, based on the nanoindentation test, the field distribution of the residual stress of porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) ceramic-metal FGMs is measured. The residual stress field measured by nanoindentation agrees qualitatively with the finite element simulation results. Then a constitutive relation is established to investigate the effects of residual stress on the macroscopic deformation behavior of porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) FGMs, which agrees well with the bending and compression experiments. It is found that residual stress can improve both the flexural strength and stiffness of the porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) FGMs, by densifying and compensating the tensile stress of the porous middle layer (ZrO2) during the bending process, respectively. However, it has no obvious influence on the ultimate compressive strength of the porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) FGMs, but mainly influences its initial stage of elastic deformation in the compressive behavior.",1,,352,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.msea.2014.11.018,2019-04-29T16:01:16.121585,2019-04-29T18:47:50.976594 ykrve,"A bibliometric contribution of the strategies of reverse logistics in waste electrical and electronic equipment (weee) management","In recent years, with the increasing of waste, the reverse logistics become an important strategy for meeting the necessaries of the society and work market. Among the huge amount of discard products are the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), which it has become a major problem for developing countries due to its harmful effects. This paper characterizes and analyses the bibliometric review of the reverse logistics strategies applied in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Management. The methodological approach used is the systematic review of the literature, based on bibliometric theory, through consultation with the ISI Web bases of Science and Scopus, and their treatment by Excel and Mendeley software. For research was used ``Reverse Logistics'' and ``WEEE'' as an expressions key, generating a sample of 43 articles published. At the end of the study were presented descriptive analysis results with the identification of the years, authors, research source, countries and research methods, and a bibliometric analysis results by the number of citations.",1,,475,,10.31224/,,2019-04-28T00:53:25.651262,2019-10-29T04:51:02.314111 nbh6c,"The Smart Engineering Curriculum","The increasing complexity entailed in training engineers for the Industry 4.0 workplace requires an approach beyond simply cramming more into the curriculum. The purpose of this paper is to problematise the relationship between layers of engineering that constitute the multidisciplinary systems which require contextualised and responsive engagement with data. Using a number of social realist analytical instruments, the forms of knowledge and related practices at different levels within the ‘smart engineering’ curriculum are interrogated and subsequently illustrated so as to guide pedagogic decisions. The intention of the research is primarily to enable students to effectively develop 1) integrated systems-level thinking, and 2) appropriate, interpretative data processing skills. There is a symbiotic and analogical relationship between the design of a curricular framework for the ‘smart engineer’ and the collaborative, interdisciplinary research approach: drawing on multiple perspectives and approaches from the hard and soft sciences enables a more informed educational design process.",1,,391,,10.31224/,,2019-04-26T12:48:16.795916,2019-04-28T01:52:43.620183 v2afr,"Elaboration of thematic maps as a tool to support urban pavement management","Considering the fact that the pavement condition of municipal roads has considerable influence on urban mobility, appropriate management of this structure is necessary and requires a significant amount of financial resources and labour. The visualization of the pavement condition on thematic maps can optimize decision making and resource allocation. Thus, this work has as its main objective to elaborate thematic maps of the pavement condition and to evaluate the utility of these representations for allocation of investments intended to the maintenance of these structures. For that, thematic maps were created in QuantumGIS (QGIS) software, using the Value of the Surface Condition (VCS) of some sections evaluated in the city of Ribeirão Preto/SP. The results indicate that the visualization of this information through thematic representations, created in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), allow the pavement management to become more efficient, optimizing resource allocation and economizing in pavement valuation services.",1,,416,,10.31224/,,2019-04-26T00:36:59.278113,2019-04-26T00:37:27.550860 e2rtc,"Work in Progress: Aligning What We Want With What We Seek: Increasing Comprehensive Review in the Graduate Admissions Process","To improve the identification of students likely to complete a graduate degree, we sought to change our process and the way we evaluate students for admission. For this, we changed the application and review process to include an assessment of applicants’ non-cognitive variables based on Sedlacek’s work and the Fisk-Vanderbilt MS-PhD Bridge Program admissions model. In 2016, our Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Department piloted the incorporation of these changes. Consequently, MSE increased the enrollment of women and underrepresented minority students by 19% and 57%, respectively and we will be evaluating the impact of the changes on performance metrics and completion rates over time. Ahead of this application cycle, we have made changes to the applications of more of our graduate programs in the college. Most recently, we were asked to create a plan for the university. As changes continue, we will evaluate outcomes and impact within the college and across the university over time, which we hope will inform best practices for improving completion of graduate degrees and diversity of graduate programs.",1,,381,,10.31224/,,2019-04-24T15:08:18.049432,2019-04-24T15:12:23.388375 dh3ba,"Strengthening of the Panel Zone in Steel Moment Resisting Frames","Rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures designed in accordance to standard design codes is an essential practice in structural engineering and design. For steel structures, one of the challenges is to strengthen the panel zone as well as its analysis in moment-resisting frames. In this research, investigations were undertaken to analyze the influence of the panel zone in the response of structural frames through a computational approach using ETABS software. Moment-resisting frames of six stories were studied in supposition of real panel zone, different values of rigid zone factor, different thickness of double plates, and both double plates and rigid zone factor together. The frames were analyzed, designed and validated in accordance to Iranian steel building code. The results of drift values for six stories building models were plotted. After verifying and comparing the results, the findings showed that the rigidity lead to reduction in drifts of frames and also as a result, lower rigidity will be used for high rise building and higher rigidity will be used for low rise building. In frames with story drifts more than the permitted rate, where the frames are considered as the weaker panel zone area, the story drifts can be limited by strengthening the panel zone with double plates. It should be noted that higher thickness of double plates and higher rigidity of panel zone will result in enhancement of the non-linear deformation rates in beam elements. The resulting deformations of the panel zone due to this modification can have significant influence on the elastic and inelastic behavior of the frames.",1,,734,,10.31224/,,2019-04-23T18:49:09.687736,2019-04-23T18:49:23.463568 wxhpt,"R-Selected Spacecraft","This paper introduces R-selected spacecraft as a field of study that draws from concepts in ecology, and introduces the Monarch spacecraft as a case study for a system designed in accordance with the principles of this field. The Monarch is a 2.5-gram spacecraft that is the first to trade quantity, rather than cost, for low mission risk. By taking advantage of recent technological advancements in unrelated disciplines and taking a statistical approach to mission assurance, R-selected spacecraft open the door to an entirely new paradigm in space access and exploration. This paper describes the challenges and advantages unique to gram-scale, R-selected spacecraft. It also presents a number of use cases --- involving distributed in-situ sensing and planetary science --- that are unique to spacecraft of the Monarch's diminutive size and large quantity. Results from simulated lunar impact survival tests and a case-study planetary science mission are presented and discussed, suggesting one particular use case. Video demonstrations of distributed sensing, leaderless cooperation, routing, actuation, GPS acquisition, and powering are provided in the supplementary materials to illustrate the viability of some entirely new mission concepts.",1,,576,,10.31224/,,2019-04-22T14:48:10.705581,2019-08-16T15:37:08.255126 5d3sr,"Development of a national-scale real-time Twitter data mining pipeline for social geodata on the potential impacts of flooding on communities","Social media, particularly Twitter, is increasingly used to improve resilience during extreme weather events/emergency management situations, including floods: by communicating potential risks and their impacts, and informing agencies and responders. In this paper, we developed a prototype national-scale Twitter data mining pipeline for improved stakeholder situational awareness during flooding events across Great Britain, by retrieving relevant social geodata, grounded in environmental data sources (flood warnings and river levels). With potential users we identified and addressed three research questions to develop this application, whose components constitute a modular architecture for real-time dashboards. First, polling national flood warning and river level Web data sources to obtain at-risk locations. Secondly, real-time retrieval of geotagged tweets, proximate to at-risk areas. Thirdly, filtering flood-relevant tweets with natural language processing and machine learning libraries, using word embeddings of tweets. We demonstrated the national-scale social geodata pipeline using over 420,000 georeferenced tweets obtained between 20 and 29th June 2016.",1,,564,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.11.013,2019-04-22T13:43:03.894642,2019-04-22T13:43:21.470617 w63cr,"Computational optimized finite element modelling of mechanical interaction of concrete with fiber reinforced polymer","This paper presents a computational rational model to predict the ultimate and optimized load capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened by a combination of longitudinal and transverse fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite plates/sheets (flexure and shear strengthening system). Several experimental and analytical studies on the confinement effect and failure mechanisms of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) wrapped columns have been conducted over recent years. Although typical axial members are large-scale square/ rectangular reinforced concrete (RC) columns in practice, the majority of such studies have concentrated on the behavior of small-scale circular concrete specimens. A high performance concrete, known as polymer concrete, made up of natural aggregates and an orthophthalic polyester binder, reinforced with non-metallic bars (glass reinforced polymer) has been studied. The material is described at micro and macro level, presenting the key physical and mechanical properties using different experimental techniques. Furthermore, a full description of non-metallic bars is presented to evaluate its structural expectancies, embedded in the polymer concrete matrix. In this paper, the mechanism of mechanical interaction of smooth and lugged FRP rods with concrete is presented. A general modeling and application of various elements are demonstrated. The contact parameters are defined and the procedures of calculation and evaluation of contact parameters are introduced. The method of calibration of the calculated parameters is presented. Finally, the numerical results are obtained for different bond parameters which show a good agreement with experimental results reported in literature",1,,607,,10.31224/,10.12989/cac.2019.23.1.061,2019-04-18T15:44:49.027563,2019-04-18T15:58:03.508183 dr2ua,"Effects of external mechanical loading on stress generation during lithiation in Li-ion battery electrodes","Li-ion batteries are ineluctably subjected to external mechanical loading or stress gradient. Such stress can be induced in battery electrode during fabrication and under normal operation. In this paper, we develop a model for stresses generated during lithiation in the thin plate electrode considering the effects of external mechanical loading. It is found that diffusion-induced stresses are asymmetrically distributed through the thickness of plate due to the coupling effects of asymmetrically distributed external mechanical stress. At the very early stage during Li-ions insertion, the effects of the external mechanical loading is quite limited and unobvious. With the diffusion time increasing, the external mechanical loading exerts a significant influence on the evolution of stresses generated in the electrode. External compressed electrode is inclined to increase the value of stresses generated during lithiation, while external tensed electrode tends to decrease the value of stresses, and as the diffusion time increases, the effects of the external mechanical loading on the stresses generated during lithiation become more obvious.",1,,370,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.electacta.2015.10.097,2019-04-16T14:51:41.327198,2019-04-16T14:58:32.327891 4avfr,"Peridynamic modeling of fracture in fiber-reinforced composites","This paper studies the effect of fiber volume fraction and fiber length on fracture behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. Cementitious material is modeled using the non-ordinary state-based peridynamic theory. The nonlocal meshfree peridynamic method unifies mechanics of continuous and discontinuous media and thus is well-suited in simulating discontinuities such as cracks compared to the traditional mesh-based finite element method. In addition, the non-ordinary state-based peridynamics enables us to incorporate classical constitutive equations and damage criterion. Furthermore, in order to incorporate fiber within the cementitious composite, a modified semi-discrete model is introduced. A two-dimensional rectangular notched model is developed to study the effect of fiber amount and fiber length on mechanical response of cementitious composite and also on damage propagation pattern. Sufficient number of simulations are performed to statistically characterize the effect of fiber reinforcement on fracture behaviour of cementitious composite structures.",1,,563,,10.31224/,,2019-04-16T00:11:07.323777,2019-04-16T00:11:24.621159 k7sjv,"Combining grid-tied PV and intelligent water heater control to reduce the energy costs at schools in South Africa","South Africa's escalating electricity rates are increasingly diverting educational resources to utility bills. Recent advances in solar PV affordability, the advent of the smartgrid and the capacitive nature of water heaters could be combined to enable new methods for electricity cost and efficiency management without affecting user comfort. Control methods that combine excess PV energy dumping and real-time temperature-based prioritised scheduling were compared with the normally-employed thermostat control. In addition, the performance of an energy-optimising approach is compared with a peak demand optimising approach. The results show that peak demand limiting with a two-temperature thermostat provided the highest cost saving with a 30% reduction of the school's electricity cost and only a 0.2 percentage point reduction in the number of warm water events.",1,,697,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.esd.2019.03.004,2019-04-16T00:09:56.747138,2019-04-16T17:50:38.269239 zqadm,"Fracture Toughness of LixSi Alloys in Lithium Ion Battery","Fundamental understanding of the fracture toughness of the LixSi alloys is crucial for designing of Si based high-capacity and failure-resistant electrodes. In this study, molecular dynamics simulation informed continuum chemo-mechanical modelings with conservation integrals were conducted to derive fracture toughness of LixSi alloys. Our modeling results show reasonable agreement with available experimental data, revealing that the fracture toughness of LixSi alloys with low lithium concentration does not vary significantly with lithium concentration. In addition, we demonstrated that, if lithium redistribution caused by the stress gradient around crack tip needs to be considered, an appropriate chemo-mechanical path-independent J-integral should be used as the classic Rice's J-integral is path-dependent. The obtained fracture toughness of the LixSi alloys here provides guidance for the rational design of Si based electrodes, and the presented approach also sheds light for the evaluation of the fracture toughness of other energy materials at different charging/discharging levels.",1,,676,,10.31224/,,2019-04-15T14:35:40.274082,2019-09-17T12:10:42.824603 wfv2x,"POST-EVENT PLASTIC FAILURE ANALYSIS OF SHEAR FRAMES FROM THEIR PRE-EVENT ELASTIC RESPONSE","We demonstrate that plastic failure loads of shear frames can be inferred from their elastic ambient response. The interstory plastic mechanism force is derived for moment-resisting (rigid) frames as a function of two measured elastic (low-amplitude) frequencies. Structural health monitoring techniques are traditionally devised for “post-event” assessment of structures after exposure of a facility to a potentially damaging loading event such as strong earthquakes or blasts. The knowledge of induced damage, its location, and severity in an otherwise functioning structure, as important as it is, may be too late for precautionary preparations. Naturally, one is interested in identification of potential failure mechanisms and indicators prior to damaging events when a structure is responding to environmental loads elastically. Are post-event plastic failure loads identifiable from the pre-event ambient response? We answer this question by first deriving interstory shear stiffness values from a set of measured ambient frequencies that are then incorporated into post-elastic equilibrium equations for a closed-form expression of failure loads as a function of measured frequencies. We test our procedure using a typical shear frame example as proof of concept. To extend the relevance and applicability of the proposed procedure we consider uncertainties associated with the measured and estimated quantities and assess their effects in our model output. The closed-form solutions presented allow study of fully-stressed designs and we present the optimal stiffness distribution for such designs as another example. It is anticipated that temporal relevance of structural health monitoring techniques to “pre-event” assessment will be extended in the near future to such promising technologies as earthquake early warning systems.",1,,336,,10.31224/,,2019-04-15T13:34:27.266567,2019-04-15T13:35:05.666666 kaqew,"Fusion of fNIRS and EEG Signals: Mental Stress Study","Fusion of Functional Near infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and Electroencephalograph (EEG) is a novel approach. This study aims in improving the detection rate of mental stress using the complementary nature of fNIRS and EEG neuroimaging modality. Simultaneous measurements of fNIRS and EEG signals were conducted on 12 subjects while solving arithmetic problems under two different conditions (control and stress). The stress in this work was based on arithmetic task difficulty, time pressure and negative feedback of individual performance. The study demonstrated significant reduction in the concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin (p=0.0032) and alpha rhythm power (p=0.0213) on the PFC under stress condition. Specifically, the right PFC and dorsolateral PFC were highly sensitive to mental stress. Using support vector machine (SVM), the mean detection rate of mental stress was calculated as 91%, 95% and 98% using fNIRS, EEG and fusion of fNIRS and EEG signals respectively.",1,,492,,10.31224/,,2019-04-15T13:32:35.532412,2019-04-15T13:33:07.536615 6a2tn,"Tomographic Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Signals for Enhanced Resolution","Spotlight-mode synthetic aperture radar imaging is studied from the viewpoint of tomographic signal processing which allows the relaxation of the nearly-universal assumption that plane waves pass over the ground patch. This allows high-quality image reconstruction in the face of arbitrary amounts of wavefront curvature such as would be present when the angle subtended by the ground patch, as seen by the radar, is not small. One such application is wide-area surveillance. A meth- odology is used which has the benefits of a wideband transmitted signal (impulse) and a sensible simulation. Image reconstruction algorithms are developed for monostatic and bistatic systems. Simulation results using these algorithms compare favorably with baseline simulations which use a more conventional algorithm operating on data which do not embody the effects of wavefront curvature. Comments on system design and computational implementation are made as necessary. A new set of problems which appear to benefit from the tomographic viewpoint is posed. This work may also find applications in some forms of reflection tomography.",1,,407,,10.31224/,,2019-04-13T15:00:48.104524,2019-04-15T09:20:42.922019 mw9dc,"A bibliometric review of process mining in manufacturing processes","The process mining is essential when it is needed to know what is happening in the execution of the processes, even more when it is manufacturing processes. Also, there is a lack of studies on process mining in manufacturing processes, one reason is because the process mining still a young field of study. Therefore, this paper presents a bibliometric review of a history of the process mining techniques applied in manufacturing processes. It was used, as methodology, a systematic review of the literature, by consulting databases from Web of Science and Scopus, using filters to generate a sample that would match with the scope of the research. As results, it was made some analysis, which presents the identification of the years, authors, research source, countries, number of citations, keywords cloud and industry type used in the cases studied. Also, some graphics, tables and information is presented on this paper.",1,,428,,10.31224/,10.5380/relainep.v7i11.60934,2019-04-10T02:38:03.929330,2019-10-29T04:53:00.471196 3p8cj,"Simple models for the operation of partially transparent radiative windows and their comparison to the radiative coolers","In this work we solve approximately the radiative heat transfer problem in one dimension to perform a comparative analysis of the time averaged performance of the partially transparent radiative windows and radiative coolers. Our physical model includes the atmosphere, the window, and the backwall that are all in the thermal equilibrium with each other, and that can exchange energy via radiative heat transfer or convection. Moreover, we use a simplified two-state model for the optical properties of an atmosphere and a window material which assumes two distinct sets of the optical reflection/absorption/transmission parameters in the visible/near-IR versus mid-IR spectral ranges. Furthermore, we have distinguished the design goals for the partially transparent windows and radiative coolers and provided optimal choice for the material parameters to realize these goals. Thus, radiative coolers are normally non-transparent in the visible, and the main goal is to design a cooler with the temperature of its dark side as low as possible compared to that of the atmosphere. For the radiative windows, however, their surfaces are necessarily partially transparent in the visible. In the cooling mode, therefore, the main question is about the maximal visible light transmission through the window at which the temperature on the window somber side does not exceed that of the atmosphere. We believe that our simple physical models complimented with an in-depth comparative analysis of the radiative windows and coolers can be of interest to a number of scientists and engineers pursuing research in these disciplines.",1,,426,,10.31224/,,2019-04-08T22:21:45.283158,2019-05-31T16:40:42.667824 7v9ks,"Multilevel Assessment of Mental Stress using SVM with ECOC: An EEG Approach","Mental stress has been identified as one of the major contributing factors that leads to various diseases such as heart attack, depression and stroke. To avoid this, stress quantification is important for clinical intervention and disease prevention. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of exploiting Electroencephalography (EEG) signals to discriminate between different stress levels. We propose a new assessment protocol whereby the stress level is represented by the complexity of mental arithmetic (MA) task for example, at three levels of difficulty, and the stressors are time pressure and negative feedback. Using 18-male subjects, the experimental results showed that there were significant differences in EEG response between the control and stress conditions at different levels of MA task with p-values < 0.001. Furthermore, we found a significant reduction in alpha rhythm power from one stress level to another level, p-values <0.05. In comparison, results from self-reporting questionnaire NASA-TLX approach showed no significant differences between stress levels. In addition, we developed a discriminant analysis method based on multiclass support vector machine (SVM) with error-correcting output code (ECOC). Different stress levels were detected with an average classification accuracy of 94.79%. The Lateral Index (LI) results further showed dominant right prefrontal cortex (PFC) to mental stress (reduced alpha rhythm). The study demonstrated the feasibility of using EEG in classifying multilevel mental stress, and reported alpha rhythm power at right prefrontal cortex as a suitable index.",1,,719,,10.31224/,,2019-04-08T15:06:27.941080,2019-04-09T13:24:36.322376 2qb6r,"Design of an Optimized Inlet Shroud for a Flanged Diffuser","Numerical simulation using commercial CFD package ANSYS Fluent ® is carried out for a horizontal axis wind turbine with a flanged diffuser. An optimized inlet shape that further accelerates the flow through the diffuser has been proposed and evaluated. The principle behind the increase in mass flow rate due to the shape of the inlet shroud has been discussed, with emphasis on the modelling techniques presented. The low static pressure aft of the flange at the exit periphery induces a greater mass flow through the diffuser, thereby resulting in a higher capacity factor of the enclosed wind turbine. A comparison between different inlet shroud configurations has also been presented.",1,,460,,10.31224/,,2019-04-08T07:50:31.434136,2019-06-14T21:28:50.817666 cq9s3,"Immobilization of cobalt doped rutile TiO2 on carbon nanotubes walls for efficient photodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol under visible light","In this work, we focused on improvement of rutile-type TiO2 degradation efficiency by cobalt doping and decorating on carbon nanotubes walls (CNTs) (Co-TiO2/CNTs). X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), and nitrogen physisorption were used to characterize the prepared samples. The XRD results indicated after cobalt doping, we obtained rutile phase as the major phase for cobalt containing samples. The band gap energy of the synthesized samples were calculated by Kubelka-Munk equation using diffuse reflectance spectra. The surface area of the samples was obtained by BET model and average pore diameter and pore volume of the samples were extracted from desorption branch of BJH model. The effectiveness of the samples was examined through degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) as a model of organic pollutants under visible light. We achieved 27% and 50% visible light degradation of 2,4-DCP in the presence of pure TiO2 and Co-TiO2/CNTs after 180 min irradiation, respectively. The high visible light activity of Co-TiO2/CNTs sample can be approved that the presence of cobalt and CNTs reduce the band gap energy and sensitize TiO2 surface to visible light respectively. The mechanism for degradation of 2,4-DCP by Co-TiO2/CNTs photocatalyst under visible light is proposed.",1,,434,,10.31224/,,2019-04-08T04:25:58.901154,2019-04-09T13:29:41.168930 um762,"Quantification of Mental Stress using fNIRS Signals","In this study, we propose functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to objectively grade different levels of mental stress. The levels of stress were set based on arithmetic task difficulty, time pressure and negative feedback about peer performance. We examined the proposed approach on twelve human subjects using the Montreal Imaging Stress Task. The experiment results revealed a reduction in cortical activations at prefrontal cortex when stressed, and the differences in hemodynamic response between control condition and under stress were significant with mean p-values of 0.0023, 0.00015 and 0.0004 for arithmetic difficulty level one, two and three, respectively. We thus confirm the feasibility of fNIRS in grading mental stress.",1,,446,,10.31224/,,2019-04-07T18:55:39.307999,2019-04-09T13:30:10.998109 ygxau,"Explicit Stencil Computation Schemes Generated by Poisson's Formula for the 2D Wave Equation","An approach to building explicit time-marching stencil computation schemes for the transient 2D acoustic wave equation without using finite-difference approximations is proposed and implemented. It is based on using the integral representation formula (Poisson's formula) that provides the exact solution of the initial-value problem for the transient 2D scalar wave equation at any time point through the initial conditions. For the purpose of constructing a two-step time-marching algorithm, a modified integral representation formula involving three time levels is also employed. It is shown that integrals in the two representation formulas are exactly calculated if the initial conditions and the sought solution at each time level as functions of spatial coordinates are approximated by stencil interpolation polynomials in the neighborhood of any point in a 2D Cartesian grid. As a result, if a uniform time grid is chosen, the proposed time-marching algorithm consists of two numerical procedures: 1) the solution calculation at the first time-step through the initial conditions; 2) the solution calculation at the second and next time-steps using a generated two-step numerical scheme. Three particular explicit stencil schemes (with five, nine and 13 space points) are built using the proposed approach. Their stability regions are presented. The obtained stencil expressions are compared with the corresponding finite-difference schemes available in the literature. Their novelty features are discussed. Simulation results with new and conventional schemes are presented for two benchmark problems that have exact solutions. It is demonstrated that using the new first time-step calculation procedure instead of the conventional one can provide a significant improvement of accuracy even for later time steps.",1,,376,,10.31224/,,2019-04-05T14:47:45.060301,2019-05-21T13:04:24.636660 94wfg,"Energy perceptions in South Africa: An analysis of behaviour and understanding of electric water heaters","Using data from an online national survey conducted in South Africa, this paper aims to investigate: the awareness of energy savings measures for electric water heaters (EWHs); whether or not consumers are implementing suggested measures; and if consumers understand and effectively control their EWHs’ energy usage. Additionally, the data is used to determine the success of educational and rebate programmes aimed at reducing residential energy usage and to determine possible motivations for encouraging users to reduce or alter their EWH energy and warm water consumption. The results of this questionnaire indicate that: convenience is a key factor in consumers’ willingness to implement curtailment actions; users don’t understand the energy consumption of their EWHs; and they don’t know how to control their EWHs efficiently.",1,,425,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.esd.2016.03.006,2019-04-03T23:48:49.998476,2019-04-04T18:27:33.991453 v83k5,"Impacts of Engineering Justice Curriculum: A Survey of Student Attitudes","As part of a larger project examining the role of humanitarian service learning in engineering (NSF project number EEC-1540301), we conducted an investigation of first-year engineering students' perceptions of humanitarian service learning projects, social responsibility in their discipline, and ethics in STEM. Students (n=231) taking a required freshmen level engineering course were surveyed with a pre- and post-instrument, and provided with these working definitions: * Community Service is voluntary work intended to help people in a particular community. * Social Responsibility is an obligation that an individual (or company) has to act with concern and sensitivity, aware of the impacts of their own action on others, particularly the disadvantaged. * Social Justice relates to the distribution of the advantages and disadvantages in society, including the way in which they are allocated. * Pro bono- work done without compensation (pay) for the public good. This course specifically addresses the issues described above with the goal of providing early exposure to topics that will be reinforced in non-major coursework, such as general education elective courses. Results showed that there was little change in student perceptions before and after completion of the course in terms of their perceptions of ethics, social responsibility, and social justice. In the areas in which there were statistically significant changes, students were, on average, slightly less sure the engineering profession can help people or solve social issues and slightly less interested in a job that involves helping people. On the other hand, students were slightly more aware, after the course, of the need to include social aspects in engineering practice and rated technical and professional skills as slightly less important after the class. It was also found that some groups in the class (women, minority students, first-generation students, and student less focused on salary in thinking about their future jobs) entered the class with different attitudes and changed in different ways by the end of the course. Overall, the results of this survey support other findings in engineering ethics which suggests that one course is insufficient to make significant impacts on the ways engineering students think about the societal implications of their work. However, these declines in student confidence, while small, are important to take seriously and this paper will draw out potential implications of this finding. Finally, we will discuss the implications of the differences within the class in terms of effective teaching of these topics and retention of underrepresented students.",1,,397,,10.31224/,,2019-04-03T15:20:12.092736,2019-04-03T18:03:47.983228 85svm,"A peridynamic model for damage and fracture in porous materials","(This paper is submitted to ""International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences"") We introduce a peridynamic (PD) model for simulating damage and fracture in porous materials based on an Intermediate Homogenization (IH) approach. In this approach, instead of explicitly representing the detailed pore geometry, we use homogenization but maintain some information about the microstructure (porosity) in the model. Porosity is introduced in the model as initial peridynamic damage, implemented by stochastically pre-breaking peridynamic bonds to match the desired porosity value. We validate the model for elastodynamics with wave propagation in porous glasses, where we match observed wave propagation speeds and the apparent elastic moduli for various porosities. The model is then used to study the fracture behavior of Berea sandstone under three-point bending loading conditions. We validate the model for fracture problems using the case of failure in a sandstone sample with an off-center pre-notch under three-point bending. The IH-PD results agree very well with experiments: we obtain different failure modes depending on the length of the off-center pre-notch. When the pre-notch is short, most damage (and the subsequent failure) happens in the center of the beam (largest tensile stresses in an un-notched sample). In this case, material porosity makes the fracture behavior “insensitive” to the presence of the off-center pre-notch. When the pre-notch is long, damage starts from near its tip, and progresses in mixed mode towards the loading point. The model captures the location of crack initiation to be the right-corner of the notch, exactly as shown by the experimental acoustic emission results. A fully-homogenized model for the porous sandstone fails to reproduce the failure mode sensitivity on the pre-notch length. The results show the importance of using the IH-PD model when trying to capture the important effects local heterogeneities (like pores) have on damage initiation and growth in porous materials.",1,,1043,,10.31224/,,2019-04-03T00:53:57.619507,2019-04-05T00:57:00.209401 gz3db,"The Effect of Working Fluids on Premixed Hydrogen Combustion in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber","Premixed combustion of hydrogen was investigated with the purpose of examining the effect of the full or partial substitution of argon for nitrogen in air on laminar burning velocity. Theoretically, this partial replacement decreases the NOx emissions and increases the thermal efficiency of internal combustion engines due to the high specific heat ratio of noble gases. An optically-accessible constant volume combustion chamber (CVCC) with central ignition was used to study flame propagation, flame morphological structure, and instability. The spherical flame development was studied using a high-speed Z-type Schlieren visualization system. Moreover, a numerical model was developed to convert the pressure rise data to laminar burning velocity. Coupling the model to a chemical equilibrium code aids in determining the burned gas properties. The experimental and numerical investigations indicate that increasing the concentration of argon as the working fluid in the mixture can increase the laminar burning velocity and extend the lean flammability limit.",1,,550,,10.31224/,,2019-04-01T18:14:18.990028,2019-08-05T17:50:48.371741 ebvah,"Numerical Study on Direct Injection of Hydrogen-Methane Blends into a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber","Natural gas is not commonly used in compression ignition cycles due to difficulty in achieving autoignition conditions. The addition of hydrogen to natural gas can help overcome this issue considering hydrogen’s flammability range and ability to autoignite. In this computational study, the turbulent injection of hydrogen-methane mixtures with varied composition of the gaseous fuels into a constant volume combustion chamber has been modeled. All conditions including injection pressure, initial chamber temperature, and initial chamber pressure are kept constant; the jet properties and combustion characteristics were then investigated. The results indicate that adding hydrogen to methane drastically shortens the ignition delay, enables the system to run at a lower initial temperature, and provides appropriate conditions for the compression ignition of the gaseous fuel. Increasing the volume fraction of hydrogen in the mixture strongly affects the spray tip penetration length and cone angle, while altering the mixing rate of the injected fuel with air. The mixtures with higher hydrogen volume fractions penetrate more during the early stages of injection. However, the higher momentum of the mixtures with more methane compensates for this effect when the jet disperses significantly in the chamber.",1,,644,,10.31224/,,2019-04-01T18:08:53.486186,2019-04-11T18:12:36.387796 gdzcw,"Assessment of Mental Stress Using EEG and fNIRS Features","Stress is a major contributing factor to chronical disorders and productivity loss. Students spend most of their time studying, often burdened with high workloads and time pressure, a factors that contribute to increase the level of stress and decrease their academic performance. Stress activates the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical axis and the sympathetic nervous system leading to the release of stress hormone (cortisol) in the adrenal cortex. The continuous release of cortisol leads to several chronical diseases including anxiety, depression, stroke and even addiction. Therefore, an accurate stress detection method at its early stage is very important to clinical intervention, diseases prevention as well as for academic performance. While different neuroimaging modalities have been proposed to detect mental stress, each modality experiences certain limitations. Neuroimaging tools such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) have good spatial resolution, yet are limited in terms of temporal resolution and susceptibility to motion artifacts. They also require the test subjects to remain at fixed position during scanning. Electroencephalography (EEG) constitutes a possible alternative neuroimaging technique that does not possess the same limitations. The EEG has temporal resolution in the order of a few milliseconds, which makes it suitable for measuring cortical changes during workplace activities. However, the EEG is generally considered as having poor spatial resolution (compare to excellent fMRI modality) and being highly prone to motion artifacts. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) has allowed human cortical activity to be measured during unconstrained movements, the temporal resolution is sub-second, and the spatial resolution is on order of 1 cm2 at best. In order to overcome these constraints, it is advisable to combine the EEG with fNIRS modality to provide a complementary nature and improve the detection rate of mental stress.",1,,490,,10.31224/,,2019-04-01T15:42:05.094465,2019-04-01T15:49:04.355673 m4yrd,"Wood defect detection using low acoustic impedance-based PZT transducers","Early detection of common defects in wooden structures is an important factor to avoid costly maintenance and improve the life expectancy of structures. A novel qualitative technique has been developed and evaluated for detecting near-surface abnormalities and defects in wooden structures. The proposed setup consisted of a piezoelectric ceramic lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) transducer and an impedance evaluation board. This setup is cost-effective and can be easily employed over various wooden structures. The proposed setup was evaluated on a polymeric material with a debonding. The main experimental validations were conducted on wood specimens with unfilled carved cavities and also, putty-filled holes. In addition, the setup was tested for the poor gluing in a wooden specimen. The measured impedance for each location was recorded and normalized to the reference baseline. The proposed setup could detect the cavities and putty-filled regions successfully. It also could detect the approximate geometry of defects. The glued and unglued regions were detected as well.",1,,551,,10.31224/,,2019-04-01T14:15:51.440406,2019-09-11T17:07:37.038315 jg27s,"The shear buckling and postbuckling behavior of laterally pressured curved panels","Curved panels are widely used in different structures from fuselage of planes to curved bridge girders. An accurate understanding of buckling and postbuckling behavior of curved panels under different loadings is essential for efficient structural design. The shear buckling and postbuckling behavior of laterally pressured thin curved panels under gradually increasing in-plane shear forces is investigated. The magnitude of the lateral forces, the radius of curvature and the aspect ratio of panels are considered in the parametric studies. A classic theoretical formulation of curved panels buckling load is reexamined and compared to experimental results. The results showed that inward pressure eliminates the snap-through phenomenon and the softening stage in the response of shallow curved panels. However, the buckling characteristics are not significantly affected in the moderately curved panels under small pressures. In addition, the magnitude of inward pressures that would affect the shear buckling and postbuckling behavior of panels depends on their radius of curvature. The ultimate shear capacity of a highly curved panel is considerably reduced due to the increasing presence of inward pressures. The failure mode of highly curved panels are associated with the occurrence of unstable buckling; and as a result, the released strain energy prevents the occurrence of hardening stages.",1,,401,,10.31224/,,2019-03-29T14:53:30.286540,2019-04-11T18:24:23.491246 7ypmk,"Study of the Adhesion Mechanism of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to Pyrite in Fresh and Saline Water","In the present work electrostatic forces are evaluated as the cause of attachment of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite. Streaming potential of A. ferrooxidans and pyrite was measured in two environment, fresh water and saline water (water with 35 g/L of NaCl) at different pH's values. At the same time, attachment kinetics of A. ferrooxidans to pyrite were carried out in fresh and saline water at pH 4. The results showed that A. ferrooxidans and pyrite present lower streaming potential (comparing absolute values) in saline water than in fresh water, indicating the compression in the electric double layer caused by Cl- and Na+ ions. Simultaneously, it was determined that the bacteria present a higher attachment to pyrite in fresh water than in saline water. This suggests that electrostatics forces do not play a leading role in the adhesion mechanism.",1,,436,,10.31224/,,2019-03-28T21:50:12.222541,2019-03-29T00:04:49.343764 gpsm2,"Attachment of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite in fresh and saline water and its fitting to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms","Attachment of bacteria Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite was investigated in two different environment: fresh water and saline water (water with 35 g/L of NaCl), in both cases at pH 4. Adsorption isotherms were ?tted to the Langmuir and Freundlich models. The results showed that the bacteria adhere to pyrite to a greater extent in fresh water than in saline water. The Langmuir and Freundlich models ?tted well the data obtained in fresh water, showing a coeffcient of determination (R2) approximately equal to 0.8 for both models. On the other hand, in saline water the models did not show a good coeffcient of determination with a value approximately equal to 0.4 for both models.",1,,445,,10.31224/,,2019-03-28T21:45:00.610946,2019-03-29T13:52:07.451051 9cb4d,"Auditory intelligent speed adaptation for long–distance informal public transport in South Africa","Informal transport refers to the collective passenger road transport industry with little or no regulatory control of its operations, usually characterised by unplanned and ad-hoc service delivery. The notoriously dangerous informal transport industry in South Africa – dominated by minibus taxis – has been shown to disregard the posted speed limit on long-distance trips. Not only do they frequently exceed the differentiated speed limit imposed on minibus taxis, but also the speed limit imposed on normal passenger vehicles. This paper evaluates the impact of an auditory Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) intervention, applied at various intensity levels, on the speeding behaviour of this seemingly intransigent mode of transport. The experiment evaluates the behaviour on the R61 between Beaufort West and Aberdeen. We evaluate the speeding distributions, speeding frequencies, speed percentiles, mean speeds, and the statistical relevance of key metrics. We find that the auditory intervention has a clear impact on speeding behaviour, both when applied at an audible level that can be drowned out by a radio, and even greater impact at a loud level. The impact on speeding is significant, with speeding frequency (both time and distance) reducing by over 20 percentage points.",1,,390,,10.31224/,10.1109/MITS.2016.2533979,2019-03-28T08:12:02.187098,2019-03-28T13:12:47.348796 6n5fs,"Large Deflection Behavior Effect in Reinforced Concrete Columns Exposed to Extreme Dynamic Loads","Reinforced concretes (RC) have been widely used in constructions. In construction, one of the critical elements carrying a high percentage of the weight is columns which were not used to design to absorb large dynamic load like surface bursts. This study focuses on investigating blast load parameters to design more resistant RC columns to blast loads. The numerical model is based on finite element analysis (FEA) using LS-DYNA. Numerical results are validated against blast field tests available online. Couples of simulations are performed with changing blast parameters to study effects of various scaled distances on the nonlinear behavior of RC columns. According to simulation results, the scaled distance has a substantial impact on the blast response of RC columns. With lower scaled distance, higher peak pressure and larger pressure impulse are applied on the RC column. Eventually, keeping the scaled distance unchanged, increasing the charge weight or shorter standoff distance cause more damage to the RC column. Intensive studies are carried out to investigate the effects of scaled distance and charge weight on the damage degree and residual axial load carrying capacity of RC columns with various column width, longitudinal reinforcement ratio and concrete strength. Results of this research will be used to assessment the effect of an explosion on the dynamic behavior of RC columns.",1,,410,,10.31224/,,2019-03-26T14:19:57.629309,2019-07-24T23:36:15.419058 ehrdj,"Original Title: On value and using of TAWS/FMS alert data in examination of air accidents, the case of Warsaw-Smolensk flight on 10 April 2010. Polish Title: O wartości i wykorzystaniu danych TAWS/FMS do badania wypadków lotniczych, sprawa lotu Warszawa-Smoleńsk, 10 kwietnia 2010 roku","Through an analysis of TAWS/FMS data collected and registered during the last minute of TU-154M aircraft flight from Warsaw to Smolensk, we show the value and existence of space for undertaking research works on enhancing standard functionality of TAWS/FMS systems to enable their effective use in examination of the course and causes of air accidents. The flight ended up in the total destruction of the aircraft and the death of all passengers and crew on board. The TAWS/FMS flight altitudes and spatio-temporal data, i.e. geographical location and speed of the aircraft motion, were inspected for their internal and external consistency with the data from the ATM QAR service recorder. Using the data from ATM QAR, records from the cockpit voice recorder (CVR), jointly with data from the TAWS/FMS systems, it was possible to reconstruct the most probable horizontal and vertical trajectory of the TU- 154M aircraft during the last minute of flight before its complete destruction, as well as the likely scenario of accompanying events. The data available from recorders enabled the authors to gain information on the preliminary stage of the course of accident, and the first phase of the aircraft’s destruction, resulting in serious damage of the left wing of the aircraft. Enhanced standard functionality of TAWS/FMS systems, incorporating use of their data in the post-accident situations examination, would have improved results and simplified the present analysis considerably.",1,,460,,10.31224/,,2019-03-26T13:46:56.242709,2019-07-24T23:36:08.982480 p65f9,"A dynamical multi-input/multi-output network formulation for stability analysis in AC microgrids","Nowadays, we have witnessed a significant increase of renewable sources across the existing power grids, as a result of the undeniable need to mitigate the effects of environmental pollution and assist the economic development of countries around the globe. However, due to the lack of rotational inertia and their intermittent nature, renewables have also increased the severity of the occurring disturbances and instability phenomena, which in turn place a demand for more accurate modeling of the network and the power system components. In this paper, we propose a novel network formulation for AC microgrids that allows the consideration of less conservative conditions for the network, while allowing the adoption of higher order inverter-based generation dynamics and facilitating the stability analysis and control. In particular, we formulate the network as a dynamical multi-input/multi-output system, which we show is both stable and passive, even if the network’s dynamic and lossy nature is taken into account. We then briefly discuss the opportunities and the advantages offered by the proposed approach and provide useful guidelines for a more accurate modeling of power system components. Finally, we verify the proposed network formulation through a numerical application on the Four Machine Two Area Kundur test system and several simulations on typical Medium Voltage (MV) distribution lines.",1,,375,,10.31224/,,2019-03-25T18:05:00.496956,2019-07-24T23:36:11.929397 tymhs,"A Stochastic Homogenized Peridynamic Model for Intraply Fracture in Fiber-Reinforced Composites","The quasi-static transverse fracture behavior in unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) is investigated using a new intermediately-homogenized peridynamic (IH-PD) model and a fully homogenized peridynamic (FH-PD) model. The novelty in the IH-PD model here is accounting for the topology of the fiber-phase in the transverse sample loading via a calibration to the Halpin-Tsai model. Both models can capture well the measured load-displacement behavior observed experimentally for intraply fracture, without the need for an explicit representation of microstructure geometry of the FRC. The IH-PD model, however, is more accurate and produces crack path tortuosity as well as a non-monotonic load-crack-opening softening curve, similar to what is observed experimentally. These benefits come from the preservation of some micro-scale heterogeneity, stochastically generated in the IH-PD model to match the composite’s fiber volume fraction, while its computational cost is equivalent to that of an FH-PD model. We also present a three-point bending transverse loading case in which the two models lead to dramatically different failure modes: the FH-PD model shows that failure always starts from the off-center pre-notch, while the IH-PD model, when the pre-notch is sufficiently off-center, finds that the composite fails from the center of the sample, not from the pre-notch. Experiments that can confirm these findings are sought.",1,,684,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107770,2019-03-23T05:31:22.667605,2019-10-13T14:16:52.829038 486jh,"Turbulent theory of velocity-profile-induced jet breakup","Velocity profile relaxation is commonly believed to be a cause of jet breakup. This claim is critically reevaluated in this work. Contrary to common belief, laminar liquid jets with parabolic velocity profiles are actually more stable than laminar jets with flatter velocity profiles. This is shown using prior theory and experiments. For turbulent jets, the influence of the velocity profile is more difficult to determine. Previous experimentalists claimed to show that the velocity profile has an effect by varying the nozzle length. The claim is that the boundary layer thickness grows with nozzle length, and that the larger the boundary layer, the less stable the jet. In this work, nozzle length is shown to be a poor proxy for velocity profile effects because the turbulence intensity also increases as the nozzle length increases. Studies with this confounding were ignored in this work. Thinner boundary layers have greater shear, yet experiments have shown that if the boundary layer were made thinner (all else constant), the jet often is more stable. This is termed the ""shear paradox"". A potential resolution to the shear paradox is developed by considering that the area with shear also decreases as the boundary layer thickness is decreased, and by non-dimensionalizing the turbulent production rate by the dissipation. This theory shows an interaction between the integral scale and velocity profile relaxation which has not been previously discussed. The theoretical prediction that a smaller integral scale leads to more stable jets (due to increased turbulent dissipation) is shown to be somewhat consistent with the limited experimental and DNS data available.",1,,729,,10.31224/,,2019-03-22T21:52:14.446559,2020-01-04T20:55:41.825237 k2fnm,"Improving the validation of turbulent jet breakup models","Understanding the physics of the breakup of turbulent liquid jets is important for a variety of applications including engine sprays, fire suppression systems, and water jet cutting. Models of turbulent jet breakup allow predictions of quantities of interest like the droplet size distribution and breakup length of the jet. These models are compared against experimental data in a process called validation. If the model predictions are within the experimental uncertainty, then the model is ""validated"" and believed to be accurate, and possibly can explain the physics. Uncertainty quantification is necessary for model validation. While unfortunately relatively few experimental studies quantify uncertainty, that is not the most pressing validation issue in turbulent jet breakup. I detail 3 additional problems that can make the apparent validation of a model actually an illusion, regardless of how well the model appears to match the data. These problems include: 1. important variables being omitted or guessed in experiments and models, 2. confounding between independent variables, that is, two variables changing simultaneously, making determining cause and effect impossible, and 3. testing only combinations of submodels and not each submodel in isolation. To avoid these problems and others, I developed validation guidelines that are detailed in this work. Following these guidelines, I compiled a large experimental database. Only 28 out of 47 experimental studies considered met my data quality guidelines. Only 18 studies had quantified uncertainty, and only 3 studies had substantial variation in the turbulence intensity.",1,,477,,10.31224/,,2019-03-22T21:32:17.665936,2020-01-04T20:56:10.295303 fs3qk,"Efficient Production of Acetic Acid from Nipa (Nypa fruticans) Sap by Moorella thermoacetica (f. Clostridium thermoaceticum)","To valorize the underutilized nipa sap composed mainly of sucrose, glucose and fructose, acetic acid fermentation by Moorella thermoacetica was explored. Given that M. thermoacetica cannot directly metabolize sucrose, we evaluated various catalysts for the hydrolysis of this material. Oxalic acid and invertase exhibited high levels of activity towards the hydrolysis of the sucrose in nipa sap to glucose and fructose. Although these two methods consumed similar levels of energy for the hydrolysis of sucrose, oxalic acid was found to be more cost-effective. Nipa saps hydrolyzed by these two catalysts were also fermented by M. thermoacetica. The results revealed that the two hydrolyzed sap mixtures gave 10.0 g/L of acetic acid from the 10.2 g/L of substrate sugars in nipa sap. Notably, the results showed that the oxalic acid catalyst was also fermented to acetic acid, which avoided the need to remove the catalyst from the product stream. Taken together, these results show that oxalic acid hydrolysis is superior to enzymatic hydrolysis for the pretreatment of nipa sap. The acetic acid yield achieved in this study corresponds to a conversion efficiency of 98%, which is about 3.6 times higher than that achieved using the traditional methods. The process developed in this study therefore has high potential as a green biorefinery process for the efficient conversion of sucrose-containing nipa sap to bio-derived acetic acid.",1,,507,,10.31224/,,2019-03-22T03:17:41.656570,2019-03-22T13:45:10.348303 tygv4,"PULSE JET INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE","This article describes using the pulse jet to create circular motion. Such an engine would be highly efficient, simple and cheap to build, light weight, and could use a wide variety of liquid fuels. Such a pulse jet engine would be a very efficient substitute for the piston engine.",1,,928,,10.31224/,,2019-03-22T03:00:02.410638,2019-03-22T13:43:18.543223 bfjn3,"Estimation of component-wise drag coefficient and Planform Visualization of CG for Various Sub Components","The aim of this report, is to present an application of the preliminary design procedure followed in the course entitled “Airplane design(Aerodynamic)”. A 150 seater jet airplane cruising at M = 0.8, at 11 km altitude and having a gross still air range(GSAR) of 4000 km is considered.",1,,534,,10.31224/,,2019-03-20T20:13:50.932420,2019-09-22T15:08:09.963382 ecxpv,"Development of Flight Envelope of a Twin Turboprop Aircraft (ATR-72)","The ATR 72 is a twin-engine turboprop, short-haul regional airliner developed and produced in France and Italy by aircraft manufacturer ATR (Aerei da Trasporto Regionale or Avions de transport régional), a joint venture formed by French aerospace company Aérospatiale (now Airbus) and Italian aviation conglomerate Aeritalia (now Leonardo S.p.A.). The number ""72"" in its name is derived from the aircraft's standard seating configuration in a passenger-carrying configuration, which could seat 72–78 passengers in a single-class arrangement.",1,,463,,10.31224/,,2019-03-20T20:10:50.361928,2019-09-29T22:23:44.376916 jzdpq,"Behavior of steel storage pallet racking connection - A review","Steel pallet racking industry has globally used from the industrial revolution and has deeply evolved from hot-rolled profile into cold-formed profile to raise the optimization in engineering field. Nowadays, some studies regarding cold-formed steel profile have been performed, but fewer studies in terms of cold-formed pallet racking specifically in connection due to the semi-rigid behavior by lug-hooked into the upright have been conducted. The objective of this study is to review the related literature on steel storage racking connection behavior.",1,,1109,,10.31224/,10.12989/scs.2019.30.5.457,2019-03-19T02:30:13.402554,2019-03-19T14:06:09.765275 muj72,"Impact damage detection in fiberglass composites using low acoustic impedance-based PZT transducers","The objective of this work is to evaluate the ability of a lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) transducer to detect the damages caused by the impacts in fiberglass-epoxy composites. Impacts were created by a hammer (unquantified energy) and an automatic impact system (quantified energy) in multiple composite sheets. The mechanism of damage detection relies on the impedance measurement by a low acoustic impedance (LAI) transducer which resonates in the radial mode rather than the regular thickness mode. The effect of surface roughness was investigated by making specimens with different quantified surface roughness values. It was shown that the surface roughness and boundary conditions are affecting the results of the experiments in the case of very rough surface and hard boundary conditions. The main body of this study was testing the setup on the composite sheets. The specimens were tested for an energy range of 10 to 54 joules. The surface of each specimen was gridded with a step size of 5 mm and the impedance was measured for each location. The results were normalized versus to a situation that the transducer was not in contact with any load. It was shown that the proposed portable and easy-to-use LAI setup could detect the damages qualitatively. The normalized measured impedance was variable, but it showed a significant increase, in some cases as high as 100%, on the impact’s region.",1,,377,,10.31224/,,2019-03-18T20:00:15.217257,2019-09-11T16:24:54.794874 cdx6b,"Lattice Boltzmann Method to Analyse Fluid Flow Around a Circular Cylinder","An overview of the Lattice Boltzmann Method has been presented with an in house algorithm for the numerical simulation of fluid flow around a circular cylinder. The linearization of the collision operator has been discussed for distributions not close to the local equilibrium state, and numerical simulation has been carried out for stable initial conditions up to a Reynolds number of 80. An overview of the lattice gas automata with regard to Boolean variables describing the particle occupation has also been defined. A comparison between the data obtained from the two dimensional fluid flow around the cylinder and previous experimentation has also been made.",1,,506,,10.31224/,,2019-03-16T01:21:23.480319,2019-03-18T14:10:50.357537 583je,"FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSES OF SUPERADOBE DOMES","This article shows Static structural analyses performed on 35 different Superadobe domed models. The dimensions of these models were defined according to a controlled variation of initial parameters, guided by previously derived equations. Maximum and Minimum principal stresses, Shear stresses and total deformations were measured assuming an idealized material with isotropic elasticity. Besides the dome’s self-weight, wind loads are considered from the most dangerous angle with respect to the openings.",1,,329,,10.31224/,,2019-03-14T23:13:31.200361,2019-03-15T14:25:29.867736 d3em6,"APPLICATIONS OF A “GEOMETRICAL SOUNDNESS EQUATION” FOR SUPERADOBE DOMES","A Superadobe dome is a parameterization in the sense that given some initial parameters, the structure can be completely determined by them [1]. While a set of such initial parameters can produce a safe and functional structure, a different set can result in an unsafe, unstable, or even geometrically senseless structure. It is necessary for a Superadobe designer to predict the structure’s final dimensions and mechanical behavior from the initial parameters of his or her choice, so as to be able to choose them wisely. These initial independent numbers must satisfy some equations containing variables of both geometrical and mechanical nature, yet the parameters’ compliance with the single, purely-geometrical equation showcased in this article, is a necessary condition for all functional Superadobe domes. References [1] López, M. González, M. Llauradó, N. 2019. “EQUATIONS THAT DESCRIBE THE GEOMETRY OF SUPERADOBE DOMED STRUCTURES.” engrXiv. March 14. doi:10.31224/",1,,404,,10.31224/,,2019-03-14T21:45:00.267976,2019-03-15T14:24:37.201539 ptq47,"EQUATIONS THAT DESCRIBE THE GEOMETRY OF SUPERADOBE DOMED STRUCTURES","""Superadobe"" is a method for the construction of self-built shelters that has three main advantages: It’s economical, it’s easy to execute by common people, and produces buildings with good structural behavior against natural events such as earthquakes, floods, fire and high winds [1]. It consists in filling polypropylene sacks with a moist mixture of clay, sand, gravel and lime/cement; placing and compacting one on top of another in the form of concentric rings of decreasing radii and describing a double curvature monolith. (Similar to a paraboloid). The construction of these domed monoliths follow a simple geometrical pattern based on the use of compasses, hence the form, and other building characteristics can be parametric. This is, a system of equations for these building’s physical dimensions can be derived, based on initial parameters. These equation’s variables can be divided into independent ('constructive') and dependent ('observable'), and by defining the values of the independent parameters (sack dimensions, radius of base (internal compass), radius of roof (external compass), radius of skylight, dimensions of openings, mean material specific weight, mean material elastic modulus, mean friction coefficient between rows, etc.), resulting dimensions and mechanical behaviors, such as building height, interior habitable area, proportion of rows that rest upon the previous, or total building weight, maximum shear force amongst all rows, axial stresses, etc. can be determined. This article deals with the resulting geometrical dimensions of the building, given corresponding initial parameters. If we were to set some dependent variables as fixed values, we could solve the system of equations for the missing independent parameters. This would allow for example, to set design values for building weight and height, and to determine the unknown values for the corresponding radiuses and necessary sack dimensions which will produce a building that meets this pre requisites. This paper briefly explains a geometrical model of Superadobe domed structures.",1,,519,,10.31224/,,2019-03-14T21:27:43.512086,2019-03-15T14:23:46.987104 vhybk,"CONSTRUCTION OF A SUPERADOBE DOME","Superadobe Technology consists on filling long polypropylene sacks with a moist mixture of clay, sand, gravel and lime/cement; placing and compacting one on top of another forming concentric rings of decreasing radius and describing a double curvature monolith. From the 26th of August till the 6th of September of 2017, a group of 10 students at the “Domoterra” Institute of Earthbag construction, in the province of Teruel, autonomous community of Aragon, Spain, participated in the construction of what would become a Superadobe domed shelter of internal diameter 4m, roughly 3.5m high with the capacity to enclose 17.5m^2 of habitable surface, using approximately 250m of polypropylene sack and 20 m³ of earth. The structure advanced from an initial base cylinder of 0.5 m to the height of 2.1 m in 7 effective work days of 8 hours each day, and such an experience is taken into account together with existing literature, to describe the construction process of a Superadobe dome.",1,,2260,,10.31224/,,2019-03-14T17:01:24.785285,2019-03-18T23:06:44.171462 u7aby,"Design and Evaluation of a Novel Low Acoustic Impedance-Based PZT Transducer for Detecting the Near-Surface Defects","Near-surface defects are one of the most common types of damage occurring in polymer composite materials. Conventional Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques, especially ultrasonic testing, are not always suitable for detecting these types of defect, especially in thin plates. The proposed NDT method in this article employs Low Acoustic Impedance (LAI) characterization. The novelty of LAI technique lies in the transverse resonating of Lead-Zirconate-Titanate (PZT) transducer which shows significant lower effective acoustic impedance compared to thickness - extension mode. The LAI technique eliminates the need for the matching layers and reduces the manufacturing cost consequently. Briefly, the analytical model has been introduced and the fabrication procedure has been discussed in detail. The setup has been evaluated both numerically and experimentally to detect a debonding. The results proved the ability of LAI technique in the detection of defects and, moreover, the approximate geometry of the affected region as well.",1,,857,,10.31224/,,2019-03-12T22:38:16.140199,2019-08-09T17:59:05.383014 uedzx,"Inter and Intra Patient ECG Heartbeat Classification For Arrhythmia Detection: A Sequence to Sequence Deep Learning Approach","Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is a common and powerful tool to study heart function and diagnose several abnormal arrhythmias. While there have been remarkable improvements in cardiac arrhythmia classification methods, they still cannot offer acceptable performance in detecting different heart conditions, especially when dealing with imbalanced datasets. In this paper, we propose a solution to address this limitation of current classification approaches by developing an automatic heartbeat classification method using deep convolutional neural networks and sequence to sequence models. We evaluated the proposed method on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, considering the intra-patient and inter-patient paradigms, and the AAMI EC57 standard. The evaluation results for both paradigms show that our method achieves the best performance in the literature (a positive predictive value of 96.46% and sensitivity of 100% for the category S, and a positive predictive value of 98.68% and sensitivity of 97.40% for the category F for the intra-patient scheme; a positive predictive value of 92.57% and sensitivity of 88.94% for the category S, and a positive predictive value of 99.50% and sensitivity of 99.94% for the category V for the inter-patient scheme.). The source code is available at",1,,703,,10.31224/,,2019-03-12T21:33:36.665970,2019-03-14T17:10:15.958136 tj3c6,"Performance Evaluation of A Developed Acoustic Impedance Device In Tumor Screening","In this study, we test the performance of a PZT transducer using Low Acoustic Impedance (LAI) on detecting tumors embedded in agarose gels. Our hypothesis is that the structural and composition difference between the tumor and the gel would sufficiently result in variation in the measured acoustic impedance, and consequently can be used to detect the presence of the tumor located below the gel surface. The surface contour of the normalized impedance is mapped by scanning the device on the surface. The results are compared to the actual locations of the embedded tumors.",1,,265,,10.31224/,,2019-03-12T20:20:50.947719,2019-04-06T15:30:18.152384 mp7bq,"Damage Detection in Composites by LAI-PZT Transducer","Composite structures are known for being susceptible to manufacturing defects and in-service damage. Since damage in composites is not always visually apparent, Non- Destructive Techniques (NDT) such as ultrasonic imaging are often employed to detect and quantify damage [1]. Materials such as carbon-epoxy and fiberglass-epoxy plates are frequently used as structural elements in the both the civil and aerospace industry. Structure made of these materials display high acoustic impedances along the direction of the fibers but behave as Low Acoustic Impedance (LAI) materials in the transverse direction (i.e., through the composite’s thickness). It follows that LAI acoustic transducer are generally more appropriate to scan and detect damage/defects through the thickness in various types of anisotropic structures. When transducers are coupled in a direction orthogonal to the resonant mode they display significantly lower characteristic impedance than if coupled in the same direction. In some cases, this feature can eliminate the need for intermediate “matching” films and makes LAI transducer desirable for acoustic imaging applications. In this paper we introduce the use of low-cost, low effective impedance PZT transducer for damage detection in LAI structures. This manuscript also describes results from both numerical modeling and damage detection testing performed using a prototype transducer. In the future simple and economical transducers resonated in their transverse mode rather than the thickness mode could be used to detect damage such as matrix cracking and delamination of the composite structure.",1,,462,,10.31224/,,2019-03-12T17:17:14.691304,2019-03-12T20:00:38.355748 vbq6e,"Exploiting Synergy of Carbon Pricing and other Policy Instruments for Deep Decarbonization","We address both weaknesses and strengths of recent arguments against carbon pricing . In our opinion, however, carbon pricing is one essential component of a mix of policy instruments, as no single instrument will bring about the disruptive change needed to meet the Paris Agreement goals and achieve deep carbonization. We urge the research community to assess synergies and trade-offs between different policy instruments and to take into account the important role of their social and political acceptance.",1,,564,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.joule.2019.03.006,2019-03-12T15:24:01.873881,2019-04-02T19:39:41.429507 s3uzy,"Analytical and numerical study of entropy generation in small scale heat exchangers","In present work, the entropy generation minimization technique (EGM) is applied to study the performance of a microchannel heat sink combined with a new proposed parameter called irreversibility index and energy harvesting concept. Three different cases have been investigated using geometry of a microchanel heat sink selected from experimental work in the literature. The constraints considered in this study, are fixed channel height and maximum pressure drop. It has been observed that with fixed channel height constraint, while the aspect ratio changes from 1 to 10, the optimum operating condition fall in the range of Reynolds number equal to 2000 and aspect ratio of 2.25. Moreover, the extra constrain on maximum pressure drop imposes a limitation on applicable aspect ratio range. The maximum aspect ratio of the channel for stable flow field in this case cannot be higher than 5 imposed by criteria of laminar flow regime. The obtained optimum values are Reynolds number of 1850 and aspect ratio of 2. Using a combined new defined irreversibility index and Energy Harvesting Concept (EHC), it has been shown that the optimum design values for industrial applications are not necessary ones obtained from EGM method and may shift to a new operating point based on the method considered for energy harvesting.",1,,307,,10.31224/,,2019-03-11T17:22:00.694725,2019-07-02T14:29:37.017210 gu4pz,"Analytical Design and Estimation of Conventional and Electrical Aircraft Environmental Control Systems","Environmental control system holds vital importance as it is responsible for passenger’s ventilation and comfort. This paper presents an analytical design of environmental control systems and represents the estimated design in three-dimensional. Knowledge-based engineering application serves as the base for designing and methodology for the environmental control systems. Flexibility in the model enables the user to control the size and positioning of the system and also sub-systems associated with it. The number of passengers serves as the driving input and three-dimensional model gives the exact representation with respect to the volume occupied and dependencies on the number of passengers. It also provides a faster method to alter the system to user needs with respect to the number of air supply pipes, number of ducts and pipe length. Knowledge-based engineering gives the freedom to visualize various options in the conceptual design process.",1,,897,,10.31224/,,2019-03-11T17:18:14.522130,2019-03-11T17:27:18.246427 h4wrv,"Cellular-resolution in vivo tomography in turbid tissue through digital aberration correction","Noninvasive tomographic imaging of cellular processes in vivo may provide valuable cytological and histological information for disease diagnosis. However, such strategies are usually hampered by optical aberrations caused by the imaging system and tissue turbidity. State-of-the-art aberration correction methods require that the light signal be phase stable over the full-field data acquisition period, which is difficult to maintain during dynamic cellular processes in vivo. Here we show that any optical aberrations in the path length difference (OPD) domain can be corrected without the phase stability requirement based on maximum intensity assumption. Specifically, we demonstrate a novel optical tomographic technique, termed amplitude division aperture synthesis optical coherence tomography (ADAS-OCT), which corrects aberrations induced by turbid tissues by physical aperture synthesis and simultaneously data acquisition from sub-apertures. Even with just two sub-apertures, ADAS-OCT enabled in vivo visualization of red blood cells in human labial mucosa. We further demonstrated that adding sub-apertures could significantly scale up the aberration correction capability. This technology has the potential to impact a number of clinical areas where noninvasive examinations are preferred, such as blood count and cancers detection.",1,,568,,10.31224/,,2019-03-10T06:21:28.005656,2019-03-11T14:50:47.329178 c7ujh,"Understanding and affecting school water behaviour using technological interventions","This paper studies and reports the water usage behaviour of a primary school in Stellenbosch in the period leading up to the 2018 drought. The aims of the study was to characterise water consumption patterns for a school, and to quantify the effects of the technology-driven interventions on behavioural change. Three interventions were implemented using smart meter data: posters, playing cards, and daily presentations. The school’s water usage pattern was found to be predictive and regular, except for daily losses, which were extrapolated from measured nightly flow. The water usage distribution was Gaussian with the mean being centred around break time. The interventions were able to reduce water consumption of the school by 44% when compared to the use of a school in the same town where the interventions were not implemented.",1,,495,,10.31224/,,2019-03-07T21:35:11.429509,2019-05-01T02:35:28.962521 m9teb,"ECGNET: Learning Where to Attend for Detection of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) with Deep Visual Attention","The complexity of the patterns associated with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and the high level of noise affecting these patterns have significantly limited the current signal processing and shallow machine learning approaches to get accurate AF detection results. Deep neural networks have shown to be very powerful to learn the non-linear patterns in the data. While a deep learning approach attempts to learn complex pattern related to the presence of AF in the ECG, they can benefit from knowing which parts of the signal is more important to focus during learning. In this paper, we introduce a two-channel deep neural network to more accurately detect AF presented in the ECG signal. The first channel takes in a preprocessed ECG signal and automatically learns where to attend for detection of AF. The second channel simultaneously takes in the preprocessed ECG signal to consider all features of entire signals. The model shows via visualization that what parts of the given ECG signal are important to attend while trying to detect atrial fibrillation. In addition, this combination significantly improves the performance of the atrial fibrillation detection (achieved a sensitivity of 99.53%, specificity of 99.26% and accuracy of 99.40% on the MIT-BIH atrial fibrillation database with 5-s ECG segments.)",1,,406,,10.31224/,,2019-03-07T20:36:10.731080,2019-03-13T22:59:43.208740 mqwdb,"Impacts of Engineering: An Introductory Course in Engineering Featuring Social Justice","Impacts of Engineering is a three-credit required course for all incoming engineering freshmen and is also available as a general education elective to all university students. The course was developed to address the needs of new engineering students while setting the stage for how they might approach engineering work in later curriculum. Prior to the development of this course, engineering students at UW-Stout were exposed to the topics of ethics, social justice, and social responsibility solely through general education electives and through limited discussion in capstone courses. In addition, there is a selection of ``extra-curricular'' opportunities for student engagement, most notably a chapter of Engineers Without Borders USA, however these opportunities don’t carry curricular integration. The first effort at more directly integrating these topics into the engineering curriculum was through the development of a new course called ``Impacts of Engineering,'' which is described in the course documentation as shown in the following section. Broadly, this course supports the program educational objective of graduating students who are ``committed to high ethical standards, global perspectives, and principles of social responsibility and social justice.'' The course aims to supplement the technical content typically found in introductory engineering coursework with professional or life skills such as good communication, time management, and ability to function on a diverse team. Finally, the course objectives include several that are specifically directed at developing an understanding of engineering design from a global perspective.",1,,385,,10.31224/,,2019-03-04T20:07:46.569557,2019-03-29T21:00:23.811250 pgkqz,"Optimization of Hybrid Learning Approach for Power Electronics Course Using Virtual Laboratory to Prepare Teachers in Industry 4.0","Many challenges need to be addressed in facing the Industry 4.0 (I4.0), especially for teachers in schools or colleges. One of them is how to adapt a learning process with I4.0 where computers and technologies play an important role. A hybrid learning approach using a virtual laboratory could be the answer to this problem. Hybrid learning combines face-to-face learning, e-learning, virtual laboratory and practice in a laboratory. It could optimize the advantages of all methods and introduce educational technology to students. Furthermore, it will prepare the vocational teacher candidates in facing the I4.0. This paper focuses on developing, implementing and optimizing a power electronic course for vocational students with a hybrid learning approach using a virtual laboratory in Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The hybrid learning approach is validated by experts from electrical engineering education using an assessment method and analyzed by means statistically. The result shows that the hybrid learning approach by using virtual laboratory can be adopted for improving the analytical thinking skills in solving power electronics problems for students as a vocational teacher candidate.",1,,418,,10.31224/,,2019-03-04T18:34:28.517726,2019-03-11T17:52:44.131302 fsa3c,"Ultrasound Segmentation of Cervical Muscle during head motion: a Dataset and a Benchmark using Deconvolutional Neural Networks","Objectives: To automate online segmentation of cervical muscles from transverse ultrasound (US) images of the human neck during functional head movement. To extend ground-truth labelling methodology beyond dependence upon MRI imaging of static head positions required for application to participants with involuntary movement disorders. Method: We collected sustained sequences (> 3 minutes) of US images of human posterior cervical neck muscles at 25 fps from 28 healthy adults, performing visually-guided pitch and yaw head motions. We sampled 1,100 frames (approx. 40 per participant) spanning the experimental range of head motion. We manually labelled all 1,100 US images and trained deconvolutional neural networks (DCNN) with a spatial SoftMax regression layer to classify every pixel in the full resolution (525x491) US images, as one of 14 classes (10 muscles, ligamentum nuchae, vertebra, skin, background). We investigated ‘MaxOut’ and Exponential Linear unit (ELU) transfer functions and compared with our previous benchmark (analytical shape modelling). Results: These DCNNs showed higher Jaccard Index (53.2%) and lower Hausdorff Distance (5.7 mm) than the previous benchmark (40.5%, 6.2 mm). SoftMax Confidence corresponded with correct classification. ‘MaxOut’ outperformed ELU marginally. Conclusion: The DCNN architecture accommodates challenging images and imperfect manual labels. The SoftMax layer gives user feedback of likely correct classification. The ‘MaxOut’ transfer function benefits from near-linear operation, compatibility with deconvolution operations and the dropout regulariser. Significance: This methodology for labelling ground-truth and training automated labelling networks is applicable for dynamic segmentation of moving muscles and for participants with involuntary movement disorders who cannot remain still.",1,,752,,10.31224/,,2019-02-26T23:24:40.612314,2019-03-26T20:09:15.796507 dafwr,"ADIBs: A Low-Cost Early Tsunami Warning System for Malaysia","Tsunami Warning System (TWS) consist detection and notification system that mostly operated by countries affected by Tsunami. For Malaysia, it is not cost effective to use cutting edge TWS. The reason is it free from big earthquakes where its location far from tectonic plate boundaries. Besides, it’s surrounded by neighbouring countries which act like natural wall to prevent natural disaster reach to Malaysia territory. Fatal Tsunami happened on 2004 has changed this fact and Malaysia is exposed to secondary effect of natural disaster happened at neighbouring countries. An earthquake with magnitude nine (9) occurred at Banda Aceh was generate Tsunami wave that propagate from Indonesia to Malaysia coastline killed 68 people. As an immediate action, Malaysian government introduce Malaysia Tsunami Early Warning System (SAATNM) which the technology behind the system is from imported equipment. Unfortunately, this sophisticated equipment is costly to maintain and it’s exposed to vandalise. Thus, ADIBs is acronyms for Aware Tsunami Detection Interconnected Built-In System is a TWS propose by authors to help Malaysian government agencies to develop a low cost and reliable TWS suitable for Malaysia usage. The authors also propose a novel method to calculate Tsunami risk which considers severity of Tsunami, occurrence of Tsunami and detection of Tsunami. Tsunami Failure Mode Effect Analysis (TFMEA) has successful informs Malaysia should focus on prevention works rather than using expensive TWS.",1,,464,,10.31224/,,2019-02-26T17:44:20.776782,2019-02-26T18:50:55.412106 ghbcu,"Securing Data Encryption","This article provide analysis about information security using cryptography techniques. After the analyzing different techniques of encryption, we are proposing Advance Encryption Standard (AES). The AES has the better security compared others encryption algorithm and prevent data from Spoofing. It is very efficient in both hardware and software.",1,,302,,10.31224/,,2019-02-24T13:03:52.817164,2019-02-24T20:31:47.393968 m74xz,"Evaluation of Comparative Damaging Effects of Multiple Truck Axles for Flexible Pavements","The objective of this research is to evaluate the comparative damaging effects of multiple truck axles including overloaded axles for asphalt pavements in the South Central region of the United States, by investigating the response of the pavement structure to various truck loading configurations.",1,,398,,10.31224/,,2019-02-23T17:23:41.167162,2019-02-24T20:31:00.232916 zfya9,"Particle Swarm Optimization in Virtual Power Plants with Cogeneration Systems","SXT Ariel proposal and contribution to the COST Action TD1207 “Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks”, held at the same year 2016 affiliation at FCTUC, University of Coimbra, Portugal. With collaboration Professor Pedro S. Moura, ISR to share recent research and unveil new case studies concerning the use of optimization models to address the challenges arising in the evolution of energy networks to smart grids.",1,,422,,10.31224/,,2019-02-22T09:30:42.138623,2019-02-22T13:52:29.393519 5zbpq,"A MICRO-STRUCTURAL MUSCLE FIBRE MODEL SHOWS TENSION-COMPRESSION ASYMMETRY MECHANISMS","Skeletal muscle tissue presents a highly asymmetrical behaviour when passively loaded in tension or compression, but no structural model addressing this has been reported. Passive skeletal muscle derives its structural response from titin filaments, collagen fibres in the connective tissue and incompressibility due to high fluid content. The objective of this paper is to develop a micro-structurally based mathematical model to predict the known tension-compression asymmetry. Such a model is a precursor to future constitutive formulations for finite element modelling.",1,,297,,10.31224/,10.1016/S0021-9290(12)70573-0,2019-02-21T10:23:25.628389,2019-02-21T15:20:07.656599 mejbx,"NON-INVASIVE ANALYSIS OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SKELETAL MUSCLE TISSUE IN-VIVO","Validation of constitutive models of living human skeletal muscle tissue requires non-invasive analysis methods. This abstract presents an advanced framework for the validation of such models. MRI based indentation experiments are proposed during which dynamic indentation force, 3D dynamic tissue deformation, tissue geometry and fibre architecture are recorded. Following inverse Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of the experimental boundary conditions the parameters of an appropriate constitutive law can be optimised. The framework presented allows for the first time for the non-invasive evaluation of detailed non-linear, anisotropic and viscoelastic material laws.",1,,406,,10.31224/,10.1016/S0021-9290(12)70489-X,2019-02-21T10:07:54.205380,2019-02-21T15:19:27.420462 f3hxk,"A Computationally Inexpensive Energy Model for Horizontal Electric Water Heaters With Scheduling","Electric water heaters (EWHs) remain one of the main contributors to energy consumption in countries where they are used. EWH models serve as a step towards achieving optimised control, and can also be used to inform users of expected savings due to changes, if the model is energy-based. Various models have been proposed, but none of them include more than half of the six key features that the model presented in this paper supports: horizontal orientation; schedule control; low computational complexity; validation of the model; multinodal stratification; and multinodal standing losses. The presented model is validated against six datasets: four comprising 900 hours with multiple water usage events; and two with only standing losses. The results show that the model estimates energy consumption over ten days including usage with an error of less than 2% and 5% for schedule control and thermostat control respectively. The simulation model is simple enough to execute ten days of simulation in less than 100 milliseconds on a standard desktop machine, 150 times faster than a prominent model from literature, making it also suitable for large scale simulations or for use on mobile devices.",1,,419,,10.31224/,10.1109/TSG.2016.2544882,2019-02-20T22:55:39.673420,2019-02-21T15:17:33.003435 9x6df,"Estimating PV Power from Aggregate Power Measurements within the Distribution Grid","The increased integration of photovoltaic (PV) systems in distribution grids reduces visibility and situational awareness for utilities, because the PV systems’ power production is usually not monitored by them. To address this problem, a method called Contextually Supervised Source Separation (CSSS) has been recently adapted for real-time estimation of aggregate PV active power generation from aggregate net active and reactive power measurements at a point in a radially configured distribution grid (e.g., substation). In its original version, PV disaggregation is formulated as an optimization problem that fits linear regression models for the aggregate PV active power generation and true substation active power load. This paper extends the previous work by adding regularization terms in the objective function to capture additional contextual information such as smoothness, by adding new constraints, by introducing new regressors such as ambient temperature, and by investigating the use of time-varying regressors. Furthermore, we perform extensive parametric analysis to inform tuning of the objective function weighting factors in a way that maximizes performance and robustness. The proposed PV disaggregation method can be applied to networks with either a single PV system (e.g., MW scale) or many distributed ones (e.g., residential scale) connected downstream of the substation. Simulation studies with real field recorded data show that the enhancements of the proposed method reduce disaggregation error by 58% in winter and 35% in summer compared with previous CSSS-based work. When compared against a commonly used transposition model based approach, the reduction in disaggregation error is more pronounced (78% reduction in winter and 45% in summer). Additional simulations indicate that the proposed algorithm is applicable also for PV systems with time-varying power factors. Overall, our results show that – with appropriate modeling and tuning – it is possible to accurately estimate the aggregated PV active power generation of a distribution feeder with minimal or no additional sensor deployment.",1,,756,,10.31224/,,2019-02-20T12:03:49.316529,2019-04-09T18:20:59.068250 pyq29,"Indirect 3D bioprinting and characterization of alginate scaffolds for potential nerve tissue engineering applications","Low-concentration hydrogels have favorable properties for many cell functions in tissue engineering but are considerably limited from a scaffold fabrication point of view due to poor three-dimensional (3D) printability. Here, we developed an indirect-bioprinting process for alginate scaffolds and characterized the potential of these scaffolds for nerve tissue engineering applications. The indirect-bioprinting process involves (1) printing a sacrificial framework from gelatin, (2) impregnating the framework with low-concentration alginate, and (3) removing the gelatin framework by an incubation process, thus forming low-concentration alginate scaffolds. The scaffolds were characterized by compression testing, swelling, degradation, and morphological and biological assessment of incorporated or seeded Schwann cells. For comparison, varying concentrations of alginate scaffolds (from 0.5 to 3%) were fabricated and sterilized using either ultraviolet light or ethanol. Results indicated that scaffolds can be fabricated using the indirect-bioprinting process, wherein the scaffold properties are affected by the concentration of alginate and sterilization technique used. These factors provide effective means of regulating the properties of scaffolds fabricated using the indirect-bioprinting process. Cell-incorporated scaffolds demonstrated better cell viability than bulk gels. In addition, scaffolds showed better cell functionality when fabricated with a lower concentration of alginate compared to a higher concentration. The indirect-bioprinting process that we implemented could be extended to other types of low-concentration hydrogels to address the tradeoffs between printability and properties for favorable cell functions.",1,,453,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jmbbm.2019.02.014,2019-02-18T16:21:42.635544,2020-03-08T15:05:14.435618 jwzrq,"Understanding Stability of Low-Inertia Systems","A large-scale integration of renewable generation,usually interfaced to the network through power electronics,has led to an overall decrease in power system inertia. This paper presents novel insights on the fundamental stability properties of such systems. For that purpose, a uniform set of Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs) describing a generic,low-inertia power system has been developed. A full-order, state-of-the-art control scheme of both synchronous and converter-based generators are included, with the latter differentiating between the grid-forming and grid-following mode of operation. Furthermore, the dynamics of transmission lines and loads are captured in the model. Using modal analysis techniques such as participation factors and parameter sensitivity, we determine the most vulnerable segments of the system and investigate the adverse effects of the underlying control interference. Finally, the appropriate directions for improving the system stability margin under different generation portfolios have been proposed.",1,,1941,,10.31224/,,2019-02-18T15:32:54.538441,2019-02-18T15:39:32.705891 8ys2k,"Fluid–Structure Interaction Models of Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Dynamics in an Experimental Pulse Duplicator","Computer modeling and simulation (CM&S) is a powerful tool for assessing the performance of medical devices such as bioprosthetic heart valves (BHVs) that promises to accelerate device design and regulation. This study describes work to develop dynamic computer models of BHVs in the aortic test section of an experimental pulse duplicator platform that is used in academia, industry, and regulatory agencies to assess BHV performance. These computational models are based on a hyperelastic finite element extension of the immersed boundary method for fluid--structure interaction (FSI). We focus on porcine tissue and bovine pericardial BHVs, which are commonly used in surgical valve replacement. We compare our numerical simulations to experimental data from two similar pulse duplicators, including a commercial ViVitro system and a custom platform related to the ViVitro pulse duplicator. Excellent agreement is demonstrated between the computational and experimental results for bulk flow rates, pressures, valve open areas, and the timing of valve opening and closure in conditions commonly used to assess BHV performance. In addition, reasonable agreement is demonstrated for quantitative measures of leaflet kinematics under these same conditions. This work represents a step towards the experimental validation of this FSI modeling platform for evaluating BHVs.",1,,888,,10.31224/,,2019-02-16T00:33:16.117626,2020-01-19T04:25:03.243081 8mbfu,"Parameter study of an inductively powered railgun","This article deals with the numerical simulation of an inductively powered railgun in order to determine the electrical parameters of the inductive storage of the pulsed power supply. A numerical model was set up and validated by experimental results. A parameter sweep was performed by varying the time constant of the coil, the initial current and the initially stored energy. The results show that the generated pulse shape, and thus the transfer efficiency and electromagnetic forces, strongly depend on the inductance of the storage coil. On the contrary, the dependency on the coil time constant, and thus on the coil volume for a given coil shape and conductor material, is small and can be neglected for high time constants.",1,,757,,10.31224/,,2019-02-15T08:42:32.006989,2019-02-15T15:14:11.181989 uy85x,"Eastward-moving convection-enhanced modons in shallow water in the equatorial tangent plane","We report a discovery of steady long-living slowly eastward moving large-scale coherent twin cyclones, the equatorial modons, in the shallow water model in the equatorial beta-plane, the archetype model of the ocean and atmosphere dynamics in tropics. We start by constructing analytical asymptotic modon solutions in the non-divergent velocity approximation and then show by simulations with a high-resolution numerical scheme that such configurations evolve into steady dipolar solutions of the full model. In the atmospheric context, the modons persist in the presence of moist convection, being accompanied and enhanced by specific patterns of water-vapour condensation.",1,,422,,10.31224/,10.1063/1.5080415,2019-02-14T20:16:20.919505,2019-02-14T20:32:06.409748 yahbu,"Bone Mineral Density (BMD)","Bone, the main constituent of the skeletal system is a hard tissue that results from the impregnation of a soft organic matrix (35%) (collagen fibers and non-collagenous proteins) by calcium and phosphorous, mainly in form of hydroxyapatite, (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2), as well as carbonate, citrate, magnesium, fluoride, and strontium (65%) [1]. As calcium deposits, bone serves a critical function acting as a reservoir from which the mineral, vital to many physiologic processes, can readily be obtained. The most remarkable characteristic of bone is its ability to perceive changes in mechanical demands bestowed upon its components and realize the required structural transformation to adapt to new conditions. By way of this complex process of modeling and remodeling, bone cannot only grow stronger and harder but can also modify its form.",1,,291,,10.31224/,10.19080/CTBEB.2017.02.555576,2019-02-10T07:00:00.581028,2019-02-11T15:49:59.901206 zkvn9,"Fuel Cycle Performance of Fast Spectrum Molten Salt Reactor Designs","4 fast-spectrum molten salt conceptual designs have been selected for fuel cycle performance analysis. 3D full core and 2D unit cell models have been developed to justify the possibility to use a simplified model for computational-heavy depletion simulation with truly continuous online reprocessing. Finally, 60-years depletion simulation for Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) shown lifetime breeding ratio 1.0072 and doubling time 139 years in Th/U fuel cycle.",1,,435,,10.31224/,10.13140/RG.2.2.27131.00804,2019-02-09T19:41:07.254535,2019-02-14T16:56:16.462414 ajvkq,"DESIGN OF INTEGRATED ENERGY HARVESTING SYSTEM ON WINDOW BUILDING USING SOLAR PV","The current building is expected to provide physical comfort, such as room comfort, temperature, sound and lighting. Some equipment is needed that requires electrical energy to provide physical comfort. Like a room cooling device to provide thermal comfort, a room lamp to provide lighting comfort. The ITERA building built by the City Government of Bandar Lampung has high solar energy potential. While the electricity source still uses diesel fuel. The potential for solar energy radiation is used to become electrical energy by using glass windows as the foundation for installing solar energy harvesting systems using solar PV.",1,,363,,10.31224/,,2019-02-08T13:45:12.262050,2019-02-08T17:17:23.988760 jxnrm,"High-dimensional Variance based Logic for Reliable Communication at Near-zero Energy-per-bit","In variance-based logic (VBL), information is encoded by the change in the variance of a signal as opposed to the conventional mean-based logic (MBL) where the information is encoded by the change in the mean of the signal. In this paper, we compare the fundamental limits on the minimum energy per bit that can be achieved by VBL and MBL representations in high-dimensional signal space. We show that while for MBL representations, the trade-off between the energy-per-bit and the bit-error-rate (BER) is fundamentally constrained by the classical Shannon-limit, using VBL representations it is theoretically possible to achieve arbitrarily small BER while dissipating near zero energy-per-bit. This surprising result has been experimentally verified for Additive-white-Gaussian-Noise (AWGN) channels using Monte-Carlo simulations. We believe that high-dimensional VBL based encoding could provide a new approach for designing ultra-energy-efficient communication and sensing systems.",1,,444,,10.31224/,,2019-02-07T23:04:30.319617,2019-02-08T17:42:06.592808 cfxdr,"Novel Hyperelastic Models for Large Volumetric Deformations","Materials such as elastomeric foams, lattices, and cellular solids are capable of undergoing large elastic volume changes. Although many hyperelastic constitutive formulations have been proposed for deviatoric (shape changing) behaviour, few variations exist for large deformation volumetric behaviour. The first section of this paper presents a critical analysis of current volumetric hyperelastic models and highlights their limitations for large volumetric strains. In the second section of the paper we propose three novel volumetric strain energy density functions, which: 1) are valid for large volumetric deformations, 2) offer separate control of the volumetric strain stiffening behaviour during shrinkage (volume reduction) and expansion (volume increase), and 3) provide precise control of non-monotonic volumetric strain stiffening. To illustrate the ability of the novel formulations to capture complex volumetric material behaviour they are fitted and compared to a range of published experimental data.",1,,790,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.01.019,2019-02-05T20:16:46.295547,2020-02-14T13:14:01.454587 r53pm,"3D ultrasound imaging of residual limbs with camera-based motion compensation","Ultrasound is a cost-effective, readily available, and non-ionizing modality for musculoskeletal imaging. Though some research groups have pursued methods that involve submerging the transducer and imaged body segment into a water bath, many limitations remain in regards to acquiring an unloaded volumetric image of an entire human limb in a fast, safe and adequately accurate manner. A 3D dataset of a limb is useful in several rehabilitative applications including biomechanical modeling of soft tissue, prosthetic socket design, monitoring muscle condition and disease progression, bone health, and orthopedic surgery. This paper builds on previous work from our group and presents the design, prototyping, and preliminary testing of a novel multi- modal imaging system for rapidly acquiring volumetric ultrasound imagery of human limbs, with a particular focus on residual limbs for improved prosthesis design. Our system employs a mecha- nized water tank setup to scan a limb with a clinical ultrasound transducer, and 3D optical imagery to track motion during a scan. The iterative closest point algorithm is utilized to compensate for motion and stitch the images into a final dataset. The results show preliminary 2D and 3D imaging of both a tissue-mimicking phantom and residual limbs. A volumetric error compares the ultrasound image data obtained to a previous MRI method. The results indicate potential for future clinical implementation. Con- cepts presented in this work could reasonably transfer to other imaging applications such as acoustic tomography, where motion artifact may distort image reconstruction.",1,,713,,10.31224/,10.1109/TNSRE.2019.2894159,2019-02-04T03:23:32.104873,2019-02-04T13:26:26.363180 u64nc,"Blo-Wiper: From Conceptual Design to Computer Simulation Analysis for New National Car Development Project (A Case Study for Malaysia Small Medium Enterprise-SME)","Blo-Wiper is a project proposed by Techno Brozek Enterprise to Malaysian government in 3rd National Car Project (NNCP). According to a feasibility study conducted by them, conventional windshield wiper is less effective during heavy rains especially for countries located at equatorial. They came out with Blo-Wiper idea which is a novel system that combined two mechanisms; wiping and blowing. Their first white paper is covered on feasibility study and concept development. Then, they continue their Research and Development (R&D) from conceptual design to computer simulation analysis by using Proof of Concept (PoC) process. Interaction of rain droplets with blowing air is simulated by using Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD). CFD result for windshield wiper with blowing air proven that rain droplets are shattered and repelled towards left and right of boundary layer. Meanwhile, without air blowing, the rains droplets falling down on floor boundary layer. Rain Droplets Removing Width (RDRW) for a system with wiping and blowing is 76mm while conventional system is zero. That means, Blo-Wiper mechanisms; wiping and blowing is better than conventional mechanism; wiping only. The objective of this white paper is to publish R&D progress which is development from conceptual phase to numerical simulation phase.",1,,363,,10.31224/,,2019-02-02T10:53:00.980904,2019-02-02T16:10:00.945896 2aurb,"Cluster-based characterisation of Australian apartment electricity demand and its implications for low-carbon cities","Understanding of residential electricity demand has application in efficient building design, network planning and broader policy and regulation, as well as in planning the deployment of energy efficiency technologies and distributed energy resources with potential emissions reduction benefits as well societal and household cost savings. Very few studies have explored the specific demand characteristics of apartments, which house a growing proportion of the global urban population. We present a study of apartment electricity loads, using a dataset containing a year of half-hourly electricity data for 6000 Australian households, to examine the relationship between dwelling type, demographic characteristics and load profile. The focus on apartments, combined with the size of the data set, and the representative seasonal load profiles obtained through clustering full annual profiles, is unique in the literature. We find that median per-occupant household electricity use is 21% lower for apartments than for houses and that, on average, apartments have lower load factor and higher daily load variability, and show greater diversity in their daily peak times, resulting in a lower coincidence factor for aggregations of apartment loads. Using cluster analysis and classification, we also show the impact of dwelling type on the shape of household electricity load profiles.",1,,652,,10.31224/,10.1016/,2019-01-31T07:27:56.850841,2019-05-21T12:36:28.110387 p6uc8,"Experimental detection of debonding of piezoelectric sensors with the segmented electrode","The piezoelectric transducers (PZT) are bonded to smart structures by means of an intermediate adhesive layer, with the main objectives of applying methodologies of structural health monitoring, nondestructive evaluation, nondestructive inspection and structural control to the structures. However, the application of these methodologies depends on the health of the adhesive joint that couples mechanically the PZT with the structure. This research shows an experimental technique based on the segmentation of electrodes of a PZT patch in sheet form. One electrode is segmented in three equal parts (end left, middle and end right) to obtain three electrical signatures of a PZT. The electrical signatures (voltage) of the end electrodes are related to the middle electrode voltage. Three experiments were carried out in this study: two static cases and one dynamic case. For the static case, the left end (first case) and the right end (first case) were debonded. In the dynamic case, only one side was debonded. The results show that the voltage relations present linear behavior and the changing in the slope of the voltage ratio allows identifying which electrode is debonded. This technique showed to be effective in the three studied cases of debonding and it could be used to identify debonding in real time",1,,287,,10.31224/,10.13140/RG.2.1.1610.2160,2019-01-29T09:39:45.060569,2019-01-29T15:55:41.534603 b6k4f,"Comparing fast neutron transport calculations using code package KATRIN-2.0 for various options of VVER-440 core setup","Calculation of radiation exposure for VVER reactor vessel is a key task for the following determination of their burn-up life. This problem is especially topical for VVER-440 reactors of the first generation which now require substantiation report of safe operation over-designed service life. The estimation of radiation exposure of the reactor vessel involves the calculation of fast neutron fluence (E≥0.5 MeV) on welded joints and basis metal of the reactor vessel. The result of neutron fluence calculation and the associated estimation error are affected by the precision of fission neutron source definition in the reactor core. This study examines two approaches to defining fission neutron source in the fuel assembly: specifically, assembly-wise distribution, as well as rod-wise distribution approaches. The main objective of this work is to characterize the difference in calculation results of neutron fluence (E≥0.5 MeV) on the VVER-440 reactor vessel at rod-wise and assembly-wise definition of the fission neutron source in peripheral fuel assemblies, and to estimate the accuracy of fluence calculation for each source definition method, by comparing them with some experimental data. The present study examines the results of two different experiments carried out on the block of No.1 of Kola Nuclear Power Plant (V-230): each involving activity measurement for templates cut out on the internal reactor vessel surface and activity measurement of neutron-activation detectors of Niobium on the external reactor vessel surface.",1,,418,,10.31224/,,2019-01-28T15:07:57.141932,2019-02-09T19:53:01.903714 27mda,"Nitrogen Oxide Evolution in Oxy-Coal Combustion","This paper investigates emissions of NOx from pulverized coal burning in O2/CO2 environments. Such environments are pertinent to oxy-coal combustion, a promising “clean-coal” technology. The replacement of the inert nitrogen gas in air with carbon dioxide, which has different physical properties, alters the combustion conditions in the furnace. Hence, the purpose of this work is to theoretically examine the effects of (a) the oxygen concentration in the O2/CO2 gases, and (b) the resulting combustion temperatures, on the evolution of NOx. To achieve these goals a previously published kinetic model was used, which assumes that fuel-bound nitrogen is released along with the tars during coal devolatilization and converts mostly to hydrogen cyanide. A sizable fraction of hydrogen cyanide is then converted to NO. Flame simulations were performed using Cantera to investigate the relative impacts of temperature and oxygen mole fraction, and to understand the causes of the observed trends.",1,,555,,10.31224/,,2019-01-28T00:40:30.276192,2019-01-28T19:33:42.544951 5bxed,"Formation of Acid Gases from Co-firing of Coal with Raw and Torrefied Biomasses","This work examined the emission for SO2, NOx, and CO2 gases from the combustion of pulverized coals, raw and torrefied biomasses, and 50-50 wt% blends thereof. The fuel samples chosen for this work are a high-sulfur bituminous coal (Illinois #6), a low-sulfur sub-bituminous coal (Powder River Basin), a herbaceous biomass (corn straw) and a crop-related biomass (rice husk). All fuel samples were burned in a laboratory-scale electrically-heated drop-tube furnace (DTF), operated at 1400 K, and combustion emissions were measured in the furnace effluent. Coal and biomass particles were in the ranges of 75-90 μm and 90-150 μm, respectively. Results showed beneficial synergisms for almost all blend samples that can reduce the SO2 and NOx emissions to values below those predicted by linear interpolation of the SO2 and NOx emissions of the involved neat fuels.",1,,464,,10.31224/,,2019-01-28T00:32:45.280483,2019-01-28T19:32:39.677179 42hg7,"Torrefied Biomass Size for Combustion in Existing Boilers","A fundamental investigation was conducted on the combustion characteristics in air of different torrefied biomass particles size ranges. The targeted biomass types were waste crop, herbaceous and woody. The experimental setup that was used in this investigation consisted of a drop-tube furnace, operated at a wall temperature of 1400 K, and a three-color pyrometer, interfaced with the furnace. Entire luminous particle combustion profiles of individual particles were recorded. Results are compared with relevant past data on the combustion characteristics of single coal particles of different ranks, burned in the same furnace under identical operating conditions. The goal of this work is to identify the appropriate size of torrefied biomass particles whose combustion durations match those of 75-90 μm pulverized coal particles, which is a size typically used in pulverized fuel boilers. Such data will be useful in deciding the fuel sizing for co-firing coal with biomass.",1,,497,,10.31224/,,2019-01-28T00:04:09.380373,2019-01-28T19:31:54.954584 5atbz,"Non-Invasive Estimation of Domestic Hot Water Usage with Temperature and Vibration Sensors","Electric water heaters are responsible for a large portion of electricity consumption and water usage in the domestic sector. Smart water heaters alleviate the strain on the electricity supply grid and reduce water consumption through behavioural change, but the installation of in-line flow meters is inconvenient and expensive. A non-invasive water flow meter is proposed as an alternative. Non-invasive flow measurement is more common for high flow rates in the industrial sector than for domestic applications. Various non-invasive water measurement methods are investigated in the context of domestic hot water, and a combination of thermal- and vibration-sensing is proposed. The proposed solution uses inexpensive, easily installable, non-invasive sensors and a novel algorithm to provide the same flow measurement accuracy as existing in-line meters. The algorithm detects the beginning and end of water consumption events with an accuracy of 95.6%. Quantitative flow rate estimation was possible for flow rates greater than 5 L min⁻¹ with an accuracy of 89%, while volumetric usage estimation had an accuracy of more than 93%. The algorithm limitations were applied to field data, revealing that water consumption could be detected with an error of less than 12% within the limitations of the proposed algorithm. The paper presents a successful proof of concept for a non-invasive alternative to domestic hot water flow rate measurement.",1,,337,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2018.07.003,2019-01-26T10:48:37.711830,2019-01-26T15:53:11.915096 aq6vw,"Electric Water Heater Energy Consumption Determination Using Outlet Temperature and Volumetric Estimation","This paper presents the use of outlet temperature and water meter data as inputs to a physical model of a domestic electric water heater (EWH) for estimating the energy consumption for various control settings. Four sets of actual household data, consisting of at least 7 consecutive days each, is used to determine the accuracy of the energy consumption estimates in comparison to measured energy consumption. Both the outlet temperature and water meter data inputs used were able to estimate the total energy input with an error of less than 10 percent for 3 of the 4 datasets considered. Additionally, both methods are also implemented as a smartphone application that can be used to obtain input from users, as well as provide instantaneous feedback on the impact of control changes.",1,,470,,10.31224/,10.1109/SSCI.2015.102,2019-01-26T10:35:55.776529,2019-05-05T11:10:18.656131 gw38s,"The photocatalytic Enhancement of TiO2 Nanotubes by Simultaneously Doping Ag Nanoparticles During Anodization Process: Photocatalytic Degradation of 2,4-Dicholorophenol","Ag-Doped TiO2 nanotubes (TNTs) were fabricated with facile two-step anodization process. In addition, the catalytic activity of Ag-Doped TiO2 nanotubes was examined in photocatalytic degradation of 2,4-dicholorophenol. Characterizing of Ag-Doped TiO2 nanotubes were evaluated by FESEM, TEM, XRD, DRS and Spectrophotometry analyses. Results show that doping Ag nanoparticles uniformly distributed over the TNTs without any distraction in a tubular structure. Anatase crystalline phase was obtained by annealing the Ag-Doped TNTs at 550 °C. DRS results showed the addition of Ag nanoparticles had a sufficient effect of band gap which it decreased the band gap from 2.9 to 2.7. Pure TiO2 nanotubes showed 74% removal of 2,4-dicholorophenol. photocatalytic degradation study indicated that Ag-dopant has an efficient impact on photocatalytic activity of TNTs witch Ag-Doped TNTs could degrade 91% of 2,4-dicholorophenol under UV irradiation.",1,,415,,10.31224/,,2019-01-26T07:22:53.711809,2019-01-26T15:48:57.288771 jkexd,"Optimised 3D-Printed Metallic Node-Connections for Reticulated Structures","Abstract. Structural Topology Optimisation (STO) is a prevalent optimisation technique used nowadays to reach highly complex and efficient designs (weight-to-stiffness ratio) unable to achieve otherwise. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a developing manufacturing process which overcomes many of the manufacturing limitations and realises highly optimised products through a layer-based fabrication process. Recent research on reticulated structures proposed using STO and 3D printing to design and fabricate alternative bespoke complex connection designs which have shown its significance through obtaining substantial weight reductions for the same structural capacity. This paper builds on previous research through optimising a single-layer S355 traditional node-connection under four loading cases, producing a state-of-the-art optimised connection design capable of withstanding the four loading cases considered and comparing the results to the traditional ones. In all loading cases, optimised shapes with 46.90% weight reduction were obtained with varying stress levels. A selection of the highly bespoke designs were 3D printed as a proof of concept for the applicability of AM.",1,,611,,10.31224/,,2019-01-24T21:49:06.487647,2019-01-24T21:49:06.557400 38gaq,"Online Reprocessing Simulation for Thorium-Fueled Molten Salt Breeder Reactor","The current paper presents a single-cell model developed using the continuous-energy Serpent 2 Monte Carlo reactor physics software. It was employed to establish a Serpent- based method for finding the equilibrium core composition and core depletion of the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR).",1,,712,,10.31224/,,2019-01-22T15:52:51.056373,2019-01-22T18:31:08.245801 nwrj7,"Removing SYN flooding in TCP/IP Network","Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), the most popular transport layer communication protocol for the Internet. It was originally designed for wired networks, where Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are very common. This article analyzes the TCP SYN flood (a.k.a. SYN flood) Issue in TCP, that is a type of Distributed Denial of Service (DoS) attack that exploits part of the normal TCP three-way handshake to consume resources on the targeted server and render it unresponsive. At the end it proposes solution for TCP SYN flood.",1,,744,,10.31224/,,2019-01-22T06:41:05.801333,2019-01-22T13:33:34.308412 tcx45,"Partial Input-output Analysis of Tourism Market: Identifying Potential Embodied Energy Impacts","World Sustainable Energy Days 2018 Digital Proceeding Archive",1,,449,,10.31224/,,2019-01-21T16:55:06.366753,2019-01-22T02:27:20.054406 rc8pq,"Use of smart grid technology to compare regions and days of the week in household water heating","Water heating is a leading cause of household energy consumption and, given its capacitive nature, has been the focus of research on demand side management and grid peak load management. Despite all the existing literature on energy for water heating, very little is known about an inextricably linked key determinant of it - demand for hot water and consumption patterns thereof. Moreover, even though water heating energy demand profiles have been investigated in the past, little is known about the different energy profiles for the days of the week, and regional variance of such profiles. This paper measures and reports actual hot water demand acquired through a novel smart metering solution. The different profiles for the days of the week are evaluated, in addition to weekdays and weekend days. Finally, differences between units in peri-rural Mkhondo and the urban Western Cape are compared in terms of water demand, energy demand, and efficiency (energy in vs. energy out). The results show a striking similarity to previous work, with the exception that scheduling has led to energy demand leading water consumption. The results also show that daily routines vary significantly, and also between regions. Surprisingly, the efficiencies and consumption patterns between the regions are also stark, with the urban Western Cape using 20 % more water on an average day, and with 70.2 % efficiency vs. 45.8 % in Mkhondo.",1,,443,,10.31224/,10.23919/DUE.2017.7931855,2019-01-21T09:00:12.834629,2019-01-22T02:22:31.957687 9qkct,"Highway Tracking and Mapping Using Mobile GPS Techniques","Mobile GPS instrument was used in this study for highway tracking and mapping within Duhok city. As many as 30 trips were made along the city street for this purpose. The data is downloaded and processed in a computer. Each track is converted into a vector line map. The many tracks along a single street consist of a bunch of adjacent lines. A group mean was derived and plotted. A network of the tracks mean representing the centerlines of the street within the selected test site was presented. The positional horizontal accuracy of these lines was checked with reference to a base map produced by a total station instrument. The standard deviation of the centerline deviation was ± 0.92m. The derived tracks mean was successfully superimposed over a raster satellite Google Earth image.",1,,720,,10.31224/,,2019-01-20T17:05:16.053173,2019-01-22T02:21:20.490338 u5f6t,null,"this is null null null",1,,372,,10.31224/,,2019-01-16T23:07:57.088208,2019-06-15T17:39:01.167351 ny9df,"Comfort, peak load and energy: Centralised control of water heaters for demand-driven prioritisation","Recent advances in smart grid technology enable new approaches to address the problem of load control for domestic water heating. Since water heaters store energy, they are well-suited to load management. However, existing approaches have focused on the electrical supply side, ignoring the obvious link between the user and the grid: individual hot water consumption patterns. This paper proposes a load spreading approach in which water heaters compete for access to the heating medium. The proposed smart grid solution takes grid load limits, real-time temperature measurements, water usage patterns, individual user comfort, and heater meta-data into consideration. The scheduler only turns on the heaters with the highest level of need, but limits the number of on heaters to ensure that the grid load stays below a set limit for a set time. The method is evaluated by simulation against various heater set temperature levels, and for various load limits, and compared with ripple control and actual consumption measured in a field trial of 34 water heaters. The proposed algorithm reduces the load from 62kW to 20, 30, 40, and 50kW (vs. 106kW for full ripple control). The resulting number of unwanted cold events is fewer than for ripple control, and only slightly more than no control, while reducing the total energy by 14% from a user-optimised natural experiment.",1,,486,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.esd.2018.03.006,2019-01-15T20:30:00.778940,2019-01-15T20:35:24.241839 k8ah4,"Computations of heave added mass and damping coefficients of some axisymmetric bodies using WAMIT","The heave added mass and damping coefficients of some axisymmetric rigid bodies computed using WAMIT are compared with those computed using semi-analytical methods.",1,,452,,10.31224/,,2019-01-11T15:40:23.647289,2019-01-11T15:51:10.484699 rejcn,"A framework for measuring the time-varying shape and full-field deformation of residual limbs using 3D digital image correlation","Effective prosthetic socket design following lower-limb amputation depends upon the accurate characterization of the shape of the residual limb as well as its volume and shape fluctuations. Objective: This study proposes a novel framework for the measurement and analysis of residual limb shape and deformation, using a high-resolution and low-cost system. Methods: A multi-camera system was designed to capture sets of simultaneous images of the entire residuum surface. The images were analyzed using a specially developed open-source three-dimensional digital image correlation (3D-DIC) toolbox, to obtain the accurate time-varying shapes as well as the full-field deformation and strain maps on the residuum skin surface. Measurements on a transtibial amputee residuum were obtained during knee flexions, muscle contractions, and swelling upon socket removal. Results: It was demonstrated that 3D-DIC can be employed to quantify with high resolution the time-varying residuum shapes, deformations, and strains. Additionally, the enclosed volumes and cross-sectional areas were computed and analyzed. Conclusion: This novel low-cost framework provides a promising solution for the in-vivo evaluation of residuum shapes and strains, as well as the potential for characterizing the mechanical properties of the underlying soft-tissues. Significance: These data may be used to inform data-driven computational algorithms for the design of prosthetic sockets, as well as of other wearable technologies mechanically interfacing with the skin.",1,,830,,10.31224/,10.1109/TBME.2019.2895283,2019-01-10T23:08:58.256426,2019-09-24T19:27:16.530979 t6zdv,"A new perspective on global renewable energy systems: why trade in energy carriers matters","Recent global modelling studies suggest a decline of long-distance trade in energy carriers in future global renewable energy systems, compared to today’s fossil fuel energy system. In contrast, we identified four crucial drivers that enable trade of renewable energy carriers. These drivers could make trade remain at current levels or even increase during the transition to an energy system with very high shares of renewables. First, new land-efficient technologies for renewable fuel production become increasingly available and technically allow for long-distance trade in renewables. Second, regional differences in social acceptance and land availability for energy infrastructure support the development of renewable fuel import and export streams. Third, the economics of renewable energy systems, i.e. the different production conditions globally and the high costs of fully renewable regional electricity systems, will create opportunities for spatial arbitrage. Fourth, the reduction of stranded investments in the fossil fuel sector is possible by switching from fossil fuel to renewable fuel trade in exporting regions. The impact of these drivers on trade in energy carriers is currently under-investigated by the global energy research community. Therefore, we call for a major research effort in this field, in particular as trade can redistribute profits and losses of climate change mitigation and may hence support finding new partners in climate change mitigation negotiations.",1,,714,,10.31224/,,2019-01-09T12:35:55.253573,2019-01-11T17:43:44.450489 eybz7,"Upper Bound Method for Yield Design of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Using Conic Programming and an Adaptive Remeshing Strategy","This study presents a numerical procedure for the analysis of reinforced concrete slabs (RCS) that obey Nielsen's yield criterion (slabs orthogonally reinforced). An upper bound formulation combined with finite elements was established to solve the kinematic theorem as a conic optimization problem with the aim to determine the maximum bearing capacity of RCS. Discrete Kirchhoff finite elements were implemented and adapted to establish a limit state problem for the yield design. By using Nielsen´s criterion, a kinematic criterion was established applying the flow rule of plasticity. The kinematic criterion was included in the upper bound formulation with the aim to constraint the curvatures of the slab. The upper bound formulation was organized in the standard form of a second order cone programming (SOCP) problem since the kinematic criterion was formulated in conic form. Numerical examples were proposed to test the accuracy of the method including the adaptive remeshing strategy.",1,,369,,10.31224/,,2019-01-08T20:29:22.295672,2019-01-08T21:25:56.634081 qgkew,"Determination of Detachment Frequencies of Ripe Coffee Fruits (Coffea Arabica Var. Colombia) by Means of a Numerical and Experimental Approach","In this study, it is proposed an experimental and numerical approach to identify a bandwidth of harmonic frequencies where ripe fruits of Coffea arabica L. var. Colombia can be selectively stimulated. For this purpose, a geometric model was designed computationally to represent the topology of the coffee fruit-peduncle system in all ripening stages. Using analytical models and pseudo-experimental data, the mechanical properties were estimated to carry out a finite element analysis of the system. It was verified with a detachment model that fruits can be detached when a specific harmonic force (mechanical vibrations) is applied on the fruits in determined frequencies which correspond to the second vibration mode of the fruits. Results indicate that dynamic excitations between 130 to 150 Hz could detach only ripe fruits since fruits that were in other ripening stages were not stimulated until detachment in that bandwidth.",1,,398,,10.31224/,,2019-01-08T20:18:12.436845,2019-01-11T17:47:19.060579 3adt5,"Estimation of Mechanical Parameters of Thin Films Using Finite Element Analysis","This study shows a methodology to estimate mechanical parameters of thin films by means of a bulge test and a numerical approach. The methodology is based on the combination of finite element analysis with a classical analytical method. Finite element modeling was conducted for monolayer (Si3N4) membranes of 2x2mm with the aim to approximate both the load-deflection curves experimentally measured and the classical load-deflection analytical model. Error functions were constructed and minimized to delimit a coupled solution space between Young’s modulus and Poison’s ratio. In a traditional bulge test analysis only one of the elastic properties can be determined due to that there is not unique solution in the estimations of these parameters. However, both elastic parameters were determined through the proposed numerical procedure which compares the deformed surfaces for a specific set of optimal elastic parameters computed. Results show that the estimated elastic properties agree with corresponding values determined by other methods in the literature",1,,412,,10.31224/,,2019-01-08T19:29:21.021314,2019-01-15T11:57:03.347504 qypw4,"Numerical Modeling Approach for the Assessment of Elastic Properties of bi-layer Thin Films Measured by Bulge Test","The present work shows a load-deflection bulge test method to characterize mechanical parameters of thin films by means of a numerical modelling approach. A methodology based on the combination of finite element analysis and classical analytical equations is presented and discussed. Finite element modeling was conducted for monolayer (Si3N4) and bi-layer (Si3N4/Al) membranes with the aim to determine a set of elastic parameters (Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio) which satisfied the load-deflection curves experimentally measured by the bulge test method. It is well known that in a traditional bulge test analysis only biaxial elastic modulus, i.e. a combination of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, can be determined. It is due to the mechanical coupling that exists between the two elastic parameters. However, in this study both mentioned elastic constants can be determined independently through a proposed numerical procedure that includes error functions for minimizing the displacement with a specific set of optimal elastic parameters. Results shows that the estimated Young's modulus (Al 64 GPa and Si3N4 236 GPa) agree with corresponding values determined by other methods in the literature of the studied thin films.",1,,433,,10.31224/,,2019-01-08T16:23:37.174836,2019-01-08T19:33:23.362069 hbj6d,"Optimal operation of renewable energy irrigation system using particle swarm optimization","In rural areas which are located far from the electrical grid, renewable energy systems such as photovoltaic (PV) energy are investigated. The most popular PV application is solar water pumping for irrigation. DC-DC converter and maximum power point tracking are used because the PV modules output varies widely due to varying weather conditions. The water pump is driven by a three phase induction motor through a voltage source inverter (VSI). However, the control of induction motor is known to be difficult because it's highly non-linear and time variant. One method to mitigate this is by using vector control techniques to control the VSI as they offer a number of benefits including speed control and regulation over a wide range and fast dynamic response. The proportional - integral (PI) controller is most commonly used in the speed control loop of vector control. This paper deals with the design of the speed PI controller parameters (gains) using particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique and compares it with the conventional Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) method. Different objective functions have been proposed which are used to evaluate the optimization algorithm. The optimum solution mainly converges to a minimum error which affects the control parameters such as the maximum overshoot, rise time and settling time of the system. Simulation results are obtained using Matlab/Simulink program for photovoltaic pump application during load variation (pump head and flow rate variation). The results show the advantage of the PSO-based optimization approach.",1,,643,,10.31224/,,2019-01-08T06:43:59.601092,2019-01-08T13:34:48.990092 7j8mg,"Battery energy storage for variable speed photovoltaic water pumping system","The photovoltaic (PV) solar electricity is no longer doubtful in its effectiveness in the process of rural communities’ livelihood transformation with solar water pumping system being regarded as the most important PV application. To overcome the intermittent and uncertain nature of solar power output, the highly fluctuating load demands and to supply loads at night time, a battery storage system is optimally sized, designed and implemented. The bi-directional Buck-Boost converter use and control are essential for energy management between the batteries and the pumping system. Domestic loads power calculation is also demonstrated and varied. Additionally, various inverter control schemes are examined and employed depending on the nature of the load connected. Finally, simulation results using Matlab/Simulink are presented for two cases: when the battery system is connected with the PV array to feed the pump motor to achieve the required varying hydraulic performance (flow rate and pumping head) under different weather conditions, and when the battery system feeds the loads while the PV array is disconnected at night.",1,,503,,10.31224/,,2019-01-07T11:54:14.585631,2019-01-08T15:07:46.140215 cnm35,"High-Precision Laser Conditioning of Diamond Grinding Wheels","A novel approach for machining of cylindrical hard materials and arbitrary shapes is presented. Diamond grinding tools with complex geometry are manufactured with picosecond orthogonal and quasi-tangential combined laser ablation. This rapid and flexible approach for small-scale production of master tools for industrial production trumps conventional approaches. Hitherto, the overall process time is faster compared to conventional technologies with the benefit of free standing diamond grains. A laser manufacturing chain achieving an ablation rate of 35mm3/min with a maximal geometric deviation of 3μm is presented. The meta-stable diamond structure persists and is assessed via Raman spectroscopy. The final grinding tools is sharpened by a radial laser process removing preferentially the metal-based binding material. This isolates the statistically distributed diamond grains from the binder. Hence, high-precision diamond grinding wheels with a mean error of smaller 1μm over the complete contour can be manufactured.",1,,790,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.matdes.2020.108530,2019-01-06T21:47:20.407058,2020-01-30T10:32:28.002897 6nckp,"Temporal case study of household behavioural response to Cape Town's Day Zero using smart meter data","Faced with the threat of ""Day Zero"", when it was feared that Cape Town's taps could run dry, consumers reduced household water usage from 540 to 280 litres per household per day over the 36 months between January 2015 and January 2018. This paper describes the events that prompted this reduction. We look at how changes in water use were affected by official announcements and by public engagement with this news via the social media activity and internet searches. We analysed the water usage of a subset of middle to high income households where smart hot and cold water meters were installed. For hot water usage patterns we compared meter readings with that in another area unaffected by the drought. We further map our cold water smart meter readings against that of the City of Cape Town's municipal data for domestic freestanding households --- a sample of more than 400,000 households. We found that the introduction of Level 5 restrictions had a perverse effect on consumption, possibly due to confusing messages. The most dramatic change in behaviour appears to have been instigated by a media storm and consequent user panic after the release of the City's Critical Water Shortages Disaster Plan in October 2017. However, contradictory communication from national and provincial government eroded some of this gain. The paper concludes with recommendations for demand management in a similar future scenario.",1,,837,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.watres.2018.11.035,2019-01-05T21:09:00.090482,2019-05-26T09:31:55.560634 23fzc,"A potential source of undiagnosed Legionellosis: Legionella growth in domestic water heating systems in South Africa","Legionella is a genus of pathogenic bacterial mesophiles that cause a range of diseases collectively referred to as Legionellosis, with immuno-compromised individuals being particularly susceptible. Water heaters, a potential domestic niche for these pathogens, are heavy energy consumers, causing cost-sensitive users to employ energy-saving initiatives, such as scheduling and lower temperature set points. However, lower water temperatures allow Legionella to flourish. This paper uses computational fluid dynamics modelling to show that a horizontal electric water heater provides an environment that is conducive to Legionella growth, although its prevalence is probably higher in the downstream pipes. The presence of Legionella in water heaters is established through water sampled from five in-field water heaters, of which the temperatures and heating schedules are known. Microbiological techniques (PCR and weight-based qRT-PCR) are used to assess the presence of Legionella and Legionella pneumophila at point-of-use taps. A model is used to determine the potential infection rate from these concentrations, demonstrating that undiagnosed Legionellosis infection is likely. In low- and middle-income countries, like South Africa, misdiagnosis of Legionellosis may be common due to the shadow cast by HIV and TB prevalence.",1,,606,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.esd.2018.12.001,2019-01-05T20:53:18.187750,2019-01-05T21:03:42.334658 f7st3,"Detecting high indoor crowd density with Wi-Fi localization: A statistical mechanics approach","We address the problem of detecting highly raised crowd density in situations such as indoor dance events. We propose a new method for estimating crowd density by anonymous, non-participatory, indoor Wi-Fi localization of smart phones. Using a probabilistic model inspired by statistical mechanics, and relying only on big data analytics, we tackle three challenges: (1) the ambiguity of Wi-Fi based indoor positioning, which appears regardless of whether the latter is performed with machine learning or with optimization, (2) the MAC address randomization when a device is not connected, and (3) the volatility of packet interarrival times. The main result is that our estimation becomes more -- rather than less -- accurate when the crowd size increases. This property is crucial for detection of dangerous crowd density.",1,,1063,,10.31224/,10.1186/s40537-019-0194-3,2019-01-04T12:25:48.617969,2019-04-07T19:38:27.160298 v3z6a,"Clustering image noise patterns by embedding and visualization for common source camera detection","We consider the problem of clustering a large set of images based on similarities of their noise patterns. Such clustering is necessary in forensic cases in which detection of common source of images is required, when the cameras are not physically available. We propose a novel method for clustering combining low dimensional embedding, visualization, and classical clustering of the dataset based on the similarity scores. We evaluate our method on the Dresden images database showing that the methodology is highly effective.",1,,758,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.diin.2017.08.005,2019-01-03T12:14:19.163750,2019-01-08T15:55:02.797380 g7vkb,"A Research Framework for Supervised Image Classification For Tornado Chaos Phenomena","Unattended classification is a classification which is the process of forming classes conducted by computers. The classes formed in this classification are highly dependent on data acquisition. In the process, this classification classifies pixels based on similarity or spectral similarity. While the supervised classification is a classification carried out by the analyst's direction. The l purpose of this study is to build a new model of image-based classification based on chaos phenomena through remote sensing to detect the beginning of the emergence of tornadoes. This research optimizes the search for the best value from a data collection of samples of chaos phenomena in tornadoes through a new model called Citra which is supervised by Chaos Discrete Cosine Transform Spectral Angel Mapper Classification (SiChDCosTSamC). The resulting model can then be used as remote sensing to detect the appearance of the initial tornado. Tests will be carried out using the Protected Image Welding on models based on chaotic / chaotic phenomena. Testing will be carried out on a collection of sample image data sourced from SIO, NOAA, US data. Navy, NGA, GEBCO U.S. PGA / NASA Google IBCAO Geological Geological Survey / Copernicus",1,,470,,10.31224/,,2019-01-03T08:58:25.290431,2019-01-03T17:59:38.421473 dru2e,"IoT Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System","This project IOT Based Garbage Monitoring System is a very smart system which will help to keep our village and cities. We see that in our cities public dustbins are overloaded and it create unhygienic conditions for people and That place leaving a bad smell. To avoid all these things we are Going to implement a project IOT based garbage monitoring System. These dustbins are interfaced with Arduino base system having ultrasonic sensor along with central system showing the Current status of garbage on display and web browser HTML page with Wi-Fi module. To increase the cleanness in the country government started the various project. This project is helpful for government project of “SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN”.",1,,1026,,10.31224/,,2019-01-01T17:25:37.720729,2019-01-01T20:05:55.040981 xzv56,"Comparison of Various Encryption Algorithms for Securing Data","Data encryption is the process of protecting information. It protects its availability, privacy and integrity. To write this article we have study about information security using cryptography technique. After the analyzing different techniques of encryption, we are proposing Advance Encryption Standard (AES). The AES has the better security compared others encryption algorithm and prevent data from Spoofing. It is very efficient in both hardware and software.",1,,462,,10.31224/,,2019-01-01T06:49:11.987944,2019-01-01T15:08:35.305419 cgpq9,"Humidification requirements in economizer-type HVAC systems","We develop a formulation to compute the maximum humidification load for economizer-type HVAC systems. The resulting formulae can be used, together with ASHRAE-provided climate data, to find the maximum humidification load in both temperature-based and enthalpy-based economizer systems. ASHRAE Transactions 119(1) (2013)",1,,500,,10.31224/,,2019-01-01T02:06:28.373747,2019-01-01T18:30:06.638755 ndm7f,"Beyond signal quality: The value of unmaintained pH, dissolved oxygen, and oxidation-reduction potential sensors for remote performance monitoring of on-site sequencing batch reactors","Sensor maintenance is time-consuming and is a bottleneck for monitoring on-site wastewater treatment systems. Hence, we compare maintained and unmaintained pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) sensors to monitor the biological performance of a small-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR). We created soft sensors using engineered features: ammonium valley for pH, oxidation ramp for DO, and nitrite ramp for the ORP. We found that the pH soft sensors are able to reliably identify the completion of ammonium oxidation in the SBR’s effluent even without sensor maintenance for over a year. In contrast, the DO soft sensor using data from a maintained sensor showed slightly better detection performance than that using data from unmaintained sensors, as the DO soft sensor using maintained data is much less sensitive to the optimisation of cut-off frequency and slope tolerance than the soft sensor using unmaintained data. The nitrite ramp provided no useful information on the state of nitrite oxidation, so no comparison of maintained and unmaintained ORP sensors was possible in this case. We identified two hurdles when designing soft sensors for unmaintained sensors: i) Sensors’ type- and design-specific deterioration affects performance. ii) Feature engineering for soft sensors is sensor type specific, and the outcome is strongly influenced by operational parameters such as the aeration rate. In summary, we provide soft sensors that allow the performance of unstaffed small-scale SBRs to be monitored with unmaintained sensors and therefore the maintenance and reliability of OST systems to be optimised.",1,,887,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.watres.2019.06.007,2018-12-31T00:33:09.264681,2019-07-04T19:16:20.567762 nykuh,"Adaptive smartphone-based sensor fusion for estimating competitive rowing kinematic metrics","Competitive rowing highly values boat position and velocity data for real-time feedback during training, racing and post-training analysis. The ubiquity of smartphones with embedded position (GPS) and motion (accelerometer) sensors motivates their possible use in these tasks. In this paper, we investigate the use of two real-time digital filters to achieve highly accurate yet reasonably priced measurements of boat speed and distance traveled. Both filters combine acceleration and location data to estimate boat distance and speed; the first using a complementary frequency response-based filter technique, the second with a Kalman filter formalism that includes adaptive, real-time estimates of effective accelerometer bias. The estimates of distance and speed from both filters were validated and compared with accurate reference data from a differential GPS system with better than 1 cm precision and a 5 Hz update rate, in experiments using two subjects (an experienced club-level rower and an elite rower) in two different boats on a 300 m course. Compared with single channel (smartphone GPS only) measures of distance and speed, the complementary filter improved the accuracy and precision of boat speed, boat distance traveled, and distance per stroke by 44%, 42%, and 73%, respectively, while the Kalman filter improved the accuracy and precision of boat speed, boat distance traveled, and distance per stroke by 48%, 22%, and 82%, respectively. Both filters demonstrate promise as general purpose methods to substantially improve estimates of important rowing performance metrics.",1,,943,,10.31224/,,2018-12-23T18:10:49.311667,2019-11-17T01:43:31.069780 xmsqf,"Methods In Seeing The Completion Of the Grand Electric Renaissance Dam (GERD)","Full analysis of the GERD Project and method for monitoring the project and seeing its completion.",1,,1426,,10.31224/,,2018-12-21T19:07:32.009232,2018-12-22T18:54:27.018211 mv6tz,"Characterizing Long-term Wear and Tear of Ion-Selective pH Sensors","The development and validation of methods for fault detection and identification in wastewater treatment research today relies on two important assumptions: {\em (i)} that sensor faults appear at distinct times in different sensors and {\em (ii)} that any given sensor will function near-perfectly for a significant amount of time following installation. In this work, we show that such assumptions are unrealistic, at least for sensors built around an ion-selective measurement principle. Indeed, long-term exposure of sensors to treated wastewater shows that sensors exhibit important fault symptoms that appear simultaneously and with similar intensity. Consequently, our work suggests that focus of research on methods for fault detection and identification should be reoriented towards methods that do not rely on the assumptions mentioned above. This study also provides the very first empirically validated sensor fault model for wastewater treatment simulation and we recommend its use for effective benchmarking of both fault detection and identification methods and advanced control strategies. Finally, we evaluate the value of redundancy for the purpose of remote sensor validation in decentralized wastewater treatment systems.",1,,513,,10.31224/,10.2166/wst.2019.301,2018-12-17T15:47:47.135166,2020-01-21T16:13:27.009601 g3djq,"Partial Molar Volume of NaCl and CsCl in Mixtures of Water and Methanol by Experiment and Molecular Simulation","Densities of solutions of NaCl and CsCl in mixtures of water and methanol are determined by experiment and molecular dynamics simulation. Both experiments and simulations cover the concentration range up to the solubility limit of the salt in the temperature range 288.15 ? T / K ? 318.15 at ambient pressure. Non-polarizable molecular models from the literature are used for the ions and solvents. The partial molar volume of the salts at in?nite dilution in the mixed solvent is determined from an empirical correlation of the data. The mixed solvent e?ects on the density and the partial molar volumes of the salts are well predicted by the molecular models.",1,,2043,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.fluid.2017.10.034,2018-12-17T09:04:31.603243,2018-12-17T16:55:53.788926 gmp2h,"Electrospun polymeric nanofibrous membranes for water treatment","A necessity for water filtration technology, due to global pollution and population growth, has led to an increase in attention to advanced nanomaterials that can aid in the purification of air and water. This size-dependent filtration is possible via nanofibrous membranes as they contain high porosity and this pore size is tunable through the fabrication process. Because of this tunability in the nanofibril membrane composition and structure, they possess promising straining abilities, such as high permeability and selectivity, as well as low fouling. There are a variety of polymer blends or organic/inorganic nanofillers that can be used depending on filtration needs. The production of nanofibers consists of various avenues such as synthetic templates, separation by different phases, nanoparticle self-assembly, and most widespread, electrospinning. Electrospinning is prevalent owing to its ease of use and low cost compared to template and self- assembly processes. This chapter describes the multifaceted progression governing electrospinning and its working factors as well as the environmental settings that form nanofibers and their resultant membranes. Additionally, the various designs of electrospinning apparatuses' and review of the methods used to prepare multifunctional composite electrospun nanofibrous membranes will be discussed. Past achievements and current challenges will be provided. Conclusions and perspectives are specified fitting to studied progress so far as well as future needs with regards to water treatment, with a particular focus on industrial applications.",1,,1793,,10.31224/,,2018-12-16T15:03:55.203788,2019-05-07T00:23:18.903316 yhkeq,"FTP Security with Sockets","File Transfer Protocol (FTP), is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), based network such as internet. This protocol can be used to upload or download files form one host to another. This protocol is based on client-server architecture. This article is about the security issues in FTP i.e., bounce attack, brute force, spoof attack and port stealing etc. Port Stealing is an issue in FTP that enables cyber criminals to steal data in transit. In this document we will be presenting a novel way to solve this problem by using Sockets and will secure information using encryption techniques to encrypt the data in transit.",1,,294,,10.31224/,,2018-12-11T19:12:37.945822,2018-12-17T16:53:32.256103 2wrh5,"Routing Protocols and Their Limitations","Routing protocols define how routers communicate with each other. They calculate the path taken by the data travelling in a network. This article discusses routing protocols and how they work. Then it defines the characteristics an ideal routing protocol should have and the problems faced by routing protocols right now. The article ends with an exploration and discussion of types of routing protocols.",1,,1686,,10.31224/,,2018-12-11T19:09:10.977483,2018-12-17T16:52:56.372969 b38ze,"Performance Improvement in TCP","Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), the most popular transport layer communication protocol for the Internet.It was originally designed for wired networks, where Bit Error Rate (BER) is low and congestion is the primary cause of packet loss [1].This article analyzes the issues in TCP, such as slow start, congestion control, collisions, low BER etc. Then it provides systematic analysis the issues regarding to wireless network i.e., Head of Line Blocking. At the end it proposes solution forTCP enhancement specific to wireless network.",1,,424,,10.31224/,,2018-12-11T19:05:25.284783,2018-12-17T16:52:10.497026 y3abr,"Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum Tutorial","This article is about FHSS (Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum) and one method suggested for Security improvement in it. In this report you can find an in depth information on FHSS from the basic level to the aim of the project. A detailed explanation is given about the Modulation, Frequency Hopping, PN-sequence generation, Frequency table w.r.t PN sequence which form crucial components in generation of the FH-spread signal. And finally demodulation is done and the obtained waveforms are analyzed. The whole process is simulated in the well-known simulator MATLAB. Working code is attached with this report. One method is suggested to improve the security in the FHSS.",1,,840,,10.31224/,,2018-12-11T17:44:41.926031,2018-12-11T18:12:51.561408 972af,"Smart Agriculture System","We are now embracing the 4th Industrial revolution. Everything is connected, smart and responsive. With that many new devices being connected to the grid we need a new way of connecting them. We will be working in the context of low power sensors used for data logging. One thing we will keep referring to is smart agriculture sensor systems. To connect these many smart agricultural sensors to the grid we propose the use of wireless meshed networks. Since these are portable and potentially reusable sensors it would be a waste of resources to connect each sensor to the internet individually. Since the sensors can in many scenarios be disposable we can a resource and eco-friendly way to connect these sensors to some permanent fixed stations that are used for data collection and measurements.",1,,439,,10.31224/,,2018-12-11T17:13:14.616921,2018-12-11T17:40:26.565144 t8rjk,"IEEE 802.11 Tutorial","IEEE 802.11 is a set of media access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications for implementing wireless local area network (WLAN) computer communications. Maintained by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) LAN/MAN Standards Committee (IEEE 802). This document highlights the main features of IEEE 802.11n variant such as MIMO, frame aggregation and beamforming along with the problems in this variant and their solutions",1,,311,,10.31224/,,2018-12-10T18:36:37.351781,2018-12-11T16:47:30.291712 q4egs,"Towards Implementing IS-IS","This report briefly describes routing and then explains what is IS-IS routing protocol and how IS-IS works.",1,,238,,10.31224/,,2018-12-11T18:11:43.861031,2018-12-11T18:11:44.111258 752jh,"Design and Modeling of Novel Low-Pressure Nanofiltration Hollow Fiber Modules for Water Softening and Desalination Pretreatment","Given its high surface area to volume ratio and desirable mass transfer characteristics, the hollow fiber module configuration has been central to the development of RO and UF technologies over the past five decades. Recent studies have demonstrated the development of a novel class of low-pressure nanofiltration (NF) hollow fiber membranes with great promise for scale-up implementation. Further progress on large-scale deployment, however, has been restrained by the lack of an accurate predictive model, to guide module design and operation. Earlier models targeting hollow fiber modules are only suitable for RO or UF. In this work, we propose a new modeling approach suitable for NF based on the implementation of mass and momentum balances, coupled with a validated membrane transport model based on the extended Nernst-Planck equation to predict module performance at the system-level. Modeling results are validated with respect to synthetic seawater experiments reported in an earlier work. A preliminary module design is proposed, and parametric studies are employed to investigate the effect of varying key system parameters and elucidate the tradeoffs available during design. The model has significant implications for low-pressure nanofiltration, as well as hollow fiber NF module design and operation.",1,,915,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.desal.2018.04.002,2018-12-08T22:13:36.215143,2018-12-08T22:44:09.548874 pnkru,"Relating Transport Modeling to Nanofiltration Membrane Fabrication: Navigating the Permeability-Selectivity Trade-off in Desalination Pretreatment","Faced with a pressing need for membranes with a higher permeability and selectivity, the field of membrane technology can benefit from a systematic framework for designing membranes with the necessary physical characteristics. In this work, we present an approach through which transport modeling is employed in fabricating specialized nanofiltration membranes, that experimentally demonstrate enhanced selectivity. Specifically, the Donnan-Steric Pore Model with dielectric exclusion (DSPM-DE) is used to probe for membrane properties desirable in desalination pretreatment. Nanofiltration membranes are systematically fabricated in-house using layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition to validate model predictions and to develop a new specialized membrane for this application. The new membrane presents a 30% increase in permeability and a 50% reduction in permeate hardness relative to state-of-the-art NF membranes. Our results indicate that a ‘specialized’ tight membrane can outperform looser counterparts in both permeability and selectivity. Given the possibility of extending this framework to other applications, the work furthers our understanding of the relationships governing membrane form and function, while having broad potential implications for future nanofiltration membranes used in chemical separation and purification.",1,,539,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2018.02.053,2018-12-08T21:57:49.831528,2018-12-08T22:56:37.833660 j6v2c,"Study of the process of obtaining sorbents from bentonite clays using technogenic waste (Исследование процесса получения сорбентов из бентонитовых глин с использованием техногенных отходов)","To study the multifunctional sorption properties of local bentonite clays, physicochemical studies of the chemical, mineralogical, and phase characteristics of Darbazin clays and the intumescent oil sludge additive were conducted. Physico - chemical studies have established the contents of the mineral and organic part of sludge. As a result, it was found that paraffin-naphthenic and aromatic compounds predominate in the organic part, while compounds of silicon, calcium, aluminum and iron predominate in the mineral part. Studies on the method of modifying local bentonites with acid and heat treatment, which activate the sorption properties, due to the cation exchange of the initial elements of montmorillonite minerals. The method of temperature-reduction and desorption of hydrogen absorption region are set at °350C, 650°Cand stripping at 433C.° The thermodynamic studies of calculation of Gibbs energy of possible reactions with adsorbents synthetic minerals additive sludge found that the highest thermodynamic probability minerals characterized by synthesis in the presence of C6H6, and the smallest - in the presence of CH4. Для изучения многофункциональных сорбционных свойств местных бентонитовых глин проведены физико – химические исследования химических, минералогических и фазовых особенностей Дарбазинских глин и вспучивающей добавки нефтяных шламов. Физико – химическими исследованиями установлены содержания минерологической и органической части нефтешламов. В результате установлено, что в органической части преобладают парафинно – нафтеновые и ароматические соединения, а в минеральной части преобладают соединения кремния, кальция, алюминия и железа. Проведенные исследования метода модифицирования местных бентонитов кислотной и термической обработкой, которые активируют сорбционные свойства, за счет катионного обмена исходных элементов монтмориллонитовых минералов. Методом термопрограммированного восстановления и десорбции водорода установлены области поглощения при 350оC, 650оС и десорбции при 433оС. Термодинамическими исследованиями расчета энергии Гиббса возможных реакций синтеза минералов сорбентов с добавкой нефтешлама установлено, что наибольшей термодинамической вероятностью характеризуется синтез минералов в присутствии С6Н6, а наименьшей – в присутствии СН4.",1,,485,,10.31224/,10.5281/zenodo.2076033,2018-12-10T15:10:53.136159,2018-12-10T15:10:53.190800 9hvdp,"RESEARCH OF ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS PROCESSES OF WHEAT'S STRAW BY LIQUID CELLULOLYTIC ENZYMATIC AGENTS","Objective of this research was to investigate process of enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat's straw by liquid cellulolytic enzymatic preparations. At the first stage wheat straw has been subjected to autohydrolysis then the fibrous weight was washed out by water with reception of sugar solution. The following stage included extraction of disrupt lignin and modelling experiments for studying enzymatic kinetics was the last stage. As a result of the carried out researches it has been established, that that the maximum exit of reacting substances is observed 4,8 %, the minimum exit is 2,2 %. The general maintenance of carbohydrates in wheaten straw has made 83,3 % from weight of wheaten straw. Among monosaccharides in straw are prevailed xylose and glucose. Measurement of рН of the investigated wheaten straw in water at the hydromodule 1 : 5,8 has shown, that рН makes 7,2840±11. рН of straw presoaked in 0,59 % of weights to sulphurous acid has made 2,24±0,11. рН of the straw presoaked in 1,18 % of weights to sulphurous acid has made 1,48±0,10.",1,,419,,10.31224/,10.5281/zenodo.2074793,2018-12-08T14:11:35.805875,2018-12-08T19:19:52.752467 pbyxz,"Micromechanics-based homogenization of the effective physical properties of composites with an anisotropic matrix and interfacial imperfections","Micromechanics-based homogenization has been employed extensively to predict the effective properties of technologically important composites. In this review article, we address its application to various physical phenomena, including elasticity, thermal and electrical conduction, electric and magnetic polarization, as well as multi-physics phenomena governed by coupled equations such as piezoelectricity and thermoelectricity. Especially, we introduce several research works published recently from our research group that consider the anisotropy of the matrix and interfacial imperfections in obtaining various effective physical properties. We begin with a brief review of the concept of the Eshelby tensor with regard to the elasticity and mean-field homogenization of the effective stiffness tensor of a composite with a perfect interface between the matrix and inclusions. We then discuss the extension of the theory in two aspects. First, we discuss the mathematical analogy among steady-state equations describing the aforementioned physical phenomena and explain how the Eshelby tensor can be used to obtain various effective properties. Afterwards, we describe how the anisotropy of the matrix and interfacial imperfections, which exist in actual composites, can be accounted for. In the last section, we provide a summary and outlook considering future challenges.",1,,924,,10.31224/,,2018-12-07T00:47:11.618876,2019-01-19T00:17:16.669718 6yz37,"Characterizing Engineering Work in a Changing World: Synthesis of a Typology for Engineering Graduates' Occupational Outcomes","The 21st century has brought an expansion in the variety of occupational roles associated with product, service, and technological development. As a result, it has become more challenging to assess the occupational choices of engineering graduates over time. This paper introduces an engineering graduates’ occupational outcomes typology designed to facilitate consistency among researchers who employ occupational outcome as a dependent variable in original research, such as in studies of underrepresented groups’ persistence in engineering. The typology is synthesized from the results of a systematic literature review aimed at establishing which work attribute(s) have most consistently united those practicing engineering. The review identifies “design responsibility” – responsibility for the outcomes of design implementation, inclusive of safety, ethicality, and general effectiveness of designs – as an enduring commonality among engineers. Subsequent stages of the review then uncover how this design responsibility has often manifested in engineering practice. Based on the literature review, we present a series of propositions that underpin general definitions of three types of occupational outcomes – engineering work, engineering-related work, and other work – showing how the types can be distinguished based on the nature of design responsibility associated with each. These definitions thus serve as the foundation for a stratified typology of occupations’ engineering-relatedness. We conclude by discussing how utilization of this stratified approach for measuring engineering graduates’ occupational outcomes can enhance transparency and consistency among studies that examine such outcomes. By building the typology upon a distilled notion of fundamental job responsibility, rather than upon job titles, it is our hope that the typology can serve in a meaningful, enduring occupational benchmarking capacity as new job titles, role formulations, or entire technology areas, come and go.",1,,589,,10.31224/,,2018-12-06T17:26:35.366641,2018-12-06T18:46:25.160850 gvz46,"Electrophoretic deposition of LiFePO4 for Li-ion batteries","An electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method has been developed for the deposition of LiFePO4-carbon black films for application in Li-ion batteries. The approach is based on the use of poly[1-[4-(3-carboxy-4-hydroxyphenylazo)benzenesulfonamido]-1,2-ethanediyl, sodium salt] (PAZONa) and carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt (CMC-Na), as dispersing, charging and film forming agents. The individual monomers of PAZO-Na and CMC-Na created multiple bonds with metal atoms on the particle surface and allowed for efficient electrosteric dispersion and charging of relatively large commercial LiFePO4 particles. The microstructure, deposition mechanism and electrochemical performance were investigated. The LiFePO4 electrode, prepared by the EPD method, exhibited a capacity of 146.7 mAh g-1 at C/10 and enhanced cycling stability.",1,,237,,10.31224/,,2018-12-06T00:48:09.283131,2018-12-06T14:59:44.167653 h5rtc,"DoS Attacks at Cooperative MAC","—Cooperative networking brings performance improvement to most of the issues in wireless networks, such as fading or delay due to slow stations. However, due to cooperation when data is relayed via other nodes, there network is more prone to attacks. Since, channel access is very important for cooperation, most of the attacks happens at MAC. One of the most critical attack is denial of service, which is reason of cooperation failure. Therefore, the cooperative network as well as simple wireless LAN must be defensive against DOS attacks. In this article we analyzed all possible of DoS attacks that can happen at MAC layer of WLAN. The cooperative protocols must consider defense against these attacks. This article also provided survey of available solutions to these attacks. At the end it described its damages and cost as well as how to handle these attacks while devising cooperative MAC.",1,,478,,10.31224/,,2018-12-05T17:50:51.210183,2018-12-05T18:14:51.151968 m5x6t,"Influence of blends of diesel and renewable fuels on CI engine emissions over transient engine conditions.","To reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released from transportation the EU has implemented legislation to mandate the renewable content of petrol and diesel fuels. However, due to the complexity of the combustion process the addition of renewable content, such as biodiesel and ethanol, can have a detrimental effect on other engine emissions. In particular the engine load can have a significant impact on the emissions. Most research that have studied this issue are based on steady state tests, that are unrealistic of real world driving and will not capture the difference between full and part loads. This study aims to address this by investigating the effect of renewable fuel blends of diesel, biodiesel and ethanol on the emissions of a compression ignition engine tested over the World Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP). Diesel, biodiesel and ethanol were blended to form binary and ternary blends, the ratios were determined by Design of Experiments (DoE). The total amount of emissions for CO, CO2 and NOx as well as the fuel consumption, were measured from a 2.4 liter compression ignition (CI) engine running over the WLTP drive cycle. The results depicted that percentages smaller than 10 % of ethanol in the fuel blend can reduce CO emissions, CO2 emissions as well as NOx emissions, but increases fuel consumption with increasing percentage of ethanol in the fuel blend. Blends with biodiesel resulted in minor increases in CO emissions due to the engine being operated in the low and medium load regions over the WLTP. CO2 emissions as well as NOx emissions increased as a result of the high oxygen content in biodiesel which promoted better combustion. Fuel consumption increased for blends with biodiesel as a result from biodiesel's lower heating value. All the statistical models describing the engine responses were significant and this demonstrated that a mixture DoE is suitable to quantify the effect of fuel blends on an engine's emissions response. An optimised ternary blend of B2E9 was found to be suitable as a 'drop in' fuel that will reduce harmful emissions of CO emissions by approximately 34 %, NOx emissions by 10 % and CO2 emissions by 21 % for transient engine operating scenarios such as the WLTP drive cycle.",1,,565,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113890,2018-12-05T11:28:30.109333,2019-09-19T21:14:52.520520 gt7p2,"Radial basis neural tree model for improving waste recovery process in a paper industry","In this article, we propose a novel hybridization of regression trees (RT) and radial basis function networks (RBFN), namely, radial basis neural tree (RBNT) model, for waste recovery process improvement in the paper industry. As a by-product of the paper manufacturing process, a lot of waste along with valuable fibers and fillers come out from the paper machine. The waste recovery process (WRP) involves separating the unwanted materials from the valuable ones so that the recovered fibers and fillers can be further reused in the production process. This job is done by fiber-filler recovery equipment (FFRE). The efficiency of FFRE depends on several crucial process parameters and monitoring them is a difficult proposition. The proposed model can be useful to find the essential parameters from the set of available data and perform prediction task to improve waste recovery process efficiency. An idea of parameter optimization along with regularity conditions for the universal consistency of the proposed model are given. The proposed model has the advantages of easy interpretability and excellent performance when applied to the FFRE efficiency improvement problem. Improved waste recovery will help the industry to become environmentally friendly with less ecological damage apart from being cost-effective.",1,,482,,10.31224/,,2018-12-04T05:51:51.609758,2018-12-04T14:54:03.778425 wdt3g,"IPv6 Modeling in E-ID Cards as Efficiency Efforts in the Population Registration Process","In order to be registered in an institution / organization, each resident / community must register by providing identity data personally. When someone wants to be registered in an institution such as Birth Certificate, School, College, residence, Tax, BPJS, Bank, Driver Lisence, Passport and others, they must register and register one by one and have a registration number or account for each agency. It can be said that nowadays everyone is bothered with the registration process, starting from the time of birth they must register to be registered as residents, to enter the school must also register, this is felt to be ineffective and inefficient because one must continue to register one by one and redundancy have a registration number that is different for each agency. The presence of an electronic resident card (e-KTP) aims to make data collection easier and there is no double KTP number, but this is not yet maximal, there are still multiple KTP numbers, proven by many multiple data communities. Seeing these problems need to find a solution or an effort to ensure that the affairs of registration are not repeated and once up and the number is valid for all agencies. The presence of the latest technology namely IP v6 (Internet Protocol) brings the opportunity for the efficiency and effectiveness of the registration system, because IP v6 is able to provide numbers up to trillions addressing numbers. The objectives of this study are: 1) Designing an analytical model to build an IP V6 model on e-KTP registration. 2) Application of one IP v6 model on e-KTP registration using IPv6 IP address, once the child is born automatically has one registration number i.e. IPv6 address number, and the number applies to all agencies. The method used in this study is an exploration and modeling study of system development with NDLC to produce a model for building IP v6 implementation on e-KTP. The results of the study will show that the community has one registration number, namely IP v6, and the number is valid since the child is born and for all agencies such as birth certificates, e-KTP, Student Number, Passport, Driver’s License, Bank and others The results of the study that implemented IPv6 on numbering e-KTP with a total length of 128 bits, greatly facilitated citizens in terms of registration services because each resident only has one identification number will apply to all agencies, because there is no data repetition or data redundancy, one e-ID card can be applied to elementary schools, high schools, hospitals, BPJS, Driver’s License, passports and for communication addressing or IP addresses to be part of the e-KTP.",1,,471,,10.31224/,,2018-12-01T08:36:27.066011,2018-12-02T22:03:14.166310 gzaqe,"Universally consistent hybrid regression model for water quality prediction","In this work, we propose a hybrid regression model to solve a specific problem faced by a modern paper manufacturing company. Boiler inlet water quality is a major concern for the company since it helps to produce power and steam for the paper machine. If water treatment plant can not produce water of desired quality as specified by the boiler, then it results in poor health of the boiler water tube and consequently affects the quality of the paper. Variation in inlet water quality of the boiler is due to several crucial process parameters. We build a hybrid regression model for boiler water quality prediction based on decision trees and artificial neural networks. This model can be useful for manufacturing process quality improvement for the paper company. We have proved the desired statistical consistency of the hybrid model to show its robustness and universal use. The primary advantage of the model is its natural interpretability and excellent performance when compared with other state-of-the-art.",1,,462,,10.31224/,,2018-11-30T11:12:43.992373,2019-02-19T11:17:24.345721 dgj97,"Spray characteristics of a fuel–water internally rapid mixing injector for burner combustion","The fuel-water internally rapid mixing type of injector has been developed to reduce NOx and soot emissions from combustion furnaces operating under high-load conditions. The injector allows spray injection of water emulsified fuel originating from base fuel and water without any surfactants. The aim of present study is to elucidate the mechanism of emulsification occurring in the injector and the atomization characteristics of the injector. We measured the sizes of fuel droplets discharged from the injector by means of a high-speed shadowgraph method combined with image processing. Soybean oil was used as the base fuel. The flow patterns of the fuel and water in a transparent mixing chamber of the injector were also visualized. In addition, we investigated the inner structure of the large droplets sampled by an immersion droplet sampling method. The base fuel, water and air are separately introduced into the injector. In the mixing chamber of the injector, fuel and water are blown by swirling air, and then impinge on the inner wall of the chamber. The base fuel is emulsified through the mixing of fuel with water resulting from the impingement. The emulsified fuel moves to injection holes along the inner wall, and is finally discharged through the injection holes with atomizing air. The probability profiles of droplet size exhibit that the existence probabilities of coarse droplets with diameters greater than approximately 35 mm are increased when the fuel is emulsified. Although the emulsification deteriorates the atomization capability of the injector, the secondary atomization including the micro-explosion occurring in combustion furnaces would form fine droplets, and thus reducing the soot emission from the furnaces. The microscope observations revealed that the emulsified fuel filling in a large droplet sampled corresponds to W/O type.",1,,430,,10.31224/,,2018-11-30T05:38:20.538580,2019-09-16T14:52:00.318275 bqg48,"Rapid emulsification of a fuel–water rapid internal mixing injector for emulsion fuel combustion","In this study, a fuel–water rapid internal mixing injector capable of reducing emissions from combustion furnaces operating under high load conditions was developed. Employing this injector allows the injection of a fresh emulsified fuel mixture without requiring surfactants or additional processing equipment. The aim of the present study was to investigate the emulsification, atomization, and emission performance of the injector when using soybean oil as a model high-viscosity fuel from a renewable source. Successful emulsification was observed in the mixing chamber over a wide range of water content ratios up to 0.5, under which a water-in-oil emulsion was discharged from the injector. As the water content ratio was increased, the Sauter mean diameter of the droplets in the spray increased. This is a result of the decrease in the mass flow ratio of atomizing gas to liquid and the increase in the viscosity of the fuel emulsion. Although the emulsification of the base fuel resulted in the discharge of large droplets, the results showed that the nitrogen oxide and particulate matter emissions from a combustion furnace incorporating the injector were found to be reduced simultaneously following the introduction of water even under a high combustion load.",1,,434,,10.31224/,10.1016/,2018-11-30T01:46:40.718645,2019-08-30T13:17:32.454330 bjhwd,"A model for surface tension in the meshless finite volume particle method without spurious velocity","A surface tension model has been developed in the finite volume particle method (FVPM). FVPM is a conservative, consistent, meshless particle method that incorporates properties of both smoothed particle hydrodynamics and the mesh-based finite volume method. Surface tension force is applied only on free-surface particles, which are inexpensively and robustly detected using the FVPM definition of interparticle area, analogous to cell face area in the finite volume method. We present a model in which the direction of the pairwise surface tension force is approximated by the common tangent of free-surface particle supports. The new surface tension model is implemented in 2D. The method is validated for formation of an equilibrium viscous drop from square and elliptical initial states, drops on hydrophobic and hydrophilic walls, droplet collision, and impact of a small cylinder on a liquid surface. Results are practically free from parasitic current associated with inaccurate curvature determination in some methods.",1,,527,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.11.019,2018-11-29T16:35:20.832728,2018-11-29T16:51:35.093230 by3h4,"Security Issues In A Relay Based Network","This document is about techniques in which the performance and reliability of a wireless network can be improved. We will discuss the cooperative communication system, how it operates and its security issues. Also, the future of the diversity in wireless networks will be analysed. In cooperative networks, the data is transmitted from sender to receiver via intermediate nodes called relays. The main objective is to consider the pros and cons of relaying techniques in order to improve wireless local area networks (WLANs)[1].",1,,399,,10.31224/,,2018-11-27T08:22:09.863493,2018-11-27T14:48:30.301626 qpc2f,"A Feasibility Study on Flapping Wing Actuation using Dielectric Elastomers","Introduction of smart materials as actuators in flapping wing micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) eliminates the need for the traditional rotary power delivery mechanisms, allowing for lighter, smaller and more energy efficient designs. General kinematics of insect flight is investigated to relate the independent variable wing length to two dependent variables wingbeat frequency and stroke amplitude, to establish a benchmark of characteristics the smart material must possess. Dielectric Elastomers due to their high actuation strain, high actuation speed, low density, compliant nature and silent operation were evaluated to be suitable for flapping wing actuation. Through an experimental reference design study, corresponding finite element validation and extrapolation of the model to a unimorph bender actuator representative of an insect wing, a path is laid to achieving the kinematic parameters required for flight. Further modelling and analysis of the high voltage custom waveform generator and sensing circuit used in the experiments is done using a SPICE simulator.",1,,580,,10.31224/,,2018-11-26T09:27:11.045197,2018-11-26T15:03:21.374286 xwmh8,"Blo-Wiper: A Feasibility Study and Introduction of New Methods to Approach National Car Development Project (A Case Study for Malaysia Small Medium Enterprise-SME)","Malaysia is the only country in South East Asia has local capability to manufacture car from concept until mass production. The manufacturing sector has contributed as the largest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Malaysian economy. Thus, the decision of new government elected on 2018 to start a new national car project is the best decision to boost manufacturing sector to the next level. Currently, involvement of Malaysian SMEs in automotive manufacturing sector is still small and this time needs to be improved. Thus, new methods are suggested to help more SMEs to take part in 3rd National Car Project. The Characteristics of Potential High Skilled Automotive Entrepreneur (C-POSITIVE) and Rapid Development of Automotive SMEs (RADAS) will help related government agencies to selected suitable candidates to be Malaysian automotive SMEs. Besides that, the authors have invented Blo-Wiper concept to improve conventional windshield wiper which is ineffective during heavy rain especially for countries located at equatorial climate like Malaysia. The Blo-Wiper concept using two rain droplets removing process; blowing and wiping shown significant result to increase driver visibility based on preliminary simulation study. This white paper is prepared by the authors to help Malaysian government in 3rd National Car Project.",1,,406,,10.31224/,,2018-11-26T07:10:11.134556,2018-11-29T16:18:40.367959 ju6rv,"Preliminary System and Hardware Design for Guardian, a Low-cost Automatic Pill Dispenser with Pneumatic Technology","This paper presents on-going progress on Guardian, a low-cost automatic pill dispenser aimed to help the elderly community to take their medication on time. The device is composed of a cylindrical body with a pneumatically powered system and rotating robotic arm in the center column as its core technology. This information in the paper is meant to record the development process that led to the filing of a provisional patent USPTO 15964875 (Application Number).",1,,472,,10.31224/,,2018-11-25T08:10:10.454160,2018-11-25T16:01:04.507702 rv2tz,"Extensions of the meshless Finite Volume Particle Method (FVPM) for static and dynamic free-surface flows","The Finite Volume Particle Method (FVPM) is a meshless method that incorporates features of both Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and the Finite Volume Method. Here, two new formulations are presented which enhance its performance in simulation of free surface flows. One is a method for determining the velocity of the free surface, making use of a partial Riemann problem to analyse the flow between the particle barycentre and the geometric free surface. The second is a well-balanced formulation for gravity forces that enables hydrostatic equilibrium to be preserved exactly. Results are presented for hydrostatic, 1D impact, dambreak and deep-water standing wave test cases. Computations display convergence and good agreement with experimental data. The new methods recover exact hydrostatic equilibrium, improve robustness and reduce acoustic pressure fluctuations in dambreak flows, and reduce dissipation.",1,,622,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.09.019,2018-11-22T12:34:03.435526,2018-11-22T14:55:19.598184 2pzrv,"Comparison of Replica Leaf Surface Materials for Phyllosphere Microbiology","Artificial surfaces are routinely used instead of leaves to enable a reductionist approach in phyllosphere microbiology, the study of microorganisms residing on plant leaf surfaces. For instance, flat surfaces such as nutrient agar, enable the influence of nutrient supply on microorganisms to be investigated. In contrast microstructured surfaces, such as isolated leaf cuticles or reconstituted leaf waxes enable the influence of physicochemical properties to be investigated. However, interest in replica leaf surfaces as an artificial surface is growing. As replica surfaces offer an improved representation of the complex topography of leaf surfaces. The use of replica leaf surfaces has to date primarily been focused on replicating the superhydrophobic surfaces of leaves. Whereas in this paper, we investigate potential replica surface materials for phyllosphere microbiology studies. Using a test pattern, we investigated the resolution, the degradation characteristics in environmental conditions, surface energy, and bacterial survival characteristics for each potential replica material. Our results indicate that PDMS is the most suitable material for producing replica leaf surfaces. Due to the high resolution achieved through replica molding, extended stability, hydrophobic properties, and bacterial survival characteristics comparable to isolated leaf cuticles. Our experiments highlight the importance of considering the inherent material properties, when selecting a replica leaf surface for phyllosphere microbiology studies. A replica leaf produced in PDMS offers a control surface that can be used for investigating microbe-microbe and microbe-plant interactions in the phyllosphere. Thus, in turn enabling mitigation strategies against pathogens to either the plant host or humans to be developed.",1,,465,,10.31224/,10.1371/journal.pone.0218102,2018-11-16T02:14:13.426372,2019-07-14T00:42:37.324004 ne8fv,"Investigation of the Effect of Electrode Surface Roughness on Spark Ignition","Lean-burn engines are important due to their ability to reduce emissions, increase fuel efficiency, and mitigate engine knock. In this study, the surface roughness of spark plug electrodes is investigated as a potential avenue to extend the lean flammability limit of natural gas. A nano-/micro-morphology modification is applied on surface of the spark plug electrode to increase its surface roughness. High-speed Z-type Schlieren visualization is used to investigate the effect of the electrode surface roughness on the spark ignition process in a premixed methane-air charge at different lean equivalence ratios. In order to observe the onset of ignition and flame kernel behavior, experiments were conducted in an optically accessible constant volume combustion chamber at ambient pressures and temperatures. The results indicate that the lean flammability limit of spark-ignited methane can be lowered by modulating the surface roughness of the spark plug electrode.",1,,623,,10.31224/,10.1115/ICEF2018-9691,2018-11-15T21:46:23.999998,2018-11-16T14:18:41.076103 da7gf,"A Computational Investigation of Non-Premixed Combustion of Natural Gas Injected into Mixture of Argon and Oxygen","Natural gas is traditionally considered as a promising fuel in comparison to gasoline due to the potential of lower emissions and significant domestic reserves. These emissions can be further diminished by using noble gases, such as argon, instead of nitrogen as the working fluid in internal combustion engines. Furthermore, the use of argon as the working fluid can increase the thermodynamic efficiency due to its higher specific heat ratio. In comparison to pre-mixed operation, the direct injection of natural gas enables the engine to reach higher compression ratios while avoiding knock. Using argon as the working fluid increases the in-cylinder temperature at top dead center and enables the compression ignition of natural gas. In this numerical study, the combustion quality and ignition behavior of methane injected into a mixture of oxygen and argon has been investigated using a three-dimensional transient model of a constant volume combustion chamber. A dynamic structure large eddy simulation model has been utilized to capture the behavior of the non-premixed turbulent gaseous jet. A reduced mechanism consists of 22-species and 104-reactions were coupled with the CFD solver. The simulation results show that the methane jet ignites at engine-relevant conditions when nitrogen is replaced by argon as the working fluid. Ignition delay times are compared across a variety of operating conditions to show how mixing affects jet development and flame characteristics.",1,,625,,10.31224/,10.1115/ICEF2018-9618,2018-11-15T21:39:30.668652,2018-11-16T14:17:49.361869 j94a8,"Numerical Modelling of Seabed Impact Effects on Chain and Small Diameter Mooring Cables","Catenary mooring lines experience liftoff from and grounding on the seabed when undergoing large dynamic motions. Numerical line mooring models account for this interaction using various seabed models and it is known that the action of liftoff and grounding may lead to large dynamic tension fluctuations. These fluctuations may be spurious due to the inability of discretised mooring models to adequately account for the effect of the seabed on the mooring line. In this work, the root cause and conditions that lead to the production of the large dynamic tension fluctuations is determined. The effect of line discretisation and seabed model on the tension fluctuations is investigated using the widely used spring-mattress approach and a modified seabed reaction force model. An in-house mooring code was developed to perform these investigations. For code validation and benchmarking, and to illustrate the existence of the tension fluctuations problem due to nodal grounding in existing mooring line simulation codes, comparisons are made to a commercial software.",1,,552,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.apor.2018.09.010,2018-11-14T05:50:34.225383,2018-11-14T14:37:16.170431 vng79,"Fabrication of Multi-material 3D Structures by the Integration of Direct Laser Writing and MEMS Stencil Patterning","The construction of a complex, 3D optical metamaterial challenges conventional nanofabrication techniques. These metamaterials require patterning of both a deformable mechanical substrate and an optically-active structure with ~200 nm resolution and precision. The soft nature of the deformable mechanical materials often precludes the use of resist-based techniques for patterning. Furthermore, FIB deposition approaches produce metallic structures with considerable disorder and impurities, impairing their optical response. In this paper we discuss a novel solution to this nanofabrication challenge -- the integration of direct laser writing and MEMS stencil patterning. We demonstrate a variety of methods that enable this integration and then show how one can produce optically-active, 3D metamaterials. We present optical characterization data on one of these metamaterials to demonstrate the viability of our nanofabrication approach.",1,,436,,10.31224/,,2018-11-12T21:08:14.416001,2018-11-12T21:11:27.710343 ntfdp,"Using Drive-by Health Monitoring to Detect Bridge Damage Considering Environmental and Operational Effects","Drive-by Health Monitoring utilizes accelerometers mounted on vehicles to gather dynamic response data that can be used to continuously evaluate the health of bridges faster and with less equipment than traditional structural health monitoring practices. Because vehicles and bridges create a coupled system, vehicle acceleration data contains information about bridge frequencies that can be used as health indicators. However, for drive-by health monitoring to be viable, variabilities in dynamic measurements caused by environmental and operational parameters, such as temperature, vehicle speed, traffic, and surface roughness need to be considered. In this paper, a finite element model of a simply supported bridge is developed considering the aforementioned variabilities and various levels of structural damage. Vehicle acceleration data obtained from the model is analyzed in the frequency domain and processed using a neural network architecture. This method is used to determine the relationships between noise inducing variables and changes in vehicle dynamic response spectrum; these relationships are leveraged to predict the overall health of the subject bridge. The results from this study indicate that the proposed approach can serve as a viable health monitoring strategy and should be further tested on physical bridge systems.",1,,484,,10.31224/,,2018-11-12T17:30:55.981954,2019-07-19T20:42:31.043644 ejy4v,"LITHIUM DOPED DOUBLE WALLED CARBON NANO-TUBE ELECTRICITY STORAGE CELL","Many double walled carbon nano-tubes, the inner one intercalated with lithium atoms, can be used to construct an electricity storage cell of high capacity, easy to charge, and easy to use. Ideal for motor vehicles and multiple other uses.",1,,364,,10.31224/,,2018-11-12T02:41:22.915019,2018-11-12T04:34:38.839523 s5j7u,"Influence of insulation defects on the thermal performance of walls. An experimental and numerical investigation","The addition of insulating layers on vertical walls of buildings is a common practice for providing a higher thermal insulation of the envelope. Workmanship defects, however, might influence the effectiveness of such insulation strategy. Damaged materials, incorrect installation, use of aged or weathered materials might alter the capability of reducing heat transfer through the envelope, whether vertical or sloped. In this work, drawbacks caused by the wrong installation of insulating material and by damaged material are assessed. A specimen wall was investigated by experimental and numerical approaches, the latter carried out by using COMSOL Multiphysics®. Results are compared and discussed.",1,,462,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jobe.2018.10.029,2018-11-10T23:21:49.413982,2018-11-11T13:13:54.587626 9gf82,"The impact of climatic extreme events on the feasibility of fully renewable power systems: a case study for Sweden","Future energy systems with high shares of intermittent renewables will be stressed by climatic extreme events. We assess the frequency, duration, and magnitude of such extreme residual load events with a share of VRE generation of about 50% for the case of Sweden. For our analysis, we use 29 years of river runoff and of wind power and PV generation simulated from physical models. Hourly load is simulated from temperature data with a time series model. The resulting time series are combined with historic capacity and ramping restrictions of hydro and thermal power plants in an optimization model to minimize extreme residual load events. Results indicate that under high VRE shares climatic extreme events affect even highly flexible power systems as the Swedish one. Replacing current nuclear power capacities by wind power results on average in three extreme residual load events per year. These events are partly linked to the observation that wind speeds are likely below seasonal average in very cold weather conditions. Deploying PV generation capacities instead of wind increases the number of extreme residual load events by about 6 %, as most events occur during the winter month when solar generation is close to zero.",1,,399,,10.31224/,,2018-11-08T14:02:21.846012,2019-04-25T20:56:55.960353 rfmd5,"On the Convergence of the Matrix Lambert W Approach to Solution of Systems of Delay Differential Equations","Convergence aspects of the matrix Lambert W function method for solving systems of delay differential equations (DDEs) are considered. Recent research results show that convergence problems can occur with certain DDEs when using the well-established Q-iteration approach. A complementary, and recently proposed, W-iteration approach is shown to converge even on systems where the Q-iteration fails. Furthermore, the role played by the branch numbers k = -∞ .. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 , .. ∞ of the matrix Lambert W function, Wk, in terms of initializing the iterative solutions, is also discussed and elucidated. Several second order examples, known to have convergence problems with Q-iteration, are readily solved by W-iteration. Examples of third and fourth order DDEs show that the W-iteration method is also effective on higher-order systems.",1,,495,,10.31224/,,2018-11-07T20:08:45.138861,2018-11-07T20:11:32.052784 gw4ts,"Diversity In Wireless Networks","This document is about techniques in which the performance and reliability of a wireless network can be improved. We will discuss the cooperative communication system, how it operates and its security issues. Also, the future of the diversity in wireless networks will be analysed [1]. In cooperative networks, the data is transmitted from sender to receiver via intermediate nodes called relays. The main objective is to consider the pros and cons of relaying techniques in order to improve wireless local area networks (WLANs) [2].",1,,438,,10.31224/,,2018-11-07T17:16:23.915509,2018-11-07T19:41:21.666609 vy3na,"A Power-Domain NOMA Inspired Overlay Spectrum Sharing Scheme","Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and cooperative spectrum sharing (CSS) are integrated into this work to enhance both spectrum efficiency and utilization. An overlay spectrum sharing is proposed by exploiting NOMA in coordinated direct and relay transmission (CDRT) (termed as CSS-NOMA-CDRT). In CSS-NOMA-CDRT, a primary strong NOMA user is directly served by primary transmitter (PT), whereas a primary NOMA weak user needs the assistance of a relay to communicate with PT. Instead of using a dedicated relay, a secondary transmitter (ST) acts as a relay to forward the primary symbol to NOMA weak user and ST transmits own symbol to its receiver at the same time. The performance of the proposed CSS-NOMA-CDRT is evaluated along with closed-form solutions, in terms of ergodic sum capacity and outage probability. Through the analytical and Monte Carlo simulation results, it is demonstrated that CSS-NOMA-CDRT can obtain remarkable capacity gain as compared to the conventional NOMA-based CDRT.",1,,499,,10.31224/,,2018-11-06T16:31:08.260134,2018-11-06T17:39:46.038213 xvbry,"Continuum Arm Manipulator Refinement for Assistive Technology","Rigid link robots currently dominate the market for manipulators in assistive technology, though research on continuum robots for assistive technology has been developing over recent years. These types of robots have a continuous backbone that allows them to have infinite degrees of freedom, making them highly compliant, however this brings challenges in terms of modelling and control. In this work, we describe the design for a continuum arm suitable for assistive technology applications.",1,,412,,10.31224/,,2018-11-05T22:08:58.355653,2019-01-07T14:11:59.111226 5dtz2,"Pneumatic Braking Mechanism","Pneumatic Braking Mechanism is an implementation of regenerative braking system for automobiles. It uses pneumatic compression to store the kinetic energy of the vehicle. The compressed air is used to produce electricity through a turbine, and then used for supercharging the engine of the automobile. The complete mechanism can be divided into two parts: - Braking - Regeneration Regeneration mechanism can be further subdivided into: - Expansion - Supercharging The rotational motion of wheels of the vehicle is used to drive reciprocating compressors. Compressors are engaged with the help of a clutch and crankshaft unit when brakes are applied. Compression process converts the kinetic energy of the vehicle in the form of compressed air. In the process, vehicle loses its energy and comes to a standstill. The compressed air goes to a turbine and generator unit where expansion takes place and electricity is produced. The outlet air from turbine at lower pressure is used for supercharging.",1,,438,,10.31224/,,2018-11-02T21:43:24.646367,2018-11-02T22:01:30.390043 n7h9y,"Open Loop Position Control of Soft Continuum Arm Using Deep Reinforcement Learning","Soft robots undergo large nonlinear spatial deformations due to both inherent actuation and external loading. The physics underlying these deformations is complex, and often requires intricate analytical and numerical models. The complexity of these models may render traditional model based control difficult and unsuitable. Model-free methods offer an alternative for analyzing the behavior of such complex systems without the need for elaborate modeling techniques. In this paper, we present a model-free approach for open loop position control of a soft spatial continuum arm, based on deep reinforcement learning. The continuum arm is pneumatically actuated and attains a spatial workspace by a combination of unidirectional bending and bidirectional torsional deformation. We use Deep-Q Learning with experience replay to train the system in simulation. The efficacy and robustness of the control policy obtained from the system is validated both in simulation and on the continuum arm prototype for varying external loading conditions",1,,1014,,10.31224/,,2018-11-01T15:14:22.130682,2018-11-06T14:49:08.893270 ze6yu,"FACE DETECTION AND RESTORATION UNDER OCCLUSIONS : A LITERATURE REVIEW","One of the main challenges of the face recognition is occlusions. Occlusion in an image refers to hindrance in the view of an object. Face recognition which work in the presence of occlusions are core for the current needs in the field of identification of suspects, as criminals try to take advantage of the weaknesses among the implemented security systems by camouflaging themselves and occluding their face with eyeglasses, hair, hands, or covering their face with scarves and hats. Human face recognition under occlusion is broadly classified into 8 categories Karhunen-Loeve Expansion Method, Model Based Method, Correlation Based Method, Template Based Method, Feature Based Method, Geometric Based Method, Singular Value Decomposition Based Method and Neural Network Based Algorithm. The paper details the experiments and databases used to handle the problem of occlusion and the results obtained by different authors. Lastly, a comparison of various techniques is presented and some conclusions are drawn referring to the best outcomes.",1,,245,,10.31224/,,2018-11-01T05:13:15.265158,2018-11-01T14:11:02.242303 eg3qk,"Technical Report for the Erratum of:\\ ""Design and Evaluation of a Balance Assistance Control Moment Gyroscope"" [ASME J. Mech. Rob., 2017, 9(5), p.051007: DOI: 10.1115/1.4037255]","Details for the errata of the paper ""Design and Evaluation of a Balance Assistance Control Moment Gyroscope"" DOI: 10.1115/1.4037255, published in the ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics.",1,,455,,10.31224/,,2018-10-30T15:11:15.690764,2018-10-30T16:37:49.925410 298d4,"Integrated energy analysis of cutting process and spindle subsystem in a turning machine","This paper presents a novel approach for systematic energy efficiency evaluation and optimization in turning operations, combining spindle, chiller and material removal models. Framing a joint machine-process design approach, the proposed study aims at selecting optimal combinations of cutting parameters (feed rate, depth of cut and spindle speed) for a given spindle-chiller assembly, able to minimize the energy consumption. Contrary to most of the literature, where the efficiency analysis is fully empirical, relying on extended cutting test campaigns, here a model-based approach is adopted. The goal is to characterize a key subsystem of modern machine tools, often used in both turning and milling machines, composed by a permanent magnet brushless direct-drive spindle with a dedicated chiller unit. Analytical relationships are identified, producing efficiency maps as a function of various process parameters. Physic-based models are exploited, reproducing electrical and mechanical energy dissipation occurring in the spindle and chiller units and in the material removal process. The models parameters are identified by a reduced set of spindle ramp-up and cutting tests, executed in an industrial context. Then, an overall process efficiency optimization is performed and discussed.",1,,517,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.09.234,2018-10-25T12:09:45.033536,2018-10-25T14:28:34.913028 q6h8e,"Cooperation for Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network","This article reviews the literature related to Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network with focus on Cooperation. It starts by examining definitions of some of the fields of research in VDTN. An overview of VDTN with cooperative networks is presented.",1,,340,,10.31224/,,2018-10-25T10:41:58.455981,2018-10-25T14:27:06.423567 bgzd3,"Relaying in Telecommunications","In recent years, Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) has attracted considerable attention both from academia and industry. In VANET, multiple access technologies such as cellular system, Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) are integrated to support the service requirements of vehicular users. Multi-hopping vehicular networks (VANETs) provide environmental awareness across large regions even if there does not exist direct communication between several vehicles within the region. However, the volume of messages that are received and rebroadcasted via the relay vehicles can cause broadcast storms and network jams. In them the systems are subject to wireless interference and disconnections, thus hindering the availability and reliability of source-destination connections. Another major problem arises when VANETs are sparse, causing excessive retransmissions and delays due to long periods without maintain connection between pair of vehicles. This article reviews the literature related to Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network with focus on Cooperation. It starts by examining definitions of some of the fields of research in VDTN. An overview of VDTN with cooperative networks is presented.",1,,399,,10.31224/,,2018-10-25T07:22:47.522861,2018-10-25T14:24:40.882182 smdax,"Denial of Service Attack in Cooperative Networks","In Denial of Service (DoS) attack the network resources are either delayed or refused to be assigned to the requested user [1]. This may occurs due to verity of reasons, could be intentionally or unintentionally. The unintentional case is quite hard to mitigate. In this paper we will refer the former case in context of cooperative networks. In cooperative networks we relay the data via intermediate nodes called relays. The relay selection is mechanism [2] need to be devised with focus on mitigating such attacks. In this paper we will enhance the relay selection mechanism address by [3] to propose the novel relay selection with emphasis on security of Wireless Local Area Networks.",1,,329,,10.31224/,,2018-10-21T11:53:10.507355,2018-10-21T15:37:59.284610 3tsgr,"Technical Note: Nominal Stiffness Evaluation and Regression Analysis of GT-2 Rubber-Fiberglass Timing Belts","GT-style rubber-fiberglass (RF) timing belts are designed to effectively transfer rotational motion from pulleys to linear motion in small machines and mechatronic systems. One of the characteristics of belts under this type of loading condition is that the length between load and pulleys changes during operation, thereby changing their effective stiffness. It has been shown that the effective stiffness of such a belt is a function of a ""nominal stiffness"" and the real-time belt section lengths. However, this nominal stiffness is not necessarily constant; it is common to assume linear proportional stiffness, but this often results in system modeling error. This technical note describes a brief study where the nominal stiffness of two lengths (400 mm and 760 mm ) of GT-2 RF timing belts was tested up to breaking point; regression analysis was performed on the results to best model the observed stiffness. The study was replicated three times, providing a total of six stiffness curves. It was found that cubic regression models (R^2 > 0.999) were the best fit, but that quadratic and linear models still provided acceptable representations of the whole dataset with R^2 values above 0.940.",1,,635,,10.31224/,,2018-10-20T08:29:13.646212,2018-10-21T03:27:28.317734 7vkun,"Numerical Modelling of Structural Behaviour of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement","Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) rapidly becomes a common standard in most highway pavement design due to its high performance. Early-age cracks play a crucial role in characterising CRCP's long-term performance, hence crack formations and patterns are of interest in most highway departments. The design parameters of a CRCP are studied in this work as a parametric study on efficient design configuration. Numerical experiments were performed to produce a stress profile induced by crack initiation and long-term traffic load. This work contributes a probabilistic study on crack pattern formation from typical stress profile, including environmental and shrinkage stress, as an insight into predicting the likelihood of crack patterns initiation and propagation along the depth of the concrete slab. Studies also showed transverse steel bar plays a crucial role in determining the location of the crack formation, but a minimal effect in controlling crack width and deflection. A study on the probabilistic model helps pavement design to produce a desirable crack pattern, to perform controlled-cracks that enhance the vertical load transferability of a cracked CRCP.",1,,4912,,10.31224/,,2018-10-17T21:45:01.342512,2018-10-26T20:03:07.331780 cn4j6,"Electrospun Polyethene oxide-graphite composite anode for solid-state lithium-ion batteries","Current lithium-ion batteries are close to reaching their physicochemical energy density limit. Moreover, they present high operation risks regarding their liquid electrolyte. Solid-state batteries are a promising alternative to overcome these problems. They offer safe operation, and potentially improved energy and power density. The option of operating at higher voltages has led to the possibility of employing high capacity electrodes. In this study, the synthesis of a nanostructured anode through electrospinning was carried out. This electrode is based on polymer nanofibres with intercalated graphite particles. The effect of molecular weight, voltage, temperature and humidity has been studied for the formation of smooth and uniform nanofibres. At the optimized conditions, Polyethylene oxide (PEO)-Polyethylene glycol (PEG) nanofibres with diameters around 600 nm were successfully electrospun. The effect of graphite loading on the electrospinning of this solution was also studied. A 30% graphite particle loading in the final fibres was reached with a reproducible methodology. It was found that the electrospun graphite particles received a polymer coating during electrospinning. EDX analysis confirmed that most of the graphite particles are covered by a polymer layer, confirming this hypothesis. Even if it is unclear how this affects the behaviour of the graphite for energy storage, high graphite content was electrospun together with PEO nanofibres with a new methodology.",1,,293,,10.31224/,,2018-10-15T19:41:44.444581,2018-10-15T19:46:25.764869 xs64k,"Needleless electrospinning of PVP/PGS fibrous scaffolds for skin tissue engineering applications","Scaffolds and implants used for tissue engineering need to be adapted for their mechanical properties with respect to their environment within the human body. Therefore, a novel composite for skin tissue engineering is presented by use of blends of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) and Poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS) were fabricated via the needleless electrospinning technique. The formed PGS/PVP blends were morphologically, thermochemically and mechanically characterized. The morphology of the developed fibers related to the concentration of PGS, with high concentrations of PGS merging the fibers together plasticizing the scaffold. The tensile modulus appeared to be affected by the concentration of PGS within the blends, with an apparent decrease in the elastic modulus of the electrospun mats and an exponential increase of the elongation at break. Ultraviolet (UV) crosslinking of PGS/PVP significantly decreased and stabilized the wettability of the formed fiber mats, as indicated by contact angle measurements. In vitro examination showed good viability and proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts over the period of a week. The present findings provide important insights for tuning the elastic properties of electrospun material by incorporating this unique elastomer, as a promising future candidate for skin substitute constructs.",1,,386,,10.31224/,,2018-10-15T18:40:57.384565,2018-10-15T19:04:59.403424 9hqs7,"Exploring the Economic, Environmental, and Travel Implications of Changes in Parking Choices due to Driverless Vehicles: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach","Fully driverless automated vehicles (AVs) could considerably alter the proximity value of parking, due to an AV’s ability to drop passengers off at their destination, search for cheaper parking, and return to pick up their occupants when needed. This study estimates the potential impact of privately-owned driverless vehicles on vehicle miles traveled (VMT), energy use, emissions, parking revenue, and daily parking cost savings in the city of Seattle, Washington from changes in parking decisions using an agent-based simulation model. Each AV is assumed to consider the cost to drive to each parking spot, the associated daily parking cost, and the parking availability at each location, and the AV ranks each choice in terms of economic cost. The simulation results indicate at the low penetration rates (5 to 25 percent AV penetration) AVs in downtown Seattle would travel an additional 3.5- 4.0 miles per day on average, and high penetration rates (50 to 100 percent AV penetration) would travel an additional 5.6-8.4 miles per day on average. The results also suggest that as AV penetration rates increase, parking lot revenues decrease significantly and could likely decline to the point where operating a lot is unsustainable economically, if no parking demand management policies are implemented. This could lead to changes in land use as the amount of parking needed in urban areas is reduced and cars move away from the downtown area for cheaper parking. This analysis provides an illustration of the first-order effects of AVs on the built environment and could help inform near and long- term policy and infrastructure decisions during the transition to automation.",1,,752,,10.31224/,10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000488,2018-10-15T04:45:18.625763,2018-10-15T13:49:55.934825 9uzbh,"Frequency and Time Domain Analysis of sRNA-based Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease","The validity of a complex reaction pathway pro- posed to treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) was verified by a comprehensive time and frequency domain analysis. The model was taken to the frequency domain to study the effect and the significance of the negative feedback loop introduced by the reaction pathways. It could be shown that such proposed probiotics have very interesting potentials that could be used extensively in near future.",1,,472,,10.31224/,,2018-10-14T12:46:09.939542,2018-10-15T20:50:41.295019 rg8pn,"A Novel Harmonic Current Control Algorithm","This paper presents a novel control algorithm for high-torque low-speed permanent magnet synchronous motors for direct drive applications. A new induced voltage based formulation of the electromagnetic torque is developed and a novel current control algorithm is designed to reduce the torque ripples which are originated from the flux harmonics. A prototype motor with relatively high induced voltage harmonics is designed and constructed and the experiment results of the Harmonic control algorithm are compared to the results of a conventional Field Oriented Control.",1,,1265,,10.31224/,,2018-10-11T08:25:43.351856,2018-10-11T13:35:16.229378 j7kf3,"Characterization of a Large Electrical Machine Test","The acceptability and also the acceleration of renewable energy technologies is tightly linked with a better understanding of dynamic behavior of drive train components and their interactions. This ultimate understanding of system characteristics can only be achieved with comprehensive experimental investigations on different phenomena of large electrical generators. This leads consequently to a better verification of numerical and analytical models of large generators. The large generator-converter lab which is discussed in this paper is a unique opportunity for deep experimental investigations on large hydro and wind generators. It is designed to deal with the current as well as future research topics in the field of wind and hydro generators and their interactions with power electronic devices and electrical grid.",1,,733,,10.31224/,,2018-10-11T08:24:25.651458,2018-10-11T13:34:49.981422 ru6yz,"Design Optimization of Permanent Magnet","A multilevel ant algorithm is developed to optimize the design process of a surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor. The motor properties are calculated using an exact magnetic equivalent circuit based analytical model. This model takes into account the iron saturation, the slot stray fluxes and the spatial harmonics of rotor and stator fluxes. The effectiveness of the proposed analytical model is verified in comparison with measurement of a handmade prototype. Based on this analytical model the air gap flux density, torque and induced voltage of the prototype motor are predicted. For an effective selection of motor parameters, a multipurpose optimization algorithm is developed, which is based on the distributed multilevel ant-stigmergy algorithm. The analytical model together with the optimization algorithm represents a very effective tool for design of permanent magnet synchronous motor without any need for time consuming finite element programs.",1,,817,,10.31224/,,2018-10-11T08:22:29.068967,2018-10-11T13:34:00.133369 hw3xa,"Virtual Mechanical Testing from Low-Dose CT Scans Predicts Tibial Fracture Time to Union and Outperforms Subjective Outcomes Scoring","Background: Quantitative outcomes assessment remains a persistent challenge in orthopaedic trauma. Although patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) and radiographic assessments such as RUST scores are frequently used, very little evidence has been presented to support their validity for measuring structural bone formation or biomechanical integrity. Methods: A sequential cohort of tibial shaft fracture patients was prospectively recruited for observation following standard reamed intramedullary nailing in a Level I trauma center. Follow-ups at 6, 12, 18, and 24 weeks included X-rays and completion of PROMs (EQ-5D and pain scores). Low-dose computed-tomography (CT) scans were also completed at 12 weeks. Scans were reconstructed in 3D and subjected to virtual mechanical testing via the finite element method to assess fracture limb torsional rigidity relative to intact bone. Results: Patients reported progressive longitudinal improvement in mobility, self-care, activity, and health over time, but the PROMs were not correlated with structural bone healing. RUST scoring showed moderate intra-rater agreement (ICC = 0.727), but the scores at 12 weeks were not correlated with time to union (R2 = 0.103, p = 0.193) and were only moderately correlated with callus structural integrity (R2 = 0.346, p = 0.010). In contrast, patient-specific virtual torsional rigidity (VTR) was significantly correlated with time to union (R2 = 0.383, p = 0.005) and clearly differentiated one case of delayed union (VTR = 10%, union at 8 months) from the rest of the normally healing cohort (VTR > 60%, median union time 19 weeks) using CT data alone. Conclusions: PROMs provide insight into the natural history of the patient experience after tibial fracture, but have limited utility as a measure of structural bone healing. RUST scoring, although repeatable, is not a valid longitudinal predictor of time to union. In contrast, virtual mechanical testing from low-dose CT scans provides a quantitative and objective structural callus assessment that reliably predicts time to union and may enable early diagnosis of compromised healing. Level of Evidence: Diagnostic Level II.",1,,361,,10.31224/,,2018-10-09T19:28:45.492090,2018-10-09T20:08:51.720870 7c8kz,"Virtual Structural Analysis of Tibial Fracture Healing from Low-Dose Clinical CT Scans","Quantitative assessment of bone fracture healing remains a significant challenge in orthopaedic trauma research. Accordingly, we developed a new technique for assessing bone healing using virtual mechano-structural analysis of computed tomography (CT) scans. CT scans from 19 fractured human tibiae at 12 weeks after surgery were segmented and prepared for finite element analysis (FEA). Boundary conditions were applied to the models to simulate a torsion test that is commonly used to access the structural integrity of long bones in animal models of fracture healing. The output of each model was the virtual torsional rigidity (VTR) of the healing zone, normalized to the torsional rigidity of each patient’s virtually reconstructed tibia. This provided a structural measure to track the percentage of healing each patient had undergone. Callus morphometric measurements were also collected from the CT scans. Results showed that at 12 weeks post-op, more than 75% of patients achieved a normalized VTR (torsional rigidity relative to uninjured bone) of 85% or above. The predicted intact torsional rigidities compared well with published cadaveric data. Across all patients, callus volume and density were weakly and non-significantly correlated with normalized VTR and time to clinical union. Conversely, normalized VTR was significantly correlated with time to union (R2 = 0.383, p = 0.005). This suggests that fracture scoring methods based on the visual appearance of callus may not accurately predict mechanical integrity. The image-based structural analysis presented here may be a useful technique for assessment of bone healing in orthopaedic trauma research.",1,,413,,10.31224/,,2018-10-09T19:18:52.729555,2018-10-09T20:08:04.440950 26z9n,"Fully automated image-based estimation of postural point-features in children with cerebral palsy using deep learning","Objective: To automate identification of postural point-features from colour videos of children with neuromotor disability, during clinical assessment. The automatic identification of 13 points of interest (2, 6, 2, 3 points on the head, trunk, pelvis, arm respectively) is required to estimate the location and orientation of head, trunk, and arm segments, from videos of the clinical test “Segmental Assessment of Trunk Control” (SATCo) which is a test of seated postural control. Methods: Three expert operators manually annotated 13 point-features in every fourth image of 177 short (5-10 second) videos (25 Hz) showing 12 children with cerebral palsy (ages: 4.52 ±2.4, male: 9), participating in SATCo testing. Linear interpolation for the remaining images resulted in 30,825 annotated images. Mean-pooling and max-pooling convolutional neural networks were trained with cross-validation, giving held-out test results for all children. Results: The point-features were estimated with error 4.40 ±3.75 pixels (mean-pooling), and 4.49 ±4.45 pixels (max-pooling), at approximately 100 images per second. Trunk segment angles (head, neck, 6 thoraco-lumbar-pelvic segments) were estimated with error 6.4° ±2.8° allowing accurate classification (F1 > 80%) of deviation from a reference posture at thresholds up to 3°, 3°, 2° respectively. Contact between arm point features (elbow, wrist) and supporting surface was classified at F1 = 80.5%. Conclusion and Significance: This study demonstrates, for the first time, a technical solution to automate identification of i) a sitting segmental-posture including individual trunk segments, ii) changes away from that posture, and iii) support from the upper limb, required for the clinical SATCo.",1,,666,,10.31224/,,2018-10-05T12:28:10.672731,2019-03-26T13:46:29.770502 75muh,"A Pull-down Dynamic Analysis of Two-Span Steel Frames Subjected to Progressive Collapse","Progressive collapse, also known as disproportionate collapse, describes a chain reaction of structural element failures in which a primary structural element failure results in the failure of adjoining structural elements. It eventually causes widespread structural damages and a disproportionate collapse. While high level finite-element models incorporating non-linear dynamic analysis will produce more realistic results in progressive collapse scenarios, they are computationally time consuming. Therefore, the development of a non-linear time history pull-down model that is validated with experimental results would be beneficial for producing acceptable and efficient design solutions, particularly for practicing structural engineers. In this paper, a non-linear time history pull-down model of a two-span steel frame is analyzed in ETABS. The ETABS model results are compared with experimental results of two steel frames with two-spans conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The NIST experiments include beam-column assemblies from the second-floor framing system of a ten-story building and each span is 20 feet long. The numerical results from ETABS pull-down analysis showed good agreement with the results from the NIST experimental study.",1,,546,,10.31224/,,2018-10-04T20:22:25.736872,2018-10-26T20:11:29.811198 av5su,"Practical DOE-Based Approach for Predicting Impact of Stress and Deformation in SLM Overhanging Features During Product Design","As additive manufacturing (AM) processes become more refined and widely used, it is essential for engineers and production managers to fully understand the processes in order to effectively use them within production systems. Unfortunately, most of the existing solutions for analyzing AM processes are too complex and specialized for use in a practice-based setting. The present study seeks to address aspects of this problem by developing a simple first-principles finite element model for the selective laser melting (SLM) AM process and a rigorous experiment to analyze the process in terms of its input factors. This model and experiment can provide much useful and easily understood data to the designers and production managers including SLM in their process flow. The experiment was verified and run fully in order to demonstrate it, producing information about the influence of five major input factors and their many interactions during the processing of a part with an overhanging feature",1,,551,,10.31224/,,2018-10-02T06:56:50.568957,2019-01-17T20:33:53.235584 bnupe,"Study on Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Models with Different Degree of Complexity for Process Simulation and Control Design","Many commercial solar thermal power plants rely on indirect thermal storage systems in order to provide a stable and reliable power supply, where the working fluid is commonly thermal oil and the storage fluid is molten salt. The thermal oil - molten salt heat exchanger control strategies, to charge and discharge the thermal storage system, strongly affect the performance of the whole plant. Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are the most common type of heat exchangers used in these facilities. With the aim of developing advanced control strategies accurate and fast dynamic models of shell-and-tube heat exchangers are essential. For this reason, several shell-and-tube heat exchanger models with different degrees of complexity have been studied, analyzed and validated against experimental data from the CIEMAT-PSA molten salt test loop for thermal energy systems facility. Simulation results are compared in steady-state as well as transient predictions in order to determine the required complexity of the model to yield accurate results.",1,,3399,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.06.129,2018-10-01T14:14:14.737908,2018-10-01T14:18:13.168549 msbrf,"Design and Experimental Validation of a Computational Effective Dynamic Thermal Energy Storage Tank Model","Concentrating solar thermal power plants rely in thermal energy storage systems in order to provide a stable power supply. However, they might not been able to meet power plant demands, mainly because of their storage sizes which are restricted due to economic reasons. One way of mitigating this effect is to control in an optimal way the charging and discharging processes. For the design and validation of advanced control strategies, an accurate dynamic model is essential. For this reason, a dynamic thermal energy tank model intended to be used in concentrating solar thermal power plant models is presented in this paper. The developed tank model is validated in charging and discharging processes and also at rest state in order to validate thermal losses dynamics. Simulation results are compared against experimental data from the CIEMAT-PSA molten salt testing facility.",1,,617,,10.31224/,10.1016/,2018-10-01T14:09:21.765074,2018-10-01T14:12:56.544937 6zps9,"A Novel Heat Exchanger Design Method Using a Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis Hasting Algorithm","In this study, a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (STHX) design based on seven continuous independent design variables is proposed. Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis hasting (DRAM) was utilized as a powerful tool in the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling method. This Reverse Sampling (RS) method was used to find the probability distribution of design variables of the shell and tube heat exchanger. Thanks to this probability distribution, an uncertainty analysis was also performed to find the quality of these variables. In addition, a decision-making strategy based on confidence intervals of design variables and on the Total Annual Cost (TAC) provides the final selection of design variables. Results indicated high accuracies for the estimation of design variables which leads to marginally improved performance compared to commonly used optimization methods. In order to verify the capability of the proposed method, a case of study is also presented, it shows that a significant cost reduction is feasible with respect to multi-objective and single-objective optimization methods. Furthermore, the selected variables have good quality (in terms of probability distribution) and a lower TAC was also achieved. Results show that the costs of the proposed design are lower than those obtained from optimization method reported in previous studies. The algorithm was also used to determine the impact of using probability values for the design variables rather than single values to obtain the best heat transfer area and pumping power. In particular, a reduction of the TAC up to 3.5% was achieved in the case considered.",1,,568,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.04.028,2018-10-01T14:03:36.599743,2018-10-01T14:11:29.173569 7bw4y,"Steady-state and dynamic validation of a parabolic through collector model using the ThermoCycle Modelica library","Small-capacity (<200 kWel) concentrated solar power plants has been recognized as a promising technology for micro power applications. In particular, parabolic through collectors have been identified as the most promising focusing technology. In this context, physics-based dynamic model of parabolic through constitutes a significant tool for the further development of the technology, allowing to evaluate and optimize response times during transients, or to implement and test innovative control strategies. In this contribution, the dynamic model of a parabolic trough line t based on the ThermoCycle Modelica library is validated against steady-state and transient experimental results from the parabolic through test loop available at the Plataforma Solar de Almería, Spain. The simulation results are in good agreement with the measurements, both in steady-state and in transient conditions. The validated model is readily usable to investigate demanding dynamics-based problems for low capacity solar power systems.",1,,612,,10.31224/,,2018-10-01T13:55:31.523064,2018-10-01T14:10:44.808795 c4qr9,"Memristors for the curious outsiders","We present both an overview and a perspective of recent experimental advances and proposed new approaches to performing computation using memristors. A memristor is a 2-terminal passive component with a dynamic resistance depending on an internal parameter. We provide an brief historical introduction, as well as an overview over the physical mechanism that lead to memristive behavior. This review is meant to guide nonpractitioners in the field of memristive circuits and their connection to machine learning and neural computation.",1,,809,,10.31224/,10.3390/technologies6040118,2018-09-28T15:14:22.615434,2018-12-12T13:08:03.134206 9dy5x,"IoT Network Segmentation When Sensors Fail","This draft presents a fault-tolerant network segmentation system for the Internet of Things (IoT). When devices of the IoT malfunction or fail, recovery needs to be performed to maintain system functionalities. In modern ad hoc networks like mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), devices usually form dynamical clusters to collaboratively handle highly diverse sensing environments. To recover cluster information when parts of the IoT are not functioning, this study develops a centroid-free network segmentation algorithm that diverts dependency on centroids into empirical-space kernel matrices. The original problem of handling nonvectorial centroids is deduced to kernel matrix estimation.",1,,411,,10.31224/,,2018-09-27T14:23:27.086166,2018-09-27T14:37:57.971015 8cwj2,"Solar energy-assisted frost prevention in horticulture applications: integrated framework and parametric CFD modeling","Prevention of frost in horticulture is important, but challenging, and its realization, especially using green-energy sources, will have a huge societal impact. In this paper, first we suggest an integrated solar photovoltaics (PV)-assisted framework where solar energy will be used as a secondary application for frost prevention (the primary application is electricity production for grid). Optimal design and operation of the suggested integrated system require detailed thermal modeling of air dynamics in the orchard, integrated system optimization and control tasks. Second, in this paper we address the first task above: development of a novel, sophisticated parametric computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model for orchard air thermal dynamics for different orchard parameters (such as fruit type, climate, the number of trees, their sizes, distance between them, etc.) and boundary/initial conditions. Finally, the use of developed parametric CFD model is demonstrated through a case study to calculate the minimal thermal energy required to prevent frost under different frost levels in a test apricot orchard located in Malatya, Turkey, which is the world capital for dry apricot production.",1,,422,,10.31224/,,2018-09-27T01:58:03.886134,2018-09-27T02:31:32.011726 r4nmy,"The Disaster Resilience Value of Rooftop Solar in Residential Communities","Distributed energy resources can enhance community resilience to power outages in the aftermath of natural disasters. We develop a method to quantify the resilience value that rooftop solar can provide to residential neighborhoods. We group homes into geographical clusters and simulate the effect of a disaster that disables the electric grid and damages some of the homes. We then use historical energy consumption and solar irradiance data to estimate the likelihood that each cluster could meet its own energy needs given a defined level and pattern of rooftop solar adoption. As a case study, we apply the method to single family homes in San Carlos, California, subjected to an earthquake based on the 1906 San Francisco event. We characterize the impact on resilience of increasing adoption of rooftop solar and of grouping homes into resilience clusters for energy sharing. Policy intervention can ensure more geographically uniform adoption of solar and therefore more even resilience. We evaluate the effect and cost of such an intervention, finding that a modest subsidy can make a notable difference in evening out resilience across a community.",1,,324,,10.31224/,,2019-10-21T20:33:28.873953,2020-04-20T16:58:28.388287 xjztd,"Self-Aware Autonomous City: From Sensing to Planning","This article presents a knowledge mining model, where a city can plan its development based on existing knowledge during city expansion, for example, telecommunication resource allocation and crowd forecast in a new region. Unlike most works that focused on Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensing, this study is aimed at urban planning by using harvested data, from the perspective of city architects. For large-scale metropolitan areas, a massive amount of data is generated every day, either from static surveys or dynamic IoT sensing. For urban planners, data collection is not their prior concerns. How to transfer harvested knowledge from exiting parts of the city to suburban/rural/ untapped areas is a new challenge. This is because those areas still lack sufficient statistics, and the density of IoT deployment is low. Therefore, development is risky and uncertain. To exploit new regions requires knowledge inference. Such a transition needs data interpretation from historical city dynamics, involving sensor deployment, human activities, and resource allocation in the vicinity. With the proposed model of this article, a city can estimate the requirement for resources when the peripheral areas on the outskirts of a city develops. The same model can be applied to enterprise sides for resource deployment, and applications are not merely limited to governments.",1,,581,,10.31224/,10.1109/MCOM.2019.1800628,2018-09-24T05:37:30.886326,2019-05-17T10:10:18.770513 upk7g,"Design and Preliminary Testing of a Continuum Assistive Robotic Manipulator","The application of continuum manipulators as assistive robots is discussed and tested through the use of Bendy ARM, a simple tendon driven continuum manipulator prototype. Two rounds of user testing were performed to evaluate the potential of this arm to aid people living with disabilities in completing activities of daily living. In the first round of user testing, 14 able-bodied subjects successfully completed the prescribed task (pick-and-place) using multiple control schemes after being given a brief introduction and one minute of practice with each scheme. In the second round of user testing, subjects (n=3) demonstrated between 29.5 and 48.9 percent improvement in completion time across twelve trials of a peg-in-hole task, and between 8.4 and 33.8 percent improvement across six trials of a task involving opening and closing a drawer. Based on these results, it is posited that continuum manipulators merit further consideration as a safer and more cost-effective alternative to existing commercially available assistive robotic manipulators.",1,,806,,10.31224/,10.3390/robotics8040084,2018-09-21T20:09:33.289651,2019-09-26T12:21:39.859819 zwmqx,"Feasibility study of a hot-air tethered aerostat system","The lifting gas used in Lighter-than-Air systems is usually Helium or Hydrogen. Helium is a rare gas and hence very expensive and Hydrogen, though relatively less expensive and easily available, is highly inflammable. Hot air has been used as an LTA gas since the first flight of a balloon in the 18th century, but its utilization in tethered aerostat systems has been limited. The objective of this project is to examine the feasibility of using hot air as the LTA gas in a practical tethered aerostat system. In this study, the thermal analysis of hot air envelope was conducted to predict heat losses and power requirements. This was followed by an experimental study to validate the theoretical values obtained from the thermal model, in which an electrical heating system was inserted inside a spherical envelope made of rip-stop nylon with a fire-retardant coating. Heat loss predictions were extrapolated for a larger size working prototype and feasibility studies were performed. The experimental heat loss predictions were far higher than those obtained using the thermal model available in literature. The power requirement for the smallest possible spherical working prototype made of Polyurethane coated envelope, with a radius of 2.3 m was estimated to be more than 66 kW. However, for an envelope fabricated with a proprietary material named aerofabrix®, around 33% reduction in the power requirement was estimated. These results show a promise for a hot-air based tethered aerostat system, but with several design and operational challenges, which will be highlighted in the paper.",1,,519,,10.31224/,,2018-09-21T06:50:14.835902,2018-09-24T18:01:50.469818 xuvay,"Heat treatment effects on three-dimensional morphology of chromium carbide in AISI D2 tool steel studied by serial sectioning method","We developed a three-dimensional microstructure analysis system based on the manual serial sectioning method to evaluate the heat treatment effects on chromium carbide size and morphology in AISI D2 tool steel. Two heat treatment factors, austenitizing and tempering temperature were investigated. The results show that increasing in austenitizing temperature leads to further carbide precipitation after the tempering process and increasing in the tempering temperature causes precipitate smaller secondary carbides even more than the primary carbides.",1,,492,,10.31224/,,2018-09-12T14:28:35.063576,2018-09-12T14:39:59.234614 7b4f8,"A Large Range of Motion 3D MEMS Scanner with Five Degrees of Freedom","In this paper, we discuss a novel, mixed mode 3D XYZ scanner built within a single foundry process. The device has a large range of motion in X, Y and Z (14.0 μm in X,Y and 97.9 μm in Z) and can also rotate about two axes (7.4°), making it a 5 degree of freedom scanner. Vertical actuation can be accomplished with both thermal actuators, which have a larger range of motion, and capacitive actuators, which are faster, responding fully up to 3.2 kHz. Although it is useful for many applications, including scanning probe microscopy, micrometer scale optical microscopy, and manipulation of biological objects, the device was designed to be a 3D scanner for spray-painting atoms upon a surface with nanoscale precision and resolution for nanofabrication. Demonstrating the ability to combine the device with other complicated MEMS systems, it is integrated with an XY scanner designed to serve as a shutter to control the flow of atoms. The full system has 7 degrees of freedom and 12 actuation motors, and because it is built in a low cost commercial foundry with a robust, stable process, it is easy and inexpensive to fabricate multiple copies or integrate into other complicated systems, making a system of systems.",1,,461,,10.31224/,10.1109/JMEMS.2018.2886653,2018-09-11T19:02:28.356871,2019-01-16T17:15:12.031065 e2679,"Effects of Heat Affected Zone Softening Extent on the strength of Advanced High Strength Steels Resistance Spot Weld","Resistance spot welds made from Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) exhibit Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) softening due to the tempering of pre-existing martensite phase and the consequent decomposition into a mixture of ferrite and cementite. Despite the high strength level for the base metal, the occurrence of HAZ softening may lead to inferior joint strength during Tension-Shear (TS) and Cross-Tension (CT) testing. In this work, we investigated the effects of the HAZ softening on the global loading response for AHSS steels with three different volume fractions of martensite. Microhardness mapping was used as a measure of martensite tempering and extent of softening. Based on the data, the softening was identified in the sub-critical heat affected zone. Hardness drop with the magnitude of 6%, 18%, and 42% was observed in steels with 16%, 52% and 100% of martensite volume fraction (MVF), respectively. In order to model the welded joint loading response using finite element methods (FEM), there is a need to represent the softening in terms of stress-strain relationships. In this work, local stress-strain curves for different weld zones were obtained by scaling the base metal constitutive properties with local hardness ratio. Finite element (FE) simulations of Tension-Shear tests showed that HAZ softening can affect the Tension-Shear load capacity of specimens more significantly when the base metal tensile strength is above 1000 MPa. The paper will discuss the validity of the above finite element approach for describing experimental results and future directions.",1,,645,,10.31224/,,2018-09-07T16:05:21.227873,2018-09-07T16:35:42.725909 mkbwv,"Analysis of C1, C2, and C10 through C33 particle-phase and semi-volatile organic compound emissions from heavy-duty diesel engines","To meet increasingly stringent regulations for diesel engines, technologies such as combustion strategies, aftertreatment components, and fuel composition have continually evolved. The emissions reduction achieved by individual aftertreatment components using the same engine and fuel has been assessed and published previously (Liu et al., 2008a, Liu et al., 2008b, Liu et al., 2008c). The present study instead adopted a systems approach to evaluate the net effect of the corresponding technologies for model-year 2004 and 2007 engines. The 2004 engine was equipped with an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, while the 2007 engine had an EGR system, a crankcase emissions coalescer, and a diesel particulate filter. The test engines were operated under the transient federal test procedure and samples were collected with a source dilution sampling system designed to stimulate atmospheric cooling and dilution conditions. The samples were analyzed for elemental carbon, organic carbon, and C1, C2, and C10 through C33 particle-phase and semi-volatile organic compounds. Of the more than 150 organic species analyzed, the largest portion of the emissions from the 2004 engine consisted of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and naphthalene and its derivatives, which were significantly reduced by the 2007 engine and emissions technology. The systems approach in this study simulates the operation of real-world diesel engines, and may provide insight into the future development of integrated engine technology. The results supply updated information for assessing the impact of diesel engine emissions on the chemical processes, radiative properties, and toxic components of the atmosphere.",1,,558,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.11.036,2018-09-03T20:17:50.932967,2018-09-03T20:20:54.012269 dv28m,"Experiences with inquiry-based learning in an introductory mechanics course","Inquiry-based learning is an educational approach that allows the student to take ownership over the education process by self-identifying a problem and formulating their own solution. The application of this method of teaching was explored in an introductory mechanics course taken by both engineering and engineering technology students. Students were tasked with applying the principles of fundamental static equilibrium analysis to objects found in their normal surroundings. The deliverable for this assignment consisted of a photograph of an object they found to be in static equilibrium and a short description of how the state of the object could be described mathematically. Student submissions for this task exhibited a wide range of quality and imagination. Examples of student work are presented along with discussion of lessons learned and recommendations for the use of this method in the future. The overall student response to this task was positive and thus these efforts will be expanded.",1,,346,,10.31224/,,2018-09-03T20:03:45.373509,2018-09-03T20:21:08.316181 5hz2v,"Low-cost, take-home, beating heart simulator for health-care education","Intended for medical students studying the evaluation and diagnosis of heart arrhythmias, the beating heart arrhythmia simulator combines visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli to enhance the student's retention of the subtle differences between various conditions of the heart necessary for diagnosis. Unlike existing heart arrhythmia simulators, our simulator is low cost and easily deployable in the classroom setting. A design consisting of solenoid actuators, a silicon heart model, and a graphical user interface has been developed and prototyped. Future design development and conceptual validation is necessary prior to deployment.",1,,322,,10.31224/,10.3233/978-1-60750-706-2-57,2018-09-03T19:57:18.242095,2018-09-03T20:21:23.014551 an6cm,"Determination of surgical robot tool force requirements through tissue manipulation and suture force measurement","Through the use of a cadaveric porcine model, forces necessary for manipulation of the abdominal organs were evaluated using an instrumented probe. Additionally, forces for tissue puncture, knot tightening, and suture breakage have been measured in order to determine the requirements placed upon the design of novel robotic surgical tools. The break forces for a variety of suture sizes and types were evaluated including sizes 3-0 through 7-0 polypropylene, size 1 polybutestor, size 4-0 chromic gut, and size 6-0 braided polyester. Tests of the tissue puncture force and knot tightening forces were carried out using the same instrumented probe, while the suture break forces were measured using a tension testing machine. The measured forces were found to compare well against the literature and provide a good basis from which to design robotic surgical tools with the appropriate capabilities.",1,,349,,10.31224/,10.1115/1.3590369,2018-09-03T19:49:47.317994,2018-09-03T20:21:44.162458 dqg7m,"Achieving dexterous manipulation for minimally invasive surgical robots through the use of hydraulics","Existing robotic surgical platforms face limitations which include the balance between the scale of the robot and its capability in terms of range of motion, load capacity, and tool manipulation. These limitations can be overcome by taking advantage of fluid power as an enabling technology with its inherent power density and controllability. As a proof-of-concept for this approach, we are pursuing the design of a novel, dexterous robotic surgical tool targeted towards transgastric natural orifice surgery. The design for this hydraulic surgical platform and the corresponding analysis are presented to demonstrate the theoretical system performance in terms of tool positioning and input requirements. The design involves a combination of a novel 3D valve, hydraulic artificial muscles, and multi-segmented flexible manipulator arms that fit in the lumen of an endoscope. A dynamic model of the system is created. Numerical simulations show that a hydraulic endoscopic surgical robot can produce the desired performance without using large external manipulators such as those employed by conventional surgical robots. They also provide insight into the component interactions and input response of the system. Future work will include manufacturing a prototype to validate the concept and the numerical models.",1,,369,,10.31224/,10.1115/DSCC2012-MOVIC2012-8685,2018-09-03T19:43:46.522870,2018-09-03T20:21:54.137847 b87pf,"Framework for Patient Service Queue System for Decision Support System on Smart Health Care","Improving the service of patient care in hospitals is important for all, prioritizing patient safety in the event of a sudden or catastrophic attack, in which case the priority is to provide services to the patient. In such situations a decision system is needed, in order for the system to be right and not wrong to do a decision because the handling of this issue is closely related to the patient's life. The patient handling technology supports highly smart healthcare technology, which of course is part of the Smart city. The purpose of this research is to get Smart Health Care model with Decision Support System model approach in public health service, where Decision Support System model for Smart Health Care can solve health service problem in order to make maximum service for patient.",1,,540,,10.31224/,10.14419/ijet.v7i2.13.16915,2018-09-03T03:02:29.330432,2018-09-03T15:23:33.040407 vfc98,"PWM as a Low Cost Method for the Analog Control of MEMS Devices","In this paper we discuss the use of pulse width modulation (PWM) to control analog MEMS devices. We achieve precise linear analog control of MEMS by applying a PWM signal with a frequency well above the system's mechanical natural frequency. We first demonstrate this using a parallel plate actuator and comb-drive, then extend the technique to control a commerical deformable mirror. Such an approach allows the system designer to replace expensive drive electronics such as high precision DACs and high voltage, linear amplifiers with a simple on-off switch. Advancements in the electronics industry tend to make precise timing cheaper and faster; our approach exploits these long term trends to create low cost control circuits. We also show how PWM control can linearize the positional response of devices where typically the position would depend quadratically on the applied, analog voltage.",1,,602,,10.31224/,10.1109/JMEMS.2019.2891205,2018-08-29T19:43:25.549343,2019-01-23T20:37:01.968905 6whu7,"Channels with Action Dependent States and Additional Private Messages","In channels with action dependent states, a message is conveyed using two encoders operating sequentially, viz. an action encoder and a channel encoder. The actions drive the output of a discrete-memoryless channel (DMC), which in turn forms the state process for the DMC between the channel encoder and receiver. Assuming non-causal knowledge of the state-process at the channel encoder, a single letter characterization of the capacity is known in the discrete memoryless case. We consider the action dependent state channel where an additional private message needs to be communicated by the channel encoder. In addition, we consider a common reconstruction (CR) of the state at the channel encoder and decoder. Capacity characterizations for the discrete memoryless and Gaussian versions are presented. As a consequence, we settle the capacity characterization of the Gaussian action dependent channel with only a common message and CR. We further show that the availability of strictly causal state feedback to the action encoder, even with randomization allowed, does not improve the capacity of the action dependent state channel.",1,,361,,10.31224/,,2018-08-23T12:13:04.759276,2018-08-23T20:43:05.116533 38ub9,"Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of 3D Bioplotted Scaffolds Considering the Penetration in Interlocked Strands","Three-dimensional (3D) bioplotting has been widely used to print hydrogel scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. One issue involved in 3D bioplotting is to achieve the scaffold structure with the desired mechanical properties. To overcome this issue, various numerical methods have been developed to predict the mechanical properties of scaffolds, but limited by the imperfect representation of one key feature of scaffolds fabricated by 3D bioplotting, i.e., the penetration or fusion of strands in one layer into the previous layer. This paper presents our study on the development of a novel numerical model to predict the elastic modulus (one important index of mechanical properties) of 3D bioplotted scaffolds considering the aforementioned strand penetration. For this, the finite element method was used for the model development, while medium-viscosity alginate was selected for scaffold fabrication by the 3D bioplotting technique. The elastic modulus of the bioplotted scaffolds was characterized using mechanical testing and results were compared with those predicted from the developed model, demonstrating a strong congruity between them. Once validated, the developed model was also used to investigate the effect of other geometrical features on the mechanical behavior of bioplotted scaffolds. Our results show that the penetration, pore size, and number of printed layers have significant effects on the elastic modulus of bioplotted scaffolds; and also suggest that the developed model can be used as a powerful tool to modulate the mechanical behavior of bioplotted scaffolds.",1,,382,,10.31224/,10.3390/app8091422,2018-08-21T16:32:19.506126,2020-03-08T15:05:14.376205 z892e,"Design of Soft Continuum Manipulators Using Parallel Asymmetric Combination of Fiber Reinforced Elastomers","Soft continuum manipulators have large workspace, dexterity and adaptability, but at the cost of complex design construction highlighted by concatenating several individually controlled serial segments. In this paper, we propose a new design architecture for a soft continuum manipulator composed of a parallel combination of pneumatic actuators. The BR2 manipulator, featured in this paper is asymmetric as it combines one soft bending (B) actuator and two soft rotating (R2) actuators, as opposed to state of the art symmetric architectures that adopt bending segments. Spatial deformation modes are achieved by combining curvature and torsion of the individual actuators. This paper formulates a forward analysis method based on Cosserat rod mechanics to predict the spatial deformation of the manipulator under the effect of external loads with an accuracy less than 9 % of the manipulator length. The model takes into account ‘the coupling effect’ inherent to the asymmetric combination, where pressurizing the rotating actuator attenuates the bending curvature and vice versa. Consequently, the paper studies the optimal design of the manipulator constituents that minimize the coupling, and thus maximize the workspace and dexterity. A detailed performance study of the BR2 manipulator on a swiveling base demonstrates a spatial workspace quantified by an axisymmetric area, and sufficient dexterity such that at least 87% of the workspace can be approached with two or more orientations. These are validated through obstacle avoidance, and a pick and place task. The manipulator is also capable of whole arm manipulation by spiraling along cylindrical objects of varying diameters. These performance attributes surpass any other single segment module and is a potential building block for constructing customized continuum manipulators.",1,,538,,10.31224/,,2018-08-20T17:46:34.603428,2018-08-20T19:47:33.379897 eyx6u,"Bendy ARM 2.0: Continuum Arm Manipulator Refinement and Control for Assistive Technology","Rigid link robots currently dominate the market for manipulators in assistive technology, though research on continuum robots for assistive technology has been developing over recent years. These types of robots have a continuous backbone that allows them to have infinite degrees of freedom, making them highly compliant, however this brings challenges in terms of modelling and control. Additionally, materials for this type of application require specific qualities. In this work, we attempt to address these problems while designing a continuum arm suitable for assistive technology applications. Bendy ARM 2.0 is a revised version of the first Bendy ARM robot to accomplish these goals. In its first iteration, Bendy ARM had limitations in its mechanical function, such as the structural performance of the backbone, which decreased the accuracy in positional control. Nitinol was tested as a new backbone material but failed during testing so a low density polyethylene was chosen. Cable conduits were added to help reduce the mechanical coupling between the proximal and distal segments of the manipulator. Motion processing units (MPU) are utilized to gather tilt angles and provide direction for automated movements. Due to the arms natural rotation, this data alone was not enough to consistently control and place the robot. With the information gathered, further consideration of backbone material and usage of MPU data is required for an automatable robot.",1,,566,,10.31224/,,2018-08-17T21:05:10.331841,2018-08-18T03:29:44.200065 yqgkc,"Bounded Rationality and Risk Management in Thermal Soaring","Awareness and management of the risk of failing to encounter lift is fundamental to thermal soaring. When the weather changes or a thermal is missed the pilot may be exposed to a greater risk of landing out. In these situations the pilot may need to alter strategies in order to minimize risk exposure at the expense of speed, often referred to as ""gear shifting."" In this work, we explore several models to explain why small changes in the environment can cause large changes in risk exposure, requiring this shifting. We also examine several flight strategies in simulation to define the relative risk and reward for adopting various levels of risk tolerance and for failing to ""shift gears"" when the risk of landing out increases.",1,,998,,10.31224/,,2018-08-17T19:19:35.666702,2018-08-17T20:57:39.820001 wgm72,"An overview of the role of Machine Learning in hydraulic and hydrological modeling","We provide an overview of Machine learning (ML) and its role in hydrology and hydraulic. The aim is to ease the access of researchers in the latter fields to the techniques in ML.",1,,443,,10.31224/,,2018-08-15T10:28:00.505479,2018-08-15T19:21:12.196494 54m3x,"Fast early flood warning systems exploiting catchment specific behavior","We present a catchment specific emulator based on non-linear shallow water equations to be used for early flood warning system in real time.",1,,355,,10.31224/,,2018-08-15T10:18:53.525830,2018-08-15T19:20:44.575877 y4ahm,"Flood prediction in a compound channel using machine learning techniques","Flood prediction in a synthetic trapezoidal, com- pound channel is made, using an emulator of the computationally demanding 2D hydrodynamic model FLOW-R2D.",1,,386,,10.31224/,,2018-08-15T10:14:04.503485,2018-08-15T19:19:39.951113 5dn49,"ELECTROPOLISHING OF ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED HIGH CARBON GRADE 316 STAINLESS STEEL","Improving surface finishing is the critical step in the application of an additively manufactured (AM) component. This paper provides insights into the electropolishing route for the surface improvement of the AM component made up of 316 stainless steel with >6% carbon. We have discussed the Taguchi design of experiment-based process optimization to understand the role of various process parameters. Profilometry and scanning electron microscopy were performed to study the electropolished and unpolished areas of the AM components. Optical profilometry provided an estimate of the amount of material to be removed to achieve shining and smooth AM surface. Optical profilometry also provided analysis of several roughness parameters on the electropolished surface. Electropolishing was effective in reducing the surface roughness below ~0.1 µm RMS. This sub µm RMS roughness makes an AM component suitable for major engineering applications. SEM showed distinctively different microstructure on the electropolished surface. We also conducted water contact angle study and spectroscopic reflectance study on electropolished and unpolished AM component surface. Our study revealed that electropolishing is a highly promising route for improving the surface finishing of AM components.",1,,446,,10.31224/,,2018-08-15T03:48:47.599984,2018-08-15T19:16:47.530000 3me2j,"Reducing the Roughness of Internal Surface of an Additive Manufacturing Produced Steel Component by Chempolishing and Electropolishing","Reducing the surface roughness of an additively manufactured (AM) component is one of the most critical factors in determining the suitability of an AM component. As produced surface roughness of an AM component is very high. This prohibits the direct utilization of AM components for the intended applications. For most of the engineering applications, surface roughness must be reduced significantly. Reducing surface roughness is exponentially more challenging for the internal surfaces of a component. This paper reports research in the area of post processing interior surfaces of an AM component. Electropolishing and chemical polishing (chempolishing) methods were applied to reduce the surface roughness of the internal surface. It was found that chempolishing was very effective in simultaneously reducing the internal and external surface roughness of steel AM components for any complicated AM shape and geometry. The electropolishing methodology employed was very effective in reducing the surface roughness of the internal or external surfaces as long as a counter electrode could be positioned in the proximity of the surface to be polished. However, electropolishing produced better performance on the outer surfaces as compared to chempolishing. This paper summarizes research efforts to tackle the critical issue of reducing the surface roughness of complex AM components.",1,,928,,10.31224/,,2018-08-13T03:55:20.106893,2018-08-13T14:41:10.245107 v2j97,"A Comprehensive Analysis of Security Issues and Cryptographic Paradigms in Wireless Ad hoc Sensor Networks","The proliferation of Ad hoc sensor networks in various application scenarios has ostensibly called for effective security mechanisms. A lot of effort has been put and research has been carried out to tackle various threats that breach the security goals of the network. Since Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) does not rely on a concrete infrastructure and often deployed in hostile and irregular environments, its security requirement also differs vastly with that of traditional networks. It, thus, becomes imperative to design cryptographic algorithms that works efficiently keeping in mind the inherent limitations and constraints on resources, computational capability. In this paper, we present a survey on various security challenges of WSN and mechanisms to tackle the same. The aim is to present an extensive literature upon which research on security in WSN can be carried out.",1,,346,,10.31224/,,2018-08-07T14:53:20.763732,2019-04-14T06:13:41.510049 jyt96,"A Note on Fourier Transform Conventions Used in Wave Analyses","Temporal and spatial Fourier transforms are natural tools in the study of propagating waves in many applications. For example, the inverse spatial Fourier transform specifies how any wave can be built by summing plane waves. However, sign conventions necessary to describe waves are at odds with sign conventions used in spatio-temporal Fourier transforms. This note describes the problem and shows several ways that authors deal with it.",1,,472,,10.31224/,,2018-07-30T09:27:07.503568,2019-07-16T09:27:56.498655 m6d2j,"Co/TiO2 nanoparticles: preparation, characterization and its application for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue","In this work, TiO2 nanoparticles containing different amounts of cobalt were synthesized by sol-gel method using titanium (IV) isopropoxide and cobalt chloride as titanium and cobalt precursors, respectively. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed prepared samples include 100% anatase phase. The presence of cobalt in TiO2 nanoparticle network was established by XRD, scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDX), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and N2 physisorption techniques. The increase of cobalt doping enhanced redshif in the diffuse reflectance spectra. The photocatalytic activity of the prepared samples was tested for degradation of methylene blue (MB) as a model of dye. Although the photocatalytic activity of pure TiO2 was found to be higher than that of Co/TiO2 samples under UV irradiation, the presence of 0.24% cobalt dopant in TiO2 nanoparticles resulted in a photocatalyst with the highest activity under visible light",1,,759,,10.31224/,10.5004/dwt.2017.20205,2018-07-30T04:47:07.885000,2018-07-30T15:08:55.745996 bhjv4,"Electrospray characteristics of aqueous KCl solutions with various electrical conductivities","In the present experimental study, the effects of electrical conductivity on electrospraying procedure are investigated. A metallic nozzle with 600 m ID as high voltage electrode and a stainless steel ring as a ground electrode were employed. Experiments were carried out in still room temperature. Four different aqueous KCl solutions were sprayed in various high voltages and flow rates. Results confirm that spraying modes changes with conductivity variation. For forming a cone shape, emerging from the nozzle, required applied electric field decreases with conductivity increasing. Results also revealed that conductivity of dispersed solution acts a main role on forming and elongation of the cones in electrospraying procedure. The size and velocity of emanated droplets are also investigated in order to gaining some insight to the electrospraying phenomenon.",1,,359,,10.31224/,,2018-07-30T03:43:42.939265,2018-07-30T14:50:21.775130 3wnbv,"Analyze engine friction in view of the new WLTC driving cycle","With increasingly strict legislation and further the introduction of a new testing procedure WLTP, the highly detailed knowledge of engine friction becomes essential to obtain further fuel economy reductions. In the following, a novel engine friction testing method is used together with a highly accurate simulation to analyze engine friction exemplary for the Renault Energy dCi 130 Diesel engine in great detail and discuss the results in view of the upcoming new testing procedure.",1,,393,,10.31224/,10.1007/s35146-017-0139-3,2018-07-25T09:32:20.410236,2018-07-25T23:28:29.227278 4rqxc,"Ultrashort-Pulsed Laser Machining of Dental Ceramic Implants","A novel approach for machining of cylindrical hard materials and arbitrary shapes is presented. Alumina-toughened zirconia dental implants with complex geometry are manufactured with femtosecond quasi-tangential laser ablation. This rapid-prototyping approach for small-scale production decreases the development-time cycle tremendously and trumps conventional approaches. Moreover, a competitive parameter study for radial and tangential ablation with single and multi-pulse is presented. A process achieving an ablation rate of 1mm3/min with a surface roughness Ra of 0.2 µm is introduced. The meta-stable tetragonal phase of the ceramic persists and is assessed via Raman spectroscopy. The small heat-affected zone is subsequently ablated with a radial laser process step. Hence, high-precision dental implants with a mean error of smaller 5 µm over the complete contour are shown.",1,,665,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2018.11.007,2018-07-20T16:37:16.887987,2019-01-06T23:58:01.582831 gkhtq,"Path Calculation of 7-axes Synchronous Quasi-Tangential Laser Manufacturing","Quasi-tangential laser processing, also called laser turning is increasingly applied for various applications. Specifically, its ability to generate complex geometries with small feature sizes at high precision and surface quality in hard, brittle and electrically non-conductive materials. Due to the geometric flexibility, the process is well suited for prototyping in hard-to-machine materials such as ceramics, carbides and super-abrasives. However, the lack of advanced software solutions for this novel process hitherto limited the exploitation of the potential. Here, we discuss a unique computer aided manufacturing approach for synchronous 7-axis laser manufacturing with quasi-tangential strategies. This gives the peerless possibility to process arbitrary geometries, which cannot be manufactured with conventional techniques. A detailed description of the path calculation with derivation and procedures is given. The generated machine code is tested on a 7-axis laser manufacturing setup. Following, a processed cylindrical ceramic specimen with a continuously varying profile along a helical path is presented. The profile is constituted by a rectangular over half-spherical to a triangular groove with defined pitch, which provides the validation of this CAM solution. Measurements of the produced specimen show high adherence with the target geometry with an average deviation below 10 µm.",1,,556,,10.31224/,10.1007/s00170-019-03540-5,2018-07-20T16:28:48.258946,2019-04-03T16:35:08.029636 gxkmw,"Asynchronous Early Output Dual-Bit Full Adder with Reduced Area","This technical note presents the design of a new area optimized asynchronous early output dual-bit full adder (DBFA). An asynchronous ripple carry adder (RCA) is constructed based on the new asynchronous DBFAs and existing asynchronous early output single-bit full adders (SBFAs). The asynchronous DBFAs and SBFAs incorporate redundant logic and are encoded using the delay-insensitive dual-rail code (i.e. homogeneous data encoding) and follow a 4-phase return-to-zero handshaking. Compared to the previous asynchronous RCAs involving DBFAs and SBFAs, which are based on homogeneous or heterogeneous delay-insensitive data encodings and which correspond to different timing models, the early output asynchronous RCA incorporating the proposed DBFAs and/or SBFAs is found to result in reduced area for the dual-operand addition operation and feature significantly less latency than the asynchronous RCAs which consist of only SBFAs. The proposed asynchronous DBFA requires 28.6% less silicon than the previously reported asynchronous DBFA. For a 32-bit asynchronous RCA, utilizing 2 stages of SBFAs in the least significant positions and 15 stages of DBFAs in the more significant positions leads to optimization in the latency. The new early output 32-bit asynchronous RCA containing DBFAs and SBFAs reports the following optimizations in design metrics over its counterparts: i) 18.8% reduction in area than a previously reported 32-bit early output asynchronous RCA which also has 15 stages of DBFAs and 2 stages of SBFAs, ii) 29.4% reduction in latency than a 32-bit early output asynchronous RCA containing only SBFAs.",1,,291,,10.31224/,,2018-07-20T04:29:31.440151,2018-08-08T05:36:02.895954 js6pr,"TAXONOMY OF THE INDUSTRY 4.0: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A NEW CONTEXT","Understanding Industry 4.0 is to assimilate the elements that comprise it and to understand the processes necessary to implement it. The objective of this study was to perform a taxonomy regarding the theme industry 4.0, presenting the main contributions, obstacles and perspective regarding the theme. To reach this goal, this study began with a systematic review through the Theory of the Consolidated Meta-Analytic Approach, presenting the main scientific contributions and key factors of success. In the second part, an interview was conducted, with six researchers in the field of industry 4.0, to discuss the results of the scientific literature. There were nine key factors to the success of industry 4.0 (Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IOT), Additive Manufacturing, Digital Manufacture (Simulation), Smart Factory, Big Data and Analytics, Cloud Computing, Digital Security and Advanced Robotics) and the major obstacles to implementing these factors. In addition, the opinions of the specialists were evaluated and categorized them by descending hierarchical classification and confirmatory factorial analysis, offering a practical model of implementation.",1,,624,,10.31224/,,2018-07-20T01:45:08.549393,2018-07-20T13:49:46.054876 8d9w5,"High-throughput preprocessing pipeline for resting-state fMRI","Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) examines functional connectivity between brain regions by measuring spontaneous fluctuation of blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) signal while subjects are at rest. Recent studies have revealed that neurodegenerative diseases are associated with abnormalities in resting-state functional connectivity. This thesis work aimed to develop a high-throughput preprocessing pipeline for minimizing spatial and temporal artifacts in resting-state fMRI data. The building blocks and cluster computing capabilities of the pipeline are discussed in detail. In an effort to validate this pipeline, a seed-based analysis was performed on preprocessed data using 3 seeds placed in the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), supplementary motor area (SMA) and inferior parietal sulcus (IPS). These 3 seeds represent the core components of the default mode network (DMN) and task-positive network (TPN), two of the most commonly examined resting-state networks. Consistent with literature, results indicate that activity in the PCC is functionally correlated to regions of the DMN and anti-correlated to regions of the TPN, whereas activities in the SMA and IPS are functionally correlated to regions of the TPN and anti-correlated to regions of the DMN. These functional connectivity patterns were consistent across scans on both group-level and subject-level. This preprocessing pipeline will support researchers and clinical collaborators of Medical Image Analysis Lab (MIAL) in their analysis of resting-state functional connectivity.",1,,627,,10.31224/,,2018-07-19T16:45:14.724992,2018-07-19T19:13:58.639251 s43gr,"Compatibility of wind and solar energy with electricity demand in Argentina","One of the greatest obstacles in the exploitation of wind and solar resources is the uncertainty in their availability, usually known as intermittency effects. These effects can be greatly diminished by combining wind and solar resources from different locations. In this article we study the temporal variability of solar irradiance and wind speeds in Argentina, focusing on current projects and those included in GENREN and RENOVAR tenders. We also converted two year wind speeds and irradiance time series into power production, analyzing its compatibility with demand. Finally we numerically search the best distribution of additional capacity that minimizes a basic measure of the intermittency effect.",1,,475,,10.31224/,10.3389/fenrg.2020.00016,2018-07-18T16:26:21.033454,2020-02-15T07:29:39.920280 cdvy9,"Analytical Cost Modeling for Co-Located Wind-Wave Energy Arrays","Offshore wind and wave energy are co-located resources, and both the offshore wind and wave energy industries are driven to reduce costs while maintaining or increasing power production within developments. Due to the maturity of offshore wind technology and continued growth of both offshore floating wind and wave energy converter (WEC) technology, there is new opportunity within the offshore renewable energy sector to combine wind and wave technologies in the same leased ocean space through co-located array development. Combining wind and wave energy technologies through co-location is projected to have synergistic effects that reduce direct and indirect costs for developments. While several of these effects have been quantified, many have not been related to cost, and there is currently no cost model that incorporates all of these effects. Further, in areas where fixed-bottom offshore wind structures are infeasible, floating offshore wind platforms could provide access to plentiful resource further offshore. In this paper, we develop a cost model that represents co-located array developments, particularly for floating offshore wind and wave energy converter technology, and identify research gaps and uncertainties to be minimized in future work.",1,,417,,10.31224/,,2018-07-17T22:22:39.942964,2018-07-18T15:22:42.423954 w9fcm,"A Hybrid Fuzzy System Based Cooperative Scalable and Secured Localization Scheme For Wireless Sensor Networks","Localization entails position estimation of sensor nodes by employing different techniques and mathematical computations. Localizable sensors also form an inherent part in the functioning of IoT devices and robotics. In this article, the author extends1 a novel scheme for node localization implemented using a hybrid fuzzy logic system to trace the node locations inside the deployment region, presented by the Abhishek Kumar et. al. The results obtained were then optimized using Gauss Newton Optimization to improve the localization accuracy by 50% to 90% vis-à-vis weighted centroid and other fuzzy based localization algorithms. This article attempts to scale the proposed scheme for large number of sensor nodes to emulate somewhat real world scenario by introducing cooperative localization in previous presented work. The study also analyses the effectiveness of such scaling by comparing the localization accuracy. In next section, the article incorporates security in the proposed cooperative localization approach to detect malicious nodes/anchors by mutual authentication using El Gamel digital Signature scheme. A detailed study of the impact of incorporating security and scaling on average processing time and localization coverage has also been performed. The processing time increased by a factor of 2.5s for 500 nodes (can be attributed to more number of iterations and computations and large deployment area with small radio range of nodes) and coverage remained almost equal, albeit slightly low by a factor of 1% to 2%. Apart from these, the article also discusses the impact of adding extra functionalities in the proposed hybrid fuzzy system based localization scheme on processing time and localization accuracy. Lastly, this study also briefs about how the proposed scalable, cooperative and secure localization scheme tackles the type of attacks that pose threat to localization.",1,,389,,10.31224/,10.5121/ijwmn.2018.10305,2018-07-17T03:37:15.653808,2019-04-01T15:54:15.163032 puw4q,"LEVELIZED COST OF ENERGY (LCOE) ANALYSIS OF HEXCRETE WIND TOWERS","Wind power generation has witnessed a dramatic growth in the 21st century. The Department of Energy (DOE) had a vision for wind energy that it would change into an extensively greater part of overall power generation in the U.S. by 2050. As specified by the DOE, wind power generation has grown by trifold from 2008 to 2013. This study presents a constructible, financially feasible alternative wind tower design to the 80 m steel tower platform which has the potential to decrease the overall Levelized cost of energy (LCOE). A hexagonal concrete wind tower solution is evaluated to facilitate the fabrication of a taller wind turbine generator to harvest more powerful, stable, and frequent wind resources for elevating wind energy production to cut down the overall LCOE. Subject matter experts from the industry were benefitted from to develop a process and estimate the cost and schedule of development and assembly of this process. To mitigate uncertainties and quantify risks, a sensitivity analysis was carried out on cost and schedule estimates. Also, estimating LCOE of wind towers is a primary requirement for efficient assimilation of wind power generation in the electricity market. In the state of Iowa, wind power is rapidly becoming a significant electricity generator. Unpredictable outputs and different options for deploying wind towers are one of the major problems of power system operators. Good estimation tools are important and will be needed to integrate wind energy into the economic power plant. The other objective of this research is to propose a GIS-based map to visualize LCOE of different wind tower construction options in various locations. Therefore, wind speed GIS mapping by using weather information will be crucial. Calculation of energy output by applying wind gradient formula to wind speeds energy are performed. The research concludes of Hexcrete towers can be achieved by use of the 120m and 140 m Hexcrete tower platform on certain wind sites in the United States.",1,,366,,10.31224/,10.13140/RG.2.2.36643.35367/1,2018-07-16T17:01:40.919704,2018-07-16T17:40:34.896867 2dx5e,"Embedded finite elements for modeling axonal injury","The purpose of this paper is to propose and develop a large strain embedded finite element formulation that can be used to explicitly model axonal fiber bundle tractography from diffusion tensor imaging of the brain. Once incorporated, the fibers offer the capability to monitor tract-level strains that give insight into the biomechanics of brain injury. We show that one commercial software has a volume and mass redundancy issue when including embedded axonal fiber and that a newly developed algorithm is able to correct this discrepancy. We provide a validation analysis for stress and energy to demonstrate the method.",1,,573,,10.31224/,,2018-07-14T01:37:13.826689,2018-07-14T02:02:30.959887 784mz,"Effect of marble powder concentration on Mechanical Properties of unsaturated polyster resin for the development of rock climbing holds","The introduction of climbing holds has given rise to indoor climbing facilities. Climbing holds arranged in the form of a route are used to simulate an artificial environment for rock climbing, often similar to that found in nature. This paper highlights the significance of material composition for the application of rock climbing hold manufacture. A particle reinforced composite material, comprising of an unsaturated polyester resin, reinforced with marble powder was developed and the effect on mechanical properties was studied with varying powder concentration , beginning from 0% reinforcement to 30%, 40%, 50% and subsequently 60 % reinforcement . Test specimens were made according to ASTM standards and were tested for tensile, izod impact strength and Rockwell hardness. Trends were established based on the results obtained. Furthermore, hardness values were also compared with commercially available climbing holds.",1,,383,,10.31224/,,2018-07-12T06:46:53.416902,2018-07-24T16:10:42.373641 8kne7,"Predicting Part Mass, Required Support Material, and Build Time via Autoencoded Voxel Patterns","Additive Manufacturing (AM) allows designers to create intricate geometries that were once too complex or expensive to achieve through traditional manufacturing processes. Currently, Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) is restricted to experts in the field, and novices may overlook potentially transformational design potential enabled by AM. This project aims to make DfAM accessible to a broader audience through deep learning, enabling designers of all skill levels to leverage unique AM geometries when creating new designs. To demonstrate such an approach, a database of files was acquired from industry-sponsored AM challenges focused on lightweight design. These files were converted to a voxelized format, which provides more robust information for machine learning applications. Next, an autoencoder was constructed to a low-dimensional representation of the part designs. Finally, that autoencoder was used to construct a deep neural network capable of predicting various DfAM attributes. This work demonstrates a novel foray towards a more extensive DfAM support system that supports designers at all experience levels.",1,,584,,10.31224/,,2018-07-03T07:14:34.570000,2018-07-03T19:05:39.389647 etgc8,"Optimal Design of Laboratory and Pilot-plant Experiments using Multiobjective Optimization","Performing an experimental design prior to the collection of data is in most circumstances important to ensure efficiency. The focus of this work is the combination of model‐based and statistical approaches to optimal design of experiments. The knowledge encoded in the model is used to identify the most interesting range for the experiments via a Pareto optimization of the most important conflicting objectives. Analysis of the trade‐offs found is in itself useful to design an experimental plan. This can be complemented using a factorial design in the most interesting part of the Pareto frontier.",1,,358,,10.31224/,10.1002/cite.201600104/full,2018-06-28T07:17:13.739984,2018-07-02T11:57:50.954090 kyv89,"Relay Channel with Non-causal State Information at the Source and Relay","A state-dependent discrete memoryless relay channel is considered, with non-causal side information available at both the sender and the relay. The capacity of this relay model is an open problem. We improve upon the known achievable regions for this setting, in addition to proving an outer bound. The key idea in the proof of achievable region is to employ a modified decode-forward scheme. The characterization is then extended to a relay broadcast setting, where an improved inner bound over existing schemes and an outer bound are exhibited.",1,,331,,10.31224/,,2018-06-26T16:42:00.364516,2018-07-02T11:57:48.192277 acvsy,"SISTEMAS REMOTOS CENTRALIZADOS: UNA SOLUCIÓN EFECTIVA PARA EL MANTENIMIENTO AERONÁUTICO","This paper describes the implementation of a remote centralized access system at Jose Maria Cordoba Airport and the maintenance personnel (ATSEP) work terminal for efficient data collection from the navigation systems (Radio aids) of the Antioquia’s branch of the Colombian Civil Aviation Authority. To implement this system several radio links were installed to transport the data to the main tower of each airport and then the information was integrated into the Aerocivil’s network through a Port Server and a Switch that are part of the implemented system.",1,,406,,10.31224/,,2018-06-26T15:47:24.806850,2018-07-02T11:57:47.814086 86ptk,"METODOLOGIA PARA ESTIMAR EL POTENCIAL ENERGETICO EN LAS ESTACIONES AERONAUTICAS DE LA AERONAUTICA CIVIL DE COLOMBIA","The following document contains the methodology for estimating the solar energy potential in each of the location zones of the aeronautical stations in Colombia; for Communications, Navigation and Surveillance services. It includes information on the infrastructure of the country's aeronautical stations and their different sources of support. Resumen El siguiente documento contiene la metodológia para la estimación del potencial energético solar en cada una de las zonas de ubicación de las estaciones aeronáuticas en Colombia; para los servicios de Comunicaciones, Navegación y Vigilancia. Contempla información de la infraestructura de las estaciones aeronáuticas del país y sus diferentes fuentes de respaldo.",1,,344,,10.31224/,,2018-06-26T00:24:25.613871,2018-07-02T11:57:46.575076 bmu8z,"The effects of turbulent flow on wind turbine performance evaluation","Most of the world's wind turbines operate under various turbulent wind conditions. Turbulent wind is a big source of uncertainty, and could cause, if unaddressed, significant variation from a turbine's calculated efficiency and even its destruction. Turbulent flow in wind turbines has a profound effect on various aspects including structural load, estimation of a site's energy potential, calculated efficiency, and many more. However, even though significant advances have been made in the field of anemometry the subjects of estimating a wind turbine's site energy potential and analyzing a turbine's efficiency has not been updated. In this work high frequency wind measurements that included wind speed using two different anemometers, wind direction and others were gathered and analyzed. The energy potential and efficiency of the turbine was calculated using this data and compared to the figures that would have been received by using the methods described in the IEC 61400-12-2 Standard. Results show that by using a higher frequency measuring system both a site's energy potential and turbine's efficiency can vary substantially in comparison with the methods described in the International Standard. This research can affect the way a future wind turbine's site energy potential is measured, it can cause existing wind turbine to reevaluate their productivity performance, and on top of all it can cause the examination of the validity of the International Standards regarding wind turbine performance: IEC 61400-12-1 and IEC 61400-12-2.",1,,273,,10.31224/,,2018-06-24T19:41:47.181580,2018-07-02T11:57:44.058031 fnwjy,"Deep Learning of Vortex Induced Vibrations","Vortex induced vibrations of bluff bodies occur when the vortex shedding frequency is close to the natural frequency of the structure. Of interest is the prediction of the lift and drag forces on the structure given some limited and scattered information on the velocity field. This is an inverse problem that is not straightforward to solve using standard computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods, especially since no information is provided for the pressure. An even greater challenge is to infer the lift and drag forces given some dye or smoke visualizations of the flow field. Here we employ deep neural networks that are extended to encode the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the structure's dynamic motion equation. In the first case, given scattered data in space-time on the the velocity field and the structure's motion, we use four coupled deep neural networks to infer very accurately the structural parameters, the entire time-dependent pressure field (with no prior training data), and reconstruct the velocity vector field and the structure's dynamic motion. In the second case, given scattered data in space-time on a concentration field only, we use five coupled deep neural networks to infer very accurately the vector velocity field and all other quantities of interest as before. This new paradigm of inference in fluid mechanics for coupled multi-physics problems is part of our ongoing development of physics-informed learning machines, where the traditional CFD methodology is abandoned in favor of deep neural networks inference, circumventing the tyranny of elaborate mesh generation.",1,,1141,,10.31224/,,2018-06-24T05:19:19.619436,2018-07-02T11:57:43.836232 2845a,"Development and validation of a meshless 3D material point method for simulating the micro-milling process","A meshless Generalized Interpolation Material Point Method for simulating the micro-milling process was developed. This method has several advantages over well-established approaches (such as finite elements) when it comes to large plastic strains and deformations, since it inherently does not suffer from tensile instability problems. The feasibility of the developed material point model for simulating micro-milling is verified against finite element simulations and experimental data. The model is able to successfully predict experimentally measured cutting forces and determine chip temperatures in agreement with conventional finite element simulations. After having verified the approach, the model was applied to perform extensive numerical 3D simulations of the micro-milling process. The goal is to evaluate the response of the micro-milling cutting forces as function of the hardening behavior of the micro-milled material. The meshless 3D simulations reveal a dependency of tool force slopes (with respect to the uncut chip thickness) on the hard-ening parameters. Based on these findings, a new approach is outlined to determine hardening parameters directly from two micro-milling experiments with distinct, sufficiently large uncut chip thicknesses.",1,,443,,10.31224/,,2018-06-21T15:09:48.634882,2018-07-02T11:56:47.780071 9gkxe,"Design Practica as Authentic Assessments in First-year Engineering Design Courses","This paper describes the design and evaluation of a novel assessment for first-year engineering design courses that is rooted in an authentic design challenge. This approach modifies the traditional written-exam approach typically found in engineering courses, which is inherently inauthentic and cannot easily capture the exploratory nature of engineering design. Our assessment improves alignment with common learning objectives found in first-year engineering design courses and additionally prepares students for the type of case study interviews that are increasingly common for entry-level engineering jobs. To evaluate our assessment, 50 first-year students completed the engineering design self-efficacy instrument once before beginning the assessment and a second time approximately 48 hours later upon completion of a reflection assignment. In addition, students retrospectively reported their perceived change in self-efficacy during the assessment. Analysis shows that students perceived a large retrospective increase in skill level, despite only a small increase in directly measured self-efficacy. These results are analyzed in light of the Dunning-Kruger effect and we posit that the assessment helps to align students’ self-efficacy with their actual skill level. Increased alignment of self-efficacy with skill level may minimize student frustration when encountering challenging tasks in the future, potentially increasing retention of engineering students as well as facilitating the development of lifelong learning attitudes.",1,,352,,10.31224/,,2018-06-15T16:38:12.958917,2018-07-02T11:56:43.086049 8b73v,"""Thus, I had to go with what I had"": A Multiple Methods Exploration of Novice Designers' Articulation of Prototyping Decisions","Effectively communicating designs to stakeholders or end users is a critical step in the design process yet can be a difficult challenge for engineers. Prototypes are unique tools that can enhance communication between these two groups, as prototypes are physical manifestations of the designer’s mental model. Previous work has demonstrated that novice designers often struggle to use prototypes as communication tools. We argue that it is critical that engineering students learn to fully leverage prototypes, and thus the current work sought to understand the relationship between argumentation, prototyping, and design decisions. In order to understand the communication patterns of novice designers during a prototyping task, a controlled study was conducted with a total of 46 undergraduate engineering students. The analysis of quantitative and qualitative data point to the intricate linkages between how students make material decisions and how they justify those decisions.",1,,388,,10.31224/,10.1115/DETC2018-85800,2018-06-14T12:08:45.331137,2018-07-02T11:56:42.103188 e8awk,"Energy and Water Consumption Characterization of Portuguese Indoor Swimming Pools","Indoor swimming pools have high water and energy (electricity and natural gas) consumption levels due to the need to provide suitable thermal comfort conditions (temperature and relative humidity) to its occupants and to counterbalance losses (evaporation, ventilation, etc.). In Portugal, most of the swimming pool facilities belong to the municipalities and their operation represent a considerable financial burden. This work intent to characterize and benchmark the energy (electrical and thermal) and water consumption of five sport complexes with indoor swimming pools, located in two cities of the Centre of Portugal. The four most commonly performance indicators used in the literature were calculated and analyzed according to the operating time and services. Some measures are suggested to enhance the energy efficiency as well as to reduce the consumptions.",1,,663,,10.31224/,,2018-06-14T12:05:10.272564,2018-07-02T11:56:41.829400 ucn3y,"Autonomy: Science and Systems, TEAM-B, Final Project Report","The interest and need for autonomy in vehicles in growing. A larger number of automobile manufacturers are looking for people with a different set of skills than was traditionally expected from an Automotive engineer. Through the course of this project, we gained a basic introduction into what it takes to make an autonomous car and successfully built an autonomous mobile robot of our own.",1,,914,,10.31224/,,2018-06-10T20:37:22.731155,2018-07-02T11:55:47.395755 cp8zk,"Autonomy Science and Systems Project Report","With the increase in automation and the advancement of robotic technologies, comes an increasing push to incorporate automation into the development of self-driving vehicles. Many companies have developed initiatives devoting resources to increasing the application of automation sciences to automotive technologies. The Autonomy Sciences and Systems course was offered on the Spring of 2017. This course engaged students into a survey of state-of-the art robotics algorithms found in research while introducing tools used to develop these technologies. The robotic operating system (ROS) was the main programming environment used to perform many of the course activities as well as the final project. This is a report documenting Team A's implementation of the final project with associated instructions and tutorials.",1,,284,,10.31224/,,2018-06-10T20:25:44.215091,2018-07-02T11:55:47.362983 68bvh,F1_Tenth_Course_Report_Group_C,"In this paper, we discuss several of major robot/vehicle platforms available and demonstrate the implementation of autonomous techniques on one such platform, the F1/10. Robot Operating System was chosen for its existing collection of software tools, libraries, and simulation environment. We build on the available information for the F1/10 vehicle and illustrate key tools that will help achieve properly functioning hardware. We provide methods to build algorithms and give examples of deploying these algorithms to complete autonomous driving tasks and build 2D maps using SLAM. Finally, we discuss the results of our findings and how they can be improved.",1,,470,,10.31224/,,2018-06-10T03:48:12.121144,2018-07-02T11:55:46.899766 q75n6,"Data on the Configuration Design of Internet-Connected Home Cooling Systems by Engineering Students","This experiment was carried out to record the step-by-step actions that humans take in solving a configuration design problem, either in small teams or individually. Specifically, study participants were tasked with configuring an internet-connected system of products to maintain temperature within a home, subject to cost constraints. Every participant was given access to a computer-based design interface that allowed them to construct and assess solutions. The interface was also used to record the data that is presented here. In total, data was collected for 68 participants, and each participant was allowed to perform 50 design actions in solving the configuration design problem. Major results based on the data presented here have been reported separately, including initial behavioral analysis and design pattern assessments via Markovian modeling.",1,,315,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.dib.2017.08.050,2018-06-07T14:51:30.871216,2018-07-02T11:54:49.565701 847je,"A Two-Tiered Grammatical Approach for Agent-based Computational Design","Early stages of the engineering design process are vital to shaping the final design; each subsequent step builds from the initial concept. Innovation-driven engineering problems require designers to focus heavily on early-stage design generation, with constant application and evaluation of design changes. Strategies to reduce the amount of time and effort designers spend in this phase could improve the efficiency of the design process as a whole. This paper seeks to create and demonstrate a two-tiered design grammar that encodes heuristic strategies to aid in the generation of early solution concepts. Specifically, this two-tiered grammar mimics the combination of heuristic-based strategic actions and parametric modifications employed by human designers. Rules in the higher-tier are abstract and potentially applicable to multiple design problems across a number of fields. These abstract rules are translated into a series of lower-tier rule applications in a spatial design grammar, which are inherently domain-specific. This grammar is implemented within the HSAT agent-based algorithm. Agents iteratively select actions from either the higher-tier or lower-tier. This algorithm is applied to the design of wave energy converters, devices which use the motion of ocean waves to generate electrical power. Comparisons are made between designs generated using only lower-tier rules and those generated using only higher-tier rules.",1,,379,,10.31224/,10.1115/DETC2018-85648,2018-06-06T21:05:39.523449,2018-07-02T11:54:48.303501 jbw7y,"Design Strategy Transfer in Cognitively-Inspired Agents","Planning and strategizing are essential parts of the design process and are based on the designer’s skill. Further, planning is an abstract skill that can be transferred between similar problems. However, planning and strategy transfer within design have not been effectively modeled within computational agents. This paper presents an approach to represent this strategizing behavior using a probabilistic model. This model is employed to select the operations that computational agents should perform while solving configuration design tasks. This work also demonstrates that this probabilistic model can be used to transfer strategies from human data to computational agents ina way that is general and useful. This study shows a successful • transfer of design strategy from human-to-computer agents, opening up the possibility of deriving high-performing behavior from designers and using it to guide computational design agents. Finally, a quintessential behavior of transfer learning is illustrated by agents while transferring design strategies across different problems, improving agent performance significantly. The work presented in this study leverages a computational framework built by embedding cognitive characteristics into agents, which has shown to mimic human problem-solving in configuration design problems.",1,,373,,10.31224/,10.1115/DETC2018-85599,2018-06-06T20:04:38.461789,2018-07-02T11:54:48.070784 28sng,"Quantification of Alveolar Recruitment for the Optimization of Mechanical Ventilation Using Quasi-Static Pressure Volume Curve","Quasi-static, pulmonary pressure-volume (P-V) curves over an inflation-deflation cycle are analyzed using a respiratory system model (RSM), which had been developed for quantitative characterization of the mechanical behavior of the total respiratory system. Optimum mechanical ventilation setting of Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) for total alveolar recruitment is quantified based on the existing P-V curves of healthy and injured animal models. Our analytical predictions may contribute to the optimization of mechanical ventilation settings for the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) patients.",1,,301,,10.31224/,,2018-06-05T02:53:04.613352,2018-07-02T11:54:44.541445 2qey3,"Ampli: A Construction Set for Paperfluidic Systems","The design and fabrication of reconfigurable, modular paperfluidics driven by a prefabricated reusable block library, asynchronous modular paperfluidic linear instrument-free (Ampli) block, are reported. The blocks are inspired by the plug-and-play modularity of electronic breadboards that lower prototyping barriers in circuit design. The resulting biochemical breadboard is a paperfluidic construction set that can be functionalized with chemical, biological, and electrical elements. Ampli blocks can form standard paperfluidic devices without any external instrumentation. Furthermore, their modular nature enhances fluidics in ways that fixed devices cannot. The blocks' ability to start, stop, modify, and reverse reaction flows, reagents, and rates in real time is demonstrated. These enhancements allow users to increase colorimetric signals, fine tune reaction times, and counter check multiplexed diagnostics for false positives or negatives. The modular construction demonstrates that field-ready, distributed fabrication of paper analytical systems can be standardized without requiring the “black box” of craft and technique inherent in paper-based systems. Ampli assembly and point-of-care redesign extends the usability of paper analytical systems and invites user-driven prototyping beyond the lab setting demonstrating “Design for Hack” in diagnostics.",1,,520,,10.31224/,10.1002/adhm.201800104,2018-05-29T17:48:56.080158,2018-07-02T11:53:42.109206 g4qz5,"Estimating the global warming emissions of the LCAXVII conference: connecting flights matter.","Conferences are an important element of scientific activity but also one of the major causes of environmental burden. In this conference report, we analyse the carbon footprint of the annual conference of the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment, as well as some of the potential ways to reduce it. The average emissions per participant are estimated to be 952 kg CO2eq, but with a large variability due to differences in travelled distance. Results indicate that studies should use distance-dependent flight emissions to increase the accuracy of the assessment. Connection flights are found to increase emissions up to 32 % compared with direct flights, due to the increased number of take-offs and landings. A method to calculate the ideal location is proposed, which can be used to identify unreasonably distant conference locations. Some of the measures taken to reduce the impact, such as meat-free menus, had a relatively minor contribution to emissions reductions, but could be important, as scientist advocating for the reduction of environmental burden should lead by example.",1,,427,,10.31224/,10.1007/s11367-018-1479-z,2018-05-28T22:23:07.304682,2018-07-02T13:33:17.474240 zqcf3,"Studying Human Design Teams through Computational Teams of Simulated Annealing Agents","Novel design methodologies are often evaluated through empirical studies involving human designers. However, such empirical studies can incur a high personnel cost. Further, it can be difficult to isolate the effects of specific team or individual characteristics. These limitations could be bypassed by employing a computational model of design teams. This work introduces the Cognitively-Inspired Simulated Annealing Teams (CISAT) modeling framework, an agent-based platform that provides a means for efficiently simulating human design teams. A number of empirically demonstrated cognitive phenomena are modeled within the platform, striking a balance between model simplicity and direct applicability to engineering design problems. This paper discusses the composition of the CISAT modeling framework and demonstrates how it can be used to simulate the performance of human design teams in a cognitive study. Results simulated with CISAT are compared directly to the results derived from human designers. Finally, the CISAT model is also used to investigate the characteristics that were most and least helpful to teams during the cognitive study.",1,,343,,10.31224/,10.1115/DETC2015-46545,2018-05-24T08:30:52.144608,2018-07-02T13:33:10.783045 wqut5,"Quantitative Comparison of High- and Low-Performing Teams in a Design Task Subject to Drastic Changes","Many design tasks are subject to changes in goals or constraints. For instance, a client might modify specifications after design has commenced, or a competitor may introduce a new technology or feature. A design team often cannot anticipate such changes, yet they pose a considerable challenge. This paper presents a study where engineering teams sought to solve a design task that was subject to two large, unexpected changes in problem formulation that occurred during problem solving. Continuous design data was collected to observe how the designers responded to the changes. We show that high- and low-performing teams demonstrated very different approaches to solving the problem and overcoming the changes. In particular, high-performing teams achieved simple designs and extensively explored small portions of the design space; low-performing teams explored complex designs with little exploration around a target area of the design space. These strategic differences are interpreted with respect to cognitive load theory and goal theory. The results raise questions as to the relationship between characteristics of design problems and solution strategies. In addition, an attempt at increasing the teams’ resilience in the face of unexpected changes is introduced by encouraging early divergent search.",1,,331,,10.31224/,10.1115/DETC2014-34653,2018-05-24T08:27:56.879557,2018-07-02T13:33:10.743939 ap3wq,"Improving Irrigation in Remote Areas: Multi-objective Optimization of a Treadle Pump","Water-lifting technologies in rural areas of the developing world have enormous potential to stimulate agricultural and economic growth. The treadle pump, a human-powered low-cost pump designed for irrigation in developing countries, can help farmers maximize financial return on small plots of land by ending their dependency on rain-fed irrigation systems. The treadle pump uses a suction piston to draw groundwater to the surface by way of a foot-powered treadle attached to each suction piston. Current treadle pump designs lift water from depths up to 7 meters at a flow-rate of 1–5 liters per second. This work seeks to optimize the design of the Dekhi style treadle pump, which has gained significant popularity due to its simplicity. A mathematical model of the working fluid and treadle pump structure has been developed in this study. Deterministic optimization methods are then employed to maximize the flow rate of the groundwater pumped, maximize the lift height, and minimize the volume of material used for manufacturing. Design variables for the optimization included the dimensions of the pump, well depth, and speed of various parts of the system. The solutions are subject to constraints on the geometry of the system, the bending stress in the treadles, and ergonomic factors. Findings indicate that significant technical improvements can be made on the standard Dekhi design, such as increasing the size of the pump cylinders and hose, while maintaining a standard total treadle length. These improvements could allow the Dekhi pump to be implemented in new regions and benefit additional rural farmers in the developing world.",1,,320,,10.31224/,10.1115/DETC2014-35463,2018-05-24T08:25:01.663746,2018-07-02T13:33:10.640014 9nh7q,"Research and Practice Group Methodology: A Case Study in Student Success","Experiential learning is a key component in engineering education. In civil engineering, this component is typically delivered through multiple projects. These projects may include term projects for individual courses, senior design projects, theses, or independent studies. The focus of these experiences may gradually shift from practice-oriented projects in undergraduate studies to research-oriented projects in graduate studies. Thus, learning objectives should always address both areas with a strong emphasis on common fields, such as applied research. Experiential learning has the capacity to include various program-level outcomes, such as technical knowledge, communication and teamwork. Development of a research and practice group facilitates these outcomes by creating an environment to share the learning experience. Such a group should replicate the working environment of civil engineers by incorporating multidisciplinary projects and diverse individuals, including cross-generational members. As a case study, this work examines a Research and Practice Group at California State University Fresno. This group consists of junior and senior undergraduates, graduate students, and former members who are participating as alumni. The major focus of research within the group is resilient and sustainable structural mechanics and design. This paper outlines the methodology that has been employed to ensure academic and professional success for members of the group. This methodology incorporates a recruitment process, meetings, consultation, mentorship, networking, and support. The level of student success achieved by the group is presented in terms of the achievements of the group’s members. This includes a discussion of completed projects, research funding, and group presentations. To further demonstrate the efficacy of the methodology, students in the research group are compared to the general body of engineering students at CSU Fresno though the results of a survey. This survey is analyzed using traditional methods, as well as Latent Semantic Analysis. Our results indicate that group members are better at embodying and communicating outcomes than the rest of the student body, and that the research and practice group provides an experience that allows students to internalize and take responsibility for their own goals.",1,,254,,10.31224/,,2018-05-24T08:18:43.200530,2018-07-02T13:33:10.600744 5yfsx,"Evaluating Wire Configurations for Tension Band Constructs using a Canine Greater Trochanteric Osteotomy Model","Objective: To investigate the stability of four tension band wiring configurations alone without the contributions of K-wire stabilization. Study design: ex vivo experimental Sample population: Sixty-four tension band wiring constructs Methods: Four tension band configurations were applied to a metal trochanteric osteotomy model based on a canine femur: figure-of-eight with one twist (OT), figure-of-eight with two twists (TT), dual interlocking single loop (DISL), and double loop (DL). Configurations were mechanically tested under both monotonic loading (n = 8 per configuration) and incremental cyclic loading (n = 8 per configuration). Initial tension after tying, residual tension remaining after each cycle, and failure load at 2 mm of displacement (considered equivalent to clinical failure) were recorded. Results: The initial tension and the load to 2 mm of displacement was lower for OT wires compared to TT wires. The DL was the strongest and most stable configuration, generating greater initial tension, maintaining a greater percentage of residual tension under incremental cyclic loads, and resisting higher load before failure at 2 mm. Failure load was highly correlated with initial tension. Conclusion: This model enabled evaluation of tension band wire configuration independent of the fixation pin portion of the construct. Wire configurations that can be tightened to a greater tension during tying, like the DL, are better able to resist the tensile loads experienced by the construct. Clinical impact: In clinical situations where high tensile loads are expected, a tighter, more secure tension band wire configuration may be warranted.",1,,521,,10.31224/,,2018-05-21T20:48:08.188078,2019-08-09T17:31:15.738767 w8vng,"Exploring Natural Strategies for Bio-Inspired Fault Adaptive Systems Design","Fault adaptive design seeks to find the principles and properties that enable robustness, reliability and resilience to implement those features into engineering products. In nature, this characteristic of adaptability is the fundamental trait that enables survival. Utilizing adaption strategy is a new area of research exploration for bio-inspired design. In this paper we introduce a tool for bio-inspired design for fault adaption. Further we discuss insights from using this tool in a undergraduate design experiment. The goal of the tool is to assist designers to develop fault adaptive behaviors in engineering systems using nature as inspiration. This tool is organized as a binary tree where branches that represent the specific details of how an organism achieves an adaptive behavior or characteristic. Results from an initial study indicate, for the specific challenge of designing fault adaption into a system, a strategy based method can provide designers with innovative analogies and help provide the details needed to bridge the gap between analogy and engineering implementation.",1,,461,,10.31224/,,2018-05-21T20:10:36.243372,2018-07-02T11:53:25.827498 cft72,"A stabilising control strategy for Cyber-Physical Power Systems","The cyber-physical nature of electric power systems has increased immensely over the last decades, with advanced communication infrastructure paving the way. It is now possible to design wide-area controllers, relying on remote monitor and control of devices, that can tackle power system stability problems more effectively than local controllers. However, their performance and security relies extensively on the communication infrastructure and can make power systems vulnerable to disturbances emerging on the cyber side of the system. In this paper, we investigate the effect of communication delays on the performance and security of wide-area damping controllers (WADC) designed to stabilise oscillatory modes in a Cyber-Physical Power System (CPPS). We propose a rule-based control strategy that combines wide-area and traditional local stabilising controllers to increase the performance and maintain the security of CPPS. The proposed strategy is validated on a reduced CPPS equivalent model of Great-Britain (GB).",1,,527,,10.31224/,10.1049/iet-cps.2018.5020,2018-05-20T20:13:43.491891,2019-02-18T14:32:11.358021 jg4kq,"Opportunities to Improve Academic Research Through Open Research Practices","An abstract submitted to accompany a presentation at the 2018 Polytechnic Summit, June 4--6, in Lima, Peru.",1,,334,,10.31224/,,2018-05-20T19:46:25.637904,2018-07-02T11:53:23.611259 ch3vm,"Geostatistical modelling of pore pressure data: An application to Smart Markers (ENSM) in Open-Pit Mining","scription Edit For the mining industry, it is essential to know the distribution of the pore pressures exerted by the groundwater in the walls of the pit, which depends on the hydrogeological characteristics of the rock and the excavations. An inadequate management of pore pressures in open-pit mining can obstruct access to operating areas, increase the use of explosives and increase their failure, generate acid drainage and geotechnical instability in the pit itself. However, in mining practice pore pressure measurements are scarce. In order to overcome this limitation, intelligent markers (Enhanced Networked Smart Markers-ENSM) have been developed, which have pore pressure and deformation sensors coupled to pit drillings in depths of up to 200m. This network of intelligent sensors (ENSM) could provide a wealth of data never before recorded in open-pit mining operations, which allows knowing more accurately the hydrogeological conditions and anticipate the dynamics of pit deformation. In the present contribution, we propose a strategy to model the spatial continuity of the regionalized data set that will capture the intelligent markers, through a variographic analysis, to then predict the pore pressure in space and represent the variability in all spatial scales. The methodological approach proposed allows understanding how the rocks and the water contained, respond to changes in the tensional state and the hydraulic pressure regime originated by mining operations. Moreover, the proposed approach identifies the spatial variability of pore pressures and the existence of heterogeneities and allow to achieve better coupled geotechnical models. However, in a system strongly controlled by geological structures where the flow of water in the hydrogeological units can be diverted and the measurement depends on the direction of sampling, its implementation is limited and requires extensive theoretical development, considering two dimensions for the cross space i.e., the azimuth and the inclination additionally to the three conventional coordinates (north, east and elevation).",1,,269,,10.31224/,,2018-05-19T19:12:53.767200,2018-07-02T11:53:22.423387 p43zn,"(Not) Throwing the Game - An Application of Markov Decision Processes and Reinforcement Learning to Optimising Darts Strategy","This article determines an aimpoint selection strategy for players in order to improve their chances of winning at the classic darts game of 501. Although many studies have considered the problem of aimpoint selection in order to maximise the expected score a player can achieve, few have considered the more general strategical question of minimising the expected number of turns required for a player to finish. By casting the problem as a Markov decision process and utilising the reinforcement learning method of value iteration, a framework is derived for the identification of the optimal aimpoint for a player in an arbitrary game scenario. This study represents the first analytical investigation of the full game under the normal game rules, and is, to our knowledge, the first application of reinforcement learning methods to the optimisation of darts strategy. The article concludes with an empirical study investigating the optimal aimpoints for a number of player skill levels under a range of game scenarios.",1,,1929,,10.31224/,,2018-05-17T09:17:26.610695,2018-07-02T11:53:07.989746 kpx6n,"Designing Improved Teams for Crowdsourced Competitions","Teams are ubiquitous, woven into the fabric of engineering and design. Often, it is assumed that teams are better at solving problems than individuals working independently. Recent work in engineering, design, and psychology has indicated that teams may not be the problem-solving panacea that they were once thought to be. Crowdsourcing has seen increased interest in engineering design recently, and platforms often encourage teamwork between participants. This work undertakes an analysis of the performance of different team styles and sizes in crowdsourced competitions. This work demonstrates that groups of individuals working independently may outperform interacting teams on average, but that small interacting teams are more likely to win competitions. These results are discussed in the context of motivation for crowdsourcing participants.",1,,333,,10.31224/,10.1115/DETC2018-85457,2018-05-16T12:22:53.100704,2018-07-02T11:53:06.770131 3aynr,"Comments on ""Dual-rail asynchronous logic multi-level implementation""","In this research communication, we comment on “Dual-rail asynchronous logic multi-level implementation” [Integration, the VLSI Journal 47 (2014) 148–159] by expounding the problematic issues, and provide some clarifications on delay-insensitivity, robust asynchronous logic, multi-level decomposition, and physical implementation.",1,,329,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.vlsi.2015.08.001,2018-05-16T05:31:30.402255,2018-07-02T11:53:05.959190 6jnfv,"Microstructure Characteristics of Self Compacting Concrete using Sea Water","In the cycle of life, the needs of freshwater more and more. Infrastructure development is increasing. On the concrete industry, several billion tones of water used in earth as mixing water, treatment water (curing) and cleaner water every year, where using of sea water is obstructed. For that, the using of sea water which consists of 97% of the total water on earth is absolutely necessary. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) has dense microstructure. Knowledge about the microstructure and properties of each component a concrete and their relationship is useful to control the behavior. This research aims to know the relationship between compressive strength and microstructure characteristics of Self Compacting Concrete which using seawater up to the age of 90 days. The results of this study were the compressive strength of SCC using sea water is higher than the SCC using fresh water. Seawater does not reduce the strength of SCC concrete until the age of 90 days, but instead of Seawater is accelerating the development of SCC concrete strength at an early age. The compressive strength of concrete SCC is influenced by the phase microstructure (especially with tobermorite and portlandite) formed in the concrete.",1,,396,,10.31224/,,2018-05-14T03:40:04.662829,2018-07-02T11:51:31.146044 kmequ,"Porosity, pore size and compressive strength of self compacting concrete using sea water","Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, so it has much territory that the quality of the source water is not qualified as mixing water in construction. Besides, construction of concrete in areas that are likely quantity of water or fresh water is very minimal or even nothing then the sea water cannot be avoided in mixing concrete. This research was an experimental study, the samples for compressive strength test are cylindrical premises size of 10 mm×20 mm. The porosity relation, compressive power, age and model of porosity relationship with SCC concrete compressive strength which using sea water is discussed in this paper. Compressive strength testing is following the standard ASTM 39/C 39-99. Universal Testing Machine (UTM) was used in the testing of compressive strength. A test specimen for porosity created by taking part of the cylinder and then slashed with a size of approximately 2 cm×3 cm with a 0.003 mm thick. The type and pore size and porosity were analyzed by using a polarizing petrography microscope Olympus BX 51-P. The result of the research was increased the compressive strength and density of microstructures in line with the decrease in porosity and pore size of concrete and concrete age. Compressive strength relations (σ ss ) and porosity (p ss ) the SCC used seawater can be approximated equation σ ss = σ o (1-p)K, with σ o = 119.6 and K = 7.502.",1,,425,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.proeng.2015.11.045,2018-05-14T02:56:06.685869,2018-07-02T11:51:31.111283 njdcu,"Stochastic modeling of knee arthrometry for Intact, partial and ruptured ACL","Knee pain and injuries are very common in athletes. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is one of the most important reason of knee acute and chronic pains. As ACL plays a significant role in knee stability and due to amount of reported ACL related injuries, much effort has been placed on finding proper and on time diagnosis and treatment of these injuries. Arthrometric methods are the most non-invasive reliable diagnosis option; however they are trusted to distinguish partial injuries from intact joint and instead expensive and more time consuming imaging diagnosis techniques (i.e MRI) are used. Arthromery results can be investigated by quantifying the tests using computer simulations; so far few studies have been conducted toward this goal. In this study a two dimensional finite flement (FE) model of knee joint under standard arthrometry state (by a KT-2000 arthrometer) was built. This model was then used to evaluate the effect of precise modeling of tibiofemoral contact-surface geometry with considering flexible articular cartilage in the joint. The results revealed that exact modeling of the contact geometry highly influences the simulation results. In the next step, the built model was used in a stochastic modeling with the experimental data obtained from literature in order to simulate a real diagnosis circumstance and to provide a statistical comparison between seven different levels of ACL injury. The result of this simulation shows that although arthrometry may be able to distinguish partial injuries from intact in most cases leading to less ACLD with appropriate treatment, but it is hard to tell anything about the level of injury. To prevent the costs of imaging techniques moving towards the introduction of new measuring methods (or newly defined identifiers) or using intelligent processing of currently obtained data is suggested.",1,,219,,10.31224/,,2018-05-11T20:29:44.079489,2018-07-02T11:51:28.134724 yz4a7,"An efficient multiscale modeling framework for nonlinear analyses of composite structures","Traditional multiscale modeling methods of composite structures are based on the global-local approach whereby the global analysis of structures are first performed to determine potential damage regions, followed by local analyses at those regions to identify detailed damage patterns and failure modes. Such an approach does not take into account the localized effects of critical regions on the global analysis and may become less accurate in general. To address better the behavior of local regions on multiscale analyses, homogenization-based multiscale methods are applied. For each load increment, the global problem is solved simultaneously with one Representative Volume Element (RVE) equilibrium problem for each Gauss point of the global mesh. This approach is successful to capture the local behavior at each material point; however, it is computationally expensive since the RVE is called at all the Gauss points in the global model for each load increment. We develop an efficient multiscale modeling method whereby the RVE analyses are only called at specialized locations by multiscale elements and run parallel with the global analysis. The constitutive models of multiscale elements are defined in a user-defined element subroutine (UEL) where stiffnesses of the multiscale elements are unknown at the beginning of the analysis. They can only be obtained by performing a series of RVE analyses for each set of loads received from the global analysis. The advantage of the proposed method is that the stiffnesses of the multiscale elements are directly computed from the RVE analyses and keep updated for each global load increment. The nested multiscale modeling is implemented by Python script and highly capable for nonlinear analysis of composite structures.",1,,362,,10.31224/,,2018-05-11T13:52:41.598523,2019-03-10T06:51:28.208396 j25pa,"Note on the generation of long gravity waves by breaking and shoaling of short-wave groups in gently-sloping beaches: the long-wave similarity parameter","It is proposed a long-wave similarity parameter based on the surf-beat similarity and Ursell parameters. By including the Ursell number, the long-wave similarity allows distinguishing between breaking and shoaling generation of long-waves for conditions rendering similar values of surf-beat similarity. The proposed parameter is tested with three cases of wave conditions published in the literature, with promising results.",1,,401,,10.31224/,,2018-05-11T00:53:08.102363,2018-07-02T11:51:26.358964 rvtgs,"Bounding Surface Elasto-Viscoplasticity: A General Constitutive Framework for Rate-Dependent Geomaterials","A general framework is proposed to incorporate rate and time effects into bounding surface (BS) plasticity models. For this purpose, the elasto-viscoplasticity (EVP) overstress theory is combined with bounding surface modeling techniques. The resulting constitutive framework simply requires the definition of an overstress function through which BS models can be augmented without additional constitutive hypotheses. The new formulation differs from existing rate-dependent bounding surface frameworks in that the strain rate is additively decomposed into elastic and viscoplastic parts, much like classical viscoplasticity. Accordingly, the proposed bounding surface elasto-viscoplasticity (BS-EVP) framework is characterized by two attractive features: (1) the rate-independent limit is naturally recovered at low strain rates; (2) the inelastic strain rate depends exclusively on the current state. To illustrate the advantages of the new framework, a particular BS-EVP constitutive law is formulated by enhancing the Modified Cam-clay model through the proposed theory. From a qualitative standpoint, this simple model shows that the new framework is able to replicate a wide range of time/rate effects occurring at stress levels located strictly inside the bounding surface. From a quantitative standpoint, the calibration of the model for over-consolidated Hong Kong marine clays shows that, despite the use of only six constitutive parameters, the resulting model is able to realistically replicate the undrained shear behavior of clay samples with OCR ranging from 1 to 8, and subjected to axial strain rates spanning from 0.15%/hr to 15%/hr. These promising features demonstrate that the proposed BS-EVP framework represents an ideal platform to model geomaterials characterized by complex past stress history and cyclic stress fluctuations applied at rapidly varying rates.",1,,497,,10.31224/,,2018-05-10T23:30:51.006615,2019-04-10T10:54:43.171158 a76hr,"Computational Modeling of Polymer Matrix Composites","Applications of polymer matrix composites are growing in aerospace and offshore industries due to the light-weight and good mechanical properties of composite materials. The design of composite materials can be made at macroscopic level in which the composite mechanical properties can be tailored to offer the most desired performance of composite structures. Understanding on mechanical behavior of the composite material may require detailed investigations at the microscopic level involving the behaviour of the composite constituents such as the fiber, the polymer matrix and the fiber/matrix interface under macroscopic loads. Composite failure criteria are often employed to evaluate the failure of composite material and its constituents. Computational damage models can be then developed to reflect the stiffness reduction of the material once damage at the macro- and micro- scales of the composite is indicated. The successful prediction of composite structures relies on consistent computational models which can capture the mechanical behaviour of composite materials at different length scales.",1,,383,,10.31224/,,2018-05-10T22:43:53.751346,2019-03-10T06:45:53.500201 6yme2,"An experimental and signal analysis workflow for detecting cold-induced noise emissions (cold squealing) from porous journal bearings","We employ a variant of the joint time-frequency analysis (JTFA) for identifying transient, temperature-dependent noise emitted from porous journal bearings operated at temperatures between -40°C and 0°C. This phenomenon, called ""cold squealing"", is difficult to reproduce in laboratory environments, as it requires a suitable (and typically system-specific) resonator to occur. We systematically tested real-world bearings impregnated with various oils on a custom-designed experimental rig, fitted with a coolable sample holder and a vibration sensor, over a range of rotational speeds. By analyzing temperature-differential JTFA signal maps, we succeeded in detecting transient cold-squealing as well as ranking the bearing lubricants according to their low-temperature quiet running properties.",1,,450,,10.31224/,,2018-05-02T12:29:55.493485,2018-07-02T11:50:34.707000 e8j3w,"The effect of out-of-plane deformation on ligament surface strain measurements","The characterization of biological tissues depends on accurate measurements of deformation and strain, but less attention has been given to the role of out-of-plane deformation in ligament strain. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of out-of-plane deformation on surface strain measurements in healthy and damaged ligaments. Tensile tests on five porcine posterior cruciate ligaments (PCL) were performed before and after damage using the femur – PCL – tibia construct. Damage was simulated by loading the ligament to its maximum force capacity. Digitized surface dots were tracked using an optical motion capture system. The transverse strain (ε_xx), longitudinal strain (ε_yy), and shear strain (γ_xy) distributions on the ligament surface were obtained for the control and damaged states using two-dimensional (2d) strain and three-dimensional (3d) strain measurements. There was no significant difference between the 2d and 3d strains in the control state for all three strains. However, the value and location of the peak strain values (tensile and compressive) in ligament surfaces did change. The 2d peak tensile strain was both over and under-estimated, compared to 3d strain, when out of plane deformation was included for ε_xx and ε_yy; but consistently overestimated for positive γ_xy. The percentage of damaged regions, quantified as a loss in tensile strength, after damage was overpredicted by 2d strain for ε_yy. Care should be taken when using 2d surface strain as peak values and local damage is sensitive to out-of-plane deformation.",1,,411,,10.31224/,,2018-05-01T17:32:35.353176,2018-07-02T11:50:33.429246 ksfbu,"Impossible by design? Fairness, strategy, and Arrow’s impossibility theorem","The design process often requires work by teams, rather than individuals. During team based design it is likely that situations will arise in which individual members of the team have different opinions, yet a group decision must still be made. Unfortunately, Arrow’s impossibility theorem indicates that there is no method for aggregating group preferences that will always satisfy a small number of ‘fair’ conditions. This work seeks to identify methods of combining individual preferences that can come close to satisfying Arrow’s conditions, enabling decisions that are fairer in practice. First, experiential conjoint analysis was used to obtain individual empirical utility functions for drinking mug designs. Each empirical utility function represented individual members who were part of a design team. Then, a number of functions for constructing group preference were analysed using both randomly generated preferences and empirical preferences derived from the experiential conjoint survey. The analysis involved checking each of Arrow’s conditions, as well as assessing the potential impact of strategic voting. Based on the results, methods that should be used to aggregate group preference within a design team in practice were identified and recommended.",1,,307,,10.31224/,10.1017/dsj.2017.1,2018-05-01T13:35:06.973933,2018-07-02T11:50:32.606660 c7pg6,"Mining Process Heuristics from Designer Action Data via Hidden Markov Models","Configuration design problems, characterized by the assembly of components into a final desired solution, are common in engineering design. Various theoretical approaches have been offered for solving configuration type problems, but few studies have examined the approach that humans naturally use to solve such problems. This work applies data-mining techniques to quantitatively study the processes that designers use to solve configuration design problems. The guiding goal is to extract beneficial design process heuristics that are generalizable to the entire class of problems. The extraction of these human problem-solving heuristics is automated through the application of hidden Markov models to the data from two behavioral studies. Results show that designers proceed through four procedural states in solving configuration design problems, roughly transitioning from topology design to shape and parameter design. High-performing designers are distinguished by their opportunistic tuning of parameters early in the process, enabling a more effective and nuanced search for solutions.",1,,358,,10.31224/,10.1115/1.4037308,2018-05-01T13:25:14.141317,2018-07-02T11:50:32.548418 zetj9,"Capturing Human Sequence-Learning Abilities in Configuration Design Tasks through Markov Chains","Designers often search for new solutions by iteratively adapting a current design. By engaging in this search, designers not only improve solution quality but also begin to learn what operational patterns might improve the solution in future iterations. Previous work in psychology has demonstrated that humans can fluently and adeptly learn short operational sequences that aid problem-solving. This paper explores how designers learn and employ sequences within the realm of engineering design. Specifically, this work analyzes behavioral patterns in two human studies in which participants solved configuration design problems. Behavioral data from the two studies are first analyzed using Markov chains to determine how much representation complexity is necessary to quantify the sequential patterns that designers employ during solving. It is discovered that first-order Markov chains are capable of accurately representing designers' sequences. Next, the ability to learn first-order sequences is implemented in an agent-based modeling framework to assess the performance implications of sequence-learning abilities. These computational studies confirm the assumption that the ability to learn sequences is beneficial to designers.",1,,412,,10.31224/,10.1115/1.4037185,2018-05-01T13:21:59.207302,2018-07-02T11:50:32.498957 d4peq,"Optimizing Design Teams Based on Problem Properties: Computational Team Simulations and an Applied Empirical Test","The performance of a team with the right characteristics can exceed the mere sum of the constituent members’ individual efforts. However, a team having the wrong characteristics may perform more poorly than the sum of its individuals. Therefore, it is vital that teams are assembled and managed properly in order to maximize performance. This work examines how the properties of configuration design problems can be leveraged to select the best values for team characteristics (specifically team size and interaction frequency). A computational model of design teams which has been shown to effectively emulate human team behavior is employed to pinpoint optimized team characteristics for solving a variety of configuration design problems. These configuration design problems are characterized with respect to the local and global structure of the design space, the alignment between objectives, and the resources allotted for solving the problem. Regression analysis is then used to create equations for predicting optimized values for team characteristics based on problem properties. These equations achieve moderate to high accuracy, making it possible to design teams based on those problem properties. Further analysis reveals hypotheses about how the problem properties can influence a team’s search for solutions. This work also conducts a cognitive study on a different problem to test the predictive equations. For a configuration problem of moderate size, the model predicts that zero interaction between team members should lead to the best outcome. A cognitive study of human teams verifies this surprising prediction, offering partial validation of the predictive theory.",1,,380,,10.31224/,10.1115/1.4035793,2018-05-01T13:13:12.152685,2018-07-02T11:50:32.260816 pmbfh,"Drawing Inspiration From Human Design Teams For Better Search And Optimization: The Heterogeneous Simulated Annealing Teams Algorithm","Insights uncovered by research in design cognition are often utilized to develop methods used by human designers; in this work such insights are used to inform and improve computational methodologies. This paper introduces the Heterogeneous Simulated Annealing Team (HSAT) algorithm, a multi-agent simulated annealing algorithm. HSAT is based on a validated computational model of human-based engineering design, and retains characteristics of the model that structure interaction between team members and allow for heterogeneous search strategies to be employed within a team. The performance of this new algorithm is compared to several other simulated annealing based algorithms on three carefully selected benchmarking functions. The HSAT algorithm provides terminal solutions that are better on average than other algorithms explored in this work.",1,,347,,10.31224/,10.1115/1.4032810,2018-05-01T13:10:13.361091,2018-07-02T11:50:32.139674 w86ke,"A structure-based algorithm for automated separation of subchondral bone in micro-computed tomography data","Structural measurements of subchondral and trabecular bone are of interest for a wide variety of communities ranging from anthropology to biomechanical engi- neering, yet continues to be a challenge partly because of the lack of automated techniques for use with high resolution data. Here we present a structure-based algorithm for separating cortical compartments from trabecular bone in binarized images. Using the thickness of the cortex as a seed value, bone connected to the cortex within a spatially local threshold value is identified and separated from the remaining bone. The algorithm was tested on biological images from human, chim- panzee, and gorilla datasets and compared to manual measurements. The average error was 2-3 voxel differences in thickness and total area errors were less than ten percent. The algorithm is repeatable, efficient, and requires few user inputs, provid- ing a means of separating cortical from trabecular bone. The Matlab code, example images, and datasets can be downloaded from",1,,615,,10.31224/,,2018-04-29T06:24:37.958646,2018-08-25T20:38:58.033592 nw4pj,"Misuse of pre-exponential factor in the kinetic and thermodynamic studies using thermogravimetric analysis and its implications","This paper describes the misuse of Arrhenius pre-exponential factor in the kinetic and thermodynamic studies using thermogravimetry. Standard test method (ASTM E698) has been used recently by many researchers to calculate the pre-exponential factor. ASTM E698 is reserved for differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and impose many restrictions which have being overlooked by many recently. The obtained pre-exponential factors have been used to describe the thermodynamic behavior during the course of thermal conversions. The objective of this paper is to inform the readers that the pre-exponential factor obtained from the restricted equation can mislead and generate some false thermodynamic data.",1,,445,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.biteb.2018.04.011,2018-04-28T07:09:12.592037,2018-07-02T11:50:10.837455 kvqmh,"Design of a Low-Cost Open-Source Underwater Glider","Typical buoyancy engine-based Underwater Gliders are highly-complex and cost-prohibitive, generally ranging in price-point from 50,000USD to 250,000USD. A low-cost, Open-Source Underwater Glider (OSUG) was thus developed as a low-cost data-collection and research tool. This glider, OSUG, is a sub-1000USD, 1.2m long, 12kg, and capable of 50-hours of continuous operation. Its efficiency, and use-case feasibility were evaluated. The buoyancy engine is constructed of medical grade syringes that pull in water from the environment to simplify the system and lower costs. Direction of locomotion is controlled by altering pitch and roll via changing the center-of-mass. The system was designed to be primarily three-dimensionally (3D) printed and fully-modular to limit cost and ensure reproducibility.",1,,1060,,10.31224/,,2018-04-27T08:24:24.602045,2018-07-02T11:50:10.378198 fsqcz,"ENABLING GRADUATE ENGINEERING STUDENTS WITH PROFICIENCY IN MOBILE ROBOTICS","In recent years, an aggressive expansion of research as well as commercialization efforts in autonomous vehicles can be witnessed. At the same time, many existing companies have expanded their portfolio to autonomous technologies as well (e.g. NVIDIA). This has created an already large need for autonomous-vehicle engineers who are not only proficient in single traditional engineering fields (e.g. mechanical) and old-school automotive studies, but who also have acquired the significantly different, interdisciplinary skillset for mobile robotics. Unlike students of computer science, mechanical engineering graduate students are hardly exposed to coding and robotic system integration in current traditional curricula. The new demands of the automotive industry require an automotive engineer who understands the science of autonomy as well as its impact on the design and implementation of autonomous vehicles, and is equipped with hands-on experience with the latest technology in the field. We describe a unique education program that draws content from traditional courses on mobile-robotics as well as incorporates experiential learning by hands-on training in software, specifically addressing the skill gap in traditional automotive engineering education. Geared towards engineering students with no previous training in robotic system integration, and with only basic undergraduate understanding of programming languages, the teaching experiment employed an active learning approach to introduce numerous concepts as a host of hands-on exercises on multiple robotic platforms. Beginning with simple tutorials on networked communication to demonstrate the power of ROS, the course built up to complete control system design on a student-built RC car that can avoid obstacles and navigate a racecourse by performing SLAM. A brief evaluation of the course exhibited good student performance in general with unique and creative approaches to the programming tasks in particular. Although employing different approaches, each student team was able to demonstrate comparable, efficient performance.",1,,496,,10.31224/,,2018-04-26T20:43:47.444942,2018-07-02T11:50:09.597016 p5ytr,"Perceived Quality Attributes Framework and Ranking Method.","Perceived quality (PQ) is one of the most important product attributes in the automotive industry that defines successful automotive design. This paper presents a new approach regarding PQ assessment by examining PQ decomposed into a structure with the top-down approach to the level of basic (“ground”) attributes, covering almost every aspect of car quality perception from the engineering viewpoint. The paper proposes a novel method for PQ attributes relative importance ranking, resulting in the PQ balance of the vehicle, within the given conditions. The proposed method helps to reach the equilibrium of the vehicle’s quality equation from the perspective of design effort, time and costs estimations. The authors introduce the Perceived Quality Framework (PQF), which is the taxonomy system for PQ attributes and the core of the attributes importance ranking method. The research outcomes are based on findings of qualitative exploratory study that includes the European and North American premium and luxury automotive manufacturers. To validate the proposed method, an industrial pilot study was performed with one of the automotive companies to examine the PQ attributes importance ranking obtained from automotive industry professionals. The results can significantly improve PQ assessment during all stages of product development.",1,,717,,10.31224/,,2018-04-25T14:00:52.977726,2018-07-02T11:50:07.010494 tdk4s,"An experimental framework for determining wear in porous journal bearings operated in the mixed lubrication regime","We present an experimental and analysis workflow to characterize the tribological behavior and the wear resistance of porous journal bearing systems operating at high loads and small rotational speeds. Our approach consists of a laser-instrumented tribometer that allows parallel testing of five bearings, an experimental procedure that is optimized for producing sufficient wear during mixed lubrication operation while maintaining realistic operating conditions, as well as several methods to visualize and quantify bearing wear. The simultaneous testing of five bearings prevents outliers from distorting the results and yields a statistical estimation of the performance variations between nominally equivalent tribosystems. We showcase our approach by analyzing the influence of the bearing material and its porosity on mixed-lubrication friction and wear.",1,,533,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.triboint.2018.02.026,2018-04-25T12:42:51.995433,2018-07-02T11:50:06.826766 fv47e,"MultiDIC: an Open-Source Toolbox for Multi-View 3D Digital Image Correlation","Three-dimensional Digital Image Correlation (3D-DIC) is a non-contact optical-numerical technique for evaluating the dynamic mechanical behavior at the surface of structures and materials, including biological tissues. 3D-DIC can be used to extract shape and full-?eld displacements and strains with high resolution, at various length scales. While various commercial and academic 3D-DIC software exist, the field lacks 3D-DIC packages which offer straightforward calibration and data-merging solutions for multi-view analysis, which is particularly desirable in biomedical applications. To address these limitations, we present MultiDIC, an open-source MATLAB toolbox, featuring the first 3D-DIC software specifically dedicated to multi-view setups. MultiDIC integrates robust two-dimensional subset-based DIC software with specially tailored calibration procedures, to reconstruct the dynamic behavior of surfaces from multiple stereo-pairs. MultiDIC contains novel algorithms to automatically merge meshes from multiple stereopairs, and to compute and visualize 3D shape and full-?eld motion, deformation, and strain. User interfaces provide capabilities to perform 3D-DIC analyses without interacting with MATLAB syntax, while standalone functions also allow proficient MATLAB users to write custom scripts for specific experimental requirements. This paper discusses the challenges underlying multi-view 3D-DIC, details the proposed solutions, and describes the algorithms implemented in MultiDIC. The performance of MultiDIC is tested using a low-cost experimental system featuring a 360-deg 12-camera setup. The software and system are evaluated using measurement of a cylindrical object with known geometry subjected to rigid body motion and measurement of the lower limb of a human subject. The findings confirm that shape, motion, and full-field deformations and strains can be accurately measured, and demonstrate the feasibility of MultiDIC in multi-view in-vivo biomedical applications.",1,,2950,,10.31224/,10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2843725,2018-04-20T19:25:14.916811,2019-01-10T23:06:32.279387 dz8wq,"Information System Design Of Goods Stock Using Framework For The Application Of System Thinking (FAST) Method (Case Study CV. Aneka Mandiri Lestari)","CV. Aneka Mandiri Lestari constitutes resulting company earth. Current stock management processes that are running in the CV. Aneka Mandiri Lestari is still done in a simple to use computer tool. However, systems that use has not been specifically designed for the purposes. Some data related to the management of the stocks on CV. Aneka Mandiri Lestari still organised and recorded using book so difficult in the process serving and reporting information associated. Information systems Design of goods stock It is a system that can handle the problem of inventory items, including the recording of incoming goods, against goods that come out, the purchase of raw materials, goods that are in the warehouse, and also reporting. This information system architecture using the FAST (Framework for the Application of System Technique) method. Based on the results of the functional testing, obtained that 100% of the system is valid. While the results from testing the usability, for the ease of use factor of 65% and activities of the experiment system based on scenario 85.5% of respondents strongly agree to ease of use this system. So from the test results it can be concluded that by using this stock information system can make CV Aneka Mandiri Lestari in the running of its business processes and systems that have been built can be received by users. To assist in processing stock items and sales generated a new system design, i/o design, database design and systems built using Visual Basic.Net The results of the data processing system of the manufacture and distribution of stock this stuff makes it easy for employees to entry, fix (edit), erase (delete), and search (searching) data reception and spending on goods, so as to facilitate in reporting revenue and expenditure items",1,,474,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T10:19:59.526272,2018-07-02T11:48:45.760523 2cr98,"INFORMATION SYSTEM SALES OF INDOOR AND OUTDOOR ORNAMENTAL PLANTS-BASED ONLINE","Ornamental plants have fairly high commercial value and much sought after by various circles. The prospect is in the business of ornamental plants can be said very brilliant and profitable. Where is in the business of ornamental plants can bring about advantages not the least. The business struggled with ornamental plants can have very favorable prospects for the long term. There are an awful lot of various kinds of ornamental plants that we can choose to use as ornaments to beautify residential home. The ornamental plants can be used as indoor ornamental plants placed in homes or can also be used as outdoor ornamental plants grown in the garden. Ornamental plants while more popular community-wide information system for ornamental plant however is currently designed specifically and not many people who know the information on price and specs or type of indoor and outdoor ornamental plants so that the need for sales information system of indoor and outdoor ornamental plants-based online. With the sales information system of Indoor and Outdoor ornamental plants-based online is expected to facilitate the customers, business processes that occur in the company's units, unit – units that exist within the system a functioning production units as the unit working on/produce ornamental plants. With the utilization of the system marketing media, promoting, finding new customers, the sales process, recapitulation payment of ornamental plants, control the conditions of stock products, development and delivery of products to customers including convincing the product gets to the customer",1,,279,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T10:16:12.633694,2018-07-02T11:48:45.629200 w86gs,"PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI MONITORING PROGRES PENGADAAN BARANG PADA BAGIAN PENGADAAN DAN LOGISTIK INSTITUT INFORMATIKA DAN BISNIS DARMAJAYA","Institute of Information Technology and Business Darmajaya is a leading private college fast growing and should be balanced with meeting facilities and infrastructure as well. Managing the procurement function is handled by the Procurement and Logistics Sections that have applied computer technology in assisting the administration of the procurement process. To improve performance and simplify the process of monitoring the progress of procurement of goods, it is necessary to build the information system monitoring the progress of the procurement is expected to facilitate the stretcher in overseeing and ensuring the procurement process is run in accordance with the agreed terms. Information systems development is done using structured analysis and design methodology.",1,,317,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T10:13:27.251794,2018-07-02T11:48:45.499987 bgs42,"Identifikasi Penyakit Diabetes Millitus Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Dengan Metode Perambatan-Balik (Backpropagation)","Diabetes Melitus (DM) is dangerous disease that affect many of the various layer of work society. This disease is not easy to accurately recognized by the general society. So we need to develop a system that can identify accurately. System is built using neural networks with backpropagation methods and the function activation sigmoid. Neural network architecture using 8 input layer, 2 output layer and 5 hidden layer. The results show that this methods succesfully clasifies data diabetics and non diabetics with near 100% accuracy rate.",1,,633,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T10:12:06.650165,2018-07-02T11:48:45.425768 cw5pf,"Perancangan Data Warehouse dan Penerapan Data Mining Di Bidang Akademik Pada Institut Informatika Dan Bisnis Darmajaya","Higher education institution must be able to well perform processes of evaluation, planning and management in order to win the competition in this globalization era. To support any effort of the aforementioned, the institution needs qualified and sufficient information supports so that it can probe and predict any potential strength which existed. Development data warehouse and data mining is kinds of solution alternatives which can be done to help organization in finding and understanding hidden patterns from the data provided. Data warehouse is a collection of integrated databases which is used to support the process of decision making. Data mining is a kind of analysis tool which is used to extract any information provided in the data warehouse. The research discussed a problem in designing data warehouse and applying data mining to support the academic system at IBI Darmajaya in representing potential information required for better academic services to learners. The first executed steps was establishing the data warehouse of IBI Darmajaya, then an analysis was conducted towards all saved data in the data warehouse by using data mining techniques. The results of this research is a data warehouse that can represent information to support the evaluation process and acceptance of new students campaign planning to the potential areas and school, advertising media that will be used, monitoring of students’ academic status, evaluation and planning of students’ study plans, and performance evaluation of study program within the aspects of alumni quality and length of study. In addition, this research also result the application of data mining for finding the rules that used to driving and directing the students enthusiast and study program selection for prospective new students.",1,,293,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T10:10:24.127550,2018-07-02T11:48:45.378516 r2byd,"Perancangan Prototype Sistem Informasi Layanan Akademis Sekolah Berbasis Cloud Computing","Academic service system is one of the supporting elements in education in high school or universities. Despite the rising awareness of the usefulness of the IT based academic system, some education institutions do not have the ability of developing and implementing the system, especially due to the limited financial condition. The development of cloud computing based information system appears as a new paradigm in IT world which enable the school to implement IT based academic information system without investing big expenses of IT tools. The research is to learn the design of architecture system and prototype system of the supporting software for the school academic services. The result of this study would be the computer software to implement at school to improve the academic system especially those schools with limited financial condition and resources in developing the system",1,,333,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T10:00:44.098659,2018-07-02T11:48:45.320340 4kvzt,"Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pendataan Penelitian Dosen Di Lingkungan Kopertis Wilayah II Palembang","It is important for lecturers to improve the quantity and quality of their research. To support this, Kopertis Wilayah II oftenly provides some grants for the lecturers to improve their research. With more research carried out, good data information system of lecturers’ research is needed. Making use of information technology can be a solution to fulfill the need of information related to the lecturers’ research as well as to check the lecturers’ research data to minimize the plagiarism practices and the problems of redundancies in lecturers title of research.",1,,306,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T09:59:19.770481,2018-07-02T11:48:45.266995 bth6x,"Rancang Bangun Sistem Layanan Terpadu Tanaman Hias Berbasis Web","Floriculture has high commercial value and it is interested by many people. Floryculture bussiness grows fastly and it is very needed by people especially in big cities. Developing integrated masterplan system of web based floriculture is one of alternatives using computer technology to simplify operation of successfully decorated plant. To develop integrated master plan system of web based floriculture, it is firstly done necessity analysis process of that system by identifying of necessity through usecase, event, and things. Implementation of integrated master plan system of web based floriculture can increase service quality and simplify transaction of selling floriculture.",1,,435,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T09:57:12.476664,2018-07-02T11:48:45.219328 c6vdm,"Rancangan Aplikasi Manajemen User untuk Mendukung Aplikasi Sistem Informasi","Today many institutions are increasingly aware of the benefits and positive effects of the existence of information systems are built, and implemented as an optimization effort of information technology to support existing business processes. Information system is built in an institution/agency should be able to apply the rules that apply correct management. In some cases the application of information systems, users management problem often neglected and not well-designed so that potential deviations that can be harmful the institution. User management and sharing permissions within the system should be limited and well handled to minimize the occurrence of irregularities, in addition to data security needs to be done also periodic backup and continuous data.",1,,381,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T09:28:01.753810,2018-07-02T11:48:45.138810 2acfv,"Perancangan Sistem InformasiPenelusuran Data Alumni Berbasis Web","Alumni’s success in getting jobs that are suitable with their competence and with appropriate income soon after graduation is an indicator of success of a study program. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system that can help track the alumni data easily. The development of the information system of web-based alumni data tracking can be an alternative solution taking into consideration that the alumni can report the development of their career wherever and whenever they would like to. However, for the purpose of the completeness of the alumni data, it is necessary to develop a variety of attributes to track alumni data more completely",1,,380,,10.31224/,,2018-04-20T09:23:54.764644,2018-07-02T11:48:45.104124 b36xz,"Advances in the treatment of the electromagnetic cascade in the TRIPOLI-4® Monte-Carlo code","TRIPOLI-4® is a Monte-Carlo particle-transport code developed at CEA-Saclay (France) that is employed in the domains of nuclear-reactor physics, criticality-safety, shielding/radiation protection and nuclear instrumentation. The goal of this paper is to report on current developments, validation and verification made in TRIPOLI-4® in the treatment of electron/positron/photon transport. The new capabilities and improvements concern refinements to the electron transport algorithm, the introduction of a charge-deposition score, the new thick-target bremsstrahlung option, the upgrade of the bremsstrahlung model and the improvement of electron angular straggling at low energy. The importance of each of the developments above is illustrated by comparisons with calculations performed with other codes and with experimental data.",1,,357,,10.31224/,,2018-04-19T15:35:15.272541,2018-07-02T11:48:43.571803 7efw3,"Methods of Stabilization of Gas Condensates","Gas condensates are liquid mixtures of high-boiling hydrocarbons of various structures, separated from natural gases during their production at gas condensate fields. When transporting gas through pipelines, the following gas quality conditions should be met: i. During transportation, gases should not cause corrosion of pipelines, fittings, instruments, etc. ii. The quality of the gas must ensure its transportation in a single-phase state i.e., liquid hydrocarbons, gas condensates and hydrates should not form in the pipelines. In order for gas condensates to meet the above-mentioned quality conditions during storage or transportation, they must be stabilized. Gas condensate stabilization is the process of “boiling off” light hydrocarbons from the condensate that would otherwise increase the vapor pressure when conditions are fluctuating.",1,,1276,,10.31224/,,2018-04-13T02:15:47.199873,2018-07-02T11:48:46.679161 p6h49,"Pyrolytic kinetics of coconut shell waste using Ramped PyrOx","Biomass pyrolysis is an efficient and economical conversion process. The kinetics of biomass conversion is still not fully understood mainly because this complex material is composed of numerous compounds with very different reactivities. In this work an inverse model is used to determine the nonparametric probability density function p(Ea) of activation energy (Ea) for coconut shell waste (CSW) pyrolysis via the Ramped PyrOx (RPO) method from the time-series and temperature-series mass conversion data. In this method, the degradation rates are described by inverting distributed activation energy model (DAEM). This method does not require p(Ea) to follow any particular parametric form furthermore the modelling results are independent of experimental conditions such as heating rates. The pyrolytic kinetics is modelled considering first-order degradation mechanism.",1,,281,,10.31224/,,2018-04-08T21:16:12.424818,2018-07-02T11:48:07.834432 dq72t,"Evaluation of Self-Consolidating Concrete Robustness by Measuring Electrical Conductivity of Plastic Concrete","This paper is aimed to review robustness of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) in term of resistance against static segregation and bleeding. SCC is a highly fluid and non-segregating concrete able to spread through even dense reinforcement and homogenously fill formwork without using any external mechanical consolidation. Due to field requirements, SCC should be able to sustain its desired fresh properties over a relatively long time (about two or three hours) making it more susceptible to segregation than conventional concrete. Although there are a couple of proposed test methods to evaluate SCC robustness, multi-electrodes electrical conductivity technique could be a reliable, non-destructive, inexpensive and simple test method to continuously monitor progress of hydration reactions (even indicating initial and final setting time) and stability (bleeding and both static and dynamic aggregate segregation) of plastic cement-based materials over the early-age period. In this paper, a brief review on fresh properties of SCC and static aggregate segregation has been taken place. Then, different methods for measuring concrete conductivity have been investigated. Afterward, some studies on evaluation of stability of cement-based materials and SCC have been reviewed. Finally, based on the literature, some recommendations for future works are introduced.",1,,604,,10.31224/,,2018-04-03T02:35:55.501267,2018-07-02T11:48:04.983125 6bn7x,"Analysis of Telecom Service Operation Behavior with Time Series","Operation of complex telecom services is a field that mixes technology, processes and teams. Despite the existence of detailed protocols and automation, the real behavior is hard to measure and predict. The human factor is a source of uncertainty, and this fact is of special relevance when facing stressful situations. Informal team working culture, time shifts or external pressure are main sources of change. In this research we use time series analysis as a statistical proxy to detect this kind of drift in teams that solve network failures if three live services: IPTV, Cloud Infrastructure and IoT. This task is known as incident management. This would provide not only a numerical evidence of the uncertainty in troubleshooting of digital services but also an assessment about the economic and operational impact of service releases. Changes in best fitting models may reflect different informal work cultures among the operation teams.",1,,547,,10.31224/,,2018-04-02T15:35:59.011677,2018-07-02T11:48:04.179574 qsfp7,"Estimating turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation with internal flow loss coefficients","Estimating the turbulent kinetic energy at the nozzle outlet is necessary to model turbulent jet breakup. We identified errors in a model of nozzle turbulence developed by Huh et al. which made the model inaccurate. To develop an improved model, we derived a generalized form of the Bernoulli equation for non-cavitating flows. The equation can be used to estimate turbulent kinetic energy, k, and dissipation, ε, in internal flows given loss coefficients or friction factors and a turbulence model. The equation allows turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation to be estimated without computational fluid dynamics. The estimates can be used as-is where turbulent kinetic energy or dissipation are desired, or as a more accurate boundary condition for computational fluid dynamics. A model for fully developed pipe flow is developed and compared against experimental data. A nozzle turbulence model which could replace Huh et al.'s is also developed, but the model has not been validated due to a lack of experimental data.",1,,1165,,10.31224/,,2018-03-30T04:59:47.525103,2020-01-04T20:55:00.151112 bhga9,"AHP INCONSISTENCY REDUCTION THROUGH TWO GREEDY ALGORITHMS APPLICATION","The purpose of this paper is to present two greedy algorithms that can improve the consistency of an AHP Matrix adjusting the original comparisons with discrete values. The first one aims to preserve the original pairwise comparisons as much as possible and the second one improves the consistency ratio as much as possible. Both algorithms were compared with other 11 methods, from the past and recent literature, through three numerical examples: one inconsistent matrix with 9 criteria, one with 8 criteria and the last one, a highly inconsistent matrix with 7 criteria. Our method performed better than all the other ones. The proposed method can be used independently from the techniques to derive the eigenvector, eigenvalue or the consistent ratio, and naturally, in order to make a sensible comparison, all methods were compared using the same techniques. The Conservative Algorithm solution, gains in quality because it can preserve most of the original information, however the consistent ratio value stays just below the consistency threshold, in the other hand, the Progressive Algorithm gains in quantity, because it aims to reduce the consistent ratio to zero or near zero. Our approach offers two types of solutions, that are fast and near optimal.",1,,495,,10.31224/,,2018-03-29T01:45:53.392228,2018-07-02T13:32:11.209543 dytsv,"Study of Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation in Liquid Carbon Dioxide by a Hybrid Approach Combining Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Density Gradient Theory","A new method for predicting homogeneous bubble nucleation rates of pure compounds from vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data is presented. It combines molecular dynamics simulation on the one side with density gradient theory using an equation of state (EOS) on the other. The new method is applied here to predict bubble nucleation rates in metastable liquid carbon dioxide (CO2). The molecular model of CO2 is taken from previous work of our group. PC-SAFT is used as an EOS. The consistency between the molecular model and the EOS is achieved by adjusting the PC-SAFT parameters to VLE data obtained from the molecular model. The influence parameter of density gradient theory is fitted to the surface tension of the molecular model. Massively parallel molecular dynamics simulations are performed close to the spinodal to compute bubble nucleation rates. From these simulations, the kinetic prefactor of the hybrid nucleation theory is estimated, whereas the nucleation barrier is calculated from density gradient theory. This enables the extrapolation of molecular simulation data to the whole metastable range including technically relevant densities. The results are tested against available experimental data and found to be in good agreement. The new method does not suffer from typical deficiencies of classical nucleation theory concerning the thermodynamic barrier at the spinodal and the bubble size dependence of surface tension, which is typically neglected in classical nucleation theory. In addition, the density in the center of critical bubbles and their surface tension is determined as a function of their radius. The usual linear Tolman correction to the capillarity approximation is found to be invalid.",1,,478,,10.31224/,10.1063/1.5022231,2018-03-26T19:06:30.759051,2018-07-02T11:45:30.230988 jrcm5,"Development of a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber for Material Synthesis","A constant volume combustion chamber (CVCC) was constructed to enable material synthesis procedures that are sensitive to temperature, pressure, and ambient species concentrations. Material synthesis processes require specific operating conditions in order to carry out the desired chemical reactions and property transformations, including the creation of paper-templated metals and nanoparticles. The 1.13 liter combustion chamber includes a test stand for conducting the material synthesis experiments. A premixed fuel-air mixture is ignited at a desired equivalence ratio in order to produce the required synthesis conditions. In comparison to furnaces and ovens, this approach provides greater flexibility for materials synthesis procedures. Computational modeling using adaptive mesh refinement, alongside preliminary experimental testing results, confirms that the CVCC can provide the appropriate conditions to synthesize paper-templated metals. The approach demonstrates that the CVCC can be a viable alternative to a furnace for use in materials synthesis applications.",1,,581,,10.31224/,,2018-03-21T18:12:42.222385,2018-07-02T11:45:24.531317 yxvga,"The Influence of Mixedness on Ignition for Hydrogen Direct Injection in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber","The ignition behavior of the fuel in non-premixed turbulent combustion applications such as diesel engines and gas turbines is dependent on the mixing rate of the injected fuel and the working fluid. In this study, three-dimensional modeling of hydrogen injection into a constant volume combustion chamber (CVCC) is used to investigate the correlation between the mixing rate and important parameters of non-premixed combustion, such as ignition delay. Mixedness is quantified using mean spatial variation, which reflects the homogeneity of the mixture, and mean scalar dissipation, which represents the local gradients of the scalar. The case studies include nitrogen and argon as working fluids; injection velocities and nozzle diameters are varied for comparison. For consistency, the injected mass is kept constant and the injection duration is adjusted accordingly. The results indicate that a strong correlation exists between ignition delay and the defined mixedness parameters. The cases with higher mixedness values lead to a shorter ignition delay and a higher maximum flame temperature. Changing the working fluid and injection parameters can effectively modify the mixedness, and consequently affect the ignition onset and flame properties.",1,,525,,10.31224/,,2018-03-21T18:05:19.460453,2018-07-02T11:45:24.495541 9rgu6,"Linear static isogeometric analysis of an arbitrarily curved spatial Bernoulli-Euler beam","The present research is focused on the linear analysis of a spatial Bernoulli-Euler beam. Metrics of the reference and deformed configurations are rigorously defined with respect to the convective coordinate frame of reference. No higher order terms are neglected which makes the formulation ideally suited for analysis of arbitrarily curved spatial beams in the frame of finite (but small) strain theory. The well-known issue of nonorthogonality of local coordinate system at an arbitrary point of a spatial beam is solved by the introduction of a new coordinate line that is orthogonal to the normal plane of the beam axis at each point. Generalized coordinates of the present model are translations of the beam axis and the angle of twist of a cross section. Two different parameterizations of this angle are discussed and implemented. Both geometry and kinematics are described with the same set of NURBS functions, in line with the isogeometric approach. Numerical analysis proved that the theoretical considerations are correct. An in-depth analysis of convergence properties has confirmed the fact that models with the highest interelement continuity have an improved accuracy per DOF, for problems that result in a smooth structural response.",1,,406,,10.31224/,,2018-03-21T10:51:23.895307,2018-07-02T11:45:23.624225 8s59e,"Predicting wheel forces using bearing capacity theory for general planar loads","This paper assesses the applicability of bearing capacity theory for evaluating the forces generated on wheels operating on clay under steady rolling conditions. Considering recent advances in bearing capacity theory, namely with respect to the interaction diagrams developed for general loading, a theoretical model for computing the horizontal force or torque from fundamental input parameters such as the vertical force (weight), wheel diameter, and undrained shear strength of the soil is presented. The predictions are compared with existing analytical solutions and data from laboratory testing, and reasonable agreement is demonstrated. The foremost conclusion is that bearing capacity theory can be used to obtain reasonable predictions of wheel forces analytically under any operating condition (driven, braked, or towed), provided the contact length and so-called contact angle, which defines the position of the contact interface, can be estimated. Aside from providing a rigorous and highly convenient framework for evaluating wheel forces under arbitrary loading, the analysis enables a natural physical interpretation of the mobility problem.",1,,406,,10.31224/,10.1504/IJVP.2017.081276,2018-03-18T22:04:52.303674,2018-07-02T11:43:52.580416 qrv26,"Development of two models for estimation of rapid chloride penetration and investigation on effective parameters using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)","In this paper Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are employed to develop a model which could estimate the RCPT value of various mixtures according to the mix design parameters, age and surface resistivity of concrete specimens. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is carried out on the best ANN model to determine the influence of each input on the concrete resistance to the rapid chloride penetration. 258 experimental datasets, resulted from 79 mix designs, were used as training data for ANN models; all of which prepared and tested in Concrete Technology and Durability Research Center of Amirkabir University of Technology (CTDRC). Another simplified model is proposed using linear regression analysis; which estimates the RCPT value simply according to surface resistivity measure. Finally, eight mixtures prepared in Building and Housing Research Center (BHRC) and six mixtures obtained from real-life projects, are employed to compare and validate the proposed models.",1,,411,,10.31224/,,2018-03-16T19:19:14.581649,2018-07-02T11:43:50.641775 m24kt,"Zero mean waveforms for neural stimulation","Biphasic charge balanced waveforms do not minimise faradaic processes at the electrode-electrolyte boundary and do not leave electrodes neutral with respect to the tissue. Superior waveforms for electrode health (and consequently tissue safety) exist and may also offer better performance in terms of power consumption and stimulation effectiveness within charge injection limits. This paper aims to provide intuitive insight into the limitations of biphasic waveforms and presents a simple method for assessing how well other waveforms will perform, as well as methods for designing waveforms to theoretically give zero residual voltage and zero net faradaic charge transfer.",1,,514,,10.31224/,,2018-03-16T18:21:04.621837,2018-07-02T11:43:50.602731 5zq4r,"Investigation of Durability Pozzolanic Efficiency Factor by Means of Surface Resistivity Measurement","Supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) are used in concrete due to their properties such as reduction of cement consumption, reducing cost, enhancing concrete compressive strength, and boost durability of concrete against aggressive environment. In this paper, durability pozzolanic efficiency factor of four types of raw natural pozzolans (natural Zeolite, Trass, Tuff, and Pumice) and a type of artificial pozzolans (Rice Husk Ash) with respect to durability of concrete against corrosion of the reinforcement are determined and compared with each other. For this purpose, surface electrical resistivity of 17 kinds of diverse concrete mixture design are measured at two ages (28 and 90 days) using the Wenner four probes apparatus. The results show that natural Zeolite has the highest durability pozzolanic efficiency factor; Trass and Rice Husk Ash are in the second rate, also Tuff and Pumice are in the last place.",1,,384,,10.31224/,,2018-03-16T16:59:34.065977,2018-07-02T11:43:50.557664 54gxe,"Combining an innovative measurement technique with accurate simulation to analyze engine friction","The entanglement of an innovative measurement technique with an accurate simulation yields in total a powerful tool to investigate the friction power losses in engines under realistic operating conditions, as will be discussed in the following. While the total engine friction power losses and the friction of the valve train are measured experimentally, the friction power losses of the crank train journal bearings are calculated using simulation. The result is in an efficient and powerful determination of the individual engine subassemblies under realistic operating conditions ranging from idle to full load operation. The presented method can be used to assess the efficiency of various friction reduction measures like cylinder deactivation, (ultra)low viscosity lubricants or coatings and won in 2014 the Innovation award of Magna Logistics Europe.",1,,403,,10.31224/,10.1007/s35146-016-0100-x,2018-03-13T16:18:35.267182,2018-07-02T11:43:47.339300 5q394,"Current challenges and frontiers for the EHD simulation of journal bearings: a review","In this manuscript the authors discuss the current state of the art in the EHD-simulation of journal bearings in automotive applications like the internal combustion engine.",1,,425,,10.31224/,10.4271/2016-01-1856,2018-03-08T16:36:22.942914,2018-07-02T11:42:10.256934 m7hsu,"An r-h Adaptive Kinematic Approach for 3D Limit Analysis","This paper explores a pathway for increasing efficiency in numerical 3D limit analysis through r-h adaptivity, wherein nodal positions (r) and element lengths (h) are successively refined. The approach uses an iterative, nested optimization procedure involving three steps: (1) determination of velocities for a fixed mesh of rigid, translational elements (blocks) using second-order cone programming; (2) adaptation of nodal positions using non-linear optimization (r adaptivity); and (3) subdivision of elements based on the magnitude of the velocity jumps (h adaptivity). Examples show that the method can compute reasonably accurate limit loads at relatively low computational cost.",1,,390,,10.31224/,,2018-03-06T18:51:33.206425,2018-07-02T11:42:08.455497 35u7g,"Conditional damped random surface velocity model of turbulent jet breakup","A turbulent jet breakup model is derived using concepts from probability theory. Velocity fluctuations at the free surface are hypothesized to be the cause of turbulent jet breakup. We formalize this idea by treating the fluctuations as random variables, subject to damping from the free surface. In contrast to previous theories, we use a conditional ensemble average to determine quantities of interest because not all fluctuations produce droplets. An energy balance and a closure model are used to determine the Sauter mean diameter. Similar approaches are used to determine the breakup onset location, breakup length, and spray angle. A criteria for the transition to the turbulent atomization regime is derived under the hypothesis that the cause is a change in the minimum velocity from the Hinze scale to the Kolmogorov scale. To validate the model, we compiled data from previous experimental studies using long pipe nozzles. The little data for rough pipes was used to include turbulence intensity in our study.",1,,599,,10.31224/,,2018-03-06T01:54:41.098116,2020-01-04T20:47:28.399446 dtxcm,"Torsional Dynamics Response of Shafts with Longitudinal and Circumferential Cracks ","Turbo generators shafts are manufactured through the extrusion process. This results in formation of weak planes along the extrusion process. It has been observed that large longitudinal cracks often form in these shafts before any circumferential cracks when these shafts are subjected to cyclic torsion due to electrical line faults. The presence of these cracks could severely compromise the shaft resonance frequencies. Dynamic response of shafts with longitudinal and circumferential cracks is investigated. The longitudinal cracked section of the shaft section is modeled as a shaft with reduced torsional rigidity. The torsional rigidity is obtained as a function of the crack depth. It was found for various shaft diameters, torsional rigidity could be represented as a function of crack depth/ shaft radius only. The circumferential cracked section is modeled as a torsional spring. The torsional spring constant has been obtained using fracture mechanics. It was found the resonance frequency of the shaft may be little affected by the presence of longitudinal crack. The resonance frequencies of the shaft with the circumferential crack depend on the crack length and location. The effects of crack surface interactions for both longitudinal and circumferential cracks were also investigated.",1,,255,,10.31224/,,2018-03-03T19:31:53.354861,2018-07-02T11:41:32.054703 s45qm,"Towards the Rapid Design of Engineered Systems Through Deep Neural Networks","The design of a system commits a significant portion of the final cost of that system. Many computational approaches have been developed to assist designers in the analysis (e.g., computational fluid dynamics) and synthesis (e.g., topology optimization) of engineered systems. However, many of these approaches are computationally intensive, taking significant time to complete an analysis and even longer to iteratively synthesize a solution. The current work proposes a methodology for rapidly evaluating and syn- thesizing engineered systems through the use of deep neural networks. The proposed methodology is applied to the analysis and synthesis of offshore structures such as oil platforms. These structures are constructed in a ma- rine environment and are typically designed to achieve specific dynamics in response to a known spectrum of ocean waves. Results show that deep learning can be used to accurately and rapidly synthesize and analyze off- shore structure.",1,,830,,10.31224/,,2018-03-02T18:34:29.333609,2018-07-02T11:41:31.473622 n2hm3,"Data on the Design of Truss Structures by Teams of Engineering Students","This experiment was conducted in order to compare different approaches that human teams use to solve design problems that change dynamically during solving. Specifically, study participants were given the task of designing a truss structure (similar to a bridge spanning a chasm) in teams of three. At two points during design, the problem statement was changed unexpectedly, requiring participants to adapt. Two conditions were given different initial problem representations. During the study, every participant had access to a computer interface that allowed them to construct, test, and share solutions. The interface also made it possible to collect a step-by-step log of the actions made by participants during the study. This article contains data collected from 48 participants (16 teams). This data has been used previously in behavioral analyses, sequence-based analysis, and development of computational models.",1,,387,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.dib.2018.02.078,2018-02-28T13:13:26.792604,2018-07-02T11:41:29.369746 tmg38,"Controlled three-dimensional polystyrene nano- and micro-structures fabricated by three-dimensional electrospinning","The combination of electrospinning with 3D printing technology opens new pathways for nano- and microfabrication, which can be applied in a wide range of application. This simple and inexpensive method was proven to fabricate 3D fibrous polystyrene structures with controlled morphology and micro to nano-fibre diameter. The controllable movement of the nozzle allows precise positioning of the deposition area of the fibres during electrospinning. A programmed circular nozzle pattern results in the formation of 3D polystyrene cylinder shapes with fibre diameters down to 560 nm. The assembly of the fibrous structures starts instantaneously, and a 4 cm tall and 5 cm wide sample can be produced within a 10-minute electrospinning process. The product exhibits high stability at ambient conditions. The shape, size, and thickness of fibrous polystyrene structures can be easily controlled by tuning the process parameters. It is assumed that the build-up of 3D fibrous polystyrene structure strongly depends on charge induction and polarization of the electrospun fibres.",1,,248,,10.31224/,,2018-02-26T15:11:23.699073,2018-07-02T11:41:27.100405 5hzkj,"Spontaneous formation of nanoparticles on electrospun fibers for fuel cell electrodes","Nanofibers spontaneously decorated with nanoparticles were synthesized by nozzle-free electrospinning, showcasing the latter as a novel, inexpensive and scalable method for depositing high-surface area composites. Layers of nanofibers of the intermediate-temperature proton conducting electrolyte cesium dihydrogen phosphate, (CsH2PO4, CDP), were deposited from homogeneous undersaturated solutions of CDP and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), uniformly over large area substrates. Under certain conditions, the nanofibers develop CDP nanoparticles on their surface, which increases the exposed electrolyte surface area and ultimately enhances electrocatalytic performance. Indeed, fuel cell tests on cathodes made of processed nanoparticle-decorated CDP nanofibers produced higher cell voltage, as compared to state-of-the-art electrodes.",1,,348,,10.31224/,,2018-02-23T20:50:28.172998,2018-07-02T11:39:52.177123 rzm4g,"The role of hydrogen and fuel cells in the global energy system","Hydrogen technologies have experienced cycles of excessive expectations followed by disillusion. Nonetheless, a growing body of evidence suggests these technologies form an attractive option for the deep decarbonisation of global energy systems, and that recent improvements in their cost and performance point towards economic viability as well. This paper is a comprehensive review of the potential role that hydrogen could play in the provision of electricity, heat, industry, transport and energy storage in a low-carbon energy system, and an assessment of the status of hydrogen in being able to fulfil that potential. The picture that emerges is one of qualified promise: hydrogen is well established in certain niches such as forklift trucks, while mainstream applications are now forthcoming. Hydrogen vehicles are available commercially in several countries, and 225,000 fuel cell home heating systems have been sold. This represents a step change from the situation of only five years ago. This review shows that challenges around cost and performance remain, and considerable improvements are still required for hydrogen to become truly competitive. But such competitiveness in the medium-term future no longer seems an unrealistic prospect, which fully justifies the growing interest and policy support for these technologies around the world.",1,,1059,,10.31224/,,2018-02-21T11:47:44.688722,2018-12-11T08:02:57.841951 w4a9y,"Effects of Fuel Sulfur Content and Dilution Conditions on Engine PM Emissions under Transient Conditions","The U.S. has introduced ultra low sulfur diesel fuel in 2007 and by 2010 will completely replace the current low-sulfur diesel fuel which has a sulfur content of less than 500 ppm. As a result, most diesel engines, including new and aged ones, are currently implementing ULSD. Thus, it is important to understand how ULSD will affect these engines’ emissions, especially under transient conditions when the load, speed, exhaust gas temperature, and primary dilution ratio change continuously. This study is to assess the effects of fuel sulfur content and aging condition on PM emissions under transient conditions. Combinations of fuels and primary dilutions were used. The primary dilution was accomplished by a CFV-CVS, a system which maintains proportional sampling throughout temperature excursions and is designed for engine emission certification. Data were collected by a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer and an Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer for steady-state and transient testing, respectively. Although the steady-state results show reasonable agreement with previous studies, the transient results display significant discrepancy when ULSD and LSD were used with the high primary dilution ratio.",1,,346,,10.31224/,,2018-02-13T03:55:24.427290,2018-07-02T11:39:06.959210 a3vyh,"Effects of a zeolite-selective catalytic reduction system on comprehensive emissions from a heavy-duty diesel engine","The effects of a zeolite urea-selective catalytic reduction aftertreatment system on a comprehensive spectrum of chemical species from diesel engine emissions were investigated in the present study. Representative samples were collected with a newly developed source dilution sampling system after an aging process designed to simulate atmospheric dilution and cooling conditions. Samples were analyzed with established procedures and compared between the measurements taken from a baseline heavy-duty diesel engine and also from the same engine equipped with the exhaust aftertreatment system. The results have shown significant reductions for nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, total hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and organic carbon emissions. Additionally, less significant yet notable reductions were observed for particulate matter mass and metals emissions. Although two ionic compounds, sulfate and nitrate, displayed increased emission levels, the production of new species was not observed with the addition of the zeolite urea-selective catalytic reduction system joined with a downstream oxidation catalyst.",1,,287,,10.31224/,10.3155/1047-3289.58.10.1258,2018-02-13T03:46:29.936478,2018-07-02T11:39:06.921852 8hznu,"Comparative analysis on the effects of diesel particulate filter and selective catalytic reduction systems on a wide spectrum of chemical species emissions","Two methods, diesel particulate filter (DPF) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems, for controlling diesel emissions have become widely used, either independently or together, for meeting increasingly stringent emissions regulations world-wide. Each of these systems is designed for the reduction of primary pollutant emissions including particulate matter (PM) for the DPF and nitrogen oxides (NOx) for the SCR. However, there have been growing concerns regarding the secondary reactions that these aftertreatment systems may promote involving unregulated species emissions. This study was performed to gain an understanding of the effects that these aftertreatment systems may have on the emission levels of a wide spectrum of chemical species found in diesel engine exhaust. Samples were extracted using a source dilution sampling system designed to collect exhaust samples representative of real-world emissions. Testing was conducted on a heavy-duty diesel engine with no aftertreatment devices to establish a baseline measurement and also on the same engine equipped first with a DPF system and then a SCR system. Each of the samples was analyzed for a wide variety of chemical species, including elemental and organic carbon, metals, ions, n-alkanes, aldehydes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, in addition to the primary pollutants, due to the potential risks they pose to the environment and public health. The results show that the DPF and SCR systems were capable of substantially reducing PM and NOx emissions, respectively. Further, each of the systems significantly reduced the emission levels of the unregulated chemical species, while the notable formation of new chemical species was not observed. It is expected that a combination of the two systems in some future engine applications would reduce both primary and secondary emissions significantly.",1,,306,,10.31224/,10.1021/es8004046,2018-02-13T03:41:27.455580,2018-07-02T11:39:06.887389 8p4zj,"Comparative Study on Various Methods for Measuring Engine Particulate Matter Emissions","Studies have shown that there are a significant number of chemical species present in engine exhaust particulate matter emissions. Additionally, the majority of current world-wide regulatory methods for measuring engine particulate emissions are gravimetrically based. As modern engines produce increasingly lower particulate mass emissions, these methods become less and less stable and have high levels of measurement uncertainty. In this study, a characterization of mass emissions from engines with a range of particulate emission levels was made in order to gain a better understanding of the variability and uncertainty associated with common mass measurement methods, as well as how well these methods compare with each other. Two gravimetric mass measurement methods and a reconstructed mass method were analyzed as part of the present study. The results have shown that each of the mass measurement methods analyzed compare well at higher emission levels, but show significant disparity at the ultra-low emission levels commonly seen from modern diesel engines. Additionally, at ultra-low emission the uncertainty in the measurement becomes large, thus reducing confidence in the accuracy of the measurement. Based upon these findings, it would be difficult to justify a comparison between any two gravimetric measurement methods and it may be more appropriate to perform a reconstruction of the particulate mass due to a lower susceptibility to measurement error.",1,,289,,10.31224/,10.4271/2008-01-1748,2018-02-13T03:30:57.489396,2018-07-02T11:39:06.851120 54rz7,"Challenges and Opportunities in International Service Learning","Service learning, and specifically the work of organizations such as Engineers Without Borders USA, have become popular with universities looking to provide their students with applied educational opportunities which blend technical skills with a broader social mission and help the institution demonstrate its global impact. However, questions remain regarding the truly realized outcomes for students, as well as the unintended consequences that may be experienced by the partnering communities. This paper describes early results results from a four-year, mixed-method study which collected data through a combination of interviews and focus groups with members of the Engineers Without Borders USA organization, analysis and coding of completed project documentation, and observations and notes collected during a field visit to a project site. We conclude from our early data that students who are able (given sufficient resources) to fully participate in these type of projects do see positive benefits. However, barriers may prevent all students from having this opportunity. Further, the nature of student service learning projects inherently creates challenges for the communities that partner on these projects. Ongoing revisions to the Engineers Without Borders USA operating procedures may remedy some of the deficiencies, while researchers, participants, and institutions should continue to critically evaluate the impacts and outcomes of their work.",1,,501,,10.31224/,,2018-02-06T03:26:19.280480,2018-07-02T11:38:27.491456 sx7jc,"Lifting the Veil: Drawing Insights about Design Teams from a Cognitively-inspired Computational Model","Novel design methodologies are often evaluated through studies involving human designers, but such studies can incur a high personnel cost. It can also be difficult to isolate the effects of specific team or individual characteristics. This work introduces the Cognitively-Inspired Simulated Annealing Teams (CISAT) modeling framework, a platform for efficiently simulating and analyzing human design teams. The framework models a number of empirically demonstrated cognitive phenomena, thus balancing simplicity and direct applicability. This paper discusses the model's composition, and demonstrates its utility through simulating human design teams in a cognitive study. Simulation results are compared directly to the results from human designers. The CISAT model is also used to identify the most beneficial characteristics in the cognitive study.",1,,451,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.destud.2015.06.005,2018-02-05T16:46:42.824662,2018-07-02T11:38:27.191951 qducz,"Rolling with the Punches: An Examination of Team Performance in a Design Task Subject to Drastic Changes","Designers must often create solutions to problems that exhibit dynamic characteristics. For instance, a client might modify specifications after design has commenced, or a competitor may introduce a new technology or feature. This paper presents a cognitive study that was conducted to explore the manner in which design teams respond to such situations. In the study, teams of undergraduate engineering students sought to solve a design task that was subject to two large, unexpected changes in problem formulation that were introduced during solving. High- and low-performing teams demonstrated very different approaches to solving the problem and overcoming the changes. The results indicate that there may exist a relationship between problem characteristics and fruitful solution strategies.",1,,470,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.destud.2014.10.001,2018-02-05T16:42:01.793717,2018-07-02T11:38:27.143947 b9znk,"A new clustering and visualization method to evaluate urban energy planning scenarios","The spatial visualization is a very useful tool to help decision-makers in the urban planning process to create future energy transition strategies, implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in the context of sustainable cities. Statistical methods are often used to understand the driving parameters of energy consumption but rarely used to evaluate future urban renovation scenarios. Simulating whole cities using energy demand softwares can be very extensive in terms of computer resources and data collection. A new methodology, using city archetypes is proposed, here, to simulate the energy consumption of urban areas including urban energy planning scenarios. The objective of this paper is to present an innovative solution for the computation and visualization of energy saving at the city scale. The energy demand of cities, as well as the micro-climatic conditions, are calculated by using a simplified 3D model designed as function of the city urban geometrical and physical characteristics. Data are extracted from a GIS database that was used in a previous study. In this paper, we showed how the number of buildings to be simulated can be drastically reduced without affecting the accuracy of the results. This model is then used to evaluate the influence of two set of renovation solutions. The energy consumption are then integrated back in the GIS to identify the areas in the city where refurbishment works are needed more rapidly. The city of Settimo Torinese (Italy) is used as a demonstrator for the proposed methodology, which can be applied to all cities worldwide with limited amount of information.",1,,544,,10.31224/,,2018-02-05T10:55:37.691531,2018-07-02T11:38:26.429540 rsxad,"Enhancement of Shear Transfer in Composite Deck with Mechanical Fasteners","Reinforced concrete construction and steel construction are two of the most common contemporary construction methods. Both methods make use of composite decks as floor systems and diaphragms. During the design of composite decks, the interaction between the steel deck and concrete slab is typically disregarded when calculating the strength of the composite di- aphragm due to lack of complete shear transfer, as existing practices such as stamping are not effective to provide substantial composite action. This conservative assumption essentially results in non-efficient use of material. This paper presents a method for ensuring shear transfer through the use of conventional sheet metal screws, driven through the corrugated steel deck and embedded in the fresh concrete. This method is proposed for use in the field between formed steel beams. Both experimental and analytical stud- ies support an increase in strength with the addition of embedded fasteners. Further, experimental results indicate an additional increase in strength with the addition of synthetic reinforcing fibers. The increase in strength with the addition of the fasteners is on the order of 100%. When fasteners are already in use, the addition of synthetic reinforcing fibers can increase strength on the order of 10%. The ultimate deflection of enhanced deck is comparable to deck tested without fasteners, but the initial stiffness of enhanced deck is much higher.",1,,361,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.engstruct.2015.01.046,2018-02-03T21:18:53.600454,2018-07-02T11:38:24.490016 jbw3z,"Combining Multi-body Dynamics and Potential Flow Simulation Methods to Model a Wave Energy Converter","Numerical simulations that predict the dynamics and performance of wave energy converters (WECs) require the simulation of complex fluid-structure interactions between a WEC device and the wave environment. Navier- Stokes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and fully time-domain boundary integral equation methods (BIEMs) can be coupled with multi-body dynamics solvers to simulate these problems. However, the computational resources that are required to perform these types of high-fidelity simulations are significant, precluding the use of CFD and time-domain BIEM for design optimization. One method for reducing the numerical complexity of WEC simulations is to model the hydrodynamics using frequency- domain simulations, while model the dynamic motion of the WEC device in the time-domain using multi-body dynamics methods. The primary objective of the work presented herein is to develop such a numerical tool using the multi-body solver SimMechanics and the frequency-domain hydrodynamics code WAMIT. The numerical tool was developed so that WEC devices comprised of arbitrarily connected bodies, power-take-off (PTO) systems, and mooring systems can be simulated in operational sea states, where the wave environment can be modeled under linear assumptions. The remainder of this paper describes the development and verification of the numerical tool.",1,,521,,10.31224/,,2018-02-02T22:43:47.352532,2018-07-02T11:38:22.136022 34e9h,"Influence of Crosslinking on the Mechanical Behavior of 3D Printed Alginate Scaffolds: Experimental and Numerical Approaches","Tissue scaffolds fabricated by three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting are attracting considerable attention for tissue engineering applications. Because the mechanical properties of hydrogel scaffolds should match the damaged tissue, changing various parameters during 3D bioprinting has been studied to manipulate the mechanical behavior of the resulting scaffolds. Crosslinking scaffolds using a cation solution (such as CaCl2) is also important for regulating the mechanical properties, but has not been well documented in the literature. Here, the effect of varied crosslinking agent volume and crosslinking time on the mechanical behavior of 3D bioplotted alginate scaffolds was evaulated using both experimental and numerical methods. Compression tests were used to measure the elastic modulus of each scaffold, then a finite element model was developed and a power model used to predict scaffold mechanical behavior. Results showed that crosslinking time and volume of crosslinker both play a decisive role in modulating the mechanical properties of 3D bioplotted scaffolds. Because mechanical properties of scaffolds can affect cell response, the findings of this study can be implemented to modulate the elastic modulus of scaffolds according to the intended application.",1,,531,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jmbbm.2018.01.034,2018-02-01T18:48:44.608930,2020-03-08T15:05:14.307225 c86hb,"A parametric tool to evaluate the environmental and economic feasibility of decentralized energy systems.","A simulation tool is developed to make a comprehensive techno-economic and environmental assessment of a case study under different scenarios. Different capacity of solar and storage technologies are considered. The model calculates the levelized cost of electricity, the autonomy level and the CO2 emissions. We demonstrate that the economic profitability of solar and battery system is in very good agreement with HOMER and the autonomy level is validated by using a simulation tool created by SI-REN. We show that combining solar PV with battery system doesn't bring additional autonomy to the model for Geneva considering the present market prices for batteries and seasonal changes in solar energy potential. The validated tool is then extended to include the thermal demand and generation by adding heat pumps and solar thermal. The availability of thermal storage at a large scale and the generation over a neighbourhood are shown to increase the autonomy of the neighbourhood. Finally, multiple scenarios are also run by changing the input parameters to perform a sensitivity analysis of these parameters on the performance of the model. Under the assumptions of the model, to foster investments in solar PV and battery installations, falling investments costs seem necessary for the future.",1,,546,,10.31224/,,2018-02-01T08:46:12.574921,2018-07-02T11:37:27.666854 8k2cr,"Heterogeneous Simulated Annealing Teams: An Optimizing Search Algorithm Inspired by Engineering Design Teams","Although insights uncovered by design cognition are often utilized to develop the methods used by human designers, using such insights to inform computational methodologies also has the potential to improve the performance of design algorithms. This paper uses insights from research on design cognition and design teams to inform a better simulated annealing search algorithm. Simulated annealing has already been established as a model of individual problem solving. This paper introduces the Heterogeneous Simulated Annealing Team (HSAT) algorithm, a multi-agent simulated annealing algorithm. Each agent controls an adaptive annealing schedule, allowing the team develop heterogeneous search strategies. Such diversity is a natural part of engineering design, and boosts performance in other multi-agent algorithms. Further, interaction between agents in HSAT is structured to mimic interaction between members of a design team. Performance is compared to several other simulated annealing algorithms, a random search algorithm, and a gradient-based algorithm. Compared to other algorithms, the team-based HSAT algorithm returns better average results with lower variance.",1,,281,,10.31224/,,2018-01-31T17:16:51.244307,2018-07-02T11:37:26.366063 fyr6s,"Fairness and Manipulation: An Empirical Study of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem","The design process often requires work by teams, rather than individuals. During these times it is likely that situations will arise in which members of a team have different opinions, yet a group decision must still be made. Unfortunately, Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem indicates that there is no method for aggregating group preferences that will always satisfy a small number of “fair” conditions. This work seeks to identify methods of combining individual preferences that can come close to satisfying Arrow’s conditions. Experiential conjoint analysis was used to obtain empirical utility functions for drinking mug designs. A number of functions for constructing group preference were then analysed using both empirical conjoint preferences and randomly generated preferences. This analysis involved checking each of Arrow’s conditions, as well as computing the likelihood that a method will be susceptible to manipulation by a dishonest individual. Based on the results, methods that should be used to aggregate group preference in practice are recommended.",1,,351,,10.31224/,,2018-01-31T17:10:29.133194,2018-07-02T11:37:26.263623 k6rxa,"A review on the artificial intelligence algorithms for the recognition of Activities of Daily Living using sensors in mobile devices","The automatic recognition of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) with a multi-sensor mobile device that can acquire different types of sensors' data, and rely on the use of machine learning methods to handle the recognition of ADL with reliable accuracy. This paper focuses on the literature review of the existing methods to make the identification of ADL in order to assess the efficiency of the different methods for the identification of ADL and their environments using off-the-shelf mobile devices. Data acquired from several sensors can be used for the identification of ADL, where the motion, magnetic and location sensors handle the recognition of activities with movement, and the acoustic sensors handle the recognition of activities related with the environment. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to present a review of the machine learning methods already used on this field, relating them with the accuracy and number of ADL recognized.",1,,479,,10.31224/,10.1007/978-3-030-40305-8_33,2018-01-30T12:31:05.281512,2020-03-28T14:42:41.596121 zudhe,"Eliciting Configuration Design Heuristics with Hidden Markov Models","Configuration design problems, characterized by the selection and assembly of components into a final desired solution, are common in engineering design. Although a variety of theoretical approaches to solving configuration design problems have been developed, little research has been conducted to observe how humans naturally attempt to solve such problems. This work mines the data from a cognitive study of configuration design to extract helpful design heuristics. The extraction of these heuristics is automated through the application of hidden Markov models. Results show that, for a truss configuration problem, designers proceed through four procedural states in solving configuration design problems, transitioning from topology design to shape and parameter design. High-performing designers are distinguished by their opportunistic tuning of parameters early in the process, enabling a heuristic search process similar to the A* search algorithm.",1,,302,,10.31224/,,2018-01-30T01:02:56.060625,2018-07-02T11:37:23.503060 vfwme,"Multi-Objective Optimization and Scenario-based Robustness Analysis of the MoneyMaker Hip Pump","Water-lifting technologies for irrigation have significant potential to increase agricultural yields and stimulate economic growth in rural areas of the developing world. Human-powered water pumps have been used with great success in this rapidly developing market. KickStart's MoneyMaker Hip Pump is a human-powered water pump with additional design features that make it lightweight and portable for use in remote fields in several countries throughout Africa. This work first applied numerical optimization techniques to the design of the MoneyMaker Hip Pump and offers further improvements to its design. Deterministic multi-objective optimization methods were employed to maximize the flow rate of the pump, maximize the pumping height of water, and minimize cost. Following optimization, the robustness of the optimized pump design was analyzed under several modified scenarios, including fouling of the hoses and a decrease in operator power due to fatigue or aging. The set of cost-optimized pump designs was then compared to a second set of optimal designs that was found using material volume as a simplified proxy for the cost objective function. Findings indicate that several technical improvements can be made to the current MoneyMaker Hip Pump design to reduce cost by up to 37% without affecting water flow rate, or increase water flow rate by up to 88% without increasing cost. The numerical model was validated through physical experimentation of the MoneyMaker Hip Pump, and design alterations to reduce cost were experimentally shown to maintain pump performance.",1,,446,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.deveng.2018.01.001,2018-01-30T00:40:45.607841,2018-07-02T11:37:23.460554 yh2k6,"Selection of Artificial Muscle Actuators for a Continuum Manipulator","Artificial muscle actuators have become a popular choice as actuation units for robotic applications, particularly in the growing area of soft robotics. The precise specification of an artificial muscle actuator for a particular application requires the consideration of several parameters that work together to achieve the performance characteristics of the actuator. This paper explores the specification of artificial muscle actuator parameters by presenting and applying the analytical description of the actuator, simulation by finite element method for investigating material stresses under a wide variety of configurations, and a specific parameter selection process. This is followed by an experimental validation using an example actuator to compare against the predicted actuator performance. Some discussion of appropriateness of this type of actuator as a candidate solution for use in the example application of a dexterous continuum manipulator is included. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication.",1,,469,,10.31224/,,2018-01-23T04:02:37.897500,2020-01-18T12:10:24.050402 sj9w6,"User Testing of a Continuum Manipulator for Assistive Technology","The application of continuum manipulators as assistive robots is discussed and tested through the use of Bendy ARM, a tendon-driven continuum manipulator prototype. Two rounds of user testing were completed to evaluate the potential of this robot to aid disabled individuals in the completion of activities of daily living. In the first round of user testing, 14 able-bodied subjects successfully completed the prescribed task (pick-and-place) using multiple control schemes after being given a brief introduction and one minute of practice with each scheme. In the second round of user testing, subjects chosen from the first round of testing (n = 3) demonstrated between 29.45 and 48.91 percent improvement in completion time across three sessions (twelve trials total) of a peg-in-hole task, and between 8.39 and 33.81 percent improvement across two sessions (six trials total) of a task involving opening and closing a drawer. Based on these results, it is posited that continuum manipulators merit further consideration as a safer and more cost-effective alternative to existing commercially available assistive robotic manipulators.",1,,453,,10.31224/,,2018-01-16T20:57:35.787518,2018-07-02T11:35:29.109864 87n39,"Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Signals Based on Spiking Neuronal Networks","This paper proposes a digital construction of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals based on the Izhikevich neuron model using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform. The signals are intended for use in diverse electronics applications such as robotics and power converters. A spiking pattern was used to generate the input data and produce the PWM signals. A comparator was used to compare between the spiking pattern data and DC level parameters. The results validate that the proposed hardware can reproduce PWM signals with duty cycles from 0% to 100%.",1,,1101,,10.31224/,10.1109/ICSIPA.2017.8120602,2018-01-12T01:55:18.091253,2018-07-02T13:30:51.765485 7xch2,"A digital implementation of 2D Hindmarsh–Rose neuron","Different architectures and techniques have developed in the neuromorphic field to mimic and investigate the activity of biological neural networks. This paper presents a set of piece-wise linear approximations of a two-dimensional Hindmarsh–Rose neuron model for digital circuit implementation to achieve higher speeds and lower hardware costs in large-scale implementation of the biological neural networks. The performance of the model was evaluated with a time domain signal error. Synthesis and hardware implementation on a field-programmable gate array, as a proof of concept, indicates that the proposed model reproduces several neuronal behaviors similar to the original model with higher performance and considerably lower implementation costs.",1,,588,,10.31224/,,2018-01-12T01:48:22.143834,2018-07-02T13:30:51.728676 ag4jv,"Design and Implementation of a GPS based Personal Tracking System","Tracking based applications have been quite popular in recent times. Most of them have been limited to commercial applications such as vehicular tracking (e.g tracking of a train etc). However, not much work has been done towards design of a personal tracking system. Our Research work is an attempt to design such personal tracking system. In this paper, we have shared glimpses of our research work. The objective of our research project is to design & develop a system which is capable of tracking and monitoring a person, object or any other asset of importance (called as target). The system uses GPS to determine the exact position of the target. The target is aided with a compact handheld device which consists of a GPS receiver and GSM modem. GPS receiver obtains location coordinates (viz. Latitude & Longitude) from GPS satellites. The location information in NMEA format is decoded, formatted and sent to control station, through a GSM modem. Due to use of Open CPU development platform, no external Microcontroller is required, with additional advantage of compact size product, reduced design & development time and reduced cost. Thus, the proposed system is able to track the accurate location of target. This system finds applications in tracking old-age people, tracking animals in forest, tracking delivery of goods etc. Our final designed system is a small-size compact l.S""X3.7S"" Tracker system with position accuracy error <30m (100 feet).",1,,846,,10.31224/,,2018-01-03T10:19:57.511558,2018-07-02T11:33:30.832107 vn72w,"Numerical investigation of the mechanical properties of the additive manufactured bone scaffolds fabricated by FDM: the effect of layer penetration and post-heating","In recent years, thanks to additive manufacturing technology, researchers have gone towards the optimization of bone scaffolds for the bone reconstruction. Bone scaffolds should have appropriate biological as well as mechanical properties in order to play a decisive role in bone healing. Since the fabrication of scaffolds is time consuming and expensive, numerical methods are often utilized to simulate their mechanical properties in order to find a nearly optimum one. Finite element analysis is one of the most common numerical methods that is used in this regard. In this paper, a parametric finite element model is developed to assess the effects of layers penetration׳s effect on inter-layer adhesion, which is reflected on the mechanical properties of bone scaffolds. To be able to validate this model, some compression test specimens as well as bone scaffolds are fabricated with biocompatible and biodegradable poly lactic acid using fused deposition modeling. All these specimens are tested in compression and their elastic modulus is obtained. Using the material parameters of the compression test specimens, the finite element analysis of the bone scaffold is performed. The obtained elastic modulus is compared with experiment indicating a good agreement. Accordingly, the proposed finite element model is able to predict the mechanical behavior of fabricated bone scaffolds accurately. In addition, the effect of post-heating of bone scaffolds on their elastic modulus is investigated. The results demonstrate that the numerically predicted elastic modulus of scaffold is closer to experimental outcomes in comparison with as-built samples.",1,,1172,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.01.031,2017-12-30T02:53:25.841293,2018-07-02T11:33:26.480151 y4pfe,"Ultimate behaviour of cladding assemblages in industrial buildings","Profiled steel sheeting is widely used as cladding systems in industrial buildings. These systems are normally composed of thin-walled cold-formed steel profiles attached to steel purlins, or side-rails, which are connected to the column elements by means of simple fastener arrangements. Extensive research has been carried out on the response of cold-formed cladding systems under out of plane loading and codified recommendations are available to estimate their resistance under serviceability and ultimate limit states for the purpose of conventional design verifications. Attention has also been placed recently on quantifying the degree of rotational flexibility offered by purlin-sheeting systems. Nevertheless, the ultimate response of such configurations involves complex interactions within the cladding-purlin-connection assemblage that need to be carefully examined in order to assess and quantify the large deformation response. The study reported in this paper focuses on the inelastic response of industrial cladding systems which are designed and detailed according to conventional European practice. Selected results from a series of quasi-static tests performed within a wider collaborative project aimed at assessing the local and global static and dynamic behaviour of industrial building systems are presented. Due to the comparatively more robust response of typical industrial frame elements, the tests focus on the performance of cladding-purlin-column assemblages. The test layout and boundary conditions are described and the discussion is centred on key structural response parameters, namely stiffness, strength and failure conditions. Preliminary numerical assessments carried out with a view to providing further analytical and design studies are also outlined.",1,,597,,10.31224/,,2017-12-28T20:52:15.636920,2018-07-02T11:31:08.623584 yt6w7,"Combinational processing of 3D printing and electrospinning of hierarchical poly(lactic acid)/gelatin-forsterite scaffolds as a biocomposite: Mechanical and biological assessment","In this research, hierarchical scaffolds including poly(lactic acid) (PLA) micro struts and nanocomposite gelatin-forsterite fibrous layers were developed using fused deposition modeling (FDM) and electrospinning (ES), respectively. Briefly, geometrically various groups of pure PLA scaffolds (interconnected pores of 230 to 390 μm) were fabricated using FDM technique. After mechanical evaluation, ES technique was utilized to develop gelatin-forsterite nanofibrous layer. To study these scaffolds, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and uniaxial compression tests were performed. Furthermore, bioactivity of the scaffolds was evaluated by immersing in the simulated body fluid and apatite formation on the surface of the scaffolds was investigated. Results depicted that elastic modulus of PLA/gelatin-forsterite scaffolds, fabricated by a combinational approach, was significantly higher than that of pure one (about 52%). SEM images showed the formation of calcium phosphate-like precipitates on the surface of these scaffolds, confirming the effects of nanocomposite fibrous layer on the improved bioactivity of the scaffolds. Regarding the obtained biological as well as mechanical properties, the developed bio-composite scaffolds can be used as a biocompatible candidate for bone tissue regeneration.",1,,259,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.matdes.2017.07.051,2017-12-25T20:16:44.211540,2018-07-02T11:31:06.273454 zp7nd,"An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Solving N-Queens Problem","In this paper a Meta-heuristic approach for solving the N-Queens Problem is introduced to find the best possible solution in a reasonable amount of time. Genetic Algorithm is used with a novel fitness function as the Meta-heuristic. The aim of N-Queens Problem is to place N queens on an N x N chessboard, in a way so that no queen is in conflict with the others. Chromosome representation and genetic operations like Mutation and Crossover are described in detail. Results show that this approach yields promising and satisfactory results in less time compared to that obtained from the previous approaches for several large values of N.",1,,629,,10.31224/,,2017-12-21T18:49:55.216506,2018-07-02T11:31:03.143239 6jcd7,"Earthmoving through the Lens of Geotechnical Engineering","Earthmoving machines of varying sophistication, ranging from the simple garden spade to the hydraulic excavator, have evolved considerably over the centuries, but the scientific understanding of earthmoving processes lags considerably behind the technology. Historically much effort has been directed towards aspects of the machine, whereas relatively little attention has been given to the soil. For this reason, the problem has primarily engaged the interest of mechanical engineers. This paper provides a brief overview of the state of the art in analytical and numerical modeling, as well as some of the significant challenges that have yet to be overcome. It concludes with a description of the research program at Northwestern University, which includes analytical and numerical modeling of earthmoving processes and experiments completed using a new experimental facility. The preliminary results shown in the paper highlight key features of earthmoving processes and the potential for contributions from geotechnical engineers.",1,,561,,10.31224/,,2017-12-13T10:58:40.798504,2018-07-02T11:29:44.445803 5t2ku,"The Transformational Effects of Applying Systems Engineering in Laboratory Scientific Research","Through case study analysis of physicists working in quantum systems, we establish that knowledge of Systems Engineering (SE) will benefit scientists by ensuring that experimental apparatus is robust and fully meets the experiment requirements. We suggest a paradigm shift in the training of early career research scientists to ensure they have a strong appreciation of the systems approach and experience of applying SE techniques. Two case studies were used: the first was a detailed analysis of increasing levels of SE in the development of a 3D-printer for fabricating superconducting nano-circuitry. Applying SE techniques improved record keeping, reduced the risk of failure modes and took better account of future development through which scientific discovery may be exploited in practical devices. The second case study focused on a group of 30 quantum physics PhD students undertaking a short-course in basic SE, and used their opinions to check and add confidence to the findings of the first case study. A variety of tools were used in both studies and, in both cases, the Functional Failure Means Effects Analysis (FFMEA) technique was considered to be most useful. Recommendations are made for the future training of early career scientists to include some light-weight Systems Engineering.",1,,659,,10.31224/,,2017-12-08T12:09:40.726224,2018-07-02T11:28:44.369385 7vpfn,"Spectral Unmixing With Perturbed Endmembers","We consider the problem of supervised spectral unmixing with a fully-perturbed linear mixture model where the given endmembers, as well as the observations of the spectral image, are subject to perturbation due to noise, error, mismatch, etc. We calculate the Fisher information matrix and the Cramer-Rao lower bound associated with the estimation of the abundance matrix in the considered fully-perturbed linear spectral unmixing problem. We develop an algorithm for estimating the abundance matrix by minimizing a constrained and regularized maximum-loglikelihood objective function using the block coordinate-descend iterations and the alternating direction method of multipliers. We analyze the convergence of the proposed algorithm theoretically and perform simulations with real hyperspectral image datasets to evaluate its performance. The simulation results corroborate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm in mitigating the adverse effects of perturbation in the endmembers.",1,,819,,10.31224/,,2017-12-07T00:57:46.745615,2018-07-02T11:28:41.971433 7wmha,"Application of a Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) Based Artificial Neural Network to Cetane Number Predictions","Due to the high cost and time required to synthesize alternative fuel candidates for comprehensive testing, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) can be used to predict fuel properties, allowing researchers to preemptively screen desirable fuel candidates. However, the accuracy of an ANN is limited by its error, measured by the root mean square error (RMSE), standard deviation, and r-squared values derived from a given input database. The present work improves upon an existing model for predicting the Cetane Number (CN) by changing the neuron activation function of the ANN from sigmoid to rectified linear unit (ReLU). This change to the ANN’s architecture provides an increase in accuracy by reducing the RMSE by 21.4% (1.35 CN units), the average standard deviation across models by 28%, and increasing the r-squared value by 0.0492 across a wide range of molecular structures. Additionally, by using the ReLU activation function, input data is not required to be normalized, which reduces the likelihood of an inaccurate prediction on future fuel candidates which may have input parameters outside the range of normalization. Increasing the accuracy of the predictive ANN in this way will allow researchers to obtain more accurate fuel property predictions for promising fuel candidates.",1,,642,,10.31224/,10.1115/ICEF2017-3614,2017-12-05T17:04:00.792571,2018-07-02T11:27:27.623613 zuav2,"Dispensing-Based Bioprinting of Hybrid Scaffolds with Vessel-like Channels for Tissue Engineering Applications – A Brief Review","Over the past two decades, significant progress has been achieved in the field of tissue engineering (TE) to restore/repair damaged tissues or organs and, in this regard, scaffolds made from biomaterials have played a critical role. Notably, recent advances in biomaterials and three-dimensional (3D) printing have enabled the manipulation of two or more biomaterials of distinct, yet complementary, mechanical and/or biological properties to form so-called hybrid scaffolds mimicking native tissues. Among various biomaterials, hydrogels synthesized to incorporate living cells and/or biological molecules have dominated due to their hydrated tissue-like environment. Moreover, dispensing-based bioprinting has evolved to the point that it can now be used to create hybrid scaffolds with complex structures. However, the complexities associated with multi-material bioprinting and synthesis of hydrogels used for hybrid scaffolds pose many challenges for their fabrication. This paper presents a brief review of dispensing-based bioprinting of hybrid scaffolds for TE applications. The focus is on the design and fabrication of hybrid scaffolds, including imaging techniques, potential biomaterials, physical architecture, mechanical properties, cell viability, and the importance of vessel-like channels. The key issues and challenges for dispensing-based bioprinting of hybrid scaffolds are also identified and discussed along with recommendations for future research directions. Addressing these issues will significantly enhance the design and fabrication of hybrid scaffolds to and pave the way for translating them into clinical applications.",1,,878,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jmbbm.2017.11.037,2017-11-29T23:24:37.685079,2018-07-02T11:25:51.134418 rv65c,"Image Registration Techniques: A Survey","Image Registration is the process of aligning two or more images of the same scene with reference to a particular image. The images are captured from various sensors at different times and at multiple view-points. Thus to get a better picture of any change of a scene/object over a considerable period of time image registration is important. Image registration finds application in medical sciences, remote sensing and in computer vision. This paper presents a detailed review of several approaches which are classified accordingly along with their contributions and drawbacks. The main steps of an image registration procedure are also discussed. Different performance measures are presented that determine the registration quality and accuracy. The scope for the future research are presented as well.",1,,597,,10.31224/,,2017-11-28T21:31:55.812752,2018-07-02T11:25:48.557193 a6zmp,"A novel contact interaction formulation for voxel-based micro-finite-element models of bone","Voxel-based micro-finite-element (μFE) models are used extensively in bone mechanics research. A major disadvantage of voxel-based μFE models is that voxel surface jaggedness causes distortion of contact-induced stresses. Past efforts in resolving this problem have only been partially successful; i.e., mesh smoothing failed to preserve uniformity of the stiffness matrix, resulting in (excessively) larger solution times, whereas reducing contact to a bonded interface introduced spurious tensile stresses at the contact surface. This paper introduces a novel ‘smooth’ contact formulation that defines gap distances based on an artificial smooth surface representation while using the conventional penalty contact framework. Detailed analyses of a sphere under compression demonstrated that the smooth formulation predicts contact-induced stresses more accurately than the bonded contact formulation. When applied to a realistic bone contact problem, errors in the smooth contact result were under 2%, whereas errors in the bonded contact result were up to 42.2%. We conclude that the novel smooth contact formulation presents a memory-efficient method for contact problems in voxel-based μFE models. It presents the first method that allows modeling finite slip in large-scale voxel meshes common to high-resolution image-based models of bone while keeping the benefits of a fast and efficient voxel-based solution scheme.",1,,572,,10.31224/,,2017-11-05T19:16:07.627813,2018-07-02T11:20:49.269187 x4r5z,"Data Fusion on Motion and Magnetic Sensors embedded on Mobile Devices for the Identification of Activities of Daily Living","Several types of sensors have been available in off-the-shelf mobile devices, including motion, magnetic, vision, acoustic, and location sensors. This paper focuses on the fusion of the data acquired from motion and magnetic sensors, i.e., accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer sensors, for the recognition of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) using pattern recognition techniques. The system developed in this study includes data acquisition, data processing, data fusion, and artificial intelligence methods. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are included in artificial intelligence methods, which are used in this study for the recognition of ADL. The purpose of this study is the creation of a new method using ANN for the identification of ADL, comparing three types of ANN, in order to achieve results with a reliable accuracy. The best accuracy was obtained with Deep Learning, which, after the application of the L2 regularization and normalization techniques on the sensors’ data, reports an accuracy of 89.51%.",1,,524,,10.31224/,,2017-11-02T20:30:17.055451,2018-07-02T11:20:44.112849 qywzp,"Predicting Liquefaction in Near-Real-Time (NRT): An Assessment of Geospatial vs. Geotechnical Models During the Canterbury Earthquakes","Semi-empirical models based on in-situ geotechnical tests have become the standard of practice for predicting soil liquefaction. Since the inception of the “simplified” cyclic-stress model in 1971, variants based on various in-situ tests have been developed, including the Cone Penetration Test (CPT). More recently, prediction models based soley on remotely-sensed data were developed. Similar to systems that provide automated content on earthquake impacts, these “geospatial” models aim to predict liquefaction for rapid response and loss estimation using readilyavailable data. This data includes (i) common ground-motion intensity measures (e.g., PGA), which can either be provided in near-real-time following an earthquake, or predicted for a future event; and (ii) geospatial parameters derived from digital elevation models, which are used to infer characteristics of the subsurface relevent to liquefaction. However, the predictive capabilities of geospatial and geotechnical models have not been directly compared, which could elucidate techniques for improving the geospatial models, and which would provide a baseline for measuring improvements. Accordingly, this study assesses the realtive efficacy of liquefaction models based on geospatial vs. CPT data using 9,908 case-studies from the 2010- 2016 Canterbury earthquakes. While the top-performing models are CPT-based, the geospatial models perform relatively well given their simplicity and low cost. Although further research is needed (e.g., to improve upon the performance of current models), the findings of this study suggest that geospatial models have the potential to provide valuable first-order predictions of liquefaction occurence and consequence. Towards this end, performance assessments of geospatial vs. geotechnical models are ongoing for more than 20 additional global earthquakes",1,,658,,10.31224/,,2017-10-29T06:01:38.129297,2018-07-02T11:19:43.795274 4mp5h,"Fragility functions for performance-based ground failure due to soil liquefaction","The severity of liquefaction manifested at the ground surface is a pragmatic proxy of damage potential for various infrastructure assets, making it particularly useful for hazard mapping, land-use planning, and preliminary site-assessment. Towards this end, the recent Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquakes, in conjunction with others, have resulted in liquefaction case-history data of unprecedented quantity and quality, presenting a unique opportunity to rigorously develop fragility-functions for liquefaction-induced ground failure. Accordingly, this study analyzes nearly 10,000 liquefaction case studies from 23 global earthquakes to develop fragility functions for use in performance-based frameworks. The proposed functions express the probability of exceeding specific severities of liquefaction surface manifestation as a function of three different liquefaction damage measures (LDMs), wherein four alternative liquefaction-triggering models are used. These functions have the same functional form, such that end-users can easily select the model coefficients for the particular damage state, triggering model, and LDM of their choosing.It should be noted that these functions are not to be used to predict lateral spreading, which requires LDMs other than those assessed herein. Lastly, the proposed functions are preliminary and subject to further development. In this regard, several thrusts of ongoing investigation are discussed.",1,,553,,10.31224/,,2017-10-29T05:58:09.869702,2018-07-02T11:19:43.753384 5cugd,"Moving Towards an Improved Liquefaction Hazard Framework: Lessons Resulting From the 2010-2011 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence","The 2010-2011 Canterbury, New Zealand,Earthquake Sequence (CES) resulted in a liquefaction dataset of unprecedented size and quality, presenting a truly unique opportunity to assess and improve the efficacy of liquefaction-analyticsin the field. Towards this end, the study presented herein develops and analyzes a database of 10,000 high-quality liquefaction case histories resulting from the CES. The objectives of these analyses are varied, but underlying each is the desire to more accurately assess liquefaction hazard for civil infrastructure (i.e., to predict both the occurrence and damage-potential of soil liquefaction). Major contributions from this work include, but are not limited to: (1) the Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI), the state-of-practice framework for assessing liquefaction hazard, is shown to produce erroneous predictions for a significant percentage of the assessed case histories; (2) the cause of poor predictions is rigorously investigated and specific shortcomings of the LPI framework are identified; (3) based on the limitations identified, and using insights from historical data, a revised liquefaction hazard framework is developed; and (4) the revised framework is shown to assess liquefaction hazard more efficiently relative to both LPI and a competing alternative framework newly proposed in the literature. Ultimately, significant room for improvement remains with respect to accurate assessment of liquefaction hazard. The findings presented in this dissertation thus form the basis for future development of a further-improved framework. Moreover, a methodology is proposed by which improvements can be measured in a standardized and objective manner.",1,,498,,10.31224/,,2017-10-29T05:51:58.302320,2018-07-02T11:19:43.711733 kdhb7,"Framework for Incorporating Downscaled Climate Output into Existing Engineering Methods: Application to Precipitation Frequency Curves","To improve the resiliency of designs, particularly for long-lived infrastructure, current engineering practice must be updated to incorporate a range of future climate conditions that are likely to be different from the past. However, a considerable mismatch exists between climate model outputs and the data inputs needed for engineering designs. The present work provides a framework for incorporating climate trends into design standards and applications, including: selecting the appropriate climate model source based on the intended application, understanding model performance and uncertainties, addressing differences in temporal and spatial scales, and interpreting results for engineering design. The framework is illustrated through an application to depth-duration-frequency curves, which are commonly used in stormwater design. A change factor method is used to update the curves in a case study of Pittsburgh, PA. Extreme precipitation depth is expected to increase in the future for Pittsburgh for all return periods and durations examined, requiring revised standards and designs. Doubling the return period and using historical, stationary values may enable adequate design for short duration storms; however, this method is shown to be insufficient to enable protective designs for larger duration storms.",1,,522,,10.31224/,10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000382,2017-10-23T02:52:11.579782,2018-07-02T11:17:46.765005 m9rnz,"Vector Quantization using the Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Image Compression","Vector Quantization (VQ) is a popular image compression technique with a simple decoding architecture and high compression ratio. Codebook designing is the most essential part in Vector Quantization. Linde–Buzo–Gray (LBG) is a traditional method of generation of VQ Codebook which results in lower PSNR value. A Codebook affects the quality of image compression, so the choice of an appropriate codebook is a must. Several optimization techniques have been proposed for global codebook generation to enhance the quality of image compression. In this paper, a novel algorithm called IDE-LBG is proposed which uses Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm coupled with LBG for generating optimum VQ Codebooks. The proposed IDE works better than the traditional DE with modifications in the scaling factor and the boundary control mechanism. The IDE generates better solutions by efficient exploration and exploitation of the search space. Then the best optimal solution obtained by the IDE is provided as the initial Codebook for the LBG. This approach produces an efficient Codebook with less computational time and the consequences include excellent PSNR values and superior quality reconstructed images. It is observed that the proposed IDE-LBG find better VQ Codebooks as compared to IPSO-LBG, BA-LBG and FA-LBG.",1,,535,,10.31224/,,2017-10-15T10:08:43.944514,2018-07-02T11:15:52.841816 n7dgs,"Ground motion observations from the 14 November 2016 Mw7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake and insights from broadband simulations","This paper provide insights into the observed ground motion records from the 14 November 2016 $M_w7.8$ Kaikoura earthquake. Specific detail is given to examining observations in the near-source and those in the urban Wellington / Lower Hutt regions through a combination of time series and response spectra to understand salient source, path and site effects. Several ground motions exceeding 1.0g horizontal are recorded, as well as up to 2.7g in the vertical direction at one location. The complexity associated with multi-fault rupture is clearly evident in several strong motion stations in the near-source region. Significant site effect case histories from sedimentary and reclaimed soil deposits and topographic effects are observed in the Wellington and Lower Hutt regions. To provide further insights, predictions from preliminary broadband ground motion simulations are examined to more directly interpret the observations.",1,,365,,10.31224/,10.1785/0220160225,2017-10-10T06:44:40.084074,2018-07-02T11:15:46.171621 6xshk,"An Automated System To Replace A Human User In Conventional Laboratory Well Plate Imaging","We here developed an automated well plate imaging system to eliminate the requirement for continuous human operation, thus freeing up the valuable time of a scientific researcher and removing the possibility of fatigue-induced human error. Specifically, we created a prototype system with programmed two-dimensional movement, automated calibration, variable plate configuration compatibility, variable path feasibility, reliable well plate image capture, and an intuitive graphical user interface. Successful implementation of our device would immediately benefit laboratory scientists, giving them more time to pursue the next biomedical breakthroughs.",1,,578,,10.31224/,,2017-09-27T20:34:46.525526,2018-07-02T11:13:32.118452 2jxy7,"Sustainable remediation of antibacterials, metals and DNA","The global antibacterial crisis requires urgent attention from environmental engineering and bioengineering. Here, unit operation efficiencies are assessed, in a novel water treatment train capable of remediating antibacterials, metals and DNA. This technological cycle relies on bioremediation, high temperature and pressure. The analyses used 14C-respirometry, spectrometry, and a set of molecular analyses. Multiresistant bacteria hold antibacterial resistance genes (ARGs); they were harnessed for bioremediation of pollutant mixtures. Treatment efficiencies were 25-71% for 8-days aerobic metal reduction and removal (CrVI: 255, Cd: 0.65, and Pb: 0.65 mg L-1 initial concentrations); 34.8% erythromycin (ERY) 20-days biodegradation (from 750 mg L-1). The anaerobic digestion (AD) bioremediated mixed antibacterials (65-73% in 60 days from initial 100 mg L-1). However, high concentrations of mixed antibacterials (SMX+ERY) induced stronger inhibition of enzymatic activity, higher sensitivity of bacteria and acetoclastic methanogens, and higher diversity of ARGs. ARGs justified complete DNA degradation (60°C at 5.8 kPa for 10 min). The suggested coupling sequence of operations was metal then antibacterial aerobic bioremediation (as pre-treatments to anaerobic digestion), anaerobic bioremediation (also yielding biomethane as heat source), recirculation of ARGs in situ, and thermal-barometric DNA degradation.",1,,418,,10.31224/,,2017-09-26T00:31:28.343994,2018-07-02T11:13:29.551424 9wqfn,"Measuring and Predicting Sooting Tendencies of Oxygenates, Alkanes, Alkenes, Cycloalkanes, and Aromatics on a Unified Scale","Soot from internal combustion engines negatively affects health and climate. Soot emissions might be reduced through the expanded usage of appropriate biomass-derived fuels. Databases of sooting indices, based on measuring some aspect of sooting behavior in a standardized combustion environment, are useful in providing information on the comparative sooting tendencies of different fuels or pure compounds. However, newer biofuels have varied chemical structures including both aromatic and oxygenated functional groups, making an accurate measurement or prediction of their sooting tendency difficult. In this work, we propose a unified sooting tendency database for pure compounds, including both regular and oxygenated hydrocarbons, which is based on combining two disparate databases of yield-based sooting tendency measurements in the literature. Unification of the different databases was made possible by leveraging the greater dynamic range of the color ratio pyrometry soot diagnostic. This unified database contains a substantial number of pure compounds (≥ 400 total) from multiple categories of hydrocarbons important in modern fuels and establishes the sooting tendencies of aromatic and oxygenated hydrocarbons on the same numeric scale for the first time. Using this unified sooting tendency database, we have developed a predictive model for sooting behavior applicable to a broad range of hydrocarbons and oxygenated hydrocarbons. The model decomposes each compound into single-carbon fragments and assigns a sooting tendency contribution to each fragment based on regression against the unified database. The model’s predictive accuracy (as demonstrated by leave-one-out cross-validation) is comparable to a previously developed, more detailed predictive model. The fitted model provides insight into the effects of chemical structure on soot formation, and cases where its predictions fail reveal the presence of more complicated kinetic sooting mechanisms. This work will therefore enable the rational design of low-sooting fuel blends from a wide range of feedstocks and chemical functionalities.",1,,1198,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.12.005,2017-09-14T18:23:26.438347,2019-03-04T20:27:19.773207 wfcds,"FRUIT AND VEGETABLE WASH-WATER CHARACTERIZATION, TREATMENT FEASIBILITY STUDY AND DECISION MATRICES","On average, it is estimated that up to 5 liters of wastewater is generated per kg of produce in post-harvest processing of fruit, leafy greens and root vegetables. The typical wastewater parameters vary in concentration (solids content, COD, BOD, nitrogen, phosphorus) based on the produce being processed. The challenge for producers and regulators is that the selection of the appropriate treatment technology is challenging, so decision matrices were developed to narrow down the treatment selections. Wash-waters for different types of fruit and vegetables from two different operation types, washing only vs. washing and processing. Bench-scale treatments selected for testing included settling, coagulation and flocculation with settling, centrifuge, dissolved air flotation, electrocoagulation, screening, and hydrocyclone. The developed decision matrices summarize the removal effectiveness of the different treatments for typical wastewater parameters and serve as a reference tool in understanding wash-water treatment technologies and their effectiveness in treating various wash-waters.",1,,735,,10.31224/,10.1139/cjce-2017-0214,2017-09-08T17:29:08.537230,2018-07-02T11:10:52.026401 sa8k3,"Large Scale Bioventing Degradation Rates of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Determination of Scale-up Factors","Bioventing is a cutting edge, non-destructive treatment method that uses indigenous soil microorganisms in-situ to remediate petroleum hydrocarbons in the unsaturated soil zone. Transferring the application of this technology to a field environment still has some uncertainties due to scale-up challenges. In order to identify the scale-up factor, a 80 kg soil reactor system was developed, consisting of a custom made reactor, climate chamber, low flow venting system and an off gas capture device. Sandy and clayey soils were tested with known concentrations of spiked synthetic gasoline. Various environmental conditions were monitored which included: moisture levels, pH, microbial levels, nutrient and oxygen levels. Results show a second stage degradation rate similar to the degradation rate obtained from research conducted with a 4 kg reactor, giving an average scale-up factor of 2.3±0.4. The completed research shows that working with a 80 kg laboratory reactor is feasible, yet not always necessary for the development of scale-up factors. A complimentary study with aged soil contaminants was preformed and yielded degradation rates that were significantly reduced.",1,,737,,10.31224/,10.1080/10889868.2017.1312265,2017-09-08T14:54:28.031346,2018-07-02T11:10:51.967570 yd4pc,"New considerations about light pollution in rural and protected areas based on a global perspective savings-pollution-safety: Impact on real installations","The broad implementation of LED light sources in public lighting has become a revolution in the last years. Their low power consumption and good performance make LED an optimal solution in most of outdoor applications. In addition, the white light emitted by the vast majority of the LED used in public lighting and their good color rendering allow pedestrians and drivers enjoy of more comfortable cities at night, especially commercial zones and city centre. However, the regulations on light pollution, that in some countries have been developed in parallel to the introduction of LED lighting, present strong constrains to white light due to Rayleigh scattering. These regulations request filtering of blue wavelengths in some rural areas, and thus they limit the projects to high pressure sodium sources or amber LEDs, whose prices are higher and performances lower than for white LEDs. In this work, the pros and contras of white and amber LED lighting in rural areas are analyzed and compared through real simulations and considerations based on efficiency and light pollution. Important conclusions for installations in rural and protected areas are presented.",1,,759,,10.31224/,,2017-09-06T12:03:58.091134,2018-07-02T11:10:49.450679 pgtuq,"Mechatronics Workshop for Elementary School Outreach","In an attempt to engage a classroom of fifth-grade students in an engineering design experience, we took advantage of the prior experiences of a larger collaboration which demonstrated that these students gravitate towards projects which involve electronics while also providing an opportunity to help people. The field of assistive technology, which provides a means of achieving greater independence and standard of living through the integration of technology with the tasks of everyday life and work, served as a suitable application for the student's natural inclinations towards helping others. Supporting evidence was also found in the literature where it is argued that assistive technology is a field that provides a rich opportunity for students to engage with their peers, their community, and the world at large in a meaningful way. Further, the use of project-based design experiences has been shown to improve student engagement, use of divergent thinking, and teamwork skills. This paper reports on the outcomes of this workshop, constructed to introduce the students to the design process from an engineering context, mechatronics, and assistive technology. The workshop focused on design of a mechatronic device using an Arduino inventor kit. The workshop introduced fundamentals of connecting the Arduino to a laptop, wiring simple circuits, and coding in the C++ programming language. Students were also briefed on the background of the field of assistive technology and were presented with a design challenge which would require them to design and prototype an assistive technology device to improve the daily life for a particular client.",1,,683,,10.31224/,,2017-09-01T18:44:00.695453,2018-07-02T11:09:34.989454 c9eka,"Automatic localization of Deep Stimulation Electrodes using trajectory-based segmentation approach","Parkinson's disease (PD) is a degenerative condition of the nervous system, which manifests itself primarily as muscle sti ness, hypokinesia, bradykinesia, and tremor. In patients su ering from advanced stages of PD, Deep Brain Stimulation neurosurgery (DBS) is the best alternative to medical treatment, especially when they become tolerant to the drugs. This surgery produces a neuronal activity, a result of electrical stimulation, whose quanti cation is known as Volume of Tissue Activated (VTA). To locate the VTA correctly in the cerebral volume space, one should be aware of exactly the location on the tip of the DBS electrodes, as well as their spatial projection. In this paper, we automatically locate DBS electrodes using a thresholdbased medical imaging segmentation methodology, determining the optimal value of this threshold adaptively. The proposed method allows the localization of DBS electrodes in Computed Tomography (CT) images, with high noise tolerance, using automatic threshold detection methods.",1,,623,,10.31224/,,2017-08-28T15:16:12.686051,2018-07-02T11:09:28.248004 5kqzd,"A Type–II Fuzzy Entropy Based Multi-Level Image Thresholding Using Adaptive Plant Propagation Algorithm","One of the most straightforward, direct and efficient approaches to Image Segmentation is Image Thresholding. Multi-level Image Thresholding is an essential viewpoint in many image processing and Pattern Recognition based real-time applications which can effectively and efficiently classify the pixels into various groups denoting multiple regions in an Image. Thresholding based Image Segmentation using fuzzy entropy combined with intelligent optimization approaches are commonly used direct methods to properly identify the thresholds so that they can be used to segment an Image accurately. In this paper a novel approach for multi-level image thresholding is proposed using Type II Fuzzy sets combined with Adaptive Plant Propagation Algorithm (APPA). Obtaining the optimal thresholds for an image by maximizing the entropy is extremely tedious and time consuming with increase in the number of thresholds. Hence, Adaptive Plant Propagation Algorithm (APPA), a memetic algorithm based on plant intelligence, is used for fast and efficient selection of optimal thresholds. This fact is reasonably justified by comparing the accuracy of the outcomes and computational time consumed by other modern state-of-the-art algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) and Genetic Algorithm (GA).",1,,531,,10.31224/,,2017-08-22T20:26:08.518005,2018-07-02T11:08:04.284572 sh8p4,"Adaptive Plant Propagation Algorithm for Solving Economic Load Dispatch Problem","Optimization problems in design engineering are complex by nature, often because of the involvement of critical objective functions accompanied by a number of rigid constraints associated with the products involved. One such problem is Economic Load Dispatch (ED) problem which focuses on the optimization of the fuel cost while satisfying some system constraints. Classical optimization algorithms are not sufficient and also inefficient for the ED problem involving highly nonlinear, and non-convex functions both in the objective and in the constraints. This led to the development of metaheuristic optimization approaches which can solve the ED problem almost efficiently. This paper presents a novel robust plant intelligence based Adaptive Plant Propagation Algorithm (APPA) which is used to solve the classical ED problem. The application of the proposed method to the 3-generator and 6-generator systems shows the efficiency and robustness of the proposed algorithm. A comparative study with another state-of-the-art algorithm (APSO) demonstrates the quality of the solution achieved by the proposed method along with the convergence characteristics of the proposed approach.",1,,715,,10.31224/,,2017-08-11T06:06:59.550452,2018-07-02T11:06:46.165642 2saum,"Field-testing liquefaction models based on geospatial vs. geotechnical data","This study assesses the relative efficacy of liquefaction models based on geospatial vs. geotechnical data. In particular, state-of-practice geotechnical models based on the Cone Penetration Test (CPT) are compared to geospatial models that use readily available no-cost data. This assessment is performed using a database of 9,623 liquefaction case studies compiled from the 2010-2016 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquakes. While the top-performing model is CPT-based, the geospatial models perform surprisingly well given their simplicity. In particular, a region-specific geospatial model out-performs some CPT-based methods. While further research is needed, the presented findings are provocative considering the relative cost and complexity of the geotechnical models. Accordingly, performance assessments of geospatial vs. geotechnical models are ongoing for more than 20 additional earthquakes.",1,,763,,10.31224/,,2017-08-08T16:07:40.100019,2018-07-02T11:05:28.770202 j2rs6,"Probabilistic Prediction of Severity of Liquefaction Surface Manifestation Using Geotechnical and Geospatial Models","The severity of liquefaction manifested at the ground surface is a pragmatic proxy of damage potential for various infrastructure assets, making it particularly useful for hazard mapping, land-use planning, and preliminary site-assessment. Towards this end, the recent Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquakes, in conjunction with others, have resulted in liquefaction case-history data of unprecedented quantity and quality, presenting a unique opportunity to develop fragility-functions for liquefaction-induced ground failure. Accordingly, this study analyzes nearly 10,000 liquefaction case studies from 23 earthquakes to develop functions that express the probability of exceeding specific severities of liquefaction surface-manifestation as a function of five different liquefaction damage measures (LDMs), of which three are based on geotechnical data and two are based on freely available geospatial data. The proposed functions have the same functional form, such that end-users can easily select the model coefficients for the particular damage state and LDM of their choosing. It should be noted that these functions are not to be used to predict lateral spreading, which requires LDMs other than those assessed herein. Lastly, the proposed functions are preliminary and subject to further development. In this regard, several thrusts of ongoing investigation are mentioned.",1,,675,,10.31224/,,2017-08-07T20:23:29.753688,2018-07-02T11:05:28.283357 tyhqm,"REDUCING STRUCTURAL ERROR IN FUNCTION GENERATING MECHANISMS VIA THE ADDITION OF LARGE NUMBERS OF FOUR-BAR MECHANISMS","This paper presents a methodology for synthesizing planar linkages to approximate any prescribed periodic function. The mechanisms selected for this task are the slider-crank and the geared five-bar with connecting rod and sliding output (GFBS), where any number of drag-link (or double crank) four-bars are used as drivers. A slider-crank mechanism, when comparing the input crank rotation to the output slider displacement, produces a sinusoid-like function. Instead of directly driving the input crank, a drag-link four-bar may be added that drives the crank from its output via a rigid connection between the two. Driving the input of the added four-bar results in a function that is less sinusoid-like. This process can be continued through the addition of more drag-link mechanisms to the device, slowly altering the curve toward any periodic function with a single maximum. For periodic functions with multiple maxima, a GFBS is used as the terminal linkage added to the chain of drag-link mechanisms. The synthesis process starts by analyzing one period of the function to design either the terminal slider-crank or terminal GFBS. A randomized local search is then conducted as the four-bars are added to minimize the structural error between the desired function and the input-output function of the mechanism. Mechanisms have been “grown” in this fashion to dozens of links that are capable of closely producing functions with a variety of intriguing features.",1,,899,,10.31224/,,2017-08-03T19:33:38.384330,2018-07-02T11:05:26.913137 dwuyr,"The Synthesis of Function Generating Mechanisms for Periodic Curves Using Large Numbers of Double-Crank Linkages","This paper presents a methodology for synthesizing planar linkages to approximate any prescribed periodic function. The mechanisms selected for this task are the slider-crank and the geared five-bar with connecting rod and sliding output (GFBS), where any number of double-crank (or drag-link) four-bars are used as drivers. A slider-crank mechanism, when comparing the input crank rotation to the output slider displacement, produces a sinusoid-like function. Instead of directly driving the input crank, a drag-link four-bar may be added to drive the crank from its output via a rigid connection between the two. Driving the input of the added four-bar results in a function that modifies the sinusoid-like curve. This process can be continued through the addition of more drag-link mechanisms to the device, progressively altering the curve toward any periodic function with a single maximum. For periodic functions with multiple maxima, a GFBS is used as the terminal linkage added to the chain of drag-link mechanisms. The synthesis process starts by analyzing one period of the function to design either the terminal slidercrank or terminal GFBS. MATLAB’s fmincon command is then utilized as the four-bars are added to reduce the structural error between the desired function and the input–output function of the mechanism. Mechanisms have been synthesized in this fashion to include a large number of links that are capable of closely producing functions with a variety of intriguing features",1,,957,,10.31224/,10.1115/1.4035985,2017-08-03T19:26:44.496192,2018-07-02T11:05:26.842847 n7ajq,"Hydraulic Valve for Miniature Surgical Robot Applications","This paper describes the design and testing of a novel hydraulic control valve for use in the minimally invasive surgical robotic manipulator. The use of hydraulics for surgical robotics opens new possibilities for miniaturization and robustness. However, to enable this, there exists a need for hydraulic components which bridge the size gap between traditional fluidics and microfluidics. This paper provides motivation for the development of a miniature hydraulic valve designed specifically to enable a serpentine style hydraulic surgical manipulator. Included are a description of the various considerations relevant to the valve and its specific application, such as the method of manipulation for the valve, as well as a theoretical valve design and a mathematical description of the operating principles. Two possible methods of valve activation, piezoelectric and electromagnetic, are discussed along with two physical realizations of the valve design are presented which demonstrate the theoretical design. Finally, the results of experimental testing performed on valve prototypes is described to evaluate the design options and help inform the selection of the final configuration. This is a preprint of an article submitted for consideration in ADVANCED ROBOTICS, copyright Taylor & Francis and Robotics Society of Japan; ADVANCED ROBOTICS is available online at",1,,921,,10.31224/,,2017-07-31T01:56:04.812476,2018-07-02T11:05:24.640652 ekus8,"Blast actions from high explosives. Studies on their simulation and effects","Bombing attacks are one of the most destructive means of the terrorist threat in terms of both human lifes and cultural heritage. The mechanical problem of the effects of a blast on structures, in order to assess their vulnerability and design functioning protections for saving human lifes and preserving historical monuments, is a crucial issue for the present international situation. Here, we introduce a strategy suited for the calculation of the blast actions on structures comparing three different numerical schemes: JWL, CONWEP and TM5-1300. A procedure based upon precise interpolations of the experimental data allows comparison of the above models on simple cases. We simulate first a blast inside Pantheon in Rome, taking into account for the complex pattern of multiple reflected blast waves and the nonlinearities of no-tension materials. Then, we consider the response to an explosion inside a fuselage made of aluminium alloys. In this last case we discuss the opportunity given by cost-effective numerical approaches in designing protections through the development of a new concept of a passive protective device for aircrafts cabins.",1,,1389,,10.31224/,,2017-07-29T05:26:53.495711,2018-07-02T11:05:24.375270 5ua7g,"The Internet of Hackable Things","The Internet of Things makes possible to connect each everyday object to the Internet, making computing pervasive like never before. From a security and privacy perspective, this tsunami of connectivity represents a disaster, which makes each object remotely hackable. We claim that, in order to tackle this issue, we need to address a new challenge in security: education.",1,,780,,10.31224/,,2017-07-25T12:46:30.853727,2018-07-02T11:05:22.349036 umkz8,"Chest Wall Kinematics Using Triangular Cosserat Point Elements in Healthy and Neuromuscular Subjects","Optoelectronic plethysmography (OEP) is a noninvasive method for assessing lung volume variations and the contributions of different anatomical compartments of the chest wall (CW) through measurements of the motion of markers attached to the CW surface. The present study proposes a new method for analyzing the local CW kinematics from OEP measurements based on the kinematics of triangular Cosserat point elements (TCPEs). 52 reflective markers were placed on the anterior CW to create a mesh of 78 triangles according to an anatomical model. Each triangle was characterized by a TCPE and its kinematics was described using four time-variant scalar TCPE parameters. The total CW volume ( VTCW) and the contributions of its six compartments were also estimated, using the same markers. The method was evaluated using measurements of ten healthy subjects, nine patients with Pompe disease, and ten patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), during spontaneous breathing (SB) and vital capacity maneuvers (VC) in the supine position. TCPE parameters and compartmental volumes were compared with VTCW by computing the phase angles θ (for SB) and the correlation r (for VC) between them. Analysis of θ and r of the outward translation parameter PT of each TCPE revealed that for healthy subjects it provided similar results to those obtained by compartmental volumes, whereas for the neuromuscular patients the TCPE method was capable of detecting local asynchronous and paradoxical movements also in cases where they were undistinguished by volumes. Therefore, the TCPE approach provides additional information to OEP that may enhance its clinical evaluation capabilities.",1,,659,,10.31224/,10.1007/s10439-017-1840-6,2017-07-21T19:41:31.566704,2018-07-02T11:03:33.382973 yfqxr,"Bone Orientation and Position Estimation Errors Using Cosserat Point Elements and Least Squares methods: Application to Gait","The aim of this study was to analyze the accuracy of bone pose estimation based on sub-clusters of three skin-markers characterized by triangular Cosserat point elements (TCPEs) and to evaluate the capability of four instantaneous physical parameters, which can be measured non-invasively in-vivo, to identify the most accurate TCPEs. Moreover, TCPE pose estimations were compared with the estimations of two least squares minimization methods applied to the cluster of all markers, using rigid body (RBLS) and homogeneous deformation (HDLS) assumptions. Analysis was performed on previously collected in-vivo treadmill gait data composed of simultaneous measurements of the gold-standard bone pose by bi-plane fluoroscopy tracking the subjects' knee prosthesis and a stereophotogrammetric system tracking skin-markers affected by soft tissue artifact. Femur orientation and position errors estimated from skin-marker clusters were computed for 18 subjects using clusters of up to 35 markers. Results based on gold-standard data revealed that instantaneous subsets of TCPEs exist which estimate the femur pose with reasonable accuracy (median root mean square error during stance/swing: 1.4/2.8 deg for orientation, 1.5/4.2 mm for position). A non-invasive and instantaneous criteria to select accurate TCPEs for pose estimation (4.8/7.3 deg, 5.8/12.3 mm), was compared with RBLS (4.3/6.6 deg, 6.9/16.6 mm) and HDLS (4.6/7.6 deg, 6.7/12.5 mm). Accounting for homogeneous deformation, using HDLS or selected TCPEs, yielded more accurate position estimations than RBLS method, which, conversely, yielded more accurate orientation estimations. Further investigation is required to devise effective criteria for cluster selection that could represent a significant improvement in bone pose estimation accuracy.",1,,625,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.01.026,2017-07-21T19:34:28.904807,2018-07-02T11:03:33.301639 397zy,"Unphysical properties of the rotation tensor estimated by least squares optimization with specific application to biomechanics","Analysis of the transformation of one data set into another is a ubiquitous problem in many fields of science. Many works approximate the transformation of a reference cluster of n vectors Xi (i=1,2,..,n) into another cluster of n vectors xi by a translation and a rotation using a least squares optimization to obtain the rotation tensor Q. The objective of this work is to prove that this rotation tensor Q exhibits unphysical dependence on the shape and orientation of the reference cluster. In contrast, when the transformation is approximated by a translation and a general non-singular tensor F, which includes deformations, then the associated rotation tensor R does not exhibit these unphysical properties. An example in biomechanics quantifies the errors of these unphysical properties.",1,,688,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.ijengsci.2016.02.001,2017-07-21T19:02:42.591003,2018-07-02T11:03:33.240155 b3az4,"Bone Pose Estimation in the Presence of Soft Tissue Artifact Using Triangular Cosserat Point Elements","Accurate estimation of the position and orientation (pose) of a bone from a cluster of skin markers is limited mostly by the relative motion between the bone and the markers, which is known as the Soft Tissue Artifact (STA). This work presents a method, based on continuum mechanics, to describe the kinematics of a cluster affected by STA. The cluster is characterized by Triangular Cosserat Point Elements (TCPEs) defined by all combinations of three markers. The effects of the STA on the TCPEs are quantified using three parameters describing the strain in each TCPE and the relative rotation and translation between TCPEs. The method was evaluated using previously collected ex-vivo kinematic data. Femur pose was estimated from 12 skin markers on the thigh, while its reference pose was measured using bone pins. Analysis revealed that instantaneous subsets of TCPEs exist which estimate bone position and orientation more accurately than the Procrustes Superimposition applied to the cluster of all markers. It has been shown that some of these parameters correlate well with femur pose errors, which suggests that they can be used to select, at each instant, subsets of TCPEs leading an improved estimation of the underlying bone pose.",1,,711,,10.31224/,10.1007/s10439-015-1384-6,2017-07-21T18:58:57.529110,2018-07-02T11:03:33.183848 spge4,"Soft Tissue Artifact Compensation Using Triangular Cosserat Point Elements (TCPEs)","Existing methods which compensate for the Soft Tissue Artifact (STA) in optoelectronic motion measurements estimate the rigid motion of a nearly rigid underlying body segment based on analysis of the motion of all fiducial markers. The objective of the proposed Triangular Cosserat Point Elements (TCPE) method is to estimate the motion of the underlying body segment even when the STA in the entire cluster of markers can be large. This is accomplished by characterizing the cluster of markers with TCPEs defined by triangles based on all combinations of three markers. Then, scalar deformation measures characterizing the magnitudes of strain and relative rotation of pairs of TCPEs are defined for each TCPE. These deformation measures are used to define a filtered group of TCPEs which best represents the motion of the underlying body segment. The method was tested using an experimental setup that consists of a rigid pendulum with a deformable 300ml silicone breast implant attached to it as a simulation of the soft tissue around a bony segment. The rotation angles extracted from markers on the deformable implant were compared with simultaneous measurements of the rigid pendulum using an optoelectronic system. Analysis of the experimental data shows that this filtering process substantially reduces the error due to the STA even though the data set includes large deformations. In particular, the analysis shows that the error reduction using the TCPE approach is larger than the reductions obtained using standard least-squares minimization methods.",1,,725,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.ijengsci.2014.07.001,2017-07-21T18:50:24.561189,2018-07-02T11:03:33.135747 ufjkr,"A Sustainable Design Repository for Influencing the Eco-Design of New Consumer Products","Engineering designers are constantly seeking ways to be more innovative, decisive, and informed of emerging technologies in the design of consumer products. Design tools, such as functional decomposition, morphology, and Pugh charts help stimulate the design process. However, many early-design-phase design tools require designers to have experiential or empirical design knowledge; many of these approaches are intractable for use by novice designers or designers with little experience designing for certain new objectives. In contrast to these current tools, using repositories to store product design information can provide additional and extensive design knowledge to the global design community. Using repository data—and resultant data-driven design approaches—in the design of new products can be especially impactful for DfX design objectives such as product sustainability, about which many engineering designers have limited knowledge. In this paper, we discuss the creation of a sustainable design repository – a collection of product data that includes environmental impact information. Through the initialization of a 47-product repository case study, we seek to create data-driven design processes that can influence designers to consider environmental sustainability. We found, for example, that in the first year of a product’s life, 29-64% of the environmental impact occurs during the product’s use phase, and that uncertainty in input data (such as component manufacturing location and disposal method) can significantly contribute to environmental impact variation. The creation of this sustainable design repository highlights the need for the consideration of input uncertainties when conducting environmental impact analysis. Additionally, the repository has also been used in tandem with machine learning to understand design decisions that lead to more sustainable products. This sustainable design repository enables subsequent data-driven design research in that it provides a large dataset on which machine learning approaches can operate.",1,,801,,10.31224/,,2017-07-19T21:28:05.687921,2018-07-02T11:03:31.826979 wtxfc,"A Novel MRI Compatible Soft Tissue Indentor and Fibre Bragg Grating Force Sensor","MRI is an ideal method for non-invasive soft tissue mechanical properties investigation. This requires mechanical excitation of the body’s tissues and measurement of the corresponding boundary conditions such as soft tissue deformation inside the MRI environment. However, this is technically difficult since load application and measurement of boundary conditions requires MRI compatible actuators and sensors. This paper describes a novel MRI compatible computer controlled soft tissue indentor and optical Fibre Brag Grating (FBG) force sensor.",1,,759,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.medengphy.2012.06.014,2017-07-17T13:30:50.516728,2018-07-02T11:03:31.046775 vh8ka,"AntibIoTic: Protecting IoT Devices Against DDoS Attacks","The 2016 is remembered as the year that showed to the world how dangerous distributed Denial of Service attacks can be. Gauge of the disruptiveness of DDoS attacks is the number of bots involved: the bigger the botnet, the more powerful the attack. This character, along with the increasing availability of connected and insecure IoT devices, makes DDoS and IoT the perfect pair for the malware industry. In this paper we present the main idea behind AntibIoTic, a palliative solution to prevent DoS attacks perpetrated through IoT devices.",1,,1151,,10.31224/,,2017-07-17T09:50:00.617658,2018-07-02T11:03:30.993508 d74ec,"Is it time to adjust the sails? On the philosophy of structural reliability","The paper studies some gestalt switches in structural reliability. Then it makes a point for looking at the problem from a structuralist view. It further shows that subset simulation is a wrong approach for failure probability computation. A new method for it, called onion concept, is proposed.",1,,706,,10.31224/,,2017-07-08T04:48:22.522838,2018-07-02T11:03:27.168777 jzac9,"The Holos Reactor: A Distributable Power Generator with Transportable Subcritical Power Modules","Holos is a distributable modular nuclear power generator with enhanced safety features. Holos design objectives include production of affordable pollutant-free electricity and process heat with the safest melt-tolerant and proliferation resistant fuels. The design leverages commercial tech- nologies utilized for the conversion of thermal energy into conditioned electricity. Holos can op- erate as a stand-alone electric island at sites with no power grid infrastructure and can be scaled- up or clustered to meet local electric demands. Specialized configurations of Holos generators can be airlifted and timely deployed to supply emergency electricity and process heat to disaster areas and to inaccessible remote locations. The proposed distributable electric generator is com- prised within dimensions and weight requirements compatible with International Standard Or- ganization (ISO) transport containers, and is formed by subcritical power modules protected from shock stressors during transport. Holos coupled core becomes critical and enables power generation only when multiple subcritical power modules are positioned near one another. Cool- ing of Holos fuel relies only on environmental air during operations with passive decay-heat re- moval. Depending on configurations, Holos fuel cycle is 12-20 years, with 8%-15% enriched nuclear fuel sealed at all times and contained within replaceable fuel cartridges. At the end of the fuel cycle, the fuel cartridges fit within licensed transport and storage canisters for long term storage with low decommissioning cost. Holos power conversion components can be recondi- tioned when the fuel cartridges are replaced at the end of their fuel cycles and the generator can be re-licensed to resume operation for a total generator life-span of 60 years. In this design, the thermodynamic cycle utilized to convert the core thermal energy into electricity is based on the Brayton power cycle. In some configurations, the design integrates and couples a bottoming Rankine power cycle operating with organic fluids to enhance efficiency, convert decay thermal energy into electricity and support process heat applications. Holos waste heat recovery and con- version feature also relaxes thermal loading requirements at underground spent fuel repositories. The power conversion components utilized in this design are off-the-shelf, with power ratings comparable to those forming aviation jet engines and gas turbines commercially available worldwide. This approach simplifies the design and enables factory certification following the regulatory and quality assurance programs applied by the aviation industry. Holos innovative architecture provides the means to support a distributable power source satisfying various appli- cations’ requirements with enhanced safety and substantial cost reductions, thus making Holos generators competitive, and synergetic with technology sourced on renewable energy.",1,,2558,,10.31224/,,2017-06-25T12:50:30.275408,2018-07-02T11:01:26.397511 h6mdn,"DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW CO2-BASED DEMAND-CONTROLLED VENTILATION STRATEGY USING ENERGYPLUS","A significant amount of energy is being used by ventilation and air conditioning systems to maintain the indoor environmental condition in a satisfactory and comfortable level. Many buildings, either new or existing (throughout their renovation process) are subjected to energy efficiency requirements but these must not be in the expenses of indoor environmental conditions. For instance, indoor air quality (IAQ) has to be considered while improving energy efficiency, otherwise occupants might be exposed to inappropriate indoor environment. Demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) is a method that provides comfortable IAQ level with lowest energy use. In this paper, the main objective is developing a new CO2-based DCV strategy and simulating it using EnergyPlus. The IAQ and energy consumption associated to this strategy have been compared with the results of CO2-based DCV strategies previously developed by the same authors in another article. The comparison shows that the new strategy performs better, both in energy use and IAQ. The recorded energy savings ranged between 6-14% comparing with the previously developed strategies while IAQ slightly improved.",1,,720,,10.31224/,,2017-06-20T16:49:04.080698,2018-07-02T11:01:23.730082 jq6ca,"Microservices: a Language-based Approach","Microservices is an emerging development paradigm where software is obtained by composing autonomous entities, called (micro)services. However, microservice systems are currently developed using general-purpose programming languages that do not provide dedicated abstractions for service composition. Instead, current practice is focused on the deployment aspects of microservices, in particular by using containerization. In this chapter, we make the case for a language-based approach to the engineering of microservice architectures, which we believe is complementary to current practice. We discuss the approach in general, and then we instantiate it in terms of the Jolie programming language.",1,,894,,10.31224/,,2017-06-19T14:27:45.314939,2018-07-02T11:01:22.986487 6ut5a,"Low-Profile Self-Sealing Sample Transfer Flexure Box","A flexural bearing mechanism has enabled the development of a self-sealing box for protecting air sensitive samples during transfer between glove boxes, micro-machining equipment, and microscopy equipment. The simplicity and self-actuating feature of this design makes it applicable to many devices that operate under vacuum conditions. The models used to design the flexural mechanism are presented in detail. The device has been tested in a Zeiss Merlin GEMINI II scanning electron microscope with Li3PS4 particles, showing effective isolation from air and corrosion prevention.",1,,927,,10.31224/,,2017-05-30T21:25:13.826873,2018-07-02T10:59:27.145544 kghqu,"Tensile shear strength and dynamic mechanical analysis of 6063 aluminium alloy and 304 stainless steel by spot welding","Mechanical properties of dissimilar metal of spot welding were tested and analyzed based on the variation in welding currents and welding times. From visual observation, the largest weld nugget recorded was 7.43 mm at 5 kA, meanwhile the smallest was 6.4 mm at 3 kA. It was found that weld nugget size increase with the increment of weld current and extension of weld time. Based on tensile result, the largest weld nugget size of 7.43 mm produced the highest tensile strength, 31.99 N/mm2 mean while the smallest weld nugget 6.4 mm produced 29.40 N/mm2. The results show that weld nugget size affect the tensile shear strength, and with the increment of weld current and extension of welding time, tensile shear strength increase. Dynamic mechanical properties defined the storage modulus, loss modulus and damping capacity of dissimilar metal spot welded. It was found that at 10 Hz frequency between 70°C to 350°C, with heating rate of 10°C/minute, the storage modulus increase with increment in weld current and the extension of weld time to 8 s. Meanwhile the loss modulus decrease with the increased of weld current and weld time. Same pattern happen to damping capacity, the value dropped with the increases of welding current and welding time.",1,,1458,,10.31224/,,2017-05-28T03:05:42.593728,2018-07-02T10:58:12.193591 c8qrw,"The Effects of Cold Rolling Process and Annealing Treatment on Damping Properties of 3105 Aluminium Alloy","The aluminium alloy have deformed by cold rolling process to 50 percent, 60 percent, and 70 percent rolling reduction. In order to reduce the strain hardening of the samples, an annealing treatment was performed after cold worked process. The lower the rolling reduction, the higher the damping capacity of the samples. The sample for 50 percent rolling reduction before annealed has increase in damping capacity from 0.0361 to 0.1318. When the samples undergo two different annealing temperatures and soaking hours, the damping properties such as loss modulus, storage modulus, and damping capacity show some changes in trend curves and experimental value. The damping capacity for sample 50 percent rolling reduction and after annealed at temperature 300 °C for one hour was increased from 0.0193 to 0.1405 at temperature 50 °C to 380 °C. The hardness measurement showed that, the value of Vickers hardness were decrease after annealed due to the decreasing in strain hardening.",1,,512,,10.31224/,,2017-05-26T02:17:07.896116,2018-07-02T10:58:11.369101 mqvfc,"Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Analysis of 304 Stainless Steel by TIG Welding","Gas tungsten arc welding is the process repairing and widely used in heavy engineering for joining metal. It can be uses for various type of metal and application. The aim of this project is to study the effects of 304 stainless steel with 3 mm thickness on mechanical properties and its microstructure analysis towards gas tungsten arc welding method. The variables set up in this project were current, gas flow rate and welding direction upon rolling direction of stainless steel sheet. Three current setup were used which is 60 A, 80 A and 100 A Type of filler metal used in this project was ER 308L with 1.6 diameter. Two set up for gas flow rate were used which is 8 l/m and 12 l/m. Testing that carried out were tensile test, Vickers macro hardness test with 10 kgf load and microstructure analysis by using optical microscope. The effects of microstructure in austenitic stainless steel welds is discussed. From the mechanical properties procedures, the strength of the weld metal was obtain. For hardness testing, the most important zone to be focused were heat-affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal (WM). The integrity of the welding tested by using tensile test and hardness test with different amount of current and gas flow rate.",1,,539,,10.31224/,,2017-05-26T02:11:02.787570,2018-07-02T10:58:11.333117 qky92,"Flexural Strength and Crack Propagation of Porous Clay- Precipitated Calcium Carbonates","Porous clay-precipitated calcium carbonates were prepared via polymeric sponge replication method using precipitated calcium carbonates (PCC) and red clay as raw materials. Different compositions of precipitated calcium carbonates (PCC) which is 10 wt.% and 15 wt.% with 24 hours and 48 hours milling time were sintered at 1250°C for 2 hours respectively which influenced the flexural strength and morphology of the porous ceramic. The highest flexural strength (1.843 MPa) were obtained by 10 wt.% [CaCO3]PCC milled at 24 hours related to the lowest percentage of porosity (81.00%). Mineralogical characterization of porous ceramic were determined via X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows the presence of crystalline phases such as anorthite (2CaAl2Si2O8), gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7) and esseneite (CaFeAlSiO6) after sintering process. The morphological analysis via stereomicroscope shows that the porosity and struts were found due to presence of precipitated calcium carbonates that act as pore forming agent. The colour of porous ceramic between 10 wt.% [CaCO3]PCC and 15 wt.% [CaCO3]PCC shows significant difference due to iron oxide contained in the red clay which contributes to the colour of the samples. Crack propagates in the intergranular type of fracture mode due to resulted porous ceramic is a brittle material.",1,,788,,10.31224/,,2017-05-26T02:10:45.053818,2018-07-02T10:58:11.298872 g58pd,"Comparative dynamic mechanical properties of non-superheated and superheated A357 alloys","The influence of superheat treatment on the microstructure and dynamic mechanical properties of A357 alloys has been investigated. The study of microstructure was performed by the optical microscope. Dynamic mechanical properties (storage modulus, loss modulus, and damping capacity) were measured by the dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA). Microstructure showed coarser and angular eutectic Si particles with larger α-Al dendrites in the non-superheated A357 alloy. In contrast, finer and rounded eutectic Si particles together with smaller and preferred oriented α-Al dendrites have been observed in the superheated A357 alloy. Dynamic mechanical properties showed an increasing trend of loss modulus and damping capacity meanwhile a decreasing trend of storage modulus at elevated temperatures for superheated and non-superheated A357 alloys. The high damping capacity of superheated A357 has been ascribed to the grain boundary damping at elevated temperatures.",1,,430,,10.31224/,10.4149/km_2010_3_185,2017-05-25T15:03:25.733387,2018-07-02T10:58:11.163233 xywbc,"Effect of hydrogen peroxide addition to methane fueled homogeneous charge compression ignition engines through numerical simulations","The effect of the direct injection of hydrogen peroxide into a port-injected methane fueled homogeneous charge compression ignition engine was investigated numerically. The injection of aqueous hydrogen peroxide was implemented as a means of combustion phasing control. A single cylinder homogeneous charge compression ignition engine (2.43 L Caterpillar) was modeled using the Cantera 2.0 flame code toolkit, the GRI-Mech 3.0 chemical reaction mechanism, and a single-zone slider-crank engine model. Start of injection timing and the amount of injected hydrogen peroxide were manipulated to achieve desired combustion phasing under a wide range of intake temperatures. As the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is increased, the combustion phasing is advanced up to 22 degrees for the conditions investigated in this study. This advancing effect is most pronounced at small concentrations (< 10 g H2O2 / kg CH4) and early injection timings (SOI < 25 degrees BTDC). The model suggests hydrogen peroxide can be introduced as a means of combustion phasing control while maintaining the low emissions and peak in-cylinder pressures inherent in homogeneous charge compression ignition engines.",1,,966,,10.31224/,,2017-05-24T18:58:15.979870,2018-07-02T10:58:10.675274 e6qdr,"Investigation of Biofuels from Microorganism Metabolism for Use as Anti-Knock Additives","This paper investigates the anti-knock properties of biofuels that can be produced from microorganism metabolic processes. The biofuels are rated using Research Octane Number (RON) and Blending Research Octane Number (BRON), which determine their potential as additives for fuel in spark ignition (SI) engines. Tests were conducted using a single-cylinder Cooperative Fuel Research (CFR) engine and performance of the biofuels was compared to primary reference fuels (PRFs). The investigated fuels include 3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol, 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol, 2-methylpropan-1-ol (isobutanol), and limonene. Results show that 3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol, 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol, and 2-methylpropan-1-ol (isobutanol) sufficiently improve the anti-knock properties of gasoline.",1,,893,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.fuel.2013.10.024,2017-05-23T15:51:07.523619,2018-07-02T10:58:10.222532 5v7r9,"Predicting the Cetane Number of Furanic Biofuel Candidates Using an Improved Artificial Neural Network Based on Molecular Structure","The next generation of alternative fuels is being investigated through advanced chemical and biological production techniques for the purpose of finding suitable replacements to diesel and gasoline while lowering production costs and increasing process yields. Chemical conversion of biomass to fuels provides a plethora of pathways with a variety of fuel molecules, both novel and traditional, which may be targeted. In the search for new fuels, an initial, intuition-driven evaluation of fuel compounds with desired properties is required. Due to the high cost and significant production time needed to synthesize these materials at a scale sufficient for exhaustive testing, a predictive model would allow chemists to preemptively screen fuel properties of potentially desirable fuel candidates. Recent work has shown that predictive models, in this case artificial neural networks (ANN’s) analyzing quantitative structure property relationships (QSPR’s), can predict the cetane number (CN) of a proposed fuel molecule with relatively small error. A fuel’s CN is a measure of its ignition quality, typically defined using prescribed ASTM standards and a cetane testing engine. Alternatively, the analogous derived cetane number (DCN), obtained using an Ignition Quality Tester (IQT), is a direct measurement alternative to the CN that uses an empirical inverse relationship to the ignition delay found in the constant volume combustion chamber apparatus. DCN data points acquired using an IQT were utilized for model validation and expansion of the experimental database used in this study. The present work improves on an existing model by optimizing the model architecture along with the key learning variables of the ANN and by making the model more generalizable to a wider variety of fuel candidate types, specifically the class of furans and furan derivatives, by including specific molecules for the model to incorporate. The new molecules considered include tetrahydrofuran, 2-methylfuran, 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, 5,5'-(furan-2-ylmethylene)bis(2-methylfuran), 5,5'-((tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)methylene)bis(2-methyltetrahydrofuran), tris(5-methylfuran-2-yl)methane, and tris(5-methyltetrahydrofuran-2-yl)methane. Model architecture adjustments improved the overall root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of the base database predictions by 5.54%. Additionally, through the targeted database expansion, it is shown that the predicted cetane number of the furan-based molecules improves on average by 49.21% (3.74 CN units) and significantly for a few of the individual molecules. This indicates that a selected subset of representative molecules can be used to extend the model’s predictive accuracy to new molecular classes. The approach, bolstered by the improvements presented in this paper, enables chemists to focus on promising molecules by eliminating less favorable candidates in relation to their ignition quality.",1,,785,,10.31224/,10.1115/ICEF2016-9383,2017-05-18T17:59:07.909545,2018-07-02T10:58:09.213087 w5ebh,"Mixedness Measurement in Gaseous Jet Injection","In turbulent non-premixed combustion applications, such as diesel and direct injection engines, the mixedness of the injected fuel with oxygen and the working fluid inside the combustion chamber is a crucial parameter since it can significantly affect the ignition behavior. In this study, a comprehensive method for investigating mixedness, defined by spatial variation and scalar dissipation, is implemented to assess the turbulent injection of hydrogen into mixture of oxygen with nitrogen, argon, and xenon. Evaluating both criteria reflects the mixture homogeneity as well as local gradients, which aids in discriminating scalar distributions with identical homogeneity and different patterns. The results indicate that replacing nitrogen with argon as the working fluid can provide more suitable ignition conditions for the hydrogen jet.",1,,652,,10.31224/,,2017-05-18T17:19:22.369310,2018-07-02T10:58:09.174998 94s8d,"The Effect of Heavy Working Fluids on Hydrogen Combustion","The thermodynamic efficiency of internal combustion engines is dependent on the compression ratio and specific heat ratio of the working fluid. Using a mixture of oxygen and noble gases instead of air can increase the thermal efficiency due to their higher specific heat ratio. It also has advantage of eliminating NOx caused by lack of nitrogen. In this study, the three dimensional turbulent injection of hydrogen into a constant volume combustion chamber has been modeled and compared to mixtures of oxygen with nitrogen, argon and xenon. All conditions including the mass flow rate of the injected fuel, injection velocity, and initial temperature and pressure of the chamber were kept constant. The results indicate that the hydrogen jet has more penetration length in nitrogen compared to argon and xenon. However, the smaller penetration lengths lead to more complex jet shapes and larger cone angles. In combination with the higher specific heat ratio, combustion in a noble gas environment results in higher temperatures and OH radical concentrations. Furthermore, mixedness is investigated using mean spatial variation and mean scalar dissipation. Hydrogen in argon shows a better mixing rate compared to nitrogen and xenon due to higher diffusivity.",1,,980,,10.31224/,,2017-05-17T20:27:59.944289,2018-07-02T10:58:08.805543 753nx,"Simulation-based study of the energy requirements linked to the temperature control of micro-algae culture in outdoor photobioreactors.","Outdoor microalgae photobioreactors are exposed to continuously variable weather conditions, causing permanent fluctuations of culture temperature that must be limited within a strain-dependent range. The optimization of photobioreactor performance requires to be able to predict the culture temperature evolution and related power requirements as a function of weather conditions as well as photobioreactor design. Based on this perspective, a thermal model for vertical tubular photobioreactors was proposed and validated using experimental data from industrial-scale photobioreactors. The model was then used to predict the annual amount of energy required to maintain the culture temperature within a desired range, for different reactor configurations and for several locations in the world. The use of weather databases is of major importance to choose the best location to build microalgae production facilities and to optimize influent geometrical and operating parameters, which can play wanted or unwanted roles depending on the meteorological conditions of the site.",1,,652,,10.31224/,,2017-05-16T11:20:24.618879,2018-07-02T10:58:08.289158 5e6py,"Pressure Password Door Lock","Our project was to create an assistive technology device that would help someone with a disability. Our group chose to create a device that could attach to a door's dead bolt and be unlocked with a series of different amounts of pressure,",1,,422,,10.31224/,,2017-05-12T04:08:03.436071,2018-07-02T10:58:06.564791 wcb4a,"Malawi Drive System","A Pelton wheel drive system for a hydroelectric turbine",1,,264,,10.31224/,,2017-05-10T18:30:25.620071,2018-07-02T10:56:51.545420 hcj62,"Chain and Sprocket Hydro Generator Drive System","This project aims to bring power to rural towns in Malawi through the use of a micro hydro generator. Currently only about 11% of rural Malawi have electrical power access according to the world bank, sustainable energy for all database. The rugged terrain makes it ideal for hydro power. Near Hastings Mkandawire village is a small river which is diverted through plastic pipes. These pipes are plumbed downhill, this allows Hastings to increase the pressure of the water. At the bottom of the hill the water is directed at a water wheel on a shaft hooked up to a small generator. Hastings Mkandawire is the man who started the company Magnetic Power Company who is responsible for building these small generators. Hastings started by converting motor casings and other scrap materials into Nano-hydro-generators. What Hastings would like to have in his future design is sand casted key parts so generators can be mass produced. Hastings and his business want to spread access of electricity in his community and other small towns. We are going to aid in this process by helping to design a drive system that maximizes the performance measured as electrical power output for a flow of water.",1,,401,,10.31224/,,2017-05-10T17:54:18.729215,2018-07-02T10:56:51.510615 h85vn,"ET-332 Project Presentation Slides","These slides represent the project that we did for creating a mechanical system that would be placed onto a pre-existing hydroelectric generator system.",1,,363,,10.31224/,,2017-05-10T14:46:22.896226,2018-07-02T10:56:51.241107 2s9fz,"ET-332 Mechanical Project","This document was created to design a mechanical advantage for a pre-existing hydroelectric generator setup.",1,,154,,10.31224/,,2017-05-10T14:44:05.378109,2018-07-02T10:56:51.209116 fvsyu,"Malawi Power Transfer System","This is a power transfer system created to help upgrade electrical power generation in Malawi.",1,,315,,10.31224/,,2017-05-10T14:14:57.106861,2018-07-02T10:56:51.176107 gjev4,"Malawi Nano-hydro electric generator","Nano-hydro electric generator utilizing a casted aluminum pulley system",1,,320,,10.31224/,,2017-05-10T14:11:20.578975,2018-07-02T10:56:51.142478 7h4yq,"Malawi Hydro Generator Chain and Sprocket","Malawi Hydro Generator Chain and Sprocket",1,,372,,10.31224/,,2017-05-10T14:06:00.405399,2018-07-02T10:56:51.102171 sdfb2,"Malawi Hydro-Generator Project","Malawi Hydro Generator",1,,323,,10.31224/,,2017-05-10T14:06:11.265090,2018-07-02T10:56:51.069233 23pra,"Grabbin' Pills Report","This report is on a pill dispensing device made for our Impacts of Engineering course (Etech 100) at University of Wisconsin- Stout in Spring of 2017.",1,,141,,10.31224/,,2017-05-09T01:34:13.632765,2018-07-02T10:56:50.144729 xap7y,"Adaptive Door Handle","ETECH-100 Project. Adaptive door handle for wrist impinged patients.",1,,302,,10.31224/,,2017-05-09T00:31:25.542720,2018-07-02T10:56:50.110430 a9xgp,"Automatic Pill Dispenser","College project created at the University Of Wisconsin-Stout.",1,,379,,10.31224/,,2017-05-08T17:10:51.804316,2018-07-02T10:56:49.822939 5g6mt,"Arduino Hulk","We were tasked with providing an assistive technology of some kind using Arduino technology. We settled on using a hulk action figure and connecting to an array of switches. These switches would then, once set in a certain order, make the action figure do the ""hulk smash"".",1,,542,,10.31224/,,2017-05-08T13:26:02.378811,2018-07-02T10:56:49.659857 edypr,"Cabinet Door Opener","People who are to short or are physically disabled and are not able to reach and open a cabinet door in either a kitchen or shop.",1,,473,,10.31224/,,2017-05-08T13:09:59.210249,2018-07-02T10:56:49.615947 y5bzp,"ETECH-100 project","Automated blinds for limited mobility people",1,,165,,10.31224/,,2017-05-08T03:01:12.625125,2018-07-02T10:56:49.518119 wka3p,"Final Report","Final Report for Impacts 100",1,,125,,10.31224/,,2017-05-08T01:40:17.770853,2018-07-02T10:56:49.486427 329du,"Is sulfide stress cracking an anodic or a cathodic process?","Is sulfide stress cracking an anodic or a cathodic process? Does hydrogen play a role or is SSC controlled by anodic dissolution?",1,,800,,10.31224/,,2017-05-05T11:55:29.195865,2019-10-14T00:00:15.955847 u4em9,"Virtual classroom project","This project aims to provide students with disabilities the same in class learning experience through virtual reality technology, 360-degree video capture, and the use of Arduino units. These technologies will be combined to facilitate communication between teachers in physical classrooms with students in virtual classrooms. The goal is to provide a person who is affected by a disability (which makes it hard to be in a traditional classroom) the same benefits of a safe and interactive learning environment.",1,,421,,10.31224/,,2017-05-04T21:11:03.067629,2018-07-02T10:56:48.719540 53rke,"Evaluating the academic trend of RFID technology based on SCI and SSCI publications from 2001 to 2014","Radio frequency identification (RFID) is one of the most influential technologies of the twenty-first century. Today, RFID technology is being applied in a wide array of disciplines in science research and industrial projects. The significant impact of RFID is clearly visible by the rate of academic publications in the last few years. This article surveys the literature to evaluate the trend of RFID technology development based on academic publications from 2001 to 2014. Both bibliometric and content analyses are applied to examine this topic in SCI-Index and SSCI-Index documents. Based on the bibliometric technique, all 5159 existing RFID documents are investigated and several important factors are reviewed, including contributions by country, organizations, funding agencies, journal title, authors, research area and Web of Science category. Moreover, content analysis is applied to the top 100 most cited documents and based on their contents, these top 100 documents are classified into four different categories with each category divided in several sub-categories. This research aims to identify the best source of the most cited RFID papers and to provide a comprehensive road map for the future research and development in the field of RFID technology in both academic and industrial settings. Six key findings from this review are (1) the experimental method is the most popular research methodology, (2) RFID research has been a hot area of investigation but will branch out into related subset areas, (3) South East Asia is positioned to dominate this research space, (4) the focus of research up to now has been on technical issues rather than business and management issues, (5) research on RFID application domains will spread beyond supply chain and health care to a number of different areas, and (6) more research will be related to policy issues such as security and privacy.",1,,795,,10.31224/,10.1007/s11192-016-2095-y,2017-05-04T00:37:51.104480,2018-07-02T10:56:47.027259 4brfa,"Etech 100 Final Semester Project","Mechanical Design and assisting of those who need it most. Our design is for an individual who either has a prosthetic hand/arm or who has lost nerve feeling in their fingers. Resulting prototype, an RGB LED grip pressure feedback glove.",1,,426,,10.31224/,,2017-05-03T20:42:15.774652,2018-07-02T10:56:46.779299 mgn4x,"Etech final paper","Summary of what we did as a group for our project",1,,241,,10.31224/,,2017-05-03T13:24:15.192466,2018-07-02T10:56:45.977884 b4yhz,Oscar,"Our idea is an invention that keeps a plant watered for people who are forgetful, who are away from home a lot, or for plants that require specific amounts of water.",1,,85,,10.31224/,,2017-05-03T13:25:15.202833,2018-07-02T10:56:45.931772 pmh9u,"Mechanical arm final paper","Muscular dystrophy is a disease that debilitates the muscle function of those afflicted with the disease. While it is a terminal condition, the early stages still prove to be a struggle. By weakening grip, strength, and reach, early muscular dystrophy makes it difficult for those with the disease to do everyday tasks. Our project is a solves these problems by giving those with muscular dystrophy a lightweight arm with a claw that opens and closes with a switch. This gives them an extended reach and relatively strong grip while minimizing strain on their arms.",1,,358,,10.31224/,,2017-05-03T04:47:38.929138,2018-07-02T10:56:45.693584 qcdf3,"Internal Lighting Alarm System for the Hearing Impaired","Those who are hard of hearing face challenges in their daily lives in answering audio alarms around them. The most common technologies for those with hearing disabilities are products that provide stimulus to the remaining senses to gain the user's attention and convey outside stimuli. The main problem with most of these available lighting technologies is that they usually indicate only specific stimuli such as a knock and only in one space such as the front door. Our technology seeks to bridge that gap between in-home alarms in appliances, like Microwave timers, and the lack of assistive technology available for those who are hard of hearing.",1,,294,,10.31224/,,2017-05-02T14:58:20.147722,2018-07-02T10:56:45.421615 teky2,"Final Report on The Simon Project","Simon game that will help people with muscular disability. have more fun doing there daily muscle workout by playing a game instead of doing something very repetitive. our game is more unique then a normal Simon game as you can put the buttons which are on stands that you can put anywhere.",1,,256,,10.31224/,,2017-05-02T03:46:42.914588,2018-07-02T10:56:45.085521 ahytm,"PIll Dispenser Alert System","A pill dispensing system that has an annoying alarm to make sure the user has to get up to take their pills",1,,345,,10.31224/,,2017-05-01T22:41:09.178677,2018-07-02T10:56:45.028336 qj65n,"Materials and Corrosion Trends in Offshore and Subsea Oil and Gas Production","The ever-growing energy demand requires the exploration and the safe, profitable exploitation of unconventional reserves. The extreme environments of some of these unique prospects challenge the boundaries of traditional engineering alloys as well as our understanding of the underlying degradation mechanisms that could lead to a failure. Despite their complexity, high-pressure and high-temperature, deep- and ultra-deep, pre-salt, and Arctic reservoirs represent the most important source of innovation regarding materials technology, design methodologies, and corrosion control strategies. This paper provides an overview of trends in materials and corrosion research and development, with focus on subsea production but applicable to the entire industry. Emphasis is given to environmentally assisted cracking of high strength alloys and advanced characterization techniques based on in situ electrochemical nanoindentation and cantilever bending testing for the study of microstructure-environment interactions.",1,,2786,,10.31224/,10.1038/s41529-017-0003-4,2017-04-28T17:35:48.977222,2019-10-14T00:00:15.874296 k736s,"On the mechanism of protein-templated gold nanoparticle synthesis: Protein organization, controlled gold sequestration, and unexpected reaction products.","Emerging applications that exploit the properties of nanoparticles for biotechnology require that the nanoparticles be biocompatible or support biological recognition. These types of particles can be produced through syntheses that involve biologically relevant molecules (proteins or natural extracts, for example). Many of the protocols that rely on these molecules are performed without a clear understanding of the mechanism by which the materials are produced. We describe a single-pot reaction in which protein-templated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are produced as either solution-suspended colloids or as colloids formed within a solid, fibrous protein structure. We have investigated the mechanism for this process by detailing the reaction kinetics and outcomes through the use of 7 different proteins over a range of concentrations and temperatures. The key factor that controls the synthetic outcome (colloid or fiber) is the concentration of the protein relative to the gold concentration. We find that the observed fibrous structures are more likely to form at low protein concentrations and when hydrophilic proteins are used. An analysis of the reaction kinetics shows that AuNP formation occurs faster at lower protein (fiber-forming) concentrations than at higher protein (colloid-forming) concentrations. These results contradict expectations for reaction kinetics and protein-fiber formation, highlighting the need for a better understanding of the mechanism by which biomolecules can facilitate nanoparticle synthesis. As the protein properties that influence this mechanism are better recognized, researchers will be able to better utilize proteins to generate geometry-controlled AuNPs.",1,,850,,10.31224/,,2017-04-26T19:15:33.550287,2018-07-02T10:55:53.674033 aze4p,"Feedback-Capacity of Degraded Gaussian Vector BC using Directed Information and Concave Envelopes","It is known that the capacity region of a two user physically degraded discrete memoryless (DM) broadcast channel (BC) is not enlarged by feedback. An identical result holds true for a physically degraded Gaussian BC, established later using a variant of the Entropy Power Inequality (EPI). In this paper, we extend the latter result to a physically degraded Gaussian Vector BC (PD-GVBC). However, the extension is not EPI based, but employs a recent result on the factorization of concave envelopes. While the existing concave envelope factorization results do not hold in the presence of feedback, we show that factorizing the corresponding directed information quantities suffice to attain the feedback capacity region of a PD-GVBC. Our work demonstrates that factorizing concave envelopes of directed information can handle situations involving feedback. We further show that the capacity region of a discrete memoryless reversely physically degraded BC is not enlarged by feedback.",1,,762,,10.31224/,,2017-04-17T08:23:09.219669,2018-07-02T10:55:50.374133 d3bxp,"Matching Media Contents with User Profiles by means of the Dempster-Shafer Theory","The media industry is increasingly personalizing the offering of contents in attempt to better target the audience. This requires to analyze the relationships that goes established between users and content they enjoy, looking at one side to the content characteristics and on the other to the user profile, in order to find the best match between the two. In this paper we suggest to build that relationship using the Dempster-Shafer's Theory of Evidence, proposing a reference model and illustrating its properties by means of a toy example. Finally we suggest possible applications of the model for tasks that are common in the modern media industry.",1,,789,,10.31224/,,2017-04-09T19:24:41.726429,2018-07-02T10:55:48.223706 4utb2,"Toward 3D printed hydrogen storage materials made with ABS-MOF composites","The push to advance efficient, renewable, and clean energy sources has brought with it an effort to generate materials that are capable of storing hydrogen. Metal-organic framework materials (MOFs) have been the focus of many such studies as they are categorized for their large internal surface areas. We have addressed one of the major shortcomings of MOFs (their processibility) by creating and 3D printing a composite of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and MOF-5, a prototypical MOF, which is often used to benchmark H2 uptake capacity of other MOFs. The ABS-MOF-5 composites can be printed at MOF-5 compositions of 10% and below. Other physical and mechanical properties of the polymer (glass transition temperature, stress and strain at the breaking point, and Young’s modulus) either remain unchanged or show some degree of hardening due to the interaction between the polymer and the MOF. We do observe some MOF-5 degradation through the blending process, likely due to the ambient humidity through the purification and solvent casting steps. Even with this degradation, the MOF still retains some of its ability to uptake H2, seen in the ability of the composite to uptake more H2 than the pure polymer. The experiments and results described here represent a significant first step toward 3D printing MOF-5-based materials for H2 storage.",1,,1459,,10.31224/,,2017-04-07T14:15:56.250645,2018-07-02T10:55:47.557171 wepn7,"X-57 Power and Command System Design","This paper describes the power and command system architecture of the X‑57 Maxwell flight demonstrator aircraft. The X-57 is an experimental aircraft designed to demonstrate radically improved aircraft efficiency with a 3.5 times aero-propulsive efficiency gain at a “high‑speed cruise” flight condition for comparable general aviation aircraft. These gains are enabled by integrating the design of a new, optimized wing and a new electric propulsion system. As a result, the X‑57 vehicle takes advantage of the new capabilities afforded by electric motors as primary propulsors. Integrating new technologies into critical systems in experimental aircraft poses unique challenges that require careful design considerations across the entire vehicle system, such as qualification of new propulsors (motors, in the case of the X-57 aircraft), compatibility of existing systems with a new electric power distribution bus, and instrumentation and monitoring of newly qualified propulsion system devices.",1,,1940,,10.31224/,,2017-04-06T19:29:56.949048,2018-07-02T10:55:10.071326 958tq,"Fundamentals of Low-Pressure Nanofiltration: Membrane Characterization, Modeling, and Understanding the Multi-Ionic Interactions in Water Softening","Recently, a novel class of low-pressure nanofiltration (NF) hollow fiber membranes, particularly suited for water softening and desalination pretreatment have been fabricated in-house using layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition with chemical crosslinking. These membranes can operate at exceedingly low pressures (2 bar), while maintaining relatively high rejections of multivalent ions. In spite of their great potential, our understanding as to what makes them superior has been limited, demanding further investigation before any large-scale implementation can be realized. In this study, the Donnan-Steric Pore Model with dielectric exclusion (DSPM-DE) is applied for the first time to these membranes to describe the membrane separation performance, and to explain the observed rejection trends, including negative rejection, and their underlying multi-ionic interactions. Experiments were conducted on a spectrum of feed chemistries, ranging from uncharged solutes to single salts, salt mixtures, and artificial seawater to characterize the membrane and accurately predict its performance. Modeling results were validated with experiments, and then used to elucidate the working principles that underlie the low-pressure softening process. An approach based on sensitivity analysis shows that the membrane pore dielectric constant, followed by the pore size, are primarily responsible for the selectively high rejections of the NF membranes to multivalent ions. Surprisingly, the softening process is found to be less sensitive to changes in membrane charge density. Our findings demonstrate that the unique ability of these membranes to exclusively separate multivalent ions from the solution, while allowing monovalent ions to permeate, is key to making this low-pressure softening process realizable.",1,,1171,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.memsci.2016.08.062,2017-04-03T22:39:06.953248,2018-07-02T10:55:08.157628 3hv82,"Verified type-checker for Jolie","Jolie is a service-oriented programming language which comes with the formal speci cation of its type system. However, there is no tool to ensure that programs in Jolie are well-typed. In this paper we provide the results of building a type checker for Jolie as a part of its syntax and semantics formal model. We ex- press the type checker as a program with dependent types in Agda proof assistant which helps to ascertain that the type checker is correct.",1,,973,,10.31224/,,2017-03-02T22:04:13.699000,2018-07-02T10:45:12.162527 h5dru,"Effects of oil and water contamination on natural gas engine combustion processes","Abundant availability and potential for lower emissions are drivers for increased utilization of natural gas in automotive engines for transportation applications. A novel bimodal engine has been developed that allows on-board refueling of natural gas by utilizing the engine as a compressor. Engine compression however, results in altering the initial state of the natural gas. Increase in temperature and addition of oil are two key effects attributed to the onboard refueling process. A secondary effect is the presence of water in the natural gas supply line. This study investigates the effect of upstream conditions of natural gas on three parameters: autoignition temperature, ignition delay, and laminar flame speed. These parameters play key roles in the engine combustion process. Parametric studies are conducted by varying the initial mixture temperature, water, and oil content in the fuel. The studies utilize numerical simulations conducted with detailed chemistry for natural gas with n-heptane used as a surrogate for oil. Water addition to natural gas at 1–5% by volume did not result in any major changes in the combustion processes, other than a slight reduction in laminar flame speeds. Oil addition of 1–5% by volume reduced autoignition temperature by 5–10% and ignition delay by 27–95% depending on the initial temperature. Sensitivity analysis showed that this was likely due to decrease in the sensitivity of two recombination reactions with oil addition. Evolution profiles of key radical species also showed increasing mole fraction of the hydroperoxy radical at lower temperature that likely aids in reducing the ignition delay. Oil addition resulted in a relatively small increase in the laminar flame speed of 1.7% along with an increase in the adiabatic flame temperature. These results help inform the combustion process and performance to be expected from the bimodal engine.",1,,1208,,10.31224/,10.1016/j.jngse.2017.02.038,2017-02-28T15:53:27.533000,2018-07-02T10:49:13.148976 pdzss,"Assistive Technology for Freshmen Design and K-12 Outreach","This Work in Progress paper presents on the design of project-based learning approach focused on assistive technology as applied in a freshmen level engineering course which also integrates outreach with the local K12 system. The university course targets general education topics as well as an introductory engineering design experience and includes content on the engineering design process, societal implications of engineering design, and a participatory lab-based design project. A partnering class of 5th graders from a local elementary school made use of a daily block of time set aside for academic interventions and individual project-based work to collaborate with the university class. A qualitative assessment was conducted and has thus far has revealed that the university students found the assistive technology theme of the semester-long design project to be meaningful. For the K12 students, the survey results and anecdotal observations suggest that we were only moderately successful in constructing a meaningful and purposeful design experience, from their perspective.",1,,1006,,10.31224/,,2017-02-08T17:43:06.306000,2018-07-02T10:51:47.377193 6r94n,"Exploring, Documenting, and Improving Humanitarian Service Learning through Engineers Without Borders USA","Exploring, Documenting, and Improving Humanitarian Service Learning through Engineers without Borders-USA is a four-year project exploring a variety of challenges and opportunities in university-based service learning programs. Specifically, this project looks holistically at the inception and evolution of a new Engineers Without Borders USA chapter, while analyzing characteristics, values, and demographics of individuals involved in EWB community-based humanitarian projects in multiple chapters. Further, it examines the social, cultural, and professional interactions and exchanges between and among EWB members and community stakeholders in EWB projects, examining several projects from a variety of chapters across the country.",1,,813,,10.31224/,,2017-02-08T17:32:17.856000,2018-07-02T10:46:29.194781 2zcj3,"Open science and the future university researcher","This white paper was written as a contribution to the “Imagining Tomorrow’s University: Rethinking scholarship, education, and institu- tions for an open, networked era” workshop, a joint NIH/NSF-funded event held 8–9 March 2017 in Rosemont, IL. In this paper, I present an overview of what I consider open science, its importance, and how it plays a role in my research agenda. I also discuss challenges faced in pursuing research openness, and recommend changes to university leaders to address these barriers.",1,,980,,10.31224/,,2017-02-07T06:59:36.414000,2018-07-02T10:45:09.960560 f83n3,"Open Research, Open Engineering, and the Role of the University in Society","This is a white paper submitted as part of the joint NIH/NSF-funded event, ""Imagining Tomorrow’s University: Rethinking scholarship, education, and institutions for an open, networked era"", to be held March 8th and 9th in Rosemont, IL. In this paper I present my personal (not my employer's) thoughts and reflections on the role that open research can play in defining the purpose and activities of the university. I have made some specific recommendations on how I believe the public university can recommit and push the boundaries of its role as the creator and promoter of public knowledge. In doing so, serving a vital role to the continued economic, social, and technological development of society. I have also included some thoughts on how this applies specifically to my field of engineering and how a culture of openness and sharing within the engineering community can help drive societal development.",1,,1094,,10.31224/,,2017-02-03T18:07:53.385000,2018-07-02T10:49:06.432966 zrx9s,"Global Engineering Projects from the Young African Leaders Initiative","In this paper several projects that integrate globalization issues into undergraduate engineering and technology coursework are discussed. The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders brings African entrepreneurs to United States campuses for six weeks every summer, providing an excellent opportunity to identify potential clients for global engineering class projects. Many of the fellows could benefit from having access to engineering skills to grow their businesses. The university’s engineering faculty partnered with fellows on projects in freshman Impacts of Engineering, junior Lean Manufacturing, and senior Capstone Design classes. Projects have included conceptual product design, detailed product design, process selection, manufacturing equipment design, and facilities design. Several engineering and technology majors have participated in the projects. The highlight is a micro-hydroelectric generator design project spanning several classes and semesters. The projects are similar to traditional class projects and cover all existing course objectives. Students are also required to research and apply international standards, including product, safety and facility standards. Students also must consider the appropriate level of technology, humanitarian engineering aspects, and societal impact of the design. Assessment of the international component of one project allows programs to evaluate performance indicators on the global and societal impact of designs as part of ABET Outcome H assessment. The projects are also part of a larger humanitarian engineering initiative at the institution, and are assessed through surveys for that initiative. Submitted to the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference",1,,811,,10.31224/,,2017-01-27T20:59:07.512000,2018-07-02T10:55:06.807051 5uyac,"Intrusion Detection System for Applications using Linux Containers","Linux containers are gaining increasing traction in both individual and industrial use, and as these containers get integrated into mission-critical systems, real-time detection of malicious cyber attacks becomes a critical operational requirement. This paper introduces a real-time host-based intrusion detection system that can be used to passively detect malfeasance against applications within Linux containers running in a standalone or in a cloud multi-tenancy environment. The demonstrated intrusion detection system uses bags of system calls monitored from the host kernel for learning the behavior of an application running within a Linux container and determining anomalous container behavior. Performance of the approach using a database application was measured and results are discussed.",1,,1457,,10.31224/,10.1007/978-3-319-24858-5_8,2016-12-31T23:32:41.125000,2018-07-02T10:46:25.957468 3xew7,"Experimental Analysis of Surgical Tool Force Requirements","Through the use of a cadaveric porcine model, forces necessary for manipulation of the abdominal organs were evaluated using an instrumented probe. Additionally, forces for tissue puncture, knot tightening, and suture breakage have been measured in order to determine the requirements placed upon the design of novel robotic surgical tools. The break forces for a variety of suture sizes and types were evaluated including sizes 3-0 through 7-0 polypropylene, size 1 polybutestor, size 4-0 chromic gut, and size 6-0 braided polyester. Tests of the tissue puncture force and knot tightening forces were carried out using the same instrumented probe, while the suture break forces were measured using a tension testing machine. The measured forces were found to compare well against the literature and provide a good basis from which to design robotic surgical tools with the appropriate capabilities.",1,,905,,10.31224/,,2016-12-20T02:26:36.430000,2018-07-02T10:45:14.404881 4z4xw,"Algorithmic Manifold and Application to P versus NP Problem","About P versus NP problem, it has been studied for long time. Recent literature has shown that the existing proof method using the diagonal argument or the circuit complexity is not effective. On the other hand, as another approach, calculation of time complexity based on the geometric method is also performed, but it is limited to the quantum algorithm, and it is an application example to the existing method of lower band derivation of quantum circuit complexity, it is essentially unchanged.  In this paper, I introduce algorithmic manifolds that explain algorithms by geometric method and show that they are topologically homogeneous with respect to P versus NP problem. And I will also discuss polynomial-time reduction method of NP problem for class P.",1,,988,,10.31224/,,2016-12-17T05:49:42.008000,2018-07-02T10:46:23.395216 63nq7,"A new method to simulate acidic gas sweetening on a laboratory scale","In this article, a new testing equipment and protocol in order to evaluate acid gas scavengers for direct chemical injection into gas pipelines is described. The testing protocol address several shortcomings in previous accepted tests which did not take into account the formation of a spray of the product, or tested the product in its final formulation.",1,,2351,,10.31224/,,2016-12-13T08:37:24.747000,2018-07-02T10:46:26.919459 y2x28,"Engenharia de Reabilitação: Mão Antropomórfica Controlada por Sinais Eletromiográficos","This article proposes to initiate studies to create a robotic device for people with hand amputation, to a certain degree of the upper limb at the level of the elbow, controlled by muscle stimuli captured by electromyographic sensors. The main objective of this study was to collect the characteristics of the EMG signals for pre stipulated movements, recognizing the patterns of these movements by Artificial Neural Network, to develop a prosthetic model that intentionally involves the anthropomorphism of the hand, with respect to functional, that is, able to move So that if similar or close to the human hand.",1,,1115,,10.31224/,,2016-12-06T18:07:22.155000,2018-07-02T10:55:02.244611 gq8ta,"Automatic Page-Turning Mechanism with Near-Field Electroadhesive Force for Linearly Correctable Imaging","Recently, demand for digitization of books has increased in tandem with the spread of portable devices for electronic books. However, in a number of invented book-scanning devices, pages are turned manually by users, or pricey three-dimensional cameras are needed for image correction. Our automatic page-turning mechanism employs near-field electroadhesive force to turn a single page. As the near-field electroadhesive force on the closest sheet of paper is far stronger than that on the second, only a single sheet of paper can be lifted. Using Fourier series expansion, we prove that regardless of the geometrical configuration of electrodes, the force ratio on the closest to the second is dominantly controlled by the period of the configuration. Based on this, a novel electrode configuration is designed aiming to give higher force ratio than the conventional interdigital patterns. The advantage of our mechanism in image processing is that perspective correction is compatible with our mechanism, hence not requiring devices for acquiring 3-D information to reconstruct images. Our automatic page-turning mechanism with a fair success rate and the reduced number of components shows that it is a promising method for automatic low-cost book-scanning devices.",1,,1622,,10.31224/,,2016-12-05T03:41:17.271000,2018-07-02T10:49:11.892915 utnnu,"Low-cost methodology for skin strain measurement of a flexed biological limb","*Objective:* The purpose of this manuscript is to compute skin strain data from a flexed biological limb, using portable, inexpensive, and easily-available resources. *Methods:* We apply and evaluate this approach on a person with bi-lateral transtibial amputations, imaging left and right residual limbs in extended and flexed knee postures. We map 3D deformations to a flexed biological limb using freeware and a simple point-and-shoot camera. Mean principal strain, maximum shear strain, as well as lines of maximum, minimum, and non-extension are computed from 3D digital models to inform directional mappings of the strain field for an unloaded residual limb. *Results:* Peak tensile strains are ~ 0.3 on the anterior surface of the knee in the proximal region of the patella, whereas peak compressive strains are ~ -0.5 on the posterior surface of the knee. Peak maximum shear strains are ~ 0.3 on the posterior surface of the knee. The accuracy and precision of this methodology are assessed for a ground truth model. The mean point location distance is found to be 0.08 cm, and the overall standard deviation for point location difference vectors is 0.05 cm. *Conclusion:* This low-cost and mobile methodology may prove critical for applications such as the prosthetic socket interface where whole-limb skin strain data are required from patients in the field outside of traditional, large-scale clinical centers. *Significance:* Such data may inform the design of wearable technologies that directly interface with human skin.",1,,1345,,10.31224/,10.1109/TBME.2016.2626442,2016-11-09T19:51:05.145000,2018-07-02T10:53:43.624756 v2gj9,"Short-Term Load Forecasting of Active and Reactive Powers in Small Scales using LASSO-Integrated Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Networks","Short-term load forecasting (STLF) is important for power system planning and optimization, especially in the dynamic environment of smart grid. Traditional load forecasting is implemented at substation levels to predict the upcoming active power and optimal system settings. In more advanced smart grid applications, e.g. the Volt-VAR Control, small-scale load forecasting opens up new opportunities in coordinating distributed resources such as distributed generation (DG) with utilities' efficiency missions. This paper proposes a STLF approach for small residential blocks with 10-12 households. The Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Network (NAR-NN) is employed to predict hour-ahead active (P) and reactive (Q) powers with a moving window of training data. The regressor shrinkage technique, LASSO, is used to improve the selection of the regressors in the NAR-NN model by removing insignificant input features. The results show the forecasting performance could be enhanced by ~20% comparing to feed-forward Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The improvement in forecasting both P & Q could accommodate new smart grid applications in small scales.",1,,1188,,10.31224/,,2016-10-03T08:18:25.145000,2018-07-02T10:53:44.245205 tbpju,"Boost Converter with Harvest Regulator Provides High-Efficiency Power Compression for Bio-Hybrid Fuel Cells and Other Weak Energy Sources","Applications for bio-hybrid fuel cells (BHFCs) and other weak energy sources would greatly benefit from highly-efficient power compression that substantially increased the voltage and also allowed intermittent draws of high current. The assumption of a weak energy source necessitates also minimizing parasitic energy draws. We present results for a power compressor composed of a boost converter (variable voltage upconversion), a harvest regulator (matching impedances on the fly), and a bank of low-leakage capacitors (high current draw for short times). The power compressor was not externally powered. Performance was evaluated while connected to two direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFCs) in series, for periods of 3 and 10 days. The DEFCs' design was not optimized for power. They were non-flowing, room-temperature, air-cathode, PtRu/Pt units, which simulated the output of small BHFCs. The power compressor automatically kept the DEFCs close to the voltage yielding maximum power output, which was 400 mV for two DEFCs in series. The output voltage of the capacitor bank was repeatedly raised to 10.25 V and then discharged to 5 V through a resistor. Energy efficiency of the power compressor was uniformly 50%, except for very weak input power.",1,,808,,10.31224/,,2016-09-30T19:04:14.424000,2018-07-02T10:52:10.058565 hmv6e,"On the Importance of 3D, Geometrically Accurate, and Subject-Specific Finite Element Analysis for Evaluation of in-Vivo Soft Tissue Loads","Pressure ulcers are a type of local soft tissue injury due to sustained mechanical loading and remain a common issue in patient care. People with spinal cord injury (SCI) are especially at risk of pressure ulcers due to impaired mobility and sensory perception. The development of load improving support structures relies on realistic tissue load evaluation e.g. using finite element analysis (FEA). FEA requires realistic subject-specific mechanical properties and geometries. This study focuses on the effect of geometry. MRI is used for the creation of geometrically accurate models of the human buttock for three able-bodied volunteers and three volunteers with SCI. The effect of geometry on observed internal tissue deformations for each subject is studied by comparing FEA findings for equivalent loading conditions. The large variations found between subjects confirms the importance of subject-specific FEA.",1,,1196,,10.31224/,,2016-09-19T18:52:28.378000,2018-07-02T10:51:03.244006 kcm4e,"On-line liquid quench sampling and UV-Vis spectroscopy for tar measurements in wood gasification process gases","In biomass gasification processes, the formation and handling of tars are of major concern. Robust and versatile analytical tools are needed to on-line monitor tar compound concentrations in process gases from lab- to industrial scale. This study addresses the development and application of an on-line UV-Vis method, based on a liquid quench sampling system. The high sensitivity of this method allows to detect UV-Vis active tar compounds in the low ppmv region. Recorded spectra from the liquid phase were analyzed for their tar composition by means of a classical least squares (CLS) and partial least squares (PLS) approach. The developed method was applied to two case studies, involving a lab-scale tar reformer and a pilot-scale gas scrubber. Quantification results in gases with limited complexity in tar composition showed good agreement with off-line reference methods (GC-FID). The case studies show that the developed method is a rapid, sensitive tool that can be applied for qualitative process monitoring with the added benefit of quantification in gases with a limited number of tar compounds.",1,,1310,,10.31224/,,2016-09-17T13:31:00.495000,2018-07-02T10:51:08.095304 ucjdv,"Design of an Optoelectronic State Machine with integrated BDD based Optical logic","In this paper I demonstrate a novel design for an optoelectronic State Machine which replaces input/output forming logic found in conventional state machines with BDD based optical logic while still using solid state memory in the form of flip-flops in order to store states. This type of logic makes use of waveguides and ring resonators to create binary switches. These switches in turn can be used to create combinational logic which can be used as input/output forming logic for a state machine. Replacing conventional combinational logic with BDD based optical logic allows for a faster range of state machines that can certainly outperform conventional state machines as propagation delays within the logic described are in the order of picoseconds as opposed to nanoseconds in digital logic.",1,,970,,10.31224/,,2016-09-16T06:52:01.511000,2018-07-02T10:52:12.669819 s47fh,"Detailed effects of a diesel particulate filter on the reduction of chemical species emissions","Diesel particulate filters are designed to reduce the mass emissions of diesel particulate matter and have been proven to be effective in this respect. Not much is known, however, about their effects on other unregulated chemical species. This study utilized source dilution sampling techniques to evaluate the effects of a catalyzed diesel particulate filter on a wide spectrum of chemical emissions from a heavy-duty diesel engine. The species analyzed included both criteria and unregulated compounds such as particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), inorganic ions, trace metallic compounds, elemental and organic carbon (EC and OC), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and other organic compounds. Results showed a significant reduction for the emissions of PM mass, CO, HC, metals, EC, OC, and PAHs.",1,,988,,10.31224/,10.4271/2008-01-0333,2016-08-30T14:09:18.007000,2018-07-02T10:52:07.005708 f9tm8,"Investigation of the LTC fuel performance index for oxygenated reference fuel blends","A new metric for ranking the suitability of fuels in LTC engines was recently introduced, based on the fraction of potential fuel savings achieved in the FTP-75 light-duty vehicle driving cycle. In the current study, this LTC fuel performance index was calculated computationally and analyzed for a number of fuel blends comprised of n-heptane, isooctane, toluene, and ethanol in various combinations and ratios corresponding to octane numbers from 0 to 100. In order to calculate the LTC index for each fuel, computational driving cycle simulations were first performed using a typical light-duty passenger vehicle, providing pairs of engine speed and load points. Separately, for each fuel blend considered, single-zone naturally aspirated HCCI engine simulations with a compression ratio of 9.5 were performed in order to determine the operating envelopes. These results were combined to determine the varying improvement in fuel economy offered by fuels, forming the basis for the LTC fuel index. The resulting fuel performance indices ranged from 36.4 for neat n-heptane (PRF0) to 9.20 for a three-component blend of n-heptane, isooctane, and ethanol (ERF1). For the chosen engine and chosen conditions, in general lower-octane fuels performed better, resulting in higher LTC fuel index values; however, the fuel performance index correlated poorly with octane rating for less-reactive, higher-octane fuels.",1,,1008,,10.31224/,,2016-08-29T05:14:22.249000,2018-07-02T10:49:06.677971 zd9tc,"A novel fuel performance index for low-temperature combustion engines based on operating envelopes in light-duty driving cycle simulations","Low-temperature combustion (LTC) engine concepts such as homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) offer the potential of improved efficiency and reduced emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulates. However, engines can only successfully operate in HCCI mode for limited operating ranges that vary depending on the fuel composition. Unfortunately, traditional ratings such as octane number (ON) poorly predict the auto-ignition behavior of fuels in such engine modes, and metrics recently proposed for HCCI engines have areas of improvement when wide ranges of fuels are considered. In this study, a new index for ranking fuel suitability for LTC engines was defined, based on the fraction of potential fuel savings achieved in the federal test procedure (FTP-75) light-duty vehicle driving cycle. Driving cycle simulations were performed using a typical light-duty passenger vehicle, providing pairs of engine speed and load points. Separately, single-zone naturally aspirated HCCI engine simulations were performed for a variety of fuels in order to determine the operating envelopes for each. These results were combined to determine the varying improvement in fuel economy offered by fuels, forming the basis for a fuel performance index. Results showed that, in general, lower octane fuels performed better, resulting in higher LTC fuel index values; however, ON alone did not predict fuel performance.",1,,967,,10.31224/,,2016-08-29T05:13:32.247000,2018-07-02T10:55:06.160043 jw8n9,"Design, simulation, and testing of a novel micro-channel heat exchanger for natural gas cooling in automotive applications","Micro-channel heat exchangers offer potential for a highly compact solution in heat transfer applications that have space limitations. Mobile applications such as automotive vehicles are one such area. This work presents the design, modeling, simulation and testing of a two-region micro-channel heat exchanger, employing both engine coolant and R134a, for use in an engine that compresses natural gas for on-board refueling at pressures up to 250 bar. The novel design of the micro-channel heat exchanger is presented. Numerical simulations were performed using ANSYS Fluent utilizing extrapolation techniques to estimate the pressure drop as a function of flow rate and symmetry methods to investigate heat transfer. Pressure drop was determined experimentally, and heat transfer was investigated through system tests employing the novel engine. Experimental results showed good comparison with corresponding numerical simulations which demonstrated the validity of the applied extrapolation and symmetry methods, enabling considerable reduction in computational cost. The pressure drop, flow distribution, and heat transfer characteristics of the heat exchanger are discussed.",1,,2292,,10.31224/,,2016-08-28T06:16:17.985000,2018-07-02T10:51:07.033335 d5fmx,"Generation of Oracle Components from Message Sequence Charts",,1,,1046,,10.31224/,,2016-08-27T11:14:35.963000,2018-07-02T10:48:31.209991 6n85m,"OpenWIM - Open Science and Weigh in Motion Research (Poster Preprint)"," Although there are many papers publicly available about Weigh-in-Motion, a little bit researchers publish their sources and data, which could allow a better reproduction of their experiments and results. In this context, the Open Science concept can help improve the WIM research through collaborative efforts and reproducible methods, using algorithms and data with open access. The OpenWIM project was born upon this background as an open science initiative, to provide a WIM researchers a repository with initial structure that can then be converted into a framework for researchers to develop and test new methods and technologies.",1,,514,,10.31224/,,2016-08-23T22:28:04.653000,2018-07-02T10:46:28.633489 g8h9n,"Automated and Data-driven Computational Design of Patient-Specific Biomechanical Interfaces","Biomechanical interfaces are mechanical structures that form the connection between a device and a tissue region, and, through appropriate load transfer, aim to minimize tissue discomfort and injury. A patient-specific and data-driven computational framework for the automated design of biomechanical interfaces is presented here. Optimization of the design of biomechanical interfaces is complex since it is affected by the interplay of the geometry and mechanical properties of both the tissue and the interface. The proposed framework is presented for the application of transtibial amputee prostheses where the interface is formed by a prosthetic liner and socket. Conventional socket design and manufacturing is largely artisan, non-standard, and insufficiently data-driven, leading to discrepancies between the quality of sockets produced by different prosthetists. Furthermore, current prosthetic liners are often not patient-specific. The proposed framework involves: A) non-invasive imaging to record patient geometry, B) indentation to assess tissue mechanical properties, C) data-driven and automated creation of patient-specific designs, D) patient-specific finite element analysis (FEA) and design evaluation, and finally E) computer aided manufacturing. Uniquely, the FEA procedure controls both the design and mechanical properties of the devices, and simulates, not only the loading during use, but also the pre-load induced by the donning of both the liner and the socket independently. Through FEA evaluation, detailed information on internal and external tissue loading, which are directly responsible for discomfort and injury, are available. Further, these provide quantitative evidence on the implications of design choices, e.g. : 1) alterations in the design can be used to locally enhance or reduce tissue loading, 2) compliant features can aid in relieving local surface pressure. The proposed methods form a patient-specific, data-driven and repeatable design framework for biomechanical interfaces, and by enabling FEA-based optimization reduces the requirement for repeated patient involvement in the currently manual and iterative design process.",1,,1338,,10.31224/,,2016-08-15T15:53:44.247000,2019-12-16T16:34:19.055004 ptyhf,"Path Oriented Electric Wheelchair Steering Assistance",,1,,747,,10.31224/,,2016-08-14T02:11:06.581000,2018-07-02T10:51:48.588148 k7fgk,"Assistive Robot to Aid with Catheter Insertion","There is an overlap between those who need to insert a urinary catheter and those who have tremors, such as the elderly or those who have multiple sclerosis. Currently, there are no proposed solutions to aid those with hand tremors insert a catheter comfortably. The shaking motion of a tremor can make catheter insertion painful because the patient will have difficulty inserting the catheter into the small opening of the urethra. If the shaking motion of the tremor was reduced or suppressed, the catheter would enter the body more smoothly and in turn make the cathing process easier and more comfortable. In addition, an automated device would help the patient insert the catheter more steadily into the body. This paper discusses a preliminary idea for an assistive robotic device that would aid with catheter insertion for hand tremor patients. A demonstration was constructed to show how the device is intended to work, and an in depth overview was completed to select the best tremor suppression technique. Finally, further work is discussed on how to move the design forward and prepare the device for testing.",1,,1076,,10.31224/,,2016-08-12T19:02:12.449000,2018-07-02T10:51:07.650149 j7nrf,"Breast ultrasound tomography versus magnetic resonance imaging for clinical display of anatomy and tumor rendering: Preliminary results","*Abstract* *Objective: *To determine the clinical display thresholds of an ultrasound tomography (UST) prototype relative to magnetic resonance (MR) for comparable visualization of breast anatomy and tumor rendering. *Materials and Methods: *The study was compliant with HIPAA, approved by the IRB, and performed after obtaining informed consent. Thirty-six women were imaged with MR and our UST prototype. The UST scan generated reflection, sound speed and attenuation images. The reflection images were fused with the components of sound speed and attenuation images that achieved thresholds to represent parenchyma and/or solid masses using an image arithmetic process. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons of MR and UST clinical images were used to identify anatomical similarities, and optimized thresholds for tumor shapes and volumes. *Results: *Thresholding techniques generated UST images comparable to MR for visualizing fibrous stroma, parenchyma, fatty tissues, and tumors, of which 25 were cancer and 11 benign. Optimized sound speed thresholds of 1.46±0.1 km/s and 1.52±0.03 km/s were identified to best represent the extent of fibroglandular tissue and solid masses, respectively. An arithmetic combination of attenuation images using the threshold of 0.16±0.04 dB/cm further characterized benign from malignant masses. No significant difference in tumor volume was noted between benign or malignant masses by UST or MR (p>0.1) using these universal thresholds. *Conclusion: *UST demonstrated the ability to image and render breast tissues in a manner comparable to MR. Universal UST threshold values appear feasible for rendering of the size and distribution of benign and malignant tissues without intravenous contrast.",1,,955,,10.31224/,,2016-08-02T14:15:56.274000,2018-07-02T10:51:04.444052 wca5h,"Analysis of an approach for detecting arc positions during vacuum arc remelting based on magnetic flux density measurements","Vacuum arc remelting (VAR) is a melting process for the production of homogeneous ingots, achieved by applying a direct current to create electrical arcs between the input electrode and the resultant ingot. Arc behavior drives quality of the end product, but no methodology is currently used in VAR furnaces at large scale to track arcs in real time. An arc position sensing (APS) technology was recently developed as a methodology to predict arc locations using magnetic field values measured by sensors. This system couples finite element analysis of VAR furnace magnetostatics with direct magnetic field measurements to predict arc locations. However, the published APS approach did not consider the effect of various practical issues that could affect the magnetic field distribution and thus arc location predictions. In this paper, we studied how altering assumptions made in the finite element model affect arc location predictions. These include the vertical position of the sensor relative to the electrode-ingot gap, a varying electrode-ingot gap size, ingot shrinkage, and the use of multiple sensors rather than a single sensor. Among the parameters studied, only vertical distance between arc and sensor locations causes large sources of error, and should be considered further when applying an APS system. However, averaging the predicted locations from four evenly spaced sensors helps reduce this error to no more than 16 % for a sensor position varying from 0.508 m below and above the electrode-ingot gap height.",1,,1286,,10.31224/,,2016-07-31T08:00:42.364000,2018-07-02T10:53:47.753447 5ybzg,"Path Oriented Powered Wheelchair Navigation Assistance",,1,,763,,10.31224/,,2016-07-29T21:03:26.270000,2018-07-02T10:46:26.380712 yvz57,"Uniaxial and Biaxial Mechanical Properties of Porcine Linea Alba","Trocar site hernia (or incisional hernia) is a severe complication post laparoscopic surgery that is commonly associated with the linea alba. However, the few studies on the mechanical properties of the linea alba in the literature appear contradictory, possible due to challenges with the physical dimensions of samples and variations in protocol. This study focuses on the tensile mechanical characterisation of the porcine linea alba, as determined by uniaxial and equi-load biaxial testing using image-based strain measurement methods. Results show that the linea alba demonstrated a non-linear elastic, anisotropic behaviour which is often observed in biological soft tissues. The transverse direction (parallel to fibres) was found to be approximately 8 times stiffer than the longitudinal (cross-fibre) direction under both uniaxial and equi-load biaxial loading. The equi-load biaxial tensile tests revealed that contraction could occur in the transverse direction despite increasing load, probably due to the anisotropy of the tissue. Optical surface marker tracking and digital image correlation methods were found to greatly improve the accuracy of stretch measurement, resulting in a 75% change in the apparent stiffness compared to using strain derived from machine cross-head displacement. Additionally, a finite element model of the experiments using a combination of an Ogden and fibre exponential power law model for the linea alba was implemented to quantify the effect of clamping and tissue dimensions (which are suboptimal for tensile testing) on the results. The preliminary model results were used to apply a correction factor to the uniaxial experimental data prior to inverse optimisation to derive best fit material parameters for the fibre reinforced Ogden model. Application of the model to the equi-load biaxial case showed some differences compared to the experimental data, suggesting a more complex anisotropic model may be necessary to capture biaxial behaviour. These results provide an improved assessment of the mechanical properties of the porcine linea alba for wound closure and other studies.",1,,2091,,10.31224/,,2016-07-29T19:23:29.631000,2018-07-02T10:55:04.768246 g356d,"Digital image correlation and finite element modelling as a method to determine mechanical properties of human soft tissue in vivo","The mechanical properties of human soft tissue are crucial for impact biomechanics, rehabilitation engineering and surgical simulation. Validation of these constitutive models using human data remains challenging and often requires the use of non-invasive imaging and inverse finite element (FE) analysis. Post processing data from imaging methods such as tagged magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be challenging. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) however is a relatively straightforward imaging method and thus the goal of this study was to assess the use of DIC in combination with FE modelling to determine the bulk material properties of human soft tissue. Indentation experiments were performed on a silicone gel soft tissue phantom. A two camera DIC setup was then used to record the 3D surface deformation. The experiment was then simulated using a FE model.",1,,667,,10.31224/,,2016-07-29T18:29:07.681000,2018-07-02T10:49:09.445781 esjbz,"On Advantages of the Kelvin Mapping in Finite Element Implementations of Deformation Processes","Classical continuum mechanical theories operate on three-dimensional Euclidian space using scalar, vector, and tensor-valued quantities usually up to the order of four. For their numerical treatment, it is common practice to transform the relations into a matrix-vector format. This transformation is usually performed using the so-called Voigt mapping. This mapping does not preserve tensor character leaving significant room for error as stress and strain quantities follow from different mappings and thus have to be treated differently in certain mathematical operations. Despite its conceptual and notational difficulties having been pointed out, the Voigt mapping remains the foundation of most current finite element programmes. An alternative is the so-called Kelvin mapping which has recently gained recognition in studies of theoretical mechanics. This article is concerned with benefits of the Kelvin mapping in numerical modelling tools such as finite element software. The decisive difference to the Voigt mapping is that Kelvin’s method preserves tensor character, and thus the numerical matrix notation directly corresponds to the original tensor notation. Further benefits in numerical implementations are that tensor norms are calculated identically without distinguishing stress or strain-type quantities and tensor equations can be directly transformed into matrix equations without additional considerations. The only implementational changes are related to a scalar factor in certain finite element matrices and hence, harvesting the mentioned benefits comes at very little cost.",1,,1165,,10.31224/,10.1007/s12665-016-5429-4,2016-07-29T18:26:08.186000,2019-02-04T11:33:27.823835 657pb,"MULTI-PORT SOLUTION FOR EFFICIENT, LOW-COST OPTICAL SWITCHES",,1,,726,,10.31224/,,2016-07-27T19:43:46.236000,2018-07-02T10:46:27.183495 ect3w,"Tissue Mechanics as a Predictor for Saccular Aneurysm Rupture","Intracranial saccular aneurysms are highly prevalent in the western world. Although rupture occurs in a only small number of aneurysms, the mortality rate associated with this event is significant. Thus due to the high risk associated with rupture and the risks of rupture repair surgery it is desirable to be able to predict whether a specific aneurysm is likely to rupture or will instead stabilize. Research into aneurysm development has shown that the response cannot be quantified with simple mechanical models alone. It is also necessary to consider growth and remodeling of the tissue constituents and complex geometric stress concentrators as well. Through the production of complete aneurysm development models, it may be possible to enable accurate prediction of aneurysm rupture based on clinically observable measures such as aneurysm geometry and growth rates. This would help to minimize the use of risky and unnecessary repair surgeries for aneurysms which would ultimately stabilize naturally.",1,,848,,10.31224/,,2016-07-27T19:42:56.894000,2018-07-02T10:49:03.737939 6t8bs,"Desktop Load/Deflection Measurement","In order to achieve a low-cost solution for the collection of load/deflection data, a simple device based upon a balance like mechanism and two variable measurements was designed and tested. The device uses a linear variable differential transformer and a potentiometer to determine the load applied to the test specimen and the extension that the specimen exhibits under such a load. Test samples of known characteristics were used in order to provide a basis for gaging the performance of the device against well-established measurement systems. It was found that the slope of the load/deflection curve obtained with this device was within 10 % of the accepted data. This performance is considered reasonable for a device of this nature and several areas for improvement are discussed.",1,,885,,10.31224/,,2016-07-27T19:41:47.048000,2018-07-02T10:46:29.436901 k2fhj,"Design of a Hydraulic Dexterous Manipulator for Minimally Invasive Surgery","The research described here identifies the limitations of existing robotic surgical platforms, which include the balance between the scale of the robot and its manipulability in terms of range of motion, load capacity, and tool capability, then develops a means of overcoming them by taking advantage of fluid power as an enabling technology with its inherent power density and controllability. The approach described here differs significantly from conventional surgical robots in that the robot is embedded within the surgical device itself, whereas in the conventional system, a general-purpose robot is used to manipulate various surgical tools. This is done in order to demonstrate that fluid power can be used advantageously for the design of embedded surgical robotic systems for minimally invasive surgery. To enable the design of a fluid powered surgical robot, it was first necessary to identify the design requirements for a robot of this nature as well as the considerations unique to this approach. To this end, a quantification of the necessary load capacity for natural orifice robots was conducted. Further, through a review of the literature in the fields of surgery and robotics, considerations of necessary workspace and limitations for the prevention of tissue damage were explored. The results of these analyses are presented. The technologies that comprise this novel surgical robotic system include a hydraulic control valve, actuation units, and an enabling structure. The intended application of these technologies introduced numerous limitations and challenges to the design process. The most stringent of these limitations was that of overall size, due to the realities of patient anatomy, which prevented the use of commercially available hydraulic components. An assemblage of components to achieve the aforementioned design requirements is described including the design of a novel hydraulic control valve to enable manipulation of three actuators using a single valve sized to fit within the working channel of a surgical endoscope. The advantage of the described approach is that the device enables greater miniaturization, improves cost effectiveness, and has better ease of mobility. The mobility and the relaxed requirements for operating room cleanliness can be potentially useful for mobile clinics, out-patient clinical settings, and on the battlefield. Being more cost effective and having a small overall size, the robotic assisted surgical devices can be widely deployed, even in rural or other less technology intensive environments. Through careful review of the literature and analytical evaluation of the various proposed concepts, it was possible to arrive at a design that meets the needs of modern surgical interventions while addressing the perceived limitations of existing surgical robotics. Through the efforts described in this dissertation, much new information was produced and developments resulted. The considerations of hydraulic power for surgical robots were evaluated and are applicable to other surgical tasks where hydraulic power may be used advantageously. A quantification of the load requirements for surgical robots performing abdominal procedures was produced which will provide a guide for other researchers developing surgical robots. These values are difficult to find in the literature and are a valuable resource for the field. An alternative, simplified model for predicting the behavior of continuum beams under load was developed to provide an inverse formulation for computing beam shape and end loads. This is useful as continuum beams are widely used for minimally invasive surgical manipulators as well as in a wide variety of other applications. Finally, a novel valve concept and two possible designs realizing this concept were developed. These valve designs facilitate control over the three actuators in an antagonistic arrangement. Further, the valve designs enable proportional control of the three actuators at a size scale not commercially available. In summary, the design of a novel hydraulic surgical manipulator as a summation of its parts has been performed. This design demonstrates the feasibility of the fluid power approach to embedded minimally invasive surgical robotics. The pursuit of this research has provided many unique challenges and the work presented here has addressed many of them, as well as laid the foundation for future developments in the application of hydraulic power to the growing field of surgical robotics for minimally invasive surgery.",1,,1070,,10.31224/,,2016-07-27T19:40:53.720000,2018-07-02T10:51:07.262765 mcr5x,"Precision, repeatability and accuracy of Optotrak® optical motion tracking systems","In the field of biomechanics, optical motion tracking systems are commonly used to record human motion and assist in surgical navigation. Recently, motion tracking systems have been used to track implant and bone motion on a micron-level. The present study evaluated four different Optotrak® motion tracking systems to determine the precision, repeatability and accuracy under static testing conditions. The distance between the camera systems and the rigid body, as well as the tilt angle of the rigid body, did affect the resulting precision, repeatability and accuracy of the camera systems. The precision and repeatability, calculated as the within-trial and between-trial standard deviations, respectively, were less than 30 µm; with some configurations producing precision and repeatability less than 1 µm. The accuracy was less than 0.53% of the total displacement for the in-plane motion and less than 1.56% of the total displacement for the out-of-plane motion.",1,,1173,,10.31224/,10.1504/IJECB.2009.022862,2016-07-27T19:35:57.464000,2018-07-02T10:51:42.179385 3ef4r,"Twitter in the engineering classroom","The micro-blogging platform, Twitter, has been employed by some in higher education as a tool for enhanced student engagement. This platform has shown promise as an educational tool for the promotion of critical reading and writing and concise expression of ideas. However, it is unclear in what settings and under what circumstances Twitter can be effectively employed in the engineering classroom. These questions were explored over a multi-semester study of student participation in directed social media discussions within the engineering classroom. The various cohorts of students included in this study were drawn from engineering courses. Comparisons were made between these multiple cohorts on the basis of active engagement in the assigned tasks, performance on homework and examinations, and overall course performance. Through the process of using this practice in the classroom, it was found that there was difficulty encouraging engineering students to participate in Twitter discussions regardless of the incentive provided. Limited evidence was found of greater course achievement correlating with greater participation in Twitter based tasks. It is expected that greater effort is required in familiarizing students with the Twitter platform and increasing their comfort level with asking questions and carrying out discussions in a public forum.",1,,797,,10.31224/,,2016-07-27T19:29:53.231000,2018-07-02T10:45:11.928723 kubdw,"A methodology for exploring, documenting, and improving humanitarian service learning in the university","Through the use of service learning in higher education, universities hope to both provide real benefit to the partnering community and allow students to develop a greater understanding of course curriculum, their discipline, and their personal positioning within society. Through these educational activities, service learning seeks to engage students in critical thinking processes while simultaneously achieving a greater sense of civic and social responsibility through targeted participation in meaningful community service activities. However, in practice, service learning can take a variety of forms predicated on technical, cultural, societal, and political constraints. Thus, while some work shows positive effects on students' attitudes, social behaviour, and academic performance, less research has demonstrated long-term community impact. Nor has much research shown that participation in service learning has a long-term impact on students' ethical perspectives and frameworks, and whether those ethical frames carry on to their professional careers. Moreover, as institutions partner with such humanitarian service groups as Engineers Without Borders USA, we know considerably less about the institutional cultures and climates that are developed through such partnerships and how sustainable they are, given those inherent technical, political and cultural limitations. As a first step towards these goals, this paper proposes a methodology for investigating the impacts of service learning activities on both the students and communities involved.",1,,708,,10.31224/,,2016-07-27T19:27:52.678000,2018-07-02T10:51:09.719098 xjpcm,"Incorporation of liberal education into the engineering curriculum at a polytechnic","Traditional engineering education often falls short when it comes to the inclusion of issues related to social justice, ethics, and globalization. While engineering programs are required to include ethics content for accreditation, most seem to rely primarily on general education electives, providing only a high-level overview and including the bare minimum in the program core. This can lead to an inconsistent student experience and minimal exposure to topics which are critically important for achieving worldwide equity and operating responsibly in the engineering workplace. Given the role that engineers play in economic development, this is unacceptable. It is therefore the responsibility of engineering educators to find a better way to shape the future of the engineering profession. This paper outlines the early efforts at integrating the topics of ethics, social justice, and social responsibility more directly into the engineering curriculum. This is approached from the perspectives of pedagogy, curriculum development, and service learning opportunities. It is within this context that the authors hope to influence students' awareness of and connection to social and environmental issues as well as the ethical frameworks they develop and carry with them into their professional careers. This paper centers around the creation and delivery of a new introductory engineering course combining liberal education topics and introductory engineering topics. This course also includes a substantial design project which incorporates a cultural engagement component through collaboration with international partners. The first offering of this new course revealed that, while some reservations persist, students found value in exploring what it means to be an engineer in a broader global context.",1,,1215,,10.31224/,10.18260/p.25664,2016-07-27T19:27:19.331000,2018-07-02T10:55:01.232320