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Published June 11, 2019 | Version v1
Report Open

Renewable Energy in Bristol: Opportunities and Challenges in the Post-Subsidy Landscape – A 'Kick-off' Workshop



Energy systems are undergoing significant change. Traditional centralised, fossil-based systems are giving way to increasingly low carbon, renewable and decentralised energy systems. Whilst these changes aim to reduce CO2 emissions, this has also enabled the emerging ‘prosumer’ phenomenon: where citizens and businesses play an active and democratic role in the generation, ownership and direction of energy transitions. In recent years this seen an explosion in community, municipal and business involvement in Bristol.

In this first in a series of events, we set out to explore the challenges and opportunities facing the Bristol energy scene in a post subsidy landscape. As part of PROSEU project we will offer a series of free ‘Living Lab’ practical interventions/workshops to see how Bristol can continue to be a frontrunner city in the UK’s energy transition. In this event we aimed to bring together a diversity of actors including local government, community energy organisations, businesses, citizens, academia and the third sector.


PROSEU WP7 - Living Labs: Lessons Learned and recommendations for mainstreaming the participation of citizens in the Energy Union


Renewable Energy in Bristol- Opportunities and challenges in the post subsidy landscape_kick-off workshop.pdf

Additional details


PROSEU – PROSumers for the Energy Union: mainstreaming active participation of citizens in the energy transition 764056
European Commission