Hole summary Report lists hole data: location, water depth, drilling, coring system, and core recovery. Data File format Exp: expedition number Site: site number Hole: hole number Latitude: hole latitude Longitude: hole longitude Water depth (m): the distance from sea level to the seafloor. Penetration DSF (m): total penetration of all cored intervals and drilled intervals. Does not include ghost cores and wash cores. Cored interval (m): observed advancement of the drill string during coring. Does not include ghost cores, wash cores, or drilled intervals. Recovered length (m): core length measured on the catwalk (sum of section lengths as observed on the catwalk). Recovery (%): recovered length/cored interval * 100. Does not include ghost cores, wash cores, or drilled intervals. Drilled interval (m): drill string advanced without coring to deepen a hole. Drilled interval (no.): number of drill string advancements to deepen the hole (but not intended to recover core). Total cores (no.): number of cores that resulted in curated core material. Count does not include ghost cores, wash cores, or drilled intervals. APC cores (no.): number of cores collected with the advanced piston corer (H). HLAPC cores (no.): number of cores collected with the half-length advanced piston corer (F). XCB cores (no.): number of cores collected with the extended core barrel (X). RCB cores (no.): number of cores collected with the rotary core barrel (R). Other cores (no.): number of cores collected with other tools (e.g., ghost [G], wash [W], pressure [P]). Date started (UTC): date and time of beginning of activities on this hole as specified by the operations superintendent. Date finished (UTC): date and time of completion of activities on this hole as specified by the operations superintendent. Time on hole (days): date finished - date started. Presented as decimal days. May include gaps in operations. Comments: information provided by the operations superintendent.