info variable unit comments file_info filename -- date [yyyy-mm-dd] time [HH:MM] DOY [ddd.ddd] daytime [1=daytime] file_records [#] used_records [#] corrected_fluxes_and_quality_flags Tau [kg+1m-1s-2] qc_Tau [#] rand_err_Tau [kg+1m-1s-2] H [W+1m-2] qc_H [#] rand_err_H [W+1m-2] LE [W+1m-2] qc_LE [#] rand_err_LE [W+1m-2] co2_flux [µmol+1s-1m-2] qc_co2_flux [#] rand_err_co2_flux [µmol+1s-1m-2] h2o_flux [mmol+1s-1m-2] qc_h2o_flux [#] rand_err_h2o_flux [mmol+1s-1m-2] storage_fluxes H_strg [W+1m-2] LE_strg [W+1m-2] co2_strg [µmol+1s-1m-2] h2o_strg [mmol+1s-1m-2] vertical_advection_fluxes co2_v.adv [µmol+1s-1m-2] h2o_v.adv [mmol+1s-1m-2] gas_densities_concentrations_and_timelags co2_molar_density [mmol+1m-3] co2_mole_fraction [µmol+1mol_a-1] co2_mixing_ratio [µmol+1mol_d-1] co2_time_lag [s] co2_def_timelag [1=default] h2o_molar_density [mmol+1m-3] h2o_mole_fraction [mmol+1mol_a-1] h2o_mixing_ratio [mmol+1mol_d-1] h2o_time_lag [s] h2o_def_timelag [1=default] air_properties sonic_temperature [K] air_temperature [K] air_pressure [Pa] air_density [kg+1m-3] air_heat_capacity [J+1kg-1K-1] air_molar_volume [m+3mol-1] ET [mm+1hour-1] water_vapor_density [kg+1m-3] e [Pa] es [Pa] specific_humidity [kg+1kg-1] RH [%] VPD [Pa] Tdew [K] unrotated_wind u_unrot [m+1s-1] v_unrot [m+1s-1] w_unrot [m+1s-1] rotated_wind u_rot [m+1s-1] v_rot [m+1s-1] w_rot [m+1s-1] wind_speed [m+1s-1] max_wind_speed [m+1s-1] wind_dir [deg_from_north] rotation_angles_for_tilt_correction yaw [deg] pitch [deg] turbulence ustar [m+1s-1] TKE [m+2s-2] L [m] z_d_L [#] bowen_ratio [#] tstar [K] footprint model [0=KJ/1=KM/2=HS] x_peak [m] x_offset [m] x_10 [m] x_30 [m] x_50 [m] x_70 [m] x_90 [m] uncorrected_fluxes_and_spectral_correction_factors_(scf) un_Tau [kg+1m-1s-2] Tau_scf [#] un_H [W+1m-2] H_scf [#] un_LE [W+1m-2] LE_scf [#] un_co2_flux [µmol+1s-1m-2] co2_scf [#] un_h2o_flux [mmol+1s-1m-2] h2o_scf [#] statistical_flags spikes_hf 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none amplitude_resolution_hf 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none drop_out_hf 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none absolute_limits_hf 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none skewness_kurtosis_hf 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none skewness_kurtosis_sf 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none discontinuities_hf 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none discontinuities_sf 8u/v/w/ts/co2/h2o/ch4/none timelag_hf 8co2/h2o/ch4/none timelag_sf 8co2/h2o/ch4/none attack_angle_hf 8aa non_steady_wind_hf 8U spikes u_spikes [#] v_spikes [#] w_spikes [#] ts_spikes [#] co2_spikes [#] h2o_spikes [#] variances u_var [m+2s-2] v_var [m+2s-2] w_var [m+2s-2] ts_var [K+2] co2_var -- h2o_var -- covariances w.ts_cov [m+1s-1K+1] w.co2_cov -- w.h2o_cov -- custom_variables air_p_mean [Pa] biomet_variables Ta [K] Rh [%] Ts [K] Pa [Pa] SWin [W/m^2] SWout [W/m^2] LWin [W/m^2] LWout [W/m^2] PPFD [µmol/m^2/s] Rg [W/m^2] SMC [M+3M-3] SHF [W/m^2] QC_filtering qc_co2_flux_runs [#] [flag = 2 if test for repeating runs positive] qc_co2_flux_composite [#] [flag = 2 if any hard flag = 2 or low frequency spike] qc_h2o_flux_runs [#] [flag = 2 if test for repeating runs positive] qc_h2o_flux_composite [#] [flag = 2 if any hard flag = 2 or low frequency spike] qc_co2_molar_density_runs [#] [flag = 2 if test for repeating runs positive] qc_co2_molar_density_composite [#] [flag = 2 if any hard flag = 2 or low frequency spike] qc_co2_mixing_ratio_runs [#] [flag = 2 if test for repeating runs positive] qc_co2_mixing_ratio_composite [#] [flag = 2 if any hard flag = 2 or low frequency spike] qc_h2o_molar_density_runs [#] [flag = 2 if test for repeating runs positive] qc_h2o_molar_density_composite [#] [flag = 2 if any hard flag = 2 or low frequency spike] qc_h2o_mixing_ratio_runs [#] [flag = 2 if test for repeating runs positive] qc_h2o_mixing_ratio_composite [#] [flag = 2 if any hard flag = 2 or low frequency spike] fetch_filtering qc_fetch_10 [#] [flag = 2 if outside ROI} qc_fetch_30 [#] [flag = 2 if outside ROI} qc_fetch_50 [#] [flag = 2 if outside ROI} qc_fetch_70 [#] [flag = 2 if outside ROI} qc_fetch_90 [#] [flag = 2 if outside ROI} sensor_self_heating_correction HC [µmol+1s-1m-2] Sensor self heating correction FC [µmol+1s-1m-2] Original co2_flux values used for sensor self heating correction (after QC filtering and fetch filtering) FC_HC [µmol+1s-1m-2] co2_flux corrected for sensor self heating FC_CUM [µmol+1s-1m-2] Cumulative co2_flux without sensor self heating correction FC_HC_CUM [µmol+1s-1m-2] Cumulative co2_flux corrected for sensor self heating random_error_propagation rand_err_co2_flux_wpl [µmol+1s-1m-2] Random error as propagated through WPL terms rand_err_h2o_flux_wpl [µmol+1s-1m-2] Random error as propagated through WPL terms gap_filling NEE_orig [µmol+1s-1m-2] Original values used for gap filling (after QC filtering, fetch filtering and sensor self heating correction) NEE_f [µmol+1s-1m-2] Original values and gaps filled with mean of selected datapoints (condition depending on gap filling method) NEE_fqc [#] "Quality flag assigned depending on gap filling method and window length: 0 = original; 1 = most reliable; 2 = medium; 3 = least reliable" NEE_fall [µmol+1s-1m-2] All values considered as gaps (for uncertainty estimates) NEE_fall_qc [#] All values considered as gaps (for uncertainty estimates) NEE_fnum [#] Number of datapoints used for gap filling NEE_fsd [µmol+1s-1m-2] Standard deviation of datapoints used for gap filling (uncertainty) NEE_fmeth [#] "Method used for gap filling: 1 = similar meteo condition (sFillLUT with Rg, VPD, Tair); 2 = similar meteo (sFillLUT with Rg only); 3 = mean diurnal course (sFillMDC))" NEE_fwin [#] Full window length used for gap filling