1 Simulated reference distribution

Comparison of simiulated reference distribution with observed distribution of correlation coefficients between BT detections and self-reported measures: friendship and advice seeking. Quantiles (vertical dotted lines) indicate .5% lower threshold and 99.5% upper threshold to observe rho values as extreme.

1.1 All teams (rho).



1.2 Universities (rho)



1.3 Research centers (rho)



1.4 Private company (rho)



1.4.1 Quantiles of simulated reference distribution

#> # A tibble: 8 x 6
#>   org   type    q005    q025  q975  q995
#>   <chr> <chr>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 all   adv   -0.198 -0.133  0.237 0.283
#> 2 all   soc   -0.148 -0.0750 0.400 0.436
#> 3 uni   adv   -0.456 -0.340  0.342 0.439
#> 4 uni   soc   -0.492 -0.366  0.360 0.455
#> 5 labs  adv   -0.360 -0.305  0.115 0.180
#> 6 labs  soc   -0.239 -0.160  0.279 0.345
#> 7 priv  adv   -0.424 -0.308  0.348 0.441
#> 8 priv  soc   -0.413 -0.315  0.330 0.431