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Published March 10, 2020 | Version 1.0
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Checklist of the mosses of mountain ranges of the Pechora-Ilych State Nature Reserve (Northern Urals, Basins of the Pechora and Ilych Rivers)

  • 1. Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The Checklist of the mosses of mountain ranges of the Pechora-Ilych State Nature Reserve (Northern Urals, Basins of the Pechora and Ilych Rivers) is presented. The Checklist includes 173 species of mosses from 78 genera and 33 families, which is almost half of the species diversity of mosses in the Pechora-Ilych State Nature Reserve (348 species ).


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  • 9. Zheleznova G. V., Shubina T. P. Annotirovannyj spisok listostebel'nyh mhov Pechoro-Ilychskogo biosfernogo zapovednika [Annotated list of mosses of the Pechora-Ilych biosphere reserve]. Trudy Pech.-Ilych. zapoved. [Proceed. Pech.-Ilych. Reserve]. Syktyvkar. 2015. Vol. 17. P. 76–91.
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