Published March 10, 2020 | Version v1
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Marian Piety of the Uniates in the light of private revelations in Jabłoń in theyears 1875-1876.

The 140th anniversary of the revelations in Gietrzwałd as well as the 100th anniversary of revelations in Fatima prompts us to look again at Mary’s revelations.

In Poland in the second half of the nineteenth century, just before the revelations in Gietrzwałd, previously unknown Mary’s revelations took place in Jabłoń - the southern region of Podlasie. On 22.05.1865 Tsar Alexander II issued a decree which liquidated the diocese of Podlasie against the church law and attached it to Lublin diocese. After that, Tsar proceeded to the definitive liquidation of the Uniate Church. The Unit was liquidated in Podlasie and Lubelszczyzna which was the only Uniate diocese of the Chełm. They wanted to join the Uniates to the Orthodox Church by force. As a result of the resistance, there was a bloody persecution for faith throughout Podlasie.

Uniate people from Gęś and Jabłoń wrote to the Bishop of Lublin, Walenty Baranowski, about their difficult situation in that region. Their martyrs attitude in defense of the their temple and faith testifies about their incredible fortitiude. It was the faith in God that gave them a lot of strenght. The Unicians were convinced that they proudly fulfilled their duties.

During the cruel persecution of the Uniates, supernatural phenomena (revelations) took place. The private revelations of God’s Mother took place in Jabłoń, Dawidy (18751876) Zabłocie (1876-1877). In total, thirteen times. Private Mary’srevelations gave the

Uniates consolation, comfort and hope. Mary asked the Uniates for a daily prayer with a rosary. She assured them that this horrible time of cruel persecutions would pass soon.

Documents confirming the fact of Mary’s private revelations in Jabłoń can be found for example in top secret despatches of the Ministry of the Interior and in the despatches of Warsaw General Governor, Paweł Kotzebue who was in power in the territories of the Polish Empire on behalf of the Tsar Russia Alexander II Nikolayevich as well as in the correspondence of the bishop of Lublin, Walenty Baranowski.

Furthermore, numerous relations have been preserved, including the ones of Józefa Lisiecka, Jan Matczuk and Andrzej Mostowiec. The culmination of the testimony is Marianna Odnouss testimony made under oath regarding the miraculous healing of her siblings from the measles. During Mary’s private revelations, the Uniates recieved a strengthening in faith. God’s action in the action of the Holly Spirit (KK7).

Therefore, it can be said that they were truly permeated by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially by the gift of the bravery, that led the Uniates to the fullness of ecclesial life and to the authentic professing of faith.



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Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.3701282 (DOI)


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