Attribute name,Description point_id,the id of the observation campaign_type,"the type of the campaign. Four types are possible: batiment (building), svc_detection_chgt (changes from CDS), carriere (quarry), zone transition (construction areas)" data_lcvalue,the Land Cover type of the initial LULC data (before the campaign) data_luvalue,the Land Use type of the initial LULC data (before the campaign) user_lcvalue,the Land Cover type chosen by the user user_first_luvalue,the first Land Use type chosen by the user. In some cases the same feature may have two type of use (building campaign) user_second_luvalue,the second Land Use type chosen by the user. In some cases the same feature may have two type of use (building campaign) user_nb_floors,number of floors chosen by the user if building campaign image_url1,url of the first image image_url2,url of the second image image_url3,url of the third image image_url4,url of the last image accuracy,accuracy of the GPS position uncertain,true if the user was uncertain about his/her choice when the observation was made reached,true if the user reached the point to visit skip_reason,reason for skiping the answeer author,id author geom,the geometry of the observation