==== About EOMORES ==== EOMORES is a European innovation project aiming to develop commercial services for monitoring the quality of inland and coastal water bodies, using data from Earth Observation satellites and in situ sensors to measure, model and forecast water quality parameters. http://eomores-h2020.eu For more information, please contact us at info@eomores-h2020.eu ==== About the dataset ==== The current dataset is a sample of the data generated within the first project year, and consists of Earth Obsvervation (EO) data and in situ data from lakes and coastal areas. For full datasets, please contact the respective contact point listed for each area. ==== Copyright acknowledgement disclaimer ==== This data was generated within the H2020 project EOMORES. EOMORES has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n° 730066) This data may not be copied, transmitted, reproduced or otherwise published without the expressed permission of the contact point of each of the sub-datasets.