Name,Description,Details or comments,,,,,, contributor,anonymised identifier for respondent,,,,,,, site_id,identification number for the location in the park,,,,,,, long_site,longitude of the location,,,,,,, lat_site,latitude of the location,,,,,,, gps_accuracy,recorded accuracy of the phone,,,,,,, long_actual,longitude as recorded by the phone,this is different to the long_site and lat_site because this actual location as recorded by the phone was grouped to the closest site to enable comparison between sites,,,,,, lat_actual,latitude as recorded by the phone,,,,,,, skip_reason,if person could not reach the location,,,,,,, time_submitted,date and time of response,,,,,,, foto_towards_point_compass,direction photo is taken in,,,,,,, lively,how lively is this location,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, relaxing,how relaxing is this location,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, tranquil,how tranquil is this location,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, noisy,how noisy is this location,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, crowded,how crowded is this location,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, safe,how safe is this location,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, beauty,how beautiful is this location,1 (ugly): 10 (beautiful),,,,,, biodiversity,how many different plants and animals are there at this location,1 (few): 10 (many,,,,,, trees,how satisfied are you with the trees on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, shrubs,how satisfied are you with the shrubs on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, lawns,how satisfied are you with the lawns on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, flowers,how satisfied are you with the flowers on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, natveg,how satisfied are you with the natural vegetation on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, benches,how satisfied are you with the benches on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, play,how satisfied are you with the play on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, sports,how satisfied are you with the sports on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, garbage,how satisfied are you with the garbage on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, veget,how satisfied are you with the veget on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, paths,how satisfied are you with the paths on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, facilities,how satisfied are you with the facilities on this site,1 (not at all): 5 (extremely),,,,,, age_cats,what is your age,4 = <29,5 = 30-39,6 = 40-49,7 = 50-59,8 = 60-69,, gender,what is your gender,1 = Male,2 = Female,,,,, dutch,Do you identify yourself as dutch,True/false,,,,,, education,What is your highest education level,1 = primary school,2 = high school,3 = vocational training,4 = college or university,,, visit_freq,How often do you visit Rembrandtpark,1 = every day,2 = several times per week,3 = once a week,4 = 1-3 times a month,5 = less than once a month,6 = this is my first time here, visit_daily,I visit daily,True/false,,,,,, alone,I usually come here: alone,True/false,,,,,, oth_parks,"Do you visit other parks, if yes",1 = every day,,2 = several times per week,3 = once a week,4 = 1-3 times a month,5 = less than once a month,6 = this is my first time here more_inv,would you like to become more involved,True/false,,,,,, nature,are you a nature oriented person,1 = disagree,2 = somewhat,3 = agree,,,, walking,what types of activities do you usually engage in here: multiple answers possible,True/false,,,,,, jogging,what types of activities do you usually engage in here: multiple answers possible,True/false,,,,,, biking,what types of activities do you usually engage in here: multiple answers possible,True/false,,,,,, relaxing.y,what types of activities do you usually engage ax here: multiple answers possible,True/false,,,,,, socialising,what types of activities do you usually engage ia here: multiple answers possible,True/false,,,,,, children,I usually come here: with children,True/false,,,,,, photos,link to photos taken by respondent at location: 'please take a picture of the most beautiful natural or landscape features in the vicinity of the site',,,,,,, geometry,long-lat of point,,,,,,,