Published February 26, 2020 | Version draft
Project deliverable Open

D6.1 - Report on non-technical barriers and legal issues

  • 1. KTH
  • 1. KTH
  • 2. Gorenje
  • 3. SIVECO


This report presents an overview of relevant non-technical and legal challenges for consideration during the deployment of a pay-per-wash business model in four European countries (Netherlands, Slovenia, Denmark and Austria). Three categories of barriers are derived from a literature study: Policy, Economic and Market. Furthermore, legislative background to the project is discussed based on academic papers and European legislation. Finally, a snapshot of operational challenges in relation to the deployment of the pay-per-wash business models are presented based on primary data. Key questions for the white goods demonstrator Gorenje are juxtaposed with the experience of the supporting startup HOMIE. While several challenges are discovered, no major obstacles to project success are identified. 


D6.1_Report on non-technical barriers and legal issues_FINAL_Public version.pdf

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ReCiPSS – Resource-efficient Circular Product-Service Systems 776577
European Commission