Published February 9, 2020 | Version v1.1
Software Open

FEST-3D: Finite-volume Explicit STructured 3-Dimensional solver

  • 1. Department of Aerospace engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai


FEST-3D is a modular CFD solver written in FORTRAN 90, developed with a motivation to help solve problems of academic and engineering interest. This software is designed to solve the compressible Favre-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using the finite-volume method on block-structured grids using MPI-based parallelization. The modularity of the code makes it easy to implement a new method for flux reconstruction, or a turbulence model. It provides a large number of options for higher-order spatial and temporal discretization, along with the latest turbulence and transition models, which are not all available in other open-source CFD software. For detailed documentation of software please follow



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