File naming convention All data files were named according to this convention: Manuscript Figure Panel_type of experiment_treatment1_treatment2_date (YYYYMMDD) (treatment2 … 3 … 4 only if applicable) Type of experiment: "roGFPlive" data files (.csv) For all experiments performed in the year 2013, the order of comma-separated values is the following: Frame number Time [s] Average fluorescence intensity [AU] in region of interest 1 channel 1 Average fluorescence intensity [AU] in region of interest 1 channel 2 Average fluorescence intensity [AU] in region of interest 2 channel 1 Average fluorescence intensity [AU] in region of interest 2 channel 2 etc. Channel 1 corresponds to excitation wave length 405 nm Channel 2 corresponds to excitation wave length 440 nm For ratio calculations, the channel 1:channel 2 quotients were used. For all experiments performed in the year 2019, the order of comma-separated values is the following: Region of interest ID Average fluorescence intensity [AU] in channel 1 Average fluorescence intensity [AU] in channel 2 Time [s] Channel 1 corresponds to excitation wave length 405 nm Channel 2 corresponds to excitation wave length 445 nm For ratio calculations, the channel 1:channel 2 quotients were used.