Published January 8, 2020 | Version 2
Dataset Restricted

Perceptual simulation of vertical object movements in short narratives: Picture verification data from children aged 5 to 11 and adults

  • 1. University of Würzburg


With this investigation, we tried to establish if children and adults (N = 190) perceptually simulate vertical object movements during listening to short narratives. For this purpose, we employed a picture verification task: Participants listened to a narrative that ended with something moving up or down. After this, an animated picture was presented with the animation proceeding from the top or bottom to the center of the screen. Participants had to determine as quickly and accurately as possible whether the object was part of the narrative. Each participant completed 24 experimental trials, half of them were compatible (the movement featured in the narrative matched that implied by the narrative) the other half incompatible (they did not match). Shorter response times to compatible compared with incompatible trials were seen as an indicator of perceptual simulation. We further included a between-participant variation of modality: Participants in the auditory conditon merely listened to the narratives. In the audiovisual condition, the narratives were illustrated with colored hand-drawings.


Dataset contains response times and accuracies at trial level to all experimental items per participant. Participant: Participant identity Item: Item number Response Time: Delay between target picture onset and participant's response in milliseconds. Negative values mark incorrect responses. Target Direction: Movement of the animated target picture. 0 = down, 1 = up Response correct? 0 = no, 1 = yes Stimulus Direction: Movement of the target object in the narration. 0 = down, 1 = up Matching: Indicates whether directions of target object and target picture animation match. 0 = no, 1 = yes Modality: Indicates whether static pictures were associated with the narrative. 1 = no (auditory only), 2 = yes (audiovisual) Age Group: 1 = 5-6 year-old preschoolers, 2 = 7-8 year-old 2nd graders, 3 = 9-10 year-old 4th graders, 4 = young adults



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Please note that due to privacy issues, we excluded age and gender information from this dataset, and we're sorry not to provide open access to our data. However, if you are interested in using our data for research and/or teaching purposes, I'll be very happy if you let me know! Please contact me via email:

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