Published September 2, 2019 | Version v1
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Opinion of BuRO on the risks of consuming meat from the body (brown meat) of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) for the Dutch consumer


BuRO recommends to the Ministry for Medical Care and Sport (MZS) to prevent the sales of the Chinese mitten crab to the consumers. BuRO also recommends to inform consumers of the Chinese mitten about possible health risks.

Appendix 1:  RIVM-RIKILT assessment
On behalf of BuRO (Office for Risk Assessment & Research), RIVM-RIKILT Front Office has derived maximum tolerable dioxin levels in brown meat of the Chinese mitten crab. In order to estimate the public health risks of consuming brown meat of this crab by the Dutch consumer.

Appendix 2: report Zaalmink en Rijk (Dutch)
Report on the trade of the Chinese mitten crab in the Netherlands.





NVWA-2019-06-11 opinion-of-buro-on-the-risks-of-consuming-meat-from-the-body-of-chinese-mitten-crab.pdf

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