Published November 4, 2019 | Version v1
Poster Restricted

Towards a Resilient Control Architecture for Combined Fog-to-Cloud Systems


he capacity to efficiently manage the whole set of resources from the edge up to the cloud paves the way to a new landscape of innovative opportunities for all involved actors, be it on the research or industrial sides. Some existing efforts are already focusing on designing a management system addressing the different challenges posed by such scenario. Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) has been recently proposed as a management solution particularly tailored to manage the stack of resources from the edge to cloud in a coordinated way. However, beyond the benefits brought by considering all the spectrum of resources to run a service, resilience, as a concept must be reflected in the F2C design. In this paper, we address a particular scenario where a specific node failure in the F2C architecture will substantially impact on the whole system performance. Three tentative strategies are proposed to efficiently manage the database hand over in the considered F2C failure scenario, that are preliminary analyzed in a simulated scenario.



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mF2C – Towards an Open, Secure, Decentralized and Coordinated Fog-to-Cloud Management Ecosystem 730929
European Commission